![]() ![]() Phoenix News News items from Phoenix
correspondents. Transcribed by Dorothy Cotton and Rene Forncrook.
undersigned is offering to sell his entire
property situated and being on the road leading from Jacksonville, O.T.
to Yreka, Cal., and eight miles from the former place, the well-known
flouring establishment under the style of S. M. Wait's Phoenix Mill.
This mill has been built at a very great expense and is in every way
what it should be: well located, well built and in first-rate running
order, capable of manufacturing an article of flour not surpassed by
any flouring establishment on the entire coast or in the United States.
Any person desiring to make a permanent investment will do well to
call and examine the property themselves, as I am bound to sell it at
whatever price it will bring.For Sale at a Reduced Price. S.
Mill, October 3rd, 1856Also on hand and for sale at the lowest market price, two hundred thousand (200,000) pounds of superfine flour, branded S. M. Wait, Phoenix Mill. N. B. All flour branded S. M. Wait, Phoenix Mill, O.T., I will warrant No. 1. S.
Table Rock Sentinel,
December 6, 1856, page
We visited
Gasburg the other day and was much
pleased to see such rapid progress in improvement. The location for a
county town has advantages over almost any other place, being near the
center of the farming settlements on Bear, or Stuart Creek having one
of the best flouring mills in the Territory, also an excellent saw
mill, a tan yard, and extensive manufacturing establishments. Being
located immediately on the road between Jacksonville and Yreka, at a
beautiful site for a country village, with the improvements already in
progress, it bids fair to become a rival to Jacksonville in point of
trade; for most certainly the location has superior manufacturing
advantages, and is much nearer the center of the great farming
community on Bear Creek, and without doubt, if there is not something
done by the citizens towards supplying the mines with water, there is
no inducement to the farmers to give Jacksonville the preference over a
village situate in the center of their settlement, with the advantages
of water power for manufacturing purposes. It then seems to us that
from present appearances, Gasburg has decidedly many advantages, and it
also appears that considerable enterprise is manifested by the
citizens in building it up. Then let our Jacksonville friends look to
their interest, and do something that will retain the trade
business of the county at this place for without some public
enterprise, zealously prosecuted at this place, the day is not far
distant when we may be compelled to transact all our county business at
another point. This can be remedied if the people choose, and the
sooner they commence the better it will be for our town.Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 30, 1858, page 2 Notice--Settle!!
All persons having
unsettled accounts with the Phoenix
Mills are requested to call immediately and SETTLE THE
SAME, as I am
desirous to close all the present
accounts. S.
Phoenix Mills, Jan. 20, 1858A number of the young men of Jacksonville went to Gasburg on Monday evening last, in pursuit of some amusement for the Fourth, but we learn that they did not enjoy themselves very hugely. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 10, 1858, page 2 HALF MARRIED.--At Phoenix, on Sunday the 4th, by Col. Hays, J.P., Mr. Pursley to Miss Wagner, both of that place. We learn that Mr. Pursley is a son of St. Crispin, who has been endeavoring to "make 'ends' meet" for eight months past, in the flourishing little town above named, and who, it is said, has conducted himself in the meantime quite respectfully. Some months since he became enamored of Miss Wagner, a respectable lady, who finally consented to wed. On Sunday evening, everything being got in readiness, the Squire bid them stand up. After the usual preliminaries, be asked the male party, "Do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?" The groom, who had taken some stimulants to "bring his courage up to the sticking point," and who, consequently, had no very definite idea of the proprieties of the occasion, answered, "I don't do nothin' else, old hoss!" This gave dire offense to the would-be bride, and she at once became a wouldn't-be bride. She remained, however, while the J.P., amid the suppressed merriment of the company, some sixty persons, propounded the all-important query, which she answered with a negative, and resumed her seat. In accordance with the suggestion of a friend, he left the room. He went and drank more liquor, and was soon after in a state of far advanced inebriation, when he was taken and thrown into the mill race, nearby. He afterwards received a coat of lampblack, and was subject to sundry and diverse other indignities.--Jacksonville Herald. Oregon Statesman, Salem, July 27, 1858, page 3 Administrator's Sale
By the virtue of an
order to me directed, issued out of
the Probate Court of Jackson County, State of Oregon, I will offer for
sale to the highest bidder, at 10 o'clock A.M.
on Saturday, the 8th
day of October next, at Phoenix in said county and state, all the
property both real and personal belonging to the estate of Henry H.
Church, dec'd., to wit:The undivided half of a certain brick house and lot known as the Phoenix House and situated in the town of Phoenix, lot No. 3, block No 1. Of personal property, one clock, counter, scales, stoves, looking glasses, war scrip, and a variety of other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of sale: All sums under twenty-five dollars, cash; all over will be half cash and the other half in six months, with approved security, without interest. Given under my hand, the 7th day of September, 1859. HARRISON
B. OATMAN, Administrator.
Oregon Sentinel,
Jacksonville, September 17, 1859, page
3Information Wanted.
Of Alexander
Patterson, late of the Fremont
Gasburg. He left Yreka on the 23rd of March for his home, and was last
seen at the Eagle Ranch, ten miles north of Yreka. He rode a bay pacing
mare. Mr. Patterson is a small man, dark complexioned, and about 25
years of age. His former residence was in Scott's Valley, Shasta
County, Cal. He was known to have with him over $2000 in gold. It is
feared that he has been murdered. Any information concerning him will
be gratefully received by Mr. J. P. Burnes, Fremont Hotel, Gasburg,
Ogn. or at the office of the Oregon
Sentinel.Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 14, 1860, page 2 FOR SALE--THE FARMERS' MILL AT
The undersigned is
about to remove from the state, and
therefore offers for sale his fine flouring mills, at Gasburg, together
with his dwelling, stables, sheds, and land adjoining, consisting of
between four and a half and five acres, the right of water,
&c.The flouring mills are not surpassed in all Southern Oregon in point of eligibility of location and excellence of machinery. The supply of water is ample to drive two run of stones night and day during nine months in the year, and the mills will grind 300 bushels of wheat per day regularly. For further particulars and for terms of sale, apply to the subscriber upon the premises at Gasburg. WM.
December 24,
1859Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 14 and 21, 1860, page 4 THE WEATHER.--The storm god seems to have it all his own way this winter. On last Sunday morning there was about eight inches of snow on the ground, and some of our people were disposed to continue the exhilarating amusement of sleigh riding which they had been enjoying for a few preceding days, but before night it began to rain most furiously, and it has been raining, sleeting and snowing, with short intermissions, ever since. The streams were as high on Wednesday and Thursday as they have been this winter, and an immense amount of damage has been done. We understand that the tannery, at Phoenix, has been swept out, and that the fine flouring mill at that place stands toppling over the water. The roads are so impassable over the county that we have received no intelligence of the amount of damage by this flood. Friday morning the sun shone out clear and beautiful, but by noon the sky was again clouded, with indications of more snow, of which there is two or three inches in the valley and plenty of it on the surrounding mountains. Let this kind of weather continue for some two or three months, and beef cattle will be a sight that it will do a man good to look at. Numbers of dead cattle lie rotting on the hills and in the valleys surrounding. Farmers, take care of your stock. It will be worth something in the spring. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 25, 1862, page 3 From Oregon.
Prof. Jno. Tweed has shown us a letter, dated March 5, he recently
received from his brother Henry in Oregon, from which we make the
following extract: "I am getting the Spectator;
it is like home to me. We have a very dry winter. There is great
excitement about the northern mines--everybody is going, except myself,
in this (Jackson) County. Wheat is worth 75 cents a bushel; potatoes 2½
to 3 per pound; onions 5 cents per pound; and everything in the
vegetable line in the same proportion."Oquawka Spectator, Oquawka, Illinois, April 16, 1863, page 2 Louis Tucker, a stage driver on the route between Jacksonville and Yreka, was seriously injured at Phoenix on the 7th inst. He had dismounted from the box to unload some baggage when the horses started to run. In attempting to get hold of the horses, he was thrown under the stage, breaking his left thigh. "Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, July 13, 1863, page 3 FROM OREGON.
Prof. J. Tweed has permitted us to take the following extracts from a
letter that he lately received from his brother Henry, who is residing
in Phoenix, Oregon:"We have no other currency but gold and silver. We have the metal in the ground. If the government had demanded the gold, in this state, for the national tax, and kept the greenbacks at home, the gold would have come without a murmur. As for me, I have only taken one g.b., and that was a V. "I will give you a little history of Rogue River Valley: "It is 35 miles in length, with an average width of about six miles. Three-fourths of the valley is all that is fit for farming purposes--the balance is worth nothing. The population in 1860 was 3,736, and it does not consume more than half that is raised in the valley. There are but few that follow the plow, for it will break up any man here to raise wheat for market. Oregon is not a corn-growing country, the principal crops being vegetables and wheat. "If any of my friends want my opinion of Oregon, say to them that it is a rough country--there is really nothing that makes it a desirable place to live in but health. It is the healthiest state in the Union for men, but not for women--the reason of the latter is, they don't exercise enough to enjoy life! The fair sex is so scarce that they feel independent, for they think, if a man don't keep them in a bandbox, that they can leave and get another. It is a God's truth--there are more widows made here by divorce than by death. "The following are prices current at this date--June 17: "Wheat, 50 cents a bushel. "Oats, 40 cents a bushel. "Potatoes, 5 cents a pound. "Turnips, 4 cents a pound. "Butter, 37 cents a pound. "Bacon, 15 to 20 cents a pound. "Eggs, 25 cents a dozen. "Groceries are so high that I can't tell the price--as I don't deal in the article." Oquawka Spectator, Oquawka, Illinois, August 6, 1863, page 1 FROM OREGON.
Prof. J. Tweed permits us to make the following extracts from a letter
just received by him from his brother Henry, in Phoenix,
Oregon:"As I stated in my last letter to you what the scarlet fever was doing to the inhabitants of this county, I will say again it has not let up any yet, and many are the Rachels in our land. It is not uncommon to bury two or three a day in our little neighborhood. Last Tuesday there were three buried, and last Sunday I heard the funeral of seven preached. Outside of the epidemic there is no other sickness. "This valley is as dead as a stump--and why is it dead? It is because of the dry weather during the winter. There was no water to work the mines with, and the most of the miners have [gone], or are going to, the new northern gold mines, and I shall go next fall or spring. Nearly everybody that went from here has, or is, doing well. I don't say this to create a fever back in the States, for if there is anyone that is doing well there, I would say to them to let well enough alone, for I have tried the gold excitement, and I think the biggest fools in the world are those that have been fooled--although I have never been sorry that I took the gold fever." Oquawka Spectator, Oquawka, Illinois, May 12, 1864, page 2 Oregon Correspondence.
Oregon, Jan. 8, 1865.
To the Editors of the Oquawka Spectator:I will give you a few items from Oregon, sometimes called in the Atlantic States the Land of Paradise. Doubtless you are aware that just three years ago the 8th of December last that we had the big flood which did so much damage in this country; well, we have had another just such an one--next best to Noah's flood--which has done a great deal of damage to farmers, filled up mining claims, swept away bridges, and "played thunder" in general. The stage company lost one coach and team, and one passenger was drowned, in the Umpqua River. We expect, however, to gain something in the long run, for we are having a very wet winter, and the miners have water enough to carry on their operations successfully. It has been very dry for two years before this. I have seen some more of Oregon of late. I was down in the Willamette Valley this last fall and the early part of the winter, and saw the heart of Oregon; but I prefer living in the little Rogue River Valley to any place that I have seen yet. While I was down in the Valley I saw a number of your old neighbors, and "you bet" it did your humble servant good to see a familiar face once more. I don't dabble much in politics; but I must say that Oregon has come very near the brink of secession, the "so-called Union" party having nullified a law of Congress, the last legislature having made it a law that we must pay our taxes in coin, which kills greenbacks. This cannot be charged upon the Democrats, for their opponents had a majority of three-fourths in the house and a "good Unionist" Governor to sanction the bill. H.T.
[Henry Tweed]
Oquawka Spectator, Oquawka,
Illinois, February 23, 1865, page 2SILVER MINES IN OREGON.
Oregon, March 25, 1866.
Editors Spectator--We
have had a very rainy winter, and the mines in our vicinity have been
worked with considerable profit. There has been a big excitement here
over the silver mines--a silver ledge having been struck last fall, on
Jackson Creek, near Jacksonville. One day the past winter while I was
engaged with three other men in cutting a ditch for mining purposes we
struck a ledge, and since that about a dozen ledges have been
discovered in the same locality--the headwaters of Wagner's Creek.In view of these discoveries, great indignation is felt here at a proposition being introduced into Congress favoring the sale of all mineral lands. It is my opinion--and the same is entertained by thousands of miners--that the man who first proposed such a measure struck at the very vitals of the resources of the country. He certainly does not know anything in regard to the situation of the mines; he perhaps is laboring under the delusive idea that the gold and silver lies scattered broadcast all over and through the earth, for he proposes to sell the land in 10- and 20-acre lots. Now it is well known that the mineral lies in narrow leads, from 3 to 20 feet wide, and miles in length, for the most part located in gulches, or on some mountain ridge, available for no other purpose except mining. If such a bill become a law, there will never be enough realized from sales to pay for the survey. The people of this coast will fight this proposition as long as there is mineral in the ground. Jo. Pendarvia, of Ellison, is here--he has a claim in the silver mines. HENRY
correspondent is clearly right in his opposition to any attempt on the
part of Congress to subdivide and sell out the gold and silver mineral
lands of the western mountains. The country in which the leads lie is
generally (as Mr. T. truly remarks) worthless except for mining
purposes. If this land should be laid off into ten-acre lots,
ninety-nine hundreds of it would be entirely worthless, and therefore
unsaleable--while the remaining one hundredth would be of fabulous
richness--so that the mineral wealth of the country would pass at once
into the hands of the fortunate few; whereas, if left as at present,
there is so fair an opportunity presented for every person to secure
claims that immigration is stimulated, and hundreds of brave and hardy
pioneers engage in prospecting. The sale of the lands--just the reverse
of what would be true of an agricultural region--would virtually
depopulate the new territories, discourage immigration, and retard the
development of the mines.--EDS. SPEC.)Oquawka Spectator, Oquawka, Illinois, May 17, 1866, page 2
Lindley, of Phoenix, had his saw mill so badly injured by the late
flood that he will be compelled to move it. The foundation on the side
next the creek was undermined and washed away.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
April 7, 1866, page
3SAW MILL.--The saw mill, at Phoenix, which came so near being washed away by the high water, is being moved on higher ground. Mr. Lindley thinks the water cannot affect his mill now, unless the bedrock is washed away.Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 21, 1866, page 3 EJECTMENT.--Dennis Crawley filed a complaint in the Circuit Court, on the 12th, against E. K. Anderson, in a case of ejectment for the "Forty Nine," and other mining claims in Phoenix precinct, Jackson County. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 19, 1866, page 2 BEAR CREEK.--This stream was up very high during they late rains, and done much damage in places. The road this side of Eagle Mills, though passable, is very materially injured. The greatest havoc committed was at Phoenix. Opposite S. Colver's residence, the current set in to the west bank, washing it away to the old race, and seriously endangering E. D Foudray's mill. Lower down, the vats of M. Lindley's tannery were washed out. The water then bore to the other side, and cut a channel through S. Colver's field, leaving Lindley's sawmill and dam high and dry. The damages below do not seem to be as great, though the fences in the bottom are injured. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 26, 1867, page 2 PHOENIX,
JAN. 24th 1869.
Whereas, the smallpox is now prevailing in the town of Jacksonville, in
its most malignant form, attended with unprecedented mortality clearly
indicating its highly infectious and epidemic character; Therefore we
the undersigned citizens of Phoenix and vicinity, for the purpose of
securing ourselves and families from the infliction, are resolved to
act as a vigilance committee to enforce all needful rules and
regulations to check the further spread of this loathsome pestilence.
And whereas Mr. Mensor of Jacksonville, contrary to the express wishes
of the citizens of Phoenix and after public notice of the suspension of
all business by our citizens for the express purpose of cutting off all
communications with Jacksonville during the prevalence of smallpox
there, has, in open and defiant violation of our notice to the public,
dated January 8th, been shipping goods to Phoenix to be sold to our
citizens, after the authorities had closed his store in Jacksonville,
and sent his clerk to the pest house.Resolved: That this committee meet on Monday evening through its delegates, to take measures to prevent the acts of those who would risk spreading pestilence for the purpose of making money. Signed, T. Reames, J. P. Burnes, Joseph Robinson, Sam Morgan, Stephen Booth, N. K. Ross, J. G. VanDyke, S. D. VanDyke, E. E. Gore, L. A. Rose, John Shook, B. Stephens, W. Liddle, C. S. Sargent, E. K. Anderson, Andy Webb, D. P. Brittain, H. Amerman, S. J. Bell, G. W. Bally, Wm. Roberts, Samuel Watts, Wm. H. Roberts, A. Doty, J. Hockersmith, B. C. Goddard, E. W. Carver, Horace Root, H. Tweed, John Crosby, S. M. Robinson, John Howell, Joseph McCormick, W. Reames, J. R. Reames, C. Mingus, A. Shook, J. V. Ammerman, B. F. Reeser, John Patterson, Wm. Patterson, James Thornton, Henry Axtell, Wm. Denny, R. B. Robinson, John Robinson, W. C. Butler, A. Blue, J. B. Brown, M. Morgan, S. Colver, D. Lavenburg, H. B. Sybert, O. Mickelson, C. Taylor, W. Oliver, P. Barneburg, C. Haas, A. F. Randall, S. Farray. We, the subscribers to the above, request you, M. Mensor, to desist from the further shipment of goods from Jacksonville to Phoenix during the prevalence of smallpox in that place. Your failure to comply with this request will be promptly attended to by a majority of this committee. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 6, 1869, page 2 The Press of Jacksonville says the late storm played sad havoc with the farms along Bear Creek, some of them being almost totally ruined. Sam. Colver has scarcely land enough left to hold a mortgage. "Oregon," State Rights Democrat, Albany, Oregon, February 23, 1867, page 2 FIRE AT PHOENIX.--On Sunday morning last the smoke house of Mr. E. D. Foudray was consumed by fire. About 7000 lbs. of hams and side bacon, together with a quantity of grain, was consumed. The loss to Mr. Foudray will probably reach $2,000. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 27, 1869, page 3 S. L. Ganar of San Bernardino, California, who was considered a nice beau in Gasburg in 1858, is here looking after war claims. He has made an independent fortune since he left Jackson County. He has a wife and four children. Letter of B. F. Dowell, Washington, D.C., February 1, 1869, in Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 6, 1869, page 1 HONORS TO AN OREGON BOY.--In Harper's Weekly of July 3rd will be found an illustration of the Harvard crew training on the Charles River, as a preparation for the international boat race with the Oxford crew, which is to come off on the Thames in August. The second of the oarsmen is S. W. Rice, A Douglas County boy, who taught school at Phoenix in this county, and whose parents now reside near Roseburg. He is one of the rowers selected by the Harvard boys to test the mettle and endurance of the English crew, and is represented as a finished oarsman. Rice is a poor boy who has worked his way up to distinction in the first college in the country by sheer perseverance, having frequently taken his books out with him while plowing, and for his own, as well as for the honor of the state, we hope he may come off victorious. The crew sailed for England on the 10th, and will train there several weeks before the race. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 17, 1869, page 2 GOOD YIELD.--Mr. Lane of Phoenix brought us a hill of potatoes this week weighing just 15 pounds and not fully grown at that. They were raised on the ranch of Isaac Woolen and of the blue mashanic variety, dry and finely flavored, although raised by irrigation. This is the best yield we have heard of this season. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 11, 1869, page 3 SPLENDID LIME.--Mr. J. Davison of Phoenix brought a specimen of lime to this office last week which is the best article we have ever seen. The rock is quarried on Anderson Creek and the lime is said, by parties who have used it in Ashland, to be equal to the best Santa Cruz article. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
October 2, 1869, page
GONE WEST.--Our old friend, Stephen Short, and his wife started home to Watsonville, Cal., some days ago; and our other friend, not so old, Henry Tweed has grown tired of Illinois, and left Sagetown on Tuesday for his former home in Phoenix, Oregon. Oquawka Spectator, Oquawka, Illinois, April 7, 1870, page 1 LETTER FROM OREGON.
Oregon, July, 1870.
EDS. SPECTATOR:Some of my friends said, when I left Henderson County, "Let us hear from you through the Spectator." Please allow me, therefore, to send my best wishes to my Henderson County friends, and to assure them that I shall never forget the pleasant time I had with them last winter. I made the trip from Omaha to Jackson County, Oregon in eight days, coming three hundred miles of the distance on a stage coach. If any Henderson County boy can beat that time, let him start his way--the West is the place for him. The election is over, and the Democracy have come off victorious--having carried the state and nearly all the counties. The crop of grain, grass, and fruit is extra good. There is a large immigration to this state this year--mostly from Illinois and Iowa. I saw, yesterday, James Morehead, formerly of your county, looking hearty. HENRY
Oquawka Spectator, Oquawka,
Illinois, July 28, 1870, page 4
By way of rusticating, we took a horseback ride up the valley. Passing
through Phoenix, its former dilapidated appearance presented some
cheering signs of rising from the ashes; as we noticed a commodious
building going up and a brick store repairing and fitting up. We
learned that the building is to be used for a flouring mill under the
auspices of Mr. Wimer, who owns and has in operation in the place one
of the best flouring establishments in the valley; whose energy and
enterprise goes far towards keeping the business of the place up. In a
new store, a stock of goods will be opened soon by our wealthy
townsman, Mr. T. G. Reames, who promises to accommodate the public with
good bargains, on the principle of "quick sales and small profits."
Thomas' well-known habits of fair and square dealing may well ensure
him the patronage of the community.
"Notes by the Way," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 29, 1871, page 2 FIRE AT PHOENIX.--A destructive fire occurred at Phoenix last Wednesday night, which totally destroyed the store of Reames and Sargent and a warehouse belonging to the Grangers' Mill Company, filled with flour. It is supposed to be the work of an incendiary (as no fire had been burning in the store stove the preceding afternoon), and was first discovered at about one o'clock by James R. Reames, who was awakened by a loud noise, as of a roof falling in. Upon arising to ascertain the cause, he found the store entirely on fire and already too far consumed to save anything from it. Some time afterward, when further danger was supposed to be over, a small quantity of powder stored in the cellar of the store exploded and sent the cinders flying in all directions, some of which lodged on the mill company's warehouse opposite. A small blaze was at first noticed and an attempt made to extinguish it. But the wind was blowing so strong that, in less time than it takes to tell it, the whole structure was ablaze and past saving. A horse kept in the building was rescued just in season. Sol. Sachs, agent of the Home Mutual Insurance Company, informs us that Reames and Sargent were insured in this company for $3,000. Their loss will approximate $6,000, which is a heavy blow to them. The post office and its contents were, of course, also lost. The building was owned by Solon Colver, and is estimated to be worth $1,000, with no insurance. The mill company had 100,000 pounds of flour stored in their warehouse, and their loss is placed at near $3,000, also uninsured. This conflagration came near finishing the place. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 27, 1877, page 3 Dr. S. Whittemore, of Roseburg, has located at Phoenix. The "ager" is what's the matter with the Gasburgers. P. W. Olwell, of the Phoenix flour mills, last week sent us a sack of his new flour. Those who have sampled it pronounce it of superior quality, and not to be excelled anywhere. Our neighbors at Phoenix are improving fast. Among the latest additions to the town are a new butcher shop, barber shop and beer saloon. A new physician has also located there. "Random Jottings," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 14, 1878, page 3 PHOENIX ITEMS
again takes the liberty to trespass on your good nature.Phoenix still wants a shoemaker. Phoenix is prospering. It needs a newspaper office. Messrs. Torry and Co. are getting their material for a new blacksmith shop. Phoenix needs a carpenter shop. Mr. Cato would do well to take off his coat and go to work. Mr. Brawley is also getting ready to build a store. He intends to keep books, stationery and drugs. Several private dwellings are nearly completed. Houses are in demand; not an empty dwelling in town. The weather is fine and the roads are good. All those that are not ready for winter, should rise early and work late while the sun shines. Messrs. C. S. Sargent and Co. are receiving their new goods. All those in need of dry goods and groceries will find Coney prepared to wait on them "cheap for cash." At this season of the year fairs are being held all over the various States and counties, and the question is often asked why Jackson County does not have an annual fair. Now is the time to agitate the matter. Commence now and get those together who are interested and have them elect officers and regularly organize, and offer premiums that will induce the people to take a lively interest in such matters and compete for the prizes, etc. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 23, 1878 PHOENIX ITEMS.
December 27, 1878.
noticed that you solicit correspondence from "abroad," I will endeavor
to comply with your request and occasionally furnish the Times with items
from this locality.The Christmas festival at the Presbyterian Church on Christmas Eve resulted in a magnificent success. Two trees were laden from floor to ceiling with presents for the anxious hundreds of happy people. The committee having had the business in charge are deserving of many thanks, especially Mrs. John Coleman and Mrs. Mathes. At six o'clock the house was crowded and the exercises commenced by the choir singing "Merry Christmas to all," with Miss Hattie Coleman presiding at the organ in excellent style, which was followed by an opening address by Father Williams. Then another song, and an address by J. F. Cooper, Esq. Then the distribution of presents occupied until 8 o'clock, when, after another song, the crowd was dismissed and separated with merry hearts. Christmas Day passed off very civilly and pleasantly, the village being crowded all day with citizens from the surrounding vicinity. What was a most remarkable improvement over last Christmas was the absence of all drunkenness. Nothing of the kind was exposed to disgust our peace and order-loving citizens. All labor was suspended and everyone enjoyed as much liberty as the law allows. This village is growing continually. "Uncle Sam" Colver has plotted out about 20 acres more in lots lately, and is constantly selling them, notwithstanding he has raised the price. The Phoenix Debating Club meets in Colver's Hall Saturday evenings. All are invited to attend and join the club without regard to sex "or previous condition of servitude." The next prize spelling bee is to take place at Colver's Hall on the evening of the 8th prox. Ten cents will be collected at the door, which money will go to purchase five prizes to be presented to the best spellers by a committee chosen by the contestants before spelling commences. All are invited to attend and compete. Miss Lizzie Crickett and Miss Bell were the best spellers at the previous bee. Rev. A. Hardison calculates to build a M.E. Church in the spring, and this young and thriving town may proudly point visitors to a large two-story public school house with a cupola and bell on it before another Christmas Day rolls around. Let us hope so and labor in that direction, friends of education, until that glorious result shall be attained. DUPLEX.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
January 3, 1879, page
3A prize spelling bee is to take place at Colver's Hall in Phoenix this evening. Work will soon be commenced on a new church building at Phoenix, to be constructed by the members of the M.E. Church of that place. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 8, 1879, page 3 The Good Templars are actively organizing at Phoenix and other places in the valley. Why do they avoid Jacksonville? Is it because other places are so bad that they need immediate attention? "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 12, 1879, page 3 Quarterly Meeting.--The third quarterly meeting for Jacksonville circuit, M.E. Church, will be held at Phoenix on next Saturday and Sunday, 22 and 23. Preaching at 2 P.M. on Saturday, followed by the quarterly conference. Preaching at 11 A.M. on Sabbath, followed by the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 19, 1879, page 3 CHRISTMAS BALL AT PHOENIX.--A ball will be given at Lavenburg's in Phoenix on Wednesday night, Christmas Eve. Good music has been secured and everything else is being done to make this an enjoyable occasion. Tickets $2.50, including supper. HERRIN LANE.--The graveled portion of Herrin's lane is one of the best portions of the public road between here and Phoenix, but our neighbor reported the miring of one of the stages in this lane last week. The drivers want to know where he got this information, as such an event never occurred. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 17, 1879, page 3 Parties who attended the Christmas Ball given by Mrs. Lavenburg at Phoenix report a large attendance and an excellent time. Another will be given at the same place on New Year's Eve. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 29, 1880, page 3 SOCIAL DANCE.--A May Day party will be held at Lavenburg's Hall in Phoenix on Monday evening, May 2nd. Good music and supper will be provided by Mrs. Lavenburg, and a general invitation is extended. Tickets $2.00. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 30, 1881, page 3 Mrs. Lavenburg, the kind and genial hostess of the Phoenix House, maintains the old unsurpassed reputation of her hotel up to the usual high standard for comfort and hospitality. The guests are frequently entertained by choice instrumental music from an orchestra composed of Dr. Deveney and wife and others, which adds much pleasure to the entertainment of the visitors. "On the Wing," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 17, 1881, page 3 The Champion's picnic at Phoenix last Wednesday is pronounced a grand success by the large crowd of young folks that attended from this place. Festivities closed with a ball in Colver's Hall in the evening, and all present say it was a fine affair throughout. Mrs. Lavenburg furnished the supper, and as it is acknowledged that she always gives the best to be had in this locality, no further mention is necessary. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 20, 1882, page 3 Mrs. Lavenburg will give a Christmas Ball at Phoenix on Friday December 22nd, to which everybody is invited. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 2, 1882, page 3 MARRIED.
Phoenix, January 1st, 1883 by Rev. Wm. Clyde,
C. C. Low and Miss Lena Lavenburg.BROWN-LAVENBURG--At Phoenix, January 1st, 1883 by Rev. Wm. Clyde, J. P. Brown and Miss Josie Lavenburg. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 6, 1883, page 3 Besides the dance at Lavenburg's Hall at Phoenix on New Year's night there was a double wedding--C. C. Low and Miss Lena Lavenburg, and J. P. Brown and Miss Josie Lavenburg. We acknowledge receipt of compliments and wish the newly married couples much joy. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 6, 1883, page 3 Phoenix the Terminus.
The fine
weather of the present month has enabled
the railroad company to push construction work to good advantage, and
the graveling and ballasting is progressing so rapidly that officials
of the company say the freight and passenger terminus of the road will
be moved from Grants Pass to Phoenix about the first of February. This
is good news, not only for Phoenix, but for all the valley. Instead of
having to "stage it" and "team it" 125 miles to the railroad, as
formerly, Ashland people will find the cars only eight miles away.
Merchants and others here who have been delaying orders for the
shipment of goods until the railroad could bring them further than
Grants Pass will now forward their orders, and Phoenix will be awakened
from its hitherto easygoing, sleepy air by the bustle and stir of an
extensive business in the way of transferring passengers and freight.
If the railroad company cannot get rails until another ship sails from
New York around Cape Horn, Phoenix will be the terminus for many
months, but however that may be, it will be well along in the spring
before the cars run to Ashland.Ashland Tidings, January 25, 1884, page 3 Mrs. Lavenburg of Phoenix has retired from the hotel business. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 10, 1884, page 3 The Lavenburg Hotel at Phoenix has been closed, and the only public eating house there now is kept by Joseph Hockett. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 17, 1884, page 3 On Tuesday last Pat McMahon took charge of the mail line between here and Phoenix, taking the contract for a term of two years. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 5, 1884, page 3 Mrs. D. Lavenburg, the affable hostess of the Phoenix Hotel, was in town this week. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 31, 1885, page 3 DEATH FROM PNEUMONIA
Mark Conger, of
Medford precinct, one of the well-known
and successful farmers of the valley, died at his home on Sunday night
last of lung fever, after a short illness. It is said that, in a
sportive mood, he joined in a foot race at Medford on the Fourth, and
overheated himself, contracting a cold which settled on his lungs and
continued to grow rapidly worse until the end came. The funeral was on
Monday afternoon and was largely attended, the remains being laid at
rest in the cemetery at Phoenix. Deceased leaves a sorrowing wife and a
family of young children to mourn his loss.Ashland Tidings, July 23, 1885, page 3 A Hung Jury.
The case
of the estate of L. Colver vs. P. W.
Olwell, a suit to recover $5000 damages for the accidental killing of
Mr. Colver by defendant, came up for trial in circuit court last
Thursday and was submitted to the jury Tuesday evening. The jury were
out all night, and on Wednesday morning reported to the Court that they
were unable to agree upon a verdict, whereupon they were discharged.
They stood six for the plaintiff and six for defendant. The case will
not come up for trial again at this term of court. S. B. Galey and E.
B. Watson represented the plaintiff; and Messrs. Hanna, Bowditch and
DePeatt were retained by defendant.Ashland Tidings, October 23, 1885, page 3 THROUGH THE VALLEY
In company
with Jacob Wagner, the Tidings
took a ride through a good portion of the central part of the valley
last Saturday, stopping at all the towns and budding cities on the
route. At nearly every town the citizens appeared to think that every
other town in the valley was on its last legs, and that theirs was to
be the chief city of the county. Having seen them all within a very
short time, we can report that none are yet buried as completely as
Pompeii and Herculaneum, and at every place there was signs of life and
hope. At Talent several new buildings give the village an air of
improvement and prosperity. At Phoenix little improvement is to be
seen, but the town has its flouring mills and its steady, modest
business and is apparently undisturbed by dreams of any mushroom growth
in the immediate future.Ashland Tidings, October 30, 1885, page 3 Meeting of Prohibition Club
The first
public meeting of the Ashland Prohibition
Club since its organization was held at Myer's hall Wednesday evening,
and a good audience was present. Rev. M. G. Royal was announced as the
chief speaker of the evening, and made a straight Prohibition speech,
asserting his belief that prohibition is the paramount question before
the people, and that its only solution is through independent political
action. Mr. Royal was followed by Samuel Colver, of Phoenix, who made
one of his characteristic speeches, pungent and vigorous, distributing
his heavy hits impartially upon all parties and all classes, except the
prohibitionists. J. E. Houston, president of the club, also made a
brief and pointed speech. The choir furnished choice music.Ashland Tidings, February 26, 1886, page 3 Fire at Phoenix.
On Monday afternoon
last, the substantial dwelling house
of Mr. L. A. Rose, on the county road just north of Phoenix, was
entirely destroyed by fire, together with nearly all its contents. At
the time the fire was discovered no one was in the house except the
children. Mr. Rose was not far distant, however, and, together with
others who heard the alarm, hastened to the house, but the fire spread
so rapidly that nothing was saved but an organ and a trunkful of
clothing. The origin of the fire is unknown, and as the flames were
first seen in a room some distance from that in which fire had been
kept, it is a mystery. The house and contents were insured for $1000 in
the State Insurance Co., but this will probably not cover more than
half the actual loss. Mr. Rose has suffered unusual misfortune of late,
and has the genuine sympathy of the whole community in his troubles.Ashland Tidings, May 28, 1886, page 3 HISTORICAL HACK
Rogue River
Courier: James W. Wimer now owns the hack in
which Major General E. R. S. Canby was conveyed from the scene of his
murder on the Modoc battle fields to Yreka. Mr. Colver, of Phoenix,
owned the hack, and if we mistake not he was operating it at the time
between the lava beds and Ashland. The seat shows two bullet holes
through one end of it, which were fired from ambush at the driver, but
were four inches too low to hit their mark.Ashland Tidings, June 11, 1886, page 3 THAT HISTORICAL HACK
Grants Pass, June 12, 1886
Editor Tidings: Dear Sir:
I am not much of a
newspaper writer, but I would like to say a word in regard to the item
in your last entitled "the historical hack."I was the driver of that hack from the time that it left Jacksonville with Gen. Canby until his corpse was delivered in Yreka, and the hack did not operate between Ashland and the Lava Beds, but was under the General's special order, and I was with him all the time until he was killed, and then I went with the body to Yreka, and from there I came home. The team and hack did belong to Mr. L. Colver at that time, but as to where the hack is now I do not know. But I do know that if there are any bullet holes in the seat they have been put there since that time. As there never was a shot fired at me or the hack while I was out there. Yours,
W. J. Cunningham
Ashland Tidings,
June 18, 1886, page 3The Fourth at Phoenix.
following programme has been arranged for the celebration at Phoenix on
July 3rd, tomorrow.1. Music by the Jacksonville Silver Cornet Band 2. Song--Phoenix Glee Club 3. Prayer--Chaplain, Rev. A. R. Bickenbach 4. Song--Glee Club 5. Music--Band 6. Reading Declaration--A. Soule 7. Music--Band 8. Oration--By Prof. M. G. Royal 9. Song--Glee Club 10. Music--Band There will be free dinner for all. After dinner toasts and general amusement consisting of sack races, wheelbarrow races, foot races and other games too numerous to mention. Ashland Tidings, July 2, 1886, page 3 While at Phoenix we of course noted many old "landmarks" common to vision during our residence in that cozy little hamlet fourteen years ago; but when we think of the changes in that time, our heart almost ceases to beat within us. Many graves have been made upon that hill yonder, changing greatly the scenes around many hearthstones. But the old mill "grinds away" as if nothing had happened, and the water in the old mill-race flows on towards its level just as it did when we were in the habit of meeting those near and dear friends gone before us, and when we nursed the departed little one on our knee. These are all common lessons taught us by the cycle of time, before which we are as frail as a blade of grass. Dan Lavenburg and family still conduct the only hotel in the place, and to say the least, the table is one of the very best in Oregon. A. Dunlap and family continue their residence in the old town, engaged as before in the blacksmith business, together with a stock of hardware and agricultural implements too numerous to mention. Grandma Stout and little Willie still live just across the street from the old home, but the old gentleman lies silent on the hill. Samuel Colver and wife, and widow Colver, still remain as of yore. Dad Little is still there. P. W. Olwell & Sons runs the old mill by the creek, making the best flour in Southern Oregon. New machinery having been placed in this mill, together with the reputation it has and the everlasting water power, makes it valuable property. The old Press Anderson house still stands, having outlived its owner. The old school house survives, together with our own old home and many other familiar buildings, and the old mills still wear their old signs. In the midst of all the familiar scenes we look around for the people, but many of them are gone. W. J. Wimer, "Editorial Notes and News," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, December 10, 1886, page 2 Phoenix has made no pretensions of booming along with another ambitious places, but has been very noticeably improved in general appearance during the past year by new fences, new paint, etc. Among her building improvements are the following: New dwelling of L. A. Rose, costing at least $1000; new dwelling of James Collins, $500; improvement of buildings by Engel Bros., $700; addition to residence of John Edsall, $150; Samuel Robbins has in process of erection a new dwelling, $500; and other improvements are contemplated. "Improvements in Jackson Co. in 1886," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 7, 1887, page 1 Phoenix Happenings.
Mr. M.
Little, one of the old pioneers and
respected citizens here, attempted suicide last Friday by taking
strychnine. The dose was sufficient to cause him great suffering, but
fortunately not heavy enough to be fatal. The cause of his rash attempt
is not known, but he was probably in a fit of temporary mental
aberration through despondency.Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hammon, of this precinct, were given a surprise party on the night of the 4th inst., the sixth anniversary of their marriage. Of course, the occasion was one of genuine pleasure to those who participated. Phoenix, Apr. 6, 1887. Ashland Tidings, April 8, 1887, page 3 The spring term of school began last Monday with Prof. W. H. Gore as principal and Misses Mollie Merriman and Sophia Wilson as assistant teachers. Under the present corps of teachers we cannot fail to have one of the best schools in the county. "Medford Melange," Ashland Tidings, April 8, 1887, page 3 Committed to the Asylum.
The friends of
Samuel Colver, of this county, will learn
with regret that it has been necessary to commit him to the state
asylum for treatment and care. For a month or more past he has acted in
such a manner as to convince people here who came in contact with him
that his mind was unbalanced. His special mania appears to be the
purchase of real estate, and he attempted to buy a large number of
farms near Phoenix before it was generally seen that he was subject to
hallucinations. His wife and other relatives started on a trip east two
or three weeks ago, and he was to follow them, but only went as far as
Portland, where his dementia became so unmistakable that he was taken
to T. W. Davenport's place near Silverton, Marion County, in the hope
that quiet and rest would relieve his troubles. He continued to grow
worse, however, and was taken to Salem for examination, and committed
to the asylum. He was given to understand that his examination was a
conference of real estate owners who would sell their property, and he
sustained the principal part of the conversation during the
examination. Among other things, it appeared that he had bought all of
East Portland and Mount Tabor, owned all the water rights of Oregon,
had $2,800,000,000 to invest in real estate.It is hoped that the treatment at the asylum will entirely restore his reason. Ashland Tidings, December 9, 1887, page 3 Mrs. Talent, daughter of H. Close, had a very narrow escape from being killed at her father's brickyard, Phoenix, last week. While standing near the machine her dress caught in the cog wheels and drew her down onto the machine. Her clothing wound around the cog wheels so tightly that it stopped the engine. Had it not stopped as it did, in another minute she would have been killed. As it was she escaped with some very bad bruises.--Tidings. "State and Coast," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 8, 1888, page 1 PHOENIX ITEMS
Phoenix Or. June
25, 1888. The weather suits us.Mrs. Pres. Anderson is having built a neat and commodious house, which will soon be ready for occupancy. Mrs. P. W. Olwell has gone east for a two months' visit. The people of Phoenix join in wishing her a pleasant visit. The school house will be completed in about two weeks. This is a nice building and is evidence that the people here are awake to the best interests of the town. A bell is the next thing in order. The fruit trees and gardens are trying to out-rival each other. Ditto base ball nines. Dislocated thumbs should not be laughed at--the time is near when the new peaches and the doctors will get in their work simultaneously. On Wednesday of last week Dr. E. P. Geary, of Medford, was called to this place to perform an operation on the eye of Mr. Wright, who is in his 79th year and has been totally blind for the past two years, not being able to distinguish daylight from darkness. The doctor found it necessary to remove the lens from the eye, which he did successfully. The patient is getting along splendidly and can distinguish objects about the room. As soon as the eye gains strength enough, a glass will be furnished, to suit the case, when it is thought Mr. Wright can read ordinary print. This is the third case of this kind in this valley the doctor has treated, and all with the best results. Dr. Pryce assisted in the operation. Ashland Tidings, June 29, 1888 A big handsome 40-lb. watermelon came to the Tidings office last Friday, as an evidence of what the granite hills about Ashland will grow without irrigation. It was raised on the place of Mr. S. H. Calhoun in the northwestern part of town, and grown wholly since the storm, which tore up his garden there considerably, on the 9th of July. It was the largest and finest melon received at this office this year. Ashland Tidings, September 27, 1889, page 3 Talent, Phoenix, Tolo and Rock Point have been provided with mail catchers, and the through express mail will hereafter only stop at those stations on flag, for passengers or other business. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 12, 1890, page 3 THE MYSTERY SOLVED
The remains of Uncle
Sam Colver were accidentally found by
Chas Rolfe last Saturday evening. They were lying on the west shore of
big Klamath Lake, near what is known as Coon Point, in the Pelican Bay
country. Squire F. E. Robinson of Linkville, sitting as coroner, on
Sunday morning took a jury and the witnesses abroad the steamer Rustler, and
together with Judge Webster and District Attorney Colvig
went to the place where the body was, 25 miles up the lake. The remains
were placed in a coffin and taken to Stidham Creek, where the old
pioneer was given a decent burial. Mr. Colver undoubtedly came to his
death by drowning. After the horse had fallen in the bog-hole, near
Howard Bay, he took the saddle off and started on foot to the place of
his destination, the Spencer ranch. Being crippled at the time, he left
the rough mountain road and went on the ice on the lake. After having
traveled seven or eight miles in this way, he would reach a portion of
the lake in which there are many hot springs, hence thin ice and holes.
It being dark, he probably fell in to some one of them. When the ice
broke up, the winds carried the body to where it was found. Papers on
his person positively identified Colver. Besides, his left foot was
crippled and done up in rags, while his skull bore the pistol marks
received at the hands of ruffians in Idaho some years ago.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 26, 1891, page 3 KLAMATH
N. B. Nelson of Bay
Center, Wash., came to town
this week.
He is the agent of a small colony of twelve families, and his business
in Klamath County is to see whether this county contains suitable
farming locations for the little colony, and is well pleased with
Klamath land.(Linkville Star July 23) Fifty people were refused accommodations at Edson's hotel this week, every room in the house being crowded. The proprietors contemplate building an addition to the stone building large enough to contain 65 rooms. The rush at the Truitt springs is equally as heavy. Mrs. J. D. Fountain and daughter left Saturday on a visit to Klamath Agency. Beef-buyers are becoming plenty in the Klamath basin. A. R. Cook, Bayley and Nelson, Hayes and some others are around trying to buy. This is a fine sign that the price of beef is going up, though the buyers are too artistic to present their offers in that peculiar light. Our safe has arrived. Now, dear delinquents, be moderate and careful about firing the coin in, and above all don't step on one another's coattails. At present we are using the cool iron chest as a receptacle for our landlady's butter, but will throw it open when the coin begins to fly in. We think the butter will then be strong enough to take care of itself. "Old Billy," one of the fruit wagon horses that climbed up here from Rogue River Valley this week, looks as young as any of the other horses. He was foaled when Oregon joined the Union and ceased to be a territory, but he don't mind that. With an almost colt-like step he carries his 32 years into the harness and pulls every pound of his share, and frequently a few pounds that should be pulled by the other horse. Uncle Sam Colver brought Billy's grandsire from Canada in '56. Welborn Beeson, of Talent, was the owner of Billy's sire, and the venerable "colt" came up with fruit this week under the hand of Ernest Carter. Wallace Baldwin rode the animal into this smoky basin during the Modoc war, and Wallace remembers well how energetically he scented the battle afar off and threw up his ears and kicked against the situation and the flies. As he passed along homeward this week many an old settler looked at him while a cluster of dear old recollections formed between their eyes. Ashland Tidings, August 7, 1891, page 3 Ten Nights in a Bar Room.
Editor Mail:--Under the
of "Phoenix Farmers' Alliance" the
above world-renowned drama was rendered at Phoenix, in Colver's hall,
Saturday evening, January 16. The players had been in drill twice per
week for near two months, and the rendering showed how careful and
painstaking had been the labor bestowed even in the smaller
particulars, and did great credit to every actor. No better characters
could have been procured had the entire state been tendered the
committee to select from. Over 200 gathered at an early hour to witness
the play, and all expressed themselves as more than well pleased. The
cast was as follows:"Romane," S. H. Holt; "Swichel," Cory Taylor; "Simon Slade," Al Rose; "Mrs. Slade," Nettie Rose; "Frank Slade," Lin Kahler; "Jo Morgan," Henry Mathews; "Mrs. Morgan," Lita Colver; "May Morgan," Lena Berger; "H. Green," Arthur Furry; "Willie Hammond," Will Coleman; "Mahatable Cortright," Hattie Bliss. Receipts, $42.45, net, $35. Chairman
Medford Mail,
February 4, 1892, page 3Box Sociable.
There will be a Box
Sociable at Phoenix in the Lavenburg
Hall on March 18. A literary and musical programme will be rendered
before the supper. Exercises to begin at 8 o'clock p.m. The ladies will
arrange a box of eatables and place her name in the box. Each gentleman
for his part of the programme is expected to bring fifty cents to pay
for the box and privilege of eating supper with the lady. All are
cordially invited to attend. By order of theCommittee. Medford Mail, March 17, 1892, page 3 A LIVELY LETTER FROM PHOENIX
Mining News from the Other Side
of the Siskiyous--Spry Phoenix Locals
Or., May 3rd, 1892
correspondent has just returned
from Hungry
Creek. We left Phoenix one week ago last Tuesday and the first place
struck on Hungry Creek was Jim Briner's. We found Jim down in the mine
hard at it with pick and shovel. He didn't look very hungry, though he
said he got terrible hungry last winter when he had to pack in meat on
his back from Shattuck's, a distance of eight miles, in five feet of
snow. He went on snow shoes, that is, part of the time, and part of the
time the snow shoes were on top--once they bucked him off and he went
head foremost into a prospect hole, but he got out all right. Two
Chinamen, who went out about the same time, failed to make the riffle
and one has not been heard of since. Jim says there was eight feet of
snow there at one time, but he stayed with it and thereby got to work
early and has now finished ground sluicing and will commence to clean
up this week. It will take about three or four months and he expects to
take out quite a stake. One mile below Jim's is the Giddings claim. Ab.
is about ready to begin operations with a hydraulic pipe. Owen Dunlap,
of Phoenix, and Nick Brophy, of Talent, are working for him. Both are
good hands to work, but Ab says he will have to start a pack train to
keep them in grub.Jim Sterling has struck a rich quartz lead near the head of Hungry Creek which is considered a good one. It is 8 feet wide and he has sunk down 100 feet and it assays from $8 to $12 all the way down and across. A company from Salem have struck a good lead on Beaver Creek. They are here more particularly to look for one of those rich strikes we read about but never find. One of the party claims to have seen a quartz lead on Hungry Creek 30 or 40 years ago that was almost 3 feet wide and nearly half gold. He did not know then that the gold could be got out and now he can't find it, but he seems to have faith. We went from Briner's over to Grouse Creek where we found Bill Patterson, Cliff Payne and Ad Graham (three as good fellows as anyone could wish to meet in the mountains), all busy at work. They have their ditch all cleaned out, the hydraulic is in running order, and as soon as they get their derrick up the dirt will have to fly. Ad does the cooking and is hard to beat, but he will have to concede that Griffin can beat him making bread (the boys can explain the reason why when they come over). Cliff and Ad caught 39 trout while we were there and we had them for breakfast. There is plenty of snow in some places but not enough to hinder work. There is room for a good many men on Beaver, that is, men who are "on the work." Several places will pay from $1.50 to $2.50 a day to the man. We left on Monday, returned home Tuesday, and have [the following] for items from Phoenix: Mrs. Louise Culp, of Medford, has been visiting friends and relatives in Phoenix this week. There was a pleasant party at the residence of Wm. Gray near here last Friday night. Quite a crowd was present and everybody had a good time. The Thompson Bros. started their revival meetings here last Thursday night, to continue for a week or two. They are both good talkers. Bro. Kahler leads the singing, which is very good, only the Doctor sings so well his voice drowns the organ and also the voices of the lady singers, which is a little bit disappointing, for I know the women like to be heard, and when a fellow has his best girl there he wants to hear her sing. Geo. Wright just returned from a visit down on Rogue River. Jeff and Bob Deveney were down from the Ashland mine last Sunday, visiting the old folks at home. Mrs. Frank Towne and Mrs. J. B. Griffin visited Medford Saturday. Mr. Stockberger, of Williams Creek, father of Mrs. F. Towne, has been up on a visit, the first time in several years. He brought George Towne a nice pony, and George is the happiest boy in town now. Shady Warder and Miss Nerva Naylor visited Phoenix last Sunday. Mr. Henderson, formerly of Williams Creek, arrived here lately from Bakersfield, Cal., to stay. A curious freak of nature may be seen at the residence of John Wright in Phoenix--a calf without eyes. Although perfect in every other way, it hasn't the least semblance of an eyeball. Riley Hammersley has been visiting his parents at Gold Hill this week. Another scandal is brewing near Phoenix. It is near time to have a rest. John Robbing returned home to Phoenix last week from Portland. He had been absent for some time. Miss Martha Williams has returned to her home in Phoenix, after spending some time at Medford with the family of Mr. Goldstone. Jas. Reames is getting well fast now, but Mrs. Reames is very sick at present. Mrs. I. Hukill is very sick with cancer in the breast. Chicken pox is raging mildly in Phoenix and vicinity. Mrs. Betty Hamlin, who has been in ill health for a year or two, is now almost entirely well and is getting along nicely notwithstanding the trouble she has passed through. Mrs. Hamlin has a multitude of friends who will be glad to know she is getting along so well. The people's club met last Monday May 2nd, and nominated their precinct officers. Riley Hammersley for justice of the peace and Riley Nyswaner for constable and we'll elect them and don't you forget it. Hammersley is well qualified for the position, having been there before. Ten Mills has a new suit of clothes. Ten comes to town pretty often nowadays, but still his best girl doesn't live here. XXX
Ashland Tidings,
May 6, 1892, page 3"The Rally at Phoenix"
A large
number of Medford people took in the
speaking at Phoenix Monday evening. Ira Wakefield was the principal
speaker, and a more convincing and forcible argument was never heard.
His practical way of dealing with the financial and other questions of
the day is most remarkable. The beautiful grove was nicely illuminated,
and a large enthusiastic crowd was in attendance. Southern Oregon Mail, Medford, August 5, 1892, page 2 M. H. Coleman of Phoenix has rented his farm to his son, W. R. Coleman, and will move to Wagner Creek about the 1st of Oct. Talent News, September 15, 1892, page 2 Mrs. Samuel Furry of Eden precinct returned home several days ago from Sutter County, Cal., where she had been visiting her daughter. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, Medford, September 16, 1892, page 3 THE
OF 1855.
September 24th, 1855, Harrison
Oatman, Cal.
Fields and I started from Phoenix with ox teams, loaded with flour for
Yreka, Cal. We camped the first night on Neil Creek. The road over
Siskiyou Mountains was very rough. Fields had been over the road
before, but Oatman and I had not; so Fields went in the lead with his
team of four yoke of oxen. We had to "double teams" up bad hills, as
that was before the toll road was made.When we got near the summit of the mountain Fields said, "This is the last place we have to double; we will get to the top next time." Oatman and Fields started up while I remained with my team. When they got near the top, the Indians that were waiting in the brush fired on them, killing Fields the first fire. Oatman ran up the mountain. Just at this time a Mr. Cunningham met them, jumped out of his wagon and ran with Oatman, the Indians whooping the war whoop and shooting at the men as they ran. Cunningham was shot in the hip and fell. Oatman passed him and ran on to the top of the hill where he met a man on horseback and told him what had happened. The horseman rode back to Mountain House, three miles, for assistance. Four men, well armed, came as quick as possible. When I heard the firing I ran up to see what had happened. I was sure our men were both killed. When I got within twenty steps of the wagons I saw an Indian. He got behind a tree and pointed his gun towards me. Just then I saw another Indian on the other side of a wagon emptying flour out of the sacks. When I saw what was done I started back to my team. As I started, the Indian behind the tree fired at me, then I got scared and ran on to where the toll-house now stands, two miles. There I caught up with a pack train with twenty mules, in charge of a white man and a Spaniard, and informing them what had happened, asked for an animal to ride. They at once hurried their animals, declaring the Indians would kill every one of us before we could get out. I jumped on the bell horse, the men telling me to run him as fast as possible, and not let any grass grow under his feet. I had no bridle, nothing but the bell strap to guide the horse with. I whipped with a short rope and my hat, and I think I made the best time that any man and horse ever made for four miles down that mountain to where Major Barron's place now is. James Russell, now living in Ashland, was there then. Six men, armed and mounted, started to the place of the killing. I came three miles farther on, got a horse and gun and started back to join the men. They had met the men that came from the other way at the wagons, where Fields' body was found stripped of its clothing. By this time it was getting dark and they could not find Cunningham. Thirteen oxen were killed in the road. The men brought Fields' body down to my wagon, saying it was Oatman's, and that Fields' was at the house on the other side of the mountain. The men urged me to lie down, as I was about tired out. Men were sent to Phoenix, but no one wanted to tell Mrs. Oatman her husband was killed. Before daylight the mistake was discovered and word was at once sent to Mrs. Oatman about the trouble. At daybreak parties set out to hunt for the lost boy, Cunningham, and found him about fifty yards from the wagons, killed and his body stripped of clothing. He was brought down and buried in the Hill graveyard. Field was buried east of the present town of Talent, near Bear Creek. Harrison Oatman now lives in Portland. Talent News, September 15, 1892, page 1 M. H. Coleman moved to Wagner Creek this week. Talent News, October 1, 1892, page 2 PHOENIX SCHOOL REPORT
enrolled 39, average attendance 36, number neither absent nor tardy 20.
For month ending Oct. 21, 1892
DEPARTMENTThe following are the names of pupils whose average did not fall below 90 in the monthly examination: Linn Kahler, Mabel Robbins, Allie Dunlap, Lily Reames, Mollie Towne, Jessie Nyswaner, Samie Robbins, Mary Anderson, Minnie Critchlow, Lettie Stancliff, Lena Calhoun, Lily Wolters, Jane Wilson and Willie Jacks. B.
R. Stevens, Teacher
enrolled 48, average attendance 40, number neither absent nor
tardy 12.S.
C. Sherrill, Teacher
Southern Oregon Mail,
October 21, 1892, page 2C. S. Phelps of Phoenix traded horses the other day for the ranch of Jay Bennett of Wagner Creek. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, October 28, 1892, page 3 An Unique Display.
Mr. John Weeks, of the firm of Weeks & Orr,
gave an order for job printing to the
Mail Saturday,
the same being label cards for ten boxes of prunes which have been put
up by this firm and are to be put in the Oregon fruit exhibit at the
World's Fair at Chicago. The prunes put up are of the French variety
and said to be an excellent article. The unique part of the display
comes in in connection with the boxes in which this fruit is packed.
Each of the ten boxes is of a different variety of wood, and all of the
varieties a product of the country surrounding Medford, and are oak,
alder, laurel, yew, fir, birdseye pine, red cedar, manzanita, mountain
mahogany and white wood. This lumber was all carefully sawed at the
Weeks Bros.' mills in Phoenix and the boxes made by the same firm.
Oregon Mail, January 20, 1893, page 2
Unfortunate Mr. Hanson.
Mr. James
Hanson, who lives four and half miles
south of Medford, is having just a trifle more than his share of
misfortunes. Last spring sometime his arm was thrown out of joint and
he was laid up with this injury all summer. In October following death
entered the portals of his home and took away his kind and loving wife,
and he is now compelled to take his six-year-old daughter to the
children's hospital at San Francisco for treatment for hip disease.
Surely this is too great a multiple of misfortunes to fall at the door
of one man in so brief a time. The Mail
extends sympathy, and we feel
sure all Medford join us in so doing. The little girl has been at the
same hospital for treatment before.Southern Oregon Mail, January 20, 1893, page 3 Elmer Coleman is making some substantial improvements on the Fish farm; good board and wire fence each side of the lane from the Phoenix depot out towards Jas. Reames' farm. Talent News, March 1, 1893, page 4 W. Beeson & Son are delivering a lot of lumber at Talent to be used by the Phoenix section men. "Talent Talk," Medford Mail, March 3, 1893, page 1 FLASHES FROM PHOENIX.
I see by
your last week's paper that you would like
a correspondent at Phoenix, so Manafraidofabear
will take his pencil
and paper and creep out and see what he can find to interest the
readers of your interesting paper, and if he fails to fill the bill
please mark his MS. N.G. and return to him by express C.O.D., which he
will not pay for and consequently will never get so here goes: Mrs. J.
B. Griffin paid her father, Mr. Naylor, a visit last week.Mr. G. Stoops paid Ashland a visit Friday and Saturday on business. Mrs. A. Lamb, who has been on the sick list, is able to be around again. Miss Myrtle Griffin spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Etta Bishop. Everybody is making garden. We all now have plenty of lettuce and greens. Gen. Wright was down on Rogue River last week visiting his aunt, Mr. Matthews. Arthur Hunt, of the Dead Indian country, was in Phoenix one day this week. Mrs. John Wright, who has been very ill for a week or two, is able to be around again. Miss Callie Steadman has been paying friends at Ashland a visit during the week. Baseball and boxing matches are all the rage in Phoenix. Some of the boys are adepts. A store that would take in exchange for goods for farmers produce would do a good business in Phoenix. Tom Short and his brother Billy are mining on Coleman Gulch. They also claim to have struck a rich quartz lead. Eben Carver and Dick Payne visited Phoenix last Saturday and took part in the ball game. Both are good players. Mr. Calhoun, of this place, has bought a house and three lots of Frank Towne and will remain in Phoenix permanently. Riley Nyswaner, of this precinct, was called to Table Rock last Saturday to visit his son, John, who is very sick with fever. Israel Patton and Jess Parker have their sluices in the old '49 [mine] race and are busy at work cleaning up, with big expectations. The furniture manufacturing establishment at this place is now running steady, and turning out a large amount of good furniture. Ed. Hamlin, who has been attending school here, returned home Friday evening to remain, school having commenced there last Monday. Elmer Coleman is fencing in a large lot of land for Thos. Fish, of San Francisco, with a plank and barbed wire fence, and is doing a good job. Mr. A. Lamb, who is running the barley crusher at the Medford distillery, now returns home to Phoenix in the evening and back in the morning. James Briner, a prominent miner from Beaver, Calif. is here on a visit. Jim has a good claim on Beaver Creek, just below the Patterson boys. Theodore Engle is clearing off considerable of his land near Phoenix and making improvements in many ways. He is a hustler and no mistaking the fact. The public school is flourishing under the management of Messrs. Sherrill and Stevens, nearly everyone agreeing that it is the best school taught here in many years. Wm. Gray was down from the Patterson ranch last Saturday and Sunday, visiting with his family, who have been listed among the sick the past week, but are better now. Several Phoenixites visited Medford this week on business. Our people know where to get the best bargains, and consequently nearly all go there to trade--and save money by so doing. A jumper from jump town slid into Phoenix the other day, and after blowing around quite a good deal the boys concluded to go him one, therefore made a match between him and Billy Short, Jr., who beat him easily. Jumper, next time you strike the boys of Phoenix be sure you know the length of your jump. Tayler, the Medford shoe man, is having J. B. Griffin tan a fine Angora goat skin for him, with the fur on, for a rug. Griffin can do those jobs up in a style most pleasing--if anyone should ask you. Mrs. B. Hamlin was visiting friends in Phoenix Friday. A petition is out for a county road to run through between her land and Tennessee Smith's farm. A remonstrance will probably follow. Riley Hammersley, who has been prospecting on Jump-Off Joe, returned home Wednesday. Riley thinks he has struck it rich, having found a ledge that will assay several hundred dollars to the ton. He went back Thursday. Mrs. McKay and daughter, of Woodstock, Ontario, who have been visiting relatives here, started for their home last week, going by way of Los Angeles, thence to Chicago and from there home. They intend to be on the road about three months. John Norton has bought three lots of Joe Smith and two of Mrs. Robert Gray, and is busy fixing them up in first-class style. John has been on the farm a long time and now he has concluded to come to town and rest awhile, and also give his children the benefit of the school here. We learn that Gus Epps has commenced suit against J. Wiley to recover $250 damages on account of a hog belonging to Wiley having attacked and bitten a horse, on the leg, belonging to Epps. The outcome of the suit is looked forward to with considerable interest by many people here. A resident of Phoenix was over on Griffin Creek on a trading expedition a few days ago, and in his rounds happened along by Jerry True's place and struck him for a trade. The trade was made wherein the Phoenixite was to get two sacks, or four bushels, of wheat. He drove round to the granary and proceeded to fill up four sacks to the brim with wheat, never thinking but that a sack held but one bushel, when there were two put in each sack. The Phoenixite saw the point, but he wasn't saying a word. The wheat was put in a wagon and driven away. The next day the two gentlemen met in Medford and Mr. True was accosted with, "How is wheat selling out your way?" In the meantime he had posted Judge Walton and several others and all enjoyed the joke hugely but Jerry who didn't even smile. He remarked, however, that they couldn't catch the same coon in the same trap twice. I expect you will hear from the Crooked Creek Crank on this item but don't give him a hearing. MANAFRAIDOFABEAR.
Medford Mail, March
17, 1893, page 2FLASHES FROM PHOENIX.
Mrs. A.
Lamb paid Ashland a visit Saturday.J. B. Hendershott was in town a few days ago with his fine horse. Mr. and Mrs. John Wright were up to Ashland last Friday on business. Miss Ida Naylor was visiting her sister, Mrs. J. B. Griffin, in Phoenix, on last Sunday. James Briner has returned to Beaver Creek, after a pleasant visit with friends here. Mrs. Riley Nyswaner was visiting in Phoenix last Saturday, the guest of Mrs. John Wright. Mr. Ship and I. Calhoun, of Antelope district, were over this week visiting relatives and friends. There are several idle men around Phoenix, who no doubt will get work when the railroad starts. Marion Stewart is having several acres of oak grubs taken off his ranch, to be replaced with fruit trees. School will close next Friday. An entertainment will be given at that time by the scholars. Everybody should attend. Mr. Calhoun has taken possession of the property he bought in Phoenix, and moved his household effects in the first of the week. Melvin Naylor came in from Jenny Creek last Sunday. He reports lots of snow out there yet and about three or four feet on the summit. Miss Lily Critchlow was up from Medford Sunday to spend a day with her mother. Miss Anna was also down from Ashland to visit her mother. Harry Mathes went over on Applegate last week, where his father is feeding a large lot of cattle. He reports lots of snow and a bad outlook for the stock. Mr. A. Tassel went down to Medford Saturday to consult Dr. Stoddard in regard to his eye, which is affected with catarrh and gives him a great deal of trouble. I. W. Wiley delivered several head of fat cattle to Hosley D. Murphy, of the Ashland meat market, last week, that he had been feeding for them for several months. They were in fine condition. A remonstrance is out against a county road being established through the land of Mrs. Hamlin and Mr. Bennett. The latter has only ten acres, set out in fruit, and the road would be a great damage. Harry Delong, who arrived here a few days ago, contemplates erecting a first-class shingle mill somewhere in the valley. There is no question but what it would be a paying investment. Miss Mina Stoops, who has been at Ashland for several months, staying with her uncle's family, H. B. Carter, returned home this week to remain. Mrs. Robert Deveney has gone to Ashland to remain a short time with her daughter, Mrs. Wolters. In the meantime Mr. Col. Steadman has taken charge of affairs in the Deveney household during her absence. Mrs. B. C. Goddard, an old settler and highly respected lady, living near Talent, died last Saturday and was buried Sunday, in the Talent cemetery. Deceased was the mother of Mrs. H. Coleman, who lives near here. Capt. Smith, who owns a twenty-acre tract one mile below Phoenix, is having the same grubbed out and intends putting out fruit. The captain is getting along in years, but manages to get in a whole lot of work as time goes on. A number of Phoenixites are making arrangements to visit the C.C.C. ["Crooked Creek Crank," the Griffin Creek correspondent] immediately, to get garden seeds to plant, as the climate here is so much later than Crooked Creek, we imagine that fresh seeds raised this year are the best to put out. We hope your last week's correspondent from Talent will continue his communications to the Mail, as Phoenixites are glad to hear from there, especially from so good a writer, also C.C.C.'s items are well received here, many having acquaintances on Griffin Creek. A young hoodlum, whose parents are said to reside at Sisson, and who has been making Phoenix his headquarters for some time, made an attempt to hold up our express agent, Mr. Soule, last Saturday evening. It was just dark and when Mr. Soule was going from the depot to town that the attempted holdup performance was enacted. While passing the warehouse Mr. S. was confronted by the lad and demanded to hold up his hands, at the same time producing a revolver. Mr. S. didn't hold up as readily as was expected, but instead compelled the would-be Jesse of the James gang to show up from his hiding place, under the warehouse, and remove his mask. The mask was turned over to Manafraidofabear to be used as a protection against the festive bruin family. The boy has a hard name and had better absquatulate, vamoose the ranch. He has since left here. MANAFRAIDOFABEAR.
Medford Mail, March
31, 1893 supplement, page 1PHOENIX ITEMS
Robert Deveney, who has been at Ashland for a
couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Wolters, returned home Tuesday.Oscar Phillips and wife, of Lincoln, Neb., arrived at Medford Tuesday for a visit of a few weeks with relatives here, after which they will visit his father at Seattle and return home about the 10th of May. John Nyswaner was over from his ranch on Rogue River last Monday after hay, as none can be had on that side of the river. John Edsall, of this place, lost several head of cattle lately that he was having fed on Butte Creek. He thinks some disease had got among them, as they were in good order. Other parties living in that neighborhood have also lost quite a number. I saw by Medford Mail that garden sass on Crooked Creek had gone to seed, so I took a trip over there the other day to get some fresh seeds, but failed to find any garden truck at all, so came to the conclusion that it must have been last year, and the Crooked Creek writer got tangled up in a last year's almanac. Wm. Gray and family moved back to the Patterson ranch last week, but will return to Phoenix when school begins. School closed last Friday. Only four scholars received diplomas of honor for not missing a day. They were Clyde Lamb, Ira Anderson, Abbie Griffin and Nettie Reames. Miss Mina Stoops will probably teach a subscription school here this spring. She has already about twenty scholars promised. Several Phoenixites have been subpoenaed as witnesses in the lawsuit between Wiley and Epps, which is liable to cost more than a whole band of such horses are worth. Stub Wakefield, who has a homestead up on Wagner Creek, came down this week to crack jokes with the Phoenix boys, who are always happy when Stub is around. The young chap who tried to hold up the express agent here last week, skipped out the next day, and it is to be hoped he will never show up here again. He is a "bad egg." John Wright left for Kansas last Sunday morning. He goes on business and will be absent about a month. Weeks Bros., of this place, have just finished and put in place one of the finest bars in the county for Landlord Purdin, of the Medford hotel. It was nearly all of hardwood and finely finished. Ashland Tidings, April 7, 1893, page 2 FLASHES FROM PHOENIX. There is a dancing party given at Hamlin's hall every two weeks, on Saturday night, which is well attended. Both churches were decorated in fine shape Easter Sunday, and after the proper exercises, eggs were passed around to all the little folks. The two persons who visited the fortune teller one day last week came back feeling worse than before they went, as she gave them straight goods. Jessie Parker and Israel Patton, who have been at work on the '49 [mine] race, have concluded to give it up, as the gold is too hard to save, besides they want to prospect for quartz. John Nyswaner was over from his ranch near Table Rock last Monday after hay--something he says which cannot be had on that side of the river neither for love nor money. Manafraidofabear is thinking some of going along with J. S. Howard on his surveying expedition. But Howard will have to agree to keep the bears away from the camp. A horse belonging to Mr. Rivers, the sewing machine agent at this place, got his hind foot fastened in the rope around his neck and choked himself to death one day last week. Arthur Hunt moved his band of cattle from the Joe Anderson ranch last week up to the Ed Myers pasture, which he has rented until he can move them over the mountains to his Dead Indian ranch. Quite a number of Phoenix young folks attended a party at Mr. Wiley's one night last week, and report a nice time. Manafraidofabear wouldn't have gone only he was more afraid of Wiley on the checker layout than he is of a bear. John Wright started on a trip to his old home in Kansas last Sunday. Mr. Wright is going on business and will be gone about a month, if he don't get caught in a blizzard. His many friends here wish him a pleasant trip and safe return. MANAFRAIDOFABEAR.
Medford Mail, April
7, 1893, page 1This section of the Rogue River Valley has an institution that for excellency in wood work we are willing to wager has not a peer in this state. The institution to which we refer is none other than the John Weeks & Son's cabinet establishment at Phoenix. An elegant specimen of this firm's work is the new bar fixture recently put in at "The Medford." The material used in their construction was Oregon oak for body work and manzanita trimmings. It is hand carved and very finely polished throughout. There is no question but that it is the most elegantly gotten up of any work of the kind in this part of the state and all credit is due any institution which is capable of executing such work. "City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, April 7, 1893, page 3 FLASHES FROM PHOENIX. Miss Lena Hamlin spent Sunday in Phoenix, the guest of Myrtle Griffin. Charley Anderson has returned home after an absence of several months in California. Nellie Towne went up to Soda Springs district Monday to commence a term of school. Oscar Phillips and wife, A.D. Naylor and Miss Minerva Naylor, were at Phoenix on a visit Sunday. Jeff Deveney came over from the Spencer mine Friday to remain awhile in Phoenix with the old folks. Billy Morgan, of Fort Klamath, was in Phoenix one day this week, having made the trip on horseback by way of Ager. Arthur Hunt passed through Phoenix Tuesday on his way to deliver some cattle he had sold to Peter Barneburg. Miss Mina Stoops commenced school here last Monday, with twenty-two scholars enrolled. It is a subscription school. Chas. Harvey had his nibs, the Jack, in Medford last Saturday. The animal is a beauty to look upon and is by far the finest one in the country. Rev. Father Williams, accompanied by Will Jacks, went up to Ashland Tuesday to attend the meeting of the Southern Oregon Presbytery at that place. Several residents of Phoenix were at the county seat Thursday and Friday of last week to testify in the Epps-Wiley case, which was decided in favor of the defendant. John Griffin and J. Patton were out prospecting a few days ago. They found a quartz lead but haven't found out how many thousand dollars it will go to the ton yet. Billy Short, Dick Payne and Eben Carver went down to Central Point Saturday night to attend the ball at that place. They report having had a time that was out o' sight. The best roads in the country were between here and Medford before the last storm, owing to the efforts of our supervisor, Mr. L. A. Rose, who had them all smoothed down nicely, but they were in as bad a fix as ever two days after the storm began. Mr. Ship was over from his ranch on Antelope Creek, Tuesday, stopping at Mr. Calhoun's. Mr. Ship found thirty bee trees in his neighborhood last year, and of course thinks this is a good country in which to make permanent residence, as he came from Kansas. MANAFRAIDOFABEAR.
Medford Mail, April
14, 1893 supplement, page 1FLASHES FROM PHOENIX.
E. W.
Carver, the big real estate owner near Phoenix, was in Medford Tuesday.Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Griffin were out to spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nyswaner. Revival services are being conducted by Rev. Oglesby and Presiding Elder Kohler. The young folks had a pleasant time at the social dance at Hamlin's hall Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and Willis Griffin and wife, of Griffin Creek, were visiting in Phoenix Sunday. Reno Goddard, of Wagner Creek, has rented Hub Coleman's mines near here and is busy working them. Several ladies called on Manafraidofabear Sunday evening, but he is not like C.C.C., afraidofawoman. Fanny Dunlap, of Gold Hill, came up a few days ago to remain a while with her aunt, Mrs. Riley Hammersley. Joe Wright, while hammering on something with a hatchet Tuesday evening, made a miss lick and cut his hand severely John Mills, whose eye was so severely injured about a month ago, is rapidly improving, although the chances were against him for awhile. Mrs. Cal. Steadman, who is staying with the family of Mr. Jackson at Eagle mill, came down to pay her parents a visit Saturday and Sunday. We were in error last week in stating that Miss Towne would teach the Soda Springs school; it is in the Wagner Creek district that she will teach. Tim Burnett, who had the misfortune to get his fingers mashed in a grubbing machine about three months ago, is still carrying his hand in a sling. Hugh Briner, one of the Ashland boys--not of the 400 spoken of in the Record--was down several days this week, paying his sister Mrs. Elmer Coleman a visit. Miss Rose Harris of Ashland, and her sister, Mrs. Sulloway, of Sisson, California, were down visiting friends near Phoenix a few days the latter part of last week. The many friends here of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. White, of Woodville, were shocked to hear of their misfortune last week, and all express the deepest sympathy for them. A curiosity may be seen in Phoenix at Mr. John Wright's place, and is a calf, now a year old, without any eyes, only two small, white dots where the eyes should be, but not the least semblance of an eyeball. When John Edsall arose Friday morning he found one of his best horses dead in the barn--cause unknown. This falls very heavily on Mr. E., as he is hardly able to afford the loss and it as well breaks up his team. John Wright who left here for Kansas a short time ago, arrived at Frankfort in just four days after leaving here and we learn is having a good time visiting with his relatives. He will be back in about three weeks. Billy Short, Iode Smith, Clarence Dunlap, Owen Short and Carver Smith all walked up to the depot Sunday and back again, but don't tell anybody that they promised Manafraidofabear a cigar from each one if he would put an item in about them this week. C. S. Sargent arrived here from Klamath Falls Monday evening for a visit with his wife, who resides here on account of her health. She is afflicted with the asthma and cannot live in a high altitude. "Cooney" is one of Klamath Falls' most popular merchants. Miss Maud Weeks, of this place, makes a trip to Medford every morning and attends to her father's store at that place, and back in the evening, besides helping with the housework morning and evening. Show us another girl like that in Rogue River Valley? We'd like to hear of her. Welborn Beeson called on Manafraidofabear one day last week and took dinner, which was cooked by M., as his wife was away from home, but as M. has done a good deal of that kind of business between times, while being chased by bear, it didn't put him out much. He was also entertained by some of Mr. Beeson's pioneer stories which we are always glad to listen to. MANAFRAIDOFABEAR.
Medford Mail, April
21, 1893 supplement, page 1From our special reporter. J. W. Prayter, who died in Ashland last week from the effect of cancer on the lip, was a former resident of Talent. He suffered intense agony from the disease for more than two years, during which time he tried a number of celebrated cancer doctors but to no avail. He attributed the cause of the cancer to a slight cut received while in a barber's chair. It is very dangerous to patronize a public barber where the razors are used by the promiscuous public, as many incurable diseases are propagated in that way. Talent News, May 1, 1893, page 3 FLASHES FROM PHOENIX.
Sargent left for Klamath Falls Monday.(Too late for last week.) J. W. Wiley went up to Ashland Tuesday, on business. Miss Alta and Ida Naylor spent Sunday in Phoenix, visiting Mrs. J. B. Griffin. Mr. Henry Griffin and Edmond Redpath paid Phoenix a visit one day last week. L. A. Rose has just finished putting in ten acres of alfalfa on some of his finest land. There will be a dance at Phoenix on the 28th of April. Everybody is invited to attend. The farmers are taking advantage of the pleasant weather and are busy making garden. Mr. J. Miles of Washington was paying this section a visit last week. He is an uncle of Mrs. J. Anderson. Miss Belle Nyswaner went over on Rogue River Wednesday to visit her brother's family for a short time. Capt. Smith has the finest garden of anybody near Phoenix. The Capt. knows how to make garden to perfection. John Nyswaner was in Phoenix Tuesday with a load of J. O. Hanna's pottery, which is of a superior quality and sells readily. J. B. Griffin and Arthur Hunt took a trip out to Dead Indian last Saturday, and found too much snow to be comfortable, so they did not stay long. Hank Calhoun, who has been working for L.A. Rose all winter, is going to commence training his fine horse, Soliccoffen, shortly. He thinks he can make him go in 2:40. A large band of horses and mules passed through Phoenix Wednesday, going north. Some of them looked like they had been run through a threshing machine. Mrs. C. T. Payne had quite a runaway Tuesday while on her way to Medford. Just below Al. Rose's she met a man hauling a cow on a sled, which frightened the horse, and he started back towards Phoenix at a furious rate and finally brought up between Cottler's and the blacksmith shop, smashing the buggy, but Mrs. Payne escaped without injury. The Epworth League held their regular election last Tuesday and elected the following officers: Mrs. Dr. Kahler, president; Mrs. Wakefield, first vice president; Mabel Robins, second vice president; Mary Robins, third vice president; Frank Robins, fourth vice president. This is all the Robins in attendance or probably there would have been a Robins for fifth vice president. Lily Critchlow was elected secretary and Laura Burnett treasurer. MANAFRAIDOFABEAR.
Medford Mail, May
5, 1893, page 1PHOENIX ITEMS
Mathes drove a bunch of cattle out on the range a few days ago.Jeff Deveney is over from the Spencer mine, to remain awhile. Miss Lena Dunlap, who has been stopping with Mr. Briggs' family in Ashland, came home Tuesday to stay. Mrs. Cal. Steadman has been down on a visit from the Eagle Mills. Rumor has it that wedding bells, so soft and clear, will soon be ringing in our ear, as a prominent young rancher who lives a few miles out of town has captured the heart and claims the hand of one of Phoenix' fair, accomplished and highly estimable young ladies. The dance at Hamlin's hall last Friday night was a success so far as the Phoenixites were in, as nearly all the young folks were on hand and behaved themselves splendidly and had a good time in spite of the fact that there were several young fellows from Talent who had too much bug juice aboard and made themselves ridiculous, not only in the ball room but by congregating on the outside where their whiskey bottles were located and swearing, howling, tearing off packets, firing pistols and conducting themselves in regular Comanche style. Mr. Weeks, Mrs. Lavenburg and others suffered by their cussedness which was entirely uncalled for, and strong talk of arrest is made. Anyhow, their names will be given if they are not careful. Riley Hammersley, the quartz king, came up from Jump-Off Joe Sunday to make arrangements to move his family down to the mines. They are at present building an arrastra to work the ore as it is so easy worked that it will hardly be worthwhile to take a mill in there until they find out how extensive the lead is. Every indication goes to show a bonanza--anyhow, they have several thousand in sight even if the ledge should pinch out at any time. Misses Ida and Alta Naylor were up to attend the ball Friday evening. Frank Robbins preached at the Methodist church here Sunday evening. Frank is a new beginner but, nevertheless, does well. Ashland Tidings, May 5, 1893, page 2
Dunlap was down from Ashland to visit her parents last week.Mr. J. Bull, of Gold Hill, paid Phoenix a visit Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. J. B. Griffin is spending the week with her sisters, Misses Ida and Alta Naylor. John Edsall is going to Big Butte in a few days, after what cattle he has left up there. A number of Phoenixites visited the teacher's institute at Medford, and came back well pleased. Bob Deveney returned from the mines near Scotts Bar this week, the same having proved a failure. Fanny Dunlap, who has been with her aunt in Phoenix for some time, returned home to Gold Hill Sunday. Mr. Robins, of this place, has moved over on the Shook place, across Bear Creek, to remain during the summer. J. W. Wiley took a trip to Ashland with butter Tuesday, which was hard to dispose of as the market is glutted. Riley Hammersley left for Jump-Off Joe with his family last Sunday. They go to stay at least through the summer. Bill Smith and another man are prospecting a quartz ledge near Phoenix which looks well, and we hope will turn out rich. Owen Dunlap left for Beaver Creek last Saturday to commence work in the mines for Patterson and Payne. He will probably remain all summer. Mr. Briggs, of Medford, is going out into the woods hunting before long with Manafraidofabear. He says he wants to kill a bear, but I am afraid he has picked on the wrong man this time to help him out. Dick Blackwood says Harvey had already sold his mules he took down to California, at a profit of $108 on the head. But we think Dick drew on his imagination too quick this time, as we learn Harvey hasn't sold any yet. George and John Justus are hauling a large amount of wood from J. Harvey's place near here. Both seem to be popular if a fellow can judge by the number of ladies that ride to Medford and back on the wood wagon. Manafraidofabear saw no less than four on one wagon the other day. MANAFRAIDOFABEAR.
Medford Mail, May
12, 1893, page 4PHOENIX ITEMS
Smith is ornamenting his place with a new
picket and wire fence, which helps the looks of things wonderfully. The
Captain will get there all right and have as nice a home as anybody in
a few years.Mrs. J. B. Griffin is spending a week with her sisters, Ida and Alta Naylor, at their father's farm of Griffin Creek. Wm. Griffin, of Grants Pass, and J. Wilson of Griffin Creek paid Phoenix a visit Sunday. Owen Dunlap left Saturday for Beaver Creek to work in the mine for Patterson and Payne. Mr. Loyd's family, who have been in Phoenix during the winter, will soon join him on the Klamath near Pokegama. Geo. and John Justus are hauling a large amount of dry wood to Medford from J. Harvey's place, which they will probably stow away until winter, and then it will command a good price. Wm. Gray and wife were down to Phoenix Sunday. Somebody is out a swarm of bees by not attending to business during the warm day Saturday. A swarm was seen by J. Griffin to pass over on its way to the mountains, which he followed, and after running after them a mile rounded them up on a pine bush, and proceeded to gobble the whole business. So if anyone can prove them and will pay for that run, etc. he can get the shooting match. Several Phoenixites were down to attend the Institute, at Medford, and all came back well pleased. Mr. I. Bull, of Gold Hill, was in Phoenix Saturday night and Sunday, the guest of R. Hammersley. The quartz fever has struck Phoenix, ker-slap, and we already have several millionaire miners that are to be. Fanny Dunlap, who has been staying with her aunt for some time in Phoenix, returned home to Gold Hill Sunday. Bob Deveney, who went over to Scotts Bar to work in the mines for Walters and Johnson, returned home Friday. Riley Hammersley moved his family to Jump-Off Joe this week, to remain at the mine during the summer. There is strong talk of starting an Alliance store at Phoenix in the near future, something that is badly needed, as people are getting tired of having to go to Medford for every small article needed. Miss Amanda Payne returned home from Medford Saturday, where she had been visiting her brother. A spring wagon and a good set of hack harness for sale cheap. Inquire of J. Martin at the harness shop. Ashland Tidings, May 12, 1893, page 2 Elmer Coleman is reported to have found a very rich ledge of gold-bearing rock in the vicinity of Coleman Creek, near Phoenix. "Mines and Mining," Medford Mail, May 12, 1893, page 2 PHOENIX ITEMS
J. W.
Wiley had quite a runaway at Medford Tuesday
but came off with only a few scratches, but smashed the wagon up some,
breaking the tongue, etc.Jim Edsall spent a day or two in Ashland this week. Mrs. Dollarhide, Mrs. Mingus and two daughters, also Miss Anna Dollarhide were down Wednesday evening to attend the wedding. Barbara Crosby spent a couple of days in Phoenix this week visiting. Miss Lena Hamlin has been spending a week at Talent. John Edsall went up to Butte Creek Sunday to bring his cattle down. His family accompanied him to pay old friends in that section a visit. Mr. Hoyt, of Roxy Ann, went up on Big Butte on a professional trip Monday, among the cattle and horse men. Mrs. J. B. Griffin returned home Wednesday from a pleasant visit with her sister on Griffin Creek. Tom Hammersley was up from Jump-Off Joe Monday. He says he has found a rich lead near where his brother Riley is located, which goes thirty dollars to the ton. John Griffin and Mr. Jo Biggs, of Illinois, went up on Butte Creek last week after bear, but failed to "get there Eli" and came back disgusted. Jim Bell, formerly of Big Sticky, has bought the store in Brownsboro and intends keeping a good line of goods for that section of the country. Ashland Tidings, May 19, 1893, page 2 FLASHES FROM PHOENIX.
Miss Lena
Hamlin has been at Talent the past week, the guest of Miss Crosby.Miss Barbara Crosby, of Talent, was visiting in Phoenix last Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Rivers went to Jacksonville Friday to witness the band concert, as did several others. The Phoenix Alliance [store] is in a flourishing condition, 42 members on the roll and more coming right along. Mr. Hoyt, who lives near Roxy Ann, took a trip up in the Butte country this week, on professional business. A horse belonging to John Wright got into a barbed wire fence last Sunday and was badly cut up in consequence. Farmers up in the Big Butte country are just sowing their grain, which looks rather odd to a man from the valley. John Edsall and family, of this place, went up to Big Butte Sunday after Mr. Edsall's cattle and to pay old friends in that section a visit. James Bell has purchased the store at Brownsboro of Mr. Hess and intends keeping everything needed by the people in that section. Mr. Hess will soon start for Modoc County with a band of cattle which he purchased from Mr. Bell. Mr. Biggs, of Medford, and J. B. Griffin, of Phoenix, went up to Big Butte last week on a bear hunt, but failed to rake 'em in, as Griffin was so afraid of a bear he wouldn't leave camp and Biggs didn't know how to find them. So they came back hungry, as one of Edmundson's bear dogs got into their lunch and ate it all up--they both came back disgusted. While on Butte Creek last week we visited the store of Geo. Brown at Eagle Point, which is well stocked with goods, and well-arranged and neat as any store in the county. We know George sells lots of goods by the empty boxes we saw in another room, anyway he gave us a nice big box for a grub box that the fellow just down the street a short distance wanted to charge just a trifle for, only 25 cents, but we couldn't see it. George is doing well in Eagle Point and we are glad of it. MANAFRAIDOFABEAR.
Medford Mail, May
19, 1893, page 1Death of H. B. Oatman,
a Southern Oregon Pioneer, at Portland.
B. Oatman, who died at his home in
Woodstock on Friday morning, was one Portland's best-known citizens,
having been actively engaged in the real estate business here for more
than 30 years. He was born in Courtlandt County, New York, February 26,
1826. Upon the death of his father, Harvey B. Oatman, in 1827, the
family removed to Ohio, and later into Illinois. In 1847, while
residing in the latter state, he met and married Miss S. R. Ross. The
young couple settled upon a prairie farm near Chicago, and for several
years shared in the experiences of pioneer life in the then Far West.
In 1853, accompanied by his brother, Harvey B. Oatman, he emigrated to
Oregon and settled on a farm near Phoenix, Jackson County. In the fall
of 1855 the hardy young pioneer was engaged in supplying the miners of
Northern California with flour and other provisions. The transportation
facilities were limited to ox teams, and the trip over the Siskiyou
Mountains from the Rogue River Valley was a rough one. While upon one
of these trips Mr. Oatman's party was attacked by Indians,
on September
25, 1855, and two of the members, Calvin M. Field and a young man named
Cunningham, were killed. Among members of the party, Daniel F.
Brittain, made his escape on the Oregon side of the mountains, while
Mr. Oatman made his way to the Mountain House, on the California side,
a distance of six miles from the spot where the attack was made,
closely pursued for the greater part of the distance by the redskins.
This was the first skirmish of the famous Rogue River Indian War, which
lasted far into the next year. The long tunnel of the Oregon and
California railroad penetrates the mountains directly under the spot
upon the old mountain road where Mr. Oatman's party was attacked, and
Oregon pioneers, while passing through the tunnel, never fail to recall
Mr. Oatman's famous run for life.(Oregonian) Mr. Oatman was for a time engaged in the mercantile business in Phoenix, and was also interested in the "49" mining company of Southern Oregon. On February 18, 1865, he was commissioned as first lieutenant in the first Oregon volunteers, and served in the army until discharged from the service, July 19, 1867. During his military life he had some experience in Indian warfare, in which he did creditably, and he ascribed his success to his pioneer training. In 1868 he came to Portland and engaged in the grocery business. In the following year he formed a partnership with Van B. DeLashmutt, who afterwards sold out his interest in the business to Frank Hackney. In 1871 Messrs. Oatman and DeLashmutt engaged in the real estate and brokerage business, under the firm name of DeLashmutt & Oatman, and the partnership lasted many years. Mr. Oatman was of a buoyant, lighthearted disposition. He made many warm friends and during his long residence in Oregon succeeded in engrafting himself into the good wishes and kindly sympathy of those who knew him. While he made no profession of Christianity, there was in his life an element that convinced others of his high purpose to deal with his fellow men so as to command their respect and confidence. He leaves a wife, three sons and a daughter. Grandma Ross, mother of Mrs. Oatman, who has resided with her son-in-law for the past 20 years, will also mourn the loss of a kind and thoughtful son, who has made her happy in her old age. About two years ago Mr. Oatman suffered from a stroke of paralysis, from the effects of which he never recovered, and which rendered him unfit for business. He had just returned from a trip to California, where he had gone in search of health. His death was entirely unexpected. Ashland Tidings, May 26, 1893, page 2. Taken from the Sunday Oregonian, Portland, May 21, 1893, page 8. PHOENIX ITEMS
Warren Howard, while walking down the track
Sunday, was hit near the eye with a rock from a sling thrown by her
little boy, which knocked her senseless for a while and it was some
before she was able to walk. The boys had better quit before anyone
else gets hurt.Jim Smith has rented two acres of land of Dick Blackwood, on Bear Creek, and will put it in corn and garden truck. John Griffin has put a barbed wire around his field to protect it from the ravages of the festive cayuses, who are not satisfied with plenty of good grass on the outside, but break down fences to get something better. Miss Jessie Stoops, who has been at Portland for the past two years with her aunt, returned home Tuesday and will stay. Mr. Carver Smith, of this place, intends starting for Umatilla Co. in a few days to act as agent for the Flour Bin Co. Carver will make a good one. Miss Saltmarsh, of Sterling precinct, has been visiting Mrs. Colver this week. James Reames was at Jacksonville Saturday. There was a dance at Phoenix Friday night. Four girls only were present but lots of boys. Several Phoenixites attended the protracted meeting at Talent last week. Enos. Carver, Dick Payne and Lily Reames spent Saturday evening with Miss Myrtle Griffin. Mrs. Cal Steadman has returned home from the Eagle Mills to remain. Mr. Weeks, of the furniture manufactory, got badly jolted up a few days ago by a plank breaking and letting him fall several feet down into a hole by the side of the water wheel. His head and shoulders were bruised up pretty badly but no bones broken. John Norton and wife were over Tuesday taking the weeds out of his garden. John is going to make a nice place out of his Phoenix property. Mr. Stouts visited Ashland Wednesday. Ashland Tidings, May 26, 1893, page 2 FLASHES FROM PHOENIX
Phoenix--on Saturday night--attendance slim.Several Phoenixites attended the protracted meeting at Talent last week. Mrs. Cal. Steadman has returned home from the Eagle mills to remain. James Reames, of Phoenix, was over at Jacksonville doing a whirl at business last Saturday. Enos Carver, Dick Payne and Miss Lillie Reames spent Saturday evening with Miss Myrtle Griffin. Jeff Deveney left last week for a trip to Montana, and will visit the world's fair before returning home. Mrs. J. Griffin returned home Wednesday from a several days' visit to her father's ranch on Griffin Creek. Miss Saltmarsh, of Sterling precinct, has been paying Mr. Bose's folks a visit this week, and also Mrs. Colver. Miss Jesse Stamps, who has been at Portland with her aunt for the past two years, returned home Tuesday, and will remain. John B. Griffin is putting a barb wire fence around his field this week to keep out the breachy cayuses which infest this precinct. Jim Smith has rented two acres of Dick Blackwood on the Bear Creek bottom, which he will put out to garden truck and corn. Mrs. Lamb and Miss Lena Dunlap paid Medford a visit Friday and came near getting stuck in the mud with the horse and buggy. We learn that Patterson Bros. on Beaver Creek have their mines in first-class running order and started the hydraulic last Tuesday. Carver Smith will start in about a week for the Umatilla County to act as agent for the Flour Bin Co. in that section. Carver is a rustler, and the company did well to secure his services. The Colver-Furry wedding was quite a grand affair, about 60 or 70 guests being present. A fine supper was one of the features of the occasion, which was enjoyed by those present, and some valuable gifts were presented to the couple. The wedding march was played by Miss Lena Dunlap in fine style; in fact everything was lovely and the boys failed to charivari. Mr. Weeks, of this place, got pretty badly hurt last Thursday in the furniture manufactory; he stepped on a board over the shaft where the water wheel is and it broke, letting him fall to the bottom some distance below; he was bruised severely about the head and shoulders, but is getting along all right now; by the way it was a narrow escape. Jim Briner, the irrepressible, who has a big home on Beaver Creek, came over Wednesday to remain awhile. The high water washed everything out over there and he has to wait now until the water goes down before he can do anything; in the meantime will pay his friends in Rogue River Valley a visit. He has lots of friends who are always glad to see him. Mrs. Warren Howard, while walking down the track on last Sunday, was hit in the head with a sling shot by her little boy who was throwing rocks out of it just for fun, but it wasn't so funny for his mother who lay [by the] side of the track for an hour or two before she was able to walk; it has got to be a common pastime for the boys around town to be throwing continually with their slings, large as well as small boys, and nothing more dangerous could be used. Now boys, it is a good time to stop before we have a worse accident to record. MANAFRAIDOFABEAR.
Medford Mail, May
26, 1893, page 1FLASHES FROM PHOENIX.
Griffin and family went to Dead
Indian last week to remain.Mr. Engle has some friends visiting him from Portland, one a celebrated German doctor. Sam Colter and Wm. Neil moved their families out to Grizzly Prairie the forepart of the week. Geo. Nutley, of Ashland, last Monday moved his family out to the Happy Hunting Ground. John Edsall and Bert Dow went up Butte Creek last week to rusticate--all the same build fence. J. W. Wiley has taken his cattle over in the Dead Indian country for their usual summer outing. Arthur Hunt and Peter Barneburg took out a big band of cattle to the Dead Indian country this week. John Wright returned this week from Frankfort, Kansas, where he has been for the past two months. He reports having had a pretty good time and that he escaped all the pranks of a Kansas bronco cyclone. Pelton brothers undertook to drive their big band of cattle through by the Lake of the Woods butte, but made a failure on account of the great amount of snow. They took another turn and successfully made a go of it by way of Hyatt Prairie and the Linkville Road. (Too
late for last week.)
Hamlin paid Phoenix a visit last
Sunday.Miss Jessie Mathes was an Ashland visitor last Friday. Mr. Carpenter's people were over on Coleman Creek picnicking last Sunday. John Edsall returned Wednesday from Butte Creek where he has been after cattle. Blin Coleman was basking in the gorgeous sunshine peculiar to Phoenix last Saturday. John Calhoun, of Lake Creek, has been over this week at work on his quartz lead, near Phoenix. Mrs. Wm. Mathes returned home from Ashland, Thursday, at which place she had been visiting. One of Dr. West's horses became so badly mixed up in a barbed wire fence, recently, as to ruin himself. J. Wiley was at Jacksonville Saturday attending the sale of the Epps property, which was bid in by him. Jack Newman, of Dead Indian, passed through Phoenix Saturday. He reports roads bad in that section. Enos Carver attended the ball at Central Point Friday evening. It would not have been a success without Enos. Mr. Jackson, who lives at the Eagle Mills, has commenced cutting alfalfa. He will have a whale of a crop. Jas. Garvin, John Briner and B. Helms attended the dance at Phoenix Saturday evening. The dance passed off pleasantly and everybody had a rattling good time. L. A. Rose has been doing some substantial road work the past week. He had about twenty teams at work hauling gravel to the Earhart Lane. Al. believes in making good roads as far as he goes. Billy Short, Chas. and Bert Hukill, Charley Anderson and Dick Payne all attended the Central Point ball game and dance Friday evening. All had a good time, especially Dicky Payne. Geo. Wright, of this place, who is stopping with Mr. Kingsbury on Big Applegate, was over last Saturday. He tells that the creek has been very high, occasioned by the great amount of snow in the mountains which melted with the advent of warm weather. We learn we are about to be scalped by an irate female on account of an item regarding some mules, which was true, and as truth is mighty and must prevail, we don't propose to go back on anything we write to the Mail, especially when we can prove it. We don't write with the intention of hurting anyone's feelings--and besides we are not going to apologize. Misses Nellie Rose, Nellie Towne and Minnie Stoops, all Phoenix girls, and who are teaching school, are getting along finely, and by the way, don't think much of dong the housework and milking four or five cows before and after school. Phoenix "agin" the world for bright, industrious girls. It is such as these that make the best homes of our land. MANAFRAIDOFABEAR.
Medford Mail, June
9, 1893, page 1We took a look through Weeks Bros.' furniture factory at Phoenix recently and were surprised to see the excellent work they are turning out. They are thoroughly skilled mechanics and have had long experience in the furniture business. Talent News, June 15, 1893, page 4 "Big Jim" Briner and M. H. Coleman start into the mountains next Monday on a month's prospecting tour. B. C. Goddard, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dean, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Coleman and daughter Edith drank soda water at Colestine's on the Fourth. "Local Items," Talent News, July 15, 1893, page 4 Lewis Calhoun, a member of the Southern Oregon Pioneer Society, had the opportunity of reading his own obituary a few days ago. Although nearly 80 years of age, "Nika" promises to remain in the land of the living of sometime longer. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 11, 1893, page 3 Edith Coleman, daughter of M. H. Coleman, has been very ill with malaria for several days, but is now recovering. "Local Items," Talent News, September 1, 1893, page 4 MARRIED.
At the
Colver residence in
Phoenix, on the
30 inst., Prof. Gus. Newbury of Jacksonville, to Miss Nellie Rose of
Phoenix.Prof. Newbury is well known as one of the leading educators of this part of the state, at present holding a prominent position in the Ashland schools. The bride is also an excellent teacher and will teach in the Bish district the coming winter. Talent News, September 1, 1893, page 4 Miss Nelly Towne commenced her school in the South Wagner Creek district last Monday. "Local Items," Talent News, October 1, 1893, page 4 In Memoriam.
The following sketch may be interesting to the
pioneers of Southern Oregon:In the recent death of Mrs. Mary E. Gore, the wife of Mr. E. E. Gore, of Phoenix, it is but just to record that the neighborhood has lost a noble friend, the church a wise and faithful worker, and the home a dearly beloved and trustworthy wife and mother. Mrs. Gore came from that sturdy, Scotch-Irish Presbyterian stock, from the north of Ireland, many of whom emigrated to this country in an early day. She was a direct descendant of the family of the Gilmours and Gibsons, who hewed out their homes in the forests of Pennsylvania, and who have been so honorably identified with the religious, educational and noble enterprises of this country in those states where they have lived. Her father, Robert Gilmour, located in Mercer County, Pa., in 1798, and when he had prepared a good home, he was married in May 1804 to Miss Nancy Smith, of Indiana County, Pa., who was also a descendant of Scotch-Irish parentage. Mrs. Gore was the youngest in a family of ten children, three sons and seven daughters, and was born Feb. 5, 1827. Her father died when she was but sixteen months old. In this Pennsylvania home she was reared and educated in the midst of a pious community and under the fostering care of the school and church. To the rural scenes and joyous experiences of her childhood home she delighted to refer. From early youth she was a lover of books and became a woman of more than ordinary ability and literary tastes. The one book, however, she prized above all others was the Bible. She was familiarly conversant with its doctrines and precepts, and loved to impart a knowledge of its precious truths to others. When nearly 18 years of age she was married to Lewis A. Rose, a man of whom she speaks of as being "eminently pious," and with whom she moved to Charleston, Iowa, where he died Sept. 20, 1846, leaving her with an infant son, who is now the present L. A. Rose, of Phoenix, Or. On Sept. 20, 1849 she was married to Mr. E. E. Gore, and with him crossed the plains, coming to this coast. They left Charleston, Iowa April 27, 1852, and arrived in the Rogue River Valley Sept. 27th of the same year. For a time their residence was in Jacksonville, Or., where Dec. 3, 1852, Walter S. Gore was born; he being the first white male child born in Jackson County. Mrs. Gore was the mother of ten children, five sons and five daughters, nine of whom are still living to mourn her death. She was a woman of strong and positive Christian character, and with a firm reliance upon Christ, she passed away Oct. 7, 1893. Her funeral was largely attended and took place Oct. 18th from the little church of Phoenix, of which she was a worthy member and where she loved to worship and teach in the Sabbath school. The services were of an appropriate character, and were conducted by the Rev. M. A. Williams, the aged pioneer Presbyterian minister of Southern Oregon, assisted by the present pastor of the church. The interment took place in the cemetery near the church. In heartfelt sympathy with the bereaved family and in the language of assured hope, we unite in saying, "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them." Medford Mail, October 27, 1893, page 3, also Democratic Times, October 27, 1893, page 2 Phoenix Flashes.
Rev. W. V.
Moore and wife were the guests
of Rev. Kahler and family Tuesday.BY NE PLUS ULTRA. Mrs. Maggie Conn, of Paisley, Lake County, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Sargent, of this place. Mr. Ora Kahler, who has been on the police force in Tacoma, Washington, is spending the winter with his father, Dr. Kahler. Mrs. J. B. Phelps, of Chewaucan Valley, Lake County, is now stopping with her daughter, Mrs. Riley Hammersley. She expects to spend the winter in sunny Southern Oregon. C. C. Low and family, of Lost River, Klamath County, after having made a brief visit with his mother-in-law, Mrs. E. Lavenberg, started for home Monday, his mother-in-law accompanying him. Last Sunday evening a species of the animal kingdom, commonly known as the deer (not dear) appeared in or near the suburbs of our little village. The creature is a six pointer. Several of the Phoenixites armed themselves with the usual and necessary weapons and anticipate the capture of Mr. "Deer," but he seems to understand his situation better than the seekers of its innocent life and by his cunning and shyness escapes to parts unknown. The villagers return disappointed, no doubt, because they did not capture their game. Medford Mail, November 3, 1893, page 3 Phoenix Flashes.
Well, Mr.
Editor, Manafraidofabear has got back to
Phoenix, and the first thing to do I suppose, is to send items
to the Mail.BY MANAFRAIDOFABEAR. A party of bear hunters left Phoenix Monday for Big Applegate. Bert Ankell and Miss Bell Nyswaner paid Medford a visit Sunday. John Calhoun came over from Lake Creek Sunday to pay his brother a visit. J. W. Wiley has brought all his cattle in from the mountains. They are looking fine. Nellie Towne is teaching school in the Wagner Creek district and is getting along fine. Owen Dunlap returned from the Beaver Creek mines last week and will remain in Phoenix. Every house in Phoenix is occupied, and more people here almost every day inquiring for houses. Mrs. Lamb has the boss cow in Phoenix. She makes a pound of butter a day, and good butter too, and don't you forget. Jim Briner has gone over to his cinnabar mine to remain, having already packed in the necessary supplies for the winter. John Wright has been down on Rogue River to see his brother-in-law, Milo Mathews, who is very sick, we are sorry to learn. Laura Wright, who has been stopping with Mr. Briggs' family at Ashland, visited her home in Phoenix last Saturday and Sunday. Mesdames Blackwood and Foudray paid Medford a visit Saturday. People of Phoenix know where to go to do their trading and nearly all go to Medford. John B. Griffin and family moved in from the Dead Indian country last week and took charge of the Lavenburg property, which they rented for a year. Riley Hammersley, after a great deal of trouble, has got things in a shape to get his money in a short time, notwithstanding the stringency of the hard times. The la grippe has taken hold of several residents of Phoenix and is handling them exceedingly rough. James Smith, Tom Edsall, Ed Foudray, Mr. Calhoun and wife, and several others have it bad and more to hear from. I will take this opportunity to call the attention of the county court to a defective bridge in the Herrin lane, nearly in front of the Herrin house. This bridge is in a dangerous condition and may be the cause of an accident unless repaired immediately. Theo. Eagle, one of the best rustlers that ever struck the country, is clearing up a large tract of land near Phoenix, which will be valuable fruit land when cleared, and besides furnishes employment for several men. A few more men like Theodore in Phoenix, and how she'd boom. Miss Mina and Jessie Stoops, of this place, have earned a good many dollars this summer picking and packing fruit for J. H. Stewart. They walk down and back every day, a distance of two miles, which shows the energy and pluck the Phoenix girls have and also explains the reason why they are sought from far and near by farmers, doctors and even professors, and if not by preachers, then preachers' sons, who know that these are the kind that make good wives. As jolly a crowd of young people as ever tripped the light fantastic toe assembled at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. B Griffin Saturday evening and danced until the clock struck twelve, after which the crowd dispersed, all declaring they had a good time, and Manafraidofabear, who was peeping through a crack in the door, can testify that everything passed off pleasantly. Among those present were, ladies--Lena Dunlap, Mina Stoops, Jessie Nyswaner, Bell Nyswaner, Mary Stancliff, Lizzie Critchlow, Myrtle Griffin; Gentlemen--John Nyswaner, Riley Hammersley, Bert and Chas. Ankell, Enos Carver, Geo. Clift, Bennie Stoops, Arthur Rose, Snider Dunlap and Ora Kahler. Medford Mail, November 24, 1893, page 2 Phoenix Flashes. BY MANAFRAIDOFABEAR. Miss Allie Dunlap is recovering from a severe attack of nervous prostration. Mrs. T. B. Houston, of Thompson Creek, is paying relatives near Phoenix a visit. Lena Dunlap and Ora Kahler spent Thanksgiving (Pennoyer's day) at Central Point. Mrs. Stoops, of Phoenix, has been on the sick list for nearly a month, but is now recovering. Melvin Naylor and wife, of Jenny Creek, passed through Phoenix last Saturday on their way to the Naylor ranch, near Medford. Will and Elmer Coleman took sixteen head of fine fat hogs to Medford Tuesday which they disposed of to J. W. Hockersmith, at a good price. I. Broden, of Lake County, arrived last week and moved into the Marton house for the winter. He is looking for a location for a blacksmith shop, and will probably open up a shop here. You will have to send up extra copies of the Mail this week. If the demand is like it was last week there will not be enough to go around. Probably "Phoenix Items" have something to do with it. Several residents of Phoenix were at Medford this week, as usual, to do their trading, where they find a market for anything they have to sell, and can buy anything they want at a reasonable figure. Crit Tolman has taken one of John Griffin's fine young dogs to train for bear. He will train him with his famous bear dog, "Ranger," which he recently brought from Alaska, and which is undoubtedly the best bear dog in Southern Oregon. Riley Hammersley, Crit Tolman and John Griffin returned home from Applegate Monday, where they had been on a week's hunt with parties from Medford, but bear skins were as scarce as hen's teeth. Too much rain, not much hunt. An entertainment was given at Lavenburg hall Monday evening by local talent for the benefit of the Methodist Church, which we learn was well attended, and was first-class, but not being present we are unable to give an extended account. Bud and Ed Hamlin are making arrangements to give a grand ball on Christmas night. Due notice will probably be given through the columns of the Mail. Betty and Elsie Hamlin will provide supper, and it is safe to say that it will be first-class in every respect. Mrs. Betty Hamlin, who has a ranch near Phoenix, sold a number of fine hogs to J. W. Hockersmith this week, and has several left to deliver in a few days. She has nearly 100 head of nice hogs which she intends to have ready for market next year, and has several hundred bushels of corn to feed them on. Mrs. Hamlin has proven herself to be a good manager of a farm, and will make money where lots of men would go behind. Last week we mentioned the fact that there was a bridge in the Herrin lane which needed attention, and called the attention of the county court to it. When we wrote the item we did not know that L. A. Rose of Phoenix was supervisor of the district in which the bridge was located, or we would have informed him personally of the fact, and it would have been fixed all right, but the fact is Mr. Rose has such a large district to look after that it is impossible for him to know whenever a plank is out of place unless informed by someone who travels the road, but he is always ready to fix them up as soon as he is informed of their condition, and we will venture the assertion that he keeps the roads in his district in as good shape as any district in any county, large or small. Medford Mail, December 1, 1893, page 5 Phoenix Flashes.
Miss Ida
Naylor paid Phoenix a visit Sunday.BY MANAFRAIDOFABEAR. (Received too late for last week.) Owen Dunlap and J. Griffin were in Ashland Friday. Riley Hammersley went to Gold Hill Thursday evening on business. Will Wright, of Coos County, arrived in Phoenix lately to remain through the winter. Bennie Stoops and Lawrence Griffin are down with the grip; so is Riley Hammersley's family. James Morgan, formerly of Phoenix, passed through on his way back to Klamath County Friday. Rufus Phelps, of Lake County, Oregon, was in Phoenix Saturday visiting his sister, Mrs. Hammersley. Several residents of Phoenix were down to attend the people's party meeting at Medford Saturday. Born:--Near Phoenix, Nov. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Payne, Jr., a daughter. "Champ" was able to be around next day. Cara Taylor and wife spent Sunday and Monday visiting relatives in Phoenix. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Newbury. Dickey Payne was over Tuesday evening to attend the entertainment. Dickey's hearty laugh encourages the performers wonderfully. Wm. Breese, Welborn Beeson and Miss Rosa Waters were down from Talent Friday to attend a meeting of the County Alliance at Phoenix. Messrs. Bert and Chas. Hukill, John Nyswaner, Jessie and Bell Nyswaner, Lily Reames and Lizzie Critchlow all went over to attend the ball at Eagle Point on Thanksgiving night, and say they had a time, out o' sight, and a superb supper. A fellow was through here on Thanksgiving Day trying to sell venison, but the citizens would not buy, as they know it was out of season. Bear Creek has been hammering away at its banks furiously the past week, diminishing the number of acres of land in some places near Phoenix. School will be out in about three weeks, a fact to be regretted as the teachers, Messrs. Sherril and Stevens, are first class and the scholars are advancing rapidly. The dance at Phoenix Thursday evening proved a failure owing to some misunderstanding between the parties getting it up, but they will make it all right Christmas. We have a baker in town, but still we have to bake our own bread, and we also have mills but they won't make the flour, but we will still be happy when the robins sing. The entertainment given by the Epworth League Tuesday evening was simply immense. A large crowd was present, and those who were not present missed a grand treat. The party of young folks who went from here to attend the ball at Eagle Point on Thanksgiving night got lost on the desert and after wandering around for some time finally brought up at Jack Montgomery's place and hired Jack to act as pilot. They had not proceeded far, however, until Jack discovered that he was lost also, and after roaming the desert for nearly four hours finally reached their destination at twelve o'clock. This is a good joke on Jack, who is supposed to know the desert like a book. Ranger and Tacie, two dogs belonging to Crit Tolman and John Griffin, concluded to take a bear hunt last Saturday, and when near the Hope ledge on Wagner Creek jumped a large black bear which gave them a lively chase and terrific fight for about a mile when he concluded to climb a tree to escape the punishment his hindquarters were receiving from their fierce attacks. They were followed by Crit Tolman, Nim Long and Bob Shaw. When near the tree bruin thought he would make a break for liberty, but before he reached the ground the crack of Crit's rifle was heard, and his bearship landed at the foot of the tree limp and lifeless. The boys say he is one of the largest of the black species that has been seen on Wagner Creek for years. Medford Mail, December 15, 1893, page 2 Phoenix Flashes.
Mart Baker
paid Ashland a visit a few days ago.BY MANAFRAIDOFABEAR. Born--To the wife of John Edsall, Dec. 15th, a son. J. Wiley went to Ashland Wednesday, peddling beef. Jeff Deveney has returned from Montana to remain awhile. Carver Smith has been seriously ill, but is convalescent now. Mrs. James Reames and daughter, Lily, paid Jacksonville a visit Friday. John Wright, who has been at the county seat as a juror, spent Saturday and Sunday at home. There was a social dance at the residence of Geo Epps Thursday evening, which was a very pleasant affair. The grippe is still on the rampage. Your correspondent has been down for a solid week, but is able to be around now. Mr. and Mrs. Lamb has our thanks for a basket of fine pears, which tasted good to a fellow just getting over the grippe. Crit Tolman and Riley Hammersley killed another fine black bear a few days ago. Ranger, Crit's famous bear dog, tracked him about ten miles and finally overhauled him, and he had to climb. The county court should make an allowance for Uncle Bennie Smith, who is old and feeble and is now being taken care of by his daughter-in-law, who has a large family to take care of, and is really unable to do so. Medford Mail, December 22, 1893, page 2 Talent Items.
From the News.The Talent school closed a week ago last Monday on account of scarlatina. Joseph Robison and wife and daughter and Jas. Helms and wife left for San Francisco today. Mr. Robison goes to get him a leg, and his wife will go on to Southern California to visit her brother. In sadness do we chronicle the death of Mrs. J. W. Beatty, which took place in Oakland, California, last Sunday morning. She had gone there to have a cancer removed from her side, but the operation proved too severe for her failing strength. The remains were interred in the Phoenix cemetery yesterday. Mrs. Beatty was an estimable lady whose loss will be felt by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Medford Mail, February 9, 1894, page 2 Phoenix Items.
Miss Laura
Wright has returned home from
Ashland, to escape scarlet fever, which is prevalent there.BY STATUS. Mr. Hughes has rented the Walbridge property; the latter gentleman intends to move to California soon. Mr. Hughes and sons, lately from Texas, will cultivate 80 acres of corn on the Carver ranch this season. The People's Party Club, at their last meeting, cast the initiative vote for the nominations at the coming election. The formal vote will be taken March 3rd. The Methodist class of this place propose building a church in the near future, which is to cost $500. At present they hold services in Mrs. Laptenberge's hall. The fish land, near Phoenix, is being sold in small tracts. The latest purchasers being Chas. Wolgamott, Geo. Williams, John Nyswaner, L. Walbridge and James Smith. The latest industry which has been added to the few already here is a shoe shop, under the firm name of Baker & Epps. Baker representing the capital, and Epps the experience. The M.E. pastor, J. L. Wood, did not fill his appointment last Sunday--bad weather and roads were the preventative. The Presbyterian pastor, Rev. Ennis, was in the same predicament. School Clerk Lehners' report of school census shows a gain of 25 percent over the previous year, thus we have reason to expect a longer school next year, unless our county treasurer is sent to visit foreign countries. Medford Mail, February 16, 1894, page 2 Phoenix Flashes.
Nyswaner has been on the sick list for a week or two.BY MANAFRAIDOFABEAR. School will be out next Friday and the children will be happy. Ora Kahler has been under the weather, but is able to be around. L. A. Rose and Ed. Foudray paid a visit to Medford Wednesday. Miss Lena Dunlap is at Ashland stopping with the family of Mr. Barnum. Miss Mina Stoops went to Jacksonville Wednesday to attend the teachers examination. Lon. Walbridge has moved his family into one of Frank Towne's houses on Main Street. Jake Calhoun went over to Lake Creek to try his hand at fishing last week but failed to catch 'em. J. Wright has been a calling with catarrh on his hand for a week or two, but is getting the best of it now. Hank Calhoun came over from Lake Creek to attend the ball. The dance would be a failure without Hank. Chas. Hukill cut one of his toes off the other day, but didn't do it purposely. He went down to Medford and had it stuck on again, and he is getting along fine now. Mrs. John Wright is down at Woodville this week. George and Laura Wright also went down to attend the funeral of their uncle, Milo Mathews, who was buried at Rock Point Sunday. Chas. Wolgamott has bought twenty acres of the Fish land and has already built him a house and began to clear his land. We heard somebody say that someone was going into partnership with Charley, but we don't know who that is. Gus Epps has opened a boot and shoe store in Phoenix, with candy and nuts on the side. Gus is a first-class shoemaker and has been rushed with work since he started up, by the people hereabouts, who find it quite convenient to have a shoe shop in their midst. Look out for a wedding notice soon; this time though it will be one of Phoenix' good-looking young men, and highly respected too, I should say, and one of Medford's fair young ladies. It isn't often that Phoenix girls has to take a back seat, but Medford knocks 'em this time. News reached here Saturday morning of the death of Milo Mathews at his residence near Woodville. He had been sick for several months, and his death was not unexpected. Milo drove stage through this valley for several years, and was considered one of the best and most careful drivers on the road. He leaves many friends to mourn his demise, and many an old knight of the whip will drop a tear to his memory. Enos Carver came near getting swamped in Bear Creek while attempting to cross. He got below the regular ford and his horse went in all over. Enos cut the traces and the horse went out on one side and Enos on the other, the buggy remaining in the quicksand As the horse refused to come over to Enos, Enos had to wade over to the horse, and as it was after dark and extremely cold, it was anything but a pleasant experience. The ball given here on the 14th of February, by Geo. Epps and E. Carver, was a success in every particular, and a large crowd was on hand. Forty-seven tickets were sold. All the beauty of Phoenix and the surrounding country was on hand. The supper was gotten up by Mrs. Epps, the music was furnished by E. Carver, Reno Goddard and C. Dunlap and was excellent. Elmer Coleman was floor manager and performed his duty satisfactorily to everybody. Prof. Newbury, the tall sycamore of Phoenix, got ducked while trying to cross Bear Creek. The horse he was riding became unmanageable and went in where it was so deep that the water struck the professor under the chin, that's pretty deep you know, when it does that, of course the horse was out of sight, but there happened to be a tall cottonwood tree standing out in the water and the professor made a grab and caught some of the topmost branches and pulled himself up high and dry, as good luck would have it, but hold on, I was going to explain how he got out to dry land, but if anyone wants to know, let them ask the professor and he will no doubt explain. While we think about it we will say right here that Mr. Newbury is making arrangements to build a nice new house in Phoenix in a short time, and will become a permanent resident. The Farmers Alliance held an open meeting here last Tuesday evening which was attended by a large crowd, in fact the hall was packed full, and an interesting program was introduced and carried out. The first after singing being a recitation by Miss Rose Grisom, a talented young lady who arrived here from California last fall, entitled "The Women of Mormlehead," [sic--"Skipper Ireson's Ride"?] which was well rendered and in a manner that could not be exceeded, and brought down thundering applause from the audience, then a debate in which Carter, Smith, E. Carver, and Frank Robbins took the affirmative and J. Wiley, A. C. Smith and Elmer Coleman the negative. Resolved, that cigarette smoking is more injurious than novel reading. This debate was interesting. One speaker brought down the house by reading from a document that the nicotine came out through the pores of the skin of a cigarette fiend, and wanted to know who ever heard of a girl reading novels until it leaked out through the pores of the skin. It is needless to say that the affirmative won. Judges, D. Kahler, B. Stevens, Miss Nellie Towne. After other exercises the evening's entertainment wound up with a recitation by Miss Frances Grisom, entitled "Flossy," which was listened to with rapt attention by the audience and was highly applauded. Everyone enjoyed the entertainment, and praises could be heard on every side. Medford Mail, March 2, 1894, page 4 L. H. Tucker, of Phoenix, was in Medford last Saturday doing trading. Mr. Tucker is but recently from Eastern Oregon and is living on the farm of E. K. Anderson near Phoenix, which place he contemplates purchasing. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 2, 1894, page 3 Phoenix Items.
J. R.
Reames spent Sunday in Phoenix.BY MANAFRAIDOFABEAR. Jo. Hammersley paid Phoenix a visit Saturday. Rufus Phelps attended the ball in Phoenix Saturday evening. Capt. Smith is first on the list to get in garden truck, as usual Charles Hukill, who cut his toe off some time ago, is still on crutches. Lena Dunlap was down from Ashland last week visiting her parents. Mrs. Bert Mills came up from Medford Saturday to pay friends in Phoenix a visit. Mrs. J. Nyswaner, who has been dangerously ill for two weeks past, is now out of danger. J. R. Reames was re-elected director of this district and Mr. Lerms' clerk for the ensuing year. Prof. Sherrill, who is teaching the Enterprise School, spent Saturday and Sunday in Phoenix. Gus Epps went down to Medford the day after the fire, and came back with a new suit of clothes. Geo. and Johnny Wright sport a new buggy now, and some of the less fortunate boys have to take a back seat. The subscription school, opened by Prof. Stevens, started in with about thirty-four or thirty-five scholars. Rev. White, from Texas, delivered an interesting sermon on last Sabbath, to a large and appreciative audience. Mr. Fidler and family, consisting of two boys and a girl, arrived in Phoenix last week, and are located in the Morton house. A child was burned almost fatally a few days ago, up on the Hockenjos place, near Phoenix. Have not learned name or particulars. Theo. Engle has been blowing out stumps with dynamite, with success. Theodore is getting quite a large piece of ground cleared. Thad. Powell passed through Phoenix Friday on his way back from Douglas County where he has been looking after the cattle business. Jim Briner was over from the Cinnabar mine a few days last week. He has the tunnel in 90 feet, and prospects are flattering. Jim is a stayer and deserves success. Jo. Anderson and Crit Tolman are pushing work on their quartz mill on Wagner Creek, and will soon be ready to commence crushing rock which is supposed to be rich. Mart. Baker has bought Hammersley's place in Phoenix, consisting of four acres of fruit land, house, barn, etc., and rumor has it--well, I won't say what rumor says, because Mart. denies it. Riley Hammersley and family returned from Grants Pass Thursday where he had been to attend court, and his friends were all pleased to learn that everything was settled favorably to Riley. A deer was run down out of the mountains by dogs one day last week and captured in Doc. West's field. Parties who have hounds should keep them tied up, as it is against the law to allow them to run deer. Owen Dunlap and Gus Epps have announced their intention of giving a grand mask ball in Phoenix on March 30th. Tickets will be 50 cents, and supper at Mrs. Griffin's 25 cents each. Everybody is requested to come masked. The Mother Hubbard ball given here last week was one of the nicest held here in a long time. The lunch given by Mrs. Griffin was said to be fine by those who claim to know. Jo. Bradford, a brother of Mrs. John Wright, arrived here from Kansas a few days ago on a visit and is at present down near Woodville, accompanied by Mrs. Wright, visiting Mrs. Mathews another sister. Mr. B. reports fine weather in Kansas when he left. Elmer Coleman had a runaway a few days ago, which wound up by killing one of his horses. He left the team in the field hitched to the plow to go to the house on some errand, and while he was gone the section or track superintendent came along on his bicycle which frightened them. Mr. White, of Coleman County, Texas, arrived in Phoenix last week accompanied by his family. Mr. W. is seeking a better country than Texas, and will try Rogue River Valley a year or so before he buys land to be sure he has found it. Mr. White is a friend and near neighbor of Mr. Hughes and Mr. Calhoun, also lately from Texas. Medford Mail, March 23, 1894, page 4 Phoenix Flashes.
Miss Ida
Naylor visited Phoenix Tuesday.BY MANAFRAIDOFABEAR. Miss Ida Taylor paid Phoenix a visit Wednesday. Several Medfordites were in our city the past week. Mart Baker paid Jacksonville a business visit Saturday. The last high water damaged the Weeks ditch considerable. Mr. White bought a fine team of horses last week of Clint. Stewart. Miss Myrtle Griffin paid Griffin Creek a visit Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. I. Wright returned home from Woodville on Tuesday of last week. L. A. Rose has several men out on the roads and is doing some good work. The infant child of Warren Howard died Thursday and was buried Friday afternoon. Phoenix is without a minister at present. Rev. Haworth tried it a week and gave it up. Miss Minerva Naylor has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Griffin, for the past two weeks. Cora Taylor and wife spent two or three days visiting in Phoenix the forepart of last week. Rev. Mr. White has rented the Hammersley place in Phoenix and took possession last Monday. A little child belonging to Mr. Razon, living near Phoenix, died Tuesday and was buried Wednesday. J. Wiley has rented Eben Carver's pasture and has turned his cattle in that he has been feeding all winter. A drummer stopped over in Phoenix and attended the mask ball. A number of mashes were made, of course. Ben Hukill cracks peanuts at a different gate, nowadays, from the one he used to lean over--but of course, it is only temporary. Tom Hammersley was up to attend the ball Friday evening. Tom is a dandy in the ball room and helps to make things pleasant. Mr. Kirby's child that was so seriously burned last week is still in a critical condition, and doubts are entertained of its recovery. Jim Briner moved out from the Cinnabar mine this week and will go to the Hammersley mine to work. Jim is a good hand and they did well when they engaged his services. Bert Mills let his fingers get in contact with a chisel the other day. It didn't hurt the chisel any but cut two of his fingers severely, but however, not bad enough to stop him from working. Riley Hammersley left for the "Jumpoff Joe" mine last week to put things in order preparatory to going to work as soon as the receiver turns over the mine. Riley says he is in it now, and feels happy, of course. The deputy sheriff was here on Saturday summoning witnesses before the grand jury and there is considerable speculation indulged in by the residents of Phoenix as to the cause, but it hasn't been figured out at this writing. The masquerade ball at Phoenix Friday evening, March 30th, was decidedly the finest dance held in our city for many years. An immense crowd was present, a large number of whom were masked. Everything passed off smooth and nice. Crit Tolman and John Griffin had a bear chase last week which lasted all day and well into the night with the result that his bearship came off victorious, after slapping one of the dogs into the middle of next week. It is seldom that a bear gets the best of this combination, but he did it this time, and no mistake. Carver Smith and Bill Bain were arrested last week at the instance of Frank Robbins for disturbing a religious meeting. The trial was held Saturday in Justice Foudray's court and resulted in the acquittal of the defendants, after a jury trial. Fred Furry, H. Stancliff, Ed. Anderson, Wm. Coleman, H. Hukill and J. Wiley were the jurymen. Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 4 Phoenix Flashes.
Walbridge paid Jacksonville a visit
last week.BY MANAFRAIDOFABEAR. Mr. Jacobs, of Ashland, paid Phoenix a visit Friday. Mary Stancliff has gone to Ashland to remain a while. Bill Coleman was in town Friday--the first time in a week. Mrs. J. Griffin paid Mrs. Betty Hamlin a visit, Wednesday. Johnny Wright has gone to California, to work in the mines. Wm. Hamlin, of Woodville precinct, is up visiting his father. Mrs. Smalley was at Medford last week, the guest of Mrs. H. Kelley. Rev. Ira Wakefield, who has been very ill, is now able to be around again. Tom Hammersley passed through Phoenix on his way to Ashland, Friday. Several Phoenixites have been spraying this week, and making gardens and so forth. Miss Mina Stoops is teaching school in the Anderson district and is getting along finely. Philip Mullen, of the Spencer mine, was in Phoenix Friday, visiting Riley Hammersley. Owen Dunlap is thinking of going down to the Hammersley mine to work, in the near future. Riley Hammersley is back from "Jumpoff Joe" and will commence work in earnest next week Mr. Patterson, who bought a piece of the Fish land near Phoenix, has the same cleared and plowed, ready for a corn crop. Mrs. Martha Matthews and two daughters came up Wednesday from Woodville, to pay relatives in Phoenix a visit. Jeff and Bob Deveney left last week for Siskiyou County, to go to work in the mines for their brother-in-law, Mr. Walters. Manafraidofabear is going out on a bear hunt, so the next time you hear from him perhaps it will be from another locality. Theo. Engle has about half of one field that he cleared this winter, plowed and in grain. Theo. is a rustler, and no mistake. Willis Griffin and wife, Henry Griffin and wife, and Frank True and Milt Kearn were paying Phoenix a visit once evening last week. Mrs. Mary Griffin, of Wilderville precinct, daughter of Jas. Hamlin, arrived Wednesday evening to attend her father, who is seriously ill and not expected to survive long. Andrew and Hugh Calhoun, Lawrence Griffin and Walter Nyswaner are chopping wood on Bill Coleman's land, in the absence of other work. These boys are all under twelve, and are to be commended for their rustling qualities. Start in early, boys, and you will always have plenty. Mr. Creed, a populist speaker, was here Thursday evening and spoke to a small audience at the alliance hall. It seems that Mr. Creed is dissatisfied with the way the people's party ignored the preferential vote, and is trying to get their forces together and straighten things out. Medford Mail, April 13, 1894, page 4 Phoenix Flashes.
Gus Epps
was at Medford Monday.BY RUNABOUT. Charley Hukill paid Medford a visit Sunday. Born--April 10, 1894, to the wife of H. Berger, a son. J. B. Griffin has gone to the Hammersley mine to work. Mrs. A. Lamb paid Medford a visit one day this week. Miss Belle Nyswaner paid friends in Talent a visit Sunday. Mrs. Griffin and Miss Neva Naylor paid Medford a visit Friday. Misses Ida and Bertha Naylor paid Phoenix a short visit Sunday. Miss Orpha Griffin was the guest of Miss Lena Hamlin Saturday. Owen Dunlap started for the Hammersley mines Friday, where he is going to work. Mr. Joe Bradford, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Wright, started for his home in Kansas Friday. Mr. Kirby's child, that was so seriously burned, is still in a critical condition, but there are hopes of its recovery. Eben Carver, Charley Short, Walter Stancliff and Jode Smith attended the miners' dance at Ashland last Saturday night. There was a play party gotten up at Mrs. Smalley's by Effie Wright and Lizzie Critchlow Monday evening. There was not a very large crowd, but just enough to have a nice time. Medford Mail, April 20, 1894, page 2 Phoenix Items.
Miss Laura
Wright has returned home from
Ashland, to remain.BY STATUS. Mrs. L. A. Rose has been very ill for the past week, but at present is much improved. Mr. Stockburger is ill at his daughter's, Mrs. W. F. Towne. Drs. Pickel and Geary are in attendance. The fruit crop will be light in this section, owing to the late frost. Some of our fruit growers console themselves by advocating the theory that it will work a hardship on the codling moth. Last Sunday Henry Curby, of Anderson Creek, attempted to ride a bucking horse, the animal became unmanageable and rearing up, fell backwards. Mr. C.'s foot caught fast in the stirrup and he was dragged some distance. Fortunately, his boot came off and he escaped with slight bruises. Medford Mail, May 18, 1894, page 4 Dr. G. B. Cole, formerly of the firm of Cole and Jones, of Medford, has located in Phoenix for the practice of his profession. The doctor has a goodly number of friends hereabouts who will be pleased to know that he has moved no further from them than Phoenix. The doctor will also carry a small stock of drugs for the accommodation of the people generally, and his own convenience. Mr. Hughes, recently from Texas, and now residing with his family at Phoenix, met with an accident Tuesday morning which came near resulting fatally. He was crossing the millrace and stepped onto the side of a board which turned under his foot and he was thrown down, striking his left side on the upturned edge of the board. One rib was broken and a contusion of the kidney and spleen was caused. His life was despaired of during all of Tuesday and the night following, but he was reported a little easier Wednesday noon and the hemorrhage, caused by the contusion, somewhat less. Dr. Cole is attending him. "News of the City," Medford Mail, June 1, 1894, page 3 Jesse Cotton, residing near Coquille, over on the coast, is visiting his son, J. P. Cotton, and family, up at Phoenix. Mr. Cotton is figuring on disposing of his ranch property on the coast and moving to the Rogue River Valley. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 6, 1894, page 3 Phoenix Items.
Frank Towne is preparing to cover his
hay scales.John Nyswaner has returned home from his trip east of the mountains. Bert Hukill has repainted his buggy. Who says he isn't in it? J. W. Patrick has returned from the Hammersley mines. Owen and Clarence Dunlap have gone to Klamath County to work during the harvest season. Gus Newbury has the brick on the ground preparative to laying the foundation of his new house. Mr. Edsall made us a call last week. The gentleman is making preparations to build a new house up on Butte Creek. E. W. Carver is busy binding grain. Eben is a hustler. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Epps made Medford a visit last week. Geo. is making preparations to build a new house. Valley Record, Ashland, July 26, 1894, page 1 Phoenix Happenings.
O. Kahler
is home from the mines.BY PECK'S BAD BOY. Frank Rufson is going into the mill business soon. Henry Stancliff intends to build a fine house at no distant date. John Coleman has been quite ill, but is some better. Dr. Cole is attending him. Clarence Dunlap is in from Bly. He intends having his blacksmith tools sent there soon. The dance given by A. Anderson Saturday night was a grand success, and the music was fine. Dr. G. B. Cole is doing a fine lot of clearing on his place--getting ready to plant hops in the spring. Medford Mail, October 26, 1894, page 4 Phoenix Happenings.
Hukill is improving from his recent
illness.BY PECK'S BAD BOY. Wm. Chastain came over from Klamath last Saturday. Frank Robison has moved his barber shop to Talent. Henry Stancliff is doing considerable building these times. George Epps will leave this week for Applegate, where he will do a turn at mining. John Stewart as a bicyclist is nothing slow. His time, on that new wheel, is not given out but it is hurrying Zigler right swift. Phoenix is said to be a quiet old place, but she is dear to the heart of many of the early day settlers. While the place is quiet in many respects she is a cyclone at grinding out weddings, and we will put her up against any town in the valley. Medford Mail, November 23, 1894, page 4 Died--The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lamb, of Phoenix, died yesterday morning, February 14, 1895, aged about 8 years. Deceased was sick only since Sunday, and Dr. Wait was called Wednesday and found a case of malignant diphtheria too far advanced to be checked. No other cases are reported in the vicinity. South Oregon Monitor, February 15, 1895, page 3 Southern Oregon Historical Society Research Library M77F2 Diphtheria at Phoenix.
Since the
death of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lamb's little
girl, last week, from malignant diphtheria two more cases are reported.
One is that of little Clifford Beckett, aged 4 or 5 years, and the
other is an 8-year-old son of Mr. Norton's. Both are considered
and great precautions are being taken to prevent the spreading of the
dreadful disease. Some of the new remedy for this disease, anti-toxin,
was sent for but could not be procured at Portland.South Oregon Monitor, February 19, 1895, page 3 Southern Oregon Historical Society Research Library M77F2 Phoenix Items.
Crops are
looking exceedingly well.BY C. C. La grippe is quite prevalent in this vicinity. The prospects for a large fruit crop are good. The eight-year-old son of W. Coleman is ill with diphtheria. Our school closes May 3rd, the same having been very satisfactory thus far. About eighty acres of garden land in this vicinity is being planted this spring. Ira Wakefield's greenhouse attracts a great deal of attention--everything in full bloom. Mrs. Lora Good is having her place improved, which she purchased from Hulda Colver. Several families have arrived in our neighborhood this week, and are looking for homes, among them being one from Nebraska and one from Portland. Much valuable land is being cleared along the Bear Creek bottom this spring, which includes about fifteen acres belonging to Dr. Cole and Mr. Beckett, which they intend gardening. Subscribe for the Mail. You will find it to be the best paper in the county. The editor is a gentleman in every respect. (Any you fellows got a hat stretcher you are not using for a few days?--Ed.) Medford Mail, April 19, 1895, page 2 Phoenix Items.
C. Carey
spent last week with friends
at Leeds.BY C. C. This, our garden spot of Eden land, is looking immense. Diphtheria has disappeared and the general health is comparatively good. Wm. Taggart has removed from Leeds to Talent, having leased his place at Leeds. Mrs. N. M. Taggart has been spending a week in Phoenix, visiting relatives, Mr. and Mrs. C. Carey. K. McTavish, who has the contract for building Henry Baley's residence, is placing the material on the ground. Our school closed last Friday. The closing exercises were good and showed conclusively that the teachers had performed their work faithfully and well. M. L. Pellett, the Talent melon grower, has planted about twenty acres of melons. He expects to ship a portion of the product to other markets. Wm. Abbott, owner of the Wagner Creek sawmill, has purchased the necessary machinery for a first-class planer, to be run in connection with the sawmill. Medford Mail, May 10, 1895, page 8 Notes from Eden Precinct.
Charles Anderson is visiting with
her mother in Roseburg.BY FARMER. Mesdames Gallaher and Bennett started Tuesday for Grants Pass with a hackload of dried fruit. The farmers are just getting a nice start at haying. Soon the music of the sickle will be heard on all sides. W. T. York, the Mail's manager, paid these parts a flying visit Tuesday. Come again, Mr. York, when you can stay longer. Judging from the many beautiful bouquets clipped from Mrs. Bennett's flower garden for the neighbors, the sick rooms, picnics, etc., one would naturally conclude that flowers can be successfully grown in the country without irrigation. A budded rose bearing six varieties of roses from a single center stock is one of Mrs. B.'s novelties. Quite a crowd of young people gathered at Mrs. Gallaher's last Friday evening to spend the evening in social chat, with ice cream and fruit sandwiched in at intervals to suit the crowd. That they had a good time goes without saying. Those present were: C. E. Stewart, Thora and Wilfred Smith, Effie, Belle and Will Mills, Mina Stoops, Lily and Fred Edsall, Lena and Ed. Hamlin, Reuben Daw, Sarah Copeland, Rose Chapman, Mrs. M. E. Hamlin, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Bennett and little girls, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Stewart. Last Friday Miss Amy Cantrall closed a very successful three months' term of school in District No. 15. Thirty-seven visitors and the school enjoyed a splendid picnic dinner which the good ladies of the neighborhood had prepared and spread beneath a shady oak. A good programme was prepared for the afternoon, consisting of dialogues, recitations, songs and instrumental music. Over two hours was required to complete the exercises, which were delivered in a way that spoke loud words of praise for both teacher and pupils. Medford Mail, June 14, 1895, page 8 Notes from Eden Precinct.
Miss Mary
Anderson, of Medford, is
spending a few days with her uncle, J. W. Mills.BY FARMER. Mr. and Mrs. Lozier and son Ralph, of Medford, spent Sunday with friends in the Eden part of the valley. Rev. David Brower, of Talent, will speak at the Independent schoolhouse morning and evening next Sunday. Rev. J. Worley preached at the schoolhouse last Sunday morning, and will preach again the third Sunday in July. Miss Cantrall, of Applegate, was quite a favorite with both old and young, and many are hoping she will be with us again next fall to take charge of our school. Some say don't monkey with a buzz-saw, but Tom Edsall's version of it is don't monkey with a saw-log. Tom is getting along nicely, patiently waiting for the broken leg to grow strong. J. H. Stewart is making preparations for enlarging his already spacious packing house, and is also laying plans for a large drier to handle his fine crop of prunes and the culls from the packing house. Where are you going to spend the Fourth? is heard on all sides. We had such a splendid time at our little picnic in the mountains last year that some haven't forgotten it and are talking picnic, while others talk Medford. If the picnic talk weakens, look out, for it will be Medford or bust. Medford Mail, June 21, 1895, page 8 Notes from Eden Precinct.
new mining claims are being
worked on Coleman Creek.BY FARMER. W. M. Smith has finished his early peach crop and reports good returns. Miss Rose Chapman is visiting with her parents on Griffin Creek this week. Ed. Hamlin and Marion Lorene started for Sprague River in Klamath County Monday. Mesdames Gallaher and Hamlin took a flying trip to Sterling Monday and found a market for several boxes of peaches. Miss Sarah Kinney, of Central Point, who has been visiting with friends in these parts, returned home Sunday. Allow us to congratulate you. The Mail is now the official paper and it goes without saying it is THE NEWSPAPER of Southern Oregon. The header crews are busy early and late, gathering in the golden grain, and Eden don't take a back seat when fine wheat fields are mentioned. Medford Mail, July 19, 1895, page 8 Notes from Eden Precinct.
Hamlin, of Grants Pass, was
visiting friends and relatives in these parts last week.BY FARMER. Weldon and Clint Hartley, of Griffin Creek, spent Sunday visiting old friends in these parts. Some of our good people attended the Sunday school picnic at Phoenix last Thursday and report a pleasant time. Mrs. M. E. Hamlin, of this place, spent Sunday with the families of W. F. Griffin and L. Murphy, on Griffin Creek. J. D. Anderson and children started Tuesday for a few days' fishing and pleasure excursion on Butte Creek and upper Rogue River. W. S. Chapman, of Griffin Creek, and N. S. Bennett, of this place, started Monday to take a week or ten days outing on upper Rogue River. A few families, of this neighborhood, had an ice cream party last Saturday evening, each family sharing expenses. They met at J. D. Anderson's, and it goes without saying all had a good time. Those present were J. D. Anderson and family, J. A. Copeland and family, Mrs. M. E. Hamlin and daughter, Lena, N. S. Bennett and family, Rose Chapman, W. M. Smith's family and Fred Edsall. Medford Mail, August 9, 1895, page 8 Notes from Eden Precinct.
and Chapman came in Friday with
five deer in their sack.BY FARMER. Mr. Riggs has been on the sick list for a few days, but is improving very fast. L. A. Murphy and family, of Griffin Creek, spent Sunday with Mrs. M. F. Hamlin. S. H. Sykes has added a new drier to his fruit farm, and will do his own drying this season. A California man has bought several lots of pears in this section and will ship from Phoenix. Rev. Brower, of Talent, will preach at the Independent school house, the 24th, at 11 o'clock. A. J. Hamlin and family have moved to Medford and a Mr. and Mrs. Fish will manage things on the farm. J. H. Stewart's new dryer is nearly completed and the wheels will soon begin to roll on the Eden Valley Orchard. J. D. Anderson and family returned last week from their outing tour on Butte Creek, but without any fish. Too hot, you know. A slight shortage in the hay crop is making the farmers look to their corn fields to make up the shortage. Most of the corn in this section will be saved for fodder. Many young orchards will add, for the first time, to the already large shipments from this section and will bring in several of those shiners that make most people smile to possess. Quite a crowd gathered at the school house last Sunday to hear Rev. Merley. The reverend gentleman failed to "show up," so the young people spent a pleasant hour with song. Tom Edsall is patiently waiting the time when he can hobble about on that once broken leg. He is improving slowly, and his many friends will rejoice when Patient Tom can be around again. Will Chapman and Mr. Gallaher very narrowly escaped serious injuries while blasting in the latter's well. Will received an ugly scalp would. Mr. G. was more fortunate and got off with a black eye. Medford Mail, August 23, 1895, page 2 Notes from Eden Precinct.
Copeland has gone to the Tule Lake
country with a load of Eden's choice fruit.BY FARMER. Mills' young people returned Tuesday from their visit to Klamath County. Miss Amy Wilson returned to Medford Tuesday after a short visit with her aunt, Mrs. M. E. Hamlin. Mr. Robinson, the Fort Klamath peddler, was in this part Wednesday gathering up a mixed load of Eden's choice products. The ladies are leaving nothing undone which would add interest or pleasure to the ice cream social at the school house Sept. 5th, and their efforts should be well rewarded. Fruit picking and packing is here to stay for several weeks, and if anybody should ask if Eden had a good fruit crop this season, you might just as well say immense--and let that settle it. Medford Mail, August 30, 1895, page 8 Phoenix Shavings.
Calhoun, of Antelope, is moving
into the John Edsall house.A Mr. Smith and family, of Sams Valley, have moved into the Holton house. The roads are lined with grain haulers--some going to Medford and some to Ashland. School commences next Monday. There will then not be so many children on the streets. We have quite a number of wheels in and around Phoenix. I counted six last Sunday evening. O. Dunlap has refitted his little store and painted the front room--and it looks deucedly cozy. Oscar and Ed Stinson were in town this week, having brought a load of household goods for our butcher. A hackload of young people from Phoenix attended a social recently at the Chaparral school house--and report a jolly, good time. Born--September 9th, to the wife of D. W. Burch, a 9-pound girl. As this is the first girl, D. W. steps high. Mrs. Burch and baby are getting along nicely. Mr. Majors, of Anderson Creek, was in town this week, having just returned from Modoc County, Calif. While over there he was unfortunate enough to lose everything he had by fire. Medford Mail, September 13, 1895, page 2 Notes from Eden Precinct.
Ed. Hamlin
returned Tuesday from Sprague
River.BY FARMER. The ranchers have commenced corn-feeding their porkers. Rev. J. Merley preached at the school house last Sunday. J. H. Stewart has finished packing his large crop of pears. Wm. Hamlin, of Grants Pass, visited relatives here the first of the week. Our school started Monday week, with Miss Amy Cantrall, of Applegate, at the desk. After spending a few days at home J. Copeland started again for Klamath County with fruit. The recent rains wet the stubble fields deep enough in places to make tolerable good plowing. Some very fine grapes are being marketed from Eden--something like those we have read about. J. D. Anderson purchased a new grader and started his Carson dryer Tuesday of last week. Mr. A. is now prepared to turn out a first-class article of dried fruit. M. L. Hartley, of Griffin Creek, will assist Mr. A. during the drying season. Rev. Merley delivered an interesting talk on "Conscience" at the school house last Saturday. He will preach again the 3rd Sunday in October. Marion Hartley has returned to his home on Griffin Creek to help his father build his new dryer. N. S. Bennet is now second man at the Anderson dryer, which is being run day and night. The ice cream social at the schoolhouse the 5th was a decided success. The house was well filled with both old and young, and all seemed to enjoy the social very much. The ladies made ample preparations and there was nothing wanting to make it a pleasant evening for all present. The waiters were kept busy till after 12 o'clock, which fact is sufficient evidence that the ice cream, cake and lemonade were first class. The tables were supplied with well-filled dishes of choice fruits and large bouquets of cut flowers. The net receipts were $18.28, a part of which will be given to the ministers who have preached for us during the summer, and the rest will probably be used to purchase lighting for the school house. Medford Mail, September 20, 1895, page 2 Phoenix Shavings.
There is
to be a dance given at
Colver's Hall next Saturday night.Uncle Billy Wilson has returned from Klamath Falls, where himself and family have been for a few days upon pleasure bent. Thos. Barr and family have moved into one of J. Norton's residences on Main Street. The move is made that the children may be nearer the school. Mr. Patterson and his son, living on the Fish property, west of town, are both ill with malarial fever. Dr. C. B. Cole, of Phoenix, is the attending physician. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Kahler were up from Tolo last week visiting relatives and friends. They have now returned to Tolo, where Mr. K. has employment in the Tolo mine. Born--To the wife of Samuel Murphy, on September 11th, an eight-pound girl baby. Mother and daughter are doing fine and Samuel is rejoicing because that he now has both a boy and a girl. School opened Monday morning with Prof. Chase as principal and Miss Cheney as assistant, or primary teacher. There are thirty pupils enrolled in the high school and sixty in the primary department. There is not a vacant house in Phoenix. All are filled with families who have children and nearly all the children are attending school. There will be a crowd at our school building when they all attend if your correspondent is not mistaken in his guess. Medford Mail, September 20, 1895, page 2 Phoenix Shavings.
Nellie Towne has gone to Eugene to
attend school.Captain Dunlap's people were out from Jacksonville last Sunday for a visit. Mr. Patterson is able to be about again, while Clyde is able to attend school. Been cold as blazes for the last few days. (Been deucedly pleasant down here.--Ed.) E. Sheridan is visiting his uncle, Mr. Smalley. They are now out on Butte Creek fishing. Mrs. O'Toole and daughter have returned from their quite extended visit in San Francisco. Joe Smith returned last Sunday from his visit to California, where he has been doing manual labor. The Salvation Army was to have been here last week, but "halo" army. I figure they figured there was no salvation for Gasburg, but that's where they fall short of their reckoning. Medford Mail, September 27, 1895, page 2 Phoenix Shavings.
S. H.
Holt, our senator, is at Salem this
week attending the fair.One of Clint Cary's children has been very ill, but is getting better now. Mrs. H. T. Lyon and baby have been quite ill. Dr. G. B. Cole is in attendance. Messrs. Burch and Turner have gone to their ranch, above Ashland, to be gone a few days. Carpenter McTavish is under the weather somewhat, in consequence of which F. Towne's house is going up very slowly. Chas. Short and wife, Wm. Short and the Misses Holt were over on the river fishing recently and had very good luck. Our school is progressing splendidly. The scholars are well pleased with the teachers and there is a large attendance. Messrs. Lyon, Burch, Turpin and Lyon have just returned from Elk Creek, where they have been in quest of mountain trout. One of Dr. Kahler's sons returned from Eastern Oregon this week, where he has been for some time. Rogue River is the best place yet--so he states. Medford Mail, October 4, 1895, page 2 Phoenix Shavings.
J. M.
Stinson's baby has been
very ill, but is improving some.Messrs. Calhoun, French and Turner have gone below Grants Pass with a load of dried fruit. Lawrence Dunlap came over from Lakeview last Friday. He has come to stay--Phoenix is his home. Geo. Williams and family have moved to Phoenix. As houses are scarce they are tenting north of town. A Mr. Fish, from Klamath County, has bought the corner lot in front of Hinkle's shop and will build on it right away. Geo. Wise has returned from California, having sold his place there. He has rented a livery stable in Gold Hill and moved thereto this week. John Laurie and family are camped up by the depot--houses are a scarce article in Phoenix--tenting is all right and quite the fad. Little Louie Grissum is up and can walk around by the aid of crutches. Louie has had a severe time for about six months but by good doctoring he will pull through all right. James Morton and family arrived here last Sunday evening. He aims to remodel his buildings and fix them up in good shape. "Jimmy" lived here before and is well known. Medford Mail, October 11, 1895, page 2 Phoenix Shavings.
There was
a social dance given at
Fisher's last Thursday night.BY PODONY. Mr. Laurie is building a house for "Buck" Anderson on his place west of town. W. C. Lyon is building a house for Mr. Drumhill, on the place he purchased of John Arnold. Wm. Short returned home last Sunday from Little Shasta Valley, where he has been working. He will go back in a week or two. Mr. Fisher has built a house 12x24 on his property--lately purchased of Mrs. Stout. He has returned to Klamath, but Mrs. Fisher and the children are here to stay. J. H. Langston arrived from Elgin, Oregon, last week. He came by wagon and is stopping at present with W. C. Lyon--and will locate in the valley. He is the kind of man needed here. The dance given by Messrs. Carver & Payne last Saturday night was well attended--and enjoyed by all present. Another party will be given by the same gentlemen on Saturday evening of this week. Medford Mail, October 18, 1895, page 2 Notes from Eden Precinct.
Miss Effie
Mills is visiting with friends in Grants Pass.BY FARMER. Miss Amy Cantrall spent Sunday with her mother on Applegate. Nine thousand pounds is about the size of W. Smith's cured prune crop this season. Dr. E. B. Pickel, of Medford, is preparing to erect a new barn on his property here. The farmers are busy husking corn and the orchardists are gathering in the red apples. Wm. Beardsley has marketed over two tons of grapes from the vineyard on the Root place. Rev. E. Russ, of Medford, filled Rev. Merley's appointment at the school house last Sunday. Miss Carrie Anderson, of Klamath County, is visiting with her many friends in this section. The prune crop is nearly all cured and now the dryers will be kept busy for a while drying the cull apples. Amos Lundy came in from Sprague River last week to visit a few days with his sister, Mrs. M. E. Hamlin, and lay in a load of supplies. A very choice grade of apples is being gathered this season, and in more than one instance the quantity far exceeds the owner's fondest expectations. W. K. Anderson is erecting a new house on his property here. Mr. Fraley, of Griffin Creek, has rented the farm and will move in as soon as the house is completed. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Bennet and the two Chapman girls weighed out over 3000 pounds of dried peaches after an eight days' run at the Anderson dryer. The fruit was principally from F. M. Stewart's orchard, the same being nearly his entire crop of Salway peaches. Medford Mail, October 25, 1895, page 7 Notes from Eden Precinct.
farmers are dry seeding in their
stock fields.BY FARMER. Rev. Brower, of Talent, preached morning and evening at the schoolhouse Sunday. Mrs. Copeland was on the sick list a few days but is again enjoying good health. Mrs. G. W. Stoops is in Portland. After the exposition closes she will remain awhile visiting with her sister. J. D. Anderson and boys are over on Sticky this week doing fall work on the farm Mr. A. rented of Geo. Isaacs. Miss Cantrall closed her school a few days last week and joined a crowd of Jacksonville friends to take in the sights at Portland. Some are very well pleased with the dry fall, but those who have a large acreage of wheat to sow are getting anxious for the rainy season. After spending a week visiting with friends here, Mrs. Plants and family, of Klamath County, started Monday for Iowa, where they will join husband and father and make the Hawkeye State their future home. Thos. Edsall was out visiting Sunday. This is his first time away from home since last May, when he was brought in from the Messinger saw mill, in the Dead Indian country, with his leg badly crushed. Tom has been confined to his bed nearly all the summer, and we are glad to note that he is able to be around again. Medford Mail, November 8, 1895, page 8 Phoenix Items.
E. W.
Carver killed thirty head of hogs
and aims to bacon them.Jonas Justice was over last week after a load of supplies for Klamath. Mrs. H. T. Lyon and children are visiting at Mrs. S. Kates, on Griffin Creek. Mrs. Netherland, of Talent, is seriously ill. Dr. Cole is the attending physician. Mr. Wiley has gone to San Francisco with a carload each of cattle and hogs. This is his first shipment this fall. There was an oyster supper at the Colver Hall last Saturday night. Not a very large crowd in attendance, but a good time. Medford Mail, November 29, 1895, page 6 Notes from Eden Precinct.
C. E.
Stewart is packing apples this week.BY FARMER. The young people had a very pleasant time Tuesday evening at the dance given by T. F. Mills. A gentleman from Santa Clara County, Calif., was in this section Monday looking for a location. The farmers' smiles are almost audible, now the fields are again moist deep enough for good plowing. There was a dance at Artie Anderson's after the school entertainment and was attended by quite a large crowd of young people. Miss Amy Cantrall closed her second term of successful school here Wednesday. A free entertainment was given by the school in the evening. There was a good attendance and all seemed to enjoy the two hours of songs, recitations, dialogues, instrumental music and tableaux. Then came the cake and apples by the basketful and if there was anyone who did not have a good time and get plenty of cake and apples it was their own fault, for the good ladies did their part. The stage collapsed during the exercises, turning over two lamps, which resulted in a stampede of the audience but in a few minutes all was calm again and no harm was done except to a couple of large lamps and the stage carpet.--Mr. Ed., I was requested to not say anything about this incident, so please don't tell anybody. Medford Mail, December 6, 1895, page 1
Phoenix Shavings.
Langston was in Phoenix last week
visiting with his sisters.BY PODONY. Wm. Short intends to work on Phillip Mullen's claim again this winter. Some talk is heard about a barber shop in town--something that is needed. There is some talk of Joe Anderson putting a hydraulic pipe into the old '49 Diggings this winter. Coleman Creek is pretty well filled up with prospectors, from Mr. Burnett's place to a point above the falls. Three of M. Wiley's children are afflicted with throat trouble--something like diphtheria, though not contagious, says Dr. Cole. Messrs. Epps & Warren are digging a well on E. W. Carver's place, but it is slow digging and no headway is made without blasting. Ed Turner is back from the Gold Basin mines, where he has been working. He reports about four miles of ditch dug, and says he will return in the spring. The ball given by Carver & Payne on Thanksgiving night was a grand all-round success, while the supper given by Ed. Anderson and Mrs. Lavenburg was the best given in Phoenix for a long time. Medford Mail, December 6, 1895, page 1
Phoenix Shavings.
Beardsley is ill with throat
trouble.BY PODONY. J. H. Langston and son were over visiting friends in the Burg this week. Theo. Engle contemplates starting to Chicago next month, to be absent a short time. Mr. Clements has been very ill, but is improving so as be able to get up to the post office again. There is a good deal of sickness of one kind and another around now, but no contagions reported. Mr. Wiley's family is getting better. Mrs. Wiley is up and around after a three months' illness. Bert Hukill was brought home from Medford last week. Bert has had a long siege of it, and his friends are hoping for his early recovery. Justin Morton, father of our James, has been quite ill at the home of his son, but is improving somewhat. Warren Howard is sick with pleurisy in the side. It is an old complaint troubling him when he has a cold. Messrs. Barr, Beardsley and Wright have returned from their hunt. They were not very successful--nothing but a coyote. Cap Dunlap contemplates putting a quartz mill near Tolo at his mines. Cap has good prospects for gold, his rock running $20 to the ton. Born, to the wife of Chas. Hukill, on the 8th inst., an eleven-pound boy. Mother and son getting along splendidly and Chas.--he smiles. Medford Mail, December 13, 1895, page 2 Notes from Eden Precinct.
Tom Edsall
is visiting with his many
friends on Butte Creek.BY FARMER. Miss Mabel Chapman, of Griffin Creek, spent a few days last week with Eden friends. There is some talk of having a Christmas tree at our school house--hope the talk will materialize. Miss Rosa Chapman, who is making her home with her sister, Mrs. Bennett, left Sunday to spend a part of the winter with her parents on Griffin Creek. Geary Nosker, a former resident of this section, but who has spent the past eight or ten years in the Willamette Valley, is visiting with the Edsalls and other old-time friends. Medford Mail, December 13, 1895, page 1 Phoenix Shavings.
Earl Lyon has been quite ill, but
is better now.BY PODONY. Jonas Morton is improving rapidly. Dr. Jones is attending him. Theo. Engle is cutting lots of wood for shipment to Ashland and Medford. Major Healy has left Phoenix and migrated to the southward as far as Talent. Charles Short is up from the Tolo mines, where he has been working. He goes back in a day or so. The dance last Saturday evening was well attended, considering the weather. Twenty-eight numbers were sold. J. W. Wiley returned from 'Frisco Monday evening, where he had been with a stock shipment. It is not reported what success he had. Steve Longfellow had an accident--and yet a narrow escape from a very bad one--last Saturday night as he was returning from Medford. It was quite dark and the team got out of the road and ran into a stump. Steve's foot was caught between the brake beam and stump, and he was otherwise bruised. Medford Mail, December 20, 1895, page 2 Phoenix Shavings.
Some snow
but no sleighing.BY PODONY. Phillip Muller is over from California and is stopping at Hotel Epps. Steve Longfellow's foot has improved so that he can walk around some. Grandma Stout went to San Francisco last week, to stay all winter. Miss Carrie Langston has gone to Medford to remain--and is living with the family of Rev. Jenkins. Wm. Wright is at home this week and is on the sick list. Charlie is taking his place at Weeks Brothers. Captain Dunlap and Warren Howard are blasting a well or shaft on Carver's place--looking for pay dirt. Messrs. J. H. Stewart and C. Kleinhammer shipped a car of apples, containing 600 boxes, to London, England, this week. Miss Nellie Towne returned home this week from Eugene where she has been attending school. She will return to school after the holidays. It is reported that Dick Payne and Miss Mary Wilson, daughter of Uncle Billy Wilson, were married last Sunday at the residence of the bride's parents. There have been twenty-four cars of fruit shipped from Gasburg this season. J. H. Stewart shipped nineteen of them himself. How is that for Phoenix, and Southern Oregon Medford Mail, December 27, 1895, page 1 Notes from Eden Precinct.
Several of
our young people took in the
dance at Phoenix Christmas Eve.BY FARMER. N. S. Bennett and family spent Christmas with Mrs. B.'s parents, of Griffin Creek. Some of the old settlers predict "fine weather in February," and many people anticipate it with pleasure. Still the porkers are being driven to market. Last week J. D. Anderson sold to the packing company in Medford a drove of hogs which weighed 12,200 pounds. Someone visited W. M. Smith's smokehouse a few nights since and helped themselves to the bacon and lard, but, sorry to say, failed to leave their card. We are ashamed to send such an article from a land of plenty and where the helping hand is always extended. The little accident which occurred at the close of our school has been enlarged upon, until we learn from valley papers it was a narrow escape from being a repetition of the Silver Lake horror on Christmas a year ago. There is someone who is either practicing space writing or suffering with an enlarged imagination bump. The Christmas exercises at the schoolhouse was a very pleasant affair. The house was nicely decorated. The program, though short, was well rendered. Smiles chased the lines of care from the older faces when the children were receiving, with loud expressions of delight, the presents from the well-laden tree. Medford Mail, December 27, 1895, page 1 Phoenix Shavings.
Carrie Langston is visiting her
parents on Griffin Creek.BY PODONY. Mr. Payne is very ill, but [we] did not learn what is the matter. John Nyswaner, who lives over on Rogue River, is visiting friends around the burg. Mr. Clements is quite ill, and made a trip to Medford Saturday to interview the doctor. Mr. Caran is ill. He is one of the pioneers of Southern Oregon, being somewhere in the eighties. James Briner is working his hydraulic pump. He expects to make a good thing out of it if the water holds out. Mr. Langston contemplates going to Kansas in the spring--going by wagon. A long trip to make in that way, but it has been done all right. The dance given by E. W. Carver New Year's Eve was well attended, considering the fact that the dance was not thought of until about noon Tuesday. About thirty couples were present. The well on Corner's place east of Phoenix, of which mention has been made, is liable to prove something more than just a well. The prospects for coal are said to be good. Will tell you more later on. Medford Mail, January 10, 1896, page 2 Phoenix Shavings.
Uncle John
Coleman has moved into his
new residence.BY PODONY. Miss Francis Grissum was visiting with Miss Sloper this week. Dr. Cole and M. K. Fisher were over on Applegate last week looking after their mining interests. Mr. T. Edwards has moved into the John Mills house. They formerly lived on Capt. Smith's place north of Talent. Born, to the wife of B. F. Jackson, on January 8th a ten and one-half pound girl. Mother and baby getting along nicely. Died, in Phoenix, January 12, 1896, of catarrh of the lungs, James Egbert Hukill. He was born in Arkansas June 14th, 1870, and was 25 years, 6 months and 28 days old. He came to Oregon in 1881, was well known all over the county, was a good and obedient son and was liked by everybody. He leaves, besides a father, brother and sister, a host of friends who sincerely regret their loss. Rev. C. H. Hoxie conducted the funeral ceremonies. Died--near Phoenix, January 8, 1896, of pneumonia fever, Mr. E. W. Carver, aged 91 years, 1 month and 7 days. He was born on Fox Island, off the eastern coast of Maine, December 1, 1804. When a boy--in 1812--he saw the British fleets in the Atlantic off the coast of Maine. He went to Illinois in 1838; from thence to Iowa in 1844 and in 1866 he removed to California. In 1867 he came to Southern Oregon, hence has been an Oregonian for nearly 29 years. The life of Mr. Carver has been an unusually long one, and his life-trials have doubtless been many. He was a member of the Christian Church for over fifty years. Four children and a host of friends are left to mourn his death. May his soul rest in peace. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Ira Wakefield. Medford Mail, January 17, 1896, page 2 Notes from Eden Precinct.
The plows
are again going, and the fields are slowly but surely taking on a
different color.BY FARMER. W. M. Smith, all the same Tennessee, is busy grubbing on the "home run," so to speak, for only a couple of acres remain, and he will have all of his land under cultivation. Miss Lena Hamlin has been quite ill the past week with pneumonia. We are glad to note a marked change for the better, however, and hope for her speedy recovery. Dr. Wait is the attending physician. Facts seem scarce this week, and we don't like to write fakes. There is nothing of special interest going on, just the usual routine of plowing, packing fruit, cutting wood, clearing land, etc. The spraying season will soon be here when the poor little bugs will have to suffer death or long tribulation. Soon we must pay our annual visit to Jacksonville to pay our compliments and our taxes also. The latter are compulsory, or in other words we must all take our turn at the little grist mill, and on leaving we will feel somewhat relieved--financially at least. While we are waiting our grist--for at that time such thoughts would be decidedly in order--let us remember that the Mail has been instrumental in materially reducing our grist, for which let us feel thankful and return the compliment. Medford Mail, January 17, 1896, page 2 Phoenix Shavings.
Burger has been quite ill, but is
improved at time of writing this.BY PODONY. Mrs. Jane Epps is ill with typhoid fever, and under the care of Dr. Cole. Geo. Wise was up from Gold Hill last week, looking about with a view to locating here. Mrs. Anna Edwards is ill with something like spinal meningitis. Dr. Cole is attending. John Shook, of Alkali Valley, Klamath County, is visiting with friends in Phoenix, and looking after his interests here. Weeks & Orr during the last week shipped a car of apples to Oakland one to Los Angeles, making eleven cars shipped by them thus far this season. S. L. Carr, United States land commissioner, stopped at the Hotel Epps this week. He was here looking after some matters connected with government land, and will, it is rumored, wake up some parties near Phoenix. Medford Mail, January 24, 1896, page 5 Notes from Eden Precinct.
Miss Anna
Cantrall, of Applegate, spent a few days last week with Mrs. J. A.
Anderson.BY FARMER. James Hamlin and sister, Nettie, of Grants Pass, were guests of Mrs. M. E. Hamlin the first of the week. Imagine if you can the kind of weather the rest of the world is having when it rains for nearly a week in Eden. Quite a number are "courting" at Jacksonville this week. There seems to be a marked lack of love in the affair, however. Miss Laura Hamlin continues to improve in health, and will probably be able to sit up for awhile by the time this appears. Edward Robertson, better known as the Klamath peddler, is again spending the winter in this valley and Sundayed with friends here. Medford Mail, January 24, 1896, page 5 Phoenix Items.
Wise is moving into the Holton
house.BY PODONY. Theodore Engle shipped a car of wood to Ashland last week. Frank Short was visiting in Gasburg Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Mary Riggs is quite ill. Did not learn what the ailment is. David Dunlap and John Wrisley, from Central Point, were in Phoenix this week. There will be services this week and probably next at the Presbyterian Church by Rev. S. S. Caldwell Some talk of another store in Phoenix soon. Who knows but what Gasburg may be the county seat someday? Some mining is being done on Coleman Creek. Suppose all are making "grub" as they are very attentive to work. Some fish have been caught from Bear Creek since the rains started in, but the boys who do the fishing say that gold will not buy them--they are too hard to get. The dance last Saturday night was one not to be soon forgotten. Everybody seemed to have a good time, and the hall was too well filled for comfort. When Phoenix does aim to have a good dance, she is sure to do it. Medford Mail, January 31, 1896, page 1 Phoenix Shavings.
Weeks is up from San Francisco.A masquerade ball is being talked up for some near future date. George Woody was in town this week visiting with Chas. Hukill. Wm. Robinson is talking of starting home soon. He lives near Bly, Klamath County. B. F. Jackson has been having a serious time with a carbuncle on his neck. He is improved somewhat at this writing. Theo. Engle shipped a couple of cars of wood this week--one to Medford and one to Ashland. The dance last Saturday night was quite well attended. Several were up from Medford. Twenty-four numbers were sold. Harry Cole, of Ashland, Ohio, arrived here the second of this month, on a visit to his father, Dr. G. B. Cole. He will probably locate in Southern Oregon. Clayton Case is here from Klamath County visiting with Uncle Billy Wilson. He intends to go down to the Willamette country, and after disposing of property interests there will locate somewhere in this part of Southern Oregon. Medford Mail, February 7, 1896, page 1 Notes from Eden Precinct.
Frank Reed and Merril Anderson
are attending school in Medford, spending Saturdays and Sundays at home.BY FARMER. W. S. Chapman, of Griffin Creek, stopped last Wednesday night with friends here, while on a business trip to Dry Creek. Rev. Caldwell, of Ashland, preached at the school house last Sunday at 3 p.m. and left an appointment for the first Sunday in March. Wm. Hamlin, who resides on a granite side hill near Grants Pass, was kicking chunks of our sticky farm from his pedal extremities last week. Mr. H. came up on a business trip and is also visiting friends while here. Those parties who have been trapping quail by the score or more had better slow up on the business a little. Any reasonable person wouldn't say a word against the boys having all the sport the world can give, and also a mess of quail occasionally, but when it comes to such wholesale slaughter of our beautiful and harmless game birds as thirty-five at one catch would indicate, we feel that it is high time for someone to speak a word against such recklessness. Medford Mail, February 7, 1896, page 2 Phoenix Items.
Goodell was in Phoenix last Sunday. Come over again,
Oscar.BY PODONY. Owen and Frank Short were visiting with relatives in Phoenix last Sunday. There was quite a crowd out to the dance last night. There were sixteen numbers sold. On Friday 14th will occur the Leap Year dance. Stand back, boys, and give the ladies a chance. We hear that Tom Becket, formerly of Phoenix, has located in Sonora County, Calif., and is in the mercantile business. There will be a masquerade dance the 21st at Lavenburg's Hall; supper by Mrs. Ed. Anderson; music by Carver and Walker, and a good time for one and all. Come and partake. Medford Mail, February 14, 1896, page 1 Notes from Eden Precinct.
J. H.
Stewart was shipping apples again
last week.BY FARMER. Most everyone has been making more or less garden the past week. The farmers are again busy early and late plowing and seeding. Miss Sarah Kinney, of Central Point, is visiting at M. W. Smith's this week. A. J. Hamlin, of Medford, was out on his ranch last week making preparations to move back to the farm in a few days. The young people of the neighborhood spent a very enjoyable time with Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Bennett, on Thursday evening of last week. Various parlor games were at hand and the merry crowd did not exchange good nights until four of the small hours of the next day had passed. A lap supper was served during the evening, also apples and popcorn a heap plenty. The following are the names of those present: Misses Lilly Edsall, Lena Hamlin, Thora Smith, Rosa Chapman, Belle Mills, Sarah Copeland, Effie Mills, Mabel Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Gallaher, Mrs. M. Hamlin; Messrs. John Stewart, Fred Edsall, Will Mills, Wilfred Smith, John and Jesse Copeland. Medford Mail, February 14, 1896, page 2 Phoenix Items.
Healy is a resident of Gasburg
again.BY PODONY. J. H. Langston, of Griffin Creek, was visiting in Phoenix last Sunday. The Misses Carrie and Blanche Langston went over on Griffin Creek to spend a few days. W. J. Howard's baby has been very ill with congestion of the lungs, but is some better now. Dr. Cole is attending. Mark Baker, of Gold Hill, attended the Leap Year dance here. Mark looks as natural as ever, but we would like to see him a little oftener. Ed. Turner returned last Sunday from below Grants Pass where he has a claim on Galice Creek. He has some very good prospects. Everybody wishes Ed good luck. The Leap Year dance given by Misses Holt and Stoop was a grand success. There were twenty-four numbers sold and the hall was crowded. Everybody had a good time. It is reported that Joe Anderson is taking out ten dollars per day to the man, clear of all expenses. If that is the case, a gold mine would be a very good thing for most all of us to have. The Misses Ollie and Ada Rissue gave quite a pleasant party last Saturday consisting of a "candy pull," a popcorn feast and a fine swing for all. Those present were Misses Josie Smalley, Josie Calhoun, Katie Chambers, Ella Williams, Mattie Howard and Sarah Smith, and pleasant calls were also made by Misses Lucy Calhoun, Ethal Hunter and Bertha Roas, all of Phoenix. Medford Mail, February 21, 1896, page 2 Notes from Eden Precinct.
Kenney, of Central Point, has been
visiting friends here the past week.BY FARMER. The orchardists are very busy pruning and spraying. Eden will soon have a decided sulfur smell. Quite a number of our young people attended the mask ball at Phoenix and report a splendid time. N. S. Bennett commenced grafting in the Medford nursery the first of the week. The rain Tuesday night stopped the work for a while. Reuben Dow, formerly of this place, but who has been mining on Big Applegate the past winter, was here the first of the week on business and also to visit friends. Rev. Close, of Medford, preached a very interesting sermon to a full house, at the school house Sunday. A. C. Tayler, the Medford foot fitter, and his father-in-law, Rev. Biden, were present and the latter gentleman took an active part in the services. Medford Mail, February 28, 1896, page 1 Phoenix Items.
Wm. Short
was down to Tolo last week.BY PODONY. Mr. Rice, the mining man of Ashland, is in town on business. Farmers are busy plowing, sowing grain and putting in spring crops. James Morton has moved into what is known as "Mistletoe Hall." Frank and Jessie Short, of Ashland, attended the masquerade ball in Phoenix. Isaac Stinson has moved to a farm about two and a half miles north of town. Mrs. H. T. Lyon and Earl are visiting with friends on Griffin Creek this week. Ralph and Blanche Langston, of Griffin Creek, were visiting in Phoenix last Sunday. The masquerade dance was a success. There were thirty-four numbers sold and the supper given by Mrs. Ed. Anderson was splendid. Everybody had a good time, as they always do when they attend Phoenix dances. Medford Mail, February 28, 1896, page 2 The Land of Quails.
MAIL--Some weeks
ago I
saw in your paper an article by "Farmer" in which article it was stated
that quails had been trapped hereabouts in numbers, thirty at a clip;
and a hint to the transgressors of the law to look a "little
out." Later on I saw a notice in the paper of another
article, presumably from Eden precinct, in regard to quails, but could
not be published on account of being signed only by
"Subscriber." I was not the author of either of said
articles, but I am a citizen of this, our glorious Eden. But
to the point--trapping quails--from time immemorial
it has been the habit of the small boy to gather some little sticks,
and with his own little hands make for himself a little trap and set
the same in some out-of-the-way fence corner. With what
eagerness the little fellow baits and tends that trap, and with what
great expectations of joy and delight he looks forward to the capture
of his first bird, and when he has him, how he bounds away to his dear
mamma, at every stride feeling himself a sportsman of such dimensions
as to stand fully "six feet three in his stocking feet." It
seems that Eden has been no exception to the rule. The small
boy has been in evidence here. The facts, as I have gathered
them, are about as follows: Some little school boys are
together, each boasting of his prowess as a sportsman. One
little fellow had caught six in his trap, one and two at a
time. Another little fellow had caught so many; another, in
all during the past year had caught thirty-five. Now, whether
any, or all of these birds, were caught "in season" or "out of season,"
I do not know and I doubt very much if "Farmer" knows either.
My little boys have had no traps out, not because they were afraid of
being reported by "Farmer" or that they even knew that there was such a
law in existence but, as I take it, they did not think about it, or
were too lazy to make them and put them out. But it is to be
hoped that "Farmer" will not crush these youthful sportsmen.
Spare the little fellows. Perhaps they too may someday become
a great and good "Farmer."W.
Medford Mail, March
13, 1896, page 7Phoenix Items.
Ora Kahler
was in Phoenix last Sunday.BY PODONY. Mrs. Stout returned from California this week. M. Healy has left Phoenix. He has gone north. Mrs. Troughton has been very sick but is improving. S. Kates and family were visiting in Phoenix Sunday. George Epps and Charles Talbot are working down at Tolo. Dr. Cole and son have gone to California. A good opening for a doctor now. Uncle John Coleman had an abscess removed a few days ago. He is getting along reasonably well. Dr. Cole attended him. B. F. Jackson and family started last Monday evening for Idaho. He will stop in the Willamette for a short visit with his father. Mr. Jackson contemplates getting a portion of that Nez Perce reservation, near Lewiston. Medford Mail, March 20, 1896, page 1 Notes from Eden Precinct.
N. S.
Bennett spent most of last week grafting in the Medford nursery.BY FARMER. Mr. Blevin, of Rock Point, visited this section Monday on business. Thos. Edsall is in the Butte Creek country visiting his many friends in that section. Our school started Monday. Mrs. Peter, of Jacksonville, will train the tender branches. J. A. Anderson and W. M. Smith have purchased a new spray pump and are now dealing out death to the little bugs. S. H. Sykes is reported to be contemplating a like purchase. Mrs. Katie Gallaher has received the unpleasant news of the recent burning of their store and residence property in South Seattle. This is quite a heavy loss, as there was no insurance. Fruit Commissioner Casey, of Ashland, was in this section last week and visited several neglected orchards. There is an unsual amount of spraying being done here this season, and we trust that it will not only prove profitable to individuals but to the orchardists generally. Miss Ella Anderson was eleven years old on Wednesday of last week. There is nothing of special interest about that fact, however, but when we say there was a whole house full of friends, both old and young, gathered at her home on the afternoon of the above date, it makes an item worthy of mention and your pencil pusher takes pleasure in passing it to the Mail. Outdoor games and plays were enjoyed by all until the merrymakers were tired. Refreshments were served, and then another round of merry games were played. We trust as the years roll on Miss Ella may enjoy many more such pleasant afternons. Following is the names of those who were present: Jessie Mills, Henry Anderson, Jessie Sloper, Johnnie Mills, Duffy Bonar, Floyd Fraley, Grace Smith, Grover Copeland, Cora Bennett, Grace Sykes, Earl Fraley, Ernest Smith, Harvey Copeland, Merril Anderson, Ethel Bennett, Jessie Copeland, Robert Bonar, John Copeland, Rosa Chapman, Thora Smith and Mesdames Sykes, Gallaher, Bennett, Fraley and the baby. Medford Mail, March 20, 1896, page 1 More About Quails.
learned from a reliable source that quail in large numbers were being
trapped in this section out of season. Being a lover of the pretty
little birds, and a correspondent of your paper from this section, I
felt it my duty--privilege also--to speak against it, and I did so from
pure motives, and not as M. W. would have you believe, to crush out the
pleasure of the schoolboys. I love to see children enjoy themselves. I
enjoyed the sport when a boy, but was taught to respect the game laws.I did not say or imply that I would report anyone, but I did say "let upon the business a little," and I meant it. If you doubt it just crowd me along a step or so farther. Now I want it distinctly understood that I addressed that item to the transgressors only, and not to the people of this section generally, so if nobody has been hit nobody can justly claim to be hurt, and I don't propose to crawfish one word of it. It was not a personal thrust, though I have been accused of it, and that without one word of evidence to back it. If I ever should get such a big hard lump of personal hatred in my heart that I could not disgorge it in any other way I would surely not trot off to the local newspaper, and under the disguise of a fond parent to the juvenile sportsmen, belch it out. Not I, Mr. S., not I. I have been accused of trying to lessen the schoolboy's pleasures, while I said in just so many words that "any reasonable person would not say a word against the boys having all the sport the world can give and also a mess of quail occasionally." Picture a man if you can mean enough to willfully try to reduce a child's innocent pleasures. He said he did not know if the quails had been caught in or out of season and "doubted very much if Farmer knew either." This farmer knows more than you think for, W. M., and perhaps it would pay you to paste this in your hat if it taxes your memory. You need not be in fear of "Farmer" reporting your "little" boys, for he would surely not do do such a thing unless as a last resort. Ignorance of the law is seldom if ever accepted as an excuse, but where laziness is also pleaded perhaps it would pass. Several large broods of quail have hatched near my house and for a long time stayed around almost like pets. I could have set traps and wiped them out in a few days but I would not, for I love the little creatures and I respect the effort our state is making to protect them. They are gone now; I do not know where, but I do know a wagonload of traps were gathered up within a half mile of my place, a few days after that item appeared--traps which I was not aware at the time were out. Because I have exposed this trapping business, the transgressors and their sympathizers are pouring out their bitter feelings on me. Let the tide roll on. I would rather be right than President. I am not writing items from Eden to cover up lawlessness, or ignorance either. I write items in an impartial way for the general good of this neighborhood, and for a paper which I sincerely believe is laboring for the general good of this little valley, and if anyone has a kick for me just pass it along and kick to your heart's content; it is all the same price. Thanking you for your kindness in granting this space, I remain your pencil pusher from Eden. FARMER.
Medford Mail, March
27, 1896, page 7Notes from Eden Precinct.
Griffin, of Grants Pass, was in this
section last week on business.BY FARMER. Jimmie Martin, of Brownsboro, is assisting Mr. Sykes with his orchard work this spring. Miss Mary Anderson, of Medford, visited last week with J. W. Mills' family and her many friends hereabouts. The political pot in Eden is beginning to bubble, just like it does when election times are near at hand. N. S. Bennett worked over 300 almond trees to prunes in the Orchard Home tract last week for Mr. Bowehrt. Rev. Caldwell will preach at the school house next Sunday at 3 p.m. There is talk of a Sunday school being organized after the services. J. H. Stewart made another shipment of apples last week--did not learn the amount. Mr. S. will soon begin to reap his five acres of rhubarb. He is at present supplying the local market. S. H. Sykes and G. W. Stoops have purchased a new spray pump, and are now busy pumping "bug medicine" on their trees. Let the good work go on until the bugs in Eden die or "move on." Spring seeding in this section is about all done for this spring and considerable corn ground has been plowed. Small grain looks well but most of the early sown wheat will likely be cut for hay on account of so much wild oats in it. Fred Edsall is spending most of his wakeful hours these days tugging away at the combination which he hopes will let him into a secret that will enable him to master natural gravity and sail along through space with only a bicycle between him and terra firma. Fred has a good "bike" and is in dead earnest about the matter. Medford Mail, April 3, 1896, page 2 Notes from Eden Precinct.
Jessie Gillson, of Sterlingville,
is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Randles.BY FARMER. The frost laid low the almonds, peaches and apricots in this section; the other fruits have not been materially injured. We have a crowded school this spring and the pupils are getting along nicely under the able instruction of Mrs. Peters. Mrs. M. E. Hamlin and A. J. Hamlin have purchased a spray pump and are dealing out the deadly dose to the pesky little scale bugs. A Sunday school was organized at the school house last Sunday. S. H. Sykes was chosen superintendent, and Miss Sarah Copeland secretary. Time 3 p.m. The woods are carpeted with beautiful wildflowers, and the flower-loving children--grown people also--enjoy the season very much. Nature has bestowed on this little valley a great variety of beautiful wildflowers. On Tuesday evening quite a group of young people gathered at the home of Mrs. M. E. Hamlin and had a very enjoyable season of social chat, games and plays. Following is a list of those present: Misses Minnie and Irene Sloper, Mollie Chambers, Minnie Crichlow, Alice Smith, Franc and Rose Grissum, Jessie Stoops, Rosa Chapman, and Messrs. Walter Stancliff, Will and Frank Laurie, Bert Smith, Ben Stoops, John Chambers, Eben Carver, and Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Bennett. Medford Mail, April 10, 1896, page 1 Farmer Eden at It Again.
1st. "I learned from a reliable source that quail in large
numbers were
being trapped in this section, out of season." I have canvassed this
"section" and found five families who have killed a quail or quails.
They all say they have killed no quails out of season and I believe
them. I, therefore, challenge Mr. Farmer to "report" and produce his
proof.2nd. "I did say let up the business a little and meant it. If you doubt it just crowd me along a step or so farther." That's what we are doing this blessed moment, dear Farmer, "crowding you along a step or so farther" as the above challenge will show. 3rd. "Picture a man if you can mean enough to willfully try to reduce a child’s innocent pleasures." It has already been pictured by one Bennett, who is sailing under the non de plume of "Farmer." As Nathan said unto David, "Thou art the man." 4th. "Ignorance of the law is seldom, if ever, accepted as an excuse, but where laziness is also pleaded, perhaps it would pass." What would pass? I have quoted this ambiguous, ungrammatical, unpunctuated sentence as I find it. I defy the most profound scholar or the best linguist to tell what is meant by it. If it means anything at all in connection with Farmer's harangue, it means that my little boys being ignorant of the quail law "would not be excuse," although they had transgressed no quail law, but they being too lazy to put the traps out, "perhaps it would pass," that is, having no traps out, perhaps he would let it pass, and not report them for trapping quails, for he further says I need not be afraid of him reporting them unless as a last resort. Oh, I am not very much afraid, Mr. Farmer. I think you will "let it pass." 5th. "Several large broods of quails--almost like pets--I love the little creatures--but they are gone now--I do not know where." One would naturally arrive at the conclusion from reading Farmer's writings (if credence could be put therein) that those large broods, those lovely little pet creatures of his, had gone--"body, soul and boots"--"in large quantities" --"35 cents at a catch"-- into that wagonload of traps that he knows about being gathered up within a half mile of his place. It seems never to have entered Farmer's brain that possibly his pets, the quails, took unto themselves wings and flew away. I have heard (though I do not vouch for the truth of this) that the way Farmer likes the "little creatures" best, is when they are made into a quail pie and on his own table. 6th. "1 do know a wagonload of traps were gathered up within a half mile of my place." I know something about that too--I was there--Farmer was not there--but his sister-in-law passed by as Mr. Copeland's boys were gathering up the remains of two or three little traps and putting them on top of a wagon box full of wood. They were getting them out of the way of my cultivating my orchard. They were placed there last fall or winter, they had not been baited or tended for many months. A six-year-old kid could have hauled them with his toy wagon. But I beg Brother Farmer's pardon--perhaps this is the kind of a wagonload he had reference to. 7th. "I would rather be right than President." This high-sounding borrowed phrase is made to do duty a long ways from home--from its author--the great pacificator--Henry Clay--down to Farmer on his quails, seems to be a drop from the "sublime to the ridiculous." It is my humble opinion that it would be much easier for Farmer to do right than be President--or any other officer. 8th. "I write items in an impartial way for the general good of this neighborhood." This makes the neighborhood smile. 9th. "I remain your pencil pusher from Eden." While Eden does not presume to dictate who your "pencil pusher" from her domain shall be, however, she would much prefer he be one in whom a majority, or at least a respectable minority of her citizens, could respect for truth and veracity. W.
Medford Mail, April
10, 1896, page 7Notes from Eden Precinct.
I have
nothing of special interest to
report from this section this week except a surprise party last
Thursday evening, given in honor of Miss Sarah Copeland's
17th birthday. The party was given at Miss
Copeland's home; Misses Sloper and Smith did the secret work,
and it proved a complete and also an agreeable surprise. The
evening was spent in various party plays, and the usual round of fun
had. We trust Miss Copeland will have many such pleasant
surprises as time rolls on. I am not fully prepared to give the names
of those present, but to the best of my knowledge the following list is
correct: Misses Minnie and Irene Sloper, Belle and Effie
Mills, Lilly Edsall, Messrs. Wm. Mills, Fred Edsall, Ben Sloper, John
Stewart, Edward Hughes, Gilbert Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Gallaher, Mr.
Mrs. A. A. Anderson, W. M. Smith and family.BY FARMER. Medford Mail, April 17, 1896, page 2 Notes from Eden Precinct.
A. J.
Hamlin recently presented his good
wife with a fine parlor organ.BY FARMER. The farmers are busy getting corn ground ready--some have planted. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett spent Sunday with Prof. U. G. Hurley, on Anderson Creek. J. A. Copeland and N. S. Bennett were called to Jacksonville last week to serve as jurors on the Peninger trial. Carver Smith and family are camping on "Bud" Hamlin's ranch. Mr. S. is engaged cutting wood at present but soon expects to move to Southern Oregon. Medford Mail, April 24, 1896, page 4 Notes from Eden Precinct.
continued rainy weather is retarding
farm work, and crops also.BY FARMER. Quite a number from this section went to Ashland Wednesday to hear Gen. Weaver. N. S. Bennett has just completed a neat little cellar; a very convenient thing to have during the hot summer months. Preaching at the school house next Sunday at 11 a.m., and 3 p.m., with a basket dinner as sandwich. Everybody welcome. Mrs. Kenney, of Central Point, is now domiciled with W. M. Smith and family, having moved her household furniture last week. Rev. Caldwell, of Ashland, delivered a good sermon at the school house Sunday, also gave the Sunday school a short talk. Mr. C.'s regular appointment is the first Sunday of each month at 3 p.m. Medford Mail, May 8, 1896, page 1 Farmer Still At It.
This man having drawn my fire (the challenge) now says, "to the dogs
with your challenge." Oh, no--not quite so fast, dear Farmer. You are
going at a pace that both "kills and cripples." Of course you would
like to fly off on a string of abuse, thinking by this dodge to throw
dirt in the eyes of the people. But I don't propose to let you. I am
going to hold you down to the point; so your writings now bring me to
the painful necessity of branding you as an unmitigated liar, with this
proviso, viz--that if you will yet, even at this late date, prove your
assertions, I will retract said unmitigations and furthermore, bind
myself, "by these presents," to sign a lie bill otherwise said "brand"
to remain in full force and effect, and to stick to you during the
period of your natural life. Wherever you roam you must carry my brand
with you.The reader will remember what those assertions were. His neighbors were law breakers--slaughtering "quail in large quantities out of season"--"35 at a time"--and when they did get scared of "Farmer" on account of certain dire threats made by him, they (his neighbors) did then and there, forthwith, immediately, if not sooner, gather up and make away with "a wagonload of traps within a half mile of his place." In the outset I gently reminded Farmer that I did not know of any law breakers here. I now positively assert that there has been none here, unless he, himself, be the man, David. Last fall Farmer and his brother-in-law were out in the hills a week or so--came back and said that they had just lived on quail, but don't tell anybody. I refer to Mr. John Gallaher for the proof. About half of Farmer's last issue is made up of "prescriptions" and "doses" for me to mind my own business. Had I minded my own business as Farmer is pleased to denominate my own business, possibly he thinks that his lies could have gone unrefuted. His idea seems to be something like this--that if he says a crow is white, I must mind my own business and not say it is black. Oh say, Farmer, let's try that "one drop of public sentiment." I will pay you $10 for one day's work--the conditions be as follows: You are to go to each and every male householder (I will excuse the widows, as I am a widower) within a radius of two miles of your place and mine, and get your pedigree and mine and have same published side by side. You are to do the all the electioneering and wire pulling; I am to stay at home and "mind my own business," and the evidence of all these, our neighbors, shall be that I have not spoken one word to them on the subject and, furthermore, I am to know nothing of the results until seen in print, at which time your money shall be ready--be the consequences as they may. If a man is not to be judged by his neighbors, by whom, pray, is he to be judged? Farmer is stating that I had been elected school director here, failed to state that he had been beaten for school director here--wonder what kind of a hatband he needs? I find this sentence--"Oh, how I could make you wilt on this subject if I choose to be personal, but I will be kind and spare you." Now, dear Farmer, I am on my bended knees, pleading and begging with all the earnestness of a "sin sick soul" for you not to spare me--bring on your wilt. But please remember that it will take something more than your vile assertions to make me wilt. They are too thin to make anything wilt. The proof, Farmer, the proof, please. Farmer claims to be one of the religious class. Some time ago we saw quite an extended notice of a party at his house, and so well did they enjoy themselves that they would not tear themselves asunder until some four of the small hours of the next day had gone. I remember something about that. Some of my children were there. When they began to "fall in" next morning about daylight, I naturally "went for them." I drew forth the confession that they had been playing cards over there all night--some three or four red-hot saloon decks in full blast. While I have no objection to other people playing cards who want to, yet I am not seeking to give my children an education in that line, and had I not been taken by "snap shot" they would not have had their first lesson in cards. Some things that I have never done--I have never taken my neighbor's peaches off some eight or ten miles and sold them for $.50 per box; come back and told my neighbor that ten cents per box was all there was in it; I have never swindled a neighbor out of a little piece of land, about one-fourth of an acre; I have never been summoned as a witness on a certain day about 11 o'clock, but told that I would not be needed that day, and not to come until tomorrow, then as soon as the sheriff is out of sight, take my wife and hie away to court; get there just before court adjourns; demand fees for self and wife; then go home; come again tomorrow when wanted, and of course more fees. In regard to the peach swindle I refer you to Mr. John Gallaher and Mr. S. H. Sykes. In regard to the land swindle I refer to Mr. George Hamlin and myself. In regard to the fee swindle I refer you to Mr. J. A. Anderson, Mr. J. A. Copeland, the sheriff and deputy sheriff of Jackson County, and many others. W.
Medford Mail, May
15, 1896, page 7Notes from Eden Precinct.
Miss Belle
Mills is
visiting her many friends in Medford.BY FARMER. The Edsall boys were out in the Butte Creek country last week on a business trip. Mrs. Sloper has been on the sick list for several days, but is up and around again. Rev. Brower's sermons were good, but the basket dinner was almost a failure, owing to the misty weather. Rev. Brower will preach again Sunday at 3 p.m. Jas Stevens is using crutches as a result of testing the weight of a horse. Cannot give the particulars but trust that the accident will not prove serious. Medford Mail, May 22, 1896, page 7 Notes from Eden Precinct.
grain looks well in this section.BY FARMER. Corn planting is about finished for this season. A. J. Hamlin and Sam. Randles spent a few days prospecting on Evans Creek. The pear crop, which was supposed to be injured by the frost, will be a light crop. Miss Amy Cantrall, of Applegate, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. A. Anderson and other friends here. Rev. Brower and wife of Talent spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. B. preached twice at the school house. Mrs. Case and two children came in from Klamath County last week and are now safely domiciled on Mrs. Bower's place where Mr. Case is employed. Mrs. Ludy, of Sprague River, Klamath County, is here this week visiting with her daughters, Mrs. M. E. and Ellen Hamlin, also many old-time friends. Some of the young men of this neighborhood have organized a baseball club and are now sending challenges to other clubs that are stepping around with a "chip on their shoulders," so to speak, anxious to have some sport. Robert Deveney, president; Walter Stancliff, secretary and Edward Hamlin will hold the cash that comes their way. Medford Mail, June 5, 1896, page 2 Notes from Eden Precinct.
Randles and wife visited with Bud
Hamlin the first of the week. BY FARMER. Mrs. Holt, of Talent, paid friends here a flying visit on Wednesday of last week. Ernest Walters and John Stewart each ride a "bike" and are therefore "up to date." The Edsall boys, Ed Hamlin and Marion Lorine will start Wednesday for the Butte Creek country with stock. J. H. Stewart has treated his barn, packing house and drier with a new white coat, applied with spray pump all the same like the World's Fair buildings. Mr. Fisher of Phoenix is making preparations to start soon for "Uncle Billy" Robinson's ranch near Bly, in Eastern Oregon, where he will remain for the season and put up hay. Wilfred Smith spends a part of a day each week giving music lessons. Wilfred has labored earnestly to master the art and deserves no small amount of encouragement. Sam'l. Randles has moved his family to Jacksonville. Mr. R. has been employed for several months on Bud Hamlin's ranch and while here added many new names to his list of friends. Hub. Coleman and wife and Miss Minnie Robinson, of Talent, paid friends here a short visit last week. Miss Edith Coleman, who has been staying with her sister, Mrs. J. Robinson and attending school, returned to her home with her parents. Fred Furry, our road supervisor, is getting in some good work now while the farmers are not very crowded by field work. We now have almost continuous gravel track from the Garr place to Medford, which is great comfort in winter when the roads are not dusty. Our school closed last Friday. A good program had been prepared for the occasion, which was rendered in a way that delighted the many visitors present. We have had an unusually full school and Mrs. Mary Peters has managed the pupils in a way that has called forth much praise and very little criticism. Medford Mail, June 12, 1896, page 2 Farmer's Reply.
A newspaper controversy is a very unpleasant thing for me, as well as
the public and printer. But when a man starts in to "do me up" I cannot
be blamed for keeping the flies off while he proceeds. Yes, Mr. Smith,
"Farmer is still at it," and you will find him at the old stand after
you have exhausted your cup of bitterness, and if one is to judge from
the article poured out, you must be getting down to dregs. You say I
drew your challenge, which is not true, for I have explained twice that
the article was put as it was given to me, and, if it did not fit
anybody it did not mean anybody. And now because I won't bring other
names into the squabble--as you are given to doing--you feel called
upon to abuse me. I have taken it upon myself, without any thought of
malice, to show that the game law has been violated in this section,
and said "let up on the business a little," and did not say it in jest,
and if it had not been done I should have felt it my duty to report to
the game warden. But me saying "let up" and meaning it, does not imply
"dire threats" as you seem pleased to interpret it, nor does it invite
a challenge from you or anyone else to unnecessarily or maliciously
report a neighbor, and thereby cause trouble and expense.Now, because I have ignored your challenge, and did not make a general neighborhood racket out of this matter by bringing out their names, you again fall to abusing me in your usual way. I accomplished long ago what I started to do, and when you get through with what you are desperately but vainly striving to do, viz, show that the game law has not been violated here, and stir up the people against me, you will please report. Now the matter stands about like this, I say the game law has been violated here, and you say it has not, and because I do not say "night is day," so to speak, you feel it your painful duty to "brand" me an "unmitigated liar" with a "proviso." How cunning! I told the editor to give you all the rope you wanted, but really did not expect you would wrap it around your neck the first thing. Now, Mr. Smith, I feel it my pleasant duty--privilege also--after having patiently endured your abuse thus long--to poke the lie back down your own throat, and use your own jawbone as a poke stick. A pretty bitter dose Mr. S., but you prepared your own prescription instead of using the one I gave you, and if you refuse to do as you agreed to do, you double the dose, and are no longer worthy [of] further notice. I will now call W. M. Smith on the stand and copy verbatim from his first article of March 13, I896. After describing how a quail trap is made, used, etc., he says: The small boy has been in evidence here. The facts as I have gathered them are about as follows: Some little school boys are together, each boasting of his prowess as a sportsman. One little fellow had caught six in his trap, one and two at a time, another little fellow had caught so many, another, in all during the past year had caught thirty-five. Again from your article of April 10, 1896. After mentioning about some traps being gathered out of your orchard, you say: They were placed there last fall or winter, they had not been baited or tended for many months. Again from your last article of May 16th. "In the outset I gently reminded Farmer that I did not know of any lawbreakers here. I now positively assert there has been none here, unless he, himself, be the man, David." I will now copy word for word sections 10 of the game law of Oregon, page 94, laws of Oregon, 1895: "Every person who shall, within the State of Oregon, at any time after the passage of this act, trap, net or ensnare, or attempt to trap, net or ensnare, any quail or 'bobwhite,' prairie chicken, grouse or pheasant, or have in possession any live quail or bobwhite. prairie chicken, grouse or pheasant except the same be kept for the purpose of propagation or exhibition, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor." Sec. 13, page 95, gives the fine. Now, Mr. S., you will please stand up and look the 1y00 readers of the Mail as near in the eye as anyone could be expected in your position and say to them in plain English, I have lied. You have branded yourself with your own brand and if you fail to do as you promised you brand yourself a second time and you are no longer worthy of a moment's notice from me. Most of all the rest of your article is made up of personal thrusts having no bearing whatever on the subject in question, except the statement that we--myself and brother-in-law--came back--from the hills--and said we had just lived on quail but don't tell anybody. To say this is false would be using mild language and you cannot prove by reliable evidence that we said or did "just live quail," and I challenge you to prove that I ever killed a quail in Oregon. What years of law thinking it must have taken for a brain to produce such a plan as you mention to ascertain our "pedigree" as you choose to call public opinion. It arouses every sense of manhood and causes me to look upon you with a contempt I never knew before. In justice to this community I will say in my opinion it is not made up of that type of people who would tolerate any such lowdown proceedings. In regard to your feigned love for children, I have since been told I could not make you wilt, because you did not have manhood enough left. This does not cancel the evidence however, and I will spare you through respect for your own children. Your next is purely personal; my creed consists in "doing unto others as I would that they should do unto me," without respect for creeds, color or sex. This "plank" is broad enough for all mankind to stand on. Your children--as were all the other young people--were invited to spend the evening you mentioned at "parlor games" and so was spent, and so reported the paper. Among the numerous games provided for the young people was one set of card playing and were used only by those who knew how to play them. This sort of thing makes me "hot," so I am forced through respect for those present to brand your insinuations, that "some three or four red-hot saloon decks" were run in "full blast" at my house either all or a part of that night, as maliciously false and I will agree that if you will prove your assertions true by those present on that night and I will furnish their names on application, I will! publish a retraction in three of the leading papers of Jackson County. You do the same, if you attempt and fail, otherwise you carry your mark--your mud won't stick on me, so take your dose. Next you mention three things you never done and offer some names--your own included--as proof. I was not aware you had been accused of such. If they are meant for me I challenge your proof on the first, and the county records will show that I never disobeyed a summons or cheated anybody out of an inch of land. These things have no bearing whatever on the subject in question, but are dregs of a spiteful nature. It seems you have started in to "fix" Farmer to gratify your own malicious nature, and when you get him "fixed" you will please tell the public. You have virtually put the rope around your own neck and asked me to draw the loop, and now you are in a place where you can neither buck out, kick out or lie out, so stand up like a man and take your medicine or do not expect any further notice from me. Yours
Medford Mail, June
19, 1896, page 7FARMER. Notes from Eden Precinct.
Miss Mabel
Chapman, of Griffin
Creek, is visiting her many friends in Eden.BY FARMER. Several hands are at work cleaning and repairing the Phoenix water ditch. F. S. Bennett and family started Tuesday for a few weeks' outing in Klamath County. Miss Nina Stoops, who is teaching in the upper part of the valley, spent Sunday at home. Hay making has commenced in earnest this week, and the crop promises to be a bountiful one. C. M. Talbot, formerly of this section, visited friends here last week. He is traveling doing insurance work and is accompanied by his wife. Medford Mail, June 26, 1896, page 2 Farmer Bennett Forever At It.
This man, Bennett, alias Farmer, alias David, alias Henry Clay (rather
be right than President) is before us again for further diagnosis and
inspection. Now Henry, you are paining me again, because you compel me
to show you up some more and, in all probability, will cause you to
have some more "contempt for me that you never knew before." 1st.
"Never drew my challenge." This can easily be dispensed with by leaving
it to 1700 readers. Did you, or did you not, say: "If you don't believe
it just crowd me along a step or so farther and see." 2nd. "The quail
article was put as given to him." Now we shall soon see about that, for
we are going to the bottommost round of the quail matter this time. We
have been fooling long enough. In my first reply to David's first quail
communication, I said some little boys had caught some quails here, and
ironically begged "Farmer" to spare the little fellows. Further on I
stated that the quail law had not been violated here, unless Farmer be
the guilty party. Now he quotes my acknowledgment of the trapping, then
quotes a part of the quail law, then proceeds with a great flourish (in
his imagination) of "doing his duty--privilege also" of poking the lie
back down my own throat and use my own jawbone as a poker, and then, to
cap the climax, with a splendid coup de grace, tells me to stand up and
be "cussed" by 1700 men--or words to that effect. Hold on, Henry, you
are going at that same "breakneck speed" of which I warned you of being
so surely and certainly fatal, Now you have willfully, marvelously
or ignorantly misconstrued the quail law. There are
two exceptive
clauses in that law. One is for shooting quails during a certain season
of the year, the other is in regard to the trapping and reads as
follows: "Except the same be kept for the purpose of propagation or
exhibition." One of the little boys, of which I spoke as having trapped
some quails, had them cooped up, feeding and petting them. He made a
present of one or two of the "pretty little creatures" (that Farmer
loves so well on his own table) to one of his little girl
schoolmates--perhaps his little "sweetheart"--who knows? Same little
girl had same quails on "exhibition" when Mrs. Farmer, visiting at that
house, saw them, reported same to Farmer, Farmer same to paper with
exaggerations that the reader already knows about. Now, Farmer, this is
just where, when and how you got your "reliable information" of "quails
being slaughtered here in large quantities." The little boy is a son of
Mr. Bonar, the little girl a daughter of Mr. J. D. Anderson. Dear
Farmer, I knew all about this from the beginning, but as you would not
take a "hint," and was bullheaded, I made up my mind to let you take
the hook and line and play around "so sportively" until it should be my
good pleasure to wind you up, and like the little mountain trout, when
the reel began to turn, you began to squirm, flounce and jump about in
all directions. However, David, I must say that you are the easiest
fish landed that I ever hooked. 3rd. He is the mighty ship that sails
the mighty ocean on a plank broad enough for all humanity "without
regard to race, color or previous condition of servitude (do unto
others as he would be done by) and as a matter of course when smaller
craft happen to crop the track of this ocean octopus, they must, of
necessity, "wilt" and go down. 4th. My love for children is only
feigned, but his love for children is the "genuine stuff"--so much so
that it restrains him from letting fall that great, powerful and mighty
"wilt.") What a pity, Henry, that you could not have known, before you
began this writing business, that I have not one drop of feeling blood
in my veins. 5th. "Someone told him that I have no manhood." Who told
you so? If any person has told you that I have not manhood enough in me
for anything that is upright, fair, honest or honorable, I will just
kindly ask you to tell him, her or it to poke his, her or its head from
behind the bush. I have been here fifteen years. I am generally known
in this valley as "Tennessee Smith." My record is a "wide open book"
both in the state of Oregon and state of Tennessee. I have had many
hundred dealings with many men, and there is not a single individual
that can prove for a fact what you say "someone told you." 6th. The
card party. "Only one set and were used only by those who knew how to
play them." Another one of your big lies, Bennett. There were four sets
of cards at your house that night, two sets of what is known as
gambling cards and two sets of some other kind of play cards, and
gambling cards were played principally all night, and gambling cards
were played by some who never threw a card before. Now in place of
doing as you say--have you retract in three papers, which might cost
you some money, will propose another way, which I think will prove
equally as effective and a much shorter route--leave the matter to
those who were present--viz--Mills' young people, three, Copeland's
young people, two, my young people, two, Mr. John Gallaher and wife,
Mr. John Stewart and some others. 7th. "Three things I never done." I
certainly meant you, Farmer, and the proof stands out
boldly and
abundantly and I will now add two other good and reliable witnesses to
that "fee swindle" viz: Mrs. J. A. Anderson and Mrs. John Gallaher.
Says, "he never disobeyed the summons." Nobody has said you did, but
what "ails Hanna" is that you obeyed just one time too often for the
good of some other fellow's pocket. In regard to the "peach swindle" I
fancy you will have a "hard joke" of making the people of this vicinity
believe that the evidence is not "reliable," viz: Mrs. John Gallaher
and S. H. Sykes. In regard to the evidence in the land swindle, myself
and George Hamlin. You have tried once to put his evidence down and
failed, now suppose you try mine, or any of the rest that I have
offered. "The county records will show and etc." The county records
will show nothing of the kind, because the county records have not been
"keeping tab" on your little neighborhood swindling, but there has been
a record made, as true, reliable and trustworthy as any county record
ever made. Some other things that I have never done: I have never lied
on a couple of young ladies to knock them out of their job, in order
that I might get that job for myself. I have never gone to another
fruit packing establishment, secured a job, put my swindling
propensities in such glaring evidence that I must soon have my pay and
"walking papers." Now Mr. Farmer as a newspaper correspondence is a
very pleasant thing for me, I most cordially invite you to come again,
and I promise you I will show you up some more. I am just getting
"warmed up to my subject," though not "hot" in the least, and say,
don't forget to bring along with you that person who told you that I
had no manhood, and remember it takes indisputable evidence to
convict--such evidence I shall require at your hands.W.
Medford Mail, July
31, 1896, page 4Notes from Eden Precinct.
Miss Irene
Sloper is visiting with
friends near Rogue River.BY FARMER. Several headers are now being run early and late, taking care of the wheat crop. J. D. Anderson and Mrs. M. M. Bowers have each purchased new self-binders for their harvest. J. A. Copeland and son, John, have been harvesting for some time on the Harvey ranch near Talent. Mrs. James Cantrall, of Applegate, spent several days visiting her many friends in this section, since my last writing. The early peach crop of this section was "reaped" last week. The crop was light but prices will help to balance the shortage. Rev. Biden, of Medford, preached at the school house Sunday. A. C. Tayler and family, also of Medford, were among those present. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Randles have gone to a mining district in California for the summer. Little Ethel and Bert will stay with Mrs. M. E. Hamlin until their parents return. Mrs. Jennie Mathews, of California, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mills, and her many friends here about. Mrs. M. has been away from her old home three or four years and will probably remain here several weeks. Medford Mail, July 31, 1896, page 5 Phoenix Items.
Mrs. Frank
Towne is very ill.All the farmers near town have finished threshing. We are having very hot weather at present. Monday it was 100° in the shade. Misses Mollie and Nellie Towne are very sick with the measles. We hope to see them recover soon. Saturday night we had one of our usual social dances, gotten up by E. Carver. Everybody said they had a most enjoyable time. (The above items were signed "B.B." While the items are acceptable, we prefer to have B.B.'s identity disclosed in any future communications.) Medford Mail, August 28, 1896, page 3 Mr. Daniel Sowash died of grippe at the home of his son-in-law, W. W. Estes, near Talent, on Tuesday of this week. Deceased was seventy-three years of age and has lived in Jackson County for two and a half years. He was born in Pennsylvania but later moved to Missouri, where he united with the Odd Fellows order about forty years ago, and at the time of his death was a member of Longwood Lodge of Longwood, Missouri. Funeral services were held Wednesday and interment was made in the Phoenix cemetery. "A Grist of Local Haps and Mishaps," Medford Mail, May 7, 1897, page 7 Ira Dunlap is working in James Hukill's blacksmith shop at Phoenix. Weeks Bros. of Phoenix recently completed an elegant counter for Gen. Vaupel of Ashland. It is a handsome piece of work. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 21, 1898, page 3 Geo. E. Weber, deputy organizer of the Woodmen of the World, organized a camp at Phoenix last week, with the assistance of a number of the members of Medford camp. The following officers were elected: Council commander, E. G. Coleman; advisor commander, W. R. Coleman; banker, F. W. Weeks; clerk and camp physician, Dr. H. P. Hargrave; escort, Sam'l. Murphy; watchman, A. S. Furry; sentry, J. C. Smith; managers, C. P. Good, C. Carey, John Wright. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 25, 1898, page 3 E. W. Carver of Phoenix has purchased the wagon and bicycle business of J. A. Whitman. The latter will remain with the business for a time, and then enter the employ of the Earl Fruit Co. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 28, 1898, page 3 A. J. Stevens of Phoenix, last week sold 25 acres of land to the Southern Oregon Cooperative Association, which was incorporated a short time since, and whose object is the acquirement of property to be operated on the socialistic or communistic plan. It is its intention to secure 1000 acres of land in one body, if possible. The stockholders are Wm. Abbott, H. D. Chamberlain, Jas. Tate, Dr. D. Brower, William Will and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Stevens. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 27, 1898, page 3 Dr. H. P. Hargrave, the popular physician, and Miss Maud Weeks, the amiable and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Weeks of Phoenix, will be united in matrimony on the 29th. The Times extends congratulations and best wishes in advance. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 10, 1899, page 3 FASHIONABLE WEDDING.
April 30, 1899.
A very
pretty wedding took place yesterday evening.
The bride is Florence Maude Weeks, the youngest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Weeks, and the groom H. Percival Hargrave, M.D., son of Mr.
Wm. Hargrave, postmaster at Winnipeg, Manitoba. At the appointed hour,
seven o'clock, Mendelssohn's Wedding March was played as the bride
entered the drawing room, accompanied by her father and Miss Grace
Rose, who was met by the groom under a perfect bower of roses and
blossoms. The young people stood while the Rev. Mr. Clyde, D.D.,
performed the marriage ceremony. The bride looked charming and pretty in a gown of ivory white brocade satin, en train, trimmed with chiffon, and carried a bouquet of white carnations and maidenhair ferns. Miss Grace Rose, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Rose, carried the ring. She looked sweet, dressed in a white mousseline de soie, and carried pink roses. The groom was unattended. Immediately after the ceremony the guests went into the dining room, where they partook of a "grand souper de marriage." The rooms were profusely decorated with white lilacs and roses, sent from Oakland, Calif. The evening was spent socially by the friends of the young couple, who desired at once to felicitate them on the evening and to behold the happiness of one of Jackson County's charming young ladies; and the numerous gifts shown testify as to their popularity. The doctor has been a resident of Phoenix for the past three years. He has won the confidence and esteem of the people, and is most popular. Dr. and Mrs. Pickel, Mr. and Mrs. Orr, Mr. and Mrs. McGowan, Medford; Mr. and Mrs. Mathes and daughter, Ashland; County Clerk Newbury and wife, Jacksonville; Miss Gertrude Weeks, Oakland, Calif. and Miss Macwhinnie, Woodstock, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Hargrave have taken the pretty Newbury cottage. Mrs. Hargrave will be at home after May the eighth. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 1, 1899, page 3 Visiting Scenes of Long Ago.
MEDFORD, Or., Sept.
11.--Mrs. Wait, of Dayton, Wash., an
early resident of Jackson County, but who has not been here for the
past 40 years, is visiting in Medford, and will be the guest of old
pioneers in many parts of the valley. Her husband at one time owned the
Napoleon Evans donation land claim of 640 acres, on a part of which the
town of Medford is now built. He built the flouring mills at Phoenix in
1855. Mrs. Wait crossed the plains in '52, and was here during all the
Indian wars. Morning Oregonian,
Portland, September 12, 1900, page 4 FACTS ABOUT PHOENIX
Resting in the midst of a rich fruit district and overlooking a wide
stretch of Bear Creek is Phoenix, an interesting place--interesting
because of its old traditions and because of its pretty surroundings.Its Resources Include Many Kinds of Products. NATURAL WATER POWER Largest Almond Orchard in Oregon Near the Town-- Ships Vegetables to the Ashland Cannery. It is the second oldest town in Southern Oregon, Jacksonville being the first. In early days when Phoenix was a trading post, miners used to string themselves along the creek and gulches while Indians watched their movements from the neighboring hills. Those were thriving days for Phoenix. The old '49 placer mine is within sight of the town and adjoining it is a placer being worked today by E. G. Coleman and Robert Smith, who have it leased from E. K. Anderson. The latter also owns the old '49 mine, which has yielded a large harvest of gold in its time. The town claims about 300 people. It has good schools, churches, a furniture factory owned by Weeks Bros. of Medford, good water, one short street of business houses and good drainage, and is strictly prohibition. It is five miles south of Medford on the railroad track and a station for all except through trains. Surrounding it are large pear, prune, apple and almond orchards. W. S. Clay, who recently purchased the place from Clint Stewart, has 20 acres in almonds alone, which is considered the largest almond orchard in Oregon. The former crops have sold for 10 and 11 cents per pound, leaving a good profit for the producer. Near there are large apple, pear and prune orchards owned by Capt. Voorhies, Joseph Hartley, E. K. Anderson, G. A. Hover, Sam Van Dyke and others. Mr. Hover recently purchased the "Tennessee" Smith place. Nearly all of these men are setting out additional acreage in fruit. Not only is the town the center of a fruit raising and mining district; but is tributary to a gardening section noted for the vegetables that are raised on a large scale. A good portion of the produce is being contracted for this year by the Ashland cannery. The people of Phoenix believe that one would pay there. Phoenix never will be a large place, But there is no reason why it should not grow larger and become a thriving village. Citizens claim there is a 20-foot fall of water which is capable of furnishing considerable natural power. Some of the power is now utilized by Weeks Bros. furniture factory, and the part that leaves the factory goes to waste. There is an old grist mill which it is believed could be run with profit by utilizing the waste power. Residents claim it was shut down for competitive reasons. No doubt a number of new settlers coming to Southern Oregon will find pleasant homes in and around Phoenix. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 10, 1902, page 4 Phoenix suffered the worst fire in her history at noon today, when Alfred Weeks' planing mill and half a dozen small houses were burned. The loss is estimated at $10,000; while it could not definitely be determined it is reported that there was no insurance. "Phoenix Devastated by $10,000 Blaze," Medford Mail Tribune, July 13, 1910, page 1 PHOENIX MILL DESTROYED
Medford Firefighters Aid in Battling Flames; Loss $10,000.
Or., July 13.--Fire, originating in the boiler room, destroyed the
Weeks' planing mill at Phoenix, five miles south of Medford, today, the
loss being $10,000. No insurance.
Medford sent up two chemical engines and 20 men in a special train to assist in fighting the fire. Morning Oregonian, Portland, July 14, 1910, page 1 Fire at Phoenix.
Post, July 16, 1910, page 1
Weeks Bros.' planing mill and furniture factory, and a few small houses
near at Phoenix were totally destroyed by fire, just before noon
The planing mill and factory were old institutions, having been in operation for fifty years, and the products had obtained an enviable reputation throughout Southern Oregon and California. The fire caught from a spark from the engine. Loss estimated at $10,000. FRANK WILBER TELLS OF ROGUE RIVER
Frank Wilber was an arrival Wednesday morning from Phoenix, Jackson
County, Oregon. After visiting a couple of days with his brother, O.
B., he departed for New York state where he will spend the winter
visiting with relatives. He anticipates going east by way of Los
Angeles, New Orleans and Washington, D.C.Mr. Wilber assures us the Rogue River Valley section is being rapidly developed, in fact the entire county is up and doing, Jackson County having just voted bonds for one and a half millions for good roads. He says almost every little village in the valley is incorporated, the law of Oregon permitting any village to incorporate where 40 signers of a petition can be obtained. That Phoenix has but 250 of population. About three years ago Phoenix built a $16,000 high school, and are now compelled to add two more rooms to same. It has just voted $25,000 for a new gravity water system. The county proposes to build 300 miles of good roads, one of the first sections to be a connection at the California-Oregon line with California state highway and which will be continued through the county to its north boundary. The Enterprise man inquired of Mr. Wilber as to whether or not he was planning to assume matrimonial responsibilities while in his old home section. He replied jokingly that such a thing might happen, but did not get very serious, hence we were left in doubt as to his real intentions. Davis Enterprise, Davis, California, December 16, 1911, page 4 The Phoenix news column moves from the Jackson County News to the Gold Hill News on December 30, 1926, page 4. Last
revised October 19, 2024