News: 1901 Medford-related
news items from
1901. Also see
of Medford and
Jackson County
for this year.
Southern Oregon
Poultry Exhibit.
Fitch has gone to Bakersfield, Calif., the center of a big oil boom, to
do business.
first annual exhibit of the Southern Oregon Poultry Association is
being held this week in Medford commencing Wednesday, January 2, and
continuing until the 5th.
The exposition will be held in the building formerly occupied by W. H. Meeker & Co., corner of Seventh and B streets. Over $200 will be distributed in cash prizes and there are 40 other premiums. Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, January 3, 1901, page 1 Charles E. Werst to J. H. Downing, lots 19 and 21, blk 3, Orchard Home Association tract . . . 170 J. F. Wait to Malinda J. Llewellyn, lots 9 and 10, blk 1, Hamilton's add., Medford . . . 375 Henry Klippel et ux. to Allie A. Klippel, lots 9 and 10, blk 57, Medford . . . F. J. Edmunds et us. to Eva Hockenyos, 166 ft. off south end of lots 5, 6 7 an d8, blk 8, Park acc., Medford . . . 625 H. U. Lumsden et ux. to L. T. Pierce, property in Medford . . . 100 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, January 4, 1901, page 5 Miss Ora Adkins left Saturday for Berkeley, Calif., where she will spend the winter. Mrs. J. M. Riddle left Monday for Redding, Calif., at which place her daughter resides. Geo. Murray and family, who have been here upon a visit to relatives, returned Tuesday morning to their home at Hanford, Calif. J. W. Harvey and family, of Talent, are in Medford upon a visit to L. H. Settles and family. Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. Settles are sisters. Mrs. Sayles, of Ashland, who has been visiting her son-in-law, R. Rouse, and family, in this city, returned to her home Thursday morning. Mr. and Mr. J. H. Thorndike came up from Oak Bar, Calif., Saturday, and are now with their son on Applegate. Mr. Thorndike has finished his mining work in California and will now remain in Jackson County. Mrs. J. Casper, of Medford, returned Thursday morning from a month's visit with her daughter, Mrs. G. Clark, of West Prairie, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Clark accompanied her home for a visit, and may decide to locate here. Miss Irene Spencer left Monday morning for a visit with relatives at Gridley, Calif. The lady, together with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spencer, has been visiting B. N. Bunch and family, in this city. Their home is at Pelican Bay. Miss Helen Strang returned Wednesday evening from San Francisco, where she has been for several weeks receiving medical treatment. We are sorry to state that she is not much improved. She was accompanied home by Dr. Jones and Mrs. F. L. Cranfill. George S. Parker arrived in Medford Tuesday from Salem, where he has been stopping for several weeks. Mr. Parker was formerly an employee of The Mail--which position--that of local reporter and solicitor--he has again assumed--for a few weeks at least. G. F. Palm, of the Palm-Whitman-Palm Co., left this week for the East. He will visit Chicago first and while there will purchase eight or ten thousand dollars' worth of tobacco, which will be shipped to Medford and manufactured into cigars for the company's coast trade. Mr. Palm will also visit his old home at Coshocton, Ohio. R. U. McClanahan, traveling salesman for the Palm-Whitman-Palm Co., arrived in Medford Tuesday, from a very successful trip to northern Oregon towns. He reports having sold more cigars this trip than he did up on the two trips previously made. He is now compelled to lay off for a couple of weeks--until the factory gets a few cigars ahead. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Allen arrived in Medford on Monday evening from Garber, Oklahoma. Mr. Allen spent the winter of '88 and '89 at Kerby, in Josephine County, since which time he has been in Oklahoma. In passing through this valley twelve years ago he was very favorably impressed with the country, and he will not be feeling quite satisfied until he shall have become the possessor of a chunk of it for farming and stock purposes. T. C. Noble arrived in Medford last Thursday from Winfield, Iowa. The gentleman is a son of G. C.Noble, of this city. Father and son had not seen each other for fifteen years. The elder Mr. Noble did not recognize his son when they met, nor did he for some little time thereafter. The son dug up reminiscences of old Iowa days and spoke of different people whom they both had known, but not until the old homestead was touched upon did it dawn upon the senior gentleman that his entertainer was his own son. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 4, 1901, page 6 C. Gommel and C. J. Knips, recently from Minnesota, have purchased the W. S. Crowell farm, west of Medford. The farm contains 300 acres, forty of which is in bearing orchard. The farm is one of the best of Southern Oregon, and is well worth the purchase price, $9500. The sale was made through the F. M. Stewart real estate agency. H. M. Crowell, who has been residing at the farm, will shortly move to his west Medford property. Miss Edith Gregory, of Ashland, and Prof. John A. Harvey, formerly of Central Point, but now of Ukiah, Calif., were married at the latter-named place last Tuesday. They are both well-known and highly respected young people, and the best wishes of many friends are extended to them. Day Parker, whom we last reported in Cork, Ireland, has arrived in New York City and will probably remain there until spring, if not permanently. "Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, January 4, 1901, page 6 DEER SLAYERS STILL ACTIVE.
The following is from the Portland
Evening Telegram, of date December 31st:Mayor Howser Writes Games Warden Quimby that the Game Law Is Being Violated--He Endeavored to Arrest Offenders but They Wouldn't Have It That Way. That the law in Oregon against the killing of deer for their hides is still being shamefully violated is evidenced by a report just received by game warden Quimby from J. J. Howser, of Medford, his deputy for Jackson County. Mr. Howser writes that he encountered several parties of professional deer skinners while on a cruise in the mountains. Nearly all were Californians, and accompanied by Indian guides. Although he attempted to arrest them, and as a matter of fact did so, no attention was paid to him, and as he was singlehanded he was unable to enforce his official acts. On August 21, he writes, he located a party of professional deer skinners and an Indian guide in the northeastern part of the county. They claimed to hail from California. Mr. Howser found 44 deer pelts and about 400 pounds of jerked venison in their camp. He told them they were under arrest, but they paid no attention to him, and as they were too many for him he was unable to take them. They left soon afterwards for California. On the 29th of the same month Mr. Howser located a party of six deer hunters and an Indian guide in the northern part of Jackson County. The members of this party were also professionals. In this camp were found 65 deer skins and about 600 pounds of jerked venison. This party had with it a pack train of 14 ponies. He attempted to arrest the men, but with no better success than his efforts with the first party. The Indian guide became hilarious and all dared him to take them in custody. Mr. Howser called upon some of the settlers to assist him, but as they demanded $5 a day for their services he was obliged to give up. Mr. Howser also reports that during the first week of September he found two piles of deer carcasses, from which only the paws had been removed. There were about 25 or 30 carcasses in each pile. The campfires were still burning, indicating that the deer hunters had pulled up stakes but a short time before. As the fire was spreading to the timber, Mr. Howser extinguished it. During the months of August and September Mr. Howser extinguished 12 campfires. In the face of such reports as these it is evident that the slaughter of deer in Oregon continues. Those violating the law appear to have very little confidence in the state's ability to enforce it. This is indicated by their defiance of the authority of the game warden and his deputies. As long as no funds are provided for the enforcement of the law, the law must remain a dead letter, and if this state of affairs is permitted to continue much longer, the necessity of all laws for the protection of deer will be removed. The deer will have gone the way of the buffalo; there will be none left to protect. Medford Mail, January 4, 1901, page 6 F. K. Deuel & Co. took advantage of the lull in business New Year's Day to move their stock of goods to the new store building which Mr. Deuel has fitted up for that purpose. Contractor Perry Stewart and architect I. A. Palmer put in a new plate glass front to the building which is one of the best in Medford--in workmanship and convenience. The handiwork of J. W. Ling is seen in the painting and papering of the interior of the building and the fixtures, manufactured and placed in position by Weeks Bros., are as fine as can be seen in any store building along the line. The new store is 140 feet in length, well lighted from both front and rear as well as from a large skylight. Altogether Messrs. Deuel & Co. have as pleasant and well-appointed [a] business place as could be wished for. Attorney W. M. Colvig, of Jacksonville, is prepared to give special attention to divorce law, probate law and mining law, as well as attend to all other law matters--in any and all courts of the state. Before patronizing any traveling peddler ask yourself the following list of questions: Is the peddler's name on the city tax list? Did he give anything on the school debt? Did he sit up with you when you were sick? When your barn burned did his name appear on the list of neighbors who bought you a new wagon? Did he give anything to help building that new road? Was he one of the pallbearers when death came to your door? Did he carry you on his book five years ago when you were out of work? Does he pay taxes to support the school? Will he work for our town early and late against every other town on the face of the earth? If he will not respond to all these requirements he certainly is not entitled to as much consideration as our local business men, for they help you in those particulars and many more. Jeweler Elwood is one of those fellows who can see an opportunity to advance his interests, and is endowed, also, with the ability to grasp such opportunities when they occur. He is now branching out into the stock business. At the present time he has twenty-six head of stock on his Elk Creek ranch, and intends adding to the number as fast as possible. There is not an industry on the Pacific coast which will insure better returns than the stock business. Mr. Elwood realizes it and wisely intends to reap some of the benefits to be derived therefrom. We wish him abundant success. Station agent Lippincott received a telegram last Friday from Mrs. Lippincott, who is stopping at Riverside, Calif., to the effect that their daughter, Miss Mazie, who is also there, was very poorly in health and advising that he come at once. Mr. Lippincott left the same day, and has since telegraphed friends that his daughter's health was temporarily improved. The family's many friends in this locality are hoping that the daughter's health may be restored and will be rejoiced when such good news reaches them. Tobe Brouse was over at Yreka, last week, in which place he took a 48-hour sleep, under the influence of Prof. Griffith, the hypnotist. The professor passed through Medford Saturday, en route to Roseburg, where entertainments were given this week. He was accompanied by Tobe, who undoubtedly took another long sleep in that city. The Mail is of the opinion the young man is making a mistake in taking these unnatural sleeps. The strongest constitution is bound to be impaired from that kind of usage. A pleasant party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Warner, in honor of their son, Willie, who is home from school for the holidays. About thirty young people were present and spent the evening most enjoyably; games, music and chat being the prevailing features. Refreshments were generously served to the guests, and everything was done which could add to the pleasure of the occasion. The party was Saturday evening. James Lewis Geary, son of Sam'l. Geary, died suddenly at the family home on Elk Creek on Christmas Day, aged fifteen years, ten months and sixteen days. Deceased was the idol of the household, a very bright, industrious young fellow, and his sudden demise has caused great grief in that before-happy family. Heartfelt sympathy is earnestly expressed by neighbors and friends of the family. Mrs. Geary, wife of Captain Geary, who was killed in the Philippines, has accepted $3000 in payment in full from a life insurance company in which the captain held a $5000 policy. The company refused payment on the grounds that the policyholder invalidated his policy when he joined the army. Capt. Geary was a brother of Dr. E. P. Geary, formerly of Medford. The Bybee bridge, across Rogue River, is being repaired and is now closed to travel. The Gold Hill bridge or the ferry are the only safe crossings at present. If the weather should be favorable it is expected the bridge will be repaired and open to the public in about ten days. There is some uneasiness felt for the safety of the bridge, especially so if the river continues to rise. Capt. Nash was presented with a Christmas gift that was a genuine New England treat, the same being several mince pies, direct from Massachusetts, and ready for the table. No housewife, unless she was born and raised in the old New England states, can put up mince pies equal to the Puritan article of early days. The Southern Pacific Company could not stand the rise in the price of water made by the city council, and a pumping plant has been installed with which water will be supplied the tank for engine use from a nearby well, which was in use several years ago. W. H. Meeker:--"We had a splendid Christmas trade, better than we ever had before. Mort Lawton and Mate Biden were brought into service as salesmen, making six of us, all told, who were kept busy tying up goods for a couple or three days before Christmas." H. S. Brumble has purchased Earl Calkins' delivery business, and at the commencement of the new century he gathered up the reins of his Arabian steeds and sallied forth to do business wherever found. During the absence of agent Lippincott, C. H. Cowan, of Grants Pass, is acting telegraph operator at the Southern Pacific depot, while Mr. Mahoney attends to the duties of agent. In last Friday's Oregonian is an item telling of the death of John Angel, a mining man and promoter, who was born in Jackson County in 1854. He formerly resided at Tenino, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Brumble's Christmas present was a new girl baby--and that household is happy--especially so because of the little one's arrival at glad Christmas time. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 4, 1901, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS. F. E. Birge and J. D. Heard are in San Francisco. The latter is engaged in the construction and sale of smelters. I. M. Muller and Wm. Bateman left for California last week, to seek a location. They may engage in business in one of the new towns of that state. S. Rosenthal, who has been nominated for mayor, should be elected. He is a successful business man, and would administer our city affairs in an unostentatious and economical manner. The S.P. Co. has refused to pay the sum of $40 a month for water demanded by our city authorities. In case old Pooh Bah is elected mayor he will have another opportunity to show the magnificent diplomacy he exhibited in the railroad tax case. The following are the new officers of Reames Chapter No. 60, O.E.S., who were installed recently by Mrs. Hattie White: W.M., Mrs. Mary Reeves; W.P., W. I. Vawter; A.M., Laviona Sears; C., Bessie Lumsden; A.C., Nellie Whitman; Sec., Mattie E. Pickel; Treas., Etta Vawter. Benjamin W. Powell of Castle Rock, Wash. was married recently at Baltimore to Miss Caroline Kohler of Bavaria, Germany, whom he had never seen until she stepped off an Atlantic steamer a few days previously. He heard of Miss Powell through Doctor Russell, a mutual friend, by whom correspondence and an exchange of pictures between them was arranged. Powell is nearly 60 year old, and his bride is about 25. They left Baltimore for an extended wedding tour through the South, following which they will go to Castle Rock to live. Powell formerly lived in Medford, where he owns property. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 10, 1901, page 2 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Geo. S.
Parker has returned to Medford and is reporting for the Mail.J. Frank Wait, who formerly resided in Medford, is now in California, employed by the Santa Fe railroad. Ellis Gilson is here, visiting his many friends. He has been employed at the mill of the Pokegama Lumber Co. W. H. Parker returned from Salem a few days ago, but will go back soon. He is engaged in issuing some valuable legal works. Miss Mabel Jones, one of the belles of Medford, left last week for Astoria, and may remain there some time. She carried with her the best wishes of many friends. Dr. J. M. Keene has gone to Salem, to remain until after a U.S. senator is elected. He has been doing a lot of fine work for H. W. Corbett, whom he expects to land a winner. Rev. J. S. McCain has become the owner of the Poultry World plant, owned by A. H. Chessmore, and will change the form and policy of that journal. We wish him success. W. V. Lippincott, the S.P. Co.'s agent, has gone to southern California, having been called thither by the serious illness of his daughter, Miss Maysie. His son accompanied him. Frank Wait has set up two handsome monuments at Grants Pass, to mark the graves of the late Mrs. Robt. Booth and Mrs. Arthur Conklin. They are both pieces of excellent workmanship. A. M. Helms is back from San Francisco, full of vim and new pointers. He keeps one of the most popular resorts in southern Oregon, in the management of which he is ably assisted by that prince of caterers, Ranse Rouse. The municipal election, held Tuesday, did not bring out a large vote. W. S. Crowell and Chas. Strang were elected mayor and treasurer respectively, without opposition, as also were the candidates for the council. Chas. Johnson was elected marshal, beating S. H. Murray, J. K. Darnell and Wes Johnson. M. Purdin defeated F. Hubbard for recorder. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 10, 1901, page 5 The Sunset Telephone Co. has absorbed the local telephone company, and hereafter will control all that kind of business done in southern Oregon. Mr. K. Spielman of Medford, a licensed midwife, will promptly attend to calls from Jacksonville and different parts of the valley. Charges reasonable and the best of references given. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 10, 1901, page 7 As stated in last week's issue of The Mail, we are hardly satisfied with the result of the federal census and will soon begin a re-enumeration. We desire simply to ascertain the exact population of the town, and no unnecessary interrogatories will be propounded. There will be no authority back of us in this matter, but we have no doubt that every citizen in the city will be pleased to aid us in this matter. It is to the advantage of the town, and the town's welfare is the citizens' welfare. When our representative calls upon you we will consider it a favor if you will be ready to acquaint him with facts sought, so that the work may be concluded with celerity. No [im]pertinent questions will be asked and no business or social affairs will be inquired into--all we want to ascertain is the exact number of people within the incorporate limits of the town. Medford Mail, January 11, 1901, page 2 G. W. Fox et ux. to Sarah C. Woody, part of Phipps reserve, Medford . . . 400 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, January 11, 1901, page 5 Mrs. Sherman Orton arrived in Medford from Idaho Monday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Boussum. Otto J. Knips, of Grants Pass, was in Medford one day last week. Mr. Knips is one of the gentlemen who purchased the Crowell farm. Miss Edith Nicholson left Wednesday evening for Portland, where she will enter the Armstrong business college. She will take up a six months' course in stenography and typewriting. Willie Warner, who has been spending the holidays with his parents in Medford, returned to Forest Grove Monday evening to resume his studies at the Pacific University. Miss Mae Ross, who has been spending the holidays with her parents in Portland, returned to Medford Friday last and has resumed her musical work. She will remain during the winter. Miss Bessie Hammond, who has been visiting her parents during the holidays, returned to Eugene Sunday evening to resume her studies at the state university. Miss Hammond is a member of the 1901 graduating class. Walter Anderson, who is at present employed in a large mine near Stations, Calif., arrived in Medford Wednesday and returned Friday night, accompanied by Mrs. Anderson, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Gilbert, in this city. Walter has been fortunate in securing a splendid position to which is attached a very lucrative salary, and he is very enthusiastic over his future prospects in his new home. His many friends here will be pleased to learn of his success and will share in wishing him an indefinite continuance of the same. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 11, 1901, page 6 A feeling of universal sorrow and gloom was cast over the community Wednesday evening upon the receipt of a message from W. V. Lippincott, conveying the sad tidings of the death of his daughter, Masie, which occurred at Riverside, Calif. Tuesday afternoon of this week, from that dread malady, lung infection. While the young lady's life had been despaired of by her friends and associates, no amount of preparation for so sad an end can suffice to alleviate the force of such a shock. Not often has one thus early in life so endeared herself in the affections of friends. The flower of a happy household, the idol of a loving mother and the pride of a proud father, she had so fastened the imprint of her beautiful character upon the hearts of loving subjects that her loss is of such a nature as to withstand the wearing of time. To see one so young--a beautiful bud just bursting into womanhood's glorious bloom; one whose life's mission had been planned with such jealous care--so suddenly taken away, is a trial requiring great fortitude and resignation to withstand. At this time we are unable to ascertain at what time and place the funeral will be held, but the parents are expected home this Friday evening, when arrangements will be made for interment. Jas. Gault, a brother of M. M. Gault, of this city, who has been employed for some time as chief engineer in a large sawmill on McCloud River, Calif., has arrived in Medford last week, and has purchased a half interest in the machine shop with his brother. Mr. Gault is a thorough machinist of several years' experience. They have a large number of orders for work on hand and will be kept busy attending to their constantly increasing business. Medford is to be congratulated upon having an enterprise of this nature, and every encouragement should be given the gentlemen in their enterprise. Mr. Gault's family reside at Ashland at the present time but will probably move to Medford soon. A Cottage Grove gentleman writes to know the population of Medford. We can hardly say--the federal count gave us between 1900 and 2000, but a recount is to be made--when it may possibly be found that the above figures are correct--but there is a notion hanging around us that the figures will be at least 2300. Wm. Davis, of this city, has purchased a half interest in J. W. Lawton's dray line, and the business will be known as the Layton & Davis Dray and Transfer Line hereafter. Both gentlemen are well known here and will doubtlessly secure their full share of the business in their line. Dr. Goble and Billie Isaacs took a day off Tuesday and went duck hunting on Rogue River. The net result of the day wasn't all that a sportsman could wish. The ducks had moved camp. Miss Maggie Bellinger has accepted a position as saleswoman in the Coss piano establishment. She will doubtless prove an efficient and competent assistant in that capacity. Mrs. C. A. Pruitt was the fortunate lady in the G. L. Davis ticket contest for the large doll which was displayed in his place of business for several weeks before Christmas. Dr. J. B. Wait has leased his new residence, on South G Street, to J. H. Ray, who will soon move his family thereto. C. McMurtrey, formerly of Medford, is now located at Omaha, Neb. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, January 11, 1901, page 6 This sudden freak in Southern Oregon weather has been the means of causing no end of trouble and worry for certain enthusiasts of our climate. A gentleman arrived at Central Point from Nebraska, New Year's Day. His friends had been writing to him every week or so for the past six years, always dilating upon the mildness of our climate--sunshine and roses all the year 'round. Snow was unknown--flowers bloomed, the birds sang merrily and the oriole nested in our clime when blizzards blew and cyclones raged in less favored regions. The next morning after arriving here he awoke to find several inches of snow, and flakes still falling--large, fast and furious. Naturally he wanted an explanation. He wanted it badly, too. His friends tried to explain, but he looked as though he pitied them. The more they tried to set matter aright the worse they made it. He is still here and will remain as long as he can weather the storm. When he can stand it no longer he will return to Nebraska, where it snows and the flowers don't bloom in the spring. It's more comfortable, he says. While it is true that we have had a slight fall of snow this month, it is also true that roses were plucked from flower gardens in Medford on Christmas--and it is no unusual thing to find ripe strawberries in the late fall months. The gentleman will travel far and wide before he will find a climate as good as ours, taking all the months of the year. The Rev. W. J. Fenton, who a few years ago was pastor of the M.E. Church, South, in this city, is now located at Chico, Calif. That his lines have fallen in pleasant places and that his work is thoroughly satisfactory and fully appreciated by his congregation is evidenced from the following from the Chico Daily Record: ". . . Santa Claus then made his appearance and entertained in a lively manner, after which A. C. Heilbach, superintendent of the Sunday school, summoned the pastor, Rev. W. J. Fenton, to the platform and on behalf of the church presented him with a beautiful gold watch. In presenting the token the superintendent delivered the following remarks: 'By your loving disposition and strong Christian character you have endeared yourself in our hearts, and as a slight token of the esteem and regard in which you are held, permit me to present you on behalf of this congregation this beautiful watch, which I trust will enable you at all times to find "time" to do your Master's work.' Rev. Fenton was happily surprised and feelingly expressed his appreciation." Mrs. Mary Allen Otis, one of the oldest citizens of Chicago, died at her home in that city last week, at the advanced age of 99 years. She had lived in Chicago since 1845, during all of which time she had but one residence, which has been called home by members of four generations. She was a grandmother of the Hubbard boys of this city. Mrs. Charlotte Hubbard, mother of the Hubbard boys, is one of four surviving children of the deceased. The others, two daughters and a son, reside in Chicago. Notwithstanding the advanced age of deceased, she had not experienced a day's illness for almost a quarter of a century, until three days before her death, when she was taken with la grippe. Her home was the oldest in Chicago. When her residence was taken up there, the city was only a hamlet. Considerable complaint is heard of late about the Medford opera house--not particularly about the house itself, but because of the fact that it is not being sufficiently lighted and heated. The management of the house should, we think, endeavor to make it as comfortable for the public as possible. Upon the public depends its support, and since Medford citizens ares showing an inclination to encourage theaters and other forms of amusement, it is but natural that they would expect some consideration at the hands of those whose interests they advance by so doing. Dr. Goble, the optician, will be at his residence in Medford on Saturday of each week. Eyes tested free of charge. Corner Fourth and D streets. Miss Mae Ross, having severed her connection with the Coss Piano House, has opened a studio in the Adkins block. Miss Ross is an accomplished musician and as well a very fine lady, and during her eight months' stay in this city has made a great many friends, all of whom are now using their best influence in her behalf. She teaches both vocal and instrumental music, and at the present time has a good-sized class in each. the thorough musical training which she has had coupled with the several years' experience in teaching to her credit gives a guarantee of her proficiency and assures all patrons a full income of value for the money expended when her services are secured. The trains are running on time again, the blockade in the Siskiyous having been broken, and unless another storm should occur no more trouble is anticipated. A number of the interior towns, which are reached by stage, are yet snowbound, but all blockades will soon be broken and travel resumed. The Christmas season was a lively one for Mr. Coss, the Medford piano dealer. Besides a number of small instruments he sold an $800 Weber piano to druggist G. H. Haskins, who presented it as a Christmas present to his daughter, Miss Fannie. Mrs. S. L. Ish presented her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Gore, with a fine Chickering parlor grand, which she purchased from Mr. Coss. Merchant H. B. Nye also purchased a Chickering parlor grand. A. S. Bliton, publisher of The Mail, purchased an upright Chickering. Several fine instruments were also sold to Grants Pass parties during the holidays. J. T. Eads has purchased a half interest in the Medford second-hand store, and the business will hereafter be conducted under the style and firm name of Wiley & Eads. Mr. Eads has been a resident of Medford since last spring, his former home being Minneapolis, Kansas. We are glad to learn that the gentleman has decided to remain permanently, and wish the new firm abundant success. P. B. Brown, of San Francisco, superintendent of the Pacific Coast Telephone and Telegraph Company, was in Medford Monday and formally took possession of the Rogue River telephone system, which his company recently absorbed. Work of taking down the line was commenced this week. The many friends of Mrs. G. L. Davis, who is now in Los Angeles for the benefit of her health, will regret to learn that the lady is not improving as rapidly as could be hoped for. At present she is confined to the house, but it is to be hoped that her indisposition is only temporary. Dr. J. W. Odgers has moved to his South C Street property, formerly occupied by J. G. Taylor. Mr. Gray, who purchased Mr. Odgers' West Medford property, is engaged in making a number of changes about the premises, and as soon as completed he will move here family thereto. L. A. Lucas & Son, recently from Pendleton, have leased the Barnum building, formerly occupied by F. K. Deuel & Co., and are fitting it up for a harness and saddlery business. They expect to be prepared for business within ten days. Have your oil cans filled at home--from Henry Davis' oil wagon. Rev. J. S. McCain, who was at one time one of the publishers of the erstwhile Monitor-Miner, has purchased the Pacific Rural World, which was launched in Medford a few months ago by A. H. Chessmore. Mrs. Jas. A. Slover, of Grants Pass, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parker, of this place, who has been quite ill for several weeks, is slightly improved, but is still confined to her bed. A real estate deal was consummated last week whereby S. R. Lane, of Roseburg, acquires possession of the Nash Livery Stable property. The price paid for same was $2600. Mrs. Genevieve Goodwyn has opened a restaurant on the west side, near the Cox-Perry warehouse. It will be known as the West Side Restaurant. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 11, 1901, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
J. K. Eads
has become interested in Wiley's second-hand store.S. R. Lane has bought the Nash (brick) livery stable, paying $2600 therefor. E. Merz, formerly manager of the Medford Brewing Co., is now in San Francisco. Jas. Gault, a competent machinist, has become interested in the business of his brother, M. M. Gault. Mrs. Sherman Orton has returned from Idaho, and is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Boussum. Rev. J. S. McCain, who purchased the Poultry World plant recently, will conduct a job printing office only. L. A. Lucas and his son, who came from Pendleton recently, will open a harness shop in the building recently vacated by Deuel & Co. Mrs. J. A. Slover of Grants Pass, who is at the home of her parents (Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parker), is recovering from a severe spell of sickness. Miss Bessie Hammond, who is a member of the graduating class of 1901, has resumed her studies at the U. of O., after spending the holidays at home. A. S. Hammond, who is a good lawyer and well fitted for the place, has been appointed chief clerk of the senate judiciary committee, a responsible position. The first annual exposition of the Southern Oregon Poultry and Pet Stock Association, held at Medford recently, was not the success it would have been had the weather been pleasant and the roads not blocked by snow. Nevertheless there were handsome exhibits of fine poultry, Belgian hares, etc. The next event will doubtless be a first-class one. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 17, 1901, page 5 "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 17, 1901, page 5 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Parker, formerly of Medford, arrived at New York recently from Ireland.The voters of Medford school district, at a recent meeting, levied a school tax of ten mills. The new city council will be composed of F. K. Deuel, W. T. Kame, J. U. Willeke, H. Klippel. The health of Mrs. Geo. L. Davis, who is sojourning at Los Angeles, Calif. is not improving. She is afflicted with lung trouble. Miss Mae Ross, the clever musician, has severed her connection with the Coss Piano House, and opened a musical studio in [the] Adkins block. Medford will be citified by the legislature. In other words, the charter will be amended so that councilmen will be elected by wards hereafter. A number of other changes will be made. The vote for recorder, at the recent municipal election, was a tie, and neither Mr. Purdin nor Mr. Hubbard was successful. The new council will settle the difficulty as provided by the charter. The many friends of Miss Maysie Lippincott were very much pained to hear of her death, which occurred on the 8th inst. at Riverside, Calif., whither she had gone some time ago with her mother for the benefit of her health. All the members of the family were present during her last moments. The remains were brought tot Medford and interred in the Odd Fellows' cemetery on the 14th. Miss Lippincott was an amiable, accomplished young lady, who had the highest esteem of all who knew her. Her untimely demise has spread a gloom over our community. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 17, 1901, page 7 A. H. Chessmore, formerly editor of the Southern Oregon Eye at Medford and recently the Pacific Rural World at the same place, was in town this week looking after his property interests near this place. He is now the owner of the J. S. McCain place three miles east of town at Jones Creek. Rev. McCain is now conducting the Rural World. He will continue that publication on much the same lines as it has been heretofore conducted with the additional feature of temperance. "Local Happenings," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, January 17, 1901, page 1 Rev. J. S. McCain has purchased the Pacific Rural World, of Medford, which has been conducted lately by A. H. Chessmore. "Local Happenings," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, January 17, 1901, page 3 Day Parker, of Medford, who was heard from recently at Cork, Ireland, is now in New York City. W. H. Parker, of Medford, arrived here Thursday to introduce and sell the law book he has lately compiled. Mrs. J. V. Layne has been here from Medford during the past week. She is organizing and will manage the Southern Oregon Viavi Company, headquarters at Medford. C. B. Smith, of Medford, made our city a visit first of the week and expects to return shortly to establish a shooting gallery. Unoccupied locations being much of a rarity here, he will probably conduct his enterprise in a tent. "Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, January 17, 1901, page 3 Mr.
Parker's Ready Reference Index.
legal work has just been published by attorney W. H. Parker, of this
city, which will readily take a prominent place upon the best and most
useful law books published on the Pacific coast. The compilation is
known as the Ready Reference Index to the Oregon Reports, comprising
an index to the subject matters in thirty-five volumes of the Oregon
Reports, also tables arranged in both consecutive and alphabetic
orders, together with all Oregon authorities cited by the court of last
resort in the state of Oregon having reference to former constructions
and adjudications. The work of segregating and placing in orderly form
all the important authorities and citations having special reference to
constitutional and statutory constructions as applied and adopted by
the supreme court, so that anyone able to read can, in a few minutes'
time refer to these decisions, is a task which few men would care to
undertake.Some idea of the magnitude of the undertaking which Mr. Parker carried to a successful conclusion can be seen from the fact that over 1200 distinct and important subjects, scattered promiscuously through thirty-five volumes of the Oregon Reports, have been gathered together and arranged in alphabetical order. In addition to this over 5000 allied matters, considered in connection with the main subjects, have been arranged under the proper heading, with the books and pages of both the Oregon Reports and the Pacific Reporters, directing the searcher to the identical pages where the cases may be found with an array of citations of the court supporting the decisions. Then he has arranged in another department an alphabetic table of all the party litigants, numbering over 3000 names, so that an attorney may readily turn to either the name of the case desired or the name of the party litigant, without the trouble and inconvenience of searching through a number of volumes of the Reports as published by the court reporters. Mr. Parker has given his undivided attention to this work for the past year; has labored early and late, under difficulties sufficient to discourage a man of less determined qualities, and there are none who will not be pleased to learn that success has crowned his efforts and that his work has been universally commended by the bar throughout the state. He left last Thursday for the Willamette Valley, where he will visit all the principal towns, after which he will go to Eastern Oregon for a few weeks. Medford Mail, January 18, 1901, page 2 J. T. C. Nash et ux. to S. R. Lane, lots 7 and 8, blk 21, Medford . . . 2600 F. W. Hutchison to M. M. Gault, lot 11, blk 21, Medford . . . 90 M. M. Gault to J. T. C. Nash, lot 11, blk 21, Medford . . . 250 Thos. Riley et ux. to O. Harbaugh, lot 4, blk 43, Medford . . . 250 O. Harbaugh to Dora Harbaugh, same land . . . Love, affection and 1.00 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, January 18, 1901, page 5 A. Isenhart went to Oregon City Tuesday evening to visit a few days with his son, who resides at that place. B. J. Coffer, proprietor of the Model Restaurant, returned from a business trip to Redding, Calif. Tuesday evening. Sid Cole, who has been visiting his mother and sister in Medford for a few weeks, returned to Klamathon Sunday to resume his duties in the sawmill at that place. T. W. Halley, of Summerville, Calif., who has been visiting relatives and friends in Medford for some time, returned home Sunday. Mr. Halley is a brother of the Halley brothers, of this place. Tobe Brouse, who has been traveling with Griffith, the hypnotist, returned from Roseburg Sunday in company with the other members of that company. He expects to return to California soon. Miss Mae Earhart, of Ft. Wrangel, Alaska, arrived in Medford last week for a few days' visit with her mother, Mrs. Etta Stevenson. Miss Earhart has been in Alaska for several years and has been very successful. She is postmaster at Ft. Wrangel. Mrs. E. Ellison arrived in Medford last Friday evening for a few weeks' visit with her uncle, A. M. Woodford, and family. The lady was a resident of Galveston, Texas, at the time of the late flood disaster which horrified two continents. She escaped the awful fate which overtook so many thousands, but her little adopted child was lost, as was also most all her property. Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Kelgore, of Monmouth, Illinois, and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Rodgers, of Gold Hill, Illinois, were in Medford a few days this week visiting Chas. Paine and family. Mr. Rogers, who is an uncle of Mr. Paine, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Kelgore, are making a tour of the Pacific coast, for pleasure and sightseeing. They were obliged to remain in Medford a couple of days longer than they anticipated, owing to the washout in the Cow Creek Canyon, which prevented the trains from getting through. They are also acquaintances of W. H. Barr and family, of this place. Mr. Rodgers has the distinction of having served as a member of the school board in his district for thirty years continuously. Emmett Barkdull left for Portland Tuesday. He has accepted a position as news agent on the Northern Pacific Railroad, running from Portland to Hope, Idaho, with headquarters at Portland. Emmett will make a success in that line of work if anyone can, and his friends here will be pleased to learn of his success in securing a position of such a permanent and lucrative nature. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 18, 1901, page 6 Ashland will not be a dry town, according to reports received from there this week. The city council has granted a liquor license to the proprietors of the Hotel Oregon, and will undoubtedly grant similar licenses to the other saloons. The city voted to abolish the saloons at their last municipal election. The report is also circulated to the effect that over $4000 has been contributed by wholesale liquor dealers in San Francisco and Portland to contest the matter in the courts, should the city decline to issue the license when the applications were made. The S.P. company's pumping station recently put in at this place for the purpose of pumping water for their engines is said not to be a success. One hour's work is said to be sufficient to exhaust the supply. Chas. E. Wolcott, at one time publisher of the Southern Oregon Monitor, at this place, is now in Chicago in the employ of a Chicago publishing house. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, January 18, 1901, page 6 DID MAYOR HOWSER DREAM
Editor Medford Mail:
In a report to game warden Quimby published in the Portland
Telegram of Dec. 31st, and republished in The
Mail, Mayor Howser, who is a deputy game warden, narrates
some of his thrilling adventures while pursuing the festive deer
skinner in his native wilds. Mr. H. reports that during the last week
of August, 1900, he found two camps of deerslayers, both of which had
hides and dried venison in plain sight for the edification of any
passerby. At another place in September, he found the carcasses of
twenty-five or thirty deer, from which only the hides had been removed,
campfires burning, etc., showing a hasty departure on the [part of the]
violators of the law, doubtless alarmed at the approach of the valiant
deputy. It is only fair to state that Mr. H. tried to arrest the first
two parties he found, but they simply laughed at him, and it was
doubtless from a disinclination to further wound his feelings that the
last party did not await his arrival. These scenes were located in the
northern and northeastern section of Jackson County--no more definite
idea of the exact locality being given. The story reminds one of a
former romance indulged in by Mr. H. which made him more or less famous
throughout the state and gained for him the sobriquet of "the $10,000
beauty" from a local newspaper. As a matter of fact it is not the
custom of violators of the game law to have such prime facie evidence
of their guilt as pelts and dried venison in plain sight, nor is it the
usual rule for them to carry a whole deer to the camp for the single
purpose of removing the hide. Then again, the whole region where the
gallant deputy found this state of affairs is patrolled by forest
rangers, and the most diligent inquiry among them fails to reveal any
such condition of affairs. These rangers go into every nook and corner
of the country and no party of any size can remain any length of time
without their knowledge. The forest rangers were appointed deputy game
wardens by Mr. Quimby last year, but most of them failed to qualify,
owing to the fact that the game warden had failed to pay postage on the
appointments by about fourteen cents, and that they were expected to
pay for the acknowledgment of their oath of office, and then serve
without remuneration. The thrifty way in which the game warden conducts
his office was too much for them. Mr. H. also discovered and
extinguished twelve campfires during his travels, which is a remarkable
showing, as the annual report of the forest supervisor shows that this
was more fires than were extinguished by his whole force of fourteen
rangers during the thirteen and one-half months they were in the field.
Possibly, the mayor meant his own campfires. If he put out his own
fires, it is as much as could be expected of him, and the rangers
should feel duly grateful.In conclusion I will say that the story published in the Telegram cannot possibly be true because I, as well as other rangers, have personal knowledge to the contrary. In this the majority of the people of this section, who know anything of the matter, concur and the object in answering the article is to disabuse the minds of the people abroad of a false idea of the condition of affairs here. Mr. H.'s report was not made for three months after the alleged occurrences, and was timed just right to refresh the minds of the members of the legislature as to the eminent services of his chief, Mr. Quimby, and we are reluctantly forced to the conclusion that he has been indulging in a pipe dream, similar to the one he had in Salem in the winter of '97. J. D. FAY, Forest
Medford Mail, January
18, 1901, page 6Active work on the Fish Lake Irrigation and Power Canal construction is practically certain to be inaugurated at an early date. Several months have elapsed since anything definite has been said regarding this great project, but the promoters have not been idle during this time. Conversely, the company has been quietly adjusting matters pertaining to a permanent organization and have made definite arrangements to commence work within a few weeks, according to letters received by Medford parties with whom the chief engineer is engaged in regular correspondence. He states that contracts for similar work in the Hawaiian Islands in which some members of this company were interested have been completed and that the parties have returned to San Francisco, and are only waiting for favorable weather to begin work. Without a doubt these gentlemen mean business and intend to push the matter to as speedy completion as possible. The many friends of W. D. Beidleman, formerly of Medford, but now of Klamath County, will be pleased to learn of that gentleman's intention to soon return to Medford. He has recently sold his Klamath County interests to Henry Gorden, of upper Rogue River, and as soon as the roads become passable he and his family will remove to Medford and expect to make this their future abiding place. Inasmuch as Mr. Beidleman was enjoying his full share of prosperity in his interior home we are inclined to suspect that the rigidness of Klamath County climate was no small factor in his determination to return to his erstwhile home. He states in a letter to a Medford friend that the snow is three feet deep and getting deeper, and that the wind was and had been blowing a terrific gale for a full week, drifting the snow and rendering work or travel an impossibility. The gentleman and his estimable family will be warmly welcomed back to their old home. The following is from the Oregonian's legislative correspondent: "The small son of Senator Cameron, a sturdy, bright-faced youth, was named by president Fulton as one of the pages, and thereby hangs a tale. Senator Cameron was a member of the legislature of 1893, and one day he was summoned home on a mysterious errand. Now, the Senator is not a young man, and his friends were not exactly prepared for the news that came later that to the Cameron household had been born a fine young son--the first. When the Senator returned he found his desk covered with flowers by his appreciative colleagues, and ever since his fellow members have taken a solicitous interest in the lad's welfare. The Senate page is the same youth whose advent caused such an overflowing of legislative congratulations eight years ago." [State Senator Theodoric "Todd" Cameron was about 54 when his son Don was born, explaining his colleagues' attentions.] Wm. Angle this week sold a ten-acre tract of land to E. Bennett, for $950. The land is situated north of the Major Barron property, just north of Medford, and it is a part of the Enoch Walker farm. It adjoins other property owned by Mr. Bennett, and gives him sixty acres of as good farming land as there is in the valley. Mr. Angle no sooner disposed of this chunk than did he invest in another, he having purchased 83 acres from Mrs. Childers, paying $1400 for the same. This land is near Tolo and adjoins the Peninger ranch. Richards & Pringle's Minstrels was the attraction at the opera house Friday and Saturday evening of last week. This company is one of the largest on the road, and has several excellent performers among them. A feature of their entertainment is a departure from the old-time opening act. Instead of the familiar row of dusky minstrels seated in a semi-circle, with tambourine, cymbal and banjo, the curtain rises on a scene from "The Realm of Mikado," which is new and interesting. No sooner had Dr. J. M. Keene arrived in Portland last week, where he went to take part in the senatorial fight, than he had fame thrust upon him and was accorded due prominence among the shrewd and popular politicians of the state, by being caricatured by an Oregonian artist. Portland's daily represented him as a shrewd politician with bandy legs, a well-rounded head covered with a derby hat, and facial features somewhat true to nature. Below the caricature was the inscription "Doc Keene Tells What Is Going to Happen," and Solomon in all his glory could not have been made to look more complaisant than did the doctor in this cartoon. We learn from a letter received from private sources that attorney Robert Galloway, of Portland, has been compelled to retire from the practice of his profession owing to his rapidly declining health. His many friends in Medford will hope that his illness will not be such as to incapacitate him for business for any definite length of time. B. I. Stoner, who has been very acceptably filling the position of night clerk at Hotel Nash, has resigned his position and accepted a situation with the Palm-Whitman-Palm cigar company, of this city, as traveling salesman. He will introduce their goods in California. Cal Slagle has succeeded him as night clerk. Klamath County people anticipate lively times in timberland circles next spring. The great tract of 300,000 acres of sugar and yellow pine adjoining the reservation which is soon to be thrown open to purchase is expected to create the greatest rush in timber buying ever known in that locality. Miss Nellie DePeatt, formerly Postal Telegraph operator in Medford, has secured a position with the Western Union Telegraph Company at the state capitol at Salem during the legislative session. A card from W. H. Parker, written at Eugene Tuesday, states that out of twenty-seven attorneys he has seen, twenty-five of them had subscribed for his Ready Reference Index, and that all commend it very highly. A new lot of Japanese goods just received. Call and see them. G. L. Davis. Miss Myrtle Nicholson, one of the Mail's compositors, was confined to her home several days this week with an attack of la grippe. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 18, 1901, page 7 ![]() January 24, 1901 San Francisco Call MEDFORD SQUIBS.
C. B.
Smith went to Grants Pass last week, to seek a location for his
shooting gallery.Cal. Slagle is officiating as night clerk at Hotel Nash, vice B. L. Stoner, who has taken the road for Palm, Whitman & Palm. A. H. Chessmore was in Josephine County last week, inspecting the 80 acres of land he traded his printing plant for with Rev. J. S. McCain. We learn that the health of Robert Galloway, who has been practicing law at Portland, is precarious, and he has consequently been obliged to retire from the active pursuit of his profession. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 24, 1901, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
R. H.
Whitehead has returned from a trip [to] his old home in Wisconsin.Dr. S. Danielson is practicing his profession in southern California. A bill for a new charter for Medford has been introduced by Representative Briggs. It contemplates a considerable change in our city government. Mrs. Ellison of Galveston, Texas, a niece of A. M. Woodford, is visiting Medford. She is one of those who suffered severely by the great catastrophe that befell that city. We are sorry to learn of the death of the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Tryer, which occurred a few days ago. She was a bright child, the joy and pride of the household. C. W. Cowan, the genial telegraph operator who was stationed here during the absence of W. V. Lippincott in southern California, has returned to Grants Pass. We hope to see him soon again. J. J. Howser, our late mayor, who is known by the sobriquet of "the $10,000 beauty," because while a member of the legislature he would not sell his vote to an unknown man for that sum, is at Salem. He travels on a "pass," as usual. The S.P. Co. has put in a pumping plant here, rather than stand the raise of the city, which wants $40 a month for supplying its engines with water. Our authorities have acted very foolishly in this matter, as well as in expending several hundred dollars improving the octopus' property without its sanction. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 24, 1901, page 5 The firm of Boyden & Nicholson has been dissolved, H. G. Nicholson having sold his interest in the hardware business to his partner, H. E. Boyden, who will continue the business. Medford Mail, January 25, 1901, page 2 Daniel Anderson to Eda M. Morris, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, blk 70, Medford . . . 1500 J. G. Van Dyke to Mary Van Dyke, 2 acres in town of Medford . . . Love and affection and 1.00 Wm. F. R. Wood to Maggie L. Tressler, north 194 feet of lots 5 and 6, blk 8, Park addition to Medford . . . 1000 G. L. Davis to C. L. Corwin, property in Medford . . . 2000 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, January 25, 1901, page 5 Miss Ida Redden, who has been visiting her brother at Dinuba, Calif., for several months, returned to Medford Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, of Elgin, Or., arrived in Medford this week and may locate here if Mr. Wheeler can find a business opening to his liking. Mrs. D. T. Cox, who has been at San Jose for several weeks for the benefit of her health, returned home Tuesday evening. She was disappointed in the climate of that section, which was disagreeably cold and damp during the whole time of her stay. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Langley arrived in Medford Sunday morning for a few days' visit with Medford friends. The mill, at Niagara, in which Ernest was employed as engineer, has closed down for a few months. It is possible he will remain here--if employment can be secured--and again, it is possible he will go down into California, where a position has been offered him. Mrs. F. E. Birge, accompanied by her protege, Miss Bessie Conde, will leave this week for San Francisco, to join her husband. Mr. Birge is interested quite largely in oil lands in California, and will probably locate there permanently. They have been residents of Medford for several years, and have many friends who will regret their departure, but who will wish them much joy and prosperity wherever they may decide to locate. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 25, 1901, page 6 Dissolution
of Partnership.
is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing by and
between H. B. Nye and H. L. Stoner, doing business under the firm name
of Nye & Stoner, is by mutual consent this day dissolved. All
accounts due the firm are payable to H. B. Nye, who will continue the
business, and all accounts owed the firm will be paid by said H. B. Nye.Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 17th day of January, 1901.
Medford Mail, January
25, 1901, page 6H. L. STONER W. B. Roberts:--"We had a letter from Barney O'Neil this week. He is now at Los Angeles, Calif., but he has been traveling around a considerable [amount] since he left here. He reports having seen two fields of barley heading out in one locality in southern California, while in another place he saw wheat just coming up that had been sowed two years. I want to tell you that Barney is having a cracking good time this winter. He has been down into old Mexico and several other southern localities, but he don't seem to have a disposition to drift into northern climes." J. W. Abbott and W. A. Wooliever, of Grants Pass, are in Medford for the purpose of organizing a lodge of the Modern Woodmen of the World. F. M. Stewart has been appointed a notary public, by Governor Geer, and is now prepared to make acknowledgment of all legal documents. Fred Peninger, who formerly resided near Central Point, is now located at Burton, Wash. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, January 25, 1901, page 6 When your coal oil can gets empty hang out your oil sign and Henry Davis will call at your residence and fill it for you at the same price you pay your groceryman. If you have not been supplied with cards, set your can on the porch. Transcontinental railroads have restored settler's rates on their lines, and a big tidal wave of immigration toward Oregon and the Pacific Coast will commence in the spring. Last year was considered an extra heavy one for Western immigration, but the opinions of railroad men who are posted on such things are to the effect that it will not be a marker to the number who will arrive and settle in Oregon this year. Several Willamette Valley towns have already the nucleus for colonies of these Eastern people, who for the greater part are thrifty and industrious people. Other sections are organizing to offer inducements for settlers to locate and establish homes. Those sections where the people are most active in advertising will reap the benefit from this influx. Cannot Jackson County derive some plan whereby the attention of Eastern people may be called to its resources? Cannot some advertising tracts or booklets be published and distributed? If we are to progress, the citizens will needs be up and doing. To procrastinate in a matter of this kind is to forfeit the benefits to be accrued through increasing population of sturdy, thrifty and wealth-producing settlers. A suit for damages in the sum of $150, wherein Henry Earhart of Medford was plaintiff and Dr. J. W. Odgers, the dentist, was defendant, was tried before a jury in Justice Stewart's court on Wednesday and Thursday of last week, which resulted in a verdict for the defendant. The suit grew out of the dissatisfaction of the plaintiff with a set of false teeth which the defendant had made for him. He set out in his complaint that the teeth were so large and clumsy that it was impossible for him to wear them. The defense proved that the instructions given the plaintiff at the time the teeth were delivered had been ignored; that the plaintiff had not attempted to wear them for more than 15 minutes at any one time, and that it required several days at least before one could reasonably expect to use false teeth with any degree of comfort. Attorney C.P .Snell appeared for the defendant, and attorney S. S. Pentz for plaintiff. Hog raising in Jackson County is fast becoming an industry of no small proportion, particularly in the section of the country around Medford. During the past year sixty-nine carloads, or about 5000 hogs, were shipped from Medford, which amounted to over one-half of the total number of 110 cars sent to San Francisco from Southern Oregon during the entire year. The number shipped from Medford to California during 1900 were just twice as many as were shipped during the preceding year of 1899, when the total number of cars going to California from Southern Oregon was fifty-nine. Since the industry is a paying one and Jackson County is particularly adapted to hog raising, it is not improbable that the shipments for the present year will be largely increased over those of 1899 and 1900. There is a great need of a street crossing on the railroad grounds, across Seventh Street, near the depot. More people cross Seventh Street at this point than at any other, or at least, more people would cross there if a crossing was put in. Many of these people are strangers in our town, moving between the two depots, and when compelled to walk in mud ankle deep, the impression formed of our town is not a very exalted one. A number of Medford's musicians have organized an orchestra and are engaged in practicing several evenings each week. They propose to give a number of dancing parties later in the spring. Prof. Boffa is the instructor and manager, the other members being Miss Boffa, Miss Mae Rose, Joe Slinger, Ed Van Dyke, Fred Weeks and J. W. Mahoney. I. A. Mounce, who was formerly engaged in business in Medford, but more recently conducting a dairying business near La Grande, has, we are informed, purchased a cigar and confectionery store at Elgin, this state, and has taken charge of the same. We have not learned whether he has disposed of his blooded stock which he imported to this state from the East last spring. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 25, 1901, page 7 Elk Find Home in Jackson County.
Wiley of Medford returned Friday from San Francisco, where he had taken
a carload of hogs. He brought back with him two large elk, a male and
female, which he had bought from the commissioners of Glen Park, south
of San Francisco. The elk are fine specimens of their kind and weighed
together in their crates 1600 pounds. They cost about $75 each. Mr.
Wiley brought them up for John Prall, who will place them in a park on
his place west of Medford. Mr. Prall is making a collection of wild
animals which promises to be quite an attraction to people of this part
of the state. He has some deer, and expects to have a pair of
buffaloes. In the spring he will construct an artificial lake and add
otherwise to the attractiveness of his zoological collection.
Ashland Tidings, January 28, 1901, page 3 An article reprinted in the July 10, 1902 Rogue River Courier places Prall's ranch two miles "north" of Medford on Bear Creek. MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Brandenburg is our new street commissioner. He will make a good one,
too.Mrs. R. J. Cameron of Applegate visited her daughter, Mrs. L. L. Jacobs, a few days ago. I. A. Mounce, who was engaged in dairying near La Grande for a while, has invested in a cigar and confectionery store at Elgin, Union County. Rev. J. S. McCain has issued the first number of the Pacific Rural World, successor to the Poultry World. It is a creditable publication, full of interesting matter. Signor Boffa, the clever violinist, has organized an excellent orchestra, which is practicing regularly. It is composed of Miss Mae Ross, Miss Boffa, J. W. Mahoney, Ed. Van Dyke, Fred. Weeks and Joe Slinger. J. W. Wiley, who returned from San Francisco Friday, brought with him a pair of elk, which he secured at Glen Park for J. W. Prall, who is making quite a collection of wild animals at his park, situated west of Medford. Henry Earhart sued Dr. Odgers, the dentist, for $150 damages, on account of a set of false teeth; but the jury empaneled in Justice Stewart's court couldn't be convinced that there was any merit in his case, so it found a verdict for the defendant. John W. Curry, who is employed in the census office at Washington, arrived in Medford Monday night, a few hours before the death of his wife. She had been unconscious for some time, however, and did not recognize him. Hon. J. H. Stewart returned Tuesday from another trip to Salem, where he has been making a red-hot fight against some of the provisions of the proposed new charter. Mayor Crowell and attorney Vawter have been camping on the scene of action. The sympathy of the community is with Mr. Stewart. W. H. Parker, the well-known writer of legal works, returned from Salem a few days ago, where he has been busy at the state library. The Oregonian of the 28th gives him the following well-deserved compliment: "W. H. Parker of Medford, the attorney at law, has prepared and published a book which is at once an index to the Oregon Reports, a table of cases and a digest of the subjects treated in the thirty-five volumes of the reports. It is supplied with cross references, which render it possible to find at once what the law is, as laid down by the supreme court of the state. Thus the book is a direct and an indirect index, and at the same time a digest. Its value to the profession is apparent." Mrs. J. W Curry died at the residence of her mother, in Medford, early on the morning of the 26th, from nervous prostration, after a long illness. She was the eldest daughter of the late Francis M. Plymale, and leaves three little girls to mourn the irreparable loss of a kind and faithful mother. The funeral took place on the 30th. Miss Mae Earhart, postmistress of Fort Wrangel, Alaska, who is paying her old home a short visit, and a number of her friends were delightfully entertained one recent afternoon by Miss Fannie Haskins. Those present were Misses Jessie Worman, Aileen Webber, Mae Phipps, Myrtle Lawton, Pearl Webb, Grace Foster, Virgie Woodford, Mesdames Etta Bates and Bessie Plymale. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 31, 1901, page 5 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
J. Shone
and family have gone to Yreka. Joe is engaged in a profitable business
there.A lodge of Modern Woodmen of the World will be organized in Medford about Feb. 15th. Mrs. H. G. Fairclo of Ashland was in Medford one day last week, to attend the funeral of her late niece, Miss Olive Murray. The wives of True and John Cox, who are sojourning in California for the benefit of their health, are considerably improved. John W. Curry, a clerk in the census office at Washington, D.C., has been summoned to Medford by the illness of his wife. The firm of Boyden & Nicholson has been dissolved. Horace Nicholson, who retires, expects to leave for Eugene in the near future. On account of increased business D. H. Miller, our leading hardware dealer, has been compelled to enlarge his salesroom. He is displaying the largest stock of goods ever brought to the valley. The contest over the recordership is still unsettled, having resulted in another tie when it came up in the council for decision. Councilmen Deuel and Willeke voted for Purdin, while Messrs. Kame and Klippel cast their votes for Hubbard. The matter was postponed until the February meeting. There is considerable of a rumpus over the adoption of the proposed charter of Medford, now before the legislature, principally because it intends to enlarge the boundaries of our town and make citizens of some who do not wish it. Mayor Crowell and W. I. Vawter have been at Salem, advocating the passage of the new incorporation act, and were met by a foeman worthy of their steel in Hon. J. H. Stewart, who objects to being arbitrarily made one of Medford's citizens. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 31, 1901, page 7 Almost every day The Mail has inquiries for printed matter descriptive of Medford and Southern Oregon. We have nothing with which to fill these orders, and it's a pity we have not. Our townspeople are standing in their own light when they defer, by nonsupport, the publication of matter of this nature. People of Eastern states are hungry for information regarding Southern Oregon. This hunger is being appeased by other towns of the valley, and [they] are reaping the benefits which might be ours, in part, at least. Medford Mail, February 1, 1901, page 2 Call
for Prune Growers' Meeting.
A prune growers' meeting is hereby
called for Saturday, February 9th, at 1 o'clock at Medford. The object
is to organize the prune growers of Jackson County into an association,
which will have for its object the betterment of the conditions of
those fruit men in this locality who grow prunes for profit. By
perfecting an organization of this kind the interests of all may be
materially benefited, and it is desired that there be a full attendance
at this meeting.PRUNE GROWER. Medford Mail, February 1, 1901, page 2 A warmly contested fight over the proposed Medford charter was one of the events of the week. J. H. Stewart in opposition, and attorney W. I. Vawter and mayor W. S. Crowell in favor of the charter, indulged in an interesting discussion of its provisions, particularly that section extending to the boundary line so as to include Mr. Stewart's residence in South Medford, in the corporation limits of the city. The bill, with the exception of section 96, relating to county roads and bridges inside the corporate limits of the town, was endorsed by the Jackson County delegation, and will come up for final consideration sometime this week. "Legislative News," Medford Mail, February 1, 1901, page 2 The Sunset Telephone Company's construction crew are here in town removing the old valley line and making necessary changes. They will soon begin the construction of the Gold Hill and Sams Valley line, the poles already being on the ground. "Gold Hill Items," Medford Mail, February 1, 1901, page 2 Mr. and Mrs. N. Langell, who have resided in Jacksonville since the early '50s, will soon move to Medford. Mrs. Wm. Priest, of Fairhaven, Wash., is in Jacksonville, the guest of Mrs. O. Harbaugh and Mrs. Priest's daughter, Miss Edith. "Jacksonville News," Medford Mail, February 1, 1901, page 3 Lou
Della Jones and husband to Margaret E. Gray, lots 16, 17 and 18, blk
46, Medford . . . 1000
W. S. Jones to Margaret E. Gray, lots 1, 2 and 3, blk 46, Medford . . . 75 Clara A. Odgers and husband to Margaret E. Gray, property in Galloway addition, Medford . . . 2000 Alex Orme to G. Naylor, lot 12, blk 10, Medford . . . 6 Alex Orme to G. Naylor, lots 12 and 18, blk 4, Orchard Home Assoc., Medford . . . 2 Alex Orme to G. Naylor, lot 3, blk 40, Medford . . . 2 Alex Orme to G. Naylor, lots 7, 8 and 9, blk 53, Medford . . . 16 Alex Orme to G. Naylor, ½ of lots 3 and 4, blk 4, Beatty addition to Medford . . . 2 Alex Orme to G. Naylor, lot 12, blk 7, Orchard Home Assoc. tract, Medford . . . 1 G. H. Andrews to John H. Stewart, lots 5 and 6, blk 24, Medford . . . 115 George H. Andrews to F. M. Stewart, lots 3 and 4, blk 35, Medford . . . 100 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, February 1, 1901, page 3 S. R. Reeves, proprietor of the Windsor Lodging House, made Ashland a business visit Monday. Miss Bernice Cameron, of Uniontown, was visiting her sister, Mrs. L. L. Jacobs, in Medford, this week. F. V. Medynski went to Portland Tuesday evening upon business. He is making arrangements to return to Alaska in a few weeks. Miss Mae Earhart, of Ft. Wrangle, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Ella Stevenson, for a couple of weeks, left for her home Saturday evening to resume her position as postmistress at that place. W. B. Stevens, of Albany, and a member of the firm of F. K. Deuel & Co., of this place, stopped off in Medford Tuesday, on his way to New York, whither he goes to purchase goods for his Albany store. Chas. Childs left for San Francisco Monday, in response to a telegram from a Santa Fe official asking him to report for duty at that place. He expects to be assigned as a telegraph operator at some point on the Santa Fe line in Arizona. H. Roundtree and family, of Chehalis, Wash., arrived in Medford last Friday and proceeded to Applegate to visit friends, after which they expect to go to Gold Hill to locate. Mr. Roundtree was a resident of Jackson County several years ago. F. X. Musty and family, of Wallowa, Eastern Oregon, arrived in Medford Wednesday morning, and will make their future home here or hereabouts. Mr. Musty was a resident of this place 16 years ago. He will purchase farm property near Medford if a suitable one can be had. C. R. Buckman, of Casper, Wyoming, was in Medford last week visiting H. U. Lumsden and family. Mr. Buckman, who is a cousin of Mr. Lumsden, is an extensive stock raiser of Wyoming, and was on his way home from attendance at the recent woolgrowers' convention at Salt Lake City, Utah. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 1, 1901, page 6 Frank Wilson has sold his bakery to R. F. Patty and Frank Litchfield. Mr. Patty has been employed by Mr. Wilson for some time in the capacity of baker, and Mr. Litchfield is a young gentleman from Salem who has had considerable experience in the business world and is capable of conducting a business to the advantage of himself and patrons. We have not learned what business Mr. Wilson will engage in, but we hope he and his estimable family will continue to be residents of Medford, whatever he may do. Miss Carrie George, the postal telegraph operator, at this place, has leased building room adjoining the T. G. Kinney property, corner of Seventh and D streets, on which is being erected a building for use as a telegraph office. She expects to handle cigars and perhaps confectionery in connection therewith. Ed. Wilkinson, the butcher, had the misfortune to severely cut his hand Thursday morning, while engaged in cutting meat. Dr. Pickel dressed the wound, which required six stitches. Jas. D. Fay, the Mail's job printer, has moved his family from Jacksonville to the F. M. Stewart residence in West Medford. Geo. P. Lindley's new east side residence will soon be completed. It is one of the neatest-appearing residences in Medford. Dr. Pickel's new residence on West Seventh Street is rapidly nearing completion. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, February 1, 1901, page 6 Teachers'
Notice is hereby given that the county
superintendent of Jackson County will hold the regular examination of
applicants for state papers at Ashland, commencing Wednesday, February
13th, at 9 o'clock a.m., and continuing until Saturday, February 16th,
at 4 o'clock, as follows:Wednesday--Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading, school law. Thursday--Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping, physics, civil government. Friday--Physiology, geography, mental arithmetic, composition, physical geography. Saturday--Botany, plane geometry, general history, English literature and psychology.
Medford Mail, February
1, 1901, page 6School Superintendent, Jackson County. Upon his return from San Francisco Saturday evening, J. W. Wiley brought two large elks, a male and a female, which he purchased from the commissioners of Glen Park, south of San Francisco. They were purchased for John Pratt, who resides a few miles north of Medford, and who is securing quite a collection of wild animals. He expects to have a well-stocked zoological garden on his farm eventually, and intends making a number of improvements on his premises soon, one of which will be the construction of an artificial lake. In addition to these elks and some deer which he now has, he will endeavor to add a pair of buffaloes later. The elks, which weigh about 1600 pounds, cost $75 each. The artistic decorative design and execution of grocer G. L. Davis' east show window, as executed by Carl Crystal, presents an attractiveness which challenges the admiration of everyone who views it. In a body background of tea, sandwiched in with rice, the name of the proprietor is made to stand and very prominently. Banked against the window a foreground of coffee adds still further to the effect of the main display. D. T. Sears has been assigned to duties again as storekeeper for the Medford distillery. The position has been held for several months by T. G. Spangler. All whiskey in the distillery must be out of bond by the middle of March, at which time the position of storekeeper will be dispensed with, and Mr. Sears will be out of government employment unless he is assigned a like position at some other place. Attorney W. I. Vawter has been appointed one of the regents of the Southern Oregon Normal School at Ashland, by Governor Geer. The appointment was made to fill the vacancy caused by Prof. G. A. Gregory returning to his old home in Nebraska. The appointment of Mr. Vawter is a good one and a compliment to him--and to Governor Geer in selecting a gentleman so eminently qualified. The prune growers' meeting held in Medford last Saturday was not as largely attended as it ought to have been, owing undoubtedly in part to the brief notice given and the very bad condition of the roads. Those who met discussed the subject of a local organization, and all were agreed that such a course should be pursued, but all favored [not] taking any decisive steps until such time as there might be gotten together a greater number of growers. A call for another meeting is made elsewhere in these columns for Saturday, February 9th, at 1 o'clock. J. S. McCain and A. H. Chessmore have leased the Isaac Woolf building, on North C Street, and about February 15th they will open a farm implement establishment. They will handle the Portland Consolidated Implement Company's goods. The publication of the Rural World, which Mr. McCain recently acquired, will be discontinued. N. Langell and family, of Jacksonville, have moved to Medford and will make this their future home. They are located in the W. S. Barnum residence on North D Street. Mr. Langell and his most estimable family will make a valuable acquisition to our population, and a hearty welcome is extended to them. The services of Prof. N. L. Narregan has been secured as director for the Medford Musical Association. The association met Monday evening at the Coss Piano House to begin practice for participation in the Southern Oregon Musical Convention, which will be in session at Grants Pass, March 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th. "W. W. Cardwell has started on his return trip to Cape Nome, where he will spend several months seeking the hidden treasure in his mining claims. He goes to Dutch Harbor from Seattle and thence 1000 miles over ice and snow to reach his destination."--Roseburg Review. Mr. Cardwell formerly resided in Jackson County. Street Commissioner Brandenburg has a number of men engaged this week in putting in underground box culverts and otherwise repairing the street and sidewalks on Seventh Street, near the depot. H. H. Mitchell, the blacksmith, has installed a new additional forge in his shop this week. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 1, 1901, page 7 The first hot fight of the session in the House took place Thursday night over the Medford charter. Hedges of Clackamas led the opposition prompted by attorney A. N. Soliss of Jacksonville, and tried to have the charter, which came up for final consideration at this time, referred to the committee on corporations, which was defeated. Representative Stewart led the fight for the charter, and able speeches were made by the other members of the Jackson County delegation, Messrs. Briggs and Carter, in its support. The bill went to a vote, and a call of the House was demanded by the opposition, with the result that it was passed by a vote of 39 to 16. A copy of the same charter was introduced in the upper house by Senator Cameron Thursday afternoon and passed under a suspension of the rules, and in 15 minutes' time. It was a splendid victory for the Jackson County delegation. It was a tropical fight over the passage of this Medford charter. When, after an hour and a half's weary routine in passing a number of charter bills that had no opposition, the clerk called up Representative Briggs' House Bill No. 30, the expectant ones who had come to see the fight aroused to attention and were not disappointed. W. I. Vawter, Judge Crowell and other Jackson County people were on the Jackson County delegation side of the house, while A. N. Soliss was entrenched opposite, behind and prompting Representative Hedges of Clackamas. On the call of the bill Representative Hedges gained the floor, moved that the bill be referred to the Committee on Cities and Towns, and proceeded to make a speech against the passage of the bill. This brought Representative Matthew Stewart to his feet, who made one of his forcible speeches and was followed by Representative Carter. During the latter's speech the Speaker decided remarks out of order and called for a vote on the motion to refer, which resulted in a tie. The speaker voting against re-referment, the bill was put on its final passage and Hedges again took the floor and with maps in hand proceeded to tell the representatives of the outrage of taking in a strip of land within the corporate limits of Medford by the proposed charter, claiming that the thing was done in the dark and made an eloquent plea against the bill. Hon. Matthew Stewart again got the floor, and in an impassioned speech pled for the passage of the bill and claimed that the real antagonism to the charter was J. H. Stewart, who sought to evade paying taxes on property which would have all the benefits granted by the city government in the way of sidewalk, lights, etc. He read affidavits from reputable citizens of Medford showing that a meeting called to protest against the charter held in Medford was not attended by any number of representative citizens. At the end of Mr. Stewart's speech it was plain to see that he had captured the House and the bill would pass. Hon. E. D. Briggs followed and talked for the passage of the bill. A call of the House was demanded, after which the question was called, and the bill carried by a vote of 38 to 16, on the announcement of which much applause was heard. J. H. Stewart made a hard fight against this charter bill and enlisted considerable talent in opposition to it. "Senator Makers Take Time," Ashland Tidings, February 4, 1901, page 2 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Jas. Smith
has just received two pairs of Golden Wyandotte chickens from New York,
which cost him nearly $30.Miss Carrie George, the clever manager of the Postal Tel. Co., is having neat quarters built on the north side of 7th Street, adjoining McCauley's tamale stand, which she will occupy as soon as completed. When senility and cynicism overwhelm mankind it becomes reminiscent. This may be the reason why some of our citizens, who never were accused of being literary, have gone to writing for the newspapers. The Crowell-Vawter contingent won out in the charter fight, the legislature passing the bill fathered by them, with a few changes. The provision that the city should have the same power and authority over all county roads within the city as it has over the streets, as regards grading, etc., but that all bridges needed on such county roads, the erection of which cost the county more than $2,500, should be erected, maintained and kept in repair by Jackson County under the supervision of the county court on notice and request from the city to do so, or from the mayor, acting upon the council's orders, was stricken out. Hon. J. H. Stewart was greatly handicapped in his fight against the charter, as Jackson County's delegation in the legislature, for some reason, favored the bill. Otherwise he would have succeeded in his efforts. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 7, 1901, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Jas. D.
Fay and family are now residents of Medford.S. K. Reeves has taken the road for the Albany nursery. Ed. Wilkinson, who cut his hand severely one day last week, will soon be at the block again. Johnny Galney, who has been quite poorly for some time past, made his first appearance on our streets last week. Frank Wilson has sold his bakery to R. F. Patty, who has been in his employ, and Frank Litchfield, lately of Salem. W. B. Stevens of Albany, a member of the firm of F. K. Deuel & Co., visited in Medford one day last week, while on his way to New York to buy goods. D. T. Sears is again storekeeper of the Medford distillery, vice T. G. Spangler resigned. All the whisky in bond must be taken out next month. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 7, 1901, page 5 "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 7, 1901, page 5 Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 7, 1901, page 6 Jas. Holben et ux. to Wm. Lynch, lots 2, 10 and 11, blk 32, Medford . . . 265 Wm. Lynch et ux. to G. W. Owings, lots 2, 10 and 11, blk 32, Medford . . . 500 H. G. Nicholson et ux. to H. E. Boyden, undivided ½ interest in lots 14 and 15, blk 14, Medford . . . 200 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, February 8, 1901, page 5 Mrs. H. G. Wortman went to Ashland Tuesday, to visit a few days with her sister, Mrs. Clayton. Nate Bates, the barber, formerly of Medford, but now of Grants Pass, was visiting Medford friends Sunday. Miss Etta Hollingsworth went to Portland Wednesday evening to take a position as trimmer in a wholesale millinery store. Scott Griffin, of Tolo town site fame, now in the butchering business at Grants Pass, was in Medford a couple of days this week, looking after business matters. Miss Minnie Love, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. P. Snell, for some time, went to Portland this week, where she has accepted a position in a wholesale millinery store. Sherman Orton, who has held the position of chief cook at Hotel Nash at different times for several years, returned to Medford last Friday and has again accepted his old position. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 8, 1901, page 6 It will be good news to Will Merriman's many Medford friends to learn that he has been assigned to the position of Southern Pacific station agent at Salem, at a salary of $125per month. This position was recently left vacant by the resignation of the agent at that place, who had held the place continually since the road was completed. There was quite a rivalry for the place, since it is one of the best positions on the Southern Pacific line, and the fact that Will was selected over a large number of applicants, old in the service of the company, speaks well for his popularity with the management of the road. He has been stationed at McMinnville for some time. The southbound passenger, due here Sunday evening at 12 o'clock, and No. 15, due here at 11:20 Monday, did not arrive until 5:50 Monday evening, owing to a landslide at West Fork, in the Cow Creek Canyon. The slide occurred just two miles south of the scene of the big slide in the canyon which interfered so seriously with traffic a few years ago. For a distance of 200 feet dirt, rocks and trees were piled up on the track twenty feet deep. A temporary track was built around the slide enabling the belated trains to proceed on their journeys. E. S. Wolfer, the tinsmith, has invented a new coal oil can, which is very practical and useful. It is cylindrical shaped, to which are attached small rods on each end to be placed in brackets on the wall. Underneath is a pipe for the purpose of attaching a small faucet. To the faucet a small piece of rubber hose can be attached, and when a lamp is to be filled, all that is necessary is to turn the faucet. The can does not need to be handled at all, a fact in itself which would commend it to those who know the inconvenience of handling the old-time oil cans. The Palm-Whitman-Palm Cigar Company are preparing to make a thorough test of the adaptability of Jackson County soil for the growing of leaf tobacco. They have a quantity of tobacco seed, also plants, which they will supply to those wishing to make a test of the matter, and will gladly give full instructions as to its culture. They will supply government instructions, in pamphlet form, as well as personal aid in the matter. It is thought tobacco can be grown here. Miss Lizzie Hoover is in San Francisco, making preparations to open a millinery store in Medford soon. She has ordered a portion of her stock from the East, and will complete her opening purchase in the Bay City. She expects to be ready for business sometime next month. Charley Perdue has moved his gun and bicycle repair shop from F. Osenbrugge's warehouse rooms, south of the depot, to the building on the west side, adjoining Mrs. C. W. Palm's millinery store. H. C. Mackey & Boyd have established a new studio at Jacksonville, Mr. Boyd being in charge. The East Side Mill grinds every Saturday. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 8, 1901, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
J. J.
Howser is home again from his labors at Salem with the legislature.R. Daw has removed to Klamathon, Calif., where he has secured a good position. Miss Love, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. P. Snell, has returned to Portland. Sherman Orton, formerly cook at Hotel Nash, has returned to Medford and accepted that position again. William Barnum was called to Ashland last Friday, by the serious illness of his father, J. H. Barnum. Bert Miller has accepted a position as night clerk at Hotel Josephine, Grants Pass. We wish him success. Nate Bate, the popular tonsorial artist, formerly of this city, but now of Grants Pass, visited in Medford Sunday. Miss Etta Hollingsworth has gone to Portland, where she has a position as trimmer in a wholesale millinery store. Arthur Mahoney, who for a number of months past has been clerk at the Hotel Nash, has gone to San Francisco, where he expects to secure a position in some capacity. Walter Lippincott, who has been with the S.P. bridge gang in the Cow Creek Canyon, came home last week for a few days' visit with his parents. He reports a narrow escape from the big slide which occurred recently. One of the most popular restaurants in southern Oregon is kept by Mr. Cofer. The best meals are served there at reasonable prices, and no pains are spared to give satisfaction. When in Medford call at The Model. Miss Lizzie Ferguson being unable to attend to her duties as instructor in the third grade of the public schools, Miss Rydal Bradbury is filling the vacancy. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 14, 1901, page 2 "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 14, 1901, page 7 OUR NEW CITY CHARTER
The Salient Points of the Instrument Which Forms the Basis of Government for the "City of Medford."
the benefit of our readers who are interested in the new city charter
we publish the following excerpts taken therefrom, they being the
principal new provisions drafted in the new instrument. The charter
bill was signed by the governor last week, and is now a law in full
operation except in such provisions as are expressly provided to the
The corporate name of the municipality was changed from "town" to "city." The council will consist of six members elected from three wards, each ward being allowed two members. One councilman from each ward is elected annually, and holds office for a term of two years. The mayor is elected for a term of two years, and the recorder and treasurer for a term of one year. The first election under the new charter will be held in January 1902. The marshal, called under the new charter the chief of police, is nominated by the mayor, confirmed by the council, and is subject to removal at the pleasure of the council. A city board of equalization is nominated by the mayor and elected by the council annually, who will sit with the county board of equalization as advisory members on assessments of property in the city. Any members of the city council voting to issue warrants or create any debts in excess of the city's limit of indebtedness are made personally liable for such excess. The present councilmen will at their next regular meeting elect two additional members of that body to hold office until the next regular city election. No franchise can be given to any person, company or corporation, or any contract entered into by the city for a longer period than ten years; and no franchise shall confer on holders thereof any exclusive privileges. The council cannot sell, lease or encumber the city's light or water plant without first publishing in one of the city papers an explicit statement of the powers granted them, which must be approved by a majority of the legal electors of the city at a special election held for that purpose. No contract shall be entered into or franchise given that will in any way impair the value of the city's light and water plant. The council is given power to prohibit the sale or use of firecrackers, bombs or other explosives within the city limits. The council has the right to regulate the lighting, heating and means of entry and exit of any public hall or place of public meeting. No building shall be erected or repaired within the fire limits of the city without the permission of the council after it has examined and approved the plans for the proposed building or repairs. No damages can be recovered from the city for a larger sum than $100 for any alleged injury by reason of defective sidewalks, culverts or crosswalks. Any owner of property who neglects to keep in repair any sidewalks in front of his lots or property shall be answerable to any person injured by reason of such failure to keep said walks in repair, but the limit of damages shall not exceed one-half the value of the premises liable to keep said sidewalks in repair. Streets and alleys may be cleaned, refuse, filth and nuisances of all kinds removed, and the expense of removal shall become a lien upon the adjoining property. After the present year all road and poll taxes payable in the city of Medford shall be payable in cash, and persons who neglect to pay said road or poll tax shall be excluded from voting at the city elections. The city treasurer must make quarterly reports to the council, but his last report shall be an annual report showing all the city's receipts and disbursements and the amount of the city's outstanding indebtedness. Council may contract with any newspaper for all the city printing and blanks. The chief of police is given authority to enter any place where he has reasonable grounds to believe that the laws of the state or the ordinances of the city are being violated, and on view hold persons guilty of violating said laws or ordinances for examination before the city recorder. The council has the power to prohibit slot machines and all similar devices. The mayor has power to veto any ordinance, but the council may pass an ordinance over the mayor's veto by a two-thirds vote. The boundary lines of the city are amended so as to include in the corporation a strip of land 600 yards wide and one-half mile long, in South Medford, including the residences of Messrs. Grizzle, Davis, Warner, Faucett, Hill, Stewart, Nash, Wortman and Mrs. Sarah Whitman; also a number of vacant lots belonging to Mrs. Nannie Barr. Medford Mail, February 15, 1901, page 2 The use of oysters has sometimes been discouraged on the ground that they were under certain conditions dangerous mediums of conveying disease, especially germs of typhoid fever. Now physicians are said to have forbidden another relish nearly as popular. Celery has come under the ban of the doctors, who say that it is equally well adapted to transmitting the poisonous element of the soil and carrying the terms of typhoid. Medford Mail, February 15, 1901, page 2 Mrs. S. L. Carpenter has returned from Medford, where she has been in attendance on her father, John Hardin, who is quite ill. "Big Sticky Items," Medford Mail, February 15, 1901, page 5 Wheeler & Wilson Leads
'Em All.
is not a sewing machine on the market so deservedly popular as the
Wheeler & Wilson. It has no superiors, and its equals are so
scattering as never to have been definitely located. The Wheeler
Wilson has a rotating shuttle, which is a great improvement over the
shuttle formerly in use by it--and now used by other machines. The
Wheeler & Wilson is a machine that sells upon its merits--and
sure are the manufacturers of these merits selling the machines that
they are always anxious to have parties take them on trial.
John F. White is agent for these machines in Medford. He wants you to call upon him before you buy. Medford Mail, February 15, 1901, page 5 Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hogan have moved to Medford from their farm at Wellen. Lee Creasy and family, of Horatio, Ark., arrived in Medford last Friday evening, and will locate here permanently. Mr. Creasy is a sawmill man and master mechanic by trade. He has not decided yet whether or not he will engage in the sawmill business, but intends to enter some occupation as soon as possible. They are located in the Jos. Shone residence. Henry Davis was in Gold Hill this week doing light talk to the people of that locality. Mr. Davis is interested with E. S. Wolfer, the tinsmith, in the manufacture of calcium carbide gas light plants, and his mission to Gold Hill was the sale of some of these light plants. He succeeded in disposing of one plant for residence lighting and thinks he is in a fair way to sell an outfit, or plant, for lighting the streets and business houses. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 15, 1901, page 6 MEDFORD'S POPULATION NUMBERS JUST
The Mail's Census Is Completed--Shows a Gain of 318. Report Very Gratifying and a Booster to Local Pride--Places Our Prosperous Little City in the 2000 and Over List.
The Mail's
census of Medford, which was completed last week, has justified the
contention previously made that Medford belonged in the list of towns
of 2000 and over. The result of the count gives Medford a population of
2109, of which West Medford has 1030, East Medford, or that portion
lying west of Bear Creek, 949, and the residence portion east of Bear
Creek 130 [sic].
The announcement of the cities of 2000 inhabitants and over, which was made early in December, should have read: Portland
. . . . 90426
While it
is true that the
government cannot accept these figures as official, it is gratifying to
local pride to know that we are entitled to the recognition which the
revised count gives us.Astoria . . . . . 8381 Baker City . . 6663 Pendleton . . . 4406 Salem . . . . . . 4258 The Dalles . . 3542 Oregon City . 3494 Eugene . . . . . 3236 Albany . . . . . . 3149 La Grande . . . 2691 Grants Pass . . 2290 Medford . . . . 2109 The Mail undertook this work at considerable trouble and expense, in order that the town's reputation as a business center should not suffer by reason of erroneous impressions which might result were the obviously incorrect figures allowed to stand unchallenged. Notwithstanding that a gain of 318 has been made over the government count, we do not believe that the government's enumerator was intentionally derelict in his duty. It is not improbable that a great number of residents were absent from the city at the time (June) when he was engaged in the work. Quite a number of new arrivals have also become residents of the town during the last few months, and it is not unreasonable to suppose that some families were overlooked. Be that as it may, Medford's actual bona fide population is 2109. The government's count was 1791. Medford Mail, February 15, 1901, page 6 A Young Men's Christian Union was organized at the Baptist Church in this city last Wednesday evening, with a membership of eighteen, which they expect to greatly increase during the next few months. They have secured a room in the opera house block for a place of meeting, for the present at least, and will hold meetings every Tuesday evening, to which all young men in the city who are interested in the work are invited. The officers of the union are as follows: E. S. Wolfer, Pres.; Leon Howard, Vice-Pres.; F. H. Hull, Rec. Sec.; D. W. Day, Cor. Sec.; Ray McKinney, Treas. The business men in Medford have taken an interest in the Young Men's Union, whose object is the improvement and advancement of the moral and intellectual welfare of the young men of Medford, and have aided them in securing and furnishing quarters for their meetings, which assistance the young gentlemen fully appreciate. The edict has gone forth that back alleys and water closets must be cleaned at once. Marshal Johnson has been instructed to rigidly enforce the city ordinances in relation to the above matter, which he proposes to do without fear or favor. Due notice will be served upon all concerned, and it is expected that the orders will be heeded. Mr. Johnson does not desire to inflict any hardship upon anyone, but this is a matter which demands attention. The accumulation of filth in the back alleys in the business portion of the city is a positive menace to the health of everyone, and the health committee deserve the moral support of everyone in their determination to enforce the health ordinances. The penalty for noncompliance with the orders of the officials will be arrest and the infliction of a fine. Fire destroyed the dwelling of P. J. Head, on Seventh Street, last Friday night about 10 o'clock. It started from a defective chimney, and was well under headway before it was discovered. An alarm was given at once, and the fire company hurried to the scene of the conflagration, but not in time to render much service, owing to the long distance from the fire station. A portion of the household goods were saved, through the timely arrival of neighbors. Their organs were destroyed, however, as was the greater portion of the bedding. The loss of the house is $700, which is partially covered by insurance. Mr. Head is the blind musician and dealer in musical instruments. The loss to one with such unfortunate physical afflictions is quite heavy. St. Valentine's Day was observed by the younger generation Thursday. The day was more generally observed this year than for many years past, according to reports, indicating that a reawakening of its significance has taken place. The usual anonymous gift of elaborately designed valentines have this year been in numerous instances supplemented with appropriate jewelry gifts conveying to the recipient the usual message of love and friendship. The practice of observing this event has been in vogue since the year 270 A.D. Horace Nicholson returned from Portland Tuesday. While absent, he purchased a complete stock of hardware, stoves and tinware, and will engage in the hardware business in this city sometime in March. He has leased the building on Main Street formerly occupied by W. H. Meeker & Co. Horace has been in business in Medford for several years, and is well and favorably known all over the county. S. R. Reeves, who left last week for Idaho in the interest of the Albany nursery, was taken ill with the grippe at Weiser and was compelled to discontinue his work for the present. At last reports he was progressing favorably. Later:--Mr. Reeves returned to his home in this city Wednesday, where he will remain until his health is restored. Miss Mollie Barneburg gave a delightful lunch party Monday afternoon in honor of Miss Jessie Cole. Games appropriate to the occasion and the rendition of several excellent musical numbers added to the enjoyable occasion. Those present, all members of the one-time "Kettledrum Klub," were Misses Rhinehart, Cole, Cox and Mrs. T. E. Pottenger. A couple of weeks ago The Mail said F. M. Wilson had sold his Vienna bakery. The item was not far amiss at the time, but when it came to making out the bill of sale papers and the turning over the of the coin of the realm a slight misunderstanding arose and the whole deal was declared off. Quite a number of the orchardists hereabouts have purchased gasoline engines with which to furnish power to operate their spraying pumps. The Olwell boys experimented with one last year and found it to be a great saving in labor and added proficiency to the service. The gentlemen who have made recent purchases are Messrs. Weeks & Orr, C. E. Stewart, Capt. G. Voorhies, J. A. Whitman, John Gore and Olwell Bros. The Mail has also purchased one, of greater horsepower than the spray engines, for use in operating its presses. Miss Lillian Barr, the very efficient "hello" girl on the Sunset telephone line at Chas. Strang's drug store, was ill this week with la grippe. Joe Slinger filled her position during her illness. Medford is inhabited by three classes of people--those who have the grip, those who have had it, and those who expect to have it. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 15, 1901, page 7 CITY ITEMS.
Governor Geer promptly signed the new city charter bill.
It is now the City of Medford. The old Board of Trustees has become the City Council, and the city fathers are now councilmen. The marshal has become the chief of police. He holds office at the pleasure of the council. The elements that need a police officer's attention will find that a threat of the loss of their votes will no longer stop the enforcement of law and order. It was a wise change. Hereafter the city will be divided into three wards. Two councilmen will be elected in each ward, only one of whom will go out of office each year. The new charter makes the new councilmen personally liable for any debt they create in excess of the charter's limit of indebtedness. With this personal liability clause looking the councilmen in the eye, we fancy that the city will not go on running in debt to the tune of ten thousand a year. There is a trying situation for the present city fathers to confront. But Medford as the metropolis of the Rogue River Valley [Ashland was still bigger than Medford in 1901] has a future that must not be hazarded by reckless use of her credit. It is time to quit drifting, to build wisely whatever we build, to look ahead to reducing instead of increasing our indebtedness, to stop making temporary "improvements" that have to be remade every three or four years. Medford is here to grow. Let every citizen show his interest and his faith in the city on every occasion, on every day, and before everybody. The man who damns the town he lives in, the town where he does business, and the public who give him heir business, ought to be drummed out of town. Medford Enquirer, February 16, 1901, page 4 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
population is 2100.Our new city charter is in force. H. U. Lumsden and wife are visiting relatives in Seattle. Miss Lizzie Hoover is in San Francisco selecting a stock of millinery to open up in Medford. E. L. Schermerhorn and wife and Dr. I. L. Arnold left Tuesday for New York. They will make an extended visit in the eastern states. A Young Men's Christian Union has been organized in this city, with the following officers: E. S. Wolfer, Pres.; Leon Howard, Vice Pres.; F. H. Hull, Rec. Sec.; D. W. Day, Cor. Sec.; Ray McKinney, Treas. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 21, 1901, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Considerable improvements are noted about town.The news of the death of Mrs. Peter Spielman (nee Miss Elizabeth Phipps), in New York, was received here on last Sunday. The young couple were married only about three weeks ago, and left for Buffalo, N.Y. to make that place their future home. The news of the young bride's sudden death was a great shock to her relatives and friends of Medford. The remains will be brought here for interment. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 21, 1901, page 5 The Mail has completed its census of the city of Medford--giving that place a population of 1791. We are pleased to see our neighbor town step up in the row of the cities of Oregon with a population of 2,000 and upwards. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 21, 1901, page 7 F. M. Wait, who has the contract for furnishing the stone for the federal building at Salem, accompanied by his father, Dr. J. B. Wait, of Medford, visited the stone quarry on the upper Dunn place Tuesday, to procure more samples. The blue sandstone specimens already furnished by Mr. Wait for inspection are apparently all right, but the authorities wanted to see some of the buff specimens. Mr. Wait took home with him an 80-pound sample. The Jacksonville Times says: The death of Mrs. Spielman (nee Miss Elizabeth Phipps) of Medford is reported from New York. The couple were married in Jacksonville about three weeks ago, and left for Buffalo, N.Y., which was to be their future home. We have no particulars of the death, but the remains will be brought back to Medford for interment. The death of the young bride is a severe blow to family and friends. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, February 21, 1901, page 3 Mrs. Short, of British Columbia, is in Medford upon a visit to her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Lucas. Mrs. J. S. McCain went to Salem Wednesday for a few weeks' visit with her son, R. S. McCain. A. C. Edwards, of Butte Creek, was visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Edwards, of Medford, this week. Jas. Smith and family, who arrived in Medford from Nebraska a few weeks ago, left for their old home Wednesday. They may return later. J. Tressler left for Portland Sunday evening. If he is successful in securing employment there he will move his family to the city this spring. Mrs. F. K. Churchill, of Gold Hill, who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Storr, of this city, left for Albany Thursday morning to join her husband. S. P. Conger, at one time engaged in mining near Gold Hill, where he operated a quartz mill, but more recently of Colorado, was in Medford this week. He is here on mining business. Mr. and Mrs. Bashaw and family, of Savanna, Illinois, arrived in this city last week with the intention of locating here permanently. Mr. Bashaw hopes to secure employment on the railroad. Geo. H. Williamson, one of the first residents of Medford, who is now residing in San Francisco, passed through here Monday evening, en route to Butte, Montana. Mr. Williamson is a mechanic by trade, and it was he who built the Hamlin block in this city and a number of other buildings. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 22, 1901, page 6 Loren Wigle, while playing leapfrog Saturday, fell and dislocated his elbow. Dr. Shearer reduced the fracture, and the young man will be all right again in a short time, when it is expected he will run himself up against some other kind of misfortune. He is the unluckiest fellow in Medford. He can give anyone cards and spades and beat 'em out in a game of accident. G. L. Davis, the grocer, is always at the front when it comes to arranging his show windows in a manner to attract attention. An imitation washer woman, bending over a wash tub--as natural as life--while scattered around, in every direction, are the garments to be made as white as snow with the aid of her favorite brand of soap, is his latest novel idea. The directors of the Wellen school district have engaged the services of Miss Lila Sackett, for the coming spring term of school at that place. Miss Sackett has been teaching in their district for the past two years, and the fact that her services have been retained is a compliment to the ability of the lady as an educational instructor. On Thursday evening of last week the "Kettledrum Klub" was entertained by Miss Lillian Rhinehart at her cozy quarters in the Hamlin block. The evening was pleasantly spent in various ways, domino whist being one of the features. Light refreshments were served, and a thoroughly enjoyable time was had. The city bastille is usually occupied these nights by one or more guests whose street perambulations are not conducted in accordance with laws and regulations in such cases made and provided. The morning following they are usually escorted to the city limits and invited to move on. F. M. Wilson has sold his bakery for sure this time. The deal was closed yesterday. The parties making the purchase are Reuben Patty and Frank Litchfield, both of Salem--same people who negotiated for its purchase a few weeks ago. Chief of Police Johnson was recently presented with a real regulation "billy" club, with which to uphold the peace and dignity of the city. Medford's population to date is 2138, a gain of twenty-nine since last Friday. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, February 22, 1901, page 6 The arrival in this city last week of the prime promoters of the Fish Lake Irrigation and Power Canal, Messrs. Clark and Vincent, caused a renewed interest in this great project. While nothing definite regarding the preliminary program can be learned for publication at this time, it can be stated with certainty that arrangements for commencement of the work will be made at an early date. There are a great many vital matters connected with an undertaking of this magnitude which require adjudication before anything of a definite nature can be safely announced. These gentlemen are averse to making any statement which they may not be able to keep, hence their reticence at this time; but the fact that they are asking nothing in in the way of bonuses or other "grafting" concessions evidences their good faith. They ask the cooperation of the citizens of Medford and those residing along the line of the proposed canal in securing rights-of-way, which must be accomplished before anything of a definite nature can be done. Mr. McCray, the chief engineer, has taken up his headquarters in this city and will remain here permanently. Messrs. Clark and Vincent, who have extensive interests in California which require immediate attention, left for San Francisco Thursday, but they will return at an early date. The benefits to be derived from this canal cannot well be overestimated by the citizens of this valley. An opportunity is here presented to reclaim the large acreage of arid land in the county, of furnishing the farmers with an abundance of water for irrigating purposes, and of furnishing Medford with a water system unexcelled by that of any city in the state. All possible assistance should be generously accorded these gentlemen in their efforts to secure the necessary right-of-way. This accomplished, the immediate construction of the ditch is an assured fact. Five families, numbering twenty-nine in all, arrived in Medford last Saturday from Cedar Rapids, Neb., and will locate somewhere in the Rogue River Valley permanently. They have all rented houses in Medford and will reside here until spring opens up, at least, and probably longer. In conversation with one of the gentlemen, Mr. Harper, he stated to a Mail representative that there are a large number of families in Nebraska who expect to come to Oregon during the next few months. He is a butcher by trade, and expects to engage in that business at some point in the valley as soon as an opening can be found. The other members of the party have not decided what avocation or business they will enter. Druggist Strang has secured the services of J. D. Butler, of Black Hills, South Dakota, a graduate of the St. Louis School of Pharmacy, as drug clerk. The young gentleman arrived in Medford Monday. He comes highly recommended as a gentleman and a druggist, and will make a valuable acquisition to Medford society, as well as an assistant to Mr. Strang in the capacity in which he is employed. J. H. Butler has purchased four resident lots on South A Street from M. S. Damon, paying therefor $300. Mr. Butler expects to erect a dwelling on this property during the summer--for his own use. He has a very pleasant place for a home and as well one where the soil is very fruitful--as the neighbors nearby who grow vegetables and fruit extensively will bear witness. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 22, 1901, page 7 Bring the little folks while the photo tent is in town. They never feel good after a six- or eight-mile drive. The snow and rain this winter has knocked out the bicycle riding completely, and it will be some time yet before bicycle riding can be enjoyed in this county. It is now unlawful to play nickel-in-the-slot machines, or to allow them to be played. The late legislature placed them among other gambling devices. A Medford paper says that two young men, living in Jacksonville, recently made that town a visit and acted very badly, riding on the sidewalks, etc. They paid $25 for their sport. Litchfield & Patty, the popular proprietors of the Medford bakery, have made a number of improvements and are catering to the public with success. As they manufacture bread, cakes, pies, etc. of a superior quality, they are entitled to the liberal patronage enjoyed by them. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 28, 1901, page 5 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Mrs. J. S.
McCain is at Salem visiting her son, R. L. Farmer.Medford's population to date is 2,138, a gain of 20 since last Friday. A Young Men's Christian Association has been organized in this city. Loren Wigle, while playing leapfrog a few days ago, fell and dislocated his elbow. Mrs. Short of British Columbia is in Medford, visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Lucas. Ralph Allen is erecting a neat cottage on the east side, which he will occupy when completed. Reuben Patty and Frank Litchfield of Salem have recently purchased the bakery business of F. M. Wilson. J. Tressler has gone to Portland in search of employment. If successful he will move his family there in the spring. Bert Miller, who went to Grants Pass a few weeks ago to accept a position as night clerk at Hotel Josephine, has returned to our city. With a brand-new real regulation "billy" club, Chief of Police Johnson will be able to uphold the peace and dignity of our city in good shape. P. B. O'Neil has returned from his trip to San Jose and southern California, and reports that there is much rejoicing in those sections over the heavy rainfall there this season, which will ensure good crops. I. M. Muller of this place, who went to San Francisco the first of the year, has secured a position as bookkeeper in that city. His many friends in Medford wish him success. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 28, 1901, page 7 Signor Dominique Boffa, the violin soloist who will attend the convention here next week, was down from Medford Tuesday and attended the orchestra meeting on that evening. Wm. Bybee, of the Bybee soda springs, was in Medford a couple of days this week. Mr. Bybee is negotiating with a colony of eastern people for the sale of his 1400-acre ranch on Rogue River, and it was to meet a representative of this colony that he was in Medford. Mr. Bybee owns over 4000 acres of land in Jackson County which he intends to sell in tracts suitable to purchasers, after which he will retire from active work.--Mail. "Local Happenings," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, February 28, 1901, page 3 Dr. G. B. Cole, of Medford, Oregon, has located in Central Point, where he thinks the work will not be so arduous. Medical Sentinel, March 1901, page 101 New Poll Tax Law.
House bill 205, which was approved by the governor Tuesday, requires
the collection of a road poll tax of $3 from every male inhabitant over
21 and under 50 years of age, unless by law exempt. The tax may be paid
either in labor or cash, but [the] county court may require that it be
paid in cash. If any person refuses to pay the tax, a suit may be
brought in a justice's court to collect the same, and the wages of the
delinquent may be levied upon to collect any judgment recovered. The
tax must be expended upon the roads of the district in which collected.
The act contains an emergency clause, and goes into effect immediately.
The tax becomes due on March 1, and may be collected between March 1
and December 31 of each year.
Medford Mail, March 1, 1901, page 2 G. W. Bashford et ux. to M. G. Theiss, undivided ½ of lot 10, and all of lot 11, blk 12, Medford . . . 50 F. W. Hutchison to Florence B. Butler, lot 6, blk 3, Park add., Medford . . . 60 A. B. Butler and husband to Florence B. Butler, s ½ of lot 5, blk 3, Park add., Medford . . . 50 Sallie E. Ish to J. H. Butler et al., 1.88 acres of lot 5, blk 1, Ish add., Medford . . . 113 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, March 1, 1901, page 5 W. H. Hembree, who has been in California for some time, returned to Medford Wednesday. Mrs. Anna Denton left Tuesday evening for Yakima, Wash., where she will reside in the future. Mrs. Francis Fitch left for San Francisco Thursday to join her husband, who is now located there. E. Morrison and family, of Cedar Rapids, Nebraska, arrived in Medford last Saturday. They are here with the intention of locating. Mort Foster, who has been located at Spokane for some time, arrived in Medford last week for a few days' visit with his relatives and many friends. Miss Maggie Forsythe left Tuesday for her home at Elysian, Minnesota. She has been visiting her father, Wm. Forsythe, in this city, several months. Wm. Eaton, who is now employed as underground miner in a large mine at Keswick, Calif., was in Medford this week visiting his sister, Mrs. Geo. Howard, who is very ill. Miss Lizzie Hoover, who has been in San Francisco several weeks selecting stock for her millinery store which she intends opening in this city early in the spring, returned home Wednesday evening. Mrs. Emma Ellison, of Galveston, Texas, who has been visiting her uncle, A. M. Woodford, went to Glendale Tuesday for a week's visit with relatives. She expects to leave for Galveston shortly. Ranse Rouse, who has been visiting relatives and friends in Missouri and Illinois for several weeks, returned home this week. He was accompanied home by his sister, Miss May Rouse, of St. Louis, who will visit here for some time. J. H. Wilson, who formerly resided on a farm near Medford, but [is] now a resident of Salem, is here for a few days upon business. He is having some improvements made about his South C Street property, putting in sewers and cleaning up around the premises. J. J. Martin, who has been engaged extensively in mining in Jackson County for several years, left for New York Monday, where he will remain until about the middle of March, after which he goes to South America to take charge of some large mining enterprises with which he is connected. He will purchase a large amount of machinery in New York for shipment to the scene of his future work. G. B. Nichols and C. E. Palmatier, of Little Shasta, Calif., arrived in Medford this week and will, in all probability, make the Rogue River Valley their future home. They are desirous of renting farm land with an option on the purchase of the same at the expiration of six months or a year. Mr. Nichols was a resident of Medford for several months four years ago. They are stirring young men and would unquestionably make a success of a farming venture in our valley. J. R. Bancroft and family and John Wilson and family, thirteen in all, arrived in Medford Sunday evening from Mt. Carroll, Illinois, and will hereafter make their future homes in Rogue River Valley. These gentlemen were brought here through the influence of Wesley Dial, who believes, and rightly so, that this valley is one of the finest spots in the United States, for all purposes. The gentlemen are themselves well pleased with what they have seen thus far, and are enthusiastic in their praises of the country. They will probably rent farms for a year, after which they will undoubtedly invest in farm property. A large number of other parties from their section contemplate coming to Oregon later on. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 1, 1901, page 6 G. L. Davis:--"Here, Bliton, stop flirting with our show window girl. She's ironing now and is busy, and besides she wasn't waving her hand at you. It's Doc Leak and Jennings, across the way, that she's 'ludin' at. What do you think of that for an advertising scheme? It surely advertises thoroughly the lines of goods displayed in the window." C. L. Harbaugh, by letter:--"Enclosed please find money order covering my subscription price for The Mail to next August. I have to thank you for the courtesy you have shown in sending me The Mail so promptly each week, it generally reaching me by the Wednesday following its issue. We enjoy The Mail and look forward to the day of its arrival with pleasant anticipation. It has served to keep us well posted on Pacific coast affairs generally. With wishes for your success in the future, I am very truly yours, -----." (Mr. H. is a son of O. Harbaugh, of Jacksonville, and is at present an employee in the office of the president of the Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad Company, at Cleveland, Ohio--Ed.) J. A. Whitman:--"Yes, we are employing twenty hands in the cigar factory, and will add more as the business demands. Our payroll is about $100 per week, of which the greater part is spent among the various merchants in Medford each week. We think the town will derive considerable benefit from the employment of these hands, and no efforts should be spared to secure any institutions for Medford which will employ labor. The cannery which is being talked of would be a very great benefit to Medford and vicinity, and should be secured if a little assistance from the citizens will bring it here. Not only would it employ a number of laborers, mostly women and girls, but it would provide a market for all the produce of the valley. The direct benefit to the town from the employment of forty or fifty girls, at good wages, is very evident." W. F. Isaacs:--"I had a letter recently from my brother, George, who is in Vancouver, B.C., where he has been since leaving Medford several years ago. He seemingly is held in very high esteem by the members of his craft in that city. The Barbers' Union, of which he is a member, recently presented him with an elegant cane, which he prizes very highly because of it being a token of appreciation and because further that the wood from which it was made has a history. It was from the steamer Beaver, which was wrecked in the Vancouver, B.C. harbor in 1888. The Beaver was made in England in 1835 and was the first steamer to cross the Atlantic Ocean, which it did in the year it was built. It was the first steamer to go around Cape Horn, and the first of its kind that ever rippled the waters of the Pacific. In 1836 the Beaver steamed to the mouth of the Columbia River and from there up the river to a point where now is located Vancouver, Washington. The wood from which the cane is made is called teak or African oak, and grows only in Africa. Yes, George is doing very nicely in Vancouver, and I imagine is piling up a good bit of the yellow coin." Medford Mail, March 1, 1901, page 6 To the Public.
purchased the bakery business of Frank Wilson, we desire to say to the
people of Medford that we intend to conduct a thoroughly up-to-date
bakery in all respects. Our first object will be cleanliness. We have
discarded the old, worn, wooden-sided bread pans formerly used here and
have replaced them with new, shining pans of polished steel. We will
put on a delivery wagon at once and will call upon you at your
pleasure. We earnestly invite you to try our breads, cakes, pies and
confections, promising, as before stated, that they will be clean, made
scientifically from pure ingredients and baked in the best and most
improved pans.
Yours for business, Litchfield & Patty. Medford Mail, March 1, 1901, page 6 A very pertinent suggestion was made this week by a visiting railroad official, to the effect that citizens and business men of the city should make it a point to meet and become acquainted with the eastern people who are almost daily arriving in Medford, and endeavor to interest them in the city and county, and extend to them any little courtesy possible. These people are nearly all total strangers in a strange land, and any little courtesies shown them would no doubt be highly appreciated. The Chamber of Commerce at Portland has recently adopted this idea, with gratifying results to all. A few weeks ago these columns said a few lines which were in effect that Miss Aileen Webber had returned to her duties as musical instructor at the Ashland normal school. The lady, we have since learned, had no intention of returning and resigned her position several weeks ago, the duties not being conducive to the best interests of her health. She is at present giving instructions to a large class in Medford, and her time is as profitably and pleasantly employed with her family as it would be away from home. A young man by the name of Kinney "got gay" Tuesday and undertook to dictate the management of one of the saloons in this city. A blow from a beer keg mallet on his left temple sufficed to convince him that he wasn't the "whole show," his own opinion to the contrary notwithstanding. The sum total of the result of his undue presumption was quite an ugly gash on the temple which required the aid of a surgeon to properly dress. The prompt action of the fire boys prevented what might have been a serious conflagration last Friday morning. One of the old buildings at the rear of J. R. Wilson's blacksmith shop, which is occupied by Mrs. Loder, was discovered on fire about 9 o'clock. The alarm was immediately sounded and a stream of water was quickly turned on before any serious damage resulted. The fire caught in the ceiling through which is a stovepipe. The flagpole, which has been doing service for displaying Old Glory at the school house for several years, was taken down last week. It was considered dangerous, owing to that portion of it in the ground being decayed. The final meeting of the "Kettledrum Klub" was held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Pottenger, in West Medford, on Thursday evening of last week, which proved a thoroughly enjoyable affair. Merchant H. H. Howard, of this city, received a letter last Friday, announcing the death of his only brother, Cyrus Howard, which occurred at his home in Loraine, Ohio, last week. Miss Ida Fleming contemplates opening a millinery store in Medford soon. She will occupy a room at the Coss Piano House. G. W. Long, who arrived in Medford a few weeks ago from Leland, Or., has started a milk wagon in our city. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 1, 1901, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
John Curry
left Tuesday night for Washington, to resume his position in the census
office.Jesse Wilson, who now resides near Salem, is in Medford, looking after his property on C Street. C. B. Rostel is being visited by his sister, who is the wife of a prominent farmer of Siskiyou County, Calif. Dr. R. T. Burnett, the clever dentist, expects to locate in Ashland for the practice of his profession. Ranse Rouse has returned from his trip to St. Louis, accompanied by his sister. He is again doing the grand at Al. Helms' popular resort. E. D. Weston has been commissioned to organize camps of the Modern Woodmen of America, and will operate in southern and southeastern Oregon. Frank Wilson has purchased the Model Restaurant, on C Street, of B. J. Cofer, and will conduct it on a more elaborate scale. The best meals are always served there. Miss Carrie George, the popular manager of the Postal Tel. Co., is nicely located on Seventh Street, opposite Hotel Nash. She also carries a good line of cigars. A. Ray, the genial blacksmith, has purchased the grocery store on the west side of the railroad track, and will engage in mercantile pursuits. Success to him. Newt. Morcy will continue blacksmithing at the old stand. A camp of Modern Woodmen of America was organized in Medford Tuesday night by Messrs. Wooliever and Abbott. G. W. Mackey is consul; A. Ray, advisor; Geo. Kurtz, clerk; H. B. Nye, banker. The new lodge starts with a good-sized membership and under favorable auspices. Captain, Judge or Mayor Crowell--whichever you please--who was instrumental in having Hon. J. H. Stewart's property placed within the corporate limits of Medford, has been circumvented after all. Mr. Stewart, having purchased the Fordyce farm, across the road from the premises annexed, will make that his headquarters in the future and move the buildings on the Hill place thither. Old Windy has a decided weakness for throwing down those whom he should serve most. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 7, 1901, page 4 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Mrs. Francis Fitch last week joined her husband, who has concluded that
California is the best field for his versatile talents.Thos. Collins has rented his place in East Medford and is keeping bachelor's hall in McAndrews' building on 7th Street. Miss Aileen Webber has resigned her position as instructor of the musical department of the Southern Oregon State Normal School, and is succeeded by Miss Grace Odgers, an accomplished musician. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 7, 1901, page 7 Millinery Opening.
are pleased to announce our first opening in millinery which will take
place on Friday and Saturday, March 15th and 16th. Everybody is
cordially invited to come and see our trimmed, untrimmed and
"ready-to-wear" hats. We invite you to come and see our goods and get
prices. Corner 6th and C streets.
Medford Mail, March 8, 1901, page 2 RIGHTS-OF-WAY SECURED.
Fish Lake Water Company Very Successful in Securing Rights to Construct Canal Across Lands Along the Line.
The representatives of the Fish Lake Water Company returned to Medford
this week and have been busily engaged in adjusting their affairs
preparatory to commencement of the work.
In an interview with one of the gentlemen he stated that on their part they are ready to commence building the ditch on April 1st. In beginning, the work will be done by day labor and not by contract, and they are in hopes of being able to secure all teams needed from parties living along the line of and in the neighborhood of the ditch, and if no unavoidable delay occurs they expect to have the ditch completed and ready for water as far as Dry Creek by the first of the year. He stated that so far they have had very little difficulty in securing most of the rights-of-way for the ditch line as soon as an application was made therefor. At this time eighty percent of the right-of-way to Dry Creek has been secured, and they hope to have the remaining rights by the first of April, so as not to interfere with the plans for the commencement of work on that date. He stated that there was but one important piece of right-of-way about which there is any serious question. This they hope to have satisfactorily arranged at an early date and to that end they are being assisted by prominent men in the city who are interested in the project. Should, however, they be unsuccessful in making arrangements for this right the ditch company will be compelled to institute condemnation proceedings, and the inauguration of the work will be deferred until an order of the court permitting them to cross the land can be obtained. The gentleman stated that it was their earnest hope that such proceedings would not be necessary, as the ground, owing to the late rains, is in a very favorable condition for work at this time, and that by being enabled to start work on the date fixed it could be done much more rapidly and at a much smaller cost to them. Speaking further in regard to securing rights-of-way he said: "As we are asking for no bonuses or financial assistance from the citizens of Medford or vicinity, we feel that we are entitled to the full support, in securing rights-of-way, of all such citizens as believe the building of the ditch will be a benefit to the county. This support of the general community is of the greatest importance to us; a land owner may not be willing to grant a right-of-way to our representative when considered as a benefit to the company alone, but when such right-of-way is wanted by his neighbors and the general community, for the benefit it will be to all, it puts the matter in a different light entirely. Where in crossing land any actual damage is caused, the company of course expects to pay for such damages, and if the amount cannot be mutually agreed on we are willing to settle by arbitration. It is the company's desire to avoid all litigation in such matters. "We hope later to arrange with the city of Medford to supply both water and electric power, but whether such arrangement is made or not, it will not interfere with our present plans to build to Dry Creek during the year. As stated before, the only thing that will delay us building there will be the inability to get a complete right-of-way at once." Medford Mail, March 8, 1901, page 2 Wm. Shoults, of Medford, has decided to make Table Rock his home for the summer and will move his family here next week. "Table Rock Items," Medford Mail, March 8, 1901, page 3 Rev. B. C. Taber and family, who have been residents of Medford for several months, left for Ashland Tuesday, where Mrs. Taber will remain for a few weeks, while Mr. Taber will go to Portland for medical treatment. The gentleman is afflicted with a tumorous growth which he expects will require an operation. He speaks very highly of Medford and her citizens and hopes to return here in the near future to locate permanently. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 8, 1901, page 6 A citizen:--"I wish you would call the chief of police's attention to the fact that stock is running at large in Medford--in direct violation of a city ordinance to that effect. To be sure there is very little damage that can be done on the streets, but it is dog-blamed unpleasant to live in fear of this stock getting in on one's lawn, or maybe puncturing the sidewalk in front of your place full of holes." Eli Hogan:--"Those people back east tell some great stories on our country. Some of them are so ridiculous as to hardly take on a semblance of truth even in distant lands. A recent arrival in Medford from one of the middle western states told me that before leaving his home he was told that every little creek, regardless of width or depth of water, had to be bridged; that a wagon positively could not be drawn through them because of the myriads of fish in the creeks blocking the wagon wheels. I assured the gentleman that fish were plentiful in Oregon streams, but that I knew of no instance where a calamity or misfortune had occurred to anyone because of their existence." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, March 8, 1901, page 6 D. T. Pritchard, the jeweler, returned to Medford Saturday evening from a business trip to Klamathon. He says the party who reported that he had located at Klamathon was mistaken, and that he intended to remain in Medford, where he will always be prepared to do all kinds of work in his line--satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. J. W. Odgers has disposed of his dental business at Ashland to Dr. R. T. Burnett, who will take charge of the office next Monday, March 11th. Dr. Odgers has returned to Medford where he will remain for some time looking after business affairs. We hope he will decide to remain here permanently. H. H. Davis has leased half of the building occupied by J. H. Ray, on the corner of B and Seventh streets, and has put in a select stock of gents' furnishing goods. He expects to make a specialty of tailor-made clothing as soon as he has received his spring samples. F. M. Wilson, who recently disposed of his bakery business in this city to Litchfield & Patty, of Eugene, has purchased the Model restaurant, next door to the post office, and took charge of the same this week. Mr. Wilson will undoubtedly make a success as a restaurateur. V. Broadbent, who arrived in the valley from Nebraska about a year ago, has purchased two and a quarter acres of land in East Medford from S. G. Hodges, and will at once commence the erection of a dwelling thereon. Baxter Robinson, a quite recent arrival from British Columbia, has purchased the Rufus Cox residence property in East Medford, and has moved his family thereto. There is a good bit of street rumor this week which is in effect that a Medford market man has sold diseased animals, cattle, hogs and sheep, to patrons of his shop. The Mail is not vouching for the truthfulness of these rumors, we are simply giving the item as a strong rumor .We understand that District Attorney Reames is investigating the affair and that several witnesses have given evidence before him this week. The evidence is, of course, [a] private matter and cannot at this time be given out. Full particulars will be given in the next issue. Miss Prudie Angle has accepted a position as saleswoman for F. K. Deuel & Co., which position she will doubtless fill in an entirely satisfactory manner. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 8, 1901, page 6 Mr. Proudfoot an Ejector.
The Portland Evening
Telegram of March 1st says:
"There is wrath in the bosom of Vic Brunell, proprietor of the Acme barber shop, but R. A. Proudfoot smiles complacently. At an early hour this morning Proudfoot caused the effects of the barber shop to be placed on the sidewalk in the rain. "When Brunell arrived at his place of business this morning he found his chairs, razors, strops, towels, mirrors and other furniture of an up-to-date tonsorial parlor on the sidewalk in front of his place, 269 Washington Street. The articles were in the rain, but were protected to some extent by a cover. When he found that he could not replace the furniture in his shop, he had it carted away to a storehouse. "Brunell alleges that he had a verbal lease on the place where his shop was located, the lease being for eight months. Proudfoot owns the Creamerie Restaurant and the property adjoining, where the Acme shop was doing a good business in shaves and haircuts. During January Proudfoot served a notice to quit on Brunell, telling the latter to vacate February 1, but he afterwards collected the rent for February in advance. Between 2 and 5 a.m. he entered the Acme and had the furnishings of the place carried out on the sidewalk, and there they were when the barber and his assistants arrived. "It is said that Proudfoot had no authority to enter the shop, not being provided with the proper papers for eviction from the sheriff's office. An attorney has been retained by Brunell, and the matter will probably go to the courts. "Proudfoot wants the premises occupied by the barber shop in order to have boxes added to his restaurant. When asked for a statement, he said that Brunell had promised to move, but was slow in doing so, and so he had concluded to assist him in the matter." Mr. Proudfoot was formerly a resident of this city, and owner of the Medford electric light plant. Medford Mail, March 8, 1901, page 6 The Mail's recent census count has been verified by School Clerk Garl T. Jones, who has just completed a census of the school children of the district. Mr. Jones, who has taken the school census for the past seven years, estimated that the children of school age in the city does not exceed one-third of the population of Medford. He finds 730 school children, which, according to his estimate, would give Medford a population of 2190, and The Mail's actual count was 2109. The Mail found 281 property owners in the city, while Mr. Jones found 280. If there has at any time been any doubt of the correctness of The Mail's returns a comparison of these figures should dissipate it at once. T. H. Moore, the West Side grocer, has sold his business to A. B. Ray, son of J. H. Ray, of this city, who has taken charge of the same. He expects to increase his stock of groceries at an early date and perhaps add new lines of goods to the business. Mr. Ray will be assisted in his business by his father, who has had eighteen years of experience in the mercantile business. Mr. Moore is contemplating erecting another building on his vacant lots on the site of the old Clarenden Hotel in the near future, and devote his time to looking after his property interests. Thos. H. B. Taylor has moved his feather renovating establishment to North D Street, four doors north of the Nash Livery Stables. Mr. Taylor has been ill for a couple or three weeks, and not until Monday was he able to start up the works again. He will now give a good part of his attention to work from other towns of the valley. As a sanitary precaution his method of cleaning feathers is a feature that ought not to be lost sight of. J. R. Erford has sold his residence property in this city to A. D. Eads, one of the proprietors of the second-hand store. Mr. and Mrs. Erford will leave soon for Boulder, Colorado, where they may locate permanently. They have been residents of Medford for twelve years and are among our most highly respected citizens. We regret to see them leave Medford, but wish them much success wherever they decide to locate. H. A. Frenna intends engaging in the poultry business soon. He expects to raise a large number of chickens for shipment. He has leased some property on the Ish farm, near Geo. Priddy's brickyard, and will move there this week .Since he intends raising poultry for the profit, and there being a good profit in the business, he will no doubt meet with success in his venture. Michael Trafe, a recent arrival from Nebraska, has purchased Geo. E. Weber 's place, in East Medford, paying $1200 therefor. This is a very pretty little home place and Mr. Trafe is to be congratulated upon having secured so choice a bit of realty. Mr. Weber will give possession in about a month at which time he expects to be transferred to California by the head camp of the Woodmen of the World. He is organizer of camps and will serve in that capacity in our sister state. Rufus Cox and family moved to their farm home, north and west of Central Point, this week. Mr. Cox purchased 160 acres of land adjoining Sam'l. McClendon's place a couple of years ago and it is to this they have moved. Medford has good grounds to regret their departure. They are good people and good citizens--every spot in the highway. A camp of the Modern Woodmen of America was organized in this city, last Tuesday evening, with a charter membership of thirty-one. The order was instituted by District Deputy Head Council, W. A. Wooliever, assisted by Assistant Deputy J. W. Abbott. The following neighbors were duly elected and installed into their respective offices: G. W. Mackey, V.C.; A. D. Ray, W.A.; H. B. Nye, E.B.; J. R. Hardin, sentry; Geo. J. Kurtz, clerk; N. H. Marcy, escort, C. A. Poe, watchman; J. E. Shearer, physician. Geo. J. Kurtz was elected delegate to the Grand Lodge. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 8, 1901, page 7 The granite that will be used in [Salem's new post office] building will be obtained from Medford. They will also use Oregon sandstone and all material from this state so far as possible. "Work to Begin Next Monday," The Daily Journal, Salem, March 9, 1901, page 4 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Heard, the promoter, is at San Francisco again.We are sorry to learn that the estimable wife of Thos. McAndrews is quite ill. W. J. King, the popular proprietor of the Turf Exchange, was at the county seat Saturday, accompanied by J. T. Delk. Dr. Odgers, having sold his dental business in Ashland to Dr. Burnett, has returned to Medford and opened an office in Mrs. Miles' brick building. The citizens of Medford are beginning to think that they elected a grafter for mayor at the last election, judging from the expense bill filed by that prince of patriots in connection with the passage of the new charter. Before they bestow their approbation of the great feats he performed, in the undiluted quantity that our venerable mayor always expects, they would like a bill of particulars. What was the money spent for anyway, "old man"? We know that you are ever laboring in the interests of the dear people, without fear, favor or remuneration, and are satisfied that an itemized statement will substantiate our confidence in you. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 14, 1901, page 4 "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 14, 1901, page 5 Chas. H. Pierce of Medford, who is well known for his enterprise and ability, is organizing a company for the purpose of starting a cannery somewhere in the valley--probably at Talent. This would prove an important business proposition in more ways than one. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 14, 1901, page 7 A camp of the Modern Woodmen of America was organized at Medford, Oregon on Tuesday evening March 5th by District Deputy Head Consul W. A. Wooliever, assisted by Assistant Deputy Head Consul J. W. Abbott, with 31 charter members. The following neighbors were duly elected and installed into their respective offices: V.C., G. W. Mackey; W.A., A. D. Ray; E.B., H. B. Nye; Sentry, J. R. Hardin; Clerk, Geo. J. Kurtz, Escort, N. H. Marcey, Watchman, C. A. Poe; Physician, J. E. Shearer; Delegate, Geo. J. Kurtz. "Local Happenings," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, March 14, 1901, page 3 "Doc" Keene, of Medford, the famous Jackson County politician, who has been termed the "Joe Simon of Southern Oregon," was in Grants Pass Saturday night. "Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, March 14, 1901, page 3 A Bower of Beauty.
It is not often that the duties of the Mail reporter
diverge from the ordinary, never-varying routine of gathering news, but
it sometimes happens so. Such was the case this week when his attention
was attracted to the immense stock of pretty new millinery which Mrs.
L. J. Sears has just received for her spring and summer trade. It was
indeed a pretty sight. Strewn in generous profusion around the confines
of her parlor in the Racket Store, which was entirely too small for a
proper display of her large stock, was to be seen all the very newest
and most gorgeous creations in feminine head apparel which the fashion
artists of the twentieth century have been able to devise. The newest
shapes and shades of hats of every description and for every purpose,
the daintiest effects in flowers and trimmings, everything in fact
which could be desired by the ladies of fashion was to be seen in a
bewildering assortment. The reporter's unfamiliarity with millinery
terms precludes any possibility of his giving a true word description
of the many stylish things destined to set the feminine heart to
fluttering, but if there is such a thing as a bower of beauty it is to
be seen at Mrs. Sears' millinery store.
Medford Mail, March 15, 1901, page 2 About Job Printing.
Mail, under
its present management, has been doing job printing in Medford for over
eight years. We have printed everything from a calling card to a full
sheet poster. We have even printed in colors on wood; we have embossed
letterheads, envelopes, cards and cigar box labels; we have printed
cloth posters and silk banquet invitations, and we will wager the price
of several good jobs that none of those for whom this work was done
have felt themselves called upon to offer an apology for the appearance
of the work.
We have been accused of having charged the city of Medford $6.50 for a thousand letterheads. That is a lie, pure and simple. We never charged any man or corporation a price equal to that on a straight thousand run. On February 13th of this year we printed for Mayor Crowell 500 twelve-pound Irish linen letterheads, for which we charged $3.25, our usual price for that grade of work. On February 16th following we printed 500 ten-pound wove letterheads, for use by the councilmen of Medford--for this we charged $3, our usual price--and right here we want to say that no business man in Medford has ever gotten this grade of work and goods for one penny less in runs of $500. These are the prices we established eight years ago, and there has been no deviation from them--notwithstanding the fact that paper has advanced from three to fifteen percent during the past three years. It may be true that cheaper work can be secured at other print shops in this town. If so, our advice to those who want cheap printing, inked with a mop, with all kinds of impressions on the sheet, is to go there and get it. If it is good, clean printing that you want--the kind that don't make you cross-eyed to look at, the kind that makes you feel good and bolsters up your business and don't resemble a junk shop relic, the kind that's worth paying for and the kind that you just naturally feel like you wanted to pay for, bring it to the Mail shop, and if you don't declare that you are getting good value for your money we will make you a present of the whole works. If you want poster type printed on a letterhead or business card don't bring it here--our types won't print that kind of printing. If you want printing that's good work drop in and look over our samples, but don't ask us to figure against a printer (God save the mark) whose misfortune, rather than his fault, it is that he does not know how to print. It is true The Mail has printed letterheads for $2.50 per thousand--and that we have a few thousand left of the stock that we printed these from, which have been offered to the trade for the past year at these figures. They are seven-pound weight, lightest weight letterhead made; they are off-color, and the ruling is not true. We never printed an order from the lot that the purchaser did not first see the stock. Medford Mail, March 15, 1901, page 2 Steam Feather Renovating.
have now completed my canvass of the city of Medford. I have aimed to
call at every house. My books show that up to date I have renovated in
the city of Medford 421 pillows and feather beds, and when to this is
added the fact that there has not been one word of complaint it shows
conclusively that my work is appreciated by the people.
To those who have not given the matter consideration, or who may think it unnecessary, as a professor of hygiene, I respectfully add a few professional don'ts. Don't expect too much of the sun. Don't think you can renovate your feathers by putting them out in the sun because your grandmother thought so. Your grandmother was a very nice person--so was mine. They probably did the best they could under the circumstances, but we should remember that tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis. All theory and practice to the contrary, notwithstanding, I say to you, don't put your feathers in the sun--for by so doing you only augment the trouble you seek to avoid. The sun's warmth to the feathers only softens the oil or animal matter in the quills, causing them to absorb more of the unhealthy exhalations of the body. It also gives life and vigor to disease germs, and more especially the vermin known as the feather worm. Air your feathers, of course, but not in the sun. The benefit derived from the airing of feathers, however, is superficial only. Health is not an attribute--but a condition--and when the conditions are favorable, health is inevitable. While it is true that you may for a time enjoy reasonable health, regardless of sanitary conditions, it is also true that the time is limited. The value of health and happiness is not computed in dollars and cents, and if health and happiness is governed by sanitary conditions, then the renovating of feathers by steam is as necessary as bread and butter. There is considerable work in Medford being deferred. To all those having this work I would say that my stay in Medford is quite limited, therefore leave your orders at my office or post office box 25, Medford, very soon. As I believe and know all the above to be true, I also have faith and honestly believe that He
who heard the raven's cry
T. H. B. TAYLOR,And had Elijah fed, Will bless also the feather man Who renovates your bed. Medford, Oregon. Medford Mail, March 15, 1901, page 2 A Citizen:--"You know Pritchard, the jeweler, don't you? Nearly everybody does. He's always talking--sometimes he don't say much but the automobiles in his head are always gyrating. He got off a good one a few days ago. Himself and ex-County Treasurer Lindley were standing side by side in front of the post office. With an index finger he pointed toward himself with the remark 'Before taking,' and then the same index finger went out toward Mr. Lindley with the exclamation:--'After taking.' People well acquainted with these gentleman can best understand the appropriateness of the above quoted patent medicine expression." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, March 15, 1901, page 2 Don't Kick.
kick at the feather man's prices. Come down to the shop and heave coal;
turn a two-horsepower crank for six or eight hours; get feathers in
your hair and nostrils; get your teeth full of feathers; take a few
thousand cubic feet of steam down into your vitals; pound dusty ticks
till your arm drops off; eat a pound or two of dust and feathers and
when your temper(ature) runs up to 400, stand on your head occasionally
to let the sweat out of your boots. Then tell me how nice, how easy and
pleasant it is to renovate feathers.
T. H. B.
Medford Mail, March 15, 1901, page 3 G. F. Palm to Peter J. Head, lots 9 and 10, blk 4, Park add., Medford . . . 250 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, March 15, 1901, page 5 Miss Bernice Cameron visited her sister, Mrs. L. L .Jacobs, in this city Saturday and Sunday. J. W. Curry left last week for Washington, D.C., to resume his position as clerk in the census office. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Erford left Medford Wednesday morning for their new home at Boulder, Colorado. Geo. Creed, of Wilderville, arrived in Medford Tuesday to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law, Mr. Land. Thos. Carroll, of Tacoma, was in Medford Wednesday upon a brief visit to his brother, Capt. Carroll, and family. L. F. Shipley, of Placer, Josephine County, was in Medford over Sunday on business, and also visiting with his cousin, A. W. Bish, and family. Miss Kate Crystal, accompanied by her daughter, Lulu, and son, Fred, left Monday morning for Sebastopol, Calif., where they will reside permanently. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Collins and family, of Dallas Center, Iowa, arrived in Medford this week and will visit here during the summer with Mrs. Collins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Strayer. T. J. West and son, Bert, of Brownsboro, were in Medford Wednesday. These people are new to Southern Oregon, having moved here from Washington last fall, but they have lived here long enough to find out that we are the most hospitable people that ever inhabited the best land in the whole United States. Mr. West was fortunate in dropping anchor in one of the best neighborhoods in Southern Oregon--and he found out the kind of genuinely hospitable people they are--during his family's recent sad affliction--and he is not backward in sounding their praises. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 15, 1901, page 6 Chief of Police Johnson has a new star which contains the true insignia of his office--that of Chief of Police. Sam'l. and Julius Goldsmith, the former a well-known traveling man, and the latter formerly engaged in business in this city, have closed out their cigar business at Salem, in which they engaged about two months ago. A misunderstanding over the lease of the building which they occupied is assigned as their reason for going out of business. W. A. Wooliever, of Grants Pass, who recently organized a lodge of the Modern Woodmen of America, is to the city endeavoring to organize a business college. He states that he is meeting with satisfactory results and that he expects to secure a sufficient number of pupils to justify him in organizing a school. Mort Foster, who has been visiting his mother and family in this city for a few weeks, has accepted a position as salesman for H. E. Boyden, the hardware dealer, and will not return to Spokane. Mort is a thorough salesman, and Mr. Boyden is fortunate in securing his services. H. L. Robinson, who arrived in Medford a few weeks ago with his family from Boone County, Nebraska, is saying and thinking all kinds of good things for Southern Oregon, and if his wife's health improves they will locate permanently. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 15, 1901, page 6 J. S. Butler, the very gentlemanly and efficient drug clerk in Chas. Strang's drug store, was agreeably surprised last Friday by an unannounced visit from his brother, Dr. H. Butler, of Iowa. The doctor was on his way to Seattle to engage in the practice of his profession, and decided to surprise his brother, who was not aware that he was in this section of the country. He remained over until last Sunday. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 15, 1901, page 7 "Gone to get married. Will be back soon," is the wording displayed on a placard on the door of our merchant tailor’s shop. Coquille City Herald, March 19, 1901 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Gov. Geer has appointed Miss Carrie George as a notary public. It is a good appointment.Jeff. Heard and A. A. Davis were in Jackson Creek district, situated west of Jacksonville, one day this week, looking at some mines. Mrs. Jessie Farnsworth of Los Angeles, Calif. arrived in Medford Monday evening, for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Langell. Miss Grace Foster, one of our most charming vocalists, will sing at the entertainment which will be given by the Epworth League in Jacksonville on the 22d. M. E. Beatty, who was prominent in the early days of Medford, passed through our town one day last week, en route to San Francisco. He is now located in the state of Washington. The Times is pained to announce the death of the wife of Thos. McAndrews, who died at the family residence, situated near Medford, last Monday, after a lingering illness. She was a resident of southern Oregon for many years, a lady of estimable qualities and highly respected by all who knew her. A husband and several children, as well as numerous friends, mourn her loss. The remains were buried in the Catholic cemetery in Jacksonville, in the presence of a large concourse. Rev. Father Berthiaume officiated. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 21, 1901, page 5 Those wishing sulphur for spraying purposes can obtain what they want at reasonable rates by applying to the Medford Distilling & Refining Co., which has just received a carload. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 21, 1901, page 5 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Crystal, accompanied by a son and daughter, have gone to Sebastopol,
Calif. to locate.Gov. Geer has appointed Miss Carrie George as a notary public. It is a good appointment. Mort. Foster, a popular young man, is occupying the position of salesman at Boyden's hardware store, which he will no doubt fill acceptably. Medford district, the most populous in the county excepting Ashland, has 737 children of school age, a gain of 70 over the number reported by the clerk last year. J. W. Hunter and F. S. Sherer, expert photographers, who lately arrived from Kansas, have rented the gallery occupied by Mackey & Boyd, and will take possession about April 1st. Miss Florence Toft has succeeded Miss Lillian Barr as "hello" girl at the Medford telephone office. The latter will take a course at a business college in San Francisco soon, to which city she will go with her sister, Mrs. Ada Mills, whose little son will be treated in a hospital. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 21, 1901, page 7 MEDFORD A CITY OF NUMEROUS AND
Sixteen Organizations Flourish--The Mystic Ties of Love and Fellowship Have Powerful Hold.
is certainly bound by strong ties of fraternity. It might well be
termed the city of lodges, the banner lodge town of the state, or
indeed of the Pacific coast, of its size. Here sixteen organizations
are flourishing, and more coming, doubtless. The mystic ties of love
and fellowship have a powerful hold, and these organizations are
steadily increasing their membership and financial strength. By
personal interviews with members and officials of these various
organizations the following data was secured by a Mail representative.
Talisman Lodge, No. 31, Knights of Pythias, was organized in this city March 11, 1890, with a charter membership of thirty-one. Today it is one of the strongest and most influential secret organizations in the county, and its membership has increased to eighty active young men, all loyal to their order and proud of its success. For the past year its growth has been greater than for any previous decade since its incipiency, seldom a meeting night passing when there is not work in one or more degrees. Their finances are at high tide, and within a short time they expect to own their own hall. Later: Since the above was put in type the K. of P.'s have purchased the S. Childers two-story brick building on Seventh Street, near the bridge. They will rent the first floor and the second will be fitted up for lodge rooms. They expect to have one of the neatest lodge rooms in the city when completed. The price paid for the building was $3150. The lodge of Odd Fellows, representing the broad principles of hope, faith and charity, was organized July 16, 1886, with a small charter membership. On January 1st of this year the books of the lodge show a total of eight-six members in good standing. They own their own hall, the best in the city, and also own the Medford cemetery, on which they have expended over $1300. Their relief and charitable gifts during 1900 amounted to nearly $500, and their total assets at the present time amount to the neat sum of $3776.15. Rogue River Encampment, I.O.O.F., No. 30, was organized May 17, 1892, with eight charter members. They now have thirty-five and the lodge is in a very prosperous condition. Another branch of the Odd Fellows is the Olive Rebekah Lodge, No. 28, with fifty-seven members, and all earnest workers for the order. As is well known the ladies have charge of this order and control its destiny. Sociability and charity mark the conduct of this order. Their social entertainments are always a source of pleasure to those who are fortunate enough to be in attendance. They never overlook anything that will afford enjoyment and amusement, and an evening spent with them is followed by many pleasant memories. It was this branch of Odd Fellowship which was largely instrumental in establishing the Orphans' Home in Portland for the care of orphaned children of Odd Fellows and old and disabled members of this world-renowned order. Their charity extends to all quarters of the globe and is not as "sounding brass and tinkling cymbals." The A.F. and A.M., composed of representative business men of this city, has a membership of about sixty-five. This order was organized about ten years ago, under dispensation, and from the date of its organization it has steadily grown in strength. The O.E.S., Reames Chapter, No. 66, was organized April 27, 1900, with forty-four charter members. Seldom has an order made such rapid strides to popularity and influence as has this chapter. Its rapid growth is due to a great extent to the sincerity and earnestness of the representative ladies of this city who go to make up its membership, which has grown to sixty-five during the few short months of its existence. At the recent official visit of the worthy grand matron of the order, Mrs. Jessie Vert, of Pendleton, she was extremely profuse in her commendation of the active work being prosecuted in the ranks of the lodge, and predicted that it would soon be among the leading chapters of the state. Triumph Tenth, No. 14, Knights of the Maccabees, is another strong order and steadily growing stronger. It is beneficiary and social in its purpose. It was organized here about seven years ago with a small membership. Today thirty-four families are protected by it. The Bee Hive, their official organ, in its last issue says, "We heartily recommend Triumph Tent, No. 14, into the list of the most progressive tents in the jurisdiction." The Woodmen of the World is preeminently an insurance order. It was organized in 1896 with about twenty-five members. It has enjoyed a phenomenal increase in membership during the past five years, the total now being ninety-eight. A remarkable feature of this order is that there has not been a death in its ranks since it was organized. The A.O.U.W. is the oldest lodge in the city, having been organized in December, 1884. It has grown with the city and now has an active membership of seventy. The regular meeting of this lodge was held Wednesday of this week, and it is safe to predict that this session will long be remembered by those in attendance. At the conclusion of the business of the evening the members were preparing to hie themselves to their respective homes, when their preparations were suddenly interrupted by the arrival of what at first appeared to be a whole regiment of Salvation Army lasses on one of their charitable missions. The situation was soon cleared up and the Degree of Honor members, who had planned a little surprise for their brother members, were heartily welcomed and a couple of hours were spent in enjoying the feast which the good ladies had prepared. The surprise was cleverly planned and the result was all that could be wished. The A.O.U.W., Degree of Honor, Esther Lodge, No. 56, meets every second and fourth Wednesday of each month. It is an auxiliary of the ancient order of United Workmen. The last week a renewed interest and activity in this order has been manifest. Past Grand Chief of Honor, Mrs. Mamie Briggs, was present at their meeting Thursday evening and delivered a very interesting address. The hall was filled with members of the order and visiting Workmen. Twelve accessions were made at this meeting. The G.A.R., Chester A. Arthur Post, No. 47, and its auxiliary, the Women's Relief Corps, both maintain good organizations. They are benevolent and social in their nature, and the meetings of these old boys of the Grand Army of the Republic are productive of much pleasure. The Fraternal Brotherhood lodge was organized last July. It is an insurance and fraternal order and is prospering. The Modern Woodmen of America is the last lodge which has been instituted in this city. It was organized about three weeks ago with twenty-eight members. Since then twelve new recruits have been taken in. Should it continue to grow as rapidly as it has during its brief existence it will soon be one of the strongest insurance lodges in the city. The Fraternal Union of America, Medford Lodge, No. 421, meets every Saturday evening in the A.O.U.W. hall. This order was instituted in Medford last July, and since that time it has become quite a popular order. It has fifty-two members at present and the number is growing. It is a fraternal and insurance order, and also pays sick benefits. Chrysanthemum Circle, No. 84, Women of Woodcraft, an auxiliary of the Woodmen of the World, was organized October 23, 1898, with nine members. It now has thirty-six, and is enjoying the same proportion of success as the Woodmen of the World. It is a beneficiary and social order. Medford Mail, March 22, 1901, page 2 Miss Iva Purdin, of Medford, has been engaged to teach the Sams Valley school. The district as well as the teacher, are to be congratulated. "Table Rock Items," Medford Mail, March 22, 1901, page 3 D. G. Karnes, the cigar dealer, returned from a ten days' visit with relatives at Chico, California Thursday evening. Mrs. Jessie Farnsworth, of Los Angeles, arrived in Medford Monday evening and will visit here for some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Langell. Wm. Angle has had the Medford opera house wired and not less than twenty electric lights, a portion of which will be thirty-two candlepower, will be put in at once. Mrs. N. Frary, of Central Point, was a pleasant caller at the Mail office Tuesday. The lady is a magnetic healer and reports having had a great many patients while in Southern Oregon and that she is now treating a goodly number. J. J. Kerr and family arrived in Medford Wednesday from Cowlitz County, Washington, and will take up their residence on a farm near Trail, this county, which Mr. Kerr purchased last fall. He is a cousin of John Kerr, the painter, of this city. J. A. Brandenburg, more familiarly known as Bert, who has been residing at Red Bluff, Calif. for some time, arrived in Medford Wednesday morning for a few days' visit with his parents and friends. He has been quite ill with fever and is seeking recreation. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Davis, of Klamathon, Calif. arrived in Medford this week and are visiting Mr. Davis' brother-in-law, H. Frenna, and family. Mr. Davis has recently sold his property at Klamathon and may decide to locate here. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hoag arrived in Medford recently from Joplin, Mo., and will make Southern Oregon their future home. Mr. Hoag is a son of E. A. Hoag, living east of Medford. He is an engineer by trade, and just as soon as he recovers his health, which has not been the best for a few months, he will accept a position at his trade, if one to his liking presents itself. R. W. Richardson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Richardson, of this city, who has been a member of the crew of the great battleship Oregon for the past three years, arrived in Medford Sunday evening for a visit with his parents, and may remain here permanently, having served out his term of enlistment. He sailed from New York on the Oregon in 1898 for Manila, and was one of the crew when the Oregon made her famous run around Cape Horn. He was in the great naval battle at Santiago and witnessed a portion of the fight from the deck of the vessel. He is very reticent regarding his experiences while in the service of the United States. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 22, 1901, page 6 The death of Mrs. Margaret McAndrew, wife of Thos. H. McAndrew, one of the pioneer residents of the county, occurred at the family farm home about a mile north and east of Medford last Monday morning, after a lingering illness with cancer. The deceased was sixty years and four months old, and has been a resident of Jackson County for many years. She was a native of Granard, County Longford, Ireland. She leaves a husband and a large family of grown children, besides a host of friends, to mourn her death. She was buried in the Catholic cemetery at Jacksonville Wednesday morning, funeral services being conducted at the Catholic Church, Rev. Father Berthaumie officiating. The Grants Pass Observer has in its last issue the following highly complimentary notice of Bertina Boffa, regarding her performance at the recent session of the Rogue River Choral Union. "Little Bertina Boffa, daughter of Signor Boffa, of Medford, who most ably assisted in the convention, appeared in violin solos which charmed an admiring audience at both the matinee Friday afternoon and during the evening. This little lady, less than ten years old, plays with a wonderful tone and expression and has seemingly inherited the touch of some grand old master. At the close of the concert she was presented with $10 as a souvenir of the convention." Merchant F. K. Deuel has purchased the W. B. Stevens residence property on North D Street and has moved his family thereto. He will make a number of substantial improvements on the property, which, when completed, will make it one of the most desirable residences in the city. The price paid for it was $1800. Dr. Shearer, who has been occupying the property, has moved to the H. G. Wortman residence on West Seventh Street, formerly occupied by Mr. Deuel. 'Twas long ago that St. Patrick banished the frogs from out the bogs, and all the snakes from Ireland, but the memory of that event is dear to the heart of every son of Erin, as was evidenced from the numerous green ribbons and badges worn in this city last Sunday. Mrs. J. E. Langley is having her large residence, west of the Medford-Jacksonville depot, painted and otherwise thoroughly renovated, and as soon as completed it will be for rent. Earnest Langley is doing the work. F. M. Stewart, real estate agent, sold this week a two-acre lot, with dwelling house, to G. H. Tice, of Applegate. Mr. Tice has taken up his residence in Medford. The property is out on North C. Street. C. M. Allen and family have moved to the Knips ranch west of Medford, which he has rented for the season. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 22, 1901, page 6 The indications that work on the Fish Lake ditch will be started on schedule time, as previously stated, become daily more apparent. The company's foreman, D. E. Morris, of San Francisco, arrived in Medford this week, and in company with the chief engineer, Victor McCray, has been going over the ground. Mr. Norris not a stranger to this section, he having been timekeeper for the Southern Pacific railroad during its construction through this valley. The right-of-way for the first sixteen miles of the ditch has been secured, but there yet remain some necessary rights to be secured which are of vital importance, and which must be obtained before the company feels justified in announcing just what it will be able to do. That there should be any serious objections to giving a right-of-way for an enterprise of this nature seems impossible. If the company were engaged in a grafting enterprise, were endeavoring to secure control of land for which the owners could expect nothing in return, it would be wisdom to give the question mature consideration, but the promoters of this ditch have repeatedly assured the citizens that they would ask no other concession than the right to construct the canal with their own money. Under these circumstances it would seem that there could be no reasonable objections to their offer. The Mail does not pretend to endeavor to influence the owners of the land along the proposed line of this ditch to enter into any agreement which would be detrimental to their interests, nor does it pretend to know what course would best serve their present and future welfare, but it does appeal to the citizens of the valley, and especially to those whose consent must be obtained before the ditch can be built, to aid the promoters in every way within their power, if it can be seen that by so doing they will be conferring a benefit upon their community and Jackson County generally. Dr. J. W. Odgers has fitted up office rooms in the Hamlin block, over D. H. Miller's hardware store, and will again practice his profession in this city. E. S. Wolfer this week installed one of his acetylene light plants in A. D. Ray's West Side grocery. Arthur Mahoney, formerly day clerk at Hotel Nash, is selling California oil stock. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 22, 1901, page 7 DIED.
McANDREW--At the family residence
north of Medford, Monday, March 18th, 1901, after a lingering illness,
Mrs. Margaret McAndrew, wife of Thos. H. McAndrew, a native of
Grannard, County Longford, Ireland, aged 60 years and 4 months.
Services were held at the Catholic Church, Jacksonville, Wednesday at 10 o'clock, in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives. Deceased was universally esteemed by all who knew her. FREDENBURG--At the family residence in Medford, March 18th, 1901, of pneumonia, Susan T. Fredenburg, aged 65 years. Mrs. Fredenburg, whose maiden name was Pirtle, was born in Kentucky Aug. 26th, 1835. She removed with her parents to Iowa about 1840, was married to A. J. Fredenburg in 1857, and removed to Missouri, where they lived until 1864, when they crossed the plains with an ox team to Oregon, arriving at Baker City Sept. 15th. In Oct. 1865 they removed to Walla Walla, where they resided until the following July when they moved to Linn, living here and in Marion County until 1882, when they removed to Jackson County and where they have continued since to reside, being one of the first residents of Medford. There were 9 children in the family and her husband, A. J. Fredenburg and 8 of them still survive her. J. I., the oldest, resides south of Medford, W. J. and Harmon, who reside in Medford, Mrs. Mary Leslie of Sterling, Mrs. Jane White of Lyons, Ore., Rev. Chas. M. Fredenburg of Moro, Ore., Mrs. Ellen Lewis of Gilliam Co. and Mrs. Minnie Hearring of Clear Water, Idaho. Medford Enquirer, March 23, 1901, page 4 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Tom Reed of Jacksonville is acting as mixologist at Al. Helms' resort.
Times, Jacksonville, March 25, 1901, page 2 Hard copy at SOHS.Bert Brandenburg, who has been located at Red Bluff, Calif., lately, is visiting in Medford. B. I. Stoner is now traveling in the Willamette Valley for the Palm-Whitman-Palm Co. Palm-Whitman Co. have incorporated with a capital of $6000, divided into shares of $100 each. G. F. Palm, J. A. Whitman and H. M. Crowell are the incorporators. Mrs. Susan Fredenburgh, the estimable wife of A. J. Fredenburgh and mother of Jas. I. and W. J. Fredenburgh, who died on the 18th inst., was for many years a resident of Southern Oregon. She was highly respected by all who knew her. Fred Slagle and Miss Mamie Nicholson, well and favorably known in Medford, gave their friends a surprise party last week, when they joined fortunes at Roseburg. The groom is now a merchant tailor of Coquille City, Coos County, where the young couple will make their home. E. D. Briggs, who has been appointed referee in the Angle-Plymale partnership case, was in Medford last week, to take testimony, accompanied by J. R. O'Neill of Jacksonville, who will act as stenographer. The scene of operations has temporarily been shifted to Portland. J. A. Julien, ex-supervisor and one of the most prominent residents of Siskiyou County, Calif., spent a couple of days in Medford last week. He came over to look after the proposition of granting a right of way through lands belonging to the Julien estate, which is situated in Antelope district, to the Fish Lake Irrigating Co. PERSONAL MENTION.
Dr. C. Vroman of Gold Hill is with us today.
Times, Jacksonville, March 25, 1901, page 3 Hard copy at SOHS.H. C. Mackey of Medford, the clever photographer, is in Jacksonville today. John S. Meek, the genial representative of Buckingham, Hecht & Co., is in town. Clarence Reames was in Jacksonville several days this week, accompanied by his wife. Geo. Walter of Humbug made the Times a call Monday. He was in town on probate business. Miss Grace Foser spent Saturday and Sunday in Jacksonville, the guest of Miss Frances Barnes. Milo P. Ward of Portland, the well-known promoter of big enterprises, is sojourning at Gold Hill. Horace Pelton of Sams Valley, a prominent stockman and farmer, spent Saturday night in Jacksonville. Mr. Blodgett, who holds the position of assayer with J. W. Opp, returned from Ashland last week. Miss Birdie Jones has returned to Tolo from Portland, on account of the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. L. D. Hitch. Misses Rose O'Brien and Stella Byrne, two of Applegate's fairest daughters, were visitors at the county seat Saturday. Mrs. Harvey Oatman of McMinnville was called to Ashland by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Dollarhide. District Attorney Reames, who has been at Portland on business in the U.S. district court, returned on today's train. Congressman Tongue and two of his daughters passed through the valley not long since, en route to Hillsboro from Washington. Miss Mabel Russell of Ashland has returned from Portland, where she has been pursuing her art studies for the past seven months. C. M. Holmes, lately in the train dispatcher's office at Ashland, has become manager of the W.U. Tel. Co.'s office at Bakersfield, Calif. Mr. Nelson of the Albany Bottling Works on Saturday interviewed his customers, doing business at Jacksonville and other points in the valley. Mrs. T. H. Tongue of Hillsboro, wife of Congressman Tongue, is in Jacksonville visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. E. Reames, who has been quite ill. Prof. E. E. Washburn, of the Ashland public schools, spent Friday night in Jacksonville. He is an aspirant to the principalship of our school. W. H. Radford of San Francisco, one of the most noted of mining engineers, visited H. E. Ankeny at the Sterling mine last week. He was in Jacksonville Saturday. Mr. C. E. Harmon of Grants Pass, who, with her sister, Miss Elsie Green, and Miss Southwick of Salem has been visiting in Jacksonville, returned home since the last issue of the Times. E. F. Baird of Portland, the clever city passenger agent of that grand railroad route, the Burlington, made us a pleasant call Saturday. He has been visiting the different towns of the valley and doing a fine business. A. W. and H. C. Shearer of Steamboat, the well-known miners, are in town, accompanied by F. A. Hortzell of Denver and F. Mixton of Rock Island. It is rumored that their presence here means a sale of placer mining property in Steamboat district. Dr. H. Levinson of San Francisco, an oculist of wide and excellent reputation, is making Jacksonville a professional visit. He has established headquarters at the Taylor House. His stay is not long, and those wishing their eyes examined and treated in a scientific and successful manner should call on him soon. LOCAL NOTES.
Next Monday is All Fool's Day.
Times, Jacksonville, March 25, 1901, page 3 Hard copy at SOHSSpring opened last Thursday, the 21st. Taxes will be delinquent in a few days. Have your eyes tested by Dr. Levinson, the San Francisco specialist. Elegant homemade candies of all kinds a leader at Joe Wetterer's. Trespass notices, printed on cloth, on sale at the Times Printing House. We have been having an equinoctial storm, and considerable rain has fallen since Thursday. The late rains are interfering with the farmers, who have been busy for some time past. A full assortment of May's celebrated seeds--fresh and pure--is being displayed by Joe Wetterer. Jacksonville Fire Co. and the board of trustees will meet next week. So will the circuit and county court. Rev. Father Doyle, the popular Catholic priest, is in charge of the Ashland-Grants Pass parish. Joe Wetterer makes a specialty of light drinks, fresh candies, nuts, tropical and other fruits, etc. The regular examination of applicants for teachers' certificates will be held in Jacksonville next month. Notes, receipts, drafts, due bills, etc., in book form, can always be obtained at the Times Printing House. Prof. M. E. Rigby, who left this county for Utah several years ago, is teaching school in Pleasant Creek district. Undersheriff McCarthy has written 500 tax receipts, which number will be greatly increased during the present week. The April term of circuit court will begin next Monday. There will not be a great deal of business for transaction. John Soliss was in Jacksonville Saturday. He returned not long ago to his father's farm, situated in Griffin Creek district. Walter Goldsby, who is employed at J. M. Cantrall's ranch on Applegate, was kicked by a horse one day last week and severely hurt. The Mackey & Boyd photo tent will remain in Jacksonville until April 1st, and with each dozen of cabinets you get a 16x20 crayon free. Mrs. Henry Parrish of Ashland, who submitted to a delicate surgical operation at the Good Samaritan Hospital, in Portland, is convalescing. The county clerk has issued marriage license to Bernard Heberlie and Miss Minnie Luster of Ashland, also to H. C. Gee and Miss Sarah Harris. Both Davidson and Kubli post offices, situated in Missouri Flat district, are now supplied with mail from Jacksonville, instead of Grants Pass. Deeds, mortgages, leases, bonds, bills of sale and every imaginable kind of legal blanks--the latest and best--are constantly on hand at the Times office. The local teachers' institute, which will be held at Ashland next Saturday, is attracting considerable attention. The programme to be presented is an excellent one. Smiley Harris, who was a well-known character of Jacksonville many years ago, has been granted a pension. He is a veteran of the Mexican War and resides in Idaho. The Ladies' Home Missionary Society of Jacksonville will meet in the basement of the Presbyterian church on Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. A full attendance is requested. Those wishing sulfur for spraying purposes can obtain what they want at reasonable rates by applying to the Medford Distilling & Refining Co., which has just received a carload. Hundreds of Indian ponies, the property of the Indians living on the Klamath Reservation, failed to survive the winter, and many of the scrubby stock have been exterminated. Horse and jack bills printed at the Times office in the best style and at reasonable rates. We have a large and elegant assortment of engravings especially designed for that class of work. The Tidings says that the order of Supt. Fields of the S.P. Co., directing extra freight train crews to start from Ashland, means that 30 or 40 men with their families will be transferred from Roseburg to that city. Jas. K. Leabo, a well-known hunter, died at his residence in Trail Creek precinct on the 12th, from pneumonia. He was formerly a resident of Ashland, and leaves a wife and several children. Miss Ada Groom Caton, who was formerly a resident of Jacksonville, was married to Guy Hockett, a young man who once lived at Ashland and Grants Pass, at San Francisco, last week. Dr. Lowe, the well-known expert oculo-optician, will be in Medford, March 28th to 30th; Ashland, March 25th to 27th. If you value your eyesight and want perfect glasses, fitted to your eyes, see him. Geo. E. Neuber, who is having a park for his deer constructed on Thompson Creek, on the Winetrout farm, will soon drive his herd thither. He will engage in breeding them on a large scale for the market. The following are the stockholders in the bank lately organized at Ashland: F. M. Drake, E. A. Sherwin, C. H. Vaupel, A. McCallen, G. F. Billings, Geo. W. Owens, Mrs. M. H. Drake, Mrs. E. A. Sherwin, Mrs. C. Mingus, Mrs. M. J. Coolidge, J. A. Gross, H. L. McWilliams, John S. Shook, A. H. Brown, Jacob Thompson, J. K. VanSant. Harry Copeland of Talent, aged 15 years, who was held to answer in bonds placed at $100, charged with throwing stones at a Southern Pacific train, did not linger in jail more than a few hours. Bail was furnished and Sheriff Orme released the boy. District Attorney Reames intends to investigate the matter thoroughly and bring the guilty ones to justice. Sol. Abraham of Roseburg, a pioneer of Southern Oregon, was taken to a Portland hospital, suffering with gangrene in the foot. Amputation was found necessary, but he was unable to stand the shock, dying Saturday. His age was 73 years. T. H. B. Taylor, proprietor of Medford's feather-cleaning establishment, will visit Jacksonville before long and make regular trips thereafter. He does first-class work at reasonable rates. Our citizens should have their feather beds, pillows, etc., cleaned by him. Rev. N. M. Hansen, the pastor of the M.E. church, desires to thank the many kind citizens of Jacksonville, who, through their representative, presented him with a gift of money Friday evening, assuring them their generosity will ever be remembered. The Ladies' Birthday Club held a pleasant session at the residence of Mrs. Chas. Prim a few afternoons ago. An elegant collation was among the things discussed. Those present were Mesdames Dunford, cook, Neuber, Cronemiller, Schmitt, Ulrich, Kenney and Mrs. Fred Luy, Jr., of Medford. Chas. Hill and Miss Leonora Hulin, formerly a resident of the Southern Oregon State Normal School, were joined in matrimony at the residence of the bride's parents, March 17th. The couple will reside at Ashland. They are being showered with congratulations and best wishes of many friends. S. S. Pentz of Medford, attorney at law, has arranged the preliminaries of a proceeding that will result in the recovery from the county of the money paid on account of the bicycle tax. All those holding tags or receipts are requested to send or bring them to him, as he wishes to proceed without delay. A commercial club was organized in Ashland last week, which will no doubt be of much benefit to the granite city: Hon. E. V. Carter and Grant Crary were chosen temporary president and secretary respectively. The following were appointed a committee on by-laws: H. L. McWilliams, J. P. Dodge, C. F. Shepherd, Grant Crary and G. C. Morris. Ashland pays its male teachers an average monthly salary of $86.11, while its female teachers are paid $46.16 on an average. The granite city's last census showed 1011 children of school age, 618 being enrolled. Last year $28,217 were expended, which included $13,510 paid for a new building. The school library contains 786 volumes. The necktie and apron social, given under the auspices of the Epworth League of Jacksonville last Friday evening at Orth's Hall, was a success in every way. A splendid programme had been prepared for the occasion, and it was exceptionally well rendered. At the conclusion thereof excellent refreshments were served. The net receipts were about $16. Gold Hill will have a municipal election April 1st, which promises to be interesting. Two tickets have been nominated, and the following candidates are in the field: For councilmen, A. C. Stanley, C. F. Young, Oris Crawford, C. Vroman, G. E. Vose, W. H. Caine, J. H. Beeman, G. A. Landis; for recorder, A. E. Kellogg, M. McDonough; for marshal, John Humphrey, J. T. Bailey. Several of the young ladies of Jacksonville have organized the Gehmoi Club, which meets regularly at the residences of the members. Among those present at the last meeting were Misses Helen Colvig, Mabel and Maud Prim, Edith Priest, Bertha Orme, Inez Kitchen, Maggie Krause, Isa Cook. "A Presidential Contest" was the feature of the evening, in which Helen Colvig secured the first premium and Isa Cook won the booby prize. Some of the ladies of Jacksonville have established a reading circle, which meets regularly/ Its sessions are instructive as well as entertaining, and much interest is being taken to them. Mrs. W. M. Colvig, Mrs. C. C. Beekman, Mrs. G. O'B. DeBar, Miss Carrie Beekman, Mrs. J. W. Robinson, Mrs. J. C. Whipp, Mrs. Susie Neil and Mrs. J. S. Beach comprise the membership. The last meeting of the circle was held at the home of Mrs. Dr. Robinson, and was a very pleasant one. MARRIED.
STOCK-YORK--In Oak Flat precinct, Josephine County, March 7, 1901, by
Geo. B. Ward, justice of the peace, Wm. Stock and Miss Mary York.
Times, Jacksonville, March 25, 1901, page 3 Hard copy at SOHS..HOCKETT-CATON--In San Francisco, at the home of the bride's mother, March 10, 1901, Guy B. Hockett and Miss Ada Groom Caton. SLAGLE-NICHOLSON--At Roseburg, March 19, 1901, Fred. S. Slagle and Miss Mamie Nicholson of Medford. It turns out that the urchin who put the placard on the shop door of our young merchant tailor at his departure of a few days since, the wording of which we gave last week, knew a little something of what he was talking about. Mr. Slagle returned from Roseburg Friday, accompanied by a Mrs. Slagle, formerly Miss Minnie Nicholson, of Medford. The Herald extends its heartiest congratulations to these young people, and earnestly welcomes Mrs. S. to residence among us. Coquille City Herald, March 26, 1901 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Mrs. E. Ellison of Galveston, Texas, who has been visiting A. M.
Woodford and family for some time past, left for home Saturday.There were several runaways in Medford Tuesday, the principal participants being the big team of A. Slover, which shivered a telephone pole and did some other damage. The whereabouts of E. B. Jennings are still unknown. It is reported that he has gone to Alaska. This is doubtful, however, as people who go there must work, and whisky costs too much. Mrs. Emma Howard, who has been suffering with consumption for some time past, died early on the morning of the 28th. The remains will be buried in Jacksonville cemetery Friday afternoon. J. H. Stewart, Roberts & O'Neil, W. S. Crowell, Horace Pelton and others have disposed of their stock in the Medford Bank. It is stated that C. C. Beekman of Jacksonville, the pioneer banker, has become one of the principal stockholders of the institution, although he denies it. J. E. Enyart and Geo. R. Lindley will respectively continue to act as cashier and bookkeeper, having given general satisfaction. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 28, 1901, page 5 Litchfield & Patty, proprietors of the Vienna Bakery at Medford, will commence delivering bread by wagon next Monday, April 1st. They manufacture a superior article of everything in their line and always give satisfaction. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 28, 1901, page 5 The contractors who are digging the Britt ditch, extending from below Medford to the Britt farm on Rogue River, have their work nearly completed. This ditch will enable Mr. Britt to utilize a large tract of pumice land which is now useless. "Oregon Notes," Oregonian, Portland, March 28, 1901, page 10 Mrs. Nancy Frary will leave for Washington in a few days where she goes to make her home. "Central Point Items," Medford Mail, March 29, 1901, page 2 Mr. Weston, of Medford, was out here last week trying to organize a Modern Woodmen of America lodge but do not think he met with much success. A. J. Daley has received a new stock of goods and his business is booming. He is also having marked success as a magnetic healer. See his ad in this week's issue of The Mail. "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, March 29, 1901, page 5 Homer Nelson, proprietor of the Albany bottling works, was in Medford Sunday visiting his cousin, D. T. Lawton. Mrs. Emma Ellison, of Galveston, Texas, who has been visiting with her uncle, A. M. Woodford, and family, of this city, for several weeks, left Saturday for her home. M. P. Crease and son, of Mankato, Kansas, have been in the city several days visiting Mr. Crease's uncle, L. O. Wells. The gentleman is desirous of locating at some point in Oregon, to engage in the grocery business, and is very favorably impressed with Medford. They will leave for their home in Kansas Monday. Mrs. Ada Mills and little son, and her sister, Miss Lillian Barr, left for San Francisco Wednesday. Lillian will take a course in the Healds Business College, and as previously stated in these columns. Mrs. Mills will remain in the city some time in order to give her little son medical treatment. It is to be hoped that a permanent cure will be effected for him. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 29, 1901, page 6 The Vienna Bakery, which has an established reputation for furnishing superior bake stuffs, has recently been thoroughly overhauled and modern appliances for baking supplied. The bread, cakes, pies, etc., are steadily growing in popular favor. The proprietors will, commencing next Monday, make their trips weekly to Jacksonville. Save your orders for them. J. M. Lofland, who resides a few miles west of Medford, received a telephone message Tuesday evening stating that his nephew, Wesley Dollarhide, of Klamathon, had been accidentally killed at that place Tuesday forenoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lofland left on Wednesday morning's train for Klamathon. Deceased leaves a wife and two children. E. B. Jennings, who left Medford so unceremoniously a few weeks ago, is reported to be in Indiana. Letters are said to have been received from him expressing a desire to return to Medford. Dr. H. N. Butler, a graduate of the S. S. Still College of Osteopathy, of Des Moines, Iowa, has located in Medford for the practice of his profession. The doctor is a brother of J. S. Butler, who is employed as drug clerk at Chas. Strang's drug store. He was here a few weeks ago on a visit to his brother, during which time he became so favorably impressed with the city that he decided to return here and locate permanently. He is a young man of very gentlemanly appearance and will doubtless succeed in his purpose to establish himself into a good practice. He has fitted up office rooms in the opera house block over Strang's drug store. Monday was garden seed day at the Medford post office, and Postmaster Merriman and his two assistants were kept busy all day distributing the two large mail pouches of seeds which were sent to various parties in this section by Senator Simon from the agricultural department. Usually these free seed are sent in small lots at different times, but this time they came in a bulk--a departure from the regular order of things not particularly relished by the post office force. It is reported that the Southern Pacific Company will at once replace the stationary white switch lights along its road with green ones. It is claimed for the green light that it is much more distinct and less apt to mislead railroad engineers than the white light. White lights are a signal for safety, and engineers on fast passenger trains might easily mistake a house light for a switch signal, in consequence of which costly accidents might occur. The United Brethren class of Medford will meet at the old Salvation Army barracks, Sunday the 31st at 2:30 p.m., for the purpose of organizing a union Sunday school. Everybody is cordially invited. There will also be preaching at 7:30 in the evening by Rev. J. E. Kenworthy. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 29, 1901, page 6 The question just now agitating the minds of many people of this locality, as elsewhere, and one which cannot be determined by theoretical reasoning is "Does oil exist beneath the surface of the soil of the Rogue River Valley?" The oil fever is becoming epidemic in this state, and surface indications are reported from all sections, yet oil has not been discovered. While other localities are experiencing at least a temporary boom in anticipation of the possible discovery of this coveted mineral. Medford has not been entirely proof against the contagion of its subtle influence. Local capitalists, backed with sufficient means to thoroughly test the question are endeavoring to bond sufficient land surrounding this city to justify them in inaugurating a thorough exploration of the localities where the surface indications point to the possible existence of oil, and the much vexed question will probably be solved within the next few months. Experts have examined the land adjoining Ashland, and their reports have been so favorable as to encourage the organization of a stock company which has for its purpose the sinking of a number of wells. Stock was issued and placed on the market a few days ago, and the citizens of that place have subscribed largely for it as a means of expeditiously determining whether or not a fortune lies beneath their soil. An awakening as to the great possibilities in this wealth-creating industry has taken place, and it is more than possible that another great industry will be added to Oregon's already long list of paying enterprises. About the liveliest rumpus which has occurred in Medford for some time happened Tuesday evening when Slover's big dray team, indulged in a lively sprint through the main streets. They started from A. A. Davis' flour mill, turning into C Street, down to Seventh, and around the corner toward the railroad track without a hitch in the proceedings. Warner & Wortman's delivery team, which was standing in front of the store, didn't propose to take any chances of a collision, to avoid which they started up Seventh Street at the liveliest gait they probably ever traveled. The dray team collided with an electric light pole near the depot, which stopped them, although the pole was smashed to kindling wood. The delivery team, which evidently had no intention of running away for any purpose other than for self-preservation, were found wending their way leisurely back to their accustomed stand in front of the store. The only damage done was a slight cut on one of Mr. Slover's horses, the breaking of a king bolt and the demolishment of the electric light pole. A good line of all the high-grade cigars is handled by Miss Carrie George, at the Postal Telegraph office. She is also a notary public, and is agent for several well-known fire insurance companies. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 29, 1901, page 7 Medford Brevities.
Or., March 29--G. L. Gilkey, cashier of the Medford Bank, has accepted
a similar position withe the First National Bank of Southern Oregon, at
Grants Pass. George R. Lindley, bookkeeper of the Medford Bank, has
succeeded to Mr. Gilkey's former place.
J. H. Stewart today purchased the fruit orchard of A. C. Fordyce, located just south of Medford. Consideration, $10,000. C. W. Palm and J. E. Bodge have purchased the corner lot, 50 by 100 feet, on Front and Seventh Streets, from T. J. Kinney, of Jacksonville. Consideration, $5000. About 10,000 acres of land has been bonded in Jackson County by Medford men for the purpose of prospecting for oil. Morning Oregonian, Portland, March 30, 1901, page 4 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Lin Purdin
returned from San Francisco last week, after an absence of several
months.Childers & Co. have sold their brick building, situated at the eastern end of Seventh Street, to Medford's lodge of the Knights of Pythias for $3250. Geo. R. Lindley has assumed his duties as cashier of the Jackson County Bank, a position he is well qualified to fill, and will doubtless give general satisfaction. W. B. Jackson, who was formerly deputy county clerk, has become bookkeeper at the Medford Bank. He will no doubt fill the place acceptably, being well adapted thereto. E. B. Jennings, who is charged with appropriating several hundred dollars from W. Kramer of Myrtle Creek, is said to be in Indiana. An information for embezzlement has been filed against him in the circuit court. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 4, 1901, page 5 Fred Weeks of Medford, a subject of the King of England, has declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States. D. T. Pritchard, the expert watchmaker and jeweler, has removed his stock of goods from Medford to Jacksonville, and may hereafter be found at the Masonic building, in the room formerly occupied by the late E. C. Brooks. He keeps a nice line of watches, jewelry, etc. Give him a call, for he will please you. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 4, 1901, page 5 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
& Boyd now occupy a large, new tent on C Street, south of the
Crater, where they do superior work.H. B. Reed of McMinnville, who formerly manufactured fence in Medford, passed through the valley Sunday, en route to California. Wm. Ulrich, who is afflicted with a tumor abscess, which affects his vitals, was taken to San Francisco Saturday, and will have an operation performed on him at the Waldeck hospital. He is very sick now. H. L. Gilkey, who has so efficiently acted as cashier of the Jackson County Bank, will assume a like position in the F. N. Bank of Grants Pass. He will be succeeded by Geo. R. Lindley, who has been acting as bookkeeper at the Medford Bank. Both are clever, honorable gentlemen, who never fail to give satisfaction. Wm. Ennis, a saloon-keeper of Montague, Calif., formerly a resident of Medford, had a row with Wm. Simpson, also a resident of Medford several years ago. There seemed to be some old feud between them, over which the trouble occurred. Simpson pulled a gun and shot twice at Ennis, who had attacked him. He then swore out a warrant for Ennis, who was taken to Yreka, giving $500 bail to appear for examination. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 4, 1901, page 7 "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 4, 1901, page 7 M. F. Hanley left Friday evening for Portland, and he may extend his trip to eastern Oregon. Postmaster S. S. Aiken, of Prospect, was in the city a couple of days this week upon business. C. D. Vincent, of the Fish Lake Ditch Company, came up from San Francisco Tuesday evening Mrs. J. H. Bellinger is over at Buncom this week upon a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Arthurs. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Langley left for Eureka, Calif., Monday morning, where they will reside for the future. Mrs. Wm. Arthurs, of Buncom, returned last week from a visit with relatives at Waitsburg, Wash. Mrs. J. R. Wilson went to Ashland Saturday to visit her daughter, Miss Gertrude, who is attending the normal. Mrs. V. McCray came up from San Francisco Tuesday evening to join her husband, V. McCray, chief engineer for the Fish Lake Irrigation Company. Mrs. C. C. Barkdull and sister, Mrs. S. C. Oviatt, left Wednesday morning for California to visit different sections of the state for the benefit of the former's health. Arthur Mahoney, formerly day clerk at Hotel Nash, was in the city a few days this week. He is selling California oil stock, and reports that he is meeting with success. J. W. Prall was at San Francisco last week upon business, having gone thither with a carload of fat hogs, which himself and J. W. Wiley had gathered in this locality. W. J. King was in Roseburg this week, where he made final proof on his timber claim. He was accompanied by R. W. Gray and Joe Delk, who appeared as witnesses for Mr. King. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Fitzgerald returned to Medford this week from Grants Pass and will make this place their future home. Mr. F. will work at his trade, that of carpentering. Geo. E. Weber, the Woodmen of the World organizer, returned from a two weeks' trip to Del Norte County, Calif., last week. He organized a lodge at Crescent City during his absence. E. D. Rose, who has been stopping during the winter with his brother-in-law, G. N. Smith, out at Wellen, left last week for Sisson, Calif., where he has employment in a logging camp. Mrs. H. S. Donnell, of Portland, and her mother-in-law, Mrs. G. W. Donnell, of Grants Pass, arrived in Medford Wednesday, and will spend a few days here visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Lippincott. Geo. Brown, the Eagle Point merchant, was in the city several days the latter part of last week. Mr. Brown reports considerable activity in Eagle Point and also that the merchants there are doing a good business. Joe Slinger left Wednesday morning for San Francisco, where he will visit a few days, after which he will visit his sister who resides at Mayer, Arizona. His objective point is Tamaulipas, Mexico, where he will remain indefinitely. O. E. Jones, of Coldwater, Mich., was a Medford visitor last week. Mr. Jones was one of those who took advantage of the low railroad rates to visit the West, and he expressed himself as very much surprised at the vastness of this state and the diversity of its resources. Dr. Pickel was over in the Applegate country Monday in attendance upon R. J. Cameron, who was injured a few weeks ago by being thrown from a wagon. He is improving, but it will be several weeks before he is able to move about much, having sustained a bad sprain of one of his legs. Miss Mae Merriman went to Gold Hill Tuesday evening to attend the Harvey-Miller wedding which took place in that town Wednesday. The groom is a nephew of Postmaster G. F. Merriman, and one of the highly respected young men of the county. The bride is one of Gold Hill's popular young ladies. Clyde West, who has been stopping in Medford for the past few months, left last week for Salt Lake City, where he expects to reside for some time. Mr. West is a nephew of Mrs. I. E. Sayre, formerly of this city, and during his stay here he was engaged in looking after that lady's mining interests over in the Applegate country. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harris arrived in Medford Wednesday for a few days' visit with jeweler Elwood and family. Mrs. Harris is a sister of Mr. Elwood. Mr. H. is a government sawyer and engineer and is en route from Teko, Idaho, to a government reservation in Arizona, to which place he has been transferred by the government. H. C. Williams, of Ashland, was in the city one day this week. He is one of the promoters of the oil company recently formed at Ashland for the purpose of prospecting for oil. He says the company has leased nearly all the land where there are prospects of oil being found, from Phoenix to Wagner's Soda Springs, several miles above Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Burt, who have been residents of this city for several months, left Tuesday for an extended visit to Pennsylvania. Mrs. Burt has been in very poor health for some time, and they have been stopping here in hopes that this climate would prove beneficial to her. They made many friends while here who regret their departure, and whose best wishes go with them. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 5, 1901, page 6 J. A. Morey et ux. to A. A. Davis, lots 1 and 2, blk 1, Morey's add. Medford . . . 200 Wm. Faber to D. T. Lawton, lots 5, 6 and 7, blk 3, Medford . . . 500 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, April 5, 1901, page 6 Medford citizens have made complaint to the Mail in effect that there are boys of the town who have a well-organized and evidently successful scheme for robbing chicken yards of hen eggs. We are told that the boys are from twelve to fourteen years of age and that their scheme is to visit a residence, and while one of them engages the lady of the house in conversation upon matters of interest to her the other stealthily makes his way to the chicken house and makes away with all the eggs to be found. There are said to be three or four families who have been thus victimized, and it is told that a thousand or more eggs have been the boys' profit in their little game. Our townspeople are warned against these juvenile thieves, and they will probably find it to their interest to institute a vigorous crusade against them ere they become emboldened to acts of similar character but greater in importance. Ed. Wilkinson, the Medford meat market man, has been before Judge Hanna this week charged with selling unwholesome food. Wilkinson was to have appeared to plead Wednesday afternoon, but his counsel, Wm. Colvig, interposed a demurrer to the indictment, which, however, was overruled, and he (Wilkinson) was cited to appear Thursday morning. The charge more specifically set forth is that on August 21, 1900, Wilkinson sold to one Eli Mayer unwholesome food, to wit: Beef; said beef then and there being unwholesome. Mayer is a Central Point market man and has been buying dressed meat from Wilkinson. An interesting meeting of the order of Native Daughters was held at Jacksonville Wednesday evening, which was largely attended and productive of much social enjoyment. One new member was initiated, and other business attended to, after which those present proceeded to enjoy themselves in various ways. Those present from Medford were Mesdames F. Luy, John Hanley, Louis Bundy, J. D. Fay, and Misses Sallie Maury, Prudence Angle, Lillie Gregory, Docia Pickens and Alta Naylor. Several members of the N.S.O. were present after the conclusion of the business meeting and participated in the festivities. Jeweler E. D. Elwood has rented, for a term of five years, a piece of ground 15x40 feet in size from J. E. Bodge and C. W. Palm and will next Monday commence the erection of a one-story brick building thereon. The building will cover all of the leased land and will be used by Mr. Elwood for a jewelry store. It is a very desirable location, and a very pretty little store will be arranged. W. E. Macauley, the tamale man, will vacate the adjoining property, and the present occupants of the Elwood site, Geo. Kurtz and B. N. Butler, will move their places of business to the site of the tamale stand. H. Perkins, a railroad laborer, of Ashland, was crossing a trestle at night a few hundred yards from the depot in that city last week, when a freight train came along, compelling him to jump a distance of thirty feet in order to save his life. He was badly stunned from the fall but will recover. The Medford Ministers' Association held its election of officers this week and elected the following officers for the next six months: President, Rev. T. L. Crandall; secretary and treasurer, Rev. O. J. Gist. The ministers will meet hereafter in the Baptist Church every Monday at 10:30 a.m. H. M. Coss, proprietor of the Coss Piano House, last Saturday opened a branch establishment at Grants Pass, and hereafter he will divide his time between that city and Medford. Miss Della Gall, of Sams Valley, has accepted a position as saleswoman at the Medford store. Wm. Ulrich, who has been seriously ill for several days with an abscess in his side, was taken to the hospital at San Francisco Saturday, for treatment. Thos. Kenney of Jacksonville, accompanied him. A telegram was received here Sunday stating that Mr. Ulrich arrived there safely. I. A. Webb has purchased the vacant property south of his residence from S. Childers, paying $250 for the same. The land is 50x65 feet in size, and the purchase includes a half interest in the D. T. Lawton brick wall. Mr. Webb does not expect to build thereon at present, but it is possible he will need the land sometime for a building for undertaking parlors. We are sorry to learn that Henry Klippel is seriously ill at his home in this city with pneumonia. He was taken ill last week, and on Monday suffered a hemorrhage of the lungs, since which time his condition was been critical. Dr. Stephenson is the attending physician. The teachers' local institute held at Ashland last Saturday was very successful. State Superintendent Ackerman was present and thoroughly explained the new school law. The program, as arranged by Superintendent Daily, was successfully carried out. J. L. Thorndike, who lives over at Sterling, is a proud parent to a fine girl baby which came to his home on Tuesday of this week. All parties are doing nicely, and Grandpa J. H. Thorndike is as happy as a boy with his first pair of red top boots. It's an everyday occasion to see someone skirmishing around the city for a building in which to open up some kind of business. No less than three eastern parties have been here during the past week endeavoring to find locations. J. J. Cambers and family, of Ashland, passed through Medford Sunday en route to Table Rock to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pendleton, old Nevada friends. With them was Mrs. Benj. Cambers, of San Jose, Calif., also an old friend. Medford Lodge 421, of the Fraternal Union of America, will initiate several new members Saturday evening, April 6th. The Fraters will give a musical entertainment and Easter supper to a few invited guests and its members. W. J. Prall has just completed the erection of a neat residence, 26x26, on his farm just north of Medford. He was his own mechanic, and did the work in a manner which leaves no doubt as to his ability in that line. Jas. Martin has purchased an agent's right to sell rights to manufacture the Galloway wasteproof feed box in Siskiyou County, California, and in a few days will leave Medford to make a canvass of the county. T. H. Moore has his West Side store building nearly completed. When ready for occupancy, if not rented to other parties, Mr. Moore will put in a stock of boots and shoes and men's wear, and possibly dry goods. Dr. C. Pletcher writes the Mail from Indiana to the effect that himself and family will arrive in Medford about the 10th of April, and that he expects to again establish himself in the dental business in Medford. Chrysanthemum Circle, No. 84, will celebrate the fourth anniversary of the organization of Woodmen of the World, April 9th, and cordially invite all Woodmen and their families to be present. Echoes of a movement to require the displacement of all wooden sidewalks in the business portion of the city, to be substituted with cement walks, are heard this week. The interest in oil circles has not abated--on the contrary it is increasing. If oil is here it is going to be found, is the general opinion. Miss Agnes Moore won the medal in the oratorical contest at Ashland last Saturday evening. Her subject was "Frances Willard." Monday was the last day for the payment of taxes. Those who have not paid will be charged an additional one percent. A number of Medford Odd Fellows went to Jacksonville Saturday evening to visit the Odd Fellows lodge at that place. The First National Bank of Ashland has received its charter from the Controller of the Currency. H. DeGroot and family have moved to Mrs. Langley's residence near the Medford-Jacksonville depot. Mrs. J. N. Woody is having a good-sized addition built to her residence on North A Street. The recently enacted bicycle ordinance went into effect Monday. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, April 5, 1901, page 6 For Sale at a Bargain.
Medford Mail, April 5, 1901, page 6
On account of old age and poor health I must sell at once my 160-acre
stock and fruit ranch, located 7 miles northeast of Medford; 12 acres
orchard, good improvements.
Next Friday, April 12th, is Arbor Day, and as this is a good season for tree planting owing to the abundance of moisture in the ground, it would be a splendid idea for those who have not already lined their yards with shade trees to do so on this occasion. It ought to be possible for a pedestrian to go all over the city in the summertime without being forced to the unbroken glare of the sun, except when crossing streets. Shade trees are inexpensive, and if the example of citizens who have already planted trees in front of their homes would or could be widely emulated the benefit would be general and the city beautified to an astonishing degree. State Superintendent Ackerman has issued an address to the schools of the state asking them all to cooperate and make Arbor Day, 1901, a red-letter day. In his address he says among other things, "Let us make Arbor Day a red-letter day but let us not fix upon this as the limit of our responsibility, for we should not confine our efforts simply in endeavoring to awaken an enthusiasm for the best things of life during one day in the year, but rather let it increase from day to day until the result will be manifest in the life and character of those who may come under our supervision. In what better way can we do this than by getting our children interested in the growth of a shrub or flower, or perchance simply in cleaning up the yard a bit and by endeavoring to keep it in a neat and tidy condition." Delbert Terrill, of Lake Creek, and Ed. Pottenger, of this city, have formed a partnership and within the next two weeks will open a meat market in Medford. They have not as yet decided upon a location, but it will be in some brick building and as convenient to the general public as it is possible to so locate. These gentlemen have been figuring on this matter for some little time, and not until now has the time seemed ripe for an embarkment upon the venture. That it will prove a business success is not doubted by people who know these gentlemen. No two better men could have gotten together upon these business lines. Mr. Pottenger is an experienced man at the block, and none know better how to treat people squarely than does he. Mr. Terrill is a stockman, and has been engaged in buying stock for the San Francisco markets for years. He knows good stock when he sees it, and he is honest enough to provide his customers with only the very best. Both in a social and business way these gentlemen have more friends than any two men in the county. That they will open shop with a good trade is not to be doubted, and that they will hold all the trade they get--and keep a-getting--is not be doubted by the Mail--and this sheet has known 'em both intimately for over seven years. John Van Dyke:--"Received a letter from my brother, Frank, who is a missionary at Singapore, India. He says he gets the Mail regularly, and that it is only about six weeks old when it reaches him. Says he reads every item in its columns--and enjoys its weekly visits. He throws a whole armful of bouquets at yours truly on the ads we are running in the Mail--says they are the best in the paper and cannot fail of producing good results. I can assure him that he's a good guesser. Our store is enjoying a splendid trade--better than ever before--and I attribute a good portion of it to our method of advertising--and of course the medium is a good one. Frank is statistical secretary of the Malay mission. He likes his position and location but it is not improbable that he will be transferred to Manila, the Philippine Islands being included in the mission in which he is working." Considerable uneasiness is being felt owing to the existence of what is termed the genuine smallpox at Glendale, a few miles north of Grants Pass. The disease has proven fatal in a few instances, and new cases are developing. County Judge Thompson, of Douglas County, sent Drs. Dowery and Hoover, of Riddle, to Glendale this week to investigate the reports concerning the existence of the disease and they reported the existence of the disease at Glendale and recommended a quarantine against the town, which was ordered. About fifteen persons are now afflicted with the disease, and fully fifty percent of the people in that section have been exposed to its contagion. Since the above was placed in type a rumor has gained currency to the effect that several well-developed cases of the disease have broken out in Grants Pass. If this be true immediate steps should be taken to stamp it out and prevent its spreading. M. L. Alford, of Ashland, has accepted a position as assistant cashier in the Medford Bank, the date of his services to commence May 1st. Mose, as he is commonly called, is a former resident of Medford, having served for a number of years as salesman and bookkeeper for C. W. Wolters when that gentleman was engaged in mercantile business here. Aside from being a good fellow generally, he is an account of years' experience and will unquestionably prove himself equal to all the emergencies of his new position. Mr. Alford will occupy J. E. Enyart's new residence, corner Sixth and F streets. The present stockholders in the Medford Bank are H. E. Ankeny, Pelton Bros., C. C. Beekman, Benj. Haymond, R. H. Whitehead, J. H. Stewart and W. H. Bradshaw. Several shares of stock were recently sold to several of these stockholders at $140 per share. It is not improbable that Jackson County's population will be increased to the extent of several hundred within the next few weeks. A colony of thrifty Germans are contemplating purchasing a large tract of land in the Rogue River Valley for a settlement, and their agent, Jacob S. Cranty, of central Indiana, is here this week endeavoring to arrange for the purchase of the land. The gentleman states that his attention was drawn to this valley as an ideal location for a colonist whose occupation would be diversified farming, by a pamphlet issued by the Medford Board of Trade several years ago, one of which came in possession of [the group] less than two months since. He is at present engaged in looking over several pieces of land in the valley. Brown Bros., of Eagle Point, met with a mishap at Central Point last week which cost them the price of ninety-six dozen eggs, besides a shaking up which they will not be anxious to experience again. As they were nearing the Central Point depot, where they were delivering a load of eggs for shipment to Portland, their team became frightened and ran away. They crossed the railroad track at the street crossing and in making a sharp turn the occupants were thrown from the wagon and the team proceeded to cross the track again--this time without regard to where they crossed. When the wheels struck the rails the suddenness of the stop sent egg cases flying in every direction with the result as above stated. No one was injured. A dispatch from Washington states that the supervising architect has finally decided to use the Ashland buff sandstone in the construction of the Salem post office, examination having shown this stone to be better suited to this building than any other submitted. F. W. Wait has the contract for furnishing this stone, and since the contract was let to him an attempt has been made to influence the Post Office Department against its use, and in favor of Willamette Valley stone. The decision of the supervising architect in favor of this rock, in spite of the influence used to prevent its acceptance, is a signal victory for Jackson County building stone, and is a matter of more than ordinary interest to this section of the state. The open season for trout in this state began Monday, April 1st, and lasts until September 30th. Those of our sportsmen who are so inclined may now cultivate the acquisition of these game little beauties if they are sufficiently adept in the handling of the rod and line to lure them from their fastness in the clear mountain stream. It should be remembered that it is unlawful to catch or kill any trout or salmon less than five inches long, and such must be disentangled from the hook and transmitted to the water without violence. It is also unlawful to sell or offer for sale any species of trout, or to catch more than 125 in one day. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Carlton, of Wellen, were visiting Medford friends last week. "Uncle" Dolph is very enthusiastic over the prospects of the Fish Lake Water Ditch. Nearly all of his land is covered by the ditch and he is laying great stores on what the water from it will do for his crops. Mr. Carlton always grows good crops on his land--a good average and then some--of the entire valley, but with plenty of water at his command he estimates that the output of his farm will be materially increased. S. H. Glass, of Beagle, met with a severe accident last Thursday. While in the stable working in one of the stalls where a horse was tied he was suddenly attacked by the animal and before he could escape his left arm and one rib were broken and a severe spinal injury was sustained. Dr. Chisholm, of Gold Hill, was hurriedly summoned and reduced the fractured arm and rib and made him as comfortable as possible. Owing to his advanced age, sixty-eight years, his complete recovery is a question of grave doubt, and much uneasiness is felt by his family and friends. A new sign adorns the exposed wall of H. G. Nicholson's hardware store and is attracting a great deal of attention. Below the sign is ranged a row of urchins seated on the primitive schoolroom bench, who, with pointer in hand and a look of interest on their features, are pointing to the enumerated articles in the list advertised. The master hand of painter J. E. Toft did the work, as will be seen by his imprint, "Toft the Painter's Primary Class," attached thereto. A. M. Carpenter, a San Francisco mining man, was in Medford Wednesday upon mining business. Mr. Carpenter was a passenger on the ill-fated steamer, Rio de Janeiro, which sank in the San Francisco Bay a few weeks since. He narrowly escaped death after being in the water for nearly one and a half hours, holding onto a board which he fortunately found while trying to keep himself above water. His story of the wreck and the fight for life among those on board is thrilling in the extreme. More than one man picked up from the sidewalk a neatly done up package, Monday, April 1st, only to find a brickbat--and to be suddenly reminded that it was "April Fools' Day." Why this custom or from whence or what it emanated is a question which has baffled sages and historians of all ages--but since custom has handed it down to us we presume it is useless to rail against it--however much we may feel like anathematizing its author when we are victimized by virtue thereof. Snell & Hartson is the firm name and style of a new law firm established in this city this week. Individually they are attorney C. P. Snell, who has practiced law here for three years, and attorney D. H. Hartson, a recent arrival from Ritzville, Washington. Mr. Snell is well known here and needs no introduction to the public. Mr. Hartson is a lawyer of twenty-three years' experience and we have no doubt that the new firm will secure their full share of business. Mr. Geo. L. Kelly, who, with her husband has been stopping at Hotel Nash for several months, receiving word from her former home at Richmond, West Virginia, last week, announcing the death of her aged father, Mr. David Cowan, which occurred at his home in that city a few days ago. Mr. Cowan was one of the prominent figures in West Virginia politics and has for many years been the confidential adviser of Governor Brown, of that state. He was seventy-three years of age. Fraternal Master L. T. Pierce, of Medford Lodge 421, Fraternal Union of America, went to Ashland last Saturday with other officers of Medford lodge to assist Supreme Organizer J. J. Sturgill in organizing a lodge of the same order. Thirty-four members signed the charter and were duly installed. A pleasant time is reported by the officers and visitors. Delicious refreshments were served. A complaint has been made to the city health committee that certain parties have been guilty of burying dead animals within the city limits. Parties guilty of this are subject to arrest and punishment for misdemeanor, and should the act be repeated action will be taken against the offenders. A hint in this instance should be a sufficient warning. Acetylene gas lights still ahead and guaranteed to be the best on the face of the earth. Wolfer's tin shop. It will be unwelcome news to the many friends of Dr. J. B. Wait to learn that he is critically ill at his home in Medford with an acute attack of pneumonia. He was taken ill last Saturday evening, since which time he has steadily grown worse until his condition has become alarming. Dr. E. B. Pickel and Dr. G. W. Stephenson are attending him. Rev. B. C. Taber, who moved his family to Ashland a few weeks ago, where they were to remain while he went to the hospital at Portland to submit to an operation for a tumorous growth in his side, was in the city Wednesday and informed us that he had fortunately not been obliged to go to Portland, as intended. This will be pleasant news to his many Medford friends. A new and most ingeniously constructed ore car has just been completed at the Rogue River Mills, being designed and built by mining engineer W. I. Fleck and master mechanic E. A. L. Smith, for special use in Mr. Smith's mine on Water Gulch, says the Gold Hill News. Every detail is marked with originality. The bed, working on a pivot, is automatic and self-dumping. Does anyone around here know anything of E. F. Kelly and family? They left Georgetown, Colorado, last May with a team and wagon for Oregon. They were last heard of near Rawlings, Wyoming. Their sons, Roy and Ray, at Hanna, Wyoming, want to get information of their whereabouts. Rev. F. Sack, pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, was the happy recipient of a fine suit of clothes Tuesday, the gift of his congregation in this city and those residing on Butte Creek. Last year his congregation presented him with a sewing machine, and have at various times shown their appreciation of his work among them by substantial gifts. For Sale--The Geo. Davis property, corner Ninth and A streets. Cheap, if sold quickly. Brick house, new barn. C. L. Corwin. Snow on the foothills adjacent to Medford was noticeable with the outgoing of March--something unusual, by the way. Rev. C. L. Corwin is having a good-sized addition built to his West Seventh Street residence. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 5, 1901, page 7 "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 4, 1901, page 7 "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 11, 1901, page 5 Signor D. Boffa of Medford spent Thursday in this city. He was here also on Monday evening for the purpose of participating in the Easter entertainment at the opera house. He will be here on Thursday, April 11, for the purpose of organizing a violin class if he is able to secure a sufficient amount of encouragement. Signor Boffa is a violinist of great talent and culture and represents a high degree of musical ability. He will meet the class at Clemens Hall on Thursday afternoon. "Local Happenings," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, April 11, 1901, page 3 Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Fitzgerald returned last week to Medford and will make that city their future home. Medford citizens have made complaint to the effect that boys of the town have a well-organized scheme for robbing chicken yards. The boys are from 12 to 14 years of age, and their method is to visit a residence and while one of them engages the lady of the house in conversation, the other makes away with all the eggs he can find. "Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, April 11, 1901, page 3 DIED.
Medford, April 5, 1901, Dr. James B. Wait, aged 59 years.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, April 11, 1901, page 3 Mrs. T. W. Terwilliger, of Los Angeles, and her sister, Miss Anna Wait, are in the city visiting their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Wait. They will be here for several days. J. F. Wait, who is now employed in the car shops at Point Richmond, just across the bay from San Francisco, was in Medford a few days this week, having come up to attend the funeral of his uncle, Dr. J. B. Wait. He returned to his work Wednesday. Thomas R. Phelps, of Harrisburg, Ky., and his son, J. R. Phelps, of Red bluff, Calif., were in the city this week Mr. Phelps, Sr., is visiting the coast for the first time and was desirous of visiting Southern Oregon and the Rogue River Valley before his return east. Uncle Dick Williamson, who was formerly engaged in the restaurant business in Medford, was here this week visiting his old-time friends. He is now employed near Grants Pass as foreman in one of the Sugar Pine Lumber Company's mills. He is getting good wages, looks hale and hearty--and is happy. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 12, 1901, page 6 Last week these columns told that Ed. Pottenger and Delbert Terrill would open a meat market in this city. The item is as true now as it was then except that Mr. Pottenger will go at the business singlehanded. He has rented the J. R. Wilson brick building, just south of the Mail office, and within a few days--just as soon as the room can be gotten ready--he will open for business. J. T. Wiley has purchased G. L. Davis' delivery team and wagon and is now doing a general delivery business about the city, he having sold out his second-hand business a few weeks ago to his partner, Mr. Eads. Dr. C. C. Pletcher and family arrived in Medford this week from Indiana. These good people were former residents of our city, but for the past couple of years they have been at various places on the coast and also in the East. Mr. Pletcher is a dentist and practiced his profession here for four years, during which time he made many friends, both socially and in a business way--and all of these friends will be pleased to learn that he proposes re-establishing his business in our city. He has secured office rooms in the Medford Bank block and will be open for business after April 15th. Frank Davis and family, of Asbestos, have moved to the Northrup place, at Davisville, just west of Medford, which place he will farm during the coming summer. Mr. Davis has resigned his position as postmaster at Asbestos and has recommended that Henry Mitchell be appointed. Last Monday was the occasion of a pleasant little farewell party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Milligan, in honor of Miss Anna Milligan, who, with her parents, has gone to Galls Creek to locate. A number of her young friends were present and a good social time was had. Real estate agent W. T. York has moved to his new home in West Medford. Billie has one of the finest and coziest homes in the city--and both himself and his good wife are as proud of it as the small boy with his first pair of red-top boots--and the grounds for this pride are well taken. R. D. Maplesden has purchased the Skeel residence in West Medford and has had the same moved to the lots adjoining Mrs. Sarah Whiteman's property. M. Cannon and family, of Everett, Washington, arrived in the city last week and will reside here permanently. They have their residence in East Medford. Miss Josie Armstrong, of Burlington, Iowa, a student of the Cincinnati Art School, expects to be in Medford in two or three weeks and will organize a class. Jack Webber, who left Medford a few years ago, is now living in Platt, Mo., where for the past three months he has been preaching. He was converted to the Gospel Trumpet faith about a year ago. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, April 12, 1901, page 6 B. F. Durphy, the mining man, who formerly resided in this county, has been engaged in an interesting fight for liberty in the courts of California. He was charged with bigamy, and a warrant was placed in the hands of Portland officers, who went to Eureka, Calif. to arrest Durphy. He was arrested and taken to San Francisco by the Portland officers, who by skillful maneuvering avoided the San Francisco authorities who were endeavoring to locate them for the purpose of serving papers on them on a writ of habeas corpus, which had been granted by Judge Dunn of San Francisco. They succeeded in boarding the train and arriving north as far as Dunsmuir, at which place both deputy sheriffs and the prisoner were arrested, and taken back to San Francisco. Upon their arrival at the Bay City a strong fight was made for the release of Durphy, but the judge having been satisfied that the requisition papers were regular, Durphy was remanded to the custody of the Oregon authorities and at once taken to Portland. He was placed in jail, but soon afterward released on bail. Durphy is accused of having three wives and possibly four. S. L. Bennett, the prosperous farmer, living north of Medford, has placed an order with E. S. Wolfer, the Medford tinner, for a large 2000-gallon windmill tank. The farmers of the valley are, many of them, putting up windmills, and by so doing are providing a great convenience to their farm work and at the same time making it possible to beautify their homes by the use of water upon lawns and flower gardens. W. E. Macauley has discontinued the tamale business owing to his inability to secure a stand suitable for the purpose. It was his intention to move his stand from alongside of the Postal Telegraph office to the vacant lot adjoining W. J. King's saloon, on North D Street, but the city council enjoined him from so doing. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 12, 1901, page 7 DIED:--At the family residence in West Medford, on Friday, April 5th, 1901, aged 49 years, 7 months and 20 days, Doctor J. B. Wait. Dr. Wait was born in Portsmouth, Ohio, where he passed his youth, moving to Iowa when a young man. Studying medicine and graduating from the Keokuk Medical College, at that time one of the best medical schools in the West. In Jan. 1862 he married Miss Elizabeth Mode, and to them were born eleven children, seven of whom survive. They are Frank W. Wait and Mrs. Pauline Elmore, of Medford; Mrs. Marie Terwilliger, of Los Angeles; Mrs. Lieut. Amos Fries, whose husband is an army officer, now on his way to the Philippines; Miss Jessie Wait, of New York City, and the Misses Anna and Edna Wait, of this city. Dr. Wait practiced medicine for some time in Iowa and Missouri, moving from the latter state to Rulo, Neb., where he practiced medicine six years, moving to Neligh, Neb., where he practiced medicine for eight years. In 1887 he removed with his family to Oregon, settling first at Ashland but removing to Medford about twelve years ago, where he has continued to reside and practice his profession. Dr. Wait was one of the U.S. pension examiners, a member of the American Medical Association and president of the Southern Oregon Medical Association. He was a member of the A.O.U.W. and was buried at Ashland under their auspices. Although the services held by Rev. Haberly at the Presbyterian Church Sunday morning were at an early hour, the church was crowded until many could not enter, showing the universal esteem in which the doctor was held. He certainly was a man who lived up to the doctrine of the golden rule, and while we could write volumes upon his virtues, we can sum it all up in one sentence: Truly he was one of nature's noblemen. The entire family have the sympathy of all in this their great bereavement. ------
Sarah Childers, wife of Mr. Arnold Childers, died at her residence in
the Meadows precinct last Friday evening from the effects of asthma,
from which trouble she had been a sufferer for several years. Her death
was very sudden, she having retired in the evening in her usual health.
Shortly after retiring she became suddenly ill and in a few minutes was
dead. She was born near Falmouth, Virginia, Aug. 3, 1827. In 1845, at
Clarksburg, West Virginia, she was married to Arnold Childers, where
they resided until 1863. In that year she with her husband moved to
California, and in 1878 came to Oregon, where they have ever since
resided. Four of the children which were born them survive her; one
son, Spencer Childers, and three daughters, Mrs. Martha J. Angwin, Mrs.
J. W. Richardson and Mrs. Anna Colleen. The funeral was held from the
residence of J. W. Richardson in North Medford, Tuesday afternoon, Rev.
W. B. Moore officiating. Interment was made in the Odd Fellows cemetery.
Medford Enquirer, April 13, 1901, page 4 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Minnie Cox, who now resides near Central Point, has been visiting in
Medford.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 18, 1901, page 5 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Pletcher and family will return from Indiana soon.H. B. Nye, the genial merchant-miner, has just made Montana a visit. Arthur Mahoney is manager of Coss' branch music house at Grants Pass. Miss Della Gall of Sams Valley is acting as saleslady in Coss' music store. Joe Slinger has gone to New Mexico, to visit relatives, but is still in San Francisco. A. A. Davis and J. D. Heard have got back from their trip to the oil regions of California. Miss Mae Merriman, our clever deputy postmistress, was at Gold Hill, attending the Harvey-Miller nuptials. D. H. Hartson, an attorney who recently arrived from Washington, has formed a partnership with C. P. Snell. Arthur Mahoney has returned from a several months' stay in California, and is selling shares for an oil company. M. L. Alford, late of Ashland, has been appointed assistant cashier of the Medford Bank. It is a good selection. E. D. Weston, the expert photographer, has taken charge of a gallery at Grants Pass, and will be joined by his family soon. Mrs. Marie Terwilliger (nee Wait) arrived from her home in southern California in time to see her father in his last moments. Mrs. Flora Wilkinson, who has been quite ill, is in a San Francisco hospital for treatment. We are glad to learn that her condition is improving. Wm. Ulrich is expected home this week. He went to San Francisco a very sick man, but he returns almost fully recovered, without submitting to an operation. Mrs. Fred. Barneburg, who had a large cancer removed from her breast by Dr. Bohannon of Woodland, Calif., is convalescing. The operation was entirely successful. Ed. Pottenger will open a butcher shop on his own account in J. R. Wilson's building on C Street, a few doors south of the post office. He will doubtless give satisfaction. Mrs. Childers, aged 72, died suddenly at her home, near Spikenard, April 5th. Death was due to asthma. She leaves a husband, one son and three daughters, who live near Medford. E. D. Elwood, the jeweler, has leased the ground where McCauley's tamale stand stood, of Palm & Bodge, and will immediately put up a neat brick building. He has already torn away the frame structure. John Barneburg and John Arnold, two of our best citizens, have purchased the butcher business formerly conducted by Ed. Wilkinson, They will keep the market supplied with the best of everything in their line. Several of our citizens have made complaint to the effect that boys have a well-organized scheme for robbing chicken yards. The boys are from 12 to 14 years of age, and their method is to visit a residence, and while one of them engages the lady of the house in conversation, the other makes away with all the eggs he can find. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 18, 1901, page 7 Chief of Police Johnson has been doing a fairly good business during the past couple of weeks in the collection of dog taxes. He has rounded up $45 in gold coin and informs a Mail reporter that there are several scores more of the canine family in the city which is now on the trail of. Word from Mrs. Mills, who is now at San Francisco, is to effect that her son has taken several treatments and that an improved condition is decidedly noticeable. Mrs. Mills' sister, Miss Lillian Barr, who is with her, commenced upon her school work last Monday. H. H. Mitchell, the blacksmith, and his brother, J. W. Mitchell, of Montague, Calif., last week purchased the blacksmithing business of M. Purdin and took charge of the same last Monday morning. Mr. Mitchell will arrive in Medford about thirty days to remain permanently. T. W. Johnson has arranged with the Medford ice plant to put on an ice wagon about May 1st. Aside from supplying all Medford he will make trips to Central Point and also hopes to arrange for the delivery of ice in Jacksonville. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, April 19, 1901, page 2 Jacob Rodgers and family moved to Medford Monday, where they will reside in the future. "Central Point Items," Medford Mail, April 19, 1901, page 3 F. W. Hutchison to Fred Luy, Jr., lots 5 and 12, blk 1, Lumsden add., Medford . . . 225 T. J. Kenney et ux. to J. E. Bodge et al., lots 15 and 16, blk 21, Medford . . . 5000 W. D. Stevens et ux. to F. K. Deuel, lots 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, blk 23, Medford . . . 1800 F. W. Hutchison to I. A. Webb, 65 ft. off s. end of lots 8 and 9, blk 3, Medford . . . 250 M. Purdin et ux. to I. A. Webb, undivided ½ of lot 16, blk 3, Medford . . . 500 Guy H. Childers to Knights of Pythias, lots 2 and 3, blk 2, Medford . . . 3150 Mrs. Sarah E. Garrett and husband to Mrs. R. F. Thorndike, lots 11 and 12, blk 64, Medford . . . 300 Ella J. Cole to Minnie B. Bellinger, lot 9, blk 56, Medford . . . 90 Geo. H. Anderson et ux. to Frank Bellinger, lot 4, blk 66, Medford . . . 75 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, April 19, 1901, page 5 John George returned to his home at Springfield, this state, last week, after a several days' visit with his sister, Miss Carrie George, the Postal Telegraph operator. H. M. Coss, the piano dealer, returned from a business trip to Portland last Sunday. He was accompanied home by his daughter, Helen, who has been attending school at Vancouver. D. A. Presley, formerly of this county, but now a prominent farmer and stock raiser at Bly, Klamath County, was in Medford this week and paid The Mail a pleasant call. He will be accompanied home by his mother, Mrs. A. R. Presley, of Ashland. Mrs. W. V. Lippincott left Medford last Saturday morning for Pasadena, Calif., where she goes to reside for some time with Mr. Lippincott's aged parents. Mr. Lippincott has given up his residence in this city, which will be occupied by F. Osenbrugge. J. E. Day, son of D. L. Day, the painter, arrived in Medford last week and will remain hereabouts for a couple of months; possibly he will locate permanently. He is a machinist and mining man and is hopeful of finding employment in one of these lines. Mrs. Amos Fries, of Willets Point, New York, and her sister, Miss Jessie Wait, arrived in Medford last Saturday for a visit with their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Wait. They will remain here until Lieutenant Fries has been assigned to some position by the War Department, which he is daily expecting. A. Frideger and son, of Weston, O., arrived in Medford this week and will make this valley their future home. Mr. F. is a farmer and will invest in farm property if he can find a tract of land that suits him, which will probably be not a difficult task as he is very favorably impressed with the surroundings. He is a cousin of councilman J. U. Willeke. John Denton and son Frank left Monday morning by team for North Yakima, Wash., where Mr. Denton has extensive land interests which require his personal attention. Mrs. Denton preceded them several weeks ago. They may return to Medford this fall to reside during the winter months, as they do not enjoy the rigor of the northern climate. Mrs. A. B. Fitch, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, arrived in Medford Sunday for a visit of several months with her brother, R. H. Whitehead, and family. Mrs. Fitch left Wisconsin last Tuesday week and at that time there was not a green sprig or blade of grass in sight. Her astonishment was of great magnitude upon arriving in Oregon, four days later, and finding the trees in full bloom,, the hills and valley green with growing crops and grasses and spring well advanced observable everywhere. Her husband is a retired business man, and it is not improbable that these people will decide to make Southern Oregon their future home. She tells that in Wisconsin the past winter has been a succession of blizzards and extreme cold weather. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 19, 1901, page 6 The latest in the line of secret societies is an order known as the "Buffaloes." From all accounts it is not of a particularly serious nature--in fact it is decidedly otherwise. Good fellowship and eleven cents are the qualifications of membership. The fundamental rules of the new order are as follows: "Members must always carry a one-cent piece; handshaking must be done by the left, the right being reserved for punching; all drinks must be piloted to the lips with the left hand; sign of the order, the left hand over the left ear; absolute sobriety and silence must be observed by the initiated of a week's standing; initiation fee, the coin in the possession of the candidate nearest to eleven cents. These are the cardinal rules. Any breach of them by a 'Buffalo,' if called, means the purchase of something drinkable for the crowd." A dispatch to the Oregonian from Myrtle Creek, Or., dated April 11, 1901, says: "E. B. Jennings, late of Medford, an alleged defaulter, has written Willis Kramer, of this place, the man said to have suffered losses through him, asking the loan of enough money to return to Oregon. A warrant was issued for his arrest, but Jennings had previously left the state. He is said to have misappropriated $250 given him by Kramer to buy wheat. Jennings wrote from Paris, Ia. It was generally thought he went to Alaska." N. S. Bennett showed us a letter this week from a friend of his residing at Manitou, Colorado, in which he stated that the ground was covered with seventeen inches of snow and the weather was cold as the chilly, frozen gold fields of the far north. He had already shipped his goods to Medford and left for this place last Tuesday. He is a jeweler--also a first-class carpenter--and intends locating here and engaging in one of his trades. There is sorrow in the home of W. H. Barr since last week when their pet parrot died. The bird was brought from South America several years ago by Mr. Barr's brother, George, and for twenty years it has been a part of the Barr household. It was thought to be forty or fifty years old--and would probably have lived through the new century had it not gotten mixed up on the underside of a woodpile. Mr. Barr will have the bird mounted. N. Armstrong and family, of Baker City, have located in Medford. Mr. Armstrong is an assayer, and has established an assay office in the building formerly occupied by the Palm-Whitman Cigar Company in West Medford. He is a brother-in-law of J. D. Heard, the mining man. Mr. Armstrong is an assayer of long experience, and will doubtless establish himself in a good business. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 19, 1901, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Dr. B. F.
Adkins left this week for a visit to his old home in the states east of
the Rockies.Warner & Wortman, the well-known grocers, have purchased the business of Geo. L. Davis, and will take possession of the building heretofore occupied by the latter. H. H. Mitchell has purchased M. Purdin's interest in the blacksmith shop on Seventh Street. Ed. Wilkinson purchased the building of P. B. O'Neil, which caused the change. I. W. Thomas, the Heber Grove capitalist, will build a two-story brick building on his lots on West Seventh Street, probably this year. I. A. Palmer, the expert architect, is engaged on the plan, which is a guarantee that it will be a handsome, up-to-date structure. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 25, 1901, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
D. T.
Pritchard, the pioneer jeweler and watchmaker, has removed from
Jacksonville.C. F. Shepherd is closing out the musical instruments at Coss' music house. Jack Morris, formerly of Medford, is conducting a second-hand store at Cedar Vale, Kan. W. T. York has commenced an action against Captain Nash in the circuit court, to recover a sum of money for services rendered. Henry Orth of Jacksonville is employed at Barneburg & Arnold's butcher shop, and giving excellent satisfaction as chief of the cutting department. Medford is without a tamale stand, the city council having refused to give its consent to the erection of one on a prominent street by W. E. Macaulay. This is a mistake. M. R. Hart, formerly of this city, who is now engaged in merchandising at Lakeview, was in the valley a short time ago, en route to Portland. He was the principal witness in the Oglesby stage robbery case. Mrs. Nancy Tungate, who died here recently, was Mrs. I. L. Hamilton's grandmother, and came from Missouri nearly 30 years ago. She lived in the Willamette Valley a number of years before coming to Medford, and was a lady of many estimable qualities. I. A. Palmer, the well-known architect and contractor, was at Grants Pass last week. He is furnishing the plans for a handsome brick building that will be built by Jas. P. Tuffs and his son. Mr. P.'s talents are being appreciated, as he will be kept busy in different parts of the valley during the season. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 25, 1901, page 5 D. A. Presley, formerly of this county, but now a prominent farmer and stock raiser at Bly, Klamath County, was in Medford this week and paid The Mail a pleasant call. He will be accompanied home by his mother, Mrs. A. R. Presley, of Ashland.--Medford Mail. "Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, April 25, 1901, page 3 MEDFORD.
Died in Medford, April 24, 1901, of pneumonia, Mrs. Martha Dow, aged 55
years. Mrs. Dow was a half sister of Mrs. Tom Beall and Mrs. Vint
Beall. She leaves one grown son, Robert Dow.G. L. Davis has sold his grocery business to Warner & Wortman, who have moved their stock of goods to the new McAndrews block, which has been occupied for the past several weeks by G. L. Davis. Mr. Davis may engage in the stock business. Medford, April 22.--O. L. Walker, who had conducted a broom factory here, died yesterday of pneumonia. Funeral services were held at the home today. A wife and several small children survive him. York & Wortman, real estate dealers, last week brought action against Capt. J. T. C. Nash to recover $100, the alleged price they were to have received as commission in the sale of the Nash livery stable. Medford, April 25, 1901. Valley Record, Ashland, April 25, 1901, page 3 A. C. Nicholson, the Medford carpenter, is engaged in building an addition to Dr. DeBar's residence. "Jacksonville News," Medford Mail, April 26, 1901, page 3 J. H. Farleigh and family, of Medford, moved to Spikenard last Friday. Mr. F. recently bought the Wm. Mayfield farm. "Spikenard Items," Medford Mail, April 26, 1901, page 5 Minnie Clark to H. C. Childers et al., one acre off w end of lot 9 and one acre off w end of lot 16, Fairview add. to Medford . . . 400 J. S. Hagey et ux. to J. W. Prall, lot 1, 2 and 3, Cottage Home add., Medford . . . 1600 T. M. Prim to Lillie D. Starr, lots 1 and 2, blk 81, Medford . . . 100 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, April 26, 1901, page 5 E. E. Redfield, of Grants Pass, is in Medford this week visiting J. R. Wilson and family. Isaac Cadwalder, of Manitou, Colorado, arrived in Medford last week and will reside here permanently. L. C. Coleman, the San Francisco capitalist, arrived in the city Sunday evening, and may remain here for several weeks, looking after his extensive land interests. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Alford, of Ashland, came down Sunday evening to complete arrangements for their removal to this city during the present week. Mr. Alford will enter upon his duties at the Medford Bank as assistant cashier next Monday. J. D. Butler, who has been employed as prescription clerk in Chas. Strang's drug store for some time, left Tuesday morning for Pocatello, Idaho, where he goes to accept a similar position. Mr. Butler made many friends during his brief stay here who will regret his departure, and whose best wishes go with him. Dr. J. M. Keene returned from a visit to Portland last Friday. He was accompanied by his brother, Dr. C. W. Keene, who recently graduated from the medical department of the University of Oregon, and is looking for a suitable location for the practice of his profession. He has been visiting the various towns in this county and may decide to locate at some point in the valley. E. D. Dickinson and family arrived in Medford last week from Manitou, Colorado, and will make Medford their future home. They were accompanied by Miss Katie Moseley, who will also make her home here. Mr. Dickinson is a jeweler and watch repairer and has rented part of the Woodford feed store for a shop, the room to be partitioned off from the feed store. These people are friends of N. S. Bennett and family. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 26, 1901, page 6 E. S. Wolfer, the tinsmith, recently sold two large acetylene gas plants to the Mixer Mining Company, of Steamboat. He also sold them three giants and a deflector. Mr. Wolfer's gas plants are becoming very popular among mining men where night work is necessary. They give much better service and are cheaper than coal oil lamps. The social dance at the opera house last Friday evening, which was gotten up by the young people of Medford, was a very pleasant affair. Twenty-three couples were in attendance and the dancing was kept up until midnight. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Carver furnished the music and lunch was served at the Model Restaurant. W. T. Kame, proprietor of the Fair store, and J. C. Ferguson, the feed store man, are shifting locations this week. Mr. Kame is removing his stock of goods to the building which has been occupied by Mr. Ferguson, and Mr. Ferguson will occupy the building vacated by Mr. Keene. C. F. Shepherd, of Ashland, has purchased the Coss Piano House. Mr. Coss states that he has ordered another stock of musical instruments and as soon as they arrive he will again open up for business. Architect I. A. Palmer, of this city, drew the plans for the new bank building to be erected in Grants Pass this spring by Mr. Tuffs. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, April 26, 1901, page 6 When you need upholstering inquire for G. W. Hicks, at Webb's furniture store. Mr. Hicks does the very best of work, and his recommendations come from many of our leading citizens. Have your worn-out upholstering made as good as new, or have a few new pieces made to order. Mr. Hicks is a permanent resident of our town and guarantees his work to be satisfactory. The city council at its last meeting gave the park committee power to use its own judgment in the care of the city park--or the ground which is supposed to be a park. If there is any reason why this park should not be properly cared for and made an ornament to the city, such reason has never been advanced. It is truly deplorable that all these years have elapsed without anything having been done to beautify this little tract of ground, which, while not large or capable of being made into a Yellowstone or Golden Gate Park, could be redeemed from its abandoned appearance and made suitable for the purposes of which it was intended. There has been enough labor spent on this tract of land at divers times during the last six or seven years to produce a credible park; but after all this time it looks worse than it did in the beginning. It is to be hoped that the park committee, having full power to use its own judgment in the care of the park, will exert themselves to bring order out of chaos. It can be done by a liberal amount of work and a small outlay of cash judicially expended--and the citizens of Medford would doubtless feel grateful for anything which might be done to enhance the beauty of this shamefully neglected heritance. When you have drunk bad water, or if you have eaten something that is heavy, or if you cannot eat, get one gallon of the real old grain distilled whiskey for your home use, at $2.25 per gallon and up--at the distillery office--opposite new depot. Many readers of The Mail will remember that sometime in last August or September a babe was found on the doorstep of jeweler B. N. Butler's residence, in West Medford. No definite information could at that time be secured as to the parentage of the babe, nor was any forthcoming until within the last few weeks, when Sam'l. Murray, ex-city marshal, received information to the effect that the child's parents reside in Vancouver, Wash.; that the child was born there, and that its mother was a young girl scarcely sixteen years old, and further, that it was the grandmother who left the child on the doorstep. Mr. Murray would give no names but he is satisfied that he has discovered the identity of the child, which has been legally adopted by a Medford family. Ed. Pottenger has secured the building adjoining the Nash Hotel, formerly occupied by Warner & Wortman, the grocers, and will open up his meat market therein, instead of the building adjoining J. R. Wilson's blacksmith shop, as previously intended. The new location is one of the best in the city and he is fortunate in having been able to secure a building so favorably situated. It is not known what business Mr. Wilson's building will be used for, but it is quite probable that it will be occupied as soon as the interior improvements being made therein are completed. Mr. Pottenger will be ready for business by April 22nd, unless unforeseen contingencies arise to prevent him. L. E. Hoover has taken an agency for all of Southern Oregon and Northern California for the sale of nursery stock from the Woodburn nursery. He left Wednesday for California, together with several helpers, where the country will be thoroughly canvassed. Mr. Hoover will return to Oregon in time to make a canvass of all Southern Oregon during the fall months. The Woodburn nursery is the oldest established nursery in Oregon, and its stock is guaranteed to be as represented in every instance and the prices are very reasonable. Mr. H. desires all contemplating purchases to hold their orders until he has seen them. Warner & Wortman, the grocers, who purchased G. L. Davis' fine grocery store last week, have been busy this week removing their large stock of goods from their old stand to their present location. The amalgamation of these two large stores undoubtedly ensures Medford one of the best and most completely stocked grocery houses in the state, as well as one of the best appointed. Mr. Davis will remain here for two or three weeks to close up his business, after which he will go to Los Angeles to join his family, who have been stopping there during the winter. He has not decided what business will next claim his attention, but we trust he will eventually return to Medford. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 26, 1901, page 7 E. E. Redfield of Leland, Southern Oregon's crack marksman, is visiting J. R. Wilson and family. McCown & Jennings, the Union liverymen, are doing a good business and generally satisfying the traveling public. J. R. Wilson Wednesday purchased of Mrs. Wm. Slinger the lot on the corner of 8th and C streets. This in the near future promises to be a fine business location. J. R. Wilson, the C Street blacksmith, has finished up his new room formerly occupied as a [horse] shoeing shop by H. H. Mitchell, and it is a very nice business room. Frank Amann was in charge of the carpenter work. Our old friend and knight of the key Luke Knowlton arrived Wednesday from Junction City and is now installed as day operator at the depot. H. Brodie, who has been for some time night operator, goes to McMinnville, while Walla Mahoney, who has been for several months day operator, takes his old position as night operator. Ed. Pottenger has leased the room formerly occupied by Warner & Wortman for a butcher shop. W. T. Kame will remove his stock of boots and shoes into Phipps' building as soon as the interior is refinished. Messrs. I. W. Thomas and J. F. White will erect this spring on their lots west of the depot a brick block 50x80 two stories in height. This will make a great improvement on that side of the track. E. I. Dickinson and family arrived Saturday last from Colo. Mr. Dickinson [is] a first-class watchmaker and has rented quarters in the store of A. M. Woodford, where he will be found after this week catering to the needs of the public.. Medford Enquirer, April 27, 1901, page 5 REMOVED.
C. Ferguson, the grocer, has removed from the old Phipps building to
the McAndrew building and the room occupied by W. T. Kame. Mr. Ferguson
will now have better quarters and has just received a large and
complete stock of all kinds of staple and fancy groceries, flour and
mill feed, and respectfully asks the public to call and see him in his
new quarters. His motto is square treatment and honest goods.
Medford Enquirer, April 27, 1901, page 5 Dr. James B. Wait, a pioneer physician of Medford, Oregon, died at his home there of pneumonia, April 5th. Dr. Wait was a Grand Army veteran and was a member of the government pension examining board for Southern Oregon. Medical Sentinel, May 1901, page 172 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
F. Zell,
formerly of Medford, has become a resident of Crook County.H. M. Coss intends to remain in this field, and will represent brands of pianos and organs other than those he has been handling. H. C. Mackey & Boyd are doing a good business at their big photo tent, because they do first-class, up-to-date work. Mrs. N. Langell has become the owner of a fine residence property in Galloway's addition, paying $1500 therefor. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 2, 1901, page 4 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Reynolds and family have become residents of Medford.Charley Isaacs is at Portland, visiting his sister Mamie and incidentally seeing the sights. L. F. Knowlton arrived from Junction City lately, and has assumed a position at the depot. He comes highly recommended. J. G. Taylor, the successful saddle and harness maker, having sold his stock of goods, has gone to California for a vacation. He will resume business about Sept. 1st. M. L. Alford and his family have arrived from Ashland, to become permanent residents of our town. Mose has been appointed assistant cashier of the Medford Bank. Frank Wilson of the Model Restaurant (where the best meals in the county can be obtained), accompanied by his wife and daughter, attended the Odd Fellows ball in Jacksonville. Reuben Daw, the engineer, who is employed at Klamathon, was called to Medford by the death of his mother. Mrs. D. was a highly respected lady, whose death is regretted by all who knew her. The directors of Medford school district have chosen the following teachers for the next scholastic year: Prof. N. L. Narregan, principal; Misses Gertrude Sutton, May Phipps, Elsie Wiley, Lizzie Ferguson, Emma Reed, Minnie Hockenyos, Mabel Jones. O. L. Walden, the well-known broom maker, died on the 23d of April, of pneumonia, after a short illness. He came to Oregon a number of years ago, some of which he spent in Jacksonville. Mr. W. was an industrious, upright man, and was highly esteemed by his many friends and acquaintances. He leaves a wife and several children. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 2, 1901, page 7 MEDFORD.
Born--In Medford, April 28, 1901, to Dr and Mrs. J. E. Shearer, a ten-pound daughter.J. G. Taylor, who has been engaged in the harness and saddlery business at Medford for several years, has disposed of the stock and on Monday accompanied by his family left for San Francisco for the benefit of his health. He may return to Medford in September. Reames Chapter, No. 66, O.E.S., celebrated its first anniversary last Thursday evening. A large crowd was present and a most enjoyable evening was spent. W. H. McGowan and Mrs. I. A. Webb captured the first prize in the pantomime cake walk. Choice refreshments were served during the evening. N. Langell has purchased the Strayer property in West Medford and will soon take possession. This is one of the prettiest residences in Medford and Nathaniel and wife have just cause to be proud of their new home. Ed. Pottenger has opened a butcher shop in the Nash Hotel block in the room formerly occupied by Warner & Wortman. H. L. Gilkey, who has been the efficient cashier in the Jackson County Bank for a number of years, is now filling a like position in the First National Bank at Grants Pass. His family will join him in a short time. Valley Record, Ashland, May 2, 1901, page 3 E. Russ.:--"There were eight men with loads of grain waiting to do business at our East Side Mill last Saturday. Business is coming so thick and fast that we have decided to grind on two days of the week hereafter--Fridays and Saturdays." Asahel Hubbard:--"We are expecting a carload of McCormick mowers this week. There will also be rakes and binding twine in the car. Yes, business is good. We handle a staple line of farm implements, and our trade is very uniform on these makes of goods. Oh, yes, we add new customers to our list every year. The new people coming here from the East buy more or less of new implements, and as every farmer in the eastern states is familiar with the goods we handle it is not a difficult task to make these newcomers our customers." L. H. Faucett:--"The frost did very little damage to my peaches, and if we have no more frosts it will necessary be to thin out at least four-fifths of the peaches now on the trees. I have 900 trees and I assure you that the prospects were never better for an immense yield." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, May 3, 1901, page 2 Mrs. Henry Ireland, of this city, was called to Medford last week by the sudden death of her father, O. L. Walden. "Jacksonville News," Medford Mail, May 3, 1901, page 3 Jas. Armpriest is looking after his interests on Griffin Creek this week. He is thinking of moving to Medford sometime before the year is out. "Forest Creek News," Medford Mail, May 3, 1901, page 5 Jacob Johnston et ux. to Edmund Davis, lots 1 and 3, blk 15, Medford . . . 500 Edmund Davis et ux .to William Davis, same property . . . [no price] L. T. Pierce et ux. to William Davis, land in blk 2, Harris add., Medford . . . 100 M. J. Johnston et ux. to William Davis, lot 3, J. H. Barnum's add., Medford . . . 165 J. H. Hagey et ux. to J. T. Eads, lots 3 and 4, blk 15, Medford . . . 550 W. F. Shawver et ux. to J. T. Eads, lots 5 and 6, blk 15, Medford . . . 650 Grace Hosler and husband to Scott Davis et ux., lots 7 and 8, blk 70, Medford . . . 400 Conrad Mingus et ux. to B. F. Crouch, 2 acres in Mingus subdivision, sec. 24, tp 37, s2w, Medford . . . 150 John E. Pelton et ux. to Beulah J. Neil, lot 18, blk 22, Medford . . . 350 R. L. Sabin to D. L. Browning, property in Medford . . . 1 Granville Naylor to W. C. Noon, ½ interest in lots 2 and 3, blk 9, Beatty's add., Medford . . . 20 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, May 3, 1901, page 5 Joe Delk and family left Wednesday for Portland where they will reside. Mr. Delk has leased a large lodging house in Portland, and will take possession of same upon his arrival in that city. E. E. Van Antwerp, traveling solicitor for the Portland Oregonian, arrived in Medford last Saturday evening for a few days' visit with his mother. He states that he is meeting with success in his work. J. G. Taylor and family, accompanied by Mrs. Taylor's mother, left Monday for a two months' pleasure trip to San Francisco and other California cities. Mr. Taylor has attended very closely to business for several years, and feels the need of rest, which he proposes to take before engaging in business again. He expects to return to Medford sometime in August, when he will again open up for business. Captain Gordon Voorhies, the fruit-grower, returned this week from an extended visit in the southern and eastern states. Mrs. D. W. Terwilliger, of Los Angeles, Calif., who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Wait, for the last three weeks, left for her home last Friday morning. C. T. Higinbotham returned yesterday morning from a quite extended stay at Willows and other California points. He will visit relatives here for a short time--and may remain permanently. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 3, 1901, page 6 The Medford base ball team, second nine, went down to Gold Hill Wednesday and proceeded to do the boys up on a score of eight to four. The Medford nine is made up of Frank Redden, catcher; Dan Amann, pitcher; Homer Rothermel, s.s.; Ray Crystal, 1st b.; Ora Burnett, 2nd b.; Frank Isaacs, 3rd b.; Claude Miles, l.f.; Waldo Danielson, c.f.; Guy Lawton, r.f. "Mrs. H. L. Gilkey and five children arrived from Medford last evening with their household effects and have gone to housekeeping in the Allen property, near the Dunbar residence. Cashier Gilkey and family are warmly welcomed to our city, Mr. Gilkey having already established himself in the highest esteem of all with whom he has come in contact."--Grants Pass Observer. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Alford are again residents of Medford, and are nicely domiciled in J. E. Enyart's new residence, corner of Sixth and F streets. Mr. Alford entered upon his duties as assistant cashier of the Medford Bank Monday. J. H. Butler is making a fine home for himself and family on South C Street. His new residence is nearly completed and is as neat a little cottage as the best of them and situated in as pleasant a locality as there is in Medford. Messrs. Arnold & Barneburg, the market men, report their business increasing. As a matter of fact our people are consuming more fresh meat nowadays than they did for several months previous to the general turnover the market business took. The work of filling in the low places in the city park is in progress this week. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, May 3, 1901, page 6 Bright and early Monday morning Ed. Pottenger opened the doors of his new meat market, located in the building adjoining Hotel Nash [his ads place him "in Hotel Nash Block"], to the public and is now the proprietor of a business which has claimed his attention for many years, and one in which he has a thorough knowledge. The building, which was thoroughly renovated previous to his occupancy, afford an ideal location for a first-class market, which Ed. will certainly conduct, and that he will receive his full share of patronage admits of no doubt. Mr. Pottenger has been a resident of Medford for many years, is well and favorably known throughout the county and through business dealings with many of our citizens in former years has attained their confidence to a degree that will be a valuable assistance in building up his business. The Medford orchestra, composed of six pieces, made its first public appearance at Jacksonville last Friday, where it furnished the music for the I.O.O.F. hall. Medford musical talent has been recognized wherever it has appeared, but at no time has it been the recipient of more commendatory remarks than was bestowed upon the orchestra above referred to at its first performance Friday night. The leader, Prof. Boffa, is a recognized master of the violin, and his work at Jacksonville was fully up to his usual high standard. He was ably assisted by Miss Mae Ross as pianist, Ed. Van Dyke, coronet; Will Barnum, clarinet; A. L. Eisenhart, trombone; W. J. Mahoney, bass viol. Saturday night the "Buffaloes" entertained their friends in Woodman hall. Progressive games furnished amusement until eleven o'clock, when they were invited to Wilson's restaurant, where an oyster supper was served. The boys did the honors of the evening in a very pleasing manner, and it is hoped they will receive again soon. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Norris, Misses Odgers, Wait, Norris, Hammond, Rhinehart, Dunlap, Porter, Rothermel, Little, Woodford, Messrs. Burnett, Lawton, Meeker, Stephenson, Kleinhammer, Rhinehart, Rothermel, Childers, Wilson, Haskins. G. F. King, a timber cruiser, who arrived in this county from Michigan last February, has taken up his headquarters in Medford. Mr. King has been looking over the timber lands in this section for several weeks, and is preparing to do a large amount of business in this line during the summer. He says there will be more timber claims located this summer than there has been for any previous season in this portion of the state. Mr. King is very enthusiastic over the prospects for a big boom in his business in the near future. W. T. Kame, proprietor of the Fair store, is now located in the I. J. Phipps building on Seventh Street, having moved his stock of goods thereto this week. The building has been repapered and repainted and makes a very desirable business location. D. T. Pritchard, the jeweler, has secured counter room in the building with Mr. Kame. Henry Davis has moved his stock of gents' furnishing goods to the building on C Street vacated by Mr. Pritchard. W. F. Taggart, of this city, has purchased a ten-acre tract of land just south of Mr. Sutton's place, near Phoenix, and is moving his family thereto this week. He will engage in gardening on an extensive scale, and having secured a place well adapted to this line of business his efforts will doubtless be crowned with success. Mr. McDonald, from whom the purchase was made, will, with his family, return to his former home at Ellensburg, Wash. The price paid for the property was $1500, or $150 per acre. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 3, 1901, page 7 Contractor Priddy is at work this week putting in a new cement walk at the corner of 7th and B streets. Two "prairie schooners" were in Medford yesterday from Oklahoma. Medford Enquirer, May 4, 1901, page 5 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
The Weinhard Brewing Co.'s depot, under the efficient management of Mr.
Ehwegen, is supplying southern Oregon with a large quantity of beer and
ice.The game of baseball played between the Gold Hill and Medford nines, on the grounds of the former, was won by our boys. The score stood 8 to 4 in their favor. B. F. Crouch of San Francisco, who formerly lived in Medford, has finally become disentangled from a matrimonial alliance which did not turn out well. It was developed during the trial of his divorce case that his alleged wife had never been legally separated from the man whom she had first cast her fortunes with. It is startling how they do things in California. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 9, 1901, page 5 "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 9, 1901, page 5 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Mrs. A. S.
Hammond has gone to Altruria,
Calif., for treatment at the sanitarium located there.Mrs. Dr. Bundy was visited last week by her aunt, Mrs. E. B. Hunsaker of San Francisco, and her daughter. Jessie Hale, daughter of Judge and Mrs. W. C. Hale of Grants Pass, is paying a visit to her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Langell. Mrs. G. R. Lindley, wife of the cashier of the Jackson County Bank, is being visited by her sister, Miss Lutie Ulrich of Godfrey, Ill. Will Isaacs has gone to Klamath County to look after his father's stock interests. D. T. Sears is managing the cigar store in the meantime. S. T. Sanders, the genial shoemaker, is doing a better business than ever. He is a first-class workman and never fails to please his customers. Give him a call if you need anything in his line. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 9, 1901, page 7 Miss Jessie Hale, daughter of Judge and Mrs. W. C. Hale of this city, has been visiting in Medford during the past week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Langell. "Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, May 9, 1901, page 3 MEDFORD.
Marion E. Minear died at his home near Jacksonville, May 6th, after a
short illness of pneumonia. Mr. Minear came to Jacksonville three years
ago from Iowa and has resided on his farm which he purchased of Mrs. A.
Elmer. A wife and several small children survive him.Lloyd Helms, son of A. M. Helms, met with a painful accident Sunday evening. He was riding on horseback and the saddle turned and he fell to the ground; his right arm struck an iron on the railroad track with force, breaking a bone near the wrist. A. M. Helms, the saloon man, was married Monday to a Mrs. Smith. Mrs. E. M. Rose and daughter, who went to Seattle in October to make their home, have returned to Medford to reside. Dr. Warren L. Cameron, who graduates this month from the physicians and surgeons college of Chicago, was married April 25, 1901, to Miss Catherine Vail. E. D. Elwood, the jeweler, has the new brick building about completed and will move to his new store in about ten days. Miss Jessie Cole, who has been visiting friends at Alameda, Cal., since November, returned home Monday morning. W. E. McCauley has opened up his tamale stand in the building formerly occupied as a shooting gallery one door east of Myers' crockery store. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Kilham of Portland, May 2, 1901. Mrs. Kilham was formerly Miss Louise Kubli of Jacksonville. "Medford," Valley Record, Ashland, May 9, 1901, page 3 Miss Lila Sackett has returned from Medford much improved in health and has resumed teaching at this place. "Beagle Items," Medford Mail, May 10, 1901, page 5 Carrie I. Johnson to W. B. Jackson, lot 6, blk 1, Cottage Home add., Medford . . . 650 S. S. Strayer et ux. to Loretta J. Langell, property in blk 4, Galloway's add., Medford . . . 1500 Arthur S. Wells to Mary R. Gault, lots 5 and 6, blk 6, Medford . . . 90 Lillie D. Starr to J. H. Thorndike, lots 1 and 2, blk 81, Medford . . . 175 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, May 10, 1901, page 5 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Allen left for Santa Rosa, Calif., last week, where they will probably locate. Mrs. Jas. A. Slover and daughter, of Grants Pass, visited her mother, Mrs. W. H. Parker, of this place, this week. Geo. Mickey was out at Trail Creek Sunday and Monday, having taken his daughter, Miss Mabel, to that place to commence a term of school teaching. Miss Olah Mickey is teaching in the Beagle district. Mrs. E. M. Rose and little daughter, Elvira, formerly of Medford, but who have been residing at Seattle for several months, returned to Medford last week. They will reside at Ashland during the summer. Miss Edith Nicholson, who has been attending the Armstrong business college at Portland since last January, returned to her home in Medford Sunday. She has taken a position with her brother, Horace Nicholson, in his hardware store for the summer, and will return to Portland this winter to resume her studies. Orton Wiley, who has been attending the university at Berkeley for several months, returned to Medford last Saturday and has taken a position in Chas. Strang's drug store for a few weeks. His parents will leave for Oakland, Calif. about June first, where they will reside in the future in order that he and his sister, Miss Elsie, may attend the Berkeley university and complete their education. Hon. and Mrs. Ira B. Myers, of Indiana, arrived in Medford this week for a four or six weeks' visit with their daughter, Mrs. C. I. Hutchison, and family, and their son, jeweler H. B. Myers. Mr. Myers is U.S. Consul at St. Johns, New Brunswick, and is taking a vacation and making a tour of the coast states. He has held his present position for four years, but prior to that he held a prominent government position on the Pacific coast.. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 10, 1901, page 6 John Wade has moved from Sams Valley to the Kellogg place, west of Medford. Buttons for the Lewis and Clark centennial have appeared. The button is about an inch and a half in diameter and bears the portraits of Lewis and Clark and the inscription, "Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1805 Exposition 1905." Will Jackson has accepted a position as bookkeeper for Hutchison & Lumsden, and entered upon his duties last week. Mr. Jackson is a thorough accountant, and a better selection could not have been made. F. S. Wolfer, the tinsmith, has rented the brick building on East Seventh Street formerly occupied by the Coss Piano House, and will move his business thereto within a couple of weeks. Miss May Merriman, of this city, led last week in the voting contest of the Ashland Town Talk for the most popular lady in Jackson County, having 1775 votes to her credit.
There are but four students in the high school graduating class this
year, and these are all boys. They are Leon Haskins, Ward Webber,
Eugene Rhinehart and Roy Mickey.
Joseph Taylor and son have erected a dwelling on their fruit farm near this city and have moved thereto. They have been residing at Central Point. Wm. Davis, the drayman, has purchased the Johnson property, corner South B and Ninth streets, from his father, E. Davis, paying $800 therefor. Dr. W. S. Jones has purchased the J. T. Wiley residence, corner South G and Eighth streets. The price paid was $1000. The place will be for rent. Mrs. Julia Miles is having a 14x18-foot addition built to her pleasant home on South D Street. Messrs. Starr and Drisko are doing the work. G. L. Davis is assisting Warner & Wortman, the grocers, and may decide to remain in Medford instead of moving to California as at first anticipated. F. K. Deuel & Co., who have for several years conducted a dry goods and clothing store in Medford, will add a complete stock of groceries to their stock of goods about June 1st. The grocery department will be under the management of Carl Crystal, for several years identified with G. L. Davis, he having formed a partnership with the above-named firm for this purpose. Mr. Deuel will inaugurate a number of changes in his large building in order to make room for the additional stock. The room on the second floor, now occupied by the Woodmen of the World as a lodge room, will be devoted to the clothing department. A stairway leading to this department from the main salesroom will be built at once. The grocery department will occupy the space at present devoted to clothing, which will be made ready as soon as possible. The gentlemen propose to arrange their store in an attractive manner, and equip it with modern methods for expeditiously conducting the business. Carl has many friends in Medford, and all over the county who will be pleased to learn of his intention to embark in business in this city for himself, and the new firm will, without doubt, enjoy a good patronage. F. W. Carder, who is in Alaska, writes relatives in Medford that he has been doing well for some time and in all probability will return to Medford during the coming summer. He has been working on a good-paying "lay," and notwithstanding the very backward spring he expects to make a good cleanup. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 10, 1901, page 7 At the municipal election Monday last at Grants Pass, Dr. W. F. Kremer was elected mayor over his opponent, H. C. Kinney, by a majority of 90. Orton Wiley, who has been attending school at Berkeley, Cal., returned home Saturday last, and assumed his old position in Strang's drug store. Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. Myers, parents of H. B. Myers the jeweler and Mrs. C. I. Hutchison, arrived Tuesday on a few weeks' visit with them. Mr. Myers is U.S. Consul at St. Johns, New Brunswick, having served there the past four years, and was recently appointed for a term of four more years. The Bates Bros. have no pulls at their barber shop. Everything is clean cut. All customers are served alike only a little different. The roots are left in the face to produce a new growth of hair. Rance Rouse has purchased the saloon business of A. M. Helms on D Street and is now in charge. Rance is a jolly good fellow and will keep a popular resort. The new boiler for the city light and water plant arrived yesterday and will be put in place immediately. While putting it in place next week the electric light plant will be shut down, and we will be without lights for a few nights. Medford Enquirer, May 11, 1901, page 5 Construction work on Salem's new post office has been retarded during the past few days on account of the inability to keep on hand a sufficient amount of building materials to continue the work regularly. Another carload of granite is expected from Medford on Tuesday, while on the following day there is scheduled to arrive the first car of Jackson County sandstone from Ashland, with which the main building will be constructed.. "Post Office Work Proceeds Slowly," The Daily Journal, Salem, May 11, 1901, page 4 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Geo. L.
Davis is still in Medford and may remain. He is assisting Warner
& Wortman.F. K. Deuel & Co. have added an assortment of groceries to their stock of goods, which will be in charge of Carl Crystal. The music classes of Mrs. Gore and Miss Aileen Webber will give a joint musicale in the near future. Something real good may be expected. W. F. Crosby, the wheat buyer, is in Josephine County at present, looking after his mining interests, in which he has Thos. Rourke as a colleague. Bert Brown, who went to St. Joseph, Mo. last year to take a position in a wholesale house, is now in the state of Washington, in the role of traveling salesman for a big dry-goods establishment, and doing well. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 13, 1901, page 3 "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 13, 1901, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Dr. J. W.
Odgers and his family have gone to Oakland, Calif., where they expect
to locate.Mrs. I. A. Webb has gone to Indiana on a visit. She is accompanied by her daughter, Miss Pearl. Orton Wiley has resumed his position at Strang's drug store. He has been attending the University of California, and will probably return to Berkeley. Chas. H. Pierce has returned from his trip to the Willamette Valley and eastern Oregon. He will not start a cannery at Ashland, but will operate one at Eugene and another at Salem. The big new boiler for our water and light plant, which councilman Wilson purchased in California recently, is being put in position. As a consequence the city is without electricity at present. W. E. Macaulay, the genial tamale artist, is located in the building formerly occupied as a shooting gallery, next door to Myers' jewelry store and opposite Beck's hardware establishment. He always succeeds in pleasing the public. Messrs. McCown and Jennings, the energetic proprietors of the Union Livery Stables, are doing a good business. Prompt and courteous, always vigilant in their efforts to accommodate the traveling public, they have become deservedly popular. Frank Wait, who has the contract for furnishing the sandstone for the new post office building at Salem (as well as the granite), has a force of men employed at the quarry situated some distance south of Ashland. He is about ready to ship the cornerstone which the President was expected to lay next Wednesday. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 16, 1901, page 5 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Miss Jessie Cole, who has been in Alameda County Calif. for several
months, visiting relatives, returned home last week.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 16, 1901, page 7 Board of Agriculture.
members of the first Southern Oregon Board of Agriculture met at
Medford Saturday and organized by the election of T. E. Hillis, of
Ashland, as president; W. H. Gore, of Medford, vice-president; W. J.
Plymale, of Jacksonville, secretary, and J. E. Enyart, of Medford,
treasurer. No definite conclusion was reached concerning the holding of
a fair, but it is understood that a fair will be held and the best
exhibits shipped to a state fair.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, May 16, 1901, page 3 Last Sunday the Medford base ball nine defeated the Gold Hill boys with a score of 21 to 11. The game was hotly contested until the sixth inning, when the Gold Hill boys made several bad plays which resulted in their defeat. There were several young men accompanying the Medford team who imbibed too freely of bad whiskey and acted in such a disgraceful manner both in town and on the ball grounds, by their shameful language and insults to the ladies present, that some of the gentlemen were obliged to interfere and give them a severe punishment. I hope the boys will take warning and consider themselves lucky to have escaped without being more severely dealt with. The people were thoroughly disgusted with their conduct and will not stand a second offense. "Gold Hill Items," Medford Mail, May 17, 1901, page 3 Miss Josie Armstrong, of Burlington, Iowa, will arrive in Medford about May 23, and with Miss Myers, of this city, will open up an art studio soon after her arrival. Robt. L. Bybee was acquitted of the charge of burglary at Coquille City last week. He and his partner were each fined $50 for gambling. Medford Mail, May 17, 1901, page 3 J. W. Mitchell and family, of Montague, Calif., arrived in Medford last Friday evening and have taken up their residence in Mrs. A. N. Woody's house on North A Street. Mr. Mitchell is a brother and partner of H. H. Mitchell, the blacksmith. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Justus will leave this week for Klamathon, where Mr. Justus will be employed temporarily in a logging camp. D. W. Myers, of Bowman, Calif., is in Medford upon a visit to his brother-in-law, A. H. Chessmore, ex-publisher of the Enquirer. Mr. Myers has decided to make Medford his future home and has sent for his family, who are at Bowman. Himself and Mr. Chessmore will engage in business in the city--the nature of which is not as yet given out. Mrs. J. W. Odgers and daughters, Misses Grace and Gertrude, left for San Francisco Monday morning. They will be followed by Dr. Odgers and daughter, Miss Hattibel, in a few weeks, when they will locate at Berkeley, where the doctor will practice his profession. All Medford will regret the departure of these most estimable people, but all will wish them well in their new home. W. S. Blackmire, of Chicago, a well-known mining man, is in the city this week, and is engaged in looking over the mines in this section. Mr. Blackmire was here last October and became quite favorably impressed with the mines of Southern Oregon. He states that, contrary to the general prevailing opinion, eastern mining men are familiar with the mines of this section, a fact which, literally interpreted, means that the present boom in the mines here is only a forerunner of what is to follow in the near future. W. F. Williamson, formerly of Medford, and the first school teacher who had to do with youthful ideas in this man's town, came up from his home in Norwalk, Calif., last week for a few days' visit with relatives and friends, returning Tuesday morning. He is at present owner and operator of a dairy and fruit ranch in Southern California. His place is about twenty-five miles from Covina, where George and Benj. Webb and their families are located. He tells that all these old-time Medford people are doing well and enjoying good health. Ben Webb is running a hardware store and George Webb and Wilmer McPherson are working for him. Mr. Webb carries a large stock and is doing exceedingly well. Mrs. George Webb is conducting a millinery store and she, too, is enjoying a splendid patronage. George Webb is mixed up with a new copying ink and process for copying letters and expects to soon go on the road as traveling salesman for the company which manufactures the ink. Little Vera Webb's health is very much improved, as is also Mrs. McPherson, who was formerly Miss Grace Faucett. Mr. Williamson is himself part patentee and owner of an adjustable window shade roller attachment and expects to make big money out of its sales. Medford people will learn with pleasure all these bits of good news from their former friends and acquaintances. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 17, 1901, page 6 The Misses Hoover have moved their stock of millinery from the Woolf building to the J. H. Wilson building, formerly occupied by J. G. Taylor, the harness dealer. They have fitted up the room in nice shape and now have comfortable headquarters and a good location. Dr. Warren Cameron has located at Leeds, South Dakota, for the practice of his profession. He succeeded to the practice of another doctor who was compelled to retire owing to ill health. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, May 17, 1901, page 6 Significant and interesting to the people of Southern Oregon is the news that during the past week a large party of Michigan and Minnesota lumber men have arrived in this section of the state to look over the timber which abounds in vast quantities all over Southern Oregon. From time to time during a period of several years reports have been received here that timber land in this section would sooner or later be one of our most valuable industries, and that as soon as the forests of the middle eastern states was depleted, which was rapidly being done, the timber barons of those states would turn their attention to Oregon. This has come true sooner than was expected, and as a consequence the interest in timbered property has suddenly developed to an extent little dreamed of by the majority, even a year ago. It is true that the far-seeing ones have already secured the choicest timber in this section, but there yet remains a large area of land which is open to entry. The stimulus given this industry will undoubtedly result in the major portion of the land being filed upon during the summer, and those who are first to take advantage of the opportunity will be the ones to profit to the greatest extent. It is a safe prediction that within six months from this date there will not be a section of good timber land in Jackson County, or indeed the whole of Southern Oregon, upon which there is any timber of any considerable value which will not have been filed upon. Monday evening the Knights of Pythias moved their goods and chattels to their new hall, which they recently purchased from Guy Childers, and are now comfortably domiciled therein. They are furnishing the lodge room with new carpets, etc., and later on will make other improvements tending to beautify their new home. They will use both rooms on the second floor—one for a lodge room and the other for a banquet hall--which will be fitted up for this purpose. There is but one other order in Medford which owns its hall--the Odd Fellows--and the fact that the K. of P. boys are able to defray the expenses of the order and have money left to invest speaks volumes for the stability of their order. They have over ninety members at present and are steadily acquiring new ones. E. A. Hoag, living east of Medford, recently opened up a spring on his place which has every indication of being not a great ways from an oil deposit. A thick substance of something continually rises to the surface of the water, and this something feels oily to the touch. His place is in the supposed oil district and is under lease to Medford parties, and it is not improbable that a test well will be put down by these Medford oil projectors during the coming summer. Cal. Slagle, for several months past night clerk at Hotel Nash, has resigned his position and will soon leave for Coquille City, where his brother, F. S. Slagle, is engaged in the merchant tailoring business. He has been succeeded as night clerk by Bert Miller, of this city. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 17, 1901, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Harry Langell, who is in Klamath County at present, will be one of the
festive forest rangers this season, having given satisfaction before.A good-sized audience witnessed the performance of the Edison Waragraph Co. Monday evening, and were well pleased with it. Fleming Bros. always give satisfaction. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 23, 1901, page 5 "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 23, 1901, page 5 "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 23, 1901, page 7 Mrs. Conley, formerly Miss Luella Butler of this place and Medford, was on Tuesday's southbound train. She is traveling with the American Novelty Co., and is an actress and professional juggler.--Valley Record. "Local Happenings," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, May 23, 1901, page 3 Settle Up Notice.
I am desirous of settling up my business in Medford preparatory to
going away, all those knowing themselves indebted to me, either by book
account or note, are earnestly requested to call at the old stand and
settle at once.
Medford Mail, May 24, 1901, page 2Wanted--
few GOOD two-horse teams and lead bars to be employed on Fish Lake
ditch. Apply at camp, near W. C. Daley ranch on Little Butte Creek,
eight miles above Brownsboro. Feed can be obtained from company at cost
prices. Wages, team and driver, $3 per day.
Medford Mail, May 24, 1901, page 2Supt. Construction. B. F. Crouch to Hattie J. Day, 5 acres [sic] in lots 6, 7 and 1, blk 2, Mingus add., Medford . . . 262 Orton Wiley to Mrs. Lou D. Jones, lots 15, 16, 17 and 18, blk 54, Medford . . . 1000 A. L. Churchman and husband to Emma F. Hall, lot 10, blk 24, Medford . . . 225 Alice Hammon to Mrs. M. A. Anderson, lot 1, blk 18, Medford . . . 200 William Cochran to C. B. Rostel, lot 12, blk 9, Medford . . . 75 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, May 24, 1901, page 5 Mrs. W. C. Hale, of Grants Pass, who has been visiting her parents, Hon. and Mrs. N. Langell, returned to her home Monday night. Mrs. Jessie Farnsworth, who has been visiting her parents, Hon. and Mrs. N. Langell, of this city, for several weeks, left Sunday for San Francisco to remain permanently. Mrs. H. L. Mumford, of Portland, arrived in Medford last week, and is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Carroll, who reside a few miles northeast of this city. Mrs. Geo. King, formerly a resident of Medford, was visiting friends here last week, leaving Sunday evening for Cottage Grove. Her husband was operator at the S.P. depot at this place about two years ago. W. E. Spence, son of Wm. Spence, the Klamath County rancher, arrived in Medford Sunday evening. Mr. Spence and family expect to spend the summer in Jackson County, and will probably locate here permanently. Miss Armstrong and daughter, Miss Josie, of Burlington, Iowa, arrived in Medford Tuesday evening, and will remain here for a period of six months. Miss Armstrong will open an art studio in Medford at an early date. John Nyswaner and family departed Saturday for Lakeview, where they will reside in the future. The Mail regrets the departure of Mr. Nyswaner, but wishes him and his estimable family the fullest measure of success in their new home across the mountains. L. A. Martin, who has been working Medford for some time in the interest of the Coss Piano House, left for his former home at Roseburg Monday evening, where he will remain. Mr. Martin has been engaged in the stock-raising business in Douglas County for several years, and will again turn his attention to the business in the near future. N. F. Kenworthy, of Southern California, who arrived in Medford some time ago to be in attendance at the bedside of his father, Rev. J. S. Kenworthy, returned to his home Monday. The gentleman expresses himself as very favorably impressed with Medford, and may return later. Harden Kenworthy, of Woodville, who has also been here for several days on the same sad mission, returned to his home this week. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 24, 1901, page 6 Chief of Police Johnson is ill at his home in this city this week, and G. E. Allen is wearing the star temporarily. Just received--A nice line of summer corsets at Gurnea's. The dray team driven by "Shorty" Dodge became frightened at the approach of a four-in-hand mule team Thursday morning and started for the tall timber. They got as far as the Grove school house, where they stopped and were soon captured by their driver, who was hot on their trail. No damage was done. Medford Mail, May 24, 1901, page 6 Fleming Bros., who are traveling overland through the country with the Edison Waragraph machine, gave an entertainment at the Medford opera house Monday evening. Owing to the fact that the entertainment was not well advertised they did not have a large house, but the exhibition was good throughout and thoroughly enjoyed. A feature in itself well worth the price of admission was the scenic production of Mrs. Carrie Nation on one of her celebrated joint-smashing crusades. The musically inclined people of Medford will have an opportunity to hear some excellent music, both vocal and instrumental, on the event of May 28th--the date of Prof. Boffa's concert and music recital. The members who are to take part in the program are working hard to make the entertainment a success, and will without doubt succeed. Reserved seats for the concert are now on sale at H. H. Howard & Co. C. M. Allen, who arrived in Medford from the East a few months ago, has purchased the J. H. Wilson farm of 140 acres, situated about a mile west of this city, from W. B. Roberts, paying therefor $5600. This is one of the best farms in the valley, and Mr. Allen is fortunate in securing so valuable a farm. He will take possession of the same about October 1st. Miss Nellie DePeatt, formerly Postal Telegraph operator in this city, will go to Barranquilla with Hon. and Mrs. Geo. W. Colvig, instead of Miss Dora Colvig, who will retain her position in the Grants Pass public schools. Wolfer, the tinner, has moved to the building near the bridge formerly occupied by the Coss Piano House. His business has increased to such proportions that he had to have increased floor space. A. L. Eisenhart moved this week to his residence on South C Street, which he purchased from Dr. J. W. Odgers some time ago. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 24, 1901, page 7 Ralph Woodford left for Grants Pass Monday. He has accepted a position in a store. W. E. Spence, of Los Angeles, arrived recently to visit his parents, W. Spence and family. Mrs. H. L. Mumford, of Portland, arrived recently to visit her people, Mr. Carrol and family, who live on a fruit farm near Medford. Mrs. J. D. Wangerin, who has been visiting several months with her daughter, Mrs. A. C. Tayler, returned to her home in Oakland, Cal. Monday. N. F. Kenworthy, of Southern California, who arrived in Medford to attend the bedside of his father, Rev. J. S. Kenworthy, returned to his home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dean, of Los Angeles, who has been visiting Mrs. Dean's brother, Ed Binns, left Wednesday for the North, and expect to go to Alaska soon. Mrs. Jessie Farnsworth, of San Francisco, who has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Langell, for several months, returned to the city Saturday. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, May 26, 1901, page 14 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
L. A. Martin, who has been in the employ of the Coss piano house, left
for Roseburg last week, accompanied by the best wishes of his many
friends.J. W. Slinger and Emil Peil, two of Lake Creek's most energetic young men, were in Medford last week. The former delivered a lot of cattle to A. F. Hunt, representing the Ashland Meat Co. It is said that Medford's baseball club will play for the big purse offered at Yreka, Calif. July 4th. If it has such intentions it should select its best material and practice hard, for Siskiyou County's players are hard to beat. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 30, 1901, page 7 Joseph E. Stone et ux. to William Charley lots 1 and 2, blk 58, Medford . . . 1050 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, May 31, 1901, page 5 B. F. Wade, the mining man, has returned to Medford after an extended absence. Willie Warner, who has been attending school at Forest Grove the past year, returned to his home in this city Tuesday. J. T. Wiley and son, Orton, left Monday morning for Oakland, Calif., to remain permanently. They will be joined by the rest of the family in a couple of weeks. Mrs. R. Fox, of Stockton, Calif., who has been visiting relatives and friends in Medford for some time, returned to her home last Friday. She was accompanied by her niece, Bessie Howard, who will reside with her. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Winkler, of Hollister, Calif., arrived in the city last Thursday evening, and will reside here permanently. Mr. Winkler has opened a shoe repairing shop in one of T. H. Moore's buildings west of the railroad track. H. F. Kesterson, of Gold Hill, was a pleasant caller at the Mail office Tuesday. The gentleman has just returned from a two years' residence at Montesano, Washington, and states that he is glad to be in Jackson County once more. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 31, 1901, page 6 A. H. Chessmore and his brother-in-law, D. W. Myers, have leased the Barnum property, corner Seventh and A streets, from W. J. Sturges, and on Saturday of this week will open a flour and feed store therein. They have also purchased D. R. Andrus' lime house and will have lime for sale at all times. The state president of the W.C.T.U. will deliver a lecture at the Presbyterian Church Saturday evening, June 1st, on the subject of "Mrs. Nation and Her Hatchet." You can't afford to miss this opportunity to hear this gifted lady. Dr. Clarence Keene, of Eugene, who spent a couple of weeks recently visiting his brother, Dr. J. M. Keene, of this city, has located at Canyon City for the practice of his profession. The machinery for the Ashland Oil Company has been shipped from Chicago. The company has sold 75,000 shares of its stock. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, May 31, 1901, page 6 A packed house greeted the members of the Little Bertina Concert Company at the opera house Tuesday evening. It has been a long time since the citizens of Medford have had the pleasure of listening to better music than was rendered on this occasion, and each number was heartily encored. The first number, an overture by the Medford orchestra, was rendered surprisingly well, and elicited the most flattering applause, which was gracefully acknowledged by an encore. Madame D. Boffa, in a solo, "Theme and Variations for Soprano," won merited applause. Miss Bertina Boffa, the child violinist, cannot be praised too highly for her masterful performance. She rendered two classic numbers, and on each occasion she held the closest attention of the audience and was applauded to the echo. Prof. Boffa was at his best and added new laurels to his reputation as a violinist of note. Miss Aileen Webber, as piano soloist and accompanist, added much to the success of the entertainment, and her numbers were received with hearty enthusiasm. Medford has just cause to be proud of its musical talent. The Medford Orchestra, composed of Prof. Boffa, Misses Aileen Webber, Delpha Hammond, Fern Norris and Messrs. W. J. Mahoney, Willie Barnum, A. L. Eisenhart and Ed. Van Dyke, is one of the best in Southern Oregon, and the organization would easily win favorable recognition anywhere. Prof. Boffa desires to express his thanks to the citizens of Medford for the liberal support given him in making the concert a success. L. D. Minear, of Griffin Creek, is interested in a new wire fence machine, for which he has taken the agency. The machine is called the Duplex Woven Wire Fence Machine, and is so simple that anyone who knows how to turn the crank of a grindstone can operate it and manufacture the fence. Over 100 styles of fence can be made with it--fences of every design and for all purposes. Mr. Minear will sell exclusive territory to parties wishing to engage in the manufacture of the fence, and is certain that good money can be made with it. The machine is capable of manufacturing from forty to sixty rods of fence per day, which can be sold at a minimum cost. Miss Josie Armstrong, a graduate of the Cincinnati Art School, and for several years a teacher in the art department of the Albert Lea College, Minnesota, also the Penn College, at Oskaloosa, Iowa, in company with Miss Myers, of this city, has opened an art studio in Medford, over H. G. Nicholson's hardware store. Both of these ladies are thorough in their respective lines of work, and their ability as artists is evident in the excellency of the work they have on exhibition. It is their desire to organize a class in this city, and those whose inclinations are in this direction will do well to call upon the ladies at their studio. Messrs. L. D. Minear and C. Gommel have a notice elsewhere in this paper in which they forbid all trespassing upon their premises. These people have been annoyed considerably of late by careless hunters entering their places, and, without regard to feeling or propriety, have made the woods and fields their hunting grounds. Not only has this been done on week days but the Sabbath has been desecrated in a shameful manner by these same hunters. They regret that it has become necessary to thus prohibit all trespassing, but that they may enjoy safety for themselves and their property and a quiet Sabbath the move seemed imperative to them. J. C. Corum, of this city, was arrested Saturday on a complaint sworn to by Deputy Game Warden Kropke, of Ashland, charging him with violating the game law by dynamiting fish in the Klamath River. He was brought before Justice Stewart last Saturday. He demanded a jury trial, and on account of prosecuting attorney Reames being absent in attendance at court in Lake County, the trial of the case was postponed until June 15th. Rev. O. J. Gist, pastor of the Christian Church in this city, preached his farewell sermon last Sunday, and will depart next week for Dayton, Wash., where he has accepted a call. Mrs. Gist will remain in Medford for the present. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 31, 1901, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Reno Daw, who is an expert engineer, is in charge of the plant at one
of the big mines situated near Henley, Calif. Success to him.The business of the Medford post office continues to grow, which is an index to the fact that our population is increasing steadily. Postmaster Merriman will get $1600 instead of $1500 a year after July 1st. T. H. B. Taylor, who has been a resident of Medford for several months, engaged in feather cleaning, left for Ashland this week, to follow the same business. He does good work, charges reasonable prices and is deserving of a liberal patronage. Messrs. Chessmore & Myers have opened a feed store near the Medford bridge, in the building formerly occupied by Hugh Elliott. They will keep a full and superior assortment of goods in their line, which they sell at the lowest prices. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 6, 1901, page 7 J. B. Bancroft and family, recently of Medford, arrived here on Tuesday to reside. I. A. Palmer, the Medford architect, has been here during the past week looking after the construction of Tuffs' brick building. "Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, June 6, 1901, page 3 Sunday Closing Agreement.
the undersigned merchants and business men, doing business in the city
of Medford, hereby mutually agree to close up our respective places of
business within the said city, county and state, at a reasonable
hour each and every Saturday night, and not to open the same for the
purpose of selling any goods, wares or merchandise therefrom until
after twelve o'clock Sunday night following. We further agree, for the
sake of religious privilege and bodily rest, to encourage a quiet
Sunday within the borders of our city.
And we further mutually agree, in consideration of the importance of this compact, and the principles contained therein, to adjudge a fine of not less than fifty dollars on each and every offending party to this agreement, to be paid into the city treasury upon conviction thereof. This agreement to go into effect after due notice and publication has been given. Hutchison & Lumsden, A. C. Tayler, W. H. Meeker & Co., Warner & Wortman, H. G. Nicholson, F. K. Deuel & Co., F. L. Cranfill, H. H. Howard & Co., H. E. Boyden, D. H. Miller, H. B. Myers, H. B. Nye, A. D. Ray, J. T. Eads, J. G. Van Dyke & Co., W. H. Simmons, D. T. Pritchard, A. M. Woodford, E. S. Wolfer, John R. Hardin, H. P. Gurnea, W. T. Kame, E. T. Winkler, A. H. Chessmore, W. H. McGowan, E. D. Elwood, Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. per D. T. Lawton. There can be little doubt that the patrons of our business men, and the community in general, will heartily sanction this very commendable movement--a movement which cannot fail to prove beneficial in more ways than one. The business men have shown a very gratifying inclination to so arrange their affairs that they may obtain their well-earned rest and properly observe the Sabbath. In addition to the names appended to the above compact, Mr. I. A. Webb and Whitman & Harrison have signed a private agreement. We have been accorded very courteous treatment by all the business men and citizens with whom we have talked in regard to the above, and for this we desire to express our sincere thanks. Rev. J. MERLEY,
Medford Mail, June 7, 1901, page 2Rev. W. B. MOORE. Committee. An Evans Creek correspondent to the Town Talk says: "Along the Evans Creek basin, from the old salt works, twenty miles above Woodville, to the railroad gap at the head of Evans Creek on the Umpqua divide, a distance of ten miles, there lies as fine a body of red fir and sugar pine as can be found anywhere in Southern Oregon. A timber district that is opened to the public but of which little or nothing is known, as the section is not settled and very rarely visited, except by hunters and prospectors who care nothing about its timber value. Your correspondent is well acquainted there, and with the country to the north and west along the various tributaries of Cow Creek, which are also heavily timbered. From careful observations I can state that this timber belt would yield on an average from 4,000,000,000 to 6,000,000,000 feet per quarter section. The timber is very large, especially the sugar pine. I have seen, in the vicinity of the swamp, many trees that would measure from eight to ten feet in trunk diameter and from 150 to 200 feet high. There are several school sections within this belt. . . . The distance to the railroad is from twenty to thirty miles. . . . It is being cruised by a number of representatives of a Michigan lumber company." "News of the State," Medford Mail, June 7, 1901, page 4 During the last week there has been a vast number of strangers in our town, and most of them inquiring about timber land on Big Butte and Rogue River. We anticipate a rush in that line of business this summer. A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, June 7, 1901, page 5 E. I. Dickinson, who recently established a watch repairing shop in Medford, left for Klamathon Thursday for a ten days' stay. Mrs. W. F. Wing, of San Francisco, arrived in Medford last Thursday evening for a few weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. E. W. Calkins. Thos. Collins, who left Medford this spring for Arizona, whither he went with the intention of locating, was a passenger on Friday evening's train en route for Portland. He has come back to Oregon to remain, and will probably return to Medford soon, so we are informed. J. G. Taylor and family, who have been visiting in California for several weeks, returned home Thursday morning to remain. Mr. Taylor will again engage in the harness and saddlery business at an early date--just as soon as he can secure a building and procure his stock. F. W. A. Werth, of Omaha, Nebraska, is in Southern Oregon, upon a visit to his brother, Wm. Werth, who resides near Medford. Mr. Werth marveled at the abundance of blooming roses in our valley, because of the fact that when he left Omaha not a rose bloom was in sight. Mr. Werth is a printer by profession. Rev. O. J. Gist left Tuesday morning for his new home at Ellensburg, Wash. and will be joined later by Mrs. Gist. He explains the report that he was going to Dayton by stating that he had been entertaining the idea, but later decided to go to Ellensburg. We wish the reverend gentleman much success in his new field of endeavor, and congratulate the citizens of Ellensburg upon their good fortune in securing to their city so estimable a lady and gentleman as Rev. and Mrs. Gist. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 7, 1901, page 6 Miss Edith Nicholson has accepted a position as cashier with the firm of F. K. Deuel & Co. Miss Nicholson is sure to acquit herself very credibly in this capacity, and Messrs. Deuel & Co. are to be congratulated upon securing the services of so efficient an assistant. D. Brooks, the old-time honest tinsmith, is at his old stand, corner C and Eighth streets, and he's ready to do any work you may have in his line. Satisfaction guaranteed in tin and sheet iron work. Accept my heartiest thanks for past favors and call again. Mrs. Loder, who owns property on Eighth Street, at the rear of J. R. Wilson's blacksmith shop, has decided to remove the building situated thereon and erect a residence, 30x36 feet in size, on land she owns at the corner of D and Eighth streets. J. D. Heard has moved to his fine residence in West Medford, which he purchased from A. A. Davis several months ago. Mr. Osenbrugge, who has been occupying the premises, has moved to H. L. Gilkey's residence. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, June 7, 1901, page 6 The Medford base ball team, accompanied by something like seventy-five enthusiastic admirers, went to Ashland Sunday morning bubbling over with enthusiasm, and returned a few hours later long on excuses and plausible explanations of why they failed to win. The game started with Medford winning the tossup. They failed to score, however. Ashland then had their inning and met the same fate. In the second inning Medford scored two points, and Ashland returned the compliment. This was Medford's first and last score. The Medford team went to pieces shortly after, and in the ninth inning Ashland had eleven points to her credit. The Ashland pitcher threw a "flowery" ball, so "flowery" that a goodly percentage of the Medford team are using arnica and other medical compounds containing soothing ingredients. Patsy Donegan, of Jacksonville, in the fifth inning was so hard hit that he was compelled to retire from the game. The Medford lineup was as follows: R. B. Dow, pitcher; Thos. Macauley, catcher; Henry Orth, s.s.; Mate Biden, 1st b.; Dr. Butler, 2nd b.; O. Fredenburg, 3rd b.; Chas. Nunan, r.f.; Ira Anderson, c.f.; Tobe Brouse, l.f. F. K. Deuel & Co. will open up tomorrow, June 8th, with a large, new stock of groceries, in addition to their other lines of merchandise. They have rearranged their store for the purpose, and have one of the best-appointed general merchandise establishments south of Portland. A stairway has been built leading from their main salesroom to the commodious room, formerly occupied as a lodge room, on the second floor, and this room will be devoted exclusively to their clothing department. The grocery department is in the rear of the first floor, and is very neatly arranged. Altogether they have 5450 square feet of floor space. H. S. Brumble, the deliveryman, is being very much annoyed these times by children jumping onto his wagons. He fully realizes that it is a dangerous practice, but he is unable to put a stop to it. This notice is published to give warning to parents that he will in no way be responsible for accidents that may occur by the practice, and he asks them to assist him in putting a stop to it. Tull & Rickley on Tuesday of this week sold the Nash Livery Stable to True Cox of this city, who has assumed charge. Mr. Cox was once before engaged in the livery business in Medford in company with J. A. Jerry, and is well known to the people of Jackson County and to the traveling men, from whom he will no doubt secure a liberal patronage. We wish him success. The charge preferred against J. C. Corum by Deputy Game Warden Kropke was for selling fish and not for dynamiting fish, and it is upon this first-named charge that Mr. Corum will stand trial on the 15th of this month. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 7, 1901, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
The business men of Medford have signed an agreement to keep their
business places closed on Sunday. The petition was circulated by Rev.
Moore and Rev. Merley.The Medford cigar factory is doing a splendid business. They now employ over 30 hands and are crowded with orders. A few more such institutions would make Medford boom. The Medford Gun Club is planning to send a team of shootists to the shooting meet at Walla Walla the last of June. The parties selected are J. E. Enyart, J. D. Heard, H. E. Boyden and E. E. Redfield. The Gurneas of Medford have begun work on a brick building near the depot in Ashland. It will be of good dimensions and two stories in height. Messrs. Gurnea will occupy one of the store rooms downstairs. The funeral of Mrs. Walker was conducted at the residence of Wm. Angle on Sunday, Rev. J. S. McCain officiating, and was attended by a large number of old friends and acquaintances. She was buried in the Medford cemetery. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 13, 1901, page 7 Knights of Pythias Hall Directory.
K. of P. boys are more than jubilant since they have moved into their
new ball. Much of this jollification is due to the fact they have been
most fortunate in finding renters for their hall [in the Johnson-Childers building]
nearly every night in the week. The rentals received from other
societies will just about pay the interest on their investment, and
they will make the saving of their own rent. Following is given a
directory of meeting nights of the different societies:
Knights of Pythias, every Monday night. Modern Woodmen, first and third Tuesdays of each month. Women of Woodcraft, second and fourth Tuesdays. G.A.R., second and fourth Wednesdays. W.R.C., second and fourth Wednesday afternoons. Woodmen of the World, Thursday of each week. Fraternal Brotherhood, every Friday. Fraternal Union, every Saturday. It will be seen by the above that only the first and third Wednesday nights of the month are not taken. Medford Mail, June 14, 1901, page 2 Sunday Closing Goes into Effect.
are glad to inform the public after a thorough canvass of the city on
the "Sunday Closing Agreement" that in addition to the sentiment
expressed by twenty-eight business firms, there is a greater sentiment
numerically speaking ready and willing to support the worthy action of
our townspeople.
It is due to every business man who signed this compact that I should say to the public and all concerned that our merchants are ready and willing to accommodate their customers beyond measure, and we hope from the date of this request made June 10, 1901, that the public may consider themselves duly notified, and henceforth provide themselves with merchandise during the week, and thus avoid Sabbath desecration. W. B. MOORE,
Medford Mail, June 14, 1901, page 2Pastor, M.E. Church. Miss Gertrude Sutton, assistant principal of the Medford public schools, has returned to her Ashland home to spend the summer. Geo. King, of Wisconsin, who has been in Medford several weeks visiting his son, G. F. King, the timber cruiser, left for his home last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. B. Taylor left for Ashland Tuesday where they will remain indefinitely. Mr. Taylor will do feather renovating in that city. Dr. J. W. Odgers and daughter, Miss Hattibel, departed Saturday for Berkeley, Calif., to join the other members of the family, who preceded them a few weeks ago. Miss Minnie Wiggin left last week for Portland, where she will visit for a short time with friends, after which she will go to Elgin, in eastern Oregon, where she has accepted a position as a saleswoman in her brother-in-law, I. A. Mounce's, store. Mrs. F. K. Deuel and children departed Thursday morning for their old home at Harris, Missouri, where they will visit during the summer with relatives Mrs. Anna Edwards and sister, Mrs. Hattie Smalley, returned Sunday to their homes at Phoenix, from a visit with their mother, Mrs. G. W. Smith, at Red Bluff, Calif. While there they met a brother, from Montana, whom they had not seen for fifteen years. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 14, 1901, page 6 R. T. Lawton, the gentleman who opened the first real estate office in Medford--14 years ago--has decided to again engage in the same line of business, including insurance. He will have a choice lot of real estate listed and will represent some of the very best insurance companies. An ad will appear in these columns next week. J. D. Heard is making numerous improvements about his recently acquired beautiful home--the A. A. Davis property. Nearly the whole interior is being remodeled, and many changes are being made on the exterior, and the grounds also are being rearranged and improved. John Osborne is doing the carpenter work and J. L. Demmer is arranging the lawn and garden. H. H. Mitchell, the blacksmith, has moved from the J. E. Bodge residence, on South C Street, to W. S. Jones' residence property, in West Medford, which has just been vacated by J. T. Wiley and family. Dr. C. C. Pletcher has moved to the Bodge residence. Mrs. L. J. Sears and family have moved to the residence property which M. W. Foster recently purchased from Mrs. E. B. Jennings. Mrs. Jennings has moved to the West property vacated by Mrs. Sears. Reports from various sections of the valley are to the effect that the wheat crop this summer will be considerably below the average yield. However, as Jackson County does not depend entirely upon one crop, the shortage will not be so noticeable as in other and less-favored localities. We have our fruit, stock and mining industries--and these can nearly always be depended upon to tide us over any temporary emergency. H. B. Nye, the Racket Store man, has been making a whole batch of improvements about his residence property, corner Sixth and G streets. The [illegible] has been graded and graveled and a new sidewalk put down on Sixth Street. M. J. Parker has built a new fence around his recently [illegible] residence property, corner Eighth and South A streets, and the same, together with the residence, has been painted. Twenty-two homestead filings were made at Jacksonville before County Clerk Gus Newbury in one day last week. A. C. Debold has opened a shooting gallery on South D Street. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, June 14, 1901, page 6 The East Side Mill will grind as usual, Fridays and Saturdays, for the next two or three weeks--will then shut down for removal into Medford. After the mill is shut down the public will be notified through these columns when it will be ready for business. Last week James G. Smith, the Palmer Creek mining man, purchased the E. Russ place, in East Medford, paying $2500 therefor. There are forty-one acres in the tract and [it] includes all of Mr. Russ' possessions in East Medford and extends from a short distance west of the Russ mill and east to the cemetery road excepting the Nob Hill property which is owned by Dr. Kirchgessner. The place is well set to fruit trees and berry brushes, and right now there are 100 Royal Ann cherry trees giving up a fine crop of fruit. Mr. Smith will improve the property to the extent of a new fence at least, and it is not improbable that he will otherwise improve the premises. Mr. Russ retains ownership of his grist mill and the right to remove the same, and he will soon commence the relocating of the mill in Medford, on property he recently purchased situated near the city electric light and water plant. He proposes reconstructing his mill throughout, making it more compact and more convenient and adding to it a considerable amount of modern machinery. The reconstruction work will be under the general supervision of E. Russ, Jr., who is a genius and a natural-born mechanic. Mrs. George Kurtz is quite ill--in fact has been ill for several weeks--and the sympathy of the entire community goes out to the family. They have had more than their share of sorrow and misfortunes during the past few months--under all of which Mr. Kurtz has fought faithfully and with only the one thought in mind--that of the protection and comfort of home and family. T. E. Pottenger, proprietor of the Central Meat Market, is out this week with a new wagon--the handiwork of J. R. Wilson. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 14, 1901, page 7 Incendiary Fire.
Or., June 14.--The storage and slaughter-house of E. T. Pottenger was
totally destroyed by fire at 11:30 this evening. Loss about $800, no
insurance. The fire is supposed to have been of incendiary origin.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, June 15, 1901, page 4 DIED.
San Francisco Call, June 18, 1901, page 11ROSENTHAL--In
Or., June 15, 1901, Simeon Rosenthal, beloved brother of J. Rosenthal,
Mrs. Esther Cohn, Mrs. Pauline Knopf, all of New York, and the late
Solomon and Simon Rosenthal, a native of Germany, aged 65 years.
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services tomorrow (Wednesday), at 10 o'clock, at the Odd Fellows' Hall, corner Seventh and Market streets, under the auspices of the O.F. Relief Committee. Interment Hills of Eternity Cemetery, by the 11:30 o'clock train from Third and Townsend streets. Geo. Mickey, the Medford teamster, was in Jacksonville Wednesday, selling a load of potatoes, which he had brought from Klamath Falls. Say! Did you see the latest in photos? You can see them at the Medford studio, over Beek's hardware store. Geo. W. Mackey, proprietor. The Rogue River Oil Co. have elected the following officers: President, J. A. Perry; vice-president, F. E. Hill; secretary, F. M. Stewart; treasurer, E. H. Howland. The Southern Oregon Oil Company will soon begin boring for oil on the old Alford place, one and a half miles east of Talent. They are now rigging their derrick and will begin work in a short time. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 20, 1901, page 5 MEDFORD.
Death of Mrs. Dr. Goble--John Boyer Paralyzed. Died--In Medford, June 17, 1901, Mrs. Martha Goble, wife of Dr. J. G. Goble; aged 25 years and 10 months.
The reported sale of Geo. Kurtz cigar store of Medford to I. B. Stoner did not materialize. Kurtz is still in charge. The remains of S. Rosenthal were shipped to San Francisco on Monday's midnight train. Dr. J. G. Goble, who has been at Klamathon and Klamath Falls, was called home Tuesday by the death of his wife. Mrs. Frank Mingus and children arrived from Idaho Monday and will visit relatives in the valley for several weeks. Mrs. H. G. Nicholson left on Tuesday morning's train for Coquille City to visit Mrs. Fred Slagel, nee Mamie Nicholson. Dr. John A. Reuter, who has been practicing at Jacksonville with so much success, left Saturday for Portland to take charge of Dr. Fenton's practice. Dr. Fenton will visit Europe during the next four months. Mrs. Martha Goble, who has been suffering from a tumor on the breast since December, died at the family residence in Medford, June 17. The funeral takes place today (Wednesday) at 2 o'clock p.m. under the auspices of Reames Chapter No. 66, Order of the Eastern Star. A husband and a son two years old survive her.
John A. Boyer, cashier of Beekman's Bank
Jacksonville, who is suffering from a cancer on the face, went to
Portland last week to consult a homeopathic doctor about his case. On
the 13th he was found in his room partially paralyzed. He returned to
Jacksonville Sunday accompanied by a trained nurse.
Ed. Pottenger's slaughter house situated in the northern part of town was burned to the ground about midnight Saturday evening with all the contents. A young man returning from Phoenix discovered the fire and rushed to the pen and turned out several head of sheep and hogs, otherwise they would have been burned. Mr. Pottenger has made many improvements about the building, and the loss is no small amount. It is thought to have been the work of an incendiary. Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, June 20, 1901, page 3 Is Ready for Business.
I have opened
an office in D. T. Lawton's brick block north of the Medford Bank,
where I will engage in real estate, insurance, notarial and all the
several lines of business usually carried on by such an agency. Having
had considerable experience in this line of business I feel I can give
satisfaction to any and all who may favor me with their patronage.
Medford Mail, June 21, 1901, page 2 A. N. Berlin et ux. to Clara Odgers, property in Medford . . . 350 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, June 21, 1901, page 2 D. Bigler and family, of Kalispell, Mont., arrived in Medford this week with a view to locating. They are old acquaintances of N. B. Nye and merchant H. B. Nye. Mrs. L. E. Land and family left Monday for Willow Ranch, Calif., where they will reside. Her brother, Mr. Creed, will attend to the harvesting of her crop on the Granville Naylor farm, west of Medford. Fred Bailey was in from Asbestos this week. He reports the crops looking fine over his way--had plenty of rain. Mr. Bailey will move to Medford this fall and again engage in the stock-buying business. W. C. Crandall, instructor in science and mathematics in the high school at Ogden, Utah, arrived in Medford last Friday. He is the son of Rev. and Mrs. Crandall, and will spend the greater part of his vacation with them. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kurtz went to Portland Tuesday evening. Mrs. Kurtz, whose health has been very poorly for several weeks, will enter one of the hospitals at that place for medical treatment, and her many friends in this city will hope for her speedy reiteration to health. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 21, 1901, page 6 C. C. Chitwood, the druggist, came over from Klamath Falls Sunday evening and has accepted a position in G. H. Haskins' drug store. Mr. and Mrs. Haskins expect to leave for the East in a couple of weeks to visit the Pan-American Exposition. Asa Fordyce returned last week from the Ft. Klamath country. While over there he invested quite extensively in stock ranch land, having purchased 260 acres from Ed. Robinson, for $12.50 per acre, and 175 adjoining acres from C. T. Nicholson, for the same price per acre. He will make a stock ranch of the land and is right now buying stock to put on it. Thos. H. B. Taylor writes from Ashland to the effect that himself and Mrs. T. (who Thos. H. B. claims to be the best horse of the two) are nicely situated and doing well. The best is none too good for these people--and they'd get it if the Mail had the distribution of the good things going. J. H. Ward has traded his two and one-half-acre orchard tract in West Medford to Wm. Hamlin for 146 acres of agricultural and timber land, on Rogue River, three miles this side of Grants Pass. The Sunday closing compact, recently entered into by the Medford business men, went into full force and effect last Sunday. The streets were practically deserted, and everything worked in full accord with the desires of the instigators of the movement The commencement exercises of the University of Oregon are being held at Eugene this week. Two Medford.girls, Misses Bessie Hammond and Adele Pickel, are members of the graduating class. E. I. Dickinson, the jeweler, who recently arrived in Medford with his family, from Nebraska, has moved to Klamathon, where he has a good business awaiting him. S. R. Reeves, proprietor of the Windsor Lodging House, has decided to run a table in connection therewith, and this week commenced serving his roomers with meals. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, June 21, 1901, page 6 P. B. O'Neil was given a charivari party this week by about twenty of his friends, in this city, who are at present undecided who the joke is on. It all came about by some suspicious conduct on the part of P.B. He acted for several days as if he were contemplating some sort of change in his mode of living, and at past the time when his friends had decided that Cupid had at last brought him to terms, he was seen driving to the county seat in company with the party to whom his troth was supposed to have been plighted. This was taken as proof positive by the knowing ones that they had struck the right lead, and in order to convince him that they approved of his matrimonial venture, the friends above mentioned produced a supply of tin horns, cow bells, tin cans and other modern instruments of torture, and marching with stately tread to the East Side home of W. B. Roberts, where the supposed bride and groom were stopping, proceeded to make the welkin ring with music not at all like that produced by the soul-stirring and sainted Wagner. But Mr. O'Neil is still numbered among the "eligibles," and smiles blandly at the discomfiture of his serenaders. J. G. Taylor, who was formerly engaged in the harness and saddlery business in Medford, but who was absent with his family in California for a couple of months, has decided to permanently establish himself in business in this city and to that end he this week purchased from Lex Hubbard a 25x140-foot lot on West Seventh Street. The property is just east and adjoining the Union Livery Stable. The price paid was $900. Mr. Taylor will at once commence the construction of a 25x65-foot one-story brick building, the same to be occupied by himself when completed for a harness and saddlery shop. The fact that Mr. Taylor has hitched himself to our booming little city with a tenancy that indicates a lengthy linger is a source of much gratification to his many friends. Two former Jackson County boys, Nat Dean, son of B. W. Dean, and a nephew of George Owings, of Jacksonville, had an adventure down on the coast of Curry County last week, while gathering murre eggs for the San Francisco market, that savored of a close call. The birds nest on the rocky islands off the coast and during the recent storms the boys happened to lose their boat while taking refuge during a squall on a rocky reef, and they were for four days exposed to the elements without food or shelter. When the rescuing party found them they were asleep from exhaustion. A companion boat with four occupants was lost in the storm and the egg gatherers all perished. G. W. Downing, of Santa Barbara, Calif., on Tuesday of this week purchased the Crystal place, on North A Street. Mr. Downing is making several improvements about the place, and as soon as Mrs. Downing arrives from California will commence housekeeping therein. Mr. D. is a brother-in-law of our good townsman, I. J. Phipps. These people have tired of the continuous dry weather of California and are locating here, knowing that they will experience neither the dry nor wet extremes. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 21, 1901, page 7 Mrs. Straw, of Yreka, Cal., who has been visiting her daughter, Lulu, returned Monday morning. C. W. Crandall, of Ogden, Utah, arrived several days ago to visit during the summer with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Kurtz left Tuesday for Portland, where Mrs. Kurtz will remain in the hospital for her health. Mrs. Frank Jennings, of Klamath Falls, returned several days ago from Portland, and will visit her aunt, Mrs. J. F. White. Miss Lillian Rhinehart went to Ashland Monday where she will visit relatives a week, after which she will join her parents in San Francisco. Mrs. F. E. Broback and daughter, of Ukiah, Cal., visited several days this week at the home of W. B. Roberts. Mr. Broback is the founder of Medford. Mrs. Ed Weston and little girl of Grants Pass were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Miller this week .She left Thursday morning for a short visit in Ashland, after which they go to Etna, Cal., to remain during the summer with her parents. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, June 23, 1901, page 15 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Medford cigar factory employs from 30 to 35 people and does a rushing
business.Rev. E. Russ will soon have his building ready to receive the machinery for his mill on the west side. Major Barron, who lives below town, is having his barn and house painted. M. F. Parker is doing the work. There is talk to the effect that one of Medford's dentists will soon relinquish single blessedness for the hymeneal noose. Better stay free, Doctor. The cottage built by Dr. Pickel in the western part of town for renting purposes is a beauty. It is not rented yet, but will be in demand later. Taylor, the Medford harness maker, who sold out some time ago and went to California, has returned and gone into business again in the old Simmons building. Mr. Thomas, of the Griffin Creek ranch, is getting everything on the ground for his big brick building, west of the railroad track. The foundation is laid, and as soon as the brick is ready he will push the work. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 27, 1901, page 5 To the Public.
I have enjoyed a good rest from business, my family has improved in health and I am now ready for business again.
I am temporarily located in the Woolf building, corner of North C and Sixth streets, where I am prepared to attend to all your needs in the harness and saddlery line. My stock is entirely new and I have workmen now making up lots more of it. I would be pleased to have my old customers drop in and see me--and as many new ones as may find it convenient to come my way. Ask any of my old customers what kind of harness Taylor makes. Yours for Business,
Medford Mail, June 28, 1901, page 2J. G. TAYLOR. Phenomenon Explained.
Friday morning a rather rare phenomenon was witnessed at this place.
There was a heavy circle about the sun, and another about the zenith,
which overlapped the former. Considerable curiosity was manifested as
to what it portended, which was explained a few hours later by
dispatches announcing in the East and Middle Western states. In
Nebraska the lives of nine people were lost and scores of persons
severely injured. Towns were destroyed, crops ruined and general
disaster was left in the wake of the storm. But in Oregon, the favored
clime of the western hemisphere, the farmer went calmly on with his
work, undisturbed by the fear which is ever a menace to the residents
of the cyclone-infested East; the wonted tranquility of our citizens
was not perturbed by so much as a gentle zephyr. We are indeed a
favored people.
Medford Mail, June 28, 1901, page 2 The Coss Piano House.
Coss Piano House has opened for business again with an entirely new
stock of pianos and organs, which arrived Wednesday morning. Among the
makes carried in stock are the noted Steinway, Emerson and A. B. Chase
pianos and the A. B. Chase organ. I also have in stock the Victor
gramophone, and the Singer sewing machine and supplies. Orders taken
for any musical instrument made. Call and examine my stock whether you
intend to buy or not, at my place of business at the Cox residence on C
street, north of Seventh Street.
Medford Mail, June 28, 1901, page 2
Bargains in Farm Machinery.
I give a list of farming implements which I will sell at a bargain, as
I am going to retire from farming. Will sell any of the articles in the
list separately or otherwise.
One 3½-inch low-wheeled wagon. One 3¼-inch low-wheeled wagon. One top buggy. Two gang plows. One walking plow. Two harrows. Mower and rake. Four sets work harness. One 8-foot disc. One seed mower. Header used twelve days. Eight head of good work horses. For terms and particulars call on me at the City Meat Market, Medford, Oregon. JOHN BARNEBURG.
Medford Mail, June 28, 1901, page 2Geo. H. Andrews et ux. to A. H. Hooker, lots 1 and 2, blk 59, Medford . . . 110 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, June 28, 1901, page 5 Miss Mae Ross, the pianist, who has been residing in Medford for several months, returned to her home in Portland Thursday evening. Mrs. W. B. Moore and son, Stanford, left Wednesday morning for a month's visit with relatives and friends at Eugene and other Willamette Valley points. Miss Florence Patty, of Oregon City, arrived in Medford last week and will spend the summer visiting her brother, R. S. Patty, of the firm of Litchfield & Patty. Z. Cameron, of Uniontown, was in the city Saturday to meet his daughter, Miss Cora, who returned home from attendance at the University of Oregon, at Eugene. Mrs. Amos A. Fries left Saturday morning for San Francisco, where she joined her husband, Lieut. Fries, and on Tuesday they departed for Manila, where they will reside. Z. Maxcy, bookkeeper at the Jackson County Bank, left this week for a few weeks' visit with relatives in Arizona and California. Will Jackson has taken his place in the bank during his absence. Miss Irene Chitwood came over from Klamath Falls Wednesday evening and will keep house for her brother, Charles, the druggist, during his stay here. They will occupy Mrs. Dennison's residence on North B Street. A. M. Moore, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Clara Davis, relict of the late Henry Davis, departed Monday evening for his home at Ionia, Kansas, after several days' visit in Medford. Mrs. Davis will make her future home with her parents. L. M. Lyon left Saturday night for Eugene, where he will be engaged for about three months in putting up a high school building in that city. Mr. Lyon is not the contractor on the work, but he will have general supervision of the wood work--a good position and at good wages. J. E. Enyart, of this city, and E. E. Redfield, of Grants Pass, left Saturday evening for Walla Walla, where the greatest shooting tournament ever held in the Pacific Northwest is in progress this week. It is open to all the world, and sportsmen from all over the coast are in attendance. Prizes amounting to $5000 will be awarded during the tournament. Mrs. C. F. Lewis and family departed on the Thursday morning train for Sebastopol, Calif., where her mother, Mrs. Crystal, resides. She will make her permanent home at that place. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 28, 1901, page 6 W. L. Orr is putting up a very pretty cottage for Frank Amy, at Central Point. The plans are by architect Palmer and are very neat in outward appearance, while the interior is very conveniently arranged. The band boys are practicing nightly. Medford can boast of one of the best bands in the state of Oregon, composed of thorough gentlemen, who will reflect credit upon the town they represent. Major Barron has recently had built on his farm, north of Medford, a 65x80-foot hay barn. M. F. Parker is now painting the huge structure. The machinery for the Southern Oregon Oil Company arrived at Ashland last week and operation will commence at once. Willie Parker has taken a position with J. G. Taylor, the harness man, and will learn the trade. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, June 28, 1901, page 6 Another Competitor.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 28, 1901, page 7
live business men will seek to secure or divide the immense fall trade
from Klamath County, which now goes to Medford, by the improvement of
the South Umpqua wagon road. This is a move in the right direction.--Roseburg Plaindealer.
For several years Medford has been undisturbed in the enjoyment of a large and lucrative business with friends in Klamath County, a trade which has been a potent factor in the commercial growth of our city, and a trade which is yearly increasing in volume and in importance. Other and less-favored towns have been striving and diligently planning to divert this trade, or a portion of it, to their own advantage. Ashland merchants, with the aid of the Ashland Board of Trade, have been planning to interest Klamath County people in their city, and have undertaken to gain a vantage point by building a first-class wagon road from Pelican Bay direct to that place. Klamath Falls merchants have also, within the past few weeks, awakened to the necessity of doing something to retain the trade which has been gradually but surely slipping from their grasp, and now Roseburg has taken up the cudgel and proposes to share the benefits to be derived from the business dealings of this large and fertile region. With competition on all sides, competition of no mean proportion, Medford merchants will do well to take this matter up at once and do something to counteract the diverting influence which is being so vigorously exercised against them. The old adage that "possession is nine-tenths of the law" is as true today as it ever was, and Medford merchants have that advantage and also the advantage of being upon the most intimate and friendly terms with our neighbors across the mountains, but for all this we cannot afford to maintain an apathetic attitude in a matter of such vast importance to the city. Overconfidence has been the undoing of many individuals, who, with every advantage in their favor, considered their position impregnable. The same misfortune can as easily befall a commonwealth. "Eternal vigilance is the price of success" [is] a trite old saying whose truthfulness has been exemplified times without number. With advantages equal to those which Medford can offer there is no sufficient reason why other towns should not succeed in securing the coveted trade which Medford has so long enjoyed, and it therefore behooves us to keep watch and ward, that we may not find ourselves in the inevitable position of the man up a tree with a bulldog barking at the bottom of the climb. The above item taken from the Roseburg Plaindealer should be taken as a note of warning. Medford Mail, June 28, 1901, page 6 J. G. Taylor, the harness and saddlery man, has opened for business in the Isaac Woolf building, corner of Sixth and C streets, temporarily, and will be glad to see his old friends and customers, as well as new ones. He will carry a large stock of everything in his line, and will sell the highest grade of goods at the lowest possible prices. Attorneys Snell & Hartson have moved their law office from the Hamlin block to the building on C Street recently occupied by the late Henry Davis' gents' furnishing goods store. They have fitted up the rooms, two in number, so that they now have one of the most pleasant offices in Medford. These gentlemen are doing a good professional business, which is steadily on the increase--a deserving recognition of their ability and high standing in the profession. Geo. Kurtz:--"I wish you would say that I have not sold out my business. A report seems to have gotten out in some way that I have sold out and was going to leave Medford. This is all wrong. I am still manufacturing good cigars--Kurtz's Bouquet and La Flor de Alfonso--and having a good trade on these two brands. Mrs. Kurtz will be at the hospital I expect for a couple or three months." As many people as could crowd into the big tent, with a seating capacity of 1200, witnessed the production of Uncle Tom's Cabin in this city last Friday evening. The company failed to come up to the expectation of the audience, however. One or two features were fairly well presented, but with these possible exceptions the performance was very coarse. Both Dr. Jones and D. T. Lawton are out with pneumatic-tire driving buggies. When these are drawn by their fine driving horses--and the reins held by the respective owners--you have "booked" up as fine a turnout as was ever seen on the streets of our best cities. These gentlemen both take great pride in owning good drivers and fine rigs--and they know how to handle them. In addition to all kinds of feed Chessmore & Myers have new and old potatoes, dried fruit, buckwheat and whole wheat flour, cracked and whole corn, etc. A boy at Medford attempted to board a backward-moving switch engine, and was badly crushed, losing his right hand, breaking his right leg, several ribs and injuring his lungs. "Oregon Notes," Morning Oregonian, Portland, July 3, 1901, page 5 George F. Litchfield and Miss Cora Litchfield are visiting their brother at Medford. "Personals," The Daily Journal, Salem, July 3, 1901, page 4 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
T. G.
Dews, formerly of Medford, is driving stage between Agate and Beswick,
Calif., and doing well.R. Daw, who has been for several months running the La Flesh Mining Co.'s engine in Siskiyou County, Calif., will return soon. Operations have been suspended there for the present. Arthur Mahoney, who is well known in Medford and southern Oregon, has become a Pullman car conductor, and is on duty between Portland and San Francisco. His many friends feel certain that he will fill his position acceptably to all. Mrs. Henry Davis of Medford, whose husband was recently killed at Klamath Falls by the accidental discharge of a gun, will return to her former home in Iowa this week. Mr. Davis had just united with the Fraternal Brotherhood at Medford and had taken $500 insurance, which amount has been paid to the widow. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 4, 1901, page 3 Nate Bates, the Grants Pass barber, visited Medford friends over Sunday. Mrs. H. Thompson, wife of Capt. H. Thompson, of San Francisco, is visiting merchant and Mrs. H. H. Howard in this city. Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Thompson are cousins. Dr. J. W. Odgers arrived in the city from his new home at Berkeley, last Saturday, upon business. He states that his family is pleasantly domiciled in their new home, and are well contented. J. R. Hardin, the C Street barber, has closed his shop and left Monday morning for Petaluma, Calif., where he expects to locate. Mr. Hardin has a sister residing at Petaluma, and he will assist her in looking after the property. E. E. Phipps, formerly engaged in the newspaper business in this city, but more recently engaged in the mercantile business at Los Gatos, Calif., was in Medford this week visiting friends. He has sold his business interests in California, and is on the lookout for a new location. He will probably remain in the valley for some time. Mrs. D. O. Meeker, of Los Angeles, Calif., arrived in Medford Tuesday and will visit with her brother, A. P. Weiss, and family, out on Griffin Creek, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Will Merriman arrived in the city Tuesday evening from Salem. Mr. M. will return to Salem, where he is station agent for the Southern Pacific, this (Friday) evening. Mrs. M. will visit in the valley for several weeks. Geo. E. Weber, formerly a resident of this city, now of Sebastopol, Calif., was a passenger on Tuesday evening's train, en route to Crescent City, in the interest of the Woodmen of the World, for which order he is working and meeting with flattering success. Merchant I. A. Webb, Carl and Edith Webb, Edith Nicholson and Cleo Lucus were over at the Sterling mine Sunday. It was the last day of the season's run for the mine, it having shut down at noon. The party succeeded in getting some very fine views of the mine in operation, also of the dynamite explosions. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 5, 1901, page 6 Local dealers are predicting a good price for wheat this season. One Medford dealer is of the opinion that the price will go as high as seventy-five cents per bushel before next spring. The hay market is expected to be slow this year owing to the large acreage cut in the Willamette Valley and California. There has usually been a market for Oregon hay in California, but it is stated that the state will be able to supply all demands this year, which will have a tendency to lower the price in Oregon. Frank Watson, the well-known restaurant proprietor, of Portland, was in Medford last week, and while here purchased at a good round price D. T. Lawton's beautiful brown high-stepping Woodmont, which he shipped to Portland Saturday. Woodmont is one of the finest specimens of horseflesh in the state of Oregon, and as a roadster cannot be surpassed on the coast. He has a private record of 2:16 to his credit, which was made with very little training. J. G. Taylor, the harness maker, has purchased an acre of land from S. W. Speas, in East Medford, and will soon commence the construction of a dwelling house thereon. The land is situated at the corner of East Seventh Street and the county road running north. It is a very desirable location for a residence and Mr. Taylor is to be congratulated on having secured it. The price paid was $500. Mrs. S. G. Wortman has commenced the erection of her new dwelling on the property which she purchased last spring, south of the school house, adjoining Prof. Narregan's residence property. The plans for the house were drawn by I. A. Palmer, the Medford architect. S. Childers has just completed the stone foundation, but the main contract has not yet been let. The house, when completed, is designed to be one of the nicest in the city. The death of Rev. E. Russ occurred at his home in this city very suddenly Wednesday forenoon, about 11 o'clock. He had been ill for about one week, but his condition was not considered serious until a few moments before the final summons came. A few minutes before his death he became suddenly worse, and before medical aid could be summoned he was dead. The direct cause of his death was acute constipation, from which he had long been a sufferer. Rev. Russ has been a resident of Medford since 1888 with the exception of a few months when he filled the pastorate of the Baptist Church of Amity, in this state. He was sixty years of age, and leaves a wife and two children, Edwin Russ, of this city, and Miss Flora E. Russ, of Portland. The funeral will be held today, Friday, July 5th. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 5, 1901, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Henry Orth returned from Jacksonville this week, and can be found at
Barneburg & Arnold's butcher shop again.The best time made in the match race at Yreka, Calif. last week, between Pendleton & Hamilton's Tintoretta and Elwood's Tybalt racer, was 2:32½. The former won a heat in a race the day before in 2:25½, however. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 11, 1901, page 4 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Rev. J. S.
McCain and wife have gone to Idaho. The former will take orders for a
nursery.Frank Watson, one of the proprietors of Portland's leading restaurant, was in Medford a few days since, and while here purchased D. T. Lawton's handsomest and fastest trotter. He is an expert horse fancier, and knows a good animal as soon as he sees it. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 11, 1901, page 7 A. J. ("Bud") Hamlin, who was sent to the penitentiary for 18 months for shooting Chas. Armstrong, has been discharged. He proved an exemplary prisoner and cut down his term materially. Chas. H. Pierce of Medford, who with J. W. Coleman of Ashland has leased the Eugene and Salem canneries, has been engaged in canvassing southern Oregon for orders. He feels certain that he will supply this section with at least 10,000 cans of vegetables and fruit. ![]() July 15, 1901 San Francisco Call "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 11, 1901, page 7 Entering a New Era.
The Portland Oregonian,
a recent issue, under the caption of "Portland's Opportunity," scores a
number of points which are particularly applicable to Medford at this
Nine-Thousand-Dollar Fire.Like Portland, we are just now entering a new era, and the fact must be clear that the new epoch cannot be limited to any former scale of operations. We must discard the petty jealousies of village life, the knocking and the pulling back, and push forward in a solid line like an army advancing to an attack. Nature has decreed that Medford is to be the leading city of Southern Oregon, the richest and most productive section of the state, and it falls to the duty of our people to grasp the situation with a firm hand and improve it. There can be no turning back, no milk-and-water support of beneficial policies, unless the purpose is to injure the city. There is now under way of construction one of the most extensive irrigating ditches in the state. The completion of this great enterprise means a great deal for the Rogue River Valley, and incidentally to Medford, for whatever is beneficial to the valley generally is either directly or indirectly beneficial to Medford. The construction of the ditch will make possible the cultivation of thousands of acres of unproductive and idle land; it will make more productive the thousands of acres of land which is now under cultivation, and it will render possible the accomplishment of many other things which could not otherwise be done. A company has been organized in the city whose purpose it is to thoroughly test the land in the vicinity of Medford to ascertain whether or not oil exists here. The success of this enterprise, like all others of public import, depends entirely upon the support and encouragement given it by the citizens, who will be either directly or indirectly benefited by its success. A thorough examination of the surface of the land which the company controls gives every indication of oil, and the company has an abiding faith in the success of their undertaking. But, as before stated, its success depends wholly upon local support, and the support, if given at all, should be tendered without grudging and without doubt of its success. A feeling of enthusiasm should pervade the community for every project put forward for the public good. The order of march has been given, and let us not turn back. Medford Mail, July 12, 1901, page 2
most destructive fire which has happened in Medford for several years
occurred Wednesday morning about one o'clock, when J. A. Perry's large
warehouse, situated near the Southern Pacific railroad water tank, was
completely destroyed, together with about 14,000 bushels of wheat.
While the origin of the fire is somewhat of a mystery, it is believed
to be the work of an incendiary. Dr. Pickel, who was returning from
Ashland at the time of the fire, was one of the first to discover it,
and he states that the flames were inside the building. It is thought
by some that the fire may have started from the sparks of the engine on
the 12 o'clock passenger train, and the train was about thirty minutes
late, therefore it is not impossible that such was the case, although
this theory is not given much consideration. The warehouse has been a
rendezvous for hobos, and it is not at all improbable that they may be
responsible for the fire. It is stated that a couple of them were seen
near the building about dark Wednesday evening. The lumber in the
building was mostly dry pine, and while the fire department responded
promptly to the alarm and worked diligently to control the flames,
their services were of no avail.
The entire loss in the building and contents is not far from $9000. The loss in the building is about $1500, on which there is $650 insurance. Mr. Perry had within the last month spent over $300 in building wheat bins and making other improvements preparatory to handling the fall business. It is impossible to secure a full list of those who had wheat stored in the building, but among the losers are John Cox, who had about 3500 bushels, partially insured; C. A. Pruitt, 2000 bushels, also insured; C. C. Beekman, of Jacksonville, 1800 bushels, and Mrs. S. E. Ish, 1200 bushels. There is no way of ascertaining the amount of insurance carried on the wheat, but it is thought that only a small percentage was insured. The loss to Mr. Perry is a heavy one, particularly at this time when the fall crop of wheat will soon be in. He states that if [it] is possible to do so in time to handle the coming crop he will rebuild. He had but recently purchased the interest of his former partner in the business, D. T. Cox. Medford Mail, July 12, 1901, page 2 Katherine R. Philport to Joseph Taylor and sons, lot 1, blk 3, Orchard Home Association tract . . . 171 I. J. Phipps et ux. to Alexis Hubbard, lot 4, blk 2, Medford . . . 500 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, July 12, 1901, page 5 Mrs. R. W. Oakes and three children, of Caldwell, Idaho, are in Medford upon a visit to Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Lucus, parents of Mrs. Oakes. M. F. Parker left Medford last week for Boise, Idaho. He will travel overland and will write insurance while en route. He may decide to locate in Boise. Attorney W. H. Parker, who has been in Portland for some time in the interest of his Index to the Oregon Reports, is visiting his family in Medford for a few days. Mrs. Geo. Kurtz returned Saturday from Portland, whither she went for medical treatment. She is somewhat improved in health but still is not fully recovered. Miss Cora Litchfield, of Salem, was here a few days last week upon a visit to her brother, Chas. Litchfield, one of the proprietors of the Vienna bakery. She left for her home last Monday. Mrs. Victor McCray returned to Medford Sunday evening from a several weeks' visit with relatives at Stockton, Calif. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Ethyl [illegible], who will visit her for some time. Z. Maxcy, bookkeeper at the Jackson County Bank, returned Monday morning from a visit to Salt Lake City, at which place he visited his mother, who is eighty-eight years of age. He reports having had a very pleasant time, but glad to get back to the cool atmosphere of Southern Oregon. Dan T. Reynolds and family, who formerly resided in the Meadows precinct, this county, but who have been stopping at Eureka, Calif. for a few months, returned to the Rogue River Valley this week .The climate did not agree with Mr. Reynolds' health. They were accompanied by Mr. Hover, who has been stopping at Crescent City. Sam'l. Murray and family are at Crescent City, where Sam is doing teaming. C. J. Clark and family are also there, but both families expect to return to Medford in September. Mrs. W. P. Dodge left Monday for Portland, where she will visit relatives whom she has not seen for twenty-five years, and where she will be in attendance at a meeting of the state grand lodge, Degree of Honor, which meets on the 17th. Mrs. Dodge is a delegate from Medford lodge. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. J.P. Dodge, of Ashland. Mrs. Geo. Williams, nee Thresa Hoyt, was in Medford this week upon a visit to her sister, Mrs. T. W. Johnson. Mr. Williams is now at Oroville, Calif. where, during the past six or eight weeks, he has made a neat little cleanup of $15,000 on a mining deal. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 12, 1901, page 6 ![]() W. T. Van Scoy, 1890s GOING TO HAVE AN ACADEMY.
MEDFORD, Or., July
12.--Plans were perfected today for the establishment of a
non-sectarian academy in this city to open in September. Professor W.
T. Van Scoy, ex-president of the Southern Oregon Normal School at
Ashland, will be the head of the institution. The financial assistance
asked by the professor, namely, sufficient funds to pay the rent of a
building for two months, after the opening of the school, has been
guaranteed by local business men. In return for this, the professor
agrees to manage the academy on a paying basis. The school will have
for the first year at least two departments, academic and commercial,
and will be known as the Medford Academy. Professor Van Scoy is one of
the most prominent educators in Oregon.Prof. Van Scoy at the Head--Medford Citizens Readily Subscribe Sum Asked For--Large Attendance Already Promised. There
are a whole lot of good things coming Medford's way these times.
There's the Fish Lake water ditch headed this way, the great
probability of an oil well within three miles, and last, and of no
little importance, is the establishing of an academic and commercial
Prof. W. T. Van Scoy, the gentleman who established the normal school at Ashland, and through those efforts that school became a state institution, was in Medford this week and laid a school proposition before our people which was quickly accepted, and plans were at once arranged tending to establish such a school. A meeting was called at the city hall for the purpose of talking the matter over. At this meeting postmaster Merriman, I. A. Webb and M. Purdin were appointed a committee to solicit funds. Thursday morning Mr. Merriman and Mr. Webb started out on their mission, and in two hours' time $200 had been subscribed by our business men, and the other $100 guaranteed. Prof. Van Scoy's proposition is here given: "If the citizens of Medford and vicinity will raise by subscription $300, the same to be paid on or before September 1, 1901, for the purpose of fitting up for school two large rooms and paying the rent for the same for the first two months of the school year, W. T. Van Scoy will open a non-sectarian, independent academy, to be known as the Medford Academy. The school will have, for the first year at least, two departments, namely, academic and commercial; the academic course of study covering a good part of the ordinary high school branches, and particularly such studies as teachers must carry in order to take the state and county examination for certificates and diplomas; and for the commercial course covering shorthand, bookkeeping, penmanship, business forms, letter-writing, typewriting etc. A first-class and up-to-date teacher will be secured for this department. "The school will be maintained by the tuition income for four terms of ten weeks each, or forty weeks in the school year. The tuition rates will be the same as in other schools, $6.25 per term and $25 per year. "The property purchased with the above-mentioned money is to be held in trust by a board of trustees, who shall be elected by the people of Medford, and shall at no time become the property of W. T. Van Scoy, unless by purchase from said trustees." The energy and disposition to win out in this enterprise is manifest everywhere in our city, and there is not a shadow of doubt but that the academy will be established, and Mr. Van Scoy is the gentleman to handle it when established. He is an educator of known ability and has friends in all parts of Southern Oregon, who will take off their coats and roll up their sleeves in their efforts to promote any enterprise in which he is interested. The Mail feels like Medford is to be congratulated in this matter and we are satisfied every citizen of the city will use his influence in building up this enterprise--which means so much to the business of our city. It is not improbable that Mr. Van Scoy will open his school with an hundred students, many of whom will come from Klamath, Lake and Josephine counties. The building in which the school will open has not yet been determined upon. There are several available buildings, one of which is the second story of the White-Thomas brick which is now under construction, but this has not yet been decided upon positively. The school will open in September. Medford Mail, July 12, 1901, page 6 [illegible], the Mail's job printer, met with an accident last week which incapacitated him from work for three or four days. He was in the act of removing a form from the large job press while it was still in motion, and in some way his wrist was caught between the gripper and the bed of the press, cutting his arm quite severely, and barely missed severing one of the cords of his wrist. Dr. Shearer took three stitches in the wound, which is healing nicely. Herb Stevens has severed his connection with the mercantile firm of F. K. Deuel & Co., his contract having expired on July 1st. He expects to leave soon for Albany, Oregon, where his brother, W. B. Stevens, is engaged in business. His family will accompany him and they will, in all probability, make that city their home. Miss Mary Gray is bookkeeper and cashier in Warner & Wortman's grocery store, during the absence of Miss Katie Angle, who is visiting in Portland. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, July 12, 1901, page 6 I. A. Palmer:--"I came up from Grants Pass Tuesday to start contractors to work on several buildings in Medford on which I am architect and superintendent. I am stopping, temporarily, in Grants Pass, where I am superintending the construction of a large bank and store building, also several residences. I will be in Medford again in a few weeks to remain. Yes, I am doing fairly well between the two towns. When people contemplating building understand that an architect can save them more than his salary in material, then will my business be a profitable one." J. C. Pendleton:--"I wouldn't be surprised if wheat was seventy-five cents a bushel this fall. The crop is not heavy anyplace, and over around Yreka, Calif. there is very little wheat, and in some localities no crops at all. Yes, I'll take a hundred shares of your oil stock, and if I sell my wheat at a good price I'll take another hundred. I am keen to know what's under this valley of ours. I firmly believe you will strike oil." C. W. Turpin:--"Yes, my peach crop is good this year. I am on the Kellogg place, east of Medford. I will market probably 400 boxes of peaches--and they are a good article. I made a shipment Wednesday." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, July 12, 1901, page 6 A Groceryman:--"I want you to stand in front of our store a few minutes and notice where the profit on our fruit goes. You will notice that very nearly everyone that passes will take from two to half a dozen cherries from those crates that set out front. It's the same way with berries, and it'll be the same way with peaches, plums and pears when they come on the market. We always buy full measure when this line of goods is taken in, but after standing in front of our store a few hours there is a noticeable goneness near the top of the boxes. The people we sell to will buy only full boxes, and the result is that we lose from one to three boxes out of every crate. No, the people who help themselves to the fruit don't do it to be mean nor with a disposition to get something for nothing. They do it largely from force of habit, or from carelessness, and are forgetful of the impropriety of the act. If I was to speak to them I would undoubtedly offend the party and would without a doubt lose a good customer, yet why they should expect us dealers to tolerate the wholesale consumption of our stock in trade is more than I can tell. Women and children are addicted to this habit more than men, still I have seen a great many men stand in front of my place and eat half a cup of cherries. I sometimes speak to children when they reach into the crates because I think it is a bad habit and they ought to be taught not to do it, but when they see their parents and grown people doing the selfsame thing the matter of youthful education becomes a too-arduous task." O. W. Whitman this week purchased the interest of his partner, H. S. Harrison, in the Medford Book Store, and will hereafter work in single harness. These two young men have, by their untiring energy, their honest and straightforward business methods, succeeded in building up a splendid business in their line and one which is steadily on the increase. That it will continue to flourish under Orrin's sole management is certain, as he possesses all the attributes necessary to succeed in the business world and is endowed with an unlimited amount of energy and perseverance. Mr. Harrison has not decided just what he will do, but it is not improbable that he will go to Arizona soon, where his father resides. The Medford Art Studio has been closed for the summer, but will be reopened something next September. The work will be under the direction of Miss Myers at the reopening, as Miss Armstrong has accepted a position in the Albany college for the ensuing year. A number of oil paintings have been left at I. A. Webb's furniture store for sale, and parties desiring to examine them can do so at Mr. Webb's place of business. Orders will be taken at any time by either Miss Myers or Miss Armstrong for any work in their line. Mr. Webb will gladly show samples of work, give prices and take orders. Rev. O. J. Gist has decided to locate at Dayton, Wash. The town that's so fortunate as to secure this gentleman as a citizen is to be congratulated. [illegible] is one of the best preachers and best all-round, square, honorable, attend-to-his-own-affairs man we ever met--and his family is just as much a credit to a community as is himself. The family will leave Medford within a couple of weeks. Fred Snyder, while working a scraper in his road district in Lake County last week, met with a peculiar and painful accident. He stooped over to life the scraper and in doing so his spinal column separated and he became helpless, causing him to suffer great agony. A physician replaced the column and the patient is recovering. In the case before Judge James Stewart wherein J. C. Corum was found guilty of selling fish contrary to law, a fine of $20 and costs was imposed. The costs, amounting to $44, were paid and the fine was allowed to remain unpaid, pending future behavior of the defendant. Fred Barneburg has recently had his South J Street residence nicely painted and otherwise greatly improved in appearance. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 12, 1901, page 7 ACADEMY FOR MEDFORD. Professor Van Scoy Will Open It in December. Morning Oregonian, Portland, July 13, 1901, page 4 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Purdin, representing the Chicago Portrait Co., has returned from
Ashland.W. H. Parker, the attorney and compiler, was at Grant Pass this week, visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. A. Slover. Charley Gay is chief mixologist at the Hotel Nash bar, which position none can fill better than he. He always gives satisfaction. Z. Maxcy, bookkeeper at the Jackson County Bank, who has been at Salt Lake City visiting his venerable mother, returned last week. John Gainey, a young man well and favorably known in Medford, died the forepart of the week. He had been sick some time with consumption. J. C. Corum, convicted of selling fish illegally, was fined $20 and costs, amounting to $64 in all. Upon payment of the costs the fine was suspended until further notice. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 18, 1901, page 5 The warehouse of J. A. Perry, situated near the S.P.R.R. Co.'s water tank in Medford, was burned to the ground last Thursday morning, together with its contents, which are estimated to have been 14,000 bushels of wheat. The heaviest losers are reported to be John W. Cox, C. A. Pruett, C. C. Beekman and Mrs. S. E. Ish, who, respectively, had 3500, 2000, 1800 and 1200 bushels of wheat stored. Several farmers each lose smaller quantities. We learn that Messrs. Pruett and Cox's loss is partially covered by insurance. The building, scales, etc., valued at $1200, were insured for $650. The fire is believed to be of incendiary origin. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 18, 1901, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Lippincott left for Pasadena, Calif. Saturday, being
called thither by the death of the venerable father of the former.E. E. Phipps, publisher of the defunct Medford Monitor-Miner, and his family came down from Ashland last week, where they are now located. Mrs. V. McCray, who has been visiting in Stockton, Calif., returned to Medford last week, accompanied by her sister, Miss Ethyl England, who will visit here awhile. Mrs. Henry Davis, whose husband accidentally shot and killed himself at Klamath Falls some time ago, died of a broken heart at the residence of her parents in Iola, Kansas. It was indeed a sad case. Medford will soon have a first-class academy, our citizens having accepted the proposition of Prof. Van Scoy, formerly president of the Ashland and Drain normal schools and Jacksonville schools, to start one in September. Walter J. Mahoney, assistant S.P. agent at Medford, was in Oakland visiting his father and mother. Wallie is a native of this place, and his visits here are always a matter of much pleasure to many friends as well as his relatives.--[Oakland (Or.) Cor., Roseburg Review. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 18, 1901, page 7 Fire at Medford.
had a $9000 fire Wednesday night of last week. The large warehouse
belonging to J. A. Perry took fire about one o'clock and was completely
destroyed, with about 14,000 bushels of wheat. While it is possible
that the fire might have started by sparks from the engine of the 12
o'clock train, it is thought most probable that it was the work of an
incendiary. The building is said to have been a rendezvous for hobos.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, July 18, 1901, page 3 Mrs. Geo. Williams, nee Theresa Hoyt, was in Medford this week upon a visit to her sister, Mrs. T. W. Johnson. Mr. Williams is now at Oroville, Calif., where, during the past six or eight weeks, he has made a neat little cleanup of $15,000 on a mining deal.--Mail. "Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, July 18, 1901, page 3 Willoughby
Arrested for
On Friday of
last week
Constable T.
W. Johnson
left Medford
for Coquille
City, Oregon,
with a warrant
in his pocket
for the arrest
of G. H.
who had been
located at
that place.
The warrant
was sworn out
by J. E.
cashier of the
Medford Bank,
and charged
with forgery.Upon information being received by Mr. Enyart, who has been tracking Willoughby for nearly two years, that he was at the above-named place, he at once swore out a warrant and the officers there were notified to arrest and hold him until an officer from Jackson County could reach there. The arrest was made according to instructions, despite the fact that Willoughby insisted that he had never been in Jackson County. Upon the arrival of Constable Johnson in Coquille the identity of the prisoner was established beyond the question of a doubt and he was taken in charge by the constable and the trip to Medford was at once commenced, arriving here on Wednesday of this week. There are few Medford or Jackson County people who do not remember Willoughby, who was selling school supplies to the school directors of the different districts of the county a couple of years ago. He did a good business in his line; in fact he did too much business, and trouble he piled up then for himself is now, like the feathered biped, coming home to roost. He was in the habit of selling school supplies to the directors and taking in pay school warrants issued by these directors. These warrants he would afterwards sell to banks or men of means who were looking for money investments. He is now under arrest, charged with forging the names of school clerks and directors to some of these warrants, which, after the signatures had been forged, were sold to various parties in this locality, among them being the Medford Bank and G. H. Haskins. The aggregate amount of the forgeries was something over $200. The forgeries were committed in September, 1899. Willoughby left here about holiday time following and since then has occupied various positions in Coos County. He was bartender in Empire City for thirteen months, and at the time of his arrest was training race horses on the track at Coquille City. He is said to have conducted himself in an honest, square way while in that locality, and Constable Johnson says has seemingly made many friends among men of means, who, after the arrest, expressed a willingness to render any assistance which might be necessary. However, the charges preferred against him are of a serious nature, and it is not improbable that a penalty not small in magnitude will needs be paid before the laws of the state are satisfied. The prisoner was brought before Judge James Stewart Thursday at 11 o'clock for preliminary examination. He waived examination, and bonds for his appearance at the September term of circuit court were placed at $2000, which he had not secured at the time our paper is put to press. He has hopes of securing bondmen in Coquille and Empire, but it was not expected the amount would be placed at more than $500. If bonds are not secured he will be held by Sheriff Orme until court meets. Medford Mail, July 19, 1901, page 2 Expression of Gratitude.
wish to use a small space in your paper to express my gratitude to
those citizens of Medford who were so very kind to me a few weeks since
in contributing to my need, whereby I was enabled to purchase a cow to
take the place of the one I so unfortunately lost. I have a large
family to support, and I do it mainly by the sale of milk. The money
given me has been invested in another cow, and I am now enabled to
maintain my large family. I thank everyone who contributed very much,
and especially am I grateful to those who were interested enough in the
welfare of myself and children to secure this contribution for me.
Medford Mail, July 19, 1901, page 2
Elijah Russ to Mary E. Russ, lots 4, 5 and 6, blk 17, Medford . . . 1 J. V. L. Chandler et ux. to Sarah E. Richards, lots 1 and 2, blk 39, Medford . . . 75 Rose E. Mensor and husband to E. V. Hoover, lot 1, blk 14, also lots 5 and 6, Medford . . . 1 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, July 19, 1901, page 5 Mrs. E. R. Henderson, of Waitsburg, Wash., is here upon a visit to her sister, Mrs. J. H. Bellinger. Joe Hibbard returned to Medford Monday from Portland. He rode his wheel the entire distance. Mrs. R. Compton left Wednesday for Los Angeles, Calif., where she will keep house for her son, who lost his wife last March. J. M. Wilson and family, who have been in Medford since last February, left Tuesday for Shenandoah, Iowa, where they expect to reside. F. P. King, formerly a resident of Medford, has just returned from California and is visiting J. D. Heard. Mr. King and family will locate here permanently. Mrs. Mary Walker returned Monday evening to the Bill Nye mine, after a few days' visit with Medford friends. Mrs. H. C. Mackey, her daughter, accompanied her to the mine to remain a few days. Asa Fordyce and his mother moved to their new home near Ft. Klamath this week. Asa will engage in stock raising, having already purchased quite a number of head of cattle with which to start his band. John Perdew [Purdue?], of Pawnee City, Neb., arrived in Medford Wednesday. He is an acquaintance of our good townsman, H. G. Shearer, and is here looking for a farm location. He tells us that the weather was decidedly tropical when he left Nebraska and the hot winds were blowing gales--very unlike the cool, balmy breezes of Southern Oregon. L. A. Murphy and family left Monday morning for Ft. Klamath, where they will remain for several weeks. Mr. Murphy's health is very much improved, and he goes east of the mountains in hopes that by the change of climate he will fully recover. His sons, Willie and Livy, will put up 150 tons of hay for Asa Fordyce while in that country. Mrs. O. J. Gist and children left Medford Tuesday evening for their new home at Dayton, Wash., where Mr. Gist has accepted a pastorate. Mrs. R. E. Loar returned Tuesday evening from a very pleasant two weeks' visit in Scotts Valley, Calif. She visited her son at Hamburg and her husband at Etna. Attorney W. H. Parker returned to Portland Monday. He is making great progress in the sale of his law book and feels satisfied that sales will keep up until there is a copy of his work in every law office in the state. Mrs. R. E. Everett, nee Ollie Butler, arrived in Medford Sunday night and will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Butler, for a couple or three months. Her home is now in Redlands, Calif., where her husband and his father are engaged in photography and are doing a fine business, the visit of the presidential party to that place having been a great boon to their business. State Treasurer C. S. Moore was in Medford Saturday upon a visit to his father-in-law, Hon. Nat Langell and family. Mrs. Moore and children have been visiting in Medford for several days, but left the first of this week for San Francisco. Mr. Moore was en route to his old home at Klamath Falls. Mr. Moore is a genial fellow to meet and makes new and steadfast friends wherever he goes. Miss Letha Hardin, who has been delivery clerk in the Medford post office for the past year and a half, left Monday morning for Petaluma, Calif., where her father, J. R. Hardin, has decided to locate and where Miss Letha will make her home. The young lady has a great many friends in Medford who regret her departure but who are wishing her all kinds of good fortune in her new home. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 19, 1901, page 6 J. E. Toft has his new residence nearly completed. It is being put up on a lot adjoining his home place, and when completed will be for rent. It is a seven-room building, one and a half stories high, and is very pretty in design. C. H. Elmore is doing the carpenter work. Mr. Toft's daughter, Miss Blanch, a Mail compositor, has an interest in the building to the extent of several dollars--money she had laid by from her weekly salary. This is a commendable act in any young person and especially a girl--but those Toft children all seem to have a notion of laying up a penny for a "rainy day" use, and that's all good and proper--an example which should be of profit to a score or more of the young people of our town. The adjusters for the insurance company which carried insurance on the J. A. Perry warehouse and its contents, which were burned last week, were in Medford this week and settled all losses very satisfactorily to those interested. The burned wheat was sold to people of Medford and the nearby farmers for chicken and hog feed. Mr. Perry now has men at work clearing away the debris and he will in all probability put up a new building this season, but as the season for its use is near at hand, he will not build as large as the old building and only temporarily. Another season he expects to erect a larger building--larger, probably, than the one recently burned. Many Medford people are hitting only the high places in their flight for the tall timber and mountain springs. There seems little need for going thitherward for cool weather, but what's the difference. If it's a good time all these people want--and most of them have earned it--why not take it. We poor, misguided hard workers, who are plodding along here at home, probably wouldn't appreciate a good time if we had it offered us. Most of the outing parties thus far this year have headed for McCallister Springs. Miss Beulah Hazel gave a surprise and farewell party to Almon and Lois Gist at her pleasant home on D Street, Monday evening. The evening was spent in playing archarina, crokinole and other games. Refreshments were served consisting of oranges, cake, nuts and lemonade. The following were present: Clifford and Pearl Beckett, Mabel Wilson, Ruth Woodford, Nellie Palmer, George Howard, Martha Lawrentz, Edna Danielson, Julia Dodge, Myrtle Parker, Angie Purdin, Nora Wilson, Ray Gist, Agnes Isaacs, Bertha Brandenburg, Georgie Barnum. F. M. Stewart brought in a couple of bundles of oats Tuesday from Thos. McAndrew's farm, which stood over seven feet high. They were grown without irrigation, having received only the moisture which nature gave them. Had they been watered with water from the Fish Lake Ditch, step ladders would have been necessary in harvesting them. J. R. Wilson:--"What am I going to do with that property (the Loder place)? I don't know, hardly. I'll put up a brick on it if someone will happen along who wants to rent. I am figuring on putting up a blacksmith shop just across the street there. Yes, I own that piece. If I build over there this whole corner will be for rent." George S. Parker, who has been employed on the reportorial staff of the Mail for the past six months, has sidetracked newspaper work and is now selling oil stock for the Rogue River Valley Oil Company. If George is as much a success as a canvasser as he is a pencil wielder, that oil hole is just as good as bored. D. Brooks:--"I'm doing a whale of a business these times in manufacturing the Clark window washer. When the agent was here a few weeks ago I made 100 of the washers for him and have put up 200 since then. I expect to make weekly shipments to him until November. It's a good article and is a quick seller." J. G. Smith, the Palmer Creek mining man, who recently purchased the Russ property in East Medford, is having a large barn built on the place. The barn will be 26x56 feet in size and sixteen-foot posts--a facsimile of the barn recently built by Mr. Lindley. E. W. Starr is doing the carpenter work. F. E. Payne:--"Nothing new; nothing doing out my way. As a matter [of fact] I don't expect much doing for a few years yet. I'm just waiting for my forty-acre apple orchard to get to doing business. The trees are doing well, and in a very short time I'll have an orchard to be proud of. Oh, that land was built especially for growing trees. J. H. Stewart has put out fifty acres of pears on the Fordyce place, which joins my land, and next winter he expects to plant another forty-acre tract to yellow Newtown apples." Mrs. Loder will commence the erection of her new residence next week. It will be located on the corner of D and Eighth streets, and will be 30x30 feet in size and two stories high. A. W. Bish will do the carpenter work. Work is progressing finely on the new Russ flouring mill. The framework for the mill proper is now up and it will be enclosed this week, soon after which the machinery will be put in place. D. W. Hassel has purchased the Bashford property, near the oil house, and will soon move thereto. Mr. Bashford is now vacating the house--moving to his farm, on Griffin Creek. Now all you sporty men get in line. Merchant Ed. Van Dyke set the pace Monday morning by appearing on our streets attired in a shirtwaist of stunning colors. Arthur Wells, the drayman, has his residence, on North A Street, nearly completed. It is a five-room cottage, and the carpenter work is being done by A. W. Bish. Born--In this city, on Thursday, July 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wing an eight-pound daughter. Mother and child doing well. Mrs. Wing is a sister of Mrs. E. W. Calkins. G. B. Coffinberry, the artist de tonsoir, has moved his family to a residence on South C Street, near merchant Nicholson's home. Miss Ida Redden has taken a position as typewriter in the law office of W. I. Vawter. Mrs. Courtney has moved to Gold Hill, where she will open a restaurant. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 19, 1901, page 7 Mrs. Rose Wood and daughter, of Portland, arrived in Medford Thursday to visit her sister, Mrs. C. E. Wilkinson. Mrs. R. E. Everett, of Redlands, Cal., arrived in Medford Sunday night to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Butler, several months. State Treasurer C. S. Moore and family visited Mrs. Moore's parents, Hon. and Mrs. Nat Langell, several days this week. Mrs. Moore left the first of the week for San Francisco. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, July 21, 1901, page 19 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Mrs. Heely
of Jacksonville, mother of Mrs. L. Lytle, is visiting in Medford.Geo. Kincaid, who has charge of J. H. Stewart's Ranch on upper Rogue River, was in Medford last week. Frank P. King, a prominent miner of Josephine County, and his wife are visiting in Medford. They will locate here. G. P. Lindley and his son George are at McCallister's Springs, accompanied by King Bros., who are visiting them. M. M. Gault, the machinist, was at Broad & Reid's mine, situated in Forest Creek district, the forepart of the week, adjusting the machinery. He did a good piece of work. Three boys of tender age, two of whom are named Howard, broke into a dwelling house one day this week and stole a watch and some other articles, which they sold to a second-hand store. They were allowed to go upon their own recognizance, but will probably be sent to the reform school as soon as Judge Prim returns from his vacation. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 25, 1901, page 4 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Mrs. Susie West, who is well and favorably known in Medford, died at
her home in Reno, Nev. last week, after a lingering illness.The firm of Whitman & Harrison, which has been conducting the Medford Book Store for some time, was lately dissolved. Orrin Whitman will continue the business. Rev. O. J. Gist, the popular minister, who recently took charge of the Christian Church at Dayton, Wash., has been joined by his family. We are sorry to lose these excellent people. The bridge across Bear Creek has been condemned by the city authorities and closed against travel. It is for us, and not the county, to put the structure in repair, which should be done immediately. Between 7000 and 8000 bushels of wheat, which sold from 25 to 45 cents a bushel, were saved from the fire which destroyed the Cox & Perry warehouse. It is not likely that the building will be put up this season. Ethel Hardin, a daughter of J. R. Hardin, aged 10 years, while on her way to Klamath County with J. Morgan and his family, last week, slipped and fell under the wagon. One wheel passed over her, breaking several ribs and a collar bone, as well as inflicting other injuries. She was brought back to Medford, and is recovering. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 25, 1901, page 7 Mrs. R. E. Everett, nee Ollie Butler, arrived in Medford Sunday night and will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Butler, for a couple or three months. Her home is now in Redlands, Calif., where her husband and his father are engaged in photography and are doing a fine business, the visit of the presidential party to that place having been a great boon to their business.--Medford Mail. "Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, July 25, 1901, page 3 Bargains
in Farm
Below I give a
list of
which I will
sell at a
bargain, as I
am going to
retire from
farming. Will
sell any of
the articles
in the list
separately or
otherwise.One 3½-inch low-wheeled wagon. One 3¼-inch low-wheeled wagon. One top buggy. Two gang plows. One walking plow. Two harrows. Mower and rake. Four sets work harness. One 8-foot disc. One seed mower. Header--used twelve days. Eight head of good work horses. For terms or particulars call on me at the City Meat Market, Medford, Oregon. JOHN
Mail, July
26, 1901, page
2![]() July 26, 1901 Medford Mail Resolutions
of Respect.
has again
visited the
home of an Odd
Fellow, and
taken away the
beloved wife
of our
therefore be
itRESOLVED, That Medford Lodge No. 83 extend to Brother Barneburg their heartfelt sympathy in this sad hour of bereavement, and be it further RESOLVED, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the lodge and a copy thereof be enclosed to Brother Barneburg and a copy furnished the Medford Mail for publication.
Mail, July
26, 1901, page
2H. H. HARVEY, A. D. NAYLOR. Settle
Up Notice.
As I am
desirous of
settling up my
business in
preparatory to
going away,
all those
indebted to
me, either by
book account
or note, are
requested to
call at the
old stand and
settle at
once.G. L. DAVIS. Medford Mail, July 26, 1901, page 2 Cows
for Sale.
I have for
sale three No.
1 Jersey cows,
all giving
milk. Will
sell one or
all. Call at
ranch, two and
one-half miles
south of
Medford. J. G. GORE. Medford Mail, July 26, 1901, page 2 Our little city was enlivened about noon Saturday by the sound of the fire alarm. The roof of the residence occupied by Gus Newbury and family had caught fire, but the blaze was extinguished before any serious damage resulted. Prof. and Mrs. Van Scoy, who have been residents of our city during the past year, left for Medford Wednesday, where the professor will have charge of the academy the citizens of that city have in view. Mr. and Mrs. Van Scoy leave Jacksonville with the best wishes of their many friends here, who are interested in their success. "Jacksonville News," Medford Mail, July 26, 1901, page 3 J. A. Black et ux. to Annie M. Drain, property on C Street, Medford . . . 100 Martha A. Hazel and husband to Effie M. Halley, lots 3 and 4, Morey's add., Medford . . . 100 Conrad Mingus to F. W. Hutchison, 5 acres in sec. 25, twp 37s, r2w . . . 250 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, July 26, 1901, page 5 Mrs. J. A. Norman, of Ashland, was in Medford this week upon a visit to her mother, Mrs. Rose. Mrs. Johnnie Little is at Grants Pass for a couple of weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. Fred Miller. Mrs. M. E. Kellogg, of Grants Pass, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Barneburg, for a few weeks. Miss Alice Hankins, of Des Moines, Iowa, is visiting in Medford with W. L. Orr and family. The lady is a cousin of Mrs. Orr. J. A. Perry, president of the Rogue River Valley Oil Company, was at Ashland Tuesday taking a look at the oil-boring rig. J. S. Howard and son, George, left Tuesday evening for Gold Hill, where the senior Mr. Howard has an extensive surveying contract. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whitman are over at Pelican Bay--having a good time, catching fish and lying around in the shade of mammoth fir trees. Mr. and Mrs. Polk Hull, of Spikenard, and Mrs. Roberts, a sister of Mr. Hull, who is visiting here from Kansas, were in the hub city Wednesday. D. B. Russell, of Ft. Jones, Calif., formerly miller in the Davis & Co.'s mills at this place, passed through the valley last week en route to the Willamette Valley upon business. Mr. and Mrs. L. Barnett, of Logansport, Ind., arrived in Medford Sunday and will visit for a few weeks with friends. They are old-time friends of cashier Enyart, of the Medford Bank. They may decide to locate here. Mrs. I. E. Sayre, of Provo, Utah, arrived in Medford this week for a few weeks' visit with old-time friends and to have her ears treated by Dr. Darrin. Mrs. Sayre formerly resided in Medford, where for years she taught music. O. L. Rice, of Mankato, Kans., arrived in Medford Sunday and will visit for a couple of weeks with Mrs. O. L. Walden and family and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wells. Mr. Rice is a brother of Mrs. Walden and an uncle of Mrs. Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Woods and Mrs. Asahel Hubbard started for a few weeks' trip into Klamath and Lake counties Wednesday morning. They will meet Asahel over there in the tall timber and the four will camp, fish and hunt in various localities. Mrs. Elizabeth Kinney, of Jacksonville, arrived here Friday evening to visit her granddaughters, Edith and Vivian Cardwell. She is en route home from Portland and Salem, having attended the annual pioneers' reunion at the former place.--Roseburg Review. J. R. Hardin returned this week from Petaluma, Calif., having been called home by the accident which befell his daughter last week. He likes Petaluma first-rate and will move his family there as soon as he can dispose of his property here and his little girl is able to travel. Dr. and Mrs. Louis Bundy, H. G. Nicholson, H. G. Howland and F. M. Stewart paid a visit to the oil well, near Ashland, last Sunday. Messrs. Stewart and Howland are officers in the Rogue River Valley Oil Company, and Dr. Bundy is the company's chemist and expert. Miss Dora Cottrell arrived in Medford Tuesday evening from San Francisco, and will visit with relatives and friends in this locality. Miss Cottrell has been absent from Medford four years, during which time she has taken up the profession of trained nurse and is now a graduate from one of the best schools on the coast. Dr. Pickel was called to Ashland last week to investigate a reported case of smallpox. One physician in that city declared the malady to be smallpox, but another physician differed with him the diagnosis, hence Dr. Pickel's visit. Dr. Pickel pronounced it a well-defined case of smallpox, but in so mild a form as not to cause alarm. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 26, 1901, page 6 County Commissioner Riley has demonstrated beyond a peradventure that the desert land lying north and northeast of Medford, of which there are many thousand acres, will produce in abundance when irrigated. Mr. Riley's home is on Antelope Creek, near the edge of the big desert. Last spring while crossing the desert he discovered a few spears of alfalfa struggling for existence in the dry, parched soil, and the thought occurred to him that an opportunity was here presented to prove, or disprove, the value of irrigation on this desert land. He watered the alfalfa plants, and controlled the process at intervals when he thought necessary during the months of May, June and part of July. As a result of his experiment he cut, this week, alfalfa stalks that measured seven feet in length. It is unnecessary to say that henceforth, and forever after, from date even with this writing to a time when the general finish takes place, Mr. Riley is an irrigation enthusiast. One can very readily foresee, from Mr. Riley's experiment, what material benefit the Fish Lake irrigating ditch will be to the valley when water is running within its banks. An Onlooker:--"That was a nervy little act of Mr. Blackmer at the depot the other evening. A Central Point lady who was returning to her home from Medford, attempted to board the northbound passenger train after it had started. She caught the handrail on the car steps all right, but failed to land her feet on the steps. The motion of the train swung her body under the steps and very close to the moving car wheels, but just about that time Mr. Blackmer took in the situation and quickly stepped forward, caught the lady in his arms, jerked her from under the car and landed her on the steps in good order and in less time than you could snap your fingers twice. Had he not caught her she would surely have been run over." The Odd Fellows of Medford have a kick coming. Some person, or persons more probably, have of late been making the entrance stairway to their hall a trysting place, or a place of revelry. Tobacco smoke fumes pervade the air thereabouts, and cigar ashes have been found in great quantities, also a lady's handkerchief. This item is published to give notice to the offending parties that the premises are being watched, and they must not offend again. The Odd Fellows do not smoke cigars or pipes within several blocks of their hall, hence the presence of the smoke fumes are easily detected--and again, if the Odd Fellows didn't notice this sort o' thing, the Rebekahs would hardly pass it by unnoticed. A half-pound bottle of hydrozone exploded in the Strang drug store Tuesday evening, scattering glass and contents to many parts of the store. The report of the explosion was very like a pistol shot and was heard two blocks away. A piece of the bottle, which was of unusually thick glass, struck druggist Strang, who was twenty feet away, in the back, and while it did not injure him, a stinging sensation was felt for hours. This drug will not stand a warm weather test--and Tuesday was decidedly hot. The Elite is the popular photograph gallery of Medford today. Under the management of J. W. Hunter it has come to the front. Everybody is pleased with the work that comes from the Elite, and only two months since the studio opened--quite a record. Prof. W. T. Scoy has rented the second story of the Thomas-White block on West Seventh Street, the terms of the lease having been agreed upon yesterday. There will be two rooms 25x40 feet in size. These will be well lighted by windows on north and south ends and west sides. They will be fitted up especially for use by the Medford Academy. The remainder of the second story can be partitioned off into sleeping apartments if it should be desired. Mr. Van Scoy is meeting with very flattering success in his canvass for students. Many have already made application for scholarship, while a great many others are asking questions. The school will open September 9th. The following officers were installed last Saturday night in Medford lodge No. 83, I.O.O.F.: J. R. Wilson, N.G.; E. W. Calkins, V.G.; J. L. Demmer, rec. sec.; Z. Maxcy, financial sec.; H. H. Howard, conductor; M. F. Tryer, warden; Frank Amann, R.S.N.G.; A. D. Naylor, L.S.N.G.; D. L. Day, R.S.V.G.; Frank Tru, L.S.V.G.; W. T. York, I.G., H. G. Nicholson, O.G.; F. E. Payne, R.S.S.; H. H. Harvey, L.S.S. Here are a few lines the Grants Pass Courier spins about Sunday ball playing: The Grants Pass-Ashland game "was a good game or would have been if it had been played any other day except on Sunday. Baseball as a Sunday pastime cannot receive the approbation of those who have any regard for the day. It is noisy and loud and in all ways displeasing to those who believe in Sunday quiet." "Contractor S. Childers returned from Medford last week, and at once threw up the contract of furnishing tiling for the Lakeview Water Company as a bad job. Mr. Childers and sons, Guy and Gene, returned to Medford Monday."--Lakeview Examiner. J. H. Wrisley, who is engaged in hauling lumber from the Olson mill, reports that Mr. Olson has between 250,000 and 300,000 feet of good lumber sawed and ready for the market, much of which will be hauled to Medford during the next two months. Eugene Orr is authority for the statement that the dry weather has in no way injured the fruit crop, not in the Weeks & Orr orchards, at least. It was thought by some that the continued dry spell would cause the apples and prunes to drop. W. H. Meeker:--"Had a letter from Clarence this week. He and Mrs. Meeker are enjoying themselves hugely at Pacific Grove and Monterey. They like these places immensely well, and Mrs. Meeker's health is greatly improved. Clarence will remain a couple or three weeks and Mrs. M. as many months." In street parlance, "there's nothing doing." Very nearly everybody has gone to the hills for a good time, and work and business is quite suspended. Only a few old Jaspers like us newspaper men are at home--and we are here perforce. Capt. Carroll is marketing a fine crop of apricots this week. Most of his crop was contracted for in advance by our townspeople. His crop this year was the largest for several seasons, and the quality was excellent. Dr. Goble was unfortunate in getting his right hand severely lacerated while handling a gun, over at Sisson last week. Five stitches were required to be taken in closing up the wound. Work on the Thomas White building was suspended last week owing to the serious illness of contractor Priddy's child. The little one is still quite ill. Mrs. Elizabeth Stewart has purchased the Loren Damon residence property on South D Street; consideration, $200. Andy Chalk has taken a position as salesman in the Rialto cigar store. ----
Happenings," Medford
Mail, July
26, 1901, page
In speaking of
the arrest of
G. H.
Willoughby, by
Johnson, the Coos
Bay News says:
Carter and the
deputy sheriff
visited the
race track and
took A. B.
Rector into
claiming that
he was the man
Rector, or
came to Empire
about eighteen
months ago,
and has been
most of the
time since. He
gentlemanly in
manner and
and was
considered a
good fellow by
a number of
He says he is
not guilty,
and that he
will be able
to prove his
Wes. Johnson,
deputy sheriff
from Jackson
County, was in
Sunday, having
come to take
the accused to
Medford. In
with Mr.
Johnson we
learned that
Willoughby is
accused of
having forged
checks, which
were cashed at
the Medford
Bank, and that
the arrests
were made at
instigation of
the bank.
Willoughby had
been acting as
agent for
eastern firms
in Jackson
selling school
desks, etc.,
and left there
months ago,
since which
time the
there have
been unable to
get any trace
of him. He was
here by a
couple of
Jackson County
men, who were
horses on the
track. They
wrote to the
conveying the
and his arrest
While a number
of Rector's
friends on the
bay seem loath
to believe in
his guilt, it
is claimed by
the officers
that his
identity is
And this from the Marshfield Sun: "The arrest occasioned considerable excitement, as Rector moved in the best of society here and during his residence of eighteen months has made many acquaintances. He is well educated, affable and courteous, and that he should be charged of a crime was a great surprise. To his friends Rector protested his innocence and made satisfactory explanation, and they are confident that he will be acquitted upon the final hearing. He admits that he went by the name of Willoughby while in Medford, which leaves no question that he was the party wanted." MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Mrs. M. E.
Kellogg of Grants Pass is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Barneburg.Mrs. R. J. Cameron of Applegate visited with her daughter, Mrs. L. L. Jacobs, one day this week. Bert Brown, who is traveling in the interest of a big dry-goods store located at St. Joe, Mo., has been visiting his old home in Medford. He is doing nicely. C. E. Tull of Medford has been in Jacksonville several times during the past fortnight, in the interest of the Nash Livery Stables. He always gives satisfaction. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 1, 1901, page 5 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Parker is on the road, selling stock of Rogue River Valley Oil Co., a
local corporation.One who has counted them says that there are more than 20 buildings in course of construction in Medford. John R. Hardin, who sent to Petaluma, Calif. recently, is in Medford, having been called hither by the accident which befell his daughter. Prof. Van Scoy is much encouraged over the prospects of the Medford academy, which will commence its career with a good attendance of students from different parts of southern Oregon. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 1, 1901, page 7 Three boys of tender age broke into a dwelling house one day this week and stole a watch and some other articles, which they sold to a second-hand store.--Medford. [sic] Prof. W. T. Van Scoy has rented the second story of the Thomas-White block in Medford for the Medford Academy. There will be two rooms 25x40 feet in size. These will be well lighted by windows on north and south ends and west side. They will be fitted up especially for use by the Academy. Mr. Van Scoy is meeting with very flattering success in his canvass for students, many having already made application for scholarship. The school will open September 9th. "Local Happenings," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, August 1, 1901, page 3 Fine
Property for
As I am
desirous of
moving to
California I
will offer my
property, on
corner [of]
Sixth and H
Medford, for
sale. The land
is 100x150
feet in size;
house; good
barn, cellar
and woodshed.
The grounds
are well set
to fruit,
roses and
Pipes laid for
city water.
Inquire at
residence.MRS. F. J. COLE. Medford Mail, August 2, 1901, page 2 E. J. Woolridge to C. F. Merrill, 16 acres of land in sec 32, twp 37s, r4w . . . 500 I. J. Phipps et ux. to Henrich Holst, re ¼ of se ¼ of sec 6, twp 37 . . . 157 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, August 2, 1901, page 5 Miss Bessie Johnson came down from Talent last week for a short visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Johnson. Mrs. C. S. Moore and son, of Salem, who have been visiting Mrs. N. Langell, Mrs. Moore's mother, in Medford, left Monday evening for their home. Dr. J. G. Goble left Monday evening for the Coos Bay country--to be absent several weeks. The doctor is a first-class optician and will doubtlessly do a good business in that coast country. Mrs. Jessie Farnsworth returned to Medford from San Francisco with the Epworth League excursionists and will remain with her mother, Mrs. N. Langell, during Mr. Langell's absence on duty as forest supervisor. Mrs. R. W. Oakes left Sunday for her home at Caldwell, Idaho after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Lucus. Miss Lizzie Bentley, of Myrtle Creek, is in Medford upon a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Robinson. Miss Bentley is a sister of Mrs. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibon, of Illinois, and a sister of Mrs. Gibon, are in Medford paying a visit to Mrs. E. D. Rose. Mr. Gibon is a brother of Mrs. Rose. Ira Anderson returned last week from quite an extensive tour of California. Near McCloud he saw Will A. Snow, formerly leader of the Medford band, engaged in packing wood on his back up a mountainside, with which to fire an engine. Mrs. Frank King arrived in Medford yesterday from Santa Rosa, Calif., where she went a few weeks since to attend at the bedside of a sister, who was ill and who has since died. Mr. King, who has been in Medford for several weeks, has rented Waverly Cottage from Joe Shone, and himself and wife will at once commence housekeeping therein. These are good people, and Medford gives them a hearty welcome. Jesse Read, special employee of the Internal Revenue Department of the government, was in Medford Saturday on official business. Looking over a local newspaper at the Hotel Nash, he noticed the name of W. T. Van Scoy, his cousin, whom he had not seen since 1862, when both were boys on the farm in Iowa. He was not long in finding his cousin on C Street. Mr. Read, after visiting till the midnight train, started for Red Bluff and San Francisco. His home is now in Tacoma. Bert Brown, son of merchant and Mrs. E. Brown, of this city, came down from Portland Friday and remained until Sunday morning, visiting his parents and many Medford friends. Bert has been in the employ of the firm of Tootle, Wheeler & Motter, of St. Joseph, Mo., for the past thirteen months. He started in with the firm as shipping clerk and inside of nine months he was made a traveling salesman. His territory is all of the state of Washington, and his lines are dry goods, blankets, notions and gents' furnishing goods. He carries ten sample cases. His work is more than satisfactory to the house, notwithstanding his territory is entirely new to both the house and himself. All Medford people rejoice at the young man's success. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 2, 1901, page 6 The Bear Creek bridge at this place has gone. It has served its purpose, but like all things on earth there must be a quitting time, a time when there is no longer enough left of worth to sustain even a pretense of the purpose for which it was constructed--such is the condition of Bear Creek bridge--it has ceased to be a crossing of safety and has accordingly been closed to travel. A new bridge is almost an absolute necessity, until it might be possible to repair the old one to last a year or two, but this would be a useless expenditure of money. A new bridge must be built within the next few years, and any outlay of money on the old one is practically throwing it away. The bridge is on a county road; it was built by the county and has been kept in repair by the county. It was never dedicated to the town of Medford, and while it is true that Medford lies on either side of it, it is just as true that it is not Medford property. The Mail would not favor the erection of an expensive bridge--nothing like the one across the river--but a good, substantial structure with concrete piers--one that would withstand the torrents of the spring freshets, and one wide enough to permit of a footpath alongside the team driveway. Inasmuch as this bridge is county property, built by the county, in '88 or '89, and has been kept in repair by the county since that time, the Mail believes in all justice to us the county ought now to build a new one. Medford pays one-tenth of all the taxes paid in the county. The taxes paid by our property owners have helped to build bridges in all parts of the county, and it seems but fair and equitable that the county at large should build this one. Bridges have been built throughout the county that were of quite as much benefit to other towns as this one will be to Medford--and the county built them. The progress made in the sale of stock in the Rogue River Valley Oil Company thus far is very satisfactory to the company, and augurs the early success of the enterprise. Quite a number of parties have signified their intention of investing in stock in a short time, the greater number having gone so far as to state definitely the number of shares which they will take. While the enterprise is being promoted by a company incorporated for the purpose, it is by no means an individual enterprise. The main purpose is to prospect for oil in the valley, which experts believe will be found. The only way to accomplish this will be for the community at large to take an interest in the matter and help it along, to an extent equal to their ability to do so. The company is making no efforts to disperse of large blocks of stock, preferring to sell in small amounts to our home people, and if success is attained our home people will be the winners; if nothing be found the sums invested will not be large enough to affect anyone. This view of the matter is shared by far the greater number of our citizens, and meets with their hearty approval. They realize that unless we "fall to" and develop the latent resources of the valley, we cannot expect capital to come here and assist in upbuilding one of the best sections of country in the whole republic. We want capital to become interested here; this desire is shared by all, consequently we cannot afford to remain passive in matters of such import to the whole country. The Odd Fellows of Medford recently presented Past Grand I. A. Webb, of Medford lodge, No. 83, with a beautiful past grand badge, as a token of friendship and in appreciation of the many services rendered the lodge. The Medford lodge was instituted July 16, 1886, and Mr. Webb was a charter member. Since that time he has twice been noble grand of the lodge, making three terms he has served in that capacity, he having been a past grand at the time this lodge was instituted. During the fifteen years of Medford lodge's existence there has not been a time when he did not hold an office, either a trustee or an office in the regular or degree team work. He has always been an earnest and faithful worker in the lodge, and the little present recently made him is but a slight token of the good will felt for him by the lodge members. The firm of Hunter & Sherer, photographers, has been dissolved, Mr. F. S. Sherer retiring. Mr. J. W. Hunter will continue the business as heretofore in the Hamlin block. Mr. Hunter is unquestionably one of the best photographers in all Oregon. He has had years of experience in the East where only the best work possible in the art is permissible. The samples displayed in front of his studio are evidence of the superior work he turns out. He is a high-art photographer--who makes portraits, not mere pictures. Mr. Sherer is not himself a photographer, and the line of business he will engage in he has not yet decided upon. "David W. Crosby, of Hotel Riddle, was a Roseburg visitor Wednesday. Mr. Crosby informed us that J. B. Riddle had just completed his large new evaporator at Riddle and that Judge Riddle had just commenced work on a fine, large steam evaporator at that place, which he will complete in time to handle the immense prune crop this season."--Roseburg Plaindealer. Two of these people were former residents of Medford--and that success is camping on their trail is subject matter for congratulations by their many friends. Wm. McCredie reports that himself and W. H. Barr have sold their apple and pear crop to Page & Son, of Portland. There are forty acres of orchard, and he estimates that there will be nine or ten carloads of fruit. The Faucett peach orchard, east of Medford, in which Mr. McCredie is interested, is also producing a big crop this year. There are 800 trees in the orchard, and it is estimated they will yield an average of ten boxes of fruit to the tree. Some of them will turn off twenty boxes. Some varieties of this fruit are now ripe and are being shipped. Bud Hamlin has sold his farm of 269 acres, in Eden precinct, to Captain Voorhies for $9400. The property joins Mr. Voorhies' land on the west and will undoubtedly be set to orchard by that gentleman. It is good orchard land, better if anything than the 10 acres of orchard which Mr. Voorhies is now cultivating--and harvesting a big crop of fruit from each year. Mr. Hamlin expects to leave Medford within the next few weeks, but just where he will go to is unsettled. Charlie Pierce has contracted with Mr. Davis, living west of Medford, for the pickling of several barrels of cucumber pickles. The cucumbers are to be put in brine and after they have stood a sufficient length of time they will be put into vinegar and sealed in bottles and kegs and placed on the market. Mr. Pierce is desirous of contracting for several barrels more with other parties hereabouts should there be any who are growing cucumbers. W. H. Royse has purchased a two-acre tract of land in North Medford and will make this his home for an indefinite period. Mr. Royse and family arrived here about a month ago from Heppner, Oregon. Mr. R. owns 175 head of horses which are now over at Parker's Station, in eastern Oregon, but he expects to bring a part or all of them to Medford, where he will offer them for sale. Mr. R. is an old-time friend of the Halley boys, of this city. A charivari party was out Monday night and gave Charley Paine a serenade. The hilarity, however, was a little premature, as Charley is not yet married. He expected to have been married on Sunday to Mrs. Ella Rowley, of this city, but owing to some irregularity in the procurement of certain legal papers from California, the wedding was necessarily postponed--to a date not definitely decided upon. Landlord S. R. Reeves has given up his lease to the Windsor lodging house and Mr. Halley, the owner, has taken possession, and will continue to conduct a lodging house. Mr. Reeves will remain in Medford for a few weeks, after which he will go over onto the coast then into California, where Mrs. Reeves is now visiting. He may decide to again engage in business in Medford. Merchant I. A. Webb is quite seriously contemplating the erection of a brick building on property he acquired a few months ago, corner North B and Sixth streets. Should he build, the structure will be 50x65 feet in size, one story high, and will be divided into two rooms, one of which will be used for undertaking parlors and the other will be for rent. T. J. Kinney, administrator of the S. Rosenthal estate, is advertising elsewhere in this paper that he will sell, at private sale, all the personal property of said estate, consisting of a stock of general merchandise at Gold Hill and a stock of clothing at Medford. Bids for the same will be opened on August 15th. T. H. Moore, the west side merchant, has been having his store building remodeled. He has had a partition removed, double doors put in, also a glass front. He is going to add a new line of goods to his stock--the nature of which he has not as yet given out. W. L. Halley did the carpenter work on the job. J. A. Perry, the warehouse man, tells a Mail reporter that he will not rebuild his warehouse this fall. He could find no contractor who would agree to have the structure in readiness to receive this season's crop. Patrick Dunn, an aged and highly respected pioneer of Jackson County, died at Ashland Monday. Deceased was several times elected to office and was the first Republican official ever elected in the county. John Nelson, the Beagle thresherman, was in Medford Tuesday. He will have his machine down this way this week and will be ready to start work on the J. H. Wilson place, near the old fairgrounds, Monday. Frank Hull is salesman in H. H. Howard & Co.'s grocery store for a few weeks. Lawn social--The Epworth League of the M.E. Church will serve ice cream on Dr. Arnold's lawn, corner Ninth and South C streets, Tuesday evening, August 6th. Come and enjoy a pleasant evening on the lawn and a dish of delicious ice cream. Committee. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 2, 1901, page 7 Unusual Heat at Medford.
Or., Aug. 6.--Southern Oregon is experiencing some of the warmest
weather in 30 years, the thermometer here ranging between 96 and 110
for the past four days. No prostrations have been reported, and work
has been going on as usual..
Oregonian, Portland, August 7, 1901, page 4 Chinese Dies on Train.
Or., Aug. 6.--An unknown Chinese died on the southbound passenger train
just above Ashland today and was brought to Medford for burial by the
county. On searching a cigar case was found in which was $4.15 and a
card addressed to Ling Suey, Seattle, Wash. Later his certificate was
found revealing him to be Mah Joeng, of San Francisco, Cal. Numerous
other papers, written in Chinese, opium for a pipe and a bill were
found on him. The local Chinese here claimed they were unable to read
the writings. He was 24 years old, well dressed, and riding on a
Pullman ticket. He had baggage for San Francisco. No inquest has been
Oregonian, Portland, August 7, 1901, page 4 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Sam Tryer,
an expert butcher, has entered the employ of Chas. Hosley of Ashland.
Success to him.W. H. Barr has sold his apple and pear crop, which will be a good one, to Page & Son of Portland. I. A. Mounce of Elgin, Union County, formerly of Medford, is reported to be ill, without hope of recovery. S. R. Reeves has surrendered the lease of the Windsor lodging house, on C Street, and R. H. Halley, the proprietor, is now conducting it. Prof. Van Scoy, who will open an academy in Medford next month, is receiving much encouragement form nearly every portion of southern Oregon. It will be a worthy institution and deserving of success. Mr. Patty, a member of the firm of Litchfield & Patty of Medford, the popular bakers, who is quite a bicyclist, made the trip between this place and Jacksonville, about five miles, in quicker time than has ever been ridden. He started with the train and beat it a few minutes. A delegation of our citizens interviewed the county commissioners this week in regard to building a bridge across Bear Creek in the place of the one which was recently condemned. They were not successful in their mission, that body being of the opinion that the city of Medford should construct it. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 8, 1901, page 5 "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 8, 1901, page 7 Charged with Embezzlement.
Fitch, son of the well-known silver-tongued orator of Nevada, who
during the past dozen years has, at intervals, practiced law in Jackson
County and at Portland, dabbled some in Democratic politics and
acquired a reputation as a knight of the green cloth, is up against the
law himself and is wanted by Sheriff Orme, charged with larceny by
embezzlement of $160 from Mrs. Bessie Plymale of Ashland. About five
months ago Fitch disappeared suddenly from Medford, without leaving his
address. He went from there to Los Angeles and then to Tucson, A.T.,
where he hung out his shingle as an attorney and announced his
specialty as mining law, and through the influence of the reputation of
his father, for a while did quite a lucrative business. In the meantime
an indictment was secured against him by District Attorney A. E.
Reames, in the Plymale case, and as soon as Fitch was located Sheriff
Alex Orme, armed with requisition and other necessary papers, made the
trip to Tucson in quest of the fugitive, in the full expectation of
bringing Fitch back to Jackson County to stand trial. But no such luck
for the sheriff, for Fitch's office in the Star Building was found
deserted and he had felt it convenient to skip from Tucson where it was
getting tropical for him in other than those of atmospheric lines.
Tucson people who were also anxious as to Fitch's whereabouts were of
the opinion that he had gone to Colorado.--Tidings.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, August 8, 1901, page 3 County Clerk Gus Newbury and wife left here Tuesday for San Francisco. From there they will go east for a visit at Buffalo, N.Y., and other points. "Jacksonville Items," Medford Mail, August 9, 1901, page 3 Jeweler E. D. Elwood and family left Wednesday for a month's stay up at their ranch on Trail Creek. Miss Etta Hollingsworth left Medford last week for Portland, where she has accepted a position in a wholesale millinery establishment. Mrs. Philport, of this place, who has been spending several weeks in Los Angeles, Calif., returned to Medford Wednesday evening. Attorney W. E. Phipps and Art Earhart left Wednesday morning for a two weeks' hunting and fishing trip to Crater Lake and Union Creek. Capt. O. C. Applegate, Klamath Indian agent, was in Medford this week on business and visiting his sisters, Mrs. Sargent and Mrs. Alford. G. W. Downing, the gentleman who recently purchased the Crystal property, returned yesterday from Sisson, Calif., accompanied by his mother-in-law. Mrs. Fisher, who at one time conducted a restaurant in Medford, passed through the city Tuesday en route to the home of her parents in Roseburg from Klamath Falls. M. Dillon returned last week from Missouri, where he had been upon business. He had a lawsuit on with W. F. Williamson, formerly of this place, and in the suit was awarded judgment for $150 and the costs were taxed up to Williamson. Mr. Dillon says the crops are in very bad condition, and in his opinion the apple crop, which was injured by the dry, hot weather, cannot possibly recover. Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Boone of Toledo, Oregon, arrived in Medford Thursday and will spend the remainder of the summer with their daughter, Mrs. H. C. Nute, and family. Emmett Barkdull returned home from Portland last week. He has been news agent between Portland and Spokane for the past six months. He has not fully determined as yet what he will do after he has had his visit out, but will probably return and take up his old position. Charlie Isaacs, he says, is news agent between Portland and Seattle. Mrs. A. B. Fitch left Monday for her home at Broadhead, Wisconsin. Mrs. Fitch is a sister of Mr. R. H. Whitehead and has been visiting in Medford for the past four months, during which time a month was spent at Crater Lake and other places of interest in the mountains. The lady is very favorably impressed with southern Oregon, and it would not surprise her relatives here should she decide to return and locate permanently. A. E. Wright, of Marathon, Iowa, arrived in Medford Wednesday. The gentleman is a real estate dealer in Iowa and is out on the coast looking for a probable business location. He has been reading the Mail for some time and has become very much interested in the Fish Lake Ditch enterprise, the Medford and Port Orford railroad project and the fruit industry, from mentions made in these columns at various times. Mr. Wright is a very fine-appearing gentleman, and the Mail would like right well to have him locate some place in the valley. Mr. and Mrs. Reese P. Kendall and daughter, Miss Eva, arrived in Medford Wednesday and will spend several months in this locality and may remain permanently. They are recently from Los Angeles, but since leaving Medford several years ago have been stopping in the East, two years of which they spent at Boston, where Miss Kendall took a course of musical instruction in the conservatory of music. They are stopping with A. Andrews on Griffin Creek, a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Kendall. Miss Kendall may decide to give music lessons in Medford. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 9, 1901, page 6 Last Sunday was the hottest day experienced in Southern Oregon for over thirty years. The thermometer registered 110 at the Southern Pacific depot at four o'clock in the afternoon. A hot, almost scorching, wind blew from the northeast nearly all day, but with all this heat there were no prostrations. At Jacksonville, 500 feet higher than Medford, the thermometer registered 106. Sunday night was the first for years when, upon retiring, a person would be uncomfortable with covering over them. At Colestin the thermometer stood 92 at two o'clock. Monday was slightly cooler, but still too warm for comfort. The day was cooler still, the thermometer having gone down to 97. Wednesday morning rain fell for a couple of hours and the atmosphere, by this moistening, was restored to its normal condition. Thursday was cool all day and the atmosphere refreshing. It is barely possible, but still doubtful, that the law will some of these times get its fingers on attorney Francis Fitch. He can be likened very much unto the festive flea--he is not where he is, but in another place, when you reach for him. None know this to be a fact better than does Sheriff Alex. Orme, of this county. Fitch is wanted at the county seat--wanted badly--to answer to the charge of embezzlement, preferred against him by Mrs. Bessie Plymale, of this city, from whom he secured $160. An indictment was secured against him by District Attorney Reames some time ago, since which time Sheriff Orme has been trailing him. He left Medford five or six months ago, going to Los Angeles, and from there to Tucson, Arizona, where he opened a law office and was doing business a short time prior to the arrival of Sheriff Orme with requisition papers and a warrant for his arrest, but when the sheriff arrived Fitch had, seemingly, dropped off of the face of the earth. His office was closed and no person knew of his whereabouts, but there were many in Tucson who felt that they would like to know. Fitch is a very smooth manipulator of almost anything that tends to his well being, or rather, his well living, and his exchequer. This fact is very forcibly impressed upon the minds of many Jackson County people--not a few of whom reside in Medford. The Mail knows of but one man who is even on Fitch, and that one is W. J. King, proprietor of the Turf Exchange Saloon in this city. Two lady's diamond rings and other jewelry which cost $325 were left with Mr. King by Fitch to secure the loan of $125, with a time limit of redemption--which time expired and the necessary redemption money was not forthcoming, and--here's an incident--Mr. Fitch was compelled--because of important business--to hurriedly leave town--which he did--on the first train--since which time he has stayed left--and there are others here who were left about the same time--and the jewelry was also left--but Mr. King wasn't left. He is $200 better off, and in this respect he is a Medford curio. While it is true Sheriff Orme was compelled to return without his man, it is also true that his persistence is not waning, and it is not improbable that the culprit may yet be brought to the bar of justice. The Woodburn Nursery stock is positively the best on the market. This nursery has been doing business for a great many years. Its stock planted the pioneer orchards of Oregon, and stock from this same nursery is planting the orchards today. The orchardists of Oregon all endorse the Woodburn Nursery. L. H. Hoover, of Medford, is the agent for Southern Oregon and Northern California. Orders given him are never changed or raised--you get just what you order--no kind "just as good" is substituted, and no orders are increased after first made. Prof. Van Scoy has just grounds to congratulate himself and the Medford academy upon having secured the services of Prof. Fred L. Ulen, of Minneapolis, Minn., as teacher in the commercial department of his new school. Mr. Ulen was in charge of the Minneapolis normal and business college during the school year of '98-'99. Afterwards he accepted, at an advanced salary, a position in the general office of the St. Louis, Omaha & Minneapolis Railway, which position he now resigns to accept the principalship of the Medford Academy. He graduated from the commercial department of the State Normal at Ashland under Prof. T. W. Miles, during the presidency of W. T. Van Scoy. Prof. Ulen is an expert in shorthand. Last year he had a race of words in Minneapolis with a Chicago expert in stenography. In the number of words to the minute, Ulen won by a good margin. Work on the White-Harbaugh brick is being rushed with all possible speed. Prof. Van Scoy is getting anxious for its completion, but with the force now at work there is little doubt but all will be in readiness when the academy is due to open. Mr. Van Scoy is meeting with greater success than he anticipated in his canvass for pupils. Many eighth-grade students throughout the county have already listed their names on the roster of Medford Academy students. A Subscriber:--"It might be well for parents who have young girls who are in the habit of being out late of evenings to look after their whereabouts. It is claimed by good citizens that not only old squaws but young girls are seen, too frequently, loitering around a certain place of business on East Seventh Street, not far from the bridge, where the age of the proprietor ought to be, but it is feared not, sufficient protection." Miss Aileen Webber has been elected as teacher of music in the Medford Academy. Miss Webber is unquestionably one of the very best musical instructors in Southern Oregon, and the fact that she is to teach this branch in the academy will add materially to the value of the school, as many students attending the academy will want to take up music in connection with other studies. A meeting of citizens was held at the city hall last Friday evening for the purpose of electing trustees for the Medford Academy. The following representative business men of the city were chosen: Dr. B. F. Adkins, I. A. Webb, D. T. Lawton, G. F. Merriman, J. R. Wilson. These are elected to serve two years and have power to fill any vacancies that may occur. A man named Thomas fell on a sidewalk in Medford Saturday and broke his right leg below the knee. He was standing on a step in front of the Helms saloon and upon stepping onto the cement walk he stepped onto an apple peeling which threw him to the sidewalk, resulting as above stated. The fracture was reduced by Dr. Pickel, and he was taken to the home of his grandchildren in Ashland Saturday night. L. B. Brown, who purchased the Lindley place in east Medford last year, reports that from one cherry tree on the place he marketed $16 worth of cherries, and used fully $4 worth besides these in his family. His apple crop this year is an unusually good one, as are all other varieties of fruit. L. A. Whitman is packing Gravenstein apples this week from the orchards of Henry Pohlman and L. B. Brown. He expects to ship a carload this week. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Webb gave a social evening to a few of their friends on Tuesday of this week, at their very pleasant home, corner Sixth and North B streets. Purdin's blacksmith shop--near Medford Bank. All work guaranteed. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 9, 1901, page 7 Bridge Wanted Over Bear Creek.
Or., Aug. 8--The citizens of Medford sent a deputation yesterday to
appear before the county court at Jacksonville and request the court to
provide for building a bridge over Bear Creek, the old one being unsafe
and closed to traffic. The bridge being within the corporate limits of
the city of Medford, the court referred the matter to Prosecuting
Attorney A. E. Reames, requesting him to look up the law governing the
case. Commissioners meeting postponed to await opinion of prosecuting
Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 9, 1901, page 4 Mrs. Mattie Moore, of Gold Hill, visited her brother, Mr. H. C. Mackey, and family this week. The Epworth League gave a social on Dr. Arnold's lawn last Tuesday evening. The yard was lighted with Japanese lanterns, and ice cream and cake was served until a late hour. Mrs. A. B. Fitch, sister of Mr. R. H. Whitehead, who has been visiting in Medford for the past four months, left Monday for her home at Broadhead, Wis. Colonel H. H. Sargent, Twenty-Ninth Infantry, U.S.V., who has been on duty in the Philippines, accompanied by his wife, arrived here to visit M. L. Alford and family recently. Mrs. Alford is a sister of Mrs. Sargent. The Colonel and wife are en route to Cuba under orders from the War Department. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, August 11, 1901, page 18 Mrs. Florence Butler, of Medford, arrived here Monday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Busey, and left the following day with her parents for an outing at Kitson Springs. "Harrisburg," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, August 11, 1901, page 19 "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 15, 1901, page 5 "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 15, 1901, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Miss Etta
Hollingsworth, the clever milliner, has taken a position in a wholesale
establishment at Portland.Miss Aileen Webber, an accomplished instructor as well as performer, will be in charge of the musical department of the Medford academy. H. S. Reed, the well-known operator in mines, is suffering from a severe attack of typhoid fever. He is resting easily at the home of relatives in Ashland. The White-Thomas brick is approaching completion. It is situated in the western part of Medford, and will be a handsome, substantial building. I. A. Palmer, an expert architect, furnished the plans and specifications. Col. H. H. Sargent, who recently returned from Manila, has been visiting in Medford, accompanied by his wife. They are en route to Cuba, where Mr. Sargent will resume his old place as captain of cavalry in the regular army. Mrs. Sargent, who is a daughter of the late pioneer Lindsay Applegate, is a sister of Mrs. M. L. Alford of this place. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 15, 1901, page 7 Fred L. Ulen, formerly of Ashland, but who has been holding a responsible position in the East for several years, will return to Southern Oregon soon and be an assistant teacher in the Medford Academy.--Town Talk. "Local Happenings," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, August 15, 1901, page 3 824 CARLOADS OF
Mail, August
16, 1901, page 2
people realize the amount of business there is
done at the Southern
Pacific depot in Medford. Station agent
Lippincott has been at work for
the past few weeks making a tabulated report to
the company of the
volume of business done by the company in
Medford for a period of
twelve months. The work has required no end of
patience and
perseverance, but there are few men who can go
through a set of books
with more speed and accuracy than can Mr.
Lippincott, hence it is a
source of much satisfaction to give to the
public any facts which he
may give out, knowing as we do that not a figure
If we were to tell you that for every working day during the past twelve months there has been very nearly three carloads of freight loaded or unloaded at the Medford depot you would hardly believe it, but such is the case, as is proven by Mr. Lippincott's figures. The total number of carloads dispatched during twelve months, commencing July 1, 1900, and ending June 30, 1901, was 486; of this number 437 were in carload lots, the remaining 49 carloads being shipments made in lesser amounts than carloads. During this same length of time there were received 338 carloads, of which 217 were in carloads and 121 in less amounts than carloads. The total weight shipped out was 12,942,535 pounds; the total weight received was 9,577,465 pounds, a total of 824 carloads or 22,520,000 pounds. This amount of freight if loaded on freight cars and standing in a line would cover a distance of very nearly six miles. Following is a tabulated report of the freight handled, showing the number of carloads and the kind of freight: FREIGHT
Apples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Pears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Dried prunes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Barley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Flour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Hay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Horses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Lumber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Rough stone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Dressed stone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Concentrates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Junk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Empty beer kegs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Empty beer bottles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Emigrant movables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Local, in less than carloads . . . . . . . 49 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486 FREIGHT
Agricultural implements . . . . . . . . . 10 Sewer pipes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Box stuff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Lath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Lumber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Shingles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Beer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Cement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Coal oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Immigrant movables . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Furniture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Grain bags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Junk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Packing house produce. . . . . . . . . . . 3 Fruit paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Salt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Stoves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Sulfur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Rough stone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Merchandise in less than carloads . . 121 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338 GOOD
Aug. 2, '01.Editor Mail:--I thought it good to write you a brief letter, giving some of my impressions and observations on a recent visit to that vicinity. We arrived at Medford on May 4th. We were greatly surprised to find it a beautiful town of two or three thousand inhabitants, and all grown up in the last seventeen years. Its situation and surroundings are beautiful and picturesque beyond any conception we had formed of it, being situated in the midst of a beautiful and fertile valley, with gently rounded knolls, foothills and abrupt, wooded mountains forming pleasing features of the landscape in various directions. The climate seems to be salubrious. According to the testimony of the inhabitants, the country is exceedingly healthful. If its merits in these respects were fully understood abroad, it would deserve attention as a health and pleasure resort equally with many places which have become famous as such. This seems to be an era of coal [and] oil discovery. Many new regions are attracting attention on account of these discoveries, and this region of Southern Oregon among the rest. On the farm which was the chief scene of our visit, the farm belonging to Mrs. Priscilla Evans and heirs, about five miles northeast of Medford, are strong indications of oil. On either side of a large knoll near Mrs. Evans' residence rise two springs, and we were told that the water flowing from these springs was often covered with oil to the thickness of a pane of window glass. Other places in the neighborhood showed indications of oil. Men were there while we were there, seeking to bond the land to prospect for oil. We greatly enjoyed our five weeks' visit in the vicinity of Medford. If we should be permitted to return there in two or three years, we may find the beauty and picturesqueness of the scene marred by oil wells scattered through this once-beautiful valley, and the neat and thriving town of Medford transformed into a great, bustling oil metropolis. MRS.
Mail, August
16, 1901, page 2E. A. Hicks has moved his family to Arthur Wells' new residence, on North A Street. Mrs. G. C. Stanley, of Ashland, was visiting her aunt, Miss Mollie Barneburg, this week. Robt. A. Moore, of Portland, formerly county treasurer of Jackson County, was visiting Medford friends this week. Miss Lillie Starmer, of Alameda, Calif., arrived in Medford Saturday evening and will visit her uncle, Henry Bouton. Mrs. W. E. Frazier, of Portland, is in Medford upon a visit to her cousin, Mrs. H. H. Howard, wife of merchant Howard. Miss Blanche Toft, a typo in the Mail office, spent Sunday at Colestin with Miss Virgie Woodford, a furloughed Mail office typo. J. W. Margreiter and daughter, Miss Emma, of Kansas City, Mo., arrived in Medford this week and are visiting his sister, Miss Mary Margreiter. F. M. Bontett and sister, Mrs. Anspach, of Bussey, Iowa, are in Medford upon a visit to Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Jordan. They are brother and sister of Mrs. Jordan. M. F. McGowan has sold the horses and rigs of the Union Livery Stables to Messrs. Fox & Good, the Ashland livery men, who took possession of the stables Tuesday. Mrs. K. Snyder, of Walla Walla, Wash., arrived in Medford last week and will visit a few weeks with her brother, A. S. Wells, and family and her father, L. O. Wells. Miss Nettie E. Ross, of Portland, is visiting in Medford, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Norris. The young lady is a sister of Miss Mae Ross, formerly a music teacher in Medford. Mrs. Peter Dubois, of Spencer, Iowa, arrived in Medford Saturday and will visit relatives here for several weeks. The lady is a sister of Mrs. J. McPherson, Mrs. C. W. Fraley and James Wilson. Miss Juanita Day, of Fairmount, Minn., daughter of Senator Day, of that state, arrived in Medford Sunday and will visit for a couple of weeks with her uncle, G. H. Howland, and family. D. B. Russell and family, of Ft. Jones, Calif., are in Medford paying a visit to Prof. and Mrs. Van Scoy, parents of Mrs. Russell. Mr. Russell is figuring on the purchase of a flouring mill at Oakland, Oregon, but arrangements have not been fully completed. Luzerne Rollison, of Portland, arrived in Medford Sunday and will visit for a week with his mother, Mrs. M. F. Parker. Mr. Rollison is quite a young man, but in spite of this fact he occupies the important position of bookkeeper for the Honeyman Hardware Company. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jacobs and daughter left Tuesday for a ten days' outing at Colestin. Lee has worked long hours and as steady as the tick of a grandfather's clock for the past year as salesman in H. H. Howard & Co.'s grocery, and the rest he is now getting has been well earned. Fred Barneburg and Will Stewart were down on Rogue River this week with a line out for fish--many of which they gathered in. Mr. Barneburg leads the van of fishermen in this neck of the tall sugar pines--with D. H. Miller, Prof. Narregan and Billie Isaacs very closely following. Mr. and Mrs. Sherrill and Dr. J. W. Love arrived in Medford this week from Eldorado Springs, Mo. Mrs. Sherrill and Dr. Love are sister and brother of Mrs. Snell, wife of attorney C. P. Snell. These people may decide to locate in Medford, and as they are of the kind that make up a good community, the Mail hopes their now-wavering decision may steady down to an actual stay with us and permanent anchorage. W. E. Goodfellow, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, who has been in the valley for the past three or four weeks looking after his timber interests, left Saturday evening for his home. He is well satisfied with his land, none of which he had ever seen before, and while it is on the market at $25 an acre he is not anxious to sell. His land is that tract of 25,000 acres known as the Miner land. He holds a three-fourth interest and Mr. Miner one-fourth. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 16, 1901, page 6 A. F. Stewart has purchased 200 acres of the Mingus land from S. M. Eby, paying a little over $11,000 therefor. The property is one and a half miles west of Medford and is some of the best land in the Rogue River Valley. Mr. Stewart, we understand, will plant the same to fruit within a couple or three years. The deal was made through the F. M. Stewart real estate agency. N. S. Bennett, who has rented the Markley fruit dryer, is overhauling and cleaning the same preparatory to starting his fall run of fruit drying the forepart of next week. The brick work on the new J. G. Taylor building is being vigorously pushed and it is expected will be completed before September first. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, August 16, 1901, page 6 Speaking of jolly times and jolly crowds, and the occasion and people that make them, there is nothing in the high ways of social functions which could possibly eclipse the party of Medford people which was made up last Thursday evening for a straw ride to Jacksonville. To be sure, there were no Waterbury springs or anything else that resembled things springy on the axletrees of the wagon, but the driver was duly cautious, and at the slightest sound of unrest or discomfiture from any member of the party the steeds were slowed down to a cow gait. But all this, or even more, did not, nor could not, disturb the pleasure of the occasion. The wagon, a good, solid one, with cast-iron springs and pneumatic steel tires, was beautifully decorated and illumined with Chinese lanterns, while the American flag and Dr. Darrin's hat floated from several topmost points of the lantern supports. The party took their departure from Hotel Nash, and incidental with the start off was a chorus by the entire party, accompanied by Wallace Mahoney's banjo and Charlie Gay's guitar. At Jacksonville a serenade was tendered many of the prominent families, during which Miss Jones' solos were voted the choicest bit of music of all. Following the serenade refreshments were served at the Taylor house, after which the party drove home--all declaring that they had had more than thirty cents worth of a good time. The party was made up of Dr. and Mrs. Darrin, Mrs. I. L. Hamilton, Mrs. V. McCray, Misses Jessie Cole, Mabel Jones, Ethyl England, Carrie George, Tessie Saltmarsh, Myrtle Hurst, Edith Osenbrugge, and Messrs. G. E. Kelley, Charlie Gay, C. O. Ramsey, Wallace Mahoney, J. E. Enyart and Carl Narregan. The following evening Miss Mabel Jones entertained the same party at her pleasant home in North Medford. Vocal and instrumental music were special features of the evening's entertainment--and the refreshments of ice cream and cake were delicious--all of which was only excelled by the congeniality of the surroundings and the hospitality of the hostess and her parents, Honorable and Mrs. Jones. All the pleasures of life, however, are not found beneath one rooftree or upon one lawn, neither do the people composing the above-mentioned party object to the continuance of a jolly good time when it is tendered them, and in compliance with an edict given out by Mrs. I. L. Hamilton, wife of mine host, Mr. Shorty Hamilton, the same crowd, with the addition of merchants John and Ed Van Dyke, met at the pleasant parlors of Hotel Nash on Tuesday evening and there enjoyed themselves well for several hours in vocal and instrumental music, card playing, cheerful repartee and delicious refreshments--and none were there present who did not declare the hostess a royal entertainer. After refreshments were partaken of, a serenading party was made up and several places about town were visited, where sweet strains of music were dispensed in abundance-- and the passengers on the midnight train were as well given a musical treat. There are many good arguments which can be put up in support of the growing of fruit as against that of wheat. These arguments are nearly all known to the people of the Rogue River Valley, and it would be useless to reiterate them here, but a comparison favorable to fruit is here found, and as it is founded upon facts and logical figuring there are no premises left for dispute: Forty acres of wheat on the Asa Fordyce place, which was purchased a few months since by J. H. Stewart, threshed out this year forty-three bushels per acre, the wheat being raised by Mr. Fordyce. This forty acres will be planted to Yellow Newtown apples next spring by Mr. Stewart, and thereby hangs a tale, or rather a reflection. This forty-three bushels is worth about $20 and is a good yield for an acre of ground, but it took two years to get it, as it was a summer fallow crop and a heavy drain was made on the soil. When the Yellow Newtowns begin to bear a full crop the number of bushels per acre will in a single year equal ten such crops of wheat, or the yield for twenty years, and in dollars, twenty such yields or the gross returns for forty years. The loss of income while the orchard is maturing, measured by the wheat standard, will be covered twice over by a single good crop. To care for and harvest one good crop of fruit will for a single year necessitate the expenditure of $150 an acre or $6,000 for the forty acres. Factory and mill will take part of this, but much the larger portion will go directly to labor here, and the community will derive as great incidental benefit from this forty acres of orchard as from a thousand acres of orchards as from a thousand acres of wheat. Soil must be carefully selected, and brain as well as brawn given to attain success in such a highly specialized industry as successful growing of fruit. Failure is certain if slovenly or careless methods are followed. Assuming thirty years as the life of an orchard on such land and in the hands of such workmen as Mr. Stewart and his son-in-law, Mr. D. R. Hill, then for thirty years labor will be largely employed, the community sustained and the owners will have something to show for a life of labor other than a very sluggish soil and a dynamic mortgage. One can hardly be sure of the nature of probable discoveries in Southern Oregon. There is found here nearly all kinds of mineral deposits, and those known minerals not yet found will probably be unearthed before the finish is accomplished. The latest find is a large ledge of asphaltum. It is in section 4, township 38 south, range 2 east, and is twelve miles east and a little south of Medford. The ledge was discovered three years ago by George Cottrell, but at that time it was supposed to be a ledge of shale or coal. More recent examination has proven it to be asphaltum beyond the question of doubt and of a good quality. The surface croppings are hard and brittle, caused by oxidation, but there seems but little doubt that when this surface cropping is removed the pure, marketable article will be disclosed. Mr. Cottrell, at the time of discovery, secured title to 100 acres of land upon which the croppings were found, and he has now associated with him Messrs. H. W. Jackson and C. W. Baker, mining men of experience, and development work will at once commence. The ledge is sixty feet in width and dips to the east into the side of a mountain. Croppings have been found for a distance of 400 yards, and it is presumed that it extends a much greater distance than this. The hanging wall is sandstone and the footwall is shale. The owners of the ledge will commence development work next week. The work will consist of a sinking shaft, and when this has been put down 100 feet it is confidently believed that asphaltum will be found of a consistency which will permit of its being brought to the surface by pumps. Thos. McAndrew is being annoyed by chicken thieves, but has decided upon a method which will either protect his chickens or exterminate the thieves. He has loaded guns which he places in his yard at convenient places for the thieves to run against. These guns are so arranged that if disturbed after once placed in position there will something drop near the muzzle end, and in all probability it will be the thief. There may be more humane ways of dealing with chicken thieves, but we doubt if there are any which will prove more effective. Prof. W. A. Snow, the band instructor, arrived in Medford last week and has resumed his old position, that of instructor for the Medford band. Mr. Snow is a gentleman of known ability as a band tutor, and as the material he has here to work upon is good there is no good reason why Medford should not have the best band in the state--it is now the best in Southern Oregon. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 16, 1901, page 7 BROKE UP BARBER SHOP
R. A. PROUDFOOT SUED FOR DAMAGES BY VICTOR BRUNELL. Plaintiff Alleges That His Furniture Was Tossed into the Street and His Business Interrupted.
A damage suit
filed in the state circuit court yesterday against R. A. Proudfoot
alleges that he smashed the furniture of Victor Brunell's barber shop
at 260 Washington Street, and failed to comply with the terms of a
lease, so that the plaintiff has been damaged to the extent of
$1875.45. Brunell alleges that he was a tenant of Proudfoot's.
Proudfoot bought the building from R. H. Scheele before Brunell's lease
expired. It is alleged that there was an oral agreement between the two
men to continue the payment of rent according to the terms of the old
lease, and to renew it for a period of eight months. The complaint sets
forth that on the night of February 28, when the shop had been closed,
Proudfoot, without the consent of the plaintiff, unlawfully, wrongfully
and maliciously broke into the premises and tore out, removed and threw
into the street all of the plaintiff's furniture, tools and implements,
during a heavy rain storm, destroying, damaging and breaking them and
causing them to be wet and damaged.
Not alone is this the grounds for the action. The complaint continues: "That in so doing he damaged nine mirrors in the sum of $100; five dressers in the sum of $30; six chairs in the sum of $12; destroyed one pair of strops worth $5; destroyed one-half gallon witch hazel, worth 70 cents; destroyed one-half gallon Coke, worth $2.25, and destroyed 70 feet of water pipe, worth $7." In addition, Brunell states that he had to pay $2.50 for having his things moved from their place in the street, and that he has to pay $4 a month to have them stored. This makes a total of $175.45. Brunell alleges also that his profits were $100 a month for his individual labor, that he had three barbers employed and that the profits of the shop were $150 a month, making a total of $250 a month, for which he claims damages for a period of six months. He says he has been unable to get so good a location, and that he has lost his regular and transient trade. Oregonian, Portland, August 17, 1911, page 8 Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Burnett, of Ashland, visited Mrs. Burnett's mother, Mrs. Sears, the first of the week. D. B. Russell and family, of Fort Jones, Cal., are visiting Mrs. Russell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Van Scoy. Miss Myrtle Flood, who has been visiting relatives in Wellen, returned to her home in McCloud, Cal. Thursday. Mrs. K. Snyder, of Walla Walla, Wash. arrived here recently for a few weeks' visit with her brother, A. S. Wells, and family. Miss Juanita Day, of Fairmont, Minn., daughter of Senator Day, of that state, arrived in Medford recently, and is visiting her uncle, G. H. Howland, and family. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, August 18, 1901, page 18 ACADEMY AND BUSINESS COLLEGE.
New Institution Will Be Opened at Medford Next Month.
Or., Aug. 18.--The establishment of an academy and business college at
Medford was assured Saturday night by the organization and election of
a board of directors. W. T. Van Scoy, president for so many years of
Ashland Normal School, will be its president, with several instructors
in the commercial, musical and other branches. The academy course will
prepare and admit pupils to the University of Oregon, while the
business and shorthand course are very exacting. Teachers will be
prepared to take state examinations. The school will open September 1,
in a new brick building, with an attendance already assured of over 100
pupils from all over Southern Oregon and Northern California.
Oregonian, Portland, August 19, 1901, page 6 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
York one day last week fined Mr. Erdman for beating his wife.Medford's public schools will reopen Sept. 15th. The attendance will be bigger than ever. Mrs. Fred Slagle (nee Mamie Nicholson) of Coquille City is being visited by Miss Lillian Rhinehart. D. B. Russell and his wife, of Fort Jones, Calif., are visiting the latter's parents, Prof. and Mrs. Van Scoy. Miss Mabel Jones, Medford's sweet singer, was at Ashland last week, attending the Robbins-Luster nuptials. Miss Mollie Barneburg and Mrs. Wm. Stewart have been visiting in Ashland, guests of their sister, Mrs. High. W. A. Snow, who was a leader of our band in years gone by, has returned from San Francisco. He will not stay long. Dr. Ira Phipps, son of I. J. Phipps, who is a graduate of a leading dental college, has opened an office in the Adkins building. G. W. Priddy, the expert contractor and builder, has the first story of J. G. Taylor's brick building completed. It will be a fine structure in every way. The Union Livery Stables are now under the management of H. J. Mattoon and Wm. Fox, late of Ashland, Messrs. McCown and Jennings having retired. Miss Mamie Isaacs is visiting in Roseburg, the guest of Mrs. E. L. Bashford. She has a good position in a prominent dressmaking establishment of Portland. The body of the late Mrs. Elmer McPherson (nee Faucett) was brought to Medford from California Monday for interment. The unfortunate young woman had been afflicted with consumption for some time. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 22, 1901, page 2 "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 22, 1901, page 5 Freight Business of Medford.
Or., Aug. 21--W. V. Lippincott, agent for the Southern Pacific here,
has finished compiling a report for the company of the freight handled
at Medford last year. It shows that 339 cars were received and 474 cars
shipped out. Of those shipped out, 45 cars were apples, 12
miscellaneous fruit, 126 grain, 25 flour, 56 cattle, 42 lumber, 49
local freight, and the remainder miscellaneous goods. Ten cars of
agricultural implements, 95 of lumber and 13 of beer were among those
shipped in.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 22, 1901, page 10 At the rate our best valley lands are being bought by orchardists and planted to trees, it will not be many years until the fruit industry of Jackson County will be far in the van of all other industries. It is a clearly demonstrated fact that fruit raising is more profitable than other farming pursuits even though they be greatly diversified. It is just as well true that all the lands of Jackson County are not suited to fruit culture, hence it can reasonably be presumed that the orchards will never crowd other farming entirely out of existence. While the lands are being purchased for the purpose of setting them to orchards, it is noticeable that this is being done by those who already have large orchard holdings and have made money out of the business. This fact it would seem would induce new hands to take hold of the industry, but perhaps it is best for their own good and the good of the community that they do not. All men are not adapted to the business of fruit raising, and a man realizing his inability to properly handle an orchard would be committing financial suicide to make a very extensive venture in that line. A venture in a smaller way would pay proportionately well except that the same appliances would be required and the expense would ofttimes prove too great for the man with limited capital to handle and in consequence his orchards would of necessity be neglected and failure, if not absolute ruin, would be the ultimate outcome. It is not complimentary, nor is it fair, to the fruit growers of Southern Oregon to have carloads of fruit leave the Medford station for eastern markets with large placards tacked on the cars bearing the names of Willamette Valley commission men. Medford Mail, August 23, 1901, page 2 A
Phenomenal Game.
most remarkable game of baseball
ever witnessed on an Oregon
or indeed ever played by amateur
teams, was that at Jacksonville
Sunday last between the Grants
Pass club and a mixed team from
Jacksonville and Eagle Point.
Ten times each side went to the
bat and
ten times the scorers marked a
big round goose egg for each. It
was a
pitcher's battle, but sharp
fielding and good, heady ball
playing by
the balance of the teams
prevented a score on several
occasions. A
double play from Kubli, who
caught Entriken's fly back of
first, with
three men on base and one out,
and threw to Rice, who threw
Pool out on
third, stopped a score for
Grants Pass in the tenth.
Brouse's long
throw from left in the ninth, of
Merlin's hit, headed Down off at
third and stopped another. The
score was made in the eleventh
when Down
rapped out a two-bagger and
reached home on Rice's wild
pitch. The home
team couldn't score in their
half and the game was over. It
was good ball all the way
through, and neither side
need be
ashamed of the result. Martin
struck out twenty-one men and
Rice, who
with Williamson, of Igerna, made
the home battery ten. Three
errors are
credited to Grant Pass and five
to the locals. Three men walked
first on Martin, two on Rice.
The hits were scattering and
landed in a fielder's mitt. Geo.
Kelley, of Medford, umpired the
and gave universal satisfaction
by his rapid and accurate
Medford Mail, August 23, 1901, page 2 Amelia Elmer to Alonzo Slover, lot 1, blk 65, Medford . . . 1200 Granville Naylor to Allen Smith, lots 8, 10 and 11, blk 4; lot 26 in blk 3, and lot 15, blk 4, and lots 9, 12, 13, 4, 5, 6 and 7, blk 4; lots 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31 and 32, blk 3; lots 4, 5, 8 and 9, blk 3; lot 5, blk 8, and lots 2 and 4 in blk 8, Orchard Home addition, Medford . . . 1300 C. C. Marlow to M. M. Childers, 104 acres in sec 25, twp 37s, r2w . . . 350 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, August 23, 1901, page 5 S. S. Strayer left last week for Washington, which state he will travel over in quest of a location which may strike his fancy. Mrs. W. H. Meeker and son, Clarence, returned last week from a six weeks' visit and outing at Pacific Grove and Del Monte, Calif. Mrs. Meeker is very much improved in health, and both are enthusiastic over the delights peculiar to these famous summer resorts and the pleasures they experienced. Mrs. C. D. McKenzie, nee Mabel Beaver, is here from Leadville, Colo., upon a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Beaver. Her husband is a wealthy druggist in Leadville, formerly a mining man of considerable prominence. David I. Phipps, who has been at Reno, Nevada since last December, returned to Medford last week for a few weeks' visit with relatives and friends. He will leave in September for eastern Oregon, where he will follow his former vocation, that of vaqueroing. Mrs. W. S. Wing, of Denver, Colo., who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. E. W. Calkins, for a few weeks, left Saturday for Seattle, where she will be joined by her husband and where they will reside in the future. She was accompanied as far as Grants Pass by Mrs. Calkins. Mrs. Belle Roderick, of Sisson, was in Medford this week, visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Ingersoll. She was called home Thursday morning by a telegram telling that her husband was ill. If he is able to travel they will both come to Medford next week, where Mr. Roderick will open a barber shop. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 23, 1901, page 6 Mrs. Isabel Powell, who came to Jackson County a few years ago from Linn County, will conduct the Medford Academy boarding house. The Barnum property, on North D Street, has been rented for the purpose, and the lady will move into the city in about ten days. Five of her sons will attend the Academy. These same young men attended the Jacksonville school last year during Prof. Van Scoy's principalship of that school. J. H. Ray has disposed of his stock of paints, oils and wallpaper and will leave this week with his family for Hillsboro, Or., where he has purchased an interest in a fruit dryer and vinegar plant. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, August 23, 1901, page 6 Ex-merchant G. L. Davis has accepted a position as salesman with the Portland Coffee & Spice Co. and will commence upon his duties about the first of September. The first route laid out for him is into Klamath, Coos and Curry counties, after which he will be given a run north from Ashland on the main line of the Southern Pacific. If George makes as many friends on the road in proportion with the number he will meet as he has made in Medford during his several years of business here, he will have all of Oregon saying good words for him. He is one of the best business men Medford ever had, and his friends are legion--and true blue--every one of them. There isn't a more honorable man in Oregon than is Mr. Davis, and, as is coupled with his honesty and good fellowship an indomitable propensity for hustling, there is but little doubt of his success. The house he represents is a good one, and every man in Medford is satisfied they have made no mistake in selecting Mr. Davis to sell their goods. Medford will be his headquarters. Miss Edith Osenbrugge, with the assistance of Mr. and Mrs. F. Osenbrugge, entertained a party of friends very pleasantly at their beautiful home in West Medford last Friday evening. The lawn was beautifully lighted with Chinese lanterns, while many pieces of the house furniture had been moved to the lawn and large porches for the occasion, among which was the elegant piano, which occupied a prominent place on the porch. Music was plentiful, games were indulged in, and none the least of the amusements was the dancing indulged in on the porches and lawn. Refreshments of iced lemonade and cake were served. Those present were Dr. and Mrs. Darrin, Mrs. I. L. Hamilton, Mrs. McCray, Misses Nettie Ross, Fern Norris, Lulu Porter, Ethel England, Johnnie Little, Tessie Saltmarsh, Carrie George, Myrtle Hurst, Jessie Cole, Mabel Jones, Messrs. Geo. Porter, Carl Narregan, Charlie Ramsey, Walla Mahoney, Herbert McCarthy, Geo. E. Kelley. Every member of the party declared Miss Osenbrugge and her parents very clever and interesting entertainers. It is a very disgusting habit, that of expectorating on the sidewalks. The many hundred feet of good, substantial cement sidewalks are a beautiful thing to look upon, but when they are bespattered with tobacco juice they are unsightly things. There ought to be an ordinance passed prohibiting spitting on sidewalks. It is a filthy habit and is very annoying to those of our townspeople who believe in cleanliness and who have a desire to keep our little city looking as pretty and tasteful as possible. Aside from being unsightly the habit is dangerous from a sanitary point of view as many disease germs find harbor in the dress skirts of passing women and are in this way carried home, where firm lodgement is found for them in the person of some member of the household. C. B. Rostel:--"I had a letter this week from my German friend, Peter Ensele, who was in Medford a few weeks ago looking for farm locations for several German families. He is at his home in Nebraska but tells me that himself and eleven other families will start for Medford by teams next spring. They have figured out that they can make big wages by coming with teams. They are coming here to buy farm lands and locate permanently. The grasshoppers, he says, are making farming in Nebraska so much of an uncertainty--and he wants no more of it. He wants you to send him your paper for a year." H. J. Mattoon is the gentleman who is in charge of the Union Livery Stables, which were purchased last week by Mr. Fox, of Ashland. He tells that things about the place were pretty badly run down, but says Mr. Fox will make over all the rigs that are worth repairing and will add many new ones. He will also put in several head of new horses and will keep everything about the place in first-class shape. Mr. Mattoon is a liveryman of experience and proposes to do everything the right way and treat every customer square. Messrs. L. A. Lucus & Son, harness and saddlery men of Medford, have recently issued a 48-page catalogue of the goods they handle, together with a write-up of Southern Oregon and Medford, several pages of useful information, while several pages are given up to other enterprising firms of our city. The catalogue is a credit to Messrs. Lucus & Son, and when scattered broadcast over the counties of Lake, Klamath, Josephine and Jackson cannot fail to be an instrument of profit to the tradespeople of Medford. The iron lintels and pillars for the White-Thomas brick building have been received and are being put in position. In many of our brick buildings wood lintels are used, and while they carry the weight easily enough the shrinking of the timbers after the brick are laid on them ofttimes raises sad havoc with the entire fronts, and in some cases the brick have bulged out and fallen to the walks below. It can hardly be considered economy to use wood, especially in two- or more story buildings. E. S. Wolfer, the tinsmith, has been busy for several days past making water pipe for Ira Wakefield's sawmill, on Clark Creek. The pipe is two feet in diameter and there are 280 feet of it--the same to be used in conveying water to Mr. Wakefield's turbine wheel, which will operate his mill. When everything is in good running shape he expects to turn out 10,000 feet of lumber per day. Dr. Ira Phipps has rented the two front rooms over H. E. Boyden's hardware store and within a couple of weeks will open dental parlors therein. The rooms are now being papered and fitted especially for his use, City Recorder York having moved his real estate office to other rooms in the same building. W. V. Lippincott:--"I had a letter from Mrs. Lippincott this week. She reports that Walter is very much improved. In fact his health is entirely restored, and he is able to go to work and will very soon start out with a railroad surveying party. They are at Pasadena, Calif." The sidewalks in front of Medford's grocery and feed stores present a very inviting appearance these days. There is displayed almost every variety of fruit grown in the valley, and as there are many varieties the sight is decidedly a pretty one to look upon--and tempting as well. Geo. F. King:--"I had a letter from Father this week .He has sold all his property and is coming to Southern Oregon, where he says he will live and die. He was out here last winter and spring. His former home was in Michigan." A. J. Stewart will plant part of his recently acquired land to fruit this fall, he having already purchased 1000 Comice pear trees from L. E. Hoover. The land is part of the old Mingus tract and was purchased last week from S. M. Eby. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 23, 1901, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
John Sells
of Ashland has purchased the Nash Livery Stables.Ralph Woodford, who is employed in the Grants Pass ice cream and billiard parlors, is visiting in Medford. The condition of Miss Helen Strang (who has been sick for a number of years) is critical, and she may not survive long. Eugene Orr and Mrs. Will. Bates are reported to be quite ill, the former with kidney disease and the latter with malarial fever. Geo. Cottrell, C. W. Baker and H. S. Jackson, who have a good prospect for asphaltum about 12 miles from Medford, are well pleased with developments. In the Coos Bay Mail of Aug. 24th your correspondent finds the following: "A pretty little wedding was solemnized at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Slagle of Coquille City Friday morning, at 10 o'clock, when Lillian, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rhinehart of San Francisco, was given away by her father to Edgar F. Fordyce of the same city. They were united by the Rev. Mr. Hyatt, only a small party of friends being present. The young people have been visiting here for some time, and have made many friends in our little city. A number of gifts were received. The bride was gowned in white organdy with point lace jacket, the gift of her mother; the groom in conventional black. Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce came at once to Marshfield, where they will spend a few weeks." Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 29, 1901, page 2 "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 29, 1901, page 3 Shot a Hog.
The Medford
Mail tells the following story of Superintendent Daly, of
Jackson County:
"School Superintendent Daly is undoubtedly an adept in teaching young ideas how to shoot, but the fact that he shot a hog recently, thinking it was a deer, would seem to indicate that his eyes were eclipsed or his aim decidedly off focus. It is told on him that while out outing a few days ago up Lake Creek way he actually made the mistake mentioned above--and like the honorable man he is, at once hunted up the owner of the animal and paid for it eight dollars." Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, August 29, 1901, page 3 Geo. R. Young to Wm. H. Hamlin, lot 3, blk 3, Barr addition, Medford . . . 600 Joel Ward to Wm. H. Hamlin, lot 4, blk 3, Barr addition to Medford . . . Melonia Conklin to F. D. Conklin, 16 acres in sec 19, twp 37s, r1w . . . 120 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, August 30, 1901, page 5 Miss Mae Kellogg, of Grants Pass, is in Medford upon a visit to her sister, Mrs. John Barneburg. Ross Ellis, of Dallas, Oregon, is in Medford upon a visit to his uncle, Hon. Garl T. Jones, and family. Mrs. J. R. Wilson and daughters, Misses Gertrude and Mabel, are visiting Glendale friends for a couple of weeks. Mrs. J. H. McClentuck returned Tuesday to her home in Cedar Rapids, Neb., after a three weeks' visit in Medford with her brother, V. A. Broadbent, and family. Ralph Woodford was up from Grants Pass a few days this week visiting relatives and friends. He has a good position running an ice cream parlor for the Observer newspaper man. J. H. Downing and daughter, Miss Maud, of Central Point, were Medford visitors Tuesday. Miss Maud expects to soon commence school teaching in the Grove district, west of Medford. George King, of Newaygo, Mich., arrived in Medford last week--and will henceforth make Southern Oregon his home. He will reside for a time on his homestead up Rogue River way. He is father to Geo. F. King, the timber land locator. L. W. Farwell and family arrived in Medford last week from Dallas, Oregon, and are going to make Medford their future home. They brought a carload of household goods and are now housekeeping in the Shone residence. Miss Myrtle Nicholson, who has put "types" in line for the Mail office for the past four years and a half without a vacation, is taking a two weeks' layoff--which has been well earned because of efficiency and steadiness. She is at Central Point this week, visiting relatives. Druggist G. H. Haskins and son Leon left Monday for Berkeley, Calif., at which place Leon will attend a pharmaceutical college. Mr. Haskins, Sr. will return this week. Leon is nothing slow as a pharmacy clerk right now, but the law prescribes a regular course and diploma before persons can legally compound medicines. Sam'l. Murray and family returned last week from their summer's stay at Crescent City, Calif. Mr. Murray is of the opinion that the coast country is all right to summer in, but when winter rains and fogs commence threatening he has another opinion, which has grown into a notion--and that is that the Rogue River Valley is several shades better than any of 'em. Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Ray, of Gold Hill, were in Medford Wednesday. The doctor has but recently returned from quite an extended visit to New York City, where he went upon mining business connected with his extensive interests around Gold Hill. He also visited the exposition. The weather, he says, was extremely tropical, and he was right glad to get back to the land where the cauldron is not always at a boiling temperature. During his absence Mrs. Ray and the children visited in Seattle. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 30, 1901, page 6 If a cannery was doing business in Medford this fall it would have little time for anything aside from strict business. It can hardly seem possible that all these years have gone by and no cannery. Hundreds of tons of good fruit will go to waste this season because of there being no cannery here to handle it. There is unquestionably a grand opportunity for a money-making enterprise in this line for the man who has the money and a disposition to start the project. Messrs. W. H. Meeker & Co. have made arrangements with the Portland Portrait Company, whereby they are enabled to give with every ten dollars' worth of goods purchased at their store a life-size 16x20 portrait. These portraits are made by the best artists in the land and would be an ornament in any home. They cost you nothing. Every $10 purchase gets a portrait. Guy Lawton has taken a position with the Vienna Bakery. He will learn the bakery business, and when Rube Patty, who is now baking, leaves for Salem a couple of months hence, Guy will have charge of the "whole bakery," so to speak. Mr. Litchfield has purchased Mr. Patty's interest in the bakery and will conduct the establishment on his own account hereafter. It is with much regret that the Mail publishes the fact that Eugene Orr, of the firm of Weeks & Orr, orchardists, is quite seriously ill with Bright's disease of the kidneys. Dr. Pickel is attending and Mrs. Osborne is nursing. Wednesday he was somewhat improved, but at four o'clock Thursday morning a change was experienced and the symptoms were less favorable. Jake Huger, superintendent at the Voorhies fruit orchard, reports that he is packing Bartlett pears at the rate of a carload a day and would be packing more if more pickers could be had. He expects at least twenty carloads of pears will be gathered from the orchard, and there may be thirty. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, August 30, 1901, page 6 W. J. King, proprietor of the Turf Exchange saloon, has received, direct from the distillery in North Carolina, a good supply of pure white corn whiskey. Samplers of this beverage pronounced it superior to any other whiskey on the coast market. It is especially desired in preference to other brands for medical purposes. A crowd of Ashland boys, the oldest said to be not over seventeen, was in Medford Monday evening and upon leaving town at a late hour all were beastly intoxicated. Where they secured their drink has not yet been learned, but Chief of Police Johnson is camping on a couple of trails, and if he secures positive evidence arrests will follow. It is known that some of our saloon men refused to sell them drinks--but there is evidence conclusive that they secured liquor someplace in the city. Medford is just as keen for Ashland money as from any other place, but the majority of our townspeople don't want to take it from boys in payment for whiskey. Saloon men, as a rule, make complaint that they are not permitted to pursue the even tenor of their way undisturbed--which may be true to a certain extent, but it is such open and flagrant violations of law and common decency which keeps up the trouble for them. The wheat crop of the Rogue River Valley, we are told by one of our warehouse men, is scarcely half what it was last year, but this shortage is made up to some extent by the barley crop, which is about double that of previous years. Many of our farmers, he says, will fatten their hogs on barley this fall instead of wheat. The price now being paid for wheat is 47 cents, and he is of the opinion that there will be no material raise, at least before the first of the year. There is probably no wheat to ship out of the valley this year, and it would seem that the local demand would ensure a better price than is now offered, but the fact that the Willamette Valley has an unusually large yield this year, and the further fact that it can be shipped from there to Rogue River Valley points for eight cents a bushel will have a tendency to keep the price down. The Ashland company's oil well is having all kinds of hard luck. "Quite a delay," says the Tidings, "was experienced in getting the necessary casing from San Francisco to protect the drill in going through quicksand. Just as the casing was in place, last week, and operations were resumed in drilling, the rope attached to the stem broke and the drill and thirty-foot stem were left 150 feet underground. A telegram was immediately sent to San Francisco for a slip socket, or grip rod, with which to fish out the stem and drill. The tools arrived last night, and the 'fishing' was done this forenoon, and at 1 o'clock the lost tools had been recovered and the drill was again steadily pounding its way downward." It is to be hoped no further mishaps will befall the operations and that success will attend the company's efforts. The finding of oil any place in the valley means the enhancement of the value of presumptive oil lands from five to twenty times their present value. The White-Thomas brick is not going to be completed in time for occupancy by the Medford Academy, but Prof. Van Scoy is equal to the occasion and does not propose to disappoint the many students who are desirous of commencing school upon the date advertised--September 9th--and has rented temporary quarters in the same block from C. W. Palm for a couple of weeks, by which time the new building will surely be ready to move into. Mr. Van Scoy is meeting with greater success than he dared to hope for a few weeks ago. It is indeed surprising the number of friends Mr. Van Scoy has among the educators of the valley, and among those who want to be educated. There is nothing now in the way of phenomenal success for the Academy. J. B. Sell, of Ashland, has purchased the horses and rigs of the Nash Livery Stables from D. T. Cox and has taken possession of the same. Mr. Sell is a young man of pleasant address and seemingly is a hustler for business. He says he will keep everything in good shape about the stables and promises to treat everybody strictly on the square. As two Ashland people have but recently purchased livery stables in Medford, the indications are pointing in one of two ways--either Ashland is endeavoring to absorb Medford, or her people are becoming weary of inertia and are launching out in a locality where there's "something' doin'." One thing certain the Elite Studio, under Mr. Hunter's management, is turning out the finest portraits in photography ever made in this county. The reception room is filled with work he has done here in Medford that would be a credit to any city,showing work to the public in posing, lighting and fine smooth retouching which shows plainly he is a master at his profession. Photos of familiar faces adorn the walls, and people come from all the towns around to have work done by the operator of the Elite Studio. He has been here but a short time, but notwithstanding he is the busiest man in Medford. If you appreciate a work of art, call at the Elite photo studio and leave your order. "A word to the wise is sufficient." Graham, corn meal, whole wheat flour on sale at the Russ mill, two blocks south of Hubbard Bros. implement house. The busiest place of business in Medford these days is the Medford ice factory. All refrigerative cars in which fruit is to be shipped have to be iced before they are started on their journey. The amount of ice required for each car varies from two to four tons. C. C. Ragsdale purchased two carloads of stock hogs in the valley last week and on Monday shipped them to his farm at Williams, Calif., where they will be fattened on his large stubble fields. W. S. Clay, of Snohomish, Wash., is in Medford in quest of a farm purchase near this city. The gentleman is an old-time Michigan acquaintance of City Recorder W. T. York. He has been shown the valley pretty thoroughly this week by Mr. York, and as he is very favorably impressed with our land and climate it is quite probable he will heave anchor here. He is a man of means and is, seemingly, of the cut our county most needs. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 30, 1901, page 7 Dr. J. E. Shearer and Dr. Butler, of Medford, have returned from an outing at Elk Creek. Medical Sentinel, September 1901, page 315 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
It is
reported from Elgin, Union County, that I. A. Mounce, formerly of
Medford, has lost his mind.R. Patty and his sister, who have been residents of our city for some time, returned to Salem this week. The Keets and Prall feed stables, located in the eastern part of town, are now in charge of Geo. Reynolds, who will conduct them in a first-class manner. The annual meeting of the Columbia Conference of the M.E. Church, South, will be held at Medford, beginning Sept. 13th. A large attendance is promised. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 5, 1901, page 4 Francis Fitch, who is as smooth in the game of robbing Peter to pay Paul as he is in other rascally arts, has settled with Mrs. Bessie Plymale, from whom he embezzled $150, Henry Klippel and some other residents of Medford. An effort is being made to have the criminal proceedings begun against him dismissed. It is not likely that District Attorney Reames will permit this. Fitch has committed so many crimes that should land him in the penitentiary that the public is very anxious that he should get part of his just deserts at least. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 5, 1901, page 5 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
J. S.
Hannum, late of Josephine County, has become a resident of Medford.Prall's elk and deer, which are fine specimens, will be on exhibition at the district and state fairs. They will doubtless attract much attention. Dr. Darrin and his estimable wife, who have been residents of Medford and Ashland for several months past, left for Portland this week. They made many friends, whose best wishes they carry with them. The warehouses here are receiving much wheat. While the crop is short this year, the grain is of the finest quality and is commanding good prices. The local buyers are paying 47 cents and furnish sacks. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 5, 1901, page 7 "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 5, 1901, page 7 Didn't Like Cool Nights.
gentleman who returned from the Rogue River Valley to Missouri, a short
time since, said upon leaving that he had no fault to find with our
country--that it was good, first-class, and that he would like to live
here, but the nights were too cool to suit him. He just naturally
couldn't stand the cooling-off process which our climate has accustomed
itself to. We can assure the gentleman that he will get that for which
he is looking back in old Missouri. We have reason for
congratulation, however, in that he nor no other Jasper from Missouri,
or any other hot region, can take our cool nights away from us. They
are one of the many delights of Southern Oregon and go a long way in
making life here so deliciously pleasant.--Medford Mail.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, September 5, 1901, page 2 One
of Wagner's
Mail, September
1901, page 2
a peculiarity
of the south end
of Jackson
County, and
applicable to
Fred Wagner,
publisher of the
Tidings, the
lines appeared
in the Tidings
of date
August 29th.
"There is absolutely no truth in the reports published in some newspapers to the effect that Mr. Fred Ulen, the expert stenographer, formerly of Ashland, will teach in a Medford school during the coming winter." Following this was a eulogy on Mr. Ulen. The whole item was made, ostensibly, to flatter Mr. Ulen, but those who know the enmity felt for the Medford Academy by certain people in the south end of the county can easily read in the few lines above quoted the malicious and intended slap at the Academy. This flagrant abuse of the Medford Academy is not seen alone by Medford eyes, but the item's intent at injury has been noticed in other parts of the county, and people interested in the Medford school from the rural precincts have called Prof. Van Scoy's attention to the item and have renounced it as an unprincipled, dishonorable attack upon a deserving and promising institution. As a matter of fact Prof. Ulen was engaged by Prof. Van Scoy as assistant in the Medford Academy. It is also true that this was the condition of affairs when Prof. Van Scoy issued his course of study folder, from which the newspapers gleaned the information given to the public by them. It is also true that Prof. Van Scoy, after considerable corresponding and telegraphing between himself and Mr. Ulen, consented to accept his (Ulen's) resignation, that he might accept a more lucrative position offered him by the Standard Oil Company. However, it is probably better for the Medford Academy that Mr. Ulen did resign, as, by his doing so, a teacher his equal in all respects and superior in many has been secured, the same being Miss Mary E. C. Hevener, of Ashland. Miss Hevener is a graduate from the commercial department of the Ashland normal school, of the class of '97, when Prof. T. W. Miles was principal. After Prof. Miles' resignation, the young lady had charge of the commercial department of the school. Aside from being an adept in commercial school work and stenography, Miss Hevener is a fine scholar in classical branches. Her salary will be $50 per month. The people in the south end of the county need not trouble themselves regarding the Medford Academy. It is all right and is going to be a "staying" feature in the upbuilding of our city. The Mail would suggest that they pay the strictest attention to their normal school--not forgetful of the fact that it was Prof. Van Scoy who made it what it is--or rather what it was. Defaming
Our Schools.
has never been
necessary for
these columns to
advertise to
any great extent
the advantages
derived by
students from an
at the Medford
high school, nor
is it necessary
now except for
purpose of
which have been
the county and
which seem to
have been made
for the sole
purpose of
injuring our
school and
building up a
school in
another town of
valley. For the
benefit of those
in the county
who may not
know, we
will state that
there is not a
town in all
Oregon outside
of Portland
that has better
facilities than
is offered by
the Medford high
school. It
offers a three
years' course
with fifteen
credits in Latin
and ten in
German and a
course. Students
from the
Medford high
school have been
admitted to the
University of
Oregon as
freshmen since
1893.The Mail learns with much regret that statements contrary to the above are being circulated throughout the county by representatives of the Southern Oregon Normal. In fact, we have been told that Vice President T. A. Hays of that institution has made such statements and has used them as an inducement in securing students for the normal. We do not know Mr. Hays; we do not know that he has made the statements which he is credited with having made, but we do know that if they were made there was not a semblance of truth in them. If they were made we would much rather believe it was done through ignorance than intent to do injury. If the normal school is in such bad straits that it is necessary to resort to the means reported to secure students, it had best commence all over again and map out a new code of procedure. No public institution can add distinction and worth to itself by belittling other institutions of like nature. The people do not take kindly to that sort of argument. Medford Mail, September 6, 1901, page 2 Asphaltum Symptoms Are Good.
F. Brown, a mineralogist of San Francisco, was in Medford last week
upon business connected with the asphaltum deposit recently discovered
near Medford. He was here in the interest of the Southern Pacific
Railroad Company, and in company with a few of our townspeople who are
interested in the property upon which the ledge was found drove to the
mine and made a thorough examination of it. Mr. Brown pronounced the
ledge to be asphaltum beyond the question of a doubt and stated further
that it was of a far better grade than any yet discovered in
California, it being free from sand or dirt of any kind, and of high
grade generally.
A company is now being organized in Medford, which will probably be stocked, for the development of the ledge. It is proposed to open up the ledge and develop it upon an extensive plan, when the product will be put on the market. From $30 to $60 per ton is about the average selling price of asphaltum. Medford Mail, September 6, 1901, page 2 Emma C. Evans and husband to Wm. H. Turner, lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, blk 7, Park add., Medford . . . 1 Wm. H. Turner to Harriet Turner, lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, blk 7, Park add., Medford . . . 1 Mary M. Childers to Kate L. Broadbent, 2½ acres of land in dlc No. 44, twp 37s, r1w . . . 625 Wm. R. Jones et al. to Mrs. Elizabeth Ross, 19.50 acres in dlc No. 69, twp 37s, r2w . . . 100 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, September 6, 1901, page 5 Sam'l. Richardson, of Harris, Mo., arrived in Medford last Friday and has taken a position as salesman in F. K. Deuel & Co.'s store. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gregory, of Hanford, Calif., who have been visiting Medford friends for a couple or three weeks, returned to their home Monday. E. P. Pickens came up from Montague, Calif. this week to visit his family and to assist them in moving to the Isaacs residence, corner South C and Ninth streets. L. E. Hoover and sons, Walter and Claud, returned this week from a pleasure and business trip into Klamath County. At the Klamath Agency they sold several good orders for fruit trees, the Indians having taken a notion to growing fruit. Mrs. E. D. Fellows returned from Portland Wednesday, her visit there having been shortened somewhat by the illness of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Howard's baby, Mrs. Fellows' grandson. The child was reported considerably improved yesterday. Charlie Childs arrived in Medford Monday evening from Hualapai, Arizona, at which place he is telegraph operator for the Santa Fe Railroad Company. He will remain in Medford about fifteen days and upon returning he will be accompanied by his family, who have resided here during his absence in Arizona. J. S. Howard returned Tuesday from a quite extended business visit in Portland. Mr. Howard is one of the busiest men in all Southern Oregon these times, there being so many projects and enterprises under way that require the services of a civil engineer--and J. S. seems to fill the bill in the opinion of many of the projectors. Mrs. D. T. Lawton left Medford Monday evening for the home of her childhood, at Woodhull, New York, where she has not visited for thirty years. She will stop a day in each of the following cities: St. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago and Detroit and several days at Buffalo. She expects to be absent two months and will also visit relatives in Pennsylvania. She is one of the Portland Telegram excursion party, and at each of the above-named cities short side trips will be made to places of interest. Mrs. R. T. Burnett, of Ashland, is visiting her mother, Mrs. L. J. Sears. Reuben Patty and his sister, Miss Florence, left Sunday for Salem, where they will reside. Miss Mary Davison left Medford last week for Klamathon, where she commenced teaching a term of school Monday. Messrs. T. J. and F. H. Downing and Miss Lucy Downing, of Yreka, arrived in Medford Tuesday for a visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Downing. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Allen, of Grants Pass, are in Medford upon a visit to Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Adkins. Mrs. Allen is a niece of Mrs. Adkins. They are here looking over the town with a possible view to locating. Merchant F. K. Deuel returned last Friday from his seven weeks' trip to eastern cities. He was accompanied from Albany by his partner, W. B. Stevens, and from Missouri by two other parties who are partners of theirs and who conduct stores in that state. The quartet visited New York City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston and Chicago, and in each city they bought goods for their respective stores. Geo. F. King left Medford Monday for McCloud, Calif., at which place he will operate a traction engine for the Clark-Van Arsdale Lumber Co. Mr. King has been a resident of Medford since last winter, and during that time he has made a great many warm friends--all of whom will wish him well in his new position. He followed the business of timber locator while here, and we will venture the assertion that none of the many parties he located have aught else than good words for him. He is a square, honorable man every spot in the thoroughfare and a jolly good fellow to meet. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 6, 1901, page 6 Announcement.
Mail, September
6, 1901, page 6
wish to again
announce to
the public
that Pletcher
is the same
Pletcher, only
qualified than
ever to do
dental work.
During my six months' sojourn in the East I took advantage of a thorough course of instructions from some of the most scientific professors in both mechanical and operative dentistry. I also have a new method of inserting partial dentures, whereby they can be made to approach bridge work at a very moderate cost. Call and let me show you an up-to-date piece of bridge work. Respectfully,
Office over Medford Bank. The rain of last Saturday and Sunday did an immense amount of good to the valley, and was not of duration sufficient to do harm even to the unthreshed grain. The immense fruit crop was rinsed of accumulated dust and freshened materially, the forest fires were put out and the valley cleared of smoke. A healthier atmospheric condition now prevails--and all nature seems bright and cheerful. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, September 6, 1901, page 6 The Fish Lake Irrigating Ditch Company can hardly hope to corral the entire irrigating business of the valley, nor do its members expect to, but there is one thing positively assured and that is that the commencement of the ditch has put irrigating notions into other heads and it would not be surprising if in five years' time the entire desert of many thousand acres were a fertile field of waving grain and hay. For some time past Mr. Leo Watkins, who lives about three and a half miles north of Central Point, has had irrigating ideas gyrating in his head, but not until quite recently did he get arrangements perfected to an extent which would justify any publicity being made of them. He is now, however, at work on an irrigating proposition which will put an abundance of water onto 1000 acres of this arid and semi-arid land. His idea is to build a large water wheel on Rogue River, on land which he owns, elevate it to a level with his land and then allow it to spread out over his 200 acres and a 300-acre tract joining his, which is owned by Mrs. Ganiard of Ashland, and who is interested with him in the project. The site chosen for the water wheel is three-fourths of a mile below the Bybee Bridge, near the old camping ground. A concrete foundation will be put in, and on this will be placed a water wheel sixteen feet in diameter. A chain elevator, to which will be attached sixty buckets, holding twelve gallons each, will carry the water to a height of fifty feet, at the rate of 1000 gallons a minute. From this elevation of fifty feet a natural slope will carry the water over his entire acreage. Lateral ditches made by plow furrows will suffice to reach nearly every foot of his land, very few, if any, flumes being necessary. Mr. Watkins is a wheelwright and will do all the construction work himself. It is estimated its cost will be about $800, and he intends having it ready for next season's irrigating. When the wheel is not in use raising water he expects it to do service in running a chop mill which he will put in later. Chessmore & Myers are adding to their general feed store--near the Bear Creek bridge--a stock of provisions. They are also putting up feed sheds for freight teams and travelers, for the use of which there will be no charge. Ernest Tressler, formerly a Medford boy, but for the past few years employed as salesman and bookkeeper for a Portland house, has secured a position as head bookkeeper for the firm of J. K. Gill & Co., wholesale and retail stationers of that city. The position is an advancement in his line of work. He has proven himself an honest, faithful and capable man of business, and that his excellent traits are being rewarded is a source of much satisfaction to his many Medford friends. G. W. Reynolds has purchased the Phipps barn from Jacob Keets and has leased the Prall stables, both of which he will conduct as feed barns. The stables gained a reputation under their former management that was not enviable; in fact it was anything but pleasant or agreeable for nearby business houses, and that a change has been made is a source of much satisfaction to the people of that locality. The present proprietor, however, is of a different turn--an honorable young man--and he will, we feel satisfied, conduct the place in a manner creditable to himself and neighbors. Messrs. Joseph Taylor & Sons, who only a few months ago purchased fifty-two acres of orchard from the Orchard Home tract, have a fine crop of fruit this year. They are now gathering as fine peaches as were ever put on the market, and they have a good crop of excellent quality of peaches and apples coming on. A couple of years like this one, and their orchard will have more than paid for itself. Fourteen carloads of Bartlett pears were shipped from the Medford station last week. Six hundred is the number of boxes loaded in each car, or 8,400 boxes in all, which, at the price most of the fruit has been sold, $1.25 per box in Medford, the neat little sum of $10,000 has been left among our orchardists. It is quite true that attorney Francis Fitch has reimbursed several of his Medford creditors. Who they were and the amounts we are unable to state--but that is immaterial--the pleasantest feature of the transaction being the redeeming of the pledges to pay. The Mail is unable to learn Mr. Fitch's present post office address. Rev. H. L. Boardman, president of the McMinnville college, who is in Medford meeting with the Baptist association and who preaches this Friday evening, was a boyhood chum of E. Russ, of this city, and was also a classmate of his in the college of which he is now president. Messrs. Hicks & Walker placed an order Tuesday with a Vermont firm for a carload of marble monument. The wholesale price of the carload is something over $2000, and the freight on it from Vermont here will be $500. The order was given for February delivery. No more sour bread at the Vienna Bakery. Word comes from Elgin, Oregon, to the effect that I. A. Mounce, who has been seriously ill, has recovered his health, but that his mind is affected and he has either been taken to the insane asylum, or is going to be taken there. The number of carloads of Bartlett pears which will be shipped from Medford this year to other states will exceed thirty, which will be greatly in excess of the number shipped last year. Already over half this number has been shipped. Purdin's blacksmith shop--rear of Medford Bank. All work guaranteed. Ed. Whiteside has returned from California and is now getting his wood saw in shape to commence his season's work of wood sawing about the city. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 6, 1901, page 7 Fourteen carloads of Bartlett pears were shipped from the Medford station last week, says the Medford Mail. Six hundred boxes are loaded in each car, or 8400 boxes in all, which quantity at the price most of the fruit has been sold, $1.25 per box, in Medford, has left $10,500 among orchardists. "Oregon Notes," Oregonian, Portland, September 9, 1901, page 6 Medford Academy Opened.
Or., Sept. 9.--The Medford Academy opened today with W. T. Van Scoy,
principal; Mary E. Hevener, commercial teacher; G. H. Samuels,
assistant in the academic department, and Mrs. Aileen Webber, teacher
in the music department. There are 31 students in the academic and
commercial courses, and 18 in the music department. This ensures 150
students for the school year.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, September 10, 1901, page 9 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Cox and Prall have shipped several carloads of hogs to San Francisco
recently.Thos. Collins has become a resident of Lake County, having entered the employ of a big stock company. The annual conference of the M.E. Church, South, is being held at Medford this week, Bishop Duncan of South Carolina presiding. It is being attended by a large number of ministers from different parts of the northwest Pacific coast. The Medford Academy commenced business with an enrollment of over 30 pupils, which number will be increased considerably as soon as it gets into the quarters which are being especially prepared for it. Prof. Van Scoy is to be congratulated upon the good showing his school has already made and the prospects for still further success in the near future. The faculty is composed of W. T. Van Scoy, principal; Mary E. Hevener, commercial teacher; G. H. Samuels, assistant in the academic department, and Miss Aileen Webber, teacher in the music department. There are 18 students in the music department. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 12, 1901, page 4 "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 12, 1901, page 5 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Miss Gray
of Medford is teaching the Rock Point school.Editor Bliton's wife and their children have gone to Dakota, on a visit to their old home. Frank Wilson of the Model Restaurant and his family are enjoying an outing on Rogue River. Herbert McCarthy, the genial undersheriff of Jackson County, is seen in Medford more frequently nowadays. Wonder why? Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 12, 1901, page 7 Mrs. Chas. Stacey, of Medford, accompanied by her sister, Miss May Kellogg, tarried awhile with us Tuesday on their return trip from Grants Pass, where they have been visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Kellogg. "Gold Hill Items," Medford Mail, September 13, 1901, page 3 Rev. F. O. Bumpus, of Medford, is holding a revival meeting in the Baptist Church this week. All are cordially invited to attend. "Central Point Items," Medford Mail, September 13, 1901, page 3 Jacob Keets to Daniel Reynolds, property in ne corner of blk 3, Medford . . . 1400 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, September 13, 1901, page 5 Mrs. J. R. Wilson and daughters, Gertrude and Mabel, returned Monday from their visit at Leland. Asa Fordyce, the erstwhile Rogue River Valley farmer, now a cattle king of Klamath County, was in the Hub this week buying supplies. J. F. Ritter left Tuesday for Montague, Calif., where he will visit for a couple or three weeks with a brother. Mr. Ritter has been troubled nearly all summer with a crippled leg, and he fears unless absolute rest is given it that a fever sore may result. Mrs. Cora Colty, of Oregon City, arrived in Medford Tuesday and was met by J. W. Berrian, and the lady is now visiting out at the fish hatchery. She is an aunt of Mrs. Berrian. Miss Mae Rouse left Wednesday evening for her home in St. Louis, Mo. The young lady came here a couple of months ago to visit her brother, Rance Rouse, and family and for the benefit of her health. The many friends she made here will be pleased to learn that upon her return her health was very much improved. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 13, 1901, page 6 W. S. Clay, of Snohomish, Wash., who had been in Medford a couple of weeks, on Saturday of last week closed a deal whereby he became the possessor of C. E. Stewart's fine orchard, located south of Medford. The purchase comprises all of Mr. Stewart's land, over 200 acres, the most of which is now a bearing orchard, together with all horses, wagons and farm implements, save one or two horses and a few minor articles which are reserved. The price paid was a good, snug sum--the exact amount not being given out by parties interested. Mr. Clay left Monday morning for his home where his family resides. Possession is to be given on or before January 1, 1902, but Mr. Clay will lose no time in moving here and be in readiness to take possession at any time. The purchase was a good one, and Mr. Clay will never have occasion to regret having become the possessor of this fine farm. The sale was made through the W. T. York real estate agency and was one of the largest deals ever made in Southern Oregon orchard property. Mr. Stewart will probably plant another orchard at some other place in the valley. Tom Merriman has decided to open a blacksmith shop in Talent and is now at work putting up a new shop and moving his family. He has purchased a new outfit of the latest makes of tools, and inside of a very short time he will be hammering iron in Talent-on-the-Bear. Tom is a first-class workman, and the people up that way are to be congratulated that so good a mechanic has decided to be one of that little town's business men. Messrs. Mitchell Bros. have contracted with Childers Bros. for the erection of a blacksmith shop on the lot where their shop now stands. The building will be 25x84 feet in size and one story high. The rear of the building will be used by E. C. Boeck for a wagon making shop and the front for blacksmithing. Since the above was put in type the Mitchells have decided not to build before spring. H. D. Jones and family have moved to Medford from Rock Point and will remain in Medford during the winter at least. Mr. Jones is a mine owner in Foots Creek district and will divide his time between Medford and the mine. His move to our city is made to enable his children to attend our public schools, realizing as he does that there are none better in all Southern Oregon. Ed. Whiteside will start his steam wood saw next Monday and will continue to do business thereafter so long as there is a stick of wood in town longer than sixteen inches. This is a cheap and quick way to get your wood fixed properly for winter use--cheaper and a good bit quicker than you can do it yourself, even though your time is worth only twenty cents a day. L. F. Lozier:--"I wish you would say to the people that I have dried fruit and pure cider vinegar for sale at my dryer, west of Medford. Oh, my, I am having lots of business. Parties have brought fruit to me to be dried from Ashland and Gold Hill, Yes, sir, that ad in your paper paid one big money. I have dried 20,000 pounds of fruit already." N. S. Bennett, the fruit dryer man, reports that his dryer is doing a great amount of business. Says there is more fruit in the valley than he ever dreamed of and that it's coming his way in volumes most flattering. N. B. Bradbury is at work this week putting up a fruit dryer for Charlie Pheister. The dryer is 24x36 feet in size and is some new arrangement which Charlie has hit upon as an improvement over the several old methods. The Southern Pacific Railroad Company has placed a rain gauge near the depot, and each day when rain has fallen a record will be made of the amount. All stations on the line are provided with similar gauges. It is told that one party in particular in the Rogue River Valley, who shipped Bartlett pears to New York City this season, realized an even $2 per box net for an entire carload. J. N. Newes and family have moved from Talent to Medford and will reside here during the winter at least. He has rented the D. T. Lawton place, in northwest Medford. Patrick Daily, father of School Superintendent Daily, has moved into Medford and will reside here during the winter. Miss Maud Downing will commence a term of school in the Grove district, west of Medford, next Monday, Sept. 16th. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, September 13, 1901, page 6 I. A. Webb, who for seventeen years has conducted a furniture store and undertaking parlors in this city, has sold his stock of goods and good will to Messrs. F. W. Hollis, C. R. and E. M. Welch, who were formerly engaged in a like business in Salem. The work of invoicing stock has been in progress nearly all this week, and as soon as completed possession will be given. The name which will be given the new institution will be the Medford Furniture Company. Messrs. Hollis and E. M. Welch are here and during their brief stay have impressed all whom they have met with the opinion that they are fine gentlemen and will prove themselves good citizens in both a social and business sense. The Mail believes they are gentlemen who will be found worthy of the patronage which they will receive, and that they will enjoy the good trade which Mr. Webb has been fortunate in building up in days agone. The one thing regretted by the sale of this stock of goods is the possibility of our city losing Mr. Webb and his most estimable family from our roster of good citizens. We will venture the assertion that, should they decide to move elsewhere, no family would be missed more than this one. Mr. Webb has always been one of our most solid business men, and no enterprise was ever inaugurated wherein the best interests of the city were concerned that his name did not appear at the head of the contribution list, and he has always been a worker and a talker for everything that's been good for us as a town. While the head of the household has been doing so much for the town in a business way, Mrs. Webb and their daughters and son, now grown, have been keeping a constant eye on the social realm, and many there are of our townspeople who have enjoyed the pleasures of afternoons and evenings amid the beauties and congeniality of their lovely and always hospitable home. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Norris entertained a party of friends at their always hospitable and pleasant home on South C Street on Monday evening of this week. The evening's program consisted of card playing, crokinole, vocal and instrumental music. After an evening of much pleasure and a general good time refreshments, two courses, were served consisting of salads, sweet pickles, sandwiches, cheese straws and coffee and jell pudding with whipped cream and devil cake. Those present were Mrs. I. L. Hamilton and son, Mrs. McCray, Misses Edith Osenbrugge, Myrtle Hurst, Ethel England, Johnnie Little, Lulu Porter, Messrs. George Porter, G. E. Kelley, J. E. Enyart and Ellinsworth. All voted the host and hostess as entertainers of extraordinary ability and cleverness. The Medford band is an organization unequalled in the state of Oregon. Judges of music from the principal city of our state tell us that there is not a musical organization within the borders of our land of red apples that can excel our boys in any particular. Prof. Snow, the band instructor, is unquestionably a good length ahead of the best in the land--and the Medford boys are of the material from which the best musicians are made. The open air concert last week was made up of the best music ever heard on our streets--and the boys are going to give us another treat this Friday evening. See program elsewhere in these columns. J. R. Hardin has opened a barber shop at the rear of Chessmore & Myers feed store, near the Bear Creek bridge. California was, a short time ago, figured in John's mind to be about the only place on earth where man ought to live and do business, but a few weeks in the distant green (?) pasturage seems to have been ample to convince him that this is a fairly good place to plant the rooftree and swing his striped sign to the zephyrs. Miss Estella Smith, of Ashland, has been engaged by Mrs. L. J. Sears as trimmer in her millinery store, and the young lady is now at work. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 13, 1901, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Mr. and
Mrs. S. R. Reeves have located at Santa Rosa, Calif.P. Daily, father of School Superintendent Daily, has become a resident of Medford. L. A. Martin, who is now engaged in the stock business near Roseburg, is visiting in Medford. E. P. Pickens, who has charge of a farm near Montague, Calif. has been in Medford, visiting his family. J. R. Hardin has opened a barber shop in the building occupied as a feed store by Chessmore & Myers. The family of J. B. Sells, the new proprietor of the Nash Livery Stables, has removed here from Ashland. The goods which were bought from the Rosenthal estate, by San Francisco parties, are being offered for sale. Dr. Hargrave of Phoenix, the successful physician, has been visiting his brother-in-law, Eugene Orr, who has since died with Bright's disease. I. A. Webb, who has been in the furniture and undertaking business in Medford for about 17 years, last week sold his stock of goods to F. W. Hollis and C. R. and E. M. Welch, formerly of Salem. Medford's public schools reopened Monday with a larger attendance than usual. N. L. Narregan is principal, and is assisted by Gertrude Sutton, Emma Reed, Mabel Jones, May Phipps, Gertrude Wilson, Minnie Hockenyos, Jess Wait, Grace Amann, Lizzie Ferguson. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 19, 1901, page 5 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Miss Adele
Pickel has gone to Philadelphia, to attend Bryn Mawr College.C. H. Pierce and his wife and Mrs. Harrison and her sons have become residents of Ashland. Rev. E. F. Wilson has been at Red Bluff, Calif. visiting his brother. He was accompanied by his family. Ernest Tressler, formerly of Medford, holds the responsible position of bookkeeper for J. K. Gill & Co. C. C. Chitwood, who was in charge of the Mortar Drug Store during Mr. Haskins' trip east, has gone to Klamath Falls. Miss Ethel England of Stockton, Calif., who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. T. V. McCray, has returned to her home. Miss May Rouse, a sister of Rance Rouse, who has been making this section a visit, has left for her home at St. Louis, Mo. If you want superior blacksmithing call on M. Purdin, whose shop is in the rear of Medford Bank. His prices are reasonable, and he gives satisfaction. The pupils of Mrs. E. E. Gore's class in music gave a recital at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Wortman, which proved a delightful event. The lady is gaining an enviable reputation as teacher of the higher branches of her chosen profession. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 19, 1901, page 7 "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 19, 1901, page 7 Nearly every business house in Medford has been draped in mourning during the past week--a deserving tribute to our honored ruler--foully slain by an anarchist's hand and yellow journalism of the Examiner stripe. Medford Mail, September 20, 1901, page 2 Fifield & Co. have secured a lease on the I.O.O.F. brick store building occupied by the late S. Rosenthal, and will take possession October 1st. It is reported H. B. Nye will move his stock of goods and business from Medford into the building now occupied by Fifield & Co. "Gold Hill Items," Medford Mail, September 20, 1901, page 3 Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Merriman moved to Talent last week, at which place they will reside. Martin Culp, formerly a resident of Medford, now of Yreka, was visiting Medford friends this week. Willie Warner and Roy Mickey left Monday evening for Forest Grove, at which place they will attend the Pacific University. Mrs. Rachel Garner, who has been visiting with relatives and friends in Medford for the past five months, left Saturday for her home in Chicago. She is a sister of Mrs. A. Pottenger. Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Van Scoy, of Montague, Calif., were in Medford last week upon a visit to Prof. and Mrs. W. T. Van Scoy. Mr. Van Scoy, Jr., is operator for the Southern Pacific Company at Montague, and he was off on a month's vacation. G. F. Mills, who was formerly assistant station agent at this place, passed through the valley Monday en route to the Willamette Valley after his family, who will go with him in about a week to their new home at Maricopa, Arizona, at which place Mr. Mills has been station agent since leaving here. His health is very much improved. R. H. Whitehead and daughter, Miss Grace, left Wednesday for San Francisco, at which place they will meet Dr. Bohannon, the cancer specialist, and have him treat a small cancer which is growing on Miss Grace's breast. A host of friends here are hopeful that the operation will be successful and that the young lady will return entirely recovered. The cancer has not been growing long, and it is thought there is but little doubt of its successful removal. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 20, 1901, page 6 A. A. Davis & Co.'s warehouse, an annex to the flouring mill, took a tumble Monday afternoon. The entire underpinning gave way, and 7000 bushels of wheat and 3000 bushels of barley, together with the entire structure, dropped to the ground, a distance about three feet. The sides of the building were bulged out a considerable [omission] and a few of the sacks of wheat were bursted open, but the loss of grain is really nothing. The grain and building will be left as they are until the grain is used up, when in all probability the old building will be torn down and an elevator built in its place. The company has had in contemplation for some time the erection of a modern-designed elevator, and the collapsing of the warehouse will doubtless hasten its building. An elevator would do away with the custom of sacking the wheat, which is now in vogue in the valley. There are at least two parties in Jackson County who are making good wages in catching turtles and fattening them for San Francisco markets. John J. Brown, living a mile north of Central Point, has caught from Bear Creek 200 during the past few weeks and is still gathering them in at the rate of two dozen a day. They are worth $2 a dozen on board the cars at Central Point. The age of those he has caught averages about seven years. There is another party on Rogue River who is reported to now have on land 3200 turtles which he has taken from Rogue River this season. The market for turtles is not ripe until the latter part of October and from thereupon during the cooler weather. Two caught by Mr. Brown bore marks made upon them by the Rogue River party seven years ago. How is this for Oregon supremacy: "A car of Oregon Bartlett pears in prime condition sold in New York, September 1st, at an average of $2.65 per box. At the same time 'fancy, clean New York State Bartletts' were quoted at $3.50 and $4 per barrel, equivalent to about $1 per box." Oregon can go up against the world on fruit and beat 'em all out, notwithstanding the fact that in many cases our state is compelled to carry a California handicap. It's better than an even up guess that the pears above spoken of were gathered from Jackson County trees. The Medford Furniture Co., successors to I. A. Webb, has been making many changes in the appearance of their salesroom this week. The walls have been newly papered and the furniture arranged is an artistic and convenient manner. Members of the firm report that they are doing a good business and that the prospects for a successful career seems assured. They are making new friends each day and seem to have a turn about them that is sure to make these friends steadfast. A. G. Clemens and J. S. Morgan, who with their families have spent the past two months in the hay fields of Klamath County, returned to Medford last Sunday. The latter part of their stay was at Will Nicholson's ranch, where in less than two weeks these two gentlemen, with one assistant, put up 104 tons of hay. They were then treated to an oyster supper--a delicious repast prepared by Mr. Nicholson himself, which was greatly enjoyed by the whole party. Dr. I. D. Phipps has a professional card in this issue of the Mail. Dr. Phipps has opened dental parlors in the Adkins Building, over H. E. Boyden's store. He has as finely appointed offices as there are in the city, luxuriously furnished with everything modern in furniture, and with mechanical devices necessary in his profession. The doctor is a graduate from the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, Lake Forest University. A Mr. Finch, of Los Angeles, Calif., has purchased the Crowell fruit farm from C. Gommel, who purchased it from W. S. Crowell last winter. The price paid was $9500, which is the exact amount paid for it by Mr. Gommel. Mr. Finch is said to be a thorough orchardist and will move here with his family about the first of October and will take possession of the place. Mr. Gommel and his son-in-law, O. J. Knips, will return to Grants Pass, near which place they own farm property. J. G. Taylor, the harness maker, has his residence in East Medford nearly completed. It is a very pretty little house and so nicely situated as to always be a treasured spot. Contractor A. C. Nicholson's master hand with hammer and saw did the work. Mr. Taylor's new brick store building is nearly ready to move into. G. W. Priddy did the brick work on this and A. C. Nicholson the carpenter work. Mrs. Loder has her large new residence nearly completed. The structure is a credit to the part of town in which it stands and is a monument to the thrift of this honest and industrious widow lady. Miss Lulu Porter has taken a position as saleswoman in J. G. Van Dyke's store, and Miss Sadie Amann a like position in the Medford Book Store. Pipes, Pipes--All kinds of pipes. Big pipes, little pipes, half-grown pipes, dwarf pipes and giant pipes. Cheap pipes, costly pipes and pipes that are moderate in price. Get a pipe at Billy Isaacs' smoke house. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 20, 1901, page 7 It is noteworthy and entitles our locality to a shower of bouquets the fact that inside of thirty days over $80,000 of outside capital has been invested in farm, orchard and business property in and surrounding Medford. There is nothing which so plainly tells of the real worth of a community from a commercial point of view as does the investment of capital from other localities. A feature of considerable more importance than the mere investment of this money here is the fact that very little, if any, of it will be taken out of the county, but instead it will be reinvested in other properties. Every day the importance of an seemingly absolute necessity for a railroad from Medford to the Rogue River timber belt becomes more apparent. There is an impression prevalent among many of our men of means that such a line of road could be built with local capital. There is this certainty--if twenty miles of the road can be built, enough outside money can be secured to extend it to any reasonable distance either or both ways. The advantage which such a road would be to Medford is almost beyond conception. With a line running into the vast and valuable timber belt of upper Rogue River, mills of gigantic proportions would be established. Box factories, sash and door factories and kindred other institutions that work in wood could, and doubtlessly would, be established. You say all these things would be built nearer the timber. Not so, when it is proven beyond a question of doubt that the slab wood alone will pay the expense of hauling the logs to this point. Power to operate all these things? Is that the question you asked? Why, good people, the Fish Lake Ditch Company will be able to supply power for every need. Think this matter over, you who have the interests of the locality at heart, and when you have convinced yourself that a project of the nature outlined is not catalogued with the impossibles go over and have a talk with Mr. Barnum, owner of the Medford-Jacksonville railroad. Mr. Barnum cannot built the road alone, but he owns a starter that would be good to build from at each end--and he is more anxious than any man in Jackson County to see the project take shape. Medford Mail, September 27, 1901, page 2 A. M. Loder to J. R. Wilson, s corner of lot 17, blk 20, Medford . . . 200 A. J. Hamlin et ux. to W. J. King, lots 7 and 8, blk 36, Medford . . . 300 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, September 27, 1901, page 5 Miss Anna Walker returned last week from a several months' stay with a sister at Marysville, Calif. Stillman K. George, of Grants Pass, was in Medford Sunday upon a visit to his sister, Miss Carrie George. Ex-merchant H. B. Nye and his father, N. B. Nye, left Monday evening for Kalispell, Montana, for a three weeks' business stay. Billie Isaacs and Ed. Bodge were down on Rogue River the forepart of the week and caught as fine a string of fish as ever man fed upon. Charlie Chitwood went over to Marshfield this week, at which place he has accepted a good position as pharmacist in one of the leading drug stores of that city. Miss Erma Wigle left Sunday evening for Harrisburg, Oregon, where she will visit for a few weeks, after which she will go to Portland and keep house for her father, who now resides in that city. Merchant Jno. Van Dyke and jeweler Elwood left yesterday for a several days' hunt up on Elk Creek. J. H. Trusty and family, Miss Louise Purham and H. V. Childreth, of Mountain Grove, Mo., arrived in Medford Sunday morning. They have rented residence property here and will remain in our city. Charlie Childs will leave today, Friday, for his place of business in Arizona. His family will remain in Medford until another spring, when they will join him in his new home. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shearer, of Loveland, Colo., arrived in Medford last week and will remain here during the winter at least, and possibly permanently. Mr. Shearer is a brother of our good townsman, H. G. Shearer, and Dr. J. E. Shearer. Jesse L. Fisher came over from Klamath County last week to meet Mrs. Fisher and the babies, who had been visiting in Roseburg for several weeks. They left Tuesday for Klamath County. These people formerly conducted a restaurant in Medford. Ward Webber and Ray McKinney left Friday evening for Corvallis, where they will attend the agricultural college. The former will take the regular college course and the latter will give his attention to the study of pharmacy. Both are bright young men and will surely prove themselves apt and worthy students. Mrs. F. W. Hollis arrived in Medford last week from Salem. Her husband is one of the gentlemen who purchased the I. A. Webb furniture stock. They have rented the H. G. Wortman brick cottage, on West Seventh Street. Our townsfolk will extend to these people a hearty welcome, and our effort will be both in a business and social way to make their stay in our little city a pleasant one. Mrs. B. N. Butler, accompanied by the family physician, Dr. W. S. Jones, left last Thursday for San Francisco, where she will be treated for a chronic trouble, with which it has been her sad lot to be afflicted. The lady's many Medford friends will anxiously await news of her recovery. Word received Wednesday evening was in effect that Mrs. B. had taken one operation and that she had rallied from its effect in a manner gratifying, but that two more operations would be necessary. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 27, 1901, page 6 Frank C. Ladd and Gilbert Olson have purchased the Medford Racket Store stock from H. B. Nye and are now invoicing stock. Both these young men are well known in this locality, having been in Medford for several weeks at a time for the past seven or eight years. They were at one time interested in timber land up near Prospect, but have disposed of their holdings there. They are two splendid fellows, and if good fellowship and honest dealings will assure trade, these two will get their share. Mr. Nye increased the stock to quite an extent during his ownership and put in several lines not usually kept in a racket store. Mr. Nye made many friends while in business here and was enjoying a good trade, but his extensive mining interests made it impossible for him to give the store the attention it required. W. L. Orr has purchased T. H. Moore's stock of goods, consisting of boots and shoes, stationery and patent medicines, and is now in charge. Mr. Orr has rented Mr. Moore's store building, which is across the track, where once stood the Clarendon Hotel. He will add groceries to his present stock--and hopes to be able to get at least a goodly portion of Medford trade in his lines. Mr. Moore has rented store room in Klamath Falls and will put in a stock of groceries. Mr. Moore is a splendid gentleman, and the townspeople in the city beyond the mountains will never have cause to regret his coming. The Medford band boys went to Ashland last Friday night to play in the band contest--for the $100 prize--but they didn't get the prize--it was hanging beyond their reach. As a matter of fact it didn't hang at all--it never did hang--the management had neglected to suspend it. The boys were refused admittance to the tabernacle in which the contest was to have taken place, but they gave an open air concert which was listened to by several hundred people and was applauded heartily. They are feeling very sore over the outcome of the alleged contest and are decidedly bitter in their denunciation of the manner in which they were treated. The boys had practiced early and late in preparing themselves for what they supposed [to] be a contest of musical talent and efficiency, but instead of being permitted to contest for the prize they were refused admittance to the building. There are several points upon which the Mail is not fully conversant in connection with this matter, and as soon as we are informed more in detail we shall deal with it more at length. Klamath Falls Republican:--"T. H. Moore, a prominent merchant of Medford, was here last week and made arrangements to engage in the grocery business at this place. He will occupy a part of the new building of The Duffy Co. He expects to have his stock here and ready for business the forepart of next month." Apple packing will soon commence--and then the rush will be on for several weeks. The apple crop is a cracking good one this year, and the price for which the fruit is contracted is very flattering. As high as $1.25 has been paid f.o.b. cars in Medford. Get a suit of good clothes at half price. The Rosenthal stock is being closed out. The stock is a good one, and the prices are cut squarely in two in the middle. A few weeks ago these columns told of the sale of the J. H. Stewart fruit farm, near Medford, to Mr. Honeyman. It was Mr. DeHart, another member of the Honeyman Hardware Company, of Portland, to whom the sale was made. Perry Stewart and family have moved from Sebastopol, Calif. to Redding, Calif. Drifting Medford way, seemingly. They'll be back here again one of these days--and their many Medford friends will be pleased thereat. Bud Hamlin, who, with his family, left Medford a few weeks ago for the coast country, has purchased a 600-acre stock ranch, near Bandon, Coos County. The purchase includes several head of stock and all crops grown this year. John Barneburg returned Monday from the Dead Indian country, where he has been for several weeks selecting cattle for his market in this city. He brought over sixty head of two- and three-year-old steers. Major D. R. Andrus was out at his coal mine, near Asbestos, last week, having the water pumped from the shaft on his ledge for the purpose of inspection by Mr. Owens, the Southern Pacific mineral expert. New baker--and a good one--at the Vienna Bakery. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bellinger have moved to Medford from their Griffin Creek farm. They are occupying the L. T. Pierce residence, in Southwest Medford. Judge James Stewart has taken a position as night clerk at Hotel Nash. Legal and office business requiring his attention will be looked after during the afternoon of each day. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 27, 1901, page 7 A carload of Bartlett pears shipped to New York from southern Oregon brought $2.65 a box. The native product was retailing at $4 a barrel at the same time. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 29, 1901, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Mrs. Anna
Sisemore of Klamath County is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E.
Wilkinson.W. H. Holt, lately a resident of Applegate precinct, has become a resident of this city. Miss Bertha McPherson has accepted a position in Miss Weston's millinery store at Grants Pass. Miss Lulu Porter, a popular young lady, has taken a position at the store of John G. Van Dyke & Co. U. Gorden, the pioneer stockman, will soon become a resident of this city. He has rented his ranch on Rogue River to one of his sons. A. A. Davis' warehouse, which collapsed recently, will not be rebuilt until the grain in it, of which there are about 10,000 bushels, is sold or used. The number of students enrolled in the different departments of Medford Academy has almost reached the 100 mark, and the number is growing steadily. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 3, 1901, page 1 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
E. L.
Bashford of Roseburg has been making his old home a visit.H. D. Jones, miner-politician, has located at Medford with his family. Miss Cecil Stevens of Albany is the guest of her cousin, Miss Aileen Webber. F. C. Ladd and G. Olsen have purchased the stock in the Racket Store of H. B. Nye. Our cornet band is making rapid strides forward under the efficient leadership of Prof. Snow. H. B. Nye of the Racket was a passenger on the northbound train which left Medford one evening last week. C. C. Chitwood has gone to Marshfield, Coos County, where he will have charge of a drugstore for several months. R. H. Whitehead has gone to California, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Grace, to consult Dr. Bohannon. The young lady is afflicted with a cancer in the breast. A woman named Mrs. Rowley, who has been a resident of Medford for some time, is believed to be crazy. She will be examined for insanity as soon as she is well enough. Geo. W. Priddy, the expert builder and contractor, who has the White-Thomas brick building in hand, has almost completed it. It is one of the handsomest and most substantial edifices in town and was designed by I. A. Palmer, the architect. The Medford cornet band went to Ashland, to compete for the prize offered by the management of the district fair. They found no competitors, but nevertheless regaled the people of that city with choice music, which was greatly appreciated by those who heard it. Eugene Orr, who recently died in Medford, was an industrious, upright man and had the respect of the whole community. He was in good health until a few months ago, when he fell from a barn and seriously injured himself. Mr. O. came to Rogue River Valley 14 years ago, and had since been prominently engaged in the fruit business with his brother-in-law, Alfred Weeks. He was born in Ontario, Canada 41 years ago. He left a wife and a son, also a brother, R. B. Orr of Central Point, and a sister, Mrs. H. Collins of Portland. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 3, 1901, page 7 J. R. Williamson, formerly of Central Point and Medford, has become a resident of Grants Pass and is building a neat residence. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 3, 1901, page 5 S. M. Eby et ux. to A. J. Stewart, property in dlc No. 72 (39 acres) . . . 25 S. M. Eby et ux. to A. J. Stewart, 202.70 acres in dlc No. 72, twp 37s, r2w . . . 10641 C. M. Hoxie et ux. to A. J. Stewart, 8.66 acres in secs 16, 17, 20 and 21, twp 37s, r2w . . . 200 A. A. Davis to M. M. Heard, lots 4, 5 and 6, blk 76, Medford . . . 2500 Ella J. Rivers to R. P. Kendall, lots 12, 13 and 14, blk 7, Park add., Medford . . . 500 G. L. Davis to E. Gore, Jr., lots 5 and 8, blk 32, Medford . . . 265 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, October 4, 1901, page 5 Miss Sallie Maury, of Pooh Bah precinct, visited several days in Medford lately, the guest of her cousin, Mrs. J. D. Fay. L. M. Lyon was down from Eugene Sunday and Monday. He has finished his work at Eugene and is now doing carpenter work at Roseburg. Mrs. Lyon is stopping at Corvallis. Misses Mae and Lelah Williams, of Central Point, are now residents of Medford, the former doing dressmaking and the latter attending the Academy. They have rooms over the Brooks tin shop. Mr. and Mrs. F. Pike, of Maxwell, Iowa, arrived in Medford a few days since and will visit with their son-in-law, L. D. Minear, and family. Dayton Elliott and Maria Elliott, of Monroe, Oregon, are also visiting Mr. Minear and family. J. R. West, of Reno, Nevada, paid Medford friends a brief visit this week .The gentleman had expected to remain several months with us but business at his stock ranch was of such nature as to hasten his return. His sons have 600 head of fat cattle which they are now rounding up for the city markets. J. J. Webb, of Roseburg, is in Medford this week upon a visit to his son-in-law, G. W. Hicks, the upholsterer. Mr. Webb owns farm property in Douglas County which he will exchange for Medford city property if an opportunity presents itself. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Perry left Sunday morning for Albany, Oregon, where they will visit relatives for a couple of weeks. Mr. Perry is figuring on bagging a goodly number of China pheasants while in that locality--and Dr. Pickel, of this city, will join him in a few days of the sport--and try the mettle in his new fifty-dollar bird dog. Josh Patterson, of Talent, was in the city last week. Mr. Patterson is an extensive wheat raiser, and has been for years, but there's a notion in his head which is in effect that Yellow Newtown and Spitzenberg apples have a productiveness and commercial value in Southern Oregon that is flattering to the country, and somewhat envious to figure on if you're not the possessor of the trees that produce them. Josh's land would grow an excellent orchard. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 4, 1901, page 6 I have moved my stock of harness and saddlery from the Woolf building to my new store, near the Union livery stables, where I will be pleased to do business with former patrons--and new ones as well. I guarantee every article I put out to be as recommended or money refunded. J. G. Taylor. Some means ought to be adopted, either by the city or the railroad company, to do away with the necessity of incoming passengers from the southbound trains being obliged to step off the cars into the mud of the street crossing near the depot. The train stops, almost invariably, at a point where passengers alighting from the car or in getting aboard are compelled to wade in mud for about two rods. This could be obviated by putting down a plank crossing between the main line and the east side track, or the train could be pulled a car length further south before the stop is made. This mud is not only deucedly unpleasant to walk in but it tends not to the good of our town in the minds of strangers who visit us. Rogue River Valley of late has been attracting a very desirable class of immigration. No great rush is visible, but every now and then someone with the necessary "simoleons" drops in and in nearly every instance finds a piece of property or a business location to suit his taste, and a transfer of interests is the result. The amount of outside capital invested in this section of late has been upward of considerable, and the end is by no means yet. F. M. Wilson, proprietor of the Model Restaurant, commenced work this week on a new residence which he will build on his property on South C Street. The main building will be 18x26 feet in size with a 16x18-foot ell, all one story high. The buildings now on the place will be torn down and the material used in the new residence and in constructing outbuildings. It will be a neat little cottage--convenience being the prominent feature, and being handy to his business there's no good reason why Frank should not have grounds to congratulate himself because of his good fortune in possessing the property. A Southern Pacific wood train loaded several hundred cords of wood at Medford this week, the same having been sold to the company by Messrs. Max Muller and Chris. Ulrich, of Jacksonville. The workmen were nearly all "Japs," and the way they handled that wood was an object lesson in deliberate movement. Six men were assigned to each car, and, as a bystander remarked, ten Irishmen could have done as much work as the whole twenty-four Japs in the gang. The Palm-Whitman Co., cigar manufacturers, have resumed work on their factory after a few weeks' layoff. They have nearly their full force of help at work and are turning out cigars at the usual rate. One of their traveling salesmen, R. U. McClennahan, has been ill for several weeks and is still unable to go on the road, but he is improving and will probably be able to resume his work in a few weeks. His route will be covered by another salesman until he recovers. W. H. McGowan is figuring on putting up a residence this fall on his property in Southwest Medford. He owns a little over two acres of land opposite Orin Davis' home, and it is upon part of this he will build. He has not determined as yet as to style or size--but it's going to be a good one whatever may be the design. The location is a first-class one, and an opportunity is offered there to make a beautiful home--and one that'll be worth big money. J. A. Pruitt, living east of Medford, has caught the horticulture infection and is going to plant forty acres of his farm to Yellow Newtown and Spitzenberg apples. He has already ordered his trees for the planting from L. E. Hoover. His is good orchard land, and in six or seven years' time he'll be boxing apples with the rest of the boys--and from that time on an annual revenue is almost assured. J. D. Whitman, the orchardist, is having a residence built on his property, just south of the Mrs. Stevenson barn and near the Southern Pacific track. The main building will be 14x32 feet in size with an ell 14x16 feet in size, and all one story. His present residence will be occupied by his son, J. A. Whitman. A. M. Woodford has purchased the W. T. Kame stock of boots and shoes, notions and hats and has taken possession of the same. He will close out his feed store and will give his entire attention to his new business. Mr. Woodford has a great many friends in Medford who will be glad of an opportunity to give him patronage. D. Brooks:--"I am just finishing another 400 order of Clark's window washers. These I am sending to Idaho. I have several other orders which go to points further east. Good business? Well, yes. It keeps the old chap busy--and then there's money in it." The Medford livery stables have consolidated and are now run under one management. The brick stables are closed and are only used for storage rooms, all business being done at the Union barns. J. G. Taylor has moved his stock of harness and saddlery to his new brick building, on East Seventh Street, near the Union Livery Stables. He has a large and convenient room and is fast filling it with new material. The White-Thomas building in West Medford is being rapidly pushed to completion. It is expected that the rooms destined for the use of the Medford Academy will be ready for occupancy in about two weeks. C. T. Nicholson has purchased the Mrs. West property, on North B Street. The price paid was $800. Mr. Nicholson will make several needed improvements about the place and will keep it for a home. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 4, 1901, page 7 Miss Ora King left Monday for San Francisco, where she will take a course as trained nurse. Mrs. W. J. Redden left Sunday for Selma, Cal., having been called by the illness of her son, who fell from a bicycle a month ago. F. V. Medynski, an engineer on one of the large boats between St. Michaels and Dawson during the summer months, returned Friday. Miss C. Osenbrugge, of Winnipeg, Ont., who has been visiting her brother, F. Osenbrugge, several weeks, left Wednesday en route for Germany, her old home, which she has not seen for 19 years. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, October 6, 1901, page 18 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Hull, who is agent for the Singer S.M. Co., keeps a full line of
needles, extras, etc.District Attorney Reames' decision on the question whether the county is compelled to build a bridge across Bear Creek has proved so interesting that one of our local papers printed it as a serial. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 10, 1901, page 7 Notice
to Directors.
of the Rogue
River Valley
Oil Company
are hereby
requested to
meet at
the company's
office in this
city on
Friday, Oct.
18th, at 7:30
Matters of
importance to
M. Stewart,
Mail, October
1901, page 2Ordered by the court that C. E. Stewart be allowed $8 rebate on his road tax for use of wide tire wagons. "County Commissioners' Court," Medford Mail, October 11, 1901, page 2 A. J. Stewart to C. E. Stewart, 202.70 acres in dlc No. 72, twp 37s, r2w . . . 6500 C. R. Ryder to W. J. Freeman, lot 12, blk 70, Medford . . . 61 J. N. Hursh et ux. to John Peterson, 2.79 acres in secs. 2 and 3, twp 37s, r2w . . . 300 John Peterson et ux. to Anna Olsson, same property . . . 300 W. M. Richardson et ux. to H. H. Howard, lots 1 and 2, blk 39, Medford . . . 302 Geo. W. Isaacs et ux. to Ann E. Corum, 1 acre on south line of lot 6, sec. 19, twp 37s, r1w . . . 500 Geo. W. Isaacs et ux. to Ann E. Corum, 3.13 acres on south line of lot 6, sec. 19, twp 37s, r1w . . . 130 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, October 11, 1901, page 5 Mrs. I. A. Mounce and her sister, Miss Minnie Wiggin, of Elgin, Oregon, were visiting Medford friends last week. Miss Lizzie Hoover left Sunday for a business visit to several northern California towns, in which she will sell millinery. A. E. Austin and family left Merrill, Klamath County, on Wednesday of this week. They will spend the winter in Medford. Miss Fannie Haskins left Monday morning for San Francisco, where she will visit her brother, Leon, who is attending a pharmacy school there. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Baker, of Oakland, Calif., arrived in Medford Tuesday evening and will visit for a few weeks with their son, H. E. Baker, and family. Mrs. E. Kirchgessner, wife of our good doctor, and two children left Saturday for a few weeks' stay with relatives at Howard City, South Dakota. M. F. Loosley came up from San Francisco last week and left Wednesday in company with his brother-in-law, O. B. Bunch, for Ft. Klamath, where his family has been stopping since last spring. Mrs. Kate Crystal and daughter, Mrs. Lewis, and family arrived in Medford last week from Sebastopol, Calif., at which place they have been residing for several months. They will reside in Medford. Miss Hope Jenkins, of Sherburne, Minn., arrived in Medford Saturday and will visit for a month with her uncles, G. H. Howland and J. W. Lawton, and their families. The lady will visit California points before returning east. O. B. Bunch was over from Ft. Klamath this week upon a visit to relatives and friends and to purchase winter supplies. He is doing well in his east-of-the-mountains home--laying up shekels for a rainy day and old age--which is good news to his many friends hereabouts. Mrs. J. Hannum Jones, mother of Horace D. Jones, who has been spending the summer in Washington, arrived from the north Wednesday and will reside in Medford in the future. Mrs. Jones is the widow of the late J. Hannum Jones, the veteran editor of western Washington. Misses Mary and Sarah Otis, of Chicago, who have been in Medford since the first of June visiting their sister, Mrs. A. C. Hubbard, returned to their home Monday evening. The ladies are very favorably impressed with our country, and we would not be surprised should they visit us again another summer. Attorney W. H. Parker returned this week from Portland and will now reside in Medford several months at least. About November 1st he expects to open a law office in this city. He has the law reference books of which he is the author fully established, and now nothing is to be done but await sales, some of which are being received almost daily. John Gallaher, formerly of Eden precinct, this county, now of Santa Monica, Calif., is in the valley for a few weeks' business and pleasure stay. He still owns his farm in Eden precinct, which W. R. Carlton has been successfully operating for the past two or three years. Mr. Gallaher has entirely recovered his health and says he is happy in his new home. R. H. Whitehead and daughter, Miss Grace, returned Monday evening from a three weeks' stay in San Francisco, at which place Dr. Bohannon removed a cancer from Miss Grace's side. The operation was a success in every particular, the patient not having experienced any annoyance whatever from the wound, and the cancer was entirely removed. Mr. Whitehead says the doctor is having a big run of business and that many of his cases were in bad shape but, seemingly, are getting along all right. Sam'l. Moore, of Sutton, Nebraska, stopped off in Medford last Saturday and remained until Sunday night enjoying a visit with F. M. Wilson and family. Mr. Moore is an old-time friend of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and came direct from the home of their relatives in Nebraska. He is an extensive stock farmer but is not so wrapped up in his own country that he could not find time and a disposition to say many complimentary words for our beautiful valley--which he declared to be the prettiest and seemingly the most prosperous land he has seen since he left home. Rev. E. E. Darby and family arrived in Medford last week from Urbana, Missouri. Mr. Darby's son, Rev. M. L. Darby, has recently been appointed to the Medford pastorate of the M.E. Church, South. The elder Mr. Darby has been compelled to retire from the ministry because of poor health, but he is of the opinion that the mild climate of Southern Oregon will prove helpful, as has been the case with both his son and daughter, who came to Oregon a few years since upon a like mission. Mr. Darby has rented the T. H. Moore residence property in Southwest Medford, but will probably buy property later. J. D. Heard returned this week from California and Nevada. During his absence of four weeks he put in a smelter at Reno, Nevada, and one at Claraville, Calif. He expects to leave this week for Shasta County, California, where he will put in a smelter at, or near, Redding. He has organized a company, of which he is vice president, which will put in and operate the smelter. Parties owning mines hereabouts who have smelting ore can have their ore put through the smelter by shipping it to Redding. Mr. Heard is soliciting correspondence upon these lines. Milton Armstrong, brother-in-law of Mr. Heard, will have charge of the Redding smelter. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 11, 1901, page 6 Jeweler B. N. Butler received a telegram Wednesday from F. E. Birge, at whose home Mrs. Butler is stopping in San Francisco, telling him to come at once. Mr. Butler was at the time out hunting quail north of Central Point. His son, J. H. Butler, immediately set out in search of him and he was found and gotten to Central Point just in time to catch the southbound passenger train. No particulars have been received, but it is supposed Mrs. Butler was much worse. A letter received from her Tuesday stated that she was improving very much and would leave the hospital Tuesday and would probably be home Friday. A 'phone message received Wednesday afternoon from Mrs. Butler's physician was in effect that the lady was all right and would be home within a few days. Arthur Weeks has sold his 160-acre orchard, south of Medford, to C. H. Lewis, of Portland, for $16,000. Mr. Weeks has purchased 160 acres of the Mike Hanley ranch between Jacksonville and Central Point, paying $40 an acre, and will plant it to fruit trees this winter. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, October 11, 1901, page 6 There was great excitement in Ashland Wednesday evening occasioned by a report coming to town that oil had been struck in the well which is now being bored near that place. A messenger was dispatched from the well to town to inform Mr. Whitney that "something had been struck," and this was the cause of the excitement. Mr. Whitney at once left for the well and upon investigation found that the "something struck" was salty, sulphurous water, which had risen several hundred feet in the well. While this something was not oil, it is a good indicator, and there is now more promise than ever that oil will be struck. In Colusa County, California, where a great many oil wells are now being bored, salt water has been encountered in every well put down. Colusa County is pronounced by expert oil geologists to be the best oil region on the Pacific coast. The formations and surface indications in Jackson County are almost identical with those of Colusa County. The well at Ashland is down 850 feet, and the drill is working in sand rock. It is expected that the 900-foot mark will be reached this week. Z. Maxcy, who for the past six years has held the position of bookkeeper in the Jackson County Bank, has tendered his resignation and will soon move to his homestead on Butte Creek, where he will do farming. If Mr. Maxcy proves himself as good a farmer as he has an accountant there is little doubt of his success. He was as methodical in his work as is the ant in its movements, and few, if any, are the errors charged to him during his years of faithful service. His position in the bank has been taken by Lee Jacobs, ex-county treasurer. Mr. Jacobs is himself an expert accountant, a splendid penman and quite as full of commendable methods as is Mr. Maxcy. Stan Aiken came down from Prospect this week and while here enlivened the town to quite an extent by giving us a runaway. His team became frightened at a bicycle while near the Simons second-hand store and ran east on Sixth Street, then south to Seventh, where they were caught after turning the hack bottom side up. In passing Mr. Purdin's place the hack was thrown astride his picket fence, and the pickets were stripped from the posts the full length. Frank Hull, in endeavoring to stop the team, was thrown down and quite badly bruised but not seriously. Mr. Aiken was thrown from the hack and he, too, was injured but not badly. Will Jackson has taken a position as assistant bookkeeper at the Medford Bank. He is a very competent young man and well versed in the duties required. His former position in Hutchison & Lumsden's general store has been taken by L. O. Howard, who was formerly with H. H. Howard & Co.'s grocery house, and his position is being filled by J. W. Shearer, who arrived here recently from the East. J. E. Toft has his new dwelling house, near his home place, nearly completed. it is a beautiful structure--well made, artistically finished and very convenient. When completed it will be occupied by John Barneburg and family, who have moved from the farm and are residing, temporarily, in Mrs. Fielder's residence. Horace Nicholson is nothing if not novel, even unique. His latest innovation in window displays is a dozen or more chipmunks turned loose in one of his show windows. They were caught in a trap by Robinson, the Klamath County huckster. The antics of the little fellows are attracting much attention, and as an advertising feature the window surely catches the eye. T. H. Sayre, son of A. N. Sayre, who formerly resided in Medford, passed through the valley Tuesday evening en route from Oroville, Calif., to Tacoma, at which place the family now resides. The elder Mr. Sayre is engaged in mining enterprises in California. J. A. Whitman has packers at work this week putting up three carloads of Winter Nelis pears. The fruit is of unusually good size this season and will undoubtedly bring a good price. Dr. E. V. Hoover, brother of L. E. Hoover, of Medford, was elected mayor of Roseburg on Monday of this week and Elmer Bashford was elected councilman. George Priddy is putting down new cement sidewalks in front of the Barnum and McAndrew blocks, on East Seventh Street. "W. W. Cardwell writes from Nome that his mines are now in operation, the first day's sluicing yielding $475. Even better results are expected."--Roseburg Plaindealer. Mr. Walters, the shoemaker, formerly of Medford, died recently at Oakland, Oregon, of paralysis. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 11, 1901, page 7 Mrs. Dr. E. Kirchgessner and two children left Saturday for a few weeks' visit with relatives in Howard, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Baker, of Oakland, Cal., arrived here Tuesday and will visit a few weeks with their son, H. E. Baker and family. Mrs. I. A. Mounce and her sister, Miss Minnie Wiggin, of Elgin, Or., who arrived several days ago to visit their mother, returned Tuesday. Mrs. Kate Crystal and daughter, Mrs. Lewis, and family arrived several days ago from Sebastopol, Cal., where they have been living several months. Miss Hope Jenkins, of Sherburne, Minn., arrived here several days ago to visit a month with her uncles, G. W. Howland and J. W. Lawton. She will visit California before returning. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Prather, of Big Timber, Mont.; Mrs. J. Beek, Jr., of Spokane, Wash.; Mrs. C. K. Fronk, of Albany, Or., and Miss Alice Huston, of Portland, arrived here several days ago to visit their mother, Mrs. Merriman, and friends for several weeks. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, October 13, 1901, page 18 ![]() October
15, 1901 Grants Pass Rogue
River Courier
Miss Ivy Purdin of Medford is teaching school at Medford with considerable success. Miss Lizzie Hoover of Medford is at Hornbrook, Calif. with a stock of fine millinery. While S. S. Aiken of Prospect was in Medford last week his team ran away and caused quite a commotion. The wagon was almost annihilated, and Frank Hull, who tried to stop them, was considerable injured. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 17, 1901, page 7 Mrs. J. A. Jennings went to Medford last week to be with her mother, Mrs. Dyer, who is quite ill. "Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, October 17, 1901, page 3 Taken to Folsom
John Carroll, sentenced to one year at Folsom for burglarizing a Colton
barber shop, was taken north this morning by M. H. Brown. William
Murray, Carroll's partner in crime, will be taken north tomorrow by R.
E. Bledsoe. Mr. Bledsoe will proceed to Jackson County, Oregon, his old
home, where he will transact some legal business.Los Angeles Herald, October 17, 1901, page 8 Coal has been discovered on the Art Furry ranch. "Phoenix Items," Medford Mail, October 18, 1901, page 3 M. L. Pelling's apple pickers and packers, about thirty-six in number, came over last week to take charge of the fruit of the orchard purchased some weeks ago from C. E. Terrill. "Brownsboro Items," Medford Mail, October 18, 1901, page 3 A. Betz called on your correspondent last week .He reported that J. J. Howser, of Medford, had just completed a new barn for him. The building is 40x48 feet in size. A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, October 18, 1901, page 5 W. S. Barnum et ux. to Edwin Russ, lots 8 and 9, J. H. Barnum's add., Medford . . . 325 R. H. Hodge to J. W. Gilmore et ux., property in dlc No. 52, 53 and 54, twp 37s, r2w . . . 1800 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, October 18, 1901, page 5 Mrs. L. E. Hoover left Tuesday evening for a visit with Roseburg relatives. Miss May Kellogg, of Grants Pass, is in Medford upon a visit to her sister, Mrs. John Barneburg. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Phillips, of Eddyville, Iowa, arrived in Medford this week and will remain here during the winter. Mrs. J. C. Hill, of Seattle, visited Medford relatives this week, and was in attendance at the Merriman family reunion. She returned to her home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Britton, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. M. Jordan, and family, returned Sunday to her home at Talent. Mrs. C. R. Maldonado, stenographer in the law offices of Hammond & Narregan, left Sunday for a week's visit with Portland friends. Mrs. J. D. Heard was called to Etna, Calif. Sunday morning by a telegram announcing the death of Mr. Heard's sister's husband. Miss Daisy Smith and sister, Mrs. W. D. Jones, returned to Ft. Jones, Calif. Friday after a couple of weeks' visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith. A. B. Greenland and family arrived in the city Tuesday from Olympia, Wash. They come for permanent residence and will probably buy a small acreage tract of land near this city. Mrs. Eva Jewell, of Nebraska, was in Medford last week upon a visit to her brother, attorney A. S. Hammond, and family. The lady has been visiting her parents in Eugene for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. Stout and son, Charles, of Nebraska City, Nebraska, were in Medford over Sunday upon a visit to E. Worman and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. James Jones, all of whom were near neighbors in Nebraska. F. M. Wilson and E. D. Elwood left Saturday evening for Harrisburg, where they shot China pheasants for a couple of days. Mr. Wilson is in attendance at a meeting of the state grand lodge, K. of P., which is in session at Portland this week .He is a delegate from Talisman Lodge No. 31, of Medford. Little Edith and Bessie Jordan are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Britton, at Talent, this week. Rev. L. S. Harrington, of Peoria, Ill., arrived in Medford Wednesday and will preach in the Christian Church for a few Sundays. He may accept the pastorate of this church. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Taylor arrived in Medford this week from Idaho, and are now housekeeping in Mrs. Van Antwerp's residence, on North C Street. They were accompanied here by Mr. Taylor's father, J. B. Taylor, and Mrs. Taylor's mother, Mrs. F. E. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Perry returned Saturday evening from their visit with relatives and friends at Albany. Mr. Perry reports having had great sport shooting China pheasants. He says the birds are very plentiful this season and that many of them are being killed. J. A. Lantz, of Woodburn, Oregon, arrived in Medford Wednesday. His family is expected to arrive just as soon as he is able to secure a house in which to go to housekeeping. He has traveled all through California and Oregon during the past few months and has decided that Medford is THE place to anchor to. George S. Parker left Wednesday evening for Tacoma, Wash., where he has accepted a lucrative position with the Chicago Portrait Company, under John Devlin, formerly of Jacksonville, who is superintendent of the Pacific coast agency for the company. Mr. Devlin has been quite solicitous for Mr. Parker's services, and it would not surprise the Mail should George be placed in a position where he can go up the ladder two or more rungs at every bound. George will make a good man at the business and the best that's attainable is none too good. Perry Stewart and family returned to Medford Tuesday evening from California, where they have been sojourning for the past six months. They are not enthusiastic in their praise of those parts of the state where they stopped--Sebastopol and Redding. There are features of the country that are not so bad, but on a general roundup of all matters Mr. Stewart has come to the conclusion that the Rogue River Valley is a long ways ahead of 'em all. Mrs. Stewart's health has improved somewhat but she has not entirely recovered. They have concluded to make Medford their home for a time without date--and their many friends will rejoice because of their conclusion. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. DeHart and daughter, Miss Ella, arrived in Medford last week from Portland and are now preparing for a permanent residence in our city. It was Mr. DeHart who purchased the J. H. Stewart fruit orchard in Southwest Medford, paying $15,000 therefor. Mr. DeHart is of the hardware firm of Honeyman, DeHart & Co., Portland. He has decided to try rural life in the suburbs of Medford and is seeking a rest from business turmoil and perplexities and an enjoyment of the quiet and independence of a Southern Oregon orchard home. He has moved his household effects and is now in full possession of his property. These are fine people, and the coming of more like them to our locality will be of profit to the valley and pleasure to our people. Mr. DeHart has one of the finest home places in all Southern Oregon, and his orchard is ranked among the first in its production of Oregon red and yellow apples. Col. Frank H. Ray, of New York City, who is in Gold Hill upon a visit to his brother, Dr. C. R. Ray, was in Medford Tuesday upon business. Mr. Ray is several times a millionaire and is vice president of the Continental Tobacco trust. He has quite extensive interests here in company with his brother, many of which promise big returns to their promoters and of general good to Southern Oregon. J. C. Lewis, of Bluffs, Ill., is in Southern Oregon upon a visit to his brother-in-law, Dr. C. R. Ray, and family. Mr. Lewis is very favorably impressed with our country and, if he can dispose of his Illinois property to an advantage, he will move here and invest in Southern Oregon's unequalled fruit land, and grow red and yellow apples from the pattern upon which Southern Oregon has a copyright. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 18, 1901, page 6 ![]() Oregon fruits may be labeled as coming from California and sold in the East as such, and other of our products credited to that state, so that up to a few years ago it was the opinion of a great many eastern people there was no place on the coast fit to live in except California, but every time old Oregon gets a chance in an international exposition she carries away the honors. Commissioner Dosch, at the Buffalo exposition, recently wired the Oregonian: "The chairman of the jury on awards just informed me that Oregon received highest award for collective farm exhibits, being the finest, most comprehensive and correctly labeled display of grains and grasses and forage plants in the agricultural building, consisting of 742 bundles and 399 varieties." This is Oregon's third first prize at the exposition, one for fruits, one for wool and one for collective farm exhibits. Chas. Pheister's prune dryer came near burning down one night last week. sparks from the furnace fell on the roof and ignited it but was very fortunately discovered and the flames were squelched before damage was done. There is almost too much money at stake this fall to allow the burning of a dryer, and too much caution cannot be used. Jake Huger, superintendent of the Capt. Voorhies orchards, packed and shipped last week four carloads of Winter Nelis pears, and has this week commenced gathering and packing apples. The pears were shipped to eastern markets. G. W. Isaacs has purchased enough Yellow Newtown and Spitzenberg apple trees from L. E. Hoover to plant twenty acres of land, and during the coming winter he will plant them out. His farm is two miles north and east of Medford. A. H. Chessmore has purchased the feed store goods which A. M. Woodford had on hand when he went into the shoe business. Mr. Chessmore carries a very large stock in this line and is doing a good business. Ed. Tryer has taken a position as salesman to the Arnold & Barneburg City Meat Market. Ed. is a first-class carver and a fine gentleman. He takes the place of Henry Orth, who has returned to Jacksonville. Clint Stewart has purchased from his father the 200-acre tract of land, west of Medford, which the latter gentleman purchased a few months ago from Mr. Eby. The land will all be set to apple and pear trees this winter. A. J. Stewart is having a dwelling house erected on his recently acquired land west of Medford. The building is 26x28 feet in size and one story high. Contractor A. C. Nicholson is doing the carpenter work. The store building opposite the post office, formerly occupied by A. M. Woodford, is being repaired and will soon be occupied by Miss Lizzie Hoover, the milliner. I. A. Webb and son, Carl, are making ready for a trip overland into California. They will go down where Ben and George Webb are and may spend the winter there. L. A. Murphy and family are moving from their Griffin Creek ranch to Medford. J. W. Cox, of Ashland, has opened a restaurant in the building formerly occupied by Ray & Long's paint store. W. M. Scott, of Sams Valley, has become a resident of Medford. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, October 18, 1901, page 6 For
18, 1901, page
One heavy
team and
harness, wagon
and hack, also
stands of
bees. W. M.
A letter received this week from John Beek, Jr., gives the information that he has located at Valley, Washington, at which place he is manager of a general mercantile store, owned by the United States Marble Company, which has its marble headquarters at Spokane, and which is building up a large merchandise business at Valley. It is this company which owns the extensive and valuable marble and onyx quarries at Valley. Mr. Beek says: "I met a number of people in Spokane who were old acquaintances in Medford years ago. Lake France, who is with a company of grain buyers and is doing well; Kit Bateman, who has a wheat farm and says he is on 'Easy Street'; also John Redfield, who is selling his patent rock drill. I met A. A. Davis on his way home from Davenport, just as jolly as he used to be, and I must not forget to mention G. W. Howard, the San Francisco flour merchant, who used to live in Medford, and whom I met on his return from a business trip to the Big Bend country. Sorry I can't be at the Merriman family reunion." Everything points toward the success of the oil drilling operations now being conducted near Ashland, and it appears to be but a matter of very short time when oil will be struck there. The well has now been sunk to a depth of nearly 900 feet, and the drill is now going through a stratum of sandstone highly impregnated with bitumen. The suction pump brings to the surface a sulphurous, salty fluid, on top of which collects a thick scum of this bituminous matter, which so throughly impregnates the formation now being penetrated. Experts are sanguine of the presence of oil, and likely lands are being eagerly sought. The surface indications in the vicinity of Medford are as good, if not better, than those near Ashland. Experts have pronounced them far superior. The prospective success of the Ashland venture has stimulated interest in this city, and if oil is struck at the Granite City it is likely that boring will be immediately commenced near here. With a number of oil wells in the valley, while it would not be exactly a "land flowing with milk and honey," but it would be filled with oil and fruit, amounting to pretty much the same thing. A few weeks ago these columns told that H. B. Nye had sold his racket store to Messrs. Frank Ladd and Gilbert Olson. The sale was made all right and an account of stock had been made, but the stock was greater than Mr. Olson had figured it would be and was more than he could handle, financially, and he declared the deal off. It disconcerted Mr. Nye's plans somewhat, but since returning from Montana he has placed orders for more goods and will conduct the business himself. Mort Foster, who for several months has held a position as salesman in H. E. Boyden's hardware store, has decided to return to Spokane, Wash., and accept a like position with a firm there--at a good salary and a promise of an increase after a few months' service. Mort is a good salesman, understands the hardware business thoroughly and is a very pleasant gentleman with whom to do business. The Medford Comedy Company, a newly organized aggregation of local mirth provokers, will make its debut at the opera house on Saturday evening, Oct. 19th. Jerry Foose will give a number of song and dance specialties, which he is an adept at. There will be several farces giving opportunity for Rolls Mitchell, in his character and female impersonations, George Merriman, in his Ethiopian specialties, and Tom Scott in Milesian character to display their proficiency. Station agent W. V. Lippincott received a telegram Monday evening conveying the sad intelligence of the death of his mother at Pasadena, Calif. Mr. Lippincott left Tuesday morning. The funeral took place Thursday. Mrs. Lippincott and her son, Walter, had been in attendance at the bedside of [the] deceased for several months. It was six years ago this coming winter that J. A. Whitman planted 500 fruit trees on foothill land east of Medford--and it's right now, this fall--less than six years from date of planting--that he will gather $1500 worth of apples from those same trees. There is not another country in the known world that can beat this record. D. T. Lawton left Wednesday morning for Klamath County with two Mitchell wagons and one of the new four-spring mountain hacks, made by the Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Company. Mr. Lawton has orders from east of the mountains for four more wagons, but was unable to take them this trip. Henry Pohlman, who owns thirty acres of the Orchard Home tract, reports that he will have 50,000 pounds of dried prunes this season. He will also have about 800 boxes of apples. Mr. Pohlman is a very thoroughgoing orchardist and is right now reaping the reward for his years of faithful toil. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 18, 1901, page 7 Rare
We wish
to inform the
readers of the
we have on
hand about
forty sets of
harness and
fifty saddles,
which we
will sell at
figures during
the next sixty
days, in
order to
enable us to
make up this
winter our
stock for next
A nice assortment of winter robes, horse blankets and all other goods in the harness and saddlery line must also be closed out. Remember, everything is guaranteed to be as represented. This matter will bear investigation. Opposite Union Livery Stables, Seventh Street. L.
18, 1901, page
7Mrs. Eva Jewell, of Nebraska, visited her brother, attorney A. S. Hammond, here several days this week. W. V. Lippincott, Southern Pacific agent, left Monday evening for Pasadena, Cal., having been called by the death of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. DeHart and daughter, Miss Ella, of Portland, arrived several days ago and will make Medford their home. The birthday anniversary of Mrs. A. Merriman was celebrated Friday, October 11, by a family reunion of their children and their families at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. L. Bennett. The day was spent in talking over old times and having a general good time. At the hour of 12 an elaborate feast was served. Those present were: Mrs. A. Merriman, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Prather, of Big Timber, Mont.; Mrs. John Beek, of Spokane, Wash.; Mrs. J. C. Hill, of Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. C. K. Fronk and son, of Albany, Or.; Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Merriman, of Medford; Mrs. A. L. Harvey, of Gold Hill, Or.; Mrs. Charles Hoagland, of Bonanza, Or.; Mrs. R. V. Beall, of Central Point, Or.; and Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Bennett, Medford. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, October 20, 1901, page 22 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Geo. Kurtz
has sold his cigar factory, and will soon become a resident of Portland.Geo. H. Baker of Alameda County, Calif., who was a resident of Medford several years ago, is paying his son Henry a visit. Ed Tryer is now in charge of the block at Barneburg & Arnold's butcher shop. He is an excellent mechanic and never fails to please. Geo. S. Parker has gone north to enter the employ of the Chicago Portrait Co., for which John H. Devlin is superintendent on the northwest Pacific coast. Rev. W. Bitter, who recently took charge of the parish which comprises Medford, Jacksonville and Ashland, will hold services in our Catholic church Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. The big stock of goods which was purchased from the Rosenthal estate by San Francisco parties is being simply slaughtered. Such low prices for articles of good quality were never heard of before in southern Oregon. Mr. Brieger, the manager, who is an efficient and clever business man, is sparing no pains to make the sale a success, and has several excellent assistants. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 24, 1901, page 5 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
L. B.
Warner has been in Portland, and sold a lot of turkeys while there.Mrs. J. C. Hill of Seattle (nee Merriman) visited relatives in Medford last week. Miss Eva Jewell of Nebraska has left for her home, after a short visit with her brother, A. S. Hammond. W. H. Holt, late of Applegate, has become a resident of Medford. His health is not the best, we are sorry to learn. W. V. Lippincott was called to Pasadena, Calif. last week by the death of his venerable mother. She was an estimable woman, and highly respected by all who knew her. The event of the social season was the ball given at the opera house Friday night under the auspices of the members of Jane McCully Cabin, N. D. of O. It was an entire success. The attendance was good, and all enjoyed themselves thoroughly. Superior music was furnished by Signor Boffa's orchestra. The supper set by the ladies is pronounced par excellence and the best ever set in Medford on a like occasion. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 24, 1901, page 7 "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 24, 1901, page 7 Miss May Kellogg visited in Medford last week with her sister, Mrs. John Barneburg. Thos. and Sam Dyer, of Riddle, were passengers on Friday's train for Medford where their mother is seriously ill. "Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, October 24, 1901, page 3 C. W. Milton et ux. to R. P. Kendall, lot 6, blk 74, Medford . . . 500 L. B. Warner et ux. to G. F. Wilson, lots 15 and 16, blk 3, Park add., Medford . . . 354 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, October 25, 1901, page 5 Attorney Hartson returned Tuesday evening from Lakeview. He has decided not to locate in that town and will probably continue his practice in Medford. J. W. Baker, one of the proprietors of the Grants Pass steam laundry, was in Medford Wednesday upon business. The gentleman arranged while here with Bates Bros. to act as agents for their laundry. The work turned out by this concern is said to be superior to that put out by any other laundry in Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Butler returned Tuesday from San Francisco. Mrs. Butler has almost entirely recovered from recent surgical operations made necessary by an illness with which she had been troubled for a number of years. The operations have apparently removed the cause of her illness, and now all that is necessary to restore complete health is time and rest. Attorney W. H. Parker and family will leave tomorrow for Oakland, Calif., where the family will remain during the winter, physicians having advised the change for the benefit of Mrs. Parker's health. Mr. Parker will return to Oregon and spend the winter at various places throughout the state in the interest of the law book of which he is the author. Mrs. A. Van Antwerp left Medford Monday evening for Portland, at which place she will keep house for her son, Earl. Earl has but recently severed his connection with the Oregonian, which was that of traveling subscription solicitor, a position which he had held for several years. His new position is that of solicitor and collector for the Collier publishing house. His field will be Washington and Oregon, with headquarters at Portland. Earl is a hustler, and the firm which employs him is indeed fortunate. His present salary is very much advanced over that paid by the Oregonian. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 25, 1901, page 6 E. W. Carver has taken a position as wine clerk at the Hotel Nash bar. W. F. Taggart has taken a similar position with the Medford Distilling and Refining Company, and Chas. Hay is performing like duties in W. J. King's Turf Exchange. Thos. McAndrew is this week engaged in cutting a fourth crop of alfalfa. What do you think of that for Southern Oregon? Everything grows big and plentiful in this land of sunshine and bountiful resources. G. W. Mackey and J. W. Hunter, the photographers, have consolidated their business and are now occupying the Elite studio in [the] Hamlin block. Fred Slagle and Ed. Fordyce, both old-time Medford boys, will start a gents' furnishing store at Coquille City, Oregon. Miss Gertie Johnston has taken a position as saleswoman in F. L. Cranfill's general store. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, October 25, 1901, page 6 The outlook for a successful ending to the oil-boring operations at Ashland grows brighter every day. A perceptible flow of gas has been struck, which is regarded as almost certain evidence of the presence of petroleum below. The well is now cased to a depth of 900 feet with 11¾-inch casing, and the bore and casing have been reduced to 7½ inches, at which size the rest of the hole will be bored. The drill is still passing through a stratum of blue shale, and the evidences of gas grow stronger as the work proceeds. The importance to the county of striking oil cannot be overestimated. It will add another rich source of income to our already favored valley and make it, indeed, far ahead of any locality in the state. Geo. Kurtz has closed his cigar factory and store in Medford and will leave with his family this week for Portland, where he has secured a position in a cigar factory at a salary of $100 per month. Mr. Kurtz is an industrious, honest, hard-working gentleman, but since coming to Medford he has been handicapped by a great amount of sickness in his family, and it is largely in hopes that his family's health will be improved that the change in location is being made. Their many Medford friends, and there are many of them, will wish them success and good health in their new home. O. S. Snyder was unfortunate in having his finger cut off last week in a very peculiar manner. Himself and Frank Loder, another employee at the electric light plant, were engaged in handling wood for the engines when a large stick of four-foot wood thrown by Loder struck a similar stick in the hands of Snyder, and when the sticks came together the second finger on Snyder's right hand was most unfortunately between them and the finger was severed at the first joint. The wound was at once dressed by a physician and is healing as rapidly as could be expected. D. W. Myers, brother-in-law of A. H. Chessmore, has purchased 160 acres of land from Eli Hogan. The land is located twelve miles east of Medford, and the price paid was $1050. Mr. Myers has moved to the place with his family. Mr. Hogan and family are now residents of this city, and Mr. H. will take up a course of study in the Medford Academy preparatory to the taking of a regular course of study next year at some medical college. I. M. Muller, who left Medford some time ago for Oakland, Calif., is still in that city and is doing well--so well in fact that the company which employs him has promoted him to a better position and has raised his salary. Watt. Parker, formerly of Medford, is also in Oakland working at carpentering and is getting $2.50 a day with the promise of a raise--which is doing all-fired well for a boy. Watt. is a natural-born genius and is bound to do well anyplace. The shortage of cars is working a hardship on many of our fruit growers and stock men. It has been almost impossible to get refrigerator cars for fruit shipments, and in the absence of these some growers here have been compelled to ship in ordinary freight cars. It is really too bad that this condition exists, but when every grower is gathering from four to ten carloads more fruit than he figured--nothing short of a car famine may be expected. Monday was a busy day with the Southern Pacific band of workers at the depot in Medford. The amount of merchandise and groceries received was 110,000 pounds. All this had to be taken from the cars, each individual box or bundle weighed, checked on waybills and delivered to the draymen. Aside from this incoming freight there were shipped out two carloads of pears, one of dried prunes and one of feed. E. S. Wolfer:--"Yes, sir, I am doing a plumbing business and doing lots of it. Here is an outfit I am putting into the new residence which Mrs. Wortman is building. I am fitting out her bathroom entire with porcelain enameled bath tub and nickel-plated trimmings. This is probably the best outfit ever put in in Medford." J. A. Whitman will ship eighty carloads of fruit this season. Aside from the fruit from his own orchards, he has purchased other crops in the valley, and in every instance where picking has been in progress much more fruit is being gathered than was expected. The crop of apples in the Olwell Bros. orchard this season will reach forty carloads. As the prevailing price is from $1 to $1.25 per box and 600 boxes comprise a carload, it does not require much of a mathematician to figure out that there'll be close onto $30,000 due the boys when a final reckoning is made. "Dr. J. G. Goble, of Medford, was in Roseburg Oct. 9th, and received a check of $1000 from the K.O.T.M., through the record keeper of Roseburg Hive, No. 11, as the insurance carried by his wife, recently deceased."--Grants Pass Mining Journal. H. L. Appel, of San Francisco, has purchased an half interest in J. R. Hardin's barber shop and is now doing business therein. He is said to be a fine workman. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 25, 1901, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Capt. Nash
is at his mines in Grave Creek district.Frank Wilson, the clever proprietor of the Model Restaurant, is building a neat residence on C Street. Attorney Hartson, who went to Lakeview to seek a location, came back better satisfied with Medford than ever. F. Osenbrugge, the clever dealer in wagons, implements, etc., is on upper Rogue River, hunting. He is accompanied by his son. Mrs. A. S. Bliton and her two daughters, who have been visiting their old home in North Dakota, returned a few days ago. B. N. Butler, the genial jeweler, has returned from San Francisco, accompanied by his wife, who is considerably improved in health. Rev. A. Haberly will represent the Southern Oregon Presbytery at the general assembly of the Presbyterian Church, which will be held at New York next spring. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Lippincott returned from Pasadena, Calif. Friday. Both the former's father and mother have died during the present year, we are sorry to announce. Our citizens tendered the students of the Medford Academy a reception at their handsome new quarters on West Seventh Street Friday. An excellent programme had been prepared, and was thoroughly enjoyed by the many in attendance. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 31, 1901, page 2 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
I. A.
Palmer, the expert
architect, has returned from Grants Pass, where he drew plans for and
superintended the construction of several fine buildings.W. F. Taggart, who has been an honest granger for some time, is again at the Medford D.&R. Co.'s retail establishment. He never fails to please. The gross receipts of the Medford post office during the last fiscal year are a flattering testimonial to our growth and prosperity. They were $4,399, against $3,097 the year before. Dan Reynolds and his son George, who are conducting the feed stables in the eastern part of town, are doing a big business. Their prices are reasonable, and they spare no pains to give satisfaction. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 31, 1901, page 5 Medford Apples.
A. Whitman will ship eighty carloads of fruit this season. Aside from
the fruits from his own orchards he has purchased other crops in the
valley and in every instance where picking has been in progress much
more fruit has been gathered than was expected.
The crop of apples in the Olwell Bros. orchard this season will reach forty carloads. As the prevailing price is from $1 to $1.25 per box and 600 boxes comprise a carload, it does onto require much of a mathematician to figure out that there'll be close onto $30,000 due the boys when the final reckoning is made.--Mail. Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, October 31, 1901, page 3 Ed. Hughes has given up the Sargent ranch, and moved to a place near Medford. "Phoenix Items," Medford Mail, November 1, 1901, page 3 The fruit industry is causing the landowners to realize the value of their land, and there is a prospect of several hundred acres of land in this section of the county being set to fruit trees. The general impression is that within a few years Jackson County will produce as much fruit and of as good quality as any section of like size on the Pacific Slope. A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, November 1, 1901, page 5 Mrs. D. T. Lawton returned Wednesday evening from a two months' visit to her old home in New York. Chas. Pierce was down from Ashland a couple of days this week. He reports that his cannery has done a flourishing business this season. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bontrager, of Central Point, were in Medford last Saturday. These people left this week for Williams, Calif., where Mr. B. will be employed during the winter and at which place Mrs. B.'s brother, C. C. Ragsdale, resides. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rice, of Wisconsin, are among the latest arrivals in Medford. They are now camping near town and will become permanent residents if a house in which to live can be secured. Mr. Rice is an experienced laundryman and may engage in that business here. Arthur Mahoney, formerly a resident of Medford, and later a sleeping car conductor on the Southern Pacific, passed through Medford Tuesday evening en route to his home at Oakland, this state, his health having made it necessary for him to give up his position. He will spend the coming winter in the mountains of Douglas County. J. I. Chapman, of the Meadows, was in the city yesterday upon business. Mr. Chapman came to this valley a few months ago from Arizona, and he is so well pleased with its prospects that he is using great efforts in encouraging the immigration of his friends from eastern states. He is a broom maker, and if he can secure suitable land near Medford for growing broom corn he will establish a factory in our city. I. A. Webb and son, Carl, started, with team and hack, Thursday morning for California. They have a fine outfit, fitted especially for the occasion, and they will camp out during the entire trip. They will go direct to Covina, Calif., where Ben and George Webb are living, and after a visit there they may scatter to other parts of the state, or possibly return to Medford. Mrs. Webb, Pearl and Edith will remain in Medford. A. S. York, a cousin of Recorder W. T. York, was in Medford over Saturday and Sunday enjoying a visit and renewing old-time acquaintance. He is subscription solicitor for the Portland Telegram--and does a good business in every town he visits. Mr. York is an old newspaper man, having served in several capacities, from "case hand" to editor-in-chief, on the San Jose Mercury. He is a very clever gentleman to meet, and his visits to our city cannot be too lavishly made to cause aught else than a warm welcome. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, November 1, 1901, page 6 M. S. Damon:--"I wish you would say for me that on Wednesday of next week the members of Chester A. Arthur Post, G.A.R., will erect monuments over the graves of departed soldiers buried in the Odd Fellows cemetery, Medford. These monuments have been sent to the post by the government for the purpose of marking the last resting places of the old boys in blue. There are seven of them to be put up in the cemetery at this place. I wish you would say further that we expect all members of the post to be present and assist in this work, and we would like to have the relatives of our dead comrades present if they can make it convenient to be there." C. M. Allen, the gentleman who purchased the J. H. Wilson farm, near Medford, has contracted for apple trees to plant ten acres of his land. He will plant all Spitzenbergs. Delbert Terrill has also purchased apple trees for ten acres of his Brownsboro farm. Mrs. Fielder is moving from Central Point to Medford. She will occupy her residence on North B Street. W. Polston and family have moved from Talent to Medford. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 1, 1901, page 6 The city council has caused the street lights on Seventh and C streets to be taken down, and electrician Gurnea has newly painted and enameled them and they are now being put up again in various parts of the city. There were forty in number formerly in use, but only twenty will be re-established, but they will be so located about the city as to be of greater service to the people than formerly were the whole forty. It is the intention to establish the new lights at street corners in some of the more remote resident portions of the city, as well as placing a sufficient number for all practical needs on the principal streets. This is a good move, and the council is entitled to credit for the proposed improvement. A temporary suspension of drilling operations for oil at Ashland occurred last week, owing to the loss of the drill in the well at a depth of 1040 feet. Tools for raising the drill were sent from San Francisco, and "fishing" for the lost drill has been industriously going on since. The tool was caught once and raised a distance of 400 feet and then fell back. This sort of an accident is one of the most aggravating points in drilling for oil on this coast, as a greater depth than elsewhere must usually be bored before oil is struck. However, the managers of the work expect to catch the drill at any time, when operations will immediately be resumed. The prospects of success in this well have stimulated interest among other companies about Ashland, and arrangements are being made for sinking other holes in the near future. The Hardin & Appel barber shop has changed its location from East Seventh Street to South C Street, opposite the Mail office. The proprietors are out with posters telling of the removal and inviting trade. They guarantee first-class work and are selling shaves for ten cents each and haircuts at twenty-five cents. Give the gentlemen a call and be convinced that they are as good barbers as the best, and better than many. It costs no more to patronize a first-class laundry than it does one of the fourth-class order. The Grants Pass Laundry is strictly first-class and up-to-date in all its work. Bates Bros. at Hotel Nash barber shop are our Medford agents. L. E. Hoover and son, Claud, left Wednesday for northern California points, where they will make delivery of fruit trees which they sold during the summer. Parties in this vicinity wishing to order fruit trees from the firm Mr. Hoover represents can do so by calling at the millinery store of Miss Lizzie Hoover, in Medford. Mr. Hoover's delivery of fruit trees in Jackson County will be made about the 20th of this month. L. B. Brown, who lives in East Medford, has sold his apple crop to Olwell Bros., and he is now packing the fruit. He estimates that he will market fully $1000 worth of fruit from his orchard this year. Considering that there are only eight acres of land planted to orchard, the revenue is indeed a good one. His Yellow Newtowns are being packed especially for the London market. Mr. Harper, a recent arrival from Nebraska, has taken a position in Ed. Pottenger's Central Meat Market. Mr. Harper has had several years' experience in the business and will undoubtedly hitch up well with the genial, hustling Ed. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 1, 1901, page 7 A. S. York, of Portland, visited his cousin, W. T. York, here, several days this week. George Kurtz and family left Tuesday for Portland, where they will reside permanently. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rice, of Wisconsin, arrived several days ago, and will remain here permanently. Mrs. J. O. Johnson left Wednesday for Pacific Grove, Cal., after visiting her mother here several weeks. W. V. Lippincott returned Saturday evening from Pasadena, Cal., where he was called by the death of his mother. Mrs. A. S. Bliton and daughters Loraine and Mildred returned Wednesday from a visit with relatives in North Dakota. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, November 3, 1901, page 19 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Prof. W.
A. Snow, who has been leading the Medford
cornet band, has returned to San Francisco to resume his business at
the race tracks.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 7, 1901, page 4 A very conservative estimate of the output of apples from this immediate part of the Rogue River Valley for this season is 150 carloads. There are 600 boxes to the car, or in all 90,000 boxes. The average market price on board cars here is $1 per box. Why will not Southern people show good sense in accepting things as they are? A Richmond theatre audience hissed at the picture of President Roosevelt when it was thrown on canvas, and shouted: "Dined with a nigger!" This is a free country, and the President or any other man has the right to dine with a negro, or an Indian for that matter. The color of the skin does not make the man. It would be better for the South if it would accept the immortal declaration that "all men are created free and equal" in good faith--Eugene Guard. Medford Mail, November 8, 1901, page 2 A. C. Nicholson and assistants, of Medford, are engaged this week in building an addition to C. C. Beekman's residence. "Jacksonville News," Medford Mail, November 8, 1901, page 3 A. J. Smith, of Medford, has opened a bowling alley in the Bailey building on E Street. "Gold Hill Items," Medford Mail, November 8, 1901, page 3 Louis Warner is over east of the mountains delivering fruit trees. J. W. Wiley returned to Medford Tuesday evening from Red Bluff, Calif., where he has been buying stock for several months. He will remain in Medford for some time and will follow his old vocation--that of buying stock. Miss Beulah Warner, who is teaching school in the Neil [Creek] district, spent Saturday and Sunday with home folk in Medford. She was accompanied by two of her little pupils, Misses Mabel and Maud Kincaid. D. W. Crosby was down from Riddle Thursday for a brief visit with his many Medford friends. He has sold out his saloon business in Riddle and is now enjoying a few days' rest--while he waits for another business opening. Byron B. Stevens stopped off in Medford a few days this week for a visit with relatives. Mr. Stevens is a nephew of Mrs. L. S. Webber, of this city, and was en route from Albany, Oregon, where he visited other relatives, to his home at Chillicothe, Mo. Louis Bolle was summoned by telegram to San Francisco Wednesday morning, to be at the bedside of Mrs. Bolle, who is in Lane's hospital for treatment. The many friends of these good people are anxiously waiting for encouraging news from the hospital. W. R. King, the fifteen-year-old son of W. J. King, arrived in Medford last week from Gatesville, Texas, where he has been living with his grandmother, who died recently. The young man will remain in Medford and is now a student in the Medford Academy. John Yarbrough, of Talent, was in the city Wednesday accompanied by his father-in-law, J. C. Carpenter. Mr. Carpenter is a quite recent arrival in this country from Idaho, where he has lived for twenty years. He is desirous of purchasing a small farm and settling down in our valley. He is accompanied here by his wife and two grown sons. This is the fifty-sixth time he has moved, but he positively declares that he will anchor for good right here in the Rogue River Valley. Z. Maxcy left Tuesday, in company with Isaac Woolf, for his homestead, on Butte Creek, where he will remain during the winter. He took with him a full outfit of housekeeper's necessities, together with ax, pick and shovel. The Mail is no prophet, nor a son of a prophet, but we will hazard a week's salary that our good friend Zachariah will camp a year from this winter on a trail that's frequented by other living creatures than cougars, bears, squirrels and Piutes. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, November 8, 1901, page 6 F. W. Roach, who was formerly a printer in the Mail office, later a part owner in the Roseburg Plaindealer, has sold his interest to his partner, Mr. W. C. Conner, and has returned to his old home at Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. Conner has associated with him in the publication of the Plaindealer Miss Laura Jones, a newspaper woman of considerable note in Oregon, and the two are now getting out the Plaindealer in better shape than ever before. M. L. Pellett, the Talent orchardist, has had installed two of Wolfer's acetylene gas plants for use by his employees. One plant supplies eleven lights for his apple packers and another two lights for his sorters. These are used after four-thirty in the afternoon and also in the morning, thus enabling his help to put in full ten hours a day. It's quite a piece of enterprise on Mr. Pellett's part and is fully appreciated by his employees. J. W. Cox has purchased an half interest in the Central Meat Market from the former sole proprietor, T. E. Pottenger. The firm name and style is Pottenger & Cox. Mr. Pottenger will look after the market while Mr. Cox will buy stock and look after details on the outside. Halloween passed off in an unusually quiet manner this year, very few depredations having been committed. Last year's experience seemed to have had a salutary effect upon the mischief makers. Several gates and other small portable articles turned up missing Friday morning, but that was about all. Ed Russ is getting his mill fitted up in good shape. He is now grinding barley and very soon he will have the necessary machinery in place for doing other kinds of grinding. If any person doubts that Mr. Russ is a genius they have but to visit his mill and be convinced that they were greatly at fault. Capt. Gordon Voorhies is preparing to plant to trees the 240 acres of land which he recently purchased from Bud Hamlin. This land adjoins Mr. Voorhies' old orchard, and when all is planted he will have 380 acres in trees--the largest orchard tract in Southern Oregon. The drill of the Southern Oregon Oil Company, at Ashland, which was lost in the well some days ago, has been recovered, and operations have been resumed with renewed vigor. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 8, 1901, page 6 A fruit buyer for the London markets, who was in Medford last week, made an assertion which might seem ambiguous to many of us who are not familiar with conditions of fruit elsewhere. The assertion was in substance that the great Rogue River Valley, in Southern Oregon, United States of America, produced a Newtown Pippin apple that could not be equalled any place in the world. Gee, but the world is a big place, but when an assertion like this comes from one who does nothing else year in and year out but buy fruit for one of the best markets in the world, one can do nothing less than put it down as a cold fact, especially when there can be no motive. Hurrah for Southern Oregon's yellow apples! She's a prize winner with the whole world as a competitor. There are thousands of acres of land in Southern Oregon which will produce these apples and upon which there is not now a fruit tree growing. That horticulture is a profitable pursuit in Southern Oregon is not questioned by people who have lived here for the past five years and have noted the immense amount of money made by the growers. We cite the readers of this item who may be of doubtful mind to any of our leading growers, of whom we might mention Hon. J. H. Stewart, J. A. Whitman, Weeks & Orr, Olwell Bros., W. H. Stewart, Capt. Gordon Voorhies, M. L. Pellett, Dillon R. Hill, S. L. Bennett, W. H. Norcross, John Gore and K. Kleinhammer. These are the most extensive growers, but there are others of lesser pretensions who have also made money by raising apples. The Medford Academy is now established in its new quarters in the White-Thomas building and may be regarded as one of the permanent institutions of the city. The growth of the school has exceeded the most sanguine expectations, and the proportion of increase bids fair to be greater rather than smaller. Every week witnesses new additions to those enrolled, until now, with the end of the first term near at hand, the students number nearly sixty--counting pupils in music, almost 100. The new quarters of the school are commodious, well lighted and convenient, and everything necessary for the successful carrying out of the school is at hand. Prof. Van Scoy is well pleased with the prospects of the undertaking, and with his able assistants in doing first-class work. The people of Medford have been generous in their support of the school and should see that the interest is kept up. "A work well begun is half done," but there should be not letup in their efforts to advance the interests of the Academy. The school will be an honor and a drawing card for our city, and we can't afford to do without it now. In the building up of good schools we are laying the foundation for a legacy which posterity will appreciate more than gold or jewels. Chas. Pierce, one of the proprietors of the Ashland cannery, reports a fairly good season's work, but it was not nearly what it could have been had the surrounding country been able to supply enough fruit and vegetables to keep the cannery in operation at its fullest capacity. In all there were six carloads of canned product put up, of which five carloads have already been sold and shipped, leaving only one carload to supply the demand until another crop comes on. The cannery put up 1500 cans of corn, 28,000 cans and 800 gallons of tomatoes. In all they have put up 59,000 cans, including a small run of peaches and pears. The cannery is now putting up pumpkins. The inability to secure sufficient raw material at Ashland to keep the cannery running at its full capacity has demonstrated to the management the impracticability of the cannery's location, and it is not beyond a possibility that it will be moved to Medford in time for next year's run. There is not sufficient suitable land for the growing of vegetables around Ashland to ever make the project the success which its owners hope for. The greater amount of goods put up this year came from the vicinity of Talent and from between Talent and Phoenix, and it is said that the producers of these two localities would much prefer to haul their products to Medford than to Ashland because of the fact that it is a downhill pull this way while it is all uphill going to Ashland. The management have decided that the profitable vegetable belt of the valley is all the land along the Bear Creek bottom from Talent north to Tolo, and a conclusion has been about reached that a cannery located at Medford would draw business from all this scope of country, whereas, with a cannery at Ashland, it cannot hope to draw from only a small portion of the south end of the tract. The cannery put up this year one and a half tons of corn--it could have put up twenty tons could that amount have been secured. It put up forty-two tons of tomatoes--but it could have handled 100 tons or more, and it was the same with nearly all other articles that are being canned. Surely there seems no good reason why these people should waste their time on an operating scale so diminutive when it is possible for them to more than double their business. The Mail is in receipt of a copy of a pamphlet printed for the purpose of filling a demand for accurate information concerning the scope of the proposed Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition to be held in Portland in 1905. The book is neatly and tastily gotten up and filled with illustrations of Oregon scenery, business enterprises, etc. The information contained is more accurate than some of the illustrations in the advertisements; for instance, on the back page a group of halftones is shown purporting to illustrate scenes along the line of the O.R.&N. Co.'s line, and among them is a picture of the interior of Olwell Bros.' packing house at Central Point, with Joe Olwell plainly to be recognized in the foreground. We of Southern Oregon are used to being overlooked to some extent, but when it comes to switching an establishment which will ship over fifty carloads of apples this year clear to the other end of the state, we imagine we have a "kick coming" and herewith register the same. "It is reported from Lodi that 600 acres of orchard this year near that town yielded a net profit of $40,000. That would indicate that there is money in California fruit."--Yreka Journal. That's nothing, Brother Nixon. There is a ten-acre apple orchard, near Medford, from which there was gathered this year fruit to the value of $7000. Then there is another mixed orchard--apples and pears--of 160 acres, within four miles of Medford, from which there has been harvested this season fruit to the value of over $30,000. California, as a fruit country, was all right in years agone when she could swipe our Oregon fruit and place thereon a California label, but we've gotten on to her ways, and the honors now go where they rightly belong. It is well worth anyone's time and trouble to go down South B Street and take a look at E. C. Boeck's strawberry patch. Here one sees great clusters of red ripe berries upon every plant and around them are green berries and blooms. Several of our townspeople have picked a few berries from their vines this fall, but we doubt if any of their vines have made a business of producing this second crop in the manner that Mr. Boeck has. The sight is one rarely ever seen and cannot be fully appreciated until inspected. "Burns is to have a business college, with Prof. M. E. Rigby of the Medford college at the head." The above is from the Lakeview Examiner. Mr. Rigby is not now "of the Medford college." Some six or seven years ago Mr. Rigby conducted some sort of a school in Medford, but it fizzled out and Mr. Rigby sought other fields. The Mail surely hopes he will make a success, financially at least, of his new venture at Burns. ![]() The car famine along the S.P. lines in Oregon seems to increase rather than diminish. It is almost impossible to secure cars for local or way freight, which is interfering considerably with sawmills and box factories along the line. The famine, however, is not confined to this coast, but is general all over the United States and is due to the immense increase in the volume of business of all kinds. Empty barrels, old or new, for cider, vinegar, wine, for pork or beef, or any other purpose, sold at the distillery office. Four carloads of evaporated prunes were shipped from Medford last Saturday. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 8, 1901, page 7 Mrs. R. T. Burnett, of Ashland, spent several days this week visiting her mother, Mrs. Sears, of this place. A. E. Rothermel, who has been visiting relatives here for several weeks, left Monday for his home in Pennsylvania. Byron B. Stevens visited his aunt, Mrs. L. S. Webber, several days this week. He was en route from Albany to his home in Chillicothe, Mo. Last Friday evening the citizens of Medford gave the students of the Medford Academy a reception in the new building, into which the academy had moved that day. The exercises were short. Mayor Crowell addressed the school, and Miss Ella Dodge responded on the part of the academy. Music and games were then given sway. The attendance at the academy is increasing steadily. There are now 62 regular pupils in the academic and commercial departments, and 38 in the musical department. There will be four terms in the school year, commencing September 10, November 18, February 10 and May 10. The fourth term will be only about 2½ months on account of the summer heat. The students at the school are from different parts of Southern Oregon and Northern California. Jackson, Klamath, Coos and Josephine counties are already represented. The students have started a library, and are fitting up for books. A football team has been organized, and is now practicing for the winter games. A literary and debating club has been formed and will meet once a week. About 20 more new students will enter at the commencement of the third term. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, November 10, 1901, page 19 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Miss Iva Purdin, who is teaching a successful term of school on Evans
Creek, made Grants Pass a visit a few days ago.A buyer for an eastern house has contracted for the greater portion of the apples bought by J. A. Whitman at a good figure. P. Daily, father of our school superintendent, has purchased property in this town, and will experience Kansas cyclones no more. Prof. Colvin's dancing class gave him a farewell party at the opera house Tuesday night, which was enjoyed by all present. W. J. King has been joined by his son Will., who recently arrived from Gatesville, Texas. He is now attending the Medford Academy. Miss Hope Jenkins of Minnesota, who has been visiting with her uncle, G. H. Howland, and his family, left for Los Gatos, Calif. last week. Upon petition of Dr. W. S. Jones and others the county commissioners have given our citizens authority to repair the bridge across Bear Creek. Mrs. Jane Dyer, who died in Medford last week at a ripe old age, was the mother of Mrs. A. M. Woodford,. She resided in Douglas County until lately. J. W. Wiley, who has been in Northern California for some time past, shipping hogs to the San Francisco market, has resumed operations in this section. F. W. Broback, who spent his boyhood days in Medford, is now editor and one of the proprietors of the Times, an excellent newspaper printed at Ukiah, Calif., and is prospering. M. M. Gault, the expert machinist, caught one of his thumbs in the machinery he was operating a few days ago and lost a portion of it. His injuries, while painful, are not serious. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 14, 1901, page 4 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
J. B.
Taylor and his two sons arrived here from Helena, Mont. recently. The
latter are miners.A. Brieger is packing the goods purchased of the Rosenthal estate by San Francisco parties, and will ship them to Portland at once. Dr. Clarence Keene, who located at Canyon City for the practice of his profession, is succeeding nicely and building up a good practice. J. A. Whitman, the well-known fruit buyer, expects to ship about ninety carloads of apples alone this season. Great are our horticultural interests. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 14, 1901, page 7 A patent has been granted to G. L. Schermerhorn of Medford for a combined thill-coupling and anti-rattling device. "Local Happenings," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, November 14, 1901, page 3 A
it has been
that a fruit
cannery is to
established in
interest in
the enterprise
is manifest
on every side.
In order that
our people may
know what to
grow and
expect a
market for, we
have asked Mr.
Chas. Pierce,
one of the
projectors of
the cannery
enterprise, to
furnish these
columns with
items bearing
upon the
matter, and he
has this week
given us the
"It is now settled beyond doubt that a cannery will be permanently operated in the Rogue River Valley, of a capacity at least sufficient to supply the demands of the Southern Oregon and northern California territory, with a fair prospect of our being able to reach the whole coast territory with some products. "We are advised by the Southern Pacific officials, and our own experience has taught the same, to push such articles as do not require sugar in the canning, for trade conditions are such that on sugar we cannot hope for any reduction in existing freight rates. However, this handicap will not prevent our canning a considerable amount of pears, peaches, cherries, berries, etc., where sugar is a main component, for the local territory, and there will be occasional years when we can pack these fruits for outside territories. This year if we had been properly equipped we could have canned and sold several carloads of gallon pie apples and gallon pie blackberries at some profit, but this requires a much more perfect organization than we were working under. Our advices are that there will be a large and steady demand for these two articles, also gallon pie peaches for many years to come, and as no sugar is required we shall not hesitate to pack them liberally when we can buy the raw material at reasonable prices. "In this connection I would advise the planting of a largely increased acreage of blackberries in the valley. The Lawton blackberry seems best adapted to general purposes; the Kittatinny berry gives considerable promise, but is not yet thoroughly tested in this soil and climate; the Evergreen berry we particularly advise against, as it is small and unattractive and runs largely to core and seed, and comes in bearing too late for canner's use, at a time when peaches and tomatoes occupy his attention fully. It is not likely that we could ever use the Loganberry extensively for canning, though if we embrace preserving in glass later on, this berry would be in larger demand. "Blackberry culture has proven extremely profitable at Ashland, and common report is that the yield is often above $500 per acre. The entire Applegate district and portions of the Little Butte, Wagner Creek, Anderson Creek, Thompson Creek and Griffin Creek districts seem splendidly adapted for raising blackberries, not to mention a considerable part of the main valley where the water supply is reliable. We feel that this is one branch of small fruit culture we can safely encourage the grower in undertaking. "As to strawberries we are in doubt. If any certain means of protecting against spring frosts could be devised to work economically which would materially increase the yield, there is no doubt of a cannery's ability to work up the surplus, but prices are beyond the reach of a cannery at present. The market does not warrant our encouraging a decided increased acreage in raspberries, gooseberries or currants, though a small increase would help a cannery. "Through the Mail we shall shortly have more to say about vegetable supplies, which will always be our main pack, being most staple, requiring no sugar and being obtainable in quantities." Medford Mail, November 15, 1901, page 2 W. H. Norcross has shipped five carloads of his fine apples to the East, Chicago and New York City being the principal markets. He shipped two carloads to London this week, and will have enough apples to keep his full force of packers employed until Christmas. Porter Brothers have shipped five carloads in the last few days, and Olwell Brothers will not be through packing their large crop before the new year, and we have several other fruit growers that will ship quite a large quantity this fall. W. J. Freeman & J. Hughes have an immense quantity of dried prunes ready to ship. "Central Point Items," Medford Mail, November 15, 1901, page 3 James Helms to Henry Helms, e ½ of dlc No. 57, twp 37s, r1w (150 acres) . . . 1 Sarah E. Keeney and husband to E. D. Root, lots 3 and 4, blk 39, Medford . . . 10 Peter Zell et ux. to Mrs. G. E. Greenland, land in twp 37s, r2w, Ish add., Medford . . . 150 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, November 15, 1901, page 5 S. D. Biden and family have moved to Medford from Asbestos for a few weeks. Mr. Biden has been in poor health this fall. J. D. Heard returned from San Francisco last Saturday. He has nearly recovered from his recent serious illness. Reed Hutchinson, who has been in Medford since August upon a visit to his aunt, Mrs. N. R. Johnston, and family, left Wednesday morning for his home at Harrisville, Mo. Mrs. R. I. Everett left Thursday morning for Redlands, Calif., at which place her husband is engaged in business. She was accompanied from Ashland by Mrs. Hargadine, a sister of Mr. Everett. W. Eaton returned last week from Galls Creek, where he has been engaged in building a dwelling house for Mrs. Lawrence. He expects to leave soon for Albert Lea, Minn., whither he goes to look after the affairs of a brother, who died a few months ago. Mr. and Mrs. John Dunne left Thursday morning for Ft. Jones, Calif., where they will reside. Mr. Dunne recently traded his Medford property, near the Catholic Church, to Andrew Anderson for property in Ft. Jones. Mr. Anderson is a son-in-law of J. Meeker, and will move to Medford within a few months to reside. Claud E. Jones, of Marion County, Iowa, arrived in Medford Monday and will visit for some time with his brother, Dr. W. S. Jones, and family. The doctor is expecting his father and mother to arrive here from Iowa within four or five weeks. They will remain during the winter--and for all time if the doctor's persuasive powers are of sufficient weight. Prof. W. A. Wann, who has been in Jackson County for several weeks doing business in the interest of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York and the Bankers Life, of Des Moines, left Saturday for Eugene, where he will remain for a couple or three months, returning to Southern Oregon in early spring to resume his work here. Mr. Wann is a fine gentleman and has adopted a new method of working life insurance--the same being upon the hypothesis that the victims of agent attacks are capable of deciding for themselves whether they want life insurance--in other words he has reduced the boring capacity of the ordinary agents' auger--and the public is grateful therefor. The companies he represents are good ones, and because of this and his considerate way of doing business he wrote many policies while here. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Callahan and Mr. and Mrs. James Stall, all of Grand Forks County, North Dakota, arrived in Medford last week .Mr. Callahan has recently sold a large farm in North Dakota and will invest part of the proceeds therefrom in Jackson County soil. Both himself and his good wife are well pleased with our valley and have not as yet expressed a regret because of their coming here--nor do we think they will. People who have experienced the inconvenience of North Dakota blizzards, cyclones, dust storms, droughts and "frozen up" thermometers are not "hankering" for an opportunity to get back there when they are enabled to once get away. Mr. Callahan tells us when he left North Dakota, last week, the ground was frozen solid and so intense had been the frost that the ground was cracked open several inches in many places. There had also quite an amount of snow fallen. If this country proves to his liking his two sons-in-law will come here as soon as they can sell their lands in North Dakota. He says there are eighteen families in all that are figuring on coming to the Rogue River Valley, and if they come, Oscar Carpenter, of Medford, is responsible for it all, he having previously lived in that country and had been sending Oregon bouquets into that blizzard land for several years past. Mr. and Mrs. Stall will return to North Dakota after a few weeks and if they can dispose of their section of land there they will return here and anchor for keeps. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, November 15, 1901, page 6 I. A. Webb, who, with his son, Carl, left Medford a couple of weeks ago with [a] team for Southern California, was taken suddenly ill at Baird's Spur, a small station below Dunsmuir, Monday night with hemorrhage of the bowels. Tuesday morning a telephone message was sent to Mrs. Webb in this city, advising her of her husband's illness, and she left on the noon train that day for the above-named place, accompanied by Dr. Pickel. When they reached Dunsmuir they received a message to the effect that Mr. Webb had been put on the northbound passenger train, bound for home, and would meet them at Dunsmuir. The party reached here Wednesday morning, since which time Mr. Webb has had several more hemorrhages, but as we go to press we learn that he is resting easy and seems very much improved. This is his third spell of sickness of this nature, and strange to relate they have all occurred during the month of November. M. M. Gault met with a serious and painful accident last Thursday. He was at work at the turning lathe in his machine shop when the end of his right thumb caught in the machinery and was almost torn off at the first joint. There was no one near to shut down the machinery, and the only way possible for Mr. Gault to extricate his hand from its perilous position was to cut off the thumb entirely, which he did with his pocket knife. It was a nervy piece of business, but it saved his whole hand from being mangled. Drs. Jones & Shearer dressed the wound, and it is getting along all right, but it will be weeks before he will be able to work. J. D. Callahan, who arrived here this week from North Dakota, has purchased the Mrs. E. A. Ward property in West Medford. There are two and one-half acres in the chunk and it is well set to fruit. The price paid was $700. Real estate agent Stewart made the sale. Wm. Ferguson, all the same Bill Nye, has purchased the Barnum building, [near the] corner Seventh and South A streets. He expects to rent it for a second-hand store, but this he will not do until February, at which time Mr. Chessmore's lease expires. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Tayler are parents to a new girl baby which came to their home on Thursday of this week. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 15, 1901, page 6 The fine young orchard on the farm formerly owned by Mayor W. S. Crowell produced no fruit this season. There are twenty-three acres of land in the orchard and 1600 trees. It may be a matter of some surprise to some to know that the case is as above stated, but it will not be when we state that the orchard was not cared for properly, if at all. The owner was not wholly at fault; he was not schooled in the requirements of a bearing orchard. There is a very good object lesson here given, however, and it may be of profit to other orchardists, at least to the amateurs in this line of work. The orchard ought to have produced at least $5000 worth of merchantable apples this year, but because it was not cared for it produced nothing. The evidence is here conclusively presented that if profit is expected from an orchard attention must be given it. There is not another pursuit followed in the valley which pays a greater dividend for amount of labor and money expended than does the growing of fruit. Then again, there is nothing which resents neglect and is so sensitive thereto as is a Rogue River Valley orchard. This orchard has recently changed hands, and we are told that the new man is a thorough orchardist. A. Brieger, the gentleman who has had the management of the Rosenthal closing-out sale, received orders last Saturday to pack the entire stock and ship at once to Portland, where it will be put with three other stocks from different towns in the state and the whole put on the Portland market. Mr. Brieger was the second manager sent here to sell out this stock and was fairly successful, but he was handicapped by not having been placed in charge at the opening. He is a capital good fellow, a perfect gentleman and a good man of business, and although his stay here was brief he made many fast friends. His salesman, A. Erb, is also a fine gentleman and one who invites rather than repulses trade, but the fates were against them both here--the business had in some way been "Jonahed." It will not be many years until Phipps Bros. will be among our foremost orchardists. Mr. Ed. Phipps and Dr. Ira D. Phipps have associated themselves in a deal, the object of which is to grow Southern Oregon apples--red and yellow--Newtowns and Spitzenbergs. They own 100 acres of fine orchard land north and east of Medford and will this winter plant forty-five acres of it to 2100 trees, and a year later will plant the remaining fifty-five acres to the same kind of fruit. Ed will have general supervision of the orchard work, and as he is very thorough and persistent in all this undertakings it goes without saying that the enterprise will prove a success. Dr. Phipps will remain in Medford and practice his profession. The company drilling for oil near Ashland has been having troubles of its own lately, but it is still hammering away with the expectation of a successful conclusion in a short time. First the drill was lost and a number of days were lost in the effort to "fish" it out. Then a piece of steel broke from the drill and could not be caught; it had to be broken in pieces and pumped out. Then the 14-foot steel jars, weighing 1,200 pounds, broke and will have to be replaced. The well is now down 1,200 feet in sand and shale. Wm. Cook, who, with his wife, arrived in Medford last week from San Pedro, New Mexico, has purchased L. H. Settles' place in East Medford. The place contains two acres of ground and a small residence, and the price paid was $625. Mr. Settles has moved his family to Mrs. Anderson's residence, in Northwest Medford. The real estate deal was made through the F. M. Stewart real estate agency. Merchant H. G. Nicholson is having more fun than anyone these days. He has a pair of mules which he is training to work on his delivery wagon. They are about the size of jackrabbits and weigh about 700 [pounds] each. When they get mixed up in the riggin' Horace picks them up like he would kittens and straightens them out. It is a very pretty little team, and when seen driven through the streets one is reminded of fairy tales told them in childhood days. H. H. Mitchell has sold his interest in the Mitchell Bros. blacksmith shop to E. C. Boeck, who has conducted the wagon shop at the rear of the blacksmith shop for a number of years. Both businesses will now be conducted by Mr. Boeck and J. W. Mitchell, with Joe Caskey at one of the forges. This makes a good combination and there ought to be a good business done. W. H. Barr is nothing slow as an orchardist, himself. His orchard has produced between six and seven thousand boxes of apples this season, and he has sold them to J. A. Whitman at the highest market price. His varieties are Newtowns, Spitzenbergs and Ben Davises. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 15, 1901, page 7 Claud E. Jones, of Marion County, Iowa, arrived in Medford Monday to spend the winter with his brother, Dr. W. S. Jones. Reed Hutchinson, of Harrisville, Mo., who has been visiting his aunt, Mrs. N. R. Johnson, since August 1, left for his home Wednesday. Mrs. R. I. Everett, who has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Butler, left for her home at Redlands, Cal. Thursday. She was accompanied from Ashland by Mrs. Hargadine, Mr. Everett's sister, who will spend the winter with Mrs. Everett. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, November 17, 1901, page 19 F. W. Wait left Monday for the rock quarry above Ashland, where he has thirty more cars of stone to get out for the post office building at Salem.--Medford Enquirer. "Personals," The Daily Journal, Salem, November 18, 1901, page 3 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
P. J.
Head, the blind musician, is now a resident of Ukiah, Calif.John Gault of Ashland has been visiting his brother, M. M. Gault. D. T. Pritchard, the jeweler, is now located at Cottage Grove, Lane County. W. E. Stacy, formerly a resident of Sams Valley, has located in this vicinity. I. A. Webb, who was brought from Northern California in a precarious condition, is improving. Geo. F. King, the well-known operator in timber lands, has returned from Siskiyou County, Calif. Geo. R. Lindley, cashier of the Jackson County Bank, is at his post again after a severe siege of sickness. Chief of Police Murphy of Jacksonville was a visitor Tuesday, and compared notes with Chief of Police Johnson of Medford. Mr. Daily, a son of P. Daily of Medford and a brother of our county school superintendent, arrived from Kansas a few days ago and will locate among us. Alva Danielson and his newly made wife, who have been visiting in Medford, on Sunday returned to Oakland, Calif., where he is in the employ of the S.P. Co. Harry Palm, a brother of C. W. Palm of Medford, died recently at Redding, Calif., where he has been following his avocation [sic] of barber. He was 51 years old. Mrs. Slinger, who purchased the interest of the other stockholders of the S.O. Pork Packing Co., will hereafter conduct its business. Ed. Binns will act as superintendent of the enterprise. A. Gilman of Keno, who raises the finest potatoes in Klamath County, brought a big load to Medford this week. They brought less than 1½¢ a pound, not as big a price as they will in the near future, as the market is glutted. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 21, 1901, page 5 It is estimated, and very conservatively so, that the Jackson County fruit output will this year net the growers $240,000. Medford Mail, November 22, 1901, page 2 A few weeks ago the Mail saw just grounds for paying the Roseburg Plaindealer a compliment, by saying that with W. C. Conner as editor-in-chief, and his sister-in-law, Miss Laura Jones, as news skirmisher, [it] was a better newspaper than it had been at any previous time. Editor Conner reproduced the item in question in his Plaindealer and followed it up with this: "No one is more competent to judge the merits or demerits of a newspaper than editor Bliton, who publishes the best weekly newspaper in the state outside of Portland, and the above compliment coming from such a source is highly appreciated by us." Medford Mail, November 22, 1901, page 2 In every locality there is a class of people which is always endeavoring to kill any project or enterprise which is intended to build up the community. They are in Medford, as everywhere else. Up in Washington they call them "knockers"--and they way the treat knockers at Loomis, in the aforesaid named state, is to tar and feather them and ride them on a rail. This is not wholly in accord with modern ethics but it is very effective and one dose of the medicine, taken according to the doctor's directions, is quite enough to cure a whole community of knockers of the miserable, dog-in-the-manger disease. If one cannot say anything good of an enterprise it is more gentlemanly--and safer, in Loomis--to say nothing. Medford Mail, November 22, 1901, page 2 There are now seventy-five students rolled in the Medford Academy, and it has only been running twelve weeks. Truly that is a record of which Prof. Van Scoy may well be proud--and Medford people may also look upon this almost phenomenal record with a feeling very closely akin to pride. Prof. Van Scoy made the establishment of the Academy in our city a possibility, and we people who "chipped in" made it possible for him to so establish, hence, on all sides, the Academy is a mutual affair in which we all have an interest in common--on a ratio with the good it is to our business and the city generally. The Mail would rather have the Academy located in our city than to be made a present of twenty times our contribution and have it close its doors--but there are not going to be any presents and the doors are not going to be closed--and that's good. Medford Mail, November 22, 1901, page 2 Miss Mae McIntyre spent Saturday with Medford relatives and was accompanied home by her sister. On Sunday Clarence Meeker came out and with Mr. Sandals and Miss Grace Dickison made a party to climb the lower Table Rock. They ate lunch by a blazing bonfire and report a good time in spite of fog and clouds. "Table Rock Items," Medford Mail, November 22, 1901, page 3 Robt. Jonas and Miss Parker have joined the painting class of Mrs. J. E. Cox and will swell the number of beautiful landscape paintings already seen in several homes in our little town. Mrs. G. W. Owings has just finished a beautiful painting of Mt. Shasta and surrounding scenery. "Woodville Items," Medford Mail, November 22, 1901, page 5 G. J. Kurtz et ux. to F. Hutchison, property in blks 4 and 5, Cottage add., Medford . . . 500 Wesley Dial to Patrick Daily, lots 5 and 6, blk 75, Medford . . . 500 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, November 22, 1901, page 5 A. A. Davis left Sunday morning for San Francisco, to be absent a month or six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Mitchell are at Portland this week upon a visit. Mr. Mitchell expects to open a confectionery store in Medford upon his return. Bert Sprague, his family and mother, of Wallowa, Oregon, arrived in Medford yesterday and will visit with Mr. Warden, in Eden precinct, who is father of Mrs. Sprague. Miss Edna Wait returned to Medford last Friday from Los Angeles, Calif. Her return home at this time was occasioned by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Wait. C. O. Ramsey came down from Roseburg Sunday evening, at which place he has been superintending the packing of apples for J. A. Whitman. He is now at Ashland in the same capacity. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Moore, of Cottage Grove, arrived in Medford this week and will make this their future home. Mr. Moore is a son of the gentleman who recently purchased the West Side blacksmith shop. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Irvine, of Nebraska, arrived in Medford Tuesday morning and will visit for a few weeks with our good townspeople, W. A. Davidson and family. Mr. Irvine is a half brother of Mr. Davidson. G. P. Lindley and W. H. Jackson returned Sunday from a two weeks' hunting trip in the Rancherie country. They report having come very near capturing several bears and mountain lions, but strange to relate--stranger than fiction, even--they saw not a single deer. S. Bradbury left yesterday for Baird's Spur, California, whither he went to bring back I. A. Webb's team and hack, which were left there when Mr. Webb was taken sick. Herman, Ed., George and William King, Ed. Allen and Dan'l. Erickson, all of Kent County, Michigan, arrived in Medford last week and early this week they started for the tall timber, up Prospect way, where they will locate on timber land. The King boys are brothers of C. O. King, who has been in the valley for several months, and cousins of G. F. King, the timber land locator. J. G. Martin, of Beagle, was in Medford Saturday. The gentleman has been in poor health of late and has decided to rest from the arduous duties incident to farm pursuits. He will dispose of his farm and chattels and purchase a residence in Medford that his son may receive the benefits afforded by our excellent school facilities. Mr. Martin is a fine gentleman, and the acquisition of this excellent family to our city's population will be grounds for congratulation on our part. Capt. J. T. Apperson, of Park Place, Oregon, arrived in Medford Sunday. The gentleman is a brother of Mrs. E. D. Fellows, of this city, and was called here by the serious illness of that lady. Since the fire a couple of weeks ago, Mrs. Fellows has been ill with nervous prostration and muscular rheumatism. Mr. Apperson is quite a prominent man in Oregon history, he being a pioneer of the '50s. He is a past regent of the Corvallis agricultural college and has been instrumental in the organization of many educational institutions. In '52 he made the then very hazardous trip from the Willamette Valley into California, traveling by stage through the Rogue River Valley, at a time when the murderous redskins were lying in wait for their white prey at every turn of the road. [There was no stage service through the Rogue Valley in 1852.] "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, November 22, 1901, page 6 Chas. Pierce, the gentleman who is arranging to establish and fruit and vegetable cannery in Medford, has purchased W. S. and H. M. Crowell's interest in the Palm-Whitman cigar factory in this city. Mr. Pierce is a hustling man of business, and the Mail is heartily glad he is to become a permanent resident of our city. He has progressive ideas on business lines and as well a determination to carry his projects and enterprises to a point where good is sure to come to himself and the people generally. J. W. White has purchased the New Home sewing machine agency in this city from J. F. Kraber, together with all machines on hand and notes and accounts. Mr. White is now agent for about all the sewing machines there are made and is in a position to supply intending purchasers with any grade of machine desired from the highest priced to the cheapest. Dr. Ira L. Arnold has commenced the erection of a neat little dwelling house on his fine property, on South C Street. The building will be 30 by 32 feet in size, one story high and will contain five rooms. Merit Clapper, a recent arrival from Medford, is the carpenter who has the contract for the erection of the building. Miss Jessie Wait has resigned her position as teacher in our public school, because of the illness of her mother, and the board has elected Miss Lutie Ulrich to take her place. Miss Ulrich is a sister of Mrs. G. R. Lindley and arrived in Medford about a year ago from Illinois, where she followed teaching for a number of years. During the past ten days twelve carloads of apples have been shipped from Medford. Of these three were shipped direct to London, England, two to Glasgow, Scotland, three to New York City, two to Brighton, New York, one to San Antonio, Texas, [and] one to Kansas City, Missouri. Jos. Stall, who, with his wife, arrived in Medford last week from Grand Forks County, North Dakota, has purchased Mrs. White's residence on South C Street, and is now housekeeping therein. The price paid was $500. A new sidewalk is being built alongside of the property which Mr. Ferguson recently purchased, corner of Seventh and A Streets. It's a big improvement, and the wonder is that it was not put in sooner. An article from Chas. Pierce on tomato culture in the valley will appear in these columns next week. The tomato, Mr. Pierce figures, will in a few years be one of the leading revenue earners in this part of the county. I. A. Webb's condition, we are pleased to note, is somewhat improved and there are now strong hopes of his recovery, but he has been, and is still, a very sick man. Contractor E. W. Starr is at work on the DeHart place--making several changes about the premises, chief among which is the fitting of rooms for help in the large windmill tower. The Southern Oregon Oil Company, at Ashland, is again making progress in drilling after several vexatious delays. The well is now down 1280 feet in shale and sand. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 22, 1901, page 6 A change occurred this week in the management of one of the old established business concerns of this city when Mrs. Eliza Slinger purchased the interests of Wm. Ulrich, T. J. Kenney and S. A. Carlton in the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Company. The purchase includes the meat market, packing house and slaughter house in Medford, with their contents, between sixty and seventy head of cattle and about the same number of sheep and hogs, and gives Mrs. Slinger the controlling interest in the company. The other stockholders are Chas. Strang, Ed. Worman and W. H. Bradshaw. Ed. Binns, whose connection with the business under the former management has made him familiar with all its details, will act as manager, and will bring all the knowledge gained by his experience to bear to make the enterprise a success. Mr. Ulrich will devote his entire time now to his stock interests, in which business he will embark more extensively than at present. It is necessary that even a news reporter get more than busy these times if he keeps tab on the new arrivals in this blooming young city of Medford. Not for years has there been so many strange people on the streets as right now. They are coming from all parts of the East, and the most pleasant feature of their coming to us people who have enjoyed the many pleasures of Southern Oregon for years is that they almost without exception purchase property soon after arriving and settle down to an enjoyment with us of the good things which the country affords. There is enough of everything that's good for man to more than go around among the present population, and we are willing to divide with those less fortunate easterners. Dr. W. S. Jones was about town this week with a subscription paper asking for funds to repair the Bear Creek bridge at this place. He was successful in securing quite an amount which will be expected on the bridge. The city council did not feel justified in making the repairs because that the city would then be liable should accidents occur during the winter, and as the county commissioners have promised to erect a new bridge in the spring the only means at hand to make the bridge passable for the winter are those adopted by Mr. Jones. A contract for the repair of the structure has been let to E. G. Perham, of Gold Hill, and he will be at work on it very soon. L. S. Brown has sold his orchard tract in East Medford to V. A. Broadbent. There are eight acres of land in the tract, and the price paid was $2400, a part of this consideration being an acre of land and residence, located near Mr. Hodges' place. This is a pretty big price to pay for so small a tract of land, but when we tell that Mr. Brown sold apples off of the place this season to the value of $1050 the price does not seem nearly so fabulous. The number of boxes gathered by Mr. Brown were 1132. If this is not a fairly good revenue considering the investment then the Mail's calculations are 'way shy. Mr. Brown paid $1800 for the place a little more than a year ago. Rev. Adolph Haberly, who is now east in attendance at the funeral of his mother, has tendered his resignation as pastor of the Presbyterian Church of this city, to take effect immediately upon its acceptance by the church concern. The reverend gentleman's resignation is made because of his appointment to the position as Sunday school missionary for Jackson, Josephine, Klamath and Lake counties, by the board of Sunday school work for Oregon. The work is quite to Mr. Haberly's liking, and as he is an energetic worker upon these lines there is no doubt of his success. J. W. Cox has purchased the Model Restaurant from F. M. Wilson and is now installed as owner and manager thereof. Mr. Cox is from Ashland and has been conducting a restaurant opposite the Union stables in Medford for the past month. Mr. Wilson will start a candy kitchen in the building on Seventh Street recently vacated by Geo. Kurtz. Mr. Wilson is quite at home in the manufacturing of all kinds of candy, and there is but little doubt that he will meet the success which his product justly merits. Medford merchants will enjoy a better holiday trade this year than ever before. Money seems more plentiful, and the people generally are in a mood to spend it. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 22, 1901, page 7 Rev. Adolph Haberly, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, left Monday for Salisbury, Mo., where he was called by the sudden death of his mother. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, November 24, 1901, page 22 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
turkeys sold for 15 cents a pound in this market during the week.Tobe Stone was in Medford Tuesday, visiting Dr. Bundy, the genial dentist. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gunn have been visiting their former home in Table Rock precinct. C. P. Snell, the attorney, is being visited by his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. West, who arrived Tuesday. B. I. Stoner, who is mixologist at Young & Hall's refreshment parlors in Gold Hill, made us a visit one day last week. The 1st S.O.S.B. of A. met at Medford this week to settle up its affairs. The principal object of the session was to receive a report from T. Hills, the president. Chas. Daily, another son of P. Daily of Medford, and a brother of School Superintendent Daily, arrived from Kansas Monday. We are always glad to receive such accessions to our population. Frank Wilson is neatly fitting up the building formerly occupied by George Kurtz, and situated opposite Hotel Nash, for a candy kitchen. He will manufacture a superior quality of sweetmeats of every description. The athletic entertainment which will take place at the opera house Saturday evening is attracting much attention, and will be well patronized. It will be attended by our best citizens, and is given for the purpose of organizing an athletic club. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 28, 1901, page 5 J. A. Whitman has sold 33 carloads of apples to Mr. Loomis, a New York buyer. He will not finish packing fruit before the middle of December. A dancing party will take place at the opera house in Medford tonight, and the R.R.V. Ry. will run an excursion train to accommodate those who wish to attend. Will. Puhl this week received a first-class porcelain tub, and now has one of the nicest bathrooms in Southern Oregon for the accommodation of his numerous customers. The Medford Furniture Co., successor to I. A. Webb, has one of the finest and largest stocks of goods ever brought to Southern Oregon. It has an especially handsome assortment of articles adapted to the holiday trade. Consult the advertisement in another column. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 28, 1901, page 5 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Chas. H.
Pierce has purchased the third interest in the Whitman-Palm cigar
factory owned by W. S. Crowell.Sufficient funds for the repair of the Bear Creek bridge have been raised, by Dr. Jones and others. The services of E. G. Perham of Gold Hill, an expert bridge builder, have been secured. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 28, 1901, page 7 C. J. Howard returned last week to his home near Kerby, having finished his work at Medford on the field notes of the Rogue River Improvement Co.'s survey. "Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, November 28, 1901, page 3 ![]() November 28, 1901 Portland Telegram L. H. Setites et ux. to Rosa Cook, 2 acres in dlc No. 42, twp 37s, r1w . . . 625 M. C. Cook and husband to E. Woodcock, se ¼, sec 13, twp 37s, r4w . . . 1000 T. F. West to J. R. West, lot 4, blk 1, and lots 6 and 10, blk 2, West's add., Medford . . . 3 Hattie Eaton to W. Eaton, lots 14 and 15, blk 4, Park add., Medford . . . 500 J. H. Thorndike et ux. to R. P. Kendall, lots 3, 4 and 5, blk 80, Medford . . . 900 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, November 29, 1901, page 5 H. L. Orr, of Pasadena, Calif., is in Medford upon a visit to his son, W. L. Orr, the West Side merchant. Miss Hilda McCurdy, of Glendale, a niece of merchant A. M. Woodford, is in Medford attending the Academy. L. E. Hoover returned Monday from making his delivery of fruit trees to eastern Oregon and northern California purchasers. J. D. Heard left Tuesday morning for a three weeks' absence in San Francisco. His business may call him to old Mexico before he returns. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Damon left this week for Oroville, Clif., where they will spend the winter with their son, U. M. Damon, and family. J. M. Hatton, of Farmington, Wash., is in the valley looking over the country with a view to locating. He was formerly sheriff of Spokane County, Wash. Mrs. E. L. Bashford and son, of Roseburg, arrived in Medford Tuesday evening and are now enjoying themselves at the home of G. W. Bashford, on Griffin Creek. J. H. Drake and family arrived in Medford Tuesday morning from Washington, Kansas. The gentleman has bargained for a 140-acre tract of land between Medford and Phoenix. He is housekeeping in J. H. Butler's tenement house in West Medford. Oliver Harbaugh, who was so seriously injured a few weeks ago by being thrown from a buggy, near Central Point, was in Medford Monday seemingly as hale and hearty as ever. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. West, of Myrtle Creek, Oregon, are in Medford upon a visit to their son, attorney C. P. Snell, and family. Mr. West is one of Douglas County's extensive prune growers and all-round prosperous farmers. Mr. and Mrs. Dickson, of Bennett, Nebraska, are in the valley upon a visit to relatives. Mrs. Dickson is a cousin of Mrs. J. McPherson, Mrs. C. W. Fraley and James Wilson. On Monday Mr. McPherson gave the visitors a ride to the Sterling mine, where they viewed with wonder the gigantic methods adopted in placer mining. Mrs. Al. Norman, of Ashland, enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner in Medford with her mother, Mrs. Rose. Mrs. Elizabeth Wait and daughter, Miss Jessie, left Tuesday evening for Los Angeles, Calif., where they expect to remain during the winter, at least. Miss Jessie Cole left Saturday morning for San Francisco, where she will remain during the coming winter. She will take a course of training as nurse in the McLean hospital in that city. Charlie Culton returned Saturday from a three years' stay in Harney County, during which time he has been employed on a big stock ranch. He will spend the winter near Medford with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Culton. Mrs. Harry Van Tassal, who has been visiting relatives in Medford for several weeks, returned to her home at Aberdeen, Wash., Monday evening. She was accompanied by her father, M. F. Hurst, who will spend the winter in Aberdeen. Charlie Daily, a brother of School Superintendent Daily and son of Patrick Daily, of this city, arrived in Medford Monday from Concordia, Kan., and will make this his future home. Timothy Daily, another son of Patrick Daily, arrived last week from the same place and he, too, will reside here. W. H. Moore and son Guy of Rosehill, Iowa, arrived in Medford last week and will, in all probability, make Southern Oregon their future home. Mr. Moore is father of Mrs. W. L. Orr, of this city. The gentleman has sold his farm property in Iowa and expects to reinvest his money here. He was in the valley a year and a half ago and remained several months, and was very favorably impressed with our country--hence his sale in Iowa and his return to the land of red apples and mild climate. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, November 29, 1901, page 6 H. C. Austin has purchased A. H. Chessmore's feed store business, and from this date on he is one of Medford's good business men. Mr. Chessmore had built up a good trade, and it is not probable that Mr. Austin will lose any of it, but as time grows apace will add to it materially. Mr. Chessmore will go to his ranch, near Grants Pass, and plant ten acres of fruit trees. There are eighty acres in his ranch, and he expects to set thirty or forty acres more to fruit just as soon as he can get the land cleared. The Palm, Whitman & Co. cigar factory is overrun with orders just now. Last week they were over 40,000 cigars behind on orders, but have managed to reduce that to 30,000 at the present time. The company has a force of from 28 to 32 people working, and expects to increase the force to 35 or 40 during the present rush. The factory will have to turn out 100,000 cigars this month in order to catch up with the orders now filed. H. C. Austin has rented the J. R. Wilson brick building, south of the Mail office, and will move his stock of flour and feed, which he recently purchased from A. H. Chessmore, thereto. Mr. Austin proposes to keep the most complete stock of flour, feed, and the goods that usually accompany them, in the city. He has a good location, and the fair, honest methods which he has established will surely bring him business. J. Coberly, a recent arrival from San Jose, Calif., has purchased a residence near J. G. Van Dyke's home in South Medford and will make Medford his future home. There are several other parties in San Jose who are figuring on locating in Medford. R. W. Gray is erecting a barn on his property in West Medford. Mr. Gray has one of the finest homes in the city, and he is continually adding more beauty and convenience to it by the erection of buildings and other improvements. H. N. Marcy has purchased the shooting gallery from C. B. Smith. He will conduct the gallery until about the first of December, when he will go to southern California with his outfit and establish himself some place for the winter. H. G. Nicholson's latest and most original method to attract attention to his store windows is that of putting a covey of quail there. He has seven of the birds, and they are little beauties. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 29, 1901, page 6 Medford
Is Away Ahead.
Wright &
Co. today
shipped a
carload of
apples, 650
boxes, to New
York. This is
the final
carload this
and this fruit
is sold f.o.g.
at Salem to a
big wholesale
firm, and it
is labeled
'Oregon Fruit
from the
"Salem is slow. Albany has shipped several carloads of apples east and south this fall and has several more in course of preparation."--Albany Herald. Albany is not so swift herself. Medford has shipped "more than" several carloads of apples this year, and the shipping season is only fairly started. Over an hundred carloads have been shipped up to date--many of which have been consigned direct to London, England, and Glasgow, Scotland. New York City is only a way station for Southern Oregon apples--a transfer station, as it were, from land to water. It is up to the Albany Herald printer, however, to explain why, in putting into type the above-quoted item from the Salem Journal, he made the leaden missiles say the apples were sold "f.o.g." when he intended to say, and should have said, f.o.b. Was this printed thusly from force of habit? Medford Mail, November 29, 1901, page 6 Sunday morning 10,000 pounds of dressed poultry were shipped from Medford to San Francisco by Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, for the Thanksgiving trade. The principal consigners were F. K. Deuel & Co. and Cox & Perry. Over 15,000 pounds of poultry have been shipped so far this season through the Medford office, twice as much as has ever been sent out before at this season of the year. It is almost impossible to find any line of produce which does not show an increase in shipment this year, and this feature, we are glad to say, does not seem to be confined to Medford alone, although this city appears to show a higher percent of increase than other shipping points. We are growing, there is no doubt of it. It is not a spasmodic growth, due to booming, but a healthy, steady upward tendency, which shows solid, prosperous business conditions. On Monday the West Side grocery store, which has been conducted by A. D. Ray for the past several months, changed hands, having been purchased by T. J. Goodwyn. Mr. Ray will go to southern California for the benefit of his health and his father, J. H. Ray, who has been assisting him in carrying on the business, will go to Coos County to look after his mining interests there. The many friends Mr. Ray has made during his residence in Medford hope that he will find success and health in his new location. The new management will conduct the business on the same lines as before--courteous treatment and full value in goods for money invested. The supreme court on Monday handed down a decision sustaining the action of the circuit court, in what is known as the Ashland liquor cases. The defendants, Jesse Houck and Joseph Dame, were convicted before Justice Berry, of Ashland, for violating the ordinance against selling liquor in that city. They appealed to the circuit court and Judge Hanna sustained the justice. Appeal was then taken to the supreme court which has just decided as above. The effect of this decision will be to establish a precedent whereby municipal incorporations may vote the town "wet or dry" at will. Michael Galarneau and son, of Klamath County, were in Medford Monday. The young Mr. Galarneau was afflicted with one very badly crossed eye, and it was for the purpose of having it straightened that the visit to our city was made. The operation was decidedly a delicate and difficult one owing to the fact that the eye was so badly crossed, but it was very successfully performed, and when through with the young man could see as straight ahead with it as he could with the one not afflicted. When given a mirror to look in after the operation the young fellow could hardly believe it was his own face that reflected in the glass. The operation was performed by Dr. Pickel. Apple items have been plentiful in these columns of late--but it seems the more we write about them the better we like it. And the people don't seem to mind it either, especially when a great number of them are jingling yellow coin in their pockets--put there by those red and yellow apples. So here goes for another one. Last week, to be exact, from the 18th to the 25th, J. A. Whitman shipped thirteen carloads of apples from Medford. Eleven carloads were shipped to New York City, one to San Antonio, Texas, and one to Kansas City, Mo. As an evidence of the wonderful profit derived from the fruit industry when orchards are properly pruned and cared for, the following case in point will fully attest: J. W. Merritt has an apple orchard of two and a half acres across Bear Creek from Central Point from which he realized $1241 this year. W. H. Norcross bought the crop for ninety cents per box and shipped 1175 boxes at $1.25 per box. This represents a value of over $1800 on two and a half acres of ground. Who will say that Southern Oregon is not a fruit country? [See correction of this paragraph printed December 6, below.] "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 29, 1901, page 7 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Litchfield left this week for Salem, his old home, where he expects to
locate again.If you wish to inspect a full and superior assortment of holiday goods of all kinds, go to The Racket. When in Medford ask for Myers, the popular jeweler. His stock of goods cannot be beaten in Southern Oregon, if equaled. The place to get toys and purely holiday goods is the Racket Store. It has one of the largest and best assortments ever brought to Southern Oregon. Al. Learned is now sole proprietor of the Vienna Bakery, having purchased F. Litchfield's interest. He has engaged the services of M. C. Campbell of San Francisco, who is an experienced and skillful baker. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 5, 1901, page 4 "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 5, 1901, page 5 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Frank Litchfield, the genial baker, spent Sunday night in Jacksonville.
His visits to the county seat are much more frequent than they were.R. A. Proudfoot, formerly of Medford, is conducting the Creamerie Restaurant at Portland. He recently figured in a damage suit, for removing a barber's furniture from a building he controlled, and was mulcted in the sum of $35. The athletic entertainment given at the opera house by H. W. Jackson and others was the best function of the kind ever witnessed in Southern Oregon. Considerable science in boxing, wrestling, etc. was shown by the participants. The best of order was maintained. The Telegram of last Thursday prints a very good photograph of the principal of the Medford Academy, accompanying it with the following brief biographical sketch: Professor W. T. Van Scoy was born in Virginia in 1844, emigrated with his parents to Indiana in 1853 and to Iowa in 1855, where he was raised on a farm. After attending county schools during the winter months of his boyhood, he entered the Simpson Centenary College at Indianola, Ia. After spending two years there he entered the Northwestern University at Evanston, Ill., where he received the chief part of his education. Professor Van Scoy taught in the public schools of Indiana for ten years, and in 1882 moved to Oregon. He was principal of the Sheridan Academy one year, of the Turner graded schools four years, Jefferson Collegiate Institute four years, State Normal School at Drain three years, State Normal School at Ashland five years, public schools of Jacksonville one year. At present, Mr. Van Scoy is principal of Medford Academy, which he started in September. It has opened the second term with an enrollment of 113 students, that bids fair to reach 150. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 5, 1901, page 7 Ralph Woodford, who has been assisting for several months at Chausse's billiard hall and confectionery store, returned on Tuesday morning to his home at Medford. "Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, December 5, 1901, page 3 A. H. Chessmore of Medford is preparing to set out in the near future 10 acres of his place to fruit trees. Mr. Chessmore is the owner of the McCain place on Jones Creek, which is well adapted to fruit raising. "Local Happenings," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, December 5, 1901, page 3 Buy
people, in
fact many
people, are
too careless
in the
investment of
money, and
this fact is
more apparent
at holiday
time than at
other. The
almost always
know what
to buy, and
they, nine
times out of
ten, buy
really useful,
and when
presents are
made by the
dear girls and
their mammas
the recipients
pleased, and
all this is
because the
presents are
either useful
or will in
some way very
adorn some
part of the
house. But
the men! oh,
mister, they
are genuine,
failures every
time--and it's
not their
fault, either.
From the
fullness of
hearts there
comes welling
to the surface
a desire to
fact, every
member of the
but the poor
fellow just
don't know
how. The men
want to do the
right thing,
but--. They
are not
expected to
know that a
nice, easy
rocking chair
is the one
thing most
needful about
the house for
tired wife to
rest in after
a day of toil;
they haven't
noticed that
the sitting
room stand is
getting wobbly
and that the
spots on its
have been
covered for
years with the
family Bible,
and that there
needs be an
extension on
the Bible if
all the spots
are reached;
noticed that
the dining
table is old
style and that
the good
wife blushes
when she seats
company at it;
they can't
see and know
all these
things, but if
the wife would
in a "sorter"
offhand way at
this time o'
year that
there was such
such an
needful, it's
she'll get
them. And
while we are
talking on
this furniture
proposition we
want to
say to the men
that if they
will pry
around a
little they
can come
pretty close
to finding out
what the wives
need, and when
this is
understood we
are telling
you further
that the
Company can
supply every
want.A Mail reporter made a thorough canvass of their entire stock on Tuesday of this week, and he's telling you right here that it's the best line of furniture ever brought to Medford. There is much of it that's so suited for Christmas gifts that no person who is looking for a gift need go away with his wants unsupplied. Among the especially good articles of this purpose we might mention seventy-five easy and very up-to-date rockers, several elegant dressing tables in birdseye maple and golden oak, with piano polish, combination bookcases and writing desks, elegant bedroom suites, the very finest line of sofas, extension tables, all kinds of stands, umbrella racks, a very large stock of all grades of carpets, and carpet sweepers to sweep 'em with, exquisite china closets, rugs, children's rockers and wagons, portieres, library tables--and we might enumerate for an hour, but this is enough to satisfy any person that they can get anything they need in the furniture line at the Medford Furniture Company's store. Medford Mail, November 29, 1901, page 7 MEDFORD SPORTING CONTESTS.
There were vague rumors abroad that Medford was to have a real
genuine prize fight last Saturday night. The reports were somewhat
exaggerated. The show was as follows: An exhibition of the manly art by
Willis and William Jackson, the mining men. The next number was a
wrestling match between Linn Rumley, alleged champion of Rogue River
Valley and Geo. Andrews of Talent, best two out of the three. It was
won by Rumley. A barrel contest between Tobe Brous and Arthur Robinson was very funny and proved a draw.The event of the day was a ten-round fight between two pugilists with a reputation in the Northwest, Kid Gannon of Portland and Kid Freeman of Spokane, Wash. The opera house was roped and prepared for the event and several rounds were said to be quite spirited. The receipts were about $100. The purpose of the entertainment in the organizing of an athletic club. There were no ladies present at the show, but it was an orderly audience. Valley Record, Ashland, December 5, 1901, page 3 In the thirteen years ending June 30, 1900, according to official reports, the railroads of the United States killed 86,277 people and injured 469,027. Yet in the face of these figures, there are people whose idea of a good time is to fill up on whisky and go to sleep on the track. It is obvious error. Medford Mail, December 6, 1901, page 2 Big
Profits from
Small Orchard.
week these
columns told
of the immense
yield of
apples from a
near Central
Point. Our
informant was
somewhat in
error as to
the exact
amount of
gathered. We
print this
week a
Central Point
which covers
the ground
signed by one
of the most
honorable and
citizens of
town, but the
signature is
not affixed to
it because of
very good
reasons given
by the writer.
The item here
follows:"As an evidence of the possibilities of the fruit industry in Jackson County, the following wonderful profit from three acres of apple orchard, one mile north of Central Point, may be cited: "The crop was bought by W. H. Norcross, an extensive fruit shipper, for 90 cents a box on the trees in the orchard. The owner, J. W. Merritt, realized $1251.90 for the season's yield, which was 1391 boxes. Mr. Norcross sold the fruit for $1.25 per box, realizing $1738.75 from three acres of ten-year-old apple trees. This shows the wonderful profit of the industry, when orchards are properly pruned, cultivated and protected from fruit pests. Jackson County is the greatest fruit-producing section of Oregon, and capitalists are arriving daily, buying up the cream of the valley and setting it to apple trees, principally Newtown Pippins and Spitzenbergs. Men who have been in the fruit business for years are purchasing more land and setting out more trees this fall. Farmers are realizing the advantages of fruit over wheat, and gradually setting their entire holdings with fruit trees." Medford Mail, December 6, 1901, page 2 John Dunn et ux. to A. J. Anderson, lots 4, 5 and 6, blk 28, Medford . . . 500 A. H. Hooker et ux. to Mrs. X. Northup, lot 1, blk 59, Medford . . . 200 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, December 6, 1901, page 5 Miss Beulah Warner, who is teaching school in the Neil district, spent Saturday in Medford with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Barkdull are in Medford from Humboldt County, California, upon a visit to J. W. Barkdull and family. Mrs. Threca Shedd and son, Lawrence, returned last week from Chicago, Calif., where they have been stopping for some time. George Merriman, Jr., left Monday for Talent, where he will learn blacksmithing with his brother, Tom, who is engaged in that line. Gilbert Olson stopped off in Medford Tuesday for a brief stay with friends. Himself and Frank Ladd are now engaged in the racket store business in Roseburg. G. R. Row and family and S. Nichols and family, all of Springfield, Missouri, are among the latest arrivals in Medford. They came with the intention of remaining. W. E. Pickens came over from Montague Tuesday evening for a day's stay with home folks. Will is foreman of the Oakland Meat Company's stock ranch, near Montague, and is doing well. Mrs. C. H. Pierce returned last week from quite an extended visit in Portland. She is now visiting relatives in Ashland, but will soon become a permanent resident of Medford, Mr. Pierce having decided to move here from Ashland. F. H. Litchfield, who has been conducting the Vienna Bakery in Medford, having disposed of his interest therein, has returned to his former home at Salem. Ralph Woodford came up from Grants Pass Tuesday and will remain in Medford hereafter, he having taken a position as pharmacy student in Chas. Strang's drug store. J. A. Pruitt and family have moved to Medford from their farm east of town. They will spend the winter in town and give their children the benefits of our superior school facilities. W. S. Clay and family arrived in Medford Wednesday evening from Snohomish, Wash. Mr. Clay is the gentleman who purchased the C. E. Stewart fruit ranch a couple of months ago. Henry Lynch and family arrived in Medford Sunday evening from Wallowa County, Oregon. They brought household effects with them and come with the intention of remaining, provided they can find a suitable location. G. L. Davis, the erstwhile Medford merchant, now traveling salesman for a Portland wholesale house, stopped off in Medford Saturday for a few days' stay with his family and to sell goods in the nearby towns. He reports that he is selling lots of goods and that he likes his job immensely well. John W. Speaks and his stepson, L. N. Poindexter, of Modoc County, California, are expected to arrive in Medford the latter part of this week. The former is stepfather of, and the latter brother to, W. E. Poindexter, the Medford carpenter. These gentlemen expect to make their home in Medford. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 6, 1901, page 6 H. C. Shearer, of Steamboat, this county, has purchased Billie Isaacs' Rialto cigar store and fixtures. He has moved his family to Medford and is now in possession of his new purchase. He is a very fine young man, strictly honest and not a stranger to the business world. He will surely do a good business--Billie already had it coming his way, and all Mr. Shearer has to do is to hold it. Mr. Isaacs, who has made an almost phenomenal success of this his first business venture, will be with the store for a few weeks, or until all the workings of the business have been acquired by Mr. Shearer, when he will engage in a different line of business in our city, the nature of which is not now ripe to give out. Capt. Gordon Voorhies has ordered enough Yellow Newtown and Spitzenberg apple trees and Bartlett and Howard pear trees to plant the Bud Hamlin place, which he purchased a few months ago. There are about two hundred and sixty acres in the place, and it will all be planted. Josh Patterson, living near Talent, has gotten into an apple notion and has decided to plant fifty acres of his fine wheat land to trees this winter. If Mr. Patterson don't make a success of growing apples it will be the first thing he ever failed at. Lawrence Pickens was before Recorder York on Tuesday of this week charged with assault and battery upon Wm. Barnum. The assault was made on the street corner Saturday night. The recorder imposed a fine of $20, which was satisfied. Work on the Bear Creek bridge was to have commenced yesterday, but the weather was just a little too moist. The need for these repairs becomes more noticeably apparent as the rainy season approaches. The Ashland oil well is now down 1376 feet in bituminous sandstone. Operations have been delayed considerably by the breakage of tools. The Medford flour is guaranteed to be as good as any flour, and 20 cents a barrel cheaper. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, December 6, 1901, page 6 Echoes
from the
don't I put
out an apple
orchard? Well,
I'll tell,
Bliton, I
don't know
that my land
is the correct
thing for
fruit trees,
but I do know
that it's good
farm and stock
land. My
brother, Cory,
myself are
going into the
stock business
to some
extent. We
bought a
tract of land
over in the
Dead Indian
country last
which we will
use for a
summer range.
It is south of
the Lindas
place and is
nearly all
prairie land.
We now have
fifty-odd head
cattle and
will have more
just as soon
as we can get
hold of them."
P. M. Kershaw:--"Here is the price of a year's subscription to the Mail. Send it to my father, Peter Kershaw, at Graysville, Illinois. He wants to know about this country, and I know of no better way to give him the whole works than to send him the paper. Send him the three last numbers with all those fruit items in. The old gentleman is getting a notion into his head that he would like to live in Oregon, and I'm helping the notion along. Why, say, this is the only place to live. People who have lived here always don't know what a paradise they have. If they were compelled to brave the rigor of old Illinois winters they'd be more appreciative." M. L. Pellett:--"That London fruit buyer who was in the valley a few weeks ago said the Rogue River Valley produced a better grade of Newtown apples than any other country in the world. He has been in every known apple country and he ought to know--and probably does--what he is talking about. My Newtowns were a fine quality this season and sold at a good price. He offered $2.25 a box for them, but they had already been sold." W. F. Isaacs:--"Someone, unintentionally of course, exchanged hats with me at the dance last Thursday evening. Mine was a Dunlap. The one left in its place don't fit my head bumps, and I would like right well to make an exchange." Medford Mail, December 6, 1901, page 6 Good
Bread Now.
Candy [Store]
man, of
has bought the
bakery. You
can depend
upon having
good bread at
all times.
etc., on hand.
Wedding cake
on three days'
notice. Pure,
fresh candies
constantly on
Medford Mail, December 6, 1901, page 6 In the practice of law as in the practice of other professions it is the closest student and the one who attends to business carefully, thoroughly and honestly to whom you naturally feel you can entrust your legal affairs with all safety. The professional man who depends wholly upon his "sheepskin" for the success of his practice soon becomes fossilized, and to all intent and purpose is a nonentity in the community. In this connection we want to say that attorney W. E. Phipps is not of this stripe. He is a hustler, and a good one. He is a close student to his law library, and there is no business entrusted to him that is not given every possible attention. He has a splendid library, and he knows its contents; he has built up a good business in our town and has done it upon honest, conscientious principles. Mr. Phipps has made a financial success of his law practice in Medford--and that's a pretty good recommend [sic] for any man in that profession, during these days of prosperity and plenty, when all litigation is at low ebb. The opera house was well filled on Saturday evening to witness the athletic entertainment. There was some disappointment on account of changes in the program, but this was no fault of the management, as two local boxers who had agreed to appear failed, for some reason, to show up. L. C. Narregan made a short address defining the object of the entertainment, then H. W. and W. Jackson opened the performance with a five-round exhibition, and showed considerable cleverness. The wrestling match between Rumley and Bonar was won easily by the former, neither man showing any great proficiency. The barrel contest between Tobe Brouse and Arthur Robinson was productive of much merriment and resulted in a draw. "Kid" Gannon of Portland and Frank Freeman, of Spokane, sparred ten rounds to wind up the show. Neither man extended himself much, but there were occasional very clever bits of sparring. The contest was awarded to Freeman in the fifth round on a foul, but on mutual agreement the men went the balance of the ten rounds. The Medford band furnished excellent music for the occasion. The door receipts were over $90. The following named seven young men--Tobe Brouse, Jack Plymale, Eugene Childers, Dale Hazel, Rube Murray, M. Adams and Art Robinson, sang louder, about four o'clock Sunday morning, than was thought by Chief of Police Johnson to be in keeping with the dignity of the city at that hour of the night, when serenades are not expected nor welcomed, and on Monday morning he filed complaints against them before Recorder York, charging them with disturbing the peace. Someone apprised the boys of what was going on, and all of them called upon the recorder, unsolicited, and paid $5 each into the city's exchequer. Some of these are not really bad boys by any means, neither are they boisterous, ordinarily, but they seem to have overstepped the boundary of law and order this time. However, this little draft on their bank accounts may have a salutary effect upon them, and it may be the best investment of $5 they ever made. A dramatic company has been organized in Medford, and the first entertainment is booked for holiday week and will be the presentation of a three-act drama entitled "The Heart of a Hero," by McIntyre. The cast is Lin Purdin, in the lead role and the hero of the play; Emmett Barkdull is the villain. W. J. Mahoney is an estray from Si Perkins' combination; Sid Cole is a squire with dignity and gray whiskers; George Porter is a "jude" from the city; Homer Rothermel is an office boy; Mae Merriman is lead lady; Carrie George is a poor old maid, in other words a spinster, with an object but no prospect; Gertrude Wilson is an asylum inmate; Florence Toft is a coquette with dashing ways but a heart that's all right. Rehearsals are now on, and advertising matter will soon be out. Since the above item was put in type the company has made different arrangements and will put on "In the Toils" instead of the play above mentioned. No need for Medford people to buy imported bacon. We have some very choice pieces, made from Rogue River Valley pork, and made this season. Every piece guaranteed to be fresh and wholesome. All animals which are slaughtered by us are given a thorough inspection, and not an ounce of diseased meat is either put on the block or salted. Arnold & Barneburg, proprietors of the City Market. Medford Camp No. 90, Woodmen of the World, gave a social and entertainment at their lodge hall on Tuesday evening of this week. There were between 200 and 300 members and invited friends present, and a very pleasant evening was spent. The program consisted of an opening address by attorney C. P. Snell, piano solos by Miss Osenbrugge, vocal solo by Mrs. W. W. Bates, vocal solo by Miss Webb, vocal solo by Master Dean Morey, a violin solo by W. S. Crowell, Jr., and an address by H. Mann. M. F. Parker was master of ceremonies, and a few remarks from him fitted in very appropriately in several places. Mr. Parker is nothing if not ludicrous, and he was at his best Tuesday night. After the exercises the guests were invited into the banquet room adjoining, where plates were spread for sixty-two people at one time--and when the refreshment finish was made it was counted up that these same tables had been set and reset four times. The refreshments consisted of cold meats, sandwiches, cakes and coffee and were relished by all. After the refreshments had been partaken of to the entire satisfaction of all, a few of the young people enjoyed themselves in a merry dance for an hour or two. The Medford Dancing Club gave an enjoyable party at the opera house on Thursday evening, November 28th. Sixty-five couples responded to the invitations issued by the ladies of the club and passed an enjoyable evening dancing to the inspiring music of Prof. Boffa's orchestra. A special train from Jacksonville brought ten couples from that place. Supper was served at the Star Restaurant and was first class in every respect. Taking it all in all it was one of the most enjoyable occasions of the kind which has ever occurred in the city. J. H. Drake,who arrived in Medford last week from Kansas, is an experienced and longtime grower of full-blood hogs, and it is that line of business he expects to follow here if he can secure a suitable location not far from Medford. He is especially desirous of securing a location close enough to the city that his children may attend our schools. An industry such as Mr. Drake proposes establishing is surely needful in the valley, and there seems not the shadow of a doubt but that the business would prove profitable. Bates Bros. have purchased 116 acres of land east of Medford and will plant the entire tract to fruit. The land is situated near J. A. Whitman's orchard, on the west, and is said to be soil well adapted to fruit culture. They have already ordered enough trees to set out 100 acres, and as soon as they arrive the work of planting will begin. They will put out fifty acres to Newtown Pippins and the remaining fifty to Jonathan apples and pears. The price paid for the land was $2000, and the purchase was made from T. F. Young. At the noon hour on Tuesday last past, the rain fell almost in torrents. It is told that upon this date and even with the hour above named, one of Medford's many saleswomen, after putting on her wraps, started out for lunch in the rain with a large feather duster held high over her head--and she did not discover that it was not her umbrella she had until the rain began splashing her in the face--and about that time other clerks in the establishment had made the same discovery--and the aforesaid saleswoman looked like three-tenths of a dollar. Henry Pohlman has purchased two acres of orchard, in the Orchard Home tract, from Wm. Hall, of Winnipeg, B.C. This gives Mr. Pohlman an orchard of twenty-five or thirty acres--and he's making money off of it, but there isn't anyone saying that he doesn't deserve the success he is having. He is a hardworking and an honest, painstaking horticulturist. The ladies, Mrs. P. M. Williams and her mother, Mrs. E. B. Merriman, who arrived in Medford last week from Bisbee, Arizona, have decided to locate in our town, and a few months hence Mr. Williams will arrive and he will at once secure property and erect a dwelling. Bisbee is a smelter town, and the smoke from it was injurious to these ladies' health--hence the move to Oregon. A. L. Learned, of Jacksonville, proprietor of the Boss Candy Store at that place, has purchased the interest of Frank Litchfield in the Vienna Bakery and will hereafter conduct that business. Mr. Learned will run the candy store at Jacksonville, and will have an experienced baker in charge of the business here, and continue to furnish his customers with first-class goods in his line. Sunday night the street lights were turned on for the first time this fall, and parties living on C Street from Fourth Street on the north to Twelfth on the south, and those living on Seventh as far out as the school house, could get home without danger of breaking their necks in the darkness. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 6, 1901, page 9 Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Westacott, of Salem, stopped off in Medford Tuesday for a few days' visit with friends and to look over the country with a possible view to locating.--Medford Mail. The Daily Journal, Salem, December 7, 1901, page 2 Miss Bernice Cameron, of Union, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. G. L. Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barkdull, of Humboldt County, Cal., are the guests of J. W. Barkdull and family here. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, December 8, 1901, page 21 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
There will
be no services at the Catholic Church in Medford Sunday, as announced
by mistake.Miss Jessie Cole, one of our belles, who left for California not long since, has entered a hospital for the purpose of becoming a trained nurse. Barneburg & Arnold's market is furnishing us with the best meats of all kinds, etc. E. W. Tryer, the scientific butcher, is at the block and giving general satisfaction. Wm. H. Barr, who has been carefully attending to a nice orchard situated near Medford, has had his industry rewarded. This year he marketed several thousand boxes of as fine apples as ever grew, and got a big price for them. H. C. Shearer has purchased the cigar and tobacco business lately conducted by Will. Isaacs, and will run it in an up-to-date style. He will keep the best and most popular brands of everything in his line. Give Henry a call, for he will treat you right. Claude Riddle, a clever young man, who has been connected with the Oregon Observer and other newspapers, and Miss Mamie Isaacs, the popular and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Isaacs, were married at the home of the latter on Sunday by Rev. S. H. Jones of Jacksonville. They have gone to housekeeping at Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. Riddle have many friends, the congratulations and best wishes of all of whom they are in receipt of. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 12, 1901, page 4 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
The Medford and Central Point teams played a lively game of football
Sunday, which was won by the former by a score of 6 to 0. It was quite
interesting and witnessed by a good-sized crowd.A. D. Ray has sold his stock of groceries, etc. to T. J. Goodwyn and will soon leave for Southern California, to spend the winter for the benefit of his health. We hope that he will return soon, fully recovered. Bates Bros., who lately purchased 110 acres of land a few miles east of Medford, will plant the entire tract to fruit. They will put out 50 acres of Newtown pippins, and the remainder to other varieties of apples and pears. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 12, 1901, page 7 Ralph Woodford has taken a position as pharmacy student in Chas. Strang's drug store in Medford. "Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, December 12, 1901, page 3 Bates Bros. have purchased 116 acres of land east of Medford and will plant the entire tract to fruit. The land is situated near J. A. Whitman's orchard, on the west, and is said to be soil well adapted to fruit culture. They have already ordered enough trees to set out 100 acres and as soon as they arrive the work of planting will begin. They will put out fifty acres to Newtown Pippins and the remaining fifty to Jonathan apples and pears. The price paid for the land was $200 and the purchase was made from T. F. Young.--Mail. "Local Happenings," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, December 12, 1901, page 3 This thought is not fathered by a delusion, neither is it impracticable or impossible--an electric railway from Medford to the vast belt of timber on upper Rogue River. The Fish Lake Ditch Company will be in a position to supply all necessary power to operate such a line, while the cost of construction would be very slight as compared with the cost of a regulation railroad. Medford people, we believe, would be willing and anxious to subsidize a proposition of this kind--with one condition--that the lumber be brought to Medford in the log. You say this would necessitate the hauling of a great amount of worthless timber? That is not so. Every particle of the wood itself could be, and would be, manufactured right here in Medford into useful articles of commerce, while the bark could be used for fuel. This is no pipe dream but a matter of sound logic and a condition which may be brought about to the profit of our growing little city--and as well to the men who have gumption enough to grasp a good thing when they see it. Medford Mail, December 13, 1901, page 2 Geo. Jackson, of Medford, stopped at the Trail House Thursday while on his way to the west branch of Trail Creek, where he was taking a load of supplies for the King brothers. "Trail Creek Items," Medford Mail, December 13, 1901, page 5 Mrs. E. A. Ward to J. D. Callahan, w ½ of lot 1, blk 3, Barr's add., Medford . . . 700 S. A. White to Joe Stahl, lot 11, blk 15, Medford . . . 500 G. W. Owings et ux. to J. Coberly et ux., lots 2, 10 and 11, blk 32, Medford . . . 250 I. J. Phipps et ux. to G. W. Downing, 2 acres in sec. 19, twp 37s, r1w . . . 35 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, December 13, 1901, page 5 H. N. Marcy left Tuesday for Pasadena, Calif., at which place he will put in a shooting gallery. Mrs. F. E. Bell, mother-in-law of F. L. Taylor, left Tuesday morning for a visit with relatives at New Ross, Ind. J. H. Ray and daughter, Miss Clara, were at Ashland Tuesday, at which place the daughter will spend the winter with friends. George Anderson, of Florence, Oregon, was in Medford this week upon business. He was looking for a suitable location to engage in business. Chas. Bigham, of Gazelle, Calif., who has been visiting his uncle, John Bigham, and family, near Medford, for the past three weeks, left Saturday for his home. Miss Anna Wait left Wednesday for Los Angeles, Calif., having been called there by the illness of her sister, Mrs. Terwilliger. Mrs. Wait is also now a resident of Los Angeles. C. H. Hemstreet, a mechanical engineer, now with the Trescott Packing Company, of Goble, Oregon, was in Medford last week upon a visit to his brother, B. F. Hemstreet, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Jones, parents of Dr. W. S. Jones, arrived in the city Tuesday evening from Pleasantville, Iowa. They will spend the winter here with the doctor and his family. They were met at Colestin by the doctor and his daughter, Miss Maud. Mrs. J. H. Ray, son A. D., and daughter Miss Lucy left Tuesday for San Francisco, Calif., where they will remain for the winter, in hopes that the dryer climate of that section may prove beneficial to the son's health. The young man's many friends in Medford will anxiously await for good news from him. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 13, 1901, page 6 J. P. True, of Griffin Creek, has sold his North Medford property to Walter S. Moore, consideration $450. Mr. Moore is a son of Harvey Moore, the West Side blacksmith, and is from Black Butte, Lane County, Oregon. The deal was made by M. Bellinger. The new A. B. Chase chapel organ which was ordered for the Catholic Church in Jacksonville has arrived and will be on exhibition at the Coss Piano House all day Friday. The instrument is a grand affair and should be seen by all intending purchasers. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, December 13, 1901, page 6 The Southern Oregon Oil Co., which has been sinking a well near Ashland, suspended operations temporarily last Saturday. The well has reached a depth of over 1500 feet, but while the company is in condition to meet all obligations, funds were running low owing to numerous unavoidable accidents. It was deemed unwise to incur any indebtedness and so the work was shut down. At a public meeting in Ashland last Friday night nearly 4000 shares were subscribed for, and no doubt sufficient money will be raised to sink the well a few hundred feet further and demonstrate to a certainty whether oil exists at that point or not. It is to be hoped that the Ashland people will be successful in finding oil, as it would mean enhanced prosperity all over the valley. Some of this stock could probably be sold in Medford. J. A. Perry, proprietor of the Independent Warehouse, and G. T. Faucett, agent for the Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, chipped in last week and had Street Commissioner Brandenburg put down a crosswalk from their places of business across Seventh Street. We will now have one crosswalk which passengers and townspeople can cross upon from the depot to the express office and the Jacksonville trains without getting ankle deep in mud. It's a commendable piece of enterprise and the Mail scribe feels like throwing a bouquet every time he happens that way. Someone wanted to know if these gentlemen intended keeping the mud cleaned from this aforesaid-mentioned walk. Their intentions are strictly in line with that sort of procedure, but suppose they don't, the people of Medford are nothing out. Didn't think about that, did you? Those depot crossings are an insult to common decency, but there seems no way of bettering them, inasmuch as the railroad company will not put in plank and we understand will not permit the city council to do so. A few feet of planking between the tracks, and this kept clean of mud, would be an improvement very much appreciated by passengers and townspeople. The K. of P. boys and the K. of P. boys' girls and wives, to the number of about sixty, had a most delightful social time at lodge hall on Monday evening of this week. This was the regular meeting night of the lodge, but all business was sidetracked and the entire evening was given over to a continual round of good time. Various games of cards were played together with crokinole and other amusements. Some enjoyed a few whirls to waltz music in the banquet hall adjoining--and everybody had lots of fun--and the boys felt pretty good because they were Knights, while the ladies were elated because of the fact that they were so intimately associated with such a crowd of gallant young men--who to them are knights always, either inside or outside the lodge room. Refreshments were also furnished and were partaken of with a relish that would give Delmonico spasms. Dr. B. F. Adkins:--"I had a letter from my brother-in-law, J. W. Howard, last week. He is over in Klamath County where he has had 600 head of cattle fattening on the succulent range grass of that county and which he has recently sold to California buyers at a good figure. He is one of the most extensive stock raisers of Eastern Oregon. Himself and family will visit us in Medford holiday week. Yes, I've been away. Went over in the Williams Creek country for a week. Mrs. Adkins and Ora returned to Medford from California on Thanksgiving day." John Barneburg was unfortunate in having his left shoulder joint dislocated on Tuesday of this week. He was riding after cattle when one of the animals crossed the path of the horse he was riding, throwing man, horse and rider to the ground in a great mixup. Mr. B. can consider himself very fortunate that he escaped with so slight an injury. The dismembered members were placed in their proper positions by Drs. Shearer and Stephenson, and after he has carried his shoulder and arm in a sling for a couple of weeks he will be all right again. The Ashland Normal football team sent a challenge recently to the Medford Academy team for a game on the Normal grounds on Saturday of this week. The challenge was accepted, and all arrangements had been made by the Academy for the game, but the Normal boys got "cold feet," and with "snow in their shoes" and their knees knocking together they wrote the Academy team captain on Tuesday of this week declaring the game off. Medford people can better afford to wait a few days to have their wood sawed than to patronize an out-of-town saw. Ed. Whiteside lives in Medford. He runs a steam woodsaw--get him to saw your wood--and keep your money in Medford, and in the due course of time it may again reach your purse. If paid to outside parties there is no possible show for you ever to see it again. Olwell Bros. shipped two carloads of apples this week to Hamburg, Germany. The strict quarantine regulations established by Germany against fruit from all Pacific Coast states makes the matter of shipping to that country decidedly hazardous, as many carloads already shipped from other coast points have been rejected by the German inspectors, but to do away with any possible trouble Messrs. Olwell Bros. had each box of fruit in these two carloads inspected by A. H. Carson, horticultural commissioner and inspector for this district, and his certificate to the effect that the fruit was not pest infested accompanied the bills of lading. J. A. Whitman has moved his place of residence to the house which for years has been the home of his father, J. D. Whitman, and is situated adjoining Medford on the south. A fire alarm was turned in Wednesday afternoon, but upon investigation it was found to be only a chimney burning out at the Academy boarding house, on North D Street. Another alarm was turned in about 7:30 in the evening of the same day, and this, too, proved to be a chimney fire at Jimmie Jones' house. The fire department was on hand in good time at both these alleged conflagrations. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 13, 1901, page 7 John Barneburg met with quite a painful accident last Tuesday morning. While riding after cattle his horse fell in such a way as to throw him under it, which resulted in a dislocated shoulder. He was very fortunate in escaping with so slight an injury. Drs. Shearer and Stephenson reduced the dislocation, and he is getting along nicely. J. H. Drake, a recent arrival in Medford from Kansas, gave the Enquirer office a pleasant call Wednesday. Mr. Drake followed breeding thoroughbred hogs in that country and contemplates following that occupation here, while he will the coming season ship in some fine stock. He says every raiser of swine should take the American Swineherd, which is published in Chicago, as it is a great help to those who raise hogs and stock. Medford Enquirer, December 14, 1901, page 4 I. M. Welch and son Frank Welch have gone to Medford, where they expect to remain permanently. "Social, Fraternal and Personal Mention," The Daily Journal, Salem, December 14, 1901, page 3 Mrs. Sherman Orten, of De La Mar, Cal., is visiting her parents several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Jones, of Pleasantville, Ind., arrived Tuesday and will remain during the winter with their son, Dr. W. S. Jones. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, December 15, 1901, page 21 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Barneburg had one of his shoulders dislocated by his horse falling with
him. He is getting along nicely.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 19, 1901, page 5 Dolls, guns, drums, carriages and every description of toys at Mitchell's, one door north of post office, Medford. Prices the lowest. Holiday goods of all kinds, the latest and cheapest, can be found at Mitchell's store, Medford. One door north of post office. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 19, 1901, page 5 "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 19, 1901, page 5 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Wm. Ulrich
has returned from his trip to San Francisco. His health is considerably
improved.Clarence Raymond has sold his shooting gallery and is now teaching dancing to a good-sized class. Miss Kate Reed, who has been considerably indisposed, is able to resume her duties at F. K. Deuel & Co.'s emporium. Ed. Hill, the printer, is with us again, after an absence of nearly two years. He has been in several states since he left here. W. E. Macaulay, the enterprising tamale constructor, has purchased the Medford shooting gallery, which he has moved to his stand next door to Myers' jewelry store. T. J. Kenney, administrator of the estate of S. Rosenthal, on Saturday sold the fine two-story brick building belonging thereto and situated on 7th Street to Fred Barneburg. The price paid was $6950. J. H. Messner of Central Point, the well-known blacksmith and veterinary surgeon, will locate among us soon. He went to Butte Creek Friday to treat some horses employed on the Jackson Co. Improvement Co.'s ditch. D. E. Morris, the clever superintendent of construction for the Jackson Co. Improvement Co., was in Medford last week, accompanied by his wife. He informs us that operations will be continued during the winter, to be resumed on a much larger scale when the weather will permit. This is one of the most important enterprises inaugurated in Southern Oregon in many ways, and its complete success is well nigh assured, we are glad to say. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 19, 1901, page 7 Sunday School Missionary.
pastoral relation between Rev. A. Haberly and the Presbyterian Church
at Medford was dissolved by the Presbytery of Southern Oregon, Monday,
Dec. 16. Mr. Haberly has entered upon work as a Sunday school
missionary for Josephine, Jackson, Klamath and Lake counties. The
church is already looking for a new minister.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, December 19, 1901, page 2 Tempest in a Peanut Shell.
The Mail
is supposed to 'way back and sit down, but we are not overheating
ourselves in our mad rush for the rear. Last week these columns printed
this item:
"The business man who does business in the city twelve months in every year and whose goods are in evidence when the tax collector makes his annual visits is the man whom you can best afford to patronize. Those fellows who jump in just before Christmas with a stock of goods to catch a few dollars of the holiday trade can hardly be considered bona fide business men. Buyers would do well to look carefully into this matter before making their Christmas purchases. The man who helps you pay the taxes ought to be given preference." Since which time H. H. Mitchell has taken exceptions to the above item and, with the assistance of Horse Mann [Horace Mann], has had printed a circular in which he accuses the Mail and its publisher of everything that's bad except horse stealing and wife beating. Mr. Mitchell states in his circular that he pays all the taxes required of him. The Mail does not doubt this. The question which naturally arises is--Has he been required to pay any? But come to think about it we did not know that H. H. Mitchell was engaged in business in Medford. A couple or three weeks ago there were circulated about Medford a few handbills advertising a stock of Christmas goods which had at that time been put on the market, and the handbills were signed "Rowland Mitchell," a son of H. H. Mitchell. This may have something to do with the payment of taxes "as required." So far as the circular which Mitchell-Mann has issued affects the Mail in the estimation of the people there is not a particle of damage, and if harm comes from it it surely will be to Mr. Mitchell. As regards the item in question the Mail published, when he wrote it [he] had no particular man or concern in mind, but he said then, as he has upon many previous occasions, that the old-liners--the firms which have been struggling for eleven months out of every twelve in our town for business for years, were entitled to a boom, if there is to be one, in their lines the twelfth month of every year without interference. The different firms in Medford which are handling similar holiday goods like those carried by Mr. Mitchell are H. B. Nye's Racket Store, G. A. Gurnea, the Medford Book Store and J. G. Van Dyke & Co. These people have been in business in Medford for a number of years, and nearly every one of them owns property in the city. These people can truly be termed bona fide business men. Medford Mail, December 20, 1901, page 2 An ordinance was passed licensing [the] telephone company and restricting their operations as to putting up poles and attaching wires to buildings and trees. Consent must be secured from the street commissioner and interested parties before wires can be attached to any tree within the corporate limits of the city and from the owner or agent of any building. The license was placed at $100 per year, and the use of phones shall not be more than $1.50 per month. "Meeting of City Council," Medford Mail, December 20, 1901, page 3 Jas. Carr et ux. to W. B. Roberts, property in dlc No. 42, twp 37s, r1w . . . 250 J. J. Brown to Martha Wiehman, 19 acres in sec. 3, twp 37s, r2w . . . 280 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, December 20, 1901, page 5 Leon Haskins came home from Berkeley, Calif. Sunday for a visit with home folks during his school vacation. The young man is taking a course in the pharmaceutical department of the University of California, and is getting along finely in his studies. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Vaughn, of Clackamas County, Oregon, were in Jackson County last week and this upon a visit to Mr. and Mrs. A. Wyland, living east of Medford. Mrs. Vaughn and Mrs. Wyland are sisters and have not seen each other before for thirty years. Mr. Vaughn crossed the plains in '48 and Mrs. Vaughn in '45. Mr. V. took a donation claim soon after his arrival in Oregon and himself and family have since resided continuously upon this same land. Eleven children have been born to them and all are living, the baby of the family being the wife of M. F. McCown, of this city. Mr. V. also has a cousin by the same name, living up Rogue River way, whom he had not seen since he left Tennessee in the '40s. G. F. King returned this week from up Prospect way, where he located four settlers on homesteads. Mrs. C. R. Welch and son and daughter, Chester and Mildred, arrived in Medford Tuesday from Salem, and will make this city their future home. Mrs. Welch is mother of E. M. Welch, of the Medford Furniture Company, and a sister of Mrs. Hollis, wife of F. W. Hollis, another member of the above-mentioned firm. These people were accompanied by L. M. Welch and son Frank, who are but recently from the East, but who also will reside in Medford; they were accompanied also by Mrs. Welch's mother. They are now housekeeping in the Dr. Kirchgessner residence on Nob Hill. Mr. C. R. Welch, who is now in business at Salem, expects to soon come to Medford to reside. He, too, is a member of the Medford Furniture Company. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 20, 1901, page 6 Dr. Payne has been giving hypnotic exhibitions three nights during the week at the opera house to good-sized audiences. The tests shown by the doctor are very interesting, and he displays a complete mastery of his profession. On Wednesday evening the subject, who had been sleeping in the window of the Medford Book Store, was awakened, having first been placed in a cataleptic state by Dr. Payne and then returned to a normal condition, the operator explaining each step as he proceeded. Afterward a large class was placed under the influence and they performed many laughable feats. The special features Thursday evening were "the murder trial and courtroom scene" and "the baseball match." The antics of the different subjects afford a good evening's entertainment, aside from scientific interest of the experiments. Dr. Payne expects to fill a return date here in the near future. L. H. Faucett is having many improvements made to his fine home in Southwest Medford. An addition, in which there will be four rooms, is being built, while there is also being put up sixty feet of porch, on two sides of the main building. N. B. Bradbury has the contract and carpenters W. L. Halley and W. E. Poindexter are doing the work. C. M. Allen, the gentleman who purchased the J. H. Wilson farm, near Medford, has a good portion of his land in readiness for tree planting, and as soon as the trees arrive they will be planted, and the foundation for another Jackson County orchard shall have been commenced. C. H. Elmore has fifty acres of good fruit land, over near Jacksonville, upon which he now has a twenty-acre orchard, but he is not content with that and is preparing another twenty-acre tract for tree planting. The trees have been ordered and will be put out this winter. He will plant Newtown Pippin apples and Bartlett pears. The repairs on the Bear Creek bridge at this place have been completed, and travel across it has been resumed. Next spring we may reasonably expect the county commissioners to commence work on a new structure to take the place of the old one. At a meeting of the members of the Presbyterian Church held recently, the pastor's back salary, to the amount of $200, was raised, but the members wisely decided not to engage a new pastor until such time as they could with safety guarantee his salary and know positively from whence it was to come. That candle in H. H. Howard & Co.'s window is attracting no end of attention. It's a whopper and is going to be lighted Christmas Eve. The printed matter in the window will tell you all about it. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, December 20, 1901, page 6 Accepted
Position at
Ore., Dec.
Miss Carrie
Sackett, one
of Jackson
County's best
teachers, has
resigned her
position as
teacher to the
Phoenix school
that she might
accept the
of a Leland
school. It was
with great
reluctance the
patrons of the
former school
gave her up,
as all were so
interested in
the work. She
leaves at once
for Leland.
20, 1901, page
The monstrosity [illegible] street which edits [illegible] the Enquirer is [illegible]. Medford needs another [illegible] another livery stable [illegible]
an attempt at bulldozing and bluffing--if that isn't a sample of the
most contemptible sort ever introduced, then these columns are lost for
a place to find it. Until about one and a half years ago Medford had no
book store at all--the books and stationery before that having been
supplied by the two drug stores. Mr. O. W. Whitman, the son of attorney
J. H. Whitman, deceased, a young man of sterling qualities, conceived
the idea that he could assist his widowed mother, who was not in the
best of circumstances, to keep the wolf from the door by starting a
book and stationery store. He started the store in a small way, with
the assistance of friends, and by his untiring efforts, business
capability and steady habits he has built up a business which is an
honor to the community and a profit to himself, his mother and younger
brother and sisters. Any man who will say that Orrin Whitman does not
deserve the success he has had and is having is a liar, and the truth
is not in him. These chilly mornings when most Medford business men are
sleeping cozily
'neath warm blankets, this same Orrin Whitman is out groping his way in
darkness about town earning an honest penny by delivering the Portland
and San Francisco daily papers to his subscribers. This is the young
man, not yet of age, whose business the contemptible sheet down the
street would endeavor to injure by advertising that Medford needs
another book store. All this because Mr. Whitman has not seen fit to
advertise in his columns. Medford needs another book store about as bad
as Tolo does. As regards the livery stable--the Mail would prefer one stable well conducted and well patronized to two or more poorly conducted and but half patronized.
had a letter
from Mollie
this week. She
is at Dr.
hospital in
San Francisco,
and is very
much improved
in health. We
also heard
from Will
Stewart. He
has been at
hospital in
that city
having skin
grafted onto
his arms and
hands. The
proved a
success, and
he has now
left the
hospital. His
and hands were
badly burned
several years
go, and they
have been very
troublesome to
him since
because of the
fact that the
skin would not
cover the
burned places.
How large were
the strips of
skin that were
grafted on? I
remember, but
they were
inches wide
and several
inches long.
They were
taken from his
hip. He's all
right now and
probably be
home soon."
D. T. Lawton, manager for the Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. in Medford, is having more improvements made about his place of business--the same being the partitioning off of an office room in his large display and sales department. The partition will be largely of glass, thus giving plenty of light. It will be a big improvement and a great convenience--but there's nothing too good for the Lawton boys. The Mail has secured permission from Horse Mann, the Enquirer man, to use the last sentence above printed. Hereafter, when we wish to say that Jones or Smith is a gentleman we will first secure permission from this bureau of ethics. The work on these office improvements is being executed by C. H. Elmore and it's a good job. (Permission granted.) T. J. Kenney, administrator of the S. Rosenthal estate, last Saturday sold the brick store building in Medford, which was part of the estate, to Fred Barneburg for $6950. Chas. Strang's bid was $6900 and Ed. Wilkinson's $5800. The property brought a good price, but the especially good location and the steady advance in the price of Medford business realty makes it almost impossible to lose on the investment. It is a good, safe place to put that amount of money--by far better than to have it scattered about the county in small loans. Contractor A. C. Nicholson is engaged these days in building an addition to the residence of banker Beekman, in Jacksonville. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 20, 1901, page 7 Leon Haskins, who is attending college at Berkeley, Cal., is home to spend his vacation with his parents. Mrs. C. L. Reeves, who has been visiting with her brother, Dr. J. G. Goble, several months, left Sunday for Centralia, Wash. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, December 22, 1901, page 19 The following marriage licenses were issued yesterday: James M. Keene, 37, Medford, Or., and Mollie Barneburg, 24, Medford, Or. "Marriage Licenses," The San Francisco Call, December 24, 1901, page 11 MEDFORD SQUIBS.
Mrs. C. L. Reeves of Centralia, Wash., who has been in Roseburg before
and since the death of her sister, Mrs. J. G. Goble, has returned home,
accompanied by her nephew, Lloyd Goble.Rev. A. Haberly having resigned, the Presbyterian Church is without a pastor. The members of his late congregation have decided not to engage the services of another, owing to the scarcity of funds. John A. Hanley died at his residence in East Medford last Friday, after a lingering illness. He leaves a wife and several children. The deceased was a native of Jackson County, being born near Jacksonville, and the eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hanley. The funeral took place Sunday, services being held at the late residence by Rev. S. H. Jones of Jacksonville. The remains were interred in the Masonic cemetery at Jacksonville under the auspices of Warren Lodge No. 10, A.F.&A.M., of which he was a member. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 26, 1901, page 3 Medford Wedding.
J. M. Keene of Medford were among the victims of Hymen on Christmas
Day. He wed at Frisco Miss Mollie Baumberg, also of Medford. They were
united at the First Presbyterian Church. His hosts of Marion County
friends join in congratulations and would be glad to give the doctor
and his bride a more cordial welcome nearer at home if they should come
this way.
The Daily Journal, Salem, December 26, 1901, page 3 Henrietta Turner to Harry Moore, lots 6, 7 and 8, blk 7, Park add., Medford . . . 750 Geo. M. Lindley et ux. to Uriah Hoover, lot 3, blk 28, Medford . . . 83 J. P. True to Walter Moore, lot 1 and ½ of lot 2, blk 9, Medford . . . 450 J. S. Howard to V. A. Broadbent, 8 acres, dlc No. 42, twp 37[s], r1w . . . 2400 Kate I. Broadbent to L. B. Brown, 2½ acres adjoining Medford . . . 800 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, December 27, 1901, page 5 Miss Edyth Cranfill, who is attending St. Mary's Academy in Jacksonville, is visiting home folks this week. Mrs. Walter Anderson, of Slatonia, Calif., is in Medford upon a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Gilbert. Mrs. John J. Wolf, of Chicago, arrived in Medford Monday and will spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. J. H. Rice, and family. Willie Warner came home Friday from the Pacific University at Forest Grove, to spend Christmas with Medford relatives and friends. A. H. Chessmore came up from Grants Pass Sunday evening. He has been at work on his ranch--preparing eight acres of land for tree setting. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kent, of Wellen, were in Medford Saturday. They were accompanied home by their daughters, Misses Lucy and Amy, who are attending the public schools in this city. Misses Bessie and Delpha Hammond came home from Eugene Friday and will spend their holiday vacation with their parents, attorney and Mrs. A. S. Hammond. The young ladies are students in the state university. L. A. Carter, of Rollins, Calif., is in Medford upon a visit to his son, R. A. Carter, and family. Mr. Carter, Sr., was formerly a resident of Medford, but is now quite extensively engaged in mining in California, and both of his sons, R. A., of this city, and Hon. W. A., of Gold Hill, are interested with him. Robt. Locklin, of Galesburg, Ill., was in Medford for a couple of days this week. The gentleman is a brother-in-law of J. M. Kierman, who recently came here from Gazelle, Calif. He is of the opinion that this is a good place to drop anchor, and there is a possibility that he will return and invest some money in the valley. J. M. Kierman and family arrived in Medford Sunday evening from Gazelle, Calif. They have rented I. L. Hamilton's residence on North C Street and will reside here during the winter. Their move here at this time is to enable their children to attend our public schools, which, parenthetically let us say, are without peer in all Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Russell returned to Medford last Saturday from Ft. Jones, Calif., where they have resided for the past couple of years. Mr. Russell is a miller and was formerly employed in the Davis mill at this place. They still own property in Medford and expect to now make this their future home. They will remain here during the winter at least. Mr. Russell has a standing offer of his old position as miller at Ft. Jones, and he may accept it again in the spring provided nothing more lucrative and more to his liking presents itself here. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 27, 1901, page 4 Married--Keene-Barneburg.
Dec. 24.--Dr.
J. M. Keene
and Miss
both of
Medford Or.,
were married
in this city
today at the
Medford Mail, December 27, 1901, page 4 I. A. Merriman:--"I wish you would make a call for a meeting of the farmers living in Medford for a week from next Saturday, January 4th, at 2 o'clock. I think we ought to get in and do something on that cannery proposition, and the only way we can do it is to meet and talk matters over. I am satisfied that it's a good thing and that we can well afford to take hold of it. There is a great amount of land near Medford that will produce immense crops of tomatoes and sugar corn. If a cannery is established in Medford I will put in three acres of tomatoes another season. Let us all meet on the above date and decide upon what we will do. Mr. Pierce will be there and impart the information we will need." The football game played at Medford on Christmas Day between Medford and Jacksonville teams was one of the best games ever put up in Southern Oregon. Medford boys, who are nearly all lightweights, were victors in the first half but in the last half they just naturally weakened and could not go up against the heavier players from Jacksonville. The score stood 12 to 11 in favor of Jacksonville. S. L. Bennett:--"If that vegetable and fruit cannery is established in Medford I will plant five acres of ground to tomatoes and sweet corn. I am satisfied that many others will do as well. Let all the farmers and fruitgrowers interested be in attendance at the meeting to be held in Medford on January 4th." "Additional Local," Medford Mail, December 27, 1901, page 4 F. G. Plymale to Hattie Howard "These Were Licensed to Wed: May," Medford Mail, December 27, 1901, page 4 Mrs. J. E. Cox's mother, Mrs. Gorsline, of Medford, is here visiting. "Trail Creek Items," Medford Mail, December 27, 1901, page 5 G. C. Miller, traveling representative for the Palm, Whitman & Co., cigar manufacturers, came in last week with a goodly number of big orders. His territory is eastern Oregon and eastern Washington, and while these sections are practically new to this firm, he did a splendid business. The quality of goods these people put up makes work easy for their traveling salesman, and when is coupled with this the fact that Mr. Miller is a hustler and is a gentleman well liked all along the line, there are really no grounds for anything but success. The company turned out over 60,000 cigars last month, and the output this month will reach over 100,000. It is expected that more help will be put on after [the] holidays. If Medford had a few more institutions of this character there would be a noticeable increase in the wage-earning capacity of our townspeople. Practically all the money paid for help comes from outside towns, which fact makes the institution manyfold better for Medford than it would be if the sale of the goods depended wholly upon a local market. A fruit cannery would be upon these same lines and would be in a ratio equally as beneficial to our immediate locality. R. H. Whitehead:--"I had a letter from my sister, Mrs. Fitch, last Sunday. She lives at Broadhead, Wis. The thermometer has been fifteen degrees below zero there this fall, and many of her houseplants were frozen. She was out here last summer, and I wouldn't be surprised if she came again--and her husband with her--and to stay. She is asking all sorts of questions about the country and the people whom she met here, and I'm thinking the best and easiest way to answer them will be to send her the Mail. Write me a receipt for a year's subscription. Oh, that's a little diamond sparkle I purchased for that kid girl of mine for a Christmas present. It's a finger ring and a good article and put me back $35. She wanted a good one--says she can pawn it if she gets hard pushed for ready money." It is given out from Washington that now very soon all postmasters above fourth class will be required to wear uniforms. The uniforms will be navy blue with brass buttons, and the department will furnish them. The move is not a bad one. There ought to be some out-of-the-ordinary something about a postmaster which would distinguish him from the average townspeople--as a convenience to himself and the public. Modesty forbids his wearing a placard--"I'm the postmaster"--but if the blue uniforms are worn generally by postmasters and by orders from the department, the unprinted placard will be there and can be worn without shocking the sensibility of the "I detest notoriety" make of government officials. J. R. Erford, formerly a Medford business man, now at Boulder, Colorado, writes the Mail, enclosing a year's subscription, and says that at Boulder there were eight inches of snow on the ground on the 16th of this month, and that the thermometer stood at fourteen degrees below zero, which he says was colder by twenty-six degrees than it was in Southern Oregon. I see by "the Mail," says Mr. Erford, "that quite a number of people are settling in the Rogue River Valley, which is an indication that the country is maintaining her good reputation. I wish you, and all my Medford friends, a merry Christmas." Paul E. Van Scoy, son of Prof. W. T. Van Scoy, of this city, who has been telegraph operator for the Southern Pacific Railroad Company at Montague, Calif., for some time, has been transferred, temporarily, to the train dispatcher's office in Ashland. He is hopeful that his Ashland position may be made permanent, and he has some promise that such will be the case. His friends hereabouts will be glad if the young man's wishes are complied with--he deserves a good position. Mrs. Van Scoy is now visiting relatives at Medford and Eagle Point. The Medford post office clerks are nearly through with two weeks of hard work. Christmas always brings a power sight o' work to the government officials who handle Uncle Sam's mails. The Medford office, however, is well equipped with proficient help--and the patrons of the office are the beneficiaries thereby. Postmaster Merriman is one [of] the most particular and absolutely correct postmasters the Mail publisher has ever had to do with--and his clerks, Misses Mae Merriman and Rydal Bradbury, have long since caught the infection and are as painstaking as is Mr. Merriman. J. H. Thorndike is erecting a fine dwelling house for his own use, on his property on North I Street, between Fourth and Fifth. The building is 22x30 feet in size and one and a half stories high, with a 12x20-foot ell, and there will be ten rooms. Mr. Thorndike is doing the carpenter work himself, and the structure is now enclosed. This gentleman has added materially to the wealth and general appearance of that part of the city since his return from the mines. A subscriber to the Mail writes from Nebraska, stating that the thermometer has registered from thirty to thirty-six degrees below zero this winter--and plenty of snow. Says we may expect himself and family and several neighbors to arrive here next summer--to stay. Says also that his family is making a vigorous kick because they are not here now. It is expected that the Medford Academy enrollment will reach an even hundred at the opening of the winter term, after holidays. If that isn't a record to be proud of we will all have to hunt long and well to find one that is. The cement walk put down by G. W. Priddy in front of the White-Thomas building was caught by the recent frost before it was thoroughly dried, and the entire surface will now have to be taken off and re-cemented. W. M. Smith:--"Yes, I have been treated fairly well in the year 1901. My wheat crop did not amount to anything very great--in fact, it was 'way below the average--but, my land, my orchard made up for all the shortcomings of my cereal fields. I had a splendid crop of fruit and realized a good price--especially as to my apple crop." The Palm, Whitman Co. is putting in a water motor with which to operate the machinery in their cigar factory. M. F. McCown has taken temporary employment with the Arnold & Barneburg City Meat Market. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 27, 1901, page 7 |