While the Willamette Valley seems all alive on the narrow-gauge
railroad question, Southern Oregon is not asleep. On the 4th inst., an
enthusiastic mass meeting was held at Jacksonville to discuss the
project of building a narrow-gauge road from Rogue River Valley to
tidewater at or near Ellensburg, Curry County, Oregon. Many of the most
substantial merchants and farmers, representing nearly every precinct,
were present, and nearly all of them had something to say in favor of
the scheme. E. K. Anderson acted as chairman, and Geo. E. Strong as
secretary of the meeting. E. D. Foudray explained the purpose of the
call, and brief addresses were made by Messrs. Ross, Kahler, Beekman,
Hopwood, McCall and Kent.
A committee was appointed to
prepare a subscription paper to be presented to the citizens of Jackson
County for contributions towards defraying the expense of a preliminary
survey of the proposed road. Over $500 were raised, in a few minutes,
C. C. Beekman heading the subscription with $100, Col. Ross and others
following with $50 each, while subscriptions ranged from five dollars
up. From the enthusiasm manifested, we have no doubt the enterprise
will be a success, and although Rogue River may not be navigable,
Southern Oregon will yet have an outlet to the sea. Success to the
undertaking.Corvallis Gazette, January 17, 1879, page 2 A JACKSONVILLE, Oregon, paper says: "A flock of geese flying rather low over Gin Lin's claim the other day, the man in charge of the hydraulic pipe turned it on them and succeeded in bringing down two of the birds, one of which was secured." "Jolly Jokers," Geneva Lake Herald, Geneva, Wisconsin, January 18, 1879, page 4 WALKING ARSENALS.
In according the right to "bear arms" it is hardly probable that the
framers of the Constitution contemplated the effect of the liberty.
Could they have looked forward to this day and have seen citizens
loaded down with pistols and munitions of war in communities where
peace reigned, they would have been appalled at the effect of the
license granted. The practice is to be deprecated. It is not only
unmanly and cowardly but dangerous and provocative of violence. We do
not believe that men fill their pockets because their hearts are filled
with murder or a desire to cripple someone. On the contrary, we
apprehend that it is prompted by a mere spirit of braggadocio or a
desire to be considered courageous, and men often flourish their
pistols to establish a character for bravery only when certain that a
friendly hand will seize it and prevent its explosion. How often have
men in the heat of momentary passion jerked their weapons from their
pockets and when too late regretted that they had been within their
reach? Only a week since, a shooting affray that will cost the
taxpayers dearly took place, and it never could have occurred if the
parties had been unarmed. Unfortunately this evil, verifying the saying
"As the old cock crows the young one learns," is extending to the
youth, and it is common to hear of boys under the age of sixteen
brandishing their pistols and threatening to shoot off the tops of
comrades' heads. It is useless to enlarge on this subject. The
dangerous effect of indiscriminate carrying of arms in communities
where there are neither footpads, Indians nor banditti will be
recognized by all sensible people, and we will only add, as a notable
fact, that last year there was more blood shed in San Francisco, a city
of two hundred thousand, than in the whole of Ireland, with five and a
half millions of inhabitants. An ordinance against carrying concealed
weapons, if properly enforced, would enrich the city treasury and would
undoubtedly shame many into the propriety of leaving their knives and
pistols in their dwellings.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 22, 1879, page 2 Last week Mrs. William Hoffman, of Jacksonville, slipped on the ice in her dooryard and broke her left arm just above the wrist. The Sheriff of Jackson County has collected up to date a little over $11,000 of taxes due for 1879. The whole amount to be collected is $33,135.98. Vagrant siwashes living about Jacksonville have made up a purse of $60 for the defense of Indian Steve, who was concerned with Rath in the murder of Sebring. Jacksonville Sentinel: Messrs. Parnell & Ball picked up a nugget in their claim near Grants Pass last week which weighed twenty-two ounces, or $374. They must have tolerable good dry diggings. An Applegate correspondent says: This has been a splendid winter on stock; so far they are looking well. Weather still cold and frosty. The general desire is for rain, but still it does not come. The most of our miners are studying how to amuse themselves while waiting for rain, and looking rather blue. Nothing is being done in the farming line, as the ground is frozen too deep, and fears are entertained that the grain sown in the fall is very much injured by the freeze. "Oregon," Sacramento Daily Union, February 1, 1879, page 4 The snow was thirty inches deep in the vicinity of King Creek [Kanes Creek?], Jackson County, Oregon, last week. Sixty-seven marriage licenses were issued by the clerk of Jackson County during the year 1878. About a thousand head of cattle are being fattened for market in Surprise Valley, Jackson County, Oregon. "Pacific Coast Items," Sacramento Daily Record-Union, February 5, 1879, page 7 GATHERED TO HIS FATHERS.
Again the sickle of Death has thinned
the social circle of this community. Neither the tender shoot nor the
blossoming stalk has been cut down; but a ripened ear, bending to the
blast and ready for the harvest, has been gathered safely into the
garner reared by the hand of the Omniscient.On last Friday, at 2:30 a.m., Uriah S. Hayden, one of Oregon's early pioneers, departed from among us to test the problem of the Great Unknown. He was ailing but a single week before his decease with pleuropneumonia, which from the first assumed a type that left little hope for his recovery. Mr. Hayden's residence in the state dates back to the fall of 1850, when he settled in the Willamette Valley and located a donation claim in Marion County. The fame of the gold fields of Southern Oregon attracted his attention and in 1852 he forsook his pastoral avocation and came hither to try his fortune in the mines. Tiring of a miner's life, in 1857 he engaged in clerical duties, for which he was well qualified, first accepting a position in the store of Kenney & Hamlin, then doing business in Jacksonville. In these pursuits he continued until the time of his death, having retained the position of confidential clerk in C. C. Beekman's banking establishment for twenty years. As his means increased he invested in mining grounds and in mercantile interests with trusted friends, but continued to devote his personal attention to the duties of the post he had chosen; and, at the time of his death, he was possessed of an independent competence. During his residence here he held important public positions, the requirements of which he fulfilled with scrupulous honor and fidelity. He was chosen "alcalde" for his mining district before Jacksonville had attained sufficient importance to entitle it to the distinction of a town. At the time of his death he was Recorder of this municipality, in which capacity he officiated for fifteen years. Mr. Hayden was a native of Connecticut, which state he left at an early age. He had traveled extensively and possessed a mind stored with useful knowledge and powers of conversation, which rendered him an agreeable companion. In his religious convictions he was a believer in the forms and doctrines of the Episcopal Church, and his funeral was conducted in accordance with the impressive rites of his faith, administered by Rev. M. A. Williams. His remains were interred in the Jacksonville Cemetery on Sunday last, whither they were followed by a procession seldom equaled in numbers in the history of this county. The pall bearers were L. J. C. Duncan, Peter Britt, Silas J. Day, J. B. Wrisley, M. Hanley and Thos F. Beall, all members of the Southern Oregon Pioneer Association, of which deceased was secretary. T. G. Reames, K. Kubli, N. Langell, J. Nunan and David Linn, members of the Board of Trustees, with which Mr. Hayden had long been identified, attended the hearse. The last sad rites have been performed and the place that so lately knew the honored dead shall know him no more forever; but the memory of his noble qualities of mind and heart will linger long with those who knew him best. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 7, 1879, page 2 The Ashland woolen factory is again in full blast, with James Thornton as superintendent. Mrs. Brake, a woman revivalist, successfully conducted a "protracted meeting" on Wagner Creek, Douglas County, making a number of converts. Fears are entertained by many farmers that the weather will not permit them to plow until it be too late to put in as large an area of grain as they have been contemplating. The members of the Jacksonville Reading Room Association are considering the advisability of organizing a literary society, as an adjunct to which ladies may be admitted. "Southern Oregon," Puget Sound Argus, Port Townsend, February 19, 1879, page 2 Four feet of snow on the Southern Oregon road at the Green Springs.
"Pacific Coast
Items," Sacramento
Daily Union, February 25, 1879, page 4The property of Ashland, Or., has been assessed at $122,000, after allowing an exemption of $300 for each family man. Large numbers of sheep are dying of scab in Jackson County, Oregon. Where proper preventives have been used flocks are free from the disease. Jacksonville Sentinel: We hear that a very large amount of grain has been sown in the upper end of the valley, there being more rain there in the early part of the season than elsewhere in this section. The Ashland woolen factory is now in the hands of James Thornton, W. H. Atkinson, Jacob Wagner and E. K. Anderson. The new company have wool enough on hand to keep their machinery running until next July. The Ashland (Or.) Academy building was sold on the 8th instant by the Sheriff, by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court, foreclosing a mortgage held by W. C. Myer. Mr. Myer was the purchaser at $3,700. The sale will not interfere with the present term of school. Indian Steve, of Jackson County, Or., has been acquitted of the murder of Eri Sibring.
Sacramento Daily Union, March 5, 1879, page 3Disastrous Fire in Oregon.
March 11th.--The following dispatch was just received from Ashland,
Jackson County: A disastrous fire broke out here this morning at about
4 o'clock, in a blacksmith shop. The fire was so far under way when
discovered as to baffle all efforts at stopping it until it swept every
building on the west side of Main Street to the bridge on the north,
and until it reached the fireproof brick of J. M. McCall on the south,
where it was stopped after burning off the false roof. The loss is
estimated at $26,000, as follows: Neil & Harris, meat market, two
buildings, $500; DePeatt, boot and shoe shop, $400; M. Mayer, tailor
shop, $150; George Nutley, boot and shoe shop, $500; Helman &
Fountain's Hall, $3,000; J. D. Fountain, general merchandise, $3,500;
post office, $900; Odd Fellows, Masons and Good Templars, $2,000; Inlow
& Farlow, drugs and building, $4,000; J. W. Riggs, gallery, $500;
blacksmith shop and hall, $3,500; W. W. Kentner, wagon shop, $500; Mrs.
Jones, millinery, $300; J. M. McCall, two small buildings, $800; J. M.
McCall & Co., stock and damage to building, $2,000; C. K. Klum,
$200; Tidings office, $300; J. Houck, hotel, $1,500. The origin of the fire is unknown.Nine persons are in the Jackson County poor house. A flock of eleven swans have taken up permanent quarters in a small lake in Jackson County. Jacksonville Times: Will. Hunter, who has just returned from Applegate, says a rumor is in circulation there to the effect that a $2,000 nugget has been found on Silver Creek. A little shooting match occurred at Ashland the other night. Some hoodlums undertook to rock the cabin of Chas. Williams, a harmless old man, and one of the party received a load of fine shot as he was about departing from the scene at double-quick time for his pains. "Oregon Items," Sacramento Daily Union, March 22, 1879, page 8 MILITARY COMMISSIONS.--The following commissions were issued yesterday from the office of the secretary of state by direction of the governor: William Mason Colvig, assistant adjutant general on staff of Brigadier General Thomas G. Reames, with rank of major, Silas J. Day and Chas. Nickell, of Jacksonville, aides de camp on staff of Brigadier General T. G. Reames, with the rank of captain. "City," Oregonian, Portland, April 3, 1879, page 3 An Interesting Oregon Family.
We have an old pioneer in Jackson County, Mr. James Savage, of Rogue
River, who has raised a family of thirteen children. The boys, four in
number, are between the ages of 14 and 23, and these four boys have
manufactured, by their own unaided labor, three violins and a bass
viol, all of exquisite tone and finish, and on which they execute
difficult music, having been without an instructor. The instruments are
made of cedar and maple, and but recently one of the boys was offered
$40, which was refused, for his violin. The boys can make a rifle or a
wagon, shoe a horse, mend a clock or watch, work out an algebraic
problem, swing a pick in the mines, or follow a reaper with equal
success. The girls of the family, nine in number, have the same musical
talent, and are not ashamed to wrestle with kitchen work, afraid to
mount a bucking horse, or row their skiff across the river, even when
it is dangerously swollen.--Portland (Ore.) Bee.San Joaquin Valley Argos, Merced, California, April 12, 1879, page 2 Southern Oregon.
Crops near Ashland are growing finely.
Sheep shearing is in progress in Southern Oregon. Water has already failed at several mining localities in Southern Oregon. Wm. Little, a Jacksonville boy, cut his foot seriously with an ax recently. Several brick buildings will probably be built at Ashland during the current season. Promising diggings have been discovered on Dutch Creek, in the Briggs Creek region. A fine quality of limestone has been discovered on the place of Geo. Nurse's, near Linkville. The teaming season has opened. Several teamsters have started for Roseburg and Redding during the past few days. The Sterling company expects to have an ample supply of water for all purposes for the ensuing two or three months. Ben Beal, of Jacksonville, had the bones of his right arm shattered last week by a kick from a horse which he was grooming. The grass is better this spring than usual in the vicinity of Big Butte, Cattle buyers have recently passed through the country. As the roads are improving rapidly, the stage company will probably commence running on summer time in a few weeks. The residence of J. W. White, on Applegate, was burned to the ground on Sunday of last week. Mr. W. was away from home at the time. A mail route between Jacksonville and N. Wright's on Big Applegate has been established, and that service will be instituted immediately. Jackson County farmers are engaged in planting corn. The rains of April delayed the early sowing of this crop, but to no evident injury. A meeting to agitate the construction of the proposed railroad to Coos Bay will probably be held in Roseburg during the coming term of court. A Chinaman in the employ of the Grand Applegate Company was drowned in the Big Applegate last Tuesday while attempting to cross that stream in a boat. The Palmer Creek company made a final cleanup last week and have suspended mining operations for this season. They will probably resume work on the lower bars next winter. Hay & Magruder have suspended work on their diggings on the northwest side of Gold Hill for the present. They realized about $25 per day with their hydraulic while water was abundant. McDonough, Kahler & Co., of the Fort Lane diggings, made a final cleanup last week and realized about $150. Near $800 have been taken out of these mines during the past season. The little four-year old son of Charles L. Thurman, of Applegate, recently had his right hand mutilated by a hatchet in the hands of a brother, but fortunately sustained no serious injuries. Jay Beach, of Fort Klamath, is now engaged in laying out an extensive horse ranch in the vicinity of Linkville, for which purpose he has purchased a large area of state land. He proposes to raise blooded horses. Mrs. Cameron was thrown from a carriage while at a picnic in Bybee's Grove near Jacksonville and had her nose broken and received a severe cut in the forehead. Mrs. Brogen was thrown out at the same time and was severely hurt. Geo. W. Isaacs of Butte Creek will drive a band of 200 head of cattle east of the mountains about the middle of this month. M. Hanley, A. Carlton, Chas. Jones and J. Bradley will start about 600 head of cattle for Grant County from Butte Creek about the 15th inst. Ashland Tidings: The condition of affairs on mail route 44,152, between this place and Lakeview, is a disgrace to the government which allows it to continue. The report of the postmaster at Lakeview, published in the State Line Herald, from the 15th of March to the 18th of April, a period of thirty-four days, shows twenty failures to arrive at that place and nineteen failures to leave. Yet this is called a mail service, and for this the people are asked to pay. At this place, Postmaster Helman's record from the 12th of March to the 28th of April shows ten failures to arrive and six to leave. These, it must be remembered, are not merely failures to arrive upon schedule time, but the failure of any mail to arrive or depart upon the days specified. "The Northwest," Oregonian, Portland, May 6, 1879, page 1 ROAD TO CRESCENT CITY.
From Mr. L. F. Cooper, who has just been taking the levels of the new
proposed route from Crescent City to Waldo, we gather some information
that will be of interest to the people of Jackson and Josephine
counties. It was discovered many years since, when too late, that the
present wagon road between Waldo and the coast had been improperly
located, and that instead of laying it in the lowest passes it had been
run over the highest mountain to accommodate interested parties who had
secured ranches along the line. The road, although rough and over very
heavy grade, was used with profit by our freighters, but on the
completion of the railroad to Roseburg the use of this road was nearly
discontinued. It has now been ascertained that there is a natural pass
actually nineteen hundred feet lower than the highest point on the old
road, and through which a wagon road or narrow gauge railroad could be
easily constructed. This route is by way of Gasquet's, up the middle
fork of Smith River, to the divide at the head of Elk Creek, and down
Elk Creek to Waldo. Snow at the highest point on this route rarely
falls over a foot in depth, and it could be as safely traveled during
the winter months. The distance from Crescent City to Jacksonville is
one hundred and twenty-six miles, and when the immense resources of
Jackson and Josephine counties are considered we cannot impress too
strongly on our people the absolute necessity of the very shortest
route by tide water. This is the only route by which we can reach the
sea with our products, and our people will soon realize that
there is
an inflexible law bringing poverty to us if we cannot exchange the
product of industry for those necessities which we cannot produce
ourselves. We intend to continue the agitation of this subject, but
those interested must remember that we only can suggest, while it is
the duty of others to act if they would help themselves. Should we
succeed in procuring the selection of Crescent City as the harbor of
refuge there is not the slightest doubt but that we will have railroad
communication with that point within two years. If we do not succeed
our only hope is a new wagon road, and the sooner we conclude that we
must help ourselves the better for us.Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 4, 1879, page 2 A young miss of Jacksonville, aged about sixteen years, has recently completed a quilt containing 4,060 pieces. A contemporary pertinently says she would have done much better to have made the quilt out of whole cloth and devoted the time wasted to useful work. The New Northwest, Portland, June 12, 1879, page 3 HARBOR OF REFUGE.--At a meeting of the citizens of Jacksonville, Oregon, held June 2nd, to discuss the harbor of refuge question, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted favoring Crescent City as the most favorable point on the coast for a harbor: Whereas, Congress has made an appropriation for the establishment of a harbor of refuge at some point between San Francisco and the Straits of Fuca; and Whereas, The growing interest of Southern Oregon and Northern California demand an outlet for their increasing products, and cheaper and more rapid means of transportation than are now offered; and Whereas, In our estimation Crescent City offers advantages as such port of refuge superior to any other suggested, therefore be it Resolved, That we, the citizens of Jackson County, recognize the importance of the establishment of said port at some eligible location midway between San Francisco and the Straits of Fuca and mindful of the benefits liable to accrue to us in case of such selection is accorded to Crescent City, heartily recommended the said Crescent City to the favorable consideration of the Board of Engineers by whom the port of refuge is to be located. Resolved, That we earnestly solicit the aid of the wholesale merchants and business men of San Francisco in presenting the claims of Crescent City to the Board of Engineers. Resolved, That, believing that the Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco can do much in securing favorable action for Crescent City in the location of the harbor of refuge; and inasmuch as the interests of San Francisco and those of Southern Oregon and Northern California are identical in this matter, we call upon the merchants of that city to use every honorable means to secure such favorable action by the said Chamber of Commerce. Humboldt Times, Eureka, California, June 13, 1879, page 3 The Democratic Times says Joaquin Miller used to drive an ox team for the Phoenix saw mills. Farmers are haying in Jackson County. The crop will be larger than ever before in this valley. An excellent bridge has been built across Griffin Creek, near the Dollarhide place, Jackson County. The Jacksonville Sentinel has information that the wool clip of Jackson County will exceed 300,000 pounds. Mr. Mace, of Bear Creek, Jackson County, clipped 520 pounds of goat's hair. The price received was 30 cents per pound. "Oregon Items," Puget Sound Argus, June 29, 1879, page 2 INDIAN VISITORS.--On Saturday a delegation of nine men from the Siletz Reservation arrived here on a pleasure trip. They are a remnant of the Rogue River tribe, and one of them, "John Smith," is evidently quite civilized, as on Monday he telegraphed a polite invitation to "Bogus Tom" at Yreka to attend a dance at "Kanaka" flat near here early next week. Verily these untutored children of nature are not so far behind the superior race in the matter of educating their "heels." Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 2, 1879, page 3 About two years ago the clothing of a man named M. M. Brown was found on the banks of Rogue River, and, as he had been despondent for some time, it was quite certain that he had suicided. His rash act was deeply deplored by his creditors, but they promptly gathered up his few worldly effects, had them sold at sheriff's sale, and in sorrow that they did not cover the judgments, divided the proceeds. Poor Brown was forgotten; the treacherous stream had swallowed up all his faults, death had paid all his debts. On Saturday last, Brown resurrected himself and was met on the street in Jacksonville by Mr. Robt. Westrop, who shrunk aghast at the apparition. Brown recognized him and said quietly, "Don't be scared, I'm not a ghost." Being asked why he played such a trick, he answered: "Over head and ears in debt, couldn't get out; that old jumper I left on the bank only cost six bits, shoes wore out, hat didn't cost anything, and so I paid the whole debt with a wardrobe that wasn't worth a cent." Brown is on foot traveling towards Roseburg, and all attempts at suicide on his part should be looked upon with suspicion.--Jacksonville Sentinel. Marin County Journal, San Rafael, California, July 17, 1879, page 1 Jackson County has 2,993 school children; Josephine, 745, and Lake, 601.
"Southern Oregon,"
Daily Union, August 2, 1879, page 1A turkey gobbler on the farm of Mr. Kincaid, in Rogue River, has usurped the functions of the female bird, and has gone into the business of rearing a family. A Murphy Creek, Josephine County, correspondent writes: Crops never looked better on Applegate than this year. Health is good. The mines have about closed down for the summer. Wimer's mill is in full blast and turning out superior flour and lumber. Last week Mr. L. B. Tucker, of Ashland, was driving an empty hay wagon through a gate near his barn, says the Tidings, when the wagon struck the gate and threw him out upon the tongue. The horses started off on a run, and Mr. Tucker, with his feet fast in the hounds, was dragged for some distance along the ground, and finally run over by the wheels of the wagon and left lying in the field insensible. His collarbone was broken and he received a severe cut upon the back part of the head besides other bruises. The Jacksonville Times says the wool product of Jackson County this year will be over 300,000 pounds, and will net sheep owners in the neighborhood of $50,000. The wool clip of Siskiyou this year was about 260,000, but it netted the sheep owners fully $54,600. So it must have brought better prices than Jackson County wool did. Sacramento Daily Union, August 7, 1879, page 3 Southern Oregon.
The Ashland mill is running on this year's grain.
Southern Oregon is afflicted with drummers, dust, hot weather and baseball. The annual reunion of the pioneers of Southern Oregon will be held at Ashland on the 11th of September. The thermometer stood at 95° in the shade every afternoon last week at Jacksonville. Clothing at a discount. Money is plentiful in Lane County, owing to the advent of California cattle buyers, who are purchasing some of the principal bands in that section. A young immigrant got lost while hunting horses in Southern Oregon last week and came near dying from hunger and thirst. He was rescued by a Klamath Indian. Magruder Bros. and J. W. Hays will, in a few days, complete a ditch from Sams Creek to their diggings on Rogue River, which is 990 rods [three miles] in length. They are quite sanguine that the enterprise thus inaugurated by them will prove a successful one. Jacksonville Times: The best thoroughbred trotting stallions in Oregon are owned in Jackson and Lake counties, and it is doubtful whether their superiors are to be found on the Coast. Besides these we have a few first-class running horses, while a large number of fine draft horses and animals of all work complete the list that makes this section so well known for its stock. Jacksonville Times: James Hart has received the contract for carrying the mail from this place to Wright's on Big Applegate via Sterling and Uniontown, at $373 a year. The contract for carrying the mail between Sams Valley and The Meadows has been awarded to J. B. Thomas, who receives $150 per annum for the service. These contracts commence in October next and run until '82. A man by the name of Logan, who was recently pardoned out of the penitentiary, committed suicide at Joe Reed's logging camp on the North Umpqua, on Tuesday night about 3 o'clock, by shooting himself through the head with a pistol. Although he was rather wild he had many friends. He was raised near Scio, Lane County, and leaves a wife in Portland. No cause can be assigned for the deed. "The Northwest," Oregonian, Portland, August 18, 1879, page 3 FROM JACKSONVILLE.
The ice cream resort still flourishes.
Miss Annie Bilger and Emma Pape paid Ashland a visit last week. Herman Wolters has accepted the billet of hostler at the stable of Tip Plymale. Of all the late curiosities and novelties, Dick Klippel's clog shoes cap the climax. A German preacher and owner of a large tract of land on Butte Creek came in on the denizens of this city. Lance was the purchaser of a new carriage last week; other wagons were purchased but the parties' names were unknown. Turfmen are putting their horses under a course of training for the coming Yreka fair. We may expect to see some first-class races this year. The women lace peddlers frequented our city again, but their sales were curtailed and they pulled up stakes in the evening and put out for parts unknown. When the boys swarm together on the byways the Marshal disperses the crowd by preaching the riot act to them, but the more he talks the closer they huddle. Ad., call on the Oregon militia when overwhelming odds are against you. The genial countenances of the wealth, beauty and enterprise of Roseburg were perceptible in our city on last Friday evening, numbering some fourteen in number. They were called to these parts on business connected with the Grand Applegate Mining Company. Their better halves, accompanied by their daughters, I presume came along for scenery seeing and recreation. No doubt that they will enjoy the trip, as that portion of the country where they are going is grand, beautiful and magnificent; and as the Siskiyou with its rugged heights, deep chasms, surrounding mountains and its refreshing waters is unsurpassed in Southern Oregon. On the evening of their arrival ex-Governor Chadwick escorted them to the garden of Peter Britt, and after staying there long enough to observe its beauties, they then took a walk through the beautified parts of the city, and as darkness was coming on they returned to the hotel, and within an hour or so afterwards a supper was tendered by the proprietress of the Franco-American, after which they repaired to the parlor and a joyous time was had. At the solemn hour of night, when everything was calm and still, the brass band serenaded them, and with closing ceremonies from Madam Holt, Sol Abraham made his appearance and the musical midnighters were made happy. Next morning, bright and early, they made their exit for the mines, to be gone four or five days. When they return I will give you a brief and concise narration. Douglas Independent, Roseburg, August 23, 1879, page 4 Col. John E. Ross' mammoth four-year-old colt was weighed Wednesday and kicked the beam 1,580 pounds. Millers in Jackson County are now busily engaged in grinding the new crop, which seems to be quite heavy, considering the rust. Millers are now offering 55 cents a bushel in Jackson County for wheat on thirty days' time, and 60 cents when six months' time is given. The Parker boys, living on the road between Ashland and Linkville, killed a panther that measured ten feet from tip to tip last week. The Tidings says: Emigrant wagons pass through Ashland every day. Most of them are bound northward, although occasionally one is seen heading southward. Capt. Ankeny, while at Sterling last week, let the contract for digging the extension of his ditch to a Chinese company at $4.25 a rod, who took it quite low. "Oregon Items," Puget Sound Argus, September 18, 1879, page 2 Southern Oregon.
Ashland Tidings says: Gray wolves are numerous in the
mountains between here and Linkville.Several parties at Yreka intend sending to Oregon this fall for a supply of winter apples, the crop having been frozen out there last spring. The Roseburg papers tell of a San Francisco drummer who unreasonably abused a Coos Bay stage driver and got thoroughly whipped for his pains. The grape crop of Jacksonville county is very fair and of excellent quality. A considerable quantity of wine will no doubt be manufactured this season. Work is progressing finely at the Sterling mine. The ditch will be completed and everything ready for active operations when the rainy season commences. A Fort Klamath correspondent says: Some hoodlums started a fire in the woods last week, causing the garrison to be turned out to fight the fire two days in succession. The Democratic Times says: F. Luy received a lot of leather from Portland upon which John Orth's brand could still be seen, he having sold the hides it was manufactured from. The fishing season is just opening along the coast. R. D. Humes, of Rogue River, begins operations with 150 salmon a day, and a 40-lb salmon sells at Siuslaw for twenty-five cents. Owing to the farmers bringing in more wheat last week than the machinery of the Ashland Mill could dispose of, the proprietors chose the third story for a storing room and filled a large bin, the weight of which was too much for its support and down it came with a fearful crash, covering the floor of the second story with wheat six feet deep. Puget Sound Argus, Port Townsend, October 9, 1879, page 2 Jacob Ish, of Jackson County, got 4,000 bushels of oats from 50 acres. The grape crop in that county is fair and of superior quality. "Oregon," Vancouver Independent, Vancouver, Washington, October 9, 1879, page 8 The Applegate and other streams in Southern Oregon are very low. T. G. Reames, Democratic candidate at the last state election for Secretary of State, narrowly escaped death while on a hunting expedition in Jackson County last week. He was going down a canyon a distance away from camp sometime before dusk, when a snowstorm suddenly came up and night followed soon afterward. Unable to return, he wandered about without food and in his shirtsleeves. The moisture had saturated the matches he had with him, and left no alternative than to walk about to prevent freezing. After that all was a blank until late next morning, when he awoke to find himself seated alongside a log and so badly injured as to be unable to walk. A sheepherder passed by soon afterward, but he seemed unwilling to lend any assistance. Mr. Reames managed finally to reach his camp by crawling, where he lay helplessly until about 2 o'clock that night, when James Reames and a companion, who had been advised of the affair by the sheepherder, relieved him from his perilous position, after being out two days and two nights. "Oregon," Sacramento Daily Union, October 28, 1879, page 4 A JACKSONVILLE "ORDINANCE."
November 4, 1879.
NORTHWEST:I recently passed through the town of Jacksonville in pursuit of my avocation, selling laces of all kinds, and while there I met with an experience both novel and unusual. After I had been there for several days, and had visited nearly all the private residences in the place, I was waited on at my hotel by parties representing themselves to be the Marshal and the President of the Board of Trustees of the town, who informed me that I must either pay a peddler's license of $10 or be placed under arrest. The Marshal at the same time assured me, between hiccoughs, with as much dignity and importance as his condition would permit, that he would not require his fee of me. 1 told the so-called representative of the people that I was of course unacquainted with the special ordinance that I had unwillingly [sic--unwittingly?] transgressed, and, after my explanation, the dignified and courteous representative of the Board concluded to remit the license, on condition that I confine my sales to the hotel. I duly appreciated the courtesy of this gentleman, as, being sober, he was in a fit condition to discharge the important trust delegated to him by the people he claimed to represent; but, from what I saw of his official associations, I am inclined to think he is in the unhappy position of "poor Tray." [Addison Helms was Jacksonville Marshal in 1879; Hermann H. "Ham" Wolters filled in when Helms was out of town. Nathaniel Langell was President of the Jacksonville Board of Trustees.] Shortly after the interview terminated, I learned that there had been no attempt to enforce this ordinance against men, who had recently had been selling statuary, plated ware, etc., from house to house and on the streets, and from this I am led to think that these officials were either ignorant of their own law until some irate local dealer had called their attention to it, or this was an ex post facto law, passed for my especial benefit; or it might have been a premium on sex that this famous city sought to impose on me. If such an ordinance had existed as was claimed, what right had the President of the Board to exempt me after having demanded the license as a requirement of law? A woman's idea of law is that it is immutable, unchangeable, and operates against all transgressors without the distinction of sex, and, had the Board required all persons to pay this license in accordance with this special ordinance, I do not think that even I would have been exempted. Another fact I noted was that the demimonde flourish on the principal street of this town, notwithstanding that they violate an ordinance in doing so. Perhaps it would be as well if the authorities were to hunt up their "Book of the Law" and expunge the noxious matter that they have forgotten in their zeal to advance the interests of local dealers that I was supposed to be interfering with. In conclusion, I will say that I have never before, during the six years I have followed the same business on this coast, been asked to pay a license, and I wonder at the disposition manifested in Jacksonville to deprive a woman of the means of earning an honest and respectable livelihood. Has woman no rights that appeal to the justice and honor of menu? Yours for a just enforcement of law. A
The New Northwest, Portland,
November 13, 1879, page 1. Jacksonville's Ordinance No. 8,
enacted in 1860, taxed peddlers "ten
dollars per month, with five dollars and twenty-five cents added for
Recorder's fees for issuing the same." Judging from the Jackson County
commissioners' journals, peddler's licenses were rarely
J. S. Howard, the surveyor sent out by the citizens of Jackson County
to make a preliminary survey of a wagon road to Crescent City and
estimate the probable cost thereof, returned on Tuesday last. He is now
engaged in preparing a report of his labors, which will be submitted to
the meeting announced for tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Howard, after
thoroughly and carefully examining the country through which the road
must run, is convinced of the feasibility of constructing, at no
insurmountable expense, a first-class road open the year around. He is
fully prepared to answer all questions and will elucidate by map and
figures that the people of Southern Oregon can, for a paltry sum (when
the importance of the interests at stake is taken into consideration),
free themselves from the masterly inactivity that now pervades this
section.From a conversation with Mr. Howard we learn that he preliminarily surveyed two routes. He first went through from Waldo and examined the route called the "Lower Trail," running by the way of and up Elk Creek Pass (altitude 2,400 feet) and down the middle fork of Smith River to Gasquet's, altitude 425 feet. At Gasquet's, a bridge of about 100 feet span would be required to cross the middle fork of Smith River. Eight miles from Gasquet's the south fork of the same stream (over which a bridge similar to the other would be necessary) is encountered. Two miles further is Mill Creek, from whence the distance to Crescent City is seven miles, a total of 65 miles from Waldo. Thirty-five miles of this will be sidehill grading, with eight miles more to build through the redwoods. The cost of this road would be fully $50,000. On his return Mr. Howard took the same road to Gasquet's for 17 miles from Crescent City, and from thence examined the Hendershot route, leaving the middle fork of Smith River at Gasquet's and running between Patties Creek and the upper trail to the forks of said creek; thence up the northwest fork to Hendershot's pass or divide, 20 miles from Gasquet's, altitude 3,000 feet; thence down a branch of Illinois River three miles to the old Crescent City road, intersecting some seven miles from Waldo, making the entire distance by this route 47 miles, of which only 36 miles of new road must be constructed. A grade of about one foot in sixteen can be obtained and the cost of bridging, etc., will be about $40,000. The distance from Jacksonville to Crescent City by this route would be 112 miles. Mr. Howard found the people enthusiastic in the matter, seemingly determined that the road shall be put through next season, in time for the fall freight. This was particularly the case at Crescent City, one firm there (Johnson & Malone) alone agreeing to take one-fourth the stock. A meeting to take this question into consideration was held on the 13th, the results of which have not reached us as yet. It is evident, however, that the whole country is aroused to the necessity for immediate action. The golden opportunity has arrived and to neglect it now would be but to admit our inability to cope with the most feasible and important of projects and place ourselves before the world in the unenviable position of nonentities unable to help themselves. And while we are thus trying to solve the greatest problem that has ever presented itself to the people of Southern Oregon, it is gratifying to perceive the substantial encouragement that is being received from the press and people of California and elsewhere. San Francisco is taking a lively interest, and her journals are urging upon capitalists the advisability of taking steps toward securing the valuable trade of this section. The Chronicle has a lengthy article descriptive of Del Norte County, which is no doubt thrown out as a feeler. The Bulletin, the leading commercial paper of the city, goes still farther, indulging in the following well-timed remarks: "The development of Southern Oregon rests upon two requirements--first, the improvement of the Crescent City harbor, not, however, an expensive task; second, the construction of a narrow-gauge railroad from Crescent City to Jacksonville, Oregon. We understand that a perfectly practical route exists, and one which opens up many fine tracts of government land for farming, mining and grazing, besides tapping some magnificent bodies of timber. The investment of one million dollars will, we are assured, carry the enterprise to successful termination. The road, after crossing into Oregon, would tap the counties of Josephine and Jackson. The rich valleys of Siskiyou, lying about Yreka, could also be reached by a branch line." It is unnecessary for us, at this late date, to dilate upon the advantages that will accrue from the speedy inauguration and completion of this enterprise. We have time and again dwelt upon them and they are also too apparent to be overlooked. The grandest opportunity ever offered the people of Jackson, Josephine and Lake counties presents itself. If they fail to heed it the responsibility rests entirely with them. Prompt and decisive action alone will accomplish that which they have for years anticipated others would execute for them. The time is ripe for a forward movement, and procrastination will be suicidal. Therefore, let us be enthusiastic in the cause and push onward to the goal. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 21, 1879, page 2 THE CRESCENT CITY ROAD.
The Sentinel
makes a strong point in an article under the above caption in its last
issue when it says that the people of Jackson County are throwing away
annually in the matter of unnecessary freighting expenses a sum equal
to their taxation. This is easily demonstrable. As at present imported,
the merchandise from San Francisco comes to us by the overland route
over nearly two hundred and fifty miles of railroad and then has to be
hauled in freight wagons about a hundred and seventy miles; by the
circumlocution [sic]
route it travels some seven hundred miles by water and is then about
three hundred miles north of us. Of this distance it comes two hundred
miles by rail and still has to be hauled over a hundred miles by wagon,
making a trip of about a thousand miles. Our merchants now find it
cheaper to ship by the northern route, notwithstanding the great
distance, so we may compare the Crescent City route with that. By way
of Crescent City freight would need to be hauled over a wagon road a
little shorter than that between us and Roseburg, a road, however,
which would doubtless, if properly built, be more easily traveled than
the latter; from San Francisco to Crescent City is but a little over
three hundred miles by water. So we should save the freightage upon the
two hundred miles of railroad, never less than half a cent a pound, and
the difference in ocean freightage which the saving of about four
hundred miles in distance and the towage and pilotage on the Columbia
river would make. Add to this the saving of the cost of handling the
freight once and the slight difference in favor of the Crescent City
road which teamsters will be able to make in hauling, and we may safely
conclude that the people of Jackson County would save nearly twenty
dollars upon every ton of freight which they ship to or from San
Francisco. This saving, it must be remembered, would not fall into the
hands of those only who are directly engaged in the shipping or
mercantile trade; it would be shared by every individual who buys a
pound of sugar or nails or leather, by everyone who takes part in the
consumption or use of the merchandise brought from the outside world
into our valley. What the people of this valley would save in one year
is amply sufficient to meet their share of the expense of building the
road. To take a simple example: Something over 200,000 pounds of wool
is exported annually from Jackson County. The saving of one cent per
pound upon this would amount to two thousand dollars. Let those
directly interested in wool growing contribute two thousand dollars to
the building of the new road, and when they ship their next year's clip
of wool by the new route they will get the two thousand dollars back in
the one cent per pound more which they will receive for their wool. So
it will be with all who may contribute. To speak of our people
collectively, they will in contributing toward the building of the new
road only be paying in advance a small portion of their next year's
freight bill. The road will cost them absolutely nothing but the
interest for a few months on the amount of about one-fourth of their
annual freight bill, and when once built it will be dropping money into
their pockets every year.Thus, in the narrowest view of the subject, it is seen that the simplest rules of economy leave our people but one course to pursue in this matter. What would be thought of the business sagacity of a man who could save his taxes every year hereafter by simply paying them in advance for the next year if, having the means at command, he should neglect to take advantage of the extraordinary opportunity? This is the situation of our people on the Crescent City wagon road matter. Will they act upon business principles? Ashland Tidings, November 21, 1879, page 2 FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE.
In order to secure an outlet, the people of Jackson County have
subscribed over three thousand dollars to aid in the construction of
the wagon road to Crescent City. The sum is not a very large one, but
it is evidence showing the necessities of a people which have
heretofore patronized Roseburg, and who today would do the same thing
if those whom their past conduct has proven were their favorites would
do their part in making good roads by the expenditure of a like sum of
money, to the boundary line of Douglas County. We believe had our
people shown the right disposition, the money subscribed in favor of
the Crescent City route would have been used in the repairs of the road
from the county line and in favor of continued travel between Roseburg
and the Rogue River Valley. It has been a matter of shortsightedness on
the part of our people; there can be no doubt on this. The result may
be that we shall have to pay four times the amount in the way of road
repairing before we can entice the people of Jackson County to turn
their teams in this direction once more.
Douglas Independent, Roseburg, December 6, 1879, page 2 Mrs. J. H. Davis has received the sad news of the death of her brother, Mr. Daniel Hopkins, of Jacksonville, Oregon. "County News: Fort Atkinson," Watertown Republican, Watertown, Wisconsin, December 10, 1879, page 5 The recent heavy rain storm in Southern Oregon resulted in great damage. Immense quantities of lumber, several mill dams and thousands of logs were swept away. "News in Brief," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, December 20, 1879, page 404 Southern Oregon.
The census to be taken next year
will show a great increase in the population of Jackson, Lake and
Josephine counties.The Jacksonville Sentinel says: Deer are very plenty near Flounce Rock, Messr. Owen and Fred having killing ten one day. The Ashland Woolen Mills will consume 100,000 lbs. of wool during the present year, as against 30,000 lbs. for the preceding one. P. Donegan of Jackson County disposed of his fall clip of wool at 28 cents per pound, which is a very good price for that article in any market. Teams continue to arrive at Jacksonville notwithstanding the inclement weather. They are evidently as irrepressible as they are generally cultus. A great number of hogs will be slaughtered and cured this season in Jackson County. Several of our farmers have already commenced the work of destruction. Nearly $2,400 has been subscribed for the new Presbyterian church in Jacksonville. Besides this, quite a neat sum also been raised for furnishing the inside of the building. Abrahams, Wheeler & Co. of Roseburg propose attaching machinery to their large warehouse for the purpose of cleaning grain. As opposition is the life of trade, times will be lively. Two horses belonging to Mace Bros. of Butte Creek, Jackson County, were found in the stable one morning last week dead. It is supposed that they came to their death by poison, as they seemed well enough the evening before. One was a fine Boston colt. Someone has estimated that Jackson County lost $10,000 this season by the war among millers, whereby flour has been put down to the extravagantly low figure of $16.50 per thousand pounds, and farmers were unable to receive even 60 cents cash a bushel for their wheat. Puget Sound Argus, December 25, 1879, page 2 The Jacksonville (Or.) Times says that it is estimated Jackson County lost $10,000 this season by the war among millers, whereby flour has been put down to the extravagantly low figure of $16.50 per thousand pounds, and farmers were unable to receive even 60 cents cash per bushel for their wheat. Stockton Daily Independent, Stockton, California, December 30, 1879, page 4 Last revised February 25, 2025 |