Medford in 1891

MEDFORD. An incorporated city of Jackson County. In the Rogue River Valley, on Bear Creek, 328 miles south of Portland, 443 north of San Francisco, and 5 east of Jacksonville, the county seat, on the Southern Pacific (East Side Division). Settled in 1884. Contains Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian churches, public school and 5 teachers, opera house seating 300, water works, fire department, weekly paper, Medford Mail (Rep.), and a private bank. Since the last issue of this work, the Medford Roller Mill, capacity 100 bbls., has been built. The Grand Central Hotel is a prominent institution. Soda bottling works and a distillery are other business establishments. The land is fertile, suited to grain and fruit. Shipments, flour, fruit and livestock. Express Wells Fargo & Co. Telegraph Western Union and Pacific Postal. Mail daily. James S. Howard, postmaster.
R. L. Polk & Co.'s Oregon, Washington and Alaska Gazetteer and Business Directory 1891-92,
page 356     Abbreviations spelled out to facilitate searching.

    This beautiful and thriving young city is most pleasantly located in the very heart of the famous Rogue River Valley. It is a railroad town, being on the main line of the Southern Pacific. The R.R.V.R.R., lately completed, runs regularly from here to Jacksonville, the county seat, a distance of five miles. Medford has a population of about 1500 souls. Thrift and prosperity reign supreme on ever hand. New enterprises are constantly springing up, which are encouraged and fostered by our people. Our importance is gradually being recognized, not only by the home-seeker, but the capitalist here finds rare opportunities to invest. With our natural advantages, and the salubrious climate peculiar to this part of Oregon, a bright and prosperous future is before us. Our schoolhouse is a very poor affair and an eyesore to the community, but the prospects are good that we shall soon have a new one. It will prove a good investment. Medford has been called the "city of churches." The town has never experienced a boom, but its growth has been steady and of a substantial character.
The Young Idea, Washington School publication, April 1891, page 2

    For many years the town enjoyed a good trade, but Jacksonville lost its opportunity when it permitted the Oregon and California Railroad to pass by on the other side. Medford, a few miles to the northeast, is on the railroad, and takes away the trade that formerly went to Jacksonville, which is now trying to recover it by building a branch road to Medford, which has about two thousand inhabitants.
Frances Fuller Victor, Atlantis Arisen: Or, Talks of a Tourist about Oregon and Washington, 1891, page 135

is also located on the Oregon and California railroad, midway between Portland and San Francisco. Its altitude is 1,399 feet. Unlike the other larger valley towns, its site is in the midst of an extensive plain, and in the very center of the famed Rogue River Valley. Its location and surroundings are of such a nature that it would seem as if it must always be the metropolis of this fertile valley. From it the distance northwest to Woodville is eighteen miles, southeast to Ashland fourteen miles, southwest to Jacksonville five miles, and northeast to Eagle Point ten miles. These towns representing the boundaries of Upper Rogue River Valley, it will be seen that Medford is situated in its widest part, and almost in its geographical center. Being the largest railroad town and the main shipping and supply point for this district, the advantageous location of the place and its vast opportunities for growth and expansion are obvious. It dates its birth from the completion through its confines of the Portland-San Francisco line, and in 1885 had assumed such proportion that it was incorporated as a town. At this writing (March) the population is very nearly 1,800. A striking feature of the town is the permanent character of its improvements, exemplified in the large proportion of substantial brick structures gracing its principal thoroughfare. Besides the number of ornate business houses it possesses, a fine brick Opera House is now one of the attractions of the place. A fair school building is in use, and a larger and better one will soon be constructed. Five religious denominations provide for the spiritual needs of the community. The Baptist church is of brick and of some architectural beauty. The Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian and Episcopal houses of worship are less pretentious edifices. A good water works system supplies the citizens with this essential fluid. An electric light service is of such prime necessity that it will doubtless be provided during the year. A modest park is maintained, and adjoins the city school. Two very fair hotels cater acceptably to the wants of the traveling public. The erection of a handsome and more commodious hotel building is on the tapis, and the scheme will probably be consummated soon; it would certainly be a paying investment from the start. Almost every mercantile line is represented here, the number of business establishments--large and small--being 61. The Medford Mail publishes all the news, and the Jackson County Bank attends to financial matters. There are openings here for a good paint, oil, artists' materials and wallpaper store, an accommodating meat market man, photographer, and a few other specialties. In the manufacturing line the Medford Roller Mills furnishes employment for a number of men, and supplies the people of the valley with a superior quality of flour, shorts, meal, etc. A sash and door factory is also located here, likewise a soda works, two tin shops, combination fence works, harness factory, wagon shop, two blacksmiths, cabinet maker, a fruit packing establishment, does a thriving business. A large sum was recently subscribed by Medford citizens toward the construction of a distillery within the city limits and the bonus being promptly accepted, the buildings for same are now nearly completed and the greater part of the machinery in position. The main building is of three stories, 160x40 feet, and the entire plant will, when in running order, represent an investment of over $20,000. The distillery will be in operation before July, and as its daily consuming capacity of corn, barley and rye will equal nearly a thousand bushels, it will prove a wonderful incentive to the raising of these cereals in furnishing a home market for the product. The establishment of this industry in her midst cannot but prove of great benefit to Medford in the volume of trade that she must thereby secure. Another instance of the enterprise of the townspeople was exhibited in their subsidizing the five and one-half mile branch railroad leading from Medford to Jacksonville. The first train over this road was run Feb. 13th, 1891. Neat stations and freight depots are now provided at either end. This will be a boon to everyone living in the county, enabling them at a trifling cost to transact their business at the county seat quickly and conveniently. Property in Medford is held at very reasonable figures, residence lots being obtainable at from one to five hundred dollars, and business sites from $250 upwards. Bear Creek flows through the eastern portion of the town and affords excellent drainage facilities, also power sufficient for small manufacturing purposes.
    Fruit, most of it raised in the immediate vicinity, furnishes the principal export from this station. A large number of fruit trees have been set out in the rich strip of land adjoining the town limits on the west, and are bringing handsome returns where in full bearing. An immense amount of agricultural land is contiguous to this point, and the farming trade is, as a consequence, one of the main dependencies. Land of almost every character can be obtained within a radius of a few miles from the town, much of it good, some rather indifferent. The best cultivated lands are worth from $60 to $175 an acre, but as the returns from them are more than commensurate, they are the favorite selections.
    A fruit and vegetable cannery would be a profitable venture here. Medford can also be made the lumber market of this section by fluming from the great sugar
pine region of Rogue River.
    This town is the supply depot for huntsmen who visit the mountain ranges in search of bear, deer, quail, pheasants or other game. It is also the tourist's starting point for the famous Crater Lake.

Medford 1891

    MEDFORD ROLLER MILLS, corner D and 9th streets. This mill was started almost two years ago by the proprietor, A. A. Davis. It is a four-story building 40x50 feet in size, and has a capacity of from seventy-five to eighty barrels for each twenty-four hours. It is supplied with all the latest machinery, run by an engine of forty horsepower. Mr. Davis has about $14,000 invested in plant and machinery. He also runs the Phoenix mills situated at the town of Phoenix about five miles from here. His trade extends down to Redding, Cal., and up to the Willamette Valley. These mills are a credit to the county and deserving of much commendation. Mr. Davis is a gentleman of large experience and an active, enterprising man. He is a School Board Director and was a member of City Council one term. He came here two years ago from Alden, Minnesota, where he was in the general merchandising business, and also held a number of official positions.
    MEDFORD MAIL, Newell Harlan, Editor and Proprietor. The Medford Mail, an interesting, eight-column, four-page weekly, published every Thursday, is now in its third year. Under the able management of Mr. Harlan it is rapidly taking a prominent position. It is always to be found working earnestly for the welfare of the city, and as an advertising medium it is invaluable to business men. We strongly advise those of our readers who are not on its subscription list to send for it at once. This office also performs all kinds of job printing, commercial and ornamental. Pressrooms, C Street, near 7th.
    JACKSON COUNTY BANK, Vawter & Howard, corner 7th and C streets. Mr. W. I. Vawter established this bank in 1888 with a capital of $25,000, which has been increased to $35,000. Since its inception the business has steadily increased. The bank transacts a general business in loans, discounts, and deposits. Collections and insurances given special attention. Accounts of banks, bankers, merchants, and farmers are received on liberal terms. Personal attention is paid to the business of correspondents. The second member of this firm is Mr. G. W. Howard, Mayor of the city. He is a native of Missouri and has been here six years. Mr. Vawter, a native Oregonian, came here three years ago.
    GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Hamilton & Harris, Proprietors, corner 7th and D Streets, opposite R.R. depot. This fine, two-story, brick building is situated on the main corner of the town. It has twenty-five bedrooms, dining room, fine large office and sample rooms for commercial travelers. The dining room is neatly furnished, and its tables always supplied with everything in the season. There is a bar in connection stocked with the best wines, liquors and cigars. The billiard room adjoining the bar makes this house a favorite resort. The proprietors are I. L. Hamilton and T. A. Harris, each about five years a resident of the town. Both gentlemen have been city Councilmen, while Mr. Hamilton is now city and county assessor.
    C. W. PALM, Real Estate Agent, D Street, between 7th and 8th, came here three years ago from Ohio. He transacts a general real estate business, buys and sells town lots, farm and fruit ranches. He is in a position to give valuable information to intending settlers. Among other property he owns a large subdivision in southeast part of town which he is selling on the installment plan for $125 and upwards. This is among the cheapest and most desirable residence property in Medford. Mrs. Palm conducts a five cent and ten cent store, and carries a stock of millinery, fancy goods, stationery, notions, etc.
    HENRY SMITH, Groceries, Dry Goods, etc., D Street, near 8th. This house, one of Medford's largest merchandising establishments, was started with the town, and now requires for its extensive business a large, double store and warehouse. The stock comprises groceries, provisions, dry goods, clothing, furnishing goods, boots, shoes, hats, caps, etc., and everything to meet the requirements of country and city trade. Mr. Smith also conducts another store and a sawmill at Wolf Creek, sixty miles north of here. The Medford branch is ably managed by Mr. F. L. Cranfill.
    MEDFORD LUMBER YARD, G. W. Bashford, Proprietor, 8th and F streets. Mr. Bashford, contractor and builder of ripe experience, does the largest share of business in his line. He has facilities for all classes of builder's work. He deals in sash, doors, laths, moldings, glass, lime, pickets, building materials, rough and dried lumber, etc.; also constructs house, bank, store and church fixtures. Mr. Bashford has erected many business blocks and dwellings in Medford, and employs several hands. He is a public-spirited citizen. Those entrusting him with contracts will find their interests properly served. Mr. Bashford is agent for S. P. D. and L. Co.
    MILLER & STRANG, Drugs and Medicines, Stoves, Hardware, etc., 7th Street, bet. C and D. This firm consists of D. H. Miller and Chas. Strang. The former was Postmaster for four years, and the latter City Treasurer for a like term. They deal in drugs, chemicals, patent and proprietary medicines and preparations; also carry a stock of stoves, hardware, cutlery, tinware, etc. They have a tinshop in the rear where all kinds of housekeeping articles are manufactured. We could recommend no more reliable dealers than Messrs. Miller & Strang.
    DAVIS & HUFF, Groceries, 7th Street, bet. C and D. This establishment, recently started, is doing a brisk trade in supplying families with staple and fancy groceries, including teas, coffees, canned goods, spices, dairy produce, cigars, tobaccos, etc. The goods are new and fresh and are delivered to any part of the city. No effort is spared to meet the wants of customers, so that we may safely predict a very prosperous future for the new firm. Its members are G. L. Davis and M. H. Huff, both young and energetic men. The former came here from Kansas and the latter from Nebraska.
    CLARENDEN HOTEL, C. C. Ragsdale, Proprietor, corner 7th and F streets. This is the family hotel of the town. It was established nine [sic] years ago, but recently came into possession of the present proprietor. It is a homelike and quiet place. The building is two stories and contains fifteen bedrooms, parlor and office. It is opposite the railway depot, hence conveniently located. Meals twenty-five cents each or $4.00 per week, which is very reasonable considering the fare provided. We speak from personal experience. Board and lodging $5.00 and upwards. Mr. Ragsdale also conducts the livery stable adjoining The Clarenden.
    THE FARMERS STORE, Angle & Plymale, Proprietors, 7th Street, bet. B and C. One of the most prominent in the general store trade was established back in 18S4. They carry large lines of dry goods, clothing, gents' furnishing goods, hats, caps, boots, shoes, groceries and provisions, canned goods, vegetables, bacon, etc. Goods are delivered free and five percent discount given on all cash orders. The firm consists of W. Angle and F. M. Plymale. The former, of Penn., has lived here over thirty years. The latter, an Illinois man, has spent nearly forty years in Oregon. Both are closely identified with the progress of the town. Mr. Plymale is City Councilman in his second term.
    ORCHARD HOME ASSOCIATION, Office C Street, near Bank Building, Henry Klippel, President. This Association sells orchard tracts in one-acre lots for $250 per acre on the installment plan. The land will be fully improved and cultivated and planted with any variety of fruit tree selected by purchaser. Two years is given in which to pay for the tract, twenty dollars down and ten dollars per month afterwards. The "Orchard Home" is situated about a mile from the town in the richest land in the valley. The gentlemen connected with this association are among the leading men of this section.
    GEO. H. HASKINS, Drugs, etc., 7th Street, bet. B and C, keeps one of the neatest stores in town. He carries a well-selected and varied assortment of pure drugs and chemicals, the most reliable patent medicines, and all such articles as are kept in a well-regulated drug store. He also keeps a full line of stationery, school books, toilet articles, etc. Mr. Haskins came here seven years ago from Nebraska and started his present business. He is City Treasurer and has been Councilman.
    MANUEL & HAMMON, Packers and Shippers of Fruit, corner 7th and B streets. As an establishment contributing largely to the importance of Medford we mention the above firm, started in the fall of 1890. They are packers and shippers of fine Oregon apples, among the principal varieties being Winesap, white winter, pearmain, Baldwin, Spitzenberg, etc. The fruits are sent to Colorado, Montana, and even to New York City; also to Oakland, Cal. They have a large warehouse and packing room, and employ from five to twenty hands. Mr. Hammon was formerly in the nursery business here, while Mr. Manuel resides at Oakland, Cal.
    J. S. HOWARD, Post Office Store. Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., 7th Street, bet. B and C. This substantial house is entitled to special notice as being the first store opened in the city. Mr. Howard was the first postmaster, and was reappointed one and one-half years ago. He was Mayor of the town for three terms, and has also been county surveyor. He deals in groceries, crockery, dry goods, underwear, embroideries, hats, caps, boots, shoes, etc. He offers superior inducements to customers in quality and price. Mr. Howard has been thirty-one years in this county, and is a native of New Hampshire.
    S. ROSENTHAL, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Boots, Shoes, etc., 7th St., bet. C and D. The largest house in the city devoted to the clothing trade is the establishment of Mr. S. Rosenthal, who came here seven years ago from California. He occupies a commodious store filled with a complete stock of coats, pants, vests and overcoats, the best assortment of ready-made clothing in town; also a fine line of gents' furnishing goods, hats, caps, boots, shoes, trunks, valises, etc. All transactions of this house are characterized by liberality and square dealing, hence the success achieved.
    C. W. SKEEL & SON, Sash, Doors, Lumber, etc. Cor. A and 8th streets. This firm operate a saw and planing mill, employing about six hands. They have facilities for manufacturing every class of rough and dressed lumber, lath, shingles, sash and other building materials. The members of the firm are C. W. Skeel and his son, M. W. Skeel. They became proprietors of this business about one year ago, it having been started six years before. Mr. C. W. Skeel was formerly in the contracting and building business and was Councilman here for years. He hails from New York State.
    UNION LIVERY STABLE. Edwin Worman, Proprietor, 7th and B streets. This business was started six years ago, and does a large trade. The stables are eighty feet square and afford accommodations for a large number of horses. Mr. Worman does a livery, feed and sale business, his stock of buggies, carriages, saddle horses, etc., being unsurpassed. Horses are boarded by the day, week or month and cared for by experienced hostlers. This gentleman also runs the daily stage to Jacksonville. He came here from Nebraska and has achieved the success of which he is worthy.
    MONARCH SALOON, D Street, bet. 7th and 8th. H. H. Wolters, Proprietor. While our reporter was strolling along he was struck by the inviting appearance of the Monarch Saloon, and gave the popular proprietor a call. He found this to be the irrigating establishment for the leading men of town. Sampling the goods dispensed he recognized the best quality of wines, liquors, beer and porter, and the leading brands of cigars. Billiard and club rooms, and the auxiliaries of a first-class bar are also provided. Mr. Wolters has lived in Oregon since 1862, mostly along the line of this railroad. He is consequently very well known.
    C. W. WOLTERS, Groceries, Bakery, Books, etc. 7th, bet. C and D streets. This store carries groceries, fruits, meats, pickles, jellies, crackers, bread, teas, coffees, tobacco, cigars, smokers' articles, books, periodicals, and everything usually kept in a first-class establishment of this kind. Mr. Wolters possesses a thorough knowledge of the trade, and offers inducements to buyers, which have gained for him a large patronage. He was raised in this country--coming from California twenty-five years ago--and was city treasurer for a term. He is very popular.
    F. HUBBARD, Wagons, Carriages, Agricultural Implements. 7th Street, bet. A and B. Among the oldest and best known houses in this trade is that of Mr. Hubbard, whose warehouse is stocked with agricultural implements, wagons, carriages, barbed wire, etc. His trade extends all over this section. Mr. Hubbard came here seven years ago from New York State. He is well known in this community.
    O. F. DEMOREST. Dentist, Opera House Building, has chosen Medford as his field of work, with what success his host of patients both in this city and surrounding county give abundant evidence. All his work is warranted, and all that skill, assisted by the best modern appliances, can do in the dental art is at the command of his patrons.
    MERRIMAN & LEGATE, Blacksmiths, 7th Street, near A, are most prominent in this trade. Mr. Merriman started the business six years ago, Mr. Legate joining him in 1890. Both are practical farriers and horse shoers. Their specialty is repairing farm machinery. Mr. Merriman is a native of Oregon and came here from Douglas Co. Mr. Legate has been in this state since boyhood, but is a native of Missouri.
    M. S. DAMON, Boots, Shoes, 7th Street, bet. B and C, conducts the only exclusive boot and shoe store here. It was started two years ago and the business now extends all over the county. He carries a well-selected stock of goods and offers them at reasonable prices. Repairing also attended to. Mr. Damon has been clerk of school district, also Road Supervisor. He is a native of Vermont.
    W. P. WOOD, Harness and Saddlery, 7th Street, bet. B and C. This business was started in 1888, and is carried on in a large brick store. The stock consists of saddles, bridles, harness, whips, robes, blankets, etc. Repairing neatly done. Mr. Wood is thoroughly versed in the details of this business, and is building up a fine trade. He came here three years ago from California. During the Civil War he served for three years in the 3d Wisconsin Cavalry.
    PACIFIC CLOTHING HOUSE, A. Garrick. 7th Street, bet. C and D. Mr. Garrick started here two years ago, first as merchant tailor and recently going into his present line. He deals in clothing, gents' furnishing goods, hats, caps, gloves, scarfs, underwear, etc. He also makes clothes to order, being a first-class cutter and tailor. He came here from Sacramento.
    MEDFORD SODA WORKS, Corner C and 8th streets. W. L. Webster, Proprietor, manufactures and bottles soda water, sarsaparilla, cider and ginger ale. He warrants all his goods to be pure and wholesome. Since starting here two years ago (has previously been in Jacksonville for five years) his trade has wonderfully increased. Orders by mail promptly attended to.
    DAMON & DAVIS, Painters and Cabinetmakers, C Street, bet. 7th and 8th, have recently formed a partnership and make a good team. Each has been here some years. C. O. Damon contracts for sign painting, decorative work, paper hanging, kalsomining, bill-posting, etc.; also wagon and carriage work. While W. K. Davis does skillful work in cabinetmaking and fine carpentering.
    MRS. L. J. SEARS, Millinery and Fancy Goods, Seventh between C and D streets, keeps the largest establishment of this kind outside of Ashland. She deals in millinery, dress goods, ladies' underwear, umbrellas, shawls, gloves, etc. The millinery department exhibits the latest and most fashionable articles in trimmed hats, bonnets, shapes, ribbons, flowers and trimmings. D. T. Sears was City Recorder for two years.
    O. HOLTAN, Merchant Taylor, Opera House Block, has been in this business for thirty-five years. He is a native of Norway, and has lived in the United States for twenty-two years. He started business here five years ago, and is recognized as a practical cutter and tailor of ability. Aside from the excellence of his work, he has gained a reputation for fair dealing.
    R. T. LAWTON & SON, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, 7th Street, near C, are the oldest real estate men in this section. They do a general real estate business, buying, selling and exchanging, collecting rents, negotiating loans, and taking charge of property for non-residents. Their looks contain a large list of desirable property, both business and residential, for sale and to rent. Also acre property and farms. They represent the leading insurance companies. Mr. Lawton has lived here for many years, and taken an active part in municipal affairs.
    PETER HENDERSON, Barber and Baths, D Street, between 7th and 8th, started two years ago and has built up a large trade. He has two chairs, and for a good shave, shampoo or "haircut," can always be depended on. In connection with the shaving parlor are hot and cold baths.
    J. C. ELDER, Groceries. etc., 7th and B streets. This well-arranged store was started five years ago. Being a fair yet energetic business man, Mr. Elder has built up a good patronage. His stock embraces groceries, hats, caps, shoes, gloves, notions, etc. Everything is as represented. Mr. Elder has lived in this section for many years. We are indebted to him for much valuable information on "fruit culture" in this valley.
    J. R. WILSON, Blacksmith and Horseshoer, C and 8th streets, opened here one year ago. He is an exceptionally good blacksmith, having worked at the trade for fifteen years. He does wagon and implement repairing and general blacksmithing, promptly and at lowest prices.
    J. PERDUE, Boot and Shoemaker, 7th, between C and D streets, started here seven years ago. Having had twenty-five years experience as a practical shoemaker, he is one of the finest workmen on the coast. He pays special attention to custom work, and his prices are reasonable. Repairing neatly done.
    W. HALLER, Watchmaker and Jeweler, 7th Street, next to post office, who recently opened up here, has had forty years' experience in this business, and is capable of doing the finest class of work. He repairs fine watches and jewelry; also carries a well-selected stock of watches, clocks and jewelry.
P. W. Croake, The Rogue River Valley, "The Italy of Oregon," Glass & Prudhomme, Portland, Oregon. Undated, written March 1891.

    Medford is a town of about 2500 inhabitants, is located in the very heart of the Rogue River Valley, on the line of the Oregon & California Railroad, a distance from Portland, their chief market, of about 320 miles. It is also the present terminus of the Rogue River Valley Railroad, which runs from Jacksonville to Medford. This road will soon be extended east from Medford to Eagle Point, and then from there to some point in the eastern portion of Oregon, thereby giving the Rogue River Valley the benefit of an eastern market for their many products.
    The city of Medford is well supplied with business houses, mostly brick, representing almost every branch of business.
    The streets are broad and level and paved with a good, solid gravel paving. The city also has a complete system of water works, and a move is on foot at the present time to have the city lighted with electric light. It has more miles of plank sidewalks than any city in the valley. The residence portion of the city is beautifully laid out. Some of the residences are beauties of architecture, surrounded with beautiful lawns and flower beds, and would do credit to a city of 50,000 inhabitants.
    Medford has a fine brick opera house, three stories high, with seating capacity of 600, costing about $12,000.
    There is now being erected just at the outskirts of the city, a fine distillery, 170x40 in size, three stories high, with a capacity of 500 bushels of corn daily; when completed will cost $25,000. It will be used for manufacturing French spirits only.
    There has just been organized a stock company called the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Company; capital stock, $25,000. They will do a general pork-packing business, and it is expected the capacity will be about 2000 head of hogs. This factory will supply a long-felt want for Southern Oregon, as it will give the farmers a home market for all the hogs they can raise for some years to come.
    The city also has her sash and door factory and planing mill, whose plant cost $10,000.
    The Medford roller mills is a large three-story building, with a capacity of 100 barrels daily.
    Medford is well supplied with churches. The Baptist Church is brick, and cost $4500; Methodist, frame, costing $4000; Presbyterian, frame, costing $1500; Christian, frame, costing $2500; Episcopal, frame, costing $500. Catholic, frame, costing $1000. Methodist South hold services in a hall at present. Seventh-Day Adventists have an organization also.
    The city has a complete system of graded schools, but her school buildings are not what they should be. Another year, however, will see fine school buildings erected.
    While there is no considerable portion of this valley that needs irrigating in order to make it productive, there are some portions, of it, however, that irrigation will help materially, and there is an irrigation company organized in Medford with a capital stock sufficiently large to construct and operate the irrigation canal. The canal will tap the Little Butte seven miles below Fish Lake and will supply water for at least 25,000 acres.
    The citizens of Medford are all enterprising and sociable, and when any new company wish to establish an enterprise of any kind they give them the substantial encouragement asked. Medford also has a bright and newsy newspaper, the Mail, which is each week advocating the cause of the city in which it is printed.
    John Harryman, manager of the Oregon Loan & Trust Company's branch office in Medford, is a wide-awake young man, and takes great pleasure in showing a newcomer the main advantages of the Rogue River Valley.
H. S. L.       
"Southern Oregon," Oregonian, Portland, June 10, 1891, page 13

Last revised March 3, 2014
For more complete names of persons identified by initials, see the Index.