![]() ![]() The State Theater Open September 8, 1928-September
20, 1932.
George A. Roy of San Francisco Announces He Has Leased Portion of New Montgomery Ward Building for 'State' Film Theater.
was made today by George A. Roy of San Francisco that he had leased the
corner unit of the Montgomery Ward building, now under construction at
South Central Avenue and Eighth Street, and will open therein about
September 1 next a new moving picture theater. The playhouse will be
called "The State," and according to Mr. Roy will represent an
investment of approximately $20,000.
MEDFORD TO HAVE NEW MOVIE SHOWEquipment for the theater has been purchased and contracts signed for films, according to Mr. Roy. A Moviephone--the first in the state, according to the claims of the management--will be installed with synchronized music with all picture presentations. The pictures will be cast upon the screen by the latest type of movie mirror art reflector. The theater will be cooled and heated by the Colvent system. Upholstered chairs will be installed. It is the plan of Mr. Roy, when in operation, to present a change of pictures daily, except Wednesday and Thursday. There will be a continuous show from 1 to 11 o'clock. The admission price will be set at 10c for children and 15c for adults. Roy has been connected with the motion picture business for 20 years, and now has an interest in two picture theaters in Nevada. Medford Mail Tribune, July 19, 1928, page 1 Theater Man Leases Part of Building on South Central
Medford is to have a new movie theater.
Such was the announcement made yesterday forenoon by G. A. Roy, late of San Francisco, who has been conducting theaters in that state and in Nevada for the past 20 years. Some time ago Mr. Roy negotiated a lease for one of the rooms in the Leverette building, which is being constructed at the corner of South Riverside and Eighth Street, and which is to be the home of Montgomery Ward & Co. According to Mr. Roy the theater will be opened about September 1. He returned this week from Portland, where he completed the booking of pictures for the coming year. Modern picture machines have been ordered and will be equipped with the latest type of mirror arc reflector lamps. "Our biggest surprise," said Mr. Roy, "will be in our music, which is known as the Moviephone, the first of the kind to be installed in Oregon. The Moviephone is the latest music sensation for the perfect synchronization of music to motion pictures." Will Seat 400
The new
theater will have a
seating capacity of 400 and will be modernly equipped throughout. The
modern type of upholstered chairs have been ordered, and a complete
ventilating and heating system, insuring perfect ventilation and
temperature at all seasons."Popular prices will prevail," says Mr. Roy, with an admission of 10 cents for children and 15c for adults prevailing at all shows. Two-hour programs will be provided regularly. Continuous shows will be run from 1 o'clock in the afternoon to 11 o'clock at night. There will be six changes of pictures weekly, Thursday being the only day on which new programs will not be afforded. Commenting on his decision to locate in Medford, Mr. Roy said: "I have visited all the leading cities and towns of the Northwest with a view to opening a new theater, and after a complete investigation of the field came to the conclusion that Medford afforded opportunities available in no other place. Medford is not only one of the best small cities on the coast, but there is every indication that it has an excellent chance for growth and development for many years to come." Family
to Come
Mr. Roy has a family of a wife and son who will come to Medford and
assist him in the management of the theater and make this their
permanent home.Work on the fine new block which Mr. Leverette is having constructed is progressing at a rapid pace and will be ready for occupancy on the contract date. The walls of the large structure have been completed and the concrete forms are being torn away. Medford Daily News, July
20, 1928, page 1
Medford, Ore.—George A. Ray [sic] of San Francisco has leased a unit of the Montgomery Ward Building in which he will open a theater to cost $20,000 . "New Theaters," The Film Daily, August 6, 1928, page 7 NEW MOVIE HOUSE WILL START
Four years ago, in a hotel room in Reno, Nev., a coin was flipped by G.
Roy to decide whether he should open a moving picture theater in the
Nevada metropolis or in Medford, Oregon. Mr. Roy had spent considerable
time investigating the possibilities in various cities on the coast,
and his choice lay between the two places mentioned. Chance decreed
that the new theater venture should be launched in Reno. Medford,
however, remained in the movie man's mind.
The theater in Nevada proved successful from the start, as well it might, for Mr. Roy has spent over twenty years in the business, and the element of chance had little to do with the final outcome. Never fully satisfied with the decree of the flipped coin, Mr. Roy remembered during the four years in Reno the many attractions of southern Oregon, and accordingly there will be opened next week in the new Leverette building a modern moving picture theater which will be owned and operated by him. The new movie house has a seating capacity of 350 persons, comfortable air cushion seats being installed throughout the auditorium. Interior finish of the theater is of terra cotta with gold blend and presents a pleasing appearance with the parchment paper lighting fixtures which were specially designed by a theatrical decorator. The rose and gold motif will be carried in the foyer, and axminster carpets over heavy felt will cover the floors, which are arranged for proper elevation. An innovation in lighting arrangement permits the use of sufficient illumination during the showing of a film to enable patrons to find their way without difficulty in the auditorium. So-called shadow boxes about the screen are the secret of the new system, the screen itself being in darkness and the high-powered reflector arc lamps of the projecting machines being able to penetrate the light of the auditorium and reach the silver sheet undiffused. The projection room is of most modern type and equipment. Inspection by state and city authorities including Chief Roy Elliott of the Medford fire department has shown the "light box" to be thoroughly fireproof. Ventilation of the new theater is provided for in summer by forcing fresh air through water where it is cooled and cleansed, and thence into the auditorium. In winter the same equipment will force fresh air through steam radiators and into the show house. Installation of "Moviephone" equipment will give a musical interpretation for each phase of the screen action. This device is synchronized with the film and has a pleasing tonal quality, said to be superior to most machines of the kind. The "Moviephone" has proved a sensation in California, where several have been put in operation. The new Medford theater will have the first machine of the kind installed in Oregon. According to Mr. Roy the theater will open Friday or Saturday with admission prices fixed at fifteen cents for adults and ten cents for children under twelve years of age. "Adults 15c any seat any time" will be the box-office feature. Films will be changed six times a week, a W Medford, Ore.—George A. Ray [sic] of San Francisco has leased a unit of the Montgomery Ward Building in which he will open a theater to cost $20,000 . "New Theaters," The Film Daily, August 6, 1928, page 7ednesday feature film being held over for the second day's showing on Thursday. A serial picture of sustained suspense will be part of the regular program, beginning with the initial day. The "Mark of the Frog," now being run at the Portland theater, Portland, has been selected for this part of the program. The opening feature film will be a comedy drama starring Viola Dana in "That Certain Thing." Mr. and Mrs. Roy intend to make Medford their permanent home, and with their son will each have a part in the operation of the theater. Medford Mail Tribune, September 2, 1928, page 3 ![]() Medford Mail Tribune, September 7, 1928 STATE THEATER OPENS SATURDAY
State Theater, Medford's new moving picture house, will open Saturday
at 1 p.m. and continue until 11 p.m., with Viola Dana in the lead of
the sparkling comedy "That Certain Thing." The first installment of a
serial, "The Mark of the Frog," and a Pathé News reel are
on the opening day's program.
The feature for Sunday's run brings the charming Patsy Ruth Miller in "Once and Forever," with John Harron in support. The new theater, which occupies a portion of the recently constructed Leverette building, is a thoroughly up-to-date and comfortable show house, with air-cushion chairs and other equipment carefully selected by the owner, G. A. Roy, who has had many years experience in the movie business. The Moviephone, a recent invention now finding favor with California theater-goers, has been installed for the correct musical interpretation of the film action. Mr. Roy has contracted for a highly interesting series of releases, which feature such well-known stars as Hobart Bosworth, Sally O'Neill, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Ricardo Cortez, Patsy Ruth Miller, Carmel Myers, George Fawcett, Antonio Moreno and others. The admission prices will follow the house slogan, 10 and 15 cents for any seat, any time. Members of the Rotary Club and others have been invited by the State Theater management to witness this evening a special preview of the film "That Something," which was dedicated by the producers to the Rotary clubs of the world. Medford Mail Tribune, September 7, 1928, page 4 ![]() Medford News,
September 8, 1928
With a preview of an entertaining picture program, to which a large
number of representative citizens were invited, the new State Theater,
in the Leverette block on South Central Avenue, was
formally opened last night by G. L. [sic] Roy, manager
and lessee.
Preceding the pictures, Mr. Leverette introduced Mr. Roy, who spoke briefly, saying he had tried to come to Medford four years ago and failing at that time, had gone to Denver, Colo. "I didn't forget Medford, however, and here I am," he added. After expressing appreciation to Mr. Leverette and contractor Merritt, Mr. Roy welcomed those present and announced the picture which would be shown, stating that it had been endorsed by the P.T.A., the clergy and by Rotary International. He also gave his audience an idea as to what they might expect in the way of pictures to be shown at the State. The feature picture, he explained, had been written by a friend of his, W. W. Woodbridge of Tacoma, Wash., a member of the Tacoma Rotary Club, and dedicated to the Rotary Clubs of the world. Emphasizing the value of corrected thought, and its resultant effects in all the walks of life, "That Something" pointed a convincing moral, while being sufficiently entertaining. Short subjects included a comedy, an animated cartoon, and a Tiffany color classic. Musical accompaniment was furnished by the Movietone, which synchronized the picture remarkably well. As the audience departed, Mr. and Mrs. Roy took advantage of the opportunity to meet many of Medford's residents. Mr. Roy expects to be in the projection room, he said. Mrs. Roy will act as cashier, while their son, Alfred Roy, will relieve at either position when necessary. A large neon sign was installed in front of the theater yesterday, which adds to the appearance of South Central. Medford News, September 8, 1928, page 2 ![]() Medford Mail Tribune, December 30, 1928 The
State seems to have struggled in the late 1920s, advertising
sporadically and in only one newspaper.
![]() Medford Daily News, October 31, 1929 The State's last newspaper ad,
after which it reopened as the Studio
![]() Medford Mail Tribune, September
21, 1932
Studio Theater Has New Sound Device
The State Theater reopens today as
the Studio Theater with the latest R.C.A. Photophone sound equipment.
Walter H. Leverette, the new owner, announced yesterday that tests of
the sound reproduction of the Studio have proved it better than in any
theater anywhere. The new equipment has improvements that have been
added only during the last few months.New projection machines and a new screen have also been installed. The theater will have a small stage, and several rows of seats in the back have been raised to give a clear vision from every part of the house. A new curtain in front of the screen and a marquee over the sidewalk will be installed during the next few days. The marquee is being manufactured in Medford by the Standard Neon Company. It will have the name of the theater and modernistic designs in five different colors. Mr. Leverette, who owns theaters in Grants Pass, Ore. and Yreka, Calif., will be in active charge of the Studio. Today, Monday and Tuesday the Studio will show "The Lost Squadron," starring Richard Dix. Medford Mail Tribune, September 25, 1932, page 5 Why We Think the Fox Theater Chain and Holly Theater Are a Menace to Medford and Vicinity and to Us--the Independent Theater Owners… We think the past operation of the Fox Theater Chain in Medford is enough to put the stamp of disapproval forever upon them, for their whole purpose and aim seems, to us, to be along one line of thought, and that is to control all the theaters here. They purchased, last year, all the major film product, forcing the closing of the Holly. George Roy, who was operating the State Theater, was forced to quit, and the Roxy was forced to show pictures at ten cents and was barely able to remain open. They were unable to pay any decent salaries and were in a most precarious condition. This was all done by Fox with staggering losses to themselves; so we believe that if ever there was such a thing as unfair competition, this is it. We believe that every admission paid into the Holly Theater is a direct thrust at our very vitals, and appeal to you--the citizens of our own city--to spend your money with the independent, home-owned theaters. Both Mr. Newman and Mr. Rosenberg called upon George Hunt, agreeing to maintain the same policy and prices as Hunt's Craterian when they opened the Holly Theater. This agreement they have already broken by double billing and, really, you can expect anything. You have heard of "bread wars'' when bread was sold as low as one cent per loaf and, frankly, it is possible that theater admissions might go that low in Medford. They may show pictures that you wish to see, but in this case, we ask you to wait for their showing in our second-run theaters, which will show them shortly afterward. Yours for a Greater and Better Medford
Medford Mail Tribune, December 18, 1933, page 5We, the owners, are WALTER LEVERETTE. GENE CHILDERS. GEO. A. HUNT THEATERS, Inc. The independent theaters are STUDIO. RIALTO. ROXY. CRATERIAN. Last revised November 25, 2024 |