The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Jackson County News: 1864

    DRUM & MARTIN, of Jacksonville, Oregon, lately purchased of Glenn & Wilson, of Sacramento, a Maltese jack, which cost, delivered, $2,250. The Intelligencer (a copperhead paper) says that Jack "saluted his friends and acquaintances." The copperhead vote will increase slightly in that vicinity.
Marysville Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, January 3, 1864, page 2

    OREGON TELEGRAPH LINE.--Supt. Whittlesey started his force yesterday morning to mend the breaks in the Oregon line to Jacksonville. It is expected that within a week that town will be in telegraphic communication with the rest of the world.
The Semi-Weekly Union, Yreka, California, January 9, 1864, page 3

    FOUND DEAD.--A man by the name of Michael Arity was found near his residence on the north side of Rogue River, about two miles above the Dardanelles, with his neck broke and several injuries as if kicked by a horse. Eggs were scattered along for some distance towards his house from where his body was found. From every appearance he had been dead for several days. He was a bachelor living on a claim at the mouth of Sams Creek. The supposition is he was riding an unruly horse that threw him, breaking his neck and kicking him.--Jacksonville Intelligencer.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 11, 1864, page 2

    In Jackson County, Dec. 17th, by J. C. Tolman, County Judge, Geo. W. Fordyce and Miss Ann Mickleson.
    In Kerbyville, Dec. 29, by Squire Buck, Thomas Lewellen, of Kerbyville, and Miss Harriet M. Northcut, of Salem.
    Near Jacksonville, Dec. 31, by Rev. M. A. Williams, Felix K. Kilgore and Miss Martha Ann Swingle.
    In Josephine County, Dec. 17, 1863, Elvirah, daughter of Daniel and Mary Jenkins, aged 2 years and 11 months.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, January 11, 1864, page 2

    DEAD.--Lem Pruitt, a noted character, well known in this county, died at Jacksonville, Oregon a short time ago, from the effect of a pistol shot which he received in a scrimmage with one Dick Collins several weeks ago at that place. Pruitt was a bad man. He caused the death of several men in his time, and finished his own career at the hand of a fellow man.

The Semi-Weekly Union, Yreka, California, January 13, 1864, page 2

In a Terrible Way.
    The radicals in California are in a terrible stew just now. Quite a number of small matters have transpired recently to stir up their bile. The fact of the matter is, things are going wrong with them, and the editors of all the abolition papers in the state are doing their best to keep their public servants pure, but they find it an uphill job. In the first place, Adjutant Drum sent his official patronage to the Marysville Express and the Jacksonville Intelligencer, two of the bitterest Copperhead papers on this coast. Secondly, the loyal judges of the new Supreme Court so far forgot themselves, their position, their love of country, and their oaths of office, as to appoint Mr. Barrett, a man who threw a few dollars of patronage into Beriah Brown's hands, to the important position of Supreme Court Secretary. Brown is a Copperhead traitor, they say. Thirdly, that truly loyal Marylander, Hon. O. C. Pratt, who was one of McConnell's, as well as Breckinridge's, strongest supporters, has appointed one O'Doherty, a vile Copperhead, as Reporter of the Twelfth District Court of San Francisco. Gentlemen, you shouldn't ought to have done so. Your loyalty is now doubted, and there is no rest for you until you resign the position to which you have been elevated by the simon pure Union men of the state. But we are inclined to the opinion that neither Judge Pratt nor the Supreme Judges will resign their places at the beck and nod of such men as the editor of the Appeal and a few others we could name.
Red Bluff Beacon, January 13, 1864, page 4

    H. W. STOW, A. J. Stow and James Stow, says the Jacksonville Intelligencer, have been arrested and held to bail in the sum of $400 each, for their appearance at the February term of the circuit court for that county, to answer a charge of assault with intent to murder J. W. Collins at class-meeting on the 27th ult. Collins is the son-in-law of P. W., and brother-in-law of A. J. and James Stow.
Marysville Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, January 21, 1864, page 2

The Telegraph.
    We have a short dispatch this morning, containing later news than that brought by the Oregon. There is a significant item in the report of the Democratic caucus at Washington; the resolution denouncing the proclamation of Mr. Lincoln as inexpedient, revolutionary and unconstitutional is probably the great plank in the Democratic platform for this year. Much good may it do the Northern rebels who made it! Of course, they will think anything inexpedient which hurts their Southern allies, revolutionary, which disturbs their treasonable designs, and unconstitutional which increases and intensifies the power of the government. On the authority of Mr. Bassett, the faithful operator at Yreka, we are glad to be able to report that the telegraph will be completed to Jacksonville in a few days, and through to Salem by the middle or last of February. Till then our readers will please to possess their souls in patience, though we confess that for ourselves, while editing a daily paper, we are quite impatient for some means of obtaining news oftener than once in ten days, as we now do by steamer.
Oregonian, Portland, January 21, 1864, page 2

    Superintendent Whittlesy has started a force from Yreka to mend the breaks in the Oregon telegraph line, and finish the line to Jacksonville.
Placer Herald, Auburn, California, January 23, 1864, page 2

Opening of the Northern Telegraph.
    The following is a copy of the first dispatch ever transmitted telegraphically between the states of California and Oregon:
    January 22nd, 1864, 4 p.m.
    To James Gamble, Superintendent, San Francisco--The line was completed to this place yesterday morning. Will be ready to receive business tomorrow. Please send tariff. Weather bad; roads very muddy.
    On the other side, the line is in operation from Portland to Salem, and it is the purpose of the company to supply the intervening space in a short time. This will place Marysville in direct telegraphic communication with Portland.
Marysville Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, January 23, 1864, page 3

    TELEGRAPH.--On Thursday the telegraph line was finished to this place, and an office established. Mr. Whittlesey furnished us with the first dispatch that came over the wires. It is our intention to obtain the latest dispatches and publish extras, and condense them for the weekly issues. This will enable the subscribers of the Intelligencer to dispense with dailies that are now taken. We hope to be able to furnish all the latest news.

Oregon Intelligencer, Jacksonville, January 23, 1864, page 3

    SICKNESS.--The Oregon Intelligencer, printed at Jacksonville, Jackson County, says of the health in that community:
    At no time since the country has been settled has it been so sickly as at the present. Influenza, colds and scarlet fever have prevailed to an alarming extent. A favorable change which has taken place in the weather, it is hoped, will add much to restoring the health of the country.
Marysville Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, January 24, 1864, page 2

    TELEGRAPH EXTENSION.--We congratulate our brethren of the press at Jacksonville, Oregon, that they are now enabled to receive the news daily by lightning dispatch. No California paper can now compete with them or injure their local business with extras, as heretofore superintendent Whittlesey is pushing forward his end of the line, and Portland will soon receive telegraph congratulations from the South.

The Semi-Weekly Union, Yreka, California, January 27, 1864, page 2

Jacksonville and the Telegraph.
    The progress of improvements follow in close proximity with civilization within the last twenty years. The question of joint occupancy between Great Britain and the United States has been settled, and the state of Oregon admitted into the union of states with all the rights of other states; within that period California has been acquired by treaty, and, with all her wealth added to the Union; Washington, Idaho, Utah, Nevada and Arizona Territories have been organized, and will soon knock at the door of the Union for admission. The steady march of civilization has been onward at a rapid pace on the western slope of the Rocky Mountains, and along the Pacific Coast. Jacksonville, our present location, has not been to exceed twelve years. In November 1855 we issued the first newspaper at this place printed in Southern Oregon. At that time we had to depend upon cayuse mail facilities as often as once in two weeks, but oftener it so happened that we received and dispatched a mail once in two months. Since that time our beautiful valley has been settled up by the steady, industrious farmer, and is fast being placed in a state of high cultivation, and all the supplies necessary to the surrounding mining country produced and afforded at remarkable cheap prices. Our mail facilities have progressed from semi-monthly to daily, and instead of cayuse horses, by stage, which offers advantages along the line and throughout the country. A railroad line from Marysville to Portland has been surveyed and located through our town; a telegraph line completed thus far, and an office established, which last improvement connects us by lightning with a considerable portion of the civilized world. In proof that San Francisco is not so far from Jacksonville but that it may probably become of some importance we give the following.
H. P. Coon,
    Mayor of San Francisco, Cal.
    Jacksonville greets San Francisco. May the linked lightning, which has so recently connected California and Oregon together, draw closer the hands of friendship and amity between the sister states of the Pacific, and prove the harbinger of a new era of prosperity for this coast.
H. Klippel,
    Pres't. of the Corporation of Jacksonville
San Francisco, Jan. 23, '64, 5:20 p.m.
    H. Klippel,
        Pres't. of the Corporation of Jacksonville.
    San Francisco returns the cordial greeting of Jacksonville, and joins with fervent sympathy in the friendly and patriotic sentiments of your telegram.
H. P. Coon,
    Mayor of San Francisco.
Oregon Intelligencer, Jacksonville, January 30, 1864, page 2

    The first message ever transmitted telegraphically between California and Oregon was received at the telegraph office in this city Jan. 22, by Mr. Craddock, the manager, directly from Jacksonville, to which point the line of the California State Telegraph Company has just been completed.--Marysville Express.
Placer Herald,
Auburn, California, January 30, 1864, page 1

    ENTERPRISING.--The telegraph having been completed to Jacksonville, Oregon, the Sentinel promises to give its readers eastern and California news each day in the form of extras.
Gold Hill Daily News, Gold Hill, Nevada, February 5, 1864, page 2

    THAT ADVERTISEMENT.--For the purpose once [and] for all we say, Gen. Wright, Gen. Drum, nor no other man ever sent to the Oregon Intelligencer a military order to be published, by authority, or any other way, nor was the order referred to copied into the Intelligencer from the Marysville Express. It was taken from the Sacramento Union and published by us as a matter of news and information, particularly for this locality, as there was an office opened at this place for the enlistment of volunteers, and we thought that the more general was the circulation of the order, the better would the people be informed of what amount of bounty they would receive.
    The above, from the Jacksonville Intelligencer, fully exonerates Adjutant General Drum from all the censure which was heaped upon him. We are very glad that there was no just cause for it so far as that paper is concerned, and are also glad that it published the order as it was better and more patriotic reading matter than sometimes fills its columns.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 13, 1864, page 2

    The Sentinel says they have been having beautiful spring weather at Jacksonville for some days, and that the change has had a good effect upon the health of the place.
    Mr. Gaston informs the Sentinel that very rich and extensive copper mines have lately been discovered at the junction of Illinois and Rogue rivers. The new mines are within six miles of steamboat navigation on Rogue River.
    The primary conventions of the Union Party of Clackamas and Jackson counties are to be held on the 5th day of March and the county conventions on the 12th.
"Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, February 15, 1864, page 3

Telegraph to Eugene City, Oregon.
EUGENE CITY (Oregon), February 14th.
    (Via Telegraph Camp, 63 miles north of Jacksonville, February 17th.)
    The Oregon line is working to this place, 120 miles south of Portland. A message from San Francisco now reaches Portland in three days.
    The weather throughout the state is fine--highly favorable to its business and agricultural interests.
Sacramento Daily Union, February 18, 1864, page 3

    RICHARD COLLINS, charged with the murder of L. Pruett in November, 1863, was convicted at Jacksonville, Oregon, February 13th, by the District Court, of murder in the second degree.
Daily California Express, Marysville, February 18, 1864, page 3

    TO BE SHOT.--Francis Ely, of Company A, Oregon Cavalry, has been condemned to be shot for desertion. He deserted "from post," last summer while his company were out with Col. Maury on the plains, and was captured the following day. He was formerly from Sailor Diggings, Josephine County, Oregon. He is now confined at the guardhouse at Fort Walla Walla. The approval by Gen. Wright of the sentence of the court martial condemning Ely says the sentence of the court will be executed under the direction of the commanding officer of the post on the 2nd Friday after the receipt of the order, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. The execution will therefore occur on Friday next.

Washington Statesman, Walla Walla, February 27, 1864, page 3

    MURDER OF MRS. LONG.--The following from the Oregon Intelligencer gives the particulars of the murder of Mrs. Long, reported by a telegram a few days ago:
    Mrs. Margaret Long, widow of George Long, deceased, was most foully murdered, at her residence on Applegate, in this county, on Thursday afternoon of this week. We are indebted to Sheriff Hyde, who has been to the scene of the murder, for the following information in reference to it: The house occupied by the deceased is prominently located close by the main Applegate road. At 1 o'clock of Thursday a German and a Chinaman, working on the farm for the widow, went to work in a field but a short distance from the house, but obscured from it by a small hill. They finished their work and returned to the house at 4 o'clock. On entering the door, which they found open, they were appalled at beholding the unfortunate victim of this hellish deed lying upon the floor, and bathed in blood, and with her head apparently almost severed from her body. Horrified at the sight, they started for assistance. A messenger arrived in this place on Thursday evening, and Sheriff Hyde immediately started for the house; but he has been unable to get the least clue as to who is the murderer. The body was found upon the floor, with two terrible cuts from a knife--one a deep cut extending from the left ear across the throat, and the other commencing at the throat and extending down on and laying bare the breastbone.
Marysville Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, March 5, 1864, page 1

    JACKSONVILLE, Feb. 25.--Mrs. Geo. Long, a widow lady living on Applegate, about ten miles from this place, on the Crescent City road, was murdered this afternoon about three o'clock. A messenger has just arrived, after officers; he states the lady to be fifty years old; her throat was cut from ear to ear; the house robbed of several hundred dollars and a quantity of jewelry.
"By the Oregon Telegraph Line," Oregon Statesman, Salem, March 7, 1864, page 3

    FROM CRESCENT CITY.--W. C. Ransom arrived on Sunday with his teams, being the first arrival from Crescent City over the wagon road this spring. He found no snow, and reports the road as being in comparatively good order. He also reports matters in a very thriving condition at the Low Divide copper mines.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 19, 1864, page 7

    ENTERING OF A NEW LIFE.--President Lincoln, in his message, says "the nation is entering upon a new life." This must be the case if at all, for he has killed the Constitution and the liberties of the people as dead as a mackerel, throttled the states and taken their rights from them, and massacred about one million of citizens. If he continues as he has been, all will have to enter upon a new life soon, and give up the ghost.--Oregon Intelligencer.
Sonoma Democrat, Santa Rosa, California, March 19, 1864, page 2

    Jacksonville, March 18.--The man heretofore suspected of having committed the murder perpetrated some time since on Mrs. Long has placed himself in custody and demands a trial. He can prove his innocence. It is generally believed that he is innocent. He is familiarly known by the name of "Buckskin."
"Telegraphic Dispatches," Daily Mountaineer, The Dalles, March 20, 1864, page 4

    Rev. Father Blanchet informs us that he hopes to soon have organized at this place a good school for girls and young ladies, under the direction of the Sisters of Charity.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 26, 1864, page 7

    We are indebted to A. V. Burns, Esq., for the following items received in a letter from Dr. F. G. Hearn, Yreka:
    "Three men were arrested in Yreka on the 29th of February, for the murder and robbery of an old lady by the name of Long, on Applegate Creek near Jacksonville, Oregon. They are supposed to be the same parties who murdered old man Justice at Long Gulch, near Yreka, last fall. A large number of Siskiyou Countians, including Joseph Roseborough, Esq., are on the way to Boise, some by way of Klamath Lake, and others through Oregon. More than half the population that withstood last year's stampede, undismayed by the terrible cry of starvation among their countrymen in Boise last fall, are either on their way or preparing to start.
Boise News, Idaho City, March 26, 1864, page 2

    Two hundred pack mules, destined for Boise and Owyhee, passed through Jacksonville within two weeks preceding the 19th inst.
"Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, March 28, 1864, page 3

    FUNERAL.--On yesterday the remains of Mrs. Sachs and child, of Jacksonville, Oregon, arrived in town on their way to San Francisco. Mrs. Sachs had only been married eleven months, and at her request her remains were conveyed by her husband to San Francisco to be laid beside other relatives in that place.
Red Bluff Independent, March 31, 1864, page 2

    In Jacksonville, Oregon, March 23rd, ELIZA, wife of Lippman Sachs, aged 18 years and 4 months.
Sacramento Daily Union, April 4, 1864, page 2

    FIRE.--On Monday night, the 28th ult., about nine o'clock, the private dwelling house of Mr. M. Munzer, in Jacksonville, Oregon, was discovered to be on fire. Before even an effort could be made, the building was in a sheet of flame, the family having only time to escape with their lives. Everything in or about the building was consumed. The loss is estimated at about $7,000. The rain and the exertions of the citizens prevented the fire from extending to other buildings.
Daily California Express, Marysville, April 7, 1864, page 2

    Oregon is on the eve of an election, and the Democratic Copperocracy is bestirring. The Jacksonville Intelligencer, a Copperhead paper of no small pretensions, is anxious that the party shall show its true colors, and, in its own language, "not adopt any two-faced declaration of policy or principle." The Intelligencer is an out-and-out organ of Jeff. Davis, and makes no effort to disguise the truth. It says:
    "The party, in this and the neighboring county of Josephine has already declared in favor of an early and honorable peace. The Democracy in other counties have declared the same views, and we trust that these sentiments will be incorporated in the party platforms in such a manner as to unite and cement the Democracy, and ensure peace at the earliest possible period that it can be done in an honorable and constitutional manner. The Democracy in this portion of Oregon do not wish the adoption of any two-faced declaration of policy or principle. They desire to meet the issues presented by the enemy fairly and squarely, without subterfuge, evasion or equivocation. And they have arrived at the conclusion that the time has come when the momentous issues, involving the fate of the nation, which we will be called to act upon, should discard entirely from our councils and policy all claptrap and subterfuge, all principles which face every point of the compass, and--deceive no one. We do not desire to win a victory by flying false colors, and a defeat under such circumstances would be attended not only with humiliation but disgrace."
    "An honorable peace," obtained by treating with rebels, who have declared a thousand times, and through every channel of communication, that they would treat only on terms of separation--eternal separation. The South seceding for the establishment of an independent government are fighting for that and nothing else, and the Copperheads propose to treat with them. What for? To agree upon terms of settlement--the lines of territorial boundaries, terms of trade as established between all foreign countries, stipulations and agreements as to the arrest and confinement of fugitive slaves who escape into the United States, claims for personal damages growing out of the war, etc., etc. They have no sectional pride about the contest. They are willing to admit that the North is "coerced" instead of the South. That the federal government is a tame and weak old granny and impotent of self-defense or ability to assert her rights or punish her enemies. All this comes under the head of "honorable peace," as defined in the Copperhead dictionary.
    We are sorry to see such exhibitions of pusillanimousness in the Northern and free states. But we are thankful to know but few Northern-born citizens, of prominence and ability, are willing to admit themselves slaves of the Secessionists. The proposition of the Intelligencer comes from one of the native-born friends of Jeff. Davis, who has strayed away from the land of his birth. Being among us under such circumstances, it is not so surprising that his affections should be with the Secessionists. Under the stale plea of "Democracy," he would create a division in the North in aid of his old friend Jeff. But what is the most surprising is the fact that Northern men are led astray by the influence of these secret agents of the Southern Confederacy. That men can be so blind seems inexplicable. We  must attribute their course more to party prejudice and ignorance than to rebel sentiments. It can hardly be possible that the freeman of the North, educated to the enjoyment of a Republican government, can become an out-and-out Secessionist at heart. We must be more liberal in our sentiments than to charge premeditated traitorism upon the mass of the Democracy. We will be charitable enough to believe that the bone and sinew of the Democracy are not disloyal, but neglectfully and stubbornly blind to the teachings of the day. Surrounded as they are by southern-born Secessionists, whose every heart-throb is for the final success of the rebellion and the perpetuation of Negro slavery, they are misled and deceived. The prominent leaders of the party, in every county in this state, as well as in Oregon, being of this class, it is almost impossible for the honest and humble members of the Democratic Party to go clear of them and their influence. It is almost a matter of necessity with them that they accept Secession leaders, or go without leadership. Many of their present leaders were in the van in former days when the country was at peace, and their influence and hold upon them is hard to be shaken off. But the honest loyal Democrats should notice one important and significant fact in this connection. It speaks louder than words or Democratic resolutions and platforms. "Democratic" leaders have increased in numbers since the inauguration of the war of rebellion, while Democratic voters have lately decreased. How is this? Plain enough to the intelligent and loyal man. The Southern-born prominent men in the North, old Whigs and Know Nothings, have all joined the "Democratic Party," because it is disloyal and friendly to Jeff. Davis Democracy at the South. While this additional leadership has been drawn to the party by the magnet of Slavery and the sectional feeling engendered by the war, the loyal voters in the body of the party have been withdrawing, resulting in reducing the party from a great majority to a small minority. Honest Democrats who would be  loyal should notice this fact because it is important and significant. When we find all the Southern men in the so-called Democratic Party of 1864, it is not by accident but design and choice, and the fact converts the party into a Southern-sectional organization. Let Northern Democrats ponder over this fact, and examine the company they are in.
Marysville Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, April 8, 1864, page 2

    The Jacksonville (Oregon) Intelligencer says: The first time we heard of the church at Allen's Gulch, near Waldo, Josephine County, it was built. We never saw such eagerness, such promptitude to raise funds for a church and build it.
    In a few weeks the Catholics of Allen Gulch and the people of Sailor Diggings and Althouse raised $900. In two weeks the church was put up in order to celebrate the feast of the great apostle of Ireland. We learn that it will be finished very soon. We feel confident and sincerely hope that His Grace, Bishop Blanchet, if his health allows, will come and dedicate the new church to St. Patrick, and also consecrate the graveyard. The good and generous people of Josephine County would be a thousand times rewarded for their labors and their liberality, and we fully trust that the visit of His Grace will be very beneficial not only to Allen Gulch but to Jacksonville.
Marysville Appeal, Marysville, California, April 10, 1864, page 3

    Morris Mensor, at Jacksonville, had his house burned up on Monday evening, 28th ult., together with his furniture, clothing, family presents, jewelry, &c. Mr. Mensor had but bare time to get the children out of bed and house, when the building was all in flames. Loss, about $6,000.
"Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, April 11, 1864, page 3

Academy for Young Ladies,

    This institution will be conducted by the Sisters of Jesus and Mary, and will be situated in the healthy and accessible town of Jacksonville. The plan of education will embrace the various branches of instruction usually taught in the most approved seminaries or academies. Its aim will be to form young ladies to science and virtue, to accustom them to early habits of order and economy, and to cultivate in them those qualities which render virtue both amiable and attractive. The most conscientious and unremitting attention will be given to the advancement of the pupils in the principles and practice of Christian virtue, as well as to their intellectual improvement. Particular care shall be directed toward the promotion of refinement of manners, and the constant maintenance of a polite and amiable deportment. The discipline shall be kind and parental, and the Sisters will use every endeavor to secure the health, comfort and happiness of those entrusted to their charge. Scrupulous attention will be paid to the personal neatness of the pupils. Pupils of any religious denomination shall be received. It is not in the plan of the Sisters to interfere with the religion of the pupils, except with the Catholics. The Academy will be under the direction of an Order that has attained at French Prairie, at Salem and especially at Portland a widespread celebrity as teachers; then, it will not be wonderful that it shall be well patronized, nor that the advantages there enjoyed by pupils shall be appreciated by so many parents outside of the Catholic community. All the different denominations bear testimony to the bright character of the institution, and point to the influence it has already exercised on the manners and morals of the community, and the greater influence it is destined to exercise hereafter, an influence which will not end with the present, but affect generations yet to come. If we want to have fruits in our garden, we plant and cultivate fruitful trees; in like manner, if we desire to see in this part of Oregon and in the vicinity, the happy results of such an institution as the Sisters' Academy, we must establish it and support it; for this purpose, we have only to consult our charity and generosity. The education of a multitude of children; the care of the sick; the distribution of assistance to the poor; in a word, all the treasures of Christian charity are distributed with open hands, but with intelligence, by the Sisters of Charity. Nothing, consequently, deserves more encouragement; nothing is more worthy of our patronage and protection than this charitable institution. The example of our brethren of every religious denomination, who, on similar occasions, at Salem, at French Prairie and at Portland, seem to be actuated with uncommon zeal, should excite in us a holy emulation, to exercise our humanity and testify our charity to the establishment of the Academy.
    Trusting to the past liberality shown to us, a collection shall be started for the purpose of purchasing a convenient ground, and building a comfortable house for the Sisters School.
F. X. BLANCHET, Pastor.
    St. Joseph of Jacksonville.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 16, 1864, page 8

WASHINGTON, March 16, 1864.
How a Man May Cut His Own Head Off.
    In a former part of this correspondence it was said that Henry Denlinger had been appointed Collector of Internal Revenue for the District of Oregon--and so he had; but as he has since been so foolish as to cut his own head off, and as it is only a matter of justice that both sides of a story shall be heard, I append herewith a letter to Denlinger aforesaid, from Senator Nesmith of Oregon, which tells the whole story:
WASHINGTON, March 15, 1864.
    Henry Denlinger, Jacksonville, Oregon--Sir: In view of some recent occurrences here, personal to yourself, I regard it as proper that I should address you. Some time since, at the instance of McBride, you were nominated by the President to the office of Collector of Internal Revenue for the state of Oregon. When your nomination came to the Senate it was, as is usual in such cases, referred to the Committee on Finance. The chairman of that committee called upon Harding and myself for an opinion, on the propriety of the appointment. We stated that from what we knew of you we believed that you should be confirmed; and, in pursuance of our recommendation, you were confirmed--we both voting for you. Three days after you were confirmed, and just as your commission was about being mailed to you, your paper of the 30th of January was received here, and the attention of Harding and myself was called to an article in the editorial columns headed "Oregon Senators." I showed the article to several Senators, and a resolution was passed requesting the President to return the nomination to the Senate, which was done, and at the succeeding session I had the article in your paper read at the Secretary's desk, whereupon your confirmation was reconsidered and unanimously rejected by the Senate.
    Notwithstanding the long continued and often repeated assaults in your paper, charging Harding and myself with a want of loyalty to the government, we were not disposed to resent what you may, probably, have been so misled or misinformed, as to regard as a just and fair criticism upon our official acts; when, however, you permitted your assaults to degenerate into a low and scurrilous attack upon my private character, I thought that the time had arrived when such charges should be met. The clear and unmistakable import of your article referred to was that I had appeared in the Senate in a state of intoxication and made a disloyal speech. I submitted your criticisms upon my fidelity to the government, as well as upon my personal habits, to the decision of the Senators with whom I have been in daily intercourse for more than three years, and who had heard all that I had uttered in the Senate; they repudiate your charges and come to the conclusion, as one of them stated, that "a man who would write and publish so gross, so false and unfounded a slander, was unfit to hold any position under the government."
    Whilst I regret that the circumstances alluded to have occurred, I am satisfied that candid and unprejudiced men, who respect their own character, and the character of others, will sanction my action in the premises.
    To the above it is almost superfluous for your correspondent to add anything, but I could not help saying that the Oregon editor must have meant our unfortunate McDougall when he penned his slander upon Nesmith, for the sketch in the Oregon Sentinel might have fitted the California Jack-in-boots, but it was as far from the truth concerning Nesmith as it would have been if written concerning virtuous A. Lincoln himself.
Sacramento Daily Union, April 16, 1864, page 1

    STYLE IN OREGON.--A correspondent of the Oregon Sentinel having written that Douglas warned the people against the intrigues of Copperheads, the Intelligencer (Copperhead) thus replies in the pure Saxon of the party:
    You lying, slanderous puppy, Douglas said no such thing; and you wish to put treasonable language in the mouth of a great and noble friend of the Constitution which you detest as much as the devil does the receipt of Christ. You never can approach the honored Douglas as near as T'Vault does; you are a midnight assassin, and dare not show your name and face in open day.
Sacramento Daily Union, April 16, 1864, page 2

    A SUGGESTIVE HINT.--The Sentinel, of the 9th, in some remarks rebuking the chronic grumblings of a few dissatisfied "soreheads" in Southern Oregon, concludes with the following timely suggestion:
    "If you want to get the Union party of Oregon to send a citizen of the southern counties to Congress or the Senate, you must change your tactics. The politicians (the people, rather) of the Willamette have the power to control all these little matters, and there is nothing to be gained by fighting or finding fault with them. You must fall in with their ideas, their notions, and their plans, if you expect them to give you such handsome favors as a Congressman or Senator. A desperate charge by a few men sometimes carries a fort, but it never carries a political convention."
Oregon Statesman, Salem, April 18, 1864, page 2

    Henry Denlinger, late publisher of the Jacksonville Sentinel, has been appointed Collector of Internal Revenue for the District of Oregon, in place of L. W. Coe, resigned.
"Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, April 18, 1864, page 3

    NOT A POOR MAN IN TOWN.--The Oregon Sentinel says: We have been going up and down town for the last week, vainly endeavoring to find a poor man in Jacksonville. It "can't be did." Since the late astonishing discoveries in silver and copper in these parts, we do not think that a man can be found who is not actually or prospectively (especially prospectively) wealthy in silver or copper "feet." But laying all jokes aside, it is hardly to be doubted but that J. R. Pool and others have really discovered a valuable silver lead on the mountain between the forks of Jackson Creek, not more than a mile and a half from Jacksonville. Some tests have been made, and both gold and silver is declared to be present in the rock. Samples have been sent to San Francisco for assay. We hope it may prove all that the discoverers desire.
San Mateo County Gazette, Redwood City, California, April 22, 1864, page 2

    Last week we announced that Henry Denlinger, Esq., of Jacksonville, had been appointed Collector of Internal Revenue for the District of Oregon--but, after the appointment had been made it was recalled, as the following letter from Senator Nesmith to Mr. Denlinger will explain. We copy the letter from the Washington correspondence of the Sacramento Union:
WASHINGTON, March 15, 1864.
    Henry Denlinger, Jacksonville, Oregon--Sir: In view of some recent occurrences here, personal to yourself, I regard it as proper that I should address you. Some time since, at the instance of McBride, you were nominated by the President to the office of Collector of Internal Revenue for the State of Oregon. When your nomination came to the Senate it was, as is usual in such cases, referred to the Committee on Finance. The chairman of that committee called upon Harding and myself for an opinion on the propriety of the appointment. We stated that from what we knew of you we believed that you should be confirmed; and, in pursuance of our recommendation, you were confirmed--we both voting for you. Three days after you were confirmed, and just as your commission was about being mailed to you, your paper of the 30th of January was received here, and the attention of Harding and myself was called to an article in the editorial columns headed "Oregon Senators." I showed the article to several Senators, and a resolution was passed requesting the President to return the nomination to the Senate, which was done, and at the succeeding session I had the article in your paper read at the Secretary's desk, whereupon your confirmation was reconsidered and unanimously rejected by the Senate.
    Notwithstanding the long continued and often repeated assaults in your paper charging Harding and myself with a want of loyalty to the government, we were not disposed to resent what you may, probably, have been so misled or misinformed as to regard as a just and fair criticism upon our official acts; when, however, you permitted your assaults to degenerate into a low and scurrilous attack upon my private character, I thought that the time had arrived when such charges should be met. The clear and unmistakable import of your article referred to was that I had appeared in the Senate in a state of intoxication and made a disloyal speech. I submitted your criticism upon my fidelity to the government, as well as upon my personal habits, to the decision of the Senators with whom I have been in daily intercourse for more than three years, and who had heard all that I had uttered in the Senate; they repudiate your charges and came to the conclusion, as one of them stated, that "a man who would write and publish so gross, so false, and unfounded a slander was unfit to hold any position under the government."
    Whilst I regret that the circumstances alluded to have occurred, I am satisfied that candid and unprejudiced men who respect their own character and the character of others will sanction my action in the premises.
    The correspondent of the Union adds:
    To the above it is almost superfluous for your correspondent to add anything, but I could not help saying that the Oregon editor must have meant our unfortunate McDougall when he penned his slander upon Nesmith, for the sketch in the Oregon Sentinel might have fitted the California jack-in-boots, but it was as far from the truth concerning Nesmith as it would have been if written concerning virtuous A. Lincoln himself.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, April 25, 1864, page 3

    Archbishop Blanchet is in Southern Oregon, endeavoring to raise means for the establishment at Jacksonville of an academy for young ladies, to be under the direction of the Sisters.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, May 2, 1864, page 3

    The meeting on last Wednesday at the Court House was one of the largest political gatherings ever held in Jackson County. From Croxton's, twenty-five miles down the river, and from the head of the valley, the people were gathered to hear the Union nominee for Congress. We rejoice that there was such a handsome turnout, inasmuch as all went home highly pleased with our candidate.
    Mr. Henderson spoke about two hours, and was listened to with most profound attention, interrupted only by the applause of the audience. Mr. H. commenced at the foundation of our government, and made an able and rapid review down to the present day. He cleaned up everything as he went along, leaving nothing for friends to regret, enemies to pick up, or fault-finders to grumble at. Without pretending to be eloquent, he was at times truly so. It is not one public speaker in a thousand that can "bring down the house" with logic alone, but Mr. H. did that here, repeatedly, simply by the clearness and force of his argument. The earnest conviction of the speaker's heart, and consciousness that his cause was right, just and true, as demonstrated by the earnestness of his manner, riveted the attention of every listener. We cannot pretend to report his speech. It was both able and original in every respect. There are many points that ought to be printed and spread broadcast over the land. His reply to the negro equality humbug was not only novel and original, but it is unanswerable. His exposition of "slavery agitation" put the blame where it ought to have been placed long ago. Then his eloquent appeal to the "engine boys" at the fire, to "Shake her up! boys, shake her up!" and thus put out the fire (put down the rebellion), save the old homestead and all the family relics and treasures (the Union and the Constitution), and not to stand disputing, grumbling and quarreling about putting a copper nozzle to the hosepipe, fashioned after a snake's head--this brought down the house in thunders of applause.
    Our cotemporaries may recommend our candidate for an able and unanswerable speech. James O'Meara has mistaken his man. J. H. D. Henderson, instead of being the easiest man to defeat by the Copperheads in the state, will be the very hardest. But he cannot be defeated. He will be triumphantly elected by a majority much larger than that of June, 1862. Events are fast proving that the nomination of Mr. Henderson was not only one "eminently fit to be made," but it was the very best nomination the convention could make, under all the circumstances. Mr. H. has been thoroughly tried in the fires of opposition, and will always be found faithful to his principles, whenever a test is applied.
    After Mr. Henderson had closed his speech, Gen. E. L. Applegate was loudly and vociferously called for from all parts of the house. He came forward, thanked the people for their compliment, and promised to make them a speech on some future occasion.--Jacksonville Sentinel.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, May 2, 1864, page 3

Jackson County Resolutions.
    The following resolutions were adopted at the Union Jackson County Convention, at Jacksonville April 30th: These resolutions meet our full approbation. When a little leisure allows us to do so, we propose to refer more at length to one or two of them:
    Resolved, That we, the delegated representatives of the Union men of Jackson County, state of Oregon, in convention assembled, in the discharge of the duty we owe to our constituents and our country, unite in the following declaration:
    1. That we endorse the resolutions passed by the Union State Convention held at Albany, on the 30th of March, 1864, fully and unreservedly, and we will cordially support all its nominations.
    2. We favor the doctrine of instruction to be the right of the people to make known to their representatives their wants and wishes on all questions, whether political or local, and this convention declares the local wants and interests of this section of the state to be as follows:
    3. That the military post known as "Fort Lane" and the Indian reservation known as the Table Rock Reservation having ever since 1855 [sic] been abandoned, and are not again to be used for the purposes for which they were set apart, the Indian title to the land included in the reservation should be extinguished, and brought into market, subject to the preemption and other laws of the United States, securing the right of the settlers; and also that the settlers, whose improvements were made prior to the location of the reservation included in the same, and dispossessed by the authorities, should be indemnified by the general government.
    4. That it is the duty of the federal government and in accordance with its practice in similar cases, that the claims of those who purchased supplies and rendered service to the expedition commanded by Captain Jesse Walker, fitted out in this county by order of the governor of Oregon to aid and protect the emigrants in the year 1854, should be paid by the federal government.
    5. Southern Oregon being without navigable rivers to aid intercommunication and commerce, its need for good wagon roads is greater than other sections of the state; therefore, we ask our delegation in Congress to procure a liberal appropriation for the location and construction of a good military wagon road from Jacksonville to the emigrant road leading from Salt Lake to California.
    6. We hereby instruct the nominees of this convention to advocate the principles declared in the foregoing and the Albany Union resolutions.
    7. That the secretary of this convention furnish copies of these resolutions to our delegation in Congress, and we earnestly solicit our Representatives and Senators in Congress to use their best exertions to procure the necessary means to carry these several objects into effect.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 5, 1864, page 2

    "THE OREGON SENTINEL."--We have received a paper bearing the above title, and printed at Jacksonville, Oregon. Joseph Gaston, Esq., formerly of St. Clairsville, is one of the editors and publishers. The Sentinel is a handsome and spirited paper, and is thoroughly loyal. Somehow or other those people out on the Pacific Coast have a vigorous way of expressing their detestation of the slimy Copperheads in a manner we cannot approach in this part of the country. Commend us to Senator Conness, of California, for instance, when a hissing Copperhead is to be rebuked.
    We wish Mr. Gaston much good luck, and would be glad to see the Sentinel regularly.
Belton Chronicle, St. Clairsville, Ohio, May 5, 1864, page 3

    The following is the article which was published in the Jacksonville Sentinel of 30th January last, and was the cause of the opposition of Senator Nesmith to Mr. Denlinger's appointment:
    OREGON SENATORS.--Neither Senator Harding or Nesmith act with the Union Administration caucus of the Senate. They are probably acting in concert for their own selfish purposes. Nesmith in the Senate, probably after having "thrown himself outside of a quart of whiskey," remarked that the war, as conducted, had been "a chapter of accidents" and a "comedy of errors." To a certain period the war may have been a "comedy of errors," when being conducted by McClellan, in accordance with the conservative ideas of Oregon's "Dromio." Nesmith and Harding have made as silly and much more fatal mistakes than did the "Two Dromios."
    Mr. Denlinger now publishes a letter in the Sentinel addressed to Mr. Nesmith from which we make the following extracts:
    You complain that I have charged you with "a want of loyalty to the government," that I have "assaulted" you in my paper, and you aver in your gracious magnanimity that you were not disposed to resent those "assaults." I answer that I have published a number of your speeches, and commented upon them, favorably or unfavorably, as I judged they merited. I have spoken of Mr. Conness as the only Senator from this coast whose support to the government could be firmly relied upon in any and every emergency, for he has wisely "left no loop nor hinge to hang a doubt on." If you and Mr. Harding are as patriotic, you have most certainly failed to be as discreet. If I have criticized you unfairly, or were mistaken in your position, you can readily learn that that error has been very general on this coast. I have never sought official position. Since the May following the outbreak of the war, I have been connected with the Sentinel, and have striven to make it an organ supporting, fostering and increasing the Union sentiment--a radical supporter of the Administration during the existence of the war--and secondly, a newspaper devoted to the general interests of Oregon. If you have at any time been "assaulted" by the Sentinel, it was because you appeared to be neglecting or opposing those interests, or were faltering in your support of the Administration, and not because of any personal unfriendliness to yourself, or thought that you were aught else than an honorable man in your private relations.
    Sir, someone has expressed a biting sarcasm, thus: "Thrift follows fawning." In your case it is not a sarcasm, but a truth. The past three and a half years of my life have been given freely, entirely and with good effect, to the Union cause, without expectation of other reward than the respect of my fellow citizens and the approval of my own conscience; and in that time I have penned but one article, made but one expression of which you can justly complain, and for this single sentence I am condemned by you, holding the high and honorable position of United States Senator from Oregon, as "unfit to hold any position under the government." Magnanimity, how sublime!
    And now, to sum up this "whole story." When you were here classed, by the best authority, as a Copperhead, I criticized you as such, and in so doing made use of a "low" and "scurrilous" expression of which you were the author, without giving the proper credit. This made it appear that I designed to create the impression that you were intoxicated, instead of, as was intended, that you denounced the war, in true Copperhead style, in "low" and "scurrilous" language. About the time this article was published, and before it could reach you, to silence "reproaches," you joined the Administration caucus, and assisted me to an office; but before the commission was forwarded, my paper, containing the unfortunate "reproaches" reached you, and, on reading it, you determined that the mighty influence of your position should be bent to the accomplishment of a petty act of revenge. You demanded that my commission should be revoked, and to propitiate the new convert, the Senate complied with the demand.
    The whole affair is one of these unfortunate circumstances which everyone regrets and no one is benefited by. In Mr. Denlinger we recognized an old and tried worker in the Union Party and a deserving citizen and patriot, and we therefore were gratified with his appointment. His paragraph about Nesmith can scarcely be justified, and would be apt to arouse indignant opposition from even a meeker man than we suppose the latter to be. Yet we cannot help the wish that our Senator had allowed the magnanimous consideration which is due to a worthy opponent to overhear the just resentment which unfair censure produces. If the effect of the whole affair is to check the indiscriminate abuse and reckless misrepresentation into which we are all too prone to fall, we will remember it not without satisfaction.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, May 9, 1864, page 3

    A MURDERER PUNISHED.--The following facts have been related to us by Mr. Geo. H. Woodman concerning a desperado who was shot at Eel River about the 10th of last month. He went by the name of Williams, though his real name was H. Burton, and he came to Mendocino County some two years ago. He was accused of stealing in some of the southern counties of California about three years ago $1,650 from a Mr. Ward, and fled with it to parts unknown. Ward some time ago moved to Eel River, and recognized Williams, and related the above circumstance, which coming to the knowledge of Williams, he confided to a man named Maynard his intention "to put Ward out of the way," who informed the latter to put him on his guard. In revenge Williams killed Maynard last January, and threw his body into Eel River, and then gathered up his stock and fled to Oregon. He was pursued by three men, who did not succeed in overtaking him. He heard of the fact, and threatened their lives. In April he returned to Eel River and stopped at a neighbor's, stating his intention to kill these men. He had a camp in the bush, living with an Indian woman, and remained hid there for a number of days, watching an opportunity to get a shot at them. They, learning of his presence, determined to arrest him and bring him to justice. At an appointed time they secretly approached his hiding place. Williams, on seeing them, raised his rifle to shoot, when one of the party was too quick for him and shot him through the body. He started to run, when another of the party fired and shot him dead.
    While staying in the brush, he confided to the neighbor from whom he got his "grub" that he had killed a woman in Oregon, was arrested and escaped, and had traveled of nights, laying by in the day, until he arrived at his old place of habitation. His face and hands were badly scratched, as he stated, traveling through the chaparral in the dark.
    On searching his camp, a gold watch and a couple of gold bracelets were found, which it is supposed belonged to the woman he had murdered and robbed in Oregon. These may be obtained by addressing Geo. H. Woodman, Long Valley, Mendocino County, and proving property. Oregon papers by copying this may be able to authenticate the truth of this story. Williams was about five feet ten inches high, stout built, dark complexion, with very large, full eyes.--Napa Reporter, May 7.
    A few months ago, a Mrs. Applegate [presumably Mrs. Long, of Applegate] was mysteriously murdered near Jacksonville, Oregon. The above named is probably the murderer.
Marysville Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, May 11, 1864, page 1

    A GOOD SUGGESTION.--The Jacksonville Sentinel proposes that on election day there be provided at each precinct a box, in which ballots in the shape of five-, ten- and twenty-dollar coins or notes can be deposited for the benefit of our sick and wounded soldiers, and recommends that attention be called to the matter through the loyal press and by means of large posters about the voting place.
    We hope that in each precinct the judges of election--or, if they do not, someone else--will provide a box and see that a suitable man is placed in charge of it. Ten thousand dollars can be raised in this way with a little effort, and an opportunity will be given to the copperheads to exhibit the sympathy they profess to entertain for the soldiers. By all means, let it be attended to throughout the state.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, May 23, 1864, page 2

    When Judge Williams addressed the Union men at Jacksonville on the 28th ultimo, a gentleman interrupted him to hand a dispatch announcing the approach of Grant to Richmond. It was received with great enthusiasm and applause.
    On the evening of the same day, J. D. Fay addressed the secessionists at the same place. He was also interrupted with a dispatch and remarked that as Judge Williams had read a late dispatch with important news to his crowd, he would also read a message with encouraging information. The word was, "Holbrook, Tracy and Risley are running independent for the Legislature against the Union ticket." The information was received by the copperhead crowd with the most boisterous acclamations. It was as good news for them as the victories of Grant were for Union men. That is just the difference. A victory of the independents over the Union men of Multnomah is as gratifying to copperheads as a victory of the national armies is to the Union men.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, June 6, 1864, page 2

    OREGON ELECTION.--We are informed that the Blacks ["Black Republicans"] in Jackson County, Oregon have been routed and put to flight. All the opposing candidates were elected. Up to this time we have not been able to obtain any news from the state at large. Doubtless other counties besides Jackson have thrown off the abolition burden. The administration of a corrupt party is passing away. The people first create reform at their local elections. They will reach the head of all the offending by and by.

The Semi-Weekly Union, Yreka, California, June 11, 1864, page 2

    The election in Josephine County has resulted in the election of all the Democratic candidates but one. Thomas Floyd has beaten George T. Vining for Sheriff. T'Vault is reported to have received a majority of fifteen, which will elect him District Attorney, over B. F. Dowell, by one vote.--Sentinel.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, June 13, 1864, page 2

    A military expedition to the Owyhee country, under command of Col. Drew, started from Jacksonville on the 28th of May. Some prospecting parties, the Intelligencer says, will accompany the expedition.
'Domestic Items,' Oregon Statesman, Salem, June 13, 1864, page 3

    HUNG IN EFFIGY.--By late advices from Fort Klamath, we learn that the indignation of the soldiers at Colonels Ross and Drew reached such a pitch that they actually hung Ross in effigy. [See contradicting article of July 16, below.] We are glad to see these brave boys express their contempt for Copperhead officers so decisively. Being thoroughly loyal and true to the Union themselves, they feel mortified at being compelled to submit to the leadership of secessionists. They can see, too, easily enough that it was Drew that removed the last man of them from this county prior to the election, in order that their votes could not be polled for the Union county ticket here. No wonder that they feel justly indignant.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 18, 1864, page 2

Honor to the Brave Boys of Co. "C."

    June 11th, 1864.
    Ed. Sentinel: Having seen no communications in your paper from this paper for some time, I thought that the relation of a few things that have transpired here within the last few days might be of interest to the readers of the Sentinel.
    The election passed off quietly, and out of ninety votes there was but one secesh vote cast, and that was by Col. J. E. Ross, who was here in government employ as guide and interpreter. The boys did not mind his voting as he did, but when the news of the Copperhead triumph in your county reached here, he exhibited his joy by bursting into a loud and boisterous hurrah, the company determined that, if there was any regard for their feelings, the nuisance to them should be abated by removal. Accordingly, within an hour, Col. Drew was handed a petition, signed by the whole company, requesting the immediate dismissal of Ross from government employ. This was a stunner to both Colonels Drew and Ross. Col. Drew tried to argue the boys out of it, and said the expedition would have to stop if Ross was discharged, but the boys were firm, and the portly satellite must take his departure. He no doubt will find sympathy among his coppery friends in Jacksonville.
    Times are quite lively here now. We were paid off a few days since, and greenbacks are circulating freely. The steam sawmill has commenced operations, and the sound of the mechanic's hammer, mingled with the notes of the bugle, the clang of sabers, and the tramp of horses, gives things an air of thrift and life, after our long and monotonous winter. The weather is quite cool, and overcoats are comfortable.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 18, 1864, page 7

    JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON.--"It seems that victory perches upon the Union banner everywhere in Oregon except in Jackson County, Southern Oregon, which has given the Copperheads 50 majority. The Sentinel charges the defeat to the influence of aid and comfort afforded the rebels and Copperheads by Col. Drew. The secesh of Siskiyou are also great admirers of the Colonel, but, alas, the Copperhead Colonel has no influence here, even if he does advertise for Copperhead bids to supply Fort Klamath. Drew wants to divide his favors with the Copperhead and secession press, and has given the Siskiyou vilifier of the Administration a benefit. If a man is judged by the society he keeps, Drew must be a secessionist, for he is very thick with them on his visits to Yreka, and seems to shun Union men. The secesh here get very hostile about Union men doubting Colonel Drew's loyalty, but then that is nothing new--they feel equally indignant about calling Jeff Davis disloyal."--Yreka Journal.
    The Journal, on the assertion of another about as truthful as itself, willfully or ignorantly publishes an untruth. It is well known that there was a split in the abolition party of Jackson County immediately after the Oregon Republican state convention, and there were numerous "soreheads" who would not be comforted. The Sentinel, if it will admit the truth, knows this. Feigned or real ignorance alone prevents the Journal from acknowledging it. An Independent ticket was run in Jackson County, and doubtless Democrats voted it, as the party made no nominations. The Journal says Colonel Drew must be a secessionist "for he is very thick with them on his visits to Yreka, and seems to shun Union men." Doubtless if Col. Drew, when it became necessary for him to visit Yreka on business, would immediately hunt up that pink of intelligence and good breeding, the Journal
man, closet himself with the sapient hombre, disclose all his plans and ask his advice as to whom he should drink with, what hotel he should put up at, the Colonel would no doubt be a "good Union man." It is well known that the abolition organ of Southern Oregon has carried on a relentless war against those in charge of this military department. That Colonel Drew has been exonerated, after a full investigation, from all the charges preferred against him; that it is through his advice and the concurrence of General Wright we now have a military post established at Klamath Lake for the protection of emigration and immigration. In all the newspaper discussion of this important question and the necessity of protecting our northeastern frontier by the establishment of military posts, not one single paragraph, so far as we can now recollect, has ever appeared in the Journal favoring the proposition. If we are wrong in this that paper can easily correct us by hunting up its record on the subject. As to the Journal's assertion that we are a "vilifier of the Administration," it is simply a falsehood. We have strenuously opposed its unconstitutional and detrimental conduct of affairs, giving it due credit for what good it has done, and shall continue to do so, the Journal and its kind, nolens volens.
The Semi-Weekly Union, Yreka, California, June 18, 1864, page 2

    ITEMS FROM THE NORTH.--On Applegate Creek, Siskiyou County, on the 13th instant, a child of Mr. Woolrich was kicked by a horse and killed.
    A. J. Malton, of Jacksonville, Oregon, was drowned in the Snake River lately.
Daily Bee, Sacramento, June 20, 1863, page 2

    POLITICS AT FORT KLAMATH.--The vote at Fort Klamath was for Henderson 82, Kelly 1--the one given by Col. John E. Ross, in the employ of the command as guide and interpreter. The Sentinel says that Ross was subsequently burned in effigy by the soldiers for becoming too enthusiastic over the success of the copperhead candidates in Jackson.--Col. Drew did not vote at all.
    Fort Klamath is in Wasco County, but it appears that the canvass of the votes in that county was made without waiting for the returns from Klamath precinct. Although it makes no difference in the result, the loyal soldiers and officers will regret that their votes do not help to swell the already large majority for Henderson and the Union.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, June 27, 1864, page 2

    There was contributed at the polls in Jackson County, on the day of election, the sum of $274.50 in coin and $566.25 in legal tender notes to the Sanitary Fund, and in Josephine Co. $263 in coin and $45 in legal tenders.
    The people of Jackson County are endeavoring to raise $2,000 for the purpose of finishing the Rogue River and John Day Wagon Road. The Sentinel says but twelve miles remain unfinished, and that when the whole is completed, it will be one of the best wagon roads to the northern mines.
"Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, June 27, 1864, page 3

    MRS. LLOYD MAGRUDER with her family left town yesterday morning, says the Jacksonville Intelligencer of June 25th, on her way to her old home at Marysville, California. She has, as might be expected a melancholy appearance; the loss of her husband, and the manner he was disposed of, is not only sad to think of but heartrending to civilization.
Marysville Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, July 2, 1864, page 3

    OSSIAN E. DODGE and WILLIAM HAYWARD were at Yreka, Cal. May 24, Forks of Humbug (whew! what a name!) 25th, Hawkinsville 26th, and Cottonwood 27th, which wound up for the present their travels in California. May 28th they were at Gassburg, Oregon, and May 30th at Jacksonville, en route for Portland.
    WILLIAM HAYWARD, the balladist, is making both fame and fortune in the golden land of California. The Union, published at Yreka, speaks of this young gentleman as follows:--"The songs of Mr. Hayward were rendered in that perfect expression of language which makes every word understood by his audience. We cannot better express our opinion of Mr. Hayward's singing than by using the language of another, that we have not heard everybody sing, but Hayward has the sweetest voice, and is the best singer we have ever heard."
"Miscellaneous," New York Clipper, July 9, 1864, page 103

    Capt. Kelly requests us to contradict the report that Col. Ross, or any other man, was hung in effigy by the soldiers at Fort Klamath.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 16, 1864, page 2

    INDIAN FIGHT.--We learn from Maj. Glenn, just returned from Fort Klamath, that W. J. Allen had just arrived at the Fort, stating that on the 22nd and 23rd of June the Snake Indians attacked John Richardson's train, consisting of fifteen men and three families, between Silver Lake and headwaters of the Deschutes. One horse was shot from under one of the soldiers from Fort Crook; Bartol, a volunteer from the Sacramento Valley, was shot through the arm and hand, the ball grazing his breast.
    Richardson was compelled to throw away 3,500 pounds of flour and lost 7 head of oxen. It was supposed to be a party of not more than 10 or 15 Indians. The attack was made in the morning, and about 75 miles northeast from Fort Klamath. The train consisted of 6 wagons, 15 men, 5 women and several children. Two wagons, two men with one of the wounded men and two women, arrived at Ft. Klamath.--Intelligencer.
    STABBING AFFRAY.--We regret to learn of a serious affray at Kerbyville, in which S. W. Sawyer, in self-defense, as it is said, stabbed a Mr. Huey in the breast, killing him instantly.
    The Oregon Sentinel has lately been purchased by B. F. Dowell, who will run it in the Union interest.
    Wm. Goff, the hostler who has been attending for the California Stage Company, at Rock Point, for some time past, was kicked by a horse one day last week, and his under jaw horribly mangled.--Sentinel, July 16th.
"Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, July 18, 1864, page 3

    STILL LIVES.--The Yreka Union jubilated over the supposed death of the Jacksonville (Oregon) Sentinel, at which that paper answers in manner and form to wit:
    "But he (the Union) will find that the Sentinel still lives, and will live for the support of Abraham Lincoln and Andy Johnson. Dead! 'nary time!' It has but shook itself from its indebtedness, and breathes with life freer and more vigorous than ever. It will still keep step to the music of the Union, and support the Administration in its efforts to crush out this wanton and unholy rebellion. You need not imbibe more than a gallon of Confederate whiskey, Mr. Union, over the death of the Sentinel. Your rejoicings are based on the supposed fact that a Union paper is dead. We thought you claimed to be Union? If this paper should die, the sterling Union men of Southern Oregon would soon supply its place with another."
Red Bluff Independent, July 21, 1864, page 3

    RAID ON FORT KLAMATH.--Judge Prim, J. T. Glenn, W. H. S. Hyde, J. D. Fay and John Steers started yesterday for Fort Klamath on a rusticating tour.
    May the spirit of hilarity, as it Steers them o'er each hill and Glenn, not Hyde its "Prim face among the lilies" like the culprit Fay, should mishap befall them on their way.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 23, 1864, page 3  This may have been strictly an elaborate pun, and not an actual excursion.

    JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON.--It seems that victory perches upon the Union banner everywhere in Oregon, except in Jackson County, Southern Oregon, which has given the Copperheads about 50 majority. The Sentinel charges the defeat to the influence of aid and comfort afforded the rebels and Copperheads by Col. Drew. The secesh of Siskiyou are also great admirers of the Colonel, but alas, the Copperhead Colonel has no influence here, even if he does advertise for Copperhead bids to supply Fort Klamath. Drew wants to divide his favors with the Copperhead and secession press, and has given the Siskiyou vilifier of the Administration a benefit. If a man is judged by the society he keeps, Drew must be a secessionist, for he is very thick with them on his visits to Yreka, and seems to shun Union men. The secesh here get rather hostile about Union men doubting Colonel Drew's loyalty, but then that is nothing new--they feel equally indignant about calling Jeff. Davis disloyal.--Yreka Journal.
Oregon State Journal, Eugene, July 23, 1864, page 1

    THE SENTINEL.--The Sentinel is not dead, but "still liveth" to do battle for the Union. Hon. B. F. Dowell is the new proprietor and editor. He says that "it will live for the support of Abraham Lincoln and Andy Johnson. It has but shook itself from its indebtedness, and breathes with life freer and more vigorous than ever. It will still keep step to the music of the Union, and support the Administration in its efforts to crush out this wanton and unholy rebellion." We wish it success.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, July 25, 1864, page 1

    The Sentinel of the 9th instant publishes a rumor that Col. Drew has been removed from command and the expedition against the Indians ordered to return. Also that Lieut. Underwood has resigned. The Sentinel expresses some doubt as to the authenticity of these rumors, as it had them from a very unreliable source.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, July 25, 1864, page 1

    COL. ROSS NOT GIBBETTED.--The Sentinel, on the authority of Capt. Kelly, contradicts the report that Col. Ross was hung in effigy by the soldiers at Fort Klamath. Nothing of the kind was done, and Col. Ross was permitted to accompany the expedition.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, July 25, 1864, page 1

    FOURTH OF JULY.--The celebration at Beeson's Grove proved to be a nice affair indeed. Some six or seven hundred persons were in attendance. Mr. Jacobs made an able and eloquent speech for Freedom, Truth and Justice. The dinner was "immense," and of the very highest and best order. The toasts were heavy on the "rebs," no matter whether it hurt anybody's politics or not, and were received with tremendous applause. The whole affair was a grand success. We regret that time and space will not permit a more extended notice. The "no politics" chaps, who met at Heber's Grove, say they had a good time too. A report of their meeting is unavoidably crowded out this week.--Sentinel.

Oregon Statesman, Salem, July 25, 1864, page 1

    FROM JACKSONVILLE.--The Intelligencer of Saturday says that on Thursday a red-whiskered hombre calling himself W. C. Hitchcock ran away with the wife and children of W. J. Cunningham.
    We clip the following from the same paper:
    CROP.--We have been conversing with several farmers of this county and they inform us that the harvest is about over, that the wheat crop is barely half a crop, oats about half and hay hardly half, yet there will be an abundance of winter feed for stock on account of all the late and volunteer oats being cut for hay. The stock of this valley is not so numerous as heretofore and is in pretty good condition. The price of produce will not materially advance unless gold mines are discovered east of Fort Klamath in the neighborhood of Goose Lake, which must obtain the greater portion of their supplies from Southern Oregon.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, July 28, 1864, page 2

writes to the Sentinel that the proposed route across the Cascade Mountains, connecting Fort Klamath with Rogue River Valley, by passing to the north of Mt. Pitt, is not only feasible, but is better than the old one. He says of it:
    "There are not 500 yards of rocky soil or more than 700 yards of grading in the whole distance between the Rogue River road and Fort Klamath. There is about 22 miles of road to make, which will probably cost $30 per mile, but by means of fire this amount may be materially lessened. It is not more than 30 miles from the Rogue River [to] this place. Water and grass are not quite so plenty on this route as on the old one, but I think teams can make the trip from two to three days sooner than by the old one."
    He thinks there is no longer any danger of Indian war in Southern Oregon. We infer that he refers only to the Klamath, Modoc and other tribes who live about the Lakes, and not to the predatory bands further east, of which Col. Drew is now in pursuit. On the 12th inst. the expedition was at Goose Lake--officers and men all in fine health and spirits.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, August 1, 1864, page 1

    The Jacksonville Sentinel says that Rev. T. H. Pearne was in Marysville, Cal., on the 21st inst., on his return by the stage line to Oregon. He was to deliver a political address in Jacksonville today (Monday).

Oregon Statesman, Salem, August 1, 1864, page 1

    Isaac Hill, an old and esteemed resident of this valley, died at his residence near the Mountain House, on the 15th inst., after an illness of a few hours.--Sentinel.
    SUDDEN DEATH.--Sam P. Strang, a private soldier, belonging to Company C, of Fort Klamath, died very suddenly in the street on Thursday afternoon. Running up towards Wetterer's brewery for the purpose, as he said, of overtaking the butcher wagon, he fell down, apparently under the influence of liquor, and was removed to the shade, where he died in fifteen minutes afterwards.--Sentinel.
    FORT KLAMATH.--From late advices from Fort Klamath, we learn that the sergeants' quarters are about completed. When the several buildings comprising the officers' quarters with the extensive building calculated for the soldiers, and the fine stable for the government horses is fully completed, Fort Klamath will be one of the most desirable military locations in Oregon. The climate is good and healthy, fish of the most luxuriant class, in fact, everything to render officers and men comfortable and contented.--Intelligencer.
    FATAL ACCIDENT.--John McBriety, late commissioner of Josephine County, on Friday of last week came to his death in the following manner: He had driven his team into his barn with a load of hay and commenced to unload it; by some means his horses became frightened and started; in order to stop them he slid from the load of hay and was caught between the hayrack and a post and instantly killed. Mr. McBriety was an old and respected citizen of Josephine County. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn his untimely death.--Sentinel.
    Jackson County had $255,04 [sic] in her treasury July 15th.
"Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, August 1, 1864, page 3

    THE CROPS IN SOUTHERN OREGON.--Generally speaking, the crops in Oregon are abundant; but the Jacksonville Intelligencer make a different showing for the section adjoining California. It says:
    "We have been conversing with several farmers of this county, and they inform us that the harvest is about over; that the wheat crop is barely half a crop, oats about half, and hay hardly half; yet there will be an abundance of winter feed for stock on account of all the late and volunteer oats being cut for hay. The stock of this valley is not so numerous has heretofore, and is in pretty good condition. The price of produce will not materially advance, unless gold mines are discovered east of Fort Klamath, in the neighborhood of Goose Lake, which must obtain the greater portion of their supplies from Southern Oregon."
Evening Bulletin, San Francisco, August 5, 1864, page 3

    SHOOTING AFFRAY.--On last Tuesday an affray occurred between Henry Billenbrook and John Debenger on Bear Creek, five miles from town. It appeared from the testimony taken before Judge Tolman that Debenger had frequently threatened the life of Billenbrook; that on this occasion, D. attacked him with the butt of a horse whip, whereupon B. drew a revolver and fired four shots, three of them taking effect, one in each arm and one grazing his neck.
    Debenger was arrested and after a trial of two days he was fined $50 and costs for an assault and bound over to keep the peace in the sum of $500.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 6, 1864, page 2

    THE Sentinel says that the Jacksonville market is well supplied with peaches, plums and apples.
Oregon State Journal, Eugene, August 6, 1864, page 2

    The Jacksonville Intelligencer proposes to issue daily, providing an additional compositor can be found who will take steady employment. It would take a pretty tough jour. [journeyman printer] to work steadily on such a conduit of treason.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 6, 1864, page 2

    AFFRAY.--One John Debenger attacked Henry Billenbrook with a horsewhip, near Jacksonville, lately. Billenbrook shot at his assailant four times, three of the balls taking effect, inflicting slight wounds. Debenger was taken before Judge Tolman, and after a two days' trial fined $50 and costs, for an assault, and held in $500 bonds to keep the peace in future.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, August 15, 1864, page 1

    DROWNED.--The Jacksonville Intelligencer says that on the 5th inst. a little child, about eighteen months old, daughter of John Howell, was drowned in Anderson Creek.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, August 15, 1864, page 2

    PERSONAL.--The Jacksonville Sentinel says that Mr. Henry Denlinger, after having sacrificed three years in the vain attempt to retrieve the pecuniary fortunes of that paper, has left for San Francisco to try his fortunes at that place. Mr. D. is an estimable gentleman, and an old laborer in the art typographical. He carries with him the good wishes of hosts of personal friends in Northern, as well asSouthern, Oregon.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, August 15, 1864, page 4

    AN affray at Jacksonville, Oregon, on the 1st instant, between John M. Debenger and J. M. Billingbrook, resulted in the former receiving two balls, one in each arm, from a revolver in the hands of the latter. The hit man had eloped with the stepdaughter of Debenger. Billingbrook was fined $50.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, August 16, 1864, page 1

    The Jacksonville Sentinel comes to us this week enlarged and otherwise improved in appearance. Its sound Union sentiments entitle it to the liberal support of Union men.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, August 22, 1864, page 1

    DIPHTHERIA.--The Jacksonville Sentinel says this terrible disease has again made its appearance in the Rogue River Valley, and to a considerable extent balked the skill of the physicians, numbering its victims with those who sleep their last sleep. We learn that it is also becoming prevalent in the Willamette Valley, and too much care cannot be exercised to prevent its fatal termination. An application of wet salt to the throat at night is an efficient remedy for light attacks.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, August 29, 1864, page 3

    DIPHTHERIA.--The Jacksonville Sentinel says this terrible disease has again made its appearance in the Rogue River Valley, and to a considerable extent balked the skill of the physicians, numbering its victims with those who sleep their last sleep. We learn that it is also becoming prevalent in the Willamette Valley, and too much care cannot be exercised to prevent its fatal termination. An application of wet salt to the throat at night is an efficient remedy for light attacks.
"Oregon," Daily Colonist, Victoria, British Columbia, August 31, 1864. page 3

    GRIEVOUS LOSS OF A WIFE AND A PAIR OF BOOTS.--The following particulars of an elopement case we clip from the Jacksonville (Oregon) Intelligencer of a recent date. An easy case of elopement went off here, and the talking portion of our community has not been as deeply interested as some of our working men. It seems that a certain red-whiskered hombre, calling himself W. C. Hitchcock, had very often hitched up at the home of W. J. Cunningham, who had, as is said, a pretty little wife and baby. This man Hitchcock was considerably in debt, and only a few days previous, having bought a wagon from a worthy and industrious mechanic, Mr. P. Donegan, still owing $135, also run the face of the seduced woman's husband for a pair of $12 boots; and on Thursday night hitched himself to the pretty little Mrs. Cunningham and baby and took stage and eloped for the north, leaving the injured husband to mourn over the loss of wife, child, and a pair of $12 boots. Too bad, but there are some women if they can be got off at the price of a pair of boots, it's cheap enough.
New York Dispatch, New York City, September 11, 1864, page 8

    We clip the following from the Sentinel of the 3rd inst.:
    We learn that Sup't. Huntington has agreed to meet the Indians at Fort Klamath, on the 5th of Oct., to make a treaty.
    The John Day and Rogue River Wagon Road Co. has resumed work on the road. They have sent out several wagonloads of provisions and tools to be used on the road.
    FIRE IN THE MOUNTAINS.--Never, since white men trod the soil of Southern Oregon, has there been so much fire in the mountains as during the past few weeks. From north of the Canyon to the Siskiyous, the fire has been raging with increased fury. Much of the sickness which prevails among us at the present is attributed to the heated state of the atmosphere, and the immense volume of smoke ever created by these vast fires.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, September 12, 1864, page 4

    The people of Jackson County are circulating a petition to be presented to the Legislature, asking that body to memorialize Congress in favor of a grant of land to be applied to building a road from Jacksonville to the John Day mines. The Sentinel gives good reasons in favor of the measure.
Oregon State Journal, Eugene, September 17, 1864, page 3

    SISTERS SCHOOL.--The Rev. Father Blanchet has bought, Saturday last, the fine property of Dr. Thompson, close to the Methodist and Catholic churches. It is the intention of the Rev. Pastor to buy, soon, the other remaining lots belonging to M. M. McDonald and Clugage. This splendid block will be quite suitable for the future Academy. If the Sisters of Charity do well, within one or two years a two-story house will be erected, and the present buildings will be used as an orphan asylum, a hospital and a kitchen. All who subscribed to the Sisters school are respectfully invited to pay the amount set opposite their names. When the collection will have taken place, an accurate account of the receipts and expenses shall be given.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 8, 1864, page 3

    THE WEDDING PARTY.--After the nuptial ceremonies of Mr. M. A. Brentano and Miss Helena Hess, on last Monday evening, at the McCully buildings, the guests indulged in the giddy mazes of the dance until the night was far spent. Everything went on merrily and happily. At twelve o'clock, all repaired to the Franco American Restaurant and Hotel and partook of a magnificent supper, and then returned with renewed zest to the enjoyment of the dances.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 22, 1864, page 3

McClellan in Oregon.
    The Jacksonville (Oregon) Intelligencer has placed the names of the Chicago nominees at the head of its editorial columns, and gives the following among others as its reasons.:
    "We have always said that any national man should receive our support over the present tyrannical occupant of the Presidential chair. We want peace, we want union, we want state and constitutional rights; we want liberty; we want protection from the military and security in the civil departments of government; we want freedom of the press and liberty of speech, and finally we want a confederation of states with their original constitutional rights respected. The resolutions of the Democratic National Convention foreshadows that the platform will advocate these measures. Hence we hoist the name of McClellan for President and Pendleton for Vice President in today's issue."
Pittsburgh Post, October 25, 1864, page 2

    FRUIT.--The Jacksonville Intelligencer says that there has not been an abundant crop of apples and peaches in Southern Oregon the present years; but what has been are of a superior quality. Many of the farmers have large orchards, which almost entirely failed. The Messrs. Beall have on their farm at least one thousand apple trees, from four to seven years old, the finest and thriftiest orchard in Southern Oregon, which failed to produce apples enough for their family consumption. If the season were favorable, and the trees produce as heretofore, their orchard would yield from five to seven thousand bushels.
Weekly Colusa Sun, October 29, 1864, page 1

    The Sentinel says a great reaction is taking place in that part of Oregon, and that Jackson County has made up her mind to go for ABE and ANDY. All right.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, October 31, 1864, page 1

    E. K. Anderson granted license to keep a ferry on Klamath River, on the road leading to Jacksonville, for one year, upon his paying $144 into the county treasury and filing approved bond in the sum of $1,500.

"Board of Supervisors,"
The Semi-Weekly Union, Yreka, California, November 9, 1864, page 2

    MAN KILLED BY A GRIZZLY.--The Sentinel says that a Mr. Baird, of Jackson County, was killed by a grizzly bear on the morning of the 27th October, while out deer hunting on Grave Creek. His dog bayed three grizzlies in their bed. The hunter got within a few yards of them and shot the largest one, only wounding it. The bear pitched at him, and after a desperate fight, in which the unfortunate man was dreadfully mangled, he made his escape and succeeded in reaching a house about a mile distant, where he died the same day.
Oregon State Journal, Eugene, November 17, 1864, page 3

    "GO THOU AND DO LIKEWISE."--The Jacksonville (Oregon) Intelligencer says that it is reported that the Union League at that place have passed a resolution that each and every man voting for Lincoln pledges himself to enter the service of the army just as soon as a call shall be made for more men to abolish slavery and subjugate the Southern people. That is a good resolution, and we hope every Union League in the United States have passed the same kind and will stick to it. But they won't do it--voting is easier than fighting.
Sonoma Democrat, Santa Rosa, California, November 19, 1864, page 2

    PICTORIAL.--We acknowledge the receipt from the publishers, at Jacksonville, of a pictorial single sheet Sentinel which portrayeth somewhat of the Chicago Convention, its platform and candidate, and what came of it. The sketches are lively and withal comforting to the mourners.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, November 21, 1864, page 1

    LAST Tuesday evening the people of Jacksonville had a grand torchlight procession, in honor of the election of Lincoln and Johnson.
Oregon State Journal, Eugene, Oregon, November 24, 1864, page 3

    Alexander Blakely was elected Speaker of the House in the Idaho Legislature, on the 16th inst. The Age says of the Speaker:
    "Mr. Blakely is a practical printer, and has distinguished himself as an editor. He was the editor of the Eugene (Oregon) Herald during 1859 and 1860, in which capacity he wielded influence and won political friends. He is an old editor and founder of the Jacksonville Sentinel. His antecedents are Democratic."
Washington Statesman, Walla Walla, November 25, 1864, page 4

    The Unionists of Jackson County devoted the evening of the 22nd of last month to festivities in honor of the success of the cause of right in the persons of Lincoln and Johnson. A torchlight procession, firing of artillery, balloons of red, white and blue, gave eclat to the occasion. Spirited speeches were made by Messrs. B. F. Dowell and O. Jacobs, and the meeting then adjourned "until Grant takes Richmond." Later in the evening a grand Union ball and supper were enjoyed by a large crowd. Among the toasts given on the occasion, the following appear to us noticeable among many other good ones:
    Grant's destiny is onward; Jeff. Davis' is perpendicular.
    We dare not--we will not--be false to liberty.
    Gen. McClellan--He could not take Richmond, making Washington his base, and ingloriously failed in his raid on the White House, making Richmond his base.
    Jeff Davis--He is joined to his idols, but we will not let him alone.
    Our fathers gave their children this Union--by the eternal, we will give it to ours.
    The Constitution of our country--The noblest monument of human wisdom. Simple in its arrangements, wise in all its provisions, beneficial in all its operations, and grand in all its results; may it survive the madness of faction and treason, and live on, till wrapt in flames the realms of ether shall glow, and Heaven's last thunders shake the world below.
    The President of the United States--Chosen by the only sovereigns known to our Constitution and laws; may he obey the voice of the people, and preserve the ark of our Union.
    Compromise--In the re-election of Mr. Lincoln, we have the assurance that there will be no disgraceful compromise with armed rebels.
    Peace--We want no inglorious, no cowardly peace. When the rebels lay down their arms and return to their allegiance, we shall have a peace that internal discord will never again disturb.
    Our sick and wounded soldiers--May they speedily recover, and long live to enjoy liberty and union, home and friends, and riches, and honor, and glory, beneath the protecting aegis of the flag of the free.
    Slavery--It could have lived in peace; if it dies in a war inaugurated by its protector, it is not our fault, and we do not propose to be either mourners or pall bearers.
    The pride of a patriot--his country; the joy of a traitor--a nigger.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, December 5, 1864, page 2

The Flood in Southern Oregon--Damage to Property, etc.
    JACKSONVILLE, Oregon, December 6th.--The flood is greater than ever before known, and the destruction of town property is greater than in 1861. Nearly all the lots along Jackson Creek are entirely covered. Two houses have been washed away, and several others badly wrecked. In the valley, below the town, many acres of valuable farming land have been covered with tailings, and fences all washed away. On Jackson Creek, above the town, the miners have lost nearly all their flumes and sluices. At Johnson's quartz mill several tons of quartz were washed away, and the mill itself only saved by the formation of a large sandbar. Bridges in every direction, as far as heard from, have been washed away, and the stages north and south have stopped running. The bridge over Rogue River, which was carried away by the last flood, in 1861, and rebuilt fifteen feet above high water mark at that time, has again been swept away.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, December 8, 1964, page 1

    The late storm has been very severe at the North. At Jacksonville, Oregon, the flood was greater than ever before known--exceeding that of '61 and '62. Bridges built 15 feet higher than the flood of that season were washed away.

Placer Herald,
Auburn, California, December 10, 1864, page 2

Weather--Prosperous Miners.
    Weather cloudy and cold--raining at intervals. Most of the streams have fallen to average height. Many bridges have been washed away, detaining stages.
    The mines are paying better than ever. Plenty of water.
Daily Bee, Sacramento, December 13, 1864, page 3

Drowned Man Found in Oregon.
    The body of Mr. Bongey, the stage passenger who was drowned at Rocky Point on the 4th, has been recovered. When found he was lying on his face in a field about 200 yards from the place where the accident occurred. He was not bruised, and apparently met his death by drowning alone. He had nine hundred and fifty dollars in gold on his person. He is said to have been a resident of Sacramento and was on his way to visit a brother who is in Boise. He was buried on Sunday.
Daily Bee, Sacramento, December 13, 1864, page 3

    THE RAINS NORTH.--The newspapers of Northern California and Southern Oregon speak of the late rains as the severest ever known in that country--more destructive to property than the flood of 1861-62. Around Jacksonville, Oregon, all the bridges and mining flumes were swept away, and the lower part of town was completely submerged. The bridge over Rogue River, which was carried away in January, 1862, but afterward built fifteen feet higher than before, has again been destroyed. Similar accounts reach us from Yreka and Trinity County.
Gold Hill Daily News, Gold Hill, Nevada, December 15, 1864, page 3

    JACKSONVILLE ITEMS.--We gather from the Sentinel that a man named John Chandler, who was somewhat dissipated, was lost near Canyonville, and it seems probable that he has committed suicide.
    A man known as Scotch Jimmy was killed by a cave-in in Missouri Gulch, one mile from Jacksonville.
    The man drowned at Umpqua in the stage was F. S. Douse, who was booked at Red Bluff for Portland.
    A part of Rock Point bridge was carried away by the late flood, which was one of the greatest ever known in Southern Oregon.
    Mr. Andy Trusty had killed a monstrous grizzly bear and its four young cubs. The old bear had several old bullets in her body, and evidently had been in many conflicts and showed fight to the last. The night before she was killed, she threatened to attack the houses of the settlers.
    B. F. Dowell, Esq., was too sleepy to be in time, or would have been on board the stage that was last in the Umpqua.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, December 16, 1864, page 2

    QUEER PROCEEDINGS.--On last Tuesday evening, when the Yreka stage arrived at Phoenix, having on board Lisle Lester and a woman from Yreka, a suspicious-looking customer came forward, paid his fare to Jacksonville and entered the stage. Before they had gone far, however, the little eccentricities of the new passenger, in connection with the presence of an unknown traveler--who had taken possession of the after boot--excited the alarm of the ladies, and the same being made known to Mr. King, the driver, he invited the inside passenger to take a seat on the outside with him. The stage had not gone far until the villainous-looking "individ" had made several attempts to make the team run away, and had tried to obtain possession of the lines. Mr. King ordered him off the stage, but he refused to comply with the request until a cocked revolver in unhealthy proximity to his head reminded him that "distance lends enchantment to the view," and caused him to spring off the seat and retreat a a "double quick."--Jacksonville Sentinel.
Marysville Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, December 17, 1864, page 3

    Hon. Alexander Blakely, of Idaho County, Speaker of the House, is a native of Tennessee--was born in 1829, and consequently is now 35 years old. He is a printer by trade, and was formerly one of the proprietors, and editor, I believe, of the Jacksonville Sentinel. He has resided in this Territory about two years. He is an active, energetic young man, and makes a courteous and prompt presiding officer.
"The Personnel of the Idaho Assembly," Idaho World, Idaho City, December 17, 1864, page 3

    RECRUITING.--F. B. Sprague, recruiting officer for Jackson, Josephine and Curry counties, has opened an office in Jacksonville, with a very fair show of success. He has already enlisted quite a number, and still they come. The citizens of Jackson County have united like sensible men, irrespective of party, to aid in obtaining the full amount of our quota, so that we may not be under the necessity of submitting to the draft. Mr. Fay and Mr. Dowell have been enlisted in the cause, and will soon commence the tour of the county, in favor of enlistments in the 1st Oregon Infantry. The inducements for enlisting now in the way of bounties are munificent. The U.S. bounty is $300; state bounty, $150, in state bonds, payable in coin, bearing interest payable semi-annually. In addition to this, Jackson County offers a bounty of $50 in coin or its equivalent. These bounties in connection with the pay received from government will amount to an equivalent of $1300.11, with clothing and board for the time of enlistment.
    Mr. F. B. Sprague will take command of the company when full, and we congratulate those enlisting under him on their good fortune in having a commander who is a gentleman in every respect.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 24, 1864, page 3

    MADAM DeRoboam requests us to say that the McCully Hall has been thoroughly and substantially braced by pillars underneath, rendering the hall perfectly safe beyond a possibility of a doubt.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 24, 1864, page 3

    SECESH CHANGE.--The Yreka Journal says P. J. Malone, of the Corvallis Union, suppressed some time ago for disloyalty, has taken old T'Vault's place in the Jacksonville Intelligencer, and changed its name to the Reporter. Malone is the vilest of traitors, a blackguard and a disgrace to any cause. We concur.
Marysville Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, December 28, 1864, page 2

    P. J. MALONE has become proprietor of the Jacksonville (Oregon) Intelligencer, and changed the name to the Reporter. The paper under its new owner and alias will be Copperhead, of course.
Daily Bee, Sacramento, December 29, 1864, page 2

Last revised May 20, 2024