News: 1906 Medford-related
news items from
1906. Also see
of Medford and
Jackson County
for this year.
A change has been made in the personnel of the firm of F. K. Deuel & Co., the name and style of the new firm being Deuel & Kentner, Mr. H. C. Kentner having purchased a half interest in the business. Mr. Kentner was formerly engaged in the dry goods business in northern Missouri and since last September has been a salesman in the store in which he is now a half owner. He will have full charge of the business. Mr. Deuel has retired from active store work, for a few years at least, and will give his attention first to the enjoyment of a good rest and then to looking after other matters in which he is interested. Mr. Kentner's family will be here this month and will make Medford their future home. F. E. Martin and E. F. Winkler have opened a second-hand store in the old bicycle stand of F. E. Martin. They are prepared to buy all kinds of goods and will give a square deal. Call and give them a chance to bid on your goods. They are reliable and energetic young men and should be encouraged. Ed. Hughes has sold the Glacier Cafe to Frank Clute and A. J. Stanley. Messrs. Clute & Stanley will make some needed alterations and improvements in the cafe, and generally renovate the place. Mr. Stanley formerly conducted a lunch counter and short order restaurant in Medford with satisfaction all around. Mr. Clute is new to the business, but he can learn. J. G. Van Dyke & Co. are now settled in their new quarters in the Karnes & Ritter-Kelly block, and are getting their furnishings arranged in shape for business. When finally fitted up according to the intentions of the firm, the store will be one of the handsomest and most convenient in Southern Oregon. The stock is all new and fresh and strictly up-to-date in all respects. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 12, 1906, page 5 THREE MEN BLOWN TO PIECES.
Jacksonville, Ore., Jan 18.--Three men were blown to
pieces by an explosion of giant powder last night in the Opp mine.Associated Press Dispatch by Special Wire The dead: William Broad, Bert Hoffman and Fred Johnson. The cause of the explosion has not been determined. Every Evening, Wilmington Daily Commercial, Wilmington, Delaware, January 18, 1906, page 5 Messrs. Hubbard Bros. have plans drawn for the erection of a fine two-story brick and stone building on their present business location, corner of Seventh and A streets. The building will cover the entire lot and will have a frontage of thirty feet on Seventh Street, and 140 feet on A Street, and will be fifty feet across the back, or along the alley. The foundation will be of stone with cross walls in plentiful number to well support the enormous weight which they will have to carry. The front will be of brick and cement, while the side walls will be of brick, seventeen inches thick. The first floor will be used for a show room and for storing the heavier farm implements and wagons, while the second story, which will be reached with an elevator, will be used as a storage and show room for hacks and carriages. The plans were made by architect I. A. Palmer and are very pretty while the detail work indicates strength and special design for the purpose intended. Work will be commenced on the building in early spring. This week another change took place in the business houses in Medford, the change being the sale of O. D. Owen of his grocery business in the Adkins building, corner of C and 7th streets, to J. P. Roberts and W. C. Reagan. Both these gentlemen are well known to Medford people, Mr. Roberts having been until quite recently a member of the hardware firm of Roberts & Garnett, while Mr. Reagan has been for the past year employed in the business of which he is now part owner. Both are thorough business men--wide-awake and up-to-date and worthy of patronage. The business will be conducted along the former lines--first-class goods and courteous treatment will be given all patrons of the establishment. Mr. Owen, whose continued ill health made it necessary that he dispose of the business, is as yet undecided just what he will do. However, he will remain in Medford, for awhile at least, and may ultimately engage in some line of business here again. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 26, 1906, page 5
Real Estate Transfers.
The following real estate transactions have been recorded since the
last issue of this paper.R G Brown to O S Wolfer; 2 acres, blk 639, sec 35, tp 35, 1 w, $50. J R Wilson to Calvin Owens; 46 feet off south end lots 17 to 20, blk 20, Medford, $220. E E Phipps to First National Bank of Ashland; property on Main and Hargadine streets Ashland, $300. T J Hamilton to Frank Livengood; north 30 acres, e ½ of sw ¼, sec 18, tp 38, 1 w, $18. F W Hutchinson to R J Edwards; ne ¼ of nw ¼ of se ¼. sec 6, tp 39, 1e, $10. W S Ball to Elizabeth Lovesee; s ½ of e ½ of n ½ of w ½ of sw ¼ of se ¼, sec 9, tp 39, 1 e, $10. US Fidelity & Guaranty Co. to A E and C L Reames; power of attorney. P Provost to A Costel; 60 acres in dlc No. 40, tp 39, 1 e, $300. A Costel to J Houck; same as above, $400. C F Neal to Stella Pfaff; lots 28 to 29, BCRR add, Ashland, $400. B F Vassar to Nellie Boivin; lots 13 and 14, blk L, Ashland, $10. A L Jones to S F Bohnson; land in sec 5, tp 39, 1 e, $160. C E Swain to G E Graves; lots 9 and 10, Nob Hill add, Ashland, $1000. J R Norris to Maggie C McCause; lot 4, Smith tract, Ashland, $3000. Maggie C McCause to Delia M Scheble; same as above, $10. J R Tolman to Delia m Scheble; same as above, $1. Wm Reid to Weyerhaeuser Timber Co; s ½ of nw ¼, lots 3 and 4, sec 3, tp 40 s, r 4 e, $10. A Davis to A F Miller; lots 1, 2, 8 and 9, blk 1, Davis add, Medford, $500. Thos Lovesee to G S Long; 160 acres, sec 28, tp 39, 1 e, $10. J M Wagner to Geo S Long; land in sec 24, tp 39, 4 e, $2000. Julius Hart to G S Long; e ½ of lots 1 and 2, s ⅞ of ne ¼ and se ¼, sec 2, tp 41, e, $1500. Martha L Smith to Thos Plankey; sw ¼ of se ¼. sec 31, tp 34 s, r 2 w, $1. Geo M Harrah to Sarah E Downing; lots 7 and 8, blk 2 Central Point, $50. W Rawlings to C M Pheister; 10 acres, dlc 76, tp 37, 2 w, $700. Halie Hoyt Johnson to David Foote; land in dlc 76, tp 37, 1 w, $300. Margaret Lynch to John Kinerk; lots 4 to 12, blk 2, Meeker's add to Medford, $600. E F Winkler to A W Sturgis; south 50 feet of lot 7, blk 3 Cottage add to Medford, $10. Jesse Wilson to Carrie Obenchain; lot 3, blk 33, Central Point, $30. Ben and Ann Beall to Carrie Obenchain; lot 4, blk 3 Central Point, $25. F M Hodges et ux to Allen Hodges; 80 acres, tp 35 s, r 1 w, $1. D Perozzi to B R Stevens et al; .261 of an acre in tp 39 s, r 1 e, $2500. H A Sage et ux to S Reynolds; lots 1, 2, 3, blk 1 Medford, $180. J C Reasoner to Elizabeth Smith; 7.81 acres, tp 39 s, r 1 e, $2600. A P Talent et ux to Jacob Stone et ux; ½ acre, tp 38 s, r 1 w, $10. Medford Mail, February 23, 1906, page 3 JACOBS WILL SEEK CITY TREASURERSHIP
Among the candidates for city treasurer is N. A. Jacobs, whose services
as an expert accountant have been sought by the grand jury and the city
trustees the past two years. He is not unknown to the community. For
two years he taught school near Corona, and then became a permanent
resident of the city. At present he is the bookkeeper of the Pachappa
Orange Growers' Association, and he has held this position for the past
three years.Mr. Jacobs was born in Iowa and went to Oregon, where he made a name for himself in Jackson County as county clerk. He owns his own home in this city and is a permanent resident. Like many others, he came to Riverside because of its wonderfully healthy climate. His wife was an invalid. His character for temperance, morality and efficiency is vouched for by all who know him in this city and is attested by officials who formerly supervised his work as an excerpt from a written testimonial from Hon. H. K. Hanna, judge of the Circuit Court, will show: "This is to certify that the bearer, N. A. Jacobs, served two years as ex-officio clerk of my court, and that he was a capable and efficient officer. His general habits are exemplary, and his reputation for probity of character is good." Also an excerpt from testimonial of attorney W. H. Parker: "I knew him while he filled the respective positions of deputy sheriff, county school superintendent, county clerk, auditor and teacher in our public schools; he discharged his duties ably and efficiently. His character is excellent." Riverside Enterprise, Riverside, California, February 25, 1906, page 8 THE CHURCHES OF MEDFORD
A Brief Mention of the Religious Denominations of Our Little City.
In the following brief mention of the churches of Medford it is not
intended to give a full or even partial account of the many interesting
features--some pleasant, still others worrisome--which have led up to
the present conditions which exist in Medford with regard to its
church organizations and its status as a religious community. As will
be seen from a group picture printed herewith there are eight houses of
worship shown, but within the last few weeks--since this picture was
made--another house of worship has been built, it being the Free
Methodist. This organization has a membership of about twenty, and they
have a cozy little church in which they meet every Sunday for
devotional services.
organization was perfected and a church was built in 1889. It had at
that time a membership of sixty-five; the present membership is 202;
Chas. T. McPherson is the present pastor.Methodist Episcopal Church ----
On June 7,
1885, a Baptist organization was effected in Medford, through the
efforts of Elder Russell, then a pastor at Ashland; in the fall of 1886
a church was built. At the time of organization there were nine
members, one male and eight females. The church now has a membership of
about 250; Rev. Frederick W. Carstens is the pastor.Baptist Church ----
church was organized in 1887; the first pastor was F. B. [Ticknor]; the
membership was then 30; its membership is now 50; F. B. Williams is the
present pastor.Episcopal Church ----
church was organized in 1889; a church was built in 1904; Rev. F. Sack
was its first pastor, and is still its pastor; the church membership at
time of organization was 20; the present membership is 30.German Lutheran Church ----
Presbyterian Church put up its first church building and dedicated it
in 1887. This building was destroyed by fire and the present edifice
was built and dedicated in 1895. Rev. M. A. Williams was the first
pastor of the Presbyterian Church. The present pastor is Rev. W. F.
Shields, who has been here since January 1st, 1903. The membership of
the church is 96 in good standing. The Sunday school has a membership
of 120.Presbyterian Church ----
Methodist Episcopal Church, South, was built in 1893; its pastor was
Roscoe C. Oglesby. The present pastor is Rev. H. B. Yacoubi; the
present membership is 136. Several years prior to the erection of the
house of worship an organization was effected and services were held in
Howard's Hall.M.E. Church, South ----
Christian Church organization was effected in Medford in 1884, and in
1887 a house of worship was built; the first pastor was Rev. Peterson,
and G. S. Walton was its first elder; its membership enrollment at that
time was fourteen; it now has a membership of 100. Rev. Corbin is the
pastor at this time.First Christian Church ----
church was built in 1888 and has a membership of fifty; Rev. Father
Theodore Mattingly is the priest in charge.Roman Catholic Church Medford Mail, March 9, 1906, page 14
P. C. Bigham started up his soda bottling establishment Tuesday, with
orders enough ahead to keep him busy for awhile. He has installed new
and up-to-date machinery for the manufacture of all kinds of carbonated
drinks and is already assured of an extensive patronage throughout the
valley. Mr. Bigham will do only a wholesale business and from present
appearances will be compelled in a short time to increase both his
plant and the working force. Besides the carbonated waters Mr. Bigham
proposes handling a high grade of eastern mineral water for the trade.
There is no visible reason why this business should not prove a
successful one in Medford, and The Mail wishes Mr. Bigham all kinds of good luck.
Olmstead & Weisser, the east side painters and paper hangers, are kept pretty busy these days filling orders. They have just completed the repainting of the drop curtain at Davis opera house, filling in six new advertisements thereon in an artistic manner. Besides this they have been doing a lot of sign painting for merchants around the town, among which is that new electric sign at Smith & Molony's Medford Shoe Parlors, and signs for Monroe & Miller, Crystal & Morey, Wortman & Gore and a number of others. They are strictly up-to-date in their work and give universal satisfaction. D. T. Lawton has had plans drawn by architect McIntosh for a fine new home which he is now preparing to build on property he owns on North B Street, just north from the Methodist Church. The house will be 32x42 feet in size, two stories high and will contain twelve rooms, besides bathroom and closets. The design is a very pretty one and if the architect's ideas are carried out it will be surely very convenient. It is expected to cost about $2500. F. E. Merrick is another of those who have acquired interests in Rogue River Valley during the past year or more who have proven their faith in the future of the country by making further investments. A month ago he purchased the Nute orchard--east of Medford--and last week he completed the deal by which he becomes the owner of the J. A. Whitman orchard, adjoining his first purchase. The Whitman orchard comprises 116 acres and the purchase price of $10,000. In the 116 acres of orchard there are 800 bearing pear trees, principally Bartletts, Howell and Winter Nelis. Also there are twelve acres set to Yellow Newtowns, and twenty acres of apples in bearing. Besides this there are 100 apricot trees in bearing, and as that locality is famous for the quality of the apricots produced there Mr. Merrick is figuring on some income, at least, from this source. The character of the soil, location and sheltered position seem admirably fitted for the production of this fruit, and the quality of the production is proof enough. Mr. Merrick's case shows what acquaintance with Rogue River Valley and its capabilities will do. He had to be persuaded to invest in the first instance, and in his last investment he had to persuade the other fellow. The Medford Shoe Parlors are marked now by a big electric sign, painted by Olmstead & Weisser, of the west side. The electric device which operates the light is a very originally contrived little affair and is operated with one of these little alarm clocks. The owners of the shoe store do not care to light the streets at hours when there are now pedestrians on them and have arranged to have the lights shut off automatically at ten o'clock. The alarm is set, and when that hour is reached the alarm breaks an electrical connection and the light switch is thrown open--and the lights are out. F. E. Martin and E. F. Winkler have opened a second hand store in the old bicycle stand of F. E. Martin. They are prepared to buy all kinds of goods and will give a square deal. Call and give them a chance to bid on your goods. They are reliable and energetic young men and should be encouraged. The Medford Furniture Co. will soon commence putting in place in their store a new plate glass front. The entire front is to be taken out and replaced entirely of new material. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 23, 1906, page 5 Notice to Merchants and Citizens
is hereby given to the merchants and citizens of Medford that hereafter
they must not dump, or deposit, or cause to be dumped or deposited,
within the incorporate limits of the city of Medford or within the
limits of the Medford road district, any offal, debris or garbage of
any nature, without first securing a permit from the street
Medford Mail, March 23, 1906, page 5Street Commissioner. M. W. Wheeler and family, of Grants Pass, are occupying the W. B. Jackson residence vacated by Robert Taylor last week. Miss Lizzie Ferguson left last week for Pendleton, where she accepts a position as teacher in the schools. The best wishes of her many friends go with her. Mrs. James Boyd and son, Norris, returned last week to Bly, Oregon, after being for the winter with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lares, the latter being a daughter of Mrs. Boyd. Fred Downing has purchased of J. H. Parsons property on South C Street, west side, including two lots and a five-room cottage, consideration for the same being $1100. Haskell Taylor, of Helena, Mont., who has been for a short visit with his brother, Robert, and family, left Tuesday for Seattle and thence to Klondike, where he is interested. Gene Childers has begun the construction of a fine residence on his property recently purchased from L. G. Porter. This structure will be mostly of cement blocks and if present plans are carried out one of the prettiest homes our city affords. "East Medford Items," Medford Mail, March 23, 1906, page 8 E. E. Rising and family from Puyallup, Wash. arrived this noon and will make Medford their home. Mr. Rising was in Medford a week or so ago, at which time he purchased the D. T. Lawton place in North Medford. Arthur S. Wells completed his street sprinkling list today, and will undertake to keep them in good condition from now on, under the supervision of the water commissioner. He says that if the water holds out, he will surely keep down the dust this summer. "Local and Personal," Medford Daily Tribune, March 23, 1906, page 4 Street Commissioner King is having the streets cleaned this week--and, best of all, he is having the alleys cleaned. Good, clean streets are pleasant to look upon, and to drive upon, but much of the pride which our townspeople might take in this connection would go below the zero mark if the alleys are left in an unsightly condition. In this connection The Mail is going to say that the means adopted by the street committee in cleaning the streets heretofore could, and ought to be, improved upon. Heretofore, and right now for that matter, the renters on the business streets have been and are compelled to clean the street in front of their respective business places. It is hardly fair to ask them to do this, neither is it pleasant. As the work is required to be done within a given time laborers cannot always be secured, and as a result either the merchant or some of his salesmen are compelled to get out with a shovel and hoe and perform the work. A salesman at a goods counter or soda fountain is not usually equipped for street cleaning work. This work should come in with the other duties of the street commissioner and should be paid for out of the road fund. Mayor Bradshaw has engaged the services of Jason Ottinger as park keeper. This appointment is a very deserving one, and it will meet with the approval of every citizen of Medford who have taken an interest in the proper care of the park--and this includes all of us. It was Mr. Ottinger's efforts, under the supervision of ex-Mayor Pickel, and with the assistance of the ladies of the Lewis and Clark Club, who last year made the park the beauty spot which it now is, and, understanding as he does all the requirements, well fits him for the position. The park is very beautiful this spring, and with the care which Mr. Ottinger will give it it will retain all its beauty and add new features of loveliness as the season advances. The park keeper is also a deputy policeman and is authorized by ordinance to arrest any person who violates the park laws. Last season Mr. Ottinger made a few arrests, which fact proves that he is not afraid to perform his duties--and the conclusion is that he will be equally as vigilant this season. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 30, 1906, page 5 Wilson & Higinbotham have been making a number of improvements in their C Street blacksmith shop. New tools and appliances have been added, as well as a complete woodworking department, so that they are prepared to turn out first-class work in every branch of the business. J. R. Wilson has been so long in the blacksmithing business that it has become second nature to him. He tries to get out of it once in a while, but invariably drifts back. Charley Higinbotham, his partner, is also a first-class workman. The Owl Pool and Billiard Hall is now conducted by Waschau Bros., R. A. Waschau having recently purchased an interest therein. The rooms have been refitted in an up-to-date manner and comprise the best billiard and pool hall in Southern Oregon. The hall is large, roomy and light, no dark corners, and is an ideal place in which to indulge in the game. Waschau Bros. intend to inaugurate a pool and billiard tournament soon. Messrs. Church Bros., proprietors of the Vienna Bakery, have the thanks of the whole Mail office force for a very generous supply of an assortment of excellent pies--presumably that we might enjoy some of the good things of life before starting upon our long and uncertain journey. Hard walking is oftentimes made less tiresome when the inner man has been properly attended. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 6, 1906, page 5 ![]() A Western Orchard Company postcard mailed December 1907 "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 6, 1906, page 5 A New Enterprise.
I. Reinhart, lately of New Mexico, has associated with him several
citizens of Medford in the formation of a company for the purpose of
manufacturing reinforced concrete building blocks. This substance is
designed to take the place of brick, stone and all other building
substances. It is as durable as stone and much cheaper and as cheap as
brick. Imitations of stone of every description can be turned out by
this process. Pillars, ornamental capitals, archways, anything which
can be constructed of brick or stone can be made. It is suitable for
all classes of work. In the East and in California it is rapidly taking
the place of all other building material, and some of the finest and
most elaborate buildings are being constructed of it. Architects
everywhere recommend it very highly. It will stand a great deal more
heat than brick, as has been tested.
The company to handle this manufacturing business will be known as the Medford Cement & Construction Co., and as soon as the machinery, which has been ordered, arrives work will be commenced. Within thirty days, Mr. Reinhart estimates, he will have the plant about ready for operation. The plant will be located on Bear Creek in South Medford. Medford Mail, April 13, 1906, page 1 Earthquake Shock Felt at Medford, Oregon.
Medford, Oregon, April 23.--A slight but distinct earthquake shock was
felt here about 2 o'clock this morning. No damage was done.
El Paso Daily Times, April 24, 1906, page 1 Cement Plant in Operation.
Medford Cement & Construction Co. commenced operations last week,
manufacturing reinforced cement blocks for building purposes. At
present the plant is being operated on a small scale, owing to the
difficulty the company has had in securing a location, and the fact
that it is almost impossible to secure Portland cement, which enters
materially into the construction of the blocks. The first named
difficulty they expect to overcome shortly, and the cement proposition
will likely adjust itself as soon as the big California factories,
which were damaged by the earthquake, shall have resumed business.
This is the first introduction of the reinforced concrete block for building purposes in Southern Oregon, and the manufacturers expect it to become the popular building material. With cement selling at a normal figure they claim that the material they manufacture is nearly, if not quite, as cheap as brick and much more durable, besides other advantages which they claim for it. One is that the fact of the blocks being hollow makes the building cooler in summer and warmer in winter by means of the ventilation afforded by these air spaces. Another is that all pipes and wires can be run through these hollow blocks, so that neither need show either on the outside of the building. The company is now engaged in getting out blocks for the construction of a two-story, 22x25-foot building to be erected by Smith & Molony in the rear of their store, and expect to complete the contract in a short time. The lower story of this building will consist of 12-inch blocks and the upper of 8-inch blocks. The rear will present the appearance of the natural rough stone, while the sides will be smooth to admit of them being used as partition walls should additions be made. The company also has orders for blocks for foundations for several new frame dwellings to be built in Medford and vicinity shortly. Medford Mail, May 11, 1906, page 1 C. C. Taylor has sold his 400-acre farm, east of Medford, to the Western Oregon Orchard Company, the consideration being nearly $20,000. The deal and the transfer of the property was made through Fred Lundahl, the company's representative in Medford. The company expects to plant the major portion of the farm to orchard and make it a part of their great orchard tract. Mr. Taylor, who has lived on the farm all his life, expects to buy a smaller tract of land, near Medford, and engage in growing fancy stock. C. H. Martin, who has been operating a milk route in Medford for a year or more, has leased his place and sold some of his stock to Mr. Calhoun, of Phoenix, and Mr. Calhoun will continue the route. Mr. Martin, together with his family, left Tuesday for Ft. Klamath, where he has land and stock interests which require his attention. He took twenty-five head of milch cows with him. Smith & Molony, proprietors of the Medford Shoe Parlors, are arranging for the construction of a 22x25 extension to their store building. This extension is made necessary by the growth of the business, for which more room is required. The extension will be built of the reinforced cement blocks being manufactured by the Medford Concrete & Construction Co. A. W. Countryman, the shoemaker, has opened a shoe repairing shop in Mr. Eads' second hand store, on the West Side. Mr. Countryman is a cripple, has but recently recovered from sickness, is said to be a good workman, has a family to support, is honest, sober and industrious--and deserves your patronage. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 11, 1906, page 5 CATHOLIC SCHOOL AT MEDFORD
Citizens of Southern Oregon Town Asked to Give Site. MEDFORD,
Or., May 24.--(Special.)--At a meeting of the Commercial Club last
evening the subject discussed was regarding ways and means of acquiring
a site for the Catholic school. Archbishop Christie has practically
promised that, if Medford will give a site, a Catholic boarding school
will be established here. The site that pleased the archbishop most was
a five-acre tract belonging to Mr. Hutchinson. The price is $300 per
acre, or $1500 for the five acres, which sum is proposed to be raised
by popular subscription.
The committee, which consists of Dr. J. M. Keene, John D. Olwell, Dr. J. F. Reddy, E. Hafer, George L. Davis and D. H. Miller, will commence work tomorrow on the fund account. Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 25, 1906, page 6 Fred Luy and family had all kinds of trouble on the first start of their camping trip last week. The wagon carrying their bedding, etc., passed too close to the engine running the county road roller and a spark set the bedding on fire, and it took some lively work on the part of the driver and young Fred Luy to extinguish the flames. Then the baggage wagon took the road to Dead Indian Springs instead of that to McAllister Springs, and as a consequence the Luy party had to borrow "sleeping tools" from the other campers until the lost wagon could be located. Then about the time the party had settled down to rest a messenger came to announce the death of Fred Luy, Sr., at Jacksonville, causing Fred to repeat the thirty-mile ride he had just finished. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 20, 1906, page 5 No Reading Room.
MEDFORD, Ore., August 6, 1906.--Medford has no place where the laboring
man can spend a few hours profitably and pleasantly. The pool rooms,
saloon and the gambling dens are the only places that solicit their
presence and offer accommodations and attractions. If the professed
Christian people would work as diligently for their cause as the saloon
man does for his these conditions would not exist. It is not expected
of merchants to arrange seats for the people and entertain them, but it
does appear to me that a town the size of Medford, with its thrift,
growth and enthusiasm, with its various churches and large membership,
should have a reading room, where we could spend a few hours
intelligently, though not necessarily an expensive one. I believe the
citizens and business men of city and country, when they seriously
consider the subject, will favor the same. I am not a pool player or a
saloon patron, but on the other side vigorously opposed to both. I do
not censure the saloon keeper as severely as some do. I believe some of
them will contribute liberally and cheerfully to the much-needed
enterprise. I have never known a saloon keeper that was a Christian or
even professed to be, but have known scores of men who do profess to be
Christians who will on election day vote for men who make the laws that
legalizes the saloon to make the drunkard, and then criticize the
saloon. It isn't the saloon man who is the most to censure. The church
people hold the balance of power, and if they would vote to suppress
the cursed traffic instead of making it lawful our cities would be in
much better condition and the criminal records would be greatly
reduced. I have no vote for the saloon, but have five dollars for a
reading room. LABORER.
Medford Mail, August 10, 1906, page 1Nickell Sentenced.
The land fraud trials of local interest terminated at Portland last
Monday, when Charles Nickell appeared for sentence in Judge Hunt's
court. The motion for new trial was not argued, and after pronouncing
sentence of thirteen months on McNeil Island (nothing said about hard
labor) the court allowed Nickell to go on his old bond pending appeal.
Nickell announces his intention of carrying the case through the higher
Medford Mail, August 10, 1906, page 5
Real Estate Transfers.
The following real estate transactions have been recorded since the
last issue of this paper.J S Howard to E T Hafer; lots 7 to 12, blk 79, Medford, $1450. L I Peart et ux to A S Wells; lots 1 to 3, blk 4, Medford, $1050. W. E. Purdy et ux to C H Rogers; lots 31 and 32, blk p, RR add, Ashland, $1. C H Webber et ux to W E Wheeler; land in sec 36, tp 32, 3 e, $800. P E Engbetson et ux to E T Borgen; land in sec 22, tp 32, 1 w, $1500. Geo Chamberlain et ux to T E Rossman; land in tp 38, 1 w, $100. John Arnold to J S Ellison et ux; lots 5 and 6, blk 3, Lumsden's add, Medford, $35. Chris Ulrich et ux to J E Ellison et al; lot 4, blk 4, Medford, $10. US to Susie E Bates; 160 acres in sec 26, tp 37, 3e, patent. Susie E Bates to First National Bank Southern Oregon; same land described above, $1100. W B Sherman to First National Bank Southern Oregon; ne ¼, sec 26, tp 33, 4 w, $400. C F Yokum to J F Benningham; ¼ interest to mining property in tp 33, 4 w, $50. Annie E Dean et ux to A P Talent; land in the Broback reservation, $700. R H Whitehead to W B Jackson; trust deed to various land near Eagle Point and Central Point, $1. W B Jackson to Wm Holmes; lots 13 and 14, blk 6, Central Point, $1. F E Martin to J W Hamlin; land in tp 37, 2 w, $200. J E Toft et ux to R L Burdic; lot 1, blk 47, Medford, $100. US to James W Bates; se ¼, sec 28, tp 34, 3 e. US to T F Shaw; land in sec 32, tp 34, 2 e. US to Bessie Nickell; nw ¼, sec 8, tp4, 3 e. A M Purves et ux to M J Tibbetts; 8 acres in tp 38, 1 w, $1. Francis M Centers et ux to M S Thompson; se ¼, sec 4, tp 37, 1 e, $100. Wm M Holmes et ux to W E Price; lots 13 and 14, blk 6, Central Point, $600. A P Talent et ux to J C Emerick; property in Medford, $2200. R W Gray et ux to E L Balcom; lots 10 to 13, blk 1, Medford, $4750. G T Farnsworth to N Cooke; lot 2, blk 2, Whitney's add to Medford, $940. Medford Mail, August 10, 1906, page 3 Mrs. E. H. Burke is a guest for 10 days of her sister, Mrs. Hunt Lewis, at the Lewis ranch, at Medford. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, August 19, 1906, page 26 Mrs. E. H. Brooke and Miss Margretta Brooke are home again from a three weeks' visit at Medford, Or. with Mrs. Brooke's sister, Mrs. Hunt Lewis. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, August 19, 1906, page 26 The Medford Coal Mine.
Things are booming at the coal mine east of Medford nowadays and they will boom more pretty quick.Just at present twenty-five men are employed in and about the mine. The engine, hoist and other machinery is on the ground, and buildings are being constructed for the use of the men and to house the machinery. A cook house, bunk house and other necessary buildings are being rushed to completion, and as soon as these arrangements for the comfort and convenience of employees are finished the working force will be at least doubled and work will go on night and day. The company means business, and as the coal is there for the digging, the success of the enterprise is assured. The full extent of the advantages to be reaped by the location of a coal mine in such close proximity to Medford are difficult to realize. Outside of the payroll of such an enterprise, the presence of a large body of coal will bring about the location nearby of various other enterprises, which would not otherwise come here on account of the lack of such fuel. It will ensure the building of a railroad from this city to the copper mines, thus securing the bulk of the trade of that big enterprise. This coal mine is one of the biggest cards Medford has just at present, and taken with the others--timber, fruit, copper and gold--makes up a hand pretty hard to beat. Medford Mail, September 28, 1906, page 1 Is Locked Up with Puter.
Martin G. Hoge, the city attorney of Medford, who was convicted July
27th last on a charge of conspiracy to defraud the government out of
its public lands in conjunction with the operatives of Miller and
Kincart and Charles Nickell, was yesterday removed to the county jail
from the Good Samaritan Hospital, where he has been confined ever since
a jury found him guilty in the federal court.Although Hoge is still quite ill, it was thought he was able to endure jail life for awhile, as he was only sentenced to four months' imprisonment in addition to a fine of $500. In all probability he will not be called upon to pay this amount, as he may plead the "poor debtor" act if he feels so disposed. Hoge will pass the remainder of his term in the same cell with S. A. D. Puter unless his physical condition becomes such as to necessitate his return to the hospital. Last night he was unable to leave his prison couch.--Sunday Oregonian. Medford Mail, September 28, 1906, page 4 The Southern Pacific R.R. Co. has given out news that 10,000 Dunkards are heading for California from the states of Ohio, Illinois, Kansas and Missouri. A large colony is to be located in Butte Creek Valley, this county, where the Dunkards have purchased 10,000 acres of the Miller tract. They will locate two towns on the projected line of the S.P.R. Co., which is to run to Klamath Falls, Ore. They also intend, it is said, to increase their colony in size, and make Butte Creek Valley the largest Dunkard settlement in the world.--Yreka Journal. "A Brief Record of Local Events," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, October 19, 1906, page 5 James M. Campbell, formerly of this county, writes us from Tolo, Jackson County, Oregon, ordering the Advocate for one year, "because," he says, "I must have Humboldt's news." "Breezy Brevities," Blue Lake Advocate, Blue Lake, California, October 27, 1906, page 4 Percy McKenzie, for some months foreman of the News, left for his home, in Jackson County, Oregon, on the 9th inst. Mr. McKenzie is a thorough printer. Dr. J. G. Goble, optician, who has been in this county for the past month, left Tuesday for his home in Southern Oregon. He will return to this section next spring. "Local Events," Del Norte Record, Crescent City, November 17, 1906, page 3 The funeral of Laurence Steele was held in the M.E. Church, Smith River, Saturday afternoon, November 10th, Rev. Wallace Cutter, pastor of the church, officiating. Deceased was born in Jackson County, Oregon, in 1882. He was always an industrious, kind and thoughtful son and brother. The sympathy of the people go out toward the family. Del Norte Record, Crescent City, November 17, 1906, page 3 AN ORCHARD IN WESTERN OREGON
One sure sign that Jackson County in general, the Rogue River Valley in
particular, are beginning to get the outside recognition to which it
has long been entitled, and which is but the forerunner of a large
immigration, is the avidity with which the Portland papers are seeking
material and copy regarding this valley. A close observer will perhaps
have observed that Medford and Jackson County during the past few
months have received a great deal more space in the journals of the
metropolis than any other section of the state. Little of this has been
politics or speculation, hut records of actual events in our mines and
timber and wonderful record-breaking stunts in our fruit products and
vegetation. This is the advertising that pays and that the valley
deserves.ENTERPRISE GROWING AT MEDFORD This and Other Great Projects Rapidly Making Rogue River Valley Famous. (Medford, Ore., Tribune.) J. A. Westerlund, of Chicago, president of the Western Oregon Orchard Company, who has just arrived in Medford, was in Portland the other day and in conversation with a representative of the Evening Journal told something of his immense enterprise, which lies not far from our city limits. This company has 400 acres planted and will during the coming winter plant 600 acres more, the land now being prepared to receive 30,000 trees, which have already been ordered. Telling of this enterprise, Mr. Westerlund said: "We first had our attention attracted to Oregon as an apple state several years ago by the Hood River apple business. Since then I have made twenty-nine trips from Chicago to this section of the country. We purchased our first land in Jackson County at $20 an acre. The last acreage bought cost us $75 per acre. It was a rapid increase of land values around our orchard enterprise, but we had to pay it. We have to the present time planted 20,000 trees and have 30,000 more now ordered. Our work has been done quietly and until the present time we have not been willing to say anything about it for publication. We believe Oregon is the greatest apple section in the United States and that this industry will make fortunes for a great many people. It will distance the profit and prosperity that grew out of the orange business in Southern California." The company conducts its business on a unique plan that has not been tried before in the fruit business. Each acre planted to trees represents a share, valued at $400. It is estimated that when the trees are in bearing they will yield a good dividend on the valuation, year after year, and that the yield can be continued indefinitely. Fred Lundahl, formerly of Portland, is the manager and resides on the property. Mr. Westerlund has been making an investigation of the grape growing industry and demand in Oregon and has determined to enter extensively into that branch of horticulture. He has ordered grape plants for planting thirty-five aces and will increase the vineyard to 100 acres. The above order of trees is placed with the Woodburn Nurseries, Woodburn, Ore., Dillard Cooke, general agent, North Yakima, Washingtonm and consists of 18,000 apples, 11,000 pears, 600 cherries, 900 peaches and 300 apricots, 7000 grapes, and in addition last year the same firm furnished 5000 pears, 200 cherries, 250 peaches, 250 apricots, 250 prunes, and two years ago 6000 assorted trees. There must be some merit to the trees furnished by a nursery when such large planters get their trees from year to year from the same concern. This nursery has been sending their products into the Rogue River country for over forty years, and some of the pears from their trees sold this season for better than $8 per box, and E. Spitzenbergs for $4.50 per box. The founder of the Woodburn nursery, J. H. Settlemier, is a pioneer of '49, having crossed the plains by ox team when a boy of 9 years of age, and has lived in the Willamette Valley ever since. He worked in the nursery of his father, afterward going into business for himself at the present location in 1863, continuing until 1892, when his son, F. W. Settlemier, succeeded to the ownership. The product of the nursery has been shipped to very near every civilized country in the world, and numbers among its customers some of the largest planters of the day. You will make no mistake by buying from a firm that has grown up in the business and offers as a testimony the evidence of being able to find the same people always at the same old stand. When you are ready to place your order see Mr. Cooke and your wants will have the same attention as if sent direct to the nursery. Yakima Herald, November 28, 1906, page 5 |