The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Medford News: 1902

Medford-related news items from 1902. Also see descriptions of Medford and Jackson County for that year.

East Main from Riverside, circa 1902.

    Miss Carrie George, the clever manager of the Postal Tel. Co., is visiting relatives in Lane County. Arthur Mahoney is filling her place.
    Mrs. Georgia Hoag, wife of the late E. E. Hoag, who formerly resided in this section, died at Galena, Kansas, Dec. 16th, of consumption, aged 28 years.
    J. H. Messner, the expert blacksmith and veterinary surgeon, has become a resident of Medford, and can be found at one of the shops in the eastern part of town. He never fails to give satisfaction.
    C. Paine, the genial blacksmith, has rented the shop on C Street of J. R. Wilson, who is paying a visit in Douglas County, accompanied by his family. Charley is a good workman and spares no pains to please.
    Dr. J. M. Keene and Miss Mollie Barneburg, both of whom are well and favorably known, were united in matrimony at San Francisco, Dec. 24th. The wedding came as a surprise to their many friends. The groom is a leading dentist of Oregon and prominent in public matters as well, while his fair bride is one of Jackson County's most amiable and popular daughters. They are spending their honeymoon in California, but will return next week to make their future home in Medford. That happiness and prosperity will always attend them is the wish of all.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 2, 1902, page 1

    Our school began on Monday, December 30th, with Miss Sackett, of Medford, as teacher.
"Items from Greenback," 
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, January 2, 1902, page 2

    The Mail has always had great faith in the future of Medford and the Rogue River Valley. These columns have, during the past few years, drawn many pen pictures of the future in store for our people. Among these pictures which were to make our locality of more commercial importance was the probable discovery of coal. It is now very gratifying to know that the theories which we have ventured as possibilities are soon to be confirmed or disproved. One can hardly predict a future as brilliant as will be ours should there be found an abundance of coal. Then there is another great enterprise which is drawing closer to our door as time moves on--and that is nothing else than the construction and operation of an electric railroad from our city to the upper Rogue River country, the purpose and intent of which will be the hauling of those grand, giant sugar pine and fir trees to Medford for manufacture into useful articles of commercial and general use. With the consummation of this bit of prophecy Medford will be a truly great city of mills and shops. And, incidentally, the machinery in all these mills and shops would be operated by the power obtained from the same source as that which would propel the cars to and from the timber belt--and that power obtainable through the medium of the Fish Lake Ditch, which is now in course of construction, and which, aside from its capability as an irrigating ditch, will develop from five to seven thousand horsepower from its water as it flows over the 100-foot drop, which power can be transmitted by wire to any and every part of the valley. You may say all this is visionary, but we defy anyone to prove that it is not possible or feasible--and from a business point of view, that it is not profitable.
Medford Mail, January 3, 1902, page 2

    Several months ago Prof. Dumble, head geologist of the Southern Pacific Company, and his assistant, J. Owen, of Eagle Pass, Texas, dropped quietly into Medford and began an examination of the country with a view to prospecting for coal. The result of their investigation came this week in the shape of a 40-horsepower engine and boiler and a complete plant for tunneling purposes, including cars, track and tools of all descriptions, weighing about 15,000 pounds. Besides this a complete boring plant is on the way (engine, boiler, drill, etc.) which will be set up and used to locate strata of coal by means of the drill.
    The company has secured by lease and bond some 2500 acres of land in sections 25, 26 and 36, township 37, range 1 west, and sections 19, 20 and 30, in township 37, range 1 east, located about three and one-half miles east of Medford, and including the Samuel Furry tract, where a good quality of coal has already been discovered. The company has bonded 1453 acres of the Jos. Crain property and 40 acres from W. I. Vawter, and has leased 320 acres of the Furry tract, 250 acres from Jos. Kelly and 160 acres from Ed Anderson. These are the largest individual tracts secured, but there are several others of smaller dimensions.
    If during drilling for coal beds indications of oil are struck they will be followed, as the plant will be equipped for this kind of work, and whether oil exists or not in the Rogue River Valley will be thoroughly demonstrated. The plant already here will commence operations near the site of the old tunnel on the Furry place and an inclined shaft with a dip of about sixteen degrees will be driven. From ten to twelve men will be employed this winter, and if a sufficient quantity of the "black diamonds" is found employment will be furnished at least 500 men. As the Southern Pacific Company has taken hold of this proposition after careful investigation on the part of its experts it is an assured fact that the existence or nonexistence of coal and oil in this section will be satisfactorily demonstrated. And taking all the facts into consideration, it is evident that the company thinks it has a sure thing on success.
    Drayman H. G. Shearer took the big boiler and a load of lumber over to the scene of operations on Tuesday, and the rest will follow as soon as things are in readiness.
    The establishment of this enterprise will probably inaugurate a new era in business in Southern Oregon. There is no question but that the coal and oil are here; it is only a question of capital enough to demonstrate it, and with a corporation like the Southern Pacific behind it the demonstration will come.
Medford Mail, January 3, 1902, page 2

    Miss McIntire is taking her vacation in Medford with relatives and will not open school again for another week.
J. C. Pendleton, "Table Rock Items," Medford Mail, January 3, 1902, page 3

    R. P. Daw et ux. to P. J. Read, lot 19, blk 70, Medford . . . 110
    D. W. Thomas et ux. to Wilbur L. Orr, 2.70 acres in sec. 25, twp 37s, r2w . . . 336
"Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, January 3, 1902, page 5

    Miss Agnes Isaacs is visiting her sister, Mrs. Riddle, in Grants Pass this week.
    Miss Mae Kellogg, of Grants Pass, is visiting her sisters, Mrs. John Barneburg and Mrs. Chas. Stacy.
    Mrs. E. D. Fellows, mother of Mrs. H. H. Howard, left Monday evening for Portland, where she expects to visit for a month or six weeks.
    P. C. Garrett, who has been visiting his brother-in-law, I. A. Pruitt, and family for a few weeks, returned to his home in California last Friday.
    J. H. Messner and family have moved to Medford from Central Point, and Mr. Messner has engaged in business here, that of blacksmithing and practicing veterinary surgery and medicine.
    Miss Carrie George left Wednesday evening for a month's visit with Eugene friends. Her position as operator for the Postal Telegraph Company will be filled during her absence by Arthur Mahoney.
    D. F. Fox, deputy internal revenue collector, was in the city this week looking after matters in connection with his office--the same being the taking of an inventory of stock on hand at the Palm, Whitman Co.'s cigar factory.
    Mrs. G. W. Mackey and the children left Friday of last week for their old home at Crawfordsville, Oregon. Mr. Mackey received a telegram a few hours before her departure to the effect that her brother had accidentally shot and killed himself while out hunting on Christmas Day.
    R. D. Maplesden and family, of Ft. Jones, Calif., arrived in Medford last week and will henceforth make this their home. Mr. M. bought property in southwest Medford last summer and moved the Skeel residence upon the same, and it is this the family is now occupying.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 3, 1902, page 6

    J. H. Messner, a blacksmith of years' experience and a graduate veterinary surgeon, has moved to Medford from Central Point and has opened a shop and office on East Seventh Street, nearly opposite Merriman's old stand. Mr. Messner is a first-class workman in all branches of his grade, and is especially adept in horseshoeing. Mr. Messner will also give attention to the treatment of all diseases animalkind is heir to. Calls attended to at all hours and terms are reasonable.
    I have moved my stock of harness and saddlery from the Woolf building to my new store, near the Union livery stables, where I will be pleased to do business with former patrons--and new ones as well. I guarantee every article I put out to be as recommended or money refunded. J. G. Taylor.
    Patrick Daily, who arrived in the valley about a year ago from Kansas, has purchased the George Churchman place, which is located about nine miles east from Medford. There are ninety acres in the chunk, and the price paid was $1200. The land, Mr. Daily says, is all good for growing grain or orchard, and he considers he has made a good buy. His sons, who arrived here this fall from the East, will undoubtedly have charge of the farm while the old gentleman will reside in Medford, where he purchased residence property last fall--the same being the Dial property in West Medford. These Dailys are hustlers and are sure to win out on almost any kind of a buy they may make. The young men are brothers of School Superintendent Daily. Possession of the Churchman land is not to be given until next fall. It is now rented to Ed Stinson.
    No need for Medford people to buy imported bacon. We have some very choice pieces, made from Rogue River Valley pork, and made this season. Every piece guaranteed to be fresh and wholesome. All animals which are slaughtered by us are given a thorough inspection and not an ounce of diseased meat is either put on the block or salted. Arnold & Barneburg, proprietors of the City Market.
    W. H. Barr, the orchardist and miner, is putting out 500 Yellow Newtown apple trees on his suburban orchard tract. He has an orchard of about 35 acres already in bearing and from which he harvested this year apples to the value of $7,000. He has a very novel, quick and economical method of digging holes for tree planting. With an iron bar he makes a hole in the ground to a depth of about three feet and into this he places giant powder--and it digs the hole. Aside from making an excavation sufficiently large for planting the tree it loosens the earth for several feet on all sides and at the bottom, thus making it easy for the growth of the tender tree roots.
    E. J. DeHart is making many substantial improvements about his suburban orchard home. He has carpenters at work putting up a 30x50-foot carriage and implement house, the same being finished in good style and in keeping with his elegant residence and other surroundings. He has grubbed out all his prune trees and has set the ground to Bartlett pears and has also set out sixty fruit trees of various kinds for a family orchard. These include cherry, fig, peach, apricot, almond and plum trees. He proposes making other improvements about the place, and when all are completed he will have a model home.
    F. M. Wilson has his new residence completed--and it's as neat and pretty a little cottage as can be seen for many blocks around. That Mr. Wilson is proud of his new home there is not a doubt, and that he has just grounds for this feeling of pride no one disputes. Frank is one of the squarest and most honorable business men in the city, and if a whole covey of new homes and other good things were to come his way they would all be deserved.
    Chief of Police Johnson reports that someone, presumably the small boys of the city, has of late been committing an offense against the well-being of our townspeople, the same being that of stretching wires across the sidewalk at a height which trip and throw pedestrians. Mr. Johnson was very close onto the trail of the miscreants Sunday night. He is watching every turn of the road and hopes to be able to run the lads into court unless they sidetrack their dangerous notions.
    Clarence Cox, the thirteen-year-old son of J. W. Cox, the restaurant man, met with an accident Sunday. He was wrestling with another boy when, in falling, his right elbow was dislocated. Dr. Kirchgessner was called and replaced the displaced member, and the young man is getting along finely.
    J. W. Cox:--"Why, yes, I have sold all my stock, 380 head, and machinery to Eugene Harmon, of Roseburg. Yes, and I also sold him 510 tons of hay, and rented him my Klamath County ranch of 1320 acres for three years. I shall sow 130 acres of my Griffin Creek ranch to alfalfa. I will build a residence on my South C Street property in the spring and will make Medford my permanent home. I have a few head of Hereford cattle which I am offering for sale."
    Complaint has been made to the Mail that minors, boys under age, are being sold wine by citizens of our town--and these are not saloon men, either. This, if true, is a direct violation of two of our state laws--namely, selling spirituous or malt liquors without a license and selling it to minors.
    Traveling salesman G. L. Davis was in Medford this week. His house has given him an additional amount of territory, and he now goes as far north as Oregon City and as well covers all the West Side country. His employers are well satisfied with his work, and George has no kick coming.
    J. R. Wilson has rented his blacksmith shop and tools to Charlie Paine, who is now conducting the shop.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 3, 1902, page 7

Citizens Held a Caucus.
    A citizens' caucus was held at the town hall Monday evening for the purpose of nominating candidates to be voted for at the coming election--Tuesday, January 14th. There were about fifty voters present. L. B. Warner was chosen chairman and attorney C. P. Snell secretary.
    W. S. Crowell and J. J. Howser were named for the office of mayor. Crowell received forty-odd votes and Howser four. Crowell declared the nominee.
    J. U. Willeke and J. E. Toft were nominated for councilmen in the First Ward. J. R. Wilson and J. A. Perry for councilmen in the Second Ward. These nominations were made without opposition, but in the Third Ward there were four candidates named, they being F. K. Deuel, F. M. Stewart, J. A. Smith and J. L. Demmer. When the ballots were counted it was found that Stewart had received 13, Smith 12, Demmer 9 and Deuel 8, only the voters of that ward being allowed to vote. Stewart and Smith declared the nominees.
    For treasurer the names of Chas. Strang and L. L. Jacobs were proposed. The ballots gave Strang 82, Jacobs 18.
    W. T. York and C. P. Snell were named for recorder, and of the votes cast York received 26 and Snell 23.
    Up to the hour of going to press no other ticket has been nominated, and the Mail does not know that there will be one. The Second Ward, however, will have to nominate another councilman in place of Mr. Perry, as that gentleman declines to serve, because of good and sufficient business reasons.
Medford Mail, January 3, 1902, page 7

    Mrs. C. S. Moore and mother, Mrs. N. Langell of Medford, were in Portland yesterday visiting friends.

"Personals," The Daily Journal, Salem, January 3, 1902, page 3

    The Medford Enquirer makes a vicious, unwarranted and cowardly attack upon the members of the Jacksonville football team and the official timekeeper of the game between the Jacksonville and Medford elevens which was played Christmas Day.
    Among other things, the article charges that but six of the members of the Jacksonville team are from Jacksonville, and that Medford was beaten by a combined aggregation from Southern Oregon. This statement is untrue, and the editor of the Enquirer knew that it was false at the time he allowed the article to be printed. Every member of the Jacksonville team is a resident of our town, with the exception of Freel (who makes his home here when not employed), and nearly all of them are boys who have been raised at the county seat.
    The screed was so absurdly untrue that in the next issue the Enquirer man acknowledged that all but one of the Jacksonville team belonged to our town; but not having principle enough to withdraw his other charges, it becomes our duty to recognize his sheet long enough to refute them.
    In the first place, before the game was called, the captains of the two teams agreed that Medford should have the privilege of playing Beeson of Talent and that Jacksonville should have the privilege of playing Freel.
    The article goes on to say that in the second half Jacksonville used slugging tactics, and that it would be hard to find a better lot of would-be scrappers than those in the aggregation from Jacksonville, etc. It is very strange that the officials of the game, who are honest and disinterested citizens from Ashland, and who understand all of the rules, would have permitted Medford to have been beaten in this manner. It is also peculiar that not a single member of Medford's team will bear Mann out in any of these assertions. Each and all of them are unanimous in saying that it was a good, hard-fought, square game of football, and that the best team won.
    As to the timekeeper extending the game 15 or 20 minutes, as claimed by the Enquirer, the charge is as ridiculous as it is false. It is provided in the rules that the period intervening when "time" is called by the referee and "play" is called shall be taken out. The officials frequently were compelled to call "time," as the bystanders crowded upon the field so much that it was almost impossible for the players to play. One of the timekeepers was from Medford, and it is doing him an injustice to say that he allowed Mr. Kubli to bunco him out of 15 minutes in a 30-minute half.
    Jacksonville won fairly. The boys have been under the training of Prof. E. E. Washburn, one of the best coaches in Southern Oregon, and to him more than anyone else is due the victory. He did not attempt to teach fake plays nor pretty grandstand ball. He coached the boys to play good, hard, scientific football, which in the second half showed Medford up in a very weak light.
    We are sorry that such unjust charges have been made to detract from the victory won by the Jacksonville team, and we hope that under the advice and at the special request of the Medford team, in the future games played between Medford and other towns, the editor of the Enquirer can be persuaded to go 'way back and sit down, and not make a fool of himself.
    Jacksonville, Jan. 4, 1902.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 9, 1902, page 4

    A. T. Markley of Portland, who formerly resided in Medford, has sued Julia Markley for a divorce, on the ground of desertion, alleged to have occurred 10 years ago. They were married in Missouri in 1866.
    Charles E. Wolcott, who started the Medford Monitor several years ago, is now residing in Chicago with his family. The Guard says that he is in the employ of the Success Pub. Co., and recently sent a draft for $330 to one of his creditors.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 9, 1902, page 4   Wolcott's newspaper was the South Oregon Monitor of 1894, not to be confused with the Medford Monitor of 1885.

Miss Mae Kellogg has been visiting in Medford with her sisters, Mrs. John Barneburg and Mrs. Chas. Stacy.
"Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, January 9, 1902, page 3

The City Election.
    The first city election to be held in Medford under the new charter will be held on Tuesday, January 14th. A mayor, six councilmen, a recorder and treasurer are to be elected. The mayor and three of the councilmen are to hold office for two years; the other three councilmen, the recorder and the treasurer for one year only. Next year the three short-term councilmen will be succeeded by others elected for two years, and thereafter half of the council will retire each year.
    The city is districted into three wards, the 1st embracing all that part of the city lying east of the center of C Street; the 2nd, west of C Street; the 3rd, west of C Street and north of Seventh. The voting place for the 1st ward is at the town hall; 2nd, the old Palm, Whitman & Co. cigar factory; 3rd, J. A. Perry's warehouse.
    The following-named citizens have been nominated, either by the citizens' convention or by petition since, for the various offices:
    For mayor--W. S. Crowell, Citizens'.   
    For councilmen--1st ward--J. U. Willeke, for two years; J. E. Toft, one year, nominated by Citizens' convention.
    Second ward--J. R. Wilson, two years, Citizens'; Wm. Ulrich, one year, by petition, vice J. A. Perry, nominated by convention and declined.
    Third ward--F. M. Stewart, two years; John A. Smith, one year, by Citizens' convention; F. K. Deuel, two years; J. L. Demmer, one year, by petition.
    For recorder--W. T. York, Citizens'; C. P. Snell, petition.
    For treasurer--Chas. Strang, Citizens'.
Medford Mail,
January 10, 1902, page 2

    Miss Emma Reed, one of Medford's popular teachers, visited her parents here during the holidays.
"Jacksonville Items," Medford Mail, January 10, 1902, page 3

    Rube Murray, of Medford, is visiting his cousin, Jesse Richardson.

"Trail Creek Items," Medford Mail, January 10, 1902, page 3

    Annie L. Fisher and husband to Winfield Scott, lots 2 and 10, blk 73, Medford . . . 500
    Geo. Churchman et ux. to Patrick Daily, 90 acres in sec. 18, twp 37 s, r 1 e . . . 1200
    Geo. W. Isaacs et ux. to H. D. Kubli, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, blk 53, Medford . . . 650
"Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, January 10, 1902, page 5

    Mrs. E. L. Gurnea and daughters, Misses Mary and Ruth, were visiting Ashland friends this week.
    J. W. Hunter, the photographer, and wife left Medford last Saturday for northern California, where they expect to locate.
    George B. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith, is here from Idaho upon a visit to his parents, whom he has not seen for thirteen years.
    Morton Lawton, who is day clerk at Hotel Josephine, in Grants Pass, was called home Tuesday evening by the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. J. W. Lawton.
    Miss Fannie Maplesden returned to Yreka Monday morning. The young lady is attending school at that place, having entered the school prior to the moving of her parents to Medford.
    Miss Fannie Haskins returned Sunday evening from San Francisco, at which place she has been taking a several months' course in kindergarten school work. There are several of these schools in San Francisco, and students wishing to acquire a knowledge of the work are placed under instructors and are at the same time given a school to teach. Miss Haskins likes the work immensely well and the course she has taken better prepares her for other school work, still it is possible she will give her attention to kindergarten work exclusively.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 10, 1902, page 6

Rooms to Rent.
    I have furnished and unfurnished rooms to rent. Suitable for light housekeeping, millinery or dressmaking. Near business center of city.
A. M. LODER.           
Medford Mail, January 10, 1902, page 6

    During the holidays Mrs. Frank Adams was visited by her sister, Miss Williams, who is a student of the Medford Academy.

J. C. Pendleton, "Table Rock Items," Medford Mail, January 10, 1902, page 6

    The Southern Oregon Oil Co., of Ashland, has had about everything happen to it that possibly could during the drilling operations it has been conducting near Ashland. Drills have broken and lodged in the well, and the "fishing" tools used for their recovery have done likewise, requiring days and weeks of patient, temper-smashing effort to again clear the hole. On New Year's Day some 2000 feet of wire cable which had accidentally run off its pulley and slipped some 700 feet into the hole was recovered, and as everything except striking oil has happened, the company expects to do the latter before they reach the 2000-foot mark, which is now less than 400 feet away.

    J. Owen, who is in charge of the Southern Pacific coal prospecting operations east of Medford, is working now about eight men. He is somewhat handicapped by the nonarrival of tools, but has already commenced work on the incline shaft to be run. An open cut has been run into the hill and faced up ready for the driving of the tunnel. The engine and hoisting machinery is being set up, and as soon as the work on the tunnel proper commences it will be pushed as rapidly as possible. The prospecting drill and machinery is expected to arrive almost any day now and will be immediately put to work. In addition to the large tract of land the company has acquired at the scene of their operations, it has also bonded 480 acres from F. Davis, who resides just west of Medford, and leased 80 acres from Major Andrus, all on Evans Creek, where the latter has been working for some time. A force of men will be set to developing this property during the winter, continuing the tunnel commenced by Major Andrus, although no machinery will likely be placed thereon this season.
    F. M. Wilson and D. B. Russell have purchased the John F. White confectionery shop and ice cream parlors and have taken possession thereof. Mr. Wilson will move his stock and fixtures to the new quarters. The new stand is decidedly a good one, and Mr. White has enjoyed a good trade during the time he has been running the business. Both the new proprietors are good, square and honorable business men, and there is little doubt but that the business will continue as good as in the past, and it will undoubtedly be increased because of new lines they expect to put in. Several changes will be made about the place and improvements made where possible. The Mail wishes the new firm an abundance of success.
    Mrs. O. Gilbert has purchased the Mitchell candy and notion store. Mr. Mitchell started this business with a stock of Christmas goods about six weeks ago. About three weeks ago a slight unpleasantness passed between these columns and Mr. Mitchell, that gentleman having taken personal exceptions to a few lines printed in a general way. However, that is neither here nor "yonder," the business was started about three weeks before Christmas and is sold out within three weeks after Christmas. Comment is unnecessary. The lady who has now purchased the stock and fixtures is a very fine woman, and the Mail hopes she will do a good business--and these columns will help her secure a share of the public's patronage. She has a great many friends in the city, and they will undoubtedly extend to her a part, at least, of their business. She expects to close out her stock of cigars and tobacco and will add a complete line of ladies' goods--such as ribbons, handkerchiefs, etc.
    N. B. Bradbury has sold an interest in his planing mill to W. E. Poindexter and A. Johnson, and the three will continue the business at the old stand. Aside from doing general mill work they will do contracting and general job work about the city, together with the manufacture of store, office and bar fixtures. Mr. Poindexter will have general supervision of all building work; Mr. Johnson, who is a cabinet maker of ability, will have charge of the office and store fixture work, and Mr. Bradbury will see that these gentlemen are supplied with every requirement that the planing mill is able to put out. This will make a strong team of honest workers and almost everyone is predicting that success will be theirs manyfold.
    Dr. Pickel has finished setting out nearly sixty black walnut trees on his lots on West Seventh Street, where he last winter erected the handsome residence now occupied by John C. Lucus and family. He will also seed the grounds about the house to grass for a lawn. The doctor does not contemplate further extensive improvements at present, but will merely keep the land in sufficient cultivation to keep the trees in a thrifty condition.
    Dr. Kirchgessner's office and residence are now in the Lindley block.
    W. P. Dodge, the "well borer from Iowa," is having more hard luck than usually befalls the average of men. Last week he lost his drill in a well he was boring at Ashland, and not until he had labored several days and had been to quite an expense did he succeed in recovering the lost drill. About the same time one of his three-year-old Altamont colts took sick and died.
    E. S. Wolfer, the tinsmith, has contracted with the Native Sons of Jacksonville to put a twenty-light acetylene gas plant into their cabin. Mr. Wolfer is having a good run of work in this line and in all cases entire satisfaction is given. If, perchance, anything should go amiss with any of the plants he installs, he is here ready and willing to make them good or refund the purchase price.
    H. Tripp has sold an acre of land in East Medford to a Mr. Rush, of Colorado. The purchase price was $300. The land is situated on one of the streets running south from East Seventh, and Mr. Rush will soon commence the erection of a residence thereon. His family, which is now in Minnesota, will join him here in the spring.
    Charlie Paine:--"I have only rented a half interest in the J. R. Wilson blacksmith shop. You said last week that I had rented the whole works. That was a mistake."
    The law firm of Snell & Hartson has been dissolved. Mr. Snell will continue the practice of law in Medford and Mr. Hartson will probably locate in Medford.
    James Gregory and family have moved from the H. B. Nye residence, corner G and Sixth streets, to the Wait residence, on South G Street.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 10, 1902, page 7

    Mrs. J. W. Lawton is reported to be seriously ill.
    Mrs. Harper (nee Edwards) of Montana is visiting with relatives living in Medford.
    Mrs. J. P. Sayle of Ashland was recently the guest of her daughter, Mrs. R. Rouse.
    D. G. Karnes, the popular confectioner, has been visiting his old home at Chico, Calif.
    Ralph Woodford, who is assisting Chas. Strang, is making excellent progress in pharmacy.
    Isaac Skeeters, a pioneer of Jackson and Josephine counties, is spending the winter in Medford.
    Thos. James, the miner, who is now operating in British Columbia, was in Medford one day last week.
    John F. White has sold his confectionery and fruit store to Frank Wilson and D. B. Russell.
    Miss Letha Hardin, who is suffering from curvature of the spine, has entered the Waldeck hospital.
    Mrs. N. Langell, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chas. S. Moore of Salem, returned home a few days ago.
    Geo. Coulter has opened a lunch counter in the building formerly occupied by Geo. Kurtz and F. M. Wilson.
    Mrs. M. Austin of Grant County and her brother, Will. Edwards, are guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Edwards.
    Miss Iva Purdin is acceptably serving as assistant postmistress of Sisson, Calif., a position she is well qualified to fill.
    J. W. Walters, the shoemaker, who left Medford for the Willamette Valley last year, died a few months ago, it is reported.
    Dan Reynolds recently built a residence on his lots in [the] northeastern part of town, which is one of the neatest in that vicinity.
    Mrs. Mattie Downs, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Edwards, left for her home in Cottage Grove Sunday evening.
    S. T. Sanders, the expert shoemaker, is located in Mrs. Loder's building on Front Street. He does the best work at reasonable rates.
    Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Keene returned from San Francisco one day last week. They were the recipients of a hearty welcome and many congratulations.
    P. Daily, Sr. has purchased the Churchman property, situated near Medford, that consists of 90 acres, much of which is good land. He secured a bargain.
    Mrs. O. Gilbert has purchased H. H. Mitchell's stock of goods in the building on C Street, one door north of the post office, and has made many additions thereto.
    The Telegram says that Hon. N. Langell is mentioned as a successor to the present incumbent of the position of U.S. Marshal. Nat. would make a competent, acceptable official, and we hope he will secure the plum.
    The city election, held last Tuesday, passed quietly, a comparatively light vote being cast. The ticket nominated by the Citizens' convention was elected without opposition, excepting that C. P. Snell opposed the present incumbent of the office of Recorder. The following is a list of those chosen: Mayor, W. S. Crowell; Recorder, W. T. York; Treasurer, Chas. Strang. There was a contest in the second ward for councilmen, F. K. Deuel and J. A. Smith defeating F. M. Stewart and J. L. Daemmer. Wm. Ulrich and J. U. Willeke were elected councilmen of the first ward.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 16, 1902, page 4

    A. N. Soliss has again shaken the mud of Jacksonville from his feet. The community is to be congratulated upon the riddance of this laziest, dirtiest and most contemptible of all grafters and scrubs, who never had an honorable thought.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 16, 1902, page 5

A Quiet Election.
    Tuesday's city election was a very quiet affair. Very little interest was manifest except in the case of the election of a recorder and of the councilmen in the Third Ward. There was no contest on in either of the other wards for councilmen, in consequence of which the strife only extended to the recorder. About half the usual number of votes were polled, which was due to lack of interest and the further fact that several of our townspeople who have voted at former elections are now homesteaders in other precincts. The total vote cast was 215--that being the number case for both Mr. York and Mr. Snell. As will be seen by figures given below the wards are divided very evenly as to votes. Following is the vote polled:
    For mayor--Crowell, 62; Howser, 2. Councilmen--Willeke, long term, 63; Toft, short term, 57. Recorder--York, 38; Snell, 29. Treasurer--Strang, 61.
    For mayor--Crowell, 68. Councilmen--Wilson, long term, 66; Ulrich, short term, 57. Recorder--York, 50; Snell, 21. Treasurer--Strang, 63.
    For mayor--Crowell, 60; Howser, 1. Councilmen--Deuel, long term, 47; Stewart, long term, 34; Demmer, short term, 34; Smith, short term, 32. Recorder--York, 49; Snell, 28. Treasurer--Strang, 58.
    York's majority over Snell was 11 in the First Ward; 29 in Second Ward; 21 in Third Ward; total majority, 61.
    The city officers elected for the next year are:
    Mayor--W. S. Crowell.
    Councilmen--First Ward, J. U. Willeke, J. E. Toft; Second Ward, J. R. Wilson, Wm. Ulrich; Third Ward, F. K. Deuel, J. L. Demmer.
    Recorder--W. T. York.
    Treasurer--Chas. Strang.
Medford Mail, January 17, 1902, page 2

Mr. G. H. Howland Tells His Minnesota Friends
of the Good Things Which Abound Here.

From the Blanchard, Minnesota Register.
    G. H. Howland this week has a brief but interesting letter in the
Register, written at Medford, Oregon, December 30. It will be perused with pleasure by Mr. Howland's many old neighbors and friends in this county. He writes:
    Through the columns of the Register, I will keep my promise to old friends.
    The first question you would ask, "Do you like Oregon?" Yes, better than Minnesota. The other day when we read a letter from back there, and knew how cold you were having it, I said to my wife, "I am glad we are not there." We have been here over one year and the climate is delightful. There has been only about twenty-five days in that time that we have not seen the sun some time during the day. Not much rain. When it does rain, it comes generally in the night. But little fog, always a little breeze, but the wind never blows hard. Have some frosty nights, but does not get colder than 20 above and very seldom hotter than 90 above.
    This section is called the Rogue River Valley. It is about twenty-five miles long, and from four to fifteen miles wide, with several smaller valleys leading into it. There are four towns, Ashland, Jacksonville, Central Point and Medford, the latter about the center, population 2500, eighteen years old.
    All kinds of cereals are raised here. Wheat on good land yields from thirty to forty bushels per acre, price 50 cents. Oats sixty to 100 bushels per acre, price always 50 cents. Barley forty to seventy-five bushels per acre, price 50 cents. Corn twenty-five to forty bushels per acre, always 50 cents. There is no grain shipped out. Hay is a paying crop. There is wheat hay, wild oat hay, there's volunteer and alfalfa--the latter cutting four to six tons per acre, brings $8.00 to $12.00. I am selling now for $10 at the barn. Fruit of almost every kind, apples, pears and prunes principally. There is one man who has 160 acres into apples and he cleared above all expenses $30,000 this year. I know of another who cleared $1000 off six acres, then sold for $2400. He paid $1500 for it a year ago. Fruit farms sell well. An "eighty" sold for $15,000.
    Several hundred carloads are shipped from here every season. Of timber there is a great supply in kinds and quality. There are great tracts of sugar pine in this country that will run from 5,000,000 to 10,000,000 to the quarter. This is worth $40 per thousand here on track. There are mountains all around. There are a great many rich gold mines, the output being about $250,000 to the five banks in this valley, besides there is a great deal the banks do not handle. There are also copper, quicksilver, asphaltum and asbestos, and coal and oil indications are good. They are being prospected for. There are building stone and granite quarries. The stone for the United States post office at Salem is being taken from this valley.
    I wish if there are any Blue Earth folks that come to the coast and are dissatisfied would come to this valley before going back.
    For fear I will take up too much space, also tire you out, I will stop. I will be glad to answer any questions that you may care to ask.
G. H. HOWLAND.           
Medford Mail, January 17, 1902, page 2

    Last Friday morning a man broke into William Winkle's house, on Connution
[Kanutchan] Gulch. He then broke open two trunks, taking therefrom about seven dollars in money and a lot of clothes, and also destroying all of the family pictures before leaving. He was discovered by the owner of the clothes Saturday night but made his his escape. Parties went to Jacksonville Monday to secure a warrant for his arrest.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, January 17, 1902, page 5

    J. R. West arrived in Medford last week from Reno, Nevada, having been called here by the quite serious illness of his brother, T. H. West.

    L. M. Wallace, of Albany, a brother-in-law of our good townsman, J. A. Perry, and J. L. Hill, also of Albany, were in Medford last week upon timber land business.
    Mrs. Rose Wickham and daughter, Miss Rose, of Tacoma, are in Medford upon a visit to Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Howland. Mrs. Wickham is a cousin of Mrs. Howland.
    H. C. Mackey was at Ashland Monday upon business--the same being the dissolving of his partnership with H. J. Boyd, of that place. Mr. Mackey will continue the photography business in Medford.
    Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Emmerson arrived in Medford last week from northern California. Mr. Emmerson is an oculist and will remain in Medford for a couple of months. Mrs. Emmerson was formerly Miss Cora Jones, who lived near Tolo, this county.
    Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Walters, of Tacoma, Wash., arrived in Medford Wednesday and will remain in this locality for several months. Mr. Walters is in the employ of the Singer Sewing Machine Company and will put out several sales wagons in Jackson County. Mrs. Walters is a sister of Mrs. Lannes Klippel.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 17, 1902, page 6

    M. F. McCown and Jim Eaton have rented the rooms formerly occupied by F. M. Wilson as a candy kitchen, and will open a lunch counter and cigar stand therein. They will keep open all night and expect to catch a good bit of trade. The location is a good one and the boys ought to do a good business from the start. They have a great many friends who are wishing them well in their new venture.

    J. D. Heard has purchased jeweler Elwood's Altamont pacer, "Black Jack." The price paid was $300 and the purchase was made for Thomas Thompson, a wealthy contractor of San Francisco, to which place the horse was shipped Wednesday. The horse is quite speedy, having paced in no less than 2:20. Mr. Thompson will keep him for a driving horse.
    Henry Miller, a recent arrival from California, has purchased two acres of land from J. S. Hagey in East Medford and is erecting a dwelling house thereon. The price paid for the land was $500, and the sale was made through the F. M. Stewart real estate agency.

"Additional Local," Medford Mail, January 17, 1902, page 6

    The cement walk and other improvements about the Academy give satisfaction to students and teachers.

"Academy Notes," Medford Mail, January 17, 1902, page 6

    A. Z. Sears brought in a small piece of coal from the mine being prospected by the Southern Pacific Company, east of Medford. We tried it in an ordinary box stove and it burned just like the real Pennsylvania article, giving a clear, bright flame, and leaving very little residue. There is scarcely any doubt but that the company will find what they are looking for, and one more paying industry will be added to the already long list of Southern Oregon products. Work has been somewhat delayed, owing to nonarrival of needed machinery, but that difficulty is being removed, daily almost, by the arrival of tools, etc. A cut sixty feet in length has been run, also about thirty feet of tunnel, and several small veins of coal have already been found, from which the pieces above mentioned came. The pumping and hoisting machinery was placed in position this week, and the car track will be laid at once, after which it is expected that the work will advance rapidly. Monday the tools for the blacksmith shop, including both a portable forge and a bellows, arrived. Ten men are now employed on the work. A report brought in from the mine Wednesday was in effect that in a tunnel, twelve feet from the opening, a six-inch vein of coal had been struck and that it was widening out as the tunnel grew in extent. The coal is even better than any vein yet struck.
Dressmakers 1910ca Silverton, Ore.
Dressmakers in Silverton, circa 1910
    Miss Lou Downing, of San Francisco, an experienced dressmaker, has opened dressmaking parlors at her father's home on valley road, near the M.E. parsonage.
    Some few years ago W. P. Dodge began raising popcorn for the trade of Southern Oregon. Only an acre or two was planted the first year, but this was insufficient to fill the demand, and each year the acreage has been increased until last year fifteen acres were planted--and still the demand was greater than the supply, and another season he will plant twenty acres. Mr. Dodge grows popcorn that pops--every kernel of it. It is all hand selected and neatly put up in attractive sacks--and finds ready sale in all the towns of the valley. The above item demonstrates the possibility of building up a good, profitable business from a seeming unimportant feature or product. There are other small industries which could be developed in our valley and made to pay a handsome revenue.
    The Southern Pacific railroad company this week has been making some improvements in its yard facilities in Medford. What is known as the oil spur has been a source of considerable annoyance to trainmen on account of the heavy curve on which it leaves the main sidetrack, making it hard to get in and out. This spur has been lengthened, so as to connect with the sidetrack farther along and consequently straightened. This will not only save wear and tear on trainmen's tempers, but prove a source of satisfaction to fruit men next season, as quite a bit of the unloading of fruit cars is done on this spur during the season.
    G. W. Owings, of Gold Hill, has been stopping in Medford the past week assisting his nephew, G. F. Owings, in operating the Elite Studio, which was purchased a few weeks ago from Mr. Hunter. Mr. Owings is doing a splendid business at his gallery, and as he is a very honorable young man, fair in his dealings and an artist of ability, there is every reason for predicting his success.
    H. D. Austin:--"Yes, sir, my business is first-class in every way. I am kept hustling to get in enough stuff to keep my customers supplied. Why, I am very much surprised that the flour and feed business amounts to as much as it does. Yes, we have free delivery and a telephone. Easiest thing in the world to place an order with us. You press the button, we do the rest."
    Attorney C. P. Snell's eighteen-months-old child, which has been ill since Christmas, has entirely recovered. The child's illness is attributed to its having eaten candy at Christmas time which had been poisoned by the coloring used in its compounding.
    Ed. Russ:--"Everything is moving along very nicely at the mill. I have recently put in some new machinery and have overhauled some that was already in. During the first nine days of January the mill ground seven full days. That's not so bad."
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 17, 1902, page 7

    Mrs. L. Reames of Jacksonville was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. F. White, Tuesday.
    W. H. Bradshaw, the sage of Lake Creek, visited his many friends in Medford Monday.
    A. H. Chessmore last week was in Josephine County, where he owns 80 acres of land. He is having part of it set out in fruit.
    Medford's new councilmen are: First ward--J. U. Willeke, J. E. Toft; second ward--J. R. Wilson, Wm. Ulrich; third--F. K. Deuel, J. L. Daemmer. It is a strong combination.
    M. F. McCown and J. Eaton are conducting an excellent lunch counter and restaurant in the building formerly occupied by Geo. Kurtz and F. M. Wilson. Give them a call, for they will treat you well.
    Mr. Gurnea, who will engage in business at Ashland entirely, is consolidating his stock of goods here with that there. We are sorry to lose him, as he is a thorough gentleman and enterprising citizen.
    We are informed that H. M. Crowell, son of Judge Crowell, who went to San Francisco with Peil & Bolton's excursion, has entered the naval service of the government for four years, and is now on the high seas.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 23, 1902, page 5

    A Kansas newspaper man expresses his thanks to a fruit grower for some Ben Davis apples, which leads the discriminating Topeka Capital to ask, "What do you think of a man who returns thanks for a gift of Ben Davis apples?" Perhaps the editor felt that he could afford to be polite, neighbor. He didn't have to eat the apples. The Ben Davis has a reputation almost everywhere that is not to be envied, still the Oregon Ben Davis is not so bad. Of course it is not so good as other varieties we produce, but possibly it could be worse. However, the Ben Davis is a good producer and a fairly good seller--at a price considerably lower than the Newtown, Spitzenberg or Baldwin.
Medford Mail, January 24, 1902, page 2

    John A. Morey and daughter to James L. Wilson, part of blk 6, Galloway's add. Medford . . . 250

    Hiram Tripp et ux. to Joseph P. Raiche, lot 14, blk 2, Cottage Home add., Medford . . . 150
    Hiram Tripp to Martha L. Tripp, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, blk 2, Cottage Home add., Medford . . . 100
    Jennie M. Faris to Cynthia E. Howard, west 330 ft. of lot 1, blk 1, Barr's add. Medford . . . 650
"Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, January 24, 1902, page 5

Are Likely to Error.
From the Rural Northwest.
    So much has been said in the leading Oregon newspapers about the Newtown Pippin and Spitzenberg as the profitable apples for Oregon that newcomers are likely to be led into serious error in the selection of varieties for planting. These varieties of apples sell at high prices because there are so few places where they can be grown to perfection. It is only in sections of the Hood River and Rogue River valleys that the Newtown Pippin is known to be grown profitably on a commercial scale in this state. It would be a very serious mistake to set out an orchard of Newtowns in the Willamette Valley. The Spitzenberg can be grown in a larger number of places than the Yellow Newtown, but it reaches perfection in but few localities. The trees are specially subject to attack by insects and fungous diseases and in most cases are short lived. It is probable that in almost any section where apples are raised three bushels of the best quality of Ben Davis apples can be grown at less cost than one bushel of perfect Spitzenberg apples in the most favorable locations for the latter variety. It may be said that one Spitzenberg is well worth more than a bushel of Ben Davis apples, but the difference in the price of the two varieties is only great enough to make it profitable to grow the Spitzenberg in places which are most congenial to it.
Medford Mail, January 24, 1902, page 5

    H. Hodges, of Canyonville, Oregon, was in Medford over Sunday upon a visit to his brother, townsman J. S. Hodges. He will return to Medford in a few weeks and will probably remain permanently.
    Merchants C. I. Hutchison and H. U. Lumsden are over Steamboat way this week in quest of bear and other small game. Their friends will be deluged with hair-breadth escapes from chipmunks and vicious deer upon their return.
    Frank McCarty, of Pratt, Missouri, arrived in Medford Wednesday morning and intends making this place his future home. He has with him two unusually bright small boys, his nephews, who are orphans. Mr. McCarty is the nearest of kin to the boys and to them he is giving a parent's care. He is a carpenter and will endeavor to secure work in that line but will accept any honorable employment.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 24, 1902, page 6

    J. N. Copley is preparing ground for planting 1000 Yellow Newtown apple trees. His place is southwest of Medford.
    Alfred Weeks has purchased the Herron place of 100 acres, south of Medford, and will plant the same to fruit. The price paid was $3500.
Medford Mail, January 24, 1902, page 6

Resources that Are to Be Found in Rogue River Valley and Serve to Make this Section of Oregon the Most Desirable Place on Earth in Which to Dwell

    People in other parts of these United States are beginning to discover that there is such a place as Oregon, a section of that state called Southern Oregon, and that in Southern Oregon lies the Rogue River Valley and its tributaries. Inquiries concerning the products and resources of this section are received daily by one or another of our townspeople and real estate agencies, and the purpose of this article is to answer in a general way some of those inquiries.
    The products of the soil of the valley might well be said to be "anything you put in the ground, indigenous to the temperate zone," and its resources, undeveloped to a great extent as yet, "illimitable."
    To specify: All cereals, vegetables and small fruits find perfect conditions for growth in the climate and soil of the valley. Cabbage as big as a water bucket; potatoes, one of which will make a meal for a fair-sized family; tomatoes as large as a dessert plate; blackberries as big as your thumb and bursting with the richest and sweetest of juices; watermelons that would make a Georgia darkey forswear the product of his native state--all these are so common in Jackson County that old residents have ceased to be surprised by them, and are reminded of their existence only by the exclamations of eastern visitors. The markets of the world show in what esteem our apples are held. Oregon apples bring the highest price of any apples in the world's markets, and Southern Oregon apples are at the top of these. Prunes, pears, quinces, etc. grow to fabulous size and produce enormously, in fact, in anything like a favorable year orchardmen are obliged to thin their trees nearly 50 percent in order that the fruit may develop properly and that the trees may not be broken under its weight. The peaches of this valley have a reputation second to none in the United States and always bring the top price in the markets. In the foothills on the western side of the valley table grapes equal to any are raised, but the raisin and wine grapes have not yet been brought to perfection.
    In the surrounding mountains are smaller valleys where thousands of cattle and sheep find pasturage the year around, feeding being resorted to in rare instances only, excepting stock which is being fed for the market. Hogs find a ready market, at good prices. Poultry raising has not been extensively followed as yet, although during the holidays several thousand pounds of dressed fowls were shipped from Medford station alone.
    To sum up it may be said that everything grows well here, and there is no reason why this should not be a fact. The soil is as good as any that lies out of doors, and there is no more generally healthful climate on the face of the earth than that of Southern Oregon. We escape the torrid summers of the south and the frigid winters of the north. Nestled like a gem in the bosom of the mighty Cascades, a gentle, equable climate conduces to bring out the best in both man and products of the soil.
    But Southern Oregon does not depend entirely on agriculture or horticulture. We have mines--gold mines, coal mines, cinnabar mines, copper mines--almost any kind of a mine you want to look for. Placer claims in Southern Oregon which have been worked for twenty years are still turning out their annual crop of the yellow metal and will continue to do so for years to come. The annual output of gold for Jackson County runs away up into the hundred thousands. Quartz mining has not been followed to any extent until within the past few years, but there are now a number of paying propositions which are being quietly worked by their owners, who are laying by a tidy sum with each cleanup. The mines of Southern Oregon have never been exploited or advertised as have those of California; but they are here just the same. Oregon does not claim the title of "Golden State," yet locked in the recesses of her everlasting hills are stores of the precious metals that will one day bring her to the front rank among the mining states. Coal has been found in various places, and the Southern Pacific Company is now conducting extensive prospective operations within a few miles of Medford. Quicksilver is also found, and a company is now opening up a prospect in the northern part of the county. Copper is found in Southern Oregon, and some work has been done in that line.
    There is now under way a ditch designed to be some forty miles in length, bringing the waters of Butte Creek into the valley proper. Eighteen miles of this ditch have already been completed, and the projectors expect to have water within a few miles of Medford by the middle of May next. This ditch will cover thousands of acres of land hitherto useless for anything except grazing purposes, but which, with water, is capable of producing large and varied crops.
    Various railway projects for the purpose of tapping the timber belt and mining sections lying back in the mountains, although in an embryo state, will doubtless come to fruition as soon as development and necessity require it.   
    Last, but by no means least, are the forests. The mountains surrounding the Rogue River Valley are clothed from base to summit with waving forests of stately pines, firs, cedars and other varieties of merchantable timber. Practically untouched by the woodman's ax, this mighty belt of timber represents wealth almost incalculable and is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, natural resources of the country.
    In writing the above we have endeavored to take a conservative view of the brilliant future in store for Southern Oregon, and have confined the statements herein to the strict limit of the facts.
    The time is coming, and is not far distant, when all these varied resources will be developed and Southern Oregon will enter on a career of prosperity unequaled by the wildest dreams of the most enthusiastic.
Medford Mail, January 24, 1902, page 6

    I. A. Merriman is sorely aggrieved these days. It was on Thursday night of last week that someone entered his chickenry and purloined therefrom eighteen of his very best fowls. The hennery was locked securely, as Mr. Merriman supposed, but the lock was split open with tools which the thieves had brought with them. Mr. M. has a slight inkling as to who stole the chickens, but his evidence is hardly sufficient to warrant an arrest, but should a thief appear upon this same scene a second time, he will be arrested upon the spot as Mr. Merriman has no less than four shotguns so arranged that any marauders thereabouts will be perforated, and they'll know not from whence the perforations came.
    There was a regular Filipino "battle" at the Southern Pacific depot on Sunday. As a freight train was pulling out of the station, conductor Jack Wrisley observed a hobo hanging onto the side of a car and promptly pulled him off. The fellow struck on his feet and fighting. He struck the conductor several times in the face before the latter could get straightened up. Then he started to run along the train with Wrisley in hot pursuit. Just then Wallie Mahoney came running up with some orders for the conductor, and the tramp, thinking he was surrounded, made a wild jab at Mahoney, breaking his hat brim but otherwise not injuring him. Wallie countered with a stiff punch in the region of the solar plexus, which halted the hobo long enough for the pursuing trainman to come up. The two clinched and fell almost under the moving train. The hobo got to his feet first and continued his flight, meeting on his way a brakeman, who landed on him amidships with a piece of "air hose," doubling him up. By this time all the fight was taken out of him, and the last seen of him he was making record time south, not even stopping to pick up his hat. It was exciting while it lasted.
    M. C. Campbell, who has been doing baking for the Vienna Bakery for several weeks, has purchased the establishment and will hereafter have full management of the business. The purchase was made on Monday of this week, and from A. Learned, of Jacksonville, who bought out its former owner, Mr. Litchfield, a few months ago. The bakery has had rather a checkered career since F. M. Wilson sold it out. Sometimes it was in fairly good hands and business would pick up, then it would drop into the possession of someone who did not understand the business and the bottom, so to speak, would fall out. Mr. Learned is a big-hearted, good-natured fellow and has friends all along the line, and while he is an adept at candy making, he labored under the inconvenience of not being a baker. Mr. Campbell, however, is an all-round baker and is promising that there's nothing too good for Medford people in the way of bake stuffs--and he's going to give 'em the best his shop can produce. He is a neat, tidy fellow and has a very pleasing appearance--hence it goes without saying that he will enjoy a good trade. He has decided upon making several changes about the place, which will improve its general appearance and convenience.
    G. W. Priddy has had plans drawn by architect Palmer for a fine residence which he will soon erect on his property in West Medford. Mr. Priddy's property is situated just east of Prof. Narregan's residence and just north from the new and very pretty home of Mrs. Wortman. The building is to be 14x30 feet in size one day and 14x28 feet in another, and aside from this there will be a 14x18-foot kitchen. It is very pretty in design and when finished will be a home to be proud of. Perry Stewart is doing the carpenter work.
    During his late visit to Glendale councilman J. R. Wilson, in order to have something to do, went out in the woods and dug up seventy small maple trees. These he brought to Medford with him and presented them to the city. They have been set out in the city park. These trees are easily transplanted and grow quite rapidly, so that it will be but a few years until they will make a very respectable shade, and help to make the park what it should be--something the residents of the city can take pride and comfort in.
    Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Lumsden entertained a few of their friends at their pleasant home, corner of North B and Sixth streets, on Tuesday evening of last week. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whitman, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Hutchison, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McGowan, attorney and Mrs. W. I. Vawter, Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Pickel, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Webb, Miss Pearl Webb and Mrs. G. L. Davis.
    The Sunset Telephone Company has not as yet paid its annual license, of $100, into the city treasury as provided by an ordinance recently passed by the city council. The ordinance provides that the license must be paid by February 1st of each year. There is considerable speculation going the rounds as to whether the company will pay or will discontinue the service in the city.
    At last reports four-tier California Newtowns were selling in London at 7s to 7s6d per box, and Oregon Newtowns at 10s to 11s. What's the matter with Oregon apples? Olwell Bros., of Central Point, Oregon, netted $2.25 per box on one lot of apples shipped to London this season.--Rural Northwest.
The formation encountered in the Southern Oregon Oil Company's well at Ashland still continues favorable, and the drill is still pounding away. The promoters have strong faith in finding oil in a short time.
    Messrs. Palm, Whitman & Co., cigar manufacturers, have put in a gasoline engine for operating machinery in their factory.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 24, 1902, page 7

    L. Lytle is filling Rance Rouse's place at Helms' resort during the illness of the latter.
    Silas Hawk, an old and highly respected citizen of Jackson County, died at his residence in West Medford Jan. 22d.
    C. R Welch came down from Salem last week and has located among us. He is a member of the Medford Furniture Co.
    W. E. Phipps has been appointed city attorney, Eugene Amann marshal and Jas. Brandenburg street commissioner.
    J. J. Brophy, now a stockman of Big Butte Creek precinct, was in Medford Friday and welcomed by his many friends.
    The city council has passed an ordinance prohibiting the city marshal from entering a saloon, unless to make an arrest. A brilliant idea.
    M. C. Campbell has purchased the Vienna Bakery of A. Learned and will make a number of improvements in the near future. He is a first-class baker, having had much experience in a large city.
    Under the auspices of H. M. Coss, the energetic dealer in musical instruments, was given a matinee and regular performance at the opera house. It was participated in by some of our local talent, and proved much of a success. Our space is too short to summarize.
    The Mail says that W. H. Barr, the orchardist and miner, is putting out 500 Yellow Newtown trees on his suburban tract. He has an orchard of about 35 acres already in bearing, from which he harvested last year apples to the value of several thousand dollars. He has a novel, economical method of digging holes for planting. With an iron bar he makes a hole in the ground to a depth of about three feet, and into this he places giant powder. Aside from making an excavation sufficiently large for planting the tree, it loosens the earth for some distance on all sides and at the bottom, to the advantage of the tree roots.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 30, 1902, page 5

    The Bartlett pear has not been neglected, and some striking successes have been scored in its culture at the old Stewart (now Voorhies) orchard, notably, which almost repaid the purchase price of the orchard in two crops to the present owner, largely through Bartletts. While superior to the California product, our Bartlett pears come on the market while yet glutted with California's surplus each season, and the variety is so perishable that it will not stand cold storage after transportation east, thus frequently netting a loss to the shipper. The present season our local growers, who sold early or on contract, made a handsome thing out of Bartletts, but the dealers are said to have come to grief. As a solution of the difficulty, dealers and growers are talking up the proposition of local cold-storage plants, to lengthen the season. A better plan would appear to be that of Hon. J. H. Stewart, who has discovered a nook in the higher mountains, up Rogue River, remote from railroads at present, where the fruit matures some two weeks later than in the valley, where he is preparing the ground for setting sixty acres in pears next year, realizing that in the present state of development of this section transportation will not be lacking when the trees get into bearing. Mr. Stewart is deserving of the title of Father of the Fruit Raising Industry here, and his present enterprise at the age of 72 years should put to the blush those who state that life is too short for the man of average age to plant an orchard.
W. M. Holmes, "More Good Fruit Stories," Medford Mail, January 31, 1902, page 1

To Voters.
    I am supplied with all necessary registration blanks and will fill out same free of cost. The law requires that you must register before you can vote at the next June election.
        R. T. LAWTON,
        Medford, Oregon.
Medford Mail, January 31, 1902, page 2

    T. W. Blaksley and family moved to Medford this week, where Mr. B. will raise garden for marketing.

"Woodville Items," Medford Mail, January 31, 1902, page 3

    T. J. Kenney, administrator of estate of S. Rosenthal, to Frederick Barneburg, lot 19, blk 21, Medford . . . 6950

    W. S. King et ux. to Emma E. Murphy, one acre of land in sec. 25, twp. 37 . . . 200
"Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, January 31, 1902, page 5

    G. W. Bashford visited his son, E. L. Bashford, at Roseburg this week.

    C. R. Welch, of Salem, senior member of the Medford Furniture Company, arrived in Medford last week and will undoubtedly make this place his future home.
    S. B. Grizzle, of Merrill, Klamath County, was in Medford a few days this week. He was returning from Myrtle Creek, where [he] had been to attend the funerals of his father and mother.
    G. L. Davis, traveling salesman for a Portland coffee and spice house, spent several days this week with his family in Medford. He reports having done a big business on his last trip north.
    Walter Hoover returned to Roseburg Tuesday evening after a week spent with relatives and friends in Medford. Walter has been doing a splendid business in selling nursery stock in Douglas County.
    Adam Fisher, of Telford, Michigan, arrived in Medford Tuesday and will remain hereabouts for a few days at least. He is a farmer and is here with the intention of investing in farm land if anything to suit him is found.
    W. T. Ward, who has been in Medford for a few weeks, left Tuesday for his home in Idaho. He has rented residence property in Medford and will return home with his family and a carload of household goods, intent upon making Medford his future abiding place.
    E. Lewis and family, of Hornbrook, Calif., arrived in Medford Tuesday evening. Mr. Lewis comes here to take the position, temporarily, of night operator for the Southern Pacific, Mr. Johnson, who has been here for several weeks, having been transferred to Oakland, Oregon.
    Lee Watkins, of Central Point, was in Medford last week accompanied by his brother, H. Watkins, a prominent merchant of Prescott, Wash., who is visiting Southern Oregon for a few weeks. The first-named Mr. Watkins was here securing some of the necessary machinery for his big irrigating wheel which he expects to soon have in operation at his place on Rogue River.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 31, 1902, page 6

    M. R. Hart and family, former residents of Medford, are now residing at Lakeport, Calif.

"Additional Local," Medford Mail, January 31, 1902, page 6

    It is simply a matter of finding enough of it at the site of the old Furry coal mine, east of Medford, where the Southern Pacific Company is prospecting for the "dusky diamonds"--the quality is there. The incline shaft is in seventy feet from the facing of the cut, which is twenty-five feet deep, making about eight-five feet in all. A fourteen-inch vein of good coal has been struck, the product from which is being used in the engine running the hoisting machinery and also in the cook stove of the boarding house. They don't use wood for heating or cooking purposes in that camp at all. With depth it is expected that the coal vein will grow larger; in fact, it is almost certain to do so, until a body of coal of sufficient size to make its mining commercial purposes profitable is found. Mr. Owen has a long carer as a successful developer of propositions of this kind, and has his first failure to experience yet. From the indications presented here he is very sanguine that this will not be the place where his record will be broken. That there is a large deposit of coal in that vicinity is morally certain, and, as the machinery for all necessary operations will be forthcoming on demand, the success of the proposition appears to be merely a matter of time--and digging. The tunnel or, more properly speaking, incline shaft, enters the earth at an angle of about twenty degrees, and is not a "prospect" tunnel, but built for work. Everything done so far at the mine has been on the most substantial scale, so that when the main body of coal is struck, everything will be in shape for successful prosecution of the work. The drills, derricks and portable engine for drilling and testing the extent of the ore bed are on the way and are expected any time.
    There is another livery stable in Medford. Messrs. D. T. Cox and Jos. Scott have formed a partnership and have launched in that business. They have leased the old Woolf building, corner North C and Sixth streets, and have overhauled the interior and remodeled it into a pretty good livery barn. They have put in eight new rigs, bought from Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., and as many good teams. Everything is new throughout--harness, robes, whips, surreys and hacks. Both these gentlemen are experts in the livery business, and they are promising the public the best possible service at the most reasonable prices. The Mail's job hook is well strung with job printing for this new firm which well advertises them far and near. The style of the new firm will be Cox & Scott,  and their place will be known as the "C Street Livery Stable."
    In an article last week on the resources of Jackson County, in naming the products of this season, an important one, that of onions, was omitted. The omission was unintentional, but hard to explain, as it is difficult to imagine how anyone could overlook a Jackson County onion--couldn't if it was anywhere around, unless he mistook it for a vegetable of much larger growth, a pumpkin, for instance--some of them are nearly as large. Jackson County onions are as palatable as her apples--you can eat one and then visit your best girl without creating any disturbance whatever, for the chances are nine to one that she has been indulging her weakness in like manner.
    E. E. Gore, salesman for Warner & Wortman, is a genius as a window decorator. In one of the store windows of the above-named firm he recently manufactured, out of canned goods, a miniature representation of a battleship, and with rock salt spread around the ship a good representation of dashing ocean waves was made. In the other window with cakes of soap he made a miniature representation of the big double front of the Warner & Wortman grocery establishment. No ground is left for doubt that Ed is an artist.
    Postmaster G. F. Merriman is the proud parent to an eleven-pound boy baby, which came to his South C Street home on Wednesday of this week, January 29, 1902. Mother and child are doing nicely, and George hammers stamps with greater energy than ever before--while he hesitates long enough between clips to tell some inquiring friend that the little fellow grows more like his dad every day.
    Plows sharpened, pointed and laid in first-class shape. Purdin's blacksmith shop, B Street.
    Shorty Dodge and Jack Fredenburg, both draymen, exchanged the compliments of the season last Sunday. Monday morning, at the instance of Fredenburg, Dodge was arrested and brought before Recorder York charged with using obscene language. He was fined $5, which was paid. Shorty avers that both himself and Jack called each other the same kind of gentleman.
    See me in the new brick building, West Side, Medford. John F. White.
    Geo. F. King, the timber land speculator, has purchased from Jos. Stall the Mrs. White residence property, on South C Street. The price paid was $550, and the sale was made through the F. M. Stewart real estate agency. Mr. Stall will return to his farm in North Dakota, and if he can succeed in selling out there he will return again to Southern Oregon.
    Last week these columns told of the death of J. D. Grizzle, at Myrtle Creek, on January 16, 1902. It is our painful duty this week to chronicle the death of his wife, which occurred on January 23, seven days later, at the same place and from the same cause, pneumonia. These people formerly resided in Medford.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 31, 1902, page 7

    A new court of the Ancient Order of Foresters was instituted last week at Medford, Or., by Deputy A. U. Field, and another at Sebastopol, Sonoma County, by Permanent Secretary Falconer.
"Ancient Order of Foresters," The San Francisco Call, February 2, 1902, page 34

    P. M. Kershaw, the photographer, has returned from his trip to California.
    Miss Bernice Cameron of Uniontown is the guest of Mrs. L. L. Jacobs. They are expecting a visit from their sister, Mrs. Clara Hanley of Harney County.
    Al. Pankey of Ashland, the popular assistant manager of Hotel Oregon, was in Medford Monday, visiting his sister, Mrs. L. Cardwell.
    Miss Carrie George, who has been spending several weeks with her parents living at Eugene, as also visiting at Portland, Grants Pass and other cities, has returned to Medford and resumed her position at the Postal Tel. Co.'s office.
    Miss Elizabeth Buck, who has been employed in the Times office at Jacksonville during the past two years, returned to Medford Saturday evening. She will take a course in bookkeeping and stenography at the Medford Academy.
    The estimable wife of J. W. Lawton, who has been ill with typhoid fever for several weeks, died last Thursday. She was a native of Oregon and 49 years old. A husband and six children mourn the loss of a kind and faithful wife and mother.
    B. Y. C. Brown of Ozark, Mo. delivered an address to the Socialists of Medford and vicinity Monday evening. He proved himself well posted on his subject and pleased his hearers. Mr. Brown has since spoken at Central Point, Grants Pass and Roseburg.
    I. L. Hamilton, Postmaster Merriman, W. V. Lippincott, J. E. Enyart, Dr. Goble, J. D. Heard, E. D. Elwood, C. H. Pierce, L. C. Narregan, Wm. Isaacs, A. S. Wells and J. C. Metcalf were among those who joined the Roseburg lodge, B.P.O.E., last Thursday.
    D. T. Cox has opened a livery stable in the Woolf building, located on C Street, where he will always be found ready to accommodate the traveling public in the best style. He will keep a number of first-class rigs. Give True a call when you need anything in his line.
    Rev. W. B. Moore on Thursday joined in matrimony O. E. Stinson of Roxy precinct and Miss Nannie Daily, a sister of School Superintendent Daily, who not long since came to Medford from Kansas with her father, P. Daily, Sr. The worthy young couple have the best wishes of all.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 6, 1902, page 4

The Sunset Telephone Company Has Filed an Injunction Restraining Medford City Authorities from Enforcing Ordinance.
From the Oregonian.
    By a temporary injunction, granted yesterday in United States District Court, the entire city government of the town of Medford, in Jackson County, was restrained from taking any action toward the removal from the streets of that town of the telephone and telegraph lines of the Sunset Telephone & Telegraph Company. April 8 is set as the date for a hearing in the matter, if the authorities of Medford desire to show why the injunction should not be made perpetual.
    December 17 last the Medford council passed an ordinance requiring, among other things, that the telephone company should pay into the city treasury an annual license fee of $100, that the monthly charge for telephone, instruments and service should not exceed $1.50, and that, if the telephone company should fail to comply with the terms of the ordinance by February 1, the city authorities should proceed to cut down and destroy the lines in the city. The ordinance was approved by Mayor Crowell the same day it was passed by the council. The city has made demand upon the company to comply with the terms of the ordinance, and the company has respectfully declined. To avoid destruction of its property and to get the matter before the courts for adjudication, the telephone company presented its petition for injunction, accompanying it with a long statement of the relations of the company and the town of Medford.
    The company recites that it is a California corporation; that it is authorized by the United States Postal Department to transmit government messages, telephone and telegraphic; that it has for a number of years had its lines in unquestioned operation in the city of Medford, giving the city no trouble and contributing to the convenience of doing business there; that the license fee of $100 exacted by the ordinance passed last December is unreasonably large and oppressive, and entirely out of proportion to any extra service that might be required by the city government by reason of the presence of the lines in the city; that the monthly charge of $1.50 authorized by the ordinance is inadequate to the support of so small an exchange, the number of subscribers being only 69; that the ordinance in question violates the United States Constitution in several particulars, the chief one being that it seeks to impose restrictions on interstate commerce. The petitioner admits that a license fee of $20 might not be unreasonable.
    The injunction order names the Mayor, all the Councilmen, the City Recorder and the City Marshal, and commands all to refrain from molesting or in any wise interfering with the business or property of the Sunset Telephone & Telegraph Company.
    Papers were served upon all of the above officers last Saturday. It is probable the matter will be attended to in Portland by an attorney employed in that city by the city council of Medford.
Medford Mail, February 7, 1902, page 2

    If present indications count for anything the city of Medford bids fair to increase in wealth and population within the next few years to an extent hitherto unknown in its history. Founded eighteen years ago as a way station on the Southern Pacific, with the old established town of Jacksonville five miles west and Ashland twelve miles south, it has slowly grown principally by its favorable geographical location almost in the center of the valley, until it has become one of the most important shipping points for the products of Jackson County. Very slow was that growth at first, but it has been steady all through. There has never been a boom in Medford, consequently no reaction. Even during the years of the "hard times" the growth of the town was not perceptibly checked. It has now reached the point when, conditions being favorable, it may be expected to expand into the chief city of Southern Oregon within a very few years.
    It is the opinion of the writer that those favorable conditions are present, and the reasons for this opinion we will endeavor to set forth below.
    The fruit industry, not in its infancy, it is true, but still far from having reached its full development, is one of the foundations of this opinion. Medford lies in the heart of one of the greatest fruit-growing districts in the known world. North, south, east and west for miles the soil is nearly all adapted to the successful growing of fruit. Only a comparatively small acreage of this land has been planted to fruit yet, but more and more is being put out each year, until eventually the central portion of the valley will become almost a solid orchard, interspersed with waving fields of alfalfa or gardens of small fruits. Medford, as said before, lies in the heart of this natural fruit-growing section, and is the natural shipping point for most of the products and the trading place of nearly all the residents thereof. This reason alone would be sufficient upon which to base an opinion of Medford's future greatness, but there are others.
    Eastward, only a short five miles away, the Southern Pacific Company is delving into the earth, seeking a bed of coal, which its geological experts, who have a record of sixteen years with never a failure behind them, have declared is there. As soon as the development work proceeds far enough several hundred men will be employed. Medford will naturally be their trading point, and the coal from the mine will all pass through this city, as the nearest point on the main line. Coal near at hand and the favorable situation of the city as regards handling the freight traffic of the valley will unite to make Medford the proper place for the end of a railroad division, with all that means to a young and growing town. Another thing in this connection is the projected straightening and shortening of the Southern Pacific line from Myrtle Creek south. There have been mysterious movements going on in the mountains about the heads of Evans and Cow creeks, and should a railroad line be located through, the end of the first division south of Roseburg would naturally fall here.
    Along the slopes of the Cascades stretches a mighty body of the finest timber out of doors, which must be marketed in the not distant future, and again Medford shows up as the natural shipping point for the products and trading point for the men engaged in this industry. The marketing of this timber means either an electric car line for transportation or the extension of the R.R.V.R.R. eastward. Its construction eastward will, as a correlative, be followed by a westward extension toward the coast into the rich valleys of the Applegate and the Illinois, and the consequent hauling of their products to the junction with the Southern Pacific line at Medford. Thus the entire trade of this productive region will pass through our city, making its future the brightest of any town in this part of the state.
    But we cannot sit supinely down and wait for these things to come. The citizens of the town have a great work to perform in this development. However much we may differ in other things, let us have but one cause when it comes to the upbuilding of the city. Let our first thought be how to best advance the interest of the community at large and thus benefit the city and help the cause of progress.
    Every new enterprise of merit should receive the hearty encouragement and support of every citizen. Don't throw cold water on a new business in the town. If you can't see anything good in it, keep still.
    The resources which will go toward making Medford a handsome and prosperous city of a small size are here, ready and anxious to do their part--needing only development. It lies with the people to encourage and foster that development.
Medford Mail, February 7, 1902, page 2

    James Armpriest has been making regular trips to and from Medford, as he and his family are living in that city this winter.
    Miss Hattie Armpriest writes to her parents from Portland that she is well and will probably visit Southern Oregon again this summer.
"Forest Creek News," Medford Mail, February 7, 1902, page 5

    Messrs. Anderson, Tull and Haynes are stopping at the Harbaugh farm, the two former caring for the Jackson Co. Improvement Co.'s horses, and the latter for Mr. Howard's horses.
"Big Sticky Items," Medford Mail, February 7, 1902, page 5

    Hattie Anderson and husband to O. E. Gorsline, lots 13 and 14, blk 18, Medford . . . 125
    T. J. Williamson to Kate Hoffman,  54/100 acre in dlc No. 37, twp 37s, r2w . . . 5
"Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, February 7, 1902, page 5

    Miss Cora Goodwin, of Oakland, Oregon, is in Medford upon a visit to her aunt, Mrs. C. E. Wilkinson and family.
    Mr. and Mrs. G. Johnson, of Missoula, Mont., arrived in Medford last week and have taken rooms in the Halley house. They came here with the intention of locating and will probably do so. The weather in Montana was too cold to suit and they started out for a milder climate.
    W. H. H. Myers, wife and son, of Des Moines, Iowa, were in Medford last week upon a visit to Mr. Myers' brother, J. C. Myers, of this city. Mr. Myers is quite a prominent politician in Iowa, having been instrumental in many of the Republican victories of that state and held important offices himself.
    Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Humason, of Gold Hill, were in Medford Monday in quest of a house to rent, but were unsuccessful in finding one entirely to their satisfaction. Mr. H. is thinking of engaging in the drug business in this city. He has secured an option on the rental of the Rosenthal building for a short time and should he decide to open business he will occupy this building.
    J. E. Carpenter, of Minneapolis, Minn. and C. F. Curtis, of Clinton, Iowa were in Medford Monday in conference with some of our big timber land owners. These gentlemen are representatives of a big lumber company in Minnesota, and they, like many others, are on the coast looking for a place to engage in lumbering, the tall timber of Minnesota and other eastern states having been nearly all cleaned up.
    P. M. Williams arrived in Medford last Saturday from Bisbee, Arizona. Mrs. Williams and her mother, Mrs. Merriman, have been residents of our city since last fall, and all of them will now make Southern Oregon their future home, Mr. Williams having purchased from Wm. Angle eighty acres of land, located near Tolo, for which he paid $1700. He will soon move to the land and commence farming operations. He will set out a part of the land to fruit. This is a very fine family, and Jackson County congratulates herself that they have become residents.
    F. S. Brandon, of Merrill, Oregon, was in Medford over Sunday upon a visit to his brother-in-law, A. E. Austin and family. The gentleman was en route to San Francisco.
    Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Webb left yesterday for Los Angeles and other California points where they will remain for a couple or three months. Mr. Webb has not fully recovered from his severe illness of last fall and the trip is made in hopes that a change of climate and scenes may prove beneficial. His many Medford friends are all hoping that the expected improvements may be realized and that both himself and his good wife will return to our city and remain permanently.
    Oral Burnett left Tuesday morning for Portland, at which place he will be employed for several months in a jewelry factory. Ora has been working at the jewelry business for some time in this city under the tutorage of his brother-in-law, jeweler E. D. Elwood, and has acquired quite a knowledge of the business, but before he can become an adept he must serve an apprenticeship in a factory. He is a very bright young gentleman and a genial good fellow, and the Mail hopes he will be successful in every effort.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 7, 1902, page 6

    Friday evening last an engine hauling a northbound freight train had difficulty with its acetylene attachment used for lighting the headlight. While the train men were endeavoring to remedy the difficulty the usual crowd of bystanders collected. Some fresh carbide was put in the tank, and then the operator poured a pail of water therein. He had either overlooked a torch placed on top of the cab or had forgotten the expansive qualities of the gas, at any rate the water on the carbide generated a quantity of gas which, rising, was ignited from the torch and a huge volume of flame shot high in the air. The bystanders immediately remembered urgent business somewhere else, and by unanimous consent departed to execute it. The flames were ultimately subdued, but the train had to proceed without a headlight.
    J. H. Stewart:--"I want some trespass notices. I am compelled to put them up to protect myself, though I never did put on such a notice before. The young men and boys around town have had the run of the old fairgrounds so long that they rather think they own them, and go out there to shoot birds, etc. Now I have some very fine colts being fed in that grove and there has been too much promiscuous shooting going on there of late. None of the animals have been injured so far, but I don't care to take any chances. Hence, these notices."
    On Thursday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. W. T. York and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Nicholson entertained several of their friends most royally at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. York, corner of I and Fifth streets. The principal amusement furnished the guests was that of progressive dominoes--and a very pleasant evening's amusement it afforded. We have had whist, crokinole, guessing contests and fishing ponds, but this is the first time dominoes have played in the lead role, and while novel, the game was interesting as well. The first prize was awarded to J. A. Whitman, and the consolation was given to W. H. McGowan, but there was a struggle for this prize, Mrs. Pottenger having been a very close second, and they were required to cast lots for the possession of the prize. Delicious refreshments--ice cream, cake and coffee--were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Boyden, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Vawter, Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Lumsden, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McGowan, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whitman, Dr. and Mrs. Louis Bundy, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Pottenger, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lucus, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bliton, Mesdames E. D. Elwood, E. B. Pickel, I. A. Webb, Bessie Plymale and Miss Weeks.
    Mrs. Lawrence Cardwell, formerly Bertha Pankey, of Central Point, was operated upon in Medford on Friday of last week for appendicitis. The operation was performed by Dr. Pickel, assisted by Dr. Parsons of Ashland. The disease was well advanced when the operation was performed, and for a few days the life of the patient was despaired of, but yesterday she was reported to be very much improved and indications were good for a speedy recovery.
    The Vienna Bakery is gaining a good bit of its former popularity. Mr. Campbell, the present owner, is a first-class baker, and his goods are selling well and are being eaten with a relish. Everything about the place is neat and clean, and there is a wholesomeness about the goods sold which is appetizing and the people of our city are taking kindly and patronizingly to the bakestuffs which are put out.
    When you are buying a sewing machine it is always safer to buy of a resident agent. If machines are not found to be as represented he is here to make good every guarantee made. John F. White has his brick building, west of the depot, well filled with several different makes of sewing machines. He has the Wheeler & Wilson, the Davis, New Home, Domestic, Climax and several others for sale at from $20 to $45, on easy payments. You can buy one of the best machines made for $45. It is useless to pay more.
    Jesse Wilkinson, who left Medford a few weeks ago, writes that next Monday he will commence work at the Union Iron Works, in San Francisco, where he will learn the ironmonger's grade. Since leaving here he has visited an uncle, J. C. Wilkinson, at Calistoga, and another uncle, Jeff. Gage, at Santa Rosa.
    Mrs. H. A. Harrison and family have moved from Ashland to Medford and are occupying a residence on Ninth Street, between C and B streets.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 7, 1902, page 7

    Miss Cora Goodwin, of Oakland, Or., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. E. Wilkinson.
    Mr. and Mrs. G. Johnson, of Missoula, Mont., arrived here several days ago, and will remain permanently.
    Mr. and Mrs. W. T. York and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Nicholson entertained a large number of friends Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. York. The principal amusement of the evening was progressive dominoes. The first prize was awarded to J. A. Whitman, the consolation to W. H. McGowan. Delicious refreshments were served.

"Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, February 9, 1902, page 21

    Thos. Boone and his family have become residents of Medford.
    D. T. Pritchard, the well-known jeweler, has located at Roseburg.
    Sherman Orton arrived in Medford from Shasta County, Calif. a few days ago.
    Mr. Jones of Iowa, who has been visiting his son, Dr. W. S. Jones, leaves for home this week.
    T. T. Prather of Big Timber, Mont. and his family are visiting relatives living in Medford and vicinity.
    Mrs. M. A. Harrison and her sons, who have been residents of Ashland for some time past, returned to Medford last week.
    The city council has raised the price of [a] liquor license to $500 a year, raising the license for selling beer to $30 per annum.
    The Medford Dancing Club attended the Gehmol Club's function at Jacksonville Friday night in force and speak very highly of it.
    Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Wilkinson of Roxy were in Jacksonville Wednesday, making arrangements for the funeral of the late Mrs. Susan Wilkinson, who was a relative.
    H. B. Nye, the well-known merchant-miner, and Miss Lillian Gregory, the amiable and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gregory, were married by Rev. W. B. Moore. They have been the recipient of the congratulations of a host of friends, who hope that their journey upon matrimonial seas may be fraught with happiness and prosperity.
    The Sunset Telephone Co. has commenced a suit in the U.S. district court for an injunction against our city government, which levied a license of $100 a year on that corporation's business in Medford, and was about to remove its poles and wires because it would not pay the tax. The expensive and protracted litigation which is promised should be averted in some way.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 13, 1902, page 5

    Thos. Boone and family, who have been in Jacksonville for some months past, moved to Medford Saturday.
"Jacksonville Items," Medford Mail, February 14, 1902, page 3

    Last Sunday the news came over the wire announcing the death of Jas. Guerin, son-in-law of George Brown, at his home in British Columbia. Mr. G. was formerly a resident of Medford and built several of the most prominent buildings in the county, among which are the courthouse at Jacksonville and several of the oldest brick buildings in Ashland and Medford.

"Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, February 14, 1902, page 5

    Mary E. McCall to M. E. Daugherty, 1⅛ acres of land in Barr's add., Medford . . .
"Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, February 14, 1902, page 5

    Mrs. H. Williams, of Ashland, was in Medford last week upon a visit to her daughter, Mrs. J. B. Sells, and family.
    Geo. W. Manning, of Klamath Falls, who has been in southern Arizona and Mexico for the past year, arrived in Medford Thursday morning and is visiting his sister, Mrs. Jas. D. Fay.
    E. C. Burroughs, of Portland arrived in Medford last week and will remain here for some time. He is a saddle maker and is employed by L. A. Lucus & Son, of this city. The gentleman was here about a year ago and was at that time in the employ of the same firm.
    Mr. and Mrs. John Chapman, of Red Lodge, Montana, dropped off in Medford Sunday for a few days' visit with relatives and old-time friends. Mr. Chapman is a son of Grandma A. E. Merriman. Himself and wife are en route to Los Angeles, Calif., where they will remain several weeks. Mrs. Merriman will accompany them upon their southern trip. Mr. Chapman is a very extensive stockman of Montana, and the little trip he is now taking is a well-earned vacation from labor and care incident to the life of bustle he leads when  at home. He's a fine fellow to meet, and his visits here are always welcomed.
    Mr. and Mrs. R. Batchelder, of Jones County, Iowa, arrived in Medford Sunday and will hereafter make this place their home. Mr. Batchelder was here about a year ago and was very much impressed with our city and at that time he decided to return here and remain for the rest of his days. Since leaving Medford he has sold his Iowa farm of 210 acres at $90 an acre and this, together with the sale of the personal property on the farm, gives himself and his wife a snug little sum for their enjoyment in the declining days of their lives. They are each quite old, Mr. B. being over seventy-five. They will buy [a] small residence property in Medford and will erect a dwelling thereon for their occupancy. They are at present stopping with Mr. Tripp, in East Medford. When they left Iowa the thermometer registered thirty degrees below zero. Gee whiz, but that's cold. Little wonder the gentleman decided to shift his place of abode.
    Ivan Humason, of Gold Hill, has decided to establish himself in the drug business in Medford. Mrs. Humason and daughter arrived in the city this week, and Mr. H. is now in Portland purchasing a stock of goods. He has rented the Rosenthal building from Mr. Barneburg and will open his store therein. The gentleman has had thirteen years' experience in the drug business in Portland and is a graduate pharmacist from an eastern college. His household effects are now here and are being unloaded.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 14, 1902, page 6

    The Australian ballot law requires 150 voters at a mass convention. Socialists of Jackson County will meet at Medford, Saturday, March 8th at 10 a.m. to arrange for county, state and congressional tickets.
BY ORDER OF CLUBS.           
Medford Mail, February 14, 1902, page 6

    There was a very pleasant little gathering of friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gregory on South G Street last Sunday, the occasion being the marriage of their daughter, Miss Lillian Belle, to Mr. Hal Byron Nye.
    The bride was beautifully attired in a dress of white swiss interwoven with point d'alencon lace, while the groom wore a suit of the conventional black. The room in which the ceremony took place was beautifully and artistically decorated with English ivy. The words which united the heart and hand of this happy couple were said by Rev. W. B. Moore, with the easy grace so suited to the occasion and peculiar to this very popular reverend gentleman. After the ceremony, which took place promptly at 2 o'clock, had been performed and the friends had each and all paid their compliments and had spoken the sincere congratulations they felt, the guests were ushered into the dining room where was spread a very delicate and tempting repast of which all were asked to partake. The tables were decorated with La France and Bride's roses.
    After this elaborate repast had been partaken of and pleasant converse and repartee had held sway for an hour or more carriages were announced to be in waiting at the door and the bridal party was driven to the beautiful home which the groom had previously and elegantly furnished for his bride, corner of North G and Sixth streets, in which this happy couple at once set up housekeeping.
    The bride is the daughter of one of our most respected pioneer families and is a native daughter of the state. She is a young lady possessing all the qualifications of pure, bright, winsome womanhood, affable in disposition and a prime favorite with all--a lady well qualified to preside over the pleasant and comfortable home in which she has been domiciled by her indulgent husband.
    The groom is one of Medford's most popular and progressive business men, being proprietor of the Medford Racket Store. He came to Southern Oregon a few years ago from Montana and engaged in mining, afterwards purchasing the Racket Store stock of goods in this city. It was Mr. Nye who made famous the Bill Nye mine, on Galls Creek, and in honor of whom the mine was named. He is a gentleman of exemplary habits, and possesses business qualifications far beyond the average of men. His business foresight and aptness in placing to good account the opportunities laid before him has enabled him to accumulate a snug little fortune which himself and good wife will now enjoy.
    Those present at the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lewis, Mrs. F. L. Cranfill, Mrs. T. J. Cochran, Misses Belle Cochran, Louise Job, Pansy Carnes, Hazel and Ethel Cox, Messrs. Marion Kershaw, H. E. Earhart, H. G. Wortman, Thos. Carney, N. B. Nye, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gregory, of Central Point, Mr. and Mrs. McDermott, of Portland.
Medford Mail, February 14, 1902, page 6

    Emmett Barkdull:--"Say, Bliton, I wish you would send me your paper. I will make it do double service; after we have read it at home I'll send it to my uncle, J. C. Barkdull, who lives in Humboldt County, California. He was up here visiting us in December and was very much taken with this part of Oregon. In fact he was completely infatuated with the country and said if Humboldt County people could see it they would stampede their California homes and would hit only the high places in getting here. He is negotiating for the purchase of real estate near Medford, and there isn't much doubt but that he will be a permanent resident of this county."
    They are not giving out much news now at the Southern Pacific coal mining plant, but from the size of the lumps of coal being brought in and the quality thereof it is evident that things are not going so badly. The hoisting machinery, which has been standing on the depot platform for several weeks, was taken out on Tuesday to replace that formerly in use, the latter having proven inadequate to handle the work.
    Say! Are you going to ride a wheel this season? If so, call and see our new line, comprising Phoenix, Mitchell, Snell and Yale wheels. We are strictly in it this year in wheels. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., Medford, Oregon.
    Monroe & Grousbeck, of Portland, are in Medford this week with one of Edison's entertainment outfits. They have rented the Rosenthal building and are taking in many nickels. They have a couple of phonographs and six or eight picture machines. Their business principally is that of selling machines and phonographs, while the nickels they pick up help pay expenses.
    Frank Wilson:--"No, that isn't an automobile, that's a peanut roaster on wheels of the latest improved kind. It is made to be pushed around and roast peanuts at the same time. The people of Medford will soon have 'da peanuts' fresh roasted delivered at their own doors. The roasting is done by steam heat, and the machine is surely up to date."
    Word was received this week to the effect that J. D. Heard, of this city, was quite ill in Seattle with inflammatory rheumatism. Mrs. Heard is with him and they will return to Medford as soon as Mr. H. is able to travel.
    J. H. Stewart has but recently finished planting fifty acres of land, on the Fordyce place, to apples--2100 trees thirty-one feet apart. He is now preparing to plant thirty acres of his Rogue River ranch to pears. This last-named place is pretty well up in the mountains, being only a short distance from Fall Creek.
    Word received from Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Webb is in effect that they arrived at Los Angeles in due time and that Mr. Webb's health seems improved but that Mrs. Webb was not well. They are stopping with Lewis Webb, a brother of I. A., who with his family is now residing in Los Angeles.
    Mrs. E. E. Gore is planning to give another of her popular recitals. The lady has nearly fifty pupils, and when a recital is given it is an occasion that is not lost sight of by music lovers and those favored with invitations. The exact date is not yet fixed.
    L. F. Lozier is establishing a good business in peddling apple butter and vinegar about the city. He makes a superior article of each and is finding ready sale.
    A. J. Weeks has completed the work of planting one hundred acres of apple trees on the property he recently purchased west and north of Medford.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 14, 1902, page 7

    Mr. and Mrs. John Chapman, of Deer Lodge, Mont., arrived in Medford Sunday to visit with relatives and friends. Mr. Chapman is a son of Mrs. A. E. Merriman, of this city; also a brother of Postmaster George Merriman. Mr. Chapman is en route to Los Angeles, Cal., where he goes for the benefit of his health. Mrs. Merriman will accompany Mr. and Mrs. Chapman south.
    A pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gregory Sunday, when their eldest daughter, Lillian B., was given in marriage to Hal Byron Nye, Rev. W. B. Moore officiating. The home was beautifully decorated. The bride, who is one of Medford's popular young ladies, wore a dress of white swiss, trimmed with point d'Alencon lace, while the groom was attired in conventional black. The groom is a bright young man, and has for the past year been in the mercantile business in this city. About 30 friends of the couple were present. After congratulations, the company repaired to the dining room, where a delicious luncheon was served. Late in the evening, the happy couple went to their beautiful home on G Street, West Medford, where they will reside.
"Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, February 16, 1902, page 21

Irrigation Ditch Near Medford Will Be 65 Miles Long.
    MEDFORD, Feb. 17.--The Fish Lake irrigation ditch will be completed by the first of May. The ditch starts at a point on Little Butte Creek, about 30 miles north of Medford. The most difficult part of the work is now completed. The two largest rock cuts have been finished, the first being 2000 feet in length and the second 800 feet in length. A ditch five feet in depth has been blasted through these rocks. The ditch is 65 miles long. The flume across the South Fork of Little Butte is practically completed, and the Lake Creek flume is well advanced. A new lumber contract has been made, and 3000 feet a day is being sawed for the company. All team work is completed, and the company stock has been placed in winter quarters. If the good weather continues, about 45 days more will be required to complete all of the work and supply Rogue River Valley with water for power and irrigation purposes.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 18, 1902, page 4

    The following deeds have been recorded in the office of the county recorder since the last report of The Times:
Rufus Cox to Frank Payne, property in Medford . . . 500.00
J. H. Stewart to A. H. Chessmore, 2 acres in Medford . . . 472.20
Jane Hibbard to Emma Rose, part of block 8, Park add. to Medford . . . 1.00
Excerpt, Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 20, 1902, page 1

Another Concession.
    R. B. Miller, general freight and passenger agent of the Southern Pacific Co., announces another important concession to the Rogue River, Umpqua and Willamette valleys, says the Telegram. Having already announced the same settlers' rate to all points on the Southern Pacific road in Oregon that other roads are making to Portland and the Puget Sound, Mr. Miller, in his determination to give these valleys an even break with all other sections to be benefited by the settlers' rates, has determined to grant holders of such tickets stopover privileges at all points between Portland and the destination of the ticket. This will enable purchasers of tickets for Ashland, for instance, to stop off at any and all points between Portland and Ashland for the purpose of looking over the country for at least 30 days. The value of this concession cannot be overestimated, and it will doubtless result in bringing hundreds of settlers who would probably not come if not given the opportunity to look over the country somewhat at their leisure. The sale of settlers' tickets will begin March 1 and will continue during March and April. The rates from the principal cities of the Middle West are: Chicago, $33; Peoria, $31; St. Louis, $30; Sioux City, $27.90; Omaha and Kansas City, $25.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 20, 1902, page 2

    Capt. Nash is in Grave Creek district, looking after a big mining enterprise he is inaugurating.
    Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Heard are still in Seattle, where the former is suffering with a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism.
    V. T. McCray, the expert civil engineer, this week returned from Chico, Calif., where he has charge of the sewer being built by that city.
    W. R. Culton, the horticulturist, was in town one day this week. He expects to have a larger and finer crop of fruit than ever this season.
    Mr. Ross of Seattle, who has been buying horses in the valley, with indifferent success, purchased D. T. Lawton's fine team of Tybalt colts, paying $300 for them.
    A. S. Hammond, the well-known lawyer, is at Portland. He would make an ideal candidate for attorney general, as he is exceptionally well qualified for the place.
    Sheriff Frazier of Multnomah County, who was in Medford last week for the purpose of buying horses, went home disappointed. He found the price asked for good horses--$100 to $150--too high for him.
    The remains of the late I. A. Mounce, who recently died at the Oregon insane asylum, were taken to Union County, his late residence, for burial. The deceased lived in Medford for several years and leaves a family. He lost his mind through a severe spell of sickness.
    I. Humason and his family arrived in Medford from Gold Hill the forepart of the week and will become permanent residents of our town. Ivan, who is a first-class druggist and was interested in a drug store at Portland for several years, will engage in the same business in Barneburg's block.
    Mr. and Mrs. S. Wilson of Trail Creek are in Medford. They are accompanied by their youngest son, aged five years, who met with a sad accident a few days ago. He had mounted a small ladder which stood against some bushes and gave way under his weight, precipitating him headfirst onto a stick that pierced his eye and put it out. He is under treatment by Dr. Pickel, who hopes to save the other optic.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 20, 1902, page 4

    At a special meeting of the city council, held Tuesday evening, F. K. Deuel was elected councilman from the Third Ward. Mr. Deuel was elected at the January election, but being absent was unable to qualify within the prescribed ten days after such election.
"Meeting of City Council," Medford Mail, February 21, 1902, page 2

    The following resolution was adopted:
    Resolved, That all parties in whose building the City of Medford owns the electric wiring are hereby required to pay said city 25 percent of usual cost of such wiring, which is $1.25 per drop. It is further provided that unless such bills are paid within thirty days the city electrician is instructed to disconnect such buildings from the electric light wires.
    The gist of this resolution is that all users of electric lights who do not own their wires and drops will be required to pay 25 percent of $1.25 for each drop in use, which amount is 31¼ cents. Multiply 31¼ by the number of drops you have and you will know the amount in gold coin you will be required to pay into the city treasury.

"Meeting of City Council," Medford Mail, February 21, 1902, page 2

    Miss Emma Reed, one of Medford's popular teachers, visited her parents near Jacksonville last Sunday.

"Jacksonville Items," Medford Mail, February 21, 1902, page 3

    Editor Bliton, Dr. Adkins, F. M. Stewart and the principal of the Academy were looking over various suburban tracts of land last Saturday, in an effort to find a suitable campus of five acres or more for the new college building to be built within eighteen months. The site is not fixed yet. If there are citizens who own sufficient acreage in the suburbs for a campus, and who would like to make a liberal donation toward the founding of a permanent college in Medford, the way is now open.

"Academy Notes," Medford Mail, February 21, 1902, page 3

    Raymond H. Toft to J. E. Toft, property in the Phipps reserve, Medford . . . 100
    Edwin Russ to W. I. Vawter and C. W. Palm, ½ interest in lots 7, 8 and 9, blk 17, Medford . . . 1
    W. I. Vawter and C. W. Palm to Edwin Russ, ½ interest in lots 10, 11 and 12, blk 17, Medford . . . 1
    John E. Hesselgrave to Wm. M. Holmes, 5 acres in sec. 8, twp 37 . . . 150
    Joseph Stahl et ux. to John H. Stewart, lot 11, blk 15, Medford . . . 550
    Delphina Goldsmith and husband to Jno. H. Stewart, lots 1 and 2, blk 3, Cottage add., Medford, except right of way of O.&C.R.R. . . . 300
    Ada Porter to Leonard W. Farwell, ⅜ acre in sec 30, tp 37s, r1w . . . 350
    John W. Cox et ux. to Edwin Russ, lot 7, blk 17, Medford . . . 100
"Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, February 21, 1902, page 5

    Merchant H. G. Wortman took a livelier ride homeward last Friday noon than he had figured on when he left the store. His horse became frightened by an engine at the depot and began to run. In Mr. Wortman's efforts to slow the animal's pace the bit was broken--and it was all off with Casey. After the horse, cart and Harry had crossed and re-crossed the Medford-Jacksonville railroad track about six times the animal started for Honolulu by the Applegate-Siskiyou route--and Harry was following closely, but after the horse had made a leap over and off of a high sidewalk in West Medford, Mr. Harry made a slope out at the rear and the horse and cart brought up at the Orchard Home. No damage except that Harry's nerves were somewhat shaken up and his whiskers disheveled.
    Messrs. Ling & Boardman have but recently finished repapering the interior of the Medford Bank. Aside from this work the woodwork was varnished anew, new linoleum was put on the floors and divers other beautifying touches were made about the place. The general partition arrangement of the establishment has been changed somewhat, and by this cashier Enyart is given an office by himself in which he can transact the business of the bank and not interfere with the assistant cashier's work. The new arrangement adds materially to the convenience of the establishment and at the same time gives the place an appearance that's decidedly metropolitan.
    The remains of Clara Jane Torrey, who committed suicide at Klamathon on February 12th, by shooting herself with a revolver, were interred in the Odd Fellows cemetery at this place on Friday afternoon. The act which resulted in her death does not appear to have been premeditated, as she gave no indication of planning self-destruction. She had been complaining of sick headache, and excusing herself from the doctor in attendance stepped into an adjoining room and sent the missile of death through her heart. She was the daughter of Mrs. Boynton, of Talent, and the wife of Wm. Gainey, of Medford, but was separated from her husband some time ago, and had been going by the name of Pauline Meyers.
    F. E. Payne has purchased a house and lot in East Medford, paying $500 therefor. The property is on the north side of Seventh Street and is the second dwelling east of the bridge. The purchase was made from Baxter Robinson. The property will be for rent--Mr. Payne being a bachelor without any benedict symptoms--but possessed with an idea that he and Payne will remain in undisputed possession of a friendship that's lasting, unfettered--and no "sassin'" back.
    A three-year-old Medford girl decided last week that she would like to have her hair cut short, so that when she washed her face she could "make a big noise" and rub the water over her head "like Papa does." In pursuance of this idea she secured the family scissors and retired to the back porch, where she proceeded to do the barber act herself. The result was not up to date as far as smoothness was concerned, but the hair was cut short enough, so short, in fact, that her father took her to the barber shop to have the job smoothed. Now that little girl washes her face "like Papa."
    Messrs. W. T. York and C. W. Palm have formed a partnership and will hereafter conduct their real estate and insurance business in team harness. They are both oldtimers in these businesses in Medford, and the consolidation of their affairs makes a team hard to beat. Both have a large list of good property for sale and, as they are well and very favorably known, there are good grounds for believing they will do a good business. They haven't thrown up quarters as yet to determine the style of the new firm.
    R. Batchelder, who arrived in Medford last week with his wife, from Iowa, has purchased forty acres of land adjoining East Medford from J. G. Hodges, paying $5500 therefor. Mr. Batchelder is quite an aged gentleman, but his life has been an active one and he could not content himself to settle down to a life of absolute rest--hence the purchase of this tract, which, as he says, "will keep him kinder choring 'round." He is a fine old gentleman and the Mail is glad he and his aged companion have settled in our midst.
    Weeks Bros. have the contract for putting in the fixtures for Mr. Humason, the druggist. They will be finished in pure white with gold mountings.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 21, 1902, page 7

    J. G. Van Dyke spent Sunday in Ashland visiting his son, William.
    L. J. Gault, of Ashland, is visiting his brother, M. M. Gault, this week.
    H. H. Mitchell returned several days ago from Seattle, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. H. G. Thomas, who will visit relatives in this vicinity and Northern California for several months.

"Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, February 23, 1902, page 21

The Sad End of a Wayward Young Woman
    Clara Torrey, who committed suicide at Klamathon, Calif. by shooting herself through the heart with a pistol, as mentioned in the Yreka Journal, was a member of the Torrey family residing near Talent, aged 20 years. Her father, H. F. Torrey, who formerly lived near Jacksonville, died several years ago, and her mother since married a man named Chas. Boynton. The deceased was married three years since to Wm. Gainey of Medford, but they were separated. Since then she went by the name of Pauline Myers. Before committing suicide the woman complained of a severe headache, having just come from Ashland that day, and called a doctor, but did not show any symptoms of not being in her right mind, although it is said she threatened suicide before. While the doctor and two others were in the room she made some excuse to step into a side chamber, where she secured the pistol, and placing the muzzle against her left side sent a bullet through her heart, committing the deed before those present realized her intention. Her mother came from Oregon and took the remains to Medford, where they were interred beside those of her father. Much sympathy was manifested at Klamathon, and a purse of $38 was raised to aid her brother in the transportation and burial. The young woman had strong intentions of reforming from her wayward course, but probably became discouraged and sought death for relief, as a girl forsaking the path of virtue has a poor chance for redemption, while men can descend to the lowest depths and on reforming take a place in the front rank of society. The deceased is said to have been a pleasant and good-looking young lady, with few characteristics of a tough. It is probable the deadly quarrel between Sears and Rhodes of January 11th in Henley, on her account, precipitated and decided death.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 27, 1902

    Miss Bernice Cameron of Uniontown is the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. L. Jacobs.
    Jas. Stewart, our efficient justice of the peace, had business at Jacksonville the other day.
    Attorney Hammond has returned from Salem, where he argued a case appealed to the supreme court from Josephine County.
    Chas. Paine, the scientific blacksmith, who has leased Wilson's shop, is doing nicely, notwithstanding the inclement weather.
    The photograph gallery now occupied by Mr. Owings will be conducted by G. W. Mackey after April 1st, he having secured the lease.
    John W. Curry, who has been a clerk in the census bureau, at a salary of $100 a month, will be retained in the service of the government.
    The firm of Mackey & Boyd was dissolved last month. H. C. still holds forth at the big tent, while his quondam partner is operating at Ashland.
    S. Wilson of Trail Creek, whose son had one of his eyes badly injured, informs us that there seems to be some hope of partially saving the sight of the damaged optic.
    M. L. Alford, assistant cashier of the Medford Bank, was at the county seat one day this week. He is being prominently mentioned in connection with the Republican nomination for county clerk.
    The Medford Drug Co. has been incorporated by I. Humason, A. H. and Fronia Willett, with a capital stock of $5,000. It will put in a first-class stock of drugs, medicines, toilet articles, etc. in the Rosenthal building.
    A. M. Helms, the genial dispenser of liquid refreshments, was at the county seat one day this week. He says that the burglar who entered his cafe some nights ago captured only a few dollars, overlooking a purse which contained a larger sum.
    N. Langell was in Jacksonville a few days ago, arranging the certificates of several Chinese who wish to visit the flowery kingdom, which his long service as deputy internal collector makes him expert at.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 27, 1902, page 4

    C. N. Smith of Hotel Layton, Grants Pass, visited Medford Tuesday.
    Mrs. R. T. Burnett returned to Ashland after a week's visit with friends.
    Grandma Merriman left for Butte, Montana, Monday, to visit relations, after which she will go to California for an extended visit.
    Mrs. Lou Gay, nee Mamie Linn, returned to Portland Wednesday after a several weeks' visit at Jacksonville.
    E. A. Sherwin and A. McCallen, president and cashier of the First National Bank, and E. V. Carter, cashier of Bank of Ashland, H. L. Gilkey, cashier of a bank at Grants Pass, were here Saturday on matters pertaining to banking business.
    Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Patrick of Ashland spent Thursday and Friday at the county seat doing abstract work.
    Prof. C. F. Shepherd, dealer in musical instruments, was here Saturday doing missionary work.
    L. B. Brown last week bought the feed store of H. D. Austin & Son and on Tuesday purchased the J. C. Ferguson grocery stock and will consolidate the two stocks.
    Dr. J. M. Keene spent several days at Portland last week.
Medford, Feb. 26, 1902.
Valley Record, Ashland, February 27, 1902, page 3

Citizens' Meeting Called.
    The Mail has been requested by several prominent townspeople to announce that there will be a mass meeting of the citizens of Medford at the city hall, on Wednesday evening, March 5th, at 7:30 o'clock.
    The object of the meeting will be the organization of a Board of Trade, or Commercial Club, and to perfect such arrangements as may be deemed necessary in furthering the best interests of our city and the surrounding country.
    There is at this time manifest evidence of the necessity of an organization of this nature. There are many enterprises in contemplation for our town which may possibly need a little stimulating to put them on a basis of permanency, and with the concerned action of a body of citizens much can be accomplished and at but very small cost, whereas no one or two individuals could see their way clear to do the work which is of interest to all. There is a promise of more than usual activity in the development of enterprises in our city right now than has ever before been manifest. Besides the work of a commercial club, upon these lines much can be done by such a body in encouraging immigration to Oregon from the East and in attracting the attention of such to our land of red and yellow apples when they get within our state.
    Much good can be accomplished by such an organization, and the Mail earnestly hopes there will be a large attendance at this meeting and that every effort possible will be put forth which will tend to our mutual good. There are divers affairs of local interest which should be safeguarded--and this perhaps can be accomplished by this proposed organization.
Medford Mail, February 28, 1902, page 2

    G. W. Owings returned to Medford Monday to remain some time in the interest of his business, the Elite Studio.
"Woodville Items," Medford Mail, February 28, 1902, page 3

    Rufus Cox to Frank E. Payne, part of premises in dlc No. 42, twp 37s, r1w . . . 300
    J. H. Stewart et ux to A. H. Chessmore, 2 acres in dlc No. 42, twp 37s, r1w . . . 472
    Jane Hibbard to Emma May Rose, land in blk 8, Park add., Medford . . . 1
    Alex Orme to W. F. Taggart, lots 11 and 12, blk 39, Medford . . . 3
"Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, February 28, 1902, page 5

    W. J. King, proprietor of the Turf Exchange Saloon, left Thursday night for Portland.
    Mrs. Geo. Barton, of Ashland, was in the city over Sunday. The lady's husband is engineer at the coal mine, and the family has decided to move their place of residence to Medford.
    Dr. C. W. Rollings, of Portland, was in Medford a few days this week upon a visit to merchant H. U. Lumsden and family. The doctor and Mr. Lumsden's people were old-time Minnesota friends.
    A. J. Anderson and family arrived in Medford last week from Ft. Jones, Calif. Mr. Anderson some few months ago purchased property on North D Street in this city and will now occupy the same and make Medford his permanent home. Mrs. Anderson is a daughter of our good townsman, J. Meeker.
    Grandma Merriman left Medford Monday night for a two years' visit with relatives in various parts of the United States. She will first visit Willamette Valley points and from there she will go to Montana and then east to her old home in Illinois and Ohio. Mrs. Merriman is seventy-two years of age, but notwithstanding her advanced age, she is active and much more capable of taking the long trip than are many much younger.
    Miss Jessie Cole returned last week from San Francisco, in which city she has been taking training as nurse in a hospital and with practicing physicians. The young lady likes her chosen vocation and will give her attention exclusively to the work. She will remain in Medford with her mother and will be prepared to respond to calls for nursing.
    T. H. Moore, the gentleman who formerly conducted a grocery store in West Medford, now engaged in the mercantile business in Klamath Falls, is in Medford this week upon business. He reports a good trade in his new location and that he likes the country very much. Part of his business here is the disposal of his residence property in West Medford. He has not as yet closed any deal for it but it is possible he will before he returns. It is a fine piece of property, and the man who buys it makes no mistake.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 28, 1902, page 6

    R. P. Little, while employed in the Jas. G. Smith rock quarry, east of Medford, last week was struck on the left knee by a huge sledge hammer, injuring his limb so badly that he is laid up with it and is scarcely able to walk.
"Additional Local," Medford Mail, February 28, 1902, page 6

    The portable drilling machinery for the Southern Pacific coal mine, which has been impatiently expected for several weeks, arrived in Medford Sunday. It consists of a derrick and engine and boiler, mounted on wheels so as to be transported from point to point by means of teams, the engine being used merely to operate the drill. As soon as some repairs to the woodwork, made necessary by the rough journey from the East, are made it will be taken out to the scene of operations, and the drill be sent down on its search for beds of coal or of anything that may be found beneath the surface. The drilling machinery was loaded onto a car at Cincinnati, Ohio last November and has been on the road three months. With the machinery is a cable 1000 feet in length.
    L. W. Farwell, the gentleman who recently purchased an acre of land from L. G. Porter, in East Medford, is arranging to do considerable building thereon this season; in fact, he has already commenced his contemplated construction work. A barn 16x20 and a wagon house 10x20 have already been completed. He has lumber on the ground for his residence, which will be 26x26 feet in size and two stories high, and to this there will be added a kitchen 10x17 and a woodshed 12x16. The work is being done by carpenter Clapper. Mr. Farwell will have a very fine home when completed and in one of the very best localities in the city. His lot is 70x250 feet in size and is well set to fruit. The price paid was $350.
    L. B. Brown, the gentleman who purchased the Austin feed store last week, has this week invested more capital in the city, having purchased J. C. Ferguson's stock of feed and groceries. He is now in possession of this double stock and will at once put them together and do business at the Ferguson stand. This recent purchase gives Mr. Brown a good stock--and lots of it--and there's no doubt but that he'll do a fine business.
    Mrs. Amos Smith, of Grants Pass, and Mrs. E. S. Adams, of Portland, returned Wednesday evening to their respective homes after a few days' visit in this city with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamlin. They were accompanied by their sister, Miss Julia Hamlin, who will visit at Grants Pass.
    C. H. Pierce, for several weeks past, has been troubled with a lame knee, the result of a bruise, and instead of improving the limb has grown worse and this week it was decided to put [it] in a plaster of Paris cast, which was done and it will be at least two weeks before the cast will be removed. Dr. Jones is the attending physician.
    G. A. Widenhamer, of Quincy, Illinois, arrived in Medford last Friday and expects to make Medford his future home. He is the father of Mrs. E. W. Calkins. When he left the East the thermometer registered 27 degrees below zero.
    Henry Miller, residing in East Medford, has his new residence nearly completed. The gentleman owns a couple of acres of the rich Bear Creek bottom land and will make gardening his principal business.
    The oil well drilling plant near Ashland has suspended operations temporarily, awaiting the arrival of a longer cable. The well is now down 1830 feet.
    Mrs. Loder is improving the appearance of her new residence by the building of a new fence around the same.
    Jack Plymale is conducting a lunch counter at Ft. Jones, Calif., and is reported to be doing well.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 28, 1902, page 7

    E. V. Jones, of Ashland, visited several days this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Jones.

"Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, March 2, 1902, page 21

    J. E. Enyart was in Albany last week, having been called there by the death of his brother-in-law's wife, Mrs. A. M. Cannon, who died of blood poison.
    Miss Jessie Cole, who has successfully been taking a course in a San Francisco hospital, returned to Medford last week, and offers her services as a trained nurse.
    J. H. Messner, who has no superior as a veterinary surgeon, is kept busy and meets with much success. He treats all diseases that afflict horses and other stock, charging a very reasonable rate.
    H. G. Wortman, the well-known merchant, has purchased a handsome Stuyvesant from the Coss Music House, paying $375 therefor. During his recent visit to San Francisco Mr. Coss secured the agency for several instruments of standard brands, and is prepared to fill orders for first-class pianos and organs, including the wonderful pianola, at reasonable figures.
    The Democratic county committee met in Medford Wednesday and transacted the business incident to holding the next county convention. The following members were present: H. Mann chairman, M. F. Eggleston secretary, E. D. Foudray, J. A. Whitman, Dan Chapman, F. W. Wait, W. H. Peninger, J. S. Orth, John Woods, Otto Caster, J. E. Coffee, M. Perry, D. E. Phipps. It was decided to hold the convention in Jacksonville.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 6, 1902, page 4

The Dynamite Was Loaded.
    The following is from the Covina, Calif. Argus. It tells of a narrow escape from a frightful accident of B. S. Webb, a former resident of Medford:
    "The Bemis building and adjoining blocks had a narrow escape from total destruction shortly after noon on Saturday last by an explosion of dynamite caps in B. S. Webb's hardware store.
    "B. S. Webb had just received a shipment of giant powder and after unpacking the goods, a carpenter, named Charles Tate, who often spends a few minutes in the store during the noon hour, put the excelsior in which the goods were wrapped into the stove, not knowing that it contained a box of 100 dynamite caps, with an explosive power of 60 pounds each, which had been overlooked in the unpacking.
    "In a few moments a terrific explosion occurred, blowing the large cast iron stove into a thousand fragments, hurling them through woodwork and plaster. The report shook every building in the block and in a few minutes more than a hundred men were on the scene. Charles Tate was found on the floor stunned and bleeding, but by a miracle the other occupants of the store, B. S. Webb, the proprietor, and a man named William Goodrich, escaped with only a few cuts and bruises. On examination it was found that Tate was severely cut and bruised about the legs by fragments of the stove, and he has since been confined to his room under the doctor's care. How any of the occupants of the store escaped with their lives is a wonder, as they were all standing within a foot of the stove at the time of the explosion. In addition to the woodwork and plaster of the building about $25 worth of stock was injured by the flying fragments of the stove.
    "On a counter, four feet from the stove, was ten pounds of giant powder, and had this exploded by the concussion the entire building would have been made a total wreck, and much damage would have resulted to adjacent property."
Medford Mail, March 7, 1902, page 2

    Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Robinson moved out from Medford last week and are now occupying the Brown-Hazelton house.
"Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, March 7, 1902, page 5

    Chas. Tull, foreman of the Jackson County Improvement Company's fine Sticky ranch, took a load of hay to the company's camp near Lake Creek the first of the week.
"Big Sticky Items," Medford Mail, March 7, 1902, page 5

    Joseph P. Raiche et ux. to L. W. Farwell, lot 14, blk 2, Cottage Home add., Medford . . . 10
    D. L. Browning to Grants Pass H&T Co., property in Phipps reserve, Medford . . . [illegible]
    J. S. Hagey et ux. to Geo. F. King, lots 1 and 2, blk 26, Medford . . . 500
    Geo. F. King to John H. Stewart, lots 1 and 2, blk 26, Medford . . . 500
    I. A. Webb to H. D. Finch, lot 3, blk 2, Barr's add., Medford . . . 1000
    McDonald & Ray to Mrs. S. E. Ray, quartz claim in Gold Hill mining district, sec. 2, twp 36s, r1w . . . 100
"Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, March 7, 1902, page 5

    Mrs. Conrad, of Colorado, who has been in Medford upon a visit to her nephew, Prof. Samuels, and family, left Saturday for her home.
    Roy Richardson has returned to Southern Oregon, after an absence of eight months. He has been employed on a coasting schooner for some time.
    Mrs. D. M. Knisely, who has been visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Stewart, for the past three months, left last week for her home in Edgerton, Ohio.
    Mr. and Mrs. F. R. West of Reno, Nevada were in Medford a few days last week upon a visit to relatives. Mr. West is a nephew of uncle Thos. West and Mrs. R. T. Lawton.
    Mrs. Fred Allen, of Seattle, who has been visiting her nephew, Fred Luy, and family, left Thursday for San Francisco.
    Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Scott, of Igerna, Calif., arrived in Medford Monday and will visit for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bliss, parents of Mrs. Scott.
    Mrs. J. T. C. Nash will leave next week for her old home at Denver, Ind., to visit her mother, who is quite ill. She will be accompanied by her brother, who resides in California.
    Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Monroe, of Detroit, Oregon, arrived in Medford last week and will, in all probability, make this city their future home. They are acquaintances of attorney A. S. Hammond.
    Robert Bonar, of Pasadena, Calif., who has been in Medford for a couple of weeks upon a visit to his brothers, J. W. and J. S. Bonar, left Monday for a visit to his old home in Blaister, Ontario.
    E. P. Bennett returned Monday evening from Newman, Calif., whither he went a couple of weeks ago with the remains of his late father-in-law, J. D. Eachus, and at which place the same were interred.
    Cashier J. E. Enyart was in Albany last week in attendance at the funeral of Mrs. A. M. Cannon, who died in that city last Thursday while undergoing a surgical operation. Mr. Cannon is a brother to the late Mrs. Enyart.
    Mr. and Mrs. John Osborne and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilkinson were in Gold Hill Monday night enjoying a visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Wells, prior to the departure of these last-named people for the East and England.
    Mr. Hunter, the civil engineer and draftsman for Dr. C. R. Ray, has moved his office from Medford to Gold Hill. He's a fine fellow, and a splendid workman, that man Hunter, and the Mail regrets that his temporary stay among us could not have been made permanent.
    Gilbert Jones, who has been spending the winter with his son, Dr. W. S. Jones, and family, returned last week to his home in Iowa. It is not improbable that he will return to Medford at some future date and become a permanent resident of our city. It is business that occasioned his return at this time.
    C. W. Jenkins, of Browning, Mo., arrived in Medford last week and will open a wagon-making shop in M. Purdin's blacksmith shop. Mr. Jenkins comes highly recommended from the East and no doubt will meet with success in this locality. His family arrived Monday of this week.
    Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Settles left Medford Wednesday for their new home in Ashland, which they purchased a few months ago. Mr. Settles, better known as "Shorty's man Friday," has been an attache of Hotel Nash for several years and has made a great many friends, all of whom will wish himself and most estimable wife success in their new home. Mr. Settles will do gardening in Ashland.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 7, 1902, page 6

Commercial Club Organized.
    A goodly number of citizens of Medford met in the city hall on Wednesday evening of this week and proceeded to organize a Medford Commercial Club.
    City Recorder York, president of the old organization of similar character, called the meeting to order, and upon motion H. H. Howard was chosen temporary chairman and W. T. York temporary secretary. Following this were speeches by F. M. Stewart, D. H. Miller, S. S. Pentz, W. V. Lippincott and others. All were favorable to an organization being formed, and each gave many logical reasons why an organization of this nature would be of benefit to the community.
    After the organization was effected, by motion a committee of five was appointed to solicit membership. The committee are F. M. Stewart, D. H. Miller, W. V. Lippincott, A. S. Bliton and J. W. Lawton.
    A motion was then made that a committee of three be appointed to draft by-laws. The chair appointed Dr. J. M. Keene, W. I. Vawter and H. U. Lumsden.
    The membership committee then called a roll of those present and secured the names of the following gentlemen as members: W. I. Vawter, H. Mann, W. V. Lippincott, J. W. Miller, G. H. Howland, A. S. Bliton, H. H. Howard, J. W. Lawton, F. M. Stewart, J. M. Keene, W. T. York, D. H. Miller, W. H. Meeker, H. Voegeli, S. S. Pentz and W. H. McGowan.
    The next meeting of the club will be held on Wednesday evening of next week at the same place, at 8 o'clock. In the meantime the soliciting committee will make a thorough canvass of the city, and it is expected an hundred of more names will be secured.
    The object of the club will be to further the best interests of Medford in particular and the entire county in a general way. There are many matters of importance which can properly come before the club and which will be materially advanced by concerted action. The tide of immigration is being turned westward, and Oregon, of course, will get its share. Jackson County's advantages should be shown to the intended settlers in a true, honest and imperative manner--and this can be done through the channel of a commercial club.
Medford Mail, March 7, 1902, page 6

    H. B. Myers, the jeweler, indulged too freely in the use of stimulants--the kind that makes hilarious--on Wednesday afternoon of this week and became decidedly reckless with firearms. He was arrested by Deputy Chief of Police Fredenburg and placed in the city bastille, where he remained until the following morning when he was brought before Recorder York, where he pled guilty and was fined $10 upon a charge of disorderly conduct and $15 for carrying concealed weapons, and to this was added $1.50 costs, amounting in all to $26.50. The shooting took place in the rear room of Helms' saloon. Several shots were fired, aimed apparently at no particular object, but as two of the bullets passed through a window, thence through a toilet room at the rear and into the alley, there might have serious injury resulted had there happened to have been anyone within range.
    The A. A. Davis & Co. milling company received two carloads of wheat from Walla Walla this week. The crop of this valley was short last season, which makes this importation from outside points necessary.
    Miss Lulu Porter is ill at her home in East Medford, and her brother, George, has taken her place, temporarily, as clerk in J. G. Van Dyke & Co.'s store.
    Tom Merriman has purchased an interest in the Messner blacksmith shop and has moved his family from Talent to this city.
    The Southern Pacific's well-boring outfit was taken to the scene of operations, east of Medford, yesterday. F. A. Bliss, of this city, will have charge of the plant.

"Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 7, 1902, page 6

    Peter and Henry Barneburg have purchased the famous Cove stock ranch from G. S. Butler, together with all the cattle and brand owned by Mr. Butler. This ranch is twelve miles from Ashland, about three miles south of the Dead Indian Road--directly south of the sawmill. It is a fine ranch and will afford the purchasers many advantages in their stock business which they have not heretofore enjoyed.
    Councilman J. R. Wilson has placed an order for lumber to be used in the construction of a building on its vacant lots, opposite his blacksmith shop, corner South C and Eighth streets. The structure will be of wood and will be built along the west side of the lots, facing Eighth Street. It will be 40x100 feet in size, one story high and will in all probability be used for assembly purposes.
    Jake Hugger reports unusual activity out at the Voorhies fruit ranch. Aside from the regular work of caring for the trees there is a large force of men at work setting out 170 acres of land to trees, and another gang has been grafting. Mr. Hugger is putting in 25,000 pear grafts and 30,000 apple grafts. It can be truthfully said that Jake is a "grafter" of no mean pretensions.
    Councilman J. R. Wilson has opened a feed store in the building owned by himself and one door south of the Mail office. He has put in a good stock in his line and is promising to be at all times prepared to supply every need. Mr. Wilson will also put in a stock of groceries.
    Merchant D. B. Russell has traded his seven-acre tract of land in northwest Medford to R. W. Gray for a house and lot (formerly owned by Dr. Jones) on South G Street. Mr. Russell makes the exchange to enable him to be nearer to his business. He is now occupying his new possessions.
    The Medford flouring mill began rolling wheels this week. The not overly large crop of wheat last year has made the flouring mill run of the valley a short one this season, but everybody seems much encouraged for next season, as wheat now growing is said to be looking fine.
    Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Emmerson have decided to make Medford their permanent place of residence and have commenced housekeeping in West Medford. Mr. Emmerson is an oculist and eye specialist and is working into a good practice here.
    Col. James Scobie, well known in Southern Oregon as the contractor for the masonry work on the Southern Pacific railroad during the time of the expansion of that line from California to Ashland, died at his home in San Francisco on February 23rd, aged 66 years.
    Miss Sadie Amann has taken a position as saleswoman in the Medford Book Store, vice Miss Edith Nicholson, who has resigned.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 7, 1902, page 7

Commercial Club Organized.
    MEDFORD, Or., March. 6.--At a mass meeting in the City Hall last night a Commercial Club was organized. H. H. Howard was elected president, and City Recorder W. T. York secretary. The object of the club is to further the interests of Medford in particular and Jackson County in general. The next meeting will be held March 12.
Morning Oregonian, March 7, 1902, page 4

Reckless Shooting.
    Wednesday afternoon, H. B. Myers, the jeweler, while under the influence of liquor, went to the hardware store of Beek & Son and secured a .38 caliber Colts revolver and some cartridges, telling the salesman, John Norris, he would try the weapon and if found as represented he would purchase it. Mr. Norris at the time had no idea he was under the influence of liquor and of course readily complied. It seems he went directly from there to the saloon of A. H. Helms on [South] Front Street, where he had a drink with some of the hangers on, of course standing treat. Among those in the place at the time were several "tinhorns" who soon proposed a game and got him into the back room for that purpose. The bartender would not let them have cards or chips to play, and Myers, it is said, gave a boy $2.00 to go out and get a deck of cards. While the boy was out after the cards Myers pulled out the gun, calling the attention of those present to its qualities and by way of emphasizing them started into shooting through the back door. Four shots were fired, two of them through the frame of the door and two through the glass. Two shots passed entirely through the water closet and crossed the alley in the rear of the saloon, leaving their imprint on the woodshed back of the book store.
    As soon as the shots were heard, Mr. Helms hurried to the saloon and rushed to the back room where he found them putting up a target on the wall to shoot at, which piece of business he immediately put a stop to. Soon after Myers left the saloon and repaired to the Turf Exchange, where he again created a disturbance and flourished his gun. Here, or in the immediate vicinity, he remained until supper time, although during that time he was disarmed by Chief of Police Amann. During the chief of police's absence at supper J. W. Fredenburg, his deputy, was left to watch for his appearance on the street and just before he returned from his supper Myers came out of the saloon and was immediately arrested by policeman Fredenburg and taken to the city jail, Chief of Police Amann arriving in time to assist in locking him up. Here he remained until 9 o'clock Thursday morning, when he was taken before Recorder York and given the nominal fine of $26.50, which he paid, and was discharged. As this is the second time in the past year he has been up before the city recorder for being drunk, disorderly and making a spectacular gun play, the recorder is open to just censure for not giving him the full fine the offense justifies, as well as in not making him give bonds to keep the peace.
    If the lives of the citizens of the community are to be put in jeopardy by every drunken man for the paltry sum of $26.50, we will no doubt have a veritable reign of terror in Medford, for it is well known the town is overrun with a worthless lot of "tinhorn" gamblers and depraved wretches, who live off the earnings of fallen women. And in speaking of this class, let us say they should be run out of town. There is no use for them in a decent community. They are an eyesore and a blot upon the city's fair name as well as tending to deprave many promising young men. It is said Myers was not alone in the shooting, that another did part of it, while it was also intimated he was "doped." But be that as it may it is a shame and a disgrace that it is possible for these things to occur.
    We are sorry to be compelled to speak so plainly of these matters. But when we see innocent boys and girls thrown into companionship daily with this "sporting fraternity" we think it is high time the community was aroused to the danger.
    Before long we shall prepare a list for publication of the sporting fraternity of Medford who are recognized in this county as "tinhorns," so the ignorant and innocent may profit thereby.
Medford Enquirer, March 8, 1902, page 4

    Mrs. Merriman, of Medford, is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Laura Bradley.

"Eugene," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, March 9, 1902, page 20

    Rance Rouse, the Beau Brummel of Medford, was at the county seat one day this week.
    Ed Redden, formerly of Medford, was married at Del Rey, Calif. to Miss Effie May Tyler, lately.
    Mrs. J. H. Rice and her daughter Ethel have gone to San Francisco, where they expect to reside. Mr. R. is located there.
    Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Heard have returned from Seattle. Jeff. has almost recovered from a severe attack of rheumatic gout.
    Oral Burnett, the clever jeweler, has returned to Medford, after several months' experience in one of the best shops in Portland.
    S. P. Roberts, a prominent citizen of Chico, Calif., has been visiting his brother, W. B. Roberts. He was accompanied by his wife.
    Julius Goldsmith of Eugene is building a fine residence, which will cost nearly $2000. He was formerly engaged in business here.
    V. M. Woodworth, who has been employed on the Jackson County Improvement Co.'s ditch, is at the Hotel Nash, considerably indisposed.
    Tom Merriman is with us again, having become interested in Messner's blacksmith shop. Both are fine mechanics and never fail to please.
    Art. Nicholson, who has purchased part of the Armstrong land, situated near Jacksonville, is putting up a barn and otherwise improving the property.
    Ed. Tryer, the genial cutter at Arnold & Barneburg's shop, is even cleverer than usual since Tuesday, when a pretty baby of the female persuasion made her appearance.
    D. E. Morris, the efficient superintendent of construction of the Jackson County Improvement Co., was in Medford Tuesday. He reports everything progressing nicely, and that excellent headway was made during the past winter.
    A commercial club was organized in Medford one evening last week. H. H. Howard and W. T. York were chosen temporary president and secretary. A permanent organization was effected on the evening of the 12th. This association can be made quite beneficial to our town.
    A Medford dispatch to the Portland Telegram gives the following item: "The Southern Oregonian is the title of a new paper soon to be published here. The editor and manager is Sidney D. Charles. The paper is to be issued semi-weekly, and will be delivered in Medford by carriers, a feature that has never been attempted in this city before. The Southern Oregonian is purely a business venture, and will be strictly independent in politics. The first number will be issued in two weeks. Mr. Charles, the editor, has had wide newspaper experience in the Northwest. He was connected with the Evening Telegram for a number of years, and later was engaged in newspaper work in Baker City."
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 13, 1902, page 5

New Medford Paper.
    The Southern Oregonian is the title of a new paper soon to be published in Medford. The editor and manager is Sidney D. Charles. The paper is to be issued semi-weekly, and will be delivered in Medford by carriers. This is a feature that has never been attempted in this section before.
    The Southern Oregonian is purely a business venture, and will be strictly independent in politics. The first number will be issued within two weeks.
    Mr. Charles, the editor, has had wide newspaper experience in the Northwest. He was connected with the Evening Telegram for a number of years, and later was engaged in newspaper work in Baker City.

Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, March 13, 1902, page 3

Jeweler with a Gun.
    H. B. Meyers, a jeweler of Medford, became hilarious in Helms' saloon in that city Wednesday afternoon and began shooting at random with a revolver. Several shots were fired before he was suppressed by the police. He pled guilty in the city court and paid fines to the amount of $26.50.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, March 13, 1902, page 3

    John G. Van Dyke, Jr., to M. W. Poiston, 42/100 of an acre, tp 37, T. F. West's add. to Medford . . . 50
"Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, March 14, 1902, page 5

    George Burton, engineer at the coal mine, was at Ashland Tuesday.
    Miss Rose Jewett, of San Francisco, Calif., is in Medford upon a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Rose DeGroot.
    Miss Nellie Wolf went to Klamathon, Calif. Thursday morning to visit with her sister, Mrs. Claude Dollarhide, of that place.
    Miss Lelah Wilson came up from Hornbrook, Calif. Monday evening for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Wilson.
    Mrs. Elden Jennings, of Ashland, returned to her home Monday, after a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. Rance Rouse, and family.
    Willie Warner returned from Forest Grove Thursday morning, having completed his studies for the year in the Pacific University.
    Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wright, of Falls City, Oregon, are registered at the Halley House. They are looking for farmland investments and in all probability will become residents of the valley.
    S. P. Roberts, of Chico, Calif., returned to his home Tuesday after a week's visit with his brother, W. B. Roberts, and family. Mr. Roberts was accompanied upon his visit by Miss Wallace, a friend of the family.
    P. B. Denhof and Edward Gunnison, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, arrived in Medford last week. They are acquaintances of Geo. F. King, the timber locator. They expect to invest in real estate here and will make this their future home.
    R. A. Bunch left last night for Grants Pass, where he will take a position in the tonsorial parlors of Hotel Josephine,where he will work with Nate Bates, also a Medford boy. Mort Lawton, another Medford young man, is clerk in that same hostelry.
    Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Miller were in Medford this week for a few days' visit. Mrs. Miller is a daughter of Rev. W. B. Moore, and she was married to Mr. Miller at her home in Ironton, Ohio last Christmas. They will make their home at McCloud, Calif., at which place Mr. Miller has large lumbering interests.
    Z. Maxcy, the Big Butte rancher, and ex-bank bookkeeper, was in Medford this week upon a visit to friends. He has grown a full beard since going into the tall timber, and many of his closest friends here passed him by for a stranger on the streets. He will be down until Saturday.
    George Corum left Monday morning for Coles, Calif., at which place he will be employed by Coggins Bros. This firm has for years been engaged in operating a sawmill and box factory at Igerna, Calif., but are now arranging to move their plant to a timber tract between Coles and Colestin, where they will cut and manufacture the several thousand acres of timber they own there. They also have a stock ranch in that locality.
    W. E. Kendall, baggage agent for the Burlington Route at Quincy, Illinois, was in Medford this week upon a visit to Messrs. J. H. and F. M. Stewart, old-time Quincy friends of his. The gentleman is making an itinerary of the coast country, and his report upon his return to the East we can well guess will be interesting and conducive to the West, especially this land of the roaring Rogue where grows the fruit that gold-lines the producers' trousers pocket. He saw here many grand openings for young men of sterling qualities, and when he surveyed his surroundings he little wondered at the success many have enjoyed.
    Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Schermerhorn returned to Medford Thursday morning, after an absence in the East of thirteen months. Mrs. Schermerhorn's health is very much improved--which is good news for her many Medford friends. During their absence from Medford they have followed Ben Webb's idea of having a good time--that of going to the hills and then scattering, only Mr. and Mrs. S. went east and scattered to all important Atlantic coast and interior cities. They visited New Orleans, Washington, Boston, New York, Buffalo and many more, but made their principal place of abode at Mr. Schermerhorn's old home in Schenectady, N.Y. They will now reside in Medford.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 14, 1902, page 6

Millinery Opening.
    I am, as usual, first in the field with the earliest of the spring ideas in millinery. Trimmed hats, hats to trim and hat trimmings will be shown in such lavish abundance on my opening days, March 19th and 20th, and at such moderate figures, that I confidently count on catching the biggest and better part of the trade in this line.
    An invitation is extended to every lady in Southern Oregon to call at my parlors, on South C Street, Medford, on the above dates and inspect the immense stock of millinery goods I will then have on hand.
LIZZIE HOOVER.               
Medford Mail, March 14, 1902, page 6

Socialist Convention.
    The Jackson County Socialists met in this city last Saturday and organized a county central committee and also nominated a ticket for the coming June election. J. W. Wiley was chosen as chairman of the county central committee and Walter Scott as secretary. After endorsing the state and national platforms they nominated the following county ticket:
    J. W. Wiley, of Medford, Senator
    C. P. Snell and J. A. Thomas, of Medford, Representatives.
    D. M. Brower, of Ashland, Joint Representative.
    Grant Rawlings, of Central Point, Sheriff.
    Wm. Abbott, of Phoenix, Clerk.
    M. L. Hartley, of Medford, Recorder.
    J. A. Smith, of Medford, Treasurer.
    A. J. Messner, of Gold Hill, Assessor.
    H. Richardson, of Trail, County Commissioner.
Medford Mail, March 14, 1902, page 6

A Farmer Pessimist.
From Tuesday's Oregonian.
An old farmer, who had a fine ranch in the foothills of the Cascades, and who had been reading in the papers about forestry reserves and forestry laws and reforesting whole regions, was talking these matters over with a government official yesterday. He said the idea made him weary, and he was glad that he had not much longer to stay in this weary world. He said that he had done many years of hard work, and put in his best licks clearing away the forest to make farms. He helped to clear a farm in New England in his boyhood, afterward another one in New York State, later he had, with the help of his boys, cleared another in Missouri, and then he came to Oregon and had been here ever since getting another cleared, and he was done. He should clear no more land, and it would make no difference to him if the whole country were reforested.
    He had come to the conclusion that nearly everything in the world would be exterminated or exhausted within a few generations. He had seen the herds of wild buffalo shaking the earth with their gallop, but they were all gone. The wild Indians who had made life a burden to him on several occasions were all disappearing. The wild game and fur-bearing animals were gone or going. The fish in the sea were being exhausted, the whales practically exterminated. The sturgeon of the Columbia had been all caught out, and it was only a question of a few years when the salmon would be all gone, despite artificial propagation, and everything was in the same boat. The timber of the United States would all be cut off in a short time. The coal would be exhausted, and the iron, the gold, silver and copper would be all dug out and used up, the oil wells would be exhausted and there would be nothing to cook with, nor much of anything to cook, and he wasn't feeling very well himself, anyhow. He could not do as much work in a day as he used to, and he could not eat to much, nor walk so far, nor jump so high, and his seeing and hearing were failing and nothing tasted as good as it used to.
    The old man's friend tried to cheer him up but found he had taken a bigger contract than he had figured on, and asked to be excused on account of a business appointment. So the old man strolled off, remarking, "When I come into town again I will come in and talk the situation over with you," a thing which his friend says he will take particular pains to see that the old man doesn't get a chance to do.
Medford Mail, March 14, 1902, page 6

    While in Portland last week the publisher of this paper met Charlie Isaacs, formerly a Medford boy. He is now a news agent on the O.R.&N., and his run is between Portland and Huntington. He tells that every westbound train is loaded with people coming to the coast to locate. Many of these have no particular locality in which to locate, and in these cases Charlie does a little missionary work for Southern Oregon. He tells that these people have all kinds of ideas and notions about this western country. It was only a few days ago that he got into conversation with a husky young fellow who was coming to Oregon, and strapped around his body was a leather belt in which he carried a long dirk knife. Upon being asked as to the use to which he expected to put the knife, he replied that he didn't propose to be caught napping by any crowd of western desperadoes. Said he had heard that it was unsafe for a person to travel on the Pacific coast unless fully armed. Charlie laughed at his apprehended danger and endeavored to assure him that he was as safe here as in any part of the United States. This, Charlie said, had a quieting effect upon his overwrought imagination, but, said Charlie, he was still carrying the knife when he last saw him.
    Miss Pearl Hall has been elected principal of the Lakeview public school to fill the unexpired term of Prof. McCormack, who has retired because of poor health. Miss Hall has been a teacher in the primary department of the school for three years. She is a sister of J. Court Hall, of Gold Hill, and was assistant principal in the Medford public school a few years ago. She is a very capable young lady and while the duties which she has assumed are arduous and exacting, the Mail is satisfied she will acquit herself with credit to all parties interested.
    Capt. J. T. C. Nash, owner of Hotel Nash, is contemplating making several changes about the hotel this spring. Plans are not as yet fully completed, but it is assured that a third story will be built to the structure. The third story will be for sleeping rooms exclusively and will give about four additional rooms. The changes in the general arrangement of the building are now undergoing consideration. It is quite probable that the office, dining room and kitchen will be moved to the second story. This will give an opportunity to get light and air to the kitchen, a condition which does not not now exist. The space now occupied by the dining room and kitchen and part of the office will be for rent, under the new arrangements, for store purposes, making three good rooms. The hotel bar will be moved to the present office, and the card room will be where the bar now is. There will also be an elevator put in. Landlord Hamilton is handicapped many times by not having sufficient room, and at all times he is handicapped by the inconvenience of the kitchen arrangements.
    A few months ago A. A. Davis, the wealthy mill owner of Medford, presented his son, Scott, with two fine residence lots in Medford and now that young man is making ready to erect a fine dwelling house thereon. The lots are situated in the J. A. Morey addition on J Street, at the head of Sixth Street. They are very nicely situated for residence purposes. The residence Scott will put up will be 26x38 feet in size and one and a half stories high. It will conform in every respect to the most modern architectural designs, and unless the plans are very misleading it will be one of the prettiest and most convenient structures in the city.
    Dr. Lowe is the only eyesight specialist visiting Medford who has had medical training. This is very important to you if you value your eyes.
    A meeting of Protection Hose Company was held in Medford last week at which the following officers were elected: President, W. S. Crowell; vice president, W. L. Orr; secretary, W. W. Bates; assistant secretary, J. J. Parker; foreman, Eugene Amann; first assistant foreman, J. H. Norris; second assistant foreman, Ed. Tryer; treasurer, J. W. Bates; sergeant at arms, John Cook; trustees, D. T. Lawton, J. H. Norris, R. H. Toft.
    If a newspaper reporter gets much news of the Southern Pacific coal mine, east of Medford, he must of necessity be provided with a handspike, a four-inch hawser and a donkey engine, but for this closeness in business matters no person has a license to censure the company. If they were to advertise their business broadcast over the country many of their well-laid plans, like well-laid eggs, would become addled, and all would come to naught. However, it is learned that the tunnel is now in 200 feet and that a fairly good quality of coal is being found. Just how far this experimental tunnel will be driven is not publicly written, but in all probability it will not stop short of 500 feet. The coal is said to be, judging from that found on the dump, a good locomotive burning article, and the width of the vein is guessed to be about five feet, although this is not all high-grade goods. The new drilling plant has been set up and the drill started.
    Art Robinson met with quite a painful accident Tuesday afternoon. He was scuffling with W. R. Beach on D Street, and in some manner they both fell, Art striking on his left arm and dislocating it at the elbow. The dislocation is painful, yet it will not be serious.
    Charles F. Kiernan, son of Jas. Kiernan of Medford, will be one of the graduates of St. Mary's College, Oakland, Calif., in May. The young man stands very high in his class, a very recent report showing a general average of 92½, and Mr. Kiernan is justly proud of his record.
    The newly mapped-out racing circuit of northern California and Southern Oregon includes the following counties: Shasta, Trinity, Siskiyou, Del Norte, Modoc, Lassen and Tehama, in California; and Jackson, Klamath and Lake in Oregon.
    The new paper which it is proposed to establish in Medford is said to be an adjunct or auxiliary to Charlie Nickell's Jacksonville Democratic Times. This is the way street rumor has it put up.
    Childers Bros. are expected to soon commence the burning of a kiln of tile. There are 14,000 four-inch tile in the kiln and it is expected they will be ready for delivery within a short time.
    Misses Fern Norris and Cassie Davis are learning millinery in the millinery establishment of Miss Lizzie Hoover.
    A gang of railroad carpenters is at work putting new timbers under the company's water tank at this place.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 14, 1902, page 7

    Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Miller, of Ironton, O., were here several days this week visiting Mrs. Miller's father, Rev. E. B. Moore.
    S. P. Roberts, of Chico, Cal., who has been visiting his brother, W. B. Roberts and family, several weeks, returned home Tuesday.
    Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Schermerhorn returned Thursday morning from Schenectady, N.Y., where they had been visiting for the past 13 months.

"Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, March 16, 1902, page 21

    C. W. Wolgamott is now a resident of Medford, in the employ of the S.P. Co.
    The Southern Oregonian, our new paper, is scheduled to appear next Saturday evening.
    Sam Murray is in charge of Mrs. Slinger's butcher shop, succeeding Geo. Binns, who has become an honest granger.
    F. V. Medynski, who has been at home during the past several months, left Tuesday on his annual pilgrimage to Alaska.
    C. P. Snell, the attorney, who is a Socialist candidate for representative, has gone to Portland to attend the state convention of his party.
    J. D. Collins, the expert carpenter, has become a permanent resident of Medford. He was joined Tuesday by his father-in-law, who has been engaged in mining.
    The Easter millinery opening at H. A. Medynski & Co.'s will be the grandest ever seen in Southern Oregon. The ladies will miss something worth their while if they do not attend it.
    Hon. J. J. Howser, a former member of the legislature, who is now a full-fledged Republican, is being mentioned in connection with the same position he graced before.
    E. R. Cardwell of Sams Valley, one of our most energetic and honorable young farmers, was in Medford Monday. We are sorry to learn that he intends leaving for Klamath County soon, to permanently locate.
    H. B. Norment, a traveling advertiser, was arrested here Tuesday, at the instance of William Forsyth, a town bill-poster, charged with posting bills without a license, which consisted in tacking a small sign to a pump belonging to the Hotel Nash. Mr. Norment was brought before Recorder York and gave bail for his appearance for trial Thursday morning. Trial was had before the recorder, and a demurrer was filed to the complaint by defendant, which was overruled. Norment was fined $20 and costs. He telegraphed his company at New York, and has received a message to fight the city to the end.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 20, 1902, page 5

    A. H. Carson, horticultural commissioner, went to Ashland Monday to inspect a newly arrived nursery stock. The shipments of trees to the Rogue River Valley this season has been something enormous, and Mr. Carson has been kept on the move most of the time in making the official inspections to see that no fruit pest is brought in with the trees. On arrival at their destination, the trees are placed in quarantine until so inspected. A tremendous acreage of trees has been and will be planted this year. The great majority of these are apples. The larger portion of the trees are being planted in the Bear Creek Valley, near Ashland, Medford and Central Point.

"Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, March 20, 1902, page 3

    The committee on securing literature for circulation made a report and instructions were given to secure 10,000 printed folders for distribution.
"Board of Trade Meeting," Medford Mail, March 21, 1902, page 2

    Elizabeth A. Wortman to H. M. Coss, lots 9, 10, 11, 12, blk 6, Galloway's add., Medford . . . 315
    Margaret E. Gray and husband to W. T. York et al., undivided two-fifths interest in lot 6, blk 27, Medford . . . 33
    Allen S. Wall et al. to W. T. York et al., three-fifths interest in lot 6, blk 27, Medford . . . 50
"Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, March 21, 1902, page 5

    Carl Cofer left for Sisson, Calif. Saturday morning, where he will work in the mill.
    Misses Mabel and Rose Chapman enjoyed a visit with their parents at Talent last week.
    F. V. Medynski left Tuesday evening for Portland and Seattle. He is undecided as to his usual annual trip to Alaska.
    Mrs. H. H. Mitchell and family left Wednesday morning for Seattle, at which place Mr. Mitchell has secured employment in a blacksmith shop.
    Banker and Mrs. E. R. Reames, of Klamath Falls, were in Medford Monday and Tuesday upon a visit to J. F. White and family. They are now visiting Jacksonville relatives.
    Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hoyt and son, of Topeka, Kansas, arrived in Medford last Saturday for a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Johnson. Mr. Hoyt is a brother of Mrs. Johnson.
    B. Turner and Robt. Macauley arrived in Medford last week from Frederic, Kansas. Mr. Macauley is a son of M. A. Macauley, who has been in Medford for several months. They are both here with the intention of locating.
    A. Paulsen returned Tuesday to his home at Cook, Nebraska, after a few weeks' visit with his friend, L. Niedermeyer. Mr. Paulsen came here in quest of a suitable place to make a home and having found this to be the country he has long been looking after, he has returned to Nebraska to get his family. He is a good, sturdy-looking gentleman, and the Mail is sure he will do well here.
    Frank Derrick, a recent arrival from Battle Creek, Nebraska, was in Medford last week. The gentleman was in Southern Oregon in '94 but returned to Nebraska. His stay here, however, was so pleasant and the country so much to his liking that he could not resist the temptation to make it his permanent abiding place--and he is here for that purpose. Mr. Derrick is an acquaintance of W. H. Bradshaw, of Lake Creek.
    Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chapman returned to Medford last week from their brief visit in Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Chapman is not especially well pleased with the people of that city. Says there's too much popcorn aristocracy there to suit him. Says men with from $10,000 to $15,000 to their credit are the whole show--in their estimation. This, coming from a man with close onto a cool million to his credit in bank stocks and cattle ranches, may seem strange, but in his home state, Montana, a man's checkbook neither makes nor unmakes the man, and the man with a dollar is as good as the one with a million--if he totes fair.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 21, 1902, page 6

    Mike Gault, the machinist, was in Jacksonville yesterday, taking down the Jacksonville Times' press, preparatory to moving it to Medford. Charley Nickell's moving time usually happens along during the holidays.
    J. H. Drake, a gentleman who arrived in Medford last fall from the East, has purchased the Lacy place on Griffin Creek. There are 120 acres in the farm, and the price paid was $5,000.
    C. A. Crissey and Leo Schroeder, of Howard City, South Dakota, were in Medford this week for a brief visit with their old-time friend, Dr. E. Kirchgessner.
    Scott Davis is having rock hauled for the foundation of his new residence, which will soon be built near G. W. Isaacs' place.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 21, 1902, page 6

    The street committee recommended that there be a cement sidewalk put down on East Seventh Street, between A and B streets. This location is in front of the Union Livery Stables, Taylor's harness shop, the K. of P. block and Pratt's feed stable.

"Meeting of City Council," Medford Mail, March 21, 1902, page 6

    The city council has purchased the vacant lot near the city bastille and it, together with part of the lot upon which stands the aforesaid house of detention, is being converted into a city pound. The lot was purchased from Palm & York, and the price paid was $200. As eight-foot closely woven wire fence is being used to enclose the premises.

    The Southern Pacific Company has a crew of carpenters repairing the stock yards in this city. They are putting in new fencing and loading chutes. The improvements will make a great improvement in the strength of the stock yards.
    Miss Clara Terrill, of Talent, who has taught school in Klamath County for the past three years, has been engaged to teaching the Lone Pine district, east of Medford, and commenced upon her duties last Monday.
    No sooner had Mr. Campbell commenced work on the reconstruction of his store front than he was swooped down upon by the mighty arm of a city ordinance and proceedings were quit for a couple of days. A warrant was sworn out by councilman Ulrich, and Mr. Campbell was accosted, charged with having violated a city ordinance in not having first secured a permit from the council. There is an ordinance in force which provides that no improvements shall be made inside the fire limits without a permit from the committee appointed to look after this matter. Mr. Campbell alleges that he secured a verbal permit from two members of the board before having commenced the work, but one of these members avers that Mr. Campbell was laboring under a misunderstanding. However, he was brought before Recorder York and was fined $5 and costs, amounting in all to $7. The fine and costs were paid, after which he was given a permit to go ahead with his work, and the carpenters are now doing a good job of work in making a thing of beauty out of one of the most dilapidated store fronts in the city.
    An "Uncle Tom's Cabin" company gave an entertainment at the opera house Friday night of last week. Those who attended were disappointed because of the fact that the show was cut short to enable the company to catch the 11:52 southbound passenger train. This is an imposition which several other shows have heaped upon the entertainment-attending people of Medford during the last two years. It is not a safe proposition to pay your money to any show aggregation which lays its plans to leave the city by this train. They almost always either cut the performance short or hurry through them in a manner which makes farcical an evening's entertainment which, if handled rightly and not hurriedly, would have afforded the ticket holders good value for their money.
    The Eugene Register says: "Mrs. A. Merriman, of Medford, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Laura Bradley, in Eugene the past week and went to Albany yesterday afternoon to visit her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Fronk. From there she will later go to Montana, Illinois and Ohio to visit relatives. Mrs. Merriman is a pioneer of Oregon and has lived in the state nearly fifty-one years, arriving in Douglas County about September 1851. She is seventy-two years of age, is the mother of sixteen children and still in good health, and has a wonderful memory. She is a daughter of W. H. Riddle, one of the earliest pioneers of Southern Oregon, and during her eastern trip will visit her early home in Sangamon County, Illinois."
    While Terry's Uncle Tom's Cabin Company was giving its performance in the opera house last Friday evening, Jack Loar became excited in an argument with some of the young men who occupy the back seats in the opera house, and used some rather expressive language. Policeman Fredenburg arrested him, and he gave bail for his appearance before Recorder York the next morning. He was fined $2.50. This is a habit that is practiced entirely too freely among the youths of this city, and a few more of these cases will no doubt break them of this obnoxious and disturbing habit.
    M. C. Campbell, the Vienna Bakery man, is making many improvements about his place this week. He is having the old front of the building removed and a new one put in, which is a great improvement. The place before the changes were made was a miserable old rookery and an eyesore to all good citizens who are alive to the benefits which are sure to accrue from the general appearance of modern and tasty architectural structures whether in a three-story brick building or the store front of a bakery. This work is being put up by the Medford Planing Mill Company and is very pretty.
    While those interested in the appearance of our city are hunting around for something to do, business with the Mail would suggest that they commence action leading to the removal of that old Crater signboard which is disgustingly and prominently perched high up over Harry Myers' jewelry store. There was at once time a beautiful picture of Crater Lake painted thereon, but that was in years agone, and prior to Mr. Myers' occupancy of the building. Now nothing but rough, weather-beaten boards are seen.
    Charley Nickell was over from Jacksonville Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and still there are those who will--possibly--believe he has nothing to do with the new paper. The new paper is scheduled to appear on Saturday of this week, but the plant was not in evidence Wednesday afternoon. Probably some good fairy with Nickell adornments will come to the rescue.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 21, 1902, page 7

    Simpson Wilson and his family have become residents of Medford, having moved down from Trail Creek last week.
    Chas. Carney and his family are now occupying their residence on West Seventh Street, which has been nicely fitted up.
    Hon. J. J. Howser steps higher than usual. All because a stranger of the male persuasion arrived at his residence recently.
    Don't forget the mask ball which will be given at Woolf's hall Friday night. Prof. Raymond is in charge of it, which is a guarantee of its excellence.
    Chas. H. Pierce, who has been suffering from a badly sprained leg for several months, is still confined to his bed, with the limb encased in plaster paris. We hope to see his familiar form on our streets soon again.
    M. C. Campbell, the enterprising proprietor of the Vienna Bakery, has put in an elegant glass front, which not only greatly improves the appearance of his place of business, but gives him a chance to display his wares to greater advantage.
The Hamlin building, which was sold by Sheriff Orme Saturday under a decree of foreclosure, was bought by Ed. Wilkinson, one of our capitalists, who bid $2,600, a big bargain. It is occupied by the Palm-Whitman Cigar Co. at present.
    Prof. Boffa denies that he is intending to leave Medford. He says he has purchased the Butler place and will make his home there. He may leave long enough to take part in concerts out of town, but has no intention of making his home outside of Medford, as was reported. He says this city has got enough music in it, but what it lacks is artistic polish.
    J. P. Jones, the traveling passenger agent of the Southern Pacific, was in Medford Wednesday, and says that the Southern Pacific is doing everything possible to encourage immigration to Southern Oregon. He says a number of families have settled in this section since the inauguration of the cheap rates. Settlers coming from the East can come to any point as far south as Ashland for the same price as to any other point in the Northwest. It was through the efforts of R. B. Miller, general passenger agent of the Southern Pacific, that Southern Oregon was given this benefit.
    A sight familiar enough to citizens, yet which attracts the attention of strangers, is the one made by J. Beek, the hardware man, and his splendid Newfoundland dog while going along the street to and from his place of business. When walking Mr. Beek leans heavily for support upon the dog, and the faithful fellow, as though conscious of the duty depending upon himself, steps slowly and carefully along, suiting his pace to that of his master. Victor, as the dog is called, can do everything but talk. He is five years old and weighs 156 pounds. Mr. Beek purchased him when a pup from John Miller of Jacksonville. The dog has a fine, broad forehead, denoting unusual sagacity and big, kindly eyes.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 27, 1902, page 4

    Walter Thompson, formerly of Medford, is now a member of the Frank Cooley Company, which played a recent engagement in Medford.
    Tying a heavy rock around his neck and jumping into the chilly waters of Bear Creek is the way in which a man by the name of Garrett, a carpenter, decided to die. His body was recovered shortly after he made the fatal plunge. He had been sick and despondent for some time, and was tired of living.
    Edwin Brown, a prominent citizen of Medford, died Tuesday evening, March 8th, after a lingering illness. The end, while not unexpected, was nevertheless a shock to his host of friends. The funeral was held from the family residence Thursday afternoon, Rev. W. B. Moore presiding. Interment was made in Odd Fellows cemetery. Mr. Brown had been a member of the well-known mercantile firm of Meeker & Co. He was born in New York state July 8, 1848, with his parents moving to Minnesota when he was eight years old. He enlisted in [the] U.S. army in 1862 and three years later was honorably discharged. April 24, 1877 he was married to Miss Clara Coyle. He moved his family to Oregon in 1888 and came to Medford after a year's residence in Roseburg. He left a wife and son to mourn his loss.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 27, 1902, page 5

    The ladies of Jacksonville and vicinity are cordially invited to call and inspect our Easter Opening Display of the finest and most stylish conceptions in spring and summer millinery that it has ever been our pleasure to bring before their notice. We have millinery at all prices and for all ages, and we are prepared to supply you with whatever you wish. Pattern hats a specialty. Millinery parlors back of Medford Bank, Medford, Or.
H. A. MEDYNSKI & CO.           
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 27, 1902, page 5

    Are you suffering from rheumatism, weak back, nervous trouble, or generally run-down system? Use Electric Belts and Batteries. For men and women. Electric Insoles keep the feet warm and prevent catching cold. For booklet and circulars address
Medford, Or.           
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 27, 1902, page 5

About the New Sheet.
    Some four weeks ago, to be exact, on the 27th day of February, 1902, a gentleman dropped into the Mail office, and in conversation with the editor of this paper stated that he was a newspaper man, Sidney D. Charles by name, formerly connected with the Baker City Republican, and had come to Southern Oregon to work for Charles Nickell, of the Democratic Times, also inquired what kind of a man Nickell was to work for.
    The next day Mr. Charles commenced preliminary steps toward starting a new paper in Medford. He was reminded of what he had said about being employed by Nickell, and thereupon stated that he would have to apologize for the misinformation he had given.
    Mr. Charles canvassed the city in the interest of his prospective paper and among other things announced that he saw a good field for an independent paper, that he had plenty of money behind him, and finally that the plant was on the way and would soon arrive.
    A building was secured. In the meantime people with a habit of putting two and two together noticed that Charles Nickell was making frequent trips to Medford, although he did not seem to have any particular business with Mr. Charles.
    On Thursday of last week M. M. Gault, the machinist, went to Jacksonville and on Friday at noon the first load of material for the new sheet arrived. It didn't come by train. It came by wagon from Jacksonville, and was part of the plant of the Democratic Times, which has been published by Nickell in Jacksonville for thirty years past. Other loads arrived until by Saturday night the entire publishing plant of the Times, printers, proprietor and all, was in Medford. Nothing was left of the Times except the mailing list and files.
    Saturday was given out as the day of publication of the alleged new sheet, but it didn't come out until Monday afternoon.
    It purports to be published by the Southern Oregonian Printing Co., Sidney D. Charles, editor. Mr. Charles stated to persons in Medford that he had purchased the plant from Nickell and that was the extent of the latter's connection with the business. However that may be, Nickell was very much in evidence at the birth of the new venture, even going so far as to lend some of the advertising from the Times to help fill up. The work about the office was carried on under his direction. Indeed, he took much interest in a business the plant for which he had just sold. Another thing, in making up his Jacksonville items the force of habit caused him to "small cap" "The Times" wherever the name occurred.
    Articles of incorporation have been filed of the Southern Oregonian Printing Co., in the office of the secretary of state, with a capital of $10,000 (all paid up, presumably). The incorporators of record are: Sidney D. Charles. Rose Riley and Henry Pape. Mr. Charles is here. Rose Riley--does anyone know who she is? Henry Pape is well known here, is now a resident of Salem, a brother of Charles Nickell, and, by the way, was one of the incorporators of the now (almost) extinct corporation, The Times Printing Co.
    The mode of procedure indicated above leads to several inquiries: Why should Mr. Charles suddenly abandon his plan of an entirely new plant, and purchase that of Nickell? Why should Nickell sell out a plant in a town where he had done business so long, and where he had an established paper? Why, if the intention was all along to consolidate the new papers, was it necessary to create the impression that such was not the case, and to solicit business for the new sheet on the basis of an entirely new proposition?
    As a matter of fact the whole transaction has had the air of delusion from the very first time Mr. Charles made his advent into the newspaper arena of Southern Oregon. The object of this delusion is patent on the surface to those who know of any part of the history of Mr. Nickell. The only object in printing the above few lines is to convince the people of Medford beyond a peradventure that it is Nickell who is the "it" of the new sheet and that he has been deluding or endeavoring to, from the start.
    The Mail is not going to go away back and sit down, but instead will continue to do business at the old stand, and its publisher is satisfied that his and the paper's friends of many years are not going to withdraw all their patronage and give it to a man whose reputation is so well known as is that of Charles Nickell.
Medford Mail, March 28, 1902, page 2

    Monsignor Blanchet, vicar general of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Oregon, well known to old residents of this county, passed through the valley one day last week en route to Portland after an extended visit to Mexico and other points, whither he went in quest of health.
"Jacksonville Items," Medford Mail, March 28, 1902, page 3

    H. G. Fairclo, of Ashland, has made arrangements to move his family to Medford in August and place his three children in the Academy. Mr. Fairclo taught the first private school in Medford, fifteen years ago, in the brick building which has since been remodeled for the Jackson County Bank.
"Academy Notes," Medford Mail, March 28, 1902, page 3

    Miss Boon, of Medford, has been engaged to teach the Antioch school which commences Monday, March 31st.
"Beagle Items," Medford Mail, March 28, 1902, page 5

    F. Osenbrugge was at Grants Pass this week making a shipment of dried prunes.
    E. A. Jones, of South Whitney, Ind., arrived in Medford last Saturday and will spend the summer here. The gentleman is a brother of Mrs. C. C. Pletcher.
    Mrs. E. W. Scott left Tuesday for Igerna, Calif., where she will pack her household effects preparatory to moving them to Medford, where herself and husband will reside.
    Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hoyt, of Topeka, Kansas, left Sunday evening for Grants Pass, where they will visit relatives prior to their return to their home. Mr. H. is a brother of Mrs. T. W. Johnson, of this city.
    Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Damon returned Wednesday evening from their winter's stay with their son, U. M. Damon, at Oroville, Calif.
    Messrs. P. M. Kershaw and G. A. Dunlap left this week for the Waldo country, where they will do photography for a couple or three weeks.
    Miss Mae Earhart, who has been postmaster at Ft. Wrangel, Alaska, for several years, returned to her home near Medford on Tuesday of this week. The young lady has resigned her position and will reside here with her mother.
    Miss Hope Jenkins, who has been spending part of the winter in Southern California, stopped off in Medford last week for a few days' visit with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Howland. The young lady left Sunday evening for her home at Sherburn, Minnesota.
    J. Court Hall, of Gold Hill, and his brother, Dr. Hall of Lakeview, left for the East Tuesday. They will visit their old home in Ohio and from there will go to New York City, from which place the doctor will leave for Europe, where he will finish his education. After a few weeks' visit in New York Court will return to Oregon.
    Will H. Stewart returned Sunday evening from San Francisco, where he had been for two weeks undergoing treatment at the Lane Hospital. The operation was that of skin grafting. This is the second operation which Mr. Stewart has had performed, and he feels confident that it is the last one which will be necessary. In this last operation pieces of skin nearly the size of one's hand were removed from one part of his body and grafted onto other parts.
    Perry Stewart and O. S. Snyder returned Tuesday evening from their six weeks' stay at Portland and Vancouver, Wash., where, Perry says, they have been doing carpenter work between showers, but the showers came along too frequent to make his work profitable and he decided to again habitate the land where climatic conditions are more congenial and the between-shower work is more than fifteen minutes at one time--and he's here to stay--ditto Mr. Snyder.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 28, 1902, page 6

    From the Eugene Journal:--John H. Rhinehart arrived here from his present home in San Francisco on the overland Tuesday night. He said that his son Eugene has a good position in the freight auditor's department of the Southern Pacific railroad. Lillian and her husband reside at Coquille City.
    The Palm-York Company has fitted up office rooms in the rooms formerly occupied by George Kurtz' cigar factory. This is a very convenient location and a very pleasant place for prospective real estate purchasers to linger while the many virtues of the Rogue River Valley are being extolled by the proprietors.
    Those who have visited the millinery parlors of H. A. Medynski & Co. are loud in their praise of the elaborate display of spring hats and millinery novelties, as well as they have a license to praise, for it is indeed a place of much beauty and taste.
    Loren Damon and family have moved to Medford from the Wallace Woods ranch, near Central Point. Mr. Damon will operate the Barneburg place east of Medford the coming season and will soon move thereto.
    The Mail is having halftone cuts made of orchard and fruit scenes near Medford. When these arrive this office will use them, together with descriptive matter, in printing letterheads for our customers about the city.
    Messrs. Wilson & Russell have repainted the interior of their Rialto confectionery establishment--and various other improvements are noticeable thereabouts.
    Merchant J. G. Taylor is having a new cement sidewalk put in this week. G. W. Priddy is doing the work.
    For several years W. R. Jones and his son, Wilbur, have made quite a success in growing wheat on their fine farm north and west of Medford, but they have decided to diversify their pursuits to some extent and have ordered enough Newtown pippin apple trees to set out forty acres of land, and next fall the planting will be commenced. The thorough manner in which their grain farm has been handled is as good a guarantee as is needed for their success as horticulturalists.
    The brick block occupied by the Medford cigar factory, and belonging to G. W. Hamlin, was sold at sheriff's sale last Saturday to Ed. Wilkinson for $2675. The amount of the mortgage and costs was $2393.78.
    Electrician Gurnea has been busily engaged this week in installing electric lights in the M.E. Church--an improvement in the lighting of the church which cannot fail of approval by the congregation.
    J. W. Miller has a foundation laid for a new residence which he is erecting on property purchased a few months ago from W. T. York, situated south from Mr. York's new residence.
    Mrs. Slinger, who a few months ago purchased the entire holdings of the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Company, has closed her meat market in this city.
"Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 28, 1902, page 6

    E. W. Calkins:--"Here is an item taken from a Seattle paper. It tells of the death of W. F. Wing of that city. Mr. Wing is my brother-in-law, he and I having married sisters. He was a machinist by trade and a very fine man in every way. His death was accidental and occurred last Friday while he was adjusting some overhead hangers and pulleys in a large butter factory. One of the pulleys burst and a piece of it struck him on the head and fractured his skull. He was taken to a hospital but died soon after. The funeral services were conducted by the K. of P. lodge on Sunday. He leaves a wife and one small child. Mrs. Wing visited Medford last summer, and it was here and at that time that the baby above referred to was born. Mrs. Calkins is now with them in Seattle."
    W. H. Barr, while up at Mrs. Mills' homestead on Big Butte last week, met with quite a serious and almost fatal accident. Himself and Benj. Parker, a young man living in that vicinity, were engaged in tearing down an old building, and when Parker was knocking a joist loose with an ax the joist loosened easier than expected and fell, striking the ax handle in such a manner as to drive the blade into the forehead of Mr. Barr, who was standing nearby. Fortunately, Mr. Barr saw the ax coming and avoided the full force of the blow on his head by throwing up his arm, which was struck by the handle. The wound was dressed by Dr. Parker, who lives nearby, and Mr. Barr was able to drive to Medford Monday.
    The Mail has been asked by one of our city councilmen to print for the benefit of recent arrivals in our city the following facts regarding the situation of the city and the water ditch company, as it stands today and as it has stood for the past several months. The old ditch company at one time, during the administration of a former board of councilmen, made a proposition to supply water to the city at four cents per thousand gallons. Afterwards the ditch company was reorganized and the new company would not countenance the four-cent proposition, but made a new one as follows: For the first 100,000 gallons used per day, seven and one-half cents per thousand; for the next 100,000 gallons, five cents per thousand; for the next 100,000 gallons, three cents per thousand gallons, and all over the amount two and one-half cents per thousand, but this proposition was afterwards withdrawn and at the present time there is no proposition before the board. The city has never used to exceed 200,000 gallons of water in any one day, and the average daily use throughout the year is 50,000. If there were 200,000 gallons used each day the cost per thousand would be six and one-fourth cents, according to the exact wording of the proposition made by the ditch company, but as only 50,000 are used per day the cost to the city would be seven and one-half cents. No proposition, we are told, was ever made the board for furnishing lights for the city by the ditch company. The Mail regrets very much that negotiations are not now under way whereby the city can one of these days use this Fish Lake water. It would surely be an improvement over the water we are now using, and the further benefit which would accrue to the city from the construction of the ditch to a point near Medford would manifest itself in many instances. The Mail believes the present board of councilmen have no object in dealing otherwise than fair with the company, and believing this we are going to suggest that the councilmen get together, figure out just what price the city can afford to pay for water, and say to the ditch company we will guarantee to use a certain number of gallons of water and for this we can afford to pay a certain price per thousand gallons. There would be no complaint entered if the council contracted for water at a figure but little less than the city would receive for it from consumers. The better quality of water would prevent any vigorous protests, and again there would be much more water consumed than there now is. This is a proposition which ought to be entertained and if possible a contract made. On the other hand, the ditch company ought not to expect the city to enter into a contract which cannot be lived up to without embarrassing the city financially, or one which, when effective, will be so at a loss to the city.
    The Frank Cooley Company concluded a very successful engagement of four nights at the opera house on Saturday evening last. The company has a repertoire of strong plays, which are presented in first-class shape by the interpreters. The company is a well-balanced one, and the support given Mr. Cooley in the leading roles had much to do with the favorable opinion it created. Every role from the star to the smallest in the cast was intelligently interpreted and pleasingly presented. It is safe to say that if Mr. Cooley should ever play a return date in Medford he will be heartily welcomed by our theater-going people. In this connection it might not be out of the way to say that much of the pleasure of theatrical performances in Medford is lost by the faulty acoustical construction of the opera house, so that many good shows give this city the go-by, and also many people stay away from entertainments because they cannot hear. It is rather more than a rumor that there is under contemplation the construction of a new opera house in the not far distant future.
    One of our townspeople is responsible for the assertion that there's a new fake being worked by members of the tramp family. It hardly seems creditable that this class of people could devise a new fake, in the face of the many devices they have worked upon the charitably inclined denizens of this benignant region, but such is the case. Our informant relates that only a few days since a tramp made application at his roof-tree door for a meal, and after his volume of hard luck stories had been spun without any seeming effect upon the lady of the house--and no meal was forthcoming--he started out on a new lead and asked if the lady would kindly give him a postage stamp with which he could mail a letter to his relatives in the East and acquaint them with his dire distress in this cruel and heartless community. The lady of course would give up a stamp in an emergency case--such as this was pictured, and graciously received it was deposited by the tramp in a large envelope--and the husband who was taking in the proceedings while standing behind the door discovered that this envelope was full, two-thirds full, of new, bright stamps of the two-cent denomination. There were probably two dollars worth of stamps in the envelope, which were doubtless traded for drink or morphine before the bogus charity subject left the city.
    W. H. Bush was about the city Tuesday soliciting contributions in money with which to purchase an artificial leg for Miss Maud Stimson, daughter of Fred Stimson, living east of Medford. It will be remembered that something over two years ago Miss Stimson was taking treatment in Medford for tuberculosis of the knee joint. A cure was not effected and the limb was amputated. The young lady is most deserving, and the generous contributions being made by our people show plainly their desire to help a needy person or cause. Mr. Stimson is unable to spend the necessary money, and the only means at hand to assist the girl are those adopted--and the move is a commendable one.
    J. G. Hodges, who sold his place in East Medford recently to Mr. Batchelder, of Iowa, has again invested in Jackson County real estate, having purchased 155 acres of land from T. McAndrew. The land purchased is the north half of Mr. McAndrew's farm, east and north of Medford, and lies between the Eagle Point road and Bear Creek. The price paid was $6340. Mr. Hodges has already ordered lumber for use in the construction of a 40x52-foot barn on his new place, which will be built at once. He will also build an eight-room, two-story dwelling thereon during the coming summer.
    E. C. Boeck, the wagon maker, has plans made for a new residence which will be built this spring on his very pretty property, on South A Street. The house will be 28x28 feet in size with a 6x9 hall at the main entrance, two large porches and two bay windows. The structure will be put up in the best shape possible and will be another ornament to that part of the city. That locality has built up wonderfully in the past few years, and all of the new buildings are good, substantial homes.
    Lizzie Hoover:--"I wish you would advertise the fact this week that I have received a new stock of pattern hats--came Wednesday of this week, and I sold ten of them the same day. Oh, my millinery opening was a crowning success. I sold out nearly every hat I had on hand, and all the ladies who visited my store on opening days know that I had in a big stock. Many visitors told me it was the finest line of hats ever brought to Medford. It was to me a very satisfactory display inasmuch as I sold them all out. My new stock is as good as those shown on opening days."
    Dr. I. L. Arnold has sold his new residence and lot, corner C and Ninth streets, to W. H. Moore, the consideration being $1600. Mr. Moore is the father-in-law of W. L. Orr, the West Side merchant, and has been a resident of Medford for several months. He is a cracking good citizen, and Medford has good reasons to rejoice that himself and estimable family are now permanently anchored here. This real estate deal was made through the F. M. Stewart agency. Dr. Arnold expects to leave within a few weeks for Colorado, where he will practice his profession.
    The store fixtures for the Medford Drug Company were brought from Weeks Bros.' mill at Phoenix Monday, and the carpenters and decorators are now busily engaged in getting them in shape for Mr. Humason to open his store. Messrs. Ling & Boardman are doing the decorating work.
    Asahel Hubbard has purchased a tract of land 60x108 feet in size from the Minnick property on South C Street. This recent purchase is at the rear of his residence property and gives him opportunity for a driveway from C to B streets. The price paid was $100, and the deal made through the F. M. Stewart real estate agency.
    E. S. Wolfer, the tinsmith, is at work on the galvanized cornice for G. W. Priddy's new residence. Mr. Wolfer has but recently put in new machinery which is especially made for the manufacture of this sort of cornice and ridge boards and is working up a good business in that line.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 28, 1902, page 7

The Southern Oregonian, Semi-Weekly, Appears.
    A Medford dispatch of March 29th says: The Southern Oregonian, Medford's new semi-weekly paper, has made its first appearance, and was met with open arms by the public. The paper is a seven-column folio sheet, and appeals to nonpartisan readers. Sidney D. Charles, the editor, has announced that the paper is to be free in every respect, that it will be independent of all political parties or factions, and will devote its pages entirely to the interests of Medford and Southern Oregon's business interests. The paper will appear Wednesday and Saturday evening of each week. It has independent telegraphic service. The advertising patronage for the first edition was far in excess of anticipation.
The Daily Journal, Salem, March 31, 1902, page 1

    The shipment of trees to Rogue River Valley has been enormous this year, according to the statement of A. H. Carson, horticultural commissioner. The majority of the trees, he says, are apple sprouts.
    W. H. Stewart, the energetic horticulturist, has returned from San Francisco, where he spent some time in the Lane Hospital. He underwent a second operation for skin-grafting, which seems to be entirely successful.

"Southern Oregon News," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 3, 1902, page 2

    Mrs. Dr. Pletcher is being visited by her brother, E. A. Jones, of South Whitney, Ind.
    Miss Gertie Johnson, who is suffering from paralysis of the tongue and throat, is quite ill.
    One of the late arrivals in Medford is E. M. Jenkins, formerly of Browning, Mo. Mr. Jenkins is an expert woodworker and expects to work up a large trade in this city.
    John B. Rhinehart, formerly of Medford but now of San Francisco, is visiting in Eugene. His son Eugene holds a position in the freight auditor's department of the S.P. Co.
    At the Republican primary meeting recently held in East Medford, one of our capitalists moved that none but taxpayers be chosen as delegates to the county convention. The motion was lost.
    The Southern Oregon Pork Packing Co.'s butcher shop has been closed permanently. This leaves two meat markets in Medford--Arnold & Barneburg's and Pottenger & Co.'s --both of which would be a credit to any town.
    W. R. Jones and his son Wilbur, whose fine farm is located near Medford, will hereafter devote considerable attention to the raising of apples. For several years they have been among our most successful grain raisers.
    Thomas McAndrews has sold 155 acres of his fine farm, situated near Medford, to J. G. Hodges, who has sold more land than nearly everybody else not engaged in the real estate business. The price paid was in the neighborhood of $7,000.
    Mrs. E. E. Gore, Jr., the popular instructor of music, returned from Jacksonville yesterday, where she has quite a number of pupils. In addition to that class Mrs. Gore teaches a larger one in Medford. She is thorough in her profession, which accounts for her success.
    The Presbyterian Church congregation last Sunday issued a unanimous call for Rev. James Robinson of Reading, Pa. The minister was highly recommended, and is considered one of the leading preachers in his district. It is understood that he will come immediately.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 3, 1902, page 2

    Wm. Simmons, the C Street merchant, was at the county seat this week.
    A. H. Carson, horticultural commissioner for this district, was in Medford Monday, en route to Ashland.
    F. Osenbrugge, the genial dealer in agricultural implements, wagons, etc., who has been buying a large quantity of fruit during the past season, was at Grants Pass a few days ago, looking after the shipment of a carload of dried prunes.
    Miss Mae Earhart, who has been efficiently filling the position of postmaster of Fort Wrangel, Alaska, has resigned the position and returned to her home near Medford.
    J. W. Berriam, superintendent of the fish hatcheries of Rogue River and Elk Creek, was in Medford Tuesday. He reports the health of Judge Crowell, who is afflicted with heart disease, as being poorly.
    Hon. J. H. Stewart has returned from a trip to his farm on Rogue River. That section is well adapted to the fruit industry, and he has planted a considerable area in apples and pears, particularly the latter.
    We are sorry to learn that Dr. I. L. Arnold is closing his business and will leave soon for West Cliff, Colo., where he practiced his profession for ten years before coming to Oregon. He is a skilled workman and a worthy gentleman, and made many friends during his residence here.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 3, 1902, page 5

    The first practice game of base ball of the season was played Sunday in Jacksonville. The score stood 12 to 14 in favor of Medford.
    The game was close throughout, and some brilliant plays were made. Helms of Jacksonville made the only home runs. Both Donegan and Dow did good work as pitchers for their respective teams. There is plenty of good material among the players. The next game will be in two weeks' time at Jacksonville. The lineup is as follows:
Medford                     Position                 Jacksonville
McCaully . . . . . . . . . . c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ulrich
Dow  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p . . . . . . . . . . . . . Donegan
Anderson . . . . . . . . . . ss . . . . . . . . . . . . . Donegan
Barkdull . . . . . . . . . . . fb . . . . . . . . . . . .  McIntyre
H. Myers . . . . . . . . . . sb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Helms
J. Childers . . . . . . . . . tb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buckley
F. Isaacs . . . . . . . . . . . rf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carney
Miles . . . . . . . . . . . . . cf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . McCune
Rothermel  . . . . . . . . . lf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eaton
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 3, 1902, page 5

    Dr. E. E. Emerson, the optician, who recently located in Medford, made Jacksonville a professional visit this week.
    Eliza Jane Wrisley, an old and respected resident of Medford, died at the family residence Monday, March 31, aged 76 years. The funeral services were held this morning from the residence, interment being in Jacksonville Cemetery. Rev. T. L. Crandall officiated. A large number of friends attended the funeral.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 3, 1902, page 5

    R. H. Hodge and son, Walter, have purchased an orchard near Medford, the Orchard Home tract. They will care for their orchard and keep their feed mill running at this place.
"Central Point Items," Medford Mail, April 4, 1902, page 3

    E. W. Starr was granted a permit to repair and change the front in the Phipps building.
"Meeting of City Council," Medford Mail, April 4, 1902, page 3

    The resignation of councilman F. K. Deuel was presented and accepted. In justice to Mr. Deuel we will give the facts in a subsequent issue of the Mail, which led up to the tender of his resignation.
"Meeting of City Council," Medford Mail, April 4, 1902, page 3

    Last Sunday about thirty of the members of the Sunday school went flower picking on the hills adjoining town and report a very pleasant time. Prof. Robt. Jonas took his camera and secured several pictures of the group.
    N. B. Nye, of Medford brother of Chauncey Nye, of Flounce Rock, came out last week for a visit with the latter and his good wife at the residence of A. J. Florey, at this place. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Nye, of the Medford Racket Store, came out last Sunday and spent the day, so they had a sort of family reunion and a very pleasant visit.
"Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, April 4, 1902, page 5

    Geo. E. Weber et ux. to Michael Trafe, parcel of land in Medford . . . 1200

    J. D. Whitman et ux. to B. F. Adkins, 120 acres in sec. 16 and 17, twp 37s, r1w . . .
    S. W. McClendon
et ux. to Forest J. Hecox, 8.79 acres in sec. 17, twp 37s, r2w . . . 140
    Geo. H. Andrews et ux. to F. K. Deuel, lot 3
, blk 23, Medford . . . 150
    Thos. McAndrew to Jesse G. Hodges. 155 acres in dlc No. 40, twp 37s, r2w
. . . 6339
    Jesse G. Hodges to R. Batchelder, 40.56
acres in dlc No. 42, twp 47s, r1w . . . 5500
    Alex Orme to Bertha S. Barnum tax deed to lots 17 and 18, blk 23, Medford . . . 100
"Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, April 4, 1902, page 5

    W. J. Prall was down from the Wait rock quarry over Sunday.

    Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sample left Monday for the Wait rock quarry, where they will be employed.
    Samuel Owings, father of photographer Owings, of this city, arrived here last week from Sedalia, Missouri. He expects to make this place his home.
    Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Howard returned to Medford Thursday evening after a several months' visit with their daughter, Mrs. B. S. Webb, and family of Covina, California.
    J. L. Rider and family returned to Medford Sunday after a year's stay in Ashland and are now living in West Medford. Mr. Rider will work for W. S. Barnum on his railroad.
    Misses Bessie and Delpha Hammond, students at the state university, are spending the week at their home in this city with their parents, attorney and Mrs. A. S. Hammond.
    Mrs. Mary Fairchild, of Yreka, Calif., who has been visiting her father, W. J. Plymale, at Jacksonville, left for her home Tuesday evening, accompanied by her brother, David Plymale.
    Mrs. W. V. Lippincott returned to Medford last Friday after a winter's stay at Pasadena, Calif. Her son, Walter, who has been with her a good part of the winter, is now employed at office work in Los Angeles.
    W. J. Ferguson, locally known as "Bill Nye," left Monday morning for Hornbrook, Calif., at which place he began work with the Southern Pacific railroad company's bridge construction crew, working between Ashland and Dunsmuir.
    Mrs. E. W. Calkins returned this week from Seattle, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. W. F. Wing, whose husband was killed in Seattle a couple of weeks ago. Mrs. Wing will make her residence in Medford for some time. Her husband carried a life insurance policy to the amount of $6,500.
    C. H. Lewis of Portland, owner of the Weeks & Orr orchards, was in the city Monday. He visited the farm while here and seemed well satisfied with the condition of things and the progress being made with the routine farm work. There is little danger of Alf Weeks, the manager, doing other than the right thing at the right time.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 4, 1902, page 6

    A change in the management of the Medford machine shops was made on Thursday of this week, Mike Gault having sold a half interest in that business to Wm. Cook, of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mr. Cook is a first-class mechanic in every branch of mechanical and foundry work and is just out of the shops at Albuquerque. These gentlemen will make extensive improvements about their shops and will in a short time be able to do work that cannot be equalled outside of the cities.

    The proprietors of the Union Livery Stables have a crew of men at work putting new flooring in the Nash Livery Stable and making divers other improvements. On the 15th inst. they will open this barn and run it in connection with their other stables.
    More new cement sidewalks are being put down this week. J. W. Prall and Mrs. Mingus are those who now have men at that kind of work.
    Miss Edith Osenbrugge has taken a position as office clerk and typewriter in City Recorder York's office.
"Additional Local," Medford Mail, April 4, 1902, page 6

    The Oregon Granite Co. is at work this week putting up a new granite monument base for the Taylor boys. The base when completed will weigh 4000 pounds and takes the place of a sandstone base. They are also placing a granite foundation for Scott Davis' new residence. They have ordered a large stock of marble that is being shipped via Cape Horn to San Francisco. When this shipment arrives they will place a large marble monument in Medford cemetery for D. H. Miller. [Miller is buried in the Jacksonville cemetery.] The company has worked up an excellent trade in Southern Oregon, and their work is always in demand.

    Olin Whitman, newsboy for the Medford Book Store, is making life worth living in his morning rounds of paper delivery by bringing a saddle horse into use. He delivers about 200 daily papers each morning, and to do it on foot was no light task.
    N. S. Bennett, the Eden precinct orchardist, has been busily engaged in house grafting fruit settings. He has made 25000 apple and pear grafts. He sent east for his seedling roots and onto these he has grafted apple and pear scions, and now his brother-in-law, W. S. Chapman, is putting the roots in the ground and by next fall they expect to be able to supply many of the orchardists of the valley with trees for planting. The varieties grafted were principally Yellow Newtown apples and Comice pears.
    Mr. Julius Wetzel, of Portland, and Miss Lulu Lyon, of this city, were married at Jacksonville on Monday of this week. Mr. Wetzel is superintendent of the bridge construction crew, operating along the Southern Pacific between here and Portland. The bride is the beautiful and accomplished daughter of our good townsman, Mr. J. A. Lyon. They left Tuesday evening for San Francisco, where they will remain for a short time, after which they will go to Portland, where they will reside.
    W. G. Knips and Miss Hattie Haben were married Sunday last. Mr. Knips is a prosperous and well-to-do farmer, living west of Medford, and came here from Minnesota but a short time ago. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. E. Maben, living west of Medford, and is a young lady who has many friends in this locality who are now extending congratulations. They will reside in the fine new farm residence which the groom has recently made ready for their occupancy.
    J. R. Wilson is having rock hauled for the foundation to his new assembly hall, on Eighth Street.
    Attorney W. H. Parker returned to Medford Wednesday morning from Oakland, Calif., at which place he has been stopping with his family since last October. He will remain in Medford for some time and practice law, having secured desk room in attorney Snell's law office, but the family will remain in Oakland, Mrs. Parker's health having improved very much since going there. Watt Parker is employed at carpentering and is getting good wages. Willie is now working in a harness shop, but was formerly clerking in a grocery store. I. M. Muller, Mr. Parker's son-in-law, is bookkeeper for the American Steel and Iron Company, and has been promoted several times. He has eschewed all his old-time habits and is now a model man, and has joined the Christian Scientists. Dr. Odgers, Mr. Parker says, is engaged in the grocery business in Berkeley, but as his health is not good he will probably be compelled to quit the business. Mr. Parker's many friends hereabouts will be pleased to hear the above good news as regards his family, and also that his health has been materially improved. He, however, has been busy during his absence, having prepared the manuscript for two new law books.
    J. W. Baker, senior proprietor of the Grants Pass Steam Laundry, is in Medford this week arranging for the establishment of a laundry business in Medford. The plan he has mapped out will be that of putting on a laundry wagon, thereby introducing a free collecting and delivery of laundry articles. The laundry work for the present will be done in Grants Pass. The fact that the Medford city water is not considered suitable for laundry work precludes any possibility of establishing a plant here for the present. Mr. Barker will commence making a from-house-to-house canvass next week, and he is hopeful that sufficient work will be given him to warrant the establishment of a branch here. The Baker laundry does good work, and in all probability the proprietors will meet with success. A new rig has been ordered, and within a few weeks will appear on our streets--in decided metropolitan style.
    The Mail has been asked by a resident of West Medford to call parents' attention to the fact that some of the girls and boys of our town have gotten into the habit of seeking trysting places near the outskirts of our city, on the west, and that it is no uncommon occurrence to see two or more quite young girls stroll out that way between twelve o'clock noon and one o'clock p.m., and a little later as many boys can be seen going in the same direction, but by a different route. None of the parties rarely ever return until about or after four o'clock. How far they go out our informant did not know, but he thought it was a matter which the parents generally ought to know of and that there ought to be a stop put to it at once. He presumed these girls and boys were thought to be at school by their parents. Whether this be the case or not, no good can come from the habit and it should at once be stopped. He has promised to secure the names of the parties which he will report direct to their parents.
    Mrs. L. J. Sears, the milliner, has rented the Phipps building, corner of North B and Seventh streets, and will move her stock of millinery goods thereto as soon as the building is ready for occupancy. Contractor E. W. Starr is now at work making some changes in the front of the building. A large show window will be put in on the west side at the corner and the front generally overhauled. It will be a good location and will give the lady an opportunity to make a better display of her goods.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 4, 1902, page 7

    H. Murphy, of Woodbine, Ia., arrived Tuesday, and is looking over the country, with a view to locating his home.
    Misses Delpha and Bessie Hammond, students at the state university, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hammond.
    Members of the Olive Rebekah Lodge initiated Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Jacobs, Mrs. F. M. Wilson, Mrs. T. E. Pottenger and Charles O. King into the mysteries of the lodge last Tuesday evening. After the initiating ceremonies were over, April fool refreshments were served.

"Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, April 6, 1902, page 21

    There has been considerable rain and wind during the past few days, and some snow has fallen on the hills. It seems as if springtime will never come, gentle Annie.

"Southern Oregon News," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 10, 1902, page 1

    F. K. Deuel spent yesterday at Ashland, where he will open a store soon.
    S. A. Hartzell and family, formerly of Steamboat, have become residents of Medford.
    Miss Letha Hardin, who has been in California for about a year, got back Tuesday evening.
    Wm. H. Gore of Pooh Bah and his wife were in Medford yesterday, en route to Portland.
    Judge Crowell, who has been on Rogue River, returned yesterday evening, improved in health.
    Dr. E. Kirchgessner expects to leave on a trip east of the Rocky Mountains soon, to be gone several months.
    Chas. H. Pierce, who has been confined to his room for some time with an injured leg, is able to be about again.
    I. A. Webb got back from California this week, considerably improved in health. Mrs. W. returned with him.
    Miss Lida Schneider arrived from Grand Rapids, Mich. recently, and will lay a homestead claim somewhere in Southern Oregon.
    E. Ehwegen, the energetic manager of the Medford branch of Weinhard's Brewing Co., has been at different points in Southern Oregon lately.
    Geo. King, the champion land locator, is preparing for an active campaign, and expects to put more people into Southern Oregon this season than ever.
    Dr. Goble, the clever optician, and his newly made wife, got back from their honeymoon Sunday, but left next day for Grants Pass. They will visit several Southern Oregon points before returning.

Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 10, 1902, page 5

    C. C. Doughty of Medford, the printer, was one of our visitors Monday.
    The Nash Livery Stable was opened March 15th, and is run in connection with the Union Livery Stable.

    Medford's butchers will soon inaugurate a Sunday-closing scheme, which is quite a proper one. They will hereafter open their shops only a little while in the morning of that day.

    Mrs. L. J. Sears has rented the Phipps building, on Seventh Street, and will move into it with a stock of millinery goods as soon as the building is repaired. Mrs. Sears will keep up-to-date styles.
    Mrs. Ivan Humason and daughter arrived from Portland this week, to make their home in Medford. Mr. Humason expects to open his new drug store the first of the week. He has been considerably delayed by being unable to get material as fast as needed. The store when fitted up will be one of the finest drug stores in Southern Oregon. Mr. Humason believes that nothing is too good for the Medford trade.
    C. W. Palm says a number of intending settlers get off the train every day. His firm has made several sales of farms during the past week. Some stop in Medford, but the majority are scattering over Jackson County. Every new settler means an increased revenue for the county, a help in lessening the public debt and an increased demand for the trade of the merchant. There is plenty of room in Southern Oregon for all who may come.
    The wind went on a wild frolic about town Sunday night and Monday, reached a velocity of about 50 miles an hour Sunday night. It sang tunes upon the wires in a wild manner and rattled doors and windows in a way which kept many people awake. Monday it took liberties with hats and umbrellas, which it whirled about in unholy glee. While the rain following the wind has done no harm, farmers are anxious to see good weather.
    J. W. Baker says he will give Medford the benefit of a good first-class laundry service. He has arranged to start the Southern Oregon Steam Laundry agency in Medford, with headquarters in Palm & York's office on Seventh Street. He will start a first-class delivery wagon costing $200 and equal to any they have in Portland. The work will be done at his steam laundry in Grants Pass, but customers in Jacksonville will be given the benefit [of] the same service enjoyed by the people of that town.
    A. W. Hubbs, the popular salesman for Deuel & Co., says there are not many changes in styles in men's clothing this season. Instead of combination suits, those to match will be work more than usual. The shirt waists are dying out. Instead of any decided styles people are dressing more according to comfort than with an eye to style. The cutaway and swallowtail will not be used except for dress occasion for business or working suits; except in the case of women professional men, they are totally out of place. The battle and narrow four-in-hand are the proper thing for summer suits. The hats and shoes will depend upon the tastes of the wearers.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 10, 1902, page 5

The Rialto Changed Hands.
    H. C. Shearer, proprietor of the Rialto cigar store, has sold that establishment to Messrs. John J. Vis and Frank S. Gould, and possession was taken by the new proprietors Thursday morning.
    The new proprietors are but recently from Grand Rapids, Mich., at which place Mr. Vis was manager for a large stock brokerage institution, and Mr. Gould was manager for the Postal Telegraph Company. They came here about a month ago with the intention of procuring timber claims up in the mountains, but with no thought of making this their permanent abiding place, but after a couple or three weeks' stay they could not resist the temptation to drop anchor right here, and the purchase of the above-mentioned business is the result.
    They have each taken a homestead up Rogue River way, have sent for their families--they will be here about May 1st--and they have become fully and completely identified with our city's business and its interests.
    These gentlemen are as fine fellows as one often meets--genial, whole-souled--and cannot fail to make friends on all sides. They have purchased as good a paying business as there is in the city, and that the trade will hold its own under the present proprietorship goes without saying among those who have met the gentlemen. They will continue to handle the very best brands of cigars, tobaccos and smokers' articles, and are extending a general invitation to the people of Medford and vicinity to come in and get acquainted. They promise courteous treatment, good goods and honest prices.
    Mr. Shearer will give his attention to the development of his mining interests near the famous Steamboat ledge, in this county.
Medford Mail, April 11, 1902, page 2

The Medford Telephone Case.
From Monday's Portland Evening Telegram.
   Argument was heard this morning before Judge Bellinger in the United States Court as to whether the City of Medford has the right to impose a special yearly license of $100 upon the Sunset Telephone & Telegraph Company. The case came up on an order for the city to show cause why it should not be enjoined from imposing such a license.
    Last December the city council of Medford passed an ordinance by the terms of which the telephone company was to be required to pay a yearly license of $100, and also regulating the price of telephones, making the monthly price $1.50. As the company refused to obey the ordinance the city government was about to take down the poles when a bill in equity was filed in the United States Court, and the city enjoined from proceeding further.
    The company claimed that such an ordinance would interfere with interstate commerce laws, under which the Sunset Company acts; that the yearly tax was excessive, and that the city had not the right to regulate the price of telephones. It was stated that the company has 61 telephones in the city of Medford, and that while it would be willing to pay a yearly license of $20, it could not pay the larger amount.
    Watson & Beekman appeared for the City of Medford this morning. Judge Watson, who made the argument, admitted that the city could not interfere with interstate commerce, but contended that this was not a tax on the entire system, but on the local lines used in Medford, which, he said, the council has a right to impose.
    As to the matter of regulating the price of telephones, he admitted the city was going beyond its authority in that respect. E. C. Pillsbury, of San Francisco, who represented the company, argued that the entire ordinance was invalid, but said his company would agree to pay $20, which was a just tax in view of the small amount of business done in that city.
    The matter will be taken under advisement.
Medford Mail,
April 11, 1902, page 2

    Mrs. Emma Baker, who has been stopping in Medford for some time, came out last Saturday and was a guest at the Sunnyside Hotel over Sunday. On Monday, in company with her brother, J. Tungate, and cousin, Wm. Beale, she went up to Mt. Pitt precinct to visit her parents and her two boys.
"Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, April 11, 1902, page 5

    R. W. Gray to Altha H. Russell, lots 16, 17, 18, blk 46, Medford . . . 1
    Thos. D. Ross to Robert Ashworth, 11.59 acres, sec. 2, twp 37s, r2w . . . 350
    John H. Downing to Howard E. Meranda, lots 19 and 22, Orchard Home tract . . . 200
    F. H. Schofield to Samuel S. Pentz, parcel of land in Galloway and Lumsden's add. Medford, also land in sec. 16, twp 35s, r2w . . . 500
   H. E. Meranda to R. H. Hodge, lots 19 and 22, blk 3, Orchard Home tract . . . 325
"Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, April 11, 1902, page 5

    W. R. Hassler, a Yreka tonsorial artist, was in Medford Tuesday upon a visit to his cousin, Mrs. R. H. Halley.
    Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Goble came up from Grants Pass Sunday and returned Monday. They will remain in Grants Pass until the last of the month when they will take up permanent residence here.
    Mrs. Ivan Humason and daughter, Miss Hildreth, returned last week from their quite extended visit with Portland friends. Mr. and Mrs. Humason are now housekeeping in the S. S. Pentz residence in West Medford.
    C. P. Jordan, a member of the Portland Coffee and Spice Company, was in Medford Monday upon a visit to the company's many patrons in this city. Mr. Jordan is a cousin of Dr. W. S. Jones, and while in the city he was the doctor's guest.
    Mrs. John Barneburg was called to Grants Pass Monday evening by a telegram announcing the serious illness of her brother, Basil Kellogg. He is ill with pneumonia, and Mrs. Barneburg is of the opinion that the malady came upon him suddenly, as no previous intimation had been made that he was sick. He is twelve years of age.
    Miss Olah Mickey, who is teaching school in the Sterling district, spent Saturday and Sunday in Medford with her parents. Her sister, Miss Mabel, is teaching also, in the Ruch district, and is receiving $40 per month as wages. This is about the highest wages paid by any district in the county. Both these young ladies are graduates of the Medford public school, and are natural-born educators, hence 'tis little wonder they are well paid for their services.
    Captain Gordon Voorhies was down from Portland this week looking over his large orchard tract, which is being so ably managed by Jake Huger.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 11, 1902, page 6

Medford's New Drug Store.
    On Tuesday of this week the Medford Drug Co. opened its doors to the public. Mr. Ivan Humason, the manager of the new establishment, has been in Medford for several weeks fitting up suitable rooms for the business, and after having gotten over many inconveniences and perplexities he is now in readiness to attend the wants of Medford people in his line.
    The store is located in the Barneburg building, formerly occupied by S. Rosenthal, deceased. It is centrally located, and since the store building has been overhauled it presents a very beautiful appearance. The shelving, counters, cabinets and prescription case were manufactured by Messrs. Weeks Bros., and upon every piece is plainly discerned the work of the artist hand that molded them. Much of the work is hand carved. All the woodwork, which is of native sugar pine, is painted a pure white with gilt mounting and tracing. The ceiling and walls are beautifully papered in colorings that blend nicely and produce an effect very pleasing to the eye. The painting and papering was done by Messrs. Ling & Boardman, and a credit to the best workmen in the land.
    Everything about the place is a model of neatness, and it is unquestionably the prettiest store building in Southern Oregon. That Mr. Humason has an eye for things beautiful, tasteful and in keeping with modest harmony cannot be doubted by any person who visits his drug palace in Medford. He has a fine line of drugs and drug sundries, and while not claiming that he is going to do all the business of the city, he feels confident he will get a little of it. He is a graduate pharmacist and will have personal supervision of the prescription department. He is a very clever fellow, a good citizen and a gentleman always.
    Harry Harrison has taken a position in Mr. Humason's new establishment.
Medford Mail, April 11, 1902, page 6

    The students have adopted a gray uniform and cap for the school, to be in use from September on.
"Academy Notes," Medford Mail, April 11, 1902, page 6

    M. S. Damon:--"Here are some oranges I picked myself just before leaving Oroville, Calif. I went out the morning before I left there and picked three boxes. Yes, my wife and I enjoyed a splendid visit there during the winter. We stayed most of the time at Oroville with Ulysses and his family. They are doing nicely. Ulysses is still telegraph operator there, also clerks in a confectionery store and news stand. We also visited our son Charlie and family at Oakland. He is doing well--is chief bill poster for Oakland and Alameda and is making money. I saw Wesley Dial, who left Medford last winter. The orange orchard he bought is about two miles from Oroville and part of it is now bearing. When Mr. Dial left Medford he congratulated himself that he was having fine weather for his leave-taking and supposed, of course, he would find everything sunshiny when he reached his California home, but he was the most surprised man you ever saw. He stopped off at Biggs and was going to ride his wheel across to Oroville, a distance of twelve miles. He had gotten only fairly on the way when there came on one of the worst rains you ever experienced, and he and his wheel were 'hung up' in mud almost knee-deep. There were washouts on the railroad, and his household goods were delayed several days, and all in all he had anything but a good time, but he's all right now and is seemingly happy."
    The Mail is in receipt of a copy of the Daily Iowa State Register, published at Des Moines, Iowa, of date March 27th, in which the following item is found: "Mrs. F. W. Roach underwent a delicate and very serious surgical operation at Mercy Hospital Wednesday morning. She rallied from the operation in an encouraging manner, and rested easily throughout the day and night. Dr. A. P. Stoner, the attending physician, is confident of her complete recovery at an early date." Mrs. Roach formerly resided in Medford and Jacksonville, at which time her husband was a printer in the Mail office.
    The Medford Board of Trade has had 10,000 pamphlets printed, descriptive of Medford and the Rogue River Valley. These pamphlets are for free distribution, and anyone wishing some to send to friends in the East can procure them by applying to the secretary, Mr. J. W. Lawton.
    Henry Pohlman this week purchased from A. E. Anderson four acres of land in the Orchard Home tract, paying $487.50 therefor. Mr. Anderson is a railroad conductor in Montana. The deal was made through the Palm, York Company's agency.
    M. F. McCowan has taken office room with the Palm, York real estate office and is following the vocation of locating parties on homesteads and timber lands and is said to have a good list catalogued for entry.
    Wm. Barnum has added materially to the appearance of his residence, on North D Street, by enclosing it with a new picket fence.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 11, 1902, page 7

    Miss Lulu Garrett left Thursday morning for Ager, Cal., where she will visit her sister, Mrs. L. M. Commings, several weeks.

"Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, April 13, 1902, page 21

    C. Sweet, Sr., of Fortuna arrived in Eureka Friday from Jackson County, Oregon, where he has been for the last three or four months. Mr. Sweet has purchased a large ranch there and will permanently locate on it in a few weeks. He comes here to attend to his properly interests in this county.
"Personal Mention," Humboldt Times, Eureka, California, April 13, 1902, page 2

    Mrs. John Barneburg, of Medford, has been in Grants Pass for several days, being called here on account of the serious illness of her brother, Basil Kellogg, a youth 12 years of ago, who has been suffering with appendicitis. The young man has passed the critical stage of the disease safely and is now on the high road to recovery.

"Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, April 17, 1902, page 3

Death of Pioneer Arthur Wilson--Probable New Butcher Shop.
    Arthur Wilson died at his home in Medford Monday night at 10 o'clock, after a brief illness resulting from blood poisoning caused by a nail scratch on back of right hand. Mr. Wilson is one of the early pioneers of this valley, having come across the plains into Southern Oregon from the East with a large party of emigrants in 1852, passing on to the Willamette Valley. After a year's residence there he returned to Jackson County, taking up a donation land claim one and a half miles west of Medford, where he raised a family and resided most all of his life since. His first wife died four years ago, and from that union there survives him five children--Jesse Wilson, Mac. Wilson and Miss Allie Wilson of Medford, George Wilson of Oregon City and Mrs. C. E. Garfield of San Francisco. Two years ago he was married to Mrs. Coakley, who also survives him, as does a brother, George Wilson of Salem.
    Deceased was raised in Indiana and came to Oregon from that state. He was aged 76 years.
    The funeral took place from the late residence at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the interment being in the family plot in Jacksonville cemetery.
    H. Willette of Portland, who is interested in the Humason drug store, was here during the week. The store was opened to the public last Wednesday and is a very swell establishment. The shelving, counters and prescription cases were manufactured by Weeks Bros., of Phoenix, and are very attractive. The woodwork is painted white with now and then a dash of green to relieve the white. The building will compare favorably with the finest drug stores in Oregon.
    Mr. Drain and wife of Drain were here from Friday to Monday looking for a business opening. Mr. Drain is engaged in the butchering business in the town which bears his name. He recently purchased two lots on South C Street from J. A. Black, formerly of Medford, who is now a resident of Drain--and in a short time will return and erect a dwelling and engage in business--probably butchering.
    Dist. Attorney A. E. Reames and wife were at Hillsboro last week attending the wedding of Frank F. Freeman, an attorney of Portland, and Miss Elizabeth Tongue, a daughter of Congressman and Mrs. T. H. Tongue, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman went to Victoria, B.C., for a short visit and will reside in East Portland on their return.
    The second game of baseball for the season was played on the Jacksonville grounds Sunday afternoon between the Medford and Jacksonville nines which resulted in a victory for the former 12 to 4; umpire Judge Prim.
    Mr. and Mrs. H. Rickey of Clearfield, Pa., arrived Thursday for a visit with Jacksonville relatives. Mr. Rickey is engaged in the manufacturing of smokeless powder and is prospering.
    Five people were baptized Sunday evening at the Baptist church by Rev. T. F. Crandall and others will unite later on. This is the result of Rev. Anthony Jacobs' visit to Medford.
    Claud A. Riddle and wife, formerly Miss Mamie Isaacs of Medford, have moved from Eugene to Vancouver, Wash., where he has purchased the Register newspaper from ex-Gov. Thurston McDaniels.
    H. M. Coss purchased the beautiful residence of H. L. Gilkey, situated in the western part of town. The consideration was $1650. Possession to be given June 1st.
    J. G. Walters, manager of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, returned Tuesday from a trip to Lakeview, his mother having recovered her health.
    John Sisemore of Sams Valley returned this week from a two years' absence in Eastern Oregon, where he is engaged in the stock business.
    Mrs. Joseph Beach and son, Vivian, and Estella Levy and Mollie Britt of Jacksonville spent Sunday with Medford friends.
    L. E. Hoover has returned from a trip to Klamath County, where he went in the interest of the Woodburn nursery.
    J. B. Welch, who is engaged in the sawmill business in The Meadows precinct, was a visitor here Monday.
    Robert P. Neil, Democratic nominee for state senator, interviewed the voters in this part of the valley Tuesday.
    Medford, April 16, 1902.
Valley Record, Ashland, April 17, 1902, page 3

    S. Childers has been at work this week putting in a new cement sidewalk in front of W. J. Prall's feed stables on East Seventh Street.
Medford Mail, April 18, 1902, page 2

    J. H. Huffer, Jr. and family, who returned from the Willamette Valley last week, have gone to Medford to reside.
    The family of L. Lytle, of Medford, have moved to Jacksonville for the present. Mr. Lytle with Wm. Healy and Jos. Wetterer expect to leave for Alaska in a few weeks.
"Jacksonville Items," Medford Mail, April 18, 1902, page 3

    Mr. Meeker and family, of Medford, the Misses McIntire, of Colorado, Mr. Sandles, of Ohio, and the Dickison family, of this place, made the trip to Lower Table Rock Sunday afternoon and enjoyed it and the view very much. Several other parties from different parts of the valley were also there and found many wildflowers on top, also about twenty acres of plowed ground, which looked strange to old visitors.
J. C. Pendleton, "Table Rock Items," Medford Mail, April 18, 1902, page 3

Thirty-Eight New Arrivals.
    When the southbound passenger train pulled into Medford Monday morning there was a great unloading of people at the Southern Pacific depot, and when all had alighted and had found their way to the depot waiting room, that room was filled almost to its capacity. There were just thirty-eight of these newcomers ranging as to ages from babes in their mothers' arms to gray-headed men and women. They all came from Imperial, Nebraska, and most of them came with the intention of locating.
    They were Peter Ensele and family, Fred Hacket and family, Geo. Huber and family and John Blass and family. In these four families are thirty-five people, and all are Germans. Aside from these were of the party Mr. Wittle, T. Kelsoe and Leo Evens, young men and unmarried.
    It was last July that Mr. Peter Ensele visited Medford and surrounding country with an idea of locating. So well pleased was he with our country that he returned to his Nebraska home and at once began arrangements to move here this spring. This move on his part created an interest among his friends, and the influx of Monday was the result. None of these people have bought property here, but most of them expect to when they shall have found something to their liking.
    Mr. Ensele states that others will come here from Nebraska just as soon as they can make arrangements to do so. He puts up some very logical reasons for their making a change. One case he cites is of his own experience:--Last year he had quite an acreage sown to wheat, and his yield was two and a half bushels to the acre; from 200 acres planted to corn the same season he harvested about 1400 bushels.
    Since leaving Medford last July Mr. Ensele has been in correspondence with F. M. Stewart, real estate dealer in this city, and it was largely through information furnished by Mr. Stewart that the colony is now here.
Medford Mail, April 18, 1902, page 3

    If the draymen of the city who have previously handled the street sprinkler want to keep in cool favor with the merchants of this city, they will at once get around with their little wagon and proceed to make mud of some of the dust now flying about the streets.
    H. L. Gilkey has sold his residence in West Medford to H. M. Coss for $1800. This is a good piece of property, and Mr. Coss is to be congratulated upon having acquired it. He will take possession about June 1st.
    H. N. Marcy is again in possession of the West Side blacksmith shop, and in another column of this paper he is advertising to the public that he is prepared to do all kinds of blacksmith and wagon work in first-class shape.
    "Miss Martha Cardwell has resigned her position as teacher in the Klamath Falls schools and left this morning for her home near Medford."--Klamath Falls Express.
    W. F. Taggart is improving the appearance of his residence, corner A and Seventh streets, by the application of paint. Messrs. Ling & Boardman are the brush artists.
    Guy Lawton has taken a position as butcher for the Pottenger & Cox meat market.
Medford Mail, April 18, 1902, page 3

    John Arnold to Maggie P. Drumhill, lots 1 and 12, blk 32, Medford . . . 125
    Jacob Coberly to Maggie P. Drumhill, lots 2, 10, 11, blk 32, Medford . . . 500
    Jesse G. Hodges to Thos. McAndrew, lot 8, blk 3, Cottage add., Medford . . . 100
    Ida Tschudy to James Shields, bond for deed to 54.36 acres in twp 37s, r2w . . . 1625
    C. C. Gilchrist to J. N. Smith, 40 acres in sec. 3, twp 37s, r2w . . . 2000
    Elizabeth A. Wortman to Geo. W. Priddy, lots 1 and 2, blk 6, Galloway's add., Medford . . . 250
"Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, April 18, 1902, page 4

    Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Smith and little daughters, Ethel and Esther, of Medford, have returned home after a short visit with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith.

"Big Sticky Items," Medford Mail, April 18, 1902, page 5

    Mrs. J. W. McKee, mother of Mrs. Fort Hubbard, is at Ashland this week upon a visit to friends.
    L. C. Stratton, of Albany, this state, arrived in Medford Wednesday and will look over the country with a view of locating.
    J. W. Baker, the laundryman, left for Grants Pass Tuesday evening. He will return with his family today and will make Medford his future home.
    Clarence Boyd arrived in this city this week from Louisiana. He is here for the purpose of investing in farm land--intent upon making this his future home.
    Billie Isaacs and Charlie Ramsey were down at Rogue River fishing Wednesday. They report having caught forty fine mountain trout. An affidavit accompanied the report.
    Mrs. G. W. Burnett, of Myrtle Creek, was visiting in Medford this week with her sister, Mrs. T. W. Johnson.
    Geo. F. King and a party of ladies comprising Miss Gertrude Sutton, Miss Rose Jewett and Mrs. J. V. Layne visited the Sterling mine last Saturday. The mine was in operation, and several good kodak views were taken of these interesting scenes. Mr. Ankeny, the owner, presented each of the party with a gold nugget, as a memento of the visit.
    Miss Lucy Kent, a student in the Medford High School, has accepted a position to teach in the Derby school district and will commence upon her duties next Monday. This young lady is an exceptionally good scholar and possesses other attributes which are necessary composites of a thorough, practical and successful educator. The Mail predicts a bright and useful future for the young lady.
    A. H. Willett, a mining broker of Portland, was in Medford several days last week and this upon a visit to druggist Ivan Humason and family and other friends. Mr. Willett is a member of the Medford Drug Co. He is well pleased with the outlook for business here and expressed entire satisfaction as regards the manner in which his interests are being looked after here by Mr. Humason.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 18, 1902, page 6

    "C. A. Riddle and wife left yesterday for Vancouver, Wash., where Mr. Riddle has purchased the Register-Democrat of Thurston Daniels, who has conducted the paper for twenty-nine years. This paper is a weekly seven-column folio and is one of the best papers in that part of the country. Claude is a first-class newspaper man and is bound to make a success of it."--Eugene Guard. Mrs. Riddle was formerly Miss Mamie Isaacs, of this city.
    Milton Maule is now at work painting G. W. Priddy's new residence--which residence, by the way, is a beauty, and is being properly painted. Mr. Maule is a good workman in his line, and has but recently finished painting the interiors of L. H. Faucett's and E. M. Maplesden's residences.
    R. H. Whitehead has sold a twenty-acre tract of land, situated near the Orchard Home tract, to Frederick Frideger. The price paid was $50 an acre. Mr. Frideger is recently from Ohio. He will in all probability erect buildings upon the place and make it his future home, and will plant a good part of it to orchard another winter.
    Jeweler Butler has been busy this week making a miniature model of J. Whitman's orchard cultivator. The model is an attachment for a disc harrow, and its purpose is that of cutting weeds. It consists of a long knife the entire width of the harrow, and its located about one and a half feet behind the rolling disc. The blade is adjustable. Mr. Whitman has used one in his orchard for a couple of years and finds it quite the correct article for the purpose intended. Patent has been granted on the invention. The model made by Mr. Butler will be placed on exhibition in the Mechanics' Pavilion at San Francisco.
    The Mail is in receipt of a card announcing the graduation from the medical department of the University of Oregon, at Portland, of Nancy Newkirk White and Floyd Marion White. Nancy White is the wife of G. W. White, an attorney who formerly practiced in Medford. Floyd White is his son. Mr. White is now in the banking business at Coquille, Oregon.
    Mr. and Mrs. J. Wetzel returned last week from San Francisco and after a visit until Sunday with relatives and friends left for their future home at McMinnville. Mrs. Wetzel was formerly Miss Lulu Lyon of this city.
"Additional Local," Medford Mail, April 18, 1902, page 6

    Report comes indirectly from the coal mine, east of Medford, which is in effect that the indications are growing very much better for the finding of a large body of coal. The tunnel is in about 400 feet. The work at this point is being retarded to some extent by the bad condition of the air and the management is anxiously awaiting the arrival of air pumps which have been ordered. The drilling plant, which was recently moved to a new location, is at work steadily. Where the first hole was sunk, to a depth of about 200 feet, so much sand rock was encountered that it was deemed advisable to shift the location.
    W. H. McGowan expects to soon commence the construction of a fine residence on his property in southwest Medford. He has plans drawn for a 32x32-foot, two-story structure but has not definitely decided as to these dimensions, but whatever size will be settled upon it is to be a very pretty home and everything throughout is to be modern, well constructed and as convenient as a pocket in a slumber robe. Mr. McGowan has a very fine building site, the same being just south of W. H. Barr's place, on the street leading to the Orchard Home.
    County surveyor Jones was engaged Tuesday in laying out a new road just west and north of Medford. The place of beginning is at the southeast corner of I. M. Harvey's place, on the Medford-Jacksonville road. From there it runs north to D. T. Lawton's prune orchard, thence west to Henry Baker's place where it connects with the Jacksonville-Central Point road. Heretofore all persons living in that locality were compelled to drive through Medford to get to the county seat.
    Prof. G. H. Samuels, one of the professors in the Medford Academy, has purchased the Mrs. Anderson residence, near the head of I Street, in northwest Medford, and has moved his family thereto. The price paid was $475, and the sale was made through the Palm York Co. Mr. Samuels is one of Jackson County's brightest educators, and that he and his most estimable family have become permanent residents here is good reason for us to rejoice.
    H. M. Coss has rented the I. W. Thomas new brick building, in West Medford, and will move his stock of pianos and organs thereto. The building is one well suited for the exhibition of musical instruments, as it is light, roomy and well located.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 18, 1902, page 7

    Veils do triple duty in these days of blustering winds and whirling dust. They hold on my lady's hat, protect her eyes and also her complexion. Every form and design of veiling at my store. Miss Lizzie Hoover.
    The new sheet seems to think it can run the town. Its freshness reminds one of the present green grass.
    I. L. Hamilton of Hotel Nash has put in a coal oil gas generator for lighting the hotel. It makes a fine light.
    The first fish story of the season comes from Wm. Isaacs and Chas. Ramsey. They report having caught forty-five mountain trout down at Rogue River Wednesday.
    The stone work for the foundation of J. R. Wilson new opera house is being pushed right along. The stage for this building will be 24x50 feet in size and the audience room 40x76 feet. There will be a gallery about 14x40 feet. Medford has for a long time needed a good opera house, and Mr. Wilson proposes to make his building up to date and one that will be a credit to the city.
    Southern Oregon people are enjoying some fine weather now, and here in Medford, as the evenings are pleasant, it is not an uncommon thing to see the people bring out their chairs and form themselves into little groups on the sidewalks of the business streets. Each cluster of idlers has its oracle at these open-air assemblies, who hold forth upon any subject which may present itself; but for the present political questions hold a top hand, and the "third termer's" case is being diagnosed with minuteness and even unto pyrotechnic display of Latin. A listener at one of these meetings is almost constrained to think, if we only knew that
If every "third termer's" internal care
    Were written upon his brow,
How many would their pity share
    That have their envy now?
    Arthur Wilson died at his home in Central Point Monday, April 14, 1902; aged 78 years, 6 months and 29 days. He was a well-known citizen of this county and highly esteemed by all. Five children, the issue of his first marriage, survive him. Geo. Wilson, of Yamhill County; Jesse Wilson, of Salem; A. M. Wilson, of this county; Mrs. Chas. E. Garfield, of Visalia, Calif., and Miss Almira Wilson, of Medford. The funeral services were held Wednesday at the residence at 1 o'clock p.m., and the remains were taken to Jacksonville cemetery for interment. The deceased was a member of Warren Lodge No. 10, A.F.&A.M., which lodge conducted the services at the grave.
Medford Enquirer, April 19, 1902, page 5

    Mrs. G. W. Burnett, of Myrtle Creek, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. W. Johnson.
    Mr. and Mrs. J. Wetzel returned last week from San Francisco, and after a visit with relatives left for their future home, in McMinnville, Wednesday.

"Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, April 20, 1902, page 21

    F. W. Hollis, who is engaged in the furniture business at Medford, is in Salem, visiting old friends for a few days. Mr. Hollis was formerly located at Salem in the same business. He reports himself and present business interests prosperous.

"Salem Social World and Personal Mention," The Daily Journal, Salem, April 22, 1902, page 3

    Dr. O. F. Demorest, the dentist, who was recently bereft of his wife and went to Canada, is expected to return to Lakeview during the month.
    C. R. Riddle and wife (nee Mamie Isaacs of Medford) have become residents of Vancouver, Wash., where Claude has become engaged in the newspaper business, having purchased the Register-Democrat. We predict a successful future for him.

"Southern Oregon News," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 24, 1902, page 2

    The Vienna Bakery, 7th Street, Medford, has been thoroughly renovated and a number of up-to-date improvements made thereto. It is headquarters for home-made creams and taffies of a superior quality. Mr. Campbell also keeps a complete and first-class line of lunch goods, pastry, etc. Give him a call, for he will please you.
Democratic Times, 
Jacksonville, April 24, 1902, page 2

    H. C. Turpin of Antelope and his wife were in Medford recently, visiting their daughter, Mrs. Chas. Milligan.

"Local Notes,"
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 24, 1902, page 5

    Prof. G. H. Samuels, the well-known educator, and his family will become permanent residents of Medford. He has purchased Mrs. Anderson's property, situated in the northwestern part of Medford.
    Day Parker, who left Medford over a year ago, was heard from this week, at Wichita, Kan. He has been in Europe and many of the prominent points in the United States since leaving here.

"Personal Mention,"
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 24, 1902, page 5

    Jesse Wilson of Salem and Geo. Wilson of Oregon City, brother and son of the late Arthur Wilson, are in Medford. Owing to the sudden character of their relative's death they were unable to see him before he died.
    J. Wetzel and his wife (nee Miss Lulu Lyon) have returned from a trip to California.
    Carl Webb is located in Portland, where he holds a good position with Heywood Bros.
    W. H. Parker, the attorney, is at Grants Pass, visiting Jas. A. Slover and his family.
    Dr. H. P. Hargrave, Phoenix' popular physician, was a visitor in our city a few days ago.
    Mrs. J. S. McCain has returned from Idaho, where she has been spending several months with her husband.
    Miss Lila Sackett, who recently completed a successful term of school at Phoenix, was in Medford this week.
    J. W. Baker, who will conduct the Medford branch of the Grants Pass laundry, arrived here Thursday, accompanied by his family.
    L. F. Gardner, who was formerly engaged in business at Medford, is conducting a store and stable at the mouth of Foots Creek and doing well.
    Mrs. Renus Hamilton left for Portland Sunday, having received word that her brother, Justin Wigle, is quite sick. She will be joined by her husband in a few weeks.
    Col. Rapson of Sacramento, Cal. was in Medford this week, to organize a lodge of the Uniformed Rank of the Knights of Pythias, and met with considerable encouragement.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 24, 1902, page 5

    Leonard Masters, of Coos County, a former student of the principal [Van Scoy], visited school Monday. He is in Medford to organize permanently the Modern Woodmen of America. The people will find him a square young man.
"Academy Notes," Medford Mail, April 25, 1902, page 3

Proposal for Constructing Bridge for Jackson County.
    Sealed proposals will be received by the County Court of Jackson County, at Jacksonville, Oregon, on or before the 7th day of May 1902, for the construction of a bridge across Bear Creek, at Medford, Oregon, to be substantially as follows:
    Commencing 27 feet from the end of the present bridge on the west side of Bear Creek construct a stone abutment, from hardpan with a base of 2½ feet and 20 feet long and battered to 12 inches at top.
    The top to be 12 inches lower than present bridge at that point. Thence an approach of 77 feet in length resting on suitable tubular iron, or stone piers of proper dimensions sunk to bedrock, or proper hardpan, encased 18 inches deep and 2 feet from either side in cement and gravel, and filled with first-grade concrete. Thence east a span of 110 feet across main channel of creek, resting on proper piers. Thence east a span of 105 feet with same piers as before.
    Said bridge to be not less than 18 feet clear roadway free of all obstructions and to stand a straining capacity of not less than 50,000 pounds dead weight.
    Contractor to furnish the County Court with complete plan, with specifications of the proposed bridge with his bid, and also furnish a bond in sum of $500.00, that he will enter into bonds and sign contract within 3 days after being awarded the contract by the County Court for construction of proposed bridge.
    Bidders to bid on bridge to be constructed eighteen inches lower than the present bridge.
    If a truss plan is proposed, all angle blocks and washers are to be of cast iron and all rods to be stubbed up so when threads are cut the rod is still full size, and if bid is for wood bridge, then the contractor to furnish plan, and estimate, to cover the several spans by the lineal foot.
    County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
GUS NEWBURY.           
Medford Mail, April 25, 1902, page 3

    The last few days have been extra fine for trout fishing. Many are engaged in trying their hands in landing the speckled beauties. Several anglers have hooked a string of over a hundred in a couple of hours.
"Gold Hill Items," Medford Mail, April 25, 1902, page 5

    The click of corn planters is once more heard.
"Evans Creek Items," Medford Mail, April 25, 1902, page 5

    Miss Mae Earhart returned to Medford from Fort Wrangel, Alaska, last week.
    Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Gurnea, of Ashland, spent Sunday with Medford friends. They report that they are doing a good business in their new racket store.
    Dr. Ira L. Arnold expects to leave the first of next week for West Cliff, Colorado. He expects to follow his profession, dentistry, someplace in Colorado.
    Ira E. Purdin and family, of Forest Grove, Oregon, passed through Medford Thursday evening of last week. They have been spending the winter in Southern California, and were on their way home. Mr. Purdin is a cousin of M. Purdin of this city.
    Mr. and Mrs. A. Bar, of Etna, Calif., were in Medford a few days this week upon a visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Heard. Mr. Bar is secretary and treasurer of the large Deny Bar Mercantile Company, of Etna. He is a nephew of Mr. Heard.
    Wm. Wittie, one of the gentlemen who arrived here last week from Imperial, Nebraska, with the German colony, left this week for his Nebraska home, where he will dispose of his 800-acre farm and return again to the valley. One week's stay was sufficient to convince this gentleman that there were many points in which Southern Oregon held over Nebraska.
    A. J. Stewart returned Tuesday evening from his winter's stay in Mexico and California. He will remain during the summer, and a glad hand is given him by his many Medford friends.
    Merchant and Mrs. H. E. Boyden and son, Charles, left Thursday morning for their homestead, on the headwaters of Butte Creek. Mr. B. will remain but a few days--long enough to get things fixed out for housekeeping for Mrs. B. and Master Charles, who will remain there during the summer.
    George M. Cornwall, of Portland, publisher of the Columbia River and Oregon Timberman, was in Medford Tuesday. He is making a tour of Southern Oregon and Northern California in the interest of his publication. The Timberman is one of the best publications of its class on the coast and contains a vast amount of information valuable to the lumberman and timber owner.
    Wm. and Henry Smith arrived in the valley Monday from Grant County, Oklahoma. These young men are nephews of Thos. Smith, living near Jacksonville. Their father, Wm. Smith, will be here in June, and all expect to make this country their home. Mr. Smith's coming is the result of missionary work done by the Mail, his brother having ordered a copy of this paper sent to him regularly for the past six months.
    M. Armstrong and J. D. Heard returned this week from Chloride, Arizona, where they have been engaged in putting in a $25,000 smelter. The smelter will do custom work and will be in operation within a few weeks. The company building this smelter is the same one which had planned to operate in Shasta County, California, but its representatives found Arizona a better field, and the operations have accordingly been switched to Chloride.
    Mrs. J. O. Booth and Mrs. Blanch Dunbar, of Grants Pass, are stopping in Medford this week. Mrs. Dunbar is receiving treatment from Dr. H. N. Butler, Medford's osteopathic physician.
    Wm. Beckley, of Oakland, Oregon, was in Medford this week looking over the business situation. He was very favorably impressed with the city and is now figuring on the proposition of buying an interest in the Union Livery Stable.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 25, 1902, page 6

Musicale--Coss Piano House.
    The new rooms of the Coss Piano House in the White-Thomas building were well filled on Wednesday evening by music lovers of Medford, the occasion being the first of a series of musicals to be given. The program prepared was rendered by some of the best musical talent of the city and was highly appreciated and enthusiastically received by the audience. The opening number was a short talk on the virtues and mechanism of the pianola by Ivan Humason, after which he rendered the overture from the "Barber of Seville" by means of that device. It was a surprise to people who had not before heard the pianola to find that so much expression could be given to the rendition of a musical selection by a purely mechanical contrivance. Number two was a vocal solo by Miss Lutie Ulrich, which was well received. Miss Ailien Webber then gave a piano solo in her usual artistic manner, and she was compelled to respond to an encore before the audience would be satisfied. Next Miss Bernice Foose delighted the audience with a vocal solo, eliciting many favorable comments. Mr. Humason then gave another selection on the pianola. Following came a vocal solo by E. E. Gore, which brought an encore. Miss Mabel Jones followed with a solo, in which her splendid, powerful voice was heard to full advantage, and an enthusiastic encore followed, to which Miss Jones obligingly responded. Miss Cleo Lucus' rendition of a piano selection was all that could be desired. Miss Carrie E. White, one of Grants Pass' sweetest singers, was next on the program, and to say that she pleased the audience is putting it mildly. Miss White has a sweet, clear, high soprano voice, which gives evidence of careful study and training, and Medford people will be anxious to hear her again, giving evidence of it by a unanimous encore. H. L. Andrews, of Gold Hill, made a good impression in a vocal solo, showing a well-trained voice. The program was concluded by a pianola selection in ragtime. The piano on which the pianola was used was a Schumann, and that used for accompaniment a Vose & Sons. These recitals will be given every Wednesday evening, invitations for which can be procured at the Medford Drug Store.
Medford Mail,
April 25, 1902, page 6

    The German people, who arrived in Medford last week from Nebraska, have secured temporary quarters in Medford, and later on will invest in country property. Peter Ensele, one of the party, is located in the Hawk residence, in West Medford; Fred Hacket at the G. W. Priddy brick yard; G. Huber in the Ward residence, West Medford, and John Bliss in the Conklin residence, East Medford.

    Geo. Coulter:--"I have secured the old cigar factory building on the West Side for a paint shop and am up to my eyes in work. I have eighteen wagons to paint and more coming in."
    Bert Miller and George Porter have taken the agency for the Great Western Tailoring Co., of Chicago, and are taking measurements whenever an opportunity is given.
    The Medford Drug Co. has put in a new cross counter and show case--very pretty--the work of Weeks Bros.--and in which will be displayed perfumes and Lowney's chocolates.
    J. W. Curry has been promoted again. He is now head clerk in the manufacturers' division of the census bureau at Washington.
"Additional Local," Medford Mail, April 25, 1902, page 6

    C. E. Stewart is doing a lot of improving on the farm he recently purchased adjoining the Ish place, west of Medford. He has had grubbed several acres of brush land and is having timbers hewed with which to build a big barn. Besides this he has put in tiling in a marshy place to the north end of his fields and has water running therefrom which he is figuring on making valuable use of. This marsh is different from most of them. Instead of being low ground, it is a kind of mound, in which the water rises and flows off. By piercing this mound through and through with tiling Mr. Stewart has collected the water in one body and now estimates that there are seventy-two inches of water flowing from the marsh. He is now figuring on putting in a hydraulic ram and forcing the water to the farmhouse, to be used for domestic purposes.
    From appearances on the Medford streets Tuesday morning, the truant list at the public schools must have been an unusually long one. To the casual onlooker most of the children in town seemed to be on hand when the train bearing Norris & Rowe's big shows pulled in--and then some more. The parade appeared about 11 o'clock and was witnessed by a large and interested crowd. The afternoon performance was well attended, and was well worthy of patronage. It is remarkable to what a high point of education some of the animals have been brought, displaying an intelligence and comprehension of what was desired of them not often found among dumb animals. Norris & Rowe put out a good, clean snow, well worth the price of admission, and the managers themselves are clever, genial gentlemen, whom it is a pleasure to meet. In the evening the crowd was not so large, but still there was a good-sized one, and there was but one opinion of the merits of the show, and many expressions of wonder were heard at the marvelous feats performed by the trained animals. A dog that can stand on its hind legs and turn a back somersault is something out of the ordinary--there were two of them that did that. Rosebury, the talking horse, is a whole show by himself. The performing seals were something new, and the intelligence exhibited by them was a revelation.
    D. B. Russell:--"How is business? Was that what you asked? Just stand around here a few minutes and you will see. I am kept busy all the time selling soft drinks and confections, and my partner, Frank Wilson, is more than busy manufacturing candies. Oh, we are having about three times better trade than we expected--and our busy season has not yet fairly commenced. The flavorings we use in our soft drinks are wholly natural fruit juices--no extracts used, and are therefore more healthful. We are having a great run on Hromada's celebrated candies--the best ever made. All our soft drinks are made from Colestin mineral water and are pronounced excellent by all who partake thereof."
    Wallace Woods and O. E. Gorsline are making preparations for moving their respective lumber yards. Mr. Woods will take Mr. Gorsline's present site, while the latter will establish headquarters near the oil tank. It is likely that a business building of some kind will go up on the site of the Woods lumber yard.
    J. A. Perry, proprietor of the independent warehouse, in Medford, has purchased from J. I. Fredenburg fifty-four acres of land south and west of Medford. The property is situated south of and adjoining the Fordyce place, now owned by J. H. Stewart. It is all good fruit land, and this fall Mr. Perry will plant twenty acres of it to apple trees. He is now having thirty-four acres sown to alfalfa. The price paid was $3500, and he made a good buy. When the land is sown to alfalfa or planted to orchard it will be worth an even one hundred dollars an acre of any man's money.
    N. B. Nye came very nearly sustaining serious injuries last week while engaged in splitting wood. A clothesline was stretched across the woodshed, and when he put forth an extra effort to sever a refractory chunk of wood his ax caught onto the clothesline and rebounded, the head of it striking Mr. Nye over the left eye, making an ugly wound and practically putting the old gentleman on the retired list for a few days.
    Work is progressing rapidly on the new warehouse being built by A. A. Davis to replace the one which collapsed last winter. The roof is now being put on. Contractor Hazel is putting up a good, solid piece of work and pushing it as fast as possible and expects to have it finished in about ten days.
    A meeting of the stockholders of the Southern Oregon Oil Co., of Ashland, has been called for May 1st in order to devise ways and means for continuing operations on the well. The well is now down 1830 feet, and it is intended to secure funds to continue to a dept of 3000 feet unless oil is sooner found.
    A new cement sidewalk was put in front of the Medford Book Store this week. Contractor G. W. Priddy did the work, which in this man's town is all that is necessary to say. The property is owned by J. S. Howard, the pioneer merchant of our city.
    B. P. Theiss has been putting in a new wire lawn fence in front of his very pretty North C Street residence. Mr. Theiss has a home to be proud of, and the improvements he is almost constantly making add still more to its beauty and convenience.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 25, 1902, page 7

    Mrs. J. A. Norman, of Ashland, visited her mother, Mrs. E. D. Rose, several days this week.
    Mr. and Mrs. A. Barr, of Etna, Cal., visited Mr. Barr's uncle, J. D. Heard, and family, several days this week.
"Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, April 27, 1902, page 22

Development Work at the Coal Mines East of Medford Is Showing an Immense Volume of Coal--Quality Is Good, but Not Quite What Company Wish It Was.

    On Friday of last week a Mail representative, accompanied by Messrs. W. V. Lippincott, J. A. Perry, F. M. Stewart and D. T. Cox, visited the coal mine on the Furry place, six miles east of Medford. The mine is being developed by the Southern Pacific railroad company, and the work is under the superintendency of Mr. J. Owens. The tunnel, which starts in a ravine at the foot of a small hill, is 7x7 feet in size and for the first 150 feet is dips down at an angle of about twenty degrees, following the coal vein. For the next 200 feet the dip is about eight degrees, but at the farthest end of the tunnel, where the men are now working, the vein has taken a new dip downward and is now running at twelve degrees.
    When the main tunnel was in about fifty feet an excavation was made at the bottom and it was found after going through a stratum of slate, which forms the floor of the tunnel, there was another vein of coal five feet in depth, which, added to the six-foot vein upon which the tunnel is running, gives a body of coal eleven feet in thickness--and of unknown length.
    When the tunnel was in about 300 feet a crosscut was made to the south for the purpose of determining the extent of the vein in that direction. When the writer was in this crosscut last Friday, the workmen were in fifty feet and there was still no indication of the thickness diminishing. Work is also being vigorously pushed on the main tunnel, and the coal is seemingly holding its own as to quality and getting better if anything as the tunnel grows longer and deeper.
    There is no longer any question as to the quantity of the coal, but the company is not quite satisfied with the quality. While it is true that the bulk of the vein is solid fuel coal of a good quality, it is also true that there are thin layers of fire clay and slate, but these, it is thought, will pinch out as greater depth in the tunnel is attained and where the weight of the earth overhead is greater. The distance, straight up, over the furthest point of the tunnel to the surface is figured to be about 150 feet, thus it can be seen that the nearby mountains and foothills have not been undermined by the tunnel.
    There are now on the dump about 450 tons of coal, the greater amount of which burns readily in the engines being used by the company in their tunneling and drilling operations. It is pronounced to be first-class fuel coal, and no trouble is experienced by the engineer in keeping up steam. There is some doubt, however, as to whether it would be suitable for locomotive fuel owing to the slate and fire clay it contains stopping the fire grate and preventing a good draft. It is said, in this connection, by parties who are familiar with the coal used by the company on its engines in California, that the coal which is being mined here is far superior to that now in use in California.
    The work of developing the mine is still going on, and it is not expected that orders to lay off will be given until the tunnel is at least 500 feet in length. When this point is reached it will then be possible for the representatives of the company to lay plans for further development work and for utilizing the product of the mine. That it is a profitable proposition is even now a settled fact.
    The Mail has no means at hand for knowing what the intentions of the company are as regards this coal proposition, but the impression seems to prevail that should it be found that the coal can be used in the locomotive engines a road will be built from Medford to the mine and coal bunkers put in at this point. A road can be built very easily and cheaply, the grade being through a natural draw in the foothills and in no place at all steep.
    Samples of the coal which is being taken out of the mine may be seen at the depot in Medford.
    The steam drill, which is operating about a half mile further up the draw, is down fifty feet but was compelled to shut down Friday owing to the fact that casings were required to prevent the drill hole filling up as fast as it was made. The casings have been secured and work is now progressing again. The object of the drill is to ascertain the depth at which the coal is found at that point and the thickness of the vein.
Medford Mail, May 2, 1902, page 1

    Mrs. N. J. Brandon left Monday for Etna, Calif., where she will visit for some time with her son. Mrs. Brandon is mother of Mrs. A. E. Austin and Mrs. Gardner.
    E. A. Hoag returned to Medford Sunday from a several weeks' business trip into California. He reports business first-class in his line, that of manufacturing key rings and badges.
    Mrs. Hattie Bartlett of Ft. Jones, Calif. is visiting her relatives and many friends in this city. The lady is a daughter of Grandpa Meeker.
    M. A. Macauley, who has been in Medford for several months upon a visit to his brother, W. E. Macauley, and sister Mrs. E. J. Cole, left Tuesday for his home at Frederick, Kansas.
    G. A. Laurentz and family, of Canova, South Dakota, arrived in Medford Saturday night and will make this valley their permanent abiding place. Mr. Laurentz has disposed of his farm property in South Dakota and proposes investing his money in Rogue River Valley soil. He is a brother of our good townsman, A. H. Laurentz.
    F. V. Medynski returned Sunday from Seattle, at which place he has been stopping for a few weeks. He will not go to Alaska this summer. He has spent three summers in that isolated land and he has it figured out that he has earned a summer at home--where there are fruits and vegetables to be had--fresh from tree and vine.
    Elder E. E. Gore left Monday for New York City, whither he goes as a delegate to the Presbyterian General Assembly. He will visit relatives and friends in Kansas and Indiana, and will also stop for a few days in Washington, D.C. His ticket is good for nine months, and he expects to come close to using its full limit before he returns. It has been thirty-one years since he came west.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 2, 1902, page 6

    Dr. G. W. Stephenson has decided to change his place of residence from Medford to Flora, Oregon and will leave for that place next week. The doctor and his family have a great many friends in Medford who will regret their departure, but all are wishing them success in their new home. His new location is seventy miles from a railroad, but is in a wealthy and prosperous stock country and the nearest physician to the town is forty [miles away].
    J. M. Kiernan has engaged his services to W. J. King, proprietor of the Turf Exchange saloon. Mr. Kiernan has had considerably experience in the hotel and bar business, and being a very clever gentleman he will doubtless prove himself efficient in the capacity of wine clerk.

"Additional Local," Medford Mail, May 2, 1902, page 6

    Fred Luy:--"I took a drive with my family out over the central part of the valley Sunday. We went from Medford to Central Point, then around by Jacksonville and Phoenix and back to Medford, and I want to tell you that we didn't see much of anything but fruit orchards and alfalfa fields. Where years ago there were large wheat fields one now sees those same fields aglow with the bloom of fruit trees or carpeted with the bright green of waving alfalfa. It has been several years since I have driven over the valley, and I am telling you the change astonished me. I had no idea there was the amount of land planted to orchard that there is. Why, very nearly everybody now has an orchard of from ten to forty acres--and the trees are all looking well. There are, of course, some fields of wheat and they are looking fine--never saw wheat look so well at this season of the year."
    F. M. Bredenkamp, a gentleman but recently from Indiana, has taken a position in the H. H. Howard & Co. grocery store. Mr. Bredenkamp has been for years connected with a wholesale grocery establishment in the East and is fully conversant with all the details of both wholesale and retail trade--hence it goes without saying that he will prove able help in his new position. He is a son-in-law of Rev. L. Huber, a German preacher living up on Butte Creek. Art Poe, who formerly held the position, has resigned.
    The Oregon Granite Co., of this city, is now supplying retail dealers at Grants Pass, Yreka and Ashland with Oregon granite in the rough, polished or cut form. The company's quarry is vastly superior to anything of like nature in Southern Oregon, and orders are being booked daily from points all along the line. This company also deals in iron fencing for cemetery work, and this week placed 130 feet of very fine fencing around Rufus Cox' lot in the Central Point cemetery.
    A real estate deal was completed in Medford last week by which E. M. Jenkins, recently from Browning, Mo., became the owner of the Walter Scott property, on West Tenth Street. The price paid was $800. Mr. Jenkins will make extensive improvements about his place and will become a permanent resident of our city. He is engaged in the wagon making business with M. Purdin, on B Street. The residence above referred to was purchased from H. U. Lumsden.
    F. M. Wilson has taken possession of the Model Restaurant again. The gentleman whom Mr. Wilson sold his restaurant out to a few months ago made a very successful failure of the business, and the good trade which had previously been established soon went a-glimmering, and Mr. Wilson was obliged to take the business back again. His first work was to thoroughly renovate and cleanse the establishment throughout--for which there was great need. On Tuesday he opened his doors--and commenced doing business from the turn-loose.
    W. R. Bullock, of Mesa, Arizona, arrived in Medford last Friday. He is an old-time friend of councilman J. E. Toft. His family is now visiting relatives in the Willamette Valley, but are soon expected to arrive in this city where they will reside, Mr. B. having decided to invest in property here. He tells that there are a great many of his Arizona friends who will doubtlessly visit this part of Oregon within the next few months and that some of them will locate here.
    There will arrive in Medford next Sunday another party of Michigan people--all booked for permanent residence here. There are fourteen persons in the party, and they are Mrs. F. S. Gould and son, Mrs. J. J. Vis and two sons, Miss Mordyke, Mr. Ade Vis, Mr. Manuel King and four daughters, Miss Iva Marie King and Miss Clara King, daughter and sister, respectively, of G. F. King, of this city. They are all from Grand Rapids, Michigan.
    C. G. Johnson has sold his residence property, on South D Street, to J. T. Eads, the second-hand man. The price paid was $800. The purchase of this property makes this family a permanent fixture for Medford--and that's good--they are good citizens in any town.
    Tom Merriman has purchased the interest of his partner, J. H. Messner, in the blacksmith shop which both have previously operated. Tom will be the "skookum tyee" at the shop now and Mr. Messner will give his undivided attention to his veterinary profession.
    Mrs. E. D. Rose has materially improved the appearance, convenience and comfort of her pleasant West Medford home by putting up a couple of large porches.
    Charlie Gay has taken a position as dispenser of liquid refreshments behind the Hotel Nash bar. Charlie is one of the best in the land in his line.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 2, 1902, page 7

    E. E. Gore, Sr. will leave soon for New York, having been elected a delegate to the general assembly of the Presbyterian Church.
    Chas. Gay, the expert mixologist, officiates at Hotel Nash bar again. He succeeds E. B. Hamilton, who will go to Portland soon.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 2, 1902, page 5

    Mrs. Fellow, mother of Mrs. H. H. Howard, left for Portland Friday on a visit.
    Mrs. R. T. Burnett of Ashland was the guest of her mother, Mrs. L. J. Sears, for a few days this week.
    Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Heard entertained A. Bar, a prominent business man of Etna, Calif., and his wife the forepart of the week. Mrs. B. is Jeff's sister.
    H. E. Boyden, the hardware merchant, is at his homestead, situated in the Butte Creek section. He is accompanied by his family, but will not remain long.
    W. H. Parker, author of several legal works, left for his home at Oakland, Cal. Sunday. He expects to return to Oregon in the near future.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 2, 1902, page 7

    Dr. A. C. Caldwell, who for many years practiced dentistry in this valley, arrived in Ashland a few days since. He has been located at St. Paul, Minn., for some time past.
    The Medford branch of the Grants Pass steam laundry is doing well already. It did $60 worth of business last week alone. J. W. Baker, its manager, and his family have become residents of Medford.
    Judge Hanna has decided that the deed to property in Medford given by the late J. G. Grossman to J. W. Miller is valid and in full force. Relatives of the deceased man sought to set it aside. This is a righteous decision.
    We are sorry to announce the death of the wife of I. W. Thomas, which took place at the family residence in Pooh Bah district Thursday. She had been ailing for some time from a dropsical affection. Mrs. Thomas was a native of Marion County, Tenn., removing to Oregon with her husband and son quite a number of years ago. She was a lady of many excellent qualities, and her death is regretted by all who knew her. The remains were followed to their resting place in the Jacksonville cemetery by a large concourse.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 8, 1902, page 5

    Miss Ida Redden is now a saleswoman at the store of Hutchison & Lumsden.
    Dr. C. C. Pletcher has gone to upper Rogue River, where he has a homestead.
    S. J. Richardson, who is employed at the S.P. coal mine, spent Sunday in Medford.
    Miss Carrie George has gone to upper Rogue River, where she has a homestead claim.
    Mrs. E. Thomas of Seattle, who has been visiting her brother, J. W. Mitchell, returned home recently.
    F. V. Medynski returned from Seattle a few days since. He will not go to Alaska this year, as he intended to.
    C. C. Ragsdale of Williams, Calif. is in the valley. He has sold his farm near Tolo to S. Moorehouse for $6000.
    J. M. Kiernan officiates at the Turf Exchange, vice Chas. Hale, who will soon go into business on his own account.
    F. M. Bredenkamp, lately from Indiana, has taken a position in Howard's grocery store. He is a son-in-law of Rev. Mr. Huber of Dry Creek.
    Rev. E. M. Patterson, now stationed at Eugene, will assume charge of the Christian Church in Medford about the first of July. He is well spoken of.
    Grant Rawlings, a prominent citizen of Climax precinct and Socialist candidate for sheriff, was in Medford Friday, accompanied by W. E. Fox of Central Point.
    Mort. Lawton, who has been acceptably filling a position at Hotel Josephine, Grants Pass, has returned to Medford. He has resumed his former situation at Karnes & Ritter's.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 8, 1902, page 7

The Show Wouldn't Stand for It.
    When Norris & Rowe's dog and pony show was in Medford a short time ago, a bill was presented to the management of the company by Chas. Nickell, of the Democratic Times and Southern Oregonian, in the sum of $9, for advertising in the two papers above mentioned. There had been no contract entered into, and Mr. Allen, treasurer of the Norris & Rowe Co., refused to pay it, as he has no authority to do so. However, he agreed to send the bill to the advance man and if the latter would direct its payment he would settle it. There the matter rested.
    Last week in the Josephine County correspondence (?) of the twin papers appeared the following item:
    "Norris & Rowe's animal show performed outside of the city limits of Grants Pass, refusing to pay the city license, which is reasonable enough. It is a cheap john outfit anyway, and did not give general satisfaction."
    People who attended the show here will be considerably surprised that general satisfaction was not given, and those who had business dealings with the management do not regard them as "cheap."
    The following letters, however, are self-explanatory and reveal the animus of the item above quoted:
"OLYMPIA, Wash., Apr. 27, 1902.       
    "C. I. NORRIS, Esq.,      Dear Sir:--Replying to your letter, which I enclose, regarding newspapers in Medford, namely, Southern Oregonian and Times, I will say they are -------. (A term is used here that the Mail is reluctant to apply or permit a correspondent of this paper to apply, but the meaning is 'one who deceives others.') You did perfectly right not to pay it. They had no authority to run ad. Did not use them simply because they -------. Do not pay anything without an O.K., bill or contract coming from me. I never make promises--only in writing.
"Yours truly,
    "P.S.--You may send them this letter. J.H.F."
    The above was enclosed in the following from Mr. Allen:
"PORTLAND, Ore., Apr. 30, 1902.       
    "EDITOR MAIL,       Dear Sir:--You can see what our contracting agent says about your opponent that tried to give us the rush act on a $9 bill--you will remember.
"Yours mutually,
"Treasurer, Norris & Rowe Shows."
    Comment is unnecessary. The Norris & Rowe Co. have an established reputation for fair and honest dealing. They live up to all their contracts but they absolutely decline to be "grafted."
Medford Mail, May 9, 1902, page 2

    A gravel lot in Bear Creek was purchased from W. B. Roberts for $25.
"Meeting of City Council," Medford Mail, May 9, 1902, page 2

Medford Loses Telephone Case.
From the Portland Telegram.
    That the City of Medford has no right to impose a license of $100 per annum on the Sunset Telephone & Telegraph Company was the ruling of Judge Bellinger in the United States Court this morning, and the injunction restraining the city from removing the poles and wires is still in force.
    Some time ago the city council passed an ordinance fixing the annual license to be paid by all telephone companies at $100 per year, and also fixing the rate for telephones at $1.50 a month. The Sunset Telephone & Telegraph Co., deeming this excessive, refused to pay it, and when the officers commenced to make preparations for removing the poles and wires from the city a suit to enjoin them from doing so was brought in the United States Court. The case was argued some days ago, and a decision rendered this morning.
    Judge Bellinger stated that this would be without the authority of the city and the ordinance was therefore void. The court explained that a city can fix a license only at figures which will cover the expense of issuing a license and other possible expenses, and that such a license would be a tax that could not be levied. "In short," he said, "a city cannot add to the conditions upon which the franchise was originally granted, although a license within reason is legal."
    The court stated there was no need to take up the other phase of the question as to the monthly rate of $1.50, the defendant having admitted that such a prohibition or restriction would be void. The demurrer to the bill of the complaint was accordingly overruled.
    The attorneys for the defense took ten days in which to answer, but the restraining order is in force and will continue so unless the defendants can show better cause why they should not be allowed to impose the license of $100 per annum.
Medford Mail, May 9, 1902, page 3

    James I. Fredenburg to Ella F. Perry, 54 acres in twp 37s, r2w . . . 3500
    Callie Palm to John Eads, lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, blk 31, Medford . . . 700
    A. Clagg Jr. to Clarence Eads, lot 4, blk 49, Medford . . . 250
    I. J. Phipps to Geo. Eads, lots 5 and 6, blk 9, Medford . . . 350
    J. S. Hagey to Henry E. Miller, lots 11, 12, 14 and 15, blk 1, Cottage Home add., Medford . . . 450
    Henry H. Helms to M. A. Anderson, 147 acres in twp 37s, r1w . . . 1300
    L. R. Lane to J. T. Eads, lots 4 and 5, blk 45, Medford . . . 800
    Henry Helms to James Helms, qcd to e ½ of dlc No. 67, twp 37 . . . 1
"Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, May 9, 1902, page 5

    Mrs. J. L. Bartlett, who has been visiting for a month with her sister, Mrs. E. L. Gurnea, returned to her home at Portland Monday evening.
    Mrs. P. M. Dekum and daughter, Miss Humason, of Gold Hill, mother and sister respectively of druggist Ivan Humason, of this city, visited with Medford friends over Monday.
    F. S. Rankin, an old-time photographer of Medford, returned to this city from Indiana Sunday evening and will locate here. Mr. Rankin was located in this city about eight years ago and through ill health was compelled to leave for a time. He comments very favorably upon the many improvements in Medford during his long absence.
    L. H. Faucett left Wednesday morning for Los Angeles, Calif., where he expects to remain for several weeks. Mr. Faucett's health has not been good for some time, in fact it dates back to the time of his service in the Civil War, and his trip to California is made with hopes that it may be improved by this change. The gentleman's very many friends here will welcome news of his improved condition.
    Ernest Welch left Wednesday morning for his homestead up Big Butte way, where he will remain for a few weeks--clearing land and putting in crops (?). He has christened his home "La Malinda," and will place signs in conspicuous places along the road leading to it to direct the weary traveler on his way to this mountain rest. His place is about a mile from I. A. Webb's homestead--which is known as "Idyllwild." Mr. Webb and family expect to leave for their mountain home very soon. They will remain on the homestead the greater part of the summer.
    Merchant H. E. Boyden returned this week from his homestead, up Butte Creek way. He reports that snow fell to the depth of several inches several nights during his stay. While there he erected a barn and when completed he decided he would lay low a threatening tree which stood nearby. The tree was laid low, all right, as was also the new barn across which it fell. Another barn was erected and the horse housed. When he left Mrs. Boyden and Master Charles were comfortably situated, with plenty to eat, and guns and fishing rods with which to supply the table when needed.
    Mrs. F. S. Gould and son and Mrs. J. J. Vis and two sons arrived in the city Sunday from Grand Rapids, Mich. These are the families of the new proprietors of the Rialto Cigar Store. Mr. Gould has rented the Dr. Stephenson residence on South H Street, and Mr. Vis the Wilson residence, on South J Street, and will commence housekeeping just as soon as their household effects arrive. These are two very fine families, and the Mail is heartily glad of the opportunity to chronicle their arrival. The men are good business gentlemen, and their estimable families will be a splendid acquisition to our best society.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 9, 1902, page 6

Now Let Us Roll Logs.
    The board of trustees of the Academy on Tuesday evening selected a site for the college which will be built within the next fifteen months. The property consists of five acres on North C Street, between the holdings of Messrs. Theiss and Starr, covering the I. L. Hamilton property sufficiently to include the five acres. The price to be paid is $1500. Land could have been had for a lower price farther out, but it was thought that the desirability of this location would more than compensate for the difference in price. It is convenient to both the business and residence portion of the city, on the main route of travel for parties passing through the valley, and people from the northern end of the county coming to Medford. The building to be constructed will be of brick, with stone basement, and is to be ready for use by the school within the time above mentioned.
    Articles of incorporation will be drawn up within a month and a college name adopted.
    Subscriptions will be received from now on for the purpose of giving the school a sufficient endowment so that it will have the necessary income, in addition to the tuition received, to carry on the work in the way that it should be done.
    The establishment of this college will prove of great and lasting benefit to the city, will bring many people here in order to enjoy the superior school facilities it will afford, and will be a standing advertisement of the enterprise of our citizens and the progressiveness of Medford. Don't be backward about subscribing to this institution, which is bound to be of incalculable benefit to the city and the community at large.
Medford Mail, May 9, 1902, page 6

    F. M. Wilson:--"The ice cream season is opening good. Didn't expect it so soon either, but I suppose the people are coming early to avoid the rush. We are making our cream with natural fruit juice flavoring and serve it with crushed fruit. We will keep all kinds of fruit on sale during the season. Yes, we have strawberries now--and we are selling them at fifteen cents a box. Our soft drinks with natural juice flavoring are meeting with general approval, and we are selling lots of 'em."
    W. J. Baker:--"Laundry business is good in Medford. I am getting more work than I expected. I gather and deliver goods in Jacksonville as well as Medford and the two towns keep me busy. I have moved my office to my residence across from the Mail office. Last week we turned out work to the amount of $60--and the figures are getting bigger each week. No complaint has as yet been made on the work--in fact I know it to be as good as can be gotten in any city."
    The coal prospects continue bright at the mine east of Medford. The quality and formation continue about the same as reported last week. Work is progressing finely both on the tunnel proper and the crosscut. The boring outfit has shut down temporarily owing to inability to get casing for the well. Saturday will be payday for the month, and between $1200 and $1500 will be paid out.
    W. F. Isaacs returned last week from a visit with Gold Hill friends. He reports that while there he attended a dance given by the Women's Relief Corps, which was a grand affair. Over 100 tickets were sold and the music was by a Grants Pass orchestra. Master Seely Hall and little Miss Beeman did a cake walk and a two-step that was grand to look upon.
    Miss Letha Hardin has taken her old position as clerk in the Medford post office. Miss Rydal Bradbury, who formerly held this position, is now engaged as bookkeeper in H. H. Howard & Co.'s grocery and crockery store.
    F. M. Wilson has rented from Mrs. Phipps the building formerly occupied by the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Company as a market, and will open a restaurant therein.
    Miss Lulu Hartsell has taken a position as saleswoman in J. G. Van Dyke & Co.'s dry goods store.
"Additional Local," Medford Mail, May 9, 1902, page 6

    Reduced rates on photos at the Elite Studio in Medford. In order to thoroughly introduce our work to the public, we will for a time make cabinets for $1.50 per dozen. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Yours for fine work, Elite Photo Company.
    The Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Company have on exhibition at their warerooms in this city a Stover gasoline engine which seems to be meeting with much favor among those needing engines for operating spray pumps and other similar work. The principal features of the Stover are similar to those of the Fairbanks which are in use about here, but the gasoline feed appliance of the Stover is, in the opinion of the writer, who is operating a Fairbanks, far superior--to the Fairbanks. Nearly all the inconvenience experienced in operating our office engine has been with the gasoline pump. There is no pump used on the Stover--gasoline being brought to the place of explosion by the suction of the cylinder, thus doing away with the possibility of trouble with a pump.
    Purdin's blacksmith shop back of the Medford Bank is prepared now to do all kinds of blacksmithing and wagon work. E. M. Jenkins, a first-class wagon maker, is in charge of that department and guarantees all work turned out by him. Carriage painting also done.
    Married--At Cornucopia, Oregon, on April 25, 1902, Mr. Thos. Turner and Mrs. Harriett Turner. The bride is the wife of Wm. Turner, deceased, who resided in Medford for a number of years. The groom is a brother of the deceased Mr. Turner. At the time of his brother's death Thos. Turner visited Medford and helped the widow in the settlement of her husband's affairs. He afterwards came here and assisted her in disposing of her home, and Mrs. Turner left with him for Cornucopia. Mr. Turner was a bachelor and is said to be well off in this world's chattels. The Mail wishes them many years of happy wedded life. They are both well along in years--sixty-eight.
    A meeting of stockholders of the Southern Oregon Oil Co. was held at Ashland last week for the raising of funds to sink the well, which is already down 1800 feet, to a depth of 3000 feet. At least $4000 will be needed for this purpose. A circular letter, to the stockholders, has been prepared asking for subscriptions to stock. A limited number of shares is to be offered at ten cents a share. Those attending the meeting were unanimously in favor of continuing operations, and upwards of thirty persons signified their intentions of taking fifty or more shares.
    The Oregon Granite Company had men at work putting the finishing touches to some fine specimens of Oregon granite monumental work that will be placed in position this week. One is for Mrs. F. O. Short and is erected in memory of her husband in the Phoenix cemetery, and the other is for Mrs. Gainey, of this city, for her son, John F. Gainey.
    H. B. Nye has had workmen at work this week in rearranging his racket store. He is going to put in a department especially for ladies' tailor-made suits and skirts and golf suits. A room is being partitioned off at the rear of the salesroom where ladies can try on suits or skirts, thus avoiding the inconvenience of taking the articles home to "try on." Mr. Nye says he will carry a very large stock of goods in these lines, and he is inviting the ladies of Southern Oregon to call and inspect them.
    Dr. Butler:--"I had a letter from my brother, J. D. Butler, this week, and he tells me he has taken a position as traveling salesman for the Merrill Chemical Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio. His territory will be Utah, Montana, Idaho and part of Wyoming. Yes, he used to be in Medford--was pharmacist in druggist Strang's store. No, I have no idea as to salary, but he was getting $85 per month in a drug store over at Pocatello, Idaho, and he must be getting more than that now."
    Dr. Phipps:--"I was out this week looking over the apple orchard that my brother and I put out last fall. I don't believe there is a tree in the whole forty-five acres that did not live, and say, some of them have blooms on. We are going to put out sixty-five acres more this next fall. I wish we had thought of apple culture ten years ago. If we had I wouldn't be doing dentistry for a living."
    Rance Rouse has men at work this week building a new addition to his residence, on East Ninth Street, and having it repainted and papered. He is building a kitchen 12x16 feet in size and is making a number of other improvements. Dale Hazel is the carpenter and Ling & Boardman the decorating artists.
    Rev. Carl D. Thompson, Socialist, of the Social Crusade, will speak in the Academy hall on Tuesday evening, May 13th, at 7:30 o'clock. His subject will be "Freedom and Fraternity: Home and Humanity--A More Abundant Life for All." An invitation is extended to all to attend.
    J. W. Cox has had plans drawn for a very fine eight-room residence, to be erected on his South C Street property. The building will be 32x28 feet in size, two stories high--and will be a beautiful structure to look upon. I. A. Palmer is the architect who has drawn the plans and made the specifications.
    Councilman J. R. Wilson has a force of carpenters at work on the frame of his new opera house. The work is being rapidly pushed and by the first of June Medford can boast of the best opera house in Southern Oregon.
    George Porter is now temporary night clerk at Hotel Nash--doing service while the regular clerk--Judge James Stewart--is out doing some campaign work.
    John R. Hardin has purchased the interest of Mr. Appel in the C Street barber shop, and will in the future conduct the business single-handed.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 9, 1902, page 7

Big Immigration to Medford.
    MEDFORD, May 8.--During the week, a stream of Eastern immigrants have been pouring into this city. On almost every train three to four arrive, and as many as 14, and they all come with the intention of locating here. Fourteen people from Grand Rapids, Mich. have just arrived, who desire to engage in business.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 10, 1902, page 4

    Mrs. P. M. Dekum and daughter, Miss Humason, of Gold Hill, visited their son and brother respectively, Ivan Humason, over Monday.
    Mrs. Carrie L. Johnson and children arrived Tuesday evening from their home at Pacific Grove, Cal. They expect to remain several months visiting relatives and friends.
    Emanuel King and four daughters, Misses Delia, Edith, Bertha and Emma, and son, Master Rudolph, of Grand Rapids, Mich., arrived Tuesday. They were accompanied by Miss Iva Marie and Clara King, sister and daughter of G. F. King, of this city.

"Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, May 11, 1902, page 21

    The bridge across Bear Creek, in Medford, will be a steel one. Sixteen bids for building it ranging from $2,000 to $10,000 each were submitted at the May term of the commissioners' court, but all were rejected. New ones, on plans made by Geo. Eidings, will be received until the first day of the June session.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 15, 1902, page 5

    Mrs. Carrie Johnson has returned from Pacific Grove, Cal. accompanied by her daughters.
    G. A. Gurnea, who is now a successful merchant of Ashland, tarried here a few hours yesterday.
    Miss Lula Hartzell, a popular young lady, has taken a position as saleslady at J. G. Van Dyke & Co.'s temple of fashion.
    Sam Tryer, who has been in the employ of the Ashland Meat Co., is now chief of the block in the butcher shop at Montague, Calif.
    Harry Harrison, who has been holding a position with the Medford Drug Co., left for Ashland this morning, to locate. He is succeeded by Charley Rothermel.
    Mrs. J. Barneburg has returned from Grants Pass, whither she was called by the illness of her sister, Miss Mae Kellogg, who had a severe attack of hemorrhage of the lungs. The young lady is now somewhat improved.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 15, 1902, page 7

Harness Shop Changes Hands.
    Last week John Hackett sold his harness and shoe shop to L. A. Lucas & Son of Medford, who took immediate possession and will continue the business in Grants Pass. Mr. L. A. Lucas will take charge of the Grants Pass shop and his son will remain in Medford, where most of the manufacturing will be done. The new proprietors are old hands at the harness business, having had fifteen years' experience in Idaho and two years in Medford. Their specialty is stock saddlery, of which they carry the largest stock in Southern Oregon. All their heavy harness will be hand made. Mr. Lucas has also bought Mr. Hackett's residence property, on D Street, and will move his family here before long.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, May 15, 1902, page 3

    The cards are out announcing the wedding of Miss Carrie Sackett, our school teacher, of Medford, Oregon, to Mr. Harry Heaton, of this place, to take place on Sunday, May 11.
"Items from Greenback," 
Rogue River Courier, May 15, 1902, page 2

County Commissioners' Court.
    Ordered that George Ridlinger be allowed the sum of $25 for plans and specifications furnished county court for steel bridge across Bear Creek at Medford.
    In the matter of bids for construction of a bridge across Bear Creek at Medford; the court having carefully examined plans and specifications submitted for the construction of said bridge, together with the various bids for the construction of same, and deeming all of said bids excessive, rejected each and all of said bids. It was further ordered by the court that the plans and specifications submitted by George Ridlinger for a steel bridge be adopted, and that bids for the construction of same in accordance with said plans and specifications be advertised for in The Medford Mail and Medford Enquirer for two consecutive weeks, said bids to be opened on Wednesday, June 4, 1902, each bidder to deposit with his bid five percent of the amount of such bid, which shall be forfeited to the county in case the award is made to him and he fails, neglects or refuses for the period of two days after such award is made, to enter into a contract and file his bond in the manner required by and to the satisfaction of the county court.
Medford Mail, May 16, 1902, page 2

    Miss Emma Reed, of the Medford public schools, visited her parents near here the latter part of last week. It is rumored that Miss Reed will sever her connections with the Medford schools, where she has been a very successful teacher for several years.
"Jacksonville Items," Medford Mail, May 16, 1902, page 3

Proposals for the Construction of a Bridge
Across Bear Creek at Medford, Oregon.
    Sealed proposals will be received by the County Court of Jackson County at Jacksonville, Oregon, on or before the 4th day of June, 1902, for the construction of a steel bridge across Bear Creek at Medford, Oregon, said bridge to commence and terminate as specified in the former advertisement for the construction of said bridge, which advertisement is on file in the clerk's office at Jacksonville, Oregon, and to consist of two 110-foot spans, together with a 72-foot approach on the west side thereof. The foundation, piers and abutments to consist of either granite or tubular piers, the said abutments and piers, spans and approach to be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications as approved by the County Court and now on file in the clerk's office of said County Court. The said bridge is to be of not less than 18 feet of clear roadway, free from all obstructions, and to be constructed 18 inches lower than the present bridge.
    With each bid submitted by contractors there is to be a separate bid presented for the filling to be made at each end of the bridge. Each bid for the construction of said bridge is to be accompanied by a deposit equal to five percent of the bid.
    The County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
    Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, May 15, 1902.
County Surveyor.
    Gus Newbury, Clerk.
Medford Mail, May 16, 1902, page 3

    Sunday being a very pleasant day, people from all parts of the valley came to enjoy the sights from the top of Table Rock. One wagon loaded with eighteen people and drawn by four horses was piloted to the top of the rock, which proves that the builders of the road have worked wonders for sightseers.
    Mrs. P. M. Williams and mother, Mrs. Merriman, returned to Medford Monday, after a stay of several days in this locality. While here Mrs. Williams completed her painting of Table Rock, from which she contemplates makes a large picture which will be exhibited to the public when complete. She is also making watercolor sketches of our wildflowers and took home with her an order for a book of them to be sent east. She has the rare faculty of getting the exact shades of coloring, and the book will be a treat wherever it is shown. Her watercolor portrait of the late Mr. Frierson has received many favorable comments. Those wishing such work done would do well to call on her in Medford before sending elsewhere.
J. C. Pendleton, "Table Rock Items," Medford Mail, May 16, 1902, page 3

    S. T. Owings returned Wednesday to Medford, after a two weeks' visit with his brother, G. W. Owings, and family.
"Woodville Items," Medford Mail, May 16, 1902, page 3

Nine Reasons Why Medford Should Subscribe Liberally to the Academy Fund.

    1st. People of ordinary means cannot meet the expense of sending children to the Willamette Valley for higher education.
    2nd. The nearest school of high quality is the state university at Eugene, which is 206 miles from Medford.
    3rd. If Southern Oregon continues to have no college a few of the wealthier class will send their children away to school as they are doing now and the many who would take advantage of higher education cannot or would not do so.
    4th. If a college is in a home town many would take a college education who would not under other circumstances think of doing so.
    5th. A college is a financial benefit to a town. It not only brings in families with means to live temporarily or permanently, but also a large income from the students, each of whom leaves not less than $150 for the ordinary expenses per year, besides what he spends incidentally. Thus on the lowest estimate an average of 100 students per year would leave in the town $15,000 annually and 300 students $30,000 annually, not including the income from families moving in.
    6th. Sending young people away from Southern Oregon for a college education sends the money out of the country, and it goes to build up towns or institutions elsewhere in Oregon or in California.
    7th. In a college town and in the patronizing territory of the same a certain percent of the young people have the benefit of higher education who, under other circumstances, would not have thought of taking such advantages, hence the result is better educated citizens and better society and the better administration of public affairs.
    8th. A college town always attracts a good class of citizens as permanent residents and the result is good society and a clean, neat, well-built-up city.
    9th. People who invest money in a school of this kind will leave something after death as a heritage for young men and women to do good for all time.
Medford Mail, May 16, 1902, page 3

    H. L. Appel, of Medford, has purchased the tonsorial outfit of Jerry Heckathorn and opened a barber shop here. He is a guest at the Sunnyside Hotel.
"Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, May 16, 1902, page 5

    O. E. Gorsline to E. L. Gorsline, lot 15, blk 44, Medford . . . 1
    E. L. Gorsline to Carrie M. Jones, same property . . . 100
    S. C. Minnick to Mrs. Rena Hubbard, piece of land in Broback's reserve, Medford . . . 100
    Wm. Ulrich to Mrs. M. J. Sturges, lot 4 and ½ lot 5, blk 30, Medford . . . 475
    E. C. Boeck to P. B. O'Neil, 97/100 of an acre near Medford . . . 600
    Geo. Hall to Jackson County, 59/100 of an acre in dlc No. 75, sec. 76, twp 37 . . . 44
    Catherine Hawk to John Hogan 6 acres in sec. 25, twp 37s, r2w . . . 1
    Peter Redlinger to Paul Fehlen, 4.95 acres in dlc No. 90, twp 37s, r2w . . . 310
    P. B. O'Neil to E. C. Boeck, title bond to 97/100 acres near Medford . . . 1200
    James Cronemiller to Wm. Robinson, administrator's deed to 10 acres in sec. 31, twp 37s, r2w . . . 420
"Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, May 16, 1902, page 5

    Mrs. W. L. Halley is at Ashland this week for a few days' visit to her sister, Mrs. H. H. Hosler.
    Miss Iva Purdin returned from Woodville Saturday where she has just closed a two months' term of school.
    Dr. G. W. Stephenson and family left Monday for their new home at Flora, Oregon, and the best wishes of all Medford go with them.
    Mrs. Geo. H. Williams, of Oroville, Calif., who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. T. W. Johnson, for a couple of weeks, returned to her home Tuesday.
    Adrian Vis, of Grand Rapids, Mich., is in Medford for a few weeks' visit to his brother, J. J. Vis, of the Rialto. Mr. Vis is a furniture salesman and will probably find employment either in Portland or San Francisco.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 16, 1902, page 6

    Architect Palmer is at work making plans for a new brick building to be put up at the corner of Seventh and D streets by C. W. Palm and J. E. Bodge, who own the real estate at this point. The building will be 50x100 feet in size, but whether it will be one or two stories high has not yet been determined. This is a grand, good idea and will be an improvement which all Medford people have been hoping for for these many years, and big chunks of credit are due Messrs. Palm and Bodge for their display of enterprise. Work of removing the old buildings will commence in July. The land is now occupied by the Turf Exchange Saloon, the Postal Telegraph office, the Palm-York real estate office, B. N. Butler, jewelry store, and E. D. Elwood, jewelry store.
    F. M. Wilson has moved his restaurant from the Halley block to the Phipps brick building on North C Street. The room has been thoroughly cleaned and renovated throughout, newly papered and painted--and fixed up slicker than a button. Since Mr. Wilson re-engaged in the restaurant business the business has steadily increased until now at every meal from twenty to forty persons sit down to his tables. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are excellent cooks, and Medford restaurant boarders are fast finding it out. Regular board has been reduced to $3 per week--meal tickets $3.50 and patronage is invited. Don't forget the location--North C Street, in building formerly occupied by Ulrich's meat market.
    L. A. Lucus, senior member of the firm of L. A. Lucus & Son, harness and saddleryman, of this city, has purchased the Hackett stock of harness and saddles in Grants Pass and is now in that city in charge of the business, which he will continue there. His son, John C. Lucus, will continue the business here. The Mail regrets the fact that we are to lose so estimable a family, but there is some solace in the fact that we are to lose only one of the Lucus families.
    The passenger trains are being so heavily taxed these times that the northbound evening train is run in two sections and the southbound morning train always requires the assistance of a "helper" engine to take it from here to Ashland.
    A. H. Laurentz, who resides on West Seventh Street, has purchased of George Hall thirty acres of land west of Medford. The land is situated just south and east of the Grove school house, on the Medford-Jacksonville road. The price paid was $3000.
    F. M. Stewart, real estate dealer, is moving his office this week to A. M. Woodford's shoe store, where he is having a neat office fitted up near the front of the store. The building he vacates will be used by M. C. Campbell for ice cream parlors.
    C. V. Hale opened his saloon in the Rostel building on Tuesday of this week. The interior of the building has been repapered and painted--the work of Geo. Anderson--and the place as a whole presents a very pretty appearance. New bar fixtures have been put up and the whole interior practically made over. Mr. Hale is a very clever gentleman, and his friends are predicting that he will get his full share of the business in that line. Orin Murphy is his wine clerk.
    A. Bullock, who arrived in Medford a few weeks ago from Arizona, has purchased fifty acres of Bear Creek bottom land from Major Barron. The price paid was $2900.
    Scott Davis has a large crew of workmen engaged in the construction of his new home, at the head of West Sixth Street.
"Additional Local," Medford Mail, May 16, 1902, page 6

    Tuesday of this week, May 13th, was the occasion of the eleventh annual meeting of the Southern Oregon Medical Association. The meeting place was at Ashland, and a very pleasant, profitable and interesting session was held. Twelve members were present, they being Drs. Van Dyke, Moore, Klebe and Flannagan, of Grants Pass, Dr. Pickel, of Medford, Dr. Hargrave, of Phoenix, Dr. DeBar, of Jacksonville, Drs. Parsons, Songer, Brower and Shaw at Ashland. Each physician had special cases to report which were to some extent out of the ordinary routine of everyday ills and accidents. The condition and treatment of each of these were discussed quite at length and much good subject matter for thought was thus imparted to those who may not have had to do with the particular case which might be up for discussion. After the conference session the visiting members were invited to Hotel Oregon where, as guests of the Ashland physicians, they were given a banquet royal. Dr. Browne was elected president for the next year and Dr. Shaw secretary. It was voted that these meetings hereafter be held semi-annually--in November and May of each year. The next meeting will be held at Grants Pass in November. All members of this society are allopathic physicians, or as they term themselves "regulars." In Ashland all the physicians are regulars save one, Dr. Rader, who is a homeopathist. In Grants Pass all are regulars but one. In Jacksonville, both DeBar and Robinson are regulars, in Medford Pickel is the only regular, the others, Jones and Shearer, eclectic but do not follow the prescribed ethics of any school, Kirchgessner, eclectic and homeopath, Butler, osteopathist. Drs. Cole, of Central Point, and Officer, of Eagle Point, are both allopaths.
    N. H. Spencer has sold his Griffin Creek ranch to S. W. Boyd, recently from Louisiana. The price paid was $9000, and aside from the ranch of 160 acres includes the growing crops, two horses, thirty head of sheep, several hogs and nearly all the farming implements. This place is very nicely located and a good part of it is excellent fruit land. There are now about ten acres of orchard growing, and Mr. Boyd expects to put out fifty or sixty acres more this fall. Possession of the property is to be given at once. There is a living spring on the hillside above the residence, and the water from this Mr. Boyd will carry in pipes to various parts of the house. This deal was made through the F. M. Stewart real estate agency. Mr. Boyd's family is expected to arrive today.
    Dr. E. B. Pickel is in receipt of a letter this week from his sister, Miss Della Pickel, who is attending Bryn Mawr College, near Philadelphia, telling that she will be home in June and will spend her vacation here. The letter also states that Miss Jenkins, a Philadelphia music teacher of whom Miss Della has been taking lessons, will give a concert soon in the Garrick theatre, one of the newest and finest theatres in Philadelphia, and that she (Della) will take part in the concert. This may well be considered an honor worthy of mention, and Miss Della's many friends will extend their heartiest congratulations because of the fact that she has attained a prominence in the musical world which entitles her to the distinction mentioned.
    Residences which are for rent are at a premium in Medford this spring. The question which naturally arises is, what are we to do with all the people who will be flocking to our city this fall to take advantage of our excellent school facilities? There has never been a scarcity of dwelling houses before in Medford at this season of the year. The many new arrivals from the East who have located here accounts for the scarcity of residences. If owners of dwellings would get in and repair their places the few for rent signs there are now displayed would be taken down. No one ought to expect something for nothing. Renters are willing to pay liberally for houses, but they expect that the places will be made  habitable.
    Alfred Weeks:--"There will be twice as much fruit in the Weeks & Orr orchards this year as there was last, and I believe this same condition prevails all over the valley. No, frost will not harm the fruit now. It would require a good freeze to do harm, but I do not expect it--in fact, I feel confident we will have nothing of the kind. Our young orchard of seventy-five acres, which we set out five years ago, will have considerable fruit on it this year. I expect at least a carload of pears from it."
    "Lawson G. Bradley, who was graduated from the University of Oregon three years ago, and who last winter attended the medical college in Portland, has accepted a responsible position on the local staff of the Morning Oregonian. Bradley is a good news rustler and will hold down his present position until the medical college reopens in October. He formerly worked on the Lewiston Tribune."--Eugene Register. Lawson is a son of Mrs. Laura Bradley, who formerly resided just north of Medford, and who still owns property in this vicinity.
    On Monday of this week Wallace Woods sold his residence property on the corner of Eighth and G streets to Emanuel King, late of Grand Rapids, Mich. The price paid was $1500. Mr. Woods will buy other property