The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Jackson County News: 1860

    FATAL ACCIDENT IN SOUTHERN OREGON.--The Jacksonville Sentinel, of December 31st, relates the following sad accident. The party killed has a brother in Sacramento:
    On Monday morning last a young man named Thomas Robertson was crushed to death instantly by the falling of a heavy bank upon him, while engaged in sluicing. Robertson owned a mining claim in partnership with Bernard Ward, on the right-hand fork of Jackson Creek, at One Horse Town, and on the fatal morning had gone early to work. He had undermined the bank to some extent, and was busy picking away underneath, while his partner was engaged on top in trying to break away the overhanging mass. Suddenly, before Robertson could leap aside, the bottom portion of the bank caved in upon him, crushing his head almost to a jelly at once, and mashing his body most fearfully. A person working near, who saw the earth start, cried out to Robertson, at the same time leaping forward to endeavor to extricate him from the falling mass; but his cries and his efforts were too late. His body was dug out, and on Tuesday his remains were followed to the grave by all the miners upon the creek, besides a large number of his town acquaintances. The deceased was from New York City, and aged 34 years.
Sacramento Daily Union, January 12, 1860, page 3

    PUTRID SORE THROAT.--This disease is becoming fatally prevalent in some parts of the country. Recently, in Jacksonville, Oregon, four of the five children of John and Malinda Roberts were carried to the grave by it--all within three weeks.
Oregon Argus, Oregon City, January 14, 1860, page 2

    SAVAGE GAME IN SOUTHERN OREGON.--The Jacksonville Sentinel, of Jan. 14th, relates the following panther story:
    "On Thursday afternoon, as O. D. Hoxie and C. F. Jones were duck hunting along Bear Creek, their dogs were surprised by a large tigress (or panther) which lay concealed in the bushes. Instantly the dogs attacked the ferocious brute, but she quickly routed them and deliberately approached the hunters. Jones happened to be foremost. He was armed with a United States musket, heavily loaded with duck shot. When the brute advanced to within ten paces, he fired full in her face, completely blinding her. She was then dispatched without trouble. The animal measured over six feet in length, and, from her very fleshy condition, had evidently feasted upon the smaller livestock about the country."
Sacramento Daily Union, January 26, 1860, page 3

Smallpox in Oregon.
    The steamer Continental some weeks since brought a case of smallpox, or varioloid, to Victoria, and came thence here. Several cases of the terrible disease have appeared among her passengers. One was the case of a young lady who took the position of bridesmaid on the occasion of a wedding at Oregon City. Her recent illness has rendered that happy occasion the cause of fear and trembling to all concerned. The apprehension that her presence there may spread a pestilence overshadows all engaged. She removed to a place opposite the Dalles, in Washington Territory, before the disease manifested itself. Her isolation in that remote region is fortunate in some respects, as it may prevent the spread of the plague. We have another case here in Salem, of a young man who came on that steamer. He has been down for about two weeks, and is probably out of all reasonable danger now. The case has created almost a consternation in our town. The public schools are closed, private schools are half deserted and the most exciting reports prevail as to the spread of the contagion, while in fact there seems no indication of further spread of it, even in the family where he resides. The fact that a gathering of young people occurred at the house of his friends the evening before the disease was manifested, and that he was then present with them, increases the excitement. All the members of the merry party are considered doomed, and their very presence is shunned by many. There was a case last September, in this county, where a young man who came from California died; one of the family, when he was ill, also had the disease, but recovered. Probably the general apprehension is quickened by the alarming reports from Jacksonville, where the pest is raging fearfully. There is said to be a case of smallpox also at each of several towns on the Willamette above here, all of which are traced back to the steamer Continental. The one at Corvallis deserves special mention. It seems to be a man from California who came hither to purchase stock, finding himself unwell and supposing it to be the smallpox, he made his arrangements in the most systematic manner--had a room engaged, employed as a nurse an old fellow who had had the smallpox, and also a propensity for fiddling, though it is not said which he had the worst; having hired a physician and laid in all necessary supplies, including the aforesaid violin and a pack of cards, our Californian shut himself into his den, which happened to be the city calaboose, and shut the door as tightly as Noah shut the diluvian ark. It is a pleasure to report that he is making good progress against the disease, which seems to have touched him lightly; and also to report that he is prospering in temporal affairs. The latest word we had of him he had won $50 from his attendant physician and had his nurse's services canceled in advance--the result of a few games of poker to which they indulged him. Considering the circumstances, it seems to be fortunate that no more folks can get at him--his aptitude at poker might prove the most dangerous quality he possessed. He is one of the "California sharps" we will offset against your stories of "Oregon flats."
    To get back to my subject, we are all getting vaccinated. The precautions generally taken will be apt to preserve us from a severe pestilence, and I doubt if we are not being more alarmed than is necessary. We recently heard of the death in San Francisco of a lady lately resident here. One of the Spiritual circles held in our town, at which she had frequently attended when living, lately called her spirit from the vast deep of eternity, but the kindly spirit declined to stay, for fear that sufficient time had not elapsed since her decease to render her presence safe to them, or, in other words, she failed to come for awhile for fear of bringing deadly contagion with her. So, you see, I have given various phases of the smallpox in Oregon, which may offer matter for speculation by men of science, and men of not any science at all.

"Letter from [Salem,] Oregon," Sacramento Daily Union, January 26, 1869, page 1

    At Jacksonville, Oregon, Dec. 26th, killed instantly while engaged in mining, Mr. THOMAS ROBERTSON, aged 34 years, a native of New York.
New York Morning Express, February 20, 1860, page 2

   THE JACKSONVILLE AND CRESCENT CITY ROAD.--Notwithstanding the snow and rain which has fallen, this road continues passable for teams with moderate freights. During the week a six-mule wagon team arrived in town from Crescent City, with a fair load of goods for some of our merchants, and the teamster reported other wagons which were soon to start with full freights from that place hitherward. This is very flattering for all interested, for if so new a road can be traveled during the winter by freighting teams, in course of time it will become so much improved that no interruption will ever be made in trips between the two points. This will further lead to securing a considerable freighting business to and from Yreka, as goods can be transported by this route cheaper, and with quite equal dispatch, than by way of Sacramento River and Shasta. There is no longer any important failure of the ocean steamships stopping in at Crescent City; trips are being now made regularly as upon any ocean line on the coast, and with equal safety.--Jacksonville Sentinel.
Daily Alta California,
San Francisco, January 26, 1860, page 1

    In Jacksonville, Oregon, about a month since, a man named Otterbury was stripped, tied to a tree, and thirty lashes were applied to his bare back with a rawhide for selling whiskey to Indians who were camped near the plains.
"Summary," Sabbath Recorder, New York City, January 26, 1860, page 135

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the CEMETERY GROUNDS have been completely surveyed, fenced in, and divided into appropriate lots. From and after this date, interments will not be permitted until application is had to Messrs. BURPEE & LINN, Jacksonville. Parties desiring to purchase suitable lots for
Vaults, Monuments, &c., can secure them upon application to the above-named gentlemen.
By order of the
Jacksonville, December 10, 1859.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 28, 1860, page 3

    Geo. M. Bowen, convicted of the murder of a Chinaman at Jacksonville, Oregon, was sentenced to be hung on the 10th February next.
"Yreka," Los Angeles Star, January 28, 1860, page 3

JACKSONVILLE, Feb. 5, 1860.
    DEAR STATESMAN--I have just returned from a prospecting tour on "Gold Hill" and vicinity. All the seemingly fabulous tales that have been told and published with reference to the richness of the gold quartz discoveries in that region are more than true. I saw myself not less than one hundred thousand dollars' worth of the gold-bearing rock lying in the corner of one cabin, which had been taken from the ledge in the last three days. Until a day or two past, the opinion has in part prevailed that the very extreme richness was confined to the surface, or detached portions of the rock that had been thrown up, probably from an immense distance below the surface, but they have now struck what appears to be the main ledge, and find it even more profuse in the precious metal than the detached portions had been. It defies description, and is probably very far ahead of anything ever before discovered. The estimate is that it will yield at least fifty thousand dollars to the ton. The lead where they have struck it is about twenty-two inches in width, that will pay at the above ratio. They have only just begun it; of course it is impossible to say how far it extends downward, as they have not gone farther than two or three feet down, as yet.
    Our ex-legislator, Suggs [a reference to Johnson Hooper's character Simon Suggs], alias Arkansas traveler, has spent most of his time in that region since the discovery, I am told, endeavoring to turn an honest penny by the retail of "rotgut," and occasionally by the "turn of the wrist." He boasts in his cups (tin cup of Minie rifle) that he is the smartest man in Southern Oregon, and Jo. Lane knows it; that if the Democracy of this county do not sufficiently appreciate his talent to nominate him for the legislature, he has only to intimate to Jo. that he wants it, and he can get the Indian Superintendency. I get this from a gentleman who heard him say so, as he says, and one, too, that has no earthly interest in misrepresenting. He merely spoke of it as some gas that he had been listening to a few minutes before; said he had been entertained for an hour with boastings of this character. He (old T.) also said Lane would sooner have him than any other man in Oregon in the Senate with him, but he was too low in funds to enter the arena with so many candidates.
    Gen. J. K. Lamerick was shot, and it is supposed mortally wounded, yesterday afternoon by a gunsmith here by the name of Wm. J. Berry. I do not know the particulars any farther than that it occurred in Berry's house. The ball entered just below the right eye, and passed through the head, coming out at the lower end and a little back of the left ear; it was from a dragoon revolver. Lamerick has been a visitor at Berry's house for a year and a half "last past."
    It was at first supposed the wound was not mortal, the ball not having passed through the brain, but it occasioned an immense loss of blood, and I hear this evening that he seems [to be] sinking rapidly, and strong doubts are entertained of his recovery.
    Very little is said here about politics. It seems to be self-evident that the Lane society will have their own way in this county. I understood tonight that a duel had been arranged between Mr. O'Meara and Pat. J. Ryan. Ryan, claiming that O'Meara insulted him in presence of some ladies, by criticizing something he (R.) had written in a lady's album, had challenged him to mortal combat. The challenge was accepted, as I learn, but before the thing was fully arranged the authorities got wind of it, and late last night arrested them, and held each to bail in the sum of $5,000, to cease hostilities. The news of the arrest I learn from Judge Tolman.
Truly yours,        A.
    P.S. Feb. 6th. Lamerick is a shade better this morning--some hopes are entertained of his recovery.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, February 21, 1860, page 1

The New Gold Discoveries.
    February 14, 1860.
    Our usually quiet community was recently thrown on its beam ends by a tremendous quartz furore; mortars and pestles discourse discordant, but yet sweet, financial considered, music from early morn till 10 o'clock at night, prospecting quartz and washing specimens.
The Quartz Era.
    Some five weeks ago, Mr. Charles Hicks, while prospecting at the head of Posey Gulch, on the south fork of Jackson Creek, some two miles back of town, found a quartz lead which prospected very well, and, by the way, the fact may be noted that then and there dawned the quartz era in Southern Oregon.
    Mr. Hicks' prospect induced him to pitch into the lead with commendable energy, followed by magical results, thick, and fraught to the last degree with the lever that rotates and agitates the human family, niggers included--glittering gold. Hicks brought down some specimens, and exhibited them to the boys, when the excitement became somewhat intense, and the lead being near by, the entire town turned out to have a sight. Charles did the honors, much to the credit of the Cherokee Nation, of which he is a member, from one of the first families. It is estimated that he paid out some $500 worth of specimens, on application to his bank of quartz. One of Charley's friends wished to take the pick and dig some in the vein; C. told him to go in; he did so, and at every stroke of the pick he would unearth and increase the metallic currency of the world at the modest rate of $500; when, much excited, he called to the crowd, "No use for the mint, boys; here it is with the eagles already on 'em."
    Hicks has already hammered out several thousand dollars with a mortar and pestle. His brother, a partner in the claim, sold out his interest for $5,000, a few days after finding it. The company is now Hicks & Taylor, who own 100 yards on the lead. They have put up an arrastra, and so soon as they get a face on the lead will test its richness and extent, before sending for machinery. The effect of this discovery has been electric. Every quartz lead on Hicks' Mountain, whether positive or negative, was staked off. Hicks' lead was traced out some distance, and prospected well. Ten miles south of here, a lead has been found that will pay fifteen cents to the pound; another, twenty miles south, at Williamsburg, that will pay over twenty cents; also, one at the Willow Springs, six miles north of town, said to prospect thirty cents; and still another, at Blackwell diggings, two miles further north, called the Moran lead, which is very rich, prospecting in the flat where it crops out, one dollar to the pound; the two latter claims are supposed to be on the Hicks' lead.
More Quartz.
    One discovery leads to another; developments thicken around us. Quartz has seized the entire public, no time to study politics, or even to read the President's Message. In passing notes, and on reflection, since the Hicks' discovery, several men have recollected picking up pieces of quartz with gold in them plain to be seen, while riding over the hills and mountains. Among the number was Jimmy Hay, who, while hunting cattle some time ago, on a mountain two miles below old Fort Lane, on Rogue River, dismounted from his mule to fix his saddle, when, by the merest chance he picked up a piece of quartz, mounted his mule, and started, whistling, down the mountain after the cattle; on looking at the piece of quartz he found, to his surprise, it contained gold, visible to the eye, almost in the dark. But, strange to say, he went on, never thinking, perhaps, of a quartz lead. But since the Hicks discovery, Mr. Hay, Mr. George Ish and the Emigrant started out to find the place; after hunting some three days, they found the gulch on the east side of the mountain next the river, with fragments of quartz scattered along on the surface, which they followed up the mountain, occasionally picking up a specimen, until they arrived nearly at the summit, where the lead crops out; here they dug up a few quartz boulders, broke them up, and then sat down amazed, ready to believe the hard yarns of Munchausen, or the fictions of Arabia. That evening, Jan. 13th, Jimmy Hay and Mr. Geo. Ish came to town, informed two of the discovery, then went to the Clerk's office and recorded five claims--three hundred yards on the lead; they then reported to the public their discovery of a mountain of gold, with a little quartz mixed with it, and proceeded to show specimens to substantiate the report.
On the Rush.
    In the autumn of 1848, being on the wing for St. Louis, when, as will happen in the voyage of life, we had to wait for the boat--not the wagon--at Hannibal, a pork and tobacco depot on the Mississippi River, in a corner of the State of Missouri. Now, most everybody knows how nervous people suffer while waiting for a boat--we suffered--ourselves to make the tour of the Whole Hog Exchange, while puffing rolled samples from the tobacco marts, merely to kill time; we soon voted the boat slow; we adjourned to the hotel for a consultation with spirits, concerning the health of the boat's boilers, etc. We found a crowd--heard a buzz--somebody said gold, and we, of course, being mortal, became interested. Then we heard California--rich gold mines, and so on--and became excited--we concluded to mix with that crowd; saw some specimens; forgot the boat, she was too slow; we have been mixing with similar crowds ever since. That evening we commenced rushing westward for California--rushed to Gold Lake, Gold Bluff, Gold Beach, Australia, Peru, Colville, Fraser River, etc, but the most simultaneous get up-and-bundle-out-to diggings we ever saw was the rush to Gold Hill the other day. At midnight every stable in town was empty; everything that had wheels had a full freight. Saturday morning, Jan. 14th, Gold Hill looked like an overgrown camp meeting, horses were hitched to trees all round the glittering garden of gold. Like turkeys picking up corn did they pick up rocks loaded with gold.
Gold Hill
is a very respectable mountain, sitting off by itself to the northwards of the Blackwell Hills, to which it is related by a low divide; Rogue River, from the east, strikes this divide, makes a bend to the north of Gold Hill, washing three-fourths of its base. The Blackwell Hills are an isolated bunch, left by accident, in the middle of Rogue River Valley. The lead, running nearly north and south, splits these hills, striking the golden peak about three hundred yards east of the summit; here it crops out, and in the course of ages debris quartz rolled down the hill in a gulch at right angle from the ledge; here the crowd picked up about $5,000 worth of specimens, the result of the first day's work. Next day, Sunday, the census of the county could have been taken without much trouble, as everybody was at Gold Hill; the result was about the same; the surface dirt was dug up somewhat like a potato patch just harvested, and boulders of quartz found containing from $10 to $142 each of virgin ore. The crowd have been working on the public potato patch ever since; but specimens are growing scarce.
But the Lead,
from the way it opens, is said to be the richest one in the world. Where it cropped out, the company have picked up about three tons of quartz that will average $10 per pound. Two of the discoverers, Jimmy Hay, and the Emigrant sold out within a week after finding it. Jimmy got $4,000 for his interest; the other got $5,000. This company now consists of Mr. Geo. Ish, Thomas Cavanaugh, Jack Long, John Ross & Co., one-fifth, and McLaughlin, Williams & Co., one-fifth. The Company have organized, electing Mr. John Ross, President; Mr. Geo. Ish, Secretary, and Messrs. Maury & Davis, merchants of this place, Treasurers. They have put up an arrastra, and next week will be grinding out gold. Quite a number of claims have been recorded on this, the Ish Lead, but it will take some time to uncover and trace them out.
    There is now no doubt of the immense value of our quartz resources, but it will take a year or two to develop them. A gentleman explains the richness of the Ish Lead, thus: That this country is out of the range of volcanoes, earthquakes, lightning, subterranean fires, &c., and hence not burned up so much as California, and other portions of the world: so that the gold in the Ish Lead quartz had been permitted to grow free from heat ever since the world was made. He may be right. From the discoveries being made from day to day, there will probably be a heavy demand on your city for quartz machinery this summer.
Washington Monument.
    Mr. R.F. Maury, of this place, has forwarded to your city lapidaries a quartz specimen from the Ish Lead, Gold Hill, to be cut and lettered with the words: "Jackson Company, Oregon," on the face of it, which is to be sent to the Washington Monument Association.
of one-fifth in the Ish Company could not be bought for $20,000 today, as they have no disposition to sell so long as they have $4,000 or $5,000 in sight. They have sunk down on the ledge some five feet, and it grows richer. How long it will continue to pay thus nobody knows; but it is to be hoped they may take out millions.
    Up to this time we hare been unfortunate enough to be blest with the most delightful summer weather; the creeks are nearly dry; mining, per consequence, is a dry business. We have no ditches in the country. Under this pressure the discovery of rich quartz was an opportune windfall--a Godsend.
New Diggings.
    Last Sunday sew diggings were discovered on Wagner Creek, fifteen miles southeast of this place, causing quite an excitement. Seven miles of the creek now staked off. It is to be hoped they prove good.
    The best digging that haves been found lately, with plenty of water to work them, are on the upper branches of Applegate River, near the Siskiyou Mountain, thirty miles south of here. Twenty-five miles of one branch will pay good wages. Some of the claims are now averaging $50 per day. There is a rush commencing up that way.
The Mails.
    We have none up this way at present, as our mail contractor dried up for want of funds. Other parties are, however, about to take the route, who have bottom enough to stand the press.
    If Congress will not organize and pass the appropriation bills, we can form a little government of our own here on the Pacific, do our own legislation, manufacture our own goods, and dig up our own gold. The great American Republic has got negro wool in its eyes, and is fast going the same road that old Rome traveled, which led to the seaport called Decay; but any port in a storm. We hope, however, she will keep her wings spread on the sea of Progress, and anchor in the harbor of Eternal Empire, and send along her mails.
May she long flutter.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, February 26, 1860, page 1

    Married, in Jacksonville, Oregon, on the 23rd of February, by the Rev. Mr. Williams, Mr. JOHN LOVE to Miss SOPHIA HARRIS. Pittsburgh papers please copy. This young lady was wounded during the Rogue River War, in October, 1855, in an attack made by the Indians upon her father's house; and in the fight which followed, her arm was broken, and her father and her little brother were shot dead. The house having been burned by the savages, she and her mother escaped to the chaparral, each armed with a rifle, and defended themselves for twenty-four hours against a body of twenty Indians, until rescued by a party from Jacksonville. This sounds like the deeds of some of the famous heroines of Kentucky and Tennessee, in the fearful encounters with the savages by the early settlers. John Love, you've got a true woman for a wife. As you are in name, so be to her in reality. She is a girl every American ought to be proud of.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, March 3, 1860, page 2

    DOMESTIC ITEMS.--Stages have been running all winter between Jacksonville and Yreka.… Geo. M. Bowen, convicted of killing a Chinaman in Jackson Co., and sentenced to be hung, was respited by Gov. Whiteaker. His friends are making an effort to commute his sentence to imprisonment for life.… Gen. Lamerick is said to be recovering from the wound given him by Berry.… The quartz mines in Jackson County continue to pay marvelously well. New placer diggings have also been discovered in the neighborhood of Jacksonville.… A coal mine has been discovered on Pelton's Creek, Jackson County, about eight miles from Rogue River.… The difficulty between Messrs. O'Meara and Ryan, of Jacksonville, was submitted to referees, by whom it was amicably settled, to the satisfaction of all parties.… Messrs. Maury & Davis, of Jacksonville, have sent a magnificent block of auriferous quartz as a contribution to the Washington National Monument.… The ladies of Roseburg gave a ball on the 22nd ult. It is leap year.… Silver ore has been found on Applegate Creek, Jackson Co.…
Oregon Statesman, Salem, March 6, 1860, page 2

Rich Quartz--News from Jacksonville--Fight Between Frenchmen and Chinamen--Sentence of Bowen--Good Sleighing.
YREKA, March 6th.
    A piece of quartz, found five miles from Yreka, weighing twenty-three and a half ounces, yielded one hundred and thirty-six dollars.
    News from Jacksonville, Oregon, says seventy-five thousand dollars worth of rock was taken out on the fifth Saturday from the Ish claim.
    On Jackass Creek, a party of Frenchmen and Chinamen quarreled about a mining ditch. A fight ensued with shovels, picks, bars, rocks, etc., which resulted in two of the Frenchmen being badly wounded--one is likely to die; also, two Chinamen badly hurt. On Monday a party of Frenchmen repaired to the scene and demolished their cabins, tents, etc.
    Bowen is to be hung on Friday if his sentence is not commuted to imprisonment for life.
    Snow is about six inches deep and good sleighing.
Sacramento Daily Union, March 7, 1860, page 2

    Last week, three wagons loaded with quartz from the quartz mines near Jacksonville, passed through Yreka on the way to one of the quartz mills in Scott Valley, to be crushed.
    The Jacksonville (Oregon) Sentinel says that parties are hiring money at twelve percent per month with which to purchase quartz claims.
    The contract to carry the mails between Jacksonville to Yreka, has been given to the California Stage Company, and hereafter the service will be tri-weekly by favor of the company.
Daily National Democrat, Marysville, California, March 8, 1860, page 3

The Ish Claim.
    This quartz claim, located near Jacksonville, Oregon, is perhaps the richest ever discovered on the coast. The Sacramento Standard is informed that--
    This remarkable claim was discovered in January last by an hostler in the employ of the California Stage Company, near Jacksonville. He literally stumbled upon it, while hunting for some horses belonging to his employers. Its location is not more than a quarter of a mile from the trail via Yreka to Fraser River, and thousands who went upon a fruitless voyage to that frozen region passed within that short distance of this undiscovered wealth. The discoverer had the claim recorded in the name of himself and another, and the Ish company, consisting of five men, purchased it for $4,000. The first day's work of an arrastra brought about $6,000, and that of the second day between $7,000 and $8,000. The yield has been so enormous thus far that the owners believe the quartz already exposed by them to contain half a million of gold. Whether this unparalleled richness is to continue to any extent, or is only the result of a single deposit, time, of course, alone can show.
    There is a circumstance connected with the discovery of the claim which is interesting. The hostler found exceedingly rich quartz above the ground. He would not, perhaps, have paid any attention to it if gold had not been plainly visible in it. Near the place, and it was not a place favorable for camping, was a tree, bearing upon it some initials, and the figures 1854. It is more than probable that some adventurer had found the treasure and had marked the lead by right of discovery. The Indians, who were at that time exceedingly hostile in that locality, must have made him one of their victims, for in no other way can we explain the fact that he never made a motion toward availing himself of the unbounded wealth thus accidentally opened to his gaze.
Shasta Courier, Shasta City, California, March 17, 1860, page 2

    THE ISH CLAIM.--We learn from a gentleman just from Jacksonville, and who has visited this extraordinarily rich quartz lead, that it still continues to pay fabulous amounts. He is of the opinion that it is of incalculable richness.
Shasta Courier, Shasta City, California, March 24, 1860, page 3

    COMMUTED.--The sentence of Geo. M. Bowen, convicted of killing a Chinaman some time since, has been commuted from death to imprisonment for life in the penitentiary. The Governor acted thus in answer to the petition of over 600 citizens. The provisions of the commutation are--that if the prisoner escapes, or is found at large within the limits of the state, then he is subject to arrest as an outlaw, and the original sentence of death will be executed upon him.
Oregon Argus, Oregon City, March 24, 1860, page 2

    George M. Bowen, whose sentence was commuted from hanging to imprisonment for life for robbery and murder of a Chinaman, reached the penitentiary last week in charge of the deputy sheriff of Jackson County. The fellow richly deserved hanging. He had lived, as we are informed, by robbing Chinamen, for some time, and at the same time the murder was committed for which he was tried and sentenced, he with others attacked a party of Chinamen for the purpose of robbing them. The Chinamen resisting, one of their number was killed by Bowen, but finally they succeeded in overpowering their assailants and succeeded in capturing Bowen, whom they sewed up in a blanket and carried to Jacksonville. His accomplices escaped.
"Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, March 27, 1860, page 2

    THE STAGE LINE TO OREGON.--The California Stage Company's affairs are conducted with wonderful energy. President Haworth is a man of immense enterprise and business talent. Right now, in the season of deepest snows in the mountains, the stages of the company run direct from Marysville to Jacksonville, Oregon. The coaches climb the summits of Mount Siskiyou and Mount Trinity. Scott Mountain is the only point upon the line where the stages do not run. Early in the summer, the road over that acclivity will be completed and the mule train will be dispensed with. That road finished, and an uninterrupted stage line, four hundred miles long, will be in constant operation. Should the mail contract be awarded the company, they will extend the line as far as to Portland, which city is seven hundred miles distant from Marysville. The spirit which prompts the stage company to so extend the area of their operations tends not only to add to their already extensive sources of revenue, but works an infinite benefit to the country. The great facilities of travel which they offer and the many new roads which they are constantly opening are doing more to develop the vast resources of the interior of this state than all other operations and enterprises of similar nature.
Marysville Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, April 12, 1860, page 2

The El Dorado of Southern Oregon.
    I arrived here two or three days ago, and am much pleased with the country generally. Rogue River Valley, in which this town is situated, is one of the most beautiful valleys I ever saw. The climate is remarkably mild, fruit trees being in full blossom--and there is an air of thrift which I have witnessed nowhere since leaving the Atlantic States. The lands are well fenced, many with fine broad fences, such as we see in the East, and the houses are invariably fine large two-story dwellings, and all painted white. This town is bound to become an important point. New quartz discoveries are being made daily in the mountains, at the base of which it is situated.
    The Ish, or Gold Hill, claim continues to turn out an astonishing amount of wealth. The company employ but a few men, working eight hours per day. They are waiting for machinery from San Francisco. The claim is situated twelve miles from town. They have two arrastras, and have ground about ten tons of rock, which has yielded $75,000.
    On the 2nd and 3rd inst. they took out two tons of rock which, it is estimated, will yield $15,000 per ton--many say $40,000 per ton.
    The Hicks lode, two and a half miles from town, pays $50 to $80 per ton.
    The Blue lode, two and a half miles from town, is about five feet wide, and prospects same as the Hicks.
    There are also some dozen other lodes, which are not thoroughly prospected, but, as far as heard from, yield from $30 to $70 per ton.
    The Blackwell lode has been prospected and traced for a long distance, and yields from $40 to $60 per ton.
    This place presents an excellent field for capitalists, far better than any in California. The people are rather slow, and lack the enterprise we see exhibited in California towns.
    A telegraph company is about being organized, and the prospect is that, within four months, we will be in telegraphic communication with San Francisco,
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, April 13, 1860, page 4

To the Public.
    MESSRS. EDITORS--Sirs:--Before proceeding allow me to make you a very low bow a la mode Jacksonville. First, by taking hold of my hat with two thumbs and one finger exactly over the right eye, then elevating said hat the twenty-sixteenths of an inch above my head, and then in that position allow both hat and head to very nearly touch the floor. It is done, but it came very awkward to me, as it was the first time I ever attempted the bow a la mode Jacksonville. Yet strange as it may seem, this low bow, though difficult, comes as easy to some as if they had practiced it a lifetime. However, nature does much for some people; it makes them anything and everything. But to proceed:
    Messrs. Editors: I owe you and nearly all editors a debt, and above all things I thank the Deity for giving us editors and a free press through which a man, if he cannot get fairly what is guaranteed in the Constitution--equal rights, privileges and protection--may fling defiance and scorn in the teeth of his covert and pusillanimous foes.
    It is a known fact that when an individual submits tamely to wrong, other wrongs and persecutions will follow until at last every right and liberty which he once enjoyed will be trampled underfoot. No matter whether the persecution comes from an individual or a community. No matter whether the persecutors be backed up by individual courage, or by hissing their venom in cowardly secrecy! No matter even though they should be hid away in, or protected by, a number of ignorant, bigoted, grand or petit jurymen. I say no matter from whence, where or how the persecution may come, the individual who submits tamely is a slave, and undeserving the name of citizen! And yet, if the oppressed should seek redress by means of the law, what follows--ruin! The legal leeches pounce upon him, never for an instant letting go until the unfortunate is pulseless, bloodless, lifeless. This, Messrs. Editors, is why I ask a place in the columns of your paper for my untutored and unvarnished thoughts.
    The Constitution of the United States guarantees to every citizen equal rights, privileges and protection? But where is the protection if a venal, bigoted, ignorant grand or petit jury choose to indict the citizen for a crime, guiltless of any offense, or bring in a verdict of guilt against a man guilty of no crime, and vice versa. Now, Messrs. Editors, let me ask where is the safeguard of the citizen whose life and property may be at any time jeopardized in the hands of a number of venal, witless grand or petit jurymen. Why place such men in a position of so much responsibility where the lives, liberties and fortunes of the best and worst citizens are often at stake?
    When a grand jury finds an indictment against a man, we naturally suppose there is guilt somewhere, either in the actual guilt of the accused, or in the bad hearts or brainless heads of a corrupt or a bamboozled jury. You, reader, must be the judge whether I was guilty of an offense against the law, or whether the grand jury of Jackson County were prejudiced or bamboozled by some knaved feeling, or set of knaves, or perhaps both, into finding an indictment against me, and against me alone, of all the traders in Jacksonville, for keeping the door of my store, dwelling, or which you will, open on the Sabbath? The same indictment could have been found against every trader in Jacksonville and the witnesses found in the same manner that they were found against me, by requiring the clerks and people usually about each store to appear before the grand jury. But this was not done except in my particular case; and to find a witness against me there were used both effort and industry. It is a laughable, but at the same time a bitter, fact that in making a show of hunting up evidence against some few particular firms in the town, the honest grand jury of Jackson County invariably sent for the owners!
    How truly pious, how truly just, conscientious and scrupulous are we of Jackson and other counties getting to be that the laws shall not be infringed on by any trifling or accidental misconduct. But the murderer may if he has money or moneyed or influential friends (public or private, as in previous instances) find protection for his guilt from justice in the law, and be washed from the grime of the criminal to the semblance of the citizen, by a brainless, bamboozled or corrupt jury.
    Nowadays the enormity of a crime appears to lessen the guilt and win friends and admirers for the criminal; but trifling offenses, accidental or intentional, are branded with guilt, and punished with severity, particularly if the unfortunate has not learned or is not willing to learn this new game, now much in vogue in good society, called "Tickle me and I'll tickle you."
    I now say to the roundhead grand jury who found the bill against me, and me alone, for keeping my store door open on the Sabbath, and to the roundhead petit jury who pronounced its guilt, and to judge, juries, one and all, Godspeed. Time and years, the condemnation or approbation of the present and future, not loud but whispered, will prove if myself, more than others, deserved to be treated in this manner by you, right honorable grand and petit jurors of Jackson County.
    Finally, I pray with uplifted hands that the great, good and wise men of the whole world will put their heads, hearts and hands together and replace with something better this trial by jury. Replace it with something wherein guilt will find speedy punishment and innocence protection. A something at whose very name guilt, venality and corruption will tremble as in presence of the Deity.
I am, sirs, very respectfully,
    P. J. RYAN.
Jacksonville, April 12th, 1860.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 14, 1860, page 2

    REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION.--A Republican convention was held at the town of Gasburg, in Jackson County, on the 31st March, for the purpose of electing delegates to the Republican State convention to be held at Eugene City on the 19th April, and to take initiatory measures for the permanent organization of the Republican Party in this county.
    The convention was organized by electing Wm. C. Myers president and Chas. K. Klum secretary.
    J. M. McCall, E. L. Applegate, Chas. K. Klum, J. C. Davenport, E. K. Anderson and S. P. Taylor were elected delegates to the state convention.
    J. M. McCall, Chas. K. Klum and S. P. Taylor were appointed a county committee.
    The secretary was authorized to make an abstract of the proceedings for publication.
    Adjourned sine die.
    March 31st, 1860.
Weekly Oregonian, Portland, April 14, 1860, page 4

    We have seen a letter from Jacksonville, Oregon, of 23rd of February, from Mr. Ross who went from this county, giving a flattering account of the gold mining operations in that state. A son and nephew were engaged in quartz mining with a fair prospect of making $10,000 apiece during the next three months.
Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, April 14, 1860, page 2

    JACKSON COUNTY.--A Republican convention was held at the town of Gasburg in Jackson County on the 31st of March, for the purpose of electing delegates to the Republican state convention to be held at Eugene City, on the 19th of April, and to take initiatory measures for the permanent organization of the Republican Party in the county.
    The convention was organized by electing Wm. C. Myer, president, and Chas. K. Klum, secretary. J. M. McCall, E. L. Applegate, Chas. K. Klum, J. C. Davenport, E. K. Anderson, and S. P. Taylor were elected delegates to the state convention. J. M. McCall, Chas. K. Klum and S. P. Taylor were appointed a county committee.
Oregon Argus, Oregon City, April 14, 1860, page 2

    Fourteen specimens from the Ish gold mines, Jacksonville, were sold today at auction, at the rooms of Wainwright. The largest brought $725.
"San Francisco News," Sacramento Daily Union, April 19, 1860, page 2

    SERIOUS STABBING AFFAIR.--On Thursday a serious affray occurred at Evansville, between John Cheney, a trader living there, and a man named Allen. It appears, from what we could learn, that the difficulty originated about Cheney loaning Allen a cayuse horse to go prospecting; Allen keeping the horse beyond the time agreed upon, Cheney had a warrant issued for his arrest; upon Allen's return to Evans' he offered to pay Cheney for the time he had overkept the horse, which Cheney would not agree to; high words then passed between them, Allen warning Cheney not to advance towards him, which Cheney disregarded and made use of a very insulting epithet, at the same time advancing for him, when Allen drew a large-sized bowie knife and inflicted two serious, if not fatal, wounds upon Cheney, the first taking effect in the left side of the neck, and on the second, on the shoulder, passing into the upper part of the lungs. A messenger was immediately dispatched to this place for Dr. Brooks, who promptly obeyed the summons and rendered the unfortunate man his surgical aid. Allen was arrested by Sheriff Duncan and lodged in jail. It is generally believed that he acted in self-defense. No complaint has yet been made against him.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 21, 1860, page 3

    STILL MORE QUARTZ NEAR JACKSONVILLE.--A. T. Johnson brought to our office on Wednesday last specimens of gold-bearing quartz rock, procured from his lead near Foots Creek. The gold is scarcely perceivable to the naked eye, but on crushing it yields astonishingly rich.The quartz is of a blue-grayish appearance and is very heavy. That which has been tested yields from sixty to ninety cents to the pound. The lead has been prospected forty feet in length and fifteen in depth, and the quartz continues to get richer the deeper they get. A small strata in the lead is supposed to contain silver. Johnson informs us that himself and three partners took out about five tons of rock from the lead, and he would not sell out his interest in that alone for $1,000. We hope it may meet the most sanguine expectations of all concerned. We hear of a very rich lead having been discovered by an immigrant, near Fort Jones, in Scott Valley, paying all the way from four bits to sixteen dollars to the pound.--Jacksonville Sentinel, April 21st.
Sacramento Daily Union, April 26, 1860, page 4

    PROSPECTORS FOR ANTELOPE SPRINGS.--Several parties of men have started from Jacksonville, Oregon, to prospect for silver and gold at Antelope Springs, a place about 250 miles northeast of Carson City. It appears that various emigrants when passing that place on their way overland to Oregon saw minerals there which they are now confident are gold and silver ore.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, April 27, 1860, page 1

    RIVER MINING.--Two companies, comprising some twenty-five men, says the Marysville Express, are now actively engaged in turning Rogue River from its natural course, at Long Bar and Big Bar, for the purpose of working the bed of the stream.
Sacramento Daily Union, April 30, 1860, page 3

From the Crescent City Herald.
May, 1860.
    Dugan & Wall sent out 100 mules on the 1st, loaded for Sailor Diggings and Jacksonville. The price of freight was four cents to the former and six cents to the latter.
    A large amount of merchandise has gone out to the interior from the 9th to the 16th. Dugan & Wall have loaded 312, Friedman & Heilner 54, and Stateler 75 mules in that time.
June, 1860.
    From the 1st to the 6th 12 wagons and 355 mules, loaded with freight, left for the mines.
Del Norte Record, Crescent City, March 31, 1894, page 1

    A PROPOSITION.--We are informed that James Hayworth, Esq, of California, and President of the California Stage Company, has proposed to the government to carry the mails daily in four-horse coaches, from San Francisco, via of Yreka, Jacksonville, Roseburg, and Eugene City, to Portland, in Oregon, for the compensation now received by the Pacific Mail Steamship Company. We hope that he may be awarded the contract. Such an arrangement would prove of inestimable value to Oregon.--Oregon Dem.
Placer Herald,
Auburn, California, May 5, 1860, page 1

DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP . . . The copartnership heretofore existing between BAKER & BLOOM, in Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All who have claims against us will please present their accounts, and all who are indebted to us are earnestly requested to come and settle.
JACKSONVILLE, Oregon, April 14th, 1860.
H. BLOOM IS THANKFUL to the people of Rogue River Valley for their past favors, and still solicits their patronage for the future. He intends to leave for San Francisco in a few days for the purpose of bring up his
And will continue his business, at his old stand, in Dr. McCully's two-story fireproof brick building.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, July 1, 1860, page 4

    MINES IN SOUTHERN OREGON.--The Jacksonville Sentinel of May 5th says there is no foundation for the rumor that the famous Gold Hill quartz vein had been exhausted. The company have suspended operations only until the new quartz steam crushing mill is erected. The mill was purchased in San Francisco and has been landed at Scottsburg. Concerning a new ditch enterprise, the Sentinel says:
    "It is now fixed beyond conjecture that a water ditch will be constructed within the year from the headwaters of Applegate to Sterling, and in good time thereafter the ditch will be extended on to Jackson Creek to Willow Springs, and intermediate mining localities. In furtherance of this important enterprise, Mr. Truax, with a party, is now out exploring and surveying the line of construction. From Mr. Samuel Taylor, who is engaged in the survey, we learn that their labors will be completed in about a week, and the line made ready for the labor of the workmen. The work will be vigorously prosecuted."
Daily National Democrat, Marysville, California, May 11, 1860, page 3

From the  South.
JACKSONVILLE, April 26, 1860.
    ED. ARGUS: I cannot help saying something of this part of our country, from the fact that it is undoubtedly undergoing some of the most astounding changes since it was first settled. The winter has passed, the spring fast going, and no water for the miners to work their claims; which are causing hard times generally--no money in the country--many merchants and traders almost on the brink of dissolution and "smashup" everywhere. There are, at this time, more transient men in this and Josephine counties who are out of employment--out of a home--out of money--out of "grub"--out of rich friends (and poor ones)--than ever have been known since '52. A great many have absconded between two days--leaving the merchants worse than they found them. I sometimes think a large number of the "Fraser greens" have drifted around this way, who are trying to get even on the great humbug of '58.
    However, after deliberate consideration, I have come to the conclusion that these dry times are for the best in the future, from the fact that this whole southern and even the northern portion of Oregon is undergoing a clean and thorough prospecting, and in two years or less we will be reaping the rich harvests of new and vastly rich mines. There can be seen on most any day, in this vicinity, men going to all points of the compass--either on foot, with their blankets, provisions, and mining implements on their backs, or with a mule or cayuse carrying their equipments instead of themselves. I am entirely too sympathetic to live in such a country as this, unless I was able to act the good Samaritan to everyone I saw in a destitute condition. Does it not arouse one's sympathy, to see the wretched miner, whose head is bowed down from wielding the pick and shovel, climbing mountains, sleeping on the cold wet ground in the snow and chilling rains, and suffering every hardship that the physical strength of man can possibly endure? Do we not see, in the mines, men whose heads are white, not with years, but from disappointment, exposure, and excitement? But it would be proper to say that there are a great many persons in the mines who do not aspire to anything higher than a miner's life; but upon the other hand there are many using every effort within their power to make a few dollars to take them to their friends, families, or parents, as the case may be. I am personally acquainted with a great many who have been in the mines from five to ten years, and working laboriously all the time, and living economically--shunning the drinking and gambling saloons--and still they are here with one foot in the grave and the other ready to follow--sons who look older than their fathers, but are not past the years of twenty-five and thirty--sons whose bosoms heave with sighs for home, but who are too noble, honest, and high-minded to leave their creditors behind unpaid. Let any person, with one single spark of benevolence and sympathy within his bosom, travel through the mines as I have, for one year, and he will find more fuel to kindle it than in any other portion of our vast country. Were I versed in writing, I would say more on the preponderance of feeling I have on this subject. But I digress.
    By the way, I will say that I have just returned from Siskiyou County, Cal., where I have been for two weeks. Times there are a little more spirited than here, though the people complain of their being very stupid.
    I was secretly posted, not long since, by a friend of mine, with regard to a new discovery of a placer mine not far from this place. My partner and I quickly packed a mule with the necessary equipments for a prospecting tour, and started over high mountains, without a single mark of a trail to guide our course. We reached the place at twelve o'clock at night--took our claims (100 yards square each)--made laws to protect them--and went to work. We found some tolerably fair prospects, but came to the conclusion that it would not pay, and we left. There were thirty or forty miners on the creek within two days' time; but they all, like ourselves, concluded they were slightly humbugged, and left the prowling wolf to pick up their crumbs, and the perched grouse to hoot their parting song.
    Well, there is but little left for me to say with regard to the quartz discoveries. Gold Hill is still extravagantly yielding fortunes to its owners. The lead known as the "Blackwell Lead" prospects very well for crushing with machinery; and several others in the vicinity of that and Gold Hill are prospecting very flatteringly. The "Hicks Lead" on Jackson Creek has flickered out almost entirely. There is a very good lead on the right-hand fork of Jackson Creek known as the "Methodist Lead," it being owned by a preacher and several of his brethren. The quartz of the latter is very singular, indeed; it has a bluish cast, and breaks up like unslaked lime, in which they find a living prospect of the finest gold I ever saw--apparently as fine as flour.
    The farmers here have an abundance of grain sown, which bids fair for good "craps." I do not pretend to keep posted in political matters here at all. At the last term of our District Court, a man by the name of Casterlin was found guilty of murder in the first degree, and is to be hanged on the 11th of May, though some are trying to have his sentence commuted, as was done with Bowen. But I trust they will not succeed, for the evidence is too plain for any other punishment than death. It seems to me that the people here are rather tender-hearted in punishing crime.
Frankly yours,
Oregon Argus, Oregon City, May 12, 1860, page 1

    FROM OREGON.--The following items are gathered from the Jacksonville Sentinel of April 28th:
    G. H. Ish, one of the proprietors of the rich quartz mine, has gone to the States. Thos. Cavanaugh, another of them, offers a large number of Cayuse horses for sale, at his ranch near Gold Hill. A company has been organized to turn the waters of Rogue River from the old bed at Big Bar. J. C. Drahmer, formerly of this place, is one of the company.
Trinity Journal, Weaverville, California, May 12, 1860, page 4

    The gold mines near Rogue River are yielding remarkably well. The river is being turned in two places, for the purpose of reaching the bedrock.
"News Items," Weekly Oregonian, Portland, May 12, 1860, page 1

    On the 19th ult., at Evansville, Jackson County, a man named Allen stabbed a trader living there named John Cheney, inflicting two severe if not fatal wounds with a large bowie knife. Allen was arrested and lodged in jail. The quarrel originated about a cayuse horse, which Allen had borrowed from Cheney, and had kept beyond the stipulated time. It is generally believed that the stabbing was justifiable, having been done in self-defense.… A party of seventeen men left Jackson County a few weeks since for Antelope Springs, on the plains, in the expectation of finding gold.… Two companies, comprising twenty-five men, are engaged in turning Rogue River out of its natural channel, at Long Bar and Big Bar, for the purpose of working the bed of the stream.… A new mining town, named Siskiyou City, has sprung up on the headwaters of Applegate Creek, about forty miles from Jacksonville.… The quartz mines of Jackson and Josephine counties continue to yield astonishingly, and new discoveries are frequently made.… Mr. Osmer, of Josephine County, perished in the snow on the Crescent City mountains, some three weeks since.
"Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, May 16, 1860, page 2

    In the northern portion of the state the country is rough and mountainous, and road building difficult and costly. This fact, coupled with a failure to appreciate properly the immense advantages conferred upon a mountainous country by good roads, has caused the people of those counties to exhibit for several years past a backwardness in road making, comparatively speaking. From the first settlement of the state, to within two years past, the trails between Shasta and Yreka have been rough, steep, and generally in a bad condition, although from past statements it may be inferred that money enough has been expended on the various routes for temporary repairs to have built a first-class road of easy grade, had the entire amount been expended at one time and to accomplish a single object. The only road practicable for wagons, and a terrible rough one at that, was by Pit River, starting at Red Bluff. Even the trails, with the exception of the past two winters, have been closed by snow for several months during the winter.
    Until within the past two years the populous and flourishing town of Weaverville was without a road which could be traveled by wagons. Goods and passengers were packed to and from the town on mules in the primitive Mexican style. But recently a company has opened a road between Shasta and Weaverville, which has been improved until it is now one of the finest in the state. The entire receipts of the road have been expended in widening and smoothing it.
    From the first settlement of Yreka to 1856, all merchandise consumed in Siskiyou County was packed from Shasta over Trinity and Scott mountains, or by the Sacramento trail. Since '56 many teams have taken loads from Red Bluff on the old emigrant road, known as the Pit River road, to Yreka; but merchandise for Trinity and Scott valleys, Salmon and Scott rivers finds its natural route to be over Trinity and Scott mountains. The inhabitants of Shasta and those on the route to Yreka often agitated the building of a good wagon road over Trinity and Scott mountains, and several imperfect surveys were made, all ending in proving the impossibility of making a road over those rough and rocky mountains at any reasonable sum of money. The matter was thereupon allowed to sleep until February, 1858, when the citizens of Trinity and Scott valleys organized the Shasta and Yreka Turnpike Company. They received little encouragement from the citizens of Yreka, for they seemed content to receive their goods from Red Bluff via Pit River road, and selling them to the people of the valleys at a moderate profit. The Shasta people looked upon the new company as having undertaken a work that must prove a failure and quietly folded their arms, leaving the bulk of the stock to be taken by the farmers of Scott Valley. After many serious troubles they succeeded the first twelve months in making a good road over Trinity Mountain, and the California Stage Company immediately took off their mules and substituted horses and stage wagons, running through Trinity Valley to the foot of Scott Mountain, leaving only some twenty miles of mule travel between Shasta and Yreka, a distance of 110 miles. Following this, the county of Siskiyou was authorized, by special act of the legislature, to appropriate the state's portion of the poll tax of their county to improving roads; the Supervisors applied the money to building a road from Callahan's ranch to the summit of Scott Mountain, on the north, to intersect with the road of the Shasta and Yreka Turnpike Company. The work was put under contract immediately, and we learn from parties who have lately passed over it is already completed more than one-quarter the whole distance. We see by the Shasta Courier that the stockholders of the turnpike company, finding themselves unable to complete the work, have transferred their entire stock to James Haworth, president of the California Stage Company, in consideration of his improving the road already built and completing it to the summit of Scott Mountain. He was allowed one year from June 1st to finish it, but, with his usual energy and enterprise, has taken hold at once and promises to run his stage over the road on the 1st of September of the present year. The citizens of Trinity County are building a road from Weaverville to intersect the turnpike at Trinity Center. The road over the divide near Yreka is also being improved; and when Haworth has his road finished over Scott Mountain, the valleys of Trinity and Scott will take a start in developing their mining and agricultural resources, which have been retarded while they have been surrounded by almost impassable mountains.
    The vigor with which the California Stage Company has pushed its business in the northern counties may be realized from the following facts: In July, 1856, they opened the road from Red Bluff to Yreka, and run it with stages until September, 1856, when they were driven off by the Pit River and Hat Creek Indians. While they run the road they took passengers through from Sacramento to Yreka in three days, though it required three days for passengers to go through from Shasta to Yreka, by the regular trail. This route, however, as well as the Sacramento trail, from Shasta, independent of the Indians (who have been lately removed), does not seem to be a natural one for travel. The country furnishes no inducement for the miner or farmer to settle it up. It is barren and rocky, and the soil is strongly impregnated with alkali. Lately parties in Shasta Valley have commenced a road over the Sacramento trail which may ultimately be completed, but when finished does not promise to pay a large dividend, as it can command no way business.
    From the foregoing statements, which are obtained from a reliable source, it appears that a good stage road will be completed by the first of next September, from Shasta to Yreka, and of course will connect Oregon and California by lines of stage coaches running regularly between Sacramento and Portland. The California Stage Company is now running its coaches from Yreka to Jacksonville, in Oregon, sixty-one miles, and from that point to Canyonville, sixty-five miles farther, or one hundred and twenty-six miles north of Yreka. From Canyonville to Portland it is about three hundred miles, and from Sacramento to Portland seven hundred miles. The Company, therefore, is now running its stages, with the exception of about twenty miles over Scott Mountain, four hundred miles north from this city.
Sacramento Daily Union, May 22, 1860, page 2

Fatal Stabbing Affray in Jacksonville, Oregon.
YREKA, May 24th.
    William Koehne was killed by Ludwig Hartwig last night, at Jacksonville, Oregon, by two stabs with a dirk knife in the left breast, and one in the heart. He died in five minutes. Hartwig is in prison. The stabbing took place in front of the El Dorado Saloon.
Sacramento Daily Union, May 25, 1860, page 2

    SERIOUS ASSAULT.--On the night of Friday, May 11th, a couple of Kanakas, living up at Kanaka Flat, very seriously beat and maimed an old colored man, who has been doing odd jobs for our town people during the past season. The implement used was a broken-bladed long-handled shovel. With this the assailants broke his jaw and his right leg below the knee. The wounded man is slowly recovering. One of the Kanakas is in prison, awaiting examination; the other has not yet been apprehended. Jealousy, we hear, was the occasion of the attack.--Jacksonville (O.) Sentinel.

    THE EXPEDITION FOR THE RICH SILVER AND GOLD MINES.--On the 8th of April last, a party mostly from the upper end of Jacksonville Valley, in Oregon, left on a prospecting tour for Antelope Springs, having been induced to believe, by one David Long, that in the vicinity were to be found extensive and very rich gold quartz ledges, and especially silver mines of inestimable value. Shortly after the astonishing discoveries at Gold Hill, near Jacksonville, and other places in that vicinity had been exhibited to him, he declared that in crossing the Plains he had seen quartz rock precisely similar to the specimens shown to him. He spoke so confidently of this and other matters in the same connection that some people in that neighborhood concluded they would visit the region alluded to by him, and ascertain whether gold and silver existed there to the extent asserted by Long. A company was formed and started on the prospecting tour. Some of the company have returned to Jacksonville, and have given the Sentinel the results of their search. That paper says:
    "Arrived at length at the place described by Long, the party divided into squads, for the purpose of more thoroughly and extensively prospecting the region. For five weary days they toiled and searched. They found fragment quartz; they found a quartz ledge or two; but in neither was discernible the minutest speck of gold, and a tyro in quartz mining would be the only person who might be induced to believe that the rock was not altogether worthless. The fact is, the company discovered, after all their weary journeying, lost time and expense, that whether wittingly or innocently Long had led them into a most vexatious "sell." The country presented no such features as he had in his rude manner glowingly described, and when reproached for his palpable misrepresentations, found no other plea than that the ledge he had promised to reveal to them, so rich in gold, had evidently been "sawed off and carried away" by some lucky fellows who had been there since last fall. Finding the company incredulous upon his bold Munchhausenism, he suggested that the ledge had been covered up by a landslide. As the earth about was loose and bore the appearance of a recent lodgment, the company applied a careful test, but a very shallow excavation satisfied them of the fallacy of this last theory of Long's. Convinced at last that they had been victimized, the company resolved to start homeward."
Daily National Democrat, Marysville, California, May 26, 1860, page 3

    THE HOMICIDE IN JACKSONVILLE, OREGON.--It is stated that Ludwig Hartwig, who stabbed Charles W. Koehne in Jacksonville lately, did so in self-defense. Hartwig was released on bonds. An old disagreement was the origin of the late quarrel.
Sacramento Daily Union, May 31, 1860, page 2

    A company which went out from Jacksonville to look for gold quartz at Antelope Springs has returned. They found neither gold nor silver, but encountered several parties of Californians looking for the precious mineral. . . . An old darkey at Jacksonville was recently assaulted by a couple of Kanakas, who broke his leg and his jaw with a long-handled shovel. The green-eyed monster was the occasion of the assault. . . . The extremely rich quartz vein in Jackson County has been worked out; it will no longer pay with the arrastra. The vein will still pay with improved machinery, which is on the way there; until its arrival, work has been suspended.
"Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, June 5, 1860, page 2

Election in Oregon.
    A political campaign in our sister state of the Pacific, of unprecedented virulence, culminated yesterday in an election of one member of the House of Representatives, and of members of the next session of the Legislature. The contest has been invested with unwonted interest, from the fact that upon the political complexion of the legislature hangs the fate of the United States Senators. Gen. Lane's term, as also that of Delazon Smith, have expired, and strenuous exertions are being put forth by the anti-Administrationists to secure the election of Col. Baker, and another candidate, whoever they may determine to run, on the assembling of the Legislature. The Democracy of the Buchanan school will again exert themselves to return Lane and Smith. The result is involved in great doubt. It is said that the Administration do not hope to get more than twenty-five members of the Legislature. If they succeed in this, there will be a tie, as fifty members are all that the two Houses are entitled to. Things are very "mixed," although the Republicans are hopeful if not sanguine of success.
    Col. E. D. Baker, who has pretty thoroughly canvassed the state, is confident of the defeat of Lane, but scarcely as sure of his own election as when he ran on the Congressional state ticket in California. However, we learn through other sources that the eloquent Colonel is exceedingly popular all over Oregon, whither his fame had preceded him. He will poll the Douglas Democratic vote and much of the Republican also, and although known as a Popular Sovereignty man, will not war against such a statesman as Seward, if elected, as the champion of the Republican Party. Many of the candidates in the field are avowed Douglasites. These, if elected, will all go for Baker in preference to any other Senatorial candidate in the field.
    Logan is again the anti-Administration nominee for Congress, with a fair chance of being elected. One of our adopted fellow-citizens is his opponent. It is pretty well understood that Logan is the second choice for United States Senator, and that if Baker succeeds, Logan's election is pretty sure also. The Colonel spoke in Southern Oregon last week, and a good deal of enthusiasm was created by his soul-stirring speeches, which may be deemed rather as anti-Administration than strictly Republican. Owing to the difficulty of getting across the mountains, there could be little or no colonizing of voters from this state at the late election.
    The returns may be expected here on Wednesday from the southern portion of the state, via Jacksonville to Yreka by express, and thence by telegraph to this city.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, June 5, 1860, page 2

    The Sentinel says: R. S. Jewett, of the Twenty Mile House on Rogue River, has left with us some mineral ore specimens, the precise nature of which we cannot divine, and will readily submit them for the examination of skilled mineralogists. Mr. Jewett also left a piece of gold quartz taken from a newly discovered spot, which promises quite flatteringly. . . . The Sentinel reports new discoveries of marble, and also of mineral ores.
"Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, June 19, 1860, page 2

    William Koehne was killed May 23, at Jacksonville, Oregon, by Ludwig Hartwig. He inflicted two stabs with a dirk knife on the person of Koehne, who expired in five minutes afterwards.
"Our San Francisco Correspondence," New York Daily Herald, June 22, 1860, page 5

    A FEW days since at Jacksonville, Oregon, a young man named Jacob Long was killed by being struck on the head with a club, by a man named Straight, who gave himself into custody, and after examination was bound over in the sum of $1,000 to answer the charge of manslaughter at the next term of the circuit court.
Daily National Democrat, Marysville, California, June 23, 1860, page 3

    STAGES.--The first stage for Sailor Diggings and Jacksonville left Crescent City on Monday morning last, and the first from those places will be in this evening. From this time passengers will find them running regularly every other day.--Crescent City Herald.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, June 23, 1860, page 1

    A new mining town on Rogue River, Oregon has been christened by the absurdly inappropriate name of Dardanelles.
Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, June 24, 1860, page 4

    Jacob Long was struck with a club, in Jacksonville, on election day, by a man named Straight, and has since died. The latter has been bound over in $1,000, on a charge of manslaughter.

Daily Alta California, San Francisco, July 13, 1860, page 1

Quartz Mines of Southern Oregon.
    Good news is once more furnished from several of the quartz lodes within the county. The Gold Hill Ish Company are busily engaged in getting out the auriferous rock, and conveying it to Williams & McLaughlin's steam crushing mill at Dardanelles, which, since Monday, has been in active operation night and day. The mill is now rigged with eight stampers, capable of crushing from ten to twelve tons every twenty-four hours. There is already awaiting the crushing process about eight hundred tons of quartz rock, so that there is little fear that the supply will soon be exhausted, as the workmen at the Hill can get out quite as much as the mill daily grinds. We visited the works on Saturday, and saw several pieces of the rock, taken haphazard from the pile, broken up. Almost every piece revealed uncommon richness. The engine was put in motion during our stay; but as the machinery was not quite in readiness for full operation, the stampers were not applied. Enough was seen however, to convince us that the mill was a complete success, in itself considered, for, new as it is, it worked without the least perceptible jar or sound. Mr. Presbrey, the chief engineer and superintendent, has certainly shown himself a master of his profession, and has erected one of the very best, most substantial and finely finished quartz mills we have seen. Late in the afternoon everything was got in order, and a trial made of its capacity in the work for which it is intended, and a test had of the quality of the rock. Less than a ton was crushed, a specimen of which was shown us on Monday, and it was exceedingly rich--this, too, from the loose casing and eternal rock of the main lode. The product of the week's crushing, we are assured, will be extravagant, the rock averaging even richer than that shown us. Mr. Presbrey, who has superintended several quartz mills in California, some of them as famous leads, says that he has never seen any rock which gave equal auriferous products. The quartz daily taken from the vein is quite as rich as that obtained last winter, when the vein was first discovered.
    Woods & Cupp's lode, up on Jackson Creek, continues to pay handsomely. Last week, from rock crushed in a mortar, they got over $200. The quartz promises full as rich as they sink the shaft, and from a piece weighing two and a half ounces, taken out Thursday, $20 was obtained. We were told yesterday that an assay of the rock proves it to contain a considerable amount of silver.
    Fowler & Keeler's lode over on Applegate is paying very richly. We were shown the produce of their week's labor, at Beekman's, yesterday--three large balls of amalgam, with some fragment flakes, weighing, in all, nearly $700--and this from one arrastra. The lead bids fair to rival Gold Hill.--Jacksonville Sentinel.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, July 26, 1860, page 1

The Jacksonville Sentinel.
YREKA, July 25th.
    One hundred guns were fired last night in honor of Breckinridge and Lane. The Jacksonville Sentinel has hoisted the Breckinridge and Lane flag. Mr. U. B. Freaner withdrew from the firm in consequence.
San Joaquin Republican, Stockton, California, July 26, 1860, page 2

    NEW MINING TOWN IN SOUTHERN OREGON.--"Dardanelles" is the name which has been given the little town just sprung up on the south side bank of Rogue River, eleven miles from Jacksonville. It is rapidly pushing into importance. Some half dozen buildings are now in the course of erection, and as many contracted for, soon to be built. The steam quartz crushing mill is located there, and workmen are busily engaged in putting up the machinery. Stages run regularly every day between Jacksonville and the Dardanelles. The great mining operations on Rogue River are but a short distance above the town.--Jacksonville Sentinel.
Oregon Argus, Oregon City, July 28, 1860, page 3

THE JACKSONVILLE SENTINEL.--This paper, published in Oregon, as we mentioned yesterday, has put up the names of Breckinridge and Lane, whereupon U. B. Freaner, one of the editors and proprietors, issued the following:
    "By the publication of the above article, and a difference of opinion entertained between Mr. O'Meara and myself, I regret to announce to the friends and patrons of the Sentinel that my connection with it ceases from and after today. Believing that Mr. Douglas fairly and legitimately received the nomination at the late National Democratic Convention, and moreover believing that he is the choice of the Democratic masses of Oregon, I considered that it was the duty of the Sentinel to sustain him as the regular Democratic nominee; hence my reason for withdrawing from the concern."
Sacramento Daily Union, July 28, 1860, page 3

    OREGON.--We have dates from Oregon to the 22nd July. The company of U.S. soldiers from Fort Umpqua, en route for Klamath Lakes, arrived in Rogue River Valley on the 19th. It is reported that another company, under command of Lieutenant Crook, is on the way from Crescent City, also to proceed to the Klamath Lake country.
Daily National Democrat, Marysville, California, July 31, 1860, page 3

    The Jacksonville Sentinel goes for Breckinridge and Lane. Freaner, one of the proprietors, has left the paper in consequence. It is said a Douglas paper is about to be established in Jacksonville.
"News Items," Weekly Oregonian, Portland, August 4, 1860, page 3

    THE OREGON PRESS.--The Portland Advertiser, of July 28th, thus refers to the status of the Oregon political press:
    The Advertiser, Times, Mountaineer and Statesman have hoisted the names of Douglas and Johnson as their candidates. The News hoisted the name of Douglas on the reception of the news of his nomination, and on the following day took the "sober second thought," and hauled it down, substituting "The Choice of the Democracy of the Union." The Corvallis Union, Eugene City Herald, and Jacksonville Sentinel, it is said, will advocate the claims of Breckinridge and Lane. (The Corvallis Union has not put up the Breckinridge flag; the Sentinel has.) Opposed to these are the Oregonian, Argus and Press, which are battling in defense of Republican principles and for the candidates of their party, Lincoln and Hamlin.
Daily National Democrat, Marysville, California, August 10, 1860, page 2

    The Jacksonville (Oregon) Sentinel has hoisted the Breckinridge and Lane flag. Mr. U. B. Freaner withdraws from the firm in consequence.

"Yreka, July 26," Los Angeles Star, August 11, 1860, page 1

    SHASTA AND YREKA ROAD.--The road over Scotts Mountain will be completed and stages running by the 15th Sept. Mr. Haworth has gone north for the purpose of stocking the road between Jacksonville and Portland, Oregon. That done, and daily stages will traverse the route between Sacramento and the Columbia River. The line will be an important one to the people of Oregon, furnishing them with a daily instead of semi-monthly mail, as at present.
"The State," Hydraulic Press, North San Juan, California, August 11, 1860, page 2

    SACRAMENTO AND PORTLAND DAILY MAIL.--The California Stage company have already started with the required number of horses, wagons, drivers, hostlers and blacksmiths, for Jacksonville, for the purpose of putting the line in running order from that point to Portland.
    It is believed that, by the first of October, the California Stage Company will be carrying a daily mail between Sacramento and Portland. This will then be the longest stage route in the United States, with the exception of the overland stage route.
Shasta Courier, Shasta City, California, August 11, 1860, page 2

    THE OREGON STAGE LINE.--Since Mr. Haworth, President of the California Stage Company, first learned that he had been awarded the contract for carrying a daily mail from Sacramento to Portland, Oregon, he has been energetically preparing to stock the road for a line of daily stages. He has just returned from San Francisco, where he has been purchasing coaches, harness, &c., for the upper end of the route, which were sent by steamer to Portland. Thirteen four-horse coaches have been started from this city within two days past, with sufficient stock to run between Jacksonville and Portland. The horses were of the lot lately brought across the plains, and bought for the Company by Wash Montgomery. They are as fine animals as any in the state. The route from here to Yreka is of course already stocked. The whole number of horses needed on the route is 250, and about thirty coaches. The distance from Sacramento to Portland is 750 miles--making this the longest stage route, except the overland, in the United States. It will be open for travel by the 10th of September, when tickets will be sold for through passage. The people of Oregon will now have what they have so long needed--a daily mail connection with all parts of California. The California Stage Company deserve to be the party entrusted with this great enterprise; and the public must regret that Congress did not long ago accept its offer to convey a daily mail across the continent. There is not the least reason to doubt that, for $1,000,000, Mr. Haworth would have taken it as swiftly, safely and regularly as he will carry a mail about half the distance from Sacramento to Oregon. But the government always lags behind the enterprise of its citizens, and we will have to "wait a little longer" for the daily mail to St. Louis.
Marysville Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, August 15, 1860, page 2

    FROM SOUTHERN OREGON.--The Jacksonville Sentinel, of the 11th, came to hand by the upriver boat last night.
    The Jacksonvillians can take the palm for hot weather. On the 7th inst., the thermometer stood at 100°.
    The Potter dramatic troupe were playing in Jacksonville.
    A grand trotting match, for a purse of $1,500, is to come off on the 5th prox. The competing nags are "Knob," a chestnut horse, and a bay stallion known as "Jake."
    The first hydraulic ram ever used in that portion of Oregon has been put in operation. It is to carry a stream of water running through their cellar to the livery stable of Messrs. Clugage & Drum. A ditch was constructed from the cellar to Third Street, where a shaft was sunk to the depth of some eighteen or twenty feet, and the ram placed therein. The water is forced from there to a large wooden tank, constructed for the purpose, to the upper story of Messrs. Clugage & Drum's building. Through the scientific and skillful engineering of Messrs. L. & B., the ram is made to work to perfection, and will undoubtedly prove a valuable and decided convenience to the owners of the stable.
    QUARTZ MILL.--A few weeks ago we mentioned that parties from Yreka were going to erect a quartz mill on the forks of Jackson Creek. During the early part of the week the machinery arrived here, and the proprietors are now busily engaged in erecting the necessary framework to put the machinery in. It is the intention of the company to commence crushing in about two weeks. From the well-known richness of the quartz on the creek, it would not surprise us much to hear of extraordinary large yields from the mill.--Sentinel.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, August 17, 1860, page 1

    TROTTING IN JACKSONVILLE.--A grand trotting match, to harness, mile heats, three best in five, will come off over the race course in Jacksonville, Oregon, for a purse of $1,500, on the 5th of September next.
Sacramento Daily Union, August 17, 1860, page 3

The Southern Oregon Mail Route.
    Time and again during the last few years has the subject of improvement of the mail facilities between Central and Northern California and Oregon been earnestly urged upon our columns. The word "improvement" is, however, scarcely appropriate in this connection, inasmuch as there have been virtually no facilities whatever until very recently in the upper counties of this state, or in that portion of Oregon bordering on the forty-second parallel. The mails for Portland from our remote northern counties must necessarily be carried either to San Francisco or to Humboldt Bay and Crescent City, and thence from the latter two places by any chance vessel which might touch at those ports. The counties of Siskiyou, Klamath and Del Norte, particularly, have suffered severely for want of some regular, speedy and safe mode of conveyance for way mails, or those destined to other states. Some two or three years ago, while dwelling in the almost inaccessible fastnesses of the Upper Klamath region, the arrival occasionally of the expressman with a few letters and fewer papers was hailed with delight, and the man was deemed exceedingly fortunate who could get either through from Sacramento or San Francisco in a month. Subsequently James Haworth, Esq., who--since the death of the lamented Jim Birch, a victim of the Central America disaster--may justly be termed the Stage King of California, visited this section of the state. Through his exertions and representations, directly and indirectly, to Congress, that body at last came to the sage conclusion that overland mail communication between California and Oregon was an "irrepressible" necessity. Accordingly, to the California Stage company, of which Mr. Haworth is president, was awarded a contract for the carrying of a daily mail from Sacramento to Portland.
    Although the news of the award did not reach the company until the first instant [August 1st], so energetic have been their agents that the road between Jacksonville and Portland will be fully stocked and in running condition by the middle of September. It is proper to remind our readers, in this connection, that the stage company has, for some time past, been running regularly to Jacksonville, and making wonderfully quick time, too, over the roughest route to be found within the borders of these states. Thus, through the indomitable enterprise of a few public-spirited citizens, and a lavish expenditure of money, the federal government has at last been forced to award this contract, which will be carried out as thoroughly and completely as if the route extended to Marysville, instead of to the chief city of our neighboring state--a distance, we believe, of eight hundred miles from Sacramento, its lower terminus.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, August 18, 1860, page 1

    The Sentinel says:--"The Democrat, however, has received news of the nominations, but Delazon, having been disgracefully defeated in the recent election for the U.S. Senate, and having yet lingering hopes to obtain that desired position, will trim his sails to catch the popular breeze." The Sentinel is mistaken. Delusion has abandoned all hope of getting to the Senate, and is now working for Joseph for "store pay," which is furnished by Thelby.… At the recent Jockey Club races in Jacksonville, the contest in the principal race was between Henry Walsh's Boston colt, "Attila," and John P. Welsh's Glencoe mare, "Mary Chilton." The mare was in miserable condition, and was very badly beaten in the first heat and distanced in the second. The mile race was won by Henry Walsh's mare "Lucky"; and a trotting race was won, in two straight heats, by J. B. Emery's stallion, "Black Hawk."… The "Potter Dramatic Troupe" are on their way from the south, and will probably remain in Salem during the sitting of the legislature.… 
"Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, August 21, 1860, page 2

    THE OLD WATER WORKS.--The steam engine and boiler which was used to supply this city with water previous to the construction of the present works has been sent to Jacksonville, Oregon for a sawmill.
Marysville Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, August 23, 1860, page 3

    THE NEW MAIL ROUTE.--Speaking of the opening of a daily mail route through to Portland, the Jacksonville Sentinel of the 18th says:
    "The road being constructed over Scott Mountain under the superintendence of Mr. Carr, for the California Stage Company, is rapidly progressing, and when finished, will be the very best and safest mountain road in California. One hundred men are at work upon it, and stages will most likely run over it by the 15th proximo. This will enable passengers to ride in coaches or wagons from Portland to Sacramento without trouble. We passed over five or six miles of the road last week, on our road home from below, and the grade was so gentle that we found no difficulty in cantering the mule all the way up the mountainside. A new road is being made over the big divide between Yreka and Scotts Valley, under charge of Mr. John Andrews, of the California Stage Company, which will be soon completed. It will obviate the unpleasant ride at present made over the mountain, and is a much safer way and easier grade than the road now traveled. In due time, a stage ride from this place to Sacramento will be little more than a pleasure trip."
Daily National Democrat, Marysville, California, August 26, 1860, page 3

    SOUTHERN OREGON.--The Jacksonville Sentinel of the 18th inst. has the following items:
    QUARTZ MINING.--The Steam Quartz Mill Company are crushing quartz taken from the Blackwell lode. From some 60 tons of rock only $1500 were obtained.
    The Ish Company are still engaged in taking rock from the great shaft, which is worked to over sixty feet depth without any indication of failure of the auriferous quartz. For our own part, we have strong faith in the continued richness of this vein.
    The Johnson, Cupp & Woods Company, whose lode is up on Jackson Creek, have had a steam crushing mill brought them from Yreka, which will be in working order in a short time.
    CROPS.--Wheat has not produced so well generally in the valley as we had expected, but of barley, rye and oats, fine crops have been harvested. The corn, as a general thing, has yielded fairly, but we hear of one or two fields which are almost total failures, on account of the intense hot weather coming upon it too soon.
Daily National Democrat, Marysville, California, August 26, 1860, page 3

    The great overland route will be in operation in about two weeks. We mean the Sacramento and Portland stage line. A few days ago eighty horses and half a dozen coaches passed up, with which the route between Jacksonville and the Columbia will be equipped. It is an expensive and venturesome enterprise, and one which we hope the people of Oregon will feel it their duty to support. Five years ago we made the trip from the Cascades to the Trinity, and then we could not have been easily persuaded that stages would be traversing the route in five years. The Calapooia Range, Grave Creek Hills, Siskiyou and Scott mountains interposed serious obstacles to such an enterprise, all of which have been overcome in five years. We heard residents of that state detail the particulars of the trip of the first emigration of fifty wagons which left Oregon City for California in 1848, on the first announcement of the gold discoveries here. Then the journey occupied nearly two months; soon it will be made in comfortable coaches in less than week.
"A Little of Everything," Trinity Journal, Weaverville, California, September 1, 1860, page 3

Later from Southern Oregon.
    From the Jacksonville Sentinel of the 1st inst. we condense the following interesting items:
    THE OVERLAND MAIL.--The Sentinel rejoices that Southern Oregon is already enjoying the blessing of a daily mail from Sacramento. The advent of the California Stage Co.'s stages, wagons and horses into Jacksonville was an occasion of no ordinary interest. On Sunday morning last, about ten o'clock, in the long procession came--ten four-horse teams, dragging the vehicles to be used upon the route. The whole town turned out to witness the glad view, to greet this practical evidence of the dispatch which the company had used in preparing for the contracted service. Mr. Wash. Montgomery, one of the company, came in charge of this array of stages, wagons and horses. During the day the party camped in Clugage's pasture, and early Monday morning resumed the journey down through the country towards Eugene City, up to which point the road is being stocked by Geo. Thomas, another of the company. Wagons and teams will be left at the stations as they proceed, and as fast as the road is stocked it will be run.
    The daily line commenced running between Jacksonville and Yreka on the 28th, and between the former place and Canyonville on Thursday last and the Sentinel adds:
    "In another week we shall have it from Eugene City, then from Corvallis, Albany, Salem, and Portland, and in a little time more, al the way from the northern terminus, Olympia, W.T. But when the first stage through from Portland shall arrive, we repeat what we suggested some little time ago, that our citizens burn a bit of powder to celebrate the event. Surely the occasion is a worthy one, and to show that we appreciate it is no more than can be expected. Get the anvil artillery in readiness. Pass around the paper to purchase powder."
    OREGON UNIONISTS.--The supporters of Bell and Everett in Oregon are requested to meet at Salem, on the 15th inst.
    QUARTZ.--Two newly discovered lodes, belonging to Messrs. Evans & McDougall and Eberts & Co., are yielding richly. These lodes are two miles from Browntown, between Althouse and Sucker creeks, and their discovery has created a great deal of excitement in that vicinity, some of the miners on Althouse having suspended usual labor to go and prospect for leads. Republican Hill is also being industriously prospected, and, altogether, a mile extent of claims has been taken up.
    MINING.--Last Saturday night, we were shown $134 worth of very rich coarse gold, the week's product of Richardson's claim, up Jackson Creek. Only enough water is afforded to give them an hour's washing each day; still the claim pays richly. One of the men assures us that up on the right bank of the creek, when water is had, they will make big wages from a new claim, in which there is a great deal of disintegrated, decomposed quartz.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, September 7, 1860, page 1

    ANOTHER FIRE AT ASHLAND, OREGON.--Eber Emery writes us, says the Jacksonville Sentinel, of September 8th, that, on the morning of the 6th of September, at two o'clock a fire took place in the cabinet shop of Helman, which was entirely consumed, together with a large lot of lumber, furniture, tools, machinery and a new wagon that had just been painted. The post office, which was in a building attached to a cabinet shop, was also consumed. Emery had burnt at the time a set of wagon wheels. Altogether, the loss was estimated at $4,000.
Sacramento Daily Union, September 13, 1860, page 3

    EMIGRANTS ARRIVED.--Last week some thirty or forty families of emigrants arrived at Gasburg, from the state of Iowa. We understand that a large number of families who came across this season are now stopping at Honey Lake Valley to recruit their stock, and will start from there for this county in a short time.--Jacksonville Sentinel, September 8th.
Sacramento Daily Union, September 13, 1860, page 4

    ROGUE RIVER MINING.--Early this spring several companies were formed for the purpose of turning the stream from the bed of Rogue River. It was considered at the time a very hazardous and daring speculation, and was much doubted if they would succeed in their undertaking. We are glad to learn that it will prove a decided success. Last week the water was let into the races constructed for carrying it off, and at last accounts the upper company had nearly all the water from the bed and were preparing to work it. The lower company were not so successful, but have considerably diminished the amount of water in the stream, and entertain great hopes that it will prove a success.--Jacksonville Sentinel.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, September 17, 1860, page 1

    OVERLAND MAIL.--The California Stage Company's coaches are now running as far north as Eugene City, and by the 15th of this month will run through to Portland. The stages arrive and depart from this place every morning and evening, for Yreka (thence to Sacramento) and Canyonville (thence to Portland) with regularity. This is a great improvement on our tri-weekly communication with the former place, and weekly communication with the latter. We can now begin to realize the advantages of a daily overland mail.--Jacksonville Sentinel.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, September 17, 1860, page 1

    SOUTHERN OREGON.--By the daily overland mail between Jacksonville and Sacramento, we are in receipt of the Jacksonville Sentinel. Its columns are entirely devoted to politics.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, September 21, 1860, page 1

    FIRE IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY.--A fire occurred at Ashland Mills, Rogue River Valley, Oregon, September 5th, says the Yreka Union, burning the post office and other property to the value of about $4,000. The post office was broken into and robbed of $25 in cash and about $35 in post office stamps, and then set on fire.
Sonoma County Journal, Petaluma, California, September 21, 1860, page 3

From Oregon.
    The first through passengers from Oregon came down on the stage Wednesday morning. Yesterday morning our Oregon exchanges came to hand by mail from the north. From the Jacksonville Sentinel we gather the following items:
    Political conventions and ratification meetings are the order of the day.
    Rich quartz has been discovered at the mouth of Squaw Creek.
    The new quartz mill at Jacksonville was ready for crushing last Monday.
    A desperate encounter took place at Canyonville las Saturday week, between some escaped convicts and the officers of the law. One of the convicts was mortally wounded, and has since died; two were captured, and one made his escaped.
    Last Sunday week, on Rogue River, a Chinaman entered a blacksmith's shop and commenced handling a revolver; not thinking it loaded, he raised the hammer, when it went off, mortally wounding the smith, Dennis Pritchett, formerly from Vermilion County, Illinois.
Red Bluff Independent, September 21, 1860, page 2

    The post office at Ashland Mills, Rogue River, was robbed and burnt a few nights since.
"News Items," Weekly Oregonian, Portland, September 22, 1860, page 3

    The Census Marshal of Jackson County estimates the population of that county to be about 4,000. Of this number, 3,500 are whites, the remainder Negroes, Chinamen &c.
Oregon Argus, Oregon City, September 29, 1860, page 3

Letter from Southern Oregon.
    The Jacksonville Sentinel hoists the names of D. W. Douthitt, Delazon Smith, and James O'Meara as the Breckinridge Presidential Electors for Oregon.
    IMMIGRATION.--On the 27th, an immigrant train of fourteen wagons, with men mounted on horseback, passed through Jacksonville, en route for Rogue River. This was an advance party of 152 immigrants, 33 wagons, and 298 head of horses. They left Newton County, Missouri, May 1st. They came by the new Lander "cutoff," and report it an excellent mountain road.
    Since the institution of the daily mail, the number of letters sent by Jacksonville has increased from one hundred per week to forty daily.
    JEWISH FAST DAY.--Wednesday was the Jewish Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), which is observed by that people throughout the world, by rigid fasting and solemn prayer. Our Hebrew fellow citizens paid due observance to the day.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, October 5, 1860, page 1

    LATER FROM OREGON.--We extract the annexed intelligence from the Jacksonville Sentinel, of September 29th:
    Postmaster McCully informs us that already a great increase is had in mail matter from the Jacksonville office since the institution of the daily mail. Before, about one hundred letters per week were sent from here; now, the average is over forty letters daily. No better testimony could be had of the necessity of this great blessing to our people.
    Thursday afternoon an immigrant train of fourteen wagons, each drawn by from two to five yoke of oxen, with men mounted on horseback accompanying, passed through Jacksonville en route for the mouth of Rogue River. From a gentleman connected with the train, we learned that this was an advance party of a train of 152 immigrants, 33 wagons and 298 head of horses and cattle, which left Newton County, Missouri, on the 1st of May last, and arrived at the head of this valley on the 20th of September. They followed the old Plains emigrant road to what is known as Lander's cutoff (made by Colonel Lander last year), which they kept until they reached the City of Rocks, where they resumed the old road, and came into Rogue River Valley by way of the Big Canyon and Soda Springs. They report Lander's cutoff the best mountain road ever traveled, with plenty of good water and rich grass all along.
Sacramento Daily Union,
October 5, 1860, page 2

News Items.
    OREGON.--From the Jacksonville Sentinel of 29th we gather the following items:
    Postmaster McCully informs us that already a great increase is had in mail matter from the Jacksonville office since the institution of the daily mail. Before, about 100 letters per week were sent from here; now, the average is over 40 letters daily.
    A "nice young man," calling himself Wm. Harris, came here from Yreka a while ago, and after loitering about the town for a few days, on Tuesday, midnight or a little after, entered the New State Saloon and stole from a drawer two Colt's six-shooters and two dollars in coin. That evening he had come the "confidence game" over one of our citizens for $25, by representing himself a "detective" for Wells Fargo & Co., and obtained besides a passage on the stage to Yreka. On his arrival there, he was recognized as an old thief, young as he is, and arrested for one or two little larceny offenses committed thereabout some weeks back.
Red Bluff Independent, October 5, 1860, page 2

    Jackson County contains about 4,000 inhabitants; of these about 1000 are Chinamen and Negroes.
    Late explorers represent the country around Klamath Lake as most beautiful. The prairies are rich, some level, some rolling, plenty of timber, grass all the year round, and valley nearly as extensive as that of the Willamette. But where will the inhabitants of that valley find markets for their produce, unless mines are found in that region?
Weekly Oregonian, Portland, October 6, 1860, page 2

    The Sentinel has the following:
    IMMIGRATION.--During the week several emigrant wagons, just from the journey across the Plains, have arrived in this valley. A majority of the persons who come by these trains intend to settle among us. They are from Illinois, Missouri and Arkansas, chiefly. All arrive in good health and tolerable condition. They report light difficulties with Indians this side of the Humboldt. A few head of cattle and horses were lost by these partial attacks, but no lives taken. It is feared, however, that a train of five wagons from Illinois, overdue, has either been cut off altogether or met with serious mishap.
    ROBBERY.--A man hailing from Shasta Valley, who passed through town on Wednesday, says that on his way from Kerbyville here he was met on the Mooney mountain by three men, who had their faces blackened, and robbed by them of $380 in gold and his pistol. The robbers left him penniless and bade him hurry on, or they would take his life. The robbery was committed on Wednesday morning. The victim was a cattle drover.
Sacramento Daily Union, October 18, 1860, page 2

    A CANDIDATE BADLY HURT.--Dr. W. H. Watkins, of Josephine County, Oregon, candidate for elector on the Republican ticket, had his left leg broken just above the ankle, on the 13th inst. The Jacksonville Sentinel gives the following account of the accident:
    "The unfortunate gentleman, with others, was engaged in the attempt to raise a Republican [flag] pole, and as is too frequently the case at similar occasions, some dozen or more excited people undertook to assist those who were employed in the raising. These unsought assistants labored without regard to instructions or concord, and finally by a hurried, misdirected movement, turned the pole, as it lay lengthwise, over against where Dr. Watkins was standing. The contact was too sudden for him to shun, and the breaking of both bones of his leg, and the crushing of his foot, was the consequence. At last accounts, we are pleased to learn, there was no doubt that he would in good time recover from the painful wounds."
Nevada Democrat, Nevada City, California, October 25, 1860, page 2

    OREGON ITEMS.--We take the following from the Jacksonville Sentinel:
    About three weeks ago, Mr. Thomas Pyle, of this county, left upon a hurried tour to Walla Walla. He made the journey there in a few hours less than six days--the distance being nearly 700 miles. This is the quickest time ever made between the two points. On the return trip, Mr. Pyle rested between places, but was only six days in traveling the distance.
    Two men, named Jas. Woods and Jas. Masterson, got into a wrangle on Sunday, at Wells mills, in the course of which Woods gave Masterson a flesh wound in the back with a knife. The hurt is painful but not at all dangerous.
Red Bluff Independent, October 26, 1860, page 2

    A fire occurred at Ashland Mills, Rogue River, on Wednesday evening the 5th inst., burning the post office and other property to the value of about $4000. The post office was broken into and robbed of $25 in cash, and about $35 in postage stamps, and then fired.--Portland Adv.
"Oregon," Daily Colonist, Victoria, B.C., October 26, 1860, page 3

    DR. W. H. WATKINS, Republican candidate for Elector, had his left leg broken at a pole raising in Waldo, Jackson County, on the 13th. The accident is said to have been caused by the officiousness of outsiders.
Weekly Oregonian, Portland, October 27, 1860, page 2

    An Oregon correspondent of the Charlest
on Mercury relates an eccentric and almost incredible story of the movements of the abolitionists--some of them at least--in that quarter of old Abe's vineyard. The intention seems to be to send on secret emissaries to the Palmetto State, who will represent themselves as "returned Californians," or pass under some other convenient name as natives "to the manor born." As soon as things are cooled down after Lincoln's election, these lurkers, it is stated, think they can throw off the mask, get commissions under the federal government, and the Northern press will herald it to the world that such and such South Carolinians have accepted office under Lincoln!
    This writer says he knows persons in Oregon who "declare" it is their intention to act thus. He writes from Salem, September 5, and says: "It was arranged in secret caucus last night in this city that James Kilgore, of Jackson County; Gazzle [Gazley?] of Douglas County; James Fulton and W. C. Holman, of Wasco County, should proceed immediately to Charleston, S.C., and "wait for something to turn up." The writer further intimates that he is a native South Carolinian. The story sounds "fishy" to us; and is as we have said, almost unworthy of belief. Why they should hold "secret" caucuses and then "declare" their purposes is beyond our comprehension. Moreover, how could this wiseacre find out the next day the proceedings of one of these secret bodies, especially when their business was to send treacherous and traitorous plotters against society and government into his native state? We sincerely hope no one has been duping the Mercury.
Yorkville Enquirer,
Yorkville, South Carolina, November 1, 1860, page 2  W. C. Holman is listed in the 1860 Census as a merchant in The Dalles, Wasco County. A longer excerpt from this letter was printed in the New York Times.

    MOUNTAIN ROAD.--The Jacksonville Sentinel says that large quantities of snow has fallen on the Crescent City mountain road within the past fortnight, which has made it hard work for teams to get alone. From a teamster arrived on Thursday, we learn that six wagons had broken down near the top of the mountain, his own among the number. They were finally got into temporary repair, so as to complete their trip. He was of opinion that the road could be traveled for some time yet, notwithstanding the storms. There is yet a large amount of freight on the way, besides much more to come to our merchants--it being their winter stock.
Red Bluff Independent, November 9, 1860, page 2

    The Jacksonville Sentinel says that the attack made upon a Republican meeting there was by two worthless scamps--for which the disunion wing of the Democratic Party are not responsible. We are glad to have this information. We presume the same ruffians made up the lie published in the same paper in regard to Mr. Dyer's speech in Jacksonville.
Weekly Oregonian, Portland, November 10, 1860, page 3

    ENCOUNTER WITH A GRIZZLY IN OREGON.--The Oregon Sentinel, of November 10th, relates the following:
    A German named William Brahmer, living on Rogue River, two miles below Bethel's Ferry, had a terrible adventure with a grizzly bear on the morning of Thursday of last week. He was out hunting, accompanied by his two dogs. When about two miles from his cabin, in the woods, his dogs started upon the track of some animal, which they traced to a clump of brush. Here they halted and soon commenced barking violently. Brahmer, thinking that they had discovered a black bear, hastened to the spot. Just as he came in front of the stump of an old oak tree, a grizzly came charging toward him with jaws wide open, growling and snorting. Our hunter raised his rifle, quickly aimed at the brute's head, but before he could pull [the] trigger the bear was within a few feet of him. Instantly he lowered his piece so as to hit the monster directly in the mouth, and pulled. The cap snapped
[i.e., the rifle misfired]. In a moment, quick as a flash, the bear rose upon his hind feet, caught Brahmer's right arm between his teeth, and with his forepaws forcibly threw his victim to the ground. Before letting go with his teeth, the grizzly had torn the great muscle of Brahmer's upper arm almost entirely away, thus completely crippling him. But the plucky fellow reached for his knife with his left hand. The effort was vain, and meanwhile the bear was biting and tearing his limbs and flesh fearfully. With great presence of mind, Brahmer then, as a last chance for escape from the clutches of his assailant, cried out for his dogs. They answered to his call, happily, and at once set to worrying the common foe. Finding himself thus unceremoniously attacked in the rear, the grizzly turned, left Brahmer and commenced to battle with the dogs. The lacerated man took advantage of this diversion and, gathering all his energies, rose to his feet [and] made a pretty fleet run for about two hundred yards, when he fell exhausted and lay panting, awaiting reaction of vigor. The dogs and bear continued fighting. The loss of blood and the severe pain of his wounds began to tell upon Brahmer, yet he managed to creep and drag his way to his own cabin, which he reached in two or three hours' time. The bear had tracked him for a part of the way, but was kept from close approach by the faithful dogs. Some men happened to be at the cabin when Brahmer arrived, and while some of them attended to him, the rest went in search of the bear. He had made good his escape, and the dogs, apparently well content to let him alone, had returned to their master's cabin. Dr. Brooks was sent for, and on Friday he dressed the wounds that were serious or severe. On Monday Brahmer was brought to town and is now at Dr. Brooks' hospital, where we saw him on Wednesday and received from his own lips a sketch of his fearful adventure. His body is bitten and lacerated terribly. He has over fifty wounds in all--twenty-eight of which are quite serious. More than two pounds of flesh has been torn from his right arm, and the great muscle is quite gone. It is doubtful if he ever recovers any use of this limb.
Sacramento Daily Union, November 17, 1860, page 3

    THE LATE RAINS IN OREGON.--The Jacksonville Sentinel, of 17th, says: "The drenching rains of last week were of great benefit to our miners, as well as to farmers, and the ground is now so thoroughly soaked that another light rain will admit ground-sluicing to be successfully carried on. May Heaven send us plenty of rain the approaching winter, for never did a community need the blessings of its influence more. We are in the midst of a money famine, and must linger in the agony of depleted, hungry pockets until the hardy miners can relieve themselves and all of us by taking from the earth the riches there hidden."
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, November 21, 1860, page 1

    THE APPLE TRADE.--Week after week, wagons from the Willamette, heavily laden with apples, arrive in this valley. Generally quick sales for ready cash are realized by those engaged in this trade, but recently there has been experienced some difficulty in the disposal of their fruit. The market is pretty well stocked, and money is too scarce. The failure of fruit crops in this valley the present year was a very fortunate matter for our Willamette fellow citizens, though a hard blow to our own people. In another year or two enough of every variety of hardy fruits will be raised in this county, and this will keep among us a good deal of money, which has heretofore every year been paid away to the fruit growers north. It is good to exchange, but with us, the cash goes and is never returned through any channel of trade. We yearly pay away a great many dollars in return for articles which we could readily produce ourselves, while there is nothing that can be taken hence to other portions of the state with profit. A better domestic economy should be introduced.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 24, 1860, page 2

    CONVALESCING.--Brahmer, who was so terribly mauled and torn by a grizzly a few weeks ago, on Rogue River, is rapidly recovering from his wounds, and is enabled to go about the streets on crutches. His right arm, from which the great muscle was bitten, will never regain its strength or full use. He is lucky to get off so well.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 24, 1860, page 3

    ENDURANCE.--It takes a tough, hardy man to make a stage driver, we are convinced. The route between this and Canyonville is driven daily, there and back, by two men, each making the full journey. The distance is about 70 miles, over not very smooth roads, with the Big Cañon included. Since the late rains, the stages do not reach here until nearly eleven o'clock at night. The driver must start on his return trip at twelve, midnight, leaving only about an hour for rest and sleep. At the other end of the route, but five to six hours for rest are allowed. How men manage to perform this sort of fatigue and labor is incomprehensible, particularly during the inclement season of the year. Truly, stage drivers are, in powers of endurance, tough customers.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 24, 1860, page 3

    RECOVERING.--Mr. Brahmer, who was so terribly mangled and torn by a grizzly a few weeks ago, on Rogue River, is rapidly recovering from his wounds. He is now at Jacksonville, and is able to go about on crutches. His right arm, from which the great muscle was bitten, will never regain its strength, but he is lucky to get off so well.
Nevada Democrat, Nevada City, California, November 29, 1860, page 2

Letter from Southern Oregon.
    From the Jacksonville Sentinel of the 1st, we condense the subjoined items:
    The citizens of Jacksonville on the 28th ult., by a vote of 107 to 27, resolved to incorporate the town.
    A man named John McGrath was killed on Monday, the 19th ult., while engaged in working a claim on Galice Creek, by being caught and crushed between two falling logs. The deceased was a native of Kilkenny, Ireland, aged 27 years.
    Mr. C. L. Goodrich, traveling agent for the Alta California, is in town for the purpose of procuring subscriptions to that paper. We cheerfully bear testimony that it is one of the very best, as it is the largest of newspapers published on this coast. We wish Mr. Goodrich success in his mission.
    THE WEATHER.--Scarcely a drop of rain has fallen through the week, but instead, the days have been bright and mild, the nights clear and cool, with not so much frost as last week. Rain or ruin must almost inevitably come to this section. The miners are most anxiously awaiting the disemboweling of the precious metal from the auriferous earth; all classes are eagerly hoping and fervently praying for better times.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, December 9, 1860, page 1

    JACKSONVILLE, OREGON.--At a recent election in this town the majority for an incorporation was eighty.
Sacramento Daily Union, December 11, 1860, page 3

    SUICIDE.--A man named Wm. Henry recently committed suicide at Pleasant Creek, about twenty miles from Jacksonville, Oregon, by shooting himself in the head with a pistol. On the night previous he came home drunk, and in a jealous fit beat an unoffending man over the head with a pistol, stunning him. He then went upstairs, dragged his wife down below and out of the house, tore her clothes from her person and beat her so that she could neither speak or stand. In the morning her father, hearing of the circumstance, came to the house and compelled the brute to find her and bring her home. He returned in a short time bearing her in his arms, as she was so lamed by the beating and benumbed by the cold that she could not stand. Henry retired into the house, and the report of a pistol being heard soon afterwards, he was found lying prostrate on the floor, having shot himself through the head. He lived but a few minutes. The woman, at last accounts, was slowly recovering.
Nevada Democrat, Nevada City, California, December 15, 1860, page 1

    A man named William Henry shot himself through the head on the 20th ult., in Jackson County. In a fit of jealousy and intoxication he beat his supposed rival over the head with a revolver and then dragged his wife some distance from the house where he beat her so cruelly that she remained there overnight. Next morning on the arrival of her father Henry carried her to the house and then killed himself.
"Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, December 17, 1860, page 2

Terrible Encounter with a Grizzly.
    We find the following account of a terrible encounter with a grizzly bear in the Jacksonville Sentinel of the 10th inst.:
    A German named William Brahmer, living on Rogue River, two miles below Bethel's Ferry, had a terrible encounter with a grizzly bear on the morning of Thursday of last week. He was out hunting, accompanied by his two dogs. When about two miles from his cabin, in the woods, his dogs started upon the track of some animal, which they traced to a clump of brush. Here they halted and soon commenced barking violently. Brahmer, thinking that they had discovered a black bear, hastened to the spot. Just as he came in front of the stump of an old oak tree, a grizzly came charging toward him with jaws wide open, growling and snorting. Our hunter raised his rifle, quickly aimed at the brute's head, but before he could pull [the] trigger the bear was within a few feet of him. Instantly he lowered his piece so as to hit the monster directly in the mouth, and pulled. The cap snapped [i.e., the rifle misfired].
    In a moment, quick as a flash, the bear rose upon his hind feet, caught Brahmer's right arm between his teeth, and with his forepaws forcibly threw his victim to the ground. Before letting go with his teeth, the grizzly had torn the great muscle of Brahmer's upper arm almost entirely away, thus completely crippling him. But the plucky fellow reached for his knife with his left hand. The effort was vain, and meanwhile the bear was biting and tearing his limbs and flesh fearfully. With great presence of mind, Brahmer then, as a last chance for escape from the clutches of his assailant, cried out for his dogs. They answered to his call, happily, and at once set to in worrying the common foe. Finding himself thus unceremoniously attacked in the rear, the grizzly turned, left Brahmer and commenced to battle with the dogs. The lacerated man took advantage of this diversion and, gathering all his energies, rose to his feet [and] made a pretty fleet run for about two hundred yards, when he fell exhausted and lay panting, awaiting reaction of vigor. The dogs and bear continued fighting. The loss of blood and the severe pain of his wounds began to tell upon Brahmer, yet he managed to creep and drag his way to his own cabin, which he reached in two or three hours' time.
    The bear had tracked him for a part of the way, but was kept from close approach by the faithful dogs. Some men happened to be at the cabin when Brahmer arrived, and while some of them attended to him, the rest went in search of the bear. He had made good his escape, and the dogs, apparently well content to let him alone, had returned to their master's cabin. Dr. Brooks was sent for, and on Friday he dressed the wounds that were serious or severe. On Monday Brahmer was brought to town and is now at Dr. Brooks' hospital, where we saw him on Wednesday and received from his own lips a sketch of his fearful adventure. His body is bitten and lacerated terribly. He has over fifty wounds in all, twenty-eight of which are quite serious. More than two pounds of flesh has been torn from his right arm, and the great muscle is quite gone. From head to heels, he is mangled. Brahmer says that the bear was about 600 pounds weight.--San Francisco Herald, Nov. 21.

Janesville Daily Gazette, Janesville, Wisconsin, January 3, 1861, page 1

Last revised March 22, 2024