![]() ![]() Jacksonville Board of Trustees' Minutes 1860-1894 Minutes 1860-64, supplemented by newspaper reports 1867-94. Board of Trustees
Pursuant to notice duly given, the Board of Trustees met at the County
Auditor's office on Monday, December 17th A.D. 1860 for the purpose of
The following officers were duly sworn in. Recorder Henry Klippel. Trustees: William Hoffman, Benj. T. Davis, J. A. Brunner, John S. Love and Joseph Burpee. Marshal G. M. Banks. Street Commissioner C. C. Beekman. Whereupon the Board of Trustees proceeded to a permanent organization, which resulted in the election of William Hoffman, President. The President then announced to the Trustees that they were duly organized and ready for business. On motion the Recorder read the Act incorporating the Town of Jacksonville. On motion a committee of three consisting of Joseph Burpee, John S. Love and Henry Klippel was appointed to draft bylaws and ordinances, and report at the next meeting. On motion the Board of Trustees proceeded to affix the amount for bonds for the different respective officers, which resulted as follows. Recorder's bonds, five hundred dollars. Marshal's bonds, one thousand dollars. Treasurer's bonds, five thousand dollars. On motion the President is to set the next time of meeting. On motion adjourned until Saturday evening next at half past six o'clock P.M. William Hoffman
President Henry Klippel, Recorder The Board of Trustees met at the County Auditor's office December 22nd A.D. 1860 pursuant to adjournment. Present a full Board. The minutes of the preceding meeting having been read and approved, the Board proceeded to the consideration of Report of Committee on Ordinances
On motion the report of [the] committee was accepted and committee
from further duty.
On motion the Board proceeded to vote on ordinances which resulted in a unanimous adoption of the following ordinances-- Ordinance No. 1
The People of the Town of Jacksonville
do ordain as
follows, viz.: In accordance with the provision of Sec. 1st of the Act
of Incorporation of the Town of Jacksonville, the corporate limits of
Jacksonville are as follows, viz.: Commencing at the northwest corner
of section thirty-two, in township thirty-seven south, range two west,
running thence south forty chains, thence east sixty chains, thence
north fifty-eight chains to the south boundary of the claim of James
N. T. Miller, thence west sixty chains, thence south eighteen chains to
the place of beginning. (Said boundaries embrace the Town of
Jacksonville, and the lines accord with the true meridian.) Ordinances
which may be passed hereafter shall, all and each of them, be strictly
construed to apply to every portion of area within the foregoing limits
included.Ordinance No. 2
We people of the Town of Jacksonville do
ordain as
follows, viz.: That no person shall ride or drive horses through the
streets of Jacksonville at a faster pace or gait than an ordinary trot,
under a penalty, upon conviction thereof, of a fine not less than five
nor more than twenty-five dollars, or at the discretion of the Court,
sentence of confinement in the jail for not less than two nor more than
ten days--the person or persons so offending to be proceeded against
for fine and cost, or imprisonment, by the Marshal or by any special
policeman before the Recorder's Court."Furious Riding or Driving" Ordinance No. 3
The People of the Town of Jacksonville
do ordain as
follows, viz.: That, upon conviction before the Recorder's Court of any
person or persons riding, driving, leading or fastening or tying
horses, oxen, cows, mules or jacks upon any sidewalks now built or that
shall be built hereafter with intent to use said walk as a public road
for any purpose except for footmen, shall be fined in any sum not less
than one dollar, and pay all damages incurred by such act."Riding or Driving upon Sidewalks" Ordinance No. 4
The People of the Town of Jacksonville
do ordain as follows, viz.:"Theater, Concert and Circus
That a tax of five dollars for
exhibition, or
twenty-five dollars per month, be laid upon all theaters and concerts,
and ten dollars for each exhibition of any circus, whether the same be
by day or night, and said tax to be collected by the Marshal previous
to the commencement of the performance as of that day or night, or
month, as the case may be, under penalty of fine not less than ten nor
more than fifty dollars, to be enforced against the owner, proprietor,
lessee and every adult performer who shall take part in such
exhibition, before the payment of said tax, the Marshal paying the
proceeds of the tax over to the Treasurer, reserving only the fees due
himself, viz.: ten percent.Ordinance No. 5
The People of the Town of Jacksonville
do ordain as follows, viz.:"Offenses Against the Public Peace" That all riotous or disorderly conduct--fighting, drunkenness or other misconduct on the public streets of the Corporation, whether by day or night, or the offenses, when committed in any public house, barroom, saloon, billiard room, store, stable or any house open to the public for the transactions of business of any sort or kind, shall be, upon conviction before the Recorder, punished on behalf of the Corporation by a fine not to exceed twenty-five dollars, with cost, or at the discretion of the Court, sentence to confinement in the jail not longer than ten days. The expressions "disorderly conduct" and "other misconduct," in this ordinance, shall be taken and construed to mean any act by which the peace and quiet of the Corporation is disturbed, or that of any neighborhood therein. Ordinance No. 6
The People of the Town of Jacksonville
do ordain as follows, viz.:"On Keeping Swine" Section 1. That there shall be and hereby is laid off and designated an extent, or area, at present including the business portion of Jacksonville bounded as follows, viz.: Beginning at the function of First and Pine streets, running thence with the north line of Pine Street to Third Street, thence with the east line of Third Street to A Street, thence with the south line of A Street to Fourth Street, thence with the east line of Fourth Street to C Street, thence with the south line of C Street to First Street, thence with the east line of First Street to the place of beginning. That within this area or business portion of this Corporation no hog or pig shall be kept or fed, under penalty of a fine not less than one dollar nor [more] than two per day for each hog or pig so kept to be recovered from the owner of said hogs or from the persons occupying the premises upon which hogs may be found. Section 2. Outside of the foregoing described area or business portion of Jacksonville, but within the limits of the Corporation hogs may be kept, subject to the following restrictions, viz.: That when any complaint shall be made to Board of Trustees, or the President thereof, that the keeping of swine by anyone is productive of nuisance, or injury to any neighbor of the same, the President shall have the same examined, and if he is satisfied that the charge is well founded, shall order the removal of the swine within the next twenty-four hours, under the same penalty as in section first, for any further. Section 3. No hog or pig shall be allowed to run at large in the public streets, or square, or trespass upon any garden, lot or enclosure, within the limits of the Corporation, under penalty of fine of two dollars and fifty cents, to be paid by the owner or person having the same in charge, to the Marshal, or to be collected in the following manner: If the owner or person in charge of the animals is not known, the Marshal or his deputy, alone, without collusion with others, shall take possession of all hogs or pigs so found as above forbidden, and the animals shall be considered in his possession from the moment he attempts to drive, or secure them, and he shall have them driven or conveyed to the Poundkeeper without the limits of Sec. 1, the Marshal giving with the custody of the animal or animals, a written or printed certificate, containing the date, the description of the animals, and the Marshal's signature--one such for every animal, without it is a sow with a litter of young pigs under a month old or thereabouts, which in judgment shall be decided by the Poundkeeper, and in that case shall only count for one animal, and the Poundkeeper, upon thus receiving the animal and certificate, shall give to the Marshal or deputy one dollar, which shall be retained by him as his fees in the case, the Poundkeeper shall place the said certificate on the post at the entrance of the Pound, and shall keep and feed the said hogs two days (unless they are previously claimed) at seventy-five cents per day--any fraction of the day in which they are put in, or the day in which they are claimed out, to be claimed as one day--and when so claimed, the owner shall pay first the amount of the fine (two dollars and fifty cents) to the Marshal and receive an order to the Poundkeeper, upon receipt of the Marshal's order, and the said payment shall deliver the same to the owner or proper claimant, and the Marshal shall pay the two dollars and fifty cents to the Treasurer, but if the hog or hogs thus taken and confined in the Pound for two days shall not be claimed in that time, they shall be sold at public auction to the highest bidder by the Poundkeeper, and from the proceeds he, the said Poundkeeper, shall retain the one dollar paid by him to the Marshal, and the one dollar and fifty cents due him for the keeping of the same for the two days elapsed, and the balance he shall pay over to the Treasurer, with the certificate of the Marshal given at first for the animal. Section 4. No dead hog, dog or larger animal shall be left unburied by the owner or person having had charge of the same, within the corporate limits, for more than twenty-four hours after death, under penalty of not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars for each such offense. Ordinance No. 7
The People of the Town of Jacksonville
do ordain as
follows, viz.: No Indian encampments, huts, wigwams or rancherias shall
be permitted to remain or be erected within the limits of the
Corporation. It shall be the duty of the Marshal or deputy to give them
forty-eight hours' notice to remove. If any Indian or Indians hereafter
violate this ordinance, and if they fail to obey after being duly
notified, the Marshal then may command a posse of citizens to help him
remove the offenders outside the limits of the Corporation. Every
citizen of aforesaid Corporation who shall refuse to assist the Marshal
upon being summoned shall upon conviction before the Recorder pay the
penalty of fine not less than five nor more than ten dollars on behalf
of the Corporation."Indian Encampments" Ordinance No. 8
The People of the Town of Jacksonville
do ordain as
follows, viz.: No peddler shall hereafter be permitted to vend, sell or
retail, at private sale, any goods, wares or merchandise, within the
limits of the Corporation, without first having obtained a license for
that purpose from the Board of Trustees or the President thereof--the
rate of license to be ten dollars per month, with five dollars and
twenty-five cents added for Recorder's fees for issuing the same--and
if any person or persons shall peddle any goods, wares or merchandise
within the limits of the Corporation, without having first obtained a
license for that purpose. Such person or persons so offending shall
forfeit and pay sum [not] exceeding one hundred nor less than fifty
dollars, upon conviction before the Recorder."To License Peddlers" Section 2. No person or persons applying for a license or permit shall be entitled to the same until he or they shall file with the Clerk of the Board of Trustees a receipt from the Town Treasurer for the amount ordered to be paid by such applicant or applicants, agreeable to the provisions of this ordinance. Ordinance No. 9
The People of the Town of Jacksonville
do ordain as
follows, viz.: That where no fines are collected for breach of Town
ordinances, there shall be no cost allowed to the Town Officers. All
fines collected in the Recorder's Court shall be paid over every month
to the Town Treasurer, and the receipt thereof shall be entered on the
Recorder's Docket, which book shall thus be the voucher for all fines
collected, and all payments thereof over to the Town Treasurer."Duties of Officers" That the Town Ordinances Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 shall be enforced and executed by the Marshal, Deputy Marshal, or by any Special Policeman; if by the latter he shall make the arrest and convey the accused to the jail, or before the Recorder, and the trial shall take place immediately, if in the daytime, or between the hours of 8 A.M. and 8 P.M. upon his producing to the Recorder his certificate of appointment as Special Policeman for a specified period of time not to exceed one week signed by the President of the Board of Trustees and certified to by the Recorder, and if fine is collected from the accused as the result of the trial, he shall be entitled to his cost, but if he arrest between the hours of 8 P.M. and 8 A.M. he shall turn the accused over to the Marshal, or deputy, for safekeeping, and on the trial of the same if fines are imposed, and collected, he shall be entitled to one half of the costs, the other half to the Marshal. If he neglect to make arrest for violation of these ordinances, he shall be discharged by the President, deducting from his payment the amount of fine thus lost. If the Marshal or his deputy neglect or refuse to make any arrest for violation of Ordinances Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, the President of the Board of Trustees shall institute suit against the Marshal and his securities in the name of the People of the Town of Jacksonville, for the amount of fine thus lost and cost of suit. If the Recorder refuses or neglects to make his settlement with the Town Treasurer as herein described paying over the amount of fines recovered, the President shall in like manner, as with the Marshal, institute suit against the Recorder and his securities on his bond. All the foregoing ordinances to take effect from and after their passing, with the exception of Ordinance No. 6, which is to take effect from and after January 1st A.D. 1860. The vote on the aforesaid ordinances was as follows. Yeas Joseph S. Burpee, Benj. T. Davis, John S. Love, J. A. Brunner, President. Nays "Blank." After which the Board approved of the following Officers' bonds. Treasurer, Marshal and Recorder's. On motion adjourned until Dec. 29th A.D. 1860 Wm. Hoffman, Prest.
Henry Klippel, Recorder Pursuant to adjournment the Board of Trustees met at the County Auditor's office December 29th A.D. 1860. Present: William Hoffman, Benj. T. Davis, J. A. Brunner. Absentees: John S. Love, Joseph S. Burpee. The minutes of the preceding meeting having been read and approved, the Board proceeded to the consideration of an appointee for the Pound. On motion, the President appointed G. W. Walker as Poundkeeper for the Corporation. On motion it was resolved that a committee of two consisting of Messrs. President and Recorder were nominated to draft ordinances pertaining to billiard and liquor licenses and report at the next meeting. On motion adjourned to meet again Saturday Jan. 5th A.D. 1861 at seven o'clock P.M. William Hoffman
President Henry Klippel Recorder Pursuant to adjournment the Board of Trustees held a special meeting at the County Auditor's office January 5th A.D. 1861. President Hoffman in the chair. Present: J. A. Brunner, Joseph S. Burpee and John S. Love. Absent Benj. T. Davis. After the reading and adoption of minutes of the preceding meeting the Board proceeded to the consideration of: Report of Committee on Ordinances. On motion the report of [the] committee was accepted and committee discharged from further duty. On motion the Board proceeded to vote on the following ordinances. Ordinance No. 10
Sec. 1. That no person shall be
to sell
spirituous liquors in the corporate limits of Jacksonville, by less
measure than one quart, without having obtained a license from the
of Trustees of the Town of Jacksonville for that purpose; nevertheless,
any person wishing to obtain license during the interval of the session
of the Board of Trustees may deposit with the Treasurer of the town
twenty-five dollars, and upon the deposit of the aforesaid amount the
Treasurer shall give his receipt for the same, whereby said person so
applying shall be permitted to sell spirituous liquors until the next
regular session of the Board of Trustees, at which time the applicant
may apply for license to said Board."License to Sell Spirituous Liquors" Sec. 2. Every person applying for a license to sell spirituous liquors in less quantity than a quart within the limits of the Corporation shall pay into the town treasury such sum as the Board of Trustees may assess, not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars per annum, or at the same rate for a shorter period, provided that no license shall be granted for a shorter period than six months. Sec. 3. On the applicant producing to the Recorder of the town the receipt of the Town Treasurer for the payment of the sum fixed by the Board of Trustees, and upon paying one dollar and fifty cents as Recorder's fees for issuing the same, the Recorder shall issue him a license for the term his receipt may call for. Sec. 4. Every person applying for a license to sell spirituous liquors in less quantity than a quart before receiving the same shall execute to the Board of Trustees a bond in the penal sum of five hundred dollars, with two or more sufficient sureties, conditioned that he will keep an orderly house, and that he will not permit any unlawful gaming or riotous conduct in or about his house, and in case of a violation of the foregoing conditions by any person giving such bond, he shall be liable to pay a fine of not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars, for any such violation, the [same] to be for the use of the Corporation, to be recovered in an action before the Recorder. Sec. 5. If any person or persons shall barter, sell or dispose of in any manner any spirituous liquors, without having first obtained a license agreeably to the provision of this ordinance, [he] shall upon conviction thereof before the Recorder be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred nor less than fifty dollars, to go to the Corporation, and upon the failure to pay the fine so imposed shall be confined in the jail not to exceed twenty nor less than ten days. Sec. 6. And it is hereby made the duty of the Marshal, deputy and any officer of the Corporation, knowing of any violation of the possessions of this ordinance, to make complaint thereof to any officer having jurisdiction of the same, and the moneys collected on such judgment, except taxable costs, shall be paid to the Town Treasurer for the use of the Corporation, provided that this ordinance shall not apply to such persons as have taken out licenses from the Board of County Commissioners until such county licenses shall have expired. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its publication by the Oregon Sentinel. Ordinance No. 11
Sec. 1. No person shall be permitted to
keep a
billiard table or ball alley within the corporate limits of the Town of
Jacksonville, to let for hire, without obtaining a license from
the Board of Trustees for that purpose."To License Billiard Tables & Ball Alleys" Sec. 2. Any person wishing to keep a ball alley (commonly called a ninepin alley), or alleys, provided they are all kept in the same room, shall pay into the town treasury the sum of fifty dollars per annum, and at the same rate for a shorter period; provided that no license shall be granted for a shorter period than six months. Upon the production of the receipt of the Treasurer by the applicant for the required sum to the Recorder, that officer shall issue said applicant a license for the term to which his receipt may entitle him. Sec. 3. Any person wishing to keep a billiard saloon, or billiard table or tables, providing all of said tables are kept in the same room, shall pay to the town treasury the sum of fifty dollars per annum, and at the same rate for a shorter period, provided that no license shall be granted for a shorter period than six months, and upon the applicant producing to the Recorder the receipt for the required sum, that officer shall issue said applicant a license for the term to which his receipt shall entitle him. Sec. 4. If any person shall violate the provisions of this ordinance he shall be liable to the penalties and in the same manner, as for violating Ordinance 10, and shall be subject to the same punishment, and all fines when collected shall be appropriated the same way, provided this ordinance shall not apply to such persons as have taken out licenses from the Board of County Commissioners, until such county licenses shall have expired. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its publication by the Oregon Sentinel. Ordinance No. 12
The regular sessions of the Board of
Trustees of the
Town of Jacksonville shall be as follows, to wit, the third Tuesdays in
the months of January, April, July and October."Regular Sessions of Board" Ordinance No. 13
Sec. 1. That the owners and occupants of
town lots
on the following named streets be and they are hereby required to make
or construct sidewalks with plank or gravel, of a width of not less
than four feet, under the superintendence of the Street Commissioner,
to wit: Commencing on California Street at its junction with Third
Street and running eastwardly to 5th Street; also, commencing at the
junction of California Street and 5th Street, and running northwardly
with 5th Street, including the courthouse block; also, commencing at
the junction of Main and 3rd streets and running northwardly with 3rd
to D Street; also, commencing at the junction of California and 4th
streets, and running thence northwardly with 4th to D Street; also,
commencing at the junction of Pine and Oregon streets, and running
thence northwardly with Oregon Street to D Street; also, commencing at
the junction of 3rd and Main streets, and running thence westwardly
with Main Street to the west line of V. Schutz' Brewery lot; also,
commencing at the junction of Oregon and C streets, and running
eastwardly to 5th Street.Sec. 2. Any person or persons neglecting to have such sidewalks made or constructed in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance for the space of thirty days after its publication it shall then be the duty of the Street Commissioner to have such sidewalks made or constructed at the expense of such person or persons so neglecting as aforesaid; and the expense incurred in making such sidewalks by said Street Commissioner to be recovered before the Recorder, together with cost of suit. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its publication by the Oregon Sentinel. Which resulted in the unanimous adoption of the preceding ordinances by the following vote. Yeas Joseph S. Burpee, John S. Love, Benj. T. Davis, J. A. Brunner and Mr. President. Nays "none." On motion adjourned to meet again Jan. 12th, at the same hour and place. Henry Klippel
Recorder The Board of Trustees met pursuant to adjournment January 12th A.D. 1861 at the usual place of holding their meeting. President Wm. Hoffman in the chair. Members present J. A. Brunner, John S. Love, Benj. T. Davis, Joseph S. Burpee. The minutes of the preceding meeting having been read and approved, and no business being before the Board, On motion they adjourned until next Tuesday Jan. 15th at 2 o'clock P.M. at the courthouse. Henry Klippel
Recorder Pursuant to adjournment the Board of Trustees met at the courthouse Jan. 15 A.D. 1861 at 2 o'clock P.M. Present J. A. Brunner, Benj. T. Davis, Joseph S. Burpee, John S. Love. Absent William Hoffman. On motion Benj. T. Davis was chosen President pro tem. The minutes of preceding meeting were read and adopted. On motion Messrs. Benj. T. Davis and William Hoffman were appointed a committee to consult with the County Commissioners in reference to making the Corporation a separate road district and to negotiate for the use of the county jail for town purposes. On motion the Board proceeded to the consideration of the Hook & Ladder Company's petition. After reading the aforesaid petition it was moved the petition be tabled. Carried. No further business being before the Board, adjourned sine die. Henry Klippel
Recorder Saturday evening March 2nd 1861 The Board of Trustees met this evening at the County Clerk's office. Present William Hoffman, President of the Board, J. A. Brunner and John S. Love. Absent Benj. T. Davis, Joseph S. Burpee, Trustees, and Henry Klippel, Recorder. The following appointments were made by the Board-- "Judges of the Election"
Ordered that Recorder notify the
above-named persons of their appointment.R. F. Maury, Alexander Martin and James B. Little Clerk of Election E. C. Sessions and R. H. Haines The petition of the Hook & Ladder Company was taken up and on motion was laid over until the next meeting of the Board. Adjourned until Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. Wm. Hoffman, Prest.
and acting Secretary Tuesday Evening March 5th 1861 The Board of Trustees met this evening at the County Clerk's office. Present William Hoffman, President of the Board, Benj. T. Davis and John S. Love. Absent J. A. Brunner and Joseph S. Burpee, Trustees. After the reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting the Board proceeded to canvass the vote of the election, which resulted in the election of the following named persons. "Trustees" Wm. Hoffman, Benj. T. Davis, John S. Love, J. A. Brunner and Joseph Burpee. "Recorder" U. S. Hayden. "Marshal" G. M. Banks. "Treasurer" James T. Glenn. Street Commissioner I. D. Haines. On motion adjourned until Saturday evening March 9th 1861. Henry Klippel
Recorder TOWN ELECTION.--The election for town officers took place Tuesday last. Scarcely any opposition was had to the regular ticket, and not a particle of excitement was manifested. There were some forty less votes polled than at the preceding election. The following is the result: Trustees.--Wm. Hoffman, 84; Joseph S. Burpee, 86; B. T. Davis, 85; John S. Love, 84; J. A. Brunner, 79; scattering, 5. Recorder.--U. S. Hayden, 64; Mulford Martin, 35; scattering, 6. Marshal.--G. M. Banks, 86. Treasurer.--James T. Glenn, 85. Street Commissioner.--I. D. Haines, 78; scattering, 3. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 9, 1861, page 3 Saturday Evening March 9th 1861 Meeting of the Board of Trustees-elect for the Town of Jacksonville; present Wm. Hoffman, J. A. Brunner, B. T. Davis & Joseph Burpee, who severally subscribed their oaths of office as Trustee for the Town of Jacksonville for the ensuing year, and were duly qualified by U. S. Hayden, J.P. U. S. Hayden, Recorder-elect for the ensuing year of the Town of Jacksonville, subscribed the oath of office & was duly qualified. G. M. Banks, Marshal-elect present before the Board, subscribed the oath of office & was duly qualified. I. D. Haines, Street Commissioner-elect, subscribed the oath of office & was duly qualified. On motion William Hoffman Esq. was unanimously chosen President of the Board of Trustees for the ensuing year. The minutes of last meeting called for, read & approved. The petition of L. Horn, proprietor of the U.S. Hotel, praying to be allowed to keep a limited number of hogs upon his premises, was read, and on motion--Resolved, that L. Horn, proprietor of the U.S. Hotel, be allowed to keep upon his premises hogs, not to exceed four in number at any one time, and insofar exempted from the operation of the ordinance forbidding the keeping of some in the corporation of Jacksonville--and conditioned that the same be subject to abatement as a nuisance. The petition of John S. Drum & Henry Klippel, a committee on the part of the Jacksonville Hook & Ladder Company, was presented & read and on motion Resolved that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that the Jacksonville Hook & Ladder Company be & are hereby constituted by this Board, as the Hook & Ladder Company for the Town of Jacksonville. On motion it was ordered that ten dollars a month from the first day of March inst. will be allowed the Recorder of Jacksonville to pay office rent, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Ordered that ($30) thirty dollars be appropriated for the relief of C. C. Beekman for construction of causeway across Jackson Creek on Oregon Street, the same to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. No further business, the Board then adjourned to the first Monday of April next at 8 p.m. Attest U. S. Hayden
Recorder Jacksonville, Wednesday evening, April 10th 1861 Meeting of the Board of Trustees Present Wm. Hoffman, Prest., J. A. Brunner, John S. Love (who subscribed the oath of office & was duly qualified) and Benj. T. Davis. The minutes of the last meeting were read & approved. Bill of C. C. Beekman for lumber used in constructing crosswalks presented & allowed & ordered paid for the sum of $18.60. Jas. T. Glenn, Treasurer-elect, present, who subscribed the oath of office & was duly qualified-- On motion T. G. Ferris was appointed Poundkeeper to the Corporation for the ensuing year. Ordered by the board, on application of Albert Barnhart, for license to sell liquor in less quantities than one quart for six month, within the Corporation, that license be granted, his license assessed at twenty-five dollars. Henry Huber comes and applied to the Board for a license to retail liquors in less quantities than one [quart], granted by the Board & license assessed at forty dollars. Max Muller comes and applied for a license to retail liquors in less quantities than one quart for six months within the Corporation, which is granted and his license assessed at forty dollars. Wintjen & Helms made application for a license to retail liquors in less quantities than one quart in the Corporation of Jacksonville. License granted for six months and assessed at forty dollars. Patrick Lynch made application for a license to sell liquors in less quantities than one quart for six months within the corporation. License granted by the Board and assessed at forty dollars. Klippel & McLaughlin made application for license in retail liquors in less quantities than one quart within the Corporation of Jacksonville for six months. License granted by the Board and assessed at fifty dollars. On motion, B. T. Davis was appointed a committee of one on subject of building and procuring site for station house and ordered to report at the next meeting of the Board. No further business. The Board adjourned to Saturday evening April 13th inst. at 8 P.M. Attest U. S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Adjourned Meeting Recorder's Office April 13th 1861 Present Wm. Hoffman, Prest. B. T. Davis, John S. Love, J. A. Brunner and Joseph Burpee Minutes of last meeting read & approved. B. T. Davis, to whom was referred the subject of procuring a site for & building a station house, reported verbally no progress, and he was continued, that committee to report at the next regular meeting of the Board. Joseph Weiland made application for a license to retail spirituous liquors in less quantities than one quart in the Town of Jacksonville--granted--and license assessed at twenty-five dollars for six months. Freeman Yandell's bill for jail fees presented and allowed and ordered paid--amt. $6.00. Ordered by the Board that the Jacksonville Hook & Ladder Company be and are hereby required to report to the Board the name of each & every member of said company at the next regular meeting of the Board. Town Road Tax
The People of the Town of Jacksonville
do ordain as follows that a town road tax of one mill on the dollar be
and is hereby levied upon the taxable property within the Town
& Corporation of Jacksonville, and that the county assessment
of the county be the basis for said tax thereon to be levied. Passed
unanimously.Ordinance 14 On motion resolved that the Board adopt the town plat drawn by Sewell Truax as the plat of this Corporation, excepting so far as said plat comes in conflict with the old recorded plat for those lots that have already been enclosed. Passed unanimously. There being no further business before the meeting the Board adjourned. Arrest U. S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Recorder's Office July 23rd 1861 Present a full Board. Minutes of last meeting read & approved. The report of the Jacksonville Hook & Ladder Company, made in conformity to an order from the Board, received and ordered on file. B. T. Davis, committee to whom was referred the subject of procuring a lot for station house, reported verbally no further progress and was discharged from said committee. On motion of Mr. Davis, John S. Love was appointed and authorized to contract for and purchase of Mrs. Ganung a town lot in Jacksonville, and to pay three hundred dollars for said lot, and to draw the draft upon the Town Treasurer for that amount & report at the next meeting of the Board. Ordered by the Board that the tax levied at their April session be immediately assessed and collected. Ordered by the Board of Trustees that U. S. Hayden, Town Recorder, be and is hereby authorized to contract with Sewell Truax to make & execute for the use of the Town & Corporation a complete map of said town and the same to be paid for out of the town treasury. William Burke made application for license to sell spirituous liquors in Jacksonville in quantities less than one quart--granted--and license assessed at fifty dollars for six months. Mulford Martin made application for license to sell spirituous liquors in Jacksonville in quantities less than one quart--granted--and license assessed at twenty-five dollars for six months. Lilly Sherwood made application for license to sell spirituous liquors in Jacksonville in quantities less than one quart--granted--and license assessed at twenty-five dollars for six months. Jeanne DeRoboam made application for license to sell spirituous [liquors] in Jacksonville in quantities less than one quart--granted--and license assessed at twenty-five dollars for six months. On motion the Board adjourned to Saturday evening July 27th instant at 8 o'clock P.M. Attest U. S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Adjourned Meeting Recorder's Office July 27th 1861 Meeting called to order by Wm. Hoffman, Prest. Present a full Board. The minutes of last meeting read and approved. John S. Love, who was appointed to negotiate for the purchase of a lot of Mrs. Ganung, reported verbally that lot No. [omission] can be purchased for the sum of three hundred dollars, and he was continued that committee, with authority from the Board to conclude the purchase & procure a deed for the same. Motion by Mr. Burpee that the Street Commissioner be instructed [to] cause a survey of a road to be made from the graveyard to Oregon Street on the most convenient grade--passed unanimously. On motion John S. Love and B. T. Davis were appointed a committee to obtain of J. N. T. Miller a deed for a lot of ground for a graveyard for the Corporation of Jacksonville. Ordinance No. 15
The People of the Town of Jacksonville
do ordain as follows: No person shall be allowed to sell at public
auction good or chattels, wares and merchandise within the corporate
limit of the Town of Jacksonville, without first having obtained a
license for that purpose from the Board of Trustees or the president
thereof. The rate for license shall be twelve dollars and fifty cents
three months with one dollar & fifty cents for Recorder's fees
for issuing the same. And it is further provided that any auctioneer so
licensed shall be allowed for his commission on all sales for sums not
exceeding five hundred dollars, five percent [blank] and over
five hundred dollars, not exceeding one thousand dollars, three and one
half percent, over one thousand dollars & over two and one half
percent."To License Auctioneers" Sec. II. Any person or persons who shall sell or offer for sale at public auction, within the corporate limits of Jacksonville without first having obtained a license for that purpose, such person or persons so offending shall upon conviction before the Recorder forfeit and pay a fine not exceeding the sum of twenty-five dollars, nor less than ten dollars. This ordinance to take effect from and after its publication. Yeas--Benjamin T. Davis, J. A. Brunner, Joseph Burpee, John S. Love & Wm. Hoffman, Prest. Nays--none. The Board then adjourned sine die. Attest U. S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Special Meeting Recorder's Office August 3rd 1861 Present a full Board, William Hoffman, Prest. William Burke made application to the Board for a reduction of his assessment for a liquor license. Ordered by the Board that whereas William Burke was assessed fifty dollars for a liquor license for six months, that in lieu thereof he be assessed at thirty-five dollars. On motion I. D. Haines was unanimously appointed Assessor for the Town of Jacksonville with instructions that he be governed by the statute law regulating County Assessor. I. D. Haines, Street Commissioner, submitted a diagram of road survey and the same was ordered to be received and filed in the Recorder's office for the use of the Corporation. Burpee & Linn presented a bill for lumber & work on bridge on California Street for one hundred & thirty-six dollars--allowed and ordered paid. On motion of John S. Love, the road survey No. 3 on diagram & survey presented by I. D. Haines, running from Oregon Street to the Cemetery, be adopted by the Board. Ayes--John S. Love, B. T. Davis, Joseph Burpee, J. A. Brunner, William Hoffman, Presdt. Nays--none. There being no further business before the Board, adjourned sine die. Attest U. S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Special Meeting Recorder's Office August 31st 1861 Present a full Board. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Burpee & Linn presented their claims for $14.80 error in former bill--allowed and ordered paid. William Hoffman presented his bill for services recording deed &c. for $5 and allowed and ordered paid. Ordered by the Board that the President of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Jacksonville be and is hereby authorized to make out & file the declaratory statement of the Board of Trustees in the Land Office at Roseburg, for three fractions of land within the corporate limits of the Town of Jacksonville for the purpose of entering the same for the benefit of the said town. I. D. Haines, heretofore appointed Assessor for the Town of Jacksonville, presented the assessment roll of assessments made by Linn which is accepted by the Board. The People of the Town of Jacksonville do ordain as follows: That a tax of one mill on the dollar be levied on the taxable property, real and personal, within the corporate limits of the said town, said tax to be based upon the assessment of property made by I. D. Haines. It is further ordered that the ordinance in relation to taxes for road purposes, passed on the 13th day of April 1861 be, and the same is, hereby repealed. Yeas--J. A. Brunner, B. T. Davis, John S. Love, Joseph Burpee & William Hoffman. Nays--none. Ordered by the Board that the Town Treasurer make out a tax list upon the assessment roll accepted by the Board, and proceed to collect said taxes as soon as practicable. Ordered by the Board that I. D. Haines be allowed thirty-five dollars ($35) for assessing and making assessment roll. On motion the Recorder of Jacksonville was appointed to draft an ordinance to create fire warden for Jacksonville, defining the duties of fire warden & report the same at the next meeting of the Board. No further business before the Board. Adjourned till Saturday evening Septr. 7th 1861. Attest U. S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Adjourned Meeting Recorder's Office Sept. 7th 1861 Present Wm. Hoffman, Prest., and J. A. Brunner. No quorum being present, Board adjourned till Saturday evening next Sept. 14th. Attest U. S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Adjourned Meeting Recorder's Office Septr. 14th 1861. Present Wm. Hoffman, Presdt., J. A. Brunner, B. T. Davis, Jos. Burpee and John S. Love. Minutes of last meeting read & approved. I. D. Haines, Street Commissioner, presented bill for expense fixing street for $38.00 with his voucher for the same. Allowed by the Board & ordered paid. Gazette printing bill, for printing Treasurer's notices, for $5 allowed by the Board. D. W. Douthitt's bill for attorney's fees presented for $75 taken under consideration by the Board, and on motion B. T. Davis and John S. Love were appointed a special committee to confer with D. W. Douthitt & get his bill reduced to some reasonable claim. Ordered by the Board [of] Trustees that Sewell Truax and I. D. Haines be and are hereby appointed a committee to survey and lay out certain streets within the limits of the Corporation so as to conform to plat of the Town of Jacksonville and that they report the same to the Board. Ordinance No. 16
The People of the Town of Jacksonville
do ordain as
follows, that two Fire Wardens be appointed for the Town of
to examine all dwellings, tenements or otherwise, within the Town
Corporation wherein fires are used, or where candles, lamps or other
lights are used, and it shall be the duty of the Fire Warden to examine
all fireplaces, stoves, stove pipes, chimneys, ovens, flues and other
apparatus wherein fires are used within this Corporation, For the Appointment of Fire Warden, Their Duties &c. On motion of B. T. Davis, David Linn and Robt. H. Haines were unanimously appointed Fire Wardens by the Board for the Town of Jacksonville. There being no further business before the Board, the Board adjourned to Saturday next Sept. 21st instant. Attest U. S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Adjourned Meeting Recorder's Office Sept. 21st 1861 Present Wm. Hoffman, President, J. A. Brunner, B. T. Davis, Jos. Burpee, John S. Love. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. B. T. Davis & John S. Love, a committee to whom was referred the claim of D. W. Douthitt, made verbal report that the same had been reduced to fifty dollars & recommend that it be allowed by the Board--and thereupon it was ordered by the Board that fifty dollars be & is hereby appropriated for the payment of D. W. Douthitt his bill for attorney fees, the same to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. R. C. Kirby made application for a license to retail liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Town of Jacksonville for six months--granted by the Board and assessed at twenty-five dollars. James Casey made application for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Town of Jacksonville for six months--granted by the Board & assessed at twenty-five dollars. On motion J. A. Brunner & John S. Love were appointed by the Board to obtain a plan suitable for station house, to be attached thereto a hook & ladder truck house & Recorder's office, & that they be & are hereby authorized to advertise for proposals for constructing a building the same & report proceedings to the Board at their next meeting for the further action of the Board. Ordered by the Board, on motion of B. T. Davis, that the street next to and north of E Street, running parallel to the same, be and is hereby denominated, and to be known hereafter as "Hoffman Street." Ordered by the Board that the Street Commissioner be authorized & instructed to open Fourth Street to intersect Hoffman St. and that Hoffman St. be opened to 5th and Oregon streets. There being no further business before the Board the Board adjourned to Saturday evening next, Sept. 28th. Attest U. S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Adjourned Meeting Recorder's Office Septr. 28th 1861 Present Wm. Hoffman, President, J. A. Brunner and John S. Love. John S. Love & J. A. Brunner, committee on buildings, presented their report, which was read & accepted, and the committee discharged. Report filed with the Recorder. No further business before the Board, the Board adjourned to Saturday evening next, October 5th. Attest U. S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Adjourned Meeting Recorder's Office Octr. 5, 1861 Present William Hoffman & J. A. Brunner. No quorum being present, the Board adjourned to Saturday evening Oct. 21st 1861. Attest U. S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Adjourned Meeting Recorder's Office Oct. 21st 1861 Present William Hoffman, President, & J. A. Brunner, John S. Love, Jos. Burpee. Minutes of two last meetings read and approved. Max Muller made application for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Town of Jacksonville--granted by the Board and assessed at forty dollars for six months. Sentinel office printing bill of $9 for advertising Ordinance No. 15--presented to the Board--allowed & ordered paid. On motion the report of John S. Love & J. A. Brunner, committee, made at a previous meeting Sept. 28th ultimo was taken up for further consideration of the Board and the report was ordered to be spread upon the journal. Report of Committee on Buildings
Plan and specifications for Recorder's office, station house &
hook & ladder truck house.Main building for office and station rooms to be 16 feet wide by 32 ft. deep & 12 feet high in the clear. To be a good substantial balloon frame, partition through the center same as the wall, one good four-panel door in partition, a chimney in the center with a fireplace in each room. The building to be weatherboarded with dressed lumber with square front and cornice, two windows and one door in front, the windows each 12 lights, with 10 by 14 glass, the door to be a good four-panel door--one good, heavy batten door and 12-light window in the back room, said window to have a heavy batten shutter to be hung on the inside and a bar of iron across the center, with locks for fastening. The floor of the main building to be tongue & grooved but not dressed, the front room to be boarded up six feet high all around the walls inside and clothed and the back room will be lined on the walls with two thicknesses of inch plank, and overhead with inch boards not dressed. A mantel board in each fireplace. The doors all to have good locks and hangings. One good coat of paint outside, all around, and a shingle roof, shingles to be laid five inches to the weather. Said buildings to be set on stone pillars. One table 3 by six feet square. Truck house is to be built alongside of main building with shed roof, said building to be 10 ft. wide and 32 feet deep, framed & weatherboarded same as main building, shingle roof same as main building, a rough floor of 1¼-inch boards--square front--with cornice and double-panel door, sufficiently wide to allow the truck wagon to pass in and out. One 12-light window in the back end. This building to have one coat of paint on the outside same as main building and set on stone pillars--a good lock with bolts on door. The contractor completes the building according to specifications in a good workmanlike manner. The contractors will be required to give bonds for the completion of said buildings according to specifications. Sept. 28, 1861 Respectfully submitted J. A. Brunner
Your committee further report that they
advertised for proposals under the foregoing plan &
and that they have received a proposal & bid from Burpee
Linn, no other being received by your committee, and the proposal of
Burpee & Linn is herein attached as a part of this report.John S. Love, committee J. A. Brunner
John S. Love, committee
On motion it was ordered by the Board that the proposal made &
recd. from Burpee & Linn for building station house, Recorder's
office & hook & ladder truck house, be and the same is
accepted by the Board, and it is further ordered that the Recorder
notify Burpee & Linn of the action of the Board & that
cause to be executed & filed in his office the articles of
between the parties thereto.
Ordered by the Board that the Treasurer be required upon notice to return to the Recorder's office his assessment roll with the tax list & assessment made thereon, under the ordinance levying the tax of mill on the dollar and that he report the amount of taxes collected by him, with the list of the names of all delinquents with his certificate thereto. Ordered by the Board that G. M. Banks, Marshal, be and is hereby appointed & authorized to receive the assessment roll & delinquent tax list, and proceed to collect the said delinquent taxes with additional four percent on each assessment, and report to the Board. There being no further business before the Board, the Board adjourned sine die. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Recorder's Office Jany. 21st 1862 Present Joseph Burpee and John S. Love--no quorum present--on motion adjourned to the 1st day of Feby. 1862 at 7 a.m. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Board Trustees Adjourned Meeting Recorder's Office Feby. 1st 1862 Present Joseph Burpee, J. A. Brunner & John S. Love. Joseph Burpee was chosen President pro tem. The minutes of the last meeting read & approved. I. D. Haines, Street Commissioner, presented bill for money expended on streets & bridges & for the amount of $58.50 allowed and ordered paid. On motion of Mr. Love it was ordered that the Street Commissioner be instructed to expend no more money on work on county roads or bridges, unless expressly authorized by the Board. On motion William Hoffman Esq., Jos. Burpee & John S. Love were appointed a committee to examine a map of Jacksonville drawn and executed by Sewell Truax, with authority to receive & accept the same for the use of the Corporation, and to draw on the Town Treasurer for payment of the same. Thomas Sutton made application for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Town of Jacksonville--granted--assessed at thirty-five dollars for six months. Max Muller made application for a billiard license--granted and assessed at twenty-five dollars for six months. Wintjen & Helms made application for a license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Town of Jacksonville--granted and assessed at forty dollars for six months, also for a billiard license--granted and assessed at twenty-five dollars for six months. Pat Lynch made application for a license to sell spirituous liquors in quantities less than one quart in the Town of Jacksonville for six months--granted and assessed at forty dollars. Henry Huber made application for a license to sell spirituous liquors in the town of Jacksonville for six months--granted and assessed at twenty-five dollars. John McLaughlin made application for a license to retail spirituous liquors in the Town of Jacksonville--granted by the Board & assessed at fifty dollars. On motion J. A. Brunner and John S. Love were appointed a committee to procure and rent any suitable building for a temporary station house for the use of the Corporation with authority to contract for fitting the same for said purposes. There being no further business before it, Board adjourned. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Special Meeting Saturday Evening Mar. 1st 1862 Present William Hoffman, Prest., and J. A. Brunner, Joseph Burpee & John S. Love. Minutes of last meeting read & approved. J. A. Brunner & John S. Love, committee who were appointed to procure for temporary use a building for station house, made verbal report that they had been unable to obtain a suitable place for station house. Report accepted & committee discharged. John S. Love & Wm. Hoffman, the committee appointed to examine map of the Town of Jacksonville &c., made the following report-- Report
committee appointed to examine and receive the
map of the Town of Jacksonville report that they have examined said map
and have accepted the same and recommend that an order be made allowing
Sewell Truax the sum of sixty dollars for said map and the further sum
of thirty dollars for making survey in said town.March 1st 1862, Signed John
S. Love
On motion the report
of this committee was accepted and the committee discharged and it was
ordered by the Board that the sum of ninety dollars be and is hereby
appropriated for the payment of Sewell Truax as recommended by the
committee in their report as aforesaid.Wm. Hoffman, committee Inspectors of Election
On motion Jerry Martin, John Anderson and James Drum
were appointed inspectors of the election to be held on the first
Tuesday, 4th day of March next.And for Clerk of Election Max Muller and Saml. Sachs were appointed. Ordered that the Recorder notify the Inspectors of Election and Clerk of their appointment. Henry Klippel appeared before the Board praying for reduction of assessment on liquor license. And on motion it was ordered by the Board that the liquor license issued & granted to McLaughlin & Klippel in lieu of $50 as assessed by the Board Feby. 1st 1862 the same be assessed at forty dollars for 6 months--also that Thomas Sutton's license assessment be reduced to the sum of $25 for six months, also that Pat Lynch's license assessment be reduced to $30 for six months. Application made for Charles Louzen for a license to retail spirituous liquor in quantities less than one quart in Jacksonville--granted, assessed at $25 for six months. No further business before the Board, the Board adjourned until March 4, 1862 at 7 o'clock P.M. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Adjourned Meeting Tuesday Evening March 4th 1862 The Board convened pursuant to adjournment. Present William Hoffman, Presdt. and John S. Love & J. A. Brunner. The minutes of last meeting read & approved. The yearly statement of the Town Treasurer was presented & laid before the Board, and upon examination of the same by the Board it was ordered that it be referred back to the Treasurer for correction. On motion it was ordered that G. M. Banks, Marshal, be allowed four percent on the total amount of taxes collected by him, and that the Recorder give him an order on the Treasurer for the amount. The election returns were laid before the Board, who publicly examined the same and declared the following persons duly elected officers for the Town of Jacksonville for the ensuing year. William
No further business
before the Board, the Board adjourned until Saturday evening March 8th
instant at 7 A.M. [sic].J. A. Brunner John S. Drum David Linn & L. J. C. Duncan, Trustees U. S. Hayden, Recorder Jas. T. Glenn, Treasurer John Carter, Marshal I. D. Haines, Street Commissioner Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Meeting of the Board of Trustees-Elect Jacksonville March 8th 1862 Present Wm. Hoffman, J. A. Brunner, John S. Drum, David Linn & L. J. C. Duncan, who severally subscribed the oath of office and were duly qualified as Trustees for the Town of Jacksonville for the ensuing year. Officers-Elect Also present U. S. Hayden, Recorder, John Carter, Marshal, I. D. Haines, Street Commissioner, who subscribed the oath of office and were duly qualified for their respective offices for the ensuing year. On motion Wm. Hoffman was unanimously elected President of the Board of Trustees. The President then declared the Board duly organized & ready for business. The minutes of the last meeting were called for & were read & approved. There being no further business before the Board--adjourned. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Board Trustees Regular Meeting April 15th 1862 Present Wm. Hoffman & David Linn. No quorum being present the Board adjourned to Saturday evening April 19th at 8 o'clock. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Adjourned Meeting Recorder's Office April 19th 1862 Present Wm. Hoffman, John S. Drum & David Linn. The minutes of last meeting read & approved. The bonds of the Recorder, Treasurer & Marshal were laid before [the] Board & on motion they were each approved and ordered to be filed by the Recorder. On motion the President of the Board appointed John S. Drum & David Linn to examine the Treasurer's account current of the past year and report their proceedings at the next regular meeting of the Board. David Linn, one of the contractors for building Recorder's office &c. reported verbally to the Board that the building was completed ready for their examination & reception. John S. Drum moved that whereas the Board present had examined the building & specified time for building the same, that the Board hereby formally accept the same, and the motion was carried unanimously. Ordered by the Board that the President of the Board issue warrants upon the Treasurer in favor of Burpee & Linn for the amount of seven hundred dollars. Wintjen & Helms made application for license to retail spirituous liquors in the Town Corporation in quantities less than one quart--granted by the Board & they were assessed at forty dollars for six months. Max Muller on application was licensed to retail liquors in quantities less than one quart for six months & assessed at forty dollars. Bill of John Carter, Marshal, for ten dollars for removing dead animal allowed & ordered to be paid. No further business before the Board--adjourned. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Special Meeting June 24th 1862 Present William Hoffman, President, & J. A. Brunner, David Linn & L. J. C. Duncan. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion the following resolution was passed unanimously by the board. Resolved that David Linn be employed to extend the truck house eight feet to the rear & also to arrange the doors of the same so as to give all the space the width of the said house will allow. Bill of M. H. Hill $8.50 for repairing bridge was presented to the Board and on motion allowed and ordered to be paid. I. D. Haines presented his claim for 20 days services as Street Commissioner; moved & seconded that I. D. Haines be allowed the sum of sixty dollars for services as Street Commissioner--passed and ordered to be paid. No further business, the Board adjourned. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Regular Meeting July 15th 1862 Present William Hoffman, President, & John S. Drum, J. A. Brunner & David Linn. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. John S. Drum & David Linn, committee appointed to examine Treasurer's accounts, were not ready to report & were continued that committee. David Linn presented bill one hundred and three dollars ($103.25) for making alterations on truck house &c. and for lumber furnished. On motion it was ordered by the Board that the same be allowed and placed on file. On motion licenses were granted to the following persons. Wintjen & Helms, billiard license for 6 mos. & assessed at twenty-five dollars Pat Lynch, liquor license for 6 mos. and assessed a thirty dollars Klippel & McLaughlin, billiard license for six months, assessed at ($25) twenty-five dollars and also for liquor license for six months and assessed at ($40) forty dollars for six months James Casey for liquor license for six months and assessed at twenty-five ($25) dollars Alfred Law, liquor license for six months and assessed at thirty dollars ($30) Max Muller, billiard license for six months and assessed at ($25) twenty-five dollars Henry Huber, liquor license for six months and assessed at ($25) twenty-five dollars Madam DeRoboam for liquor license and assessed at ($25) twenty-five dollars There being no further business before the Board, the Board adjourned. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Special Meeting Recorder's Office Septr. 16th 1862 Present William Hoffman, President, and John S. Drum, L. J. C. Duncan & David Linn. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Application of Henry Breitbarth for license to retail spirituous liquors in Jacksonville--granted by the Board & the same assessed at fifty dollars for six months, also for a license to keep a billiard saloon in Jacksonville--granted by the Board & assessed at twenty-five dollars for six months. On application of F. Burchell for a license to retail spirituous [liquors] in Jacksonville for six months, the license granted by the Board and assessed at twenty-five dollars. Ordered on motion that the President of the Board be and is hereby authorized to draw out of the town treasury the sum of one hundred & forty-two dollars, the same to be applied for the use and purpose of entering certain fractions of land lying within the Corporation of this Town, and the said sum of one hundred & forty-two dollars is hereby appropriated out of any money in the town treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose aforesaid. The subject of levying a tax for the purpose of purchasing a fire engine for the Corporation being under consideration, the same was disposed of under the appointment of John S. Drum and L. J. C. Duncan, a committee to take the subject under consideration & report at an adjourned meeting. On motion the Board adjourned to Saturday evening Sept. 20th instant. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Adjourned Meeting Board of Trustees Recorder's Office Sept. 20th 1862 Present Wm. Hoffman, President, and John S. Drum, L. J. C. Duncan & David Linn. Minutes of last meeting read & approved. The committee to whom was referred the subject of levying a tax for the purpose of procuring a fire engine made the following report. "We, the undersigned committee appointed to make inquiries about purchasing a fire engine, beg leave to report favorable to making the purchase of engine and necessary apparatus. And that we recommend a tax to be levied on all property in town limits, say 5 mill, or as much tax as would be necessary for such purchase, provided that there be an election of all taxpayers and that they vote favorably. "John
S. Drum
And on motion the report was accepted and committee discharged."L. J. C. Duncan, committee" On motion of David Linn that the proposition to lay & levy a tax of 5 mills on the dollar on the taxable property within the Corporation for the special object of applying the proceeds of said tax to the purchase of a fire engine & apparatus be submitted to the legal voters of the Town and the voters should be by ballot "for tax" and "against tax" and that the Recorder give legal public notice of said election to be held. Motion carried. Yeas John S. Drum, David Linn, L. J. C. Duncan & William Hoffman. Nays none. On motion the Board adjourned sine die. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Special Meeting Oct. 3rd 1862 The President, Wm. Hoffman, then stated the object of the meeting on this evening was for the purpose of appointing the judges & clerks of an election to be held on the following day when, on motion, W. G. T'Vault, S. Humphrey and John McLaughlin were appointed judges, and A. E. Rogers & Alex Miller clerks of said election and ordered that the Recorder notify the said judges & clerks of election of their appointment. On motion adjourned. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Special Meeting Board of Trustees Octr. 4th 1862 Present William Hoffman, President, L. J. C. Duncan, John S. Drum & David Linn. The returns of an election held this day were made to the Board. On motion the Board proceeded to canvass the election returns, which were declared to be duly made & returned. The result of the said election were declared as follows, on the proposition to levy a tax of 5 mills the votes were "for
tax" (28) twenty-eight votes
The President of the
Board announced that the proposition to levy a tax of 5 mills on the
dollar on the taxable property in Jacksonville for the purchase of a
fire engine & apparatus was negation by a vote of 28 for
& 46
against."against tax" (46) forty-six votes On motion it was ordered that the judges and clerks of said election be allowed ($3) each for their services, and that the sum of fifteen [dollars] be and is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. No further business before the Board, on motion adjourned. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees Octr. 21st 1862 Present William Hoffman, President, and L. J. C. Duncan, David Linn & John S. Drum. The minutes of the last meeting were read & approved. On application of John Nolan for license to retail spirituous liquors in the Town of Jacksonville, the same granted and assessed at twenty-five dollars for six months. Wintjen & Helms made application for license to retail spirituous liquors--the same was granted & assessed at forty dollars for six months. Billiard license granted McLaughlin & Klippel & assessed at $25--six months. The President of the Board made a verbal statement that in accordance with the instructions of the Board, he had entered the vacant land within the limits of the Corporation at the Land Office at Roseburg, and that he had received the receipt of the Register of the Land Office for one hundred and forty-three 14/100 dollars for said land, being the fractional northwest corner of Section 32 in Township 37 South of Range 2 West, containing 114 55/100 acres. The President of the Board also presented a bill for preparing the necessary preemption papers, proofs and Land Office fees, amounting to the sum of twelve ($12) dollars, which was allowed by the Board and ordered to be paid. On motion it was ordered that Solomon Humphrey be allowed the sum of fifteen dollars for expenses incurred by him as agent of the Board in going to the Land Office at Roseburg to enter the vacant land within the limits of the Corporation, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. There being no further business before the Board, the Board adjourned. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Special Meeting Board of Trustees, Nov. 1st 1862 Present William Hoffman, President, and L. J. C. Duncan, David Linn & John S. Drum. The minutes of the last meeting were read & approved. No business coming before the Board, on motion the Board adjourned to Tuesday evening next at 7 o'clock. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Adjourned Meeting of the Board of Trustees Jacksonville Novr. 6th 1862 Present Wm. Hoffman, President, and L. J. C. Duncan, David Linn & John S. Drum. The Board went into a committee of the whole on the subject & matter of assessing & fixing the value of all lots and parts of lots occupied & claimed by parties prior to the preemption & purchase of the same by the Corporation, and the business relating thereto being unfinished [it] was laid over until the next meeting of the Board. On motion I. D. Haines, Street Commissioner, was appointed to ascertain the amount of land claimed by the different parties now occupying [lands] within the lines owned & preempted by the Corporation and to report the names of such persons so holding & claiming said Town lands, with the separate amount so occupied & claimed--at the next meeting of the Board. On motion the Board adjourned until Thursday evening next at 7 o'clock P.M. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Adjourned Meeting Jacksonville Nov. 13th 1862 Present Wm. Hoffman, President, and David Linn & John S. Drum. The minutes of last meeting read and approved. I. D. Haines being present before the Board made a report and diagram of lots, occupied & claimed, with descriptions of the same, with names of all persons holding & claiming within the lines of the Corporation preemption & entry. The Board then took up the unfinished business of assessing Town lots and without closing the same was continued for the further action of the Board. The President presented to the Board the petition of S. Sachs, Love & Bilger and others, praying that California St. may be graded & graveled. The petition, being read, was referred. On motion the Board adjourned until Tuesday evening next. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Adjourned Meeting Nov. 18th 1862 Present Wm. Hoffman, President, & David Linn, L. J. C. Duncan & John S. Drum. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting were dispensed with. The petition of S. Sachs, Love & Bilger and others, presented at the last meeting, praying to have California Street graded & graveled, was taken up, when John S. Drum moved that I. D. Haines, Street Commissioner, be instructed to make an estimate of the probable cost & expense of grading, graveling and draining California Street from Oregon Street to the bridge on said California St. & that the Street Commissioner be further instructed to make such a grade as best to secure public convenience--and report at the next session of the Board--passed. The petition of I. D. Haines & forty-four others, representing the China wash house on Cala. Street to be a nuisance, & praying the Board to cause the same to [be] removed, was presented to the Board. On motion the petition was recd. & laid over for the present. On motion the Board adjourned to Tuesday evening next Novr. 25 at 7 o'clock. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Adjourned Meeting Jacksonville Novr. 25th 1862 The Board convened pursuant to adjournment. Present Wm. Hoffman, president, L. J. C. Duncan, John S. Drum & David Linn. The minutes of the last two meetings were read & approved. Report of Committees
John S.
Drum, a committee
appointed at the last meeting of the Board to draft an ordinance on
nuisances, made his report. The same was accepted by the Board
committee discharged.I. D. Haines, Street Commissioner, being present, made his report on the grading and graveling [of] California Street. The report was then read & on motion the same was accepted by the Board and committee discharged. The ordinance on nuisances reported by John S. Drum was taken up and after being amended was passed in the form as follows. Ordinance No. 17
The People
of the Town of Jacksonville do ordain as follows:Sec. I. That if any person shall be guilty of any public lewdness or indecency, whether by word or action, or shall expose himself or herself to public view in any indecent manner, within the Town of Jacksonville, or shall cause a false alarm of fire, or ring any bell or make any bonfire for the purpose of creating such false alarm, each & every person so offending shall, upon conviction before the Recorder, be punished by fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars and costs, or by imprisonment not exceeding ten days at the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. II. Any owner or occupant of premises on which there shall be any stagnant water or unwholesome substance, or other nuisance, or shall permit the same to pass or be thrown into the streets from such premises, and who shall after due notice from the Marshal suffer such nuisance as aforesaid to remain longer than necessary for the removal of the same, shall be liable, on conviction before the Recorder, in any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars, and it shall be the duty of the Marshal to have such nuisance removed at the cost of the party so notified & failing to remove the same to be recorded before the Recorder with costs. This ordinance to take effect from and after its publication. Yeas L. J. C. Duncan, John S. Drum, David Linn & Wm. Hoffman. Nays none. On motion of John S. Drum, I. D. Haines, Street Commissioner, was authorized to make out certain specifications for grading, graveling & draining California Street from its junction with Oregon Street to the bridge on California Street, and also to advertise and receive proposals for performing the contract for said work according to the specifications. Said specifications shall be for a convenient grade and for graveling the center of the streets six inches deep, running down to 4 inches graveling on the side of the street, and that the proposals & bids received shall be laid before the Board at their next meeting. Unfinished Business
In the
matter of assessing &
fixing the value of town lots, the subject was laid over till the next
session of the Board.Board adjourned until Wednesday evening Dec. 3 at 7 o'clock. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees--Adjourned Meeting Wednesday Dec. 3rd 1862 Present Wm. Hoffman, President, & L. J. C. Duncan & J. A. Brunner. The reading of the minutes dispensed with. The Board without transacting any business adjourned until tomorrow (Thursday) evening at 7 o'clock. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Adjourned Meeting, Jacksonville December 4th 1862 Present a full Board. The minutes of the last and preceding meetings read and approved. The Street Commissioner, being present, verbally reported that he had advertised for proposals for grading & graveling California Street according to the instructions of the Board & the proposal & bids were laid before the Board & severally read. On motion of John S. Drum, the matter of grading & graveling California Street was indefinitely postponed. The unfinished business of assessing and fixing the prices of town lots embraced within the lines of the land preempted by the Town was postponed for future action. On motion [the] Board adjourned to meet again on Thursday evening next at 7 o'clock. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees--Adjourned Meeting Jacksonville Dec. 21st 1862 Present Wm. Hoffman, President of the Board & David Linn, John S. Drum & L. J. C. Duncan. The minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The unfinished business of assessing lots and parcels of land embraced in the tract of land entered by the Town was taken up and it was ordered by the Board that whereas the Town of Jacksonville has entered in the U.S. Land Office that portion of land described as the fractional N.W. quarter of Section 32, Township 37 South of Range 2 West for the use of the Town and for the benefits of the occupants thereof, and in consideration of the premises, that the following assessments be and are hereby made against said party claimants & occupants, as an apportionment for the expenses of entering, surveying & conveying the same. Claimants and Assessments
A. C.
Albert, claimant, assessed at ($10) ten dollars.Lilly Sherwood, claimant, assessed twenty dollars. Louis Herling, claimant, assessed ($25) twenty-five dollars (2 deeds). J. A. Brunner & Bro. & others, claimants, assessed ($10) ten dollars each lot. China house lot assessed at [blank]. C. Davenport, claimant, assessed ($10) ten dollars. Mrs. Fidler, claimant, assessed ($10) ten dollars. John Drew, claimant, assessed ($15) fifteen dollars. Spanish [sic], claimant, assessed ($15) fifteen dollars. John Donegan, claimant, assessed ($15) fifteen dollars. P. J. Ryan, claimant, assessed ($15) fifteen dollars. J. W. Stearns, claimant, assessed ($10) ten dollars. Maury & Davis (store lot) assessed ($15) fifteen dollars. M. Brenan, claimant, assessed ($15) fifteen dollars. L. J. C. Duncan & wife assessed ($30) thirty dollars (2 deeds). Overbeck lot assessed ($10) ten dollars. Wintjen & Helms, claimants, assessed ($15) fifteen dollars. John Connelly, claimant, assessed ($15) fifteen dollars. and all lots south of Block 29, 50x100, each ($10) with deed. Arkansas Stable lot assessed at ($15) fifteen dollars. R. F. Maury, claimant, ($20) twenty dollars assessment. Benj. T. Davis, claimant, assessed ($20) twenty dollars. Wetterer Brewery lot assessed the first 50 by 100 feet ($10) ten dollars, and ($5) five dollars for each additional 50 feet & fractions. E. G. Reiman land assessed ($10) ten dollars for the first 50x100 feet & ($5) five dollars for each additional feet & fractions. Sewell Truax, claimant, assessed ($20) twenty dollars. M. J. Clark, claimant, assessed ($20) twenty dollars. Cala. Stage Co., claimant, assessed ($20) twenty dollars. Wilhelm Smith, claimant, assessed ($25) twenty-five dollars (with 2 deeds). John Weiss, claimant, assessed ($30) thirty dollars. C. Ulrich, claimant, assessed ($15) fifteen dollars. John S. Drum, claimant, assessed ($20) twenty dollars. J. B. Little, claimant, assessed ($10) ten dollars. Peter Britt, claimant, assessed ($40) forty dollars. Turner & Ray, claimants, assessed ($15) fifteen dollars. Alex Martin, claimant, assessed ($20) twenty dollars. Fisher & Mensor (stable lot) assessed ($10) ten dollars. Fisher (house lot) assessed ($15) fifteen dollars. Mensor (house lot) assessed ($15) fifteen dollars. Veit Schutz, claimant, assessed ($15) fifteen dollars. Geo. Funk, claimant, assessed ($10) ten dollars. Ernest [sic], claimant, assessed ($10) ten dollars. Dutch Saddler, claimant, assessed ($10) ten dollars. H. Blecher (stable lot) assessed ($10) ten dollars. William Clark, claimant, assessed ($15) fifteen dollars. Mules lot assessed ($15) fifteen dollars. F. M. Brown, claimant, assessed ($10) ten dollars. Lot rear of the mules lot assessed ($10) ten dollars. and be it further ordered by the Board that the Town Recorder give public notice in the Oregon Sentinel & Intelligencer, newspapers published in Jacksonville, notifying all persons claiming & holding [a] lot or parcel of land embraced within said town land, that by paying their respective assessments, they can secure title deed, on application to the Town Recorder. It is intended that the several assessments shall include the expense of deeds and recording deeds, and the sum of ($5) five dollars is reserved out of each assessment for said purpose. Ordered on motion that the Street Commissioner be & is hereby authorized & directed to construct a footbridge on Jackson Creek on Oregon Street, near Mr. Kenny's house, at the expense of this Corporation, & that he report at the next meeting of the Board. On motion the Board adjourned. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Regular Meeting Board of Trustees Jacksonville Tuesday Evening January 20th 1863 Present L. J. C. Duncan & John S. Drum. Absent William Hoffman, J. A. Brunner & David Linn. There being no quorum present, the Board adjourned to Monday evening February 9th 1863 at 7 o'clock. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Adjourned Meeting of the Regular Session Jacksonville Monday Evening February 9th 1863 Present John S. Drum, David Linn & L. J. C. Duncan. The President of the Board being absent, John S. Drum was chosen President pro tem. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. I. D. Haines, Street Commissioner, presented bids for one hundred & one ($101) dollars for construction & building footbridge &c. & the same being examined by the Board was allowed & ordered paid, also ordered on file. U. S. Hayden presented bill of seventeen 50/100 ($17.50) dollars paid for printing blank deeds and advertising Town Ordinance No. 16 (17). The same was allowed & ordered paid. The following licenses for retailing spirituous liquors in less quantities than one quart within the Corporation were granted by the Board. McL. & Klippel for six months assessed ($40) forty dollars. Wintjen & Helms for six months and & assessed ($40) forty dollars. Henry Breitbarth for six months & assessed ($40) forty dollars. Niles & Johnson for six months & assessed ($40) forty dollars. Henry Huber for six months & assessed ($25) twenty-five dollars. Andrew Stumpt for six months & assessed ($25) twenty-five dollars. P. H. Lynch for six months & assessed ($30) thirty dollars. William Burke for six months & assessed ($30) thirty dollars. Billiard Licenses Granted McLaughlin & Klippel billiard license for six months ($25). Wintjen & Helms billiard license for six months ($25). Henry Breitbarth billiard license for six months ($25). F. Burchell billiard license for six months ($25). There being no further business before the Board the Board adjourned to meet again on Friday evening February 20th at 7 o'clock. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Meeting of the Board of Trustees Jacksonville Friday Evening Feby. 20th 1863 Present William Hoffman, President of the Board, David Linn & John S. Drum. Absent L. J. C. Duncan & J. A. Brunner. The minutes of the last meeting were read & approved. David Linn presented his bill for lumber for $17.50, furnished the Street Commissioner for the construction of bridge on Fourth Street. The same was audited by the Board and allowed and ordered paid. Order for Annual Election
Ordered by the Board that the annual election for town officers, five
Trustees, a Recorder, Treasurer, a Marshal and a Street Commissioner,
be held on the first Tuesday in March next, according to the Act of
Incorporation, and that the Recorder give public notice of the same in
the Oregon Sentinel newspaper.
Polls to be opened at the Town Recorder's office.
The following persons were appointed the Inspectors of said election Robt.
H. Haines
that the Recorder notify the Inspectors of Election of their
appointment.Max Muller & Amos E. Rogers There being no further business before the Board, on motion the Board adjourned to Tuesday evening March 3rd 1863 at 7 o'clock P.M. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees Jacksonville March 3rd 1863 Present William Hoffman, President of the Board, David Linn & John S. Drum. The minutes of the last meeting were read & approved. The President laid before the Board the certified copy of the amendment to the charter of the Town of Jacksonville--ordered on file. The Treasurer's account current for the period of 28th March 1862 to the 3rd of January 1863 was laid before the Board. Statement showing receipts $1108.24, expenditures $1047.37, leaving a balance in the hands of the Treasurer of $60.87. Ordered on file. The President made his annual report to the Board, which was adopted and placed on file. Canvass of Election
returns of the annual election for officers of the Town of
Jacksonville, held on the 3rd day of March instant, were laid before
the Board, and after a public examination of the same, were declared as
follows: Henry Judge, Max Muller, Wm. A. Owens, Henry Klippel and
William Hess were declared duly elected Trustees.U. S. Hayden was elected Recorder. Jas. T. Glenn was elected Treasurer & G. M. Banks, having a plurality of votes, was elected Marshal. John Bilger was elected Street Commissioner. John S. Carter appeared before the Board and gave notice of his intention to contest the election of Marshal G. M. Banks. Notice ordered on file. It was ordered by the Board that the Recorder issue certificates of election to the officers elected, except to Marshal Banks. The Board then adjourned sine die. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Jacksonville Wednesday Evening March 4th 1863 The Board of Trustees-elect--Henry Klippel, Max Muller, Henry Judge, William Hess & William A. Owens--assembled at the Town Recorder's office and they severally signing the oath of office required by law were duly qualified and sworn by U. S. Hayden, Justice of the Peace, and were called to order by William Hess, when Henry Klippel was nominated and unanimously chosen President of the Board of Trustees for year next ensuing. The President then declared the Board duly organized & ready for business, when the following proceedings were had. The minutes of the last meeting were then read & approved. U. S. Hayden, Recorder-elect, having been duly sworn, filed his oath of office. James T. Glenn, having been duly sworn, filed his oath of office. John Bilger, Street Commissioner-elect, being present, signed the oath of office & was duly sworn. The report of William Hoffman, President, made at the last meeting of the Board of Trustees, was called up & read and referred. A supplemental report of the Town Treasurer was laid before the Board, showing a balance on hand January the 3rd 1863 of the sum of $184.00, mostly in legal tender notes. The report was acceptable, and ordered on file. Notice of J. S. Carter contesting the election of G. M. Banks, Marshal-elect, was called up and on motion the President of the Board was directed to fix the time & place for a special sitting of the Board to hear & determine the said contested election case. And thereupon the President appointed Friday next, March 6th, at one o'clock P.M., the meeting to be held at the Town Recorder's office. The names of W. G. T'Vault & B. F. Dowell were entered as attorneys on behalf of contestant Banks. On motion the Board adjourned. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees Jacksonville March 6th 1863 The Board convened at the hour appointed. Present a full Board. The President laid before the Board a copy of a mandamus writ, directed to the Board of Trustees, when the same was read. William Hess then moved that an order be made directing the issuing of a certificate of election to G. M. Banks as Marshal-elect of Jacksonville for the year next ensuing--motion carried. J. Gaston Esq. appearing, attorney on behalf of J. S. Carter to contest the election of G. M. Banks, offered a motion in writing that the Board reconsider their vote ordering the certificate of election to G. M. Banks. Mr. Hess moved a reconsideration of said vote, motion carried. Yeas Henry Judge, W. A. Owens & Max Muller. Nays William Hess & the President, so the vote was reconsidered. Mr. Gaston on behalf of J. S. Carter offered a motion in writing that the Board order a certificate to John S. Carter of his election as Marshal of Jacksonville for the year next ensuing. The Board refused to entertain the motion and ordered that the parties proceed in the contested election case & declared that they were ready to hear & determine the same--T'Vault & Dowell, attorneys, appeared on behalf of G. M. Banks, and witnesses were introduced by both of the parties & were sworn and examined before the Board, and the case closed with the argument of the counsel. The Board after due consideration, on the motion of Max Muller, ordered that whereas G. M. Banks received a plurality of votes at the annual election, held the 3rd instant, for the office of Marshal for the year next ensuing, and there being no sufficient cause shown why he should not receive his certificate therefor, that a certificate of his election for Marshal for the Town of Jacksonville issue forthwith to the said G. M. Banks. Yeas Wm. Hess, Max Muller, W. A. Owens, Henry Judge & Mr. President. Nays none. U. S. Hayden, Recorder-elect. James T. Glenn, Treasurer-elect & G. M. Banks, Marshal-elect each filed their bonds, and the same were approved. Ordered on motion of Mr. Owens that three dollars per diem compensation be allowed A. E. Rogers, Max Muller and R. H. Haines, Inspectors, and I. W. Savage & Benj. Rowe, Clerk of the annual election held March the 3rd instant, and that the President draw warrants on the town treasury for the same. On motion the Board adjourned. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees Saturday Evening March 14th 1863 The Board of Trustees convened pursuant to a call from the President of the Board. Present Henry Klippel, President of the Board, and William Hess, Max Muller, W. A. Owens, Henry Judge--a full Board. The minutes of the last & preceding meetings read & approved. Bill of W. G. T'Vault for $7.00 for publishing Corporation notices presented; allowed by the Board & ordered paid. Ordinance [No. 18]
Defining Duties of St.
The People
of the Town of
Jacksonville do ordain as follows: That the "Act to Regulate Roads,"
Oregon Statutes, approved October 20th 1860, commencing at Section 21
of said act, so far as the same refers to and defines the duties of
road supervisors, shall govern & define the duties of the
Commissioners of Jacksonville. Provided that the Street Commissioner
shall make & present his accounts to the Board of Trustees of
Town of Jacksonville, at their December session in each year, provided
further that the Street Commissioner shall execute to the Board of
Trustees his bond, with sufficient sureties, in the sum of one thousand
dollars, conditioned that he will faithfully account for and pay over
according to law all money that may come into his hands by virtue of
his office. Yeas Wm. Hess, W. A. Owens, Max Muller, Henry Judge and Mr.
President. Nays none.On motion it was resolved that the Street Commissioner be and is hereby requested to have California Street surveyed for the purposes of establishing a grade, the survey to commence at Oregon Street, thence running east to the bridge (known as Beekman Bridge) and report the survey at the next meeting of the Board. Ordered on motion of Mr. Owens that the Street Commissioner be directed to open & work the road from Oregon Street to the cemetery as indicated upon the map & diagram made under the survey of I. D. Haines and reported to the Board of Trustees August 3rd 1861, running from a point on Oregon Street around & near the base of the hill and terminating at the gate of the cemetery and the same shall be designated as the Cemetery Road. On motion the President appointed Henry Judge, Max Muller & William Hess to draft an ordinance to tax & license dinner houses or places of public amusement and ordered that they report the same at the next meeting of the Board. On motion the Board adjourned sine die. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees Jacksonville March 28th 1863 Present Henry Klippel, President of the Board, Max Muller, W. A. Owens and Henry Judge. Absent William Hess. The minutes of the preceding meeting read & approved. The committee appointed to draft & report an ordinance to regulate, tax or license houses of amusement laid before the Board a draft of the same, which was accepted & the committee discharged. John Bilger, Street Commissioner, appeared before the Board & verbally reported that he had in accordance with the instructions of the Board caused a survey to be made for the grade of California Street and submitted a map & survey of the same, made by Jas. S. Howard, surveyor. On motion resolved that the map and survey of California Street, made by Jas. S. Howard, establishing & fixing a grade for California Street, be and the same is hereby adopted by the Board and ordered that the same be filed by the Recorder. Yeas W. A. Owen, Max Muller, Henry Judge and Mr. President. Nays none. Ordinance No. [omission]
The People
of the Town of Jacksonville do ordain as follows:Establishing the Grade of California St. That the grade for California Street, commencing at Oregon Street, and running from thence to Third Street, be & is hereby established & declared to be two (2) feet to one hundred running feet, and from Third Street to the "Beekman" Bridge to be a grade of one & eight tenths (1 8/10) feet to each hundred running feet, the same being intended to correspond with the grade fixed upon the map & survey of Jas. S. Howard adopted by the Board & on file. Yeas W. A. Owens, Henry Judge, Max Muller & Mr. President. Nays none. A petition was received from Jas. E Clark praying that Third Street may be opened and the same being read it was ordered on motion that the Street Commissioner be directed to open & remove obstructions from Third Street as soon as practicable. Henry Denlinger presented Sentinel printing bill for $21.00, laid over to the next regular meeting. The bill of Jas. S. Howard for survey and map of California Street for the amt. of $25 was presented to the Board. And on motion the same was allowed & ordered to be paid out of any money in the treasury not appropriated. The ordinance reported by the committee for taxing & license of houses of amusement was taken up and was passed in form as follows: Ordinance No. [18]
The People
of the Town of Jacksonville do ordain as follows:To Tax and License Places of Amusement Sec. 1. That all houses or places opened for public amusements, where spirituous or malt liquors are disposed of, within the corporate limits of the Town of Jacksonville, shall be subject a tax of ten dollars ($10) per day, or night, or two hundred dollars ($200) per month. Said tax to be collected by the Marshal, as provided in Ordinance No. 4 for collecting theater, concert and circus license, and the Marshal's receipt for said tax shall be a license for such places of amusement, for the day, night or month as the case may be. Sec. 2. Houses & places of amusement shall be taken and construed to mean public dance houses, or what is commonly called "hurdy gurdy" amusements. Sec. 3. If any person or persons shall violate the provisions of this ordinance, by opening or keeping such places of amusement as aforesaid, without first having paid said tax or license therefor, he or they shall be liable, upon conviction thereof before the Town Recorder, to pay a fine of not less than twenty ($20) nor more than fifty (50) dollars, or imprisonment in the town station house, not less than five, nor more than ten days for each offense. Sec. 4. It is hereby made the duty of the Marshal, or any other officer of the Corporation, knowing of violations of this ordinance, to make complaint thereof to the Town Recorder, whose duty it shall be to proceed against the person or persons so offending, in the same manner as provided for violations of other town ordinances. This ordinance to be in force from and after its publication in the Oregon Sentinel. Yeas Henry Judge, W. A. Owens, Max Muller and Henry Klippel, President. Nays none. On motion the Board adjourned sine die. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees Tuesday Evening Jacksonville April 21st 1863 The Board convened at the usual hour and there were present Henry Klippel, President of the Board, and Max Muller, Henry Judge & William Hess. Absent W. A. Owens. The minutes of the last meeting were read & approved. Bill Allowed
The Sentinel printing
bill for $21 presented at the previous meeting of the Board was on
motion allowed & ordered paid.Licenses
J. D. Myer
made application for
license to retail spirituous liquors in Jacksonville. License granted
and assessed thirty dollars ($30) for six months.Marshal Banks appeared & stated to the Board that the station house was not in a condition to confine prisoners therein & that the same required immediate attention. Committee
On motion
the President appointed
William Hess, Max Muller & Henry Judge a committee to examine
the present condition of the town station house with authority to cause
such repairs & alterations to be made as the same may require.The matter of assessing land claimed by Mrs. Jane McCully, not heretofore assessed, came up before the Board and on motion the matter was referred to be taken up at some subsequent meeting of the Board. On motion the Board adjourned Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Board of Trustees--Special Meeting Wednesday Evening April 29th 1863 The Board convened pursuant to a special call from the President. There were present Henry Klippel, President of the Board, Max Muller & W. A. Owens--absent Wm. Hess & Henry Judge. Max Muller, one of the committee on station house, reported progress. The President then stated to the Board that the Street Commissioner had exhausted all the funds from the road tax and required the sum of two hundred & twenty-five dollars to aid in finishing the necessary work in progress upon the streets of the town. On motion of Mr. Owens--ordered the sum of two hundred & twenty-five dollars ($225) be and the same is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be expended by the Street Commissioner upon the streets of the town, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Appointment of Fire Wardens
John S.
Love & G. M. Banks
were unanimously appointed fire wardens for the Town of Jacksonville
for the year now ensuing.On motion the Board adjourned. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees Wednesday Evening June 27th 1863 The Board convened at the usual hour at the special call of the President. There were present Henry Klippel, President of the Board, W. A. Owen, Henry Judge and Max Muller. Absent William Hess. The minutes of the last meeting were read & approved. The President then stated to the Board that the meeting was called for the special purpose of laying before the Board for their action the matter of deciding that lot & parcel of land claiming to be in the occupancy of Mrs. Jane McCully and to assess the same in conformity to the rule adopted by the Board of Trustees at their session December 20th 1862. I. D. Haines appeared before the Board on behalf of Mrs. Jane McCully & exhibited to the board a map & survey of the land claimed by Mrs. McCully & asked that the same may be assessed & that the Board grant a title deed to the said Jane McCully as the occupant of the said premises. The Board after due consideration of the subject & matter aforesaid ordered That whereas it has been made to appear to [the] satisfaction of this Board that a certain lot or parcel of land lying & being within that tract or parcel of land entered by the Town of Jacksonville in the U.S. Land Office and described as follows: (Beginning at a point on the south line of the Clugage claim 23.48 chains west of the southeast corner of said claim & running thence west 10.30 chains on Clugage's south line, to the east line of Third Street, thence S. 22°30' W. 8.08 chs., thence S. 67°30' E. 7.19 chs., thence S. 2°15' E. 6.50 chs., thence S. 35°45' E. 2.50 chs., thence S. 63° 0.60 chs. to south line of Corporation, thence East 11.04 chs. on the Corporation line, thence N. 8°45' W. 15.65 chs., thence N. 57°15' W. 4.56 chs., thence N. 28° W 1.00 chs. to the place of beginning, containing 26.29 acres, excepting and reserving from said tract of land so much thereof as is occupied by the California Stage Company and designated on the Corporation plat as the north half of block ch. 32, and also excepting and reserving from said tract all the street laid out on the same) is in the occupancy of the said Jane McCully, & that the said Jane McCully is entitled to a deed for the said tract of land from the Town of Jacksonville and that the said land be & is hereby assessed under the rule of the Board of Trustees referred to for the expenses of entering, surveying and conveying the same in the sum of one hundred dollars, and that a deed of conveyance immediately issue to Mrs. Jane McCully for said described premises upon the tender & payment of the said assessment of one hundred dollars. Yeas Henry Judge, W. A. Owens, Max Muller & the President. Nays none. On motion ordered by the Board that it be entered in the minutes of this meeting that I. D. Haines appeared before the Board as attorney for John W. McCully and lays before the Board of Trustees his power of attorney executed by the said J. W. McCully at Auburn, Oregon on the 23rd day of May 1863, giving the said I. D. Haines full power to act for the said J. W. McCully in all matters touching his interests in Jacksonville, Oregon & especially with reference to all rights & interests, he, the said J. W. McCully, may have in the foregoing described lot of land, with full power to the said Haines, by word or deed, to dispose of all & every [omission] of the same, and that the said I. D. Haines did in the name of John W. McCully waive all rights & claims if any there be, to the said tract of land mentioned & described. A communication was received & read inviting the Board of Trustees of the Town of Jacksonville to attend a proposed celebration of the coming 4th of July anniversary. Linn & Hall presented a bill for 75 dollars for altering & repairing station house. Also G. M. Banks presented [a] bill of $3.75 for ticks furnished for station house. Also A. C. Abbott presented bill for 10 dollars for mattresses for station house and on motion they were severally laid over to the next regular meeting of the Board. On motion the Board adjourned sine die. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Special Meeting Jacksonville Wednesday Evening July 15th 1863 Present a full Board. The meeting was called to order by the President, when the minutes of the last meeting were read & approved. The President called the attention of the Board to the petition filed of W. W. Fowler and others, protesting against the issuing of deed to Jane McCully for certain land &c. and praying the Board to rescind the order previously made on the subject. I. D. Haines presented before the Board Jane McCully's written answer to the petition aforesaid, and same being read was placed on file. B. F. Dowell Esq. appeared for the petitioners & J. Gaston & I. D. Haines Esq. for the respondent & each addressed the Board on the subject matter of said petition & answer. On motion the Board unanimously refused to entertain the prayer of the petitioners. There being no further business before the Board, the Board adjourned. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees Jacksonville Tuesday July 21st 1863 The Board convened at 3 o'clock P.M. Present Henry Klippel, President of the Board & William Hess & Max Muller. Absent W. A. Owens & Henry Judge. The minutes of the last meeting were read & approved. The President laid before the Board his written communication accompanied & annexed thereto the second quarterly report of the Town Treasurer showing receipts into the town treasury since last report of $510.00 and expenditures $304.00 and balance on hand $369.62. The communication & report, being read, were accepted and ordered on file. The bill of Linn & Hall for 75 dollars coin, for work on station house, laid over from the last meeting, was taken up and allowed & ordered paid, and on motion of Mr. Hess it was ordered that inasmuch as the contract with Linn & Hall, for work on station house, was based on coin payment, or its equivalent, and there not being coin in the town treasury at this time sufficient to pay the amount of 75 dollars, that the sum of one hundred & five dollars in L.T. notes be & the same is hereby appropriated for that purpose and that warrants be drawn on the Town Treasurer in form of Linn & Hall for said sum appropriated. Bill of A. C. Albert for $10 coin for mattresses furnished station house laid over from the previous meeting was allowed & ordered paid in coin. Bill of G. M. Banks for $3.50 for lock furnished for station house, laid over from the previous meeting, was allowed & ordered paid in coin. On motion of Max Muller, resolved that a committee be appointed to employ a practical surveyor to run out the boundary lines of this Corporation, and to have permanent and substantial stakes placed in the ground at each corner, and also to have stakes driven along on the boundary lines as near together as shall be deemed necessary by the committee to make a definite and plainly marked boundary line of the Corporation limits, and further to have surveyed and laid out into blocks & lots, all of the present unsurveyed part of the Corporation premises, and to have the said surveyor finish and complete the present map of the Town of Jacksonville by marking & laying out the survey on the same into blocks & lots, with the regular numbers on each block & lot, to be done agreeably to & in conformity with the present map of the town. Passed unanimously. In pursuance of the foregoing resolution the President & William Hess were appointed the committee with instructions to have the survey made & map completed as soon as practical. Licenses
following were granted & assessed as follows:Wintjen & Helms for liquor & billiard license for six months, assessed at 65 dollars. Klippel & McLaughlin for liquor & billiard license for six months, assessed at 65 dollars. Henry Breitbarth for liquor & billiard license for six months, assessed at 65 dollars. R. K. Myers for liquor license for six months, assessed at 30 dollars. Louis Home [Howe? Herling?] for liquor license for six months, assessed at 25 dollars. Henry Huber for liquor license for six months, assessed at 25 dollars. Bill of W. G. T'Vault for professional services of $5 allowed & ordered paid. No further business being before the Board, on motion the Board adjourned. Attest U.
S. Hayden
Recorder Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees Jacksonville Octr. 20th 1863 The Board convened at the time & place appointed. There were present Henry Klippel, President of the Board & William Hess & Max Muller. Absent Henry Judge & William A. Owens. The minutes of the last meeting were read & approved. Report of Committee
Klippel & William Hess,
committee, made a verbal report that in accordance with the resolution
adopted at the last meeting of the Board they had contracted with Jas.
S. Howard, a practical surveyor, for the sum of two hundred dollars
($200) compensation to survey & run out the boundary lines of
Corporation & to subdivide into blocks and lots all of that
fraction of land entered by the Town not then blocked out &
subdivided as aforesaid, and to run out the streets on the same, in
conformity to the plat of the town, and also to define all lines
corners with stakes or stones and to plat the said surveys upon the
town map & further reported that the work has been completed as
contract by the said Howard & accepted them & the
matter was
submitted for the final action of the Board.And on motion the report of the committee was accepted & the committee discharged. James S. Howard, surveyor, being present before the Board, submitted the map & plat of the Town, with his surveys platted thereon, and the same being examined by the Board, it was Resolved, that the map of the Town of Jacksonville being now completed by the additional survey of Jas. S. Howard, that the same be and is hereby approved and adopted by the Board. Yeas William Hess, Max Muller and Mr. President. Nays none. Ordered on motion of Max Muller that compensation in the sum of two hundred dollars be allowed James S. Howard, surveyor, as per contract, and that the sum of 200 dollars be and is hereby appropriated out of any money in the town treasury not otherwise appropriated and that warranty be drawn on the Town Treasurer for said amount. Curtis Davenport came before the Board and stated to the Board that the extension of California Street beyond First Street in direct line as laid down on the town map included a part of his premises & prayed that the Board would fix the terminus of California Street at First Street, and vacate that portion of California Street upon the town map from First Street through to Main Street, leaving his, the said Davenport's, premises with his original boundary on Main Street South. The Board, on consideration of the prayer of Curtis Davenport, Resolved that the petition of Curtis Davenport be granted and that that part of California Street laid down upon the town map extending through First Street and beyond to Main Street be vacated & that the original line bounding on Main Street be established and that California [Street] terminate at First Street & the plat of the Town be made to conform thereto. Yeas Max Muller, William Hess & the President. Nays none. Licenses
On application the following licenses
for retailing spirituous liquors were granted and assessed as follows.L. Levi for 6 mos. & assessed at 25 dollars for six months. Chas. Weisner for 6 months & assessed 25 dollars. G. W. Sleeper for 6 months and assessed at 25 dollars. Bills Presented
G. M. Banks presented bill for wood
Recorder's Office & station house for $8 coin and the same was
allowed & ordered paid in coin.W. G. T'Vault presented bill of $10 for printing Marshal's blank receipts, the same being reduced to 7½ dollars & ordered paid. Petition
The petition of George Funk &
others praying
that a law may be passed taxing dogs was presented & read.Committee
On motion U. S. Hayden & Max
Muller were
appointed to consider the petition of George Funk & report an
ordinance to tax and suppress dogs.On motion resolved that the session adjourn to meet again on Thursday evening October 29 instant at 7 o'clock. Attest U. S. Hayden
Recorder Adjourned Regular Meeting Recorder's Office Jacksonville Octr. 29th 1863 The Board convened pursuant to the adjournment & was called to order by the President. Members present William Hess, Max Muller & Henry Judge. Absent W. A. Owens. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Committee Reports
Max Muller and U. S. Hayden, a committee
to draft and report an ordinance in relation to dogs, made their
report, which was accepted and the committee discharged.The Board then proceeded to the consideration of the ordinance in relation to dogs and the ordinance was passed in form as follows. Ordinance No. 19
C. C.
Beekman Papers Mss 916, Box 5, Oregon Historical Society Research
LibraryIn Relation to Dogs
The People of the Town of Jacksonville do ordain as follows:
Sec. I. That each and every dog owned or kept within the Corporation of the Town of Jacksonville shall be taxed each to the owner or keeper thereof, two dollars for every six months (excepting sluts, which shall be taxed two dollars and a half for every six months to the owner or keeper thereof). Sec. II. And every dog kept or harbored within the Corporation of Jacksonville shall wear at all times a leather or metallic collar around the neck, with the name of the owner or keeper in clear and legible letters, written, printed or engraved thereon. But no slut shall be allowed to run at large when in its heat. Sec. III And if any dog be found running at large within this Corporation, it shall be the duty of the Marshal, and lawful for any person to kill every such animal and the Marshal shall receive for every dog so killed by him the sum of two dollars, to be paid out of the town treasury upon his account being presented and audited by the Board of Trustees. Sec. IV. It shall be the duty of the Marshal to collect all taxes as aforesaid, and no tax shall be collected for less than six months, and the Marshal shall give his receipt for said tax when paid in the following form, to wit: Received of A. B. ------ dollars tax for six months (as the case may be) upon his the said A. B.'s dog or slut, called ------. Jacksonville, Oregon, ------- 186-- Marshal. Sec. V. Any person owning or keeping any dog or slut within the Corporation refusing and neglecting to pay said tax as aforesaid shall be liable to a fine of not more than $5 nor less than $3 which may be recovered on complaint of the Marshal before the Town Recorder. Sec. VI. All taxes collected by virtue of the provisions of this ordinance, the Marshal deducting therefrom 25 percent of the amount for his fees, shall within thirty days after be paid over to the Town Treasurer for the use of the Town. This ordinance shall be in force tending from and after its publication. Yeas William Hess, Max Muller, Henry Judge & Mr. President. Nays none. On application the following licenses for retailing spirituous liquors were granted & assessed as follows, viz.: John D. Myers for 6 months & assessed at 25 dollars. Casey & Burns for 6 months & assessed at 25 dollars. Committee
On motion of Max Muller, the President
of the Board,
& the Recorder were appointed a committee & authorized
make out blank forms of application to be distributed to all occupants
of land embraced within the Town entry and to cause 100 of said blank
forms to be printed & be distributed as aforesaid.On motion the Board adjourned sine die. Attest U. S. Hayden
Recorder Regular Meeting Jacksonville Tuesday January 19th 1864 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at the hour of 7 o'clock P.M. Present Henry Klippel, President of the Board, & Max Muller & Henry Judge. Absent Wm. Hess and W. A. Owens. The minutes of the previous meeting were read & approved. The President laid before the board a communication received from the Hon. John Kelly, Register of the U.S. Land Office at Roseburg, and the same being recd. the following proceedings were held upon the subject matter of the said communication. Ordered that said communication be placed on file and that the Recorder enter the same in full upon the journal with the proceedings of this meeting, and also that the Recorder give written notice forthwith to J. Weiss and the legal representatives of J. J. Holman, now deceased, according to the requirement in the communication aforesaid. And it is further ordered that whereas it is required that a certified copy of the plat of Jacksonville be produced at the U.S. Land Office, on the first day of March next, that the members present constitute a committee for the purpose of consulting competent persons on the subject of furnishing a copy of the plat of Jacksonville, as aforesaid, and report proceedings at the next meeting of the Board. The Recorder notified the Board that under the direction of the President he had forwarded a written application to the Hon. S. E. May, Secretary of State, for a certified copy of the Act of Incorporation of the Town of Jacksonville. U. S. Hayden presented a claim for five dollars, paid W. G. T'Vault for bill printing Ordinance No. 19, and filed his voucher for the same claim allowed and ordered paid. The President recommended that a suitable book for a town record be procured, the present one being unfit for that purpose. And on motion ordered that the Recorder be directed to procure a suitable book for a town record and report bill on the Board. On motion resolved that the Board now adjourn until Tuesday evening next (January 26th) at 7 o'clock--carried. Adjourned accordingly. [Attest] U. S. Hayden
Recorder Communication.
"To the President of the Board of Trustees"of the Town of Jacksonville "Sir "In pursuance of instructions from the Hon. J. M. Edmonds, it becomes my duty to address you relative to the entry of the N.W. frac'l. ¼ of Sec. 32, T.37S., R.2W." "The commissioner's letter is as follows "The entry of the N.W. fr'l. ¼ of Sec. 32, T.37S., R.2W. by Wm. Hoffman, Prest. of the Board of Trustees of the 'Town of Jacksonville' for cash certificate No. 110, having been under examination in this office, is found to be informed, and is returned herewith for correction. "You will require the Trustees of Jacksonville through their President to appear before you and offer proof more fully showing that the land claimed by them is occupied for purposes of trade and commerce, and not for agriculture, and what portions of the land claimed are so occupied. You will require of them also a certified copy of the act incorporating the said town of Jacksonville and a certified copy of the plat of the town. "The records of this office show declaratory statements to have been filed on portions of this land by J. Weiss, on the 1st of May, 1858, claiming settlement on the 20th of Feb. of the same year, and by J. J. Holman, on the first of May, 1858, claiming settlement on the 1st of April preceding. This land being unoffered, you will require the Trustees to notify the parties named of the time when they will appear before you, for the purpose of offering the required proof, and should they appear you will permit them to offer testimony as to their respective rights to the land in question should they see fit so to do. "Therefore I hereby require you to appear at the Land Office at Roseburg, on the 1st day of March next, and 'offer proof more fully showing that the land claimed by the Trustees of the Town of Jacksonville is occupied for purposes of trade and commerce, and not for agriculture, and what portions of the land claimed are so occupied,' also that you present a 'certificate copy of the act incorporating the said town of Jacksonville, and a certified copy of the plat of the town,' and that, on the receipt of this communication you immediately give notice to the aforesaid J. Weiss and J. J. Holman to appear at this office at the time appointed above, and 'offer testimony as to their respective rights to the land in question, should they see fit so to do.' "Respectfully yours
"By J. H. Rogers, Clerk""John Kelly "Register, Land Office "Roseburg, Oregon "January 11th 1864 Adjourned Regular Meeting Jacksonville Tuesday Evening Jany. 26th 1864 The Board convened pursuant to the adjournment. Present Henry Klippel, President of the Board, Max Muller & Henry Judge. Absent Wm. Hess & W. A. Owens. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The committee appointed at the last meeting made verbal report that they had consulted with Mr. Carly & J. S. Howard, surveyor & draftsman, and the lowest offer for making a copy of the plat of Jacksonville was forty dollars by the said J. S. Howard and recommended that Mr. Howard be employed to draft a copy of the plat of Jacksonville. The report was accepted and the committee discharged. On motion ordered that the President be & is hereby authorized to contract with Jas. S. Howard, Deputy Surveyor, at the price of forty dollars to make a copy of the plat of Jacksonville for the use of the Corporation, and the sum of forty dollars be and is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated for the purpose aforesaid, to be drawn on the warrant of the President, after said plat is completed and delivered to the President. John Bilger, Street Commissioner, made his report to the Board showing receipts from all sources in the sum of $1405.80. Expenditures, including charge for his own services, total sum $1737.00, leaving a net balance against the Town of $331.00, stating that $156.00 of the balance had been disbursed in coin, and asked to be reimbursed. Report accepted and placed on file. On motion of Max Muller, ordered that the bill of the Street Commissioner be allowed and paid, and that in consideration of the circumstance of there being no coin in the town treasury that an equivalent be paid by adding one-third of the sum of $156.00 and that the sum of $383.00 be appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated for the purpose aforesaid and that warrant be drawn on the Town Treasurer in favor of the Street Commissioner for said amount. License
On application the following licenses
were granted and assessed as follows:Wintjen & Helms for liquor and billiard license $65.00. McLaughlin & Stiers for liquor & billiard license $65 for the term of six months and to Henry Breitbarth for liquor & billiard license for the term of six months $65.00, also to Geo. W. Rand for liquor license for the term of six months 25 dollars. Bill Presented
G. M. Banks, Marshal, presented bill for
hauling dead animal of $2.50 allowed & ordered paid in coin.Bill of Sentinel office for $5 coin for printing Ordinance No. 19--allowed and ordered paid in coin. On motion ordered that the sum of 25 dollars be and is hereby appointed out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, or so much thereof as may be necessary to purchase a suitable book for a town record. Ordered that whereas the Town Treasurer has failed to make his report to this Board, that the Recorder be requested to notify said Town Treasurer to make his report to the next meeting of the Board. On motion resolved that the regular session do adjourn and that this Board meet in special session on Wednesday February 10th at 7 o'clock P.M. Carried. Adjourned accordingly. Attest U. S. Hayden
Recorder Special Meeting Jacksonville Feb. 10th 1864 The Board of Trustees convened at the appointed [time]. Present Henry Klippel, President, Max Muller & Henry Judge. Absent Wm. Hess & W. A. Owens. The minutes of the last meeting were read & approved. The Recorder laid before the Board a copy of the Act of Incorporation of Jacksonville with the act amendatory thereof, received from the Hon. Saml. E. May, Secretary of the State of Oregon, duly certified, and the same was accepted and it was ordered that the Recorder be directed to forward to the Hon. S. E. May his fee of ten dollars ($10). And the sum of ten 75/100 dollars be & is hereby appropriated for the purpose aforesaid and that the warrant be drawn in favor of the Recorder. The Recorder stated to the Board that in pursuance of their instructions, he had notified the Town Treasurer to make his report to this board and the same had been filed by the Treasurer and he now presented the said report to the Board. The Treasurer's report was then read & referred for examination. Order for the Annual Election
Ordered that the annual election for
officers--5 Trustees, a Recorder, a Treasurer, a Marshal and a Street
Commissioner be held on the first Tuesday of March next, in accordance
with the Act of Incorporation of Jacksonville, prescribing the term or
holding the annual election.And that the Recorder give public notice of said election at least ten days previous thereto, and that the poll will be opened at the Town Recorder's office. Inspectors of Election
On motion the following persons were
chosen Inspectors of the electionCurtis Davenport
G. M. Banks presented bill for $16.25
for services,
attendance on meetings of the Board & monies paid for
sundries--allowed & ordered paid.Robt. Harris & Ed. Hinde Clerks: Ben Rowe and [blank] Buzan On motion the Board adjourned sine die. Attest U. S. Hayden
Recorder MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES.--The Board of Trustees of Jacksonville convened on Feb. 7th, 1865, at the hour of 7 o'clock p.m., pursuant to adjournment. Present, a full Board. The minutes of the previous evening read and approved. Finance Committee reported on bill of M. A. Brentano for $22 dollars expended for the hook & ladder company--but recommitted for further explanation. Special committee on the petition of numerous citizens, praying the Board to reduce and fix the width of First Street to 43 feet, reported on said petition, and recommended no action be taken on the subject until a survey of the same be made, and laid before the Board--report adopted. Bills presented--Street Commissioner's bill for $13 coin, expended for graveling new crosswalks on C, 3rd, 4th streets, allowed and ordered paid in coin or its equivalent, $26 in currency. Sachs Bros.' bill for $16 currency, for blankets furnished for station house, allowed and ordered paid. Numerous applications for title deed, filed with the Recorder, were laid before the Board, and laid over for final action. Mr. Haines offered a resolution ordering a new deed to issue to Mrs. J. M. McCully, for land deeded by a former Board, as the former deed proved defective--adopted; yeas, R. M. Haines, P. Donegan and Mr. President, Messrs. Sachs and Davenport not voting. Mr. Sachs offered a resolution that $25 be refunded to C. W. Savage for money paid for liquor license; referred to Finance Committee. Board adjourned to Feb. 14th inst. U.
S. HAYDEN, Recorder.
Oregon Sentinel,
February 11, 1865, page 2BOARD OF TRUSTEES--ADJOURNED MEETING.--Feb. 14th 1865.--The board met at the hour of adjournment. Present, a full board. The minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The Finance Committee reported on the matter of refunding money deposited by C. W. Savage for liquor license, and recommended that the same be refunded, the Recorder first deducting therefrom all charges. The board refused to refund any part of the money by their vote as follows: Yeas--L. Sachs, P. Donegan; Nays--R. H. Haines, C. Davenport and Mr. President. The Town Treasurer's report was laid before the board, showing a balance in the Treasury, at the beginning of the fiscal year, March 1st, 1864, $122.73 in legal tender notes, and receipts from all sources the past year, $514.85; expenditures, $530.30, and a balance now in the Treasury of $107.25 in L.T. notes. The Town Treasurer's account for services 4 years, ending March 1865, asking the Board to fix the compensation was laid before the Board. The report and account referred to the committee of finance. The President presented before the Board a statement of Mr. Howard relative to assessments on town lands--read and referred. Ordered that the committee previously appointed to assess town lands be required to report at the next session of the Board. Annual election for town officers to be held the 1st Tuesday in March next. The following persons were appointed Inspectors of Elections, John S. Love, M. A. Brentano, and David Linn; for Clerks, C. W. Savage and John S. Drum. The Board adjourned to Tuesday evening next, Feb. 21st, at 7 o'clock. MAX
MULLER, President.
S. HAYDEN, Recorder.
Oregon Sentinel,
February 18, 1865, page 2TOWN ELECTION.--The election for corporation officers was held on Tuesday last and passed off very quietly, the only contest being between the rival candidates for Marshal. The number of votes polled was 150, an increase over the number polled at the last election. The officers elected were, for Trustees, J. R. Wade, Augustus Taylor, J. Miller, M. Brentano and L. T. Davis; Recorder U. S. Hayden; Marshal, G. M. Banks; Treasurer, Wm. Kreuzer; Street Commissioner, G. E. Ross. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 10, 1866, page 2 MEETING
May 9th, 1866.
Members present L. P. Davis, M. A. Brentano, John Miller and Mr.
President. The minutes of previous meeting read and approved.After some preliminary remarks Mr. Davis offered a Resolution revoking the order passed at the last meeting appropriating $500.00 to be expended on the street and ordering all operations under said act to be discontinued, and providing that no work be done upon the streets requiring appropriations of money, until further action of the Board, and requiring the Street Commissioner to report all work done and expenses incurred in pursuance of the order and act aforesaid. Resolution passed, yeas Davis, Brentano and Miller. Nays J. R. Wade, President. 180 dollars in currency was appropriated for expenses incurred by Street Commissioners since May 3rd. A deed was granted to A. Martin for a lot of land described in his application. Adjourned. J. R. WADE, Pres.
Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 19, 1866, page 3U. S. HAYDEN, Recorder. [REPORTED.]
The Board of Trustees met January 18th,
1867, pursuant to adjournment.Meeting of the Board of Trustees. A full Board present, the President in the Chair. The minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. The committee, to whom was referred the bids received for grading and graveling Oregon Street, etc., made a report, with a condensed statement of the bids on each section. The report was adopted and the committee discharged. After some conversation by members on general matters touching improvements upon streets, Mr. Davis desired the sense of the House be taken on the proposed plan for improving Oregon Street, and offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the bids received for grading and graveling Oregon Street, under the specifications, be now awarded to the lowest bidders, as they are reported by the committee. The resolution was seconded by Mr. Brentano. Mr. Taylor said he was opposed to the whole scheme, and would vote to reject all bids under the specifications; that he was not opposed to making all necessary repairs upon the street, but did not think that it required, at present, such an outlay, and that under the existing state of our town finances--no money in the treasury--we were not warranted in going on with the work and expending 8 or 9 hundred dollars; that Oregon Street was certainly not in a very bad condition at this time, but if it needed any repair, it could be done at a small expense, and he was not opposed to that. It was no time, he said, to make such improvements as were proposed; the season was unfavorable for such work, and would, of course, increase the expense. Mr. Davis wished to know if Mr. Taylor had a right to a seat in this Board, having been absent, at one time, over 30 days, and read from Section 8, Article 2, which provides, "If any officer absent himself for 30 days, or more, without leave of the Board, his office shall be deemed vacant," and he wanted to know if Mr. Taylor could now act here. The President explained, by saying that Mr. Taylor had had leave of absence; and that the question ought to have come up at the last meeting, if at all, as Mr. Taylor was then present and acting with the Board, and was appointed one of a committee with Mr. Davis, and they, together, had submitted a report at this meeting, and there could now be no question as to Mr. Taylor's right to his seat. No further action was taken on the subject. Mr. Taylor, with regard to the resolution, further asked where the money was to come from to pay for this work--8 or 9 hundred dollars. Mr. Davis said the contractors were to wait, and we could issue scrip. Mr. Taylor did not favor the proposition, and said we came in with 7 or 8 hundred dollars in the treasury, and he did not like to go out 8 or 9 hundred dollars in debt. Mr. Davis said sixty citizens had petitioned to have the work done, and this was sufficient to justify the Board; that California Street had been graded and graveled, while Oregon Street had had no work done on it, and everybody could see that it was in bad condition--he zealously urged that the work go on. The President said he was opposed to the whole thing, and asked where the money was to come from. He said we could not anticipate the road tax, that was collected and expended by the Street Commissioner, and no part of it ever went into the town treasury, and it would be a long time, with the ordinary receipts of the town, before the debt could be paid; that we were now near the end of our term, and he thought we would not be justified in saddling a debt of 8 or 9 hundred dollars upon the town. You have proposed, he said, to let out on contract, for grading, and graveling over, a tract, a part of which is private property, where you have no street, and where no street was ever laid out or declared; that it was a singular proposition to contract for grading and graveling a street over private property. He did not doubt that the street would be established there, perhaps, before long; but let us have the street before we exercise authority over it. There had been no grade established for any one of the sections, on any part of Oregon Street, and this should done, as it had been on California Street, before graveling. As regarded the sixty petitioners, he knew many of them were opposed to having the work done as proposed; that they were not committed to any such scheme; that to put ten inches of gravel upon [a] section first would raise the street above the sidewalk; that the street was already of a high grade and ought not to be raised at all. He said he had never been in favor of expending all of our money upon the streets of the town, but that we had no money now to expend, and if we had he would be opposed to expending it as proposed. The question was taken on the resolution, and resulted as follows: Yeas, Davis and Brentano; nays, Taylor, Miller and Mr. President--this defeated the whole scheme. On motion of Mr. Davis, the Board adjourned. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 26, 1867, page 3 MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES.--The Board of Trustees of the town of Jacksonville met in special session Saturday evening, May 11th, 1867, at the usual time. All the members present. The meeting was called to order by the President, David Linn. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved the special committee and the Committee on Cemetery were not ready to report and they were granted further time. The following bills were ordered paid: Southern Oregon Press bill for $5 coin, and J. S. Howard's bill for $7.50--warrants were ordered drawn for the same. The bill of Hopkins & Co., for fence lumber, was referred back to be corrected and certified by the Street Commissioner. A proposition from W. G. T'Vault to act as attorney for the town for one year, at the stipulated price of one hundred dollars, was read and referred to the Finance Committee. Board adjourned until Friday evening next. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 18, 1867, page 2 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.--An adjourned meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on the evening of May 17th. Present--D. Linn, President of the Board: J. S. Love, A. Martin and John Orth. Absent--H. Judge. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. A verbal report was made by the committee, to whom was referred the application of Veit Schutz for a deed to his water-ditch premises, and the application of Dr. Overbeck for a title deed to lots Nos, 5 and 6, in block No. 52. They reported that they had examined the said Schutz' water-ditch premises, and that but a portion of the ditch, or canal, was on the vacant land of the town, and recommended that a right of way, for so much thereof as occupied town lands, be granted to him; and that they had also examined the premises claimed by Dr. Overbeck, and found that he had occupied but a fractional part of the lots claimed, and for that portion actually occupied recommended that a title deed be granted him. The subject was disposed of by granting Veit Schutz a right of way for his ditch, or canal, over lands held by the town, and granting Dr. Overbeck a deed for such part of said lots as actual occupation entitle him to for his present water works--the premises to be ascertained by survey. It was remarked by the President, and other members, that special care should be taken in determining the rights of claimants to these lands, for no rights could accrue to persons after the entry of the land by the town, and the rights acquired by the town, should be held for the use and benefit of the same, to be disposed of to the best advantage. The bill of Hopkins & Co., for $37.70 coin, being corrected and properly certified to, was ordered paid. The subject came up respecting persons who had applied for title deeds, and for whom deeds were prepared and executed, that yet remained in the Town Recorder's office for non-payment of the assessments. It was suggested that sufficient notice had been given to such--that action be taken in the premises forthwith, and the lots be offered for public sale by the town. No definite action was taken on the subject, and it was referred for further consideration. The Board then adjourned. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 25, 1867, page 3 Board of Trustees.
A special meeting of the Board of Trustees was held this eve. All the
members were present except Mr. Love. The meeting being called to order
by the President, Mr. Linn, and the journal of the proceedings of the
last meeting read and approved, the President stated that the Board was
called together to take some action upon the matter of crosswalks, as
it appeared that, although the contract had been awarded, the required
bond had not been filed, and the work had not progressed. Mr. Berry, to
whom the contract had been awarded, being present, made a satisfactory
explanation to the Board, after which the Board amended the
specifications for the crosswalks, by specifying that the flagstones to
be laid down should be not less than three inches thick, in place of
four inches, as originally provided--the contract to be finished in
sixty days from this time, and a sufficient bond to be filed. The Board
then authorized Mr. Berry to lay a three-foot crosswalk, of flagstone,
across Fifth St. from Greenman's to Mensor's corner, as this walk had
been omitted. Ordinance 34, to amend Ordinance 33, was passed, reducing
the width of sidewalks to six feet on California St., above Third, and
on Oregon St., except that part lying between California and Main.Ordinance (35) passed, entitling the Town Attorney to the same fees as the Prosecuting Attorney is allowed by law, in prosecutions for misdemeanor, before a Justice of the Peace--in cases of conviction. The bills referred to the Finance Committee at the previous meeting were not reported upon. A warrant for $25 coin, for the Town Attorney's second quarterly salary, was ordered. On motion, Board adjourned. D.
LINN, President.
Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 14, 1867, page 2U. S. Hayden, Recorder. Proceedings of the Board of
Sept. 25, 1867.
A called session of the Board of Trustees was held this evening at the
usual hour. All the members present. The meeting was called to order by
the President, D. Linn, and the minutes of the two preceding meetings
read and approved. The reports of committees and all unfinished
business continued. Bill of stationery, for $11, presented and referred
to the usual committee. A petition from Helms, Hubbard, Davis,
others, residents and property holders on Oregon Street, praying the
Board to allow graveled walks to be made instead of plank, as required
by the present ordinance, was presented. The Board refused to transact
any ordinary business, and the petition was, on motion of Mr. Martin,
laid on the table.A special election, for a Town Trustee, was ordered to be held Oct. 8th proximo, to fill the vacancy in the Board of Trustees, caused by the death of Mr. Love, and W. G. T'Vault, Jesse Robinson and N. Langell were appointed judges of election, and C. W. Kahler and Geo. P. Funck clerks. Board adjourned to October 9, 1867, at 8 o'clock p.m. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 28, 1867, page 3 MEETING OF THE BOARD.--The Board of Trustees met Tuesday evening, Oct. 8th, pursuant to the adjournment. Present--A. Martin, Henry Judge and John Orth. The President absent. The meeting was called to order, and the President being absent, A. Martin was chosen President pro tem. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Recorder then laid before the Board the returns of the election held this day, which were opened and publicly examined, and Geo. P. Funck, having received 46 votes against 4 scattering, was declared duly elected a Trustee of the Town of Jacksonville for the ensuing term, and a certificate of election ordered to be issued. The Trustee-elect, being present, was duly qualified, and took his seat. All unfinished business on the minutes went over on motion. It was ordered that the Inspectors and Clerks of the election be paid three dollars each, and warrants were ordered drawn for the same of Jesse Robinson, Newman Fisher and Isidor Caro, inspectors of election, and to C. W. Kahler and Geo. P. Funck, clerks of the same. Geo. P. Funck was chosen a member of the Finance Committee, to fill the vacancy in said committee. The Board then adjourned. U.
Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 12, 1867, page 3Recorder. Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees meet pursuant to adjournment. A full Board
present. The meeting was called to order by D. Linn, President, and the
minutes of the preceding session were read and approved. The Finance
Committee reported back to the Board the Oregon Press office
bill, for $31, and recommended that it be allowed. The same was allowed
and ordered paid.TUESDAY EVE., OCTOBER 29, 1867. BILLS
Sentinel office
bill, $4, for publishing notice of special election; Linn &
bill for $4, for repairs on station house; M. Bellinger's bill, $5, for
wood for town; O'Coyle's bill, $2, for cutting wood, and A. Fisher's
bill, $1.12--referred to the usual committee.Licenses to retail spirituous liquors were granted to John Walters and to John Noland--each one was assessed $50 for six months. The President informed the Board that the contract for constructing crosswalks, by A. M. Berry, was completed and ready to be received by the Board; when, on motion of Mr. Funck, a special committee was appointed to examine the work and report at the next meeting, and Mr. Funck, Orth and Martin were appointed the committee. Mr. Langell appeared before the Board on behalf of himself and many other citizens, and represented that. the situation of their property had compelled them to commence the construction of a breakwater, to protect them against the floods, and asked some aid from the town to complete it. After some remarks by the President and other members, the subject: was postponed for further consideration. The Board adjourned to Thursday, evening next, Oct. 31st, ----
The Board of Trustees convened pursuant to adjournment. Present--D.
Linn, President; Funck, Orth and Judge. Absent--Mr. Martin.
The minutes
of the preceding meeting were read and approved. The Special Committee
appointed to examine the crosswalks, constructed by A. M. Berry, made a
report, to the effect that they had examined the same; that the work
was finished according to contract, and recommended that the work be
received. The report was adopted.THURSDAY, OCT, 31, 1867. The subject, with reference to the petition of N. Langell and others, asking aid in the construction of a breakwater in the lower part of town, was called up. After some remarks on the subject by the members, a resolution was passed, appropriating $34, currency, to aid in the project--to be expended under the direction of the Street Commissioner, with special reference to the protection of the roads in that vicinity. The Board adjourned without day. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 2, 1867, page 3 MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES--REGULAR MEETING.--The Board of Trustees met in regular session on the evening of January 21st, 1868, at the usual hour. Members present--D. Linn, President; G. P. Funck, John Orth and Henry Judge. Absent--A. Martin. The meeting being called to order by the President, the following proceedings were had: The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. W. G. T'Vault, Town Attorney, reported to the Board a full and complete compilation of the Laws and Ordinances of the town, including all acts relating to the Town Corporation, with an index to the same. On motion of Mr. Funck, resolved, That whereas a previous Board had authorized a codification of the Corporation laws, and had provided that the sum of $50 be paid therefore, that the work now presented by the Town Attorney be accepted, and that the sum of $50 be allowed for the same. The following bills were ordered paid: Love & Bilger's bill, $3.50--coin; Thos. Curry, $2.50--coin; Sentinel office's bill, $20 coin. Bills presented against the town: L. Zigler, Street Commissioner, bill for making footbridge across Jackson Creek, $12.60--coin; the same for graveling walks to School House, $11.50--coin; Jas. S. Howard's bill for Surveyor's services, $16--coin; R. S. Dunlap's bill, certified by the Street Commissioner, for making walk to bridge on Oregon St., $6--coin; Wm. Hoffman's bill for blank book, $3--coin. Total--$49.10; Jas. S. Howard's bill for surveys in Cemetery, certified by the Sexton, $20--coin; R. S. Dunlap's bill for work and labor expended on Cemetery, $56. Total--$76. The several bills went over under the rules. Applications for town deeds from Jno. S. Drum and Alfred Preater were presented and read. The Town Attorney, being present, said he would suggest to the Board to delay the granting of deeds to town lands to occupants, until the new town plat was recorded as the Code required; and further, that persons applying for deeds should produce evidence of legal occupancy of the same before deeds should be granted, as these lands, to entitle the claimants to deeds from the town, must have been occupied and claimed prior to the town entry. After further remarks by the President and other members, the applications were laid over. Licenses to retail spirituous liquors were granted to L. Horne, S. M. Farren, and to Henry Pape for liquor and billiard license; and they were assessed at the usual rate--$50 for six months for liquor license, and $25 for six months for billiards. R. S. Dunlap came before the Board and stated that some of the purchasers of Cemetery lots had required deeds for the lots, and he desired the Board to make provisions for making deeds, on sale of lots, to those who required them. The Town Attorney was directed to draft and report an ordinance authorizing the President of the Board to execute deeds, to be attested by the Recorder, and report the same at the next meeting of the Board. The petition of Jas. R. Neil and others, presented at the last session, praying the Board to cause the remains of persons in the old burying ground to be removed to the Town Cemetery, was called up; when, on motion, the petition was referred to a select committee--John Orth and H. Judge--to examine and report upon the same. The Board adjourned to Friday evening, January 31st. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 25, 1868, page 3 Board of Trustees.
Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 25, 1871, page 3
March 25th. The Board of Trustees met at 7½ p.m. according
adjournment. Present, Alex. Martin, President, O. Jacobs, D. Linn and
John Orth. Absent, Jas. R. Neil. The minutes of the last meeting were
read and approved. The following bills were ordered paid: G. M. Banks'
bill of $10, reduced to $3.33; B. Bryant's bill, $2. The Sexton, R. S.
Dunlap, made his report, which was read and accepted, and the Sexton
was authorized to make the improvements suggested by him. The Recorder
was ordered to make out a warrant to collect road tax for the Street
Commissioner. Marshal A. F. Wall presented his bond, with sureties, for
$1,000, the same approved.
Ordinance prescribing certain duties to the Treasurer was passed. Ordinance making it a penalty for any person to rent any building where persons hvae been sick with smallpox, without first having the same thoroughly disinfected, and certified to by a physician. Ordinance further regulating and refining the duties of the Street Commissioner, ordering the roads outside of town, within his jurisdiction, to be put in good repair and forbidding further work on the street of the town without the order of the board. The Sanitary Committee's report was taken up by the board and all bills passed as audited by said Sanitary Committee; and warrants ordered for the same; and the following resolution was passed: Resolved, That the thanks of this Board and the people of this town are due, and are hereby tendered to the Sanitary Committee for the able and satisfactory manner in which said Committee has discharged its many onerous and arduous duties, and the resignation of the Sanitary Committee was accepted. Mr. Jacobs made application for L. T. Davis for title deed to his premises. The application was referred to the Finance Committee. Board adjourned to April 5th. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 27, 1869, page 2 Meeting of the Board of Trustees.
20th, 1869.
The Board met at the usual hour. Present
a full
Board. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.The special committee, Neil and Orth, to whom are referred the application of J. Wetterer for a title deed to the premises occupied by him, made by their report, recommending that a deed be granted to the said Wetterer for the premises enclosed and described in his petition, reserving to the town the right to open any public street laid out through the same. The report was accepted, Linn and Jacobs not voting. On motion of Mr. Jacobs it was ordered that a deed be granted to L. T. Davis for the premises occupied and enclosed by him. The following bills were allowed and ordered paid: Max Muller's bill of $43.82 for last year's services as Town Treasurer. Oregon Sentinel office bill for $8. The Marshal returned to the Board the tax list of the taxes levied; total amount $730.76; he had collected $708.88; delinquent and not collectable $21.88, and presented the Treasurer's receipts for $708.88 paid into tho Treasury. The same was accepted. It was ordered that the Marshal be allowed seven percent for collecting tax, making $70.88, and warrant orders for the same. Bills were presented by Mr. Short for publishing in Reveille Ordinance 41 for sanitary regulations $54, and for publishing Ordinance 42 amendatory of Ordinance 41, $15; also bill for printing blank tax receipts $7.50; for smallpox notices $2.50, and dog notices $2.50; total amount $81.50. The bills were referred to Finance Committee. Mr. Jacobs referred a bill which was adopted as Ordinance 48, providing that all printing for the town be given out to the lowest bidder, making [it] the duty of the Town Recorder to award the printing as therein provided. The bill was read and passed unanimously. Mr. Neil offered a bill to provide for the arrest and punishment of vicious boys &c., and on offering the bill remarked that there was a universal complaint by the citizens of the disturbances caused by bad boys in town; and that it was quite time something should be done to restrain these boys. The object of the bill was concurred in by all present, but was postponed for further consideration. A resolution was offered and passed unanimously, expressing the thanks of the Board to Jas. D. Fay Esq,, for his efficient assistance and services in preparing ordinances during the late epidemic, and giving advice, all of which had been performed by him without charge. Liquor licenses ware granted to H. Pape, H. Breitbarth, Wintjen & Helms, A. Preater and John Walters. Board adjourned. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 24, 1869, page 3 Meeting of the Board of Trustees.
29th, 1869.
The Board of Trustees held a special meeting this evening. Members
present, A. Martin President, Neil, Linn, Orth; absent, O. Jacobs.The journal of preceding meeting was read and approved. The following bills were ordered paid: N. D. Short's bill for publishing Ordinance No. 41, in Reveille newspaper, $54. Same for publishing Ordinance 42, $15. Same for miscellaneous printing, $12.50. Total $81.50. Bills presented against the town: Sentinel office bill for printing blank Dog License $8. Laid over under the rules. A bill of $8--Asbury against Roundtree, for wood furnished the family during the smallpox here, was presented. The bill states that the wood was delivered at the order of Marshals Wall and Hubbard, and the Roundtree family failing to pay the bill he asks payment of the town. The Board could not see how the town was bound for private debts, and referred the bill for further investigation to the Finance Committee. There was no further business transacted and the Board adjourned. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 5, 1869, page 2 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES--.The Board convened Oct. 19th, 1869, at the usual hour. Members present: A. Martin, President; D. Linn, J. R. Neil, John Orth. Absent, O. Jacobs. The record of the previous meeting was read and approved. The Recorder laid before the Board a communication from O. Jacobs, tendering his resignation as Trustee of the Town of Jacksonville; the same was read and approved. The following bills were ordered paid: E. R. Owens' bill, $40; D. C. Miller's bill, $7; U. S. Hayden's bill, $18.25, and, $10.50; total $75.75. Application for town deed by A. Preater for lot on Oregon Street was granted and lot assessed at ten dollars. A petition from B. F. Dowell was presented, praying the Board to pass an ordinance to provide for running aqueducts through private lands, and appointing commissioners to assess damages &c, and submitted a bill for that purpose. The petition and bill was read and referred. There being no further business the Board adjourned. A. MARTIN,
Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 23, 1869, page 3Board of Trustees.
Democratic News, Jacksonville,
March 12, 1870, page 3JACKSONVILLE, March 8th, 1870.
The Board met pursuant to adjournment at the Court House, at 10 a.m.
Members present--Alex. Martin, Prest.; D. Linn, John Orth, J. R. Neil,
and U. S. Hayden, Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting being read and
approved, Mr. Linn moved that in the matter of the contested election,
case between A. F. Wall and George Seaman, for the office of City
Marshal--(Wall contesting Seaman's election on the ground of
non-residence)--the parties proceeded to trial. The papers being filed
in the case, C. W. Kahler, att'y. for A. F. Wall, contestant--J. D.
Fay, att'y. for George Seaman, defendant--the motion prevailed. The
case was opened by Mr. Kahler by reading the complaint and answer, and
his opening remarks were heard. Mr. Fay then followed with his
preliminary remarks. Witnesses were then introduced for both parties,
and after hearing their testimony and the argument of counsel, the case
was closed and submitted for decision. Board took a recess till 7½ p.m.The Board reassembled at 7½ p.m.--all present. On motion, a certificate of election was ordered to be issued to George Seaman as marshal; and the Board then adjourned to Thursday, the 10th inst. MARCH 10th. Adjourned meeting of the Board of Trustees. The Board met at 7½ p.m. All members present. Proceedings of last meeting read and approved. Reports of officers of the Town: The Town Treasurer submitted his report for the fiscal year, showing receipts from all sources for the year ending March 1st, 1870--coin, $1,131.25; currency, $937.00; expenditures, $1,131.07 coin, and $12 currency, leaving balance in Treasury, as per report, $275 currency and $494.21 coin. $650 currency was converted into coin by the Treasurer at 76 cents on the dollar, making $494 coin. The report was laid over. The Street Commissioner made his road report, showing total amount road tax received at currency rates, $1,517.46 in money and labor. Paid out for team hire $616.50; for tools and repairs of same, plank and other material, $86.50, paid for work, $90; miscellaneous, $3.50; printing blank tax receipts, $18; total, $1,086 currency. Road tax worked and paid in currency, $575.89, making a total expenditure on road, at currency rates, of $1,662.89, leaving a balance due Street Commissioner of $145.43 currency. The report was referred. BILLS PRESENTED AND REFERRED.
W. H. S. Hyde for recording $9.00; Jas. T. Glenn, blankets and candles,
$9.50; Recorder's fee, bill for past year, $43.15; same for making
deeds, $5.00; same for stationery 75 cts.; bill for Street
Commissioner, for work ordered on streets and sidewalks, $43.00; A. F.
Wall's bill for fees and services for past year, $101.50. Total,
T. Thomas' bill, $3.12; Judges and Clerks of Election $3 each. Total, $18.12. Board Adjourned, sine die. Board
of Trustees-elect met and organized by choosing David Linn President
for the ensuing year. Martin, Wilson and Neil appointed Finance
Committee. Fire wardens, George Seaman and N. Fisher; Sexton, R. S.
Dunlap. Adjourned to Saturday evening, March 19th, at 7 p.m.U. S. Hayden, Recorder.
Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees met Nov. 1, 1870, at the hour adjourned to; all
members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and
approved. Reports of Committees--the committee on petition of M. Baum
for title deed made their report, with a survey of the premises, and
recommended that a deed be granted. The report was adopted and deed
ordered to issue to M. Baum for the lot described and assessed $10.REPORTED FOR THE SENTINEL. The Committee on the claim of P. Fehely, $62.00, were granted further time to report. The Town Treasurer made his quarterly report, which was read and referred to Finance Committee. The report shows receipts, last quarter, $380 currency, $2 coin; warrants paid, $117.80 coin; funds on hand, $1,028.50 currency and $173.90 coin. The following bills were presented: W. H. S. Hyde, bill for recording deed, $3; Louis Petzold, bill for mattresses and pillows for Station House, $5; C. J. Dutton, bill for wood, $6; Geo. Seaman, bill $9; I. Meyer, bill for services as night watch, $9; the bills were referred to Finance Committee. On application licenses were granted to Jno. Wolters, Jno. Noland, and Fr. Grob. Petition of C. J. Dutton, John Weiss and 14 others, praying for the extension of Oregon Street to the corporation line south and to vacate Applegate road now traveled south, and to vacate other streets and open new streets was presented and read, and on motion of J. Martin the petition was laid upon the table. A resolution was passed, declaring the office of Street Commissioner vacant, and a special election to be held on Friday, the 11th inst., to fill the vacancy, and James Cardwell, W. H. S. Hyde, and J. Roudebush were appointed Judges and C, W. Kahler and C. W. Savage Clerks of the election. Mr. Wilson moved that ordinance No. 50, forbidding animals wearing bells from running at large, in the night time, be taken up and passed. The bill was read and on motion was laid over till the next meeting. A committee, consisting of Neil, Fisher and Wilson was appointed to take all necessary measures to guard against the introduction of smallpox. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 5, 1870, page 3 Board of Trustees.
The Board met Jan. 17, 1871, at the usual hour, in regular session.
Members present: D. Linn, Pres.; Neil, Wilson, and Fisher; absent: A.
Martin. The meeting was called to order by the President. The minutes
of the last meeting were read and approved. The Finance Committee
reported the Town Treasurer's second quarterly statement correct as per
the Treasurer's book. Report accepted and filed. Bill of O. Coyle, $2,
ordered paid. The Committee on Sanitary Matters reported verbally that
thus far no use of the rented premises had been required, and
recommended that at the expiration of the present month's rent the
premises be given up and the business of the Committee be closed;
report adopted. The President stated that he was not ready to report in
pursuance of the resolution passed last session, but he would do so at
a subsequent meeting. The Street Commissioner reported that he had
finished the street work ordered, and submitted account of expense, to
wit: 14 days team work and 30 days labor: $108.00. The following claims
against the town were presented and filed: Peter Boschey's bill, as
above, $108.00; Linn & Hall, bill for bedstead for station
$2.00; John Bilger, bill for articles for use of truck, $4.75; the
bills were referred to the usual committee. Chas. Schultz made
application to purchase town lot No. 1, block 53; the same was referred
to a special committee, consisting of Neil, Fisher, and Wilson. License
to retail liquor was granted to L. Horn and assessed at the usual
rates. The Recorder submitted to the Board a complete copy of the town
plat, containing all recent surveys and plats made since the town plat
was recorded; the same was executed by Surveyor Howard and is intended
for county record. It was referred to a special committee for
examination, consisting of Neil, Wilson, and Fisher. On motion of Mr.
Neil it was ordered that the Street Commissioner cause to be made a
good and sufficient gravel walk running along the side of the wagon
track from the bridge at Roudebush's to the Jackson Creek bridge. The
Board then adjourned to Thursday, the 27th inst.REPORTED FOR THE SENTINEL. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 21, 1871, page 3 Board of Trustees.
The Board met pursuant to adjournment, Feb. 18,1871. All members
present. President Linn called the Board to order. The records of
preceding meeting were read and approved. On motion ordinance No. 50
was taken up and passed, declaring all the traveled streets of the town
to be public highways. The President voting no. The Town Treasurer's
last statement was reported back to the Board by the committee, and
ordered filed. The committee on the petition to have ditch on "C"
Street covered, reported the same back without recommendation.
Committee on application of M. R. Ish for town deed, reported favorably
to the same, recommending that a deed be granted, and the report was
adopted, and the Recorder ordered to make out a deed upon payment of
assessment ($20) on said lot. The proposals received for grading
streets were laid before the Board, and were opened and read. They are
as follows: Wm. Eaton's bid for the whole work, $280; C. J. Dutton's
bid for the whole work, $336; H. F. Phillips' bid for "C" Street, $195,
for "D" Street, $65, for "Third" Street, $127, or "Fourth" Street,
$150; T. G. Reames' bid, for "C" Street, $320, for "D" Street, $80, for
"Third" Street, $150, for "Fourth" Street, $175. Wm. Eaton's bid was
rejected as informal. C. J. Dutton's bid being the lowest regular bid
was accepted and the contract awarded to Dutton, requiring him to file
a good and sufficient bond, in the sum of $336, for the faithful
performance of the contract, to be approved by the President and
Recorder. Order passed, requiring the Street Commissioner to have said
streets prepared for laying the gravel, by opening the gutters and
grading the streets.REPORTED FOR THE SENTINEL. Mr. Neil offered resolutions, referring to directory of town officers as published in the Democratic Times, as incorrect, his name being omitted from the Trustees, and believing it done purposely. The resolutions were adopted, ordering the Recorder to furnish a copy of the resolutions to the Times and Sentinel. The Board then adjourned. Resolutions.
The following resolutions were passed by the Board of Trustees of this
city, on the 18th inst. We forbear comment, as they speak for
themselves:WHEREAS, The Democratic Times persists in publishing a false directory of the town of Jacksonville, therefor, Resolved, That the Recorder be ordered to request the proprietors of said paper to publish a true directory of said town, or to publish none. Resolved, That the Recorder be requested to furnish the papers published in this town a copy of the foregoing for publication. Attested by U. S. HAYDEN,
Recorder. CROWDED OUT.--The very able and interesting report of the proceedings of the Board of Town Trustees is crowded out this week for want of room. We are enabled to give only a few items, gleaned from the report. March 3rd: Dutton's performance of the contract for graveling certain streets of the town was accepted by the Board, and a warrant drawn on the treasury for $336.00, the price of the grading. $125 was ordered paid to Street Commissioner Boschey for his services and expenditures. An order was made by the Board for the Treasurer to turn the currency in the treasury into gold coin at 91 cents on the dollar. Also an order for grading 250 feet of 4th Street, on the same terms as the contract with Dutton was made, and Street Commissioner Boschey directed to carry it into effect. March 8th: The Board canvassed the returns of the town election of the 7th inst., and the persons mentioned in another place in today's paper were declared duly elected to the respective offices. After transacting some other business of minor importance the Board adjourned. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 11, 1871, page 3 Board of Trustees.
Pursuant to adjournment the Board of Trustees met, March 20, 1871, at
the appointed hour. Present: John Bilger, N. Fisher, L. H. Zigler;
absent: Pres. Wilson, J. S. Howard. N. Fisher chosen Pres. pro tem.,
and called the meeting to order. The minutes of the last meeting were
read and approved. The official bonds of town officers were presented
and approved; viz.: Recorder's, U. S. Hayden, bond, $500, sureties, C.
C. Beekman, N. Langell; Treasurer's, H. Pape, bond, $1,000, sureties,
Joseph Wetterer, Isaac Sachs; Marshal's, J. McDaniel, bond, $1,000,
sureties, W. H. S. Hyde, Isaac Sachs; Street Commissioner's, R. S.
Dunlap, bond, $1,000, sureties, T. G. Reames, Jac. Ish. Bill ordered
paid: P. Boschey's bill, $255.54. H. Pape's bill, $22.50, and Geo.
Seaman's bill, $111.50, were taken from the table and referred to the
Finance Committee. The Treasurer's report was taken from the table and
referred to same Committee. Street Commissioner Dunlap made a report on
the condition of the streets, he says: "Thanks to the liberality of the
former Board and the energy and faithfulness of my predecessor, the
streets are in better condition than ever before," and he recommends
that Third Street be opened out to the south line of the corporation
and a bridge built at the crossing of Rich Gulch, and proposes to
improve Oregon Street south from Wetterer's brewery. The report, after
reading, was laid over. Recorder presented his fee bill for past year,
$74, referred to usual committee. Mr. Zigler submitted an ordinance to
require all licenses to be paid in coin, read and referred. The Board
then adjourned to Thursday evening, 30th inst.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
March 11, 1871, page 3REPORTED FOR THE SENTINEL. Board of Trustees.
June 6, 1871. The Board
of Trustees met at 8 o'clock p.m., pursuant to adjournment. Members
present: President Wilson, J. Bilger, and N. Fisher. Absent: Howard and
Pursuant to adjournment the Board of Trustees met March 30, 1871, at
the appointed hour. Present: John Bilger, Zigler, and Fisher. Absent:
President Wilson, and Howard. Mr. Fisher was chosen President pro tem. Minutes
of the last meeting were read and approved. The following bills were
allowed and ordered paid: Geo. Seaman's bill, $111.50; U. S. Hayden's
bill, $74. The Treasurer's bill was laid over for the present. A claim
of Jim Stewart ($17.50), for taking care of Mr. Oliver, was referred
back to claimant, the Trustees being of the opinion that the bill
should be presented to the County Commissioners. Jac. Meyer's petition
to purchase a lot was taken from the table and referred to special
committee, Zigler and Bilger. The Board then adjourned.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 1, 1871, page 3 Proceedings of the Board of
May 26th, 1871. The Board of Trustees met at 8 o'clock p.m. pursuant to
adjournment. Members present--President Wilson, Bilger, Fisher.
Absent--Zigler, Howard. The minutes of the previous meeting read and
Committee on application of A. Hauser for title deed to block 54 and
lot No. 6 in block 39 reported favorably to the petition; report
accepted, and a deed granted and ordered to issue to applicant for the
premises described, upon payment of an assessment of $20.Committee on Treasurer's account reported the same back corrected; accepted and ordered filed. Committee on opening out Third Street made a full report, recommending the street be opened and improved as suggested by the Street Commissioner, and that $75 be appropriated for a bridge across the gulch. Report adopted, and $75 so appropriated, and the Street Commissioner ordered to proceed with the work. On motion, Bilger, Fisher and Howard were appointed a committee to confer with Mr. Glenn on the matter of opening out Third Street through premises occupied by him. BILLS
H. Pape's bill, $22.18, Treasurer's fees for past year; Street
Commissioner Dunlap's bill, $3.50, for removing loose stone from
streets; balance of cemetery account due Sexton, $19.50. Total bills,
$75.18.A petition from P. J. Ryan and nine other citizens was presented and read, asking the Board to pass an ordinance forbidding the keeping and standing of stallions within the town limits, representing the same as an intolerable nuisance, demoralizing and disgusting, and ought to be abated..On motion of Mr. Bilger, it was ordered laid on the table. An ordinance was submitted to vacate that part of First Street lying between California and C streets. Read once, The Board then adjourned to Thursday evening next. THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 1st.--The Board met according to adjournment. Present--President Wilson, Bilger, Howard. Absent--Howard [sic] and Zigler. The committee to confer with Mr. Glenn was continued for further information. A statement of the present condition of the Treasury was received from the Treasurer, showing funds on hand $175 currency--$147 coin; together, $322. A petition, signed by Jas. R. Neil, Jas. T. Glenn, and others, setting forth that preparations were making [sic] by the citizens of the town for a due and proper observance of our coming anniversary, July 4th, asking a donation of fifty dollars out of the Town Treasury to aid in defraying expenses of the same, was received and read, and on motion of Mr. Bilger, it was laid over for further consideration. Ordinance No. 51 was read the second time. John Pearson was appointed Pound Keeper in place of Mr. Manning, who had declined the appointment. Adjourned to Thursday evening next. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 3, 1871, page 3 Board of Trustees.
REPORTED FOR THE SENTINEL. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The committee on the matter of opening out "Third" Street and conferring with Mr. Glenn in regard thereto, reported in full and they were continued with instructions to procure a survey for the extension of said street beyond the town limits to intersect the Sterling road, through the land of Mr. Glenn, offered by him to the town for said purpose. The report previously made recommending certain improvements of Town Hall and building was called up and read, and N. Fisher and J. Bilger were appointed as a special committee, to procure estimates of the probable cost of the same as proposed in that report. The proposed improvements are to enlarge the Hall by removing the chimney and setting back the partition (8 feet) to the cells, remodeling the front of the building by putting in large windows and door to correspond, and to use the present front windows for side windows to the Hall, finishing the room in good style, by plastering, painting, &c. Mr. Fehely, late Street Commissioner, presented his road account, and claims to be due him $334 from the town for road expenses over road receipts. The same was referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. McDaniel, one of a Finance Committee to procure funds for the celebration of the next "Fourth of July," asked leave to withdraw the petition asking the Board for a donation of $50. The Board refused to grant the leave asked. Mr. Fisher offered a resolution to appropriate $25 out of the town treasury to aid in the proposed celebration of the coming anniversary of the "Fourth of July." The resolution was voted on, J. Bilger voting no. The resolution went over ten days under the rules. The Board then adjourned to June 19th. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 10, 1871, page 3 Board of Trustees.
Monday evening, June 19th; an adjourned meeting of the Board
of Trustees was held this evening. Present: President Wilson, J.
Bilger, N. Fisher; absent: Howard and Zigler.REPORTED FOR THE SENTINEL. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The resolution appropriating $25 to the funds being raised for the Fourth of July expenses was passed. The Street Commissioner reported the bridge on Third Street completed, and the street graded and prepared for public travel; also reported whole expense to the town for the work $127, it being $52 over amount appropriated; a warrant was ordered to be issued to S. Dunlap for that amount ($52). The Street Commissioner's bill for superintending work ($22) was referred. Ordinance No. 51, vacating First Street between California and C street, was taken up and passed. Bill of Recorder for deed to Hauser ($3.50) was ordered paid. C. W. Kahler was appointed Town Attorney for the balance of this year. Adjourned to June 29th. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 24, 1871, page 3 Proceedings of the Board of
A regular meeting of the board was held
evening. Present: President Wilson, Howard, Fisher, Bilger; absent:
Zigler.(REPORTED FOR THE TIMES.) The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. The committee on the improvement and repair of Town Hall and building, not being ready to report, were allowed further time. Committee on the opening and extension of Third Street reported verbally that they had not concluded the business before them. Further time was allowed. Warrants were ordered issued to Chas. Shultz and Wm. Cummings for $2 each for services as chain carriers for town survey. The matter of road account of the late Street Commissioner Fehely come up for further consideration, and a resolution passed unanimously, refusing to accept the report and exhibit of Mr. Fehely as being entirely unsatisfactory; that his claim of $340 as a balance due him expended over amount of road tax collected could not be recognized; for if expended, as he claims, the expenditure was unauthorized and in violation of the town ordinance and special instructions from the board. All of his papers and books were ordered to be returned to him. A special committee composed of Bilger, Fisher and Zigler was appointed to ascertain if water could be obtained from any near source and brought in to supply the town, also an estimate of probable cost of having the water into this town, and to report in full upon the matter. The Board then adjourned. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 22, 1871, page 3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF
{Reported for the Times.]
Saturday, Oct. 27th.--An adjourned meeting of the Board of Trustees was
held this evening. Present Mr. Wilson, President, Messrs. Fisher and
Bilger; absent, Messrs. Howard and Zigler.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The following bills were ordered paid: R. S. Dunlap, $56; Hoffman & Klippel, $1.50; John Bilger, $1.50. Total, $59. The Marshal informed the Board that he had collected the claim against Chinamen for damages in burning cemetery fence, amounting to $56; deducting his fees for collection, he had deposited the remainder, $50.40, in the Town Treasury. An appropriation of $25, quarterly salary of Town Attorney, C. W. Kahler, was allowed. Liquor licenses were granted to Henry Pape, John Wolters and John Noland. The Sexton was authorized to put up a new board fence on the north line of the cemetery grounds, with yew posts, and dispose of the old fence rails. Messrs. Fisher, Bilger and Howard were appointed a committee to look out a new road from Oregon Street to cemetery grounds, ascertain probable expense of land for the road, if it can be obtained, and report early on the subject. The judges and clerk of water election were appointed, and the Board adjourned to Monday evening next, Oct. 30th. Monday Evening, Oct. 30th.--The Board convened pursuant to adjournment. Present President Wilson, Bilger, and Fisher; absent Howard and Zigler. The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. The returns of election held this day were opened and examined, showing a small vote cast, and but three majority for the proposition submitted. Messrs. Fisher and Bilger, committee on water, asked to be discharged from said committee, as the small vote cast manifested such indifference on the subject as equivalent to a defeat of the measure. The committee was discharged, and an order passed to pay the judges and clerk of election. The Board then adjourned. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 4, 1871, page 3 Board of Trustees.
A special session of the Board of Trustees was held on Monday evening,
December 4th, a full Board present. The minutes of last meeting were
read and approved. The Committee on cemetery road, not being ready to
report, were allowed further time. Street Commissioner Dunlap submitted
statement and report of work done as previously ordered: putting up
fence around town lot, constructing crosswalks &c.--read and
accepted, and the bills for the work presented, viz: G. H. Young's bill
for making two crosswalks, $50. John Cimborsky's bill for putting up
fence, $5.50. Street Commissioner's bill for superintending work and
labor, $27. The bills were allowed and ordered paid. A paper
presented to the Board, signed by L. Ganung and others, complaining of
a certain China house--filth being deposited about the premises,
smoking opium late of nights, thus, they say, jeopardizing our lives,
and the city itself, &c. The same was read and laid upon the
Flagstone crosswalks were ordered constructed across D Street, from the
northwest corner of the Catholic church lot, and across Fourth Street
from the southeast corner of the Methodist church lot. The walk to be
laid full two and a half feet wide; and the present crosswalks from
Kahler's law office corner, over Fifth and C streets, be raised and put
in good condition; also the walk across Fourth Street, from Donegan's
shop to Glenn's corner, to be repaired; and gravel walks four feet wide
be made across Pine Street and Fir Street, in line of the sidewalk on
the west side of Oregon Street. The Street Commissioner was directed to
have the work done forthwith. Order passed authorizing the Town
Treasurer to convert the currency now in the town treasury into coin,
at not less than 90 cents on the dollar. The Board then adjourned.REPORTED FOR THE SENTINEL. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 9, 1871, page 2 Board of Trustees.
An adjourned meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on Monday
evening, January 29. Present, President Wilson, Howard and Zigler;
absent Fisher and Bilger. The minutes of the previous meeting were read
and approved. The committee on cemetery road submitted a report and
specifications of proposed. repairs and improvements on said
road--accepted and filed. The Town Attorney stated to the Board that he
had examined the law, as requested, in reference to the keeping of
billiard saloons, and finds the town ordinance requiring licenses to
keep billiard saloons to be in strict accordance with law, and
penalties for a violation may be enforced. That the keeping of billiard
tables for use at all in a public saloon is keeping a billiard saloon
to all intents and purposes, and if kept without obtaining a license,
therefore, the penalties may be enforced as provided in the ordinance.
Further consideration of the subject was deferred. The following bills
were allowed and ordered paid by warrants on the treasury; D. Linn's
bill (corrected), $18.50; G. H. Young's bill, for making crosswalks on
Oregon Street, $15; quarterly salary of Town Attorney, $25.
Applications for title deeds were made by the following
Charles Blockwell, for fractional block No.
48--application referred to
Zigler and Howard; Owen Coyle, for all of block No. 46--referred to
Fisher, Howard and Zigler. Application was made on behalf of Brady
Barlow, for title deeds to lots Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 5, in block
32--referred to the Town Attorney. A resolution was passed revoking the
orders requiring the advertising for proposals for work specified to be
done on the cemetery road. Resolution passed continuing the committee,
Zigler, Howard and Fisher, on cemetery road, empowering said committee
to go on and have all the proposed repairs and improvements on said
road completed, to supervise and direct the whole work, contract for
putting a railing along the hillside road &c. The grading and
widening of the road to be done by the Street Commissioner, under the
direction of this committee. A resolution for appropriating $100 for
cemetery road work to be drawn out on warrants as the same may be
required, on the certificate of the Street Commissioner, was offered;
the resolution was read and laid over ten days under the rules. The
Board then adjourned.REPORTED FOR THE SENTINEL. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 3, 1872, page 3 Board of Trustees.
March 5, 1872. The Board of Trustees held a special meeting this
evening. A full board in attendance. The minutes of last meeting read
and approved. The committee on the application of L. Zigler for title
deed to lots No. 1 and 2, in block No. 49, and lot No. 1, block 50,
made their report, recommending that a deed be granted to applicant,
and assessed at $10; report adopted; and it was therefore ordered that
[a] deed be executed to said applicant upon payment of assessment.REPORTED FOR THE SENTINEL. The Town Attorney verbally reported on the application of B. Barlow for title deed to certain premises; report accepted, and it is ordered that title deed issue to said applicant upon payment of assessment, $20. Bill presented against the town by Hall & Pfeil, of $17 for covering shaft on Third Street; J. P. McDaniel, fee bill, $99 per past year; U. S. Hayden, bill for making town deed, and for stamps, $7.50; referred Finance Committee. The Recorder laid before the Board his annual exhibit of the receipts and expenditures of the town for the past year; the same was read and ordered filed. The exhibit shows funds on hand at the commencement of the year, $1,231.00, and receipts from all sources, $1,120.70; total, $2,390.00. Expenditures, total amount, $1,839.00, leaving a balance on hand (Feb. 8) of $550.00. An ordinance passed making it the duty of the Town Marshal to make complaint for any and all violations of town ordinances coming to his knowledge, the same to be posted in at least three public places in the town. The Recorder laid before the Board the returns of the election of today, which was opened and examined, and declared as follows: For Trustees, J. A. Wilson, John Bilger, N. Fisher, David Linn, and H. v. Helms; for Recorder, U. S. Hayden; for Treasurer, Henry Pape; for Marshal, James P. McDaniel; for Street Commissioner, Peter Boschey. Certificates of election were ordered issued to each officer-elect. Ordered that the inspectors and clerks of election be paid $3 each, and $15 is appropriated for same. Adjourned to Thursday, 15th inst. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 9, 1872, page 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF
The Board of Trustees held a special meeting last Tuesday evening, the
5th inst. The full Board was in attendance.{Reported for the Times.] The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The committee on the application of Lewis H. Zigler for title deed to lots No. 1 and 2, block No. 49, and lot No. 1, block 50, made a report recommending that a deed be granted to applicant, and assessed at $10 coin. The report was adopted and a title deed ordered made to te applicant upon payment of $10. The Town Attorney verbally reported on the petition and application of Bradley Barlow for title deed to the O&C Stage Company premises (half of block No. 32). A deed was granted for the same to applicant, upon payment of $20, the assessment. The following bills were presented for payment: Hall & Pfeil, bill for covering shaft on Third Street, $17; James P. McDaniel, Marshal fees for the past year, $99; U. S. Hayden, bill for making deed, and stamps, $7.50. The bills were referred to Finance Committee. The Recorder's annual exhibit of receipts and expenditures for the past year was laid before the Board, read and ordered filed. The exhibit shows funds on hand at the commencement of the year, $1,231; receipts from all sources, $1,158.70. Total amount, $2,390.Balance on hand on Feb. 5th, $550. An ordinance was passed, making it the duty of the Marshal to make complaint of any and all violation of town ordinances coming to his knowledge. On motion of Mr. Bilger, the ordinance was ordered to be posted up in at least three public places in town. The election returns were laid before the Board, and on being opened and examined, the result was declared as follows: For Trustees, James A. Wilson, John Bilger, Newman Fisher, David Linn, and Herman Helms were elected; Recorder, U. S. Hayden; Treasurer, Henry Pape; Marshal, James P. McDaniel; Street Commissioner, Peter Boschey. Certificates of election were ordered issued to each officer-elect. Ordered that the inspectors and clerks of election be allowed $3 each, or $15 in all. Board then adjourned to Thursday evening, March 15th. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 9, 1872, page 3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF
Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of Trustees assembled last Thursday
evening, 14th inst. A full Board was present. The meeting was called to
order by President Wilson.{Reported for the Times.] The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Town Treasurer submitted his annual report, showing cash receipts during the past year to be $1,855.55; expenditures, $1,306.64, leaving a balance of $548.31 on hand. Referred to Finance Committee. The Street Commissioner made his last report, which was read and accepted. The Sexton presented his annual report, showing lots, to the amount of $124, sold, $67.50 of which had been paid, and $57.50 unpaid. Miscellaneous receipts, $7.50; total amount, $139.50. Referred to Finance Committee. The following bills were ordered paid: J. P. McDaniel, $99; Hall & Pfeil, $17; U. S. Hayden, $7.50; R. S. Dunlap, road expenses, $7.50. Total, $133. The following bills were presented: Recorder's fee bill, $67.25; Street Commissioner Dunlap's bill, $44; Sexton's bill, $56.50; Sentinel office bill, $5. The bills were laid over. On motion, the Board adjourned sine die. The members of the new Board then organized, and Newman Fisher was chosen President. On motion of D. Linn, the rules governing the proceedings of the Board were read. The bonds of the town officers were filed and approved. Messrs. Bilger, Linn and Wilson were appointed as Finance Committee. H. V. Helms and James P. McDaniel were appointed Fire Wardens. Bilger, Wilson and Helms were appointed special committee on cemetery road improvements. R. S. Dunlap was appointed Sexton, and C. W. Kahler, Town Attorney. Board then adjourned. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 16, 1872, page 3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES.--A special meeting of the Board of Trustees was held last Tuesday evening, 6th inst. Present--President Fisher, Helms and Bilger; absent--Linn and Wilson. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. An ordinance to amend ordinance No. 11, in relation to billiard licenses. was taken and read a second time. The committee on the application of S. Vose, to purchase town lot, were not ready to report, and were continued, to report at the next meeting. An order was passed, authorizing the Treasurer to convert the currency now in the Treasury into coin, at market rates, and the Recorder directed to notify accordingly. A petition was received from Silas J. Day, praying the Board to pass an ordinance for the abatement of certain existing nuisances, etc. Read and referred back to petitioner. A communication was received from David C. Hay, in reference to the condition of the cemetery gate, proposing to furnish stone gate posts, 10 feet in length, 10x16 inches thick, dressed above the ground and placed in position for $100. Read and placed on file. The Board then adjourned. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 10, 1872, page 3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES.--Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of Trustees held a meeting last Tuesday evening, 13th inst. All the members, except Mr. Wilson, were present. The record of last meeting was read and approved. The reports of the several special committees were called for, and no report being ready, further time was given. A report was received from the Town Treasurer, on the present condition of the Treasury, showing balance on hand in coin to be $218. Read and ordered filed. The bills of U. S. Hayden for $11.75 were ordered paid. On motion of Mr. Helms, the communication of David C. Hay, on furnishing gate posts, was taken from the file and read, and on motion of Mr. Bilger it was laid on the table. Mr. Linn moved that a committee be appointed to examine and report a plan for a new gate to the cemetery. The motion was withdrawn, and the Cemetery Road Committee was authorized to proceed immediately and have such a gate as in their judgment shall be suitable for the place constructed and put up. An ordinance to protect the cemetery grounds from trespass, and forbidding the digging of graves and making interments therein, unless under the direction of the Sexton, cutting down or injuring trees and shrubbery, shooting within its precincts, etc., was submitted and read. Ordered to be taken up at the next meeting. The Board then adjourned. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 17, 1872, page 3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF
Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
November 23, 1872, page 3
The Board of Trustees held a special meeting last Tuesday evening, 19th
inst. A full Board present.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The committee on the petition of John Miller and others, to open [illegible] Street, were not ready to report, and were allowed further time. The committee on the town building reported the progress thereon, and were continued with authority to proceed and have all necessary repairs and improvements made on the building, under their own special direction and supervision. The committee on cemetery were continued. The following bills were ordered paid: Wm. Hoffman's bill $3; U. S. Hayden's, $3. The following bills against the town were presented: Miller & Shannon, repairing truck, $6; Times' bill, printing Ordinance No. 53, $5. Referred to Finance Committee. License was issued to Million & Bronson to keep a bowling alley. The application of Geo. H. Young to purchase lots Nos. 2 and 4, in block No. 55, was referred to a special committee composed of Messrs. Linn, Wilson and Bilger. On motion, Wilson, Linn and Bilger were made a committee to employ a surveyor and establish an initial point and base line for town surveys and report an ordinance to that effect. On motion of Mr. Bilger, the Recorder was authorized and directed to procure a certified copy of the late amendments to the town charter The Recorder was ordered to notify S. Vose to procure his deed or vacate the premises. The Board then adjourned. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF
The Board of Trustees held a meeting Thursday evening, Dec. 19th.
Present--President Fisher, Wilson, Bilger and Linn. Absent--Helms.The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. The committee appointed to have an initial point and base line for town surveys established reported progress. The committee on the application of Thomas Mooney for town title deed to lot number 8, lot 29, made their report and recommended that the application be granted and a deed executed upon payment of the assessment--$15. Report adopted. The committee on the application of Geo. H. Young to purchase lots No. 2 and 4, block 55, not being ready to report, were allowed further time. The committee on the application of G. Karewski, in behalf of H. Goldsmith and the heirs of H. Lauer, for title deed to certain premises in block No. 6, asked for further time, which was granted. John Orth, in person and by his attorney, D. B. Rea, Esq., appeared before the Board and asked the privilege to file protest to Karewski's application. Leave granted. The protest was received and went to the committee on the application. C. W. Kahler, Esq., addressed the Board on the subject of Mr. Karewski's application, explaining the matter, and was followed by Mr. Rea for Orth. The whole matter was finally referred to the said committee--Wilson, Bilger and Linn. The following bills were ordered paid: R. S. Dunlap, $2.50; Miller & Shannon, $6; Democratic Times, $5. Total, $13.50. The following bills were presented for payment: J. S. Howard, bill for services as Surveyor in establishing initial point and base for town surveys, $10; assistants, $2.50; iron stakes, $2.50. Geo. H. Young, furnishing two stones for initial points, $5. Total, $23. Laid over. The Board then adjourned. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 28, 1872, page 3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF
Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
January 25, 1873, page 3
A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held last Tuesday
evening, 21st inst. Present--Newman Fisher, President, David Linn and
Herman Helms; absent--John Bilger and James A. Wilson.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion, the unfinished business appearing upon the minutes went over. The committee on the matter of establishing base line for town surveys, not being ready to report, were given further time. The committee on the application of Geo. H. Young to purchase lots No. 2 and No. 4, in block No. 55, made a report recommending that the lots be sold to applicant for $15, coin. The report was accepted and the premises ordered sold to said applicant. The committee on the application of G. Karewski, in behalf of H. Goldsmith and the heirs of H. Lauer, made their report and recommended that a deed be granted to said parties, reserving in the deed all the rights John Orth has to said premises by virtue of a deed from John Lang. Report accepted, and further action thereon was deferred until the next meeting of the Board. The Town Treasurer made his report, which was read and ordered filed. The report shows the funds on hand to be $298.46 in coin, and $365 in currency--a total of $663.46. The Sexton made his third quarterly report, showing receipts this quarter to be $37.50; amount expended, $7.50; and $20 yet delinquent. Report read and ordered filed. The Recorder laid before the Board the certified copy of the act amendatory of the Act of Incorporation of Jacksonville, passed by the late Legislature. After reading, it was ordered published in the Times and Sentinel. It was also ordered that the expense of procuring the copy--$2.50--be paid. The following claims against the town were ordered paid: C. W. Kahler, City Attorney's salary, $50; U. S. Hayden, expense for deed to Thos. Mooney, $3. Liquor license granted to John Noland for six months--$50. An application was received from Mrs. L. E. Overbeck for town deed to lots Nos. 5 and 6 in block No. 52. Referred to a special committee, consisting of Messrs. Linn, Helms and Bilger. The annual statement of the receipts and expenditures of the town was ordered to be made out and posted by the Recorder. The Board then adjourned. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES.--The Board of Trustees held a special session last Tuesday evening, 4th instant. Present--Mr. Fisher, President, Messrs. Wilson, Bilger and Linn. Absent--Mr. Helms. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. The following bills were allowed and ordered paid: Times office bill, $10; Sentinel office bill, $10; Peter Boschey's bill, $14; total, $34. The Recorder presented the annual statement of receipts and expenditures of the town for the year ending February 8th, 1873, which shows a balance over from previous year of $550.84; receipts from all sources, $1,128; total expenditures, $1,025.88; balance on hand, including unpaid warrants to the amount of $5, $657.98. Ordered on file. J. P. McDaniel presented his claim for services as Marshal for the year, amounting to $120; for services as fire warden, $10; fees for arresting persons, $10, and each expended for sundries, $15; total amount, $155. Referred back for correction. The sealed returns of election were laid before the Board, which were opened and declared as follows: For Trustees, John Bilger, James A. Wilson, David Linn, Newman Fisher and Herman Helms were elected; for Recorder, U. S. Hayden; for Treasurer, Henry Pape; for Marshal, Jacob Roudebush; for Street Commissioner, Peter Boschey. It was ordered that the Recorder issue to each officer-elect his certificate of election. It was ordered that the judges and clerks of the election be paid $3 each for their services, and that the Recorder issue warrants on the Treasury for that amount. The Board then adjourned to next Tuesday evening, 11th inst. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 8, 1873, page 3 Board of Trustees.
Proceedings of the regular meeting,
Tuesday evening, April 15th:The Board convened at the usual hour, and all the members found present. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. The Committee on Public Improvements, having under charge repairs of town property, reported progress. The committee to whom was referred the petition of Schumpf and forty-seven others, praying that some action be taken by the town authorities to remove Chinese nuisances on Main Street, not being ready to report, asked further time, which was granted. The Finance Committee asked further time to examine the bills before them. Granted. R. S. Dunlap, Sexton, submitted his annual report to the Board. The same was read, accepted and ordered placed on file. The report shows the receipts of the Cemetery Fund for the year to be $115.00; expenses, $7.50. The Sexton in his report says some improvements he has been recommending the past year are now being attended to, and he urges the absolute necessity of having posts or other means used to protect the graves from being run over by horses, vehicles, etc. The Recorder informed the Board that he had completed the road tax list and delivered it to the Street Commissioner, as ordered. The Marshal reported to the Board the names of persons he had employed as night watch after the great fire. The matter of compensation was left to the Board, and it was ordered that $2.50 per night be paid. Warrants were ordered in favor of Ed. Payne, two days, $5.00; M. J. Spaulding, $2.50; ------ Cummings, $2.50; Frank Krause, $2.50; Adam Smith, $2.50; ------ Asbury, $2.50; H. Johnson, $2.50; Thos. Gainini, $2.50; Thos. Gaston, $2.50; R. Henderson, $2.50; J. Gray, $2.50; W. J. Berry, $2.50; H. Walters, $2.50; S. Herling, $2.50; John Dick, $2.50; G. P. Fitts, $2.50; Kanaka George, $2 00; M. R. Fletcher, $2.50; M. D. Short, $2.50; Pat. McMahon, $2.50. Total amount, $52.50. Liquor licenses were granted to Wintjen and Helms, C. W. Savage, H. Pape, John Walters, Jno. Noland, and licenses ordered to issue to each upon the filing of proper bonds and Treasurer's receipts, as required by ordinance. Mr. Helms suggested the appointment of an attorney for the town, and nominated H. K. Hannah. The matter, after some remarks of members, was deferred to the next meeting. Board then adjourned. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 19, 1873, page 4 Board of Trustees.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
March 7, 1874, page 3TUESDAY EVENING, March 7, 1874.
The Board of Town Trustees met this evening, pursuant to adjournment.
There was a full Board present, with President Bilger in the chair, who
called the meeting to order.
The proceedings of the last meeting were read and approved. The Committee on Cemetery Improvements reported progress. The Recorder then laid before the Board sealed returns of the election, which were opened and examined and the result declared as follows: Whole number of votes cast, 149. The following persons were declared duly elected Town Trustees: K. Kubli, John Bilger, C. C. Beekman and H. Judge. It appearing that Sol. Sachs and John Noland had received an equal number of votes for Trustee, Mr. Linn moved that in accordance with the provisions of the charter in this case the election now be decided by ballot. Messrs. Linn and Helms were appointed tellers and a ballot taken. Mr. Sachs received a majority vote and was declared duly elected one of the Trustees. U. S. Hayden was declared elected Recorder; Henry Pape, Treasurer; Fred. Grob, Marshal and P. Boschey, Street Commissioner. The Recorder was then directed to issue to each officer-elect his certificate of election. An order was passed allowing the Judges and Clerks of Elections $3 each. The Board then adjourned to Tuesday evening next, at the usual hour. Board of Trustees.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
March 14, 1874, page 3TUESDAY EVENING, March 10th.
The Board of Trustees convened this evening, pursuant to adjournment.
A full Board was present, with President Bilger in the chair. The proceedings of the previous meeting were read and approved. The Committee on Public Improvements submitted their report, which was read and ordered filed. The Finance Committee made a verbal report, stating that they had examined the Treasurer's account, etc., and found them correct. The report was accepted. The Treasurer submitted his annual report, which was read, accepted and ordered filed. The Fire Warden submitted a report, which was read and ordered filed. The Street Commissioner submitted a report, which was referred back for correction. The following bills and claims were allowed and ordered paid: J. P. McDaniel, services as Fire Warden, $5; J. A. Wilson, services as Fire Warden, $10; Recorder's fees for past year, $75.50; D. Linn, furnishing 32 posts for cemetery, $16; J. P. McDaniel, Marshal's services, $80; H. Pape, Treasurer's fees, $19.45; J. H. Hyzer, painting posts for cemetery, $6.40. Total, $213.35. Board then adjourned until Thursday evening next. BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
The Board of Trustees met according to adjournment. A full
Board was present, with President Bilger in the Chair. The Journal
Record of last meeting was read and approved. Street Commissioner's
Reports and Accounts submitted, which were read and ordered on file.THURSDAY EVENING, March 12, 1874. The Committee having in custody the Fire Engine Fund made their report, showing total amount of said fund on hand to be $420.25. Report read and placed on file, and an order passed authorizing said Committee to transfer said Fund to the custody of the incoming Board. The Street Commissioner presented a bill of $30 for superintending work on the roads and streets. A motion to allow the same was not sustained and the bill was ordered returned to the Street Commissioner, with instructions to make his money out of delinquents. Tax list returned, showing a delinquency of $42 in road taxes. The President then presented his yearly statement, which was read. It stated fully the present condition of the Town, financially and otherwise, and recommended many things for the consideration of the new Board, improvement and enlargement of the Town Hall, etc. On motion of Mr. Linn, the Board then adjourned sine die. ----
The Board of Trustees-elect assembled this evening at 8 o'clock. All
the members were present, to wit: K. Kubli, John Bilger, C. C. Beekman,
Sol. Sachs and Henry Judge, who were then sworn into office by the
Recorder.PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW BOARD. THURSDAY EVENING, March 12, 1874. C. C. Beekman was chosen Chairman, who called the meeting to order and stated that the first business in order was the election of a permanent President. On the 4th ballot C. C. Beekman was chosen President of the Board of Trustees. The President then announced the Board duly organized and ready for any business that might properly come before it. Standing committees were then appointed, as follows: Finance--Sol. Sachs, J. Bilger, K. Kubli. Public Improvements--J. Bilger, H. Judge and K. Kubli. R. S. Dunlap was chosen Sexton. A special Committee, consisting of Sachs and Kubli, was appointed to receive the Fire Engine Fund from the Committee of the old Board. On motion, Fred Grobe, Marshal, and Henry Judge were chosen Fire Wardens. Bonds of officers were approved as follows: U. S. Hayden, Recorder; bond, $500; sureties, Wm. Hoffman and N. Langell. H. Pape, Treasurer; bond, $1,000; sureties, Jos. Wetterer and Alex. Martin. Frederick Grobe, Marshal; bond, $1,000; sureties, K. Kubli and Peter Britt. Peter Boschey, Street Commissioner; bond, $1,000; referred for correction. Mr. Bilger suggested that this Board take early action to make some disposition of unoccupied town lands. He thought, in the present condition of the treasury, which shows an indebtedness of over $200, that said lands should be sold to aid in removing that indebtedness. Mr. Judge said that he desired early to call the attention of the Board to the sanitary condition of the Town, representing that some firm and decided action ought to be taken immediately in regard to it. Other matters were the subject of informal discussion, when the Board adjourned to meet at the call of the President. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 21, 1874, page 1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
March 26, 1875, page 3THURSDAY, March 15th.
The Board of Trustees met this evening, pursuant to adjournment. A full
Board was present.
The meeting was called to order by President Beekman. The record of the two previous meetings was read and approved. The Finance Committee, to whom was referred the annual statement of the Town Treasurer, reported that on examination they find the same correct. Report accepted and Treasurer's report ordered filed. The following bills were allowed and ordered paid: Judge & Nunan, $20; Fire Wardens, $20; H. Pape, $13.75; Sachs Bros., $1.50. Total, $55.25. The Committee on the Street Commissioner's road report sent the same back without recommendation. On motion, the said report was recommitted to the same committee, with instructions to examine said report and recommend some definite action thereon. The following bills were presented: F. Grob, Marshal's bill for past year, $125; U. S. Hayden, Recorder's bill, $74.50; stationery, $2.25. Referred to the usual committee. The bonds of the Treasurer and Marshal were approved. The ordinance restraining cows from running at large at night was called up, when an amendment was proposed. No vote being had on the amendment, it went over to the next meeting. Mr. Judge called attention to the matter of fencing up part of Sixth Street. On motion, an order was passed requiring the fence to be removed from off the street forthwith by the Street Commissioner. An order was passed directing the Street Commissioner to have the filth and rubbish on C Street, between Oregon and Third, taken away and the street put in good order without delay. An ordinance was passed requiring the property owners on the south side of C Street, between Oregon and Third, to construct sidewalks, adjacent to their premises, of plank or gravel--the work to be done under the supervision of the Street Commissioner, the same as required in laying down all sidewalks. The Board then adjourned. BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
The Board of Trustees met this evening, pursuant to adjournment,
President Beekman presiding. All the members were present except Mr.
Judge.WEDNESDAY EVENING, July 28th. The minutes of the two last meetings were read and approved. The following bills against the town were ordered paid: U. S. Hayden, Recorder's bill, $74.45; Fred. Grob, Marshal's bill, $125.50; R. S. Dunlap, Sexton's salary, $30; stationery, $2.25; Sexton's bill for work in cemetery, $23.50; J. S. Howard, surveys in cemetery, $7.50. Total, $263.20. The following bills were presented: Carter & Son, painting cemetery gate, fence and railing, $14; K. Kubli, paints and oil for cemetery, $15; John Miller, white lead for cemetery, $10; R. S. Dunlap, work on cemetery, $22.50; U. S. Hayden, blanks, $7.50; H. K. Hanna, quarterly salary, $25. Total, $92. The following petition, signed by Isaac Sachs and 12 others, was received and read: "The undersigned citizens of Jacksonville would respectfully call the attention of your honorable body to an existing nuisance on Oregon Street, caused by maintaining the post and railing along the sidewalk of Fisher & Caro's store, which is made the hitching and standing place for horses and mules, and as a consequence filth and manure accumulates, and has accumulated there and filled up the street, making it a dirty and filthy place, causing a very offensive smell to pass by and to the residences on that street; and your petitioners ask that the nuisance be abated, and the post and railing removed." Mr. Sachs moved that the prayer of the petition be granted, and the Street Commissioner be ordered to remove said fence and railing without unreasonable delay. The motion prevailed, the President voting nay. A special election was ordered to be held on Wednesday, August 11th next, to fill the vacancy in the Board of Trustees, caused by the removal from town of H. Judge. L. J. C. Duncan, R. S. Dunlap and J. R. Neil were appointed Judges, and C. W. Savage and John A Boyer Clerks. Recorder ordered to give legal public notice of the election. The Board adjourned to Wednesday, August 11th. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 30, 1875, page 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
The Board of Trustees met, pursuant to adjournment, on Tuesday evening,
March 7th, with President Beekman in the chair, and all the members
The Town Marshal made a report of the moneys collected by him in the past year, which was read and placed on file. The Street Commissioner's annual road report was received and read, and supplemental to the same was a report from P. Boschey, as Deputy Street Commissioner, which was also read and examined. The Board refused to receive the Deputy's report, recognizing no such an officer, and ordered both reports to be returned to the Street Commissioner, with instructions for him to embody all road matters in his report. J. A. Wilson made a written statement to the Board of work done on California Street, graveling, etc., amounting to $58. Referred to the Committee on Public Improvements, with instructions to examine the same and recommend such action as they shall deem proper in the matter. A petition was received from C. W. Savage, representing that he had previously paid into the Town Treasury $5 in coin for a billiard license, but did not take out the license, and asked to have the money refunded to him. Referred to the Recorder for examination. The returns of the election were then canvassed, and the result declared as follows, to wit: Trustees, J. Nunan, George Brown, David Cronemiller, Newman Fisher and M. Caton; Recorder, U. S. Hayden; Treasurer, Henry Pape; Marshal, J. P. McDaniel; Street Commissioner, Chris. Weiss. The Recorder was ordered to issue a certificate of election to each of the officers-elect. It was ordered that the Judges and Clerks be allowed $2 each for their services. The Board then adjourned to meet on Thursday evening, March 16th. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 10, 1876, page 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
Pursuant to
adjournment, the Board of Trustees convened on March 16th, at
o'clock p.m. All the members were present.
President Beekman called the meeting to order, and the following proceedings were had: The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The Committee on Public Improvements submitted their report of improvements made, under their direction, on California Street by J. A. Wilson, grading and graveling the same, representing the work to have been satisfactorily done and accepted by them, and the committee recommended that Mr. Wilson be paid as previously provided, by an appropriation of the road taxes due from citizens and property holders on the street where the work was done. Report was read and adopted, and an order made requiring the Street Commissioner to issue road tax receipts to such persons, for the use of said J. A. Wilson, to the amount of $58.50. The same committee submitted their report of work and improvement done on D Street, opening and removing obstructions, and laying a sidewalk on the north side of said street from Oregon to the east side of Third Street. Whole expense, $25, and they recommended that the amount be paid to J. A. Wilson, contractor, as the work had been satisfactorily done and accepted by the committee. Report accepted and placed on file. J. P. McDaniel and Wm. Hoffman, Fire Wardens, submitted their annual report, which was read and ordered placed on file. H. Pape, Town Treasurer, made his annual report, showing a balance on hand of $205.74, currency, and $84.14, coin. Report was read and referred to the Finance Committee. The Recorder, to whom was referred the petition of C. W. Savage (asking to have $5 refunded him that he had paid into the Town Treasury some time previous, for the purpose of procuring a billiard license, which was not issued), reported on the matter and recommended that the $5 be refunded as prayed for. Report was accepted, and it was ordered that a warrant be drawn for the sum of $5 in favor of C. W. Savage. The following bills were ordered paid: J. A. Wilson, work on D Street, $25; J. P. McDaniel, fees as Fire Warden, $10; Wm. Hoffman, fees as Fire Warden, $10; J. P. McDaniel, yearly compensation as Marshal, $120. U. S. Hayden's fee bill as Recorder, $49.55, and H. Pape's fee bill as Treasurer, $16.50, were presented and referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. Sachs was called to the chair, and Mr. Beekman then said that he desired to state to the Board that he had taken the responsibility to employ P. Boschey to perform some necessary work on the south end of Third Street, laying a bridge over the deep gulch running across the street and removing the fence to the line of the street, contracting to pay $20 for the same, and, as the work is now completed, he asked that the Board allow and pay the expense. On motion of Mr. Kubli, a warrant for $20 was ordered drawn in favor of P. Boschey for work on Third Street. And the President resumed his seat. The Finance Committee reported back the Recorder's fee bill of $19.55 and the Treasurer's bill of $16.50, and they were ordered paid. Total amount of bills audited, $251. The President then made his annual communication to the Board. He referred briefly to the prosperous condition of the town finances, the town being out of debt and having money in the Treasury. He alluded to the good condition which the Town Cemetery was in, and stated that the non-completion of the road circle is attributed to the impossibility of procuring material during the winter, and is left as a legacy to the incoming Board. He stated that the Engine Fund, originally $408, had been increased to $575; that this fund was the several donations of citizens of Jacksonville held in trust by the Town Trustees, and the attention of the new Board was called to the condition upon which the donations were made, the careful guardianship of the fund and never to be diverted from its original object and purpose. He said several ordinances had been passed during the past year, which, he regretted to say, had been treated as a dead letter by those whose duty it was to enforce them, and he particularly recommended that the fire ordinance be strictly enforced during the summer months. His attention had been called, he said, by citizens of the town to the illegal manner of granting liquor licenses, and he respectfully recommended that the ordinance in relation to granting liquor licenses be so amended as to conform with the statute and require applicants to post their notices according to law and otherwise comply with the statute law. After the reading of the same, on motion of Mr. Sachs, it was ordered placed on file. The Board then adjourned over till Friday ----
March 17, 1876.
Times, Jacksonville, March 24, 1876, page 3
The Board met
at 7½ o'clock p.m., with President Beekman in the chair, and
the members present except Mr. Hoffman.
The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. On motion of Mr. Kubli, the Board adjourned sine die. NEW
The Board of Trustees-elect assembled at the Town Hall on the same
evening, at 8 o'clock. All the members were present, to wit: J. Nunan,
George Brown, M. Caton, David Cronemiller and N. Fisher, and were sworn
into office by the Recorder.N. Fisher was called to the chair, and was subsequently chosen President of the Board for the ensuing year. A motion was made by Mr. Cronemiller that the President appoint the Standing Committees, which was carried. The following committees were then appointed: On Finance--Messrs. Caton, Brown and Nunan. On Public Improvements and Cemetery--Messrs. Cronemiller, Caton and Nunan. Sanitary Committee--Messrs. Brown and Cronemiller. On Roads and Streets--Messrs. Brown, Cronemiller and U. S. Hayden. On Engine Fund--Messrs. Nunan, Brown and Caton. Fire Wardens--Messrs. J. P. McDaniel and Cronemiller. Mr. Nunan then nominated R. S. Dunlap for Sexton, who was chosen unanimously. Pat. McMahon was chosen Pound Keeper. Bonds of the officers-elect were presented, to wit: U. S. Hayden, Recorder, bond $500, with C. C. Beekman and Wm. Hoffman as sureties; H. Pape, Treasurer, bond $1,000, with John Orth and J. Wetterer as sureties; J. P. McDaniel, Marshal, bond $1,000, with A. Fisher and K. Kubli as sureties; Chris. Weiss, Street Commissioner, bonds $1,000, with John Orth and Herman v. Helms as sureties. The bonds were severally accepted and ordered filed. The Board then adjourned to Friday, March 24th. Board of Trustees.
The Board of
Trustees met on the evening of April 18, 1876, with President Fisher in
the chair, and all the members present.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Finance Committee reported that they had made an examination of the late road account, and that Mr. Boschey, acting for the late Street Commissioner, had proposed to settle the balance of $140 claimed and accept the delinquent tax of $14 for it, and call it square; and they recommended that the proposition be accepted by the Board. On motion, the report was adopted. Mr. Caton, Chairman of the Engine Fund Committee, reported verbally that the committee had received the money belonging to said fund and had loaned the same on good and sufficient security. The report was accepted. R. S. Dunlap made his annual report, which was accepted and filed. R. S. Dunlap presented a bill for $30, salary, which was referred. J. A. Wilson presented a bill for $58.50 for work done on California Street under order of the late Board. After some conversation in regard to this bill, it was moved that it be paid by a warrant on the Treasury, and the previous order providing for the payment of said bill be revoked. The motion was carried. Applications for liquor licenses were received from Wintjen & Helms, H. Pape, S. P. Jones, M. Dillon and C. W. Savage. An ordinance was passed regulating the manner of granting liquor licenses to conform with the statute of the state, and the old one was repealed. Mr. Brown moved that the applications for licenses be now taken up. The motion was carried, and a license was granted to Wintjen & Helms for one year, and to the other applicants for six months each. Mr. Brown called for a reading of the Ordinance on Streets, which was read. The Board then adjourned. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 21, 1876, page 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.--The Board of Trustees met in regular session on Tuesday evening, January 16th. All the members present, and President Fisher presiding. A report was made to the Board by the Finance Committee, stating that they had made an examination of the Treasurer's account, together with the Recorder's, for the previous fiscal year, and found all correct. The report was accepted. The Town Treasurer reported a balance in the treasury of $358 currency and $29.50 coin. R. S. Dunlap, Sexton, presented his third quarterly report, which was read and ordered on file. The following bills were presented: David Linn, furnishing posts for cemetery, $8.12; Marshal's bill for candles, $1. The bills were referred. The Finance Committee was directed to examine and report all vacant land belonging to the town lying south of block 55. An order was made requiring the Recorder to make out the annual statement of the receipts and expenses of the town one month before the annual election. The Board then adjourned. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 20, 1877, page 3 TOWN ELECTION.--The voters of Jacksonville will on Tuesday, March 6th, elect five Trustees, a Recorder, a Treasurer, a Marshal and a Street Commissioner. The polls will be open at the Town Hall from 10 o'clock a.m. to 3 o'clock p.m. Three candidates for Marshal have come to the surface, and there will be some aspirants for the Street Commissionership. The balance of the offices having little if any emoluments, no struggle will be made for them. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 24, 1877, page 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.--A special meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on Monday evening last. All the members were present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The committee having in charge the appraising of the town lots in block No. 55 made a report, valuing them at $10 each. Report accepted. Lots 1 and 2, in said block, were ordered sold to John Herberger for $20 and a deed given therefor upon his paying said sum. The following bills were ordered paid: D. Linn, $8.12; Fisher & Caro, $1. Herd & Hopkins' bill of $52.50, for bridge lumber furnished Street Commissioner, was ordered paid out of the road fund. An order was made for holding the annual town election and the Recorder instructed to give notice. L. J. C. Duncan and James R. Neil were appointed judges of election, and J. H. Hyzer and John A. Boyer as clerks. The board adjourned to Tuesday evening, March 6th. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 24, 1877, page 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
The Board met at the usual hour, George Brown, President pro tem., in the chair.THURSDAY, March 15th. After the reading of the minutes and approving the same, the Board adjourned sine die. The Trustees-elect, to wit: J. Nunan, P. Britt, K. Kubli, T. G. Reames and David Linn, then assembled at the town hall, when the oath of office was administered to each by Recorder Hayden. David Linn was unanimously chosen President of the Board. President Linn stated that the Board was duly organized, and it was moved that the standing committees be appointed. The President then appointed the following standing committees: On Finance--Messrs. Nunan, Kubli and Reames. On Public Improvements and Cemetery--Messrs. Kubli and Nunan. On Streets and Roads--Messrs. Reames and Britt. On Engine Fund--Messrs. Reames, Nunan and Kubli. Fire Wardens--Peter Britt and Ad. Helms. R. S. Dunlap was unanimously chosen Sexton of the Jacksonville Cemetery for the ensuing year, and Peter Boschey was chosen Poundkeeper. MONDAY, March 19th.
Board met pursuant to adjournment, with President
Linn in the chair. President, Messrs. Reames, Nunan, Britt and Kubli.The reading of the rules governing the proceedings of the Board was called for, which were read and re-adopted. The Town Treasurer's report was taken from the table and referred to the Finance Committee for examination. R. S. Dunlap, Sexton's bill of $30, was ordered paid; J. P. McDaniel's bill of $10 was reported to the Finance Committee. On motion, the petition of H. K. Hanna was taken from the table and read and referred to a special committee, consisting of Messrs. Nunan and Kubli. U. S. Hayden presented his bonds as Recorder in the sum of $500, with C. C. Beekman and N. Langell, sureties; which were approved. The bond of H. Pape, Treasurer, $1,000; Ad. Helms, Marshal, for $1,000; and G. H. Young, for $1,000, were submitted, and, after examination by the Board, were returned as defective. On motion, it was ordered that the Street Commissioner report to the Recorder a list of the names of all persons in the district liable to a road tax, and the Recorder upon the receipt of the list to complete the same for the collection of the road tax. Mr. Kubli suggested that the Board be informed in regard to Engine Fund. The matter was referred to the Engine Fund Committee. TUESDAY, March 20th.
The Board of Trustees met pursuant to adjournment. All the members present--President Linn presiding.The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Bonds approved--H. Pape, Treasurer's bond of $1,000, with J. Wetterer and John Orth and sureties; Ad. Helms, Marshal's bond of $1,000, with Geo. Schumpf and Pat. Donegan as sureties; G. H. Young, Street Commissioner's bond of $1,000, with John Orth and F. Luy as sureties. Bills ordered paid: J. P. McDaniel, bill for Fire Warden's services, $10; David Cronemiller, for same, $10. Milo Caton, one of the Fire Engine Fund Committee of the late Board, appeared and surrendered the note on C. C. Beekman for the loan of said engine fund. On motion of Mr. Reames, the note was received in full discharge of that committee. It was moved that the said note be endorsed by each Trustee and delivered to the present engine fund committee for collection, the proceeds to be re-loaned at their discretion. Carried. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 24, 1877, page 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
The Board of Trustees met this evening in regular session, at the usual
hour, all the members present, with President Linn presiding.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The committee on the application of H. K. Hanna for a title deed to certain described premises made their report, which was accepted, and, upon motion of Mr. Kubli, the deed was ordered executed. A deed was also ordered executed to L. J. C. Duncan for certain described premises. The Cemetery Committee reported that they had examined the cemetery grounds and found everything in good condition; also recommending that the Sexton be authorized to procure a new and suitable bier. Report adopted. The committee on street lamps reported that they had ascertained the probable cost of lamps for lighting the streets. The report was accepted. Mr. Reames then moved that the same committee be authorized to purchase of the Willamette Iron Works street lamps and also to procure suitable wooden lamp posts to be placed as follows: One at the old Mensor corner; one at the corner of the Masonic building; one near Plymale's stable; one at the corner of Third and California streets, opposite the express office; one on the corner of California and Fourth streets (Mrs. McCully's residence); and one at the Catholic church corner. All of the lamp posts to be outside of the curb of the sidewalks and that the sum of $100 be appropriated for the purpose. Carried unanimously. R. S. Dunlap, Sexton, submitted his first quarterly report, which was read and accepted. The following bills were ordered paid: P. Donegan, $4; Democratic Times, $6; P. Boschey, $1.50; R. S. Dunlap, 75 cents; Ad. Helms, $4.50. Bills presented: R. S. Dunlap, work in cemetery, $31; P. Boschey, removing dead animals, $2; Reames Bros., articles furnished station house, $4.25. Referred to usual committee. A quitclaim deed was ordered executed to John A. Boyer for lots 1 and 2 in block 29. T. B. Atkinson was granted a license to sell liquors for six months. Mrs. Little was granted a deed for a fractional piece of town land occupied by her. An order was passed requiring notice to be given the Street Commissioner to have the west line of Oregon Street, from Main Street to John Conley's residence, run out by the surveyor and then remove all obstructions from the sidewalk without delay. The Recorder was authorized to procure suitable lamps for the Town Hall, the cost of the same to not exceed $25. The Board then adjourned. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 21, 1877, page 3 MEETING OF THE TOWN TRUSTEES.
A special meeting of the Board of Trustees was held Thursday evening,
Sept. 6, 1877.
Present--President Linn, Kubli, Nunan and Britt. The meeting was called to order by the President. The minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. Bills presented--C. J. Howard, $4; R. S. Dunlap, $6; D. Linn, $25. These bills were referred to committee. Bills audited--Reames Bros., $4.25; R. S. Dunlap, $31; P. Boschey, $2. The President informed the Board of a donation of $100 to the Jacksonville Fire Engine Fund, which was placed in his hand some time previous by a committee of the literary society--a surplus fund received from a concert held by said society; also that the 4th of July committee had paid over $49--surplus fund to be donated and added to the Jacksonville Fire Engine Fund. Committee ordered to receive said money and extend a proper acknowledgment for the same on behalf of the town. Thereupon the engine fund committee was directed to receive the said donations and add the same to the Jacksonville Fire Engine Fund, and loan the money as heretofore provided in regard to such fund, and report to the board. An order was passed requiring the Recorder to call the attention of the Street Commissioners to the present condition of the sidewalk fronting the house of David Cronemiller or California Street and the walk fronting the Sentinel office on Third Street and that we have said walk put in order without delay. The board then adjourned. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 14, 1877, page 3 NEW LAMPS.--The Board of Trustees at its last meeting ordered that five more street lamps be put up at once. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 31, 1877, page 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
The Board of Trustees of Jacksonville met pursuant to adjournment. All
the members, excepting Mr. Nunan, were present, President Linn
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Finance Committee reported on the following bills and recommended they be allowed: D. Hopkins, lumber, $38.50; Times office, blanks, $6.00; D. Linn, sundries, $35.25; Geo. H. Young, building foundation to the footbridge, $42. Total amount of bills, $121.75. G. H. Young's bill of $57, for superintending road work, was deferred until final settlement of road account. On motion, the bills were allowed and ordered paid. The following bills were presented: G. Karewski, lamp chimneys, $1; P. J. Ryan, for same, 75 cts. An ordinance to prohibit the erection of wooden buildings in block No. 2 and block No. 7 was introduced and passed in due form, as follows: Ordinance No. 66. To prohibit the erection of wooden buildings in block No. 2 and block No. 7. SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, company or corporation to erect or construct any wooden building in that portion of the town of Jacksonville known and described as blocks No. 2 and 7, as laid down on the map of said town; provided that nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to prevent the eruption of wooden sheds or outbuildings, such as woodsheds or privies. SEC. 2. Any person who shall erect or cause to be erected any wooden building or violation of the provisions of this ordinance, or shall begin the erection or construction thereof, in said block No. 2 and block No. 7, shall be liable to a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $100, upon complaint of any person made before the Town Recorder. SEC. 3. Each and every day that the erection and construction of each building shall be continued, after the same has been commenced, shall be deemed a new offense, and shall be punished as provided in section 2. SEC. 4. Any building hereafter erected or commenced to be erected in violation of this ordinance shall be deemed a nuisance; and it shall be the duty of the Fire Wardens of said town, as soon as the same shall come to their notice, or upon complaint of any person made to them that such building is being erected, to immediately have the same removed, and the expenses of such removal shall be assessed against the person or persons so offending, to be recovered in an action before the Recorder, with costs. SEC. 5. All ordinances and parts of ordinances conflicting with this ordinance are hereby repealed. SEC. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. The matter, in relation to Smith & Waisman mining the ground on 5th Street, came up for consideration, and after some remarks in relation to the subject and an explanation by Mr. Smith, definite action in the matter was deferred until Smith & Waisman shall submit to the Board a satisfactory bond in the sum of $500 that they will be responsible for all damages that might occur in consequence of said work and use of the street, specifying the time when such work shall be discontinued and the street restored to an acceptable condition. The Board then adjourned to Monday evening next. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 26, 1878, page 3 Trustees Meeting.
adjourned meeting of the Board of Trustees was held this evening. All
the members present except Mr. Kubli--President Linn presiding. The
minutes of previous meeting read and approved.MONDAY, Aug. 6, 1878. The Recorder laid before the Board documents received from Smith & Waisman, which were read by the clerk, and on motion the papers were referred back to S&W as incomplete and unsatisfactory, not embracing the conditions, in all respects, as required. On motion of Mr. Reames, the President and Recorder were appointed a special committee to attend to this whole matter, to prescribe the conditions of a bond, such as previously indicated and required by the Board, and such as shall be approved by the committee, who shall report the same to the Board. Bills ordered paid: G. Karewski, $1; P. J. Ryan, 75 cents. Bills presented: Times office bill, printing Ordinance No. 66, $3; D. Linn's bill for case coal oil and repairing ladder, $10--referred. The last report of the sexton on cemetery house was taken up and referred to the cemetery committee, with directions that the committee report in full on the matter, and submit a plan for such building at the next meeting. Adjourned. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 7, 1878, page 3 Town Trustees.
A regular meeting of the Board of Town Trustees was held at the Town
Hall on last Tuesday evening, President Linn in the chair and a full
board present.Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The cemetery committee reported a plan with specification for cemetery house, and recommended that the same be erected without delay. The plan and specifications were adopted and the committee was authorized to proceed and contract for the erection of the building immediately. A bond for $500, required of Smith & Waisman, was submitted, Pat. Donegan and Peter Boschey sureties, and the same approved. Bill of D. Linn for $10, ordered paid; A Helms, one quarter's salary, $12.50, ordered paid. The Treasurer reported $526 in the treasury. The Sexton submitted his third quarterly report which was read and ordered on file. Bills presented by Wm. Hoffman for recording cemetery lot, $4; Reames Bros. for sundries, $2.00; K. Kubli for sundries, $3.25; Times office for printing ordinance No. 66, $3; Sentinel office same, $3; bills referred. Liquor license was granted to H. Pape, 12 months, $100; C. W. Savage, twelve months, $100; S. P. Jones, six months, $50; M. Dillon, six months, $50; Webb & McDaniel, twelve months $100 from January next, the expiration of their present license. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 23, 1878, page 4 Proceedings of the Board of
Pursuant to the call of the President, the Board of Trustees held a
special meeting on the evening of the 14th. A full board was present,
President Linn presiding, who called the meeting to order and stated
its object.The following bills against the town were presented: Ad. Helms, for feeding prisoners, $7; Reames Bros., for coal oil and lamp chimneys, $9.25. Referred to the usual committee. Peter Britt filed his application to purchase lots Nos. 3, 4, and 5 in block 51. Referred to a special committee composed of Messrs. Nunan and Reames. Communication from Mrs. McCully, Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Little, protesting against Smith & Waisman's mining operations, were presented, read and laid on the table. Much conversation was had on the matter of Smith & Waisman's mining operation. Mr. Smith, being present, on permission addressed the Board on the subject. It was then, on petition, ordered that the Recorder give due and proper notice to Smith & Waisman to discontinue their mining operations on 5th Street, and also for them to put the street in good repair and condition without unreasonable delay. The Board then adjourned. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 17, 1879, page 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
A called meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on February 3rd,
President Linn in the chair and all the members present. The President
ordered Mr. Nunan to act as clerk. Mr. Langell moved that all business
be suspended and the business of the meeting be to draft proper
resolutions on the death of our worthy Recorder, U. S. Hayden, when the
following were offered and passed:WHEREAS.--It has pleased Almighty God in his wisdom to remove from our midst by death since our last meeting our worthy and efficient Recorder, U. S. Hayden, therefore be it RESOLVED.--That by this sudden and affecting dispensation of Providence this Board has lost a useful, energetic and upright member, society one of its brightest ornaments, the Town of Jacksonville a trusted officer, doing his utmost to further its interest and prosperity, filling the office of Recorder for eighteen years with credit to himself and an honor to the town of Jacksonville. The community lose a good citizen and a kind benevolent gentleman, whose absence will long be felt in our midst. RESOLVED.--That this Board tender their sincere sympathies to the bereaved relatives of the deceased. RESOLVED.--That in token of respect for our lamented friend and honored fellow officer, that the members of this Board, and the officers of this town wear crape for the space of thirty days; and also that this hall be draped in mourning for the same length of time. RESOLVED.--That these resolutions be entered in full upon the journal, and that the clerk of the Board forward a copy of the same to the relatives of the deceased. After the adoption of the resolutions the Board adjourned. D. LINN, President.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
February 5, 1879, page 3J. NUNAN, Recorder Pro tem. BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
Called meeting, President Linn in the chair. Present Messrs Kubli,
Reames, Nunan and Langell. The minutes of the last meeting were read
and approved.TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 1879. Bill of G. H. Young, for stone work on bridge and street, referred to Finance Committee. Mr. Reames moved that Mr. E. D. Foudray be nominated to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Hayden as Recorder. Board voted on the same and he was unanimously elected. Board ordered that the Recorder make out the receipts and expenditures of the town for the year, and have the same posted in one or more public places in the town immediately. Mr. Langell moved that we adjourn. D. LINN, President.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
February 12, 1879, page 3J. NUNAN, Recorder Pro tem. BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
The City
Council met on Tuesday
evening, March 4th. A full Board was present, with President Linn in
the chair.The minutes of the previous meeting of the Board were read and approved. The President informed the Board that the meeting was called for the purpose of canvassing the returns of the election for town officers, which, being thereupon canvassed, showed the following as the result: For Trustees, Charles Nickell received 137 votes; N. Langell, 108; John Orth, 106; T. J. Kenney, 78: K. Kubli, 53; Frank Krause, 63; David Cronemiller, 64; T. G. Reames, 108; M. Mensor, 47; M. Caton, 19; George Brown, 20. The Board thereupon declared Chas. Nickell, T. G. Reames, John Orth, N. Langell and Thos. G. Kenney duly elected Trustees. For Recorder, J. H. Huffer received 41 votes and E. D. Foudray 122 votes. E. D. Foudray was declared duly elected Recorder. For Treasurer Henry Pape received 162 votes, and was declared duly elected Treasurer. For Marshal, J. H. Hyzer received 55 votes; Addison Helms, 84; John Bonham, 24; scattering 8 votes. Addison Helms was thereupon declared duly elected Marshal. In the matter of mining and excavating grounds on Fifth Street. It was on motion ordered that the Street Commissioner notify the parties, Smith & Waisman, to proceed immediately to fill up the excavations on Fifth Street made by them in mining on said street and clear out the lumber thereon; and said Commissioner was further ordered that if said parties failed to comply with said order to proceed immediately himself and place said street in good condition for the public travel at the expense of said Smith & Waisman. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 12, 1879, page 3 Proceedings of the Board of
Times, Jacksonville, March 14, 1879, page 3JACKSONVILLE, March 11, 1879.
The Board of Trustees met this evening, pursuant to call of the
Members present--President Linn, Messrs. Langell, Reames and Nunan; absent--K. Kubli. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. The report of Henry Pape, Treasurer, was received, read and referred to the Finance Committee. The report of George H. Young, Street Commissioner, was examined and, on motion, referred to the Finance Committee. The communication from the executors of the estate of U. S. Hayden, deceased, in regard to his fees as Recorder, was considered and, on motion, referred to the Finance Committee. A communication from Smith & Waisman, in regard to their mining operations on Fifth Street, was read and considered by the Board, and, on motion, laid upon the table. The following bills were presented and referred to the Finance Committee: Madame Holt, $4; D. Linn, $1.50; W. G. Kenney, $12; G. Karewski, $3.50; R. S. Dunlap, $30; N. Langell, $10; Reames Bros., $18.25; Henry Pape, $20.08. On motion, the Board adjourned until Thursday, March 13th. BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
The Board of Trustees-elect met at the
town hall on
March 13th and elected N. Langell President for the ensuing year.The President then announced the following standing committees: Finance--Reames, Nickell and Orth. Sanitary Committee--Nickell and Kenney. Public Improvements--Reames and Kenney. Streets and Roads--Kenney and Orth. Fire Engine Fund--Reames, Nickell and Orth. Cemetery--Nickell and Orth. Fire Wardens--Helms and Kenney. R. S. Dunlap was elected Sexton and Peter Boschey Pound Master, after which the Board adjourned till March 14th. On the following evening the Trustees again met with a full Board present. Geo. H. Young was appointed Street Commissioner. The bond of Addison Helms, as Marshal, for $1,000, with George Schumpf and W. J. Plymale as sureties, was placed on file. Bond of Henry Pape, Treasurer, in the sum of $1,000, with John Orth and Jo Wetterer as sureties, placed on file. Bond of E. D. Foudray, Recorder, for $500, was placed on file. Bond of Geo. H. Young, Street Commissioner, for $1,000, with Jas. Drum and Edwin Smith as sureties, was approved and placed on file. It was ordered that the Street Commissioner make out in alphabetical order the names of all persons liable to road work. Thos. G. Reames, John Orth and Chas. Nickell were appointed a committee to devise ways and means for furnishing a supply of water to protect the town in case of fire, and also to ascertain the probable cost of the same. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 19, 1879, page 3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF
The Board
then adjourned.THURSDAY EVENING, March 13, 1879. OLD BOARD.
The Board met pursuant to adjournment all the members present, with
President Linn in the chair.
The Finance Committee, to whom was referred the report of the Town Treasury (showing $745.56 in the treasury), reported the same as correct. The same committee reported favorably on the report of Geo. H. Young, Street Commissioner, and recommended that a warrant for $70.76 be drawn in his favor. A warrant for $40 was ordered to be drawn in favor of the execution of the estate of U. S. Hayden, fees due the deceased as Recorder. The Finance Committee made the following report upon the condition of the Fire Engine Fund: Amount in fund at beginning of last fiscal year, $779.50; interest on same since that time, $81.20. Total amount in fund at beginning of this fiscal year, $860.70. The following bills were ordered paid: G. Karewski, wood and lamp chimneys, $3.25; Reames Bros., sundries, $18.25; A. Helms, Fire Warden, $10; same, lighting lamps for quarter, $12.50; same, Marshal's annual salary, $120; N. Langell, Fire Warden, $10; R. S. Dunlap, Sexton's fees, $30; D. Linn, glass for street lamps, $1.50; W. G. Kenney, special night watch, $12; Max Muller, lamp chimneys, $1.25; H. Pape, Treasurer's fees, $20; Madame Holt, board of prisoner, $4. The Board then adjourned sine die. NEW
The Board
of Trustees elected on the 4th inst., organized by the choice of N.
Langell as President pro tem.The election of permanent President being in order, N. Langell was chosen. The following standing committee were announced by the President. Finance--Reames, Nickell and Orth. Sanitary Committee--Nickell and Kenney. Public Improvements--Reames and Kenney. Streets and Roads--Kenney and Orth. Fire Engine Fund--Reames, Nickell and Orth. Fire Warden--Helms and Kenney. R. S. Dunlap was elected Sexton and Peter Boschey Pound Master. FRIDAY
EVENING, March 14th.
The Board
of Trustees met this evening, President Langell presiding. All the
members were present.Geo. H. Young was appointed Street Commissioner. The following bonds were accepted and placed on file. That of Addison Helms as Marshal, in the sum of $1,000, with Geo. Schumpf and W. J. Plymale as sureties; Henry Pape as Treasurer, in the sum of $1,000, with John Orth and Jos. Wetterer as sureties; E. D. Foudray as Recorder, in the sum of $500, with K. Kubli as surety; Geo. H. Young as Street Commissioner, in the sum of $1,000, with Jas. Drum and Edwin Smith as sureties. It was ordered that the Street Commissioner make out an alphabetical list of the names of all persons liable to road work. On motion, a committee of three, consisting of T. G. Reames, John Orth and Chas. Nickell, was appointed to examine into the practicability of supplying the town with water in case of fire, said committee to report at the next meeting of the Board. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 21, 1879, page 3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES.--A special meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on Monday evening last. Present--President Langell, Councilmen Reames, Nickell, Orth and Kenney. The following bills were favorably reported upon by the Finance Committee and ordered paid: Reames Bros., sundries, $9.50; R. S. Dunlap, services, $2; E. D. Foudray, Recorder's fees, $21.75. The report of J. S. Howard on the survey establishing the west boundaries of Oregon Street was received and ordered filed. The Committee on Streets was ordered to have the sidewalks on the west side of Oregon Street, from its intersection with Miner Street to the north line of G. H. Young's lot, constructed to conform with the grade established by the survey made by J. S. Howard. The following bills were referred to the Finance Committee: J. S. Howard, surveying, $7.50; Times office, printing, $5. The consideration of the ordinance prohibiting the construction of wooden buildings on blocks seven and eight was deferred until the next regular meeting. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 20, 1879, page 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.--At a special meeting of the Board of Trustees held on Monday the 16th the following proceedings were had: The Committee on Streets was ordered to have the sidewalks on the west side of Oregon Street, from its intersection with Miner Street to the north line of G. H. Young's lot, constructed to conform with the grade established by the survey made by J. S. Howard. The consideration of the ordinance prohibiting the construction of wooden buildings on blocks seven and eight was deferred until the next regular meeting. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 25, 1879, page 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
A special meeting of the Board of Trustees was held at the City Hall on
Monday evening, August 25th, all present with the exception of Thos. G.
Reames.The Finance Committee reported favorably on the following bills and they were ordered paid: Ad. Helms, for burying dog, $1; N. Langell, burying calf, $1; R. S. Dunlap, work on cemetery, $6.50; Jno. Orth, lumber, $7.76; N. Langell, cash for Fourth of July celebration, $10. The Committee on Cemetery Grounds reported favorably on the petition of Oregonian Pocahontas Tribe No. 1, Impd. O.R.M., asking the privilege of placing a gate in the City Cemetery, and the prayer was granted. The Committee on Streets reported on the petition of Ryan and Heber to have D and E streets opened to Cardwell Street, but not being fully advised of the law in the premises reported the same back to the Council for their further consideration. The Board then adjourned without day. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 27, 1879, page 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.--A special meeting of the Board of Trustees was held last Monday evening, all the members present. J. H. Huffer petitioned for the purchase of lot No. 3 in block 60, and L. Hubert petitioned for the purchase of a lot in block No. 61, which were referred to the committee on streets. A petition was received from the citizens of Jacksonville asking that the hook and ladder truck be turned over to them after organizing a fire company. The petition was granted and the President of the Board and City Recorder were authorized to attend to all expenses incurred in making necessary repairs to the truck and other apparatus belongingto the Fire Department. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 24, 1879, page 3 Board of Trustees.
adjourned meeting of the Board
of Trustees was held at the Town Hall on last Saturday evening with a
full Board present.The reports of the City Sexton and Street Commissioner were read and ordered filed. A liquor license for one year was granted Noland & McDaniel. In regard to the opening of the valley road A. W. Presley, the claimant of the ground, appeared before the Board and filed a remonstrance and petition for damages. It was decided, however, that the Board would stand by the order made at a previous meeting. The purchase of the old Mensor brick for a Town Hall was confirmed by the Board and an order for $450 drawn on the Treasurer to pay for same. The town election was ordered for Tuesday, March 2nd, and the following appointments made: Inspectors of Election--L. J. C. Duncan, J. R. Neil and R. S. Dunlap. Clerks of Election--J. H. Huffer and Jerry Nunan. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 28, 1880, page 3 CITY COUNCIL.--The Board of Trustees met on the evening of May 10th, President Reames in the chair. Present--Messrs. Langell, Nickell, Orth and Ulrich. The following bills were favorably reported upon by the Finance Committee and ordered paid: Times office, printing, $5; L. Solomon, lamp chimneys, etc., $1.50; E. D. Foudray, ex-Recorder, $4; D. W. Crosby, services, $3.75. Ordinance No. 67 was passed under suspension of rules. A license to sell liquor was granted to C. W. Savage for six months. The President was authorized to appoint a special police on the 12th of May. Messrs. Langell and Ulrich were appointed a building committee, to look after the construction of the proposed town hall. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 4, 1880, page 2 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.--The Board of Trustees met in regular session Tuesday evening, July 20th, President Reames presiding, and Messrs. Langell, Nickell, Orth and Ulrich present. The Finance Committee reported favorably on the following bills and they were ordered paid: Times office, printing ordinances, $5; Sentinel, same; D. W. Crosby, salary as lamplighter, $12.50; same, killing dog, feeding prisoner and extra policeman, $7; M. Mensor, wicks, etc., $2.62. The Cemetery Committee were given further time to report on fence improvements. The quarterly report of R. S. Dunlap, City Sexton, was read, received and placed on file. The special committees--Messrs. Orth and Nickell, to whom had been referred the petition of L. C. Coleman for permission to make certain improvements on his store building, reported unfavorably thereon. Adopted. The building committee--Messrs. Langell [and] Ulrich--appointed at a previous meeting were authorized to proceed immediately with the construction of the new town hall and were empowered to transact all business connected with the completion of said building. The Board then adjourned. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 23, 1880, page 3 CONTRACT LET.--The building committee of the Board of Trustees let the contract for building the new town hall to David Linn for $1,995, he being the lowest bidder by a few dollars. Edwin Smith was the only other bidder. The taking down of the old walls and cleaning out the cellar was let to Peter Brevert for the sum of $125, there being two other bidders. The building is to be completed by the 1st of January next, except the plastering, which is to be done early in the spring. It will be a handsome brick structure, twenty-five feet high, seventy-five feet long and twenty-five feet wide. There will be a council room, a calaboose and a truck house, with a commodious cellar underneath. The architecture will be of the latest and most convenient, and Jacksonville will have a building she may well feel proud of and which would be a credit to much larger places. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 27, 1880, page 3 TAX LEVIED.--The Board of Trustees, at its meeting last Tuesday evening, levied a tax of 3½ mills on the taxable property of the town, as shown by the assessment roll of the county for 1880. This will raise about $1,000, which will be applied to the construction of the new town hall. Enough will be derived from other sources to help the building toward completion, so that only a slight tax need be levied next year to finish one of the neatest and cheapest pieces of public property in the state. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 1, 1880, page 3 PETITION DENIED.--The Board of Trustees met Monday evening to consider the petition of a number of our citizens, praying for the construction of another story on the building now being erected by the town authorities, said addition to be used for public hall purposes. No definite information as to its probable cost being at hand, D. Linn, who has the other contract, was requested to approximate the expense and submit a report on the following Wednesday evening, to which time the Board adjourned. At the appointed hour the Trustees reconvened. Mr. Linn, being called upon, gave it as his opinion that the additional cost would be in the neighborhood of $2,400, making the grand total about $4,500, independent of the lot, furnishment of the whole building, discount on scrip, levy and collection of taxes, etc., which would amount to $1,500 more. A majority of the Board deemed the outlay of so great a sum of public money hardly justifiable, denied the prayer of the petitioners and the matter has been dropped for the present. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 12, 1880, page 3 The Board of Trustees Wednesday evening audited the balance of D. Linn's bill for building the town hall, amounting to $4,195. "Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 21, 1881, page 3 COMPLETED.--The new town hall was this week turned over to the Board of Trustees by the contractor, David Linn, and was accepted by that body after an inspection of the premises. The building is a neat, commodious one, and will answer all purposes for many years to come. It only lacks painting to make it one of the town's handsomest ornaments, which work will be done in the spring. The structure has a frontage of 23 feet on Main Street and runs back 76 feet on Oregon Street, being fourteen feet high from the foundation. It contains a large council room 46½ feet long, two cells, a truck house, a place for our prospective fire engine, with a first-class cellar underneath. The work has been done in [an] excellent manner and the people of Jacksonville no doubt feel that their money has been well expended by the Building Committee. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 21, 1881, page 3 City Election.
The election for town officers last Tuesday passed off quietly, no
particular effort being made by the candidates except those running for
the office of Marshal. The following is the official vote as canvassed
by the Board and furnished us by Recorder Nunan:FOR
The first
five were elected Trustees.
Eight scattering votes were polled.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 5, 1881, page 3 The Board of Trustees at the last meeting ordered M. Mensor to take down his hanging sign on the street fronting his store and also to clear his sidewalk of boxes, etc. On the following day all of our merchants were notified to clear their sidewalks of goods, boxes, etc., and our town presents a neater appearance now than ever before. We learn also that an effort will now be made to enforce the Sunday law, preventing merchants from selling goods on that day. What is the use of laws unless they are enforced? "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 23, 1881, page 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
A regular meeting of the board of
Trustees was held at the Town Hall in Jacksonville on Thuesday [sic] evening Oct.
19, 1881. [October 19
was a Wednesday.]Present--T. G. Reames, President; J. S. Howard, K. Kubli, E. D. Foudray, P. N. Ficke and J. Nunan, Recorder. On motion the following bills were ordered paid and warrants drawn by the Recorder on the Town Treasurer: Bill of Grob & Ulrich for feeding prisoners, $1.25; Times office bill for printing blanks, $3.00; Joe Mensor for killing dog, $1.00, K. Kubli, for sundries, $22.10; Reames Bros., for sundries, $3.25. The report of the Street Committee on the bridge across Daisy Creek on California St. was accepted and warrant ordered drawn in favor of J. B. McDaniel, for $10.50, for labor furnished. The same committee reported that there is yet due on the building of the Daisy Creek footbridge the sun of $45.50, and it was ordered that half that amount be paid to K. Kubli, said Kubli having advanced that sum for the construction of the bridge. The report of the cemetery committee was accepted. R. S. Dunlap's quarterly report was accepted. The following bills were presented and referred to finance committee: N. Fisher, draping Town Hall, $10.00; Wm. Hoffman, recording deeds, $4.00; A. Helms, lamp wick, 50 cents. On motion a warrant was ordered drawn on the Treasurer for one quarter's salary as lamp lighter in favor of Addison Helms, in the sum of $12.50. On motion it was ordered that the Recorder communicate with the County Court of Josephine County and inform said court that the Trustees of the Town of Jacksonville are willing to sell the iron doors and shutters belonging to said town for the sum of 5 cents per pound in Jacksonville. The petition [sic] of H. Pape and S. P. Jones were on motion granted, and the Recorder was authorized to issue licenses to said Pape and Jones. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 22, 1881, page 3 LAW AND ORDER.--The last week has been quite an eventual one in official circles in Jacksonville. On Monday morning Recorder Nunan held a levee which was attended by several young men who made full confession and contributed $20 to the town treasury besides costs. A meeting of the Board of Trustees was called on Monday evening and an order was passed for the employment of a special policeman, but from some reason or other, the present inefficient incumbent of the Marshal's office was not removed. That portion of his salary paid for lighting lamps, directly out of the treasury, is to be paid to the special, and the elected Marshal will be starved out, instead of being put out as he ought to have been long ago. On Tuesday Chas. Schultz was appointed by the President of the council and sworn in. The appointment is an excellent one, as Schultz is no respecter of persons; and those who are now ignorant of it will soon find out their mistake. The new officer is a steady, sober man who will do his duty and, in its discharge, will be backed by the law-abiding citizens of Jacksonville who, at last, are determined that law shall prevail and must be enforced. The day of "hoodlumism" is no longer here and when the boys get used to the new order of things they [will end] their disgraceful [behavior.] Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 31, 1881, page 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.--This body met in special session last Monday evening, President Reames presiding. All the members were present. The following bills were reported on favorably and ordered paid: P. P. Prim, drafting ordinance, $20; A. Helms, lamp lighting, $12.50; K. Kubli, coal oil, etc., $9.50. Ordinance No. 73, relating to sidewalks, was passed. On motion of Mr. Foudray, the Recorder was ordered to let the publication of said ordinance to the lowest bidder. The petition of H. K. Hanna and others, for a fire bell, was referred to the Committee on Public Improvements. The insurance of the Town Hall was referred to the Committee en Public Improvements for action. An order was made for holding the annual election for town officers on the first Tuesday in next month--March 7th. D. Linn, H. Judge and Newman Fisher were appointed inspectors and J. A. Boyer and I. W. Berry clerks of said election. The board then adjourned. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 11, 1882, page 3 PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
This body
met at Town Hall on the evening of March 14th. A full board was present.The following bills were reported on favorably and ordered paid: H. Kubli, special policeman, $4; J. Nunan, insuring town hall, $30.50; J. S. Howard, Fire Warden, $10; Chas Schultz, special policeman, $54.75. Times office, printing ordinance, $9.75. The report of the Street Commissioner was reported favorably from the Street Committee and adopted. The following bills were presented and ordered paid: R. S. Dunlap, Sexton's salary, $30; H. Pape, Treasurer's fees, $21.31; A. Helms, Marshal and Fire Warden, $130. The following bills were referred to the Finance Committee: J. B. McDaniel, labor, $4, Chas. Schultz, special policeman, $7; Reames Bros., coal oil etc, $28.90; J. Nunan, Recorder's fees, $80.38; J. B. McDaniel, Street Commissioner's salary, $49.29; Grob & Ulrich, feeding prisoners, 87¢. John Noland was granted license to retail liquor for six months. The board then adjourned sine die. NEW
The Board of Trustees-elect assembled on the 15th at half past 8
o'clock p.m., and were sworn in by Recorder Nunan, to wit: J. S.
Howard, T. G. Reames, A. Kubli, E. D. Foudray and P. N. Ficke.T. G. Reames, J. S. Howard and K. Kubli were nominated for president, with the following result: Reames, 3; Howard, 1; Kubli, 1. President Reames then appointed the following committees: Finance--Foudray, Howard and Ficke. Public Improvement--Howard and Kubli. Sanitary-- Ficke and Howard. Fire Engine Fund--Kubli, Foudray and Ficke. Streets and Roads--Kubli and Foudray. Cemetery--Howard and Foudray. Fire Wardens--Marshal Schultz and Mr. Kubli. R. S. Dunlap was appointed Sexton for the ensuing year. R. S. Dunlap was elected Street Commissioner, receiving three votes, to one for Geo. Brown and one for W. J. Plymale. The bonds of Chas. Schultz as Marshal, J. Nunan as Recorder, H. Pape as Treasurer and R. S. Dunlap as Street Commissioner, were approved. The Recorder was ordered to make out the road assessment list from the County Assessor's books and deliver the same to the Street Commissioner. The Board then adjourned to the 22nd. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 25, 1882, page 3 TOWN TRUSTEES.--The following are the proceedings of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees [was] held at the city hall last Tuesday evening. All the members present except councilman Kubli. The quarterly report of the city sexton--R. S. Dunlap--was read and approved. The Recorder was instructed to prepare the annual financial exhibit for the past year and post the same. The bill of K. Kubli for sundries furnished the town, amounting to $25, was reported on favorably by the finance committee and the bill ordered paid. The following bills were referred to the finance committee: Reames Bros., $7.88; R. S. Dunlap, building 300 feet cemetery fence, $52; Fred. Grob, feeding prisoners, $1.25; D. Linn, lamp posts, etc., $9.75. Petition of Wm. Moore and others, asking that Fourth Street be declared open to southern boundary line, was granted, and Recorder was ordered to notify the street commissioner to open the same. Petition of Caton & Garrett for liquor license was referred back for correction. Remonstrance of Mrs. Murphy and others against the proposed opening of Fourth Street was unfavorably acted upon. The fire engine committee was ordered to collect interest on promissory note given by McKenzie & Foudray and others on account of fire engine fund. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 20, 1883, page 3 TRUSTEES.--Our city dads met in special session on Saturday last, to make arrangements for the town election, when the following proceedings took place: It was ordered that the annual election be held at the town hall on March 6, 1883, for the following officers: Five trustees, a recorder, marshal and treasurer. L. J. C. Duncan, C. C. Beekman and John Orth were appointed inspectors of said election and L. R. Webster and H. D. Kubli as clerks. The following bills were favorably reported on and ordered paid: Reames Bros., sundries, $7.88; R. S. Dunlap, building 300 feet of cemetery fence, $52; D. Linn, lamp posts, etc., $9.75; Fred Grob, feeding prisoners, $1.25; J. Nunan, insuring town hall, $30.50. On motion of Mr. Foudray, R. S. Dunlap's bill was ordered paid from the receipts from sale of cemetery lots and no other source. The following bills were referred to the finance committee, K. Kubli, sundries, $30.50; Bancroft & Co., record book $15. Petition of Caton & Garrett, to retail spirituous liquors was granted. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 24, 1883, page 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
The old board met last Friday evening, all the members present,
excepting P. N. Ficke.
The finance committee reported favorably upon the bills of K. Kubli ($30.50) and Bancroft & Co. ($15), which were ordered paid. The committee to whom had been referred the petition of Henry Klippel and others for the vacation of the street, contiguous to California Street, reported favorably and the prayer was granted. Reports of town treasurer and sexton were referred to the proper committees. The following bills were ordered paid: H. Pape, treasurer's salary, $24.15; R. S. Dunlap, sexton's salary, $30; J. M. Payne, marshal, etc., $109.17; K. Kubli, fire warden, $10. The following bills were referred to finance committee: Reames Bros., sundries, $8.50; R. S. Dunlap, burying animals, $1.50; J. Nunan, sundries, $5.13; Kahler Bros., record book, $1.85; Geo. S. Howard, special policeman, $2.50; John Miller, key for town hall, $1; J. Nunan, recorder's fees, $70.60. The judges and clerks of the late election were allowed $2 each. J. B. Montgomery's liquor bond was returned for correction. MONDAY
EVENING, March 13th.
The board met again this evening.The finance committee reported favorably on the bills referred to it Friday evening, and they were ordered paid. (See report of last meeting.) The committee on streets and roads reported favorably on street commissioner Dunlap's report. The finance committee reported favorably on treasurer Pape's annual statement. J. B. Montgomery was granted six months' license to retail liquor. Board then adjourned sine die. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 16, 1883, page 2 The new Board of Trustees met at the Town Hall last Monday evening, took the oath of office and elected D. Linn President for the ensuing year. The Recorder, Marshal and Treasurer filed their official bonds, which were accepted and approved by the Board. The Board then adjourned until this evening at half past seven o'clock. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 17, 1883, page 3 TRUSTEES MEETING.
An adjourned meeting of the Board of Trustees was held at the city hall
last Saturday evening with all the members present and President Linn
in the chair, when the following business was transacted:The President announced the following standing committees: Finance--Duncan, Judge, Cronemiller. Public Improvements--Jackson, Judge. Sanitary--Judge, Duncan. Fire Engine Fund--Jackson, Cronemiller, Duncan. Streets and Roads--Cronemiller, Jackson. Cemetery --Judge, Duncan. Fire Wardens--Jackson, Schutz. A petition was received from many citizens, praying that liquor license be fixed at $250 per annum, which was received and filed. It was moved that the prayer thereof be granted. Mr. Cronemiller moved to amend by inserting $200 instead of $250. The amendment was lost, and the original motion then prevailed, by a vote of three ayes to one nay. Ordinance No. 77, in relation to the above, was read the first time. The petition of Chas. Nickell, for the erection of a lamp post at the northwest corner of Third and C streets was received and granted. Petition of Riley & Tyler, for a liquor license for six months, was granted upon payment of $125 to town treasurer. Bond approved. The election of street commissioner being next in order, C. W. Savage was elected as such for one year, receiving four votes to one for J. B. McDaniel. The Board then adjourned, to meet again this evening. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 24, 1883, page 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.--The board met at the town hall on last Saturday evening, a fall board being present. Ordinance No. 77, regulating liquor license, was read a third [time] and passed unanimously. The committee appointed to look into the matter of employing a night watchman reported favorably thereon, whereupon the Recorder was directed to prepare an ordinance providing for the employment of such an officer. The following bills were allowed: D. W. Crosby, special policeman, $2; Chas. Schultz, feeding prisoners, $1.25. Wine and beer license was raised from $25 to $50 per annum. The board adjourned to Saturday evening, April 7th. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 7, 1883, page 3 TOWN TRUSTEES.--The Board of Trustees met last Saturday evening. All the members present except Dr. Jackson, who is absent on a professional tour. The Recorder rendered a report showing the present financial condition of the town. Ladd Savage was appointed Pound Keeper for the ensuing year. After some discussion upon the subject of supplying a night watchman the subject was postponed until the next meeting and the Boardadjourned, to meet on the 18th. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 14, 1883, page 3 The Board of Trustees are figuring on what the cost of cisterns and an engine will be, with the view of organizing a fire department in this place. This is a step in the right direction, and we hope something will be done this time. The fund now on hand will justify the Board in going ahead and making the necessary expenditures. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 21, 1883, page 3 David Linn will take a trip to San Francisco soon on a business visit, and while there he will also make arrangements for securing an engine for our fire department, the Board of Trustees having given him authority in the matter at their last meeting. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 5, 1883, page 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
Times, Jacksonville,
May 11, 1883, page 2
This body met Thursday and Saturday evenings of last week and
transacted the following business:
License was granted Fred. Grob to retail liquor; also to F. Wetterer and Veit Schutz. Resignation of C. W. Savage as street commissioner received and laid over. Petition of Robt. Kahler and A. S. Johnson to lay water pipes along and across certain streets, and beginning at J. Toepper's property, was granted. Application of Silas J. Day to purchase certain land belonging to town was referred to proper committee. The bills of J. Nunan and Chas. Schultz, for $8.50 and $1 respectively, recorder's fees and moving lamp post, were ordered paid. Ordinance No. 78, amending ordinance entitled "Offenses Against Public Peace," was passed. The following bills were referred to finance committee: S. Cohn, sundries, $4.50; F. Grob, feeding prisoners, $3.25; C. Schultz, making arrests, etc., $6. Ordinance No. 79, amending ordinance licensing auctioneers, so that license shall be $15 per year, $10 for six months and $5 for three months, was read the first time. The president was empowered to purchase fire engine and bell for use of town. The Board of Trustees met at the city hall on Tuesday and Thursday evenings of this week. At the first meeting President Linn informed the Board that he had purchased a fire engine from manufacturers in the East and that it would probably arrive here about the middle of July. Upon its arrival here it will be housed with appropriate honors. The cost of the engine is $700, hose cart $125, and the bell for the city hall $40. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 9, 1883, page 3 CITY TRUSTEES.--The Board of Trustees met Tuesday, but transacted little business of importance. The committee on water reported progress, and a warrant for $100 was ordered drawn in its favor. The bond of R. Kahler and A. S. Johnson, who are laying water pipe through some of the streets, was approved. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 7, 1883, page 3 The sum of $220 was required to settle the general average business on our new fire engine, occasioned by the stranding of the steamship Queen of the Pacific. The Board of Trustees have drawn an order for the amount. ----
The Board of Trustees met at the City Hall last Thursday evening when
they instructed Recorder Webster to draw up specifications and
advertise for bids for the building of four cisterns in the center of
town for the use of the fire department. A good supply of water has
been obtained on Jackson Creek, and the work of laying pipes and
digging cistern wells will soon be commenced. The Boardmeets again Oct. 19th, when full arrangements will be made. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 13, 1883, page 3 PROGRESSING.--The wooden pipe for carrying water to the fire cisterns has nearly all been completed by David Linn and the work of laying it will soon begin. The Board of Trustees met last evening for the purpose of making arrangements for the digging of cisterns and it will not be long before our fire department is complete. No date has yet been set for the transfer of the engine to the fire company. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 20, 1883, page 3 BAD MOVE.--In our opinion the Board of Trustees made a bad move at their last meeting when they resolved on only building two cisterns for the fire department. At least four should have been ordered built, and no one will refuse Jacksonville scrip at par if money is not on hand at present, as the liquor licenses alone bring in a revenue of $2,600 a year, much more than is required to run the business of the town. No locations for the cisterns have yet been made, but when once decided numerous people are bound to be dissatisfied with their location. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 27, 1883, page 3 Board of Trustees.
The following business was transacted by this body at the two meetings
held last week.…Report of Geo. Brown, Street Commissioner,
Bills of R. S. Dunlap and Chas. Schultz, fees for last fiscal year,
were ordered paid..…D. Linn, D. Cronemiller, H. Judge, K.
Kubli and M.
Mensor, members of the new board, were sworn in by the Recorder....D.
Linn was re-elected President.…Bonds of Recorder, Treasurer
and Marshal
were approved..…J. P. McDaniel was appointed night watch at
$50 a
month, custodian of town property at $40 a year, and for lamp lighting
he is to receive $7.25 for each lamp.…The President
appointed the
following committees.…On Finance--K. Kubli, Cronemiller,
Public Improvements--Judge, Cronemiller.…Sanitary--Judge,
Kubli.…Streets and Roads--Cronemiller,
Mensor..…Fire Wardens-- Kubli, McDaniel.…E. D.
Foudray, N. Langell, E.
B. Caton and O. Keegan were placed in nomination for Street
Commissioner. N. Langell was elected on third ballot.…R. S.
Dunlap was
re-elected Sexton..…The former rules governing the board
were adopted.Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 22, 1884, page 4 Judge H. K. Hanna was elected one of the Board of Trustees last week to succeed Henry Judge, resigned. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 21, 1884, page 3 The election for town officers will be held on Tuesday next, but as there is no contest for any of the offices little interest is taken and a light vote can be looked for. Usually there is great strife between several candidates for the office of Marshal, but as Mr. Curtis has filled this office so acceptably to all, no one has appeared to run against him and he will have a walk-over. For the office of Recorder we have heard of two candidates, G. A. Hubbell and the present incumbent, J. H. Huffer, but as the perquisites of that office are so small we don't expect much of a fight there. For the office of Trustee it seems to be hard to find five men willing to take the place. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 27, 1886, page 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
Times, Jacksonville, January 21, 1887, page 3
At the last regular meeting of the Board of Trustees there were present
David Linn, president, S. J. Day, Max Muller, David Cronemiller.
Cronemiller & Birdsey's bill of $9.50, for work done, was
referred to the finance committee.
Joe. Solomon's bill was reported upon favorably by the finance committee and ordered paid, as also that of C. C. Beekman. Smith and Taylor presented a bill to the board for $39.00, for work done on breakwater, which was ordered paid. The committee appointed at last meeting to take in consideration the amending of our municipal charter, so as to issue bonds on the credit of the town, made a verbal report to the effect that, so far as to issue bonds to interest the town in a railroad from the town to the main line, it could not be done. The committee on public improvements was empowered to let a contract for the further planting of trees upon the breakwater. The ordinance relating to the destruction of noxious weeds was called up and read the third time. It was ordered that said ordinance be numbered 96, and being put on its final passage, all the members present voted aye. It was ordered that the Recorder be authorized to buy for the town a record book in which to further record for handy use all ordinances made since the compiling and printing of the ordinances. Town Trustees' Meeting.
The following business was transacted at the meeting of the board of
trustees of the town of Jacksonville, at their regular monthly meeting,
held Tuesday, Jan. 2nd.
Present, D. Linn, president, J. Nunan, Max Muller, and S. J. Day, recorder: Bills were ordered paid as follows: S. J. Day, recorder's fees in case of Town vs. Wilson, $1.50; John Dyar, marshal's fees same case, $1.50; H. W. Grimes, feeding prisoner; $1.25; Chris. Ulrich, fireman's ax, $2.75; John Dyar, killing and burying dogs, $11.00; S.F. Variety Store, coal oil, $5.50; E. Jacobs, coal oil, $5.50. Committee on public improvements asked further time to report on petition of citizens for street lamps on Elm Street, which time was granted. The petition of D. Faber, et al., for street lamp at the intersection of 4th and C streets, was referred to committee on public improvements. It was ordered that the recorder notify the street commissioner to make his annual report forthwith. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 4, 1894, page 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
The regular monthly meeting of the board of trustees of Jacksonville
was held on Tuesday evening. Present--D. Linn, president, L. L. Jacobs,
J. W. Robinson, Max Muller, J. Nunan, trustees; S. J. Day, recorder.
The following proceedings were had:
Annual report of street commissioner read and referred to the finance committee. Bill of J. Nunan for $6.50 and of H. Wendt for $18.20, for services as street commissioner, were ordered paid. The town treasurer was ordered to pay warrants protested by him. Bills of Bloomer, Cronemiller & Co. for $1.00, for lamp chimneys and matches, and Reames, White & Co. for $5.50 for coal oil, were referred to the finance committee. The committee on public improvements asked further time to report on petition for street lamps of D. Faber, et al., which was granted. License to sell liquor for six months was granted to S. P. Jones, M. Caton and G. E. Neuber. The recorder was directed to re-insure the town hall for $3,000 for three years at a premium of $50. Amendments to section 13 and 19 of ordinance No. 82, relating to peddlers, auctioneers, etc., were read the second time. An election was ordered to be held at the usual place on March 6, 1894, for the election of five trustees, recorder, treasurer, marshal and street commissioner. The street commissioner was directed to repair the footbridge over Daisy Creek on 3rd Street. The following appointments for judges and clerks of the election to be held on March 6, 1894 were made: Judges, K. Kubli, N. Langell, Theo. Cameron; clerks, Jas. Cronemiller and Frank Kasshafer. The recorder was ordered to post notices of election and annual exhibit of town finances. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 8, 1894, page 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
The board of trustees of the town of Jacksonville held their regular
monthly meeting on Tuesday evening last. All of the members were
The bills of Reames, White & Co., for $5.50, Henry Wendt, $18.00, and Bloomer, Cronemiller & Co., $1, were reported favorably by the finance committee and ordered paid. The report of the street commissioner was accepted and the delinquent road taxes ordered collected. The annual report of R. S. Dunlap, sexton, was referred to the cemetery committee. The following bills were referred to the finance committee: R. S. Dunlap, sexton's bill, $30.00; Bloomer, Cronemiller & Co., case coal oil, $2.75; Chas. Nickell, printing, $25.00; S.F. Variety Store, lamp chimney, 90 cents; J. D. Fay, making certificates of nominations, $4.50; Jas. Drum, 2 cases coal oil, $5.50; S. J. Day, recorder's fees, $29.50; H. F. Wood, repairs on fire bell, $13.00. The petition for street lamp on 5th Street, near M.E. church, was referred to committee on public improvements. The committee on public improvements were granted further time to report on street lamps petitioned for. The amendments to sections 13 and 19 of ordinance No. 82 were passed. The result of the town election was canvassed and declared. The recorder was ordered to draw warrants for remuneration of judges and clerks of election, in the sum of $2 each. Application of R.R.V.R. Co. for use of water was referred to D. Linn. The board then adjourned to meet Mar. 16, 1894, to complete unfinished business. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 8, 1894, page 3 City Council Proceedings.
The board of trustees of the town of Jacksonville held their regular
monthly meeting on Tuesday evening. All members of the board were
The special committee appointed to look after the water supply reported it deficient, and recommended immediate action to obtain a sufficient supply. The bill of Jas. Cronemiller for $44.97, for receiving and disbursing $2272.22, was ordered paid. The following standing committees were appointed: Finance, Kubli Love and White; public improvements, streets and roads, Cameron, White and Kubli; sanitary, Love and Cameron; cemetery, White and Cameron. The petition of P. N. Ficke for the vacation of the order to open G and Park streets made a year ago was referred to a committee consisting of Cameron and Love. The members then resolved themselves into a committee of the whole to consider the question of obtaining a water supply for the town. The matter was referred to the committee on public improvements, with power to hire the work done. The recorder was authorized to post notices for the redemption of $1000 worth of town bonds. The matter of constructing a hitching rack for public use on the vacant lot south of the I.O.O.F. building was referred to the committee on public improvements. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 5, 1894, page 3 Last revised March 25, 2023 |