in 1909 ![]() MEDFORD. Jackson
County. Population 5000. Settled in 1884, incorporated as a city in
[1885], in the Rogue
River Valley on
Bear Creek and the Southern Pacific railway, 328 miles south of
Portland, 443 north of San Francisco,
and 5 east of Jacksonville, the county seat. Contains Christian,
Baptist, Episcopal,
Lutheran, Methodist Episcopal and Methodist Episcopal South,
Presbyterian and Catholic churches, public school, opera house, water
works, electric light plant, 3
newspapers--Medford Mail, Southern Oregonian and
Tribune--3 banks, a flour mill, and several hotels. The
Crater Lake Lumber Co. have
their mills and factories here and
give employment to a large number of men. The land is
fertile, suited to grain and fruit. Shipments, flour, fruit and
livestock. Quartz and placer mining is extensively carried on.
Telegraph Postal and Western Union. Express Wells Fargo & Co.
connections. Mail
daily. Alonzo M. Woodford, postmaster.
R. L.
Polk & Co.'s Oregon,
Washington and Alaska Gazetteer and Business Directory 1909-10,
page 246 Abbreviations spelled out to facilitate searching. THE CITY OF MEDFORD
Located in the very heart and center of this beautiful valley is the
city of Medford. The men who selected the original townsite chose
wisely, for here every natural condition favors the building of a great
city. Because of its central position, and being located on the main
railroad in the southern half of Oregon, all the immense agricultural,
horticultural, timbered and mining wealth within a radius of 100 miles
is tributary to Medford. Here the treasure streams empty, and must
always empty. This is why Medford is one of the most metropolitan, most
flourishing, and busiest little cities in all the bustling West. It is
not only a city of today, but a city of tomorrow. Its citizens are
building with an eye to the future--the brilliant, unmistakable future
destined to make Medford not only the most populous, but the place of
greatest commercial importance in Southern Oregon.It is at present a city of 6,000, but is the supply point of a territory with a population of 25,000. It is a city of paved streets, of beautiful homes, of handsome parks, of churches and schools. Its solid brick blocks bespeak thrift and permanence. Medford is located on the main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad, 331 miles south of Portland and 442 miles north of San Francisco. Its altitude is 1,374 feet. It is the western terminal of the Pacific & Eastern Railroad, now under construction, the first fourteen miles of which have been built. This railroad not only makes Medford the gateway to Crater Lake National Park, but also makes it the point of concentration for all the timbered wealth of upper Rogue River, the gigantic forests of which cover an area of 4,000 square miles. Medford is the eastern terminal of the Rogue River Valley Railroad, connecting this place with Jacksonville, the county seat; and will be the eastern terminal of the proposed railroad from the famous Blue Ledge copper mines of upper Applegate River, on the Oregon-California line. This great copper camp is located but thirty-five miles from Medford. The coal mines, five miles east of the city, are proving of such great commercial importance that a railroad connecting the properties with the Southern Pacific at this city has been incorporated and will soon be constructed. The entire lumber output from the sawmills of the surrounding territory is hauled here for yarding, sorting and shipping, and for manufacture into boxes, sash and doors by the planing mills and factories of Medford. Above all, Medford is the trading point for practically the entire fruit and farming section of Rogue River Valley, and is likewise the shipping point for the whole output of this immense district. That Medford is a place of great commercial activity and immense trade, is evidenced by its having three banks, all in flourishing condition, with aggregate deposits of $1,500,000, and capital and surplus of $250,000. The banks all occupy handsome structures of their own, built at a cost of $100,000, and are equipped with the most modern vaults and burglar-resisting devices. The growth of Medford during the past year has been most phenomenal, and the fact that approximately 20,000 acres of new orchards were planted during the past two years in Rogue River Valley, with a corresponding development in all lines of industry, proves with a certainty that this rapid growth will be maintained indefinitely. The phenomenal growth of Medford in 1907 was duplicated in 1908. Over 300 residences and business blocks being erected during the year. Among the buildings are the Deuel block, costing $40,000; the Young & Hall block, the City Hall, the Medford Theater, the High School building, costing $40,000; the St. Mary's Academy, costing $40,000; the Catholic Church, Adventists' Church, and the residence of W. I. Vawter, costing $30,000. Still more extensive improvements are planned for the future. This remarkable growth does not mean that Medford is "booming"; the town is growing, as all Rogue River Valley is growing, and its public-spirited citizens do not intend that the city shall fall behind the country in the matter of development. The Medford Commercial Club, one of the strongest and most active commercial bodies in Oregon, has every business man and citizen of the city enlisted on its membership roll, and is a chief factor in fostering new enterprises and promoting the progressive interests of the town and country. The club has elegant smoking and reading rooms, and overlooks no opportunity to make the advantages of Medford and the riches of the surrounding country known to the world. Another example of the public-spiritedness of Medford's citizens was shown in the building, by a number of its citizens, of an exhibit pavilion. The exhibit building is of unique and attractive design, its style of architecture being patterned after the old-time Mission. It is situated near the depot, in full view of passing trains. It contains samples of products from the orchards, farms, mines, and forests of the tributary territory, the diversified character of which amazes all visitors. Medford's ideal location on the banks of Bear Creek, surrounded by evergreen fields and blooming orchards, with imposing mountains greeting the vision wherever the eye may turn, with a soil and climate that produce roses and all varieties of flowers in abundance nearly the entire year, its health-spiced intoxicating atmosphere, its excellent schools, its well-stocked stores, and its abundance of fruit and vegetables at any and all seasons, make the city a most delightful place in which to live. The religious and educational advantages of Medford are of a high order. There are eleven churches, representing all the leading denominations, all with strong congregations, and most of them having splendid places of worship. Medford has wide-awake newspapers, all of them progressive in their policy, both well equipped in their mechanical departments, and all ably edited. They are the evening Tribune, the Morning Mail, the semiweekly Southern Oregonian, and weekly Mail. Vital statistics prove Medford to have an exceptionally low death rate, it being less than six per thousand. Epidemics of diseases are unknown here. Pure water and pure air, with an abundance of sunshine and copious showers, prevent fevers; and pulmonary troubles are unheard of. The climate is beneficial for catarrhal and asthmatic afflictions. All of the popular fraternal organizations and secret societies are represented here, with lodges of strong membership and satisfactory assembly halls. The improvement of which Medford is most proud is the water system being installed. This is a thirty-mile pipe, 16 inches in diameter, which brings by gravity system the pure, crystal waters from the melting snows and springs of Mount McLoughlin for Medford's use. This empties into a large reservoir a mile and a half from the city, situated on a hill and built of concrete. From this reservoir the main supply pipe takes the water to a completely new distributing system to all parts of the city. The reservoir is over 200 feet above the city streets, producing a pressure of 95 pounds at every point. The system will be completed about July 1, 1909. The eliminating of all machinery assures a cheap rate and abundance of pure water. The system throughout is constructed to supply Medford with water for 30,000 people. No other city in America of the present size of Medford has a better system, for the reason a better system or better water cannot be secured, and probably no city under 25,000 people has as good. From Medford good highways lead through every outlying district. The good roads movement is a thing of fact here. Jackson County has complete road-making machinery, and a crew is constantly employed on Rogue River Valley highways. There is an abundance of excellent road material close at hand that is being utilized for this purpose, and within a few years the roads and drives leading from this city will be the finest in the Northwest. The number of automobiles used by both the city and county residents already tells the story of good roads. There are 150 automobiles owned in Medford and vicinity, Medford ranking next to Portland, in Oregon, in number of autos owned, and leading any city of its size in America. This good roads movement, bringing the city and country nearer together, is making Rogue River Valley one wide but closely welded community. Every farmer has daily or thrice-weekly mail, by one of the star routes, or rural deliveries from Medford; also he has a telephone. Many have their residences and barns electric lighted, as power lines are available in every section of the valley. The rural resident here has all of the real comforts of the city, and his children have the same educational advantages, as every home is but a short walk from the district school house. It is this close communion of town and county, the intense production, the rapid settlement, and rapid growth, the concentration of the immense wealth of farm, orchard, forest and mine to this natural center of supply, that makes Medford Southern Oregon's chief city. MEDFORD SCHOOLS
Medford has one of the most progressive and complete school systems in
Oregon. There are three fine public school buildings, built of brick
and modern in all appointments. The public schools enroll over 1,200
pupils and offer a broad course of study, including drawing, watercolor
work and music under a special director. Sloyd
and manual training are also receiving some attention. The high school
offers full literary, scientific and commercial courses, laboratory
work, stenography and typewriting being special features.The teaching force is carefully selected, and many progressive Eastern teachers supplement the number from the energetic West. Any inquiries will be cheerfully answered by the City Superintendent of Schools. The Sisters of the Holy Names have completed an academy. The building cost $40,000, and it contains every modern convenience and comfort. This, with the splendid new high school, insures for Medford ample educational facilities. High school graduates are accredited to the state university. The educational facilities provided here will appeal to all right-minded men, and men who are moving to better their condition are apt to be right minded in all things that lead to betterment. Education is undoubtedly one of the most important of these. "Medford, Oregon: Rogue River Valley," booster booklet published by the Medford Commercial Club, Portland, 1909. Five miles north of Phoenix is the rapidly growing little city of Medford, practically in the center of the valley and with a wealth of farms and orchards surrounding it. Medford in population ranks next to Ashland and is destined to be the commercial center of the valley. Its growth is rapid and substantial. A short line of railroad connects it with Jacksonville to the west and the Crater Lake railroad has its junction with the S. P. road here and now extends northeast to Eagle Point and is intended to open up a fine body of timber to the northeast. . . . The foregoing marks the distinctive features of Ashland, while Medford's distinguishing feature is its central location in the valley and its consequent advantage as a commercial center. There ought not to be any feeling of rivalry between these two growing little cities, for that in which each excels is not a matter of competition between them, and yet there seems to be a senseless feeling of rivalry with its usual accompaniments. C. B. Watson, Prehistoric Siskiyou Island and Marble Halls of Oregon, 1909, page 39. This excerpt was printed in the Ashland Tidings on January 21, 1909, page 3 AS OTHERS SEE US.
As an instance of the benefit that a community
derives from having a paper that boosts, the clipping from the Ukiah Times
of January 19, which is reprinted herewith, is a fair example. This
advertising cost Medford nothing and will produce results. It is
emphasized in the same issue of the paper with an editorial. Following
is the clipping:
"The New Year's number of the Medford Mail gives an interesting account of the wonderful prosperity of that city, especially as shown by the building that was done in 1908. Medford is in the Rogue River Valley in Jackson County, Oregon, and in a very few years has grown from a small country town to be one of the largest and best cities in Southern Oregon. There were 229 dwellings constructed during the past year, ranging in cost from $750 to $3000. The total cost of the dwellings was $318,600 and of the business buildings $175,900, making a grand total of nearly half a million dollars paid out for new buildings in the city during the year. Besides, considerable sums were spent for street improvements, paving, a new sewer system and other things necessary to make a modern city. "People will ask, 'Why this prosperity? How is it a country town can become such a center of industry and the home of so many well-to-do people in a few years? Where does the money come from?' "Ordinarily, such places are mining camps or depend on some great manufacturing industry that has been established. But in this case the answer can be put in one word: APPLES. "They raise Newtown, Spitzenberg and Ben Davis apples. They plant the best trees and give them the best care. They prepare them for shipment by selecting only the best, and they have established a market that demands more than they can raise at about double the usual market price. Their apples are shipped to England, France and Germany, and every apple that goes makes somebody over there want two or three more. "Apples are their specialty. The farmers don't think nor talk about anything else. They have set a high standard, and they keep trying to make it higher. Everyone tries to have the best apples in size, flavor and color, and strives to have his packed in the most attractive manner. "As an illustration of the profits we note an item in the same paper. "'Frank Westog, of Covina, Cal., purchased 13 acres of the Plainview Orchard for $18,000--or $1500 an acre. In 1907 this orchard paid the owner the net sum of $6,336. The trees are now 16 years old and in full bearing.' "How does this compare with hops, especially when it is remembered that the crop is sure and the market growing better every year?" Medford Mail, January 29, 1909, page 4 MEDFORD LEADS THE WAY.
Medford leads the world in the number of automobiles for its population.
THE CITY OF MEDFORDMedford leads Oregon in the number of typewriters in use for its population. Medford leads Oregon in railroad traffic outside of Portland. Medford has a greater number of cars loaded and unloaded and receives a greater variety of commodities in carload lots than any city in Oregon outside Portland. Medford and the Rogue River Valley will ship more apples this year than any section of Oregon. Medford and the Rogue River Valley will ship nine-tenths of the Oregon pear crop this year. Medford fancy fruit, and that raised in the adjacent valley, holds the green fruit record of the world for quality and price. Medford has nearly fifty thousand acres of fancy commercial orchards, scientifically cared for, tributary to her and will have one hundred thousand acres in five years. Medford has more natural resources within a forty-mine radius than any city in America, and the Commercial Club backs it up with a thousand-dollar challenge. Medford has one of the largest coalfields in the country within sight of her doors--and development is rapidly proving both quantity and quality. Medford has one of the world's greatest copper fields within a few hours' distance. A million dollars spent in development on one mine proves the assertion. Medford has one of the largest remaining bodies of merchantable timber tributary to her, only lacking transportation to become a great timber manufacturing center. Medford is the gateway to the world's greatest scenic wonder--Crater Lake. Money has been appropriated for a half-million-dollar highway, and work will soon be under way. Medford has one of the world's greatest gold fields at her doors. Over twenty-five millions of dollars have been taken out in placer mines within a ten-mile radius of Medford, and half the placer ground is still untouched. Medford has the most progressive body of citizens and the most intelligent class of residents, the best public and parochial schools, and is installing the finest waterworks of any small city of Oregon. Medford has paved streets and has more buildings, both business blocks and residences, under way, and is growing faster than any town in the land. Medford's prospects are better than those of any place in the West. She leads all other towns in Oregon in everything that makes a city, and her steady progress is inevitable. Medford Daily Tribune, March 26, 1909, page 2 A FEW OF OUR POSSESSIONS.
Medford has--A population of 5332, official city census, January 1909. A public library. A city fire department. A $500,000 water system in course of construction. A fine public park. Seven miles of sewer systems. A $40,000 high school, a $40,000 Sisters of the Holy Names academy, two brick public schools. Five miles of hard surface street pavement, partially laid and in progress of construction, and miles of cement walks. Two daily, one semi-weekly, two weekly, and one monthly newspapers, high school, church and horticultural periodicals. Iron foundry, two ice manufacturing and cold storage plants, creamery, planing mills, box factory and lumber yards. Medford is-- The gateway to Crater Lake, the world's greatest natural wonder. Center of a timber belt containing 22,000,000 feet of merchantable timber. City of well-kept streets, beautiful homes, handsome parks, brick blocks, churches and schools. Located in [the] heart of famous Rogue River Valley, greatest fruit belt on the continent. Center of immense agricultural, horticultural, timber and mining districts. Supply point for district containing 25,000 people. Situated midway between Portland and Sacramento on the Southern Pacific, the logical place for a large city. Rogue River Valley-- Has an average altitude of 1500 feet. Has an average rainfall of 20 inches. Is the most beautiful of Oregon's many fertile valleys. Is premier apple and pear section of America, holding all records. Orchards pay $1000 an acre annually. Bartlett pear orchards have yielded $2250 an acre. Comice pears sold in London for $10.08 a box. Has rare metals and minerals in paying quantities. Has limitless quantities of the best building granite. Has finest grade of black and white marble in America. Is a sportsman's paradise--best fishing and hunting on earth. Has immense coal fields under development. Has prospective oil fields now being drilled. Has immense irrigation possibilities, and one irrigation system constructed. Has more water power going to waste than Niagara Falls. More undeveloped resources than any spot on earth. Medford Daily Tribune, March 27, 1909, page 2 Medford
By Reuben F. Robinson
morning not long ago, as the southbound Southern Pacific train pulled
into Roseburg, Oregon, a Pullman passenger looked out of the window and
asked of the negro porter: "What place is this?"
MEDFORD'S GROWTHThe reply came quickly and with emphasis: "Dis, Sah, am Roseburg, de county seat ob Douglas County and de metropolis ob de Rogue River Valley." "Indeed," replied the stranger. But he rode for miles in the fertile valley of the Umpqua; then other miles along the banks of the picturesque Cow Creek, which winds its way down the canyon now famous for its beautiful scenery; still other miles through tunneled mountains, past huge placer mines, around Wolf Creek loop and over valleys and divides until the real Rogue River Valley with all its sylvan beauty burst into view. A few minutes' stop at Grants Pass, and our train hurried on for still other miles along the banks of the Rogue. Presently we left the river and entered an arm of the valley through which flows Bear Creek, one of its principal tributaries. Words fail one in an attempt to describe this beautiful valley underlaid with gold and overlaid with well-kept orchards, vineyards, gardens and alfalfa fields. To the east are the Cascades with snow-capped Mt. McLoughlin (formerly Mt. Pitt) standing out as a sentinel to guard the approach to the world-famous Crater Lake. to the south at the head of the valley, the ancient peaks of the Siskiyous mark the divide between the Rogue and Klamath basins, while to the west the Coast Range and Siskiyous unite to complete the mountain border which lends beauty, richness and grandeur to the valley below. In the foothills are rich mines of gold, copper, cinnabar and various other metals. Overhead is a clear, blue sky which seems to lend unusual color to this superb and fruitful valley, in the center of which is built the city of Medford, which the colored porter meant to describe when he named the metropolis of the Rogue River Valley. Is it any wonder that with such [an] environment we find in the city a happy, businesslike, progressive people? Look at the frontispiece of this magazine [a photograph of the new high school] and characterize Medford. You see there in picture the spirit of the valley. The best only will satisfy these people. That's why their fruit is sought for and the highest prices paid--even far-off London paying fabulous sums for their Comice pears, and calling for more and more of the Yellow Newtown pippins. "Why does London buy the yellow apples and New York the red ones?" was asked of the keeper of the exhibit pavilion at the depot. "Yellow Newtown pippins are the Queen's favorite apple, and London follows the lead of the Queen, but New York and other Atlantic Coast cities cannot get enough of our beautiful Spitzenbergs" was the keeper's reply. With its hard-surfaced streets and many substantial brick business blocks, the city is beginning to take on a real cosmopolitan appearance. Mention of the local newspapers will give the reader some idea of the enterprise of the people of the city and the valley around. These are the Medford Daily Tribune and the Southern Oregonian (semi-weekly), the Medford Morning Mail, and the Weekly Morning Mail. Medford is at one end of the new road which the counties of Jackson and Klamath, the State of Oregon, and the United States propose to build to Crater Lake. This road over the Cascades, past Crater Lake and along the Klamath Lakes to the California line will be one of the most picturesque driveways in the world. Medford is justly proud of her schools, which are now under the supervision of U. G. Smith. With him is a competent corps of teachers. The School Board consists of J. H. Cochran, J. E. Watt, Chas. Strong, L. G. Porter and H. C. Kentner, with Oris Crawford, clerk. Their new high school building was dedicated on April 19th with a carefully prepared program. It is a roomy two-story brick structure with large basement and attic. It is substantial and well lighted and ventilated. The plan throughout presents a happy combination of convenience and pleasing effect. There is an auditorium, octagonal in shape, with sloping floor, a spacious elevated platform and a balcony. The room has a seating capacity of about five hundred. The main floor is furnished with adjustable school desks and the balcony with opera chairs. This room is used for general assembly and a study room. The high school library occupies a well-lighted and comfortably furnished room just off the assembly room. The commercial department occupies two rooms on the first floor, and the laboratories of the science department occupy two rooms on the second floor of the building just over the commercial department. There are three rooms on the first and second floors in the opposite end of the building from the commercial and science departments, equipped especially for recitation purposes. The Superintendent's office and the office of the School Board are on the first floor. In addition to these rooms, there are two school rooms on the first floor and three on the second floor, each sufficiently large to accommodate fifty pupils if necessary. The gymnasium occupies a spacious room in the attic. The basement, which extends under the entire building, is high and well lighted. In it are placed the toilets and baths, and the boilers for the steam heating plant. Besides the fuel room, there is sufficient space for well-lighted rooms in domestic science and art, manual training and mechanical drawing. The basement floors are all to be cement. The halls of the building are wide and light. The stairs are broad and constructed according to the most modern ideas for convenience and ease in ascending and descending. All in all, the building comes as near to the ideal as can be hoped for in any school building. The School and Home, May 1909, page 9 PRAISES MEDFORD
Portland Magazine Has Special Article Concerning this City
The School and
Home, a
magazine published in Portland, has an article in its May number
entitled "Medford," written by Reuben F. Robinson, superintendent of
the schools of Multnomah County. The magazine also has a picture of the
Medford High School building as its frontispiece. The article says in
"Look at the frontispiece of this magazine and characterize Medford. You see there in picture the spirit of the valley. The best only will satisfy these people. That's why their fruit is sought for and the highest prices paid--even far-off London paying fabulous sums for their Comice pears, and calling for more and more of the Yellow Newtown Pippins. "'Why does London buy the yellow apples and New York the red ones?' was asked the keeper of the exhibit pavilion at the depot. "'Yellow Newtown Pippins are the queen's favorite apple, and London follows the lead of the queen; but New York and other Atlantic coast cities cannot get enough of our beautiful Spitzenbergs,' was the keeper's reply. "With its hard-surfaced streets and many substantial brick business blocks, the city is beginning to take on a real cosmopolitan appearance. Mention of the local newspapers will give the reader some idea of the enterprise of the people of the city and the valley around. These are the Medford Morning Mail and the Weekly Medford Mail, the Medford Daily Tribune and the Southern Oregonian (semi-weekly). "Medford is at one end of the new road which the counties of Jackson and Klamath, the state of Oregon and the United States propose to build to Crater Lake. This road over the Cascades, past Crater Lake and along the Klamath lakes to the California line will be one of the most picturesque driveways in the world." Medford Mail, May 14, 1909, page 5
That Medford has made a wonderful growth during the past year is well
known to those who live here, and more so to those who make occasional
visits to this city.
In every quarter new homes are being erected continually for the ever-increasing population; business blocks are being built--not cheap, temporary affairs, but splendid, up-to-date structures that would be a credit to any place. The mayor and council of Medford have been keenly alive to the wants of the people, and many thousand dollars in improvements have been added during the past year. Nor is this all. The residents take pride in beautifying their homes. More new lawns are being laid out, roses, flowering shrubs and ornamental trees are being planted, and the word "advancement" is in the minds and on the lips of Medford's citizens. With the vast resources that Medford has surrounding it and the enterprising vigor of its people, a glorious future is certain. Medford's Magazine, April 1909, page 13 MEDFORD THE CITY OF PROMISE
We are not a boastful people, and you much mistake us.
It is only truth that we would offer you--truth--and an ounce or two of the things the years have taught us. When we say we are in the heart of the most fertile valley in the world we are not lying--we are telling you what we honestly believe. The population of our city in February, 1908, was 3908; today, May 30, 1909, it is 6000. And yet this isn't the Medford that is to be, for we have resources back of us that will make us a city of 15,000 in the next five years. Medford Mail, June 4, 1909, page 4 MEDFORD IS A PEERLESS CITY
Glen Sterling, a special correspondent for the Chicago Evening Post,
was in Medford for a few days during the latter part of August and in
the Evening Post
of September 6 there appeared over a column and a half write-up of
Medford and the Rogue River Valley. Mr. W. G. Proper of Jonesville,
Michigan, caught sight of a copy of the Post containing the
write-up and has sent it to a Medford friend.Here is how Mr. Sterling writes of what he saw here: "Medford, Or., Sept. 2.--(Special Correspondence of The Evening Post.)--This city, which is near the center of the beautiful Rogue River Valley, has a remarkable past, a most gratifying present and a phenomenal future. Here in the middle of the valley is 600,000 acres of tillable land, at an altitude of 1400 feet, sentineled by Mount McLoughlin, 9760 feet; Mount Sterling, 7737 feet; Mount Wagner, 7245 feet, and historic flat-topped Table Rock. "Endowed with great natural advantages in the way of climate, soil, water and scenery, Medford is awake to her good fortune and disposed to make the most of it. Nowhere in the world, perhaps, is there more general prosperity and contentment than there is within a radius of 40 miles of this place. Reflects Wealth of Country.
"Comparing this section as a fruit and farming country with some of the
so-called agricultural districts in other parts of the United States is
like comparing Wall Street with Mulberry Bend, and the city of 6000
reflects the condition of the surrounding country."Banks, business houses, schools, churches, homes, streets, lighting and an unexcelled water system all attest the financial wealth and the public spirit of the community. "It is the surrounding country that has made the city. Orchard, farm, dairy, forest, mine, garden and quarry have poured their products through this local mart and brought untold wealth to the community. And with all the exuberance and assurance that youth has, the citizens feel that they have made only a beginning. Many New Orchards Planted.
"For example--and they have figures to prove their assertions--they
point to the fact that during the last two years there were 20,000
acres of new orchards planted in the Rogue River Valley."Thereupon they will show you the returns for all products shipped from Medford ten years ago and give you the net profit per acre; they will compare these figures with those for five years ago, and with those for last year. "Then they will summarize and prove conclusively to your reeling brain that both gross shipments and net profits have increased. "You venture to ask why and receive the answer that the market has grown with the supply, that they are producing not only more, but better, fruit, and that they have advanced materially in their knowledge of how and what to produce." Following this, the writer tells of the immense fruit yields, with which all Morning Mail readers are familiar. He then touches upon the country's timber resources: "Then, as one approaches the highlands, the orchards and vineyards predominate. Here the soil is of decomposed granite or of the red variety, in which there is a strong trace of iron. The former has been found best adapted for peaches, and the latter for grapes, apples and other fruits. "A ride through this fruit district produces the same impressions as are made by other parts of this wonderful Valley of the Rogue. There is unlimited money to be made in the production of all kinds of fruits. Everything thrives from the vine that seeks the ground to the tree that holds its fruit out to you. "Strawberries and apples, raspberries and peaches, blackberries and pears, loganberries and cherries, watermelons, grapes, everything that a lover of temperate zone fruits could wish seems to grow here, and they all yield returns comparable with those received by other growers. Prosperous and Thriving.
"In all this valley, through which the Rogue River pursues its varied
way, now leaping boisterously and shouting and laughing, now roaring
angrily and raging and foaming, now smiling placidly and basking in the
sunlight, is to be found a country rich, contented and happy, and
cities prosperous and thriving."Here where the savages, the Rogues, the Modocs, the Piutes, the Klamaths and the Umpquas held their powwows or fought their battles, where they allied against each other or against the whites, where love and hatred and lust and revenge determined the course of affairs, is now the white man's paradise. Little Trace of Indians Left.
"Skookum John and Captain Jack, old chief Leylek and Celie, and the
other noted redmen have passed on and left almost nothing to remind us
of the romances of their loves and lives and deaths. Only in the silent
places do we hear echoes of their lives and cross their oft-trod
trails. "The activities of the cities, the crash of the forest giants, the song of the saw, the swish of the placer hydraulic, and the chug-chug of the stamp mill, mingled with the lowing of cattle, the whirr of the sickle, the rattle of the thresher and the rumble of the fruit-laden wagons--these are what we now hear instead, and all these are only preliminary to the grand chorus of the jingling dollars." Medford Mail, September 24, 1909, page 7 FROM FAR-AWAY FLORIDA.
The Pacific Northwest is beginning to get returns from all over the
country as the result of the great tourist invasion of this year.
Oregon is prominently in the limelight, and Medford is not forgotten.Editor Sees Rogue River Valley and Is Enraptured. The Morning Mail this week received a copy of the Weekly Star, published way down in Osceola, Marion County, Florida, of date August 13, with nearly a page of editorial correspondence covering features of a trip from Seattle to San Francisco. In this article the following mention of Medford is made: Irrigation Great Feature.
Of course, irrigation is a great feature in all this Pacific Slope
country, and marvelous is the change its application has wrought in it
during the past quarter of a century. Hills and valleys that then only
knew the cry of the coyote and the howling of the wild animals of the
plains and hills are now teeming with fruit orchards, barley and
alfalfa fields and stock ranges, and we give the growth of Medford, in
South Oregon, in the Rogue River Valley, as a striking example of what
irrigation can and does do for the cultivation and upbuilding of a
community. The valley is a very extensive one and beautiful to behold,
as it now presents itself as a picture of growth and production.Crops Simply Wonderful.
It has only been within recent years that vast irrigating works have
been established on the headwaters of the Rogue River Valley, and now
thousands and tens of thousands of acres of land feel the magic touch
of moisture and the crops of barley and alfalfa grown are simply
wonderful, to say nothing of fruits of all kinds.Medford was only a small village a few years ago, but now has a population of 7000 people, and up-to-date buildings of every character. The people partake of the Pacific Slope spirit and maintain at the depot an exhibit building filled with all the products of its rich valley, and while the train stops 20 minutes for dinner a man is busy inviting in the guests to see the display and accept a booklet that tells a very interesting story of Medford's history and the growth and prosperity of the valley. Lands, as soon as irrigation is anywhere tributary, are worth from $100 to $260 an acre. To add to the enticements of the exhibit building is a very winsome and charming young lady of Medford who stands ready to hypnotize every listener by her handsome and expressive features and the tact with which she tells the story of why you should come and cast your lot with the people of the Rogue River Valley. We could instance dozens of other towns along this line that adopt similar methods to advertise themselves, but Medford must suffice. Medford Mail, September 24, 1909, page 7 A BOOST FROM MEDFORD
A. B. Williams Tells of Rogue River Valley ---- Wonderful Crops of Apples and Pears Which Surprise Other Sections of Country ----
is a long time since A. B. Williams was heard from. Here is a letter
which tells of the wonders of his Rogue River home and the
possibilities of that splendid fruit section which will answer
inquiries from people of this section.
Medford, Ore., Oct. 24, 1909 Editor Reaper--If those among the many people in Sevier County with whom I became acquainted during the ten busy years I lived in Richfield think of me as often as I do of them, I must often be brought to memory. I have had one great advantage over them, however, for every week I read the Reaper and have been kept well informed as to what has been going on in Sevier County since my departure from there, while it has been something over a year while I have let them hear from me. I have not intended to be so negligent in dropping lines occasionally to the Reaper, but the past year has kept me very busy and I really have not had the time to attend to anything more than urgent business correspondence. I will now endeavor to give you a little information about this country, as I have found it after a residence of fifteen months here and seeing it under all conditions. To my mind this Rogue River Valley is one of the best valleys, for many things, I have ever seen, and for that future on which I had long set my heart, is ideal. Of course it does not serve every requirement of human needs and desires, but along the lines of horticulture, farming, lumbering and business opportunities, I think this valley, and Medford in particular, offers advantages which can be surpassed nowhere. I would be no use, if I desire to really impress your readers convincingly, to deal in generalities, so I will go into a few details. First we will consider the fruit industry. There is not known anywhere a better country for the raising of certain classes of fruits, particularly apples and pears, than this valley. For pears especially the Rogue River Valley is probably the peer of them all. In proof of this I will cite the fact that New York City alone commands the entire product of this valley of the Bartlett Bosc, D'Anjou and Comice varieties and pays a higher price for them than is paid for the same class of fruit from any other section of the world. Were the yield in this valley twenty or fifty times as great as it is, New York City alone would exclusively demand the product and would pay such prices as to command it. Other cities are clamoring for Rogue River Valley pears, but as yet the valley does not begin to fill the demand, and when it shall have increased its annual production a hundredfold, as it will do in the course of years, it will not be able to supply all the demand. And Medford this season shipped hundreds of carloads of this one variety of fruit alone. Rogue River Valley pears have held the top-notch record prices in New York for the past four years, and the few that have escaped to London have done the same there. You might wonder that pears could stand such long shipment. That is one of the secrets of the superiority of these pears. They stand shipment better than such fruit raised anywhere else. There is something in the soil and the climate that puts a preserving quality into the pears raised in this valley that makes them out-keep the pears raised elsewhere, and they always reach the market in the very best of condition, and with their rich flavor unimpaired. Bartlett pears from this valley sold in New York City last season for $4.25 a box (containing about 50 pounds), and carload lots sold for over $4.00 a box. Carloads of D'Anjous brought $5.40 a box in the same market; some boxes sold for $6 and others for $6.75. The highest competitor for this same variety of pears from other sections brought an average of $1.75 a box. As high as $3.40 a box has been paid for Howell pears, while the entire crop of Winter Nelis from one orchard sold for $3.42 a box. Comice pears have been taken at from $7.50 to $10 a box. They have been delivered F.O.B. Medford for as high as $9.00 a box. These pears retail for 15 cents apiece in New York City. Comice pears from this valley sold last year in London for $10.80 a box. Last year an entire carload grossed $10.80 a box in New York, the green fruit record for the world. This year still higher records have been made for pears shipped from this valley. These figures are all at the wholesale price. What makes this fruit command such prices? The quality. And what makes the quality? The soil, climate and methods of care, cultivation and packing. Fruit raising in this valley, although this is the youngest fruit country of the noted fruit regions of the world, is reduced to a science surpassed nowhere. Other states and other nations are constantly sending experts here to study our methods. Care of orchards is not a theory here, it is a practice. Strict laws for the eradication of pests and disease are not only put on the statute books, but they are rigidly enforced. Counties supplement the state laws with rigid rules, and the more enterprising communities like Medford hire government experts at a salary of $2,000 to $3,000 a year to give their entire time to a study of local conditions and put every influence possible back of them to carry on a scientific and systematic campaign. Let a tree be found with incurable disease or pest-ridden and out it comes, root and branches, and is reduced to ashes. What has been stated above in regard to pears is applicable to the apple product of this valley. While the Rogue River Valley has stronger rivals for this variety of fruit, in the Hood River, Wenatchee, Yakima and other sections, the quality of the fruit is second to none. Rogue River Valley Newtown Pippin, Spitzenberg and Jonathan apples are the peer of this class of fruit grown anywhere, and New York and London prices, which are the gauge of the virtues of fruits, are often a little in favor of this valley. Rogue River Valley apples are sought the world over, and New York, England, Germany, Russia, Japan and other countries send representatives here annually to contract whatever of the crop they can obtain. If the production was a thousand times greater it could not fulfill the demand, and as in the case of pears, only the leading world's markets are favored with this choice fruit. There is a waxiness of the skin, a tint of color, a voluptuousness of shape and contour, a delicacy, sappiness and richness of flavor, combined with excellent shipping and keeping qualities, that is not surpassed, if equaled, in the apple of any other fruit section. Rogue River Valley apples are now going to market, so I am not able to at present give you figures as to prices for this year, but it is expected they will bring from $2.25 to $2.50 a box F.O.B. Medford, which means from $3.25 to $3.75 wholesale in New York. At the prices given, an acre of pears or apples in this valley gross on the [railroad] cars here from $1,200 to $2,000. One man who owns a three-acre tract of apples expects to get from $1,970 to $2,200 per acre for his crop, which has been harvested. This will net him above all costs in caring for the orchard picking and packing the fruit from $1,600 to $1,900 an acre. And yet land prices are not at all high, considering the returns. Good bearing orchards have been selling this season from $600 to $1600 an acre. Tracts planted to young orchards sell for $250 to $600. Unimproved land, just as good for fruit raising as any now in producing orchards, can be had from $40 an acre up. Uncleared virgin land can be had for less. Prices are governed by proximity to towns. It will be only a few years until the fruit production of this valley will be increased three, five, ten and twenty fold. The land is available, and it is rapidly being utilized. It is estimated that about 15,000 acres will be set to young orchards during the next six months. Real estate sales in this valley will reach an enormous total for the year. During this month alone, no less than twenty sales have been made ranging from $5000 to $50,000. The Rogue River Valley is becoming famed throughout the country, and this year hundreds of people have located here, some who had never seen the valley before but had come with a fixed determination of locating, others, traveling as tourists, incidentally attracted while passing through, investigating and investing. All this is upbuilding Medford rapidly. I am fain to tell you something about the wonderful growth and progress of this metropolis of the Rogue River Valley but since I have for this time consumed all the space I could reasonably ask I will defer to some future time, not long hence, I hope to write of this city. Hoping all my friends in the Sevier Valley are enjoying their meed of the prosperity with which this land is blessed, I am, as ever, yours, A.
B. Williams
Richfield [Utah] Reaper, November
11, 1909, page 6
TRIBUNE:November 1, 1909 We cannot do without the [Wakarusa] Tribune. It is like a letter from home and we always look for the next issue and its news, and so please find enclosed post money order for same. Now I will have to say a few words for Southern Oregon and the Rogue River Valley, the place wherein our city of Medford is situated. Medford is a real live town of six thousand or more people and is growing fast. There are many people coming here; they all like our climate and so they stay. We have a fine crop of apples which are just harvested and are bringing the highest prices in New York City, as much as $2.50 per box. A box means 50 pounds. We had a fine pear crop and they brought from $2.25 to $4.50 per box. We raise the famous Comice pear in this valley and they bring as high as eight dollars per box. They are just fine; in fact, all our fruit of this valley, pears, apples, peaches, cherries and all small fruits, are fine. They are second to none on earth. That sounds big, but I won't take it back, for we have the goods to show for it. So if you are "from Missouri" just come along. This valley will soon be mostly in orchards. The largest orchard I know of has 2,100 acres in it but they are mostly small trees. I think we will ship out four or five hundred car loads of fruit this season. There will be over two thousand acres [of] young trees set out this winter that I know of, and when all these orchards come in full bearing they will have to go some I think. Full-bearing orchards are worth and sell for from eight hundred to two thousand five hundred dollars per acre. Farm land is worth from fifty to four hundred dollars per acre, according to quality and location. We raise all kinds of crops raised in Indiana and some not raised there. Wheat sowing is now on, and there will be some sowed as late as March. Lots of time to sow in Oregon. We had nice fall rains. The mountains are green and plenty of pasture. Stock does fine out on grass all winter. It really does not seem like winter, as the roses are still in bloom, and I saw a man picking strawberries for market as I was driving along the country road. But I must stop boasting, for we have some drawbacks as well, but will not mention them now; but will truthfully say we all love Oregon. We love its climate, sceneries and good fishing and hunting. It is fun to go to the river and hook a nice salmon and jolly him around and tire him out so you can pull him in, and then they are just fine to eat, you know. My two boys and myself were out fishing two weeks ago and we got a fine deer, so we have venison for all. That was not half bad for Hoosiers, they tell me. Now this leaves us all well and happy in sunny Medford, Oregon. Respectfully,
Wakarusa Tribune,
Wakarusa, Indiana, November 11, 1909, page 1FRANK MARTIN.
Medford spells progress and municipal advancement. It is the most
metropolitan small city in the world and its population the most
cosmopolitan, a citizenship that has the utmost faith in the city's
future and works as a unit to realize its destiny--the metropolis of
that vast region between Portland and San Francisco.
Medford is a city of some 7500 inhabitants where two years ago there was a village with a scant 3500, with the finest climate in Oregon, in the center of one of the earth's richest, fairest and most picturesque valleys. On the west the hills are underlaid with gold, on the east with coal. A little further back on the one hand is an immense belt of timber, on the other one of the world's largest copper districts. Through the valley winds the Rogue, most beautiful of the many beautiful rivers of Oregon, wasting more power than Niagara in its tumbling course to the sea. Beyond in the hills at the very summit of the Cascades, in the burned-out bowl of a gigantic volcano are the blue waters of Crater Lake, the greatest natural wonder in the world. The picturesque valley of the Rogue, hemmed in by verdure-clad hills, is the greatest natural fruit belt in the world, where soil, elevation, climate combine to produce the perfect product. Here are 50,000 acres of commercial orchards that cannot be equaled on the globe, whose apples win the sweepstakes prizes at world's apple shows, whose pears sell to England's epicures at $10 a box, whose peaches take first awards at world's expositions, whose products command the highest price in the world's markets--orchards which yield $1000 an acre annually to the grower. The planted orchard area is increasing at the rate of 15,000 acres annually, and will eventually comprise a quarter million acres or more. Medford is the railroad center of the present and the future. Within two years it will be the only city in western Oregon except Portland to have a competing railroad and will be connected by trolley with other cities. Already its railroad business, both passenger and freight, exceeds that of any other place in the state except Portland. With the completion of the railroads under construction and planned will come the lumber mills and the smelters, the payrolls and population. The Pacific & Eastern Railroad, on which 1000 men are now rushing construction to the Cascades and beyond, will tap the largest of the remaining sugar pine belts, containing eight billion feet of merchantable standing timber, half of which is sugar and yellow pine. To cut this timber will require seven sawmills cutting a hundred thousand feet each per day for 300 days in the year for a term of 40 years, equivalent to 35 carloads a day, or over 10,000 cars a year during the entire year, insuring labor for over 2000 employees, or a payroll in manufacturing lumber of $3,000,000 a year. As the timber is cut, the land can be used for agricultural and fruit purposes, the elevation and slope being ideal, and the soil, proved by experiments already conducted, adapted to fruit of all kinds. Over $25,000,000 in placer gold has been taken from the soil within a few miles of Medford and each year sees a substantial increase in the total yield. Over a million dollars spent in developing one mine in the Blue Ledge district proves it one of the great copper deposits of the West, and railroad and smelter will soon make it accessible and a prolific producer. Within sight of Medford's door are coal mines under development, with an average vein of 12 feet, estimated to yield 2000 tons per day of fine bituminous coal. Medford has spent within a year $350,000 for a gravity water system fed from the snow-clad summit of Mt. McLoughlin, $150,000 for 20 miles of cast iron mains in a city distributing system, over $100,000 for three miles of hard surfaced pavement, constructed 25 miles of sewer system, many miles of cement walk and other improvements, a greater expenditure per capita than ever made by any city in the land in the same length of time. During the same period over two and a quarter millions have been spent for building materials for private construction in Medford. Medford has more natural resources than any place in the country, and the Commercial Club offers $5000 for proof to the contrary. These resources are many and diversified. Few are developed, others are in process of development. Any one of a dozen that might be named, properly developed, justify the existence of a city larger than Medford. All together promise a certain future--and the future has arrived. Medford Mail Tribune, November 28, 1909, page 4 IN A NUTSHELL
7500 population. $2,000,000 bank deposits. $350,000 gravity water system. $150,000 cast-iron city distributing system. Three miles of paved streets. Twenty-five miles of sewer system. Free mail delivery system. Fine electric light and power system. A $40,000 high school, a $40,000 Sisters' academy and two massive grammar school buildings, with a third projected. The best hotels and grills south of Portland. A free public library. A city fire department. The best of city governments. The biggest railroad business south of Portland. The only railroad under construction from western Oregon to the East. The geographical location for a metropolis. The progressive people that create one. And is gateway to Crater Lake, the world's greatest natural wonder. Rogue River Valley has: Average rainfall, 20 inches. Temperature, highest 105, lowest 18, mean 65. Average elevation, 1500 feet. Fifty thousand acres commercial orchard. Rare metals and minerals in abundance. Limitless quantities best building granite. Best placer ground in existence. Finest grade white and black marble in America. Best hunting and fishing. Immense coal fields under development. Immense irrigation possibilities. More water power going to waste than Niagara. More undeveloped resources than any spot on earth. Medford Mail Tribune, November 28, 1909, page 4 "THE BIGGEST VILLAGE"
Richardson said that Medford is the "biggest village in the world," the
"most cosmopolitan small town in existence," and that every man, woman
and child in it was imbued with the idea that Medford was going to be a
big city, and that no argument could be made that an answer was not
instantly forthcoming.
Medford is going to be a large city, if for no other reason because of the faith of her citizens in her future. Cities are built by men, not by nature, and the right kind of citizenship will create a metropolis on the desert. But with this kind of citizenship, Medford combines the advantages of geographical location and great natural resources. Tom Richardson does not know Medford, her charms or her resources. Neither do many other Portland people. He is unfamiliar with her tributary orchard district, the largest in the Northwest. He is ignorant of her mines, her timber and her rare climate. He does not know or realize what Medford is doing, its material progress and advancement. Here is a city of some 7000 inhabitants where two years ago there was a village with a scant 3500, with the finest climate in Oregon, in the center of one of earth's richest, fairest and most picturesque valleys. On one side the hills are underlaid with coal, on the other with gold. A little farther back on the one hand is an immense belt of timber, on the other one of the world's largest copper districts. Through the valley winds the Rogue, most beautiful of the many beautiful rivers of Oregon, wasting more power than Niagara in its tumbling course to the sea. Beyond in the hills at the very summit of the Cascades lies Crater Lake, the greatest natural wonder in the world. Here are 50,000 acres of choice apple and pear orchard with an annual increase in planted orchard area of from 10,000 to 15,000 acres, whose products command the highest price in the world's markets. Here are grown the choicest apples and pears in the world, from orchards which yield over $1000 an acre annually. Here is the banner pear section of the earth, where climatic and soil conditions combine to produce perfect fruit. Here is where man and nature have joined hands to create a metropolis for that immense 700-mile stretch between Sacramento and Portland. Here is the railroad center of the present and the future. Medford will within two years be the only city in Oregon, except Portland, to have a competing railroad. Already its railroad business, both passenger and freight, exceeds that of any other city in Oregon outside of Portland. With the railroads will come the lumber mills and the smelters, the payrolls and population. This "biggest village" has spent $350,000 for a gravity water system and over $100,000 for three miles of pavement and another $150,000 for over 20 miles of cast iron water distributing system and for 25 miles of sewers within a year, a greater expenditure per capita for public improvements than ever made by any city in the land before. This "biggest village," with its 200 automobiles, its metropolitan characteristics, its push, vigor and energy, its live, wide-awake citizenship, is just starting to do things. Mr. Richardson should keep his eye on Medford--you "cain't stop her." Medford Mail Tribune, November 10, 1909, page 4 MEDFORD LEADS WORLD IN NUMBER OF
leads the world in the number of automobiles per capita of population.
Statistics show that at the present time there is one automobile in use
to every 500 population in the United States. Pasadena, with splendid
roads, and called the "city of millionaires," has one automobile to
every 72 population. Medford has one for every 30. The number of
automobiles exceed 200, 200 in the city. And Medford is well equipped
with garages, up to date in every particular, to care for them.---- No Other City in the World Has as Many Machines in Use as Has Medford Per Capita of Population--Motor Cars Are a Necessity in the Valley. ---- The automobile is not a luxury in the valley. It has become a necessity. The orchard owners reside in the city, and when the rush times come on they must need visit their orchards several times a day. The automobile is needed. In the city the auto is needed for running errands, for short pleasure trips and the like. A level valley adds incentive until today Medford leads in the number of automobiles. Many cars have been purchased for the coming year, and auto dealers are unanimous in their censure of the fact that they are not allotted more cars. The outlook for the coming year is splendid and the motor car men are planning to make the most of it. Medford Mail Tribune, November 28, 1909, page 12 What Do You Know About This?
NUMBER 1--There
is in the city of Medford one large book and stationery store, which
carries also a beautiful line of art goods, pictures and frames. Among
the refined and cultivated families that comprise the population of the
valley is a fruitful field for the sale of those things which appeal to
the intelligence, and the store is soon to spread out into more room.
They are also headquarters for the Eastman Kodak and supplies. Also a
beautiful line of Rookwood pottery--beautiful at all times, especially
attractive at holiday time. What is the name of this store? Where is it
located?Medford Book Store, 209 E. Main St. NUMBER 2--If you have a horse or a wagon, or a buggy, or any number of things for sale, who is the man in Medford who will probably come into your mind as a buyer? Or if you want to buy, he is also in the market to sell you just what you want. He is a young man, a fair and square dealer, a native of Oregon and a resident of this vicinity for 2½ years. He is not cumbered with a big barn or stable, but he probably does more business along this line than many who are. He has a 20-acre fruit ranch near town, and he keeps his capital turning by doing teaming. He is always ready to buy or sell. Give his name and residence. H. C. Bonney, 338 N. Front St. NUMBER 3--Every improvement that tends to lighten the household work of the women should be welcome. The fireless cooker and permanent hot water basin, which heats and keeps hot your water at 60 percent of the fuel cost, is one of the longest and most important steps that has been taken for womankind and the household. They should not be listless about learning of it. They ought to be enthusiastic about it, for it will neutralize their most tense household responsibility. A general agent of this great invention now has them on exhibition in Medford. Go and see them. They are not expensive, and it costs nothing to see them. He also handles the latest in lighting systems--cleaner and better than electric illumination. What is the name of this gentleman? Also give street number. J. W. Whitney, 211 W. Main St. NUMBER 4--Where and from whom can you get the highest class service in merchant tailoring in Medford? This well-known house has been doing business here for six years. The name applied to this tailor is the spirit of the age. He is a tailor to men of taste, furnishing high-grade suits at from $[illegible] up. Carries a large line of imported and domestic fabrics in the latest shades and weaves, and the line is particularly complete in this fall's novelties. The styles and fit will appeal to careful dressers, the most particular attention being given to the details of each garment. Give name and street number. W. W. Eifert, the Progressive Tailor, 10 N. Front St. NUMBER 5--One of the oldest realty companies in Medford has at its head at this time a gentleman who has been identified with the Rogue River Valley for 25 years. He has had practical experience in the development of its wonderful resources in various capacities. He knows the true value of the soil, its adaptability for specific purposes. and is one of the best-posted men in Oregon on land values. He is a safe man for either the newcomer or the resident to counsel with--either in buying or selling. He makes a specialty of fruit and alfalfa lands and has possibly the best general list for sale in this section. Give name of company, name of this gentleman and location of office. Rogue River Land Co., W. M. Holmes, 11 N. Central Ave. NUMBER 6--What is the name and location of the drug store that has the all-night service? At any hour of the day or night you can reach them by phone and your order will be promptly delivered. This is something to be remembered. In the hour of dire trouble it will afford you relief. In this drug store will be found the purest of drugs and chemicals, the most complete line of proprietary medicines and cosmetics and the largest assortment of sundries. The most conscientious accuracy prevails in the filling of physicians' prescriptions. This pharmacy was formerly on Main Street, but it is now nearer the post office. Give its name and location. Medford Pharmacy, 22 N. Central Ave. NUMBER 7--This is one of the exclusive dry goods and ladies' furnishing goods houses in the city, and you can almost identify them with this mention, without further description. This is their line, and they devote their entire energy to supplying the wants of their trade herein. Their stock of fancy goods and notions, dress goods, trimmings, hosiery and underwear is quite varied. And their line of ladies' suits is very attractive. Their prices in all lines have a decided downward tendency at all times. For fifteen years this house has been selling goods to the people here. They like the Rogue Valley and the people. Give name of firm and location of store. W. H. Meeker & Co., 231 E. Main St. NUMBER 8--That accessory to modern civilization which a few years ago had no existence, the garage, has in Medford a good representative. This garage has been running for a year past. Supplies for autos of all kinds are in stock, and they do all kinds of repairing. They sell the Chalmers-Detroit "30" and "40" machines, also the Hudson "20." These machines are "the last word" in automobile lore. They have the power, the style and the durability. The 1910 models are beauties. If you are in the market for a machine you should call and give them a chance to demonstrate. Give the name of the company and the location of garage. Soon to be moved to [a] new building being erected for their especial purpose on Holly Street, opposite the Vawter residence. Valley Auto Co., rear Hotel Moore. NUMBER 9--This well-known store is named after an article of furniture which in modern houses is built in as a part of the house. It is a store where all modern people trade, because the goods they carry are up to date. They carry a very large line of men's furnishings of all kinds, also a full line of shoes for the whole blessed family. Quality in everything is what has built up their big trade and they stick to it like the bark on a beech tree. People wonder how they can give the quality they do for the price. The Lion pants--from the congested condition of his robe he will soon hunt for larger quarters, a fine new store room, 28x60, where they will spread out and scatter more and greater bargains. Give name of store, name of firm, present location, also new location. The Wardrobe, Brandon & Whitney, 107 Main St., new location third room in Farmers' and Fruit Growers' Bank Bldg. NUMBER 11 [sic]--This paragraph represents one of the leading jewelry establishments of the metropolis of the Rogue Valley. It is soon to move to a more commodious room in a new building and it is up to you to give his name and location, also his new location. This gentleman was formerly connected with San Francisco's famous jewelry establishment--Shreve & Co. Also was in business at San Luis Obispo, Cal., where he was official inspector of watches for the S.P. Co. His business has built up very rapidly and is growing larger every day. He carries a large line of goods and manufactures to order. Any design in mind he will perfect for you. He will be glad to meet your wants for holiday goods. Geo. A. Butt, 135 W. Main St., new location, 202 W. Main St. NUMBER 12--Here is where you make your money stretch. They claim you get everything here for about half price. They have both new and second-hand goods: not only furniture and stoves but agateware, tinware, tents, hardware, crockery, sewing machines, and goods of all kinds. This lively institution is located just a little off the paved streets, and it is an interesting sight to walk through their big ware rooms and see what they have gathered together. When you fail to find what you want elsewhere you can usually find it here. But why not come here first and save your energy--as well as your money. You know this firm. Give their name and location. Mordoff & Woolf, 18-20 [South] Fir St. NUMBER 13--Give the name of the livery, feed and sale stable in Medford which has just changed hands, bringing into existence a new firm of oldtimers who are known to be horsemen worth while. Also give the name of the new firm and location of the barn. If we told you the composition of the walls you would know it at once and that would not be fair. You can get any kind of a rig you want here except the poor kind. Everything is kept in fine order and the horses are the best that travel the roads. Figure this out carefully and make no mistake now--or ever in the future when you want to drive. West Side Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Farlow & Dowling, S. Grape, off Main. NUMBER 14--What is the name and location of the restaurant, also give the name of the firm? They serve splendid dinners at noon for 25 cents. and it is one of the liveliest places in the city, especially at this hour. The restaurant has been running many months, but the present firm took hold of it only three weeks ago. They serve the very best short orders at all times. Has lunch counter and tables. One of the firm is chef and the other looks after the serving. They make a team that never stalls or balks. They are getting a big trade. No matter which side they are on, you will strike a warm trail on a street that fronts the depot. Medford Restaurant, 16 S. Fir St., Palmer & Gardner. NUMBER 15--Where in Medford is the place to get everything that swims, and a good many things that fly? And then some. All kinds of foreign and domestic cheese, the very best macaroni, spaghetti, and other paste goods, olives, pickles, oysters, and other delicacies. Fresh fish, poultry and game, they always have the best and at the lowest prices. Consignments received daily. If you are fond of a good dinner (pshaw, what's the use to say it) you can bank on having one fit for a king if you patronize this shop. Wholesale and retail. Prompt delivery in the city. Phone 3621. Give name and location. Rogue River Fish Co., 17 N. Fir St. NUMBER 16--'Tis the sweetest story ever told. The new proprietor of this well-known candy store has been a manufacturing confectioner for 20 years. He will soon occupy a beautiful new store room which is being fitted especially to accommodate his business. All candies, ice creams, syrups and other confections will be manufactured on the premises and will be absolutely pure and wholesome. Special preparations are being made for the holiday trade. Beautiful line of holiday packages. A few days more and the new store will be ready for the opening. Give name, present location and new location. H. D. McBride Co., 209 E. Main St., new location, 229 E. Main St. NUMBER 17--What is the name of the only hotel in the city strictly on the American plan? Where is it located? This hotel serves the best 25-cent meals in the city. The dining room is large and well conducted. The hotel makes rates of $1.25 and $1.50 a day, including meals. The rooms are clean, well ventilated and nicely furnished. Better accommodations for the money can not be found elsewhere in the whole state. The best fruit is not always plucked from the biggest trees, neither does one always get the best accommodations from the largest hotels. Palace Hotel, 28-30 S. Central Ave. NUMBER 18--Insurance that insures, that is the business of the gentleman whom this paragraph represents. He has paid out $11,500 in losses in Medford alone since July 15 this year. He has the oldest insurance business in the city, although it came under his control only within the present year. He represents fifteen of the best American and foreign companies. He does not mix the insurance business with the realty or any other business. He is an insurance expert. If you want insurance that insures, you should make it a point to see him. Your loss not to know him. Give his name and location of office. R. A. Holmes, Room 33, over Jackson County Bank. NUMBER 19--What is the name of one of the lending markets in the city which also has a branch in the next block and which probably serves more families with the choicest meats that are butchered in the valley than any other similar institution here? This market was founded by one of its present proprietors seven years ago. This is the market where cleanliness is a constant care, where the people who run it are experienced in every detail. They butcher the best home-grown stock, cattle, sheep and porkers, and they guarantee the most wholesome product. The name sounds pleasing to the pocketbook. Give name and location of market and name of firm. Economy Market, 14 N. Central Ave., Nichols & Ashpole. NUMBER 20--This is one of the prominent real estate companies of the city of Medford, and they are doing a lively business in orchard and alfalfa lands; also in city property, loans and rentals. They have been doing business for two years. Their office is in a talking machine store, but they do not need the machine to help them out in reciting the glories and substantial benefits of owning land anywhere in the Rogue River Valley. They know all the good points of this valley like a book and are only too glad to impart information to those seeking investment. They are energetic, enterprising and reliable. Give name of company and location. The Kenyon Real Estate Co., 108 West Main St. NUMBER 21--Who are the live wires who do most of the electric work in the Rogue River Valley? And where is their place of business? They have been less than two years forging to the front, but then they know the business. They have a store full of the most beautiful electric fixtures--a splendid variety from which to make choice. They do all kinds of electrical work either by contract or any old way. Tell them your troubles in person or over the phone and they will fly to your relief. By the omission of two letters from their name it would be "fly." Flynn Bros., 130 W. Main St. NUMBER 22--Here is an institution which for ten years has been selling to the farmers and orchardists of the Rogue River Valley all kinds of farming implements and vehicles. The reader has no doubt already had his mind impressed with the identity of this house, but to make identification doubly sure will say that this establishment has the exclusive agency in this city for the Studebaker vehicles and wagons, and the Canton plows and farm implements. These are known the world over as the most perfect and the most economical manufactured. None can explain their merits to better satisfaction than this well-known gentleman, whose name and location you are to give. F. Osenbrugge, bet. S.P. Siding and S. Fir St. NUMBER 23--The largest and best conducted billiard and pool hall in Southern Oregon is located where? Also give name of the firm which runs it. At best, it is not going to be very difficult for you to identify this establishment, and if we told you whether it was on the ground floor or upstairs you would have a dead sure thing on it. There is always something doing about this popular amusement parlor. If you are downtown in the evening looking for your friends the chances are that you will find them here. Features of interest and special entertainment every evening. Upstairs, Young & Hall Building, 12 N. Front St., S. I. Brown & Co. NUMBER 24--Hardware is prominently displayed in the name of this company and still more prominent is it found in the ware rooms of the store. There is an air of modernness and up-to-dateness about this store which tells you that the institution has not yet been stricken with old age and that the goods on sale are twentieth-century goods. The Loraine range, the most modern and best of all, makes its Medford home here. Phoenix pure paints in all shades and consistencies are also an exclusive feature of this stock. Big line of sporting goods, guns and ammunition, fishing tackle; everything in hardware. Give name of company and location of store. Medford Hardware Co., 218 E. Main St. NUMBER 25--What in the name of the choicest orchard subdivision in all the land of the big red apples, and who are the promoters? Where is their office? This tract is west of town, midway between here and the county seat. This land is in orchard, some of it bearing trees and the remainder alfalfa. The tract is subdivided into ten-acre lots which are very attractive to buyers. The same firm also has other property for sale, what is said to be the best line of real estate bargains ever placed on the markets of Southern Oregon. Both members of the firm have resided here many years, one of them more than a quarter of a century. Investigate this and tell your friends about it. Perry's Subdivision, White & Trowbridge, 6 S. Fir St. NUMBER 26--Sanitary plumbing is not a thing upon which everybody has a lead-pipe cinch. There are plumbers and plumbers. Some of them are sanitary and some are not. This gentleman has had experience in every detail. He knows his business. His work is in evidence in nearly all the prominent buildings of the city. Both the leading hotels and all three of the bank buildings were plumbed by him. He is a general sanitary engineer, is also master of steam and hot water heating. Thinking of building? He will be glad to give you pointers. All kinds of repairing and trouble work attended to promptly. Give his name and location. William A. Aitken, 211 W. Main St. NUMBER 27--What lumber yard in Medford has been here the longest? Owns its own mills and its own timber, its dry kilns, planing mills, etc. They take the lumber out of the tree and bring the finished product in all its various dimensions and varied finishes to the local market, where they fill your orders as promptly as paved streets and good teams can do it. One of their hobbies is long timbers, or any other kind to order. The company is incorporated. Give name and location of yard. The very name suggests lumber and lots of it. Woods Lumber Co., cor. S. Fir and Ninth sts. NUMBER 28--This little paragraph is to represent one of Medford's leading mercantile institutions. They carry a large line of the choicest fancy and staple groceries and provisions, also the largest line of crockery and tableware in town. They make a specialty of the Haviland china dinner sets and odd pieces. Also many cut glass pieces at real bargain prices. There is no line better from which to select your holiday gifts. This is one of the old stores of the city but came under present control only last April. One of their specialties is the Webfoot flour. Give name of this store and location. B. and C. Cash Store, 223 W. Main St. NUMBER 29--What is the name of the bank in Medford which is the United States Depositary? This bank was established June 15th, 1905, with a capital stock of $50,000, and its resources at this time are twenty-seven times larger than when it began business. The official report to the Comptroller of Currency November 16, just a few days ago, showed the individual deposits in this bank to be $564,107.83--over a half million of dollars. Each year shows a substantial growth in the business of this bank. They offer every facility to the business man and the farmer and investor. Splendid safe deposit boxes for rent as low as $2 a year. First National Bank. NUMBER 30--You cannot go astray on this proposition. You can locate the only abstract company in Medford. The same "plant" has been doing business with the people of Jackson County for nearly a quarter of a century. In 1904 it was incorporated. They have the only complete abstract system in the county. They have offices in Medford, Ashland and Jacksonville. When you need a title searched you will not go astray to put your business in their hands They are painstaking, experienced, accurate, reliable and amply bonded. When they have passed on your title you need to lose no sleep. Give name of this company and location of Medford office. Jackson County Abstract Co., over Jackson County Bank. NUMBER 31--What is the name of the bank in Medford whose resources total $621,489.98? Whose deposits exceed a half million dollars, according to the official statement of November 16th? Whose deposits have increased $107,372.04 since the first of September this year, showing the largest growth in the bank's existence? These facts should be of interest to anyone. Whose home is on one of the city's most central corners, a modern building, representing a value of $10,000? Who has commodious and convenient safety deposit vaults and boxes, modern facilities of all kinds? This bank is under the management of gentlemen, some of whom have had 20 years of banking experience in Southern Oregon, and have an intimate knowledge of the lands in Jackson County, and seen some of them advance from $10 to $1000 an acre. They are therefore in position to select the best securities in the way of loans. This intimate knowledge of the people and property enables this bank to place its loans entirely throughout the county, with people of well-known commercial rating, thereby securing for its depositors the greatest factor of safety as against buyers of eastern securities. It not only helps the city of Medford by purchasing its bonds, which are gilt-edged, but is ever ready to extend banking assistance to home people, consistent with conservative banking methods. The Medford National Bank. NUMBER 32--Before your gaze at this time is a word picture of a prominent bakery and delicatessen. The best bread emanates from this shop, and their cakes and pastry have a local reputation for excellence. Did you ever eat any of their fruit cakes? Yum, yum! They take pleasure in filling orders for any kind of cakes for wedding, party or birthday events. They are making elaborate preparations for the Christmas holidays. Here is where they will shine. The delicacy department carries a big line of ready-prepared lunch goods and good things of all kinds for the table. This institution is a near neighbor to this office. Give its name, name of firm and location of the store. The Delicatessen and Bakery, Wetzel & Burch, 42 S. Central Ave. NUMBER 33--The lives of a great many people of Medford and surrounding country are saved every day by the enterprising groceryman who forms the basis of this little story. He has been doing business here five years. The store has a name that corresponds to the side of town on which it is located. Carries a large line of the best brands of staple and fancy groceries, fruits, cigars and tobacco. Sells the White River flour, made at The Dalles--absolutely the best in all Oregon. Also the Albany Gold Brick, the best butter made. Quality is the watchword in this store. Get acquainted. Give name of store, name of proprietor, also street number. West Side Grocery, W. Stringer, 114 W. Main St. NUMBER 34--Give the name and location of the firm of civil engineers which has the best equipped engineering office in Southern Oregon. Their services are in demand from all sections for surveys, maps, plans, specifications, reports, estimates, etc. for water power and water works, paving and road making, sewerage, railroads, irrigation and drainage projects. One of the firm brings an English education to bear, while the other is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. They are open to engagements that are worthwhile everywhere. Osgood & Cummings, Medford National Bank Building. NUMBER 35--There is no mercantile institution that presents a more pleasing aspect than a well-ordered harness and leather goods store. Medford has one of the best in Southern Oregon. There is a large assortment of leather goods and in harness and saddles the most complete assortment. General repairing of all kinds is attended to with skill. This is the oldest harness store in the city. The present proprietor succeeded to its management last spring. He is not a new man in Medford, however, neither is he a novice in this line of business. When you want anything in the harness line he will make it to your advantage to see him. He is energetic and enterprising, always boosting for Medford. Give name and address. J. C. Smith, 314 E. Main St. NUMBER 36--In these piping times of "scrimp and save" it behooves the head of the family to make his money go as far as possible. The second-hand store is the one place to accomplish the purpose. The one we have in mind is centrally located and has a big line of furniture and household goods of all kinds, tools, stoves, musical instruments, hardware and human necessities of all kinds. Much of this merchandise is practically as good as new, and can be bought for half price. This store has been running under its present management for over two years. Prior to this it had an existence on the West Side. The accumulation of goods has brought together a great variety, affording many splendid bargains. Give name and location. E. F. Wilson & Co., 283 E. Main St. NUMBER 37--There is a certain postcard emporium named after a very gay old bird, and combined with this is a first-class print shop that turns out work that is very creditable to the "art preservative of all arts." In fact, this is an art shop all around. For the holidays there will be found on display here the most complete line of cards, views and greetings, beautiful beyond extravagant expectation. Large stock of pyrographic supplies. It will pay you to climb the easy stairway to have a look at the fine display. Anything in printing is the motto here, also, and the man behind the business will make it his business to see that you are pleased. Give name of the "bird," name of proprietor and location. Blue Jay, Frank H. Hull, Second Floor, 231 E. Main St. NUMBER 38--What is the name of the large piano house whose branch in Medford in doing such a lively business and is giving the people here the same advantages offered in the metropolis? They are exclusive sales managers in Southern Oregon for the Steinway, the king of all pianos. They will sell you a piano of any of their numerous makes if you wish it, and agree to take it back any time within three years as a full credit on a Steinway. If the Steinway calls for a larger investment than you care to make now you will appreciate this opportunity. Give the name of this famous piano house, name of local manager and location of store. Sherman, Clay & Co., Van Walters, Local Manager, 134 W. Main St. NUMBER 39--What is the name of the big planing mills in Medford and who are the enterprising proprietors? This may not be very difficult for you to answer, but it is important that you know that they manufacture sash, doors, moldings, inside finish, stair work, grills, screens, counters, and fixtures, brackets and turned work of all kinds. They have the largest plant in Southern Oregon and give employment to 18 men. Their machinery is modern and complete--look out for the new Invincible sander soon to be added to their equipment. All mill work turned out by them is superior and strictly in accordance with detail drawings. Carry also a full stock of glass of all kinds. Give name and location of this mill. Medford Sash & Door Co., cor. Fir and Eleventh sts. NUMBER 40--''If you have beauty, come, I'll take it; if you have none, come, I'll make it." This is the incentive offered by a certain leading portrait studio in Medford. And it goes without saying that his threshold is crossed by hundreds of the "smart set" and other sets as the days go by. This studio is conducted by an artist who has had 25 years' experience, 15 of that period in Medford. The class of work turned out here is of a very high grade. Portraits are the specialty and they are produced in the highest style known to the art. All styles and sizes. While the grade of work is high, the prices are very low. You are asked to give the name and location. H. C. Mackey, Seventh and Central Ave. NUMBER 41--You are asked to name the oldest bank in the city of Medford. Not for the purpose of boasting, but as a simple statement of facts, would say that this bank has the largest capital stock and also the largest surplus and undivided profits of any bank in Medford. The capital stock is $100,000 and the surplus and undivided profits amount to $41,437.04. This bank was established in 1888 and has had an unbroken record of prosperous advancement. It enjoys the complete confidence of the people, as shown by their deposits, which aggregate a larger sum than those of any other bank in the city. They pay interest on time certificates of deposit. The Jackson County Bank. NUMBER 42--What is the name of the enterprising company which manufactures the brick and built most of the brick walls of the many brick buildings in this city? They have been in the business several years and with their excellent facilities and experimental knowledge of brick making and brick laying they are in position to ensure the very best brick walls that it is possible for anybody to construct. They manufacture the common brick, also a splendid red pressed brick, which makes a beautiful building. They have plenty of the best brick clay to be found in the West, and at the present time they have plenty of brick on hand to tide them over to good weather. Give name of this company and location of works. The Medford Brick Co., West Jackson St. NUMBER 43--Give the name of the mill that makes the best flour in Southern Oregon. The Blue Stem Hard Wheat Flour stands at the head of the class and (somebody's) Best is another brand that is having a big sale. This flour is all manufactured right here in Medford and more and more it is becoming the universal habit to demand from the grocer this brand. Its excellence is penetrating the whole surrounding country and the market is reaching out in all directions. This mill is a full roller mill, with facilities to produce the very best product, and they are doing it. They also manufacture corn meal, graham, farina, brans, shorts, rolled barley, etc. Give the name and location of this home industry. Medford Flour Mills, cor. S. Front and Eighth [sic] sts. NUMBER 44 --The man who made two blades of grass to grow where before only one ventured into this sinful world was not in it with the man who invented the vacuum carpet and rug cleaner. No human being will hesitate to give the individual who does away with house cleaning the first rank as a benefactor to his race. A certain gentleman has recently installed one of these machines in Medford. It is propelled by a gasoline engine which sits out in the street, and short work is made of cleaning the ordinary house--less than half day. Very thorough, very economical. Interested? Phone Main 353. Give name of proprietor and location. W. R. McAlvin, 222 E. Main St. NUMBER 45--Who are the competent general wagon makers of Medford and where are they located? For 13 years--lucky 13--they have been dealing with the people of the Rogue River country, and their patrons come from far and near. They do their work in a most satisfactory manner, and that means "once a customer always a customer." They are making a specialty of putting on rubber tires. They use the very best stock and do the job almost while you wait. They also manufacture spray tanks and orchard harrows. They can meet your requirement in any line. If you do not know this firm it is time you were finding them out. Mitchell & Boeck, 20 [South] Riverside Ave., rear. Medford Mail Tribune, December 9, 1909, page 6. This article provided the answers to a promotional contest presented by the newly merged Mail Tribune. The winner was Mrs. John Derry, of 507 South Holly. Her prize was a $25 Peerless telephone.
revised May 28, 2020