HE TOOK IT.--The secesh lately arrested at Phoenix, in this county, after laying in the guard house a day or two, concluded to take the oath of allegiance. After the wholesome physic had fairly settled on his stomach, he was released. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 3, 1863, page 3 . . . A rampant secesher of Jackson County, named Dunlap, got on a bender at Phoenix on Christmas and let himself out in extravagant praise of Jeff. Davis & Co., and then denounced the United States government in such terms that the commanding officer at Camp Baker thought it best to cool him off in the guard house. He was kept in confinement a couple of days, and then marched out in the presence of the soldiers drawn up in line and obliged to take the oath of allegiance, which a correspondence says he took "with fear and trembling." Upon being released he left, on 2:40 time, and has not been heard of since.--Served him right. . . . The wire for the Oregon telegraph was shipped from New York, July 25th, but has not yet arrived. The southern part of the line cannot now be put up before the snows leave the Crescent City mountains, in the spring. "Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, January 5, 1863, page 2 DANGEROUS PLACE.--There are about one thousand voters in Jackson County. Five persons during the past year have been killed in fights and quarrels. This is one to every two hundred, making it almost as dangerous to live in this county as to serve as a soldier in the Union army. The number wounded has not been proportionately as great as the number of wounded to the killed after a hard-fought battle, but still the number is considerable. Such a state of things is to be regretted, and calls or a more vigorous enforcement of the laws. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 7, 1863, page 2 CHINESE IN OREGON.--The Jacksonville Sentinel says:
Many of the mining districts in this county are rapidly being filled up
with Chinamen. There are at least 100 on Jackson Creek, 175 on
Applegate, 60 on Sardine Creek, and fifteen or twenty on the bars of
Rogue River.
Red Bluff Independent, January 9, 1863, page 3
MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE.--Since the organization of Jackson County in 1853, one hundred and eighty-eight marriages have been contracted. During the last year there have been six divorces granted, and more suits are pending. At this rate, in nine years there have been fifty-four divorces--fifty-four outrages against the purity of society. Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 10, 1863, page 3 . . . A man by the name of Reese was shot on Butte Creek, Jackson County, on the 29th day of December, by a man unknown--supposed to have been a crazy man named "Dutch Henry." Reese it is supposed will die. . . . The Sentinel says there have been twenty-eight marriages in Jackson County during the past year, and one hundred and eighty-eight marriages recorded since the organization of the county in 1853. The Sentinel estimates that from 2,000 to 5,000 offers of marriage have been refused since that time. "Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, January 12, 1863, page 2 . . . The wire for the Oregon telegraph was lost with the ship Noonday, which as wrecked near the Farallon Islands, by striking on a sunken rock. Wire must be reordered for at least a portion of the line. This will delay the construction of the telegraph for four or five months. . . . During the last year, according to the Sentinel, five men have been killed in Jackson County, out of a voting population of one thousand. "Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, January 19, 1863, page 2 THE PROCLAMATION.--The Oregon Sentinel, published at Jacksonville, says: It is the duty of the President to enforce the laws, and to preserve intact the national Constitution. These objects are paramount to all others. If these objects render the sequestration of private property necessary, the act is constitutional, or else certain paramount duties are imposed upon the President, while the power essential to discharge the duties is withheld. Does the Constitution impose obligations and then deny the power requisite for the fulfillment of those obligations? Certainly not. The Constitution clearly points out the duties of the President, and then clothes him with the military and naval power of the government as means for their fulfillment. The objects are, the enforcement of the laws and the maintenance of the rightful authority of the federal government. In the accomplishment of these objects, he can kill rebels, batter down a contumacious city, or confiscate Negroes. The right to kill rebels, it strikes us, is the exercise of a much higher power than the right to take their property; yet it is contended that the President possesses the first, but not the second! that is, the Constitution throws stronger and more sacred guards around chattels than it does around human life. The absurdity of such a notion is only equaled by the fanaticism of its advocates. The Proclamation is a military act, based upon the grounds of a military necessity. It is not essential to constitute this necessity, that it should absolutely appear that the rebellion could be put down in no other way. If it is morally probable that with the Proclamation, the rebellion can be crushed out with the loss of twenty thousand men, and that, without it, it would require the sacrifice of fifty thousand, we hold that it is a military necessity. No amount of property is equal in value to the additional thirty thousand lives. So, also, if it has a tendency to shorten the struggle by cutting off the resources of the insurgents, and thus stay the enormous expense attending this war, it is a military necessity. Marysville Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, January 22, 1863, page 3 INDIAN ROBBERIES.--The Indians on Butte Creek, in Jackson County, are stealing from the settlers. The Coast Agency has been supplying these savages with half rations, but cut them off in consequence of some petty depredation on their part, so they steal the more in consequence of it. INSANE.--A person named F. Newton Westfall is now confined in the jail at this place, awaiting the completion of arrangements to send him to the insane asylum at Portland. He is raving constantly and is a dangerous person. The cost of his transportation to Portland will be not less than three hundred dollars. If he lived in Marion it might possibly cost the people of that county fifty dollars. The additional two hundred and fifty dollars is levied as a sort of punishment on the people of Jackson County for living so far away from the asylum. It is just, we presume! It is a little dangerous to live in close proximity to the asylum. and the taxes are gauged according to the degree of danger. Hence the people of Multnomah County, living in much danger, pay nothing. The taxes increase in the ratio of the increase of distance from the point of danger. The people of Jackson, Josephine, Coos, Curry, Douglas and Baker counties are supposed to be in a state of absolute security; hence they pay high for the transportation of their unfortunates. O, just and equal laws, how great are your blessings! How incomprehensibly profound the legislative genius that first perceived the beneficence of our insane law!--Sentinel. State Republican, Eugene, January 24, 1863, page 1 Three hundred miles of wire for the Oregon telegraph has arrived at San Francisco. Two hundred miles were lost on the Noonday. "Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, January 26, 1863, page 2 DISAPPEARANCE.--The Jacksonville (Oregon) Sentinel has received a letter from a correspondent at Browntown, Josephine County, from which it makes the following extract, concerning the disappearance of an expressman well known in Southern Oregon and Northern California: "George M. Cornwall, an old expressman, well known as 'Portland George,' has mysteriously disappeared. The last that was seen of him was upon Althouse Creek, in the afternoon of November 21, near the claim of Trimby & Co. He is supposed to have attempted to cross the mountain to Waldo, and being lost, perished during the cold nights of that period. A fruitless search has been made for him. Mr. Cornwall was from Portland, Me., and had been an expressman here ever since 1852." Boston Morning Journal, Boston, Massachusetts, January 27, 1863, page 2 JACKSON COUNTY.--The county treasurer of Jackson County has paid its share of the state tax in gold and silver coin. Jackson County is a Union county, and is on the square. Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 28, 1863, page 3 The Sentinel, says our old friend D. C. Lewis, has sent us some very fine specimens of copper ore, taken from the Cruikshank vein, at Rockland. The vein is owned by Mr. Lewis. The Sentinel says there is a considerable amount of sickness in Jacksonville and vicinity. "Local and Miscellaneous Items," State Republican, Eugene, January 31, 1863, page 2 TOBACCO CULTURE IN OREGON.--We take the following extract from the Bulletin's Oregon correspondent: "There is something of a ferment among the agriculturists of this state about raising tobacco. A few experiments were tried last year, and the result is claimed to have been very satisfactory. The proceeds of a large crop on paper have been ciphered up, and the product, compared with other crops, is astonishing. Before the advent of California gold and Atlantic trade, there was but little tobacco to be had in Oregon, except the 'Scotch twist,' nicknamed by the settlers 'trail rope.' It was kept by the Hudson Bay Company for their employees and the Indian trade, and was the vilest trash a man ever put in his mouth. Dislike to it, and the want of money, drove many of the American settlers to attempt to raise their own tobacco. They succeeded very well, so that in 1848 and 1849 much of the chewing and smoking was of the home production. War and high tariffs will probably drive us back to where we left off, 12 years ago, and I think we will be none the worse for it. 'Sweet are the uses of adversity.'" Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, February 1, 1863, page 2 JACKSONVILLE ENTERPRISE.--The citizens of Jackson County are agitating the subject of building a wagon road from that section of the state to the mines on John Day and Powder rivers. The distance is estimated at three hundred miles, and the difficulties to be overcome are inconsiderable. The road will run by Klamath Lake, keeping east after passing it. It will afford a good chance for a market for the products of the southern part of the state, which is languishing for the lack of an outlet. It is calculated that this new route will take all the travel from Northern California, and make Jacksonville the fitting-out place for adventurers bound for the gold fields to the east. Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 5, 1863, page 2 WINKED OUT.--T'Vault's Jacksonville Intelligencer has winked out. It never was a very bright light in the newspaper world. Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 11, 1863, page 3 GONE IN.--The Jacksonville Intelligencer, a
bogus Union concern, published by old T'Vault, has died of the disease
of denouncing the government. Dixie fever is worse than delirium tremens.--Yreka Journal.
Red Bluff Independent, February 13, 1863, page 3
The Jacksonville Intelligencer has suspended publication. It claimed to be a "Democratic" paper. Washington Standard, Olympia, February 14, 1863, page 2 "A
MURDEROUS ATTACK AND ROBBERY."--The Jacksonville Sentinel of
the 11th says that "a daring and cold-blooded attempt at assassination
was made by some inhuman villain upon the person of an Italian miner in
his cabin on Rich Gulch on Monday last. The following are the
particulars, as related to us: The robber entered the Italian's cabin
between the hours of one and two o'clock on Monday morning and
immediately attacked him while lying in bed, with a large bowie knife,
and at the same time demanding his money. The assassin dealt blows
thick and fast, aimed at the miner's throat and breast. The miner,
while warding off the blows from the vital parts with his hands and
arms as best he could, received a number of severe gashes on the hands
and face. On the victim promising to give up his money, the murderer
desisted. The Italian then handed over his purse containing $65, with
which the villain departed, but apparently not satisfied with the
amount he again returned and threatened instant death to the man if he
did not 'fork over' all his money. The miner persisted that the purse
contained all that he had, and the villain again went grumbling away.
The robber wore a mask, and was otherwise disguised. The wounded man
says the robber was an American. Dr. Ganung dressed the wounds of the
unfortunate man. He reports the wounds as severe, though not dangerous.
The Italian is known as a hard-working, economical, honest man."
The Semi-Weekly Union, Yreka, California, February 14, 1863, page 2 QUARTZ.--The quartz mill of Douthitt & Jewett, in Jackson County, is grinding out gold at the rate of $50 to the ton of rocks. Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 16, 1863, page 2 NEW BRIDGE.--J. B. White & Co. have built a new bridge across Rogue River, in Jackson County, at Rock Point. The bridge is about one mile above the bridge which was swept away last winter, and is ten feet above the high-water mark of the great floods of that period. Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 16, 1863, page 2 KLAMATH LAKE.--We are informed that Senator Harding has written a letter to Hon. I. D. Haines, of this place, stating that the Secretary of War had ordered the establishment of a military post in the Klamath Lake Valley. This is an act of justice to the people of Southern Oregon, which will be duly appreciated by them. It will open up that extensive country to settlement and give security and protection to persons taking that route to the northern gold fields. Wonder if any of the money appropriated for the protection of the overland emigration is to be expended on any route leading to Southern Oregon? Guess not--couldn't be too liberal all at once. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 18, 1863, page 2 THE Oregon Sentinel says that there is quite an inquiry among the farmers of the Rogue River Valley in that state for tobacco seed. Marysville Appeal, Marysville, California, February 18, 1863, page 2 NEW POST OFFICE.--A post office has been established at the Dardanelles, on Rogue River, in this county, and Mr. Newman Fisher has been appointed postmaster. This is but an act of justice to the people in that locality. It will be the third office in point of business in this county. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 21, 1863, page 2 DONE AT LAST.--The Hon. J. R. McBride, in a letter to us dated Washington City, Jan. 2st [sic], states that the mail route from Waldo to Crescent City has been let--to whom he does not say. It is astonishing that this matter was permitted by our congressional delegation to rest so long as it has. Crescent City is the only commercial point for Southern Oregon and quite a portion of Northern California. Half a million dollars worth of goods are shipped annually to that point for the use of the people of Southern Oregon and Northern California. That the mail communication to that point should be broken at the foot of Crescent City mountains was an act of the most palpable injustice to the people interested in the same. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 21, 1863, page 2 The Sentinel says that a rich vein of silver ore has been discovered on Althouse Creek, in Josephine County. It also states that large and rich veins of copper ore have been found in that county. The mineral resources of Oregon are being developed daily, and are becoming truly immense. T'Vault's Jacksonville Intelligencer, after a protracted struggle of two or three months, has followed its "illustrious predecessors," and gone to its grave. "Local and Miscellaneous Items," State Republican, Eugene, Oregon, February 21, 1863, page 2 William Reiley, tried for the murder of A. C. Humphreys in Jackson County, has been convicted of murder in the second degree. "Late from the North," Sacramento Daily Union, March 2, 1863, page 4 The Sentinel says a correspondent in Josephine County rather knocks the ring out of the silver lead reported to have been discovered on Althouse Creek. The copper ore, however, is the genuine article. The people in Southern Oregon are up and doing, and urging the building of a wagon road to the Boise mines from Jacksonville. They make the distance 325 miles from that place. "Local and Miscellaneous Items," State Republican, Eugene, Oregon, March 7, 1863, page 2 CRESCENT CITY ROAD.--Our friend Wm. Johnson, express and mail carrier from this place to Waldo, has informed us the snow on the mountain between Waldo and Crescent City is from six to eight feet deep. That being the case, the transportation of freight will not be likely to commence before the first of May. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 11, 1863, page 2 The Sentinel says that a rich lead of quartz has been discovered near Vannoy's Ferry, in Jackson County. The lead is small, but the rock is very rich, the gold appearing all over it. The miners in the placer diggings in that vicinity have plenty of water and are doing well. Commissions have been received for the following postmasters in Oregon: Jacob Consor, Jefferson, Marion County, and Newman Fisher, for the new office at Dardanelles, Jackson County. "Local and Miscellaneous Items," State Republican, Eugene, March 14, 1863, page 2 The Sentinel says Rogue River is only two feet higher than the low water mark of last summer. Probably there never has been a winter since the settlement of Rogue River Valley by the whites, in which a smaller quantity of water has fallen than during the past winter. The Sentinel says a man by the name of A. C. Angels, aged 32 years--native of Vermont--was drowned while crossing Scott River on a log, on the 4th instant. His body has been recovered. "Local and Miscellaneous Items," State Republican, Eugene, March 21, 1863, page 2 O. Jacobs has withdrawn from the editorial control of the Sentinel, leaving its management entirely to Mr. Denlinger, the publisher. "Local and Miscellaneous Items," State Republican, Eugene, March 28, 1863, page 2 HEAVY ON THE HURDIES.--Our city fathers have passed an ordinance declaring hurdy dance houses subject to a tax of ten dollars per day, or night, or $200 per month. The tax is equivalent to a prohibition. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 1, 1863, page 2 ARRASTRAS ON JACKSON CREEK.--Messrs. Elder and Johnson, on Jackson Creek, have been steadily pulverizing quartz, night and day, for the past two months. The construction of their mill reflects great credit on Mr. John Lobacker, the skillful architect who designed and erected it. The machinery is run by an overshot wheel thirty-two feet in diameter. There are no cog wheels used in the mill, gutta-percha straps being used entirely for communicating power, and all of the machinery seems to run as smooth and true as a patent-lever watch. While the whole cost of the mill was probably more than $2,500 or $3,000, the accuracy with which every portion of the machinery performs its part cannot fail to excite admiration. They have two arrastras, which crush rock at the rate of two tons per day. One-half a ton of quartz is put in each arrastra, and by twelve hours' crushing is reduced to the consistency of paste. After four hours' crushing, quicksilver is added, and for eight hours the quartz is kept in a mush-like state by occasionally pouring in hot water, which facilitates the amalgamation of the gold with the quicksilver. At the expiration of twelve hours, the gold being thoroughly amalgamated, the dross mud is then washed out over riffles, while the amalgam lies secure in the crevices between the stones which form the bed of the arrastra. The proprietors intend attaching a battery of stamps, which will enable them to crush from four to six tons each twenty-four hours. The quartz that is now being crushed is taken from the claim owned by Messrs. Johnson, Elder, Brentano and Max Muller, located on the mountain between the two forks of Jackson Creek. While it is expected that the quartz will average $20 per ton, the proprietors will be well repaid if it "pans out" $15 to the ton. They expect to clean up the arrastras about the first of May, when we hope to record that the sanguine hopes of the enterprising proprietors have been realized. And is it too much to hope that Mr. Lobacker will be called upon to superintend the construction of similar mills, not only upon Jackson Creek, but upon many other available streams? We think not. There are hundreds of quartz leads in Southern Oregon, some of them partly opened and prospected, that would yield fortunes under similar circumstances. Jackson County will yet produce more gold annually than she has done heretofore. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 4, 1863, page 2 CRESCENT CITY ROAD.--G. P. Johnson, the newly appointed mail carrier from Crescent City to Waldo, on Thursday last went over the mountain road on show shoes. He reports from five to eight feet of snow on the road. The snow is very soft, and is melting fast. He thinks freighting will commence in three weeks. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 8, 1863, page 2 INDIANS.--The citizens in the vicinity of Phoenix having petitioned Mr. Rogers, Indian agent, to remove a squad of Indians who had become a nuisance there, that gentleman, on Monday last, went out and ordered them to leave by Wednesday. This order will be obeyed, as the Siwashes are in fear of the soldiers at camp. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 8, 1863, page 2 BELLIGERENT.--On Monday last two individuals, named Conley and Rook, met on California Street and proceeded to settle some difficulty between them according to the rules of "rough and tumble." But alas! for the fun of the lookers-on, the prime rule of the game (non-intervention) was openly violated by the town marshal, who proceed to arrest the pair. Conley being very violent, owing to the excessive cheapness of "redeye," was committed to the lockup. However, after having broken up the mantel in the calaboose, and with it beating off the lock of the door, he was discharged on bonds to appear and answer next day. Their trial came off before the Recorder yesterday, and they were fined $12 each, including costs. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 8, 1863, page 2
INCREASING.--The freighting season is about to commence. The Victor brought
up, last Sunday afternoon, over a hundred tons. And the best thing of
it was, a great portion of it was for Jacksonville, Oregon. It has
become clearly demonstrated that this route is by far the best,
quickest and cheapest for Southern Oregon merchants to ship their goods
INDIAN TROUBLES.--The Indians about Jacksonville shows signs of becoming troublesome. The Sentinel says: "They are very impudent, and boast that in the vicinity of Klamath they can assemble a thousand warriors. 'George,' war chief of the Indians about here, says the whites must pay them for grass and right of travel through their country. It is also apparent that the Indians now in the settlements are using their utmost endeavors to procure arms and ammunition. From these and other indications, it is thought more than probable by old settlers in the valley that we shall have a war with the Klamath and neighboring tribes. It may be that these fears are groundless, but all our citizens should be on their guard. Storekeepers should be careful not to sell powder and arms to any loose, dissolute persons, who might reasonably be suspected of willingness to trade those contraband articles to the Indians. The arms that they now have is sufficient evidence that there are such depraved persons in our midst. It was hoped that the presence of the cavalry now here would serve to prevent hostilities, but the impudent, braggadocio manner of the Indian is calculated to dispel that hope. It behooves us to be watchful." Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 20, 1863, page 2 THE HURDIES.--These terpsichorean daughters, of loudly vaunted virtue, this morning packed up their "traps" and left our burg, southward bound. The tax of ten dollars for each twenty-four hours was more than they could afford to pay. They entertain a "huge disgust for our town trustees. It is rumored in dancing circles that the citizens of Phoenix will be favored with an opportunity to shake the huge bombastic heel. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 22, 1863, page 2 "Huge bombastic heel" is a play on "light fantastic toe." It is stated that Major Drew has received instructions from Gen. Wright that the new company now being raised at Jacksonville shall be attached to the command for Klamath Lake. Each private who furnishes his own horse and horse equipments will receive $12 per month for their use and risk--making his total monthly pay $25. To this also will be added $100 at the end of enlistment. Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 22, 1863, page 3 DONATION PATENT.--We are informed by Mr. Clugage that he has received a patent for his donation claim. This claim covers the site of the town of Jacksonville, and its confirmation makes Mr. Clugage a happy and wealthy man. His patent is the first issued to any land claimant in this valley, and conclusively settles the important question, in the decision of which so many of our farmers are deeply interested, and that is that they will not lose their land simply because there may be a little of the oro on the bedrock. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 29, 1863, page 2 OUR STREETS.--Jacksonville will no longer be appropriately styled the city of mud. The voters at the last municipal election chose for street commissioner a regular go-ahead, rock-and-gravel Bilger. California Street, the great thoroughfare of the town, has been graded, and is rapidly being covered with rock and gravel, at least a foot deep. This is what we call permanent improvements. The law under which the means are obtained is unjust to the rest of the county, but the rest is beneficent. We hope our energetic street commissioner will crowd the work this year and next, for we have no doubt but the law will be repealed at the next session of the Legislature. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 29, 1863, page 2 FIRST TRAIN.--The first pack train of this season from Crescent City arrived in our town on Thursday of this week, bringing a supply of new goods for Max Muller, also a few for Ryan, Morgan & Co. Give these gentlemen a call. You will find Mr. Muller's new advertisement in another column. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 16, 1863, page 2 CRESCENT CITY.--Quite a number of freight teams started for Crescent City this week. Look out for new goods and plenty of them. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 23, 1863, page 2 WHO ARE THEY?--When we hear, says the Oregon Intelligencer, such epithets as treason, traitor, copperhead, secesh thief, and many others, applied to the constitutional Democracy by the vagabond, lickspittle, sniveling Abolitionists, we pity them, for they are fools, and know not what they do. Can a man be a Union man, and stand by and see the Constitution violated? Can anyone be a patriot without protecting, maintaining and defending the laws and institutions of his country, in all their purity and vigor? Yet this really traitorous and Abolition gang insist that you must violate all laws and constitutional rights to become a good Union patriot. "O, wad some power the giftie gie 'em
Mountain Democrat,
Placerville, California, May 23, 1863, page 3To see themselves as ithers see 'em! It wad frae mony a blunder free 'em, An' foolish notion!" INDIANS THIEVING.--During the week the Indians have been committing a number of petty thefts. The clotheslines of Mr. J. T. Glenn and Mr. John Love were robbed. The former gentleman had, also, a fine carpet destroyed by them. The Indian camps were visited and the most of the missing property found. We suppose, now, that the old, played-out promise that "The Indians are about to be removed from the settlements" will be reiterated, but the removal will be like the leopard changing his spots--from place to place, back and forth. We cannot conceive of what use the Indian Department is to Oregon if the thieving red devils are allowed to live in the settlements, at the expense of the settlers. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 13, 1863, page 2 DROWNED.--Gen. Palmer gives notice that A. J. Mattoon, formerly of Jackson County, was drowned in Snake River, at old Fort Boise, on the 30th of May. Morning Oregonian, Portland, June 13, 1863, page 2 RETURNED.--The party who left Jacksonville some time since for the purpose of ascertaining the practicability of a wagon road from that place to the John Day mines has returned and report favorably on the enterprise. The prospect is that the people of Rogue River Valley will soon have a direct road connecting them with the mining region east of the Cascade Mountains. Albany Democrat, June 20, 1863, page 2 On Applegate Creek, Siskiyou County, on the 13th inst., a child of Mr. Woolrich was kicked by a horse, and killed. Marysville Appeal, Marysville, California, June 21, 1863, page 2 IN DEMAND.--Fishing tackle, rifle ammunition, and quadruped conveyancers, on Monday last, for the party who left our place on that day for a pleasure trip and tour of observation to the Klamath Lakes. We hope they will have a delightful time, and that the promised report of a description of the country, the location of Fort Klamath, etc., will not fail to reach us. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 24, 1863, page 2 HARRY BROWN's Theatrical Troupe has gone to Jacksonville, Oregon. Weekly Trinity Journal, Weaverville, California, June 27, 1863, page 1 ELEGANT.--The Oregon Intelligencer (Copperhead) applies the following choice epithets to a contemporary: "The Sentinel, better known as the black Republican, abolition, nigger-worshiping, Union-baiting, Knownothing, liberty-despising, soot-bedaubed cabbage leaf." Marysville Appeal, Marysville, California, July 8, 1863, page 2 Louis Tucker, a stage driver on the route between Jacksonville and Yreka, was seriously injured at Phoenix on the 7th inst. He had dismounted from the box to unload some baggage when the horses started to run. In attempting to get hold of the horses, he was thrown under the stage, breaking his left thigh. "Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, July 13, 1863, page 3 MARRIED.
In Jacksonville, July 9th, by Rev. M. A. Williams, Wm. J. Plymale and Miss Josephine J. Martin.DIED.
In Jackson County, 5th, Judge L. A. Rice, in his 54th year.Oregon Statesman, Salem, July 20, 1863, page 2 At the semi-annual election for officers of the Jacksonville Turnvereins, held on Tuesday, July 7th, the following named were chosen: E. C. Sessions, president; Gus Payne, vice president; August Brentano, secretary and treasurer; Geo. Arnold, first teacher; John Neuber, second teacher. "Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, July 20, 1863, page 3 NO NEWS.--From Saturday night up to last evening we have received no telegraphic news. We suppose the lightning has destroyed portions of the line on the Plains. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 22, 1863, page 3 A VERY WELCOME PRESENT.--We have received from Mrs. J. Lingenfelter a photograph likeness of her son, James Lingenfelter, Captain of Co. B, Col. Baker's California regiment. He fell a sacrifice to the cause he so dearly loved on Oct. 8th, 1863, while on picket duty before Washington on the Derby road. He is the only citizen of Jacksonville who is known to have fallen in the war. Those of his many friends who fondly remember the young patriot hero can procure a copy of the likeness by calling on Mr. Peter Britt, photograph artist. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 25, 1863, page 2 The Jacksonville Intelligencer says that Col. Drew has lately located a military post in the valley to the north and east of Klamath Lake. He found the valley of sufficient extent for two or three counties, and the soil very rich. "Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, August 3, 1863, page 2 EMIGRANTS.--A party of twenty or thirty emigrants, with six or eight wagons, arrived at Ashland one day this week. They came by way of Honey Lake and Yreka, at least one hundred miles out of the natural and proper line of travel to this valley--the Southern Oregon emigrant road, which is still blockaded by murderous Indians. A majority of this party are from Missouri and other border states. One of them is a refugee from Texas. He there owned property worth $2,000 and four Negroes--husband and wife, and twin boys about ten years old. For refusing to sanction and cooperate with the Confederates in their treason, he was ordered to leave the state within a given time, under penalty of death by hanging. His property was taken from him and six hundred dollars in Confederate scrip given him as an equivalent. The Negro man, a powerful muscled fellow, was confiscated and taken away. Seeing many examples around him of the merciless manner in which the rebels carried out their threats, he left his home and, after an immense deal of suffering, reached Missouri, and from thence over the plains to this coast. The Negress and boys are still with him, having persistently refused to leave him. He tells the oft-repeated tale of the atrocious cruelties inflicted by the Confederates upon all who dare even to murmur at their fiendish crimes. Here, in Oregon, the emigrant will find an orderly and law-abiding people who, with their lives if need be, will protect him in any legitimate occupation; but he will also find that, for having refused to aid the rebellion, he will receive but taunts and ridicule from a party who sail under the banner of Democracy. He is of that class who are not looked upon as their "Southern brethren." Though a slaveholder, he preferred for himself liberty and Union to slavery and disunion, and is therefore a "vile abolitionist," who cannot receive the sympathy of Oregon Democrats. It is all reserved for his persecutors. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 15, 1863, page 2 NOT SO.--The Eugene Review says the Democrat who is for the war is "an abolitionist of the most radical, violent and destructive kind." The Jacksonville Sentinel approves the sentiment, and says there are now only two parties, "abolitionists and Democrats," making the former synonymous with Union men and the latter with traitors. The falsity of the Review is only equaled by that of the Sentinel. It is not true that to be a Democrat it is necessary to oppose the war any more than it is that to be a Union man it is necessary to be an abolitionist. Jeremy desires the war to stop--that is equivalent to disunion; therefore, Jeremy is a disunionist, and a traitor. The Sentinel man, whoever he is, is proud to be called an "abolitionist." The great representative of the "abolitionists of America" is figuring in Europe for disunion on condition of emancipation by the independent Confederacy. The representative man of the Sentinel declares to a rebel commissioner that the "abolitionists of America" are only fighting this war to free the negroes, and that they will not support it a moment longer when that issue ceases. He offers, on behalf of the "abolitionists," to withdraw all support of the war and make disunion a "fixed fact" at any moment when the rebels say the word. If the Sentinel, or any other man, feels proud of his position as an "abolitionist," we refer him to Jeff Davis as a very efficient servant in the work of destroying the Union. We don't sail in the boat with either Jeremy, or the "abolitionists." It won't do! They are both steering toward disunion. Oregon Statesman, Salem, August 17, 1863, page 2 An emigrant train of eight wagons, with mule teams, passed through our town on Thursday last. They are from Iowa, and crossed the Missouri River at Omaha on the 25th of April last. The teams are all in good condition. The emigrants report that a train of from fifteen to twenty ox wagons will arrive in this valley in a few days. We understand that the train has camped on Rogue River, with the design of prospecting around for farms. Our valley is certainly large enough and productive enough to afford each family an ample farm and a pleasant, healthy home. In their endeavors to buy or rent farms, we hope none of our landed proprietors will attempt to drive hard bargains with them, and thus possibly drive them from our valley, which requires their labor. Give them an opportunity to make for themselves comfortable and happy homes in this beautiful valley. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 22, 1863, page 2 KILLED.--The Jacksonville Sentinel says that a son of one Ralls, aged three years, near Willow Springs, Jackson County, Oregon, on July 27th, was riding upon a wagonload of hay, from which he was thrown, and in his fall to the ground he encountered the pronged end of a pitchfork, one prong of which entered his throat, and by his weight and the momentum of the fall was forced clear through and protruded out at the back of his head, producing instant death. Sacramento Weekly Union, August 22, 1863, page 7 ARRIVAL OF IMMIGRANTS.--On Thursday last a train of nine immigrant wagons passed through town. The teams were mules and horses, looking remarkably well. The train was from Keokuk, Iowa, and will most likely remain in our valley; the immigration will be quite an acquisition to our county; one of the gentlemen informed us that the immigration to Oregon and California the present year would be large. Southern Oregon is the place to accommodate quite a number of enterprising men of industry and capital.--Intelligencer. Oregon Statesman, Salem, August 31, 1863, page 2 OREGON RAILROAD SURVEY.--S. G. Elliott, engineer of the Oregon railroad survey, writes to the editor of the Marysville Appeal, August 7th, that he is getting along finely, and reports the country to be very favorable to the cheap construction of a railroad as far as the crossing of the Klamath River. There will be but a few miles of expensive road to construct between Marysville and Yreka. To the latter point the grades will be light, and the bridges of short spans, with the exception of the crossing of the Sacramento River at Red Bluff. No extraordinary cuts or high embankments will be required.--Sentinel. Oregon Statesman, Salem, August 31, 1863, page 2 The road to the military post is completed to the lake, and within a few miles of the location of the post. We are informed that Col. Drew has received orders to immediately build stables for the horses.--Intelligencer. The Odd Fellows of Jacksonville celebrated the third anniversary of the institution of their lodge on the 18th inst., with considerable eclat. The fall races over the Bybee track, Jackson County, will commence on the 15th of October and continue three days. The Sentinel denies the statement that soldiers had lately been deserting from Camp Baker. "Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, August 31, 1863, page 2 The Jacksonville Intelligencer hominates James K. Kelly for Congress. "Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, September 7, 1863, page 2 INDIAN ANNOYANCES.--Mr. John Thomas brings information to town that Packard & Griffin, who started from this county some time since for Washoe, over the mountains, when in the vicinity of Pit River Mountain, were surrounded by Indians, and compelled to give 500 pounds of flour and cooking utensils, before being allowed to proceed on their journey.--Sentinel, 2nd. Oregon Statesman, Salem, September 7, 1863, page 2 The Sentinel says a Mr. Jno. McLean was killed on Saturday, 5th instant, by the falling of a bank on his mining claim. McLean was from Cape Breton, Canada. COAL IN SISKIYOU.--Mr. Elliott of the railroad survey has discovered croppings of coal mines on the Siskiyou Mountain near Cole's. It is of a superior quality, and if a lead is found would be of great value in this section.--Yreka Journal. Madison B. Morris, Esq., has been appointed postmaster at Kerbyville, Oregon, vice J. R. Prindle resigned. George B. Dorris, Esq., has been commissioned notary public for Jackson County. DROWNED.--The body of a man known as "Spanish John" was found in Rogue River on Tuesday last, and after examination by the corner, Dr. L. S. Thompson, the remains were buried upon the bank of the river. The deceased, it is supposed, committed suicide.--Sentinel. "Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, September 14, 1863, page 2 Patrick Toadface [Patrick J. Malone] has turned up as a popular speaker of the Vallandingham style. He made a speech at Jacksonville the other day in which he said the despotism of America was more unbearable than that of any country in Europe. Why don't the toadfaced sneak go back to the pig pen where he was born and where he can again be counted a hog instead of a freeman and voter. "Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, September 14, 1863, page 2 RAILROAD SURVEY.--Mr. G. Elliott called upon us yesterday. He informed us that the survey was progressing finely, and thought the surveying party would complete their work up to this place by tomorrow. The grade over the Siskiyou was not so great as anticipated, not being over eighty feet to the mile. We note with pleasure the growing disposition to liberally aid the survey. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 16, 1863, page 2 KLAMATH LAKE.--A friend has promised us a communication descriptive of the valley in which the Klamath fort is being built. As it is said that in the valley the stones all swim and the wool all sinks, we may expect a statement of facts passing strange. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 19, 1863, page 2 TOBACCO.--Mr. J. Thornton, of Phoenix, has left at this office fine specimen stalks of "Seed Leaf" and "Headly" tobacco. The large and rank growth of these plants give assurance that the "weed" must become one of the staple products of our valley. Mr. Thornton has about two thousand plants growing finely, and giving promise of handsome profit. He says he can supply the whole valley with seed of the above-named varieties of tobacco.--Sentinel, 12th. Oregon Statesman, Salem, September 21, 1863, page 3 Klamath Lake Country.
Ed. Sentinel:--Though
in a hurry of business, I will attempt to give you a promised short
description of the Klamath Valley, as seen by your correspondent in a
recent visit.Klamath Lake Valley, proper, had been almost entirely unexplored until up to the time that Col. Drew and his command went there, and all information in regard to its extent, the character of its soil, its climate, etc., cannot fail to be of interest to the people of Oregon, the majority of whom have supposed that Rogue River Valley contained about all the land in Jackson County that was susceptible of cultivation. The traveler, after ascending the Cascade Range on the east side, a little southeast of Jacksonville, from the summit first comes in view of the Lake country, where the Governor of the state located the five hundred thousand acres of land appropriated by the general government. This land is principally tule marsh, but with comparatively trifling expense it can be drained and made valuable. It is estimated that there is from twenty to twenty-five thousand acres of this tule land in the valley which can be reclaimed by an expenditure of fifteen or twenty thousand dollars in draining. The road runs mainly over level ground close to the marsh, but occasionally over a little ridge which puts down to the marsh. The traveler is struck with pleasing surprise as he comes unexpectedly upon streams clear as crystal bursting from under the base of the mountain, and then go flowing gently along through the tule marsh on their way to the lake, with scarcely a riffle to designate their course. The only streams on this side which are named are Fowler's River, and Prim's Spring, which combining make a wide stream. They are the only streams to be crossed until arriving at a point where Col. Drew started almost due east across the valley. Here the command built bridges across Underwood and White rivers, which are beautiful streams, only about one-half a mile apart. The road runs from White River over prairie land, six or seven miles, to Kelly's Prairie, upon which there is an occasional growth of timber. Thence the valley extends north to the foot of the mountains and south to the tule marsh. The road crosses about midway of the valley to Ft. Klamath. Arriving near the center of the valley, the grandeur of the country is spread out to view. Look southward over the Lake and behold Mount Shasta's snow-capped summit towering to the heavens! west Mount McLoughlin; north, Union, Ross and countless unnamed mounts raise up there aspiring peaks, like the panorama of Egypt, towering high above the clouds. Then, as you look over the beautiful stream, and the gentle breeze wafts the tall red-top and wild rye to and fro, and are lost in admiration of the indescribable beauties of Nature that everywhere surround you, you cannot fail to awake to astonishment that a country so lavishly blessed with Nature's choicest gifts should so long have been unknown. Traveling eastward a few miles further, you arrive at Kelly's River, which is a navigable stream for steamboats from the Lake to Glenn City. Thanks to Cols. Drew and Fowler, there is a most substantial bridge now across this river. A perfect Eden for sportsmen is Kelly River. What can exceed the pleasure to be derived from a sail from Kelly's Bridge to the Lake, a distance of twelve miles, upon the bosom of a placid stream whose waters are clear as crystal, with fish plainly seen darting in every direction, and geese, ducks, and other waterfowls, in countless thousands, screaming in wild alarm in their flight through the air, or sporting in hilarious glee far beyond on the Lake. The location of the Fort is a capital one. It is in plain view from the bridge, and is about one and one-fourth of a mile west of the river. Situated on the edge of a beautiful grove of timber, it possesses all the advantage that could possibly be desired--abundance of fine grass, plenty of timber and the very best of water convenient. About one mile east, there runs a beautiful stream called Fort Creek, which affords about as much water as Applegate Creek does at this season of the year, but, like all the rest of the streams in the valley, never increases or diminishes in volume. At the head it is about ten feet wide, springing in one volume from directly under the base of a mountain. Three of these large springs make a body of water almost equal to Rogue River, and empty into Kelly River about three miles below Glenn City. Quite a number of farms have already been taken up. Most of the "soger boys" have staked off claims; but do not imagine that they are all gone, for there are so many beautiful claims left that it is almost impossible to make a choice. There are from six to eight townships of excellent land in this valley, and I think it will produce all kinds of grain, vegetables and fruit, as well as any valley in the state. Wild plums, grapes, berries, etc., are plenty. Red-top is abundant and wild rye in places is ten feet high, which, I take it, is pretty good evidence of the productiveness of the soil. Mr. Editor, I have made this letter longer than I had intended, but cannot close without a passing notice of Col. Drew, Capt. Kelly and the command generally, for the untiring energy displayed by them in building the road to Klamath Valley, for which they deserve the hearty thanks of the state generally, and Southern Oregon particularly. They are the right men in the right place. Yours, NELLA.
Klamath Lake Valley, Sept. 20, 1863.Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 23, 1863, page 2 Preparing for the Draft.
C. W. Savage, Deputy Assessor, has been appointed by the Provost
Marshal of Oregon enrolling officer for Jackson County. The Mountaineer
has the following article explaining the service required of an
enrolling officer and giving reasons which clearly show that the draft
will be enforced on this coast only in the event of a war with a
foreign power:"The enrolling officer is required to enroll all persons subject to military duty, giving the name, age on July 1st, 1863, complexion, whether white or colored, and profession, occupation or trade. He is to enroll all male persons between the ages of 20 and 45. In case anyone claims exemption he is to note the fact, but at the same time return the name. The enrolling officer is to judge the ages of individuals from the best information he can obtain, but in every case he is to make a decision as to whether the person in question is between the age of 20 and 45. Widowers between 35 and 45 years of age are to be enrolled in the first class--that is to say, those who are liable to first draft. Under the law all males between the ages 20 and 45 are to be divided in two classes, the single men forming class 1, and the married class 2. In the event the number required can be obtained from the first class, then the second class will be exempt. There are various other reasons for exemption, such as the only son of a widowed mother, and where the mother is dead and infant children are dependent on the father for support." We trust that nothing contained in this announcement will have the effect to alarm our young men. The enrolling of the names is merely a preparatory measure, and it is possible that the draft may never be made. The government is evidently preparing for the contingency of a foreign war. Should an occasion of this kind arise, our young men will not require to be drafted, and in its absence, it is scarcely likely the conscription will be enforced upon this coast. Were there no other reasons, economic considerations alone preclude the idea that the government will undertake to raise troops on this coast for service at the East. Every soldier thus obtained, when landed at New York or New Orleans as the case might be, would cost the government not less than $500. At this rate, and for vastly less, men can be recruited at the East, by hundreds of thousands, A proclamation offering one-half this sum as a bounty would attract thousands and tens of thousands of trained soldiers from Europe, and be the means of filling up the ranks of the army far beyond the number required. This argument effectually disposes of the idea that men are to be drafted on the Pacific Coast for service at the East. Should, however, war ensue with either France or England, it is fair to presume that California and Oregon will become the battleground, and then the government will require the services of every man who can shoulder a musket. When that day comes, the men of the Pacific will not wait for the draft, but like one man they will spring to arms. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 23, 1863, page 2 RAILROADS.--There are no doubt many who would liberally aid the California and Oregon Railroad project if they could be made to realize the fact that, when the survey is completed, and proper presentation of the merits of the enterprise--its necessity to the government in case of a foreign war, and its ultimate great profits to a company that will secure a charter for its consideration--the government will offer such inducements, by donations of land, as will attract sufficient capital to ensure its completion. We are not at present prepared to present arguments and facts to show that there is ground for reasonable hope that the road will be built within five years, and, in case of a foreign war, a possibility that the government may hurry its completion in two or three years. To the doubting minds we commend the following quotation from the Albany (N.Y.) Evening Journal, whose editor owns up to an agreeable surprise to see the Hudson River Railroad paying an honestly earned dividend. He says: "We were originally among those who could not believe that it would ever be built, who thought it irreverent to attempt to rival God's magnificent, glorious highway, the Hudson River. If our files were searched, we should be found expressing that the idea of a 'railway to the moon' was scarcely more preposterous than the proposed one along the banks of the Hudson River." The opinion was borrowed from an assertion oft repeated twenty-five years earlier, that none who witnessed the commencement of the Erie Canal would live to see it completed. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 26, 1863, page 2 THE RAILROAD SURVEY.--Mr. Elliott and party of the California and Oregon railroad survey will shortly be here. The expedition has demonstrated the practicability of a road at a moderate cost, so far as the survey has extended. From Jacksonville there are no great difficulties, and from the Canyon none. Capitalists in California are becoming daily more interested in it, and the feasibility of the road is becoming more plain. The Willamette Valley ought not be behind in furnishing means to assist in defraying costs of survey, but thus far very little has been subscribed. Will not our citizens take steps to secure a respectable subscription? Oregon Statesman, Salem, September 28, 1863, page 2 Peaches and potatoes are each selling at Jacksonville at one dollar per bushel. The fall races over the Bybee course in Jackson County have been postponed from the 15th to the 22nd of October. Rogue River Valley is producing large quantities of the choicest apples, pears, plums, peaches, and nectarines. It will be useless for fruit growers in the Willamette Valley to attempt sending fruit to this valley expecting to compete with those who produce it here.--Intelligencer. One night this week, the dwelling house of F. Birdseye, situate on the north [sic] side of Rogue River, about three miles below J. B. White's, was robbed of all its contents, bedding, clothing, flour, bacon, rifle, shotgun, ammunition, etc. No clude as to who the operating party was.--Intelligencer, 19th. "Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, September 28, 1863, page 3 Klamath Lake Country.
FORT KLAMATH, Sept. 24, 1863.
Mr. Editor:--On
arriving at Fort Klamath we were very much surprised to find such a
state of affairs. All departments of industry were apparently centered
in and around this place. The ring of the anvil, the sound of the
carpenter's saw, the mallet of the shingle men, and the martial sound
of the bugle were echoed back from the basaltic cliffs in the rear of
this beautiful site. Teams were continually arriving loaded with
freight from Jacksonville, and others with hay, logs, wood and
shingles. In every direction the woods seemed alive with choppers and
loggers, to say nothing of the Indians and bummers (like myself).
Indeed, Fort Klamath is rapidly assuming a place among forts that be.A few days before our arrival here there was some excitement in consequence of a little circumstance, which I shall relate as follows: On the west side of Klamath Lake is a place called Stony Point, by which runs the new military road from Jacksonville to this place. At this point a native citizen, known and hailed by his white-skinned brothers as Tie Jack, has located his headquarters, where he rules and governs his little band according to the ancient usages of his nation. Well, Jack became imbued with a spirit of enterprise, and on inquiry found that the most popular investment in Southern Oregon, at present, was road stock, and consequently concluded to invest in the new military road. So he established a toll gate at the aforesaid Stony Point, and demanded a bonus of the passing traveler, for the privilege of passing his Tieship's residence. But, unfortunately for Jack, the news of his enterprise reached the ears of Col. Drew, who immediately dispatched a messenger to Prince La Lake, with an order for his Majesty to report to Captain Kelly, at Klamath Fort, immediately. In due time La Lake and some sixty of his warriors came in, leaving their guns with the squaws, on the outside. Col. Drew told him if he was the great chief of this country he must bring in the enterprising road agent from Stony Point, and referred him to Captain Kelly to make the arrangements. The Captain soon gave him to understand that nothing but the delivering up of Jack would be considered sufficient. After a reasonable time, the royal captive was brought in, and to convince him and his followers of the insignificance of Siwash greatness, he was treated to a substantial set of irons. This moved the sympathetic heart of his highness La Lake, who offered himself as mediator in behalf of the wayward chief. La Lake promised if they would release Jack that henceforth for all time to come no depredations of any description should be committed throughout his broad domain. On these terms, and on the good faith of La Lake, Jack's fetters were cast off, and with joy beaming from every feature he turned his back to the quarters, and soon disappeared in the tall grass to the southward. It seems that there is a strife for the chieftaincy among a number of petty chiefs in this vicinity. Col. Drew, taking advantage of this feud, acknowledged La Lake as the true chief, for the twofold reason that he had the most men, and was the most friendly to the whites. Thus old La Lake has become an important ally to this command. He is very much impressed with the great, good judgment displayed by the Colonel in acknowledging the legitimacy of his scepter over Klamath "Injuns," and freely expresses his determination to live in peace with his white brothers. I might add another incentive to friendship--a loaded twelve-pounder pointing toward his quarters. A few days before our arrival an Indian came into camp with the gun that had been taken from Capt. Joe Bailey, who was murdered by the Indians, near Goose Lake, in 1861. The gun was taken from the Indian, notwithstanding his furious protestations. It has been sent to the express office in Jacksonville, subject to the order of the brother of Captain Bailey. Captain Kelly's company is in fine health and spirits, there not having been a day's sickness since they arrived at this post, and for everyone to know that it is one of the best behaved, as you know it is disciplined, companies in the service, it is only necessary to say that there has not been a man under arrest since the 4th day of August. Mr. Linn will get his mill in operation on Monday. HIS X MARK.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 30, 1863, page 2Queries for "Nella."
Mr. Editor:--I desire to ask a question or two about the communication of "Nella," of "Klamath Lake Valley," published in the Sentinel of the 23rd inst. [above]
Nella says: "Klamath Lake Valley, proper, had been almost entirely
unexplored, until up to the time that Col. Drew and his command went
there," etc. She then gave his excellency, Gov. Gibbs, a slight rub,
for locating "five hundred thousand acres of land" for the "state" in a
"tule marsh." She goes on across "Fowler's River, Prim's Spring,
Underwood's and White's beautiful streams," and "Kelly's Prairie, to
Fort Klamath."She is first "struck with pleasing surprise" at beholding these "clear, crystal streams bursting," etc. Then the "red-top and wild rye" and the "gentle breeze" finish it up, and she is "lost"--poor Nella--"in admiration" of something she says is "indescribable"; but is, in due time, awakened to "astonishment, that a country so lavishly blessed with Nature's choicest gifts should so long have remained unknown." She visits "Kelly's River" and "Glenn City." Here lovely and beautiful fish are seen sporting in the crystal waters, and funny, gleeful, and "hilarious ducks and geese" are seen in the distance. Here it is she discovers that all these "lovely, crystal streams never increase or diminish in volume." The next discovery is that the valley will produce all kinds of "grain, fruit and vegetables--even wild plums and Oregon grapes." She becomes aware that her letter is too long, "but cannot close without a pressing notice of Col. Drew, and the command generally" and finally concludes with the avowal that "they are the right men in the right place." Now, Mr. Editor, I desire to know, if this country has never been hitherto "explored," by what sort of reasoning "Nella" arrives at the conclusion that these lovely streams of water "never increase or diminish in volume"? Have the waters of "Fowler's River," "Prim's Spring," "Underwood's and White's beautiful streams," and "Kelly's River," some peculiar properties that prevent them from mingling and mixing with melted snow, or the torrents from heaven that sometimes descend like an avalanche upon the mountains surrounding that country? Or is there some magical, subterranean passage connected with these streams, that immediately swallow up and convey to China, or some other land, the common, vulgar and unpoetic raindrop, that must otherwise mingle with, and pollute, these enchanted waters? Or perhaps we have at last found a country where water runs uphill. "Nella" forgets to mention, or does not know, that this lovely country--according to her ideas--just found by Col. Drew, has already been sufficiently explored to ascertain that its altitude is 4,130 feet above the ocean, while that of Fort Lane, in this valley, is 1,202 feet above the ocean, making enchanted country 2,928 feet higher than Rogue River Valley. She evidently does not know, either, that in February, 1860, when the "emigrant road" from this valley to the Klamath country was not blockaded by snow, enchanted country was covered with snow, and the north end of upper Klamath Lake frozen over so as to admit of traveling on the ice; and in August of same year, snow was upon mountains surrounding it, and frosts were of frequent occurrence along these lovely streams. For altitude, see Senate Report, Thirty-Sixth Congress, Second Session--Maps and Surveys, Topographical Engineers, Vol. 11. One further question, and I am done for the present. What is the matter with Col. Drew that he cannot have one of those pure, smooth-running "crystal streams"--as well as each of the others of his party--called after his name? His well-known modesty has, no doubt, prevented the suggestion by himself, but surely some one of the party ought to have been considerate enough to have left for him one of those magical, lovely and enchanted streams, in order that the memory of this "right man in the right place" might be perpetuated. Yours,
Ashland, Ogn., Sept. 26, 1863.INQUIRER. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 30, 1863, page 2 CALIFORNIA AND OREGON RAILROAD.--The Jacksonville (Oregon) Intelligencer, of Sept. 19th, has the subjoined remarks, going to show the interest taken in the above project in Oregon: "In our remarks, heretofore, in relation to the project of a railroad passing through our valley, we must confess a want of confidence in the success of the enterprise. This, we believe, has been the case with a great portion of our community. At the same time we do not believe that there is one intelligent man living in Rogue River Valley but wishes the project well, and what is necessary at the present time is to convince them of the probability of the success of so great an undertaking. During the past week Mr. Elliott has succeeded in extending the line of the survey up to this place. His party passed through town on Thursday, and camped at the ranch of Mr. Miller, one mile from town. From a personal examination of the maps and profiles of the route surveyed, together with our knowledge of the country over which the line passes, leads us to the conclusion that the only serious difficulty which presents itself to our people, and which was the main cause of the want of faith in the project, viz: the crossing of the Siskiyou Mountains, has been removed, and we are free to acknowledge our delight at so bright a prospect in the future for our beautiful valley. It must appear evident to every sane man that in this day of railroads with so favorable a line together with the vast resources of the country through which the line passes, when properly presented will not only secure all the necessary legislation from Congress, but will call the attention of capitalists to the Pacific Coast, who, when once acquainted with our true position, will bring millions of dollars with them, all of which will find its way into the pockets of our enterprising farmers, merchants, and mechanics. In view of so bright a future let our people wake up and give the project that encouragement which its great merits demand, and the known liberality of the people of this valley would seem to indicate. Shasta Courier, Shasta, California, October 3, 1863, page 1 The road from Jacksonville to Boise River is not finished for travel, as published in handbills circulated about here, at least so parties from this county say, who tried it and were obliged to return. The surest way to go is from Yreka via the Klamath Lakes. "Siskiyou Items," Marysville Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, October 3, 1863, page 3 PEACHES and potatoes are bringing the same price at Jacksonville, Southern Oregon--$1 per bushel. In Sacramento, awhile since, potatoes were dearer than peaches. Daily Bee, Sacramento, October 6, 1863, page 2 A BOY COMMITS SUICIDE.--Alonzo Naylor, oldest son of Granville Naylor, of the upper portion of this valley, says the Jacksonville (Oregon) Sentinel of
the 30th ult., committed suicide yesterday morning, by shooting himself
through the head with a rifle. He was only about fourteen years of age,
and there was no apparent cause for the dreadful act. On the evening
previous the boy had been scolded or otherwise lightly punished for
going off hunting and neglecting his work. This greatly incensed him.
Shortly after he attracted the attention of his mother by dividing his
money among his brothers and sisters. On being told to keep his money,
he said he did not want it, and that he would never do another day's
work for his father. He went to bed as usual, and the next morning
before breakfast crawled out of the window with the rifle and shot
himself, by placing the muzzle of the rifle against his head and
pushing the trigger with a toe of his foot.
Daily Bee, Sacramento, October 6, 1863, page 3 We call attention to the new advertisement of Bradbury and Wade. Their stock is one of the largest, best and cheapest ever offered for sale in this market. To test the truth of which statement, call and examine for yourself. ----
H. BLOOM.--This
enterprising go-ahead pioneer merchant, and dealer in fancy and sample
goods, is now receiving a large and well-selected assortment, direct
from San Francisco, all of which is offered cheap for cash.----
W. Shaffer, a shoemaker, residing at Waldo, Josephine County, Oregon,
started for Cañon Creek on the 28th ult., with a horseload of boots and
shoes. He could not make sale at that place, and on his return, while
crossing Illinois River, his horse slipped and he fell off and was
drowned. A coroner's inquest was held, and a verdict returned according
to the foregoing facts.----
have every indication of the near approach of winter. The clouds are
lowering in the horizon--occasional showers, and the appearance of snow
on the surrounding mountains.Oregon Intelligencer, Jacksonville, October 7, 1863, page 3 RELIGIOUS NOTICE.
On Missouri Flat, Jackson Creek, Saturday night before the third
Sabbath in November. At Williamsburg, on Friday night before the fourth
Sabbath in November, and at Kerbyville, Josephine County, on the
following Friday night; the meeting will continue until the close of
the Sabbath following the commencement. Riders Woolbridge, Farrar, and
Benson will be in attendance.
Oregon Intelligencer, Jacksonville, October 7, 1863, page 3 BIRTHS.
Oct. the 22nd, on Butte Creek, to the wife of WM. BOOTH, a son.
Nov. the 3rd, at Blackwell, to the wife of GEORGE ISH, a son. Oregon Intelligencer, Jacksonville, October 7, 1863, page 3 INDIANS.--Mr. James Brown, messenger to Supt. Huntington, arrived here on Saturday evening, with dispatches and funds to Sub-Agent Rogers. We understand the funds are accompanied with special orders that no part thereof is to be expended in support of Indians in Jacksonville or any of the white settlements. They can only receive its benefits by removing and remaining in their own country. This has the proper ring to it. The establishment of a military post in that region affords the first opportunity for the Indian Department to move in this direction. The insolent and thieving propensities of the Klamath and Modoc Indians, who have heretofore made their winter quarters (since the removal of the Rogue Rivers) in the valley, has been a nuisance almost unbearable. We are glad to notice that Supt. Huntington appreciates our condition, and is disposed to act promptly in measures for our relief. The only question now is, can the Indians be kept at the post, or is it too cold for their manner of habitations and style of clothing? Clearly the agent in charge must locate near the post for the necessary protection. Agent Rogers informs us that he expects to winter at the Lakes, and shall attempt to collect the Indians at some point where he can overlook and control them. He is a native of Green Mountain, and professed not to be much afraid of deep snow or Jack Frost. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 10, 1863, page 2 The semi-weekly Jacksonville Sentinel has been discontinued. Hereafter a weekly paper only will be issued from that office. The publisher says the semi-weekly arrangement has been a losing operation, and that "where one reader has subscribed and paid for the paper, ten have never paid a dime." "Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, October 19, 1863, page 2 TELEGRAPH INTEREST TRANSFERRED.--We learn from the Jacksonville Intelligencer that the California State Telegraph Company have bought the interest of Mr. Strong in the line from Yreka, California, to this city. Mr. Whittlesey, the agent of the company, has been preparing the poles to receive the wires between Jacksonville and Yreka, and it is reported that some fifteen thousand pounds of the wire has already arrived at Yreka. The general belief is that the line will be completed to Jacksonville by the first of December. Oregonian, Portland, October 29, 1863, page 2 CHANGED FOR WANT OF CHANGE.--The Jacksonville, Oregon, Sentinel, which has been published semi-weekly for the past year, will hereafter be issued weekly--cause, lack of support, and subscribers who never miss a paper nor pay a cent. Sonoma County Journal, Petaluma, California, October 30, 1863, page 2 Siskiyou County, Cal. is exceedingly unfortunate in apparently being the home of as desperate a parcel of villains as ever went unhung. From time to time the Yreka papers give accounts of incendiarism, murders, robberies, etc. The rascals are remarkably fortunate in escaping detection. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 7, 1863, page 2 The authorities of Jacksonville have levied a tax of $2 for every six months on "dorgs" and made it unlawful for any of the canine species to go at large without wearing on the neck a leather or metallic collar. The dorgs will take notice and govern themselves accordingly! "Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, November 9, 1863, page 3 Keyword: dogs A Mr. Moffat of Jackson County last week broke his arm in attempting to mount a horse. He rose in the stirrups but fell back, striking his arm on the saddle. The Jacksonville Sentinel says a rich copper lode has been lately discovered in Josephine County and another one in Coos County. The lode in Josephine is about fourteen feet in thickness and assays 20 to 99 percent of copper. David Winfield, a teamster on the Crescent City and Jacksonville road, was, a few days ago, run over and seriously injured. The accident occurred by the breaking of the "brake" to the wagon. "Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, November 9, 1863, page 3 California and Oregon Railroad.
Mr. Elliott, who is superintending the preliminary survey of a route
for a railroad between the Sacramento Valley and some suitable point
for a northern terminus in Oregon, arrived here on Monday, and informs
us that his party in now in Douglas County, coming toward the
Willamette Valley as rapidly as is consistent with a thorough
exploration of the route. We also learn from him that steps have been
taken by some of the most enterprising citizens of Southern Oregon to
effect the organization of a company, in this state, to operate in
connection with that which is to be formed in California, for the
purpose of securing the favorable action and patronage of Congress, and
if obtained, of immediately commencing the building of the road. A
meeting of stockholders has been called at Jacksonville, to be held on
the 7th of November, for the election of directors, and the California
stockholders will meet at Yreka, on the 9th of November, for the same
purpose; after which, doubtless, both companies will harmoniously
cooperate for the accomplishment of the magnificent and most important
work which they take upon themselves.--Portland Oregonian, Oct. 4th.Placer Herald, Auburn, California, November 14, 1863, page 1 GOOD BOYS.--The Circuit Court of Jackson County has recently been in session without a criminal case on the docket. The grand jury waited three days for something to turn up, but was finally compelled to submit to a discharge without finding a single indictment. Jacksonville must be very stupid if it cannot furnish even a whiskey saloon worthy of consideration by the court, to say nothing of Chinese and other institutions, which our grand jury found scattered about our good city in more profusion than seemed desirable, or in accordance with the statutes in such case made and provided. Morning Oregonian, Portland, November 20, 1863, page 2 BULLY FOR ROGERS.--The Indian sub-agent in Oregon advertises for sealed proposals for furnishing ten thousand pounds of flour and bids for the transportation of the same to Fort Klamath, Klamath Lake. The agent says: "These contracts will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidders, except secessionists, who shall not have them under any circumstances, and it will be useless for such characters to put in any bids." Bully for Rogers! But if the loyal [abolitionists] of Rogue River should refuse to take your greenbacks, what then?--Yreka Union. The loyal men of our valley never have refused greenbacks, when offered at their ruling quotations. Did you ever know a secessionist who would offer more for them? Legal tenders, at seventy-five cents on the dollar, are as acceptable as gold. Some of our farming "loyalists" complain that they are not allowed to compete with disloyal Jeffs in furnishing supplies to the government. If proposals had been advertised for, and secessionists had secured contracts by underbidding, there would have been no complaints. Such has not been the case. Agent Rogers is right in refusing to award contracts to secessionists, as he is conscientiously opposed to disbursing to them what they term "unconstitutional rags." Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 28, 1863, page 2 A gambler named Dick Collins shot a man named Pruett at Jacksonville week before last. Collins was drunk. Pruett is dangerously wounded, but it is supposed he will recover. Collins, upon examination, was committed to jail in default of bail on the charge of committing an assault with intent to kill. On the 16th inst., George, a sort of leader among the Indians on Dead Indian Prairie, Jackson County, was arrested by Marshal Banks of Jacksonville, at the instance of Col. Drew, upon the petition of citizens among whom the Indians were committing mischief. George was taken to Camp Baker and tried by a court martial, upon his own confession of having been concerned in the murder of the Ledford party (five men) in 1859, and was hanged a day or two afterward. George's confession also implicated another Indian called Jack, who was thereupon arrested and will probably share the same fate. We gather these facts from the Sentinel. A most distressing incident was related to us one day this week, the circumstances of which are about as follows: Some two weeks since, Mrs. Barnett, wife of James Barnett, living on the north side of Rogue River, near Table Rock, was thrown from a horse, falling with such violence upon her feet as to break her leg above the ankle, and driving the bone through the flesh and into the ground about six inches. So firmly was the bone driven into the ground that all the efforts of the unfortunate lady, united with the assistance of her sister, failed to release her. She was compelled to remain in that terribly painful position until her sister went a quarter of a mile and got Mr. Erity to hasten her release. At last accounts she was suffering greatly, and fears were entertained she could not long survive.--Sentinel. 'Domestic Items,' Oregon Statesman, Salem, November 30, 1863, page 2 PROGRESS OF THE TELEGRAPH.--By telegram from Yreka, Nov. 18th, we receive the following: The Oregon line is now completed from this place to the upper portion of Rogue River Valley. The work is going on at the rate of about five miles per day. "Oregon Items," Daily British Colonist, Victoria, British Columbia, December 2, 1863, page 6 Another Indian, one of the murderers of the Ledford party, was killed at Fort Klamath week before last. Col. Drew had ordered his arrest and Capt. Kelly, attempting to execute the order, found it necessary to shoot him, the Indian offering resistance. He was known as "Skookum John" and was universally considered a bad Indian. The Sentinel says he is the fourth of the Ledford murderers, who have recently met with a violent, retributive death. "Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, December 7, 1863, page 2 SHOOTING.--At Jacksonville, Oregon, on Monday, the 16th ult., Dick Collins, a gambler, shot a man by the name of Lemuel Pruett, the ball striking Pruett's hand, tearing it badly, and entering his right groin, inflicting a painful and dangerous wound. Collins, failing to give bail in the sum of $1,000, was committed for trail on the charge of an assault with intent to kill. Daily California Express, Marysville, December 7, 1863, page 2 SNOW IN THE SISKIYOU.--On Monday morning last, snow commenced falling fast in the Siskiyou Mountains, on the line of the stage road between this place and Yreka, and by twelve o'clock of that night four or five feet of snow lay upon the road. As a consequence, the stage due here from Yreka, on Tuesday evening, did not arrive until the following night. Mr. Louis Tucker, the driver, tells us that he was eleven hours struggling through the snow on the mountain. Mr. John Anderson, the energetic stage agent, has put an extra driver and teams on the route, and it is not probable that the stages will again fail to connect at this place this winter. Tucker drives to Cole's Mountain House and back each day, while Bell and King drive to and from Cole's and Yreka. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 12, 1863, page 2 We are afraid we have in times past wronged the Indians by attributing to them nearly all the petty thefts that were committed about town, for since their banishment some pitiable thief has stolen an ax from our woodyard. Can it be that we have a white man in our midst so low in the scale of moral degradation as to steal from an editor? Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 12, 1863, page 2 FORT KLAMATH.--Nine men arrived in town Wednesday evening from Fort Klamath. From one of the party we learn that the soldiers occupy their newly erected quarters. The party left the fort on Saturday morning last, at which time there lay on the ground two feet of snow, and raining heavily. Seven feet of snow was found on the mountain road. An expressman had started from this place for the fort on Saturday last, but was compelled by the snow blockade to return. In May, 1862, Col. Ross and his party of "Pathfinders," on the line of the military road, found snow fifteen to eighteen feet deep. The party, over two hundred men, were engaged a whole week breaking and brushing a trail before they could pass over the mountain. There is no probability, however, that the snow will reach that depth this winter. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 19, 1863, page 5 THE CALIFORNIA TELEGRAPH LINE.--The operator at Yreka, under date of Dec. 15th, in a private letter to us received last night, says: "I should have notified you some time since of the condition of affairs down this way, but [I] have been out working on the line for [the] past week. On the 6th inst. commenced a very heavy storm in this section, which almost entirely demolished about 80 miles of the telegraph line between this place and Shasta. Snow fell to the depth of 3½ feet, making it slow and difficult work repairing in mountains. We will, however, in a few days be going again. Supt. Whittlesey is busy putting in [a] new section of 33 miles in [the] worst part of [the] line. He will have it done in a few days, and then we expect to keep the line in order all the time. If, in the meantime, I get any news in advance of mails, will forward it to you. It will not be long now before the line is up clear through, unless the weather is very bad. It is up nearly to Jacksonville, and over 100 miles of wire is now lying in that place, besides what has been sent to Portland. I think in ten days they will resume work on this end of the line." The Jacksonville Sentinel of the 12th says: "The recent heavy snow storm on the Siskiyou Mountain has displaced and broken in many places the wire lately stretched on the telegraph line between this place and Yreka. The wire had been stretched to within about twenty miles of this place, but the storm will probably delay the work a month or more." The Democrat says "the workmen engaged in putting up the telegraph passed through town this morning, going south, having completed the work of stretching the wire between Albany and Salem." Oregonian, Portland, December 22, 1863, page 2 Last revised May 29, 2023 |