The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

General articles and notes on visits of unnamed photographers to the Rogue Valley. Click here for notes on individual photographers.

    HOW TO DRESS FOR A PHOTOGRAPH.--A lady or gentleman, having made up her or his mind to be photographed, naturally considers in the first place how to be dressed to show off to the best advantage. Let me offer a few words of advice touching dress. Orange color, for certain optical reasons, is, photographically, black. Blue is white; other shades or tones of color are proportionately darker or lighter as they contain more or less of these colors. The progressive scale of photographic color commences with the lightest. The order stands thus: white, light blue, violet, pink; mauve, dark blue; brown, lemon; blue-green, leather; brown, drab; cerise, magenta; yellow-green, dark brown; purple, red; amber, monroe; orange, dead black. Complexion has been much considered in connection with dress. Blondes can wear much lighter colors than brunettes; the latter always presents better pictures in dark dresses, but neither look well in positive white. Violent contrasts of color should be especially guarded against. In photography, brunettes possess a great advantage over their fairer sisters. The lovely golden tresses lose all their transparent brilliancy, and are represented black; whilst the "bonnie blue eye," theme of rapture to the poet, is misery to the photographer; for it is put entirely out. The simplest and most effective way of removing the yellow color from the hair is to powder it nearly white; it is thus brought to about the same photographic tint as in nature. the same rule, of course, applies to complexions. A freckle quite invisible at a short distance is, on account of its yellow color, rendered most painfully distinct when photographed.--Lady's Book.
Oregon Sentinel,
Jacksonville, June 17, 1865, page 1

    STRANGE FREAK OF LIGHTNING.--A young lady, while standing in a window at Morgantown, Butler County, Ky., received a slight shock from a flash of lightning. On her recovery, it was found that an ailanthus tree, standing near the window, had been accurately photographed by the electric flash upon her breast. This reminds a friend that in his youth he was the object of photography. He had told his father that he was a "demented old jackass." This playful remark enraged the unreasonable father, and he interviewed his son. When the interview was over the son felt that he had been struck by lightning, and that a photograph of a man's hand was distinctly visible--but not where he could see the picture. Lightning is guilty of strange freaks at times.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 16, 1872, page 1

    Ashland has a photographer now, and we expect an exchange of photos soon.
"Ashland Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 19, 1874, page 3   This photographer seems to have moved on without leaving further mention in the newspapers.

    FOR CRATER LAKE.--A large party was to leave Ashland this week for Crater Lake, with Capt. O. C. Applegate as pilot, to be joined at Linkville by another crowd. Mr. Wicks, a representative of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, of New York, was expected to join the expedition and furnish views of the scenery for that enterprising sheet.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 24, 1877, page 3  The magazine apparently didn't publish an article about Crater Lake until January 1888.

    Dr. Wm. Jackson, the popular dentist, arrived in town yesterday, and will be on hand for some days at the photograph gallery. Give him your patronage.
"Local Intelligence," Ashland Tidings, March 1, 1878, page 3

    BIRDSEYE VIEW OF JACKSONVILLE.--A few lithographic views of Jacksonville have been placed at the City Drug Store for sale, and those desiring a handsome and accurate picture of this place can be accommodated by calling at that place soon.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 23, 1883, page 3

    FOR RENT.--Two good store rooms, six office rooms and one good photograph gallery, also well lighted and comfortable basement to building suitable for store or restaurant. Enquire of P. J. Ryan.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 22, 1885, page 2

Eye Retained a Portrait.
    Speaking of the retina of the eye retaining the visage of the person last seen in life, B. F. Dowell is credited with relating the following:
    About twenty years ago, while he was district attorney of Jackson County, Mrs. Long was stabbed to death at her home on Applegate Creek. At the time she was killed she was alone in the house, and subsequent investigation of the premises showed many evidences of her having a severe struggle with her murderer, who was at first supposed to have been a Chinaman. Many theories were advanced, and finally a photographer of Jacksonville was called in to photograph her eye. This he did, the outlines obtained plainly showing a man's face with a beard, and a portion of his shirt was also discernible. Although the murderer was never apprehended, suspicion always pointed to a man who slightly resembled the picture obtained from the woman's eyes, and who is said to have passed her house the day she was killed.--[Oregonian.
Ashland Tidings, January 1, 1886, page 3

    A representative of Harper's Weekly was in town recently and secured some photographs of scenery near Ashland, probably for illustration in that journal.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, September 10, 1886, page 3

The Sun No Longer Necessary.
    Sunlight is no longer necessary to photograph-making. Strauss, the Franklin Avenue photographer, last evening demonstrated that first-class pictures can be made the darkest night that ever falls upon the earth. The sun may now hide its luminous head forever, but the photographer can go on and make his pictures, and there need be no complaint on the score of darkness.
    The new element that is about to cause a revolution in photography is magnesium. Taking a quantity of powdered magnesium and holding it on a shovel just back of the camera lens and on a line with the subject, a match is touched to it; there is a flash of intense blue light, lasting for the fraction of a second, and by this swift but brilliant light the image is fixed on the sensitive plate with a result that is surprising. Strauss took a half dozen pictures by the magnesium flash that night. He focused and posed the subjects first, by the ordinary gaslight, and then, turning off the gas, fixed the camera for an exposure.
    Out of the darkness came the brilliant flash, and the picture was fixed as firmly on the negative as if the strongest sunlight had flooded the gallery. The plates developed splendidly. Anybody calling at Strauss' gallery can see the result. The pictures will be printed and exhibited. Strauss is the first photographer in the West, if not in the New World, to utilize the magnesium flash, which is a European discovery. Strauss was the first photographer in the West to make a picture by the electric light.--[St. Louis Dispatch.
Ashland Tidings, April 13, 1888, page 1

How Some Customers Try the Patience of the Photographers.
    "It would amuse you to see the absurd actions of people who come here to have their pictures taken," said a Bowery photographer the other day. "That is, it would for a year or two. You might get a little wearied by some of their tricks after you had seen them repeated a few thousand times with very little variation. The only way I keep the top of my head fastened together when I am annoyed by some particularly stupid thing is by trying to remember that it isn't the same person who keeps doing it over and over.
    "For instance, here are three 'proofs' which I have just received by mail from a very particular customer. She writes to me to finish from the darkest one of the three. Now, can you tell which is the darkest one?"
    The reporter said he couldn't and didn't see how anybody could.
    "Of course not," said the artist. "The trouble is that the proofs fade rapidly. They are not intended to keep. The lady probably wrote the order and laid the proofs to one side for awhile before sealing and sending the letter. The darkest one lay on top in a bright light and speedily faded. Now, when I ask her again, as I will have to, it is most likely that she can't tell which one she picked out, for there isn't much difference between them.
    "That is a trifle, though. People come here for their pictures, and after they are seated begin to ask whether they are dressed properly, or whether their hair ought not to be differently arranged. Nine times out of ten a change would be a decided improvement, but unless it is really necessary, or unless it is some specially important job, I don't tell them so. It would only take more time and trouble, and I can't afford it; my prices are too low. The higher-priced operators can afford it, and that is one of the principal reasons why they take better pictures than I do. Another reason is that they have customers who are better posted. I have poorer customers, who are not educated on the subject, and who probably have not had the experience.
    "Everybody knows that the color of the dress has much to do with the effectiveness of a picture, though we cannot yet reproduce colors with a camera, but very few know what colors are best to wear. Much depends on the complexion and on the style of picture that is wanted. Black silk or velvet will take very dark, naturally. Cardinal red takes dark and scarlet takes light. Navy blue, dark green, maroon and seal brown will take dark, while lighter browns and greens and gray and purple will take light, and lavender, yellow and rose color take nearly white. A cream white takes better than a pure white. Children ought almost always to wear light colors when sitting for a photograph.
    "That brings up the greatest trouble of a photograph gallery, the taking of children's likenesses. I am very successful for two reasons. First, I like children and they like me, so I can fix their attention. Secondly, I will allow but one person in the operating room with the child. You would be surprised, though, to see how many people generally come with the baby when it is brought here. Most people seem to make it a kind of holiday party. The little one's sisters and cousins and aunts, as well as both parents and one or two grandparents will often be of the party. Each one has much to say about it, and generally each one tries to soothe the infant and prepare its nerves for an ordeal, as if it were to have a tooth pulled or something like that. The consequence is that the young one usually gets frightened and gives a good deal of trouble, whereas if only one person had come the child would be interested but not excited, and the work would be easy."--N.Y. Mail and Express.
Valley Record, Ashland, September 27, 1888, page 4

Stop! Read!
    This is to certify that I am general agent for the Nonpareil Photo Company, one of the largest and best firms of the kind in the U.S. Our best grade Indian ink, watercolor and excelsior crayon portraits; we defy any house to beat them, both in quality and price. Call and see samples of work at C. A. Nutley's store--next to the post office.
Ashland Tidings, February 8, 1889, page 2

The Improvements Made in the Art of Taking Pictures.

Richard A. Anthony, in Chicago Inter Ocean.
    Amateur photographers are so numerous now that it is impossible to make any accurate guess as to their number. Previous to the introduction of the dry plate, in
1879, there were no amateurs in this country. Now there are fully ten times as many amateurs as there are professionals. The old method made it impossible to take pictures without very elaborate facilities and costly apparatus. It was a method of insurmountable difficulties for amateurs. Pictures could only be taken when there was a dark room at hand for developing the plates. Outdoor views were impossible, unless a tent was taken along.
    The introduction of the dry plate enabled a photographer to take views whenever convenient and to finish them at his leisure. He can take pictures in the daytime and finish them at night in any room from which all light is excluded except that of a ruby lantern.
    The advantages of the dry plate and improved apparatus have made photography so easy and pleasant that it has been taken up by thousands of people all over the United States. The amateurs include professional and business men who have leisure tune during the day, and also many clerks and others who have only Saturday afternoons and their summer vacations in which to indulge in the pastime. Every amateur who takes it up and goes through the country taking views induces others to join the ranks. Thus amateur photography has spread and become a popular craze throughout the country. It is not a temporary craze either, but has come to stay, and the number of photographers is constantly increasing.
    The improvements in photography have enabled it to be applied to many uses for which it was formerly not available. The flash-light has made it possible to photograph tunnels and rooms where the sunlight does not penetrate. Manufacturers are using photographic views of their machinery much more than in former years. Exploring and surveying parties are fitted with photographic apparatus. All of the recently fitted men-of-war have amateur outfits on board, and the departments at Washington employ the camera for many purposes. Insurance men have taken advantage of instantaneous photography to obtain views of fires, explosions and accidents as a means of advancing their business. In fact, there is scarcely a line of business in which photography is not now used in some manner. The outlook for the future is that still further improvements will be made in the methods and the apparatus, and that the utility of photography will be greatly increased.
San Jose Daily Mercury, May 20, 1889, page 4

Photographing in the Country.
    An itinerant photographer was visited in a Franklin County town by an economical young man, who, after a long banter and some beating down in the price, finally sat for a picture. He was told to look at a certain nail and, not understanding the photographer's "that will do," continued to gaze at it. The photographer let him sit the afternoon out, as no other sitters came, to his own great amusement, while tears ran copiously down our economical friend's cheeks in his efforts to keep his eyes fixed for a couple of hours on that one spot.--Lewiston (Me.) Journal.
Valley Record, Ashland, July 24, 1890, page 4

Ashland Illustrated.
    Advance sheets of the Ashland illustrations and description in the July number of the West Shore reached Ashland last Saturday morning, and the illustrations were, of course, subjected to close scrutiny on the part of the local board of trade which made the contract with the publishers for the advertisement of the town in that manner. Great dissatisfaction was developed at once. Some of the pictures are good--The Oregon [Hotel], the plaza street scene and another street scene are as well executed as could be expected, but the committee decided that the lithograph birdseye views, taken from "photos by Logan," fell very far short of satisfaction. Orchards, shade trees, prominent buildings were either left out or so imperfectly done that the appearance of the scene suffered greatly, as compared with the showing of the photograph of the same size. A meeting of the board of trade was held Wednesday evening, and strong resolutions were adopted, expressive of the dissatisfaction of the board with the illustrations. The letterpress description [i.e., the text] is good, a fair and candid statement of the condition, resources and expectations of the town and surrounding country.
Ashland Tidings, July 26, 1889, page 3

    The Southern Pacific Co. officials have instructed their employees not to permit any kodaks to be taken on the ferryboats unless a promise is given that the instruments will not be used on the boats. The order is given as a result of many complaints being made at headquarters of the work of photograph fiends. This order should be extended to trains and depot platforms. It is about time to take some steps for the protection of the public from the snapshots of these photographic fiends who respect neither person nor place. In unscrupulous hands the present facility of "taking" people may be utilized to base purposes, and, at best, is an everpresent nuisance.
Valley Record, Ashland, November 20, 1890, page 2

Before the Camera.
    If you are short and stout, don't ask the poor artist to make a picture of you full length. He will, if you insist; but he knows he is doing a great wrong thereby. Nothing is so graceful and pleasing in a picture of a stout lady as a sitting half length, the figure so turned as to hide the too-too stoutness. Again, if you are slim and angular, do not for an instant forget that a full-length figure will make you appear more slim and angular. Then the pretty bust picture is your only hope and you should insist on having no other.
    If a gentleman has a very long neck--no matter how nicely he looks in a high collar--his picture if taken in such a high affair would look grotesque. A short neck and a high collar, a long neck and low turned-down collar by all means. No loud stripes, no great checks, no striking figures should be worn in a photograph. One thing bear in mind when you visit the studio--bring along your home expression. Don't spent two days before you come to the studio practicing poses and different expressions before your mirror, and, lastly give the photographer the benefit of exercising his artistic and professional ability.--Photographer in Ladies' Home Journal.
Valley Record, Ashland, May 7, 1891, page 1

    The San Francisco Examiner one day last week devoted its entire first page to an illustrative descriptive article concerning the famous Josephine County caverns, which appear to be about as extensive as the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky. The Examiner's corps of correspondents spent almost a week in the cave and still seemed as far from reaching its uttermost limits as when they started in. The flash-light photographs taken of the most interesting portions of the interior are a novelty in their way, and the article is certainly very interesting reading. The paper neglected to state that the best way to reach the cave is to take a private rig at Jacksonville or Medford, which are about as close to the scene of the great natural curiosity as is Grants Pass, their point of departure from the line of the railroad.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 24, 1891, page 4

    Ashland Tidings: Maj. McConnell received from Eugene the first of the week a set of photographs representing fourteen different scenes of the recent encampment of the second regiment, O.N.G. The views include the battalion drills, guard mount, scenes of the battle, groups of officers, etc., and have been examined with much interest by the people here.

Eugene City Guard, July 25, 1891, page 1

    Geo. H. Edwards had been in Ashland for about a week. He is a pugilist who was here in the spring of 1886 and had a prize fight about 3 o'clock one morning on the outskirts of town with a painter from Medford named Lewis. Lewis was badly bunged up in two rounds and "squealed." District Atty. Thos. Kent took hold of the matter. Edwards skipped, was brought back, tried and put in the county jail. Several others implicated left town until the excitement blew over. A railroad passenger conductor who was backing Edwards lost his position and was fined. A photographer was on the ground and had photographs of the whole business, which proved that bloods by the score were there, though they thought they weren't when the limb of the law got in operation.
"Brevity Basket," Valley Record, Ashland, September 10, 1891, page 3

    An impudent view-taker at Ashland last week came to grief at the hands of James Fewell, whose wife had been abused by the fellow because she refused to purchase any of his wares. The lady informed her husband of the circumstance, and Jim dressed the man down in the presence of the city marshal, then paying his fine with the best grace imaginable. Such lessons to the traveling gentry has salutary effect.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 1, 1892, page 3

The Mouth in Photography.
    I was talking to a photographer the other day, says Miss Mantalini, and she told me that mouths gave her the most trouble. The mouth is quite the most unmanageable feature in the face, she said. Few people look well smiling in a photograph, because they never smile naturally. Then a pursed-up mouth won't suit anybody. If the lips are too much parted the expression of the face conveys the idea that the person is weak-minded or empty-headed. She said that women were more satisfactory subjects than men, because they had more sentiment. Very matter-of-fact people don't make nice pictures.
Eugene City Guard, April 30, 1892, page 3

    A couple of itinerant photographers, who have been selling coupons entitling the holders thereof to photographs at reduced rates, are reported to have skipped from Medford, which was the base of their operations. They did poor work and have acted the part of the mountebank generally since leaving California, where they should have remained. The people to the north should be chary of them, as they are traveling that way. Another first-class fraud was Dr. H. Roszas, whose mellifluous peals of laughter echoed through the saloons of Jacksonville and neighboring towns for several weeks. He spent most of his time in guzzling beer and sounding his own praise as a physician, yet at the same time he succeeded in collecting a considerable sum of money in advance for medicine that he never intended to furnish. This alleged doctor practiced the same game at Yreka, Cal., from which place he wandered southward. Look out for him.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 4, 1893, page 3

    A great deal has been said concerning the game law in Oregon; that is, when deer, elk, quails, pheasants, grouse, ducks, etc. can be killed, and when trout and salmon can be caught. An exchange publishes the following "take-off" on the law, and suggests that the law be promptly be enforced: "Book agents may be killed from August 1 to October 1; scandal-mongers from December 1 to January 1 exclusively; umbrella borrowers from February 1 to May 1. Open season all the year on insurance agents, picture peddlers and mossbacks."

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 4, 1893, page 3

    MEDFORD has no photographer--just think of it! A city with a population of over two thousand people and no photographer. The Mail editor is not so handsome that he desires particularly to be focused, but there are a whole lot of good-looking girls and boys, whose ages range all the way from the cradle to pretty close to the grave, in this city who would look well in a frame but--no photographer no picture, no picture no frame. If some good, reliable artist will anchor a base right here in Medford and can prove by his work that he is a workman worthy the hire he will do a good business. No fakes need apply--our people have been bilked quite aplenty.
Medford Mail, September 8, 1893, page 2

    A traveling photographer was in our midst one day last week and made some most excellent pictures of the Mound school.
"Big Sticky Items," Medford Mail, November 10, 1893, page 2

    A photographer was soliciting work at Eagle Point last week, and about the time some of our people had saved money enough to get their pictures taken the photographer departed for Gold Hill.
"Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, November 10, 1893, page 2

    Deputy Internal Revenue Collector Langell and U.S. Deputy Marshal Hogg reported that 47 Chinese were registered in Ashland last week. Thirty-five were photographed here--the rest having presumably brought their photos with them. About half the Chinese who registered are out of employment.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, January 15, 1894, page 3

    At the last meeting of the city council an ordinance was passed requiring a license from traveling photographers. The ordinance requires the payment of $2.50 per day and for a period of not less than three days. This is another move in the right channel. There can be no better method adopted for the upbuilding of home institutions than the taxing of outsiders, who drop in among us for a day or two, gather in a few loose shekels and are away tomorrow. Men who help to pay the county's taxes, improve their properties, and assist in many ways to making a city a prosperous one, are entitled to all protection which can possibly be given them.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, September 28, 1894, page 3

    Electricity has been doing some pretty work in the photographing of drops of water, and Prof. C. V. Boys in a recent lecture gave illustrations of what had been accomplished, says the Detroit Free Press. He first showed photographs taken by the electric spark of soap bubbles in the act of bursting, and explained the process by which it is possible to ascertain the respective speed at which different soap bubbles burst. One photograph showed an issue of liquid from a very small pipe, which to the naked eye appeared to be a perfect stream, but which, on an electric photograph being taken, was resolved into a beautiful and regular series of drops.
Medford Mail, September 28, 1894, page 4

Mounting Photographs.
    The satisfactory mounting of photographs is a troublesome operation, and the following suggestion from a contributor to The Outlook may be of assistance to amateurs: "I have found a method by which a photograph or engraving can be mounted on the thinnest paper without curling or wrinkling. If the picture is a photograph, it should be ironed out smooth with a hot iron and then trimmed. Mix a little gum arabic in hot water so as to make a rather thick mucilage. Place the picture on the page in position and mark just inside the corners. Remove the picture and take some of the mucilage on a ruling pen and draw a heavy line of mucilage from one point to another, so as to make a line of mucilage all around the place where the picture is to be. As soon as the mucilage is sticky put the picture in place and a book over it to keep it flat. When dry, you will have a smooth mount that will not curl."
Valley Record, Ashland, February 7, 1895, page 7

    A couple of itinerant photographers, who have been selling coupons entitling the holders thereof to photographs at reduced rates, are reported to have skipped from Medford, which was the base of their operations. They did poor work and have acted the part of the mountebank generally, since leavingCalifornia, where they should have remained. The people of the north should be chary of them, as they are traveling that way.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 4, 1896, page 3

    It is reported that a party of fakirs is working the towns of the Willamette Valley on the old, time-worn racket of enlarging family photos at $1.50 apiece, demanding, and invariably getting, says the Albany Herald, the preliminary advance of 50 cents, the balance to be paid when the "company's studio car reaches here, just after the holidays." The chance for humbug is as great as ever, and finds about as many victims, who will wait many moons ere that "studio car" arrives.
"News of the State," Medford Mail, December 18, 1896, page 4

The Late Mr. Sarony's Clever Methods of Photographing.
    The late Mr. Sarony, the well-known photographer of New York, gave the camera something of the freedom of the pencil or the brush, and in his hands it did almost anything he pleased, says an exchange. In many ways, it is said, he was really a caricaturist. His poses were something so odd that the picture seemed like a travesty on nature. For this reason he excelled in theatrical portraiture. But his sitters had to yield him implicit obedience, and when it failed he refused to "take them" anymore. This made even popular actresses submissive. One of his favorite devices was to take them by surprise. "Are you ready to do my picture?" said Mr. Blaine, when he had been chatting in the studio for some time, and, as he thought, awaiting for the instrument. "It is done," said Sarony--the snapshot had been fired, just as the sitter had reached the climax of a capital story. This, he said, was the highest reach of the art--"the true pose is not a pose, but a natural position." He was but an amateur in photography until he lost the fortune which he had made in business. He quickly recovered it by his originality and his consequent success. He was born in Quebec; he had a studio for a time, in Birmingham, but New York was his happy hunting ground.
Medford Mail, July 23, 1897, page 3

How It Affects Their Plates and What They Do to Escape It.
    Among the many evils which are attributed to the all-pervading, never-to-be-escaped city dust, there is one which constitutes a grievance peculiar to photographers alone. It is the injury which the flying particles, sifting into the room through every aperture, cause to the delicate films and sensitive plates. All films are made of preparations of gelatin, and a large proportion of the glass plates now used are also coated with this substance, which, because of its soft, sticky nature, is particularly likely to attract every atom of dust in the surrounding air. The particles, however small, leave their impress in the form of opaque spots upon the sensitive surface and seriously mar its perfection. To remove the damage a great amount of retouching is necessary, which is not only laborious and tiresome, but which cannot always be satisfactorily accomplished if the dust is very thick. What is known as the "carbon process" in photography is probably more easily injured by dust than any other, because an extremely delicate film of gelatin is used. Chiefly on account of this drawback, the carbon process is seldom employed in this country, although photographs are made which resemble the real carbon pictures so closely in color that they are "carbon types." In England, where the carbon process is more common, it has become customary for London photographers to send their developing work out of town to be done, in order to escape the dust and smoke of the city, but this practice has not gained much ground here.
    The photographers in this city, as a rule, perform their operations in the same building in which their studios are situated, and for the sake of thus keeping the developing process at home they are obliged to be at great trouble in protecting it. Some of the methods employed for this purpose were mentioned to a Tribune reporter the other day by a well-known Broadway artist.
    "In the first place," he said, "we not only keep our darkroom itself, but the whole top floor in which it is situated, spotlessly clean. The floors are all oiled until there is not a crack in their surface to harbor dust, and they are thoroughly washed every morning before we begin our day's work. All the tables, trays and everything we use are kept equally clean. The windows, instead of being in the side walls, where the wind would strike them and bear the dust in with it, are in the roof, and very little dust can come in that way. All the cracks in the doors or around the window frames are stopped up, and we keep the darkroom tightly closed as much of the time as possible. With these precautions we manage to get along pretty well, but a certain quantity of dust seems bound to creep in, and it causes us a good many hours of extra work in retouching."
    Practically the same struggle against dust is the experience of every photographer in the city. One remedy which has been tried occasionally with success consists in filling the room in which the plates are kept with steam for a few moments each morning. This usually suffices to lay the dust for the entire day.--N.Y. Tribune.
Medford Mail, January 7, 1898, page 6

Photography and Ducks.
    Photography is killing more ducks than are hunters is an alarming claim made by an enthusiastic sportsman, who goes on to explain that the universal practice of photography is creating an immense demand for an albumen in finishing pictures, and that this albumen can be produced only from eggs. The eggs from the ordinary domestic hen are too valuable for food to be sacrificed to art, and as a consequence the breeding grounds of wild birds are gleaned for the desired fluid. The Hebrides Islands of Scotland, Lofoten of Norway, Labrador, Greenland, South America and all other extensive haunts of large birds are robbed constantly by the natives or men from sailing expeditions, and the result is especially hard on the ducks. Labrador is a particularly unfortunate land in this connection, for the miles of crowded nests offer an irresistible temptation to the egg hunters.
Medford Mail, March 25, 1898, page 6

Of a Human Being Was Taken in Philadelphia in 1839.
    As a matter of fact, the first portrait of a human being was taken in Philadelphia in November, 1839, by Robert Cornelius, and was exhibited before the American Philosophical Society, as is noted in the minutes of the society, December 6, 1839, says the Philadelphia Times. This identical portrait is now in possession of the writer. Further, a studio for "Daguerreotype Miniatures" was established and was in successful operation long before either Draper or Morse claim to have made their first successful attempt. Even Morse's views of the "old brick church" were made long after Joseph Saxton, of Philadelphia, had made his experimental exposures from the window of the United States Mint on Chestnut Street, the original of which is now in possession of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. These facts and many more have been repeatedly set forth upon the pages of the American Journal of Photography and the Journal of the Franklin Institute.
Medford Mail, May 6, 1898, page 5

    An itinerant photographer is in Southern Oregon, taking views ostensibly for reproduction in a Portland magazine, but really to extract shekels from those foolish enough to believe his story.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 4, 1898, page 3

A company of young photographers, who are making a tour of the West, were in Jacksonville Tuesday, and "took pictures" of a number of buildings. They will return later and sell the photographs. Their work is first-class.
"Local Notes,"
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 6, 1898, page 3

    D. T. Lawton is tearing away the fence and old buildings from his lots on North B Street, and just as soon as S. Childers having been awarded the contract for putting it up. The building is to be a fine one, and no mistake. It will be 50x75 feet in size, one story high, with an elevated and artistically ornamented front. The building will front on B Street and extend back along the alley between Sixth and Seventh streets. On the front there will be six large windows and three doors, 7x10 feet in size, and on the alley side there will be three windows and one large door. When completed it will be used by the Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., farm implement dealers, and for which company Mr. Lawton is local agent for Southern Oregon. For convenience this building will be an ideal one, and as an improvement to that part of the city it will be a monument to Mr. Lawton's worth as a public-spirited and progressive citizen. The old photograph gallery standing on the ground and being used by F. W. Wait as a marble shop will probably be removed to the west side of the track--onto some property which Mr. Lawton owns there.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 23, 1900, page 7

    Sunday's S.F. Call was especially attractive to Ashland and Southern Oregon people, the page of photos of interesting and lovely beauties presenting familiar faces in our daily life. The pictures were those of Misses Blanche Standard, Mabel Million, Kate DePeatt, Helen Stanley, Blanche Logan, of Ashland, Hattie Belle Odgers, Aileen Webber, Mary Little, Dortha Pickens, Blanche Toft, Minerva Pickens, of Medford, Amy Booth, Sylvia Anderson, Clara Stahl, Mrs. C. H. Evans, Mrs. Wm. Nelson, of Grants Pass, Aggie George of Kerby and Mrs. D. L. Browning of Leland.
"Personal and Social," Valley Record, Ashland, March 29, 1900, page 3

An Entertaining Portfolio.
    Unmounted pictures, those pretty and interesting ones that sometimes come as supplements with the really good papers, the photographs that you do not care to frame and which are too large to put in an alum, the engravings that have been picked up here and there, and especially the pictures cut out of old but good guidebooks, may be arranged in a portfolio so simple that it can be handled by everybody without its showing the usage given it. Buy an ordinary portfolio, a good-sized one, with a strong back to it. Cover it with coarse gray linen, and paint on this in a floral or architectural design the word "Pictures." Let your pictures be loose, but mount those which are small or which have suffered in the least, and trim the edges of those that are ragged. It is necessary in time, because they are handled a great deal, to throw some of the pictures away, but there are always fresh contributions. Two portfolios filled with these pictures will entertain a party of young people an entire evening, giving them subjects for conversation and opportunities for tete-a-tete, so that they will go home pleased with themselves and with each other.--London Mail.
Valley Record, Ashland, April 12, 1900, page 5

Fine Exhibit of Work, and Instructive Demonstration--Today's Programme.
    The Photographers' Association of Oregon began a series of meetings at Hibernian Hall yesterday morning with an informal reception. In the afternoon addresses were made by Mayor Rowe, and Hayes, of Portland, president of the association, and committees were appointed on nominating permanent officers, formulating constitution and by-laws, and appointment of judges. H. C. Duryea conducted some interesting demonstrations on Velox paper.
    Last evening was devoted to comparing the merits of some 40 different exhibits of photography from all over the Northwest as well as from Eastern centers.
    This morning at 10 o'clock Professor Charles Wilber will make a criticism of the work from an artist's standpoint; the report of the nominating committee will be read, and election of officers will follow. Constitution and by-laws will be deliberated on; place of next meeting will be discussed, and report of judges in grand portrait class will be rendered.
    In the afternoon demonstrations in posing, lighting and negative-making will be made at Mr. Tollman's studio, 227½ Washington Street; and in the evening demonstrations in working American Aristo papers will be made by F. H. Doyle in the hall.
    The meeting tomorrow morning will end the convention's labors at this time. Reports will be heard from secretary and treasurer, and a general discussion for the good of the association will be entered into.
    This afternoon from 2 till 10 o'clock the hall will be thrown open to the citizens of Portland, who are invited to inspect the exhibits free of charge.
    The organization will probably expand into the Photographic Association of the Pacific Northwest before final adjournment, and a vice-president will be elected from each of the three states, Oregon, Washington and Idaho. The object of the association is mutual benefit through comparison of work at regular intervals, and the selection of a central point for obtaining photographic material. This point will probably be Portland, the home of the original association, from which the greater organization has grown. The present officers of the association are: H. C. Hayes, president; J. C. S. Aune, vice-president; J. W. Tollman, treasurer, and Charles Butterworth, secretary. Among those present at the meeting yesterday were: John Yost, T. W. Tollman, J. W. Tollman, C. W. Short, Portland; William Helquest, San Francisco; O. M. Hosteater, Portland; H. F. Duryea, F. D. Burley, New York; H. H. Mertens, Sheridan, Or.; W. A. Raymond, Moro, Or.; J. M. M. Kelleb, W. R. Hoyt, George M. Weister, Portland; E. D. Meyer, T. L. Kirk, H. O. Lewis, W. S. Gardner, Corvallis, Or.; T. J. Cherrington, Dallas, Or.; T. O. Hutchinson, C. C. Lewis, L. D. Hicks, San Francisco; F. Doyle, New York; C. L. Clevenger, Grants Pass, Or.; L. C. Van Exxe, H. D. Trover, Salem; A. D. Rodgers, A. L. Jackson, Tacoma; O. M. Ash, representing Woodard, Clarke & Co.; Butterworth & Lotan, Portland; T. D. Graves, H. D. Graves, Roseburg, Or.; William Rush, Clatskanie, Or.; E. A. Eaton, Portland; F. S. R. Prentice, Wells & Co., Denver; E. W. Moore, J. C. S. Aune, H. Hayes, Portland; Dora Armstrong, Vancouver, Wash.; C. S. Wheeler, W. S. Bowman, Pendleton, Or.; F. G. Abell, and many others.
    In welcoming the association, Mayor Rowe said:
    "It affords me great pleasure to welcome the Photographic Association and its friends to Portland. Your meeting is significant in many ways. It brings together able representatives of three states--states which are wonderful in their varied resources, in their possibilities of development, in scenic beauty, and most in the mental and physical vigor they are contributing to the race. You are scientists and artists of the truest type; scientists by virtue of your careful study and investigation in one of the most interesting fields of knowledge which this century has opened to men; artists because of your keen appreciation of the true and the beautiful. You are interested in one common cause, the advancement of learning, and with that spirit there is always a liberalism, a  good-fellowship, a sincere good-will which shall go out from you in your various communities when you return home.
    "The people of California, Washington and Oregon should be like those of one state. Our interests are all the same. The future for each is golden in its promises. Did we not know of the matchless grandeur of a thousand places in California and Washington, I might be pardoned for believing that your selection of Portland as a meeting place was due to the beauties which surround it.
    "An American writer has told an interesting story of a poor, cooped-up office man who was accustomed to spend his Sundays in long rambles in the country, and to his intimate friends he boasted of great possessions of land, vast estates, whole counties. A friend who knew he had not an acre rebuked him for his prevarication, but the fellow replied that when he went into the country he owned it--mountains and valleys, woodlands and pastures, green fields, sunlight and shadows--all except the dirt and the fences; everything that was beautiful was his. That man had the soul of an artist. I hope that you will own every beautiful scene in Oregon, and to the extent that your profession will allow, take them with you; and I trust, too, that if your attention is arrested by a damp climate or muddy streets that the genial hospitality of Portland people will quickly lead you to forget them.
    "The progress of science in the 19th century has been so remarkable, there have been so many marvelous accomplishments, that we fail to appreciate all. The taking of a picture seems comparatively simple, but it represents a century of thought, of investigation, of almost infinite labor. It is the progress of such labor that is enduring. The nations that have crumbled to nothingness shall be perpetuated in history because of their contributions to art. Italy's magnificent contribution to the civilization of the world is not the splendor of the Roman emperors, the pride of the Roman soldiers, or the triumph of Roman conquests, but rather the poetry, the music, the paintings, the architecture and the learning of its people.
    "I trust that a keener appreciation of art, a more liberal patronage of learning, shall distinguish the American people during the coming century. I hope that your labors here will be fruitful. Your study and investigations are of very great importance, and it therefore affords me great pleasure to welcome you here."
Oregonian, October 26, 1900, page 8

Conflicting Orders.
    "The average photographer," said Henpeck musingly, "is an unreasonable creature."
    "What's the matter now?" asked his friend.
    "Oh, while my wife was sitting for her picture today the fool photographer sang out: 'Look pleasant, please. Be natural!'"--Philadelphia Press.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 11, 1901, page 3

    H. L. Whited and Victor Lowe went up on Ashland Butte yesterday for the purpose of taking a good photograph of this grand old mountain while she is loaded to a standstill with snow. The picture will ornament the literature that the board of trade is getting out and will represent where Ashland secures its fine supply of water.
"Personal and Social," Valley Record, Ashland, May 9, 1901, page 3

Fall and Winter Photography.
    The Kodak season is on the wane, but if the "amateur" will be "eyes open" he can capture some of the finest effects of the year before Xmas. Nature's in harvest garb, and some of the finest of views are yet to be found in the neighboring orchards, hills, etc.
    Then again the special printing papers made now make printing and finishing possible on the darkest day or night. Velox, for instance, requires less than one minute by ordinary lamplight to print and but a few minutes for chemical work, which is very simple.
    Made in several grades, it accommodates all negatives, according to effects desired. A novelty just brought out is the sensitized postal cards; allowing the use of the postal card in sending interesting pictures to distant friends. Call on us and learn more of this paper. A sample print free with each dozen sold this week.
Medford Book Store
Advertisement, Medford Mail, October 11, 1901, page 7

Photographer Didn't Know Him.
    "Can't you look a little bit pleasanter?" asked the photographer.
    "Pleasanter?" echoed the wife of the man in the chair. "Why, Mr. Photographer, if he would look that pleasant all the time I would be the happiest woman alive!"--Indianapolis Sun.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 1, 1902, page 2

    R. H. Jonas and A. L. Peachey, two of Eagle Point's bright young men, were in Jacksonville Tuesday to get a supply of printed matter they had ordered at the Sentinel office. The boys expect to leave this week for an extended tour of Eastern Oregon on a photographic expedition. They will go by way of Rogue River and Crater Lake and they will take views of pretty bits of scenery along that route as well as in Eastern Oregon. They will travel by their own conveyance and will have a complete photographic outfit and be able to do any class of work offered to them.
Jacksonville Sentinel, July 3, 1903, page 3

    Two photographers, who claim to represent the Lewis & Clark exposition, are in the valley taking views, etc. They are doing a good business, whether or not they have the sanction of the commission.
"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 4, 1904, page 1

    One of the features of the exhibit building this week is an enlarged photograph of one of the sugar pine trees of the upper Rogue River country. The tree is at least ten feet in diameter, not the largest by any means of the many big trees in that section, but still big enough to be out of the "pole" class.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 27, 1905, page 5

     Monday night Irvin Murphy and a man by the name of Hutchison of Portland, a photographer, went to Crater Lake. Mr. Hutchison is traveling in the interest of a firm in Portland and is going to Crater Lake to take views. He intends to go all around the lake and take views of the lake and all of the surrounding country to make scenic views. He anticipates finding considerable snow, but thinks that they can stand the rigor of that climate. They expect to be gone several days.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, November 4, 1908, page 6

    The Jackson County Abstract Company have installed at the court house a large camera which is used to copy records. The machine will photograph two pages of the large record books without the use of plates. A complete photograph is made and finished every minute.
"Local News," Jacksonville Post, April 3, 1909, page 3

    A splendid photo has been taken of the Hazelrigg orchestra for the program committee of the Chautauqua in Ashland this year. A cut will be made for advertising purposes, as the orchestra will furnish the music this season. The boys are getting a splendid reputation in Southern Oregon for the excellence of their music.
"Social and Personal," Medford Daily Tribune, May 20, 1909, page 8

As Others See Us.
    "The man who can pick out the best picture of himself is a rare bird," said a photographer. "Even an author, who is reputedly a poor judge of his own work, exercises vast wisdom in selecting his best book compared with the person who tries to choose his best photograph. Every famous man or woman who had been photographed repeatedly has his or her favorite picture. Usually it is the worst in the collection. It shows him or her with an unnatural expression, sitting or standing in an unnatural attitude. The inability to judge of his best picture must be due to the average man's ignorance of how he really looks, or perhaps it can be partly attributed to a desire to look other than he does. A stout man will swear that the photograph most nearly like him is the one that makes him look thin, a thin man the one that makes him look stout, the solemn man selects the jolliest picture, the jovial man the most cadaverous.--Philadelphia Ledger.
Medford Daily Tribune, October 20, 1909, page 4

Discover Airship
    Last Friday afternoon folks over on the west side started a sensation by asserting that they had discovered an airship hovering in that vicinity, and quite a number were out craning their necks to get a peep at the local aviation meet. It transpired that the monoplane was merely a huge kite rigged fore and aft with photographic apparatus for the purpose of getting a series of birdseye views of Ashland for exploitation purposes. It was securely anchored to terra firma and by pulling a string instead of pressing a button, the lens did the rest.
Ashland Tidings, May 23, 1910, page 5

Panorama of Ashland
    The Waite Development Co. is exhibiting some fine views of this vicinity on the panorama order, the same being object lessons in the art of photography on a big scale. The views are 18 inches wide by six feet long, and embrace in their scope miles of territory extending east and west. A camera capable of taking such a picture is said to cost $1500, and the views are valued at $16 each. Two have been taken thus far, the scenes depicted being a general view of Ashland on the one hand, and the lands of the development company on the other, with a large extent of territory contiguous thereto, the same lying on both sides of the creek respectively.
    These fine views will be an effective adjunct to the elegant furniture and fixtures which are being installed on a large scale in the company's general offices, and should be seen to be appreciated.
Ashland Tidings, June 9, 1910, page 1

Manager Malboeuf of the Medford Commercial Club Hits Upon
New Scheme--Will Attract Attention to Article Upon Medford.

    Two thousand postal cards, furnished by the Sunset magazine, are to be hurled broadcast over the country by the Medford Commercial Club calling attention to an article in the November number of the Sunset regarding Medford. The article will do much good in an advertising way.
    The credit for the advertising is due Charles A. Malboeuf, manager of the club. For the November issue of the magazine he contributed an article covering four pages under the caption "Oregon's Wonder City." He then informed the management of the publication that the local club would advertise it if they would furnish the cards. This they agreed to do.
    The postal cards which are to be sent out read as follows:
    "The Sunset magazine for November will contain a practical description of Medford and the Rogue River Valley. It tells of America's foremost orchard district and her most progressive city. Be sure and read it."
Medford Mail Tribune, October 2, 1910, page 4

Medford Local Views
    We are showing about 40 different views of the city including Oakdale Avenue, West Seventh, East Main, North Central. They are all local photograph cards. Sale price, FIVE CENTS EACH.
Advertisement, Hussey's, Medford Mail Tribune, October 26, 1910, page 8

    Some strangers were up on what is known as Graveyard Hill just south of Phoenix, taking postcard views Saturday.
"Eden Precinct Items," Medford Mail Tribune, November 15, 1910, page 3

    The bird's-eye view of Medford in the window of the Commercial Club is attracting much attention; some favorable and some unfavorable criticism is expressed. The sketch is sent to the club by William Bittle Wells, publicity manager of Sunset magazine, for approval. At the last meeting of the club the sketch was ordered to be displayed at the club rooms for inspection, for one week and then returned for publication in the next Medford booklet. Secretary Boos requests that if anybody has any suggestions to make relative to the topography of the sketch, these suggestions should be made at once, so that corrections, if any, can be made before the picture is prepared for publication.
Medford Sun, May 7, 1911, page 3

Fruit Scenes Photographed.
    Grants Pass--A Southern Pacific photographer has arrived to secure photographs of the bright red fruit on the trees. The cherry crop is just at its height and some handsome photographs have been secured. Truck gardens and berry patches and acres of apple orchards were struck off under the snap of the lens.
The Oregon Mist, St. Helens, July 7, 1911, page 6

    The local [Elks] lodgemen are doing some splendid advertising for Ashland in the distribution of souvenir postcards, stamped and ready for mailing, each card bearing a likeness of the magnificent building here.

"Appreciate Reception," Ashland Tidings, July 15, 1912, page 5

    Mr. L. Barkles, a photographer of Medford, formerly of San Francisco, came out Monday morning and engaged a room at the Sunnyside and that afternoon went and took a photo of our school.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, March 13, 1913, page 5

    A party of Portland men spent a few days at Henry French's fishing. They also went to Crater Lake. One of the men took a number of pictures for a postal card company of which he is a member.
"Along Rogue River," Medford Mail Tribune, September 1, 1913, page 5

    The principals in the Rose Society Vaudeville assembled last night in full regalia to have photographs taken, some of which will be used in Ashland, where they will appear next Tuesday evening.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, December 12, 1914, page 2

    The Medford Printing Company has just issued from their press an order for 100,000 poster stamps for the Medford Commercial Club, comprising eight views of Rogue River Valley scenery, showing the sugar pine forest, Crater Lake, Pacific Highway, orchards, Mill Creek Falls and Rogue River.
    The views are as clearcut as steel engravings, gummed, perforated edge and eight different subjects to a sheet.
    More than five hundred million poster stamps have been sold to American advertisers since January 1st, and it is estimated that five billion will be used this year.
    The collection of poster stamps is now very popular, and Medford people should procure a supply of the Commercial Club at once and begin sending them out in every letter--they are good advertising at the minimum of expense.
    48 stamps for 10 cents, 120 for 35 cents, 500 for $1.00.
    Merchants in many cities enclose them in packages, stationery establishments place them in box paper, and the writers do the distributing. They can be pasted on envelopes and letterheads.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 17, 1915, page 4

    If you haven't looked over and purchased some of the postcards with Ashland views and Ashland's motto, which are on sale at all of the local dealers, you had best make it a point to purchase a few next time you are downtown.

"Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, April 26, 1915, page 5

    Delwin Claspill of Butte Falls is here at this writing taking orders for enlarged pictures.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, August 7, 1915, page 5

    There were three men came in from Portland and pitched their tent, opening a photo gallery Monday morning, and gave their names as M. Lotoff, L. Nekleoff and H. Baku, but they do not seem to be doing much business.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, June 22, 1916, page 5

    Word was received this morning from Southern Pacific officials at San Francisco that one of the official photographers of the railroad would arrive in Ashland Saturday evening prepared to accompany the excursion from Ashland to the summit of the snow-crowned mountain which bears Ashland's name.
"Start 5:30 Sunday for Mount Ashland," Ashland Tidings, August 24, 1916, page 1

    Mr. Gaddis, and Mr. Gray, one of the firm of Gaddis & Dixon, and one of their traveling men, were out here Tuesday taking pictures of our suspension bridge.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, March 22, 1917, page 7

    To Go to Medford--H. A. Fergus, who was employed in the local Southern Pacific shops until the recent strike, expects to leave tomorrow for Medford, where he plans to engage in the photo developing business.
The World, Coos Bay, August 2, 1922, page 5

To the Editor:
    An article in a recent issue of the Medford Mail Tribune stated it had been reported that several persons were obtaining photographs, for educational purposes, and later returning with enlargements, forcing the people to buy them or not returning their originals. This report is false. We are obtaining the originals for an art exhibit, picking the best that will do justice to the work we are introducing, and represent a western institution that has commercialized the talents and retains the services of a number of America's foremost artists, having the largest studios in the West.
    No one is obligated by submitting a photograph to our representatives. No reproduction of any kind is made, unless the people wish us to do so. We return all photographs in the same condition that we obtain them.
    Field Artist.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 5, 1923, page 4

    Another new ordinance passed was one at the request of the local photographers which licenses all photographers doing business in Medford, both resident and visiting picture takers, and whose purpose is to protect the resident photographers from temporary outside and fly-by-night competition. Heavy penalties for violation are provided.
"Photographers To Be Protected by a New Ordinance," Medford Mail Tribune, May 16, 1923, page 6

    The Southern Pacific railroad system intends to put forth new Southern Oregon scenes hereafter in all its advertising and other literature, and for this reason, C. W. Stinger of Portland, assistant general passenger agent of that railroad, arrived here Monday night with the official S.P. photographer.
    They are spending several days here taking the best photographic views obtainable, including a new panoramic view of Medford and the surrounding valley. They have visited the Klamath Falls section for the same purpose, and from here will go to Grants Pass and Roseburg to take new photographs in these sections. Later they will visit Ashland for this purpose.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 3, 1925, page 7

    The Malta Commandery of Knight Templars of Oakland, Calif. will arrive in Medford next Saturday evening aboard their special train. . . . Crater Lake souvenirs will be given to every person aboard the train. The souvenirs are double postcards which contain a picture of the lake and an appropriate poem written by F. Gerdes, proprietor of the Rex Cafe.
"Medford Mayor to Meet Templar Train in Ashland," Medford Mail Tribune, July 23, 1925, page 2

    The photographers and finishers of southern Oregon met at the Hotel Medford last evening at a 6:30 banquet. A business meeting was held following the banquet, at which an organization was perfected of a federation to be known temporarily as 'the Photographers' Association of Southern Oregon. A. E. Peasley presided as temporary chairman, and A. J. Anderson temporary secretary. Election of officers was then held for the ensuing year.
    P. A. Brainerd of Grants Pass was elected president; Jack Swem of Medford vice-president, and A. J. Anderson of Medford secretary-treasurer.
    The committees appointed by president Brainerd were as follows: Constitution and by-laws, C. C. Darling of Ashland, chairman; Frank Patterson and A. J. Anderson, Medford. Commercial price list, B. R. Harwood, Medford, Chairman; May King Conradi, of Klamath Falls, and A. J. Anderson, Medford. Photo finishers, Jack Swem, Medford, chairman, and C. C. Darling, Ashland. Portrait division, J. Verne Shangle, Medford, chairman; Mrs. C. C. Darling, Ashland and A. E. Peasley, Medford.
    The purpose of the organization is to further cooperation between the photographers of the district, and to get acquainted with local conditions, and endeavor to raise and maintain the standard of work.
    The next meeting will be held in Grants Pass in April.
    Those present included; C. C. Darling, Ashland; May King Conradi and Henry Conradi, Klamath Falls; Phil Brainerd, Grants Pass; and the following of Medford: B. R. Harwood, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patterson, Jack Swem, Mrs. E. H. Jones, W. A. Gunter, J. Verne Shangle, A. E. Peasley and A. J. Anderson.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 9, 1929, page 2

Local Studios Win Fight Against Newcomers
    Last night's city council meeting was a shirtsleeve affair of comparatively brief duration and lacking in color, with the exception of the fancy suspenders worn by P. M. Kershaw. Little business of importance was transacted, despite the fact that it was the first regular meeting of the municipal body for a month.
    When the city officials, at the opening of the session, peeled off their coats, and several of them their vests, it looked like a meeting of great length, and full of arguments and combat, but the heat was too much. Even the long-standing and much-discussed photographers' ordinance to bar any photographer using the coupon system of soliciting trade was disposed of without an argument.
    The only really exciting things about the session were the aforesaid suspenders and Mose Alford's reading of the minutes.
    So afflicted were the councilmen with hot weather ennui and embarrassment over the ordinance, which culminated a fight by the local photographers against the new Kenneth-Ellis studio, which located here several months ago, that for a time it looked as though no action would be taken.
Ordinance Fails.
    This ordinance, introduced at the behest of the Kenneth-Ellis studio and its attorney, Frank J. Newman, and which would have permitted that studio to use coupons, was given its third reading last night, and after a several minutes' pause, C. C. Darby, chairman of the license committee, moved its passage. Another long and embarrassing wait ensued until C. C. Furnas, in a quiet voice that could scarcely be heard above the suspenders, seconded the motion.
    The vote was then taken, with only the members of the licensing committee, Messrs. Darby, Furnas and Meeker voting for it, and Messrs. Grey, Porter, Kershaw and Allen against. Councilman D. R. Territt was not present.
    The next move, if there is any, will be up to attorney Newman, who several times in past discussions expressed doubt to the city officials that the old ordinance governing photographers, and which is still in effect, was constitutional. J. Verne Shangle, who with A. E. Peasley was present, representing the majority of the local photographers, and the Southern Oregon Photographers' Association thanked the council for its action.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 8, 1931, page 8

    A photographer visited the Beaver Portland Cement plant here Tuesday, taking pictures of the plant and its employees. He stated that he was representing the Rock Products and the Pit and Quarry magazines, eastern publications, which will use the pictures and a story concerning the plant in coming issues.
"Local Happenings," Gold Hill News, September 22, 1932, page 8

    Amos Burg, photographer for the National Geographic magazine, was in Gold Hill Monday taking pictures on the Rogue to be used by his magazine next spring. Mr. Burg secured Bill and Jeanne Hammersly to pose for some of the pictures.
Gold Hill News, November 10, 1932, page 1

    Forest Service has sent to this district a crew of six men, in charge of Albert Arnst, to make panoramic photos of the Rogue River National Forest from various lookout and proposed lookout sites, with the idea of covering the whole forest through pictures.
    Four cameras are being used in the work, which is expected to take about two weeks, the forestry officials here announced. Work has already been completed in the Deschutes forest, with headquarters at Bend, and some pictures have been taken of the Fremont forest, with headquarters in Lakeview.
    First work here will be conducted from Applegate camp.

Medford Mail Tribune, July 10, 1933, page 5

$10 Award Going But Not Gone Says Donor
    Ten round, heavy silver dollars--the price of many a needed article or cherished luxury--await the response of Southern Oregon pioneers at the Verne Shangle studios in Medford, Judge F. L. TouVelle stated this week.
    The award, offered to the person who can correctly name the greatest number of pioneers in an old photograph on display at the Medford studio, as yet is unclaimed, there being but one old settler who has entered a list of names. More than a hundred pillars of Southern Oregon are shown in the long photo, which pictures a meeting of the Pioneers of Southern Oregon at the Jacksonville courthouse years ago.
    Those who would like to spend a while in pleasant remembrance gazing into images of faces of former friends should drop into Shangle's Medford office, or into the Marble Corner in Jacksonville, to scan and identify, for the $10 award will be made ere long to the one who most accurately can name persons decked out in 1900 apparel and expressions.
Jacksonville Miner, October 6, 1933, page 1

    Announcement was received in Ashland this week that photographers from Life magazine are coming soon to photograph the Sage Riders as they make a trial run from the top of the Siskiyou Summit to the Medford Armory.
"Flash! Pony Express to Ride Again in Life Magazine," Rogue News, January 30, 1959, page 1

Last revised January 2, 2025