The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

True Tales of Pioneers

Dr. and Mrs. J. McCully Crossed the Plains to Oregon in 1851.
Mrs. McCully Had Distinction of Being Second
White Woman in Jacksonville.

    The distinction of being the second white woman in Jacksonville, with all the honors and difficulties the position implied, belonged to Mrs. Jane Mason McCully, wife of Dr. J. W. McCully and mother of Miss Issie McCully of this city. The chivalry and respect inevitably shown by frontiersmen to the first white women appearing around them has become almost proverbial and was usually well deserved. Even with this wealth of consideration to brighten her lot, who can properly appraise the sacrifices uncomplainingly made and hardships bravely met and endured by women of education and refinement, such as Mrs. McCully, in coming to the then-unformed western wilderness? A descendant as she was of a family from a part of Scotland famed for its fervent and religious teachings and observances, the free and easy atmosphere of a pioneer mining camp must in itself have been a severe shock. Mrs. McCully, however, appears to have always made the best of any situation in which she was placed and performed her full share in the upbuilding of the community. For a time with only one white friend of her own sex to rely upon for comfort and aid, she fearlessly faced the danger of famine, dread of hostile Indians, and the countless hardships which pioneer life entailed with unbroken resolution and a cheerfulness of spirit that was an inspiration to her companions.
    For a short time after arriving in Oregon Mrs. McCully acted as instructor in a private school at Salem, and in later years opened a similar institution in Jacksonville. A pioneer paper published at the time devotes considerable space to a description of a school entertainment given by Mrs. McCully's pupils, and the names of Mrs. Beekman, Mrs. Kate Hoffman, Wm. Bybee and other well-known people appear in the list of pupils taking part.
    Among many other accomplishments, Mrs. McCully was a poet of no mean ability and was the author of many poems of merit, among which is a song dedicated to and adopted by the Pioneer Society of Southern Oregon, of which organization she was a member.
    The following brief biographical sketch of Dr. and Mrs. McCully is taken from old newspaper clippings and a copy of resolutions of respect adopted years ago by the pioneers' association and treasured as heirlooms by surviving members of the family:
    "Dr. J. W. McCully was born in New Brunswick, May 22nd, 1821. In 1822 his parents moved to Ohio, where they remained until 1844. From that time till 1851 they resided in Iowa and then moved to Oregon. From 1852 to 1862, Dr. McCully was a resident of Jacksonville, Oregon. The succeeding five years he visited Idaho, Montana and St. Louis, at the latter place taking a course in a medical college. He also studied medicine and became a practitioner during his residence in Iowa. From 1868 to 1878 he was purser on the Willamette River steamers, and was a resident of Joseph since the year 1880. He was a member of the last Oregon territorial legislature, representing Jackson County in that body. Dr. McCully was honored by a large acquaintance throughout this state, and it is only a just tribute to his virtues to say that his death occasioned much sorrow. Among the Masonic fraternity, an order to which he gave much attention, he was honored with high positions and was universally esteemed. When a good man dies, the highest tribute that can be paid to his memory is the truth that his death was sincerely mourned by all who knew him. This can be said without exaggeration concerning the deceased.
    "Jane Mason McCully was a brilliant example of high endeavors and brilliant accomplishments. She was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, March 31st, 1824, and was baptized in the old kirk in which Robert Burns, her favorite poet, lived [sic]. Leaving Scotland with her parents she landed in New York in the year 1831, remaining there but a short time and removing thence to Indiana in the same year. From Indiana the family went to Iowa in 1843, in which state she was married to John W. McCully in 1848. With her husband she crossed the plains in 1851, arriving at Salem, Oregon in the fall of that year. From Salem she came to Jackson County in 1852, where she resided until her death."
    A resolution of condolence adopted by the Pioneer Society of Southern Oregon at the time of her death has the following to say of Mrs. McCully's character:
    "In the death of Mrs. McCully we have lost a faithful member of our society, a genial and intelligent companion and friend, and the beloved ones an indulgent mother. May we try to emulate her virtues and cherish her memory. She was a woman loved and respected by all classes of the community and dearly loved and sincerely mourned by those who knew her best, and we feel that a delightful presence has been exchanged for a beautiful memory."
Jacksonville Post, July 17, 1920, page 1

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    It is now ordered that Dr. John W. McCully be and is hereby appointed Justice of the Peace for the Precinct of Jacksonville to act as such until a Successor be elected and qualified and it is further ordered that Hiram Abbott be and is hereby appointed Justice of the Peace for the aforesaid Precinct to act as such until a Successor be elected and qualified as aforesaid, both of said Justices so appointed being present are duly sworn into office, the Bonds of said Justices having been severally approved by the Board.
Jackson County Commissioners' Journals, March 7, 1853

    It must not be forgotten that there were influential women among these settlers. Among them was Mrs. McCully, whose house still stands on California Street near Daisy Creek. Mrs. McCully was a very capable and mentally able woman, and any of you who have ever attended any of the old pioneer exercises here, you may recall the song that was sung to the tune of "Auld Lang Syne," and Mrs. McCully wrote this song which was sung at all of the early pioneer meetings and at all of the meetings that are still being held by the Pioneer Association. She also contributed to the well-being of the miners that came to Jacksonville regularly every Saturday evening and she baked elderberry pies and dried apple pies and I am advised that she sold these pies to these miners at 50¢ and $1.00 a pie and to these miners, who for weeks had fed themselves on beans, sourdough biscuits and side meat, pies were pies!

Address by Gus Newbury, Aug. 7, 1949 at Jacksonville's Gold Rush Jubilee, Southern Oregon Historical Society Research Library, Gus Newbury vertical file

    W. G. T'VAULT and J. W. MCCULLY, members of the House from this county, left here on Thursday for Salem. A. M. BERRY, Senator from this county, and DANIEL NEWCOMB, member of the House, will start about Monday next, we learn.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 26, 1858, page 2

    The residence of Dr. McCully, at Jacksonville, Oregon, was burned on Sunday week.
"Latest State Events," Trinity Journal, Weaverville, California, January 15, 1859, page 3

     FIRE.--The Sentinel says the residence of Dr. McCully, at Jacksonville, was destroyed by fire on the 26th ult. The family had barely time to escape, and did not save even their clothing. Loss reported at $2,000.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, January 25, 1859, page 2

    THEATER.--Dr. McCully has at considerable expense erected a good theater at this place; it is something strange that some company does not locate here and occupy it. This is a great theatrical community, and we have not even had a travel company the past winter.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 12, 1859, page 2

    Bartlett Curl, Anderson Deckard, Dr. Tate, and Asa A. McCully are all running for the legislature, and will, I have no doubt, all be elected.… McCully is a brother of Dr. McCully, of Jackson County, whom the Lane men took into the legislative caucus which nominated Delusion last May, and is as good a Democrat as the Dr., and better than Delusion.
"Letter from Albany," Oregon Statesman, Salem, May 1, 1860, page 2

JACKSONVILLE, Oct. 24th, 1860.
    EDITOR OREGONIAN--Dear Sir: I received a telegraphic dispatch tonight, of which the following is a copy:
    "DR. MCCULLY--Dear Sir: The telegraph tonight says--Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania have gone Republican by about 20,000 each."
    Hurrah for our side!
"Glorious Election News," Weekly Oregonian, Portland, November 3, 1860, page 2

    ARREST OF BEVER, THE MURDERER OF KLINE.--George Bever, who killed Perry Kline at Willow Springs, Jackson County, on the 9th inst., was arrested here by Marshal Barker last Monday. He was recognized by Dr. McCully, who knew him in Jacksonville. Justice C. N. Terry issued a warrant for his arrest, and when arraigned Bever pleaded guilty. He was committed to the county jail, to await a requisition from Jackson County.

Oregon Statesman, Salem, March 31, 1862, page 2

    FEMALE SCHOOL.--Notice the advertisement of Mrs. J. W. McCully. The parents of misses in this vicinity have been very fortunate in prevailing upon Mrs. McCully to open a school for their girls, as she is an experienced and accomplished teacher.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 21, 1862, page 3

    MRS. MCCULLY'S SCHOOL.--The second term of this school will commence on Wednesday next, at the former school rooms. Mrs. McCully is an experienced and accomplished teacher, and those having daughters to educate would do well to patronize her school.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 27, 1862, page 3

    ACCIDENT.--Little Mary, daughter of Mrs. J. W. McCully, fell into a well back of P. J. Ryan's new brick building, on Saturday last. The well is about 20 feet deep to the water, and the water in the same four or five feet deep. She was immediately rescued by Mr. Horne, and did not receive any injury worth of mention.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 24, 1862, page 3

    SCHOOL EXHIBITION.--The scholars of Mrs. McCully's school will give an exhibition at the court house, on Tuesday evening next. The exhibition will consist of charades, dialogues, declamations, etc. Parents especially and the public generally are invited to attend. Exercises to commence about half past seven o'clock.

Oregon Sentinel,
Jacksonville, December 27, 1862, page 3

    SCHOOL EXHIBITION.--The exhibition given by the scholars of Mrs. McCully's school, at the court house, on last evening, was a fine affair. The exercises consisted of singing, compositions, declamations and charades. The singing, conducted under the superintendence of Mr. Dunlap, was spirited, animated and full of harmony. The compositions showed a considerable proficiency in the sciences of grammar and rhetoric, together with some considerable native skill in the art of composition. We hope after this, in similar exhibitions, the young ladies may all have sufficient courage to read their compositions themselves. The salutatory addresses by the little girls were well timed, and spicy. The declamation by Master McCully was animated and patriotic. May the solemn injunctions of the immortal story be heeded! There was a little too much sameness in the charades; but, saving the occasional low and indistinct utterances of some of the young ladies, were well performed. Without detracting anything from the excellences of the others, we give the palm to "Em." After the conclusion of the school exercises, the Rev. M. A. Williams, having been called out, made some well-timed remarks on the importance of a high order of female education.
    The audience was large, and seemed to be highly pleased with the evening's entertainment.

Oregon Sentinel,
Jacksonville, December 31, 1862, page 3

    By reference to her advertisement in this paper, it will be seen that Mrs. McCully begins a three months' term of school on the 17th of August next.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 29, 1863, page 2

    SCHOOL EXHIBITION.--The present term of Mrs. McCully's Female School closes on Friday evening next. On the Saturday evening following she intends giving a school exhibition, at the court house. The parents and friends of the scholars and public generally are invited to attend.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 31, 1863, page 7

    Mrs. McCully's popular Female School commences a term of five months on Monday, January 4th. See advertisement.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 19, 1863, page 5

F E M A L E   S C H O O L !
THIS school will commence a Five Months' Term on the 1st Monday in January.
English Course  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.00
Lessons on Piano, per month . . . . . . 10.00
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 26, 1863, page 4

    Rev. Father Blanchet informs us that he hopes to soon have organized at this place a good school for girls and young ladies, under the direction of the Sisters of Charity.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 26, 1864, page 7

    JACKSONVILLE FEMALE SCHOOL.--This popular institution of learning will commence a three months' term Monday, Oct. 24th, under the superintendence of Mrs. Jane M. McCully.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 15, 1864, page 3

    MADAM DeRoboam requests us to say that the McCully Hall has been thoroughly and substantially braced by pillars underneath, rendering the hall perfectly safe beyond a possibility of a doubt.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 24, 1864, page 3

    MRS. MCCULLY'S SCHOOL.--We had the pleasure of witnessing the closing exercises of this popular school on yesterday--the last day of the term. The exercises were principally in writing, declamation and composition. A colloquy by Miss Ellen Little and Miss Kate Hoffman was well executed, and would have done credit to more experienced amateurs. The compositions displayed much merit.
    A song sun in German by two charming little girls of Mr. John Muller's was one of the most pleasing performances of the occasion. The following awards of merit were made:
    Best in mathematics, Miss FLORENCE HOFFMAN--a medal; best in spelling, first class, Miss ELLEN LITTLE--a medal; best in spelling, second class, Miss LIZZA DONEGAN--a medal; best in spelling, third class, Miss AMELIA MULLER--a medal; best writing, Miss KATE HOFFMAN--gold pen; most improvement in writing, Miss ROSY SHORT--gold pen.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 21, 1865, page 3

    Mrs. McCully will commence, on Monday next, a three months' term of her excellent school for misses and small boys. Mrs. McCully is a thoroughly competent teacher, and her school is deservedly popular.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 21, 1865, page 5

    MR. EDITOR:--As I had the pleasure of attending the exhibition given by the students of Mrs. McCully's school, on Friday evening the 21st, at the court house, I propose, with your permission, to give a brief statement of the nature of the exercises there witnessed, with an impartial criticism upon the merits and demerits of said exhibition.
    The school exhibition proper consisted of singing by the school, addresses and compositions by the young ladies and little girls, and declamations by the boys. I am not a connoisseur in music, but if this part of the programme be judged by the pleasing effect it had upon the large audience in attendance, it was decidedly excellent. The selections were tasty and appropriate and the sentiments in harmony with the occasion. The two Miss Millers, aged, we should judge, six and eight years, sang a song in German in a manner that delighted and captivated everybody. There was a musical ring, harmony and sweetness in their tiny voices that took the audience by storm.
    The salutatory address was delivered by Miss Florence Hoffman--the valedictory by Miss Roena Bunyard. Both of these addresses were excellent in style, vigorous in thought, abounded in chaste and appropriate allusions, and were delivered in a clear and distinct manner. The compositions of Miss Short, Kate Hoffman, Nannie Bigham, Hassie Anderson, Roena Bunyard, Florence Hoffman, Mollie Kilgore and Ellen Little all showed a vigor of thought and a power of mental analysis far beyond our expectations. There was a marked individuality in the manner in which these compositions were read, and so clear and distinct that it could be readily heard above the musical roar of babies, throughout the house. The reading of Miss Ellen Little was capital; that of Miss Kate Hoffman ditto; that of Miss Rose Short clear and distinct, but a little too fast. Miss Nannie Bigham won laurels. Miss Florence Hoffman and Miss Roena Bunyard excelled in the finish of their style and in the strength and originality of their thoughts--in fact, all did well. Not the least interesting part of the performance was the addresses of the little girls and boys. They seemed impressed by the magnitude of their performances and won the admiration of all by the confidence they exhibited in their embryo manhood and womanhood, and by their simplicity and grace of elocution.
    Part second of the performances consisted of charades and songs. The first charade was "The Only Young Man in Town." All the young ladies in the school had parts in this pleasant performance. "Mr. Brown" was entertained in style [and] fanned himself with dignity--was confounded by the brilliance of his surrounding stars, and we are sorry to say closed the scene in a paroxysm of melancholy determination. After the close of this piece, Miss Kate Hoffman sang in fine style the song entitled "Inglesides."
    The next charade was entitled the "Antidote." This piece required but few characters, and Miss Florence Hoffman and Miss Ellen Little were the only "school girls" engaged in it. They sustained their parts with credit to themselves and to the entire satisfaction of the audience. The inimitable "Tom" and "Spectacles" did their parts up "Brown."
    This was succeeded by the popular song, "Is It Anybody's Business," sung in good style by Miss Rose Short, and well appreciated by the audience.
    The next charade was entitled "The School Girl." Miss Molly Kilgore, Miss Roena Bunyard and Miss Kate Hoffman had parts in this. Miss Kate Hoffman performed the part of an independent, unrefined and strong-minded woman in capital style. Miss Bunyard acted the part of the fastidious and exquisite lady well. Theirs were the principal female parts. Mr. Payne sustained his part of the accomplished gentleman and lover, in fine style.
    The next performance was a charade entitled "The Boots at the Swan." All acquitted themselves well.
    At the close of this performance a bevy of "school girls," consisting of Florence Hoffman, Ellen Little, Hasse Anderson and Miss Kate Hoffman, led by the clear and musical voice of the latter, sang the popular and patriotic song entitled "The Prisoner's Hope." This was the star musical performance of the evening. It was applauded to the echo. It was in harmonious accord with the sentiments and feelings of the audience and was eloquent with patriotic pathos.
    Charade number five was entitled "There Is No Rose Without Thorns." Miss Rose Short and Miss Nannie Bigham were engaged in this, and their acting was very fine. Everything they said was distinctly heard, and well done was the meed of praise awarded by all.
    The exercises continued till a late hour in the evening, but the interest did not flag. Everybody was well pleased. We hope that we may have the pleasure of attending many performances of like character in the future. Mrs. McCully deserves much credit for the interest and impetus which she has given to the cause of education by these occasional exhibitions.
REPORTER. [P. J. Malone?]
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 29, 1865, page 2

    The Jacksonville Female School will be opened on Monday, May the 22nd, under the guidance and instruction of the accomplished and experienced teacher, Mrs. McCully.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 13, 1865, page 2

    SISTERS' ACADEMY.--We learn  from Rev. Father Blanchet that three Sisters of Charity will be ready to open a school in Jacksonville, on the 7th of September next. We will publish at the proper time the terms of admission. Father Blanchet also tells us that he would be very glad to receive the remaining subscription, in order to give a general account of his administration of the academy's fund.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 24, 1865, page 2

    SCHOOL REOPENED.--The Jacksonville School for Young Ladies, Mrs. McCully, principal, will be opened on Monday, Oct. 2nd. Long experience in teaching, together with a knowledge of the human character and the influence she has over young ladies for good, peculiarly adapts Mrs. McCully for the post of teacher and companion.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 23, 1865, page 2

    ODD FELLOWS' HALL.--The Odd Fellows have purchased the McCully brick and are fitting up the second story as a lodge room.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 1, 1865, page 2

    RETURNED.--Master James McCully, who has been attending the university at Salem, has returned. Jimmy intends, for the present, prosecuting his studies at our district school.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 10, 1867, page 2

    DISTRESSING ACCIDENT.--On Saturday last Jim McCully was severely injured by the bursting of his gun while shooting quail. His left thumb was blown entirely off, and fortunately he sustained no other injury. The wound was dressed by Drs. Cabaniss and Robinson, and although very painful, is doing well. Poor Jim is unfortunate, having had his arm broken in the gymnasium while attending the University at Salem last year.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 9, 1867, page 3

    From the Unionist:
    J. W. McCully, the accommodating pursuer on the Reliance, will this week go into the P.T. Co.'s office at this place and assist Mr. Church, so that gentleman will have an opportunity to rest awhile in July and August.
"State Items," Corvallis Gazette, June 12, 1869, page 2

     BEAR KILLED.--Last week Jimmy McCully killed a large brown bear on Butte Creek that had done much damage in that neighborhood. Jimmy was fortunate enough to catch it up a tree, and just as it was descending he stuck a musket against its ribs and shot it dead. Brave boy.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 18, 1869, page 3

    Miss Mollie McCully's private school closed with appropriate exercises last Friday.

"Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 3, 1875, page 3

    Miss Mollie McCully's school reopened with a fair attendance last Monday.

"Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 14, 1876, page 3

    Miss Issie McCully has opened a variety store one door west of Ryan's brick.

"Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 19, 1876, page 3

    Mrs. McCully will have a substantial stone sidewalk laid in front of her residence.
"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 19, 1877, page 3

    Suppose Miss Mary Langell does "attend to her father's business during his absence," don't Miss Nettie Howard do the same? and Miss Issie McCully attend to her own store and the Misses Cardwell do the same? What are you blowing about?
"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 16, 1877, page 3

    Mrs. J. M. McCully will erect a substantial frame building in the west corner of her lot fronting on California Street.
"Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 20, 1879, page 3

    Along back in those early days there was a man by the name of Veit Schutz, who had built a brewery on the road that now leads to Applegate, and this brewery is still standing with trees growing up in front of it. Veit was a Democrat and, of course, when they elected public officers at that time, even as at the present time, it was necessary to have a coroner elected. Veit was as ignorant as a goat but he was nominated on the Democratic ticket for coroner and was elected [in 1880], as all Democrats were at that time.
    During the progress of his administration as coroner, there wandered into the city of Jacksonville a stranger who was addicted to imbibing great quantities of liquor and he found quite a number of fellows who were willing to participate with him in imbibing this liquor; and they finally succeeded in getting him into a helpless state of drunkenness. There was residing here at that time Jim McCully, a sort of a wag, who also liked liquor, and a 6-foot-4 slim joker by the name of Ad Helms, and they were fellows who were always participating in practical jokes; and they conceived the idea that it would be a good joke, while this fellow was in this drunken stupor, to undress him and black him up and then have a coroner's inquest to decide that he was dead. They found a number of fellows who were willing to participate with them in this venture and among them was Fred Luy, whose son, Harry Luy, is still living in Medford, and Dr. Aiken, who was a reputable physician, Henry Klippel, who afterwards was County Clerk, and several other people whose names never were disclosed to me, and they proceeded to undress this fellow and black him up from head to toe, and then they, in the middle of the night, went up to the brewery and they advised Veit Schutz, the coroner, that a fellow was dead down in some building and they had to have a coroner's inquest. Henry Klippel had the necessary six men there to sit upon the coroner's jury and Dr. Aiken was there to pronounce the man dead and they held this coroner's jury and Veit Schutz signed a certificate of death and then he proceeded home. All the rest of the fellows departed. The next morning when this fellow woke up, he found that somebody had painted him a different color and he inquired who it was and they advised him to go and see Veit Schutz and that he probably knew all about it. What kind of a session he had with Veit Schutz never was disclosed to me but it would be safe to conclude that it was a strong session punctured with some extravagant and blasphemous language and names that these days wouldn't be printed in the Saturday Evening Post or the Ladies' Home Journal.

Address by Gus Newbury, Aug. 7, 1949 at Jacksonville's Gold Rush Jubilee, Southern Oregon Historical Society Research Library, Gus Newbury vertical file

    Mrs. H. E. Chambers, the well-known dressmaker, will take possession of the building she recently purchased of Mrs. J. M. McCully in a few days. The lease of the ground for three years, with the privilege of two more, is included in the purchase price, $400.
"Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 13, 1881, page 3

    Mrs. J. M. McCully of this place is finishing a ribbon quilt that will have over 2,500 pieces in it.
"Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 17, 1881, page 3

    Dr. McCully, formerly of this place, has been reappointed deputy sheriff of Klickitat County, W.T.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 16, 1883, page 3

    James L. Mason leaves on Saturday for the state of Oregon on a visit to his sister, whom he has not seen for twenty-five years.
"About People,"
Hancock Democrat, Greenfield, Indiana, June 28, 1883, page 3

Letter from Oregon.
    EDITOR DEMOCRAT--I promised that I would write you and give you the outlines of my journey and a description of Oregon. I have enjoyed excellent health since I left home. I left Indianapolis Tuesday, the 3rd, by way of the L.B.&W., promptly at 1:30 p.m., and traveled on the Union Pacific railway as far as Ogden in Utah, and then on the Central Pacific to Rocklin, where I struck north through California. This is a very excellent route. It makes excellent time, and all the conductors and officials along this line are gentlemanly and accommodating. I can say to all who want a pleasant and quick trip to the Pacific Slope to come over as I came.
    Ogden is quite a handsome town of several thousand inhabitants, situated about thirty miles northwest of the noted Salt Lake City, where the followers of Brigham Young reign supreme. Salt Lake comes nearly up to Ogden. Here we took supper, and after a detention of about an hour in changing trains, &c., we went westward and passed the north side of the lake four miles after we left Ogden just as the sun was setting. The lake is about thirty miles in length and extends from the R.R. to Salt Lake City. The lake was beautiful as the sun cast its setting rays over its placid waves. All eyes were turned upon it, and a thousand and one remarks were made by the passengers about its beauty and the inhabitants of the great Salt Lake City. This lake is subjected to the ebb and flow of the tide just like the ocean, and is supposed to be fed by some subterraneous connection with the ocean, which I think is quite probable. The water is strongly impregnated with salt; two barrels of water will make one of salt. Some six miles west of the lake, as we were westward threading our way, something about the engine gave way and we were detained at a small town, the name of which I cannot now remember. Several ladies and girls came on the cars to sell coffee and refreshments to the tired and dust-coated travelers. Among them was a Mrs. Wilson, quite an intelligent lady, and who was peculiarly talkative to all who wished to engage in conversation with her. She gave us quite a history of the Mormons, and informed us that they had some years ago induced her husband to join them and that he had abandoned her, etc., and she gave the history of the attack the Indians made on the whites in that section of the country, induced, as she claimed, by the Mormons to make an onslaught upon them. Just at this time a small, respectably clad, but cadaverous looking Englishman interfered with the lady and said that she must not make such statements. For a moment the intruder seemed to interrupt her, but in a moment she recovered and I can assure you she gave him one of the severest hecklings I ever heard. The first question she asked him was: "What is your name, sir, if you please?" He paused, stuttered and showed embarrassment, but in a faint, quivering voice said, "My name is Davis." Then she asked him if he was a Mormon. He hesitated again, but answered, yes. The lady then said, "Oh, yes, you are the Davis that has six wives and who lives on the ranch out there and who cannot make a living for them." This completely nonplussed the "Hinglishman," and amid a complete uproar of the passengers the iron-clad matrimonial gentleman jumped out of a loophole and was away. We gave her "three cheers" and westward we bounded again.
    We glided on our way in a southwesterly direction for hundreds of miles over the barren plains, where we could see scarcely a living creature, not even bird or beast or waterfall, save here and there the rude wigwam of the lonely Indian, who seemed hungry and poorly clad, and wherever we stopped they came up to the train to beg something to eat. The squaws had their papooses strapped on their backs and carried all articles of baggage while the male Indians walked leisurely along, carrying nothing save their guns and tomahawks. At stations we indulged in some sport with the young Indians from ten to twelve years of age. The passengers would put nickels fifteen or twenty yards distant and had quite a shooting match. The little fellows could knock them with their arrows pretty nearly every shot.
    All along through the plains the soil seemed white and nonproductive, and nothing but sagebrush grew upon it. We were all theorizing on how many years and perhaps centuries these plains would have to slumber beneath the sun's genial rays and frigid cold of winter before ever a single sprig of grass could make its appearance and maintain support. Just amid these musings we reached Humboldt, the county seat of Humboldt County. I may here say we are far west in the state of Nevada. We struck Nevada at Tecoma, and have been traveling along and within sight of the Humboldt River about half the distance since the proud engine invaded this loathsome, not Godforsaken, but almost man-forsaken country. On either side of us all along we could see the baldheaded mountains, sometimes seemingly close to us, and at other times only in the dim distance. When we reached Humboldt we commenced to change the theory we had formed about the soil. Here we found a beautiful little city of 1,500 inhabitants, beautiful shade trees, verdant lawns, bearing fruit trees and everything that shows growth and prosperity. We learned that the reason for all this was a San Francisco company had conveyed the
water fourteen miles from the mountains. A complete system of irrigation was going on throughout the limits of this beautiful and thrifty growing town, each family and business house paying in proportion to the amount of their consumption, a groceryman paying fifty dollars for his supplies per annum, hotel men one hundred and twenty dollars, etc., in proportion to the amount of water they each consumed. So we all settled upon the opinion that all this country needs is rain and irrigation to render it productive and fertile. Whether or not irrigation can be obtained to water all these vast plains I am not able to determine.
    We passed several towns which were similarly irrigated as Humboldt and all their surroundings showed equal prosperity and growth in vegetation. We bounded on our course westward swiftly drawn by the iron horse that knows not the lack of health, dry weather or lack of irrigation. It only made one demand, and that was more coal or wood. This was Sunday noon that we reached Humboldt and spent the afternoon. At eleven o'clock at night we reached Rocklin Junction, eighteen miles from Sacramento and about one hundred and twenty-five miles from San Francisco. The above junction is just at the southwest foot of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. We spent the greater portion of Sunday afternoon and until eleven o'clock at night in passing over these mountains. They are very beautiful, grand and attractive. The mountain scenery here was beautiful.
    I stopped off at Rocklin Junction until Monday, 4 o'clock p.m. I then took the train again for Redding, and until 10½ o'clock Monday evening passed through that part of California known as the Sacramento Valley, at all times in view of the Sierra Nevada range of mountains on our right. This was a beautiful and rich valley. It looked more like a large apple orchard, for here and there were beautiful shade trees. Here the wheat crop yields an average of about fifty bushels per acre. When we reached Redding everything was in commotion and the stages all ready to carry us north through California and Oregon. Redding, the terminus of the railroad running north, is about 200 miles south of Jacksonville, Oregon, the point of my destination. The stages carry all the mail that goes north for Upper California, Oregon and Washington Territory. I think each stage hauled about fifteen bushels of mail matter. Here I had the good luck to be seated in the same stagecoach with a Mrs. Powell and her daughter, residents of San Francisco, who, on account of the health of the daughter, were on a health-seeking tour to a watering establishment situated about one hundred miles from Redding, north on the Sierra Nevadas. These ladies were very communicative and intelligent. The ladies and myself, through good luck, occupied the inside of one stagecoach, the balance being filled up with mail matter. The route was very rough and we had to drive very slow, for the road for about one hundred and fifty miles just threaded itself along the side of the mountains, which was a winding path of about fifteen feet in width and wound up and down the mountainside just to suit our surroundings. I have seen the Allegheny Mountains in crossing to the Atlantic, and heard a great deal about the beauties of rugged mountain scenery, but never did I expect to see such high and rugged mountains as the Sierra Nevadas. At times our feelings were sublime with their beauties, and all at once when we would cast our eyes to the right or the left we could see a perpendicular precipice below us hundreds of feet in depth, where if a horse should stumble or the driver happen to carry a brick in his hat we might in moment be precipitated to the bottom. The latter scenes at times caused our blood to chill in our veins. The mother of the party of which I have spoken would gaze upon the distance below at times and become frantic with fear, and would lean as far as she could toward the mountainside and exclaim, "Mr. Driver, hold on, or don't drive so fast," etc. The conduct of this lady reminded me of the travels of the lamented Horace Greeley, who, when he took his western trip, passed along this same mountainside in the stagecoach. All along the line the drivers would laugh and tell about Greeley's trip over the mountains. They said at first and before they reached these steep mountainsides he would exclaim, "Drive on faster, driver," but when he reached the steep grades about where our fair lady companion indulged in such exclamations aforesaid, he, like her, drew himself up in as small an area as he could, and called out, "Driver, hold on there, hold on; don't drive so fast." The daughter and I proved more patriotic than the mother, and seemed iron-clad against fear. We both laughed so much at the mother that she almost became angry at us, but the one being her daughter and the other having all along been playing the agreeable with the daughter, kept the mother's ire down and in pretty good cheer.
    All along these mountain ranges is the finest of pine timber. I never saw such large and tall trees before. In places the sugar pine trees stand just as thick as they can stand. Some places I counted as many as twenty trees in say three rods square, all of them large and many of them from six to eight feet in diameter and tall in proportion. The railroad which is to connect Portland with Redding is to run along the mountainsides where we have passed.
    At 5 o'clock Wednesday evening the stagecoach reached the watering place where my lady friends were going, and here we parted. They extended a kind invitation to call and see them at San Francisco as I returned home. The driver and myself were the only persons left, and I rode the whole night in the coach alone. I reached Jacksonville, Oregon, at 12 o'clock the next day, Thursday. I was hungry, bruised and coated with dust. I had not slept a moment for two nights, so you may depend upon it I was weary and worn out.
    I was pleased to find my sister and family in good health. Jacksonville is one of the oldest and handsomest towns along the Pacific Coast, is situated in Rogue River Valley, contains 2,000 population. It is situated 300 miles south of Portland, 200 miles south of Salem, the capital of the state, 80 miles east of the Pacific Ocean, and some 30 miles north of the California line. The valley is about 35 miles in length and 10 to 15 miles in width. It is a most lovely valley, surrounded on all sides by beautiful pine-clad mountains. The valley is said to be the most productive spot west of the mountains and east of the ocean beach. Most everything grows here in abundance. As to the quantity of fruit grown here it is really wonderful. The fruit was all killed along the mountains, but as soon as we struck the valley we found the trees not only bending under the weight, but the branches absolutely breaking. No country can excel this valley in the raising of fruit. Even apricots, almonds and lemons grow here and develop well. The corn crop is limited; but little raised. I saw some corn that looked as well as it does in Indiana or anyplace along my travels. Wheat and barley is raised here in abundance. The usual yield of wheat in this valley is 40 bushels per acre; barley, about 50 bushels per acre. Here there is but little rain during the summer months. Everything seems dry to me, but the soil is so constituted as to do with but little rain during the summer season. They harvest their wheat and barley just when they please after it gets ripe. There is no rain to injure it, and the air being pure and dry, it can stand out in the field six weeks without being injured in the least. Prices of all kinds of produce are about the same as in the States. The days are pretty warm, but the nights are quite cool and pleasant. As soon as the sun sets the cool mountain air makes its way to the valleys. We can sleep under several blankets at night and enjoy them. The air is very pure. No consumptives and but very little sickness of any kind. People do not live long with disease here; they either recover at once or die. Lands range from five to forty dollars per acre; perhaps twenty-five dollars would be an average. The railroad from the north is completed to within forty-five miles of this place and will be here in four months. The railroad running north lacks 200 miles of being completed to this point. I expect to remain here for some weeks. I find the people very kind and pleasant. Have had quite a number of invitations to go hunting, fishing and to see the mining districts. Some of the best gold mines are only nine miles [away]. Where Jacksonville now stands was once all dug over for gold, and much of the rich treasure was taken from this point. At this season of the year you cannot see a single cloud. Nothing above us but the blue and vaulted heavens. The rainy season sets in about the first of November and continues for four or five months. They have a good graded school at this place with five teachers. Prof. [J. M.] Merritt, the gentleman who married my niece, has been principal of the school for the last eight years. He is a graduate of some New York college. They have three very nice church buildings, Presbyterian, Methodist and Catholic. The Presbyterian church building is new and quite imposing. All is hurry and bustle here. Everyone is after the almighty dollar; none after nickels, for there is none in circulation. I expect to visit Salem and Portland after I get through my visit at my sister's. From Portland I will sail for San Francisco, and remain there a few days and from there home.
    There is plenty of wild game here in the mountains. Jacksonville is situated at the foot of the mountain, so we will not have to go many miles to find bear, deer and antelope. Rogue River is about nine miles from this point and trout are caught in it which weigh twenty pounds.
    Here I find Patrick J. Ryan, formerly of Indianapolis, Ind., brother of Hon. James B. Ryan, ex-State Treasurer. Mr. R. emigrated here in 1852, and in a few years afterwards returned to his native city, Indianapolis, and married Miss Maggie Dill, who at one time edited a paper in that city and is well known to the people of your state. Mr. Ryan has grown up with the country and is quite wealthy. He owns some 2,000 acres of land. He is now engaged in the dry goods trade. My sister, Mrs. McCully, settled in this place in 1851, which makes her one of the oldest pioneers in the valley. Their supplies were then brought over the mountains by pack horses, so in the winter when the mountain passes were filled with snow and the pack horses could not travel, all commodities were very high. Mrs. McCully informs me that she has seen common table salt sell at $16 per ounce, flour $100 per sack, and other commodities in proportion. This was some thirty-one years ago. But now the great change, the then wilderness has been made to bloom as the rose, the rude and untutored Indian has been driven back over the mountains by the energetic and progressive white man. In place of the hunting ground the waving grain and luxuriant fruit are seen, and in place of the rude wigwam are lordly and magnificent towns and cities with their gilded spires directing back the sunbeams in their splendor. In the place of ignorance and stupidity learning is taking its stead, and everywhere along this beautiful coast you can see colleges, academies and high schools being erected to educate and refine the the youth. And here, too, is to be found the church of the living God and the gray-haired servant of Christ zealous in his sacred calling, pointing the erring ones to the Lamb of God, and painting the beauties and happiness of the celestial world beyond the river.
    I will write to you again from Portland.
J.L.M. [James L. Mason]
Hancock Democrat, Greenfield, Indiana, August 2, 1883, page 3

Letter from California.
SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., Sept. 4, 1883.
    EDITOR DEMOCRAT: When I wrote you my last letter from Jacksonville, Oregon, I thought I would go from there to Portland, but I have concluded to come by the way of San Francisco and take a steamer from here to Portland, and then home by way of the North Pacific Railroad.
    When I wrote you my last I stated that I found all my relatives in Oregon in good health, but since that death has laid his hand on a sweet little nephew. He was a bright, sweet babe of nine months and twelve days of age, the only child of Prof. J. M. and Mary B. Merritt. God's ways are mysterious and past finding out. But let His will be done. How strange it is to live how mysterious is death. This beautiful little child came among us like a shadow; he has departed from among us like the first budding of a sweet flower of an early May morn. It is sad to see one we love at any time fade away from the land of their birth, and be cut down like a flower by the hand of death. But it is a beautiful thought to think that one so young, so pure and blameless, while in early life, and in the very morning of his existence, possessed of such a sweet disposition, brilliant intellect and smiling countenance, and before his little form had been developed into manhood and his young mind blossomed so as to realize the world, should be called away to that fadeless mansion of rest by the snow-winged messengers of God, and there be permitted to enjoy His smiles and His blessings forever. The world was too rough for his little, frail form to withstand.
    It was sad to see the life of this sweet babe pass away, but
"It is not all of life to live,
Nor all of death to die."
    It is true he has passed from our vision in this world, but his spirit will continue to grow and blossom in that sunny clime, far, far away, where it is one perpetual summer, and where pain and death entereth not.
"He was in thoughts as pure as angels are;
To know him was to love him."
    Let his little, sweet form rest on the hill in the beautiful city of the dead in purity and peace, amid the cedar, the laurel and the pine, and may they shield his little form from the sun's bright rays and wintry storms, and when He who sways the destinies of us all shall call father and mother to join that heavenly host he will meet them upon the shores beyond the river with his smiles and outstretched arms to welcome them, when he will be restored to them and be with them forever.
"Hark, hear the angels say,
Life's far beyond the fading day,
Far beyond the sable night,
There in a land of peace and light."
    So far as I have seen, I have formed a splendid opinion of Southern Oregon. Since I wrote to you I have been over quite a large portion of Southern Oregon. I visited the Sterling gold mine, situated some ten miles south of Jacksonville. It is considered one of the richest mines in the state. Frank Ennis is the superintendent and joint owner, and by invitation, Prof. J. M. Merritt and myself spent several days there prospecting and hunting. The mine is considered worth $400,000, and yields about $50,000 clear profit per year. We have several very fine specimens of gold, which were presented to us by the gentlemanly superintendent. The mine is run wholly by Chinese labor. The water which runs the same is conveyed through a ditch twenty-five miles in length.
    In company with some ten others we made a pilgrimage of some eighty miles northeast to the historic Crater Lake. This is a wonderful phenomenon of nature. It is situated some eighty miles from Jacksonville, in Oregon. It took a company of ten of us three days to reach it. It is one of the wonders of this section of the world. It is the summit of the Cascade Mountains. For one-third of the distance that we traveled before we reached the lake we went up an inclined plane. Its summit is 8,000 feet above the level of the ocean. Its crater or opening is from ten to twelve miles in length and from seven to eight miles in width. It seems to have been the summit of the mountain, and from volcanic eruptions its mouth has been formed. The mouth or opening of the same is now a lake. On the south side the edges are 800 feet from the water below. This is one of the wonders of the Pacific Coast, and many a pilgrim trudges his weary way to see this, one of the most wonderful freaks of nature. Many a camp fire has been built upon the margin of its mouth, and many a fire has been kindled by all nations to witness its wonder and grandeur. It is said that its depth has never been fathomed.
    The falls of Rogue River is also very handsome. There is a perpendicular fall of 190 feet of water.
    I remained from the 12th day of July till the 29th day of August in Oregon, and I never saw a single drop of rain. Not a drop of dew fell all of this time. Notwithstanding this, the soil is so formed that all kinds of vegetation develops splendidly. I measured some prunes that measured six by seven inches. One lot of peaches measured ten and one-eighth inches in circumference, and another lot measured fourteen inches in circumference. I am impressed that Southern Oregon is one of the best fruit-growing countries in the world. Every kind of fruit seems to come to perfection. I am of the opinion that the whole Rogue River Valley will be planted in fruit, and when the railroad is completed, this section of country will supply Washington Territory and the whole northern country with fruit.
    People live here comparatively with much more ease than they do in the States. The climate is very mild and pleasant in the winter season. Sometimes the snow falls at night, but the sun melts it away by noon of the same day. Ice is never thicker than about one inch. Stock men and farmers only have to feed for about two months, and many of them do not feed any part of the year.
    Although Jacksonville has only a population of 2,000, and has only been laid out about thirty years, the people have grown comparatively wealthy. There is no one hungry, starved or naked in Oregon. I never met a more noble-hearted and generous people. The wants of the poor and unfortunate are cheerfully supplied.
    Some twenty persons who did business in Jacksonville have become wealthy and have moved to Portland, San Francisco and elsewhere, who have made from $150,000 to $200,000. I think Oregon is the best country for the man in limited circumstances I have ever seen. Health opens her portals wide to all who wish to enter.
    As I had never seen an ocean, I thought that I could get a better view of the Pacific by coming to this place by way of Crescent City by the stagecoach. Crescent City is about 120 miles southwest of Jacksonville, and in the northwestern part of California, and is situated immediately on the ocean's beach. It contains a population of some 1,200. In company with John W. Kaylor, a Mr. Coleman, and Leonidas Leonard I took the stagecoach at 3 o'clock a.m. on Wednesday morning and traveled over the mountains, up and down, around and about, until we reached the ocean, which was Thursday evening at 4 o'clock. Here we met quite a number of persons who reside at Jacksonville, whose acquaintance I had formed, and who were returning home from the triennial [of the Knights Templar].
    In my last letter I spoke about the large forest trees I had seen, but I must confess they were small and insignificant compared with the timber I saw along the stage line for some twenty-five miles before we reached Crescent City. The largest of which I speak are white pine, sugar pine, and redwood. These trees are just as thick as they can grow upon the ground. Quite the larger portion range from twenty-five to thirty feet in diameter, and tall in proportion. You can turn a two-horse wagon on the stumps of many of the trees in that locality. This section is what is known as timber claims, and the United States has reserved them and sells them for $2.50 per acre. These claims have nearly all been taken up, but can be purchased at from $8 to $12 per acre. I feel sure in saying that whoever purchases this land, and holds the same, will make fortunes. Already lumber men and sawmill men all along the coast are purchasing this land, looking to the future. I traveled in company with a gentleman who had been up in these lumber regions and purchased some 1,200 acres of these lands at about $12.50 per acre. He stated that at the rate lumber was selling he could make one million of dollars out of this land for lumber.
    When we reached the ocean's edge and gazed westward as far as the eye could see over the placid and blue waves of the Pacific, we were struck with awe and  amazement. The flow of the ocean had just commenced when when we arrived at Crescent City. It was truly a grand sight to behold, full of wonder and astonishment. We did not leave for San Francisco until 11 o'clock a.m. Friday, the 31st. As I have stated, Crescent City has a population of some 1,200. It has been laid out about thirty years. It is mostly a shipping town for lumber and passenger travel.
    At the appointed time, in company with our traveling companions, we took passage for San Francisco on the steamer Crescent City. Quite a number of us had never been upon the ocean before, and as we distanced our course westward from the shore so as to avoid breakers in passing south, we felt many and strange emotions of the human heart. During Friday the waves rolled high and lashed frightfully against the sides of the vessel. The rocking of the steamer soon had its effect on its crew. We commenced becoming seasick. With a brave and stout heart we thought that we would eat dinner. We ate with slow and measured mouthfuls for awhile, but we soon found out that there was no use of fighting against seasickness. We were compelled to retire to our room, and as we retired our hosts seemed to rise at every step. Most of us were down with seasickness during Friday and Friday night. Saturday morning most of us had recovered. We were about thirty-four hours on the ocean before we reached San Francisco. We experienced a grand voyage. The first day the ocean waves beat so high that it was almost impossible to stand on the deck, but the angry waves commenced to become calmer by Saturday morning, and during the day on Saturday they were calm and peaceful and the sky serene and bright. After we had wandered out into the ocean we could not see land in any direction; the sky was beautiful and cloudless above us and around us, and when it met the ocean, had very much the appearance of the rainbow. I presume this was caused from the light of the sun shining through the heavy mist that rose from the ocean at a distance. We saw all kinds of sea birds, innumerable in color and size. They sat in thousands upon the rocks which projected out of the water. Upon these rocks is where they lay their eggs and hatch their young. We saw eleven whales, and as they spouted up the water they seemed like large vessels sunk in the midst of the ocean. We also saw quite a number of porpoise and sea lions.
    We reached San Francisco Saturday evening at 9 o'clock. It was quite foggy by that time, and it was with some difficulty we got to land. Before we reached the shore we heard the coarse roar of the fog horn admonishing us of danger. It roared like distant thunder. But we landed safely, and each of the crew sought their respective stopping place. Our crowd stopped at the Occidental Hotel, where we have splendid accommodations.
    Since I left Jacksonville I have traveled four hundred and five miles. The stage travel of one hundred and twenty miles over the mountains was very tiresome. It took us from 3 o'clock on Wednesday morning until Thursday 4 o'clock in the evening, traveling night and day, to reach Crescent City, a distance of 120 miles. The real distance upon a straight line is only eighty miles, but we traveled forty miles in curves and up and down the mountains. These ranges of mountains are high and rugged, and during Wednesday night, unless we had prepared ourself with a good wrap, we could not have stood the cold.
    Since my arrival in San Francisco, the city upon a thousand hills, I have had a very pleasant time. All are strangers to me with the exception of those who are here from Jacksonville, Oregon, and with whom I became acquainted when visiting my sister. Gen. Thomas Reames and lady came here to attend the triennial, and will not return home until Thursday. Ex-Governor [sic] C. C. Beekman, wife and daughter came down at the same time our crowd came, but came by the way of Redding and from there by rail. So you see we have quite a party of friends from Jacksonville. The people in Oregon are noble and generous, and it was said during the triennial here by the people from the States "that their hearts are in their hands," and of this I can cheerfully bear testimony.
    On Sunday morning when the church bells commenced to chime so beautifully, and when upon the streets I saw each family wending their way to worship God, in accordance with their respective beliefs, I sought out the Second Presbyterian Church, and wound my way to her beautiful temple of worship. This is a splendid church, and everything in its place. I was kindly, friendly and politely treated by the usher and shown to a prominent seat. The minister's name is Rev. George Sprecher. At the close of the mourning services their Sunday school exercises commence, Which, as you see, differs from the time of holding Sunday schools in the States. The sermon was able and eloquent. He announced that in the evening he would lecture on "Nineveh and Babylon." By this time I became interested in the minister, and from my glowing description of his sermon in the morning I succeeded in getting all our Oregon crowd to attend the lecture. It was splendid, and we were all pleased that we attended.
J.L.M. [James L. Mason]
Hancock Democrat, Greenfield, Indiana, September 13, 1883, page 3

    AN OLD PIONEER.--Relatives in this city yesterday received intelligence of the death of Dr. J. W. McCully at Joseph, Wallowa County, at the age of 61 years. Dr. McCully was well and favorably known all through this valley as purser on several of the steam boats in former times and a man who always had a jolly greeting for everybody. He was also a prominent Freemason and was the founder of the Masonic lodge at Joseph. He was a brother of David McCully, of this city, and several of his nephews and nieces reside here who are among our most esteemed citizens. His death takes another from among the band of old pioneers that nursed Oregon to its greatness.

Oregon Statesman, Salem, January 26, 1889, page 4

    DR. J. W. McCULLY.--The Wallowa Chieftain pays the following tribute to the well-remembered pioneer whose death was mentioned in these columns a few days ago: "Dr. J. W. McCully was born in New Brunswick, May 22nd, 1821. In 1822 his parents moved to Ohio, where they remained until 1844. From that time until 1851 they resided in Iowa and then moved to Oregon. From 1852 to 1862 Dr. McCully was a resident of Jacksonville in this state. The succeeding five years he visited Idaho, Montana and St. Louis, at the latter place taking a course in a medical college. He also studied medicine and became a practitioner during his residence in Iowa. From 1868 to 1878 he was a purser on the Willamette River steamers, and has been a resident of Joseph since the year 1880. He was a member of the last Oregon territorial legislature, representing Jackson County in that body. Dr. McCully was honored by a large acquaintance throughout this state, and it is only a just tribute to his virtues to say that his death will occasion much sorrow. Among the Masonic fraternity, an order to which he gave much attention, he has been honored with high positions and was universally esteemed. When a good man dies, the highest tribute that can be paid to his memory is the truth that his death was sincerely mourned by all who knew him. This can be said without exaggeration concerning the deceased."
Oregon Statesman, Salem, January 30, 1889, page 4

    J. Nunan has rented the McCully building on the corner of  Third and California streets, and will fill it with sugar, salt, flour, etc., which he is receiving by the carload. His growing business demands more room.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 11, 1891, page 3

Death of J. W. Mason.
    Mrs. J. M. McCully yesterday received a telegram announcing the death of her brother, Hon. J. W. Mason, who died at his home in Indiana that day. The cause of his death was not given, but he must have died rather suddenly, as a letter had been received from him but a short time since giving the information that he would attend the Midwinter Fair and also visit Jacksonville. Mr. Mason was one of the prominent lawyers and Democratic politicians of the city in which he lived, and had amassed a goodly share of the world's goods. He was highly respected by all who knew him.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 4, 1894, page 3

    Mrs. JANE McCULLY of Jacksonville left Wednesday morning for San Diego, where she will spend the winter. Mrs. McCully is one of the very earliest settlers of the valley, her son, James, being the first white child born in Jackson County.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, November 9, 1894, page 3

    Mrs. Jane Mason McCully, one of the early pioneers of Oregon and who has been a resident of Jacksonville for over forty years, highly respected by all who came in contact with her, died at her home in Jacksonville at 12:30 o'clock Thursday p.m. Mrs. McCully had been in poor health only six weeks, suffering from heart trouble. Mrs. McCully was a native of Alloway, Scotland, and was aged 75 years, 2 months and 22 days. She was the mother of three children, J. M. McCully, the first male child born in Jacksonville, Mrs. J. W. Merritt, who died fifteen years ago, and Miss Issie McCully. Dr. McCully, the husband and father, died a number of years ago at Oregon City. Mrs. McCully was the best posted on pioneer events of any of the old settlers. Even though advanced in years her memory was perfect. She taught the first school in Jacksonville and has befriended many a poor mortal who was struggling for an existence. The funeral took place Saturday morning at ten o'clock, Rev. S. H. Jones officiating. The grave was covered with verdure and bloom, the offerings of the estimable lady's friends.
"Jacksonville News," Medford Mail, June 30, 1899, page 3

Death of a Native Son.
    Another of the persons whose names are linked with the early history of Jacksonville and the Rogue River Valley has passed away. James Cluggage McCully, [whose] death took place Monday at Fort Klamath, was a representative of a family who were well known in the pioneer town of Southern Oregon. His father, Dr. James W. McCully, and mother, Jane Mason McCully, came to Jacksonville in June, 1852. Dr. McCully at once identified himself with the progress of the town and in 1856 built the two-story brick building on Oregon Street which is now owned by the Odd Fellows. He afterward went to the Willamette Valley, where he became prominent in operating steamboat lines, and died in Salem several years ago. Mrs. McCully was prominent in the social life and activities of this place from the early days to her death in June, 1899. Her life was commemorated by many acts of generosity and her charitable disposition.--Jacksonville Sentinel.
Capital Journal, Salem, August 31, 1903, page 4

    When gold was discovered in California, we decided to come out to the coast, but it was the spring of 1851 before we were able to get under way. We started from New London, about 18 miles from Burlington, Ia. John L. Starkey and Dr. John McCully, a brother of David McCully, came with us. Dave and Asa McCully had left in '49 for California. They went back to Illinois, and in 1852 they came out to Oregon. We settled here where Woodburn now is located.
J. L. Johnson, quoted by Fred Lockley, "In Earlier Days," Oregon Daily Journal, Portland, September 9, 1914, page 6

    David McCully . . . is the father of Mrs. A. N. Gilbert, who still lives at Salem and whose husband was postmaster at Salem and later was superintendent of the Oregon penitentiary. David McCully, who, with his brother Asa, E. N. Cooke and S. T. Church, organized in 1862 the Peoples Transportation Company, to take goods by steamer up the Willamette to their store at Harrisburg, which they had founded in 1856, is such a picturesque character that he will require a separate article to chronicle his activities.
    David and Asa McCully were of Scotch-Irish ancestry and were born in New Brunswick. They inherited the fighting strain of their Scotch and Irish forebears, as those who tried to put them out of business discovered. When an attempt was made to embarrass them by refusing to carry freight to Harrisburg, they bought a small steamer, the James Clinton. A little later they secured control of the Enterprise, the Portland and the Relief. These boats were the nucleus of their fleet, which included such boats at the Reliance, Dayton, Yamhill, Elk, Rival, Senator, Skedaddle, St. Clair, Onward, Union, Alert, Active, Echo, Iris, E. D. Baker, Kiuse, Fanny Patton, Alice, Shoo Fly, E. N. Cooke, Success, Surprise and Vancouver. The combination that tried to put the McCullys out of business by refusing to carry their freight on the river found themselves put out of business, and the very boat, the Enterprise, that unloaded their goods on the river bank at Corvallis, refusing to take them on to Harrisburg, was one of the first to fall a victim and be acquired by the McCullys.
Fred Lockley, "Observations and Impressions of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, January 2, 1922, page 10

    "My father [John D. Love] was born at Jackson, Tennessee, in 1824. My mother, whose maiden name was Mary Jane McCully, was also born in 1824. Ohio was her native state. They met and were married in 1852, and the fallowing spring they started for Oregon by ox team. Their first child, Mary Louisa, married Edward Maxson. I was the next child. John D. came next, born on December 4, 1857. Alice J. arrived December 29, 1859, and if she had delayed her coming by three days would not have qualified as an Oregon pioneer. Douglas was born February 10, 1861, and Carrie Gertrude, the last of the three children, July 26, 1864.
    "When my father took up his donation claim a mile east of this place in the fall of 1853, there was only one store here. It was not called Harrisburg then. It was Thurston, and had been named for S. R. Thurston, Oregon's delegate in Congress. They found there was another settlement here in the valley called Thurston, so they decided to name it after Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
    "When I was a girl I went to school where the Methodist church now stands. My uncles, Asa and David McCully, with Wesley W. Briggs and John Waters, built a grist mill here. The boats wouldn't deliver their freight here, so my uncles got peeved and organized the People's Transportation Company. They ran the other boats clear off the run. They employed my father. For years he served either as purser or as captain on the Echo, the Reliance or the Alice. The Alice was named for Alice McCully, my Uncle Asa's eldest daughter. Her name is Alice Crane now, and she lives in Portland. The McCullys--my mother and my uncles Ham, Asa and David--were Scotch-Irish. They didn't let anyone run over them. Uncle Asa was a strong Republican. When the Civil War broke out he put up a flag over his home. A neighbor whose sympathies were with the South tore the flag down during the night and then bragged about it. Uncle Asa hunted him up and made him buy a new flag and climb up and put the flag on the flagpole. He knew if he didn't the South would be short one sympathizer, for Uncle Asa was in deadly earnest.
    "My grandmother, Mary Capp McCully, was born at Eastport, Maine. She was Scotch. My grandfather, John McCully, was born in New Brunswick. His parents were born in Ireland. David and Asa McCully moved to Salem in 1862 to manage the People's Transportation Company, for they soon built or bought a big fleet of river boats."
Emma Frances Love, quoted by Fred Lockley, "Observations and Impressions of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, July 11, 1922, page 10

By Fred Lockley
    Mrs. A. N. Gilbert of Salem is a Forty-niner. At least, this is what she told me when I visited her recently. She said:
    "Yes, I am a Forty-niner. I was born July 4, 1849. My father was in the California gold fields at the time, though I was born in Iowa. My father was born at Sussexvale, New Brunswick, September 15, 1814. His father, John McCully, was born in Nova Scotia. When my father was 8 years old the family moved to Jefferson County, Ohio, and 22 years later they moved to Iowa. In 1849 my father, David McCully, with his brother Asa crossed the plains to California. Late that year they came back by way of the Isthmus. There were six children in my father's family, five boys and one girl. Father and his brother were restless after returning from the California gold fields. They wanted to return to the West. So in 1853 a family council was held and 40 members of the family decided to go to Oregon. Four of the family had gone west in 1849 to  spy out the land. These four were my father, his brother Asa, their brother-in-law, John Starkey, and William Scott, another brother-in-law. William Scott was murdered for his money on his way home, while crossing the Isthmus.
    "The McCullys are of Scotch stock. They are clannish. The ties of family bind very closely. That is why so many of them decided to go to Oregon in 1852. Among those in the party were the McCullys, the Starkeys, the Scotts, the Waterses, the Loves and the Reddings. My father was captain of the train. On our way across the plains my oldest brother, Joseph, who was 14 years old, was leading the mules to water. Some of the other mules had already been down to the stream and were coming back. The mule that my brother was riding became unmanageable and, whirling, tried to join the other mules. Joseph was thrown and a leg was broken. They fixed up a swinging bed in a hack and started for Fort Kearny, about 100 miles on the back trail, to secure surgical attention. Before they reached there they saw their errand would be fruitless, for gangrene had set in and my brother was suffering great agony. They told him he would probably die, so he asked to have the mules headed back for the party, so he could see his people before he died. They buried him on the plains. The next year Uncle Asa went back and put an iron marker on his grave.
    "We reached Salem, August 17, 1852. We camped just across the creek from the home of the Parrishes. My father and his brothers were mechanics. They were not only good brickmasons and tinsmiths, but they understood working in iron and could do bridge and boat building. They built the Starkey block, which is still in use here in Salem, for their brother-in-law, J. L. Starkey. It was the first brick building in Salem. I think the Griswold building was the next, and possibly the Moores building the third.
    "After looking around at Salem for a short time Father and Asa traveled up the valley until they came to a farming settlement in Linn County that they liked. Many of the settlers there had taken up 640-acre tracts as donation land claims, so that the land was all taken, but they agreed that if my father and my uncle would settle there and start a store they would reduce the size of their holdings so as to allow them to secure claims there. Father and Uncle Asa built the first house at Harrisburg and established the first store there. Harrisburg became the headquarters of the McCully interests, Sam, David, Asa, John and Hamilton McCully all settling at Harrisburg or in its immediate vicinity, as well as John Love, a relative.
    "In 1853 Asa went to Philadelphia and bought a stock of goods. The goods were shipped around the Horn, while Asa returned to Oregon overland in the summer of 1853, to bring out some blooded stock to improve the stock in Linn County. In addition to running the store at Harrisburg, my father and his brother packed pork, made flour, manufactured tinware and shipped goods to the mines. They furnished a good market for the produce of the farmers around Harrisburg, and soon became the largest shippers of produce in that part of the Willamette Valley.
    "In 1855 and 1856, when their business had become quite extensive, they were handicapped by having to freight all their goods from Corvallis to Albany by ox team. The town of Corvallis claimed to be at the head of navigation on the Willamette River. In 1855 Father arranged to ship 50 tons of merchandise from Portland to Harrisburg by water. The goods were taken from Portland to Oregon City on board the steamer Portland and from Oregon City to Harrisburg on the shallow-draft river boat Enterprise. My father was on board the boat with the goods. When the boat reached Corvallis a deputation of the merchants there came down to the wharf and served notice on Captain Jamison that if he attempted to take the goods to Harrisburg, thus making Harrisburg the head of navigation on the Willamette, they would boycott his boat and ruin his company. After prolonged discussion, Captain Jamison gave orders to dump the 50-ton shipment of my father's goods on the river bank. My father had to secure transportation by ox team from Corvallis to Harrisburg.
    "My father was like the granite hills of Scotland. When he made up his mind to do a thing, he was not to be swerved or dissuaded. He had decided to ship goods by water to Harrisburg, so he returned to Oregon City, where he purchased an interest in the James Clinton, which was being built to ply on the Yamhill River. The citizens of Eugene were very anxious to have a steamboat that would bring freight up the river as far as Eugene. They told my father they would buy $5000 worth of stock in the Clinton if he would agree to run up the river as far as Eugene. The Clinton was soon finished and was operated between Oregon City and Harrisburg, making occasional trips to Eugene. My father was still indignant at the treatment he had received from the captain of the Enterprise, so he bought the Enterprise and put it on the run with the Clinton. He then bought the Portland and the Relief, and the headquarters of the company was established in a small store on the site now occupied by the Ladd & Bush bank. The other transportation men decided to put the McCullys out of business, so in 1860 they formed a merger of the various rival lines on the Lower Willamette and on the Columbia under the name of the Oregon Steam Navigation Company. My father and his associates saw that it was a life-and-death fight. My father took the matter up with E. N. Cooke and S. P. Church, both prominent and able men, residents of Salem. My father and his brothers, when they were young men, had traveled all over the country selling Seth Thomas clocks. Later they had acquired the state rights for Iowa to manufacture and sell the Champion fanning mill. This business experience stood them in good stead now. They had added to their various industries at Harrisburg not only the manufacturing of flour and the packing of pork, but a furniture factory, a tin shop and a plant where fanning mills were manufactured. It was vital to their growth that they maintain their transportation interest on the river. S. T. Church had become a partner with my father and his brothers in the business at Harrisburg and had charge of the sale of goods to the mines. E. N. Cooke was the first state treasurer of Oregon. He had been a merchant in Ohio and he owned a store at Salem. Later the firm name became Cooke, McCully & Co. My father, Asa McCully, Cooke and Church organized the People's Transportation Company to fight their powerful rival, the Oregon Steam Navigation Company, and they waged an aggressive and successful fight."
Oregon Journal, Portland, May 23, 1923, page 8

By Fred Lockley
    "My maiden name was Estella McCully," said Mrs. A. N. Gilbert when I visited her recently at her home in Salem. "I came to Salem in 1852, when I was 3 years old. My father, David McCully, with his brothers and other kinfolks, started the town of Harrisburg. In 1859 my father and his brother-in-law, J. L. Starkey, bought out Cohn & Fish, a general merchandise firm in Salem. Father moved to Salem to keep in closer touch with his transportation interests, for in 1855 he had started, in a modest way, to operate steamers on the Willamette River from Portland to Harrisburg. In 1862, with his brother Asa and E. N. Cooke and Stephen T. Church, he organized the People's Transportation Company. Their plan of operation was to sell stock to all of the merchants located in the small towns between Portland and Harrisburg, and to favor stockholders in the shipment of goods by giving them reasonable rates and prompt service. The result was that the People's Transportation Company not only became immediately popular but every stockholder became a booster for it and solicited business for it. One of the first things they did was to construct a basin at the falls of the Willamette, at Oregon City, which cost $135,000. This obviated the necessity of portaging the goods around the falls, for by means of the basin the upper river boats and lower river boats could meet in the basin and transfer their cargoes from boat to boat. This really gave the People's Transportation Company a monopoly of the upper Willamette River traffic.
    "The Oregon Steam Navigation Company kept up an aggressive fight against the People's Transportation Company, for it wanted to eliminate all rivals in river transportation. The People's Transportation Company decided to carry the war into the enemy's country. It built a fast steamer, the E. D. Baker, which it put on the run from Portland to the Cascades. It built the Iris for the run from the Cascades to The Dalles, and put the Kiuse on the upper river run, running up the Snake River to Lewiston. This brought matters to a head. W. S. Ladd called the two companies into conference and a compromise was effected whereby the People's Transportation Company turned over its boats on the Columbia River and the Snake River to the Oregon Steam Navigation Company, thus giving it the monopoly of the Columbia River, while the People's Transportation Company was given undisputed sway on the Willamette River. This gave it the business between Portland and Oregon City, which heretofore it had not controlled.
    "David McCully was president of the P.T. Company at that time. J. D. Biles had built the E. D. Baker and it proved to be faster than any of the O.S.N. boats and this was one of the contributing causes of the willingness of the O.S.N. Company to come to terms. The Fanny Patton was soon added to the fleet of the P.T. Company and proved a very popular boat. My father had started his transportation company with one small boat, the James Clinton, but within a few years he had a fleet of 30 boats operating on the river. Among the best known were the Relief, Reliance, Yamhill, Portland, Rival, Alert, Active, Skedaddle, Senator, Shoofly, St. Clair, Onward, Union, Echo, Iris, E. N. Cooke, E. D. Baker, Fanny Patton, Surprise, Vancouver and some others. Starting with an investment of a few thousand dollars, it increased to over $1,000,000 and at times the earnings exceeded $1000 a day. Handling the freight for such firms as Allen & Lewis, Corbett & Macleay, the Willamette Woolen Mills Company, the Salem Flouring Mills Company, Everding & Beebe and other firms of such magnitude proved very profitable.
    "T. McF. Patton, later a prominent book dealer in Salem, was purser on the Iris in 1863. Among the well-known steamboat captains of the P.T. Company were Joseph Kellogg, 'Nat' Lane, 'Bas' Miller, L. E. Pratt, J. D. Miller, C. W. Pope, 'Eph' Baughman, Theo Wygant, J. C. Apperson, E. M. White, George Jerome, Leonard White and others.
    "When Ben Holladay invaded the Willamette Valley with his railroad in 1871 the P.T. Company sold out its transportation interests to him. Mr. Church died in 1869 and in 1881 Mr. Cooke died. My uncle, Asa McCully, died in 1881, while my father, David McCully, died in 1906, at the age of 93.
    "My father was married May 7, 1840, to Mary N. Scott, who was born in Ohio, October 16, 1821. Mother died in Salem, November 21, 1895. Their first child, Mary Jane, married John Creighton. Mr. Creighton freighted in the early days from Umatilla Landing to the Boise Basin. Union was one of his stations, where he raised hay in the '60s. In the early '70s he took up extensive holdings in Wallowa County. My brother John was also a pioneer of Union County and was one of the early-day freighters there. I was the next child and was born July 4, 1849. My brother Alfred became a steamboat engineer and ran on the Gray Eagle. He is now retired and lives on his farm near Butteville. Frank, who was born in 1859, went to Wallowa County when he was 19 and has a store there and raises stock.
    "One day I went to a meeting of the sewing society at Mrs. Thatcher's house. Jim Glover, who later founded the city of Spokane, was boarding there. He brought a young man who had just come to Salem to Mrs. Thatcher's house as a boarder. When I met him I did not know that I was meeting my future husband. His name was A. N. Gilbert. This was in 1866. Mr. Gilbert had served throughout the Civil War in Company E, 12th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He got a job as a clerk in John G. Wright's grocery in Salem shortly after he came here. Later he went in with his brother, John Gilbert, in the shoe business. We were married April 27, 1871, so we celebrated our fifty-second wedding anniversary a few days ago. Ray Gilbert, our oldest boy, is in the grocery business here., Warren is staying with us, after having lived in Denver many years, where he was a cartoonist. Agnes, now Mrs. B. O. Shucking, also lives in Salem. My husband was born at Grandview, Ill., March 18, 1840. After having charge of the shoe department of the penitentiary for some time Mr. Gilbert went into the grocery business with my father, David McCully. Later, my husband bought out my father's interest in the store. He employed a young man from Polk County, 19 years old, named I. L. Patterson, as a clerk. Some time later he took this young man in as a partner and the firm name became Gilbert & Patterson. My husband and Mr. Patterson are still associated in the orchard business and the farm at Eola. At the time John Wanamaker was postmaster general my husband served as postmaster of Salem. Later he was appointed superintendent of the Oregon state penitentiary."
Oregon Journal, Portland, May 24, 1923, page 12

    When I lived in Salem David McCully lived a few blocks from me, and I became well acquainted with him. He was born in New Brunswick on September 15, 1814 . His father, John McCully, was born in Nova Scotia, of sturdy Scotch stock. When David McCully was eight years old his parents moved to Ohio. After the death of David McCully's father his mother married John McPherson. They moved to Iowa in 1844, from which point they started across the plains for Oregon. In 1849 David McCully and his brother Asa went by ox team to California. Returning to Henry County, Iowa, in the winter of 1849, they began closing up affairs preparatory to moving to Oregon. David McCully and his brothers moved down the Willamette Valley and built the first house and operated the first store in Harrisburg. In 1859 David McCully and his brother-in-law, J. I. Starkey, bought a store in Salem. The following year Mr. Starkey sold his interest to Walt Smith. The firm of Smith & McCully was in business till 1864, when Mr. McCully sold part of his interest in the store and started the People's Transportation Company, operating boats on the Columbia and Willamette rivers. Stephen Coffin was the first president. The company became involved in financial difficulties, which Mr. McCully was able to straighten out. He succeeded Stephen Coffin as president, and later resigned in favor of his brother Asa. No more aggressive man was ever engaged in river transportation in the West than David McCully, for he took a losing business and built it into one that was successful and profitable. After selling out his interest in the People's Transportation Company he bought a store in Salem and later secured an interest in the bank and the water works system at Joseph, Or. He was married to Mary M. Scott on May 7, 1840. Mrs. McCully died in Salem on November 21, 1895. Their first child, Mary Jane, married John Creighton, an old-time Indian fighter and pioneer of Wallowa County. Another daughter, Estella, married A. N. Gilbert of Salem. For many years Mr. Gilbert was a partner of I. L. Patterson, Republican candidate for governor, in a grocery store at Salem. Mr. Gilbert also served as superintendent of the penitentiary and postmaster of Salem. Mr. McCully's son John lived in Union County for some years. Alfred took to the river and became an engineer on the Gray Eagle and other boats. Frank for many years has been a well-known banker and stockman at Joseph, in Wallowa County.

Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, July 20, 1926, page 12

    Mrs. Susan P. Angell, "Queen Mother" of Oregon, who lives with her son, Homer Angell, at No. 794 Upper Drive, celebrated her 94th birthday on the 12th of last May. When I interviewed her recently, she said:
    "With my husband and my baby girl, Sarah Margaret, now Mrs. Sarah N. Campbell of The Dalles, and with my brother Ben Yeomans, I came across the plains to Oregon in 1852. I was 20 years old at the time we came in the wagon train of which David McCully was captain.
    "The McCully boys were good boys. The coming of the McCullys to Oregon was almost like one of the old-time tribal migrations, for, in addition to Dave and his family, his mother and his brothers, Asa, Sam and Ham, and various other relatives, were in the wagon train. When you travel with people for six months across the plains, seeing them under all sorts of conditions, you get to know them pretty well. Some folks improve upon acquaintance; others don't. The McCullys were the kind of folks that wore well."

Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, July 26, 1926, page 8

By Fred Lockley
    "Yes, I was born right here in Jacksonville," said Issie McCully, when I interviewed her recently at her home in the one-time metropolis of Southern Oregon. "I was born on December 16, 1859. My sister and I were named for our aunt. My aunt's name was Mary Bell, so my sister was named Mary Bell, and I was named for my aunt's pen-name, Issie. I moved into this house when I was a year and a half old and I have lived here ever since. My father, Dr. John W. McCully, was born in Nova Scotia. My mother, whose maiden name was Jane Mason, was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. Mother came to the United States when she was 7 years old. My grandfather, John McCully, for whom my father was named, was born in Nova Scotia in 1785. He was married in Maine to Mary Kopp, who was born at Eastport, Maine, in 1788. In 1822 Grandfather with his family  moved to Ohio, where he died in 1830. Years later my grandmother married John McPherson. They crossed the plains to Oregon and she died in Linn County in 1872.
    "My two uncles, David and Asa McCully, went to California in 1849, where they mined till the late fall of '49, when they returned to Iowa. In the spring of 1852 my uncles, David and Asa McCully, crossed the plains and arrived at Salem on August 17. From Salem they went on up the Willamette Valley to what is now Harrisburg. They put up the first house in Harrisburg and started a store there.
    "My father and mother had preceded Uncle David and Uncle Asa to Salem. Father and Mother crossed the plains in 1851 and Mother taught school at Salem that winter. Among her pupils were the Belt girls, one of whom married Mr. Heulat, another Mr. Jordan, and Myra married George H. Burnett, who for many years was a member of the Oregon supreme court. The mother of Ed Eds, former city recorder of Salem, was also a pupil of my mother. When gold was discovered here in Jacksonville my father and mother came down here and were among the first permanent settlers. My brother, James Clugage McCully, was the first white child born in Jacksonville. He was born here August 7, 1852. My brother was named after James Clugage, who with J. R. Poole discovered Rich Gulch here early in January, 1852. The first log cabin to be put up here was built by W. W. Fowler in March, 1852. Lumber was whipsawed from the timber growing on the place and sold at $250 a thousand. When my father and mother moved here practically the whole population consisted of men, and mostly young men at that. For some time there were only three women in Jacksonville--my mother, Mrs. Lawless and Mrs. Napoleon Evans.
    "My brother Jim was the oldest child in our family. Then came my sister, Mary Bell, and I was the third and last child. When Father and Mother came across the plains, in 1851, it was their wedding trip, for they were married just before starting across the plains. My father was born on May 22, 1821, and moved to Ohio when he was a year old. He practiced his profession as a physician here in Jacksonville from 1852 to 1862, at which time he went to the newly discovered mines in Idaho, and later practiced in the mining camps of Montana. From 1868 to 1878 my father served as a purser for the People's Transportation Company steamers, which were owned and operated by his brothers, David and Asa McCully. Father moved to Joseph, on the shores of Wallowa Lake, in the late '70s. Father was a member of the last territorial legislature. Father built the first brick building in Jacksonville.
    "In 1854 my father owned a bakery here in Jacksonville. Other firms here were Maury & Davis, Appler & Kenny, Birdseye & Ettinger, Sam Goldstein, Little & Westgate, Fowler & Davis, Wells & Friedlander, J. Brunner, John Anderson, Peter Britt, who had a daguerreotype gallery, and, of course, there were saloons, livery stables, blacksmith shops and other establishments.
    "The first teacher I went to was Lizzie Clayton. In 1876 I went to Willamette University. Professor T. M. Gatch was president of the university then. I took the diphtheria and had to come back to Jacksonville. My brother Jim and my sister Molly both attended Willamette University in the early '70s. They boarded at the home of Ben Simpson, so they became well acquainted with Sam Simpson, the poet, and his brother Sylvester.
    "In 1874, when they were attending Willamette University, the faculty consisted of President T. M. Gatch, Professor L. J. Powell, Professor Thomas H. Crawford, Mary M. Adams, Ellen J. Chamberlin, Lizzie T. Boise and Gertrude M. Miller. The Rev. Plutarch S. Knight gave occasional lectures, as did Dr. Thomas Condon, the state geologist.
    "My mother, Mrs. Jane McCully, died June 22, 1899, at the age of 75 years. My sister Mary Bell, or Molly, as we called her, married Professor J. W. Merritt, one of the best teachers that ever came to Southern Oregon. He used to give lessons after school to B. B. Beekman, now a lawyer in Portland, who was preparing to enter the state university. He also gave private lessons to Frank Huffer, who also attended the state university, now an attorney at Seattle.
    "My father had several brothers, all of whom became well known here--Sam, David, Asa and Ham. His sister, Mary Jane, married John Love. My father died in 1889 at the age of 67. My uncle Asa was born in 1818 and as a young man made fanning mills to clean grain. He built the first house in Harrisburg and moved to Salem in 1863. He represented Linn County in the Oregon legislature in 1860. He was president of the People's Transportation Company in 1864. His daughter, Linnie, married A. B. Crossman, for some years postmaster at Portland."
Oregon Journal, Portland, October 20, 1930, page 8

By Fred Lockley
    "My father and his brothers started the town of Harrisburg," said J. D. McCully when I interviewed him recently in Salem. "I was born there, February 2, 1856. My father, Asa A. McCully, was born at St. John's, New Brunswick, on January 31, 1818. My mother's maiden name was Hannah K. Waters. She was born in Ashtabula, Ohio. My mother was one of a family of 13 children. She had 12 brothers. My father was one of six children. He had four brothers and one sister.
    "My father's father, John McCully, was born in Nova Scotia in 1785 and married a girl from the state of Maine who was born at Eastport in 1788. In 1822 my grandfather with his children moved to Ohio. My grandmother, Mary Kopp McCully, was left a widow in 1830 and later married John McPherson. They moved to Iowa in 1844 and from there made the trip across the plains to the Willamette Valley.
    "My father's oldest brother was Samuel McCully. David, the next brother, was born at Sussexville, New Brunswick, September 15, 1814. My father was born four years later. Then came Dr. John W. McCully, whose daughter, Issie, lives at Jacksonville, where she has made her home for more than 70 years. William H. McCully was the next child.
    "My uncle David and my father made fanning mills when they were young men and traveled through Ohio and Iowa selling these mills. They also sold Seth Thomas clocks. They started a general merchandise store at Mount Pleasant, Iowa, in 1844. In 1849 they started overland for California. My uncle David took his oldest boy along. This boy had his leg broken from a mule kicking him while on the plains and died as a result of the injury. If you will ask Mrs. A. N. Gilbert she can tell you all about it. She is Uncle David's daughter and has lived here in Salem for more than 70 years.
    "My father and Uncle David returned to Iowa in 1850. In 1852 my uncle Samuel, my uncle David and my father came across the plains to Oregon. My uncle Dr. J. W. McCully had come to Oregon the year before. They planned to take up claims near Salem, but as they couldn't get claims adjoining they drove on up the valley and took claims on the Willamette River at what is now Harrisburg. My uncle David and my father started a store, which became the nucleus of the town. They had no idea of going into the transportation business but were more or less forced into it. They shipped 30 tons of freight from Portland on the steamer Portland in 1855. At the falls the goods were transferred to the Enterprise with the understanding that they were to be taken to Harrisburg, but when the Enterprise arrived at Corvallis the merchants there told Captain Jamieson that if he helped start a town further up the river they would refuse to ship any more goods on his boat. They also told him they wanted it distinctly understood that Corvallis was the head of navigation on the Willamette and that if he expected any more business from them he would have to dump McCully's goods on the river bank. Captain Jamieson did so and my father and my uncle were compelled to haul the goods from Corvallis to Harrisburg by ox team. They decided not to be caught in this kind of a trap again, so they bought for $3000 the steamer James Clinton, which had been built at Canemah by Captain Cassidy, Gibson and Cochran. The Clinton ran between Canemah and Eugene.
    "My father, when he and his brothers settled at Harrisburg, went back to Philadelphia to buy a stock of goods. He bought this stock in 1853, so I suppose you can say that the town of Harrisburg started when my father and uncle David put up a store and began selling goods in 1853.
    "In 1862 my uncle David and my father, with S. D. Church, E. N. Cook, E. W. Baughman, J. D. Biles and Stephen Coffin, one of the townsite proprietors of Portland, organized the People's Transportation Company. They sold stock to farmers and merchants along the river. In all there were 65 stockholders. In addition to the James Clinton they bought the Relief and the Enterprise. Stephen Coffin was the first president. Before long my uncle and my father, who were to of the directors of the company, suggested that they enter business on the Columbia River, so they built the steamer E. D. Baker, which ran from Portland to the Cascades. They used the Iris in the middle river and the steamer Kiuse above The Dalles. The E. D. Baker could beat the boats owned by the Oregon Steam Navigation Company on the run between the Cascades and Portland.
    "At about this time my Uncle David McCully was elected president, and my father-in-law, T. McF. Patton, secretary, and my uncle David McCully, E. N. Cook, S. T. Church, J. D. Biles, J. S. Parrish and T. McF. Patton directors.
    "William S. Ladd, representing the Oregon Steam Navigation Company, offered to trade the steamers Onward, Rival and Surprise, which were plying on the Willamette, for the Iris and the Kiuse and to give the People's Transportation Company a bonus of $10,000 if they would confine their transportation activities to the Willamette River and not fight the Oregon Steam Navigation Company on the Columbia. For the next 10 years the Steam Navigation Company had the monopoly of business on the Columbia and the People's Transportation Company dominated the Willamette.
    "My father, my uncle and the others took over the steamer Senator, and they also operated the Enterprise, the Fanny Patton, the Albany, the E. N. Cook, the Alice, the Active, the Alert, the Echo, the Success and the Onward. When Ben Holladay began operating in Oregon the People's Transportation Company sold their interest to him."
Oregon Journal, Portland, August 4, 1931, page 8

    "I was born on my father's old farm, a mile from Harrisburg," said Alice Love Belmont when I interviewed her recently in Harrisburg. "My father, John D. Love, came across the plains in 1853. Father was born in Tennessee. My mother's maiden name was Mary Jane McCully. Mother's brother, A. A. McCully, was captain of a wagon train in 1853. He had crossed the plains in 1849 but had gone back to purchase machinery: so, having made the trip across the plains once, he was elected captain. My mother's brothers. David McCully and Asa McCully, crossed the plains to California in 1849 and returned by way of the Isthmus of Panama that winter. In 1852 they took their families with them and crossed the plains again. My uncle David and my uncle Asa put up the first house in what is now Harrisburg. They also put up and ran the first store here. In 1858 they took up 640 acres of land near here. In 1859 they moved to Salem, where for many years they were officers of the People's Transportation Company, which they had organized.
    "My father, John D. Love, gave the land for the depot here in Harrisburg. My father died in 1871, the year the Southern Pacific railroad came through Harrisburg."

Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, June 6, 1932, page 8


    HARRISBURG, July 1.--(Special.)--The reunion of the McCully Club to be held here July 4 is expected to be attended by members from far and wide. The McCullys figured prominently in the early history of this section of the state.
    In 1852 four of the McCully brothers settled on donation claims east of and adjoining Harrisburg, though at that time no town had ever been planned. Other settlers had come a little earlier, two or three about 1848, and taken land in the prairie and foothills to the east. In 1852, however, the valley was settling up rapidly, and the Harrisburg district was one of the few left where claims could be taken in a bunch.
    The McCully brothers were of Scotch ancestry and were born in New Brunswick, Canada, coming to Iowa in 1844, settling in Henry County. David and Asa McCully, the two who went into the mercantile business in Harrisburg, sold fanning mills in Iowa. In 1849 they went to California to seek gold, returning in a year or two to Iowa.
    Another brother, Dr. J. W. McCully, had come to Oregon about that time, and it may have been through his influence that the others decided to move to Oregon. At any rate they made the trip across the plains, four brothers, in 1852.
    A. A. McCully took a claim east of Harrisburg, where G. Reiling now lives, and built a house on it. David took a claim south of that. W. H. and Samuel took claims to the north, one where R. C. Huston now lives and the other on the Maxson land. Dr. McCully made his home at Jacksonville. A year later Mary McCully Love, a sister, came to Oregon and her husband took a claim a mile east of town.
    The McCullys were not farmers when they came to Oregon, and it was not long before David and Asa decided to start a store here. Asa McCully went back to Philadelphia to get a stock of goods. It was shipped around the Horn and up the Columbia and Willamette rivers as far as Corvallis and hauled from there to Harrisburg with teams. Whether or not they had operated a store a little earlier with such goods as they could get here, J. J. McCully, a son of Asa, is uncertain. He thinks the store started in 1853.
    In order to get closer to the store, which was located near the river, Asa McCully bought a strip of land from W. A. Forgey, and built a house on it. It was located near the residence of Mrs. Balmont but was torn down when the O.E. built into the town.
    In 1863 he moved to Salem and worked as president of the People's Transportation Company, which operated a line of steamboats on the river. Death came at an advanced age. A vicious animal kicked him so badly that he died a few hours later. He was buried in the Masonic cemetery in Salem.
    Asa McCully had four children, three of them living. J. D. resides in Portland, A. L. McCully in Portland, and Alice McCrane at Beverly Hills, Cal. The fourth child, Linnie Crosman, is deceased.
    David McCully lived at Harrisburg until 1858, when he moved to Salem. He, too, was president of the transportation company at one time. He was the father of five children. Estelle Gilbert lives at Salem, and F. D. McCully at Joseph, Ore. Three are dead, John, Mary Creighton and Alfred.
    W. H. McCully farmed his claim and then moved to town. Later he went to Salem and worked with the steamboat company. He is buried in that city. He had three children, F. D., Emma Coshow and Elsie. The second named lives at Brownsville.
    Samuel McCully lived on what is known as the Charley Maxson place, though [it was] his homestead, for several years. He then moved to Southern Oregon for a while, coming back to Harrisburg later to farm again. He had three children, Delilah, Asa and John Fletcher, all deceased. The latter worked in the McCully store and then with another store here for many years. He spent his life at Harrisburg and died here.
    Mary McCully Love and her husband lived on their donation claim just east of town for many years. Both are buried in the Masonic cemetery here. She was the mother of six children, of whom two are living: Douglas Love and Alice Belmont, both residing at Harrisburg; Mary Louisa Maxson, Emma Frances Love, John D., Carrie Gertrude Lister.
Eugene Guard, July 1, 1932, page 5

    Services for Miss Issie McCully, 85, known to all as "Aunt Issie," will be held in the Conger-Morris chapel at 1 p.m. Tuesday, with the Rev. Lawrence Mitchelmore officiating. Interment will be in Jacksonville cemetery.
    Her parents, the late Dr. John McCully, who practiced medicine for a time in Jacksonville, and her mother, Jane Mason McCully, who taught school in her home, known as the McCully home, came to Jacksonville in 1852. Miss McCully was born Dec. 16, 1859, and nearly her entire life had been spent in the "McCully home." For six years she was in Eugene, 1900 to 1906, while her nephew, George Merritt, was attending the University. Her brother, James Cluggage McCully, who was the first white boy born in Jacksonville, preceded her in death.
    She was a life member and the oldest living past matron of the Jacksonville chapter of Eastern Star. She attended finishing school at the Willamette University, Salem, in the late '70s and had been a member of the Presbyterian Church since then.
    She is survived by a nephew, George H. Merritt, Jacksonville.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 31, 1944, page 8

Last revised April 2, 2024