Sidewalks Click on the images
for a better
![]() Laying Sidewalk in Cottage Grove, circa 1910
Medford people are preparing for winter
by graveling their sidewalks.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, October 24, 1884, page 3 The Committee on Streets and Sidewalks be and are hereby authorized to fix and establish the grade on 7th street, and also the sidewalk on said street. Medford board of trustees minutes, May 22, 1885 The Board of Trustees accept the proposition of the Ladies Aid Society of the Town of Medford to construct a Sidewalk from the Depot to the School building-- And the Street Commissioner is hereby instructed to put down suitable crossings of planks wherever there is street crossings between the two points mentioned Medford board of trustees minutes, October 5, 1885 A number of sidewalks are being built. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 11, 1885, page 3 A number of sidewalks and street crossings have been constructed recently. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 29, 1886, page 3 Street Commissioner Whiteside is building a number of crosswalks on 7th Street, something that will prove quite convenient. Some of the other streets should be graveled and treated likewise. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 29, 1887, page 2 Street Commissioner Whiteside has just completed a substantial sidewalk between the Riddle House and the depot. He makes a first-class official. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 30, 1887, page 2 A new sidewalk has been built in front of Phipps' building, west of Purdin's blacksmith shop, which is occupied by McCallister & Williams, broom makers. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 21, 1887, page 2 Petition of W. H. Gore and others to build sidewalk from RR to School House taken up and ordered Street Com to build a walk from RR to intersect the old walk 2 feet wide and the west end to correspond with the other and ordered to do the work [illegible]. Medford board of trustees minutes, December 5, 1887 Roseburg has a society termed "the hammer brigade," composed chiefly of ladies. Each member is provided with a hammer belted at the side, ready for immediate service. Roseburg, like Grants Pass, has rather poor sidewalks with large rusty nails provokingly protruding above the boards, hence "the hammer brigade." Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 27, 1888, page 4 Some of our streets need crosswalks badly. The trustees should attend to this at once. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 22, 1888, page 3 J. C. Elder has improved the looks of his premises with a new sidewalk. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 6, 1888, page 2 A number of new sidewalks are being built. A very good idea. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 10, 1889, page 3 Our streets and sidewalks are being lengthened and improved. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 28, 1889, page 3 I. A. Webb is having a brick sidewalk put in in front of his fine two-story furniture store. "Medford Doings," Valley Record, Ashland, June 12, 1890, page 3 Webb's block on Seventh Street boasts of a new brick sidewalk along its entire length. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 20, 1890, page 2 Skeel & Son last week closed a contract with Jacobs & Cormack of Round Top for a large quantity of their superior lumber, to be used in fulfilling their numerous business contracts in this vicinity. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 19, 1890, page 2 A carload of lumber from Lee & Klippel's sawmill was received for sidewalks and crossings at Medford last week. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 26, 1890, page 3 Walks across Seventh Street, from the Grand Central to Brous' saloon, and from Goldsmith's store to the bank, were built last week. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 16, 1891, page 2 Two carloads of lumber from T. H. Gilson's sawmill was shipped to Medford recently, to be used in making a sidewalk to the R.R.V.R.R. Co.'s depot. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 10, 1891, page 3 A neat, solid sidewalk now joins the platforms of the S.P. and R.R.V.R.R. companies at this place. The depot of the branch road is one of the neatest on the coast and is ably presided over by C. I. Hutchison. "Medford
Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 17,
1891, page 2
A first-class crosswalk has been laid in front of the Grand Central Hotel. The order of the city council, calling for a new sidewalk eight feet in width from the depot to the schoolhouse, is commended by everyone. It is a much-needed improvement. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 18, 1891, page 2 The new sidewalk between the depot and the school house is nearing completion. This piece of work will be an accommodation to our citizens and a credit to Medford. "Local News," Medford Mail, January 28, 1892, page 3 The bridge gang are busy about the depot grounds putting down sidewalks and fixing up crossings, etc. "Local News," Medford Mail, February 4, 1892, page 3 It was decided to build sidewalk, 8 feet wide, to corner where the walk turns south, 6 feet from there to the south limit of school grounds, to be made out of one and one-half inch fir lumber. Also to lay sidewalk to and around the well and to the privies. "School Board Meeting," Southern Oregon Mail, July 15, 1892, page 3 Several hundred feet of sidewalk will be put in at the school house grounds, which will add much to the comfort and convenience of the pupils and the people living in the western part of the city. Now if the grounds were only enclosed with a suitable fence they could be improved and beautified by planting flowers, trees. etc. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, July 22, 1892, page 3 The new sidewalks are being put down at the school house grounds by A. M. Woodford. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, August 12, 1892, page 3 A. M. Woodford has been busy during the week in placing the new sidewalks about the schoolhouse grounds. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 19, 1892, page 2 The new water main near the school house fills a long-felt want, and those new sidewalks are substantial improvements. Now for a fence. The city council met in regular session last Monday night. A large number of bills were audited. Two new sidewalks were provided for: one extending from the R.R.V.R.R. depot west and one by Dr. Pickel's place of residence. The street commissioner has put down a new crossing at the alley between the post office and G. L. Davis' grocery. There are no end of improvements going on in this burg, which is all that is needed to prove that our city is progressing rapidly and substantially. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, September 9, 1892, page 3 A new 100-foot sidewalk is being put down on C Street alongside of Simmons & Cathcart's hardware store. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, September 16, 1892, page 3 The proposed new cobblestone gutters will make a vast improvement in the condition of our streets, to say nothing of the addition of a coat of sand and gravel as contemplated by our city fathers. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 30, 1892, page 2 The new sidewalk alongside of Simmons & Cathcart's hardware store on C Street is a great improvement. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, October 14, 1892, page 3 Several new sidewalks are being put down in this city, which are good improvements. The grading of the streets is a good thing at the right time. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, October 21, 1892, page 3 The new sidewalks put down for the city last week were a much-needed improvement. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 28, 1892, page 2 A new sidewalk is being built from Dr. Geary's place to the corner of G and Seventh streets. An extension of this walk along Ninth Street to Mr. Geo. Webb's place is contemplated. "Weekly Round-Up," Southern Oregon Mail, February 3, 1893, page 3 A team of horses belonging to Chas. Dickerson took a lively turn about town Wednesday afternoon. They started from the Klippel lumber yard, crossed the railroad track and made a liner for Hanley's saloon on the corner of Front and Seventh streets--where they struck the sidewalk and then up the walk on Seventh to Sears' millinery store where they were caught. Very little damage was done save a badly demolished wagon. "Locals Galore," Medford Mail, February 10, 1893, page 3 Under new business the following petitions were presented asking for extension of sidewalks. Petition from D. L. Lawton and others requesting that an ordinance be passed providing for the construction of a sidewalk on east side of B Street, beginning 100 feet north of the corner of Fifth and B streets, and extending along said street to the northwest corner of block No. 7. On motion the petition was granted and ordinance No. 122, providing for laying the same, was read first time and on motion the second and third readings were waived and the said ordinance passed unanimously. Petition from E. P. Geary and others asking for a sidewalk along the north side of Seventh Street from I Street to F Street. On motion petition was granted and walk ordered laid. Petition signed by G. L. Webb and D. H. Miller asking for a sidewalk along the east side of block No. 55 with crosswalks connecting with walks on south side of Seventh Street and north side of Sixth Street. Petition granted and walk ordered laid. Petition signed by N. L. Narregan and others asking for a sidewalk beginning at the northwest corner of block 6, Galloway's addition, thence east to the northeast corner of said block, thence north at an angle of 35 degrees west to the R.V. R'y., thence east 35 degrees north to the intersection of the sidewalk at the Presbyterian Church. On motion the petition was granted and the walk ordered laid. A petition from George R. Justus and others asking for a sidewalk along G Street beginning at the northeast corner of lot 1, block No. 54, and running thence along blocks Nos. 54, 53 and 52 to the southeast corner of lot No. 1, in said block 52. Said petition was referred to the street committee and street commissioners. "Council Proceedings," Medford Mail, February 10, 1893, page 2 A car of sidewalk lumber was received this week by the Klippel & Marcuson lumber company. "Locals Galore," Medford Mail, February 24, 1893, page 3 The laying of sidewalks on the west side is quite the caper, and they are being put down in many places where much needed. ""City
Local Whirl,"
Mail, March 3, 1893, page 3
Messrs. Klippel & Marcuson received another carload of sidewalk lumber Monday. This will be used in putting down a walk on the west side of Mr. A. A. Davis' residence. The trouble now in securing the necessary lumber for building purposes seems to be the lack of cars in which to ship it. ""City
Local Whirl,"
Mail, March 10, 1893, page 3
Notice--To Whom it May Concern.
the matter of building sidewalks, the town board duly considered the
same, and it appearing to the board that a new sidewalk should be
constructed from the northeast corner of C and 7th Street to the
intersection of the county road near the Medford distillery. On motion,
which was unanimously adopted, the following order was made, to wit:
WHEREAS--Under the provisions of an ordinance of the town of Medford, known as Ordinance No. 84, passed the 26th day of August, A.D. 1889, entitled "An ordinance to provide for the making and repairing of sidewalks." It is the judgment of the board of trustees that the public convenience requires that section 1 of Ordinance No. 84 be enforced and a new sidewalk be ordered built and constructed upon and along the streets hereinafter described, by the property owners owning property adjacent thereto. THEREFORE--It is ordered that the property owners owning and holding property along the following line within the town of Medford, Oregon, to wit: Commencing at the northeast corner of C and 7th Street and running thence along the east side of C Street to its intersection with the county road near the Medford distillery at north boundary line of said town. Said sidewalk to be built of plank not less than six inches wide or more than eight inches in width and 1½ inches in thickness and of a width of 8 feet, from the northeast corner of C and 7th Street to the northeast corner of block No. 12 and to be provided with not less than 5 stringers 2x6, and from the northeast corner of block 12 to terminus of walk, width of walk to be 5 feet and 4 inches, with 4 stringers 2x6, walk to be substantially spiked with not less than 12-penny nails. All lumber to be of red fir, and notice is hereby given that a failure to so build and complete said sidewalk within 90 days from the 31st day of March, A.D. 1893 will cause the owner or owners of property thereby failing to be subject to the penalties provided by said ordinance. Dated at Medford, Oregon this 14th day of March A.D. 1893. WM.
I. VAWTER, Mayor.
Attest, J. H. Faris,
Town Recorder.
Medford Mail, March 17, 1893, page 2 Street Commissioner Brandenburg reports the laying of new sidewalks progressing rapidly. He has two or three different parties of workmen at work now, and they will probably continue in this line of improvement for a month or six weeks yet; at least there is that amount of work laid out. Aside from sidewalk building he has teams at work grading crossings. Monday Mr. Brandenburg and Surveyor Howard ran a line for a new walk from the corner of Seventh and G streets to a point three blocks south. An ordinance will probably be granted at the next meeting of the city council ordering the building of the same. This walk is intended to fill a double purpose, that of a sidewalk and a cover for the water ditch. Tomorrow or Monday Mr. B. expects, if the weather remains good, to commence graveling the Earhart and McAndrews roads, leading out of Medford. A petition for a new sidewalk, from the Clarenden Hotel, one block south and thence west one block, is being circulated. "City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, March 24, 1893, page 3 A petition was presented signed by I. L. Hamilton and thirteen other property owners, asking that an ordinance be passed authorizing the laying of a sidewalk along the east side of C Street, commencing at the northeast corner of C and 7th Street and running thence along the east side of C Street to its intersection with the county road near the Medford Distillery. Petition granted, and the Recorder was ordered to draw an ordinance authorizing the laying of the same. Said walk to be 8 feet wide from the corner of C and 7 streets to the Baptist Church and 5 feet and 4 inches wide from said Baptist Church to the county road. Lumber to be of the usual thickness required. In the matter of laying a sidewalk along G Street over the Medford water ditch, which had been referred to the Street Committee and street commissioners, said court reported favorable and recommend that a 7-foot sidewalk be laid along said street as per the petition presented, said walk to be 7 feet wide and laid lengthwise in 16-foot sections. Report accepted, and the Recorder was ordered to draw an ordinance authorizing the laying of the same. "Proceedings of Village Council," Medford Mail, March 31, 1893, page 1 G. W. Justus is making many improvements to his pleasant F Street property. The most noticeable is an addition to his residence, a new sidewalk, and improving the grounds generally. W. P. H. Legate and Mr. Ulrich are improving the appearance of their C Street residences by the addition of new picket fences and sidewalks. "City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, March 31, 1893, page 3 Conrad Mingus, the heavyweight real estate dealer at Ashland, was down from that city a few days this week transacting legal business with Hamilton & Palm and looking after the putting down of a considerable sidewalk about his Medford property--of which he owns not a little. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 31, 1893, page 3 Mr. Brandenburg has fifteen teams at work graveling the McAndrews road, leading out of Medford, and something over an hundred loads of gravel are being daily deposited. The sidewalk work is quiet just now owing to the supply of lumber having been exhausted. "City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, April 7, 1893, page 3 Messrs. Klippel & Marcuson are having built a good-sized sash and door house near their lumber office on Sixth Street. These gentlemen also received last week another carload of sidewalk lumber. The new sidewalk on the west side of C Street is fast being put down. This walk is to extend north from Seventh Street to the intersection of the county road [Jackson Street], near the distillery. "City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, April 21, 1893, page 3 The new sidewalk is nearly completed from [sic] F Street south to Ninth. "City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, May 5, 1893, page 3 Commissioner Brandenburg has sidewalk work and street grading nearly finished--will be through this week with all work except the replanking of the Bear Creek Bridge, which will be commenced as soon as the lumber arrives. "City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, May 26, 1893, page 5 The sidewalk that runs out on C Street as far as the distillery will soon be finished. This was a much-needed improvement. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, June 9, 1893, page 3 M. P. Phipps is having flagstone delivered to Medford with which he will lay an eight-foot sidewalk around his property corner of Seventh and C streets, beginning at Wm. Ulrich's office on C Street and extending to S. Rosenthal's clothing store on Seventh. This will be not only a great improvement, but will further beautify these portions of our business streets. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, June 16, 1893, page 3 Dr. Adkins is improving his Seventh Street property by putting down a new brick sidewalk. The new stone sidewalk in front of Parker's drug store is going to be a lulu, and no mistake. Street Commissioner Brandenburg is engaged this week in putting in bridges over the public water ditch at the corner of Fifth and E and Seventh and E streets. He also has teams hauling gravel and filling in around the water flume on Mr. Whitman's property, south of town, which has sprung a leak and is irrigating Mr. Whitman's orchard too plentifully. Several new crosswalks have also been put in on North C Street. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, July 14, 1893, page 3 A continuation of that new stone sidewalk down past the Racket Store is a good act. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, July 28, 1893, page 3 D. S. Youngs is making some improvements at the front of his store building. He is taking out the awning posts and putting in bracket supports instead and is as well widening his sidewalk to eight feet. At the meeting of the city council last Monday night contracts for furnishing 105 cords of wood were let to the following parties: Beek, Whiteside & Co., 25 cords; L. A. Murphy, 25; H. Griffin, 80; W. H. Barlow, 25. There were several other bids in but all were rejected in cases where the price per cord was higher than $3.75. The delinquent tax list was turned over to the marshal with instructions to collect. The marshal was also instructed to notify property owners to repair sidewalks, where needed. The driving down of the nails, which have worked loose and now project from a quarter to three-quarters of an inch above the level of the walk, is considered a much-needed repair and the marshal's instructions cover this point. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, August 11, 1893, page 3 The nails in our sidewalks are a source of great annoyance to pedestrians. They should be either pulled out or driven down, and it would be for the benefit of the public if either plan was adopted. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, August 18, 1893, page 3 Dr. Pickel while out riding on his wheel Monday unfortunately, for himself, ran against a small boy who was standing on the sidewalk and was thrown to the walk, resulting in a sprained wrist for the doctor. The boy should have received the injury as he persisted in stepping in front of the wheel when the doctor turned out to pass him. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, September 1, 1893, page 3 Wm. Ulrich has been granted permission by the city council to put in two stone crosswalks. This is done as an experiment, and should they prove suitable and not more expensive than the plank walks, it is probable more will be put in at different times and places and as occasion demands. One of these crossings will be put in at the corner of C and Ninth streets and the other on West Seventh Street, near Dr. Geary's residence. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, September 15, 1893, page 3 The new stone crosswalks are being put in and are seemingly going to be a big improvement. The new stone walk is being extended north on C Street. There is also a new brick walk being put in on Seventh Street, in front of Dr. Adkins' vacant lots. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, September 29, 1893, page 3 Notice appears elsewhere in The Mail regulating the sidewalk grade on the north side of Seventh Street, from C to A streets. This move will add materially to the appearance of the street and does not inconvenience the owners to any great extent except that of a new walk. Surveyor Howard established the grade Tuesday and it is found that the changes to be made will be very slight east from Mr. Wilkinson's market, but west of that point the walk will needs be lowered from ten inches to a foot. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, October 13, 1893, page 3 NOTICE.
To whom it may
In the matter of building sidewalks, the town board duly considering the same and it appearing to the board that a new sidewalk should be constructed from C Street [Central] along north side of Seventh Street [Main] to Valley Road [Riverside], upon motion, which was unanimously adopted, the following order was made, to wit: WHEREAS, under the provisions of an ordinance of the town of Medford known as Ordinance No. 84, passed the 26th day of Aug. A.D. 1889, entitled an Ordinance to provide for the making and preparing of sidewalks, it is the judgment of the board of trustees that the public convenience require that Section 1 of said ordinance be enforced and a new sidewalk be ordered built and constructed upon and along the street hereinafter described by the property owners owning property adjacent thereto. THEREFORE, it is ordered that the property owners owning and holding property along the following line within the town of Medford, Oregon, to wit: Commencing at the southwest corner of Block No. Thirteen (13) [northeast corner Main and Central] and running east along north side Seventh (7) Street to the southeast corner of Block Three (3) [northwest corner Main and Riverside] in the town of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, within twenty (20) days from the 26th day of Oct. A.D. 1893, cause said sidewalk to be built as set forth above and in front of their respective property adjacent thereto on the grade that will be established by board of trustees. Said sidewalk to be built of plank not less than six (6) inches or more than eight (8) inches in width and two (2) inches in thickness and of a regular width of twelve (12) feet and substantially spiked with not less than twenty (20) penny nails and to be provided with not less than seven (7) stringers and not less than two-by-six (2x6) inches, also provided with mud sills not more than eight (8) feet apart. All lumber to be of red fir, and notice is hereby given that a failure to so build and complete said sidewalk within said time will cause the owner or owners of the property thereby failing subject to the penalties provided by said ordinance. Dated at Medford, Ore., this ninth (9) day of Oct. A.D. 1893. W. I. VAWTER,
B. S. WEBB, City
Medford Mail, October 27, 1893, page 2 A new sidewalk is being put down on North C Street in front of Mr. Ullman's property. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, October 13, 1893, page 3 Lumber is on the ground for a part of that new sidewalk on Seventh Street. The estimated cost of a stone street crossing is $22. While of course stone costs more than plank, the service to be realized from the latter can in no way be compared to stone. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, November 10, 1893, page 3 The sidewalk on East Seventh Street has been leveled to an even grade and the street's appearance is improved thereby, but just why that side of the street should be about a foot lower than the other side is a matter which to us is as yet a mystery. South C Street is a long ways from being backward with her improvements. A new brick sidewalk has been put down in front of the Halley brick block, and teams and men are at work grading the street between Sixth and Seventh. The grade is to be cut down twenty-two inches in front of J. R. Wilson's blacksmith shop and about four inches in front of the Halley block. The sidewalk is also to be put down to correspond with the street grade. This will improve the appearance of the street and will give a good, even grade from Seventh Street south. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, November 17, 1893, page 3 Frank Amann has been engaged this week in putting down a good, substantial, eight-foot sidewalk in front of his business lots on South C Street. Contractor Lyons has men at work this week putting down sidewalks in front of the McAndrews building and Mitchell, Lewis & Staver's machinery house. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, November 24, 1893, page 3 Nearly three miles of good substantial sidewalk has been put down in Medford the past season. Aside from this there has been done no small amount of street grading as well also has there been put down a goodly number of crosswalks, some of them flagstone. Where is there a city of its size that can beat this record? Editorial, Medford Mail, December 1, 1893, page 2 NOTICE.
whom it may concern--In the matter of building sidewalks.The town board duly considered the same and it appearing to the board that a new sidewalk should be constructed, commencing at the southeast corner of lot four (4) in block one (1) of Barr's Addition to the Town of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, and running thence north along the west side of the county road (designated as South J Street in the plat of said Barr's Addition) and along the east ends of lots four (4), three (3), two (2) and one (1) of said Barr's Addition, to the southwesterly line of J Street of the original town of Medford, and thence northwesterly along the southwesterly line of said J Street in said original town of Medford to the south line of West Tenth Street to connect with the sidewalk now constructed to said last mentioned point. On motion, which was unanimously adopted, the following order was made, to wit: WHEREAS, under the provisions of an ordinance of the town of Medford known as Ordinance No. 84, passed the 26th day of Aug. A.D. 1889, entitled "An Ordinance to provide for the making and preparing of sidewalks," it is the judgment of the board of trustees that the public convenience requires that section one (1) of ordinance number eighty-four (84) be enforced and a new sidewalk be ordered built and constructed upon and along the street hereinafter described, by the property owners owning property adjacent thereto. Therefore:--It is ordered that the property owners owning and holding property along the following line within the town of Medford, Oregon, to wit: Commencing at the southeast corner of lot four (4) in block one (1) of Barr's Addition to the Town of Medford, Oregon, and running thence north along the west side of the county road (designated as South J Street in the plat of said Barr's Addition) and along the ends of lots four (4), three (3), two (2) and one (1) of said Barr's Addition, to the southwesterly line of J Street of the said original town to the south line of West Tenth Street to connect with the sidewalk now constructed to said last mentioned point. Said sidewalk to be built of plank not less than six (6) inches or more than eight (8) inches wide, and one and one-quarter inches in thickness, and of a width of five feet four inches, with four stringers 2x6, with mud sills at each eight feet, walk to be spiked with not less than twelve-penny nails. All lumber to be of red fir, and notice is hereby given that a failure to so build and complete said sidewalk within twenty days from the 15th of December, A.D. 1893, will cause the owner or owners of the property thereby failing subject to the penalties provided by said ordinance. Dated at Medford, Ore., this 24th day of November, A.D. 1893. W. I. VAWTER,
Mail, December 1, 1893, page 2Attest, B. S. WEBB, City Recorder. Mrs. Stanley is preparing to put down an eight-foot plank sidewalk in front of her property on C Street. W. Boone will do the work. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, December 1, 1893, page 5 The new stone crosswalk near the post office has been put down and is already proving an improvement of great convenience to the north side businessmen. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, January 5, 1894, page 3 Messrs. Roberts & O'Neil have been putting down a new sidewalk in front of their C Street business property. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, February 2, 1894, page 3 A subscriber: "I noticed in an issue of your paper of a few weeks ago that you recommended that all pedestrians on the street should turn to the right. I like your idea. If there is anything that pleases me more than another it is to know when I meet a person on the street which side of the walk they are going to take. There would be a great commotion in the cities if there was not an established rule to guide the many pedestrians. Turn to the right always and be right--this applies to ladies as well as gentlemen." "All the Local News," Medford Mail, February 9, 1894, page 3 Those stone crossings which were put in last fall are proving to be quite the right article in the right place. They are settling to a good solid foundation and will outlast a dozen plank crossings. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, March 2, 1894, page 3 Frank Amann has been doing a turn at sidewalk building the past week. He has put down six hundred and fifty feet of walk alongside the Lumsden property, in southwest Medford, which walk connects with the one put down by Mr. Maule. W. H. Barr and Kelley, Dunn & Co. have lumber on the ground for a walk to connect with the one leading into the city, corner of I and Eleventh. "News of the City," Medford Mail, March 9, 1894, page 3 Frank Amann has been busily engaged in putting down sidewalks during the past week, and completed six hundred and fifty feet of walk adjoining the Lumsden property in southwest Medford last week. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 12, 1894, page 2 South C Street, between Seventh and Eighth, is undergoing more improvements. The sidewalk alongside of the Adkins block is being put down to the street level, and a new alley crossing has been laid near Pritchard's jewelry store. "News of the City," Medford Mail, March 16, 1894, page 3 A new eight-foot sidewalk is one of the improvements of South C Street, in front of the property of merchant C. W. Wolters. Frank Amann was the handyman with a hammer and saw. "News of the City," Medford Mail, May 11, 1894, page 3 J. W. Masterson, of Gold Hill, was in Medford Tuesday looking after the building of a sidewalk in front of his property, located south and west of the public school building. He contracted for the walk to be put down at once. Mr. Masterson is a prominent farmer of the Gold Hill country, is also road supervisor and has repaired about fifty miles of road this season. With all his other good qualities he reads The Mail. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 11, 1894, page 3 Geo. F. Merriman was unfortunate last Monday in getting his hand severely cut. He tells that he did it in striking a candidate, but no person believed him--he's too good-natured to do bodily harm to anyone, yet he could strike a hard lick if he felt so disposed--but he don't. The accident was the result of his colliding with the end of a standpipe near the Palace barber shop. He stepped through a hole in the walk, and in endeavoring to save himself a fall he struck his hand on the pipe, making a severe wound and nearly driving the pipe through his hand. J. Tressler has his contract of grading and graveling that portion of C Street in front of Mrs. Stanley's bank property completed. He has also finished putting down an eight-foot sidewalk in front of the same property. "News of the City," Medford Mail, June 8, 1894, page 3 A new sidewalk has been put down in front of J. Coeti's saloon--good act, and one which some others might emulate with convenience to pedestrians. "News of the City," Medford Mail, June 15, 1894, page 3 Mail Office Devil:--"I saw a young lady the other morning with that crushed strawberry feeling on her face [blushing]. She had just got off her bicycle, and her bicycle had just got off the sidewalk. They were both picked up in the same basket by the street commissioner." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, June 22, 1894, page 2 At the city council meeting, Tuesday evening, a petition presented asking that body to order a sidewalk laid on G Street, from Sixth to First streets, petition granted and three months' time given for the completion of the walk. "News of the City," Medford Mail, July 6, 1894, page 3 E. G. Hurt is improving his Sixth Street residence property by putting down a fine brick walk. "News of the City," Medford Mail, August 31, 1894, page 3 B. F. Crouch has just finished putting down a sidewalk in front of our friend, Mr. Nickell's, property on North F Street. "News of the City," Medford Mail, October 19, 1894, page 3 In front of [the Nash Hotel], on both sides, will be put down a solid cement walk. There will also be an elevator put in the building, which, if satisfactory arrangements can be made, will be operated by water from our city water works. "The Medford Has Changed Hands," Medford Mail, December 14, 1894, page 4 "'Up to date' shoes at 'up to date' prices. Every pair warranted not to rip for two months. Look for the signs of foot and boot, also footprints on the sidewalk." "Tayler, the Shoemaker and FootFitter" ad, Medford Mail, December 21, 1894
F. M. Mingus has had a new plank walk built at the Union Livery Stables
and also made other improvements to the property.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, January 31, 1895, page 2 The church people were one day surprised by the apparition of a new boardwalk, five feet wide, from the sidewalk to their building, and on inquiry it was learned that an attorney, Capt. Crowell, once in the consular service at Shanghai, had, without advice, done the praiseworthy act. Hence your correspondent was placed under obligations to acknowledge the courtesy. Reese P. Kendall, "Pacific Notes," Western Call, Beloit, Kansas, June 21, 1895, page 1 I have a kick coming on some sidewalks of this city, and about the only way there seems to be to square myself will be to take that kick out on the protruding nail heads and ends of planks that clear the supposedly level surface by from two to six inches. There is need of repairs. "Kicks that the Kicker Has To Make," Medford Mail, June 28, 1895, page 4 We are requested to call the school board's attention to the dangerous condition which the sidewalks about the school grounds are in. The walk was badly burned at the time the school building was burned, and in many places the planks were nearly severed by the flames. Since pedestrians have been forbidden to cross the school grounds, a greater hardship is worked upon those living in Southwest Medford because of being compelled to go by way of the walk. "News of the City," Medford Mail, September 27, 1895, page 5 The new granite gravel walk from the depot to D Sreet is a decided improvement over the old plank affair which as so long done service at this place. "News of the City," Medford Mail, January 17, 1896, page 5 Someone is getting funny with the bicycle boys. Out on North C Street the sidewalks in places have repeatedly been strewn with tacks—all of which omens not good to the pneumatic tires on the several wheels that circle in that direction. The man or boy who does this sort o’ thing is filled clear to the neck with cussedness, and the country which harbors such as he has no grounds upon which to be congratulated. Even had he no regard for the bicyclists he ought to consider the barefooted urchin who is liable to puncture the sole of his foot—and perhaps fatal results to follow. Medford Mail, April 3, 1896, page 5 Monday morning Adam Clinedienst, Theo. Dunn and George Coulter commenced a job of work that is of considerable magnitude. It is that of painting and penciling the two front sides of Hotel Nash and laying a twelve-foot cement sidewalk on two sides of the building. Considering the fact that the building is 75x100 feet in size, it can be seen readily that the contract is not a small one. Messrs. Clinedienst and Dunn are also preparing a cement door sill, or threshold, for the hotel office door, the old stone having worn through to bedrock. These gentlemen are all good workmen in their special lines, and Mr. Nash is assured a good job from start to finish. The improvement will be very noticeable, and the walks especially appreciated. The brick walls, while comparatively new, are not especially beautiful to look upon, because particularly that new windows were cut in them, leaving a rather ragged appearance in places, while the immense amount of travel over the walk makes it expensive if repeatedly laid with plank--as required. Medford Mail, May 15, 1896, page 5 The bicyclists take as easily to the new sidewalk ordinance as do ducks to water. It's a little tough on them, but they are law abiding--hence the middle of the road is their path. "News of the City," Medford Mail, June 26, 1896, page 5 Frank Wait is engaged right now in getting out stone for the new sidewalk to be put down in front of Mr. Lindley's large, beautiful brick store building. Mr. W. is also putting up coping and a monument on the M. P. Phipps cemetery lot. "News of the City," Medford Mail, September 18, 1896, page 7 The bicyclists of this city are circulating a petition for the consideration of the town board of trustees, praying for the repeal of the bicycle ordinance which was passed last spring and for the enactment of another one which would [be] commensurate with the wishes of the citizens in general and at the same time allowing the use of sidewalks for bicyclists under proper and just restrictions. The prohibitory terms of the proposed ordinance are of such a character that would ensure the safety of the pedestrians and would be of great service to the riders. Here are a few of the main prohibitory clauses: Riding at a faster rate than four miles per hour, to be prohibited. Every rider of a bicycle on a sidewalk to give warning of his approach by a bell, whistle or voice. Every male rider of a bicycle must dismount on meeting or passing a lady on a sidewalk less than five feet in width. Street crossings to be given invariably to pedestrians. Fines to be imposed for any violation of these clauses. The petition will be presented as soon as possible, and it is sincerely hoped by those interested that some provisions will be made for the convenience of those who are compelled to go to and from their place of business on bicycles. Medford Mail, October 16, 1896, page 7 Monday morning the work of putting down the cement walk around Hotel Nash was commenced by Theo. Dunn and Adam Clinedienst, the contractors, and will be pushed to completion as rapidly as possible. At the corner of the hotel, leading to the main entrance of the office will be something far out of the ordinary in workmanship and beauty. This part of the walk will be laid with diamond- and half-diamond-shaped blocks, stained with the national colors, red, white, and blue, and the large curbstone will have the name of Hotel Nash cut on it in large letters. It will require about a month's steady work to complete the walk. "News of the City," Medford Mail, January 8, 1897, page 7 No person has a license in saying that the new cement walk which Adam Clinedienst and Theo. Dunn are putting down in front of Hotel Nash is anything but an improvement of which the city ought to be proud. It is being so solidly and well put down that the pedestrians will not come thick and fast enough to wear it out--not in a thousand years. The walk will necessitate the outlay of nearly $500 and Captain Nash is entitled to the commendation of our whole town for the enterprise displayed. It is of such improvements as these that prosperous, solid towns are made. "News of the City," Medford Mail, January 29, 1897, page 7 With the glimmer of springtime, not far distant, is noticeable the accustomed each year improvements. Not the least of these is a new cut stone sidewalk which Dr. B. F. Adkins and merchant I. A. Webb are making ready to put down on Seventh Street. The stone, which are being gotten out by F. W. Wait, are now being placed on the scene of action. The pieces are about two feet square and from four to six inches thick and are to be laid in cement. They are very nicely cut and cannot fail to be the requisites of a good, substantial, "wear-resisting" walk. The walk will be placed in front of the building formerly occupied by Cranfill & Hutchison, I. A. Webb's furniture store and the Racket store. The enterprise exhibited is truly commendable, more particularly as it places on the retired list about seventy-five feet of brick walks--which walks have very few friends among pedestrians. The brick walks are all right when new, but they soon become worn and are very uneven and not a pleasant thing to walk upon. The residents on the east side of South C Street are extending to J. H. Boussum whole armsful of good will for his kindly offerings in removing from the sidewalks many impediments which came in the way of the pleasant morning stroll. Merchant Plymale has a cracking good walk, but he cannot find the time necessary for a proper grooming of certain portions of it, but we do not presume that white caps will await upon him because of this; neither will there be any gun plays--because the neighbors and Mr. Plymale are all too good-natured for this, but unless he proceeds to groom at more regular intervals, some farmer will homestead that walk and will have it planted in sugar beets one of these bright mornings. That new cement walk around Hotel Nash is decidedly all right--all the same Chicago, all the same Greater New York--all the same Medford, the metropolis of Southern Oregon. But there is no josh regarding that work being all right and all us Medford people, as an expression of appreciation of Capt. Nash's enterprise, should doff our "tiles" to the gentleman--and hunt for occasions to do it--and also to Adam Clinedienst and Theo. Dunn, whose hands are molding this splendid piece of work. "News of the City," Medford Mail, February 5, 1897, page 7 F. W. Wait is engaged this week in putting in a cut stone crossing from Mr. Haskins' drug store across Seventh Street to Messrs. Cranfill & Hutchinson's store. The walk is being put in by private subscription, but for a' that it's going to be a big accommodation to others than those who subscribed. Medford Mail, February 12, 1897, page 7 Frank Wait is engaged in putting walks in front of the Adkins buildings on 7th St.; also a cross walk between Haskins drug store and the Lindley block. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 16, 1897, page 3 Wheelmen should be careful about riding on the sidewalks and not violate the ordinance regulating such riding else they be deprived of the right, and that would cause a large heap of inconvenience. The names of several bicycle riders who "scorch" on the sidewalks have been reported to the city council, and unless this scorching is promptly stopped these parties as well as all other riders will be prohibited from riding on any of the sidewalks. The streets are now in excellent shape for riding, and there is no need for using the sidewalks. If the marshal was to arrest a few of the violators and the recorder fine them $10 each, the practice might in this way be stopped. "Wheels and Their Riders," Medford Mail, April 16, 1897, page 6 Capt. Nash ordinarily is not a gentleman who allows his wrath to get so far beyond him that it is not an easy matter to reach out and haul in sails, but when he appeared on the street Monday morning his wrath was waterlogged and would not respond to the rudder. He was just naturally hot, and there were grounds for this heated condition. He is the owner of a fine brick hotel and has recently had built a splendid cement walk about the building, and the captain prides himself in keeping things neat about his premises, and when he discovered, lined up against his nicely painted walls and new cement walk, a furrow, deep enough to plant sugar beets in, of old quids of tobacco, cigar stumps and thick molasses-colored expectorant, he was just riled "clean through and through." Just why people who feel they must use this vile weed have not enough of manhood left to respect and keep neat and clean things that are beautiful is past finding out--but without any exaggeration whatever that sidewalk was a disgusting sight Monday morning. An anti-spit law that would protect such places ought to be passed by our city council. "A Grist of Local Haps and Mishaps," Medford Mail, April 30, 1897, page 7 Hall & Isaacs are further improving their business property by building a new walk in front of their store. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 23, 1899, page 7 The old sidewalks on many of our streets are being replaced with new ones. "Medford Items," Gold Hill News, December 2, 1899, page 4 W. S. McKee has had carpenters at work this week putting down a new sidewalk alongside of the Jackson County Bank building. The post office being on South C Street increases the travel over this walk to a great extent and the frequency of required new walks is thus accounted for. This one, however, being of 2x3 lumber laid one-half inch apart and the centers blind nailed, will prove more serviceable than others have been. Merchant Howard contributed $5 to the town's running expenses one day this week--too many sidewalks in the way and some of them had to be ridden on by a bicycle, but it was not compulsory that someone should be looking on at that particular time--but there was, and Harry's exchequer was depleted five dollars' worth. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 9, 1900, page 7 Manager George Faucett, of the Wells, Fargo express office, states that just as soon as the old Southern Pacific depot is removed--which will be in a few days--and a sidewalk is built across the track and in front of the Cox-Perry warehouse, he will remove the office to the new building, occupying the southwest corner room. The increasing business of the company makes larger quarters necessary, and the new location will be much more convenient for the agent, and no less so for the patrons. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 18, 1900, page 7 As the dry weather comes upon us the multitude of poor sidewalks is in bloom almost everywhere. There is scarcely anything more unpleasant to pedestrians than loose boards in sidewalks. The street commissioner's attention is called to the sidewalk on Seventh Street, west from the school house--and while he is making a survey of the dilapidated condition of the walks in that locality he might shy an optic toward the beautiful green of that frog pond, near the school house and opposite the Briggs residence. The aroma which arises therefrom might be likened to that which one would expect from a ripe apple, but the comparison would be as much at variance as would be a comparison of a rose garden in June to the slaughterhouse, just north of town, on a hot August day. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 1, 1900, page 7 G. W. Priddy and Chas. Boulware have been putting down cement walks this week in front of A. M. Helms' saloon and Capt. Nash's new store, and it's a little the best job of cement work that's been put down in the city. Mr. Boulware is a gentleman of years' experience in the business, and there isn't anything about it he does not thoroughly understand; and Mr Priddy is nothing slow in that line himself--and the two make a team hard to outpace. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 13, 1900, page 7 R. H. Halley is putting on more "shine" than anyone. His new brick, the front of which is one of the prettiest in the city, is completed, and to finish up a good job in first-class shape he has decided to put down a cement walk in front of both his brick blocks. This will be an appreciated improvement, and while it's a little rich in price at the start it lasts enough longer than wood to more than pay the difference--and as for a brick walk, why, they are just a little worse than none at all. Post office patrons will please note that Mr. Halley is going to tear up his brick nuisance--and cement the whole works. "Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, July 20, 1900, page 2 Merchant I. A. Webb has ordered cement for a new walk to be put down in front of his place of business. Mr. Webb will have the everlasting thanks of all pedestrians who pass that way--and there are lots who pass. Not that his walk is any worse than others, but the dinged thing is of brick, and they never were any good. There are others who have brick walks who should emulate Mr. Webb's move--and indulge a walking people to the extent that bouquets may be thrown at their door. Brick walks might have been all right when these were put down several years ago and there were but few people to travel on them, but now that there are more of us and we are busier, nothing but cement quite fills the bill. Mr. Webb will also put down cement walks at his beautiful home, on North B Street. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 20, 1900, page 7 J. R. Wilson is having a cement walk put down in front of his new brick block, on South C Street. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, August 3, 1900, page 6 Dr. Arnold is putting down cement walks on two sides of his residence, corner South C and Ninth streets. This is a commendable act, and there are others who ought to follow suit--even though their long suit be planks. R. H. Halley has his cement walk in front of the post office and Mail office completed--and it's a splendid piece of work--and an ornament to the city--an improvement in every way and a permanent reminder of Mr. Halley's enterprise. There ought to be more of these walks. There are already a goodly sprinkling of 'em about town, but there is room for more. G. W. Priddy received a carload of cement this week. He will use it in putting down walks in various parts of the town. Forty barrels of this cement will be used by the city in putting in cobblestone gutters on each side of Seventh Street. Architect Palmer is at work on plans for the remodeling of merchant F. K. Deuel's building, on Seventh Street, the one formerly occupied by Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Company. The floor is to be lowered eight inches, bringing it on a level with the sidewalk, a new front of French plate glass is to be put in, and various changes will be made in the interior. A cement walk will be put down in front, and new counters and shelving will be put in preparatory to occupancy by F. K. Deuel & Co.'s dry goods establishment about December 1st. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 10, 1900, page 7 If the school children, and all townspeople who live on the West Side, do not get in and make a tremendous protest it is not because there are no grounds for it. The sidewalk--that ought to be but is not--west from the depot is in a very bad way. As a matter of fact there is no sidewalk there at all. Just why this matter has been overlooked we are not able to say, but that the walk is needed is not questioned. If there is any good reason for not constructing the walk the existing conditions which prohibit should at once be overcome. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 26, 1900, page 7 As a reason for not having put in a sidewalk from the depot west to the Jacksonville-Medford shortline track, the city council and street commissioner state that the railroad company has promised to put in a granite walk provided the town will wait a while for the work to be done. While it would be a good scheme to get the company to do all the work possible, it would be a better scheme to [omission] walk possible. It is in a very bad condition at present, and if it is not attended to at once by the railroad company the council should put down a plank walk. While there is a seeming excuse for the commissioner not having put in this walk, there is no good reason for longer neglecting that crossing near Mr. Palm's place. If this was made possible, people could travel on that side of the street instead of going through the mud at the depot. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 2, 1900, page 7 F. R. Neil has added materially to the value of his property, corner of North D and Sixth streets, by putting down a new sidewalk--on two sides. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 16, 1900, page 7 J. K. Darnell:--"I helped put down a new sidewalk in front of the Jackson County Bank last week. Underneath the old walk I found two brass buttons and a beer check. Think of that, will you? Walk been down for years--in front of a bank, and not so much as a copper coin. I'll never go around a bank hunting for 'sleepers' hereafter. I tried to get Mr. Gilkey to cash the beer check, but he declared the endorsement on the back was not genuine and referred me to Shorty Hamilton, who was a strong advocate of Woolley during the recent campaign." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, November 30, 1900, page 2 Joe Kelley, who is "boss of the section," did a commendable act when he built those granite walks at the railroad crossing. It was a good act, Joe, but why didn't you think of it sooner? The new sidewalk on South A Street, from [the] south corner of M. S. Damon's property to Ninth Street, is nearly completed. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 30, 1900, page 7 T. W. Johnson is engaged in putting a new fence around cashier Enyart's new residence. Mr. Enyart has had his grounds graded, also the street and sidewalks surrounding his place graded and graveled--all of which improves the appearance very much. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 7, 1900, page 7 A new sidewalk has been put down on the north side of Seventh Street, from the corner of A Street to Bear Creek bridge. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 21, 1900, page 7 There is a great need of a street crossing on the railroad grounds, across Seventh Street, near the depot. More people cross Seventh Street at this point than at any other, or at least, more people would cross there if a crossing was put in. Many of these people are strangers in our town, moving between the two depots, and when compelled to walk in mud ankle deep the impression formed of our town is not a very exalted one. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 25, 1901, page 7 A resolution was passed instructing the city recorder and chief of police to notify the administrator of the Angle & Plymale partnership estate to construct a sidewalk according to the provisions of a sidewalk ordinance passed by the council Feb. 19.1901, on lots 7-8, block 14, on Seventh Street, between B and C streets. Following is the subject matter of the recently enacted sidewalk ordinance: "All sidewalks on Seventh Street, between A and D streets, in said city shall be constructed in the following manner and of the materials following, to wit: They shall be twelve feet wide, a curbing of stone which shall be dressed on the top and all of the surface above ground on the side facing the street and said curbing shall be large enough to be firmly bedded to the ground not less than eighteen inches below the surface of the gutter, and the top of said curbing shall correspond with the grade of the street; the sidewalk shall be constructed of cement of good and durable quality with a uniform slope of four inches from the lot to the outside of curbing. No brick or plank sidewalks shall hereafter be built or repaired on said Seventh Street between the streets above named; that whenever it becomes necessary in the opinion of the city council for any existing sidewalk in said limits to be rebuilt or repaired, they shall cause notice to be served on the owner, if known, and if not known by posting the same on said lot or lots, notifying the owner thereof to proceed and construct a sidewalk in front of his or their premises in the manner and of the materials in this ordinance specified." If the above requirements are not conformed to within thirty days after notice has been served upon the owner of property within the purview of said ordinance to build such sidewalks, the street committee is empowered to construct such work and the cost thereof will be collected from said owner in conformity with the ordinance in such cases made and provided, and, unless paid, such costs will become a lien upon said property. "City Council Proceedings," Medford Mail, February 22, 1901, page 2 Otis Krause and Mark Finney, two young men from Jacksonville, were in Medford Sunday, and when they left for home, instead of taking the road for it they rode their horses at breakneck speed on the sidewalk leading to the school house. A warrant for their arrest was procured Monday morning, and Constable Johnson went to Jacksonville and arrested them. They were brought before Recorder Lawton, who imposed a fine of $12.50 on each of them, which they promptly paid. The imposition of a sentence depriving these young smart Alecks of their liberty for a few days or weeks would have been eminently proper. Their disgraceful conduct, in itself sufficient to bring a blush of shame to anyone possessed of even a small degree of self-respect, was accompanied by an attitude of nonchalant defiance sufficient to forfeit to them any degree of leniency. A repetition of the offense will involve them in trouble from which they will not escape so easily. The prompt action of the officials in this matter should be taken as a warning by those who have a tendency to exploitations of such lawless character. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 22, 1901, page 7 An ordinance to prohibit the riding of bicycles, tricycles, velocipedes and tandems upon any and all sidewalks within the limits of the city of Medford and to regulate their use upon the streets and roads therein, was passed. The ordinance prohibits riding bicycles on any sidewalk in the city and prohibits riding a bicycle on the business streets at a great rate of speed than six miles an hour. The penalty for violation of this ordinance is a fine of from $5 to $100. It goes into effect April 1, 1901. "City Council Proceedings," Medford Mail, March 8, 1901, page 2 A citizen:--"I wish you would call the chief of police's attention to the fact that stock is running at large in Medford--in direct violation of a city ordinance to that effect. To be sure there is little damage that can be done on the streets, but it is dog-blamed unpleasant to live in fear of this stock getting in on one's lawn, or maybe puncturing the sidewalk in front of your place full of holes." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, March 8, 1901, page 6 Wm. Angle Tuesday commenced the construction of a new cement pavement in front of the opera house building. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 15, 1901, page 6 Charlie Pheister has done a good job on the cement walk which he recently put down in front of the opera house block. It is gratifying to know that this work can be done to know that this work can be done by our home mechanics. G. W. Priddy is also a good workman in this line, as the walks in front of the post office and Mail office will bear witness. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 22, 1901, page 6 A resolution was introduced and adopted ordering the following property owners on Seventh Street to build cement sidewalks in front of same: Palm and Bodge, Big Bend Milling Company, A. C. Tayler, I. J. Phipps and Mrs. A. R. Phipps. Application of T. H. Moore to build a sidewalk twelve feet wide in front of his building on West Seventh Street was denied. "City Council Proceedings," Medford Mail, March 22, 1901, page 2 Echoes of a movement to require the displacement of all wooden sidewalks in the business portion of the city, to be substituted with cement walks, are heard this week. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, April 5, 1901, page 6 S. Childers & Sons have the contract for building a cement sidewalk for Palm & Bodge, on the property recently purchased from T. J. Kenney. The walk, when built, will be a great improvement to Seventh Street. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, April 26, 1901, page 6 A move in the right direction has been made this week by cutting and clearing away the grass and weeds which have grown along the edges of the sidewalks in the business portion of the city, and the thorough cleaning of the gutters in the same territory. This work might well be extended to the residence portion of the city, since the cleaner the streets and the freer the gutters from the accumulation of filth and stagnant water the less liability of contagious diseases. The removal of the grass and inflammable rubbish minimizes the danger of fires. Last, but not least, the appearance of the city is very noticeably improved. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 26, 1901, page 7 The work of putting in cement sidewalks on Seventh Street, as requested by a recent city ordinance, was commenced this week. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, May 3, 1901, page 6 Contractor Priddy is at work this week putting in a new cement walk at the corner of 7th and B streets. Medford Enquirer, May 4, 1901, page 5 Already many complimentary remarks are being made on the improved appearance of Medford streets and sidewalks. As soon as the construction of the cement walks now under way are completed Medford will certainly be entitled to the credit of being strictly up-to-date in the matter of sidewalks. That such improvements will be noticed by transients and commented upon is certain, and it is also certain to attract favorable attention to the city, as a city with metropolitan ideas. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 10, 1901, page 7 S. Childers & Sons commenced putting down a cement walk in front of the Big Bend Milling Co.'s property, on Seventh Street, Monday. Medford Mail, May 17, 1901, page 3 A new plank sidewalk has been built on B Street from the corner of Mrs. A. R. Phipps' property to the Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. implement house. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, May 31, 1901, page 6 On motion the street committee was instructed to examine the sidewalks in front of the Thos. McAndrew, Wm. Barnum and J. S. Howard buildings on Seventh Street and report the condition of same to the council. "City Council Proceedings," Medford Mail, June 7, 1901, page 3 The attention of the street committee is respectfully called to the very dangerous condition of the sidewalk on Seventh Street, just beyond the school house. It is in a very dilapidated condition and should be repaired or rebuilt at once. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, June 14, 1901, page 6 G. R. Lindley is having the stone walk in front of his Seventh Street store building raised this week to conform to the official grade established by the city civil engineer. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 5, 1901, page 7 Some time ago The Mail called the attention of the city council to the dangerously dilapidated condition of a stretch of sidewalk on Seventh Street, just beyond the school house, but no steps have yet been taken to remedy the same. This should be done at once, as it is positively dangerous to pedestrians who travel over it, especially at night, and unless some remedial measures are taken at once, someone will be hurt. We respectfully designate Mayor Crowell, who passes over the walk daily, a committee of one to bring the matter properly before the council at its next regular meeting. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 12, 1901, page 7 If Medford has taken a step backward during the past few years in any respect it is not noticeable, but that she has been going ahead a few paces is substantially evident on all sides. Now suppose we mention our new cement sidewalks. Few people, even those who walk up and down our streets daily, would imagine, or guess, that since last January 4560 square feet of cement sidewalk had been put in, but there has. Then again, you would hardly believe that there were 14,400 feet of cement and cut stone walks in our city, not including crosswalks, which are nearly all of cut stone, but there are just that number. There are 1125 lineal feet of two-story brick buildings fronting or siding, on our streets; 440 feet of one-story buildings, and 155 feet of solid brick business places, or very nearly six solid blocks if strung out in a line. There are now in course of construction one fifty-foot two-story brick building and one twenty-foot brick. Where is there another town in the state with less than 2500 people that can make as good a showing? "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 19, 1901, page 7 A man named Thomas fell on a sidewalk in Medford Saturday and broke his right leg below the knee. He was standing on a step in front of the Helms saloon, and upon stepping onto the cement walk he stepped onto an apple peeling, which threw him to the sidewalk, resulting as above stated. The fracture was reduced by Dr. Pickel, and he was taken to the home of his grandchildren in Ashland Saturday night. “City Happenings,” Medford Mail, August 9, 1901, page 7 It is a very disgusting habit, that of expectorating on the sidewalks. The many hundred feet of good, substantial cement sidewalks are a beautiful thing to look upon, but when they are bespattered with tobacco juice they are unsightly things. There ought to be an ordinance passed prohibiting spitting on sidewalks. It is a filthy habit and is very annoying to those of our townspeople who believe in cleanliness and who have a desire to keep our little city looking as pretty and tasteful as possible. Aside from being unsightly the habit is dangerous from a sanitary point of view as many disease germs find harbor in the dress skirts of passing women and are in this way carried home, where firm lodgement is found for them in the person of some member of the household. The sidewalks in front of Medford's grocery and feed stores present a very inviting appearance these days. There is displayed almost every variety of fruit grown in the valley, and as there are many varieties the sight is decidedly a pretty one to look upon--and tempting as well. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 23, 1901, page 7 Some means ought to be adopted, either by the city or the railroad company, to do away with the necessity of incoming passengers from the southbound trains being obliged to step off the cars into the mud of the street crossing near the depot. The train stops, almost invariably, at a point where passengers alighting from the car or in getting aboard are compelled to wade in mud for about two rods. This could be obviated by putting down a plank crossing between the main line and the east side track, or the train could be pulled a car length further south before the stop is made. This mud is not only deucedly unpleasant to walk in but it tends not to the good of our town in the minds of strangers who visit us. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 4, 1901, page 7 George Priddy is putting down new cement sidewalks in front of the Barnum and McAndrew blocks, on East Seventh street. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 11, 1901, page 7 Geo. Mickey:--"That proposed new sidewalk you spoke of last week is on F Street, from Tenth Street south across Eleventh Street and half ways across Twelfth." A new sidewalk has been put down on West Seventh Street, in front of Mrs. White's residence. The walk was put in by Street Commissioner Brandenburg and is a very substantial affair--being built on the same line of solid actions which characterize all his work. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 1, 1901, page 6 City attorney was instructed to draft an ordinance permitting property owners on south side of West Seventh Street, between F and G streets, to put down twelve-foot sidewalks, to be constructed of either plank or cement. Messrs. Thomas and White will put down a cement walk in front of their new brick building which is in the district above described. Street commissioner reported favorably in matter of sidewalk petitioned for by Messrs. Lytle, Mickey and others, and the committee was instructed to use their pleasure as to the kind of sidewalk which should be put down. "Meeting of City Council," Medford Mail, November 15, 1901, page 6 A new sidewalk is being built alongside of the property which Mr. Ferguson recently purchased, corner of Seventh of A streets. It's a big improvement, and the wonder is that it was not put in sooner. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 22, 1901, page 6 Messrs. Thomas and White have put down a new cement sidewalk in front of their fine new brick building, on West Seventh Street. G. W. Priddy did the work. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, December 13, 1901, page 6 J. A. Perry, proprietor of the Independent Warehouse, and G. T. Faucett, agent for the Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, chipped in last week and had Street Commissioner Brandenburg put down a crosswalk from their places of business across Seventh Street. We will now have one crosswalk which passengers and townspeople can cross upon from the depot to the express office and the Jacksonville trains without getting ankle deep in mud. It's a commendable piece of enterprise, and the Mail scribe feels like throwing a bouquet every time he happens that way. Someone wanted to know if these gentlemen intended keeping the mud cleaned from the aforesaid mentioned walk. Their intentions are strictly in line with that sort of procedure, but suppose they don't, the people of Medford are nothing out. Didn't think about that, did you? Those depot crossings are an insult to common decency, but there seems no way of bettering them, inasmuch as the railroad company will not plank, and we understand will not permit the city council to do so. A few feet of planking between the tracks, and this kept clean of mud, would be an improvement very much appreciated by passengers and townspeople. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 22, 1901, page 7 The steel bridge across Bear Creek, which has been under construction for the past two months, was completed on Tuesday. . . . Also there has been constructed along the north, or downstream, side of the bridge a five-foot sidewalk for foot passengers, this at an additional cost of $300, which was borne by the city. Dr. Jones was about the city Monday with a subscription paper, asking for contributions with which to construct approaches to the footpath across the new Bear Creek bridge. The approaches are to be put in at either end of the bridge and are to be constructed of wood and stone. It may be deemed expedient to put in stone crossings at each end of the bridge, which crossings will lead to the footbridge. The doctor secured a contribution of $114.50. This, he says, will not be enough to put in the crossings in addition to the approaches, but he is hopeful that there are some whom he did not see who will help out this very commendable object. The cement walks put down by G. W. Priddy in front of the White-Thomas building was caught by the recent frost before it was thoroughly dried, and the entire surface will now have to be taken off and re-cemented. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 5, 1901, page 7 Chief of Police Johnson reports that someone, presumably the small boys of the city, has of late been committing an offense against the well-being of our townspeople, the same being that of stretching wires across the sidewalk at a height which trip and throw pedestrians. Mr. Johnson was very close onto the trail of the miscreants Sunday night. He is watching every turn of the road and hopes to be able to run the lads into court unless they sidetrack their dangerous notions. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 3, 1902, page 7 An ordinance was passed providing that when a new sidewalk on the south side of Seventh Street, between F and G, becomes necessary it shall be twelve feet in width and either of cement of plank, at the discretion of the city council. "Meeting of City Council," Medford Mail, January 10, 1902, page 2 The cement walk and other improvements about the Academy give satisfaction to students and teachers. "Academy Notes," Medford Mail, January 17, 1902, page 6 The street committee recommended that there be a cement sidewalk put down on East Seventh Street, between A and B streets. This location is in front of the Union Livery Stables, Taylor's harness shop, the K. of P. block and Pratt's feed stable. "Meeting of City Council," Medford Mail, March 21, 1902, page 6 Merchant J. G. Taylor is having a new cement sidewalk put in this week. G. W. Priddy is doing the work. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 28, 1902, page 6 More new cement sidewalks are being put down this week. J. W. Prall and Mrs. Mingus are those who now have men at that kind of work. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, April 4, 1902, page 6 S. Childers has been at work this week putting in a new cement sidewalk in front of W. J. Prall's feed stables on East Seventh Street. Medford Mail, April 18, 1902, page 2 A new cement sidewalk was put in front of the Medford Book Store this week. Contractor G. W. Priddy did the work, which, in this man's town, is all that is necessary to say. The property is owned by J. S. Howard, the pioneer merchant of our city. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 25, 1902, page 7 W. L. Orr is having the sidewalk widened out to twelve feet in front of the T. H. Moore property on Seventh Street, the sidewalk extending from F Street to the cement walk in front of the White-Thomas block, on the corner of G and Seventh streets. This increase in the width of the sidewalk will be a great convenience to both Mr. Orr and Mr. Goodwyn in giving them more space on which to unload goods for their stores. And it will be an appreciated convenience to the public, for the narrow sections in the sidewalk along Seventh Street are nuisances and an abomination that seriously interferes with the peace of mind and safety of persons traveling along that street. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 6, 1902, page 7 Mr. Brandenburg is now superintending the putting in of stone crosswalks on the line of the south sidewalk on Seventh Street across D Street, between the depot and the Nash Hotel; a second across F Street between Orr's grocery and the depot grounds, and the third across the alley between the Medford Book Store and the Central Meat Market. They are each to be six feet in width. The one between the depot and the Nash Hotel is to be of Jacksonville granite, while the other two are to be of Griffin Creek sandstone. The granite walk, which is being put in by the Oregon Granite Company, of this city, is the first of that kind of rock to be used for street crossings in Medford. This granite is considered by experts to be of the best quality in the United States. It is remarkably free from flaws and seams and has a firm, even texture of great hardness and having a good cleavage can be worked into any size block or slab that may be required. The sandstone walks are being put in by Chas. Pheister. This sandstone is very hard and easily worked, and all the crosswalks heretofore put down in Medford have been of this rock. "Street Improvements," Medford Mail, June 20, 1902, page 2 A cement sidewalk fifty feet in length and twelve feet wide is being put down in front of the K. of P. building. The work is being done by E. T. Robinson. An innovation for Medford is being made with this walk, for instead of having it white to dazzle and half-blind people when the bright rays of the sun are pouring on it, this walk is given a neutral tint of reddish brown that will soften the sun's glare and do away with the unpleasant feature that the white walks have. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 18, 1902, page 7 Resolutions requiring the construction of sidewalks on the east side of block No. 19, on the west side of block 22, on North C Street on the east side of blocks 21 and 22, and on the north side of the county road running from the county bridge to the southeast corner of J. G. Taylor's residence property, were passed. "City Council Proceedings," Medford Mail, October 17, 1902, page 6 The street cleaners were out in full force Monday, and all of Seventh Street was swept clean of dust and debris. This was a good job--and it was well done. It is to be regretted, however, that this spirit of cleanliness did not extend beyond the streets and onto the sidewalks. There are some walks in our city that are anything but pleasant to look upon--and they are not healthful. Just what breed of swine a man is who will besmear a sidewalk with tobacco juice the Mail is not going to say, but that there are several of this kind of loafers in the city is evident by the condition of some of our cement sidewalks and the adjoining brick walls. The business men find it impossible to keep their walks free of this nauseating nuisance, try as hard as they may. The city council should order the owners of property adjoining the places where these conditions prevail to thoroughly cleanse them of this filth and then pass an anti-sidewalk-expectorant ordinance. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 24, 1902, page 7 Dr. B. F. Adkins has contracted to have a cement walk put down along the side of his brick block on South C Street. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 31, 1902, page 7 That's a cracking good cement sidewalk which George Priddy is putting down for Dr. Adkins, alongside of the Adkins block--and Dr. Adkins is entitled to a good chunk of credit for the enterprise displayed in putting down such a solid and substantial walk. There is no city ordinance compelling cement walks on this street, but the doctor realizes the necessity of such walks everywhere, and he has thus set the pace for other property owners on side streets. There are 1120 square feet of walk in this chunk--and the cost will be $225, or more. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 7, 1902, page 7 A new sidewalk was constructed on the west side of C Street, between Fourth and Fifth, this week. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, December 19, 1902, page 6 The people of East Medford have every reason to congratulate themselves. They have unquestionably the prettiest places in all Southern Oregon upon which to build beautiful homes. Nature seems to have been exceptionally lavish in its bestowal of the perquisites for home building on that side of the creek, and there are many over that way who have built beautiful homes. There seems nothing wanting, and if the man who owns property there is not happy there is surely something other than location responsible for it. Since the new sidewalk has been completed the full length on the north side of East Seventh Street the appearance of the locality has been materially improved and the convenience of the inhabitants greatly enhanced. Another improvement which has added in no small degree to the convenience and general popularity of that locality is the new steel bridge across Bear Creek. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 19, 1902, page 7 Street Commissioner Brandenburg:--"I wish you would tell me where all those defective sidewalks are that you spoke of in your last issue. If there are any great number of them in the condition you spoke of they must surely be very plainly out of sight. I make the rounds of the city as often as it is possible to do so, and when I see a defect in a sidewalk I at once repair it, but I declare to goodness I cannot for the life of me guess where the walk is you spoke of. I wish you would tell the people of Medford that they ought to report the fact to me when they find a bad piece of walk. They will be doing all parties a favor if they will do this." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, December 11, 1903, page 1 It wouldn't be a bad idea if the old wooden walk from the railroad depot to the corner of Seventh and F streets had something done to it. The planks are so badly warped and worn that there is a danger of accident to pedestrians. A misstep on a dark night might result in a broken leg to some unlucky citizen. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 15, 1904, page 5 The condition of the wooden sidewalks around town is causing more or less "language" and a whole lot of loose shoe soles. It does make a fellow pretty warm to catch the sole of his shoe upon a protruding nail in the walk, thereby requiring a trip to the shoemaker, or to be walking along the street with a friend and have his companion step on the end of a loose board which flies up and barks your shins and then drops back on your favorite corn. This sort of thing is getting to be a common occurrence, and it strikes us that it wouldn't be a bad idea to have those nails driven down and the loose boards fastened. It would lessen the labors of the recording angel and save a whole lot of shoe leather. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 21, 1905, page 5 Wooden sidewalks are fast disappearing in the business part of town, although there are several stretches which should be replaced by cement. Medford has more and better walks of a permanent character than any city of its size in Oregon, but repairs and improvements in several cases would be beneficial. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 3, 1905, page 5 Some of the wooden sidewalks in the city are a menace to the footwear of the pedestrians and are even likely to cause serious accidents. Boards are loose or decayed and there are more nails sticking up than are driven down. The proper authorities should take this matter in hand and see that the walks are repaired or new ones put in where necessary. More than one Medford citizen has lost the sole of his shoe by means of those protruding nails, or has "barked" his shins by stepping through a hole in the walk or on the end of a loose board. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 18, 1906, page 5 There is an ordinance in the city of Medford which prohibits the riding of bicycles on our sidewalks. This ordinance is being violated, nearly every day--by boys mostly. Arrests will surely be made if the practice is not stopped. Especially is this ordinance violated on gravel walks, which do not seem to be considered by the riders as sidewalks. The habit is more dangerous to pedestrians because of the fact that they know of the ordinance and do not expect to meet or be run down by bicyclists. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 25, 1906, page 5 MR. EDITOR:--While the family were sitting busily engaged at our morning meal Friday of last week there came a "rapping, tapping" at our front door. I at once answered the call and, opening the door, there stood a well-dressed lady with flushed face and trembling lips, and from appearances something of a serious nature had happened to her. I at once courteously asked what was wanted and invited the lady in, but she declined the invitation, saying she was about to lose her soul. I at once offered sympathy, almost crying, saying I thought this was the first case that had developed in our city of moral and religious teachings. She explained the situation, however, by showing me the sole of one of her $4 shoes torn partly off by striking her toe against one of these ancient spikes that dot our plank sidewalks so conspicuously and which are becoming from day to day a bigger nuisance to the safety and pleasure of all that walks over them. Then too, Mr. Editor, I had a little personal experience a few evenings ago over my own sidewalk while delivering a pint of milk to our nearest neighbor. I struck the toe of my shoe against a projecting nail. That tells the whole story of spilled milk and a skinned knee, but I enjoyed a few moments of sweet satisfaction by turning around and locating the nail and soliloquizing a little. It was not until then, Mr. Editor, that I could realize the unpleasant and humiliating situation of the lady who lost her sole. Now will you kindly grant me space in the columns of The Mail to offer a seasonable suggestion to our honorable city council as a cheap remedy for an improvement on our ancient plank sidewalks? Pass an ordinance that all property owners be required to get new stringers and turn over the old boards, and use those which are suitable, and but a few new planks would be required to make their walks safe. Experience teaches us driving a nail down into a rotten stringer can't be made to stay long. Certainly none can complain at this trivial financial outlay for the improvement of their property, not alone for the safety of our home people, but give to the visiting stranger and homeseeker the impression that our motto is progress and our property owners delight in seeing her miles of plank sidewalks both safe and attractive. Joseph G. Martin, "A Few Medford Items," Medford Mail, July 20, 1906, page 5 John F. White and D. H. Miller are having a twelve-foot cement walk laid in front of their property on Seventh Street, east of the Presbyterian Church. Geo. W. Priddy is doing the work. Cement walks have been ordered by the city council to be built on both sides of the street from F to H streets, which will be a great and needed improvement. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 21, 1906, page 5 . . . cement walks are being laid all along both sides of Seventh Street as far as the city park. The walks are all twelve feet in width and will be a much-needed improvement. The walk in front of the park will be the same width as that in front of the school house grounds--eight feet. "Things Boom on West Side," Medford Mail, October 5, 1906, page 1 NEW SIDEWALKS ORDERED PUT IN.
The city council at its last meeting ordered new sidewalks laid on the following streets:On East Seventh Street on property owned by W. T. Entrop, A. W. Sturgis and D. O'Toole and on C Street on D. O'Toole's property. On east side North B Street, from and including M.E. church, to and including T. H. West's property. On east side North C Street, from and including Margaret Tice's, to and including H. E. Boyden's property. On South C Street on the properties of L. B. Brown, F. F. Downing, Fred Luy, H. G. Nicholson, Edith Orr and G. H. Howland. On south side of West Eighth Street on lots 6 and 7, in block 53. On Northwest Eleventh Street on property owned by John F. White and Eva Hockenjos. On West Seventh Street on property owned by L. G. Porter and H. L. Orr. On East H Street, lots 11 and 12, owned by F. Osenbrugge. On west side South J Street, property owned by W. H. Barr, W. H. McGowan, C. W. Snyder, John Dodge and Mrs. Milton Maule. On east side of L Street, property owned by A. J. Stewart, F. K. Deuel, Fred McCulloch and Mrs. W. B. Stevens. On west side J Street, property owned by Fred Barneburg, P. J. Halley and S. S. Pentz. On east side South C Street, all property between East Ninth Street and East Twelfth streets. Medford Mail, October 26, 1906, page 1 J. C. Hall has put down a cement sidewalk in front of his residence, on South C Street. Now if the city council will order a similar walk put in on the remainder of the block there will be another needed improvement added. C. W. Palm has removed the awning from in front of his buildings on the West Side and is having a new cement sidewalk put in. He is also having the buildings raised to a level with the sidewalks. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 26, 1906, page 5 New cement sidewalks, twelve feet in width, are being put down this week in front of the Presbyterian and Episcopalian churches. This gives the west side people a twelve-foot cement walk in front of two full blocks, on both sides of Seventh Street. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 16, 1906, page 5 A new cement walk is being put down on two sides of the new Medford National Bank building. The old stone slabs have been removed, and in their stead will soon be large, smooth blocks of cement. Time was when those old stone slabs were not so bad--were better, by far, than a lot of loose planks with nail heads protruding therefrom--but as time jogs on all these luxuries of ten or fifteen years ago are crowded out by the greater luxuries of the time in which we now live. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 23, 1906, page 5 The city councilmen's attention is called to the condition in which some of the sidewalks are left while building construction is going on [on] adjoining property. This condition applies particularly to the west side. A lady was seen to fall headlong to the ground one day last week while passing one of these places--and this through no fault of hers. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 21, 1906, page 5 The muddiest sidewalks in Medford are those granite walks at the depot. They are frightful, and it is almost impossible to travel them. The railroad company's attention should be called to their condition. Surely no transportation company will ask its patrons to wade through mud at its depot grounds. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 28, 1906, page 5 A citizen:--"I wish some of the officials of the Southern Pacific railroad company were compelled to walk daily over those muddy, slushy granite walks belonging to the company on Seventh Street. I would like to see Harriman himself wading through that mud. It would do me good to wade up behind him and smear his store clothes and silk hat with the slush I have to walk through three times a day. Why, say; those sidewalks are an insult to every person who has to travel over them. Especially disagreeable are they during a forenoon following a frosty night. Those granite walks have always been bad under these conditions, but they are much worse now that the mud from the crossings has been carried onto them by the constant travel. The poorest sidewalks in Medford today are those owned by the great Harriman railroad system." "Things Told on the Street," Medford Mail, January 25, 1907, page 1 A cement walk is being constituted on the north side of the street from A Street to the bridge. This makes a continuous cement sidewalk on that side from the bridge to the school house with the exception of a very small portion, which will probably be built soon. Councilman J. C. Smith and T. B. Ellison have recently put down cement sidewalks in front of their pretty homes in west Medford. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 5, 1907, page 5 Notices have been posted calling the attention of the people to the ordinance recently passed by the city council making it a misdemeanor to expectorate upon the sidewalk or in any public building. There is also a state law to that effect. Both are good laws, if enforced, and right there is the point, where many good laws fail of their purpose--lack of enforcement. There are hundreds of laws on the statute books that are dead letters because they are not enforced either because public sentiment is lukewarm in favor of enforcement or openly opposed, or because officers of the law do not attempt their enforcement. The expectoration law is one of these--that is in many communities--but we believe that vigorous and consistent effort for its enforcement by the officers would meet with the approval and support of the public. Sporadic attempts at enforcement will not bring about the required results. It must be continuous and vigorous, and no one, no matter who, must be exempt. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 26, 1907, page 5 R. P. Whitehead is having a cement walk laid in front of his residence property on South C Street. The walk will be 150 feet long. S. Childers is the contractor. Mr. Whitehead said in reference to this improvement: "After I get my walk down I'm going to try to get the other people along the line to do likewise. I've been thinking about this for some time, but thought I'd better get my walk down before I did too much talking." "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 4, 1907, page 5 When the city council and the mayor finally make up their several minds to commence paving the streets--or before they have reached that point--it wouldn't be a bad idea to put in a crossing on C Street opposite the alley south of the post office. At mail times the sidewalks on C Street from Seventh to the post office are rather congested. As the only walk available at this time of year, owing to the condition of the weather and the streets, is the one on the east side, alongside of the Jackson County Bank, and it isn't an unusual occurrence for the janitor to take a notion just at this particular time to clean out the furnace of the bank building or do something else that requires that the trap doors in the sidewalk be open, leaving but a few inches space between the bank building and the opening for the passersby. With a crossing at the point mentioned people could reach the post office reasonably dry-shod without danger of falling into the bank basement or inconveniencing the janitor of the building. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 29, 1907, page 5 A petition to have the city council build a boardwalk passage on the south side of the bridge is being circulated among the east side Medfordites--and signed by everyone interested. This is needed badly by the residents of the east side living on the south side of 7th Street, as it would eliminate the muddy crossings one now has to contend with, going either way. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, December 13, 1907, page 2 Chief of Police Charles Turpin has been warning the offenders of the ordinance forbidding the use of sidewalks by bicycle riders, and in the future those who are found riding their machines on sidewalks will be prosecuted. Lately there has been a great deal of this going on, and the Chief thinks that it is time it is stopped. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 13, 1908, page 5 Just as soon as the city increases the number of its sidewalks and installs a few more electric lights Postmaster Woodford will take up the matter of giving the city the advantage of a carrier service. The receipts of the office are large enough to justify the employment of two carriers, but the city has not enough sidewalks and lights installed to meet the requirements of the regulations imposed by the government. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 20, 1908, page 5 The Foot-Fitter. Follow the feet on our sidewalk. "C. M. Kidd" ad, Southern Oregonian, April 11, 1908 J. G. Martin has a badly sprained ankle, caused from stepping off the narrow sidewalk into a thick patch of weeds that grows so luxuriously from each side of the streets. This is what a fellow generally gets in his pioneer days by being polite and modest to the ladies in giving them all the walk. In the future he will be a middle-of-the-road man if a collision is inevitable. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, July 31, 1908, page 5 Marshall Bros. have completed their contract in connection with the laying of the cement walks across the right-of-way of the Southern Pacific railway. The job they have done is a creditable one. They returned yesterday to Portland. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, August 7, 1908, page 6 The Seventh Street curbing is about completed, and this little job itself keeps Mr. Osgood busy dodging epithets not altogether complimentary, which are hurled at him by those property owners whose sidewalks do not conform to curb levels. "City Engineer Busy," Medford Mail, August 14, 1908, page 1 The putting in of the curbing for the Seventh Street paving is nearly all in, and many of the sidewalks have been extended to their full width of 14 feet. The cement sidewalks around the west school building are well under way. "Improvements Are Many," Medford Mail, August 14, 1908, page 4 Peter Denhoff, who has the contract for putting in the cement sidewalk on the north side of the park, has nearly half of the walk in. The bid he made on this work was 17½ cents per square foot. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, August 28, 1908, page 6 The Bungalow Addition.
Those people who have bought property in the Bungalow addition, many of
whom are building very pretty homes, are now having cement sidewalks
put down the entire length of the street, running north and south, and The Morning Mail understands
they anticipate having this street paved. The name they have given the
street is not "street" at all, but is Bungalow Boulevard. The Medford
Cement Company is putting in the walks.
Medford Mail, September 11, 1908, page 5 D. T. Lawton is having a cement walk put down in front of his implement house on Bartlett Street north. The walk is ten feet in width and 140 feet in length. That's a "right smart" bit of walk for one man to put down, but Mr. Lawton never does things by halves--particularly is this true as to public improvements. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, November 20, 1908, page 2 A ten-foot cement sidewalk is being put down on the west side of Bartlett Street, south from Seventh. This is a much-needed improvement. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, December 4, 1908, page 6 P. Denhoff is putting down 250 feet of cement sidewalk for Mr. Emerick at his residence, corner of G and Eighth streets. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, December 18, 1908, page 5 The Medford Cement Company are this week preparing the ground and having gravel hauled for putting down sidewalk on the street and about the grounds of the new high school building. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, December 18, 1908, page 6 The progressive residents of North Beatty Street are delighted with the bright prospects of their pretty street having sidewalks in the very near future, as the surveyors are setting the grade stakes. "North Medford Notes," Medford Mail, March 5, 1909, page 7 Only the west side of Beatty Street that branches off of North Central Avenue is being laid with sidewalk, and the improvement is indescribable. "North Medford Notes," Medford Mail, March 5, 1909, page 8 There is no denying the fact that the Southern Pacific Company is doing its part toward public improvements in Medford. The company's eagerness to improve the city was manifest a few months ago when it put in wide cement sidewalks across its right of way on Main Street, and a little later paid, in good, hard cash, its quota of street paving expenses, and now recently the railroad crossing proper has been planked with heavy timbers which will last for years. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, March 26, 1909, page 2 MEDFORD NEEDS OVER 14 MILES OF
are over 14 miles of sidewalks needed in the city of Medford. Such was
the result of a detailed investigation of the needs along this line in
the various wards of the city, as brought out in a detailed report by
the council, acting as an investigation committee of the whole. The
city engineer's department, together with the city attorney, now have
charge of the report with instructions to get at work as soon as
possible and see that Medford gets the walks.
Plank Crossings.
street commissioner tendered an interesting report at the meeting
regarding the work done by him during the month of March. Over 21 plank
crossings were put in and a number of stone ones. These were placed
where they were most needed. He is to keep this work up during the
summer so that Medford residents will never have to go through a winter
as full of inconvenience owing to the mud as the one just passed
through.The sidewalks are an important subject at the time owing to the fact that free mail delivery is contingent upon the construction of these walks. The street signs are nearly all in place, the street commissioner reporting that he had placed 208 of these during the month. With the council determined to get these sidewalks put in as soon as possible, it will not be a great while before the mail service is instituted. Excerpt, Medford Daily Tribune, April 7, 1909, page 1 ![]() New concrete sidewalks on East Main, circa 1909. MAIL DELIVERY NOW ASSURED
Proposed District Mapped Out and Inspect by Post Office Official.
two or three days past post office inspector Morse has been to Medford,
and in company with Assistant Postmaster Woodford a thorough canvass of
the entire city was made with the one point in view, that of
establishing a free mail delivery system for the city.
If free delivery is ordered, the delivery will be made on the following streets, provided sidewalks are put down by October 1: All streets north of Main and south of Jackson, between Front Street and Riverside Avenue. On Central Avenue north to Court Street; on Beatty Street north to one block north of Liberty Street. All streets south of Main Street and north of Ninth Street, between Front Street and Riverside Avenue; Central Avenue south to the city limits; Riverside Avenue from Ninth to Twelfth streets; Main Street east to the city limits; Grape Street north to Jackson Street; Jackson Street west to one block west of Alder Street; Holly Street north to Second; Second Street west to one block west of Olson Street; Oakdale Avenue north to Fourth Street; Fourth Street west to one block west of Olson Street; all of Orange Street north and all of Olson Street; all streets south of Main and north of Eleventh Street; between Orange and Evergreen Street; Holly Street south to Twelfth Street; Grape Street south to Thirteenth Street; Oakdale Avenue south to the city limits; Main Street west to city limits. Street Letter Boxes.
letter boxes will be located as follows:On Main Street at the intersection of Cottage, Bartlett, Front and Grape streets and Oakdale Avenue; on Central Avenue at the intersection of Eleventh, Third and Beatty streets; at the corner of Bartlett and Jackson, Laurel and Tenth, Oakdale Avenue and Eleventh, and Oakdale Avenue and Fourth. There will be two carriers. Main Street will be served three times daily; at 8 o'clock a.m., 11:45 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. The residence sections will be served twice daily. Carriers will leave [the] post office for these deliveries at 8 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Sidewalk construction within the limits as given above should be rushed with all possible haste. Some of the streets within the limits have no sidewalks at all. These will be necessary before October 1. Excerpt, Medford Mail, June 11, 1909, page 1 SOME POOR SIDEWALKS.
of the plank sidewalks in Medford are not in such shape as would be
conducive to sound limbs if pedestrians did not exercise more than
ordinary care in passing over them. This, to the Morning Mail, appears
to be an oversight on the part of the city officials which should not
longer be delayed. A broken limb means a damage suit against the city,
and there is no excuse for the condition of these walks.
Medford Mail, July 23, 1909, page 8 At 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon a small grass blaze was started in front of the residence of W. W. Eifert from a carelessly thrown cigar. The sidewalk caught fire, and but for the prompt assistance of a young man until the arrival of the fire department there would have been a serious blaze. After the fire was over, the sidewalk was badly splintered by the force of the water, but as this side of the street was ordered paved it will not be much damaged. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, August 13, 1909, page 2 A beginning has been made for cement walks on Genessee Street on the east side of the bridge, but the work has been interrupted by the late rains. The improvement will be greatly appreciated by the residents along that street. "Personal and Local Brevity," Medford Mail, October 8, 1909, page 2 The Big Pines Lumber Company has built a fine cement sidewalk in front of its warehouses on Sixth Street, and the Southern Pacific has connected with this a fine gravel walk across the track. That's the spirit. Who is next? "Personal and Local Brevity," Medford Mail, September 10, 1909, page 6 In the matter of sidewalks Medford certainly has occasion to be proud of the record of the past year. Everyone in Medford who knows how to lay a good cement walk, and we fear that some who do not know the secrets of this trade, has been busy laying walks during the past year. That more walks were not laid was due only to the fact that there were not more contractors here to lay them. Since February 17, when the present administration took charge of this matter, grades have been established for no less than seven miles of cement sidewalk and two of plank sidewalk. This means more than 50 feet of five-foot walk for every man of voting age in the whole city. The work of transforming a village into a city is not the work of a day, but another year or two like the past year will see Medford, with respect to sidewalks at least, in as good shape as any city of similar size in the whole country. Mayor W. H. Canon, "A Year's Progress," Medford Mail Tribune, January 4, 1910, page 4 Bids Wanted on Concrete Walks and
Curbs on Summit Avenue.
Medford Mail Tribune, January
31, 1910, page 5
1800 feet 5-foot concrete walks, 1650 feet curb walk..
Bids opened at noon February 5. For
particulars call on B. Klum, office near Commercial Club rooms.
Hereafter the ordinance prohibiting the riding of bicycles on the
sidewalks anywhere within the city limits will be rigidly enforced.
Lately the law has been allowed to be non-observed in certain
districts, but the many narrow escapes from accidents and the
recklessness of the riders has caused a resolve on the part of the city
authorities to enforce the law.Ordinance Prohibiting Riding on the Walks in City Will Be Rigidly Enforced There are only two exceptions to this ordinance, i.e., mail carriers and persons who are crippled. Mayor Canon said: "We have not fined any of the violators of the ordinance yet, but have simply warned them. Hereafter, however, the penalty will be inflicted." Medford Mail Tribune, May 4, 1910, page 3 The city now has 20.30 miles of cement sidewalks and 8.46 of board walks. In the city 1675 houses have been numbered. "18 Percent of Medford Streets Are Now Paved," Medford Mail Tribune, December 18, 1910, page 1 BOARDWALK IS PUT DOWN KINGS
The residents just outside of the city
beyond South Oakdale Avenue have just completed a boardwalk
three-quarters of a mile in length and are planning to add half a mile
to the end of this. In this way, during the muddy weather a country
walk has been provided for townspeople. The walk begins at the end of Oakdale and runs west to Kings Highway, where it turns south. It was constructed through the efforts of J. M. Root, James Campbell, Mrs. Carey, Dillon Hill and W. C. Willis. Medford Mail Tribune, December 22, 1910, page 7 ![]() The M.E. Church North, Fourth and Bartlett, circa 1910. Note the board sidewalk and dirt street. The yards are fenced and the trees boxed as precautions against wandering livestock. TO PLACE PRISM LIGHTS IN SIDEWALK
The heart of the east side is
within ten minutes' walk of the banking center, and is easily
accessible and yet secluded from the business section. New and better
water service is to be installed, paving, sidewalk building and other
improving is in full blast, and in fact the east side people are awake
and it will interest you to watch their smoke.OF FURNITURE COMPANY Installation of This Feature Shows Rapidly Increasing Value of Ground Space in Medford Downtown District
of the noteworthy features of the Medford Furniture and Hardware
Company's new building will be sidewalk lights of the latest and, one
may say, strongest pattern; which will be placed in the walks along the
entire front and side of the building.
MUCH CEMENT ON EAST SIDEThese sidewalk lights are small glass tiles, set in cement in strong frames made of steel angle bars, galvanized to prevent rusting. Set in the sidewalk, they present an ornamental appearance and enhance the beauty of the walk, while taking nothing from its strength. Prism lights will be used which will transmit diffused daylight into the basement, and will also permit the use of the entire space under the sidewalks. This will be the first installation of sidewalk lights in Medford and may be taken as an indication of the increasing value of ground space in Medford's downtown district, and it is safe to predict that this space will not be neglected in business buildings erected hereafter. The lights used in the present instance were furnished by the Building Specialties Company. E. S. Parsons, manager of the company in Medford, states that a thousand square feet of the glass tiles will be used for this building and that several smaller lots have been ordered for other buildings. The space under the sidewalks surrounding the Hotel Medford will be excavated and lighted in this same manner. Medford Sun, January 8, 1911, page 5 A resolution was passed declaring the purpose of requiring the laying of five-foot cement sidewalks on both sides of North Central Avenue from Fourth to Court Street. "Pass Many Bills, Improvements," Medford Mail Tribune, March 9, 1911, page 2
Contractors this past week have completed the laying of a cement
sidewalk on East Main Street, and now a strip of walk extends from the
bridge to the top of the hill. Much additional work is planned, and
with present weather prevailing great progress will be made.
The East Side of the city, so long neglected, is becoming one of the most improved sections of the city. This summer will see the completion of the paving work to the top of the hill, and many side streets are to be improved. Medford Mail Tribune, March 19, 1911, page 8 "To Tell Advantages of East Side," Medford Sun, April 16, 1911, page 6 Several hundred feet of sidewalk is being put in Keene Way Drive. "News Items," Medford Sun, April 30, 1911, page 5 Now that the paving of Jackson Boulevard is about to be completed, the residents on the street are turning their attention to the beautifying of the grounds about their homes. Many had waited for many months for the street to be graded so that cement sidewalks could be put in and lots graded. Now that the streets have been graded and pavement laid, the residents are making up for lost time. There are several crews of cement sidewalk men at work on the street in front of the various homes, and in addition to this many of the property owners have men at work rounding up terraces about their homes and planting lawns. "Busy Improving Jackson Homes," Medford Mail Tribune, May 10, 1911, page 6 POINTS OF COMPASS ARE SHOWN ON
is the northerly direction? Nine of every ten residents of Medford are
wrong or confused when trying to set themselves right on this point;
even some of the old settlers have twisted the magnetic needle so out
of direction that in traveling north they would run directly into Idaho.
Secretary Boos of the Commercial Club, realizing the fate of ill-guided Oregonians, has come to the rescue. He has had A. T. Brown, the surveyor, of the firm of Osgood and Cummings, establish the points of the compass in the cement sidewalk directly in front of the Commercial Club quarters on Main Street. Medford Mail Tribune, June 19, 1911, page 4 The school board is planning to ask the city council to see that a number of sidewalks are laid about the city where they are needed for the benefit of the school children during the winter. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 31, 1911, page 2 Jevver go around looking for misspelled signs? Take a trip along Main Street and in five minutes you may see sandwiches spelled "sandwitches," "commercial" spelled with one "m," and the "N" in the sidewalk in front of the Nash upside down. Somebody ought to appoint a municipal proofreader. "Jolts and Jingles by Ad Brown," Medford Mail Tribune, September 14, 1911, page 4 CITY WILL PUT IN SIDEWALKS
Officials Find Out that They Can Construct Cement Work and Put Lien on Property to Enforce Payment
many streets in Medford there are places where sidewalks have not been
put in, notwithstanding the fact that they have been ordered put in by
the street committee.
Not until last night did the city officials feel that they could legally proceed to put in these sidewalks, at instances where property owners failed to do so when directed to by the street commissioner. At last night's session of the council an ordinance was passed authorizing the street commissioner to put in sidewalks in such cases as above mentioned and tax the cost to the abutting property, which cost when so taxed shall become a lien upon property and the property may be sold to satisfy such lien in the same manner as is provided in other tax levies. Medford Mail Tribune, October 4, 1911, page 8 ![]() One of the best photos of a Medford board sidewalk. This one was catercorner from the recently completed Medford Furniture and Hardware Company building--now known as the "Woolworth Building"--in 1912. Open this image in another window to zoom in on the sidewalk in the foreground GRASS ALONG WALKS IS TO BE MOWED
city council Tuesday evening instructed the street superintendent to
employ men and cut all of the grass in the city which laps over the
sidewalks in order to make the walk passable. The work will commence at
The action of the city council followed close on the publication of a story in the Mail Tribune dealing with the subject. Attention was called to the many sidewalks along which people must pass in single file or walk in grass a foot high. The street commissioner will employ several men, equip them with scythes and send them over the town clearing the grass away. Medford Mail Tribune weekly, May 23, 1912, page 3 Dr. Pickel was mayor [1904-05] in the days when we drank Bear Creek "liquid." It was generally liquid. In those days if we wished to leave our homes at night we equipped ourselves with rubber boots, procured a lantern, and with fear and trembling sallied forth into utter blackness. If we reached our destination without stepping on the end of a board whose other end was not nailed down we felt that we were under the protection of a special providence. Minnie (Mrs. Harry C.) Stoddard, "Medford's Hall of Fame," Medford Mail Tribune, December 18, 1912, page 4 Mrs. C. H. Pierce of Siskiyou Heights, who sustained injury to her left last Sunday evening by tripping over the rise in the pavement in front of the Nichols and Ashpole meat market on Main Avenue, is improving rapidly. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, April 23, 1915, page 2 The first moves of the campaign inaugurated by city authorities to eliminate danger spots throughout the city have begun. A force of men are at work removing the pavement from in front of the Nichols and Ashpole meat market. The sidewalk will be made level clear across, eliminating the elevation over which Mrs. C. H. Pierce tripped a week ago, sustaining injury to her leg. Owners of property facing on sidewalks considered dangerous will be instructed to make repairs. Two or three accidents within half a month is the cause of the step. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, April 26, 1915, page 2 COUNCIL TO ACT ON SCHOOL WALKS
children of the Jackson School are suffering severely from being
compelled to reach their school through muddy streets and
trails--sometimes without either. The Jackson School is located at the
head of Summit Street on Jackson. There are no sidewalks in that
portion of the city. Formerly there was a two-plank boardwalk on some
of the streets leading toward the school, but they have been removed.
The children sit in school all day with wet feet. Sickness is the
result. Lack of progress is one of the consequences. This condition is
disturbing the school severely. Appeal for an improved condition in
this respect will probably be made to the city council.
This matter was introduced at the special meeting of the city council last night by councilman Emmens. He had investigated the complaint made by parents, pupils and teachers in the Jackson school district concerning these conditions and suggested that the situation is serious and ought to receive immediate attention from the council. He suggested also that, temporarily at least, gravel walks or those made with crushed rock could be put in quickly and would serve the purpose during the remainder of the present wet season. The matter was referred to the committee on streets and roads, with power to act. Medford Mail Tribune, January 25, 1916, page 6 At the suggestion of the finance committee the city council last night settled the damage suit of Mrs. C. H. Pierce for injuries received by a fall on the sidewalk before Nichols and Ashpole meat market, for $400, the plaintiff to pay the costs. "Settle Pierce Damage Suit," Medford Sun, March 6, 1916, page 6 The matter of bad board sidewalks throughout the city was discussed, and a motion was carried instructing the committee on streets to make a survey of all the bad walks and to introduce legislation to enforce the building of cement sidewalks in their place by the property owners. In all cases where necessity required immediate action for the safety of the public the committee was authorized to have repairs made at once. "Water Service S. Oakdale Is Insisted Upon," Medford Mail Tribune, August 18, 1920, page 8 Shoemakers of the city have filed a protest against the wooden sidewalk due west of the Page, an average of nine heels a day being yanked off by womenfolks tripping blithely o'er the same. Arthur Perry, "Ye Smudge Pot," Medford Mail Tribune, December 8, 1920, page 4 The city council last night passed legislation ordering that the owners of the property along the west side of Riverside near East Main Street corner replace the plank sidewalk with a cement one within the next thirty days, or the city itself will have the work done and the expense charged up against the property. "Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, December 8, 1920, page 8 The board sidewalks which have done duty around the Lincoln School since the completion of the building several years ago are being replaced by cement walks. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 18, 1921, page 2 War on Medford Jay-Walkers
Medford Mail Tribune, December 7, 1923, page 3New Traffic Regulations for Pedestrians Will Soon Be Issued by the Medford By By Club. The rules for pedestrian traffic are as follows:
1. All pedestrians must keep to the sidewalks and to the right and have to pass one another on the right. 2. Whoever wants to stop on the sidewalk must select his stopping place in such a manner as not to hamper passersby. 3. All unnecessary stopping on bicycle and bridle paths, as well as sudden stepping back, is dangerous and forbidden. Streets are to be crossed the shortest way possible, that is, at right angles to the sidewalks at an even or, if necessary, quickened pace, but in no case in heedless haste. 4. It is advisable to cross streets, not at any place, but preferably at the street crossings, and then, insofar as the momentary traffic situation permits, under protection of vehicles moving in the same direction. 5. When one approaches the Nash Hotel corner from the west, turn to the right, from the east, to the left; just a whisper off Main Street to the Gusher Cafe, and Eat Where the Eats Are Good. Pd. ad 221
Unless the Medford contractors of concrete sidewalks fall into line
with the city administration's new stipulations of materials for such
sidewalks, there is a possibility of the city itself going into the
business of laying concrete sidewalks, it developed at last Tuesday
night's city council meeting.
At this meeting the council adopted up-to-date specifications for laying sidewalks, providing for wash[ed] gravel, known as monolithic paving, which prevents the top from peeling off because of frosts and cracking from wear. This kind of paving has long proven very successful in Pacific Coast cities, as Mayor O. O. Alenderfer and City Engineer Fred Scheffel learned on their visit of inspection to Seattle some time ago, when they were shown specimens of this kind of paving laid in that city five years ago, and not yet showing cracks or any practical wear. It seems that when some of the Medford sidewalk contractors were informed that the city intended to inaugurate the new specifications, they expressed themselves as loath to comply with the same by not entering any bids on these specifications. It developed during the discussion preliminary to the adopting of the new specifications that the city councilmen thought that this frowning upon the new stipulations by the contractors was because the old manner of laying concrete sidewalks had been in force here for years past, and that the contractors did not understand the proposed new specifications, which the city officials claim are much better and will cause practically no increase in the expense of sidewalk laying. However, the councilmen made it plain at Tuesday night's meeting that if the sidewalk contractors hung back after the adoption of the new legislation, the city might establish its own sidewalk building crew. Medford Mail Tribune, October 7, 1926, page 3 CITY INSPECTION FOR SIDEWALKS NOW
Of the eight
miles of new concrete walks which were ordered some time ago by the
city administration to be laid by next fall, already three and one-half
miles have been laid, and the remainder will be before the fall rains
come. This work of laying the badly needed sidewalks in various
sections of the city has been on for some time.
The cost of these new walks is paid by the property owners benefited, the work being done by private contractors under city inspection. Where a sidewalk has been ordered in and the owner refuses to comply, the city itself does the work and charges the cost up as a lien against the property. Only last Tuesday night the city council passed an ordinance making a fee of $1 for inspection of laying a new sidewalk, and forbidding any such walk to be laid without the city inspection. Excerpt, Medford Mail Tribune, July 10, 1927, page 3 ROLLER SKATING RULE ENFORCED
In their eagerness to celebrate their release from quarantine a number
of local boys and girls are reported to have been roller skating in the
business section of the city in defiance of a ruling which prohibits
same from being done unless only one skate is used, giving the skater
better ability to control his or her actions.
Last Friday one young girl narrowly missed injury and possible death when she slipped on her skates and rolled onto the pavement near the wheels of a moving car. Medford Mail Tribune, October 23, 1927, page 3 NO ROLLER SKATES ON MAIN STREET
Apparently due to the springlike weather of the past several
days, roller skating has become popular with local school students--so
popular that they were warned yesterday by the police department that
it is against a city ordinance to use skates on Main Street.Older boys and girls are positively prohibited from coming into the business section, and the smaller boys and girls are allowed to use skates if they use only one. Medford Mail Tribune, February 12, 1928, page 2 The city councilmen and mayor, after passing an ordinance last night forbidding roller skating in the streets of Medford, with an emergency clause that puts the measure into effect at once, as a protection to the youth of the city, then got busy at preparing an ordinance to protect the lower beds and gardens of the city from dogs running at large, and following much discussion of the subject, they deemed this matter of sufficient importance to be passed at a special council session to be held next Tuesday evening. Roller skating by the children and older boys and girls on the streets and sidewalks had become such a nuisance to traffic and a menace to the limbs and lives of the skaters that the situation had become alarming, hence the passage of the ordinance. The new municipal law does not forbid skating on the sidewalks, but forbids it in any street. By the terms of the ordinance, when a skater wants to cross a street he or she must remove the skates and walk across. The penalty for violation of this ordinance is a $5 fine. Unless the skaters are very careful in their movements from now on, the ordinance is liable to be amended to forbid skating on the sidewalks. "Council Forbids Roller Skating," Medford Mail Tribune, March 20, 1929, page 6 City Attorney Frank P. Farrell informed the council that Superintendent Fred W. Scheffel's department had prepared a list of 330 properties on which sidewalks were in need of repair. He asserted that little response had been received to notices sent to property owners asking that sidewalk defects be repaired. Many complaints of defective sidewalks have been received in recent months, Mr. Farrell stated, and he stressed that in a few instances damage suits against the city had resulted from injuries alleged to have been sustained in falls caused by broken walks. The city attorney emphasized that property owners are liable for any damage or injury caused by defective sidewalks. "The city has authority to repair the sidewalks and assess the property owners," Mr. Farrell pointed out. "We do not want to follow this procedure, but there is no other course to pursue if the property owner refuses to repair the sidewalks himself." The council directed Mr. Farrell to institute the required procedure to have the defective sidewalks repaired. "Regulation Near for Bicycles as Club Seeks Law," Medford Mail Tribune, October 20, 1937, page 1 Last revised March 4, 2023 |