Jackson County Auto Directory
Why did Agnes I. Merrell need four Fords?
Finley, Everett, Route 2, Box 104,
Medford Touring 1920 52440 22976Name
Body Type
Year Engine
No. License No.
Hittson Motors, 36-40 S. Fir, Medford Touring 1920 52479 28492 Morrill, Mrs. Helen, Central Point Touring 1921 52619 4056 Scott, J. W., 10 S. Fir, Medford Touring 1920 52573 26237 AUBURN
Hilton, Geo., Route 2, Medford Touring
1918 7W90778 15415BRISCOE
Lockwood, E. C., Phoenix Touring 1918
4056A 28443Nicholson, W. E., Route 2, Box 114, Medford Roadster 1915 1132 26312 BUICK
Amy, F. M., 117 N. Central, Medford
Touring 1920 674373 29675Andrews, A., 35 N. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1914 C7204 23172 Barnum, W. V., Route 4, Box 75, Medford Touring 1920 631172 4154 Barrett, H. J., Talent Roadster 1917 329978 3241 Beebe, W. B., Route 1, Box 85, Ashland Touring 1919 24816 3883 Bellinger, F. R., 125 N. Holly, Medford Touring 1921 726114 24236 Beswick, Richard, Box 85, Ashland Touring 1916 195606 38690 Briscoe, G. A., 913 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1922 799169 16097 Butler, E. N., Box 73, Ashland Touring 1921 739339 29667 Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main, Medford Touring 1922 821925 10600 Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main, Medford Touring 1921 747055 10597 Cameron, Zach, 627 S. Central, Medford Touring 1915 132883 14925 Carey, J. B., 548 S. Front, Medford Roadster 1922 821960 7617 Carlton, F. L., 1015 N. Central, Medford Touring 1922 799069 24199 Coleman, E. G., Phoenix Touring 1920 657293 11938 Daily, Winnifred, Hillcrest Orchard, Medford Roadster 1918 406117 37888 Driskel, D. W., 310 S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1917 249788 18558 Dunlap, Chas., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1917 222697 39458 Elden R. W., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1920 639737 1000 Enders, H. G., 328 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1917 306764 28672 Garrett, G. C., 426 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1918 360561 26678 Gill, J. S., Talent Touring 1920 632024 39726 Gleim, H. S., Talent Touring 1920 670869 26680 Grey, J. O., 22 Rose Ave., Medford Roadster 1915 109710 22453 Grubb, J. L., 114 3rd, Ashland Touring 1917 249636 171 Homes, Susanne W., 137 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1917 208437 11604 Hansen, J. P., Route 4, Box 88, Medford Touring 1917 317720 24232 Harkins, Geo., Ashland Touring 1919 530188 12474 Jenkins, F. E., 121 Kenwood, Medford Touring 1917 337845 22455 Johnson, D. E., 411 S. King, Medford Touring 1921 725074 28668 Kelting, R. M., Ashland Touring 1920 605089 2638 Kenly, F. C., Route 1, Medford Touring 1921 696750 3147 Kincaid, E. L., Route 1, Box 122, Ashland Touring 1917 255953 24570 Low, O. D., Route 1, Ashland Touring 1920 590577 3122 Lowry, B. B., Route 4, Medford Touring 1917 230902 29662 Lufkin, C. G., Holland Hotel, Medford Roadster 1922 798673 28336 McAllister, G. C., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1921 747090 28223 McDonald, C. W., 823 E. Main, Medford Touring 1920 562253 16092 Mellor, G. T., Route 1, Box 68, Medford Roadster 1913 3553 28997 Merritt, Jennie E., Gold Hill Touring 1920 693083 37302 Miller, W. L., 524 W. 4th, Medford Touring 1917 195151 22448 Millet, Claude, 321 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1921 733848 28998 Millner, J. W., R.F.D., Box 64, Ashland Touring 1920 658034 17720 Moore, E. W., 719 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1920 230788 15906 Morse, O. A., 521 Edwards, Medford Touring 1918 354448 14484 Myers, P. H., Gold Hill Roadster 1920 611646 19317 Owen, Mrs. Geo., Box 168, Ashland Touring 1921 747796 4235 Palmer, B. J., 211 N. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1920 657427 38257 Philpott, J. H., 53 Alida, Ashland Touring 1920 633071 24226 Poole, A. T., Trail Touring 1918 249608 15307 Pruett, I. A., Route 3, Box 125, Medford Touring 1917 195166 4153 Plummer, H. B., 151 Wimer, Ashland Touring 1919 665100 19664 Plymale, Mrs. Vera, 107 Genessee, Medford Touring 1921 746806 37879 Rapp, Fred, Talent Touring 1920 674884 13778 Richardson, S. T., 31 Geneva, Medford Touring 1921 746820 37787 Ridley, W. R., 343 B, Ashland Touring 1915 103241 10441 Reed, Nellie, Gold Hill Touring 1922 730209 19657 Rose, Howard, 3 Hillcrest Ave., Ashland Touring 1922 799085 27431 Sander, F. C., Route 2, Box 57, Medford Touring 1918 398761 8357 Sander, W. G., Box 592, Ashland Touring 1918 366774 28121 Scherer P. A., Rogue Farm, Central Point Touring 1916 169558 2536 Sherid, W. J., Route 2, Box 79, Central Point Touring 1915 102848 29842 Short, E. Grace, 1026 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1922 799506 29843 Skinner, R. A., 1020 E. Main, Medford Roadster 1920 583257 23182 Smith, H. C., Hotel Holland, Medford Roadster 1919 531500 23180 Stanwood, O. C., Route 4, Medford Touring 1919 616222 24802 Steep, Ed, 210 Crater Lake Ave., Medford Touring 1917 337451 19579 Thayer, Dr. F. G., 1031 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1918 347317 28725 Ulrich, Roy, Jacksonville Touring 1917 305245 29673 Vetter, Frank, 1131 Oak, Ashland Touring 1918 428016 12250 White, Mrs. Mary F., Rogue River Touring 1917 284011 9446 CADILLAC
Harder, B. E., 16 N. Orange, Medford
Touring 1921 59E375 27424Owen, Leila S., Box 1122, Medford Victoria 1921 59U217 3410 Emmens, Dr. J. J., 1443 E. Main, Medford Touring 1921 59P886 802 Wolf, J. P., 586 B, Ashland Touring 1916 A22683 25547 CASE
Clemens, Mrs. Ruth W., Box 829, Medford
Touring 1918 9N32412 7924Godding, Earl, Phoenix Touring 1915 23773 25682 CHALMERS
Barber, Mrs. M. C., 836 Minnesota,
Medford Touring 1919 B9939 26099Barneburg, D. H., 159 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1919 9923 37666 Blain, F. M., Modoc Orchards, Medford Touring 1917 71609 24945 Chapman, V. H., Route 1, Ashland Touring 1918 5737 4445 Crowson, W. Y., 1012 E. Main, Medford Touring 1915 32A679 28049 Currie, J. A., 31 N. Orange, Medford Touring 1919 4242 22749 Ellstad, A. T., Central Point Touring 1919 5604 5023 Hibbard, J. G., 319 S. Laurel, Medford Touring 1920 18087 37564 Huey, A. S., 30 Rose Ave., Medford Touring 1919 10844 16328 Jacoby, H. R., 507 Palm Ave., Ashland Touring 1918 77229 10783 Lambkin, C. B., 157 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1918 3040 7825 Lockwood, B. O., 806 E. Jackson, Medford Touring 1920 16962 22621 McOuat, S. W., 30 Riverside Apts., Medford Coupe 1917 91838 37697 Morris, S. R., 164 Factory, Ashland Touring 1917 441410 28684 Neilson, Geo. W., 436 N. Bartlett, Medford Touring 1919 4836 37386 Parsley, G. T., 692 B, Ashland Touring 1917 4447 7703 Roberts, W. J., 522 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1919 4877 19722 Sargent, A. S., Route 2, Medford Touring 1919 19664 37654 Shaw, Dr. T. T., 204 E. Main, Medford Touring 1918 3897 24451 Wilcox, R. H., Route 1, Medford Touring 1917 7683 19359 Winter, J. M., Route 2, Medford Touring 1917 14325 29929 Wright, J. N., Central Point Touring 1915 26A1309 37752 CHANDLER
Davis, S. V., 21 Geneva, Medford Touring
1920 83751 2179Dickey, F. F., 160 Factory, Ashland Dispatch 1918 57011 24864 Gearing, R. C., Route 1, Box 165, Ashland Dispatch 1919 55735 24814 Hutchison, C. I., 1123 W. Main, Medford Touring 1921 94823 27684 Keliehor, Miss Annie, 1019 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1920 79194 1314 McCoy, J. W., Medford Touring 1920 84643 27867 Morris, C. T., Route 1, Ashland Touring 1917 41367 22920 Prose, Mrs. Emma, 314 Garfield, Ashland Dispatch 1921 92251 37520 White, Ed M., Route 2, Box 102, Medford Touring 1920 79105 11075 Wilson, E. M., 306 N. Central, Medford Dispatch 1918 40636 22695 Young, Kate, 405 N. Central, Medford Touring 1921 90912 27491 CHEVROLET
Abbott, A. F., 108 Aleda, Ashland Touring 1919
B71743 13661Adams, J. Q., 295 Grant, Ashland Touring 1918 A68098 29701 Adams, M. A., Central Point Touring 1920 C39751 14911 Ambrose, J. G., 502 Fairview Ave., Ashland Touring 1922 56255 12594 Anderson, Sam, Central Point Touring 1920 D22537 14587 Applegate, Roscoe, 996 Oak, Ashland Touring 1920 C57305 24495 Banta, C. W., 57 4th, Ashland Touring 1918 B36309 6902 Barneburg, H. W., Route 1, Medford Touring 1919 C9735 29706 Bates, Henry, 128 W. Main, Medford Touring 1920 D91949 19494 Beaver, A. M., 916 Iowa, Ashland Touring 1918 86062 25423 Beebe, K. W., Central Point Touring 1918 B61294 532 Bell, T. N., Jacksonville Touring 1918 42526 12449 Bichan, J. B., care C. C. Cate, Medford Touring 1920 BT71361 37599 Biden, E. N., 711 E. Jackson, Medford Touring 1919 C26711 39693 Blaker, C. H., 1165 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1922 41473 14590 Boardman, E. J., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1917 178296 23375 Bolan Creek Mining Co., 47 N. Orange, Medford Touring 1920 D59426 33799 Brayton, E. H., Route 2, Medford Touring 1920 C49544 16227 Bristow, J. B., 541 Fairview, Ashland Touring 1920 D33991 1433 Brock, Edward, Medford Touring 1920 D57801 8344 Brooks, G. W., Route 2, Box 26, Medford Roadster 1916 58100 15268 Brookmiller, F. M., 810 Morton, Ashland Touring 1918 B1638 15090 Brower, Dr. D. M., 216 Factory, Ashland Touring 1921 C97899 5606 Buck, Clarence, Jacksonville Touring 1918 621063 28637 Bybee, J. W., Jacksonville Touring 1917 102316 19863 Calles, J. A., 246½ S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1922 61480 22599 Carley, R. E., 323 S. King, Medford Touring 1920 60489 27286 Carson, V. F., 872 Iowa, Ashland Touring 1920 B94535 25556 Case, A. H., Route 3, Medford Touring 1917 A30264 29055 Chamberlain, Grace H., R.F.D., Box 47, Ashland Touring 1920 D38060 13560 Clark, E. M., Central Point Touring 1918 B34063 19289 Clemens, J. E., Route 4, Box 15, Medford Touring 1920 D36636 29828 Cochran, F. O., Central Point Touring 1920 82464 14578 Conger, H. W., 232 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1918 53342 27337 Cope, H. F., 16 N. Quince, Medford Touring 1921 D83522 38975 Crews, J. R., Route 1, Medford Touring 1921 41649 25585 Daley, I. C., 205 Apple, Medford Touring 1920 B55708 1982 Darby, Glenn, Route 1, Medford Touring 1920 C54054 28790 Daugherty, F. A., Route 1, Box 98, Medford Touring 1919 C34599 4547 Davis, J. T., 1021 W. 9th, Medford Touring 1919 26130 22792 Davis, W. L., Route 1, Box 162, Ashland Touring 1919 C26945 22413 Davisson, H. W., Central Point Touring 1921 D57768 10796 Deadmond, J. J., Jacksonville Touring 1920 C76544 13610 Deardorff, Fred, 523 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1916 15294 16387 Denham, J. F., Box 32, Talent Touring 1922 41621 13569 De Voe, C. A., 1310 W. Main, Medford Touring 1918 E24597 39636 Dimick, E. E., Rogue River Touring 1919 B91738 29645 Dixon, H. G. Volney, 528 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1920 D38064 128 Emery, Nina B., 110 Mechanic, Ashland Touring 1919 C28675 4643 Farra, E. L., Central Point Touring 1920 C39675 27340 Farrow, Benj., Route 1, Box 18, Central Point Touring 1917 90857 24080 Fiddler, R. W., 265 4th, Ashland Touring 1919 C36060 26409 Finney, Mrs. Pluma, Box 149, Jacksonville Touring 1922 43131 12907 Fraley, C. W., 311 Mountain Ave., Ashland Touring 1919 69809 14582 Francis, James, Ruch Touring 1921 D86462 29221 Frideger, I. R., 36 S. 2nd, Ashland Touring 1919 C9437 27339 Froman, C. E., 147 Church, Ashland Touring 1918 B14748 19492 Gaddis & Dixon, Box 967, Medford Roadster 1920 D38866 23213 Garrett, G. E., Route 3, Medford Touring 1921 E10066 4543 Garnett, Mrs. Ben, 211 N. Peach, Medford Touring 1919 B68840 38793 Garrett, P. C., 765 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1918 B32606 7804 Garrison, C. F., 1037 Court, Medford Touring 1918 53278 23196 Gay, Chas. B., 522 S. Newtown, Medford Touring 1920 D41551 28388 Glenn, J. S., 130 W. 6th, Medford Touring 1918 A38316 314 Goff, C. L., 421 N. Riverside, Medford Touring 1920 67514 14726 Gore, John G., Route 4, Medford Touring 1921 E37220 24575 Gowland, Mrs. J. E., Route 1, Box 73, Ashland Touring 1918 B36193 29153 Grant, G. W., R.F.D., Box 172, Ashland Touring 1920 D43290 26699 Gribble, J. E., 139 Kenwood, Medford Touring 1920 C49570 5537 Griffin, J. W., 316 N. Central, Medford Touring 1921 E3411 19346 Guenther, H. H., 613 S. Newtown, Medford Touring 1922 E55701 11590 Hall, E. R., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1922 437530 829 Ham, Earl T., Gold Hill Touring 1918 B64466 27296 Hamill, P. W., Route 1, Medford Touring 1918 B15888 9542 Hamlin, Ed, Route 1, Box 98, Medford Touring 1918 A48640 13911 Hammett, Wm., 1421 E. Main, Medford Touring 1920 53019 1904 Hanby, A. J., 435 N. Holly, Medford Touring 1919 B87905 1517 Hartley, W. W., Route 2, Medford Touring 1918 A69017 24529 Hartman, Jasten, Jacksonville Touring 1918 B29846 22500 Heimroth, C. R., 315 S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1920 C84362 16378 Hendrickson, Joe, Route 1, Medford Touring 1922 E62638 29696 Hill, Thomas, 340 Granite, Ashland Touring 1921 D95976 1516 Holden, Miss B. L., Route 2, Box 59C, Medford Touring 1917 83617 182 Holdridge, C. W., Talent Touring 1920 57640 12224 Home Tel. & Tel. Co., The, 218 W. 6th, Medford Delivery 1917 A60676 6309 Hooker, H. E., 127 Portland Ave., Medford Touring 1918 B50883 27338 Hosley, R. E., 155 3rd, Ashland Touring 1921 58226 19496 Hover, W. U., Route 1, Box 100, Central Point Touring 1920 D16811 19869 Houston, J. A., Eagle Point Touring 1918 A48944 38779 Hubbard, Mrs. Fort, 440 S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1920 E10172 38798 Isaacs, C. W., 115 N. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1920 C59829 3893 Jackson, D. H., Route 1, Talent Touring 1919 C27334 10090 Jeschke, Carl, 310 Maple, Medford Touring 1918 A61254 38217 Jewett, H. P., Talent Touring 1918 A95900 19606 Johnson, Eli, Route 2, Box 126A, Medford Touring 1920 D49569 7571 Johnson, H. C., 548 C, Ashland Touring 1921 E4509 24290 Johnson, H. M., care Forest Service, Medford Roadster 1922 E56109 9488 Jones, F. J., 435 N. Central, Medford Touring 1920 D40936 3754 Jones, S. C., 709 Alder, Medford Touring 1919 C1473 24289 Jordan, J. S., 201 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1922 15027 25825 Judy, J. E., Route 1, Box 45, Medford Touring 1918 65896 17888 Kaiser, E. J., 172 Alida, Ashland Touring 1921 D14464 22896 Keizur, Walter, 1021 Niantic, Medford Touring 1918 B51448 14352 Kluth, O. R., 710 Penn. Ave., Ashland Touring 1919 B96393 29182 Lamb, C. E., Route 2, Medford Touring 1920 C97356 38602 Lane, E. L., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1920 C47684 1008 Law, C. L., Central Point Touring 1918 56054 19110 Leavitt, H. H., 440 Chestnut, Ashland Touring 1922 62307 29830 Locke, Genevieve K., 10 N. Quince, Medford Roadster 1921 63399 25045 Loomis, W. F., 366 B, Ashland Touring 1918 B24305 13574 Luman Bros., 314 E. Main, Medford Touring 1918 78411 29190 Manke, J. A., Route 1, Box 32, Medford Touring 1917 92899 39853 Marsh, H. E., 43 N. Peach, Medford Touring 1920 D33935 11132 Mason Ehrman & Co., 12th & Front, Medford Delivery 1920 D28353 39850 Mason, Harry, Talent Touring 1920 D13072 22892 Matthew, R. A., Route 3, Box 149, Medford Touring 1918 A45820 11342 Maxedon, J. R., 977 B, Ashland Delivery 1920 C34549 38477 McCredie, Clatous, Route 1, Medford Touring 1919 C35517 7365 McCredie, Wm., Central Point Touring 1918 11696 19356 McIlveen, R., 1140 W. 9th, Medford Touring 1918 A96868 5539 McKay, A. E., Route 1, Box 117, Medford Touring 1918 B1566 19112 McKinnis, H. F., Central Point Touring 1919 B80115 38482 McMann, W. S., 324 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1920 58918 11389 McNair, S. B., 361 Scenic Drive, Ashland Touring 1919 15922 8978 Merritt, Jennie E., Gold Hill Roadster 1917 A94074 38996 Merrell, W. E., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1918 B68888 38599 Meyer, Otto, Lake Creek Touring 1920 D70039 26704 Middlebusher, Mrs. M. E., Trail Touring 1922 65297 37427 Million, W. B., 603 Oak, Ashland Touring 1919 C11234 12901 Millionaire Mining Co., 327 N. Oakdale, Medford Truck 1921 D91787 37596 Milton, A. J., Box 176, Rogue River Touring 1918 A54069 26710 Morgan, J. S., 566 B, Ashland Touring 1918 B14719 1107 Morrow, O. B., Brookhurst Orchard, Medford Touring 1920 D86424 6048 Mulhollen, J. H., 925 N. Central, Medford Touring 1918 60103 25899 Nelson, F. L., 1101 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1918 B30202 13095 Nikolaus, Wm., 1127 W. Main, Medford Touring 1920 D22144 39003 Nye, Anna E., Route 1, Medford Touring 1920 D11337 28409 Ogden, Mr. & Mrs. O. F., 213 S. Central, Medford Touring 1921 E26031 13563 Oslin, J. S., 147 Ohio, Ashland Touring 1922 46977 28277 Owings, G. P., Box 137, Rogue River Touring 1922 41688 15362 Page-Dressler Co., 112 E. Main, Medford Sedan 1919 51818 28245 Parker, F. M., Box 219, Gold Hill Touring 1918 71828 13965 Patton, N. F., 192 Mechanic, Ashland Touring 1918 B94654 8601 Penland, L. O., Route 1, Talent Touring 1918 B1510 12655 Petersen, H. B., 937 Oak, Ashland Roadster 1917 98904 24313 Peterson, D. A., 79 Pine, Ashland Touring 1920 611299 16385 Phoenix Mercantile Co., Phoenix Delivery 1918 A90564 23274 Platt, H. F., 815 E. Jackson, Medford Touring 1920 C50559 8608 Port, Lee C., Jacksonville Touring 1917 91143 28381 Porter, Stewart, Route 1, Medford Touring 1918 C22100 11703 Prose, O. A., 314 Garfield, Ashland Roadster 1920 60528 29895 Pullman Baking Co., 717 N. Central, Medford Delivery 1917 B1365 11152 Quackenbush, P. W., Talent Touring 1918 51909 10277 Randle, C. W., Route 1, Box 78, Ashland Touring 1917 71460 38220 Randles, J. E., 413 S. Central, Medford Touring 1919 O59784 22409 Rathbun, A. L., Route 4, Box 26, Medford Touring 1918 87516 11637 Reachert, H. R., Route 1, Box 120, Talent Touring 1918 B45564 37478 Reames, H. W., Phoenix Touring 1918 B25193 5476 Reed, H. J., Route 4, Box 80, Medford Touring 1918 A38670 8057 Reter, R. R., 1321 E. Jackson, Medford Touring 1922 45626 24496 Rolston, J. H., 101 Vancouver, Medford Touring 1918 A57544 12656 Rose, K. M., 77 6th, Ashland Touring 1919 C40571 28739 Rowley, J. I., 115 Lincoln, Ashland Touring 1918 A87154 28740 Roys, Dwight, Walker Ave., Ashland Touring 1918 12889 9464 Russell, M., 803 N. Riverside, Medford Touring 1919 B93460 19611 Salsbury, Frank, Oak St., Ashland Touring 1917 17246 13922 Sander, F. C., Route 2, Box 57, Medford Touring 1918 45473 26413 Saulsberry, Lulu W., Jacksonville Touring 1920 C34580 28942 Schade, L. J., 717 E. Jackson, Medford Touring 1920 C58285 38605 Scholz, H. U., 906 N. Central, Medford Touring 1917 B31667 5317 Schuchard, A. A., Route 1, Box 98A, Medford Touring 1918 A73143 28248 Schuler, R., 911 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1922 37917 26413 Schulz, Wm., Route 4, Box 87, Medford Roadster 1918 89732 24308 Seymour, C. J., 1006 W. 4th, Medford Touring 1920 55424 27231 Shaver, C. N., Gold Hill Touring 1920 43930 10523 Sheets, Henry, Talent Touring 1916 H60116 12627 Shepherd, C. F., 658 Boulevard, Ashland Sedan 1921 58926 3379 Sims, James, Central Point Touring 1918 42625B 22493 Slane, J. H., Box 5, Phoenix Touring 1918 83168 24309 Smith, C. L., Box 241, Gold Hill Touring 1920 C42422 37612 Spence, E. P., R.F.D., Box 181A, Ashland Touring 1920 C73178 4917 Stacy, C. D., Route 4, Medford Touring 1920 C49481 28405 Stearns, S. O., Route 1, Box 100, Medford Touring 1919 C26769 22396 Stevens, B. R., 746 C, Ashland Touring 1920 D64013 22494 Stevens, J. B., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1918 65988 28403 Stratton, W. A., Route 1, Talent Touring 1921 E37315 28380 Sullivan, Alice B., 1119 N. Central, Medford Touring 1921 56068 27225 Sutton, Emmit, Gold Hill Touring 1921 E873 13767 Takao, Kay, Central Point Touring 1919 B96632 37348 Talent Mercantile Co., Talent Roadster 1918 B50684 38607 Tetherow, W. M., Central Point Touring 1921 E37248 19116 Tex, Guy, Central Point Touring 1920 C70871 7480 Thomas, A. W., Route 1, Box 137, Ashland Touring 1918 C16324 8186 Thrasher, Jack, Box 144, Jacksonville Roadster 1921 D97244 28747 Tuttle, Oscar, Box 4, Ashland Touring 1918 17154 38971 Tuttle, S. M., Table Rock Ranch, Central Point Roadster 1919 C34622 38976 Tyrrell, J. H., Route 2, Box 77, Medford Touring 1920 D57676 9490 Tyrrell, J. R., 513 S. King, Medford Touring 1920 D22477 29186 Ulrich, Chris, Jacksonville Touring 1920 C59331 15345 Van Houten, W. L., Gold Hill Touring 1920 D64169 524 Walker, J. J., Route 3, Medford Touring 1919 32331 2014 Walker, Nettie M., 111 Bush, Ashland Touring 1921 36989 15260 Walker, Mrs. S. J., Mira Vista Orchard, Medford Touring 1921 38308 39713 Wallace, Geo., Central Point Touring 1920 C54099 10383 Wallsten, B., 78 2nd, Ashland Touring 1922 44735 37468 Ward, R. C., Route 4, Box 49A, Medford Touring 1919 C118811 37467 Warner, H. E., 517 W. 11th, Medford Touring 1918 B24972 15261 Warner, Ruth, 847 W. 2nd, Medford Touring 1920 52761 6822 Warren, C. B., Medford Touring 1918 A86573 1903 Wattenberg, J., Eagle Point Touring 1919 C37478 37466 Webber, C. K., 838 W. 2nd, Medford Touring 1918 612489 37429 Webber, E. L., 511 W. Holly, Medford Touring 1918 B14644 29059 Wendt Bros., Jacksonville Touring 1922 42726 23202 Wendt Bros., Jacksonville Touring 1918 A87570 23201 Westerberg, H. R., Box 584, Ashland Touring 1920 73484 17688 White, A. C., 841 Haven, Medford Touring 1920 C74156 26701 Wilcox, L. H., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1918 1422 11055 Wolff, Mrs. Fred, Route 1, Box 85A, Central Point Touring 1918 A92521 19347 Wright, W. T., Central Point Touring 1920 C55574 13087 Young, Peter, Route 3, Box 1, Medford Touring 1921 E56271 13098 Zundel, Harold, Lake Creek Touring 1921 D86451 1902 CLEVELAND
Dix & Son, N., 263 Palm Ave., Ashland
Touring 1920 505 24863Elwood, E. D., 135 S. Central, Medford Touring 1920 6202 19715 Higinbotham, W. A., 866 Blaine, Ashland Touring 1921 94448 38704 Hodkinson, W. H., 91 Church, Ashland Touring 1920 8168 27637 Mason, Ehrman & Co., 12th & Front, Medford Roadster 1920 2092 38652 Roberts, G. M., 22 Geneva, Medford Touring 1920 9302 22600 Wiley, F. E., Central Point Touring 1920 7035 22689 Woods, Dr. E. A., 125 Wimer, Ashland Touring 1920 7003 808 COLUMBIA
Allen, Susie L., 96 Laurel, Ashland Sportster 1920
49275 6232Marrett, J. O., 126 Nursery, Ashland Touring 1920 97717 37648 Neil, J. L., R.F.D., Box 171, Ashland Sportster 1920 132064 34663 Wolf, J. P., 586 B, Ashland Sportster 1919 7W70333 25546 DIAMOND T
Pacific Fruit & Produce Co., 522 S. Front,
Medford Truck, 1½-ton 70174
Smith, J. L., 36 S. 2nd, Ashland Touring 1920
35576 28627DODGE
Arnold, C. B., Box 818, Medford
Touring 1921 633071 9241Arnold, R. H., Route 1, Box 30, Medford Touring 1920 496640 29614 Barneburg, F. E., Route 4, Medford Touring 1920 480022 27246 Barnum, Marion E., Route 4, Box 75, Medford Roadster 1919 434134 3986 Barr, Mrs. Elvira J., Cargill Court, Medford Touring 1921 615781 5312 Beall, Asbury, Route 2, Box 43, Central Point Touring 1921 496741 6346 Billings, Ralph, N. Main, Ashland Touring 1919 353063 9383 Bonar, J. S., Route 1, Medford Touring 1916 145417 6350 Boutelle, R. U., 16 Rose Ave., Medford Touring 1920 569256 22550 Brashear, A. R., Rogue River Roadster 1920 585518 24603 Brenner, John, Route 1, Box 111, Central Point Touring 1915 61406 27719 Brown, C. A., Route 1, Box 101, Ashland Touring 1919 396380 3969 Brownlee, John, 539 Penn. Ave., Medford Touring 1915 73169 10199 Brownlee-Olds Lumber Co., end N. Central, Medford Roadster 1919 364341 7709 Buchter, J. J., 720 Park, Medford Touring 1920 570783 24601 Bybee, F. E., Route 2, Medford Touring 1920 557739 24807 Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main, Medford Touring 1921 702213 11680 Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main, Medford Delivery 1917 337222 10596 Chapman, A. B., Route 1, Box 136, Ashland Touring 1917 210051 13659 Chattin, C. W., 316 Hargadine, Ashland Touring 1918 222492 13658 Colbaugh, D. Z., 1130 W. 5th, Medford Touring 1920 529236 24608 Compton, A. L., Ashland Touring 1917 104280 39791 Conwell, O. G., 220 Nutley, Ashland Touring 1917 176471 10106 Cotter, C. A., 167 Harrison, Ashland Touring 1922 699114 19157 Delsman, C. H., 1149 Oak, Ashland Touring 1917 170396 37439 Denney & Co., Box 1104, Medford Touring 1917 195807 11516 Dodge, J. M., Route 2, Box 143, Medford Touring 1917 132343 2709 Doubleday, Julia, Butte Falls Roadster 1919 43865 19233 Earl Fruit Co. of the N.W., Box 1005, Medford Touring 1921 573296 38326 Eddington, W. W., Gold Hill Touring 1918 255074 29638 Edgell, Corbin, Eagle Point Touring 1919 447885 22581 Elfers, Geo., Box 118, Phoenix Touring 1918 244884 6297 Ellinger, C. J., 839 Penn. Ave., Medford Sedan 1918 268222 7891 Elliott, T. H., Route 1, Box 146, Ashland Touring 1919 362146 23662 Fick, P. J., Jacksonville Touring 1919 431717 22577 Finley, Irving, Box 576, Ashland Touring 1915 55345 10767 Fish, J. W., Route 1, Box 96, Talent Touring 1921 2441115 26905 Ferns, Archie, Route 4, Box 49, Medford Touring 1916 111377 27817 Frazee, O. D., 603 S. King, Medford Touring 1919 348919 15173 Gillette, G. V., 129 High, Ashland Touring 1920 597382 22579 Goodrich, J. B., 20 S. Orange, Medford Touring 1920 501797 19146 Gray, Chas. E., Gold Hill Touring 1918 325770 6596 Gray, Lincoln, Ruch Touring 1917 147473 19151 Gregory, H. L., Route 2, Box 17, Central Point Touring 1917 229059 4330 Hall, Olen, 386 B, Ashland Touring 1919 384908 29619 Hamlin, J. W., 722 N. Riverside, Medford Touring 1921 717192 29618 Hanna, H. K., Jacksonville Touring 1918 259484 27480 Harris, L. D., Route 2, Box 51, Medford Touring 1918 298797 29630 Herbert, Mrs. S. M., 1013 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1920 501509 25728 Holm, Andrew, 221 N. Holly, Medford Touring 1917 167777 9132 Houston, W. T., Eagle Point Touring 1918 337165 29639 Howard, Dr. W. W., 7 Cargill Court, Medford Touring 1920 534894 37738 Hurley, J. M., Route 2, Medford Touring 1917 222365 8371 Inlow, C. V., 78 Mountain Ave., Ashland Touring 1917 297656 8845 Inman, J. A., Route 1, Medford Touring 1917 134408 19228 Jammerthal, Leo, 253 Almond, Ashland Touring 1917 318203 27906 Janes, H. B., Box 1128, Medford Touring 1921 668087 29731 Jensen, G. F., 588 Beach, Ashland Touring 1918 322348 24254 Kallstrom, J. M., Route 1, Box 80, Medford Touring 1916 99155 6167 Kent, J. W., 215 W. Jackson, Medford Touring 1918 299302 39052 Kincaid, A. R., Route 1, Box 112A, Ashland Touring 1918 308451 28799 Lamb, W. R., Route 2, Medford Touring 1918 163716 642 Lance, Marion, Route 1, Box 45, Gold Hill Touring 1919 352794 38067 Lange, Marie, Box 233, Central Point Touring 1915 7869 27457 Lewis, Frank, Eagle Point Touring 1919 385437 19529 Lofland, J. M., 809 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1917 210272 15461 Lofland, L. M., 809 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1919 420357 22573 Lofland, P. D., Route 1, Box 109, Central Point Touring 1920 496615 22572 Lull, E. R., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1916 70835 38066 Lumsden, H. U., 610 S. Holly, Medford Touring 1921 684864 27683 MacCracken, Dr. Gordon, 262 Hargadine, Ashland Touring 1918 325783 15807 MacDonald, A. R., Box 74, Eagle Point Touring 1917 141310 11548 Mason, Ehrman & Co., 12th & Front, Medford Bus 1921 569081 38466 McCaskey, Mrs. H. D., Central Point Coupe 1921 698781 2980 McGilvary, S., 271 High, Ashland Touring 1918 337632 1716 Miller, E. G., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1917 240395 24211 Miller, F. S., 530 S. Central, Medford Touring 1918 240530 11550 Miller, M. A., 836 E. Main, Medford Touring 1919 376326 7606 Moffatt, J. A., Route 2, Medford Touring 1916 97566 265 Mohr, Emil, 1003 W. Main, Medford Touring 1922 799506 29843 Moore, Anna H., Box 122, Ashland Sedan 1920 622243 26889 Murphy, Corinne, 627 S. Central, Medford Roadster 1920 514223 15814 Murphy, J. H., 618 W. Main, Medford Touring 1917 163688 12971 Niedermeyer, C. F., R.F.D., Medford Roadster 1916 144708 12117 Niedermeyer, E. H., Route 2, Medford Touring 1917 145411 28063 Niedermeyer, Otto, Route 2, Box 64, Medford Touring 1920 623956 12120 Nichols, G. W. Jr., 37 N. Peach, Medford Touring 1919 352973 22592 Nyswaner, W. R., Talent Touring 1916 97601 10243 Oregon State Highway Commission, Medford Touring 1921 593600 7290 Peachey, A. L., Route 1, Box 61, Ashland Touring 1916 57589 6168 Pellett, Harry, Eagle Point Touring 1917 180316 29595 Powers, Eleanor, Route 1, Talent Touring 1916 69067 28238 Roberts, J. E., 40 Crater Lake Ave., Medford Touring 1920 545450 6169 Roberts, W. D., 24 Crater Lake Ave., Medford Touring 1918 358070 7604 Rodgers, Oliver, 521 W. 2nd, Medford Touring 1921 623888 27877 Ross, T. D., Box 111, Central Point Touring 1920 496663 38068 Schulz, E. E., 405 W. 2nd, Medford Touring 1920 585960 22569 Simmers, O. E., Route 1, Box 115, Medford Touring 1920 469266 10419 Skeeters, Everett, Talent Touring 1919 447683 38073 Skinner, J. D., 1020 E. Main, Medford Touring 1921 684808 5784 Slorah, J. A., 804 Taylor, Medford Touring 1918 255004 29598 Smith, Chas. A., Ruch Touring 1920 523147 3315 Smith, C. M., 160 Orange, Ashland Touring 1920 496873 27455 Smith, Roland, Rogue River Touring 1916 53545 28052 Stanley, Ralph, 309 E. Main, Medford Screen Com. 1920 494865 39795 Stevenson, Mrs. Etta, Route 4, Box 104, Medford Touring 1919 358039 17724 Stout, G. S., 16 S. Fir, Medford Touring 1919 403091 22704 Sweeney, Dr. C. T., 206 S. Orange, Medford Touring 1919 333539 22702 Taylor, James, Route 1, Box 112A, Ashland Touring 1917 222673 22710 Terrill, Jay, Talent Touring 1921 585957 25729 True, Jack, Box 543, Ashland Touring 1917 139386 3490 True, M. P., Box 83, Ashland Touring 1917 173487 9346 Ulrich, Earl, Prospect Roadster 1917 214533 25871 Vroman, C., Gold Hill Touring 1917 234507 29621 Wafel, G. F., 175 Mechanic, Ashland Touring 1919 376885 27806 Wakefield, J. W., 1003 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1918 218027 2553 Wallace, W. J., 66 Mountain Ave., Ashland Touring 1917 228750 37739 Warner, W. J., 519 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1918 297693 19155 Webster, W. E., 280 Hargadine, Ashland Roadster 1919 382077 22713 Weills, Josephine B., 10 Keene Way, Medford Roadster 1920 545606 28072 Whitaker, J. C., 106 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1921 585004 21978 Whittle, F. F., 426 B, Ashland Touring 1917 262454 13137 Williams, L. E., 520 S. Peach, Medford Roadster 1917 201608 10349 Willett, Rosa B., Lock Box 910, Medford Roadster 1921 657088 22717 Wilson, N. F., 155 7th, Ashland Touring 1921 668093 19154 Winn, J. R., 610 Clark, Medford Touring 1920 513792 21974 Wolf, G. N., 230 N. Ivy, Medford Touring 1915 61501 991 Wynkoop, P. E., 423 S. Newtown, Medford Touring 1919 396401 11836 Yates, G. E. & L. G., 985 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1918 217839 39803 DORT
Alming, Ludwig, Route 1, Box 88, Medford
Touring 1917 DU13596 22861Corliss, H. H., Route 1, Talent Touring 1920 K69934 21419 Dennis, C. L., Gen. Del., Medford Roadster 1917 14151 5515 Grantham, J. W., Route 1, Talent Touring 1920 K69547 24813 Kline, Mark, 403 E. 14th, Medford Touring 1919 46522 511 Olsin, Elsie M., Capitol Hill, Medford Touring 1919 K45421 37363 Perini, B. L., Anlauf Touring 1920 F66083 28985 Smith, G. M., Route 1, Box 15B, Rogue River Touring 1920 69876 15405 Van Scoyoc, Margaret, 212 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1920 58291 37538 Vincent, A. L., Route 4, Box 68A, Medford Touring 1920 76303 10520 ELGIN
Freeman, W. J., Central Point Touring 1920 XE3354
Anderson, F. G., Route 1, Box 99B, Medford Touring
1920 34953 25609Beucler, C. A., 488 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1920 A17814 25929 Hale & Lyon, 16 N. Front, Medford Touring 1920 37552 28926 Isaac, E. R., 68 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1919 5858 27508 Offenbacher, John, Applegate Touring 1919 42872 28887 Palmer Investment Co., Box 972, Medford Touring 1921 57461 919 Roberts, H. L., 44 N. Front, Medford Touring 1919 23239 5489 Rose, C. R., 550 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1919 17675 28480 Satchwell, G. R., Hotel Holland, Medford Touring 1920 43164 10975 Stephens, W. J., 685 B, Ashland Touring 1920 43350 1634 FEDERAL
Medford Lumber Co., Fir & 3rd,
Medford Truck, 2-ton 17816 13875FORD
Abbott, C. D., Central Point Touring 1920 3727109
29305Adams, Elmer, 1020 Court, Medford Touring 1917 1677521 29306 Adams, H. R., 248 Fifth, Ashland Touring 1921 4929275 23109 Adams, F. M., Box 123, Central Point Touring 1918 2414343 6391 Alexander, W. E., Lock Box 306, Central Point Sedan 1921 4175141 28367 Alford, George, Route 4, Box 50, Medford Touring 1913 346440 23112 Allen, G. W., 440 Granite, Ashland Touring 1919 3396815 392 Allen, James, Route 1, Box 99, Talent Roadster 1912 291711 39786 American Laundry, 215 S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1918 1206945 29266 Anderson, A. J., 439 N. Front, Medford Touring 1920 3621264 14010 Anderson, H. P., Route 4, Box 33, Medford Touring 1916 1079085 39788 Anderson, Alex., Brownsboro Touring 1917 1372641 24539 Angle, C. F., Wellen Touring 1917 2079844 9168 Anfenson, D. E., 638 N. Central, Medford Touring 1914 469597 18058 Arbogast, Ora, Route 2, Central Point Touring 1916 604956 37663 Ashcraft, P. L., Sr., Box 428, Ashland Touring 1921 5257925 14012 Ashland Creamery, Box 545, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1921 5176633 16015 Ashland Ice & Storage Co., Water & Helman, Ashland Delivery 1917 2302719 12739 Ashland Ice & Storage Co., Water & Helman, Ashland Runabout 1917 1677530 12738 Ashland Ice & Storage Co., Water & Helman, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1917 1827745 12755 Aumer, C. J., Modoc Orchard, Central Point Touring 1916 1077386 27800 Babcock, A. G., 122 Tripp, Medford Touring 1919 2947807 26542 Bailey, A. O., Central Point Roadster 1914 242658 28253 Bailey, J. W., Route 1, Box 57, Talent Touring 1917 1900860 28313 Ballou, R. C., Phoenix Touring 1918 172006 24474 Barker, H. C., Central Point Touring 1921 4271597 9569 Barrell, D. A., 7 Rose Ave., Medford Touring 1920 3892732 29380 Barrett, James, 174 Oak, Ashland Roadster 1921 4450286 4229 Barron, G. W., 117 Almond, Ashland Touring 1920 3517878 24352 Bartley, F. W., Applegate Roadster 1913 1297843 27559 Bateman, Samuel, 302 Maple, Medford Sedan 1919 4224195 38994 Baughman, G. E., 160 California, Ashland Touring 1911 62111 26540 Beagle, A. H., Route 1, Box 78, Ashland Roadster 1920 4064039 24355 Bebb, Harold, 187 Sherman, Ashland Coupe 1921 5395816 2586 Bechdoldt, F. E., Butte Falls Touring 1920 3461681 26587 Beebe, D. W., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1917 2032520 26582 Beers, Geo., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1917 2235447 27063 Beeson, E. L., Talent Touring 1921 5351781 16307 Bell, P. H., Gold Hill Sedan 1921 4752292 11979 Bennett, Mrs. S. L., 513 S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1921 4430231 6647 Bennett, N. S., 937 N. Central, Medford Runabout 1920 4560846 38673 Benson, Axel, Route 1, Box 74, Central Point Runabout 1920 3614351 5272 Bergman, W. W., 613 E. 8th, Medford Touring 1918 2319934 38015 Berrian, J. W., 114 Genessee, Medford Touring 1921 4432760 23116 Betz, A. A., Eagle Point Touring 1919 2867324 19917 Betz, P. E., Eagle Point Touring 1921 4731487 10738 Bibby, W. A., 938 Oak, Ashland Touring 1916 747273 38002 Billings, G. H., 743 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1920 2813449 19925 Binns, Ed, 133 W. Main, Medford Touring 1920 3665104 1223 Bishop, Mrs. Geo., Route 1, Talent Touring 1921 5170236 27186 Bishop, Guy, Jacksonville Touring 1921 4205182 21620 Bishop, W. A., Jacksonville Truck, 1-ton 1920 3338566 2289 Black, Frank, 537 Liberty, Ashland Touring 1917 1658146 26214 Blackford, O. S., Route 1, Box 82, Central Point Touring 1913 288480 28261 Blake, W., 322 S. Central, Medford Runabout 1921 4773949 19730 Boggs, O. C., 109 S. Orange, Medford Coupe 1921 4186504 16301 Bolt, F. J., Gold Hill Touring 1920 3844913 4286 Bond, E. E., Central Point Touring 1920 3703194 5175 Booth, W. D., 264 Wightman, Ashland Touring 1920 3887703 39666 Boothby, Tracy, Eagle Point Touring 1919 3084564 24476 Borg, C. E., Talent Sedan 1920 2440939 28271 Borland, L. R., Route 2, Box 21, Medford Touring 1915 949179 12303 Bostwick, E. B., Route 1, Box 26, Rogue River Runabout 1914 497110 18134 Bostwick, Everett, Route 1, Talent Touring 1917 1749825 23279 Bourne, G. F., Route 4, Box 62, Medford Delivery, ¾-ton 1911 10154 4970 Bowerman, Elizabeth, 635 Roca, Ashland Touring 1921 4899245 2994 Bowman, Adam, Phoenix Runabout 1921 5120202 4535 Bowman, A. J., Route 1, Box 94, Central Point Touring 1918 2480646 38009 Boyd, James, 317 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1917 1067381 13999 Boykin, J. M., 1202 W. 9th, Medford Touring 1920 4205605 13395 Bradley, D. W., Talent Touring 1921 4205316 10939 Bragg, L. D., Route 1, Box 102A, Medford Touring 1921 4818974 2432 Breese, W. H., Box 2, Talent Touring 1920 4224067 748 Briscoe, E. G., Talent Touring 1916 1320299 23361 Brooks, W. P., 505 Benson, Medford Roadster 1917 1827702 10836 Brommer, C. J., Route 3, Box 146, Medford Touring 1920 4411227 3846 Brophy, Helen M., 523 N. Riverside, Medford Runabout 1921 5546685 23038 Brown, Arthur, 329 Haven, Medford Touring 1921 4920921 26651 Brown, C. H., 842 E. Main, Medford Touring 1919 3851302 19459 Brown, J. D., Route 1, Box 101A, Medford Touring 1916 1067356 9427 Brown, R. G., Eagle Point Sedan 1921 4520941 19460 Brown, Walter Frazer, Penbro Orchard, Medford Touring 1917 1783494 272 Brownlee-Olds Lumber Co., end N. Central, Medford Touring 1920 3897482 7708 Bruin, Wm., Box 105, Talent Touring 1917 1396170 26650 Buckles, Robert, Route 2, Medford Touring 1921 5182174 37728 Bullock, W. R., 615 Columbia, Medford Touring 1915 687266 609 Burklund, Egron, Medford Runabout 1921 4948784 27167 Burnette, Henry, Talent Touring 1917 180971 27242 Burns, J. W., Route 2, Box 42, Medford Touring 1916 1216310 19727 Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main, Medford Roadster 1918 2961820 10591 Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main, Medford Roadster 1918 2945368 10592 Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main, Medford Touring 1919 3323024 10593 Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main, Medford Roadster 1919 3322951 10594 Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main, Medford Roadster 1919 3922306 10595 Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main, Medford Touring 1921 4987300 10599 Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1918 2719721 10632 Campbell, C. E., Route 3, Box 120, Medford Touring 1915 646533 39410 Campbell, James, Box 763, Medford Touring 1921 5125359 38133 Cambers, R. U., 338 Holly, Ashland Roadster 1919 2865176 28294 Carey, W. D., 566 Fairview, Ashland Touring 1914 395556 45 Caris, E. A., Rogue River Touring 1919 247747X 6216 Carlson, C. F., Box 452, Ashland Coupe 1921 5546681 27840 Carlson, C. G., 848 E. 9th, Medford Roadster 1915 862204 14267 Carlton, Mildred T., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1919 2565753 620 Carson-Fowler Lumber Co., 161 1st, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1919 8581998 9122 Carter, H. J., 321 Alta Ave., Ashland Touring 1921 4850180 22487 Cary, W. S., Rogue River Touring 1914 179864 27181 Case, E. M., Sams Valley Touring 1916 1283621 38909 Caton, C. N., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1920 3323050 12949 Chamberlin, F. H., Route 1, Medford Touring 1920 3396867 2854 Champlin, C. P., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1920 3364280 356 Charley, C. C., Brownsboro Touring 1920 3693188 23700 Chase, M. B., Route 2, Box 45, Central Point Touring 1917 1582205 26132 Childers, A. M., Route 1, Medford Touring 1920 3599507 17677 Childers, Frank, Gold Hill Roadster 1912 126737 27919 Childers, N. E., Central Point Touring 1912 114669 27920 Church, W. E., 807 S. Central, Medford Touring 1918 2719656 27922 City of Ashland, Light Dept., Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1919 2881457 9101 City of Ashland, Water Dept., Ashland Roadster 1919 3237550 9079 Clark, Chas., Route 2, Central Point Bug 1915 875899 29459 Clark, R. D., Route 3, Box 78, Medford Touring 1920 4049504 9220 Clark, R. A., Route 2, Medford Touring 1919 2579456 15491 Clarke, C. W., Prospect Delivery 1914 586834 24398 Clugston, Robert, Route 1, Box 75, Rogue River Touring 1916 889970 19484 Cobleigh, Guy, Route 4, Box 70, Medford Touring 1919 3084506 713 Cochran, J. B., 169 Lincoln, Ashland Touring 1920 3827895 5873 Codamo, John, Route 1, Box 130, Ashland Touring 1920 4269332 21904 Coder, E. H., Box 181, Ashland Roadster 1916 1545580 7758 Coggins, C. C., 417 Benson, Medford Touring 1920 4449613 27205 Cole, O. H., 1150½ Oak, Ashland Touring 1921 4449702 19909 Cook, Mrs. Alice, Route 1, Box 9, Gold Hill Touring 1921 4511197 22473 Cook, J. A., Gold Hill Touring 1917 1514152 3847 Cook, W. E., 28 Garfield, Ashland Touring 1921 3939728 8591 Cooley, J. H., 409 N. Fir, Medford Coupe 1921 4396266 12862 Cooper, W. A., Route 1, Box 175, Ashland Touring 1913 438139 26384 Copple, W. E., Jacksonville Touring 1916 1200883 29245 Cornelius, Mrs. R. P., 135 B, Ashland Touring 1920 3625148 14 Corthell, W. A., 532 S. Fir, Medford Touring 1920 4023436 29962 Cory, C. E., 52 Roca, Ashland Touring 1920 2943634 6252 Costolo, Lawrence, 330 Almond, Ashland Touring 1921 5255650 29323 Cox, Mrs. R. R., Route 1, Box 99, Medford Touring 1918 2414677 19911 Crosby, C. G., Route 1, Box 50, Ashland Touring 1919 3146965 27200 Crowson, J. E., 896 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1920 4595931 10123 Culy, A. B., 208 S. Ivy, Medford Touring 1921 3904439 29957 Cummings, J. M., Central Point Touring 1917 1827561 11164 Currier, Geo., Talent Touring 1919 3118146 12565 Daily, H. M., Route 4, Box 21, Medford Roadster 1912 101213 26608 Danielson, Walter, Gold Hill Roadster 1919 2885440 2317 Davenhill, A. H., Route 1, Talent Touring 1921 4929258 28164 Davies, S. S., 784 A, Ashland Touring 1914 370944 12685 Davis, G. W., 5th & Holly, Medford Sedan 1921 5279626 22808 Davis, G. W., 5th & Holly, Medford Sedan 1920 4086960 22809 Davis, H. J., Talent Roadster 1917 1900835 28571 Davis, L. J., Route 1, Box 22, Talent Touring 1919 3112332 9870 Davidson, Lew, Ashland Touring 1916 1201467 7463 Davidson, D. L., Route 1, Box 86, Central Point Touring 1921 5238818 29411 Daugherty, Albert, 515 W. 11th, Medford Touring 1917 1661342 2713 Deaver, J. C., 629 N. Central, Medford Coupe 1921 4566446 26869 De Lap, C. H., 461 Allison, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1920 4447966 6097 Delsman, C. H., 1149 Oak, Ashland Roadster 1916 1110359 29617 Denney & Co., Box 1104, Medford Touring 1921 4818682 11517 Dennis, W. B., 1323 Iowa, Ashland Delivery 1913 17321 28012 Dennis, W. B., 1323 Iowa, Ashland Delivery 1914 340938 28013 Derr, T. W., 820 Dakota, Medford Touring 1914 388582 8731 Dickerson, D. P., 111 Bush, Ashland Touring 1921 4992683 15273 Dietrich, H. H., Route 2, Box 23, Central Point Touring 1920 4063395 14961 Dillard, F. C., Talent Touring 1919 3596843 28003 Dodge & Sons, J. P., 125 E. Main, Ashland Roadster 1919 3397040 37454 Dodge & Sons, J. P., 125 E. Main, Ashland Sedan 1919 3348028 37453 Dodge & Sons, J. P., 125 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1918 2902358 37452 Dorn, David, Box 175, Jacksonville Touring 1920 4272195 166 Dougherty, Agnes, 508 S. King, Medford Touring 1921 5036538 464 Dougherty, A. H., 502 Maple, Medford Runabout 1919 3084560 29412 Dronkers, L. W., 1 Park Place, Medford Touring 1915 1220749 38763 Duff, A., 333 E. Jackson, Medford Touring 1919 3172120 22798 Dunkle, W. N., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1918 2873631 27600 Dunlap, Merle, 89 7th, Ashland Touring 1920 4477047 26858 Dunn, G. E., Route 1, Box 114, Ashland Touring 1920 4224047 39855 Dunn, M. P., Route 1, Box 114, Ashland Roadster 1921 5249751 38143 Dunnington, Tom, Jacksonville Touring 1916 793870 19437 Eads, C. E., 128 S. Holly, Medford Truck, 1½-ton 1917 1734428 14899 Eads, J. T., 121 Crater Lake Ave., Medford Roadster 1915 1062338 10214 Eads Transfer & Storage Co., 22 N. Front, Medford Sedan 1922 5374206 18169 Eads Transfer & Storage Co., 22 N. Front, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1919 3246652 18184 Earhart, A. K., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1915 855992 10899 Earhart, Mrs. A. K., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1917 2440790 10898 Earhart, June, Route 4, Box 102, Medford Touring 1920 3646606 19564 Eaton, D. R., Gold Hill Touring 1916 687421 14049 Eaton, Jas., Jacksonville Touring 1920 4227370 27535 Edmiston, J. E., 422 S. Laurel, Medford Touring 1921 4218955 38158 Edwards, C. A., 48 Laurel, Ashland Sedan 1920 4447042 6829 Eggleston, F. L., Central Point Touring 1915 862910 27534 Ehrke, W. G., 220 Garfield, Ashland Touring 1916 1408833 6906 Eicher, C. S., Central Point Touring 1920 3322699 19559 Eisman, F. D., Rogue River Roadster 1921 5147064 10206 Eisman, F. D., Rogue River Bug 1919 3594429 10205 Eldred, Ed, Medford Touring 1917 1734355 29405 Engelhardt, Prof. C., Route 3, Medford Touring 1918 3292429T 4806 Enyeart, J. R., Jacksonville Touring 1914 395182 28145 Esch, Carl, Route 3, Medford Touring 1921 4273352 24789 Estell, Sherman, Box 163, Rogue River Roadster 1920 4597834 23226 Evensizer, R. D., Route 2, Box 78, Medford Runabout 1918 2629147 38490 Farmer, John, Route 1, Talent Touring 1920 4273154 19948 Farrar, C. L., Lake Creek Touring 1915 868989 14034 Fay, J. J., 399 Mountain Ave., Ashland Touring 1920 4010547 27913 Finch, A. B., 248 Wimer, Ashland Touring 1915 725739 19700 Fish, R. S., Phoenix Touring 1921 3400363 10034 Fisher, A. H., Phoenix Touring 1920 3625360 966 Fisher, J. B., Sams Valley Touring 1915 828656 5828 Fisher, L. M., Star Route, Gold Hill Touring 1917 2228248 1289 Fitch, Chester, Route 1, Box 102, Medford Touring 1921 4980951 23136 Fitzgerald, F. H., Sams Valley Touring 1917 1714260 23871 Fitzwater, L. G., 383½ E. Main, Ashland Touring 1918 1900822 19958 Ford, Geo. L., Central Point Truck, 1-ton 1920 3618268 14895 Foss, E. E., Talent Touring 1921 5335110 27735 Foster, M. D., Route 2, Box 37A, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1919 3671091 9835 Frame, H. W., Route 1, Box 78, Talent Touring 1921 4774031 6259 Fredenburg, J. L., Gold Hill Touring 1920 4204159 38365 Freed, P. L., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1915 721788 8929 Freeman, W. J. & L. J., Central Point Roadster 1918 2516734 22553 Freeman, Wiley & Co., Central Point Roadster 1919 2820419 20736 French, Clark, Box 193, Ashland Roadster 1919 382967X 2722 French, F. E., 126 S. Pioneer, Ashland Delivery 1920 4567795 5590 French, J. H., Eagle Point Touring 1918 2125761 19900 Frick, J. S., Route 1, Medford Touring 1918 2604944 37838 Frideger, Mrs. Wm., Route 1, Box 18, Medford Touring 1921 4920771 4695 Fried, Wm., 160 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1919 3154226 39880 Frink, J. L., Beagle Touring 1916 1078976 10871 Fuller, A. J., Sams Valley Coupe 1920 4333157 4556 Fuller, B. F., Eagle Point Touring 1917 1580484 29342 Furry, R. S., Phoenix Touring 1918 2414655 19903 Gaddis & Dixon, Box 967, Medford Runabout 1920 3934382 23214 Galbraith, Geo., Route 1, Box 83, Talent Touring 1918 2503732 12680 Galligar, I. T., Rogue River Touring 1921 5125448 14748 Gallatin, L. H., Route 1, Talent Touring 1914 586878 23146 Garrison, W. F., Route 2, Box 34, Medford Touring 1915 1015022 6102 Gasaway, Alvis, 128 Nob Hill, Ashland Coupe 1921 5417254 18849 Gates Auto Co., C. E., Riverside & 6th, Medford Bug 1920 GatesXXX 25568 Gates, C. E., Riverside & 6th, Medford Coupe 1920 4330728 25569 Gates, Geo. E., Riverside & 6th, Medford Coupe 1919 3311507 25567 Gentry, A. C., 217 S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1918 1734431 11742 Gilbert, B. F., 338 N. Front, Medford Touring 1916 718390 24763 Gyger, Jackson, Route 1, Ashland Touring 1916 1396193 25561 Glass, E. L., Route 2, Box 76, Central Point Touring 1919 3141725 28570 Glascock, H. C., 260 Beatty, Medford Touring 1920 3763813 24764 Glenn, Mrs. B. L., 403 N. Fir, Medford Sedan 1921 5102897 29753 Goddard, O. M., Route 1, Talent Touring 1915 855893 39435 Godlove, S. C., 345 N. Bartlett, Medford Touring 1919 3322781 490 Godward Mercantile Co., Jacksonville Delivery 1918 2875014 28847 Godward, Paul, Jacksonville Touring 1921 4899751 6162 Goodhue, F. B., Route 1, Central Point Runabout 1914 3800477 4281 Goold, G. G., Route 1, Box 130, Medford Touring 1920 3727439 5164 Gow, T. J., Holly & Taylor, Ashland Touring 1919 3454936 10738 Graffis, Donna, Route 4, Box 27, Medford Touring 1914 376726 3051 Granger, A. J., Gen. Del., Medford Touring 1915 676590 23143 Graves, A. A., Route 1, Box 174, Ashland Touring 1914 396779 3211 Gray, J. M., Route 2, Box 83, Central Point Roadster 1921 4814032 15028 Gregg, G. W., 216 Wightman, Ashland Sedan 1921 4786392 25578 Gregory, Miss L. L., Route 2, Box 103, Central Point Touring 1914 373825 10058 Grubb, M. W., Box 357, Ashland Sedan 1920 4209556 25768 Gulovsen, G. J., Gold Hill Touring 1919 3483905 23289 Haack, Herman, R.R.V. Canal Co., Camp 1, Medford Touring 1919 3314458 15774 Hackett, Fred, Route 2, Box 67, Medford Touring 1917 1827341 28355 Hadfield, T. E., 881 E. Main, Ashland Roadster 1921 5132641 28353 Hager, Marion, 472 Scenic Drive, Ashland Touring 1914 10413 5524 Hague, Mrs. R. L., Route 2, Box 24, Medford Touring 1914 524835 29251 Hake, G. W., 419 Willow, Ashland Touring 1916 1066527 39629 Haley, P. W., Route 1, Box 10, Central Point Touring 1920 3729995 13191 Hall, A. A., 632 Walnut, Ashland Runabout 1916 288058 34978 Hall, E. K., 564 Liberty, Ashland Touring 1919 2719713 9222 Halladay, E. M., 513 W. Palm, Medford Runabout 1914 374287 13188 Hanscom, Mrs. H. D., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1920 4271595 6335 Hansen, Jane C., 819 N. Central, Medford Touring 1920 3904285 16217 Harmon, O. L., 48 N. Orange, Medford Touring 1914 347899 7808 Harnsberger, L. L., Box 452, Ashland Touring 1919 2732109 13247 Harper, Alice L., Gold Hill Touring 1920 4271599 1414 Harris, J. E., 424 Helman, Ashland Touring 1918 2768557 12514 Harrison, W. A., Route 1, Talent Touring 1920 3618397 19364 Hart, Julius, Route 3, Box 134A, Medford Touring 1916 713287 15777 Hartley, C. C., Route 1, Box 91, Talent Touring 1914 596332 26135 Hartzell, Florence, Route 1, Medford Touring 1921 533145S 24766 Hatfield, L., Central Point Sedan 1919 2952051 322 Havener, Frank, 700 Terrace, Ashland Runabout 1919 2979599 4974 Hawkins, C. L., Applegate Touring 1917 1783428 6690 Haywood, G. F., Applegate Touring 1917 1975302 6161 Hazle, W. D., 116 S. Laurel, Medford Touring 1919 3200413 15776 Hazelwood, Luther, Central Point Touring 1914 777114 38000 Head, H. W., Central Point Touring 1915 1314119 885 Heath, Mrs. B. M., 695 Terrace, Ashland Touring 1919 4447658 2850 Heckman, Dr. W. H., Central Point Sedan 1921 5020489 27326 Hedgpeth, L. E., Route 1, Box 7A, Medford Touring 1918 2414671 23366 Helman, B. F., Helman Baths, Ashland Touring 1914 406748 27624 Hemstreet, B. F., Route 2, Box 22, Medford Touring 1919 3364508 601 Herman, G. J., Gold Hill Touring 1915 826350 4662 Hess, Arthur D., 218 W. Jackson, Medford Touring 1916 1077408 13491 Hickman, Fred, Gold Hill Touring 1916 1173679 38079 Hight, J. D., 56 N. Riverside, Medford Touring 1919 3306842 11213 Hildebrand, J. B., Route 4, Box 78A, Medford Touring 1921 5140793 9901 Hill, C. R., Route 1, Box 29, Provolt Touring 1916 1505278 11617 Hinthorne, B. H., 95 Scenic Drive, Ashland Sedan 1921 4597651 16400 Hobbs, B. L., 135 Almond, Medford Touring 1920 3729840 370 Hoffman, Dr. E. W., 535 Penn. Ave., Medford Touring 1920 4042374 6567 Hogan, Viola, 316 Howard, Medford Touring 1921 4776602 29127 Hoke, R. D., 45 Lindley Ave., Medford Touring 1919 2954122 18722 Holloway, Alice, Route 1, Medford Runabout 1919 3617522 4972 Hollywood Orchard Co., Route 2, Medford Touring 1916 815335 16405 Honner, F. G., Rogue River Coupe 1920 3615064 5720 Horton, Fred, Rogue River Touring 1919 2860644 25643 Howard, A. L., Talent Touring 1920 4447565 26149 Howard, Jefferson, 271 Mountain Ave., Ashland Touring 1917 1545467 19748 Howell, Mrs. L. M., 713 Cedar, Medford Touring 1917 1784756 10955 Howsley, W. M., Central Point Touring 1921 4539714 15716 Hoxie, J. E., 440 Palm Ave., Ashland Touring 1914 144484 23050 Hubbard, A., 1229 W. 4th, Medford Touring 1917 1883126 14422 Hubbard, R. S., 144 Garfield, Ashland Touring 1917 344833 38033 Hubbs, Mrs. A. W., 429 N. Central, Medford Sedan 1919 3443564 4007 Humphreys, Wm., 323 Helman, Ashland Runabout 1921 5331650 7795 Hunter, S. P., Route 4, Box 47, Medford Touring 1921 5238866 5209 Hurst, Mary S., Jacksonville Coupe 1920 3618638 39099 Hurst, Otto, 437 Beach, Ashland Touring 1916 1309620 24439 Hurt, J. B., Route 2, Box 226A, Medford Touring 1916 1078990 27595 Icenhower & Son, J. B., 389 E. Main, Ashland Runabout 1914 586859 1167 Ingram, E. L., Central Point Roadster 1921 4477225 27823 Ingram, J. T., 100 Union, Ashland Touring 1921 5093994 9382 Ingram, Pete, 324 W. 4th, Medford Touring 1914 B9125 29281 Inman, G. L., R.F.D., Box 179, Ashland Touring 1920 3525145 25951 Issott, J. H., 331 E. Main, Medford Sedan 1921 4987143 29232 Jackson, W. D., R.F.D., Box 93, Ashland Touring 1920 4538569 24981 Jacobs, J. W., 409 N. Riverside, Medford Touring 1916 1116524 5391 Janney, P. M., Route 2, Medford Touring 1921 4819102 11975 Jarvis, G. O., 423 Helman, Ashland Sedan 1920 4203803 23026 Jelly, J. M., 107 N. Fir, Medford Touring 1921 4935312 22908 Job, M. L., Route 4, Box 34, Medford Touring 1920 4273343 5263 Johanson, C. O., Box 170, Jacksonville Touring 1914 COJ114 7543 Johnson, Albert, Route 1, Box 129, Ashland Touring 1917 2099884 15004 Johnson, Edward, Phoenix Touring 1916 1320155 3194 Johnson, S. T., Route 3, Medford Touring 1915 744447 39677 Johnson, Victor, 314 Vancouver, Medford Touring 1918 410919 24971 Jones, C. E., Box 303, Talent Roadster 1913 409112 9323 Jones, M. E., 770 Iowa, Ashland Touring 1916 1171975 25752 Jones, R. H., 225 W. Main, Medford Touring 1920 4272136 23022 Joran, H. B., Talent Touring 1919 2878310 10057 Keegan, Chris, Jacksonville Touring 1920 3892682 1659 Keizur, Walter, 1021 Niantic, Medford Delivery 1917 1827706 29549 Kenly, F. C., Route 1, Medford Touring 1921 4264845 3146 Kenly, F. C., Route 1, Medford Touring 1921 4271516 3148 Kent, Anna, 252 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1921 5257888 2661 Kerby, Geo. A., Talent Touring 1921 4476510 39771 Kimball, C. J., Route 4, Box 63, Medford Touring 1919 3237529 29796 Kincart, W. H., 101 S. Central, Medford Roadster 1919 309513 26555 Kirtland Farm, Central Point Roadster 1920 4273142 14213 Knox, O. M., Jacksonville Touring 1920 4127600 13303 Koepsell, H. W., Mira Vista Orchard, Central Point Touring 1918 2518736 19737 Kromling, A. L., Applegate Touring 1917 1673781 14350 Kubli, Maud, Applegate Touring 1921 4595084 14277 Laden, John, Trail Truck, 1-ton 1919 2881122 13851 Lammey, C. S., Central Point Touring 1915 636551 8532 Lamport, E. H., 419 W. 2nd, Medford Runabout 1921 4842084 29784 Leach, Mrs. E. J., Route 2, Box 45, Medford Touring 1921 4929504 23360 Learned, Ed, Applegate Touring 1920 4270322 412 Lemmon, C. C., Box 1072, Medford Touring 1920 4010202 26757 Lennox, James, Route 1, Box 123, Talent Touring 1920 3811250 2573 Leonard, W. H., 407 Beatty, Medford Touring 1919 2887279 13381 Lester, J. E., Route 1, Box 109, Medford Touring 1919 2970961 617 Lewis, R. L., 612 Catherine, Medford Touring 1915 810527 29780 Liljegran, E. W., 320 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1920 3993494 25911 Lindley, G. R., College Hill, Medford Sedan 1922 5374214 12394 Lindley, R. G., Route 3, Medford Touring 1922 5331654 11966 Little, G. B., Box 184, Central Point Touring 1915 686550 37415 Littrell, E. A. Jr., 520 S. Hamilton, Medford Touring 1921 4450624 37416 Love, I. O., Box 342, Central Point Touring 1915 776976 2211 Lucas, E. B., Beagle Roadster 1919 3084422 19464 Lynch, H. S., Talent Truck, 1-ton 1921 4398280 9102 Lynch, H. S., Talent Touring 1919 3525373 9081 MacVicar, Mrs. G. E., 670 Boulevard, Ashland Sedan 1921 4567138 19769 Maddox & Bonney, 1005 E. Main, Medford Delivery 1916 1216339 25530 Mann, J. C., Central Point Touring 1920 3779366 28096 Mann, Oliver, Route 3, Medford Touring 1919 2960257 38347 Manning, Chas., Eagle Point Touring 1921 4899896 24736 March, G. L., Central Point Touring 1917 2008797 8529 Mardon, J. H., Gold Hill Touring 1916 1269724 16188 Martin, E. L., 36 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1921 4735107 29090 Martin, G. P., Rogue River Touring 1921 4539628 24915 Martin, Joe Jr., Route 3, Box 28, Medford Roadster 1916 1309290 22986 Mason, J. V., 515 Liberty, Ashland Touring 1921 4899311 12143 Mast, John M., Route 4, Medford Touring 1914 341035 1807 Mathes, Clarence, Route 1, Talent Touring 1916 1062306 29088 Mattis, A. W., Route 1, Box 42, Gold Hill Touring 1916 AWM234 37490 Matney, Wm., Ruch Touring 1916 1156445 29087 Matz, F. A., 729 W. 13th, Medford Touring 1921 4432656 22562 Maule, Eleanor, 307 E. 9th, Medford Touring 1920 3047013 6862 Mayfield, Howard, Central Point Touring 1921 4273239 899 McCabe, Albert, Route 4, Box 60A, Medford Roadster 1919 2753355 38576 McCampbell, Wm., 161 4th, Ashland Touring 1917 395447 27987 McCarvel, F. J., Rogue River Touring 1920 4511247 19476 McClaren, J. K., Rogue River Touring 1921 3662623 28111 McCoy, J. W., 585 Terrace, Ashland Sedan 1921 4786055 19469 McDonough, Ivan, Ruch Touring 1919 2965001 14511 McElhose, R. E., 43 N. Peach, Medford Sedan 1920 3992407 28453 McGraw, T. E., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1918 2472873 38676 McKee, Mrs. A. D., Jacksonville Touring 1919 2812171 6674 McNair, Lorena, 323 Oak, Ashland Sedan 1920 4476586 19471 McNeff, F. L., 12 Mistletoe, Medford Touring 1921 7717553 29115 McShane, J. E., 468 C, Ashland Touring 1917 1963675 38675 Meagher, W. J., Sacred Heart Hospital, Medford Coupe 1919 3552921 19775 Medford Domestic Laundry, 30 N. Riverside, Medford Touring 1919 4511219 26054 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co., 31 N. Central, Medford Runabout 1920 4920787 4015 Medynski, F. V., 316 N. Central, Medford Touring 1916 856056 26933 Meehan, J. B., Route 2, Box 91, Medford Touring 1916 1067464 29935 Meier, Carl, Route 2, Box 91A, Medford Touring 1917 2414010 4950 Merrell, Agnes I., 1530 W. Main, Medford Touring 1921 4598849 37832 Merrell, Agnes I., 1530 W. Main, Medford Touring 1921 4563550 37833 Merrell, Agnes I., 1530 W. Main, Medford Touring 1921 4598598 37834 Merrell, Agnes I., 1530 W. Main, Medford Touring 1918 1514173 37835 Merrick, F. E., Nat. Bldg., Medford Sedan 1921 4568504 6249 Merriman, M. B., Box 172, Gold Hill Roadster 1917 1264477 11501 Messenger, H., Provolt Touring 1921 5177237 480 Meyer, A. A., Lake Creek Touring 1915 681314 11009 Meyer, H. A., Lake Creek Touring 1920 3715322 22532 Meyer, John, Route 1, Box 86, Talent Delivery 1914 377517 26935 Miksche, L., Route 1, Box 99, Ashland Touring 1917 1396192 469 Miller, J. S., 384 Hargadine, Ashland Touring 1920 4205183 4671 Miner, J. S., Route 1, Box 80, Central Point Touring 1920 4023154 7762 Minthorn, Mrs. Harriet, Route 1, Box 72, Rogue River Touring 1919 3323663 7855 Mitchell, Herman, Route 3, Box 53, Medford Delivery 1916 1238549 11685 Mitchell, Nick, Jacksonville Touring 1920 3693135 38657 Mobley, C. D., 416 S. King, Medford Touring 1918 2424597 22739 Mohr, Emil, 1003 W. Main, Medford Bus 1920 4104355 29933 Montgomery, Lottie G., Jacksonville Touring 1916 1017540 1076 Moore, C. R., R.F.D., Box 61A, Ashland Roadster 1920 3903849 5367 Moore, S. H., Route 1, Box 31, Rogue River Touring 1921 4741407 7856 Morelock, R. D., Gold Hill Touring 1919 2870224 10932 Morgan, C. D., Gold Hill Touring 1918 2960168 19806 Morgan, O. T., Route 1, Box 86, Medford Sedan 1920 3371143 22744 Morris, W. E., Route 2, Box 31, Central Point Touring 1918 2423073 26953 Morris, T. A., Route 1, Box 125, Ashland Touring 1916 1444275 11268 Morrison, J. D., Central Point Touring 1920 3644871 27583 Morton, James, Phoenix Touring 1917 2099874 22737 Moss, A. G., 540 Holly, Ashland Touring 1917 2461041 24956 Munsell, J. J., Jacksonville Touring 1921 5166531 13755 Murray, J. C., 1134 W. 9th, Medford Sedan 1921 4568500 22815 Murphy, G. C., Route 1, Box 141, Ashland Touring 1920 4064029 16191 Murphy, J. T., 192 Harrison, Ashland Roadster 1920 4992113 37829 Myers, Walter, Phoenix Touring 1913 242804 27724 Neff, B. F., end W. Palm, Medford Touring 1917 3250172 16453 Nelson, A. H., 227 N. Oakdale, Medford Roadster 1917 1784710 24413 Nelson, John, Route 3, Medford Touring 1921 4539640 23254 Newbry, E. L., R.F.D., Box 77, Talent Touring 1918 2414700 27007 Newell, O. U., Gold Hill Touring 1917 1432096 8533 Neville, Mrs. Mary, 315 Pioneer Ave., Ashland Touring 1919 3111145 16446 Nichols, C. F., Route 4, Box 53, Medford Touring 1918 2440850 6860 Nicholson, R. M., Gold Hill Touring 1917 2319648 19330 Norman, Chas., Route 2, Central Point Runabout 1917 2235817 27005 Norris, M. J., Route 1, Medford Touring 1920 4204821 29489 Nortridge, Wm., 272 Orange Ave., Ashland Touring 1914 7516 16445 Nourse, H. H., Route 1, Box 85, Rogue River Touring 1917 1450568 12162 Oatman, E. R., 222 S. Central, Medford Touring 1921 5150681 25597 Oden, H. J., Route 1, Box 88, Talent Sedan 1920 4187153 26641 Oden, Ralph, Rogue River Touring 1915 681261 10494 Oden, R. R., Rogue River Touring 1913 171999 4366 Oden, Thomas, Rogue River Touring 1917 2220515 10498 Offenbacher, Ray, Ruch Touring 1918 2552263 6545 Oliver, E. H., Trail Touring 1914 376904 29353 Oliver, Louis, Route 3, Box 173, Medford Touring 1914 394964 14263 Orchards Co. Ltd., Box 1068, Medford Touring 1920 3715042 27569 Oregon Granite Co., The, 103 E. 6th, Medford Touring 1921 5170382 15957 Oregon Granite Co., The, 103 E. 6th, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1920 4061773 15992 Ore. State Highway Com., Pinehurst Touring 1919 2815173 7166 Ore. State Highway Com., Medford Touring 1919 2885450 7218 Ore. State Highway Com., Eagle Point Touring 1919 2879711 7332 Ore. State Highway Com., Ashland Touring 1919 3091616 7249 Oswald, J. P., Weller Touring 1920 4204671 12881 Owens, James, Route 3, Medford Touring 1921 5029074 29352 Owens, Mrs. M. E., Central Point Touring 1918 3111434 4160 Pacific Fruit & Produce Co., 552 S. Front, Medford Roadster 1921 5151293 11992 Pacific Fruit & Produce Co., 552 S. Front, Medford Delivery 1916 1396178 11993 Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co., 1501 W. Main, Medford Touring 1919 3483770 4232 Palmer Investment Co., Box 972, Medford Touring 1916 1276681 1155 Pankey, Tom, Sams Valley Touring 1917 2321442 5138 Parker, C. M., Route 2, Box 11, Medford Touring 1914 612539 27310 Parker, W. K., Route 1, Box 96, Central Point Touring 1916 949553 27373 Parks, Hollis, Jacksonville Touring 1918 2320215 2860 Parsons, Mrs. T. J., Box 4, Phoenix Touring 1916 1545469 37844 Patterson, Frank, 216 E. Main, Medford Touring 1919 3300152 37848 Payne, C. T., 1410 Boulevard, Ashland Roadster 1921 4920948 29462 Peachey, A. H., Route 1, Box 12, Ashland Touring 1916 949546 2079 Peachey, L. O., 100 Lincoln, Ashland Bug 1916 699885 27305 Peck, Mrs. Bert, Box 207, Central Point Touring 1918 2125849 4946 Pefley, F. A., 1112 Reddy Ave., Medford Touring 1914 516789 16299 Pelle, Edmund, Trail Touring 1919 3093490 13491 Perland, James, Central Point Touring 1917 1734536 25606 Perry, Frank, 1013 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1921 4476418 25521 Persons, E., Central Point Touring 1918 246101 27304 Peterson, John, Capitol Hill, Medford Runabout 1921 4595230 931 Peyton, H. E., Prospect Touring 1919 2958544 23285 Pierson, W. E., Route 1, Box 60, Ashland Touring 1918 2512075 22724 Pine Belt Banking Co., Butte Falls Touring 1921 4273639 23891 Pipgras, F. J., 304 S. Central, Medford Runabout 1921 4987168 28471 Poellnitz, Dr. R. W., 1121 E. Main, Medford Coupe 1919 3250206 29036 Polley, J. H., 706 Beekman, Medford Touring 1918 2415189 12669 Porter, F. E., 223 Maple, Ashland Touring 1921 4563299 16291 Porter, I. H., Gold Hill Touring 1913 238382 24888 Porter, M. L., Route 1, Medford Touring 1921 4595406 3916 Powell, G. M., Gold Hill Touring 1918 2518906 11696 Powell, H. D., Capitol Hill, Medford Sedan 1921 4557558 15627 Powell, L. F., 333 Oak, Ashland Runabout 1916 1450526 25468 Poyer, E. B., Route 1, Box 34B, Ashland Touring 1919 2862206 16289 Prescott, G. C., 475 Chestnut, Ashland Touring 1919 3111450 15634 Prouty, W. W., Box 14, Central Point Bug 1914 378228 29569 Pruett, J. W., Brownsboro Touring 1917 2125542 9234 Pruitt, J. H., Route 2, Box 57, Medford Touring 1921 4476549 29581 Pruitt, J. W., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1917 1802967 6558 Puhl, Fred, Route 3, Box 144, Medford Touring 1920 3600089 19942 Purkeypile, O. C., Central Point Touring 1911 49120 24892 Purves, R. B., Route 1, Talent Touring 1917 1677512 25472 Putnam, J. A., 558 Holly, Ashland Touring 1914 341147 25473 Pyburn, W. A., Central Point Touring 1915 4915 29566 Quackenbush, J. S., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1921 5201503 22728 Quackenbush, C. F., Route 2, Central Point Bug 1915 929200 22734 Rapp, Fred, Talent Truck, 1-ton 1921 4920532 13832 Rasmussen, H. P., Route 3, Medford Touring 1921 5134560 36799 Rathbun, Ed, Jacksonville Touring 1917 1900850 27368 Ray, Matthew, Ruch Touring 1920 3424989 19756 Real, M. E., Gold Hill Touring 1921 4476563 29113 Reed, Arthur, Box 4, Phoenix Touring 1914 422402 26477 Reed, G. C. Box 81, Ashland Touring 1916 1394164 12333 Reed, H. E., R.F.D., Rogue River Touring 1914 1015081 28014 Reed, W. E., 298 Avery, Ashland Touring 1917 1515721 4673 Reichstein, C. F., 104 E. 2nd, Medford Touring 1921 4603712 28027 Reid, F. W., Box 125, Eagle Point Touring 1921 4929261 17662 Reinking, Augusta, Central Point Touring 1917 1763173 37814 Reynolds, W. B., 821 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1917 1597451 22958 Riddle, F. F., Route 1, Box 107, Medford Runabout 1919 2868528 24541 Rigg, J. O., 2 Glenn Ave., Ashland Touring 1916 102760 1280 Robbins, J. H., Route 1, Box 98, Medford Touring 1917 220 27391 Roberts, F. R., 216 S. Orange, Medford Sedan 1919 3246854 22953 Roberts, W. D., 221 W. Jackson, Medford Touring 1920 4085950 24700 Robertson, E. G., Eagle Point Touring 1921 4842088 27396 Robertson, Ralph, 51 Gresham, Ashland Touring 1916 1068812 29507 Robinson, E. E., Route 1, Box 42, Medford Touring 1920 3461630 7342 Roger, C. E. Jr., R.F.D., Ashland Roadster 1921 5546695 37989 Rodger, J. E., Route 1, Medford Roadster 1917 2137067 29512 Rodgers, H. E., Sams Valley Touring 1918 2582385 24702 Roe, R. S., Route 1, Box 44, Medford Touring 1920 4330565 28117 Ross, G. W., 19 Granite, Ashland Touring 1917 1843377 22945 Roth, W. H., 345 Apple, Medford Roadster 1914 395227 29276 Rowe, J. L., Gold Hill Touring 1915 718394 24703 Rowley, W. E., 810 E. Jackson, Medford Touring 1921 5331660 28079 Rumley, Lynn, Jacksonville Touring 1917 1763183 12322 Ryan, Harry, Box 64, Jacksonville Touring 1921 4920849 19766 Samsel, J. F., Colonial Garage, Medford Delivery 1917 1858928 38946 Sandberg, C. M., 134 S. Ivy, Medford Touring 1921 4449504 13046 Sander, W. G., Box 592, Ashland Delivery 1920 US555 28122 Sandy, W. J., Rogue River Touring 1917 174979 38872 Schackel, E. J., 939 N. Central, Medford Touring 1920 3320916 18591 Schmidt, W. C., 540 S. Fir, Medford Touring 1918 2501096 14302 Schneck, Detlef, Route 4, Box 39, Medford Touring 1921 4809878 28125 Schneider, F. E., Jacksonville Touring 1917 1749634 23403 Schuchard, Mildred A., 17 Cargill Court, Medford Coupe 1920 8715191 15392 Schuerman, August, Box 79, Gold Hill Roadster 1921 5120071 10396 Schulz, Adolph, Route 4, Box 87, Medford Roadster 1920 3207879 27492 Schulz, Henry, Route 4, Box 96, Medford Touring 1920 3729953 27488 Schulz, M. A., Gold Hill Touring 1920 3364164 23264 Scott, E. W., Route 2, Box 131, Medford Touring 1917 1783619 8706 Scott, T. W., Route 4, Box 93, Medford Touring 1916 828583 3695 Sellers, W. F., R.R.V. Canal Co., Medford Touring 1919 3447488 28406 Sheets, M. F., Route 4, Box 31, Medford Touring 1917 1455131 27187 Shelton, J. L., 168 Meade, Ashland Touring 1915 877618 38851 Shephard, Mrs. Miriam, 216 Wightman, Ashland Sedan 1920 3648444 25458 Shoemaker, Ed, Gold Hill Touring 1920 3659052 7508 Shuler, E. C., Riverside Apts., Medford Sedan 1918 2669331 38854 Shutts, C. A., 63 3rd, Ashland Touring 1915 713934 5100 Simerville, J. J., Central Point Touring 1918 267553 24093 Simmons, A. L., Central Point Sedan 1921 4432493 8039 Simmons, E. W., 211 S. Laurel, Medford Touring 1915 716576 23232 Smith, C. D., Route 4, Box 17, Medford Touring 1920 4287318 24503 Smith, E. A., Ruch Touring 1917 1763181 29152 Smith, F. B., Sams Valley Touring 1919 3314459 28041 Smith, F. E. W., Route 1, Box 24, Talent Roadster 1915 316971 39424 Smith, George, Route 3, Box 81, Medford Touring 1919 3265510 26260 Smith, Lewis, Route 1, Box 63, Talent Touring 1921 4850298 14380 Smith, O. W., Route 3, Medford Touring 1920 3567503 38590 Smith, P. J., 471 Mountain Ave., Ashland Touring 1919 3234915 37712 Smith, R. A., Phoenix Roadster 1914 396426 27910 Smith, R. G., Route 2, Medford Touring 1916 1171179 19988 Smith, W. F., 364 Helman, Ashland Touring 1917 425170 22417 Smith, S. F., Route 1, Box 72, Talent Touring 1917 2516714 38592 Smith, W. J., Box 280, Gold Hill Touring 1917 2228245 24499 Smith, W. R., Central Point Touring 1915 933081 8145 Smithpeter, J. E., Route 1, Rogue River Roadster 1921 5137359 27101 Smylie, J. W., Route 2, Medford Touring 1920 4227350 8722 Snyder, Val, 696 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1918 2529189 25536 Soliss, F. E., 940 N. Central, Medford Touring 1917 1749639 5034 Southwell, F. A., Central Point Touring 1918 2094873 307 Sowell, Lee, Central Point Touring 1915 280098 37708 Spannaus, W. E., 247 7th, Ashland Touring 1915 918712 37771 Spatz, Mrs. W. B., Hotel Medford, Medford Coupe 1921 5395819 8469 Spencer, H. E., Rogue River Touring 1917 1383134 27029 Sperry, I. W., 172 Mountain Ave., Ashland Touring 1919 3049063 5136 Spitzer, J. J., 511 S. Central, Medford Touring 1914 131056 27025 Spitzer, J. S., Box 115, Talent Touring 1915 994462 28557 Springer, F. E., 480 Chestnut, Ashland Touring 1916 1275443 3419 Stacy, George, Beagle Touring 1921 4271588 24331 Stennett, W. S., 116 Factory, Ashland Touring 1919 3241517 13077 Stevens, S. S., Route 1, Box 95, Talent Touring 1917 2440816 755 Stinson, E. S., 1128 W. 4th, Medford Touring 1920 3658859 8707 Stoltze, Mrs. H. C., 311 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1914 415153 12546 Strang, C. V., 233 E. Main, Medford Sedan 1920 4204683 27157 Swayne, P. F., Jacksonville Touring 1920 3569666 23005 Sweeney, Mary E., 206 S. Orange, Medford Coupe 1921 4186389 22722 Swenning, F. J., 109 Church, Ashland Touring 1921 4993106 24163 Swift & Co., 1st & A, Ashland Roadster 1918 2504359 26270 Swift & Co., 1st & A, Ashland Roadster 1920 3794368 26271 Talent Irrigation District, Talent Touring 1919 287053 26017 Talent Irrigation District, Talent Touring 1920 3599363 26018 Taverner, Wm., Ashland Mine Road, Ashland Touring 1917 1843396 348 Taylor, J. A., 1150 Oak, Ashland Touring 1915 866654 27126 Taylor, S. D., 633 Iowa, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1921 4594999 12783 Taylor, W. C., R.F.D., Box 15, Medford Touring 1920 4432924 22062 Terrett, D. R., Central Point Sedan 1920 3941146 19443 Terrett, J. H., Central Point Sedan 1921 5238572 22062 Terrill, Glen L., Jacksonville Touring 1920 4271572 10390 Thomas, J. I., 1507 W. Main, Medford Touring 1920 3785602 14665 Thompson, C. D., 829 W. 11th, Medford Touring 1920 4204775 29080 Thompson, E. A., 329 N. Riverside, Medford Touring 1921 5128796 27686 Thompson, W. E., Gold Hill Touring 1917 1514139 39035 Throckmorton, A., Ruch Touring 1916 1079070 24844 Timothy, Mrs. Geo. O., 1216 Locust, Medford Touring 1920 3996332 15548 Tinker, Newton, 722 W. 14th, Medford Sedan 1921 W122096 23316 Toskus, Peter, 510 S. Central, Medford Touring 1919 2958251 9745 Tresham, O. R., Sams Valley Touring 1920 3246451 27653 Trigonia Oil & Gas Co., 107 W. Main, Medford Touring 1920 3668337 25910 Tucker, R. E., Box 25, Brownsboro Touring 1916 1066496 14669 Turnbow, Amos, Box 172, Central Point Touring 1919 3245181 24029 Turpin, A. H., 1132 Court, Medford Touring 1917 2137074 23324 Union Oil Co. of Cal., 1 Blk. W. end N. Central, Medford Roadster 1919 2865158 20178 Unruh, H. B., Del Rio Orchard, Gold Hill Touring 1918 2711632 10345 Upton, F. E., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1919 3313078 9759 Van Dyke, B. F., Route 1, Box 82, Medford Delivery 1917 1827622 39913 Van Fossen, Mrs. H. J., 407 N. Main, Ashland Sedan 1919 3605245 13280 Van Natta, G. O., 439 Chestnut, Ashland Touring 1920 3811277 17964 Van Wegen, Mrs. Lulu, 400 Liberty, Ashland Touring 1920 3991945 19550 Van Wegen, O. L., 335 N. Ivy, Medford Roadster 1913 282816 29767 Vaughan, Stanley, Route 2, Central Point Touring 1916 1260235 39718 Venable, W. H., Jacksonville Touring 1916 1260201 19551 Vestal, Thomas, Eagle Point Touring 1919 3453608 1495 Vilas, E. P., Route 3, Medford Runabout 1920 3913061 22652 Vincent, J. E., Central Point Touring 1921 4352666 9483 Vincent, J. S., Route 2, Box 65, Central Point Touring 1916 1274029 37857 Vincent, J. W., Route 2, Box 72, Medford Touring 1915 687627 13353 Vincent, R. B., Prospect Touring 1918 2517024 29771 Vroman, A. L., 113 S. Front, Medford Runabout 1916 1204078 24349 Vroman, C. D., 823 E. 9th, Medford Touring 1916 887128 24350 Vroman, E. E., 215 Vancouver, Medford Touring 1918 1428714 29774 Wakeman, C. M., 129 N. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1913 101307 13109 Walden, E. O., Route 2, Medford Delivery 1921 4178251 24382 Walker, F. H., 419 Liberty, Ashland Touring 1920 4597853 23241 Ward, W. M., Route 1, Box 37, Talent Truck, 1-ton 1919 2863999 9126 Watt, W. H., Route 1, Medford Touring 1919 2468738 37930 Weagant, Harry, Talent Truck, 1-ton 1920 4027917 16024 Webber, Ezra, Sams Valley Roadster 1914 468987 1654 Wedge, F. E., Box 104, Talent Touring 1917 102612 706 Weedon, G. C., Route 2, Box 9, Central Point Bug 1914 801378 24361 Welch, J. E., 243 Laurel, Ashland Touring 1917 1714174 27772 Wells, Mrs. Irene, Talent Touring 1921 5112333 2062 Wertz, G. F., 723 W. 13th, Medford Touring 1918 1668951 27766 Wheeler, S. A. 520 S. Ivy, Medford Touring 1919 2958671 1934 Whetstone, H. F., Route 2, Box 90, Central Point Roadster 1920 4447994 24428 Whiteside, E. G., Central Point Touring 1915 886645 11038 Whitman, Willard, Box 726, Medford Roadster 1917 2342962 26848 Whitsett, Lawrence, Route 4, Box 3A, Medford Touring 1917 1606418 26847 Whittle, F. F., 426 B, Ashland Roadster 1920 4597835 13138 Wilder & Son, Box 95, Phoenix Touring 1919 3198953 23242 Wiley, T. S., 631 Walnut, Ashland Touring 1915 983689 7866 Wiley, J. W., Box 63, Rogue River Touring 1916 1545422 18357 Williams Co., John M., Jacksonville Roadster 1920 3621431 27767 Williams, Fred, Route 2, Box 18, Medford Touring 1921 4948668 23304 Williams, J. W., 513 N. Grape, Medford Touring 1921 4568440 15012 Williamson, L. A., 23 Mistletoe, Medford Sedan 1920 4352890 26798 Willits, Merle, 1028 E. 11th, Medford Touring 1921 5546957 23243 Wilson, A. E., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1919 2909032 38108 Wilson & Blankenship, 496 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1920 3662732 8698 Wilson, E. W., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1921 426428 24421 Wilson, H. L., 341 W. 2nd, Medford Touring 1915 718776 38721 Wilson, J. R., Route 1, Box 56, Medford Touring 1914 319945 29460 Wilson, L. C., 616 Franquette Ave., Medford Touring 1917 1872738 27768 Wilson, R. E., 411 Beatty, Medford Touring 1917 1749801 24420 Winans, Dr. C. A., Route 2, Box 103A, Medford Touring 1917 1366320 5186 Witt, Fred, Box 171, Gold Hill Touring 1915 1064498 39911 Witte, F. W., Box 14, Central Point Touring 1915 1079073 17878 Woods, Mrs. Fidelia, 1028 Court, Medford Touring 1921 4786541 3204 Woods, Wallace, 711 E. Main, Medford Touring 1920 4104587 11353 Woods, Wallace, 711 E. Main, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1917 2336686 11353 Woodcock, Ed, Rogue River Touring 1918 2518724 24405 Woodcock, G. A., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1917 2299063 13113 Work, H. M., Route 1, Box 17, Talent Touring 1920 3262231 26334 Wright, C. N., Route 4, Medford Touring 1920 4009253 8696 Wright, J. V., 263 Mountain Ave., Ashland Touring 1915 591703 27760 Wright, W. L., Sams Valley Bug 1916 1311440 13534 Yant & Nieman, Route 1, Central Point Touring 1916 1156514 7847 Yeo, G. H., 114 Oak, Ashland Sedan 1920 4542252 14643 Young, G. B., Route 1, Box 12, Medford Sedan 1921 2441115 26932 Young, W. R., 1110 W. 11th, Medford Touring 1916 1269744 13032 Zuccala, Frank, Eagle Point Touring 1916 687682 13857 FRANKLIN
Biddle, W. B., Hotel Medford, Medford
Touring 1916 30292 38719Helman, O. O., Otis St., Ashland Touring 1919 E45091 230 McCaskey, H. D., Bora Da Orchards, Central Point Sedan 1921 69401 659 Nelson, Lena H., Granite City Hospital, Ashland Touring 1919 E437 37385 Nicholson, W. E., Route 2, Box 114, Medford Touring 1918 E41607 26311 Pine Belt Banking Co., Butte Falls Touring 1919 45154 23890 Smith, Sidney S., 906 W. Main, Medford Roadster 1917 30345 3337 Stewart, Mrs. Ida, Hotel Holland, Medford Touring 1917 C39196 1873 Swedenburg, Dr. F. G., 990 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1917 35644 26503 FWD
Oregon State Highway Com., Eagle Point Truck,
3-ton 15112 39342GENERAL
Eads Transfer & Storage Co., 22 N. Front,
Medford Truck, 1-ton 22471 18182Eads Transfer & Storage Co., 22 N. Front, Medford Truck, 2-ton 8337C2 18183 Eads Transfer & Storage Co., 22 N. Front, Medford Truck, 2-ton 10995C2 18185 GMC
Knips, Louis, 219 S. Ivy, Medford Truck,
1½-ton 62842 13869GRANT
Gear, J. A., 527 Terrace, Ashland Touring 1918
K1889 12800Heine, Dr. T. G., 916 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1916 11797 24616 Irwin, R. W., Talent Touring 1919 5008 10182 Lyman, G. & Hooton, H. A., Gold Hill Touring 1916 13244 8256 HAYNES
Clancy, Dr. R. W., Medford Heights,
Medford Touring 1918 33561 5514HUDSON
Beall, R. V., Central Point Touring 1917 42649
27635Billings, John, 18 Myrtle, Medford Touring 1919 70821 37510 Fouts, O. R., 515 S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1919 31088 19840 Lamport, Mrs. E. H., 419 W. 2nd, Medford Coupe 1921 107805 39857 Livingston, A. G., 1165 E. Main, Ashland Phaeton 1920 90744 1231 Moore, E. A., 1009 S. Oakdale, Medford Phaeton 1917 40024 23414 O'Harra, T. J., Central Point Touring 6M45926M 39633 Rader, J. M., Phoenix Touring 1917 41579 4465 Roberts, Wm., 748 Blvd., Ashland Touring 1916 1006 16317 Voorhies, Gordon, Eden Valley Orchard, Medford Touring 1920 98306 29836 Wehrli, Wm., 63 Bush, Ashland Touring 1920 84578 24873 HUPP
Butler, J. H., 619 S. Riverside, Medford
Touring 1920 R23390 23147Clark, Mrs. Letha C., 31 S. Orange, Medford Touring 1920 44191 39530 Cronemiller, J. M., Jacksonville Touring 1919 R1954 249 Fichtner, Carl, 613 S. Holly, Medford Touring 1921 46967 10293 Hamaker, M. S., 174 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1917 42051 27861 Hamaker, S. C., 56 Roca, Ashland Touring 1917 77497 39139 Harrison, P. B., 839 E. Main, Medford Touring 1921 58912 8777 Hayes, Dr. J. C., 1405 W. Main, Medford Touring 1918 1905 22615 Kinney, A. E., 55 Granite, Ashland Touring 1919 13039 6742 Marshall, Vern, 1113 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1920 42448 22507 Offenbacher, Fred, Applegate Touring 1920 46850 12343 Sievertsen, B. C., 1106 W. 4th, Medford Touring 1920 37669 15425 Wright, Paul, 714 Beekman, Medford Touring 1914 42663 29913 LEXINGTON
Butler, G. S., 41 Granite, Ashland Touring 1920
196 4726Crawford, W. R., 718 Sherman, Medford Tourabout 1919 TW85654 22748 MACK
Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main,
Medford Truck, 2½-ton 25772
10634Eads Transfer & Storage Co., 22 N. Front, Medford Truck, 2½-ton 57153 18186 Eads Transfer & Storage Co., 22 N. Front, Medford Truck, 3½-ton 732484 18187 MAXWELL
Adams, Geo., 1118 W. 8th, Medford Touring
1920 804738 14313Barneburg, S. P., Route 4, Medford Touring 1919 251893 22837 Bigham, P. C., 503 N. Grape, Medford Touring 1921 303344 1677 Bohnert, Wm., Route 1, Box 107, Central Point Touring 1919 235608 26837 Boles, C. A., Central Point Touring 1918 B6641 7748 Bursell, Dr. A. & Edith, 1211 E. Main, Medford Touring 1920 300517 7627 Canfield, I. D., Route 1, Box 89A, Medford Touring 1916 155155 26049 Carless, Mrs. Wm., Box 26, Phoenix Touring 1922 363610 26151 Caster, L. O., Route 4, Medford Touring 1918 A9461 28699 Coleman, Ray, Box 146, Jacksonville Touring 1918 211471 12638 Coleman, W. R., 720 Welch, Medford Touring 1920 311353 39818 Cook, Mrs. Mae, Route 3, Box 51, Medford Touring 1917 109434 29725 Crawford, Oris, 20 S. Laurel, Medford Touring 1920 299897 19261 Daley, W. C., Eagle Point Touring 1920 287189 895 Darby, J. H., Route 1, Box 63C, Medford Touring 1919 232632 24641 Davis, Wm., 402 S. Central, Medford Touring 1917 143391 14929 Dean, G. B., Box 1025, Medford Touring 1914 5124 22829 Dengler, F. J., Box 136, Rogue River Touring 1918 201157 9934 Evensizer, Everett, Route 2, Box 78, Medford Touring 1917 182394 39430 Fox, Wm., 208 S. Central, Medford Touring 1918 223109 38256 Garrett, N. J., Route 3, Box 23, Medford Touring 1919 235670 38464 Gillett, A. A., Central Point Truck, 1-ton 276191 13871 Gregory, L. H., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1919 278560 23166 Hamlin, T. J., Route 1, Medford Touring 1916 155145 1028 Hedges, Dr. A. R., 413 W. 2nd, Medford Touring 1921 1251328 38446 Hemlin, C. A., 216 S. Laurel, Medford Touring 1921 351896 28202 Hibbard, J. G., 131 W. Main, Medford Touring 1918 213198 37565 Hoppin, F. L., Route 2, Box 63, Medford Touring 1921 351563 26943 Howard, Geo. L., Jacksonville Touring 1917 182319 13298 Inman, Mrs. C. C., 937 S. Holly, Medford Touring 1919 233951G 37618 Johnson, M. S., Gold Hill Touring 1920 300106 13293 Knips, Louis, 219 S. Ivy, Medford Truck, 1½-ton 310273 13868 Knips, W. G., Route 2, Medford Touring 1920 276313 28210 Lane, C. E., Box 546, Ashland Roadster 1921 307618 29577 Lawrence, Rev. E. P., 25 S. Orange, Medford Touring 1917 161931 37484 Linville, J. H., Route 2, Box 23, Medford Touring 1916 90584 26036 Maddox & Bonney, 1005 E. Main, Medford Touring 1917 17600 25531 Manning, Randolph, Route 1, Central Point Touring 1919 193591 8567 Merriman, I. A., Route 2, Box 41, Medford Touring 1921 358937 5802 Moore, Albert, 309 E. Jackson, Medford Touring 1915 28706 1311 Morrison, E. E., Route 1, Box 120, Medford Touring 1921 325343 27430 Myers, Mrs. C. A., Route 4, Medford Touring 1917 142497 24627 Nalley, Anna C., 707 W. Main, Medford Touring 1920 278865 17767 Nichols, R. W., Route 1, Box 102, Central Point Touring 1918 B6742 39805 Ore. Gas & Electric Co., 209 W. Main, Medford Touring 1921 9850523 23077 Page-Dressler Co., 112 E. Main, Medford Touring 1919 233955 28246 Pech, H. G., Route 3, Medford Touring 1921 359336 10692 Pendleton & Son, J. C., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1919 231565G 28433 Piche, Al, Southern Ore. Hdw. Co., Medford Roadster 1919 25444 26045 Reinhart, Wm., 464 Iowa, Ashland Touring 1918 451812 6815 Rogers, Wm., R.F.D., Box 179A, Ashland Touring 1918 221826 17650 Ruch, C. M., Ruch Touring 1917 176016 26044 Salter, F. R., 1101 W. 9th, Medford Touring 1921 359242 26939 Sayle, J. P., 183 Gresham, Ashland Touring 1917 188216 1201 Sherard, Albert, 881 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1919 301915 23744 Spates, J. E., 108 7th, Ashland Touring 1918 A3181 22826 Stansell, Freda B., 444 N. Grape, Medford Touring 1918 216185 28212 Stinson, F. O., 234 W. 5th, Medford Touring 1918 A9497 22841 Talent Orchard Co., Talent Touring 1920 311245 15352 Taylor, C. H., Route 1, Box 31, Central Point Touring 1916 155862 5747 Terrill, C. E., Jacksonville Touring 1918 C4396 28701 Thornbrue, J. R., Central Point Touring 1917 170112 19255 Turpin, O. A., Route 3, Box 108, Medford Touring 1916 90462 14202 Tuttle, C. N., Route 1, Box 5, Central Point Touring 1917 180344 372 Vinson, O. L., 1002 Court, Medford Touring 1918 A7424 27158 Wahl, F. E., 35 Crater Lake Ave., Medford Touring 1919 219422 29876 Walch, Loyd, Gen. Del., Medford Touring 1920 315568 29875 Walker, Mrs. Kathlyn, 412 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1921 351890 29874 METZ
Brass, Michael, Route 1, Medford Touring
1916 42924 29748Everton, Walter, 585 Allison, Ashland Touring 1915 2610 24553 MICHIGAN
Nye, H. B., Talent Touring 1914 477H4212
Kellogg, B. B., 46 S. 2nd, Ashland Touring 1918
14302 23560Smith, W. J., Route 1, Box 11A, Medford Touring 1917 75747 2134 NASH
Alden, G. B., Barnum Apts., Medford
Sportster 1920 176842 28694Balis, Ben B., 36 Morton, Ashland Touring 1919 3646 28757 Bursell, Bertha A., Route 2, Box 47, Medford Roadster 1920 15667 8209 Cal. Ore. Power Co., 216 W. Main, Medford Touring 1921 78554 10598 Cook, E. Violet, Route 2, Box 58, Medford Touring 1920 140169 22723 Denton, F. M., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1919 128223 24865 Dockery, J. T., 369 Hargadine, Ashland Roadster 1919 132285 39016 Eisman, F. D., Rogue River Roadster 1921 86176 10207 Fuller, J. H., 150 N. Main, Ashland Roadster 1920 132918 6015 Gatton, Mrs. S. B., 30 N. Front, Medford Touring 1920 114320 43 Gould, E. W., 517 S. Newtown, Medford Touring 1920 44894 22978 Hearn, Andrew, Phoenix Touring 1921 62936 11583 Hohenstein, A., 44 N. Orange, Medford Touring 1919 64780 39538 Markland, R. B., Route 3, Box 18, Medford Sedan 1920 49791 22506 McGee, J. H., 190 Vista, Ashland Touring 1919 16242 12592 Miles, T. W., 203 N. Oakdale, Medford Sportster 1921 176659 22919 Mills, V. V., 208 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1920 16303 258 Parsons, Mrs. G. H., Siskiyou Heights, Medford Coupe 1920 155885 10752 Patterson, Mrs. Joshua, Route 1, Talent Touring 1921 78518 9316 Paul, Mrs. B. W., 406 W. 2nd, Medford Touring 1920 149256 38888 Poor, J. C., 187 Sherman, Ashland Touring 1920 164940 17915 Sanford, W. E., 90 6th, Ashland Sportster 1920 61130 6235 Semon, C. J., 203 N. Peach, Medford Touring 1921 72378 27702 Shirley, E. P., 324 Vancouver, Medford Touring 1920 56265 24448 Simpson, T. H., 142 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1919 39693 37585 Taylor, T. L., Route 2, Medford Touring 1920 140315 28865 Trowbridge, Ed G., 344 N. Central, Medford Roadster 1920 59139 19518 Walker, Mrs. Jane H., Mira Vista Orchard, Medford Touring 1921 197039 37555 Walker, L. O., Box 132, Gold Hill Touring 1921 70364 17906 Welch, W. M., Central Point Touring 1920 166220 26884 Wolters, C. C., Talent Touring 1920 59063 25770 Wood, A. C., Route 1, Box 104, Medford Touring 1921 1677 11305 Young, M. F., Route 1, Box 81, Central Point Touring 1920 1220 8389 OAKLAND
Antle, R. F., 108 Geneva, Medford Touring
1917 20118 29998Bursell, Dr. A. & Edith, 1211 E. Main, Medford Touring 1919 C53611 7628 Corey, C. H., Route 3, Medford Touring 1919 C50371 10558 Corum, B. J., 324 N. Front Medford Touring 1920 C76154 39717 Davis, C. W., 25 N. Peach, Medford Touring 1920 D28750X 24868 Dow, E. G., 522 Park Ave., Medford Touring 1920 C92178 704 Elden, J. W., Route 1, Box 77, Central Point Touring 1919 C70018 3167 Gregory, W. W., Route 3, Medford Touring 1917 OB4217 10034 Hollis, F. W., 819 Minnesota, Medford Touring 1920 D28732X 608 Hunt, G. A., 202 S. Orange, Medford Coupe 1919 C35767 21694 Jacobs, J. W., 409 N. Riverside, Medford Touring 1919 C94688 5390 King, G. A., Central Point Touring 1919 C68466 17809 Leschorn, Alexander, Rogue River Roadster 1916 54385 19507 Mann, J. C., 815 E. Main, Medford Touring 1918 C80848 8950 McDougall, H. W., Route 1, Box 34, Central Point Roadster 1918 C13539 11096 McIntyre, W. B., 134 S. Ivy, Medford Touring 1916 46003 22787 Pernoll, J. W., Applegate Touring 1917 9596 992 Pickett, F. J., Gold Hill Touring 1921 D56685 24460 Potter, B. M., 153 2nd, Ashland Touring 1918 AB14080 28737 Potter, Frank, 169 Emerick Ave., Ashland Touring 1917 B6550 9631 Pulse, W. E., Box 243, Ashland Touring 1919 C57178 25442 Rees, J. R., 130 W. 6th, Medford Touring 1919 81319 38468 Short, Arthur, 708 W. 2nd, Medford Touring 1920 D10409 38915 Van Scoyoc, Dr. C. C., 209 S. Orange, Medford Touring 1916 32 5362 Van Scoyoc, Dr. M. M., 811 Bennett Ave., Medford Touring 1920 C92106 12093 Wagner, F. D., 47 Grant, Ashland Touring 1921 D56997 27441 Woodford, J. R., 522 S. Holly, Medford Touring 1921 D56960 28235 OLDSMOBILE
Britt, Emil, Jacksonville Touring 1917
X95030 4418Isaacs, W. F., 1105 W. Main, Medford Touring 1921 BX13338 11559 M.F.&H. Co., 31 N. Central, Medford Truck, ¾-ton 1919 6732 5365 Moses, Bert, 67 Scenic Drive, Ashland Sedan 1921 ED35015 6298 Moss, L. A., Box 17, Ashland Touring 1919 100710 22923 Patterson, Sylvester, 639 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1917 D3620 12349 Sebrean, F. W., Route 2, Box 75, Central Point Touring 1920 ED51343 19855 Swenson, C. L., 252 B, Ashland Touring 1917 D6512 23573 OVERLAND
Banta, H. L., 57 4th, Ashland Touring 1921 150500
9296Baxter, I. H., 29 Park Place, Medford Touring 1916 B1492 14310 Bolz, R. F., Route 4, Box 73, Medford Touring 1921 11370 9298 Bowne, Walter, Route 2, Medford Touring 1922 148886 2542 Brewer, J. T., 1005 W. Main, Medford Touring 1917 61050 38181 Burrell, V., Route 2, Box 47, Medford Touring 1916 7H8341 8208 Carpenter, F. S., Route 2, Medford Touring 1921 97643 8783 Cavin, A. L., 523 E. Main, Medford Touring 1920 68651 37506 City of Ashland, Police Dept., Ashland Touring 1918 5363 9080 Clark, F. C., 219 W. Main, Medford Touring 1919 9779 24596 Coovling, Edward, 176 Mountain Ave., Ashland Touring 1920 1323860 22766 Doran, J. H., 698 Ashland, Ashland Touring 1916 39296 37322 Dougherty, Emma L., 239 Oak, Ashland Touring 1920 23655 8781 Engle, F. S., 534 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1918 14601 39539 Everhard, W. H., 1013 W. 9th, Medford Touring 1918 34276 37613 Florey, D. E., Route 1, Talent Touring 1920 12813 37678 Grieve, J. L., Prospect Touring 1920 19495 37324 Grigsby, D. L., Central Point Delivery 1919 140166 22888 Hale, W. G., 423 Mountain Ave., Ashland Country Club 1917 43212 13370 Higginbotham, W. A., 866 Blaine, Ashland Touring 1921 94448 38704 Head, H. C., 39 4th, Ashland Roadster 1920 108945 39538 Henson, R. D., 40 Berkeley Way, Medford Touring 1918 44461 24980 Herbst, E. F., 139 Wimer, Ashland Touring 1921 108945 39538 Holst, J. D., Sams Valley Touring 1919 4086 24905 Home Tel. & Tel. Co., The, 218 W. 6th, Medford Touring 1920 120423 6308 Huls, H. E., 447 Rock, Ashland Touring 1918 13134 38192 Jarvis, G. D., 403 Helman, Ashland Country Club 1919 49375 23025 Johnson, R. W., 407 Scenic Drive, Ashland Touring 1918 33274 22969 Jones, M. W., 515 S. Central, Medford Touring 1921 119922 38712 Kaegi, John, 517 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1916 4709 28826 Klum, C. W., 823 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1918 121473 26739 Knips, Louis, 219 S. Ivy, Medford Touring 1921 126269 24588 Laflam, A. C., 420 N. Grape, Medford Delivery T49346A 22771 Le Blanc, D., 983 Oak, Ashland Touring 1920 103326 19542 Malmgren, Dr. T. J., Phoenix Coupe 1921 79746 28523 Mankins, Harry, Jacksonville Touring 1913 16166 12448 Martin, Joseph, Route 3, Box 28, Medford Touring 1921 113121 22857 Mathews, E. W., Eagle Point Touring 1920 77714 9671 McDonough, Geo., Sams Valley Touring 1916 84196 24859 McKray, James, Route 1, Box 49, Central Point Touring 1918 32182 19177 Milam, G. W., Phoenix Touring 1920 68970 22913 Miller, J. F., Box 37, Phoenix Touring 1912 595142 28665 Mills, H. D., 343 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1917 108574 19573 Moffett, W. A., 612 S. Newtown, Medford Touring 1912 595126 26733 Montgomery, B. F., 335 B, Ashland Touring 1919 149410 38180 Neeley, Mrs. L., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1917 29928 14129 Newbry, E. I., Talent Touring 1920 D10507 27013 Pankey, L. H., Prospect Touring 1920 24512 23935 Patton, Hamilton, 1211 W. Main, Medford Touring 1919 113708 22094 Payne, F. W., 812 W. 4th, Medford Touring 1920 4823 15589 Pech, E. R., 60 N. Quince, Medford Touring 1916 44915 13379 Peebler, G. A., 645 Liberty, Ashland Touring 1919 102207 28216 Penwell, A., 828 N. Central, Medford Roadster 1921 15002 28819 Pinion, M. B., 517 Iowa, Ashland Touring 1914 2672 946 Porter, R. C., 403 Palm Ave., Ashland Roadster 1920 21569 9705 Richardson, Jesse L., Central Point Delivery 1919 116234 22859 Ritter, J. J., Gold Hill Touring 1920 94770 18133 Robison, R. E., Route I, Box 10, Talent Touring 1920 110322 947 Rudd, James, 324 Liberty, Ashland Touring 1916 60381 4240 Shoudy, Ira, 311 Almond, Ashland Touring 1918 19294 26097 Smith, W. E., Route 2, Box 117, Medford Touring 1917 108403 25808 Stancliff, Luther, Box 265, Central Point Touring 113067 28990 Stevens, Delilia, Route 2, Box 49, Medford Touring 1921 102923 25816 Stinson, F. O., 234 W. 5th, Medford Touring 1918 A9497 22841 Stone, Dan, Route 2, Box 9, Central Point Touring 1914 13184 24819 Thibault, A. N., Route 3, Box 44A, Medford Touring 1921 153942 37850 Tomlinson, H. K., 125 Oak, Ashland Touring 1919 114175 12133 Wallis, W. H., Route 1, Ashland Touring 1918 78653 10325 Walz, E. L., Route 1, Box 24, Medford Touring 1917 16710 24978 Williams, W. R., Route 1, Box 147A, Ashland Touring 1918 78653 10325 Wilson, J. L., Route 1, Box 64, Medford Touring 1920 21045 1521 Wissing, A. H., 19 W. 13th, Medford Touring 1919 56745 28855 Wold, Eric, Route 1, Medford Touring 1920 300252W8 15103 Worden, L. A., 724 Alder, Medford Touring 1919 35826 39101 PACKARD
Bardwell, R. G., 1002 S. Oakdale, Medford
Touring 1921 U1934D 567Kell & Childers, Gold Hill Roadster 1912 9709 27968 Reames, A. E., 816 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1921 V1853 39630 Vawter, V. H., 105 Geneva, Medford Touring 1921 U1306B 37544 PAIGE
Bush, Elinor Hanley, 826 E. Main, Medford
Touring 1919 116052 27461Cameron, W. W., Jacksonville Touring 1918 117302 29979 Campbell, H. E., Eagle Point Roadster 1919 78169 284 Finley, I. A., Route 2, Box 109, Medford Touring 1918 100273 7339 Ryan, Luke, 215 E. Jackson, Medford Touring 1917 102097 14073 PAN AMERICAN
Domergue, W. G., 15 Keene Way, Medford
Touring 1920 7W96877 24862PEERLESS
Collins, Geo. T., 1417 W. Main, Medford
Touring 1919 5140 39010PULLMAN
Crowl, L., Route 1, Box 67, Medford
Touring 1917 S2153 4909RELIANCE
Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main,
Medford Trailer, 2-ton 1072T 10633REO
Arant, W. F., 111 Nursery, Ashland Touring 1917
R2057 28868Benson, Mrs. Ellen, Route 2, Box 42, Medford Touring 1917 12845 2815 Burroughs, Mrs. Grant, Route 3, Box 47, Medford Touring 1921 12855 27460 Cox, Guy, 701 N. Riverside, Medford Truck, 1¼-ton 37630 11379 Elliott, H. E., 351 Morton, Ashland Speed Wagon 1920 39144 18616 Fisher, W. H., 218 Apple, Medford Touring 1917 R7176 6377 Hansen, Henry, Route 3, Box 67, Medford Touring 1914 58362 38198 Jennings, E. D., 1116 Iowa, Ashland Touring 1914 53700 7114 Jordin, J. H., Box 303, Talent Touring 1915 65831 18672 Jones, J. E., 770 Iowa, Ashland Speed Wagon 1919 22973 18673 Kidd, C. M., 32 Ross Court, Medford Touring 1917 4073 4582 Maury, H. C., Route 2, Box 48, Medford Touring 1917 82468 13733 Poston, Alfred, Gen. Del., Ashland Touring 1913 46397 28683 Russell, M., 803 N. Riverside, Medford Truck, 2¼-ton 51884 8321 REPUBLIC
Binns, Ed, 133 W. Main, Medford Truck,
¾-ton 1918 4462 1227Honner, F. G., Rogue River Truck, 1-ton 1921 94609 5730 Von der Hellen, Wm., 312 S. King, Medford Truck, 1-ton 103870 18217 SAMPSON
Brown & Sons, Geo., Eagle Point Delivery
1921 3813 38450SAXON
Arnold, R. J., 340 Haven, Medford
Roadster 1914 1053 6279Belcher, T. R., Gold Hill Touring 1919 29248 22864 Bowman, G. H., 635 Roca, Ashland Touring 1917 29786 28951 Offenbacher, Herman, Applegate Touring 1917 31498 28886 SCRIPPS-BOOTH
Alford, H., 517 W. 10th, Medford Touring
1919 C35164 19225Bodenhamer, F. E., 524 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1919 35154 19979 Charley, Jennie C., 305 N. Grape, Medford Touring 1919 51871 23053 Leedam, L. L., 124 Nob Hill, Ashland Touring 1919 C41088 39631 STEARNS
Bowne, Walter, Route 2, Medford Touring
1915 8091 4468STEPHENS
Brown, Mrs. E. G., 120 Crater Lake Ave.,
Medford Roadster 1921 26182 216Nichols, Gus, Eagle Point Touring 1920 25625 881 Palm, C. W., 343 S. Holly, Medford Touring 1920 19314 12353 Perry, J. A., 604 W. Main, Medford Touring 1920 21081 19875 Ore. Gas & Electric Co., 209 W. Main, Medford Touring 1921 26712 23078 STUDEBAKER
Automotive Shop, The, 100 Main, Ashland Delivery
1916 473904 6874Avery, R. C., 311 Granite, Ashland Touring 1921 52002 1030 Bailey, W. H., 745 W. Jackson, Medford Touring 1914 11090 16408 Barron, H. W., Box 14, Ashland Touring 1920 8861 5069 Beebe, A. W., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1913 9116 7395 Brownlee, J. G., 706 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1920 CG11353 7702 Case, C. F., Sams Valley Touring 1921 28663 29000 Cochran, J. H., 203 N. Bartlett, Medford Touring 1920 26040 308 Cooke, J. H., 363 B, Ashland Touring 1920 5151 5319 Darby, W. F., 290 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1914 6B8206 9247 Dean, G. B., Box 1025, Medford Touring 1916 27964 22830 Dunn, G. W., 65 Grant, Ashland Touring 1920 49895 19643 Ellers, L. A., Box 964, Medford Touring 1921 64265 9142 Evanson, E. A., 530 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1916 3995 16417 Farlow, T. A., Lake Creek Touring 1920 5386 23953 Gaddis, E. C., 609 E. Main, Medford Touring 1916 31180 22906 Gates, C. E., 6th & Riverside, Medford Touring 1921 21770 25570 Gilmore, C. N., Box 276, Ashland Touring 1916 6D30741 10298 Howard, C. B., 913 N. Central, Medford Touring 1919 693 17232 Howard, C. B., 913 N. Central, Medford Touring 1919 32577 17231 Howard, J. K., 815 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1921 20593 28607 Jelly, J. M., 107 N. Fir, Medford Touring 1921 55224 22907 Kleinhammer, A. S., Jacksonville Touring 1919 BF13370 38399 Meeker, C. A., 315 N. Bartlett, Medford Touring 1917 75143 447 Moore, F. B., 115 Granite, Ashland Touring 1917 89756 5066 Nance, R. D., 18 Summit, Medford Touring 1920 56735 38513 Niedermeyer, L., Route 2, Medford Touring 1920 30088 24611 Nichols, Ruth, Eagle Point Touring 1920 M8762 891 Nichols, T. F., Eagle Point Touring 1920 5300 8774 Patterson, J. E., Box 478, Ashland Touring 1921 8777 11944 Peterson, C. A., 327 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1920 18354 28660 Pickel, C. A., 1016 Court, Medford Touring 1915 37471 28341 Pottenger, T. E., Medford Sedan 1921 5272 24242 Riley, T. M., Eagle Point Touring 1917 7672 37625 Shockley, Joseph, 1005 W. Main, Medford Roadster 1920 53150 16114 Silver, C. G., 117 Cottage, Medford Touring 1920 13887 10053 Stoltze, Mrs. Gertrude, 311 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1920 23938 12458 Thompson, P. C., Box 63, Eagle Point Touring 1918 3460 12115 Tinker, W. L., Route 1, Box 177, Ashland Touring 1917 65457 3163 Tucker, M. M., 155 3rd, Ashland Touring 1921 4915 24277 Wakefield, E. W., 18 Almond, Medford Touring 1915 25261 6376 Walter, G. G., 712 W. 11th, Medford Touring 1920 24285 37481 Walters, G. W., Route 1, Box 125, Medford Touring 1914 428277 24551 TEMPLAR
Brown, J. C., Cargill Court, Medford
Touring 1920 1380 11556Conroy, Dr. R. J., Medford Heights, Medford Roadster 1920 995 28047 TRAFFIC
Ashland Lumber Co., 384 Oak, Ashland Truck, 1-ton
110064 13876VELIE
Barneburg, John, Route 3, Medford Touring
1921 XV7770 26082Courts, Mary A., 662 B, Ashland Touring 1918 75103 15318 Daily, J. F., Route 4, Medford Touring 1918 65600 12941 Gregory, E. J., Central Point Touring 1918 7W70896 621 Grieve, James E., Prospect Touring 1921 7069 16311 Hill, D. R., Box 944, Medford Touring 1921 XV7332 15414 Knight, C. A., 801 E. Main, Medford Touring 1918 60381 24933 Knapp, Minnie M., 408 W. 6th, Medford Touring 1918 92241 38887 Leach, B. F., Hotel Ashland, Ashland Roadster 1919 9N33910 29981 Perl, J. A., 426 W. 6th, Medford Touring 1921 7005 37984 Stevens, G. C., 295 Helman, Ashland Touring 1921 7350 37420 Von Hoevenberg, H. J., Gold Hill Touring 1918 7W72289 38426 Westerlund, Ella C., 916 E. Main, Medford Cabriolet 1918 7W554920 27941 WILLYS-KNIGHT
Calkins, F. M., 813 Minnesota, Medford
Touring 1920 5637 2553Guddat, O. A., 22 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1918 7377 25090 Hale & Lyon, 16 N. Front, Medford Touring 1921 7892 14616 Johnson, F. H., 146 Manzanita, Ashland Touring 1916 8867 17859 McMillan, Alexander, 110 8th, Ashland Touring 1918 7714 5858 Owen, F. G., Box 1122, Medford Touring 1921 5313 3409 Purdin, M., 912 N. Central, Medford Touring 1922 19899 19538 Tractor Owners will
appear in the June Supplement.
County Auto Directory April 1922, Southern Oregon Historical Society
Rogue River Valley Canal Co. Truck,
2-ton 43376 70332Name
Body Type
Year Engine
No. License No.
Rogue River Valley Canal Co. Truck, 3½-ton 47550 70333 Rogue River Valley Canal Co. Truck, 3½-ton 38346 70334 Rogue River Valley Canal Co. Truck, 1-ton 49203 70335 ALLEN
Curtis, Frank, General Delivery, Medford
Touring 1920 52494 63263Jaqua, E. W., 506 S. Newtown, Medford Touring 1916 6145 72923 ASSEMBLED
Haas, Mrs. C. J., 606 W. 11th, Medford
Touring 1917 281162 75462BELL
Robinson, Martha, 1089 Boulevard, Ashland Touring
1920 363 72505BETHLEHEM
Cordwell, Joe, Ashland Truck, 2½-ton
3766C4 79217BRISCOE
Conner, Guy W., Box 1136, Medford Touring
1919 46994 71588Carr, Harry, Rogue River Touring 1916 1957 62205 BUICK
Acklin, Mrs. Delia, 15½ E. Main, Ashland
Touring 1922 731053 81252Acklin, E. A., 15½ E. Main, Ashland Touring 1920 657854 81251 Anderson, G. N., R.F.D., Box 80, Talent Touring 1910 17246 66041 Atwell, J. H., 129 W. 11th, Medford Bug 1910 8935 G3176 Baird, F. B., 230 S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1922 799186 68299 Bateman, I. R., 286 Vista, Ashland Touring 1919 498172 68976 Bland, C. L., 327 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1918 467161 54644 Bond, Cliff, Talent Touring 1916 170866 53003 Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main, Medford Touring 1922 826552 76795 Carter, E. V., 514 Boulevard, Ashland Roadster 1918 397125 54077 Christner, C. H., Route 1, Box 100, Medford Touring 1918 412184 61163 City of Medford, Medford Touring 1916 230951 56793 Cooper, O. J., Gen. Del., Ashland Touring 1921 760687 58814 Conger, H. W., 232 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1922 812401 84146 Daley, Geo. B., 502 S. Fir, Medford Touring 1919 475523 70124 Dallaire, Victor, 203 Elm, Medford Touring 1919 474606 67313 Darby, Chas., Route 1, Box 52, Medford Touring 1914 C4432 79256 Davis, Mrs. C. N., 425 N. Holly, Medford Touring 1922 799019 54230 Davis, F. Roy, 51 N. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1920 658300 60158 Dennis, W. B., 1323 Iowa, Ashland Touring 1920 617897 84544 Denton, Bertha L., 111 Laurel, Ashland Touring 1920 611937 61447 Dow, Dr. McM. M., 747 W. Jackson, Medford Touring 1918 344678 55882 Elliott, H. V., Route 1, Medford Touring 1917 206235 81412 Franks, C. H., 242 Beatty, Medford Touring 1922 799789 74903 Garrett, C. D., 704 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1921 727052 75518 Gates, W. A., 31 Crater Lake Ave., Medford Touring 1920 671015 58129 Gerhardt, P. W., 836 N. Central, Medford Touring 1914 B16059 76020 Giebisch, A., Medford Touring 1922 821948 81671 Gilson, A., Jacksonville Touring 1915 303832 65728 Gleim, C. W., Route 1, Talent Touring 1915 102889 72976 Glenn, Wm., R.F.D. 1, Talent Touring 1922 813314 79142 Glidden, F. A., Route 2, Box 34, Medford Roadster 1916 188710 54642 Hall, Mrs. M. L., Box 7, Gold Hill Touring 1919 502215 83950 Hanley, A. E., Route 2, Medford Touring 1920 658286 60155 Haswell, H. T., 609 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1914 11155 82623 Hawks, Bettie J., 128 Factory, Ashland Touring 1915 C11458 52793 Henry, R. J., Route 4, Box 54, Medford Touring 1920 617246 52559 Hitzler, Jack, 607 W. 2nd, Medford Touring 1914 B1043 62942 Hohenstein, A., 44 N. Orange, Medford Delivery 1918 387991 74152 Holmes, W. M., Box 934, Medford Touring 1920 674431 66099 Huber, F. J., 219 N. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1920 658063 58799 Hutchinson, S. W., Trail Touring 1914 131801 75545 Jackson County Creamery, 301 N. Fir, Medford Touring 1922 734991 68553 Johnson, C. O., 48 5th, Ashland Touring 1918 412415 67305 Johnson, C. O., 48 5th, Ashland Touring 1922 813763 81140 Johnson, J. W., 304 S. Holly, Medford Touring 1921 730216 73864 Johnson, O. H., 165 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1919 475759 83739 Knapp, Karl, 1014 E. 11th, Medford Touring 1921 747152 53946 Larson, Gus, Gold Hill Roadster 1919 528341 57993 Leggitt, J. H., 422 W. 12th, Medford Touring 1916 167877 73232 Leonard, P. M. & S. M., 14 Cottage, Medford Touring 1920 639465 72147 Mars, J. D., 51 3rd, Ashland Touring 1921 657996 583342 McCurdy, C. C., 1207 W. Main, Medford Touring 1918 353719 62520 Palmer, B. J., 211 N. Oakdale, Medford Delivery 1916 342755 72410 Perkins, W. W., 607 W. 11th, Medford Touring 1918 402904 54224 Petty, R. A., Jr, 235 S. Riverside, Medford Roadster 1918 442094 54227 Poellnitz, Mrs. Ada A., 1121 E. Main, Medford Touring 1917 317732 57254 Poley, W. M., 64 Gresham, Ashland Touring 1920 555074 76976 Riegel, Sprague, Riverside Orchard, Gold Hill Touring 1922 795737 53272 Rosenberg Brothers, 19 Ross Court, Medford Touring 1921 730517 70499 Sander, J. H., Ashland Touring 1917 367085 55866 Semon, R. D., 1133 W. 9th, Medford Touring 1917 166933 79363 Shepard, W. M., 1010 S. Oakdale, Medford Sedan 1918 480894 73680 Smith, W. H., 422 S. Ivy, Medford Touring 1916 186394 79074 Specht, H. E., 267 4th, Ashland Touring 1919 519401 81633 Stearns, Dr. R. W., 23 N. Orange, Medford Touring 1919 523149 61834 Stickel, Mrs. W. H., Gold Hill Touring 1917 301926 61833 Thierolf, H. A., 27 Geneva, Medford Touring 1921 747376 71625 Thorson, J. C., Route 2, Box 32, Medford Touring 1916 206162 58132 Trowbridge, Ben, 905 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1917 256091 72982 Tomlin, J. R., end N. Central, Medford Touring 1920 655748 52132 Tou Velie, Elizabeth, Jacksonville Roadster 1920 583631 62449 Walch, J. W., Lake Creek Touring 1914 B4235 70364 Webber, E. F., 221 N. Fir, Medford Touring 1920 673911 74747 Weeks, Mrs. Fred, 38 N. Orange, Medford Touring 1921 746586 67310 West, J. L., 520 Palm Ave., Ashland Touring 1918 455442 57831 White, J. F., 220 S. Laurel, Medford Touring 1920 674179 62519 Widell, F. L., 615 S. Central, Medford Touring 1917 229728 67308 Wooden, W. W., 228 S. Ivy, Medford Touring 1919 478220 64546 CADILLAC
Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main,
Medford Touring 1918 58N368 72485Crater Lake Automotive Co., 123-125 S. Front, Medford Touring 1913 88641 75440 Daniels, T. E., 835 E. Main, Medford Phaeton 1921 59P810 57959 Interurban Autocar Co., 5 S. Front, Medford Bus 1916 A33250 68410 Interurban Autocar Co., 5 S. Front, Medford Bus 1916 A31614 68497 Jordan, A. E., 678 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1919 D57632 55666 Montgomery, M., 1102 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1914 93430 57979 Penoyar, Mabel A., 995 S. Oakdale, Medford Victoria 1919 KK57517 78120 Power, E. P., 101 Portland Ave., Medford Truck, ½-ton 65947 78017 Roberts, Chas., 122 Willamette, Medford Roadster 1909 41390 70229 Watt, D. M., Phoenix Touring 1915 A15334 56302 Wise, W. C., Gold Hill Touring 1910 54876 76898 CASE
Detrick, R. E., 167 Church, Ashland Touring 1918
9N34849 72476Phipps, Isabelle, Route 3, Medford Touring 1913 49238 75503 Watts, John C., Gold Hill Bug 1915 23873 84542 CHALMERS
Acklin, Mrs. Delia, 15½ E. Main, Ashland
Touring 1919 12657 81253Bonar, D. A., 622 S. Central, Medford Touring 1917 65609 57280 Bowne, Walter, Route 2, Medford Touring 1918 6591 83895 Brown, W. H., Eagle Point Touring 1920 30079 61243 Cary, Guy, 171 Pioneer Ave., Ashland Touring 1916 16228 84493 Coever, Louie, Box 116, Phoenix Touring 1912 17A1573 70983 Delsman, Mrs. C., 943 Oak, Ashland Touring 1918 8819 68071 French, F. E., 126 S. Pioneer Ave., Ashland Touring 1917 93538 70432 Galbraith, Wallace, Box 128, Rogue River Touring 1919 35C11674 62576 Gardner, G. A., Jacksonville Touring 178272 83750 Gregg, J. R. W., 303 N. Holly, Medford Touring 1917 601 68605 Hallett, A. E., 211 Washington, Medford Bug 1913 1743227 75353 Haskins, Leon B., 821 N. Riverside, Medford Touring 1919 5510 63906 Herriott, T. W., Applegate Roadster 1917 18284 77353 Hosler, Mrs. E. R., 118 Helman, Ashland Touring 1918 1516 79376 McPherson, O. N., Eagle Point Touring 1917 33476 66466 Monia, R. C., Ashland Touring 1918 4209 80332 Newman, F. J., 518 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1920 29586 55402 Robinson, J. C., 411 S. Laurel, Medford Torpedo 1913 24874 55782 Rogue Valley Milling Co. 101 E. 9th, Medford Touring 1915 9563 58382 Smith, V. O. N., 311 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1919 9706 52330 Southern Oregon Hardware Co., Liberty Bldg., Medford Delivery 1910 A15073 68425 Tainor, Mrs. O. F., 126 Portland Ave., Medford Touring 1918 617110 70505 Whiteman, C. E., 515 W. 2nd, Medford Touring 1917 8574 82045 Zimmerman, G. E., Star Route, Gold Hill Touring 1917 74706 63369 CHANDLER
Boyl, R. H., 236 S. Oakdale, Medford
Roadster 1919 60359 81725Brown, J. F., Eagle Point Dispatch 1920 75986 62030 Donovan, P. C., 112 S. King, Medford Touring 1920 88650 55407 Egan, H. C., Route 3, Medford Dispatch 1919 65738 60126 Gore, W. H., Box 965, Medford Touring 1920 91736 55929 Guthrie, E. F., Route 2, Medford Touring 1920 66716 61672 Hill, A. L., 38 Geneva, Medford Touring 1920 79144 55225 Nordwick, H. O., 106 S. Ivy, Medford Touring 1920 68931 83353 Phipps, W. E., 1239 N. Riverside, Medford Touring 1920 68917 56414 CHEVROLET
Adamson, George, Trail Touring 1918 B1640
82138Aikins, H. S., 54 Taylor, Ashland Touring 1920 C50648 72917 Alenderfer, O. O., 620 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1920 D70054 61598 Anderson, Carl, 604 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1919 C54073 77157 Angwin, J. E., 93 Bush, Ashland Touring 1919 C11163 58317 Anning, Henry, Route 3, Medford Touring 1919 B59364 53765 Arens, Fred W., Eagle Point Touring 1918 68826 79146 Arens, J. D., Eagle Point Touring 1920 111518 65812 Ashpole, Roy, Eagle Point Touring 1921 D56889 68431 Avena, Chas., Riverside Orchard, Gold Hill Touring 1918 A62157 53154 Bagshaw, D. W., Jr., Jacksonville Touring 1918 A66744 67639 Bailey, Elsie L., 830 Bennett Ave., Medford Touring 1918 A62117 64107 Baker, Mark, 166 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1922 44749 65280 Baldwin, W. C., 63 California, Ashland Touring 1916 42616 52686 Ballengee, Hattie M., 344 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1919 B94661 54298 Bates, Clarence, 128 W. Main, Medford Touring 1920 D91785 54301 Bear Creek Orchard, Route 4, Medford Truck, 1-ton 5615 70809 Beaulieu, Victor J., Jacksonville Touring 1918 618354 76996 Berkeley Orchards, Route 1, Box 39, Medford Touring 1916 91598 75407 Boliou, W. C., Gen. Del., Medford Touring 1920 D16267 54938 Boren, W. H., Route 1, Medford Touring 1920 C97254 63017 Bowman, H. E., Talent Touring 1920 D33922 65186 Bragg, R. O., 207 Cottage, Medford Touring 1921 E3356 76799 Briggs, W. M., 77 Granite, Ashland Touring 1919 625335 81847 Brittsan Bros., Box 67, Eagle Point Touring 1918 A38446 61191 Bromley, H. L., 1527 W. 6th, Medford Touring 1919 B71394 52900 Brown, L. S., 500 Holly, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 9353 75223 Burdic, R. L., Jr, 122 High, Ashland Touring 1920 C43095 71620 Burns, C. A., Box 573, Ashland Touring 1920 40956 63290 Butterfield, H. O., 518 Iowa, Ashland Touring 1917 A6846 84537 Callaghan, A. H., 808 Bennett Ave., Medford Touring 1920 M13120 72807 Campbell, C. W., 44 Park Place, Medford Delivery 1922 E50026 68715 Carley, F. A., Phoenix Touring 1918 B92544 68525 Carlton, W. E., Talent Touring 1919 C26890 82527 Caris, E. A., Rogue River Touring 1921 58431 61263 Carroll, Lester, R.F.D., Rogue River Touring 1920 9751B1 61774 Carter, Frank, Gold Hill Touring 1920 47993 57698 Carter, F. S., Gold Hill Touring 1920 D1593 52303 Childers, W. A., Jacksonville Touring 610803 70750 Cherry, Albert, Route 2, Medford Touring 1922 37956 54403 [or 54408] City Cleaning & Dyeing Co., 401 S. Riverside, Medford Delivery 1920 D26771 74437 Clarke, H. H., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1920 E10664 72166 Clarno, A. B., Eagle Point Touring 1916 ABC123 68978 Clement, A., 231 S. Holly, Medford Touring 1920 C96948 82487 Coder, L. R., 440 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1917 60186 68716 Combest, T., Jacksonville Roadster 1918 B41192 79348 Cook, L. A., 107 Mistletoe, Medford Touring 1918 B38150 65665 Cowgill, R. P., Central Point Touring 1920 D34219 66780 Craig, F. M., 516 E. Main, Medford Touring 1920 C74002 66981 Crance, Lias A., Phoenix Touring 1921 40927 77716 Croucher, Henry, Route 2, Box 24B, Medford Touring 1918 B56646 83495 Crowson, Clarence, 581 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1918 24177 68585 Crum, R. V., Box 758, Medford Touring 1920 C47994 54430 Crummett, Fred, Route 4, Box 78A, Medford Touring 1918 A57315 70027 Crump, Cora B., 406 S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1920 D69990 60954 Cryst, T. R., Route 1, Rogue River Roadster 1920 D40911 54409 Culbertson, T. A. Route 3, Box 77, Medford Touring 1920 D5021 55055 Daily, H. M., Route 4, Box 21, Medford Touring 1920 HDM112318 64563 Daily, T. W., Route 4, Medford Touring 1920 D69965 55345 Daniels, Joe E., 1010 Court, Medford Touring 1922 E63624 77093 Darby, C. C., Route 1, Medford Touring 1918 A71836 55343 Daugherty, M. E., Route 3, Medford Touring 1922 70050 70527 Davis Transfer Co., 29 S. Grape, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1089 70266 Davis Transfer Co., 29 S. Grape, Medford Truck, 1-ton T520 70267 Davis, W. K., Route 4, Medford Touring 1917 A30125 55341 Dean, R. E., 417 N. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1918 A95162 79015 Derrick, R. S., Box 194, Ashland Touring 1920 C50428 58502 Dubois, G. E., Siskiyou Heights, Medford Touring 1918 A46193 66162 Du Bois, H. H., 928 S. Holly, Medford Touring 1921 63089 60988 Dunn, Harley, Talent Touring 1921 60658 74898 Dusenberry, C. L., Gold Hill Touring 1921 C76763 68434 Erickson, Nels, 451 Palm Ave., Ashland Touring 1918 34336 73375 Evans, H. W., 651 Walnut, Ashland Touring 1917 86521 69927 Foley, W. M., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1922 E64397 81705 Foley, Wm., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1919 B439283 70919 Foster, John, 413 S. Central, Medford Touring 1922 E56252 72963 Fredenburg, M. R., Gold Hill Touring 1919 C30023 57059 Frey, E. W., Lake Creek Touring 1920 D41411 68440 Frey, I. W., Lake Creek Touring 1920 C59899 75410 Glass, J. E., Route 2, Box 72, Central Point Touring 1920 D73858 52891 Goodman, A. L., Ruch Touring 1919 C39328 66623 Greaves, J. C., 1156 W. 8th, Medford Touring 1919 B59385 61354 Grieve & Seymour, 1006 W. 4th, Medford Roadster 1919 D38037 62832 Grove, F. F., Applegate Touring 1917 77952 52376 Groves, J. H., 774 C, Ashland Touring 1919 32652 83403 Guches, R. R., Route 1, Medford Touring 1918 A46086 56148 Guthrie, E. F., Route 2, Medford Touring 1918 A39299 66625 Haley, Percy, Box 75, Eagle Point Touring 1921 E38241 68448 Hall, A. E., Route 3, Medford Touring 1918 B34402 57610 Hamilton, C. T., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1918 B33006 55234 Hansen, Bessie, 12 S. Orange, Medford Touring 1920 C97003 82413 Harpole, E. A., 1103 Niantic, Medford Touring 1918 A92511 43049 Hathaway, S. F., Box 323, Central Point Touring 1920 C39470 76983 Hedberg, G. H., 90 2nd, Ashland Touring 1919 C28420 55228 Hedgpath, J. D., Gold Hill Touring 1921 D32267 57794 Heer, L. J., 117 High, Ashland Touring 1919 C16628 72525 Hendrickson, Dee, 804 S. Central, Medford Touring 1920 D5321 55048 Hendrickson, J. D., 804 S. Central, Medford Touring 1922 E59832 79147 Heriford, Jesse, Route 1, Box 61, Talent Touring 1916 890 53901 Herring, J. C., Central Point Touring 1919 C37322 55339 Hewitt, Harry, Route 2, Box 24, Medford Touring 1917 91792 75484 High Bros., Box 156, Ashland Touring 1918 B55800 74499 Higinbotham, Ed, Route 1, Central Point Touring 1919 C15845 52938 Hillcrest Orchard Co., Route 4, Medford Truck, 1½-ton 1919 B86147 63771 Hilton, Ben, Route 2, Medford Delivery 1920 B24412 68186 Hoagland, D. M., Central Point Touring 1920 C83600 68435 Hoefft, W. W., Lake Creek Touring 1918 B18407 60983 Holopeter, Ray, Route 2, Medford Touring 1915 15443 61768 Home Grocery, The, 610 E. Main, Medford Touring 1918 B71927 71624 Houston, M. A., Eagle Point Touring 1921 D2667 74629 Hughes, E. P., Talent Touring 1919 C38784 58139 Hunt, B. L., 901 N. Central, Medford Touring 1918 B86053 67897 Hutchins, B. H., 220 S. Oakdale, Medford Roadster 1916 27017 57343 Johnson, Edith A., Riverside Apts., Medford Touring 1919 C28408 83431 Jones, G. F., 147 Factory, Ashland Touring 1918 B51547 70708 Kay, D. F., Jr., 178 Skidmore, Ashland Touring 1918 12902 74752 Keizur, Clarence, 23 Almond, Medford Touring 1920 D4424 57890 Kelly, S. F., 144 Nutley, Ashland Touring 1921 14934 66781 Kershaw, J. L., Route 1, Box 56, Gold Hill Touring 1920 D34036 65991 King, J. J., Route 4, Medford Touring 1918 A47441 70076 Kirk, J. C., 272 Maple, Ashland Touring 1918 B32522 55599 Klingle, George, Lake Creek Touring 1917 A4237 79185 Knowles, Geo., Route 1, Medford Touring 1919 93452 52353 Korenian, John, 325 S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1917 A87739 83650 Kunzman, Geo. J., 339 Haven, Medford Touring 1922 E36909 55614 Lacy, C. A., Talent Touring 1916 91074 53253 Laws, W. H., Rogue River Touring 1918 A9394 55181 Lewis, I. D., Central Point Touring 1921 54377 65886 Lewis, Oscar, Jacksonville Touring 1920 D36624 65888 Leurs, Tom, Eagle Point Touring 1921 E13311 56702 Lidstrom, Olof, 125 Oberlin, Ashland Touring 1919 B68839 55556 Lindsay, W. C., 43 Church, Ashland Touring 1920 D18732 84541 Lindsey, J. W., Rose Ave, Medford Touring 1919 81295 67120 Loosley, P. S., Central Point Touring 1919 B93854 66775 Loveland, Carl H., Box 505, Ashland Touring 1918 A65405 52893 Luce, L. V., 120 S. Laurel, Medford Touring 1918 A71739 63693 Luke, D. W., Route 1, Box 15, Medford Touring 1918 A79052 55551 Lyman, Wm., 153 N. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1920 65297 68915 Mace, John, Route 2, Box 13, Medford Touring 1919 B55712 71906 Magerle, C. A., Rogue River Roadster 1918 C23493 64103 March, E. L., Ruch Touring 1918 B38144 68272 Maple, A. B., 505 N. Central, Medford Touring 1918 A74087 82272 Mayberry, Henry H., Siskiyou Touring 1920 D84107 81602 Mason, Ehrman & Co., 12th & Front, Medford Roadster 1922 R68568 70467 McBride, J. W., Central Point Touring 1920 73625 71747 McCune, J. N., Route 1, Box 36, Ashland Touring 1920 C7688S 58080 McQuiston, Eleanor, 236 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1918 A66958 56506 Medford Irrigation District, 216 Liberty Bldg., Medford Touring 1918 B32939 63532 Meiling, Earl, Box 1064, Medford Touring 1918 36350 71107 Meyer, H. G., Jr., Lake Creek Touring 1917 A2030 70451 Miller, Bessie, 206 Elm, Medford Touring 1918 49036 72799 Miller, R. L., Gold Hill Touring 1920 47199 64292 Miller, W. H., Gold Hill Touring 1920 C42631 63218 Mills, Harry, 220 N. Bartlett, Medford Touring 1917 A30704 65191 Mills, J. W., Jr., Route 1, Talent Touring 1920 C39248 60466 Milton, James, Rogue River Touring 1919 C24350 75106 Mitchell, H. V., Box 167, Ashland Touring 1917 31197 61192 Moore, G. R., 410 N. Ivy, Medford Touring 1920 C73178 54709 Morgan, J. M., 520 Mountain Ave., Ashland Touring 1918 C22077 81122 Morgan, Mrs. Tessia, Box 201, Central Point Touring 1919 C28082 55625 Murray, K. F., 621 W. 11th, Medford Touring 1919 C15313 61083 Netherland, L. A., 208 S. Central, Medford Roadster 1920 C16658 74505 Nunn, E. J., 822 E. 9th, Medford Touring 1920 E4465 71753 O'Brien, J. A., Applegate Touring 1918 A49083 55534 Oldfield, W. J., 469 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1921 12038 53672 Owings, Earl, Box 137, Rogue River Touring 1917 E0234 65914 Parkhurst, H. O., 210 W. Jackson, Medford Touring 1920 D62281 78343 Parman, G. A., 843 B, Ashland Delivery 1920 C96909 55068 Paul's Electric Store, Main & Central, Medford Delivery 1920 C48199 71554 Peninger, W. H., Central Point Touring 1918 B58912 74368 Pheister, E. W., Route 3, Box 29, Medford Touring 1917 69690 71552 Plymire, J. B., Route 3, Medford Touring 1920 C43023 62483 Ping, N. G., Depot Hotel, Ashland Touring 1918 C38922 67834 Pompadour Mineral Springs Co., 13 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1921 D20240 56440 Pool, B. L., Jacksonville Touring 1916 23735 63258 Powell, A. E., 462 A, Ashland Roadster 1919 38115 55338 Powell, T. L., 337 Oak, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1330 71364 Quackenbush, W. J., Talent Touring 1914 6662 61210 Ragan, W. D., Medford Touring 1918 19837 70446 Reed, Geo. K., Holland Hotel, Medford Touring 1921 E13323 43316 Reeder, Mrs. Norma, 886 Oak, Ashland Touring 1922 11021 55187 Reinking, E. J., Box 221, Gold Hill Touring 1917 H89684 65896 Renard, Edna, Route 1, Medford Delivery 1918 46332 54042 Rice, Wm., 200 Lincoln, Ashland Touring 1920 D91113 56661 Richmond, C, A., Route 1, Box 87, Central Point Touring 1921 38959 73412 Rinabarger, R. A., 718 S. Newtown, Medford Touring 1918 1067 65892 Robinett, S. A., 912 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1919 C15316 81129 Robinson, R. A., Gold Hill Touring 1921 E12021 73411 Robinson, Walter, Gen. Del., Ashland Touring 1918 14545 66923 Roe, J. L., Box 162, Jacksonville Touring 1917 85875 74105 Rohrer, W. W., Medford Touring 1922 E69113 83944 Rose Bros., 145 E. Main, Ashland Delivery 1919 C97311 73410 Samuels, G. H., 317 W. 2nd, Medford Touring 1921 D68010 61188 Sanford, T. W., 900 Oak, Ashland Touring 1918 1501 58378 Sayle, J. T., 183 Gresham, Ashland Touring 1919 B60737 75485 Scherrer, F. X., Phoenix Truck, 1-ton 4595 75283 Seabrooke, A. L., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1920 D69931 71258 Silver, G. K., Gold Hill Touring 1918 A49127 69926 Slusser, N. W., 632 Penn. Ave., Medford Touring 1918 B1481 57068 Smith, B. H., 733 Oak, Ashland Touring 1922 36365 82512 Smith, F. L., 160 4th, Ashland Touring 1917 92494 61187 Smith, J. U., Gold Hill Touring 1918 B85625 67620 Snyder, H. W., 1416 W. Main, Medford Touring 1919 C44637 60915 Stancliff, Bert, Box 32, Phoenix Touring 1919 B73422 72226 Staples, E. T., 71 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1920 D18732 60964 Stevens, F. C., 235 5th, Ashland Touring 1922 61450 66777 Stites, C. E., Box 25, Talent Touring 1918 78690 65114 Stowell, Geo. H., Eagle Point Touring 1918 A91251 57149 Stump, W. M., Talent Touring 1922 A16775 60963 Sullivan, Mrs. F., R.F.D., Talent Bug 1920 D76488 72779 Taylor, W. C., Route 1, Box 15, Medford Roadster 1922 E56268 79150 Templer, Verne, 346 Iowa, Ashland Touring 1918 617379 68881 Thompson, Charley, Jacksonville Touring 1919 B31574 61877 Thompson, Wm., Box 332, Central Point Touring 1918 B86423 53370 Timmerman, J. P., Ashland Touring 1918 A75947 72526 Trautfether, A., 156 Mechanic, Ashland Touring 1918 A79768 81679 Turner, H. D., Route 3, Medford Touring 1919 31119 63292 Turner, Ida M., Hotel Holland, Medford Delivery 1920 C65230 64106 Turpin, Mrs. Alta, Talent Touring 1919 B71369 55191 Ulrich, Lewis, Jacksonville Delivery 1922 E44469 58505 Van Dyke, C. W., Brownsboro Touring 1920 D43218 80192 Vroman, E. R., 1110 E. 11th, Medford Touring 1916 A11247 63128 Wallace, C. E., R.F.D., Central Point Touring 1917 62745 75497 Walters, Raymond, Central Point Touring 1919 B72045 83947 Watson, F. J. Route 2, Box 74, Medford Touring 1919 C11414 56058 Webber, E. L., 511 W. Holly, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1172 73080 Wells, Spratt, 72 Laurel, Ashland Touring 1918 C31317 70315 Welty, L. A. Talent Touring 1919 O59966 72874 Welty, W. H., 3 E. 4th, Medford Touring 1917 67869 79151 White, E. J., Route 1, Box 76, Medford Touring 1917 H89504 60328 Williams, C. M. & J. R., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1921 D84198 61594 Williams, W. G. & F. T., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1921 D78930 81593 Williams, W. W., Route 2, Box 21, Rogue River Touring 1920 37530 64381 Willits, A. R., 1028 E. 11th, Medford Touring 1921 E13373 56915 Wilson, W. T., 17 S. Peach, Medford Touring 1917 A11267 80485 Wilson, Vivian T., Box 55, Jacksonville Touring 1916 44256 66725 Wineland, C. D., Box 76, Ashland Touring 1918 A45050 71748 Wortman, C. E., 912 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1918 5811 70967 Wright, A. L., Central Point Touring 1917 85809 62530 Wyatt, H. O., Riverside Orchard, Gold Hill Touring 1919 121217 52683 Young, F. V., 33 S. Bartlett, Medford Roadster 1916 51218 66052 Young, H. L., Brownsboro Touring 1918 10930 70643 Young, J. W., Route 1, Box 71, Ashland Touring 1920 B78345 75105 Young, Nick, Eagle Point Touring 1918 A92201 72782 Young, P. F., Eagle Point Touring 1917 A30372 66617 Yeck, Verne, Gold Hill Touring 1921 E37401 72783 Yost, Geo. A., Route 2, Box 51, Medford Touring 1919 B34414 66616 CLEVELAND Offutt, Mrs. W. N., Jr., 525 Edward, Medford Touring 1921 18699 67221 Provost, P. S., 95 Meade, Ashland Touring 1921 20525 74581 COLE
Edsall, J. E., Eagle Point Touring 1920 39033 54807Salisbury, B. F., 523 S. Holly, Medford Sportster 1921 38694 67247 COLUMBIA
Doran, T. F., 650 Ashland, Ashland Touring 1921
197114 65521Lowe, D. M., Route 4, Box 90, Medford Touring 1920 196526 70238 Powell, A. D., Scenic Drive & Bush, Ashland Roadster 1920 196625 72487 DODGE
Amundsen, Axel, Talent Roadster 1916 85629 58145Armstrong, H. E., 708 W. 4th, Medford Roadster 1915 69032 54210 Associated Oil Co., 322 E. Main, Medford Roadster 1921 699227 45332 Associated Oil Co., 322 E. Main, Medford Roadster 1918 313471 45333 Barber, W. E., 326 Portland Ave., Medford Touring 1919 404555 52430 Barham Bros., Ashland Touring 1916 98726 76123 Barnum, W. S., 216 N. Front, Medford Touring 1916 107485 79465 Bates, James, 32 S. Newtown, Medford Touring 1918 259583 54810 Bates, William, 32 Geneva, Medford Touring 1918 259581 54809 Bennett, A. O., 610 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1916 107539 52425 Blakeley, S. G., Rogue River Commercial 1919 363311 61814 Bray, Dr. Jewett, 409 Medford Bldg., Medford Touring 1918 349069 82663 Brayton, Everett, Route 2, Medford Touring 1918 284842 64094 Brophy, Ben, Eagle Point Touring 1916 134130 66143 Brown, Jim, Rex Cafe, Medford Roadster 1921 479193 75818 Bogart, F. A., Route 1, Gold Hill Touring 1916 94662 74213 Bowers, Lelah, Box 215, Gold Hill Roadster 1920 421899 57002 Calles, J. A., 246½ S. Riverside, Medford Roadster 1922 667169 64488 Cosad, R. E., Route 1, Box 85, Talent Touring 1920 425516 83324 Cate, C. C., 23 Rose Ave., Medford Touring 1922 702185 71886 Crance, A. E., Route 2, Box 9, Medford Touring 1920 523051 71569 Crandall, Dr. W. J., 2 Glenn Ave., Ashland Roadster 1918 223084 62451 Crews, W. E., 707 S. Oakdale, Medford Roadster 1921 667782 58673 Daily, M. L., 228 S. Ivy, Medford Touring 1920 441113 58783 Demmer, J. L., 609 W. Jackson, Medford Touring 1921 668137 53790 Denton, E. A., Route 1, Box 180B, Ashland Touring 1917 76240 68739 Dodge, B. L., Jr., 19 Geneva, Medford Touring 1918 214814 58292 De Witt, W. F., 550 Allison, Ashland Touring 1921 585925 69971 Dyer, O. E., Medford Touring 1920 528638 69446 Fields, Mrs. Clyde, Route 4, Box 59, Medford Touring 1917 125323 52289 Foster & Kleiser Co., 44 S. Central, Medford Delivery 1921 675727 66333 Givan, Geo. A., Route 3, Box 115, Medford Touring 1919 404351 66649 Harnish, S. H., Eagle Point Bus 1920 309104 78106 Higinbotham, John, Route 1, Box 72, Central Point Touring 1919 41209 73815 Hillis, V. Meldo, 532 Plum, Medford Sedan 1919 297168 81123 Hoffman, G. D., 51 N. Peach, Medford Touring 1921 573310 67746 Hubbard, Mrs. A. C., 335 E. Main, Medford Touring 1920 536550 58233 Hubbard, R. A., Box 1119, Medford Roadster 1920 545447 58102 Hulse, Roscoe, Star Route, Brownsboro Touring 1920 457097 71303 Huxley, W. L., Route 1, Box 56, Ashland Touring 1917 224784 55310 Interurban Autocar Co., 5 S. Front, Medford Bus 1920 447617 68413 Interurban Autocar Co., 5 S. Front, Medford Bus 1920 455184 68414 Interurban Autocar Co., 5 S. Front, Medford Bus 1921 542788 68417 Jacks, Mrs. Dolly, Eagle Point Touring 1919 457044 52431 Johnstone, W. A., Phoenix Touring 1916 62891 73354 Kyle, Mrs. Robert, Central Point Touring 1918 385330 66174 Larsen, Neils, Talent Touring 1916 57397 58710 Lathrop, A. T., Route 1, Box 24A. Central Point Delivery 1919 421367 53503 Lewis, W. H., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1920 467117 52496 Lindsay, Chas., 57 Church, Ashland Touring 1918 218082 68156 Lininger, B. M., 123 Oberlin, Ashland Touring 1917 193211 65058 Loomis, G. M., Route 2, Box 2, Medford Touring 1920 456650 52284 McCallister, R. A., Route 1, Box 116, Ashland Touring 1917 233883 55862 McCracken, J. R., Route 1, Box 123, Talent Touring 1921 676290 57699 McCurley, P. H., Route 2, Box 36, Medford Touring 1920 544956 52125 Medford Grocery Co., 10th & Front, Medford Touring 1920 529995 73089 Meehan, J. B., Route 2, Box 91, Medford Touring 1919 359352 7491S Meyer, E. E., Lake Creek Touring 1921 514145 65575 Minear, M. I., Route 1, Medford Touring 1917 230049 73007 Morgan, Murl, Central Point Touring 1916 86212 60732 Morton, C. E., Gen. Del., Ashland Touring 1919 415433 74410 Murphy, J. M., Route 1, Ashland Touring 1917 210285 55986 Neil, Elmo, Box 522, Ashland Touring 1919 86104 81524 Nelson, F. G., 512 Penn. Ave., Medford Touring 1916 51315 61396 Newton, H. S., 662 A, Ashland Touring 1918 325681 83802 Nunan, Chas., Route 1, Box 35, Medford Touring 1919 438673 60966 Orr, F. L., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1919 363235 68209 Palen, G. W., Route 2, Box 54, Medford Touring 1918 283989 75433 Parker, C. T., 511 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1916 132291 65040 Penniston, F. S., Box 103, Ashland Roadster 1916 113705 72376 Phipps, D. E., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1920 441073 64091 Pickler, W. J., 816 W. 11th, Medford Touring 1921 632555 82333 Polk, W. C., 48 Gresham, Ashland Touring 1920 401744 70072 Pratt, Carroll E., 438 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1916 111482 78424 Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir, Medford Roadster 1921 626632 70325 Ryno, J. E., Route 1, Rogue River Roadster 1920 525889 81451 Salade, Blanche T., Central Point Roadster 1917 176768 56590 Sanford, C. J., 188 Alida, Ashland Touring 1919 358090 54286 Scheble, Mrs. Josephine L., Route 1, Box 75, Medford Touring 1918 309101 76985 Shaffer, W. A., Box 181, Jacksonville Touring 1916 108016 56227 Slead, D. H., Route 1, Gold Hill Touring 1917 164579 62904 Smith, R. E., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1918 325367 69973 Snyder, D. A., Box 322, Ashland Touring 1917 22063 56222 Summers, W. H., Route 4, Box 78, Medford Touring 1922 716341 70679 Swem, T. M., 27 Ross Court, Medford Touring 1916 107467 55134 Taylor, H. H., Route 2, Box 76, Medford Touring 1916 69042 60368 Treichler Motor Co. Geo. L., 16 S. Fir, Medford Roadster 1922 717043 77729 Tronson, H. B., Eagle Point Touring 1919 397053 57842 Turpin, C. W., Route 3, Box 141A, Medford Touring 1920 536615 71884 Von der Hellen, Wm., 412 S. King, Medford Touring 1921 556613 60829 Walker, J. E., Talent Touring 1917 314725 60756 Walter, George, Applegate Touring 1917 210327 68064 Walter, Harvey, Route 2, Box 44, Medford Touring 1917 192863 67092 Walter, Lorenzo, Eagle Point Touring 1917 152590 62643 Whillock, C. A., 317 S. Orange, Medford Touring 1917 296489 52649 White, Ralph F., Rogue River Touring 1922 696690 77495 Whitman, O. T., 520 S. Central, Medford Touring 1915 7015 77126 Wilson, F. T., 110 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1920 501124 52660 Wilson, O. N., Kings Highway, Medford Touring 1916 132223 70032 Young, W. A., 815 Bennett, Medford Touring 1917 193288 56666 Zimmerman, R. B., Route 1, Box 24, Central Point Touring 1918 373522 55137 DORT
Anderson, H. O., 145 Manzanita, Ashland Touring
1917 DU38007 62046Black, W. A., 922 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1915 K55106 57686 Carter, H. B., 192 Mountain Ave., Ashland Touring 1919 K12237 82008 Childers, H. E., 204 E. 12th, Medford Touring 1919 76051 55883 Childreth, W. L., Eagle Point Touring 1920 K68450 64295 Denzer, F. A., Route 1, Box 85A, Medford Touring 1921 86736 52061 Dunlap, W. P., 624 W. 11th, Medford Roadster 1917 DU23028 82012 Fisk, Geo. N., Route 1, Box 54, Medford Touring 1919 K12421 63167 Kouns, A. S., 346 N. Front, Medford Touring 1920 54905 68121 Lindas, B. F., Jackson County Bank Bldg., Medford Touring 1921 60878 67212 Nason, Bert A., care Forest Service, Medford Touring 1920 86745 76904 Nichols, Bert, Phoenix Touring 1920 85228 60897 Rucker, W. H., Route 1, Medford Touring 1920 K46235 68031 Silliman, E. C., 503 N. Holly, Medford Touring 1919 K55039 56923 Yost, R. C., Route 2, Box 51, Medford Touring 1920 69602 56336 ELCAR
Evans, F. W., Route 1, Rogue River
Touring 1919 K26773 70091Fehl, Earl, 504 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1919 DXU29312 56890 ELGIN
Bowman, C. D., 311 S. Holly, Medford
Touring 1920 XE3978 75418EMF
Best, H. C., Route 1, Box 118, Medford
Touring 1912 35317 77108Murphy, O. W., 610 W. 2nd, Medford Touring 1912 27315 69966 ESSEX
Conner, Guy W., Box 1136, Medford Touring
1919 25304 71587Elwood, Homer L., 43 N. Orange, Medford Touring 1920 46935 52458 Hanley, M., Jr., Lake Creek Touring 1920 28379 75501 Helms, O. P., Wellen Touring 1920 14754 80203 Irwin, Dobbin, 1 Allen Apts., Ashland Sedan 1920 43091 57755 Knotts, W. A., Gold Hill Roadster 1919 14312 64561 Moran, R. T., Medford Coach 1922 65494 81470 Reames, C. W., 904 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1921 55068 53242 Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir, Medford Touring 1920 52126 70326 Saunders, A. C., 3 E. 4th, Medford Touring 1919 45879 53595 FEDERAL
Carkin, E. Y., 300 S. Riverside, Medford
Truck, 2-ton 22613C4 73932Davis Transfer Co., 29 S. Grape, Medford Truck, 2-ton 22852 70268 Smith, W. J., Box 280, Gold Hill Truck, 2-ton 14366C 71841 Vose, Jesse L., Gold Hill Truck, 2-ton 11814 81768 FORD
Abbott, Mrs. Chas., Camps Bldg., Ashland Sedan
1920 4187082 62210Adams, A. G., 585 E. Main, Ashland Truck, 1½-ton 1917 3180183 67398 Albert, W. J., 29 S. Pioneer, Ashland Sedan 1918 2664130 76081 Alexander, Mrs. D., 1024 Court, Medford Touring 1916 11530 63587 Allen, W. B., 160 Nob Hill, Ashland Sedan 1921 4899694 54843 Anders, C. E., Route 1, Central Point Bug 1913 270911 67167 Anderson, J. A., Route 1, Box 73, Central Point Touring 1917 2053802 65834 Anderson, Paul F., Jacksonville Touring 1919 3615090 72841 Antelope Orchards, Wellen Truck, 1-ton 1920 3323157 83700 Apparel Cleaners, 622 N. Riverside, Medford Delivery 1915 757241 73056 Arbogast, Ora, Route 2, Central Point Truck, 1-ton 1920 4449631 74301 Arcade, Pete, 107 E. 2nd, Medford Touring 1918 2464791 60286 Armstrong, J. S., Box 253, Central Point Touring 1920 3665051 71213 Arnold, W. H., Route 1, Box 31, Central Point Touring 1917 458023 72840 Arnspiger, O., 711 Palm, Medford Touring 1919 3623289 60291 Ash, E. E., Trail Touring 1913 406199 81463 Austin, C. W., 324 S. Orange, Medford Touring 1917 1768090 62790 Ayres, F. J., Eagle Point Touring 1915 728168 54745 Badley, George, Rogue River Touring 1916 1273482 58916 Bailey, W. P., Gold Hill Delivery 1915 906336 57037 Baker, A. L., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1915 1077347 63407 Baker, E. G., 1024 E. 11th, Medford Touring 1917 1640858 74007 Baker, H. H., 519 N. Bartlett, Medford Touring 1917 2320045 57045 Baker, R. C., Box 800, Medford Touring 1912 122110 62366 Baldwin, M. L., Applegate Touring 1917 2333675 57043 Barber, W. M., 153 Granite, Ashland Touring 1920 4027515 68034 Barge, C. E., Gold Hill Roadster 1916 1068816 57044 Barnard, H. R., Main & Grant, Ashland Touring 1917 1493559 66326 Barr, O. E., 824 Beekman, Medford Sedan 1920 4143077 54780 Bartch, Frank, Jacksonville Touring 1918 2504129 78114 Beck, Albert, Route 1, Box 41, Medford Touring 1916 1301761 63617 Beck, Alfred, 108 Ohio, Ashland Runabout 1914 188450 57050 Bedingfield, F. L., 228 N. Central, Medford Touring 1921 5125618 52492 Beeney, George, Medford Touring 1921 490906 70353 Beigel, M. A., 195 Morton, Ashland Bug 1917 1749766 58366 Bellows, C. E., Eagle Point Touring 1921 4414216 56672 Bennett, E. C., Box 355, Central Point Touring 1917 134364 66559 Bevan, A. C., 9 Rose Ave., Medford Touring 1916 1314161 53137 Biddle, W. F., 109 Geneva, Medford Sedan 1919 3336269 56383 Biddle, W. F., 109 Geneva, Medford Roadster 1916 949525 56384 Bieberstedt, Rolf, Eagle Point Touring 1916 1067347 58827 Bigham, J. W., Eagle Point Touring 1915 885782 60013 Bigham, L. J., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1917 2302517 61477 Bingham, M. F., Applegate Touring 1917 1887684 68899 Birkholz, J. W., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1920 4273272 72091 Bishop, A. G., Route 3, Medford Touring 1920 4299551 55066 Bishop, W. A., Jacksonville Touring 1916 1156370 68900 Black, W. A., 922 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1920 3573782 82077 Blackburn, J. L., Box 926, Medford Touring 1914 596314 56344 Blackford, O. S., Route 1, Box 82, Central Point Delivery 1914 S12341 76852 Blaess, C. E., 263 Beatty, Medford Sedan 1918 2551965 61479 Blass, Louie, Eagle Point Bug 1916 1064497 63800 Boggs, Anson M., Medford Touring 1920 3295055 77185 Boggs, Ethel W., 109 S. Orange, Medford Sedan 1920 3578900 62352 Borde, Mrs. Josephine, Box 15, Jacksonville Touring 1912 90032 74371 Borden, L. H., Route 1, Box 5, Gold Hill Roadster 1913 280007 60771 Bowling, James, 20 S. Peach, Medford Touring 1916 1283592 73198 Bowen, J. R., Rogue River Touring 1918 2748129 67865 Bowers, Benton, Jr., 142 B, Ashland Touring 1917 1570841 62360 Bowers, Mildred A., 478 Boulevard, Ashland Sedan 1921 4597923 55201 Bowman, Herbert R., Talent Roadster 1916 1489529 82295 Bragg, T. H., 846 E. 9th, Medford Touring 1917 2205820 57337 Brandon, F. S., 211 N. Ivy, Medford Touring 1918 2586223 70313 Brandon, F. S., 211 N. Ivy, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1918 2779475 70327 Briggs, George R., Gold Hill Touring 1919 3057198 74100 Brookmiller, G. O., 354 Liberty, Ashland Touring 1916 918714 69880 Brown, Mrs. C. L., 8th & Bartlett, Medford Touring 1921 5103493 52675 Brown, Earl A., Central Point Roadster 1920 4248739 79292 Browne, E. C., Rogue River Touring 1919 3228366 66563 Brownsworth, John, Rogue River Delivery 1919 3043811 69864 Bryant, P. & C., Applegate Touring 1914 379552 64784 Buck, Otis, Ruch Touring 1921 5170249 71720 Buckingham, Roy, 236 S. Central, Medford Touring 1917 2098672 56603 Buckles, A. D., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1913 345536 75061 Buckley, David P., Ruch Touring 1921 4595268 60009 Buckley, J. T., Ruch Touring 1918 2869341 56600 Buckwalter, J. N., 146 S. Holly, Medford Touring 1916 898341 65716 Burk, F. F., 53 Rose Ave., Medford Touring 1920 3936404 68335 Burr, Elizabeth, Route 1, Box 15, Medford Touring 1921 4796460 75314 Butterfield, C. S., 318 S. Hamilton, Medford Touring 1915 386223 58362 Calhoun, H. H., 311 Haven, Medford Touring 1913 1253720 66688 Campbell, E. N., 528 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1920 4074961 54162 Campbell, E. M., 817 W. 2nd, Medford Touring 1920 3993583 72110 Campbell, J. F., 48 Quince, Medford Touring 1917 1734417 53824 Campbell, W. N., 104 S. Newtown, Medford Touring 1920 3664237 53366 Cantrall, Miles, Ruch Touring 1921 4595858 71428 Carkin, Vida T., R.F.D., Medford Touring 1920 4142244 74928 Carless, Wm., Box 26, Phoenix Roadster 1917 875887 66038 Carlton Bros., Prospect Touring 1917 1846246 71436 Carlson, C. G., 848 E. 9th, Medford Touring 1920 3292273 72109 Carlton, J. M., 1063 Court, Medford Touring 1920 3686852 62674 Carlton, J. M., 1063 Court, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1921 5286585 73509 Carlton, L. H., Wellen Roadster 1920 4027552 60725 Carlton, W. E., Talent Touring 1916 31151 54273 Carpenter, C. F., Route 2, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1921 5422958 67508 Carter, R. A., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1917 1253761 71429 Casey, Robert, 461 Allison, Ashland Runabout 1918 2705403 55334 Caster, Effie, Central Point Touring 1920 4205173 54166 Cave, D. H., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1914 447267 66647 Charley, Reed, Brownsboro Touring 1919 3819993 68637 Chandler, Noah, Route 1, Box 101, Talent Touring 1919 3250694 58529 Chartraw, Edward, Route 1, Gold Hill Touring 1915 346671 58527 Cheadle, W. H., 504 N. Grape, Medford Touring 1920 3729886 69840 Cheffings, Floyd, Eagle Point Touring 1917 1253725 66645 Childers, Harry, Gold Hill Touring 1917 1378224 53823 Childers, W. H., Box 252, Gold Hill Truck, 1-ton 1918 2880345 75571 Childreth, H. O., 44 Church, Ashland Roadster 1914 516553 66626 Chisholm, W. P., Gold Hill Touring 1920 3939117 72820 Christner, C. H., Route 1, Box 100, Medford Touring 1916 1066486 79307 City of Medford, Medford Roadster 1916 33115 56794 City of Medford, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1918 2761568 56795 Clark, A. M., 428 Palm Ave., Ashland Touring 1917 1797916 82362 Clark, D. S., Route 3, Medford Sedan 1921 4850423 52006 Clark, F. F., Box 15, Central Point Touring 1918 1582207 55100 Clark, F. W., Rogue River Touring 1917 1900805 60052 Clark, J. W., Gold Hill Touring 1917 1253680 53530 Clarke, C. C., Prospect Touring 1914 156513 71445 Clary, F. B. & J. R., 175 Church, Ashland Bug 1914 FB&JR123 61990 Clausing, G. F., Route 4, Box 78, Medford Touring 1921 4237333 71320 Clement, A. R., 402 S. Newtown, Medford Touring 1920 3794013 80169 Clements, J. A., Gold Hill Touring 1915 879223 62175 Clements, W. C., Eagle Point Touring 1920 4227372 54433 Clemons, Geo. A., Box 27, Central Point Bug 1913 395454 77415 Clift, Harvey, 140 Nursery, Ashland Roadster 1920 4774042 60036 Coffeen, C. A., 209 W. Jackson, Medford Touring 1917 1724216 77426 Coffeen, Harry, 310 Haven, Medford Touring 1920 3905344 61091 Coffeen, Wesley, Eagle Point Touring 1918 2498258 56718 Cole, Mrs. C. S., 727 Alder, Medford Sedan 1918 2772256 75686 Coleman, T. P., 10 Granite, Ashland Touring 1918 2850223 57430 Collier, Dan D., 227 S. Central, Medford Sedan 1921 4301265 53890 Collins, C. M., 915 W. 10th, Medford Sedan 1919 2769004 75448 Collins, S. C., Route 2, Box 46, Central Point Touring 1920 4568390 60288 Conner, W. A., end Glenview Drive, Ashland Runabout 1914 374317 52207 Conover, Alvin, Eagle Point Touring 1915 810003 70593 Cook, G. C., 236 Mountain Ave., Ashland Touring 1917 2079884 81194 Cook, Grover, 1075 Court, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1920 4451597 74265 Cook, R. E., Box 210, Gold Hill Touring 1913 414469 54185 Cook, W. A., 28 Garfield, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1920 3273834 82229 Cornish, Mrs. V. L., 726 W. 4th, Medford Touring 1917 1276865 83774 Cornutt, J. N., Box 351, Central Point Roadster 1914 447363 66031 Cotton, J. L., Rogue River Touring 1916 JLC4 57146 Cottrell, Wm., Eagle Point Touring 1920 3919509 53590 Courtney, D. C., Jacksonville Touring 1917 1407857 61096 Coy, E. N., 205 S. Central, Medford Touring 1917 2248561 68356 Craig, Frank W., Talent Truck, 1-ton 1921 4108254 84626 Crews, O. E., 40 Granite, Ashland Touring 1914 396191 66729 Croft, Earl, 1805 W. Main, Medford Touring 1920 4104683 66692 Crosslin, Greely, Route 1, Box 129A, Ashland Touring 1914 918739 71425 Crossman, A. C., 22-26 S. Fir, Medford Coupe 1920 4166406 49427 Cummings, Fred N., 907 E. Main, Medford Touring 1920 3727475 66145 Cummings, W. J., Route 2, Box 35, Medford Touring 1918 2171618 60850 Daily, P. H., 607 S. Central, Medford Touring 1920 3664829 54521 Davis, D. W., Route 1, Box 162, Ashland Bug 1911 6717 81959 Davis, L. A., Beagle Touring 1916 982941 71459 Davis, W. R., 543 Allison, Ashland Touring 1915 263118T 60316 Davison, W. E., Talent Touring 1917 1734395 72570 Dawson, H. M., 516 W. Jackson, Medford Touring 1916 810738 77998 Decker, F. M., Gen. Del., Ashland Touring 1916 1389539 54155 De Ford, W. F., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1919 3065894 81440 Demmer, Walter, Jacksonville Touring 1919 2870454 67756 Denhof, Peter, Box 741, Medford Touring 1916 2098670 58053 Dennis, A. E., Rogue River Touring 1916 1264399 70851 Dennis, J. N., 477 Allison, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1920 4477099 73535 Denton, Mrs. Luanna, Medford Touring 1920 1545470 58052 Deuel, H. S., 1018 S. Oakdale, Medford Roadster 1917 1743591 81983 De Wit, R., 943 S. Central, Medford Touring 1916 1062326 60239 Dews, T. G., Route 2, Box 85, Central Point Touring 1917 2461079 71460 Diamond, Fay E., 635 Palm, Medford Touring 1920 3993322 52494 Dill, J. H., 835 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1916 949149 65777 Dittemore, J. H., 304 S. Ivy, Medford Touring 1916 1447118 63491 Ditsworth, Frank, Eagle Point Roadster 1920 3569816 67763 Ditsworth, J. F., Talent Roadster 1917 1858977 64110 Ditsworth, L. A., Prospect Truck, 1-ton 1918 2770753 81758 Dodge & Sons J. P., 125 E. Main, Ashland Hearse 1919 2588115 75445 Dodge, J. S., Route 2, Box 89, Medford Touring 1915 1324072 58059 Dollarhide, L. D., Siskiyou Touring 1921 4819139 60233 Doran, J. H., 562 Fairview, Ashland Touring 1921 4040706 64733 Dorn, David, Box 175, Jacksonville Truck, 1-ton 1919 2760904 66292 Dorn, Ernest, Route 3, Box 67A, Medford Touring 1921 4539720 58060 Dorn, Fred, Jacksonville Touring 1919 3063278 58061 Dougherty, E., 73 Pine, Ashland Touring 1915 725310 68686 Dougherty, Mrs. G. V., Gold Hill Touring 1917 1740692 72643 Dow, Amy C., Jacksonville Touring 1921 5238745 52049 Dow, D. H., 300 N. Peach, Medford Roadster 1918 2674965 56511 Dow, G. W., 300 N. Peach, Medford Roadster 1917 2125908 70857 Dozier, N. C., 713 Oak, Ashland Touring 1917 2151735 56453 Drake, J. E., Beagle Touring 1919 2951154 75371 Dutart, S. W., 523 S. Holly, Medford Sedan 1918 2342968 81636 Dyess, J. M., 328 N. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1916 121875 64109 Earl, R. J., Foothills Orchard, Medford Touring 1918 2719600 54579 East Side Meat Market, 395 E. Main, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1919 2776851 64237 East Side Meat Market, 395 E. Main, Ashland Roadster 1921 5245583 64325 Eddy, S. E., Route 3, Box 56, Medford Touring 1916 SEE91516 57453 Edington, J. N., Gold Hill Touring 1919 2934979 68382 Edler, C. A., Lake Creek Touring 1917 2333529 64323 Edsall, Jed, Eagle Point Touring 1921 5546962 71220 Edwards, J. C., 707 W. Main, Medford Touring 1915 976810 70570 Edwards, J. L., Sterling Route, Jacksonville Roadster 1917 1876369 54544 Elder, J. R., 340 Almond, Ashland Touring 1916 1066539 74929 Electric Shop, 8th & Bartlett, Medford Runabout 1915 N787015 72994 Elliott, George, Rogue River Roadster 1917 1889745 54180 Ellis, Cad, Talent Touring 1917 2401449 72434 Elmore, Herbert, Applegate Touring 1916 1253676 54176 Elwood, Homer L., 43 N. Orange, Medford Touring 1920 3845882 52459 Erickson, A. E., 595 Iowa, Ashland Coupe 1921 4567688 55655 Ettinger, L. S., Gold Hill Touring 1921 4523569 80453 Evans, J. C., Central Point Touring 1917 1956523 68929 Farlow, E. J., 200 Morton, Ashland Coupe 1921 4218767 55373 Farmer, C. D., 231 5th, Medford Touring 1919 3327881 67062 Farmer, W. B., 603 W. 2nd, Medford Sedan 1920 4190252 67063 Ferns, R. L., Route 4, Medford Touring 1916 592477 55760 Ferns, Wm. J., Route 4, Medford Touring 1914 61841 77188 Finney, Robert N., Jacksonville Touring 1914 459878 83278 Firestone, N. D., Oak St., Ashland Touring 1920 3812949 54917 Fish, T. J., Jr., Phoenix Touring 1913 341658 63152 Fitzgerald, D. M., Jacksonville Touring 1917 1952046 73039 Fleming, Silas, Gold Hill Touring 1915 828176 73328 Forge, Mrs. Florence M., 10 N. Quince, Medford Sedan 1920 4188509 68971 Forsythe, B. C., Box 46, Ashland Touring 1921 4992693 68019 Foster, W. V., Phoenix Truck, 1-ton 1920 4413349 31072 Foster & Kleiser Co., 44 S. Central, Medford Roadster 1917 2265986 66834 Foutch, Roy, Central Point Touring 1919 3207727 65132 Frank, Walter, Gold Hill Roadster 1914 246695 69862 French, K. D., Butte Falls Bug 1917 375408 75309 Frey, G. H., Lake Creek Touring 1918 2235410 73037 Fry, Mrs. C. R., Trail Touring 1918 2516681 63660 Furry, Raymond, Phoenix Touring 1918 2863089 63155 Fuson, T. J., 819 Bennett, Medford Touring 1921 4842263 82583 Galerneau, Eli, Trail Touring 1916 1221484 81956 Galey, H. C., 570 Fairview, Ashland Touring 1915 681214 56001 Gammill, John, Route 1, Medford Roadster 1913 270772 56002 Ganfield, R. I., R.F.D., Gold Hill Touring 1920 3917755 57216 Gardner, E. C., Route 1, Talent Touring 1914 589941 57217 Gardner, T. J., Route 2, Box 20, Medford Touring 1921 4539649 68557 Garrett, Geo. C., Gold Hill Touring 1917 1269796 63122 Gates Auto Co., C. E., 6th & Riverside, Medford Runabout 1918 2516732 61932 Gates Auto Co., C. E., 6th & Riverside, Medford Truck, 1-ton 376753 68683 Gates, Geo. E., 6th & Riverside, Medford Coupe 1922 5638140 83647 Geary, E. P., Route 1, Box 68, Medford Touring 1920 4227373 71081 Gentry, M. S., 220 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1916 1216338 64608 Gentry, Will G., Central Point Touring 1920 4127447 76997 Gillett, A. A., Central Point Delivery 1917 44320 71468 Gilmore, C. M., 213 S. Central, Medford Roadster 1921 4476423 68560 Gitzen, G. A., 402 W. 3rd, Medford Touring 1921 4987025 52782 Goddard, Delbert, Talent Roadster 1915 678224 81957 Gordon, M. H., Beagle Touring 1915 713289 78001 Gore, Jay I., Box 965, Medford Roadster 1921 4842257 55646 Goss, O. M., Butte Falls Touring 1919 29760240 61836 Gottlieb, Chris, Hotel Holland, Medford Touring 1921 4595946 71080 Gottsche, C. A., Route 1, Box 72, Ashland Touring 1917 1582057 65924 Greb, John, Eagle Point Touring 1914 360752 70248 Green, Anna M., 667 Beach, Ashland Roadster 1917 1269792 81990 Green, A. P., 128 Almond, Medford Touring 1914 535532 60596 Green, W.L., Route 1, Box 18, Medford Touring 1917 1900836 83672 Green, Mrs. W. W., Jacksonville Touring 1916 1068535 81648 Gribble, J. H., Gold Hill Touring 1918 2320207 68456 Grieve, W. T., Eagle Point Roadster 1920 3314414 66817 Griffith, W. E., Box 61, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1919 3148536 73115 Grove, J. I., Box 165, Eagle Point Touring 1914 371782 62819 Groves, J. H., R.F.D., Ashland Touring JG58 58601 Grubb, M. W., 482 Iowa, Ashland Coupe 1922 5564392 70614 Guiley, G. V., 156 8th, Ashland Touring 1919 2861368 69664 Guisinger, Frank, Route 1, Box 38, Ashland Touring 1915 626755 70619 Gunter, G. E., Box 316, Ashland Bug 1911 4627 55127 Gupton, Steve, Rogue River Touring 1918 128870 78366 Guy Brothers, Gold Hill Touring 1920 4075927 68990 Hackler, L. S., Route 1, Talent Touring 1915 112215 78271 Hagedorn, H. A., Route 2, Box 56, Medford Touring 1920 4077218 54588 Hagemeister, Bernice, 1005 S. Peach, Medford Touring 1921 4786023 67855 Hager, Marion, 472 Scenic Drive, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1921 4591824 63539 Hall, A. E., Route 1, Box 55A, Medford Runabout 1921 4597692 63864 Hall, Elbert, Gold Hill Touring 1918 2501153 63405 Hall, J. K., Box 192, Central Point Touring 1920 3897752 61373 Hall, T. R., Eagle Point Touring 1916 1579683 70695 Hartley, M. L., Route 1, Box 92, Talent Touring 1916 92815 64628 Haselton, F. B., Wellen Touring 1921 4914200 54139 Hammel, W. E., Eagle Point Touring 1920 2892684 54602 Hamilton, L. H., 414 Union, Medford Bug 1914 212534 72137 Hamilton, Mrs. W. B., 48 Quince, Medford Touring 1920 391908 58650 Hamilton, Wm. B., 48 N. Quince, Medford Touring 1921 5362503 79120 Haney, C. B., R.F.D., Box 178, Ashland Touring 1916 949551 70956 Hansen, G. A., Box 24, Brownsboro Touring 1916 1505264 57456 Harnish, R. E., Eagle Point Touring 1920 3065521 62234 Hartley, Julia E., Siskiyou Truck, 1-ton 1921 5310205 78232 Hasenfurter, Eugene, Route 2, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1919 2734806 70294 Hast, M. Chas., Box 455, Ashland Roadster 1918 2413364 75864 Hastings, Jean, 549 Fairview, Ashland Touring 1921 4769071 57464 Hawk, W. C., 345 N. Bartlett, Medford Touring 1916 909674 83920 Hawley, V. B., Route 1, Ashland Touring 1918 2413839 57123 Hayes, John C., Trail Touring 1920 4224049 54107 Hayes, H. H., Box 154, Gold Hill Touring 1920 4127580 57584 Hayes, S. M., Trail Touring 1920 4237110 74643 Hazen, C. A., 143 Gresham, Ashland Touring 1918 2579360 58636 Heath, Clare, R.F.D., Box 170, Ashland Touring 1917 1389325 63897 Heath, E. E., R.F.D., Box 170, Ashland Touring 1918 1677522 65138 Heberling, J. L., Trail Roadster 1915 709349 71409 Helms, O. P., Wellen Runabout 1920 3852440 72852 Hennies, E. P., Route 1, Box 14, Medford Touring 1917 1517600 75047 Henry, C. A., Route 1, Ashland Roadster 1916 360444 58776 Henselman, C. F., 701 W. Jackson, Medford Touring 1919 3461454 71407 Herman, C. H., 214 N. Peach, Medford Touring 1919 3322943 53692 Hickson, Cliff, Eagle Point Touring 1915 304321 68127 High, Wm., Talent Truck, 1-ton 1921 4273177 68776 Hiles, C. A., Route 1, Box 21, Medford Touring 1919 2902323 60788 Hillis, Mabel C., Route 3, Medford Touring 1919 3047056 84427 Hilty, Louis, 31 Gresham, Ashland Coupe 1921 4563541 57518 Hofbeck, Chas., Route 1, Box 73, Medford Touring 1917 2099869 52032 Hollenbeak, A. A., Prospect Touring 1920 4237098 67340 Holmes, H. F., 77 Manzanita, Ashland Touring 1920 4476458 54688 Holmes, R. A., 821 E. Jackson, Medford Touring 1914 CWC313 73299 Holland Hotel, 6th & Fir, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1921 5423116 79005 Holloway, D. P., Box 488, Ashland Bug 1913 241574 53649 Holzgang, R., Route 2, Medford Touring 1917 1900931 68638 Hooker, W. C., 136 N. Oakdale, Medford Roadster 1919 3031111 54680 Hoover, C. C., Ross Lane, Medford Delivery 1917 2414041 71191 Hoover, C. C., Ross Lane, Medford Touring 1920 3612166 71192 Hottenstein, A. D., 248 2nd, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1915 720649 71357 Householder, Ralph, Route 1, Box 51, Central Point Touring 1918 RH58 68643 Howard, Lillian, Talent Touring 1915 683102 58796 Howe, Irwin H., Trail Runabout 1917 1803245 61370 Hubbard Bros., 335 E. Main, Medford Roadster 1920 4108179 65551 Huckins, B. B., Box 242, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1919 3535036 71381 Hughes, L. H., Route 4, Box 55, Medford Touring 1917 1438666 58627 Hughes, W. R., 128 Wimer, Ashland Coupe 1920 4493188 64837 Hulet, C. C., 329 Beach, Ashland Touring 1919 3511659 67278 Huls, H. R., Rogue River Touring 1916 1311544 61921 Hutchens, Eugene, 9 E. Jackson, Medford Runabout 1916 CH111 58017 Hutchinson, C. W., Sams Valley Touring 1922 4595410 61869 Interurban Autocar Co., 5 S. Front, Medford Bus 1921 5201329 68498 Isbell, A. H., 526 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1914 402102 74490 Ito, N., 310 E. 9th, Medford Touring 1921 4603779 71234 Ingles, S. S., 828 N. Central, Medford Touring 1912 31918 56015 Jackson County, Sparta Bldg., Medford Roadster 1921 5374216 53668 Jackson County, Jacksonville Runabout 1919 2780456 62302 Jackson County, Jacksonville Runabout 1919 3580137 62303 Jackson County, Jacksonville Runabout 1919 3568169 62304 Jackson County, Jacksonville Runabout 1919 3581825 62305 Jackson County, Jacksonville Runabout 1919 3580124 62306 Jackson County, Jacksonville Runabout 1919 3581006 62307 Jackson County, Jacksonville Runabout 1919 2579962 62308 Jackson County Creamery, 301 N. Fir, Medford Delivery 1921 4104670 68853 Jackson County Creamery, 301 N. Fir, Medford Delivery 1921 4430213 68854 Jackson County Creamery, 301 N. Fir, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1919 3271282 68858 Jackson County Creamery, 301 N. Fir, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1916 374086 70785 Jackson County Creamery, 301 .N. Fir, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1921 4432658 72764 Jackson County Y.M.C.A., 309 Liberty Bldg., Medford Touring 1921 4668441 75732 Jacobs, E. F., Route 1, Talent Touring 1914 579722 83312 Jacobs, G. W., Route 1, Box 57, Gold Hill Touring 1921 4447989 56944 Jacobson, A. V., Route 4, Medford Touring 1920 3755583 61635 Jalo, C. C., 309 Harrison, Ashland Touring 1917 2099774 56941 Jansen, H. A., 10th & Fir, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1919 3583826 75575 Jennings, Curtis, Rogue River Touring 1921 5142183 60161 Jennings, W. T., 1023 E. Main, Medford Touring 1917 1900861 60224 Jensen, Elmer, Route 1, Box 81, Ashland Touring 1917 1719547 80540 Jensen, Elmer, Route 2, Box 81, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1919 2779547 74318 Johnson, G. A., 714 Welch, Medford Touring 1914 686696 57076 Johnson, J. F., Eagle Point Touring 1917 1792934 70133 Johnson, Oscar, Jacksonville Touring 1919 2868408 65581 Johnson, S. L., Applegate Touring 1917 1668885 65582 Johnston, A. J., 202 Stark, Medford Touring 1917 1668959 67225 Johnston, Bert, 306 S. Fir, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1921 5374022 73905 Jones, E. R., Log Cabin Service Station, Siskiyou Truck, 1-ton 1920 4059611 84625 Jones, Estelle, 480 Liberty, Ashland Touring 1916 1064458 82930 Jones, J. W., Sams Valley Touring 1917 231992 82648 Jones, W. C., Medford Touring 1914 374111 65584 Jordan, Frank, 227 Granite, Ashland Truck 1917 3107778 67402 Jordan, W. F., 1098 Iowa, Ashland Touring 1919 3058907 77930 Judy, Edward, Route 1, Medford Touring 1920 3655483 72848 Judy, J. W., 1514 W. Main, Medford Coupe 1920 4127316 53539 Judy, T. T., 1514 W. Main, Medford Touring 1919 2945017 56934 Julian, L. M., Rogue River Bug 1917 2287443 79024 Keith, E. S., Talent Bug 1918 982847 65440 Kellogg, Mrs. M. B., Route 3, Box 64, Medford Touring 1921 4842093 66328 Kelts, J. A., 8369 Granite, Ashland Touring 1915 828538 73732 Keizur, Walter, 1021 Niantic, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1919 3583834 73527 Kempton, S. N., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1917 1017398 70666 Kenney, W. C., Gold Hill Touring 1917 1253717 64685 Kent, Amy, 401 E. 5th, Medford Touring 1920 3989533 56430 Kerby Bros., Talent Truck, 1-ton 1921 4022877 65752 Kerby Bros., Talent Touring 1919 2902178 65744 Kincaid, D. W., R.F.D., Ashland Touring 1917 2529190 55597 Kinder, Owen, 822 W. 12th, Medford Touring 1919 3207855 70117 King, H. G., 506 Beatty, Medford Touring 1914 62990 55596 Kinz, Geo. J., 406 Iowa, Ashland Touring 1921 4476858 60352 Klocker Printery, 28 S. Central, Medford Touring 1920 3845873 63071 Knutzen, Mrs. Henry, Applegate Touring 1920 3448309 65541 Koehler, J. F., 447 Scenic Drive, Ashland Roadster 1921 4597829 57622 Korenian, John, 325 S. Riverside, Medford Bug 1914 396055 77778 Koster, R. D., Route 1, Box 44, Gold Hill Touring 1921 4987246 66595 Kriegh, F. E., Gen. Del., Central Point Touring 1917 1797859 74848 Krupka, Henry, Rogue River Touring 1920 3985476 70340 Lacy, H. W., Talent Touring 1915 524783 79033 Lamb, A. L., 787 Iowa, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1920 4398462 73129 Land, F. E., Route 1, Box 55, Medford Roadster 1914 251096 57511 Landing, F. M., 1111 Iowa, Ashland Touring 1918 2116084 75455 Langley, E. A., Jacksonville Touring 1913 190471 56618 Larkin, Cliff, Box 816, Medford Touring 1917 1763196 57510 Larson, G. A., Route 2, Ashland Coupe 1921 4665622 63256 Lawrence, F. T., 1022 W. 9th, Medford Touring 1914 410929 72064 Lednicky, T. G., 244 S. Central, Medford Touring 1921 4476404 81215 Lees, J. R., Box 236, Central Point Touring 1918 2828420 58733 Le Masters, D. T., Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1921 5029320 72710 Lemen, E. H., Central Point Delivery 1916 1157024 57479 Leslie, E. W., R.F.D., Rogue River Touring 1916 1204272 55313 Letteken, Sam, Provolt Touring 1919 2951196 56623 Lewis, Ervin, Jacksonville Touring 1920 3726857 72066 Lewis, I. D., Central Point Touring 1918 1887899 65887 Lorton, Beulah S., Route 1, Medford Touring 1920 4433220 68490 Lundberg, Ed, 919 W. 11th, Medford Runabout 1917 1481536 68488 Lydiard, J. S., Route 2, Box 52, Central Point Touring 1913 408122 60917 Lydiard, W. H., 122 S. Laurel, Medford Touring 1915 721816 61549 Lyman, Lucy A., 802 E. Jackson, Medford Sedan 1918 2518759 58739 Lynch, Amos, Rogue River Touring 1921 4926339 82466 MacDonald, S. P., Box 938, Medford Coupe 1918 2723761 54319 Maneely, A. E. & Doran, J. H., Route 1, Talent Touring 1914 394653 74510 Maneely, Jack, Route 4, Box 20, Medford Touring 1916 872041 57237 Mann, W. E., Route 2, Box 25, Medford Touring 1921 4913986 53628 Mansfield, T. H., Applegate Touring 1918 2516900 80474 Martin, Roy M., 435 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1920 3586886 82415 Marquess, C. F., Talent Touring 1919 2947365 52079 Mason, Ehrman & Co., 12th & Front, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1920 3800563 70307 Mason, W. T., 126 1st, Ashland Touring 1917 1843399 65999 Matthews, Wm., Medford Roadster 1914 341085 79313 Maultby, W. H., 441 N. Grape, Medford Touring 1916 949153 70892 Maust, O. C., 710 Palm, Medford Touring 1917 2450290 61133 May, A. S., Wellen Touring 1917 1816512 75347 McCay, C. J., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1919 2931461 60802 McClanahan, Mrs. S. A., 745 W. 2nd, Medford Touring 1920 3879344 82675 McConochie, R. R., Brownsboro Touring 1916 1300474 60283 McCoy, D. D., Central Point Touring 1917 2266870 68866 McCuiston, W. C., 923 W. Main, Medford Runabout 1921 6146936 66408 McDonald, John F., Trail Touring 1917 1900837 71698 McDonald, P. B., 823 E. Main, Medford Sedan 1921 4187045 57948 McIlvain, A. T., Rogue River Touring 1918 2464835 64536 McMillan, M. J., Route 1, Box 80, Ashland Truck, 1-ton C144521 66519 Meadows, Bolton, 440 S. Riverside, Medford Roadster 1916 1066491 72274 Mechem, H. C., Trail Touring 1918 143165 52092 Mechem, H. C., Trail Truck, 1-ton 1917 2162967 74286 Medford Concrete Construction Co., 27 Jackson County Bank Bldg., Medford Roadster 1919 3235953 56094 Medford Domestic Laundry Co., 30 N. Riverside, Medford Touring 1920 3727421 68902 Medford Grocery Co., 10th & Front, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1919 3552697 73094 Medford Grocery Co., 10th & Front, Medford Coupe 1921 5546929 81015 Medford Hide & Junk Co., S. Fir, Medford Delivery 1912 5811 60282 Medford Hide & Junk Co., S. Fir, Medford Touring 1911 112573 73181 Medford Ice & Storage Co., 533 S. Fir, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1917 2633909 67511 Medford Ice & Storage Co., 533 S. Fir, Medford Truck 1920 4920488 67512 Medford Irrigation District, 216 Liberty Bldg., Medford Touring 1921 4920793 63534 Medford Irrigation District, 216 Liberty Bldg., Medford Truck, 1-ton 1916 1587711 68535 Medford Lumber Co., 3rd & Fir, Medford Truck 1913 364438 71881 Mee, Anderson, Applegate Touring 1917 1514143 63607 Meyer, H. G., Lake Creek Touring 1921 5128993 63759 Middlebusher, Fred, Prospect Roadster 1918 2719625 82680 Middleton, J. T., Jacksonville Touring 1920 4062215 55359 Miles, Willard, 72 Garfield, Ashland Roadster 1918 975868 82651 Milkowski, N. J., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1917 1668946 82647 Miller, F. E., Box 245, Central Point Touring 1916 1504938 60426 Miller, George, Park View Apts., Medford Bug 1917 1249308 70874 Miller, M. C., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1916 1264451 69852 Minor, W. T., 600 Indiana, Ashland Touring 1914 472971 57394 Mohr, Emil, 1003 W. Main, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1919 3250535 71796 Monarch Seed & Feed Co., 317 E. Main, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1919 3589100 56756 Montgomery, E. Z., Route 2, Medford Touring 1914 468835 58445 Moomaw, Joe, Eagle Point Touring 1918 2944945 77471 Moore, C. E., Trail Roadster 1916 1289387 57436 Moore, C. R., Lake Creek Touring 1920 3692971 82712 Moore, Jacob, Rogue River Touring 1917 1827625 72889 Moore, J. N., Central Point Touring 1917 859372 63439 Moore, W. D., Rogue River Touring 1918 2414115 66683 Mordoff, M. G., 310 N. Bartlett, Medford Touring 1921 113871 65579 Mordoff & Woolf, 217 W. Main, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1919 3545774 75204 Morgan, Ed, Central Point Touring 1918 1699035 79286 Morgan, H. M., Eagle Point Touring 1919 3079097 53636 Morgan, W. P., Eagle Point Touring 1920 4205192 61126 Morris, W. A., Route 1, Box 11, Gold Hill Touring 1921 4433143 71687 Mosier, D. B., Gold Hill Runabout 1917 2248588 54361 Moss, J. T., Ashland Touring 1920 3897261 54362 Moss, S. W., 843 Mountain Ave., Ashland Touring 1921 4768816 83619 Murphy, P. B., 219 Court, Medford Touring 1918 2582332 70354 Murphy, R. N., 486 Blvd., Ashland Roadster 1920 4477023 62395 Murray, F. F., 825 Dakota Ave., Medford Touring 1916 1067448 60420 Muskopf, R., R.F.D., Box 115, Eagle Point Touring 1918 382812 68500 Myers, A. B., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1917 201871 54702 Myers, F. R., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1912 127369 60421 Myers, Jesse F., Box 113, Ashland Roadster 1914 OO8888OO 82289 Myers, S. J., Box 76, Rogue River Touring 1915 809868 57401 Mynatt, W. B., Route 2, Box 77, Central Point Touring 1913 281896 64705 Narregan, T. M., Sams Valley Touring 1921 4270425 57300 Neathamer, Fred, Talent Touring 1920 3655576 55010 Neathamer, Jesse, Route 1, Box 33, Rogue River Touring 1916 886341 74651 Neathamer, M. A., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1920 4023291 68407 Newbry, R. E., Talent Touring 1917 1687252 65826 Newbry, E. T., Jr., Talent Roadster 1920 4272232 63795 Newcomb, N. B., Box 838, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1919 3501973 73558 Newland, R. A., 851 E. 9th, Medford Touring 1914 581931 57304 Nichols & Ashpole, 206 E. Main, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1918 2573227 64231 Norris, Mrs. J. R., Eagle Point Touring 1914 612986 63788 Norris, T. C., 215 Cottage, Medford Touring 1920 3686950 70650 O.A.C. Extension Service, 419 Liberty Bldg., Medford Touring 1918 3528038 72971 Obenchain, Earl, Central Point Touring 1918 2464881 58812 O'Brien, J. E., 517 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1919 2461642 62747 O'Connor, Cecil, Box 93, Phoenix Touring 1920 4219224 77736 Oden, H. J., Route 1, Box 88, Talent Truck, 1-ton 1920 4174863 70309 Oden, Nelson, Rogue River Roadster 1920 4235441 56691 O'Kelly, Fred, Rogue River Runabout 1920 4076541 53698 O'Neal, J. O., 36 Morton, Ashland Roadster 1919 3292422 56089 O'Neal, J. O., 36 Morton, Ashland Touring 1921 5116311 56090 Orchards Co., Ltd., Box 1068, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1919 3534778 71822 Osborne, W. M., 802 N. Riverside, Medford Touring 1915 721839 70753 Osenbrugge, J. J., 335 S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1921 4489390 55374 Owens, Ermal, Box 452, Ashland Sedan 1920 4567878 57541 Owens, John S., Wellen Touring 1919 2958917 66704 Owings, C. A., Trail Touring 1915 1007834 81436 Page, E. W., 325 S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1920 4372514 78462 Pankey, H. T., Box 92, Central Point Touring 1917 1507441 61939 Pankey, Laura, Gold Hill Touring 1921 4511202 66341 Parker, Minnie O., R.F.D., Box 168, Ashland Roadster 1917 1507456 65645 Parker, S. A., 59 6th, Ashland Touring 1916 1062267 53051 Parks, Hollis, Jacksonville Touring 1922 5638223 83941 Parks, R. F., 516 Elizabeth, Ashland Touring 1914 592396 78460 Parry, Wm., Box 75, Eagle Point Touring 1920 3664873 63593 Patrick, Ray, 129 S. Bartlett, Medford Touring 1915 886318 77732 Patterson, D. E., Route 1, Talent Touring 1921 4830343 74071 Paxson, R. H., Central Point Touring 1916 1079068 61458 Payne, John M., Gold Hill Touring 1919 3194415 76990 Peabody, H. M., 391 Palm Ave., Ashland Touring 1914 582596 57325 Peart, B. F., Box 354, Central Point Touring 1916 1077389 81618 Peart, George C. T., Route 3, Medford Touring 1916 1062357 68196 Peck, R. A., Lake Creek Truck, 1-ton 1921 4271550 75956 Peil, Emil, 52 Granite, Ashland Runabout 1919 3599184 54115 Pellett, J. J., Talent Roadster 1920 3811316 53732 Pence, Ed, Jacksonville Touring 1916 685748 67179 Pence, Ralph, 716 Pine, Medford Touring 1921 4523659 71917 People's Electric Store, 212 W. Main, Medford Runabout 1921 4929466 73663 Perdue, Tom, 1024 Court, Medford Touring 1919 3103422 68476 Perozzi, D., 88 Granite, Ashland Touring 1921 3364336 52743 Perry, Mrs. J. R., Gold Hill Touring 1915 592520 62476 Perry, Martin, Gold Hill Touring 1916 1173644 56269 Peterson, V. E., Trail Touring 1918 2464392 76931 Phelps, E. E., Box 583, Ashland Delivery 1921 4843391 61462 Phelps, N. W., Box C, Talent Touring 1919 3193092 8053_ Phipps, D. E., 328 N. Riverside, Medford Touring 1917 2319949 54111 Phipps, E. E., 113 Pine, Ashland Touring 1920 3653919 63455 Phipps, I. F., 113 Pine, Ashland Bug 1918 862575 76989 Piatt, D. V., 825 E. 9th, Medford Touring 1916 1067364 66706 Pierce, A. C., Route 3, Medford Roadster 1914 896315 56262 Pierce, C. H. & Laura G., 150 Pioneer Ave., Ashland Sedan 1918 2757963 68984 Pierce, G. E., Route 3, Medford Touring 1920 3664502 60635 Pierce, J. O., Gold Hill Touring 1919 3047020 73245 Pierce, Myrtle E., Box 874, Medford Sedan 1921 4568492 81202 Pittman, I. D., Iowa Ave., Ashland Touring 1920 4027588 63381 Poley, Evangeline, 385 B, Ashland Touring 1916 1251746 72929 Pollard, Sam K., Beagle Touring 1915 681325 61936 Pomeroy, E. H., Route 1, Box 26, Central Point Touring 1914 612979 7400_ Pool, Florence E., 1102 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1921 4819138 71913 Potter, F. F., Ashland Touring 1920 3716796 81185 Powell, A. & Flackus E. W., 357 E. Main, Ashland Delivery 1914 585751 81131 Powell, A. & Flackus E. W., 357 E. Main, Ashland Delivery FP257T 81132 Powell, T. L., 337 Oak, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1918 2857808 71363 Powell, T. L., 337 Oak, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1919 3586306 71365 Preston, Frank, Jacksonville Touring 1921 5378374 79171 Preston, F. C., Jacksonville Touring 1919 3209729 62538 Price, E. B., Prospect Touring 1921 4929519 64276 Price, Leslie, 236 Mountain Ave., Ashland Delivery 1916 117598 73662 Putnam, Floyd, 341 Beach, Ashland Touring 1916 1019412 57328 Raby, B. H., Gen. Del., Medford Truck, 1-ton RHR123 78024 Ragland, U. S., Siskiyou Sedan 1920 4541454 82634 Ragsdale, J. L., Trail Truck, 1-ton 1920 3934440 75273 Ragsdale, T. L., 407 S. King, Medford Touring 1916 887110 72831 Raimey, T. G., Eagle Point Touring 1918 2585649 68333 Rains, A. M., Route 2, Box 4A, Medford Touring 1918 2503471 79240 Rakestraw, W. V., Route 1, Rogue River Roadster 1915 715060 63806 Randley, Frank, Jacksonville Touring 1920 3612203 55507 Ray, Chas. R., Jr., 1104 W. Main, Medford Delivery 1917 2320008 79124 Raymond, R. R., Route 2, Box 95, Medford Touring 1916 1116506 61463 Reames, L. E., 108 5th, Ashland Touring 1916 1171968 53290 Reed, E. H., 421 Oak, Medford Touring 1917 1865887 64531 Reed, Frank A., Route 1, Talent Roadster 1550771T 84599 Reeder, J. G., Route 3, Box 120, Medford Touring 1917 2161704 72267 Reinking, E. J., Gold Hill Touring 1921 5374225 83938 Rhodes, C. F., Medford National Bank Bldg., Medford Touring 1920 4484081 57643 Rhodes, S. M., 15½ E. Main, Ashland Touring 1916 119609 75715 Richardson, J. W., R.F.D., Eagle Point Truck, 1-ton 1921 4194188 79241 Richmond, E. C., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1920 3103645 68394 Richman, R. E., Route 1, Box 35, Rogue River Touring 1920 4471178 56132 Riddle, R. L., Central Point Roadster 1916 1311797 78205 Ringgold, Perry, Rogue River Touring 1916 1313147 61528 Robbins, J. E., Gold Hill Touring 1921 5177262 63384 Roberts, A. R., Medford Touring 1919 2958845 77475 Roberts, E. G., Route 3, Medford Touring 1918 1900845 55416 Robertson, J. R., 341 Almond, Ashland Touring 1913 263113 58101 Robertson, Roy A., Butte Falls Touring 1914 B1440 79237 Robison, Mary, 146 N. Front, Medford Touring 1021 4850273 58641 Rookard, Wm., 1500 N. Riverside, Medford Touring 1920 4476855 77242 Rodgers, J. M., Frink Orchards, Medford Touring 1918 2573367 60204 Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir, Medford Touring 1919 2958845 70318 Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir, Medford Runabout 1919 3044153 70319 Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir, Medford Touring 1920 393886 70320 Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir, Medford Touring 1920 4023299 70321 Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir, Medford Runabout 1921 4819034 70324 Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir, Medford Roadster 1921 4430701 75838 Rogue River Valley Floral Co., Box 812, Medford Touring 1922 5638139 82630 Rogue Valley Milling Co., 101 E. 9th, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1920 3664874 58387 Rohan, Edward, Route 3, Box 37, Medford Roadster 1914 523897 61797 Root, L. H., Central Point Touring 1916 91216 68391 Rosa, H. E., Rogue River Touring 1916 1525072 75442 Roseberry, J. M., Route 2, Box 70A, Central Point Truck 1917 2381784 74004 Ruch, C. M., Ruch Touring 1916 869092 66464 Rulon, R. H., Holland Hotel, Medford Roadster 1916 1390305 79175 Russell, Bros., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1920 4227371 76909 Sanderson, C. C., Beagle Delivery 1916 JCC123 56097 Sandry, S. L., Rogue River Touring 1915 869000 54516 Sayles, H. L., 1011 Iowa, Ashland Touring 1920 3422539 54932 Schlinsog, J. H., 106 Elm, Medford Touring 1917 2125912 58032 Scott, E. E., Central Point Touring 1916 1067450 58173 Scranton, A. E., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1917 2333642 72844 Seaman, R. A., 204 Genessee, Medford Touring 1915 949320 67993 Selman, D., Route 2, Box 27, Medford Delivery 1920 4144133 66380 Semon, R. D., 244 S. Grape, Medford Coupe 1921 5211090 55105 Semple Bros., Eden Valley Orchard, Medford Touring 1921 5170309 53038 Shafer, Henry, Route 1, Box 123, Medford Touring 1916 1287043 57092 Sharp, H. G., 822 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1915 822394 54510 Shaw, Victor D., Central Point Touring 1914 980030 78220 Shaw, W. F., Talent Touring 1912 116112 72416 Sheets, Ed, Talent Touring 1916 1079061 53297 Shell Co. of California, 8th & Riverside, Medford Roadster 1921 4730134 68855 Shell, Mrs. W. A., 171 Granite, Ashland Touring 1920 4224051 82532 Shepherd, W. J., Box 133, Rogue River Touring 1919 2869439 57321 Shields, H. O., Central Point Touring 1914 1439163 67653 Shinizer, Mrs. Kameji, Route 3, Box 73, Medford Touring 1921 5177367 65705 Shores, B. W., Route 1, Box 13, Central Point Sedan 1921 4568489 67654 Simmons, S. B., 425 Manzanita, Medford Touring 1919 3198882 81632 Simons, J. A., 227 Oberlin, Ashland Delivery 1919 873692 76936 Simons, M. H., Eagle Point Touring 1921 5374305 73273 Sinder, W. E., Route 1, Box 45, Ashland Roadster 1913 332538 61688 Skeate, G. H., 243 N. Holly, Medford Roadster 1916 1207857 69827 Skyrman, C. T., Central Point Touring 1917 2342989 55570 Smith, A. A., Route 3, Medford Roadster 1917 2220629 58244 Smith, B. S., Medford Touring 1920 4489451 74537 Smith, E. J., 294 Oak, Ashland Coupe 1921 4566432 57319 Smith, Geo. L., Box 280, Gold Hill Truck, 1-ton 1919 3292351 75912 Smith, John E., Gold Hill Touring 1917 2342971 75868 Smith, J. R., 508 Liberty, Ashland Touring 1919 3106894 81942 Smith, J. W., Route 3, Medford Touring 1921 4204170 70610 Smith, L. L., Box 161, Gold Hill Touring 1918 2582448 55970 Smith, R. R., Medford Runabout 1921 5545363 70649 Smith, W. A. & R. H., Star Route, Gold Hill Touring 1917 1372638 56005 Snider Dairy & Produce Co., 28 N. Bartlett, Medford Delivery 1921 4734685 61412 Snider Dairy & Produce Co., 28 N. Bartlett, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1921 4022986 61413 Snyder, Mrs. F. N., Route 1, Box 98, Ashland Touring 1919 3396591 57953 Snyder, H., Box 770, Medford Touring 1917 2079880 65260 Snyder, H. W., 1416 W. Main, Medford Touring 1919 C44637 60915 Soukup, Wm., Beagle Touring 1919 3464780 65609 Southern Oregon Experiment Station, Talent Touring 1921 4869186 54908 Sowell, John, 14 W. Jackson, Medford Touring 1921 4927623 65261 Spellman, W. H., 34 Myers Court, Medford Bug 1912 36011 65938 Spencer, D. M., 620 Iowa, Ashland Touring 1920 4595984 54508 Sperling, H. H., Box 620, Medford Touring 1921 5278287 57903 Stamper, H. G., Box 720, Medford Touring 1917 1827649 65147 Standard Oil Co., end N. Central, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1918 2974341 45099 Standard Oil Co., end N. Central, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1919 3516047 45108 Standard Oil Co., end N. Central, Medford Roadster 1917 2116085 45135 Standard Oil Co., end N. Central, Medford Roadster 1919 2515724 45180 Standard Oil Co., end N. Central, Medford Roadster 1920 3765575 45192 Stanley, J. H., Eagle Point Touring 1914 4M31918 65851 Steele, W. O., Talent Touring 1918 2694397 82293 Steep, Ed, 210 Crater Lake Ave., Medford Roadster 1918 2573374 84600 Stephenson, R. O., 222 S. Central, Medford Touring 1919 3315079 57657 Stevens, Claud, 329 N. Bartlett, Medford Coupe 1921 4166279 80521 Stevens, C. B., Route 2, Box 3A, Medford Touring 1916 1663343 63630 Stevens, Pearl, 842 Blaine, Ashland Touring 1920 4063096 60386 Stewart, James, Box 728, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1919 2857685 77059 Stiehl, R. J., Rogue River Touring 1915 949535 68617 Stokes, W. R., 33 N. Peach, Medford Touring 1918 2582382 75321 Stone, Clayton, Provolt Touring 1915 612981 75360 Stonn, J. M., Central Point Touring 1918 1900955 55321 Storey, H. R., Route 3, Medford Touring 1920 3320046 66953 Stuart, Gilbert, 217 Apple, Medford Touring 1921 4568438 56100 Sullenger, Nancy, Talent Touring 1919 2697422 56678 Sunderman, Gwendaal, Gen. Del., Central Point Touring 1914 596316 55568 Swanson, L. F., Star Route, Beagle Touring 1914 343999 68505 Swedenburg, Dr. F. G., 990 Boulevard, Ashland Coupe 1921 4186039 65252 Swenson & McRae, 357 E. Main, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1921 5390430 72716 Taber, E. C., Central Point Sedan 1921 4541445 52263 Tadina, John, Gen. Del., Ashland Roadster 1914 625968 84601 Talent Garage, Talent Roadster 1916 1077381 56571 Thanos, Tom, Box 93, Talent Touring 1920 4190225 57526 Thomas, C. M., 52 Ross Court, Medford Touring 1920 3851337 57529 Thompson, C. C., Rogue River Touring 1920 3215541 74113 Thompson, George, Box 332, Central Point Touring 1921 3919278 55423 Thompson, J. O., Gold Hill Touring 1915 106816 75449 Thompson, W. B., 318 S. Newtown, Medford Light Truck 1914 363616 57869 Thrasher, Jack, Box 144, Jacksonville Touring 1916 1067479 82016 Throckmorton, Lester, Route 3, Medford Touring 1919 2963981 62329 Thornton, J. E., 277 Upper Almond, Ashland Touring 1921 4563590 55420 Thornton, J. W., Route 2, Box 90, Medford Touring 1920 3604221 74376 Todd, W. H., Route 2, Box 29, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1919 2866442 67513 Tonn, Henry, Lake Creek Touring 1918 2464826 68888 Tonn, Louie, Lake Creek Touring 1918 2518847 58794 Tosy, Antonio, Central Point Touring 1917 1642287 73724 Trask, Avery, 505 Boulevard, Ashland Coupe 1921 5546912 56330 Trefren, Mary F., 267 4th, Ashland Touring 1917 71015 54733 Trigonia Oil & Gas Co., 107 E. Main, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1920 3591263 67515 Triplett, C. W., Rogue River Runabout 1915 695314 76910 True, C. P., 614 S. Central, Medford Touring 1920 4087499 54735 True, Garnett, Route 3, Medford Touring 1915 887092 83393 Trusty & Sons, J. H., Trail Touring 1920 4205123 52342 Tucker, E. H., Brownsboro Touring 1921 4929095 66367 Tucker, L. D., Brownsboro Runabout 1916 376404 57531 Union Oil Co. of California, 1 Block W. end N. Central, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1920 3564807 45970 Van Horn, L. H., Gold Hill Touring 1920 3729895 73063 Vaughan, W. H., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1920 4273627 72012 Vaughn, Bert, 417 S. King, Medford Touring 1917 1372732 76927 Vimont, Louis, Jr., 411 E. 14th, Medford Touring 1920 4142983 81747 Vincent, Ira, Sams Valley Touring 1917 2228210 57426 Vincent, J. R., Route 4, Box 54, Medford Touring 1920 4430404 61160 Von der Hellen, Geo. B., Wellen Touring 1920 4430256 67943 Voorhies, Gordon, Eden Valley Orchard, Medford Touring 1920 3569745 71334 Voorhies, Gordon, Eden Valley Orchard, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1920 3617889 71348 Wade, L. E., 611 N. Bartlett, Medford Touring 1918 2311482 71209 Wagner, J. M., 153 Oak, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1920 3118088 67559 Wagner, R. A., 151 Oak, Ashland Roadster 1921 5331339 55444 Wahl, Chas., Route 1, Box 24, Rogue River Touring 1916 1314096 55442 Wait, Perry L., Gold Hill Roadster 1914 PLW123 55718 Waite, B. H., 651 Beach, Ashland Touring 1914 394971 63856 Walch, D. B., Wellen Touring 1917 112216 75104 Wallis, Lee, Route 1, Ashland Roadster 1919 3390130 70389 Walker, W. R., Box 121, Gold Hill Touring 1916 1062275 67730 Walters, Marion, 610 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1914 550746 60163 Walters, Raymond, Central Point Touring 1916 887111 55441 Walton, L. J. Route 1, Box 38, Medford Touring 1920 3881201 55438 Warren, D. E., 620 W. 11th, Medford Touring 1916 1455146 73980 Watkins, Lee, 103 E. 11th, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1920 4539715 66295 Watkins, Lee, 103 E. 11th, Medford Touring 1920 3982533 67650 Watson, D. E., Box 335, Ashland Bug 1913 396196 60164 Watt, C. H., Route 4, Box 55, Medford Touring 1915 1437051 55713 Webster, J. B., R.F.D., Box 73, Talent Runabout 1919 3525284 60261 Weed, E. T., 105 N. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1920 3599886 65798 Weeks, J. S., Prospect Route, Eagle Point Roadster 1920 3618413 68096 Weeks & Orr, 114-124 W. Main, Medford Runabout 1920 4237322 70392 Weide, J. L., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1915 1350203 65793 Weiss, J. L., Gen. Del., Central Point Bug 1914 JLW234 68095 Wells, Spratt, 72 Laurel, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1919 3562035 70329 Welty, W. H., Medford Touring 1917 WB234 83959 West, G. H., 326 N. Holly, Medford Touring 1920 3993586 64392 Weston, C. R., 83 Dewey, Ashland Touring 1914 334181 71420 Wheeler, A. C., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1914 635416 69875 Wheeler, P. W., Gold Hill Touring 1920 4023439 55434 Wheelock, A. H., 859 E. 9th, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1917 2381926 82479 Whetstone, N. I., Route 3, Medford Touring 1915 1099083 67323 Whisenant, W. K., 119 Portland Ave., Medford Touring 1915 718374 75886 White, Verne S., Route 2, Box 102, Medford Touring 1918 2516741 76933 Whitsett & Jennings, Route 4, Box 3A, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1917 2571398 77072 Whitsett & Jennings, Route 4, Box 3A, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1917 2381980 77073 Whittle Transfer Co., 89 Oak, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1919 3118130 72720 Wight, Mrs. M. D., 410 Hamilton, Medford Runabout 1917 1783423 57221 Wilcox, L. A., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1916 631970 65882 Wild, J. E., Route 1, Ashland Touring 1921 5116402 70394 Wild, J. E., Route 1, Ashland Touring 1919 3063045 71043 Wilday, Guy, Eden Valley Orchards, Medford Touring 1920 4204124 65879 Wilkins, George, Ashland Touring 1914 550774 80108 Williams, T. V., Route 2, Medford Touring 1921 4568338 61349 Williamson, H. C., 718 W. Palm, Medford Runabout 1920 3599608 75661 Willis, J. T., Route 3, Box 160, Medford Touring 1917 1173948 65880 Willits, Mrs. Irene W., Persist Roadster 1917 1784742 56204 Wilkinson, A. L., 1030 Court, Medford Touring 1914 374217 73027 Wilson, C. E., 143 N. Grape, Medford Touring 1921 4992400 56688 Wilson, J. A., Route 4, Box 10, Medford Touring 1918 2579187 57616 Wise, W. C., Gold Hill Bug 1913 411861 80107 Wisely, C. M., 420 Boardman, Medford Touring 1919 2958532 57560 Wiseman, W. J., 742 W. 14th, Medford Touring 1919 3330725 56202 Witcher, Brennon, care C. E. Gates Auto Co., Medford Sedan 1921 5565194 73030 Wolff, Henry G., 608 S. Newtown, Medford Touring 1920 2958929 70574 Wolter, E. E., 731 W. 2nd, Medford Touring 1916 1062359 66962 Wood, B. R., Route 2, Medford Touring 1921 4920784 60948 Wood, W. E., 69 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1921 1356951 81751 Woody, W. J., Route 2, Box 25A, Medford Roadster 1919 140216 63911 Wooldridge, George S., Talent Touring 1918 2647272 55299 Wright & Polley, 706 Beekman, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1920 4144061 64212 Wright, W. T., Central Point Truck, 1-ton 1919 3276846 71798 Wyatt, Thomas, Gold Hill Touring 1919 3292270 83481 Yarbrough, Baker, Route 1, Box 60, Medford Touring 1917 1687290 53884 Young, Ed, Rogue River Touring 1921 3594642 58730 Zash, J. S., Route 1, Medford Touring 1916 1220 71083 Zimmerlee, D. L., Trail Touring 1914 411787 66934 FRANKLIN
Bodge, Daisy D., Route 2, Box 112,
Medford Touring 1921 56961 71129Bolds, C. E., Central Point Touring 1917 56213 53177 Gill, W. D., 355 Scenic Drive, Ashland Touring 1917 E34196 61337 Kinz, Minnie A., 406 Iowa, Ashland Touring 1918 5609T 58593 Ohrt, N. F., 933 S. Holly, Medford Touring 1914 19397M 82384 Salade, Blanche T., Central Point Brougham 1921 72014 56592 Salade, Dr. L. A., Central Point Touring 1920 48406 56589 GARY
Ritter, J. J., Gold Hill Truck, 2-ton
13021 70275GMC
Carson-Fowler Lumber Co., 161 1st, Ashland Truck,
2-ton 868 64177Hillcrest Orchard Co., Box 987, Medford Truck, 2-ton 704C2 78239 Jackson County Creamery, 301 N. Fir, Medford Truck, 1½-ton 103913N3 68842 Keizur, Walter, 1021 Niantic, Medford Truck, 1½-ton 22485N 72745 Whittle Transfer Co., 89 Oak, Ashland Truck, 2-ton 7071C2 75240 Whittle Transfer Co., 89 Oak, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 79814 75241 GRANT
Cameron, Frank, Ruch Touring 1916 13946
70985Culbertson, T. A., 391 Bridge, Ashland Touring 1916 11935 75750 Darby, S. R., Route 3, Box 92, Medford Touring 1916 13275 75139 Thompson, Wm., Central Point Touring 1919 5352 81162 Wood, C. D., 151 Gresham, Ashland Roadster 1915 18107 77720 HUDSON
Brownlee, R. O., 504 S. Holly, Medford
Touring 1920 81389 52973Cheever, Mrs. Lulu, 160 N. Main, Ashland Speedster 1920 96314 83922 Fuller, J. E., 217 E. Main, Ashland Phaeton 1916 7959 81269 Furnas, C. C., Medford Touring 1917 21474 61796 Getchell, Delroy, 1121 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1919 62271 54640 Montgomery, M., 1102 W. 10th, Medford Speedster 1919 54402 76919 Mordoff, M. G., 310 N. Bartlett, Medford Touring 1921 113871 65579 Newbury, Gus, 32 Mistletoe, Medford Speedster 1921 100764 68877 Nichols, Geo. W., Box 244, Ashland Touring 1916 8237 61857 Paris, R. K., 842 Blaine, Ashland Touring 1917 41454 58332 Prose, Mrs. Emma, 314 Garfield, Ashland Speedster 1922 122367 48919 Reddy, Mrs. J. G., 122 Oregon Terrace, Medford Touring 1916 7213 61973 Talent, C. P., 444 S. Fir, Medford Speedster 1919 6059 71312 Werth, Louis, 166 Laurel, Ashland Phaeton A1049 83761 Woolf, Mrs. Scott, 21 S. Orange, Medford Speedster 1920 104168 64509 HUFFMAN
Kee Trucks, 1063 Court, Medford Truck,
1½-ton 84626 78487HUPP
Florey, Chauncey, 719 W. 11th, Medford
Touring 1920 46749 72867Garrett, J. M., Lake Creek Touring 1920 42357 64406 Hanley, M. F., Route 2, Medford Touring 1917 75759 75502 Held, Paul, 600 Liberty, Ashland Touring 1914 42405 70509 Loomis, J. J., 626 B, Ashland Roadster 1918 45001 74456 Prose, H. N., 314 Garfield, Ashland Coupe 1919 9799 53919 Reter, John, Jacksonville Touring 1920 40172 66739 Shelby, A. B., Hotel Medford, Medford Touring 1920 30312 54961 Stout, G. A., Gen. Del., Medford Touring 1914 20356 83606 Tresham, H. A., Sams Valley Touring 1915 20373 61088 JEFFERY
Dunigan, T. H., 25 S. Peach, Medford
Touring 1915 53371 68493KELLY SPRINGFIELD
Jackson County, Jacksonville Truck, 3-ton
6407 62310Jackson County, Jacksonville Truck, 3-ton 6677 62311 Jackson County, Jacksonville Truck, 3-ton 6719 62312 Jackson County, Jacksonville Truck, 3-ton 6706 62313 Jackson County, Jacksonville Truck, 3-ton 6697 62314 Jackson County, Jacksonville Truck, 3-ton 6324 62315 Jackson County, Jacksonville Truck, 3-ton 6668 62316 Jackson County, Jacksonville Truck, 3-ton 6715 62317 KING
Brophy, J. J., Route 3, Box 47, Medford
Touring 1918 16812 55732KISSEL
De Armond, H. L., 227 S. Oakdale, Medford
Touring 1917 26758 83301Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir, Medford Truck, ¾-ton 31987 70331 Weeks & Orr, 114-124 W. Main, Medford Truck 1914 22081 77253 KRIT
Morrison, J. W., Route 3, Box 49, Medford
Touring 1912 R15 56169LEXINGTON
Bowers, J. W., Box 47, Ashland Touring 1922 1231
56647Childers, S. E., Central Point Touring 1919 7W81406 55277 Hall, Grace, Gen. Del., Medford Touring 1919 7W65823X 67713 LIBERTY
Hansen, H. C., 120 S. Laurel, Medford
Touring 1918 23644 67715Peil, Alice A., 52 Granite, Ashland Touring 1918 7K27555 58169 Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir, Medford Touring 1919 7K28622 70317 Swingle, F. D., 105 Bush, Ashland Touring 1919 7K28930 82057 Taylor, H. L., 450 A, Ashland Touring 1918 29034 58556 Wold, Grace, 227 S. Central, Medford Touring 1919 7K28854 52883 LOCOMOBILE
Farmer Bros., 18 N. Grape, Medford
Touring 1912 18595 78089Keene, Dr. J. M., 136 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1912 4598 56855 MACK
Associated Oil Co., 322 E. Main, Medford
Truck, 3½-ton 59930D 45334Associated Oil Co., 322 E. Main, Medford Truck, 3½-ton 62772 45335 Newcomb, N. B., 1219 W. 10th, Medford Truck, 2½-ton 28895 75928 Standard Oil Co., end N. Central, Medford Truck, 2½-ton 22683 45015 Standard Oil Co., end N. Central, Medford Truck, 24:-ton 26371 45062 MAIBOHM
Childers, I. C., Route 1, Box 95, Medford
Touring 1921 6717 74665Davidson, O. L., 605 Dakota, Medford Touring 1920 6726 57957 Millard, I. B., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1918 6718 75994 Minear, Mrs. R. C., 408 N. Ivy, Medford Sedan 1920 6724 79337 Patrick, D. R., Brownsboro Touring 1920 71434 75003 Sparks, Loyd, Box 172, Jacksonville Touring 1920 6064 61584 MAXWELL
Atkins, W. J., Prospect Touring 1918
C4698 68997Barker, C. A., Gen. Del., Medford Touring 1916 17191 70904 Bedwell, Dorothy, 6 Holland Apts., Medford Roadster 1921 351557 60816 Billings, Harry, 192 Mechanic, Ashland Touring 1917 181453 77409 Bowman, H. L., Box 188, Central Point Touring 1916 90500 84616 Bristow, S. J., Box 12, Central Point Touring 1916 75465 61376 Burdic, R. L., Jr., 122 High, Ashland Touring 1922 366248 70541 Bushong, James, Box 51, Phoenix Touring 1920 278996 58879 Butler, J. F., 368 Otis, Ashland Touring 1917 129389 75786 Cingcade, Charley, Route 3, Medford Touring 1919 235168 75778 Cooper, E. A., Ashland Touring 1918 222614 58786 Corwin, W. H., 1517 W. Main, Medford Touring 1920 264054 77410 Corwin, W. H., 1517 W. Main, Medford Touring 1920 235765 70974 Crandall, W. H., Eagle Point Touring 1920 274678 61384 Danielson, Victor, 113 N. Central, Medford Touring 1916 155016 72966 Darneille, Grover, 715 Alder, Medford Touring 1920 303459 61388 Darneille, Martha S., 822 W. 12th, Medford Touring 1920 315361 58560 Del Rio Orchard, R.F.D., Gold Hill Touring 1916 28333 64054 Drew, J. H., Route 4, Box 89, Medford Touring 1918 202099 76892 Drue, Chas., 50 3rd, Ashland Touring 1922 365743 61389 Erskine, W. M., 402 W. Clark, Medford Touring 1920 261874 58092 Estes, Rankin, 515 Penn. Ave., Medford Touring 1918 211220 72032 Fleming, P. B. & H. R., Box 34, Jacksonville Touring 1920 279182 53400 Godlove, J. C., 417 Woodstock, Medford Touring 1920 311246 73306 Gregory, L. H., Route 2, Central Point Truck, 1-ton 250896 75925 Hannah, Jasper, Eagle Point Touring 1919 249758 76916 Held, Paul, 600 Liberty, Ashland Touring 1918 212793 57760 Henderson, T. A., Gold Hill Touring 1918 A7376 71764 Hillis, Wm., Route 1, Box 28, Rogue River Touring 1921 355890 65612 Holdridge, F. L., Talent Touring 1918 210437 54384 Homes, F. C., R.F.D., Box 111, Ashland Touring 1920 264318 66146 Hubbard Bros., 335 E. Main, Medford Roadster 1922 363652 65552 Jackson, E. E., 335 Almond, Ashland Touring 1920 314531 72189 Jones, C. C., 322 S. Central, Medford Touring 1917 142992 68285 Kline, Luella D., Route 2, Box 90, Central Point Roadster 1916 154554 62946 Konop, Joseph, 602 W. 11th, Medford Touring 1920 293468 71534 Koyamo, Juehi, Box 789, Medford Truck, 1-ton 196529 78032 La Mar, Buster, Rialto Theatre, Medford Roadster 1920 309816 77528 Lawrentz, Elizabeth, Route 2, Box 84, Medford Touring 1920 282167 58791 Lewis, Mrs. A. W., Central Point Touring 1921 279046 67189 Lindley, Geo. R., Route 3, Medford Touring 1918 A6505 62973 Lininger, M. C., 296 Helman, Ashland Touring 1918 220759E 65057 McCracken, Nellie E., 1129 Niantic, Medford Touring 1922 363563 67353 McKee, F. E., Jacksonville Touring 1917 213655 66331 Magerle, D. P., Rogue River Touring 1922 363718 78945 Medford Grocery Co., 10th & Front, Medford Touring 1919 247466 73088 Meyer, Joe, Route 1, Medford Touring 1918 67587 54929 Mitchell, J. W., 28 Geneva, Medford Touring 1921 351606 57537 Moore, J. L., Gold Hill Touring 1919 279563 53967 Nealon, J. L., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1919 230482 58523 Nealon, R. E., Central Point Touring 1919 250394 56527 Neilson, G. W., 436 N. Bartlett, Medford Truck, 1-ton 195035 71369 Nichols & Ashpole, 206 E. Main, Medford Touring 1922 365430 62350 O'Connor, John, Route 2, Box 101, Medford Touring 1918 247501 56391 Oden, O. C., Route 1, Box 19, Rogue River Touring 1918 B6613 56390 O'Hara, Wm., Route 4, Medford Touring 1922 336381 61744 Owens, Chas., Rogue River Touring 1920 323151 78008 Parker, J. S., care A. W. Walker Auto Co., Medford Touring 1922 366196 61386 Parr, R. M. 475 Palm Ave., Ashland Touring 1917 125548 73301 Pollock, R. L., care M.F.&H. Co., Medford Roadster 1921 351897 79145 Porter, O. B., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1920 315388 67701 Potts, W. E., Route 3, Medford Touring 1920 261407 68988 Pursel, C. C., Jacksonville Touring 1917 120838 57887 Richey, J. C., Route 1, Gold Hill Touring 1918 B9368 65097 Ring, L. F., 39 N. Peach, Medford Touring 1918 200064 68277 Robinson, E. F., 836 Taylor, Medford Touring 1915 28726 75788 Robison, J. R., Talent Touring 1918 223397 55865 Robison, W. W., 567 Beach, Ashland Touring 1920 262967 54882 Ross, Geo. B., Central Point Touring 1917 194923 65007 Rosseau, O. M., Holland Hotel, Medford Touring 1918 128559 83333 Russell, Mrs. A. H., 117 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1918 C3235 52479 Saito, Kinai, 528 S. Fir, Medford Touring 1918 224955 70748 Sawyer, J. T., Talent Touring 1915 77509 58522 Schafer, L. C., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1917 142504 60440 Settlemier, R. A., Route 1, Medford Touring 1919 246541 56404 Skinner, J. J., 1017 W. Main, Medford Touring 1920 286934 52872 Slinger, Faye, 230 Beatty, Medford Touring 1918 219267 57889 Smith, L. A., Box 133, Eagle Point Touring 1917 163977 54931 Snider, J. W., Route 2, Medford Touring 1918 219225 61378 Snyder, F. M., Gold Hill Touring 1915 25515 70161 Talent Orchard Co., Route 2, Medford Touring 1920 274676 56397 Timmons, J. W., Route 3, Medford Touring 1918 C4818 58884 Vogeli, Callie B., Talent Touring 1921 326773 74998 Von der Hellen, J. H., Wellen Touring 1916 75443 83380 Voss, H. B., 785 B, Ashland Touring 1919 230167 84563 Wagner, J. M., 153 Oak, Ashland Touring 1918 214688 57539 Walker, C. J., 123 W. Main, Medford Touring 1918 129555 70900 Ward, Chas., care Sacred Heart Hospital, Medford Touring 1917 124607 78432 White, J. F., 220 S. Laurel, Medford Touring 1916 72606 62518 White, V. M., 4 W. Jackson, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1918 226406 67439 Wilcox, R. A., Lake Creek Touring 1919 P247287 80492 Williams, J. D., Box 21, Central Point Sedan 1919 234879 73948 Yothers, M. A., 512 Dakota Ave., Medford Touring 1921 351625 61817 METZ
Arnold, John, Box 585, Ashland Touring 1916 42673
61343Engel, Mrs. Anna, Route 1, Gold Hill Touring 1917 42679 73655 Root, E. C., 614 Plum, Medford Touring 1917 42669 57785 MITCHELL
Barkdull, Sylvia, 817 N. Central, Medford
Touring 1919 102974 53926Jordan, Frank, 227 Granite, Ashland Touring 1917 72556 63364 Rickert, J. D., 716 E. Main, Medford Touring 1918 83704 65164 Wing, J. Z., 532 Allison, Ashland Touring 1919 102871 53472 MONITOR
Wharton, H. E., Gold Hill Touring
1918 7WA182 62345MONROE
Prillaman, J. W., Eagle Point Touring 1920 8684
Bergner, O. T., 446 Allison, Ashland Touring 1914
4138 58750MORELAND
Associated Oil Co., 322 E. Main, Medford
Truck, 2½-ton 18469 45336Big Pines Lumber Co., 6th & Fir, Medford Truck, 1½-ton C23236 71800 City of Medford, Medford Truck, 4-ton 19657 56797 Beebe, C. R., Nash Hotel, Medford Touring 1920 65414 711381 Bingham, H. W., Route 3, Medford Touring 1919 307752 73041 Brown, Carrie O., Talent Touring 1920 148699 71126 Collins, C. M., Jacksonville Touring 1920 54367 54677 Conger, H. E., Route 2, Medford Touring 1920 62163 66707 Deuel, Mrs. F. K., 1018 S. Oakdale, Medford Sportster 1920 872 53524 Elliott, F. C., Rogue River Touring 1920 131086 65843 Enders, H. G., Jr., Columbia Hotel, Ashland Touring 1920 70323 73323 Hawley, V. B., Route 1, Ashland Touring 1919 28054 69812 Isaacson, Jesse, Central Point Sportster 1921 68273 61853 Jackson County, Jacksonville Truck, 2-ton 59084 62318 Jackson County, Jacksonville Truck, 2-ton 67418 62319 Jackson County, Jacksonville Truck, 2-ton 46425 62320 Jackson County, Jacksonville Truck, 2-ton 65687 62321 Jennings, Luke, Route 4, Box 3A, Medford Touring 1920 61841 77259 Jones, R. H., 225 W. Main, Medford Touring 1920 53882 68538 Launspach, H. G., 211 W. Jackson, Medford Sportster 1921 67774 67111 McCarthy, Mrs. Carrie I., 156 N. Main, Ashland Sportster 1921 72335 72953 McWilliams, Glenn, 281 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1921 60907 70178 Miksche, Anna M. E., 339 S. Central, Medford Touring 1918 131022 54875 Neese, Sarah E., 78 6th, Ashland Touring 1920 63478 61858 Ober, E. J., Gen. Del., Medford Sportster 1920 9770 71068 Orr, A. E., 526 S. Central, Medford Touring 1920 164492 67222 Parsons, R. H., Box 987, Medford Roadster 1919 132056 60186 Phipps, Dr. I. D., 923 E. Main, Medford Touring 1920 53831 57207 Place, J. F., 137 Oak, Ashland Touring 1920 65290 61018 Porter, Geo. W., 236 N. Central, Medford Sportster 1919 33184 84606 Pruett, Mrs. M. L., Route 3, Box 112J, Medford Roadster 1919 132309 75356 Richardson, Jesse L., Central Point Touring 1919 134379 71493 Salade, L. A., Jr., R.F.D., Central Point Touring 1920 53840 74422 Smith, L. W., Box 626, Medford Sportster 1920 61406 83913 Swan, R. E., 711 Welch, Medford Touring 1920 142087 79353 Tait, W. G., 320 S. Holly, Medford Touring 1919 130442 56556 Tomlin, J. R., end N. Central, Medford Coupe 1919 3905 52131 Ulrich, Lewis, Jacksonville Touring 1920 56412 58504 Warner, R. B., 137 Oak, Ashland Touring 1921 52249 Wolgamott, C. M., 306 E. 6th, Medford Touring 1920 186449 62051 OAKLAND
Barham, W. J., Siskiyou Touring 1918
59533 54570Bloom, L. R., 113 Tripp, Medford Touring 1920 D28802 58255 Bowne, Walter, Route 2, Medford Touring 1919 C92094 83894 Bowne, Walter, Route 2, Medford Touring 1919 C57809 83896 Bradley, Dick, 811 Dakota Ave., Medford Touring 1922 D78658 55192 Counter, Laura E., Ashland Touring 1919 C50826 73322 Cunningham, A. B., 1124 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1919 C70492 62033 Damon, Luzella, 414 S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1920 C80639 52062 Duffen, Wm., Route 4, Box 56, Medford Touring 1921 D56340 66104 Fick, Fred J., Jacksonville Touring 1920 C97351 60025 Fox, Geo. E., Box 170, Central Point Touring 1919 C52680 55309 Grigsby, B. E., R.F.D., Central Point Touring 1916 345704 58122 Hanson, Clyde, Central Point Touring 1919 14330 73279 Holt, Dr. Wm. W. P., 118 Genessee, Medford Touring 1920 C80855 60114 Jenkins, F. R., 908 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1919 C70538 67138 Kistler, Edna M., 170 Mountain Ave., Ashland Touring 1919 11534 74042 Lowe, J. D., Route 1, Talent Touring 1919 C63240 71439 Meyer, Wendolin, Medford Touring 1920 D28533X 70434 Orth, J. S., 610 S. Central, Medford Touring 1920 D28729X 58281 Peachey, E. C., 15 S. Peach, Medford Roadster 1919 C92523 74212 Perrine, C. J., 111 Coolidge, Ashland Touring 1918 C27618 56419 Pickel, L. H., 504 Edward, Medford Sedan 1917 11456 66126 Rankin, H. B., 24 Genessee, Medford Touring 1919 C80725 53240 Ray, Frank H., Tolo Touring 1917 17388 52324 Sams, C. E., Rogue River Touring 1918 C70544 53211 Sams, W. H., 143 3rd, Ashland Roadster 1919 C92128 56594 Shores, C. W., Route 1, Box 20A, Medford Touring 1920 C58825 63170 Steele, J. H., Talent Touring 1916 4MB10804 79300 Skeeters, Chas., 14 W. Jackson, Medford Touring 1919 C69984 52457 Trowbridge, Everett G., 907 W. 11th, Medford Touring 1921 D57393 60370 Wilson, E. S., Box 163, Jacksonville Roadster 1919 340501 55059 OLDSMOBILE
Dunford, O. W., Jacksonville Touring 1920
49390 75504Fenton, W. J., 25 N. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1919 D21911 74189 Gilbert, Van R., 910 W. 11th, Medford Touring 1918 D6363 74043 McCuiston, W. C., 923 W. Main, Medford Touring 1917 X97749 66407 McCurdy, R. H., 1327 Reddy Ave, Medford Touring 1918 111166 62931 Newhall, C. S., R.F.D., Central Point Touring 1919 D33091 62999 Oeder, Emma L., 108 Granite, Ashland Touring 1916 55403 75505 Peart, B. G., Route 3, Box 58, Medford Touring 1916 7310830 62523 Raine, E. J., 154 B, Ashland Touring 1917 D4469 62923 Roberts, Cauley, 687 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1921 4907 62922 Robinson, W. H., Gen. Del., Ashland Touring 1920 B4664 65159 Vaupel, C. H., 422 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1917 X94149 63088 Weeks-Conger Co., 217 W. 6th, Medford Truck, 1-ton 60693 79452 OVERLAND
Aitkin, W. A., 128 Winter, Ashland Touring 1911
21540 74015Albert, F. C., 208 Clark, Medford Touring 1920 25728 66878 Atwood, M. W., Pacific Highway, Medford Touring 1921 145150 55919 Baker, J. E., 1120 Niantic, Medford Touring 1916 35312 73618 Barnhouse, J. L., 685 Boulevard, Ashland Sedan 1921 24311 74470 Beebe, C. R., Nash Hotel, Medford Touring 1921 139026 71958 Bertelson, C. S., Beagle Touring 1919 101699 55058 Bilderback, W. A., Central Point Touring 1917 31737 67096 Bingham, H. W., Route 3, Medford Touring 1921 97391 73042 Briggs, E. D., Bush & Almond, Ashland Cabriolet 1918 8H20449 55755 Brown, E. J., Applegate Touring 1921 97398 57708 Carstens, Evelyn, Rogue River Touring 1917 17059 65069 Cass, C. E., 401 E. 5th, Medford Touring 1919 95810 82243 Corey, G. E., 524 S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1918 108458 63022 Cozart, J. G., 685 B, Ashland Touring 1920 79613 52855 Creede, Cecile, Cargill Court, Medford Touring 1920 95764 53814 Culbertson, C. R., Lake Creek Touring 1920 96897 73136 Dodge, R. J., 633 Pine, Medford Roadster 1915 16692 81438 Doremus, Frank C., Route 3, Medford Touring 1920 79975 76894 Emerick, V. J., 104 S. Holly, Medford Touring 1920 80219 70859 Fabrick, Mrs. Glen, 106 Crater Lake Ave., Medford Touring 1917 33629 64605 Fehige, Frank, 375 B, Ashland Touring 1919 44490 63015 Force, D. S., Beagle Touring 1917 3050 68674 Forncrook, Mrs. L. L., 529 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1918 19296 74475 Fredenburg, H. A., 205 W. Jackson, Medford Touring 1920 77766 570S2 Gore, E. E., 116 Geneva, Medford Touring 1919 5969 53344 Gray, M. C., 23 Almond, Medford Roadster 1921 95904 55749 Hale, R. E., 380 B, Ashland Cabriolet 1919 44115 81174 Hale, R. S., 60 5th, Ashland Sedan 1920 300256 56726 Harris, J. C., Pinehurst Touring 1917 46454 79309 Hamilton, O. C., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1919 92885 66490 Hicke, J. E., 551 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1916 14130 60584 High, H. C. 107 Fork, Ashland Touring 1920 129923 68150 Hohenstein, A., 44 N. Orange, Medford Delivery 1916 102080 74151 Hollenbeak, G. E., Prospect Touring 1920 49984 60473 Holmes, Geo. B., Eagle Point Touring 1919 42874 52414 Horsfall, L. L., 32 S. Central, Medford Roadster 1918 38436 60582 Hovey, J. L., Eagle Point Touring 1917 149496 57738 Hudson, A. C., Eagle Point Touring 1921 114977 52542 Hueners, J. H., Box 190, Jacksonville Touring 1913 18354 71480 Jackson County, Jacksonville Touring 1915 7H4504 62309 Johnson, F. L., Eagle Point Touring 1921 113277 70863 Joy, A. C., Route 1, Ashland Touring 1920 70452 70965 Karberg, Allie E., 112 Nob Hill, Ashland Roadster 1919 28920 68451 Kaufman, Geo., 128 Vancouver, Medford Touring 1917 148542 52421 Kime, Nick, Route 1, Medford Touring 1918 162924 58442 Koozer, Ralph E., Talent Touring 1918 90498 77476 Lamb, A. L., 787 Iowa, Ashland Coupe 1921 76722 53457 Lemie, Anthony, 487 Scenic Drive, Ashland Touring 1917 16307 72295 Lance, G. W., Route 1, Gold Hill Touring 1920 79907 72296 Lockwood, R. H., 550 Boulevard, Ashland Delivery 1921 300257 74022 Lyman, E. E., 263 2nd, Ashland Touring 1918 799180 75813 Marcy, M. G., 64 Gresham, Ashland Touring 1918 29060 74596 Martin, Franklin E., Jacksonville Touring 1912 595045 80445 Martin, Paul, Route 7, Box 127, Medford Touring 1920 80535 70043 McDonough, J. W., 830 Iowa, Ashland Touring 1916 32240 60800 McKenzie, J. H., 85 Union, Ashland Touring 1020 68934 62984 McKinney, Huse, Route 1, Medford Roadster 1919 3119 72791 McKinney, Huse, Route 1, Medford Touring 1919 122340 82195 McMurtrey, Clyde, 119 Crater Lake Ave., Medford Touring 1921 103088 57249 McRae, J. D., 638 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1919 148638 66809 Medford Irrigation District, 216 Liberty Bldg., Medford Touring 1921 127397 63533 Monia, Jacob, Brownsboro Touring 1913 22666 75470 Mills, W. A., 363 Laurel, Ashland Touring 1918 99390 79312 Muller, Theo., Jr., 911 W. 11th, Medford Touring 1917 18373 75509 Myers, Geo. L., Central Point Touring 1918 92558 67270 Narregan, E. G., 106 Clark, Medford Touring 1917 50102 82388 Natwick, C. R., 806 N. Riverside, Medford Touring 1921 97566 57083 Nichols, E. F., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1913 512523 81395 Noe, Leland, 504 Penn. Ave., Medford Touring 1921 153907 52415 Nourse, H. H., Route 1, Rogue River Touring 1917 48465 80526 Oskar, J. L., 83 Morton, Ashland Touring 1920 132371 64129 Palmer, John B., Phoenix Country Club 1918 19074 57164 Perdue, A. D., 921 N. Central, Medford Touring 1916 835222 75992 Pettegrew, Fred, Eagle Point Touring 1921 149120 61171 Pierson, C. B., 401 W. 2nd, Medford Touring 1921 97103 54435 Ray, C. R., Jr, 1104 W. Main, Medford Touring 1916 7H6897 66886 Ray, R. L., Route 2, Box 87, Medford Touring 1917 149516 53424 Reddy, Mary F., 122 Oregon Terrace, Medford Touring 1922 150452 72788 Reisinger, Wm. H., Siskiyou Touring 1921 130717 77977 Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir, Medford Touring 1921 118092 70322 Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir, Medford Touring 1920 119738 70323 Ruhl, R. W., Route 3, Medford Sedan 1920 100996 66877 Schmidt, W. C., 540 S. Fir, Medford Touring 1921 107037 81719 Selby, A. G., 56 3rd, Ashland Touring 1917 90272 67356 Shaw, Dr. Mattie B., 108 Pioneer Ave, Ashland Touring 1919 29640 57353 Sidley, Mike, Lake Creek Touring 1920 963 62017 Spalding, F. J., 608 W. Jackson, Medford Touring 1920 8628 55039 Stearns, H. A., 74 Grant, Ashland Touring 1921 97527 72787 Stock, H. C., 108 Nob Hill, Ashland Touring 1919 110570 62982 Stock, H. C., 88-90 N. Main, Ashland Hearse 1921 160122 75508 Taylor, M. F., 116 Lincoln, Ashland Touring 1919 107721 59843 Thomas, A. W., 993 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1916 53386 54098 Thomas, J. E., 159 2nd, Ashland Roadster 1917 3111 65708 Thompson, A. H., Eagle Point Touring 1921 93317 70663 Tilton, C. F., 237 Almond, Ashland Touring 1917 5392 62867 Tyo, A. W., 101 Almond, Medford Touring 1920 70459 65036 Walden, O. S., Route 2, Box 10, Medford Touring 1920 78467 67678 Walden, W. L., Route 2, Box 10, Medford Touring 1920 77590 57850 Watson, A. E., 619 S. Central, Medford Touring 1920 101645 55753 West, Arthur, 234 E. 9th, Medford Delivery 1921 39375 57534 Williams, C. K., Gen. Del., Medford Touring 1916 7H10964 54092 Wilson, C. L., Box 82, Ashland Sedan 1921 20493 68057 PACKARD
Carter, E. V., 514 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1914
54396 54076English, C. M., 1006 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1921 496 64775 Hall, Seely V., 123-125 S. Front, Medford Touring 1922 U7329 80604 Harkins, Clint, Route 1, Box 106, Ashland Touring 1921 V6466F 61257 Neff, P. J., Cargill Court, Medford Touring 1921 U1597 44994 Olds, D. M., 501 E. Main, Medford Touring 1919 153858 56425 Oregon Growers' Packing Corporation, Medford Truck, 1½-ton 176127 74326 Perl, John A., 426 W. 6th, Medford Ambulance, 1-ton 11870 75635 PAIGE
Hart, Henry, 29 Summit, Medford Touring
1922 217346 73683Lawrence, J. F., 525 S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1918 105559 56721 O'Kelly, Fred, Rogue River Touring 1918 78124 53699 Pickel, Dr. E. B., 326 W. Main, Medford Touring 1917 102157 55003 Stancliff, W. S., Phoenix Touring 1918 109584 75397 Stone, Minnie R., Route 2, Box 73, Medford Touring 1919 116186 73193 Terrell, R. W., 527 S. Holly, Medford Roadster 1919 79512 68849 PATHFINDER
Wilfley, J. M., Box 146, Eagle Point Touring 1913
5991 83878PATTERSON
Bowman, C. F., 823 Taylor, Medford
Touring 1921 730849 66129PEERLESS
Johnson, Mrs. Eva, 53 N. Orange, Medford
Roadster 250687 84589Pellett, Grace E., 503 S. Central, Medford Touring 1919 251160 53574 Whillock, C. W., 714 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1919 9297 64468 PREMIER
Sheldon, Edith B., Kings Highway, Medford
Touring 1921 5537 56039REO
Antle, J. W., Lake Creek Truck,
1¼-ton A37517 77547Bodenhamer, F. E., 524 S. Grape, Medford Truck, 1¼-ton 37478 75641 Brown, J. L., Gold Hill Touring 1917 68903 74426 Bundy, Dr. L., 504 S. Central, Medford Touring 1917 R9454 75711 City of Medford, Medford Truck, 1½-ton 3266 56796 Crater Lake Hdw. Co., 310 E. Main, Medford Truck, 1¼-ton A35147 75895 Dallaire, Mrs. Agnes, Gen. Del., Medford Touring 1916 76476 68070 De Carlow, C. W., Pinehurst Touring 1914 59826 72474 Dennis, J. N., 477 Allison, Ashland Touring 1920 10733 73441 Dugan, T. C., Box 94, Eagle Point Touring 1917 R2067 64415 Eads Transfer & Storage Co., 22 N. Front, Medford Truck, 1¼-ton 32125 83436 Eads Transfer & Storage Co., 22 N. Front, Medford Truck, 1¼-ton 35201 83437 Enders, H. G., 328 E. Main, Ashland Truck, 1½-ton 54083 71844 Foster & Kleiser Co., 44 S. Central, Medford Commercial 1919 A24406 66335 Hammett, Harry, 208 Tripp, Medford Truck, 1¼-ton 60108 66248 Millard, I. B., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1915 55214 54879 Miller, A. H., 122 Mistletoe, Medford Touring 1914 52966 54877 Mason, Ehrman & Co., 12th & Front, Medford Truck, 1¼-ton A37169 70308 Norcross, W. H., Central Point Touring 1914 52790 62201 Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir, Medford Truck, 1¼-ton 50506 70336 Snider Dairy & Produce Co., 28 N. Bartlett, Medford Truck, 1¼-ton 52594 61414 Walden, W. L., Route 2, Box 10, Medford Truck, 1¼-ton 51810 84627 Wallace, Jessie N., Route 2, Box 52, Medford Roadster 1917 R1629 56300 Whittle Transfer Co., 426 B, Ashland Truck, 1-ton 35119 66217 Wilhite, C. E., Sams Valley Truck, 1-ton A35035 67543 REPUBLIC
Associated Oil Co., 322 E. Main, Medford
Truck, 1½-ton 54809N 45337Davis, John C., Phoenix Truck, 1-ton 43610 70260 Medford Grocery Co., 10th & Front, Medford Truck, 1½-ton 94121 73095 Medford Grocery Co., 10th & Front, Medford Truck, 1½-ton 108166 73096 Oregon Growers' Packing Corporation, Medford Truck, 1-ton 95770 74327 War Eagle Mining Co., Box 1047, Medford Truck, 1-ton 87229 71377 SAMPSON
Atkins, M. G. & Turpin, H. R., 247 Beatty,
Medford Truck, 1½-ton 8140
77040Deuel, Strang & Johnson, Gold Hill Truck, ¾-ton 3999 73149 Johnson, M. S., Gold Hill Truck, 1-ton 625209 71850 Snider Dairy & Produce Co., 28-32 N. Bartlett, Medford Truck, 1½-ton 8101 75590 Van Houten, W. L., Gold Hill Truck, 1½-ton 8130 79232 SAXON
Boyden, C. Z., 328 N. Central, Medford
Runabout 1917 B5R29646 68711Bradbury, J., 438 S. Fir, Medford Touring 1917 29814 57933 Everhard, Henry, Box 808, Medford Roadster 1916 18680 65842 Luy, Fred, Sr., Wellen Touring 1916 10373 61237 Morgan, M. P., Gold Hill Touring 1918 31622 63315 Penwell, A., 828 N. Central, Medford Runabout 1916 26447 64451 Penwell, A., 828 N. Central, Medford Runabout 1917 30003 64452 Shoudy, B. M., 63 Helman, Ashland Touring 1916 11541 83607 Souther, W. L., 437 S. King, Medford Touring 1917 S27721 76946 Summers, S. T., 463 B, Ashland Touring 1917 S4T34885 63241 Watson, R. W., Route 2, Medford Roadster 1917 12178 66064 SAYERS
Cox, H. L., 711 E. Main, Medford Touring
1920 M7W91152 81536SCRIPPS-BOOTH
Bertelson, Samuel, 208 First National Bank Bldg.,
Medford Touring 1919 50970 70534Brown, Mrs. Austie B., R.F.D., Box 136, Ashland Touring 1920 47125X 73383 Eads, C. E., 128 S. Holly, Medford Touring 1918 51587M 68551 Maben, John, Crater Lake Roadster 1919 9C50401 63517 Pryor, D. T., 555 Fairview, Ashland Touring 1919 51147 73444 STEARNS
Schmidt Auto Co., 399 E. Main, Ashland Truck,
¾-ton A331 74328STEPHENS
Glasgow, C. W., R.F.D., Talent Touring 1921 22916
57907Lyman, R. P., Hotel Medford, Medford Roadster 1921 24831 51742 STUDEBAKER
Albert, W. J., 29 S. Pioneer, Ashland Touring 1919
500834 62047Bayliss, J. R., Route 1, Box 169, Ashland Roadster 1917 5575 54527 Bayliss, Mina P., Route 1, Box 169, Ashland Touring 1915 13684 68241 Bell, J. D., Nash Hotel, Medford Touring 1919 AF4494 53009 Boise, H. S., 1013 E. Main, Medford Touring 1920 CG10654 57771 Bradshaw, J. L., Brownsboro Touring 1919 BF13242 72290 Bray, Dr. J. P., 516 Penn. Ave., Medford Touring 1920 13242 60133 Brown, S. I., 611 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1921 60802 74055 Brownlee, J. N., 706 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1919 72486 52369 Brownlee, J. N., 706 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1920 16357 52370 Bullis, Helen M., 16 Rose Ave., Medford Roadster 1914 25158 60571 Bunnell, M. B., 305 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1921 CG23849 62353 Bushong, James, 20 N. Peach, Medford Touring 1917 4581 76816 Case, L. S., Box 94, Central Point Touring 1917 47771 63950 Casebeer, W. H., Box 189, Central Point Touring 1920 BG26714 72661 Coffman, T. J., 105 N. Pioneer Ave., Ashland Touring 1921 43676 58241 Connor, D. R., Hotel Ashland, Ashland Touring 1920 37483 68612 Cook, Hardy, Gold Hill Bug 1918 57964 71567 Dollarhide, L. D., Siskiyou Truck, 2-ton 405918 81577 Edmonds, A. J., 11 Chestnut, Medford Touring 1919 A26924 83873 Fuller, A. G., 42 Rose Ave., Medford Touring 1917 87672 57085 Gannaway, W. C., Route 4, Medford Touring 1916 14450 66132 Greer, B. R., 199 Granite, Ashland Touring 1920 26038 52394 Helms, J. L., 129 N. Grape, Medford Touring 1920 3561 57257 Hull, O. O., Route 1, Medford Touring 1915 614099 67290 Johnson, G. A., 714 Welch, Medford Touring 1915 32228 65658 Long, C. B., Box 102, Central Point Touring 1913 25A1239 55854 Kittredge, Walter, 309 Scenic Drive, Ashland Touring 1916 41213 82048 Medford Grocery Co., 10th & Front, Medford Touring 1920 5467 73090 Mohr, Emil, 1003 W. Main, Medford Touring 1921 20884 63076 Moller, Ben, Route 3, Medford Touring 1921 57823 70683 Moore, J. H., Route 2, Box 8, Medford Touring 1917 89689 61204 Nelson, Chas., Route 2, Box 31, Medford Touring 1916 34341 65435 Nininger, A. C., Pioneer & Hargadine, Ashland Touring 1921 52073 82029 Noth, A. F., 428 N. Holly, Medford Touring 1917 58788 81728 Ottinger, J. C., 220 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1920 BG27214 70687 Peck, Leroy, 1211 W. 10th, Medford Roadster 1913 25A8183 72657 Pomeroy, E. H., Central Point Touring 1921 29128 77722 Radtke, E. H., Gold Hill Touring 1919 BF5100 77645 Renshaw, E., Route 3, Box 4, Medford Touring 1919 BF6245 62893 Schuler, I. E., 911 W. 10th, Medford Roadster 1917 67736 75533 Short, S. H., 136 Almond, Ashland Roadster 1918 69517 56244 Strang, Chas., 416 S. Central, Medford Touring 1917 41202 71114 Stevens, G. W., Route 2, Box 49, Medford Touring 1914 6254 68727 Taylor, James, 240 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1380814 58400 Topliff, H. M., 33 S. Front, Medford Touring 1919 3476 81568 Tuttle, S. M., Table Rock Orchard, Central Point Touring 1920 18327 71532 Vawter, Etta M., 105 Geneva, Medford Touring 1920 21510 66337 Webb, Benj., 325 E. Jackson, Medford Touring 1909 68021 63240 Weber, E. A., 812 E. Main, Medford Touring 1921 22435 81598 Winter, O., 430 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1921 60766 52366 Witte, C. R., Box 14, Central Point Touring 1914 4B583 57267 TEMPLAR
Herrin, F. W., 343 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1920
Associated Oil Co., 322 E. Main, Medford
Trailer 76 45338TRAFFIC
Davis Transfer Co., 29 S. Grape, Medford
Truck, 2-ton 74046 70269VELIE
Beebe, C. R., Nash Hotel, Medford Touring
1921 XV7302 71132Blake, W. E., 103 Laurel, Ashland Touring 1918 25188 57688 Carney, T. J., 1000 W. 9th, Medford Touring 1920 2476 54356 Davis Transfer Co., 29 S. Grape, Medford Truck, 2-ton 14656 70264 Davis Transfer Co., 29 S. Grape, Medford Truck, 2-ton 9058 70265 Elliott, Dr. B. R., 1114 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1922 XV6515 67702 Glass, T. A., Route 2, Box 70, Central Point Touring 1920 2313 74136 Hale, C. E., 36 N. Front, Medford Touring 1912 10547 54556 McWilliams, Mrs. M., 715 Penn. Ave., Ashland Touring 1919 7W93468 75522 Mitchell, S. S., 534 Fairview, Ashland Touring 1918 70903 66468 Morenz-Oeser, W. R., 518 W. 4th, Medford Touring 1914 11396 52175 Murphy, J. J., 486 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1918 71645 74039 Limmabary, G. L., Argraves Hotel, Medford Touring 1920 XV1998 82606 Loosley, G. W., 263 Oak, Ashland Touring 1918 7W70885 70235 Lyons, D. C., 76 Lincoln, Ashland Touring 1920 1678 53212 Norcross, L. L., Central Point Touring 1916 7W4177 60399 Nyman, John, 465 Taylor, Ashland Touring 1921 113770 75852 Perl, John A., 426 W. 6th, Medford Hearse, 1-ton 9882 75634 Robison, George, Box 134, Ashland Touring 1918 71678 80429 Speck, Mrs. C. M., Hotel Medford, Medford Roadster 1918 70939 73334 Woodford, J. R., 522 S. Holly, Medford Touring 1921 3302 70562 WHITE
Interurban Autocar Co., 5 S. Front,
Medford Bus 1919 32101 68411Interurban Autocar Co., 5 S. Front, Medford Bus 1915 22215 68412 Interurban Autocar Co., 5 S. Front, Medford Bus 1921 43599 68415 Interurban Autocar Co., 5 S. Front, Medford Bus 1921 46003 68416 Shell Co. of California, 8th & Riverside, Medford Truck, 1¾-ton GK45500 68859 Union Oil Co. of California, 1 Block W. end N. Central, Medford Truck, 2-ton 31261 45940 Union Oil Co. of California, 1 Block W. end N. Central, Medford Truck, 2-ton 35575 45954 Young, W. A., 815 Bennett, Medford Roadster 1911 1253 56665 WILLS ST. CLAIRE
Cooke, R. A., Hotel Holland, Medford
Touring 1921 1819 81146WILLYS-KNIGHT
Love, J. G., Central Point Touring 1915 L387 63064Marshall, Mrs. Edison, 1002 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1920 8535 77772 Vawter, W., 39 N. Orange, Medford Touring 1921 6166 66714 Westerlund, J. A., 916 E. Main, Medford Touring 1917 8H20203 53584 Wilson, Will H., 132 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1918 845465 54097 TRANSFERS
11628 to Dan Collier, 102 W. Main, Medford (Ford from Portland).14302 to L. J. Holbrook, 614 W. 11th, Medford (Ford). 19346 to C. Z. Boyden, 328 N. Central, Medford (Chevrolet). 22063 to H. B. Bentley, 133 N. Pioneer Ave., Ashland (Ford). 22599 to F. P. Farrell, 18 Elm, Medford (Chevrolet). 25768 to C. G. Young, 9 Granite, Ashland (Ford). 26608 to D. Daily, R.F.D, Medford (Ford). 27337 to a party in New Mexico (Chevrolet). 37416 to C. D. Colbaugh, 1130 W. 9th, Medford (Ford). 39713 to Mrs. Emma Chapman, Beagle (Chevrolet). 53366 to Chas. Campbell, 1222 Locust, Medford (Ford). 55043 to J. W. Neal, 1152 Court, Medford (Chevrolet). 55105 to Robert Johnston, 211 Vancouver, Medford (Ford). 56571 to Niels Larsen, Talent (Ford). 57979 to L. A. Netherland, 208 S. Central, Medford (Cadillac). 58505 to Agnes I. Merrell, 1530 W. Main, Medford (Chevrolet). 65159 to W. E. Pierson, Boulevard, Ashland (Oldsmobile). 67943 to T. E. Pottenger, R.F.D., Medford (Ford). 68034 to A. C. Meyer, Box 541, Ashland (Ford). 63630 to A. O. Tarbell, Central Point (Ford). 74328 to A. G. Moss, 540 Holly, Ashland (Stearns). 77729 to Rose E. Haynes, care Cal. Ore. Power Co., Medford (Dodge). 83650 to Carl Fichtner, 613 S. Holly, Medford (Chevrolet). CANCELLATIONS
12474 George Harkins, Ashland.37520 Mrs. Emma Prose, 314 Garfield, Ashland. Change in April Address
Dodge, J. M., 715 Cedar, Medford (Dodge, License 2709).Jackson County Auto Directory
May 1922, Southern Oregon Historical
Society Research Library
Body Type
Year Engine
No. License No.
Brewer, J. T., 1005 W. Main, Medford Truck, 3½-ton 49100 89808 Fick, Fred J., Jacksonville Truck, 3½-ton 3114 99808 APPERSON
Collins, C. E., 38 W. 11th, Medford
Touring 1914 6676 99720ATTERBURY
Haswell, H. T., 609 S. Oakdale, Medford
Truck, 3½-ton 12462 99215BUICK
Beebe, Carl, Nash Hotel, Medford Touring
1922 822098 98267Beeson, E. L., Talent Touring 1917 208494 89394 Corby, G. L., 334 Almond, Ashland Touring 1917 330885 89637 Ferguson, L. F., 184 B, Ashland Touring 1920 561349 85710 Hinck, J. H., 729 W. 11th, Medford Touring 1917 226032 87580 Howard, G. W., 213 S. Front, Medford Touring 1915 132879 92452 Huschke, E., 225 B, Ashland Touring 1922 857332 99748 Marean, C. F., Box 23B, Ashland Touring 1922 810512 89933 McCarthy, Jack, Hotel Holland, Medford Touring 1922 795753 98268 Medford Auto Co., 222 W. Main, Medford Touring 1922 857485 96836 Painter, Charley, Central Point Touring 1917 254685 88407 Reeder, Ira, 85 Second, Ashland Touring 1918 319071 94976 Riegel, Sprague, Gold Hill Touring 1922 857619 99695 Wheeler, Sarah L., 618 S. Central, Medford Touring 1918 404126 97729 BUSH
Rohrke, Otto E., 263 Seventh, Ashland Touring 1918
14095 86910CADILLAC
Folger, W. A., 1222 W. Main, Medford
Touring 1916 A32156 97174Hall, Seely V., 446 S. Central, Medford Touring 1913 80859 88371 CHALMERS
Hooker, W. A., 216 Haven, Medford Touring
1916 32BA2199 99201Neil, R. P., 123 Factory, Ashland Touring 1915 32A220 90274 Newman, Mrs. B. E., 204 S. Ivy, Medford Touring 1920 24509 95268 Owens, James, Medford Touring 1917 20616 95837 Walker Auto Co., W. A., 123 W. Main, Medford Touring 1917 20025 90115 CHANDLER
Daily, M. L., 228 S. Ivy, Medford Touring
1920 87720 87076Egan, H. C., Box 1027, Medford Roadster 1918 37244 97739 Frulan, W. H., 661 B, Ashland Dispatch 1918 53845 95816 Whitney, D. S., 91 Gresham, Ashland Roadster 1918 37474 85699 CHEVROLET
Aiken, Harry V., Prospect Touring 1917
3563 96248Armpriest, Bert, Jacksonville Touring 1918 B51448 86834 Armstrong, G. J., 107 Mistletoe, Medford Touring 1922 E67336 99103 Bostwick, H. O., Route 1, Talent Touring 1917 HOB234 89084 Bourne, C. I., Route 4, Medford Touring 1918 B43908 86643 Brock, E. D., Route 4, Medford Touring 1922 E84694 89888 Carter, Frank, Gold Hill Touring 1922 E65918 98240 Carter, H. S., 87 Third, Ashland Touring 1921 46092 88366 Cartwright, C. C., Route 2, Box 25, Medford Touring 1917 A5712 997397 Clemens, C. C., Route 4, Box 15, Medford Touring 1920 D32659 85808 Combest, Cyrenius, Jacksonville Touring 1920 D91876 95233 Daily, T. W., Route 4, Medford Touring 1922 83490 89929 D'Albini, G. A., 742 W. 14th, Medford Touring 1922 E84700 89318 Dallaire, J. B., Box 198, Jacksonville Touring 1918 487530 87281 Daugherty, E., 73 Pine, Ashland Touring 1922 75459 88178 Davies, James, Jacksonville Touring 1917 2393A 84748 Denney & Co., S.P. Tracks, Medford Touring 1922 E88333 95737 Denison, J. H., 222 W. Main, Medford Touring 1919 396676 86707 Derby, Mrs. S. R., 615 W. 13th, Medford Touring 1918 A45433 97765 Dunn, Harley, Talent Touring 1922 62645 89317 Eastman, W. S., 134 N. Pioneer Ave., Ashland Touring 1918 B50323 99841 Flynn, D. L., 826 W. 12th, Medford Roadster 1920 C49446 97447 Forget, E. A., 52 Morton, Ashland Touring 1918 55331 89927 French, F. E., 126 S. Pioneer Ave., Ashland Delivery 1920 407D812 86038 Fruitlands Improvement Co., Hotel Holland Bldg., Medford Truck, 1-ton 6214 97376 Gaddis & Dixon, 134 N. Riverside, Medford Roadster 1922 E83483 98097 Guiley, Paul, 143 Hargadine, Ashland Touring 1919 67524 85891 Hale, R. S., 60 5th, Ashland Sedan 1918 24304 85695 Ham, Earl T., Gold Hill Touring 1920 46934 91973 Harding, Amy, 24 Mistletoe, Medford Touring 1918 30305 85762 Hays, John M., Gold Hill Roadster 1916 42927 89725 Helman, J. K., 440 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1922 74505 93313 Hibbs, F. J., 448 Helman, Ashland Touring 1919 603697 39319 Hittson Motors, 36-40 S. Fir, Medford Roadster 1917 H43127 97764 Jenkins, L. C., 511 Penn. Ave., Medford Touring 1919 C45592 97463 Jordan, F. W., 143 N. Grape, Medford Roadster 1920 D77728 97011 Kail, E. C., Central Point Touring 1917 59146 88183 Knighton, K. A., Hotel Holland, Medford Roadster 1921 D77734 92982 Kramer, G. N., 332 Hargadine, Ashland Touring 1922 76627 88184 Leach, F. R., 16 S. Laurel, Medford Touring 1922 E70064 93635 Lowe, H. H., Butte Falls Touring 1921 D91400 86807 Luce, L. V., 120 S. Laurel, Medford Touring 1922 RO63622 86719 Luman Bros., 314 E. Main, Medford Delivery 1922 E88346 93499 McMichael, J. H., 6th & B, Ashland Touring 1921 650323 86849 Moreland, Albert, 155 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1918 A60820 89889 Mulhollen, J. H., 925 N. Central, Medford Touring 1917 H89909 97010 Murray, K. F., 621 W. 11th, Medford Touring 1922 E84741 89165 Nary, Mr. & Mrs. J. M., Route 3, Box 99, Medford Touring 1919 B73466 94108 Nichol, R. T., 510 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1917 H99031 96486 Norris, Alfred T., Jacksonville Touring 1918 B31677 89298 O'Brien, Pearl, 431 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1919 C28416 97205 Oden, Alfred, Route 1, Rogue River Bug 1920 C9741 89730 Oden, Vine, Route 1, Box 164, Ashland Touring 1916 87280 90302 Ottoman, Milton, 514 S. Holly, Medford Touring 1921 D92512 98241 Patton & Robinson, Inc., 112 S. Riverside, Medford Sedan 1922 E55183 86720 Patton & Robinson, Inc., 112 S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1922 E76623 86721 Patton & Robinson, Inc., 112 S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1922 E76633 86722 Patton & Robinson, Inc., 112 S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1922 E76644 86723 Patton & Robinson, Inc., 112 S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1922 E75990 86724 Patton & Robinson, Inc., 112 S. Riverside, Medford Roadster 1916 6772 86725 Perry, J. T., 513 Beatty, Medford Touring 1916 15103 86997 Poling, J. O. N., Route 4, Medford Touring 1918 31453 91811 Putnam, W. R., Gold Hill Touring 1922 E83459 93566 Schade, L. J., 717 E. Jackson, Medford Touring 1922 E67102 99211 Shaughnessy, J. L., The Enders Co., Ashland Touring 1918 A45957 88176 Snider, P. M., 156 6th, Ashland Touring 1920 D91790 29656 Stone, F. F., 903 W. 11th, Medford Touring 1922 E88336 94414 Sturgis, Fred, Trail Touring 1918 5195 92591 Taylor, George H., Hilt, California Touring 1922 76588 97034 Taylor, J. M., Ruch Touring 1920 D54640 95980 Tengwald, C. Y., Route 2, Medford Touring 1922 E87890 97027 Thompson, P. C., Route 1, Central Point Touring 1922 E46891 88690 Thornbrue, E. H., Central Point Touring 1917 91758 95680 Tryer, Mrs. Marion, Box 34, Talent Touring 1918 B23478 87534 Tungate, Ira, Box 144, Butte Falls Touring 1918 B41244 89930 Tuttle, E. A., Ashland Touring 1920 625807 87479 Whitman, E. E., Box 726, Medford Touring 1920 55378 89622 CLEVELAND
Chartraw, W. E., Route 1, Gold Hill
Touring 1920 9246 84687COLE
Carpenter, Leonard, Box 796, Medford
Roadster 1920 35058 99721Carpenter, Leonard, Box 796, Medford Touring 1920 38246 99722 Hall, Grace, 814 W. 2nd, Medford Touring 1920 2500 99523 COLUMBIA
Barto, V. N., Route 1, Rogue River
Sportster 1920 49948 92570CROW ELKHART
Borden, S. R., Route 1, Box 5, Gold Hill
Touring 1914 SRB105 89423DENBY
Morgan, Henry M., Eagle Point Truck, 3-ton 6410N
Allen, John M., Eagle Point Touring 1918 210299
95747Anderson, W. E., Route 4, Box 28, Medford Touring 1918 255063 86980 Bartlett, E. C., R.F.D., Ashland Roadster 1917 125170 92449 Blakely, S. J., Rogue River Touring 1916 58177 89428 Boucher, C. R., 1518 W. Main, Medford Touring 1915 67425 95772 Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main, Medford Delivery 1922 732410 89196 Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main, Medford Truck, 1½-ton 648022 89197 Coffman, Roy, Box 71, Phoenix Touring 1919 352913 84755 Cornish, Loraine, 726 W. 4th, Medford Touring 1917 61358 86789 Davison, G. R., Central Point Touring 1916 249005 89178 Dennis, Louis, 444 California, Ashland Touring 1920 50472 84746 Denison, J. H., 222 W. Main, Medford Touring 1919 C28503 86712 DeVore, C., 806 E. Jackson, Medford Delivery 1919 303538 87842 Franklin, Dale H., 401 S. King, Medford Touring 1915 25228 91974 Gray, Chas. E., R.F.D., Gold Hill Touring 1922 732656 97021 Gustafson, Oscar, 449 Euclid Ave., Ashland Touring 1916 117450 84680 Henry, Carl A., Route 1, Ashland Touring 1917 74820 93716 Herndon, Walter, 155 8th, Ashland Touring 1916 162654 96197 Hohn, J. G., 315 N. Peach, Medford Touring 1920 534119 99202 Howard, L. O., 738 N. Oak, Medford Touring 1916 163648 86692 Johnson, W. R., Eagle Point Touring 1918 313269 97582 Kinleyside, R. C., 325 Crater Lake Ave., Medford Touring 1920 557543X15 84678 Meier, John L., Gold Hill Touring 1917 99748 99692 Monroe, J. H., R.F.D., Box 53, Ashland Touring 1922 754673 98271 Moore, G. S., Central Point Touring 1916 145406 92984 Prescott, G. J., 716 Welch, Medford Touring 1916 43229 88156 Robinson, J. W., Jacksonville Touring 1918 244992 84797 Stout, F. C., 28 Quince, Medford Touring 1917 163622 87615 Treichler Motor Co., Geo. L., 16 S. Fir, Medford Delivery 1920 502357 86693 Treichler Motor Co., Geo. L., 16 S. Fir, Medford Sedan 1922 719353 86694 Treichler Motor Co., Geo. L., 16 S. Fir, Medford Touring 1922 730295 86695 Treichler Motor Co., Geo. L., 16 S. Fir, Medford Touring 1922 730296 86696 Treichler Motor Co., Geo. L., 16 S. Fir, Medford Coupe 1922 716901 86697 Van Dyke, W. S., Box 418, Ashland Touring 1918 244865 88547 Welch, W. L., Central Point Roadster 1921 663481 94413 White, Harry L., Rogue River Touring 1922 732797 98207 Whittle, F. F., 89 Oak, Ashland Touring 1922 673552 89180 Zimmerlee, Dennis L., Trail Roadster 1915 97184 94375 DORT
Briggs, W. M., 77 Granite, Ashland Touring 1922
109408 92038Mercer, E. A., 128 S. Holly, Medford Touring 1920 54297 92118 ELGIN
Emerick, V. J., 104 S. Holly, Medford
Touring 1920 3267 99597Rose, G. W., 492 Allison, Ashland Sedan 1920 XE4220 85797 ESSEX
Dean, F. G., Box 12, Ashland Touring 1922 70132
96557Lewis, G. M., 64 3rd, Ashland Touring 1920 35425 89169 Polley, J. H., 706 Beekman, Medford Touring 1921 58972 97731 Rose, Chas., 550 N. Main, Ashland Touring 1922 68435 96852 Stephens, W. J., Box 552, Ashland Touring 1922 68581 99264 FORD
Anderson, K. E., Route 4, Box 28, Medford
Roadster 1913 12556 96969Anderson, R. F., 244 S. Central, Medford Touring 1916 1384449 97541 Arant, C. F., Talent Truck, 1-ton 1921 4204104 89499 Arens, C. H., Siskiyou Touring 1912 136777 86662 Amidon, Elgan C., Prospect Touring 1914 484729 89109 Baird, C. J., 300 Liberty, Ashland Touring 1914 388957 89053 Barr, Sam, 610 Benson, Medford Touring 1912 889479 88365 Beaver Portland Cement Co., Gold Hill Truck, 1-ton 1922 5529665 85685 Bellows, F. A., 129 Kenwood, Medford Touring 1917 180105 89881 Benson, Axel, Route 1, Box 47, Central Point Runabout 1922 5776011 97727 Bergman, W. M., 613 E. 8th, Medford Touring 1916 285660 87838 Bingham, E. F., 821 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1917 1964091 89880 Boone, F. D., 5th & Riverside, Medford Roadster 1916 83176 86681 Boyer, Scott, Eagle Point Touring 1921 4929532 93902 Brandon, G. W., Central Point Touring 1918 2582447 85841 Briner, John H., Talent Bug 1916 1734408 91840 Brock, Leonard, 244 S. Central, Medford Touring 1920 3664505 85913 Butterfield, C. S., 40 N. Peach, Medford Sedan 1920 4078054 94512 Caldwell, I. H., 122 Laurel, Ashland Truck, 1-ton PIS0S001 89361 City of Ashland, Electric Dept., Ashland Truck, 1-ton 1922 5598593 95992 City of Medford, City Hall, Medford Runabout 1922 5674560 94418 Clark, Fred, Central Point Touring 1917 2235435 98874 Clarke, Connie D., Prospect Touring 1914 371569 91964 Claspill, S. H., Box 61, Butte Falls Touring 1914 396729 89541 Cole, J. F., 536 Ashland, Ashland Touring 1920 4237191 92630 Collins, A. B., 349 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1916 1019456 87714 Collins, S. A., Gen. Del., Medford Bug 1915 83471 86682 Conley, R. M., Butte Falls Touring 1916 1783609 99701 Conrad, J. T., 632 Palm, Medford Touring 1916 869037 85786 Counter, W. C., Box 506, Ashland Touring 1921 5245513 84661 Courtney, S. H., Box 156, Eagle Point Touring 1914 699505 87424 Cox, R. R., Route 3, Box 129, Medford Delivery 1922 5775996 89100 Coyle, M. C., Medford Touring 1917 2052955 95712 Curtis, Mrs. W. L., 83 Granite, Ashland Touring 1920 4027477 88949 Dahack, Everett V., Eagle Point Touring 1916 869121 92041 Daley, Mary E., 814 Beekman, Medford Touring 1919 3292297 89327 Davis, Dana M., 25 N. Peach, Medford Bug 1916 1269798 91919 Davis, W. B., Route 1, Box 162, Ashland Touring 1921 4543582 89754 De Armond, C. W., Sams Valley Touring 1921 5238827 98035 Decker, Mrs. M. M., 303 Avery, Ashland Touring 1921 4980919 85744 Doremus, Frank C., Route 3, Medford Touring 1913 349299 94367 Drew, W. G., 406 S. King, Medford Touring 1922 5644138 92432 Dunlap, F., Medford Touring 1915 676297 95717 Dunlap, Owen, Phoenix Touring 1913 462878 86680 Dunlap, Robert J., Central Point Touring 1917 1981139 97566 Eagle Point Irrigation District, Eagle Point Touring 1914 531967 95716 Earhart, June, Ashland Road, Medford Touring 1922 5638274 84779 Eaton, J. D., 320 N. Holly, Medford Touring 1915 1216388 87880 Eaton, Wm., Box 86, Jacksonville Touring 1921 5125464 93874 Eddy, Newton, Central Point Touring 1914 440528 90019 Edler, Andrew J., Lake Creek Touring 1920 3727176 94167 Elam, W. C., Route 1, Box 129, Ashland Touring 1921 5672357 89660 Enders, H. G., 328 E. Main, Ashland Roadster 1922 5674319 99533 Farmer, Ivan W., Route 1, Box 95A, Ashland Touring 1916 1283606 89216 Firestone, J. M., 743 Oak, Ashland Touring 1921 4447568 93418 Fish, Raymond S., Phoenix Coupe 1922 5726361 93630 Foster, C. J., Route 1, Ashland Touring 1922 5242367 85696 Frain, Fred, Copco, California Touring 1916 1221913 94217 Fristoe, Nadine, Route 1, Box 102B, Medford Touring 1914 592504 93042 Gagnon, J. T., 341 S. Oakdale, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1919 3394161 98843 Galbreath, Clyde R., Rogue River Touring 1922 5598701 93933 Garcia, Frank, Hilt, California Touring 1917 1787537 96490 Gasaway, D. F., 128 Nob Hill, Ashland Touring 1919 2523694 87571 Gentry, Chas., Central Point Touring 1914 586402 90241 Glass, Orion, 24 S. Peach, Medford Bug 1915 855991 93887 Gowland, J. E., Route 1, Box 73, Ashland Roadster 1916 1024889 89827 Greb, John, Box 135, Eagle Point Truck, 1-ton 1917 2213167 96259 Griffith, W. E., Box 61, Ashland Touring 1914 463102 91896 Groves, W. F., Ashland Roadster 1922 5674334 95246 Gustine, J. H., 521 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1914 395822 89980 Hall, A. J., Talent Runabout 1914 AHA 89736 Hall, H. W., 328 Edward, Medford Touring 1916 2607941 89735 Halley, W. L., 27 N. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1915 716575 99113 Hammersley, J. P., Gold Hill Touring 1914 373456 95972 Hansen, W. P., Brownsboro Roadster 1914 586869 99497 Harrell, Joe, 1119 W. 4th, Medford Touring 1914 435873 86624 Harris, C. A., Medford Bug CAH234 99856 Harrison, Benjamin, Rogue River Touring 1916 810551 90299 Harrison Bros., Main & Pioneer, Ashland Sedan 1922 5539006 84838 Harrison Bros., Main & Pioneer, Ashland Roadster 1922 5536328 84839 Harrison Bros., Main & Pioneer, Ashland Touring 1922 5120157 84840 Harrison Bros., Main & Pioneer, Ashland Touring 1922 5245641 84841 Harrison Bros., Main & Pioneer, Ashland Touring 1922 5331567 84842 Harrison Bros., Main & Pioneer, Ashland Coupe 1922 5565361 84843 Hason, Carl & Oscar, Climax Roadster 1915 855995 99625 Haynes, S. V., 423 N. Grape, Medford Touring 1918 2098661 90181 Helmer, Bert E., Hilt, California Coupe 1920 3923052 88894 Henry, J. D., Brownsboro Touring 1915 837697 95821 Hessenauer, L. J., Box 336, Ashland Touring 1917 184065 93293 High, Wm., Talent Touring 1917 947458 85974 Hildreth, N. B., Box 163, Butte Falls Touring 1921 5201353 99006 Hittson Motors, 36-40 S. Fir, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1920 3741451 8600 Hockersmith, Chas. L., Beagle Touring 1917 745717 93354 Holley, A. L., Central Point Truck, 1-ton 1920 3535089 89367 Holman, W. R., Lake Creek Touring 1920 3664975 88741 Hutchison, Irwin, Trail Touring 1915 2518857 95822 Jennings, C. M., 45 S. Central, Medford Touring 1917 2228189 89219 Johnson, F. C., Medford Roadster 1913 395345 97311 Johnson, Levi, Route 1, Box 14, Ashland Touring 1915 713915 88190 Kelts, M. A., 1023 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1917 1067398 90135 Kerr, Mrs. Joe, 1319 Quincy, Ashland Touring 1920 4224062 97412 Kime, Ira, Route 1, Medford Touring 1914 127569 96168 Knighton, W. G., Eagle Point Touring 1917 182775 87127 Koehler, Mrs. A. B., Kings Highway, Medford Touring 1915 970762 89258 Larsen, E. A., 712 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1920 4187379 88482 Lewis, A. O., Phoenix Touring 1918 2604824 87059 Lewis, R. W., Route 2, Box 94, Central Point Touring 1918 2579645 89971 Lewis, W. L., 5 S. Front, Medford Coupe 1920 4078150 91979 Lockwood & Dubbs, 541 Austin, Medford Roadster 1918 2035695 97737 Lundgren, Emil, Prospect Touring 1915 732230 87877 Lyman, Blanche D., 1504 W. Main, Medford Touring 1914 175904 96800 Madden, A. A., 496 Beach, Ashland Touring 1917 1860258 89191 Malmgren, Dr. T. J., Phoenix Sedan 1918 259804 89854 Mann, I. J., Central Point Touring 1918 2498089 93685 Mann, Joe A., Central Point Touring 1922 5776155 98219 Marquiss, B. J., Rogue River Touring 1922 5726390 94712 Marsh, Mrs. H. A., Talent Touring 1919 3147498 93164 Mayfield, Frank, Central Point Touring 1917 1900917 94982 McCay, C. J., Route 2, Box 13, Central Point Roadster 1911 21811 95658 McCay, L. C., Route 3, Box 13, Central Point Truck, 1-ton 1918 2823381 86687 McCoy, Abe, 855 B, Ashland Touring 1919 2868821 88986 McIntyre, W. B., Jacksonville Roadster 1918 2636781 86673 McMillan, M. J., 110 8th, Ashland Touring 1922 4024572 87309 Medford Grocery Co., 10th & Front, Medford Coupe 1921 5645517 88447 Medford Grocery Co., 10th & Front, Medford Roadster 1922 5638134 93162 Medford Grocery Co., 10th & Front, Medford Roadster 1922 5660940 94349 Mee, Warren D., Applegate Delivery 1915 920669 93163 Merrifield, K. O., Box 112, Jacksonville Touring 1920 3455086 90242 Miller, C. D., 228 Haven, Medford Delivery 1912 119621 92107 Miller, W. A., Route 1, Box 55A, Medford Touring 1912 B12136 96771 Mills, H. D., 343 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1913 256276 90412 Montgomery, R. F., 854 E. 9th, Medford Touring 1913 406807 88383 Moore, E. L., Central Point Touring 1914 395862 88814 Moore, J. L., Gold Hill Truck, 1-ton 1919 2967144 89807 Moore, Wayne, Gen. Del., Medford Touring 1915 673790 96937 Moran, T. L., Box 131, Ashland Bug 1915 148947 98535 Morgan, Floyd N., Central Point Touring 1917 1900936 87306 Muirhead, W. H., Gold Hill Roadster 1920 4790760 88116 Myers, Birdeen, 1205 E. Main, Medford Sedan 1920 3416771 95718 Nelson, E. A., Jacksonville Touring 1917 1738493 89973 Nelson, H. W., 337 W. Holly, Medford Touring 1917 1643601 89331 Newcomb, N. B., Box 838, Medford Sedan 1921 4351481 97732 Newlin, Fred, Phoenix Bug 1913 364435 98064 Nutter, F. L., Sunrise Orchard, Ashland Touring 1917 2460766 88647 Nye, Waldo P., Prospect Touring 1917 121216 93536 Oden, Henry, Rogue River Touring 1916 1064481 98248 O'Kelley, Fred, Rogue River Touring 1922 5726383 97458 Palmer, A. F., Rogue River Touring 1914 566648 88559 Pankey, Clyde, Central Point Roadster 1917 1710477 87189 Parker, L. R., Gold Hill Touring 1921 5645535 88160 Pearson, Geo. W., Rogue River Touring 1917 2030522 98860 Pennoyer, R. E. V., 995 S. Oakdale, Medford Touring 1920 3845230 87137 Peterson, V. E., Trail Truck, 1-ton 1920 3327196 94437 Pettit, K. W., 122 Almond, Medford Touring 1912 180385 98941 Phillips, J. J., 217 S. Riverside, Medford Roadster 1917 1981619 92115 Phipps, Chas. H., Gold Hill Truck, 1-ton 1920 3852587 92169 Phipps, Joseph, Prospect Touring 1917 1582229 94075 Provost, D. S., 95 Meade, Ashland Delivery 1917 1582172 97842 Puhl, Fred, Route 3, Medford Touring 1922 5644100 90227 Radtke & Avena, Box 54, Gold Hill Chassis 1912 410865 99038 Ragsdale, Claud, Trail Touring 1917 1883148 89184 Reams, D. C., 211 Stark, Medford Roadster 1916 91115 97817 Reddell, Robert, Gold Hill Coupe 1922 5645819 87252 Reeder, J. A., 1235 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1915 JAR234 89183 Ricks, W. C., 144 S. Central, Medford Touring 1914 381453 96696 Ruch, J. H., 320 Apple, Medford Touring 1917 2343010 88437 Runyard, D. A., 706 Dakota Ave., Medford Touring 1919 2891176 84658 Sawyer, James M., Talent Touring 1920 3140588 88161 Schuerman, Steven, Gold Hill Bug 1916 385520 96218 Scott, W. A., Jacksonville Roadster 1917 1594995 97761 Seiler, John R., Central Point Touring 1919 3044309 87284 Severson, Olaf, Route 3, Box 87A, Medford Touring 1914 121913 92060 Sheldon, Ben C., Kings Highway, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1920 3934384 90174 Smith, Clyde R., Ruch Touring 1916 1067480 88423 Snider Dairy & Produce Co., 28 N. Bartlett, Medford Runabout 1922 5779988 99680 Snider Dairy & Produce Co., 28 N. Bartlett, Medford Touring 1917 1876052 99681 Starup, H., Box 12, Talent Touring 1915 61015 87352 Stennett, A. F., 325 S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1915 719163 84852 Stephenson, Mrs. Kate, Jacksonville Touring 1920 3919370 85866 Stewart, Harry, 112 Cottage, Medford Touring 1916 1156353 96780 Stewart, O. R., Trail Touring 1917 1253719 98578 Sullivan, A. W., Box 235, Central Point Touring 1917 2440920 89852 Swift & Co., 1st & 9th, Ashland Roadster 1922 5672400 96923 Switzer, Marion M., 96 Laurel, Ashland Touring 1919 280813 90107 Talent Irrigation District, Talent Roadster 1922 5674087 90243 Taverner, W., Mine Road, Ashland Touring 1917 1843396 86074 Taylor, Harvey, Ashland Roadster 1918 2125735 86615 Thompson, E. C., Ashland & Guthrie, Ashland Delivery 1917 1883615 99181 Timmons, Lloyd, Route 2, Central Point Roadster 1918 2863087 88512 Train, M. B., Rogue River Touring 1914 331965 98223 Wade, M. L., Jacksonville Touring 1919 2115755 99209 Waite, Frank W., 538 W. 10th, Medford Touring 1915 T1010 95693 Watts, H. H., Medford Coupe 1922 5664911 89140 Weis, John, Route 2, Medford Touring 1922 5644097 95719 Wicklein, O. A., 249 S. Riverside, Medford Touring 1917 358205 86882 Williams, Wallace, 311 N. Central, Medford Touring 1915 402033 99522 Wilmot, F. E., 176 Mechanic, Ashland Touring 1914 682064 98560 Wilson, Mrs. C. L., Route 2, Box 105, Central Point Touring 1914 301118 86726 Winkle, Charles, Eagle Point Bug 1913 242791 98572 Wolff, Chris, Route 1, Box 111, Medford Truck, 1-ton 1920 3558532 92168 Wood, Earl E., Eagle Point Touring 1913 238305 93601 Works, Byron G., Talent Roadster 1915 918695 86986 Youngs, H. C., Box 15, Medford Touring 1917 2080035 99212 FRANKLIN
Walter, Grant E., Rogue River Runabout
12066G 84673GARFORD
Jackson, W. C., 148 Laurel, Ashland Truck, 2-ton
32792 92150HUDSON
Buchanan, W. E., 548 Iowa, Ashland Touring 1914
82691 89737Merrell, Agnes J., 1530 W. Main, Medford Touring 1918 30957 86654 HUPP
Berrian, J. W., 114 Genessee, Medford
Touring 1922 62923 98265Cronemiller, J. M., Jacksonville Touring 1922 62753 97744 INTERNATIONAL
Freeman, Wiley & Co., Central Point Truck,
1-ton KB113015 91050Peil, Emil, 52 Granite, Ashland Truck, 1-ton KB113051 91088 JUMBO
Judson, F. F., Ashland Truck, 2½-ton
1366E 86534KING
Skewis, Frank, 806 W. Main, Medford
Touring 1917 16122 95033LIBERTY
French, F. E., 126 S. Pioneer, Ashland Touring
1922 15540 93092MAXWELL
Alford, H., 517 W. 10th, Medford Touring
1922 373802 93378Armstrong, Geo. E., Lake Creek Touring 1916 71515 90455 Benedict, Fred R., Applegate Touring 1918 A1523 85733 Betts, Merrell, Gold Hill Touring 1918 206518 87538 Boothby, E. M., 464 Scenic Drive, Ashland Truck, 1½-ton 305863 93832 Bradley, Wm., 1130 W. 9th, Medford Touring 1917 179270 95767 Brown Motor Co. Corporation, Medford Touring 1918 201453 90217 Centers, M. S., Talent Touring 1920 258174 93707 Davis, E. R., Gold Hill Touring 1914 26143 95885 Dean & Dixon, Medford Touring 1917 137175 93715 Ellis, H. U., Medford Touring 1915 21986 90064 Fiene, E. C., Gold Hill Touring 1920 287055 86584 Fleming, J. D., 315 S. Laurel, Medford Touring 1917 176037 86583 Garrett, G. E., Route 3, Medford Touring 1922 369559 88153 Hall, L. J., 1034 W. 9th, Medford Touring 1916 70948 92055 Handt, Otto, 324 S. Grape, Medford Touring 1922 374210 94373 Helms, J. L., 129 N. Grape, Medford Touring 1922 369130 95769 Herriott, T. W., Applegate Truck, 1½-ton 210673 97374 Hughes, J. P., Box 71, Butte Falls Touring 1920 263783 98285 Kaegi, J. C., Whitehouse Grocery, Ashland Sedan 1922 374360 97180 Maddox, Geo. E., 26 Portland Ave., Medford Touring 1917 176463 88465 Matthews, Raleigh, Eagle Point Touring 1918 B9343 90065 McGowan, W. H., 15 Mistletoe, Medford Touring 1920 303376 84683 Messenger, H. C., Gold Hill Touring 1914 5318 99199 Miller, J. V., 348 Hargadine, Ashland Touring 1918 C4447 85734 Ohles, C. M., 608 S. Newtown, Medford Touring 1915 18239 94345 Pence, D. W., Trail Touring 1920 286580 97745 Piatt, J. B., 219 N. Peach, Medford Roadster 1919 235807 86685 Ray, Henry A., Beagle Touring 1918 207662 97342 Reinemer, R. W., 855 W. 2nd, Medford Touring 1918 202314 89868 Sheldon, Ben C., Kings Highway, Medford Touring 1917 166075 87395 Talent, A. P., Gen. Del., Medford Touring 1919 234656 86686 Temple, T. I., 48 N. Orange, Medford Touring 1915 26239 98077 Trana, G. H., 516 S. King, Medford Touring 1919 214325F 95728 Van Hoy, Earl A., Rogue River Touring 1917 195255 90472 Wall, Etha W., 525 S. Central, Medford Roadster 1917 171188 94122 Walter, Floyd L., Rogue River Roadster 1910 AA4911 87269 Wilson, F. F., Kings Highway, Medford Touring 1917 120587 88992 Wilson, Walter L., 341 W. 2nd, Medford Touring 1917 170028 87268 METZ
Saltzman, Geo. D., Route 4, Medford
Touring 1917 42400 86779MITCHELL
Pellett, J. J., Talent Touring 1918 80539 86991NASH
Frideger, I. R., 36 2nd, Ashland Touring 1919
136168 94370Maxey, W. L., 478 Allison, Ashland Touring 1918 171878 85822 Nelson, Wm., Jr., 152 Sherman, Ashland Sportster 1920 59187 85886 Pruitt-Myers Motor Co., 123-125 S. Front, Medford Touring 1922 6491 85881 Stephenson, Vern, 148 Laurel, Ashland Truck, 2-ton 1751 89036 Webber, E. L., 511 W. Holly, Medford Truck, 2-ton 158644 87335 OAKLAND
Antle, R. F., 108 Geneva, Medford Coupe
1920 D28830 88370Bloor, E. M., Box 26, Central Point Touring 1916 45015 90266 Lawton, Leon D., N. Holly & 4th, Medford Roadster 1918 B23961 84929 Lydiard, W. H., 120 S. Laurel, Medford Touring 1918 B26059 89957 Welch, M. P., 632 N. Central, Medford Touring 1918 C6069 85660 Wyant, L. H., 868 A, Ashland Touring 1918 C24986 87257 OLDSMOBILE
Nickelson, H. G., 301 S. Central, Medford
Touring 1921 9993 93542Treichler Motor Co., Geo. L., 16 S. Fir, Medford Roadster 1919 1887 86699 White, J. H., 309 S. Newtown, Medford Touring 1918 92076 87256 OVERLAND
Berry, W. T., end Crater Lake Ave.,
Medford Roadster 1913 20039 92430Branam, L. L., 229 Apple, Medford Roadster 1917 33245 86814 Coffman, Robert, Butte Falls Touring 1920 25438 94689 Estep, George, 433 Benson, Medford Touring 1917 45100 85727 Flackus, William, 872 B, Ashland Touring 1917 149397 93477 Franklin, D. H., 401 S. King, Medford Roadster 1920 30307 85971 Gentry, M. S., Route 3, Medford Touring 1916 88915 93624 Green, W. L., Route 1, Box 18, Medford Touring 1920 80740 86663 Grover, Howard, 242 N. Riverside, Medford Roadster 1917 78283 93700 Harper, M. R., Route 2, Central Point Touring 1916 3084 94734 Knox, Olin S., Jacksonville Touring 1919 106427 93714 Lamb, A. L., 787 Iowa, Ashland Sedan 1922 176934 97474 Mershon, L. F., 19 Rose Ave., Medford Touring 1918 8H16352 89425 Pace, H. R., 200 Harrison, Ashland Touring 1915 11903A 92621 Sappenfield, J. C., 130 Helman, Ashland Touring 1919 167648 84677 Simmons, E. T., Box 163, Gold Hill Touring 1921 97677 87109 Stewart, James, Box 728, Medford Touring 1917 31883 87889 Stone, Rosa E., R.F.D., Medford Touring 1914 33487 90474 Taylor, E. H., Ruch Touring 1920 96957 87004 Truax, Mary, 206 S. Holly, Medford Touring 1916 12066 86782 Wakefield, Lee, Jacksonville Touring 1913 511227 97424 Williams, F., Gen. Del., Medford Roadster 1914 15678 90117 Wilson, L. M., 773 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1918 15082 89315 Wright, M. C., 122 N. Ivy, Medford Country Club 1919 30932 87277 PACKARD
Bardwell, R. G., Liberty Bldg., Medford
Touring 1922 U9112 98784Owen, Frank G., Box 1122, Medford Touring 1918 153420 95715 Woods, Dr. E. A., 299 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1922 U8371 92961 PAIGE
Dusenberry, S. A., Route 1, Gold Hill
Touring 1917 74151 86641Haak, L. K., Eagle Point Touring 1919 116928 85883 Vann, J. L., 716 W. 2nd, Medford Touring 1918 110327 89939 REO
Bailey, R. S., 412 S. King, Medford
Touring 1917 13382 89878Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main, Medford Truck, 1¼-ton A60810 88306 Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main, Medford Touring 1918 7127 95263 Carmony, T. F., 773 B, Ashland Touring 1918 B11082 87559 Davis, U. G., Route 1, Talent Touring 1917 31427 93086 Meadows, S. J. T., Route 1, Medford Touring 1911 3075 92450 Rose, Gladys, Applegate Touring 1914 59192 88612 REPUBLIC
Irwin, D. T., Jacksonville Truck,
¾-ton 481 89442Ferren, J. A., 137 7th, Ashland Touring 1921 67675 89525 Talent Irrigation District, Talent Truck, 1½-ton 100010 97223 Briner, J. L., Talent Truck 13600C2 97209 Whitlatch, Jake, 101 S. Central, Medford Truck, 1-ton 30439 86732 SAXON
Brown, Geo. B., Brownsboro Touring 1917
30664 93083Bowman, G. H., 635 Roca, Ashland Bug 1917 27687 89898 Fry, A. D., 736 Oak, Medford Touring 1916 14174 99188 Guches, George, Route 1, Medford Touring 1917 33110 93349 Noblit, H. L., Box 686, Medford Touring 1916 10319 93300 Rinabarger, C. A., 718 S. Newtown, Medford Touring 1916 13348 85698 SCRIPPS-BOOTH
Smith, Walter L., Central Point Roadster 1919
SB2093 88418STANDARD
Acklin, Delia, 145 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1920
3206 99232Briggs, E. D., Bush & Almond, Ashland Touring 1920 2119 96986 Paulserud, O. A., 171 E. Main, Ashland Sportster 1920 3122 94376 Provost, P. S., 95 Meade, Ashland Touring 1920 7555 91900 STANLEY
Blake, C. H., 148 Mechanic, Ashland Touring 1914
7555 91900STEPHENS
Hanna, Mrs. Frank, 391 E. Main, Ashland Touring
1919 18263 90483Treichler, Motor Co., Geo. L., 16 S. Fir, Medford Touring 1920 25342 86698 STUDEBAKER
Bergner, O. T., 446 Allison, Ashland Touring 1921
B677098 99108Bohnert, G. A., 118 N. Peach, Medford Touring 1921 BC77607 96987 Craig, A. J., Siskiyou Roadster 1921 M8625 96684 Garrett, P. C., 765 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1921 24237 88373 Gerdes, F. M., 123 Vancouver, Medford Roadster 1918 23558 84689 Heath, F. L., 1125 W. Main, Medford Touring 1921 24153 95726 Howard, Chas. B., Barnum Apts., Medford Touring CG28455 99008 Lees, J. R., Central Point Touring 1915 6625 63193 Loomis, C. L., 607 Boulevard, Ashland Touring 1918 233454 87503 Mitchell, S. S., 534 Fairview, Ashland Touring 1921 80714 97192 Palmer, H. H., 462 Allison, Ashland Touring 1920 17921 89047 Pellett, J. J., Talent Touring 1921 B660726 95265 Porter, E. H., Cargill Court, Medford Touring 1921 23887 86688 Rulon, R. H., 19 N. Fir, Medford Touring 1920 B623753 98222 Simpson, W. N., 36 S. Fir, Medford Roadster 1921 23835 99134 Short, S. H., East Side Pharmacy, Ashland Touring 1921 80811 95727 Thurber, Emelie, Central Point Touring 1917 13651 89154 TRAILER
Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main,
Medford Trailer, 1-ton Dearborn 98837Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main, Medford Trailer, 3-ton Highway 95782 VELIE
Gourand, M. T., 403 Liberty Bldg.,
Medford Roadster 1921 4125 97490Hall, Elmer, W. Palm, Medford Touring 1917 57005 89333 Hodges, N. T., 48 Rose Ave., Medford Touring 1917 7W58754 85721 Lyons, D. A., Central Point Touring 1918 7W70892 93922 Myer, V. A., 323 S. Almond, Ashland Touring 1919 7W55876 99484 Rush, W. G., 349 E. Main, Ashland Touring 1918 7W790646 85827 WHITE
Cal. Ore. Power Co., The, 216 W. Main,
Medford Truck, 2-ton GK45330
92287Haswell, H. T., 609 S. Oakdale, Medford Truck, 5-ton GN2440 99216 Haswell, H. T., 609 S. Oakdale, Medford Truck, 5-ton GN3017 99217 WILLYS KNIGHT
Madison, Jas., 624 N. Riverside, Medford
Touring 1917 8845435 93676Orth, J. S., 610 S. Central, Medford Touring 1917 3823 99564 CANCELLATIONS
348 W. Taverner, Ashland Mine Road, Ashland.57123 V. B. Hawley, Route 1, Ashland. CHANGE IN ADDRESS
Rickert, Dr. J. D., 308 E. Main, Medford (Mitchell, License 65164).Scott, J. W., moved to Portland, Oregon (Allen, License 26237). TRANSFERS
249 to C. A. Lange, 3954 Dalton Ave., Los Angeles, California (Hupp).447 to E. C. Rice, 350 S. Riverside, Medford (Studebaker). 5515 to R. V. Close, 132 S. Riverside, Medford (Dort). 7795 to Calvin McClelland, 93 Granite, Ashland (Ford). 8344 to Dave Griffiths, 445 S. Front, Medford (Chevrolet). 10591 to Geo. L. Treichler Motor Co., 16 S. Fir, Medford (Ford). 10591 to H. L. Buffmire, 3 E. 4th, Medford (Ford). . 11516 to A. E. Hall, Medford (Dodge). 12669 to E. E. Case, Apt. 10, Holland Hotel, Medford (Ford). 12881 to C. L. Dennis, Box 610, Medford (Ford). 13137 to Geo. L. Treichler Motor Go., 16 S. Fir, Medford (Dodge). 14034 to W. J. Cavin, 523 E. Main, Medford (Ford). 15318 to Geo. L. Treichler Motor Co., 16 S. Fir, Medford (Velie). 15318 to L. D. Jones, 342 N. Ivy, Medford (Velie). 19769 to A. E. Littlechild, 73 Union, Ashland (Ford). 25567 to M. E. Barker, Holland Hotel, Medford (Ford). 26270 to Harry Farmer, care Moon Lumber Co., Hilt, California (Ford). 27029 to Arthur Shaffer, Jacksonville (Ford). 27276 to Floyd G. Lance, Gold Hill (Chevrolet). 27534 to S. P. Shutt, Jacksonville (Ford). 27772 to Lester Stevens, 266 6th, Ashland (Ford). 28235 to J. R. Edwards, 42 3rd, Ashland (Oakland). 29459 to Joseph Gray, Modoc Ranch, Central Point (Ford). 37302 to Esther M. Sanderson, Gold Hill (Buick). 38605 to Herbert Grey, 22 Rose Ave., Medford (Chevrolet). 38996 to Chas. Arnholt, Gold Hill (Chevrolet). 52284 to B. O. Lockwood, 541 Austin, Medford (Dodge). 53370 to M. S. Welch, Medford (Chevrolet). 53272 to J. F. Kackett, care Medford Auto Co., Medford (Buick). 53378 to G. L. Carey, 120 Gresham, Ashland (Chevrolet). 55277 to A. W. Lewis, Central Point (Lexington). 55345 to K. Jerome, Barnum Apts., Medford (Chevrolet). 56227 to Henry E. Spence, Rogue River (Dodge). 56727 to Max GeBauer, 68 E. Main, Ashland (Overland). 57831 to R. C. Vost, R.F.D., Medford (Buick). 58332 to M. C. Lininger, 296 Helman, Ashland (Hudson). 58601 to E. G. Davis, Route 1, Box 163, Ashland (Ford). 58776 to M. W. Smith, 269 B, Ashland (Ford). 60133 to Carroll E. Pratt, 438 N. Main, Ashland (Studebaker). 60163 to Sam Sawley, Medford (Ford). 60829 to Geo. L. Treichler Motor Co., 16 S. Fir, Medford (Dodge). 62538 to J. C. Duggan, Central Point (Ford). 63693 to B. F. Redpath, 308 Haven, Medford (Chevrolet). 650657 to R. K. Paris, Ashland (Maxwell). 67189 to E. Z. Montgomery, 323 E. Main, Medford (Maxwell). 67305 to B. F. Storm, Hillcrest, Ashland (Buick). 68034 to N. G. Bates, 101 Scenic Drive, Ashland (Ford). 70432 to P. F. Close, 132 S. Riverside, Medford (Chalmers). 70874 to Marion Robbins, 505 N. Riverside, Medford (Ford). 70919 to C. F. Jackson, 511 S. Riverside, Medford (Chevrolet). 71043 to Robert Sheldon, Ashland (Ford). 71132 to C. A. Shutts, 63 3rd, Ashland (Velie). 71620 to Wm. Pahl, 512 S. King, Medford (Chevrolet). 71958 to J. S. Van Dorfy, 511 Austin, Medford (Overland). 72643 to Gerald B. Owen, Gold Hill (Ford). 73354 to Mrs. Kate Calhoun, Central Point (Dodge). 74505 to Dan Watson, 401 S. Riverside, Medford (Chevrolet). 75265 to C. E. Wymore, Eagle Point (Ford). 76898 to Fred Hickman, Gold Hill (Cadillac). 77157 to N. T. Hodges, 48 Rose Ave., Medford (Chevrolet). 77778 to D. E. Johnson, 411 S. King, Medford (Ford). 78424 to W. E. Hammel, Eagle Point (Dodge). 78460 to J. A. Parman, Ashland (Ford). 81215 to Frank Blore, 20 W. Jackson, Medford (Ford). 79307 to Lee Benson, Jacksonville (Ford). 81253 to J. H. Sugg, 39 E. Main, Ashland (Chalmers). 81395 to Anna Nichols, Route 1, Central Point (Overland). 81847 to W. H. Leverette, 337 Scenic Drive, Ashland (Chevrolet). 81847 to J. M. Miller, 236 Mountain Ave., Ashland (Chevrolet). 83672 to C. L. Wolff, 345 N. Riverside, Medford (Ford). 83895 to Glen C. Downing, Medford (Chalmers). 84839 to R. E. Packard, Talent (Ford). 84840 to C. D. Mathes, R.F.D., Talent (Ford). 84841 to Jack Maneely, Route 4, Box 4, Medford (Ford). 84842 to S. J. Evans, R.F.D., Ashland (Ford). 84843 to W. I. Humphrey, 323 Helman, Ashland (Ford). 85619 to Medford Auto Co., 222 W. Main, Medford (Buick). 85617 to W. E. Roos, Gold Hill (Buick). 85619 to Medford Auto Co., 220 W. Main, Medford (Buick). 85721 to Carl Anderson, 604 W. 10th, Medford (Velie). 86695 to Wm. von der Hellen, 312 S. King, Medford (Dodge). 86696 to Mary A. Courts, Ashland (Dodge). 86721 to A. C. Meyer, Box 541, Ashland (Chevrolet). 86722 to Talent Irrigation District, Talent (Chevrolet). 86723 to T. W. Sanford, 900 Oak, Medford (Chevrolet). 86724 to Clatous McCredie, Route 1, Medford (Chevrolet). 87538 to Mrs. Annie Smith, 375 S. Central, Medford (Maxwell). 92038 to A. M. Beaver, 916 Iowa, Ashland (Dort). 96987 to Hittson Motors, 36-40 S. Fir, Medford (Studebaker) Jackson County Auto Directory June 1922, Southern Oregon Historical Society Research Library |