The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Martin Peterson

    PREACHING.--To the citizens of Jacksonville and vicinity: I expect to preach to those that will favor me with their hearing, on the 3rd Lord's day in April, 1865, at 11 o'clock, in the court house, in Jacksonville, at which time I expect to contrast the religion of the present day with the religion of the Bible.
Oregon Sentinel, March 25, 1865, page 2

    LEG BROKEN.--On the night of the 22nd inst., as Elder Martin Peterson, of this county, was returning from his appointments in Josephine County, when on top of the mountain, about one mile south of this place, on the Applegate road, his horse slipped and fell against the bank, breaking his left leg near the ankle. He mounted his horse without help, and rode to Dr. Davis's, who set the fracture. The next morning he left this place for home, followed by the good wishes of many friends.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 27, 1869, page 3

    JACKSON COUNTY.--The Sentinel of the 27th ult. says: On the night of the 22nd inst. as Elder Martin Peterson, of this county, was returning from his appointments in Josephine County, when on the top of the mountains, about one mile south of this place, on the Applegate road, his horse slipped and fell against the bank, breaking his left leg near the ankle. He mounted his horse without help, and rode to Dr. Davis', who set the fracture.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, December 3, 1869, page 2

    Elder Martin Peterson, of Jackson County, had a leg broken a few days ago.
"Oregon Items," Oregon State Journal, Eugene, December 4, 1869, page 2

    Delegates from Oregon to the Republican National Convention are B. F. Dowell, J. P. Booth, Hiram Smith, G. P. Holman, Thos. Charman and M. Peterson.
"Pacific Coasters," State Rights Democrat, March 29, 1872, page 2

    Rev. Martin Peterson preached at the courthouse last Sunday evening to a large audience. His subject was the fallacy of the doctrines of the Second Adventists, which he will further analyze on Sunday, March 1st.
"Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 14, 1874, page 3

    Jackson Co., Aug. 24, 1874.
    EDITOR TIMES--Dear Sir:--I embrace this opportunity to give you a brief outline of my first trip to the mountains in Oregon. Notwithstanding the busy time of the year, in company with some four others, I started from M. Hanley's farm on Little Butte Creek last Monday morning, for the purpose of examining the pass through the Cascade Range at the bead of the Butte creeks, in order to ascertain the practicability of constructing a wagon road through said pass. We found that the pass is the best and nearest way to connect this valley with the valleys east of us that can be found. Mr. Hanley's farm is 28 miles from Jacksonville. It is five miles to Soda Springs, on the north prong of Little Butte; from there it is six miles to the Falls, where the Applegate railroad survey crosses the creek; from there it is nine miles to where said survey crosses the Ashland and Pelican Bay wagon road. Here the proposed road should fork, the left-hand fork leading to Fort Klamath. The right-hand fork should follow as near as practicable on the Applegate railroad survey to Mr. Stearns', near Link River, where it would intersect the Ashland road. The distance from these forks to Stearns' is 32 miles, making in all 80 miles from Jacksonville to the latter place. I think this distance can be made easier on this route than on any other that crosses the Cascade or Nevada range. It will be up one way and down the other, as there are no deep chasms to cross. We did not explore the whole route, but some of the party have been over all of it. The part we explored is said to be the most difficult portion of the whole route. I have crossed this range in three other places, and I find that a road can be made on this route for less than one-twentieth what it cost to make the Amador, Placerville or Truckee River roads in California. It is in fact but a light undertaking to make a wagon road on this route. We found not a place that will require blasting, and most of the grading will be easy. There will be but few bridges, and the most of the work will be clearing away timber.
    At some future time I will try and show some of the advantages this road would be to the public.
Yours, etc., M. PETERSON.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 28, 1874, page 3

Josephine Co., Dec. 1, 1874.       
Editor Times:
    Having been spending some time in company with others prospecting the mining country in this county, I take this method to give publicity to some things I have seen.
    I have seen an immense quantity of placer mines lying on the hills along Rogue River, from the mouth of the Applegate to three miles below the mouth of Galice Creek, that would pay handsomely if some company would put in a large ditch from Applegate on the mountains above said hills. I have no doubt but that it would prove remunerative. There are placer diggings enough here to employ a thousand men for the next ten years to profit, if scientifically managed.
    But the matter that took me into the mines was to see if the great ledge of quartz, discovered three miles below the mouth of Galice Creek, was what it is represented to be. This ledge, you will see by the proceedings of the miners' meeting last Saturday, a copy of which I send you, is called the Yank Ledge. Rogue River has worn its way through said ledge to the depth of some 500 feet, and where the river is now running it is more than 100 feet wide. The ledge of quartz, through which the river runs [in] a westerly direction, is cased well on one side with slate rock and on the west side with granite. But now comes the incredible part--that the ledge is over 125 feet wide. I have traced it for over three miles, and at different points have found where it is cut with small streams that run through it. It is cased the same as at the river, and on the left-hand fork of Rocky Gulch it is wider than it is at the river. The quartz of this ledge contains both silver and gold, and is in appearance the same as that of the great Comstock ledge of Nevada. I have the receipts of an assay made by an assayer of Walla Walla, W.T., for Messrs. Courtney, which reports $21.50 in silver and $6.40 in gold per ton. The same gentlemen have had another assay which is more than double the one I have given. The amount of minerals contained in the Rogue River Mountains is immense. I think if enterprising men will take hold of the Yank Ledge (which should have been called the mammoth ledge, as it surely is the largest known in the United States, if not in the world), they will make it profitable to themselves and of immense value to Oregon.
    I would say to the citizens of our county that we need to go to work to help Josephine County get a good wagon road to this mountain of minerals, that machinery may be put up and men set to work to develop its value. And if it proves as good as many think it is, it will give us a home market for our surplus at good figures, and be a benefit to all, if properly used.
    There is a tolerably fair road to Pickett Creek, which is some ten miles from the mouth of Slate Creek, from whence it is about twelve miles to the ledge by a pack trail, which one unaccustomed to the mountains would call bad.
    I have sent some of the rock for assaying to Portland and also to San Francisco. When I receive returns, by your permission, I will give the public the facts thereof.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 4, 1874, page 3

    Mr. Martin Peterson, of Mound Ranch, Jackson County, writes to the Record under date of the 19th of January as follows: "We have snow on the ground that has been on for six days, but is leaving us now with a little rain. But little grain sown yet, and the prospects are very unfavorable for sowing any for some time."
"Oregon," Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 29, 1875, page 1

    Jackson County, Feb. 10, 1875.
Editor Democratic Times:
    According to promise, I again give a few items concerning these mines. I must first tell about the boat that was brought down Rogue River the other day. It was 20 feet long, five feet wide and two feet deep, built on the flat bottom plan. The cargo consisted of 800 pounds of potatoes, 600 pounds of oats, 100 pounds of flour, 100 pounds of provisions and 100 feet of lumber--about a ton all told. The boat was loaded near Vannoy's Ferry and landed near the Yank ledge. It was manned by Mr. Presley, captain and owner of cargo and boat, Mr. Mannering, pilot, and John Flaughes, propeller, and was set afloat on the 1st instant, landing on the 3rd. Mr. Mannering says the trip can be made in ten hours.
    Mr. Harkness is now preparing to raft 5,000 feet of lumber down from the mouth of "Jumpoff Joe." So you see that Rogue River is to be used in developing the great Yank ledge.
    The width of the Yank ledge, which I estimated at over 125 feet in my first letter, upon measurement is found to be 297 feet wide. I may here state that it is one solid mass of quartz of a fine quality this width. Then comes about the same width of granite, and then another ledge nearly as wide as the Yank ledge, with streaks of granite in it; then another field of granite wider than the one above; then another ledge of quartz interspersed with granite. These two ledges are not as good as the Yank, I believe, but they may be better than I think they are.
    Some parties are surveying, some are sinking on their claims, some are cutting and making trails to go to work on their locations, while McNair & Co. are blasting out some of the finest ore from the ledge I have ever seen. J. S. Howard, our County Surveyor, is here surveying claims. He showed me some fine pieces of quartz he obtained Saturday that had been taken from the east side of the ledge that day. One piece would weigh about half a pound, which he said he would not sell for $5. Mr. Howard has procured a lot from Mr. McNair, on which he intends building as soon as possible. He says the quartz is better than he expected to find it before he came down. Surveyor Myer and other Ashland gentlemen are camped something over a mile below Saunders' store. They have been relocating their claims in conformity with the state law, as they think, but I differ with them in their construction of the law, as the law says the claimant shall hold the ledge with its dips and angles and 75 feet on each side. They are dividing a 600-foot claim into four claims, and putting a man on each one-fourth.
    Mr. Harkness is building a feed stable, and is going to put up a house if he makes a success with his raft. Gupton and Burch are pushing their tavern forward to completion. Saunders & Co. are going ahead with their building. Mr. Saunders had Surveyor Watt at work surveying out the lots to build Galice City on when I left on Monday. Mr. Crow and his men were making the mountains at the mouth of Taylor Creek ring with the sound of the ax, preparing timber for the saw mill there. Williams & Co. are pounding away on their ferry boat about one mile above the ledges. They will soon have it ready for use. Indian Joe is making slow progress with his boat, situated a few miles above the ledges. Geo. Reed and W. H. Case, of Eugene City, are intending to put in a ferry immediately at the Yank ledge. This and Mr. Williams' ferry will be for the accommodation of the Grave Creek travel, and the Indian Joe ferry for that from Grants Pass. C. C. Bailey, from Eugene, intends starting a trading post at the ledges as soon as suitable preparations can be made. The three men from Eugene came in last week. They are young, energetic and gentlemanly, and seem to mean business. There are other improvements going on, which I am unable to notice at present.
    In conclusion, let me say to one and all to not forget our road to the mines. Attend the meeting on the 20th and come prepared to say how much you will help on said road. By many it is thought it is best for us from the valley to help the citizens at Grants Pass and vicinity to make a road down on that side of the river to Indian Joe's. It perhaps will [be] best, but for the citizens of Illinois Valley and Kerbyville it would be much better to go down on this side of the river. Be that as it may, let us work for a road on the best route, for it is badly needed. No doubt there will be three roads into this rich mineral region--one from Grave Creek, one from Grants Pass, and one down the river on this side.
More anon,
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 19, 1875, page 3

Mound Ranch, Jackson Co., Ogn.,
    March 2nd, 1875.
    Mr. Editor: As I learn from persons coming to the Galice Creek mines, in Josephine County, from your valley, that there are many things published in the papers down there that are leading people astray concerning these mines, I therefore take this method to say a few words through your columns to all who will read this short article. I have visited this mining district five times since the first of last November. I attended the first meeting that was held to make some local regulations concerning the quartz mines there, and wrote out the proceedings of that meeting, and also the first article that was published in our county papers to call attention to the great Yank ledge. There have been many exaggerated statements made about these mines, but I father none of them. The quartz in this mining district is plenty; four different and distinct ledges, ranging in width from one hundred to near three hundred feet, have been discovered and traced for miles. It is not to exceed four miles from the east one of the four to the west one. They run nearly parallel with each other, and their course is a little west of south and east of north. They are in an unsurveyed region, but according to our County Surveyor, if the country was ranged and townshipped, where the Yank ledge is cut by Rogue River would be in Township 34 South and Range 8 West.
    There has been but very little of the quartz taken out yet, and less tested. The tests are very unsatisfactory, some showing mere traces of gold and silver, and others giving as high as $78 to the ton. We are anxious for these mines to prove a success, but this cannot be done by overrating the quartz, nor by overrating the work being done upon them. Therefore, I would say to all concerned, do not become unduly excited on this matter. It has been stated that there were mills to work these mines on the way from San Francisco. If this is so, it is not known by the parties down at the mines. There is a sawmill being built some seven miles from where Rogue River passes the east ledge, but here they have plenty of hands. There are several buildings being put up, but they are of a very temporary character. There is much talk of a wagon road, but as there are three ways or routes proposed, there is not much prospect of getting any one opened soon. There was a meeting down there last Friday to adopt some measures to try to unite on some one route, but this was not accomplished. There is a doubt with some whether we even need a road there. I am strong in the belief that we do. On Grave Creek they have found some fine ore. This is some four or five miles north from the river. These mines are finely situated for working; there is an abundance of water power both on Grave Creek and Rogue River to run machinery, and plenty of fine timber for fuel and building purposes. Our valley and Umpqua can supply many persons with provisions at reasonable rates. I think that this mine will be of vast importance to Southern Oregon. Prospecting is being prosecuted with considerable success in our county. There has been some very good silver ore found in different places of late. Cinnabar--why we do not know how much there is of it in this county. I think not less than half a dozen different ledges have been found, but we do not know how rich they are going to be, nor how well they are going to pay, nor yet how lasting the ledges will be. They are very flattering in places at least. Let no one become excited over these prospects and leave remunerative businesses to run after them, but if any have money to spend to prospect, there is a grand opening here to spend it.
    If any of the subordinate Granges want to send out a few good prospectors to assist in trying to create a home market for Southern Oregon, and with good prospects to aid themselves, there are fine openings now before them, by coming on this spring and taking a part in this enterprise. We will give them all the aid we can. I will furnish the Farmer with an article on this subject once in a while.
Willamette Farmer, March 12, 1875, page 8

MOUND RANCH, Nov. 30, 1875.
    In your issue of the 26th inst. appears an article headed "Market for Our Produce," which, as I felt much interest on that subject, I eagerly read, but to my disappointment found no allusion to a market in it--only a market for some of our time and money. The main point in the article was in regard to the Chetco Wagon Road, which appears to me to be perfectly futile, unless, as I have heretofore said, a mining country would thus be opened up that would employ men to whom we could sell our produce, and who would load our wagons with ore to be taken to Chetco, where we can lay in our supplies. If this fact can be demonstrated, then there is some sense in having the road; if not, I cannot see what is to be gained by it. There is not much difference between the distances from here to Crescent City and from here to Chetco. According to the best information I can obtain, Chetco has no advantage over Crescent City as a harbor for vessels; therefore, I cannot see how we would create a market by building a road to the former place. Persons advocating this road say that it would be much better than the Crescent City road; but persons who know say that one-half the means spent on the former route would make it the better of the two roads.
    It is useless to talk of hauling grain or flour over these mountains a distance of 125 miles on the best road we can make and selling grain for less than three cents and flour for less than four cents per pound. Can we expect that much ? No. Then the proposed road has no market in sight.
    It would be the height of folly to ask Mr. Lane to work for an appropriation to build this road. It is inconsistent to ask Congress so often for subsidies to profit a few individuals and not for the general good. It is a known fact that Southern Oregon is in need of help; but this is not the kind of help we want, according to my judgment. Among the Ancients it was a saying, "The Gods help those who help themselves." In these enlightened days, to secure prosperity we must use industry, frugality, honesty, temperance and judgment.
    From the language of "A Farmer," I understand that he looks upon those who are not interested in the Chetco Wagon Road incorporation as not very enterprising, and that he fears the corporators are in danger of falling into the same condition. I do not know who this enterprising farmer is, or perhaps I could better appreciate what he says. I always like to see an author place his name to his production, unless there is some good reason not to do so.
    There are several things in which we might make better progress than we are doing. First, might be mentioned, by living more within our resources. We have every facility here that we could wish for in the way of manufacturing our principal necessaries. Are we doing it? No. Look into our wardrobes--what do you see? Almost every article of clothing is imported; not merely the material, but most of them are purchased ready-made. At the same time we have a woolen factory in our valley that can supply us with all the woolen goods we need; yet we do not get our goods from it, and thus keep the money among us. Look at the vast sums that we send off annually for boots and shoes, which certainly could be manufactured here. Another item is oil, which takes a large sum of money out of the county, and a large proportion of which--linseed oil, castor oil, neatsfoot oil, lard oil, and who knows but coal oil--might be produced by us. Coal is found in abundance on the north side of Rogue River, and the oil may be there too. No little amount leaves us annually for that obnoxious weed, tobacco, which would grow finely here if cultivated, and that sum of money saved. Look again at the money which is spent for that worse than useless thing, ardent spirits, that could be used to profit if we only would determine to do so. If we would make the necessary reforms and live right, we would become a thriving, happy people. Will we do it? I will try. Will you?
Yours, respectfully,
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 10, 1875, page 2

    Martin Peterson, state deputy, organized a subordinate senate of the United Reformer's oder at Eagle Point, Jackson County, on the evening of the 14th, with thirty-two members and the following officers: Martin Peterson, president; Frank B. Inlow, vice president; Eber Emery, counselor; Levi Tinkham, secretary; J. J. Fryer, treasurer; W. F. Mathers, marshal; Mrs. Matilda J. Inlow, usher; W. W. French, guard; Peter Simons, sentinel.
"Oregon," Morning Oregonian, Portland, December 22, 1875, page 1

WILLIAMS CREEK, Dec. 22, 1875.
    I see by your paper that the subject of the Chetco Wagon Road is again up for discussion; and when that matter is broached, we, of Josephine, naturally feel interested in the controversy.
    The failure of the incorporators for Jackson County to take any steps toward calling a meeting of the incorporators of the three counties left the enterprise in a very discouraging situation. Since Brother Peterson has started in to fight the measure, however, the thing is not as hopeless as it might be.
    Brother Peterson is nothing if not contentious, He seems never to be supremely happy except when he is opposing something. He is certainly an able exemplar, if he is not the inventor of the latest "agony" in the way of fashions--the pull-back agony. There is another peculiarity of Brother Peterson's that wants to be noticed before I touch upon the main question. He is a very precise sort of a man--as precise as a country school marm; and where people are not on their guard is apt to capture their judgment without convincing their reason. About a year ago he wrote a short paragraph that, on account of the guileless simplicity of its statements, had the effect of setting the Pacific Coast in commotion. Brother Peterson ought to have made one of the greatest revivalists of the age. Probably he would have made one had he not adopted the pull-back fashion.
    In order to fight the Chetco road he is under the necessity of resorting to many different and palpably absurd expedients. We first hear of him championing the Rogue River route, and more latterly the Crescent City route, and, to wind up with, it seems that rather than to have no road to oppose at all he is prepared to array himself against roads in general, and on general principles. It seems to me that Brother Peterson's quotation from the rusty volumes of ancient lore is diametrically against him. We don't help ourselves, and that's what's the matter with a great many other persons besides Hannah. There is a measured difference of 20 miles in favor of the Chetco route over the Crescent City route. The Crescent City road is in bad repair and there is not dirt enough along the road to repair it. You might pound up rock each year at great expense and repair it; but such repairs would be needed every season. But even when in its best repair the Crescent City road is "a hard road to travel." It passes over two very lofty mountains, besides numerous smaller elevations of terra firma, and the roadbed is principally on the hardest kind of basaltic and toprock. The Chetco road, on the other hand, passes over but one principal mountain, and that a very small one compared to some on the Crescent City route. The roadbed would be in soil easy of excavation and easy of repair after it is once constructed. The desideratum with Brother Peterson of having the road pass through valuable mines would also be met. The Illinois River and its tributaries constitute an extensive and important mining district. The copper mines of Illinois River are probably the richest on the Coast, and, good judges say, would give employment to from five hundred to two thousand men, if there were any means by which to ship the ore.
    There is another consideration worth looking at by the general public, though Brother Peterson is a little too contracted in his views to see it. A road to Chetco would be building up Southern Oregon in place of Del Norte County, Cal. Curry County is eager to do its share towards the construction of the road. The harbor at Chetco is certainty as good as the harbor at Crescent City, and I am informed that old sailors pronounce it better because they can sail out from Chetco with a single "tack." The difference between the cost of landing freight from schooners at Chetco and the cost of landing freight at Roseburg, by steamer and by rail, is a big item and a big inducement in the way of recommending the early completion of this road. Of course it would not pay to build this road for the exclusive purpose of shipping wheat and fiber; but there are many other business advantages and conveniences that would spring up on the completion of the road that are potent to everybody, almost, but Mr. Peterson.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 14, 1876, page 2

    Aug. 4, 1876.
Bro. Stanley:
    Bro. J. M. Harris was with us over the fourth and fifth Lord's days of last month. During the time he preached nine able discourses to very attentive audiences. No additions, but good impressions were made. Bro. Harris started for California last Monday, to be absent from our state for some two months. He is enjoying fine health for a man of his age. He was 73 years old last spring.
Yours respectfully,
August 9, 1876.
Bro. Stanley:
    As I failed to mail the foregoing letter when I should, I will add that Bro. Ephraim Barnes, of Surprise Valley, California, and family are here on their way to Monmouth, Oregon, to attend college. He preached two discourses last Lord's day, and one lady made the good confession and was immersed the same day. Bro. Barnes is quite a good reasoner for a young man, and we hope he may long live to "preach the Word." The cause in this valley demands more good and faithful laborers to work for it. We expect to commence a meeting in Josephine County, on Applegate, next Saturday, to continue some days. This is to be in the neighborhood where Bro. B. joined the Methodists some 13 years ago, and zealously worked with them some four or five years, and then came out of this ism, and united with us on the Bible, under my labors in Josephine County. He is very well qualified to work with the Methodists, to lead them out of their ism, having worked with them so long. We hope he may be successful in the right.
Yours in the one hope,
"Church News," Pacific Christian Messenger, Monmouth, August 25, 1876, page 4

Chaplain--M. Peterson, Jacksonville.
"Officers of Oregon State Grange," Willamette Farmer, Salem, September 29, 1876, page 3

January 1st, Monday
    The morning frosty and foggy. Fog continued all day. Smith [Peterson's son, born circa 1858] and Frank
[Peterson's son, born circa 1862] got the hogs out of the field and put the larger ones outside. Levi Murphy helped them. I plowed about 3 acres of ground. The ground was rather wet.
    My wife sold Mr. McFerrin one can of lard for $4.00.
    Visitors Messrs. E. Murphy, L. Carter & Walter Jones all night Sunday night, took breakfast this morning.

 January 2, Tuesday
    The day foggy. I plowed 2½ acres. It is Frank Peterson's birthday. He is fifteen years old today. His mother had a turkey for dinner. Fleming and party, Levi Murphy and family and Eccles Murphy and W. J. Gregory and family and Jno. M. Fountain and wife and Ella McDaniel were here to dinner and J. S. Grigsby and wife to supper.
January 3rd, A.D. 1877, Wednesday
    Morning, light frost with dense fog nearly all day.
    I plowed about 2½ acres. Smith went to Jacksonville.
    My wife washed and Frank attended to the choring.
    Smith was detained in Jacksonville as a witness in the case of Mrs. Ann M. Grigsby against H. A. Grigsby. The first testifying that she was fearful of the latter killing her.

January 4, 1877, Thursday
    Morning a little frosty and foggy but it was clear most of the day. I plowed about 2½ acres and late in the evening broke the tongue out of my plow, and it took me until about 11 o'clock at night to get it spliced and fixed ready for work again. Snowy Butte seemed to be on fire, as it presented the appearance of smoke arising out of the north side of the top and passing south.
January 5, A.D. 1877, Friday
    Morning a little frosty and some fog during part of the day. I plowed in afternoon and finished the plowing on the east side of
the farm. We had about 12 acres broken up and about 40 acres sown. The winter so far has been favorable for plowing; sticky land not very favorable for growing grass and grain. My wife cooked a pig whole for Grange tomorrow and made a butter duck, and other good things.
January 6th, A.D. 1877, Saturday
    Morning and all day quite foggy and cool; my wife and I went to Grange. Had good attendance; Bro. Herren and others from other Granges met with us. Closed Grange at 1:30 P.M. Tables prepared and well supplied with the necessaries of life by the Sisters and after the thanksgiving by Bro. Bradford and participated in the refreshments. After dinner Bro. Herren and assisted by Sister Wright installed the officers of Central Point Grange No. 124, in public, all good.
January 7th, A.D. 1877, Sunday
    Day foggy damp and cool. I attended meeting at Mound District school house and preached for 1½ hours to an attentive audience. Subject, Hebrews IX, 17 "It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment."
    Letters were granted to the following persons, Bros. Geo. R. Hamrick, A. W. Morris and Wm. Johnson and Sister Alwilda & Emery and Celeste Hamrick. Visitors C. Armstrong and Bert and Anna Hamrick, Sunday night, breakfast today.
January 8th, A.D. 1877, Monday
    Day foggy and damp and cold. I sowed wheat and Smith and Frank harrowed, put in 7 acres west of corn field; at one o'clock Lucinda Gregory came after me to see if Jimmy's arm was broken. I think his shoulder [out] of joint.
    Visitors Lucinda and Henry Gregory night and to breakfast Monday morning. It turned out that little James Gregory's left arm was broken close to the shoulder.
January 9, A.D. 1877, Tuesday
    Forenoon foggy, after afternoon sunny day, pleasant. We butchered 6 hogs forenoon, and afternoon.sowed five acres of oats east of volunteer wheat. Jno. W. Smith, Levi and Eccles Murphy helped butcher and in afternoon Eccles harrowed and Levi and Jno. W. Smith and Frank hung meat. Smith harrowed forenoon on ground sown yesterday and in afternoon on oats.
    My wife cooked for all and took the fat off of the entrails. Levi got one hog weighing 150 lbs., and one weighing 100 lbs. $15.00.
January 10, 1877, Wednesday
    Morning frosty and part of the forenoon foggy, afternoon some wind and a little rain. Jno. W. Smith and Levi Murphy cut up 4 hogs and afternoon killed old Blacky for beef. We sowed and harrowed 10 acres of oats.
    Mrs. Williams and 3 of her boys came here about 3 o'clock today and stay all night. They are moving to their farm. The day was cool most of the time; about 11 o'clock it was sunny and nice.
January 11th, 1877, Thursday
    Morning, about ½ inch of snow on the ground. Snowed a little through the day. Wind blew a little more than usual, and was a little cold but snow was gone off the valley before noon. We sowed and harrowed in about 12 acres of oats.
    Levi Murphy and Smith harrowed and sowed.
    Mrs. Williams left after dinner today. Levi and wife was here to supper. Jno. W. Smith's son got 45 lbs. beef and 34 lbs. tallow, $4.97.
January 12th, 1877, Friday
    Morning clear and cold, ground too hard-frozen to harrow. We attended to things about the house and remade our harrow, making ¼ larger. Afternoon sold P. B. Williams 110 lbs. beef for 6.00 and sowed about six acres of oats and L. Murphy and Smith harrowed it.
    J. T. Gregory took dinner and paid me five dollars on what he was owing me. I. B. Williams took dinner.
January 13th, 1877, Saturday
    Morning clear and cold 2 degrees colder than yesterday morning, being 18° above zero. Too frozen to harrow in the morning and Smith and I sowed about 6 acres of oats and in the afternoon I harrowed it. Levi M. helped awhile but his harrow being too light I sent him to other work and I harrowed alone. Frank went and got a shepherd dog for McFerrin for which Mc. gave him one dollar. Mc. paid four dollars for the lard he got. Tho. Stimson dinner and McFerrin supper.
January 14, 1877, Sunday
    Commenced snowing about 7 o'clock A.M. and fell 2 inches deep. The day sometimes sunny and sometimes snowing. Snow nearly all went off in the valley before night.
    I preached at Sams Valley, had very good hearing, subject Conversion. Bro. Harrow, a local Methodist preacher, spoke a few words after I had preached and objected to my position on Rom. 6th.
    Visitors James, Jno. and Arth, Hamrick to dinner.
January 15th, 1877, Monday
    Morning foggy and cloudy, snowed and rained a little through the day, ground thawed out. P. Frank and Levi Murphy went to the timbers with a team and got a cord of dry wood and housed it up, and I got W. G. Gregory to sharp my plows. I took dinner at Gregory's. I paid one and a half dollars that Mr. O. Ganiard gave me for Mr. Skeeters yesterday to G. W. Smith today. Visitors James Davis and his wife to dinner.
January 16, 1877, Tuesday
    Morning cloudy and cool. Rained the latter part of the night, a good rain. I went to Central Point and settled with Magruder about the Hamrick land, paid him $50 5/12 and Magruder 7/12 of the place. I went to Jacksonville and then back by Jack Ish's and settled with him about the oats he got last year. He is to pay Wagner at Ashland fifty-two bushels of wheat for me and let me have sixteen sacks of oats at his place. Let Reames Bros. have 4 lbs. butter. Let Brooks have 10 lbs. lard, $1.25 paid.
January 17, 1877, Wednesday
    Morning a little cloudy, ground slightly frozen, day pleasant. Gregory and I helped brother Fleming to move his meat house, got it moved and fixed up. Took us all day. Frank and Levi Murphy hauled manure yesterday and today from the north barn. Levi worked 5½ days last week and has worked 2 days this week. Smith returned tonight from attending the senate at Ashland. Elizabeth went with me to Bro. Fleming's today, and her and Sister Fleming had a good time.
January 18, 1877, Thursday
    Morning frosty and a little cloudy, ground frozen a little. I plowed about 3 acres. Fryer and Tinkham here to dinner. Fryer got about 12 bushels of oats. Did not pay for them. Tinkham spoke for seven bushels. Pleas. L. Fountain and Alex. Hamrick were here to supper and Pleas. is intending to take his steer home tomorrow.
January 19th, 1877, Friday
    Morning cloudy and cool, commenced snowing about 6 o'clock A.M. and snow fell about one inch but broke away before 10 o'clock, and before night snow all went off. I plowed in the south part of the field. Plowed about 3 acres. Pleas. Fountain did not go home but remained and he and Smith and Frank went to the senate, and the senate did not work good and divide & were not for reorganizing for it. The nine went to Elmore's and reorganized. Frank went in.
January 20, 1877, Saturday
    Morning cool and ground slightly frozen. Day sunny and pleasant. I plowed about 2½ acres. Bro. Jas. A. Childers took dinner with us. He paid me $4 to send to the mission gen. office for his father. I engaged a span of horses from him to work next week. He wants to get to cut hay next summer for hay. I promised him some. Bro. Friend came here in the evening and went with us to Bro. Barnes meeting at night at our school house.
January 21, A.D. 1877, Sunday
    Morning clear and frosty, day delightful. I preached at Willow Springs school house. Text 2 Tim. 3, 16-17. Had good hearing, promised to go back in 2 weeks. Bro. Barnes preached at our school house. He had a very large hearing for the neighborhood; my wife says he made a very able discourse on Christian duty. We all went to Bro. Barnes' meeting at night at our school house. Subject Acts. XVI 30. Jas. Davis and his wife and Lucinda Gregory came home with us. George and Lee Grigsby were here to dinner.
January 22, 1877, Monday
    Morning clear and cold but after the sun got up the ground thawed and the day was pleasant. Smith plowed and Frank and I sowed and harrowed in oats in the afternoon. Put in 3 or 4 acres. Smith plowed 3 acres. We worked Jas. Childers' 2 horses in lead to the plow. Bro. Barnes took dinner with us and also Elizabeth Gregory dined with us and Bro. and Sister Barnes were to supper and stayed all night.
January 23, 1877, Tuesday
    Morning cool and ground frozen a little, day nice and clear. Smith plowed about 3 acres and Frank and I sowed and harrowed about 7 acres of oats in. Bro. Barnes and family left after breakfast this morning my wife gave him 2 shoulders of meat, and let him have 2 ten-pound cans of lard for Bro. Emery. Edg. Tinkham got 9 bushels oats. Levi Murphy has been unwell ever since last Friday night so he has not worked.
January 24, 1877, Wednesday
    Morning clear, ground frozen very little. Smith sowed some oats in forenoon and I plowed and in afternoon I sowed oats and Smith plowed. I finished sowing the piece next the south fence and Eccles Murphy harrowed all day and Frank helped his mother to wash. Levi Murphy and family were here to supper. They got 6 hens for $2.00 and Levi got 2 sacks of seed corn and 324 lbs. of oats which come to $6.50.
January 25, 1877, Thursday
    The day was more like a spring day than midwinter. Vegetation is springing up nice in the last few days, my first sowing of barley is up beautifully. After sundown this evening the wind came from the south and blew for an hour or two quite brisk, but it calmed off before 8 o'clock. Bro. Fleming harrowed for us today; he is to have 4 bushels of oats per day. E. Murphy harrowed with our team, Smith plowed and I sowed grain, barley, next to east fence 2 or 3 acres and about the same amt. of wheat, west of the barley.
January 26, 1877, Friday
    The day a little cloudy with considerable wind at times. Wind from southeast, blew the clouds away. Smith plowed in the corn field. I sowed 12 or 14 acres of wheat on the east part of the place. Levi Murphy and Bro. Fleming harrowed. Bro. Fleming harrowed ½ the day on the piece in the south part of the farm. Bro. Wilcox, a Baptist bro. from Big Butte, stayed all night with [us]. The day was like a spring day.
January 27, A.D. 1877, Saturday
    The day some clear and sunny and sometimes a little cloudy, like a spring day.
    Smith plowed until noon and in afternoon he brought the seed wheat down from Archer place. I finished sowing wheat on the Archer place in forenoon and in afternoon I plowed in corn field. Levi Murphy and Frank harrowed, we used Bro. Fleming's 2 mares and harrow and he went to Butte Creek Grange. They installed their officers there today. F. M. Plymale installed.
January 28, 1877, Sunday
    Day a little cloudy with strong wind from S.E. blowing for a short time then a calm, then a blow, look like for rain but the wind blew the clouds back. We started meeting at our school house and got in the lane by Wertz's and in going out of the branch I fell out of the wagon in the branch and got completely muddy so I had to go back home and change clothing. I returned to school house and preached from last part of XXV Chapt. Matthew to a small congregation. C. Armstrong to dinner.
January 29, 1877, A.D., Monday
    Morning calm but a little cloudy. It continued like for rain until night when it commenced raining very moderate and continued to rain to the present, 10 o'clock at night. I took my 2 little plows off and put on my 12-inch plow, to plow in the corn field, as it is very hard to plow on account of being tromped so much. I plowed about an acre. Smith took Jas. Childers' horses home, paid 75 cts. ferriage. In afternoon Smith sowed about 3 acres of wheat in north side of corn field and Frank harrowed it in. Levi Murphy went to Jacksonville and his wife and Eccles were here to dinner.
January 30, 1877, Tuesday
    Rained all night and until about 8 o'clock A.M. Day pleasant, with occasional threats of rain but not much rain since morning. I went after dinner to the corn field to try to plow but found too sticky. I came back and plowed some north of my house where I purpose putting out an orchard, but I cannot this winter. Smith spent the day at Elmore's on senate business. Frank and his mother picked some of the ganders but not all. It thundered some this evening.
January 31, A.D. 1877, Wednesday
    Morning foggy and cloudy. Day not unpleasant. I sent a letter by Mr. McFerrin to be mailed at Jacksonville to D. T. Sternley, Monmouth, Oreg. with $4. for W. A. Childers for C. Messenger. Frank and I surveyed our land north of the house and after Smith finished the plowing we began yesterday; he brought plows out and we started next H. C. Fleming's west corner of his west 20 acres, thence run west 40 rods, thence N. 80 rods thence west 160 rods, thence S. along our west line 200 rods, thus marking out our side land being some 200 acres.
February 1, 1877, Thursday
    It commenced to rain about 7 o'clock last night and continued until after daylight this morning, then clouds passed and the day was delightful. I went to Jacksonville to attend the Pomona Grange. It met in the Redmen's Hall. I knew not of change and went to Ish Hall, did not get to Grange until one o'clock. Met Bro. & Sister Barnes in town; they had sick child. I dinnered at Dr. Danforth's. Did nothing in the Grange but elect new officers, admitting the candidates to participation in the election initiation after night. I did not stay to assist.
February 2, 1877, Friday
    Morning quite rainy, rained before day very heavy. Broke away about 8 o'clock fine growing weather. A few light showers through the day. Turned a little cooler this evening.
    I have done but little beside reading and writing today. Smith and Frank have had a leisure day also, but my wife as usual has been busy all day. I wrote up my school matters in district record book, as I am District Clerk of Mound District No. 18, Jackson Co., Oregon.
February 3, 1877, Saturday
    Morning a little frosty and foggy, day sunny and pleasant.
    Wife & I went to our Grange had small turnout, but quite an interest taken, rec. $1 to purchase paper and one dollar to purchase blanks for our Grange from J. S. Grigsby our Secretary, also $2.50 from Skeeters to send to Salem, Oregon for Farmer, and $5.00 to send for Journal and Farmer, St. Louis, Mo.
February 4, 1877, Sunday
    Morning frosty, day very pleasant. My wife went with me to Willow Springs school house to meeting, also W. J. Gregory and wife, had a good meeting. I preached from 2nd Timothy 3:16 dwelt on "Doctrine" particularly. We all went to Mr. Tepper's to dinner had a fine time the day passed off very pleasantly. Mr. Tho. Wright and family went to Mr. Tepper's also.
February 5, 1877, Monday
    Morning frosty, day clear and after 10 o'clock quite warm like spring. Smith went to Jacksonville and took the letter for W. Farmer, Salem, Oregon and one Journal and Farmer, St. Louis, Mo. and one to Davidson, Salem, Or. and one to Archers, Galt, Cal.
    He bought the m. wrench at Bilger's $1.50 and got Shannon & Co. to sharp & point one plow and sharp one for $1.50. I put a tongue in my plow and Frank hauled manure. Mrs. Vest got 2 ganders. She was here to dinner.
February 6, 1877, Tuesday
    Morning frosty, but day like a spring day. The grain is growing nicely. I plowed and Smith vitrioled the balance of our seed wheat, and Frank hauled off manure. I plowed most of the day in the corn field. It was rather wet.
February 7, 1877, Wednesday
    Morning a little frosty. This is another spring day. I plowed and Frank chopped some stove wood and Smith went to Phoenix to see Levi and Jasper Strong to see if we could get some flour from Lewis and to get Jasper to make him and Frank each a pair of boots. We could not get any flour from Lewis, but Jasper promised to make the boots next week.
February 8, 1877, Thursday
    Very little frost this morning, dry, very nice. Smith plowed in corn field. I sowed wheat in the corn field and Levi Murphy and Frank harrowed. We took the harrow apart, and each one of them used one piece. They got along very well. W. F. Gregory sent Lawrence Carter to plow in the garden for us this afternoon, he used an old plow and Bro. Fleming's mare it pulls the 2, too hard. Wm. Simpson brought us a later from Catherine Morris written on the 30th ult. They were well.
February 9, 1877, Friday
    It rained some before day and was showery through the day. Turned colder and snowed on Roxy Ann. I finished plowing corn field this forenoon, and plowed in garden this afternoon. Smith went to Gregory's and got him to do some blacksmithing. Frank cleaned out the stables. Robert Kincaid brought us 310 lbs. potatoes. L. B. Williams brought us twenty-two and a half dollars ($22.50) on his account.
February 10, 1877, Saturday
    Morning quite frozen and clear day, pleasant. Some clouds in afternoon. Smith plowed. Frank chopped wood and went to Jacksonville and paid my taxes. Settled up with Cronemiller and Co. and paid Bilger for my monkey wrench $1.50 E & Co. $13.25 and taxes $7.00. Total amount $23.75. I received $3.50 from Mr. Thompson of Rogue River for oats.
February 11, 1877, Sunday
    Ground frozen a little this morning, day cloudy. It commenced raining about 2 o'clock P.M. and rained all evening. I went to Sams Valley and had meeting at noon. Brother Brown, a Baptist preacher, was in attendance and tried to get him to preach but he refused but agreed to preach at 4 o'clock P.M. I stayed to hear him and came home after night. He preached from 23rd Psalms, made a very good discourse. Lucinda Gregory is here.
February 12, 1877, Monday
    Rained through the night but broke away in the morning, continued cloudy all day but cleared off at night. Smith and I got some lumber from the Archer barn and I made 3 gates and Smith and Frank fixed up the rack on the big wagon and in the evening Smith and I took the gates out to the field and hung one over next to Gregory's. We got timber to hang it with at Gregory's. Lucinda went home as [omission] went over there.
February 13, 1877, Tuesday
    Morning cloudy with appearance for rain, good growing weather, did not rain any today. Smith, Frank and I put in the gate to our west field and fixed a part of the fence between Gregory and got it ready for moving the fence for forty rods and want to move it tomorrow.
February 14, 1877, Wednesday
    Morning clear with very little frost. Day beautiful.
    Smith plowed and Levi Murphy and Frank and I removed fence.
February 15, 1877, Thursday
    Ground frozen considerably this morning but day clear and warm. I finished sowing the wheat in the corn field today and L. Murphy and Frank harrowed on it and Smith plowed. Bro. Barnes came here before dinner and in the evening he and I went to Willow Springs school house to meeting. He preached from the text "What think ye of the Christ whose Son is he" Mat. 22:42. I came home after meeting.
    Tho. Stimson got one hundred and ninety-two (192) lbs. bacon at 12½ cts. per pound, $24.00.
February 16, 1877, Friday
    Ground frozen a little this morning, but the day clear and pleasant. Curt Parker and his mother stayed here all night on their way to Big Butte. Curt paid me $1.50 cts. for lard but did not get it yet. Levi Murphy and Frank harrowed and Smith plowed. I went to Amy's. His child died about 2 o'clock P.M. I stayed there until time to go to Willow Springs to meeting at 7 o'clock P.M. After meeting Bro. Barnes and I came home.
February 17, 1877, Saturday
    Ground a little frozen but day pleasant with some indications of rain. Smith finished plowing for small grain and Levi M. finished cross-harrowing the corn field between 2 & 3 o'clock P.M. Frank went to Phoenix after his boots.
    I attended Amy's child's funeral and went into Jacksonville Grange and attended the meeting at night at the Springs. Bro. Barnes and Vanvorce and Mrs. Vanvorce came home with me. Pleas. Fountain and Jno. Hamrick were here all night.
February 18, 1877, Sunday
    Day pleasant except it was a little windy at times. Bro. Barnes preached at our school house. Sister Severance united with the church. I preached at the Willow Springs school house, and went to Tho. Wright to dinner. Bro. Barnes preached at Willow Springs at night. I stayed until after night meetings and then came home. Pleas. Fountain stayed at our house all night. Sabilla Walker and two of Merriman's girls were here to to dinner.
February 19, 1877, Monday
    Morning cloudy and windy, wind from a little east of south. Rain commenced in afternoon very gentle and continued so until near midnight when it came faster. I sowed the last of my seed wheat and some oats. Smith harrowed in forenoon until I quit sowing. Then I harrowed until I finished what I had sowed which was about 8 acres this day we have over 150 sowed now. I went to the Springs to meeting and came home after meeting. This closed our meetings for the present.
February 20, 1877, Tuesday
    Day rainy. Rain comes fast and thick. Bids fair to continue. We are not at work today, not because we have nothing to do but because we do not want to do it. I done some toward making out school report. Gregory and Carter were here to supper. We made out a list of hands for road work, for road district number 30. Gregory is supervisor this year.
February 21, 1877, Wednesday
    It rained some through the night but not as much as night before, is cloudy but not raining this morning. Day was very pleasant and sunny. I went around to find the number of children in our district; there are but 48 to draw school money for. Pleas. Fountain and Eli Vest were here all night.
February 22, 1877, Thursday
    It commenced raining about 4 o'clock and rained much. It stopped raining about noon and didn't rain much after that. We did not do anything but read and write. I wrote a letter to Geo. Green and one to Archer. Pleas. Fountain and Smith went to Skeeters to a dance, and Mr. Fitzgerald was here all night, he was over to see about getting a school in our district.
    The Mormon Knowles shot and wounded his son-in-law. They had a row.
February 23, 1877, Friday
    Day favorable and did not rain, was not right clear. Was very little frost but no freeze. Smith did not come home until daylight from the dance, then after breakfast he went to bed and did not get up until dinner. I was much opposed to his going but he cares not for my will, neither does respect the will of his mother. Frank and I hauled manure today. Smith got on his horse and rode off after dinner. He is inclined to be lazy.
February 24, 1877, Saturday
    Day pleasant, a little cloudy with an appearance for rain but cleared off very clear, at night turned cooler and prepared to frost. Frank and I went to Jacksonville, received a postal card from Clarke and Gregg that Skeeters' $2.50 was received, also that the people of Willamette did not wish the O. and California Railroad finished. I believe this is true of many of the people there but not of all of them.
February 25, 1877, Sunday
    Morning frosty but not much freeze, thin clouds appear. Day pleasant with some appearance for rain. I went to Antioch school house and preached from 119 Psalm and 8th verse to a good audience. Formed the acquaintance of Geo. W. Bressler and family. He gave me his and his wife and daughter's demits from Woodbridge Grange to 8-4. I came home to dinner. Levi Murphy and family were here to dinner.
February 26, 1877, Monday
    Morning cloudy with appearance for rain but it cleared off about noon without raining, the weather is delightful. Grain is growing fast, grass coming on well and everything seems to indicate an early spring. The boys and I sowed and harrowed in about 12 acres of oats today, ground in very good order. This is our last piece of small grain for this year. We want to cross-harrow it tomorrow.
February 27, 1877, Tuesday
    Morning a little frosty. Day pleasant with prospect for rain. Smith plowed for Gregory with 4 horses and Frank and I cross-harrowed about 16 acres of oats and finished our grain harrowing for this year. We have in about 85 acres of wheat and 10 acres of barley and 75 of oats. Total 170 acres plowed and put in in good order, and hope for a good crop.
February 28, 1877, Wednesday
    Morning rainy. It commenced raining before day and continues to rain all day and until bed time and bids favorable to continue. I had earache or rather a gathering in the right ear. Commenced yesterday morning and this morning before day hurt so as to break my rest. I rec. a letter from Bro. Jas. Childers offering sixty dols. for Uncle Geo. Hamrick's wagon which I accepted and sent Frank with a letter to the Bybee ferry notifying him that I accepted his offer.
    Smith came home from Gregory's with the team after noon today. Gregory went to Butte Creek to mill today and got his grinding. I have been reading nearly all day.
    Levi Murphy got five bushels of oats today, the last we will sell, I think.
    I wrote a letter tonight to Lewis Strong, Murphy, Josephine Co., Oregon, to pay Wimers' about $10 for me.
March 1, 1877, Thursday
    It rained all night and nearly all day and continues to rain tonight. No sunshine for the past 2 days, Smith stayed at Elmore's last night, he and Lawrence Carter came this afternoon and Carter was here to supper and is going to stay all night. I have not done anything much but read today. I have read Belcher's history of the Mennonites the Moravians and Restorationists and some other. My wife washed and Frank chored and went hunting and got in the branch [Whetstone Creek?]. Nothing of particular interest occurred.
March 2, 1877, Friday
    Day showery with some sunshine, it has turned a little cooler.
    Smith and L. Carter went to Magruder's store and took a lot of letters to mail, one to Hamrick at Redding one with coupon to Cincinnati for spoon and another there for picture. Smith has not come home. Frank went to Uncle Jno. Hamrick's and Bert came home with him. I overhauled my Grange papers and filled out applications for the Bresslers and wrote an article for Messenger and my wife worked as usual all day.
March 3, 1877, Saturday
    Day showery and cool. Rained through the valley during night intervals and snowed on the mountains, reaching down to the foothills. My wife and I went to Grange today. E. Brooks and wife were rec. on their demits from Phoenix Grange into Central Point Grange. Applications rec. from Geo. W. Bressler, wife and daughter for membership in Central Point Grange. Smith was at a dance at Bro. M. Fountain's last night and did not get home until this morning near 6 o'clock, he felt sleepy and slept through the day considerable.
March 4, 1877, Sunday
    Day cool and cloudy, rained from about 3 o'clock P.M. until about night. I preached at our school house to a little handful of hearers, not much interest. Smith did not go to meeting. He and Frank did not get home from senate until about midnight last night and Smith brought the buggy and team that Ann and Florence Grigsby came to senate in and had to take it this morning to Elmore's to them, and that kept him from meeting.
March 5, 1877, Monday
    Morning a little rainy, did not rain but very little, wind blew some afternoon, and evening indicates more rain. This is presidential inauguration day. Hayes was to be inaugurated today.
    We turned part of our cattle outside today. Grass is growing well. If there were no sheep on the desert grass would be good. I went to see Sister Pruett today. She has had pneumonia fever for a week, but is some better now. Vick Armstrong was here last night all night and D. P. March here to dinner.
March 6, 1877, Tuesday
    A shower in the morning early, day cloudy. Broke away a little in evening, no rain through the night. Smith, Frank and I pulled grubs with Charley and Randy, where we want to put out an orchard. Wife was making me a white shirt and attending to her housework as usual.
    W. J. Gregory and wife were here for supper and to stay until bed time.
March 7, 1877, Wednesday
    Day cloudy except a little sunshine in afternoon, sprinkled a bit also in afternoon. Smith went to Jacksonville and paid $30.00 for a saddle. He sold his yesterday to Homer Mace for $35.00. Did not make much in the operation. Frank and I finished pulling the grubs on our orchard piece and burned a part of them. We let Levi Murphy have a heifer to milk today. He is to keep her this summer if he likes.
March 8, 1877, Thursday
    Morning quite rainy, rain at intervals all day, not enough to rise the waters but to keep them about as they were. W. J. Gregory came over this morning to see what we would do with an old mower that he and I own in partnership, and Smith and I went home with him and we tore it to pieces and went to work to fix it up. It will take several days' work to fix it. My wife and Frank came over to Gregorys' after dinner.
March 9, 1877, Friday
    Morning rainy, showery all day and night. Frank and I went to Jacksonville, took in front axle and wheels of spring wagon also took 16 lbs. butter to Drum and got of him 18 lbs. dried apples and one box bluing. We attended a meeting commenced by Bro. Barnes in Ch. E. meeting house in Jacksonville at 7 o'clock P.M. Text Matthew 22nd, 42nd. He had very good hearing and made a good discourse. Rec. another letter from our daughter M. C. Morris, Sac. Co., Cal. Bro. Barnes, Frank and I stayed at Dr. Danforth's.
March 10, 1877, Saturday
    Day showery, with very little sunshine. Frank and I left Jacksonville about noon and came on to our school house and I stopped and sent Frank home and I attended a railroad meeting. Meeting passed some resolutions and subscribed $1200 to be appropriated to any company that will put in a railroad to this valley from near the mouth of Rogue River. J. S. Grigsby paid $1. balance that was due on his St. Louis papers.
March 11, 1877, Sunday
    Day pleasant with some sunshine and very little rain.
    I went to Sams Valley and preached from Acts. 16th Chapt., and 6-12 verses to a small and attentive audience. There were quite a number absent because they did not expect I could cross the river as it was too high to ferry yesterday morning. Murphy and my wife and Frank went to our school house to meeting and Murphy were all here to dinner. I came home to dinner, am to preach there again in 4 weeks.
March 12, 1877, Monday
    Morning rainy, bids fair to continue rainy for some time. Showery all day and on until about 8 o'clock P.M. I went to Jacksonville to meeting, came home, got home near midnight. Bro. Barnes preached from Matthew 16th 13-20. Subject Christ the Foundation. Rather thin attendance. Eccles Murphy stayed all night. My wife went to bed before I got home.
March 13, 1877, Tuesday
    Morning foggy but broke away soon, and day was sunny and very fine. I read in forenoon and in afternoon I went over and helped Gregory and Smith on the old mower; we got it very near finished. My wife sold Bro. Williams 1 dozen hens for $4, and he took them away with him. I promised Bro. March an acre of land for sorghum and a three-cornered piece next to Wertz for squash. Levi Gregory and family came down to Will Gregory's today.
March 14, 1877, Wednesday
    Day sunny and pleasant, wind commenced blowing about sunset and blowed considerable from N.W. and rain began about 8 o'clock. I went down to H. F. Bailey’s on Foots Creek and married Jno. A. Cook and Miss Emma Florence Bailey in presence of quite a number of persons. Took dinner there and came on home, got home about 8 o'clock. Frank had another fit about an hour before I got home. Smith and his mother was here; he had gone to bed.
March 15, 1877, Thursday
    Morning cloudy, it rained some during the night but cleared off about 10 o'clock A.M. and day was delightful. Wife, Frank and I went to Jacksonville and wife and I attended Pomona Grange. Through the day and Bro. Barnes meeting at night. Bro. Barnes preached good sermon. Text James 1st 18th. He had a good hearing and made a good discourse.
    We dinnered at Dr. Danforth's and stayed all night at Tip Plymale's; had pleasant time.
March 16, Friday
    Day favorable, wife and I went to Redmen's Hall at 10 o'clock A.M. to Grange again, had small attendance today. Done but little business today, closed shortly after 3 o'clock P.M. and came home and found Smith quite unwell. Found Alexander Hamrick here with Smith. Got a letter From Geo. R. Hamrick, Redding, Cal. His wife has been sick all winter; she is some better now.
March 17, Saturday
    Day a little hazy and presents the appearance for rain.
    Smith is better today able for him Frank to go to senate tonight. Uncle Jno. Hamrick was here today to dinner and stayed until evening. Alec stayed all day. Him and Frank cut some wood, burned some brush and hunted some and played much. I wrote to Jno. Murphy and Geo. R. Hamrick. Sent the letters by Jno. for him to mail. I went into the field to salt my colt and to see the grain; the wet is injuring my sowed grain.
March 18, Sunday
    Day pleasant, it is a little hazy but fine growing weather. I went to Willow Springs school house, had meeting W. B. Kincaid and wife went along to meeting. I preached from Hebrews 2nd-3rd, had very good hearing, did not promise to preach there soon. Sent an appointment to Brownsboro for the 15th next month by Levi Gregory. He and wife were here all night, Sunday night.
March 19, Monday
    Day very pleasant, fine growing weather, grain, grass and things growing nice. Smith is laid up with a lame leg. Frank and I commence to put a partition fence to fence off the west side of the field for corn. We have about enough rails hauled to make the fence, did not get them up. Levi Murphy went to town and brought my papers and a letter from Geo. P. Green and some mullein to poultice Smith's leg.
March 20, Tuesday
    Day fine, there seem to be thin clouds every day, just enough to keep it hazy. Smith is mending very slow. Frank and I finished what rails were hauled this forenoon, commenced this afternoon to plant corn and squash, planted near an acre.
March 21, Wednesday
    It rained a little before day and sprinkled very little at times through the day. Wind blew a little more than usual this afternoon. Smith is yet unwell. Frank and I plowed and planted 1½ acres of corn and squash. Pleas. Fountain came here before dinner and is still here tonight.
March 22, Thursday
    It rained a very little in the night. Day was a little hazy, at times the sun shined very warm, looked like for rain about sunset. It is delightful March weather.
    Smith is yet complaining. Frank and I plowed and planted 2 acres of corn, and I harrowed about 3½ or 4 acres in the evening. My wife washed, Pleas. Fountain left after breakfast.
March 23, Friday
    Mild rain most of the day, commenced before day and yet continues to bed time. Jas. M. Childers came and got Geo. K. Hamrick's wagon for which he gives $50.00, $35 to Magruder on George's note and $25 that I owed him on the threshing bill. Frances Plymale was here to dinner. Smith is yet unwell. Frank and I planted corn until dinner. We finished the first land, which makes about 7 acres in. We took the oats out of the granary by the house and put it out at the barn and shelled the seed corn in afternoon.
March 24, Saturday
    Day cloudy and pleasant. I went to Jacksonville. Smith yet complaining, got him some medicine from Danforth. Frank had a fit about 4 o'clock this morning and one about 3 o'clock this afternoon, the first light, the last very hard. It seems that he cannot get well. I took 12 lbs. butter to Jas. Drum and 2 lbs. to Dr. Danforth.
March 25, Sunday
    Day a very little cloudy and calm. I went across Rogue River and preached at Antioch school house to a very good and attentive audience from 35 chapter and verse of Isaiah, promised to preach there in 4 weeks again. Bro. Barnes preached at our school house at 11 o'clock A.M. and again at night. I attended night meeting and Smith had got well enough to go. Levi Murphy and family went day and night, were here for dinner. Bro. Barnes and family were with us all night Sunday night.
March 26, Monday
    Day quite warm and springlike. Bro. Barnes and family and my wife went to Bro. Daley's in the morning and Sister Emery came back with them and we all went down to Bro. Wilson's and Bro. Barnes'; immersed Bro. Wilson's son in the branch in Bro. W's. field and then we went to the school house and Bro. B. preached on the Parable of the Talents, Frank P. planted corn until time to fix to go to meeting. Bro. Barnes came home with us from meeting and also Sister Emery.
March 27, Tuesday
    Forenoon warm and sunny, afternoon cloudy and cool.
    Murphys moved from the Archer place to their place, Smith went to Elmores' and came back in the evening and said he was going to help Elmore break some horses and went there again. Bro. Barnes and Sister Emery went home in the morning. Frank and I planted corn.
March 28, Wednesday
    Morning and forenoon pleasant. It commenced raining about 1 o'clock P.M. and continued showering until bed time. My wife went to see Sister Pruett. She is quite sick yet; Irwin Pruett came home with her and got a piece of dried beef and a bottle of cough syrup, paid one dollar. Smith come home at bed time; Henry Gregory came with him. Frank and I planted corn in forenoon but it rained so we did not plant in afternoon.
March 29, Thursday
    Morning cool and cloudy rain commenced about half after 2 o'clock P.M. and lasted about 2 hours. It yet continues cloudy at bed time. Rained some last night. Frank and I planted corn in forenoon and part of afternoon. We have about 14 acres planted. Jno. Hamrick and wife were here to dinner. They intend moving to Jas. Helms' place on the other side of Wagner Creek in a few days.
March 30, Friday
    Forenoon sunny and showery alternately, afternoon cloudy and cool. Smith and E. Murphy staked ridered fence. Frank and I plowed and planted near 3 acres of corn. My wife commenced to wash and Elizabeth Gregory came over to stitch Levi Gregory's coat and vest and she helped my wife to wash and then they done the stitching. Edward Simon came after me to preach a funeral of Simon's infant that died yesterday. Tomorrow 10 o'clock.
March 31, Saturday

    Day pleasant and springlike. Smith harrowed some of the corn ground and got Gregory to sharp the plows, and he fixed the scraper. Frank went to Bro. March's, and my wife and I went to attend the funeral of Peter Simon's little infant which died at 7 days old. I preached at Simon's residence, and then we went to the graveyard up by Potter's and buried the babe. Quite a number of the neighbors were in attendance. Wife and I dinnered at Bro. Potter's.
April 2, Monday
    Morning clear and day sunny and pleasant. Smith plowed some and then went to Magruder's. I went with Jasper Strong and his boy (who stayed all night with us last night,) over to Gregory's to see him, then I plowed a little and then went to school meeting after dinner and was re-elected clerk, and Bro. Fleming director. The directors then confirmed the hiring of Elizabeth Kincaid to teach a 3 months' school, to commence the 9th inst. Kincaid paid me $5. on what he owed me and $1.50 for the St. Louis paper.
April 3, Tuesday
    Day clear and pleasant. Bro. March plowed and Frank dropped potatoes and other seed in the garden. Levi Murphy and Smith and Lawrence Carter hauled rails and Eccles Murphy and I laid them up and finished fencing the corn field. The old lady March was here to dinner and supper. Old Bro. Fountain, his wife and daughter and his boy Lee were to dinner afternoon. Bro. Fleming's to supper. Jno. Bilger died about 4 o'clock this morning in Jacksonville, Oregon, of inflammation of stomach.
April 4, Wednesday
    Beautiful clear and pleasant day. Bro. March finished what we wanted to plant now in the garden, Frank and I planted corn. I gave Smith eighty dollars $80. of the district school money, to pay $10.75 to Kent for wine--and $25 dollars to Reames Bros. and about $40. to Magruder and $5.75 to Max Muller, all of which he paid.
April 5, Thursday
    Day delightful, was a little frost for about 3 mornings but not enough to do any damage. Frank and his mother washed and scalded the beds &c. Smith helped Levi Murphy to fix a plow and put a pair of shoes on Old Puss. I harrowed and plowed, Bro. Friend came here and stayed all night last night. He is running around trying to sell medicine. Pleas. Fountain came here this evening.
April 6, Friday
    Day pleasant, most of the time sunny. Pleas. Fountain and Smith left after breakfast and attended a dance at Skeeters at night much against my will. Frank and his mother continued the renovation of things about the house in forenoon. I finished plowing 2 acres of ground that I let Bro. March have for sorghum and squash, and in afternoon Frank and I plowed and planted corn.
April 7, Saturday
    Day cloudy and cool. Wife and I went to visit Sister Pruett who is lying at the point of death, afternoon I attended Grange. There were but few in attendance. Wife remained at Pruett's until evening. Frank and Eccles Murphy plowed and planted corn in forenoon and afternoon they went to Magruders' and Frank bought himself a pocket knife.
April 8, Sunday
    Rained from about 2 o'clock until about 4. Morning cloudy and cool, afternoon sunny and pleasant. I went to Sams Valley and preached to an attentive congregation; all seemed pleased and interested. Wife and Frank went to our school house to meeting. In evening wife went to see Sister Pruett who they think has been dying from one o'clock this morning but was not dead at near sundown, when she left. Uproar in neighborhood about reputed counterfeiter, between here and Bear Creek.
April 9, Monday
    Day showery and cool. W. J. Gregory came over this evening and he and Walter Jones and Eli Vest and Smith got some of Gregory's colts up here in our lot and attended to them. Eli Vest came here yesterday and went with.Smith and Frank to Gregorys' to singing last night and came back with them and stayed until afternoon. I went to Pruetts' in forenoon. Sister Pruett died about 1 o'clock this morning in full assurance of faith. The family are very much afflicted over her leaving them.
April 10, Tuesday
    Morning cloudy, day sunny at times then cool and cloudy with a little sprinkle of rain. Snowed on the mountains around the valley several of the last days.
    We with near all the neighbors on both sides of the Sticky Flat attended Sister Pruett's funeral this forenoon. We buried her at the burying ground on Tho. McHenry's land. I preached a short funeral discourse at the grave, according to her request which she made before she died. W. W. Gage and Gilbert and others arrested the counterfeiter over on that side of the flat yesterday evening.
April 11, Wednesday
    Morning clear and frosty. Day a little hazy. I harrowed yesterday afternoon and today. Frank cleaned out stables and hauled rails and fixed fence, Smith hunted horses for Gregory. I got about ⅔ of the piece of corn ground cross-harrowed today. Walter Jones and Smith came afternoon with some horse and put them in the barn lot & after they ate their dinners they got after the horses and they broke a gate to pieces. Rec. a letter today from M. E. Daugherty.
April 12, Thursday
    Day clear and pleasant. I finished cross-harrowing my first planting of corn. Bro. Wilson and Cliff sheared our 4 sheep; they sheared about 20 lbs. wool. The buck sheared six pounds. Eccles & Murphy and Frank fixed fence in the afternoon. Smith made a gate, Gregory sharped my plows and shod Jack for Smith. Bro. Wilson Cliff were here to dinner.
April 13, Friday
    A little frost, day pleasant. Lightning sharp and thunder heavy. Looks like rain tonight. Frank and I planted 2 acres of corn. Smith went out the Desert and sold 2 little steers to Daniel Walker for $13 to be delivered next Wednesday. He went to the school this afternoon. Lawrence Carter came home with Smith. Jas. Hamrick came here this evening
April 14, Saturday
    Morning cloudy, did not rain here last night, but rained hard not more than a mile east of us. It rained considerable this afternoon. Frank and I plowed and planted corn until the rain wet us, then we came to the house. Kate worked yesterday, and this morning when I went out in the pasture to get my horses I found her with fine colt by her side, it measured 3 feet and 3 inches. J. B. Williams went to town and brought a letter from Sister M. C. Smith, of Cal.
April 15, Sunday
    Morning cool and cloudy, wind in N. west, dried the top of the ground very fast in afternoon My wife and I went to Brownsboro and I preached to quite an attentive congregation on Second Commission of Christ to His Apostles. Promised to go there again in 5 weeks which would be 20th May and also to preach at Antelope on same evening. We came to Bro. Williams' to dinner. Frank behaved very badly this morning.
April 16, Monday
    Morning rainy. Commenced about midnight and continued until about seven o'clock A.M. We got about six hundred pounds of hay from Gregory today, and fixed our axle of the plow and plowed a little after sundown and broke the old thimble all to pieces and had [to] leave the plow stand right where I broke down. I let Wm. Dennis have fifty-six lbs. bacon at 125 cts. per lb. He did [not] pay for it but said he would this week
April 17, Tuesday
    Morning frosty, day clear and pleasant. I sent Smith over to Central Point to get a plow thimble. I harrowed in forenoon and afternoon. Frank and I plowed and planted corn. Smith drove in a little red steer that we sold to Daniel Walker. Henry Gregory was here all night. Arth. Hamrick came down this afternoon.
April 18, Wednesday
    Day clear and pleasant until middle of afternoon when it clouded up and wind blew cool.
    Arth. and Smith staked some fence this forenoon and hunted Uncle Jno. Hamrick's horses this afternoon. Frank and I planted corn and squashes, plowed a little over 2 acres. I harrowed up with the plow this evening. Smith saw W. W. Gage in his way this evening. Gage paid him five dollars and 50 cts. four dollars he owed me and $1.50 monthly dues to the Grange.
April 19, Thursday
    Morning rainy, continued showery all day, and about 4 o'clock P.M. it hailed considerably and then rained on until night. During the hail storm Daniel Walker came here to stay all night, had 48 head of cattle. Smith went to Gregory's and got the plows sharped in the morning and I plowed about 3 rounds before dinner; after dinner it rained so I did not go out to plow. Jeff Grigsby brought 3 more calves and put [them] in the pasture for Walker.
April 20, Friday
    Morning cool and cloudy. Snowed while raining in the valley down low on the mountains; Walker left with his cattle this morning, he paid $13. for the 2 little steers and $2.50 pasturage and $2 for himself and 2 boys and 3 horses all night, total $17.50.
    I wrote to Dr. Colvig that I would be down to hold a meeting on 29th inst, and letter to Messenger on nature of Christ's Kingdom. Arth. Hamrick commenced work today. He is to work a month to pay for a cow I got of Grigsby, and sold to Hamrick. Jno. Hamrick and wife and one boy came down.
April 21, Saturday
    Morning a little frosty, and foggy. Florence A. Grigsby and Lucinda Gregory were here all night last night. Uncle Jno. took the Grigsby cow and led her home behind the wagon The boys hauled a load of wood today. I went out to town today and paid 75 cts. to Bilger & $1.25 for monkey wrench, and 50 cts. to Geo. Merriman and sent $5. to Clarke & Craig, Salem, Oregon, and took Jas. Drum 14 lbs. butter, & Reames 6 lbs. I have paid all I owe in town except Martin and Glenn.
April 22, Sunday
    Morning frosty, bit corn and tender plants, day pleasant, one or two little showers through the day. I went to Antioch, preached two discourses from 2nd Corinthians, 5th chapter. The friends had a good dinner there and we had a good time. There were a good many there. My wife went to our school house to meeting and in afternoon she went over to see Bro. Barnes, he is at Garrisons' sick, been there 3 or 4 days, but was some better when she was over there. The boys went down to our school house to Sunday school and meeting.
April 23, Monday
    Morning quite frosty, day sunny sometimes, and sometimes cloudy. We finished plowing and planting corn and squash on the south side of the branch today. The boys repaired fence.
April 24, Tuesday
    Morning frosty, day clear and pleasant. Frank and Arth. Hamrick harrowed on the corn ground. Smith and I went to town and bred Kate to Peninger's Mike. I went out to see Naylor's sheep, intending to buy them, but we did not trade. Mr. Beck came over and brought a note that I had given to L. D. Lane last October for $30, and my wife paid it off.
April 25, Wednesday
    Morning frosty. Day pleasant. We finished planting squash on north side of the branch in corn field this forenoon and this afternoon I finished plowing the garden. Frank and Arth fixed fence this forenoon and in the afternoon Arth harrowed and Frank dropped seeds, my wife washed and in evening dropped some potatoes. At night I wrote to L. D. Lane, Dunnigan, Yolo Co., California
April 26, Thursday
    Day warm and pleasant. My wife went to see Sister Fleming this afternoon. Smith and I made a couple of clod mashers this forenoon and this afternoon he worked on the wagon bed, and I went to Linkswiler's and bargained for some hogs. Frank and Arth finished cross-harrowing this forenoon and in the afternoon they ran the clod mashers on the garden and corn field. Wm. Colvig, Amy and Harbaugh were here to dinner.
April 27, Friday
    Day fine and pleasant. Arth and Frank ran the clod mashers. Smith & Walter Jones got Amy's young horse and haltered him, and Smith got a 3-year-old horse of Sam Potter for $40. in store. I went to town and to Naylors' and bought his sheep at $2 per head for old and young. There will be some near 80 head. Am to pay half down and the balance the first of Jan. 1878. Bailey Huston came home with me from Jacksonville.
April 28, Saturday
    Day very warm and fine, Bailey Huston stayed all night with us, and this morning I traded the sorrel filly and $50 to be paid the first of January next for a brown horse 7 years old this spring to match Dick, which Naylor has been working for over a year. Walter Jones was here all night and this morning he went with Smith to Naylor's to get the horse. My wife, Frank and I went to Ashland today and put up with old Bro. Miller. Arth finished clod mashing in ½ day.
April 29, Sunday
    Day very pleasant, sunny most all day. We attended meeting morning and night in Ashland. Bro. Barnes was not well and I preached 2 discourses on Reconciliation, last part of 5th Chapter 1st Cor. Bro. Barnes was able to be out. Had good hearing and good attention, no additions, Elias Shortridge whom I heard preach in Mo. some 20 years ago was there. He is now a Spiritualist and consequently no account.
April 30, Monday
    Morning and day clear and cool, pleasant traveling. We came home from Ashland. Martha Ann Martin came down with us and after supper her and Frank went over to Bro. Fleming's and she stayed there. We got a skirt for my wife and 58 yds. of cloth for pants at Ashland for $10 and got some 70 lbs. peaches from Willie Miller which left her owing us 25 cts., also got 12 lbs. peeled peaches from Sister Jacobs, for six lbs. butter and 50 cts. Sold 10 lbs. butter in Ashland, Arth chopped wood.
May 1, Tuesday
    Morning little frosty, no hurt. Smith started to Roseburg this morning for freight for Karewski, Frank went to mash clods for Gregory and Arth went to cut wood. I went to look for Fleming's mare and Murphy's horse and to see Jesse Gage about what he was owing me. Did not find horses or get anything from Gage. Frank had another fit about 10 o'clock tonight, not very hard.
May 2, Wednesday
    Morning cool. Looked a little like for rain through the day. We planted some beans and peas this forenoon and this afternoon I wrote a long letter to Dr. J. J. L. DuBurty of White River P.O., Tulare Co., Cal. In evening Frank and I fixed some fence, and I looked over my corn and grain a little. The grain seems to be doing well but the corn and squash are not coming on fast. Very few squash are up and the corn is just coming up. Arth mashed clods for Gregorys.
May 3, Thursday
    Day fine and pleasant. My wife and I went to the Pomona Grange in the Redmen's Hall in Jacksonville. Very little was done in the Grange, another meeting is called for on the 17th inst. Frank went to school and Arth mashed clods for W. J. Gregory.
May 4, Friday
    Day sunny and warm. I had much trouble with a cold and cough through the past night, so I did not sleep much. Frank and I fixed fence a while in the morning. about 10 o'clock I went with Mr. Shideler to Nick Young's to see about getting some hogs. Nick agreed to bring me 10 large hogs in about 10 days; he had no more he wished to sell. Arth mashed clods for Gregory, Sister Fleming and children and Martha Ann Martin were here this afternoon and took supper, also S. H. Kirk took supper
May 5, Saturday
    Day very pleasant, and sunny. Kirk stayed all night; last night he had a mule and a horse to hay and supper, bed and breakfast paid 75 cts. Arth took S. A. Potter's wagon home this morning. He, Frank and I worked in garden in forenoon. Wife and I went to Grange in Bro. Bressler's wagon with he, his wife, and daughter. They 3 took dinner with us. This is the first time they have attended our Grange. They were from Woodbridge Grange, Cal. Frank had a fit about midnight last night.
May 6, Sunday
    Day pleasant until afternoon. Wind blew in evening rather cool, was some cloudy most of the day. Some appearance for rain. We all went to our school house to meeting. I preached on first part of l Corinthians, tenth chapter. There were but few there and some out of that few did not seem interested. W. G. Gregory and wife were here to supper last evening; after supper they went to Bro. Fleming's and my wife and I went to Bro. Murphy's, he returned without his horse and Bro. Fleming's mare Floy were stolen.
May 7, Monday
    Day showery and cool. We got Bro. Fleming's wagon and put in 2 fellers and one spoke and set the tire. In afternoon Arth, Frank, and I fixed fence and pulled mustard.
May 8, Tuesday
    Day cloudy and sometimes sunny, good growing weather. Arth, Frank and I fixed fence around the wheat that is growing where I had been having corn for several years.
May 9, Wednesday
    Sun raised clear, but it showered on the mountains, and a little in the valley. Arth and Frank hauled the picket fence from the Archer place, and 17 scantlings and 18 boards (total number of feet 306) from Wertz's. I borrowed it of him. I worked on the fence; about 10 o'clock at night a young man came from Jacksonville with the sad telegram that Smith had accidentally shot himself at Harkness' on Grave Creek, and I started there in about an hour afterward.
May 10, Thursday
    I got to Harkness' about half after nine this morning and found Smith resting as well as we could expect him. He had went to put a derringer into his pants pocket and it went off and the ball entered his body just forward of his right hip bone and passed down into his groin and lodged against the skin. Dr. Akin had got there about 3 hours before I did and had extracted the ball and dressed the wound, and was giving him medicine. He remained until next morning, doing all he knew for him. I attended to him and he seemed to be getting along as well as we could expect.
May 11, Friday
    This morning Dr. Akin left and Smith seemed to be mending until about 11 o'clock A.M. when he began getting worse and I done all I knew to do for him, but he died about 7 o'clock this evening. My wife, Frank and W. J. Gregory arrived 30 or 40 minutes before he died; he was rational and knew them but was suffering the pangs of death and could not talk much. I sent Gregory up by stage to prepare for burying Smith. Then I got Mr. Ford and Mr. Rumley to make a coffin. Frank had a fit about 11 o'clock.
May 12, Saturday
    This morning when we went to put Smith into the coffin we found him.in such a state of putrefaction that we found it inexpedient to bring him home and we prepared and buried him on Grave Creek. The people there done a noble part in helping, and showed all possible kindness. We got him buried about noon. And then about 2 o'clock we started for home and came about a mile this side of Grants Pass to Mr. Tuff's where we put up for the night. Bro. Adams from near Yoncalla in Douglas Co. stayed at Tuff's all night. Tuff made no charge.
May 13, Sunday
    Morning cloudy. The weather had been clear and pleasant from Wednesday until afternoon yesterday, when a cloud came up from southwest and thundered and rained much in the valley but where we were it did not rain but very little. We got home today about four o'clock P.M, found all well but all feeling very sad. Gregory and Sister Gregory had been here and she had cleaned up the house, and then they went to Bro. Murphy's. They came back a while after we got home and stayed until night.
May 14, Monday
    Morning cloudy and cool, day sunny once in awhile. Lawrence Carter stayed all night with us last night and went with me to Jacksonville to see if we could get any freight for him to haul, but we could not. I took Elmore his patent that Smith got from land office and $10. then Smith had to pay to Plaindealer office for Elmore but could not find anyone in office. I found out all the bills I was owing for horse hire and men to carry intelligence about Smith, except the doctor's bill. Rec. a letter from Geo. R. Hamrick and one from Susan March to me.
May 15, Tuesday
    Morning rainy. Day showery. Sunny at times. L. Carter & Arth worked on the fence. Frank and I went to town and to Naylor's to get the sheep I bought of him. Got and marked 46 old sheep and 25 lambs, borrowed seventy dollars of E. Owens to pay to Naylor on the sheep and Frank and I stayed at Mr. Naylor's all night.
    I sent $3 to Hance, Baltimore, for a box of fit pills for Frank.
May 16, Wednesday
    Day a little hazy and cloudy. Frank and I brought the sheep from Mr. Naylor's and got home a little after noon. Naylor came with us to the store at Central Point and I gave him a note for seventy dollars to be paid the 1st Jan 1878.
    In afternoon we finished fencing off the wheat that we intend pasturing. Carter worked all day for me. In evening Jno. Cook came to see my 7-year-old filly, but she was not up. Mr. Goddard the Assessor and Bro. Bressler came to stay all night. Gregory and wife were here, & we were assessed.
May 17, Thursday
    Day clear and cool. G. H. Bressler, W. J. Gregory and wife, and my wife and I went to Jacksonville district Pomona Grange, and the 3 first above named were initiated into the Pomona Grange. We all went in Bressler's wagon. I paid 50 cts. for Bresslers team to hay.
    We took dinner at Dr. Danforth's. Arth & Frank got hogs in the wheat field today; they got about 12 shoats and sows, and 9 pigs.
May 18, Friday
    Day clear and pleasant. Arth pulled mustard and Frank and I went and helped Edmond Brooks to move a granary he bought of Gregory to Brooks'. W. J. Gregory, Walter Jones and Lawrence Carter helped. My wife and Sister Gregory went to Brook
s'. We got it moved about 2 o'clock. Walter Jones & Lawrence Carter came this evening to stay all night.
May 19, Saturday
    Day cloudy and showery and cool. Arth cultivated a part of the garden, Frank and I hunted hogs. We put about 70 head in the field today, 5 of them were sucking pigs, about 8 were open sows, and the most of the others will do to fatten this year. Sister Gregory was here all day. She came to sew. She made one dress and most of another today.
May 20, Sunday
    Day cool and cloudy most all day. W. J. Gregory and his wife and Arth and Frank and my wife and I went to Brownsboro to meeting and I preached from Acts. 16th on the Case of the Jailer.
    Had fine hearing. We all went to Bro. Williams to dinner and at four o'clock had meeting at Antelope school house. I preached from Matthew 13th the Parable of the Sower.
May 21, Monday
    Day cool and cloudy with occasional showers. Lawrence Carter went to Gasburg to mill, Arth cultivated corn and Frank and I got up and put in field 11 shoats, 5 sows, l barrow and 5 little pigs. Mrs. Brooks was here and Levi Murphy and family were here to dinner. Old man 
Seyferth's son came in evening to stay all night.
May 22, Tuesday
    Day cool, sometimes cloudy and sometimes sunny. J. Carter and Frank hauled 2 loads stovewood, Arth cultivated corn and I drove in 7 hogs and 4 pigs, and went in the evening and seen F. M. Plymale about hauling flour to Sailor Diggings, but as he thought likely they were not ready to haul it yet I agreed to send Carter and the team to haul wheat for him to Gasburg. Young Seyferth paid me one dollar, which was 25 cts. more than I charged him for staying all night. Bred Old Puss.
May 23, Wednesday
    Morning a little cool and cloudy. I started Frank and Carter down to haul wheat for Frank Plymale's. Frank come home in evening, Carter stayed, Arth cultivated. I went to Linkswilers' and Fryers' and tried to get some shoats, but failed to get them. In evening Bro. Barnes and family came from Ashland. My wife done her washing.
    The weather has got warmer and about clear.
    Nelly had a colt this morning.
May 24, Thursday
    Morning clear and pleasant. Bro. Barnes stayed all night. He is out trying to get means to build a church house in Ashland; he went to Little Butte this morning.
    Arth cultivated and Frank and I went into the hollow south of Davis' west field and found 5 more of our hogs and brought them and put them in the wheat field. We now have 106 head of shoats and hogs and 23 pigs in the field. Sister Gregory and Mrs. Davis were here to dinner. Harbaugh came and took mail he got of Amy away.
May 25, Friday
    Day sunny part of time, evening cloudy, windy, and cool. Arth cultivated corn Frank helped his mother to scald and clean up house and beds. Carter started to Waldo with 4000 lbs. of flour. I went to town, gave four dollars to Carter for expense money, borrowed $2 of Wm. Bybee, and $20 of Alex Martin and got $20 of Silas Day on what the P. of H. [Patrons of Husbandry] Co. owed on freight and gave $40 to James Kincaid to give to his father on Eliz. Kincaid's school. Dr. Aiken's bill is $60 for one trip to see Smith at Grave Creek.
May 26, Saturday
    Day a little cool and cloudy. Linkswiler brought 8 hogs and I bought 7 of them, they weighed 685 lbs. which paid 50 cts. more than he owed me. He put the other one in my field. In afternoon Frank and I went and hunted for our hogs but could not find any more. Arth has worked his month out and went home. Linkswiler stayed until after dinner.
May 27, Sunday
    Morning a little cool and cloudy. Day clear part of time, evening wind blew and indicated rain. W. J. Gregory and wife and I and wife went over the river to meeting. Meeting was near Conley's upper place some 3 or 4 miles from Bybee's ferry. I preached from 11th Acts. on case of conversion of Cornelius. Bro. Barnes preached in evening from I Timothy 4th and 9th, Sister Wood returned to the fellowship of the church. General good feeling prevailed.
May 28, Monday
    Commenced raining before day and rained on until about 8 o'clock then slacked. But there were several showers through the day. Cloudy yet at night. In forenoon I wrote a letter to Geo. R. Hamrick and one to Archers, Frank went with Levi Murphy and Bro. Barnes to cut a bee tree. Did not get much honey. I went and helped Gregory make fence in afternoon. Uncle Jno. Hamrick came down and stopped to stay all night. Lucinda Gregory and Malissa Dennis were here all night, and Frank took two nags and took them to school this morning.
May 29, Tuesday
    Day pleasant, rained some during the night and showered on the mtns. today. P. helped Gregory to make fence during this day. Frank cut and hauled some wheat in forenoon and in afternoon helped Gregory's about getting hogs in the field, Levi Murphy cultivated corn for us in afternoon. Bro. Barnes and family passed here on their way to Ashland about 10 o'clock. Today he stayed at Levi Murphy's the 2 past nights.
May 30, Wednesday
    Day showery and sunny alternately. Not much showers, has turned a little warmer. Frank took Gregory's old Mike horse and his 3-year-old gray horse home, they had been getting in my field, then he came back and helped me some on fixing picket fence along the ditch, then I sent him to bring Sister Fleming over to our house after noon. Frank and I hauled a load of rails, and he cut a load of wheat and brought up and took Sister Fleming home and I fixed a place at mouth of ditch to let the hogs to water. Carter got home from Waldo.
May 31, Thursday
    Day sunny and pleasant, Frank went and helped Gregory to get hogs into his field. Carter and I went to Jacksonville. Bred Nelly to Peninger's Mike. I got letter from Guptons, and one from McGrath of Shasta Valley, about flour and bacon, and ans. that I would deliver bacon at 13 cts. per lb. and flour at $35. per 1000. I borrowed $40. more from Alex. Martin and paid C. Magruder, and paid $1.50 to Cardwell for balance on telegram. Paid Bybee what I owed him, got a hammer and monkey wrench from Penn.
June 1, Friday
    Day clear and warm until evening then cloud in the west indicating rain. Levi Murphy cultivated corn, Carter plowed in garden, Frank hunted hogs part of the day for Gregory, and Gregory and I finished fixing old mower and tried in the evening. It done tolerable well, I let Gregory have one monkey wrench for $1.25, Sister Williams got Smith's and P. L. Fountain picture from Laura Bradley and sent it to my wife by her boys today. Eccles Murphy and Levi & family were here to supper.
June 2, Saturday
    Day cloudy and warm. Cut a little hay this forenoon, Frank Carter put it up and hauled it in afternoon. James M. Childers was here to dinner, also old man Fountain and wife. Childers brought his mower and left it here, intending to cut hay here, next week. My wife and I and Childers went to the Grange to our school house this afternoon. Levi Murphy cultivated corn, sold Levi Murphy spotted cow and Ralph for $20 in work.
June 3, Sunday
    Day very pleasant. We all went to Mound District school house to meeting. I preached a discourse from Matthew 8th, The [omission] of the Savior in regard to what defiles the man. Had very good hearing. I only reached the point in the investigation of the subject where the heart of that one who was defiled could be cleansed. Old Father Childers and wife, J. M. Childers and wife and child and Samuel March and family came home with us and took dinner.
June 4, Monday
    Day showery and in evening quite a good shower. Levi M. and Carter worked in corn. Frank and his mother churned and then oiled the harness with some of the butter. I worked on our hay rake, did not get it quite finished. Jane Hamrick came here in afternoon with her 2 youngest children, got Frank's pills from Hance, Baltimore, Maryland, got a letter from Bro. Gabbert of Myrtle Creek, Ore., also one from Lydia Stout, Newtown, Missouri.
June 5, Tuesday
    Day very pleasant. Carter and Levi Murphy plowed and cultivated corn. I went to Central Point and got horseshoes, toe steel and rails for Merriman to prepare to shoe my team. Then afternoon went to Gasburg and engaged a load of flour for Carter to haul to Waldo. I learned that the mill men had put flour up to $30 for thousand. Last Saturday June 2nd 1877, I got some cabbage plants from Mrs. Stout in Gasburg. I got home a little after dark. Bro. Pruett's boys are going with Carter.
June 6, Wednesday
    Day a little cloudy and pleasant. I went to Central Point and my team.shod all around with new shoes. Got my riding pony shod with old shoes, cost of all about $13.00. Carter left the shop between one and two o'clock P.M. to get his load at P. of H. Mills. Levi M. and Frank plowed and cultivated corn We all got into the garden and set out some cabbage and beet plants in evening. Sold Williams 3 bucks for $20.
June 7, Thursday
    Day clear and warm. I finished fixing hay rake and in afternoon cut some volunteer oats west of the house, and sent old mower to Gregory's by Frank; he and Levi cultivated in the corn in forenoon and in afternoon put up hay &c.
    At night Wm. & Jas. Gregory and their wives came over and they all stayed until 11 o'clock at night and Wm., Elizabeth and Lucinda Gregory went home and Jas. Gregory and wife stayed all night. I sold Wm. G. Geo. R. Hamrick's sowing [sewing?] machine for $65 in cutting grain.
June 8, Friday
    Day clear and quite warm. Frank and I cultivated and plowed corn in forenoon, in afternoon took Louisa and Lucinda Gregory and my wife to Gregory's & also took Uncle Geo. R. Hamrick's sewing machine to Gregory's then went in evening and got plow and cultivator and took to Gregory's shop and sharped them. Williams gave me $1.25 on the evening 6th inst. to pay into Grange as monthly dues.
June 9, Saturday
    Day clear and hot. Jas. M. Childers commenced cutting my hay today. Levi Murphy and Frank hauled in some hay that we cut day before yesterday, at done against [sic] 10 o'clock and Levi raked and put my hay for Childers in afternoon, and part of forenoon. Frank and I went to town, I got Frank pair boots for $7.00 and a coat for $4.00. I borrowed $60 of H. Amy and paid it to Alex Martin. Found 2 bro. on the road for land situated in Sec. 29, T. 36 S., and Range 1 West which is the sec. on which we live. They came home with me. [T36S R1W Sec. 29 is bordered on the west by Hwy. 62, on the east by McLoughlin Drive, and on the north by East Gregory Road.]
June 10, Sunday
    Day clear and hot. I went to the mouth of Foots Creek and had meeting in fore and afternoon. Jas. Wallace made the good confession and his wife who had been a member but had gone astray confessed her wrong and agreed to forsake it. I agreed to preach there again in 4 weeks. My wife went to our school house to meeting. The 2 men stayed here all day. In evening Mr. B. Cole came here and camped. I hired the young man and boy to plow corn on Saturday and they came here to be ready.
June 11, Monday
    Day clear and hot. The 2 men that stopped here from Saturday night left this morning to go six miles east thinking there was a mistake of 6 miles in the numbers of their land they were hunting. Mr. Gatewood and Mr. Cole's son went to work in the corn today. Childers and his hands are at work in the hay. Frank and his mother are doing the housework, and I am resting. Had to mend my hay rake so I did not have time to rest. The 2 brothers that stayed over Sunday were here to dinner; they are going home. The oldest says he will be back here again.
June 12, Tuesday
    Day clear and hot. Childers is cutting hay every day now. I finished fixing rake this forenoon. Carter got home this forenoon. Mr. Gatewood and Mr. C.'s boy worked in the corn, Mr. Cole took his stock up to the hills today. I let him have 12 lbs. shoulder bacon and 17 lbs. salt, I pulled mustard and fixed fence after I finished fixing my rake. Carter and Frank hauled a load of hay. Mr. Cole's little girl stopped with us to help my wife. Frank helps his mother. I got a letter from Mrs. Ann Martin.
June 13, Wednesday
    Day clear and warm, Childers continues cutting hay I cut from half after 11 o'clock until 2 o'clock while he went to dinner.
    Carter started to Big Butte this morning for lumber, Frank and I are attending to fixing fence and choring around. Lucinda Gregory came over at dinner and her and Frank and Emma Cole have had fine time playing part of afternoon. My wife done her washing this forenoon. Woodgate and Cole worked in corn.
June 14, Thursday
    Day clear and warm. Childers cut and shocked hay, Carter got back from Big Butte and brought 80 rails and 400 ft. of fencing lumber from Martin Perry. I went to town and got my spring wagon, and mailed a letter to Mrs. Ann Martin, got piece harness leather, and rubber bumpers and 2 snaps from Nunan for $2.25. Woodgate and Cole cultivated corn. I got $5.50 worth goods at Magruder's.
June 15, Friday
    Day clear and warm. Childers and his hand cut and put up hay. Frank and Carter hauled a little hay in forenoon and in afternoon they went and got a load of stovewood. I worked on my spring wagon, and wrote a letter to Homer Harkness.
June 16, Saturday
    Day warm with a few clouds in sight at times. Childers and his hands cut and put up hay. Carter cleaned out stables and sheds. Frank went to Magruder's and to shop got Geo. Merriman to to do $1. worth blacksmithing for spring wagon. I worked on spring wagon and got far enough along to have it to go to meeting in tomorrow. Bill Parker stayed here last night.
June 17, Sunday
    Day mostly clear and warm in sun. Cool and pleasant in shade. My wife and I went to Brownsboro to meeting. I preached 2 discourses on Jno. 17th 20th 21st. We had basket dinner and there were quite a number out to meeting. Frank and the boys stayed at home. Mr. Cole came down from foothills.
June 18, Monday
    Day very pleasant. Some little indications for rain. Mr. Cole went [to] work this morning for the feeding his horses on hay. The boys cultivated corn. Carter hauled hay for Childers. Childers and Irwin Pruett finished cutting the volunteer hay. Jeff Grigsby finished the raking of it up. The boys hauled 5 loads of hay and put [it] in for me. Mr. Rose came over from Gregorys' and painted my little wagon against noon. I helped to clean it & get ready, then fixed a hay rack to my big wagon. Gave H. Wilkinson an order for flour from P. of H. Mill, he is to pay for it in amount 300 lbs. flour $9.00.
June 19, Tuesday
    Day pleasant with some clouds most of the day. Woodgate and Carter worked for Childers all day. Childers and his men hauled hay in afternoon. Mr. Cole worked for Gregory in forenoon and in afternoon Frank and him cleaned straw out of lower barn. In forenoon Frank and I hauled straw out of barn. In afternoon I went to Central Point and got some $2.75 worth of Magruder and singletree irons of Merriman for $1.50. Bybee was here to get the money of Jas. Childers. Hauled 7 loads hay and put in barn.
June 20, Wednesday
    Day clear and warm. Childers and his 4 men in forenoon and 5 in afternoon hauled 12 loads of hay and put in barns all but one load. Pink Cole cultivated in garden and Mr. Cole worked for Gregory in forenoon and for Childers in afternoon. I made fork handle, ironed singletrees, copied a letter my wife had written to Mrs. W. A. J. Gupton and fixed old straw barn and they put 5 loads of hay in it.
June 21, Thursday
    Cloudy most all day. Mr. Cole hoed in garden. Childers and Carter hauled hay. Getchell stayed in the field and pitched up hay. Pink, Cole, Frank and I moved away the hay. We put 12 loads in the straw barn. Gatewood worked all day for Gregory. Rose striped the spring wagon this forenoon.
    Curt Parker and Frank Parker and Geo. Gray brought some cattle before dinner and were here to dinner and supper and are here yet. Mr. Long came here this evening to stay all night, and look at the Archer place.
June 22, Friday
    Day cloudy part of the time, rained a very little last night. Wind blew a little more than usual last evening and this evening. Mr. Cole worked in garden and corn field. Childers and 4 other hands put ten loads of hay in lower barn today. I put bottom in spring wagon and made a seat and my wife painted it. I went in morning and showed Mr. Long the Archer place, but he did not buy it. Parkers and Gray left after breakfast and took 8 head of cattle.
June 23, Saturday
    Day very pleasant, mostly clear. Childers and 4 hands put hay in barns, 5 loads to Archer barn and four to our barn. About 53 loads put in barns now. Mr. Cole hoed corn. I went to town; let wagon maker have 37 lbs. shoulder bacon to pay $3.70 cts. on my acct. to him. Let Nunan have 56½ lbs. bacon ham at 15 cts. per lb. Took Reames Bros. 97 lbs. side bacon and 32 lbs. shoulder bacon, for which I got goods. Bacon came to $14.84.
June 24, Sunday
    Day cool and cloudy with occasional sunshine, and a few little showers of rain. My wife and Lucinda Gregory and Emma Cole went over Rogue River with me to meeting in the grove near where old Bro. Childers lives on Conley's place some 3 miles northwest of Bybee's ferry. We had 2 discourses. I spoke on the writing of the law upon the hearts of the people. Had good hearing, had dinner on the ground. Bro. Myers' youngest daughter was married afternoon. Some left meeting and attended. Her parents did not go.
June 25, Monday
    Day cool and pleasant. Childers went to hauling and stacking his hay. Getchell stacked, Childers and Carter hauled and Gatewood pitched on the wagons and Frank and I [omission] in the afternoon. They hauled 4 loads in forenoon and we 6 loads in afternoon. I went over to Harvey's and Garrison and Barnett's and back past Gregory's and got home about noon. Jno. S. Miller was to see me about hauling a silver retort from Redding, which I agreed to haul as far as Yreka 25 cts. per lb.
June 26, Tuesday
    Day showery, rained heavy, shower at our house about noon. Childers, Getchell, Carter, Gatewood and Frank hauled hay until noon and afternoon went berrying. Got a few raspberries and some blackberries. My wife and Emma Cole done the housework and I went to old man Fountain's to see him for Beck. In evening Mr. Olwell from Nodaway Co., Mo. came to stay all night. He is out looking at our country with intention of locating here.
June 27, Wednesday
    Day rainy most all day just like the winter rains, quite cool. Mr. Swingle started to Jacksonville this morning with his wool and it rained so he stopped here and got no farther. Childers and his hands could not work and they went fishing but caught nothing. Our 2 dogs got after the sheep and caught a fine lamb and came so near killing it that the men butchered it. Frank killed both the dogs. Mr. Olwell and I went to Phoenix to mill. He went to see the chills [sic--mills?] in reference to buying them. I went to get flour, got 400 lbs. We took dinner at Jas. Reames'.
June 28, Thursday
    Day showery and cool. Mr. Olwell left for Little Butte this morning to look at the mills over there, paid my wife $1. Swingle left about 10 o'clock A.M. for town with his wood, paid my wife $1. Childers, Gatewood and Frank went to the river fishing and berrying. Carter and I went to town and I saw Wagner and agreed to haul flour to Weaverville in Cal. at 1¾ cts. per lb., also saw Caton and agreed to bring 7500 from Redding for him and Cr. Settled up with Drum, and got salt and sulphur at Karewsky's.
June 29, Friday
    Day cool and cloudy. Childers and his hands undertook to haul hay and found it too wet to haul, brought 2 loads and put in my barns. Then cleaned out the stables. Frank went out to get a bull, but did not get one and went to Becks' and eat his dinner and traded bridle bits with Aaron Beck and then came home. I went and seen Pruett and made arrangements for his team to go with mine to Redding then came home and in evening I went to Little Butte, and on my return found some of Gregory's hogs and took them to him.
June 30, Saturday
    Day cloudy in forenoon and mostly clear in afternoon. Childers and Gatewood went berrying and then up to Childers. Carter went to Bro. March's and Getchell to the ferry. Frank and I put the stock in the field and fixed up fence in forenoon and in afternoon my wife, Frank, Emma Cole & I went onto Butte Creek a-berrying, got about 1 gallon, raspberries. Bro. P. B. Williams came from Jacksonville and brought our mail and stopped and took supper with us.
July 1, Sunday
    Day mostly clear, in evening clouded up and indicated rain. We all went to Mound District school house to meeting. I preached from Matthew IV, The Temptations of the Savior. My wife and Emma and I went to Harvey's to dinner and in evening I preached in school house near Harvey's on forepart of Epistle of James, spoke particular of the light by which we are to be guided that is the Word of God, and not by any natural light within us but by the light of God's work shining into our understandings and lighting our path.
July 2, Monday
    Morning looks like for rain; few drops of rain fell this morning. Did not rain to wet. Childers, Getchell, Gatewood, Carter and Frank hauled Childers' hay. Emma went home with Sister Childers. My wife cooked and I went to town, settled with Nunan and Pat Ryan, and paid Birdseye & Shannon $16, rec. $15 from Reames on Wagner's account, rec. $40 from Caton on freight we are to bring from Redding for him and co. I agreed to take a box of clothing to Redding for a lady in Jacksonville at 2½ cts. per pound. Got a letter from Geo. R. Hamrick and one from a man in W.T. about some cattle he wants me to get and sell for him.
July 3, Tuesday
    Day a little cloudy and cool. James M. Childers, Getchell, Gatewood and Carter hauled hay for Childers. They hauled 6 loads [for] Childers, & 7 for me. Frank went to Jacksonville.
    I got old mower from W. J. Gregory's and cut some hay. Henry Gregory came to me in field and borrowed $3 for his father. I learn since that I was mistaken about who Henry came for, it was Walter Jones that sent Henry to me for this $3 to pay for bringing the team from Grave Creek. I offered to pay for this when I first came home but he said he wanted no pay.
July 4, Wednesday
    Day clear and pleasant. I cut hay most of forenoon, broke point off of main shaft of mower and had to quit before I got done. Childers, Carter, Getchell, and Gatewood hauled hay in forenoon and Childers and Getchell in afternoon. Carter fixed up for his trip to Redding. Gatewood got Bro. Fleming's plow and plowed in garden in afternoon. Frank and I put up hay in afternoon. Childers put 3 loads of his hay in my stack; they put up 8 loads today.
July 5, Thursday
    Day clear and pleasant. Childers and Getchell finished hauling hay and hauled 1 load out of what I cut. Carter started for Redding. My wife, Sister Gregory, Frank and I went to town. Frank took box of clothing for Carter to take to Redding, rec. $1.25 to pay at Redding to send it on cars for San Francisco and $4.12½ for freight and 87½ cts. for taking it [to?] Ish's where Carter got his oats for the trip. He and Allison Pruett got 25 bushels each. Wife, Sister Gregory and I attended Pomona Dis. Grange, after Grange I paid $2.50 to the Bilger house for monkey wrench and hammer. Got groceries at Drum's and goods at Reames Bros., paid for them. Childers & Getchell hauled 5 loads of hay.
July 6, Friday
    Day clear and pleasant. Childers and Getchell hauled hay from Skeeters, hauled 3 loads. I was complaining of not being well. I done nothing but draw off some accounts. I feel so worried; I do feel able to be up much of the time. I took a large dose of podophyllin and leptandrin. Bro. and Sister Fountain called here a short time this morning as they were on their way to Jacksonville. Turpin & Heckathorn called a few moments, on their way to Hanleys' with hogs.
July 7, Saturday
    Day clear and fine. Childers and Getchell are hauling the remainder of my hay that I cut. I am yet sick, the medicine I took yesterday seems to be doing well. Bro. & Sister Fountain called on their return from Jacksonville, Childers finished hauling all the hay we had out. About noon today he took a little load out of mine up home, which I told him to take to make us even on the divide of the hay. Skeeters came past on his way to the Grange. I gave him $2 to pay on G. W. Isaacs' monthly dues, also $2.50 that P. B. Williams owed for same.
July 8, Sunday
    Day clear and pleasant. Bro. Fleming went to fill my appointment at the mouth of Foots Creek on the south side of Rogue River. I am not able to be up much of the time, am better this afternoon. I took a large dose of podophyllin and leptandrin last night and it worked well this forenoon and I feel better this afternoon. Gatewood and G. W. Hamrick were here this forenoon & Amy, wife and daughter were here to dinner. In afternoon Bro. March, B. A. Grigsby and Bro. Fleming and Lucinda Gregory called. Mr. Brooks & wife and Gregory were here to supper.
July 9, Monday
    Day fine, clear and warm. I am better this morning, not able to be up all the time. Gregory borrowed set [of] harness this morning. He went to head [grain] for Mr. Brooks. My wife and Emma Cole went with Sister Childers to Bro. Fleming's afternoon and Sister Childers went on for home and my wife and Emma went in evening to Bro. Murphy's and stayed late. They got some beets and turnips & brought home with them. Sister Wilson came here awhile before they got home, and stayed until they came. Uncle John Hamrick and James M. Hamrick came past on their way to Willow Prairie on Big Butte to look out for home to move to.
July 10, Tuesday
    Morning cloudy but clouds soon became scattering and the sun shone out most of the time. Frank Parker and hand of Dr. Parker's by the name of Clark were here all night last night. Gregory went past to cut grain for Bro. Fleming. I am gradually recovering from my sickness. I went out in the field with Frank; he rode Joe and I rode Jack. Afternoon Lee Grigsby brought our mail from town. McFerrin was here, he paid $2.25 he owed for bacon and paid $12.50 for 100 lbs. side meat he is to get as he wants it. I wrote an article [for] P. C. Messenger on terms of admission into Christ's kingdom.
July 11, Wednesday
    Day clear and pleasant. Uncle Jno. W. Hamrick and James M. returned about 7, o'clock last evening [from] Willow Prairie on Big Butte but took up no home up there. They like some places very well but could not get them. They stayed here all night and left this morning. Near noon today Merriman and his wife and Mrs. Constant came here on a visit, and stayed until near 5 o'clock this evening. I am on the mend, have put in the day in reading [and] conversation. Simeon March come and got some medicine for his mother, 1 bottle of Marsters' Medicine for 50 cts., not paid.
July 12, Thursday
    Day clear and warm. Gregory went with me in spring wagon to Phoenix to attend annual meeting of P. of H. Milling Company. The showing of the company was not satisfactory to many. There were 27 voters present out about 100. The company is yet behind. Wagner gave satisfaction for the time he has been managing the affairs. He has it for another year on same terms as before. The old directors re-elected. I asked the voters not to vote for me as I could not afford to serve unless I was paid for it.
July 13, Friday
    Day clear and quite warm. Gregory commenced heading for us this morning, headed near 20 acres of wheat in the field next the house, Frank helped in afternoon. I went to Jacksonville. I settled up with Silas J. Day for the freight Smith hauled last summer, paid me $19.40. I paid Jas. Birdseye on fixing spring wagon $20. I wrote to Carter to Redding, and told him to bring freight for Max Muller & Co. Mrs. Wertry went with me to town, I got $2.75 worth at Reames Bros. store for Gatewood.
July 14, Saturday
    Day clear and pleasant. Gregory finished cutting in the field next to the house, against 11 o'clock this forenoon, out about 10 acres. I commence to make a gate, but did not get it done. In afternoon wife and I went to Central Point Grange. The old Bro. Granger that lives on the Hopwood place was there. He is quite a talker. Had very good Grange. I borrowed $50, fifty dollars, of Central Point Grange. Paid W. B. Kincaid forty dollars for his daughters school teaching Emma went to Bro. Flemings while we were at Grange.
July 15, Sunday
    Day sultry hot, in afternoon came up a tremendous rain and thunder storm, blew considerable of fence down. Rained and filled the holes around our house with water. My wife, Emma Cole, Lucindy Gregory and I went to Brownsboro to have meeting at 11 o'clock. There [was] no one there but us & J. F. Gregory & H. Turpin there, consequently I did not preach there, but my company and I came back to Sister Williams' and dinnered there and I preached in evening in Antelope school house, to a very few people.
July 16, Monday
    Day warm and cloudy most of the day, in afternoon quite a thunder shower over considerable of the valley, did not rain much here. I fixed up fence all day and Frank most of the day. Gregory, Hill, Chedister and Gatewood helped me about 3 hours in afternoon, and Gregory about 1 hour more after supper. They were all here to supper. Did not get done fixing up what the storm on Sunday blew down in a few minutes. Frank had a light fit about half past nine o'clock tonight.
July 17, Tuesday
    Morning a little cloudy and pleasant, cleared off in the day. Levi Murphy helped with my fence today. We got most of it up today. Levi Gregory brought some fence posts yesterday and J. F Gregory brought a load of rails today. Frank and I worked at fence and got stock out of grain. There were quite a number of cattle in my grain all night, and in the day the stock got a couple of boards off of the fence, a lot of our hogs and sheep got in the wheat and wasted it much.
July 18, Wednesday
    Day clear and warm. Frank and I fenced stocks, and in afternoon about 4 o'clock Mr. Mulkey and Miss Flora Cooper came to get married, Mr. Williams and wife, Mr. Moon and wife and Mrs. Hubbard came along, also 2 of Simpsons' girls were here.
    In evening Frank and I went and got a lot of over 20 of our hogs out of our grain.
July 19, Thursday
    Day clear and warm. Frank and I went to Jacksonville. Mr. Turner got a letter from Carter, he wrote they would leave Redding on Tuesday 17th inst. I got the money H. Wilkinson was owing which was nine dollars from Matt Obenchain. I paid Wes. Kahler thirty-five dollars on a note I was owing his father. We worked Joe to town, he done first rate. I took the deed from Archer to the Hamrick place to town to have it recorded, paid $1. for it, got coffee boiler from Kahler for 75 cts. Sent by Jas. Childers to Cole 100 lbs. flour. Returned marriage certificate of Mulkey & Cooper.
July 20, Friday
    Day a little cloudy and quite warm. Frank and I fixed some fence and got some hogs out of the grain and pulled some mustard in forenoon and in afternoon wife, Emma Cole and I went to Bros. Fleming's then I came home and got 100 lbs. flour for Bro. F and his wife, paid $4 for it and 50 lbs. got before. Then we came home and went to Gregory's, found her son and Frank there. We came on home altogether. Pleas. Fountain was here to dinner & paid $5 for his father.
July 21, Saturday
    Morning cloudy in east, thundered some and rained a little here, rained in mtns. east of us considerable. I and Frank fixed fence in forenoon and a little in afternoon. In evening we took Jack & Joe to ride out into field after watering. Joe commenced jumping with Frank and threw him off and hurt him some. I went down into field by the springs after supper and found Pink with young calf. Bro. I. B. & I. F. Williams went to Jacksonville today. I sent in for the mail, got a letter from M. C. Morris and one from Anna James, Jesse's daughter. Sent $8.50 to Kahler, cot recy. [sic--got receipt?]
July 22, Sunday
    Morning very near clear and quite pleasant. Pink Cole came down last evening with Childers and brought 2 of their mules and 2 of Childers' horses & stayed all night here with them. Gatewood came here before breakfast. My wife, Emma Cole and I went over river to meeting, Bro. and Sister March and 2 children went with us in our wagon to meeting. We worked Jack and Joe, they done well. We crossed at ferry. I preach to a small [audience] and once from First Psalm. I agreed to be back over there on the 4th Sunday in next month to have 2 meetings.
July 23, Monday
    Day clear most of the time and quite pleasant. Gregory came on to head our oats, got along well. I pulled mustard out of corn and finished fixing corn field and then went to look for Uncle Jno. Hamrick cow but did not find her. I got letter from Carter; he expected to leave Redding on the 17th inst. I eat dinner at McKenzies', then came home past Pruetts' to let them [know] I heard from his boy and Carter Frank helped Gregory. Levi Murphy mow on my little patch of timothy.
July 24, Tuesday
    Day clear and warm. Gregory headed today again. They have headed over 40 acres in my oats in 2 days. Frank carried water and went to store for Gregory, I let him work Kate and old John this afternoon, to the header. L. Murphy finished cutting the timothy today. I shocked it nearly all, am very tired tonight.
July 24, Tuesday
    Day clear and warm, Gregory headed on oats today, worked Kate and John again. I wrote a letter to Anna James to Love, Amador Co., Cal. I finished putting up my hay and went down to Bro. March's to see Turpin and Childers about when they would be here to thresh and they promised to be here to thresh on Monday next. I went up to see Bro. Fleming about what his hurry was about heading, and found all his trouble to be, he thinks he will lose grain. I went to Bro. Wilson's, got 23½ lbs. beef this evening. Pleas. Fountain commenced after dinner today to help thresh.
July 26, Thursday
    Day warm and clear. Gregory finished cutting 75 acres of oats for us against noon today, and went to cut for Bro. Fleming. I went to Jacksonville and then to Gasburg to mill and got 400 lbs. of flour out of new wheat, let Wertz have 100 lbs., and brought one hundred for Gregory. Frank went to Davis' and got some tar to tar our sheep's noses. I saw our Hamrick cow as I came on from Merrimans', going up with their cattle.
July 27, Friday
    Day clear and warm. Gregory finished cutting for Bro. Fleming and came and cut about 6 acres of our wheat next to little field. Frank and I went over by Merrimans' and got our Hamrick cow, and in afternoon we fed our sheep tar and daubed their noses with tar. Frank helped Gregory and my wife had to help me with the sheep. It made me very sore catching and holding the sheep,. My wife baked some bread for Sister Fleming. Turpin and hands came to Bro. Fleming's with thresher just at night.
July 28, Saturday
    Day clear and warm, Gregory went to heading. On our last piece of wheat his reel broke and he did not cut much before dinner. Frank and I hauled 3 loads hay on one of Gregory's header wagons before dinner, this finished our hay hauling. Gregory broke his header again after dinner. He did not get done heading my grain by about 5 acres of wheat, he has headed about 120 acres. I put my hogs into the big field this evening.
July 29, Sunday
    Morning cool and cloudy, day sometimes cloudy and sometimes sunny, very pleasant. I went to the mouth of Foots Creek and had meeting twice and after last discourse immersed James Wallace. Was not a very large hearing, had plenty of dinner on the ground. My wife, Emma Cole and Frank went down to our school house to meeting and then got Malissy Dennis to come to help cook for threshing. Carter got home from Redding, had good luck and got along well. His expenses were heavy. G. W. Bailey paid me one dol. for Review.
July 30, Monday
    Day clear and pleasant. I went to Davis' and got 67 lbs. beef at 6 cts. per lb. in forenoon. Turpin threshed Davis' grain in forenoon and in afternoon about 3 o'clock he commenced threshing for us. Threshed 451½ bushels oats for us this evening. I wrote for A. C. Review for G. W. Bailey for 6 months and Elias Hughes 1 year. Rec. letter from M. E. Daugherty, my Daugherty, informing us of the death of Sister Pheby Gray, also a notice of Sister [omission] death here.
July 31, Tuesday
    Day clear and pleasant. We threshed all of the oats and began on wheat, and threshed 125 bushels, had only 1314 bushels of oats off of 75 acres of ground sowed in the best order. I even put in oats on my farm. Had 15 men and boys to help thresh today. Let Bro. March have 19 lbs. side bacon, Dunlap the blacksmith from Gasburg was here to dinner. F. Wertz got 50 lbs. flour this evening.
August 1, Wednesday
    Day clear and pleasant. We finished our threshing about 4 o'clock P.M. today. Had 615 bushels of wheat all together threshed. Dennis was here and settled what he owed for bacon. Let Turpin have 200 lbs. oats for Wertz. Threshing come to $60.00. Loaded 80 bushels wheat for to take to Gasburg on tomorrow. I went and seen Pruett in evening and also Gregory and got their proxies to vote for them at mill meeting tomorrow
August 2, Thursday
    Most of this day cloudy and cool with some appearance for rain. Carter and Frank took a load of wheat to P. of H. Mills by machine measure 80 bushels and by mill weight 79 bushels and 58 lbs. I went to Phoenix and settled with mill co. and according to their showing they owed me including Pruett's freight to Weaverville $47.21. They paid that amount. This does not include the wheat we put in today. I attended the meeting of mill co. Had considerable debate about directors' management. I with others are not well pleased with all of their proceedings.
August 3, Friday
    Day cool and cloudy part of the time. Carter went to work for Gregory. I and the 2 Bro. Williams went to Jacksonville in our spring wagon and I got an order of H. Klippel on E. B. Watson for $50 on freight of retort, and drawed the money. Took Solomon eggs 9 doz. and paid him 50 cts. beside the eggs and got Emma Cole a pair of $2 shoes. Paid Jas. Hamlin $30. interest on his notes on me.
August 4, Saturday
    Morning and evening cool, day sunny and warm. Jno. Murphy and Eccles, and Levi and his family came here about 10 o'clock A.M., and Brother Williams and their wives a little before dinner, after dinner Williams and my wife and I went to the Grange and Emma Cole went to Wilsons'. There were not many at the Grange. This is the first Grange Williamses have attended in Oregon. Isaacs were there, Bro. Bailey and wife & 3 children came this evening. Subject next Grange shall we keep up the order of the Grange
August 5, Sunday
    Day clear and warm. We had meeting at Mound District school house at 11 o'clock and at the new school house 2 miles south of us hear Garrisons in evening. Had very good hearing at both places. At first first-named place subject Obedience, I Samuel 15th, 22nd. Last-named place Gospel of John 3rd Chapt. 19th verse, "The Light." My wife, Emma Cole and Wertz's 2 girls went with me in our spring wagon to both meetings. Jno. Murphy started back to where Bros. Campbell & Stump is camped this morning. Bro. Baileys attended forenoon meeting and then went home.
August 6, Monday
    Day clear and quite warm. Carter went down to Oliver's to get a load of wheat for Turpin and came home against noon and in afternoon he and Frank took it over to Eagle Point. Had 106 1/5 bushels. Frank and I cleaned up the wheat where we threshed here by the house, and commenced to stack the straw. Pink Cole and Bro. Childers & boys went to the store before dinner and after dinner Sister Childers and them and Emma Cole went up to Childers'. It is quite warm tonight.
August 9, Thursday
    Day clear and warm. We got 75 cts. of fruit of Jno. and Cole and I peeled most of the peaches. We got 25 cts. worth of Siberian crabs, in afternoon Levi Murphy, Cole, Frank, and I stacked straw here by the house. Did not get quite done. Carter helped Gregory to thresh today. Gregory got done, had about 677 bushels wheat, some over 300 of barley, and 869 of oats. His grain did not turn off much.
August 10, Friday
    Day clear and warm, considerable smoke in valley from fire in mtns. L. Murphy and Cole and Frank stacked straw. I was mistaken, it was this day instead of yesterday that Gregory finished threshing. Carter helped him until he got done.
    I went to Jacksonville, rec. a letter from Mrs. Gupton containing one from P. A. Flint of W.T. which I do not think much of, also I rec. a letter from Abraham Miller accepting the debate. I paid Nunan the Rose debt, and agreed to take Shannon what I owed him in flour from Butte Creek Mill at $22.50 per M.
August 11, Saturday
    Day clear and warm. My wife, Frank and I went to Ashland. Carter stayed at home to take care of things. We went and put up at old Bro. Miller's in Ashland and after supper I visited father Garrett and young Isaac Millers and my wife stayed there all night, I and Frank at Bro. Miller's. Young Isaac has had a very sick child, whooping cough, teething and fever all together.
August 12, Sunday
    Day clear and warm. We had meeting at 11 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P.M. in school house in Ashland. Forenoon discourse 1st Cor. 3rd Chapt., afternoon 1st Psalm, had a respectable hearing. After meeting Frank went home with Uncle Jno. Hamrick and wife and I called on Liza Dignam, Mr. F., Sister Modissete, and McHatters. Bro. Mc. was quite sick, we stayed with him until dark then we went to Mr. Fox's and took tea then I went and stayed with Mc. until after 9 o'clock P.M. then went to Sister Dignam's.
August 13, Monday
    Day clear and pleasant. We disposed of our lard, got our fruit (see memorandum for Aug. 13th) and came home, stopped at Uncle John's and got Frank, got home about 5 o'clock, found all right. I agreed to preach at Ashland every 3 weeks for the time being, met Bro. Kincaid taking 74 bus. wheat for me to Ashland as we came home. I had paid him for it some time ago.
August 14, Tuesday
    Day clear and warm. Carter and Frank helped can fruit in forenoon and in afternoon Carter got Gregory's wagon and got load of wood and in evening he and Frank loaded 23 sacks of wheat in our wagon to take to Gasburg. I went to Butte Creek to see Brother Emery as he is sick and to see Bro. Daley about grinding my wheat, and agreed with him to have my wheat ground on exchange. Went and see Tinkham and bought some wood of him at $1.50 per cord.
August 15, Wednesday
    Clear and warm. I wrote to Bro. Stanley will send five dols. for Sister Root & $5.00 for Bro. Miller. Wrote H. Daugherty, sent Carter to Gasburg with the remainder of the 200 bus. wheat that sold to Wagner. I fix south gate in fence between Gregory and I. Harbaugh came to buy hogs and I offered them to him at 4 cts. per lb., but he wanted them at 3½. Bro. I. M. Harris came at night very unexpectedly. He intends staying a while to have meeting. P. L. Fountain and Emer Cole came in evening to stay all night.
August 16, Thursday
    Some light clouds in sight, day quite warm, night a little cooler. Sent Carter and Frank to Butte Creek Mill with 5401 lbs. wheat, 1554 lbs. of it I got of Turpin for which I have to give him the same number of lbs. of oats. Wife and I and Mrs. Wertz and Mr. Gregory went to town to attend Pomona Grange. Brother Harris went over onto Applegate. Emer Cole went with the boys to mill. They got the bran and shorts out of the amt. of wheat they took. They came past Tinkham's timber and got near a cord of wood. A Big Butte Creek man is here with his team to hay tonight.
August 17, Friday
    Day a little cloudy at times, with thunder far off. Carter, Frank and I went and moved 2 houses for Bro. Fleming and went to move one for McFerrin and one of our logs broke and Mc. and I went to Beck's and got 2 logs and brought them to Bro. Fleming's. It was the Howlett house we were going to move.
August 18, Saturday
    Day mostly clear and warm and considerably smoky. This morning the boys and I went to move the Howlett house. We got it moved before noon, all in good order. Carter and Frank took Beck's logs home. Mr. Berry that lives with Jno. Watson took dinner with us. After dinner my wife and I went to Grange but not many there and we did not have Grange but we went to see Merriman as Berry said they thought he was dying this morning but he is a little better this evening.
August 19, Sunday
    Clear and warm. Arth Hamrick and Frank went over on Little Butte Creek about ½ mile below Daley's and Emery Mill on across back to camp meeting and my wife, Sister Fleming and I went in our spring wagon. We were bothered to find where they had as they announce one place and had it in another. We did not get there until noon. Stahl preached in forenoon and Hurlburt in afternoon. McFerrin and his wife and Mrs. Mills & Mrs. Tryer [Fryer?] joined the South Methodist.
August 20, Monday
    Day clear and warm & smoky. Bro. Williams stayed all night here and went to Jacksonville today and brought us a letter from M. C. Morris and one from Lillie Harkness. They are in usual health. Kittie writes that Robert James is on his way to Oreg. He passed there the 16th instant. Lillie Harkness writes that she had danced and could not promise not to do so any more, although she says she would rather go to meeting than to a dance. It is a pity she and many others do not stand firm on the Lord's side.
August 21, Tuesday
    Day clear warm and smoky. Childers, Getchell and Cole went to Jacksonville today and Frank and McCole's 2 boys stacked straw. Carter and I worked on big wagon. I made sand board and bolster. Carter went in evening and helped Gregorys to butcher a hog, Garrison borrowed the spring wagon to go to Ashland. Old Bro. Childers was here to dinner. Coles were all here and so were James Childers and his boy and Getchell.
August 22, Wednesday
    Day sunny, warm and smoky. Carter went and got 4 horses shod at Merriman's today. Frank and I worked on the big wagon today. Spliced the tongue and put on sand boards &c. Childers and Coles and Getchell left this morning after breakfast. They had been here 4 meals apiece. Cole's boys worked enough for their board and their father's. My wife has been washing and scalding and scrubbing. Mrs. Wertz came on a visit and helped her some. Emma Cole helped her about the housework considerable. They run till after night.
August 23, Thursday
    Day mostly clear. It turned a little cooler last night, wind quite cool this evening. Carter, Frank and I hauled two loads of wood from Tinkham's timber on Little Butte Creek today. Got 2 fish out of Mr. Wallace's trap; they were good. Gregory and his family went up where he is hauling rails from off of Antelope Mtns. to get blackberries yesterday, but did not get many.
August 24, Friday
    Day cloudy and cool, it rained a little last night and showered a little today. Carter, Frank and I got another load of wood this forenoon and they got one in the afternoon. McFerrin and family and Dr. Wall and his son-in-law Mr. Carrington from Johnson Co., Mo. came here before dinner and after Childers & wife and Mr. Cole and Pink came and wife fixed their dinners. Me and the 2 Missourians and I went around over my place and looked at it then went to fish trap and got 4 fish. The Dr. went home with me. Mr. Carrington stayed here.
August 25, Saturday
    Morning a little cloudy, it rained a little more in the night, the day was fine. Mr. Carrington went with me to town. Mrs. Deskins paid five dols. for Messenger and I sent it on for her. I saw Geo. Wimer in town, said all were well. Bro. Harris went to Ashland instead of Williams Creek as I expected him to. Jas. Hamrick said he passed down Friday for Forest Creek. Jas. Hamrick and Jno. and Mr. Carrington are here for the night. Jas. and Carter and Frank went to camp meeting tonight.
August 26, Sunday
    Morning clear, cool, and pleasant. Wife & I and Emma Cole went across Rogue River to meeting. I preached from XV Chapter, Acts. Had dinner on the ground and had 2 meetings, had very good hearing. Carter, Jas. Hamrick and Frank went to camp meeting. Mr. Carrington stayed all night and this morning I let him have Kate to ride to McFerrins' and in evening he and Dr.Wall came down here with their baggage to get me to take them to stage line.
August 27, Monday
    Day clear and pleasant. Carter and Frank hauled 3 cords of four-foot wood. I took Dr. Wall and Mr. Carrington to Ashland, and they paid me four dollars for the trip. I put my horses up in Coolidge's stable, took supper at the Ashland House and stayed at old Bro. Miller's. Mr. Carrington gathered a little wheat out of McKenzie's field to take with him back to Mo. He and Dr. Wall went with me to look at Coolidge's fruit.
August 28, Tuesday
    Day clear and warm. Carter and Frank got one load of wood from our timber. I got 75 lbs. of peaches and nectarines from Mrs. Warner in Ashland, and also 64 lbs. of plums and nectarines from young Isaac Miller, paid two cents per pound, got home about half past five P.M., found all as well as common. We peeled and cut up most of our peaches this evening. Mrs. H. Ralph asked me to have her P.C. Messenger, says she paid the money to Bro. Barnes to pay up for her. The paper comes to her son, Mrs. H. Ralph, Ashland.
August 29, Wednesday
    Rained a few drops this morning, day a little cloudy. Carter, Frank and I loaded 90 bushels and 12 lbs. wheat before dinner and while loading Frank came near having a fit. After dinner we went to Butte Creek to mill and before we got halfway Frank had a fit. He was riding Charley and when he took the fit went down on the reins and his coat caught on the rein or he would fallen head foremost. Carter and I lifted him off and laid him on the ground and let him sleep, then got him [in] the wagon.
August 30, Thursday
    Day mostly clear and warm. Carter and I went to my timber near where Dennis is living, and got a load of wood and in evening we loaded one hundred bushels of oats to take to Cardwell in Jacksonville. Carter got out of humor with Kate and hit her and she jumped and broke a singletree, then Carter got down and went to abusing her and I told him to quit and that if he could not drive without abusing the horses he could quit driving, as I do not want my horses abused.
August 31, Friday
    Day clear and quite warm. Carter and I went to town and took 100 bus. oats to Cardwell. He paid what he owed for butter $2. and I paid him the 100 bus. oats I owed him for breeding Kate, Puss and Nelly to old Mike; this squared our accounts. Ad. Helms brought a Mr. Scott to see my horses; he wants to buy a horse. I offered him Dick & Naylor for $300 but he did not buy them.
September 1, Saturday
    Day clear and warm. Carter and I settle our accounts in full to this date. I owed him $63.83 all told. Sisters Elizabeth and Louisa Gregory were here to dinner, also Lewis Ross took dinner with us. The 2 Sisters G. went in our wagon with us to W. J. Gregory's. Here we left Emma Cole and Sister Louisa Gregory, and Elizabeth G went with my wife and I to our school house to have Grange but our Sec. did not come or send the Secretary's box so we had no Grange.
Sunday, September 2
    Clear and warm. I went to Ashland expecting to meet old Bro. Harris there, but in this I was disappointed; he was not there. Neither did I hear from him. I preached on Acts. of Apostles IV. Had good hearing. Came home, stopped at Phoenix to see Dr. Coburg to see if he thought he could help Frank. My family all went to our school house to meeting. They turned out quite well. Some thought I was to be there.
Monday, September 3
    Day clear and warm. Carter and Levi Murphy and Walter Jones and Harvey and Frank and I went down to Bear Creek and worked tearing out the old bridge and putting in mud sills for a new bridge, got it fixed and ready for the top work above mud sills. I done a half day's work with my horses and a half day with Frank which entitles me to 2 days' work on the road.
September 4, Tuesday
    Day clear and warm. Carter and Eli Vest went after lumber for Bear Creek bridge, and Frank & I went to Phoenix to see Dr. Coburg and did not find him there & when we were about ready to start to Jacksonville from there Robert James and family come from Amador Co., Cal. on their way to our house. We came on together to VanDykes', and we went for town and sent them on for our house. I got a letter from Olwell of Mo. in which was $1.50, and one from G. W. Hamrick.
September 5, Wednesday
    Day clear and warm. Carter did not get home but stayed at Justuses' for which I have to settle $1.25 with Vests. Saw Eli Vest crossing the creek below the bridge. He stalled and we hitched Kate and Dan before their team and they broke loose with the stretchers to them and run off, but did not hurt any of them much. Tore up the harness some and lost singletree clips off of 1 singletree. Robert James, Frank and I went and worked on the bridge. Carter helped some but about noon a stick of timber dropped on his toes and took off two toenails so he could work no more this day.
September 6, Thursday
    Clear and warm. Robert James and I worked on the Bear Creek bridge, also Levi Murphy and Eccles helped. Carter could not work and therefore he went to Gregorys' to stay as he considers that his home. This day 13 years ago we landed in this neighborhood from Cal., strangers in a strange country. Jas. Fairley and family & Uriah Elledge and Lorena were along, now Lorena and Julia A. Fairley are both dead and gone, Jas. in Mo. & Uriah in Cal.
September 7, Friday
    Day clear and warm. Robert James and Frank and I finished fixing the bridge against 2 or 3 o'clock today.
    We have a good bridge now. Harvey worked 2 days, L. Murphy 2 days, E. Murphy 1, R. James 2 days, W. Jones 1 day, L. Carter 2 days, myself and Frank and my team 8 days, total 17 days.
    On Tuesday Sept. 4th I sent my team for a load of bridge plank for which I charge $4. beside Carter's pay for driving. My whole time and team equals ten days' work or $20.
September 8, Saturday
    Morning a little cloudy and cool. I let Robert James have the Archer place on condition Archers do not come back or I get a chance to sell it this fall. If he stays he is to have hay for his team and seed for the ground and give me hope he can raise threshed [sic] and I take it from the machine, Robert & Frank went over to Butte Creek and got a 2-horse load of wood off of Tinkham's land. I made some preparation for the debate.
September 9, Sunday
    Day clear and pleasant. I went to the mouth of Foots Creek and had meeting. Preached on the Christ the only hope for mankind. Text Acts. IV, 12. Had a small hearing but preached the best I could for over an hour. Audience gave good attention and seemed pleased, but no one came forward to confess the Christ. Robert James and his wife stayed at our house while our folks went to the school house to meeting Bro. Fleming was not there, so they had no meeting.
September 10, Monday
    Day cloudy and cool, misted a very little. My wife, Lucinda Gregory and Emma Cole went with me in the spring wagon and Carter & Frank went on horseback to the debate at the Baptist meeting house, in Manzanita district. Merriman was near to dying. We did not debate in afternoon. Robert James went with Gregory to town and got some letters, one from Catherine Morris containing 3 of Smith's pictures that she had taken down there. Mr. Cole and Jas. Childers are here tonight.
September 11, Tuesday
    Day cloudy and cool with a very little mist of rain at times. Robert James and wife and Lucinda Gregory and Sister Wilson went with me in our spring wagon to attend the debate. We debated the first proposition before dinner and the second after dinner. Bro. Miller interrupted me while reading 1st and 2nd Chapts. of 2nd Peter, saying it was a violation of the rules we should observe. I contended it was no violation of any rule to read a whole connection to get proof texts. Jas. Childers and the B. Coles were here from last night until after dinner today.
September 12, Wednesday
    Cloudy and cool. Frank and I went to mill to Butte. Carter helped James to clean out the Archer well in forenoon, in afternoon he and Frank and Chinaman got the hogs up, and Chinaman bought about 70 of them, seven dollars per head. In evening my wife and Carter and Frank and L. N. and W. J. and Elizabeth & Lucinda Gregory and I all went together to the debate., Bro. Miller acted in such a disagreeable manner that I promised not to debate with him anymore.
September 13, Thursday
    Cool and cloudy. Carter Frank and [I] went with Lue Jim Chinaman to drive the hogs I sold him. Carter went to Wm. Plymire's and Frank and I went on to Wagner Creek and stopped for the night with Bro. H. Root. We lost one hog at Plymire's, and Carter tried to drive it home. We started from home with 77 head. We stopped at Gasburg and saw Doctor Cobert and he prepared some medicine for Frank.
September 14, Friday
    A very little cloudy and a little warmer than yesterday. Frank and I go on with Chinaman to Ashland and get part of pay for our hogs. They pay 385 dollars of the $535 which they owed for hogs and helping to drive. I gave Frank $1.50. We started from Ashland at 1 o'clock and got home at 5 o'clock found all well. Then at half past six we started to Baptist Church near Walkers' to meeting, had but few to attend. I preached from Acts IV. 12th. Those that were there appeared well pleased.
September 15, Saturday
    Day sometimes clear and sometimes cloudy, day pleasant. Carter cleaned out the stables today. Frank & Wm. Bailey went hunting and attended to chores. B. Cole came after load of hay for Jas. M. Childers got their dinner here. I went to Jacksonville and paid out nearly all the money I got of China Jim for my hogs, see the cash account for Sept. in this book for full account. Bro. Merriman is yet lingering on this side of eternity. They have been looking for him to die for near a month. James went to Jno. Hamrick's a-visiting today.
September 16, Sunday
    Clear and warm. I called in my appointment for meeting at our school house for 11 o'clock today as the Methodists had camp meeting about ¾ of a mile below Bybee's ferry on south side of Rogue River. I attended their meeting in fore and afternoon. Mr. Hurlburt preached in forenoon and Mr. Mayfield in afternoon. First text Acts. XIX.2, Second man's text I Tim. III.16. Neither of them were correct in their exposition of the texts. When we got home Robert James had got home Carter and Frank and I stayed tonight meeting.
September 17, Monday
    Day clear and warm. Robert James came to work for us today. We first helped Carter to get started to Ashland to get a load of flour for to take to Waldo. Then Robert and I went to cut and put up the corn in the garden. Matt Ish came after me to show him the north line of the Glenn land that joins me on the east. 1 took Frank with me, and went to look for the hog we lost out of the bunch we sold to the Chinaman last Thursday, but we did not find him. I was at the Harveys' and learned there that Merriman died last night about 8 o'clock. Young Bro. Clark came in evening and stopped for the night.
September 18, Tuesday
    Day clear and quite warm. Robert & Frank hauled wood for Robert. My wife, Emma Cole and I went to Merriman's burying at Jacksonville. There were 27 buggies and wagons in the procession, and several on horseback. When we got to the cemetery there was quite a collection in attendance burying Mr. Ray's child, from Applegate. We went and got 2¢ worth of crackers and 25 cts. worth of grapes at Jas. Drum's and eat for lunch. Sister Widow Root ate some with us. I paid 50 cts. for my horses in Plymale's stable. Bro. Clarke paid 50 cts. of [omission?] Plymales all night.
September 19, Wednesday
    Day warm and clear. Frank and I went and looked again for our hog but [did not] find him. Then went to Gregorys and helped him to get off to the sawmill on Rogue River. Let him have ten dollars to go on what I am owing Mr. Brooks. A Bro. Hardesty of Santa Rosa, Cal. came here in forenoon and looked around some. He wants to rent a place in the valley. I went after dinner and showed him the Jno. Hamrick place, and then went by where he was camped at Amy's and seen his family and went and showed him the Humphrey place and he came home with me and stayed all night.
September 20, 1877, Thursday
    Morning a little cloudy. Hardesty left for his camp before breakfast this morning. Robert came and got 12 lbs. bacon this morning before breakfast as something stole his last night. I went to the Butte Creek Mill today to see whether Vest had wheat enough there to pay an order he gave J. F. Gregory for twenty-five dollars' worth of flour. Bro. Daley did not know whether he had enough or not. I got an order from Wm. Neil on Wm. Forsythe for $20. to be credited on L. Strong's note on Neil. Bro. Daley paid $5. for P.C. Messenger. I wrote to L. Strong and Bro. Stanley today.
September 21, 1877, Friday
    Day clear and pleasant. Robert hauled manure on the garden most of the day today and all day yesterday. Uncle Jno. Hamrick and Jane and the 2 youngest children stayed at Robert's last night and was here to dinner today. Jno. rented the Humphrey place of Wm. B. Kincaid and agrees to pay $2.50. Frank and I burned stubble today. Eccles Murphy borrowed 2 candles. Mr. Turner, Levi's brother-in-law from Linn Co., Oregon, came to Levi's on a visit this evening. Robert James & family were here to supper this evening.
September 22, Saturday
    Saturday clear and pleasant. My wife Frank and Emma Cole went with me by Jacksonville and then to Ashland. I sent a letter to Levi's, Strong & also one to D. T. Stanley containing P.O. m. order for $5. for P.C. Messenger for Bro. Daley of Eagle Point. Robert James and family stayed at our house while we were gone to Ashland. Carter got back from Waldo this evening. Robert hauled manure today. 
September 27, 1877, Thursday
    Day a little cloudy and cool. We put hay from the stack into the mow. Robert helped in evening. We all went and took supper up at the Archer place with Robert, which is the first meal we have ever taken with them at their table. Had good supper and enjoyed it well. When we got [home] our sheep were not up and I went and hunted for them but it was so dark we did not find them.
September 28, 1877, Friday
    Day cool cloudy and showery. Robert and I cut and put up 25 shocks of corn. We found the sheep scattered this morning and found two dead. This makes five of the Naylor sheep that are dead. This evening Anna James and Levi Murphy and family and Mr. Turner and family were here to supper.
September 29, 1877, Saturday
    Day very little cloudy and cool. Robert cut and put up 12 shocks of corn. Frank cut or sawed some wood and put some in the wood house and then went to Gregorys'. I went with young Isaac Williams and Mr. McFerrin to Jacksonville. Got a letter from Mrs. Ann Martin and one from Lewis Strong. Mrs. Martin had not yet got the $150 from Mr. Steel that the Chinaman was to pay him, as a balance is due on my hogs.
September 30, 1877, Sunday
    Morning clear with some little freeze. Evening a little cloudy and cool. Robert and Anna and all of us went to our school house to meeting. I preached on the two last verses of 3rd Chapt. of Second Timothy to a small but attentive congregation.
    Old Sister G. G. March united with us. She had not been united with a congregation for many years.
October 1, 1877, Monday
    Day cool and showery, but it rained but very little. Robert and I went out in morning and cut four shocks of corn. It rained enough to wet the corn so we quit and I wrote an article for P.C. Messenger and in evening went and helped Cole to get a hog of Gregory.
October 2, 1877, Tuesday
    This morning is the first foggy morning of the fall. The fog went off before noon. The day was fine. Robert helped us about getting our hogs up to mark the pigs and sort out the ones we want to fat. We have about 24 to feed and about fifty pigs and shoats. We killed one to eat; it was wild and contrary.
October 3, 1877, Wednesday
    Day a little cloudy at intervals, was very pleasant. Robert and Frank went to Gregorys' and got 200 lbs. of salt that belonged to J. Wm. Childers and on their return got a load of squashes out of the corn field. I husked the 2 shocks of corn in southeast corner of the garden and this afternoon Robert husked the other 3 shocks in the garden. Children, Getchell and Cole and Pink Cole were here to dinner. Carter got back from Kerbyville about dusk. He took 4,000 lbs. flour from Wagner, rec. $5. on it. Load come to $36.
October 4, 1877, Thursday
    Thursday cool and little cloudy. Robert cut 10 shocks corn. Tho. McKenzie come up this morning and spayed some sows and learned us how to attend to them in new way to us. We put our fatting hogs up this morning. Carter did not work today. I went to Jacksonville and went into Pomona Grange and called for demits for myself and wife, paid two dollars to the Grange. Got a few things for Robert and 2 pair drawers for Carter from Solomon's.
October 5, 1877, Friday
    Day very little cloudy and very pleasant. Robert and L. Carter and I gathered Robert's wagon bed heaped full of corn this forenoon and in afternoon Robert & Lawrence husked what they could and then finished their load out of some that Jno. W. Hamrick's boys had shucked. They are cutting and husking some for the fodder. Bro. and Sister Wilson were here to dinner and stayed until about half past 3 o'clock today. Sam Chedister took dinner here today. T. W. Isaacs was here and I agreed to send for him some groceries.
October 6, Saturday
    Saturday clear and warm. Robert, Frank and Carter hauled 3 loads of squashes in the big wagon with four horses. I went to the Butte Creek Mill and got 200 lbs. flour and bought 50 lbs. of cornmeal of Mr. Armstrong for $1.75 and borrowed $4.25 of Inlow to send to the Secretary of State Grange to pay our quarterly dues. In afternoon my wife and I went to our Grange. Emma Cole went to Bro. Fleming's to stay while I went to Grange. G. W. Bressler got 65 lbs. meal from Armstrong and paid me 2.25 for it.
October 7, Sunday
    Day clear and pleasant. My wife, Emma Cole and Robert James and family went with me across Rogue River at Bybee's upper ferry to Antioch school house to meeting. I preached 2 discourses on Hebrews XII, last verse. Had very good hearing, had some dinner on the ground but not very much. Mr. Satterfield and wife went home after first discourse because they had no dinner there. Old man Hannah went away after helping to eat the dinner. Carter and Frank went to Gregorys'. Frank had another of those spells come on him while there.
October 8, Monday
    Monday clear and pleasant. Carter and Robert hauled 3 big wagonloads of squashes. Frank and I went and helped Gregory spay and separate hogs. He put 109 fatting hogs in his corn field. In the afternoon Frank took another of those sleepy spells that he has been having for a week or two. Mr. Cole and boys were here today covering Childers' hay stack, and stopped for the night. Mr. Black was here for the night also.
October 9, Tuesday
    Tuesday clear and pleasant. Robert and Carter hauled squashes in Robert's wagon today with Charley and Dick. Frank and I went to Walker's to get a crippled Durham calf, but it is too much of a cripple to drive, therefore we left it. We came past W. W. Gage's and he paid me five dollars he was owing me for a yearling steer he got last winter.
    J. S. Grigsby come tonight to get me to write a letter to W. F. Owen of Roseburg for him a wagon.
October 10, Wednesday
    Wednesday morning clear, but before noon began to cloud up and in afternoon it rained a little. Robert and Carter gathered and hauled corn. Frank and I went to Merriman's shop and got the big wagon repaired, cost five dollars. We got 11 old bridge planks worth about as much as one day's work on the road, as we came on home from the shop. Did not rain enough to wet through the dust; there has not been rain enough this fall to start the volunteer or grass.
October 11, Thursday, 1877
    Day a little cloudy and pleasant. Carter, Robert and I hauled fodder and corn in forenoon and in afternoon they hauled and I put new glider to the big wagon and made a short coupling pole, and fixed the rack so Carter might get an early start for Big Butte Creek to get lumber tomorrow. Frank killed a small wild goose today and my wife fried it for supper tonight and Robert and Anna were here to supper. They liked the goose.
October 12, 1877, Friday
    Day a little cloudy, rained a little about dusk. Carter & Frank started to Big Butte to get lumber this morning. Robert and I hauled 2 loads of corn and fodder. We had 6 good loads of corn and fodder. This afternoon Robert and I husked a part of a load of corn off of the stalk. My wife and Emma gathered about 1½ bushel of Rambo apples out of our orchard. Pink Cole was here looking for pasture for their horses; he was here to dinner. Lucinda Gregory is here tonight.
October 13, 1877, Saturday
    Morning rainy day, clear part of the time. Robert hauled manure. I went to town and took in 8 dozen eggs and 8 lbs. butter, and 5 ten-lb. cans of lard. Let Drum have 3 cans lard and 8 lbs. butter and 3 doz. eggs and got box candles, $5 and other things for lard. Got pair boots for myself off Langell for three cans lard, 4 dozen eggs and five dollars in money for them. Carter and Frank got back from Big Butte about dark, only got 500 ft. of flooring and 6 joists which cost at the mill $8.50.
October 14, Sunday
    Day clear and pleasant. I went to Ashland and had meeting. There was a large crowd out. Agent Roark and the Indians from Yainax Reservation were there in goodly numbers. 3 of the Indians spoke at night. They did well. I preached twice. 3 Indians spoke at night on Religion.
October 15, Monday
    Day clear and pleasant. I went from Ashland by Jacksonville and on home. On the way I met H. Norton on his way with his team to Redding, and he said I could get a load and I came home and arranged to send my team. I found Carter had an ague on yesterday. The rest were all well as common, Robert gathered corn.
    I stayed last night at old Bro. Miller's.
October 16, Tuesday
    Day clear and warm. Carter and I started for to go to Ashland and he to go to Redding but he had another ague before he got to Phoenix and sent him on home. I loaded 3000 lbs. flour here and went on to Ashland with my team, intending to hire a man and send on to Redding but could not find a suitable man and did not hire any. I put my team up at Woodson's and he took care of it and fed it hay and oats for $2. I stayed at old Bro. Miller's. Robert gathered corn.
October 17, Wednesday
    Day clear and warm. I let Bro. Miller and son have 1300 lbs. of the oats I had for feed and let Mr. Atkinson have the 3000 lbs. flour. He paid me $2. for hauling it from Phoenix to Ashland. I got 64 lbs. grapes of old Bro. Muller and 137 lbs. pears and 14 lbs. dried blackberries and 3 lbs. dried nectarines of P. O. Miller, and I returned home with my team, found Sister Davidson and daughter here. They and Bro. Davidson came here about 10 o'clock last night. He went to mill today and got back here to supper tonight. Frank had the hardest fit just awhile before I got home he ever had. He was out by the work bench and fell, and was under it when they got to him.
October 18, Thursday
    Clear and pleasant. Bro. and Sister Davidson and daughter went to Levi Murphy's and Bro. D. went to Buttes and got his flour and came back to Levi's and stopped for the night. Robert gathered corn. Carter had the ague. I was not able to be up much on account of my back being so lame. My wife has to see after things in the house and out of doors. She washed today. Lucinda Gregory was here a while in the afternoon.
    Robert gathered corn yesterday,
October 19, Friday
    Day clear and pleasant. Robert gathered corn. I am not any better in my back. Carter went to Gregory's to get some ague pills. Sisters Elizabeth and Sarah Gregory came past, Sarah on her way home and Elizabeth going with her as far as Bro. Fleming, then she returned and after dinner her and my wife went over to Bybee's ferry to see Mrs. Gupton about her relationship with the Church. She does not consider that she done any wrong in getting a divorce from Burch and marrying Gupton and therefore does not think she should be dealt with by the Church. Turpin and Cole came to stay all night tonight.
October 20, Saturday
    Morning clear. Day hazy and evening windy with appearance for rain. Turpin, Cole and Robert weighed out 2146 lbs. wheat for me out of Childers' and Turpin's wheat up at the Archer place. My wife, Frank, Emma Cole, Bro. Fleming and I went to our school house to meeting in our spring wagon. Mrs. H. A. Gupton, Mrs. A. M. Grigsby, Mr. Walter Jones and Mr. J. W. Burch were withdrawn from by the church. There were but a few present, but the action was unanimous. Carter had another ague today. Robert cut some wood after they got done with the wheat.
October 21, Sunday
    Day a little cloudy and cool. Robert and family went with us in our spring wagon to our school house to meeting. I preached on last part of Sixteenth Chapt. Matthew. Had a very good hearing for the circumstances. After meeting, a Sister Cryder and her son Henry Cryder and a Sister Aldridge came up with us. We rode with them in their wagon. Sister Emery and Nick Armstrong were also here to dinner. Sister Aldridge lives at Frank Ball's.
October 22, Monday
    Day rainy, very light rain today. Bro. Fleming took my reply to T. P. Campbell and a letter to G. W. Rice for 3 subscribers for Review, one to Bro. Stanley with $2.50 for Sister Dignam for Messenger, one to Hat and one to Frank Daugherty. The one to Hat had Smith's picture in it. Robert got the Gregory bull out of Bro. Fleming's field. Frank Robert killed a horned wether for mutton. Robert cleaned of the stable. He only worked half a day. My back is better but not well. Gatewood was here to dinner. Carter went to Gregory's yesterday.
October 23, Tuesday
    Day cloudy with very little rain. Morning quite foggy. Robert gathered corn. My wife husked 4 baskets of corn out of the shock. Frank and I went to Jacksonville. I got 2 letters for Robert and Anna Jones, and one for my wife from her sister M. C. Smith of Galt, Cal. Jas. Fryer paid me six dollars for oats he got last spring. Robert Potter paid me $32.00 for 4 tons of hay he is to get hereafter. Sara and Andrew Potter came here this evening with 20 hogs of their father's they are driving to Bybee.
October 24, Wednesday
    Day cloudy, commenced to rain about sunset. The 2 Potter boys fed their hogs 2 sacks of corn in the night and morning. C. Armstrong and Frank hauled in six shocks of corn and fodder and Robert and I husked nearly a wagonful off of the stalk before dinner, and after dinner Nick Armstrong, Robert and I husked a piling wagonful. Frank shot 2 geese this afternoon; Emma took one of them to Anna, Robert got 20 lbs. flour and McFerrin got 23 lbs. of bacon this evening.
October 25, Thursday
    Day cloudy, rained but little. Nick Armstrong, Robert and Frank and I finished gathering the corn off of the stalks late this evening, we gathered about fifty bushels at 3 loads, Frank only helped gather one.
    He killed 2 little geese, gave Anna one. I got very tired, my back is not well. My wife washed and hulled out most of her beans. She thinks she has enough to do us.
October 26, Friday
    Day sunny part of the time. My wife, Emma Cole, Frank and I gathered our apples. We had about 6 or 8 bushels of good apples. Levi Murphy came and got a load of hay for Howlett this morning, about three-fourths of a ton. Robert and Armstrong are hauling wood for Robert, only got 1 four-horse load out of Bressler's field. Carter came from Gregorys' and got $20. Gatewood borrowed the rifle. Frank killed 4 geese; Armstrong crippled one or two geese but got none.
October 27, Saturday
    Morning early a little rainy, showery in afternoon. Frank killed 2 more little geese today. I went to town and sold geese Frank killed for 75 cts. I paid Alexander Martin forty dols. on what I owe him, paid Reames Bros. $1. for prints [sic] and 50 cts. for powder. Got a letter with receipt for $100. from Mrs. Ann Martin and telegraphed to Mr. E. Steel of Yreka, Cal. to know if the Chinaman had paid him $150. for me, got no answer. Got a letter from Lewis Strong requesting me to collect the Neil note and send him $20, and keep the other on what he owed me. Gregory & Gatewood were here until bed time.
October 28, Sunday
    Morning clear and frosty. It showered through the night. This is my birthday. I am 57 years old. I went to Sams Valley near Mr. Pankey's and had meeting in the school house, had a very good hearing. Subject, the building of the [omission] of Christ Matthew XVI, no additions. I came back to Bro. S. March's place and dinnered with Bro. Scott of Cal. He is married to Maston Bennett's daughter, Agnes. They formerly lived on West Locust, Sullivan Co., Mo. I came on home late & stopped at Guptons' a few minutes.
October 29, Monday
    Morning clear and frosty. Ice froze near half-inch thick and in the shade did not all thaw during the day. Levi Murphy got another load of hay for Howlett. Robert and Frank sawed wood and helped me to take the wagon bed off and put the rack on the big wagon and load 30 bushels of oats for Howlett and about 30 bushels of wheat to take to Butte Mill. Frank had another blind spell while we were loading the oats, Bro. Williams paid me $24.50 today which was all he owed me. I paid a Dutchman $1 for 100 lbs. pots. [potatoes].
October 30, Tuesday
    Morning frosty, day clear. I started Carter to Big Butte sawmill for lumber. He took 32 bushels and 13 lbs. wheat to the mill and 30 bushels oats to Howlett at the foot of rocky [sic]. Howlett paid him for the oats and $8 on the hay, total $20. Levi Murphy loaded about 500 pickets, to bring from Sills for me. I went over to Butte Creek and helped Carter to unload the wheat, and paid Inlow $4.50 that I owed him. Bought 50 cts. worth of shot of Brown, Brown gave me one potato that weighed over 2½ lbs.
October 31, Wednesday
    Morning frosty, day clear and pleasant. Robert and I shucked corn this forenoon. At noon Mr. Roberts & Mr. O. Neil came to get the balance of their seed wheat. They got 133⅓ bushels for $93.25 after we got wheat measured up. Robert shucked corn and I went with a Mr. Bailey to show him the Jno. W. Hamrick place to sell it to him. He agreed to take it and pay $720. with one percent interest and pay for it next August. We went to see Magruder but he was not at home.
November 1, Thursday
    Morning clear and frosty day, pleasant evening, hazy with appearance for rain. Carter and Robert hauled one big load of wood off of Bressler's land. In evening we killed a hog and turned the little Robert sow out of fatting hogs' pen as she would not fatten much. Levi Murphy came and I helped him load Howlett's last load of hay. This makes him about 2¼ tons. I and Frank unloaded the load of corn we shucked yesterday over the wheat granary, and hauled 2 little loads of hay to the mow.
November 2, Friday
    It commenced before day to rain and rained until after daylight then was cloudy at [noon] and rained more or less the most of the day. Cart [Carter], Frank and I went to town. I got Frank a coat at Reames Bros. for nine dollars, and got 2 yd. bed ticking for 75 cts. I gave Tho. Reames seventy-three dollars and fifty cts. to lift a note Granville Naylor holds against me. I also paid Alex. Martin forty dollars. I paid Carter $5.00. Levi Murphy brought the balance of my pickets from the mountains. This day thirteen years ago we moved on the south end of the land I got of Amy.
November 3, Saturday
    Morning rainy, very cloudy, sun shined a little while about 1 o'clock my wife and I went to our school house to Grange about 10 o'clock, took dinner along. Were others there with dinner, had few there, had plenty of dinner, done but little business, and had no debate on any subject. I paid Mrs. Brooks $20.00 to credit on my note to Brooks. Grange voted to give me credit on my account with Grange for $4.25 paid by me to State Grange Secretary. Carter and Frank were at the dinner. Bro. Samuel March sent sacks salt and kegs syrup by me to Bro. Fleming.

November 4, Sunday
    Morning rainy, day cloudy, it rained in evening, but not much from about 10 to 5 o'clock. I went to Ashland to have meeting. The North Methodist and Presbyterians have moved to the Academy to hold their meetings. Mr. J. B. Donaldson, the Presbyterian preacher, held meeting in the Academy at 11 and at night; at the same hour I held meeting in the school house. He had many more hearers than I did. He wrote me a letter which I rec. at meeting. I preached to a few attentive hearers from the fifteenth chapt. of Jno. All seemed pleased. At night Bro. Nutley was at our meeting and read tenth chapt. of Jno. & I preached from it.
November 5, Monday
    Rainy most of the day. I wrote a reply to Mr. Donaldson's letter at Bro. Miller's where I stayed and Mr. Donaldson came along just as I had it ready to give to Bro. Miller to take it to him, and I called him in and gave him the letter myself, and by persuasion I got him to agree to the publication of both our letters in the Ashland Tidings [transcribed below]. I came on home and found all well and found Wayne Oliver and Angeline Centers here waiting for me to marry them, which I did about half past two o'clock P.M. Rec. $2.50 for the same. Emma Cole came back here today.
November 6, Tuesday
    Day showery, sun shined about 10 minutes. Carter and I went to Eagle Point to mill, got 1000 lbs. flour and 375 lbs. bran and six hundred 600 lbs. salt and 133 lbs. sugar from Robert Brown, for $36.45 and paid him $15.00, which leaves me owing Mr. Brown 21.45 yet. Saw Wm. Neil and told him Mr. Wm. Forsythe promised to come down this week and pay him, and if he does I told him to pay what I owed to Brown. Jas. W. Simpson says he wants to renew his subscription for the Journal and Farmer.
November 7, Wednesday
    Morning cloudy, rained some before day. Clouds passed away about noon, afternoon clear and warm I finished fitting up my plow and husked corn before noon, and in afternoon I plowed with my 4 horses. The ground was too wet on top and too dry down about 4 inches. I plowed about an acre. Carter husked about all day. Robert husked corn about an hour and a half. Robert got 100 lbs. oats and 400 lbs. flour. Quinton Anderson came here to stay tonight.
November 8, Thursday
    Morning foggy and cool, day very near clear. Carter shucked corn until noon and plowed in afternoon. Robert commenced plowing in S.E. corner of my field today. I plowed in forenoon, and in afternoon went and married Geo. F. Merriman to Mrs. Murry, at her father's, in Manzanita precinct, Jackson Co., Oregon. Merriman says he will do me $20 worth of blacksmithing for marrying him.
    My wife washed and attended to things generally. Quinton Anderson is here tonight.
November 9, Friday
    Day clear and cloudy alternately, little frost in morning. Jno. Murry came this morning to work for me for a few days at $1. per day. Robert Potter and Andrew came and got 2 loads of hay. Carter and Jno. Murry hauled hay and put [it] in the mows. Jane Hamrick and Eck and Murry were here to dinner. Emer Cole came before dinner and is here tonight. I plowed about 2½ acres today. Robert James plowed. Gregory and wife and Lindy came over and we all went up to Robert's awhile tonight.
November 10, Saturday
    Morning foggy and a little frosty. Forenoon some clear, afternoon some wind and appearance for rain. After dark rained a fine little growing shower, but slacked before 9 o'clock at night. Jno. Murry and Carter hauled in what hay we had about and husked some corn and helped Robert & Andrew Potter load 2 loads of hay. Robert James plowed on his grain that I rented him in the S.E. part of the field. I plowed about 2½ acres today. Frank killed another white goose today. My wife and Emma Cole attended to things generally. Emer Cole left after breakfast. Carter went to Bro. March's, Jno. Murry went home tonight.
November 11, Sunday
    Cloudy with some showers then some sunshine. My wife and Frank and Emma Cole and I all went in the spring wagon to our school house to meeting. Were but very few in attendance, I spoke from the last verse of 3rd Chapt. to Colossians, but it seemed to be to little effect. Religious matters seem almost dead in our neighborhood. After meeting Frank went home with Bro. March and the rest of us went to Bro. Wilson's and took dinner. Then in evening came home, and found the Leicester bucks that McShort had left here last night had been taken away. I sent the Certificates of Marriages with Isaacs to Foudray.
November 12, Monday
    Day clear nearly all the time. Carter had an ague at Gregory's Sunday, he and Lucinda Gregory stayed at home alone and all of the rest of the family went to meeting. He came here last evening but this morning he went to Bro. March's and said he would try and send me a hand as he did not feel able to work. My wife and Frank husked some corn. Bob Potter came by himself and got a load of hay. I plowed near 3 acres, Robert plowed on his piece.
November 13, Tuesday
    Cloudy with a few little showers. Bob Potter and Jno. Gray came and got the balance of Potter's hay. Robert plowed and in afternoon he thought it would rain too hard to plow and brought his plow to where I was plowing and I tried but it will not scour. I sent to try it down on the branch but there were too many weeds for his plow. I plowed near 3 acres today. Just about half after ten o'clock a man by the name of Henry Hunter came and wanted [work] and I hired him at $20. per month.
November 14, Wednesday
    Day cloudy and sunny once in a while. Sprinkled a little through the day. It commenced raining considerable about 7 o'clock tonight.
    Henry Hunter and Frank finished shucking the corn off of the fodder today and hauled out a load of manure from the stables, and hauled a load of rails from the east fence of the corn field out to our north line where we want to fence in a pasture. Geo. W. Isaacs is here tonight on his way home from Jacksonville. I plowed about 3 acres today.
November 15, Thursday
    It rained considerable last night but cleared off before day, was quite foggy until about 10 o'clock A. M. when fog went up and a little afternoon it commenced raining and half the afternoon.
    Frank and Henry Hunter hauled 4 loads of rails. We put the wagon bed in the shed. I plowed near an acre and quarter this forenoon, did not plow any in afternoon. Isaacs stayed until after breakfast. He subscribed for the Journal & Farmer of St. Louis, paid $1.25.
November 16, Friday
    Morning rainy. It rained all the later part of the night. Day showery and sometimes sunny. Frank and Hunter piled up manure around the barn in forenoon and hauled 2 loads [of] rails out and 1 load to the house in afternoon. I went to Phoenix to get Frank more medicine of Dr. Cobert, got 2-oz. bottle for $1.50. Magruder got me to get a bottle of medicine of Cobert for his babe. I took dinner at Jas. Reames'. I got home about dark.
November 17, Saturday
    Rained all the latter part of the night, showery through the day. Frank and Hunter hauled 6 loads of rails today. Carter and I went to Jacksonville and Carter got himself a pair of boots at Reames for $6.00 on my account. Took 7½ doz. eggs to Drum and got $1.50 worth of tobacco for them. I got Geo. Merriman to shoe Nelly before with new shoes. Charge $1.20. Jno. W. Hamrick came and got my old plow and Robert's new plow today.
November 18, Sunday
    Morning cloudy but not rainy. In afternoon cleared off nearly clear and remained so until after night. I went to Antioch to have meeting. Preached from first part of first Chapt. of Epistle of James to small but interested congregation.
    After meeting came to Mr. Satterfield's and took dinner, had good dinner and pleasant time. I came on to Bro. Samuel March's and stopped to see their babe that is sick, also Mr. Scott's babe that is sick. Came home between 7 and 8 o'clock, and found Bro. Williams and Mr. Bellinger here with fifty-five fat hogs they sold to the Chinaman.
November 19, Monday
    It commenced to rain about daylight and rained until about 10 o'clock quite fast then slacked, but rained several showers afternoon, but before sunset broke away and sun shined nice a little while, mostly clear at bed time. Frank killed 2 ducks and one goose today. Bellinger and Williams went on with their hogs. The Indian which the Chinaman had hired paid their bill which was nine dollars. Bro. Williams let the Chinaman have their 55 hogs at $420. Gregory let the same Chinaman have 100 head for $800.
November 20, Tuesday
    Morning frosty and foggy, day hazy with some sunshine. Frank and Hunter hauled 6 loads of rails. I plowed about 2 acres of ground and repaired my scraper to my plow wheels. My wife washed and attended to the things around the house. The little mottle-faced cow has a calf. I [did] not see it until today. Robert tried his new plow this afternoon, for he is lame with rheumatism in his knee. James Gregory and Charley Turpin are here tonight. Jas. has a load of flour and chickens and plunder for 2 horses. He is moving onto Wagner Creek.
November 21, Wednesday
    Morning cloudy with very little rain. Day some cloudy and some sunny. I got Jas. Gregory to help us to butcher a calf this morning. It weighed 240 lbs. Gave him a piece for helping. Frank and Hunter hauled 5 loads of rails, I plowed about 2 acres. My wife and Emma picked the geese. My wife let Sister Wilson have a goose and gander, for $2.00. Robert went out and got that little motley-faced cow. She has a nice calf. Bros. Williams & Fleming went to Jacksonville and Bro. Williams bought a spring wagon of the Madam [Holt] for $100.00.
November 22, Thursday
    Morning rainy, it commenced about six o'clock and rained most of the day. The most rain has fallen today that [has] fallen any day this fall. The sun has not shown today. Cole and Childers passed along today on their way home from Roseburg. They started down 2 weeks ago last Monday, consequently have been gone 18 days. I loaned a young man that is stopping at Mayfield's $4.50 today. It was too rainy for work today. Hunter cleaned out the stables. Frank cut up 3 quarters of the little beef, Robert got 1 quarter.
November 23, Friday
    Day sometimes sunny, some little cloudy and very little rain.
    We had to work at our orchard fence. Hunter, Frank and I put up about ten rods of pickets or rather about ten rods of post and rails and Frank nailed the pickets on about half of it. Gregory and wife came here after supper and stayed until bed time. I gave him an order to Judge Watson to get 70 dollars that the Emaline Mining Co. owed Pruett for freight, and told him to pay D. Linn $25 of that.
November 24, Saturday
    Morning frosty and foggy, day cloudy and evening warmer than last evening, rained a few drops in evening. Robert and Frank nailed on pickets. Hunter cleaned out stables this morning and then he and I hauled post, pickets & railing around to where we wanted to use them and then set posts and put up railing. We put up about 15 rods of fence today. Anna and the children were here to dinner. Emma went to Gregorys' last night and did not get home until about 10 o'clock today.
November 25, Sunday
    Morning cloudy with a little mist falling. Day mostly clear. My wife went to our school house to meeting. Frank went to Gregorys' and in the evening Sunday Gregory came home with him. Emma went to Robert's and Hunter stayed at home. I started before day and went to Ashland and preached to a small congregation from the 13th verse of 4th Chapt. of Philippians, took dinner with I. O. Miller. There was a funeral of a Mr. Watt at Ashland. I came home and found Mrs. Stought and Mr. King and Lucinda Gregory here to stay all night.
November 26, Monday
    Morning cloudy. Day partly clear and partly cloudy. Bro. Williams and his boys came and got his hogs this morning; we fed them 400 lbs. wheat and I charged him $5. for their feed and attending to them for 2 days. Frank Hunter hauled 6 loads of rails today. I plowed about 2½ acres today. It plowed tolerable well. Robert plowed on his piece. I went around on his. I commenced on the east side of the piece I am plowing on today. Mrs. Stought and Mr. King went off for Phoenix this morning.
November 27, Tuesday
    Forenoon foggy and cloudy, afternoon clear and pleasant, night clear. Turpin came and got the $27.75 due him threshing for Pruett this morning. Frank and Hunter hauled 7 loads of rails. I plowed about 3 acres. My wife washed and Emma went to Bro. Fleming's and McFerrin's. Dora Fleming came home with her and is here tonight. Bro. S. March and Jno. Williams are here, Bro. Williams and Isaac took dinner here and left some hogs and sheep here for the night. I brought my plow in at dinner and broke a tug and 2 open rings.
Wednesday, November 28
    Morning clear and frosty ground frozen a little, day very sunny and pleasant. Frank and Hunter hauled 8 loads of rails. I plowed about 3 acres, Robert plowed all this week. Bro. Williams and Isaac came down and them and Jno. took their sheep and hogs and my boar up home. Bro. Williams paid $1.50 for feeding stock and for their dinners yesterday afternoon. I wrote to old Bro. Miller of Ashland this morning before day to bring me some fruit trees and to come and get his pork next Tuesday if the weather is favorable.
November 29, Thursday
    Morning some cloudy and a little frost. Day mostly clear and fine. Willa [probably William] Hanley and a young man that works for Hanley were here to dinner and got the steer that J. F. Gregory left here when he brought his cows down from Butte. Frank & Hunter hauled rails, 3 loads this forenoon, and this afternoon got some pickets from Gregory's old house place, and got our harrow and clod masher and then cut some wood this evening. I plowed about 2½ acres today. One shoat died, it was fat, would weigh 75 lbs.
November 30, Friday
    Morning a little cloudy and some frost. Day partly cloudy and partly clear, but very pleasant. Frank & Hunter hauled rails. Hauled six loads, from the east fence of corn field. Matt Ish and young Benson were here to dinner. I plowed about 3 acres. Robert plowed on his piece.
December 1, Saturday
    Day sometimes cloudy and sometimes sunny. Rained a little. Bro. Fleming, McFerrin, Frank, Walter and Alex Hamrick went to Jacksonville in our spring wagon. Hunter went and hauled 5 loads of rails by himself. Emma went to Roberts, and stayed while my wife and I went to Grange. But we had no Grange as there [were] none there but 2 Simpsons, 2 Kincaids and one Wertz and us two. We propose one more effort, then if we fail to give up on a charter. I fixed a furnace for butchering this evening. We brought up a heifer and calf tonight.
December 2, Sunday
    Morning a little cloudy and cool and frosty. Day mostly clear. Evening cloudy, night misty. Frank had a light fit about 5 o'clock this morning, he did not seem so well today. He and Hunter stayed at home. My wife, Emma Cole, Robert's family and Jno. Hamrick jr. and I went to our school house to meeting. There was a small but attentive audience. I preached from I Thos. last Chapt. 23rd verse.
    Bro. Fleming and family and Robert and family took dinner with us today. Had a good dinner and enjoyed it well, but continual sorrow fills my heart. Smith is gone and Frank has fits, and church does not prosper.
December 3, Monday
    Morning cloudy and foggy. Rained about noon. Misted rain last night. Cleared off in afternoon and looks likely for frost tonight. I promised Ish 40 bu. oats for Anderson. Frank & Hunter hauled 4 loads of rails and cleaned out the stables. I plowed 2½ acres today. Robert plowed on his piece today and also last Saturday. I had my plows sharped last Saturday. I had quite a job to get them together again. Robert got a sack of oats Saturday while we were gone to Grange.
December 4, Tuesday
    Morning clear and frosty, ground frozen a little. Day clear and pleasant. We killed 15 of our hogs today. Bro. J. J. March, Robert and Anna, James, Levi and Eccles Murphy, and Sister Gregory helped us. I went after Jno. W. Smith tonight to get him to come and help to cut up the hogs tomorrow. Then went across the ridge to old Mr. Stimson's, found them tolerable well. They had moved into a new house on their homestead. I fear it will make them sick.
December 5, Wednesday
    Morning frost with freeze. Day a little cloudy, but some sunny. Jno. W. Smith, Frank and Hunter cut up 9 of the 15 hogs we killed yesterday. McFerrin got the Uncle Jno. Hamrick sow. She weighed 292 lbs. at 6 cts. per lb. $17.52. Bro. Miller came to get 5 for him and Isaac. I went to Jacksonville and was witness on old Mr. Stimson's homestead and Tho. H. Stimson went in a bond with me about change of road. I got 12 lard cans and a dipper [omission] of for $2.25, and [omission?] cans of Nunan for $1.12 and some nails from Magruder & vitriol and shade from Reames Bros.
December 6, Thursday
    Morning a little cold. Ground frozen a little. Day warm, and some hazy. Bro. Isaac Miller left for home this morning. He took two hogs for himself weighing 250 lbs. and three for young Isaac weighing 338 lbs. He was not well when he left. Hunter was not well this morning. He did not get up until after breakfast, did not work this forenoon. He and Frank hauled 2 loads of rails this afternoon. I plowed about 2½ acres today. I found one of our ewes had had a lamb, and I found it dead with its insides all eaten out, by an eagle I suppose. One ewe had a lamb day before yesterday.
December 7, Friday
    Morning frosty. Day mostly clear and very pleasant. Frank & Hunter hauled 4 loads of rails. Frank's medicine is all gone and he does not feel so well as he did. I plowed about 3½ acres today. Robert plowed on his today. He got 72 lbs. corn today at 1 cent per lb. Mr. King stayed here last night with 4 horses and had them to hay and he had supper, breakfast, and a bed and I charged him $1. We separated our sheep this morning.
December 8, Saturday
    Morning frosty. Day cloudy and some little sunshine, rained a few drops in afternoon. Frank & Hunter hauled 4 loads of rails. I plowed about 3¾ acres today. Lucinda Gregory was here to dinner. Frank and Hunter was trying to get a hog in the corral, and Frank threw a rock and broke a sheep's leg. Gregory & Gatewood came here tonight and I borrowed $10. of Gatewood and $2. of Gregory, and paid Hunter $13.50 and told him did not want him any longer.
December 9, Sunday
    Day mostly clear and very pleasant, like a spring day. I went to Sams Valley and held meeting in Mr. Stanley's hall. Had small but attentive audience. Preached on Eph. 2nd and 8th By Grace Ye Are Saved & Bro. Satterfield came forward and said he wished to be identified with us. He made the good confession, expects to be immersed 3 weeks from now.
    Hunter left this morning. Carter came back tonight to go to work tomorrow. The rooster crowed about 9 o'clock tonight.
December 10, Monday
    Morning a little frosty. Day a little hazy, but pleasant. Carter plowed about 3 acres. Jno. W. Smith and I sowed grain and harrowed. Frank harrowed while we were sowing. We sowed near 15 acres, put on about 25 bushels of oats. Robert got his piece plowed, he has about 25 acres plowed. Jno. W. Smith's father came to his house last Friday evening to stop with him for a year. He came from Colorado, left 2 weeks ago today. His mother died last June, so his father does not keep house but lives with his children.
December 11, Tuesday
    Morning a little cloudy. Rained a small shower last night. Day mostly clear, and very pleasant. Carter sowed some oats and he and Geo. Smith harrowed. Frank had headache, Robert got 784 lbs. wheat, and 2 lbs. vitriol. He commenced sowing his wheat this afternoon. Bro. Williams and Isaac were here to dinner and got 27 bus. wheat. Cole was here and took Emma home with him. I plowed about 3 acres today, finished my oats ground today.
December 12, Wednesday
    Morning a little cloudy, day sometimes sunny and sometimes cloudy night, and day rather hazy indicating rain. Carter took Jack and the pony this morning and said he was going to town today. Has not yet returned. Levi Murphy sowed grain for me today. Hank and Geo. Smith harrowed. I commenced plowing on corn ground. I sowed the wheat on it and am plowing it in. It plows very hard. I plowed about 3 acres. I wrote a letter to Mrs. Martin of Mt. Shasta, Cal. and one to Lewis Strong of Murphy, Oregon this morning.
December 13, Thursday
    Morning frosty, day clear and pleasant. Frank and Geo. Smith harrowed this forenoon and Carter sowed grain and plowed in wheat. In afternoon Carter and Geo. Smith harrowed and Carter sowed a little oats. Afternoon Amy, Frank Plymale, Vint Beall and Lindley came to view out the road. After they eat their dinners Frank and I went with them and showed them the route. Levi Murphy went to town and took 12 lbs. of butter and 7 doz. eggs and brought a letter from Lewis Strong. Robert sowed grain.
December 14, Friday
    Morning clear and frosty. Day mostly sunny, some clouds in sight every day for some time. Geo. Smith and Frank harrowed in oats, Carter sowed oats. He finished sowing the oats today. We have in about 55 acres of oats, not quite done harrowing. I plowed about 2½ acres and sowed most of it in wheat. I finished sowing the piece Bro. March had in [sorghum] cane and squash today. Naylor has bad cough and seems quite unwell tonight. Geo. Smith went home this evening from the field. My wife went to Bro. Fleming's this afternoon.
December 15, Saturday
    Morning frosty and a little foggy, day mostly clear until evening it clouded up and looked like for rain, but broke away before bed time. Carter finished harrowing the oats this forenoon and in afternoon he plowed with six horses. I plowed this forenoon and in afternoon went and sowed some for Carter to plow in. Then went to see Bro. Daley, at Eagle Point. He has been quite sick but is better now. McFerrin was here while I was gone and paid $15 to my wife.
December 16, Sunday
    Morning before day pleasant about daylight the wind commenced blowing from S.E. and blew considerably all day. Sometimes cloudy and sometimes sunny, after night the wind laid. I went to Ashland and had meeting. Preached from Acts. 28th 22. As for sect it is everywhere spoken against, and promised to preach in 3 weeks on 27th verse of the same chapter. Mayfield and the Baptists are having a protracted meeting at the Baptists' meeting house on Wagner Creek.
December 17, Monday
    Morning rainy, commenced raining about midnight last night, rained until after daylight, rained a little during the day. Carter, Frank and I made 11 panels of plank fence this forenoon. Carter plowed in the new orchard this afternoon. Bro. Williams came along at dinnertime with his bull he got of Bellinger and stopped and got his dinner and I bought half the bull for $10. Frank and I went to Tho. Stimson's and he and us bought our blue hog and 7 head I got of him for $28.42 on what he owed me.
December 18, Tuesday
    Morning cloudy. Day some sunny in afternoon, good time on grain and grass, rained a very little last night. Carter finished plowing orchard ground this forenoon, and in afternoon plowed some in this field next to the house. We put a board on the bull's head this morning. He broke down the gate and got out and started to go back, but after we boarded his head he stayed. Frank and I made some fence and tended to the stock and I [omission] some 3 or 4 bus. wheat.
December 19, Wednesday
    Morning cloudy. Day mostly cloudy. It rained a little in evening. Sun shined a little sometimes during the day. Carter plowed a little and broke scraper then I fixed it and he broke it again. Frank tried to fix it in forenoon and failed so neither him or Carter done anything much. Levi Murphy helped on orchard fence this afternoon. Eccles was here after some corn this evening, got 6 half barrels full. W. Jones was here to dinner and supper. Levi & Eccles to supper.
December 20, Thursday
    Day mostly cloudy and foggy. Carter cleaned out stables in forenoon and plowed some in afternoon. I worked on scraper in forenoon and on fence in afternoon. Levi Murphy worked on fence all day, Frank on fence in forenoon, in afternoon did not work. Isaacs and a Dutchman by the name of Burch took dinner here today. Bros. Fleming and McFerrin called on their return from Masonic Lodge about 1 o'clock this morning. He brought the mail and also paid me $5 on his account.
December 21, Friday
    Morning cloudy. Rained some during the last night. Day nearly clear and very pleasant, Levi Murphy and I worked on old garden fence all day. Carter and Robert hauled some lumber and then went to Gregory's and got 16 three-by-two-inch scantling, making 120 feet. In afternoon Frank and them took down and hauled more than half the north fence of the old garden. Carter went to McFerrin's and got two sacks of wool to take to town for him tomorrow.
December 22, Saturday
    Day cloudy and cool. Rained & snowed and the sun shined some. Carter and McFerrin and Frank went to Jacksonville and took 2 sacks of wool for McFerrin for which he paid me one dollar for the hauling. I hauled some rails and made about 5 rods of fence down at the garden and in evening fixed the lower barn. Some late in the evening a Bro. Kennedy and wife and child came here to stay all night. Carter got pair boots and 2 pair [omission].
December 23, Sunday
    Day rainy most of the time. Rained all night, last night snowed on foothills and snowed some on the valley this morning, but melted as fast as it fell. I went to our school house to meeting, and preached to a few from Jno. 18th, What Is Truth.
    My wife did not go on account of the rain and the cool weather. Frank went to Levi Murphy's. Bert Hamrick came in evening.
December 24, Monday
    Day cloudy and cool, rained a very little in the night. Carter and Walter Jones and Gregorys went up on Little Butte Creek to G. W. Isaacs' and Turpin's. Frank, Bert Hamrick and Levi Murphy went up between Dry Creek and Antelope hunting, saw 4 deer and Levi crippled one but did not get it. Mr. Thomas, a man from Tennessee who is stopping at the Madam's in Jacksonville, came out to see the Archer place but made no offer for it. I asked $10. an acre for 250 acres.
December 25, Tuesday
    Morning cloudy and cool. Day mostly sunny. A little frost this morning. My wife and I went to Bro. Joseph Wilson and had a little meeting. Bro. Jno. Hamrick and wife and 3 girls and Willie Kincaid and Bro. March were there. I spoke on the 14th of Rom. and 2nd of Col. and showed that the Apostle did not require us to observe any holidays and that the only day set apart for religious public service was the first day of the week. Frank and Bert went to Robert's to dinner. We dined at Wilsons'.
December 26, Wednesday
    Day sunny and pleasant. Robert and Levi and Frank and I made fence around the orchard. I found one young ewe dead this morning. She had a lamb a few days ago and did not do well and she died last night. Hamilton from up Rogue River was here this evening to get me to winter a colt for him; he has sold his place for $1250. Bailey Huston is here tonight. Anna James and the children were here to dinner. It was 36 years this morning at eight o'clock since I was married the first time.
December 27, Thursday
    Cloudy and cool. After attending to things around home I started at 11 A.M. for Magruder's, got 25 lbs. nails at 10 cts. for lb., went down to H. Amy's, got him to sign a note as surety for me to borrow $150 from Jas. Wilson. When I came past Wilson's and got $120 in gold and $30 in silver, Frank half soled his boots and helped on fence. Levi worked on fence until about 3 o'clock then went home. Robert worked all day. F. M. Plymale paid $1.25 for Journal and Farmer.
December 28, Friday
    Forenoon foggy on the mtns., made appearance of cloudy afternoon, clear night cold. Robert, Frank and I worked on moving the old garden fence and did not get done. Gatewood came here to stay tonight. We moved old garden fence in so as to get a part of it (the fence) to fence the new.
December 29, Saturday
    Morning frosty, ground frozen near an inch deep. Day clear but freeze did not all melt even in the sunshine. I went to town, Gatewood went with me. I paid off several accounts, see cash account for December. Robert, Levi, Carter and Frank finished old garden fence and worked some on new and hauled some corn and squash. Jos. Dickson came here from town tonight to stay all night.
December 30, Sunday
    Morning frosty, ground frozen, did [not] all thaw today although it was nice sunny day. J. S. Dickson went with me to Antioch to meeting. There were many there. I preached to them from last Chap. Acts, subject Conversion. Left another appointment for six weeks from today. My wife went to our school house to meeting, says were but few there.
December 31, Monday
    Morning clear and frosty, ground frozen considerable. Robert plowed over in Gregory's field for oats today. Carter, Frank and I moved the remainder of the old garden fence up to the new orchard, and put some of it up. Brooks came to see about getting us to pasture his colts and agreed to haul rails with his team 1½ days for pasturing the 2 colts a month. Carter and Frank went to Gregorys' to a candy pulling tonight. My wife washed today. This closes 1877.
Southern Oregon Historical Society Research Library Ms. 266.  Transcribed from typescript.

    Last Wednesday, at Grave Creek, Smith Peterson, eldest son of Martin Peterson, was killed by the accidental discharge of a derringer in his pocket. He was teaming from Roseburg to Jacksonville. He and some of his fellow teamsters had been shooting at a mark, and he was replacing the pistol in his pocket when it was discharged.

Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 21, 1877, page 1

Between Rev. J. B. Donaldson and Elder Martin Peterson,
Relative to Church Arrangements in Ashland.

Ashland, Nov. 3, 1877.
    ELDER PETERSON: Dear Sir:--I should have been glad to have seen you and talked over the changes that seemed necessary to many of us, in order that the Word of the Lord might be more frequently preached to this people. The town has grown so much, and the school house is so crowded, that the Christian people could scarcely find room, and the unbelieving had little inducement to attend. I have only one thing to do, and this church in Ashland is the only one put under my care. It seems to me that my duty to myself, the church and the people requires me to do all that is in my power for them.
    Through the kindness of Prof. Skidmore, I was able to rent the Academy for Sabbath service. It was his wish that his own pastor, Rev. W. Hurlburt, occupy it a portion of the time and I was very ready to agree. I am sure you will do me the justice to believe that I imagine no kind of enmity or opposition against any of Christ's followers.
    While I recognize the need of denomination under the present circumstances, I do not think one company of the army should in any way destroy another, but turning each our broadsides against a common foe, double the forces that battle our common enemy. I think that as we cannot agree enough to walk together in all the particulars of the Christian life, each of us honestly and properly holding that for important truth that the other does not, at least in the same degree, we can agree to disagree on a few points until we shall see eye to eye in the kingdom on high. I hope both buildings may be filled with those who thirst after righteousness, and that your labors may be of great good to many souls.
    I would prize your prayers on my behalf, that I might be of use to some in the service of our Master. I am yours very truly,
Ashland, Ogn., Nov. 5th, 1877.
    MR. DONALDSON:--Dear Sir and Bro.:--Yours of the 5th inst. was received yesterday at meeting. You say you should have been glad to have seen me and "talked over the changes that seemed necessary to many of us in order that the Word of the Lord might be more frequently preached" etc. Dear brother, it occurred to me that you could easily have seen me, and let me have some part in the new arrangement, as we had been contemplating a change in appointments, had your desire been that which you express in the paragraph above ("that the Word of the Lord might be more frequently preached" etc.). Then I might have preached the Word of the Lord to the people in Ashland, as well as you, unless I preach something different. Was not the true cause in what you express in this language: "While I recognize the need of denominations under the present circumstances" etc. The denominations must be fed on their peculiar doctrines; therefore the dividing up must take place, and you have only done what is necessary for denominations.
    You speak of battling our common enemy. I consider denominationalism one of the greatest enemies that the Word of the Lord has to battle with in our age; so, to it, more than to any other one cause, we attribute the infidelity and general indifference pervading our world at this time. Again, you speak of the church under the figure of an army. That they should not turn their weapons on each other. We should use the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of the Lord. Then let us turn and read the first three chapters of 1st. Cor., in regard to divisions and learn of their carnality, and also the 17th chapter, commencing with the 20th verse of John's Gospel and learn what the Savior there taught in his prayer; how the world was to be brought to believe in Him, not by division but by union.
    Now, Brother Donaldson, as you and those who cooperated with you have gone out and left the school house, without consulting me or our brethren in reference to the change, I shall continue my visits to Ashland and speak the Word of the Lord to those who will favor me with a hearing, every three weeks, in the school house.
    You say, in the winding up of your letter, you "would prize my prayers" etc. My prayer to God is that we may all know and obey the truth; that we may be perfectly joined together in the same mind and the same judgment, speaking the same thing.
    By your permission, I will let the public see the present condition of affairs here religiously, to some degree, by having our correspondence published in the Tidings. With the kindest of feeling, I have the honor to subscribe myself,
Your Humble Brother,
Ashland Tidings, November 16, 1877, page 2

    Bro. Martin Peterson, our only preacher in Jackson County, is confined closely at home by the misfortune of his youngest child which is afflicted by epileptic fits.
"Personal," Pacific Christian Messenger, Monmouth, March 30, 1878, page 6

    Ed. Sentinel:--Please allow me the use of your columns to say to the people of Southern Oregon: First, Shall we look to our own interests? Second, What are our interests? Third, How can we build them up? 1st. We should by all means look to our own interests, for certain it is, if we do not, they will be uncared for. 2nd. Our interests are many, and of vast importance to us. 1st. It is certain that we are interested in some of the most lovely little valleys on this green earth. 2nd. That if we wish their attractions increased we will have to increase them, for certain is it that our neighbors north and south of us have not the interest or disposition to aid us much. Our mountains abound in wealth, in minerals, &c., which needs labor to open up to commerce. Our beautiful streams need capital and labor to put up manufactories to make for us our farming and mechanical implements, and save much cost to us all in transportation; also we need factories to make our sugar, syrup and salt, and then we need the disposition to patronize home instead of foreign interest. 3rd. How can we best build up our valleys? Answer--By all working for each other's good. Farming is one interest that must be sustained or all will fail. Milling is closely allied to farming and must also be remunerative, or we will not make a success. Our woolen mills must not be ignored or we will not be as successful as we might. Our printing offices must be supported or we will not be much known in the outside world. Our mechanics must be paid or they will starve. Our miners must be indulged until they get their mines opened and draw on the bank. Our merchants must have patronage for their wares or they will become bankrupt. Our stock men must be encouraged in their vocation or the Indians will drive them out, and last but not least, our teachers, both religious and secular, must have the necessary encouragement or we will raise up a community of ignoramuses and infidels and bring all to ruin. All these interests go to make a happy and prosperous people. But if any one of these classes interfere with any other class or classes, they should be cautioned or reprimanded. For the merchant to interfere with the business of the farmer by pricing his grain below its actual worth is wrong, and he that would do so should have a good letting alone by all well-minded people. For the miller to place the price of flour beneath its actual value (taking into consideration supply and demand) should not receive the wheat out of which to make the flour, and by this means he can be prevented from hurting himself and the farmers, and the country in general. For the best farmers to quit their farms and to engage in the mercantile (when that business is already overdone) is not for the general good, and ought not to be encouraged. There is but one way to prevent this that I now think of, which is for farmers to cooperate, so as to make farming more remunerative and merchandising less so. That this class is too numerous already in our country needs no proof. There are more than double the number engaged in merchandising than the country demands. We are inclined to buy more than we actually need, then complain of the scarcity of money. The wonder has been with me that we have as much money here in Southern Oregon as we have. There is one drain on our finance that should by all means be stopped, for it not only uses up our means but it demoralizes and destroys our people. I refer to the use of beer and ardent spirits. This, worse than a useless practice, is not only robbing us annually of thousands of dollars but it is ruining hundreds of otherwise good people, and filling our hospitals with wrecks of humanity. Let us put a stop to this drainage on our beautiful valleys and good people. How can this be done? By all quitting the use of any and all drinks as a beverage. You answer they will not do it. I say by getting all to do this you will have accomplished something worthy [of] an honest and sensible person. Why not let this horrible habit die with those who say they cannot quit it? You that can quit, quit now and forever, and be bettered for time and eternity. Let us all make up our minds to not indulge in this soil-destroying habit, and discourage all we can from doing so. One good plan to lessen this evil is for us all to tell those who are aiding in building up this evil, that unless they will take a different course, we will not give them our support by doing business with them. Isolated as we are from the outside world, it behooves us to be sober, temperate, industrious and economical, and we will see better times. What say you good people? Will we all contribute our part to the building up of the interests of Southern Oregon? I for one will put in my mitts. There are many things that we might write concerning, but let this suffice for the present. Yours Truly,
Mound Ranch, Jackson Co. Ogn.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 21, 1878, page 1  The date on the masthead is August 14, 1878, but dates on the reverse side--page 2--makes it clear that this is the issue of August 21, and the compositor failed to change the date on page 1.

From Bro. M. Peterson.
    A private letter from Bro. Peterson, Mound Ranch, Feb. 18, 1879, contains the following items of general interest: "The health of our valley (Rogue River Valley) is good; the prospect for crops is fine; miners are busy mining. I saw, at Jacksonville, last week, a mass of quartz weighing 4 lbs., picked up in Fort Lane diggings, which contains $150 or $200 of gold. Similar pieces have been found in these mines before, and the only reason they are not worked more extensively is scarcity of water.
    "I held a meeting at the Heber Grove school house, three miles east of Jacksonville, last Lord's day, and preached to a large and attentive audience, from Acts xxviii. 24. My discourse was for the benefit of infidels, of whom there were quite a number in attendance. Besides the infidels, there were others present, among whom was Bro. Ruble and son, of your valley, who are now in Jacksonville on business. * * * "And some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not." * * * Our meetings in this valley are better attended than they have been for some time past. * * * Could we have the services of some able and devoted brother for a few months in this valley, I think we would have quite an ingathering. But we are isolated, we are poverty-stricken, we are cold-hearted and worldly-minded, and, therefore, neglected by our brethren. I would be glad to visit you in June next, but my surroundings forbid. Hope you may be able to spend the month of September next with us.
Your brother in hope of eternal life,
Pacific Christian Messenger, Monmouth, February 28, 1879, page 6

From Bro. Martin Peterson.
    March 25, 1879.
Bro. Campbell:
    By your permission I will say to the brethren and friends, through the P. C. Messenger, that we closed a series of meetings, that Bros. Fleming and Wm. Ruble and myself, with the assistance of the brethren and sisters had been holding, in the school house in Eagle Point for about half of the time for the past two weeks, last Lord's day evening, which resulted in building us up in the faith and gathering into the congregation three by obedience and one who had belonged a good while ago in the Atlantic States, and restoring three who had wandered from duty.
    Our prospects are brightening a little in this valley at this time. But I fear we are to have another broadside from the enemy of souls. It seems that we have not trouble enough among our own brethren and sisters in this valley, but Willamette and Umpqua valleys must send some trouble here to bring an additional stain on the cause.
    As soon as I could after I learned of the disgraceful lawsuit that is now going on in our county, I went to work to try to make peace and had it not been for the love of money, I surely would have succeeded.
    Dear Bro. Campbell, I fear that the love of that seems to be pervading the hearts of many of the leading brethren both in Willamette and Umpqua valleys will bring a very shameful and disgraceful stigma on the cause of Christ, all through the three valleys in the heart of Oregon. I write this to awake those interested in this thirst for wealth to consider whether it will pay. For us who are endeavoring to point the people to the Lamb of God, to enter into bodies that have no souls and there go to law, brother with brother, and that too before the unbelievers. What, is there none among you capable of dealing out justice to his brother? There is evidently a fault among you, and I for one do not intend the sin to lay at any door. I thought we were going to have this all settled ere this; and had all parties worked for it as I did the shameful, disgraceful suit that is now pending here never would have begun; or if both parties had acted in good faith, I think, without doubt, it would now have been in a fair way to have been settled without further litigation.
    If you, brethren, must form these soulless bodies, do try and keep them out of the church. For whenever they get in there they are almost sure to drive out some poor soul, and keep out many more.
    Please allow this a place in the Messenger as soon as possible. I am responsible for it before God, and accountable alone to the brethren. The cause demands it.
    Your brother in hope of better things than gold that perisheth,
Pacific Christian Messenger, Monmouth, April 4, 1879, page 1

From Bro. Martin Peterson.
    March 26, 1879.
Elder T. F. Campbell:
    DEAR BRO.--I take my pen this morning to give you a few things connected with us here, in Rogue River Valley, past, present and future.
    First. My son Frank has been worse off in his affliction during the past winter than ever before, but is some better now. Hope he may keep improving.
    Second. We have had the misfortune to lose, by death, another of our best Christians in Ashland. Bro. Wesley Mitchell died March 4, 1879, at his residence in Ashland, of pneumonia fever. He leaves a loving wife and two small children, and many friends to mourn his departure. He was in his fiftieth year. Was born in Washington County, Ohio, but has been on this coast more than half of his life. The Lord willing, we will preach a funeral discourse next Lord's day, at 11 o'clock a.m. in the Presbyterian meeting house, in Ashland, in memory of him. He united with the Church of Christ under the labors of E. W. Barnes, in Ashland, something over two years ago, and lived devoted to the cause to the day of his death. One by one we pass over the cold Jordan, "Though I pass through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil, for His rod and staff shall comfort me." "We sorrow not as those who have no hope." Glorious hope, blessed immortality, brought to light by the Gospel of Christ.
Yours in this blessed hope,
Pacific Christian Messenger, Monmouth, April 11, 1879, page 1

    M. Peterson to Wm. Briscoe and John S. Sims, 160 acres in Table Rock precinct. Consideration, $720.
    Martin Peterson to W. W. Briscoe, 160.51 acres in Manzanita precinct. Consideration, $720.
"Real Estate Transactions," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 7, 1880, page 3

    Jan. 27, 1880.

Editor Messenger:
    I am preaching every 2nd and 4th Lord's days at Eagle Point, with increasing interest. The 1st Lord's day at home, and the 3rd at Eagle Point.
    The weather is extremely disagreeable and the roads very bad, so there are not a great number attending meeting.
    I made a hurried visit to Ashland on business yesterday, and on my way called on Bro. Gilbert, of Phoenix. He informs me that he has arranged to preach in Phoenix the 1st and 3rd Lord's days; and at the Baptist meeting house, three miles above there, the 2nd; and at Heber Grove school house, three miles east of Jacksonville, the 4th.
    I am satisfied that could the brethren and sisters of this valley arouse from their lethargy and move forward with full determination to work for the best of all causes, we would see a better day here.
    I hope to be able to give more of my time for the upbuilding of the cause ere long. I would be pleased to see an onward movement all along the line of the Lord's army this year.
    [line of type cut off] ourselves properly, victory is ours. Sectarianism is losing its charms. Truth is mighty and will prevail if its friends will push it forward. Onward and upward then, brethren and sisters.
Yours in hope of a better and more glorious day,
Pacific Christian Messenger, Monmouth, February 13, 1880, page 6

    RELIGIOUS.--All the members of the Church of Christ are requested to meet at the Mound District school house at ten o'clock a.m. on the first Lord's day in May, as there is business of importance to be attended to. We invite general attendance, and also request saint and sinner to come and bring some refreshments as we wish to have dinner there, and to be mutually benefited in both soul and body.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 14, 1880, page 3

    RELIGIOUS APPOINTMENTS.--I will preach at Eagle Point next Lordsday Aug. 22nd at 11 o'clock; also there will be a cooperation meeting at or near Mound District school house, commencing on the 3rd day of next month at 3 o'clock p.m. and to continue over the first Lordsday. All the disciples are requested to attend and come prepared with blankets and provisions and let us have a good meeting.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 18, 1880, page 3

    Bro. Martin Peterson writing from Mound Ranch, Jackson County, Dec. 30, 1880, says: I am in fine health, working every day and preaching every Lord's day. I have good and attentive audiences, though not many additions.
    I debated four and a half days in September last with R. H. Sherrill, an Adventist that came in here in August from the Willamette. He had some success in deceiving some people. He made quite a display for a time. He is now talking of settling in Jacksonville and practicing law. The people have become tired of his lectures.
    I herewith send you $2.50 to put to Bro. John Daly's credit for the Messenger, Eagle Point, and $2.50 for myself.
    The health of our valley is good; this month has been warm and rainy, but the rains come very gentle, so the streams have risen but very little; the most of the rain falls at night, so day laborers can do their work. Considerable grain is sown and coming up nicely. We had not rain enough until this month to start vegetation. November was a cold dry month here; roads were as good through the month as in the summer.
    A happy new year to you and to all the brethren and sisters and also to the P. C. Messenger.
Pacific Christian Messenger, Monmouth, January 7, 1881, page 5

    Bro. Martin Peterson, writing from Mound Ranch, Jackson County, Jan. 14th, says:
    "The waters were higher in the recent freshet than they have been for years past. The weather is now clear. But, please let me ask you, whence come those pieces 'selected' on 'Return to Primitive Christianity,' now appearing in the P.C. Messenger? Who is the man at the helm? Can not these be published in tract form and scattered broadcast throughout the land? My impression is that a few dollars judiciously invested in tracts and sent among the people will yield a hundredfold more than erecting fine buildings, in our fine cities, for fine pastors to entertain fine audiences in. Tonight, after attending to the duties of the day, I took up my reading as usual, and among many good pieces read in our paper of the 21st ult., I found the piece 'selected,' which touched a cord in my heart, and which caused me to pen these lines. A few nights ago, before the Messenger reached me, I sent you a short article for publication on a 'Pure Language.' When I read the article referred to I found the thoughts much better expressed and dwelt upon at greater length. That they may have a wider sphere of usefulness, I wish you, or the author of these articles, to have them published in tract form."
Pacific Christian Messenger, Monmouth, February 4, 1881, page 7

    Frank Peterson, son of Elder M. Peterson, died at the parental residence in Mound district on the 23rd inst., and was buried in the Central Point burying ground yesterday.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 26, 1881, page 3

Wagon Road Meeting at Eagle Point.
    At a meeting called Feb. 18, 1882, at Eagle Point, for the purpose of obtaining the sentiments of the people of Eagle Point and vicinity in regard to a wagon road to Fort Klamath, J. G. Grossman was called to the chair and H. C. Fleming chosen as secretary. The chairman stated the object of the meeting to be as stated above. After remarks by Wm. Simpson, A. J. Daley, M. Peterson, James Miller, J. M. Matney, A. W. Clemens, E. Emery, Charles Griffith and A. H. Osborne, a motion was made and carried that James Miller, M. Peterson, Wm. Simpson, J. M. Matney and A. J. Daley be appointed a committee to designate the route for said road, commencing at old Camp Stuart, near H. Amy's residence, and ending at the eastern boundary line of Jackson County, and to petition the County Court to grant a survey for said road from the terminus of the county road to said eastern boundary line. On motion our county papers were requested to publish these minutes. The meeting then adjourned sine die.
    H. C. FLEMING, Sec'y.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 25, 1882, page 3

From Bro. Peterson.
Bro. D. T. Stanley:
    Enclosed please find $2.00 which you will place to Bro. Jno. Daley's credit, Eagle Point, this county.
    I have been down to Redding, Shasta County, Cal., to meet our daughter and her four children, who have been residing in Galt, Sacramento County, Cal., for five years. They have come to make their home with us.
    I held meetings in Ashland, Or., Cottonwood, Little Shasta and Redding, Cal. Had good attention and considerable interest manifest. Our prospects religiously are not bright here. Health is generally good. Bro. Daley of Eagle Point is afflicted with dropsy, and is not so well for a month past as he has been. Our crop prospects are not very flattering in consequence of the continuous cool weather. Our fruit is much damaged. Very little escaped the late freezes. Very few immigrants have yet settled among us. We hope for more as our railroad nears us.
    Politics are looming up. Not much said in political circles on temperance. I hoped the people would arouse themselves on this subject and elect none but temperance men to office in our state; but alas! we are disappointed. But we must bear and work.
Yours, &c.,
Christian Herald, Portland, June 9, 1882, page 4

    M. Peterson's boy has recovered from scarlet fever. This being the first case reported in Sams Valley.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 17, 1883, page 3

    At the residence of the bride's grandfather, W. A. Childers, in Sams Valley, Jackson County, Oregon, by Martin Peterson, at 3 o'clock Feb. 14, 1883, Mr. Francis M. Carter to Miss Lizzie M. Craddock.
Christian Herald, Portland, March 9, 1883, page 13

    Rev. M. Peterson will preach at 10 o'clock a.m. in the new school house about half a mile north of his residence (Mound ranch) the first Sunday in November. A special invitation is extended to all members and friends of this church to be present, as important business will be transacted. In the evening he will hold services at the Lone Oak school house.

"Religious Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 27, 1883, page 3

    Bro. Peterson writes thus cheerfully from Central Point: "We are having a very dry winter. During this week I preached five nights at a school house two miles south of my residence to very respectable and attentive audiences. More than ordinary interest but no additions. We have built a school and meeting house, half a mile north of our home, where Bro. H. C. Fleming and I hold meetings each alternate Lord's day, I on the first and third, he on the second and fourth. We have some prospect of a forward movement. There are quite a number of newcomers settling in our valley. Among the rest some members of the church. One of the greatest hindrances to the cause of Christ is indifference. Oh, that there might be a general awakening, both in and out of the church, is the prayer of your brother in the Lord."
Christian Herald, Portland, January 4, 1884, page 1

EDY-BALL--At Mound Ranch, April 6th, 1884, by Elder M. Peterson, John Edy and Mrs. Martha Ball.
Oregon Sentinel,
Jacksonville, April 2, 1884, page 2

    BOARD APPOINTED.--The following gentlemen have been appointed a county board of immigration by the county commissioners, and we understand that they will also make an appropriation for this purpose before they adjourn: J. B. Wrisley of Manzanita, M. Peterson of Mound district, Geo. E. McConnell at Ashland, J. H. Griffis of Gold Hill, E. P. Pickens, Table Rock, Thos. Haymond of Woodville, G. F. Pennebaker of Wagner Creek, A. J. Daley of Eagle Point, R. F. Maury of Manzanita.

Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 9, 1885, page 3

    LOCATED.--Editor, Sentinel:--Please say in your columns that the office of the County Board of Immigration for Jackson County, Oregon is in the Town Hall of Medford, one door north of A. L. Johnson's land office. Those having real or personal property for sale, and those wishing to purchase the same, will do well by calling at our office. We also wish samples of the products of the county brought to our office, to be placed on exhibition, and we wish those who want help to send us word that we may find employment for those seeking for honest labor in our midst. Correspondence solicited.
    Address MARTIN PETERSON, Secretary of Board of Immigration.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 30, 1885, page 3

    Applegate with its tributaries covers the principal part of the southwestern part of this county. In it is much mining. There has been considerable gold taken out of quartz in the Steamboat mining district, and no doubt there will be much more taken out in the near future. Persons who are willing to go back into the mountains, and hew out homes in the woods and make wagon roads to get around, can find some vacant land in this region, as they can also in the mountains and other parts of our county, that will do to make homes on, but there is no valuable land near the valley or in the region where there are settlements and roads that are vacant.
    We will now turn our attention to the northwestern part of the county. Here we find mountains and small streams. First, Wolf Creek is a small stream, with but little agricultural land on it in our county. It flows westwardly into Grave Creek, in Josephine County. It has considerable good timber on it, and some good gold diggings. Next, south of this, is Grave Creek, which is similar to Wolf Creek, heading in the Rogue River Mountains, and flows westwardly a while, then bears southerly, emptying in Rogue River below the gigantic Yank quartz ledge in Josephine County. It has much timber, some gold mines, and some farming land on it. Next, south of this, is Jump-off Joe, a small stream that heads only a short distance east of the west line of our county and flows southwest, emptying into Rogue River eight or ten miles below Grants Pass. It has much timber, some farms and considerable lands unimproved yet, and some mining country on it. Next, south of this, are small rivulets flowing southwest into Rogue River above Grants Pass. There is considerable timber and some mines and a little farming land in our county north of Rogue River, before we get up to the mouth of Evans Creek, which is about six miles above Grants Pass. This creek heads far up towards Umpqua waters and flows southwest a distance of about thirty-five miles. It, with its tributaries, has much timber, some mines and considerable farming land, a portion of which is very good. Perhaps in the bounds of this section is to be found as good vacant land as is in our country. At the head of the west branch of Evans Creek are the salt works that from ten to fifteen years back furnished considerable salt. On the east branch is situated two sawmills that were built by Mr. Thomas, where much lumber has been cut. They are now opened by other parties and are doing considerable business. Down the main creek are other sawmills that have done considerable business. At the mouth of Evans Creek and on its east bank is located Woodville with its depot on the north bank of Rogue River. In this locality the hop-raising business bids fair to give employment to many persons. If it proves to be a success (and I see no reason why it should not), there will be hundreds of acres cultivated in hops along this stream soon, and no doubt other parts of our county are as well adapted to hops as this section. Following up on the north side of the river, we pass quite a number of farms which are cut in two by the railroad. Eight miles above Woodville is Rock Point. Here is situated the first bridge that was built on Rogue River, and here is the store of Haymond & Magruder Bros. They also own the bridge and have done much business in Rock Point. The mountains come down quite close to the river on each side for a considerable distance up and down from Rock Point. Two miles above here is Gold Hill station on the Oregon and California railway. Near here, on the south side of the river, is situated the famous Gold Hill, towering high up in the air, out of the top of which was taken the richest quartz ore that was ever mined in this region. One two-horse wagonload yielded $32,000, as I was informed by General Ross, who was one of the partners, and who hauled the gold quartz down to be crushed.
    Between Gold Hill station and Gold Hill proper the railroad crosses Rogue River just below Chavner's bridge, which is the second bridge across the river. This and the Rock Point bridge have both been rebuilt in the past ten years. They are toll bridges. Just below Gold Hill station is a lime kiln, where very fine lime is burnt from the marble and lime rock that abound in this region. A short distance above the station is the flouring mills owned by the Trimbles. This is a very fine water power. The race is about half a mile in length and taken out of Rogue River at the head of a rapids where a ledge of rocks crosses the river. By the enlargement of this race there could be a large amount of machinery run by the water. In the mountains on either side of the river in this section is an unlimited amount of iron ore, and we know not but think that there is quartz and other deposits--a sufficient amount of wealth, if we had it in sight, to make this one of the foremost counties in our state. But we must take a rest here for about a week, when we will proceed up Rogue River.
        Secretary of Board of Immigration.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 19, 1885, page 2

    Elders Whitney from Eugene City and M. Peterson have been holding a protracted meeting at this place, but nothing was accomplished.
"From Eagle Point, Jackson County," Roseburg Review, June 26, 1885, page 3

    Proceeding up Rogue River from Gold Hill station we pass around the base of Gold Hill and along the foot of the hills east of it. Around here for about five miles the railroad had to be cut most of the way through granite rock, some of which is of the finest quality for building purposes. On the north side of the river are a few small farms before you reach the mouth of Sams Creek, but the bottom land is narrow and the mountains high. From the mouth of Sams Creek the mountains recede and the valley begins to widen. Sams Creek rises in the Rogue River Mountains, flows in a southerly direction, emptying into the river about two miles below Bear Creek, it coming in on the north and Bear Creek on the south side. Sams Creek has come excellent land on it, but its valley is small, being only ten miles in length and from one to two and a half miles in width. All the valley land is taken up, but there is some hillside and mountain land vacant, with some good fir timber on its head. Proceeding from the beautiful little valley of Sams Creek eastward we pass the lower Table Rock, a magnificent landmark standing out in our valley in bold relief. We now come to Table Rock Creek. It rises in the mountains near the head of the east fork of Evans Creek. Between these two creeks the mountain is low, which makes a good way for people to pass from Evans Creek into the valley and a good road to haul lumber from the sawmills over on Evans Creek. Through this pass is where Jesse Applegate made his survey for the Oregon & California railway. Some good farms are found along Table Rock Creek and on the mountainsides. On the west of this little creek is some vacant land. On the east, extending a distance of from four to eight miles, is undulating land. It is mostly brushy and thin land, but some very good arable land lies in this section. Table Rock Creek rises in Rogue River Mountains and flows southwesterly and passes between the upper and lower Table Rocks and empties into Rogue River at the south end of the lower Table Rock. Proceeding up Rogue River on the north side we find some very fine land, but most of the land in this region is brushy and gravelly, and not fit for much but early pasture. About 12 miles from Table Rock we come to the mouth of Trail Creek, a small stream heading away up towards South Umpqua River, and flowing southwest. It is mostly hills and mountains in this part of our county, and better adapted to grazing than farming. There are very good spots for farming purposes, but they are mostly occupied. Next above Trail Creek is Elk Creek. There is but very little farming land along it. Further up on the north side of Rogue River, along the bottoms, is some very fine land, but it is all taken. There is some undulating land in this region that is good but mostly taken up. On the south side of the river along here it is mostly mountainous and heavily timbered. A few miles farther up the river we reach Aiken Bros.' sawmill, situated on the south side of the river. It is as fine water power as is to be found, and being situated at the large body of pine woods of which we have already spoken, it would be a very valuable property if there was a flume to bring this valuable lumber down to the valley. In former years there was considerable lumber hauled from here by teams on their return from Fort Klamath when taking supplies there, but now, as the supplies are sent from another direction to the fort, there has not been much hauled of late, except some parties who wish to find finishing lumber have had it hauled from there. This fine body of timber lies on comparatively level land and is easily taken to where there is plenty of water power to manufacture it into lumber. Union Creek, one of the head branches of Rogue River, rises in the Cascade Mountains and flows northwest, emptying into the river on the south. It runs a large body of water, and for several miles flows through this beautiful body of timber. The principal part of this land is vacant, and to persons with sufficient means to bring the elements into service could make money for themselves and benefit the county by making a flume from some point here to bring this fine timber to the valley, and then use the water for irrigating purposes. No doubt the day is not far distant when this will be done. Some may look upon this as visionary, but I look at it in the same light as I did the practicability of constructing a railroad across the plains from Missouri to the Pacific coast over thirty years ago. After my return to Missouri from California in 1854 I was frequently asked what I thought of the project of constructing a railroad across the plains. My reply was that it would soon be done. So I think in reference to the practicability of building this flume some fifty miles to utilize the timber and water of this region.
        Secretary of Board of Immigration.
"Letter No. Three," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 3, 1885, page 1

    A called meeting of the fruit growers of Southern Oregon was held at Jacksonville last week. There was quite a large attendance, G. F. Pennebaker presiding and J. H. Griffis acting as secretary. Among other things it was resolved that hop culture be considered one of the interests of the fruit growers' association. A communication from C. W. Clark on hop culture was read by the secretary. The question of locating headquarters of the association was then taken up, resulting in the selection of Jacksonville. On motion of R. F. Maury the association resolved to hold its annual meeting on the 8th of October, 1885. C. C. Beekman moved that the association hold a horticultural exhibition at their annual meeting in October next, lasting one or two days, according to the discretion of the permanent officers of the association; carried. The chair was empowered to make arrangements for the exhibition. On motion of Martin Peterson, the association invited all persons interested in fruit and hop culture to preserve such fruits as could not be exhibited green, in order that as many kinds could be exhibited as possible.
Oregonian, Portland, July 16, 1885, page 3

    Under date of May 17, Elder M. Peterson writes:
    We had a fine attendance at our meeting at Central Point hall on the 18th. We had a Quaker brother, Mr. Edwards, with us who is about 80 years old, the father-in-law of Fred Downing, an enterprising farmer near the Point. Mr. E. lives in the Willamette Valley. He preached a short discourse. Mr. P. adds: I have been to Quaker meetings in my boyhood days in the states of Ohio and Indiana. I also attended Quaker school during one winter which was taught in a Quaker meeting house; but this brother is the first Quaker I ever heard preach, therefore I think the religious as well as the political world is moving.
    Born--To the wife of Chas. Carney of Little Butte Creek an eleven-and-a-half-pound boy on the 14th inst. This is a grandson of our nominee on the Prohibition ticket for representative. We surely ought to elect T. J. Cochran, as well as others of our ticket.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, May 21, 1886, page 3

Central Point Letter.
July 15.
    ED. COURIER:--I herewith send you Bybee's letter for publication, that the public may know why we have to change our appointment for our contemplated meeting from the north to the south side of Rogue River to the old meeting ground, to commence Friday, July 30th. Mr. Bybee told me last Friday that we could select any suitable place in the pasture to hold our meeting, which we did that day, but yesterday his letter came to hand, notifying us not to have the meeting there; therefore the change.
    [Mr. Bybee states in his letter to Mr. Peterson that he has stock in the pasture and thinks the gate would be left open and the stock get out, so he hopes "they will find some other place to hold the meeting."--[Ed.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, July 23, 1886, page 2

July 25.
    ED. COURIER:--It has been quite hot harvesting, but this morning is cloudy and cool. There were quite a number of people during the past week afflicted with cholera morbus, but all seem better now. People are progressing with their harvesting well. Threshing has commenced. Several evenings during the past ten days there has been showers northeast of us extending down into the settlements on Big Butte, soaking their ground.
    Thos. Sly lost a fine mare worth $150 last week.
    Our meeting at Medford was well attended yesterday.
    Central Point is building up some.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, July 30, 1886, page 2

July 25.
    A. C. Howlett lost their babe of summer complaint.
    Harvesting is drawing to a close. It is better than was expected.
    The Baptists have just closed a successful meeting on Antelope. They immersed nine last Saturday.
    Old man Hopwood had considerable loss by a fire on his farm joining the Point Saturday. It burned several hundred rails and a small stack of barley.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, August 27, 1886, page 3

Sams Valley, Oregon.
    In conjunction with Bro. Martin Peterson we have just concluded a meeting at Mound Church in Jackson County this state with 14 additions to the congregation. One intelligent Baptist brother, 60 years of age, took membership, also one from the United Brethren--an intelligent lady who had been immersed. Two were restored to the fellowship of the church, five were added by statement and five confessed their faith in Christ as the Son of God and bowed in humble submission to His authority. Take it all in all it was a grand meeting for this section, principally because of the general religious awakening throughout the entire community. All of the new additions were grown persons. Eleven heads of families and among the best citizens of the county. We enjoyed the hearty cooperation of our venerable brother Peterson, now 66, all the time. He has been residing in Oregon twenty-three years and came here from Grundy County, Mo. I had often heard of him before I left Mo., and I find him to be truly a man of God--full of faith and full of the Spirit of his Master. I came into the Rogue River Valley July 30th and will  continue here until about the first of September. I find here, as in the Willamette Valley, many persons who were church members back East and yet have had no membership with their brethren since they settled in Oregon. During my labors as state evangelist many of these derelict brethren and sisters have been induced to renew their vows to the Lord and we hope for a greater degree of religious zeal during the residue of their earthly pilgrimage. My first year as evangelist will expire Sept. 30th. Our State Board has unanimously tendered me the position for another year and I have accepted the work. In the one hope,
Aug. 19, 1886.
The Christian-Evangelist, St. Louis, Missouri, September 2, 1886, page 553

Central Point.
Sept. 14, 1886.
    There is considerable sickness at Eagle Point yet, but all on the gain.
    Will Henley is here with 20 head of beef cattle to ship for Portland tonight. He expects to ship 40 head next week.
    The days are hot and smoky and the mornings cool.
    Threshing is about all done. Grain turned out fine on Bear Creek bottom. It yielded from 30 to 50 bushels to the acre.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, September 17, 1886, page 2

Central Point.
Sept. 19, 1886.
    I am busy repairing Bear Creek bridge.
    Held meeting at the Point yesterday.
    We are in the smoke and dust in the valley.
    The Eagle Point Mill is running day and night.
    Threshing is done and people generally are doing up their fall work.
    Bear Creek is quite low, too low for the Phoenix Mills to do much business.
    They are having quite a time with sickness at Eagle Point. Simons family are suffering the most now. There are several sick in Medford. Very little sickness in other places as far as I know.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, September 24, 1886, page 3

Central Point.
Sept. 28, 1886.
    Four of H. C. Fleming's children are down with fever but seem to be improving a little.
    Please announce that I expect to preach at Josephine congregation Lord's Day the 10th of Oct.
    Our fruit failed this year, but this is not likely to occur again in years. It will be quite an article of export.
    Mr. J .W. Jackson has shipped from Central Point in this season twenty carloads of melons, and could yet ship more but for the cool weather; the market does not demand them. This is quite a business already, but in a few years it must increase more, as our Rogue River melons are as good as can be raised and will be in demand.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, October 1, 1886, page 3

    Elder M. Peterson exhibited at our office a squash raised by George Brown of Eagle Point, weighing 193 pounds. It is of the Mammoth variety and well deserves its name. Mr. Peterson sent it to the Oregon State Board of Immigration.--[Monitor.
"Local and Personal,"
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, October 8, 1886, page 3

    It has rained enough in the valley now so we do not strike dry dirt in plowing … yesterday and day before were lovely days; this morning foggy … farmers busy … the fall sowing growing slowly … feed on range poor … the Hanleys and Love are feeding a number of beef cattle. They are shipping to Portland … our friend, T. H. Stinson, is up in the mountains canning venison. He took 1500 cans, expecting to fill them … the health of the Eagle Pointers and of H. C. Fleming's family is improving much … I have a nice lot of new bacon and lard ready for the market … tell your brother J. W. Wimer we are anxious to try the "Solid Comfort" plow. Let them come on soon or we will be necessarily bound to get other plows. … I had meeting in the M.E. meeting house in Jacksonville Lord's day morning and night and last night. Had good and attentive audience and remarkable good behavior … my appointment for next Lord's day is at Central Point, and the following Lord's day at Medford. Yours, &c.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, December 17, 1886, page 3

    Rev. M. Peterson, writing from Jackson County under date of Dec. 27th, says: J. W. Wimer was at Central Point last Thursday with his Economist plows. I took one and tried it and was so pleased with the way it worked in my sticky land that I went Friday and got another. They do better work on sticky land than any I ever worked in it. They are lighter by ¼ than my Garden City sulky.
"Local and Personal,"
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, December 31, 1886, page 3

CENTRAL POINT, Dec. 21, '86
    Roads not bad yet.
    Are having frost and fog of late with some rain.
    J. F. Gregory has moved into his large new house.
    A large hotel is being built at Central Point by Sims and Carney.
    Miss Hodges and Mr. Armstrong of upper Rogue River were married recently.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, December 31, 1886, page 3

MOUND RANCH, Dec. 27, 1886.
    ED. COURIER:--Mound Sunday school had a Christmas tree at the school house on Saturday night, and to say it was splendid would hardly give a full idea of its good qualities. The children in their declamations and songs did honor to themselves and credit to their school. There were quite a number of rewards of merit given by my daughter, who has been superintending the school for some time. Among them was a half dozen Morocco-bound bibles, which were given to a class of boys and girls who had made the best record in their lessons. Sister R. Cox read an excellent article on Temperance that met with general approval. Everything went off very pleasantly and all went home well pleased with the entertainment. … The past week has been a little moist and last night gave us a real Oregon mist from about 8 o'clock, and yet it comes at 7 this morning. … Do not put Reverend to my name; in fact, do not give it to any human being; for it belongs to God alone. See Psalms CXI., 9. "Holy and reverend is his name." This is the only place in the bible that I find the word reverend used. Publish this so that others may profit by it.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, January 7, 1887, page 1

CENTRAL POINT, Apl. 25, '87.
    I expect to go out to the school house by Bro. John Niday's to hold meeting on the 7th of next month. If it is agreeable I would like to have meeting at eight in the evening at Grants Pass on the 7th.
    H. C. Fleming married Henry Gregory to Miss Mollie Owens, at the residence of the bride's parents on Dry Creek yesterday.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, April 29, 1887, page 2

    Elder M. Peterson, in a card dated June 20th, says: "Please announce my appointment for Jumpoff Joe, with Josephine congregation, on the 10th of July at 11 o'clock. Expect to have dinner there and have two meetings. Haying is progressing nicely; the crop remarkably good. Grain looks well. Health good."
"Local and Personal,"
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, July 1, 1887, page 3

Central Point.
    HERALD.--As your chief editor is at this hour out on our Mound Ranch busily engaged gathering some of the many curiosities of the mineral kingdom that abound here, I will say he arrived safely at Central Point last Saturday morning, and I met him there and brought him to our residence. After dinner, we in company with my good old wife and my grandson, W. M. Morris, took our places in our carriage and proceeded to call on Bro. H. C. Fleming, Bro. Bingham and Bro. Bodine. At the latter place we proceeded with our Sister to ascend the hill into the beautiful orchard of some 1500 peach, prunes, plum and other fruit trees, put out by Bro. Bodine in the past four years. Here for the time being we lost sight of the editor, but in the course of about 45 minutes he put in an appearance. He looked a little fatigued, as he had traveled through much of this beautiful orchard, and as he journeyed he sampled the delicious peaches which are now ripening. We all ate heartily of the peaches; but Sister Bodine soon prepared a bountiful supper, after which we returned from looking at the best orchard I ever saw, and Bro. Stanley agrees with me in this.
    Yesterday morning, wife and Bro. S. and I started in our carriage for our meeting some ten miles west near Gold Hill, where we arrived in due time. The friends provided seats, etc., in a pleasant grove near a large spring, and a good and attentive audience assembled, in due time, to whom Bro. Stanley presented some of the glorious facts of our religion. The people brought their baskets well filled with the good things of Southern Oregon, and after the forenoon service we soon provided temporary tables, which our good sisters soon covered with the bountiful provisions prepared, and after thanksgiving by Bro. Roberts, our South Methodist minister, who was with us during the day, all proceeded to participate in the rich repast. Social conversation and pleasant feeling was the order for an hour or two. Then Bro. Stanley gave an excellent discourse on Safe Ground religiously, making four points stand out conspicuously, viz., 1st Conversion, 2nd Name, 3rd Baptism and 4th Creeds, which was well presented and attentively listened. The audience seemed to be well pleased with the day's exercises, and all returned to their respective places of abode. Bro. G. M. Whitney was with us and spoke with much feeling at the close of the meeting. We came home last evening.
    Bro. Stanley and my wife and I intend on going to Medford after dinner. Bro. S. is to deliver a lecture on Education there tonight and tomorrow night in Jacksonville. All are well. Bro. S. seems to enjoy Southern Oregon, but wishes his better half might be here to enjoy it with him.
    Please announce that I expect to commence a meeting at Myrtle Creek on Thursday night before the 5th Lord's day, to hold over Lord's day.
July 18, '87.
Christian Herald, Portland, July 22, 1887, page 3

CENTRAL POINT, Nov. 26, '87.
    ED. COURIER:--The death of Elmer G. Gibson occurred about midnight on the 23rd inst. His disease was consumption, with which he suffered for about 13 months. He died as he lived, in full assurance of Christian faith. He was anxious, in the last days of his life, to depart and be with his Saviour. We attended his funeral by his request on the 24th.
    While speaking at the grave, the friends and relatives of Mr. Black, who died a few hours later than Bro. Gibson, came with his remains. I arranged the casket and spoke relative to the life and death of each one in the same discourse, then had the caskets lowered and the graves filled at the same time. There was quite a large attendance, and deep feeling prevailed throughout. They were buried at the burying ground near the old stage road near the crossing of Jumpoff Joe.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, December 2, 1887, page 3

    Rev. M. Peterson, of Central Point, was in town yesterday.
"Brevities," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 1, 1888, page 3

    H. Amy and Mrs. M. Peterson are quite sick, we are sorry to learn.

"Central Point Pointers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 6, 1889, page 3

    Elder Peterson and several assistants were engaged in preparing the northeast corner of the fair grounds for the meeting next Sunday, and for the great lecture by Rev. John A. Brooks on Friday afternoon, the 12th inst. A fine speaker's stand has been provided, numerous seats for the audience placed in the shade of the oaks and the grove of pines about the fine well, trimmed up and beautified. A large crowd is expected at both gatherings.
"Central Point Pointers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 4, 1889, page 3

PETERSON--In Central Point precinct, July 2nd, of inflammation of the bowels, Elder Martin Peterson; aged about 70 years.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 11, 1889, page 3

    It is seldom that a good man is more generally missed from his accustomed haunts than is Martin Peterson, whose sudden death was chronicled last week. He was a central figure in the community, about whom were attracted those who appreciate the better ways of life and revere goodness for its own sake. Simple and unassuming of manner, diligent in season and out of season in his Master's work, making no promise that he could not fulfill, he was ever ready to mourn with the sorrowing to sympathize with the distressed and rejoice with those who rejoiced. For twenty-five years he has labored in his chosen field with the zeal of an apostle, visiting the sick, counseling the wicked to better ways, admonishing the unwary; ever ready to respond to the cry of his parishioners in their need. For a quarter of a century he has officiated at the baptismal font, the marriage rite, the funeral obsequies of a large district--a veritable minister of grace. Two generations have listened to his teachings and will cherish his memory as one of the elect of the earth, who have "rendered with their precepts less the sum of human wretchedness." Born of sturdy pioneer parentage in the state of Indiana in October 1820, and becoming a pioneer of this coast himself when in the meridian of life, he lived to see the fruition of his hopes and the full appreciation of his ministration by his parishioners, and died in the happy reflection resulting from having consistently followed out the course prescribed by his Master, as he was permitted to see it. He was stricken while in the pulpit, expounding the Word, but lived to reach his home and died, surrounded by his family, on Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock, July 3rd. If his faith was well founded--and who can say that it was not--he but goes from sounding his Master's praise on earth to singing hosannas in heaven. The cortege which followed his remains to the place of interment was one of the largest funeral processions seen for many months in the valley. May his ashes rest in peace; his soul has but gone to its reward.
A FRIEND.               
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 18, 1889, page 1

    Departed this life July 2, 1889, at his home at Central Point, Jackson County, Oregon, Martin Peterson, who was born in Dayton, Ohio, October 28, 1820. Early in life he settled in Missouri, and resided in the counties of Grundy and Sullivan
until the year 1864, when he moved to Oregon and located on a farm near Central Point, where he lived the residue of his life.
    He was a preacher of righteousness for near one half a century. Bro. Peterson, when a young man identified himself with the Disciples of Christ and among them was a very earnest, faithful and indefatigable, laborer in the vineyard of the Lord. For twenty-five years he lived in the Rogue River Valley in his adopted state and is well known all over that fertile and beautiful valley as a man who walked with God. Blessed with an excellent Christian wife, surrounded by an abundance of the good things of this life, his home was ever given to hospitality without regard to creed or nationality. A daughter by his first marriage, his bereaved widow and one daughter of the second wife survive him. It was the pleasure of the writer to labor in the gospel with our beloved  Brother Peterson during the month of August, 1880, in Jackson and Josephine counties, Ore., and I can truly say that I have never found a more congenial companion in the ministry of the word. Whilst we differed somewhat as to the how of mission work, we determined during that month to know nothing save Christ and him crucified and our united labors were abundantly blessed by the Lord. Bro. Peterson preached the word. He was a man of strict integrity, a good husband, a kind father, an excellent citizen, and his place among the people whom he loved and who loved him will be difficult to fill. That he is enjoying rest, and will, in the great day of the Lord, hear the welcome plaudit, "Well done, good and faithful servant," I have no doubt.
The Christian-Evangelist, St. Louis, Missouri, August 8, 1889, page 511

    On our way home we stopped at Medford and Central Point, Oregon. At Medford we found the brethren hopeful, and erecting a fine church house. We spoke twice to good audiences. Two were added to the congregation.
    August 4th, in a beautiful grove on Rogue River, near our lamented Bro. Martin Peterson's house, we held a basket meeting. Had fine hearings and started a movement to secure a representative man for this important field. The death of Bro. Peterson leaves this field without an active worker in it. A few items in connection with his life and work will be of interest to many readers.
    Bro. Peterson was born in Xenia, O., Oct. 28th, 1820 and died at Central Point, Oregon, July 2nd, 1889, in his 69th year. He married Miss Sarah Arrowwood, of Montgomery Co., Ind., who died about one year thereafter leaving one child--Mrs. Dougherty, of Missouri. Sept. 22nd, 1884 [sic], he married Miss Elizabeth Hamrick, of Missouri, by whom he had six children, only one surviving him.
    With his family he crossed the plains with ox teams in spring of 1850, and landed in Grass Valley, Nevada Co., California.
    Four years after, the doctors prescribing an ocean voyage for his wife's health, they returned to Missouri by water, via Isthmus, Gulf and Mississippi River.
    In 1863 they made the overland journey again with horse teams, landing at Liberty, Cal., near where Galt now stands, midway between Sacramento and Stockton. After one year they removed to Central Point, Oregon.
    After returning to Missouri, he began preaching, and continued despite the dangers caused by the war until he left for the coast.
    To Bro. Peterson, we believe, belongs the honor of conducting the first "church on wheels" across the plains. In a company of 150 souls there were some 25 or 30 members of the Christian Church. They held regular services every Lord's day, preaching, breaking the loaf, etc. Emigrant trains that chanced to camp nearby would often invite him over to their camp and preach for them.
    Thus our brother was sowing the seed of the kingdom. Frequently have we met parties from all parts of the coast who knew Martin Peterson, and speak of him with great respect, saying we crossed the plains with him, or heard him preach on the plains.
    Sister Peterson remembers those days with pleasure and says that this trip was truly enjoyable.
    To Bro. Peterson also belongs the honor of organizing the first Christian Church in Southern Oregon. He was taken suddenly sick while preaching, on Lord's day, June 30th, but was able to be taken home next day, and died the following day (Tuesday) afternoon. Bro. P. was emphatically a pioneer preacher, a self-made man, a hard student, as a glance at his well-thumbed, well-selected library will attest, of positive convictions and fearless in his exposures of errors.
    The immense concourse of citizens that followed him to his last resting place testified to the hold he had upon the popular heart. The service was conducted by his old-time friend, Bro. G. M. Whitney, of Eugene, Oregon.
A. B. WADE.               
Central Point, Oregon, Aug. 6, 1889.               
"Oregon Items," The Christian-Evangelist, St. Louis, Missouri, August 22, 1889, page 9

A Handsome Monument.
    In the cemetery near Central Point there has recently been erected a massive and elegant monument to mark the last resting place of Elder Martin Peterson, who died July 2nd, 1889. The material is Italian marble, and the design is an Ionic pillar upon a broad sandstone pedestal that bears the family name. The pillar, which is over seven feet high, is finished with a capital surmounted by a beautiful closed urn. In the niches below the arches are lovely calla lilies, and around the pillar fern fronds and ivy are interwoven in delicate fretwork. About the base are oak leaves in bold relief. The monument is symbolic of the high character it commemorates. Elder Peterson was a man of strongest religious convictions and purity of character, and tender as a little child with humanity in its ever-changing mutations, and it is meet that the spotless marble that bears aloft the consecrated urn should be as unassuming in design as the life work of the man whose name is recorded upon it. This handsome monument is the work of the well-known marble dealers, Jackson & Sowden of Grants Pass.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 27, 1890, page 3

Auction Sale.
    There will be sold at the farm of the late Martin Peterson, in Central Point precinct, at auction sale, on Saturday, July 19, commencing at 10 a.m., a number of horses, cattle, etc. Terms: Cash in hand on all sums under $25. Three months' time will be given on all sums over that amount, notes to be well secured and draw 10 percent interest.
Mrs. M. Peterson,
W. A. Owen, Auctioneer.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 11, 1890, page 3

    Maria Catherine Morris, a pioneer of Jackson County since the early days, passed away at her home in Central Point Sunday afternoon at the age of 78 years, 9 months and 17 days. She was a native of Illinois and came west at the age of one year and resided with her parents in California until her marriage to A. W. Morris, who was called to his reward many years ago. Her father was a pioneer minister of Jackson County and established the Christian church at Medford. He will be remembered by the early settlers as the Rev. Martin Peterson and preached at various places over the valley. Thus in the passing of Mrs. Morris Oregon loses another of the few remaining pioneers of '49.
    She leaves three children, A. R. Morris and Mae M. Jacobs of Central Point and W. M. Morris of Hornbrook, Calif. Also two grandchildren, Edith L. Jacobs and Gerald M. Morris.
    Funeral services will be held at her late residence in Central Point at 10:30 o'clock Tuesday morning. Rev. Shaw of the Christian church, of which she was a member, will officiate. Services in charge of Conger Funeral Parlors. Interment in Central Point cemetery.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 27, 1926, page 8

    The year 1864 yields data of an interesting character in one person of Martin Peterson, who crossed the plains and settled in the Sacramento Valley in 1863, coming to Oregon a year later. To him belongs the honor of organizing the first Christian Church in Southern Oregon. He built the first schoolhouse in his part of the state at his own expense and preached in it until his death. To his labors are indebted the churches of Medford, Ashland and Central Point. Other churches were organized by him in Jackson and Josephine counties which did not endure. His zeal for the cause was evidenced by the fact that in crossing the plains he held services regularly every Lord's Day with the emigrant train. He called it the "First Church on Wheels." There were 30 members of the Christian Church in that train. While preaching a sermon on June 30, 1889, he was stricken down and died the next day. He devoted his entire life to the church and steadfastly refused ever to take a penny for his labors.
C. F. Swander, Making Disciples in Oregon, 1928, page 35

Last revised April 1, 2024