The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Notes on South Holly and Grape
An untidy page of notes on my neighborhood.

South Holly Street, March 1910
South Holly, looking north from the roof of St. Mary's Academy, March 1910.
Note the cart path meandering down the right of way.

    Mr. Fredenburg moved his fence manufacturing machinery this week to his residence, corner of Tenth and H streets.
"News of the City,"
 Medford Mail, September 21, 1894, page 3

    J. A. Perry has sold his residence property on South H Street to Samuel Purdy, a recent arrival from Athena, Oregon. The price paid was $1100, and possession is to be given within two weeks. This sale was made through the White & Trowbridge real estate agency. Mr. Perry expects to build a fine residence on his lots, just west from the M.E. Church, South, but he has not decided when he will commence work on it.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 4, 1904, page 5

    George H. Church, proprietor of the Vienna Bakery, has moved his bakery to the new bake building which he has recently completed on South H Street. This building is 20x30 feet in size, and in it there is a bake room 10x12 feet in size. This is, of course, intended only for temporary quarters for all purposes save the baking of the stuffs he keeps on sale. When the new building is completed he will move back to his former location. In this new building he will have a room 20x65 feet in size. Mr. Church now has his bake stuffs on sale at the grocery stores of E. N. Warner, Crystal & Morey and W. Stringer.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 12, 1906, page 5

    R. W. Gray: "I have a gang at work putting an addition to Mrs. Jos. Thomas' home on South Holly Street."
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail, August 21, 1908, page 5

    O. V. Myers, of the firm of Cusick & Myers, yesterday purchased a fine new bungalow residence on the corner of Twelfth and Grape streets from C. B. Cameron, paying therefor $2000, which was very cheap, as the building is good and well situated.
"Personal and Local Brevity," Medford Mail, October 22, 1909, page 2

    A resolution passed February 16, 1910 authorizes paving "South Holly south from Main Street to Thirteenth."
Medford city ordinance book volume 5, page 439

    Ordinance number 392 lists the property owners assessed in 1910 for paving.
Medford city ordinance book volume 5

    Contracts have been let by Messrs. Palm and Vawter for the erection of a couple of seven-room bungalows at the corner of Eleventh and Holly streets. Mr. Palm expects to occupy the one built for him as a residence..

"Late Local News," Medford Mail Tribune, February 7, 1910, page 8

    Five very choice east front lots, on Ivy Street, three blocks from Seventh Street; ideal locations; all the advantages of Oakdale Avenue without the expense; new buildings going up all around these lots; investigate this, the only choice east front lots close in available for building. Enquire 240 S. Grape St.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 11, 1910, page 5

    My best fir, $7.50 per cord. And I have some good fir for $6.50, and if you want it sawed into stovewood it will cost 50 cents per cord more. As soon as roads are better wood will be cheaper. I also do wood sawing by the cord or by the hour. I also take orders for your fall wood. I will have your wood cut now and deliver the same to you anytime next summer, and you do not have to pay for it until delivered. For further information call and see me at 421 South Grape Street, Medford, Or., or phone Main 491. C. F. Reichstein.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 11, 1910, page 6

    Singer and Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines for sale and rent. Supplies and repairs for all kinds. Address 244 S. Grape. Phone 2954.

"Business Locals," Medford Mail Tribune, March 7, 1910, page 5

    WANTED--Capable woman for general housework by Mrs. C. H. Glaize, 313 South Grape St.

"Help Wanted--Female," Medford Mail Tribune, March 21, 1910, page 7

Strange Dog, Foaming at Mouth, Terrorizes Inhabitants in West Medford
and Is Dispatched by a Bullet--Owner Is Unknown.

    A huge dog, evidently with a strain of collie in him, ran amuck on South Grape Street Sunday afternoon, terrorizing the residents of that section until he was dispatched by one of the inhabitants. A number of people who were on the street sought safety in flight, and 'tis said that more than one young lady climbed garden fences with great dexterity to escape the mad animal.
    The dog appeared suddenly upon the street as a number of young folks were returning from the ball game. He was fairly "yelping his head off" and was foaming at the mouth. One of the residents rushed into his house, and when the rifle spoke the career of the canine was over.
    The dog was a stranger and no one appears to know its owner.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 4, 1910, page 8

    After nearly 18 years' residence at the corner of Grape and Sixth streets, A. M. Woodford has taken up not only his bed, but his domicile, and while he has not literally walked, he has been following his house south along Grape Street and making sure of its location before the shades of evening fall.
    Nearly 18 years ago Mr. Woodford built the house now being moved, and at that time it was "quite a ways out," being two blocks from the railroad and three blocks from the center of town.
    Within the last few months Mr. Woodford's home has been almost surrounded by business buildings, so that he thought he would move out. As a consequence he has put his house on rollers and is transporting it to the corner of Thirteenth and Holly, where he hopes to be left in peace for a few years, before the growth of the city will cause him to move on.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 15, 1910, page 1

H. C. Stoddard ad, April 15, 1910 Medford Mail Tribune
H. C. Stoddard ad, April 15, 1910 Medford Mail Tribune

    It is suggested that many devotees of the crafts are in Medford who would enjoy working together. Craftsmen follow diverse paths, suited to the individual taste, but underlying all are the principles of design necessary to each worker in order to reach true structural lines and balanced decorations. The eastern schools give this preparatory course for two to four years before the student specializes on pottery, interior decoration, wood block printing, weaving, jewelry, etc. This would not be feasible here, but it would be both possible and pleasant for the real crafts lovers to meet on stated days through the year for the purpose of joint work along some proposed line. Many of the crafts require much financial outlay and expensive tools, but interior decoration and wood block printing do not, and would make a good beginning.
    This organization would be in the nature of a guild, where all could study one problem of design and then apply it to the one thing needed for "that little bungalow around the corner."
    Perhaps as it strengthens we might persuade someone of the California workers to come as instructor for a short-term summer school, make the tuition normal and call on the valley's inhabitants to share the pleasure. The finest wood block printer lives very far away, but she might be coaxed to give us a small correspondence course. Perhaps the new Medford library will follow its eastern confreres and allot the guild one or two north rooms as a meeting ground.
    If this guild is based on sincerity, its growth will be steady; it will draw workers here from far and near; it can hold annual exhibitions for the outsider, and it will necessarily absorb the children, many of whom love to create beauty and need only guidance in form and color.
    If there are any readers who feel inspired to become charter members of this guild, will they send their name and address this week to Mrs. H. C. Stoddard, 240 South Grape street, and a meeting will be called to form a definite organization and discuss an agreeable plan for summer work.                LOUISE SPINK.

Medford Mail Tribune, May 15, 1910, page 4

    FOR SALE--Building formerly occupied by Snow Flake Bakery. Good location for grocery or warehouse. This is to go at any price. Enquire 529 South Grape.
    FOR SALE--Best bargain in Medford. New house and barn in best residence section. Will sell with furniture at lowest figure. Terms. Call on owner at 529 South Grape.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 2, 1910, page 8

    Two causes might have contributed to the grass fire which occurred at 312 South Grape Street Monday at 10:20, carelessness or accident. The former cause was perhaps the leading one, as the lots have been covered with "foxtail" and other early maturing grasses and no apparent effort has been made to keep down the growth. The grass is dry and burns like tinder, and the slightest spark sets it on fire. Before the fire department could reach the scene the flames which had started in the grass back of 312 South Grape Street had been extinguished through the timely assistance of the neighbors, but with a wind like that of Sunday afternoon there might have been things doing in that neighborhood.
    This should be a lesson to all property owners to see that there is no dead grass allowed to accumulate about the premises, and it should suggest to the fire committee to exercise its authority to require the removal of such menaces to the city.

Medford Mail Tribune,
June 6, 1910, page 8

    For the first time since the municipality of Medford was organized the citizens of the city have seen a black bear run wild down Main Street. Yesterday afternoon Topsy, the pet bear of D. M. Russell, made a wild dash out of his store, tipping over a palm on the way to the open street beyond. Then followed a wild stampede down Main Street. People stopped and held their breath as the bear galloped past. Dogs took up the chase, but a few swift slaps from the bruin put an end to their attempts to check her flight.
    Topsy, contrary to the conviction of the people on the street, was not running for the mountains, but was simply returning to her kennel at the home of Mr. Russell on Tenth and Grape streets, where she thought it was time to receive her supper.
    Topsy was captured some weeks ago in a trap on the Klamath Indian Reservation, and still bears the marks of the steel trap.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 28, 1910, page 8

    If anyone knows anything in regard to Thomas E. Shelton of Rogue River War, 1885-56, please communicate with Mrs. Mary Shelton, 533 South Grape.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 15, 1911, page 12

    If a petition filed this morning with City Recorder Robert W. Telfer by residents and property holders in the vicinity of the Parkview Hotel at 123 South Holly Street meets with favor in the eyes of the city council at their next meeting, the proprietor of that hostelry will be forced to devise some new means for apprising his boarders of the fact that their provender awaits their onslaught.
    The modus operandi at present in vogue at the Parkview consists of beating a large iron triangle with a large iron bar. This instrument, described in the petition as one of torture, is suspended from a tree in front of the hotel and regularly, three times each day, is caused to vibrate with unholy results by repeated whacks with the iron bar in the hands of a more enthusiastic than talented performer. At such times as the triangle shows signs of indisposition a large and discordant tin disk is substituted for it and, the petition alleges, whenever one of the boarders is known to have strayed out of earshot of one or the other of them, a duet is the result.
    The time required for the rendition of each of the three numbers of the daily program rarely exceeds one minute but, asserting "That the nature of this nuisance is extremely loud, highly disagreeable and nerve-wracking," and that as the proprietor of the hotel has failed to heed previous protests, the petitioners require that the council order the chief of police to put a stop to it.
Medford Mail Tribune, weekly edition, February 2, 1911, page 3

Andrew Jackson Fredenburg, Aged 81 Years, Who Crossed
Continent with Family Over the Famous Oregon Trail, Passes Away at Home.

    With the death Thursday afternoon of Andrew Jackson Fredenburg, aged 81 years, at the family home at Tenth and Holly streets [243 South Holly--northeast corner Tenth and Holly--block 52, lot 12], another of the earliest settlers in the state of Oregon has passed away. The end came peacefully. The funeral, under the direction of the Weeks & McGowan company, will take placed at the residence on Sunday, the Rev. A. A. Holmes officiating. Interment will follow at the I.O.O.F. cemetery.
    The deceased was born in Indiana on September 30, 1830, to Isaac and Dorcas Fredenburg. At the age of 18 he moved with his parents to Missouri, and on March 18, 1857 was married to Susannah Thomas Pirtle. In 1864, with four children, the couple crossed the plains over the old Oregon Trail and later took up their residence in Baker City. They remained there one year and moved to the Willamette Valley, and in 1882 established their home in the Rogue River Valley. Two years later the family moved to Medford where, about 10 years ago, Mrs. Fredenburg died.
    Mr. Fredenburg, who has long been a devoted Christian, was a member of the congregation of the Baptist Church. He is survived by nine children, namely: James Isaac Fredenburg, of Sams Valley; Mrs. Nancy J. White, of Detroit, Or.; Mrs. Mary C. Leslie, Medford; Mrs. Lucinda E. Lewis, Fossil, Or.; Charles H. Fredenburg, Sams Valley; Mrs. Minnie M. Herring, Springfield, Or.; William J. Fredenburg, Medford, and Harmon A. Fredenburg, Medford. Another, David E. Fredenburg, died in infancy.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 3, 1911, page 6

South Park Addition Containing 130 Fine Large Lots Now on the Market--Four Percent Guaranteed on Investment by Present Owners.
    South Park addition bids fair to be the most popular of any to be put on the  market this year. It lies just six blocks south of the Presbyterian church on Holly Street. The paving is in to the very edge of this addition, and over 3000 feet of cement walks are already down on Holly Street which runs through the eastern part of the addition. The city has been built up to the edge of the north, west and east sides and in a very short time building will commence in this section.
    There is a building restriction and line limit on each street; all lots are high, sightly and very desirable.
    Think of it--only six blocks from Main Street and ideally located, with South Oakdale Avenue only a few blocks to the west and South Riverside only a few blocks east, both already well improved.
    The owners are putting these lots on the market at very low prices considering their value and they guarantee the investment for the period of one year. Buy a lot or two or three in South Park addition and at the end of one year the owners will guarantee you 4 percent on your investment. This means that if you are dissatisfied at the end of one year the owners will return to you the price you paid for your lot together with interest at the rate of 4 percent per annum. Don't wait, but look into this proposition at once, for this block of 130 lots will not last long.
    The owners are C. W. Palm, H. U. Lumsden, C. J. Hutchison and F. W. Hutchison, and you will do well to talk to any one of them about this addition.
Medford Mail Tribune,
March 29, 1911, page 8

Wife of Medford Postmaster Died This Morning--
Crossed Plains in 1865--Has Been a Resident of Medford Since 1884.

    Mrs. A. M. Woodford, a well-known resident of Medford, died at 10 o'clock Friday morning at her home, 522 South Holly Street. Typhoid fever, together with a complication of diseases, was the cause of her death. She was taken sick Saturday afternoon and gradually grew worse.
    Born in Atchison County, Kansas, March 5, 1856, she crossed the plains in a prairie schooner with her parents in 1865, and lived for some time at The Dalles, Ore., coming to Douglas County some time afterwards.
    Her maiden name was Eliza Dyer. On December 27, 1875, she was married to Mr. Woodford and with her husband came to Medford in August 1884.
    She was a member of the Eastern Star and was an earnest church worker, being a member of the Christian Church.
    A husband and five children survive her, of whom two, Ruth and Ralph, reside here; of the others Miss Myrtle Woodford resides in Portland, Mrs. F. A. Williams in Grants Pass and Mrs. J. A. Lamb of Coquille, Ore.
    John Perl is in charge of the funeral arrangements, and Rev. Matlock will have charge of the ceremonies. Funeral notice later.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 2, 1911, page 6

One Hundred Bucks Are Copped and Now Rest in City Treasury--
Ten Coons Forfeit $10 Each--Two Remain in Jail.
Twelve Men Are Ignominiously Dragged from Card Tables and Thrown into Jail

    The City of Medford took a hand in a nice quiet little poker game Tuesday night about 10 o'clock and came out of it $100 to the good. Officers Helms and Cingcade assisted by Constable Singler played for the city and won.
    For several weeks past the people living in the vicinity of 532 South Fir Street have had their peace disturbed and their dignity ruffled by the existence and maintenance in their midst of a gambling den, conducted by colored people.
    The place is a dwelling house occupied by Will Vaughn and family, colored. It has been the custom, as is stated by A. E. Powell, a nearby resident, for a number of colored men to gather there almost nightly and pass the evening in gambling and making merry until a late hour. In fact the colored people became very positive and emphatic peace breakers.
    Tuesday night police officers Helms and Cingcade swooped down upon this quiet little family home at 532 South Fir Street, and when they emerged therefrom they had with them 12 colored men together with a gambling "layout" consisting of playing cards and poker chips.
    Those gathered in were Jackson, W. G. Bills, J. Jones, E. B. Dyer, P. Johnson, Will Vaughn, Bert Jones, A. S. Mackey, J. W. Ross, W. Williams, H. A. Ross and William Jones. All of these except Jackson and Bills put up $10 each in cash as a guarantee of good faith and their appearance before Mayor Canon at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning. Jackson and Bills did not have the required amount of loose change in their pockets and were placed in jail.
    All of the bunch who put up the bail money except H. A. Ross did not appear, and the $10 bail was declared forfeited by Mayor Canon. Ross claims not to have been gambling and that he was there to collect a bill owed him by one of his more sportive companions.
    The city exchequer is $100 ahead of the game, and the little game is broken up.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 19, 1911, page 1

Men Thrown 20 Feet but Not Hurt, and Neither Is Car.
    MEDFORD, Or., July 26.--(Special.)--Driving down Fir Street 30 miles an hour, an auto containing Frank Frazier and Jimmie Corrigan dashed into a telephone pole at Eleventh Street and threw the driver and his companion 20 feet to the side of the road.
    Strangely enough neither the men nor the auto were badly injured. They were able to get their car out and drive slowly back to the garage, and now they are hiding from the police.
    The accident was the result of a race against time which Frazier was making to demonstrate the superior qualities of his car.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, July 27, 1911, page 16

South Holly Residents, 1912 city directory:
at Main: Mens Club Reading Room
41 Shelton
104 Emerick
119 Goode
123 Holmes
123 Park View
123 Perry
123 Strawl
128 Enyart
128 Plotner
128 Broad
128 Penninger
128 Jackson
128 Minter
128 Elliff
128 Butcher
128 Snider
128 Steers
128 Trodd
141 Mathes
146 Stephenson
146 Young
201 Parker
206 Purdy
219 Lane
222 Carney
222 Hurd
222 Jansen
222 Shelton
222 Palmer
222 Thomas
227 Cole
228 Gaunyaw
243 Leslie
243 Miller
304 Rau
314 Cole
314 Holmes
320 Amy
325 Wing
328 Klum
336 Davis
343 Ekstrom
343 Palm
346 Morrison
346 Miller
504 Grigsby
507 Derry
512 Akins
514 Lux
517 Swenning
519 Berlin
522 Woodford
523 Carnell
526 Woodford
532 Schrump
526 Barr
527 Newman
531 Springer
610 Lumsden
928 Colvig

    The blacksmith shop of Dooms & Holloway on South Holly, next to the Parkview Hotel, caught fire at 10 o'clock Friday evening. The damage amounts to $150.
    A fine set of dies were completely destroyed and the roof burned so that it will be necessary to replace it.
    The fire started in the southwest corner under a bench, and as the fire in the forge had been extinguished the owners think it was fired by someone.
    About five minutes before the fire bell rang, a friend passed there and no sign of fire was then visible. The fire did not burn slowly, but the whole building was a sheet of flames in an instant.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 9, 1911, page 4

    Paving operations are progressing rapidly . . . South Grape Street is finished with the exception of three intersections which are left open to make preparations for the storm sewer at that point.
"Much Progress Paving Work," Medford Mail Tribune, June 8, 1911, page 1

Neighbor Frightens Man Who was Attempting to Cut His Way
Through Rear Door in Evanson Home on South Grape.

    Alarmed by the shouts of a man in a neighboring house, a burglar who was endeavoring to cut his way with a jackknife through the kitchen door of the home of E. A. Evanson [at 240] South Grape Street Monday night, an amateur burglar fled, leaving behind an empty flask. When frightened the man had cut through the screen and partially through the lower panel of the door. He was most unscientific in his attempt on the door, for he was not cutting near the lock but far below it. This fact, in the opinion of the police, brands him an amateur.
    So much noise did the midnight marauder make that he awakened a neighbor, who began to shout lustily, frightening the burglar. Mr. and Mrs. Evanson are absent from home.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 20, 1912, page 4

    There will be a tea tomorrow at Mrs. Walter McCallum's at 334 South Grape, from 2:30 to 5 p.m. All ladies interested in equal suffrage are invited. California, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Washington and Idaho women are especially invited to attend.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, May 7, 1912, page 2

    The funeral of Emma Belle Boussum, who died at her home on South Grape Street Friday afternoon, will be held from Weeks & McGowan chapel Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. As her husband, Charles Boussum, is one of the city firemen, the fire boys will attend the funeral in a body.
    Mrs. Boussum was 20 years, 10 months and 16 days old at the time of her death. Her parents are living. She has been ill for some time.

Medford Mail Tribune, May 18, 1912, page 4

    Mrs. Emma Belle Boussum, wife of Chas. Boussum of the Medford Fire Department.
    Mrs. Boussum, nee Shirley, was born at De Beque, Colorado, June 30, 1891, and was married to Charles Boussum July 25, 1908, and died May 17, 1912. She leaves besides her husband and parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Shirley, three brothers, George S., J. Olley, and Earl L., and one sister, Jennie O., all residing at home on [425] South Grape Street.
    The above simple announcement conveys but a slight impression of the grief felt by the husband and relatives of Mrs. Boussum over her death, nor of the sincere sympathy extended to her relatives by her more intimate acquaintances, as was manifested by their liberal contributions of floral offerings. Bell (as her acquaintances loved to call her) was a woman of rare traits of character, pure of thought, word and act, kind and loving in disposition. She made and kept friends with unusual success.
    Young as she was, she has left a name and memory behind her that might well be emulated by others. Her friends so sincerely express their sorrow to her husband and relatives that they know though it was her Father's will to remove her that she has left such loving remembrances that cannot fail to comfort them in their bereavement.
    The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Eldridge of the M.E. Church last Sunday afternoon at the chapel of Weeks & McGowan, members of the Medford fire department acting as pallbearers.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 20, 1912, page 4

    Contractor W. J. Wiley has a new six-room bungalow [at 613] South Holly Street nearly completed. He is building this for his own use, and when completed it will be as modern and convenient as is possible for the latest architecture and construction to make it.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 5, 1912, page 2

    W. A. Messner has purchased the Shirley property on South Grape Street and will reside there. His family has just arrived from McMinnville, Ore. Mr. Messner recently purchased land near Talent which he intends to improve.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 2, 1912, page 2

    A fire alarm was turned in Tuesday morning about four o'clock from 301 South Grape Street, at which number Noyes and Black have a paint shop.
    The fire boys responded promptly, but before the flames could be subdued the one-story frame building was burned beyond any possible repair. The stock of paint and tools were completely destroyed.
    The origin of the fire is not known, but it is presumed to have resulted from a spontaneous combustion of old paint-besmeared rags.
    This fire puts out of commission one of the oldest frame buildings used as a business house in Medford. Over twenty years ago it was built by Adkins and Webb at the corner of Main Street and Central Avenue and was occupied by Adkins and Webb as a hardware store until replaced by the three-story brick building now occupied by T. E. Daniels. The building was moved south on Central Avenue and was the Medford Tribune home for several years. In the fire, about a year ago, which consumed the Enyart-Carnahan frame building on South Central Avenue, this building was badly scorched, but was repaired and moved to the corner of Tenth and Grape streets, where it met its final devastation Tuesday morning. The building was owned by C. W. Palm.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 23, 1912, page 6

Medford Needs Better Fire Protection
To the Editor:
    This does not mean that the firemen do not do their duty, and the very best they can do with their present equipment and the local experience they have had.
    The only suggestion might be that they be provided with, and make a study on, during their leisure, of scientific firefighting literature and periodicals.
    They do excellent work when once "on the job," but the trouble comes in getting them there in time, and the main cause of this inefficiency of methods of getting to them information and location of fires, and fire in all its features is a calamity, in which instantaneous action means everything, possibly human lives, especially when it occurs somewhat out [of town], where the telephone is the only means of communication in the absence of a regular fire alarm system
.    The fire at 10th and Grape Tuesday at 3 a.m. is an example, as it was accidentally seen only after in full blast, by a person crossing Grape Street on Main, who immediately went to the one lonely alarm box installed by the old Home Telephone at the Park, but long before this, 4 Pacific receivers and two Home receivers were down, in a fruitless effort to get "central" to call up the fire hall; meanwhile, intense heat cracking our front windows, and finally got only the stupid response of half-awake operators, when the engine was already leaving the hall from the accidental police alarm.
    This is too slow a process, and had telephone been the only means of alarm the adjoining residences would have been afire before the firemen would have been even out of bed, but no criticism is intended of these particular operators, as it is understood they are permitted to sleep after 12 o'clock and no one is clear and alert when awakened from sound sleep, and they can't be expected to get numbers right and think quickly.
    This is where our fire protection is inefficient, and if the telephone company can't afford to keep at least one operator on duty at the board and awake at night, to instantly sound an effective alarm to the fire boys upon call, then the city should provide compensation to have this, the only means of communication available for instant use at all times by everyone in the city.
    As the winter season approaches, fires will be more numerous (and as this article is being penned, word comes of another fire Wednesday morning) as stoves, lamps and lanterns are more in use, and insurance statistics show that 75 percent of the annual fires occur during the winter months, so this matter should have the immediate attention of the city council.
    Citizens endangered by Grape Street fire.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 24, 1912, page 4

    COLE--At 312 South Grape Street, Medford, March 10, 1913, Ralph Ferdinand Cole, aged 13 years, 8 months and 23 days, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Cole of this city. Funeral announcement later.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 11, 1913, page 6

JAPANESE HANDWORK LAUNDRY--Handwork wears longer, keeps clean longer, same price as machine work. We make a specialty of shirts and collars. All orders called for and delivered. Custom prices. Phone 79-J, 528 South Fir St.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 13, 1913, page 5

Wounded Man Refuses to Ride in Ambulance Driven by Rival.
    MEDFORD, Or., Nov. 17.--(Special.)--Disappointed because of his rejection at the hands of Vestal Hoxsey, 22 years old, and who is separated from her husband, Ed. Underhill, 27 years, employed on county road work, attempted to commit suicide today by shooting himself in the head with a Colt's .44 revolver, at 132 South Grape Street. The bullet plowed its way from the forehead to the crown of the head, inflicting only a scalp wound. According to George Hoxsey, brother of the woman, Underhill proposed marriage to her on Sunday. This was met with a refusal.
    After the shooting the ambulance and Dr. Porter were called. Because the ambulance was driven by Bostwick, a rival, Underhill refused to ride in the conveyance and was placed in Dr. Porter's automobile. An examination showed only a superficial wound, and he was released from the hospital an hour later. The woman's husband, George Illington, is in California.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, November 18, 1913, page 7

    W. H. Everhard sold a house and lot on South Grape to Mrs. Babue of Rapid City, S.D.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, December 13, 1913, page 2

    KARNES--[Duff] G. Karnes, for many years a resident of Medford, and a pioneer of the Rogue River Valley, died at Sacred Heart Hospital Saturday of consumption and a complication of ailments. He was 51 years of age, a native of Illinois, and is survived by two sons. The funeral services will be held Tuesday, March 24, interment in the Butte Falls Cemetery, under the direction of the Odd Fellows.
    Mr. Karnes was well known throughout Southern Oregon. He was for many years a parter of the late John Ritter in the cigar and confectionery business in this city. Many of the old residents and mining men knew him. At the time of his death he was conducting a rooming house on South Grape Street. He owned property in this city. Of late months his illness has compelled his confinement.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 23, 1914, page 2

    Born--To Mr. and Mrs. Fred McManus of 204 South Front Street, May 3, twin girls.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, May 5, 1914, page 2

South Holly Residents, 1914 city directory:
104 Emeric
109 Dooms & Frees blacksmiths
113 Pacific Furniture (Trowbridge)
123 Van Wyck
123 Holmes
123 Parkview Hotel
123 Young
128 Woodley
128 Plotner
128 Wilhoit
128 Enyart
129 Wilson
141 Mathes
146 Stephenson
201 Parker
219 Lane
222, 228 Gaunyaw
222 McKissick
222 Thomas
222 Hagen
227 Ingraham
232 Johnston
243 Riggens
243 Turrill
243 Leslie
304 Pellett
314 Corlies
325 Wing
328 Klum
328 Frick
336 Morrison
343 Palm
346 Gore
504 Messner
514 Patton
523 Carnells
531 Norris
610 Lumsden
613 Wiley
222 Wolf

    The coroner's jury had not fixed the blame at 2:30 this afternoon for the death of Charles Allen Berdan, who was electrocuted yesterday while moving a house under electric wires carrying 2200 volts. It is believed that Berdan attempted to lift up the wires while standing on the roof of the house, receiving a shock that caused his death.
    As there were no witnesses, the exact way that Berdan struck the wires will not be known. It is believed by some that he lifted one wire with one hand and struck his foot against the other, forming a circuit completely through his body. Deep burns on the legs seem to justify this belief.
    The house Berdan was moving was the property of H. S. Brumble. Brumble was having the building moved to his lots on [937 South] Holly Street.
    Attorney H. A. Canaday represented Berdan and attorney Hough the California-Oregon Power Company. The jurymen were M. Bishop, M. A. Rader, W. L. Miller, A. Frideger, Walter Merrick and J. A. Risley. A feature of the inquest was the rigid jury examination conducted by prosecuting attorney E. E. Kelly. Kelly explained that an accusation had been made he had "packed" the jury, and he wished to save the jurymen embarrassment after they had rendered a verdict.
Medford Mail Tribune,
September 1, 1914, page 2

Medford Man Is Slain by Live Wire
    The second death by accidental electrocution at Medford within the week occurred Monday afternoon, the victim being Charles A. Berdan, a young house mover. Berdan was engaged in moving a house to [937 South Holly] Street when the heavy voltage wires of the power company claimed his life. His body was discovered on the roof of the building, frightfully burned and lifeless.
    The story told by Albert Berdan, brother of the dead man, illustrates the probable manner in which he met his fate. Albert was working with his brother at the time, being on the ground.
    "We had stopped pulling the house and were blocking it when my brother went to the top to see what could be done to a wire which was too low for the house to pass under. As we were engaged in putting rollers underneath Charles apparently attempted to raise the wire. When reaching for it I suppose he lost his balance and fell against two wires, neither of which were insulated, striking his back on one and closing his hand on the other. We did not see the accident when it occurred but it could not have been over three minutes before he was found by Mr. Brumble."
    According to the California-Oregon Power Company the wires were four feet lower than the top of the house and that it could not have been moved without the wires being cut. It is also declared by the company that they had not been informed of the moving of the house.
    Mr. Berdan's body was badly burned, one leg being burned to the bone, and his back was badly scorched. Dr. E. B. Pickel was called, the body brought down, still warm, and everything done to restore life without avail.
    Coroner A. E. Kellogg impaneled a jury the following afternoon, and the finding was a verdict of accidental death. Charles A. Brown, of Medford, was electrocuted the previous week, while fighting a fire that had severed high tension wires.
Gold Hill News, September 5, 1914, page 1

    The condition of D. J. Mathes, auditor of the Medford National Bank, ill at his home, 140 South Holly, is very serious. He is suffering from pneumonia, which caused a weakening of the heart. Mr. Mathes has been ill the last week.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, March 30, 1915, page 2

    J. C. Coker, an old-time resident of the valley, has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Carnell of South Holly. He left Wednesday morning for Portland, where he will visit with friends.

"Local and Personal," Medford Sun, April 1, 1915, page 6

    There was a flue fire at the home of Mrs. Nellie Wing of 325 South Holly Street last evening.

"Local and Personal," Medford Sun, June 13, 1915, page 2

    A burglar with passkeys made a bungling job of it at the residence of E. C. Ferguson on South Holly Street last night. A member of the family heard the keys rattling stealthily in the locks of the various doors of the residence for some minutes before awakening the head of the house. He usually keeps a revolver handy, but it wasn't convenient last night, of course, and by the time he got it and opened the door the burglar was gone. His tracks showed that he wore stub-toed, broad-soled shoes. There was snow on the ground, and his footprints were traced around the house. In fact, he had made two or three round trips. Rather a bad night for bad business.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 26, 1916, page 6

    There's only one direction in Medford today, and that is toward South Holly Street. The very air spells circus, for during the early hours of morning several trainloads of happiness reached the city via the Southern Pacific, and like the Arabs of old, a veritable city of tents were soon wafted to the breezes. Hardly had the cars been "spotted" in the yards until a multitude of souls poured forth; souls from many climes, and all with a certain work to perform. Of course, the unloading process came first, and to the delight of the small boy, the wagons and canvas-covered cages--all labeled "Dangerous"--began rolling off the cars and were hurried away to the circus grounds one after another. To the younger generation keen disappointment was felt when it was learned that Jess Willard was still sleeping peacefully in his private car and could not be viewed by the multitudes.
    The parade was fully two miles in length. Tableaux wagons, floats, elephants drawing guns and other novelties abounded..
    There was a Wild West section; real bonneted Indians, South American gauchos, Mexican vaqueros and the typical American cowboy were the features of this section.
    A troupe of gaily clad Zouaves--drummers and buglers on foot--were in the line of march. Bands of music were plentifully scattered throughout the parade, dispensing music such as only a circus band can, and calliopes--well, there were two in line, as well as a large set of the Chimes of Normandy, presided over by an attractive young lady. It was a wonderful parade and well worth seeing.
    Two performances will be given today at 2 p.m. and 8 o'clock. Doors open one hour earlier in order to give everybody an opportunity to visit the large menagerie, ostrich farm and Toyland.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 28, 1916, page 5

    On arriving here [in 1866, Jesse Richardson] first rented ground on the present site of Medford and followed agricultural pursuits there for two years, and then purchased 320 acres of land three miles east of Medford and later removed to another place in the same vicinity, where he resided until 1896, when he purchased a farm at the head of Sams Valley, later retiring to Medford, where he resided at the time of his death, being at 145 South Grape Street.
"Farmed on Site of Medford in 1886," Medford Sun, October 14, 1916, page 5

    On a warrant sworn out by Joe A. Thomas, who with his wife conducts a rooming house on South Holly Street [No. 222], Anna Whitman and Van Treese were arrested Tuesday afternoon, a charge of vagrancy being lodged against them. The pair are alleged to have entered the Thomas rooming house after midnight Monday night and to have occupied a room together. They were discovered Tuesday morning by Mrs. Thomas, and the issuance of the warrant followed.
    The girl was released on her own recognizance, while Van Treese was lodged in the city jail until this morning, when he was transferred to Jacksonville. The case will be heard Thursday afternoon by Justice Dox.
    It is probable that the charge against the woman will be dismissed. Van Treese is not expected to be dealt with so leniently, as he has a record of having passed bogus checks and appropriated cars in this vicinity during the past summer.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 3, 1917, page 6

    Metz cars, 29 South Grape.
"Local and Personal," Medford Sun, April 4, 1917, page 2

    A flying spark set fire to the ceiling of the Hanson & McClanahan blacksmith shop on South Fir Street this forenoon and communicated to the roof before the flames were noticed. The fire was quickly extinguished by the fire department with but little damage done. However there was much apprehension among the tenants of the surrounding stores until the danger was past.

"Local and Personal,"
Medford Mail Tribune, April 16, 1918, page 2

    A large crowd of spectators is expected to be at the flying field of the Medford aeroplane on South Grape Street, opposite the ice company plant, tomorrow forenoon. From now on until Tuesday the plane will not make afternoon flights, and the forenoon flights will be from 7 to 11 a.m.

"Local Briefs,"
Medford Mail Tribune, July 26, 1919, page 2

    What is generally known as the greatest comeback in Medford's history is that of Ray Blackburn, who with a broken back and whose physical condition has aroused universal sympathy here for the past two years, now becomes one of the city's business men, having embarked in the retail wood business today. He has, with the help of friends, just purchased the woodyard interests of J. T. Gagnon, including $3000 worth of wood, and will manage the business from his wheelchair.
    This courageous and ambitious man of 32 years of age, who despite his awful affliction has never lost hope since the time of the accident in which his back was broken, not only hopes to make a good living for his wife and child and himself in the wood business, but also has other plans in mind in a business way. He even feels confident he will yet be able to walk.
    He retains the old Gagnon woodyard locations on South Fir Street, and for the present will also take orders at 502 South Grape Street and over phone No. 519-J. He hopes to soon establish his woodyard office at a handy location on Main Street.
    Mr. Blackburn was injured two years ago last August when he was operating the Jacksonville streetcar. He had just hauled a carload of logs to the Applegate lumber company mill in Medford, and was assisting the mill men to unload the logs when one of them fell on him, breaking his spine and a rib, and inflicting other injuries. His life was despaired of for a long time afterwards, but his indomitable pluck together with good medical and surgical attention finally brought him to the present stage of being able to wheel himself around in a chair. He has only been able to sit up at all since last June and has just been able to operate a wheelchair unaided for a week or so.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 13, 1920, page 6

    There was born August 1, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Nance of 314 South Holly, an eight-pound son in the Dow Hospital. Mrs. Nance and Everett Dossie Nance are doing nicely.

"Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, August 4, 1920, page 2

    The third block on South Holly Street is to have two more new bungalows, work on one of which has already started. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bowman purchased of C. W. Palm the second lot south of 9th Street and have begun work on a five-room modern bungalow and will push it to completion.
    Henry Callahan has purchased the lot just north of Mr. Bowman's from Mr. Palm, is having plans drawn for a five-room modern bungalow, and will start work on the same in a few days.
    This is one of the pretty residence streets of Medford, and these new bungalows will add much to the appearance of that block.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 1, 1921, page 6

    Among the new residences under construction at the present time are . . . the bungalows under construction by Carl Bowman and Henry Callaghan on South Holly Street, which promise to be very attractive and modern homes. . . .
"New Building Boom in City Is Under Way," Medford Mail Tribune, October 24, 1921, page 1

    The bungalows built by Henry Callaghan and Carl Bowman on South Holly Street and the C. I. Hutchison residence on West Main are nearly complete and ready for occupancy.
"Building Boom in City Continues," Medford Mail Tribune, January 5, 1922, page 6

    The homes of H. U. Lumsden and Robert Brownlee on South Holly Street were entered and burglarized some time after midnight last night. The entry into Lumsden's house was made through a window opening onto the porch on the south side of the house. The burglars went through the den downstairs before going upstairs where the four occupants of the house were asleep.
    Mr. Lumsden had gone to bed at midnight and had hung his clothes at the foot of the bed. When he awakened this morning his suit (coat, vest and trousers) and his shirt had disappeared. The clothes contained $35 in cash, Mr. Lumsden's gold watch, keys, a bill book containing lodge receipts, etc., and other personal effects, including a pet pipe which Mr. Lumsden has smoked for the past 30 years, more or less.
    The thief stopped when he got downstairs and went through the pockets of the clothes which he had taken, throwing the lodge receipts, the bunch of keys and several other things of little value on the floor. It is unfortunate and much to be regretted that he did not have the consideration to leave Mr. Lumsden's pipe, which was a very valuable one, stamped "Genuine French Briar," and made in Massachusetts from Oregon apple root.
    Robert Brownlee's house, five doors north of Lumsden's and on the same side of the street, was also entered late last night or early this morning and a brand-new overcoat of Mr. Brownlee's was taken in addition to a purse of Mrs. Brownlee's, which contained $5 or $6 in cash.
    The screen was taken from a window opening on the front porch and the window latch was opened with a knife, which the culprit or culprits left behind.
    The robberies have been reported to the local police, but as yet no clue has been obtained to the identity of the offenders.
    It was learned this afternoon that the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ambers Watson on South Central was broken into last night and several things were taken in addition to about a dollar in cash and Mrs. Watson's wrist watch. The bureau drawers were all left open and clothes were scattered throughout the rooms.
    Mrs. Brownlee discovered this afternoon that a pair of silver pepper and salt shakers had been taken from her residence in addition to the overcoat and cash.
    An attempt was made last night to enter several other houses in the south end of town, among them having been Delroy Getchell's home. When Mr. Getchell arose this morning he found a window halfway open, and it is supposed that thieves had made an attempt to enter. However, Mr. Getchell did not go to bed until late, and it is expected that the thieves were frightened away by his presence.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 28, 1922, page 6

    It will be remembered that Mr. Lumsden lost a suit of clothes to the thief, in addition to $35 in cash, a watch and other things of value. The suit contained a pipe belonging to Mr. Lumsden. Fortunately the suit has been recovered and with it the pipe.
    The suit was found yesterday morning on the front lawn of the A. W. Walker residence, which is several doors north of the Garrett residence [on South Oakdale]. It was intact and still contained the pipe and Mr. Lumsden's Shrine emblem. A serious aspect of the case is, however, that, when found, the suspenders were absent from the trousers and have not yet been discovered.
    It was learned from Mr. Lumsden today that the new, and as yet unoccupied, residence next door to him, belonging to F. E. Nichols, was also explored by the marauders on Thursday night. Mr. Nichols had just finished waxing the floors of his new house and the doors had been securely locked for the night. Friday morning when the workmen returned to the house the floors were badly tracked, the prowler having entered the back door with the aid of a passkey and having passed through the house from back to front. The foot tracks were wiped out, however, before it was thought of that they might have some value for police investigation.
"Another House Entered, Lumsden Finds Trousers,"
Medford Mail Tribune, April 29, 1922, page 6

    Much grumbling was heard about the city last night and today because the school board had rented the school's athletic park to the Al G. Barnes circus to park on today, especially among the baseball lovers, who fear that the diamond and field will be greatly damaged by the circus showing there. It is understood that the school board did not originally rent the park to the circus advance representative, but the plot of ground beyond the athletic park, which is also owned by the board, for $60, and that later a resident nearby who did not want the circus so near his house plowed up the lot.
    This automatically barred the circus from showing on this plot and the school board, on the promise of the circus representative not to plow up the diamond, or damage the park in any way, agreed to let the attraction appear there today. At that, the ball park is too small to accommodate such a large amusement aggregation comfortably and some of the circus belongings had to be stored outside.
    There was no other lot in the city available for the circus as the usual show grounds at the foot of South Grape and South Holly streets is planted in grain, and a large amount of old lumber is piled on the Palm lot, which might be used for that purpose.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 3, 1922, page 3

A. A. 'Blackie' Moore in Serious Condition as Result of Stabbing Affray
at Local Fruit Packing House--Fist Fight Leads to Knife Slashing--
Assailant Caught.

    A. A. (Blackie) Moore, age about 40 years, residing at 346 South Ivy Street, this city, is in Sacred Heart Hospital, critically wounded, and J. Moore, age about 23 years, a wandering worker, is held in the city jail as his assailant, as the result of a knife fight at the Denny Fruit Company warehouse on South Fir Street about one o'clock today.
    Moore was stabbed three times, according to Dr. E. B. Pickel, to whose office he was rushed following the clash. One cut over the heart and one over the kidney, in the back, were classified as "dangerous" by the physician. There was also a long cut in the muscle of the right arm. The wounds were inflicted with a long-bladed jackknife.
    Following the altercation, J. Moore, who has only been in the city a few days, fled, and ten minutes later was captured on South Oakdale, where he was found by Chief of Police Adams and Clarence Pankey, manager of the packing house. Pankey was an eyewitness of the fray, and when J. Moore fled pursued him by auto. Pankey lost track of the fugitive and returned and picked up Chief Adams. On the way back, J. Moore was sighted lying in the grass where he had lain down to recover his breath. When he saw the officer, he held up his hands and surrendered.
Both Men Hotheaded.
    Pankey gave as an explanation that "both the men were hotheaded," but could assign no reason for the assault except that the quarrel started over one bumping into the other with a truck.
    According to a number of women workers, a few words of banter passed between the two, in which harsh words were used. One version, of many given, was that A. A. Moore had knocked J. Moore down, and was stabbed by the latter as he was rising. Others maintained that A. A. Moore was stabbed before J. Moore was knocked down. All agree that the fight lasted less than half a minute.
    A. A. Moore was taken to Dr. Pickel's office, where a hurried  examination showed his condition to be serious. He was given a hypodermic and rushed to Sacred Heart hospital, where medical assistance was rendered. His wife was notified of the accident, and rushed to the hospital by taxi.
    A. A. Moore is well known in this city and valley, where he has lived for many years. He was a baseball player on the Medford team when the Rogue River league existed, and Kenneth Williams, a home run star of the St. Louis Americans, was a Grants Pass team member. He is also well known as a trainman, running out of Ashland, south.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 25, 1923, page 1

    The condition of A. A. (Blackie) Moore, stabbed in a knife fray by J. Moore, held in the county jail as his assailant, was reported this noon by Dr. E. B. Pickel as favorable, though still dangerous, The knife wound over the heart is held to be the most serious. Dr. Pickel says the blade would have penetrated the heart had it not been deflected by an upward swing of the arm.
    J. Moore is held awaiting the outcome of Moore's condition before any formal charge is filed against him. He will say nothing in regard to the affair, except that he hopes the injured man will recover.
    The knife with which the cutting was done was purchased at a local drugstore, and is a four-bladed instrument, the main blade being three inches long. It was purchased Thursday morning.
    According to Dr. Pickel, the wounded man told him that J. Moore ran into him with a truck, and did it a second time. He then remonstrated with him, and one word led to another. Seeing that his opponent had a knife in his hand, he threw him to the floor, and endeavored to take the knife away. While he was trying to do this, J. Moore stabbed him.
    A. A. Moore was stabbed six times, three times in the back, once below the shoulder blade, once in the arm, and once over the heart.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 26, 1923, page 1

    Mrs. S. C. O'Brien, 517 S. Grape, started from Keokuk, Iowa, in 1852, aged 9 years, and went to California; 45 wagons in train, all ox-teams. Stayed in California two years, then moved to Oregon in 1856. Settled near Central Point. Crossing the Platte River two men in the train were drowned. Went to California to farm. Were shipwrecked crossing the Humboldt Bar.
    W. A. Corthell, 532 S. Fir, came from Illinois in 1873, aged 24 years, as far as Colorado. Stayed there 10 years, leaving August 8, 1881, and arriving in Baker City, Oregon, October 8th. Came to Jackson County the following spring. Had three wagons and 17 head of horses.
"Covered Wagon Saved by Ruse from Indians," Medford Mail Tribune, September 13, 1924

    The local police gave out the information today that a 16-year -old Medford girl while on her way home between 9 and 10 o'clock last Saturday night was knocked down by an unknown man, thought to be a tramp, on South Holly Street, two blocks from Main Street.
    The police, while not giving out the girl's name in order to save her from undue notoriety, want the occurrence published as a warning to girls and women to exercise careful watchfulness and diligence when walking alone nights on dark streets off the main thoroughfare.
    The young lady in question, as she proceeded along Holly Street noticed that a man apparently was following her and increasing his pace the faster she walked. She tried not to be unduly alarmed and to keep her eyes straight ahead, but suddenly overcome with a feeling that she was being struck at, intuitively ducked her head and screamed.
    This move was a fortunate one for her, as the man was striking out with a blunt bludgeon of some kind, thought by the police to be a "sand bag," and because of her head dodging the weapon just glanced off her head, but the impact was sufficient to knock her down, where she lay helpless for some seconds.
    Her shout of terror was also fortunate, as the woman who resided in the house in front of which the occurrence took place heard it and rushed out, whereupon the assailant, after striking the blow, took to his heels.
    This woman called the police and furnished them with a description of the man. Then Night Policemen Cave and Liggett searched over the city and through the railroad yards unsuccessfully for a suspect.
    For years Medford has had the reputation of being one of the cleanest cities in the United States, because of which women and girls have been free to walk the streets alone on errands, or returning from concerts and the like during the evening hours up to 11 or midnight.
    This condition of affairs has drawn much favorable comment from tourists, especially those stopping at the local auto camps.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 17, 1924, page 1

Scream Arouses Neighbors, Who Drive Off Assailant.
Girl is Not Seriously Injured.
    MEDFORD, Nov. 18.--The local police gave out the information yesterday that a 16-year-old Medford girl while on her way home between 9 and 10 o'clock last Saturday night was knocked down by an unknown man, thought to be a tramp, on South Holly Street, two blocks from Main Street.
    The police [are] not giving out the girl's name in order to save her from undue notoriety.
    The young lady in question, as she proceeded along Holly Street, noticed that a man apparently was following her and increasing his pace the faster she walked. She tried not to be unduly alarmed and to keep her eyes straight ahead, but suddenly [was] overcome with a feeling that she was being struck at, intuitively ducked her head and screamed.
    This move was a fortunate one for her, as the man was striking out with a blunt bludgeon of some kind, thought by the police to be a "sand bag," and because of her head dodging the weapon just glanced off her head, but the impact was sufficient to knock her down, where she lay helpless for some seconds.
    Her shout of terror was also fortunate, as the woman who resided in the house in front of which the occurrence took place heard it and rushed out, whereupon the assailant, after striking the blow, took to his heels.
    This woman called the police and furnished them with a description of the man. Then Night Policemen Cave and Liggett searched over the city and through the railroad yards unsuccessfully for a suspect.
Ashland Daily Tidings, November 18, 1924, page 1

    A. B. Rhodes, 511 South Holly, reports the theft of a 30x3½ spare tire from his car while parked on the street last night.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, January 30, 1926, page 2

    W. E. Thomas will construct a five-room dwelling and garage on South Oakdale Avenue at a cost of $2000, according to a building permit issued today. Mr. Thomas has constructed several houses during the past year, and at the present time has a $15,000 four-flat apartment house under construction on South Holly Street.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, June 8, 1927, page 2

    New 5-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-ins, for sale by owner at 622 S. Holly.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, June 21, 1927, page 2

    The four-flat apartment house which is being constructed on South Holly Street by W. E. Thomas is expected to be ready for occupancy by July 15, according to an announcement by the builder today. Construction of the building was commenced in March and was designed to be one of the most modern in Medford.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, June 27, 1927, page 2

    The new Thomas apartment house on South Grape [sic] Street is being rapidly completed and is expected to be ready for occupancy within a fortnight, according to the builder, W. E. Thomas, who planned the four-flat structure.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 17, 1927, page 2

    A building permit was issued today to F. E. Nichols for the erection of a residence on South Holly to cost approximately $1800.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 11, 1927, page 2

    This has been an unlucky year for Billie Wilson, eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Wilson, 132 South Grape Street. Last March Billie had his leg broken when he was run down by an automobile, and now he is in bed with another fracture of the same leg.
    Monday afternoon he was in his father's store and fell down behind a counter. A doctor was called and an X-ray taken of the injury. It is not serious, however, and he will not be laid up long.

Medford Mail Tribune,
August 17, 1927, page 3

LEVERETTE, Walter H., realtor; b. Vancouver, B.C. June 7, 1889; to Oregon 1920; business college; m. Alice P. Halfhill 1912; children--Doreen, Jean, Bruce. President Medford Realty Board; chairman city planning commission; vice president Medford Chamber of Commerce 1927; R.A.M.; K.T.; Scottish Rite; Shrine; I.O.O.F.; B.P.O.E.; Rotarian. Republican. Christian Scientist. Address: 527 South Holly Street, Medford, Oregon.
Who's Who in Oregon 1929-1930, Oregon City Enterprise, page 137

MEYER, Delilia Stevens, accountant; b. Eagle Point, Oregon October 7, 1900; business college; m. Vernon L. Meyer June 1, 1927. County clerk 1925-29; Rebekah; business & professional women's club. Republican. Methodist. Address: 616 S. Ivy Street, Medford, Oregon.
Who's Who in Oregon 1929-1930, Oregon City Enterprise, page 150

    The completion of a deal was made by Warnock & Shelley yesterday whereby G. L. Lindley becomes the owner of the T. A. Culbertson forty-acre farm on Coker Butte Road, Mr. Culbertson getting two Medford properties in the transaction, a six-room house at 416 South Grape Street and a small property in Bunker Hill addition. Mr. Lindley has on his new property one of the best ten-acre pear blocks in the valley, plans to set out additional acreage and eventually have the entire forty in fruit. Mr. Lindley has been superintendent of the Rogue River company for several years, and his action in purchasing this orchard testifies to his faith in this valley.
"Local Orchardist Shows his Faith in Rogue River Valley," Medford Mail Tribune, January 4, 1929, page 4

    E. W. Dimick and H. W. Champ are being arraigned in the state court at Ashland this afternoon on a charge of possession of intoxicating liquor and will be held by the government for bribery as a result of the raid made at 233½ South Ivy Street this city, by city, state and federal officers about 6 o'clock last night.
    Entering the establishment under search warrant last night, the officers found 11 gallons of intoxicating liquor in bottles.
    Dimick and Champ offered a bribe to the officers and as a result will be held by the government on a charge of bribery. They were arrested and are being arraigned in court this afternoon.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 30, 1930, page 1

    Although neighbors were a little early sending in the fire alarm today, they chose the right house. At 8 o'clock this morning firemen were called to the W. H. Smith residence at 522 South Holly Street. Upon answering the call, they discovered that neighbors had seen black smoke pouring from the chimney and had become excited.
    At 10:30 another call was reported to the Medford fire department, at the same address, where the roof had caught fire. The people residing in the house were burning automobile tires to clean out the chimney. Sparks ignited the roof.
    Fire Chief Roy Elliott reported that slight damage was done. A hole about 10 feet square was burned in the roof.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 26, 1931, page 1

    Sarah Charlotte O'Brien passed away at her home at 517 South Grape Street, Medford, Oregon, April 26, 1932, after a lingering illness of two months. Mrs. O'Brien was born in Keokuk Lee Co., Iowa, November 28, 1843. In 1852, she crossed the plains by ox team with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Barkdull, and located at Placerville, Cal., coming to Williamsburg, Ore., in 1856. [They were shipwrecked on voyage from S.F. to Humboldt Bay in spring 1856 vessel lost & property all swept away.]
    On March 19, 1862, she was united in marriage to John O'Brien, who preceded her in death 33 years ago. She lived on her farm on the Applegate River until April, 1910, when she moved to Medford, where she resided until her death.
    She is survived by six children: R. E. O'Brien, Richmond, Cal.; J. E. O'Brien, Medford; J. A. O'Brien, Applegate; Mrs. Rose Baldwin, Ashland; Miss Maude O'Brien, Seattle; Miss Annie O'Brien, Medford. She is also survived by eight grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
    She was a kind and loving mother and beloved by all who knew her. She was a member of the Southern Oregon Pioneer Society.
    Funeral services will be conducted from the Sacred Heart Catholic church, Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, Father F. W. Black officiating. Interment will take place in the Jacksonville cemetery. Funeral arrangements in charge of the Perl Funeral Home.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 25, 1932  Edits are transcribed from those written on the clipping filed at the Rogue Valley Genealogical Society Research Library.

    Martha J. Gore, a resident of Mefdord for the past 25 years, passed away at her home, 346 South Holly, at 4:50 p.m. Thursday at the age of 74 years.
    She was born at Union Mills, Ind., July 2, 1857 and there spent the greater part of her life. During her residence here she has been active in service to the Methodist Episcopal Church.
    She leaves two children, Mrs. William Bates and A. H. Miller, both well-known citizens of Medford. Also one brother, Ed G. Gruver of Union Mills, Indiana.
    Funeral services will be conducted by Rev. A. G. Bennett at the Conger chapel at 2:30 Saturday. Entombment will be made in the Medford memorial mausoleum.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 6, 1932, page 4

    Vern Marshall of 938 South Holly will reshingle his residence at a cost of $100. . . .
"Building in City Showing Upswing," Medford Mail Tribune, September 11, 1934, page 1

    Residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Liljegran at 320 South Grape Street was gutted by fire yesterday afternoon. Roofs of the two houses adjoining to the south were ignited by sparks but were put out without damage.
    The dwelling, a two-story frame construction owned by Mrs. Mary Carpenter of Glendale, Cal., was covered fully by insurance, it was stated by the Wakefield agency, in charge of the property.
    The Liljegrans lost a considerable amount of furniture and household goods, none of which was covered by insurance. Some of the furniture was removed without damage and some was saved by being covered with salvage blankets by firemen. Extent of damage to the house was to be determined today or tomorrow, Mr. Wakefield said.
    The fire, Chief Roy Elliott said, was caused by a defective chimney. Dinner was being cooked on the kitchen range at the time, and Chief Elliott said flames evidently escaped through the chimney in the attic.
    The blaze had a good start before it was discovered. The entire roof was destroyed, and while the fire itself was confined to the upstairs the whole dwelling was damaged by smoke and water.
    Shortly after the firemen returned to headquarters, the chemical crew was called to 506 Union Avenue, where a chimney fire was extinguished without damage.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 2, 1936, page 2

    Lord of the manor is Duffie, who long ago took over supervision of the household at 514 South Holly Street.
    "Lord, what a manner," is the way the Scottie expresses it. He has been trying to make friends with Duffie for all of the three years he has been there, but Duffie is conservative and may consider Scottie as a friend after eight or ten more years but accepts no friends on a short three years' acquaintance.
    Duffie is a Persian cat. He took over the Ottoman household just 15 years ago. Bob Ottoman, a sophomore in forestry at Oregon State College, was six then and wanted a cat. Bob's father, M. Ottoman, ticket clerk for the Southern Pacific, did not want a cat, and so Bob won and they have had the cat ever since.
    Bob and his sister, Ruth, teacher in the school at Talent, gave birthday parties for Duffie. They even remembered him during each Christmas holiday. Duffie always got a catnip mouse for a present, and on such occasions unbent somewhat and chased the catnip mouse round and round the tree.
    Of late years, Duffie has felt that he must put away kittenish things and so the catnip mouse was discontinued. These days, Duffie confines his activities to taking a walk a few doors down the street. Reversing the usual procedure, he does his visiting during the day and is taken in at night, for Duffie is no gadabout.
    Nowadays he may be seen lying in the sun on the Ottoman front porch. He hopes to attend Bob Ottoman's graduation in two years more, and the Ottomans are all hoping he will be around to join in the celebration. He is wondering if he has not the distinction of being the cat in Medford who has been longest in one family at the same location.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 30, 1937, page 10

    May Turpin of 228 South Holly Street applied for a permit to repair a roof at a cost of $45.
"Building Permits Reflect Activity in Medford Area," Medford Mail Tribune, July 18, 1941, page 1

July 1942 telephone directory:
Effie Adams, 420 South Grape
D. K. Bagley, 625 South Holly
S. D. Bagley, 240 South Holly
Floyd H. Baker, 618 South Holly
W. E. Beelby, 407 South Grape
Homer M. Bell, 240 South Holly
Murray Bell, 510 South Grape
Carl Bennett, 343 South Grape
M. A. Bliss, 313 South Grape
Charity E. Boshears, 404 South Grape
M. T. Boshears, 408 South Grape
Syd I. Brown, 504 South Holly
Paul Bulkin, 516 South Grape
John A. Cederwall, 626 South Holly
M. L. Daily 228 South Ivy
Lottie Davis, 517 South Grape
Hazel C. Davis, 242 South Grape
R. W. Denman, 430 South Ivy
Frank M. Dupray, 608 South Ivy
Marie Eicher, 503 South Holly
Edward A. Evanson, 530 South Grape
Elizabeth Ferguson, 314 South Holly
Carl Fichtner, 613 South Holly
H. T. Findlay, 503 South Holly
Clara Fisher, 512 South Holly
William H. Gagnon, 508 South Grape
Pierce Green, 233 South Ivy
Aage Gribskov, 630 South Holly
Frank Gritson, 335 South Ivy
E. T. Hamm, 232 South Grape
A. V. Hardy, 516 South Ivy
Ivan Harrington, 442 South Ivy
Al Hermanson, 515 South Grape
H. S. Hinman, 336 South Holly
Frank Hull, 517 South Grape
Otto Jeldness, 525 South Grape
B. E. Johnson, 520 South Ivy
Laura Jones, 543 South Ivy
P. M. Kershaw, 311 South Holly
Louis Knips, 219 South Ivy
A. R. Leavitt, 610 South Holly
C. C. Leonard, 614 South Holly
Vada G. Lewis, 511 South Holly
Boyd C. Mabry, 243 South Holly
C. J. McGinley, 515 South Holly
Medford Ice Arena, 619 South Grape
Mrs. A. H. Miller, 346 South Holly
Howard G. Minar, 509 South Holly
Margaret Morrison, 242 South Holly
Lee Murray, 604 South Ivy
V. J. Namitz, 650 South Holly
Joe Naumes, 663 South Holly
Alta Naylor, 302 South Grape
F. E. Nichols, 622 South Holly
Jason Ottinger, 220 South Grape
M. Ottoman, 514 South Holly
C. W. Palm, 343 South Holly

    Patricia Ann Bagley, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bagley, 625 S. Holly Street, smothered to death in the bed clothing of her crib at the family home Wednesday afternoon.
    Patricia Ann was born in Medford on May 17, 1942.
    Besides her parents, she leaves her sister, Susan Joan, and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Burns of Salem, Oregon, and Mrs. Harriett Bagley of Portland, Oregon.
    Funeral services will be held in Portland Saturday at 2 p.m. at the A. J. Rose funeral home. Perl funeral home is in charge of the local arrangements.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 24, 1942, page 2

    To erect a private [garage] at 334 South Grape Street, at a cost of $150, is the application for a permit to build, presented to the building inspector's office by Lester W. Childs of the same address.
Medford News, April 14, 1944, page 1

Well-Known Officer Succumbs after Long Illness;
Funeral To Be Wednesday.
    Sydney Isaac Brown, sheriff of Jackson County the last ten and one-half years, and one of southern Oregon's most widely known citizens, passed away at his home, 504 South Holly Street, Sunday evening about 7:30 o'clock.
    Recitation of the Rosary will be held at the Perl Funeral Home Tuesday at 8 p.m. Funeral mass will be held at the Sacred Heart Church at 9:30 Wednesday morning with interment in Siskiyou Memorial Park. Medford Elks lodge will be in charge of services at the grave. Father Hamilton will officiate.
    Active pallbearers will be William Grenbemer, Vern Smith, Jerry Pierson, Vern Hastings, Howard Gault and Paul Hanlin. Honorary pallbearers will be Eugene Thorndike, Bill von der Hellen, Charles Myers, Clatous McCredie, George Neilson and Cy Owens.
Long Ill
    The end came at the close of a restful day. Sheriff Brown had been gravely ill for several weeks, following major operations in a Portland hospital. The past week he had shown slight improvement. He had been under an oxygen tent for several days. To the last he showed the characteristic cheerfulness and courage which had endeared him to hundreds of Jackson County residents.
    Sheriff Brown was born August 14, 1882 at Brackettsville, Kinney County, Texas, where he spent his early youth on a  cattle ranch. He later followed railroading for several years. He came to this city in 1905 and immediately became identified with the business and civic life here. He was one of the founders of the Jackson County Fair Association. One of the organizers of the Jackson County Sheriff's Posse in more recent years, he was first president of that group. He was an ardent horseman all his days. He also engaged in business here, including lumbering and mining. He was a charter member of the Medford lodge of Elks.
    In June, 1911, he was united in marriage to Miss Ann Cotter at San Francisco, who survives.
In Third Term
    At the time of his passing he was serving his third term as sheriff of this county. He was well known in law enforcement circles throughout the state, and at one time he was an officer of the state sheriffs' association. He also helped organize the local chapter of the Footprinters. As a public official, he was known for his courtesy and coolness and helpful kindness, particularly toward juveniles who came under his care.
    Besides his widow he is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Dixie Trahan and Sydney Brown of this city, and Marie, of San Francisco; a son, George I., in the Seabees; two sisters, Ethelwyn Soule, Los Angeles, and Mary Noland, Salem; three brothers, Cecil, Los Angeles, Chris H., Phoenix, Ariz., and William. P., Seattle; and his mother, Mrs. W. T. Brown, Seattle; also two grandchildren.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 18, 1945, page 1

    Mr. and Mrs. Fred Erickson, owners of the Modern Plumbing and Sheet Metal Co., 401 East Main Street, announced today sale of the business to Thomas Cardona, Paul Larson and Arthur Longan, all of Bremerton, Wash. The new owners will take over operation of the firm immediately, continuing under the same business name and at the present location. Their families are to arrive in Medford as soon as living accommodations can be found.
    Associated with the Modern Plumbing Co. for 24 years, Mr. and Mrs. Erickson state that they have no future business plans at the present time, and will continue to make their home at 231 S. Holly Street.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 7, 1946, page 12

Business Executive; Civic Leader.
b. Duluth, Minnesota, April 10, 1907; son of Frank J. Sr. and Violet (Sisk) Cullen; educated Duluth public schools; m. Neta May Wells of Roseburg, Oregon, Nov. 1, 1933; began in automobile business in Minnesota; auto salesman, Roseburg, Oregon 1930-3; agent, International Trucks 1933-38; Klamath Falls, Oregon, later Walla Walla, Washington; owner Cullen Motor and Implement Co. Medford 1940 to date; member advisory board of the Office Defense Transportation (trucks), part of panel that mapped out supplies for eleven counties during World War II; Lion; Elk; member Jackson County Sheriff's Posse; Chamber of Commerce; Republican; home 641 S. Holly; office 123 S. Riverside, Medford.
Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1948-49, page 137

Chamber of Commerce Executive.
b. Dighton, Kansas, May 7, 1887; son of Frank R. and Lottie (Appling) Hull; educated grade schools Stevensville and Garnet, Montana; high school Iowa; International Correspondence School (electrical engineering); m. Amelia Williams of Kelso, Wisconsin, May 27, 1907; sons Frank W. and Danny; began with Kelso (Wisc.) Water and Light Co., building water and light plant, 1899-1919; later followed electrical engineering, constructing power plants in Alaska and Northwest; salesman of oil and machine tools and for Rogue River Chevrolet Co. 1919-38; executive secretary and manager Chamber of Commerce, Medford, 1938 to date; manager Community Chest, Medford, 1934-38; appointed coordinator, civilian defense; president Oregon Chamber Executives, 1944-45; secretary-treasurer Pacific Highway Association 1945 to date; active Boy Scouts work since 1931; county chairman Keep Oregon Green (appointed by Governor); Elk; Toastmaster; Republican; Protestant; home 517 South Grape; office 123 W. Main Street, Medford
Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1948-49, page 283  This is NOT Frank Hull the photographer.

Family Reunion Held Recently at Jones Home
    The home of Mrs. Mary Jones, 429 North Grape Street, was the scene of a family reunion Saturday, November 1, this being the first time Mrs. Jones' sons and daughters had been together in many years.
    Here were Mr. and Mrs. Arthus [sic] Jones, son and daughter-in-law from Sacramento, Calif.; two additional sons, William and Roy Jones of Medford, and her daughters, Mrs. Nettie Fleming and Mrs. Harry Hammett of Medford, and Mrs. George Loftin and Mrs. John Vara of Gold Hill.
    Also present were Mrs. Roy Jones, Mr. Hammett, Mr. Loftin and Mr. Vara.   
Mrs. Jones, 84 years old, is a pioneer resident of this district. She came to the Beagle district in 1884 and has resided in Jackson County since.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 9, 1947, page 4

920 South Holly, March 13, 1958 Medford Mail Tribune
March 13, 1958 Medford Mail Tribune

Hyster Sales Center, Medford, Oregon 1958
August 4, 1958 Medford Mail Tribune


    Funeral services for Lt. Col. Oliver Lewis Overmyer, 79, of 610 South Holly Street, who died in a local hospital Wednesday, will be held at Perl Funeral Home Monday at 2 p.m. Dr. D. Kirkland West, of the First Presbyterian Church, will officiate. Interment will be in the Siskiyou Memorial Park.
    Col. Overmyer was born in Alabama June 16, 1880, and had been a resident of this area for 27 years.
    He was a member of the Medford Elks Lodge, the Masonic Lodge, the Scottish Rite, Shrine, and a past president of the Jackson County Shrine club; a veteran of the Spanish American War; the Philippine Insurrection; of World Wars I and II.
    Col. Overmyer is survived by his wife, Edna Overmyer, Medford; one son, Charles E. Overmyer, Tacoma, Wash.; one brother, Arthur D. Overmyer, and one sister, Mrs. H. L. Goodson, both of Norfolk, Va.
    The Masonic Lodge AF&AM will participate in the services at the funeral home and the pallbearers will be from the Elks Lodge. They are Ralph O. Stephenson, Floyd H. Barker, A. K. Morse, Jack Walker, Glen Fabrick and R. G. Phair.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 27, 1959, page 15

Life Is Real
    To the Editor: To the one who answered my letter in Sunday's Mail Tribune, I would like to point out that no one need to worry about arousing an argument with me over religion or the Bible. Especially, too, with one who does not believe in the Bible, and has such a deep knowledge of ancient mathematics. Does the writer believe the son of God rested when he slept in the boat on the Sea of Galilee, and the disciples feared the boat was going to founder in the violent storm?
    Math. 8:23. I believe life is real. And so also is the Gospel.
John F. Peterson
611 South Holly St.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 19, 1961, page 5

    Alonzo M. Woodford built a two-story home on 6th and Grape. Later it was moved a little south on Fir St., and still later--as the town grew--to 522 South Holly. The house is still at that location. [The Mail Tribune of April 15, 1910 (above) says the house was moved directly from Sixth and Grape to South Holly.]

M. W. Williams, undated letter, Woodford vertical file, SOHS

Tree-Climbing Feline Rescued by Firemen
    It took $60,000 worth of equipment to do it, but Medford firemen were successful in a rescue effort yesterday.
    They rescued a cat from a tree.
    The cat's owner, whose named was not recorded, called the fire department at 1:57 p.m. to report that her pet had been up in a tree in front of 514 South Holly St. for two days and would not come down.
    First a fire truck was dispatched to the scene. But the men on the truck found a ladder would be needed to get the cat down, and they didn't have one. So an aerial ladder truck had to be dispatched to complete the rescue operation.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 14, 1962, page 1

78-Year-Old Lady Still Sorts Pears
Mail Tribune Correspondent
    Thirty-nine years ago, Mrs. Catherine Jay was hired by Frank (Pug) Isaacs to sort pears for one of the local packing companies.
    Superintendent of the company then was Ray Reter. The foreman was Clarence Pankey. Maggie Ping was sorting boss. The year was 1926.
    Two years later, Reter acquired ownership of the company, and Mrs. Jay, or "Mom Jay," as she is affectionately called, was kept on, as were all the other employees.
    This pear season, Mrs. Jay was found still at the Reter Fruit Company, seated next to the head sorter on the first machine. At the age of 78, she was still smiling, and just as chipper and alert as the first day she went to work. Although her work is somewhat easier now than in the early days, sorting pears is no child's play.
    In recalling those first days, she says, the pears were placed in field boxes by the sorters. They wiped the fruit with their gloves and carefully placed it on a conveyor made of wooden rollers. The pears were carried into the washer, where they were washed, and then moved out on belts and taken to the packing bins. The hours were extremely long through the peak of the harvest. There were a lot of 10-hour days, and many nights the workers returned after supper to work until midnight, sometimes all day on Sunday.
    Mrs. Jay was paid 25 cents an hour those first years.
    During the last world war, she and a daughter took a full-time day job with the Kay Lithographing Company here. Through pear season, they filled in at night for the Myron Root Company. Saturdays they sorted pears at Reter's.
Children All Grown
    She is the mother of three children, all grown, a son and daughter here and a daughter at Bend. She has four grandchildren, one grandson now attending the University of San Francisco. Her bright blue eyes sparkle with admiration as she talks about her family. She says she is never happier than when they drop in unexpectedly for a visit or to take her for a ride.
    Much to her family's disappointment, she lives alone in apartment at 435 South Grape St. The location is ideal for her, as it is within walking distance of the packing house and she can go home for lunch. She seems to radiate with untiring energy, spending many of her off-work hours preparing tasty favorite dishes for her co-workers when they go home with her at noon.
    "I actually look forward to each pear season," Mrs. Jay remarked. "There are some of us who don't see one another from season to season. It's quite exciting to hear about the new babies, the children's accomplishments, hubby's promotion and all the many other developments related to the family and home. It usually takes about a week for us to renew old acquaintances and to meet the new employees.
    "The packing house at Reter's is as modern and convenient as a person could want. The working hours are shorter. This season, we had all nine-hour days. The pay is considerably higher; sorters receive $1.53 an hour. Now, we can either stand up and sort or sit down. In the early days, we stood up all through the season.
    "The management, in my opinion, is unbeatable. Phil McCormick, our superintendent, and Mrs. Walter Jensen, the floor lady, are the most patient people. Regardless of all the mistakes we make, they are always willing to help us correct them. There's never a harsh word from either of them.
    "Ray Reter knows all the regular employees by name. It's always a big cheery greeting. 'Hi-yah Joe,' Bob, Mary or whatever your name may be. He takes time to inquire about our welfare and members of our family. He makes a person feel like he is really important to the company. There's not another man like him," Mrs. Jay said.
    Besides her family and work, she has other interests. On Sunday mornings, she is always found at the 6 o'clock mass at Sacred Heart Church.
    After each packing season she takes a vacation, sometimes to relatives in Arkansas and Illinois. Idleness holds no fascination for Mrs. Jay, and this year when she returns from her visit she plans to take a job, babysitting.
    As for packing pears [as opposed to sorting], Mrs. Jay says she had never tried it, but this season when she heard of some of the wages packers were making, she kind of wished she had. Cynthia Wooten at Reter's in nine hours packed 255 boxes. Norman Bursing at the Nye and Naumes packing house packed 250, also in nine. At the Myron Root company, the entire crew averaged 200 boxes a day for two consecutive days in 10-hour days. All of the packers are local. They were paid 18 to 18½ cents a box.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 12, 1965, page 7

    To the Editor: Several of us here on S. Grape St. have spoken about the courtesy and consideration of those who parked up and down Grape St. when the Big Game with Grants Pass was on. After the game there was no racing of motors, screeching tires, undue slamming of car doors, honking or hollering. It was a pleasure to see the long parade of cars, and we thank them all.
(Name on file)
Medford Mail Tribune, November 17, 1965, page 4

Ten Years
    To the Editor: In the "Flight o' Time" column for ten years ago, March 18, 1956, there was an item about my son, Herman L. Duncan, and I thought perhaps you would like to hear what he has been doing in the intervening years.
    He left Medford to work as production superintendent for Foremost Dairy of Portland. Then he was sent to Hong Kong, where he worked as production consultant to the British Dairy Farm Inc. After three years in the Orient he returned to the U.S. in December 1965. He is now in the employ of Fred Meyer of Portland as production manager.
Mrs. Gladys Duncan
333 S. Grape St.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 29, 1966, page 4

Rose Singler, Widow of Former Sheriff, Dies
    Mrs. Rose Regina Singler, 91, widow of Jackson County Sheriff August D. Singler, who was killed in office in 1913, died Wednesday night.
    Mrs. Singler had made her home at 514 S. Grape St., Medford, for many years, moving to this city from Jacksonville, where the family settled in 1904.
    A native of White Pigeon, Mich., where she was born in 1875, Mrs. Singler was married there to August D. Singler in 1898. They moved to Jackson County and made their home in Jacksonville, which was then the county seat.
    Mr. Singler was constable for a number of years and was elected sheriff in 1912. He had served but a few months when he was killed in a gun duel with Lester Jones, a 19-year-old fugitive, near Jacksonville.
    Mrs. Singler was left alone to rear a family of eight children. She was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, an active member of St. Ann's Altar Society and a former neighbor of the Royal Neighbors.
    She is survived by three sons and two daughters, Valentine Singler, South Bend, Ind.; Raymond Singler, Medford; August Singler, Central Point; Mrs. Zita Maddox, Jacksonville, and Mrs. Hilda Clifford, Medford. Two sons and a daughter, Richard Singler, Rudolph Singler and Mrs. Rose Allen, preceded their mother in death. There are 27 grandchildren, 91 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.
    The rosary will be said by the Rev. John Ilg of Sacred Heart Catholic Church at 8:30 p.m. Sunday at Conger Morris Chapel. The requiem mass will be at 9 a.m. Monday at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Committal will be in the Medford IOOF Cemetery.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 10, 1966, page 13

By Allen Wood
    The house that this happened in is at 921 S. Holly in Medford. On New Year's we would hear noises and laughter upstairs and no one was up there. One time my dog was upstairs and he came down the stairs as fast as he could. A plastic pumpkin that we had upstairs came flying down after him. Then another time my sister was sick. She had a high fever and she felt a cold hand touch her forehead. My mother and grandmother were in the kitchen. My sister asked my mother if she or my grandma had been in there to touch her. They said, "No." At night after everyone had gone to bed, my grandma would hear the kitchen cupboard doors opening. She would call my dad downstairs and the doors would be open, but no one was down there.
Back Track II, prepared by Medford Senior High School students, May 1980, page 81

Inez J. Lewis
6/23/1913 - 6/2/2012
    Mrs. Lewis was born June 23, 1913, in Lebanon, Mo. She graduated from high school in 1931, and moved to Mill Valley, Calif., in 1937. A few months later she and several thousand others had the privilege of walking across the Golden Gate Bridge before they opened it to cars.
    She moved to Medford, Ore., where she married Harry M. Lewis in 1950, who preceded her in death in 1988. After Mr. Lewis retired from Pacific Power, they traveled extensively, enjoying fishing and hunting trips. She was a generous, loving lady who helped friends and relatives throughout the years.
    She was a member of Hope Christian Church, Central Point, Ore., and also a member of Olive Rebekah Lodge #28, in Medford. She was blessed with numerous friends, and especially appreciated the care she received from Connie Stanton, Cindy Anderson, and Pearl Walker with Simplicity Home Care.
    She is survived by nieces and the many friends who will miss her very much. One sister and two brothers preceded her in death.
    A memorial service for Mrs. Lewis will be Thursday, June 7, 2012, 11:00 a.m., at Conger-Morris Funeral Home, 767 S. Riverside, Medford.

Medford Mail Tribune, June 6, 2012, page 9    Harry Lewis moved to 242 South Holly with the fall 1949 city directory; he and Inez moved to 240 South Grape with the 1968 city directory.

Last revised June 18, 2024