The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Rogue Valley Halloweens

    JUVENILE BEGGARS.--Christmas is at hand--and we trust that when the day does come, parents will not allow their children to rush up and down the streets in troops, importuning everyone--acquaintances and stranger alike--for "Christmas gifts." If there is anything that makes childhood lovely and endearing, it is childhood's modesty and innocence; and a bashful, modest child is always the most thought of. We have seen children of respectable parents in this town begging for "gifts" with an amount of impudence that would shame a professional beggar, and for their own sakes hope never to see it again.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 14, 1867, page 3

    The Champions of Honor of this place will give a sheet and pillow case party in Holt's Hall on the 21st inst. First-class music will be furnished. Tickets for gentlemen $1.00, ladies 50 cts. An excellent supper will be provided by Madame Holt, and those wishing to partake of the same can do so for the sum of $1 per couple. Everybody invited to attend.
    Several articles have been stolen from different clotheslines around town lately, and it would be wise for housewives to bring their washing in after dark.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 15, 1881, page 3

    The different signs about town were badly mixed up yesterday morning.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 22 [sic], 1881, page 3

Whither Are We Drifting?
    Sometime during the silent hours of Thursday night, there was a general transmigration of terrestrial things all over our usually quiet and orderly town. Objects inanimate seemed to have possessed themselves of the power of locomotion and changed places, as it were. Articles in front of stores were found blocks away, a wicked and adulterous generation were seen seeking after signs, but there were no signs found. The chain in front of the Odd Fellows building had meandered across the street in a vain attempt to surround the sleeping populace with its protecting links, but the morning sunshine dancing on the golden leaves of autumn, and crowning them with a tiara of dazzling jewels after the night's rain, reflected into faces of blank astonishment as to the motive power that had wrought the change. Order-loving citizens with wheelbarrow and hammer set about to replace and repair, the matin lay of the wild bird was answered back with outbursts of profanity, and undercurrents of long pent-up wickedness fell from the lips of overburdened humanity and lost themselves in the muddy waters of the sewers. The average hoodlum surveyed the desolation and smiled serenely, while the householder fumbled in his pocket to assure himself of the safety of his night key, and everyone heaved a sigh of thankfulness of the night watch had not been disturbed by the sleep-destroying vision.
Oregon Sentinel,
Jacksonville, October 22 [sic], 1881, page 3  Thursday was October 20.

    The sheet and pillow case party given by the Champions at Holt's hall last week was largely attended by both maskers and spectators. After unmasking the party sat down to an excellent supper prepared by Madame Holt.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 29, 1881, page 3

    Hallow E'en [sic], the last night of October, passed entirely unobserved in Ashland. In some of the older states, where English memories are maintained, the boys no doubt reveled in mischief and practical joking.
“Brevities,” Ashland Tidings, November 7, 1884

    Last night was Halloween, and the witches and fairies raided the town. It's rumored that some of the witches were he-witches, but it's all the same in principle. The fairies spent a sweet half hour exchanging signs, dropping mysterious hints in the shape of mementos, etc. They left a wheel of suggestion at the door of the "politickle hole," exchanged signs with the variety stores, and supplied some merchants with kindling wood and others with grindstones. One of our most fascinating clerks was presented with an iron chain, presumably as a hint that it was time to tie up to one of the fairies, and another was supplied with a wagon tire, which he will have no use for, as his head isn't built that way. The masculine intellect isn't acute enough to interpret the significance of some of their antics, but they doubtless had a meaning.
"Local Notes,
" Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 1, 1888, page 3

    Hollowe'en [sic] night was celebrated in a more boisterous and roisterous way in Ashland last Friday night than ever before. Scarcely a movable gate in the town was left upon its hinges, and signs and other movable objects were mixed up in the old-fashioned way. No arrests.

“Brevities,” Ashland Tidings, November 7, 1890

Don't Do It Again.
    The boys in town on Halloween night transcended all bounds of boyish propriety, and had their plan of barricading everyone's gates and then raising the cry of fire, by applying the torch to the tumble-down building on the bank of creek, been carried out, doubtless some serious accidents would have ensued. The harmless pranks usually played on that occasion can be readily overlooked in honor of ancient custom, but when harness is removed from teams and women and children are compelled to stand shivering in the night air for hours while the hapless owners are searching for it, and when gates are wrenched from their hinges and pickets torn from the fences of non-residents, it savors too much of cruelty to be tolerated. Don't let this occur again, boys, or the Times will be after you with a hot stick, as well as the authorities.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 7, 1890, page 3

    Tomorrow is Halloween, and we must excuse a number of pranks that would not be permissible on any other occasion.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 30, 1891, page 3

    People who neglected to take in their front gates and loose business signs last Saturday evening discovered that mischief reigns among the youth of America and the memory of Hallow e'en still lives. Stray gates of various designs and sizes were found Sunday morning at various places about town at total variance with their surroundings and looking as if they were a blamed long way from headquarters; and the usual mixture and impartial distribution of signs took place.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, November 6, 1891

    Hallowe'en pranks probably always will be played to a greater or less extent, and they are not objectionable when within the bounds of decency and moderation. The young folks must have their fun, and where property is not destroyed nor too much hoodlumism displayed the community generally has nothing to say. The boys behaved themselves pretty well last Saturday night, with the exception that one fellow, with a perverted idea of humor, and the eternal fitness of things, besmeared several doors and fences in town with black paint, a species of vandalism that should not go unpunished. As he is known, the "funny" part of the business may be yet to come, if we are to believe some of the injured parties.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 6, 1891, page 3

    Hallowe'en is the evening preceding Hallow Day, or All Saints' Day, which is celebrated November 1st, in honor of the conversion, in the seventh century, of the Pantheon at Rome into a Christian place of worship. Pope Boniface II dedicated this day to the Virgin and all the martyrs.
"Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, September 30, 1892, page 3

    Thanksgiving Day (the last Thursday in November) will soon be with us.
    Hallowe'en (the evening preceding All Saints Day) occurs next Monday evening.
"Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, October 28, 1892, page 3

All Saints' Day.
    About 1300 years ago the saints' calendar became so crowded that it was necessary to pile all the holiday celebrations into one day in order to give the well-disposed people a much-needed rest. The Catholic church decided that the eve of November 1st was the most appropriate time to be remembered by those whom you had dogged off your premises during the past year.
    The descendants of the Celts were on deck in Ashland, and while Marshal Smith was slumbering sound a party of two score boys and girls made various exchanges of gates, signs and other movable property. A transparency made from a goods box, purporting to be the bill of fare of the Ashland House, was conspicuously displayed in the public square calling attention to such delicacies as snake tails, lizard ears, virgin dux and several other questionable dishes. While the regular Hallowe'en crew were besieging Mayor Granger's residence, taking due precaution that the young folks there assembled would further amuse themselves by climbing the fence, instead of going through the gate, the crowd being fearful that someone might carry it away carefully wired it to the porch and piled a few ton of rocks against it.
    The hoodlum element gathered at the south school house and after breaking in and demolishing considerable furniture slunk off to their respective homes, satisfied with their night's entertainment. Fun is fun and All Hallow E'en is a very good time to get even on your neighbor and your neighbor's dog, but when it comes to malicious destruction of property it is time to call a halt and let somebody pay the damages.
Valley Record, Ashland, November 3, 1892, page 3

    In answer to invitations sent out in rhyme by Mayor and Mrs. G. M. Granger, their parlors were filled on Monday evening with a large crowd of young men and women who came to do honor to the Hallowe'en party given in honor of Mrs. Granger's cousin, Miss Carrie Beekman of Jacksonville. The acceptances and regrets were sent in rhyme and read by Mrs. H. C. Myer for the entertainment of the guests. There were many witty and sublime thoughts, as well as some grotesque ideas, expressed. The bright and lively crowd assembled made a merry time and one that will be long remembered.

"Personal and Social," Valley Record, Ashland, November 3, 1892, page 3

    Halloween eve was taken care of in Ashland in a social way. Besides the gathering of bachelors and "ladies in waiting" at Granger's, the sweet sixteen crowd assembled at the home of Miss Agnes Fitch, the little folks at the residence of Miss Maud Patterson, and the married folks at M. N. Long's--the Rebekahs giving him a birthday party.

"Brevity Basket," Valley Record, Ashland, November 3, 1892, page 3

    Hallowe'en was duly celebrated, especially in Jacksonville. Some hoodlums resolved fun into malicious injury when they filled H. J. Booker's well, which has attained a depth of almost 80 feet, with articles it is impossible to extract. The perpetrators of this outrage should be severely punished therefor, as well as for other pranks equally as reprehensible.

"Local Notes,"
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 4, 1892, page 3

    Next Tuesday will be All Hallowe'en. People should chain down all movable property on their premises, and turn the dog loose on that night. We sincerely hope that there will be no destruction of property such as there was last year.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 27, 1893, page 3

    Halloween passed very quietly in Jacksonville, which was probably owing to the fact that an extra police force was on duty that night. The destruction of property which occurred last year was responsible for this.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 3, 1893, page 3

    An otherwise pleasant little party at merchant Brown's on last Thursday evening turned out very unpleasantly and will perhaps end seriously to one of the guests. It appears that the younger members of the party indulged in a jack o' lantern show outside the rooms and Miss Glady Fryer, who is very nervous, was so badly frightened that she fainted and has has a succession of hysterical fits for two or three days and is yet confined to her bed.

"Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, November 10, 1893, page 2

    Halloween was as thoroughly observed in our city as any urchin could ask for.

"Central Point," Medford Mail, November 2, 1894, page 6

    Halloween was duly celebrated in Medford. We all got a piece of the hilarity, but “Rosy” [haberdasher Simeon Rosenthal] is credited with more than his share. His temper was considerably roiled and he swore in Hebrew, but he's cooler now.
“News of the City,” Medford Mail, November 2, 1894, page 3

    Halloween eve was properly observed here. Some of the bridges was barricaded, and piles of lumber was carried so as to obstruct the county road running through the town in two places. A. Pool's cart was placed on the footbridge between the store and hotel, and the porch at the post office was piled up with cord wood and then fenced in with 2x10-inch planks. Prof. A. L. Haselton's horse was taken from his stable and tied in the school house. While this was going on on the outside, Dr. Stanfield was having a select party at his residence. A few friends also met at J. J. Fryer's. Representatives from both places report having a very pleasant time. I understand that Dr. Stanfield is looking up evidence in order to prosecute the parties who obstructed the bridge and post office, that they may be brought to give an account of themselves.… One young man living near the mouth of Little Butte had his horse taken, carried across the creek, tied in Mr. Inlow's yard, saddle turned wrong-end-to, etc. ... and the result was it took him some time before he could find him.
A. C. Howlett, "Butte Creek News," Valley Record, Ashland, November 8, 1894, page 3

    Halloween was appropriately celebrated here. There were two select parties, reported as complete successes, one of them being at Dr. Stanfield's and the other at J. J. Fryer's. During the night someone bent on mischief piled several cords of wood on the post office porch and built a fence around it with heavy plank, blocked the street in two places, barricaded the county bridge and the wire footbridge and raised Old Ned generally. I understand that Deputy District Attorney Stanfield is looking up evidence in the case of obstructing the county bridge and post office, with a view to bringing the young rascal to justice. The meanest trick of all was taking Prof. A. L. Haselton's horse out of the stable and tying the animal in the schoolhouse. The children said that the teacher, Prof. John Harvey, of Central Point, appeared awfully mad at first but soon got in a good humor.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, November 9, 1894, page 4

A Kind Act--Better than Rowdyism.
    We desire through the columns of your paper to thank the young people who so agreeably surprised us on Halloween by cutting wood for us, and we were truly glad to see the refinement and good behavior displayed--and at such a time.
Medford Mail, November 6, 1896, page 6

    The school children of Medford made a new departure in celebrating Halloween last Saturday evening. Prof. Gregory invited the children to meet him at the Baptist Church on Saturday evening, and there they would all join in celebrating. At his suggestion considerable clothing and also money was donated by the pupils, and after purchasing supplies with the money they went around and distributed their donations among some of the needy poor of the city. About twenty-five of them called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mayfield and cautiously stole around to their wood pile and sawed and split a large pile of wood for them. Mr. Mayfield is the gentleman who was thrown from his wagon and badly crippled while he was returning from a trip to Waldo last summer. This is indeed a great improvement over the old way of keeping this event--doing good and at the same time having their fun--and the older ones might learn a lesson from it which would be of value to them.
    Last Saturday evening was Halloween and 'twas expected that the usual pranks and tricks that are generally perpetrated on that evening in commemoration of the vigil of the feast of All Hallows would again be carried out, but the boys appear to have forgotten the event and as a consequence the usual grand hunt for missing gates, signs, etc. was not to be witnessed the next morning--much to the gratification of the heretofore victims.
    Some of the boys figured on having a very pleasant time with R. P. Little's tamale wagon Halloween evening, but they were to a great extent disappointed, as the owner sat up all night and guarded his property. No less than four different crowds made an attempt to capture the wagon, and one of these attempts as late as four o'clock Sunday morning.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, November 6, 1896, page 7

    The pupils assembled last Saturday evening at the Baptist Church, with various bundles to celebrate Halloween. They visited several needy families and left supplies of food, clothing and other useful articles. This method of celebrating Halloween is coming to be quite popular in Medford, while the custom of playing pranks and doing damage is coming into disfavor, as some of the boys know to their sorrow.
"Public School Notes," Medford Mail, November 5, 1897, page 7

    Hallowe'en was more industriously observed this year than usual. A number of signs were changed, gates, wagons, implements, etc., distributed everywhere, and the midnight marauders even put a buggy on the top of Biede's saloon.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 3, 1898, page 3

    The usual Halloween pranks were played about town Monday evening. No damage was done, but several gates were removed from the hinges and scattered broadcast through the town. Mrs. E. Kubli is offering a reward of $150 for the conviction of the culprit who placed her buggy on the top of O. Biede's saloon and scattered the plows far and near.
"Jacksonville Items," Medford Mail, November 4, 1898, page 3

    It has been nigh unto several years since the Mail publisher bethought himself of Halloween pranks--but he has discovered that boys are boys still and will always indulge themselves to the fullest extent at least one night of every calendar year. Some of these indulgences work a hardship upon the subjects upon which they are imposed, but in most part the antics of this year were harmless--and the Mail was one of those subjects of fun for the boys--but tough on the old man. Little did we think when Lin Purdin and Orin Davis, with their accomplice, Jim Bates, in waiting outside, came to our office last Halloween and borrowed several hundred feet of rope, with which, as they averred, they wanted to play "tickey" with someone's door bell, that it was our office door upon which they had evil designs, but such it was, and Tuesday morning there were just an even 180 feet of that same rope fastened to our door. From the door the rope led to old buggy wheels, plows, signs and divers other articles--and it was a medley which to extricate required an even hour's time. Great are the boys on Halloween, but this shop will be less a chump next fall, and the main guy's troubles will not be either in part or wholly of his own making.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 11, 1898, page 7

    Next Tuesday night the ghosts and hobgoblins are scheduled to walk and hold high carnival this wide world over, for it will be All Hallowe'en. It is faintly suspicioned by the average man of nowadays that something of more substantial and tangible form than the witches and bogies of old now busy themselves on Hallowe'en night in all kinds of pranks on stay-at-home people. It is good plan, anyway, to put a padlock and chain on anything movable, and then "tie the dog loose" in the back yard.

"Personal and Social," Southern Oregon Eye, Medford, October 26, 1899, page 3

    Tuesday night of this week is what is known as Hallowe'en. Everybody seems to think that he has license to play all kinds of practical jokes then.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 30, 1899, page 3

    All Hallowe'en was observed with considerable spirit in Jacksonville. Some excellent jokes were perpetrated.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 2, 1899, page 3

    Take your gates an' nail 'em down,
          Turn the bull dog loose;
    Boys'll be a-coming 'roun'
          Fur to play the deuce.
    Ain't no way to hold 'em down,
          P'licemen won't be seen;
    They've got a mortgage on the town,
          Fur this is Halloween.”
    Gates were nailed down and wired on in Ashland Tuesday night, but it didn't seem to make much difference next morning. There were the same number of gates, signs, wagons and other loose articles spirited to out of the way places as of yore. . . . .Very little destruction of property is reported, but there were several instances where barns were entered and wagons taken out and left on the highway in an inverted position. Happy, good natured, mischievous crowds of boys, and there were some girls, too, moved up and down the streets until after midnight, soon after which the usual quietness reigned.
Semi-Weekly Tidings, Ashland, November 2, 1899, page 3

A Halloween Incident.
    There was one incident connected with Tuesday night's celebration of Halloween which would probably go down in oblivion, if it were not that the Tidings now records it on the page of history. Sylvester Patterson, of North Main Street, had, and still has, a landing place leading from the street onto his premises. He rightly suspected that this board walk would be an objective point for the mischievous Halloween revelers. Secreting himself in a convenient place and armed with a long willowy horse whip, he awaited developments. Various bands of small boys came along, but Mr. Patterson's dissuader was effectual in protecting his property, and no developments worthy of note occurred until late in the evening. Then it was that a young man and his best girl were beheld sauntering down the walk, apparently oblivious of all the world except their nearness to each other. Arriving at Mr. Patterson's walk, a thought seemed to strike the youthful swain that here was a chance to distinguish himself before his inamorata, and without hesitation the walk was torn from its resting place and deposited in the ditch. But horror of horrors, there suddenly appeared on the scene a horrid man with a horse whip. "Put that walk back, young man," thundered a voice, which sounded to the couple like the roar of a 13-inch gun. The young man demurred, but a couple of applications of the blacksnake to the place where it would do the most good caused a change of mind. The walk was restored, but not to the satisfaction of Mr. Patterson. "You'd better do it right, darling," cooed the turtle dove at the young man's side. The advice was followed, and the would-be hero walked off wiser, but not happier.
Semi-Weekly Tidings, Ashland, November 2, 1899

Halloween Party.
    The handsome new home of Mr. and Mrs. O. Winter, on the Boulevard, presented a weird and enchanting scene on Tuesday evening. The interior was strikingly decorated in genuine Halloween style and the rooms were filled with fifty or more folks in ghostly attire, who had accepted the Halloween invitation of Three Ghosts to present themselves thus arrayed for the occasion. . . . The ghostly guests were given slips of paper and busied themselves in trying to identify their neighbor ghosts, and after the masks were removed the prize for the most correct guesses were awarded. . . . The refreshments consisted of fruits, nuts, doughnuts and coffee, uniquely served, and various games appropriate to Halloween furnished abundant amusement. Altogether the evening was a most delightful one, long to be remembered.
Excerpt, Semi-Weekly Tidings, Ashland, November 2, 1899

    There were many tricks played on Halloween--some of which were mean and low-lived--and the minds which were parents to the destructive ideas are little less than one would expect from a horse thief of the habitue of gutter slums. A few little innocent jokes are all right, but the destruction of property would justify the arrest of the perpetrators--or perhaps it would be better to lay in wait for these marauders and give them a swift shot with rock salt. A monument belonging to F. W. Wait was taken from his works and left, broken in several pieces; G. W. Mackey's picture case was broken into and several of his best sample pictures destroyed. There were several other mean little tricks played, but these two will suffice to give an idea of the extent to which the boys--and girls--will carry their fun. Marshal Murry wants us to say that the parties who broke the monument are known to him, and unless they call on him and pay for the damage he will arrest them.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 3, 1899, page 7

Loyal Citizens of Gold Hill Indignant Over an Insult to "Old Glory."
    That the patriotism and loyalty of the American people lies close to the surface and is ever ready to be roused into action has again been evidenced by the sequel of an incident at Gold Hill which occurred on last Halloween. Some unprincipled wretch lowered the large flag on the school building, and leaving it hanging at half-mast, hung over it a black cloth flag some 2x3 feet in size, bearing the rudely drawn skull and cross bones, a facsimile of which is reproduced here, painted in white. Bitter feeling was aroused by the deed at the time, and efforts were made to discover the perpetrators; but all attempts failing the matter was dropped by all except the G.A.R. post, whose vigilance and jealous watch-care of the flag that a just war and gravely earned peace have taught them to love, have been at least partially rewarded.
    Pursuant to a call made by the G.A.R. post on last Saturday afternoon, the citizens of Gold Hill and vicinity met to investigate the matter relating to the desecration of the American flag over the school house in that place. W. A. Carter was chosen chairman and I. M. Muller secretary. A. J. T. Smith, G. W. Sperry and A. E. Kellogg were appointed a committee on investigation. After investigation the committee reported as follows:
    We, your committee appointed to investigate the case above referred to, report that we have carefully examined into the facts, and find that on Halloween night some unknown person or persons desecrated the American flag at the public school building in this city, by lowering the same to half mast and attaching thereto the symbol of death, the "skull and cross bones," that there is evidence pointing toward certain individuals in this city, but not sufficient to permit your committee to here state their names. We recommend that resolutions be adopted denouncing whoever it may be and that the same be published in The Medford Mail. The report was accepted, and on motion the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
    WHEREAS, It is apparent that on Halloween night, last, some unscrupulous and unprincipled persons were so destitute of respect and honor for Old Glory and all she represents, as to lower her to half mast and desecrate the same by placing thereon the skull and cross bones, therefore be it
    RESOLVED, That we, as loyal American citizens, denounce and hold in contempt such parties, and warn them that should such acts be repeated more drastic measures than the drawing of resolutions will be resorted to.
Medford Mail, February 16, 1900, page 6

    Hoodlums almost took Medford Hallowe'en, doing all kinds of mischief, some of which was malicious. Quite a number of arrests were made by Marshal Murray and his deputies sworn in for the occasion.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 1, 1900, page 3

    The boys about town observed Hallowe'en and played a number of tricks, some of which were not very creditable.
    A number of the friends of Marie Nickell (who will leave for Portland next week, to attend the St. Helens Hall) gave a driving party in her honor on Hallowe'en. They spent the time very pleasantly, being handsomely entertained by Mrs. E. Gore of Medford. The party was composed of Edith Priest, Maude Prim, Helen Colvig, Maggie Krause, Bessie Nickell, Herbert McCarthy, Ernest Elmer, Lewis Ulrich, P. Donegan, and was chaperoned by Miss Belle Potter.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 1, 1900, page 3

    From the appearance of Main Street Thursday morning, it proves that we have boys that work hard, at least on Halloween.

"Central Point Items," Medford Mail, November 2, 1900, page 3

    Halloween pranks were not very plentiful Wednesday night in this city. Last year it was different. There was then a general upheaval all over the town and considerable property was destroyed. The city council did not propose that there should be a repetition this year, and Marshal Murray was instructed to increase his force. Messrs. Taggart, Allen and Hooker were added to the police force, the result of which was that very few depredations were committed, and only one arrest was made. Emmett (Mose) Barkdull was the unfortunate lad who fell into the hands of the officers, and his trial was set for today (Friday) at 10 o'clock, in Recorder Lawton's court. Attorneys Hammond & Narregan were retained by the defendant, and City Attorney Vawter will appear for the city. He was caught in the act of placing a watering trough in front of S. Rosenthal's place of business, the trough having been taken from J. R. Wilson's blacksmith shop.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 2, 1900, page 7

    The Halloweeners gave a very pleasant party to the young people of Medford in the Woodman Hall Wednesday evening. The evening was enjoyed by various games and music, followed by delicious refreshments.
"Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, November 4, 1900, page 15

    Halloween was observed with more than usual zeal this year. Our principal business street presented a decidedly mixed-up appearance Thursday morning in consequence.
"Central Point Pointers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 5, 1900

    Hallowe'en was celebrated in Jacksonville, but much more tamely than usual. Col. Soliss' woodshed was marauded and its contents placed conveniently in front of his law office.

"Local Notes,"
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 7, 1901, page 7

    Halloween passed off in an unusually quiet manner this year, very few depredations having been committed. Last year's experience seemed to have had a salutary effect upon the mischief makers. Several gates and other small portable articles turned up missing Friday morning, but that was about all.
"Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 8, 1901, page 6

    Hallowe'en falls on Friday next. Look out for practical jokes.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 30, 1902, page 1

    All Hallow's services will be held at the Catholic church Saturday, by Rev. J. D. Murphy, at 8 o'clock
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 30, 1902, page 1

    The boys rather had the laugh on the city authorities on last Friday evening. That date being October 31st--All Halloween--and usually taken advantage of by the youngsters to play all sorts of pranks, several special police were sworn in and placed on duty. Whether it was on account of the imposing force or because the boys and girls didn't feel like Halloween pranks there were no parties out that night and the special police paraded the back streets in lonely majesty and never had the satisfaction of chasing even one belated "kid" to his home. The laugh was on the "city dads," but precautions of this nature are always appreciated by our townspeople, and while it is true the services of the special police were not required this time, there have been Halloweens in this city in days agone when a more liberal sprinkling of these order provisions would have saved the destruction of considerable property. The Mail desires to thank the rising generation of Medford for their kindly consideration for the comfort and general well-being of the community at large--and we will as well say a word commendatory to the city council for their exercise of the necessary caution upon this occasion. The average young American is liable to break out almost anytime and in many places, but we extend to him the grateful hand for not having gone wild and hilarious upon this occasion.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 7, 1902, page 7

    Halloween was celebrated by our young people in a way which was very pleasant to the different families of the neighborhood. Instead of following the old custom of misplacing gates, wagon wheels and tearing up things generally, they originated a Jack-o'-lantern brigade and visited every house and gave the people a really good serenade, consisting of choice songs and funny jokes appropriate to the pumpkin faces and the occasion.

J. C. Pendleton, "Table Rock Items," Medford Mail, November 7, 1902, page 3

    The boys rather had the laugh on the city authorities on last Friday evening. That date being October 31st--All Halloween--and usually taken advantage of by the youngsters to play all sorts of pranks, several special police were sworn in and placed on duty. Whether it was on account of the imposing force or because the boys and girls didn't feel like Halloween pranks there were no parties out that night and the special police paraded the back streets in lonely majesty and never had the satisfaction of chasing even one belated "kid" to his home. The laugh was on the "city dads," but precautions of this nature are always appreciated by our townspeople, and while it is true the services of the special police were not required this time, there have been Halloweens in this city in days agone when a more liberal sprinkling of these order provisions would have saved the destruction of considerable property. The Mail desires to thank the rising generation of Medford for their kindly consideration for the comfort and general well-being of the community at large--and we will as well say a word commendatory to the city council for their exercise of the necessary caution upon this occasion. The average young American is liable to break out almost anytime and in many places, but we extend to him the grateful hand for not having gone wild and hilarious upon this occasion.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 7, 1902, page 7

    Johnny Barnum:--"No, I didn't mash my thumb between the cars. I did it in rather a peculiar way. On Hallowe'en night there was a gate that seemed to a lot of us as if it would look better on the other side of the street. We picked it up, together with a panel of fence, when someway I stumbled and fell on top of the gate and caught my thumb between it and the fence panel. The gate closed, and my thumb was in the crack, consequently it's pretty sore, and I at once lost interest in Hallowe'en pranks."
"Street Echoes," Medford Mail, November 6, 1903, page 1

    Halloween passed off very quietly and very little mischief was done. Someone stretched a wire across the street in front of the post office which caused W. R. Potter to receive a very severe fall.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, November 6, 1903, page 7

    The Halloween party given by the ladies of the Lewis and Clark Club Saturday evening was largely attended and a success in every particular. The opera house was decorated with jack-o'-lanterns, strings of corn and apples, making the effect truly Halloween. The supper was served by several ghosts, personated by different ladies of the club, and the supper was delicious. A short programme was given during the evening, including a vocal solo by Miss Enid Hamilton, a ghost story by Mrs. J. T. C. Nash, and a song by the seven ghosts, in which "John Brown's Body" was duly interred and "his soul marched" one by one off the stage. Games were prepared for the children, and at the end an impromptu dancing party was enjoyed. The ladies netted over $50, which will be applied toward establishing a free reading room in Medford.

"Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, November 8, 1903, page 21

    Johnny Barnum:--"I want you to correct that item in The Mail about me last week. I mashed my thumb, but I didn't do it on Hallowe'en. I did it in carrying back a gate someone else had moved. I want you to understand that I don't run out Hallowe'en nights, and don't go with the class of people that does. I want that item corrected." [The reporter who handed in the item above referred to has been sentenced to sweep out the office next January. He is young at the business and misunderstood Mr. Barnum when he related the occurrence. He will not offend again. Mr. Barnum may go out Hallowe'en or any other night or stay at home, mash his thumb or any other portion of his anatomy, but hereafter The Mail will endeavor to get simply the frozen facts without attempting anything approaching a pleasantry.]
"Street Echoes," Medford Mail, November 13, 1903, page 4

    Hallowe'en was observed in a quiet manner in Medford this year, that is, the exuberant spirits of the celebrators did not lead them into damaging property, such as had been the case in years gone by. Most of the pranks played were harmless ones. Some people had difficulty in protecting vehicles left where the revelers had an easy access to them, and it required the services of experts with "climbers" to untie awning ropes, which had been fastened to telephone and electric light poles in several instances, but acts of vandalism were few and far between.
    On Monday evening of this week Mrs. W. T. York gave a Hallowe'en party to her niece, Miss Loraine Bliton. The house, on West Seventh Street, was decorated, both inside and out, with jack o' lanterns, and the guests approaching the entrance to the house were greeted by these illuminated pumpkin faces, and at the door a cord being pulled their presence was announced by the ringing of a huge cow bell. The guests were received at the door by Misses Frances York and Mildred Bliton, these young ladies being attired in empire gowns of white. The interior decorations were festoons of wild grape vines and laurel berries, with bouquets of chrysanthemums and roses prominent everywhere--and lighted jack o' lanterns in every nook and corner of every room. The effect of all this being beautiful and in some instances made ghostly by the use of red, green and purple lights. Several games were indulged in during the evening, all being of a fortune-telling nature and suitable for the occasion. An especially interesting and "shivery" amusement was the ghost walk, by Mrs. York. Refreshments of chicken sandwiches, olives, salted almonds, cheese straws, chocolate cake and ice cream, the last being served in apple shells, were served. After the refreshments had been served there came more games and much pleasant hilarity and many amusing Hallowe'en antics. Those present were: Misses Fern Hutchison, Agnes Isaacs, Freda Hockenyos, Ione Flynn, Pansy Carney, Gertrude Fay, Ethelwyn Brown, Gladys Curry, Phoebe Armstrong, Helen Coss, Ruth Lumsden, Zella White, Hazel Davis, Wray Curry; Messrs. Treve Lumsden, Lloyd Elwood, Virgil Strang, Fray Ray, Vernon Vawter, Charles Boyden, Carey Bundy.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 4, 1904, page 5

    All Hallowe'en was duly celebrated in Jacksonville and with an enthusiasm creditable to the rising generation of youth. Testimonials of their industry were found in everybody's yard and piled and scattered along every street in the town. Numerous vehicles were found perched on the apex of as many different roofs of the city, and a liberal exchange of property was indulged in by the parties to the sport. The Eastern Star gave a sheet and pillow case party in honor of the day, which was heartily enjoyed and the musically inclined young people serenaded through the town.

"Jacksonville News," Medford Mail, November 4, 1904, page 8

    A party of young people spent Hallowe'en night in serenading their friends and confined the sport to innocent jokes, which leaves a much better feeling generally than if they had "torn up Jack," as is sometimes the case.

"Table Rock Items," Medford Mail, November 4, 1904, page 8

    The members of Olive Rebekah Lodge and a number of invited friends had a pretty good time on Tuesday evening of this week. It was the first social night after the summer vacation, and that the pace was well set for the coming season no one will dispute who was in attendance. Inasmuch as the date was so close to Halloween, the idea of making this an Halloween social was conceived by the committee and was most admirably carried out. Before the social feature was taken up, Miss Clara Wood, Dr. Carter and Clarence Meeker were initiated into the order. The program for the social consisted of a vocal solo by Miss Enid Hamilton, accompanied by Miss Venita Hamilton; comic recitation of Miss Alida Cox; a piano duet by Mrs. C. H. Edmonds and Mr. Wakefield; a whistling solo by Dr. Butler, accompanied by Mrs. Edmonds; a vocal solo by Miss Gertrude Wilson, accompanied by Mr. Wakefield. The paraphernalia rooms were spookishly and elaborately decorated with clammy, shivery articles. This was the witches' abode and was decorated with skulls, black cats, brooms, a witch's kettle, and by no means the least of all was the real, genuine witch in the person of Miss Alida Cox. The witch's kettle had been arranged with kindling wood, red tissue paper and an electric light beneath, and in appearance it very much resembled the genuine cavern kettle that in our childhood days we remember reading of. In this kettle were messages telling where were to be found hidden about the assembly room shells of English walnuts in which, when found, would be disclosed the person's future who found them. Partners for supper were chosen by matching card, cut oblong and containing parts of some familiar quotation. The fairy ship was another feature of [the] amusements and still another was the requirement that each person should give a speech of twenty-five words of advice upon matrimony. The decorations in the banquet room were appropriate and unique in design. Jack o' lanterns were in evidence everywhere, the tables were draped with Virginia creeper vines, and the fruits were served in jack o' lanterns. The ceiling was festooned with autumn leaves and ears of corn, while the three links on the wall were draped with autumn leaves and stalks of corn. The cups at the table were inverted and underneath each was a marble. There were crystal, china and common marbles. Each marble was supposed to be symbolical of life's mated journey, the age of husband or wife and certain degrees of happiness or sorrow. The refreshments consisted of pumpkin pies, doughnuts, salads, wafers, grapes, apples and coffee. The committee responsible for all this good time was composed of Miss Alberta Hall, Lulu Hartzell, Mrs. Minnie Van Dyke, Edith and Delia King, M. F. Duncan and John Day. Over seventy-five persons were in attendance.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 20, 1905, page 5

    Next Tuesday will be "All Halloween," and several social events appropriate to the season are already upon the tapis. The practical jokes and pranks of former years have gradually given way to a more decorous observation of the festival, and while a few gates may temporarily disappear or appear in unexpected places, as a usual thing the young people have ceased to see any fun in that sort of thing.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 27, 1905, page 5

    Jim Bates:--"Say, Bliton, remember six years ago last Halloween? I do. Crowd of us boys and girls borrowed a lot of rope from you and then, after you had gone home, we took that same rope and tied up your office doors. It was a mean trick, all right--we knew it was at the time, but it was fun we were after. That was the same Halloween that the boys got into trouble with 'Rosy'--and he had five or six of them arrested."
"Street Echoes," Medford Mail, November 3, 1905, page 1

Miss Hutchison's Halloween Party.
    Miss Fern Hutchison gave a Halloween party to a number of her young friends at the pleasant home of her parents, in West Medford, on Monday evening of this week. Thirty-three of the young lady's friends were present, and that they enjoyed themselves to the greatest extent possible could be best understood and appreciated by those looking on.
    The interior decorations were festoons of autumn leaves and mistletoe, while Jack o' Lanterns were to be seen in grinning, ghoulish glee in every direction. There were fully a dozen and a half of these faces and they were to be seen everywhere--on the porches, lawn, walks and inside.
    There was a ghost--a gigantic one--too big to enter the house, and its station was on the lawn, where it penciled upon paper the fortune of those guests who had the courage to ask for them. In a picture-matching contest Frank Ray won the prize. Partners for lunch were chosen, and when all the guests had been formed in two lines they were requested to be seated--upon the floor. When all were seated--upon the floor--refreshments were served. The refreshments consisted of fruit salads, served in apple cups, salted wafers, ice cream, cake and candy. Salted almonds were served in yellow crepe paper to represent little pumpkins.

"Miss Hutchison's Halloween Party," Medford Mail, November 3, 1905, page 5

    Jim Bates:--"Say, Bliton, remember six years ago last Halloween? I do. Crowd of us boys and girls borrowed a lot of rope from you and then, after you had gone home, we took that same rope and tied up your office doors. It was a mean trick, all right--we knew it was at the time, but it was fun we were after. That was the same Halloween that the boys got into trouble with 'Rosey'--and he had five or six of them arrested."
"Street Echoes," Medford Mail, November 3, 1905, page 1

Juvenile Halloween Party
    A company of young folks gathered at the home of Bernice Carder, in West Medford, on the evening of October 30th, to celebrate Halloween. For some distance their way was lighted by Jack o' Lanterns perched on the gate posts, and on entering the house a witch clad in black bade them follow her through a room lighted only by three large Jack o' Lanterns into another in which stood her wigwam. During the evening many games were played; after a while a large tub of water, in which floated several apples, was brought in and the boys tried ducking for them with their hands behind them. Fortunes were told by the witch, who stirred each fortune in her cauldron and then read it slowly and impressively. Apples and nuts were served in dishes made of hollowed pumpkins, and pumpkin pie on large yellow leaves. While eating the pie the party was horrified by the appearance of a ghost at the window, which flapped its white arms about and then disappeared to reappear at another window. After the first scare was over, one of the boys, Allen Denton, went and chased the ghost and on overtaking it threw his piece of pie full in its face and felled it. The ghost proved to be Miss Ida Redden, and after discarding her sheets she went in and enjoyed the fun. Then the taffy was pulled and eaten and other games played, and at an hour pretty close to midnight the guests dispersed, all declaring they had had an awful good time. The walks were festooned with ivy and oak boughs, on which the leaves had yellowed. Those present were: Allen Denton, Clyde Roberts, Guy Thornburg, Edgar Jone, Dean Carder, Nola and Ida Redden, Mabel Jones, Myrtle Roberts, Maud Ling, Ada Loosely, Blanch and Vida Thornburg, Virgie and Bernice Carder.
Medford Mail, November 3, 1905, page 1

    Halloween passed off very quietly in this neighborhood; a few innocent pranks were played by the young people, of course, but nothing objectionable to anybody.
"Table Rock Items," Medford Mail, November 10, 1905, page 8

    The small boy, ably assisted by his elders, did his level best to perpetuate the time-honored, and perhaps in some instances "dishonored," observance of Halloween in this city, and a number of anxious householders mourn the loss of gates, vehicles and other things portable that have disappeared from their customary locations. A meek family milk producer was the victim of a laughable prank which seemed to give "bossy" no uneasiness. A pair of gum boots, supported by a back strap, covered her forefeet, and a large pasteboard star covered her flank. Thus adorned, the patient beast was found by her anxious owner quietly gnawing her breakfast off the scanty fringe of vegetation along a west side street. No malicious acts have been reported, and the enthusiasm incident to the occasion appears to have exhausted itself in harmless pranks.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 2, 1906, page 5

Seventh Sons and Daughters Hold Ghostly Seance at Phipps Home.
    One of the most pleasant gatherings of the Halloween season occurred at the home of one of our popular teachers, Miss May Phipps. The evening program was arranged by Misses Phipps and Roberts.
    As the merrymakers arrived they were greeted by the festive jack o' lantern and by ghosts and witches, who had preceded them. Many were not clad in ghostly habiliments, and these were secretly escorted to a chamber where the proper apparel was donned, with pleasure and comfort by the ladies, but some of the men found it difficult to control the flowing robes and to get their line of vision properly directed through the opening in the mask.
    Silence, ghostly silence, prevailed. First, each ghost was conducted to the witches' cauldron, cleverly arranged and watched over by Hecate and her sister witches. When all were gathered around the cauldron the witches' stew was concocted, rivaling Shakespeare's famous "stew" described in Macbeth. "Fillet of a fenny snake" for good luck; not only "toe of frog" but the whole frog, for a love charm; the tail feathers of a black hen, to secure the kindly aid of the elements; three drops of water taken from the place where ditches meet, to give clearness of vision and understanding in reading and interpreting fortunes, which were to be evolved from the stew. Each guest received his or her fortune, which was read to all present. All entered in this exercise with a spirit that insured pleasure, no small part of which was the endeavor to discover who was enwrapped in the ghostly folds. The efforts to disguise voices and figures would do credit to any leading impersonator or ventriloquist.
    Next the "ghosts" were separated from the "ghostesses" and driven upstairs, where they were instructed to secure the end of a string and trace it through a labyrinth of windings to its other end, to which it was guaranteed a "ghostess" would be attached. After laughable attempts all were finally provided with partner "ghostesses." After successfully or unsuccessfully guessing who each other represented in real life, the apparel of the nether world was doffed and all appeared "clothed and in their right mind."
    Refreshments, dainty and daintily served, were then enjoyed by all, during which in turn each person who desired to see her future husband or his future wife was allowed to do so, after strenuously walking backward down cellar. All were "shocked" with the reality of the representation.
    Another delightful and realistic entertainment of the evening was the gypsy booth, where a "real live gypsy" read palms in the most approved fashion. The realism of this event was in keeping with that of all the features of the pleasant evening.
    The gathering broke apart about 11 o'clock, all voting the hostesses delightful entertainers.
    Those present were: The teachers of the city schools, Dr. DeArmond, Dr. Phipps, Ed. Phipps and wife, G. F. Lindley, Mr. Reagan, Mr. Gregory, Wm. Muller, Bob Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Roberts and Ed. Van Dyke.
Medford Mail, November 9, 1906, page 1

    Halloween was celebrated here in fine style, and the next morning people were looking for almost anything that was lost. One of my wagons was run off and two of the wheels taken off, the nuts scattered, and in the excitement of the occasion one young man lost a letter from his best girl, which was picked up and preserved. He must have been very careless even in his attentions to her, for she complains of his not calling for a month. But the letter is in safekeeping, and he can call and claim it if he likes.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, November 9, 1906, page 3

    Have you found your gate yet?
    If you woke this morning and found that most of the gates around your yard had mysteriously moved over against your neighbor's barn, or if you found your pet calf safely moored on top of Jones' woodshed, don't feel any alarm. It is the result of Hallowe'en.
Gold Hill News, November 1, 1907, quoted in Gold Hill News, November 2, 1933, page 2

It Was Hallowe'en.
    Last Saturday night was All Hallowe'en, and it was also the night that the "Devil" was in town. From the appearance of the streets next morning, it was apparent that his satanic majesty must have been turned loose after the show and allowed to put in the remainder of the night going about like a roaring lion seeking what devilment he might do. But if the devil himself was in command of the night's program it is evident that he was ably aided and abetted by as lively a bunch of kids as ever made Rome howl or turned an Oregon town topsy-turvy.
    Chief of Police Love had a hunch in advance that there was going to be "happenings" that night and had asked the city dads for a dozen or so extra policemen, but was turned down on account of the fear of a panic in the event of the election of either Debs, Chafin or Hearst--that is, Hisgen--and so the chief was powerless to prevent even his own obsequies, which seemed to have been fittingly observed around a new-made grave on Pine Street.
    The fact that "It pays to advertise" was forcibly demonstrated during the night. Last week the Herald intimated that it would appreciate the delivery of a threshing machine on Pine Street and, just to show that the hearts of the devil and his imps were in the right place, the morning light revealed not only a full-grown and lively-looking thresher, but also a self-binder, a hay rake, twelve or thirteen wagons, buggies, water tanks, etc., etc., etc., carefully deposited in the street in front of this office. All that was lacking to put this editor in a class by himself as a coming wheat king was a traction engine, a carload of seed wheat and a couple of sections of good wheat land. But there must be a limit to what may be accomplished in one night.
    It is reported that one citizen, who heard "de gang" making improper advances toward his wagon, had his ire so aroused that he got after the aggregation with a shotgun, but the wagon followed the boys off, and the final resting places of that vehicle are said to have been many times more numerous than the first.
    The boys earned a whole bushel of fun by the large amount of hard work they done, and it only happens once a year.
Central Point Herald, November 5, 1908, page 1

Mrs. W. T. York Gave One for the Children Last Night.
    Last evening Mrs. W. T. York gave a delightful children's Hallowe'en party at her residence in West Medford for her young daughters, Frances and Lucile. The pretty York home was daintily decorated with brilliant autumn leaves, while in the dining room 24 tiny electric lights, one for each guest present, was a novel and effective arrangement of light and color. Here punch was served throughout the evening, while later the guests were served with ice cream and wafers. Candy and nuts were hidden about the rooms, instituting a merry hunt, and various games suited to the season were entered into with much spirit.
    At the Presbyterian Church parlors last evening the young people of the Christian Endeavor Society enjoyed a Hallowe'en social under the direction of the social committee, composed of Mrs. P. G. Lambert, Misses Katherine Brown and Nell Dressler and Carl Glasgow. Cats and Jack o' lanterns cut from black cardboard were strung alternately with autumn leaves and festooned about the room, forming an appropriate and effective decoration, while the favors were witches also cut from cardboard. An initiation ceremony for the boys excited much merriment, and refreshments consisting of stuffed dates, confectionery, popcorn and pumpkin pie were served. In an "apple-biting contest" Mrs. Agnew won the prize.
Medford Mail, November 5, 1908

Hallowe'en Is Fittingly Observed
    All Hallowe'en was duly observed in Central Point last Sunday night, the time-honored ceremony of wheeling the old threshing machine into the middle of Pine Street and of strewing the mortal remains of Mr. Freeman's unique ancient collection of prehistoric vehicles in a bottom-side-up condition around the business center being carefully and conscientiously carried out. There was no blare of trumpets nor clash of cymbals as the work progressed. The boys felt that they had a duty to perform, a tradition to uphold and a time-honored occasion to celebrate. Hallowe'en would not be Hallowe'en without getting these artistic decorations in the limelight, although this is not saying that they are kept under a bushel the rest of the year. The owners of those artistic articles have for years shown great public spirit in allowing their property to stand out in the weather the year around that the beauty of the town might be enhanced and the public spirit and pride of the people might be advertised to every passing train.
Central Point Herald, November 4, 1909, page 1

    The Hallowe'en party in this city was a farce this year; about thirty of the tough element of this place started out to take the town. If it hadn't been for the timely appearance of a certain man this city would have been laid waste. The bunch started to take down all of the signs in town. It seems that the man enjoyed the fun up until the time they started to take down the beer sign that hung on the corner of the hotel. When the man seen that costly sign going to the brush he took a hand. He ordered the acting marshal to arrest one of the leaders. The bunch was a little troublesome so the man ordered the marshal to pull his gun and take them dead or alive. The desperado that the marshal started with put up a fight and ran away; the man then ran to the city cooler and dispersed the bunch to their homes by using a few words of good advice.
    Thanking him for his timely advice and saving the city from more damage, we thank him and hope he will act in the same way should this ever occur again.
Jacksonville Post, November 6, 1909, page 2

ne Halloween, the boys decided to use a bit of soft soap on the tracks of the jerkwater (Rogue River Ry. co.) down by the school yards, and I can hear to this day the snorting & puffing, with the engine wheels so hot from the friction on the sand let down for traction till there was no use; it just could not make one bit of headway. The train crew had to use gunny sacks to wipe that soft soap off the tracks for 50 yards; the smearing was done in a lasting way. Mr. W. S. Barnum was an angry gent.
Memoirs of Chris J. Kenney 1966, typescript page 43, SOHS MS 179

    The "kids" were pretty quiet Halloween night, nothing more serious than the swiping of a number of gates and signs and putting a few boxes in the street having been reported.
"Personal Items," Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1910, page 5

Hallowe'en Celebrated
    Central Point has a reputation to sustain as a celebrator of Hallowe'en and, true to the ancient traditions of the town, the boys did their full duty last Monday night when everything that wasn't piled up was upset and everything was put where something else should have been. Pine Street presented a spectacle Tuesday morning that would have done credit to the topsy-turvy house on the "Pay Streak" [the midway at the 1909 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in Seattle], and if there was anything missing from the general collection that would have added to the picturesqueness of the scene nobody noticed it. The old separator, grand centerpiece in the celebrations for many such celebrations, bobbed serenely up and was occupying its accustomed place in front of the Freeman building Tuesday morning. The separator was banished to the suburbs a year ago, where it was dismantled of its wheels and left a helpless hulk, but it "came back" just the same, for what would Hallowe'en be without it.
    A new stunt this year was the erection of a barn and corral in Pine Street where Bill Lewis' cow was snugly installed and given a liberal feed of fodder. Judging from the amount of good, hard work done, most all the men and boys in town must have had a hand in it, and the reporter noticed a number of tired-looking citizens Tuesday morning.
Central Point Herald, November 3, 1910, page 1

    GOLD HILL, Nov. 5.--The worst piece of Hallowe'en vandalism to occur in this vicinity was the wrecking of the outbuildings and fixtures of the Dardanelles school, on Kanes Creek. The lock was broken and the door taken from its hinges and the interior of the building "roughhoused." The stove was overturned and the pipes stuffed full of refuse. It took until noon for the teacher and pupils to get things in shape to hold school, and repairs will be necessary to the extent of at least $20. Kanes Creek residents assert that they know that boys from Gold Hill did the job, and that they are prepared to prefer grave charges in case the identity of the culprits can be proven.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 10, 1910, page C1

    Miss Hazel Antle gave a Halloween party Thursday evening to several of her friends. The evening was spent with contests, games, fortune-telling and the usual jollifications connected with this season. The open rooms were decorated with pumpkin vines and autumn leaves, the dining room being especially pretty with a huge pumpkin face on the dining table, the punch table in one corner decorated in yellow shades, also numerous papier-mache pumpkins on the plate rail. The latter were given the guests on their departure as favors. The refreshments were sandwiches and pickles, individual pumpkin pies, ice cream and cake, candies and fruit punch.
    Miss Hazel's guests were: Laura Page, Jean Budge, Mercedes Barber, Jeannette Patterson, Esther Warner, Annette Wakeman, Ruth Warner, Eva McClatchie, Carter Brandon, Floyd Hart, Kenneth Jerome, Yale Waterman, Francis Bennett, Charlie Ray, Newell Barber, Charles Carr and Herbert Alford.
"Week's Happenings in Medford Society," Medford Mail Tribune, October 28, 1911, page B1

J. F. Hittson, October 29, 1914 Ashland Tidings
October 29, 1914 Ashland Tidings

Chief Hittson Willing to Concede Liberal Amount of Fun for the Boys
But All Rowdyism Is to Be Tabooed.

    "I am willing to concede a liberal amount of fun for the boys tonight at their Halloween celebrations, but I will not permit any rowdyism, nor malicious destruction of property," announced Chief of Police Hittson this morning.
    "Extra police will be at work to prevent the depredations that are usually committed, and special attention will be paid to the resident sections of the city."
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1911, page 6

Boys Behaved Themselves Very Well Indeed,
and Although They Had Plenty of Fun They Caused but Little Damage in City.

    But very little damage was done by the boys of Medford Tuesday night. Hallowe'en passed off quietly, and only harmless pranks were indulged in. It was the quietest evening in years.
    A large number of parties were given and enjoyed.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1911, page 6

Boys Have Their Fun Just Like Big Brother and Dad Used to.
    Last Tuesday night was Hallowe'en, and while to many communities it may not have meant much, it did to Central Point. It marked the dividing line between the old regime and the new. For many years in Central Point All Hallowe'en has been a gala night--something akin, perhaps, to the spirit that pervades county fair towns every fall when the fat pigs and the big pumpkins are put on exhibition and when the carnival spirit invades the community as a whole. It's pure good feeling and altogether good sport and, as the passion play has been to Oberammergau, so has been the celebration of Hallowe'en to Central Point. But it's different now. For the last time has the historic old thresher been hauled to the corner of Pine and First streets because it [is] no more--only the big tin horn stacker spout was left for this year and it has probably done duty for the last time. With it yesterday morning was a double-barreled cannon, with an empty cigar box as a target, last remaining relic of a soon lost cause. Oh-Me-Oh-My remarked the city engineer and the chairman of the sanitary committee in the same breath when the "viewed the remains." Oh-Me-Oh-My.
Central Point Herald, November 2, 1911, page 1

Widow Who Could Ill Afford Expense Remembered by Hallowe'en Party.
    To show that the hearts of Central Point Hallowe'en boys are in the right place, this story is not so bad.
    Tuesday night, sometime between acts, the boys broke loose at Ash and Second streets, digged 150 feet of sewer ditch, laid the pipe, tapped the water main, brought the pipe and laid that to the home of a most estimable lady [who,] because of adverse circumstances, was worried about meeting this added municipal expenses. Boys who do that kind of thing may upset every 4x6 unsanitary station in town annually and the Herald will still swear that they are good boys.
Central Point Herald, November 2, 1911, page 1

    Hallowe'en--time of spirits and ghosts and goblins--is tonight. The small boy and the small girl will celebrate the occasion by use of tick-tacks, jack-o'-lanterns and white sheets. Last night the spirit cropped out and a couple of complaints were telephoned to the police that small boys were making life miserable in the residence districts by their pranks.
    The social side of the Hallowe'en observance will result in a number of house parties and gatherings and a dance by the Greater Medford Club at the Natatorium. This promises to be one of the biggest society events of the season.
Medford Sun, October 31, 1912, page 2

    Halloween in this city was marked by an almost total absence of depredations, a majority of our householders finding their gates and movable property in accustomed places Friday morning.
"Local News," Jacksonville Post, November 2, 1912, page 3

Janitor Blocks Plan to Stable Cow in High School Building--
Rowdyism Is Gentle.

    Hallowe'en ghosts and goblins raised "Ned" Thursday night, and from the first fall of darkness mischief was abroad. The time-honored tricks were played, and one man lost his automobile, another family found their weekly wash strewn up and down East Main Street, and a dray occupies the front door of an East Side bakery. There is not a sign where it ought to be on Main Street this morning.
    The man-sized spirits did not get on the job until after midnight, and though the police kept them from any real rowdyism, knots of men and boys let their mischievous bump work overtime. Ropes were stretched across streets, and the small boy with his ticktack and jack o' lantern were in full swing. A bunch of boys tried to lead a benign heifer into the high school building and were blocked by a janitor and the willingness of the cow to use an institution of learning for a stable.
    Everything loose was changed to another position, but up to 2 o'clock no spirit had thought of marking the windows of the business district.
    There were a number of social affairs.
Medford Sun, November 1, 1912, page 1

    The Hallowe'en spirit did not manifest itself very strongly in the vandalism line last night, and it was a quiet celebration. Small boys and girls furnished most of the mischief, and enjoyed themselves in the old-fashioned way in the residence districts. Downtown the spirits tipped over signs and marked store windows with soap. A number of social events were held.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1913, page 5

    Next Saturday evening will be Hallowe'en, and a number of social events have been planned for the days. The police announce that the pranks of ghosts will have to be confined strictly to orderly pranks, and that vandalism will not be tolerated in any form.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, October 26, 1914, page 2

    The spirit of the season was in the air last evening; many Hallowe'en parties attested to this, also the sheet-clad figures darting 'round the corners bound to the scene of the many festivities. The time-honored custom of discovering the name of your future mate in any one of a dozen different ways was indulged in, and many a fair maid went home heartbroken at discovering that her selection was frowned upon by the gods of fate. Small boys were in their element last night, and many [were] the pranks that were played upon unsuspecting elders. The spirit of vandalism formerly so prominent on Hallowe'en was noticeably absent, much to the relief of the parents and officials of the law. Among the entertainments was a large party at the Presbyterian Church, also the teachers of the Lincoln School entertained for the pleasure of the other teachers of the city.
"Local and Personal," Medford Sun, November 1, 1914

    A unique program was given by the school children Thursday in honor of Hallowe'en. Ghosts, jack-o'-lanterns, and witches were bobbing about in the darkened room, which gave an uncanny appearance. Mrs. Davidson, who directs the music, surprised the pupils with a great box of red-cheeked apples, also popcorn which completed the fun for the occasion.
"Willow Springs Twiglets," Medford Mail Tribune, November 5, 1914, page 5

    GOLD HILL, Ore., Oct. 27.--Hallowe'en observance in this city this season will not be confined to the frolicsome forays of the small boy or his elder imitators. Doubtless the person whose front gate was missing last year will again hold the annual indignation meeting with his neighbor, whose cow was pastured on the shed roof.
    The Greater Gold Hill Club realizes that its jurisdiction does not extend to the correction of such matters. While its members do not openly approve of the mischievous manner of celebration—they were once boys themselves.

Excerpt, Medford Mail Tribune, October 28, 1915, page 1

Hallowe'en Dance at Pavilion Tonight
    Hallowe'en observance in this city this season will not be confined to the frolicsome forays of the small boy or his older imitators. Doubtless the person whose front gate was missing last year will again hold the annual indignation meeting with his neighbor, whose cow was pastured on the shed roof.
    The Greater Gold Hill Club realizes that its jurisdiction does not extend to the correction of such matters. While its members do not openly approve of the mischievous manner of celebration--they were once boys themselves.
    The general approbation of the club for some saner form of observance is shown in the announcement of a Hallowe'en ball, to be held this Saturday evening in their dancing pavilion, which has been completely enclosed and will be heated for the winter season. Quaint favors, in the likeness of witches' caps, will be given to the guests, while the ball will be decorated in keeping with the mystic eve of hobgoblins and happiness.
    All proceeds of club dances are used for the promotion of progress in the valley, and the pleasantly informal affairs have become quite the fad with the Southern Oregon social set.
Gold Hill News, October 30, 1915, page 2

    The Hallowe'en festivities in this city were rather indifferent, in the usual way, except special social events befitting the occasion. Chief of Police Hittson reports few acts of vandalism of a serious nature, except the smashing of an arc light on the corner of Ross Court and West Seventh Street. The venturesome lad who did that will probably be made to account for it very quickly.
"Local and Personal,"
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1915, page 2

    The Piera Delta class of young ladies entertained a large number of friends at the Methodist church Thursday evening with a most enjoyable Halloween social. The rooms were artistically decorated with autumn foliage of many hues and jack-o'-lanterns of all sizes. The members of the class appeared in costumes representing everything from the usual Halloween night walker to gay Spanish maidens. Miss Lennart, dressed as a fortune teller, told the past, present and future of a goodly number, while two comely Indian maidens presided at a flourishing candy booth. Miss Alice Vandersluis, representing a Dutch girl, announced the excellent program, which consisted of music and readings. Miss Harris and Miss Carnahan of Ashland, Mrs. Lunt, Miss Taylor and Miss Vandersluis delighted all with their vocal and instrumental music, and Mrs. E. E. Cook gave a most excellent reading. Mrs. H. R. King as chairman of the refreshment committee, with a bevy of girls, dispensed hospitality in the nature of a variety of Halloween eatables. Miss Callie Vogeli is president of the Piera Delta class.
"Talent Tidings,"
Ashland Tidings, November 1, 1915, page 3

Spooks Make Merry.
    The spook dance at the Natatorium last Saturday night was well attended both by dancers and spectators. While a great majority of those present were not in costumes, a goodly sprinkling of spooks and masqueraders lent a typical Halloween spirit to the occasion. The Lyric Orchestra furnished delightful music.
Ashland Tidings, November 1, 1915, page 4

    Despite the fact that Sunday night was really Halloween, the genus small boy confined most of his seasonable mischief-making to Saturday night.
"Local and Personal,"
Ashland Tidings, November 1, 1915, page 5

    A Hallowe'en party will be given at the schoolhouse Monday night, November 1, under the auspices of the Parent-Teachers Association. Beginning at 7:30 the association will hold its regular meeting, at which time all will be invited to take part in the discussion of the question, "How Can the School Grounds Be Made More Attractive?" After the program the evening will be given to merrymaking in keeping with the spirit of the occasion, while the inner man will be satisfied with pumpkin pie and sweet apple cider.
    L. K. Hawk has very generously offered to furnish the cider and the ladies are invited to bring the pies. Everybody is invited to be present. Admission free.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1915, page 7

Spooky Gathering.
    The staid citizens of West Ashland--that is, the citizens who stayed at home--were much mystified by the strange, spooky sounds which emanated from Wimer Cove Saturday evening, but it was only a bunch of young folks having a Halloween party at the home of O. H. Barnhill. As the expectant guests climbed the winding stairway, after crossing the moat and drawbridge, to the little green castle, they were horrified to clasp something cold and clammy on the handrail. Learning that it was nothing but kelp from the ocean, they ventured to the veranda, guided by a huge and horrible pumpkin head and the sounds of revelry which came from above. When the guests got a good look at one another they beheld a collection of would-be ghosts and other strange creatures, the most comical being a portly coon smoking a clay pipe--or pretending to smoke. An expedition was organized to strike terror to the peace-loving neighbors, and soon a line of ghostly figures were silently wending their way from one house to another, entering unannounced and leaving the same way. Music, games, bobbing for apples and pulling taffy beguiled the rest of the evening, while cider and doughnuts refreshed the interior department.
    Those present, as near as could be learned, were Mr. and Mrs. Ora Deibert, Gratz Barnhill, Ray Bailey, Minta Cherry, Jean Anderson, Ramonda Harroll, May Hadfield, Minerva and Luella Bailey.
"In the Social Realm," Ashland Tidings, November 4, 1915, page 4

Halloween Pranks Do Little Harm
    Halloween was generally observed by the youth of the city last Saturday night, and as a result on Sunday morning the churchgoers beheld many wonderful sights. Of course everything movable on the main streets was moved, wagons were hoisted on ridgepoles and all of the other stunts carried out. But few cases of property damage were reported. Many social events on Friday and Saturday evening brought out numbers of white-clad ghosts.
Ashland Tidings,
November 4, 1915, page 7

    Hallowe'en was observed with the usual pranks Saturday night, but no damage was done to buildings or other property.

"Local News," Jacksonville Post, November 6, 1915, page 3

    Hallowe'en night the hillside hen roost owned by W. W. Truax was raided with devastating effect. The following morning discovered the ch
icken coop broken open, with its feathered inmates frighted and scattered through the nearby brush. When the fowls were finally rounded up for a census, after a forenoon of effort, the loss was found to be thirty-five of the finest. All through the summer season the Truax chickens have been levied upon by someone at semi-occasional intervals, but the good-natured owner preferred to charge the loss to foraying hawks. This last calamity destroyed both his theory and his faith, along with his liking for the chicken business, and the remainder of his flock have been crated and shipped to a Medford commission house.
"Local News Notes,"
Gold Hill News, November 6, 1915, page 3

Thanks Awfully
    The funniest ghosts you ever seen went out for a lark on Hallowe'en. There were 11 in the bunch, and they all got a lunch.
    Mrs. Isaacson gave us quite a treat, a box of sandwiches we didn't eat. I think it must have been a jest, when she said we could have the recipe on request.
    Mrs. Cowley is quite a hostess, but poor Bill was afraid of the ghosts. The doughnuts were good, and we ate them while we stood.
    One of the ghosts fell out, I suppose he went away to pout, for we never saw him any more after we left Cowley's door.
    Mrs. Leever gave us pumpkin pie. And how we did eat. O! My, she gave us all a plate, even though we were late.
    Wayne came to the door and says "howdydoo," we were just about to skidoo, when he gave us fruitcake, which we think he didn't bake.
    But it was good just the same, and we think we'll come again some other Hallowe'en, when we're not ashamed to be seen.
    Next we came to Mr. and Mrs. Riley, whom we esteem very highly, we followed the twine and the sandwiches did find.
    Now we all went in a hurry to have cider with Mrs. Murray, but before we got near, some black ghosts did appear.
    And we all marched in with a big broad grin. "I thought there were 11," says Mrs. Murray, and out went the black faces in a hurry.
    They offered us a seat but we were afraid we'd miss our treat, so we drank in a hurry, didn't even thank Mrs. Murray.
    But we didn't dare to talk, nor could we hardly walk for fear we'd be found out, then we'd all have to pout.
    Next we came to Mr. Mulkey, he didn't act one bit sulky, he looked rather excited, and still he seemed delighted.
    He gave us a cider treat, and lighted us to the street and O! what a noise from those pesky boys.
    Then we called on Mrs. Gray, but we didn't stay, for the cookies were hot, although she gave us a nice lot.
    We thought we could fool her, and laid them up to get a little cooler. We hope the next time of giving, there will be a reduction to cost of living.
    Now we come to Ersel Lewis and not one of them knew us, but we were well beaten for the oranges were eaten.
    By those blackface ghosts, who were looking for such a toast. Mr. Lewis passed around the candy for that was all that was handy.
    We intended to visit Houston, Wright and Hawk, but those awful boys wouldn't let us walk, those boys who had no pride had better go and hide.
    We missed three important places on account of their pesky faces. We hope next Hallowe'en they'll take a hint and not be seen.
    We may be back next Hallowe'en and we'll all be good I ween, and promise not to bother any more if you'll let us through the door.
A Ghost
Central Point Herald, November 9, 1916, page 3

    A few harmless pranks were indulged in here Hallowe'en, but no serious damage was done.
    Six Medford young men who indulged in Hallowe'en pranks were fined $1 each and costs.
"Local News," Jacksonville Post, November 3, 1917, page 3

    Hallowe'en night was properly observed in our city. Mark you, we are incorporated and have all the officers necessary to keep the city as quiet as a country church, and still when the trusting, confident citizens woke from their slumbers they found that several sections of the sidewalk had been torn up and carried away and that an automobile was taken from where it was left by the owner to the middle of the street where it leaves the Main Street and a corral built around it of telephone poles about five feet high and staked with fence posts. The corral was built so large that it almost covered the street going from the main business part of the town, and the sidewalk was stacked up against the corral. The poles belonged to our postmaster and principal owner of the telephone system here.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets,"
Medford Mail Tribune, November 9, 1916, page 5

Maccabees Hold Party.
    The Ladies of the Maccabees gave a Halloween party at the I.O.O.F. hall Wednesday evening in which the spirit of Halloween prevailed. The entertainment began with a witches' march, led by Mrs. Elizabeth Gillette. An interesting children's program about hobgoblins, pumpkin faces and black cats listened to, after which was dancing and cards. Refreshments of pumpkin pie and coffee were served. All present had an enjoyable time.
"In the Social Realm," Ashland Tidings, November 8, 1917, page 4

    The Hallowe'en devilment this year will be snippy. Judging by the devilment, it has been Hallowe'en for 13 months.
Art Perry, "Ye Smudge Pot," Medford Mail Tribune, October 30, 1919, page 4

    The novelty stores of the city are about sold out of false faces and other Hallowe'en gimcracks, which will furnish much amusement to the youth of the city tonight.
"Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1919, page 2

    Among the Hallowe'en pranks of last night was the work of a group of youths in swiping an empty hay wagon someplace and depositing it on  the public library lawn. A number of street arc lights were broken by miscreants on Oakdale and Central avenues. No arrests were made.
"Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1919, page 2

Training Class Gave Party
    The teachers' training class of the Baptist Sunday school gave their young people a delightful Hallowe'en party in the church parlors last Friday night. The guests gathered at an early hour and were shown into the parlors by a young lady. On attempting to turn the door knob they were given an electric shock, which by the way of introduction prepared them for all sorts of Hallowe'en tricks and pranks, and in this they were not disappointed. Not a dull moment was experienced by the large company present until a late hour, when they reluctantly adjourned.
"The Social Realm," Ashland Weekly Tidings, November 5, 1919, page 4

    The following is the program for the Hallowe'en entertainment to be given at the Washington School for tomorrow night.
Spook Dance
Whistling Contest . . . Prize for winner
Song . . . Chorus
Violin Solo . . . Madam Shriekinski
Banjo Solo . . . Napoleon Bonaparte Johnsing
Piano Solo . . . Madam Padewski
    The program committee has gone to great expense in order to secure these great artists, and it is hoped that no one will miss the opportunity to hear them.
    Besides the program there will be many other novel features, booths with all sorts of good things to eat, an opportunity to have your fortune told by a real gypsy, and all sorts of fun and frolic. Come prepared for a good time, wear masks, drop your cares for one night and have a good time with us. General admission 5c.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 28, 1920, page 7

    Although Hallowe'en this year falls on Sunday it will be observed tonight [Saturday] and residents of the city are warned to remove chairs and other things from their porches, or else the merry-making boys and girls will do the job for them.

“Local Briefs,” Medford Mail Tribune, October 30, 1920, page 2

    The usual pranks, mostly harmless, and spooky doings and many social gatherings marked the observance of Hallowe'en in Medford and vicinity last night.
"Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1920, page 2

    The Washington School was packed to the doors by the throng of youngsters and grownups that enjoyed the Hallowe'en party Friday evening. Most of the children came in costume and greeted old friends among the ghosts and hobgoblins with shrieks of delight. The halls were profusely decorated with autumn foliage and appropriate emblems, many of them the work of busy little fingers. Every booth did a rushing business, but as usual the fish pond outranked all other places in popularity. A short program was given on the second floor, and the fortune-telling booth gave all curious persons a glimpse of the future.
    Great credit is due the patrons and teachers who worked so hard to make the affair a success and to bring the sum of $150 into the club treasury.
Medford Sun, October 31, 1920

    So far as is known the Halloween pranks of last night by the youths of the city were harmless in character, consisting mostly of ringing of door bells and rearranging of things in sundry yards.

Medford Sun, October 30, 1921

    The Parent-Teachers Club of West Side School had a very pleasurable costume party in connection with its regular monthly meeting Saturday night. The large number present thoroughly enjoyed the variety of costumes represented. There were ghosts and witches as a matter of course, pumpkin heads real and imitation, clowns, darkies, the Gold Dust Twins, tall lanky ladies and tall fat ladies, a tiny bride and groom, Pierrot and partner, a dainty maid of hoop skirt days, small pages from the age of chivalry, an old grandmother wearing a ruffled "slat" sunbonnet and many others equally beautiful, interesting or amusing. After a time spent in games and having one's fortune told by a veritable witch, a short business session was held. As a suitable climax for such an evening, refreshments--the delectable variety for which West Side is famed--were served in generous quantities.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1921, page 3

    Those people who are fond of asserting that the old-time spirit of Hallowe'en is dead have another guess coming as far as Medford is concerned. The youth of the city were very much alive to the occasion last night, as evidenced by the general ringing of door bells, pounding on doors, carrying away of portable things from yards, innumerable pranks of various kinds, and many Hallowe'en parties.
    The younger element had great fun dressed as spooks, goblins or fairies, parading the streets and every now and then timidly sneaking up on a porch and ringing a door bell, or peering in windows with false faces on. Many carried lanterns made out of pumpkins with grotesquely carved faces.
    Evidence of the doings of the older element was seen in various parts of the city in chairs, boxes and the like hanging on poles, and other portables in equally absurd locations. For instance, on the high school lawn this morning and forenoon reposed a wagon upside down, and flanked by some gates. The school authorities waited all day for the owners to turn up.
    On the West Side, one feature of the Hallowe'en fun was the shoving of Ku Klux Klan notes under the front doors of homes warning the head of the house to leave the city inside of 36 hours under penalty of death to the whole household.
    Chief Timothy reports that the pranks were entirely harmless and that no complaints of Hallowe'en trouble were received at police headquarters.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1921, page 3

    Have you seen the ha'nts and hobgoblins yet? The children of the city, despite the fact that Hallowe'en comes next Tuesday night, could not wait for that momentous occasion, but started their observance last Friday night and will keep it up until Tuesday night, and make an extra spurt on that night.

Medford Sun, October 29, 1922

Hallowe'en Party Given by Young People.
    Lois and Mary Norris entertained the intermediate B.Y.P.U. with a Hallowe'en party at their home on Cottage Street Thursday evening.
    The guests, who were all dressed in ghost costumes, were met in the yard by other ghosts and taken through the garage, corn patch and various spooky places, then they were led through dark rooms and hallways into the living room, which was decorated with cornstalks and jack-o'-lanterns.
    The evening was spent by fortune telling, telling thost stories, guessing contests and other games, after which refreshments were served.
    Those present were: Very Reed, Margaret and Marvel Reed, Katrina Bryant, Olga Boykin, Marjorit Dailey, Nina Blakely, Dorothy and Leonora Ryan, Dorothy Hoffman, Esther Hubler, Inez Geberhard, Lois and Mary Norris, Charles Davis, Cidney Hoffman, Dale Mill, Orde Reed, Fay and Lloyd Moore, Cleo Reed, Aubrey and Carl Norris, Herme Caton and Verne Norris.
Medford Sun, October 29, 1922

    Here and there all over our county ever since last Friday night the school kiddies have been staging Hallowe'en events--usually for funds as well as fun. Could one person have gone by invisible means to every school on these different nights, a wonderful list of pretty drills, rollicking songs, splendid recitations and gay pranks would have been enjoyed.
    Jacksonville celebrated with a carnival Friday evening, during the same hours that fun rose high in Medford schools. Sams Valley gave a delightful program before a large crowd, and a box supper followed; when they sold the boxes by way of shadows. Oak Grove School had an appreciative audience for their excellent program.
    On Saturday night North Trail School had the first community party ever attempted there. Masked faces and merry stunts delighted all. Willow Springs and Agate schools had happy affairs on the same evening.
    Monday night Lone Pine, or Little Red Top school, celebrated, and tonight, Tuesday, Pine Grove, Wellen and Table Rock are planning their merry gatherings.
    Such gettings together with children and teacher in various communities speak well for interest in our schools, and the better times and better equipment that all wish for.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1922, page 5

    The rollicking youth of the city are warned while having their fun tonight to beware of the Medford police, and citizens who were needlessly called to their front door last night by the loud ringing of the bells by mischievous boys and girls celebrating already are warned to bring inside every portable thing of value from their yards, for tonight is Hallowe'en night when the hobgoblins and spooks are out for an airing.
    The boys and girls and those older ones of Medford who observe Hallowe'en recklessly must not tamper with the street lights, the city authorities and police have given out. The policemen will patrol the streets in autos looking for law violations, and it was announced at the city hall today that 25 extra guards will patrol the streets on the same errand.
    Chief of Police Timothy announced this noon that $10 reward will be given to anyone giving information leading to the arrest and conviction of any boy tampering with street lights. This holds good not only for tonight but other times as well.
    A street light was burned out last night at the corner of Quince and West Main Street through being let down by youths as a Hallowe'en prank. Besides, it is dangerous to crawl poles and tamper with high-powered wires.
    Also last night some boys let a street light down so that it hung over the middle of Ivy Street and several cars narrowly escaped running into it. There is a great danger of electrocuting occupants of cars by lowering street lights as well as of the poles falling on them should the car strike the supporting wires with sufficient force.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1922, page 7

    Hallowe'en passed off nicely in Medford last night with its many enjoyable social celebration parties in various homes, and less orderly and more democratic gatherings outside all over the city which were busy parading the streets garbed in fantastic costumes, including false faces and carrying pumpkin lanterns.
    The open air merry makers were busy from the coming of dark until a late hour with soaping windows, pounding doors, ringing door bells, rearranging lawn furniture, making snoots at the curfew law, moving portable articles from one neighborhood to another and generally disturbing the peace and quiet of the elderly folks basking by their warm firesides, who accepted the situation with humorous grace, remembering that they were once young themselves.
    Very little damage was done beyond causing much inconvenience, according to police reports received this forenoon. Many piles of winter wood at homes and other places had their braces pulled away during the celebration, causing the wood to topple over. One high woodpile at Washington School was given this treatment. A number of sections of board walks and the like were carried from one neighborhood to another, along with the other usual Hallowe'en pranks of that nature.
    But the youth of the city heeded the warning issued by the police and let the street lights alone last night.

Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1922, page 5

    Halloween eve passed off very quietly, as there was but very little mischief done.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, November 6, 1922, page 9

    The sons of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Meyer, of 75 Pine Street, entertained a number of friends at a Halloween party Tuesday evening. The rooms were appropriately decorated with witches, cats and jack o' lanterns. Games were played, after which seasonable refreshments were served. It was a very spooky party, as several times a ghost walked through the house. A number of grown folks were present and had as good a time as the kiddies. The young guests were: Norma and Wilda Peterson, Helen and Fern Madden, Virginia Hooper, Donald and Margie Guiley, Raymond Dougherty, Harold GeBauer, Albert Malcolm and Yale Meyer.
Ashland Weekly Tidings, November 8, 1922, page 2

    Among the Halloween parties enjoyed was the one given by Beatrice Cozort at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Cozort, at 685 B Street. The house was appropriately decorated with autumn leaves, jack o' lanterns, owls, black cats and other Halloween favors.
    After a ghost parade through the residence part of town, a supper was served consisting of pumpkin pie, cake and hot chocolate.
    A fish pond and other games were greatly enjoyed by all present until a late hour, when all went to their homes, voting Miss Beatrice a charming hostess. Those present were Dolly Frank, Ermina Selby, Audrey Brown, Catherine Freeman, Esther and Ruby Peffley, Irene and Helen Liazea, Wynona Glisan and Beatrice Cozart.
Ashland Weekly Tidings, November 8, 1922, page 2

Halloween Pranks Many--
    Though somewhat milder in nature than the pranks of a few years ago, Ashland was not completely permitted to be unaware of Halloween. Merchants, almost without exception, were busy this morning removing signs of revelry from the windows, while signs and other portable articles were transferred from their accustomed places. During the early part of the evening, door bells were rung, and many youngsters had a good time parading around in white robes and carrying jack o' lanterns.

"Local and Personal," Ashland Weekly Tidings, November 8, 1922, page 3

    On account of tonight being Hallowe'en, Mayor E. C. Gaddis has issued a warning to the children and young folks of the city against destroying property while engaged in their pranks. Extra police will be on duty and patrol all parts of the city on foot and in autos. Offenders against property will be summarily dealt with, the mayor says.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1923, page 2

    Hallowe'en celebrators, after raiding a party on East Main Street last night, landed in the city calaboose and languished for about three hours in durance vile. There were about 50 in the raiding party, half that number escaping en route to the jail. They were rounded up by Officer Cave, who like the malefactors was feeling in a facetious mood.
    Several of the invaders, in an argument with Mr. Davis, at whose house a Hallowe'en party was under way, were given swift kicks, where they would do the most good, and Mr. Davis was cheered by the innocent bystanders for his accurate aim. Seeing that no headway could be made in this way, the police were called, and the raiders marched down Main Street to the lockup.
    There they sang songs until the city firemen, unable to sleep, started a peace move, and threatened to turn a fire hose into the cellar. Finally, after a lecture and a warning that the proceedings were no joke, they were given their liberty.
    The following is the list of the culprits, their names being given of their own free will:
    Messrs. Conrad, Singler, Grigsby, Meadows, C. Smith, Neff, V. Jarl, V. Jackson, Pipgras, Young, Jewett, Silliman, J. Smith, N. Porter, E. Smith, Coggins, Morrow, H. Dugger, Rickey, Bennett, Hubbard, Heckey, Hubler, Huffmann, McBee, Gail, Franklin and Kershaw.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1923, page 8

    All Saints Day, or Hallowmass, is an ancient festival of the Christian church, introduced because of the impossibility of keeping a separate day for every saint. In the fourth century, following the cessation of the persecution of Christians, the first Sunday after Easter was observed for commemorating the martyrs generally, and in 610 A.D. the old heathen pantheon in Rome was consecrated to the martyrs. The real festival of All Saints was designated for November 1st, and made obligatory by Gregory IV in A.D. 835, and is still recognized where the church calendar is closely followed.
    During several centuries Hallowe'en, the night before November 1st, has been observed in all Christian nations in various ways. Just when or why witches, goblins, black cats, etc., were introduced as part of the service is shrouded in mystery, but it was a custom of the ancient Druids.
    Hallowe'en--there's something in the name that suggests merriment and mystery, a sort of spooky hilarity that relates to witches, jack-o-lanterns, goblins and ghosts. It is a time for revelry, and the young folks usually make the most of it with spook parties, masquerade balls, mummers parades.
    The entertainment on this occasion usually includes fantastic costumes with decorations of black cats, owls, hats, witches, and illuminated pumpkins. Then there's tubs of water with apples to bob for; fortune boats made of walnut shells with little candles in them; if they sail to the other side of the tub without upsetting your wish will come true; luck fishing is catching fish with numbers on them; biting at swinging apples; throwing the peelings over your head to form the letters of your sweetheart's name; making the charm cake and sleeping on a piece of it; a gypsy tent where an old witch tells fortunes, and sweet cider, doughnuts and cookies for refreshments.
    Every boy and girl in the land anticipates the occasion with elaborate preparations for a good time, and in this they are aided and abetted by the older people who never forget their own childhood joys.
Jackson County News, October 31, 1924, page 6

Youths Warned Not to Break the Law, Hallowe'en
    "We want the youth of the city to have a good time tomorrow night, seeing it is Hallowe'en," said Chief of Police Adams today, "but they must observe the rights of others. Furthermore, they must be off the streets by 12 o'clock."
    "When Hallowe'en time rolls around each year, the boys become daring enough to damage property by breaking windows and to steal furniture left outside, only to leave it in some isolated spot. This will not be tolerated in any way this year. If such pranks are carried to the extreme, prosecution will be sure to follow. Likewise it is against my wish for the 'No Parking' signs to be removed from their positions near fire hydrants and taxi stands and scattered in different places about town, as has been done in the past.
    "Although no special officers will be employed tomorrow night, special motorcycle patrolmen will be on duty to prevent the possible blockading of streets, which is strictly against city ordinances, and in addition be on duty for general utility.
    "I will be on the street till 12 o'clock," continued the chief. "At that time I will go home and I expect each Hallowe'en reveler to do the same."
Medford Mail Tribune, October 30, 1925, page 4

    Because of tonight being Hallowe'en night with its spirit of frivolity among the youth of the city, wise citizens will remove all chairs and other portable furniture from their porches and yards into the house. Much small damage was done by the premature celebration of boys last night, such as roughly carrying away outside portable objects from homes to distant points from there, and upsetting things generally. The police tonight warn that they will not only patrol the city on motorcycles and make arrests of all violators, but will also arrest every boy or girl found on the streets after midnight.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1925, page 2

Small Boy Uses Soap and Horrid Faces;
Spirits Do No Material Property Damage.

    Old folks, young folks and little folks all took occasion to celebrate Halloween last night in various ways.
    In keeping with one of the important dates on the social calendar, the old folks held masquerade dances, card parties, taffy pulls and whatnot.
    The young folks made merry by motoring to dances, the boys especially worrying the city police and the populace in general. As in years gone by, the little ones wearing false faces and carrying hideous Jack-o-lanterns and draped in flowing white sheets stalked the streets in search of the innocent and the timid.
    Far into the night, candle-light flickering through grotesque openings painstakingly cut into large yellow pumpkins, flitted from street to street and from window to window as groups of little ones wandered mysteriously about. Some of the more daring traveled in couples and others alone, emitting at intervals blood-curdling screams and groans to throw into the unsuspecting the fears of the unknown. As the hours advanced they disappeared, as one by one they trekked homeward. Some were afraid, their candles having burned into nothingness. They ran, fell and stumbled homeward, leaving older ones to do that which they had not dared.
    Police had issued a warning that merry-makers must be in by 12 o'clock, but challenging the word of law, boisterous youths continued on the streets, alleys and side streets to do their worst. It is not strange to say that many windows were soaped, paint was applied in places where it should not be, furniture removed to far places, and confusion caused in general.
    Up to midnight no material damage had been reported to police, who seemed to have the situation well in hand, as several special motorcycle officers were on duty to prevent maudlin depredations. Until midnight the steady purr of their engines could be heard in various and scattered portions of the city [as] they surreptitiously rushed about.
    Although the curfew bell rang as usual at 9 o'clock, no one heard it, all of the kids of the city, carried away by the spirit of the occasion, being exceptionally hard of hearing. However the police and parents heard the bell ring, and only smiled.

Medford Sun, November 1, 1925

Special Officers to Guard Property from Malicious Spirits--Window Soaping Tabooed--Also Turning Off Lights--Youths Must Behave.

    When ghoulish figures prowl mysteriously about alleys and byways of the city tomorrow night in keeping with the spirit of Hallowe'en in quest of mischief to worry local residents, they must beware or the police will arrest them if they are found destroying property in the spirit of fun carried to the extreme, announces Chief of Police Adams, who has made arrangements for a special force of policemen to be on duty tomorrow night until the arrival of morning to prevent uncalled-for depredations.
    "While I want the boys and girls of Medford to have their fun on this annual festive occasion," said Chief Adams today, "I do not want them to take in too much territory by breaking up furniture, destroying flower gardens and in numerous other ways cause loss of money by destruction of articles of value. Any boy or youth caught doing such devilment will be slated to appear before the judge to explain."
    Soaping of windows by rubbing bars of soap over the glass will be one of the main things the police will attempt to prevent. "Evildoers" caught doing the soaping act will be forced to clean all windows thus treated. The mark left by the greasy material is so hard to remove that it requires the application of sharp razor blades. Hallowe'en activities have already caused considerable grief to a number of local merchants who yesterday morning found show windows liberally marked with soap. The perpetrators of the vandalism as yet have not been found.
    The popular practice of turning out street lights will be regarded as a law violation of a dangerous nature, as darkened streets afford burglars and holdup operators numerous opportunities to ply their nefarious trade. The manipulation of street light switches by young hands is often said to be the cause of burned-out globes. Red lamps set near excavations or near roads where construction is under way must not be touched and neither must no-parking signs or those advertising brands of gasoline be moved to out-of-the-way places, where sometimes they remain hidden for weeks.
    Children and youths who do nothing else than play harmless pranks can rest assured of being "in good" with the police, Chief Adams declares.

Medford Mail Tribune, October 29, 1926, page 1

    Hallowe'en activities seemed to end early for the police last night. The little gangs of young boys and girls that had formed early in the evening disbanded before 10 o'clock, with the inspiration furnished by members of the police force, who gave repeated warnings urging them to go home.
    The only damage reported as caused by the youngsters was done in early evening when a rock was thrown through a window of Clarence Bates' residence. The usual sign moving was done, although repeated warnings had been given against it, and consequently some signs may be missing for months. The pranks were not altogether limited to the children, as several women were seen attempting to drag a gasoline sign away from its post of duty, but being discovered by a passerby they hurriedly ran way.
    The police declare over 100 boys were sent home during the course of the evening.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1926, page 8

    Hallowe'en revelers are blamed by the police for the breaking last night of two large plate glass windows in the front of the Trowbridge Iron Works building at the end of North Central Avenue. Rocks, it is believed, were willfully thrown into the glass to satisfy mischievous appetites for property destruction.
    "We have an approximate line on the rock throwers," declared Chief of Police Adams today, "and if they willingly come to us with the intention of paying for the damage, no charges will be placed. But if they do not, we will be forced to cause them the embarrassment of arrest and possible jail sentences."
    The destruction of the two windows is the greatest property loss yet reported as caused by Hallowe'en activities. Numerous pranks were played Saturday and last night by young boys, who apparently found great joy in soaping windows of various business establishments and turning over cars in used car lots. One was turned over within jumping distance of the city jail in Hittson's lot. This prank, however, is said to have caused no damage. It will require days before the last vestiges of the soap can be removed from the windows, and it may be even longer before signs taken from their posts of duty will be found hidden in faraway places.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1926, page 3

    Gold Hill was very fortunate this year to get over the Halloween season without experiencing any harmful depredations. Naturally enough, some few pranks were played and jokes perpetrated, but the usual malicious vandalism which characterized Halloween night in most communities was conspicuous by its absence.
Gold Hill News, November 4, 1926, page 1

    The Hallowe'en prowlers took occasion either Friday or Saturday evening to destroy property at the school house, going into the school house and molesting the school work, littering up the floor, destroying the compositions, pen points and such things, also upsetting the toilets and other things, all of which one should think twice before doing.
"Reese Creek Riplets," Medford Mail Tribune, November 6, 1925, page 14

    The black and orange spookiness of Hallowe'en is making itself felt around Medford this week as the feast of ghosts draws nigh. Windows throughout the city are taking on decorations under the direction of local artists, and with every turn of the head, shoppers receive some new suggestion for celebrating the occasion.
    Among the most attractive windows completed along Main Street this morning were the Colonial Bakery, which combined the appeals of taste and color in a display of uniquely decorated pastries. In the center of the window, against a background of wheat shocks and autumn flowers, stands a large cake, the top layer of which represents a silver tray holding a number of candy-orange pumpkins. Around this are smaller cakes with tiny pumpkins and fruits, black sugar cats and ghosts.
    Swem's window was striking in its arrangement of colored masks, favors, weird toy cats, goblins and countless other seasonable suggestions, over which flew a hollow-eyed witch on a broomstick, her straggly gray hair blowing in the wind.
    The H. E. Marsh grocery store was neatly decorated with foodstuffs in holiday packages, arranged against a red-and-white brick wall, with gate posts made of brown logs, over which were lamps with grotesque lights gleaming from behind black masks. Here and there witches and cats perched in sinister fashion on top of some pumpkin or clump of small fruit.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 27, 1927, page 5

    Tonight is Hallowe'en night when, although all kinds of spooks and goblins meander about seeking whom they may devour, citizens are more concerned about the usual Hallowe'en depredations and damaging pranks committed by boys, young and old.
    To keep the usual damage down and make inconvenience to the general public less, Chief of Police McCredie has issued a warning that not only will the police force, augmented for the occasion, patrol all sections of the city in cars and on foot, seeking out all boys or girls who are disturbing the peace by committing damaging pranks, but that all boys and girls 16 years of age, or under, must be in their homes by 9 o'clock at the latest, else they will be arrested.
    In other words, the police department is going to strictly enforce the curfew ordinance tonight. Nine p.m. is the deadline for all boys or girls of 16 or under to be seen on the street. Any found after that hour on streets will promptly be arrested. The police will be cruising around the city in autos the minute it becomes dark looking for juvenile offenders.
    Nevertheless, wise citizens, profiting from past experience, will take in everything portable from their yards and porches and lock them up by dark, and keep a close lookout all evening in addition.
    The Hallowe'en pranks began in a mild way Saturday night and continued last night, consisting mostly in soap marking of show windows and the like, and some more damaging moves.
    Dave Griffiths, pressman of the Mail Tribune, may be forced to buy two new tires and tubes as the result of young boys pulling out the valve stems while the car was parked last night on the street. He drove on the flat balloon tires for five blocks before he could reach a point to remedy the trouble.
    The placing of two iron gasoline signs on Jackson Street nearly caused a collision on that street last evening when two machines stopped barely in time to avoid hitting each other. A large pile of brick on North Grape Street was liberally strewn over a large lot by young boys either last night or the night before, breaking a comparatively large number.
    Windows of closed automobiles were soaped, and many other kinds of annoying depredations committed.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1927, page 3

    A broken window was reported to the police today as the only damage resulting from the celebration of Hallowe'en by the youth of the city last night, though it was feared the toll of mischievous Hallowe'en pranks would be greater. Due to the added watchfulness of the police department, which kept the youngsters moving whenever they happened to congregate to make plans for some daring prank, it is believed that the damage was held to such a low minimum.
    The Crater Lake Auto Paint Shop on North Grape Street suffered the broken window, which was smashed by a rock thrown by some prankster endowed with more than average mischievousness. Numerous small groups of boys and girls found joy in scattering leaves on dwelling porches, taking away porch chairs which had not been removed to safety by their owners, and ringing doorbells promiscuously. Younger children found merriment in dressing as ghosts, wearing masks and carrying jack-o-lanterns made from the traditional pumpkin.
    House parties and dances were enjoyed by older folks, who no longer saw joys in the antics of their "kid days." Two masque costume balls were held in Medford and were attended by large crowds of dancers, who competed for prizes awarded for the best costumes of the evening. Dancing continued until 2 o'clock in the morning.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1927, page 3

    Tuesday morning the high school and seventh and eighth grades played the role of prisoners and were made to clean up Mr. Bluett's and Mr. Orr's yards, which had been made a dumping place on Hallowe'en night. It must be that school boys are supposed to do all kinds of manual labor to get an education nowadays, or the teachers haven't enough muscular energy of their own.

"School Notes,"
Gold Hill News, November 3, 1927, page 8

    CENTRAL POINT, Nov. 3.--Hallowe'en has come and gone. No great display of mischievous pranks was shown, although there was plenty of noise. Some bloodthirsty person shot off what seemed to be dynamite caps at different intervals and kept the town police force in action. How nice it seemed, to see that peace reigned supreme with a policeman on every corner.
    The pupils' eighth grade of the school celebrated this spooky night with a Hallowe'en party in Scout hall.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 4, 1927, page B6

Few Pranks by Local Youth--Police Commend Restraint--
Other Cities Not So Fortunate

    With the exception of the usual mischievous pranks, Hallowe'en passed by quietly in Medford, and today the police department commended local youngsters in refraining from the needless destruction of property. The more brave groups of Hallowe'en revelers moved signs to out-of-way places, soaped store windows and car windows, deflated automobile tires, turned on water hydrants, removed loose articles in front yards, etc.
    One group, braver than the rest, moved the old German cannon war relic in the city park to the high school, where the cannon was placed on the front steps. The cannon was moved in the early morning hours and was first missed when city employees found it missing from its place in the park.

Medford Mail Tribune, September 27, 1942, page 1. The only known photograph of the German gun.
    The police department employed no extra men to preserve peace and quiet, but had warned Hallowe'en pranksters several times to use caution in celebrating. In Central Point, in anticipation of more than the usual devilment, four extra police officers were employed, but their services were hardly found necessary.
    Hallowe'en celebrations, police officers said today, are not like they used to be, when organized gangs of youths and young boys would spread terror through the town by hoisting wagons on top of house roofs, blocking streets with small sheds, implements and loose lumber. Now and then a corral would be built in the center of a street and several cows placed therein. Gone are the times when schoolhouse doors were piled high with wood, making it impossible to open school the next day, and the times when the town marshal was hung in effigy years ago.
    Outside of playing the little pranks of last night, the youngsters contented themselves by attending parties, running around in sheets and carrying jack-o-lanterns, which they shined in the windows of unsuspecting neighbors.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1928, page 6

    Hobgoblins, spooks, witches and cats are again peering from local shop windows in anticipation of the Hallowe'en season, which is already beginning to manifest itself in preparations for social, civic and charity functions to be staged during this month.
    Practically every church in the city has at least one Hallowe'en party on the October calendar, with all the weirdly grotesque effects in the making. Lodges throughout Medford are also not overlooking the decoration and amusement possibilities of this popular season. Perhaps one of the largest social functions planned is the annual ball to be given at the Oriental Gardens by the Business and Professional Club on October 25, at which Hallowe'en with all its possible effects will be observed. This will be used to raise funds to finance the state federation convention which is scheduled for the latter part of May.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 18, 1929, page B5

    Next Thursday is Hallowe'en, when it will be legal for a boy to tear the hind wheels off an automobile and be branded as nothing more than mischievous.

Art Perry, "Smudge Smoke," Medford Mail Tribune, October 27, 1929, page 11

Chief Warns Damage to Windows and Other Property Will Bring Arrest--
Pranksters Busy Last Night, Valley Towns.

    Because this is Hallowe'en night Chief of Police McCredie will have extra policemen on tonight to patrol the city from dark until about 2 a.m. to capture boys and others of all ages who are found doing damage while celebrating. The chief warns that all persons caught in the act of damaging depredations, soaping and candling of store or house windows, interfering with cars, hurling obstructions against houses and doors, removing furniture from yards or porches will be arrested.
    The police will keep extra vigil to catch any person letting wind out of auto tires or removing or damaging cars in any way, both in the business and in the residential districts.
Pranks Last Night
    Pranksters caused much trouble in Ashland last night, especially in the way of letting wind out of tires, moving cars, placing obstructions in the streets and the like.
    In addition to these extra police here tonight, the regular members of the police force will also maintain extra vigilance. The police will patrol the city by auto and on foot. Chief McCredie has no objection to the boys and girls celebrating only so property is not damaged or destroyed. The boys and girls can garb themselves in any outlandish costume desired, ring all the doorbells they please or perform other harmless stunts.
Special Room
    The chief, however, says that a special room has been prepared at the city jail in which will be placed several dozen rats and mice, in which small boys and girls caught doing any damage will be locked up for two hours along with the rodents.
    There will be many social Hallowe'en parties of various kinds, especially among the young people tonight.
    Hallowe'en pranksters were busy in Ashland and through their mischievousness caused considerable inconvenience for Ashland residents, according to City Traffic Officer Prescott, who was in Medford this forenoon from the Granite City. One or two streets were blocked with boxes and many windows were soaped. In some cases air was let out of tires and cordwood was moved into front yards.
Highway Blocked
    A night or two ago at Talent, he reported, the highway was blocked with boxes and motorists were forced to drive around them, and accidents were only narrowly averted.
    Mischievous youths, who could not wait until tonight, committed pranks in a small way last night, and a number of the windows of stores were candled or soap-marked.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1929, page 1

    Hallowe'en passed by more or less quietly in Medford as far as the police were concerned, but local residents reported a variety of mischievousness, ranging from carrying of jack o' lanterns to moving porch chairs, and in some cases damage of a minor degree. A few windows were reported broken and some porch lights were not burning today because milk bottles had been carefully aimed at them.
    Out on West Main Street some ambitious pranksters moved from Jacksonville the city limits sign--"Entering Jacksonville: speed limit 20 miles per hour." A few wagons, resurrected from some junk yards, reposed this morning on some front yards, and pieces of scaffolding were on front porches. The biggest joy apparently was in the soaping of store windows and windows of parked autos, and there was a general window washing campaign in session this forenoon.
    Hallowe'en parties kept other pranksters indoors for a large share of the evening, but they took part in some mischievousness when the parties were over. The police made no arrests and had no trouble in preventing any serious damage. The cannon in the park was not moved to the high school as it was last year, as since that time the piece of artillery was anchored in a foundation of concrete and it was placed there to stay.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1929, page 3

    Hallowe'en passed pleasantly, without a home or hospital being dynamited. Hallowe'en comes but once a year, which seems to be enough.
Art Perry, "Smudge Smoke," Medford Mail Tribune, November 3, 1929, page 13

    The police are making arrangements to cope with the usual Hallowe'en stunts of the youth of the city tomorrow night, and announce that as long as the observance enthusiasm of the time-honored night is confined to harmless pranks they will not interfere, but that they will make arrests wherever property is defaced, carried away or otherwise rearranged by transfer.
    Not only will there be extra policemen on duty, but the officers will be scurrying around to all nooks and corners of the city in cars, to pounce upon and arrest all boys or young men who overstep the bounds.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 30, 1930, page 2

Breaking Windows Rouses Police to Redoubled Vigilance in Restraining Celebration.
    Much pre-Hallowe'en damage was done in the city last night by boys who could not wait for tonight to celebrate, which resulted in a flood of reports to the police station today and has made the police more than ever determined to patrol the city tonight and arrest all youths whom they find are doing damage to property.
    Many windows of cars were soaped, as were a number of the store windows, parked cars in various sections of the city were removed to distant places or overturned, and movable objects in the resident districts were carried away to other locations.
    In addition, the marauding youth collected about 50 radiator and gas caps, unscrewed from cars in various neighborhoods, many of which are at the police station today awaiting identification by the owners.
    Two cases of missiles thrown through residence windows were reported, one of which was at 621 West 11th Street.
    A stone was thrown through the glass in a door at 112 Summit Street.
    Boys destroyed a cabbage patch at 242 Beatty Street, pulling up the cabbage heads and scattering their leaves all over the streets in the vicinity.
Identity Known.
    The police already know the identity of some of the boys engaged in these depredations, and they with their companions will be haled into the police station for questioning, preliminary to prosecution in court.
    Wise citizens will remove all portable objects from their yards and porches to places of safety before dark this evening, or better still will remain at home to guard their outside property belongings.
    Extra police will be on duty tonight and patrol trips throughout the city will be made by auto or pedestrian locomotion in search of youths who overstep the bounds of reason in their celebration.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1930, page 8

    Practically all of the young people of Gold Hill were out playing Hallowe'en pranks Friday night. Everyone seemingly enjoyed themselves. Several parties found flat tires on their cars when they were ready to drive them away, and innumerable piles of rubbish were found on everyone's front porch and yard. Several gates were missing, the church steps were down and people were really alarmed; however, when someone, as a joke, blew the fire whistle the young pranksters soon made themselves scarce and no one was the wiser.
Gold Hill News, November 6, 1930, page 1

    Not in the spirit of a killjoy, but simply as a protection to the general public and themselves, Chief of Police McCredie warns the youths of Medford that damage to property either tonight, a day before Hallowe'en, or tomorrow night during Hallowe'en, pranks will not be tolerated by the police, and gives further warning that on both nights the regular local police force will be reinforced by state police, who will assist in patrolling the city with cars and in lying in wait in various dark places on foot to capture destroyers of property and haul them to court.
    Carrying away of movable property from a yard is banned, and especially will the police not tolerate the soaping of windows either in the business or residence districts.
    Neither Chief McCredie nor any of the other officers care how much innocent fun the children and older boys and girls indulge in, but they do call a halt on any rough stuff, or excessive public annoyance.
    The chief also warns citizens to be on the lookout at their homes tonight and tomorrow night, in the way of protecting their portable property left on porches and in yards.  The ante-Hallowe'en fun began last night, but it was of an innocent character for the most part, consisting mainly of the ringing of door bells, peering in windows and the taking of chairs from porches, and the like.
    Chief of Police Clatous McCredie has issued a warning not to use paraffin in their Hallowe'en pranks, as the substance ruins surfaces when being removed.
    A number of complaints have been filed at the local police station, and a special lookout will be kept by city police to curb such depredations.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 30, 1931, page 2

School Parties and Programs Mark Hallowe'en Season Here
    Hallowe'en! To the older folks a time when doors have to be locked and property guarded. But to the school children, this year, it was a time of gay parties and programs on Friday, which resulted in their nervous energy finding a harmless outlet, and most of them were tired enough on Saturday to let the phantom witches and hobgoblins have a clear field, and little damage other than soap-marked windows was reported in this community.
    Friday was the big day in the lives of most Gold Hill children, and at noon, anxious youngsters begged busy parents for pumpkins, broomsticks, masks and costumes that they might take a part in the festivities of the afternoon. And varied were the offerings which they brought to their classrooms. Paper-plate masks decorated in the wildest colors; eye masks accompanied by goblin hats and witches' peaks; terrifying ready-made faces, and always a jack-o'-lantern companion, each with its own individual face, added to the merriment in the school rooms, as the parties and programs went on.
    The afternoon passed quickly in most of the rooms. The sixth grade program included a study of old-time Hallowe'en customs, followed by a party in which three witches and a fortune teller gave color to the festivities. The pupils also enjoyed refreshments of pie, cider, apples and candy. Mrs. Pena is teacher in this room.
    Miss Moore and her fifth grade pupils also spent the afternoon celebrating appropriately. Hallowe'en games were played, and the room was gay with jack-o'-lanterns. Cake and popcorn were served at the close.
    In the third and fourth grades, where Mrs. Sargent is the teacher, about thirty mothers were guests at a program of songs and other appropriate Hallowe'en activities. The room was decorated with the pumpkin lanterns, while a variety of masks were worn by the children. Candy and popcorn were the refreshments. Some of the mothers took this opportunity to visit other rooms, also.
    The second grade, of which Miss Pendleton is teacher, also spent the afternoon in the Hallowe'en spirit, a party and refreshments being enjoyed.
    For the high school pupils the evening was a big success. Under the direction of Miss Fenwick, class advisor, the freshmen, in accordance with school tradition, returned the courtesy of the sophomore initiation party earlier in the year, by entertaining this class, as well as the upperclassmen, the faculty and their wives, and a few other guests.
    The gymnasium was decorated for the occasion in the bright Hallowe'en colors, with cornstalks and pumpkins grouped here and there.
    The program included two piano solos, and a Hallowe'en reading followed by many enjoyable games. The fun feature was a contest in which the company identified clever cartoon pictures of members of the faculty and student body. Serving of refreshments brought the evening to a close.
    On the whole the party, which was enjoyed by more than sixty people, is reported as one of the most successful given in the local school for some time, being well organized and planned. Much credit is due Miss Fenwick and her able committee for its success.
Gold Hill News, November 5, 1931
, page 1

Reconstruction Crews Prepare for Morning After Work As Goblins Near
    Coming as an impressive reminder of the advantages of city conveniences, Hallowe'en this year is expected to be the usual story of deviltry and nuisance in Jacksonville.
    Because of its peculiar form of sewage disposal, the old town is regarded as a fertile field for goblins, spooks and will o' the wisps to put in a hilarious night of fun and frolic and leave no small amount of reconstruction and building raising in their wake. It is estimated all stray cattle, horses and buggies will shift to the uppermost story of local dwellings, and school board officials are already laying plans of how to lower half the township's portable livestock and structures from the top of the Jacksonville school house.
    Comfort stations, always located at the rear of city property in this rather old-fashioned town, are expected to be found lying on their sides next Tuesday morning unless youth of the land has changed its ways in the past season, and many home guards have been preparing cartridges with bacon rind and birdseed in anticipation of disturbances to outdoor plumbing.
    Of course the apprentice goblins will be content to soap windows and rat-tat little girls' windows, but the advanced classes, ranging in ages from 15 to 90, are expected to burst forth in all their orneriness and annoying glory for one night and let off a little steam.
    Halloween, renowned for apple ducking, punkin pie, cider strong enough to walk home, and late hours, probably will be a severe spasm this year traceable directly to the President and his generous allotment of spare time for thinking up things to the country's citizens. However, Jim Littell, the local marshal, expects to spend an active night and probably is due for many harrowing experiences when Bossy bellows from the top of the fire hall, sheeted punkins dart hither and yon and the air is filled with the crash (and stench) of phone booths toppling over.
    All in all, Jacksonville and surrounding citizens anticipate a return to old-time inexpensive but nevertheless intensely funny antics and gestures of foolishness. And doubtless ouija boards will have to be employed by former owners of gates, cars and wagons ere property is restored to its rightful place when Monday night has become just another Halloween to put down in the history of evidences of man's eternal orneriness.
    "Yes," stated a prominent city official yesterday who would not permit use of his name, "I believe a bond issue for installation of a sewage system would carry 10 to one the morning after Halloween in Jacksonville."

Jacksonville Miner, October 28, 1932, page 1

    Boys and girls in Medford who are planning Hallowe'en pranks for this evening will be required to watch their steps, for Chief of Police Clatous McCredie announced this morning that special police will be on duty to check all depredations.
    Children who couldn't wait for Hallowe'en to arrive started activities last night, according to reports at the city police station. One call told of leaves being thrown on the front porch of a residence, and another of tin cans being dumped in the street.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1932, page 1

    Over thirty calls were answered last night by city police as Medford youths were busily engaged in mischievous pranks about the city. Frank Jordon reported his automobile stolen from the corner of Main and Grape streets, but it was recovered this morning back of the tennis courts at the junior high school.
    Dr. G. A. Gitzen, who resides on South Grape, brought a badly battered hydrant to the station, which someone had struck from the pipe in the yard. George Kunzman also turned in a report that his car had been stolen from the K. of P. hall, but it was later discovered his young son had borrowed it for the evening.
    Several people reported food stolen from their back porches, including a call from the C. W. McQuiston residence at 923 West Main Street.
    Bill Luman bemoaned the fact that three fat ducks which had already been picked were removed from his back porch.
    Other depredations reported were leaves stacked on front porches, a ticket stand placed in the middle of Main Street, and air let out of tires on cars parked along the street.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1932, page 1

    The sheriff's office is today investigating a case of Hallowe'en vandalism on the Midway Road [Table Rock Road] Monday when youths raided the place of William Cummings and caused $200 damage, according to the owners. Livestock and rabbits were turned loose and an auto taken apart. The depredations were committed by a band of youths between the ages of 12 and 20 years. The Cummings home is located five miles from this city.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 2, 1932, page 1

    Late returns from the Hallowe'en front indicate there were a number of innocent pranks, and several guilty pranks, but nobody prankishly used the Hallowe'en season as an excuse to commit burglary, banditry, arson, or kindred felonies.
Art Perry, "Ye Smudge Pot," Medford Mail Tribune, November 3, 1932, page 4

Night of Terror Quelled by Local Hoosegow Limits
    A night of terror, spooks and their weird antics was nipped in the bud in Jacksonville last Monday evening when Marshal Jim Littell and Special Officer Taylor mounted two automobiles and spent the dark, chilly hours cruising about the city's streets and interspersing motive vigil with breathless chases through vacant lots and across nearby fields to keep the local crop of pranksters on needles, pins and their guard.
    But two confinements were accomplished by the officers, who kept young Jacksonville on the run till past bedtime. George Hueners and Warren Coffman, caught in the act of galloping at top speed, were incarcerated for the night in the local bastille, which climaxed the city's Halloween prank on the boys. It was admitted by the marshal and deputy that they enjoyed the evening's activities as much or more than the youths committing depredations, which were few in number.
    Save for the occasional tipping of an outbuilding and the deposit of a road grader in the driveway of Mrs. Bob Finney, the annual holiday was unmarred by rearrangement of the city's effects. No group aspired to hoist a cow to the school roof or like undertaking. "Just another Halloween, with nothing much but a lot of foot-racing, laughing and high spirits," commented Officer Littell as dawn separated the eastern hills from a cloudy sky Tuesday morning.

Jacksonville Miner, November 4, 1932, page 1

    Some premature Hallowe'en devastation has been reported from the residential areas. A number of pretty ghosts have been engaging in some petty thieving, the police hear. The Hallowe'en sprites have a tooth for gasoline, and new tires, the stealing of which is supposed to come under the head of "innocent pranks." To stop this gay mischief a number of citizens have started sleeping in their garages with a well-greased shotgun. They belong to the old school, and think some of the new school are a trifle too criminal.
Art Perry, "Ye Smudge Pot," Medford Mail Tribune, October 26, 1933, page 6

    Hallowe'en will be formally observed Mon. and Tues. eves. Sprites, elfs, and goblins will be abroad, and the police have taken steps to prevent any goblin from gobbling anything that does not legally belong to him, and using the occasion as an excuse for petty thieving.
Art Perry, "Ye Smudge Pot," Medford Mail Tribune, October 29, 1933, page 6

So This Is Hallowe'en!
    Halloween started as a Druid festival long before the Christian era. It was the first Thanksgiving. The gathering of nuts and fruits formed a part of the celebration, and as ghosts were supposed to be particularly prevalent that night and particularly hungry, various wild dances were put on to scare them away.
    Bobbing for apples still endures, cracking nuts still has a part in the  ritual, and jack o' lanterns, appearing suddenly at the windows, are of course descendants of those ghosts in ancient Britain.
    All of which is to the good. But the youth of America elaborated the ghost motif by introducing a species of nocturnal vandalism, which in the old days included pulling up hitching posts, unhinging yard gates, tearing up wooden sidewalks, and in one instance at least, placing old man Dankey's prize surrey astride the cupola of his barn.
    Well, today there are no hitching posts, no wooden sidewalks, no prize surreys, and Old Man Dankey's mid-Victorian barn has long since gone to dust.
    This is the machine age, the cement sidewalk age, the wire fence age, and the motor car age.
    Hard luck on the modern kids. It is almost impossible to put on a Druid ghost dance in these times without destroying property, which is not so good at any time, but is particularly bad during such times as now prevail, when people are having hard enough work to pay their regular bills, without having bills for needless repairs forced upon them the first of November.
    So we are going to suggest to the kids of Medford and surrounding towns that they bob for apples, crack nuts, form as long a jack o' lantern parade as they can muster, make as much noise as they like, eat all the pumpkin pie and drink all the cider they can hold, but abandon the idea of puncturing tires, moving garages, breaking windows, digging up cement sidewalks and family flower gardens.
    It's a good deal to ask, and pretty late to ask it; nevertheless, that is this evening's urgent request. Let's make this a Depression Hallowe'en, largely a hilarious but, NON-DESTRUCTIVE celebration, over the fact that MOST of us, thanks to a bountiful harvest, have enough to eat!

Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1933, page 4

    The city of Medford awakened this morning to view the world through a lot of soapy windows and realized that Hallowe'en had come and gone again and that youth was not extinct in the valley.
    No important damages from celebration of the holiday were reported to the police. Several gates were carried from fences and a lot of tires were without air. Rotten apples in several cases supplemented the cabbages Sherwood Anderson used to write about, and a few tomatoes also adorned doorways.
    The Groceteria No. 1, which escaped decoration last night by keeping a watchman on duty, found such precaution futile, when schoolgoers made the windows conform with others of the town this morning.
    Residents of the city, who were in a festive mood, attended the Elks dance at the temple, which marked the official opening of the social season, while others danced at private costume events or went to the movies, which also boasted spooky offerings.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1933, page 5

Gala Hallowe'en Stages Big Inning On Home Grounds
    Hallowe'en had its heyday in Gold Hill Tuesday.
    With a heigh and a ho it came and went. It had none of the debilitated aspects of the city celebration. It was Hallowe'en old style and plain vanilla to anyone who was unfortunate enough to have anything loose or capable of being pried loose. You might find your fence at your next door neighbor's or across town. Of all the structures, the proverbial backhouse suffered the worst breakage and traveled the farthest.
    Parties were attended and parties were raided. Windows were given an unseemly coat of hieroglyphics, and tires went suddenly flat. Gangs resembling small guerrilla bands peppered porches and yards with debris from other yards and porches, Younger children, too small to have vandalistic instincts, went about in spooky white robes and hideous-looking masks doing their childish best to scare somebody. And happy were the fathers that played scared. And insanely delighted were the little tots. And many were the pumpkin pies and kegs of cider consumed. And comic were the costumes rigged out.
    And all of this much to do about nothing has come down through the ages because man is inherently superstitious and harks back to his Druid forefathers.
Gold Hill News, November 2, 1933, page 1

    One of the most cleverly planned and successfully carried out Hallowe'en parties was enjoyed by a group of twenty-four guests who were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson Tuesday evening, with Mrs. Thompson's sister, Mrs. Aletha Robbins, as co-hostess.
    Guests arrived garbed in various costumes, ranging from farmers and milkmaids to hoboes and clowns, and gained entrance via the back door, through a weirdly lighted "woods." Bud Force and Ray Thompson, as clowns, furnished much of the hilarity during the evening.
    Chief diversion was bridge, played at five tables, but play was often interrupted by impromptu funmakers. High-score set prizes which consisted of articles of wearing apparel which the winners were required to wear through the next four hands created much merriment, and two masks won by George Hammersly and Mae Logan threatened to halt the game.
    High score prizes for the evening went to Mr. and Mrs. Aurele Meunier, Mr. Meunier receiving a bottle of cider, and Mrs. Meunier a pumpkin and a pie tin, while Bud Force, as low-score holder, was awarded a huge doughnut.
    Several other games were played following refreshments, and it was not until well after midnight that the guests departed. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hammersly, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore, Mrs. Mae Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carter, Mr. and Mrs. A. Meunier, R. P. Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gorham, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Force, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Blankenburg and their guest, Mrs. K. I. Close of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thompson and the host and hostesses.
Gold Hill News, November 2, 1933, page 4

    A merry Hallowe'en party was enjoyed Tuesday night at the community hall by the children, parents and patrons of the Alderbrook school, and also the high school pupils from here who attend the Gold Hill high school. A huge bonfire was built, around which games were played as well as in the hall. Refreshments of sandwiches, cake, pie, coffee and fruit punch were served, and enjoyed by all attending.
"Local Happenings," Gold Hill News, November 2, 1933, page 4

Hallowe'en Spirits Grow Indolent Here
    Proud Jacksonville patriots have found reason to hide their heads in shame! A civic tradition has become decadent and as worthless as the thin air it was written upon.
    Always a fertile field for pranksters who hide behind the anonymity of ghosts, spirits and goblins, small towns (with their forests of outdoor plumbing), spent peacefully and almost without incident Tuesday night, the eve when All Hallows--or something--are supposed to come to life and push over phone booths, assemble wagons on top of the school house and tether cows in the city hall.
    Marshal Jim Littell reported little disturbance, no disorder and no arrests on this fateful night. The night air was not filled with the din, and aroma, of crashing buildings or the patter of scampering feet as mischievous youngsters hurried hither and yon. The only farm implement known to have been disturbed, a hay rake belonging to Punk Dunnington, outmaneuvered the youngsters when Joe Applebaker securely chained it to a telephone pole. Save for the occasional appearance of a sign or gate a.w.o.l., all was calm and serene.
    Most of the credit (or discredit, according to tradition) is due the Hallowe'en party given at the school gymnasium which attracted several hundred from the town and surrounding section and kept them busily occupied at harmless pastime. Hallowe'en this year was just another Tuesday for Jacksonville.
Jacksonville Miner, November 3, 1933, page 3

    Tomorrow is Hallowe'en Eve, but like the Fourth of July it will be a three-night celebration. Gnomes, elfs, fairies, sprites, fairies, goblins and ghosts will be abroad, destroying and defacing property, and playfully sticking butcher knives in hind tires. Considering that the juveniles operate without a chairman or any committees, they do fine.
Art Perry, "Ye Smudge Pot," Medford Mail Tribune, October 30, 1934, page 4

Street and Traffic Signs Demolished During Night--
Damage Estimated $250--Mostly on West Side

    As police sat back this morning to survey the disruption of another Hallowe'en after a hectic night of answering calls, the toll, while lighter in most phases, than for many years past, was extremely serious to the city's street and traffic signs. Fred Scheffel, city superintendent, stated this morning that the damage to signs approximated $250, most of the posts having been maliciously torn up, bent or twisted.
    Over one-third of the recently installed signs were damaged or completely removed, Scheffel said, and nine traffic signs suffered from the attack. The damage was confined for the most part to the west side, and a checkup revealed that along West Main between Quince and Columbus streets nearly every corner had been visited.
Other Damage Slight
    Other than the wanton destruction of signs, the city was not left as disrupted as usual. There was comparatively little other damage of a serious nature. It is the belief of police that there were as many bands of pranksters as usual, but that for the most part their activities seemed to be confined to soaping downtown windows.
    Damage to shutoff box lids was considerably less this year than last, due, it is thought, to an appeal made by police and the water department that breakage of these concrete lids causes heavy loss.
    Other damage reported as chiefly broken windows resulting from a mania on the part of night prowlers to throw rocks, pears and even bottles, with slight regard for property loss. Both cars and houses suffered accordingly. Glass was broken on South Orange, North Oakdale and Crater Lake Avenue, according to police reports, and one driver reported that a pumpkin crashed through his car window and struck him in the face.
Less Rubbish Moved
    The streets were noticeably free this morning from the usual blockades of branches and rubbish. James Owens' iron gates were strung across East Main, according to police, and a cow belonging to an east side resident was mischievously staked on a lawn on Main Street.
    Three junior high school students, charged with destruction of street signs and placed for a short time in the city jail, were the only persons apprehended.
    The absence of great damage other than that to the signs is believed due to additional vigilance of the police and to forewarnings. State officers were kept busy with minor calls, and report that aside from the sign damage, the night was "tame" in comparison with other years.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1934, page 1

Pranksters Pick on Outdoor Plumbing, the Little Stinkers!
    Jacksonville's youth showed a flash of talent Wednesday night when, under anonymity of ghosts and goblins they remodeled the working plan of the city's outdoor plumbing, deflated automobile tires and indulged in weird soap drawings.
    Local citizens awoke Thursday morning to find many conveniences sadly incapacitated and crippled. And, to make it worse, Joe Wetterer kept the U.S. Hotel rooms locked throughout the day, which almost literally left many up a tree, or at least close to one. Pranksters centered their proclivity for damage to the downtown section, few forages being made into the outskirts.
    One choice sight greeting early risers the morning after was on the main corner of town, where the "phone booth" of Jacksonville's worst grouch was carried and
adorned with Johnny Renault's second-hand store sign, a card bearing the legend, "Cake and Ice Cream, 10¢," and Charlie Dorothy's barbershop sign. The structure was apparently ready for business--second-hand business of course--with a few antiques and merchantable bits of furniture gathered from around town.
    Halloween, in any small town, is an annual occasion that furnishes great sport for the kids and much annoyance for the property-owner. The local type of backyard fixture lent itself most gracefully to the occasion, leaving many an open hole not distinguished by a mine windlass.
Jacksonville Miner, November 2, 1934, page 1

    Chief of Police Clatous McCredie today announced that no vandalism will be tolerated by his department either tonight or tomorrow night upon the grounds that the vandals are celebrating Hallowe'en. "The peculiar sort of insanity which allows children, and not always young children either, to think that they can pull down signposts, knock over fences, steal furniture and in other ways destroy valuable property and then beg off because they are 'celebrating Hallowe'en' is a joke that has been played too often," he stated.
    "People can have fun without resorting that kind of horseplay, and if they can't we'll just lock them up. And when we do, it won't be just to scare them. They will be forced to pay for their damage and probably a fine."
    A special guard will be posted in the city park either in uniform or plain clothes to prevent any further mutilation of the beautiful Palm memorial statue there which was smeared with walnut dye several weeks ago. A paste has been applied to the statue, and it is believed possible that some of the stain may be removed.
    Special police will work the downtown area to prevent the smearing of tallow or soap upon windows and screens, and other destruction, and police prowl cars will patrol the residence district most of tonight and tomorrow night.

Medford Mail Tribune, October 30, 1935, page 5

    Chief of Police Clatous McCredie today repeated earlier warnings relative to the destruction of property by celebrants of Hallowe'en, and prayed for foul weather to keep the pranksters indoors, where the most damage they can do is to frazzle the nerves of the older folks.
    In some former years the damage from senseless celebration of the occasion has run into the hundreds of dollars, and the useless vandalism will be curbed entirely tonight.
    "We have no objection in the world to the kids going out into the streets at a reasonable hour, and having fun with their jack-o-lanterns and ghost outfits, or other harmless amusements. But the occasion will not be permitted to be a license for breaking up property belonging to others, or to the city," Chief McCredie stated.
    Men will patrol the downtown area to diminish the toll of soaped and tallowed windows and screens, and prowl cars will patrol the residential district throughout the night.

Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1935, page 1

    Tonight is Hallowe'en and the 41st anniversary of the time J. Wesley Bates, the cutthroat, borrowed a rope from A. S. Bliton to tie up another man's doors, and then tied up Mr. Bliton in his own print shop, with his own rope. It was 20 years before the latter was able to catch the former.

Art Perry, "Ye Smudge Pot," Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1935, page 4

    Whether because of foul weather or a spirit of reform among the children of Medford, the city fared very well through Hallowe'en as far as damage to property was concerned, a hasty checkup today revealed.
    In contrast to the usual morning-after havoc to be encountered in the streets of the city, there were no broken signposts, mutilated fences or other destroyed property of a serious nature.
    Soaping windows was not so general as in past years. Isolated instances of chairs being taken from porches were noted, but that was about all.
    The only damage to city property so far noted was the theft of the iron grating covering the gutter intake at the Main Street and Ross Court intersection fountain, and police are confident that it will be recovered soon. Special police working the downtown area and the residential districts made only one arrest. No one bothered the memorial statue in the city park, it was reported.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1935, page 1

    I timidly read the Halloween pranksters history afraid some of my mischievous ways would show up. It didn't.
    In the mid-'30s someone got the idea of stopping the southbound freight train out of Ashland every evening. We organized two teams and we oiled the tracks between the E. Main crossing and the Klamath Falls highway overpass. As soon as the locomotive drivers encountered the oil, the engineer started sanding the tracks, and the train kept right on up the Siskiyou mountain. Our failure was discussed many times, and the next year we were ready.We oiled a short  stretch of track, enough to get the engineer to start sanding. Then when we figured the sand had run out we had another stretch of oiled track. As planned, the engine stopped directly under the viaduct, the same one were hiding under. The train crew assembled and they started up the tracks wiping the oil off. At this time we dispersed; we were afraid they would come looking for us. We could easily hear them talking among themselves.
Anonymous e-mail correspondent from Class of 1940, Ashland High School, December 21, 2009

Three Extra Cops On for Hallowe'en
    Three extra policemen will be on duty in Ashland tonight to keep Hallowe'en celebrators within the bounds of the law, Chief Talent announced today.
    "We don't expect any trouble," he said, "but we might as well be prepared."
Ashland Daily Tidings, October 31, 1936, page 1

Hallowe'en Quiet Here; No Arrests
    One of the quietest Hallowe'ens in years was experienced in Ashland Saturday night, with an augmented police force finding serious mischief conspicuous by its absence. No arrests were made over the weekend.
    Major prank of the evening consisted of a half-dozen fire hydrants being turned on at 2 a.m. Sunday in the vicinity of the junior high school, with a member of the fire department routed from bed to shut them off.
Ashland Daily Tidings, November 1, 1936, page 1    No other Rogue Valley newspaper reported on Halloween in 1936.

Sheriff's Office Kept Busy with Calls from Outlying Towns--
Two Nabbed in Phoenix School House.

    While Medford suffered little from manifestations of the Hallowe'en spirit, rural activity, some bordering on vandalism, kept the sheriff's force on the jump Sunday night. Calls were received asking suppression of merrymakers from Eagle Point, Talent, Phoenix and Butte Falls.
    Sheriff Syd I. Brown described some of the leading marauders as "old enough to vote," and the depredations ranged from shooting out street lights with .32 rifles to soaping auto windows.
    In Phoenix, the sheriff reported, two youths entered the schoolhouse and caused some havoc before being caught by the principal, who today is contemplating filing complaints.
Gang Broken Up
    In Eagle Point the sheriff took up a group of youths ranging in age from 17 to 25 who, with a pickup truck, were hauling rubbish from a garbage dump for distribution over front yards. The sheriff also said in this bailiwick street lights were rifle targets, and general bedlam reigned until the bands were dispersed.
    In Butte Falls a lively time was also had, with general tipping over of fences and ripping off of screen doors, and the same devilment prevailed in Talent, the sheriff said.
    The sheriff said he was too busy to check on the situation at other rural points, but understood there was plenty doing in Central Point, Gold Hill and Jacksonville.
Many Windows Soaped
    In this city there was widespread soaping of store windows and auto windows in the downtown district, blamed chiefly on the older boys. Merchants were out early washing windows. Markings on many windows indicated they were made by grownups. One county official reported he saw a woman in man's clothing participating in the mild hoodlumism.
    At the courthouse burning warning lights, taken from street work, were placed on the courthouse steps near the doors, but were removed before any damage was done.
    A number of autoists reported that when they went to leave church or a social call, they found the air let out of their tires. Authorities reported few windshields were smeared. They attributed this to an unwritten law among the revelers not to mar the vision of a driver.
    Juveniles contented themselves with "tick-tacks," wearing masks and "trick or treat" demands. Residents generally granted this concession and passed out candy and won immunity.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1937, page 8

Public Party and Usual Pranks Mark Halloween
    Halloween passed rather quietly in Gold Hill this year with very little damage done, aside from the regular annual pranks. Over 30 of the young folks gathered at the Townsend Hall on the evening of the 31st to enjoy games and a wiener roast that kept them occupied from 7:30 until 9:30.
    Most of the guests arrived in costume and spent the evening under the direction of hostesses Mrs. A. A. Walker, Mrs. Tom Robinson and Mrs. Paul Holderness.
    The curfew and church bell were both rung at intervals throughout the early part of the evening, and store and car windows received their usual soaping.
    A group of over 40 of the older "kids" made the rounds of the town, getting into what mischief they could. They hauled a large outhouse to the highway and placed it on the sidewalk in front of Drake's Grocery. On this they put two signs, one reading "New Craterian Theatre" and the other "Speed Limit 15 Miles an Hour."
    This gang also kept Joe Blair from getting much sleep before twelve o'clock. They found that his cement mixer which he keeps in his back yard was easy to start, so they kept it going most of the evening. Finally at 12 o'clock after the thing had been running about half an hour and had all the neighbors awake, Joe got up and fixed it so it wouldn't run any more.
    As usual the steps were hauled away from the dance hall, all available gates were packed off, the three doors at the school house were blockaded with wood, and the special cops for the night were kept on the run.
    The damage done as far as could be learned consisted of the breaking of the new merry-go-round at the school house. This merry-go-round was installed by the school board early this year at considerable expense, and it is to be regretted that the youngsters could not confine themselves to harmless fun. They evidently stood the apparatus on end and let fall. It is understood there is quite a fine for damaging school property. An effort will be made to have those who broke the merry-go-round pay for it.
Gold Hill News, November 4, 1937, page 1

    "Have a good time, but don't destroy property," was the Hallowe'en advice today of Police Chief Clatous McCredie to the youth and not-so-youthful of Medford.
    Chief McCredie also issued the warning that parents would be held responsible for any and all property damage done by youngsters celebrating All Saint's Day. The chief said there was too much damage done last Hallowe'en, and that steps would be taken tonight to keep festivities happy but harmless.
    Six extra policemen will augment the regular night force, and every part of the city will be kept under careful surveillance, Chief McCredie stated. The sheriff's office and state police will also be out in full force to keep things under control.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1938, page 1

    "Have a good time, boys and girls, and cavort with the spook and hobgoblins to your heart's content. But do not destroy property or cause disturbances too serious for us to overlook, else the law will be forced to take a hand and spoil the party."
    This was the message Chief of Police Clatous McCredie issued to Medford's youth today as it prepared to break out the jack o' lanterns, tick-tacks and bars of soap for the annual Hallowe'en activities.
    The police chief said no extra patrolmen would be placed on duty, but that the regular officers would be especially active and ready for any development. However, the chief explained, he didn't expect things to get out of hand and expressed the confidence that everybody would keep their celebration within bounds.
    Capt. Lee M. Bown of the state police said that several extra patrol cars would be in operation on the Pacific Highway and county roads to prevent obstruction of the thoroughfares. He added that he didn't expect serious property damage to result from the meanderings of youth in the outlying districts.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1939, page 2

    After getting first-hand information through alert patrols last night and checking on the few complaints received today, city, state and county authorities have come to the conclusion that Jackson County's Hallowe'en celebrants conducted their cavortings in a very mild and orderly manner in comparison with other years.
    Chief of Police Clatous McCredie stated that no serious property damage marred the night in Medford, although the streets were literally jammed with hilarious youths. A picket fence was torn down and several trailers were removed from their rightful location, but other than that the youths confined their prankery to soaping windows, overturning garbage cans, playing "trick or treat" and the like.
    The sheriff's office reported that it didn't have a single complaint last night from the outlying districts. Talent appeared the hardest hit, it was stated, with several signs being torn down, but no serious damage done. Sheriff's deputies patrolled in all the surrounding towns and claimed celebrations were of a rather quiet nature.
    In Jacksonville, state police and the sheriff's office reported, a huge "Chic Sale" structure was dragged by a hundred or so youths and placed in the middle of the highway in front of the old courthouse, where it stood most of the night, while automobiles carefully found their way around it.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1939, page 10

Wild Pranks End with Several Hours in Durance Vile
    Several boys of the city found to their grief that fun is fun, but that destroying city property and administering beatings to citizens who endeavor to restrain their antics and the like are not admissible under that category. Daylight Wednesday morning found six lads in the city bastille and warrants out for others. Spending about seven hours behind the bars wasn't quite so funny.
    One lad was bailed out by a relative in time for school, while the rest were brought before the city recorder's court early yesterday morning. Recorder Tex, after questioning the boys for some time, fixed their fines at $3 each, with the provision that they might work out their fines under the city street superintendent at his convenience. The boys were found guilty of malicious destruction of property and assisting in the beating up of a citizen who attempted to stop their activities. Part of the property destroyed were some fifteen or twenty street lights.
    Later in the day the lad who had been released on bail came up for trial. He admitted that he had struck the first blow in the fight and was given a fine of $10, also with the privilege of working out the fine.
    Two boys for whom warrants were issued Wednesday morning were this morning brought into court. They were charged with maliciously stretching a wire across the yard at the O. D. Tucker home and with other mischief. After hearing the evidence, which was mostly hearsay, Recorder Tex dismissed the case for lack of evidence.
    Much indignation is heard about town at the boys who were guilty of such an action. Stretching wires across people's paths might easily have resulted in serious accident.
    The early hours of Halloween night were wild ones for the kids of the city. While officers patrolled the city all night to see that no serious damage was done to private property, such childish things as soaping windows, carrying sacks of cans from someone's back yard and dumping them on some front porch, rigging tick-tacks, ringing doorbells and the like were more or less winked at by the authorities. And the kids sure had a high old time.
    But after midnight, when the younger children had gone home, a gang of older lads started in for more serious things. Barricades were built in a number of places in town; many street lights were broken by throwing rocks at them, and at last a fight was started when the boys "ganged up" on a young man who attempted to apprehend some of them. The officers had to clamp down on the fun then by taking six of the youngsters to the city jail.
Central Point American, November 2, 1939, page 1

    The Hallowe'en depredations here were mild, when compared with other points. Baker has been suffering for ten days from the Trick or Treat racket. In Pendleton revelers threw a young tree at an auto, and caved in the same. Young riots cropped up in other towns, and general havoc was wreaked. Next year if citizens retain their wrath, the Trick or Treat will be Scat or Spank.

Art Perry, "Ye Smudge Pot," Medford Mail Tribune, November 5, 1939, page 8

    With the hobgoblins and ghosts roaming through the night tonight, Hallowe'en, Police Chief Clatous McCredie advised the city's youth to "have a good time but be careful and don't destroy property."
    Just in case some of the more enthusiastic celebrants decide to carry their fun too far, four day-shift city policemen will be on duty, augmenting the regular night patrolmen, the police chief said.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1940, page 1

    With the rain coming down in torrents, Hallowe'en celebrants last night apparently decided to confine most of their antics indoors, for city police, state police and the sheriff's office reported nary a serious depredation. They were unanimous in declaring it the most quiet and peaceful Hallowe'en in years and years.
    In the city windows were soaped, woodpiles were torn down and citizens were confronted with the usual sight of masked youngsters scaring people. But on the whole it was a calm night. "The boys and girls did excellently," Police Chief Clatous McCredie remarked.
    City police reported that manhole covers at Ivy and Third streets and at Ivy Street and Oakdale Avenue were missing for awhile, but that they were later returned to their proper place. A two-wheel trailer owned by J. E. Brownlee, 21 Genessee Street, disappeared, but was found just across the street, undamaged. Homer Pellett's fence at 503 South Oakdale Avenue was torn down, and city police said this was the only report they received concerning actual property damage.
    Chief McCredie said a survey was being made today, but that so far as he knew there was no serious damage done to property.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1940, page 1

    Postmaster Frank DeSouza warned Hallowe'en pranksters today that it was a serious federal offense to damage or destroy mail receptacles or their standards. He warned that prosecution would have to be carried out should anyone be involved in such an offense.
    Mr. DeSouza said that several mailboxes on Chestnut Street were damaged Wednesday night. He declared that the government cannot tolerate any such depredations, adding that the same law applies to rural as well as city mail receptacles.
    The city police department said there would be no interference with youngsters having a good time, but counseled that no property must be damaged or destroyed. There will be no extra police on duty, but the regular patrolmen will keep a sharp eye out for pranksters who cannot stay within the bounds of reasonable fun, a department statement said.
    City police today were investigating a report by Mrs. C. H. Williams, 724 West Eleventh Street, that her front screen door was cut from top to bottom by pranksters last night, "clothesline" night. Earlier in the evening, Mrs. Williams told police, she had treated several kiddies who called at her residence.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1941, page 3

    City police said yesterday that with the exception of several automobile prowlings and the usual run of pranks and minor property depredations, Hallowe'en Friday night was as quiet as any in the past. There was no serious destruction of property reported, police stated.
    Two radiator caps were stolen off parked cars owned by Lee Coggins and T. H. Fairchild, an Airline radio was removed from an auto owned by W. R. Coleman and two plaid auto robes and a tan sweater were stolen from a parked car owned by Helen Dugan of Eagle Point, police said they were told.
    Mrs. George Hiles of 1616 East Main Street reported that her clothesline was cut and twisted around the posts, some of her choice flowers were uprooted and paint was smeared on windows of her home.
    Cloyd Jones of 724 Oak Street reported that the windshield of his automobile was splattered with rotten fruit as he drove along West Main Street.
    State police said they had received no reports of serious depredations throughout the county.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 2, 1941, page 12

    Portland will have a "blackout," as an air defense test, on Hallowe'en, and same is regarded as inappropriate, socially. In reality, with enemy bombers blasting from on high, and the Hallowe'en spirit rampant on earth, it would be a tossup which would do the most damage.
Art Perry, "Ye Smudge Pot," Medford Mail Tribune, October 3, 1942, page 12

Buy War Stamps on Hallowe'en Is Boy's Plea
    The suggestion that Hallowe'en night become "Conservation Night" in Medford was offered today by Frederick Byington, 12-year-old son of Mrs. H. D. Byington, 906 West Main Street in this city. Instead of spending money for "trick-or-treat" goodies for youthful goblins, Frederick suggests that it be spent for war savings stamps.
    The war is a very real thing in the Byington home, for Frederick's dad is second officer on a merchant marine freighter plying the dangerous sea lanes in the Pacific war zone.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 30, 1942, page 4

    Outside of cutting eyes, mouths and noses in pumpkins from which the vitals have been removed to be replaced with a candle that won't stay lighted, juvenile ghosts will behave tonight. Hallowe'en promises to be no holocaust.
Art Perry, "Ye Smudge Pot," Medford Mail Tribune, October 30, 1942, page 10

    Juveniles were not very impish on Hallowe'en. They were patriotic, and besides have one eye on Santa Claus.
Art Perry, "Ye Smudge Pot," Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1942, page 8

    The sanest Hallowe'en ever known in Medford's history was the way officials described youthful response to patriotism during the weekend.
    Credit for this excellent cooperation was given to the youngsters of Medford and to Frank Hull, civilian defense coordinator, who made personal visits to the Medford schools last week, asking elimination of pranks.
    Only a few windows and windshields were marred, and an East Medford resident reports "trick or treat" visitors asking merely for a treat, abolishing any threats.
    Officials extended their thanks to all youngsters of Medford for their excellent cooperation.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 2, 1942, page 8

    Hallowe'en passed without the usual havoc. A couple of 19-yr.-old elfs acting as sprites were caught on a fire escape. Juveniles ran around with lighted punkins scaring ghosts and goblins, and their grandmaws.
Art Perry, "Ye Smudge Pot," Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1943, page 10

    The Hallowe'en havoc wreaked so far on the community lacks zip and zest. However, soap marks on business district windows will be removed promptly and not left up longer than a circus poster.

Art Perry, "Ye Smudge Pot," Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1944, page 4

    Reminding the "young fry" that the war affects even Hallowe'en, Chief of Police Clatous McCredie stated today that while the police force doesn't expect the young folks to go without their Hallowe'en fun, it is wise to remember that property destroyed can't be replaced readily during war times. He urged the youngsters to keep this in mind and stated that he hoped there would be no serious consequences from tonight's pranks.
    The chief complimented Medford young people on their excellent record the past two years and stated that vandalism had been at a low ebb since the war. However, just in case, the chief and his men will keep a sharp eye, and a few extra officers will be "making the rounds."
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1944, page 5

    The Hallowe'en havoc was light, and not on a pre-war basis. Small boys were at large with soap, with which they assaulted windows. One young and unknown squirt proved a genius. He could reach as high as a tall man, and write, in the plain, trained hand of a grownup: "Down with Dewey."
Art Perry, "Ye Smudge Pot," Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1944, page 6

    Ashland, Nov. 2--Throwing eggs from an automobile at pedestrians and other motorists, an overgrown Hallowe'en prank that didn't stand the test in the police department and the city court Wednesday resulted in fines for six youths, who pleaded guilty to the charge.
    The youths, who appeared in court and pled guilty to disorderly conduct charges and who were each fined $3 and costs, were:
    Leonard Williams, Ashland, and Charles Earl Jones, Glenn Bostwick, Carl Phillip Reich, Aubrey C. Davis, Glenn L. Tingley, all of Medford.
    The most reprehensible offense, however, of the evening was the destruction of tombstones in the city cemetery near [the] junior high school by a gang of boys who were reported to have escaped in an old Model T Ford.
    Clarence Lane, who lives adjoining the cemetery, heard the noise in the cemetery and frightened the marauders away with a few shotgun blasts. The police were notified.
    About 25 tombstones were damaged, some seriously. Many of the ornaments on the tombstones were broken off and a few, which were upset, were cracked and broken.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 2, 1944, page 3

    Final returns from the Hallowe'en front are drifting in. There were many innocent jokes, but what some of the pranksters need is spanksters.
Art Perry, "Ye Smudge Pot," Medford Mail Tribune, November 3, 1944, page 10

    No vandalism or unnecessary disturbances will be tolerated tonight, according to Clatous McCredie, city police chief. A few reports of youngsters taking fuses, moving street torches, setting firecrackers in mailboxes etc., were given police last night, officers said.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1945, page 1

    The observance of Hallowe'en was tame, but enjoyable. No public buildings were shoved off their foundations, or plumbing yanked out by the roots. It was the best-behaved bunch of elfs, ghosts, goblins and gnomes in years.
Art Perry, "Ye Smudge Pot," Medford Mail Tribune, November 4, 1945, page 6

    Central Point, Oct. 31--In cooperation with "Farmer" Frank Hammond, who grew and has donated 1,500 pumpkins to the children of Central Point, Faber's Market is sponsoring a gala jack o' lantern parade and Hallowe'en party tonight.
    Forming at 6 o'clock, the costumed participants, children of the community, will march from Faber's store to the city hall and back past a reviewing stand. Prizes will be given for the best pumpkins and costumes, and Mayor E. E. Scott, County Commissioner A. E. Powell and high school athletic coach W. R. Nunn will be judges. Through special arrangements "Mr. Goomer Tencount," of Myers-Holland post American Legion, will lead the procession.
    A full-length movie will be shown outdoors on the west side of the grocery through courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Steward, who operate the Sandy circuit in communities of the valley.
    The public is invited to see the parade, and pictures and movies will be made of the parade.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1946, page 3

    The calm before the Hallowe'en rests on the city and valley. Hope is high the observance of the event will be uproarious, without upending any new homes.
Art Perry, "Ye Smudge Pot," Medford Mail Tribune, October 24, 1947, page 10

    The citizens have braced themselves for the annual juvenile and adult rowdyism occurring on Hallowe'en, when ghosts and elfs and sprites run wild, wearing disemboweled pumpkins over their noggins. The havoc is expected to be as extensive as in a minor war zone. The police, as usual, have warned the young to behave and their elders to act the same.
Art Perry, "Ye Smudge Pot," Medford Mail Tribune, October 30, 1947, page 9

    The quiet lull of the morning after Hallowe'en 1947 found the city of Medford with many well-soaped and candle-marked store, home and car windows.
    Officers of the local police department, out on patrol last night, were kept considerably busy removing such things as a two-wheel trailer, a large wire cable spool which weighed several thousand pounds, and a large brewery beer vat from the middle of the main downtown intersections.
    One woman this morning phoned the police department asking them to help her find her missing garbage can, and another man, Harold Adams, 420 South Grape Street, reported that someone had put a car in his garage that did not belong to him.
    Two 13-year-old junior high school boys were lectured at the city police department last night for stretching a wire across an alleyway.
    The usual and expected small groups of young and older children were out in the early part of the evening ringing doorbells and playing "trick or treat." No serious damage to private or public property was reported.
    A larger number than the daily toll of drunks, probably out celebrating the holiday spirit, were confined to the city jail.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 2, 1947, page 8

    The Crater Lake Camp Fire Girls will play Santa Claus to fifty European children this year. They will fill fifty stockings which will be sent to national headquarters for transport to Europe.
    The girls need the cooperation of the community to make the project possible. They will go on a "Trick or Treat" excursion next Wednesday night. Instead of the usual treat the girls will collect items to help fill the stockings. Acceptable items are: Stick candy, (wrapped), candy bars, hair bows and ribbons, pencils, crayons, small books, small toys, gum, balloons, small articles of clothing such as handkerchiefs, socks, mittens, scarves, sewing equipment. And any other small articles that a child would enjoy.
Talent News Flashes, Talent, Oregon, October 22, 1948, page 1

    Jacksonville, Oct. 29--Jacksonville Lions Club members, assisted by their wives, are sponsoring two Hallowe'en parties for the Jacksonville school and preschool-age children Saturday evening. The grade school and pre-school group will be entertained at the school gymnasium from 7 to 10:30 p.m. High school students will enjoy a teenage hard-times party and dance in the Grange Hall of the old courthouse from 8 to 12 midnight.
    Games will be played at both parties, and prizes awarded for winners of the games, and a prize will be given to the most suitably costumed boy and girl at each party. Children attending the grade school party should wear Hallowe'en costumes and the teenagers hard-times outfits.
    There will be sacks of apples, candies and cookies for the pre-school and grade school children, and cider and cookies will be served at the teenage party. Ice cream will be served at both entertainments, and balloons and favors will be given the children. Apples for the affair were donated to the Lions Club by the Stagecoach Orchards, Old Stage Road. Donald B. Kingsley, chairman of the boys' and girls' committee for the club, is in charge of the arrangements, and decorations will be in keeping with the Hallowe'en spirit. Highlight of the decorating in the gymnasium is a nine-foot Frankenstein figure, with a fifty-pound pumpkin for [a] head, and body of imported sackcloth.
    All Jacksonville school students and pre-school children are invited.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 29, 1948, page 3

Rogue River Kids To Get Halloween Treats at Party
    Rogue River, Oct. 28--Due to the recent outbreak of diphtheria in the county, it has been decided that it will be safer for the children of Rogue River to receive their Hallowe'en treats at a civic party than to gather them from house to house as in previous years.
    The Men's Council has planned a Hallowe'en party for Monday. It will start with a costume parade at 7 p.m. at Fellowship hall. Participants will march to the business district, and after circling the Triangle, return to the hall where costumes will be judged and prizes given. There will be five prizes for the best costumes, and it is said a "real" witch may be on hand to give the awards. There will be a spook room and games are planned.
    Treats to be served include sandwiches, doughnuts, cider, ice cream cones and peanuts. Merchants and wholesalers of this district as well as many others have donated generously to the treats, and parents are asked to inform their children that the treats are to be given out at the hall rather than at individual stores and houses. Persons who have already purchased treats for the children may bring them to the hall for distribution, if they wish to do so.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 28, 1949, page 5

Early Birds Start Halloween Pranks
    Medford youngsters who last night mingled with goblins and witches a full day ahead of Halloween were for the most part orderly, city police reported today.
    They said a few street signs were torn down on the east side and various articles were thrown onto porches as many children went "trick or treating."
    Chief of Police Clatous McCredie said youngsters should have a good time tonight, but he warned against damage to property.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1949, page 1

Many Senseless Halloween Pranks Keep Crews Busy
    A large number of serious and senseless Halloween pranks kept fire, water and police department personnel busy last night, but luckily none of the vandalism had disastrous results, the departments indicated this morning.
    Water Superintendent Robert Duff reported that youths turned on 25 to 30 fire hydrants in various locations throughout town. He said that park sprinklers were turned on and residential water connections turned off.
Serious Offense
    Duff said that tampering with hydrants is a rather serious offense since use of any type wrench other than the special kind used by the department can render a hydrant inoperative for fire use. He pointed out that flowing hydrants pull pressure down for fighting fire elsewhere.
    The flow recording chart at the city hall showed considerable fluctuation during a three-hour period because of the pranksters. Three water department employees were busied turning off the hydrants.
    Firemen stated that other youths lighted leaves on the pavement at 10th and Laurel streets and on Mistletoe Street and that a gang poured gasoline on a pole at Main Street and Oakdale Avenue and ignited it. The fire hall received one false alarm. Burning of leaves on street pavement is prohibited by law since serious damage to the surfacing can result, firemen stressed.
Air Guns Used
    There were other reports of boys shooting out street lights and damaging windows with air guns, breaking mailboxes, pouring ink on a front porch and slashing a car top. Police said vandals tore down numerous signs on the east side and carted some away. A large number of youths were brought to the police station and reprimanded for their actions.
    The usual soaping and waxing of windows was in evidence in the business district this morning.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1949, page 1

    Vandalism by teenagers unknown is hitting a new high in the valley at the present time. The Medford papers have listed numerous damages--broken windows, slashed upholstery in cars, etc. But this week it hit a local business. One evening the first of the week, three signs pointing the way to the Mon Desir were torn down, damaged and left on the school property; two of the signs were on the highway and the other at the gate on the property.
    It is not known who the individuals are, whether from Central Point or not, but the Tummers, owners of Mon Desir, are offering a $15 reward for information as to who the individuals are, as their signs were expensive. At one of the locations, several cars were seen, but witnesses did not realize what was being done.
    It is hoped that the vandals may be known so that all the students of Central Point schools and town may not be blamed for the action of a few individuals--local or not.
    With the coming of Halloween next week, it is hoped that the teenagers of this community will realize that the destruction of property is not in the line of fun.
Central Point American, October 26, 1950, page 1

    Halloween is no longer the celebrated festival it once was in Europe and the British Isles. And in this country the acts of vandalism which used to accompany its observance have largely disappeared, parties and "trick or treat" expeditions by the younger fry taking the place of the senseless destruction.
E. C. Ferguson, "Pumpkins and Halloween," Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1950, page 8

Trick-Treat Threats Due Here Tonight
    Medford adults are getting jumpy, and the kids can hardly wait for it to get dark. Tonight is Halloween. A few overcoated "spooks" were out "getting the lay of the land" last night, and numerous citizens gladly handed over apples, cookies and other bribes rather than experience the terrible threat implied in "trick-or-treat."
    Many parties have been planned for tonight by parents and several organizations including Boy Scout troops, the YMCA and others.
    Although many children were on the streets last night, police reported a quiet evening. The only damage reported last night was the destruction of two ornamental driveway lanterns at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Antony, 6 Modoc Avenue. The destruction was thought to have been done by two carloads of teen-agers.
    Medford police chief today renewed requests that youngsters refrain from damaging property. There will be no interference with legitimate good times, he said, but property damage is unnecessary.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1950, page 1

Halloween Dance Held by Beaver Teen-Agers
Said Successful Event
    Gold Hill--The Beaver Teen-Agers' Halloween dance held Monday night at the Odd Fellows lodge hall proved to be a decided success in spite of the rain. More than 60 young people attended, including groups from Medford and Central Point. Pumpkins, cornstalks, ribbons of orange and black crepe paper, black cats, witches and bats decorated the walls and ceiling of the hall.
    Music for dancing was provided by Sonny Hendrickson and his accordion, Jack Hendrickson at the piano and Mrs. Edro Rosecrans at the drums. The party was informal. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Newnham and Mrs. Vaughn Quackenbush were chaperons.
    Much of the success of the party was due to generous publicity given the club by radio stations and newspapers, according to club officers.
Excerpt, Medford Mail Tribune, November 3, 1950, page 7

    The approach of Hallowe'en reminds us that there are practical jokers who delight, whenever they can, to scare the wits [out] of other people. This may be all right with some individuals, but there are persons, especially among the young [sic], whose health can be badly damaged by practical jokers and their thoughtless pranks.
    Parents who think they know their children pretty well realize that the urge to destruction ranks right alongside hunger as a youth motivation, and they therefore aren't too much surprised at anything that may happen around the end of October.
    The witches, ghosts, goblins and other malevolent spirits, they know, can often turn into destructive elements unless they are wisely counseled and closely guarded.
    What can Central Point adults do to prevent the useless destruction and unhappy consequences which sometimes follow a night of merrymaking? Well, there are old time-honored tricks of giving parties, arranging parades and moving everything movable from the outside into the garage or even the living room. Protection may also be brought by providing large quantities of "treats," to take the place of the threatened "tricks."
    For the more serious problems of wanton destruction, however, such as window breaking, furniture burning, false alarms and such, the police authorities will have to take over.
    With a little bit of forethought on the part of the adults of Central Point, there can be heaps of fun for young and old and less remorse on the morning after for unthinking "pranks" committed the night before.
Central Point American, October 25, 1951, page 2

Another Halloween Recruit
    V. P. Bevis, principal of the Lincoln School, is another recruit to the growing effort to save Halloween for the children. His idea is that if the "trick or treat" nuisance, along with outdoor vandalism, are not checked soon that this wholesome autumn festival will go the way of "July 4th," and the children will be the main sufferers.
    As a contribution to this local Halloween reform movement he has announced a school carnival the night of October 31st, to which all students are invited, and will be given an opportunity to devote some of their excess animal spirits to a program that will be entertaining, exciting and appealing to the young, without being a headache to their elders.
    It is a good idea. The Mail Tribune believes in pushing it along.   --R.W.R.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 30, 1953, page 2    "R.W.R." is Robert W. Ruhl.

Many Kids Attend 'Y' Halloween Event
    A total of 550 boys and girls from 9 to 15 years of age attended the YMCA's Halloween party last night. A spook tunnel, movies, a costume parade and refreshments of cider, apples and doughnuts were features of the evening.
    A dance for high school students, sponsored by the Junior Tri-Hi-Y club girls, drew an additional 175 young people, and the entire evening was classed as a "huge success" today by the "Y" officials.
    Cooperation of boys and girls and of the 20 or more "Y" members who assisted was credited with the party's success.
    Fred Sears, in charge of the gymnasium program, presented costume prize winners with their awards, including Nancy Walstead and Sherry Clement for the funniest, Michael Forbes for the scariest, Bonny Jo Rowan for the "Halloweeniest," Mumi Jones for the most original and Herbie Green for the most gruesome. Second and third prizes in each category were also awarded. Sears and six other adults acted as judges.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1951, page 1

Halloween Fun OK; Stay Out of Trouble, Youngsters Advised
    Police Chief Clatous McCredie asked Medford children today to "have fun on Halloween, but to keep out of trouble."
    He reported that there will be extra policemen on duty to keep Halloweeners in order and to prevent vandalism. He urged children of all ages to observe the night without destruction of property.
    State police reported today that they would use their regular nightly force during the evening for rural patrols.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1952, page 1

Halloween Joke Has Political 'Twist'
   A major Hallowe'en prank here Friday night had a political twist.
    Many Medfordites made special trips Saturday to see and chuckle over the "new building" of the Mail Tribune at Front and Main Street. Politically-minded jokesters had set up an old "Chic Sale" [an outhouse] at the corner. Signs designated the "Medford Mail Tribune, Editorial Room, Adlai Ruhl, Editor."
Little Vandalism
City police said Saturday that they had few reports of Hallowe'en vandalism Friday night.
    There were reports of a car being painted and an auto tire being cut at the senior high stadium. Air was let out of a number of tires, police said. A pole was set on fire at Huson's Confectionery, Main Street and Oakdale, and Siskiyou Memorial Park reported a one-way street sign taken.
    Henry E. Nulton, 1322 Queen Anne Avenue, informed police that four hubcaps and four plastic whitewall wheel discs were taken from his Chevrolet coupe which was parked in a South Grape Street parking lot Friday night.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 2, 1952, page 1

Fun Okay for Halloween, But Good Conduct Asked
    Chief of Police Clatous McCredie warned today that local youths should observe Halloween tomorrow night without destruction of personal property.
    He requested that children go ahead and have fun but refrain from property destruction and removal.
    The chief particularly advised against use of soap or wax on windows, as scratches are often caused on the window surface from gritty particles, and the result comes under the law of defacing private property.
    Youngsters who will be going from house to house during the evening are asked to observe the signs lettered "Sick Person, Please Do Not Disturb." For the fourth year, the Boys League at the junior high school has sponsored this service to sick persons.
    About 35 black and orange signs have now been put up by League members on all four sides of the specific homes. Previous experience has proven the signs very effective, with the residents "grateful" for the service.
    Boys working on the project have been Wallace Larson, League president; Vincent Swinney, Otis Turner, Richard Puhl, Dick McLaughlin, John Hawley and Terry Miller. Don Darneille is faculty advisor.
Excerpt, Medford Mail Tribune, October 30, 1953, page 1

Children To Collect Gifts As New Halloween Project
    Medford small fry will carry on a new Halloween project Saturday night in cooperation with Medford United Council of Church Women.When the children go out calling on neighbors and demanding "trick or treat" they will collect gifts for less fortunate children in foreign countries as well as the traditional "treats" of apples, nuts and candy.
    The vestibules of several Medford churches will be used as receiving centers for these gifts. Included are First Methodist, Salvation Army, First Christian, Church of the Brethren and St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Council members in these churches will have ready in the vestibules large duffel bags in which the articles will be sent overseas.
    Needed especially are washcloths and small towels, and it is said that bright and gay colors are especially desirable, pillow cases and crib sheets. These may be used articles if the material is still sturdy. These will be sent to children in orphanages, children's homes, youth hostels, hospitals, sanitoria, invalid homes, rehabilitation centers and homes for the aged in several cities overseas.
    Theme of the collection this year, part of the annual project carried on for World Community Day, is "from our homes to their homes." On World Community Day churchwomen of the council will collect blankets, quilts, curtains, draperies and tablecloths, as well as the smaller articles, to be shipped to the designated Christian centers. Shipment is through Church World Service, San Francisco, and is to be done at once, the council states.
    The Halloween project is in line with a national trend of recent years. Camp Fire Girls of the area already had announced plans to collect gifts for children of foreign lands during the Halloween trick or treat trek.
    Mrs. Harlan P. Bosworth Jr., president of the council, stated this morning that such projects as these are in keeping with the original meaning of this one-time religious holiday. November 1, in olden times, was celebrated as All-Hallomas, or All Saints' Day. The previous evening is All-Hallowe'en.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 30, 1953, page 2

Vandalism, Pranks Noted; Activities Draw Good Crowds
    Although valley law enforcement agencies were kept busy with pranks and vandalism on Halloween, many Medford area young people participated in less questionable activities.
    More than 800 attended a dance at the Medford armory sponsored by the Medford Moose lodge and the Medford Parks and Recreation Department.
    Earlier in the day, more than 100 youngsters participated in a costume parade. First prize winner in the 11-and-over age group was Marilyn Jones, who was dressed as a large black hat. Topping the 10-and-under age group were Ellen and Diney Ferguson and Melissa Pride, who were dressed as a phonograph and two records.
Grand Prize
Richard LaTour, 13, won the grand prize for the store window painting event. He was a first place winner in his age group last year. His painting appeared at Barker's Men's Store.
    Other grand prize winners were Rheanna McCormick, 13, second, and James, 14, and Bill Stewart, 12, third.
    First place winners in the 12-to-14 age group were Bruce Smith, 13, and Fred Robinson, Jr., 12. In the 11-and-under group, Jon, 8, and Ted Pappas, 7, placed first.
    More than 50 Halloween incidents were checked by Medford city police between 4 p.m. and midnight Tuesday.
    Two windshields were reported broken. One was on a car operated by Kathleen May Walker, Route 2, Box 215, Central Point, on Hillcrest Rd. near the Black Oak Dr. It was believed to have been hit by a water balloon. A similar incident was in front of the Fortune service station on Central Ave. when someone threw a squash, breaking the windshield on a car owned by David Lawrence Burns, 45 Mace Rd.
Question Youth
Police questioned a 19-year-old Medford youth, Richard Henry Zimmerman, 143 Vashti Way, when it was discovered he had three beer bottles containing gasoline and equipped with cloth wicks in his possession. The articles were confiscated by police and Zimmerman was released.
    About 9:30 p.m. Roy Frederick Hewitt, 295 DeBarr Ave., notified police that someone put a large firecracker in his mailbox. It blew the box from its stand.
    Robert Ernest Eckel, Box 842, Medford, notified police that several juveniles threw objects at his car near the intersection of 11th St. and South Oakdale Ave., breaking a window.
    Police also investigated numerous reports of juveniles throwing fruit, vegetables, eggs, water balloons, rocks, firecrackers, shaving cream and ink.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1953, page 1

Constructive Program for Trick or Treats Is City-Wide Project
    If youngsters and householders do what several groups of citizens hope they do tonight, Halloween will serve a constructive purpose in addition to providing traditional fun.
    A city-wide project, cooperatively sponsored by the Camp Fire Girls and the Medford Council of Church Women, with an assist by other groups, is making it possible to assist relief work in Korea.
    The plan is this:
    Youngsters making traditional "trick or treat" calls on houses in their neighborhoods, instead of asking for the usual treats of candy, nuts and so on, are requested to ask for clothes for small children, school and sewing supplies, soap and other necessities.
    When collections are completed, they may be be delivered to any of the four city grade schools, or the Lone Pine School, all of which will be open from 6 to 9 p.m. The gift parcels can be deposited there, and youngsters will be given refreshments.
    Cider and doughnuts will be served at Jackson School by the Medford Lions Club; at Lincoln School by the Crater Lions; at Lone Pine School by the Kiwanis Club, and at Washington School by the Junior Chamber of Commerce. The main entrance to the gymnasium of each school will be open for this purpose.
    All articles brought in will be packaged by Camp Fire Girls and mothers. They will be shipped at the same time as another collection made by the Church Women on World Community Day, Nov. 5, to Church World Service in Korea.
    Police Chief Charles Champlin has offered the assistance of the department to aid youngsters carrying heavy loads to get them to the schools. A call to police will bring a patrol car for this purpose.
    Funds for the cost of the overseas shipment also are needed, and further information is available from Mrs. James P. Rowan, telephone 2-5859.
    The young people's Luther League of the Zion Lutheran Church will collect canned goods between 6:30 p.m. today [sic], which will be distributed through the Lutheran World Action relief organization.
    In the Howard School district, youngsters also have been asked to request relief items for Korea, which can be brought to school Monday morning, and will be shipped overseas through the American Friends Service Committee.
Saturday Quiet
Medford city police reported a "reasonably quiet" pre-Halloween observance last night, with only minor pranks occurring in scattered areas.
    "Trick or treating" appeared to have generally jumped the gun on the basis of a Salem story by Gov. Paul Patterson calling for a Saturday night observance, instead of Halloween night.
    The only accident connected with the observance reported last night was a costumed seven-year-old girl who received minor injuries when struck by a car. The girl, Linda Benson, 1915 Hazel St., was treated for multiple bruises and abrasions at Sacred Heart Hospital and released, attendants said.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 30, 1954, page 1

Pranks and Parties
By Olive Starcher
    Ghosts, goblins and spooks will be on the prowl tonight, for it is Halloween. Celebrated long ago as a religious festival before All Saints' Day, it is now a time for pranks and parties, for ringing doorbells and demanding food, and a time for the traditional fare of cider, doughnuts and pumpkin pie.
    However, something new has been added to the "trick or treat" this year. Children in Medford, the Lone Pine and Howard areas, have been asked to collect gifts for Korean children and householders are to be ready with clothing, soap, school supplies or sewing materials. In Medford and Lone Pine the elementary schools will be open and adults on hand to receive the articles and supply the youngsters with cider and doughnuts. Camp Fire Girls are heading the program, with assistance from Medford Council of Church Women, men's service clubs and others.
Excerpt, Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1954, page B1

Police Arrest 5 After Windows Broken;
Halloween Termed 'Reasonably Quiet'
    One serious offense marred a "reasonably quiet" Halloween over the weekend, according to city and state police and the sheriff's office.
    This was the throwing of beer bottles through at least two large glass windows last night in the downtown Medford area and attempting to break those at another place, according to police reports. Large windows were broken at Woolworth's store, 39 North Central Ave., and Acme Hardware Company, 3 West Sixth St. Bottles were also thrown at Valentine's lounge, 3 South Riverside Ave., and a window was broken at the Esquire Theater, 416 East Main St., apparently at an earlier time the same evening.
    Police arrested five persons in one car from which the bottles had been thrown early this morning. Of these Thomas Lee Robertson, 19, of 228 South Central Ave., was charged with malicious destruction of private property, Gene Piazza, deputy district attorney, said. He reported that Charles LeRoy Heavlin, 19, 798 Marshall Ave., and George Edward Gunter, 19, 807 West Jackson St., were charged with illegal possession of intoxicating beverages.
    The three were to appear in district court this afternoon. With the three at the time of their arrest were the 17-year-old wives of Heavlin and Gunter.
    Robertson, who admitted being AWOL from the U.S. Navy at Long Beach, Calif., said in a signed statement that the men had been refused service at Valentine's before the bottle throwing began, which prompted the act.
    In other reports, Douglas L. Pickell, 108 Vancouver Ave., told city police that someone had painted obscene words on a new house under construction at 333 Lynwood Ave.; city fire department reported four hydrants turned on, and Irving Thomas, Colver Rd., Talent, told the sheriff's office that a group of boys in a large truck opened his gate and let some livestock out. Several other minor items were reported.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1954, page 1

Cooperation Asked During Halloween
    "The youth of Medford have been very cooperative during the past few Halloween nights," Chief of Police Charles Champlin said Saturday.
    Extra police officers, however, will be on duty during the night of Oct. 31, and residents are encouraged to report acts of vandalism promptly, he said.
    Champlin expressed hope that the kids will continue to cooperate this year as they have in the past.
    Constructive programs designed to keep the children entertained and off of the streets have undoubtedly contributed to the good record of the past few years, he said.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 30, 1955, page 1

Police Investigate Vandalism Reports
    Several cases of vandalism were reported to city police and sheriff's deputies last night and this morning.
    Law enforcement officers said, however, that in general it was a quiet Halloween. "Most youngsters behaved themselves pretty well," police noticed.
    Six cases of vandalism were listed with city police.
Paint Thrown
About 11 a.m. yesterday, police received a report that red paint was being thrown on a garage at 1919 Westerlund Dr., Medford. A report that black paint was dumped in the front seat of a car owned by George Douglas Beer, 327 Edwards St., was received about 7:30 a.m. today. The car was parked at 327 Edwards St.
    Police reported they received a complaint about 7:45 p.m. yesterday that someone shot a street light out in front of 826 East Ninth St. with a BB gun.
    A report that someone was pulling up mailboxes on Benson St. was received about 10:15 p.m., and Pattie Mae Bennett, 315 Apple St., reported about 12:41 a.m. today that the lid to a garbage can was taken.
    Wilber LeRoy Stevens, 1208 Saling Ave., reported that his car was damaged while it was parked on Beatty St. between 7:30 p.m. yesterday and 12:55 a.m. today.
    Three cases of vandalism were reported to the sheriff's office today.
Smudge Pots Lighted
Vernon H. Turnbough, 4226 Cedar Lane, reported that pranksters had lit a large number of smudge pots. About 100 gallons of smudge oil was burned.
    Mrs. Keith Krambeal, 871 Cherry St., reported to the sheriff's office that several mailboxes had been knocked down on Cherry St.
    Pranksters wrote on the windows and threw tomatoes at a house owned by William Lesley Mason, 1949 Kings Hwy. Two juveniles were contacted in relation to the vandalism and the matter was called to attention of juvenile authorities, according to a sheriff's office report.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1955, page 1

Spooks, Goblins To Be on Prowl Tonight
    Thousands of pint-sized spooks and goblins will invade the nation tonight on the prowl for treats-tricks.
    This is the night of Halloween, a blending of religious significance, innocent fun and occasional vandalism.
    Police and homeowners are thankful to note that much of the destructive spirit of Halloween has gone the way of the outdoor privy, a favorite target of vandals in "the good old days."
    A transition in recent years in the manner of celebrating the night now finds most youngsters trudging from door to door bent on gratifying their appetites for treats rather than trouble.
    And about 1,500,000 children will don the guise of goblins to perform an errand of charity. They will canvass their neighborhoods to collect money for the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund. The money collected by these youngsters in 7,200 communities will be used to buy milk, medicine and clothing for the world's underprivileged children.
    The "new look" in Halloween activities has come about through the cooperation of police, civic organizations and church groups. But although vandalism is reported on the decrease in most areas, authorities aren't convinced that the relatively harmless Halloween is here to stay.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1956, page 1

City Police Are Kept Busy on 'Average' Halloween
    A car headlight was broken, several street lights were shot out by a BB gun, and other pranks kept city police busy last night, according to police, who reported it was an average Halloween night.
    A mailbox was damaged on Hamilton St. Wednesday morning to start the Halloween pranks and continued throughout the day and night.
    Several juveniles were reported to have thrown a rock through a window at a residence on East Main St., a person was struck by a bag of water when it was thrown by two boys, and at 8 p.m. Margaret Jean Alley, 124 Greenway Circle, reported a headlight of her [car] broken by a thrown rock.
    On North Keeneway Dr. an automobile was reported to have been driven across a yard damaging the lawn and a small tree, and shortly afterwards eight boys were questioned concerning the shooting of street lights with a BB gun.
    A garbage can was reported stolen on Almond St., and on Ashland Ave. pranksters moved a car from the front of a residence and removed a pair of ornamental dice from the rearview mirror. At 11:50 p.m. several juveniles were reported creating malicious mischief on Stratford Ave.
    Other complaints received by the city police included five for objects being placed in roadway, seven saying that firecrackers were being thrown from vehicles, four of juveniles driving improperly, one complaint of eggs being thrown from vehicles, and two for police to check persons in parked cars.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1956, page 1

Children to Collect UNICEF Funds in Medford;
Halloween Party Set at YMCA
    Law enforcement officials today warned that pranksters who get out of hand will be handled accordingly.
    Police Chief Charles P. Champlin said in the past there has been little trouble on Halloween nights which was serious enough to warrant police attention. He added he did not expect much more trouble tonight compared to that of any weeknight.
    Many trick or treaters tonight will be seeking funds for the UNICEF children's program of the United Nations. Committees will assemble at elementary schools to direct the project, and children will tour neighborhoods.
Carry Small Cartons
Children will carry small cartons, marked with UNICEF symbols, into which coins may be placed. Service club members will serve cider and doughnuts to children at the schools when they return from the tours. The money will be used to buy food and medicine for children in underdeveloped nations.
    Games, refreshments and entertainment will be provided at the annual Halloween party for Medford youngsters by the YMCA between 7 and 9 p.m. today at the local YMCA. The party is being sponsored by the junior class Tri-Hi-Y Club.
    Miss Susan Hall is chairman of the party, and several YMCA groups are cooperating in the event. Youngsters 9 through 12 years old may attend, she said. The program will include a spook tunnel, games directed by Gordon Williams, and refreshments donated by Medford merchants.
Prize Awarded
A prize will be awarded after a costume contest parade. Miss Hall pointed out that costumes are not necessary.
    Medford police reported some pre-Halloween pranks this morning.
    They reported a motorist traveling south on Central Ave. was struck with a water-filled balloon thrown from a car filled with six juveniles. Police found the motorist and youths in an argument at 12th and Fir sts. later.
    Six youths were ordered to clean up pumpkins they threw into the street at West Main St. and Summit Ave., police said. The pumpkins were taken from a neighboring yard, they added.
Boys Lectured
Two 10-year-old boys were lectured and returned to their parents after police caught them placing a rotten deer head on a house porch on Benson St. last night.
    Ernest Elmer Linton, 274 Mace Rd., reported to police that a juvenile broke his rural mailbox. The door was broken off by bending it beyond the supporting braces, police said.
    A window in the new Rogue Valley Hospital, now under construction on Barnett Rd., was broken, police reported. The $8 window had two bullet holes in it, they said. Other reports included youths pouring gasoline on a street and igniting it, and throwing fruit at passing vehicles.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1957, page 1

Comparatively Quiet Halloween Night
Reported by Law Enforcement Agencies
    Law enforcement agencies in Jackson County reported a comparatively quiet Halloween this year.
    Jackson County sheriff's officers said the most serious damage reported to them was a compressor mounted on a two-wheel trailer dumped off the side of the road near Cascade Gorge on Highway 62.
    A ton of hay was spread across the Coleman Creek Rd. and the Oregon Orchards sign placed in the center of the road, officers said.
    Officers also reported that a number of county signs had been removed on the Coleman Creek and Houston Rd. area. Wooden barricades were placed across three roads entering Eagle Point and set afire. Mailboxes and signs were smeared with paint near the Hillcrest-Roxy Ann Rd., and a milk can platform was placed in the middle of a road near Phoenix, they said. Two bales of hay were set afire at Talent.
    Medford police reported they answered more than 30 telephone calls and complaints made in connection with juveniles causing trouble in downtown Medford.
    They said more than 15 cases were investigated "on-view" by officers in patrol cars. Lt. Jack C. McMillan said it would not be practical to make cases from the large number of complaints, but most of them were cleared after questioning of juveniles.
    He said most trouble in downtown Medford was caused by boys of junior and senior high school age who were throwing eggs, water-filled balloons, bags filled with oil and other items.
    Warning signs at the construction site of the storm sewer on South Central Ave. were moved, and caused traffic to jam for several blocks, they said. Signs also were moved from the Front and 10th sts. construction, resulting in trucks driving into a dead-end street.
    No major damage was reported in either Ashland or Central Point by police departments.
    A sidewalk was painted in Ashland and trash cans were turned over, police said, while in Central Point a few stop signs were reported pulled up.
    Police reported the majority of the pranks did not constitute damage but would mainly require time on the part of the owners to [re]place items and signs.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1957, page 1

Medford Area's Halloween Is Fairly Quiet
But Some Damaging Vandalism Reported
    Halloween passed with relative quietness in the Medford area, although a few cases of damaging vandalism were reported to Medford police.
    Earl Fehl, owner of the Fehl building, at the corner of Sixth and Ivy sts., reported to city police that two outside light fixtures had been torn out, and obscene language was written in soap on the windows there. He said the vandalism occurred between 11 p.m. Friday and early Saturday morning.
    One woman reported to police that a backhouse had been left on her front yard, and a couple stop signs were removed, they said.
    Most of the windows in downtown Medford were marked with soap and wax, and eggs were thrown at buildings and on sidewalks in several downtown sections.
    In residential areas, grade school children in Medford collected $248.91 for the United Nations Children's Fund project, sponsored by the Medford chapter, Oregon United Nations Association. A total of $22 was collected in Gold Hill.
    About 200 children participated in the fund drive.
    Central Point police reported nine street signs moved, some garbage cans missing and three incidents of balloons filled with water being tossed into homes. Three balloons filled with water were thrown into the Pioneer Club Friday night, officers said.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 2, 1958, page 1

Law Agencies Kept Busy on Halloween; 'Was Not Too Bad'
    Halloween pranksters kept local law enforcement agencies busy last night, but officers seemed to be in general agreement that "it was not too bad."
    The most potentially [omission] incident to occur last night was when about 50 youths gathered in front of the Jacksonville Museum and started throwing green pears at both the museum and the night watchman.
    Sheriff's deputies arrived at the museum in time to prevent any damage and to keep the youths from getting out of hand.
    In Butte Falls deputies had to undo a Main St. roadblock consisting of large boulders, cans and a load of sawed-up logs apparently erected by juveniles.
Car Fire
    The Central Point Rural Fire Department was called upon to extinguish a car fire at the intersection of Hanley Rd. and the Jacksonville Highway. A 1928 model car had been towed into the street and set afire.
    A deputy was hit on the leg by a rotten egg while he and Eagle Point authorities were investigating a car fire on Crater Lake Highway. Several sheriff's cars were also struck by rotten eggs during the night.
    Vandals reportedly broke a Starlite drive-in sign during the night and stole a dozen sign letters.
    City police had about 50 calls during the night, but Chief Charles P. Champlin said it was no more than usual.
    The most serious vandalism in the city, according to police, were two reports that juveniles threw objects through windshields of two passing cars during the night.
Broken Windows
    City police had a number of reports of broken windows, stolen bicycles, and a turned-on fire hydrant. Police took no juveniles into custody during the night but they confiscate several cars.
    Police said when youths were apprehended in an act of vandalism involving their cars, police took the cars away from them. The cars were parked behind the police station and their owners were free to pick them up this morning.
    Champlin said several officers had been placed on stand-by duty in preparation for last night's activities, but the department did not find it necessary to call them.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1960, page 1

Medford Police Have Busy Halloween Night
    Several cars received impromptu paint jobs, an auto collided with a Southern Pacific switch engine, two fireplugs were opened, and a crowd of more than 300 teenagers had to be dispersed by police in the East Main Street area. This was Halloween 1966 in Medford.
    Today Medford police sent their egg- and fruit-stained uniforms to the cleaners, their cars to be washed and the wives for some much-needed aspirin tablets.
    During the Halloween night revelries Medford residents were treated to the sight of polite little children, some escorted by their parents, who came to the door with their huge paper bags and irresistible appeals of "trick or treat." They were also confronted with excesses of vandalism and petty crimes that only occur in such massive doses once a year.
Use PA Systems
    Medford police used public address systems to appeal to the large congregations of teenagers to disband and go to their homes. The worst such congregation took place on East 10th Street, a perennial trouble area, where more than 300 youngsters gathered.
    Medford Police Chief Floyd Cower said today that many of the offenders were referred to their parents. He said that if the parents were not talking to these children today they "might find the kids in juvenile court next year."
    Clower said many of the calls investigated during the evening by city police exceeded the point of Halloween fun and entered the realm of civil disobedience.
    If the police had attempted arrests in some of the cases where large bands of teenagers had come together, there might have been serious outbreaks of violence between police and the youths, Clower said.
    The police chief was of the opinion that stricter measures will have to be implemented to contain Halloween offenses next year.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1966, page 9


Halloween Spirit Causes Incidents at SOC, Ashland
    ASHLAND--Traditional Halloween exuberance hit the Southern Oregon College campus last night with a lot of noise, a lot of running around but little damage.
    College officials estimated actual damages for a few small broken windows at about $50.
    The Halloween spirit caused about 300 Southern Oregon College students to mill around the campus during the early part of the evening. When the 10:30 closing time for resident halls arrived, this group decreased to 50 to 75 students. They began a series of attempted "panty raids" at the various women's residence halls, but none was successful.
    The most serious result of Halloween activities was a considerable amount of lost sleep on the part of those Ashland residents with homes in the immediate area, since shouting and other loud noises continued until about midnight.
Praise for Assistants
    Southern Oregon College Dean of Men Robert Bennett said this morning the various residence hall assistants gave outstanding help in controlling a boisterous situation. He said that 25 percent of the young men involved were not college students but were high school students and others not in school.
    Bennett commented that about a half dozen young men tossed firecrackers, and that none of the three actually caught were Southern Oregon College students.
    This morning he said college officials are seriously concerned about such activities because of potential property damage and chances of personal injuries.
    Bennett said those students known to have participated in dangerous activities last night will be disciplined.
Elsewhere in Ashland
    Halloween revelers raced through Ashland causing a number of calls to city police.
    A pumpkin was dropped from an overpass, hitting and shattering the windshield of a car driven by Clarence M. Litwiller.
    Bottles were broken and shaving cream was squirted on cars. At one residence a window was broken when something, possibly apples, was thrown from a speeding car. A box of dead ducks was thrown on the lawn of another residence, and a man reported that black paint had been smeared over his car.
    There were numerous reports of eggs, tomatoes and water balloons being thrown, police said.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1966, page 9

Nudist Halloween Party Draws Crowd
    The Halloween party held Saturday by Siskiyou Fraternity, nudist organization in Rogue Valley, drew an attendance of 125, club officials reported today.
    Visitors came from as far away as Oakland and Sacramento in California, and from Lakeview, Coos Bay and Eugene in Oregon. Among them were seven families new to the club.
    The Siskiyou Fraternity's next scheduled open house event will be the annual spring festival during the Memorial Day weekend. The festival will serve as a kickoff for the season's American Sunbathing Association program in the Northwest, it was noted.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1966, page 9

Last revised August 2, 2024