![]() The cabinet in the Table Rock Saloon, Jacksonville, Oregon. Born.
Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 29, 1863, page
In the town of Jacksonville, April 28th, to the wife of HERMAN
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
November 26, 1864, page
In Jacksonville, on the 24th inst., to the wife of Herman Helms, of
this place, a son.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
January 20, 1866, page
Jan. 14th, by Judge P. P. Prim, Mr. Addison Helms and Miss Ana Ross,
all of Jacksonville.
We wish the happy couple the usual amount of bliss, and hope that the lady who has embarked on the trouble sea of matrimony may never be without a Helm(s). We take pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of bride's cake, etc. RUNAWAY.--Last Sunday, Mr. Herman Helms was riding out with his family, when the kingbolt of the buggy broke, and the team became badly frightened and ran home to town, with the detached portion of the vehicle. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Mr. Helms' children were thrown over the dashboard of the buggy, but only slightly scratched. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 24, 1867, page 2 DIED.
Jacksonville, Dec. 6th, Hermione Johanna, youngest daughter of Herman
and August Helms, aged one year and ten months.
Willamette Farmer, December 17, 1875, page 6 TABLE ROCK SALOON,
Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
May 19, 1877, page 1OREGON STREET, WINTJEN & HELMS, Proprietors. The proprietors of
this well-known
and popular resort would inform their friends and the public generally
that a complete and first-class stock of the best brands of liquors,
wines, cigars, ale and porter, etc., is constantly kept on hand. They
will be pleased to have their friends "call and smile."
A Cabinet of Curiosities may also be
found here. We
would be pleased to have persons possessing curiosities and specimens
bring them in, and we will place them in the Cabinet for inspection.WINTJEN &
Jacksonville, Aug. 5, 1874. Our old friend Helms has a fine saloon, the Table Rock, which he keeps in tip-top style. His liquors are good and his cigars No. 1; he has a fine cabinet of curiosities which will well repay an inspection. "A Clever Notice," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 19, 1877, page 1 To Mrs. Judge Prim and daughter, Hon. A. C. Jones and wife and Mrs. G. T. Vining we are especially indebted for courteous hospitalities. Also to Mr. Hermann Helms for valuable relics from his cabinet of geological specimens. Indeed, Mr. Helms has one of the most interesting cabinets in the world, but as he had a rattlesnake skin in most conspicuous view we didn't stop to investigate things very closely. "The
Switzerland of America,"
State Rights Democrat, August 10, 1877, page 2
The plug hat brigade paraded the streets on Sunday, in honor of Herman Helms' birthday. He was grand marshal, with J. S. Howard as chief aide. Howard, you know, is a surveyor, and it took all his skill to navigate clear of the shoals and breakers in the evening. Those hats looked as though the men had stood on their heads. "Jacksonville Items," Ashland Tidings, August 23, 1878, page 3 ![]() Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 23, 1879, page 1. This ad ran in the Sentinel as late as December 16, 1886. STUDY FOR THE GEOLOGIST.
We have seen many collections of curiosities in Oregon--many
cabinets--but the last we looked upon is Wintjen & Helms' in
the town of Jacksonville. In the cabinet there are many specimens which
require study on the part of the naturalist--many to puzzle the
historian--a great deal for the geologist to ponder over. We cannot
catalogue the collection. We must content ourself with a passing notice
of some of the main articles, and leave the remainder for the
seek-after [of] the strange and unaccountable to gaze upon. And every
visitor to Jacksonville will declare the collection to be the best in
the state. In it we found beautiful stalactites from the Williams Creek
cave [i.e., Oregon
the point of interest in the county to the pleasure-seeker; a piece of
the skull of the counterfeiter Moore
who was strangely killed, a half inch in thickness; four-legged
chickens, and double-headed turkeys; monte cards in buckskin with coins
found in an Indian grave; spearheads of flint, measuring from eight to
nine inches in length and differing from all but those in use by the
South Sea islanders; pieces of petrified salmon and trout, the latter
showing images photographed of the trees bordering the stream in which
the fish once defied the skill of the angler; relics of Capt. Jack's
camp; a collection of old and valuable coins; the tusk of the mastodon
and mammoth; the head and horns, in fine state of preservation, of a
greater ox than the world is now acquainted with--measuring eighteen
inches in width across the smaller part of the skull--and showing a
thickness of three inches through the bone; a hundred geological
specimens, and among the rest a gold nugget found in the claim of Helms
& Koster, on Foots Creek, valued at six or seven hundred. Only Prof.
Condon can do the collection justice, and were he to the
matter contained [illegible]
subject, and deliver a public lecture, our people would enjoy a rare
and instructive intellectual treat. As the proprietors are obliging
gentlemen, and always willing to explain everything with which they are
acquainted, an examination of the cabinet will always repay anyone for
the trouble--Roseburg Independent.
One day last week L. B. Stark saw his dog have what appeared to be a
human hand, and taking it away has placed it in Wintjen &
Helms' cabinet where it can be seen.
Items," Oregon Sentinel,
Jacksonville, July 30, 1881, page 3
A specimen of the fine peaches raised on Herman Helms' place in town can be seen at the Table Rock Saloon. They are large and luscious and the earliest in the market. "Local
Items," Oregon Sentinel,
Jacksonville, July 4, 1885, page 3
TABLE ROCK SALOON AND CABINET, Wintjen & Helms proprietors, a fine cabinet of minerals, fossils, odd and ancient coins, petrifactions and curiosities McKenney's Pacific Coast Directory for 1886-7, page 1014 The tourist will find Jacksonville a pleasant, hospitable, orderly town. A visit to Herbert Helms' cabinet of ores, minerals and fossils will form a pleasant interlude of his stay. . . . The West Shore, June 1, 1888, page 24 Robert Westrop found a relic of ancient days on Rogue River, a short time since, in the shape of a petrified Indian war club. It can be seen at the saloon of Wintjen & Helms. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 23, 1891, page 3 ![]() Herman Helms presiding in the Table Rock Saloon, Jacksonville, Oregon He had a peculiar fascination for curios and collected one of the finest little museums in the state, embracing fossils of a wide variety unearthed by miners, a large collection of Indian relics from all over the coast, rich mineral specimens of every character, curious coins, and in fact everything of a curious and interesting character that came within his reach. The collection is estimated to be worth $10,000. "Death of Hermann Helms," Ashland Tidings, June 22, 1899, page 3
Last Friday noon Professor A. B. Cordley and Professor E. R. Lake, of
the State Agricultural College at Corvallis, arrived at Jacksonville to
take part in the fruitgrowers convention that was held Saturday in this
place. During the first part of the afternoon the professors were shown
by K. K. Kubli the historic points of interest about town and the fine
collection of Indian relics and curios in the Table Rock Saloon that is
one of the best collections on the Pacific Coast and which was
collected by the late H. Helms and added to by his sons Edward and
"Some Entertaining and
Instructive Drives," Jacksonville
Sentinel, September 11, 1903, page 5Pioneers Want Museum.
MEDFORD, Or., Sept. 14.--The annual meeting of the Southern Oregon
Pioneer Society will be held at Jacksonville on September 22.
A proposition will be considered to establish at Jacksonville a museum of pioneer relics. The Native Daughters are back of the effort and their plan is to build a log cabin similar to the first one erected in Jacksonville in March, 1852, and to furnish it with a fireplace and the primitive furniture and relics of pioneer days. There is ample material in the pioneer homes of Rogue River Valley to make the museum a most interesting feature. Oregonian, Portland, September 15, 1910, page 9 Go to Helms' saloon and you will see some of the memories of the early days in his cabinet, old guns and revolvers that have killed their man, cartoons and caricatures of Lincoln, wartime souvenirs, Indian curios and other flotsam and jetsam of the early days. Fred Lockley, "The Passing of Beekman's Bank," Oregon Journal, Portland, October 6, 1912, page 53
Ed Helms' place in Jacksonville, which has been open for business every
day the law allows since 1852 [Hermann
Helms arrived in Jackson County in 1858],
will close October 19th, the date upon which its license expires, after
52 years of operation. The place is one of the pioneer landmarks of
Jackson County, and its four walls shelter a relic history of the days
when the Rogue River Valley was young to man, and Jacksonville was at
the height of its glory. The place was first opened by Wintjen
Helms, and handed down to the son, Ed Helms, who is now in charge.
In the early days the building was the meeting place and center of life in this section. After the gold excitement passed it was the gathering place of Saturdays for the entire Rogue River Valley. Here also came the prospectors to spend the gold they wrested from the earth. A collection of pioneer relics, valued at $50,000, is on display in the building. It is little known. The first piece of gold found at Jacksonville is on display. A photo of three men hanged by vigilantes at Yreka, and a piece of rope with which the job was done, is also in the collection. The first pool tables ever set up on the Pacific Coast, transported around the Horn by water to Eureka and packed into Jacksonville on the backs of burros [mules] is another of the attractions. [It seems very unlikely that no pool tables were imported to California before 1852.] Every possible manner of relic is on exhibition, mutely telling pages in the early history of Jackson County. The disposition of this valuable contribution to pioneer life has not been decided upon. It would be an excellent addition in the exhibit building of the Medford Commercial Club. Medford Mail Tribune, September 21, 1914, page 2 HISTORIC BAR TO CLOSE OCT. 19
Ed Helms bar in the quaint old city of Jacksonville will close its
doors for the first time since 1852 next October 19, at which time its
license expires. The place is owned and operated by Ed Helms, who fell
heir to it upon the death of his father. The reason for closing the
historic place is because Mr. Helms no longer wishes to operate it.
When mining operations were in full swing in southern Oregon, the resort was widely popular. Although little known, during these years relics were placed away in the rear to afterwards mutely tell the tales of the pioneer days. The collection is now valued at $50,000. Upon entering the first thing to draw one's attention is an old English billiard and pool table that now stands where in the early days card tables and shell games stood. It was the first to be shipped to the coast. There are only two of its kind in the state, the other being in McCredie's billiard parlor in Portland. Relics of all description are to be seen there, and it behooves one to take a last look before the doors are closed. Occasionally old pioneers of the county seat gather at the saloon and sit around the roaring blaze and relate tales of the past and contribute valuable stories to the history of pioneer life. It is probable that on October 18 many will once more gather there and celebrate in memory of the historic building, whose walls, if they could speak, would tell many a tale. Medford Sun, September 22, 1914 JACKSON LANDMARK TO GO
Historic Saloon in Jacksonville Holding Great Relics to Close.
MEDFORD, Or., Sept. 22--(Special.)--One of the most interesting
landmarks in Jackson County will be removed October 9, when Ed Helms
will close the Helms saloon in Jacksonville. This establishment dates
back to 1852, when it was opened by Helms & Wintjen in the
boom. For years the place was the social and political headquarters in
Southern Oregon; court decisions were made there; it was the scene of
trials, and business deals were transacted there.
A collection of pioneer relics valued at $25,000 is on display in the building. These include the first piece of gold found in Jackson County; a photograph of three murderers hanged by the vigilantes near Yreka, Cal., in the '60s, and a piece of the rope used by the lynchers; the first pool tables ever set up on the Pacific Coast, sent around the Horn to Eureka and packed to Jacksonville; Indian relics, pioneer firearms and many freaks of nature found by prospectors in the hills. No decision has been reached as to what will be done with these relics, but it is probable they will be lent for exhibition purposes to the Medford Commercial Club. The reason for closing the saloon is not given other than that the license expires October 9. Morning Oregonian, Portland, September 23, 1914, page 5 HELMS' INDIAN RELICS AT FAIR
best of the relics in the Ed Helms collection, now in the pioneer bar
at Jacksonville, will be sent to the 1915 fair, as a feature of the
southern Oregon exhibit, according to plans under way. Among the
collection is a bow and arrow said to have been used by Captain Jack of
the Modocs in his early-day raids, and a piece of the rope with which
the first lynching in this section was negotiated. Many other
interesting curios comprise the collection, including a dozen or so
freak growths of wood. A mastodon tusk found on the Applegate years ago
is another relic. Steps will be taken to interest the proper
authorities in the proposed display.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 30, 1914, page 2 HELMS' HISTORIC SALOON CLOSES
The key will be turned for the last time tonight at 12 o'clock in the
Ed Helms' [sic]
at Jacksonville, after over half a century of business life, and one of
the pioneer landmarks of southern Oregon will have passed. There will
be no flourish at the finale. The start was made with all the ceremony
and cheer, prosperity and plenty [that] gold could give.
The collection of relics which form a part of the history of Jackson County will be left intact, and it is possible arrangements will be made whereby they will be moved to this city to exhibit. The curios include the bow and arrow used by Captain Jack of the Modoc, an Indian terror of early days, and a piece of the rope that was used by the first vigilante committee in southern Oregon. Ed Helms, who has operated the bar in recent years, will retire from business. Medford Mail Tribune, October 19, 1914, page 6 GRIZZLIES TO VISIT CURIOSITY SHOP
Grizzlies and their friends will take the 1:00 train Sunday afternoon
for Jacksonville, and visit the remarkable collection of E. E. Helms,
which has been accumulated during the last fifty years. It consists
principally of pioneer curiosities and mineral specimens. But other
antique relics are also to be found in the museum.
For example, there are coins from various foreign countries, Indian tools, worn-out wooden shoes from Hanover, a large variety of animal horns, Chinese scales, old revolvers, a fine sample of a mastodon tooth, ropes used in hanging horse thieves and photographs of the smiles of the first flirts during the mining period. The collection is undoubtedly of great human interest, because in the early pioneer days Helms' place was the social and political center of southern Oregon. Even from a religious standpoint, it played a conspicuous part, as it is a well-known fact that the saloon element was largely instrumental in building the Methodist Church in Jacksonville. For nearly seventy years the same family ran the saloon, and it was only closed a couple of years ago by the present owner. By special arrangement Mr. Helms will entertain the visitors next Sunday and show them the collection in detail. The mayor of Jacksonville, Emil Britt, is expected to give them the freedom of the city for about one hour, and then escort the party out of the ancient burg toward the mountain. Medford Mail Tribune, October 16, 1915, page 3 A few years back, when Helms' saloon was running, we had a fine collection of relics, open to the public, but now the doors are closed and if a stranger comes our way, looking for the famous relics he has heard so much about, it requires a special act of the legislature to open the doors. "Did It Ever Occur to You?" Jacksonville Post, October 18, 1919, page 1 MRS. SARGENT WILL OPEN ORIENTAL AND INDIAN MUSEUM
Jacksonville Post, September 5, 1924, page 1
Mrs. Alice Sargent, one of Jacksonville's public-spirited citizens, has
become the proud owner of the old historic Brunner Building, located on
Oregon Street.
This building as erected in 1855 and was the first brick building built in Oregon and the first store in Jacksonville. Into the Brunner Building the women and children fled for safety when the Indians made their last raid on the white settlers in [1855]. Mrs. Sargent will repair the old building and open an Oriental and Indian museum. At the official opening of the Jacksonville museum of pioneer relics last night in the historic U.S. Hotel, attended by 300 people from all parts of Jackson County, Governor Walter M. Pierce was the principal speaker and guest of honor at the banquet. . . . The pioneer collection now consists principally of the Pelton and Helms collections, and contains relics of practically every phase of early-day life in this section. A number who attended the meeting last night promised to furnish additional relics. The collection is now rated as the most complete in the state. "Gov. Pierce Laughs at His Recall," Medford Mail Tribune, April 28, 1925, page 1 -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
One of the
show windows of Paulson's Elkhorn Cigar Store was surrounded by an
interested crowd of spectators all day on the 4th, and is still being
examined by people whose attention is arrested by its unique
appearance. It is filled with a collection of historic relics and
mementos of wars and aboriginal life, and a variety of curios that are
worth seeing. A respectable number of the articles, owned by Paulson,
C. C. Walker and others, were placed in the window, and people who saw
the idea of the display began to contribute other things for the
purpose, until a large collection of much interest was made. Following
is supposed to be a nearly complete list:Interesting Collection of Relics and Curios. A rifle belonging to D. P. Walrad, carried in the Revolutionary War by his grandfather; a Colt's rifle plowed up by B. L. Kingsbury in his field seven miles south of Ashland; Wm. Otto's cabinet of minerals and curios; deer's head, killed and mounted by Barriss and Shaw; an old flintlock pistol; Allen pepperbox pistol, Chas. Blake's; a Modoc pistol with the cartridges rusted fast in the cylinder, found in the Lava Beds and presented to Sheriff Pelton by G. H. Hayes; Sioux gun case, handsomely beaded; Indian slung-shot [sic], owned by J. W. O. Gregory; Rogue River Indian war club; shackles, scalping knives, arrow points; Mexican War saber and Capt. Jack's handcuffs, owned by Marshal Smith; Modoc bow and quiver, Will Grubb's; Pit River Indian bow and quiver, Geo. Andrews; knife found on the field of the Custer massacre; Nez Perce medicine charm bag; a Sioux medicine bag, owned by Capt. Isaac Carpenter who was captured twice by the Sioux and Snakes, first time below Ft. Kearny; Indian pipes, Columbia pipe stone; Modoc pestle and mortar; Sioux pipe and an Alaska swan's breastbone, Mrs. Tolman; baskets and children's toy papoose in case made by Klamaths, Mrs. Ralph; African elephant tusk, Mrs. Ralph; obsidian fish knives; block of Minnesota pipe clay, J. T. Bowditch; petrified wood from Kaolin Mountain, C. C. Walker; an Indian's autobiography; specimens from Klamath River cave; old-fashioned trick hobbles; snake rattles, Geo. Andrews; four-footed quail, Lester High; Confederate $5 bill; miniature Alaska bidarky, Mrs. Tolman. Ashland Tidings, July 8, 1892, page 3 One thing should be seen by all visitors, the Helms collection of curios. It contains in great number and variety specimens from the mineral, animal and vegetable kingdom, with many freaks among them, also Indian relics, weapons of war, etc., used in the fierce Indian wars of Oregon. An interesting feature is the skull of a prehistoric ox exhumed from a placer mine. This skull is from a third to one-half larger than that of the ox of the present time. This exhibit is now valued at many thousand dollars. The Smithsonian Institute has made overtures for it, but it is not for sale. "Jacksonville, One of Oregon's Old Towns," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, September 15, 1905, page 9 CRAZY MAN SHOOTS HIS WIFE AND
Portland, Ore., Jan. 8.--Frederick B. Martin, until recently
salesman of the Portland branch of the Pacific Biscuit Company, today
shot and slightly wounded his wife, shot to death Miss Emma Helms, his
sister-in-law, and then sent a bullet into his own head. Family
troubles are alleged to have been the cause of the deed. The tragedy
took place at "The Ella," a fashionable boarding house at the
corner of
Ella and Washington streets, of which Mrs. Martin is the proprietress.
According to boarders at the house, the married life of the
couple had
been at times stormy, but the couple did not separate until
discharge from the biscuit company a few months ago, and his sudden
departure for California after his discharge. Recently he returned to
Portland and his wife refused to live with him. This refusal
attributed to the interference of Miss Helms. This afternoon at about
4:30 Martin went to the Ella and effected admission
to the place,
unknown to Mrs. Martin. He entered his wife's apartments and a few
minutes later the shooting of Mrs. Martin and Miss Helms
Martin then went to the basement, where he turned
the revolver upon
himself. What transpired before the shooting is not yet known.
Martin, who is the only one who knows, is suffering from
hysteria. The
families of both Martin and his wife are well known Southern Oregon
people, Mrs. Martin's father having been a wealthy pioneer of
Jacksonville. Martin's family came from Ashland, Oregon; his
brother-in-law is the son of Max
Pracht, a politician well known on
this coast and in Washington, D.C.Sanders County Ledger, Thompson, Montana, January 11, 1907, page 1
At a meeting of the Native Daughters and Pioneers held at Miss Issie
McCully's, Theodore Cameron was elected president; C. C. Beekman, vice
president, and William Coleman, secretary pro tempore, to fill the
vacancy caused by the death of secretary S. J. Day. The Native
Daughters of Jane McCully Cabin of Jacksonville will give the dinner to
the pioneers at their reunion, which will take place Sept. 22.in which to store relics of the early days. The program is not completed for the day, but will be a good one and will be announced later. As this is the oldest pioneer town in the valley, no pains will be spared to make the day an enjoyable one in every way for the pioneers and their families. It is hoped that the Native Daughters and Sons will secure a suitable room soon, wherein the many relics of pioneer days may be placed on exhibition. This city is rich in relics, and it is time that something was done to preserve them. Since the log cabin was the first home of the pioneers, why not erect a nice log cabin for exhibition purposes, with the fireplace and coon skin on the door. There is more than enough pioneer furniture in town to fit it up in true pioneer style. Jacksonville Post, September 3, 1910, page 1
Mrs. Augusta V. Helms, widow of
the late Herman Helms of this city, died at her home shortly before
midnight Saturday night.Mrs. Helms Dies at 12 O'Clock Saturday Night. Aged 73 Years. Mrs. Helms was a native of Hamburg, Germany, and at the time of her death was aged 73 years. She came to this city in 1861, marrying Herman Helms immediately after her arrival here, and has lived here ever since that date. She became a widow by the death of Mr. Helms in 1899. To Mrs. Helms belonged the distinction of being one of the first white women on the Pacific Coast. She was held in high esteem, being loved and respected by all who knew her. Out of nine children born, only five survive her: Mrs. James Cronemiller, Miss Monda, and Edward, of this city; Mrs. Anna Bland, of Grants Pass, and Harry of Medford. Funeral services conducted by Rev. Robert Ennis were held at her late residence Tuesday at 2 P.M., followed by exercises held at the cemetery by Ruth Rebekah Lodge, of which order the deceased was a charter member, after which the remains were laid to rest in the "city of the dead,'' overlooking the beautiful valley of the Rogue and that home in which she had passed so many happy and useful years. Jacksonville Post, March 4, 1911, page 1
The buildings in Jacksonville are storehouses for any amount of old
relics and remembrances of the long ago. Nearly every home has its
relic of some occurrence of fifty or sixty years back. There are enough
articles typical of the frontier town in this city to stock a side show.Did you ever think about the possibilities of a museum for Jacksonville? Then why not make use of these things to bring visitors to our little city? Why not assemble them all together under one roof? Advertise the fact that we have the most complete set of relics of the past, draw some of the tourist trade, and then see what happens. A fews years back, when Helms' saloon was running, we had a fine collection of relics, open to the public, but now the doors are closed, and if a stranger comes our way, looking for the famous relics he has heard so much about, it requires a special act of the legislature to open the doors. We will venture to say that a suitable building could be found for the purpose, for just about what the taxes would amount to. Then we would have to find a man or woman to take charge of the work, and that could easily be arranged; no doubt there are many in town who would be willing to donate their services. And the city could appropriate about two hundred dollars a year for running expenses. This would be a very efficient way for Jacksonville to draw the tourist trade, and would be a very cheap way. Why not think it over? Talk it over, but do more than talk. Get busy with the idea. Make Jacksonville the most talked-about city in the West. It can be done. If Jacksonville was to take up this idea, undoubtedly the rest of the Rogue River Valley towns would cooperate by sending us their old-time relics. They would all do it as a business matter, for such an establishment, as proposed, would be a big advertising feature for the entire valley. Stop and think what Grants Pass has made out of her "Oregon Caves,'' Ashland with her "Lithia Park," and then think what Jacksonville could do with a storehouse of the things so well known sixty years ago, but almost forgotten now. Jacksonville Post, October 18, 1919, page 1 GARDNER EXPLAINS J'VILLE MUSEUM
Score one for Jacksonville, Ore., one of the early gold camps of
Oregon, a camp which was lively and producing before the excitement of
'49 was over in California. "Jacksonville," explained O. A. Gardner,
judge of Jackson County, at the Imperial, "has a chamber of commerce
which is planning a work in which all Oregon will be interested. It
intends establishing a museum wherein will be preserved the early
history records of Southern Oregon in particular and Oregon in general.
I intend seeing George H. Himes of the Oregon Historical Society about
it before I return home. Jacksonville has many interesting relics of
the early days. Everyone who has visited Jacksonville has been struck
by some of these. Jacksonville had the first billiard table in the
Oregon country--a table twice as large as those manufactured today. The
table was transported in sections on pack horses from Crescent City,
Cal. There are scores of articles which recall pioneer times, and these
are to be assembled. We have enough to start a good museum, and others
will be added. Pioneer families will contribute articles. The chamber
is thinking of using the old U.S. Hotel, a brick structure, and
altering it for museum purposes, and an architect has volunteered to
make the plans." Judge Gardner says that the road from Medford to
Crater Lake will be all completed but half a dozen miles this year, and
this gap will be graded but not surfaced. The section which was so
dusty in the past that the county had to keep sprinkling wagons on it
is now rock surfaced.--Portland Oregonian.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 16, 1923, page 6
Curio Present by Mrs. Pelton
Horace Pelton and wife of Sams Valley, pioneers of Jackson County,
spent many years in collecting a large assortment of curios, Indian
relics, old guns, flint arrows, stone cooking utensils, etc.Recently Mr. Pelton died and Mrs. Pelton, having learned that the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce desired to obtain a collection of such relics, notified Mayor Britt that she would be glad to turn them over to this city for exhibition purposes if an exhibit room were prepared so that proper care could be taken of them. Wednesday Mr. Britt and G. W. Godward drove over and brought back the collection, which for the present is on exhibition in the Godward store windows and is attracting much interest. Later on it is the intention of the C. of C. to prepare an exhibit room in the old U.S. Hotel building, where everybody will be given an opportunity to contribute to the collection. The C. of C. takes this means of thanking Mrs. Pelton most kindly for this gift, which will stand as a pretty little monument to her enterprise and generosity. Jacksonville Post, April 18, 1924, page 1
A special meeting of the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce was held
Monday evening for the purpose of discussing the matter of restoring
the U.S. Hotel on California Street, which in its present state of
neglect is far from being a credit to the city. The plan is to restore
the structure and make of it a museum in which may be housed the many
interesting and valuable collections the owners of which are only
waiting for such a place.PLAN TO USE AS HISTORICAL BUILDING The meeting was adjourned until Monday night, September 1, when definite plans for the work to be done will be made. The U.S. Hotel was built by George H. Holt in the year 1880. Its first guests were President Hayes and party, who were touring the West, traveling by stage. The hotel was not completed when the exciting news came that the presidential party would visit Jacksonville. True to traditional Western hospitality, Madame Holt hastily fitted up rooms and the distinguished visitors were entertained. Some Jacksonville folks remember this visit and that President Hayes spoke to the people from the veranda which ran the full length of the hotel front and which has since been torn away. Jacksonville Post, August 29, 1924, page 1 SARGENT MUSEUM TO BE OPENED FOR
Mrs. H. H. Sargent of Jacksonville has bought an old brick building in
Jacksonville which she intends to convert into a museum where she will
place on exhibit the fine collection of curios which she and Colonel
Sargent collected on their extensive travels. One or two other
collectors intend to add their treasures, thus making a valuable
display which will be quite complete in some departments, particularly
in Indian curios. Some interest attaches to the old building that Mrs.
Sargent has bought. It is a brick structure [the Brunner Building]
that dates back to 1853. The early settlers were at one time fortified
in this building as a safeguard against the Indians. It is definitely
known that the building is one of the earliest ones in Jacksonville,
and it is said to be one of the earliest brick structures in the state.
Mrs. Sargent deserves much credit in this matter, as she has given
liberally of her time and money to preserve this landmark and expects
to become custodian of the collection, keeping it open two days out of
the week for the inspection of the public. Too much cannot be said in
praise of such work as this in our pioneer communities, as the pioneer
ranks are growing thin and our youths should be taught respect for the
beginnings which have grown into our magnificent state. It is
particularly fitting that this collection should be thrown open to the
public during the pioneer reunion which occurs on October 16th at
Medford Mail Tribune, October 6, 1924, page 2 Mrs. Alice Sargent announces that her museum in the historic Brunner building will be closed during the balance of the winter.--Jacksonville Post. Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, December 13, 1924, page 2 JOE WETTERER OF JACKSONVILLE IS GIVEN WRITEUP
Joseph B. Wetterer is custodian of the museum at Jacksonville, Ore.
A few days ago I dropped in at the museum to renew my acquaintance with
Mr. Wetterer. As I looked at some of the old-time mementos I said, "If
I am not mistaken, I saw some of these same curios in the Table Rock
Saloon here in Jacksonville 30 years or more ago," says Fred Lockley in
the Portland Journal."You are right," replied Mr. Wetterer. "A good many of these old guns and other early-day relics were owned by Mr. Helms, proprietor of the Table Rock Saloon. I myself saw them there 35 years ago. I was born here in Jacksonville, March 20, 1875. My father, whose name was Joseph B. Wetterer, and for whom I am named, was born in Baden, Germany. He came to the United States in 1850, going direct to California. He mined on Scotts Bar and at various other camps in Northern California. He came to Jacksonville in 1853. "Father had learned the brewing business in Germany, so when he came to Jacksonville he started the Eagle Brewery and ran it till his death in 1879. Father was married here in Jacksonville in 1862. He married Regina Sage. Her father crossed the plains in 1853, settling at first at Brownsville and later in Albany. I live in the house in which I was born. There were seven children in our family. Five of us are still living. Two of my sisters live in Portland and two here in Jacksonville. After graduating from the high school here I taught for a while at Forest Creek. I received $35 a month and boarded myself. After teaching for two years I moved to Portland and for three years worked as a tailor in the Columbus building." Medford Mail Tribune, November 8, 1930, page 3 Reprinted from the Oregon Journal of November 6, on page 12. THE JACKSONVILLE MUSEUM
A few weeks ago a prominent business man from Chicago paid his first
visit to Medford and was taken on a motor trip around the valley.He was much impressed by the natural beauties of the valley, the attractive homes, the well-kept orchards, the airport and the golf course, but the ONE thing that gave him the biggest "kick" was the pioneer museum in Jacksonville. It was difficult to get him away from this museum, and when he left for the East, he said that when--and if--he returned he would bring his family and spend an entire day in the quaint and historic old town of Jacksonville. According to all reports, the visiting Grangers, on their recent tour of the valley, showed the same keen interest in the former county seat, and many expressed regret they were not allowed more time to wander around the quaint village, visit the old saloon, and get better acquainted with the interesting relics of the early days. Apparently those of us who have lived here a long time, and to whom Jacksonville is an "old story,'' fail to appreciate what a tourist attraction we have in our post-bellum metropolis and county seat. Under the circumstances we believe that our local Chamber of Commerce would do well, in its publicity, and in its tourist service, to lay greater emphasis upon the importance of Jacksonville, and in all valley tours provide for a longer stop there than has been customary in the past. One thing is CERTAIN, if the Oregon Historical Society should again attempt to have the Jacksonville museum moved away on the ground that its exhibits could be given better care and shown to better advantage elsewhere, such an effort should be resisted with every resource at our command. As a living reminder of the old days, Jacksonville is unique in the entire state. The museum, which the people of Jacksonville have established and maintained, should remain JUST WHERE IT IS. Moreover, the responsibility of maintaining this museum, and increasing its attractiveness, should not rest entirely upon the people of Jacksonville, but should be a responsibility of Medford and the entire county, for its benefits extend, directly or indirectly, to every section of the valley. Medford Mail Tribune, June 12, 1931, page 12 Editorial Is Commended
To the Editor:Thanks to you, Mr. Editor, for your fine editorial on Jacksonville's museum. In this editorial, which appeared in last Friday's issue of the Mail Tribune, you voiced the sentiment of Jacksonville's residents when you said the museum should remain "just where it is" [in the U.S. Hotel.] The Pelton collection of Indian relics is very fine and was a gift to the city of Jacksonville as was also the Helms collection. We have two museums, however; the historic Brunner building is also a museum. This building was built by the Brunner Brothers in 1855 and is the second-oldest brick building in Oregon. Into this building the women and children of Jacksonville fled for refuge when the Indians made their last raid on the white settlers in 1856. [There was no "raid" on Jacksonville.] This building, with its contents, is now the property of "The Native Daughters of Jacksonville," an organization which has been kept up by these same Native Daughters for many years. It is open every Wednesday from two o'clock until five and visitors are always made welcome. Upon request the building will be opened to visitors at other times. In one of the windows of the Brunner building can be seen the old gold scales which were used at the Sterling mines, and on which were weighed over two million dollars worth of gold. We feel that our museums are in their proper setting right here in the historic old town. In 1859 Jacksonville was the richest town in Oregon, while Jackson County was the richest and most populous county in the state. The old U.S. Hotel sheltered for one memorable night no less a personage than the President of the United States, Rutherford B. Hayes, who had with him at his side General W. T. Sherman, who you know "marched down to the sea" and who gave us that most comprehensive definition of war. The room on the second floor of the hotel, directly above the museum, is "the President's room" and right across the hall is "the General Sherman room." Across the street, west of the hotel, is the old Beekman bank building. Shortly before his death I visited the venerable banker in this building, and was granted an interview in which he gave me the history of Jacksonville. Nothing can take from Jacksonville the historic past. Nothing can banish the memories of the olden, golden days when this town was the richest town in Oregon. "Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, June 16, 1931, page 11 MUSEUM HOST LARGE CROWDS
The Museum of Southern Oregon, Jacksonville's chief bid for coastwise
fame among tourists, was host Sunday to an unusually large crowd of
curious visitors. Doors of the institution were open from early morning
until late evening, George Little taking his old place as curator for
the day. As has been the custom for the past several years, visitors
came from various points of the country and the growing registration in
the museum's documents continue to reud like the nation's city roll
call.Thursday of last week the history class of Southern Oregon Normal School at Ashland visited Jacksonville, interest centering on the many historical features of the town, its two museums, the Britt studio and ancient buildings. Such outstanding landmarks as the first Protestant church west of the Rockies, the first brick building in Oregon (which contains the Native Daughters' museum) and the mineral, geological and Indian collections of both the Native Daughters and Southern Oregon museums came in for close inspection. The entire history class, including two professors accompanying the group, was treated to one of George Little's lectures on the various exhibits of the U.S. Hotel institution. As a climax to their quest of antiques, the visitors entered the Jacksonville exchange and found Johnny Renault, proprietor, who pleased them greatly. Jacksonville Miner, June 10, 1932, page 1
Addison David Helms.
Addison David Helms passed away October 13 at a hospital at Ashland
where he had been brought the day before for medical treatment from his
home at Klamath Junction, south of Ashland. He had been ill for some
time with asthma and heart trouble. He was the last member of the
family of Mr. and Mrs. James Helms, pioneers of Talent. The other
children, now deceased, were: Al, Mrs. Belle Pellett, Dr. George, Henry
and Oliver. He was born at Denver, Colo., May 12, 1863, being 70 years
and five months old at the time of his death. July 4, 1886, he was
united in marriage to Miss Mary Lance, who survives; also a son,
Addison D., Jr. two sons having passed away, Otis in infancy and
Donald, who was killed in an auto race in Medford in 1913. He was a
brother-in-law of George and Marion Lance of Foots Creek. They have
spent the past 35 years of their life at their home at Klamath
Junction, except most of the winters were spent in California on
account of Mr. Helms' health. He has been a respected member of the
community in which he lived, and will be missed by his many friends.
Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Dodge chapel in
Ashland, Rev. Hall of the Methodist church officiating. Interment at
the Rock Point cemetery west of Gold Hill."Obituary," Medford Mail Tribune, October 17, 1933, page 8 The Museum
To the Editor: First, let us recall some of the firsts. Since
Jacksonville is the oldest town in Southern Oregon and second in all
the state, let us look no further for a location.Since the historic county court house in Jacksonville has been vacant many years and was so well known to pioneers and those of later times, let us concentrate on it for a museum building and forget all other suggested building sites. The person or group who originated the idea of a museum is unknown to the writer. However, the efforts and collections of the late Mrs. Alice Applegate Sargent, who represented the first family (Applegates) in Southern Oregon, should always be kept in mind, and the first place in a museum should be given to that family. After them should come the valley pioneers who are today, as always, represented by the organization known as the Southern Oregon Pioneers; for it is upon these families and their descendants that most relics of pioneer and historical nature are dependent. For many years many people throughout this county and the state have made public efforts towards the establishment of a museum. Many types of articles have been offered. Mrs. Sargent’s collection and the Helms collection were exhibited in Jacksonville for many years, and the town has maintained a small public museum in the old U.S. Hotel building. When the county court was moved to Medford a large number of public-spirited citizens of the county felt that the old building deserted in Jacksonville would make a good museum building. During the Gold Rush Jubilee of August, 1933, many fine collections were displayed in Jacksonville, including the large collection then owned by the late Frank Zell. During the Diamond Jubilee held in Medford in 1934 about 20 people, mostly grandchildren of valley pioneers, filled the lower store space in the Sparta building with hundreds of relics from their homes. Many other pioneer collections were displayed in store windows in Medford and Jacksonville, and the late Hector Catey, with the help of the Miners Club, gathered and exhibited the then largest mineral collection in the state, all consisting of Southern Oregon minerals. Those large collections of 1934 convinced everyone that there was materials enough here for a large, permanent museum. In 1935, the Southern Oregon Artists Association exhibits proved there was local material enough for an art museum, and members of that association worked towards one. The late Dr. Robinson, whose daughter, Dorland, was an early Jacksonville artist of national recognition, offered that association his daughter's paintings whenever proper housing facilities could be obtained. A. H. Banwell, the then secretary of the Medford Chamber of Commerce, became active in the effort of obtaining a museum with that group. In 1937-38 members of the Southern [Oregon] Gem and Mineral Society, with Banwell, worked hard for a museum to house the pioneer relics, art and mineral specimens of this county. Several valuable Indian rock relics and mineral collections were offered them for museum use. That organization met the members of the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce and its speakers talked before the Medford city council in an effort to gain a public museum. Several sites were considered including the old court house in Jacksonville. The greatest effort was made when the late Governor Earl Snell, Sons of the American Revolution, Pioneers and other honored guests met at a dinner in the Jacksonville court house for the purpose of establishing interest in the project. The last effort has been the forming of a Southern Oregon Historical Society, headed by the late Mayor C. A. Meeker of Medford, whose interests concentrated on the museum plans. In the past few years antique collecting hit the valley and hundreds of relics have been sold and disposed of by individuals who no longer had a place to keep them. Year after year the Southern Oregon Pioneers meet alternately in Ashland and in the old court house in Jacksonville, planning a museum, watching the building slowly crumble into neglected ruins and anxiously hoping there is still time for repairs, protection and care for all articles left for museum purposes. VENITA
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, March
8, 1948, page 4Member State Historical Society and Southern Oregon Pioneers. Jacksonville Museum
To the editor: In regard to the museum at Jacksonville, I wish to add
my little bit. In the early thirties I organized a fire department of
the young men, and it was this organization that remodeled the old U.S.
Hotel dining room and made the present museum.All the outside help we had, California-Oregon Power Co. gave to me the glass show cases to protect the antiques. We also did some advertising. I took my car and placed framed ads of the museum from Roseburg to Dunsmuir and from Grants Pass to Crescent City. I sat in the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce for two years trying to get some support for the museum but failed. I wanted them to put a sign on the highway at the junction of the Jacksonville road at Voorhies crossing but no luck. I think Jackson County has passed up one of the best attractions for tourists in not advertising Jacksonville. Someday maybe they will wake up to the fact. Ray E. Wilson
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, August 16, 1948, page 6Central Point, Ore. Last revised December 29, 2024 |