Trouble As soon as the mechanical power hauling wagon is fully developed it will be a great boon to the population of the dry plains of America. In the grazing belts of the West there are millions of acres that furnish herbage for grazing, but which must be irrigated to produce crops. Wood, coal and water are about equally scarce. If a wagon for heavy hauling can be devised to run by petroleum, it will be of great assistance to the farmers and grazers in regions where horse feed and fuel and water are very costly. Valley Record, Ashland, August 20, 1896, page 2 [The Walter L. Main Circus parade] was a fine presentation of many things beautiful. There were four bands and a calliope. The Vermont farmer driving his trained pigs and he riding in the little cart was one of the funny features of the parade, while the automobile, or horseless carriage, was one of the most interesting. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 15, 1899, page 7 This was apparently the first automobile to visit the Rogue Valley. It escaped the notice of the other valley newspapers. The parade contained several features of special interest. Among these may be mentioned the automobile, which brought up the rear of the procession. This is the first horseless carriage that has made its appearance on the streets of Salem and attracted a great deal of attention. Walter L. Main, proprietor of the circus, and several members of his family were the occupants. "W. L. Main's Circus," The Daily Journal, Salem, September 5, 1899, page 4 Probably the first automobile seen in Southern Oregon passed through the valley one day last week. In it were Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Carmack of Seattle, who are making the trip to San Francisco. They attracted much attention. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 25, 1902, page 1 Jeweler E. D. Elwood received his long-expected automobile Thursday morning, and he is now employed in hitching the machine up and working it into harness. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, May 1, 1903, page 6 This was Medford's first automobile. ![]() The inscription on this early
snapshot identifies it as "E. D. Elwood's Baldner Car year 1903
first car in Medford." Photo courtesy Ken Kantor collection. Hon. J. H. Stewart during the past week received a fine automobile, and with E. D. Elwood enjoys the honor of being the Southern Oregon pioneer in that line. "Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 13, 1903, page 2 E. D. Elwood:--"You fellows will have to stop cracking that hoary joke about the likeness between my automobile and the girl's young man, because I've received a new engine for it, and as soon as I get it placed in position I'll show you that it will go." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, October 23, 1903, page 1 A Subscriber:--"I hear all kinds of discussions touching upon automobiles. There are as many different opinions as to relative merits as there are different kinds of machines put out. Some prefer the hot air kind, others the gasoline, others the steam, and there are some who prefer the toy kind, but from the best authority I can dig up the gas autos seem preferable. Jess Enyart prefers this kind--because they can be charged. Now, why this preference I don't know--unless he expects to charge the machine himself." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, August 26, 1904, page 1 RULES FOR RUNNING
Statutory Regulations for Speed and Operation of Autos on the Highways.
The last
legislature passed a good law regulating the use of automobiles. It has
been effective since February 21st and provides as follows:
H.B. 35--Owners of motor vehicles, motorcycles and automobiles must file with the secretary of state their name and address, with description of the machine, which shall entitle them to a certificate, for which a fee of $3 must be paid. The number of certificate must be displayed on the rear of the vehicle. Non-resident owners who have complied with laws of other commonwealths do not have to secure this license. Each vehicle shall be provided with light, muffler on gasoline engines and efficient brakes. Speed in thickly settled or business portions of towns and cities must not exceed eight miles an hour, and never one mile in 2½ minutes, or one mile in 15 minutes when passing over a crossing used at the time by another person. When approaching a team, the auto vehicle must observe usual road laws, check speed if horses are frightened and stop if beckoned to until horses are under control. When arrested, an auto driver must have his bail fixed immediately at $50, which will be demanded by a magistrate if near, and by the arresting officer if no magistrate is near, and hearing of the case must be postponed not less than 24 hours distant and more than five days if requested by the defendant after giving bail. Penalties are [a] fine not exceeding $25 for first offense, not exceeding $50 for second and not exceeding $100 for succeeding violations. Approved February 21st. Ashland Tidings, May 1, 1905, page 1
A. C. Allen has purchased an Oldsmobile. This gives him and his
household two 'mobiles, which fact will enable them to get all needful
enjoyment out of Jackson County's thoroughfares.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 12, 1905, page 5 ![]() 1906 Reo touring car ad "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 23, 1906, page 5 The Mail would caution the scorchers who run their motors after night against the fool, high-speed rate with which they tear through the scenery. Recently Fred Barneburg and D. H. Miller had a narrow escape from being killed in a runaway by two motor cars whizzing by their rig with loud honkings and lights blazing, the car appearing as a demon of destruction to the horse unused to latter-day marvels. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 3, 1906, page 5 W. M. Hodson & Co., of Roseburg, have decided to locate and establish a garage shop in Medford for the accommodation and convenience of the several automobiles in and near Medford. There are, at the present time, twelve of these machines in and about Medford, and as there are not nearly so many as that in Roseburg they decided to shift. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 31, 1906, page 5 The Ashland Tidings, in its Monday's issue, told of a horse driven by two ladies becoming frightened and running away, and that the ladies narrowly escaped serious injury. The above, while in part is true and is lamented by all interested or in any way responsible, still the Tidings goes too far when it says it was caused by carelessness of the motor car driver. The driver of that car was Clarence Hutchison, of Medford, and no person has ever before accused him of driving carelessly. As a matter of fact, he is one of the most careful motor car owners in this section, and upon this occasion he had run his car as far to one side of the road as was possible, had stopped both the car and engine. This was done to insure safety to two teams he was meeting, but the horse which became frightened drove up from behind and attempted to pass when he was starting his engine. He saw the ladies coming at a distance, but supposed, of course, they would wait behind until he was out of the way with his car. This they did not do. There may be careless car drivers in Medford, but Clarence is surely not one of them. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 31, 1906, page 5 A. C. Allen boasts a handsome new Thomas Forty automobile. The big touring car attracts much attention as it speeds through the streets of our city. It was purchased through the local firm of Wm. M. Hodson & Co., who also report the sale of a fine Buick $1550 touring car to Geo. F. King and another car of the same make and price to Hon. W. I. Vawter. This brings the total number of automobiles now in use in this city to nineteen, and there are eight more ordered and sold to parties in this vicinity, as soon as the next carload arrives from the factory. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 19, 1907, page 5 ![]() 1907 Thomas 40 ad An All Right Good Car.
C. Allen, the orchardist, favored some of his friends with a test trip
on his handsome new Thomas Forty automobile touring car a few days
since. The party, in addition to Mrs. Allen and baby and little
daughter Mary, consisted of Mr. D. H. Miller and Messrs. A. S. Bliton
and W. E. Willis of the Mail.
LATEST AUTO SONG.The spin was made out on the country road, to the south, where the thoroughfare was found to be in most excellent condition. With apparently no effort the big car glided along at the rate of fifteen miles an hour, with little power on. Later on Mr. Allen turned on the power, and 24 miles per hour was quickly reached, as was indicated by the novel device known as the autometer, which registers not only the speed at which the car is moving, but likewise tells how many miles have been covered during the trip, as well as keeping a complete record of all the miles traversed during the entire season. The beautiful big touring car glided gracefully along, and its occupants could hardly believe that they were being whirled through space at a rapid rate, for it rode as easily as if one were in a Pullman and was really much more comfortable. All the latest ideas are combined in this magnificent auto, and nothing is wanting to add comfort and pleasure to the fortunate occupants of it. The machinery is of the latest and most approved design, and the various devices are remarkably clever. With a forty-five horsepower [engine] and being capable of running at the rate of fifty miles per hour, this $3200 touring car may well be regarded as the very acme of automobiles, and Mr. Allen has every reason to feel much pleased over this investment, for it is going to be the source of much real comfort and pleasure for himself and his fortunate friends. This car was purchased by Mr. Allen through the local auto firm of W. M. Hodson & Co., who are placing many such fine vehicles in this city and surrounding country. Medford Mail, April 26, 1907, page 8 L. B. Brown--"Yes, my automobile is trained now so that I can stop it without saying whoa! Sometimes it stops of its own accord, and then I am tempted to say other things. It did look rather peculiar, I'll admit, for a man to say whoa to an auto, but did you ever notice a man accustomed to riding horseback in a vehicle that was going too slow to suit his fancy, and notice the involuntary action of his heels, as if he were using spurs? He knows it won't do any good, but he keeps it up anyway. Same way with me. I knew the auto wouldn't stop, but that who came out before I'd had time to think." "Things Told on the Street," Medford Mail, July 19, 1907, page 1 Medford is to have another auto livery and garage. Messrs. A. W. Walker, George Merritt and J. A. Elmhirst have formed a partnership for this purpose and have ordered nine Reo and Ford automobiles and will be prepared for business soon. They have not determined as yet where they will put up their building. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 26, 1907, page 5 The Medford Auto Co., consisting of A. W. Walker, George Merritt and J. A. Elmhirst received five new machines this week, which they will use for livery purposes. The machines received were one Buick, one Oldsmobile, one Reo, a six-cylinder Ford and a four-cylinder runabout. The company has erected a tent 40x60 on the railroad grounds near Perry's warehouse, which they will use as a temporary garage until a suitable building can be secured. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 2, 1907, page 5 A. C. Allen and family returned last week from a tour of Northern California. They went in their Thomas 40 touring car, with George King, going by way of Crescent City and Eureka and returning by Yreka and the Siskiyous. The whole trip was made without mishap of any kind outside of a broken spring and worn-out tire or so, and everybody arrived home well and hearty, but extremely glad to be in the Rogue River Valley once more. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 16, 1907, page 4 Catching Up with Medford.
Medford Mail.
fact that a Clackamas County rural mail carrier is experimenting with
an automobile for carrying the mail is esteemed worthy of editorial
comment in The
Oregonian. We
are glad to note that old Clackamas is waking up and getting into the
procession. The carrier of rural route No. 1 Medford has been using an
automobile off and on for the past four months in making his rounds,
but the "chug wagons" are so common in this section that no one thought
it anything out of the common.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, September 16, 1907, page 6 The Medford Auto Co. have removed from the big tent which has been their quarters to the building formerly occupied by the laundry, on 8th Street, and they are fitting up the premises in shape for their business. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 20, 1907, page 5
The following verses were
composed by a Central Point lady especially for the Herald. It has a
true ring about it as though written by one who was there.--Ed.
husband lies under the auto;
My husband swears under the car; We've sent to the city for someone And asked them to come where we are. We're lonesome, lonesome, Lonesome out here where we are. My husband lies under the auto; My husband swears under the car; He can't get the engine to working, And so we must stay where we are. We're lonesome, hungry and Angry out here where we are. He's sent to the garage for someone To tow us to town before dark; He can't get the spark plug to sparking It simply refuses to spark. The spark plug, the spark plug, It simply refuses to spark. --KWAHAFSRM. Central Point Herald, October 10, 1907, page 3 By Mrs. Frank A. Hawk.
E. M. Melden
returned last week from a trip to Portland, by auto, being the first to
make the round trip this season. He drove the four-cylinder Ford
runabout from the Medford Auto Co. and made the down trip in
hours. Coming back he was longer on the road, having been compelled to
lay over a day and a half owing to heavy rain in the Willamette Valley.
Happenings," Medford
Mail, November 15, 1907, page 5
![]() Reputedly (though improbably) the first auto in Jacksonville, a 1908 Dorris. Norman Devaux of the City Hall automobile company reports the shipment of a carload of Auburns to L. B. Brown of Medford, Ore., the new agent in that locality. San Francisco Call, March 2, 1908, page 7 One of the troubles incident to the ownership of automobiles is that of keeping polished the many brass mountings. Parenthetically we are going to say that these are not our troubles--they're borrowed. However, Mr. A. C. Allen, who owns one of the best high-grade cars in this locality, has sidetracked this trouble by having all his mountings nickel plated, and if you fellows don't believe the appearance has been improved, just take a look at this car and then shuffle off some of your own trouble, by having the nickel plating applied. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 13, 1908, page 5 Automobile Law.
A. W. Walker, the agent of the Reo Auto
Company, has
received a shipment of cars. He has sold two of these and has a third
in stock. The cars were the latest model of the Reo Roadsters and
touring cars. Of the numerous cars in the valley at present there are
62 that are owned by people residing within the corporate limits of
the courtesy of the Hodson Auto Co., we are furnished with the
following copy of the law regulating automobiles, passed by the
legislature of 1905.
Section 1.--No automobile, motor vehicle, or motorcycle shall be used or operated on any public high road, highway, park or parkway, street, or avenue within this state, until the owner shall have complied with sections 2, 4, and 5 of this act. Section 2.--The owner of every automobile, motor vehicle, or motorcycle shall file in the office of the Secretary of State a numbered certificate for each of said vehicles, which certificate shall state the name of the owner of such vehicle, and that he has registered in accordance with the provisions of this act. These certificates shall be numbered consecutively, beginning with 1. Section 3.--The Secretary of State shall keep a record of all such statements and of all certificates issued by him with their numbers. Section 4.--The fee for issuing such certificate shall be $3. Section 5.--The number of each certificate, preceded by the letters "Ore.," shall be displayed upon the back of such automobile, motor vehicle, or motorcycle in light-colored Arabic numerals, at least three inches high, on dark background. Section 6.--The provisions of the preceding sections shall not apply to automobiles, motor vehicles, or motorcycles owned or operated by non-residents of this state, provided the owners thereof have complied with any law requiring the registration of owners of automobiles, motor vehicles, or motorcycles in force in the state, territory, or federal district of their residence, and the registration number showing the initial of such state, territory, or federal district shall be displayed on such vehicle substantially as provided by section 5 of this action. Section 7.--Every automobile, motor vehicle, or motorcycle, when driven on any public road, highway, park or parkway, street, or avenue, within this state, shall, during the hours of darkness, have fixed upon some conspicuous part thereof at least one lighted lamp, showing white to the front and red to the rear, and shall have the license or certificate number of said vehicle painted in dark Arabic numerals across the white glass of said lamp. Section 8.--Every automobile, motor vehicle, or motorcycle using gasoline as motive power shall use the "muffler," so called, and the same shall not be cut or disconnected within the limits of any city or village within this state. Every automobile, motor vehicle, or motorcycle shall be provided with good and efficient brakes. The driver or operator of every automobile, motor vehicle, or motorcycle shall be governed by the usual law of the road by turning to the right in meeting vehicles, teams, and persons moving or headed in an opposite direction, and by turning to the left in passing vehicles, teams, and persons moving or headed in the same direction. Section 9.--Every person having control or charge of any automobile, motor vehicle, or motorcycle, whenever upon any public street or way, and approaching any vehicle drawn by a horse or horses, or any horse upon which any person is riding, shall operate and manage and control such automobile, motor vehicle, or motorcycle in such manner as to exercise every reasonable precaution to prevent the frightening of any such horse or horses, and to insure the safety and protection of any person riding or driving the same. And if such horse or horses appear frightened, and if requested by signal or otherwise by the driver of such horse or horses, shall not proceed further toward such animal unless such movement be necessary to avoid accident or injury, or until such animal appears to be under the control of its rider or driver. Section 10.--No person, driver, or operator in charge of any automobile, motor vehicle, or motorcycle on any public road, highway, park or parkway, street, or avenue, within the state, shall drive, operate, or move, or permit the same to be driven, operated, or moved at a rate of speed faster than eight miles an hour within the thickly settled or business portion of any village or city within this state, nor faster than eight miles an hour in the county when within one hundred yards of any vehicle drawn by horse or horses, nor outside of such thickly settled or business portion of any city or village on any public road, highway, park or parkway, street, or avenue at a rate of speed faster than (1) one mile in (2½) two and one-half minutes [i.e., 24 miles per hour], nor over any crossing or crosswalk within the limits of any city or village at a rate faster than one mile in (15) minutes when any person is upon the same. Section 11.--No person driving or in charge of any automobile, motor vehicle, or motorcycle on any highway, townway, public street, avenue, driveway, park or parkway shall drive the same at any speed greater than is reasonable and proper, having regard for the traffic and use of the way by others or so as to endanger the life or limb of any person, and racing any such vehicles on any such ways or parks is hereby forbidden. Section 12.--Any proper officer who shall arrest the owner or driver of an automobile, motor vehicle, or motorcycle on an infraction of any part of this act shall take said person immediately before a magistrate and said magistrate shall hear said case at once or, upon request of defendant and depositing $50 as bail, he shall adjourn said hearing for a time not less than twenty-four hours nor more than five days. If it be impossible to find a magistrate within a reasonable time from said arrest, then the arresting officer shall accept bail in the sum of $50 for the appearance of the defendant at the proper time. Section 13.--The violations of any of the provisions of act shall be deemed a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not exceeding $25 for the first offense, nor exceeding $50 for the second offense, nor exceeding $100 for any succeeding offense. Section 14.--All acts and parts of acts inconsistent therewith or contrary hereto are, so far as they are inconsistent or contrary, hereby repealed. Filed in the office of the Secretary of State, February 2, 1905. Medford Mail, April 17, 1908, page 4 New Auto Headquarters
J. M. Root and son have secured the entire output of water-cooled cars
of a large Eastern factory. The Pacific car was designed by Messrs.
Root, and the name is copyrighted by them. It is built strictly
according to their specifications, having all of the latest possible
equipment, making the Pacific absolutely up to date in every
particular. It is exceptionally graceful in its lines and beautifully
The Pacific has a 4-cylinder water-cooled engine, has a very high clearance, 15 inches between the hubs, double chain drive, sliding gear transmission, Bosch high-tension imported magneto, etc., and will run at a very high speed and is a hill climber. The main sales office for the entire coast will be in Medford. Medford Mail, April 24, 1908, page 5 "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 1, 1908, page 5 Next to Portland Medford has by far the largest number of licensed automobiles of any city in Oregon. The facts are interesting, and it is a curious comparison when the figures are presented showing the automobiles the different towns in the state can boast of. Up to date Portland has 552 licensed automobiles and Medford has 48. There are about 1,020 automobiles in Oregon, according to the license books in the secretary of state's office. After Medford comes Salem with 28 automobiles, although it is the next largest city in Oregon. After Salem is Pendleton with 27, and Grants Pass with 26, Baker City with 23, La Grande with 22, Astoria with 18, Albany with 13, Union with 13, and Roseburg, Eugene and McMinnville each with 12 automobiles. "State and County News," Ashland Tidings, July 2, 1908, page 2 Last Sunday Mr. Enyart, president of the Medford National Bank, and his wife and mother had quite an experience. They started for the Caster sawmill, as he wanted to look it over for another party, in an automobile, and when they got to the Conover camp, about two miles from the mill, the auto broke down and Mr. Enyart had to walk to Caster's, procure a team and driver to bring his family back to the valley. I happened to pass them at the Reese Creek schoolhouse, as I was coming from preaching at Central, and relieved the overcrowded hack by taking Mr. E. in the buggy with me. At Eagle Point he hired Thomas & Son to take them to Medford with a team, as they could not get Medford over the phone. The trouble seemed to be in getting anyone at Central Point, and just as they crossed the bridge here they met an automobile and that frightened the horses and they started to run and came near running over the bank into the creek. Mr. E.'s mother fainted, and while this was going on outdoors Rev. Mr. Clevenger was making the opening prayer for the evening services in the church, and a large part of the congregation ran out of the house, and some of the ladies almost went into hysterics. The result was Mr. Enyart had to hire a man to go to Agate and phone for an auto to come out for them, and I think that they reached home safely some time that night. A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, July 3, 1908, page 5 AUTO PARTIES COMING.
large automobiles have left San Francisco and are headed this way. One
of them is the 40-horsepower Thomas, owned by A. C. Allen of the
Hollywood Orchard. He left there with his wife and two children, and
they returned by train a few days ago. He has with him his father and a
party of friends. The other three parties will proceed on to Portland
and some of the northern cities.
IN BUNCHESW. M. Hodson, the automobile man, says that so far this season 24 tourists have passed through this city in automobiles, and this route is getting to be the popular one between San Francisco and the north. Medford Mail, July 31, 1908, page 1 The only accidents which occurred in Medford yesterday were the colliding of J. M. Root's and D. T. Lawton's autos, with the result that the lamps of both machines were demolished. J. Bradbury ran his auto into a fence and thereby put his machine out of commission until it can be repaired. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, October 2, 1908, page 6 A. W. Walker went to Portland yesterday to look up the automobile business. He contemplates putting in a full supply for next season's business. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, December 4, 1908, page 6 AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT.
W. Jones was driving an automobile down 7th Street Sunday and when
about opposite the Hotel Moore he attempted to make a short turn, but
evidently he misjudged his speed, for instead of clearing the walk he
struck the curb and a telephone pole at the same time, smashing a
spring and lamp and otherwise breaking the front of his machine. He was
able to get away after some slight repairs. He will probably learn not
to travel so fast on paved streets.
Medford Mail, December 11, 1908, page 5 ![]() 1909 Stoddard-Dayton A. W. Walker returned Sunday from a business trip to Portland, where he secured the agency for Reo, Mitchell, Stoddard-Dayton and Rambler automobiles for Medford. While in Portland he sold a $2400 Rambler to Mr. Minear, the Griffin Creek orchard man. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, December 18, 1908, page 5 The Valley Auto Company has just received a new lathe, which is adapted especially to auto repair work. Its repair department is now complete, and it is ready to handle promptly anything in the line of auto repairing. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, January, 29, 1909, page 6 Speaking about early spring automobiling, D. T. Lawton tells that it was only a short time ago that he drove his car to Ashland and that in returning to Medford he made the trip in 37½ minutes. From Talent to Phoenix the distance was covered in 4½ minutes, and during this drive his speed indicator showed a rate of 37 miles per hour. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, March 12, 1909, page 6 Every Dealer in City Reporting Many Sales--New Garage Is Finest To Be Found in the West.
leads the world for the member of automobiles in use per capita of
population. No other place with the same population has as many motor
cars in service. No city in Oregon outside of Portland has half as many
autos. Before the close of the present season there will be close to
200 cars owned and operated in and around Medford, which for a city of
6000 people is going some.
RIVERLast year there were close to 130 cars here. Already 20 new cars have been received, and the season scarcely opened. Many makes are represented, but as a rule the lighter touring cars are favorites, on account of the roughness of the roads. Lightness, durability and power are the essentials demanded. ![]() 1909 Cadillac 30 ad Buick Roadsters Here.
The Hodson
Auto Company received
two "White Streak" four-cylinder, shaft-drive Buick Model 10 roadster
automobiles Friday morning. The cars are built for speed and power, and
Mr. Hodson thinks will prove the most satisfactory in the Rogue River
Valley. They are light and are arranged with four individual seats, two
in front and two in the rear. The cars are painted white, so as not to
show the dust. One was purchased by J. E. Enyart, president of the
Medford National Bank.The Valley Auto Company has sold a Chalmers-Detroit 40 to Wes C. Green. This is the second of these cars sold in the valley this year, the other one being purchased by E. V. Carter of Ashland. ![]() 1909 Rambler ad Osenbrugge & Son are showing the new Studebaker car, the "M.F.," a four-cylinder "30," which they think has solved the automobile problem for the valley. The car is a light one and will stand hard usage. Dr. E. B. Pickel has received his 1909 Packard touring car, with which he is highly pleased. Edgar Hafer is expecting his newly purchased Packard in a few days. These are the most expensive cars so far purchased this year. Medford Daily Tribune, March 26, 1909, page 1 In a single afternoon three pedestrians narrowly escaped injury and possibly with their lives from fast automobile driving. There is no question but that the number of automobiles supported here is a good advertisement for the wealth of the town, considering its size, but if there was a speed limit on the streets it would seem that it was about thirty-five miles per hour. "A Stranger's Impressions of Medford," Rogue River Fruit Grower, April 1909 Charles True in his auto started yesterday afternoon for Waldo, Josephine County, where he is expected to meet some parties coming this way from Crescent City. He will take them in tow and hasten their arrival here. Dr. E. R. Seely yesterday made rather a speedy trip on his new gasoline motorcycle. He made a professional call at a point five miles above Talent on Wagner Creek and returned to his office in this city in one hour's time. Distance, 30 miles. Charley True, from the Hodson garage, returned at 1 p.m. yesterday from his trip over to Waldo. He left here Monday at 1:20 p.m., making the trip of 110 miles in good time over mountain roads without a single mishap. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, April 16, 1909, page 5 J. D. Olwell and wife, Mr. Morris and a gentleman by the name of Sherman came out for dinner last Sunday. It is getting to be quite fashionable for the good people of Medford and Central Point to ride out in their autos, take dinner and fish awhile, then return in the cool of the evening. A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, April 30, 1909, page 8 ![]() A 1909 Packard like Dr. Pickel's
dignified doctors have to encounter the humorous side of things at
times, but they must always have the happy faculty of retaining under
their lids anything in the way of a joke in which they are the
unfortunate ones. Doctors, of course, according to the ethics of their
profession, must at all times keep up a dignified bearing that is in
keeping with their calling. However, the Evening Telegram has
got wise to a good story in which a prominent Rogue River Valley
physician is a conspicuous party. The Telegram says:
WE LEAD IN AUTOSMarooned on an automobile in the middle of Bear Creek, a few miles from Medford, Or., a party of physicians, including two Portland medicos, were forced to remove their shoes and hosiery, roll up their trousers and paddle around in the icy water for half an hour before they managed to drag the machine upon dry land. Running at a dangerous rate of speed against time, because of the delay, the automobile pulled into Grants Pass just in time for the Portland men to see their train pulling out. Waiting two hours for the second section, which was crowded, they had to curl up on the hard seats of a smoker and pass a most uncomfortable period until they reached home. Now that their strenuous adventure is past, the physicians perceive its humorous features, but they are not doing any advertising, at that. Several persons from Grants Pass, however, are not so uncommunicative. In substance, here is what they tell: Stuck in Midstream.
Dr. Coffey
and Dr. Pierce attended
the annual meeting of the Southern Oregon Medical Association at Grants
Pass May 11. The former read a paper on "Cancerous Growths and Modern
Treatment," the latter on "Tuberculosis." To show the appreciation of
Grants Pass physicians, Dr. E. B. Pickel took them for an automobile
tour of the Rogue River Valley, incidentally desiring to make them
jealous of his fine new machine. Mrs. Pickel and 11-year-old Carter
Pickel rode with them.![]() Shoe Laces the Cause.
his dignity, the
physician broke limbs off trees and gathered driftwood to build a
pontoon bridge to the automobile from shore. Part of the time was spent
in rescuing with a pole the personal effects of the chauffeur, which
dropped into the creek while he was cranking up. The pontoon gave way
just in time to let Dr. Pierce and Dr. Pickel, who were proceeding
shoreward, off the water wagon.Then the physicians removed their shoes and hosiery and rolled up their trousers. After much coaxing, Dr. Coffey was induced to assist in helping get the machine out of the creek. This performance took almost half an hour, and before it was over all three had cold feet. Then the run for Grants Pass to catch the train began, the "speedometer" showing a gait of 30 miles an hour over a rough road. "If it hadn't been for you and Pickel losing five minutes lacing your shoes after we got the auto out of the creek, we wouldn't have to sit up all night," growled Dr. Pierce, as they gazed after the train vanishing Portlandward. Medford Mail, May 21, 1909, page 8 Knights of the horn will be agreeably surprised to learn that the Medford Auto Co. has just received a new shipment of 1909 Reo cars. Another shipment of new 1910 Stoddard-Daytons is due by July 1. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, June 11, 1909, page 2 ONE WAY TO THE FAIR
Burr Family of Sacramento Reaches Medford in Autos
were several Burrs in Medford yesterday, but the only one they stuck to
was W. M. Hodson, proprietor of the Hodson garage. The principal reason
for that was the fact that they came in an automobile from Sacramento,
Cal., and stopped over here for the night on their way to
The party was composed of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Burr, Miss Ruth, their daughter; also J. C. Burr and R. O. Burr, who are also of the Burr family, and from appearances it is a pretty good family, too. They have two cars, one a White steamer and the other a Pierce Arrow. A few days ago it was stated in The Morning Mail that there would be quite a number of automobiles come through Medford on the way from California to the Seattle fair. These two make the number 15 since the fair has opened. From now on it is expected that one or more will be going through here every day. Medford Mail, July 2, 1909, page 1 PERMISSION GRANTED
County Judge Issues Permit for Auto Races on the Fourth
In the county court of the state of Oregon for the
county of Jackson.
In the matter of automobile road races on July 5, 1909. Notice is hereby given to whom it may concern that permission is hereby granted for the holding of automobile road races between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock p.m. on the 5th of July, 1909, by the committee in charge of the celebration of that day by the city of Medford, upon the following described county roads of Jackson County, Oregon, to wit: Along the county road leading from Central Avenue and Seventh Street in said city of Medford to the post office at Central Point, and thence along the county road leading from there to Jacksonville, Or., as far as the point where said road intersects or joins the road from Jacksonville to Medford, and from that point along said last mentioned road to the place of beginning; Such permission is granted upon the condition that the committee in charge of said races cause the turns and all dangerous places in said road to be adequately patrolled and protected and all persons using said roads during said time are hereby warned to be upon the lookout. Dated this 22d day of June, 1909. By order of J. R. NEIL, County Judge. Medford Mail, July 2, 1909, page 1 AUTOMOBILE ELECTRIC LIGHTS
Ritter has had his Rambler automobile equipped with electric lights.
This is the only car in the valley which has electric light which is
generated with its own power. There are some others, but they are
supplied with a storage battery.
Medford Mail, July 2, 1909, page 2 AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT
Boy Run Over but Is not Seriously Injured
The first automobile accident in Medford occurred
about 7:30 last night.
D. T. Lawton was driving his car west on Main Street, and when crossing the Medford-Jacksonville railroad track Oscar Carpenter, the 12-year-old son of Stephen Carpenter, ran in front of the car and was struck by one of the fenders and knocked to the pavement and one wheel passed over him. The boy was watching a nearby merry-go-round and doubtless did not see the car coming, and Mr. Lawton did not realize that he would so quickly dart in front of his car. Mr. Lawton was driving very slowly; in fact, so slowly that he was enabled to bring his car to a dead stop in going a distance of half the length of the car, this preventing the hind wheel from passing over the boy. The lad was at once taken to Mr. Perry's office and a physician, Mr. Thayer, was called, and after making an examination stated that the little fellow seemed to have suffered but very little from the accident. Mr. Lawton took the boy in his car and took him to his home, in southwest Medford. Several bystanders who saw the accident were interviewed, and they stated that the car was running very slow and that the accident was in no way the fault of Mr. Lawton. The most fortunate thing in connection with the accident was the fact that Mr. Lawton had neglected for several days to pump up his tires, and because of this neglect the tires were very soft, whereas had they been full of air the accident might have been more serious. Medford Mail, July 9, 1909, page 1 KEEP TO THE RIGHT
That Is Advice for Others Besides Owners of Automobiles.
is almost always a mixup of teams and automobiles at the Main Street
railroad crossing when travel has been stopped for a few minutes by
passenger trains blocking the way.
Councilman Emerick suggested last night that all drivers of vehicles waiting to cross at these times line up on the right-hand side of the street. For instance, all vehicles moving west should line up on the exhibition building side, and those going east should line up on the side next to the express office. This would leave open space for each lineup to move when the train pulls out. The suggestion is a good one and ought to be carried out. Medford Mail, July 9, 1909, page 1 Some of the automobilists of the city are now "stripping" their cars for the race on celebration day. This is in accordance with the way the racers do things in the big auto races, and it ought to enable the cars to go quickly over the route mapped out. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, July 9, 1909, page 2 At 2:45 o'clock p.m. yesterday, 16 autos were noticed drawn up alongside the curb in front of different business houses between Fir and Bartlett streets, a distance of three blocks, and yesterday was what is called a slack day, and but little of interest transpiring--in fact it was a very quiet day in this hustling city. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, July 16, 1909, page 2 EXCEEDED THE SPEED LIMIT
W. S. Biddle
was placed under arrest yesterday afternoon by Chief of Police Shearer
for running his automobile faster than the law allows. The offense took
place on Main Street, between the Exposition Building and the Hotel
Nash. The complaint was made out under section 2 of the city ordinance,
which was recently passed. Mr. Biddle was assessed the sum of $10,
which is the minimum fine.
So that those who run automobiles may read, The Morning Mail publishes the ordinance referred to in full. By so doing it is to be hoped that some who might lay themselves liable may be able to save themselves the annoyance and the expense. In other words, "a hint to the wise is sufficient." Ordinance No. 208.
An ordinance to regulate the use of the
streets of
the City of Medford and passage thereover by automobiles and other
motor vehicles and to regulate the speed thereof upon said streets.The City of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. All that portion of the city of Medford lying between the west line of Holly Street on the west, Bear Creek on the east and the north line of Sixth Street on the north, and the south line of Eighth Street on the south is hereby declared to be and constitute the business portion of Medford for the purpose of this ordinance. Section 2. Every person is hereby forbidden to drive or cause to be driven any automobile or other motor vehicle within the business portion of the city of Medford at a greater rate of speed than eight (8) miles per hour, or to drive or cause to be driven any such automobiles or other vehicles over any other street of said city at a greater rate of speed than ten (10) miles per hour. Section 3. No person shall drive or cause to be driven any automobile or other motor vehicle within the business portion of said city to be driven to and stop along the side or curb of any street within said business portion of said city, except the right side of said automobile or motor vehicle be next to said curb or side of said street. Guilty of Misdemeanor.
Section 4. Every person who shall
violate the terms
of section 2 of this ordinance shall be guilty of misdemeanor and upon
conviction thereof shall be punished for the first offense by a fine of
not less than $10 or more than $25 for the second offense by a fine of
not less than $25 or more than $50; for the third offense by
imprisonment at hard labor for a period of not less than ten or more
than thirty days.Section 5. Every person who shall violate provisions of section 3 of this ordinance shall be guilty of misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not more than ten dollars. The foregoing ordinance was passed on July 6, 1909, by the following vote: Merrick, aye; Welch, aye; Eifert, no; Emerick, aye; Wortman, aye; Demmer, no. Approved July 6, 1909. W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest. BENJ. M. COLLINS, Recorder. Medford Mail, July 16, 1909, page 5 "Classy" Medford.
Say, when
Medford people get out in force to attend a function in a neighboring
town they do it in a manner which surely indicates class. Friday a
goodly number of our citizens were in Ashland attending a band concert,
and a great many of them drove there in automobiles. At one time during
the early evening Mr. E. L. Gurnea counted 62 Medford automobiles on
the streets of this up-the-valley city. In all probability there were
fully 20 he did not see.
Ashland Tidings, July 22, 1909, page 8 FAST TRIP TO LAKE
Party in Automobile Make Journey in a Few Hours
of eating breakfast in Medford and an early afternoon lunch on the rim
of Crater Lake. This little trick has been performed, and Saturday was
the day.
The automobile in which this quick time was made was a Thomas Sixty; its owner and one of the party was G. E. Turman, of Oakland, California; the driver was Russell A. Luther, a Thomas demonstrator of San Francisco. Accompanying these two gentlemen were Walter P. Frick, of Oakland, Calif.; H. C. Kentner and L. G. Porter, of Medford, making five in the party. The party left Medford Saturday morning at 7:30 and landed on the rim of Crater Lake at 2:15 the same afternoon. On the way up twenty minutes' time was lost in helping a loaded team up Pumice Hill; fifteen minutes for lunch at Union Creek and twelve minutes in replacing a punctured tire, a total loss of forty-seven minutes, which would reduce the actual running time to five hours and fifty-eight minutes. This is the quickest time ever made between these points and one of the party, Mr. Kentner, stated to a Morning Mail representative that no effort was made to make a record. It was seemingly just Mr. Turman's regular pace. The driver says, however, that he can make the trip in less than five hours. When telling of this Mr. Kentner incidentally remarked that when Mr. Turman started out to make a record over this road he would certainly be asked to be excused from being one of the party--not that he would be afraid, but that the pace was too swift. Pretty much all the varnish on either side of the big car was scraped off from coming in contact with the brush by the roadside, but aside from that the car was in excellent shape when it reached the lake. The party left the lake at 8:30 Sunday morning and drove to Klamath Falls, reaching there at 1:30 in the afternoon. It being necessary that Mr. Turman remain over a day in the Falls, Mr. Porter and Mr. Kentner returned to Medford by rail, reaching here early last night. Medford Mail, August 27, 1909, page 1 LOOKING FOR STOLEN AUTO
W. I. Vawter, Jr., and William Hodson of Medford, Oregon, arrived in
this city yesterday and immediately notifled the police that an
automobile had been stolen at that place and the fugitives were
supposed to be headed this way with the stolen machine. The auto is the
property of W. I. Vawter, Sr., president of the Jackson County Bank,
and was stolen on the night Ringling Bros.' circus exhibited in that
city. The machine is a 40-horse Oldsmobile, and the bed is of a dark
green color. The officers will keep a close lookout and if the men
travel through this city they will doubtless be rounded up before they
make their escape.Daily Appeal, Stockton, California, September 1, 1909, page 1 OWNER VAINLY SEEKS STOLEN AUTOMOBILE
MARYSVILLE, Aug. 31.--W. I. Vawter, president of the Jackson County
Bank at Medford, Ore., is searching through the Sacramento Valley for
his big automobile that was stolen from Medford last Saturday.Medford Bank President; on Trail of Car and Thief (Special Dispatch to The Call) A son of Vawter, in company with an officer of Jackson County, arrived here this morning, having traced the automobile and thief to this city. He is believed to have cached his stolen machine in a local garage, and the officers are now searching all of these places. San Francisco Call, September 1, 1909, page 9 SLOW DOWN SPEED!
In view of numerous complaints regarding motor speeding through
restricted districts, the city council in recent session ordered sign
posts erected at three of the leading entrances to town. One is located
near the Normal, another at the eastern Main Street crossing, and the
third at Billings' corner. The signs are brief and plainly lettered:
"City Limits--Auto Speed Six Miles," which translated from the attic
Anglo-Saxon into the vernacular means that motor cars must not exceed a
speed to that extent within the incorporation, under penalty
for the
regulation of gasoline wagons as by law provided. The rule
also carries
with it, by implication„ at least, a request that autos
should slow
down to about four miles per hour while turning street
corners, in
order to guarantee unlucky pedestrians their right in the pursuit of
life, happiness, and the rescue of their limbs from the
dangers of the
juggernauts which threaten to overwhelm them at street intersections.
The police have been notified to be on the lookout for offenders, and
this admonition to the wise may be the means of preventing the
gathering in of many careless chauffeurs.Hints to Motorists Who Exceed Regulation Limits Ashland Tidings, October 11, 1909, page 1 AUTO-BICYCLE MIXUP
Machine Backs into Rider and Wordy War Follows
A regrettable and yet a careless accident occurred
yesterday, but opinion differs as to who is to blame.
As C. O. White of Myrtle Creek, a wealthy rancher and mine owner of Douglas County, was backing his automobile, a Rambler, out of W. M. Hodson's garage, he accidentally run into P. A. Children, who was riding a wheel, and knocking the rider off, run over the wheel and bent the frame. Children had tried to ride around the back of the machine and, seeing he was going to be caught, tried to ride up the bank, but failed, and the next minute milk [sic], man, wheel and auto mixed it. The wheel came off second best. Fault of Both.
Children stated that the driver did not blow his horn, and all the
bystanders agree with him on this point, but they all said that he
could have gone in front of the machine, as he had lots of room, and
since the machine was moving backwards this was the logical direction.Mr. White offered to settle immediately and was very reasonable, and if there had been no words over the affair would have settled for $20, as he asked W. M. Hodson if that would be enough. Hot Dispute Follows.
After a hot dispute over the cause and the responsibility for the
accident he offered $10, and then, getting angry, stated that he would
give $5 and no more.As had been stated before, the accident was the result of carelessness on one or the other's part, but as to who was to blame, opinions differ. Each side, of course, says it is the other fellow, but close examination will prove both at fault. The affair turned out very fortunate, in that the rider, who has just recovered from an attack of typhoid fever, was not hurt. Medford Mail, October 15, 1909, page 5
the United States the Census Bureau informs us there is one automobile
to every 500 inhabitants. Further research along this line shows that
Medford leads the United States, and therefore the world, in the number
of automobiles per capita of population, having one automobile to every
30 inhabitants. For many years Pasadena claimed first honors, with one
automobile to every 65 residents, and Pasadena is known as "The City of
Millionaires." In Medford over 220 automobiles are owned, and dealers
report much activity this winter, many machines having been contracted
for early spring delivery.
The automobile is not a luxury in the Rogue River Valley. It is a necessity. Long, level roads traversing the valley from one end to the other make it practical. By its use the orchardist is enabled to spend much of his leisure time in Medford, and the merchant is enabled to own ten or twenty acres of fruit and by means of the automobile superintend it in person without neglecting his business in the city. Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1910, page B5 Unique Record Is Held
in Medford
MEDFORD, Or., Jan.
22.--(Special.)--Medford is the greatest automobile town for its size
in the world. There are 250 registered cars and the population is
estimated at 7500, being one for every 30 men, women and children in
the city.The large number of motor cars in Medford is supplemented by probably 100 in other towns and orchard homes of the Rogue River Valley, whose topography, climate and roads are peculiarly favorable to automobilists. Automobiles can be used in Southern Oregon throughout the year with the exception of three months in the winter, and as soon as the programme for road improvement now mapped out is completed it will be possible to use them the year around. The roads of the valley are level and the occasional rains during the summer prevent them from becoming very dusty. The many side trips up the Rogue River, to Crater Lake, to the Oregon Caves, to the Blue Ledge mining district, up the Applegate River and through the Siskiyous and Cascades, give a delightful variety of scenery and make automobiling a favorite pastime. The proposed automobile highway that will extend from Medford to Crater Lake and thence to Klamath Falls to be built jointly by federal, state and county governments, will be the most scenic automobile road in the world, passing numerous waterfalls, winding through narrow gorges, traversing immense forests and viewing the many natural wonders of the Crater Lake National Park. It will be possible to make the trip to the lake in six hours from Medford. Six garages will cater to the Medford public this year. Three of them have been built this winter, and [they are] equipped with all modern appliances, as well as complete repair shops. During the past year over 200 autos passed through from Lower California points en route to Portland and Seattle, and as the tourist travel becomes heavier each year, indications are that this interstate automobiling will attain great importance in the near future. Medford, being a general supply point, has become a center of the interstate travel. With the completion of the Pacific & Eastern railway to Butte Falls next June an automobile stage line will be run daily from the railroad's terminus to Crater Lake, enabling sightseers to view this wonder spot after a few hours' ride. The automobile business for the coming year promises to be the heaviest in the city's history. Already 50 cars have been contracted for delivery during the spring months. Most of these cars are light cars. Medford has three miles of bitulithic paved streets, which permit automobiling in the city the year around. Contracts are now being awarded for an additional five miles of pavement, to be laid during the coming summer, which will make it possible to use autos throughout a large section of the city during the rainy months. This will still further increase the use of cars and enable Medford to keep its lead as an automobile city. The favorite way of entertaining visiting delegations as well as prominent men who come to see the Rogue River Valley is to give them an automobile excursion. Last summer, when the members of the California promotion committee stopped off at Medford on their return from the Seattle Fair, they were met by 100 automobiles and taken on a ride through the orchard district to Ashland, where they again took their special train. When the Elks lodge was installed in Medford the visiting members were shown the beauties of the country by auto. When the Pacific Indians held their annual meeting in Medford, the crack shots of the world were taken to the banks of the Rogue, where [a] sumptuous luncheon was laid in the open for the 100 or more sportsmen who enjoyed the day angling. When Secretary Garfield visited Crater Lake, two years ago, he was escorted by a procession of some 20 automobilists, who bade him good-bye at Trail, after a delicious luncheon on the banks of the Rogue. The late E. H. Harriman and other prominent men have been similarly entertained here. Sunday Oregonian, January 23, 1910, page 70 The new 40-45 horsepower Elmore just purchased by J. S. Vilas of Medford, Ore. yesterday began to assume the appearance of a battleship from the amount of brass work that has been put on the car. A. J. Smith, in speaking of the equipment, said yesterday that it has the best line of accessories that has been put on any of the 48 Elmores he has sold since he came to San Francisco. R. R. l'Hommedieu, "More New Makes of Cars Arrive," San Francisco Call, February 10, 1910, page 7 W. T. York & Co. are unloading today a car of Haynes automobiles, the majority of which they will use in their business. "Social and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, April 6, 1910, page 5 NEW AUTOS THIS YEAR TOTAL 100
Total Number of Machines in Medford Now Estimated at 350, or One for Every 25 Inhabitants--Many Makes in Demand.
hundred new autos have been shipped into Medford so far this season,
according to Southern Pacific agent A. S. Rosenbaum, and the auto
season has only begun. Probably another hundred will have been received
before fall. The total number of autos in Medford is now estimated at
350, or one for every 25 in habitants.
Saturday six autos were received from the various factories, making 12 for the week, though Buicks and Chalmers-Detroits are the ruling favorites. The Medford Buick Company report the sale of 22 cars since the season opened, all Buicks. The Valley Auto Company report the sale and delivery of 19 cars, Chalmers-Detroit and Hudsons. The Snyder Motor Car Company report the sale of ten Cadillacs and several Jackson cars. Judge Kelly received four additional Overlands this week. Among those whose cars arrived Saturday were J. A. Perry's 40-horsepower Chalmers-Detroit and William von der Hellen's 40-horsepower Buick. Medford Mail Tribune, April 17, 1910, page 1 Portland-Medford Run Made.
Or., April 25.--(Special.)--Although the condition of the roads is not
of the best at this time of year between Medford and Portland, R. M.
Cuthbert, of this city, made the run in his automobile in 22 hours.
This is the first time this year anyone has come that distance through
Oregon in a machine.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 26, 1910, page 6 TELLS STORY OF SECOND AUTO IN
It Was an '05 Model of "Bronco" Type--Sometimes It Went and Sometimes It "Didn't Went"--Miss Keith First Lady Driver in the Valley. MRS. A. C. ALLEN
the spring of 1905 Miss Margaret Keith, sister of Mrs. A. C. Allen,
brought into Medford the second automobile owned in Rogue River Valley.
This car was, like nearly all the '05 models, of the bronco
type--sometimes it would go and at other times it would "balk," but at
most times it acted in a rather untamed manner. After a time Miss Keith
and her sister managed to gain an understanding of its eccentricities
to such an extent as to be able to coax the auto out and back home
again. And so it was that Miss Keith became the first lady to drive an
automobile in the valley.
Outside of the fact that the automobile was an uncommon sight here, it was still more so to see a lady driving the car, and they always drew an interested crowd when "the pesky thing" balked in the middle of the street. At such times the ladies always spurned any aid, but promptly got out the tool kit and in some mysterious way got the car out of its tantrum and started again. When asked, "How did you know what was the matter with the car?" the reply was, "I didn't know. I simply took out the spark plug, looked at it and put it back. I have not the slightest idea what I expected to find the matter with the spark plug, but if I didn't look there for the trouble where else would I look?" That question would have puzzled almost anyone at that time. At any rate the treatment seemed to be all-sufficient, for the car would finally start. Then, too, it was trouble all along the road, for when the car wasn't "kicking" the users of the public highways were, for nearly all--including the horses--resented the appearance of the auto on the road. Things were not so pleasant in those days for the autoist. Medford Mail Tribune, May 15, 1910, page C1 "Bronco" is a joke--there was no such make of car. It was a curved-dash Oldsmobile. DEVIL WAGONS RIGHTLY NAMED.
the man who uses shank's mare, the cost of travel has been increased by
the man who rides in his automobile. Such is the conclusion of the
Massachusetts commission on the cost of living, says the New York World. It is a
good deal like saying that the price of cake fixes the price of bread,
but it is true, as common experience proves.
HAD NO TIME TO ENJOY SCENERYSo much leather is used nowadays in the manufacture of automobiles that hides are higher, leather is higher and so on down step by step until the price of boots and shoes is raised. It is the same story with rubber. The demand for the crude material in the automobile trade has hoisted prices all along the line, from overshoes to pneumatic tires, and most of all in London, for the shares of new Scotch rubber-plantation companies. The more people ride, the more the man who walks pays for going afoot. The automobile has developed into an expensive luxury for the people who do not use it. It has added to the cost of maintaining the roads in good repair and of going well shod in dry and wet weather. It has created new styles of clothes and new resorts for dear food and drink. At the present rate of consumption lobsters and champagne are likely to go higher. The only thing that has been cheapened is human life. The cost of high living, as James J. Hill said, has made the cost of living higher. The automobile was well named "the devil wagon." Medford Mail Tribune, May
20, 1910, page 4
Mrs. Hafer Tells of Her Record-Making Trip to Crater Lake and How She Saw Only the Rocks and Stumps in the Road. MRS. EDGAR HAFER
From the map I learn that Crater Lake is 85 miles distant from Medford,
and at 7 o'clock in the morning, when driving over Bear Creek bridge,
these figures seem to be correct. But by dusk Crater Lake is physically
computed to be farther from the starting point than Halley's Comet is
from the earth at sunrise today.
Aside from discovering this slight error in mileage, I fail to note any unusual scenery en route. In fact, [I] think the trip from that point of view has been much exaggerated. I saw nothing but crooked, dusty roads, piles of rock, flocks of stumps and a continuous streak of brush, with an occasional stream to bar the way. The last five miles in the final ascent to the rim of the lake is made by steering the car with one hand while with the other you throw rocks under the rear wheels as the car advances, inch by inch. Meanwhile, the right foot is busily engaged forcing gas into the tired motors, the left foot is kept free for the oft-anticipated leap, should the car slide overboard. When just beginning to think I had really tackled a strong man's job, unexpectedly ran my car out upon a narrow ledge of rock, and lo! There beneath me 1000 feet lay Crater Lake, of which no pen or brush has, as yet, faithfully given to the world an adequate description of its scenic grandeur. This, you understand, is from the standpoint of a lady driver. MRS. EDGAR
Medford Mail Tribune, May
22, 1910, page B1
![]() From the Medford Mail Tribune, May 26, 1910. Mrs. Allen's 1905 Oldsmobile was likely the third auto in the valley and the second one owned here, coming after the Walter L. Main Circus' 1899 Sears and E. D. Elwood's 1903 Baldner. BREAKS ARM WHILE CRANKING HER AUTO
Mrs. W. C. Green, while attempting to crank her automobile last evening
preparatory to starting home from downtown, was unfortunately caught by
the "kick" of the engine and suffered a fractured arm. She was hurried
home, where medical attention was given. At a late hour last evening
she was reported as resting easily.Mrs. Green is one of Medford's most expert lady drivers and has long operated her machine without injury to herself or to the motor car. Medford Mail Tribune, May 29, 1910, page 1 Flossie M. Green was the wife of Wesley C. Green. AVIATOR KELLY MAKES A SUCCESSFUL
Judge E. E. Kelly, aviator, is the way you write it now.MANBIRD MAKES SUPERB FLIGHT Accompanied Only by His Mechanic, Local Aviator Soars on Main Street, to Delight of Large Gathering--May Enter Lists Saturday and Sunday Has
anybody here seen Kelly?
K--E--double L--Y. Has anybody here seen Kelly? Kelly who tried to fly. His start was fast, he rose sublime, And how that darn machine did climb! Has anybody here seen Kelly- Kelly, with his Overland car. At his first flight held last evening, Judge E. E. Kelly, Medford's only local man-bird, accompanied by Charles A. Malboeuf, mechanic, rose to heights sublime, to the great delectation of a large gathering on Main Street, where the stunt was pulled off. The flight was successful in every particular, and if True Cox can be persuaded to allow further grading to be done in his alfalfa field at Oak Park, so that the proper takeoff can be constructed, Kelly will appear Saturday and Sunday at the aviation meet, entering his machine against the two of Glenn H. Curtiss. Kelly made no preliminary announcement regarding the flight, else the crowd would have been larger. The fortunate few who witnessed the flight pronounced it the best yet. Jeff Heard says Kelly has Paulhan crowded off the map. Kelly made his start from the Southern Pacific depot and began to rise into the air at the west corner of the Nash Hotel. Straight up he went, then on a level and then descended. Owing to a slight miscalculation he hit the ground rather hard, but without injury to himself or the machine. The machine used in making the flight was an Overland. ![]() A 1910 Overland like the one Judge Kelly flew. The Overland lived up to its name. Medford Mail Tribune, June 2, 1910, page 1 THIS IS A JOKE. Reread the last two paragraphs. Judge Kelly flew an automobile across Main Street, not an airplane. ![]() June 10, 1908 Oregonian SHORT TRIPS OUT OF MEDFORD.
shall we go?" "Where shall we spend Sunday?" These are questions one
continually hears, and in a part of the world where newcomers are
constantly arriving, they should receive some attention.
The fact is that we have here picnicking and motoring possibilities far beyond the average, both in the beauty and quiet of the localities that can be easily reached and in the roads over which one must drive his machine. Leaving in the morning one can motor to Wagner's soda spring, at the foot of the Siskiyous--about twelve miles above Ashland--and find there a sparkling spring bubbling from the rocks, the cool of the heights, scenery which is incomparable for its kind, and a quaint hotel where refreshments are good. It makes a beautiful day's trip. Or, if real picnic sequestration is desired, one can drive up lovely Ashland Canyon--the Ashland common council notwithstanding--for a distance of five or six miles. The little stream rushes and gurgles over the rocks, and there are many comfortable and always shady camping spots. Or, again, up through Eagle Point one may follow Little Butte Creek as far as the Hanley Ranch. This is very accessible, and the stream is beautiful and very inviting to the eye. Then, one may motor across the Bybee Bridge at Rogue River and subsequently follow the Rogue River to Mrs. Enyart's ranch, which lies along the shore of the Rogue, two miles above Trail Creek. The roads will be found to be good, the fishing excellent, and one can, if one wishes, secure accommodations for longer than a day's stay. An easy trip is one that can be taken to Jacksonville, then on down the Applegate, thence, following the Applegate to above Cameron's place. Here the fishing is good and the surroundings exceptionally beautiful. A longer trip in the same direction would be one crossing the hill at Jacksonville, into the Applegate and then on down to Grants Pass, where, crossing the bridge, the car could be directed back along the river and the valley to Medford again. It is a rarely exhilarating course to take. Or, cross Bybee Bridge and drive out by Table Rock and Sams Valley, follow the Rogue River to Gold Hill and then return to Medford by way of the main part of the valley. Out of the Applegate and also away from the Rogue River are many little side trips, too numerous to mention, which one may take and follow devious and beautiful tributaries of the two streams and the main basins. And one of the most interesting of the possible trips is that to Champlain Gold Dredge. This is reached by following the Rogue River to six miles below Gold Hill at the mouth of Foots Creek. The dredge can be viewed in operation, and the day will be most interestingly and delightfully spent at this place. These are but a few of the suggestive possibilities for pleasure the valley affords, but the mention of them may succeed in directing some of the questioners to their day's outing. The Saturday Review, Medford, July 9, 1910, page 1 Two seven-passenger Locomobiles have been purchased by the Crater Lake Stage Company for use between Crater Lake and Medford in the passenger business. These are the first machines to be regularly employed on that route as stage vehicles. The two machines were shipped south on Wednesday and began active service yesterday. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, July 10, 1910, page D4 A short time ago I had occasion to mention something about there being so many autos around here, and some of the owners or their friends are having the time of their lives with them. A. J. Daley bought one a short time ago and his grandson took charge of it as chauffeur, and soon got so that he thought that he had a monopoly on all the knowledge in that line. He started for Butte Falls and went all right, but on his return he ran so fast that he lost one of his wheels, and there he was out near Derby, ten or twelve miles from home and thirty miles from his base of supplies, but he left his machine and started for Eagle Point, hired William von der Hellen's machine, went to Ashland, procured a new wheel and in the course of time brought this machine in all O.K. But you know that troubles never come single, and but a short time after he started for a ride with some of his friends to go to Butte Falls and back, and something went wrong and he did not reach Butte Falls until night, and he had no light, so had to stay overnight, greatly to the annoyance of some of his friends, but he came the next morning all O.K. The next unpleasant occurrence was when he took some of his friends out for a ride, and when he was about four miles from home and supplies discovered that he was out of gasoline and the auto refused to budge, and what was poor Henry to do, four miles from home and a company of friends on his hands? But it is an ill wind that brings no good. He chanced to meet a man with a rig that was lost, and so Henry secured his services, and by that means procured a supply of gasoline, and they all reached their homes sometime that night. But Henry is not the only one who has trouble with the "pesky things." William von der Hellen started last Saturday for Crater Lake with a company of friends and made the trip all O.K. until he got part way down the Pumice Grade. Then when he was about a quarter a mile from the river, way up on the side of the grade, his auto took fire and he and his friends had to wear out their coats whipping the fire out. I did not learn the extent of the damage done to the machine, but it shows the effect of the fire. A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, July 14, 1910, page 6 MAKE SUCCESSFUL TRIP
A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Amy and Mrs. J. M. Keene have just returned from a
most enjoyable automobile trip in Mr. Stewart's auto, "around the
horn," as it is known in local parlance, meaning the trip via Crater
Lake, Fort Klamath, Klamath Falls, and return by way of Klamath Hot
Springs (Shovel Creek) and Colestin. The trip was made without mishap
of any kind, and everybody returned in good humor and full of praise of
the trip.Medford Mail Tribune, August 10, 1910, page 5
has taken a real joy ride, and Medford, the auto city, has set a new
fashion in weddings, the automobile marriage, the very latest in
hymeneal ceremonies. The originators of the fashion are two popular
young people of Medford, Miss Eva Patterson and J. W. Keyes. The
ceremony was performed Thursday by Archdeacon Chambers of the
Protestant Episcopal Church in a Chalmers-Detroit, and the young people
are now speeding away on their honeymoon.
Mr. Chambers was inspecting the new St. Mark's building when he was hailed by Mr. Keyes, who asked him if he wanted to take a joy ride. On an affirmative answer, he was whirled with the prospective bride and groom to Jacksonville, where a marriage license was procured. Then the auto speeded to Ashland, where in a romantic corner of Ashland's beautiful park the motor car stopped long enough for the wedding ceremony. The bride and groom left for California and the witnesses returned home. The bride is the charming daughter of H. B. Patterson, the nurseryman, and the groom one of the proprietors of the Valley Auto Co., a rising young man of Medford. Medford Mail Tribune weekly, August 18, 1910, page 3 MEDFORD, THE AUTO CITY
Medford has approximately 400 automobiles for a
population of between 9000 and 10,000. Of these 150 are new machines.
KNOCKED DOWN BY AUTOMOBILEMedford leads all places in the world in the number of autos in proportion to its inhabitants, one for every 25 men, women and children. Medford, at the conclusion of existing contracts, will have a larger area of hard-surfaced streets than any city of its population in the United States, approximately 20 miles of bitulithic and asphalt paved streets. This will enable the continued use of motor cars throughout the year. Over one million dollars is invested in automobiles by citizens of Medford. Probably a hundred thousand dollars a year is spent operating and maintaining them--all of which bears witness to the prosperity of this section. There are in daily use in the United States at present approximately 350,000 automobiles. The 1910 production may be placed at 200,000 cars, with an approximate value of $250,000,000. Large as these figures are, they are exceeded by the annual expenditure for horse-drawn vehicles. Reliable authorities estimate that there are over 7,000,000 of these vehicles used daily in the United States, while the total number of horses and colts in the country exceeds 21,000,000 besides 3,000,000 mules. American manufacturers produce yearly about 1,750,000 vehicles, of which 910,000 are passenger conveyances, with an estimated value of $110,000,000. In addition there is a yearly expenditure of $125,000,000 for horses and $52,000,000 for harness and wagon, the average upkeep of which is 65 cents a day, compared with the average upkeep of an automobile of 30 cents a day. Medford Mail Tribune, August 19, 1910, page 4 Medford is certainly "going some," to use a slangy term. A local paper says "over $1,000,000 is invested in automobiles by citizens of Medford. Probably $100,000 a year is spent in operating and maintaining them--all of which bears witness to the prosperity of this section." That is a fact. A Medford man need not mortgage his home to buy one of them. Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 23, 1910, page 8 MEDFORD CLAIMS LEADERSHIP
MEDFORD, Or., Sept.
17.--(Spl.)--Medford is automobile crazy. The residents of this town
were inoculated with this mania three years ago and have been in the
throes of it ever since. Poor persons, rich people, all must have a
machine, as to be without one is to acknowledge that you are
and out. Persons with no homes of their own have bought machines rather
than a house. Families have been known to mortgage their property in
order to have a car for a few fleeting months ere it is thrown on the
rubbish heap.IN PER-CAPITA OWNERSHIP OF AUTOS Town Has One Car to Every 25 Persons--All Are Good Roads Boosters--Fine Boulevards, Including Crater Lake Highway, Now Being Built--Tourist Travel Is Heavy. It is estimated that the number of automobiles in the immediate vicinity of Medford totals 400. This gives an automobile to every 25 persons, which is claimed to be the largest percentage of automobiles per capita in any city in the world. Medford has 25 automobiles doing livery service, which is a large number for a town of 9000 inhabitants. The large livery business is due to the great number of tourists who come each summer and fall to see the orchards and to go over the road from Medford to Crater Lake. There is no automobile club in Medford to make an organized effort for good roads. Several attempts have been made to call the automobile owners together, but all have been futile. There is little need, however, of such a stimulating influence among Medford people, as they have been enthusiastic good road boosters from the beginning of the movement in the state and have made wonderful advance along this line of improvement. There is a 12-mile auto driveway up Bear Creek to Ashland, and there is a fair road running down the Rogue River 30 miles to Grants Pass. Jackson County has just completed a fine macadamized automobile boulevard to Jacksonville, five miles from Medford, which is equal to any road in the state. Medford people have begun the building of an automobile highway to Crater Lake from Medford. Disgusted, but not disheartened, by the nullification of the Crater Lake road bill by the State Supreme Court, the Medford Commercial Club undertook the construction of the road by private means. Twenty-seven thousand dollars has been raised in Medford, and three additional thousand has been subscribed to the undertaking by Portland people. This sum is insufficient to complete the proposed road, but construction work has been begun with $7000 of the $30,000 promised. The Commercial Club will leave no stone unturned until the road is completed. Even over the present road a weekly automobile stage runs to Crater Lake and private automobiles continually make trips. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, September 18, 1910, page 78 Going to within 200 yards of the top of Table Rock in an auto was the exploit of L. Wheeler of Medford last Sunday in his White. He was accompanied by H. Van Hovenberg, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pelton and daughter Gladys. "Local Notes," Gold Hill News, October 29, 1910, page 5 Rather an innovation in Southern Oregon is the use of the giant gasoline traction plow, which is turning over the rich loam--the same kind of dirt that the S.P. is using for its depot park at Medford--on the Chavner estate, just east of Gold Hill across River. "Local Notes," Gold Hill News, November 19, 1910, page 5 MEDFORD MEN WILL MAKE FIRST TRIP
Medford automobile enthusiasts are planning an auto trip for the early
summer that promises to not only test the durability of their machines,
but their skill and ingenuity as drivers as well. Dick Slinger and W.
H. Hodson are the principals of the trip, and their destination will be
Fish Lake. No automobile has ever made the trip, but they are sincere
in their belief that they will be able to pilot Slinger's Buick to the
lake this summer.
Mr. Hodson is an experienced driver and was the first man to take an automobile to the rim of Crater Lake, and has made many other trips of like nature. Mr. Slinger has spent many years in the mountains in the vicinity of Fish Lake. The road into the lake is not much more than a pack trail, and it is quite an effort to put a common wagon over it, but these men expect to go equipped with boards with which to raise their machine over stumps and rocks and with sundry other devices for simplifying mountain travel. They expect to make the trip as soon as road conditions will permit. Medford Sun, February 15, 1911, page 1 VEHICLES MUST KEEP TO RIGHT
City Authorities To Draw New Ordinance To Regulate Traffic On Main Street in Order To Prevent Danger to Residents.
order to reduce the possibility of accidents on Main Street, the city
dads will in the near future draw an ordinance to supplant the present
one, which covers automobiles only, which will provide that penalties
for failure to observe the rules of the road at all times. Every
vehicle must keep on the right side of the street and must make corners
on the outside in order to prevent collisions.
The drafting of the new ordinance will be in keeping with the orders of the chief of police to the patrolmen Friday to see that all rules of the road were enforced. Medford Mail Tribune, March 19, 1911, page 1 ROADS GETTING IN GOOD SHAPE
Fine Weather Rapidly Drying Up Highways-- Autoists All Good Roads Boosters and Have Accomplished Much in that Line.
desire of the autoist to speed, probably more than anything else, has
brought about a great movement all over the country for the betterment
of road conditions. That this is so has been made evident in Jackson
[County] during the last year or two, but the end by no means is yet in
sight. There is still a great deal to be accomplished before the roads
of the county will be in that state where they will attract tourists.
Automobilists are the pioneers of good roads boosters, and automobile
clubs are still more potent factors in the campaign.
That there will be something doing in good roads lines of Jackson County this summer is taken for granted by all who have read the signs of the times. The automobile fever has become so contagious that it has grabbed nearly every possible victim, and now the number of good roads boosters is almost identical with the number of travelers. Therefore good roads in Jackson [County] will shortly become the rule, not the exception. There has been organized in Medford an automobile club, and this summer big things are expected. There is something different in the atmosphere, and the obstacles to successful organization of the autoists must all roll over. What would [you] think of an automobile drive of 100 miles in Jackson County, possible to be made in a day, through a beautiful country, a jaunt that would be a pleasurable outing from one end of the ride to the other? At the present time likely you would laugh and scoff at the very idea. But, nevertheless, it is said to be a possibility that can be made a reality at comparatively small cost. Autoists say that right now the trip can be made, although it has been but a few days since considerable rain fell, but the pleasure would be marred in several spots where the road is not fit for auto travel. Medford Mail Tribune, March 19, 1911, page B2
automobile of C. E. Whisler acted badly yesterday afternoon on Main
Street just east of Central Avenue, and an intoxicated man named F. L.
Follansbee was run down and more or less seriously hurt. Mr. Whisler
did not seem to have control of the machine. Twice it ran clear over
the sidewalk into a throng of people and collided with the Jackson
County Bank building. The second time Follansbee was knocked down and,
after stopping and talking with him, Mr. Whisler again was unable to
control his car, it striking the building, then backed off into the
street and crashed into a wagon that was passing.
Follansbee was standing on the sidewalk and a little too much inebriated to get out of the way. He was knocked down, and the wheel ran over his left leg and up onto his side. He bruised his right arm in falling. His face was cut and bruised. Mr. Whisler tried to induce him to get into the auto and go to a doctor. He refused. That was the subject of their talk before the auto struck the building the second time. The man refused to have a doctor come, and in the midst of an immense crowd he limped his way up the street to the corner of Front, where Chief of Police Hittson took him in charge and forced him to go to Dr. Stearns. The doctor found that no bones were broken, though there may be internal injuries. Follansbee is a laboring man and stated that he lived with S. L. Bennett, Sr., on Riverside Avenue. Medford Sun, April 16, 1911, page 6 ![]() 1911 Detroit Electric ad FIRST ELECTRICAL AUTO IN MEDFORD
H. Parsons of the Hillcrest Orchard has a new Detroit electric
automobile, a beauty, and the first one in Medford. A. B. White of
Seattle is here instructing the owner how to run it.
Medford Sun, April 21, 1911, page 1 AUTO USED FOR NEARLY EVERYTHING
Some men do not have to live in the midst of a great population to
attract attention to their peculiar abilities and become local
celebrities. W. J. Hills, for several years clerk of the federal court
at Juneau, Alaska, would be a great man alone in the heart of a desert.
When a couple of months ago he gave up his extensive real estate
business at Seattle to isolate himself on a twenty-acre orchard a
couple of miles northwest of Medford, his friends may have thought that
that would have been the last heard of Mr. Hills. No so, however. Mr.
Hills sports a little red auto, and he has conceived the idea that he
can utilize it as a mowing machine, header, self-binder, hay rake and
any old thing. It is a little early yet to put it to the real test in
haying season, but Mr. Hills could not wait, so within the past few
days he has been out in his orchard tract cutting and slashing the
foxtail, wild grass and weeds. Hitching a hay rake behind his machine,
he has opened the eyes of the neighborhood.
People in the vicinity who thought they were going to lead a dull and prosaic summer were astonished to learn the amount of excitement in store for them, and the past few days they have turned out en masse to witness the performance of the auto hay rake with Mr. Hills in charge of the steering gear. They have cheered him to the echo. The demonstration has been a complete success both as to raking hay and furnishing entertainment for the natives, so much so, in fact, that he will have too little to do on his ranch and will keep up the good work by mowing and raking all the hay for his neighbors far and near. When that is accomplished he will convert the little red auto into a lawn mower, bring it to Medford and mow the lawns of all the people. Medford Sun, April 29, 1911, page 3 Medford, the Premier Auto City
Albany Herald
some years Medford has led the world in number of automobiles per
capita of population. As the years go by, the number of autos increases
faster than the population, so the city maintains its lead as the
greatest motor car city of its size anywhere.
At least fifty automobiles have already been purchased in Medford this spring. It was estimated, at the close of last season, that there were 400 autos in and around Medford. As a few of these have been shipped away, it is probable that the total number of motor cars here is between 425 and 450, or an average of one to every twenty-five inhabitants. Conditions are peculiarly favorable for autos in the Rogue River Valley. For nine months in every year, motoring offers an alluring attraction. The country is always beautiful. Streams, woods and mountains call constantly to the love of nature. Fishing and hunting add their attractions. The gold of the summer's sun and the silver of midnight moonlight furnish a delight all their own. Hence everyone who can owns an auto of some kind. The auto has become a business and social necessity. Each year sees its use increase as each season sees its efficiency increased and its price lowered. The number of factories increased in the past ten years from fifty-seven to 316, the product from $4,748,000 to $194,722,600, the number of autos made from 3723 to 127,289 a year. The United States government census lists most of the motor cars as "pleasure or family vehicles." Of those made in 1909, only 3288 were listed as "business vehicles" and comprised auto trucks almost exclusively. As yet there are but few of these in the Rogue River Valley, but as the paved area in Medford is extended, the use of these auto trucks will be increased. Medford Sun, May 6, 1911, page 3 NARROW ESCAPE FRANK MILLER Run Down by Careless Driver, Local Man Has Close Call. ![]() The scene of the crime, May 1909, looking east. The corner of the exhibit building is visible in left foreground. Miller was taken to a physician's office in Medford and later was brought to his home here. He will be confined to his bed for some time, but it is thought he will recover unless unforeseen complications from internal injuries should develop. Waterman has a bad record as a car driver. Only a short time ago Wayne Leever, of this city, had his car wrecked by being run into by Waterman, who was driving recklessly on the wrong side of the street. It is also alleged that he has had various other accidents, it being said that he ran down a girl not long ago and that he has killed more than one valuable dog. It would seem that a man with such a record for carelessness and absolute disregard for the rights of others should be deprived of his license and given a wheelbarrow to "drive" in a back lot. W. C. Miller, father of the injured man, has retained an attorney and says he proposes to determine what, if anything, can be done towards punishing Waterman for his latest piece of carelessness. Central Point Herald, May 11, 1911, page 1 MOTOR DRIVERS SEEK PROTECTION
The worm
has turned.Suggest Rules to Govern Arrogant Encroachments of Pedestrians. Not much longer will the downtrodden drivers of motor cars and motor cycles put up with the arrogant encroachments of irresponsible pedestrians on the streets and highways. Too long, already, have they suffered in silence from this growing source of annoyance and danger to themselves and their machines and they now propose a set of rules to govern the action of people who walk, and which may later be enacted into city and state laws. The rules, which seem to be preeminently fair and just to all parties concerned, are here given: 1. Pedestrians crossing boulevards at night shall wear a white light in front and a red light in the rear. 2. Before turning to the right or left they shall give three short blasts on a horn at least three inches in diameter. 3. When an inexperienced automobile driver is made nervous by a pedestrian, he shall indicate the same, and the pedestrian shall hide behind a tree until the automobile has passed. 4. Pedestrians shall not carry in their pockets any sharp substances which are liable to cut automobile tires. 5. In dodging automobiles, pedestrians shall not run more than seven miles an hour. 6. Pedestrians must register at the beginning of each year and pay a license fee of $5 for the privilege of living. There shall be no rebate if they do not live through the entire year. 7. Pedestrians will not be allowed to emit cigarette smoke on any boulevard in an offensive or unnecessary manner. 8. Each pedestrian before receiving his license to walk upon a boulevard must demonstrate before an examining board his skill in dodging, leaping, crawling and extricating himself from machinery. 9. Pedestrians will be held responsible for all damages done to automobiles or their occupants by collision. Central Point Herald, June 15, 1911, page 1 Quite an exciting, although somewhat unpleasant, adventure was experienced lately by one of the men who has lately become the possessor of an auto. Upon becoming proficient in the art of driving he invited a party of friends to accompany him on [a] trip to one of the neighboring towns. After having dinner there a start was made for Medford, but in the darkness the wrong road was taken. An auto, unlike a horse, does not recognize roads, and it was some time before the mistake was found out, when frantic efforts were made to head the machine for home without avail. After wandering around the greater part of the night, during which time that region of the country was thoroughly explored, the right road was finally found and the party reached Medford in time for an early breakfast. "In Medford's Social Circle," Medford Mail Tribune, June 25, 1911, page B1 Medford Man Hurt in Auto Wreck.
Or., July 23.--(Special.)--The Jacksonville auto stage jumped the track
last night, seriously injuring J. E. Poole, a barber of Medford, whose
place of business was burned Friday night. There were four passengers
in the car, but Poole was the only one injured. The car is a complete
wreck. The accident happened one and one-half miles west of Medford,
and the injured man was brought to this city in another car. Others in
the car were A. Rauch, steward and chef of the Imperial Hotel,
Portland, J. Kruezer, chef at the Nash Grill, the injured man and Harry
Treat, the driver.
Oregonian, July 24, 1911, page 5 RACING AUTO HITS POLE
Men Thrown 20 Feet but Not Hurt, and Neither Is Car.
Or., July 26.--(Special.)--Driving down Fir Street 30 miles an hour, an
auto containing Frank Frazier and Jimmie Corrigan dashed into a
telephone pole at Eleventh Street and threw the driver and his
companion 20 feet to the side of the road.
Strangely enough neither the men nor the auto were badly injured. They were able to get their car out and drive slowly back to the garage, and now they are hiding from the police. The accident was the result of a race against time which Frazier was making to demonstrate the superior qualities of his car. Morning Oregonian, Portland, July 27, 1911, page 16 Buggies Must Carry Lights.
Or., Aug. 15.--(Special.)--Because of the new law which provides that
buggies shall carry lights, M. E. Root will be unable to recover
damages from Frank H. Hull, whose auto ran into him the other night.
The buggy was completely demolished by the collision and Mr. Root was
thrown clear of the wreckage. Mr. Root was going to sue the auto owner,
but on the opinion of his attorney that he could not recover [damages]
because of noncompliance with the new law, dropped the controversy.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 16, 1911, page 3 Farmers' Anti-Auto Society
following is the new code agreed upon by the Farmers' Anti-Auto
Protective Society, which has just held its annual convention in the
different States in the Union.1. On discovering an approaching team the automobilist must stop off-side and cover his machine with a tarpaulin painted to correspond with the scenery. 2. The speed limit on country roads this year will be secret, and the penalty for violation will be $10 for every mile an offender is caught going in excess of it. 3. In case an automobile makes a team run away the penalty will be $50 for the first mile, $150 for the second mile, $250 for the third mile, etc., that the team runs; in addition to the usual damages. 4. On approaching a corner where he cannot command a view of the road ahead the automobilist must stop not less than 100 yards from the turn, toot his horn, ring a bell, fire a revolver, hallo, and send up three bombs at intervals of five minutes. 5. Automobiles must again be seasonably painted--that is, so they will merge with the pastoral ensemble and not be startling. They must be green in spring; golden in summer, red in autumn, and white in winter. 6. Automobiles running on the country roads at night must send up a red rocket every mile, and wait ten minutes for the road to clear. They may then proceed, carefully, blowing their horns and shooting Roman candles. 7. All members of the society will give up Sunday to chasing automobiles, shooting and shouting at them, making arrests, and otherwise discouraging country touring on that day. 8. In case a horse will not pass an automobile, notwithstanding the scenic tarpaulin, the automobilist will take the machine apart as rapidly as possible and conceal the parts in the grass. 9. In case an automobile passes a farmer's house when the roads are dusty, it will slow down to one mile an hour, and the chauffeur will lay the dust in front of the house with a hand sprinkler worked over the dashboard. Central Point Herald, September
7, 1911, page 4
Although the expenditure of the $1,500,000 to be realized from the sale of bonds recently voted from the sale of bonds recently voted for the improvement of roads in Jackson County has not begun, much good work is already progressing on Jackson County highways about Medford, according to Portland dealers who have been in the southern part of the state recently. A traction engine, drawing a train of eight car wagons, is in constant service, grading and macadamizing the roads. Road improvement work is in progress in many sections of Oregon, and when spring issues its tempting call for country tours the motorists will find an agreeable change in the routes they have formerly traversed. "Auto Chug Chugs," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, November 19, 1911, page D6 ![]() Medford Mail Tribune, February 24, 1912, page 8 Medford Leads State in Automobiles
Statistics furnished by Secretary of State Olcott show that there were
6417 licenses for automobiles issued in 1911 in Oregon. Of these, half
were issued for Portland alone, the number of licenses for the
metropolis totaling 3208.
Medford, with 243, ranks third in the list of cities, Salem with 277 exceeding her, Eugene with 150 fourth and Hood River fifth with 117. Some Medford owners have evidently not complied with the law, for there are more than 243 cars in the city. However, taking the secretary's figures in the number of automobiles compared to population, Medford leads the state, having one automobile to every 36 inhabitants, as against one to every 64 in Portland, one to every 50 in Salem and one to every 60 in Eugene. Jackson County is as much in the lead of counties on the auto record as Medford is of the cities. The record shows a total of 381 licenses issued for the county, these in addition to Medford and Ashland being: Central Point 21, Eagle Point 2, Jacksonville 13, Gold Hill 5, Woodville 3, Wellen 2, Phoenix 4 and Talent 5. Excerpt, Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1912, page D3 Jackson County Has Many Autos.
According to figures recently compiled at Salem this county is about as
well fixed for automobiles and motor vehicles as any in the state and
perhaps even a little better. While it ranks third in the actual number
of machines in the counties of the state it is generally conceded that
when the population is considered it has the most in this proportion.
Multnomah County leads with 4887 motor vehicles, Marion is second with
751 and Jackson County third with 576.
The autos in Jackson County are scattered as follows: Ashland 115, Brownsboro 2, Butte Falls 1, Central Point 38, Eagle Point 6, Gold Hill 6, Jacksonville 13, Lake Creek 1, Medford 290, Phoenix 7, Provolt 1, Rogue River 4, Talent 12, Tolo 1, Trail 2, Wellen 3. The total of motor vehicles is distributed as follows: Ashland 120, Brownsboro 2, Butte Falls 1, Central Point 41, Eagle Point 6, Gold Hill 6, Jacksonville 18, Lake Creek 1, Medford 343, Phoenix 9, Prospect 1, Provolt 1, Rogue River 9, Talent 13, Tolo 1, Trail 2, Wellen 3. Central Point Herald, February 19, 1912, page 1 Nine Medford autos, accompanied by a brass band, visited this place Monday forenoon advertising the races at Medford July 4-5-6. Thirty-seven automobiles from Ashland paraded the streets here Monday evening tooting horns and ringing cowbells. They were boosting for the Ashland celebration July 4. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, July 6, 1912, page 3 WHAT HAS BECOME OF OUR PUBLIC SPIRIT?
Unless the automobile owners show more public spirit, the American
Geographical Society excursion of world-famous scientists to Crater
Lake will be called off, and the chance to advertise Crater Lake and
the Rogue River Valley abroad lost.At least 25 automobiles are needed. Of this number, 16 have been definitely promised, but several of these cars are old or are runabouts and unsuited for the trip. Several drivers have volunteered to drive cars for those who cannot go themselves. Those who have agreed to furnish cars up to this morning were: G. Putnam, W. H. Gore, Irving Worthington, E. B. Pickel, W. I. Vawter, J. A. Westerlund, F. L. Tou Velle, G. F. King, I. O. Orton, P. S. Steenstrup, A. Conro Fiero, F. H. Cowles, J. W. Mitchell, J. F. Reddy, California-Oregon Power Co., Stanton Griffis. There are 479 automobiles in Jackson County, of which there were 373 in Medford, 113 in Ashland, 31 in Central Point, 17 in Jacksonville, 12 in Talent, 7 in Phoenix. In addition there are 108 in Grants Pass. There ought to be public spirit enough among the owners to loan the use of their cars, especially as the weather is delightful, the roads better than ever before. Show yourself progressive in the true sense by volunteering your car. The ladies are also called upon to assist. If the cars are not offered by Friday evening, the excursion will be called off by wire---but we don't want to do it and appeal for cooperation to the general public. G. PUTNAM,
Medford Mail Tribune, September 12, 1912, page 1P. J. O'GARA, BENJ. SHELDON, Commercial Club Committee. The Curse of Reckless Auto
frequent occurrence of auto "accidents," and especially the
multiplicity of the same recently, will no doubt bring forth numerous
refrained protests against the scores of speed-ordinance violators who
infest our streets, but of course, it's the old story of "locking the
barn," etc.
Think of the poor little child severely, and possibly permanently, injured when it's a long chance that if the auto had been going eight miles an hour, or under, the accident could have been avoided, and certainly cars should be driven slow enough, within the city limits, to be under instant control. Where would a team driver land if he sent his team down the street at even eight miles an hour, looking neither to the left or right? In the quay! and that mighty quick! Yet auto drivers dash up and down East and West Main, and every other street in town (except perhaps at the corner of Main and Front, where the policemen (?) stay at), from fifteen to twenty-five miles an hour, and motorcycles snort around certainly at forty to fifty miles an hour. Even at Main and Front, right on the beat of the police from Brown's to the Nash, several accidents have occurred, so it seems the least that could be done would be for the council to have published (or tacked on the telephone poles) the "Rules of the Road," which every auto owner gets with his license, but apparently doesn't read, certainly doesn't heed, compelling their perusal, if not enforcing the ordinances thereon, for not ten percent of the auto drivers observe the rules, and many clip off the "inside corner" of a street with wonderful emphasis, and some drivers, especially the livery drivers, simply ignore the speed ordinances utterly. Then there are several young ladies, familiar to everybody, who scorch up and down the streets in autos, from the bridge to Washington School and back, and on other streets, in anything but dignified poses, and either staring at some unseen object skyward some 1000 or so miles distant, or turned around chattering and giggling with the occupants of the rear seat; and boys with the dreadful affliction "bighead," who tear up and down the streets hatless, and their eyes blinded nearly shut with the terrific velocity. All these careless and reckless drivers take for granted that everybody else has to get out of the way. Anyhow, if you don't, they won't. They are privileged to run down such an insignificant thing as a human pedestrian! And if an auto collision occurs, why, invariably both drivers were on the "right" side of the street, even if only one was on the proper side, or both on the "left" side, or their wreckage "left" by the roadside. If locomotives that can stop within their length are held down to eight miles an hour on a well-known and never changing path, and bells clanging continuously, why should autos be allowed to literally fly about pell-mell, helter-skelter, haphazard, on all sides of all streets, with seldom, anymore, even the faint squeak of a horn to be heard? It is high time, and has been for months, that somebody in authority were doing something to correct this dangerous evil, which may result in death any day. CITIZEN.
Whose identity can be readily learned at the Mail Tribune office.
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, September 24, 1912, page 4 JACKSON COUNTY LEADS IN AUTOS.
County is first among the counties of Oregon in proportion to
population, for the number of automobiles, though ranking third in the
actual number of automobiles and motor vehicles. Multnomah leads with
4,887 of the 10,162 motor vehicles in the state. Marion is second with
751, Jackson has 576, Lane is fourth with 412 and Linn fifth with 326.
Of the 8208 autos, Multnomah has 3539, Marion 576, Jackson 506, Lane 359 and Linn 288. Of the 1183 motorcycles in the state, Multnomah has 737, Marion 133, Jackson 63, Lane 36, Linn 81. Of delivery wagons, there are 219 in the state, Multnomah having 158, Marion 17, Jackson 5, Lane 9, Linn 1. Of motor trucks, the vehicle of the future, there are 414 in Oregon, 327 in Multnomah, 19 in Marion, 2 in Jackson, 8 in Lane and 6 in Linn. The autos in Jackson County are scattered as follows: Ashland 115, Brownsboro 2, Butte Falls 1, Central Point 38, Eagle Point 6, Gold Hill 6, Jacksonville 17, Lake Creek 1, Medford 290, Phoenix 7, Provost 1, Rogue River 4, Talent 12, Tolo 1, Trail 2, Wellen 3. The Jackson County motorcycles are scattered as follows: Ashland 4, Central Point 1, Medford 49, Phoenix 2, Prospect 1, Rogue River 5 and Talent 1. The total of motor vehicles is distributed as follows: Ashland 120, Brownsboro 2, Butte Falls 1, Central Point 41, Eagle Point 6, Gold Hill 6, Jacksonville 17, Lake Creek 1, Medford 343, Phoenix 9, Prospect 1, Provolt 1, Rogue River 9, Talent 13, Tolo 1, Trail 2, Wellen 3. Medford Mail Tribune, December 12, 1912, page 4 Medford Claims Motor-Car Record.
Or., Dec. 15.--(Special.)--One person out of every 35 in this town has
an automobile, which is believed to be the record for the state, if not
for the country. Medford, with a population estimated at 10,000, is
credited with 290 automobiles and 343 motor vehicles. Jackson County
entire, with a population of about 30,000, has 576 motor vehicles and
506 automobiles.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, December 16, 1912, page 5 ROGUE
One Family of Every 60 in Jackson County Owns Car and Steps Are Under Way to Form Association--Motorcycle Club Arranges Tours.
MEDFORD, Or., March 15.--(Special.)--One family in every 60 in Jackson
County has an automobile. This is the highest record of the state per
According to the latest statistics there are 530 automobiles in the Rogue River Valley, proportioned as follows: Medford, 314; Ashland, 115; Central Point, 38; Jacksonville, 17; Talent, 12; Phoenix, 7; Gold Hill, 6; Eagle Point, 6; Rogue River, 4; Wellen, 3; Brownsboro, 3; Trail, 2 and Tolo, Provost, Lake Creek and Butte Falls, one each. Including all motor vehicles, Jackson County has 602 machines at present. Motorcycles are very popular, a motorcycle club having been formed in Medford. This club will run probably several tours through the valley during the summer and will also throw its influence toward the construction of better highways. The membership of the club at present is 59. Two of the rural postmen belong to the club and carry their routes on motorcycles with a package apparatus capable of carrying 70 pounds. These two routes instead of taking seven hours as formerly are now covered in four hours as a maximum, many trips being made in good weather in three hours. Low-Priced Cars Popular.
In the number of automobiles Jackson County is surpassed only by
Multnomah and Marion counties. While there are several high-power and
high-priced cars owned by the wealthy ranchers, the great increase the
past year has been in the low-priced cars--those around the $1500 mark.A movement has been started to form a Rogue River Valley Automobile Club, the purpose of which primarily will be to improve the highways in this district and work for conditions which will not only attract autoists from other districts but will add to the pleasure of residents who own machines. With Crater Lake, the Oregon Caves, fine trout fishing throughout the season and cool mountain resorts within easy reach, automobiles are almost indispensable to the resident who wishes to take advantage of the diversions nature offers. The road to Crater lake is now in excellent condition, and while the lake hotel will not be open for several months, the recent dry weather has put the highways through the valley and foothills in remarkably fine shape. Many of the ranchers intend to take a motor trip to Crescent City in July and establish a tourist colony on the coast. W. V. B. Campbell, owner of the Somerset Orchard, is the organizer of the excursion. Mr. Campbell is the owner of a Lozier racer and Mercer "Six" and has made a wager of $100 with Stewart Patterson, the Chicago millionaire, that he can negotiate the 132 miles in eight hours or less. Mr. Patterson is an auto enthusiast, owning two Stutz cars, and made the journey over the rough mountain roads in nine hours. He maintains this record cannot be reduced materially. Truck Service Contemplated.
There is a number of Medford people interested in establishing a motor
truck service to Grants Pass and Crescent City. Delroy Getchell,
president of the Farmers and Fruit Growers' Bank, himself an ardent
motorist, was one of the originators of the idea. Since the Crescent
City Railroad has become nearer an actuality, interest has subsided
somewhat, but it is claimed that with good roads a motor truck service
to the seaport could be operated not only on a profitable basis, but
would lower the freight rates from inland points to Medford materially.With the recent establishment of the Seeing Medford Company, conditions of the roads in the valley are certain to improve, and more roads will be opened up. This company plans to construct a motor highway to the top of Roxy Ann, the scenic park 1000 feet above Medford, and also to Table Rock, the unusual formation about eight miles north of the city and overlooking Rogue River. They are also working for a new road over the Siskiyous into California with a lower average grade than the present road and without the toll which is now levied on the Dollarhide Highway. When these improvements are made, local motorists believe Medford and the Rogue River Valley will be one of the most popular touring points in the entire state of Oregon. Sunday Oregonian, Portland,
March 16, 1913, page H8
French inventors have designed an automobile suitable for children, having engines of less than a horsepower and guaranteed not to go faster than four miles an hour even on a down grade. It would be a mighty good thing if some grown folks in America were compelled to use just such a machine. Frank E. Trigg, Central Point, "Farm, Orchard and Garden," The New North, Rhinelander, Wisconsin, June 12, 1913, page 5 KILLED IN AUTO RACE
Machine in Medford Race Turns Turtle. One Killed, Another Injured.
The auto race at the Medford celebration resulted in
the death of one participant and the serious injury of another.
As one of the autos containing two men was rounding a sharp corner at a terrific speed, a tire on one of the rear wheels blew up, capsizing the machine and throwing the occupants to the ground. One of the occupants was hurled a distance of some twenty feet, escaping with his life. The other, a young man named Helms, was caught beneath one of the wheels of the overturned machine and almost instantly killed. Jacksonville Post, July 5, 1913, page 3 HELMS DEAD IN AUTO RACE.
Medford, Ore.--Don Helms, 20 years old,
was killed when the car he was driving in a five mile automobile race
collided with another car and turned turtle. Helms was crushed under
the car and lived only 10 minutes. Mechanician Marks also was pinned
under the car, but escaped with a broken hip and a few bruises.His Mechanician Escapes With a Broken Hip and Few Bruises Delaware City Press, Delaware City, Delaware July 11, 1913, page 1 Wild Car, Backing on Hill, Speeds
80 Miles an Hour
ASHLAND, Or., Sept
12.--(Special.)--Dead Indian Hill, with its 24 percent grade, did
things last Wednesday to H. J. Boyd's auto. He was taking E. E. Bagley
and J. J. Cambers, of Ashland, and "Doc" Page, of Medford, out on a
business jaunt when his machine died. He set the brake and everybody
got out. The brake slipped and the machine backed downhill. Mr. Boyd
hung to it in an effort to set the brake, but it was no use.H. J. Boyd and Party, Out on Business Jaunt, Return to Ashland Two Days Late. It got up a speed of about 80 miles an hour and crashed into a fir tree down the line, while the autoists stood in speechless horror. The rear axle resembled a Shriners crescent, and the spokes flew in all directions. Mr. Bagley says it got off lucky. If the fir tree hadn't come to the rescue it would have hit a clump of trees farther down at a speed of 187 miles an hour or would have jumped into the canyon. The men edged it around off the highway and phoned to Julius Hart. Julius got them to Buck Lake and hit a boulder and jammed his transmission case into his flywheel just as it began to rain. The men got into a cabin, but it was necessary to get home, so they started to walk through the wet woods 12 miles to the Jones place. They found a phone at Burton's, four miles away, also dry clothes and grub. They phoned for a hack this time and got home Friday afternoon. They expected to make the trip and return Wednesday. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, September 14, 1913, page D4 MRS. HAFER MAKES NEW AUTO RECORD
Mrs. Edgar Hafer has returned from Crater Lake with new laurels as an
automobilist. She left Sunday noon with Dr. A. E. Rickey of Portland
and Mr. Hafer, drove twelve miles in side trips, stopped an hour for
lunch and made the lake in seven hours, including stops. The actual
running time was five hours and fifteen minutes. She drove back in five
hours even. Altogether she drove 180.8 miles in 13 hours and 40
minutes, including stop at Mill Creek Falls, Prospect Hotel and Natural
Bridge and power plant--the record made by a lady driver.EADS BROTHERS BUY FEDERAL TRUCK
Transfer Company are certainly living up to the standard of
progressiveness, having purchased a Federal one and one-half-ton truck
and are now able to take care of any size contracts for hauling that
may be offered them. The truck was sold through Mr. Gilbert of the
Gerlinger Motor Car Company of Portland, and C. E. Gates, the local
agent here.Medford Mail Tribune, October 4, 1913, page 6 BEND TO MEDFORD IN FOURTEEN HOURS
Hall, in his 1913 Cadillac Six, made a record run from Bend, Or., to
Medford, covering the distance of 215 miles in fourteen hours, leaving
Bend at 1:30 a.m. Saturday and arriving in Medford at 3:30 p.m. In all
this distance the engine was not stopped once or water put in the
Medford Mail Tribune, October 6, 1913, page 6 3-YEAR CHAUFFEUR RACES
ASHLAND, Or., Oct. 27.--(Special.)--The youngest chauffeur so far
recorded is Bobbie Hammond, aged 3 years.Tree, Not Policeman, Stops Infant and Bobbie Is Sad Now. Bobble started speeding yesterday, although he had no license, and his progress was arrested, fortunately, by a tree. Bobble's uncle, who is Charles Young, of Medford, was visiting Bobbie's parents, who live on a steep hill, with his automobile. Bobble climbed into the tonneau, released the brakes and--presto. Neither boy nor machine was injured, but Bobbie vowed tonight he would give up speeding until he reached more mature years. Bobbie "has a reason." Morning Oregonian, Portland, October 28, 1913, page 1 AUTOISTS TO FIGHT TAX
MEDFORD, Or., Dec.
20.--(Special.)--At a meeting of local auto owners at the public
library, the Southern Oregon Automobile Association was formed, with A.
C. Allen president, Dr. Korinek, vice-president, and H. C.
treasurer. Frank Amy was delegated to secure new members. The immediate
work before the association will be to secure the repeal of the state
auto tax, which autoists claim is unconstitutional, as it is a double
tax, autos being included in the personal property tax.MEDFORD MOTORISTS WILL REFUSE TO PAY STATE LICENSE. Southern Oregon Automobile Association Organized and A. C. Allen Is Elected as President. The membership fees of $1 will be devoted exclusively to a fight against this tax, legal aid will be secured and all members will refuse to pay the state auto tax for 1914. Although this tax repeal is the immediate object of the organization, the association will be a permanent one and will work for better roads, better laws and better conditions for the autoist. A book describing the best auto drives in Southern Oregon will be issued, and club auto trips are a possibility. At a meeting in the near future bylaws for the association will be drawn up and details of the anti-tax campaign decided upon. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, December 21, 1913, page 49 STATE AUTO TAX TO BE PROTESTED
At a meeting last week of Medford auto owners the Southern Oregon
Automobile Association was formed with A. C. Allen of that city as
president.Owners Form Association at Medford to Have the Law Repealed. The immediate work before the association will be to secure the repeal of the state auto tax, which autoists claim is unconstitutional as it is a double tax. The membership fee will be devoted exclusively to a fight against this tax. All members will be asked to refuse to pay the state auto tax in 1914. Although the tax repeal is the immediate object of the organization, the association will be a permanent one and will work for better roads, better laws and better conditions for the autoist. A book describing the best auto trips in Southern Oregon will be issued, and club auto trips are a possibility. Lake County Examiner, Lakeview, Oregon, December 25, 1913, page 1 AUTO TAX IS HELD VALID
Court at Medford Holds State Has Right to Regulate Travel.
Or., Jan. 30.--(Special.)--Holding that the state has the right to
regulate travel upon its highways and collect fees from vehicles, the
same as for registering deeds, Judge F. M. Calkins, of the Circuit
Court, this morning declared valid the state automobile tax, contested
by the Jackson County Automobile Protective Association through Henry
E. Boyden.
The court quotes numerous authorities for his decision, including findings in suits against the validity of the tax on bicycles that also were assessed as personal property, which was the chief contention of the autoists, holding that the license made "double taxation." Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 31, 1914, page 1 CUT OUT JOYRIDES
under 18 years of age out after curfew hours, and fair members of
joyriding parties, much show the written consent of parents and a
statement of their ages, by virtue of a police order promulgated by
Chief of Police Hittson this morning. The applies to attendance at
picture shows, dances and other public places unless accompanied by
parents or guardians. The patrolmen have been instructed to strictly
enforce the order.
Medford Mail Tribune, quoted in the Jacksonville Post, February 7, 1914, page 1 Auto License Law Valid; Must Pay
C. Allen of Medford announces the Jackson County Auto Association,
formed to contest the legality of the state auto tax, have given up the
fight, owing to a recent decision of the California supreme court
declaring the law valid. The members will pay their licenses.
Ashland Tidings, March 5, 1914, page 8 The same mad motorcyclist who broke all speed laws Thursday night, by tearing up Main Street, repeated his stunt again last night, and a trap will be laid to catch the youth. Sergeant Pat Mego and Officer Bill Crawford are taking lessons in the operation of an auto. The machine used by day by the city engineer is left for the use of the police at night, for use in an emergency and to save taxi hire. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, March 7, 1914, page 2 F. E. Merrick's automobile backed into a telephone pole Thursday evening with disastrous results to the car. The car was set in the reverse when Mr. Merrick started cranking, and backed away from him. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, March 14, 1914, page 5 MOTORCYCLE MIKE AT HIS OLD TRICKS
Motorcycle Fool," who has been sick or disinclined to speed for the
last week, returned to form last night and picked out Bartlett Street
as a speedway, nearly colliding with an automobile at the Sixth Street
intersection while going sixty miles an hour. Now and then he let a
yell out of him that woke up the residents. The "Motorcycle Fool" is
one of the strangest cases that ever came to the notice of the police.
He has a mania for speeding, and satisfies this hobby late at night. He
wears a black slouch hat, no coat, riding a red machine. The police
expect to help carry him to a morgue as a finale to his speeding.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 20, 1914, page 5 MOTORCYCLE MIKE MYSTIFIES POLICE
Mike" broke loose again Sunday night, spurting through a crowd
returning from church at Sixth Street and Central Avenue and taking the
turn north on Front and Sixth at such speed that it was feared he would
crash into the curb at the Southern Pacific park. The police are of the
opinion that the fool is a farmer boy, newly possessed of a motorcycle
and half-crazy on the subject of speed.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 23, 1914, page 6 Roseburg now has a "Motorcycle Mike," and it is believed to be the same gentleman who gave vent to his speeding proclivities in this city for a few weeks, and then suddenly stopped. The same tactics are adopted there as employed in this city. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, April 28, 1914, page 2 ![]() 1914 Studebaker ad FIRST AUTO ROXY ANN SUMMIT
A. Westerlund in a "35" Studebaker accompanied by J. A. Perl, Ralph
Norris and C. Y. Tengwald succeeded in reaching a point within five
minutes' walk of the top of Roxy Ann yesterday afternoon. The trip was
made over the new automobile road which Mr. Westerlund has just
completed for the pleasure of automobilists. Those who have been to the
top of Roxy Ann are aware of the excellent scenery to be had from this
point, and the building of this new road opens up one of the most
scenic and easily accessible drives in the county. The trip yesterday
was a rather difficult one, and several steep grades were negotiated.
These will be cut down, and in the next few days the road will be in
excellent condition and any car will be able to make the climb.
Medford Sun, May 29, 1914, page 1 MAY BUILD AUTOMOBILES
are reliably informed that Messrs. J. A. Marsh and Roy Ulrich, both
well-known citizens of this city, will in the near future open a
factory for the construction of a new and improved axle for automobiles.Jacksonville Men Will Establish Factory and Machine Shops for Construction of Axles for Autos. Invented by J. A. Marsh of This City. The axle is the invention of Mr. Marsh and for which a patent has been lately received. The concern will be known as "The Marsh & Ulrich Front Axle Construction Co." The factory will be established for the present at the Chris. Ulrich planing mill, Mr. Ulrich having donated the use of building and grounds for this purpose. The idea of the invention may be gained from an examination of the illustration given herewith. Several manufacturers of autos in the East have examined a model of the invention and predict a good sale for the invention when placed on the market. The patentees have received several flattering offers from parties who desire to buy the patent outright, but have refused to sell, preferring to manufacture it themselves. It is the intention to manufacture the axle to fit any and al cars, new or second hand, and if business conditions justify, the firm will probably build a new flexible frame car which will equalize the weight upon each wheel under all conditions and on the roughest roads. Jacksonville Post, June 13, 1914, page 1 The modified delights of motoring over the Pacific Highway in Oregon are sweetened by the many good hotels which have sprung up in the towns along its course. No doubt these hotels, for the most part conducted by women, have been nourished, if not created, by the automobile. The traffic arising from this expensive toy is already considerable and its promise is large. It has transformed the standards of hotel keepers, diffused urban comforts through all the big Western Oregon towns, and encouraged a mode of entertaining travelers which has more of Switzerland than of local pioneer days in it. Except in small villages, where motorists rarely stop, the hideous hostelry of olden times is but a nightmare vanished from reality if not from memory. Nor are good hotels the only mark of the new and energetic Oregon city. It is curious to note the garages which have been called into being by the motorcar, one at least even in small places, half a dozen in bustling centers like Medford. Whoever wants proof that mechanical inventions change the lives and habits of men may profitably contemplate these shops which have sprung up like mushrooms in the last few years and now support a great army of workmen, too, well paid, intelligent and self-respecting. The garages are like Jonah's gourd for growth, and we need not fear that they will wither like that unfortunate vine. "Medford and Southern Oregon," Medford Sun, June 23, 1914, page 4 A couple of young guys from Medford, accompanied by their sweethearts, hove in town Monday evening in a large automobile. They drove east on the street at a 2:20 clip while spectators stood aghast at the speed demons. Whirling the corner on two wheels they returned up the street on their way home. In passing the guys gave the glad wink to the marshal and recorder, while the ladies smiled that smile of contempt. Indignation was manifested by the onlookers, but as a fellow remarked, "What the deuce can you do! Give us an honorable justice court here and these speed demons and no-light fellows will get what's coming to them." Central Point Herald, July 9, 1914, page 2 ![]() Joy riding on the newly paved
Pacific Highway between Talent and Ashland, circa 1915
first sightseeing car arrived in Medford Saturday and will be part of
the Medford Taxi Company equipment. It was purchased by A. S. Ames of
Talent and attracts considerable attention on the streets.
It is a 42-horsepower Packard, has six upholstered seats six feet eight inches long and seats 30 passengers comfortably. The car has [a] 144-inch wheelbase and is strictly up to date. It will make sightseeing tours over the city and valley, and a regular schedule of trips will be arranged soon. Medford Sun, July 19, 1914, page 4 "This is the third time I have motored from San Francisco to Portland, and each time I find lots of changes. Especially do I notice a different attitude of the farmers toward automobilists. Five years ago they were out with a gun every time they saw a machine, but now 50 percent of them have cars of their own, and the farmers are very hospitable." R. H. Pease, "Salem Route Vexes," Morning Oregonian, Portland, July 27, 1914, page 4 ![]() The Packard excursion car on Ivy Street by Hotel Medford. Police Judge Gay and Chief Hittson stood aghast with amazement this morning, when William Aiken and George Saunders, arrested for speeding Monday night, without quibbling or equivocation admitted they were guilty, and paid their fine of $10. This is the first time in the history of the city that a speeder has admitted that he was going faster than the law allows. Generally, they have machines geared lower than the law. Aiken was riding a motorcycle and Saunders was driving an auto. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 28, 1914, page 2 SAFETY FIRST JOY RIDE GIVEN BY
A. S. Rosenbaum, genial general manager of the Harriman lines in the
Rogue River Valley, is giving practical demonstrations of the Safety
First idea that do not fail to convince the most skeptical of its
value. He is using his newly purchased automobile to show that Safety
First can be applied to the auto joy ride and thereby all danger be
Tuesday evening Mr. Rosenbaum gave the people of Central Point a most convincing demonstration. The lesson lasted an hour, and witnesses were firmly convinced that as long as Mr. Rosenbaum's system is applied, accidents are impossible. To avoid going around a corner too fast, Mr. Rosenbaum slapped on his emergency brake. It worked, and the car came to a stop, thus avoiding all danger of skidding or of bumping into the curb. Friends who passed took occasion to congratulate the railroad magnate upon his automobile acquisition, and it was several minutes before an attempt was made to start the car. Rosey got out and cranked the car. It started after several strenuous twists of the crank. He got in and started off. The car ran about a yard and stopped. Again the cranking process was resorted to, and another yard was gained before the engine died. Again and again the performance was repeated. Each time a few inches in distance was gained. Meanwhile a large crowd collected. Rosey got redder and redder with each crank. Every fresh start was greeted with cheers by the friends of the magnate. Rosey proved conclusively that there was no danger to the public in one of his Safety First joy rides. After an hour's strenuous labor, someone called Rosey's attention to the fact that his emergency brake was on--and the demonstration ended. Medford Mail Tribune, August 6, 1914, page 4 Leon Lawton was fined $5 and costs in the police court Friday afternoon for speeding on a motorcycle on Riverside Avenue. Lawton's defense was that his machine could not run less than 20 miles an hour. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 15, 1914, page 2 Complaint has been filed that joy riders whoop and yell nightly through the residence district, not to mention violation of the speed ordinance. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 26, 1914, page 2 One of the girls of our crowd [Joan Anderson] broke her wrist while cranking her car last week. I dropped in to see her today and found her improving daily, altho it was a bad break, broken in two places. Her car kicked me one day, but instead of breaking my arm, threw me over onto the hood, where I struck my head & cut a gash over my eye. Great sport--I don't think. Letter dated October 15, 1914 written by Horace Bromley. The Autoist's Lament
The Ford is my
auto, I shall not walk;
It maketh me lie under it in queer postures, It leadeth me into trouble; For its sake I go into the paths of debt; Yea, though I understand my Ford perfectly, I fear much evil, for the radius rods might break; And if it has a blow-out in the presence of my enemies, I anoint the tires with patches. Surely the thing will not follow me all the days of my life, Or I will dwell in the house of poverty forever. Jacksonville Post, October
24, 1914, page 1
these days of freak legislation, fanatical laws and attempts to
regulate habits and personal affairs by legal rules, it is refreshing
to come across a new idea in city ordinances which, hurting no one,
acts as a means of saving lives and reducing the number of accidents.
Portland is the city which is to be complimented upon writing into its
code a low which has made the place unique in one respect. There are
500,000 people in Portland and there are countless automobiles. Yet in
the last nine months there has not been one person injured, much less
killed in an automobile accident in that city. And why is this so?
Because in Portland the driver of an automobile who exceeds the speed
limit is put to work on the rock pile, for from two to thirty days. No
fines accepted. If the driver is convicted he must do his time at hard
labor and no exceptions are made. Portland's streets are safe to
pedestrians. Here is an idea that ought to spread eastward.
Central Point Herald, December 3, 1914, page 2 Proving that Southern Oregon mountain roads may be negotiated by auto even in winter, Seely Hall, of Medford, drove his Cadillac, with seven passengers, to Prospect one afternoon of last week. At various places the car traveled on the snow crust. Rangers reported 20 feet of "the beautiful" at Crater Lake. "Southern Oregon's Shortstories," Gold Hill News, January 30, 1915, page 1 Jitneys Unprofitable at Ashland.
Or., Feb. 10.--(Special.)--The local jitney service has been
discontinued here, after a month's trial. The nickel fare did not pay.
Schoolteachers were its best patrons. The service, however, between
Ashland and Medford has been extended, with increased patronage. An
auto truck also makes regular trips, handling the freight shipments
from Medford wholesale houses to this city and other outlying districts.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 11, 1915, page 15 Here's an Anthem for You Autoists
auto, 'tis of thee, shortcut to poverty--of thee I chant. I blew a pile
of dough on thee two years ago, and now you quite refuse to go, or
won't or can't. Through town and countryside, you were my joy and
pride; a happy day. I loved thy gaudy hue, thy nice white tires so new,
but now you're down and out for true, in every way. To thee, old
rattlebox, came many bumps and knocks; for thee I grieve. Badly thy top
is torn, frayed are the seats and worn; the whooping cough affects thy
horn, I do believe. Thy perfume swells the breeze while good folks
choke and sneeze, as we pass by. I paid for thee a price 'twould buy a
mansion twice, now everybody's yelling "ice"--wonder why? Thy motor has
the pip, even the skid chains slip, and woe is thine. I, too have
suffered chills, ague and kindred ills, endeavoring to pay my bills
since thou wert mine. Gone is my bankroll now. No more 'twould choke a
cow, as once before. Yet if I had the mon, so help me John--amen, I'd
buy myself a car again, and speed some more.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 2, 1915, page 4 Earl Fisher of the Gates garage has instituted a new Ford service whereby an auto is rented out by the hour the same as a horse and buggy. The owner furnishes everything but a driver. By this means people with auto driving inclinations but with no machine can be accommodated. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, March 30, 1915, page 2 PARENTS PERMIT CHILDREN TO RUN IN
city authorities are looking for a law somewhere in the Oregon statutes
providing a penalty for parents who are negligent in the care of
children when it comes to risking their lives. Chief Hittson is
desirous of applying the law to a number of Medford fathers and mothers
living on residence streets who allow their offspring to play in the
streets of evenings, in the path of vehicles, while they sit on the
front porch and view the proceedings.
According to the police, on several streets, particularly North Riverside, the children play on the pavement, and at the approach of autos, with studied care stand in front of the moving cars, compelling the driver to stop or run over them. Though there have been several near-accidents, the police say, this is looked upon by any number of parents as a joke, and are greatly amused by the ire of the autoists, some of whom have burnt up tires in their efforts to stop. It is likely that some action will be taken at the next meeting of the city council to curb the annoyance. Medford Mail Tribune, April 16, 1915, page 8 This Is the Strife Says Turkey Gob
The News
had adopted an office rule, prohibiting henceforth the publication of
"Ford stories," and designed to preserve the unpatronized sanctity of
the advertising columns. This rule has been fractured several times. No
sooner was the resolution adopted than a "good one" came along. It is
now honored more in the breach than the observance, and this is the
latest: J. L. Rowe is noted for sagacity throughout Sams Valley. Hence,
when the call came for a new car, Mr. Rowe purchased a 1915 Ford--to
replace one of the game little machines which had seen service for a
number of years. Last Sabbath he Sundayed at Johnny Eddington's, of
Riverside orchard. The new car, gleaming and glancing its wealth of
black enamel, was lustrous in the spring sun. Arose a clamor from the
barnyard, where the Ford was stalled, that brought the folks out to
investigate. Prancing before the enameled back of the tonneau
a big bronze turkey gobbler gave battle to his reflection on the car.
He assailed the pictured opponent with beak and claw, chortling his
war-cry meantime. Lest the machine should become badly scratched it was
necessary to run the Ford under cover. The pugnacious turkey was with
difficulty driven away from the insolent invader of his barnyard. The
chief charm of this interesting sidelight on natural history is that
Sprague Reigel vouches for its authenticity.Gold Hill News, April 24, 1915, page 1 The Powell Auto Co. has received a Cole "Eight," the second eight-cylinder car in the valley. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, May 17, 1915, page 5 ![]() A 1915 Packard truck ad "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, June 7, 1915, page 2 It is claimed that Clarence Lovern, proprietor of a garage at Central Point, drove in an auto from that place to Portland in less than ten hours. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, June 19, 1915, page 3 C. E. Gates Thursday received a carload shipment of eight Fords. Eleven people were waiting for them. Some were so anxious for the machines that they assembled the parts themselves. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 9, 1915, page 2 A Name Covers a Multitude of Sins
According to the Ashland correspondent
to the Medford Mail
Ashland has approximately 160 automobiles, classified as follows:
Seventy-four Fords, 11 Studebakers, 1 Packard, 2 Maxwells, 2
Hupmobiles, 6 Michigans, 5 Reos, 4 E.M.F.'s, 4 Chalmers, 6 Buicks, 1
Schacht, 2 Oldsmobiles, 1 Hudson, 1 Marion, 2 Velies, 1 Saxon, 1 Regal,
1 Dodge, 3 Metz, 1 Cartercar, 1 Waltham, 1 Cadillac, 1 Brush, 2
Warrens, 1 Everett, 1 International, 1 Krit, 1 California, 1 Peerless
and 3 Stanley Steamers. There is also one Oldsmobile truck. These
figures are taken from the official state schedules reported up to July
1, 1915, which enumerate name and number of machine and owner.Presumably these figures are correct, but the old axiom that "figures cannot lie" is smashed when we look out of our office window on the constant stream of cars passing through the Plaza. When pedestrians begin to climb telegraph poles and a noise like a monkey wrench in a coffee grinder approaches, the figures of the state schedule receive their first shock. What is it? You have guessed it already--a certain prominent groceryman in an Orient. Perhaps the state officials don't recognize this machine under the head of automobile, but it can't be much worse than the high-wheeled horseless carriage driven by a certain implement man which is listed as an International automobile. The state figures are short in several other respects. We could name a couple of dozen cars which they have overlooked, among them being a Pope Hartford, an American auto hearse and a cross between a coaster wagon and a baby carriage which was outgrown several months ago by our worthy townsman, Frank Jordan. Ashland Tidings, August 5, 1915, page 4 According to a Portland man who has been compiling automobile statistics there are 1074 autos in Jackson County, about one for each 25 persons. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, September 25, 1915, page 3 The jury in the circuit court Saturday in the case of Robert H. Halley, of the Palace rooming house in this city, against the Southern Pacific company, rendered a verdict for the defendant. Halley sued for the value of a new automobile which was wrecked by a Southern Pacific freight train on a private crossing between Medford and Phoenix some months ago. Miss Wilson was driving the machine. In the hurry to cross ahead of the train the auto engine was "killed" while the machine was on the railroad track. Occupants of the auto jumped out and, running up the track, waved the freight engineer to stop. The heavy freight was coming down grade. It appeared to be unable to stop in time to save the automobile. Although the auto was a light one, no effort was made to remove it by hand from the track. The jury decided that its loss should be attributable to the negligence of the plaintiff. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, March 6, 1916, page 2 INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT MONDAY
returning from Ashland Monday evening in an auto, Mrs. Emma Bebb of
this city was thrown from the car and sustained a broken ankle,
fractured skull and several severe bruises and cuts on the body. The
accident occurred the other side of Phoenix about 8 p.m. Charles Mee, a
nephew of Mrs. Bebb, was driving the car and the other occupants were
Mrs. Bebb's daughter, Hazel, and her son, Irvin T. Bebb.
The accident occurred in this manner: Mrs. Bebb was in the act of changing from the back to the seat in front, her son standing on the running board to assist her while the driver was assisting her with his right hand. The car swerved to the right and was headed for a nearby telephone pole. To prevent the car from leaving the grade Mr. Mee loosened his hold of Mrs. Bebb and turned the car with a sudden jerk. This threw Mr. Bebb several feet from the car and caused Mrs. Bebb to be thrown on her face close to the car, the hind wheel passing over and fracturing her left ankle. They were traveling at the rate of fifteen to twenty miles an hour. Excerpt, Central Point Herald, May 18, 1916, page 1 Jos. Hammersley and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hammersley arrived Wednesday from Portland. They made the trip in their car, leaving Portland at 11 a.m. Tuesday and arriving here at 10 a.m. Wednesday. Gold Hill News, July 15, 1916, page 1 101 autos and 458 persons were registered at the superintendent's office at Crater Lake Sunday. This is the record for any one day in the history of the lake. The Pythian convention last year, with 97 autos, was the next highest. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, August 12, 1916, page 3 Jackson County has 1431 registered automobiles, or one to every nineteen persons. The total in the state is 31, 847, or an average of 1 to twenty-six persons. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, September 16, 1916, page 3 A total of $119,987.45 will be returned to the various counties of Oregon as their share of the 1916 motor license fees. Jackson County will receive $5,906 less $1,060 expenses, making net refund of $4,846. Jackson County ranks fourth in the number of autos, being surpassed only by Multnomah, Marion and Umatilla counties. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, January 13, 1917, page 3 Signs have been placed on the main roads entering the city, requiring autos to "slow down to 12 miles," which is the speed limit fixed by city ordinance. This ordinance will be strictly enforced. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, June 2, 1917, page 3 Roy Willits and Henry Thornton of Persist called for supper Thursday on their way home, going home about 30 miles, in his auto. When a few years ago for him to make the round trip to Medford and back, with a team, would have taken or at least spoiled at least three days, but now the farmer can get up and do his chores in the morning, jump into his auto, ride 25 or 30 miles to Medford or anywhere he wants to go, attend to his business, visit a few hours, read the latest news, go back home in time to get up the cows, milk, separate the cream before dark, surely they are a great convenience and now a necessity. A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, July 3, 1917, page 5 ![]() August
24, 1917 Medford Mail
am innocent of the charge and it will have to be proven against me in
court before I will pay a fine," said W. H. Gore today in explaining
why he entered a plea of not guilty before Justice Taylor following his
arrest by county prosecutor Roberts' motorcycle cop on the Pacific
Highway because of not having his auto lights dimmed, in compliance
with the state law, as the cop claims.
The motorcycle cop had just arrested a Portland auto dealer on the same charge, and the two were standing by the car at the side of the road, engaged in a loud word wrangle when Mr. Gore and his son Jay came driving by. The cop ordered Jay, who was at the wheel, to stop, but Mr. Gore, who was in the rear seat, thinking that the motorcycle cop and the other man were returning from Hornbrook, ordered Jay to speed up. The cop then speeded after them on his motorcycle and rode beside their car, calling upon them to stop, without showing his badge or telling them that he was an officer. They also claim that he swore at them repeatedly and was otherwise abusive. Finally, when he showed his badge, they stopped the car and submitted to arrest. "The law says that the front lights shall be dimmed when the safety and convenience of the public demand," said Mr. Gore today, "and there was certainly no occasion for us to dim our lights that night, as there was no one on the highway ahead of us except these two, who were standing by the car at the side of the road and wrangling." Otto Schneider, the Portland auto dealer arrested that same night, pleaded guilty before Justice Taylor yesterday and was fined $5 and court costs. Medford Mail Tribune, August 28, 1917, page 4 Charles C. Furnas, ex-mayor of Medford who died here Tuesday, established the first automobile service station in this city in December, 1918. The Medford Service Station, as the enterprise was known, was erected by Mr. Furnas at Main St. and Riverside Ave. where the then two-way Highway 99 passed through Medford. The tire sales and service part of the firm's operation was conducted in the adjoining building which now houses Wainscott's Pharmacy. "First Gas Station Run by C. Furnas Who Died Tuesday," Medford Mail Tribune, April 17, 1958, page 1 A number of persons from this city attended the opening at A. W. Walker's garage at Medford last night. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, May 4, 1918, page 3 D. T. Lawton, deputy state sealer of weights and measures, arrived home this week from an inspection trip north, with an injured back. He was driving his car about forty miles north of Roseburg when the front wheels went down suddenly in a deep rut caused by the passage of heavy auto trucks hauling spruce timber, which bounced him with much force around the car, injuring his back severely. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, September 7, 1918, page 2 "In 1918, I was elected to the lower house of the Oregon legislature and I served four regular sessions and two special sessions. I had the pleasure and the honor of introducing the first bill to levy a tax on gasoline in the United States. When I was elected to the legislature from Washington County, I had promised to work for good roads in Oregon. "Bruce Dennis and I, with three other members of the legislature, agreed to vote for a candidate who was seeking to be speaker of the house, provided that he would put Bruce and me on the highway committee of the house. We decided that we could raise several hundred thousand dollars by placing a tax of 1 cent on gasoline. "The dealers at the various service stations refused to give us any information, and the same thing was true of the wholesalers. Robert A. Booth of Eugene was chairman of the highway commission. Bruce and I attended a meeting of the highway commission in Portland, and we found Booth and the commission thoroughly in earnest about building good roads for Oregon. "A bond issue for $10 million for good roads was passed by the voters. Bruce and I suggested that a tax of 1 cent be placed on gasoline. Bruce prepared and introduced bill 183 in the 1919 session for the placing of a 1-cent tax on gasoline. The service stations were required to report the amount of gas they sold. "Sam Kozer came to me and said, 'The bill Bruce has introduced will never work.' Bruce then came to me and said, 'Sam tells me that my bill won't work. I'll withdraw the bill and you write one that will work.' I dictated a bill while standing at the speaker's desk. "The bill required the wholesalers to make a monthly report on all gas they sold to retailers. They were glad to do this, because it meant more money to build and improve roads and that meant the sale of more automobiles and the use of more gas. The first year this 1-cent tax brought in $350,000. "We now have a tax of 5 cents a gallon on gasoline in addition to the federal tax. Before long, every state in the Union followed Oregon's example in assessing a tax on gasoline, and then the federal government decided to do likewise. Today we are collecting more than $11 million a year in Oregon from the gas tax toward the building of good roads." Loyal Graham, quoted in "Fred Lockley's Impressions," Oregon Journal, Portland, October 7, 1951, page 38 Speed cop McDonald on his green motorcycle collided with an auto driven by Mrs. F. M. Radovan at Medford Wednesday afternoon. McDonald was thrown to the ground, badly bruised and his machine badly damaged. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, February 1, 1919, page 3 AUTO TAX DECLARED INEQUITABLE
MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 22.--(To the Editor.)--I have just read, in your
issue of the 21st, your editorial and also a letter on the proposed
increased license on automobiles to build the roads of the state. I
heartily endorse the statements expressed, but would like to add a
little to them. You said, in part, referring to the man who owns an old
car, "that man is likely to try to knock the whole road building scheme
to pieces." You erred slightly in this statement, for you should have
said "will'' instead of "likely," for I can promise now that we fully
intend to fight it tooth and toenail. Just so sure as this legalized
holdup carries we will fight it at every turn, and if there is a hole
left in it as big as the eye of an needle we will find it.Old Models of High Horsepower Are Practically Confiscated. The writer has always been one of the best of friends of the good roads movement. I owned the second car brought to the Rogue River Valley and have worked for and donated money for good roads, but when a piece of confiscatory legislation passes which will prevent me from using my car on the roads I naturally lose interest and become an enemy. I own an old 48-horsepower car which cost me actually less than $400 and is today assessed at $150. This car is ten years old, being a 1909 model. I own it because I cannot afford another. I use it almost entirely in my work and actually ran it less than 1000 miles in the state of Oregon in 1918. The proposed act will place a charge of $65 per year, if I understand it correctly, upon this old rig, which is valued at $150. Besides this, the tax on gasoline will mount up considerably, and especially will it hurt when you understand that we are paying 27 cents a gallon now. Also think of what it means to the man in Eastern Oregon who has to pay already from 35 to 40 cents per gallon for gasoline. The absolute injustice of it all is so apparent that no one should have to pause to see it clearly. The whole scheme shows on the face of it that the legislators know that the people at large would not stand for it, for they refuse to refer it and pass it under an emergency clause, when it is palpable that no emergency exists. One legislator, according to the report in the paper, stated that every member of the legislature knows that his constituents are solidly back of this law. That is not true, for the Jackson County delegation, to my own personal knowledge, received protests in plenty against it. Also for his information, I can add that if this outrageous tax is put on automobiles we will fight it even through the courts. This is not a threat but a fact. Here is a specific case of injustice, and there are many more. I know a man who, like myself and others, owns an "old rattletrap" of a car. He works steadily six days in the week. On Sundays and occasional holidays he can take out his "old bus" and get a little new life with his family in the woods. He probably does not run his car 500 miles in a year, yet this law will place a tax on his car at such a price that he cannot use it. In other words, though he is taxed on his home to build roads and is therefore entitled to use them, yet he is prohibited by a tax he cannot pay. It is an outrage. The whole plan is wrong when they make one class pay the entire cost of a scheme which every individual uses and gets the benefit of. I can cite you to a piece of road in southern Oregon which the county built at a big expense. It was no sooner completed than a company purchased some timber from the government, put in heavy tog teams and tractors, closed the road entirely at one place, and practically ruined it. Yet the auto is blamed for all the damage and must build roads for these tractors and heavy teams to ruin. I can name you several of these examples. Besides the tax on gasoline and "other engine fuels" means that every person that uses gasoline, kerosene or distillate or even crude oil must pay to build the roads, while a man with a steam tractor, using wood fuel, can hook on a train of log wagons, rip up the road and not pay. Or he can use "hay burners" and cut the roads to pieces without paying a cent. Under the fuel oil tax the cleaners must pay a tax on their gasoline for cleaning purposes. The farmer must pay a tax on his kerosene for his lamps. The orchardist must pay a road tax when he sprays his fruit and many who use the fuel in various ways other than in cars must pay a road tax. There are too many acts of injustice under this to mention, but I would like to know why these roads cannot be built out of money from direct taxation? Or, if the users of the roads must pay for it all, then why not make a wheel tax on every vehicle? Or why not tax the school children alone for the school, placing a tax graduated (unequally, of course) according to age? Or why not--but what's the use? A.
Morning Oregonian,
Portland, February 25, 1919, page 12FIRST MEDFORD CAR NEGOTIATES TRIP
At 3:30 yesterday afternoon J. A. Curry and Joe Harrell in a Mitchell
Six made the first attempt to get to Hilt over the Siskiyous [this
year]. The going was good until they got well up on this side of the
mountain, where they encountered a sink hole about six feet deep, where
the only way to pass was to take the bank on the other side of the
road. This they did successfully. After they had reached a point about
a mile from the summit another difficulty in the way was a slide which
placed a large boulder in the road. Getting around this consumed some
of their time but plowing through the mud and snow they passed over the
summit and arrived at Hilt after getting through several slides on the
other side.
At 6:30 p.m. they started back for Medford and Joe says the way that Mitchell ate through the snow was marvelous. Coming down on this side of the summit they found a Cadillac and a Cole Six stuck in a snow slide, and after pulling the Cadillac out the Cole was able to get through the road thus cleared. There was much brush and poles used by the parties from California who came over in the morning. The trip is at this time a dangerous one, but in a week or ten days the road should be open for general traffic so the parties who made the trip report, after arriving home at 9 o'clock last night. Medford Mail Tribune, April 4, 1919, page 3 Mr. Ragsdale of Lake Creek drove in on a hurried business trip Thursday. Now since the roads are so that autos can run with some satisfaction the farmers will jump into their car, dash into town, leave one or two plowshares at the blacksmith shop to have them sharpened, hurry to the store, make their purchases and hurry back home and only be away from home an hour or two and then do almost a day's work. A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, April 7, 1919, page 5 PREPARE TOURIST CAMPING GROUND ON
Workmen are busy getting ready the new free auto camp ground for
tourists passing through the city that is being established by the
Jackson County Business Men's Association in the rear and at the north
side of the Natatorium.
The establishment of this resort will, it is estimated, result in motor
tourists spending at least $1000 a month with Medford merchants this
summer and fall. Heretofore through lack of suitable camping
accommodations the tourists have passed by the city in both directions
to go to the Ashland park camp ground or similar places north of the
city. The new grounds will be ready for tourists by tho first of next
The grounds surrounding the Natatorium are being thoroughly cleaned up, the grass has been cut, the old hitching racks torn out and lunch tables and benches are being placed. Gas cooking plates, a water system and a telephone booth are among the other improvements, while the camp ground has been fenced off from the rear yards of the South Riverside homes. The toilet arrangements of the Natatorium have been obtained for use in connection with the camp ground. Altogether the commodious camp ground with its plentiful shade, close proximity to the stores and location along Bear Creek will prove a very inviting place for the tourists and represents a long-felt want in the city. For a week past motor tourists passing through the city have used the location for a stopping place despite its hitherto somewhat uninviting appearance. A large tourist patronage is predicted throughout the season. Medford
Mail Tribune, May 16, 1919, page 8
Ulrich's Delivery Truck Capsizes.
morning when Lewis Thompson was making the usual morning delivery for
Ulrich's store, the Ford delivery truck he was driving took a notion to
go "haywire," and no sooner thought than done.
Lewis was turning around in the street and ran into some sand. When he tried to straighten up his wheels, the steering apparatus had evidently passed the center, and instead of turning in the direction desired they went the other way. The car turned over, with the wheels sticking straight up, pinning Lewis underneath. The seat and windshield protected him, but made it impossible to get up. A crowd soon formed and lifted the car over on the wheels, and considerable surprise was manifested when Lewis got up and walked off. The steering wheel was cracked, the top bent and the top of the windshield bent; that being the extent of the injury to the car. It was driven back to the store, loaded with a fresh supply of groceries, and away she went, just as though turning over was an everyday occurrence. Jacksonville Post, August 16, 1919, page 3 Recent statistics show that in Jackson County there are 2595 automobiles, 939 of which are Fords. The total number of cars in the state is 75,044. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, September 6, 1919, page 3 IMPRESSIONS AND OBSERVATIONS
Do you know who brought the first automobile to Portland? Do you
know who brought the second one to Portland? Do you know who brought
the first Reo, the first Olds, the first Pierce-Arrow, the first Thomas
Flyer, or the first airplane, to Portland? That's right. Go to the head
of the class. It was Henry Wemme.OF THE JOURNAL MAN By Fred Lockley Henry Wemme is, or in any event he should be, the patron saint of the Portland automobilists. In 1886 Henry started the tent and awning business in Portland. For two years his solicitor, bookkeeper, tentmaker, awning manufacturer and collector consisted of one man, and that was himself. In 1888 he decided to manufacture automobiles, so he built a steam automobile. He went broke before the got the first one finished, so he used the engine to run his sewing machine in his tent and awning factory. In 1898 he decided to own a real automobile, so he sent $600 to Stanley Bros., of Newton, Mass., for their most expensive automobile. The freight quotation on his auto, which weighed 600 pounds, was $150. Henry decided this was too much, so he had the boiler and engine shipped by the O.R.&N. company, the running gear by the Northern Pacific and the body by the Southern Pacific. When the three railroads delivered their respective shares of Henry's auto each charged $150, which was the freight on a complete automobile. Henry paid $450 freight on the 600 pounds, and assembled his auto, but it was far from a closed incident. He ordered an extra engine for his auto. It weighed just 100 pounds. The O.R.&N. presented a bill for $150. Henry showed them on their tariff sheet where engines were listed at $3 per 100 pounds. He told them to keep it as long as they liked, but he would sue them for $25 a day for every day they retained it. They kept it three days and then accepted Henry's $3 and gave him a receipt which read, "Received, $3 for freight charges on an engine of an automobile." He took the receipt and demanded a rebate of $147 for overcharge on the $150 bill for the first engine. He got a check for $147. He took the receipt and check to the Southern Pacific and got a rebate of $147 on its bill, and did the same with the Northern Pacific. So his bill for freight was reduced from $450 to $9. By the time Henry had settled out his freight bills and assembled his auto Stanley Bros. had sold out to the Locomobile company, so Henry had a Locomobile at an expense of $609. When I asked Henry, some years ago, how fast this first auto that ever came to Portland would go, he said: "As fast as you could stay in. If I went over 12 miles an hour I usually got jounced out and had to run after my auto to stop it. Yes, it was lots of exercise, and it made a lot of excitement. Whenever I went down the street I could see teams running away in every direction. The steam and the racket my auto made generally cleared the street or road of teams. The horses would take one look, one listen, one smell, and then start for their home pasture, leaving seats and wheels and harness along the way so their owners could trace them to the places they had started for. "I made new enemies every day. Pretty soon it looked as if I wouldn't have any friends left, and as I always liked to be popular I decided to sell my auto. In 1900 I sold it to a man in Spokane. He ran out of friends in a year and a half and sold it to a laundry to collect and deliver clothes. The laundry took a man off a wagon and started him out with the auto. Going up a long hill, he stopped the machine to watch a runaway. The steam went up to 400 pounds. He thought that when the steam got as far as it was going it would stop. He pushed the wrong lever, and the auto started backward down the hill. It threw him over the dashboard and shot down the hill. When it got to the bottom of the hill it began turning somersaults. After it had blown up and the crowd had quit running they gathered up as many pieces as they could find and took them to a junk shop and the driver went back to his team, which, though less interesting and exciting, was more easily handled. "I missed the violent exercise and the excitement of automobiling, so I went to Europe to buy a machine. I was told there that the best automobile made was the Haynes-Apperson, made at Kokomo, Ind., so I came back to America and bought a machine at Kokomo. I have owned and driven 33 autos. "I brought the first airplane to Portland. I haven't learned to drive it yet. I look for a remarkable future for the airplane. There is a good deal of difference between my first 600-pound $600 steam auto and the present type of Pierce-Arrow. You will see just as great improvement in airplanes. No, I will not see it, but in a few years the airplane and its accomplishments will attract as much attention as my auto did when I first drove it down Front Street." Oregon Journal, Portland, February 12, 1920, page 10 FOR SALE--One Ford car with piston rings, two rear wheels, one front spring. Has no fenders, seat or plank. Burns lots of gas. Hard to crank. Carburetor busted half way through. Engine missing; hits on two. Three years old; four in the spring. Has shock absorbers and everything. Radiator busted; sure does leak. Differential's dry; you can hear it squeak. Ten spokes missing; front all bent. Tires blowed out; ain't worth a cent. Got lots of speed; will run like the deuce; burns either gas or tobacco juice. Tires all off; been run on the rim. A durn good Ford for the shape it's in. Clark & Childers, 127 North Riverside. Classified ad, Medford Mail Tribune, April 12, 1920, page 2 Last Wednesday afternoon John Allen and family of Derby passed through our town. They had been to Medford in the forenoon and returned home. Owing to the rapid way we have now of traveling, the farmers who live twenty-five or thirty miles from "The Hub" can jump into their cars, spin out to Medford in the morning and attend to their business during the forenoon, eat dinner, go to the theater or picture show, or visit friends a few hours and go home in time to do their chores, and thus spend the day and take some comfort out of life, instead of the old routine of trudging over rough roads with a team, attending to business as fast as possible, not taking time for dinner, and hurrying home to try to do the chores before dark. And after we have the two million dollars invested on the roads that was voted on Friday applied to our county roads, why then it will be almost like flying in an aeroplane. I don't pretend to be a prophet or the son of a prophet, but will venture the prediction that then our country stores will be almost a thing of the past, and that 85 percent of the country people will go to the large towns and cities to do their trading. A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, May 24, 1920, page 6 MOTOR CARS NECESSITY, NOT A LUXURY
"The man who regards the automobile as a luxury cannot consistently
ride in a Pullman car."
People used to live without trains, doctors, telephones, electric lights or automobiles. Who says they are luxuries today? If by some trick of fate we were deprived of any one of those things the entire order of our lives would have to be changed. Business would be in a chaotic condition for years before people could become accustomed again to the old order. The automobile ensures delivery of fresh food, free from harm by broiling sun and poisonous flies. The nation's three great interdependent industries [are] steel, railroads and automobiles. Fifty million people are made happier, healthier and better by the automobile. The automobile does not promote waste, it reduces it. Without automobiles city rents would quickly double. Without automobiles many would have to abandon their suburban homes. The automobile ceased to be a luxury and became a necessity fifteen years ago. Medford Mail Tribune,
February 19, 1921, page 5
A new traffic ordinance was passed by the city council last night after
months of deliberation, experiments and study on the part of the city
officials, which requires all cars to park at an angle much the same as
has been in vogue for some time past, and prohibits the parking of any
car on the street, or even in front of the owner's house, after 1 a.m.
at night.No Cars Allowed Parked on Streets After 1 a.m.-- New Set Hand Signals Prescribed--Speed and Turning Rules Adopted--Width of Tires, Etc., Also Regulated. The measure also regulates speed, age limit of drivers, equipment, tire width of loads, lighting equipment, parking and turning of cars and other vehicles, and stipulates a set of hand signals which all drivers must observe. The ordinance is a very lengthy one, goes into effect in 10 days and provides heavy penalties for violation. New Set of Signals
The signals provided for are as follows:"When the signals are given by the use of the hand and arm, they shall be given as follows: "An operator intending to turn his vehicle to the left shall extend his arm in a horizontal position, for a reasonable length of time, and slow down. "An operator intending to turn his vehicle to the right shall extend his arm with the forearm raised at right angles, for a reasonable length of time and slow down. "An operator intending to stop his vehicle shall extend his arm and move it up and down in a vertical direction, for a reasonable length of time. "When such signal is given by means of a device, it shall only be given by an adequate device which has been approved by the Secretary of State." Among other regulations are the following: "Every driver of any motor or other vehicle in turning any vehicle around in any street of said city shall go to a street intersection before making said turn. Head into the Curb
"Cars shall head into the curb and all parking shall be uniform, and at
the same angle, and where spaces or stalls shall have been designated
upon the pavement, shall be within said spaces or stalls and not
overlap, provided however, this section shall not be held to apply to
parking in the residence sections, which shall be parallel with the
curb in all sections outside of the business section."Upon backing out the driver shall look carefully and give a warning signal with his horn. "Every person operating a motor vehicle on the public streets or alleys of said city shall drive the same in a careful and prudent manner and in no case at a rate of speed that will endanger the property of another, or the life and limb of any person. "No person shall drive past an intersection without having the car under full control, nor shall he attempt to pass another car at any intersection. "No motor vehicle shall be driven or operated within the corporate limits of the city of Medford by any person under the age of sixteen years with the exception of persons having a special license or permit from the Secretary of State to drive a motor vehicle as a means of transportation to and from any school. "No vehicle used upon public streets shall be left standing unsecured or without its motive power being so secured that the same cannot be operated or the vehicle moved without some act upon the part of the owner or operator. No Parking After 1 a.m.
"Parking of cars after one o'clock a.m. is hereby prohibited. Parking
is also prohibited on any of the bridges or their approaches and in
front of the entrance to any public auditorium or theatre, including
the armory or natatorium or in any place duly designated with a 'no
parking' sign by the street committee of the city, provided however
that in parking in alleys same shall be kept passable for other
vehicles and the fire department, and further provided that any vehicle
parking outside of the fire limits during the period of one hour after
sunset to midnight shall display at least one white light in front and
one red light in.the rear of such motor vehicle during all of said time
it shall be parked on the streets or alleys of said city."Vehicles proceeding in the same direction may pass each other to the left. The signal to pass shall be given by one blast or stroke of the horn, bell, whistle, gong or other signaling device. It shall be the duty of the driver of the vehicle being passed to give as much of the road or street as practicable to every other driver desiring to pass him. "Vehicles shall not stop or be permitted to stand with left side nearest to the curb." Medford Mail Tribune, August 28, 1923, page 1 CORRESPONDENT OF MAIL
FOOTS CREEK, Sept. 4.--(Special.)--Saturday, late in the afternoon, I
determined to try if I could get light from her lamps which had long
refused to shine. After I finished my tinkering I cranked her up but
could not get an explosion. I turned the switch on the Hot
and one cylinder would fire. Do my best, that was all the response I
could get. What should I do? It was chore time and it was very doubtful
if I could run to a garage on one cylinder even if I had time. How
would I be able to get my usual load of kids to Sunday school the next
day? Very disconsolately I went in and told my wife who said we would
have to drive Selim and the big wagon.Lizzie and Me. I took up my milk pail and started to the barn. On the way I got an idea. I suspected my spotlight wires were making a short circuit. I would try. I gave the spotlight a turn and grabbed the crank and gave her a yank. The response was startling. It was as though I had waved a red rag in the face of an angry bull. With a mighty roar of the engine, she leaped over the block I had placed before a wheel and started for the open door and a steep downgrade to the house. But I was in the way. I tried to get aside and into the car and stop the fool girl; she seemed bent on mischief. But she came too fast. I couldn't get out of her way. Nor could I hold the dear girl back, though the gear was in neutral. She seemed suddenly to have the power of a locomotive. But instead of shoving me out the door she rammed me and jammed me against the door jamb and did her best to make a jam of me. In an instant I saw my wife as a charming widow, setting her cap for a handsomer man, and a feeling of grief shot through my soul that she hadn't got her new teeth. (Ask Dr. Elliott about it.) That must have given me new strength, for in some way that I know not I escaped from Lizzie's fierce embrace. I was just able to get into the car and quiet the old girl's raging. I hobbled around to the cow and to the house with the milk and told wife the story. Then we examined me to see if I needed a doctor or an undertaker. We finally decided I needed neither one. But talk of a bear hug, if I am given my choice, next time I take the bear in preference to Lizzie. Medford Mail Tribune, September
4, 1925, page 9
1. When you get behind the wheel, first of all, get your bearings.2. These will be found under the hood in a little box with wires around it. 3. Take off the radiator cap and place bearings inside. If they float they are no good. 4. Take your seat again and throw out the clutch. You can either throw it in the street or in the back of the car. 5. Put on the gas tank and pull on the emergency brake sideways. If the car doesn't start look at the battery. 6. If there is any water in the battery, pour it out before it causes any damage. 7. Then look at the carburetor and on finding that part, take off the top and wash the inside out with water. They often forget to do this at the factory. 8. Now you are ready to start. If you can't start the car now, your top is either too low or else your balloon tires are raising the car off the ground and the wheels can't get started. 9. Leave all the air out of the tires so the car will stay on the ground. 10. If the car won't start now it is not your fault, because you tried hard enough. --Pennsylvania Punch Bowl. ![]() DOLEFUL PREDICTIONS.
the automobile came it was predicted it would make the horse extinct.
Horseflesh costs more than ever as equestrianism continues to grow in
favor. Now the oracles say the aeroplane will eliminate both automobile
and horse, but like the horse, the automobile grows in number and
favor. The saturation point in the automobile industry is always being
predicted but never reached. It will be found that horse, automobile
and airship each have their purpose and will increase in number as new
needs are found for them and the population grows.
From an article in a current magazine are taken a few quotations on the subject of the automobile: "The automobile stands unique as the most extravagant piece of machinery ever devised for the pleasure of man." "The people are becoming car poor as their ancestors became land poor." "In this craze for automobile ownership, the joy of security in the future is sacrificed for the pleasure of the moment." "The whole scheme of domestic life centers in the motor car." "Once the man who borrowed in order to buy a car was looked upon as dangerous." With some of these statements some will agree, but it is invariably the careless who predict disaster and chaos because so many of their neighbors are on wheels and exchange old cars for new every year. It is manifest from the popularity of the auto, from the universality of its use and from the jealous tenacity all car owners cling to their cars, whether palaces on wheels or decrepit derelicts, that there are satisfactions derived from the automobile which the critics of the automobile have not discerned. Ashland American, April 15, 1927, page 2 After having had it painted a bright red color by inmates at the county jail, Deputy Sheriff Lewis Jennings has again painted his motorcycle, this time changing the color to a reserved gray. The deputy figured that red would make his machine too conspicuous and easy to see by prospects he might have in mind to arrest. "Brevities," Medford Mail Tribune, August 7, 1927, page 3 AVERAGE DAILY RUN OF TOURISTS IS 234 MILES
The average day's run of motor tourists is now 234 miles, as compared
with about 100 miles a day ten years ago, according to the National
Tourist Board of the American Automobile Association.
The question, "When touring what is your average daily average?" was addressed to thousands of motorists in every state of the Union in an effort to secure definite data on motoring. Out of every hundred persons who answered the questionnaire, 30 reported 200 miles for their average daily run; 25 advised 250 miles; 16 averaged 300 miles per day and 15 said they traveled 150 miles a day. The average daily run was 234 miles. The questionnaires clearly show that motor touring in any section hinges largely on the character of the roads, the ease of travel over them, and the motoring service available. The fine character of present-day automobiles has not discounted the tremendous importance of these factors. More than 165,000 miles of surfaced highways, with approximately 90,000 miles of important interstate routes, now beckon the motorists. Moreover, these interstate roads have been completely marked in twenty-eight states with standardized signs. The motor tour of today is planned in the same methodical manner that formerly marked the railroad or steamship journey. In this connection, the nationwide standardized services of the A.A.A., scientific detour reports with daily reports from road scouts, has contributed largely to broadening the field of travel. The tendency to liberalize speed laws is seen in a striking way with the report that twenty-three states have increased the speed laws within the past three years and many judge recklessness of the driver on facts in the case, rather than on the mere question of speed in itself. Medford Mail Tribune, February 10, 1929, page B5 ACCIDENT SAVES HUMILIATION FOR CITY BY FLIVVER
An accident on the Pacific Highway near Eagle Point [sic]
about midnight last Thursday night was a fortunate happening for the
Medford public, as it saved the local people from suffering the
mortification and humiliation of the hundreds of visiting Shriners and
other Masons in the city seeing Kenneth Anderson's notorious flivver go
rattling about the city streets and drowning out the music of the
Shrine bands while they marveled that such a thing was permitted by the
humane society and police officials to exist.
However, another fortunate thing about the accident is that no one was injured, although a party of four was in the imitation car. It seems that the 230-pound minor weather observer [Anderson] was bringing the party of young folks back to the city when a front wheel, ashamed to be moored with such a vehicle, came off, letting the front part of the car come down suddenly and scrambling them up. A deep, shell-like-looking hole in the street is still being pointed out by people as the place where the heavy driver came down to earth when the wheel came off. The $25 second-hand car, although such a thing seemed impossible, was badly damaged, but was able to bring the party back to Medford under its own power after the runaway wheel had been captured and put on again. It will cost about $30 to fix it, so it will be laid up until Kenneth can raise the money and have repairs made. Medford Mail Tribune, April 27, 1929, page 2 POP GATES TALKS OF FORDS AND AUTO HISTORY IN MEDFORD
Mail Tribune, July 7, 1929, page 7
"Pop" Gates, Medford's veteran automobile dealer, once sold Overlands
instead of Fords. That was 18 years ago, and what's more he had a
chauffeur who drove at a speed of 25 miles per hour while Pop sat in
the back seat with the "prospect" and talked furiously about this or
that if the engine showed signs of refusing to function when they came
to a hill or rough stretch of road.
More than 100 car dealers have started business in Medford and decided to move on since Mr. Gates started selling Fords in 1913, he told a reporter Saturday in discussing his 18 years in the game. "Fords are the best cars on the market--that's why so many people buy them," Mr. Gates declared. And he should know, for there's probably not another Ford agent in the state of Oregon who has been selling Fords as long as the local dealer. From meek little machines with big horns to good-looking cars, he's seen them develop and gain in popularity each year. What Mr. Gates doesn't know about cars, the people who buy them, and those who don't, isn't worth knowing. He claims women are better drivers than men--they learn faster and aren't so reckless as their husbands. Since January, 1929, 119 Ford cars have been delivered by the C. E. Gates Auto Company to Jackson County residents. During the month of January last year no cars were sold. In January, 1929, 40 Fords were delivered by the Gates company. An example of the rapid increase in Ford sales is the fact that 15 cars have already been sold to date this month by Gates' two salesmen, C. A. Whitman and H. Froreich. "Ten years ago I was ready to quit the automobile business, as I thought that practically all the people who could and would buy a car already owned one," Mr. Gates said. "Now I'm convinced that every family will have at least three cars before many years." Traffic on Main Street.
To the Editor:The person who wrote "When life flows along like a song" must have been in a state of semi-unconsciousness, or else have been referring to some song I have never heard. Life does not flow like a song--it flows like a river--a long river with lots of curves and bumps. Curves and bumps remind me to interrupt the flow of the river and turn to flow of traffic, and right here let me say, please Mr. Editor, that this communication is intended as a friendly gesture of information to fellow sufferers who perhaps have traveled along for some time, even as I, unconscious of the fact that they had no legal right to be on earth, or at least not on the "main stem," I draw this overwhelming conclusion from the bitter fact that I had the nerve to be driving thereon and not exceeding the speed limit, and am only now recovering from the shock of paying up financially, morally, physically, and what have you. Fellow motorist, if you by any chance operate and own a car costing more than $75, take it from me your place is in the alleys and back streets--the farther back the better. The main thoroughfares and highways are reserved for California tourists and local flaming youth. Not being satisfied by having a tourist of the above-mentioned variety, driving something on four tires and loaded from stem to stern, starboard and larboard, with all his worldly goods, including the kitchen stove and the family goat, take my right away from me, and then try to push me up on the sidewalk and before I could recover myself, tell me to go to hell, and drive off before I could make an appropriate reply. Not satisfied to take this hint that I was a public nuisance, I boldly drove down Sixth Street the other forenoon, and a flaming youth armed with a birth certificate in one hand and a driver's license in the other, and both feet on the gas, proceeded to wreck the front end of my car, and carry on, indignation on his pure young features, at my daring to change gears in his pathway. If you will insist on being on Main Street, I suggest buying a car without paint. Then when it is nicely dented and rammed out of shape, pick out some nice shade of paint and touch up the furrows and dents with highlights to make the ensemble remind one of the interior of the modern Spanish bungalow. This is really a clever idea, and additional bumps after the paint job only add to the general effect. If you are really too old-fashioned, and insist on plain, shiny surfaces, your next best bet is to surround your car with a braided steel cable so arranged that being hit at any speed, in any direction, will only slightly inconvenience you, and you will have the satisfaction of seeing defeat written on the features of your assailant. I might add that being of age or having a license is of practically no value for the driver of the damaged car. Don't ever think you are right about anything pertaining to traffic regulations or stop signs. Anything you say or do is wrong, whether you think so or not. Just pay up and shut up. L. T. KING.
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, July 12, 1929, page B4Medford, July 11. How It Feels to Just About Get
Your Neck Broken
Monday afternoon as we were going down grade a few miles this side of
Roseburg a tire blew out with a loud report that sounded like a cannon.
The car listed to the left and then to the right and Mr. Barber said,
"I can't hold her." Then the crash. It was all so fast and furious.
Afterward we found that the car struck the paved highway on its left
side, skidded about fifteen feet, turned up side down and skidded
again. We crawled out and shook off the broken glass, thankful we were
not killed or any bones broken. The whole country seemed black with
cars and everybody talking. The most outstanding things we heard were,
"Oh, how lucky you are" and "It was the Fisher body saved you," etc. I
had a happy dazed feeling that now seems like a dream. We went to a
house by the side of the road that is a real "friend to man" and washed
our faces and hands, and Mrs. G. A. Johnson rendered first aid to some
glass cuts. She has done this many times, as that locality seems to be
a favorite place for wrecks. A man was killed not long since in an
accident similar to ours. I felt as light as a feather and did not seem
to walk but rather to glide. For once in my life I was "air-minded." I
can see now where the accident route is not so bad to make one's exit,
for the shock prevents all pain. Neither of us suffered a particle, and
we thought we were remarkable people to not have been hurt at all. Some
of the spectators righted our car, which looked so ridiculous upside
down in its own right of way on the pavement. After the tire was
changed Mr. Barber drove it to Roseburg, but before reaching there his
shoulder was just about killing him and his left hand was almost
useless. My neck and head and shoulders were giving me fits. When we
reached town we had a man drive us to the hospital, where we suffered
plenty the next few days. It is a peculiar thing that in all the mixup
our spectacles were not broken or even dislodged. Our car was insured
for fire, theft and liability, but not for the thing that happened. We
turned it in on a new one and the Pontiac dealer drove us home.
W. M. Barber.
Ashland Daily Tidings, September
14, 1929, page 2
For stealing five gallons of gas from the car of G. A. Abbott, by
siphoning it from his car to their own flivver while the two cars were
parked near the Natatorium last night, Ampere Young and Lynn Bellows,
local youths, were sentenced to 30 days in jail by Judge Taylor in the
city court today, and then the sentence was held up and they were
paroled into the custody of their parents with the understanding that
any further misconduct would lead to their serving out the sentence.The boys evidently had a nice story cooked up to entice leniency from the court. They were just telling the judge that they were without funds, and stole the gas as a last resort to provision their flivver for a journey to the Blue Ledge mine to accept jobs there, when their parents, who were sitting nearby, interrupted and told the court they did not have to work or borrow gas. Bing! All bets were off immediately, and the above sentence was pronounced. Medford Mail Tribune, February 15, 1930, page 6 HI STUDENTS USE ANY CONVEYANCE BUT THEIR LEGS
"The students of Medford High School have come to the point where they
will ride to school in anything that runs on wheels, and one, in
looking over the school parking space at the west end of the building,
finds everything from broken-down baby buggies to new Packards and
Cadillacs," says the Medford Hi Times. "It seems as though the general tendency is toward competition, to see who can have the most antique vehicle."There are seventy-five and one-half cars on the parking space and around the school building. The one-half represents Norris Porter's car, or antique, as it is sometimes called. So far the Colvig boys are running a close second to Norris' car while Martin Webb and his Chevrolet are not far behind. There are all types, makes and models, including bugs of various shapes. "In seeing some of the new Ford coupes and roadsters some people would instantly feel sorry for the poor fathers and mothers who had to stand a lot of talk before they would consent to letting their offspring have the new car. A person would be of the opinion that if many more such antiques and traps are created life insurance should become compulsory. "Some people also think that there should be a law prohibiting the making of any more of the traps and that there should be a special license for those who already have them. They say these cars are a menace to society and should be overhauled at least once before appearing on the streets. Robert Christner seems to take the prize for the car that can make the most noise, while the Emmens boys take the cake for being able to carry the largest number of girls in their new Ford coupe. "Although the Colvig boys can carry at least nine or ten in their Ford, Frank Hansen can carry as many in his Chev touring. If you see a green Ford coupe with the paint slightly white in almost every opposed spot, you will instantly know that it belongs to Alan Carley, who was foozled into believing that it was a good paint job." Medford Mail Tribune, February 27, 1930, page 7 In 1930 Fred Colvig was a junior and his brother Bob a sophomore. ![]() ACCOMPLISHES CLIMBING FEAT
is believed to be one of the most difficult hill climbing feats ever
performed by automobile was successfully accomplished last month when
H. F. Lange of the Armstrong Motor Company of Oregon drove a new Austin
bantam to the summit of Table Rock over a wagon trail that has not been
used for years.
News of the feat, which was accomplished by a standard model Austin coupe with no special gear reductions, was received here Wednesday by Ray Little, president and manager for the Austin Motor Sales Company, local Austin distributors. In the ascent of the trail, grades as steep as 40 percent were encountered, with loose rock and large boulders adding additional handicaps. After reaching the top the bantam machine was driven to the front of the rock facing Medford and was photographed as evidence of its feat. Perched on the edge of the great rock, with the vertical rock wall dropping hundreds of feet to the valley, the tiny bantam when viewed from below resembled a fly sitting atop a barrel. Both motion and still pictures were taken of the car. Lange gave credit to Ethyl gasoline for a share of the success of the demonstration. E. F. White, Jack Worth and Carl Williams were official boulder movers for the climb. The first two named sustained slight injuries when the car, in motion, hurled stones at them from under its tires. They plan to use shin protectors and baseball masks the next time the climb is made. On completion of the climb, Lange made the following statement: "I believe that an automobile cannot be put to any harder test than driving up to the top of Table Rock. Every part of the car is subject to the most terrific strain, and the body twist and wrack is sufficient to break any but the best material and construction." The run was officially observed by a representative of the Medford Mail Tribune. Oakland Tribune, October 26, 1930, page B7 SIMPLE TESTS NECESSARY FOR DRIVER PERMIT
New Law Becomes Effective Today--Vision, Ability Read Highway Signs in Examination
SALEM, Ore., July 1.--(AP)--Oregon's new drivers' examination law as
provided by the last legislature becomes effective today. All persons
now wishing to secure operators' licenses must pass an examination,
Kent Shoemaker, in charge of the operators' license bureau, announced.
Nine examiners were recently appointed and located in various parts of
the state, to give these licenses.No application blanks will be sent out in the mail and no applications will be received by mail, it was announced. All applications for operators' licenses, chauffeurs' licenses, student permits and temporary instruction permits must be made personally, the law provides. The examination itself will not in any way work a hardship upon the average applicant, the department of state announced. Simple Tests
It will consist of a simple vision test, color-blind test, check on
ability to read highway signs and signals, general survey of physical
condition as relates to ability to operate a vehicle safely and a
written examination on rules of the road. Temporary instruction permits
will be issued new drivers after passing the examination. Failure to
pass the examination does not eliminate him. He may take the
examination as many times as he wishes until he can pass.All persons who have licenses issued prior to today will not be required to renew their license immediately, but they must be renewed sometime within the next three years, the law provides. Medford Mail Tribune, July 1, 1931, page 1
WASHINGTON, July 25--(UP)--Each motorist in the United States paid
an average tax of $33.09 incident to the operating expenses of his
machine, it was announced here by the American Motorists' Association.Average Assessment for Motorists Is Highest in Land-- Average Gas Tax of Nation Is $19.68 per Year. The average gasoline tax was $19.68 and the other miscellaneous taxes, such as registrations, tags, permits, etc., averaged $13.41, according to the statistics gathered by the association. The motorists of Oregon were the heaviest taxpayers, with an average assessment of $64, the motorists' association announced, and Florida and Georgia followed with $53 and $52 respectively. The residents of the District of Columbia were the least burdened by operating taxes, paying $14, and Massachusetts, with $20, and Utah, with $25, followed the nation's capital in light assessments. Medford Mail Tribune, July 26, 1931, page 4 BUS AND TRUCK LIGHTS ORDERED
Enforcement of the new marker light regulations for trucks and
stages on the highways will start at once by the state police, Captain
Lee Bown of the Southern Oregon division announced today. The
regulations were recently ordered by Secretary of State Hal Hoss.Passenger auto stages are required to display blue lights on the top and front of the stage, and freight trucks white or amber lights. This will enable the approaching driver to determine whether he is meeting a stage or a truck. The lights must be so displayed as to indicate the width of the vehicle. Any motor car engaged in the passenger hauling business is required to follow the marker rules. Stage and freight line operators will be advised of the new rules starting today. Captain Bown said that the marker light regulations would be enforced throughout the entire state and were invoked in an effort to minimize traffic dangers. Medford Mail Tribune, August 25, 1931, page 3 BLINDFOLD DRIVE SCHEDULED HERE
noon a spectacular event will be presented for the Medford public, when
H. W. Sitton under the hypnotic spell of Alano Taka Dass will drive
through the streets of the city, blindfolded. He will be guided by
auto-suggestion and mental telepathy.The drive will start at 12:30 sharp, from the Holly Theater, where Alano is appearing each night. The demonstration will be free, and all persons who enjoy a real thrill are urged to be on hand and promised that they will not be run over by the weird driver. Alano Taka Dass will put his manager, Sitton, under hypnotic spell before allowing him to start on the daredevil drive. He will drive an auto furnished by the Chevrolet agency here. Medford Mail Tribune, October 21, 1931, page 9 AUTOISTS TOLD HOW TO OBTAIN DRIVER'S CARDS
The realization that all drivers' licenses issued before July 1, 1931,
will be automatically canceled by law on September 1 has awakened
active interest in many motorists, reports Hal E. Hoss, secretary of
state. The most common question asked at his office is: "What must I do
to get a new license?"Anticipating that this information will be more in demand as the expiration date on all old licenses draws near, Mr. Hoss has issued a brief formula for obtaining a new-type license. First--The applicant must obtain the standard application blank from the secretary of state or from local examination headquarters, state police, sheriff's office, or chamber of commerce. Second--He must fill out the form in full and sign it in the presence of a notary public or other person authorized to administer oaths. All state examiners are notaries public and will perform this service without charge. Third--The applicant must file the completed form by September 1, either by leaving it with an examiner or by sending it to the secretary of state at Salem. In either case, a payment of $1 must accompany the application. Each of the requirements are provided by law and no license can be issued unless all are complied with, it was stated. Medford Mail Tribune, July 14, 1933, page 14 EVERY OREGONIAN COULD TAKE RIDE AT ONCE IN CARS
SALEM, Ore.--(UP)--All Oregonians could easily ride at once in cars
owned in the state, figures compiled at the secretary of state's office
show.Figures Show Ratio of 3.67 People to Each Auto--State Ranks Eighth in Proportional Number With 259,271 cars registered last year, the ratio was 367 persons to each one. Oregon ranks eighth among the states in proportional number of cars. The national average ts 5.08 persons to each auto. State with the highest ratio of automobile ownership is Nevada, where there are 2.86 persons for each car. Following are California 2.87, District of Columbia 3.03, Washington 3.50, Colorado 3.62, Iowa 3.63, Nebraska 3.66, Oregon 3.67, Kansas 3.73, Minnesota 3.75. Georgia Lowest.
Lowest down the list are Georgia 10.10, Alabama 11.66, Mississippi 13.48, Arkansas 13.58.Greatest number of cars is owned in New York, 2,241,930. In California are registered 1,971,616, Pennsylvania 1,664,021, Washington 446,001, Montana 108,128, Arizona 94,947, Nevada 31,830. Oregon ranks 28th in number of cars owned. Washington, with a gain of 6 percent, was the only state to show a gain in 1932 registrations over 1931. Nevada, with 1.1 percent, showed the lowest decline of any state. California lost 3.5 percent for ninth lowest, Oregon 6.8 for 17th. Registrations declined 18.8 percent in Mississippi, 24.5 in Arkansas. All Tax Gasoline.
Every state in the Union taxes gasoline to raise road funds, a survey
showed, rates running from two to seven cents a gallon. The seven-cent
rate is imposed by Florida and Tennessee. Six cents a gallon is charged
motorists in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina
and South Carolina.Oregon's five-cent rate is equaled in Arizona, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Montana, New Mexico, Virginia and Washington. Four cents is assessed in Colorado, Indiana, Maine, Maryland. Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming. States taxing gasoline three cents a gallon are California, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota and Pennsylvania. The two-cent rate is charged in Connecticut, Rhode Island, Missouri and District of Columbia. Increased in Oregon.
The Oregon gasoline tax started at one cent in 1918, increased to two
in 1921, to three in 1923, to four in 1929 and five in 1933.Though the high license fees formerly imposed in Oregon were a source of complaint for many years, the survey showed average total fees paid on private passenger cars only slightly above average for the nation. Oregon motorists paid an average of $44.30 a year in registration fees and gasoline taxes. National average was $43.21. Averages for other states last year included California $27.65, Idaho $44, Montana $43.34, Washington $63.73. Average fees paid by Washington motorists were exceeded only by those levied in Arkansas. Medford Mail Tribune, September 6, 1933, page 8 A SNAKE YARN
MEDFORD, Ore.--Declaring a rattlesnake
had punctured his tire, J. C. Clark of this city rolled his automobile
into town with a "flat."The Key West Citizen, Key West, Florida, October 14, 1933, page 4 AUTOISTS FLOCK TO SHERIFF FOR LICENSE PLATES
The final rush for 1934 auto licenses was under way today in the
sheriff's office, with 125 applications filed in the first two hours
this morning.Truck operators have been granted a week's grace, owing to some confusion in the law. Up to noon today 1,944 applications had been filed with the sheriff, and it is estimated that 1200 autoists in the county have filed direct with the secretary of state at Salem. Authorities figure that three out of every five autos now bear plates or permits, and that by the end of the week 95 percent of the motorists will be breezing down the highways with legal passports. Foreign licenses--some for this year--have started showing up. If the car owner is a resident of Oregon, or engaged in gainful occupation here, he will be required to purchase an Oregon license. Both the California and Washington license is $3. The Oregon fee is $5. Purchase of the auto in California does not absolve the Oregon motorist from the duty of purchasing an Oregon license. A roundup of autoists, chiefly in the more distant districts, who have not yet purchased their last year's plate is scheduled. Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1934, page 8 AUTO LICENSES IN COUNTY NEAR 4000
Auto licenses issued to date by the sheriff's office for 1934 total
close to 2500. It is estimated that between 1500 and 2000 Jackson
County autoists procured their licenses direct from the secretary of
state. This brings the total between 4000 and 4500. There are
approximately 5000 autos in Jackson County, so the license buying is
still shy from 500 to 1000.A majority of those now seeking licenses are for trucks, as issuance of permits for this type of vehicle was delayed by non-arrival of the proper blanks in time. A roundup of license delinquents and checkup on foreign licenses is scheduled by state police. Medford Mail Tribune, January 7, 1934, page 4 3413 GET AUTO TAGS AT SHERIFF'S OFFICE
Records of the sheriff's office show that 3413 auto licenses were
issued by that department since December 16 to Jackson County autoists.
This is exclusive of the Ashland licensing station and those secured
direct from the secretary of state.The figures indicate that a high percentage of Jackson County autoists have new licenses on their cars and trucks. Definite figures on the auto delinquency will not be available for six weeks. Medford Mail Tribune, January 17, 1934, page 8 Survey Shows That Young Men Still
Speeding on Street
There is no moral to the following; it is plain common
Part of this information was given us by a business man. He says that for nine days after the fatal accident that occurred recently, the young men of the town drove very carefully, slowed up on every corner, but the tenth day he saw various ones turning corners on two wheels, especially when there happened to be young ladies on the corners. High school girls stood on the street and made the boys drive out around them. One of the worst corners at the noon hour is the corner of Pine (commonly called Main) and Fourth streets. This being a paved street, most of the school children pass that way. Everything possible should be done to prevent an accident there. Youth has ever been the same and needed the curb of the older generation. One party held their breath every time a certain car whizzed by their corner, but did nothing about it. They often said it was a wonder some child was not killed. The driver of the car was a neighbor boy, and it would be bad to have the neighbor sore at them. But which would be better: to have the neighbor sore, or grieve on account of their son cutting short the life of a little child? Every man or woman who sees a person driving recklessly enough to endanger life, and does not report it or speak to the driver about it and warn him that he will report it if he ever sees him do that again, is guilty if said driver kills someone. Our laws should be enforced. People will report fast driving, but when asked to swear to it, they say, "Oh, I don't want anyone to be mad at me. Can't something be done and keep my name out of it?" What do people make traffic laws for, to talk about how dreadful it is for someone to break them? Every man, woman and child living in a community should be partly responsible for every accident in that community. Not only [the] driver of a vehicle should be careful but pedestrians and bicycle riders are often far more to blame. We have seen bicyclists take chances that it was only the presence of mind and quick action on the part of the driver that saved their lives. Central Point American, April 17, 1941, page 1 LITTRELL PARTS, Industrial Supplies, was founded by E. A. Littrell in 1922 as the Littrell Parts Co. at Medford, Oregon, and has since grown to be one of the leading business concerns in the field of automotive and industrial supplies. The company, a leader in its line, is distributor for many firms in the Southern Oregon and Northern California territories. Continually expanding, this supply house has branches in several cities of Oregon and California. The main office at Medford is now housed in a modern building, recently completed, equipped with up-to-date, systematic wood shelving, which permits accurate customer service. Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1948-49, page 27B LITTRELL, E. A. (AL) Businessman; Civic and Community Leader. b. Colfax, New Mexico, Sept. 21, 1900; son of E. A. and Belle (Philips) Littrell; educated grade and high schools Raton, New Mexico; m. Nell Lewis of Raton, New Mexico May 23, 1917; children Harold R. (U.S. Army), William W. (U.S.N.), Robert D. 2nd Lt. Air Corps, Army) and Helen Louise; began as mechanic New Mexico; removed to Oregon 1920; partner Littrell Parts Co. 1923-27; incorporated 1927; president to 1935; owner, Littrell Parts Co. 1935 to date (branches Grants Pass, Dunsmuir and Yreka, Calif.); secretary Jackson Investment Co.; owner Sparta Bldg. and Elliott Bldg.; chairman advisory committee Office of Defense Transportation World War II; member City Council 1933-34; member Motor and Equipment Wholesale Dealers Associations, Society of Automotive Engineers; one of first three parts houses to sell automobile parts exclusively; past president Lions Club; Rotarian; Elk; K.T. Mason; Hillah Shriner; Republican; Presbyterian; home 619 E. Main St.; office 319 E. 6th St., Medford. Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1948-49, page 347 LITTRELL, HAROLD RAYMOND Manager, Littrell Parts. b. Dawson, New Mexico June 24, 1918; educated public schools of Medford; m. Jeannie Jorgensen of Parker, South Dakota Aug. 16, 1946; started in present firm as delivery boy, advancing to shipping clerk, salesman and in 1945 manager, Littrell Parts firm founded by E. A. Littrell in 1922; served as staff sergeant in U.S. Army 1942-45, overseas; member Chamber of Commerce; 20-30 Club; Legionnaire; member Country Club; Democrat; Presbyterian; home 525 Palm St.; office 319 E. 6th St., Medford. Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1948-49, page 347 HUMPHREY, Frank Waterman Automobile Distributor. b. Portland, Oregon, Dec. 12, 1904; son of Frank H. and Nadine (Jones) Humphrey; educated Portland public schools; m. Greta Cleveland of Kelso, Wisc. Nov. 9, 1926; daughter Helen Mary; early activity with Standard Oil Co., various cities Oregon and Washington 1923-37; manager General Petroleum, Klamath Falls 1938-38; partner, Briggs-Humphrey Motor Co., Medford 1938-39; owner Humphrey Motors (Plymouth, De Soto and Mack Trucks), Medford 1939 to date; chairman Snell for Governor Committee; member National and Oregon Automobile Dealers Associations; Kiwanian; Elk; member Chamber of Commerce; K.T. Mason; Hillah Shriner; Republican; Episcopalian; home 28 Geneva; office 33 N. Riverside, Medford. Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1948-49, pages 283-284 SKINNER, ROBERT A. Automobile Distributor, Buick, Cadillac and G.M.C. Products. b. Roby, Texas Sept. 19, 1890; son of John David and Mary E. (Weatherby) Skinner; educated grade and high schools Texas; m. Edna C. Snyder of Medford, Oregon March 16, 1924; sons Arlon Edward (veteran Army Air Corps), Harold H.; Medford Grocery Company 1910-12; apprentice mechanic at Medford 1912-16; Manley Auto Co. shop foreman, Portland 1916-19; co-partner Skinner's Garage Ltd. with H. M. Price and Mrs. R. A. Skinner 1921-; owner Skinner Bldg.; operated orchard Medford 1928-36; member Medford City Budget Commission 1944-45; served on West Side School Board five years; National Oregon Southern Oregon Auto Dealers (past president) Association; Elk (since 1921); Chamber of Commerce; K.T. Mason (Hillah Shrine); Protestant; home 1004 E. Main; office 1435 S. Riverside Avenue, Medford. Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1948-49, page 511 WINETROUT, Clarence Arthur Retired Automobile Distributor. b. Galion, Ohio, April 1, 1886; son of George and Caroline (Melchior) Winetrout; educated grade schools Applegate, Oregon (near Medford); m. Alice E. Hanson of Grants Pass; children Clarence A. Jr. (veteran U.S.N. overseas), Marilyn; began as rodman and recorder U.S. Government Geological Survey, Oregon and California three years; Grants Pass Hardware Co., Grants Pass 1908-13; C. A. Winetrout, farm implement business Grants Pass 1913-20; C. A. Winetrout Ford Dealers 1920-44, now retired; also operated dealerships as partner Lakeview, Klamath Falls, Roseburg, Grants Pass and Medford (Oregon) and Crescent City (California), partner now Medford and Roseburg; owner Montgomery Ward Bldg., Grants Pass; former director Oregon Caves Resorts; former president Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce; past chief Big Horn, Cave Men; member state, national auto dealers associations; member Old Time Auto Club of America; active all war drives World War II; S.R. Mason; Hillah Shriner (Jesters); Kiwanian; Republican; Protestant; home 39 Berkeley Blvd., Medford. Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1948-49, page 596 WINETROUT, Clarence Arthur Jr. Automobile Dealer. b. Grants Pass, Oregon May 23, 1919; educated public schools Grants Pass; University of Oregon; Kappa Sigma; m. Betty La Rue of Orange, Calif. Dec. 20, 1939; children Gary, Jerry, C. A. III; entire business activity with Crater Lake Motors, beginning used car department Grants Pass, manager, partner Medford 1941- (Ford products dealers); veteran U.S.N. World War II (five engagements); member Oregon Auto Dealers Association; Southern Oregon Dealers Association; National Auto Dealers Association Medford Auto Dealers Association; member Chamber of Commerce; Country Club; Elk; Kiwanian; Mason; Hillah Shriner; Republican; Protestant; home 2435 Lyman; office West Main and Front streets, Medford. Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1948-49, page 596 Charles C. Furnas Observes 29th
Year in Service Station
As the Medford Service Station celebrates its 29th birthday today,
Charles C. Furnas also observes his 29th anniversary as an owner and
operator of the business, which was Medford's first service station and
which has been located at Main Street and Riverside Avenue since its
establishment.Furnas, former mayor of Medford, remarked recently that he has seen "a lot of changes" since he, F. M. Lucas and W. S. Long opened the station. In 1919, he pointed out, Roseburg was a day's travel toward Portland from Medford and in the winter autos were shipped from Redding to Medford. He recalled that Bill Hanna, brother of Circuit Judge Herbert K. Hanna, was agent for [the] Associated Oil Company at that time. Indicating the transition from the "horse and buggy" days in this community, Furnas mentioned that the station was built on a site once occupied by a blacksmith's shop. Lucas and Long dropped out of the enterprise in the early years and Lucas passed away several years ago. Wartime employment shortages past, Medford Service Station is again operating the gasoline and oil dispensing unit, which has always been a part of the establishment, and services sleek 1948 vehicles with Associated Oil products and Goodyear tires just as it did the jalopies of yesteryear. Furnas, associated with the city council from 1930 to 1940, first as councilman then as mayor, became mayor in the fall of 1937. He came to Medford in the fall of 1918 and is a past master of the Masonic lodge. Medford Mail Tribune, January 19, 1948, page 8 Brush Car
To the Editor: There wuz an article in the Mail Tribune about
a Brush car which I never wrote. It said: "There was a guy in Ashland
who drove a Brush. He put mountain dew in the gas tank and got 31 miles
to the gallon."
The figures are wrong. Sometimes I used a gallon of gas to get away from the fireplug. Sometimes I made 91 miles and never used a drop of gas. It all depended on the carburetor, thermometer, barometer and altimeter. When I made 91 miles, I used teenagers to push the car. We tried everything to start the engine. Place the car in gear, prop up one wheel and try Russian roulette. Not a bang. The football team would put the car in gear, pick up the hind wheels and run, then drop the hind wheels onto the ground and see what happened. It didn't start the engine, it just blew the spark plug down the northeast side of ol' Pompadour [Butte]; the engine wuz spinning like it never spun before, but it didn't start the engine. The high cliff was a great temptation, but we didn't. The only time I ever got the engine going good wuz when I put mountain dew in the carburetor and cranked the car in reverse. It leaped over the sidewalk into a plate glass window of a jewelry store full of diamonds. The newspaper said: "High school student hits $10,000 diamond jackpot with $2.49 Brush car." After this happened, I never cranked the car on the same side of the street as the police station. I figured there wuzn't no use taking the windshield into the police station to get the ticket on it. I ain't the guy wot started puttin' windshields on cars. Since they put windshields on cars and parking meters in Jackson County, I ain't done nothin' but pick parking tickets off the cotton pickin' windshield. There is a law against pasting literature on the windshield, but there ain't no law against a policeman plastering the windshield with $15 worth of parking tickets.
Everett Acklin,
Medford Mail Tribune, February
12, 1961, page 5Ashland, Ore. 77 Percent of County Residents
Commute by Auto
Facts and figures have just been released by the government showing the
means of transportation used by Jackson County residents, and by people
in other areas, to get to work each day.
The survey, which is concerned primarily with the nation's difficult commuting problems, is represented by a 560-page publication called "Journey to Work." It was prepared by the Department of Commerce, incorporating data gathered during the last census. Locally, it shows, the private car is the chief reliance for the daily trek to work. Commute by Car
Of the
country's 24,207 residents who go to work each day, some 18,662, equal
to 77 percent of the total, commute by car or by car pool.By way of comparison, the proportion of workers throughout the United States who drive to their jobs is 64 percent. In the Pacific States it is 72 percent, and in the state of Oregon, 72 percent. To a considerable extent, the nature of each area is a factor in determining the means of transportation used: The compact, highly urbanized communities have more public transit facilities, as a rule, than do the more rural areas. In such localities, more people use buses, street cars and rail transit, or walk to work, than in others. Some Walk to Work
In Jackson
County, the report shows, there are 2,454 who are listed as walking to
work and 1,546 who have jobs that enable them to work at home.For the remainder of the local working population, the means of travel is varied. The number who use buses is given as 111, those who commute by other means 386, and those who use taxicabs, motorcycles and other conveyances 526. The number in the "not reported" category is 522. The growth of population in the United States, the move toward the suburbs and the steady increase in the number of cars and trucks on the road have greatly complicated the transportation problem. In some localities, where traffic congestion is most severe, the expanded use of mass transportation, especially buses, is being looked to as a solution. Medford Mail Tribune, February 23, 1964, page 6 ![]() Medford Service Station in the 1920s In about 1953 the dealership was acquired by Jim Shoemaker, who brought in a partner, William (Bill) T. Clark, previously a Portland district manager for Goodyear. They operated and expanded the dealership to its peak during the 1960s. Clark and Shoemaker operated the main store with a recap shop and a truck tire store on Crater Lake Highway. In 1974, Bill Clark sold the dealership to the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. As a company-owned store the dealership closed the truck tire store on Crater Lake Highway and the recap operation. After 11 years operation, as a Goodyear company-owned store, the dealership was sold to the Roseburg Goodyear dealership, who operated the dealership until 1988. Medford Tire Service ad, Medford Mail Tribune, March 23, 1989, page B15 Last revised January 27, 2025 |