![]() ![]() Sewers See also the page on Bear Creek.
J. B. Riddle is constructing a sewer from the Riddle House to Bear
"Medford Melange," Ashland Tidings, April 20, 1887, page 3 The proposition to build water works and provide a sewerage system for the city carried by a majority of 7 to 1. "Medford Items," Oregonian, Portland, June 1, 1888, page 7 A good sewerage system is the one thing most needed by the city of Medford. Perhaps the time has not yet arrived for the successful carrying out of a project of this nature, but just so soon as that time shows up the matter should be attended to. There are many places in the city which are breeders of disease germs and which should be subjected to a thorough course of disinfectant, and no more efficient means could be employed than sewerage, but while we wait for this our health officers should see to it that chloride of lime is used unsparingly. Editorial, Medford Mail, December 8, 1893, page 2 The South Oregon Monitor, published June 7, 1895, is another of Mrs. [Mamie Isaacs] Riddle's prized possessions. . . . According to the Monitor the good citizens of Medford seemed to be having an argument over the building of a sewer. In an editorial, Captain J. T. C. Nash, owner of the Nash hotel (now the Allen Hotel) was bringing pressure to bear upon the city fathers over the sewage question. The editorial reads, in part, "And why, forsooth, should the City of Medford build a sewer for Capt. Nash's hotel, or for anyone else for that matter. Let Capt. Nash throw his slops it the street, even though it smell to high heaven. Our forefathers have stood as bad and who are we that we should be more holy than they." "Old Newspapers Give Sidelights on City History," Medford Mail Tribune September 24, 1940, page 2 The water pipe put in a few days ago to carry the waste water from Mackey's photograph gallery has proven inadequate for the use intended and is being taken up and replaced by wooden pipe of much greater capacity. "News of the City," Medford Mail, June 26, 1896, page 5 It seems difficult to ascertain what was the real issue in the late city election. Some think that one ticket was in favor of building a sewer to Bear Creek, while the other was against that proposition. The former was successful. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 12, 1899, page 1 At the meeting of the city council last week a right of way for a sewer was purchased through the land of W. T. Nelson, for $250. The route of the sewer will be from the school house down 7th Street to the alley back of Hotel Nash, thence to A Street and down that street to the Nelson place, where the dumping grounds will be made. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 20, 1899, page 3 Our town will have a sewer in the near future; in fact, arrangements have already been made for its construction. It will dump on land along Bear Creek, purchased of W. T. Nelson. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 23, 1899, page 3 The Western Clay Company, of Portland, has taken the contract for putting in the Medford sewer. The contract they have is the one forfeited by Frick Bros., and the city council has decided to allow them to fill the same as mapped out and for the same price as that given to Frick Bros. R. E. Smith, representing the Portland company, has been in Medford this week arranging all details necessary for starting the work and just as soon as men can be secured to dig the sewer they will be put to work. It is given out that sixty men are wanted. The city council has appointed Garl T. Jones as superintendent of the work for the town. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 8, 1899, page 7 Medford's new sewer system was built by the Western Clay Company of Portland. The work was begun a short time ago, and the trenches completed last week. While the system is not extensive, it will relieve the most thickly settled portions of the city, and is so arranged that it will form the main line for future additions. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 2, 1899, page 3 The sewer pipe is now all laid and pretty nearly everybody owning adjacent property which is in use is putting in connections. Those who now have men at work on connections are Dr. B. F. Adkins, I. A. Webb, C. B. Rostel, B. P. Theiss, Capt. Nash, A. M. Helms, Mrs. Miles, R. H. Halley and Dr. E. B. Pickel. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 6, 1899, page 7 The introduction of the sewer system in Medford has been so successful that there is already a demand for an extension. In accordance with a petition by property owners, the council ordered a sewer constructed from D Street to the main on A Street, and the contract has been awarded to C. W. Huggins of Portland. A 10-inch pipe will be laid at an expense of 80 cents per foot. With this addition the main part of the business portion of the city is well provided with sewerage. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 6, 1899, page 3 Sewer Completed.
Medford, Dec. 18.--The work on the
extension of the Medford sewer
system was completed today and accepted by the town council. The
contractor, C. W. Huggins of Portland, is the same man who put in the
first main line. One year ago a sewer system for the city was opposed
by many good citizens, but the advantage is already so apparent that
there is no longer any objection to its extension into any part of the
city.Valley Record, Ashland, December 21, 1899, page 3 Street Commissioner Brandenburg has a number of men engaged this week in putting in underground box culverts, and otherwise repairing the street and sidewalks on Seventh Street, near the depot. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 1, 1901, page 7 HOW ABOUT A BETTER
time has come when the people of Medford must begin to figure on ways
and means for a water supply for drinking and domestic purposes outside
of that furnished by wells, and a system for carrying off of surplus
water and sewerage other than that afforded by natural drainage. The
town now has 2,500 inhabitants or over and is rapidly growing in
population. Situated as it is, the gradient toward Bear Creek is not
sufficient for the water falling during the winter season to drain off
readily, nor the character of the soil such as to quickly absorb it. In
many places depressions exist which are filled with water by every
rain, and this water stands until it disappears by evaporation, a
menace to the health of everyone in the vicinity. Nor is this all. The
water supply for domestic purposes in this town comes from wells. None
of these wells are deep--from twelve to twenty-five feet--and
consequently are dependent upon surface water to a great extent for
their supply. One can imagine the purity of that water when it reaches
those dwelling in the lowest parts of town after having filtered
through all the barnyards and other premises above them. The prevalence
of typhoid fever this fall in Medford is direct proof that this
condition of affairs is something which requires attention. Much of it
is due to impure water, and a noticeable fact is that the majority of
cases have appeared in the thickly settled portion of town east of the
S.P. railroad, while the more thinly settled and elevated portions of
the city have been comparatively free.
In some way these conditions must be remedied. Some means must be found within the next few years to secure an adequate supply of pure water for domestic use for the city. The Mail has no suggestion to offer at present as to ways and means of securing this water supply, but is ready and willing to do all in its power to secure the success of a feasible scheme to permanently relieve the situation. Medford Mail, October 31, 1902, page 2 Street Commissioner J. A. Brandenburg and surveyor Garl T. Jones have been making surveys of the streets and vicinity of Medford with a view to bettering the street and sewerage system. If the committee will allow, about 400 feet of sewer pipe and 130 feet of wood will be put in at the lower end of the sewer where the creek has changed during the recent high waters and left the sewer. "Local News Notes," Medford Success, February 10, 1903, page 2 The digging of the sewer authorized by the city council at its March meeting will be contemplated by the end of this week, excepting that portion which crosses the Southern Pacific railroad track. Up to Wednesday evening H. E. Boyden, the contractor, had not yet received permission from the railroad company to make the necessary excavations beneath its tracks, but expected to receive it at any time. Work, in the meantime, will be pushed toward completing the sewer. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 2, 1905, page 7 The location [for the school, at Maple and Bartlett] is about an acre of ground on which Dr. Adkins made very favorable rates and is a pretty situation for the school and in about the right place. It is the intention to run a sewer to the creek from the site. "North
Medford School House,"
Medford Mail, August 10, 1906, page 1
Thursday the city council purchased from I. D. Phipps a tract of land on the west side of Bear Creek, 40x80 feet, for $500 and other considerations. This tract is near the present discharge of the sewers and will be the site of the septic tank, which will be built at once. A special meeting of the city council was held Monday evening to take action on the matter of installing a septic tank for the impounding of sewage. The committee on sewers was instructed to proceed with the matter of installing such tank. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 17, 1906, page 5 An Explanation.
The Tribune
in a late issue that the council of this city had paid Mr. I. J. Phipps
$500 for a worthless tract of ground on the creek for the location of a
septic tank, which is a long ways from being strictly true. The city
had no rights on Mr. Phipps' premises. It was discharging its sewer
matter into a cesspool hole in the creek with no water to carry it off.
The consequence was that the conditions became unbearable to Mr.
Phipps, whose residence was about one hundred yards away. The town was
threatened with a damage suit and an injunction suit, with good ground
for complaint. A deal was made with Mr. Phipps whereby the town was to
be immune from the threatened suits and a tract of land for a septic
tank and the right of way of the sewer to the creek was obtained, for
all of which the city is to pay Mr. Phipps $500. The concessions and
immunity obtained from Mr. Phipps will be much more valuable to the
city than the small tract of land for the septic tank. That is all
there is to it.
While we invite friendly criticisms we seriously object to the same when the person criticizing is grossly ignorant of all the conditions of the subject which he treats. Of course, the Tribune's hired man is excusable, inasmuch as he has not been here long enough to have much knowledge of the subjects or conditions of which he writes. This is our first and last reply to any strictures that the Tribune may publish, and we apologize to the public for bothering them about this small matter from an obscure source. Very respectfully, J. S. HOWARD, Mayor of Medford. Medford Mail, August 24, 1906, page 4 Mayor Howard has appointed T. W. Johnson to supervise and inspect the work of constructing the new septic tank. Messrs. Reinhart & Atwell have the contract for the construction of the tank, and Mr. Johnson's business will be to see that the specifications are carried out. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 26, 1906, page 5 Reinhart & Atwell, who have the contract for building the septic tank ordered by the city council some weeks since, have the work well under way. They have encountered several unfortunate obstructions that have delayed the work, but these have been overcome and the cement foundation and floor is now completed. The work will be in readiness for acceptance by the board not later than December 15th. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 9, 1906, page 5 Has Found the Leakage.
J. S. Howard has been hard at work during the past several months
endeavoring to discover if possible where the leakage of water is in
our water system, but not until water from the sewers was turned into
the septic tank was there any accurate means presented. When the water
was turned into the tank a record was made as to the time required
under ordinary usage in filling it with water, which time was
twelve hours. The tank holds 60,000 gallons, which would mean that
120,000 gallons of water goes through the sewer every twenty-four
hours. This, figured at ten cents per thousand gallons, the price
charged consumers by the city, would amount to $12 every twenty-four
hours, or $360 per month.
As an offset for this $360 there was collected for the month of October only $208.95, which means that the city furnished to the consumers water to the value of $151.05 for which not a cent was received. Still this is not all. The deficiency is even greater than this because that many of our townspeople have private septic tanks, the water from which does not go in the sewers. Then again there are many of our townspeople who use more or less water for stock and domestic purposes who are not inside any of the sewer districts. It is safe to say that the city loses by leakage fully $200 per month. Mr. Howard's plan for cutting out this leakage is a thorough inspection [of] all water meters, and as well an inspection of all closets where city water is used, and insist upon all of them being kept free from leakage. These inspections, he insists, should be made monthly. Medford Mail, January 4, 1907, page 4 The city is soon to undertake the laying of more sewer pipe. The sewer system of the city at present is giving entire satisfaction, but the city limits have expanded, making more sewer lines necessary. "Facts Regarding Medford," Medford Mail, June 12, 1908, page 8 The ditcher is making good progress on the sewer, in district No. 6. "Improvements Are Many," Medford Mail, August 14, 1908, page 4 HAD NARROW ESCAPE.
John Mark Was Injured by a Cave-In of a Sewer.
Mark, a laborer, about 40 years of age, while at work excavating for
the trunk sewer line at the intersection of Seventh Street with
Riverside Avenue, was caught by a caving embankment Saturday and badly
bruised and his left collarbone was broken. He was taken to the Goode
Lodging House, and Dr. Seely was called and the fracture was reduced
and the wounds dressed. No internal injuries were apparent, and he will
probably get along all right.
USEMedford Mail, November 5, 1908, page 5 IS A WISE MOVE.
a meeting of the city council held last night it was decided the city
purchase an acre of land below the city on Bear Creek on which to erect
a septic tank. There may be some objection regarding the price the city
will have to pay for the use of this land for this purpose, but there
can be no question regarding the matter of the city carrying out the
plan, and the sooner the better. Regarding this plan the Oregonian of
recent issue has this to say:
The septic tank, the successful operation of which has been conclusively demonstrated, will do more than any one thing to improve the sanitary conditions surrounding country homes. The Country Life Commission would do well to encourage by its endorsement the general use of this means of getting rid of filth. The septic tank is a comparatively inexpensive receptacle for all the refuse of a home and has important advantages over the sewer as it is known to the city. The effectiveness of the septic tank has been proven by practical use at two large institutions in Oregon, the Chemawa Indian school and the asylum farm. All the refuse from these institutions flows into septic tanks and, after being purified by natural processes, goes out into open ditches, giving offense to no one. If farm homes were provided with this means of disposing of sewerage there would be no danger of contracting disease from infected well water and much less probability of disease germs being carried by flies to the kitchen, dining room or milk house. Medford Mail, December 11, 1908, page 4 Another Septic Tank.
Osgood has been busy for several days past preparing plans for the
construction of a new septic tank for the city. This tank will be
located outside the incorporate limits of the city on the north, near
Bear Creek, and will be about four times the size of the one now in
use. Bids for its construction will soon be advertised for, and as soon
as the new trunk sewer line is completed it will be ready for use.
Medford Mail, January 22, 1909, page 5 Bottom Must Be Raised Two Feet Before it Can Be Drained, Owing to Level of Creek. CLAIMED THAT CREEK HAS FILLED UP DURING WINTER Steps Will Be Taken by City Engineer to Rectify the Matter So That it Can Be Used.
new septic tank which was recently constructed at the end of the new
lateral trunk sewer on Riverside Avenue is out of commission for the
time being, owing to the fact that it can be drained only down to a
two-foot level. The bottom of the tank will have to be raised that much
before the tank can be successfully used.
The fault is said to lie with Bear Creek. It is claimed that when the tank was put in that the bottom of the creek was two feet lower than it is at the present time and that at that time the tank could be successfully drained. During the winter the bottom of the creek filled up, and now the tank will remain useless until it is fixed by having the bottom raised. City Engineer Foster is at present looking into the matter and will take immediate steps to remedy it. Medford Daily Tribune, April 13, 1909, page 1 ![]() Jacobsen & Bade's Buckeye Ditcher SEVENTEEN MILES OF
Jacobsen-Bade Company yesterday shipped their trench-digging outfit
back to Portland, having completed their work in this city. The company
has been carrying on operations in this city for about a year, and
during that time has dug 17 miles of trenches, 8 miles of which were
sewerage and the remainder for water pipe.
Medford Mail, May 14, 1909, page 5 MACHINE REMAINS.
Jacobsen-Bade ditcher, made famous in a poem by A. Brown, will remain
with us. The machine had been loaded on the cars ready for shipment
back to Portland, when it was decided that it might be used to
advantage in the digging of the trenches for the water mains, and so it
will remain with us for a time at least, while the doggerel machine
grinds out another stanza or two.
Medford Mail, May 21, 1909, page 8 Bear Creek to Be
Or., Jan. 22.--The necessity for connecting the sewers of the east side
with the main running down Riverside Avenue to the septic tank north of
town compels Medford to build another bridge across Bear Creek, under
which the sewer will be carried to the main trunk line. This is opening
up much of the stretch along Riverside as business property, and one of
the deals of the past week, the sale of Dr. Adkins' residence property,
with a frontage of nearly 300 feet on Riverside, is the result, the
consideration being $15,000. W. H. Brown, the purchaser, will improve a
portion and subdivide the balance.
Sunday Oregonian, Portland, January 23, 1910, page 2 WILL LAY SEWER MAINS
Jacobsen-Bade Co. have not commenced on their new contract for water
main and sewer construction, but will be at work in a few days, as soon
as they have completed their Central Point contract.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 19, 1910, page 5 The council ordered a 10-inch sewer laid on Sixth Street from Ivy to Riverside, deep enough to drain all of the basements being constructed under new buildings. The work is to start in the immediate future. "Special Election Called on Charter Amendment," Medford Mail Tribune, July 13, 1910, page 1 STORM SEWERS.
Saturday Review:
At this time, when storm sewers for Medford appears to be one of the chief subjects for discussion, it may not be amiss to present a few facts concerning the matter: In the first place, why has it become necessary to protect a large portion of the city lying west of Bear Creek from the water of storm floods by installing expensive storm sewers? We say, "Why," for most of this territory was until very lately protected by nature; for Gordon Creek [Elk Creek?] ran through the city almost along its western boundary. By "Gordon Creek" we mean that watercourse that leads away up in the foothills on the old Griffin Ranch and comes down the Crane [J. A. Crain?] place, along the east part of the Orchard Home, through the Nickell Addition, crossing West Main Street between Rose Court and Rose Avenue, and thence north through the city, crossing the railroad west of the old distillery tract, then to Bear Creek. [The 1893 and 1898 Sanborn Fire Insurance maps show the distillery on the southeast corner of Central and Jackson.] The city east of the Gordon Creek was protected from its waters by a low summit [along Columbus Avenue], a short distance east of the creek and running parallel with the same. The Gordon Creek has a watershed of several sections, and in times of winter storms carries a large volume of water. The grades some years ago on Main Street were laid so as to protect the city from these waters by using care not to cut through the summit and thereby prevent the waters of the curb to be diverted down Main Street as they are at present. When the grade of Main Street for paving was run by those modern engineers, the protecting summit was cut through, thereby diverting the whole volume of Gordon Creek down Main Street and through the town, and thereby creating a demand for a storm sewer, for which there was no necessity under the natural conditions before that unpardonable blunder was perpetrated. This Gordon Creek had been running in its natural channels from time immemorial and its channel was there by prescription, and the parties buying property through which it ran knew of the encumbrance when they bought the property and bought it cheap because of the conditions. And now a City Council which must certainly have been asleep has permitted the channel to be filled up and its channel to be diverted from Main Street of the city and now wants a storm sewer built down Sixth Street at a cost to the adjacent blocks. Ye Gods, is justice blind.--A storm sewer twenty-four inches in diameter will not carry one-tenth of the water in time of flood! The City Council have called an election for August 2 to vote on amounts to give them more power to repeat such blunders and charge the same to local people. A
The Saturday Review, Medford,
August 6, 1910, page 3
September first witnesses work begun on a large storm sewer a mile in length to carry off the flood waters from the West Side, and the beginning of work on contracts let for nine miles of sewer extensions, making Medford the best-sewered city on the coast. "What September Finds in Medford," Medford Mail Tribune, September 1, 1910, page 4 ASK PHIPPS TO PAY $800 FOR HOLDUP
City Attorney Neff filed answer to the
amended complaint of I. J. Phipps against the city of Medford in the
sewer case Monday afternoon. The city, as defendant, maintains that
after a
permit had been given by I. J. Phipps to construct a sewer through his
property across Bear Creek, the complainant sold a large quantity of
gravel and sand from the bed of the stream, making it necessary to
build trestlework across the stream rather than lay the pipe on the
bottom of the stream, as originally planned. This, it is claimed, cost
the city $800 and made danger of the sewer proving an impediment to the
winter floods possible, as, if the pipe had been laid on the bottom of
the creek, as originally planned, the floods would have flowed over it.
The city demands that Phipps reimburse the city $800 to cover the loss
occasioned by his action.City Files Answer to Amended Complaint and Demands Damages for Violation of Contract and Sale of Gravel, Necessitating Sewer Be Placed on Trestle. Bridge Agreement.
The city admits the agreement to build a $2500
bridge, but maintains that investigation proved that a bridge could not
be built for that sum and that the city did not have the additional
funds necessary to complete a bridge. However, the answer explains that
the city intends to levy taxes in December that will include the amount
necessary for the construction of a wagon bridge at this point and that
a permanent structure will be built during the coming spring.City Attorney Neff further argues that the sewer across Bear Creek is high enough to allow all but an unusual high water to pass underneath, and maintains that the sewer is being constructed so that the trestlework can, in case of emergency, be drawn from under the sewer and the pipe and contents be precipitated into the stream, thus protecting property owners on each side of the stream from danger of damage. The sewer is only a temporary structure, the answer reads, and will serve during the coming fall and winter not over 50 homes. During flood time this amount of sewage will be carried away by Bear Creek without difficulty. Medford Mail Tribune, September 13, 1910, page 1 WORK RESUMED ON TRUNK
city engineer, Harry E. Foster, has men at work on the sewer across
Bear Creek again. The injunction brought by I. J. Phipps did not delay
the construction work over a week. The trestle and sewer will be
completed by the latter part of next week.
The big storm sewer down Sixth Street from Oakdale to Bear Creek is completed from Apple Street to the creek. The ditch in which the pipe is being laid is over 12 feet deep. Medford Mail Tribune, September 18, 1910, page 1 STORM SEWERS NEEDED.
present unusual heavy rainfall following a deep snowfall is producing
flood and high water throughout this section. Much inconvenience, but
little real damage, is likely to follow.
TYPHOID CAUSED BY MANHOLEThe storm calls attention to the need of a storm sewer system in Medford to carry off the surplus water. Medford is built upon a flat. In pioneer days, before Bear Creek cut a deep channel through the valley, at times the entire townsite stood under water. It is impossible to give the streets grade enough to drain the flood waters. They will answer for the ordinary rain, but not for floods. The townsite is too level. The sewer system already constructed was not intended for storm water. The first storm sewer was constructed this fall and is not yet completed. It relieves the territory it drains, but only emphasizes the need of more such sewers. Until it was built it was impossible to drain a basement in the city. The most difficult of the many problems the city administration has been compelled to solve has been the extension of public improvements without municipal funds. Mayor Canon devised a way whereby the water mains were extended and has made a good start on a storm sewer system. A city cannot be built in a day, and Medford has been crowding into two years the improvements that most cities take years to make. Medford Mail Tribune, November 28, 1910, page 4 THREE CASES AMONG WOODS LUMBER COMPANY EMPLOYEES Sample of H. E. Foster's Skill As City Engineer-- Sewage Overflows with Every Rain
other marks of the professional skill of City Engineer H. E. Foster,
head of the public works department in Mayor Canon's cabinet, is the
manhole from the sewer passing through Fir Street at the Woods Lumber
Company corner.
Whenever there is a rain this manhole gets busy and has an eruption. The material that comes out is designated politely as sewage, and there is little chance for a mistake in its identity. The air in that vicinity at such times is stifling, and the peril to human life is great. The Sun learned from a prominent physician yesterday that as a result of the overflow of this manhole three persons employed by the Woods Lumber Company had been taken down with typhoid, one of them a young woman stenographer and bookkeeper. This is another case of the sanitary sewer being used to carry away the storm water, with the result that irreparable harm has followed. There are other such overflows in the city through manholes by reason of Foster's style of engineering, and various cases of typhoid can be traced to them as the direct cause. Medford Sun, January 7, 1911, page 1 The following sewer, water and other ordinances were passed by the council at their meeting Wednesday afternoon: Sewer and Water.
Ordinances assessing benefited property
for improvements were adopted as follows:Six-inch lateral sewer in alley from Fifth to Fourth, between Oakdale and Ivy; cost $350; per front foot, $1.40. Eight-inch lateral sewer on Grape Street from Sixth to Eighth Street; cost $771.90; per front foot, 83 cents. Ordinances declaring cost of improvements were adopted as follows: Water main on Almond Street, $901.15; per front foot, 67 cents. Six-inch water main on Cottage Street from East Main to south end of Cottage, $1847.50; per front foot, 82 cents. Four-inch water main on Oak from Maple to Vine, $1104.83; per front foot, 97½ cents. Six-inch water main on Jackson from Central Avenue to Vermont Street, $2026.72; per front foot, $1.41. Ten-inch lateral sewer on Sixth from Ivy to Riverside, per front foot, $1.71. "Pass Many Bills, Improvements," Medford Mail Tribune, March 9, 1911, page 2 WANT CONNECTION WITH SEWER MADE
Property Owners Urging Enforcement of Ordinance Which Provides that All Must Connect with Sewers as Health Measure.
that hot weather has set in, property owners in various parts of the
city are complaining of different cesspools and outhouses and are
preparing to ask that the city officials compel all to connect with the
sewer mains on their streets in order to do away with offensive odors
and fly breeding places. In many portions of the city the nuisance is
becoming very bad, and many complain. There is a city ordinance
requiring that these connections be made, and different property owners
state that they are going to take the matter up.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 16, 1911, page 6 TO TAKE OUT SEWER ON NINTH
Commissioner Baker will have a gang of workmen engaged tomorrow in
taking out the old sewer pipe on Ninth Street from the alley near Front
Street to Riverside Avenue and replacing it with a new line.
The old line was all right, except that the discharge end at the trunk line was a very little higher than the intake, and very little success has been achieved in efforts to compel water to run uphill Mr. Baker is also having deep sanitary and storm water sewer connections made at the city hall on Sixth Street. The pipe here is being put in at a sufficient depth to permit of basement drainage for all of the city's property on this street. Medford Mail Tribune, September 19, 1911, page 2 Medford, Oregon
Pavement, 9.17 miles, cost $434,536.23; sewers, $55,377.92; water
mains, $77,399.86; concrete walks, $16,187.15; miscellaneous,
$1,328.21; street lighting, 52 clusters on Main Street. Estimate for
1912: Paving, 50,000 square yards; cement walks, five miles; sewers,
four miles; water mains, three miles; fire department, auto fire
engine, cost $5,500.--O. Arnspiger, city engineer."Engineering Works in 1911," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, February 24, 1912, page 167 TO BUILD NEW SEPTIC
city dads are considering building a new septic tank to replace the
present one on Bear Creek in which to dispose of the city's sewerage.
The old tank was built four or five years ago and is said to be too
small for practical purposes. The new tank will be much larger than the
old one. It will be of concrete. The city engineer is now engaged in
preparing plans for it.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 3, 1912, page 8 We have found that contrary to the generally prevailing impression, no sewerage is drained into Bear Creek; that only the overflow taken care of by the storm sewers empties there; and that the sewerage has been adequately disposed of, until the present by the septic tank provided for that purpose, and that upon completion of the second septic tank now in process of construction, the future in connection with this problem is well taken care of. "Sanitary Survey of Medford Made by Greater Medford Club," Medford Mail Tribune, May 11, 1912, page 6 NEW SEPTIC TANK READY FOR USE
new septic tank just completed in the city on the banks of Bear Creek
north of the city will be placed in use within the next few days and is
expected to properly care for all of the sewerage from the city.
The tank is of concrete throughout and is a third larger than the old tank, which was of wood and caved in a few months ago. The tank is divided in three compartments to regulate the flow and is built according [to] latest data obtainable under the supervision of Olen Arnspiger, city engineer. Medford Mail Tribune, July 17, 1912, page 3 CIRCUS JARS SEWER, REMEDYING
The recent visit of the circus proved of a permanent benefit to the
city in one respect at least, for, according to Street Commissioner
Patton, it remedied a sewer which has been giving trouble throughout
winter. The jar of loading and unloading from the cars dislodged debris
which has been choking the sewer, and now storm water escapes freely,
where before it backed up and flooded the street.Throughout the winter a sewer at the Southern Pacific crossing on Main Street has been choked. All efforts to clear it failed. It was believed that digging would have to be resorted to. Then came the circus. The work of loading and unloading the cars happened to be directly above the seat of trouble. It is presumed that the jarring of the earth started the debris clogging the sewer and opened the drain. At least that is the way Patton dopes it out. Medford Mail Tribune, April
18, 1913, page 5
The city council awarded the contract for the building of a sewer on Dakota Avenue to W. W. Fristo, at the rate of 73 cents the foot. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, October 21, 1914, page 2 New sewers laid during the year totaled 1400 feet at a cost of $1200.12, bringing the total of the sewerage system to 27.54 miles, representing an outlay of $209.606.82. "City Pavement," Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1915, page D8 TO EXTEND CITY WATER AND SEWER
The installation of a mile of water and sewer system on city-owned
property on the east side is to commence after the holidays, according
to the city attorney's office today, giving several reasons for doing
same at this time of the year.
Primarily the installation of the systems, says attorney Carkin, will enhance the sale value of the lots and in addition will provide work for the unemployed in the city at this time. The construction of the 10 blocks of trenches will be under the supervision of City Superintendent Davis and will have no connection with the city water department. The city plans to cooperate with the local Red Cross chapter in placing the men who desire work. The districts involved in the construction include the Conroy and Clancy addition, Medford Heights and three additional streets on the east side. Medford Mail Tribune, December
24, 1925, page 6
"One thing of interest I did learn, however, in this connection, and that is the engineer from the United States Bureau of Health stated that Medford had the only satisfactory septic tank in the state of Oregon and that installations of this kind were usually not satisfactory and that possibly we might find in the future when it became necessary to increase our sewage disposal facilities to install something in the nature of a sewerage disposal plant in place of additional septic tanks. This, I believe, is a matter that should be given careful consideration when the time comes." City Councilman A. J. Crose, quoted in "Crose Reports to City Council in Portland Meet," Medford Mail Tribune, February 3, 1926, page 8 For the extensive program of new sewer work R. I. Stuart & Son were awarded the work on the firm's bid of $27,039.80. The next lowest bid was that of Swartley Bros., $30,758.30. This includes sewer construction work on the following streets: Beatty and Manzanita streets, Columbus and West Palm, Clark, Cedar, Iowa and Bliss streets, Hamilton, Eleventh and Thirteenth streets, Columbus Avenue and East Jackson, Holly Street from Oak to Summit Avenue, King from Dakota to Belmont Avenue, Saling Street and alley of Block 10, Bennett Avenue and Crater Lake Highway, Lincoln from W. Main to W. Eleventh Street, S. Peach, Dakota to Mt. Pitt Avenue and Newtown Street from Dakota to Belmont. "Agree to Pave 6th St.," Medford Mail Tribune, September 22, 1927, page 4 SEPTIC TANK NOT CAUSE OF ANY
Among the many rumors current in Medford the past few days was one to
the effect that the city septic tank on Bear Creek near the Biddle Road
was in a disgraceful condition, a source of disease contamination, with
no top and swarms of flies carrying deadly germs to the surrounding
Investigation today disproved this rumor entirely. Last May, City Superintendent Fred Scheffel declares, he had the septic tank completely cleaned out, and at a cost of $3500 fitted with a new top and placed in an up-to-date sanitary condition in every way. For a brief period last summer there was no top while the new top was being constructed, which no doubt accounted for the origin of the rumor, with many other rumors flying over the community. Medford Mail Tribune, October 25, 1927, page 2 Ordinance No. 2213.
An ordinance providing for the construction and repair of Bear Creek as
a sewer, drain or ditch beginning at the intersection of Bear Creek
with the south line of Barnum's Addition in the city of Medford,
Oregon, and running thence north along said creek to its intersection
with East Main Street at the Bear Creek bridge, and for the assessment
of the cost thereof on adjacent property [and] providing for a meeting
of the council to consider protests against said improvement and
providing for the serving of owners of adjacent property with notice
thereof by the Recorder.
THE CITY OF MEDFORD DOTH ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. It is the intention of the council to grub out the brush, trees and other obstructions in the channel of Bear Creek and for a convenient width on each side thereof and otherwise deeper, widen and straighten Bear Creek as a sewer, drain or ditch so as to carry off flood waters through said city beginning at the intersection of Bear Creek with the south line of Barnum's Addition in the city of Medford, Oregon, and running thence north along said creek to its intersection with East Main Street at the Bear Creek bridge and to assess the cost thereof upon the property adjacent thereto and benefited thereby. Section 2. The council will meet in the council chamber at the City Hall on the 15th day of November, 1927, at 7:30 p.m., at which time and place the owners of said adjacent property are hereby called upon to appear before said council and show cause, if any, why said sewer, drain or ditch should not be constructed and why said property should not be assessed for the construction thereof. Section 3. The City Recorder is hereby directed to serve notice hereof upon the property owners aforesaid by publishing this ordinance once in a daily newspaper printed, published and of general circulation in said city at least 10 days before the date of said meeting and by posting 5 copies of this ordinance in 5 public and conspicuous places in said city for a period of 10 days prior to said meeting. Passed by the city council and signed by me in open session in authentication of its passage this 1st day of November, 1927. O.
Approved by me this 1st day of November, 1927.O.
Attest: M. L. ALFORD, Recorder.Medford Mail Tribune, November 2, 1927, page 5 North Beatty Street has but three residences which are badly in need of sewerage; however, the balance of the lots are vacant. The three lots requesting sewer on West Main are vacant. E. C. Corn constructed the sewer line from the intersection of Columbus Avenue and West Main to the west line of lot 4, block 1, Creston Heights addition, and is now requesting the line be extended and he be reimbursed for the work he did under the city's supervision. All property on West Tenth Street is very much in need of sewage, as the septic tanks in this district are overflowing. "Scheffel Gives Out Reports,"
Medford Mail
Tribune, June 6, 1928, page 10
Additional sewers built of extended during the year totaled a distance of 4.5 miles, and cost $43,148.49. All were in new residential sections facing a rapid growth. The improvements were made on the following streets: Boardman, Manzanita, Columbus Avenue, Chestnut, Clark, Bliss, Iowa, Narregan, Cedar, Haven, Hamilton, Hawthorn, West Holly, King, Lincoln, Newton, Peach, Mary, Marie and May. "Resume Paving City Streets," Medford Mail Tribune, December 31, 1928, page C6 FIX THE STORM SEWERS
Certainly no improvement is more needed in Medford than the
construction of storm sewers which don't fill up and flood our main
residence streets every time there is a rain over one-twentieth of an
inch.As usual, with the first heavy downpour of the year, both East and West Main are raging torrents, in some places from curb to curb. The situation is not only very inconvenient, but for motorists and pedestrians positively dangerous. The reconstruction of our street runoff system is an imperative need, and work on it should start at the earliest practical moment. The present situation is a disgrace in a city of Medford's size and standing. Medford Mail Tribune, December 9, 1929, page 4 LACK OF STORM SEWERS FLOODS PHONE
Medford Mail Tribune,
December 10, 1929, page 2
Eleven telephones were still out of commission this afternoon as the
result of damage caused by surplus water running into manholes of the
underground cable system of the Home Telephone Company during the past
several days of rainfall. Several crews of men and automatic pumpers
have been engaged in clearing up the trouble, which had affected a
large portion of the east side of the city.
The trouble is attributed by manager R. B. Hammond to the fact that the city has an inadequate storm sewer system, and most of the water runs off the streets through the company's underground system, causing much financial loss each season. The company, however, will continue to use every precaution in preventing any further trouble. SISKIYOU HEIGHTS WILL GET SEWERS
Of interest to every resident in the Siskiyou Heights district is the
announcement that the city council has ordered the construction of
sewers for that territory in complying with recommendation made by the
City Health Unit in February. Work on the sewers will probably be
started within the next 30 days, according to Fred Scheffel, city
The city superintendent's office has been busy for several weeks working out estimates of cost and preparing maps showing contours, capacities and grade lines. Medford Mail Tribune, March 12, 1930, page 5 STUART GIVEN CONTRACT FOR HEIGHTS
The city council at its special meeting this week to consider the
garbage question let the contract for building the new sewer system on
Siskiyou Heights to R. I. Stuart and Son, the lowest bidder, for
$17,800. In fact there was only one contractor bidder, and the city,
knowing that there would be only one, for its own protection, if that
bid was too high, entered a bid of its own, $18,200. The work of
constructing the sewer will be begun at once.
It will be remembered that some time ago when bids were originally opened for this job the bid of Younker & Wicks of Corvallis, $17,248.50, was the lowest and the bid of the R. I. Stuart concern was about $20,000. However, after Younker & Wicks had been awarded the contract that firm later claimed that it had made a mistake in figuring, had made the bid too low, and refused to accept the contract, preferring to forfeit its certified check of $862.40 to the city. Hence the resubmission of bids with the result that the Stuart concern captured the contract. Medford Mail Tribune, June 26, 1930, page 1 WOULD USE OVERFLOW ON SEWAGE
City Health Officer Gives Council Plan to Minimize Problem of Septic Tank Overflow, Pending New Plant Installation.
Although it has long been recognized and discussed by city officials
that Medford must have a new sewage disposal system within a very few
years, and the matter of inaugurating a new one has been deferred from
time to time because it will entail a bond issue of not less than
$250,000 to defray the cost, the subject was brought up again at the
special city council meeting this forenoon by Dr. L. D. Inskeep, city
health officer, who outlined a plan by which the city could save money
gradually to build a new sewage disposal plant, and avoid the necessity
of a big bond issue.
This plan, if found feasible on further investigation, will enable the city to make use of the present septic tank for several years yet, if the city officials adopt still another plan ventured by Dr. Inskeep to daily flush the sewage from the septic tank overflow out of Bear Creek north. Bad Situation
In bringing up the subject, Dr. Inskeep stated that the Bear Creek
situation north [i.e.,
of the city's septic tank at the Biddle Road crossing is deplorable,
due to the occasional overflow from the septic tank into that stream,
especially at this time of the year when the liquid sewage putrefies
and uses up the oxygen, which kills the fish. In the wintertime there
is no trouble of this kind, because of the constant flushing out of the
He then outlined a plan of using the overflow and waste from the city's water system (both old and new lines) by conveying it in a ditch to dilute the sewage and abate the nuisance in Bear Creek north [sic] of the septic tank and flushing out the creek once or twice daily. By use of this plan Dr. Inskeep held that the present septic tank could be used for several years yet. His plan provided that the overflow city water could be brought in an open ditch to north of the septic tank and therefore the cost would be little. However, City Superintendent Scheffel declared the plan for an open ditch was not feasible, as such a ditch would have to cross a number of private properties, hence the overflow water must be piped, which would entail quite a cost. Health Measure
The city officials, deeming that this matter is of great importance to
the health and welfare of the city, thought the plan of converting the
overflow city water and diluting and flushing out the sewage was a good
one if the cost was not too great, and decided to study the matter.
Then Dr. Inskeep launched his second plan before the council--that of raising a fund gradually over a course of years to build a new sewage disposal plant. This plan was to set aside 50 cents a month to be paid by each water user and lay it aside in a fund for the new sewage disposal plant. According to present figures this fund would amount to $20,000 a year, and in five years would amount to not less than $100,000. The council also liked this idea, and instructed its finance committee to see if the raising of such a fund in that manner was legal and otherwise feasible. Medford Mail Tribune, August 7, 1930, page 5 EAST SIDE HEIGHTS TO GET SEWER
Council Decides on Installation at Estimated Cost $58,576-- Rapid Growth and Health Considered in Engineer's Report.
The city council last night decided
to go ahead with the proposition of building a new sewer system for the
large and rapidly growing Siskiyou Heights residential section with its
many modern homes, at an estimated expenditure of $58,576.45, and
instructed City Engineer F. W. Scheffel to prepare the necessary
ordinance for this big improvement for the far eastern section of the
city, after hearing his complete detailed report on investigation of
health requirements, plans and costs, reading in part as follows:
"In accordance with your instructions, requesting that we investigate and recommend a plan for the extension of sewer lines in that district of the city of Medford, lying east of Eastwood Drive and Oregon Terrace, to the north, south and east boundaries of the city and submit to you its estimated cost, the present report is herewith presented. "The work covers the extension of a main trunk sewer line to connect with the present existing lines of the city, together with the extension of lateral lines. Rapid Growth.
"In the area known as the Siskiyou Heights residential district during
the past five years, 48 new modern homes have been erected, making a
total of 70 within the district at the present time."The general topography is hilly with the greater portion of the area sloping to the south and west, which necessitates the carrying of most of the drainage to the southwest corner of the district located at the intersection of Eastwood and Keeneway drives. "There is, however, a small area sloping to the north and west, adjacent to Crown Avenue. This will require only a lateral line extended along Crown Avenue, east from the present sewer at the intersection of Oregon Terrace and Crown Avenue to Barneburg Road. Water Consumption and Seepage.
"From comparative estimates, the water consumption is based on 100
gallons per person per 24 hours, and ground water seepage 1000 gallons
per acre per day; based on the above assumptions, the runoff for the
sewer is (for population) 720,000 gallons per 24 hours."The requirements are therefore for population 1.26 cubic feet per second, plus ground water seepage of .27 cubic feet per second or a total of 1.53 cubic feet per second required at the intersection of Eastwood and Keeneway drives. "From the intersection of Eastwood and Keeneway drives, it then becomes necessary to carry a line with a capacity of 1.53 cubic feet per second to connect with existing sewer lines. Two Routes Found.
"We find two routes can be taken from this point, one in a
southwesterly direction down a natural draw to East 11th Street, thence
west along East 11th Street to connect with the present sewer at the
intersection of East 11th Street and Ashland Avenue. This line passes
through property in the name of E. J. Scott, and the Earhart estate,
which is not subdivided; nor are there any improvements adjacent to the
line; and should the additional sewage be added, it would require an
enlargement of the present lines to Main Street."We have made a survey of an alternate line from the intersection of Eastwood and Keeneway drives, running north along Eastwood Drive to the lot line between lots 8 and 9, block 7, Medford Heights addition, thence west to connect with the present sewer line in the alley of block 7, Medford Heights addition. The capacity of this line is now ample to care for the additional load for a period of 5 years, based on present rate of development." The report then gives a complete detailed estimated cost of the project. "There is a total front footage abutting on the trunk line of 3,577.8 feet not chargeable to any lateral sewers. Assuming this frontage will be assessed at the rate assessable for lateral sewers, which is $1.40 per foot, a total of $5000 would be deducted from the cost of the trunk line, leaving a balance of $8,060 to be assessed over the entire district. "The total area of all lots in the district is 5,471.136 square feet. Should the cost of the trunk, amounting to $8,060, be spread on the square foot basis, the cost is .0015 per square foot or $10.50 for the average size lot of 50 feet by 140 feet." Medford Mail Tribune, April 16, 1930, page 6 WOULD USE OVERFLOW ON SEWAGE
City Health Officer Gives Council Plan to Minimize Problem of Septic Tank Overflow, Pending New Plant Installation.
Although it has long been recognized and discussed by city officials
that Medford must have a new sewage disposal system within a very few
years, and the matter of inaugurating a new one has been deferred from
time to time because it will entail a bond issue of not less than
$150,000 to defray the cost, the subject was brought up again at the
special city council meeting this forenoon by Dr. L. D. Inskeep, city
health officer, who outlined a plan by which the city could save money
gradually to build a new sewage disposal plant, and avoid the necessity
of a big bond issue.
This plan, if found feasible on further investigation, will enable the city to make use of the present septic tank for several years yet, if the city officials adopt still another plan adopted by Dr. Inskeep to daily flush the sewage from the septic tank overflow out of Bear Creek north. Bad Situation
In bringing up the subject, Dr. Inskeep stated that the Bear Creek
situation north of the city's septic tank at the Biddle Road crossing
is deplorable, due to the occasional overflow from the septic tank into
that stream, especially at this time of the year when the liquid sewage
putrefies and uses up the oxygen, which kills the fish. In the winter
time there is no trouble of this kind, because of the constant flushing
out of the creek.He then outlined a plan of using the overflow and waste from the city's water system (both old and new lines) by conveying it by ditch to dilute the sewage and abate the nuisance in Bear Creek north of the septic tank and flushing out the creek once or twice daily. By use of this plan Dr. Inskeep held that the present septic tank could be used for several years yet. His plan provided that the overflow city water could be brought in an open ditch to north of the septic tank and therefore the cost would be little. However, City Superintendent Scheffel declared the plan for an open ditch was not feasible, as such a ditch would have to cross a number of private properties, hence the overflow water must be piped, which would entail quite a cost. Health Measure
The city officials, deeming that this matter is of great importance to
the health and welfare of the city, thought the plan of converting the
overflow city water and diluting and flushing out the sewage was a good
one if the cost was not too great, and decided to study the matter.Then Dr. Inskeep launched his second plan before the council--that of raising a fund gradually over a course of years to build a new sewage disposal plant. This plan was to set aside 50 cents a month to be paid by each water user and lay it aside in a fund for the new sewage disposal plant. According to present figures this fund would amount to $20,000 a year, and in five years would amount to not less than $100,000. The council also liked this idea, and instructed its finance committee to see if the raising of such a fund in that manner was legal and otherwise feasible. Medford Mail Tribune, August 7, 1930, page 5
Sewage disposal is
another serious
problem for the immediate future. Our present plant is inadequate, and
during the summer's low-water season the condition of Bear Creek below
the plant is a menace to health. If the surplus water from the city
reservoir were permitted to flow down Bear Creek below the plant the
condition would be greatly relieved. The surplus water, being picked up
above the sewage plant for irrigation purposes, and thus kept out of
the creek channel, leaves the holes of the channel to become stagnant
pools and a health menace. Investigation of sewage disposal plants has
been made, and a proposed bond issue for this purpose must in time be
submitted to the people.
E. M. Wilson, "Mayor Wilson Announces Policy and Appointments in Inauguration Address," Medford Mail Tribune, January 7, 1931, page 7 THAT BEAR CREEK SEWER
the past week a number of ranchers and property owners owning property
or living adjacent to Bear Creek north of Medford have come to us
urging that we again publicly call to the attention of the city of
Medford the deplorable condition of this creek due to the unsanitary
method of sewer disposal that is permitted by said city of Medford.
While we have not made a strict survey of the conditions now existing,
yet we feel justified in the face of the information at hand to most
earnestly urge upon the new city administration the abating of this
dangerous menace to health.The water in said Bear Creek or sewer at this time is so filthy that it is a disgrace, especially so when same is permitted to go unchanged after the matter has been brought to each succeeding city administration, and it would seem that now is the time to begin to urge upon this administration the utmost importance of immediate action in abating this nuisance. The sewerage disposal of Medford has long been a source of menace to many citizens living north of Medford, and were we to have a health survey in Jackson County that was not influenced by politics, the city would find itself facing serious charges from the health department occasioned by the unsanitary conditions of this sewer disposal into Bear Creek. Excerpt, Pacific Record Herald, January 29, 1931 CITY WILL EYE NEEDS ON SEWAGE
After years of discussion by various city administrations concerning
need of a new sewage disposal plant in the city, the first concrete
movement to bring it about was the vote of the city council last night
to appropriate $1500 to make a thorough survey of the situation to
learn just what is needed and what kind of a new plant is best,
preliminary to calling a bond issue election some time in the future
for from $125,000 to $150,000 with which to build a new plant.New Disposal Plant Looms As Necessity in Near Future-- Survey Ordered by Council--Sidewalk Installation Deferred. This action was taken after the council health committee, W. W. Allen, chairman, and C. C. Darby of that committee, with City Superintendent Scheffel, had made a visit to the old disposal plant and recommended that such a survey be made. J. O. Grey is the other member of the committee. Mayor E. M. Wilson and the councilmen, all of whom were present except P. M. Kershaw, were unanimous in this move. Defer Sidewalks
The matter of ordering in new sidewalks, a number of which were
recently ordered in, was deferred for six months, following a
recommendation of such procedure by the council committee on finance,
C. A. Meeker, chairman, by which time a new method of financing payment
for sidewalks ordered put in by property owners will either be provided
by the present legislature or will be devised by the council.Mayor Wilson reappointed the present personnel of the city boxing commission to serve another year, which appointment was confirmed. The council also voted approval to the legislature of the various bills that have been introduced in that body by the League of Oregon Cities, of which City Attorney F. P. Farrell is on the legislative committee and who left for Salem the other day to aid in getting passage for these bills. Open Sewer Bids
Bids were opened for the construction of 6-inch sewers in Glenn Oak
Court, Modoc Avenue, Keene Way and Oakwood Avenue. There were only two
bidders, the Medford Concrete and Construction Company and R. I. Stuart
& Son. The winning bid, after a study of both, was to have been
awarded this afternoon.It was decided to give notice of intention to build a petitioned for sewer by property owners in the Berrydale district, and the contract with R. I. Stuart & Son for sewer or street work out Berkeley Way was ratified. A number of minor ordinances were passed and considerable routine business transacted. A petition signed by 36 property owners on Fourth Street between Oakdale and Riverside protested the assessment levied for the paving of that street, for the reason that there is included in it the expense of changing the radius of the corners of all intersections; also the inclusion of paving of alleys crossing the street, and other items of expense which do not properly belong to the paving that had been petitioned for, the protesters claim. The petitioners hold that the said corners and sidewalks have already been paid for once by the property owners. Medford Mail Tribune, February 4, 1931, page 1 The citizens' budget committee recommended "that no time be lost in construction of a new sewage disposal plant, pointing out the imperative need for such improvement to be inaugurated, before the hot weather sets in, as the present septic tank contaminates Bear Creek in the summer and makes it practically an open sewer." "New Lights on Main St. Urged on Councilmen," Medford Mail Tribune, March 4, 1931, page 6 BOND VOTE ON SEWAGE PLANT SOON
Within a month the city council will be ready to set the date for a
bond election for the construction of a new sewage disposal system and
new trunk sewer in connection, which will call for a bond issue of well
over $200,000. It is not yet known just what amount the issue will call
for, as the council health committee, W. W. Allen, chairman; J. O. Gray
and C. C. Darby, which submitted another lengthy report on the subject
to the council last night, has many other details yet to consider. The
committee has been making much progress in studying the various types
of plants, obtaining opinions on various proposed sites, and in
obtaining probable costs of building and equipment.Issue Well Over $200,000 Needed to Provide Facilities for City-- Sites Optioned--Committee Reports Figures on Cost Size a Factor
If the Imhoff type
of disposal plant is decided on, the basis of a population of 15,000,
the plant alone will at least cost $112,500, and the necessary new
trunk sewer $103,000, making a bond issue of $215,500. But if a plant
should be built to accommodate 25,000 population, providing for future
years, the plant would cost $253,000.The committee has already obtained options on four sites and is about to close a fifth. The question of engineering cost has not yet been taken up, but it is known that City Engineer Scheffel will not have time to look after the engineering, along with all his other regular duties. California state officials have offered every cooperation in the way of aiding the city council to get all facts on sewage disposal plants of that state, and it is probable that the council health committee will, within the next few weeks, visit disposal systems in California cities of approximately the same size as Medford. Avoid Pollution
In the meantime, the health committee and City Health Officer Inskeep
have taken action which has been approved by the council to make the
present overtaxed sewage disposal plant as sanitary as possible in the
way of not polluting Bear Creek, into which it empties, and which is
now but a mere creeklet due to the long period of dry weather, by
treating with chloride and lime the flow from the septic tank before it
empties into the river.The use of chloride and lime for this purpose will entail a cost of $500 a month until the new disposal plant is ready. The question of the new sewage disposal system is a complicated one, and the city officials are moving slowly and cautiously to get the best obtainable for the least expenditure of money. The health committee's lengthy report, submitted last night, incorporated the following information prepared by City Engineer Scheffel, who has long been working with the committee on the problem: "Since submitting to you a preliminary report on Medford's sewage system and the construction of a new trunk and sewage disposal plant, we have obtained local costs from the various concerns supplying sewage disposal equipment, and local unit costs of materials; from these costs we have prepared a preliminary estimate for two types of plants. These are the Imhoff and the Separate Sludge Digestion methods. Costs Detailed.
Attached hereto is the detailed cost based on the population of 15,000
and 25,000 people. Should the city decide to build the plant for a
population of 15,000 people, using the Imhoff method, the cost as
estimated is $112,500. In building a plant for 25,000 people the cost
is $150,500. Should you build the unit for 15,000 people and later
decide to increase to 25,000 people the additional cost for the
increase of 10,000 people is $62,500, or a total cost, if built in two
units of 15,000 and then an additional 10,000, of $175,000."While if you build for 25,000 people at this time your cost would be $150,500. In other words, the 10,000 unit built later would entail an expenditure of $38,000. If built as one unit now for 25,000 people, the 10,000-people unit would entail an expenditure of $24,500. Using Excess Water
"We have already called to your attention in the previous report, the
excess amount of water that Medford is using, and consequently the
amount of gallons that it is necessary to treat at the plant, is
exceedingly high. Should the city, at a later date, say in three years,
build a plant for 15,000 population, by the installation of meters, you
would increase the capacity of the plant to about 22,000 people."We have used the Imhoff method as a basis of cost for the reason that the cost of installation is greater than the other methods; however, the cost of operation is much less. In the average cost of operation for the three methods the Imhoff averages about $90 per month per million gallons of treatment; separate sludge digestion, $175 per month, and Activation $250 per month. "These are items that should be considered in the final analysis of treatment. During the past week, at your request, we have provided a lime treatment and chlorine at the present septic tank. This will entail a cost of about $500 per month; however, it will relieve the present putrid conditions on Bear Creek until such time as the plant can be built." Medford Mail Tribune, May 6, 1931, page 1 NEW SEWAGE PLANT TO BE BOUGHT HERE
Purchase of a new chlorination plant for treatment of city sewage until
construction of the contemplated new sewage disposal plant was
authorized yesterday morning by the city council of Medford at a
special meeting. The chlorination plant will cost about $1,900 and will
take the place of the small plant which had been borrowed from the
water department of the city.
The purchase was made on the insistence of the city health department. The new plant, which is to be selected by the health committee headed by W. W. Allen, chairman, will use about 240 pounds of chlorine a day at capacity, whereas the capacity of the present small plant is about 75 pounds a day, an amount deemed insufficient to care for the sewage problem in warm weather. The cost of the chlorine is about 10 cents a pound, which would mean $24 a day if the plant must be operated at capacity. It is believed the cost will approximate $500 a month, however, during the summer season. Dr. L. D. Inskeep declared that the system of handling the sewage problem would be adequate until construction of the new plant. A bond issue will probably be brought to vote soon on construction of the $215,000 disposal plant, held to be a pressing need of this city. At present Bear Creek, into which the sewage flows, is virtually dry, and a drastic sanitary condition is arising, with the threat of lawsuits hanging over the city. The present purchase is temporary, necessitated by the delay in construction of the large plant. Medford Daily News, May 23, 1931, page 1 CHLORINATION CITY'S SEWAGE
At the urgent solicitation of Dr. D. L. Inskeep, city health officer,
backed up by the members of the city council health committee, that
body at a special meeting of a few minutes held this week voted to
purchase a new chlorination plant for the inadequate septic tank
located on Bear Creek beyond the southern city limits. The new
chlorination plant, which is to cost about $1900, will be installed as
soon as possible, as the present plant is entirely too small to care
for the sewage problem caused by Bear Creek being so low, especially in
hot weather, and will serve until the new city sewage disposal system
is built and in operation. A special election for approval of a bond
issue of over $200,000 to build the new system will probably be called
for within a month.Council Decides to Buy $1900 Plant As Health Precaution Until New Disposal System Installed. To operate the larger chlorination plant will cost approximately $24 a day or $500 a month. The mayor and councilmen have been unanimously agreed for some time past that a larger purifying plant must be installed as an imperative health measure, as the sewage from the present septic tank empties into the creek, which has dwindled practically to a small rivulet. It was impractical to flush or increase the flow of the creek, and the only other thing that could be done until the new sewage disposal system is built would be to replace the small tank with a larger one that would purify the sewage. Medford Mail Tribune, May 23, 1931, page 6 COUNCIL TO SET SPECIAL ELECTION
Unless the city officials change their minds in the meantime, the city
council at its meeting tonight will pass legislation paving the way for
a special bond election to be submitted to the voters soon for the
construction of a new sewage disposal plant, a new trunk sewer for the
east side and incidental connections of the new plant with the city
sewer system.It was practically decided at the noon luncheon meeting of the city officials yesterday that the bond issue will be for $235,000. Of this sum the new sewage disposal plant will cost $112,000, and a trunk sewer for the east side will cost about $102,000. The remainder of the bond issue would go for engineering, sewer connections and other necessary incidentals. Medford Mail Tribune, June 2, 1931, page 5 NEW PLAN ADVOCATED ON SEWAGE
At the same time that the voters of Medford vote at a special election
to be held Wednesday, July 15, on the question of issuing $235,000
worth of long-time serial bonds, probably 30 or 35 years, for the
declared absolutely necessary sewage disposal system and trunk line
sewer, they will be asked to vote a new method of paying interest on
and retirement of these bonds, by authorizing the city government to
impose a sewer rental charge on every property using the sewer system.
This action was taken by the city council last night.Monthly Rental for Sewer Use Proposed for Financing Disposal Plant and Trunk Line--Council Sets Election for July 15th The proceeds of this monthly sewer charge, based on the amount of water used by each property in sewer use, besides paying the bond interest and retirement of bonds eventually, will be used to operate and maintain the sewage system and disposal plant. Plan Tried Out
This method of financing sewer bond issues and retiring bonds has been
successfully used by cities in several states, and the city officials
assert that because it is so reasonable and the method of payment so
easy, it will do away with possible opposition to the bond issue; in
other words the plan will meet the approval of all intelligent voters,
they hold. Mayor Wilson and the city councilmen are unanimously sold on
the plan.The bond issue and new method of financing a sewer rental charge will be separate issues, as proposed charter amendments, at the special election, hence it will be possible to vote the bond issue and not the sewer use charge, which would leave the bond issue to be paid for in the old way by general taxation. However, with every property owner understanding the new definite and easy plan of financing and maintenance through the monthly sewer charge the city officials look for a minimum of opposition to the bond issue and for both issues to carry. Water Use Basis
The sewer charge is based on the use of water at a dwelling or other
building in making use of the sewer. There will be a graduated scale of
rates according to the amount of water and sewage used by a building,
with a minimum charge.In any event the maximum charge or rental for sewerage service is not be in excess of 20 percent of the regular monthly water rental of a property. As the water charge for the average dwelling is $2.50 per month, the sewer rental charge on the average dwelling would be but 50 cents a month. Means No Tax Boost
The city officials point out that if the voters adopt the new method of
financing the bond issue there will be no increase in taxation, but
this plan will provide an easy method of payment for the bond issue
over a period of 30 or 35 years, whichever the council decides on.The $235,000 bond issue will provide for the cost of building and equipping the new sewage disposal plant and property for its location, designed to care for a population of 15,000 or 25,000, whichever the council decides on--and for construction of a new trunk line sewer along Bear Creek through the heart of the city to the disposal plant, large enough to care for a city of 25,000 population. Medford Mail Tribune, June 3, 1931, page 1 SEWAGE IS FORCED UP ON AVENUE
Raw sewage was flowing down North Riverside Avenue this forenoon,
spouting about two feet above the manholes along the street, and had
been running since midnight Monday when the storm water could not be
carried in the trunk sewer line serving the city for both sanitary and
storm purposes. Sewage lines from the east side were cut at Jackson
Street bridge last night to reduce the amount flowing in the trunk line
along Riverside, City Superintendent Fred W. Scheffel said today.Overloaded Trunk Sewer Spews Refuse Through Manholes Along North Riverside During Rain--New Installation Needed. Action must be taken immediately to remedy the situation, Superintendent Scheffel stated, as suits have been threatened against the city because of the pollution, and the state health board has ordered the city to take care of the matter. Plan New System
A $235,000 bond election has been ordered by the city council to be
held July 15, and if the amount is voted by the city, a new sanitary
system which would be large enough to take care of the storm waste will
be constructed.Inadequacy of the argument against the proposed new trunk line, that the west side does not need the new system, was demonstrated in the polluted stream flowing down Riverside Avenue, all of which was from west of the creek, the east side flow having been let into Bear Creek without any treatment when the cut was made last night, Scheffel pointed out. "During the heavy winter rains," he said, "the flow from the manholes sometimes gushes as high as four feet." Start Near Cottage
To construct a storm sewer would cost about $400,000, according to
figures submitted to the city council, but the proposed construction of
a sanitary and storm outlet would cost $103,00, starting about 100
yards above the Cottage Street bridge. Any new lines that might be
built later from the new high school district would be joined at that
place, plans show.The new line would follow along the east of Bear Creek to Jackson Street, where it would cross and pick up the Riverside trunk line. A new disposal plant would also be built by the city under the proposed bond at a cost of $112,000. Sewage from the east side, under the regular system, passes through a septic tank, which is said to be inadequate, and is let into Bear Creek, where there is not enough water to dilute the outflow, according to health authorities. Medford Mail Tribune, June 16, 1931, page 1 DAMAGE BY SEWAGE AT CITY'S DOOR
Because only a quorum attended last night's city council meeting, that
body did not pass the photographers' license ordinance to bar traveling
coupon photographers from the city by imposing a prohibitive daily
license fee for operation, but transacted much routine business,
including passage of ordinances levying assessments for sewers put in
recently in various parts of the city.Broken Pipe Floods Land Near Septic Tank--C. E. Peyton Asks $1250 Compensation for Damage to Land, Olfactory Nerves. The absentees were P. M. Kershaw, chairman of the parks and playgrounds committee, D. R. Terrett, chairman of the airport committee and W. W. Allen, chairman of the health committee. Another reason for failing to pass the photographers' license measure was because no meeting of the license committee had been held to give the proposed ordinance a hearing since the last meeting, owing to the absence of C. C. Darby, chairman. Pay for Court Site
The council passed legislation authorizing City Recorder Alford to pay
$23,000 for the Washington school site to the county court for use as
the site of the new court house, in accordance with the $23,500 bond
issue for that purpose recently approved by the people. The deed is
about ready to be delivered by the school board by Superintendent of
Schools E. H. Hedrick, and when received will be turned over to the
county court, with a clause providing that it can only be used for a
new court house. The above clause was embodied in the council
authorization last night.It was voted by the council to do away with the monthly audit of the city's books after July 1 next. A number of individual property settlement ordinances were passed. On recommendation of C. A. Meeker, chairman of the finance committee, it was voted not to reconsider the hospitalization insurance for city employees, turned down recently by the council. Farmer Asks Damage
A written communication was presented to the council from C. E. Peyton,
asking for $1250 damages to his land along Bear Creek near the city's
septic tank, because of a pipe line breaking and flooding his corn
patch with raw sewage to a depth of several feet, which not only
renders the land so covered useless for agriculture or grazing
purposes, but creates a very offensive stench at his home nearby. Mr.
Peyton was present in person and told the situation in detail.Mayor Wilson referred the matter to the finance and health committees and City Attorney Farrell for investigation and recommendation at the next council meeting as to the amount of damages to be allowed. Will Collect Fees
The council decided to make a drive for the prompt collection of city
license fees not yet paid by individuals and organizations, endorsed
the establishment of a proposed bureau of municipal research and
service at the University of Oregon cities by the state board of higher
education.The matter of purchasing chlorine by the carload at $1813 for the city's septic tank, instead of buying 150-pound containers as at present, which would cost $27,000 for the amount to be used at the tank this summer, was left in the hands of the health committee to further investigate and recommend at the next meeting. It would mean a saving of $851. Medford Mail Tribune, June 17, 1931, page 1 Haste Makes Waste
To the
Editor:Under large headlines the local newspapers have just announced that city officials have discovered that "raw sewage was flowing down Riverside Avenue this forenoon, spouting about two feet above the manholes along the street." This was startling news. I have lived on North Riverside ever since the sewer was constructed and now hear witness that "raw sewage" has spouted out of the manholes every time there is a heavy rain. This condition is due to wise engineering; that is, draining the storm water of a city into an 18-inch sanitary sewer. Other recent news items warn us the city is in grave danger of being sued by the owners of property where the sewage disposal is situated. To my certain knowledge threats of this nature have been made for 15 years, but we have never yet been sued. Why are the city officials and the state health board so suddenly agitated about these conditions? The answer manifestly is an attempt to coerce the people of Medford to vote the proposed $235,000 bond issue. Now let us admit that the sewage system of the city is sadly defective and inadequate, and that we need a better one. Should this fact force us to act prematurely? Many citizens are not satisfied with the present plan, as announced by the city authorities. They do not agree with the idea of charging the water users an additional $6 a year to pay for this sewer system. Under this scheme a small home owner would pay as much as the owner of a mansion. Large holdings and estates which would be greatly enhanced in value by a new sewer system would escape payment of a just share of the cost. I have in mind at least one corporation with large holdings which it leases to various tenants. Under this plan it would pay nothing, although the value of its property would be largely increased. It has been the custom in this city, as has been the rule in municipalities generally, to pay for sewers in bonds or warrants and liquidate them by a general tax. This is the only fair method so far devised. The proposed scheme of charging water users 50 cents per month to pay on sewer bonds is an uncalled-for imposition. This would require collection of $6, instead of the present $5 charge, every two months. The city council should recall this plan and submit a better one, otherwise the people should turn out and vote it down by an overwhelming majority. Don't be stampeded by threats of health officers or lawsuits. Such stuff is propaganda intended to drive you into voting for the bonds. Sewage conditions are no worse than they have been for many years. They ought to be better since the officials announced a few days ago that a chlorination disposal plant had been installed that is costing the city $700 per month for its operation. Was this chlorination plant in operation when all the "raw sewage" was being washed over the streets and farms near the septic tank? Let's vote against all bonds until a fair plan is submitted. Vote against gang rule, vote NO on the bonds.
Medford Mail
June 19,
1931, page 12Medford, June 18. He Knows His Sewage
To the Editor:Are the sportsmen of Southern Oregon trying to boost Medford's proposed $235,000 bond issue? At their banquet held in this city Thursday night, one member, a resident of Grants Pass, is reported to have said: "I can assure you that Medford will receive the gratification of every sportsman of Oregon if the new sewage disposal plant is installed." This observation may have been a mere incident and entirely devoid [of] propaganda, but it gave the editor of one of our local papers a theme for a leading editorial which, among other things, said: "But, as was brought out at the sportsman's banquet here last night, it does little good to stock the river and protect it, if the present practice of polluting the stream with sewage is allowed to go on. Game fish can't live in a polluted stream…At the present time Medford is pouring its sewage through Bear Creek into the Rogue River, and Grants Pass is drinking it. All other considerations aside, it seems to us that this injustice to a neighboring city should be sufficient to make the verdict for a local sewage disposal plant unanimous." Since the people of Grants Pass thrive on Rogue River water, it is hardly reasonable that it contains enough sewage to kill the fish. Each spring, before the water volume recedes, there are thousands of trout even in Bear Creek. And suppose the sewage of Medford were entirely eliminated, Bear Creek would still carry the sewage of Ashland, Talent, Phoenix and Central Point, not to mention the drainage from the many farm houses and barns along its banks. Are the fish killed in the Columbia River because of the [effluent] of the Willamette River, which carries the sewage of Eugene, Salem, Portland, and scores of smaller towns? Thousands of people make a living by taking fish from the Columbia and Willamette rivers, despite their contamination. The fish industry on the Mississippi River is not inconsiderable, and New Orleans drinks water from this stream, although it carries in solution the sewage and drainage of a thousand cities, including such as Memphis, St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati and Minneapolis. Chicago has for nearly a century taken her water supply from Lake Michigan and drained all sewage in the same lake. These conditions are not pleasant to contemplate, but they should teach us not to get so suddenly squeamish as to vote $235,000 under the present showing. Some of our best engineers and contractors assert that half of this sum is amply sufficient to sewer this city, including the best disposal plant. Let's all vote NO on these bonds and get together with the city council and devise a better and cheaper plan. The old adage is still true: "Willful waste makes woeful want." Our taxes are already too high to justify the waste of any more money. This Grants Pass "sportsman," who is seemingly so concerned about injury to game fish by Medford sewage, was for a long time a member of the state game and fish commission. Why has he for years sat supinely by and allowed the destruction of millions of game fish at the Savage Rapids and Gold Ray dams? A small expenditure from the big jackpot made up from the millions of dollars we have all contributed in game and fish licenses would have built safe fishways over these dams, and the upper Rogue would be alive with steelhead and salmon. These fine game fish are still butting themselves to death in an effort to get over these dams. It comes with poor grace from this or any other "sportsman" to talk about Medford sewage under these conditions.
Medford Mail
June 30,
1931, page 5Medford, June 29. MAYOR POINTS NECESSITY FOR SEWAGE
To the Editor:The following letter is one of many received from the State Board of Health relating to the sewage situation in Medford.
June 29, 1931.
Mayor and City Council,Medford, Oregon. Gentlemen: Under date of June 16, 1930, I advised you that the city of Medford should anticipate the need of and proceed with at an early date with the design of a modern sewage disposal plant, to eliminate the nuisance and public health menace created by the dumping of the Medford city septic tank effluent into Bear Creek. The creek during a large part of the year affords very little dilution of the sewage; consequently, it is inadequate to receive the Medford sewage unless the sewage is completely treated and stabilized. Chlorination of the present septic tank effluent may help somewhat in decreasing the public health menace but will not appreciably correct the nuisance along Bear Creek. The stream is not only so polluted that it creates a nuisance and contaminates vegetables irrigated by it, but it also pollutes Rogue River, which is used by the cities of Gold Hill and Grants Pass for drinking water. People of Medford should vote at the coming July election bonds necessary for the construction of a much-needed sewage disposal plant. The services of a competent sanitary engineer should be secured to assist with the design of the plant. The State Board of Health will not approve of any plans not providing for complete treatment. Very
truly yours,
FREDERICK D. STRICKER, State Health Officer. ----
The city council for several years past has been confronted with the
problem of sewage disposal. The mayor and individual members of the
council have been confronted many times by property owners residing
along the creek channel, and every season the council has inspected the
grounds and present disposal plant in an endeavor to solve the problem.
We have known the situation to be bad and have realized that there was
no way to avoid responsibility for health, epidemic, and property
damage conditions other than to construct a modern disposal system.We have made as extensive and thorough investigation as possible to do with the limited finances available. The final determination of plant and its construction will come through approval of the state board of health and the advice of an experienced engineer to be employed when funds are made available by the proposed bond issue. Engineers consulted have stated a cost of $40,000 for every 1,000,000 gallons of sewage. Medford has from three to four million gallons of sewage to dispose of. This give a total of $120,000 to $160,000 as an estimated cost. The council believes the cost determined as a basis for the bond issue to be conservative and what should be at the disposal of the engineers to be employed. Should the estimated $235,000 exceed the final requirements the excess bonds will be immediately cancelled. The trunk sewer is an absolute necessity to complete our sanitary program. The proposed charter amendment to authorize a sewer assessment against sewer users for bond redemption is of secondary consideration. This question is merely a suggestion submitted to the people. Bond redemption will be provided for through taxation if this amendment is not favored. The unfavorable comments thus far published have, no doubt, been well meant and without due consideration for the problem before us. The citizens of Medford must remember that the council has been faced by conditions to give this matter consideration. It is fully understood by all members, and the election called for July 15th represents the final determination of the city's requirements. Members of the council regret bond issues as much as do all others, but conditions demand action, the improvement will be made at minimum cost, and we sincerely hope for approval of the proposed issue. E.
Medford Mail Tribune,
July 1,
Reasons why it is necessary for the City of Medford to build a new
trunk sewer line from the Cottage Street bridge to the disposal plant
were outlined today by the city council health committee, as follows:
Before Bear Creek can be cleaned up and beautified through the city, it is necessary to eliminate the outfall from four septic tanks now dumping sewage direct into Bear Creek. One of these tanks is located just above the Cottage Street bridge on the west bank of the creek and is serving the South Sea Addition. Two tanks now serve the Merrick campground, and the old tank built in 1909 located in the rear of the Gaddis and Dixon property was built for the purpose of serving the business district. All of the above septic tanks are too low to discharge the effluent into the Riverside trunk sewer. Riverside Trunk Sewer
The present trunk sewer from the intersection of East Jackson and
Riverside Avenue running north along Riverside Avenue to the septic
tank is running to capacity with sanitary sewage only. No additional
capacity is available for storm water. The runoff from the streets of
an area of 1570 acres must pass down this line; it being unable to
carry the storm water during the rainy season, the raw sewage flows
down the gutters.This line was constructed in 1910 for the use of sanitary sewage to serve a population of 10,000 people. Our present population is 11,200 people. This line is 21 years old. East Side Trunk Sewer
The present sewage from the East Side is diverted into the Riverside
trunk sewer at the intersection of Jackson and Riverside Avenue. This
line is suspended on cables to the Jackson Street bridge. It is
necessary to cut the raw sewage direct into Bear Creek under the bridge
during storms. The iron pipe is constantly washing out during winter
months as debris flowing down Bear Creek collects against the line and
washes it out.A new trunk sewer is not for the use of the East Side only, as there are a total of 3840 business houses and residences within the city. There are 1446 business houses and 1657 residences on the west side of Bear Creek, or a total of 3103. On the East Side there are 10 business houses and 727 residences, or a total of 737. There are also 2523 vacant lots within the city, of which 1747 are on the west side of Bear Creek and 776 on the east side. Storm Sewers
The question has been asked "Why not separate the sanitary sewer
systems in Medford from the storm sewer?" This is not at all
impossible, but to provide the new storm sewers to carry the storm
water from 1562 acres would cost the city about $500,000. It is
therefore unwise at the present time to make a separation.However, provision is made in the new trunk sewer to serve a population of 25,000 people. The additional capacity which will be available in this line can be used for storm water until such time as the city reaches the population of 25,000. The city is liable for damages due to the known lack of repair of sewers or its failure to maintain them to a standard of efficiency. The city is liable for any damage which may result from the inadequate capacity of a sewer (N.W. Rep. 699, Wisconsin Supreme Court). Washington Supreme Court case Boyer vs. City of Tacoma. City held liable for overflow of insufficient sewer--In this case, it appeared that the sewer was originally sufficient for the territory it served, but it became inadequate through growth of the territory. The overflow occurred in a period of heavy but not extraordinary rainfall. Medford Mail Tribune, July 2, 1931, page 8 GET THE FACTS ON MEDFORD'S SEWAGE
The Mail Tribune
is as interested as any business in Medford in keeping down the city
tax rate. If we could see any way to solve the city sewage disposal
problem, and the storm sewer problem, without increasing taxes, we
would be for it ten thousand ways, for it would mean a material saving
for this newspaper.But frankly we can see no way out. The sewage situation, not only from the standpoint of pollution of Bear Creek, but from the standpoint of city health, is a critical one. As the recent flooding of city streets during the June rains demonstrated, the storm sewer situation is also a critical one. We have looked at this problem from all angles, and we are convinced that an improvement of our sewage system is absolutely imperative, and the sooner it is done, the better for all concerned. To delay action for a year or two, as we see it, would do no material good, and might do serious harm, for we repeat the situation is a critical one, and while we don't care to go into the horrible details at the present time, we suggest that anyone who doubts this, communicate with the state board of health or the city health department, and find out from an impartial source just what dangers such a delay would involve. In this controversy as in all others affecting the welfare of this city we have one supreme desire, to do everything in our power to give the people of the city the TRUE FACTS. For we are convinced that if they have the facts--if they know just what the situation is--they will feel toward these sewage bonds precisely as we do. As previously pointed out in this column, there has been a misapprehension regarding this issue, many getting the idea that a vote for the bonds would mean a vote for the "water tax" method of financing them. This is entirely untrue. There are two questions to be decided at this election. First, whether or not Medford is to improve its sewage situation to meet its present needs. Second, whether or not the water tax or property tax system of payment is to be used. The first question is entirely separate from the second and is the only question with which this paper is vitally concerned. We believe the defeat of these bonds would be highly unfortunate at this time, that under the circumstances the city council could then do nothing but call a second election, adding to the delay and increasing the expense. And we further believe that such a defeat might result in very serious consequences, both from the standpoint of legal complications and community health. We ask no one to take our word for this. All we ask is that anyone who believes an improvement of the city sewage system is NOT NECESSARY at this time take the trouble to look up the facts, communicate with the state board of health, the city health officer, or for that matter consult their own family physician. With the facts in their possession we have no doubt whatever how the people of Medford will vote in the coming election. Medford Mail Tribune, July 5, 1931, page B2 The deplorable condition of Bear Creek resulting from the present disposal system, and threatened suits of property owners of the Bear Creek locality, were presented and the people urged to realize that the problem confronted is to be solved by them, not by the city council. "Lions on Record Favoring Sewage Disposal Bonds," Medford Mail Tribune, July 8, 1931, page 5 HOW TO GET A NEW PAYROLL FOR
There is one feature of this $235,000 sewer bond issue which hasn't
been brought out, and which we regard as an important factor in its
favor.As everyone knows, times are hard, and after the fruit crop is harvested, Medford will be faced by a serious unemployment problem. Since the depression first started, the policy of having public work done during this period has been carried out not only by the government and states, but by local communities, and this policy has undoubtedly made the depression much less severe that it would otherwise have been. In some quarters it has even been advocated that public work not really needed be done to reduce suffering and unemployment, and tide the country over this trying period. We have never favored this latter plan, for, in our opinion, it is nothing more than falling for fallacy that a community can raise itself by its boot straps. BUT WHERE A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IS NEEDED--as everyone, even its opponents agree, this sewer construction is needed--then it seems to us that the payroll thus created is not only a valid but a convincing argument in its favor. The major cost for this sewer construction will be for labor, probably $125,000 in wages alone, and practically all the work will be done by local labor. It the bonds are passed, A STEADY PAYROLL WILL BE CREATED DURING A PERIOD WHEN IT WILL BE MOST ACUTELY NEEDED. Under the circumstances we can think of no better form of non-employment insurance for this community than to pass these bonds and have this construction under way during the fall and early winter. It may well mean the difference between steady wages and no wages at all for scores of families in Medford during the next eight or ten months. Medford Mail Tribune, July 12, 1931, page 8 VOTERS GET CITY SEWER
Mass Meeting Reveals Necessity for Action Now to Relieve Dangerous Conditions--State Sanitary Engineer Emphatic
For tomorrow afternoon's special election on the sewer bond question
the polls will be open from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m., and all regularly
registered citizens are entitled to vote. The voting places are as
First Ward: Public market building on South Riverside Avenue. Second Ward: Public library on West Main Street. Third Ward: Fichtner's Garage corner Fir and Sixth streets. Fourth Ward: Upstairs city hall, corner Front and Sixth streets. The populace of Medford is better informed today on the merits of the bond issues to be voted on tomorrow afternoon for a new sewage disposal system and trunk sewer because of the mass meeting held in the city park last night, attended by hundreds of citizens to hear the talks of city officials and State Sanitary Engineer Carl E. Green on the present deplorable sewage situation and why the voters should vote for the bond issue. The talks were interspersed with selections by the Elks band, and the remarks and music were broadcast over KMED, thus carrying into the homes of many more citizens the sewage situation and bond issue information. Many neighborhood radio parties were held to listen in. The speakers in the order named were as follows: Mayor E. M. Wilson; W. W. Allen, chairman of the city council health committee; C. A. Meeker, chairman of the council finance committee; City Engineer Fred Scheffel; Dr. L. D. Inskeep, city health officer, and Carl E. Green, state sanitary officer. Each speaker covered briefly one phase of the situation, and probably the most informative address was that of sanitary engineer Green on the necessity for the sewage disposal system to eliminate what he declared to be a "gross nuisance and public health hazard." Mayor's Opening Address
"Many of the citizens of Medford have been led to believe that the
matter of sewage disposal for the city has not been given sufficient
study and that action should be delayed. We are forced to immediate
action," said Mayor Wilson."Let me say that this subject has been considered by your councils for years past without definite action, and that two years ago former Mayor Pipes, myself and others visited Klamath Falls for inspection of that plant and system costing over $300,000, going into detail with their engineer, Mr. Kennedy. Our study of the problem has continued since that time and has been intensive since the present council assumed their duties in January. "One of the first communications received by me in entering upon my duties as mayor was from the state board of health, being then advised that something must be done to correct Medford's sewer situation. "Realizing the seriousness of the matter, our health committee, with W. W. Allen as chairman, has made a thorough investigation; has worked out all preliminary details in accordance with requirements of the state board of health at little cost to the city; has submitted the preliminary details and specifications to four different engineers, including Mr. Kennedy of San Francisco, Pierce, Greeley & Hansen of Chicago, and Burns, McDonald & Smith of Los Angeles. These engineers have approved our tentative plans and estimates. "When the bond issue has been authorized, and I am sure it will be next Wednesday, we will be in a position to employ some sanitary engineer who will prepare final estimates upon which to base a call for bids for all features of construction, and the work could be begun early this fall and continued during the winter, in a measure relieving unemployment. "You have chosen a council in whom you must have confidence. This council has assumed a trust in which much responsibility lies, and a diversion of funds from an intended purpose will never be permitted. Our consolidated improvement fund provides for retirement of improvement bonds for which the city is responsible. Water funds will take care of water bonds if conserved and income increased according to the desire heretofore expressed by the people. Our new water system was constructed for $50,000 under the authorized bond issue. The Cottage Street bridge was constructed for §3200 under the estimated cost, due to competitive bidding. Sewer funds will be conserved in a like manner. "In constructing the proposed disposal plant and trunk sewer the final expenditure will depend upon the determination of an engineer specializing in such construction. If possible to save in the type of plant or in any feature of construction such will be done. Competitive bidding may also save in construction costs. Be assured that only such portion of the bond issue as is necessary to accomplish the purpose will be sold. "The sewage plans outlined cover a completed system for the city and for certain near future annexations; also for the immediate care of storm overflows and for the elimination of four septic tanks now bordering Bear Creek above the city's present septic tank. "Those sanitary improvements are essential to the health and dignity of the city. "The council up to this time has assumed the responsibility for contagion and sanitary damage but after Wednesday next the responsibility will rest with the people. Fully consider this responsibility in casting your vote Wednesday." Chairman Allen Answers Critics
"Unfortunately, the city council, and particularly the health committee
of the council, have been accused of various crimes against the voters
of Medford, high-pressure methods used in trying to sell the bond issue
to the people and lack of judgment in bringing the election at this
time," said W. W. Allen, chairman of the city council committee on
health."Answering the first criticism, let me state, ladies and gentlemen, that nothing could be farther from the truth," he continued. "Early this year the council instructed its health committee to go into this problem and obtain data and other information pertaining to construction costs, etc., of a modern sewage disposal plant. "The committee has held many meetings and interviewed several well-known sanitary engineers who have come to Medford from as far away as Chicago, at no expense to the taxpayers. These engineers have checked the preliminary plans and estimates furnished by our city engineering department, and have congratulated us on the work so far accomplished, This information is all a matter of record and you can easily check and confirm this statement. "It has been said that we should not have brought the election at this time. Other speakers on the program will go into this phase of the program." City Able, Says Meeker
"Let your conscience be your guide. Think it over and vote
accordingly," said Clarence A. Meeker, vice mayor and chairman of the
council finance committee, in concluding his address, which was mainly
devoted to the financial ability of the Medford public to well
withstand voting the bond issue."Two things are necessary for the health and happiness of a city--pure water and good sanitation, We have long had the pure water; now a modern sewage disposal system is absolutely necessary. We have passed bond issues before in Medford's history for purposes that we could possibly have done without. I say this without any intention of criticism, but a new sewage disposal system is not in the class I refer to. It is a municipal necessity, that we can no longer do without. It means safety for the lives of a large proportion of our citizens." Mr. Meeker stressed the fact that Medford's general taxation record is good, and that the city's taxation is low compared with other Southern Oregon cities. He said that Medford has the lowest general taxation of any municipality in Jackson County. Scheffel Invites Investigation
"Come to our office and we will be pleased to explain plans on the
proposed new sewage disposal system and give figures and costs on the
plans," said City Engineer Fred Scheffel, at the conclusion of his
remarks.Mr. Scheffel explained the present inadequate situation, dilated on the plans for the new sewage disposal system and trunk sewer in connection, told of the various types of septic tank processes in use in other cities. The present plans provide for expansions as needed in the future, and for the complete separation of the sanitary and storm sewage at some future time when the city can afford the enormous cost that would be entailed in effecting such a separation. "Medford is known throughout Oregon as having the best water, and the filthiest sewerage," said Dr. D. L. Inskeep, city health officer, in opening his address. In pointing out the necessity for the building of the new sewage system--septic tank and trunk sewer for which tomorrow's bond issue is up to the vote of the people--Dr. Inskeep stated that a complete and comprehensive survey has been made of the city and its environs by competent sanitary engineers, and the city administration. The proposed system will care for storm and sanitary purposes for 15,000 people without house meters, or for 24,000 people with meters, he said. He related that the proposed system will abolish four septic tanks, and sewer cleanup nuisances. He declared the proposed system is designed to provide for future expansion, as the city grows, so that if at any future time any immediate adjoining communities, like Berrydale, should be annexed to the city the added communities could be easily connected up with the city's fine sewer system, if the bond issue passes, and enjoy the benefits of that system. In dwelling on the deplorable unsanitary conditions along Bear Creek, caused by the antiquated and inadequate main septic tank, Dr. Inskeep said: "Do not take my word for it. Go out and look over the situation for yourself. You will quickly realize the necessity for a new sewage disposal system, and vote the bonds for it." State Engineer Warns
Imperative reasons for the passage of the new bond issue were given by
Carl E. Green of Portland, state sanitary engineer, in his remarks
which plainly show that Medford's reputation is at stake, and that it
the city does not voluntarily remedy its present sewage disposal
situation steps will be taken by the state on health grounds to compel
remedial measures. His remarks follow in part:"The state board of health has general oversight of water supplies and sewerage systems of the state. State law requires that all plans of the construction of water and sewer systems must be submitted to, and be approved, by that board before construction may begin. "It also says that no sewage may be discharged into any body of water used for a public water supply unless it is first passed through some known system of purification approved by the state board of health. "The present city septic tank is not approved by our office for the following reasons: The Rogue River below Medford is used by the cities of Gold Hill and Grants Pass for drinking water purposes. A nuisance exists along Bear Creek caused by Medford sewage. "The creek water is used for the irrigation and washing of vegetables, which are sold in the city of Medford. This is a dangerous practice and no doubt has resulted of cases of dysentery and typhoid fever. The organic matter of the sewage so depletes the oxygen of the creek that fish life is destroyed. "The Medford city officially were advised last January to proceed immediately with the design of a modern sewage disposal plant providing for adequate treatment. Our office will not approve of any plans which do not provide for complete treatment. No Makeshifts
"Extensions to or modification of the
present septic tank will nut be approved."The term 'septic tank' has been improperly used in connection with the proposed new sewage treatment plant. Septic tanks are considered by competent sanitary engineers to be obsolete and inadequate for cities of any size. Septic tanks still are the most practical of all treatment plants for private homes and small institutions, especially where the tank effluent may be disposed of underground by subirrigation. "The effluent from a septic tank is not harmless, as so many have been led to believe. Its bacterial content may equal that of the incoming raw sewage. Though it is often said that one may safely drink the tank overflow, only the foolhardy will risk the danger involved. "During the last ten or twenty years much has been learned about the treatment of sewage. Tried and proved modern methods of sewer treatment are at our command, and there is no reason why the older, inadequate methods should now be used. Though there are different processes used to accomplish the required results, they all provide for different units, which have different functions and accomplish the same results. These functions are sedimentation, digestion and oxidation. "Their processes are carried on separately and not in intimate contact. Herein lies the chief difference between the old septic tank and the modern methods of treatment. Cost Reasonable
"The estimated cost of the proposed sewage disposal plant for Medford
is reasonable. The city of La Grande in Eastern Oregon has at present
the most complete treatment plant in the state. The effluent is
practically always 100 percent stable, that is, incapable of producing
conditions of putrefaction in the stream to which it is allowed to
flow. This plant was designed for about 10,000 population and
$106,000. It should be borne in mind that this cost does not include
trunk sewer, but is for the plant alone. The cost is proportionately
the same as Medford's cost, the added amount being necessary to provide
a trunk sewer which is needed here."The people of Medford should vote the bond issue to eliminate the gross nuisance and public health hazard. The task of supplying a city with water does not stop when the used water enters the sewer. The used water, which is sewage, must be disposed of so as to not be a menace to the health and comfort of the city." Medford Mail Tribune, July
14, 1931, page 1
following statement on the bond election result was made by Mayor E. M.
Wilson this noon:Result of Medford Bond Election Is Blamed on Depression-- No plans for Resubmission Soon "While the result of our sewer bond election was against the project, the prevailing national depression, and particularly our state sentiment, foretold the result. "From the standpoint of the city council, I can say that every councilman feels that his duty has been performed and that the project as submitted to the voters was a construction plan as nearly perfect as six months of intensive study could make it. Only 40 percent of the registered vote was cast, which cannot be regarded as representative. "In the cities of La Grande and Walla Walla sewer improvements were first turned down and heavy damage claims were secured against each city before the people supported bond issues and built systems equaled by no other. This will, no doubt, be the result in Medford. "Regarding submitting the question again to the people, the council at this time has no definite plan of procedure. We may be forced by the state board of health to call another election at once. If we can provide a fund in October for our next budget to secure complete detail and design of a plant from a consulting engineer I would prefer waiting until this can be done before submitting the question again. The surveys and information we now have are of great value. "As to contagion and property damage, I am much concerned from the standpoint of health. A death traceable to Medford's sanitary conditions would result in irreparable injury to the family and a serious damage action against the city. We now have a property damage case before us. Others are threatened. In yesterday's election the responsibility for existing conditions to continue has been transferred from the council to the people. This is one feature of the election the council is thankful for." Allen, Too, Is Optimistic
"The people of Medford expressed themselves most emphatically on the
septic tank bond proposition, and though the result was in a measure
disappointing to the city government, the majority rules, and we
gracefully abide by the decision," said W. W. Allen, chairman of the
city council health committee, upon whom and the other members of that
committee has rested the burden of placing the sewer bond question up
for vote after months of study of the question, in an interview today."We have done our best, as we see it, and now that the bonds are defeated, will continue within limited means at our disposal to do so, in regard to the septic tank situation. The situation now faced by the city administration is a puzzling one, but the voters shifted the main responsibility from our shoulders." President O. O. Alenderfer of the chamber of commerce had no comment to make today on the result of the election and future resumption of steps to remedy the septic tank situation, beyond the fact that in view of the depression and general abhorrence of most property owners of increasing their taxes, it was not surprising that the bond issue was defeated, even though a meritorious measure. He further added that when the election commotion has died away and the people had resumed their normal state of mind, no doubt the city officials and other leading citizens would decide the future course to be pursued in bringing about septic tank reformation. In the meantime he recommended that everyone go on about his or her daily business and forget all sewer talk. Medford Mail Tribune, July 16, 1931, page 1 MEDFORD SUED FOR DAMAGES FROM
Suit was filed in the circuit court this afternoon by Horace E. Peyton
and his wife, Mildred G. Peyton, against the city of Medford for
alleged damages accruing from the sludge from a broken sewer pipe and
overflow from the septic tank upon his land, consisting of three lots
lying on the Bear Creek bottoms, near the northern city limits. It is
said to be the first of several similar damage suits contemplated. The
Peytons are represented by the law firm of Crews & Codding.The Peytons allege in their complaint that by reason of the sludge overflow their land has been rendered worthless for gardening, that they have been forced to move their home because of the stench, and that their pasture has been ruined and they were forced to move their cows. The complaint also sets forth that the land is valuable for residential and gardening purposes but is rendered well-nigh worthless under the present conditions, and that the city has been "carelessly, willfully and wantonly negligent" in remedying conditions. It is stated that the Peytons for some time have been endeavoring to have the city alleviate the conditions. The land involved in the suit consists of three lots in the John R. Crews subdivision. Medford Mail Tribune, August 3, 1931, page 1 NEW PLAN FOR SEWAGE URGED BY
A new plan to take care of the sewage disposal situation was broached
to the city officials at last night's council meeting by a
self-constituted committee of public-spirited and well-known citizens,
who believe that the present septic tank situation is a municipal
menace to health and an emergency, which must be rectified as soon as
possible.Citizens Group Asks Council Hire Outside Engineer-- Build Emergency Unit of Sewage Disposal Plant The citizens' committee decided on the tentative plan at their meeting June 24, and C. E. (Pop) Gates, the chairman of the committee, laid its details before the council last night. The proposed plan met with the informal approval of the four city councilmen present--P. M. Kershaw, J. O. Grey, C. C. Furnas and Geo. W. Porter, and Mayor E. M. Wilson. The absence of Councilmen C. A. Meeker, W. W. Allen, D. R. Terrett and C. C. Darby prevented the council having a quorum, and action on the plan will be taken at a meeting of the council tonight. Employ Engineer
In brief, as outlined by chairman Gates, the plan is to have the city
employ the services as soon as possible of a skilled outside sewer
engineer of reputation, to draw up plans and specifications for a new
sewage disposal system, and for the city in accordance with these plans
to build a possible emergency unit as the first construction of the new
system, to remedy the worst evils of the present inadequate septic tank
sufficiently to get by in the present emergency.To employ such an engineer and to build the emergency unit, the city could borrow the money from the banks, put the estimated cost in the city budget for next year, and pay back the money to the banks out of next year's taxes. Following out of this plan would avoid any unnecessary delay, the committee points out. Mr. Gates said that the city government had borrowed money for municipal emergency matters in past years, successfully, and notably during his own terms as mayor. Time for Action
"We are up against an emergency, and it is time to act," said Mr. Gates
in his introductory remarks. "The people would be with you in making
use of such a plan."He further explained that the committee of citizens had taken up the sewage disposal situation in efforts to help the city administration out of a bad dilemma--the city government not having the money on hand to construct a new disposal system, and the bond issue of $235,000 for that purpose having been defeated. The committee would cooperate with the city officials in every way, he pledged, if their services were agreeable. He told of the meeting of the 12 public-spirited citizens at which the plan was evolved. Twenty such citizens had been invited to the meeting, but only 12 attended. It was the consensus of opinion of that committee, he said, that in defeating the bond issue the voters were not opposed to the mayor, council, or City Superintendent Fred Scheffel, but were opposed only to passing such a big bond issue at this time. Job for Specialist
He declared that it was an injustice to City Superintendent Scheffel
that he should be called on to outline a new sewage disposal system.
That was a job solely for a sanitary specialist engineer, he said, and
such an engineer must be employed, in the estimation of the committee,
to draw the plans and specifications of the sewage system, of which
Medford is in such dire need."Most of the cities up and down the coast are up against this problem of establishing new sewage disposal systems," said Mr. Gates, in referring to the Medford situation, "and we think that considering the urgent necessity of taking remedial measures to do away with the worst features of the present septic tank until a new disposal system can be built, the plan we have suggested despite the fact of the city lacking ready funds for the purpose, is possible. "Most any person or organization can do a thing in an ordinary way, but this is an extraordinary problem and there is a way out, as we have outlined. Sufficient money can be borrowed from the banks to employ a specialist engineer and get rid of the worst features of the present septic tank system, until an entire new sewage disposal plant can be constructed." In the informal talk that followed on the suggested plan between members of the citizens' committee and city officials, it was fairly tentatively agreed that the citizens' committee would enlarge its membership from 12 to 16 members, which enlargement would be reported back to the city council meeting tonight, and that the latter committee would cooperate in selecting an engineer specialist and also in the future in solving the sewage problem. Adoption Forecast
outlook is that the city
council tonight will formally adopt the citizens' committee proffered
solution plan.The proposed enlarged citizens' committee is as follows: W. J. Warner, Geo. Schumaker, C. E. Gates, V. J. Emerick, Ray Tucker, F. N. Cummings, E. C. Koppen, Olen Arnspiger, Paul B. Rynning, Dr. E. B. Pickel, Dr. R. E. Green, Dr. A. E. Dodson, Eugene Thorndike, F. E. Wahl, Scott V. Davis and J. S. Orth. The members of the original citizens' committee, which met June 24th, was as follows: W. J. Warner, Geo. Schumaker, C. E. Gates, Ray Tucker, F. C. Cummings, E. C. Koppen, H. O. Olsen, Paul B. Rynning, Dr. E. B. Pickel, Dr. R. E. Green, Dr. A. E. Dodson and Eugene Thorndike. Resolution Adopted.
following is the formal resolution adopted by the citizens' meeting on
July 24th:"Resolved, that it is the consensus of this committee that the city council should employ a competent consulting engineer, one who makes a specialty of outlining and planning sewerage disposal systems, for the purpose of making plans and specifications for a sewerage disposal system sufficient for the present and also the future needs of the city of Medford and the estimated cost of same; a system which would take care of our future needs and outlined in such a manner that we could build at once, or as soon as advisable, that part of the system that is necessary at the present time, and that it should be planned in such a manner that when the need arose for any additional work, it could be proceeded with from the plans submitted without any further engineering expense. "It is also recommended that the finances necessary for the employment of said engineer be raised immediately and the same be placed in the budget this fall and collected and paid for out of next year's taxes." Medford Mail Tribune, August 5, 1931, page 1 SECOND SUIT FOR SEWAGE DAMAGES
Suit was filed today in the circuit court by Alex Benson and wife
against the city of Medford for $5000 damages alleged to have been
caused by the septic tank overflow. It is the second suit of a similar
nature, for the same amount, to be filed against the city within the
week. Attorney Allison Moulton represents the Bensons.Alex Benson of North Suburb Asks $5000 from City-- Land Rendered Unfit for Cultivation, Claim Benson, a dairyman and small farmer living near the north city limits, alleges in the complaint that owing to the overflow of sludge from the septic tank and sewer, his land has been rendered unfit for cultivation, and the water of Bear Creek contaminated to such an extent that his cows cannot drink it. He further alleges that he has been forced to move, owing to the unsanitary conditions. The Benson place is a quarter of a mile below the septic tank. Medford Mail Tribune, August 7, 1931, page 1 ALLOT NO FUNDS FOR CLEANING OF
It developed today that the city council decided within the past week
to forgo putting any appropriation in the budget for next year's
expenses paving the way for construction of a new sewage disposal
system, or improvement of the old septic tank, and that the city budget
committee of eight prominent citizens, which has been holding frequent
meetings the past two weeks on budget matters, is divided on the
question, or was until early this afternoon, as half of them were in
sympathy with the city council's attitude.The citizens' budget committee, however, visited the septic tank and vicinity early this afternoon to study the situation there, as most of its members had never visited the scene. It may be that as a result of this visit an item for cleaning out and improving the septic tank, or the city's hiring of an expert sanitary engineer to make a survey and prepare plans for the building of a sewage disposal plant in the future, may be inserted in the 1932 budget of city expenses, which will be considered and voted on at a joint meeting of the city council and citizens' budget committee tonight. The attitude of the city officials against any appropriation being made for septic tank cleaning and improvements, or for taking any steps in the budget for a new disposal system, is mainly due to their peeve at the state board of health, and partly to economy. It is said that the city superintendent had placed in the estimate of expenses for his department in 1932 an item of $10,000 for cleaning and improvements of the septic tank, and had planned to begin a cleaning this week, but that the council informally decided to spend no money for that purpose this winter, holding that nature would cleanse the septic tank and surroundings by copious rains during the fall, winter and spring, and that there would be plenty of water in Bear Creek during the summer. The claim is that the council preferred to take this chance. The city officials' peeve at the state board of health is that after that board had threatened Medford with everything except extermination prior to and during the campaign to have a bond issue of over $200,000 passed last summer for a new sewage disposal system, since the voters turned down that issue the board of health has done nothing, nor even threatened anything, and left the city council holding the sack. The city officials had made a hard campaign to influence the voters in favor of the bond issue, and one of the main arguments stressed outside of the health menace of the old septic tank was that the state board of health demanded and had the power to make the city establish a new disposal system. They claim that it still has that power, but does nothing. Medford Mail Tribune, October 28, 1931, page 1 COUNCIL PRODDED BY HEALTH HEAD ON
The city officials quietly smiled last night at the city council
meeting when W. W. Allen, chairman of the health committee of the
council, read before that body a communication Mayor Wilson had
received from Secretary Frederick D. Stricker of the State Board of
Health, on the septic tank situation, as the council had, in
cooperation with the citizens budget committee, already taken the steps
he advised in this missive, when they adopted the tentative city budget
last week.The communication read as follows: "Complaints are still being made regarding the nuisance in Bear Creek created by sewage from the city of Medford. Even though the people last July voted against a bond issue for the construction of a modern disposal sewage plant, the plant is as badly needed as ever and some solution to the problem should be found. "Probably the best procedure would be to obtain the services of a well-known competent engineer to make a study of the city's needs and prepare a report for the city. I have previously advised that this be done, but to date no such report has been prepared and submitted to this office for approval. "We feel that if a report from a competent engineer is presented to the people and the need of the improvement is clearly demonstrated by an educational program, the citizens of Medford will approve of the bonds necessary to construct a sewage disposal plant." Medford Mail Tribune, November 4, 1931, page 12 INSTALL DRAIN FOR WEST SIDE
The city government is still providing employment for 25 men each week
in emergency relief work, the personnel changing weekly. The work being
done this week involves the construction of a drain in the alley
between Rose and Summit avenues and West Main and Fourth streets, and
of cleaning Bear Creek north of the Jackson Street bridge. Emergency
relief workers recently completed the grading of gutters along Cedar
Creek between Jackson and Clark streets.When the drain is finished in the alley immediately east of Rose Avenue, between West Fourth Street and Main Street, an improvement contemplated for years past, it will be of much importance to the west side of the city, as it is expected to put a stop to the flow of water during heavy rains in the south gutter of West Main, between Laurel and the west end. This improvement is expected to be completed by the end of the week. The ditch has already been dug as far as West Main Street, and the laying of pipe will begin today or tomorrow. Medford Mail Tribune, March 2, 1932, page 7
At an expense of $2000, which is $400 less than the city budget item
allowed for that purpose, the extension of the storm drain to drain an
area of 350 acres in the southwestern part of the city, water from
which previously for years escaped to West Main Street and flooded the
latter's gutter as far east as Oakdale Avenue during rainy periods,
will have been completed by late this afternoon.This work was begun under City Superintendent Scheffel's supervision with regular and emergency city relief employees over two weeks ago, and consisted of excavating and laying a large drain pipe from West Fourth Street underground in the alley behind Rose Avenue between West Fourth Street and West Main Street. On West Fourth Street this drain will connect with the big drain sewer extending to Jackson Street and on out to Bear Creek near the Medford Concrete and Construction Company plant. The city officials hope to further extend the drain from Washington Street, where it now ends, on to Stewart Avenue next year. The completion of the extension today means that henceforth it will catch the water flowing into West Main Street from the southwestern section and intercept it at the new connection, thus doing away with the flooding of the gutter on West Main. Medford Mail Tribune, March 14, 1932, page 5 SEWER BOND ISSUE TO PROVIDE WORK IN WINTER DAYS
The sewer bond issue upon which the electors of the city will vote on
the 28th day of July will accomplish a great deal towards relieving the
unemployment situation here in Medford, it was pointed out today by
Chamber of Commerce officials. It is estimated that an expenditure of
$100,000 in the sewer system here will give employment for 75 men for
an eight months period. To complete the job it will take 90 thousand
man working hours.In addition to this, employment naturally will be created in those plants which supply materials, such as sand and gravel plants and others. The sewage disposal plan worked out by the Chamber of Commerce and passed by the city council is one of many in the Pacific Northwest which it is hoped to finance through the aid of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. In Oregon alone the following cities have applied for funds to either build new sewage systems or rehabilitate old systems: Astoria, Baker, Eugene, McMinnville, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, and Medford. In the state of Washington, over 35 applications have been submitted by communities for funds to perfect sewage systems. The city of Baker recently voted $104,000 for a sewage disposal plant, and although already approved by the voters, expects to finance it through the R.F.C. It is believed that the employment side of the public works program will be given considerable attention, and there can be no doubt, it is pointed out by chamber officials, that a project to employ 75 men for eight months is worthy of earnest thought by the citizens of Medford. Medford Mail Tribune, July 16, 1933, page 5 ADDITIONAL SEWER FACILITY SEEN AS HEALTH INSURANCE
The question of Medford's sewer system, upon which the voters of the
city will decide on July 28, is of vital importance from a health
standpoint, it was pointed out by chamber of commerce officials today
in the following statement:"The major portion of the sewage of the community is now discharged through a septic tank into Bear Creek. The purification of the sewage effected by the existing septic tank is very limited, as is to be expected from that type of tank. There is a further discharge of some sewage from a number of small tanks serving the low-lying areas along Bear Creek between Jackson and Cottage streets. "The creek below Medford is obviously polluted, and there is no question that works for the prevention of this pollution should be undertaken. A community of the size of Medford (about 12,000 population) should require for the dilution of its sewage of stream flow of upwards of 72 cubic feet per second. The flow in Bear Creek is leas than this amount during the summer months. "In addition to the nuisance aspect of the pollution of Bear Creek by the sewage of Medford, there should also be considered the fact that the water of Bear Creek below Medford is used for irrigation, for stock watering, and that public water supplies are taken from the Rogue River into which Bear Creek discharges about 10 miles below Medford. The discharge of sewage into water subject to these uses is not only undesirable, but a likely danger to the public health. "The problem in Medford also relates to the capacity of some of the existing sewers. The present Riverside trunk sewer is considerably overloaded at times so that sewage bubbles out of manholes and flows along the street. The Jackson Street sewer, where it crosses Bear Creek and also for several blocks to the east, is also overloaded and has been found to be difficult to maintain. Relief of these sewers is desirable. "The major objectives of a sewage disposal project in Medford are thus (a) the removal of sewage pollution from Bear Creek, (b) the relief of present inadequate and overloaded sewers, and (c) the elimination of septic tanks and septic tank overflow close to built-up sections of the city. The present disposal of sewage in Medford is unsatisfactory, therefore, and should be corrected." The state board of health, of which Dr. Frederick Stricker is state health officer, has ordered that Medford build a sewage disposal plant because the city of Medford is subject to further damage suits if the present pollution in Bear Creek continues. Already the city has been sued and was compelled to pay approximately a thousand dollars. A similar situation existed in La Grande, Oregon, some years ago, and as the result of a typhoid epidemic, which cost the city over six thousand dollars, the voters authorized bonds to the extent of $105,000 to build a plant which has been in successful operation ever since. A similar condition existed in Baker, Oregon, and within the past year the citizens in that community voted $104,000 for a plant. By virtue of the fact that Medford will seek R.F.C. funds to the extent of $100,000, of which 30 percent is an outright donation, there should be no difficulty in receiving an overwhelming vote on July 28th if only to prevent further damage suits being brought against the city. Medford Mail Tribune, July 18, 1933, page 1 STATE, FEDERAL SUPPORT GIVEN SEWER PROJECT
For probably the first time in the history of Medford voters will be
asked on Friday, July 28, to authorize the issuance of bonds for a
sewer system with both the backing of the national administration and
the governor of the state, it was pointed out by chamber of commerce
officials today.With both Portland and Grants Pass having already voted on a similar proposition, expecting to obtain R.F.C. funds for same, it is believed that citizens of Medford will fall in line and approve the $100,000 bond issue in order to give the city an adequate and up-to-date sewage disposal plan. Under the terms of the loan to be obtained from the federal government, $30,000 of the total expenditure will be an outright gift, with the remaining $70,000 to be paid over a period of 30 years at 4 percent interest. It is pointed out by officials of the city administration and the chamber of commerce that there may never come a time again when the money will be so easily available, and it is hoped that voters will take advantage of the situation existing. "The opportunity to obtain a sewage disposal plan now on such easy terms," stated Mr. Bolger, chamber president today, "is one which should be taken every advantage of. The fact that $30,000 will be donated and that the remainder of the money can be borrowed at 4 percent makes the proposition so attractive that it would be a crime not to take advantage of it." "The building of a sewage disposal plant in Medford will greatly assist the unemployment situation here and will be in keeping with the program of President Roosevelt in putting men back to work," further stated Mr. Bolger. The health angle must also not be forgotten, and while one or two small suits have been brought against the city already, it is barely possible that others of larger proportions may be instituted in the future unless something is done to rectify the situation. A partial survey made by the chamber of commerce would indicate that the bond issue will obtain practically 100 percent support. The chamber of commerce, city council, newspapers, and many other organizations in the city have gone on record in favor of the sewer bonds, and it is hoped that a big vote wilt turn out on Friday in order to give the bonds an overwhelming majority. Medford has pledged itself to support the unemployment program as outlined by Hugh S. Johnson, administrator of the National Recovery Administration, and an affirmative vote next Friday on the sewer bonds will let him know that our promise was really meant and was not just a gesture. It is the intention of the chamber of commerce to advise President Roosevelt and Mr. Johnson regarding the sewer bond issue immediately after the final returns show that a majority favor the same. Medford Mail Tribune, July 25, 1933, page 2 The bonds were approved, 570-213. EIGHT-MONTH JOB FOR 75 MEN ON SEWER PROJECT
Seventy-five men will be employed for a period of eight months on the
construction and installation, if Medford's application for federal
funds for sewage plant construction is approved, City Superintendent
Fred Scheffel announced today.A total of 90,000 working hours will be required for the project. The exact type of treatment plant to be installed has not been decided upon. It will be determined after word is received from Washington. Medford is anticipating approval of the local application, as the need is great and the project in keeping with those advocated under the public works recovery program. Senator James T. Chinnock of Grants Pass was here today to view copies of Medford's application, to be used in preparation of a similar application for the climatic city, which is also asking funds for sewage plant construction. If Medford's application is approved by the federal board, Mr. Scheffel stated, the city will be in a position to start work on the project two weeks after the application is granted. Medford Mail Tribune, August 2, 1933, page 5 47 TOWNS AIDING OREGON STREAM CLEANUP PLANS
WASHINGTON, D.C.--"Let's Clean Up!" said Governor Julius Meier of
Oregon to state, city and county officials. This did not apply to
gangsters, racketeers and what have you, but to a far more deadly
menace to the citizens of not only Oregon, but every state in the
union--pollution, the pollution of public waters, which is creating
disease that is taking an unknown toll of human life every day in every
state, according to the American Game Association.And forthwith a statewide campaign was started. Mass meetings were held, bond issues voted two-or-more-to-one by the good citizens once they were apprised of the real menace of pollution. And now forty-seven cities and towns in Oregon have application for sewage disposal plants pending before the National Industrial Recovery Act. The federal government makes an outright gift of 30 percent of public works labor and materials costs on self-liquidating projects, with the remainder to be retired not by taxes but from nominal service charges, and it will lend money for the 70 percent remainder. Every city and town that dumps its sewage into public waters can take advantage of this offer and build long-needed sewage disposal plants and stop the pollution of streams, officials of the American Game Association point out. William L. Finley, author, naturalist and celebrated explorer, citizen of Portland, fighting for years to end pollution of streams, outlines some of the benefits of water purification or rather prevention of stream pollution. "Such an opportunity to end stream pollution in Oregon may never come again," Mr. Finley says. "The movement is on to get every community in the state to work for clean streams. This will relieve unemployment; it will save the valuable runs of salmon in public waters, improve public health and encourage outdoor recreation. The plan is to make Oregon the first state in the union where stream pollution has been abolished and to build up her outdoor resources to the benefit of all the people." Medford Mail Tribune, September 20, 1933, page 7 BEAR CREEK MAY FLOW ONCE MORE
Efforts of Valley Towns to Secure Sewage Disposal Plants Gives Hopes for End of Stream Pollution
possibility that within the near future Bear Creek will no longer be
polluted by sewage disposed at various points along its course is
becoming apparent with the continued efforts of valley officials to
secure federal aid for the installation of sewage treatment plants.
Besides the plant at Medford, now under construction, applications have been filed with the PWA for disposal plants at Ashland, Talent and Central Point. Plants at those municipalities would mean the elimination of much contamination of the waters of Bear Creek, which has been a source of considerable vexation in the valley for many years. Applications from Ashland have been on file for some time, and word from the PWA is now being awaited. Talent and Central Point both recently followed suit. Talent Plan Extensive.
Neff and Frohnmayer
announced that the application sent PWA engineer C. C. Hockley for a
plant at Talent calls for an expenditure of $33,625, which would
include both a sewer system and a disposal plant. If the application is
granted, 45 percent of the total would be received in form of a federal
grant, and the other 55 percent as a loan. The application papers have
been sent to Washington, D.C., after a preliminary examination by
Hockley. The plans have already met with the approval of the state
board of health, according to word received here from Frederick
Stricker, state health officer.The plant, which would cost approximately $13,300, allowing about $15,500 for installation of the sewer system, exclusive of engineering and other fees, would be located near Bear Creek, about a quarter mile from the center of the town. The sewer system would do away with all backhouses and septic tanks. P. H. Walker of Ashland has been employed as engineer for the project, with Greeley and Hansen of Chicago consulting engineer. Central Point Applies.
Harry Skyrman,
representing the Central Point application, stated that a plant in that
city, where an adequate concrete sewer system is already in use, would
cost approximately $16,000, of which 45 percent would be a federal
grant and the remainder a loan.The application has been sent to Hockley, and officials are now awaiting its approval or disapproval. The plant would be constructed on the banks of Bear Creek north of the city. A bond issue in Central Point is contemplated if the plant is authorized, attorney Skyrman stated, and some funds are already on hand. In investigating the possibilities of the local disposal plant, it was proved that sewage so treated is pure, and that if all sources of sewage were provided with a plant, Bear Creek would be as clean as any mountain stream. Steps are expected to be taken for installation of a plant at Phoenix in the future, although no application for this remaining source of contamination has yet been made. If pollution of the stream is eliminated, one of the benefits would be a great improvement in fishing conditions, as pure water would encourage increased numbers of salmon, steelhead and trout to seek the headwaters of the creek. Another benefit mentioned today by a prominent Medford man would be the possibility of constructing a dam for a swimming pool in this city. Medford Mail Tribune, September 18, 1935, page 1 BEAR CREEK ONCE SPAWNING STREAM
At one time
Bear Creek was known as one of the finest, if not the finest, spawning
beds in the United States, due to the purity of its water, depth of
water, frequency of shallow riffles and direction in which it flowed.
With the advent of civilization, however, it has become an open sewer. Purification Planned
Now, according to officials, it may again become useful for a spawning
stream, as the water that is left in it will be purified by sewage
disposal plants.Medford has already started a disposal plant which will purify the sewage coming from Medford, and Talent and Ashland are planning to build like plants, if PWA loans can be arranged. Central Point Has Plans
Medford News, September
20, 1935, page 1
Central Point
is also talking about a new plant, according to Attorney Harry Skyrman,
city attorney for that city.
Since the only water that flows in Bear Creek during the summer months is sewage, all other water being taken for irrigation, it has become necessary, for a health measure, to purify the sewage. From Medford down to Rogue River the stench is terrible during the summer, and a type of grass entirely foreign to the clear mountain streams of Southern Oregon has grown up in the creek, giving it a swampish look that never existed before. Time was, and not so very long ago either, when Bear Creek was the best trout stream in the valley, with steelhead and salmon spawning in it by the thousands. Irrigation and sewage, however, mostly the former, have reduced Bear Creek to a mere trickle of its former self. DISPOSAL PLANT NOW HALF DONE
Favorable Weather Helps Stuart Speed Completion of Project
Due to favorable weather and "rush" orders, Medford's new sewage
disposal plant is practically one-half completed, according to R. I.
Stuart, general contractor.
Six Tanks Completed Six of the 10 tanks are completed, with only four more to complete. Concrete has all been poured in the six. The aeration tank, the largest of the 10, is under construction, the building of forms in the 47-by-138-foot tank following closely upon excavation by the huge gasoline shovel. The big aeration tank will be 15 feet deep. Tanks which are completed, according to D. L. Buckingham, PWA inspector, include the sludge digestion tank, preliminary treatment, settling and contact. Weekly Payroll 40 Men The weekly payroll averages about 40 men, Buckingham said, and work is progressing more rapidly than expected. "When the disposal plant is in operation," Buckingham said, "the water will be as clean and pure as when it comes from the faucets. The water flowing out of the disposal plant over at Baker was as clean as any mountain stream. Fish live and propagate in it as well as in a mountain stream." The plant will cover two acres of ground, according to K. V. Hill, resident engineer for Medford, who helps to supervise construction of the project. Progress Better Now "We are making good progress now that bird hunting season is over," Hill said. "I used to have a hard time keeping Miles Stuart on the job. We should be done two months ahead of schedule, if we don't have any bad weather." Hundreds of tons of gravel are being shoveled around the project in filling up low places with the dirt taken out in excavation. They are still taking out almost pure gravel in the bottom of the pit for the big aeration tank, indicating that Bear Creek has done some fancy roaring around in its day. The new tank project is being built adjoining the old septic tank and is near the airport road, just a short way from where the P. and E. tracks cross the highway. Medford News, December 20, 1935, page 1 NEW SEWAGE PLANT READY BY JULY 1
Work 95 Percent Complete, Many Men Given Work
Medford's new sewage disposal plant is 95 percent completed now and
should be in operation by July 1, according to City Engineer Fred
Main construction has been completed, and now all that remains is making connections, completing the trunk line sewer to connect with the new plant, and other finishing touches. Will Purify Stream "When the disposal plant is in operation," Scheffel said, "about 90 percent of all Medford's sewage will go through the plant. Part of the sewage is from the South Sea Addition, which cannot be connected with the main trunk line, Another trunk line will be necessary before this can be put through the disposal plant." R. I. Stuart and Sons, contractors, have been working hard to complete the job as early as possible, and will soon be ready to turn the plant over to the city. Sportsmen of the community are particularly pleased with the new plant, because it will mark a big step toward the abolition of pollution in Rogue River, which has been a bad factor in keeping fish life built up to par. With Ashland and Talent both building new disposal systems, Bear Creek will be a good spawning bed once again. The plant was built with PWA help and is one of the many useful projects made possible by the present administration. Besides providing a civic asset, and adding to the civic wealth, the project has provided work for a large number of men all winter. Medford News, June 17, 1936, page 1 DISPOSAL PLANT SET TO OPERATE
Sewage To Start Through Today in Official Test
new $120,000 sewage disposal plant will be formally opened and "tested"
today, according to plans of city officials late yesterday, marking the
first completed step in a campaign to not only purify Rogue River, but
to protect the health of the Rogue River Valley.
Started about eight months ago, the new disposal plant, built by R. I. Stuart and Sons, has progressed rapidly. Yesterday workmen were hard at it to install filters and gauges, the last finishing touches. Purification Immediate "Purification of the water should start immediately," City Superintendent Fred Scheffel said. "It will take a month or two for the sludge tank to get in operation, but the water coming out of the plant should be immediately purified. It will take about 24 hours for it to get filled up." K. V. Hill, engineer for Greeley and Hansen, designers of the plant, is supervising the final work and will make tests today. Samuel Greeley is expected here Thursday. Costs Medford $86,000 The $120,000 system, of which Medford put up bonds for $86,000 and the Public Works Administration about $34,000, will be one of the most modern in the United States. The Medford bonds will be repaid in 10 years by taking six percent of the present water assessment. An average of 35 men have been employed since the work started eight months ago, greatly relieving the unemployment situation in Medford. Porter To Officiate If plans as made yesterday work out, Mayor George Porter will throw the switch that turns the sewage into the new plant. City officials are planning a quiet ceremony to mark the huge step in civic progress represented by the plant. "The bad odor of Bear Creek will likely persist for a month or two," Scheffel said, "because the old sewage has caught on roots and vegetation growing along the creek, and it will take time before it decomposes, but later this fall the bad odor should all be gone. Next summer you'll see a different Bear Creek." To Change Vegetation "Grass around the old septic tank formed a regular jungle," Scheffel said. "Sweet clover, ordinarily six or seven [inches] high, was 10 and 15 [inches] high. The entire growth of grass along Bear Creek that is characteristic of open sewers, and such as we see along Bear Creek, will change in a year or two to natural grass again." No definite hour was set for cutting the sewage over from the septic tank to the disposal plant. Medford News, July 22, 1936, page 1 INSPECTOR SAYS DISPOSAL PLANT IS
H. Corey inspector for public works projects in Oregon, Idaho,
Washington and Montana, was in Medford early this week inspecting the
new sewage disposal plant which is now ready for operation. While in
this district Corey also inspected the Ashland Normal gymnasium and the
Kerby school house.
Corey said that Medford has received an excellent bargain in its disposal plant, and complimented engineer Hill for his good work. Medford News, July 24, 1936, page 1 DISPOSAL PLANT WORKING WELL
the month of December Medford's new sewage disposal plant functioned
very effectively, it is shown in the report submitted by John A. Clark,
superintendent. The effluent, or treated sewage, is of sparkling clear
water as it enters Bear Creek, free of all noticeable suspended organic
Relative stability tests show that the effluent contains enough dissolved oxygen to more than satisfy the small oxygen demand for a period of at least 20 days. Results from the sludge or solid matter standpoint have not been so satisfactory, he reported, due to a minor breakdown in November, which caused loss of use of the digester for 10 days. The lower or oldest portion of sludge in the digester is now completely digested, however, and will soon be withdrawn to the drying beds. A beautification program at the plant is now under way, with 10 youths working under auspices of the national youth administration, Fred Scheffel, city superintendent, reported. Brush is now being cleared along the banks of Bear Creek and the road serviced. Shrubbery will be planted and the ground leveled for seeding. Medford News, January 15, 1937, page 1 Flies Cause Cost of Sewage Plant
to Exceed Limit
are always arising to plague City Engineer Fred Scheffel, and sometimes
he's in quite a quandary as to what to do about them. Take Medford's
sewage disposal plant, for instance.
Cost of operating the plant is about $3000 a year more than it was estimated that it would cost, and now he's faced with getting that cost down. Acids to Blame Reason for the additional cost is not so much the domestic users of water as it is industrial concerns in the city that use acids in their work and flush the acids into the sewer. Packing houses have been forced to use acids in cleaning fruit, but in the past two years most of the fruit packing houses have installed equipment that neutralizes these acids before they go into the sewer. When raw acids go down the sewer and get to the disposal plant, they disrupt [the] normal process of treating the sewage and run up [the] cost of operating the plant many times over. Another of the main sources of trouble, Superintendent Scheffel said, is the cannery and the catsup factory in Medford. These two plants turn their acids into the sewer and greatly increase cost of operating the plant. Half of Expense "In fact," Superintendent Scheffel said, "cost of treating sewage from these two plants approximates the entire cost of treating all the domestic sewage in the city." The cannery and catsup factory are not entirely to blame, however. Petition Real Cause A few years ago, they dumped their refuse into a huge vat, where it dried and was sold to farmers for hog feed. The vat drew flies by the billions, and residents living close to the cannery presented a petition to the council asking that the cannery and catsup plant be enjoined from putting their cannery refuse in the vat and thus drawing flies. The two industries were glad to cooperate, and the cannery installed huge ball grinders, at a cost of more than $1000, and ground up their refuse and dumped it in the sewer. That brought about the present situation of costing the city a lot of money to treat the sewage with the acid in it. The neighbors got rid of the flies, however, even though it did cost the cannery and catsup factory a lot of money. Furthermore, they used to realize a revenue from the refuse they sold to the farmers. Now they do not. Medford News, October 15, 1937, page 1 Oregon is doing much to eliminate the pollution of its streams, and Medford was one of the first towns to provide itself with a sewage treatment plant. The process consists of primary sedimentation, sludge, storage, sludge digestion, chemical treatment of the effluent and its discharge into Bear Creek, and sludge drying. The small structure illustrated is one of the two buildings on the project, and as no inflammable materials are stored in it, the construction is entirely of frame except the concrete floor and foundation walls. The basement houses controls, valves, etc. The project was completed in July 1936 at a construction cost of $105,628 and a project cost of $120,946. Public Buildings: A Survey of Architecture of Projects Constructed by Federal or Other Governmental Bodies Between the Years 1933 and 1939 with the Assistance of the Public Works Administration, Government Printing Office 1939, page 464 The link includes a photograph and floor plan of the blower building, as well as a scale plan of the sewage plant. Our Sewage Improvement
voters should, in the light of common decency, support part of the city
improvement program which will be voted upon at a special election to
be held June 12. The rest of the program could better be held up for
"post-war" building.
This newspaper has consistently insisted that proper care of municipal sewage is necessary if a municipality is to call itself a civilized one. When Medford dumps untreated sewage into Bear Creek, allowing that sewage to pollute the waters of Bear Creek and of Rogue River for the entire length of the valley, Medford does not live up to the standard of a decent and civilized municipality. And that is what Medford is doing now. Therefore, we feel that support of the proposals to improve the Medford sewage disposal plant, and improve the sanitary sewer system for the east side of the city, are mandatory. We cannot imagine anyone voting against them, except persons who have absolutely no sense of decency. Medford News, June 1, 1945, page 4 CONSTRUCTION OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL
PLANT ON BALLOT Proposed Sewer System To Replace Inadequate Facilities; To Cost $313,000.
of the civic improvement projects to be included in the special bond
election June 12 are a necessity from the standpoint of health and
sanitation, according to city officials. These are construction of a
new trunk line sanitary sewer and enlargement of the sewage disposal
plant. The trunk sewer would cost in the neighborhood of $78,000 and
the plant enlargement about $235,000.
The proposed sanitary sewer would run the length of the city from the South C addition to the disposal plant and would serve certain south side sections now without sewer connections. Several blocks of houses and business places in the vicinity of Bear Creek cannot connect with the present trunk line because they lie below its course, according to Frank Rogers, city superintendent, and the new sewer would serve these. Line Overlooked
At present
the west side trunk
line is greatly overloaded, especially in certain seasons, it is
stated, making it necessary at times to bypass the sewage directly into
Bear Creek under the Jackson Street bridge. During heavy rains and
flood periods, many residences in certain areas have sewage backed up
into drainpipes, and "spouting" sewers are a common sight on the
streets. Construction of the sanitary trunk line would relieve this
overload on the west side.An overload of about 100 percent is now being forced through the sewage disposal plant, according to the city superintendent. As a result, at certain times it is necessary to dump raw sewage into the river and at no time is the sewage processed the proper length of time, he states. Built for a capacity load of 1,200,000 gallons of sewage daily, the plant is now forced to carry from 2,000,000 to 2,500,000 a day, and when the figure rises above this, the sewage is simply bypassed into the river. To Provide Digester
unsanitary conditions have
brought remonstrances from the state board of health from time to time,
and the condition should be corrected as soon as possible, city
officials declare. The sum of $235,000 will not only enlarge the plant
to the point where it will handle present and future sewage disposal
needs but will also provide a digester large enough to handle garbage
as well if in some future time this is found necessary.Medford Mail Tribune, June 5, 1945, page 1 The ballot measure passed. City Studies Feasibility of Using
Camp White Sewage Plant
Medford Mail Tribune, August
Recent listing of Camp White as surplus to the needs of the War
Department has renewed thought here concerning the feasibility of
Medford acquiring the sewage and garbage disposal units at the camp as
an alternative to enlargement of the present city treatment plant on
Biddle Road.
In a recent letter to the North Pacific Division Engineer's office of the army in Portland, city officials requested first consideration for the purchase of the two army camp utilities. They also inquired concerning the price the government might ask for the installations. Further expansion of the city's present disposal plant is being held up until facts regarding the alternative project are gained and given public consideration. The necessity of enlarging Medford's sewage and garbage facilities has long been foreseen by city authorities, according to the city superintendent's office, which points out that architects are now working on plans and specifications for enlarging the Biddle Road plant. Citizens of the community recognized the problem a year ago last spring by approving a $235,000 bond issue for making additions to the utility. The bonds, however, have not yet been sold. Garbage Problem
Some new means of garbage disposal may be necessary in about five
years, the city superintendent's office has reported, as space
available for the sanitary fill process may run out.Because the Camp White disposal plant, one-half mile west of Bybee bridge, is recognized as one of the finest in the Northwest--James R. Hughs from the division engineer's office in Portland made a statement to that effect here recently--the alternative propositions may well be considered. Analysis of the two projects was undertaken in a preliminary survey by John Cunningham and Associates, consulting engineers of Portland. A report on their study was published for the City of Medford in March 1945. 35,000 Capacity
Sewage treatment installations at the camp, of the two-stage high-rate
filtration type, are designed and built for a population of 35,000. For
the destruction of refuse three incinerators, each having 10 tons
capacity per day, were erected at the cantonment.If Medford should acquire the plant, an outfall sewer line six and one-half or seven miles in length would have to be constructed. What price the government might ask for the Camp White utilities is not known, but the consulting engineers, assuming that the cost might be determined by the scrap value of the equipment, have guessed a probable price of $30,000. Their estimate of the expense to Medford of the necessary outfall according to prices at the time of the report was $200,000. A total of $230,000, they then judged, might be involved in harnessing the plant to Medford. This did not include the cost of additional land at the site which the city might need. Must Figure Growth
The Cunningham report recognized that the population here may increase
to at least 20,000 in the next 25 to 40 years and determined that if
Medford's activated sludge sewage treatment plant were enlarged, it
should be constructed to accommodate a city of 25,000 in order to allow
for industrial growth here. A more current survey, made by A. D. Harvey
for the city water commission last spring, established that trends
indicated that Medford population might approximate 20,000 by 1965. On
the basis of cost levels over a year and one-half ago, the consulting
engineers thought that required additions to the plant would amount to
$175,000.Should the city decide to process garbage and burn refuse at the present sewage treatment unit site, another sum of $81,500 would be entailed. Expense of complete garbage and sewage facilities at an enlarged utility on Biddle Road would then be $256,000, according to early 1945 prices. Isolation of the Camp White plant and its possible higher costs of operation are main arguments against its use by Medford. Though isolation is advantageous, the survey makers thought that the location is much farther away than advisable. Supervision of a plant at such distance from Medford would be inconvenient and the garbage haul to Camp White incinerators would be much larger, it is pointed out. Operation Cost Higher
Operational costs of the Camp White disposal plant would appear to be
at least slightly higher than those of the enlarged plant at Medford,
the preliminary survey indicated. Sewage at the cantonment recirculated
three times through each of the two-stage filters, and chlorine applied
constantly to gain a fine-quality effluent. Medford might reduce the
recirculation ratio somewhat. Nevertheless, according to the report,
studies show that the operation expense for the Camp White type of
plant cannot be expected to be materially less than the activated
sludge process.Whether pumps would be needed along the six and one-half to seve- mile outfall sewer, thereby creating another expense and maintenance problem, is a matter of conjecture. The opinion stated in the Cunningham report is that a correctly located outfall would eliminate the necessity of pumps. According to the city superintendent the matter calls for more thorough investigation. 100 Feet Lower
Elevation of the army installation is approximately 100 feet lower than
the Medford plant. Further predicted by the engineers is that sewage
would require four hours longer to travel to the Camp White area than
to reach the present city disposal plant. Sewage traveling the shorter
distance would in the summer months be fresher and somewhat easier to
treat, the report said.Favoring the expansion of the local plant, the consulting engineers declared, is that nearly all of the current structure can be employed in the enlarged scheme. The Medford plant could be adapted for garbage disposal by providing a receiving building with grinding and washing equipment, a grit chamber, a digester, sludge drying beds and small refuse incinerator. Preparing for a larger plant, the city has bought six acres immediately west of the site on Biddle Road. On this property will also be built new city shops. Central Point Too
An argument for acquisition of the Camp White setup is that Central
Point, badly in need of disposal facilities, might be served along with
Medford on a single outfall to the camp. The assumption is, of course,
based on the willingness of Central Point to enter into a contract and
to pay for such service and of Medford to allow such an arrangement.
Central Point two weeks ago voted in an $80,000 bond issue for sewage
treatment structures and equipment.Medford's sewage treatment history dates from 1912, when a septic tank was installed near Bear Creek north of Biddle Road. The plant became overloaded, resulting in heavy pollution of Bear Creek. This fact was realized before 1930, but not until 1935 did the city initiate construction of a modern treatment plant of the activated sludge type. Completed in 1936, it was designed for a population of 12,000. Since that time Medford population has grown, reaching 17,000 at the height of Camp White activity and receding in 1945 to about 15,000. Community Use Possible
It is possible that an arrangement could be made where several of the
smaller communities near Medford would utilize the garbage disposal
plant at Camp White.In the opinion of numerous local citizens the problems and costs of securing and maintaining the Camp White facilities should be thoroughly reviewed not only because of their excellence but because the plants are already constructed with capacity more than adequate to take care of Medford's needs for many years to come. The difficulty in procuring machinery and materials necessary for an expanded activated sludge plant is pointed out. Also argued is that an outfall sewer could be laid entirely by local people and that the money involved would remain in Medford, while enlarging of the present plant might bring in outside contractors and would mean spending of funds in another locality for equipment. Sewage Disposal Plant Considered
at Camp White
is seen here that Medford's sewage disposal problem may be solved by
use of the Camp White sewage disposal plant, and that use of the plant
may also be spread to include Central Point and the Berrydale area.
The sewage disposal plant at Camp White is one of the best in the Northwest and capable of handling sewage of 35,000 people. Medford's sewage disposal plant is now inadequate for the increased population. Central Point has recently voted $80,000 for the building of a sewage disposal system, and the Berrydale section, which is as thickly populated as the average city, has none. Cost of making use of the Camp White plant would be about the same as the cost of increasing the Medford plant, officials point out, because it would be necessary to lay a pipe to the plant, on the banks of the Rogue River. But in so doing, Berrydale and Central Point could hook onto the line, thus dividing the cost. Plans for such a program are still in the formative stage, as there are unknown factors, such as whether or not the Camp White plant will be declared surplus, and the possibility that Camp White might again be used by the Army. City fathers at Central Point look with favor upon joint use of the Camp White plant, and so expressed themselves at a recent council meeting. What Berrydale citizens think has not been determined, as there has been no concrete proposal that Berrydale come under the plan, but those advocating such use of the Camp White plant can visualize the prevention of a serious pollution problem in the Berrydale section if a sanitary district could be formed there. Medford News, August 23, 1946, page 1 CITY TO GET CAMP WHITE SEWAGE
War Assets Administration yesterday at Washington, D.C., gave final
approval to the transfer of Camp White sewage disposal plant to the
city of Medford without cost, Sen. Guy Cordon has wired City
Superintendent Vernon Thorpe.Details of the transfer were not mentioned by Cordon, who said, however, that the W.A.A. regional administrator at Seattle is being advised of the approval and that Medford officials will receive further advice from him. Mayor J. C. Collins was not available today to comment on the announcement or to tell what city officials' next action will be on the matter. He is in Gold Beach on a fishing jaunt and is expected to return here this evening, it was reported. Thorpe said that full particulars are expected any moment from Seattle. Cordon's announcement climaxed nearly two years' effort on the part of the Medford city administration to obtain the disposal plant. The first action began in the summer of 1946 and formal application was made July 24, 1947, after a survey by A. D. Harvey and associates, Medford, consulting engineers, brought out that Medford use of the military facility is feasible by the construction of a gravity system trunk sewer from the present plant on Biddle road to Camp White. The military sewage disposal plant was designed to care for a city of about 35,000 population. Three years ago Medford residents voted a $235,000 bond issue to expand the Biddle Road plant. About $5,000 was spent for adjacent land but expansion of the treatment plant was held up pending action on the Camp White application. Harvey and associates expressed the opinion that cost of a trunk to the camp would not exceed expense of reconstruction of the present plant to meet present and future needs. Medford Mail Tribune, April 28, 1948, page 1 WAA Sets Terms for Transfer of
Disposal Plant to City
A letter from War Assets Administration office of real property
disposal, Seattle, setting forth the fair value of the Camp White
sewage disposal plant property wanted by the city and naming the terms
and conditions of the sale to Medford of the facility at 100 percent
discount was read to city councilmen at their regular meeting last
night.The city was asked to approve the terms by signing an acceptance thereof. Councilmen postponed approval pending study of the matter and may take action at an adjourned meeting set for next Tuesday. The letter acknowledged approval by WAA of Medford's application for acquisition of the plant and set the fair value at $282,995. Salvage Value
Councilman Dwight Houghton pointed out that this "fair value" is
actually the salvage value, the facility having cost some $2,000,000 to
construct. Terms and conditions set forth are:"1. Sale of the sewage disposal plant at fair value, with benefits to accrue to the United States as determined on the basis of the public benefit allowance formula, to be accepted in lieu of money. Transfer to be made in consideration of the transferee's agreement to accept and fulfill all the terms and conditions of the transfer. "2. United States to have joint right of use of that portion of the water line from the water reservoir to the hospital area and area transferred to the National Guard. "2a. The City of Medford will be obligated to furnish sewage disposal services, when desired, for the hospital and National Guard areas of Camp White. In the event such areas are disposed of by War Assets Administration to instrumentalities of the federal government, the service shall be rendered without any charges; in all other cases, the services rendered shall be compensated for upon a population pro rata or a measured basis. More To Be Sold
"3. Property to be utilized by the city for the purposes set forth in
the program included in its application, dated July 24, 1947, for a
period of 25 years from date of conveyance of the premises."4. None of the property to be sold or otherwise conveyed for a period of 25 years from date of conveyance without written approval of the War Assets Administration, except that temporary buildings and obsolete personalty may be replaced by other structures and personalty having the same utility. "5. Title to revert to the United States in the event that there is a violation of any of the conditions of the transfer or unauthorized non-compliance with the plan of operation as submitted and approved within a period of 25 years from date of conveyance. "6. The City of Medford to be required to submit to War Assets Administration semi-annual reports on the utilization of the property, in accordance with the approved program and the terms and conditions of this sale, for a period of 25 years from date of conveyance. "7. Title to be conveyed by quitclaim deed, without reservation of minerals except for fissionable materials. Property to be delivered only upon receipt of a certificate, signed by the mayor of the City of Medford, and approved by its city attorney, stating (1) that the city is legally empowered to accept title to these facilities subject to all terms and conditions of this recommendation, (2) that the voters of the City of Medford have duly authorized, by special election, the issuance by the city of corporate bonds in the amount of $400,000, to finance construction of a trunk sewer line from the City of Medford to the Camp White sewage disposal plant, (3) that the city will undertake the construction of this trunk sewer line within three months after approval by its voters of this bond issue, and (4) that the city has sufficient funds available to protect, maintain, and operate the facility from the time that it is delivered to the city by War Assets Administration. Rights in Emergency
"8. Compliance with requirements of War
Assets Administration Regulation 5, including amendments thereto."9. During existence of any emergency declared by the President of the United States, the United States government shall have the right, without charge except as indicated below, to full, unrestricted use of the property conveyed, but the government shall be responsible during the period of such use for the entire cost of maintenance of all betterments used and shall pay fair rental for the use of any structures or improvements which have been added thereto without federal aid. "10. Conditions 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9 may be removed at any time by the payment to the United States government of an amount to be determined as follows: A sum equal to the amount allowed as public benefit allowance, less four percent of said amount for each 12 months of operation in compliance with the terms of transfer. "11. The City of Medford will be obligated to pay external administrative expenses incurred by the War Assets Administration because of the transfer of the property to the City of Medford. Disposal instructions will include specific items involved. "12. Acceptance of the restrictions of executive order 9908, dated December 9, 1947, entitled 'Reservation of source material in certain lands owned by the United States.' "13. Transfer to be made subject to certification by the purchaser that revenues to be derived from the use of the system will be limited to operating costs, debt service charges and normal reserves; and the certification that 51 percent or more of the capacity of the facility will be used for other than industrial facilities. "14. Any other legal requirements deemed necessary by the real property office of the general counsel." Medford Mail Tribune, May 19, 1948, page 2 COUNCIL OKEH'S BIDS OF THREE
of Werner and Jeske, Eugene, F. W. Riddle, Springfield, and S. S.
Mullen, Seattle, for three major Medford sewer projects were accepted
by the city council at their regular meeting last night.
Werner and Jeske gained the Camp White trunk sewer job with a $150,200 offer; Riddle the Bear Creek interceptor sewer task with a $37,273.20 bid and Mullen the southwest Medford trunk system work with a $65,269 bid. Proposals of 10 contractors were opened at a meeting Monday and referred to A. D. Harvey and S. C. Watkins, consulting engineers, for tabulation. Councilmen made the awards on the engineers' recommendation. The successful bids totaled $252,742.30 compared to the $268,924.20 overall offer of Werner and Jeske and the $296,995.50 engineers' estimate. It was reported last night that negotiations are under way for the final right of way for the trunk from Medford to the newly acquired Camp White disposal plant. Councilmen last night approved construction of a sewer on Valley View Drive from Hillcrest Road to the north line of Williams subdivision, then east 180 feet, north 300 feet and east again 180 feet. They called for hearings on November 16 on proposed sewers on South Park Avenue, Catherine Street to Belmont Avenue and King Street between Belmont and Stewart avenues. Medford Mail Tribune, November 4, 1948, page 1 WORK STARTS ON SEWER SYSTEM
started this week on construction of the southwest Medford trunk sewer
system. S. S. Mullen, Inc., Seattle, is the contractor. Deadline for
completion of the project is July 31.
The work started at the Cottage Street bridge. The new sewer line will run down Spencer to Mayette, then swing westward to Twelfth. Medford voted $100,000 in bonds last July for the project. Medford News, January 28, 1949, page 1 Disposal Area at Camp White Given
to City by WAA
letter of transmittal and contract conveying to Medford 996.32 acres of
former Camp White land, "more or less," has been received by the city
administration from [the] War Assets Administration, Mayor Diamond
Flynn announced today.
The communication included notification that the deed will follow. Medford is getting the property, which surrounds the former Camp White sewage disposal plant, on a 100-percent discount basis and subject to government reservations over a 20-year period. To Be Studied A meeting of the health committee was held on the matter Saturday, but the WAA document has not yet gone before the complete city council or legal department for study of terms and conditions and official recognition, Flynn reported. Medford's city administration desires the land for garbage disposal and isolation purposes. Official notice that the city's application was approved was contained in the letter. The application previously was approved verbally. Fair value of the land is set at $12,917. This amount will decrease at the rate of five percent per year over the period of 20 years. No money is being paid for the property on the 100-percent discount basis. However, during the 20 years Medford, if it wishes, may purchase the property outright by paying the existing fair value. Similar Contract The contract proposed is similar to that now existing between the city and WAA for acquisition of the Camp White sewage treatment plant. "Medford is fortunate to have a disposal plant and dump ground which will serve for years to come and which, because of their isolation, will not be objectionable to residents," Flynn declared. The mayor said that several requests have been received for grazing rights on the land but that the city administration will be unable to negotiate such agreements until the WAA contract is studied further. Flynn reported that a city-wide cleanup may be suggested when the council convenes June 7. At that time complete usage of the Camp White property and the program of its availability to the public may be outlined. Medford Mail Tribune, May 23, 1949, page 1 New City Sewage Disposal Plant
Trunk Line Open
project which began three years ago was completed at 9:20 a.m. today
when sewage from eastside and southwest Medford started flowing into
the new trunk line to the Camp White treatment plant.
Workmen opened the siphon at the Medford Corporation bridge just north of the city and at the same time cut off the bypass into Bear Creek. No more raw sewage is flowing from Medford trunks into the creek, City Engineer E. N. McKinstry stated. To Close Old Plant He said that it is contemplated that the old disposal plant on Biddle Lane will go out of operation at the end of this week, at which time all sewage will be directed into the Camp White line. First Medford sewage to be processed at the new facility was to reach the treatment plant about 2 p.m., about five and one-half hours after the siphon was opened, McKinstry said. In August 1946, city officials began preliminary negotiations with [the] War Assets Administration for the plant. Formal application was made in July, 1947. About a year later WAA approved the transfer subject to a vote of Medford residents authorizing city acquisition of the facility and a $400,000 bond issue for construction of a trunk sewer from Medford to the plant. This authorization was granted in an election on July 16, 1948. Werner and Jeske, contractors, were awarded the task of constructing the trunk in November, 1948. Their work was completed on schedule. Specified deadline for finishing the task was July 31 this year. Medford Mail Tribune, August 1, 1949, page 1 ![]() The Camp White sewage plant comes on line, August 2, 1949 Medford Mail Tribune. Central Point Begins Joint Sewer
Line Use
Point, June 30--Central Point began joint use with Medford of the
former Camp White sewage treatment plant this week as the final
connection with the Medford to Camp White trunk was made.
Checks are being made to ascertain that Central Point's new pumping station and pipeline are functioning adequately, City Recorder Arden Pinkham said. Construction of the station pipeline began early in February, and actual construction was completed more than a month ago. Delays in arrival of machinery and meters held up operation. Medford Mail Tribune, June 30, 1950, page 1 Gas Leak Found, Fixed Thursday
Medford Mail Tribune, January
17, 1958, page 1
of the California-Pacific Utilities Company early yesterday afternoon
found and repaired an explosion-causing gas line leak at Canon Ave. and
Eighth St., company officials have announced.
Early yesterday morning at least four storm sewer covers on Eighth St. were blown off and others were disturbed after an explosion which city officials said was caused from an accumulation of domestic gas in the recently completed sewer line. One window was reported broken, but there were no injuries. Gas company officials said a one-inch line at Eighth St. and Canon Ave. was broken at a pipe coupling. They said apparently it was damaged when the storm sewer was installed and was not noticed at the time. The principal blast occurred about 3:20 a.m. yesterday and was followed by a series of smaller explosions when sewer covers were blown off along the sewer line. 41 Take Tour to View Sanitation
Problems in Area
The 41 members
of [the] "See It For Yourself Tour" of the proposed Bear Creek Basin
Sanitary Authority area literally followed their noses to sewage
disposal problem areas in Jackson County yesterday.
Most frequent comments were "Why doesn't somebody enforce present state laws against this pollution?" "Now that it is almost too late, it looks as if something will be done about this problem." "It's a wonder this county has got by with this problem as long as it has." "Phewee." The tour ran an hour over the three hours originally planned. It covered such places as the Talent sewer plant, Suncrest Bridge area, Lithia Drive-In Theater area and some homes along the old U.S. 99 in the Talent area, Starlite Drive-In Theater area, Crooked Creek at Walker the Weeper's trailer sales, Oakdale Drive and the 600 block of Lozier Lane, Thunderbird Market area, Central Point pump station, Medford sewage treatment plant. Ran Out of Time
Because of lack of time some areas had
to be
commented on briefly or bypassed. Bypassed areas included the White
City sewage lagoon, Gilman Road sewage lift station and Hawthorne Park
at Main Street.The tour was sponsored by the League of Women Voters, Medford Chamber of Commerce and Junior Chamber of Commerce, Izaak Walton League, Bear Creek Basin Sanitation Study Committee and health organizations. There were two representatives from Medford and one from Gold Hill. Almost all of the sponsoring organizations were represented. The League of Women Voters had a strong and active representation. County Judge Earl M. Miller told the group that residents of the 31 precincts involved would be voting Aug. 30 on creation of a Bear Creek Basin Sanitation District. The proposed area would range along the Bear Creek Valley floor and exclude Jacksonville, Medford, Phoenix, Eagle Point and Central Point. The City of Talent voted by resolution to be included. The other cities' governing bodies resolved not to be included. If the district is approved residents of the 31 precincts would vote for five persons to act as a board of directors. They would be elected at large. This means they could all come from one precinct or could be residents of five different precincts. Overall cost for the sanitation improvement project would be $9,500,300 and would cover four phases. The first phase of the sanitation system construction would come in 1967-68 and would cost about $2,855,000. The fourth phase would be completed in 1970-71, Miller said. Vote Only on Formation
The county judge emphasized that on Aug.
residents of the affected area would be voting only on the proposed
area for consideration as a district.The touring group, traveling by Evergreen Lines chartered bus, first visited the Talent sewage treatment plant, built in 1936 to serve a maximum population of 700. Les Wierson, project engineer for Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merrifield (CH2M), noted that the Talent population has increased considerably since then. Due to inadequate sewage treatment facilities, restrictions have been placed on the Talent area's further growth. The master plan requested of CH2M by the Jackson County Court would eliminate spot development of treatment facilities. Wierson explained that the solids in the treatment plant pile up, so they are carried into the sewage flow and back into the plant. The sewage is not chlorinated mechanically, so that much of the waste is discharged into Bear Creek without chlorination, he said. Leo L. Baton, district sanitary engineer, said only a portion of the Talent sewage runs through the plant. State law does require chlorination of all sewage waste. The City of Talent is taking steps to take care of this situation now, he said. A broader new state law, which becomes effective Sept. 1, 1967, specifies that it is unlawful to put any untreated waste into the state's waters. The original law was designed to regulate discharge of sewage from houseboats. Baton admitted that he covers seven counties and finds it difficult to enforce such sanitation laws. The entire State Sanitary Authority is woefully short of enforcement personnel, he said. Baton said at one time Bear Creek had 170,000 steelhead fingerlings. This year there were only 1800, and 600 of these were killed. He indicated discharge of sewage wastes into the stream removed much of the life-giving oxygen for the fish. On to Phoenix
As the bus moved through the Phoenix
area, Baton
pointed out that the south Talent area and much of the Phoenix area has
an adverse draining area for sewers.Phoenix is tied into the City of Medford sewage treatment facilities through the South Bear Creek Sanitation District. Sewage disposal problems are especially bad around the hill areas above Phoenix, and around Griffin Creek and Wagner Creek. Many times homes are built on rocks, and the sewage is discharged directly into the creeks without septic tanks, it was stated. The Medford sewage treatment plant had such a tremendous overload last year that only 50 percent of the sewage passing through its system could be treated. Only 9 percent of the solids were removed by the plant, according to tests taken. A brief stop in the Jefferson School area showed how sewage was coming onto the ground surface near the nice homes in that area. The shopping center complex was finally hooked into the Medford sewage system through annexation to the city, Baton explained. He told how the Lozier Lane area has good soil only 12 to 18 inches deep. This makes for poor septic tank drainage. Rain raising the water table complicates the problem. The group saw how the Central Point sewage treatment plant was started and never finished. The pumping station was abandoned when Central Point hooked onto the Medford system. Baton pointed to major bypasses which allowed much of Central Point sewage to flow into Bear Creek directly. Back at the Medford plant, Jan Niehaus, new Medford sanitation plant manager, explained its operation. His assistant said addition of more filters would greatly improve the Medford plant operation. A recorder showed that the plant was then processing almost 8 million gallons. It was designed to process 2½ million gallons of sewage. Filters Would Help
Addition of two more filters
would enable the
plant to process sewage waste from a population equivalent of 40,000 to
50,000. It now serves a population equivalent of 35,000. It now has a
hydraulic capacity of 11 million gallons.While the bus passed by the White City sewage lagoon, the CH2M engineer explained that a lagoon operation requires an acre for a population equivalent of 175 people. All sewage plants and problem areas visited had strong sewage odors. It was explained by Niehaus' assistant that the odor at the Medford plant was due to septic tank cleaning companies' dumping wastes near the treatment plant. However, Judge Miller said, this would account for only part of the odor. Medford Mail Tribune, August 17, 1966, page 1 Voters in the Bear Creek Valley Tuesday authorized the forming of a Bear Creek Valley Sanitary Authority by a vote of 1,369 to 311. Fourteen percent of the 11,937 eligible voters within the proposed boundaries voted. "Sanitary Authority Formation Approved by 1,369-311 Vote," Medford Mail Tribune, August 31, 1966, page 1 Last revised November 24, 2024 |