
The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Carl Landis Negatives
An index to the 1959-1974 negatives of the Medford, Oregon photographer, mostly portraits of sitters from the Southern Oregon coast to the Cascades and from Happy Camp to Yreka, California. Portrait envelopes typically contain one black-and-white acetate negative and a print (though some are in color).
This index was transcribed from Landis' skeletal notations on his index cards--which SOHS retains--without reference to the actual negatives. 
The entries below are not in alphabetical order; many are misspelled. Businesses may be alphabetized by owner's first name. Sitters may be indexed under business or organization or spouse's or parent's names--please search the entire page. 
Other information, not transcribed, on the cards may include:
• Date
• Mailing address
• Telephone number
• Employer or business association
• Location of or reason for sitting
• Third party paying for sitting
• Numbers and sizes of prints
• Attached to the card may be the occasional coupon, correspondence,
   business card, bounced check or debt collector paperwork

• Some cards--not transcribed--don't index an envelope of negatives, but
   record purchases of photographic supplies or services
Scans may be ordered from the Southern Oregon Historical Society. Most negatives are archived on shelves C15; many in the 3800s are shelved in G44.

 Env. #     Subject
45139    Aaberg, Ralph
               Aarseth, Sue
45021    Abbott, Bruce
45700    Abbott, Bruce\
47948    Aaronson, Bob
45057    Abbott, Ed\
32836    Abbott, Ray
32739    Abbott, Stowe
44017    Aberge, Dan
47590    Ables, Loralei
46918    Abramezyr, Joseph-Stephens, Jan
45221    Acevedo, Miguel
32180    Acker, Milton E.
40969    Ackerman, Lola
40321    Ackerman, Marcia (Mrs. Dale Ackerman)
40832    Ackerman, Marcia
46464    Acord, Jim-Gee, Debbie
40986    Acord, Judy
               Action Real Estate
41551    Acuff, Max
45973    Adams, Barbara
44289    Adams, Becky
44001    Adams, Becky
40007    Adams, Carol
40055    Adams, Earl
32295    Adams, Earl
32752    Adams, Earl
40603    Adams, Mrs. Earl
41796    Adams, Mrs. Earl
39272    Adams, Faye
45798    Adams, George-Loibl, Sandy
43716    Adams, George
42137    Adams, Jack
               Adams, Gordon
43446    Adams, Jerald
42145    Adams, Keldon
42494    Adams, Linda
59742    Adams, Mary
42154    Adams, Nancy
48394    Adams, Patricia
41250    Adams, Paul
41200    Adams, Paul
44834    Adams, Roger
44621    Adams, Susan; Adams, Effie
45914    Adolphson, Gottfrid
46502    Adrion, Travis
47519    Aeschliman, Dave-Sinner, Karen
44168    Afseth, Gary; Schmitz, Pete
43987    Afseth, Gary
44168    Afseth, Gary
43864    Aguilera, Eva
43781    Ahlf, Marlene
43819    Aguirre, Gus
42865    Aho, Vali
42506    Aho, Vali
47378    Ake, Phil-Jones, Shirley
               Ainsworth, Chadd: White House Cafe
44625    Akre, Paul
46710    Albert, Lucille; Albert, Allen
45429    Albert, V. M.
44724    Albert, V. M.
41896    Albert, Verna
41187    Albert, Valton
39682    Albright, Ed
46375    Albright, Lori
43235    Aldrich, Cherie
32243    Aldrich, Jack
               Alesko, Mike
47786    Alexander, Dave
45740    Alexander, Ellen
46540    Alexander, John-Cotter, Nancy
44726    Alexander, Norman
48167    Alfaro, Alma
47770    Allard, Deryln
40996    Allen K. Roberts Trio: Holland Hotel
46541    Allen-Vawter
43801    Allen, Bill; Teresa, Bill
43230    Allen, Bill; Teresa, Bill
41700    Allen, Bill
46561    Allen, Bruce-Vawter, Lynette
41770    Allen, Dave
32555    Allen, Diane
32533    Allen, Doralee
43575    Allen, Eric
32149    Allen, Mrs. Eric: art objects
32507    Allen, Gordon
39557    Allen, Mr. & Mrs. George
42688    Allen, Mrs. George
41715    Allen, Harold-Weizel, Pat
45882    Allen, Jan
44519    Allen, Jan
41181    Allen, Jim
59777    Allen, Kim
46680    Allen, Kim
45660    Allen, Mary Beth
43552    Allen, Pat
44603    Allen, Mrs. Robert
41912    Allen, Patricia
43674    Allen, Rita
43174    Allen, Rita
               Allen, Sally
43230    Allen, Teresa; Allen, Bill
43812    Allen, Mr. & Mrs. Vern
32408    Allen, W. C.
40980    Allen, Wayne
44759    Allen, Zena
46207    Alley, Carolyn
47021    Allison-Mode
40240    Allison, Mrs. Jessie
40038    Allison, Jeanne: children
47426    Allison, Ron-Gaherty, Donna
47599    Alliston, K. James
41308    Allworth, Clark
47117    Alner, Mrs. & Mrs. Bill
46256    Almquist, Dave
47114    Alspaugh, Jan
46187    Altvatter, Bob-Attebury, Kristi
46552    Alvarez, Janet
45176    Alvarez, Janet: baby
44751    Amaranth Installation: Florence Bain
44219    Amaranth: LaVerne Bramhall
40932    Amaranth: Mrs. Hal Bishop
39634    Amaranth: Mrs. Merritt Ewing
36971    Amaranth: Mrs. Salyer
39567    American Cyanamid Co.
               American Legion Auxiliary: Eddie Ranking
43137    American Linen Supply: Schlacht, Carl; Kester, Doug; Register, Ray
46149    Ames, Jan
46154    Ames, Jan-LeBlanc, Adail
40514    Ammon, Jeffery
41134    Ammon, Jeffrey
42203    Amuchastegui, Patricia
48528    Amuchastegui, Tanya-Sparks, Roberts
49520    Amyla, Sarah
40713    Anders, Karen
40712    Anders, Lois
46504    Anders, Laura
45667    Anders, Melissa
47439    Anders, Marjorie
47439    Anders, Marjorie; Merrill, Melissa
43449    Anders, Marjorie
46475    Anderson, Aksel
47022    Anderson-Grigsby
40370    Anderson, A. E.
32171    Anderson-Miller, Barbara
40954    Anderson, Ben
45124    Anderson, Bill
42641    Anderson, Bob
46114    Anderson, Donald
39164    Anderson, Judy-Kershaw, Pete
47169    Anderson, Bonnie
41733    Anderson, Bonnie & Rosemary
47869    Anderson, Bonnie & Rosemary
44775    Anderson, Carla
43118    Anderson, Cindy
43034    Anderson, Cindy
40618    Anderson, Cindy
40153    Anderson, Cindy
40676    Anderson, Mrs. Clarice: Douglas
46604    Anderson, Craig-Schreiber, Ranee
47550    Anderson, Debbie
59579    Anderson, Debbie: Larry
44320    Anderson, Elizabeth
40269    Anderson, Faye
41560    Anderson, Fred
40063    Anderson, Fred: Andy
41637    Anderson, George
48235    Anderson, Ginny
47424    Anderson, Jenifer
32566    Anderson, Jerry
32426    Anderson, Jerry
41389    Anderson, Mrs. Juanita
39275    Anderson, Juanita & Dennis
42719    Anderson, Juanita-Clark, M.
               Anderegg, Karen
45872    Anderson, Lane-Powers, Brenda
45921    Anderson, Lawrence
45112    Anderson, Lawrence
42961    Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Lyle
               Anderson, Jean: Mrs. Lyle
43547    Anderson, Lynn
46211    Anderson, Marchelle
42231    Anderson, Marilyn-Davis, Dale
46079    Anderson, Mark-Rayburn, Norene
42644    Anderson, Martha
45144    Anderson, Nancy
43423    Anderson, Sue
41347    Anderson, Paul
44943    Anderson, Ron
43151    Anderson, Ron-Navin, Jennifer
32643    Anderson, Sharon
43428    Anderson Sue (Mrs. R. L. Anderson)
41948    Anderson, Terry
47551    Andrews, Danny
31190    Andrews, Grace: Sprague-Iverson wedding
42444    Andrews, Mary
42233    Andrews, Mrs. Mike: Amy
44238    Andrews, Myron
               Andrews, Peggy
42162    Andrews, Rev.
47200    Angele, Edna
               Ann Rice Realty: Dyke; Mosher; Hyatt; Rice
47827    Annis, Janet
47258    Anthony, Stan
41807    Anthony, Toni
39361    Antony, Terryl
40075    Applebaker, Mrs. Lewis
46759    Applebaker, Bonnie
46858    Apparcel, Joy
               Applegate, Ella
44042    Arant, Bonnieann & Susanne
44043    Arant, Susanne
45114    Archer, Midge
47323    Archibald
59590    Archibald, Debbie-Buchanan, William
47764    Archibald, Glenn
47323    Archibald, Mrs. Glenn
39380    Arlandson, Carolyn
48332    Arlandson, Jim
46179    Armson, J. G.
42056    Armstrong, Marguerite
46136    Armstrong, Marguerite
46173    Armstrong, Nancy
38939    Armstrong, Roland-Stevens, Denise
40246    Arnett, Mrs. Ray
32706    Arney, Dottie
44267    Arnold, Irene
39937    Arnold, Jack
46488    Arnold, Miles-Wieley, Christie
46411    Arnold, Miles-Wiley, Chris
48082    Arnold, Vernon L.
38343    Arthur, Uuzz
38349    Asberry, Kristi
47464    Asberry, Terry-Hansen, Danielle
45272    Aschenberne, Mrs. Sam
               Ashcraft, Gordon
46036    Ashdown, Fred
43411    Ashenberner, Alan
45546    Ashenberner, Cathy
45982    Ashenberner, Linda & baby
44871    Ashenberner, Pauline
45314    Ashenberner, David-Christie, Linda
45075    Ashenberner, Robin
41189    Ashenberner, Robbin
43014    Ashenberner, Robert
42609    Ashenberner, Sam
               Ashford, James
44647    Ashley, Keith: Heath
41520    Ashley, Jen-Jantzer, helen
43247    Ashley, Sandra: Ruth
41806    Ashton, Ann
45418    Ashton, Ben
42520    Ashton, Mr. & Mrs. Ben
43289    Ashton, Linda
42572    Ashton, Nancy
44366    Ashton, Tom
42113    Ashton, Thomas
39371    Ashton, Tommy
               Ashton, Mrs. Violet
39109    Ashton, Dave
44234    Ashton, Julie
44997    Ashton, Mr. & Mrs. Tom
               Associated Fruit: packing house
44392    Associated Fruit: fruit and trees
45585    Astell, Becky
48000    Astell, Jim
40555    Atchley, Nancy
46493    Atencio
46404    Atencio
32117    Atkin, Ed
32035    Atkins, Bill
48258    Atkins, Bill
39864    Atkins, Rome
43006    Atkins, Roy-Bear, Barbara
46143    Attebury
45650    Atterbury, Chris
43929    Atterbury, Mr. & Mrs. Elmo P.
46187    Attebury, Kristi-Altwatter, Bob
41448    Attwooll, Mrs. Gladys
48369    Atwood, Mike
46302    Auberry, Don-Cone, Gayla
47130    Auberry, Linda
40809    Aubrey, Linda-Bucy, Larry
41108    Aubrey, Royal-Clark, Carol
7228      Aungier, Christine
46096    Austin, Kathy
48364    Austin, Kathy
39520    Austin, Mike
41032    Austin, Phil-Whitman, Jo
40585    Austin, Thomas E.
39014    Automotive Equipment Co.: truck
32824    Auzier, Mrs.
47198    Averll, Margart
43180    Avery, Donald: Darni
41141    Avery, Mrs. Donald
45471    Avgeris, Ekaterini
59764    Avgeris, John
46707    Axholm
46919    Axtell, Cathy
44292    Axtell, Clara
41230    Ayres, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer
               Ayres, Mrs. Elmer
32952    Ayres, Loretta
39699    Ayres, Walt (Mrs. Elmer Ayres)
39249    Ayres, Walt
42763    Ayers, Janice
43911    Ayres, Margaret
42041    Ayres, Margaret

42372    Babb, Jewel
43959    Babb, Mr. & Mrs. Jim
46614    Babb, Larry
32701    Babb, Mr. & Mrs. Sam
45486    Babcock, Joy
44792    Babcock, Robert
42432    Baccus, Barbara-Beatty, Joe
39246    Baccus, Barbara
41718    Baccus, Barbara & Carolyn
43860    Baccus, Carolyn
45557    Baccus, Carolyn
45538    Backes, Byron
45542    Backes, Sherry
47537    Backes, Sherri
46931    Backes, Sherrie
43091    Badger, Darrel-Rightmier, Jean
               Badley, Glen W.
32019    Baer, Barry-Bean, Virginia
32106    Bagley, Jean
48258    Bagley, Steve
40234    Bailey, Bob
44821    Bailey, Donna
42040    Bailey, Donna
42670    Bailey, Hedy
45205    Bailie, Linda
43287    Bain, Laurie
45145    Baird, Etta
45924    Baize, James R.: Angela; Tonya
45639    Baize, James: baby
45312    Baize, James: Angela
44693    Baize, James: Angela
44121    Baize, James: Angela
43777    Baize, James R.: Angela
32432    Baize, Robert-Brown, Dona
42738    Baize, Russ-Bonney, Marjorie
46569    Baize, Shelley
44946    Baker, Mrs. Capt. Albert
               Baker, Bob
40301    Baker, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
32063    Baker, Chester
39534    Baker, Mrs. Chester: Lorri
42921    Baker, Floyd: family of five
41481    Baker, George
40390    Baker, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert
43949    Baker, John
41966    Baker, Krista
40403    Baker, Krista
45738    Baker, Mr. & Mrs. Lee
42823    Baker, Leslie-Larimer, Janice
43995    Baker, Paula
42611    Baker, Ray
43085    Baker, Sharon
41288    Baker, Sharon
47742    Baker, Stacey
39732    Baker, Susan
39733    Baker, Susan-Penwell, Monty
41506    Baker, Sylvia-McLoughlin, John
43120    Baker, Mr. & Mrs. W. C.
7202      Baldock, Genie
41400    Bales, Diane-Carter, Dick
43675    Bales, Evelyn
41922    Ballard, Bob
               Balfour, Mrs.
40672    Ballard, Kent
               Balls, Mrs. Roy
46094    Balogh, Tom
39477    Banducci, Lorna
40605    Bandy, Jim
39302    Bandy, Patrick
59639    Banke, Lois
47816    Banks, Dave
41704    Banks, Joe
41304    Banks, Joe
44932    Banning, Donald
44899    Bannister, Anne
45100    Bannister, Vickie
39473    Banniser, Diana
44125    Bannister, Mary
44406    Bannister, Mary
45483    Barats, Adrien
40034    Barats, Mr. & Mrs. Adrian: family group
44970    Barber, Art: family group
43265    Barber, Barry
46438    Barber, Cheryl
42309    Barber, William D.
45007    Barbour, Benjamin
41928    Barclay, Julie
               Barco Supply: Hedrick gym
44032    Barham, William
39291    Barker, Ann
               Barker, George
32631    Barker, Bill
44675    Barker, Chris
46870    Barker, Ellen
39789    Barker, Ellen
40501    Barker, Jan
32294    Barker, Jan
32523    Barker, Janet
32140    Barker, Janet
39158    Barker, Janet-Bowling, Don
39044    Barker, Linda
41804    Barker, Marilyn
40777    Barker, Marilyn
40088    Barker, Maxine
32589    Barker, Molly
42875    Barker, Ray
42362    Barker, Ray
40778    Barker, Ray
               Barker, I.-Thompson, W. C.
46389    Barker, Ellen
45942    Barker, Herbert W.
46325    Barker, Rosanne
44694    Barker, Rourke
46954    Barkhurst, Carlton R.
41625    Barlow, Esther: color of scars and bruises
43484    Barlow, Harrett & Sephanie
               Barnes, Jackie
41868    Barnes, Carole
40840    Barnes, Mrs. E. A.: Karen
42426    Barnes, Mrs. H. C.: Shelly
40195    Barnes, Irma
32655    Barnes, Mr. & Mrs. N. L.
40716    Barnes, Nancy
43406    Barnes, Pat
45859    Barnes, Toby
32538    Barnes, Patty
45775    Barnes, Maxine
41836    Barnes, Maxine
41412    Barnes, Thurman
59780    Barnhart, Earl
47322    Barnhart, Karen
40935    Barnett, Donald
44410    Barnett, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh: 50th anniversary
32759    Barnett, Mr. M. R.
45179    Barnett, Martin
45773    Barnhart, Karen
46156    Barnum, Jeani-Kuykendall, Greg
44456    Baroni, Claudia
44393    Barr, Collene
44038    Barr, Dennis: family group
40445    Barr, Dennis: Leslie
40008    Barr, Dennis: Brent
32763    Barr, Dennis-McGraw, Judy
44543    Barr, Francis; Barr, Margaret
32705    Barr, Mrs. Jack: Jack; Sally
40906    Barr, Leslie: baby
               Barr, Margaret
40568    Barr, Mary Margaret
42098    Barr, Mary Margaret
32801    Barran, Mrs. Robert: Richard
39941    Barrell, Colburn
39325    Barrell, Dee
42552    Barrett, Donna
41081    Barron, Austie
48298    Barss, Steve
45120    Barrs, Dr. T. P. & Mrs.
41908    Barry, Alexander
46913    Barry, Cliff
44005    Barry, Ed: family group of nine
44790    Barry, Jim: family group of three
43233    Barry, Mari
44706    Barry, Marilyn
47019    Barry, Pat
31555    Barry, T. R.
32791    Barry, T. R.
44426    Barss, Susan
59784    Bartlett, William
48177    Basilicato, Terry & Gail
44361    Bartels, Dr. & Mrs. Brandt
45156    Bartle, Linda
46616    Bartle, Linda
44350    Bartholomew, A. C.
46338    Bartolomei, Bruce Erickson
40649    Bartholomew, Frank
45268    Bartholomew, Gail
32833    Bartlett, Audrey: with violin
39601    Bartlett, Audrey
46189    Bartlett, Pam-Mak, Keith
44743    Bartley, Bill
44251    Bartley, Cindy
42955    Bartley, Cindy
43689    Bartley, Dale
43630    Bartley, Richard
41483    Bartolomei, Edo
46195    Bartolomei
32175    Barton, Judy
32113    Barton, Judy-von Stein, M. J.
39940    Bascomb, Dave
40394    Basey, Mrs. Don: Todd
39754    Bash, Frank
32296    Bash, Frank
32549    Bash, Frank
32415    Bash, Frank: family group and reunion
42412    Bash, Frank
44492    Bash, Frank & Mrs.
44293    Bash, Frank
43816    Bash, Frank Jr.: family group
40755    Bash, Frank: family group
42412    Bash, Frank
39427    Bash, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
41759    Bash, Jane
32492    Bash, Judy
41570    Bash, Katie
44024    Bash, Kathleen
32072    Basore, Mrs.: children and Santa
45941    Bass, Cathy
42918    Bastiani, Mary
42908    Bastiani, Ronald
39195    Bateman, Charles
44144    Bateman, Nancy
               Bates Realty: Chastain, Elmore, Zbinden
39497    Bates, Mr. & Mrs. D. C.
46018    Bates, Joe
40111    Bates, Keith
31969    Bates, Keith
41698    Bates, Keith: at Richfield station
44776    Bates, Marjorie
32714    Bates, Sandra
43569    Bates, Sidney
32586    Bates, Ursula
47498    Batt, John: Danielle
43121    Battaile, W. W.: Susan; Bruce
40798    Batzer Construction Co.: Church on Crater Lake
47298    Batzer, Jack & Jill
43467    Batzer, Jim
41915    Batzer, John
40702    Batzer, Laura
39344    Batzer, Mary Jo
46170    Batzer, Mr. & Mrs. Jack
46164    Batzer, John & Ann
46169    Batzer, Laura
46168    Batzer
41616    Batzer, Mrs. R. J.: Dick
40462    Baucom, Diana
42497    Baune, Frances
39687    Bautista, Ramon
46246    Bautman, Bob
46200    Baurgeois, Dave
               Boyle, Mrs. J. C.
42859    Bayless, Warren
40940    Bayliss, Warren
47281    Bayne, Bill
32051    Baxter, Bill-Palmer, Faye
45430    Baxter, Barney
42954    Baxter, Ray
46124    Bayliss, Sandy-Darland, Tim
46023    Bayliss, Sandy
45452    Bayliss, Marc
45795    Baylor, Glenda-Workman, Bruce
44481    Baylor, Glenda
46262    Bayne, Jones
47159    Beach, Anne
43894    Beach, Jay
32346    Beach, Beverly & Brewold, Meralyn
46445    Beach, Jay
45088    Beach, Julie
45655    Beach, Mary
40149    Beadnell, Robert
44896    Beadnell, Robert W.
45488    Beagle, Sally
32254    Beale, Jack
44294    Beale, Mike
44359    Beals, Jeff
48266    Beals, Jeff: family group
40902    Bean, Jerry
46529    Bean, Ron-McIntire, Judy
39401    Bean, Ronald: two boys
32299    Bean, Vera: two boys
32019    Bean, Virginia-Bear, Barry
46110    Beanblossom, E. H.
               Bear Creek Orchards
44826    Beard, Lorraine
40684    Beardsley, Mrs. Joy: Laurie
42281    Adams, Mrs. Ross: Susan Beardsley
39605    Beardslee, Leslie
47292    Beardsley-Doody, Sue
43334    Beardsley, Lynda
               Bearing Sales & Service: Guenther, Fleener, Barham, Rickert
46362    Beasley, Amber
44152    Beasley, Ann
32468    Beaton, Pat
48375    Bearly, Pam
               Beatty, C. M.
46932    Beatty, Edgar
42432    Beatty, Joe-Baccus, Barbara
39243    Beatty, Joe
42533    Beatty, Linda
46182    Beaty, Charles
45127    Bechen, Pat: mother and boy
46353    Bechtel, Ron
45256    Becic, John: Carolyn
47393    Becic, Mrs. John
               Beavers, Herb: home and family
47529    Becic, John: family
40848    Beck, James
42832    Beck, Jim
44597    Beck, Mr. & Mrs. Michael
32006    Becken, Nancy
32630    Becken, Nancy
42371    Becker, Barbara
46718    Becker, Bernadette
44092    Becker, Mrs. Gordon
44645    Becker, Norma
41196    Becker, Ron
46681    Becker, Red-Turner, Jane
40393    Beckwith, Merrill
46148    Bedard, Joe
44127    Bedell, Karl
42397    Bedell, Karl
43708    Bedingfield, Lynn
45703    Bedingfield, Tanya
               Bee Hive Auto Lease: Darrell Miller
44661    Beebee, Barbara
44854    Beebe, Bill-Dube, Michelle
39468    Beebe, C. R.
43029    Beebe, Liz
44184    Beedle, Jack
42484    Beem, Jean
41683    Beeney, Lydia
42802    Beer, Barbara
40385    Beer, Mrs. Inga: Diana
59789    Bigger & Goings Wedding
32360    Behrendsen, Mark & Susan
41210    Bekken, Gail
43402    Bekken, Lynn
41706    Bekker, Bob-Beard, Lorraine
42273    Bekker, Helen
32100    Bekker, Helen
45742    Bekker, Helen
41017    Beliveau, Ray
               Bell, Marge
46942    Bell, Debra
45845    Bell, Loretta
39633    Bell, Edward
39890    Bell, Ellen
42313    Bell, Ellen-Taylor, Robert
39507    Bell, Herbert-Kosecka, Danusia
38953    Bell, Mrs. Homer & daughter
39538    Bell, Homer
41505    Bell, Judy-Kopperman, Herb
39543    Bell, Murray
45922    Bell, Mrs. Oral
40558    Bell, Rick
42391    Bell, Robert: family group
7023      Bellford, Maerrie
49525    Bellinger, Thora
39165    Beltz, Rosemarie-Hayden, Jack
45908    Bench, Charlie
40997    Bench, Connie
46754    Bender, Debe
41025    Bendickson, Mr. & Mrs. Al: fortieth anniversary
45360    Bendickson, Carolyn
41996    Bendickson, Gary
39503    Benesh, Frank
42645    Benesh, Susan
42851    Benesh, Frank
44425    Benge, Sue
39248    Bengtson, Karen
32048    Bengtson, O. H.
42826    Bengtson: Crow, Alice
42899    Bengtson, Robert
46699    Benjamin, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis
43435    Benjamin, Mr. & Mrs. Louis
41763    Benner, Mrs. H. M.
46999    Benner-Hall
44742    Bennett, Dick
43427    Bennett, Jeanie
46741    Bennett, Kathy
44416    Bennett, Marie
46219    Bennett, Nancy
46301    Bennett, Ted-Enloe, Jeannnie
39054    Bennett, Ted
46589    Bennett, Wayne C.
38973    Benson, Bob
43277    Benson, Dave
41206    Benson, Mr. & Mrs. Dean
44638    Benson, Vincent
41890    Benton, Lynn
41357    Berg, Mr. & Mrs.
45747    Berg, Don
40854    Berg, Mrs. Grace
32565    Berg, Keith
47283    Berg, Larry
38354    Berg, David
32618    Berg, Mrs. Ryder
41930    Berg, Vickie
45555    Bergamini, Sister Evelyn
40274    Bergholm, Sussee
39981    Bergholm, Sussee
41265    Bergstrom, Dennis
40559    Bergstrom, Ingrid
40914    Berner, Bill
59614    Bernheisel
40429    Berninghausen, R. G.
39653    Berns, Barbara-Sutch, Steve
46021    Bekker, Helen
46991    Berry, Carolyn
45829    Berry, Carolyn
43108    Berry, Mrs. Chris: Ron
39892    Berryman, Connie
42568    Berriman, Carman
41111    Berteau, Marcia: scars on face
42617    Berteau, Marcia
43588    Bertream, Carole
47150    Bertrand, Gary-Cannon, Susan
46490    Bertrand, Rebecca
49552    Berwanger
47319    Berwanger, Jim-Bradely, Pattie
44507    Berwanger, J. Ralph
39912    Best, Sharon
39055    Bestul, R. M.
45537    Bethel, Kevin
45902    Bethel, Mr. & Mrs. Paul
44225    Bethel, Sherri
43323    Bethel, Sherri
39913    Betschart, Edith
41201    Betschart, Jim
39962    Betts, Sonja
32349    Betz, Paul
42963    Betz, Paul
43626    Beukema, Hermine
40344    Bever, Mrs. D. A.: Eager Bevers
44868    Beveridge, Bob
44282    Beveridge, Marie
41334    Bewley, Diane
43745    Beyer, Mrs. Robert
43597    Bezoff, Jeanett
49554    Bickler, Marilyn
47190    Bickler, Sharon
41358    Biddington, Milford
41740    Bidingfield, Tanya
39572    Bigalow, Mrs. E. B.
48223    Bigelow, Calvin E.
44227    Bigalow, Mrs. Earl
42314    Bigalow, Earl
41493    Bigalow, Mr. & Mrs. Earl
39328    Bigalow, Vaughn
32126    Bigelow, Mrs. Earl
32114    Bigelow, Harold: welding rod holder
42346    Bigger, Carolyn
44179    Bigger, Carolyn
41082    Bigger, Darold
32514    Bigger, Forrest
40346    Bigger, Ray
42297    Bigham, B. B.
40415    Bigham, Mrs. Barry: scar on left forearm
44637    Bigham, Gary-Bartels, Chris
40964    Bigham, J. W.
32018    Bigham, Kenneth-Conrow, Phyllis
45842    Bigger, Forrest
               Big Y Shopping Center: loaf of bread
43421    Bilderback, Melody
43002    Billingsley, David
45173    Bills, Bob
38962    Bills, Donald
47173    Bills, J. Robert: family group of five
46508    Benegar, Debbi
44741    Bingham, Ed: foot
41933    Bingham, Ed
44140    Bingham, Ed-Miller, Rita
41418    Birchfield, Mr. & Mrs. William
42745    Birchfield, Theron
32071    Birdseye, Mrs.
               Birkland, Lewis
               Birman, Alvin
41965    Birman, Terry
42941    Bishop, Amos-Turman, Loretta
44711    Bishop, Dan
39476    Bishop, Joe
44333    Bishop, Juanita
40259    Bishop, Mary
44139    Bishop, Rick
46565    Bishop, Sandy
32742    Bishop, Sandy
47092    Bishop, Shannon
44459    Bismark, Macki
44217    Bittle, Bill
59634    Bittle, Cheryl
45994    Bittle, Kristi-Phillips, Williams
47349    Bjerg, David-Burns, Genelia
41548    Bjelland, Celeste
42902    Bjelland, Dennis: two children
40478    Bjelland, Dennis-Burrill, Celeste
42363    Bjelland, Sig
43750    Bjornsen, Bjorne-Knox, Mary
45229    Bjornsen, Bjorn: Shannon
40450    Black, Jared-Russell, Pat
32761    Black, Roger-Ballard, Carole
44318    Black, Toni
42853    Black, Toni
39862    Blackburn, Mrs.
39314    Blackburn, Roger
45715    Blackford, W. A.
46081    Blackhurst, Mrs. Kent
44417    Blackhurst, Kent: family group of six
46005    Blackhurst, Mrs. B. Kent
45513    Blackhurst, Jill
45888    Blackhurst, John
45903    Blackhurst, Julie
45907    Blackhurst, Steve
46489    Blackley, Bob-Bertrand, Rebecca
30656    Blackwood, Buelah: two children
45056    Blaess, Rita
44872    Blaine, Nancy
47001    Blair, John-Downing, Linda
42005    Blair, Johnny
42972    Blair, Judy
45019    Blair, Karen; Stevens, Rhonda
44811    Blair, Karen
39915    Blair, Steve
41744    Blanchard, Mrs. William
46108    Blandino, Dr. Joseph
47261    Blakenship, Don
32365    Blankenship, F. C.
40024    Blankenship, Patsy; Blake, Mavis
45414    Blazek, Myron
41852    Blew, Bruce: Hillah Temple
41951    Blew, Charlotte
43236    Blew, Elizabeth
42901    Blew, Gary
39268    Blew, Kent
40761    Blickenstaff, Mr. & Mrs. Dale
32366    Blickenstaff, Sharon
44313    Bliesner, Mr. & Mrs. Richard
41519    Blood, Sid
               BLM: Scholfield
32351    Bloomquist, Werner
43613    Bluett, James: Stephen
43168    Bluhm, Mrs. David: Jeff
42847    Bluhm, Mrs. David: Jeff
46749    Blunt, Mrs. Loery
32002    Blunt, Nancy
45288    Boals, Susan
45262    Boals, Susan
45297    Boals, Susan-Burnett, John
43856    Boardman, Alberta
42236    Boardman, Mrs. Curt: Angela
40473    Boardman, Curt-Tweedy, Toni
40715    Boardman, Jack: three children
30777    Boardman, Sue
32431    Boardman, Sue-Gueners, Gary
39957    Boat, Jean
39412    Boat, Rosemarie
46717    Boatwright
32077    Bobbett, Bob-Edwards, Barbara
41391    Bobbett, Mr. & Mrs. Robert E.: family group
45864    Bochardy, Helen
42305    Bodiford, William
44049    Bodily, David
45172    Bodley, Judy
44808    Boes, Richard
41508    Boes, Richard
41521    Boes, Richard
32502    Boese, Sandra
42091    Bogener, Nancy
43652    Bogener, Melody
43218    Bogener, Nancy
48023    Bohannan, Annadale
49760    Bohannan, group of three
45118    Bohannan, Judy
40364    Bohl, Janet
39101    Bohnert, Arnold: group of six
39896    Bohnert, Pat: Russell
44703    Boiler, C. A.
44541    Boiler, Charles: family group of six
44351    Boiler, Chuck
44382    Boiler, Chuck: Trisha
42903    Boiler, Charles: baby
45662    Boiler, Jeff
46035    Bolton, Jeff
               Bolton, Doris-Lynch, Matthews
44892    Bolton, Dr. & Mrs. T. C.
40878    Bolton, D. J.
42384    Bolton, Mary
44673    Bolton, Mary Ann
59591    Bolton, Barbara
41396    Bolton, Dr. Tom
43209    Bolton, Tom
46803    Bond, John-Stanley, Debbie
45446    Bonney, Gerald: baby
41402    Bonney, Mrs. Gerald: Jeffery
40366    Bonney, Jerry-Crumpton, Sandra
42441    Bonney, Mrs. Jerry: Tommy
41559    Bonney, Marjory
42434    Bonney, Marjory
42738    Bonney, Marjorie-Baize, Russ
41333    Booth, Steve
45739    Booze, Janet
40635    Borden, Sandra
47269    Braaten, Bill
39539    Braaten, Bruce
               Bradbury, Robin
40181    Bradford, Al
59602    Bradley, Cheryl-Hollen, Philip
45126    Bradley, Steve
44221    Bradley, Steve
32233    Bradley, Virgil
40066    Bradshaw, Don: Lori
41661    Bradshaw, Mrs. Donald: two girls
41678    Bradshaw, Mrs. Irene
44101    Brahs, Mrs. Walter
32138    Brain, Mr. & Mrs. C. Edward: family group
42054    Braley, Mrs.
41190    Braley, Mrs.
43682    Bramble, Ron
43528    Brambble, Ron
44182    Bramhall, Cheryl
42038    Bramhall, Cheryl: Job's Daughters
42542    Bramhall, Cheryl
41360    Bramhall, LaVerne: family group
45061    Branch, Mr. & Mrs. Glen
46231    Branch, Patricia
               Branchfield, Heffernan & Ford
42870    Branchfield, Ed
39683    Branchfield, Ed
40198    Branchfield, Edward
39335    Branchfield, Mrs. Ed: Scott
41971    Branchfield, Paul
47496    Brandenburg, John
               Brandenburg, Dr. John: family group
46385    Brandenburg, John
32710    Brandenburg, Dr. & Mrs.: family group
41431    Brandenburg Dr.: family group
44676    Brandenburg, John T.: paintings
44610    Brandenburg, Dr. John: painting
48022    Brandenburg, John
46153    Brandon, Alana
42558    Brandon, Deane
               Branham, Bill
45938    Branham, Vicki-Ricks, Dean
44499    Brannon, Douglas
39086    Branock, S. T.
44313    Branson, Gary
32239    Brantley, Bob: bearded
40628    Brantley, Bonnie
39579    Brantley, Carolee
39794    Brantley, Carolee-Jones, Jack
39524    Bratcher, L. A.: family group
39090    Bratcher, Therza-Messenger, Robert
41305    Brattain, Karen
32765    Bratton, John-Meilicke, Bernardine
40928    Brauner, Tony
42926    Brawn, William
41388    Bray, William D.
45352    Braziel, Lonna
45785    Braziel, Lonna-Widlund, Rick
42649    Braziel, Diane
43031    Breazeale, Carolyn
42118    Breazeale, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis
41271    Breeden, Dick
46358    Breeding, Tim-Baker, Rosanne
42361    Breeze, Becky
39501    Breeze, Nancy
45437    Breeze, Reg
42278    Breeze, Reg
38976    Breeze, Wayne-Blickenstaff, Sharon
32588    Breeze, Reggie
45013    Brennan, Father
32504    Brennan, Fred
40204    Brennan, Fred
46793    Brenneman: family group in home
47023    Brenneman
46850    Brenneman
39087    Brent, Mrs. George: Kimberly
43842    Bretches, Robert: Tyler
47745    Brewer, Susan
32049    Brewer, Mr. & Mrs. Bace: family group
45735    Brewer, Mr. & Mrs. Chris
48111    Brewster, Rick
43048    Bresland, James: Weeks & Orr
42110    Brewer, Bert: family in home
40507    Brewer, Chris
39695    Brewer, Mrs. F. L.: Elizabeth
32046    Brewer, Fitzhugh
41589    Brewer, Nina
32728    Brewold, Marilyn
32173    Brewster, W. A.: beard
41640    Bridge, Robert T.
43521    Briggs, Ken-Kent, Kay
45926    Brigham, Monte
41345    Bright, Kay
43779    Bright, Mrs. Rosoline: garden pictures
45963    Lippert, Brigitte
41193    Brindley, Bonnie
41413    Brindley, Ralph
41923    Brinson, Jim
46617    Brion, Adrienne
44927    Brion, Adrianne
39046    Brittsan, Granville
42597    Brittsan, Granville
45091    Brittsan, Granville
43532    Brittson, Georgia
43065    Brittson, Georgia
42213    Brittson, Georgia
39047    Broadbent, J. M.: group of three
46077    Brock, LeeAnn-Hill, Stewart
47603    Brodhead, Diana
46237    Brodlead, Louise
43820    Brolin, Oscar
40966    Bromley, Robert
41647    Bronson, Patrick
44611    Brookens, John
40654    Brookman, Judy
39963    Brookman, Sharon
42561    Borden, Sherry
43175    Boren, Linda
41370    Bork, Robert
44253    Borg, C. E.: anniversary
47421    Borough, Debbie: Job's Daughters
39108    Boshears, Mrs. Gary: Mark
32730    Boshears, Kenneth: Lori
41125    Bost, Evelyn
40895    Bost, Evelyn
39508    Bosworth, David-Leath, Kitti
45265    Bosworth, Mrs. Harlan
39750    Bosworth, Harlan P., Jr.
39781    Bosworth, H.P., Jr.: family group at christening
               Bottjer, Mary Jo
47525    Bottjer, Mike
47449    Bottjer-Sutton
45169    Botting, James-Ashenberner, Robin
45002    Bouchee, Emery
41650    Boucher, Donald
40098    Boughner, Lynn: Job's Daughters
39743    Boughner, Morris
32226    Boughner, Morris: Shrine
47812    Boulton, Mike
45695    Boulton, David: family group
32677    Bounds, Dennis
42291    Bour, William E.
               Botts, Carol
44995    Bower, Ed
39236    Bower, Eddie
42007    Bowers, Kathy
47096    Bowles, Dale-Blankenship, Lea
42457    Bowling, Ann
39971    Bowling, Mrs. Don: Danny
39158    Bowling, Don-Barker, Janet
41562    Bowlsby, Mrs. Carolyn
40807    Bowman, A. L.: family group
49749    Bowman, Maisie
40360    Bowman, Nolan
39939    Bowman, Pete
41841    Bowman, Pete-Soran, Patti
43835    Bowman, Rita
41794    Bowman, Sharon-Fellows, Mike
42238    Bown, Glenn
47588    Bowser, Mary
40613    Bowser, Carolyn
43464    Boyce, Robert: family group
               Boyd, Curt
46611    Boyd, Mrs.: baby
43391    Boyd, Charles P.
32635    Boyd, Mildred
               Boyden, Mark: 1955 flood
32745    Boyden, Mark
44641    Boye, Pat
42403    Boyer, Bob: Courtesy Chevrolet
39951    Boyes, Ron
45712    Boyle, James: family group
39862    Boyle, Mrs. Sandra: Albert
48153    Brooks, Mary: group of four
32645    Brooks, Mrs. Beverly: Raymond
40796    Brooks, Mrs. Bill
32029    Brooks, Cynthia
32499    Brooks, Cynthia
46089    Brooks, David
39745    Brooks, Ernest-Richards, Sara
43455    Brooks, Jeff
41143    Brooks, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence: fiftieth anniversary
45721    Brookman, Betty
49466    Brooks, Ron
45548    Broomfield, Andrea
45772    Broomfield, Stephanie
39479    Broomfield, Mrs. C. B.
32767    Brophy, Carl
44050    Brophy, Mike
44324    Brophy, Mike
40281    Brophy, Robert: family group
45161    Brophy, Tim
32636    Bross, Keith-Miller, Betty
               Brower, Bruce
41602    Brower, Diane R.
46647    Brown, Barbara
32250    Brown, Bill
               Brown, Betty
47737    Brawn, Darryl
               Brown, David: family group of four
47203    Brown, Diane
48282    Brown, Janet
49560    Brown, Margo: pictures of art
47931    Brown, Margo
59752    Brown, Sydney
45478    Brown, Bob
44990    Brown, Coe
41610    Brown, C. L.: invention
32412    Brown, C. R.
42121    Brown, Coe: family group
42020    Brown, Dave
44980    Brown, Rev. David R.
44326    Brown, David-Grant, Ruth
46795    Brown, Denise
41920    Brown, Mrs. Frank
45058    Brown, Jack: family group of three
47384    Brown, Jeff
46469    Brown, Kristen
39003    Brown, Gary
43023    Brown, George
39408    Brown, Edward
46309    Brown, Jerry
39645    Brown, Mrs. J. J.
32737    Brown, Mrs. James J.: Steve, Michael, Peter
40879    Brown, Jereal
               Brown, Ken: Mrs. Darrell Huson
44229    Brown, Larry
42086    Brown, Laurel
42030    Brown, Lee R.: family group of four
40498    Brown, L. R.
40078    Brown, L. R.
45752    Brown, Mike
39312    Brown, Marlys
39592    Brown, Mr. & Mrs. O. L.
32256    Brown, Pat
32208    Brown, Peter: baby
46603    Brown, Rob-Leonard, Joan
42220    Brown, Robert
46277    Brown, Sandra
47364    Brown, Terry
46020    Brown, Violet M.
42445    Brown, Robert-Snyder, Louella
44304    Brown, Sandra
45162    Brown, Tim-Ashford, Carole
42006    Brown, Tim
40963    Browne, Ashley C.
43895    Browne, Marty
40893    Browne, Wayne: two children
43221    Brownlee, Gail
43933    Browns, Kathie
42743    Browns, Vicki
43409    Bruce, John
49484    Bruce, Steve
43677    Bruce, Steve
46186    Brugger, Allen-Lindsay, Marlene
46861    Brumback, Donna
46667    Brumback
43634    Brumbeloe, Cliff
32115    Brunett, Bob: beauticians
41637    Bruning, Ann
39730    Bruning, Denise-Reynolds, Rev. John
40686    Bruns, Marilyn
41015    Bruns, Marilyn-Wilson, Jim
44256    Brunswick Corp.: Medford Bowling Lanes
43678    Brunswig, Dick
40812    Bruse, George
40762    Bryant, Mr. & Mrs. B. E.
46290    Bryant, Janet
40744    Bryant, Marget
42643    Bryce, Jim
44921    Bryden, Bruce
43302    Bryan, James
43786    Buchanan, Ed
41577    Buchanan, Ethyle: Eagles Auxiliary
42940    Buchanan, Pat-Klingseis, Martin
42190    Buchanan, Roma
59794    Archibald-Buchanan
32264    Buchman, Judy-Gilies, Sheldon
42394    Buckingham, Sandy
41906    Buckles, Diana
40808    Buckholtz, Kenneth-Glidden, Gail
41482    Buckles, Robert
46506    Buckner, Daniel
40809    Bucy, Larry-Aubrey, Linda
32392    Budd, Alan-Stafford, Shirley
32585    Budge, Barbaraudreau, Dave
43897    Budreau, Linda
46546    Budreau, Mark & Michael
32302    Bud's Tire Service: exterior
43861    Buffington, Spence
44778    Building Trades Council
41987    Bulebar, Phil
40527    Bulger, Cheryl
32207    Bulkin, Frances
32139    Bulkin, Natasha
46801    Bullard, Kathy
44384    Bullard, Martha: three girls
45164    Bullard, Susan: Ryan
43328    Bullard, Sue
39052    Bullis, Seth
32818    Bullis, Seth: drawing of Medford
46016    Bunker, Bill
47007    Buntrock, Dawn-Millen, Randy
45117    Buntzman, Carol
32220    Buonocore, Dr. L.: Shrine
42248    Buonocore, Laura Beth
39868    Buonocore, Laurie Beth: Job's Daughters
40615    Buonocore, Laurie Beth
41657    Buonocore, Madeleyn: Job's Daughters
43667    Burchett, Gloria
41608    Burchett, Mrs. Lillian
39843    Burdett, Mr. & Mrs. E. T.: golden wedding
42549    Burdick, Richard
               Bureau of Land Management: Round Top hearing
               Burelson's Hair Fashions: Forsyth, Arvid; Stout, Barbara
39693    Burg, Jimmie: Marine
40048    Burg, Judy
44654    Burgess, Donald
41855    Burgess, Janet
47746    Burgoyne, Alfred W.
48262    Burket, Laurie
41399    Burich, Annette
43064    Burich, Fred
39417    Burich, Frederick
39447    Burich, Dr.: group of three
44064    Burich, Mary
45570    Burk, Ron
39901    Burke, Jim
45035    Burkhardt, Al: two boys
42997    Burmeister, Mr. & Mrs. Henry
42347    Burnett, Mrs. Carole: David, Chris, Kim
32031    Burnett, Donna: Job's Daughters
45297    Burnett, John-Boals, Susan
39151    Burns Engraving: Oregon Cattlemen
39187    Burns Engraving: Howell Appling; jet boats
39235    Burns, Louis: Shirley
39550    Burns, Louis: Sandra
32760    Burns, Louis: Sandra Lou
32534    Burns, Louis: Shirley
40427    Burns, Sharon
44243    Burr, Catherine
45150    Burrell, Rod
46785    Burreson, Sue
               Eugene F. Burrill Lumber Co.
46761    Burkhardt
40478    Burrill, Celeste-Bjelland, Dennis
41687    Burrill, Mrs. Eugene: group of three
42138    Burrill, Eugene: twenty-fifth anniversary
47992    Burrill, Gina
49459    Burrill, Jonathan
32345    Burrill, Gene: with muttonchops
42303    Burrill, Mike
42331    Burrill, Mike
43147    Burrill, Mike-Johnson, Karen
45160    Burrill, Mike: baby
43536    Burrill, Sandra
32561    Burroughs, Jerolyn
40128    Burroughs, Jerolyn-Tresham, Duane
39437    Burroughs, Norma: dog
40276    Burtasoff, Mr.
40887    Burtasoff, Prokopy
42407    Burton, Ed: Courtesy Chevrolet
40296    Burton, Ivan
38979    Burton, Mrs. Ivan
45832    Burton, Gail
39777    Burton, Mrs. Ivan: Ronnie
41529    Burton, Jaci-Miksche, Gary
45004    Bush, Beverly
               Bush, Mrs. Howard
40212    Bush, H. E.
39045    Bushnell, Carol
40736    Bushnell, Richard
45597    Business Men's Assurance
42468    Buss, Mrs. Vern: Gary
               Butcher, Susan
39587    Butler, A. P.
32735    Butler, Gerald-Peffley, Patricia
43846    Butler, Jerry: Jeff
42120    Butler, Gerald: family group
43848    Butler, Kathy
46392    Butler, Pam: baby
39989    Butler, Pat-Hogate, Bill
47320    Butts, Gary
47345    Butts, Gary-Hunt, Kathy
32475    Butts, Janice
44942    Butts, Mr. & Mrs. Randall
45698    Butterfield, Roger
40701    Byerly, Howard
46662    Byers, David
40365    Byers, Henry
40060    Byrd, Bettie
41510    Byrd, Bill: Medford Bowling Lanes
40359    Byrd, Dick
39895    Byrd, Dick
32096    Byrd, Gerald
40178    Byrd, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond
42345    Byers, Betty
39208    Byrne, Katherene
40467    Byrne, Kathy
44081    Byrne, Mike
43092    Byzich, Robert: Sign & Signal

48294    Cabler, Carmen
45370    Cabler, Rick
46780    Cabler, Robert
45159    Cacho, Jose-Shelton, Connnie
40019    Cacho, Mrs. Marion: Mary
41746    Cacho, Mrs. Marion: Mary & Martha
40187    Cacho, Mrs. Marion: Mary
40326    Cacho, Mrs. Marion: Mary
40442    Cacho, Mrs. Marion: Mary
32274    Cady, Edith: Johnson, Richard
44373    Cain, Barbara
41045    Caldwell, David-Walker, Barbara
42292    Caldwell, Mr. & Mrs. Jack
47142    Caldwell, Lewis
39429    Calhoun, Edwin
40593    Calhoun, James
39407    Calhoun, Pat
42627    Calhoun, Terri
               Cal-Ore Ranches
               California-Pacific Utilities Co.: George Baker
32811    California-Pacific Utilities: Hoppe
               California-Pacific Utilities: Parr, Peabody, Aguirre
34669    California-Pacific Utilities
               California-Pacific Utilities: Vaughn, Gouber, Reisinger, Buker, Geear
               Cal-West States Life Insurance: Breeze, Reggie; Brown, Bob; Baxter,
                   Barney; Williams, Cliff; Pierce, Steve; Pullen, Don; Campbell, Wayne;
                   Kutzer, Jim; Downing, Bob; Larson, Wally
46698    Calhoun, Debbie
               Calhoun, Rock
46144    Calkins, Angie
               Calkins, Mrs. Howard
40043    Callaghan, Joan
40709    Callan, Mike
40874    Callan, Paul Michael
41497    Callender, Dick: Medford Bowling Lanes
40126    Calloway, Richard
40496    California-Pacific Utilities Co.: watch presentation
40923    California-Pacific Utilities Co.: presentations at Medford Hotel
32469    Califf, Sheryl
32213    California Packing Sales Co.: Del Monte display
43526    Calkins, Pat
47396    Calvary-Rettman
45234    Calvert Distillery: at Rogue Valley Country Club
39952    Cameron, Mrs. Doug: Rhonda
47202    Cambell, Susan
47836    Camden, Linda
48323    Campagna, Marla
44202    Camenzind, Carl
40119    Cameron, Clarence
39230    Cameron, Doug-Johns, Sandra
42604    Cameron, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas: family group of four
40109    Cameron, Mrs. Greg: Christie
46922    Camp-Peterson, Rita
44130    Campagna, Milo: Patrick
39646    Campbell, Mrs. A. B.
45003    Campbell, Barbara
41672    Campbell, Bill
39964    Campbell, Bob
46567    Cameron, Dwight-Davis, Diana
41407    Campbell, Clyde
46716    Campbell, George
44270    Campbell, Jan
43773    Campbell, J. R.: mother and son
46201    Campbell, Keith
               Campbell, Mary Ann
40894    Campbell, Pamela
42771    Campbell, Pat
44119    Campbell, Pat
45919    Campbell, Pat
46095    Campbell, Pat
               Campbell, Wayne-Campbell, Pat
46267    Campbell, Dennis-Jenning, Debby
44352    Campbell, Wayne
45423    Campbell, Wayne
47344    Campbell, Susan
45773    Campbell, Mr. & Mrs.
48280    Campfield, Dave
45147    Canon, Ken
43594    Cannon, Linda
39623    Cannon, Linda
46284    Cannon, Tom
44388    Canon, Don
44180    Cantonwine, Dana
45462    Cantonwine, Dana-Mathewson, Cordell
46307    Cantrall, Jo Ann
45526    Cantrall, Joann
45393    Cantrall, Mary Ann
44814    Cantrall, Mary Ann
46613    Cantrall, Mary
43926    Cantrall, Mary Ann
43917    Cantrall, Mary Ann: two children
43093    Cantrall, Mary ann
41342    Cantrall, Mary
40916    Cantrall, Mary Anne
40975    Cantrall, Mrs. Ronald: two children
40227    Cantrall, Aletha
45586    Canty, Larry
43010    Canty, Mike
42615    Canty, Mike
               Caperna, Ron
43381    Caperna, Shawn
43076    Caperna, Shawn
41907    Caperna, Susan
32306    Capitol Paint Truck: truck door
32067    Capps, Mrs. Darlene: Stephen
39040    Cardona, Jean
32690    Cardona, Thomas: twenty-fifth anniversary
42835    Cardona, Dave
42834    Cardona, Bob
49526    Cardoza, Shane
59785    Carlson
42282    Carlson, Mrs. Daryl: Greg, Janis
42857    Carlson, Dennis
               Carlson, Erik
42527    Carlson, Janice
44983    Carlson, Karen
43186    Carlson, Greg
48194    Carlson, Laural
49451    Carlson, Laural
49452    Carlson, Laural & Chris
40264    Carlson, Leonard
40534    Carlson, Leonard
43653    Carlson, Sharon: Job's Daughters
43109    Carlson, Sharon
43331    Carlson, Erik: family group
43240    Carlson, Sharon
42887    Carlson, Sharon
47100    Coats-DeForest
44208    Carlson, Wayne
45782    Carlstrom, Mrs. Dorothy
45018    Carnegie, Bill
41837    Carnegie, Jim
43245    Carnegie, Margaret
40598    Carnegie, Mary Ann
40936    Carnes, Don
44400    Carpenter, Elvin
47386    Carpenter, Brian-Fitzsimmons, Kaye
48039    Carpenter, Keith
46199    Carpenter, Liza
32204    Carr, Aetna: Shrine
394??     Carr, C. A.
48154    Carr, Sharon: with Frohnmayer sister
45315    Carr, Aetna H.: Elks
32827    Carr, Betty
41925    Carr, Betty
48151    Carroll, Betty
59582    Carter, Nicholos
46134    Carter, William
42810    Cartwright, Jeri
40561    Carver, Beulah
43378    Carver, Carol
43593    Carver, Mrs. Hal
41571    Carver, Loyce
41645    Carver, Loyce: in church
32491    Casad, James
41502    Casad, Joe W.: family group
40627    Casad, John
41936    Casad, Robert
39378    Case, Dr. & Mrs. L. G.: family group
43610    Case, Bob
44297    Case, Betty: with music students
43806    Case, Betty
43676    Csae, Dr. L. G.
41440    Case, Dr. L.
               Case, Violet
38355    Casebeer, Jane
42106    Casebeer, W. G.: Sloan Co.
42962    Casebolt, Avery
               Casebolt, Earl: sound shop
48248    Casey, Wendy
42633    Casey, Janet
42102    Casey, Kristy & Karen
46874    Casey, Mrs. Mary
32094    Casey, Velma: baby's funeral
32769    Caspar Septic Tank Service: truck
42481    Cassidy, Joseph E.
40922    Cassina, Mrs. Bessie: McKenney funeral
32103    Cassman, Mr. & Mrs. H. E.
42726    Casson, Hannah
39709    Castellanos, E.
40322    Castellanos, E.
40937    Castillo, Mrs. A. J.
32014    Castle, Bob
39528    Castle, Bob
39038    Castalano, Frank: exterior, house on Military Road
44113    Cate, Bill
44500    Cate, Leona Jean
43088    Cathey, Kathy
48034    Cattanach, Deena
44940    Caughie, Floyd
32300    Caulkins, Mrs.: two boys
39483    Caulkins, Fred
44639    Cauthon, Ruth
47523    Cavanaugh, J. Rick: dog
39169    Cave, Claudia: Gary, Ricky
40028    Cave, Hazel; Davidson, Donna
40867    Cave, Mrs. Lillian
46645    Cavener, Frank
47925    Cavener, Kenneth
45152    Cavitt, S. W.: in uniform
42388    Cavitt, Mrs. S. W.: seven grandchilren
                Cecil, Dr. Herbert
32091    Centennial Association: skin divers
32147    Centennial Association: beards
42800    Center, Larry
41079    Centers, Martha
40338    Centers, Marvin
32315    Central Market: exterior
               Chamberlain, Wendy
48269    Chamberlin, Anne
               Chapel Mortuary
               Chapman, Richard: two children
45875    Chapman, Jan: Elizabeth
45341    Chapman, Jan
40121    Chamberlain, Denny
43534    Chamberlain, Paula
               Chamber of Commerce: Hudson, Gordon; Woodcock, Dick
               Chamber of Commerce: Budge, Dumas, Heffernan, Thorndike, Irving
               Chamber of Commerce: Gardiner
41988    Chamberlin, Sandi
38970    Chan, Raymond
39033    Chapel Mortuary: Reuben Keller funeral
44781    Chapman, Dennis
44710    Chapman, Elizabeth
41684    Chapman, Mrs. Jeanett: Steve
47832    Chapman, Kim
38345    Chapman, Linda
44562    Chapman, Pat
41030    Chapter C.P., P.E.O. Sisterhood: at Mrs. Faber's
41536    Charbonneau, Mrs. J. W.
46956    Charley-Berryhill
39303    Charley, Bill
40994    Charley, Bill
40141    Charley, Mr. & Mrs. Claus
40125    Charley, Floyd
44231    Chartier, Andrea
42395    Chase, Claudia
44028    Chase, Nancy
38965    Chase, Wayne
41410    Chase, Wayne
41315    Chase, William-Ackerman, Marcia
46208    Chastain, Mervin
47286    Chavez, Carlos
41557    Chavis, Kathleen
43690    Cheatum, Lou
42415    Cheatum, Lou
39692    Chee, George
43793    Cheney, Dr. & Mrs. Francis
39922    Cheney, Bonnie
41627    Cheney, Bonnie
45331    Cheney, Frances
41215    Cheney, Mary
42894    Cheney, Mary
42485    Cheney, Sharon
40248    Chicago & Northwestern Railway Co.: exterior
30695    Chick, Nellie
32197    Chick, Nellie
44465    Childers, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence
48230    Childers, Cynthia R.
47382    Childers, Jo Ada: Job's Daughters
47333    Childers, Lynett: Job's Daughters
47363    Childers, Lynette: Job's Daughters
59854    Childers, Ray
46781    Childress, Richard-Ashlock, Tonya
39639    Childress, Zelma-Hueners, Harvey
43527    Childreth, Keith
39073    Childreth, Keith: ornamental iron
47137    Childs, Carol
42133    Chinn, Paul: family group
               Chinn, Raleigh: 1967 Ford Galaxy
48018    Chinn, Will
               Chipulo, Margie
40947    Chittock, Sue
40091    Chitwood, Mrs. Don: Lori
45598    Chriss, Lynn
45599    Chriss, Mike
46642    Chriss, Vickie
46263    Christ, Gertrude
45400    Christ Lutheran Church: 1970 confirmation class
44296    Christ Lutheran Church: 1968 confirmation class
44684    Christean, Darlene
44764    Christean, Jerry
44240    Christean, Jerry
46958    Christensen
47852    Christensen, Diane
44328    Christensen, Nancy
44692    Christensen, Martin: Betty Ritchie funeral
47306    Christiansen, Terry: family group of ten
45294    Christensen, Gary: two children
46203    Christensen, John
48021    Christian, Lou
45532    Christianson, Bob-Mathews, Billie
45709    Christie, Ed: baby Ed
45590    Christie, Ed: family group of six
45485    Christie, Edward: Ed's mother
45849    Christie, Ed: baby Ted
45314    Christie, Linda-Ashenberner, David
43503    Christofferson, Brian
42914    Christofferson, Mr. & Mrs. Henry M.
41325    Christenson, Daryl
43072    Christian Brothers Quartet
40006    Christian, Dorene
42785    Christianson, Bob
45054    Christianson, Cheryl
44981    Christie, Ed: three girls
44432    Christie, Ed
42932    Christie, June
39930    Christofferson, Brian
47145    Christy, Ruth
42677    Chizek, Ed
32101    Chrysler Corporation: Warren Hamlin
40708    Chrysler Corporation
39078    Chrysler Corporation: Hamlin Motor Co. awards
40489    Ciardi, Mrs. Opal
43800    Cioni, Jerry
               City Sanitary Service
41109    Claassen, Tibby
49501    Claflin, Chris
45158    Clark, Kim
38361    Clark, Kim
46062    Clark, Linda-Stroup, John
48172    Clark, Tim
45993    Clark, Bill
44463    Clark, Carolyn
44226    Clark, Carolyn
41108    Clark, Carol-Aubrey, Royal
42620    Clark, Carole
47057    Clark, Carroll-Brown, Judy
42895    Clark, Debbie
32090    Clark, DeeAnn-West, Gary
               Clark, Dick
40577    Clark, Earl
42836    Clark, Earl
               Clark, Etta
38983    Clark, Mrs. G.: Judy Ann
39295    Clark, Mr. & Mrs. George
39723    Clark, Gerard
45209    Clark, Gini
43163    Clark, Mrs. James: Angie
47351    Clark, James
42683    Clark, Jerry
45504    Clark, Joe: three children
40058    Clark, Joseph G.
46719    Clark, Kathryn
43389    Clark, Kent
               Clark, Lita
45307    Clark, Leta
44477    Clark, Mary
44115    Clark, Mary
40826    Clark, Mary Lee
40626    Clark, Peppy
45987    Clark, Rhondi
40491    Clark, Mrs. Robert: group of four
32684    Clarke, Ray A.
41039    Clark, Roma
47539    Clark, Rosella
43791    Clark, Roy-Johnson, Judy
31742    Clark, Sandra
47785    Clark, Sheryl
47640    Clay, Kristy
41306    Clark, Tom
43374    Clark, Tom
45469    Clark, Tom
               Clark, Pat
43241    Clark, Virginia
46639    Clark, Wilson-Borden, Sherri
32215    Clark, William: Shrine
45884    Clarke, Julie
43850    Clarke, R. C.: family group of three
47238    Clarke, Robin
               Clarke, Roy-Kubli, Norma
45596    Clarke's Sheet Metal Inc.
44198    Clasby, Otis
32373    Class Party at R.V.C.C.
43362    Clay, Don
47165    Clay, Ed
44215    Clay, Imogene
42078    Clay, Nell
40920    Claypool, Donald M.
32725    Clayton, Joe
39990    Clearwater, George
46833    Clemens, Carl
43179    Clemens, Cecil
32785    Clement, Dalen
41901    Clement, Debbie
40343    Clement, Debbie
32348    Clement, Malcolm-Lewis, Lillian
43250    Clements, Darlene
41528    Clements, Darlene
43351    Clements, Penny
43582    Cleveland, Thomas
43705    Clifford, Kathereine
45730    Cline, Grace
42267    Cline, Jack
42135    Clogston, Vickie
45787    Cloepfil, Joann
47904    Cloud, Liz
46871    Cloud, Debbie
               Cloud Tree & Sun: Shepard-Romano wedding
47036    Coats
46576    Coats, Dan-Edwards, Debbie
45286    Coates, Mr. & Mrs. Dick
39949    Coates, E. C.
44220    Coates, Mr. & Mrs. E. C.
45097    Coats, Dan
46074    Coats, Tom
43210    Cobb, Bill
43946    Cobb, William S.: four children
39719    Coca-Cola Bottling Co.: Nesbitts
41590    Coca-Cola Bottling Co.: Hires
41058    Coca-Cola Co.: Hires
39019    Cochran, W. L.
32384    Cockburn, Mrs. Keith
39179    Cockran, Mr. & Mrs. E. J.
48145    Cody, Dave
43160    Cody, Mr. & Mrs. John
59612    Coen, Wayne: baby
48158    Coffeen, DEbbie
47259    Coffindaffer, Bill
48119    Coffindaffer, Paula
44772    Coffindaffer, Paula
45608    Coffindaffer, Susan
48166    Coffman, Diane
47818    Coffman, Diane
46666    Coffman, Errol
39007    Coggins, Eugene-Blackburn, Judith
               Coffman, Scott & Tracey
46746    Coggins
45422    Coggins, Gene
32024    Coghill, Carol
               Coghill, Cecil
41638    Coghill-Maeier Corporation
40068    Coiner, Thelma
46782    Colbaugh, Phil
46592    Colbaugh, Tammy
48244    Cole, Debbie
44364    Cole, Gilbert
44688    Cole, Jan
41212    Cole, Mark: family group
41010    Cole, Mark: Kathy, Mike
48168    Cole, Melissa
42635    Coleman, Donna
47584    Coleman, Debbie
47504    Coleman, Debbie
48075    Colman, Jeff
47949    Coleman, Teresa
40402    Coleman, Mrs. Fred
40348    Coleman, Fred
43022    Coleman, Mrs. Hugh
41028    Coleman, Hugh
40392    Coleman, Mrs. James: Claire
44344    Coleman, Jerry
46456    Coles, Mary Lou
45806    Coles, Bryan-Heysell, Ann
42916    Colfax, Gary
43623    Colfax-Fagone, Patty
44159    Colley, Jackie
45215    Colley, Marge: pictures of scars on leg
39992    Colley, Mrs. Tom: two children
48079    Collins, Betsy
47908    Collins, Cathy
47623    Collins, Elaine
48098    Collins, Elaine
               Collins, L. W.
41809    Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Dale
46641    Collings, George
40837    Collins, Hugh
42731    Collins, Ila
32537    Collins, Jim
45464    Collins, John: two girls
43310    Collins, John Richard
               Collins & Redden: Jack Brownlee Trucking
48112    Collins, Scott
39024    Collins, Mrs. Walter: Kathy
41673    Collinsworth, Kathy
40706    Colony Restaurants: interiors, Murphy, Alex; Langford, Vern; House,
                   Billy; Walker, Dick; Myers, Kenneth
44588    Coltrane, Don: family group of three
41207    Coltrane, Don
43937    Colvin, Ted-Quinn, Kay
48212    Combs, Craig
47382    Combs, David
41601    Combs, Mrs. Helen
46550    Comer, Jack-Kendal, Rita
32495    Commercial Printing

46599    Compton, Michael-(Miller) Smith, Connie
39994    Concannon, Dave
               Concrete Steel Corp.: Bell, Marx, Thorndike, Braaten, Stuart, Bell,
                   Semon, Pringle, Middleton, Mattheisen, Wood
               Concrete Steel Corp.: Matthieison, Ron
               Concrete Steel Corp.: Phelps, R. E.
41046    Cone, Allen
46367    Cone, Erick
46304    Cone, Gayla
42437    Conger, Bob
               Conger, Cheryl
32642    Conger, Mrs. H. E.
40254    Conger, Homer A.
40355    Conger, Jim
42057    Conger, Mr. & Mrs. Jim
39030    Conger, Jim
40449    Conger-Morris
32146    Conger-Morris
               Congregational Church
43573    Conklin, Margaret
43583    Conklin, Lyn
48149    Conley, Jan
32182    Conley, Janet
48418    Conn, Claudia
46882    Connelly-Stanfield
               Connely, Irene & Verlin
44488    Conner, Barbara
47834    Conner, Brent
47634    Conner, Debbie
               Conner, Debbie-Travis, John
44887    Conner, Gary
42027    Conner, Gary
44082    Conner, Kathy
40775    Conner, R. N.
44082    Conner, Sherry
40579    Conner, Walter
39274    Connolly, Rich
32176    Connors, Mrs. Florence
42435    Conrad, Fred
42937    Conrad, Mrs. Fred
32018    Conrow, Phyllis-Bigham, Kenneth
39089    Conroy, Mary Kay-Conser, James
32271    Conroy, Nancy
32289    Conroy, Nancy-Murphy, Neil
39089    Conser, James-Conroy, Mary Kay
32724    Consolidated Freight: pineapple
43069    Converse, Cheryl
46560    Cook
47580    Cook, Lori
32354    Cook, Barbara
45122    Cook, Charles: family group
44969    Cook, Charles
47357    Cook, Charles
39281    Cook, Charles
42975    Cook, Charles-Freeman, Pam
40446    Cook, Deanna
40672    Cook, Deanna-Hawes, Ralph
44021    Cook, Diana
44953    Cook, Georganne
40841    Cook, Harold
46586    Cook, Jeff
41532    Cook, Mrs. Joe: Mike, Mark
42883    Cook, John
47542    Cook, Karen
47613    Cockerby, Penny
47713    Cockerby, Penny
40509    Cook, Monte
42452    Cook, Ralph
40924    Cook, Mrs. Ralph
32665    Cook, Ralph
46638    Cook, Richard-Briles, Helen
44974    Cook, Sandra
40641    Cook, Sandra
46633    Cook, Sean
45454    Cook, Steve
42831    Cook, Steve-Fedoria, Mary
41958    Cook, Steve
42665    Cook, Mrs. Sue
46952    Cook, Virginia
45657    Cook, Wayne
43478    Cook, LaVeeta
32290    Cooksey, Jim-Johnson, Rose
45894    Cooksey, Sherry
39469    Cool, Virgil: facial paralysis
45336    Cooley, Marv
               Cooley, Ralph
40113    Coombs, W. L.
46625    Coon, Don
47141    Coon, Kim
45280    Cooney, Cathy
45683    Cooney, Cathy
44397    Cooney, John P.
32210    Cooney, W. J.
44177    Cooney, Jack
43417    Cooper, Craig
32257    Cooper, Clifford: marriage certificate
41063    Cooper, Dave
39403    Cooper, Delores
41404    Cooper, Mrs. E. F.: Mark
               Cooper, Mrs. Earl
40439    Cooper, Earl-Purdy, Jeanette
               Cooper, Mrs. Ernie
32628    Cooper, Terry
32485    Coovert, Ruth
32084    Copco: old cookbooks
32069    Copco: construction of West Union Baptist Church
47769    Copeland, Greg
46439    Copeland, Charles-Bockenoogen, Nancy
43635    Copeland, Don
43460    Copeland, Darrel: family group
43017    Copeland, H. R.: family group
43862    Copeland, Terry
39381    Coppedge, Mrs. H. C.: John
46987    Copenhaven-Cooney
39171    Coppinger, K. W.: Patricia
39080    Copple, Dick-Dunn, Delora
43671    Corbell, John: Groceteria
45603    Corbett, Janice
40549    Corbin, Bill
45451    Corbin, Joan-Johnson, Bill
41379    Corbit, Dorothy
41772    Corbitt, Carolyn-Doyon, Dennis
40027    Cordon, R. E.
43578    Cordon, Ron: Oregon Bank
44036    Corliss, Dorian
45244    Corliss, Ken
44575    Corliss, Phil
41903    Corliss, Randy
41071    Corliss, Kenneth R.
42984    Corliss, Randy-Shontz, Nancy Sue
48301    Cornett, Jerry
41634    Cornutt, Linda
39831    Cornwall, Tom
42516    Corrigan, Mrs. Leo
46055    Corrons, Bill
49468    Corum, Barbara
39043    Corwin, Mrs. Barbara: Mike
               Corwin, Duane
43608    Coryell, Carol
44873    Coryell, Terry-Barker, Leslie
42543    Cosler, Mrs. Robert
39578    Cossette, Mrs. E. R.: baby
48286    Cossette, Eugene
46937    Cossette, Stan
43462    Costelow, Jim: family group
42074    Cotton, Bill
39228    Couch, Barbara; Rowan, Ruby: Pacific Telephone
47885    Couch, Patty
47081    Couch, Lee: family group of six
44513    Couch, Marilyn
42559    Couch, Marilyn
44734    Couch, Marilyn-Kenier, David
44572    Couch, H. L.: fiftieth wedding anniversary
43815    Couch, Mrs. W. M.
32330    Couey, Sheila
40023    Cougle, Mr. & Mrs. Harry
44578    Coulombe, Darryl
45125    Coulter, Darrell
42765    Counts, John: group of three
39387    Courey, Kerry
44275    Courteol, Hugh
               Courtesy Chevrolet: Gifford, Randy; Dedman, Sam; Coggins, Gene
               Courtesy Chevrolet: Schumann, Al; Saxburg, Frank
               Courtesy Chevrolet: Whitley, Pat; Milne, John; Kure, Earl; Ford, Charles;
                   McCauley, Marshall; O'Sullivan; Culp, Jim; Shelley, Dean; Smith,
                   Dick; DeShane, Clarence; Hannibal, Ray; Walker, Keith; Gilman, Dick
               Courtesy Chevrolet: Curnutte, Dave; Morgan, Don; Bates, W. F.;
                   Arnold, Miles; Hansen, Vern; Steinmetz, Don; Garcia, Richard;
                   Johnson, Mel; Wray, Lynn
               Courtesy Chevrolet: Parker, Tom; Hill, Don; Campbell, Bill; Winters,
                   Jim; Heysill, Ray
               Courtesy Chevrolet: Kirsh, Dodge, Hershfelt, Oswalt, Roberson,
                   Roethler, Philips, Jones
               Courtesy Chevrolet: Watkins, Virgil
42666    Courtesy Chevrolet: Williams, Barney
               Courtesy Chevrolet: Reneau, Jim; Majors, Lou; Nickols, Jerry; Haven,
                   John; Neathamer, Mike; Winters, Jim; Griffin, Al; Radke, Al; Bates,
               Courtright, Floyd
46264    Couser, Silvia
46729    Covert, Phillip
44747    Covington, Janet
               Covington, M.
32242    Coward, Mrs. James: Kathleen
39184    Coward, Mrs. James: Donna
45527    Cowley, Cliff
44557    Cowley, Mrs. Joe: three children
40692    Cowley, Mrs. Joe
43222    Cox, Glenda
46577    Cox, Cindy
43102    Cox, James N.
44532    Cox, John: Tamara
44146    Cox, John
44844    Cox, Julie
48179    Cox, K-Lou
               Cox, Shelly
47051    Coxen, Leroy
39287    Coy, Dee
39938    Coyne, Russell
32378    Cozette, Mr. & Mrs. William: Kim Marie
32471    Crabb, John
41953    Crabb, John
40705    Crabb, John
41572    Crabtree, Rev. Allen
39284    Craddick, Mrs. Shirley
40517    Craft, Carol Jean
48295    Craig, Randy-Cornitius, Jennifer
41888    Craig, Mary
43924    Cramer, Robert
48407    Crandall, June-Botefur, David
32416    Crandall, Mrs. Royal
32361    Crandall, Mrs. Royal
43325    Crandall, Sandra
490829  Crane, Beverly
42939    Craner, Judy
40279    Crary, Charles W.
41027    Crater Lake Motors: exteriors and groups
41116    Crater Lake Motors: dinner at Hotel Medford
47799    Crater Lake Motors: truck
               Crater Lake National Park
47231    Crater Title
               Crater National Bank
39974    Craver, Beverly
47115    Crawford: family group
47846    Crawford, Joe
39898    Cawford, Janet
32722    Crawford, Mrs. Jack: Jane
44802    Crawford, Jean
43875    Crawford, Jill
41226    Crawford, Jill
42614    Crawford, Jo
41578    Crawford, Mrs. Joe
41461    Crawford, Mrs. John
39713    Crawford, Mr. & Mrs. Joe
39365    Crawford, John
42705    Creager, Jack
32280    Creager, Jackie
40961    Crevier, Dave: Glenda, Jamie
42410    Crever, George: house
39450    Crevier, Karen
46056    Crelos, Lucy
39457    Crider, Sandra
47230    Crichton, Marilyn
49450    Cripe, Dan
42300    Cripe, Ed
39847    Crippen, Berta
40356    Crippen, Berta
39297    Crisman, Clinton: Lisa
32297    Crisman, Clinton: Bruce
39449    Crisp, Jan
41267    Crisp, Janice
44232    Crisp, Jan
39820    Crocker, Bill
40609    Crocker, David
44396    Crocker, Phil
32437    Crofoot, Pat-Donahoe, H. M.
40521    Crofoot, Jacque
32526    Crofoot, Sue
42424    Crofoot, Susan
42172    Croft, Jdui
45577    Crow, Alice
49529    Crowley, Richard
40288    Cronin, Gene
41247    Cronin, Mr. & Mrs. Gene
32744    Cronin, Gene
               Cronin Insurance
48193    Cronin, Marie
46786    Crosby, Janet
44994    Crosby, Janet
44613    Crosby, Janet
44065    Cross, Mary
40926    Cross, Mary
42706    Cross, Mary
43090    Cross, Sherry
46829    Croucher, Jeany
41035    Croucher, Robert-Rasmussen, Bea
40672    Croucher, Tammy
45422    Crouse, Michael-Bonney, Alice
42124    Crovatto, Lois: Tina Lou, Lois
43668    Crovette, Terri
41876    Crovette, Terri
43920    Crovette, Trissie
47124    Crowe, Lynn
39510    Croxton, Mrs. V. H.
32368    Croxton, Mr. V.
46279    Croy, David
47199    Cruickshank, Gary-White, Barbara
40318    Crum, Mrs. Carl: David
44585    Crumley, James: two boys
39585    Crump, Jack: trout flies
40366    Crumpton, Sandra-Bonney, Jerry
46544    Crutchley, Judy
47082    Cuddie, Dan & Lina
47157    Cuddie, Lena
32748    Cuddy, S. C.
44912    Cuffel, Laurence
44298    Culbertson, Duane: Mike
32626    Culbertson, Duane
47274    Culbertson, Duane-Stahle, Susan
32729    Culbertson, Josephine
47837    Cunningham, David
39828    Culbertson, Paul: Hillah Temple
43776    Culbertson, Sue Ann: christening
32664    Cull, Rev. Robert
44682    Cull, Greg
41318    Cullop, Deanna
44936    Culp, Jim
45600    Culp, Karen: baby
41824    Culy, Charles: family group
45519    Culy, Mr. & Mrs. Gale
32703    Culy, Mrs. Verna
46998    Cummings, Bob-Stone, Marcy
39729    Cummings, Douglas-Franklin, Diane
45460    Cunningham, Bruce-Williams, Kathy
40216    Cummins, A. S.
39562    Cummins Diesel: exterior
39758    Cummins, J. S.
45487    Cunningham, Bob
40535    Cunningham, R. J.
44407    Cunningham, Bruce
39684    Cunningham, John: family group & Dennis
31367    Cunningham, Mrs. John: Robert
32380    Cunningham, Mrs. John H.: Edward
41663    Cunningham, Mr. & Mrs. Lee
44848    Cunningham, Margaret: Tamela
46513    Cuozzo, Mario-Marks, April
43260    Curl, Andria
41889    Curl, Cliff
7196      Curl, Debbie
42915    Curran, Dwight
46100    Current, Sister Rosemary
43129    Currier, Ken
45613    Curry, Mrs. Delbert
42504    Curry, Isobel
47331    Curtis, Jim
47407    Curtis, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth
47891    Cushing, Douglas
44102    Cutting, Dave
42841    Cutting, Dave
45238    Cutting, Jeff
41940    Cutting, Steve
43311    Cutting, Tom
41525    Czmowski, Mrs. Vernon: Joy

44757    Dady, Bob
42130    Dahl, John
41297    Dahl, John
47618    Dahl, Pam
32193    Dailey, Mel
42096    Daimler, Mr. & Mrs. Cecil
47177    Dale-Ocean Container Sales
39181    Dalkenberg, L. H.-Neufeld, Rebecca
46676    Dallas, Carl
46254    Dallas, Jean
46057    Dallas, Jean
42517    Dallas, Tom
39202    Dalton, Ed-Paulson, Shirley
43853    Dalton, Jackie
42454    Dalton, Jim
48410    Dalton, Paul: family group of seven
               Dalton, Paul: family group of nine
39852    Dames, Bill
41439    Dames, Robert: three boys
47414    Damon, Robert-Watson, Melisa
42695    Dames, Robert: Mrs. Dames, George, Bill, Bob
41260    Dames, George
45087    Dames, Robert: Jeanne Mack's Toyota
43651    Dames, Robert
32717    Dames, Mr. & Mrs. Robert: three boys
42773    Dames, Wilma
40639    Damon, Keith
42874    Danford, Robert W.
46668    Danforth, Peggy
46292    Daniels, Bonnie
44786    Daniels, Bonnie
40339    Daniels, Mr. & Mrs. James
41675    Daniels, Judy
41175    Daniels, Linda
44439    Daniels, Ruth
42884    Daniels, Ruth
32307    Dan Patch: house exterior
39233    Darby, Barbara
42119    Darby, Fred
44066    Darby, Teresa
43494    Darland, Bill
43447    Darland, Chuck
               Darland, F. E.
45484    Darland, Floyd: family group outside home
40666    Darland, Tim
44893    Darland, Tom: family group of three
47784    Darland, Barbara
40665    Darland, Tom
               Darling, Deanise
46539    Darling, Denise & Deanna
40700    Darling, Mike
40039    Darneille, Lindsay
32787    Dauga, Mrs. Peter W.
               Daugherty, Burton A.
45447    Daugherty,  Byron-Harbord, Anne
40912    Daugherty, Jack: family group
41006    Daugherty, Jack
45322    Daughters of the Nile
45960    Daun, Robert
40156    Davidson, Annette
40238    Davidson, Mrs. Giroud
39293    Davidson, Mrs. J. I.: Teresa
43483    Davidson, Janis
45746    Davidson, James-Davis, Robyn
43559    Davidson, Kay: with dolls
40930    Davidson, Mrs. Neil: with dolls
41317    Davidson, Mrs. Neil: painting
40768    Davidson, Norma
42286    Davidson, Norma
46386    Davidson, Richard
               Davidson, Robert C.
41726    Davis, Mr. & Mrs. A.
40835    Davis, Mr. & Mrs. A. D.
47408    Davis, Chris-Petterson, Denise
59839    Davis, Ermine
               Davis, Cecil
               Davis, Mrs. Charles H.
42231    Davis, Dale-Anderson, Marilyn
32808    Davis, E. D.: Robyn, Steven
42035    Davis, Ed
               Davis, Dale
42423    Davis, E. P.
46501    Davis, Decina
45136    Davis, Mr. & Mrs. E. D.
               Davis, Mrs. George
45386    Davis, Janice
46253    Davis, Jim
46943    Davis, Judy
43043    Davis, Judy
41666    Davis, Exine, Patricia
32344    Davis, George H.: funeral
39061    Davis, Mrs. John F.: Ron
40080    Davis, Louise
42539    Davis, Ray
42362    Davis, Robyn
45746    Davis, Robyn-Davidson
39712    Davis, Sam: corpse at Memory Gardens
39096    Davis, Sam: Pearl J. Hoffman, Larry Jr. Enz
32396    Davis, Mrs. Sam: Jeanette
48129    Davis, Scott
45026    Davis, Scott
39560    Davis, Mrs. Scott: Henselman children
43811    Davis, Sherry
49500    Davis, Shirley: Peggy
47017    Davis, Terry
41962    Davis, Steve
48204    Davis, Warren
44905    Davis, Wm. K.-Atchley, Velma
45769    Davisson, Ted
47017    Davis, Terry
46581    Davis, Terry
46165    Davy, Bill
42613    Davy, Diana
39570    Dawkins Agency
32116    Dawkins, Bill: Hillcrest house
32145    Dawkins, Bill: view from Hillcrest house
40250    Dawkins & Associates: hand and wires
32670    Dawkins Agency
47927    Dawson, Denise
43316    Dawson, Ernie
41322    Dawson, Jim
39788    Dawson, Mrs. Larry
39485    Dawson, Mrs. M.
43621    Dawson-Fagone, Toni
43476    Dawson, Toni
               Dawson, William
               Day, Ben
48116    Day, Alison
44120    Day, John
40435    Day, Kenneth
41366    Day, Noble
32102    Day, Noble B.
44291    Day, Stephanie
45797    Day, Thomas Patrick-Leavens, Mary Carol
42237    Day, Wanda
48195    Deagle, Janette
32167    Deakins, W. W.
47094    Deally, Fern J.
47423    Dean, Mike: family group
32660    Dean, Mrs.
32337    Dean, Calvin
44850    Dean, Mike-Forbes, Penny
32573    Dean, R. W.
40981    Dean, Tina
32467    Deann, Lowell
44643    DeArmond, Mr. & Mrs. J. L.
               DeArmond, R. J.
47650    Deas, Debbie
47753    DeAscentis, Thomas-Akins, Dena
               Deatherage, Mrs. Bill
40803    Debrick, Mr. & Mrs. William
59791    Decker
               Decker, Barbara
               Decker, Mrs. Douglas
47360    Decker, Leithton
45468    Decocq, George
45381    Dedman, Sam
47289    Dedrick, Vickie
39432    Deenin, Joe: family group
46316    DeForest, Leslie
46337    Deforrest, Leslie
41137    DeFord, Ted-Meier, Gretchen
40323    DeGroot, Richard-Hammagren, June
39666    DeHaan, Don H.
45320    deHaas-Van Dorsser
48306    Dehlinger, Diane
47768    DeKorte, Kenneth
47155    DeLarm, Scott: son and dog
44414    DeKorte, Willie
44952    Delgado, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley
41246    Delgado, Stan
42923    Delgado, Stan
44590    DeLisle, John
42879    Dellenback, John
40213    Dellenback, John
32030    Deller, David-Fox, Toby
45171    DeLorme, Dr. Robert & Mrs.
46470    Deluca, Pat
47310    DeMolay Medford: Jim Westerfield
41473    Del Monte, Jack
38997    DeMarrs, Raymond
46628    DeArmond, Becky
43970    DeMersseman, Caorlyn
41464    Demmer, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
41378    Demo, Mrs. Stella
39240    Demo, Mrs. Stella
40070    Dempsey, Bob: Cyclones bowling team
40242    Dempsey, Fran
43375    Dempsey, Joan
40885    Dempsey, Joan
40412    Dempsey, Ray E.
43284    Denbo, Linda
43004    Denbo, Susan
41515    DenHerder, Rilla Kaye
41818    Denman, Father
48414    Denman, Lorrie: baby
40386    Dennis, Twana & Hazel
39921    Denyer, Caroline
41753    Denyer, Caroline-Gallacci, Roger
40433    Denyer, Pauline-Flanagan, John
42575    Denyer, Bonita
42064    Depew, Sharon
43822    Depner, Arnold
47382    DeQuine, Cecile May: baby
44309    Derby, Ray
39382    DeRushe, Devvi
44964    DeShane, Clarence
32454    Despain, Elza: beard
40815    Deuel, John
41050    Deuel, John: Sharon, Michelle
41038    Deuel, Mrs. John
48209    DeVoe, Chuck
44695    DeVore, Kathleen
44136    DeVore, Michael: Shauna
44469    DeVore, Mike: two children
43045    DeVore, Mrs. Mike: Holly
45725    DeVore, Mike
44761    DeVos, Mary
44853    DeVry, Pam
40612    DeWitt, Kathie
42338    DeYoung, Lorna
               De Yoe, Jay
43145    Dibble, Buzz
44909    Dibble, Dennis
40779    Dickenson, Mrs. Evelyn
46690    Dickerson: group of four
42503    Dickeson, Ross
45620    Dickey, Bob
32562    Dickey, Jenny
39364    Dickey, John
41646    Dickey, William
43692    Dickson, Margaret
45190    Dickson, Margaret
44977    Diebel, Clarence
43364    Deibel, Ross
41758    Dies, John
46361    Dietz
44824    Dill, Karen
46752    Dillavoy, Candy
39451    Dillon, E. W.
41434    Dillon, Joyce
39786    Dillstrom, Mr. & Mrs. Vernon: family group
46979    Diment, Nancy
45500    Diment, Judy
45239    Diment, Judy
               Diment, Sara-Hiemstra, Glen
42992    Dimick, Barbara
42856    Disco
43916    Ditch, Mr. & Mrs. Floyd
               Ditsworth, Norman
40310    Dix, Mrs. Paul: Paul Jeffrey
43106    Dixon, Gayle: family group
39362    Dixon, Hunter
45545    Dixon, Mr. & Mrs. Hunter
44659    Dixon, Judy
               Dixon, Judy-Frail, Jim
45068    Dixon, Roy: group of four
40077    Dixon, Roy: Cyclones bowling team
46194    Dixon, Virgie
48490    Dizeck, Teresa
44026    Dobbbins, Ed: Masonic lodge
46685    Doble, Cheryl
48425    Dodd, Irene G.
               Dodge, Debbie
32339    Dodge, Dr. DiaoDamma
46373    Dodge, Dick
45359    Dodge, Jo Ann
43540    Dodge, Merrill H.
39894    Dodson, Jim
45343    Dodge, Virginia
44095    Doernbach, Father Arthur
42695    Dole, Kenneth: group of four
44594    Dolenshek, Frnka
32058    Dollar, Homer
32636    Donahoo, Barbara
44151    Doody, Barbara
45213    Doody, Rick
45102    Doody, Mike
47236    Doody, Rick
47247    Doody, Susan
45212    Doody, Sue
45594    Doody, Sue
43107    Doody, Mrs. W. W.: Rick, Mike, Barbara, Susan
42449    Doody, Mrs. W. W.: four children
43840    Doody, W. W.: four children
41787    Doody, Mrs. W. W.: four children
44387    Doody, Wilfred: Mike, Rick, Susan
32437    Donahoe, H. M.-Crofoot, Pat
46265    Donaldson, Brandi
46418    Donaldson, Bandy
40226    Donelson, Mrs. Clara
32199    Donelson, R. J.
41822    Don's Plumbing Service: building at Third & Bartlett
46011    Donahue, Cliff
47470    Donelson, Mike
               Doolen, Barbara
42587    Doolen, David
41228    Doolen, Margaret
40120    Doolen, Rosemary-Wood, John
39153    Doolen, Sue Donna
40361    Doolen, Sue Donna
44616    Doran, Janet
39715    Dorey, Roger-Little, Kay
42553    Dorrough, Holly
47026    Dorsey
41411    Dorsey, Mr. & Mrs. J. W.
44334    Dorsey, Kathi
42580    Dorsey, Kathi
41992    Dorsey, Larry
41952    Doty, David
41419    Doty, S. R.: family group
39840    Doty, Shirrell
32172    Dougherty, Jack
47027    Doughty, Gary
46272    Doughty, Jack
45554    Dowis, Lynn
46753    Downing, Robert
45492    Downing, Bob
46432    Downs, Christine
47989    Downing, Scott
39219    Dowson, Stanley
41856    Doyle, Alice
39489    Doyle, Carol
41397    Doyle, Carole
45092    Doyle, Connie
46232    Doyle, Ladd
44450    Doyle, Mary Kay
44011    Doyle, Patty
42610    Doyle, Stephen
44096    Draeger, Jim
48047    Draheim, Sharla: mother & baby
48130    Drake, Jeff
44702    Drebert, R. A.
48383    Drennan, Ed
47946    Drennen, Karen
43606    Dressler, Mr. & Mrs. Jesse
32052    Dressler, J. F.
32713    Driscoll, Bill: two children
32797    Driscoll, Bill
41302    Driskell, Don
43111    Driskell, Jeraldine
44145    Driskell, Judy
42655    Driskell, Judy
44457    Driskell, Wes-Bennett, Iris
43631    Driskell, Wes
46848    Drobish, Paula
43269    Drysdale, Bob
40650    Drysdale, John
39305    Drysdale, John
32805    Dubs, Carma
45310    Duce, Dr. Ernest
47543    Dufur, Candy
39343    Du Croz, Gillian
41142    Dudley, Mrs. R. W.: Debbie, Tammy
42791    Duff, Mrs. Jean
44124    Duff, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
41090    Dugan, Mary Kay-Goodwin, David
41630    Duggan, Mrs. Bill & Dixie
41168    Duggan, Dixie
42827    Duggan, Dorene
32778    Duggan, Mike
40459    Duggan, Mike-Newsom, Diann
39792    Duhaime, William: Mrs. Bruce Williams, scars on face
42699    Dumais, George
45195    Dumas, Murray
39662    Dumas, Murray
40656    Dumsa, Murray: four boys
39071    Dumas, Murray
39577    Dumas, Mrs. Murray: Matthew
47532    Dumas Domestic Laundry
40272    Dumas, Al
44809    Dumas Laundry: trucks
39192    Dumas Domestic Laundry: exterior
42374    Dumas, Mr. & Mrs. Al
40958    Dumas Domestic Laundry: interiors
40723    Dumas, Jack: three girls
39072    Dumas Domestic Laundry
38351    Dumas, Leslie
46756    Dumas, Melinda
45368    Dumas, Murrey: four boys
45380    Dumas Laundry & Dry Cleaners
59788    Dumas retirement party
48052    Dumas, Scott
32359    Dunagan, G. R.
49518    Dunbar, Diana
49543    Dunbar, John
32235    Duncan, P. G.
45453    Dunford, Mildred: shoulder
45998    Dungey, Mary: three children
45633    Dungey, Mary Pat
46839    Dunham, Mr. & Mrs. Jay
39009    Dunin, Joe
44672    Dunlap, Dana
47787    Dunbar, Diana
43950    Dunlap, Mr. & Mrs. John: fiftieth anniversary
41977    Dunlap, Marcia
32508    Dunlap, Noel
32733    Dunlap, Shirley-Madden, William
43282    Dunlap, Pam
46656    Dunlap, Pam
46712    Dunlap
43234    Dunlevy, Betsy
44700    Dunlevy, Mr. & Mrs. Jim
40391    Dunlevy, Jimmy
45574    Dunlevy, John: four-generation group
41186    Dunlevy, Judy
32832    Dunlevy, Pat-Oakley, Linda
39252    Dunlevy, Pat
47935    Dunn, Diana
47955    Dunn, Karen
41011    Dunn, Colleen-Miller, George
44412    Dunn, Dennis: Navy I.D.
39080    Dunn, Delora-Copple, Dick
42360    Dunn, Jack
40145    Dunn, Paul-Wonderly, Marjorie
46724    Dunphy, Bev
39891    Dupray, Dixie
43579    Dupray, James
39519    Dupray, Jim
43819    Dupray, Lee
42479    Dupray, Lee and family
39961    Dupray, Rita
43259    Durham, Eldon: family of four
42471    Durkee, Dale
39050    Durno, Dr. Edwin
41062    Durno, Dr. & Mrs. Ed
39141    Durno, Edwin: family group
39050    Durno, Edwin, M.C.
39190    Durno, Mrs. Edwin
41592    Dusenbury, Mrs. Carl: Matthew
43798    Dusenberry, Lester
39680    Dutch Boy Paint store
32098    Dutton, Myra
48422    Dutcher, Charles
39271    Dvorak, Mrs. Jeanne: two girls
42648    Dvorak, Karol
43857    Dwight, Bruce
32249    Dwyer, Mrs. D. M.
32468    Dwyer, Darlene
40327    Dwyer, Darlene
39859    Dwyer, Dennis
39860    Dwyer, Michael
44736    Dyche, Dave-Minne, Marie
46455    Dye, Robert Gregory
44389    Dyer, Sally
39140    Dyke, Carole-Gewiss, Bob
32688    Dyke, Carole
42938    Dyke, Nellis
44118    Dynge, Darlene
43263    Dynge, Mrs. Verda
41393    Dyrud, Dr. Justin
41783    Dyrud, Kathy
39884    Dysart, Gary-Smith, Linda
46485    Dzierzek, Dwight-Mann, Debbie

40888    Eads, Sharon
40350    Eagles Lodge: installation of officers 1962
32402    Earhart, Mrs.
46017    Eakins, Gary-Withers, Dawn
47521    Eagle Point class reunion 1974
45432    Earl, Bill
32198    Earl, Terry
48187    Early, Allan
59563    Earnest, Cynthia
42355    Easley, Byron-Hopkins, Shirley
46101    Eassley, Jason & Billy
40794    Eason, Alvin
41743    Eastern Star, Reames Chapter: installation 1964
32350    Eastern Star: installation 1959
39081    Eastern Star
40400    Eastern Star: installation 1962
41034    Eastern Star
32324    Eastern Star
39091    Eastern Star, Reames Chapter: installation 1960
42356    Eastern Star: installation 1965
48288    Easton, Karen
40907    Eastwood, Floyd
41203    Eastwood, Patty
42608    Eaton, Sally
39876    Eaton, Scott
43645    Ebbe, Mr. & Mrs. Robert: golden wedding
47265    Ebert, Kenneth
41688    Echo Homes
59818    Echols, Bob
44663    Edberg, M. C.
47282    Eddy, Cinthia
39495    Eddy, John: Masonic
47264    Edelstien, Sam
32755    Eden, O. A.
32202    Eden, Mr. O. A.
48333    Edinger, Mark
39176    Edlefsen, Keith
48138    Edmund, Terry
40319    Edmonds, Diane
42409    Edmonds, Mrs. L. E.
45915    Edson, Steve-Risteau, Cecelia
45116    Edward, Jerrie
32077    Edwards, Barbara-Bobbett, Bob
59746    Edwards, C. D.
46963    Edwards, Garth
47169    Edwards, Elsie
47499    Edwards, Jackie
41314    Edwards, Bob
45619    Edwards, Debbie
39018    Edwards, Mrs. Don: Garth, Susan
46855    Edwards, Garth
45375    Edwards, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald
41217    Edwards, H. R.
32383    Edwards, Mrs. J. M.
               Edwards, Janet-Guise, Eddie
43722    Edwards, James
39691    Edwards, Mr. & Mrs. Le Roy
46855    Edwards, Garth
48234    Edwards, Melinda
46852    Edwards, Rita Ann
46526    Edwards, Sue & Garth
45529    Edwards. Sue
46289    Edwards, Sue
45743    Edwards, Sue
46051    Edwards, Sue
46172    Edwards, La Verne
39011    Edwards, Wanda
44323    Eelkema, Paul-Gandt, Virginia
43654    Egan, Cora
44511    Eggers, Bill
45032    Eggers, Lynn
45572    Eggers, Sharon
46150    Ehlers, Virgil
40806    Eicher, Marie
40214    Eicher, Marie
40918    Eidswick, Jack
45984    Eidswick, Shirley
41131    Einhouse, Tony
43984    Eisenstein, Ike: family group of five
39673    Eisenhardt, Kay
44411    Eisenstein, Ike
32047    Eitreim, I. M.
39929    Ekberg, Karen
41736    Ekberg, Karen
31239    Elhart, C. D.: birth certificate
41665    Ekberg, Patricia
44055    Ekerson, Sandy
42206    Ekholm, Carl B.
44720    Eklund, Elaine
45335    Elbert, Eva
45701    Elbert, Terry
41833    Elden, Mrs. Robert: Angela
32815    Elden, Robert-Hillyer, Carolyn
40408    Elden, Sally
41641    Eldred, Carla
42221    Eldred, Roberta
39575    Eldridge, Mr. & Mrs. E. Neville
32506    Eldridge, E. N.: three men
32188    Elhart, Marlys
32647    Elhart, Marlys-Plumer, Bernard
43889    Elhart, Wanda
32119    Elks Lodge: initiation and Grants Pass group 1959
39031    Elks Lodge #1168
32224    Elks Lodge: Youth Day 1959
32081    Elks Lodge: Student Government Day 1959
39017    Elks Lodge: Gold Bond 1960
38942    Elks Lodge: Student Government Day 1960
44153    Elks Lodge: 100th anniversary candidates
42910    Elks Lodge
42787    Elks Lodge: officers 1966
32038    Elkins, Joel
46675    Ellefson, David-Mecum, Rosemary
40757    Elliott, Mrs. C. S.
45794    Elliott, Delila
41547    Elliott, J. J.
39470    Elliott, Jan
46031    Elliott, Pat
39968    Elliott, Paul
43646    Elliott, Susie
32169    Ellis, Mrs. Carl: Catherine
47503    Ellis, Fred
44600    Ellis, Herb
43612    Ellis, J. R.
43910    Ellis, J. Ross
48340    Ellis, Janet
41917    Ellis, Joan
40332    Ellis, Pat: Job's Daughters
40511    Ellis, Pat
44014    Ellis, Robert: family group of five
46080    Ellis, Veronica
44760    Ells, Julie
46821    Ellsworth
46076    Elst, Darcy
40797    Elmore, Christy & John
42414    Elmore, Harry
43881    Elmore, Russell: Rhonda
42386    Elmore, Mrs. Russell: Jessie
41490    Elsom, Frank
32449    Elton's Farm and Garden Store: tomatoes
39446    Ely, Mr. & Mrs. Charles: Anne
45016    Ely, Michelle: three girls
44074    Ely, Michelle
41861    Ely, Michelle
44852    Ely, Molly
43376    Ely, Molly
43056    Ely, Molly
43978    Emery, Earl: Cynthia
42976    Emig, Bob
42584    Emig, Bob
40503    Emig, Pat
32751    Emerich, Murray
39399    Emmens, Jim
32261    Emmons, Jack: marriage certificate
43720    Emory, Lance-Murray, Nyla
39848    Employers Mutual: steps at Pinnacle Packing
32037    Enders, Tanya
46350    Endicott, Beverly
48096    Endicott, Phil
45867    Endicott, Jackie
44570    Endicott, Orville
42427    Engeli, Hans
42596    Engle, Weldon
45779    Engleson, Dean
47855    Engleson, Paul
45060    Engeli, Hans
42780    English, Jim
48025    Enloe, Tom
47276    Engstrom, Kurt-Newman, Liz
48242    Enoch, Laura
42028    Enyart, Bill
               Equitable Savings & Loan: Mecklen & Walter
               Equitable Savings & Loan: Elliott & Hart
46727    Erickson, Liza
46528    Erb, Robert-Newcomb, Theresa
               Erickson, Laurel
42116    Erickson, Mrs.
46141    Erickson, Marlene
44428    Erickson, Roy: in policeman's uniform
42191    Erickson, Mr. & Mrs. Roy
41091    Erickson, Sharon-Hayes, Charles
41310    Erickson, Signe
47831    Erion, Mark
48384    Erskine, Christy
49545    Etters, Terry
47338    Ernest, Joanne
43267    Ervin, Dennis
43808    Erz, Fay
44651    Esch, Gay
47930    Escher, Steve-McGee, Pat
42797    Escrow Services Inc.: 132 N. Grape
41167    Eskew, Donna
40452    Eskew, Donna
39270    Eskew, Elise
44777    Eslinger, Shirley
42258    Esp, John
42166    Espey, Larry
40237    Espey, Laurine-Osterman, Wayne
42526    Espourteille, Geberille
40901    Espourteille, Rene
32011    Espourteille, Mr. R.
42685    Esquivel, Sal
41350    Esquivel, Anna
32319    Esselstyn, Mrs.: boys
59808    Essex, Gayle
40157    Estergard, Dave
40396    Estes, Leta
45942    Estigoy, Judy
45240    Etter, Larry
46403    Ettinger, Barb
32832    Ettinger, R. L.
40285    Etzel, Nat
47204    Evans, Esther
47158    Evans, Pam
40903    Evans, Rev. Fred & Evans, B. Ross
41496    Evans, Mrs. Gloria
41774    Evans, Gloria
40904    Evans, Holly Marie
40722    Evans, Jane
41429    Evans, Jane-McGee, Marvin
41398    Evans, Mrs. Jerry
32291    Evans, John-Gregory, Joyce
44918    Evans, Larry-Bigger, Carolyn
44721    Evans, Linda
46059    Evans, Pam
43971    Evans, Patty
42964    Evans, T. E.
39207    Evanson, Jim
40834    Evensen, Mrs. Paul: two children
38946    Evensen, Paul
39008    Evensen, Paul: two children
47752    Everett, Leah
42623    Everett, Linda
43721    Evernden, James-Birman, Terrie
40614    Evernham, Dean
39685    Evernham, Diane: Bethel queen
39970    Evernham, Diane
40859    Evernham, Janice
40432    Evers, Paul-Reid, Carolyn
39379    Ewaldsen, Eric
39161    Ewaldsen, Otto
44377    Exline, Lillian

40256    Faber, Don
43701    Faber, Mrs. Don: four children
43629    Faber, Don
40033    Faber, Mrs. Don: four children
40012    Faber, Mrs. Don: Shirley
40695    Faber, Mrs. Don: Mrs. Hopkins' birthday 1962
44099    Faber, Mr. & Mrs. Don
31548    Faber, Mrs. Don: three children
31548    Faber, Mrs. Don: Ronnie
44401    Faber, Mrs. Everett
43866    Faber, Everett
32060    Faber, Mrs. Everett
45578    Faber, Linda
32214    Fabrick, Glen: Shrine
40484    Fage, Augusta
42953    Fagone, Patty
43617    Fagone, Pat
43938    Fagone, Sam: family group of three
41990    Fagone, Toni
43851    Fagone, S. J.
38995    Fagone, Capt. S. J.: in uniform
42353    Fagone, Mr. & Mrs. Sam
40016    Fagone, Sam
39394    Fairchild, Mrs.: two children
36207    Fairchild, Mrs. James: Katie & baby
41873    Fairchild, Mrs. James: group of three
47166    Fairchild, Karyn
47783    Fairchild, Karyn
46000    Falkowski, Debra-Henry, Michael
40978    Falwell, Ed
39703    Fanger, Mrs. R. E.
43382    Farfan, Lynda
43096    Farfan, Rhonda
41980    Farfan, Rhonda
47602    Fariss, Kim
46282    Farley, David
41323    Farley, Glenn
47555    Farley, Dorothy
47922    Farley, Judy: group
46504    Farley, Timmy
46824    Farley, Tim & David
43407    Farner, Ken
40668    Farner, Carl
44561    Farner, Ken
47266    Farner, Kenneth
59574    Farmer, Larry
40642    Farnsworth, Doug
32452    Farnsworth, Mrs. H.: weimaraner
32370    Farra, Mr. & Mrs. A. J.
43520    Farra, Robert-Reavis, Susan
41713    Farrar, Mrs. La Murle
46543    Farrell, Richard T.
40528    Farrier, Michael
40943    Farris, Mr. & Mrs. Bert
40488    Fasel, Mrs. W. T.
41255    Farrell, Bob
42198    Farrell, Dick
32601    Farrier, Mike
40218    Farrow, Bruce
48105    Farschon, Joan
40362    Farster, Chris
39640    Farster, Sue-Robinson, Jack
48120    Far West Federal Savings & Loan: Mr. Hamilton; Bennett, Jim
46243    Far West Federal Savings & Loan
45298    Fasel, Tricia
32517    Faulkner, Dennis
41918    Faulkner, Mrs. Dennis
39633    Fawcett, Jim-Brown, Wayna
39370    Fawcett, John
41093    Fawcett, John
40067    Faytinger, Wanda: Lisa
47067    Fazio, Cristy
47095    Fazio, Cristy
47392    Federico, Joan: baby
45669    Fazio, Mike
32155    Fazio, Mrs. Mike: Pear Blossom
39174    Fedosky, Victor
41480    Feeler, Carol
40909    Feeler, Carolyn
41935    Fegley, Marty
32775    Fehige, Mrs. Margaret
32395    Feiss, Bernard
32190    Feiss, Mike
32407    Feiss, Mr. S. H.
48110    Felchle, Laura
47813    Felchle, Laurie
46248    Felchle, Rodney
40475    Feldkamp, Jerry: S.O.S. display, Piggly Wiggly
41781    Felkel, Mrs. Paul: Ronnie Ray Register
45367    Fellows, Clifford: family group of four
44060    Fellows, Melvin: family group of four
41794    Fellows, Mike-Bowman, Sharon
41437    Fellows, Milo: family group
48326    Fenn, Sue
42222    Fenney, Andrew
43572    Ferguson, Greg
40699    Ferguson, Mr. & Mrs. Howard
41832    Ferguson, Mrs. Howard: Brian, Patti
42732    Ferguson, Howard: two children
47246    Ferguson, Joel
47388    Ferguson, Don-Rasmussen, Phyllis
47399    Ferguson, Paul-Diment, Judy
42981    Ferguson, Rose: baby
43320    Ferguson, Russell
42077    Ferguson, Ruth
45912    Fernau, Linda-Mowry, Dan
43873    Fernlund, Linda
47377    Ferns, Martin-Hutchinson, Beverly
47094    Ferns, Colleen
59783    Ferns, Connie
44005    Ferrell, Nan: Job's Daughters
32043    Ferrell, Rebecca: Leons
39051    Ferrell, Rebecca: Job's Daughters
45589    Ferretto, Debbie
42756    Ferrin, Darlene
46164    Ferris, Clair
45643    Ferris, Donald J.: family group
44547    Ferris, Don J.: three children
48499    Ferris, John
59759    Ferris, Paul
               Ferritto, Debbie-Traviss, Richard
43783    Fichtner, Carl
38969    Fichtner, Clyde
44354    Fichtner, Mr. & Mrs. Donald
43329    Fidura, Ida
45616    Fiebig, John
41696    Fiedler, Dennis & Naef, Steve: with trophy
41457    Field, Lyal: family group
32483    Fields, Gary
42942    Fields, Kay-Johnson, David
46578    Fields, Mrs. Phillips: group of four
46349    Field, Ryan
32054    Fields, Yvonne
48186    Fike, Becky
41275    Finch, Christine
45495    Finch, Don
42420    Finch, Don
43131    Findley, Dr. & Mrs. Dwight
39686    Findley, Dr. & Mrs. Dwight
44508    Findley, Jack
41503    Findley, Jack-Leek, Pat
42026    Finley, Mike
42378    Finney, Harley
47153    Finney, James
32104    Fiora, Mrs. Al: marriage certificate
39853    Fipps, Mrs. Walter: Lori Ann
45395    First Baptist Church: exteriors
47031    First Federal Savings & Loan: Crosby Janet; Fitzgerald, Jane; Doran,
                   Janet; Raduski, Linda
               First Federal Savings & Loan: Hutting, Bud; Fitzgerald, Jane; Crosby,
                   Janet; Boucnhee, Emery; Raduski, Linda; Grey, Herb; Kyle, Bob
45433    First National Bank of Oregon: Ruhl, Edmonds, Goddard, Pedersen, Drew
46037    First National Bank of Oregon: Davisson, Ted
               First National Bank of Oregon: Miller, Orth; Cook, Charles; Bower, Ed
32414    Firth, Jim
41157    Fish, Clarence
42830    Fishback, Jean
38955    Fishback, Judy
41156    Fisher, Douglas-Goltz, Pat
46061    Fisher, Loys
42431    Fisher, Gail
41667    Fisher, Gail
42843    Fisher, Gail
46525    Fisher, Kathy
43789    Fisher, L. W.: family group
44405    Fisher, Scott
32754    Fisher, W. H.
48136    Fitch, Chris
47549    Fite, Debbie
40312    Fitts Sea Food: picket
43358    Fitzgerald, David
44614    Fitzgerald, Jane
47546    Fitzgerald, Don
44993    Fitzgerald, Jane
43504    Fitzgerald, Jane
45132    Fitzgerald, Sue
59801    Fitzhenry
39787    Fjarli, Elmer: family group
44715    Fjarli, Mr. G. E.
44670    Fjarli, Grace
32476    Fjelstad, Lee: mother and two boys
41233    Flakus, Mr. & Mrs. Ernie: 25th anniversary, R.V.C.C.
45778    Flakus, Mr. & Mrs. Ernie
45881    Flakus, Renee
44520    Flakus, Renee
32529    Flakus, Mrs.
               Flanagan, Mrs. Charles: baby
42871    Flanagan, Mr. & Mrs. George E.
45786    Flanagan, Mr. & Mrs. George
46041    Flannagan, Mrs.: two girls
40745    Flanagan, Charles
40972    Flanagan, Charles-McKay, Nancy
42849    Flanagan, Chuck
32343    Flanagan, Mr. & Mrs. George
39395    Flanagan, Mr. & Mrs. George: family group
45541    Flannagan, George Jr.
44071    Flanagan, John & son
40002    Flanagan, John
39739    Flanagan, John C.
40433    Flanagan, John-Denyer, Pauline
44538    Flanagan, George T.: family group
45858    F.L.D. Distributors: truck
43278    Fleeger, Linda
44133    Fleeger, Margaret
47453    Fleming, Ted-Petterson, Sue
44031    Fleener, L. G.
42671    Fleet, Mia
43831    Flenneken, Mr. & Mrs. John
46535    Flenner, Dennis-Atwood, Judy
46184    Flenner, Murl-Minear, Mary Jo
39189    Flenner, Jess
46929    Flenner, LeeAnn
59861    Fleser, Karen
42946    Fleser, Wilma
42207    Fleser, Wilma
45977    Fletcher, Jack
41107    Fletcher, Diana
43271    Fletcher, Terri
47417    Flood, Dan-Glass, Terry
39276    Flood, Linda
47783    Flora, Andrea
43601    Flora, Bob
45498    Flora, Bob
42803    Flora, Bob
42250    Florendo, Father
47226    Florey, Jeanette
48031    Flowers, Cleone
41479    Flowers, Frank
40380    Flowers, Mrs. Max: John
39918    Floyd, Jessye
38967    Fluhrer's Bakery: old-fashioned loaf
39681    Flury, Lorna
32223    Fly, H. B.
42951    Flynn, Fay
38346    Flynn, Jay
41945    Flynn, Suszy
32282    Foley, Charles B.
43318    Foley, Jean
39173    Follett, Mr. & Mrs. Harold
46204    Fong, Valerie
44049    Fong, Valerie
39706    Fontaine, John
40437    Foote, Bill
45316    Foote, Zelma
44850    Forbes, Penny-Dean, Mike
39644    Forbes, Penny
41978    Forbes, Penny
42784    Ford, Barry
44755    Ford, Charles
39367    Ford, Charles: marriage certificate
40010    Ford, Don
44746    Ford, Glenn
40062    Ford, Grant: Cyclones bowling team
39100    Ford, H. A.: birth certificate
40891    Ford, Larry: groups
42772    Ford, Larry & group
46191    Ford, Don
43726    Ford, Linda
40833    Ford, Margaret & Bob
41269    Ford, Mike
45257    Ford, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick
41002    Ford, Ross
40520    Forde, Jack
40881    Foreman, David-Franklin, Sheila
46006    Foresee, Susan: Rainbow
32025    Forga, Mrs. Clyde E.: Cynthia
48097    Forman, Larry
44886    Forrette, Mrs. Al
43600    Forrette, Allen
43737    Forrette, Allen: three children
47201    Forrette, Allen
48077    Forrette, Mark
46904    Forry, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond: fiftieth anniversary
40013    Forsyth, Arvid
48224    Forsyth, Barbra
48064    Ford, Don
59611    Ford, Terry
47617    Fort, Jim
47717    Fort, Jim
32342    Fortune Stations: winner
40591    Fosdal, David
45976    Fosgate, Ella
32663    Foss, Mrs.
41120    Foster, Betty Lou
47397    Foster: yellow Labrador
46964    Foster, Ray-Potts, Carmen
32790    Foster, Jim
46725    Foster, Mary
43524    Foster, Mrs. Richard
46652    Foster, M. E.
46326    Foster
45501    Foster, Mike
45920    Foulk, Marshall: fourth generation
45913    Foulon, Rene-Morgan, Dennis
41105    Foulon, Carol
41524    Foulon, Carol: two girls
39459    Foulon, Richard
39744    Four Square Gospel Church
41857    Fowler, Catherine
32185    Fowler, Cathy
43825    Fowler, Don
44345    Fowler, Don Jr.
43568    Fowler, Jean (Mrs. Don)
44833    Fowler, John
45279    Fowler, Russell
42583    Fowlks, John: family group
42855    Fowlkes, Roxanne-Paulson, Kenneth
42619    Fowlkes, Roxann
42994    Fowlks, Donna: with two children
44007    Fox, Charles: family group of six
39428    Fox, Mrs.
32669    Fox, Mrs.
46235    Fox, Laura
46197    Fox, Charlie
41281    Fox, C. G. Jr.: family group
43272    Fox, Sue
41892    Fox, Sue
32030    Fox, Toby-Deller, David
39201    Foy, Mrs.: Eric Scott
32259    Foy, Mrs. E. A.: Lynn
46268    Frail, Jim-Dixon, Judy
47290    Frail, Judy
42206    Frake, Audrey
32568    Frake, Jim
40729    Frame, Gary
40694    Francis, Eldon
46503    Franek, Dorothy
47335    Franek, Judy
47267    Frank, Catherine
43079    Franklin, Agnes
40147    Franklin, Dave
39729    Franklin, Diane-Harris, Harold
40409    Franklin, Duane-Minshall, Marsha
39740    Franklin, Duane
39032    Franklin, Duane
43884    Franklin, Marvin
40881    Franklin, Sheila-Foreman, David
39772    Franklins Transfer & Storage
44889    Frantz, Barry
42770    Frantz, Barry
42873    Frantz, Barry-Shumate, Judy
38386    Frantz, Stewart
45789    Frasier, Betty
39688    Frasier, Mrs. George
32486    Fraysher, Dorina
43687    Fraysher, Dorina
39250    Fraysher, Sharon
42182    Fraysher, Sharon
39149    Fraysher, Vern
39123    Fraysher, Vern: group of four
42223    Frazee, Mrs.
44891    Frazee, John E.
32088    Frazier, Beverly
42569    Frazier, Judy
41041    Frazier, Marvin
43419    Frazier, Rick
41349    Frazier, William
45358    Fredrick, Jan
32554    Frederick, Mrs.: Bruce
44653    Frederick, Bruce
32831    Frederick, Jack: discharge
45878    Frederick, Shauna
41409    Frederick, Mrs. Richard: Matt
47105    Fredericks, Mr. & Mrs. & family: at home
48121    Fredericks
40443    Fredericks, Jim
46345    Freedburger, Frank
44607    Freedman, Bert
47821    Freeman, Beth
47901    Freeman, Barbara
48171    Freeman, John
42067    Freeman, Pam
42975    Freeman, Pam-Cook, Charles
41126    Freese, John
41845    Freese, Mrs. John: Tim
41767    Freese, Susan
32240    French, Bill
45551    Friar, Larry
44709    Frick, Nancy
44669    Friday, Mary
43778    Friday, Walter
47608    Friedeman, Cindy
42839    Friel, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh
42087    Friend, Ruth
42634    Friesen, Clifford: family group
39152    Friesen, Mrs. Mary: Jay
45702    Friesen, Ron-Ferrell, Nan
45441    Friesen, Kristine
47099    Frink, John
43759    Frink, James: Mike
32453    Frink, Jim
39749    Frink, Jim-Watson, Marilyn
42913    Frink, Myrna
47099    Frink, John-Weils, Wanda
41216    Froeber, Marleen
43308    Froehle, Linda
43299    Frohreich, Connie
42107    Frohreich, Connie
39629    Frohnmayer, Otto: Germer and Lininger property in Phoenix
39874    Frohnmayer, Otto: Lininger property, Spade property
32075    Frohnmayer, Otto: Click home in Ashland
41054    Frohnmayer, William
45224    Frost, Ginger
44788    Frost, Ginger
40697    Frost, Judy
41681    Frost, Judy
42713    Frost, Ron: Masonic Lodge
45765    Fry, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence: fiftieth anniversary
45581    Fry, Robert: family group outside home
44987    Fry, Robert: family group in home
43921    Fry, Robert: family group in home
43443    Fry, Bob: Betzy, Debbie, Jeff
44466    Fry, Robert: family in home
41727    Fry, Robert
41316    Fry, Mrs. Robert: two children
40872    Fry, Mrs. Robert: two children
42052    Fry, Mrs. Robert: three children
48035    Fuller, David
59878    Fuglsby, Cindy
42887    Fuller, Marilyn
41494    Fuller, R. L.: Jeffery
59799    Fullmer, Paul
47165    Fulton, Kathy
47865    Fulton, Kathy
42720    Fulton, Bob
43923    Fung, Sun Kuen
40494    Furfuro, Robert: group of three
32817    Furrer, Ralph

47212    G.E. Supply
41312    Gabel, Sandra
45130    Gadberry, Linda
59637    Gaddis, Theresa
42242    Gail, Mr. & Mrs.
32382    Gail, Mildred
42411    Gail, Robert T.-Patterson, Karen
43474    Gallacci, Caroline
41753    Gallacci, Roger-Denyer, Caroline
45461    Gallagher, Robert-Stedman, Lois
41023    Gallagher, Tom-Rhymes, Dorothy
43143    Gandee, Kathy
40876    Gallant, Nelson
42259    Gallent, Nelson
47467    Gallop, Riley-Strain, Jodi
46558    Gallop, Jeff-Huntsley, Rhonda
46644    Gallop, Loyd
46755    Gallop, Riley
41122    Gammelgaard, Mrs. Marilyn
39342    Gandt, Mrs. Al W.: group of three girls
45844    Gandt, Mr. & Mrs. Al
45465    Gandt, Carolyn
45479    Gandt, Caroline-Mills, John
43038    Gandt, Julie
44319    Gandt, Virginia
40249    Gang, Howard: Todd
42302    Gang, Howard
40017    Gannon, Mike
40571    Gannon, Sandra
44768    Gannon, Susan
46574    Gardinier-Dietz
47025    Gardiner, Murray
39092    Gardner, Mrs. Helen: Richard Jack
48142    Gardner, John
44141    Gardner, Helen
44375    Gardner, Hugh: two children
45365    Gardner, Wilbur
45659    Garfield, Mr. & Mrs. Ed
47242    Garfield, Craig
45688    Garman, Mike
45854    Garner, John-Sakraida, Kathy
43410    Garnier, Mike
39987    Gardiner, Murray
43549    Gardiner, Murray
43171    Gardiner, Mr. & Mrs. Murray
42548    Gardiner, Murray
40587    Gardner, Glady
43063    Gardner, Karen
40107    Gardner, Mrs. Wilbur: Raymond
32480    Gardner, Wilbur
45674    Garfield, Brad
45090    Garfield, Karol
45047    Garfield, Ed: Diane
45186    Garner, Eugene
42342    Garner, Nancy-Bunnell, Lynn
43896    Garner, Ray: City Sanitation Service scooters
39049    Garred, Bart
47352    Garrett: family group of seven
59790    Garrett, Cindy
39456    Garrett, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
43152    Garrett, Mrs. Charles: Doug, Pamela
36205    Garrett, Mr. & Mrs. G. E.
40977    Garrett, Jackie
40788    Garrett, Lynn
42105    Garrett, Mrs. Charles: Douglas
42093    Garrett, Howard: two girls
46433    Garrett, Jamie: baby
41867    Garrett, Sandy
41086    Garrett, Sonia: Scott, Ross
41415    Garrett, Sonia: Scott, Ross
39146    Garry, Joe: Gilman's Dairy
40955    Garrison, Phyllis-Bedingfield, Rose
41047    Garrison, Ruth
48444    Garvin
46868    Garvin, Richard
43352    Garwick, William
40205    Gasaway, Mrs. Gary: Deane
44992    Gass, Thomas
46706    Gass, Sally
42329    Gass, Mr. & Mrs. William: family group
48250    Gast, Melanie
39866    Gaster, Dennis
46951    Gaston, Emily
46836    Gates, John
42840    Gates, John
32237    Gates, Norman: with beard
41121    Gates, Sandra
43305    Gates, Steve
46063    Garnier, Kathy
41880    Gatter, Fred: with fez
40714    Gattis, Doug
44866    Gault, Janice
41185    Gault, Janice
41788    Gault, Janice
39906    Gault, Jim
46448    Gee, Debbie
42680    Gee, Mr. & Mrs. John
43758    Geear, W. C.
45258    Gegner, Karen
48201    Gehrig, John
46394    Gekas, John
00001    Gemaehlich, Kathy
41292    Gemaehlich, Gene
42136    Gemaehlich, Margaret
39593    General Adjustment Bureau: fire in Ashland
39663    General Adjustment Bureau: interiors: Reflex Cote Massage Parlors
39237    General Adjustment Bureau: house at 405 Beatty (fire)
39126    General Adjustment Bureau: accident at four corners, Table Rock Road 1960
39111    General Adjustment Bureau: Bounce-O-Rue
42140    General Adjustment Bureau: stairs at Valley Wholesale
43627    General Adjustment Bureau: accident, White City
32229    General Adjustment Bureau: Proctor's J.H. Ranch, Etna, California
44827    General Credit Service: office, inside and out
32482    General Credit Service: Standard Oil letter
32356    General Insurance Co.: Shakespeare Theater accident scene
40064    General Insurance Co.: Pinnacle Packing, Harry Phillips, defendant
39488    General Insurance Co.: auto accident 1960
41674    GMAC bowling team
               General Adjustment Bureau: Sue Naumes
44560    George, Carl
41847    George, Carl
45022    George, Larry
45625    George, Susan
44582    Gerety, Chris
43370    Gerety, Sheryl
40150    Gerhardtl, Father
41827    Gerke, Mr. & Mrs. B. W.
39435    German, Louise: Jimmy
46422    Germann, Christine-Grant
41470    Germer, Mrs. R. G.: two boys
40970    Getchell, Claudia: baby
32788    Gewiss, Bob
48405    Geyer, Lorinn
39140    Gewiss, Bob-Dyke, Carole
42798    Ghelardi, Leo: family group
42739    Ghelardi, Mrs. C. L.
41088    Ghelardi, Sandra
46736    Giannini, Lori
40241    Gibson, Mrs. Brenda: Mark
45260    Gibson, Mitchell
45444    Gibson, Mrs. J. W.
46921    Gibson, Kelly
59567    Gibson, Karen: Lori
47275    Gibson, Kelly-Schmidt, Karon
47371    Giddeon, Kay: boy
39321    Giem, Jerry
44470    Giffin, Georgina: scars on face
39431    Gifford, Mike
45347    Gifford, Randy
40588    Gifford, Sue
46875    Gilbert, C. C.
47100    Gilbert, Carol
42129    Gilbert, Mrs. H. L.
32597    Gilbert, Peggy
44108    Gilbertson, John
42016    Gilbertson, John
44391    Gilchrist, Martin: wedding
47086    Gilcrest, Mrs.: poodle
44299    Giles, Laura: Milo
45440    Giles, Ray
41792    Giles, William B.
32264    Gilies, Sheldon-Buchman, Judy
39163    Gilinsky, Joyce-Glover, Bob
45906    Gilkison, Ross
44385    Gilk, John-Watson, Marsha
44362    Watson, Marsha
41372    Gilkey, Alyda
41737    Gilkison, Pam
32685    Gilkison, Ross
43574    Gilkison, Ross
41059    Gilkison, Pam
41742    Gilkison, Pam-Hildebrand, Richard
59569    Gilliland, Shauna-Meek, Gary
42194    Gillaspey, Don-Morse, Linda
42349    Gillaspey, Mrs. Don: marriage certificate
42603    Gillaspie, Mike
46927    Gilles, Tim
42966    Gillespie, Donn
32005    Gillette, Mr. & Mrs. C. W.
43565    Gilley, Dave
46527    Gillette, Karen
43999    Gilley, Mr. & Mrs. David
31918    Gillmore, Mrs. Gordon: Cindy
43603    Gillmore, Jan
41241    Gillmore, Jean
41242    Gillmore, Joan
42973    Gillmore, Ralph
44955    Gilman, Glenn-Pickens, Kathy
44944    Gilman, Glenn-Picken, Kathy
45072    Gilman, Dick
42547    Gilman, Glenn
44110    Gilman, Sheila
42317    Gilman, Sheila
39836    Gilman's Dairy: cheese packages
39185    Gilman's Dairy: myrtlewood tray and cheese
32466    Gilman, Dan
43485    Gilman, Glenn-Crandall, Sandra
38954    Gilman, Phyllis
43360    Gillmore, Jean
44435    Gilmore, MariJo
45401    Gilmore, Jan-Wilkes, Terry
42678    Gilmore, Michael
45055    Gilsdorf, Dr. John: family group
44984    Gilsdorf, Kathy
42335    Gilmore, Ralph: three girls
45449    Gilsdorf, Dr. John: Tom
45969    Gilsdorf, John W.
39482    Gilstrap, Robert: two children
42193    Gimbol, Frank
46881    Ginn, Mike-Shasky, Suzanne
42663    Ginn, Mike
44398    Ginn, Tom-Depner, Ann
48252    Gitzen, Rick
44976    Givan, Mr. & Mrs. E. T.: golden wedding
44530    Givan, Mr. & Mrs. E. T.
45516    Given, Darlene
47398    Glatte: black Labrador
48107    Glawe, Sherry
42179    Gleason, Mrs. Mervyn
32022    Gleason, Vern-Pool, Lois
39751    Gleaves, Mrs. Duane: Kelli Ann
46281    Glenn, Glenda
42928    Glenn, Glenda
41124    Glenn, Wilma
40808    Glidden, Gail-Buckholtz, Kenneth
41895    Glidden, Janet
44446    Glocke, Fred: family
43584    Glocke, Steve
48189    Glockling, Bill
59767    Glockling, Brenda
41247    Glogowski, Helen
43345    Glogowski, John
43685    Glonning, Barbara
46308    Glonning, Barbara
47071    Glonning, Helen
39163    Glover, Bob-Gilinsky, Joyce
45726    Glur, Greg
59840    Goddard, Roger
48412    Goff, Dave
48426    Goings, Scott
59575    Goings, Virginia
47206    Gomer, John
46907    Goodhead, Zorada-Christie, Gene
46683    Goodlett, Cliff-Sherfey, Nancy
47224    Goodman, Mark
49511    Googe, Kevin
59866    Goosmann, Claudia
43834    Gordenier, Doug: four children
48165    Gordon, Carl
46939    Gordon, Anne
43898    Gordon, Charlene
41972    Goddard, Virginia
45755    Goebel, Betty
46612    Goltra, Sharon
39514    Goff, Helen: Job's Daughters
40456    Goff, Helen
41377    Goff, Kaye
45005    Goff, Kerry
40495    Goff, Les
39509    Goldsby, Raymond-Moore, Marianne
41225    Goltz, Dan
42570    Goltz, Fredia
39925    Goltz, Pat
41156    Goltz, Pat-Fisher, Douglas
40081    Gomer, Mr. & Mrs. John
40967    Gooding, Mrs. James: Barrot Scott
39211    Goodlett, Betty-Anderson, Sharon
44542    Goodman, Kathy
39655    Goodman, Mrs. Jack: Ricky
43734    Goodnight, Jack: bowling association
32726    Goodrich, Janet
43513    Goodrich, Robin
39136    Goodwill Machine Works: log bunk
48137    Goodin, Melanie
46336    Goodwin, David A.
45219    Goodwin, David: Brenda
41090    Goodwin, David-Dugan, Mary Kay
41009    Goold, Lois
40863    Gordenier, Douglas
45448    Gordenier, Sue
43223    Gordenier, Mary
45426    Gordenier, Mary
41937    Gordenier, Steve
42661    Gordon, Bob
59769    Gordon, Bruce
39139    Gordon, Carl
39065    Gordon, Dick
40398    Gordon, Dick
45086    Gordon, Jane: group of four
44779    Gordon, Jane
44581    Gordon, Keith: group of four
45045    Gordon, Richard: family group of three
43166    Gordon, Sue
44878    Gorman, James
43951    Gosch, Mr. & Mrs. Everett
39273    Goss, Carolyn
42919    Goss, Glenn
46732    Gossett: group of five with dog
43162    Gossett, Mary
40463    Gott, Dale
32474    Goucher, Max
46632    Govenor
46532    Govenor, Brenda
47326    Govenor, Lloyd
40850    Grabowski, Pat
45001    Graeber, Tom: family group
45821    Graff, Ann
45644    Graff, Walter
31806    Graff, Susan
44622    Grafton, Gary-Bismarck, Macki
47875    Graham, Cheryl
44697    Graham, Dale
44204    Graham, Dale
41300    Graham, Danielle
41620    Graham, Ed
44069    Graham, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
43095    Graham, Frank
39839    Graham, Frank
59626    Graham, Craig
43718    Graham, Georgene
42440    Graham, G. W.
42945    Graham, Gerry
43526    Graham, Linda
41979    Graham, Linda
40566    Graham, Martha
40570    Graham, Melba
46796    Graham, Mike-Ragsdale, Dianna
49463    Graham, Patti
32065    Granger, Norma
32438    Granger, Norma-DeArmond, Gordon
42413    Grant, R. L.
43904    Grant, Ruth
39060    Graves, Dick-Robertson, Vickie
48036    Grant, Wayne
47249    Graves, Joyce
43847    Graves, Loretta
42512    Graves, Loretta
47772    Graves, Mary
44999    Graves, Pat: family group
44008    Graves, Robert: family group of nine
45831    Graves, Greg
44162    Gray, Don: family group of four
48050    Gray, Stacy
45123    Gray, Gary
45822    Gray, Steve
43142    Gray, Herb: family group
39827    Gray, Mrs. Herb: Don
45804    Gray, Carol
               Gray, Judy: Mr. McCart (retirement)
40607    Gray, Linda
44953    Gray, Mr. & Mrs. R. W.
39472    Gray, Mr. & Mrs. R. W.
42777    Gray, W. H.
41802    Gray's Furniture Barn: exteriors
32160    Grebb, Mrs. Elizabeth: Karen (Pear Blossom)
40349    Green, Bob
39782    Green, Burton & Lillian
48133    Green, Chuck
47028    Green, Gordon
46329    Green, Jim: prom
41780    Green, Mr. & Mrs. Burton T.: fortieth anniversary
38358    Green, Kim
47774    Green, Michelle
46288    Green, Jim
44260    Green, Velma
43224    Green, Norrie
32518    Greene, Pat
41911    Greene, Joliene-Banry, Nathan
40209    Greene, Rayann
47056    Greenland, Gordon-BeLau, Bev
46840    Greenleaf, Craig-Litts, Jeanne
44817    Greenman, Sara
45254    Greenwell, Gary
42721    Greenwood, Mrs. Kathy-Shannon
43244    Greeny, Paul
32253    Gregory, Don-Rowland, Carole
39211    Gregory, Mr. & Mrs. A. H.: golden wedding
40278    Gregory, David
40942    Gregory, David
41881    Gregory, David
32253    Gregory, Don-Rowland, Carole
43719    Gregory, Joyce
39697    Gregory, Joel
39907    Gregory, Joel
39133    Gregory, John
40188    Gregory, John L.
32291    Gregory, Joyce-Evans, John
42754    Grelinger, Barbara
45874    Gren, Don: Judy
42184    Grensky, Dee
39603    Gresham, Carol-Morris, Richard
39529    Gresham, Carol
59600    Gressett, Ron: family group of three
39826    Gressett, Ab
40411    Grey, Mrs. Herb: Sue
40151    Grey, Mrs. Herb
40221    Grey, Mrs. Herb: Herb Jr.
40199    Grey, Herb
45099    Grey, Herb
39042    Grey, Jim-Chick, Nellie
46583    Grey, Marty
45377    Grier, Chris
40698    Grier, Mr. & Mrs. Wynne
30679    Grier, Wynne P.
47222    Griffin, Devonne
46884    Griffin, Diane
40629    Griffin, Gary
45264    Griffin, Jeff
39953    Griffin, Joe
46335    Griffin, Kathy
45809    Griffin, Al
41771    Griffin, Lori
48231    Griffith, Allen
47910    Griffith, Dan
32310    Griffith, Mr. & Mrs. Fred: Fred Jr.
43384    Griffiths, Barbara
45877    Griffiths, Martha Ann
43070    Griffiths, Barb
41018    Griggs, Karen
41465    Griggs, Lloyd H.: potentate
42398    Grigsby, Jean
45777    Grigsby, Janine
41869    Grigsby, Jean
59765    Grimes, Don
39095    Grimes, Mrs. James A.
45497    Grimes, Jim
45110    Grimes, Lee-Chastain, Linda
48122    Grimes, Linda
46274    Grimm, Raymond
43128    Grissom, Mary
48091    Gritsch, Greg
45732    Gritsch, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
44558    Gritsch, Jerry
43448    Gritsch, Jerry
44901    Gritsch, John
43928    Gritsch, Frank: cracks at pool
44558    Gritsch, Frank: family group of five
44503    Gritsch, Frank
40206    Gritsch, Melba O.: court order
32278    Groceteria: exterior
39838    Groom, George-Johnson, Marie
40727    Groomes, T. C.
39105    Groomes, T. C.: Dumas Laundry fire 1960
40373    Groomes, T. C. & Co.: trailer (Morgan)
39093    Groomes, T. C.: City Center Motel falldown unit #14
39679    Groomes, T. C.: Walt Nunley's car
39757    Groomes, T. C.: accident on Cherry Lane
40892    Groomes, T. C. & Co.: Hwy. 62 at Eagle Point junction
40875    Groomes, T. C. & Co.: Hwy. 99S at Sambo's
40239    Groomes, T. C. & Co.: steps at #10, Holiday Inn motel
32653    Groshong, Verona
46299    Gross, Richard-Webb, Barbara
41385    Gross, Robert
45194    Grove, Jeanette
39067    Groves, Janice-Hasler, Joe
32774    Grow, Nanette
46580    Grubb, James: group of four
45168    Grubbe, Valerie
43073    Gruber, Donna
45979    Gruber, Inga
45065    Gruber, Inge
41754    Guardino, Dave
44000    Guber, Frank: family group of five
46356    Guches, Chet
39752    Guches, Chester
45276    Guehennec, Jean
43893    Guenther, Carl
44032    Guenther, Carl
32564    Guenther, Carl: James, Karen
32262    Guetzlaff, Mrs. Lydia
45889    Guenther, Jim-Keener, Toni
47829    Guenther, Karen
47298    Guider, Joe-Young, Susan
43377    Guidry, Janice
44904    Guidry, Joy
41976    Guidry, Joy
40552    Guiley, Allida
43609    Guiley, Ann
32522    Guinotte, Gaye
39079    Guise, Eddie-Edwards, Janet
40410    Gunder, Mrs. John
47541    Gunderson, Kaye
48071    Gundey, Cooper
32497    Gunter, Mrs. C. L.: Maureen
39255    Gunter, Tom
41751    Gurney, Pat
39544    Gustafson, Gary
32201    Gustison, Mrs. Leigh
40925    Gutches, Beverly
40387    Guthrie, F. W.
41422    Gutjahr, Gilbert
42180    Gutjahr, Gilbert
39834    Guyer, Mrs. Iva
40608    Guyette, Diane
48249    Guzman, Rossy
47002    Gwin, Bruce-Hansen, Vicki

44579    Hackett, John
43322    Hackworth, Linda
39677    Hadath, Lorraine
45185    Hadath, Paul
46517    Hadath, Ronald-King, Linn
46774    Hadley, Diana
32311    Hadley, Mr. E. T.
43562    Hadley, Margaret
43571    Hadley, Mark
39999    Hadley, Mark
41615    Hadley, Victor
59629    Haertle, Heather
42521    Haffner, Mrs. Kenneth: Teresa
46743    Hagar, Rena
41538    Hageman, Darrell
31557    Hagen, Jimmy
46025    Hagert, Steve
47477    Haggard, Merrill
47380    Haggard, Merrill
44083    Hahner, Ron: Kevin
41607    Hahner, Ronnie: baby
43927    Hain, Mr. & Mrs. Del
47312    Haines, Charles-Altenburg, Marsha
43424    Haines, Larry
40533    Halaas, Dana-Tycer, Gary
43357    Halby, Dan
39441    Hale, Bobbie
38992    Hale, R. A.
40471    Hale, Mr. R. A.
40962    Hale, R. A.
41817    Hale, R. P.
42212    Hale, R. P. & Braley
40422    Hale, Mrs.
41392    Hale, Ralph
43673    Hale, Sue: Groceteria
47726    Halin, Sherri: Rainbow Girls
43404    Hall, Al
42290    Hall, Mr. & Mrs. Clyd
41693    Hall, Dave: cap and gown
41222    Hall, Dave
32320    Hall, D. W.
46731    Hall, Mr. & Mrs. David
45025    Hall, Mr. & Mrs. Francis W.
42867    Hall, Gwen
42492    Hall, Irvin
47191    Hall, J. D.
46388    Hallaux, Jim
46401    Haller, Stacey
44464    Hall, Judy
44109    Hall, Marlene
41791    Hall, Myron
45163    Hall, Seely: family group in home
41066    Hall, Mrs. Stanley
39454    Hall, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen
40583    Hall, Stephen
41276    Hall, Vickie
43193    Haller, Rita
47840    Hallin, Joy
42385    Halvorsen, Henry
32124    Hamaker, John
32132    Hamer, Orville: with beard
42274    Hamer, Orville
46968    Hamilton, Sam-Ingram, Gail
47857    Hamilton, Carolee
59802    Hamilton, Debbie
47074    Hamilton, Ike-Purdy, Debbie
40190    Hamilton, Archie
32766    Hamilton, Dianna
40784    Hamilton, Karen
42498    Hamilton, Lee-Smith, Gary
42352    Hamilton, Lee
39097    Hamilton, Margaret
39212    Hamilton, Margaret-Soto, Ernest
39113    Hamilton, Nancy
39506    Hamilton, Nancy-Samson, Bruce
32599    Hamilton, Rachel: Job's Daughters
40108    Hamilton, Rachel
42730    Hamilton, Steve
43434    Hamilton, Virginia
41541    Hamlin, Berry
41511    Hamlin, John
32789    Hamlin, John
39269    Hamlin, John
59615    Hamlin, Katherine
45031    Hamlin, Mr. & Mrs. R. D.
39138    Hamlin, W. B.
41436    Hamlin, Mrs. W. M.
32682    Hamlin, Wallace
40774    Hamlin, Wallace: boxer dog
40323    Hammagren, June-DeGroot, Richard
45764    Hammers, Charlene
41998    Hammer, Janet
40342    Hammond, Dennis-Harbison, Joan
40142    Hammond, Gail: baby
40581    Hammons, Lloyd
40481    Hamner, Mrs. C. D.
46901    Hamner, Patsy
42753    Hampel, Barbara
41278    Hampel, Barbara
44934    Hampel, Barbara
42622    Hampson, Tom
47201    Hamrick, Margaret
43886    Hanel, Jack
46008    Haney, Jan-Prickett, Gary
46822    Hanke, Donna
46923    Hanke, Janis
42092    Hanke, Mary Lou
45812    Hanke, MaryLou
32026    Hanley, Mary
44165    Hanley, Guy
45886    Hanlin, Warren: three children
40266    Hanna, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert K.: golden wedding
42524    Hannaford, Marlene
48438    Hannah, Bill
48437    Hannah, Kathleen
32551    Hannawalt, David
45274    Hannibal, Ray
45053    Hannibal, Ray
32773    Hannon, Ron-Lucas, Linda
41870    Hanscom, Vada
41556    Hansen, Al
39103    Hansen, Mrs. Bill: golden anniversary
46953    Hansen, Brenda
44246    Hansen, Cheryl
44731    Hansen, Chris
47263    Hansen, Dave
47138    Hansen, Don
               Hansen, Don: Safeway store interior
42838    Hansen, Don
43902    Hansen, Francine
44602    Hansen, John: family of four
45192    Hansen, La Var
32577    Hansen, Pat
59586    Hansford, Don
46733    Hanson, Mr. & Mrs. Bill
46851    Hanson, Delbert-Smith, Vickie
39753    Hanson, Maxine: group of six
40651    Hanson, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
47758    Hanstein, Sharon
47996    Happel, Kathy
44516    Havill, Nancy
40342    Harbison, Joan-Hammond, Dennis
44730    Harbison, Sam
45447    Harbord, Anne-Daugherty, Byron
               Harbour, Dennis-Von Stein, Karen
32246    Harden, Mrs. Frank: Theresa, David
42262    Harden, Slim
40165    Hardenburger, Winnie
46742    Hardin, Chuck
44073    Harding, Jack
40280    Harding, Jack-Robinson, Sandra
40132    Harding, John: family group
41268    Hardrath, Jeff
43126    Hardy, Mr. & Mrs. A. V.
44739    Hargrave, Karl
43046    Hargrave, Victor
46970    Harley, James-Hughes, Sherri
47287    Harlow, Curt
41579    Harlow, Mrs. Elliott
59578    Harmen, John: Gretchen
40748    Harmon, Mrs. Connie: Harlan Lee
59785    Harmon, Gretchen
47005    Harmon-Davis
44132    Harmon, Mrs. Jay: Joseph
42011    Harmon, Margaret
42534    Harmon, Mary
44650    Harmon, Mary Louise
44750    Harp, Gene-Rentz, Kathy
47535    Harper, Bruce
43379    Harper, Helen
45571    Harper, Jacque
45784    Harper, Jacque
44523    Harper, Judy
40407    Harper, Lois
45227    Harper, Lonnie
42650    Harper, Margie
44285    Harper, Nathan: family group
42168    Harper, Mrs. Nathan: Shawn
40659    Harrang, Arne
45391    Harrang, Evelyn
32287    Harrell, Richard
46379    Harrington, Vicki
41311    Harris, Ada
46898    Harris, Allen
44390    Harris, Allene
49464    Harris, Dan: Ryan
46728    Harris, Danny-Kerr, Beverly
46627    Harris, Debbie
39728    Harris, Harold-Williams, Sally
47133    Harris, Mrs. Jan
46769    Harris, Lonnie-Smith, Memory
47058    Harris, Pat-Gipner, Sue
40811    Harris, Pat: Job's Daughters
40582    Harris, Pat
40973    Harris, Pat & Ada: Job's Daughters
98660    Harris, Pauline
43498    Harris, Robert
47055    Harris, Roger-Bostrom, Debbie
40862    Harris, Mrs. Raymond: three children
43116    Harris, Ron: wedding
44719    Harris, Sherry
47441    Harris, Wayne
               Harrison, Bill-Rabjohn, Becky
41893    Harrison, Christine
42366    Harrison, Mrs. Glen
47296    Harrison, Glen
45905    Harrison, Glenn
59564    Harrison, Glenn
45218    Harrison, Glenn
44037    Harrison, Keith
41950    Harrison, Scott
39386    Harshman, Mr. & Mrs. Ed: family group
39177    Hart, Mrs. Bob: two boys
32209    Hart, Bob: Shrine
42594    Hart, Bryan
44787    Hart, C. M.
40735    Hart, Mr. & Mrs. George
43365    Hart, Greg
40258    Hart, Mildred-Thames, Norman
40586    Hart, Pam
32375    Hart, Mrs. R. W.
41583    Hartford, Bev
46185    Hartlerode, William A.
47176    Harlow: golden retriever
32294    Harlow, Mrs.: Nancy
41801    Hartley, Mr. & Mrs. Al
43161    Hartley, Deloris & Lennie
40163    Hartley, Mrs. Roland: Laurie
41390    Hartlerode, Bill: family group
47457    Hartley, Mike
41605    Hartman, William W.
42024    Hartwein, George
43585    Hartwein, Richard
44123    Hartzell, Holly
46528    Harvey, Guy
41553    Harvey, Mrs.
41007    Harvey, Mrs. Delbert
41433    Harvey, Jean
38985    Harvey, Linda
43418    Harvey, Mike
43268    Harvey, Skip
40436    Harwood, Willard Jr.
32064    Haskins, Mrs. Wallace
42950    Hasler, Joe
39067    Hasler, Joe-Groves, Janice
45048    Hass, Ed: family group in home
44545    Hass, Ed: family group in home
43956    Hass, Ed: family group in home
43451    Hass, Ed: six children
39650    Hass, Ed
43541    Hass, Mrs. Ed: Nancy
32247    Hass, Mr. Edmund: Patricia
39627    Hass, Mrs. Edw.: Martin
39983    Hass, Ed: family group
32694    Hass, Ed: Grant
32608    Hass, Ed: family group
41512    Hass, Edward
39393    Hass, Ed: family group
42658    Hass, Ed: family group
39112    Hassell, Mrs. C. R.: Sharon
44248    Hatch, Rhonda
43537    Hatchel, Hairyo
42143    Hatchel, Hubert
45292    Hatchell, Maria
43602    Hatfield, J.
47994    Hatfield, Linda
40200    Hatten, Thad
59852    Hatton, Joe
40050    Hatton, Paul: hobby horse
43298    Hatton, Paula
43686    Hatzi, Penny: Job's Daughters
46159    Hatzi, Penny
32440    Hatzi, William A.: Safeway Stores
46802    Haude, Dick
45692    Haven, John
46811    Havenstein, Gwen
43178    Hawbarker, Helen
40672    Hawes, Ralph-Cook, Deanna
40553    Cook, Deanna
40979    Hawk, Mr. & Mrs. N. L.
46442    Hawkins, Cheri
39856    Hawkins, Danny
44922    Hawkins, Donna: L.P.N.
40413    Hawkins, George D.: family group
48289    Hawkins, James
59601    Hawkins, Leo
43740    Hawley, Bill: bowling association
43439    Hawley, John: family group
42164    Hawley, John
42817    Hawley, John
42461    Hay, Adell: family group
44660    Hay, Ellen
40161    Hay, Mrs. Fred: Tracey
39165    Hayden, Jack-Beltz, Rosemarie
43874    Haydock, Chris
40644    Haydock, Susan
39147    Hayes: two boys
46631    Hayes, Bill
47790    Hayes, Calvin: family group
41091    Hayes, Charles-Erickson, Sharon
39532    Hayes, Dick: with beard
45096    Hayes, Jack: family group
47508    Hayes, James
43891    Hayes, Laurie
47248    Hayes, Pam
32679    Hayes, Robert: Steven
49536    Hayes, Marsha
44276    Hayes, Ruby
40295    Hayman, Bert
41941    Haynes, Billy
42171    Haynes, Phillip
39154    Hays, C. I.: three boys
39589    Hays, Dorance
32413    Hays, J. F.
44329    Head, Norma
41013    Heady, Don R.
59597    Healy, Russell
41346    Hearin, Joani
45295    Hearon, Dorothy: family group
42528    Hearrell, Cathy
32825    Heart Fund
47215    Heartwine, Bobby
40414    Heath, Jody
47980    Heath, Le Roy
48134    Heath, LeRoy-Daniels, Debbie
46675    Heath, Mr. & Mrs. Mike
39210    Heath, Leah-Thornton, Agnes
43337    Hector, Pam
42226    Hector, Pam
40308    Hedberg, Elwood
32107    Hedges, Mrs. Marvin
44686    Hedges, Ted
41768    Hedgpeth, Jill
39625    Heeter, Mrs. C. L.: Billy
44085    Heffernan, Robert: closeups, Linderman Bros.
40129    Heffernan, Bob
42987    Heffley, Cheryl: Job's Daughters
46962    Heffner, Dwight-Strawn, Patti
47235    Heflin, Leonard
44201    Heideman, Fred: family group
46283    Heidemann, Lyle: Elks
42574    Heidenreich, Ellen
44635    Heidenreich, Kathy
41172    Heidenreich, Kathe
43330    Heimbuck, Jan
32448    Heine, Bliss: group at Moose lodge
41840    Heinzman, Barbara
44053    Heinzman, Carolyn
44548    Heinzman, Mary
44668    Heinzman, Mike
40289    Heisel, Manville
38972    Heisel, Manville: car damage
45342    Heitkamp, Gertrude
41619    Heitz, Lyle
41629    Helgeson, Leona: puppy
40057    Helgeson, Leona
45317    Helmkamp, Darrel
41341    Helms, Gary
47773    Hemingway, Lynda: family of three
45968    Henderson, Allen-Kelley, Nancy
46084    Henderson, Barbara-Evensizer, Johny
47999    Henderson, Debbie
44394    Henderson, Diana
41164    Henderson, Jamie
42631    Henderson, John
44576    Henderson, Richard
45811    Henderson, Wally
47589    Henricksen-Klemik
39872    Hendrickson, Carl
42042    Hendrickson, Ken: family group
41585    Hendrickson, Sharon-Owen, Jim
43731    Hendrickson, Susan
39609    Hendrix, Lou
46449    Henke, Sharon
40633    Henney, Charles
48229    Henney, James
44186    Hennick, Joe
41456    Henry, Chuck
41258    Henry, Jim
46000    Henry, Michael-Falkowski, Debra
46393    Henry, William: Keep and Bear Arms
59741    Hensley, R. F.: group of six
41466    Henselman, Richard: family group
48393    Henselman, Steve
46395    Hensley, Nathan
46808    Hensley, Nathan: baby
39899    Henson, Bonnie
39267    Henson, Jim
43354    Henson, Linda
49477    Heppner, Guy-Lucas, Cathy
49524    Heppner, Jack
42707    Hercher, Terry
40304    Hercher, Mrs. W. E.: Ann
42354    Herder, Den; Kay, Rilla
45813    Hering, Karl-Myers, Darlene
43683    Herman, Ella
43660    Herndon, Dorothy: Groceteria
47728    Herndon, Dorothy
47729    Herndon, Dorothy
45199    Herried, Don
40189    Herron, Don
43544    Hershfelt, Cass
47528    Hertzberg, Linda
32340    Herzberg, Mrs. Beth: self and boy
6913      Hesleph, Jackie
40042    Hess: family group
41353    Hess, Bruce
45640    Hess, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce
43081    Hess, Hanna
41352    Hettinga, John
39345    Hess, Linda
41757    Hess, Myrna
42601    Hess, Rhonda
40183    Hess, Sandy
43319    Hess, Scott
40921    Hessig, Dorothy
42911    Heyer, Janet
39927    Heyerman, Bill
40974    Heyerman, Bill
40599    Heyerman, Mary
42095    Heyerman, Mary
46812    Heysel, Ray-Hearin, Joan
45806    Heysell, Ann-Coles, Bryan
44856    Heysell, Ray
40537    Heysell, Ray
39998    Hiatt, Diana
43775    Hiatt, Freda: retirement
42377    Hiatt, Jeff
44468    Hiatt, Kathy
45714    Hiatt, Kathy
43173    Hiatt, Robert
42065    Hibbert, Jackie
39808    Hibbs, Dr. Ralph: with fez
42312    Hickey, Mary
46606    Hicks, Martin-Collins, Melissa
45956    Hiemstra, Glen-Diment, Sara
42036    Hicks, Jim
39048    Hicks, Ruby
43899    Hicks, Lovelyn
46965    Hicks, Max
59585    Hicks, Michael
39694    Hiebert, Mrs. A. H.
40059    Hiebert, Mrs. A. H.
46601    Higgins, Kevin-Offenbacker, Diane
45668    Higgins, Kevin
39885    Higgins, Mike
41177    Higgins, Sue
41500    Higgins, Sue: group of four
44885    Higgins, R. J.: Ann
32691    Higginbotham-Hinesly: wedding reception
43915    Higgins, Alison
45095    Higgins, Mike
43452    Higgins, Robert
40069    Higinbotham, Barbara
47257    Higinbotham, Elaine
43155    Hildebrand, Pat
41742    Hildebrand, Richard-Gilkison, Pam
42751    Hildebrand, Mr. & Mrs. Richard
43983    Hildreth, Larry
45593    Hildreth, Geri
47140    Hildreth, Theresa: with mother
44735    Hile, Dale-Poling,Trudy
48314    Hile, Tom
48221    Hinkle, Donna
48254    Hilkey, Connie
46992    Hilkey-DeArmond
46100    Hill, Sister Terrance
45748    Hill, Charlene
45236    Hill, Charlie
43909    Hill, Don
44472    Hill, Gary
39614    Hill, James
44167    Hill, Jean
40518    Hill, Jim
40882    Hill, Linda
40354    Hill, Mrs. Nathan: Pamela Kay
43346    Hill, Sandra
45761    Hill, Sandra
46077    Hill, Stewart-Brock, Lee Ann
41848    Hill, Tara
4486-     Hillah Temple
               Hillah Temple: Carr, Hart, Boughner, Perl, Buonocore, Johnson, Selby, Clark,
                   Bill Walker, Jack Walker, Lausmann, Thurman, McCredie, Kliever, Fabrick,
                   Schei, Hunter
               Hillah Temple: Glenn Linn, Woody Morse, Edward Wulfkweller, Howard
                   Bush, Dr. Hibbs, Carl Wiltermood, Selby, Culbertson
               Hillah Temple: Edwards, Yoakley, Walker, Purdin, Hart
44556    Hillard, Mrs. Helen
32073    Hillcrest Memorial Park
32828    Hillcrest Memorial: landscape drawing
39037    Hillcrest Memorial Park: U.S. army plaque
32430    Hillcrest Memorial: plat
32434    Hillcrest Memorila: Ed Vilas, Sandy Bishop
32186    Hillcrest Memorial: floor plan
32125    Hillcrest Memorial: family group, map
32093    Hillcrest Memorial Park: brochures
39059    Hillcrest Memorial Park: presentation of plaques
40886    Hiller, Fred
44599    Hillestad, Carl
39780    Hillman, John-Wood, Wendy
39769    Wood, Wendy
45995    Hilton, Susan-Hogue, Kerry
38352    Hilts, Dan-Share, Debbie
59619    Hilts, John: Frank Grimes, scar on forehead
45838    Hiderer, Karen
46162    Henderer, Karen: cat
48085    Hines, Dee Dee
39265    Hinesley, Jean & Terry
40718    Hinesly, Terry
46915    Hinkle, Audry
42483    Hinkle, Edie
44360    Hinkle, Joan
43430    Hinkle, Lindia
39224    Hinkle, Sara
44002    Hinkle, Walter: family group of three
32571    Hinman, Nancy
39299    Hinman, Nancy
41261    Hinman, Pete
46585    Hinthorne, Raymond
46797    Hinton, Debra
46701    Hinton
45733    Hirt, Bob
47516    Hitchcock, Dan
41995    Hittle, Dave
39917    Hittle, Dianne
45403    Hittle, Sharon
47132    Hix, Steve
46551    Hixon, Boyd
32672    Hoadley, Raymond
40721    Hoag, Rob
40353    Hoag, Steve
41001    Hobbs, Jim: full length
39741    Hobbs, Mrs. Preston: David
43982    Hochstatter, John
38964    Hochstatter, John
43472    Hochstatter, Larry
46225    Hockersmith, Bryan
45840    Hockersmith, Keith
45167    Hockett, Roger-Doolen, Margaret
43855    Hodson, Doreen
44749    Hoffbuhr, Dennis: in uniform
43588    Hoffbuhr, Jack
42343    Hoffbuhr, Jack W.
40166    Hoffine, Marjorie
45261    Hoffman, Charles
46663    Hogan, Alfred
41338    Hogan, Larry
39989    Hogate, Macaleine-Butler, Barton
47591    Hogenson, Dave
40029    Hoggard, Henry: family group
41942    Hoglan, Bonnie
46663    Hoglen
43765    Hogue, Ernest-Stone, Lorrie
45995    Hogue, Kerry-Hilton, Susan
44800    Hogue, Russ
45751    Hogue, Russell
44843    Hogue, Russell J.
41734    Hohstadt, Philip
40911    Hoi, Jue Ngon
43566    Holbrook, Roy
49461    Holder, Don: baby
47544    Holden, Judy
44916    Holiday Inn: outside work
43275    Hollen, Phil
41899    Hollen, Stephanie
44056    Holley, Cathy
39197    Holley, F. A.: wrecked 1951 Chevrolet pickup truck
43154    Hollister, Brian
48139    Hollister, Julie
45741    Holloway, Jim: Leland Clark
45379    Hollowell, Art
47701    Hollowell, Donna
44876    Hollowell, Greta
40100    Holly, Karen & Marcia
41263    Holman, Hal
45193    Holman, William
45463    Holmes, Curtis: baby girl
41617    Holmes, Curtis-McCulloch, Mary
43586    Holmes, Mrs. Curtis
44155    Holmes, Joann
45817    Holmes, Mr. & Mrs. Ray
40765    Holmes, T. E.
46311    Holst, Clara
46382    Holt
47851    Holt, Cheri
41973    Holt, Diane
42499    Holt, Mrs. Estelle
42112    Holt, Mrs. Gene: Gregg
41052    Holt, Mrs. Gene: Gregg
45790    Holt, George
40951    Holt, Myrle-Allen, Patricia Ann
46073    Holte, Paul
45624    Holte, Ann
44010    Holtzinger, Judy
45082    Holtzinger, MariAnne
43442    Holtzinger, Mike
42956    Holtzinger, George
39300    Holzhauser, Mrs. Agnes: Florence
40014    Holzhauser, Florence
39466    Holzhauser, Richard: family group
45382    Honnold, Susan
40130    Hood, Eudora
47587    Hoover, Lorrie
41994    Hoover, Mrs. Ruth
47810    Hoover, Sheri
42328    Hope, Lance
46313    Hopkins, Glenn
42355    Hopkins, Shirley-Easley, Byron
41095    Hopkins, Mr. & Mrs. Sam
40330    Hopkins, Sammy
40154    Hopkins, Shirley
43799    Hooey, Steve
40693    Hopper, Mrs. Alvin A.: Linda
32781    Horn, Mrs. Ellen: Kim Waldron
46038    Horn, Pam-Peters, Richard
45049    Horner, Mr. & Mrs. John
48215    Horsley, Larry
42900    Horton, Dorothy-Meier, Harvey
41539    Horton, Larry
42433    Horton, Larry-Wirrkula, Ann
42181    Horton, Mike-Barker, Marilyn
43257    Horton, Stan
42327    Horton, Stanley
44447    Hosick, Joe
42450    Hosick, Joe
38977    Hosick, Joe
41691    Hotho, Mrs. Art: four children
45356    Hotho, Robert
43649    Houck, Jacquelin
46802    Houde, Dick
44496    Hough, Bobbie
45848    Hough, Bobbie
43007    Hough, Mrs. Jerry: two children
42017    Hough, Mrs. Jerry: Bobbie and children
42638    Houghten, David
32313    Houghton, Beryl: funeral
40297    Houghton, Mrs. D.
39738    Houghton, Dwight
44718    Houghton, Janice
43264    Houghton, Mrs. M. L.
46523    Houk, Donald-David, Joselyn
32157    Houk, Mrs. H. W.: Julie, Pear Blossom Cow Belles
39372    House, Art
40604    House, Billy
46634    House, Creigh-Reynolds, Jean
45472    House, Dick
40101    Householder, Bob
43551    Householder, Michael
41929    Houser, Mrs. Thomas: Mark, Laura
40667    Hout, Kathy
42762    Hout, kathy
32954    Hout, Roger
45792    Hotho, Steve
41380    Hover, Dick
42629    Hover, Elizabeth
45723    Howe, Virginia
44506    Howard, Cindy
44183    Howard, Ed: family group
39330    Howard, Marian
40162    Howard, Mrs. Mary
32829    Howard, Mrs. Ottolene: Nat
44150    Howard, Roland
39077    Howard, Mrs. W. W.
32648    Howe, Gaye
32579    Howe, Linda
42982    Howell, Billie
40379    Howell, Dolores
40052    Howenstine, Ida
44330    Howsley, Dick
42652    Hoxworth, Julie
40399    Hoyt, Jo Ann-Jennings, Ray
39116    Hoyt, Mrs. Joe
41793    Hubbard, Art-Ramsay, Mary Beth
41155    Hubbard, Carol
32285    Hubbard, Carole: cap and gown
45851    Hubbard, Cindy
41118    Hubbard, Mr. & Mrs. D. A.: group of six
41656    Hubbard, Mrs. G. A.
41561    Hubbard, Mary Ann-Rombach, Jim
46444    Hubble, Donna
45737    Huber, Drusilla
44766    Huber, Ron-May, Donna
41115    Huckaba, Jack-Jones, Janette
44956    Hudson, Mrs. Gordon
45800    Hudson, Gordon
45202    Hudson, Hank
44006    Hudson, Jon
48103    Hudson, Thomas-Fairchild, Karyn
46624    Hudson, Tom
32431    Hueners, Gary-Boardman, Sue
48259    Huff, John: two babies
41384    Huff, Mr. Robert
59595    Huffman, William: Douglas
46463    Huffman, Bill-Baldwin, Virginia
44156    Huffman, Clyde
48056    Huffman, Leah
43371    Huffman, Pat
42379    Huffman, Pat
45340    Huffman, Roberta
39879    Huffman, Wally
46109    Huggins, Milenie
47860    Hughes, Cindy
42055    Hughes, John
42123    Hughes, Mr. & Mrs. L. E.
42687    Hukill, Ron
44849    Hull, Mrs. Ann
41639    Hull, Ann
46188    Hull, Deanna-Lea, Larry
42716    Hull, Greg
41863    Hull, Marilyn
45549    Hull, Pat
42654    Hull, Vicki
59830    Hull, Lelah
44799    Hulse, Joyce
42000    Humphrey, Eaton
48442    Humphrey, Glena: baby
42624    Humphrey, Mrs. John S.: four children
43628    Humphreys, J.: family group
47415    Humphrey, John S.
49510    Humphrey, John: guitar
39642    Humphrey, John S.
41452    Humphrey, Mr. & Mrs. John: group in home
45263    Humphrey, John
59856    Humphrey, Ralph
39438    Humphrey, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
45062    Humphries, Sandra
39041    Humphries, Mrs. T. S.: Cathy
43200    Humphries, Tom
41073    Hunsley, Mrs. Harry: child
48057    Hunt
42383    Hunt, Darlene
32136    Hunt, Mrs. Frank
32162    Hunt, Mrs. Frank L.: Frank Alan, Pear Blossom Cow Belles
45024    Hunt, George: Leslie
44342    Hunt, George: two children
43968    Hunt, George: family group of four
43614    Hunt, Mrs. George: Julie
43169    Hunt, George: Julie, Greg
40431    Hunt, Mrs. George: Gregory
42151    Hunt, Herb
47315    Hunt, Kathy
46920    Hunt, Larry
47920    Hunt, Melody
48060    Hunt, Susan
59829    Hunt, Susan
38989    Huntemann, Mrs.
47127    Hunter, Mr. & Mrs.
42357    Hunter, Mr. & Mrs. B. L.: fiftieth wedding
39353    Hunter, Diana
40184    Hunter, Diana
43249    Hunter, Donna
48337    Hunter, Jennifer
47062    Hunter, Karen
45142    Hunter, Mary
41361    Hunter, Veda
32721    Hunter, Violet
32272    Hunter, W. E.: Shrine
42224    Huovila, Carol
43167    Huovila, Kathy
42101    Huovila, William S.: group of four
59588    Hurd, Susan
46700    Hurson, Jim
39214    Hurt, Patty Lee; Rickey, Alice Faye
32381    Hurt, Susan Carol
59635    Huser, Helen
39278    Hussong, Donna
45255    Huston, Gary-Lyda, Linda
45791    Hutchings, Faye (Mrs. Roger)
48198    Hutchins, Carol
42710    Hutchings, Dr. & Mrs.: family group
45562    Hutchings, Dr. Roger: family group
43077    Hutchings, Dr. Roger: and family
48043    Hutchins, Bob: family of six
45850    Hutchinson, Bill
48396    Hutchinson, Dave
45354    Hutchinson, Peg
41282    Hutchinson, Mike
44714    Hutchinson, Sheila
41705    Hutchinson, William
38949    Hutchison, Hilda
32661    Hutchison, Joe
46446    Hutson, Connie
45456    Hutson, Donna-Zuspann, Don
42003    Hvall, Earl
43000    Hyland, Doris: family group
46381    Hymas, H. V.

32078    IBEW
39414    Ice, Dorothy
41450    Ice, George
39598    Ice, George
46366    Icenhower, Harold
42025    Icenhower, Judy
42230    Ilg, Father
32142    Imperial Candy Co.: candy display at Groceteria
39764    Industrial Air Products
46777    Ingle, Janet
42673    Ingle, Rev. O. V.: family group
42186    Ingram, Mr. & Mrs. A. A.
43518    Ingram, E. W.: family group
59577    Ingram, Eugene
45890    Ingram, Gail
40606    Ingram, Gary
42538    Ingram, Susan
46869    Inkley, Sam
39480    Inlow, Fred
47757    Irby, Diana: Job's Daughters
40065    Irby, Mrs. Elwood: Carla
42211    Irish, Sally M.
44963    Irving, Dave Jr.: Jocelyn
39893    Irving, Dave
39266    Irving, Dave
39439    Irving, Dave & Sandra
41373    Irving, Sandra
40551    Irving, Sandra
45983    Irvin, Tom
41154    Isaacs, Ann
42776    Isaacs, Shirley: Job's Daughters
43380    Isaacs, Shirley
48002    Isom, Dave
47305    Isaacs, Ron-Richmond, Karen
40683    Issi, Frank
41329    Isted, Judy
46245    Iverson, Lowell
45697    Iverson, Charlotte
43560    Iverson, Lowell
41894    Iverson, Sara
45466    Iverson, Wally
44197    Ives, David: family group, two children

32192    Jack, Mrs. Dick: Janine
38960    Jack, Mrs. Dick: Richard
39626    Jack, Mrs. Dick: Raymond
39620    Jack, Janine
38994    Jack, Jeanine
32135    Jack, Laura
38951    Jack, Laura
40246    Jack, Laura
39607    Jack, Laura
39700    Jack, Raymond
39499    Jack, Richard
40328    Jack, Sid-Abelman, Barbara
39796    Jack's Drive-Up: exterior views
40944    Jacks, Ken-Stevenson, Nancy
40247    Jacks, R. W.: logging accident in Applegate Valley
48066    Jackson, Father
39083    Jackson, Mr. & Mrs.
41668    Jackson, Mrs. Berta: David
42618    Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn
41609    Jackson, Glenn
39170    Jackson, Mrs. Glenn: granddaughter
39674    Jackson County Assessor's Office
41851    Jackson County Insurance Agents Association
42947    Jackson County Labor Council
44646    Jackson County Tuberculosis & Health Association: Frankie Burton
Jackson County Tuberculosis & Health Association: at KBES-TV
39857    Jackson, Dave
39000    Jackson, Dave
48100    Jackson, Nancy
43321    Jackson, Pam
47090    Jackson, Ronda & Tonya
46816    Jackson, Skeeter-Nelson, Mertie
44828    Jackson, T. A.: Appaloosa yearling
32205    Jacksonville Museum: railroad
32283    Jacksonville Museum: Hoffman
32028    Jacksonville Museum
32284    Jacksonville Museum: Judge Mosher, Mee sawmill
46306    Jacob, Janelle
32560    Jacobs, Esther
40480    Jacobs, Esther-Kroh, Michael
39924    Jacobs, Lenore
42014    Jacobs, Lois
42392    Jacobs, Lorin
42967    Jacobs, Lorin
32814    Jacobs, Mike
43488    Jacobs, Rainer
59781    Jacobson, Annett
44553    Jacobson, Edward
46472    Jacobson, Mrs. Luther: baby
46818    Jacobson: group of six
46745    Jacobson, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W.
42880    Jacobson, Marie
47871    Jacobson, Stan
39307    Jahn, Julie
40800    Jaksch, Mr. & Mrs. John
47044    James-Moen: wedding
42125    James, Mr. & Mrs. A. C.
45704    James, A. C.: group of four
41509    James, Mrs. Fred W.
39251    James, John
41237    James Lovick Limited: Wayne Medford, Nancy King at business machine
41309    James, Marilyn
42741    James, Marilyn & Jeannine
49531    James, Mary
40243    James, Ralph: county judge
49516    James, Ronald: certificate
46711    James, Tedrick
47125    Jarrell
43049    Jannusch, Mel
39821    Janouch, Karl
39430    Janouch, Mr. & Mrs. Karl
32178    Janrick of Oregon
41520    Jantzer, Helen-Ashley, Ken
41835    Jarmin, Joyce
48143    Jarboe, Janis
59632    Jarboe, John
44059    Jarmin, Linda
47125    Jarrell, Jim-Dreiszus, Gwen
48103    Jarrett, Susan
41535    Jarvis, Joe: county commissioner
46531    Jarvis, Vickie
41686    Jaycees: Miss Rogue Valley 1964
43821    Jeddeloh, Fred
40985    Jefferis, Mrs. Donald: Jay Thomas
42215    Jenkins, Rae
39869    Jenkins, Mrs. Robert: Melody
40740    Jenkins, Mrs. Ruth: Cory
39186    Jenks, Hal: Gilman's Dairy
47906    Jenkins, Peggy
41514    Jenks, Hal
46267    Jenning, Debby-Campbell, Dennis
41624    Jennings, Bill
44769    Jennings, Debbie
45527    Jennings, Don
44077    Jennings, Sam: family group of six
39423    Jennings, Mrs. W. J.: boy and girl
41902    Jensen, Ann
45693    Jensen, Mrs. Burton: Providence Hospital
46106    Jensen, David & Diane
41240    Jensen, Gail
43473    Jensen, Eric
40277    Jensen, Mr. & Mrs. John
39996    Jensen, Jon
45561    Jensen, Kathy
45677    Jensen, Keith
32111    Jensen, Dr. LeRoy
40560    Jensen, Meredith
43644    Jensen, Pete (John)
45783    Jensen, Jon: family group of three
41782    Jensen, N. C.: family group
44013    Jensen, Peter
45781    Jensen, Rick
47408    Jensen, Scott-Krumdiak, Pam
59763    Jensen, Shirley
45036    Jensen, Shirley
44920    Jensen, Sue
45113    Jensen, Todd
46012    Jepson, Bert
46300    Jerard, Steve-Higgins, Pam
40202    Jerome, Jeraldyn
47884    Jeskey, Bill: family group
39001    Jewett, Mrs. Al: Sandra, Sherry
45206    Jewett, Jerri
41339    Jewett, Jim
41587    Jewett Office Supply: new store opening
39226    Jewett, Sandra
39702    Jewett, Sandra: cap and gown
43239    Jewett, Shari
45108    Johanson, Marge
47401    Johannson, A. J.
47444    Johannson, A. J.: anniversary
45964    Johannson, Dick (A. J.)
43412    Johannson, Doug
42508    Johannson, Doug: football uniform
47316    John, Joyetta
39701    Johns, Beverly
39230    Johns, Sandra-Cameron, Doug
39088    Johns, Sandra
32393    Johns, Sharon
44025    Johnson, Al: Masonic
43505    Johnson, Ann
46271    Johnson, Mrs. Anna
48220    Johnson, Becky
39811    Johnson, Ben-Powers, Sandra
41139    Johnson, Bendt
47343    Johnson, Beverly
39085    Johnson, Beverly
31985    Johnson, Beverly
43338    Johnson, Bill
45451    Johnson, Bill-Corbin, Joan
46158    Johnson, Bob
47334    Johnson, Dan-Eppinger, Theresa
47432    Johnson, Debbie
46885    Johnson, Debbie
47394    Johnson, J. P.
59596    Johnson, Jana
48388    Johnson, Linda
47548    Johnson, Juanita-Yates, Charles
46940    Johnson, Ray
41723    Johnson, Raymond: four children
46649    Johnson, Bonnie
43785    Johnson, Cecil-Nash, Linda
40622    Johnson, Cheryl
43258    Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. D. L.
42942    Johnson, David-Fields, Kay
45321    Johnson, Debbie
46060    Johnson, Debbie
42735    Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis
47791    Johnson, Diana
43760    Johnson, E. L.: Jeff
39554    Johnson, Mrs. Earl
42567    Johnson, Emmy Lou
39855    Johnson, Frank: Scott
47907    Johnson, Gary
40395    Johnson, Gordon
40030    Johnson, Gordon
40074    Johnson, Gordon
43197    Johnson, Mrs. Gunner: Phyllis, Douglas, Mother
44863    Johnson, Gus
44632    Johnson, J. P.
40580    Johnson, Jan
41069    Johnson, Jerry David
39283    Johnson, JoAnn
39928    Johnson, Jo Ann
39696    Johnson, Jo Ann
39106    Johnson, Judy
40621    Johnson, Karen
47534    Johnson, Laura
40009    Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. LaVern
32536    Johnson, Lee: Curtis
40675    Johnson, Leonard
41499    Johnson, Maggie
39669    Johnson, Margaret: group
40418    Johnson, Margaret: with girls
39838    Johnson, Marie-Groom, George
39124    Johnson, Mrs. Mary: Michael
46865    Johnson, Mary M.
45204    Johnson, Mike
32391    Johnson, Mike-Johansen, Suzanne
41660    Johnson, Nile
32236    Johnson, Ray: Shrine
32274    Johnson, Richard-Cady, Edith
39711    Johnson, Rita
42265    Johnson, Mel
32290    Johnson, Rosie-Cooksey, Jim
45617    Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Russell
46215    Johnson, Sandy: stewardess
44864    Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Steve
41179    Johnson, Tanya
43114    Johnson, Vern
40164    Johnson, Virginia
49522    Johnston, Dan
41959    Johnston, Dick
59566    Johnston, Glen: baby
39905    Johnston, James
41984    Johnston, James
45231    Johnston, James
45009    Johnston, Linda
47438    Johnston, Lyn
39298    Johnston, Mike
39194    Johnston, Jeanette: scar
44954    Johnston, Martha
45626    Johnston, Martha
46758    Jolley, T. J.
47538    Jolly, T. J.
46530    Jolly, T. J.
45949    Jolly, Tom: baby
32542    Jonason, Mrs. Mary L.: three girls
41127    Jonason, Olivia
40401    Jones, Mrs. Allie
47557    Jones, Charlotte
59836    Jones, Dave
59327    Jones, David
59328    Jones, David
59329    Jones, David
47792    Jones, George
59860    Jones, Jackie
44924    Jones, Larry-Hancock, Candy
44515    Jones, Larry
46872    Jones, Mr. & Mrs.
39870    Jones, Annabelle
44205    Jones, Annette: Job's Daughters
40143    Jones, Bell: marriage certificate
41762    Jones, Bill
42244    Jones, Charles
41576    Jones, Delbert E.
44490    Jones, Donald M.: family group of five
42070    Jones, Ed
32379    Jones, Evan E.
43691    Jones, Ginny
44422    Jones, Gordon-Carver, Beulah
44566    Jones, Jack: group of four
41575    Jones, Jack
39794    Jones, Jack-Brantley, Carolee
41115    Jones, Janette-Huckaba, Jack
43994    Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Joe
43771    Jones, Judy
44795    Jones, Kenyon: three children
45582    Jones, Kenyon: family group outside home
41149    Jones, Rev. King
43369    Jones, Kristi
39064    Jones, Mrs. Lawrence
43964    Jones, Linda
46590    Jones, Michelle
59855    Jones, Mike
40216    Jones, Myers
42979    Jones, Neil
41786    Jones, Robert L.
44148    Jones, Robert P.
46343    Jones, Rosa
41991    Jones, Sally
44209    Jones, Sam: Sharon
47592    Jones, Shirley
45591    Jones, Shirley
41232    Jones, Stan-Thomas Helen
48016    Jones, Steve
47615    Jones, Sue
46002    Jones, Vern-Archibald, Christeen
43083    Jones, Mrs. Wesley
40337    Jones, Mrs. William Vernon: Valerie
42693    Jonsdotter, Asa
42881    Jordan, Edith
45143    Jordan, Randall
45623    Jordan, Roxanne
39837    Jordan, Mrs. Quinton: Kammy
59770    Jorgensen, Dagny
44898    Jorgensen, Mrs. Karl: Karl
44314    Jorgensen, Karl
43780    Jorgensen, Karl
43030    Jorgensen, Karl
47070    Jorgenson, Mr. & Mrs.
43437    Joseph, Phil: family group
47459    Josephson, Henry-Johnson, Patricia
41812    Josephson, Joyce
42768    Joyce, George M.
45953    Joyce, George M.
46009    Joyce, Marilyn
45166    Joyce, Sandra-Nelson, William
39333    Joyer, Clem
42682    Joyer, Clem
46928    Joyner, Lee
48109    Judd, Jan
40816    Jue, Chong
45319    Jueden, Connie
43961    Jueden, Connie
43493    Jueden, Connie
32531    Jue, Ngon Hai
43491    Juhl, Carl
59745    Juhnke, Winnie
39478    Junior, Mr. & Mrs. Emil

42714    Kadin, Barbara
44861    Kadin, Mr. & Mrs. Dan Sr.
40556    Kadin, Dan
42523    Kadin, Gene
45929    Kadin, Mr. & Mrs. Roy
43242    Kaer, Susan
42500    Kaer, Susan
43336    Kaer, Susan: Job's Daughters
46030    Kanawyer, Sheryl
45573    Kahl, Rhonda
41753    Kaiser, Mrs. George
39388    Kamody, John
48247    Kamping, Alan
44480    Kane, Cathy
43749    Kane, Charles-Crovette, Terri
40300    Kapusuinski, Wanda-Moeller, Wilson
48255    Karaman, Jeff
48208    Karlas, Jim
47359    Karrick, T. G.
47239    Kasina, Don: family group of six
               Kasser, Vickie
42977    Katherman, Elizabeth
45029    Kathol, Addo
45618    Kathol, Rhonda
40026    Kathrein, Mrs. Joe: Julie
43529    Kaufman, B. L.
43309    Kaufman, Robert: Nancy
42046    Kautz, Marvin
40687    Kawachika, Robert
42004    Kaye, Bruce
40372    Kaye, Glen-Witt, Harriet
41567    Kaye, Glenda-Thompson, Bill
46524    Kaylor, Jay
               Kaylor, Lucinda
41403    Kazala, Gil
42219    Keane, Father
43921    Kearney, Kathleen
48260    Kearns, John: Brian
39515    Keating, Marianne
               Keaveny, John
48131    Kee, Randy
44216    Keene, Leonard: family group of four
41114    Keene, Leonard
39494    Keeney, Mr. & Mrs. R. J.
40225    Keeney, R. J.
41076    Keeney, Mrs. Robert: son
39157    Keeney, Robert-Tweedy, Vickie
44775    Keeney, Robert: Garth
               Keep and Bear Arms: Henry, William; Gekas, John
46347    Kelp, Tara
47339    Kees, Erick
31584    Keever, Bill: bathing beauties
45131    Keever, William J.
45847    Keifer, Frank
32610    Keith, Art
43015    Keith, Carl-Fogelquist, Judy
40690    Keith, Greg
46468    Keith, Howard-Branch, Pat
32501    Keith, Peggy
44112    Kellbourn, Mr. & Mrs.
40502    Kellenberger, Candy
42152    Kellenberger, Candy
42546    Kellenberger, Carl: group of four
44989    Kellenberger, Karen
39648    Keller, Mr. & Mrs. Dave
45631    Keller, Mr. & Mrs. Dave
44951    Keller, Dean-Hampel, Barbara
46285    Keller, Linda
42822    Keller, Sue
44449    Kelleway, George
47833    Kelley, Curt
40640    Kelley, Dick
45968    Kelley, Nancy-Henderson, Allen
44193    Kellington, Brian
43306    Kellington, Brian
45508    Kellington, Brian-Strong, Linda
32420    Kellington, Bruce-Reaves, JoAnne
44657    Kellington, Dan
41761    Kellington, Dan
41790    Kellington, Mr. & Mrs. Dan: family group
39798    Kellington, G. W.
39594    Kellow, Ferne
47456    Kellum, Neil-Krupp, Zana
32273    Kelly, Bernard
42551    Kelly, Cheryl
47619    Kelly, Curt
41582    Kelly, Judge Edward
39613    Kelly, H. S.: Tommy
39066    Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. James
39887    Kelly, Janet
39668    Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry
44745    Kelly, Karen
40734    Kelly, Melvin: family group
39867    Kelly, H. E.
43165    Kelly, Richard
45129    Kelsoe, David: family group of five
46575    Kelsoe, Wayne-Welp, Trudy
43604    Kelsoe, Mrs. Warren: Karen
48277    Keltz, Karen
42100    Kemper, H. L.: Kristin
42829    Kemper, Mr. & Mrs. H. L.: family group and Kris
40453    Kemper, Halbert-Trautman, Nita
45833    Kendall, Betty
42701    Kendall, Mr. & Mrs. Ed
46765    Kendal, Randy
41885    Kendall, Roger
59820    Kendall, Ron
45760    Kengla, Vic
48391    Kennedy, David: baby
43058    Kennedy, Ernest
41484    Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest R.
               Kennedy, Jack & Irene
45862    Kennedy, Ken: in police uniform
45566    Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Ken
44627    Kennedy, Lloyd
44103    Kennedy, Monte
42276    Kennedy, Montee
42126    Kennedy, Tom
32279    Kennedy's Union 76 Station: exterior
40896    Kenner, Mrs. Richard
42475    Kent, Donald: group of four
46610    Kennedy, Sam: baby with dog
44634    Kent, Mr. & Mrs. Michael
44122    Kenyon, Harold: family group of four
43753    Kerlin, Shirley
45991    Kerns, Lila
45180    Kerr, Ardith
43499    Kerr, Ardith
48397    Kerr, Carolyn
49519    Kerr, Mr. & Mrs. Larry
39829    Kerr, Mrs. Larry: Laura
32433    Kerr, Larry-Walker, Molly
               Kershaw, Gordon
32387    Kershaw, Pete
38938    Kershaw, Pete
39164    Kershaw, Pete-Anderson, Judy
43140    Kester, Doug
40457    Keversham, Milton
42728    Kidwell, Dale
42304    Kidwell, Joyce
41622    Kidwell, Kenneth: family group
47402    Kiem, Steve-Elder, Lolita
47513    Kilbourn, Jan
47066    Kilroy, Walt
49475    Kilroy, Walter
41363    Kimball, Chuck
41595    Kimball, Gale
41811    Kimball, Gale: family group
42320    Kimball, Gale-Sakraida, Hazel
44823    Kimball, Hazel
38957    Kimball, Henry J.
41166    Kime, Cynthia
43028    Kime, Jerry
32161    Kimmel, Mrs. C. E.: Kevin
42439    Kimmell, W. W.
44022    Kimmey, Judy
38348    Kimmons, Mark
47859    Kimpton, Lynn
43557    Kindall, Marilyn
41043    Kindell, Mrs. Joe: group of five
41831    Kindell, Mrs. Joe: group of five
44680    Kindell, Roy
32325    King, Austin: trucks in color
47218    King, Bennie
47291    King, Bob-Pykerman, Anne
39458    King, Bob
40051    King, Charles: four children
48433    King, Bonnie
40271    King, Charles
32702    King, Mr. C.: two children
42764    King, Clara: group of three
30951    King, D. Cleve
40500    King, Connie
43531    King, Eileen
41591    King, Jerry: Polly
43026    King, Joy
48106    King, Kathy
45241    King, Laura
44587    King, Rod: group of three
46521    King, Linn
47582    King, Lorenda
42837    King, Rod
46049    King, Rod
41919    King, Terrie
44489    King, Mr. & Mrs. W. J.
43619    Kings Court Apartments, 711 Royal, Medford
41234    Kingman, Betty
42052    Kinney, Harold: family group
48284    Kinney, Terry
44734    Kinser, David-Couch, Marilyn
45531    Kinsey, Dan-Lindsay, Nancy
45736    Kinsey, Dan
48373    Kinsey, Nancy: Ted
32332    Kirby, Jim
32329    Kirby, John
43770    Kirby, Lorrie
47797    Kirby, Pam
49508    Kirk, Lisa
46794    Kirkelie, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald: Michael
46424    Kirkendall, Liza
45904    Kirkendall, Joe-Elliott, DeLila
46900    Kirkpatrick, George
43752    Kirkpatrick, R. C.: Tanya
39978    Kirkpatrick, Dale
42952    Kirkpatrick, Dorothy: boy
45412    Kirkpatrick, Karen: cap and gown
45189    Kirkpatrick, Karen
32570    Kirkpatrick, Melvin
40516    Kirkpatrick, Ricky
43001    Kirsch, Gary-Rummel, Jackie
43535    Kirsh, Gary
42898    Kirtley, E. M.
43089    Kitchens, Toni
45510    Kittridge, Janet
43105    Kitzman, Sandy
32163    Klatt, Mrs. Art: Patty, Pear Blossom
32212    Kliever, Ed: Shrine
46075    Klimek: four girls
44648    Kline, Mrs. C. W.
41534    Klne, Mrs. C. Weldon
44636    Kline, Susan
42940    Klingseis, Martin-Buchanan, Pat
48051    Klinzing, Robin
39837    Klocker Printery: pears, Reter Fruit Co.
32309    Klum, Mildred
39804    Klutsenbeker, Charles: group
41531    KNICO, Inc.: Knights of Columbus hall
45873    Knight, Mr. & Mrs. Dick
40455    Knight, Mrs. Dick: three children
48441    Knight, Bob
41209    Knight, Rich
               Knights of Columbus: Mansfield, Manno. Dupray, Bolin, Dener, Jeddeloh,
                   Hochstatter, Fr. Brennen, Fr. McMahan
32792    Knights of Columbus
39768    Knights of Columbus: group at country club 1961
39464    Knights of Columbus: fourth degree at country club 1960
45865    Knights of Columbus: banquet, St. Mary's gym 1971
32753    Knights, Mr. R. P.
47085    Knips, John: family group of four
44386    Knowles, George
44928    Knowles, Lee: truck at Witham's
43159    Knox, Mary
32144    Knox: Elks
42757    Knox, Dave-Ray, Vonja
42990    Knox, Vivian
43797    Knudson, Leonard-Burrill, Sandy
45828    Knudsen, Marilyn
39374    Knudsen, Sam
47806    Knutsen, Lewis
39595    Knutson, Aundre
40776    Knudson, Mr. & Mrs. Melvin: family group
40625    Kohlik, Sherry
40268    Kobold, Art
45290    Kobold, Art
47372    Kobold, Art
47952    Koch, Lorrie
47600    Koch, Pam
45946    Kocina, Douglas-Smith, Bette Lou
42217    Kocina, Jerry
46678    Kocina, Lois
47536    Kocina, Ross-Fazia, Christy
49530    Kadin, Roy
44894    Koehler, S. D.
44744    Koehler, Mr. & Mrs. Sam: fiftieth anniversary
43486    Koellner, Nanette: Job's Daughters
42097    Koenig, Kathy
46459    Koepke, Doneva
43183    Koeser, Barbara
44879    Kolkemo, Carol
39204    Kondo, Don
45579    Konopasek, Ann
43536    Konopasek, Bob: bowling association
47950    Konopasek, Judy
44149    Konschot, Carol
44348    Konschot, Carol
44491    Koop, Ronald: family group of three
42068    Koop, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald: group of three
46738    Koopman, Linda
47346    Konopasek, Pauline
41505    Kopperman, Herb-Bell, Judy
44598    Kortt, Mrs. Patricia: family group of three
32023    Korner, Mrs. Dick: three children
44283    Korner, Mr. & Mrs. E. J.
39436    Korth, Mr. & Mrs. Don
41729    Korth, Don-Van Dyke, Bonnie
44224    Kosmatka, Dan
39006    Kosecka, Danusia
39507    Kosecka, Danusia-Bell, Herbert
42576    Kosmatka, Dan
43335    Kosmatka, Patti
46409    Kossler, Gotz-North, Linda
47864    Kossler, Heather
45216    Kostick, George T.
39369    Kovenz, Alice
39388    Kovenz, John
46156    Kuykendall, Greg-Barnum, Jeani
46671    Krack, Carl
44704    Krause, Dave
40479    Krause, Velda-Womack, Bob
44199    Krause, William
32740    Krenerick, Elva: 83 years old
43564    Kretz, Barbara
43533    Kritz, Lin
41677    Kring, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph D.: fiftieth anniversary
40480    Kroh, Michael-Jacobs, Esther
41542    Kromer, Roger
41784    Kromer, Mr. & Mrs. Roger
32749    Krueger, Mrs. Hal: Regina
39397    Krueger, Virginia
39667    Krueger, Virginia
45278    Kruger, Owen: family group
48181    Kruggel, Vickie
44996    Krum, Mr. & Mrs. William E.
46790    Krumdieck, Cindy
32089    Kruse, Rev. Minty Murry
39467    Kubli, E. W.
46838    Kubli, Lois
40448    Kubli, Mr. & Mrs. Norman
45826    Kubli, Mr. Norman
44617    Kubota, Takashi
39142    Kucera, Jerry-Taber, Jean
45067    Kucharik, Chris
39875    Kuckelman, Mrs. L. J.: Jane Ann
32543    Kuckelman, Mrs. Elizabeth: Jane Ann
39213    Kuckelman, Mrs. L. J.: Jane Ann
44652    Kuhlmann, Diana
43482    Kuhn, Jack
40795    Kuitert, Lanita
39486    Kunkel, Deanna
31284    Kunkel, Leilani
41755    Kupillas, Ed A.
47923    Kurtz, Kay
44754    Kurz, Earl
47938    Kuschel, Judy
44882    Kuwasaki, Lee-Randolph, Susan
39959    Kyer, Chuck
41160    KJYC Radio Station: scoreboards
39391    Kyker, Betty
47302    Kyker, Dave-Parks, Sandy
40208    Kyle, Bob
45109    Kyle, Bob
45686    Kyle, Bob
45333    Kyle, Bruce
45439    Kyle, Jim-Nobbs, Robin
45411    Kyle, Karen
40868    Kyle, Mrs. Richard
45078    Kyle, Robert F. Jr.

42864    Lackey, Jim
43659    Ladd, Eva: Groceteria
39498    Laden, John
44214    La Faive, Joe
42540    LaFleur, Marilyn
43009    LaFleur, Marilyn
42178    La Fleur, Marilyn
42700    La Franchise, Joan
43164    Laing, Sharon
39637    Laing, Sandra
39793    Laing, Sandra-Weller, Charles
32580    Laing, Sharon
47942    Laible, Jeff
47097    Laird, Hazel
39746    Lake, Harry
39555    Lake, Harry: Greg
47353    Lamb, Mary Anne
40185    Lamb, Clyde
44737    Lamberg, Mrs. Ray
47849    Lambert, Brian
32410    Lambert, Judi: Leona
46239    Lambert, Peggy
39563    Lamp, Donna
45325    Lampkin, Janice
43599    Landrum, Janice
46500    Landers
40817    Landers, Fred: PP&L retirement
               Lane, Vonale
40262    Lane, Mrs. Bilbee: Tanya
40724    Lane, Ennnis: family group
32334    Lane, P. W.
41596    Lang, Don
47991    Lang, Janice
48362    Langton, Randy
49460    Langfield, Cherol
48494    Langfield, Dan
47918    Langford, Jack
40623    Langford, Vern
45133    Langille, Barbara
43429    Langston, John
47390    Langton, Chris
46402    Langton, Nick
46515    Langston, J. W.: family group of four
39306    Lantz, Gene
47958    Lantz, Lori
45863    La Pierre, Wilfred: family group
45103    Larch, John
40982    Large, Cassie
32251    Large, Mr. & Mrs. George: family group
41313    Larimer, Janice
42823    Larimer, Janice-Baker, Les
39027    Larimer, Kathy
32638    Larimer, Kathy
32578    Larimer, Mrs. Kathryn
32515    Larison, Kathryn
45861    Larson, Betsy
45823    Larson, Danny
41728    Larson, Eda-Thomas, Richard
46983    Larson, Betsy & Janis
44142    Larson, Mr. & Mrs. John
43912    Larson, Juliene
46626    Larsen, Lawrence
               Larson, Leslie-Matland, Ron
44514    Larson, Robert: two girls
47507    Larson, Robert: family group of four
43273    Larson, Robert H. (Karen Ann)
40320    Larson, Sharon
39238    Larson, Virginia
44967    Larson, Wally
45575    Larutan Northwest Inc.
59850    Lashey, Linda
47121    Lastiwka, Tolly
42789    Latham, Jerry
43397    Latimer, Mr. & Mrs. David
45592    Latimer, Sherry: and son
43913    LaTourrette, Wayne
48184    Latour, Ron
43615    Lattimer, J .C.: Shannon
45104    Laubacher, Mary Ann
49517    Lauchstedt, Eric
47639    Laurine, Peggy
47904    Lausman, Craig
42241    Lausmann, A. A.
41680    Lausman, Jerry
32218    Lathrop, Mr. & Mrs. A. T.
41594    Lausmann, A. A.
42736    Lausmann, Donnis: group of three
32743    Lausman, Mrs. Jerry: three children
32206    Lausmann, Jerry: Shrine
32235    Lausmann, Mrs. Jerry: glamour
42199    Lausmann, Jerry
41669    Lausmann, Marian
48214    Lambert, Bonnie
48032    Lawrence, Pattie
44806    Lawler, Duane
45307    Lawler, Susan
39822    Lawrence, Mr. & Mrs. Fred
45936    Lawrence, Mr. & Mrs. Fred: family group
46177    Lawrence, Glenn
41533    Lawrence, James
43020    Lawrence, Jim-Steinbach, Terry
44479    Lawrence, Jim
42722    Lawrence, Jim
39705    Lawrence, Leon
42927    Lawrence, William B.
48529    Lawson-Totentino
32651    Lawson, DeEtta
39982    Lawson, DeEtta
40451    Lawson, De Etta
40273    Lawson, De Etta
42339    Lawson, Mrs. Earl: grandchildren group
40134    Lawson, Mrs. Earl
32418    Lawson, Dr. Earl: family group
48013    Lawson, Karen
39084    Lawson, Ted
46434    Lawton, Delores
47422    Layton, Jan
43387    Lawton, Linda
48088    Layton, Rick
48090    Lazzeri, Matt
32524    Lea, Larry: prom
46188    Lea, Larry-Hull, Deanna
43814    Lea, Marilyn
42536    Lea, Marilyn
41202    Lea, Paul
32746    Lea, Sandra: in costume
41089    Lea, Sonya
41092    Lea, Sonya-Whittenberg, James
41866    Leach, Kathy
42417    Leaf, Chad
40653    Leahy, Mrs. Charles: Richard Slavin
45716    Leahy, Charles
44218    Lear, Lillian
41760    Leard, Earl
41643    Leard, Ken
41946    Leard, Pat
46278    Leary, June
59598    Leary, Sue
46889    Leaverton, Barbara
46266    Leaverton, Peggy-Leith, Jon
32118    Leavell, Herbert: discharge
45619    Leavens, Bob
39402    Leavens, Mrs. Darrel: Jim
44034    Leavens, John
41853    Leavens, Mary Carol
45797    Leavens, Mary Carol-Day, Tom
41446    Leavitt, Mr. & Mrs. Art
47149    Le Blanc, David
43253    Le Blanc, Cindy
46032    Le Blanc, Loise
44467    Le Blanc, Randy
45338    Le Bleu, Fred
44961    Le Bleu, Fred
39656    Leck, Pat
45475    Ledder, Bud
43809    Ledder, L. F.
41785    Ledder, Laverne
39675    Ledder, L. F.
47087    Lee, Ed
47293    Lee, John-Bennett, Nancy
49473    Lee, Kathy-Daniels, Carl
47101    Lees, Thomas & Cynthia
43919    Lee, Amy
41970    Lee, Art
41287    Lee, Bonnie
30106    Lee, C. M.
43211    Lee, Gary
42602    Lee, Janet
43739    Lee, Jerry: bowling association
45933    Lee, OK
42371    Lee, Sam-Becker, Barbara: wedding at Mon Desir
40021    Lee, Walter
40159    Leek, Mr. & Mrs. Aulton
40099    Leek, Pat: funeral
41077    Leek, Pat
41503    Leek, Pat-Findley, Jack
43347    Leever, Bill
46709    Leever, Connie
45679    Leever, Jeff
44665    Leever, Mike
39802    Leffler, C. A.: group of three
39770    Leffler, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A.
45857    Leffmann, Jim
44137    Leftrick, Trudy
40524    Legas, Rosanne
40217    Legg, Dave
40490    Lehnert, Richard
40763    Lehnert, Roger
46594    Leines, Lori
42846    Leith, Floyd
46266    Leith, Jon-Leaverton, Peggy
43276    Lemacks, Gary
45896    Le Master, Ron
41170    LeMasters, Sherry
42959    Lemery, Mrs. C. W.
39760    Lemieux, Sgt. Joseph
45491    Lemings, Leon-Renninger, Eunice
44349    Le Mire, Mrs.: open house, eight-second birthday
42018    Le Mire, Stefan
45820    Lemley, Dr. C. D.
41024    Lemmon, David
31118    Lennox, Elbert
46091    Lentz, Bill
42283    Lentz, Robert-Smith, Linda
47924    Leonard, Craig
43215    Leonard, Star
40032    Leonnig, Mrs. H. R.: four children
42311    Leonnig, Herb
47047    Leonnig, Linda
47077    Leonnig, Laura
40179    Leonnig, Herbert
46478    Le Roy, Jennifer
44959    LeRoy, Tanna
32153    LeRoy, Mrs. Vernon: Mary Helen, Pear Blossom
41552    Leschensky, Mrs. Charles
44452    Lester, Barbara
39604    Lesueur, Mrs.
42566    Levtzow, Joyce
46864    Levison, Dennis-Ramsey, Cheryl
59876    Lew, Lois: German shepherd
41769    Lewandowski, Christine
47953    Lewellan, Kathy
44829    Lewellen, Gary D.: Lisa
40383    Lewellyn, Del
46238    Lewellyn, Jennifer: Bill
40168    Lewellyn, Peggy
47405    Lewis, Don-Deforest, Leslie
46514    Lewis, Jim-Lindeen, Linda
47327    Lewis, John
47327    Lewis, John
42681    Lewis, Barbara, Faye & Henry
43624    Lewis, Charles
39625    Lewis, Mrs. Claude-Randy, Becky
44482    Lewis, Clayton: group of seven
44378    Lewis, Clayton
40781    Lewis, Mrs. Clayton: dog
44485    Lewis, Clifford: family of three
40477    Lewis, Cliff-Masterson, Emily
40123    Lewis, Clifford
48048    Lewis, Clyde
47405    Lewis-DeForest
39390    Lewis, Diane
44930    Lewis, Edward M.
41430    Lewis, Ellen
47006    Lewis-Krug
39444    Lewis, Mrs. George
32411    Lewis, George L.
43713    Lewis, Gordon
40305    Lewis, Harry
44458    Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Lawton
40596    Lewis, Linda
39453    Lewis, Mike
43344    Lewis, Paul
40804    Lewis, Ray
46658    Lewis, Rebecca
46374    Lewis, Rebecca
44035    Lewis, Rick
39471    Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Roger: group of three
39422    Lewis, Mrs. S. C.: mother and two children
43829    Lewis, Steve
43459    Lewis, Steve
47596    Lewis, Sue
39800    Lewis, Tom: with drums
48299    Lewis, Wes
39035    Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Co.: Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital
43115    Libby, Bob
39923    Libby, Carol
42284    Libby, Carol-Wirth, Dave
48300    Libby, Don
43554    Libby, Nancy (Bogener): majorette
40462    Lichti, Bob
47472    Lieuallen, Robert
45505    Liggett & Myers Inc.: Duane B. Hadley
46512    Liles, Wanda
47317    Lilly, Donna
               Lilly, Robert & Donna
42045    Lilly, Gordon
43883    Lilligren, Mr. & Mrs. H. M.
43196    Lilly, Barbara
44086    Linderman, Eugene R.: scars on face
44085    Linderman, Jim: scars on face
45353    Lindsay, Nancy
42746    Lindsay, Nancy
41739    Lindquist, Raymond
46186    Lindsay, Marlene-Brugger, Allen
59589    Linder, Laree
41982    Lindstrom, Kenneth
40233    Linebaugh, Charles
42163    Linebaugh, George
41568    Linebaugh, Henry
40232    Linebaugh, Lawrence
40231    Linebaugh, Paul
40230    Linebaugh, Ralph
40759    Lindgren, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred
44677    Lindesmith, Jane
39144    Lindley, Max: David
38956    Lindley, Mrs. Max: David
43661    Lindsay, Don: Groceteria
45531    Lindsay, Nancy-Kinsey, Dan
41517    Lindstrom, Edward: group of three
42408    Lingren, Don
47164    Lininger, Dale
46365    Lininger, Jeff
47251    Lingrin, Linda
46687    Lingren, Linda
45860    Linn, Cheryl
39726    Linn, Glenn: Shrine
42980    Linn, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn
45768    Linn, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn
40682    Linn, Tom
48272    Linstrom, Jon
46491    Linton, John
47442    Linville, Glenn-Huffman, Peggy
44971    Lippert, Brigitte
45997    Lippert, Brigette
45052    Lippert, Ed
38975    Lippert, Ed: bull
41343    Lippert, Ed
45302    Lippert, Leslie
43251    Lippert, Lorene
41938    Lippert, Lorine
44926    Lippert, Susan
32709    Lisac, Mr. & Mrs. D. S.
38950    Lisac, John
46022    Lisac, John
48365    Liska, Carrie
42319    Little, Frank W.
32248    Little, Mrs. Frank: Amaranth
44565    Little, Mr & Mrs. Jack W.
39715    Little, Kay-Dorey, Roger
44858    Little, Larry-Hilton, Peg
40193    Little, Mrs. Robert: Carole, Roberta, Bill
43741    Little, Larry: bowling association
43990    Little, Robi
45799    Little, Vivian
32268    Littrell, Mrs. E. A.: in centennial costume
41424    Littrell, Mrs. E. A.
43640    Littrell, Michelle
43304    Littrell, Mike
44241    Litts, Dr. & Mrs. Harry: anniversary
47059    Liu, Peter-Smith, Debra
39290    Livesay, Barry
39355    Livesay, Mrs. L.
40115    Lobdell, Ralph
32405    Locken, Norman
39222    Lobdell, Ralph
45339    Lockard, Debbie
45699    Lockard, Debbie
41795    Lockman, Geri: Billy
41879    Lockman, Sherry
42279    Lockridge, Mary
42172    Lockwood, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
46122    Lochard, Laurie
46834    Lochard, Susan
39191    Lodge, Laura
44528    Loffer, John
42606    Lofland, Barbara
47412    Logan, Wayne
47213    Logan, Wayne
41750    Logan, Eloise
41184    Logan, Pam
40617    Logan, Bill
44816    Logan, Richard: Andy, Nancy
42996    Logan, Mrs. Richard: Andy, Nancy
41004    Logue, Mrs. Judy: Lynne
44440    Loibl, Harold: Sandy, Cindy, Terri
43577    Loibl, Harold
45606    Loibl, Harold: family group of six
45208    Loibl, Sandy
45798    Loibl, Sandy-Adams, George
48324    Lombard, Becky
40210    Lommen, Dallas-Martin, Susan
40828    Long, Ethel
42246    Long, Mrs. George
47843    Long, Michael G.
47374    Long, Jim-Jackson, Connie
45899    Longan, Pam
40945    Longanecker, Kathrine: Eddie
42750    Longdon, Mr. & Mrs. Donald
45094    Longie, Brian
45251    Longie, Keith
45689    Longie, Mike
46160    Longmore, Adele
46787    Longmore, Adele
               Loo, Ed: Shaw surgical sitting
47365    Looney, Cheryl
41008    Looper, Harold
41453    Looper, Mrs. Harold
42861    Looper, Mr. & Mrs. Larry
39612    Looper, O. W.
45887    Lopez, Carolyn
32762    Lopez, Richard-Chisholm, Maralee
44544    Lord, Diane
42518    Lord, Karen
40710    Lorenz, Don
43732    Lorenz, Don-Carnegie, Mary Ann
44708    Lorish, Fred
44430    Lorish, Dr. & Mrs. Fred
32687    Lorish, Dr.: two children
42256    Lorish, Dr. Fred
42104    Lorish, Dr. Fred. C.: family group
41075    Lorish, Dr. & Mrs. Fred
40756    Lorish, Dr.: family group in home
39426    Lorish, Dr. & Mrs.: Christmas cards
39203    Lorish, Fred
42159    Lorish, Fred
42477    Lorish, Mary
41947    Lorish, Mary
42307    Lorish, Mary
32821    Loros, Mrs. Dick: Gregory
32270    Lorton, Mrs.: Patricia
41236    Lorton, Michael
41031    Lorton, Patricia
41712    Lorton, Patricia: Job's Daughters
45098    Loffer, Jim
44629    Lotz, Andy-Waltz, Judy
40820    Lotz, Charles
43130    Loughary, Helen
42039    Love, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald
44047    Lovenborg, George
40646    Lowery, Jack
40620    Lowery, Marylee
32141    Lowry, Bonnie
39942    Lowry, David
46167    Lowry, Mary & David
42174    Lowry, David
32596    Lowry, Lucile
40369    Lowry, Lucile
46117    Lowry, Lucy
42934    Lowthian, Libby
42047    Lowthian, Rick
42176    Lowthian, Rick
44399    Loy, Vern-Graham, Linda
43903    Loy, Vern-Graham, Linda
32633    Lucas, George
32773    Lucas, Linda-Hannon, Ron
43398    Lucas, Pat
43393    Lucas, Scott
39825    Luce, Linda
48147    Lucich, Ron
39360    Luchterhand, H. S.
45373    Lucich, Mike
45374    Lucich, Terry
43044    Lucier, Robert
46058    Lue, Ralph
41113    Luehrs, Pam
45407    Luethe, Mary
42850    Lulay, Father
59638    Lull, LaDonna
42015    Lundt, John F.
48321    Lung, Denise
32112    Lunsford, Delvin: with guitar
45153    Luong, Kim
44311    Lusk, Mrs. John: group of four
32053    Lusk, John
44191    Lusk, Kirby
47450    Lyman, Nancy-Cole, Dennis
45614    Lynch, Candy
45830    Lynch, Candy & John
40846    Lynch, Jack: family group
45558    Lynch, Linda
46138    Lyman, William
40363    Lynch, Ursula
32734    Lyons, Betty-Orr, Greg
32615    Lyons, Betty
32040    Lyons, Beverly
32512    Lyons, Beverly
44740    Lyons, David
46121    Lyons, Davis
40022    Lyons, Ted
45023    Lynch, William F.
46230    Lust, Logal
32316    Lutheran Church: confirmation 1959
39815    Lyda, Floyd
41211    Lyda, Lloyd
32445    Lyda, Lloyd
45255    Lyda, Linda-Huston, Gary
40011    M. & W. Chain Saw Co.: Milligan go-kart
48432    Maavestad, Gilbert: group of five
47160    Macartney, Steve
45198    MacDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Bob
39533    MacDonald, Mrs. Jim: Jeanine
43991    MacDonald, Mike
43972    Macdonald, Thomas: family group of four
45837    MacDonald, Laurie
32312    Mace, Mrs. Jack
40884    Mack, Herman: family group
43563    MacKeeby, Ruth
42169    Mackenzie, Don
42127    MacKenzie, Don
39731    MacLarnan, Betty
44061    Macleod, Maurice: fiftieth anniversary
47108    Madara, Sharon
44763    Madara, James
39451    Madden, Mr. D. T.
48053    Madden, Jenny
42208    Madden, Margaret
43082    Madden, Marv
41283    Madden, Sara
32733    Madden, William-Dunlap, Shirley
43664    Maddox, Ardys: Groceteria
46876    Maddox, Dan-Norris, Lucie
38999    Maddux, Mike & Sara
43878    Maddox, Raoul: Amy
42240    Maddox, Mrs. Raoul: Mark
39817    Maddox, Mrs. Raoul: Todd
40584    Maddox, Timmy
46244    Moffett, Jim: band
47013    Magoon, Mr. & Mrs.
42742    Mahar, Louis: family group of eight
45756    Mahar, Mike: family group; Mike, Mary, Shannon
44619    Mahar, Mike
32181    Mai, Father
               Mail Tribune: Jen Woods November 1968
               Mail Tribune: track team 1971, Jim Johnston, John Nuich
               Mail Tribune: Partridge
               Mail Tribune: Dr. Case
               Mail Tribune: Boyden, Janouch
               Mail Tribune: flower arrangement, Fred Coleman
               Mail Tribune: Spiegelberg, basketball team 1959
46713    Mahon
45522    Majors, Lou
47241    Mak, Keith: Brandon
47104    Mak: dog
47433    Mellor, Hazel
47104    Mak, Mr. & Mrs. & family
47078    Mak, Susan: park
39602    Makinson, B. B.
41153    Mallams, Duane
43261    Mallams, Tom
40856    Mallory, JoAnna
46846    Malloy, Mike
45243    Malloy, Gertrude
43988    Malot, Tom: family group of four
41443    Malot, Mr. & Mrs. Tom: group of three
44279    Malson, John
41682    Malvini, Josephine
41085    Malvini, Richard
46483    Mannen, Tom-Hawkins, Cheri
46974    Mandelson, Mary
42723    Mandle, Linda
43965    Mandle, Susan
43772    Mandle, Susan
46548    Manke, Michelle
46579    Mann, Don: group of six adults
32816    Mann, E. H.
42051    Mann, Doug
43310    Mann, Bob
43317    Mannen, Tom
39242    Manning, Bill
43818    Manno, A. R.
39722    Manno, A. R.
39376    Manno, Anne
32399    Manno, Anne: Leona
32400    Manno, Louie: Anne
59786    Manser
43817    Mansfield, John: Knights of Columbus
41747    Mansfield, John
48118    Mansveld, Randy
39102    Manthe, Martin-Betschart, Elizabeth
47355    Mapes, Morgan
45534    Mapes, Karen
47721    Maple, Jeff
46189    Mak, Keith-Bartlett, Pam
41960    Maravilla, Narciso
39484    Marble, Mrs. Fred: Tanya
45595    Marcisz, Beth
43392    Marcisz, Dan
41905    Marcisz, Janet
44487    Marcisz, Sue
40634    Marcum, Mr. & Mrs. Dean
44300    Marier, Tom
40345    Marier, Tom: Jaci Lynne
59606    Marin, Frank: Mitzi
               Marin, Mitzie
42711    Marin, Pearl
47403    Markham, Nelson-Wickline, Sandra
48416    Markee, Brian
46607    Markelle, Jerald-Hanks, Jean
42586    Marlia, Joseph
45580    Marks, Chrystal
45629    Marlia, Liz
44441    Marlia, Mary Ann
45940    Marlon, Jack: Right to Bear Arms
43326    Marmo, Linda
42825    Marney, Manuela
47431    Marquardt, Dr. Bernard
41800    Marrs, Mrs. C. J.: three children
46788    Marrs, Donna
41447    Marrs, Mr. & Mrs. Herman
45299    Marrs, Lauralee
46522    Marrs, Lynette
47514    Marrs, Randy-Bishop, Joanie
45405    Marsh, Donald-Blenkush, Georgia
32567    Marsh, Mr. R. E.
41735    Marsh, R. E.: house on Mira Mar
44290    Marshall, Sheryl
42782    Marshall, Donna
39526    Marshall, Joseph
40782    Marshall, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
39676    Martin, Miss Dortha
42310    Martin, Frank
48297    Martin, Fritz
46679    Martin, Greg-Rice, Christy
48376    Martin, H. O.: family of fifteen
               Martin, Harvey: family of five
44321    Martin, Harvey: family of three
39888    Martin, Hiram
46024    Martin, Kathy
43252    Martin, Hiram V.
39934    Martin, Jim
42285    Martin, John-Darneille, Lindsay
32611    Martin, Marilyn
42828    Martin, Maxine
43332    Martin, Meredith
43757    Martin, Meredith
42132    Martin, Meredith
41974    Martin, Pam
44418    Martin, Pearl
45684    Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Ed
43181    Martin, R. L.
44794    Martin, Robert
44105    Martin, Robert
41064    Martin, Ronda
39104    Martin, Sarah
40210    Martin, Susan-Lommen, Dallas
47136    Martin, Terri
47312    Martin, Roy-Altenburg, Marsha
47304    Martin, Roy-Altenburg, Marsha
47256    Martin, Marla
46910    Martin, Randy
43213    Martin, Valerie
43907    Martin, Vern R.
43293    Martin, Virginia
41842    Martin, Viola
32696    Martin, Wallace
39114    Martolin, Jim
45825    Marty, Thelma
43672    Marty, Mrs. Thelma
44947    Marx, Mr. & Mrs. Homer
39541    Marx, Homer: Concrete Steel Co.
44339    Maryott, Keith
46541    Mason, Bruce-King, Sue
46420    Mason, Bruce-King, Sue
42031    Mason, Jerry
45708    Medford Masonic Lodge: installation 1971
45140    Masonic Lodge
44608    Masonic Lodge
44630    Masonic Lodge
44078    Masonic Lodge: Otis Clasby; Halvorsen, Henry; Johnson, Al; Dobbins, Ed
44079    Masonic Lodge: Blue Lodge installation 1967
32777    Masonic Lodge
42156    Masonic Lodge
40810    Masonic Lodge: installation 1963
41504    Masonic Lodge: Blue Lodge installation 1963
32020    Masonic Lodge
39504    Masonic Lodge: Oestreich
42788    Masonic Lodge: installation 1965
43663    Mast, Fred: Groceteria
40477    Masterson, Emily-Lewis, Cliff
32720    Masterson, Mr. & Mrs. H. J.
48318    Matchett, Roy: family of six
42157    Materie, James J.: birth registration
32487    Matheny, Judy
40544    Matheny, Lana
42277    Mather, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
38940    Mathern, Jerry-Ross, Judy
45178    Mathern, Minnie: ninetieth birthday
45532    Mathews, Billie-Christiansen, Bob
45462    Mathewson, Cordell-Cantonwine, Dana
41351    Mathewson, Cordell
32602    Mathey, Julie
59583    Larson, Leslie-Matland, Ron
39932    Matocha, Mrs. Joe: Kathy
43761    Matson, Arnie: bowling association
40871    Mattheisen, Jo & Mark
44678    Mattheisen, Mrs. Ronald: and son
39658    Mattheisen, Mrs. Ronald
39547    Mattheisen, Ronald: Concrete Steel Co.
47061    Matthews, Ester: family group
32614    Matthews, Anne
41818    Mathews, Janice
45006    Matthews, Billie
42111    Matthews, Janice-Schulz, Leo
32558    Matthews, Janice
41065    Matthews, Oliver
42463    Mattox, Milo
45602    Mattson, Lorie
45089    Mattson, Kathy
41213    Mattson, Linda
32154    Mattson, Mrs. W. C.: Michael, Pear Blossom
39349    Mattson, Mr. & Mrs. W.: family group
41975    Maulding, Rick
32441    Maupin, Mrs.: naturalization
42493    Maurer, Andy
41814    Maurer, Grant
47937    Maurer, Susan
47356    Mavais, Stephen: family group
               Maxfield, Bob
41364    Maxson, Roger
42288    Maxson, Sandra-McLaughlin, Pat
41337    Maxson, Terry
40351    Maxwell, David-Mooney, Marilyn
41695    Maxwell, Mr. & Mrs. Harry E.: group of three
44766    May, Donna-Huber, Ron: S.O.C. students
48019    May, Mike
46004    Mayer, Bill
45135    Mayer, Bob
44244    Mayer, Bob
45324    Mayer, Ed
44015    Mayer, Dr. R. M.: family group
40728    Mayer, Mrs. R. M.
42109    Mayer, Dr. R. M.: family in home
43255    Mayer, Roland
40647    Mayer, Dr. R. M.: four boys
32473    Mayer, Dr. R. N..
39404    Mayer, Dr.: four boys
45682    Mayer, Dr. R. M.: Tom, Tim
45568    Mayfield, Nancy
47986    Mayhew, Bea
46437    Mays, Barbara
44327    Maytag Corp.
44831    Mays, Rev. Erman: confirmation 1969
43522    Meador, John: Braziel, Diane
44174    Meadors, Greg
43953    Meadors, Madelaine
47744    Meadows, Cindy
39205    Mears, Nicki
39647    Meat Cutters Union: meeting 1961
41635    Mecklem, Darrell
45819    MacLauchlen, Kelly
46410    Medcalf, Gail
47217    Mecum, Cliff
39277    Medcalf, Linda
43542    Medcalf, L. W.
43248    Medical Center Building: exterior
32464    Medical Dental Hospital Bureau: booth at convention 1959
44656    Medford Beauty School: display
32323    Medford Bowling Lanes: sign for Arroyo
41021    Medford Builders Exchange: Legal Arts Building
40897    Medford Builders Exchange: Grants Pass Federal Savings & Loan
40971    Medford Builders Exchange: Health Center
32443    Medford Forest Products
42998    Medford Gospel Mission: exterior
47311    Medford Bowlers
44664    Medford Ice & Storage: exterior and interior
44375    Medford Ice & Storage: Lew Thurman at desk
44158    Medford Ice & Storage
38968    Medford Ice & Storage: interior
39944    Medford Ice & Storage: Stagecoach Orchards
43087    Medford, Linda
45175    Medford Masonic Lodge: installation 1969
32275    Medford Paint Store: interiors
39502    Medford Realty: exterior
44250    Medicus, Leslie
44192    Medina, Edward: family group of five
45121    Medkeff, Mrs. Harold: Tina
38934    Medley, Kathy
48219    Meeds, Bruce
46887    Meeds, Sherman
46372    Meehan, John
46993    Meek-Turner
59825    Meek, JoAnne
41882    Meeker, Kathy
32798    Meeker, Lee
41444    Meeker, Pat-Rouhier, David
39936    Meeker, Patty
40750    Meeker, Richard
42192    Megstadt, Mrs. Jim: Marc
41766    Meier, Bill: United Crusade
42900    Meier, Harvey-Horton, Dorothy
43266    Meier, Judy
41337    Meier, Gretchen-DeFord, Ted
32087    Meister, Dorothy: baby boy
45220    Melendes, Ignacio
45349    Melick, Linda: with dog
46568    Melick, Tonya
40466    Mencke, Carolyn
42316    Mencke, Ed
43957    Mencke, Mr. & Mrs. Ray
               Mencke, Arline
41808    Mengel, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
47011    Mengus, Michael-Wolford, Janice
40610    Mentzer, Terri
39851    Mercer, Al
43955    Merchant, Suzanne
40298    Meredith, June
42628    Meredith, Ken
43386    Merickel, Dawn
41955    Merickel, Mike
41799    Merickel, Mike: pigeon trainer
42544    Merickle, Mike
46806    Merrell, Laura: Job's Daughters
48304    Merrell, Linda
43133    Merrill, Melinda
44332    Merrill, Mrs. W. B.
43936    Merriman, Sherry
48123    Merritt, Nellie
41266    Merton, Mick
39090    Messenger, Robert-Bratcher, Therza
               Messmer, Bruce
42197    Metcalf, Mrs. Ed: Christine
39522    Mete, Alex
41934    Metz, Ted
40678    Metz, Tom
59809    Metz, Wendy
48251    Metz, Wendy
               Meuser, Judith
42598    Meves, Jim
48112    Meyer, Debbie
59751    Meyer, Denise
48148    Meyer, Jim-Kay, Jae
48027    Meyer, Denise
41459    Meyer, Larry
42389    Meyer, Pearl
45771    Meyerding, Dr. E. V.
32455    Meyers, Bill
42783    Meyers, Mary
48207    Meyers, Pam
41921    Meyers, Mrs. Paul
47147    Meyers, Daniel-Pickett, Maurine
44687    Michael, Jerry
45930    Michael, Gary
43960    Michael, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry
41779    Michele, Mary E.
42978    Mickelson, Mrs. Art: two children
39595    Mickelson, Mrs. A.
46481    Michaelson, Casey: group of four
46888    Mickelson, Lisa
48311    Mickelson, Sarah
46853    Middendorf, Coty
46426    Middendorf
46140    Middendorff
39536    Middleton, Jack: Concrete Steel Co.
39145    Midway Meat Co.
41529    Miksche, Gary-Burton, Jaci
32288    Miksche, Tony-Redhead, Nancy
46751    Milanovich, Charles-Mann, Phyllis
43827    Miles, Dan: Tim
40543    Miles, Dan
45560    Milhoan, Mrs. R.
43506    Milhoan, Victor
39845    Milhoan, Vic
47007    Miller-Buntrock
44512    Miller, Barbara
32575    Miller, Barbara
45369    Miller, Carol: Job's Daughters
39926    Miller, Connie
40696    Miller, Connie
49553    Miller, Connie
47566    Miller, Connie: mother and daughter
43066    Miller, Craig-Chelardi, Cheryl
43055    Chelardi, Cheryl
45916    Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Don
47354    Miller, Don
41405    Miller, Dale
30684    Miller, Darlene-Tucker, Martin
40988    Miller, Darrell
40929    Miller, Dave
38984    Miller, Duane
45300    Miller, Earl
40434    Miller, Earl
40726    Miller, Mrs. Earl
48068    Miller, Frances: Carol, Gilbert
49835    Moeller, Mr. & Mrs. Henry: home sitting
43033    Miller, Gary-Kellenberger, Candy
41011    Miller, George-Dunn, Colleen
47049    Miller, Greg
44338    Miller, Hannah
40131    Miller, J. G.
43695    Miller, Mrs. James: Chris
43792    Miller, J. G.
40287    Miller, Mrs. James
41564    Miller, Jane
47416    Miller, Janet
43141    Miller, John
477102  Miller, John
42496    Miller, Judy
41176    Miller, Julie
41540    Miller, Kit
41820    Miller, Laura
41103    Miller, Linda
48061    Miller, Lisa
32252    Miller, Loraine
44203    Miller, M. M.
42734    Miller, Marian
478166  Miller, Mike
43024    Miller, Orth
44567    Miller, Patty
45496    Miller, Don
43905    Miller, Rita
46784    Miller, Roy
31196    Miller, Mrs. R.
               Miller, Dr. William
42886    Miller, Ray
46314    Miller, Ellen
32061    Miller, Mrs. Rodney: Lasa
43985    Miller, Roy: family group of seven
39972    Miller, S. C.
43445    Miller, Sandra
44931    Miller, Shirley
40814    Miller, Stephen
44838    Miller, Ted-Hamilton, Jo
43119    Miller, Viola: group of two
45201    Miller, Walt: in uniform
46430    Miller, Walt-Padgett, Shirley
39920    Milligan, Ruth
41383    Milligan, Ruth
43342    Milligan, Virginia
43539    Mills, Bill-Shaver, Sheryl
41051    Mills, Bruce T.
45479    Mills, John-Gandt, Caroline
44367    Mills, Robert-Hall, Marlene
39301    Mills, William
48243    Millspaugh, Janet
39784    Milne, Mr. & Mrs. Ed
32584    Milne, Gary
43709    Milne, Janice: cap and gown
45853    Milne, John: two children
41983    Milne, Rick
42988    Milne, Cathy
44626    Milne, John
44723    Milne, John: Nicole
44836    Milner, Dick
39076    Milnes, Greg
41778    Milnes, Victor: family group
44029    Milnes, Vicki
46602    Minato, Alfie-Campbell, Bonn
48101    Minear, Donalyn
43324    Minear, Donalyn
40866    Minear, Mrs. Jessie: family group
40952    Minear, Mrs.
46334    Minear, Becky
45959    Minear, Mary Jo
44773    Minear, Mary Jo
46184    Minear, Mary Jo-Flenner, Murl
32479    Miner, Marvin
48330    Minear, Robert C. & Zelna
47011    Mingus, Mike-Wolford, Janice
475604  Minifie, Fred
44736    Minnie, Marie-Dyche, Dave
44163    Minne, Marie
42965    Minneci, Gloria
39931    Minneci, Steve
43662    Minnis, Mike: Groceteria
46726    Minser, Ted
42513    Minshall, Dorothy
39779    Minshall, Marsha
40409    Minshall, Marsha-Franklin, Duane
32770    Minter, Robert R.: Terry
41924    Miranda, Susan
39606    Mirick, I. A.: with baton
47892    Mische, Carol [Miksche?]
47091    Miska, Patty
47186    Mitchell Bros.
46899    Mitchell, Daryl
42161    Mitchell, Mrs. B. D.
39493    Mitchell, Barbara
39661    Mitchell, Barbara: Job's Daughters
43729    Mitchell, Brenda
43744    Mitchell, Shelly
43013    Mitchell, Brenda: cap and gown
42511    Mitchell, Brenda
43117    Mitchell, Brenda
42877    Mitchell, Brenda
40358    Mitchell, Brent: cap and gown
40711    Mitchell, Clifton
46226    Mitchell, Delores
42779    Mitchell, Geraldine: P.E.O.
40602    Mitchell, Gibb
41752    Mitchell, Gibb
40998    Mitchell, Gibb: cap and gown
40880    Mitchell, Jim
48423    Mitchell, Kathy
39791    Mitchell, Mary Ellen
48007    Mitchell, Peter
44844    Mitchell, Shelly
44780    Mitchell, Shelly
32772    Mitchell, Signa
32105    Moad, Mrs. J. L.: Jack
45346    Moberly, Bill
45385    Mobley, Kathy
44908    Mode, Allison
44601    Modee, Susan: Job's Daughters
32371    Modern Office Systems: Thermofax
40300    Moeller, Wilson-Kapusuinski, Wanda
46473    Moffit, Anita
46892    Moffitt, Mrs. Paul
40851    Mogensen, Sandria
47447    Mohr, Bill-Wienecke, Kathy
45473    Mohr, Mr. & Mrs. Virgil
43560    Mohr, Bill
45409    Mohr, Candy
39115    Moloney Electric Co.: transformers
43523    Mole, Edna
43246    Mollett, Linda
43715    Mollett, Linda: cap and gown
46846    Molloy, Angela
46846    Molloy, Mike
41022    Molloy, Gertrude
41423    Monia, Carol
32085    Monical, Mrs. Gary: Lisa
45503    Monahan, Greg-Shasky, Carolyn
43170    Monia, Carol
41716    Monk, William-Morlan, Karen
45369    Montgomery, Robert-Foulon, Carol
46166    Monroe, Carl
43509    Monroe, Capt. Anthony A.
39442    Monroe, Mrs.: three children
41192    Monroe, Jeff
41208    Monroe, Mel
40730    Monroe, Ralph
32059    Monroe, Tony
42794    Monroe, Tony
44473    Monsour, Donald: Michelle
48445    Montgomery, DeAnne
48316    Montgomery, Scott
40416    Montgomery, Mr. & Mrs. T. R.
44018    Moody, Mr. & Mrs. Clyde
41335    Moody, David: scars on leg
40351    Mooney, Marilyn-Maxwell, David
45627    Moon, Christine
47979    Moore, Annelise
45296    Moore, Connie
44533    Moore, C. D.: family group
40406    Moore, Mrs. C. D.: Mary
41679    Moore, Charles
43553    Moore, Dennis
41989    Moore, Dennis
45928    Moore, Mrs. Frank
45277    Moore, Dr. Frank
43123    Moore, Gary: family group, Darren
45328    Moore, Gregg
43637    Moore, Hattie
45282    Moore, Dr. Frank: Wendy, Scott
44791    Moore, Dr. Frank: two children
46688    Moore, Helen
40915    Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry
32624    Moore, Mike
47033    Moore, Westmoreland
47107    Moore, R. W.: Libby, Danny
47122    Moore, Mrs.
32716    Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Orie S.
45707    Moore, Victor: Jodell, Tom
44624    Moore, Paul Robert
32435    Moore, Paul
45707    Moore, Tom
40374    Moore, Mrs. Paul
32657    Moore, Mrs. Rawles
47187    Moore, Tom
47647    Moore, Zebi
47148    Morache, Martha
47151    Moran, Chris
48015    Moran, Marcus
32376    More Display
46477    Morehouse
43550    Morehouse, Alice
45913    Morgan, Dennis-Foulon, Rene
47240    Morgan, Debbie
47820    Morgan, Dee
45438    Morgan, Donald
44782    Morgan, Stan
44584    Morgan, Bruce-Quitt, Arlene
41223    Morgan, Anthony
45039    Morgan, Mr. & Mrs. Bill
46866    Morgan, Bill-Mattson, Laveda
45214    Morgan, James-Nevin, Donna
41527    Morgan, Keith: family group
44030    Morgan, Mr. & Mrs. Richard
43546    Morgan, Roy: family groups of three and five
46656    Morgan, Richard
43611    Morgan, Stan
44539    Morgan, Susan & Brenda
43589    Morgan, Susan
43548    Morgan, Susan
44316    Morlan, Ed
41129    Morlan, Karen
39254    Morlan, Linda
32540    Morlan, Karen
41716    Morlan, Karen-Monk, William
39452    Morris, Mrs.
47973    Morris, Becky
43852    Morris, Becky
43061    Morris, Beckie
46734    Morris, Billie
43052    Morris, Mrs. Brad: Nancy
41653    Morris, Mrs. Brad: David
32424    Morris, Brad: Krista
43468    Morris, Mrs. Brad: Nancy
39814    Morris, Mrs. Brad: Christie
41485    Morris, Mrs. Bradley: Kim
45000    Morris, Brad: family group
39062    Morris, Mrs. Brad: Crista
40739    Morris, Mr. & Mrs. Bradley
39419    Morris, Mrs. Brad: Krista
44166    Morris, Bradley
44093    Morris, Mrs. Bradley: Nancy
45177    Morris, Carla
44960    Morris, Carlos
39440    Morris, Carlos
44147    Morris, Carlos: Jason
41094    Morris, Mrs. C. Gordon
44317    Morris, Carla
44303    Morris, Jan
42034    Morris, Carole
42907    Morris, Donna
42949    Morris, Frank
47154    Morris, Jack: family group
47711    Morris, Janet
47611    Morris, Janet
43373    Morris, Judy
42535    Morris, Judy
46917    Morris, Kay
32444    Morris, LaRue
44376    Morris, Phil & Connie
39603    Morris, Richard-Gresham, Carol
44157    Morris, Mr. & Mrs. Robert J.: celebrity golf tournament 1968
43465    Morris, Steve
40421    Morris, Steve-Tresham, Beverly
43755    Morris, Susan
39531    Morris, Sylvia
45604    Morris, Steve: baby girl
59760    Morris, Tom
42416    Morrison, Candy
39597    Morrison, Clay
44278    Morrison, Darlene
47990    Morrison, David
43941    Morrison, Debbie
32341    Morrison Men's Store
46655    Morrison, Pat
40054    Morrison, Sondra: with cat
47210    Morrison, Terri
40311    Morrison, W. E.
45038    Morrison, W. E.
47945    Morrow, Beckie
43975    Morrow, Sue Ann
43620    Morrow, Sue Ann
42270    Morrow, Sue Ann
44606    Morse, Dick
44266    Morse, Don
42833    Morse, Don
45870    Morse, Don-Osborne, Gloria
59608    Morse, Janice: family group of three
39220    Morse, Kenneth
48191    Morse, Judy
39518    Morse, Linda
41280    Morse, Linda
42194    Morse, Linda-Gillaspey, Don
46255    Morse, Nena
32304    Morse Motors: Volkswagen 1959
32362    Morse, Mr. & Mrs. A. K.
32782    Morse, Mrs. Mirl
44855    Morse, Mr. & Mrs. Woody
39433    Morse, Woody
39660    Morse, Woody
46815    Morse, Woody
32177    Morse, Woody: with fez
47468    Mortensen, Carol: Rebeca
45883    Mortimer, Liane
47569    Morton Miller: steer at fair
39117    Morton-Stanton Advertising Agency: Southern Oregon Plywood, Grants Pass
41060    Morton, Barbara
47443    Morton, Virgil
47567    Morton, Linda
45609    Morton, Janet: Job's Daughters
46085    Morton, Lyle
48407    Morton, Terry
44862    Moser, Agnes
42936    Mosher, Shirley
46908    Mosley, Marge
45285    Mosser, Madalene
41815    Most, Mrs. J. E.
42422    Mott, J. L.
43633    Moulton, Mr. & Mrs. M. P.
39966    Moulton, Kathleen
32128    Mountain, Mrs. M. E.: Douglas
39448    Mounts, Pat
39621    Mounts, Pat
43810    Mounts, Pat
47303    Mourer, Darryl
44991    Mousseau, Richard-Watson, Pat
41264    Moyer, Jim
45417    Moyer, Randall-Selby, Dawn
45912    Mowry, Dan-Fernau, Linda
               Mozley, Edna: Burmese cats
46573    Muhr, Stan-Roy, Laverne
43872    Mulder, R. W.: family group
43859    Muler, Sandra
47794    Mulhollen, Dick
47738    Mulhollen, Theresa
41632    Mullaney, Mrs. James J.: three boys
47879    Mullaney, Jim
45664    Mullen, Mrs. Marion
42232    Mullen, Mr. & Mrs. N. B.
45428    Mullen, Mrs. N. B.
43592    Muller, Tom-Gillmore, Jean
48236    Mullin, Judy
46891    Mulloy, Mrs. Dennis
47008    Mulvihill, Highland
59570    Mumford
44484    Mumford, La Vohn
47428    Munnell & Sherrill
42228    Munro, Andrew
42263    Munro, Bill
43208    Munro, Maria
42692    Munro, Ron
40825    Munroe, James
39496    Munsell, Harold
49557    Murdoch, Diana
45520    Murdoch, Lee: family group of six
43146    Murdoch, Dr. Lee
32289    Murphy, Mrs.: Conroy
40545    Murphy, Alex
39559    Murphy, Mrs. A.
40769    Murphy, Mrs. Alex: with baby
41221    Murphy, Carol
39643    Murphy, H. B.
41117    Murphy, Mrs. H. B.: horses
32757    Murphy, H. B.
42660    Murphy, Judy
32289    Murphy, Neil-Conroy, Nancy
39425    Murphy, Pat-Perreard, Joan
46275    Murray, Kathryn
39082    Murray, Marge-Putnam, Mark
43714    Murray, Nyla
45885    Murray, Robin
48076    Murray, Tom & Donna
46431    Murray-Williams
46588    Muse,Charles
46431    Murrey, Michael-Williams, Jeanne
41550    Musgrave, Gloria
41238    Myers, A. D.
46242    Myers, Carl
45813    Myers, Darlene-Hering, Karl
44454    Myers, Dean
47733    Myers, Gary: Amy
42905    Myers, H. L.
46657    Myers, Helen
32041    Myers, Ivan S.
42189    Myers, Mrs. John E.
40631    Myers, Kenneth
40538    Myers, Pat
39863    Myers, Pat
46133    Myers, Rolland
46461    Myers, Robert-Powers, Jeani
39389    Myers, Ronald
32189    Myers, Velma
47465    Mylander, Greg-Philips, Cindi
41600    Mynatt, Nadean
41053    Myrick, Nancy: right elbow and both knees
45891    Myrvold, Silvia

42149    McAlaster, R. J.: group of four
39797    McAlaster, Mrs. Robert: group of four
39909    McArthur, W. B.
39842    McAtee, Linda
42373    McBeth, C. L.
43581    McBeth, Joyce
39734    McBeth, C. L.
48296    McBride, Don
44423    McBurnett, Frances
40229    McCabe, Floyd
32451    McCabe, Pat
42679    McCain, Lois
41428    McCallister, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
38966    McCallister, Mrs. Harriet
43401    McCallum, Jerry
42465    McCalvy, Joe
40554    McCammon, Larry
48325    McCandless, Steve
45113    McCann, Sandy
44461    McCann, Sandy
43787    McCann, Sandy
44929    McCannon, Mr. & Mrs. Roland
42632    McCardell, Jon
42820    McCardell, John
41135    McCart, Bonnie
42592    McCart, Chuck
43103    McCartney, M. J.
40223    McCarty, Frank
39576    McCarty, Kathleen
45565    McCauley, Bob
44756    McCauley, Marshall
44589    McCauley, Molli
42510    McCauley, Sunny
44534    McClellan, Mrs. Frank
40889    McClellan, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
42797    McCollum, Barbara
46772    McClearen, Ron
45675    McClearen, Ron
45605    McCloy, Sheila
45988    McCloy, Shela
39984    McClure, A. L.: golden wedding
48488    McConnell, Billy Joe Jr.
46949    McConnell, L. E.
45588    McConnell, Larry
38941    McCord, Millie: funeral, Ethel McCord
43333    McCorkle, Jean
49462    McCoy, Margaret
40376    McCoy, Norma
43555    McCoy, T. L.
46346    McCoy, Tari
48070    McCay, Toni
32179    McCredie, Clatous: Hillah Temple
44090    McCuan, Charles F.-Minshall, Dorothy
40220    McCue, Patti
32155    McCulley, Mrs. William: Larry, Pear Blossom
41617    McCulloch, Mary-Holmes, Curtis
49523    McCulloch, Phil: family of five
39556    McCullough, Glenn
40037    McCullough, Mike
39618    McCully, Frank: truck hitch invention, Clyde Brown
46093    McCutcheon, Larry
32600    McDonald, Mr. A.
40855    McDonald, Alex
47909    McDonald, Debbie
42375    McDonald, Mrs. James: four children
32397    McDonald, Mrs. James: Mark
48290    MacDonald, Karen
44097    McDonald, Kay
44938    McDonald, Scott-Havill, Nancy
44895    Havill, Nancy
39969    McDonald, Scott
41816    McDonald, Tom
42478    McDonald, William
43363    McDonough, Tom
48253    McDowell, Angy
32500    McDuffee, Anne
40780    McDuffee, Mr. & Mrs. Paul
39329    McDuffie, JoDee
46112    McEachron: Brian, David, Kim
46213    McEachron, David
38974    McEachron, Mrs. L. E.: Kim
39771    McEvoy, Nion Tucker
44883    McFadden, David
43706    McFadden, Judy
43068    McFarland, Paul
41522    McGalliard, Elizabeth
43288    McGee, Beverly
42515    McGee, Kathy
40723    McGee, Marvin
41429    McGee, Marvin-Evans, Jane
48430    McGee, Pat-Escher, Steve
43487    McGee, Mr. & Mrs. Orlo and family
44271    McGhehey, Steve-Thompson, Donna
32013    McGill, Lee: Marcus
39795    McGill, Neil-Welch, Priscilla
45893    McGilvray, Jeanette
44875    McGinnis, Karen
46119    McGinnis, Mark
42048    McGinty, Doug
46555    McGinty, Ed
46320    McGinty, Ed
44176    McGinty, Ed
39129    McGinty, Ed
44242    McGinty, Mrs. Ed
42456    McGinty, Linda
43256    McGinty, Linda
43519    McGinty, Margaret
32674    McGlohn, Lester
32686    McGoodwin, James: family
43003    McGowan, Joan: cap and gown
44888    McGraw, Wendy
40843    McGrew, Jerry
46935    McGraw, Robin
46936    McGraw, Shelly
46383    McGuire, Dennis
39919    McGuire, Kathleen
43546    McGuire, Lawrence
44870    McGuire, Phil
45301    McHargue, Floyd
47079    McHenry, Bob-Jacobson, Gayle
45967    McHugh, Kelly-Clark, Virginia
45980    McIntire, Linda-Sloan, John
46482    McIntosh, Dr. & Jan
46474    McIntosh, Dr. & Jan
44573    McIntosh, Sharon
44054    McIntyre, Shannon: Job's Daughters
41798    McIntyre, Robert
42781    McIntyre, Shannon
41732    McIver, Yvonne
41061    McKay, Mr. & Mrs. Maynard: family group
59750    McKay, Mickey
48271    McKay, Mickey
40733    McKay, Nancy
40972    McKay, Nancy-Flanagan, Charles
41477    McKay, Mr. & Mrs. R. A.
45334    McKay, Sally
47452    McKee, Janet
43217    McKee, Helen
44259    McKee, Wilma
47515    McKendra, Pat
40031    McKenna, John C.
40004    McKenna, Ronald: Patrice
46598    McKencie, Doug-Rollie, Sue
40065    McKenzie, Dick: Cyclones bowling team
44281    McKenzie, Kerri
40112    McKeown, Carol
32010    McKeown, Joan D.
41474    McKibben, Mrs.
40847    McKibbin, Bill
42336    McKibbin, Bill
41981    McLallen, Sharon
48440    McLane, Noni
47032    McLaren, Richard
42925    McLarrin, Mrs. Don
43918    McLaughlin, Ann
32419    McLaughlin, Dick-Picard, Nancy
44158    McLaughlin, L. C.: family group
40384    McLaughlin, Mrs. Dick: Scott
41506    McLoughlin, John-Baker, Sylvia
42545    McLaughlin, J. R.
47826    McLaughlin, Kate
41722    McLaughlin, Nancy
32527    McLaughlin, Pat
42288    McLaughlin, Pat-Maxson, Sandra
41961    McLaughlin, Mrs. Richard: Eric
39336    McLean, K. L.
38943    McLean, Ted
41603    McLean, Ted
41498    McLeish, Dorothy
49555    McLoughlin Junior High School: activities, cheerleaders
46817    McMahan, Norma
44865    McMahan, Doug
45014    McMahan, Father
48080    McMahon, Judy
32099    McMahon, Mrs. L. V.
45228    McMahan, Linda
47780    McMaster, Cindy
46487    McMeen, Jim-Hanke, Sharon
48135    McMeen, James Stewart: family
42531    McMeen, Mary
46132    McMeen, Kathy
48140    McMulen, Jim
39337    McNabb, Barbara
43969    McNair, Bill
42447    McNair, Bill
42421    McNair, George
41940    McNair, George
32263    McNair, Dr. Ray: family in home
42795    McNair, Dr. Raymond
42490    McNair, Sara
47856    McNair, Sarah
41581    McNeal, Mrs.: group of six
42043    McNeal, Bobby
45226    McNeal, Gary
46295    McNeal, Mary
46930    McNeal, Mary
40255    McNeal, R. W.
40753    McNeal, Raymond
47219    McNeel, Brenda
47314    McNeel, Robert
41986    McNeel, Peggy
39481    McNeil, Don
44268    McNeil, Doug
41597    McNeil, Mrs. R. J.
32623    McPherson, Don
46695    McQuade, Jodi
43636    McQuat, Paul
40741    McQuat, Beverly
39773    McQuat, Mrs. Paul: Skeezix dog
39188    McQueen, Dick
47250    McQueen, Lauri
44604    McQueen, Marily
43802    McQueen, Mark-Guiley, Allida
42462    McRae, Sherry
42301    McSwan, Janice
39131    McVay, Carole-Stricklin, Everett
40474    McVay, Gordon-Williams, Jean
40512    McVay, Terry
40061    McWhorter, Charles: Cyclones bowling team

47517    Nadler, Jerry-Shasky, Judy
44269    Naef, Gary
45313    Naef, Steve
45416    Naef, Steve-Merriman, Cathy
44195    Naeve, Ingemar
44807    Nagle, Terry
46181    Nahoe, Victor
43556    Nakagiri, Mrs. Kishino
42381    Nally, Vernon
47368    Naples, Mary Ann
46312    Nasby, Paul H.
40102    Nash, Mrs. A. L.: family group
39196    Nash, Mrs. A. L.: Fred
43515    Nash, A. L. (Text): family group
41150    Nash, Dan
43383    Nash, Janice
43475    Nash, Janice: Job's Daughters
39549    Nash, Linda: Job's Daughters
42103    Nash, Linda
40122    Nash, Tex
40324    Nash, Mr. & Mrs. A. L.
40900    Nash, Freddie
41016    Nash, Janice
42295    Nathan, Judi
45941    National Association to Keep and Bear Arms: Herb Breed
40645    Nash, Linda
43097    National Cash Register Co.: Skorpen, Richard; Gass, William; Williams, Wes;
                   Meyers, L. R.; Garwick, W.; Morris, Steve
39023    Naumes, Joe: family passport
39465    Naumes, Mrs.
43490    Naumes, Mrs. Joe
42141    Naumes, Joe
45348    Naumes, Joe
44978    Naumes, Mr. & Mrs. Joe
39416    Naumes, Mary Pat
45458    Naumes, Mike
41299    Naumes, Mike
41884    Naumes, Pat
40594    Naumes, Pete
42581    Naumes, Susan
46069    Names, Pat
45584    Naumes, Sue: color pictures of scars on face
46086    Navarrette
46906    Navarro, John
44968    Nave, Nancy
44343    Nave, Tom: Nancy, Tom, Dick
43368    Nave, Tom
44207    Nave, Ed
43998    Nave, Tom
40211    Neal, Jackie
41694    Neal, Jackie: cap and gown
41491    Neal, M. L.
42428    Neathamer, Mrs. Mike: Chris
42089    Neathamer, Mr. & Mrs. Mike: group
40522    Neathamer, Mike
42380    Neathamer, Mrs. Norman
41286    Neel, Alta
39916    Neel, Janice
43353    Neely, Linda
39948    Neely, Ron
40767    Neff, Lewis
41156    Neill, Ramona
44067    Neitro, William A.-Rossiter, Fay
43301    Neel, Linda
39012    Niedermeyer, Dale: house exterior
43595    Neal, M. L.
45718    Neathamer, Mike
47178    Neechy, Pepper
45415    Neel, Larry
32547    Neely, J. W.
46615    Neighbors, Carolyn
59587    Neff, Norman
32625    Nelson, Dr.: family group
42321    Nelson, Annette
48045    Nelson, Bill
46799    Nelson, Bryan
32800    Nelson, Bud: Tammy
45085    Nelson, Brian
40282    Nelson, Mrs. Bud: Nancy
43934    Nelson, Carolyn
44526    Nelson, Cheryl
40643    Nelson, Claudia
46941    Nelson, David
43315    Nelson, Doug
39558    Nelson, Mr. & Mrs. E. N.
32822    Nelson, Elizabeth
41598    Nelson, Emil
40953    Nelson, Mrs. Ernest: Ernest
44592    Nelson, Gayle
40306    Nelson, Herb
39340    Nelson, Jan
46010    Nelson, Joan
39665    Nelson, John
42488    Nelson, Judy
40865    Nelson, Judy
46342    Nelson, Julie
43833    Nelson, Linda
43858    Nelson, Brian
43839    Nelson, Linda-Gomez, Salvador
47854    Nelson, Liz
47583    Nelson, Lori
44527    Nelson, Mike
39334    Nelson, Mike
47004    Nelson, Rapp
48073    Nelson, Robin
46597    Nelson, Truman
42170    Nelson, Newton B.
39110    Nelson, Peggy
47042    Nelson: family group of three
47462    Nelson, Pam
40526    Nelson, Mr. & Mrs. Richard
44857    Nelson, Steve-Engstrom, Pam
41854    Nelson, Steve
45898    Nelson, Tammy
40207    Nelson, Ted
46597    Nelson, Truman: group
45166    Nelson, William-Joyce, Sandra
43768    Nepper, Mary
32715    Ness, John: family
43558    Ness, Margaret
59779    Neville, Michael: baby in park
45214    Nevin, Donna-Morgan, James
44935    Newark, Ada Mae
39028    Newbry, Pat
40597    Newcomb, Kathy
41138    Newcomb, Kathy-Turner, Tom
44982    Newcomb, Paul
39809    Newcomb, Paul
42642    Newcomb, Terri
477671  Newell, Charles
47135    Newdall, Mary
45661    Newdall, Julie
45397    Newdall, M. O.: Merritt
45106    Newdall, Mike
39571    Newfoundland-American Insurance Co.: pool at Jackson Hot Springs
47454    Newlun, Mike-Nicholson, Cathy
41927    Newland, Dave
42986    Newland, Dave
41685    Newland, Pam
41887    Newland, Pam
42058    Newland, Rick
45081    Newman, Liz
47785    Newman, Pat
44830    Newman, Mrs. Ray: Eastern Star
48078    Newman, Stan
40459    Newson, Diann-Duggan, Mike
43430    Newton, Gary: Craig
39075    Newton, M. Dale
32446    Newton, Mrs. John
40253    Newton, Keith: Lee
41476    Newton, Ron
59804    Newlun, Mike: family
45308    Newton, Mike: Nancy
59754    Newton, Virginia
39282    Nichols, Barbara
39967    Nichols, Beverly
45638    Nichols, Eugene
46791    Nichols, Robert: group of four
45636    Nickols, Bob
45524    Nickols, Jerry
32616    Nicholson, Mr. W. M.
47902    Nickerson, George
40483    Nidever, LeRoy & family
41651    Niedermeyer
48239    Niedermeyer, Cindy
41789    Niedermeyer, E. H.
39854    Niedermeyer, Bruce
40201    Niedermeyer, John
42280    Niedermeyer, Mr. & Mrs. John
43591    Niedermeyer, Nellie
39600    Niedermeyer, Walt
43057    Niehaus, Bernie
42878    Niehaus, Michele
46341    Nielsen, Clayton
40908    Nielsen, Hilda
40938    Nielsen, Otto
59807    Niemela, Debbie
46830    Nightengale, Rosanne
45332    Nigl, Herman
45981    Nikodym, Joe-Varin, Chris
42464    Nisle, Barbara
47420    Nimmo, Jim-Powell, Vivian
48094    Nix, Kathy
48437    Nix, Zan
45396    Nobbs, Robin
43294    Nobbs, William: family of four
42348    Noble, Micke
41344    Noble, Monte
46959    Nolan, Joe
39977    Nonemaker, Larry
43940    Noon, Duane
44471    Norcross, Mary
45506    Norcross, Robert
40681    Norcross, Roy
32554    Nored, Larry
46457    Norgart, Pam
46428    Norman, Daryle-Fronek, Dorthy
44358    Norman, LaNette
44623    Norris, C. D.
46744    Norris, Toni
46070    Norris, Hazel
46305    Norris, John
47726    Norris, John: family group
43989    Norris, Leta
45306    Norris, Linda
45305    Norris, Luci
45694    Norris, Molly
46605    Norris, Randy-Peppinger, Betty
46805    Norris, Terry-Ludwig, Debbie
46596    North's Chuck Wagon
47063    North's Chuck Wagon
47010    North, Jim-Going, Debbie
45879    North, John
46352    North, Linda
43203    Norris Shoes: window display
46744    Norris, Toni
41631    Norfield's Shoe Store
43590    Norman, Carna
41406    Norman, Esther
44147    Norris, Aubrey
41621    Norris, Aubrey
41741    Norris, Fred: family of five
42525    Norris, Gary
42482    Norris, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
32650    Norris, Mrs. Robert
44900    North, Jim
44228    North, Jim
42702    North, John: three children
43303    North, John
42122    North, Mrs. John: group of three
42529    North, Linda
41486    North, Linda: Job's Daughters
42448    Northern Life Insurance: plywood planer at Rogue River for Robert Usilton
39015    North, Mr. & Mrs.
59740    Norton, DeeDee
42443    Noss, Helen
42676    Nouguier, Marlene
39405    Nouguier, Raymond
41229    Nuckols, Patricia
45536    Nuich, John: heart emblem
45402    Nuich, Kathy
41939    Nuich, Mike
42404    Nulton, H. E.
46212    Nunley, Elizabeth
45384    Nunley, Jim
46293    Nunley, Walter
44504    Nunley, Walter: field on Meridian Road
44091    Nunley, Walter: fiftieth anniversary
39619    Nunley, Mrs. Walter: Sharman
40333    Nunley, Mrs. Walt: Brett
39631    Nunley, Walter
41451    Nunley, Walter: family group in home
41604    Nunley, Mr. & Mrs. Walter
38947    Nunley, Walt: Kathryn
43394    Nunley, David
40095    Nunley, Mrs. Walter
39584    Nunley, Walter: Port-o-Call
47216    Nunley, Ellen-Nunley, Walt
44950    Nutting, Bernard
44601    Nye, Mr. & Mrs. Steven
40792    Nye & Naumes
42243    Nye, Steve
40576    Nye, Stephen

42554    Oachs, Judith
40260    Oakes, Boyd-Morrison, Sandra
40941    Oakes, Sandra
45818    Oakley, David: group of three
43019    Oakley, David-Doolan, Sue Donna
46269    Oakley, Mrs. John
43511    Obenshain, Paula
40990    Obenshain, Paula: cap and gown
42755    Obenshain, Paula
47297    O'Brian, John
49521    O'Connell, Bernard: three children
40827    O'Connor, Millie
44550    O'Duane, Mrs. Dan
44088    O'Billovich, Jack-Higgins, Susan
44003    Higgins, Susan
45203    O'Conner, Connie: group of three
45074    O'Conner, Connie
45754    O'Conner, Connie
40133    O'Connor, Edith P.
47174    O'Connor, Teresa
45814    O'Conner, Joe
48261    Odell, Denise
48161    O'Donal, Trudy
45438    Oester, Mr. & Mrs. David
39398    Oetinger, Sam
48003    Offenbacher, Lance
45728    Offenbacher, Diane
44443    Offord, Ray: Offord-Lee wedding
44443    Offord, Steve-Lea, Marilyn
44415    Lea, Marilyn
39871    Ogden, Barbara
40167    Ogden, Bobbie
39232    Ogden, Doris
40852    Ogden, Doris
45710    Ogier, Gary
45149    Ogier, Steve-Kusaka, Jane
42675    O'Grady, William
47080    O'Hara, Darling: mother, daughter, grandmother
41188    O'Hara, Michael
32170    Oium, Mrs. Sadie: copy tintype
59776    Ohrt, W. L.
47429    Ohmstede, Richard & Liza
45431    O'Keefe, Art
45076    O'Keefe, Michael
47182    Old Man
32472    Older, Mr. & Mrs. Louis P.
43390    Oldfield, Simon
46071    Olinghouse, John & Nancy
46691    Oliveira, Ron & Rob
48406    Oliver, Gary
46240    Olsen, Celeste
44341    Olsen, C. K.
               Olsen, Chris-Boyd, Debra
41513    Olsen, Edwin: Medford Bowling Lanes
44812    Olsen, Janis
46048    Olsen, Gregory Scott: baby
46451    Olsen, James-Whalin, Barbara
45954    Olsen, Janis-Rutter, Jim
45587    Olsen, Michelle
45457    Olsen, M. J.: family group of eight
48409    O'Shay, Cindi
48069    Olsen, Beverly
46040    Olson, Mr. & Mrs.
47933    Olson, Brian
45494    Olson, Janis
44842    Olson, Jenny: cap and gown
43747    Olson, George-Gillmore, Joan
43803    Olson, Gene-Kent, Carolyn
40124    Olsen, Mr. & Mrs. Harry
40329    Olsen, Mary Ann
39289    Olson, Carol
43466    Olson, Chris
42351    Olson, Darlene
41964    Olson, Doug
39239    Olson, Gary
32544    Olson, Henry
32613    Olson, Joy
32228    Olson: Joy, Rita & Doug
40619    Olson, Judy
41810    Olson, Judy
43182    Olsen, Mel: family
32541    Olson, Mel: family group
46897    Olson, Mary Ann
41725    Olson, Mary Ann-Smith, Eugene
42686    Olson, Mike
46519    Olson, Scott
47476    Olson, Garry-Smith, Marian
32273    Olson, Rodney
39400    Olson, Ronald
32698    Olson, Mrs. W. E.
44655    Olson, Wallace
44705    Olson, Winifred
32505    Olufsen, Al
47880    Oman, Sue
47295    O'Neil, Steve-Sheffield, Karen
40632    O'Neal, Mrs. Sue: Tim
39955    ONeill, Milton
43931    O'Neill, Ronald: Gwen, Allan
45648    O'Neill, Ronald: group of four
44551    O'Neil, Mrs. William: with baby
59601    Ono, Roland
47252    Opdahl, Betty
39596    Opgrand, Arnold
44252    Oppie, Hazel
43710    Oppie, Sheryl
43385    Oppie, Sheryl
41849    O'Quinn, Dan
48055    Orcutt, Guy
48054    Orcutt, Michael
44262    Oregon Auto Insurance Co.: outside work
42582    Oregon Auto
45527    Oregon Auto
41488    Oregon Bank: interiors and exteriors of new building 1963
39945    Oregon Bank: exterior photo Burrill Lumber Co.
44257    Oregon Bank: Rogue Valley C.C. groups
32459    Oregon Dairy Council: booth at Armory
32358    Oregon State Dental Association
32768    Oregon Tire and Supply Co.: exteriors
42863    Orlow, William: family of five
43139    Oreskovic, Mrs. M. J.: Rachelle
39261    Oreskovic, Mrs. M. J.: baby
45525    Orlich, Donna
44451    Orr, Dave
44667    Orr, Mr. & Mrs. Dick
45803    Orr, Dick
41875    Orr, Dick
45621    Orr, Dick: Jamie
47208    Orr, Jame & John
47194    Orr, Dick
59565    Orr, Dick: John Michael
42294    Orr, Eugene: American Legion
44686    Orr, Mr. & Mrs. Gene
44383    Orr, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene
46740    Orr, Pat & Mike
43078    Orr, Gene
39818    Orr, Mr. & Mrs. Gene
32532    Orr, Dick
32734    Orr, Greg-Lyons, Betty
42001    Orr, Greg: family group
43050    Orr, Richard
46198    Orr, Jamy
43313    Orr, Richard
42480    Orth, LeRoy
46537    Osborn, Bill-Anders, Jan
45713    Osborne, Gloria
45870    Osborne, Gloria-Morse, Don
32604    Osborn, H. J.: group of five
44474    Osborne, James: Cathy
43796    Osborn, James: Kathy
46890    Osborne, Ruth
45767    Osborne, Wayne
40237    Osterman, Wayne-Espey, Laurine
32151    Osthimer, Mrs. Preston: Susan, Beth Ann
42406    O'Sullivan, Bob
40493    O'Sullivan, Janet
48199    O'Shay, Cindy
39375    O'Sullivan, Terry
45918    Oswald, Paul-Trobridge, Judy
39118    Oswald, Victor
43727    Oswalt, Bob
47034    Otta
47035    Otta & Juice (musical group)
32086    Ottenfelb, Bruce
32276    Otterdale, Myrta
59618    Ondhoff, mr.
42806    Otterdale, Myrta
32070    Otteson, Harold D.: birth and marriage certificates
46229    Otto, Mrs. Donald R.: and child
46052    Otto, Judith
41891    Ottosen, Bob
41277    Ottosen, Don
40219    Ottosen, Harold
41803    Oudhoff, Bernard & Margaretha
45753    Oudhoff, Linda
43149    Oudhoff, Mildred & Linda
39903    Ours, Clair T.
42393    Outhouse, Myra
46986    Overmiller & Roberts
32044    Overmyer, Mr. & Mrs. O. L.
43296    Overturf, Regine
43297    Overturf, Gary
46471    Owens, Bret
44039    Owens, Dr. John: four children
42260    Owen, Harry
39107    Owens, A. K.
41585    Owen, Jim-Hendrickson, Sharon
41458    Owens, John: four children
42747    Owens, Dr. John: four children
41588    Owens, Tom
42165    Owsley, Gordon
39039    Owsley, Mrs. L. L.
48163    Oyloe, Linda

44552    P.E.O. (Schoenberg, Mrs. R. A.)
39530    Pace, Edonna
44181    Pace, Ellen: three children
40417    Pace, Jani
45731    Pace, Phyllis
32516    Pacific Machinery
43204    Pacific Northwest Bell: awards 1966
42255    Pacific Northwest Bell: two operators (lifesavers)
42173    Pacific Northwest Bell: groups 1965
40764    Pacific Northwest Bell: retirement, Kim's 1962
41738    Pacific Northwest Bell: Miss Otterdale 45 years award
40898    Pacific Northwest Bell: group picture 1963
42318    Pacific Northwest Bell: 35-year award lunch, Kim's
42844    Pacific Northwest Bell: Miss Otterdale retirement party
42370    Pacific Power & Light: accident scene, White City
3983-33R    Pacific Power & Light: Tucker
39810    Pacific Power & Light: defibrillator at Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital
32033    Pacific Telephone & Telegraph: damaged truck
32066    Pacific Telephone & Telegraph: dinner at Mon Desir
43981    Paddock, Doug: Shawn
46371    Padgett, Shirley
39900    Padgham, Mrs. Dick: Kathryn
43774    Padgham, Richard: Mitchell
41056    Padgham, Mrs. Richard: Richard
42323    Padgham, Mrs. Richard: John
40830    Padrta, Larry
47103    Page, David
44685    Page, Natividad: Sara
47505    Pagnini, Mary Ann
41068    Palmer, Mrs. Agnes: Tisha Coiner
47888    Palmer, Byron & Family
45481    Palmer, Clarence
32051    Palmer, Faye; Baxter, Hazel
44537    Palmer, Mr. & Mrs. Norman
39013    Palmer, R. J.
46708    Palmer, Robin
47793    Palmer, Terry
39309    Palmer, Thelma
45361    Paquette, Denise
48436    Paradee, Mary Lynn
48126    Palmer, Terry
45961    Paradis, Arnold: I-5 Freight Line Inc.
44783    Paradis, Arnold: Paradis, Webb
41148    Paradis, Arnold
45757    Paradis, Arnold: family group of ten
44462    Paradis, Mary
45128    Paradis, Michelle
45671    Paradis, Patty
32039    Pardee, Stan
40419    Paris, Elizabeth
42691    Parisi, Mrs. George P.: Patty
42341    Park, Yvonne
44914    Parke, Warren
45480    Parker, Becky-Smith, Patrick
45197    Parker, Becky
39137    Parker, Gene: fir cones
48263    Parker, Jon
39765    Parker, Mrs. Leo
42724    Parker, Linda-Branch, Gerald
46111    Parker, Marybeth
43680    Parker, Tom
48363    Parkins, Debbie
44839    Pearson, Gayle
40754    Parks, Mrs. E. W.
42845    Parks, Mrs. Jim
43754    Parlier, Mrs. C. A.
45390    Parlier, C. A.
45553    Parr, Al
41658    Parr, Roscoe: Denise Evans, Allen Evans
46218    Parrack, Carolyn: Rainbow Girls
46664    Parrack, Vicki
45827    Parrett, Bill
44640    Parrish, Michael: in uniform
44420    Parrott, H. R.: Shelly
44690    Parsons, Ann
41191    Parsons, Ann
42401    Parsons, Bud
44919    Parsons, Judd
45196    Parsons, Julienne
43756    Parsons, Lynne
41336    Parsons, Marion
45111    Pashley, Mike-Ely, Molly
45015    Ely, Molly
42786    Parsons: Vail, Amy
46702    Partch, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence B.
42430    Parton, Elaina
42425    Partridge, Herb
40704    Partsafas, Clinton
44146    Paschall, Pat
43648    Paschall, Pat
44427    Paschke, Karen: Boston bulldog
41214    Paschke, Karen
31259    Paschke, Keith: in uniform
43665    Pasmore, Vivian
40550    Patella, Dennis
39512    Pathman, Ernest-Tokar, Rosemary
39512    Pathmann, Gordon-Riley, Colleen
47010    Patino: from North-Goings wedding
42509    Patrick, Frank
40096    Patrick, John
45539    Patrick, John
45564    Patrick, John L.
44869    Patrick, Madison
44923    Patrick, Madison-Covington, Janet
32806    Patrick, Madison
45440    Patten, Mr. & Mrs. Dewey
46837    Patterson, Darlene
46417    Patterson, Darlene
47473    Patterson, Lonnie-Durante, Melody
40823    Patterson, Mr. & Mrs. David
41797    Patterson, Karen
42411    Patterson, Karen-Gail, Robert T.
32494    Patterson, Kennie
43327    Patterson, Linda
39363    Patton, Frances
46083    Patton, Pat & Kimberly
44258    Paul, Michelle
45720    Paulsen, Dawn
45880    Paulsen, Mark
32539    Paulson, Connie
41012    Paulson, Connie-Thrush, Robert
40660    Paulson, Diane
41878    Paulsen, Mr. & Mrs. Don
39304    Paulson, Helen
40203    Paulson, Kenneth
42855    Paulson, Kenneth-Fowlkes, Roxanne
44502    Paulson, Roland: Carrie, Roddy
41883    Paup, Mike
41951    Paup, Richard
42254    Pavone, Charles
40460    Pawlowski, Norman-Ripfl, Rosalinda
32731    Paxton, Mrs. E. R.: Timothy
38981    Paxton, Mrs. Linda: Timothy
45556    Payne, Christy
32807    Payne, Ray: Steven David
47162    Payant, Connie
47983    Peachey, Colleen
32457    Peacock, Judi
32407    Pearce, Mr. & Mrs. Ansil F.
46926    Pearson, Bill
39590    Pearson, Mrs. Carl
44818    Parson, Shara
32786    Pearson, Wes
43580    Pearson, William
32234    Pearson,  Mrs. Don: Kathie, Kenneth
45154    Peck, Jolene
44501    Peck, Mr. & Mrs. Ray
44486    Peck, Ray-Marlowe, Marilyn: performing at Holiday Inn
44434    Pecor, Joseph
40137    Pedersen, Mrs. Jim
48041    Pederson, Scott
39256    Peek, Ken
32333    Peer, E.: couple at Nevada Club
39150    Peers, E. S.: assay report
44631    Peets, Melody
43906    Peets, Due
45935    Peets, Susan
32735    Peffley, Patricia-Butler, Gerald
40089    Peil, Mrs. Robert: Casey
41416    Peile, Mr. & Mrs. Edmond: family group
32700    Pelser, Sandy
31612    Pence, C. H.: checks
41367    Pence, Cecil
43403    Penland, George F.
48305    Pennington, Judy
45399    Pentkowski, Edward: five children
31891    Penwell, Monty
39733    Penwell, Monty-Baker, Susan
32819    Pepsi-Cola: groundbreaking
47262    Perez, Ted
46406    Perdue, Marvin-Zerkle, Diane
32056    Perdue
42866    Perdue, Herbert
42148    Perdue, Mrs. Herbert: letter
41545    Perdue, Peggy
44194    Perdue, Tom: family group
40140    Perkins, Jerry
32707    Perkins, Mr. & Mrs. Merle: family group
45223    Perkins, Merleanne
39175    Perkey, Linda
40425    Perl, Mrs. Bill
40822    Perl, Dorothy & Frank
44822    Perl, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
45901    Perl, Mrs. Frank
32219    Perl, Frank: Shrine
32120    Perl's Funeral Home: Adams funeral 1959
42459    Perl, Frank
44009    Perl, William Jr.: Pam
42460    Perreard, Mrs. Edith
41355    Perreard, Roger
43290    Perrien, Karen
47943    Perry, Cindy
47020    Perry-Holtzinger
46425    Perry: babies
41558    Perry, Al
41599    Perry, Audrey
46228    Perry, Chris: baby
41048    Perry, Janet
43122    Perry, King
41245    Perry, Randy
59775    Porter, Gerry
40946    Person, Mrs. Wendell: Greg
48093    Persels, Jeff
42160    Peru, Virginia
41555    Pesenti, Carol & Phyllis
41356    Pesenti, Terry
45252    Peters, Barbara
44189    Peters, Betty
44185    Peters, Bill
40485    Peters, Bill
41701    Peters, Bill: cap and gown
46460    Peters, Bev
39155    Peters, Erwin
39822    Peters, Leland
41083    Peters, Leland-Young, Betty
40114    Peters, Mrs. Lewis: Susan
39332    Peters, Mrs. Lewis: John
46800    Peters-Ludwig
44851    Peters, Mrs. Richard: Nancy
45427    Peters, Richard: Nancy
43195    Peters, Richard: family
42995    Peters, Mrs. Richard: Nancy
42332    Peters, Richard: two girls
45892    Peters, Richard: two girls
45810    Peters, Mr. & Mrs. Richard
46038    Peters, Richard-Horn, pam
42019    Peters, Tom
46863    Peterson-Carstensen, Caroyn
48026    Peterson, Brian
48378    Peterson, Charles N.: family of ten
47777    Petererson, Richard
40041    Petersen, Harold
44696    Petersen, Margie
47993    Peterson, Dorothy
45676    Petersen, Mark
44798    Petersen, Rodney
32658    Peterson, A. C.: Bobby, Linda
44019    Peterson, Connie
48492    Peterson, Hiranari
32429    Peterson, Glen
44691    Peterson, Joe
40790    Peterson, Oscar
47128    Peterson, R. C.
47921    Peterson, R. C.: family in Lithia Park
46217    Peterson, Ralph S.
32043    Peterson, Randi
41714    Peterson, Randi-Woods, David
44683    Peterson, Ron: Christine
32076    Peterson, Sonja: birth certificate
48179    Petersen, Steve
47271    Peterson, Wayne
45376    Pettee, Clint
47102    Petersen, Sandy: and son
41662    Pettitt, Norma J.
41709    Petty, Lourdes
47427    Peyton, Delphina
40286    Peyton, Eldred
40487    Phair, Ann
40118    Phair, Dick-Shelton, Ann
43270    Phelan, Joyce
44529    Phelps, Dennis
43655    Phelps, Dwight
43639    Phelps, Judy
43440    Phelps, Lavon
40469    Phelps, Robert E.: Concrete Steel Corp.
47328    Phillips, Barb
45607    Phillips, Charlotte
48177    Phillips, Judy
46538    Phillips, Ken-Wilson, Patty
47594    Phillips, Marty
42261    Phillips, Tex
42889    Phillips, Tex
45994    Phillips, William-Bittle, Kristi
43922    Phipps, Dolph: fiftieth wedding anniversary
32317    Phipps, Dolph estate
41460    Phipps, Mr. & Mrs. Dolph
32222    Phipps, Mrs. Dolph: letter
41270    Phipps, Ken
42752    Phipps, Randy
32266    Piazza, Mrs. Gene: Nancy
32758    Picard, Gary
40291    Picard, Gary-Stevens, Sharon
46260    Pickard, Holly: baby
46608    Pickard, Holly
43286    Pickard, Sandy
45652    Pickell, Keith
44046    Pickell, Randy
41829    Pickell, Larry
42651    Pickell, Linda
43238    Pickett, Marcia
38988    Pielaet, Nellie
45665    Piels, Bill
40799    Pierce Associates: loaf of bread
39098    Pierce, Jennings: Dr. Lemley and Dr. Rutter
39672    Pierce, Jennings: R. E. Marsh home
39582    Pierce, Jennings: loaf of Dandee Morning Fresh bread
39069    Pierce, Jennings: R. E. Marsh Manorview home
32771    Pierce, Marie
44642    Pierce, Ron: family group of three
43501    Pierce, Ron
45419    Pierce, Steve
59848    Pierce, Toni
42049    Pierson, Herb
46319    Pioneer Crafts Furniture
46672    Pigg, Barry
45008    Pigg, Dorella
43292    Pigg, John
42185    Pingle, Mrs. Ella F.
32305    Ping's Restaurant: exterior
46982    Pinkerton, Duane: family
45033    Pinkham, Don
43348    Pinkham, Gary
32799    Pinnacle Packing: trailer truck
44210    Pinney, Dana: family group
42239    Pinney, Dana
43051    Pipes, Doug-Lawson, Dee
43042    Lawson, Dee
43954    Pittam, Glenn: family group of five
46408    Pittam, Hugh-Summers, Cynthia
32692    Pittman-Jennings
32783    Pittman, Lawrence: birth certificate
45362    Pittock, Linda
44717    Pittock, Linda
59630    Pittock, Thomas: family of six
42467    Pittock, Mr. & Mrs. T. R.
45050    Pitts, Betty
40315    Pitts, David-Van Dyke, Karen
46650    Pitts, Dianna
47288    Pitts, H. R.
43025    Pitts, Houston R.
45183    Pitts, Lance
43530    Plankenhorn, Gene
47045    Plankenhorn, Mrs.
59594    Plankenhorn: group of three
47045    Plankenhorn-Minear
44612    Platko, Andrea
45807    Platko, Andrea
45917    Platko, Andrea-Reeves, Craig
42390    Playle, Jan
43932    Plumb, George
41044    Plumb, William B.
44778    Plumbers & Fitters Local 418
32647    Plumer, Bernard-Elhart, Marlys
32131    Plummer, C. M.
42578    Plummer, Peggy
46895    Plummer, Jim-Holt, Candy
47341    Pogue, John-Allen, Susan
41252    Poirier, Bob
45576    Poirier, Mr. & Mrs. Sam
43870    Poirier, Sandy
43242    Poirier, Sandy
39263    Poling, Larry
44475    Poling, Trudy
44735    Poling, Trudy-Hile, Dale
44735    Poling, Mrs. Warren: Hile-Poling wedding
42958    Polk, James: family of four
40444    Polk, Mrs. James: Peggy Sue
48327    Pollach, RoseLee
48327    Pollack, RoseLee
43877    Pollack, W. H.
43945    Pollard, Judy
40293    Polski, George R.: three children
42662    Polski, Richard
48125    Polski, Virginia
43993    Polski, Robert
46914    Pope, Dan Jr.
41040    Pond, Jim
42869    Pond, Mr. & Mrs. John R.
41425    Pond, Mary Ellen
32022    Pool, Lois-Gleason, Verne
46216    Poole, Jack-Walter, Verna
48498    Pope, Bill: family
46252    Poppa, Glenda
42422    Porter, Jack: generation group
46911    Porter, Mr. & Mrs. Jim
32708    Porter, Jeff
59773    Porter, Kerri
42076    Porter, Kaye
47868    Porter, Lynn
46227    Porter, Mrs. Norris
42359    Porter, Sherman
39714    Porter, Mr. & Mrs. Stewart: golden wedding
39516    Posch, Mrs. George: with baby
42727    Posser, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
39762    Potter, Mrs. Dale: Jeff
40072    Potter, Mrs. Dale
41749    Potter, Frank
41838    Potter, Marilyn
42621    Potter, Roberta
46844    Potts, Carmen
42577    Potts, Claude: family group of four
42571    Potts, Claudia
45281    Potts, Paula-Thomas, Wade
41904    Potts, Paula
39849    Potucek, Cheryl
42150    Potucek, Mr. & Mrs. George: family group
59562    Poulos, J. R.
41289    Poulos, Carolyn
42667    Poulos, Donna
40530    Poulos, Donna
46480    Powell, Brent
43184    Powell, Joan
39707    Powell, Lyndon-Susee, Lynne
41823    Powell, Mr. & Mrs. W. L.
43018    Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Jim
32045    Power, Mr. & Mrs. John
45489    Powers, Billie
41139    Powers, Billie: family group
40172    Powers, Billie
42599    Powers, Billie: family
45872    Powers, Brenda-Anderson, Lane
41618    Powers, Cleve
41101    Powers, Jim
43952    Powers, Judith
47227    Powers, Ray
39811    Powers, Sandra-Johnson, Ben
40025    Prack, Mrs. P. A.
39721    Pratt, Carlene
32606    Pratt, Carlene: Carla
44200    Pratt, Dale: family group
41730    Pratt, Mr. & Mrs. Dale
41029    Pratt, Mrs. Dale: Darlene, Carla
40388    Pratt, Mrs. Dale: two girls
39094    Pratt, Mrs. Dale: Carla, Darlene
32336    Pratt, Darlene
46328    Pratt
47069    Preist-Adams
44154    Presley, Robert-Stuart, Chris
32697    Preston, Mrs.
45230    Preston, Bobbi
45037    Preston, Greg
43274    Preston, Kathy
43925    Preston, Kathy
41670    Preston, Kathy
32525    Preston, Margo
40389    Preston, Margo
42807    Preston, Ron
42912    Preston, Ruth
59633    Preston, Shelly
42588    Preston, Steve
41438    Preston, Sue
39308    Prewitt, Lawnedia
42709    Pribbernow, Lynn
47976    Price, Brent
46190    Price, Morton-Rogers, Connie
45155    Price, Brian
44569    Price, Bob
46135    Price, Connie
45364    Price, Mrs. Robert
46008    Prickett, Gary-Haney, Jan
46467    Priddy, James-Hubble, Donna
32152    Prime, Mrs. F. A.
40624    Prince, Walter
39537    Pringle, H. H.: Concrete Steel Corp.
40196    Pringle, H. H.
32809    Pringle, Mrs. Hazel
43977    Pritchett, Brad
44365    Pritchett, Cathy
43157    Proctor, Gary
59636    Proctor, Tim: family of three
41489    Professional Plaza: exterior
41689    Professional Plaza
39910    Prough, DeVonne
44681    Prough, Mr. & Mrs. Sam
41943    Prough, Shireen
40818    Proulx, Frank
44138    Proulx, Richard
38987    Pruitt, Mr. & Mrs. Almus
39950    Pruitt, Don
40049    Pruitt, Mrs. Douglas: David
42933    Pruitt, Jeanae
44699    Pruitt, Joe: O. G. Pruitt fiftieth anniversary
43838    Pruitt, John-Hackworth, Linda
42589    Pruitt, John
40515    Pruitt, Ronald
40771    Pruitt, Rosalie
32489    Pryor, Mrs. Don: Kelly
32244    Public Library, Medford: exteriors and interiors 1959
44986    Puccetti, Kathy
47106    Puccetti, Patricia
48010    Pugmire, Barbra: Teresa
42591    Puhl, Fred
41243    Purdin, Fred: with fez
45436    Pullen, Don
43084    Purdy, Greig
40439    Purdy, Jeanette-Cooper, Earl
39005    Purdy, Jeanette
32779    Purdy, Jeanett: Job's Daughters
42812    Putman, Cecelia
44337    Putnam, Mark: Valerie
46435    Purkerson, Travis
39082    Putnam, Mark-Murray, Marge
43113    Putnam, Scott
46694    Pyle, Cindy
42816    Pyle, Harold
31151    Pyle, J. L.

47825    Quackenbush, Tim
39904    Queen, Adella
43300    Quinn, Kay
39247    Quinney, Bob
40173    Quinney, Erma
46880    Quintana, May
41298    Quitt, David

46595    Raapke, Debbie
43647    Raapke, John: group of four
44126    Raapke, Marian
46378    Raber, Debbie
44810    Rabjohn, Rebecca
43039    Rackleff, Mrs. Chuck: Katy
42023    Rackleff, Ed
45093    Radcliffe, Cindy
59584    Radke, Bruce
45852    Radliff, Eddie
41218    Radomake, Ernest
41828    Radomake, Lois
45012    Raduski, Linda
41516    Raduski, Linda
44615    Raduski, Linda
39366    Rae, Bob
32756    Raffelly, Mrs. R.R.
45836    Ragland, Cynthia
44649    Ragland, Mr. & Mrs. James
44752    Ragland, Vicki
48084    Ragsdale, Calvin
32569    Ragsdale, Dick
39755    Ragsdale, Elsie
41195    Ragsdale, Lee
45421    Raimer, Wendy: and son
45170    Rainwater, Mike-Rhodes, Karen
39183    Raker, Jutta
44845    Ralph, Wayne
40572    Rambo, Sue
47560    Rametes, Lorry
40079    Ramey, Dave: four children
46814    Ramirez "Christopher Canty"
46944    Ramirez, Joe-Parra, Mary
47260    Ramirez, Roman
46980    Rammin, Mrs. Robert
46196    Rammin, Robert H.
47400    Ramos, Roberta
43425    Ramsay, Fritz
41793    Ramsay, Mary Beth-Hubbard, Art
47285    Ramsay, Steve-Stuart, Cindy
47254    Ramsay, Sue: Jerime
39973    Ramsey, Mrs. Hazel
44847    Ramsey, Mr. & Mrs. John: cap and gown, girl
46587    Randolph, O. W.
46210    Randoff
38996    Randolph, Mrs.: group of five
41274    Randolph, Jeff
40743    Randolph, Jeremy
32603    Randolph, Jerry
45079    Randolph, Steve
43963    Randolph, Susan
42999    Rankin, Enid
32364    Rankin, Richard-Nordlander, Janine
47004    Rapp, Dean-Nelson
46443    Rapp, Deanne
40085    Raapke, Mrs. John: three girls
43746    Rarden, Gary-Westlund, Carolyn
43696    Rashe, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon
47015    Raschke, Ed
40510    Rasmussen, Bea
41035    Rasmussen, Bea-Croucher, Robert
44178    Rasmussen, C. A.
41249    Rasmussen, Chris
32318    Rasmussen, Dave-Hobbs, Glenna
40097    Rasmussen, Mrs. David: child and dog
39886    Rasmussen, Faye
41220    Rasmussen, Nick
44277    Rasmussen, Pete
45897    Rasmussen, Vern
45275    Rasmussen, Vern
41805    Rasmussen, Vernon
43226    Rasor, Karen
43225    Rasor, Kathy
47003    Rasor, Kathy
48307    Rasser, Vickie
32174    Rath, David
44620    Ratty, Dan
59775    Ravan, Darla
32007    Rawhauser, Linda
46810    Rawlins, Bruce
40378    Rawstern, Rosemary Jane: birth registry
47912    Ray, Dennis
42774    Ray, Earl
39461    Ray, Dr. E. G.
44134    Ray, Gary
46377    Ray, John: two children
44609    Ray, Julie
43728    Ray, Kenneth: family group
46689    Ray, Linda
46792    Ray, Michelle
40573    Ray, Vonja
42012    Ray, Vonja
42757    Ray, Vonja-Knox, Dave
45647    Rayburn, Norene
46079    Rayburn, Norene-Anderson, Mark
42487    Raymond, Linda
59580    Read, Michael: Becky
42669    Read, Tom
43863    Reade, Jim: in uniform
41859    Read, Kathy
32617    Read, Mrs. Mike: with children
45722    Realestaters, Inc.: group outside for telephone directory 1971
44433    Reavis, Judy
42537    Reavis, Judy
32298    Reavis, Molly
41285    Reavis, Susan
43144    Reavis, Susan
40805    Reavis, Susan
46310    Red Wings
48005    Redlinger, Terry
40244    Redden, James
46903    Redding-Adams
46259    Redding, Dale-Martin, Chris
46391    Redding-Fitzroy
46705    Redding, Joe: two girls
46763    Redding, Paula
46903    Redding, Mike-Adams, Janice
32288    Redhead, Nancy-Miksche, Tony
32662    Redpath, Burrell
47509    Reed, Charles-Cole, Patricia
41449    Reed, Gary
47914    Reed, Rhea
48108    Reed, Vern
45744    Reeder, Bruce
41518    Reeder, Carol & Kay
42115    Reeder, Carol
47168    Reeder, Sheryl
42792    Reeder, Joel
42072    Reeder, Kay
41580    Reeder, Tom
45917    Reeves, Craig-Platko, Andrea
41569    Reeves, Gary
38936    Regal Stations: car winner
32423    Regal Station: Elsie Ragsdale, car winner
42201    Regan, Terri
43148    Regester, Roy
45530    Rehfeldt, Rick
41067    Rehling, Marie
48160    Rehmer, Jolly
43469    Rehmer, Steve
40046    Reich, Barbara
40144    Reich, Barbara-Ryan, Jim
43762    Reich, M. D.: Pam
43836    Reich, Dr. Terry: mother and two children
47337    Reichers, Sue
44819    Reichstein, Mr. & Mrs. W. H.
40423    Reichstein, Mrs. W. H.: Bruce Keaton
41648    Reichstein, Mrs. W. H.: Bruce & Davey Keaton
40432    Reid, Carolyn-Evers, Paul
44379    Reid, Harold J.: in uniform
44877    Reid, June
32265    Reid, Mrs. Thomas: exterior of home
44015    Reiling, Steve-Bevis, Kathy
41136    Reiner, Virginia
40472    Reinking, Edie: poppy girl
41110    Reinking, Edie: Rainbow Girls
41427    Reissland, Bernard-Rone, Luwella
44890    Reissland, Bernard: Jason
40824    Reith, Evelyn
41253    Rementeria, Rick
46340    Remetes, Jason
47075    Remick: family group
41298    Remick, Jan-Whipple, Steve
41813    Rempert, Mary
44347    Renaker, Mr. & Mrs. George
45512    Reneau, Jim
46646    Reneau, Jim & Carolyn
39861    Renner, Norman
43943    Rennick, Gary
40174    Rennick, Jo
39357    Rennick, Mr. M.: group of four
45621    Renninger, Joy
               Reno, Cyndee-Honold, Bill
46499    Rensfield, Christina
42737    Renshaw, John
45187    Rentz, Helen
44732    Rentz, Jack: family group of six
47229    Rentz, Jack
44429    Reter, Ray
41909    Rentz, Helen
43693    Rentz, Helen
44750    Rentz, Kathy-Harp, Gene
43228    Rentz, Kathy
44445    Rentz, Linda
44164    Reppun, Karen
40919    Reter, Raymond
41523    Rettew, Bonnie
43908    Rettman, Pat
41574    Retzer, Mary
39385    Reule, Salli
42438    Reuter, Mrs. Adell
42530    Reverman, Bill
45634    Reverman, Joanie
41432    Reverman, D. J.: family group
42607    Reverman, Jim
43479    Reymers, Gary
42252    Reymers, Mahr
40428    Reymers, Mike
41273    Reynolds, Charlotte
32622    Reynolds, Con
47936    Reynolds, Gary
32794    Reynolds, Rev. John
39730    Reynolds, Rev. John-Bruning, Denise
46775    Reynolds, Lovelyn
44505    Reznicksek, Elmer: family group
39525    Rhoads, J. T.: fiftieth wedding
44933    Rhodes, Karen
43053    Rhodes, Karen
43372    Rhodes, Mildred
59813    Rhodes, Rob
47376    Ritchie, Pam
41020    Rhymes, Dorothy
41023    Rhymes, Dorothy-Gallagher, Tom
40913    Rians, Reuel Jr.
42904    Rice, Ann
42209    Rice, Ann
38935    Rice, Bob
43071    Rice, Cathy
42210    Rice, Elizabeth
45246    Rice, Gloria: cap and gown
45077    Rice, Janet
41871    Rice, Kathy
48292    Rice, Lynn
45309    Rice, Nancy
40000    Rice, E. Ron
39053    Rich, Louise: with baby
32130    Richards, J. S.
39745    Richards, Sara-Brooks, Ernest
47076    Richardson, Dave
32110    Richardson, Duane
39182    Richardson, Bill
32465    Richardson, Duane
41326    Richardson, Duane
40090    Richardson, Duane
42155    Richardson, Jack
44057    Richardson, Jani
48241    Richardson, Mark
               Richardson, Sheila-McDonald, Gregg
46046    Richardson, Sue
46142    Richey, O. C.
46447    Richey, O. C.
41860    Richey, Virginia
32498    Richmond, Mrs. C. R.
32338    Richmond, Mrs. C. R.
44104    Richmond, Eugene: family group of five
48359    Richmond, Leroy: family group of six
39546    Richter, Adam
41931    Richter, Ray
45151    Richtmyre, H. C.
45442    Richtmire, Harry
45776    Richmond, Karen
41036    Richtmyre, Harry C.
40749    Rickard, Mr. & Mrs. Dean: family group
44455    Rickert, Rick
41005    Ricketts, Ron
45938    Ricks, Dean-Branham, Vicki
43032    Ricks, Karyn
46396    Ricks-Branham, Vicki
45947    Ricks, Mr. & Mrs. Walter C.
41099    Ridge, Lowell
44910    Ridge, Roy
44357    Ridgeway, Barbara
45435    Riechers, Dr. & Mrs. R.
45643    Riechers, Robert
42099    Riechers, Dr. Robert: group of seven
40600    Riechers, Peggy
44041    Riechers, Sally
39858    Riegel, Mrs. Sprague
43041    Riessland, Clyde-Thompson, Sharon
32764    Rietman, Lynn-Christian Kay
46421    Riffe, Lois
43059    Rightmier, Jean
42177    Rightmier, Jean
45482    Rigo, Frank
46193    Riley, W. H.
45200    Riley, Teresa
44840    Ring, Elizabeth
32796    Ring, Mrs. Michael
32166    Ripfl, Barbara
32548    Ripfl, Rosalinda
40460    Ripfl, Rosalinda-Pawlowski, Norman
44563    Rising, Judy
32390    Risley, Dolores
40890    Risley, Elaine
39286    Risley, Elaine
41295    Risley, Richard
44372    Risse, Nora
45915    Ristau, Cecelia-Edson, Steve
42330    Ritchie, Dan: cap and gown
42486    Ritter, Ray
46989    Ritterbush, Earl-Folks, Margie
39383    Rix, Bob
41898    Roach, Penny
44070    Roach, Penny
41676    Roach, Penny: Job's Daughters
47294    Roadman, Ken-Dedrick, Vicki
47120    Roads, Chris
43813    Robbins, Mr. & Mrs. E. S.: fiftieth anniversary
44540    Robbins, Larry: family group of three
47760    Robbins, Leslie
46924    Robbins, Keith
43698    Robbins, Larry-Weisbrod, Mary
43047    Robbins, Marion
44546    Robbins, Stanley
40290    Roberts, Dr. Alvin & family
39130    Roberts, Barry-Witter, Donna
48117    Roberts, Christi
49559    Roberts, Christi
39865    Roberts, Mrs. Herbert L.: three girls
21842    Roberts-Overmiller
32385    Roberts, Mrs. Wayne: Cynthia
40191    Roberts, Mrs. Wayne: daughter
39036    Roberts, Dr. Wayne
39021    Roberts, Mrs. Wayne: baby
44825    Roberts, Joenine
41100    Roberts, Judy
32347    Roberts, Kellington & Branchfield: D. B. Conway hand
43080    Roberts, Lorance
44076    Roberts, Phyllis: Judy, Lawrence, Phyllis
32644    Roberts, Roscoe
39022    Roberts, Sharon: with accordion
44941    Roberts, Dr. & Mrs. Wayne
45051    Robertson, Bernie
46072    Robertson, Bob
40105    Roberts, Marjorie
45802    Roberts, Andrea
46043    Roberts, Cindi
45910    Roberts, Joenine
32545    Roberson, Ron
42885    Roberson, Scotty
47221    Robertson, Bob
41913    Robertson, Brian
40486    Robertson, Donna
41611    Robertson, Doug
39878    Robertson, Doug
46405    Robertson, Jan K.
47175    Robertson, Snowden
39029    Robbins & Myers Inc.
44725    Robertson, Rev. & Mrs.
45467    Robertson, Mrs. Ian
32738    Robertson, Vickie
45355    Robertson, Ian
39166    Robertson, Floyd
31857    Robertson, JoAnn
39060    Robertson, Vickie-Graves, Dick
42060    Robinson, E. C.
40536    Robinson, Fred
59621    Robinson, Eric: baby
45911    Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. Fred E.
41862    Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. Fred: twenty-fifth anniversary
41724    Robinson, Mrs. Jack: Scott
39640    Robinson, Jack-Farster, Sue
39608    Robinson, Janice: bridal, cap and gown
39351    Robinson, Janice
39708    Robinson, Janice-Roby, Paul
47088    Robinson, Grace
45896    Robinson, Jim: cap and gown
47789    Robinson, Ken
59762    Robinson, Richard
46692    Robinson, Sharon
46545    Robinson, Shawn
43885    Robinson, Teresa
42876    Robison, Joe
40802    Robinson, Sarah
40280    Robinson, Sandra-Harding, Jack
41072    Robison, Ellsworth
45137    Robinson's: group picture, Medford Hotel
39708    Roby, Paul-Robinson, Janice
47830    Rock, Jarren
39611    Rode, Mrs. George: group of four, Matthew
44235    Roderick, Sheilah
43823    Rodger, Janice & Sharon
41257    Rodgers, Mike
45222    Rodriguez, Juvenal
42969    Roelandt, Mrs. Frank: boy
40309    Roelandt, Frank: Timmy
42888    Roethler, Gene
32159    Roethler, Mrs. Gene: Lynn, Pear Blossom
32784    Roge, Matt: ROTC
48090    Roethler, Toni
40842    Rogers, Bev
40405    Rogers, Birdie
48157    Rogers, Curt
44568    Rogers, John-Carlson, Sharon
42600    Rogers, John
48390    Rogers, John
42268    Rogers, Naomi
32704    Rogers, Suzanne: Job's Daughters
40056    Rogers, Suzanne
43441    Rogers, Wanda Faye
47037    Rogue Boys School
47038    Rogue Valley Country Club
45517    Rogue Equipment Sales Inc.
32012    Rogue Flying Service: exteriors
45164    Ryan, Terry-Bullard, Susan
32267    Rogue River Lodge: interiors and exterior
47232    Rogue Valley Council on Aging
44998    Rogue Valley Country Club: seafood buffet
45459    Rogue Valley Country Club: employees
39223    Rogue Valley Data Processing Service
32680    Rogue Valley State Bank
59617    Rogue Valley Vending: Mr. Conrad
39785    Rolls, C. R.
44554    Roland, Vern
46798    Rollie, Linda
44820    Rolie, Tom
40574    Rollin, Carmen
41140    Rollin, John
46452    Romano, Peter-Shepherd, Sue
41561    Rombach, Jim-Hubbard, Mary Ann
32200    Rood, Susan: Rhonda
46912    Roop, Jo-Dirkson, Paulett
46539    Root, Bob
42573    Root, Cathy
45188    Root, Donna
41251    Root, Steve
44738    Root, Sue: Sue, Kathy, Tim
43027    Root, Sue
40441    Root, Sue
41180    Root, Sue
43947    Root, Tim
44925    Root, Tim
46484    Rosecrans, Trenton-Bessonette, Dana
44281    Rose, Barry
41843    Rose, Dennis
47881    Rose, Hazel
48059    Rose, Jeff
42957    Rose, Jim
40857    Rose, Mrs. Larry
43901    Rose, Marvin: family group
45876    Rose, Patricia
43939    Rose, Rick
43307    Rose, Steve
42013    Rose, Theresa
45012    Rose, Tim
45011    Rose, Tom
42766    Rosecrans, Ronda
48308    Rosecrans, Steve
49532    Rosemus, Mrs.
43463    Rosenberger, Linda
32377    Ross, Darrel
32003    Ross, Mrs. Del: girl
48222    Ross, DeLeen
45398    Ross, Deleen
42059    Ross, Mrs. Ella Mae
39628    Ross, John
39574    Ross, John: Walter Perkey
38940    Ross, Judy-Mathern, Jerry
47894    Ross, Kathy
41248    Ross, Kathy
41686    Ross, Kathy
48196    Ross, Susan
39975    Ross, Tom
41381    Rossi, Mrs. Albert: Shiela
46677    Rotarius, Karen
40939    Rostel, Bert
43194    Rothback, Gail
44363    Rothboeck, Gayle
46661    Rothboeck, Rhonda
45678    Rothboeck, Rhonda
45630    Rother, Earle: family group
44979    Rother, Earle: Earle, Cindy
48033    Rotvik, Karen
39521    Rouhier, Dave
41444    Rouhier, David-Meeker, Pat
39548    Rouhier, Dan
41386    Rouhier, Tom
39716    Row, Mrs. James: Kari
44859    Rowan, Mrs. Charles
42556    Rowbotham, Teresa
43150    Rowden, Juanita: children
41773    Rowden, Margaret
45932    Rowley, Kim
46609    Rowley, Stephen
40927    Rowley, Vivian
43054    Rowell, John-Gandt, Julie
39025    Rowls, Mrs. Hazel
46174    Rowton, Sharma
46174    Rowton, Sharma
40261    Rowsey, Mrs. James L.: David
32442    Roxy Ann Lanes
41445    The Royals
46945    Royds, Shelly
44331    Royston, Judy
43507    Royston, Judy
41526    Rubin, Mabel
45030    Ruch, Fritz: Kurt
42289    Ruch, Mrs. Fritz: Eric
41074    Ruch, Jack: group
42340    Ruck, Bill
32137    Ruck, Bill
41394    Ruck, Frances
40663    Ruck, Kay
47982    Rucker, Linda
39819    Rucker, Robert: casket
41303    Rudy, Bob
43367    Rudy, Mike
48156    Rue, Ronnald
41549    Ruef, Pete
46739    Ruel, Sharon
47391    Ruff, Susan
39339    Ruhl, Arthur
41395    Ruhl, Mr. & Mrs. Clayton
40547    Ruhl, Karen
32509    Ruhl, Kaylee
40578    Ruhl, Mike
43001    Rummel, Jackie-Kirsch, Gary
42293    Runkle, Jim: group of three
42507    Rupert, Mrs. Gary
42809    Rush, Janice
41963    Rush, Rick
43769    Rusho, Beverly
39671    Rusho, Mr. & Mrs. L. C.
46157    Russel, Carolyn
41279    Russell, Mrs.: Mary Beth
46303    Russell, Debby-Maloney, Rand7
59816    Russell, Mr. & Mrs. John R.: outdoors
43704    Russell, Mrs. John: John Bendickson
40116    Russell, Mrs. John: granddaughter
44058    Russell, Larry
40831    Russell, Dick
39718    Russell, John
39720    Russell, Mrs. John: Mary Beth Kaufman
44716    Russell, Lena
42824    Russell, Olga
45843    Russell, Steve
41070    Rust, Don-Whitman, Marilyn
45654    Rutan, Mr. & Mrs. A. E.
44237    Rutan, A. E.
43837    Rutherford, Mildred
39747    Rutherford, Sue Ann
44969    Rutherford, Ron
45954    Rutter, Jim-Olsen, Janis
47516    Rutter, John-Haines, Connie
42090    Rutter, Marie
45063    Rutter, Dr. Paul: family group
40224    Rutter, Dr. Paul T.
44280    Rutter, Dr. Paul: family group
40957    Rutter, Dr. Paul T.
40235    Rutter, Dr. Paul T.
40420    Rutter, Dr. Thomas
40987    Rutter, Dr. Thomas: four children
40144    Ryan, Jim-Reich, Barbara
45184    Ryan, Reed
41642    Ryden, Dave
47113    Ryder, Linda
42985    Rygg, Carolyn
44261    Ryerson, Pat
49537    Ryken, Jon

45583    S&H Green Stamp Store
40138    St. Cloud Fire & Marine: steps at Mann's
41776    St. George, Mary
43280    St. George, Mary
49558    St. George, Pat
39801    St. Germain, Mrs. Arthur: Sheryl
44287    St. Germain, Sheryl
45413    St. Mary's Grade School: eighth grade graduation 1970
44094    St. Mary's High School: sisters 1968
41606    St. Mary's High School: sisters 1964
40314    St. Mary's School: first communion 1962
39016    St. Mary's School: first communion 1960
38641    St. Mary's School: first communion 1961
45378    St. Martin, Donald
46462    Sabala, Larry-Cass, Linda
43795    Saballe, Ann
43510    Sabo, Dr. & Mrs. Cornell: and family
41078    Sabo, Dr. Cornell A.
39132    Sabo, Judy: wedding
40671    Sacchi, Carole
32245    Sacred Heart Hospital: awards 1959
32258    Sacred Heart Hospital: x-ray clinic
39193    Sacred Heart Hospital: chapel
32521    Safley, Gordon
40993    Safley, Gordon
45754    Sage, David
48113    Sage, Ed: family, Lithia Park
45493    Sage, Peter
43423    Sage, Peter
40917    Sagor, Roy
45073    Sakraida, Christine
41877    Sakraida, Hazel
45323    Sakraida, Kathy
45854    Sakraida, Kathy-Garner, John
44535    Sakraida, Kathy
40548    Sakraida, Marilyn
48188    Sakraida, Matt
43454    Sakraida, Mike
41844    Sakraida, Nanette
43388    Sakraida, Steven
41957    Sakraida, Tim
42640    Sakraida, Tom
48240    Sallee, Gordon
32553    Saltmarsh, Curt
41387    Saltmarsh, Mrs. Curtis
39993    Saltmarsh, Mrs. Melvin
43516    Salvation Army
44591    Sample, Don
39976    Sample, Linn
46847    Sample, Lorretta
40844    Sams, A. L.
42094    Sams, Mrs. A. L.
39506    Samson, Bruce-Hamilton, Nancy
39350    Samuelson, Linda
46629    Sanborn, Jack
45559    Sanborn, Jack
46042    Sandoval, Salvador
40732    Sandberg, Carole
32389    Sander, Mrs. F. C.
46082    Sanders, Mr. & Mrs.
43453    Sanders, Darlene
43890    Sanders, Eric
41359    Sanders, Jerry
44306    Sanderson, Mr. & Mrs. John
41328    Sanderson, John
41084    Sanderson, J. M.
32689    Sandfort, Marjorie
39443    Sandfort, Marjorie
41133    Sands, Martin
41644    Sanford, John
32374    Sanger, T. R.
47835    Sapp, Karen
44431    Sarvis, Del
45293    Sather, Sara
42272    Satterfield, Bangta
39338    Satterfield, May
39359    Satterfield, Mary
42271    Satterfield, Shirley
32563    Sather, Christine
40539    Sather, Christine
32478    Satterfield, Shirley
47284    Saves, Bill
46251    Savage, Neil
46287    Sauer, Steven-Swartwout, Pat
44762    Saul, Mike
44020    Saul, Dr. Richard: family group of five
44116    Saunders, Alice
46947    Saures, Denny
43396    Savard, William
47362    Sawyer, Judge
45232    Saxburg, Frank
59756    Saxbury, Bill
32062    Saxbury, Mrs. W. F.: two children
38979    Saxton, Bob
40648    Scalberg, Ernie
39292    Scannel, Gerald: family at home
32804    Scannel, Gerald
38353    Scarlett, Bill
45350    Scarlett, Pam
44460    Scarlett, Pam
48371    Schaaf, Diane
42044    Schader, Alice
42218    Schaecher, Ron
32593    Schaecher, Ronnie
40083    Schaecher, Evelyn
40082    Schaecher, Larry
39234    Schaecher, Ron
42331    Schafer, Dixie
44230    Schafer, Donna
42944    Schaffran, Lois
43997    Schatz, Ruth
40793    Scheel, Mrs. Edna
39225    Schei, Bill: Shrine
40751    Schell, Mrs. W. F.: Lori
39737    Scherer, Darlene
32095    Schetky Equipment Corp.: truck
47009    Scheu, Gordon-Moser, Diane
46961    Scheu, Gordon-Moser, Diane
40869    Schick, Ray E.
44730    Schireman, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn
32068    Schiremen, Mrs. Glenn: Bill
43135    Schlacht, Carl
47299    Schlafke, Robin
38948    Schleigh, Dick
43646    Schliemann, Irma
45729    Schlottman, Joan
40719    Schmall, Dennis
48124    Schmidt, Dave
39341    Schmidt, Jim
46205    Schmidt, Barbara
40703    Schmidt, Richard
40284    Schmitt, Mr. & Mrs. Gary
44169    Schmitz, Peter
47110    Schmitt, Nancy
32129    Schnack, Madeliene
41199    Schnack, Martin
48312    Schneider, Wayne: baby
39883    Schoenberg, Mrs. A. R.
47214    Schoenburg, Myrtle
44580    Schoenberg, Myrtle
44213    Schoenberg, Richard: family group of six
47179    Schofield: BLM
32727    Scholer, Mrs. Walter
45841    Scholtes, Bill
40931    School District 549C: group in superintendent's office
41096    School District 549C: Oregon program 1963
41777    Schoppert, Linda
41254    Schoppert, Tom
46180    Schott, J. G.
49534    Schott, Mrs. R. E.: baby
40770    Schott, Robert
39121    Schrader, Beverly-Simmons, Elwin
59797    Shreeve, Allan: baby
44948    Schreiber, Marion: family group
44772    Schreiber, Renee
45326    Schreiber, Roxanne
42555    Schroeder, Cathy
42139    Schroeder, Kathy
40001    Schroeder, Gordon
40636    Schroeder, Grant
46053    Schroeder
45974    Schroder, J. E.: little girl
40265    Schroeder, John: family group
42214    Schroeder, Phyllis
46925    Schroeder, Mrs. Roy: baby
42637    Schroeder, Steve
44832    Schroeder, Sue
44578    Schroeder, Susan & Steve
41420    Schubel, William
40689    Schuchard, Frank
42892    Schuchard, John
41106    Schuchard, Mrs. Milton
46714    Schulz, Amy
47974    Schuster, Randy
48081    Schulz, Amy
44395    Schulz, Ervin: Angela
43127    Schulz, Ervin: Angela
45622    Schulz, Judy: two children
39326    Schulz, Ervin-Singleton, Judy
42079    Schulz, Mr. & Mrs. Ervin
45383    Schulz, Gary
43517    Schulz, Glady
46828    Schultz
46584    Schulz, Judy
43502    Schulz, Leo
42111    Schulz, Leon-Matthews, Janice
43339    Schulz, Linda
44236    Schulz, Steve
44312    Schulz, Terry
45233    Schumann, Al
32711    Schwein, Mr. & Mrs. G.
47741    Johnson, Pam-Schwietert, Steve
44421    Schweizer, James-Black, Toni
45801    Schweizer, Jim
45034    Schweizer, Mr. & Mrs. Jim
48274    Scoggins, Carol
42590    Scofield, Bill
47340    Scott, Julie
44897    Scott, Alan-Wilkes, Linda
43892    Scott, Dan
44295    Scott, Gregolyn
45680    Scott, John
46380    Scott, John
45084    Scott, Mary Kay
45217    Scott, Nona
40611    Scott, Robert
43763    Scott, Ron-Six, Jonni
40382    Scott, Mrs. Frank
42708    Scott, Jerry
41692    Scott, Linda
41932    Scott, Linda
45535    Scoville, Larry: family of three
43508    Scoville, Larry
42022    Scoville, Larry
44571    Scoville, W. A.: Jerry, Terry Ann
42253    Scroggin, Howard
42108    Scudder, D. P.
43156    Scruggs, Mr. & Mrs. Larry
42759    Seal, Mrs. Kenneth: family group of three
46773    Seaney, Marsha
39561    Sears: seventy-fifth anniversary
32422    Sears: exterior new store
42322    Sears, Sharon
42061    Seehale, V. O.
40377    Seelye, Mrs. Robert: LeeAnn
45509    Seely, Terrel-Westwood, Glenda
47211    Seguin, Dick
44837    Seguin, Richard
40397    Seiber, Nancy
41340    Seibert, John
478167  Seifnia, Mr. Shawin: Matthew
44549    Seitz, Dan
41846    Seitz, Dan
39591    Seitz, Danny
32496    Selby, Karalee
41710    Selby, Karalee: cap and gown
41475    Selby, Karalee
40045    Selby, Pat
40948    Selby, Pat: Job's Daughters
41163    Selby, Patricia
40222    Selby, Paul
39835    Selby, Paul: fez
30711    Selby, Phil-Selby, Margaret
32216    Selby, Paul: Shrine
40440    Sellars, Mrs. Marshall: Sheridan
44727    Selnes, Lynel
46054    Silver, Nelson
39551    Semon, Russ
38990    Sender, Mrs. H. H.: and family
32574    Sender, H. H.
47245    Sergent, Mike
32462    Service Bureau Corp.
45645    Servoss, Cathy
47131    Servoss, Patty
45357    Sesock, Michelle
39486    Settell, Mr. & Mrs. Gary: group of three
48496    Sesulka, Robert: group of four
40292    Setzler, Ed
32676    Setzler, Mrs. Ed: Richard
32718    Setzler, Ed
59803    Setzler, Ed
32675    Sevcik, Bob
45839    Severn, Donna
48152    Severn, Terry
42216    Severson's Candies
47111    Severs, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
41327    Severson, Linda
46766    Severson, Pam
40182    Sexton, Joan
41897    Sexton, Joan
40791    Seymour, Genene
47997    Shafer, Frank
45041    Shafer, Linda
41954    Shafer, Patricia
32121    Shaffer, Dave: with beard
44973    Shaffer, Mr. & Mrs. Gary
40688    Shaffer, Mrs. Donna
32326    Shaffer, Gary-Swanson, Pat
48114    Shaffstall, Curtis
47119    Shane, Larry
42009    Shangle, Maureen
48024    Shangle, Susan
32406    Shannon, Alvin
44355    Sharp, Martin-Potts, Claudia
48118    Shannon, Glenn
40664    Sharp, Martin
45719    Sharp, Mary
43192    Shasky, Carolyn
41501    Shasky, Florian
45540    Shasky, Dr. Florian: catheter at Providence Hospital
48107    Shasky, Judy
45408    Shasky, Judy
41839    Shasky, Lenore
44493    Shasky, Suzanne
46653    Shasky, Suzanne
46637    Shaver, Craig-Young, Marcia
32576    Shaw, Barbara
40542    Shaw, Dennis
42114    Shaw, Dennis
32619    Shaw, James
45267    Shaw, Janet
48203    Shaw, John
47052    Shaw-Sprinkle
42082    Shaw, Margaret
40616    Shaw, Roy
47793    Shay, Regina
59817    Shay, Regina
45563    Shaw Surgical
45834    Shaw Surgical: outside shots
47575    Shay-Regina
47896    Shaylor, Maurice
47900    Shaylor, Miles
40652    Shea, Mrs. John: three children
46857    Shearer: Labrador
46220    Shearin, Pat
32092    Sheffield, Elizabeth
32027    Sheffield, Elizabeth
39775    Sheldon, Jim
41324    Sheldon, Jim
32195    Sheldon, Mrs. R. A.: Tara
44415    Sheldon, Sue
41775    Sheldon, Eugene
39513    Sheldon, R. A.
42532    Sheldon, Susan
44906    Shell Oil Co.: Station #L-166
43500    Shell Oil Co.: service station
46960    Shellabarger, Dave
44937    Shelley, Dean
40118    Shelton, Ann-Phair, Dick
47870    Shelton, Bob & Trudy
47220    Shelton, Joe
47309    Shelton, Joe-Turnboll, Karen
41205    Shelton, Robert: pocket clip on glasses
45210    Shepherd, Charlotte
46934    Shepard, Helen
44574    Shepherd, Nancy: group of three
45642    Shepherd, Susan
44044    Shepherd, Susan
44247    Shepherd, William
43422    Sherrill, Dave
42703    Sherman, Jack
46044    Sherman, Joni
40106    Sherrill, Ray Loren: birth registration
40999    Sherwood & Roberts: Arctic Circle Drive-In and South Riverside
32109    Sherwood, S. G.
39162    Sherwood, Terry-McKeown, Nancy
46317    Shinn, Carolyn
47053    Shipley-Lee
47350    Shoemaker, Debbie
43359    Shoemaker, Loren J.
32316    Shoe Mart: exterior
43868    Shoemaker, Jim
45533    Shogren, Peter
43766    Shollenburg, M. H.
42984    Shontz, Nancy Sue-Corliss, Randy
43094    Shope, Angeline
42396    Shope, Anita
40357    Shopp, Cleo E.
41702    Shoppert, Tom: cap and gown
40853    Shore, Donna-Watson, Rollin
41593    Shores, Mr. & Mrs. Don
45610    Shores, Karen
48319    Shores, Sue
40303    Shouts, C. G.: Corey, Jerri
41290    Shouts, Jeri
42749    Shouts, Jeri
42854    Shouts, Judy
46116    Shrader, Debby
40003    Shreeve, George
44444    Shreeve, Joann
42466    Shreeve, Joanne: group of three
39724    Shreeve, Jo Anne
41145    Shreeve, Joanne
39216    Shreeve, Pat-Smith, Wanda
31851    Shuler, Shirley
46563    Shults, Mrs. James: baby
42873    Shumate, Judy-Frantz, Barry
40910    Shute, Jeffrey
42672    Sickles, Coralie
43849    Sickels, Coralie
41543    Sickels, Edward B.
43879    Sickels, Dr. & Mrs. Ned
32590    Sickels, Dr. & Mrs.: family
45069    Sickels, Dr. Edward W.
44452    Sickels, Ned
48232    Sideras, Pete
32148    Siebinger, Mrs.
48008    Siebrecht, Camille
38986    Siebrecht, Mrs. Ervin: Launee
47425    Sieger, Sylvia
43343    Sievertson, Mr. & Mrs. B. J.
32322    Signal Oil Co.: Melody Mileage and awards dinner
39608    Signal Oil Co.: stations at Phoenix, Ashland
40497    Signal Oil Co.: service stations
47209    Sills, Alvin
46123    Sills, Carolyn-VanDyke, Greg
42298    Silvey, Ray: grinding machine
39313    Simcox, Karen
40565    Simcox, Nancy
46988    Simons-Holstrom
47318    Simmon-Leonig
49470    Simmons, Vikki
43035    Simmonds, Denna
41296    Simmonds, Larry
42131    Simmonds, Mr. & Mrs. Larry
39850    Simmons, Beverly
41369    Simmons, Don
39121    Simmons, Elwin-Schrader, Beverly
46682    Simmons, Gail
46873    Simmons, India
44325    Simmons, Jody
44404    Simmons, Judy
42930    Simmons, Judy: Job's Daughters
59616    Simmons, Marvin
39487    Simmons, Nancy: two girls
39956    Simmons, Nancy
45138    Simmons, Roy E.: family group
46995    Simmons, T.
44130    Simmonds, Teresa
32649    Simmons, Terry
45759    Simmons, Vickie
43207    Simmons, Vicki
40529    Simonson, Elodee Jill
32032    Simpson, Mrs.
45242    Sims Electric
43844    Sims, Gary-Morris, Susan
47814    Sims, LaRon
44884    Sims, Penny
41825    Sims, Roma
39805    Singer Sewing Center: winners at Hedrick Junior High 1961
40454    Singer Sewing Center: winners 1962
32620    Singler, Judy: Patsy
31698    Singler, Judy
49542    Singler, Rick: Rachel
43876    Sipes, Rian: baby
59795    Sipp, John
49505    Sirianni, Rochelle
41057    Sisley, Don
39654    Sister Rose Lucille
45043    Six, Mr. & Mrs. Jack
43060    Six, Jonnie
39034    Six, Teresa: Job's Daughters
46126    Sixkeller, Georgia-Richards, Bryan
45270    Sixkiller, Georganne
41219    Sjolund, Lynn
39586    Sjolund, Lynn
32401    Skelton, Jaci
47769    Skelton, Mary
46764    Skillman
41146    Skinner, Mrs. Dennis: Greg, Julie
46257    Skinner, Connie-Hansen, Craig
46445    Skinner, John-Plummer, Connie
39172    Skinner, Mrs. R. A.: two boys
39180    Skinner, Mrs. R. A.: two grandsons
44223    Skog, George
46065    Skundrick, Don
45387    Skyrman, Mr. & Mrs. Harry
40215    Skyrman, Harry
32000    Skyrman & Heisel: 1951 Pontiac wagon, Ford business coupe
41566    Slack, Mrs. Helen
45351    Slater, Wilson G.
45309    Slates, Sue
46776    Slawson, Walter-Densmore, Maxine
39988    Slemp, Mrs. Albert
45392    Slessler, Mr. & Mrs. Cameron
42689    Slessler, Kathy: two children
32470    Slessler, Linda
41162    Slessler, Lois
42769    Leadley, Fred and Cotton, Bill
45980    Sloan, John-McIntire, Linda
               Sloper, Billy: family
48447    Slyter, Noi
42647    Smalley, Sandra
45690    Smelser, Cindy
45027    Smelser, Deanna
41307    Smeltzer, Mike
40139    Smets, Holly
45946    Smith, Bette Lou-Kocina, Douglas
45895    Smith, Curt
46399    Smith, Julie
46783    Smith: group of six
41725    Smith, Eugene-Olson, Mary Ann
43138    Smith Lumber Co.: interior
40838    Smith Lumber Co.: kitchens
40180    Smith, Andy
40829    Smith, Anna Bell
45318    Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur
41087    Smith, Mrs. W. Benton
43567    Smith, Benton
40093    Smith, Bob
32428    Smith, Bob
46819    Smith, Charles
46905    Smith, Charles Steven
47985    Smith, Craig
42564    Smith, Curt
32812    Smith, Cyril A.: with plaque
42010    Smith, Dale: Connie, David
38998    Smith, Dale
48527    Smith, Dale-Gottfried, Virginia
42593    Smith, Dane
43395    Smith, Darrel
44419    Smith, Debbie: scars on face
32042    Smith, Delmar
59805    Smith, Dennis & Gina
59761    Smith, Linda
44949    Smith, Dick
43124    Smith, Doug-Jennings, Diane
39257    Smyth-Dynge Lumber: awnings
39588    Smith, Ellen
44403    Smith, Frank
32519    Smith, Gary
45658    Smith, Gene: family group
44368    Smith, Greg: Greg, Mike, Nancy
42498    Smith, Gary-Hamilton, Lee
46223    Smith, Heather: baby
59867    Smith, Mike
47823    Smith, Penny
59841    Snow: family, brothers
40956    Smith, J. Sue & Moore, Carol
45191    Smith, Jane
32634    Smith, Jerilyn
39373    Smith, Jerry
42187    Smith, Joan
44402    Smith, Joe
39806    Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Joe
39523    Smith, John W. S.
42993    Smith, Karen
43216    Smith, Kathy
44689    Smith, Kay
59627    Smith, Kenneth
45978    Smith, Kirk
43865    Smith, L. C.: Pat
32164    Smith, Mr. & Mrs. LaRue: Terry, Pear Blossom
41626    Smith, Linda
39756    Smith, Linda
40492    Smith, Linda
39884    Smith, Linda-Dysart, Gary
42283    Smith, Linda-Lentz, Robert
44135    Smith, Loyal
44346    Smith, Luke
45470    Smith, Mal-Wise, Christy
44448    Smith, Maryann: Beta Sigma Chi
42382    Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Michael
43933    Smith, Mike
45666    Smith, Nanci
44880    Smith, Norman: Teresa
40883    Smith, Norton
47841    Smith, Pam
42376    Smith, Pat: and two boys
45480    Smith, Patrick-Parker, Becky
44100    Smith, Randy-Smith, Kathy
44301    Smith, Ranny
41864    Smith, Robert
43570    Smith, Robert
40371    Smith, Robert G.
32241    Smith, Mrs. Robert G.: Sara
40742    Smith, Mrs. Roland: two girls
42134    Smith, Romie
43201    Smith, Russell
42085    Smith, Mrs. S. A.: Tammy, Edward
45672    Smith, Scott: three boys
45673    Smith, Scott
39221    Smith, Sharon
47554    Smith, Tony
41165    Smith, Sharon
41468    Smith, Sharon
32450    Smith, Sonja-Swinney, Dick
42083    Smith, Tamara
46883    Smith, Tony-Conrad, Gayle
46823    Smith, Vicki
47116    Smith, Vicky: family of four
42419    Smith, Vince
32186    Smith, Mrs. Vince
39156    Smith, Vince
40989    Smith, Vincent: two boys, kittens, dog
47822    Smylie, Lynette
39225    Smith, Wanda
42071    Smith, Wanda: baby girl
47279    Smith, William: mother and baby
45649    Smock, Cheryl
47556    Smolensky, Marcus
42037    Sneed, Kay
40670    Sneed, Sue
41563    Snelson, Deanna
43598    Snelson, Deanna
40836    Snodgrass, Janet-Tallis, Terry
40117    Snodgrass, Janet
40557    Snodgrass, Jim
46419    Snow, Gary: baby
41707    Snow, Milton R.: four children
48127    Stewart, Kathy
44592    Snowden, Ann Marie & Andy
41720    Snowden, Mrs. John: and daughter
45628    Snowden, Marilyn: two children
47175    Snowden, Roberson
47463    Snyder, Joe-Williams, Pam
42445    Snyder, Louella-Brown, Robert
42205    Snyder, Louella
45304    Snyder, Rose
48082    Soderlund, Mike
40595    Sokolowski, Charlotte
31673    Sokolowski, Constance
44774    Solberg, Janet
44340    Sommer, Debbie
45410    Sonstein, David: cap and gown
44308    Sonstein, Judy
43191    Soran, Janice, Patrice, Therese
43190    Soran, Janice
43188    Soran, Patrice
42476    Soran, Pat
44107    Soran, Patty
43433    Sorensen, Dave
44796    Sorensen, Mike
45724    Sorensen, Mrs. Ron
43481    Sorenson, Don-Morrison, Janet
45404    Sorenson, Jill
42805    Sorenson, Ray
40073    Sorensen, Sam: Cylones bowling team
46730    Sorrells
39212    Soto, Ernest-Hamilton, Margaret
41123    Sotoodeh, M.
46296    Sousa, Jerry-Scott, Sara
40270    Southerd, Mrs. Mavis
39624    Southern Oregon Humane Society: plaque for dog
32439    Southern Oregon Humane Society: plaque for dog
32321    Southern Oregon Medical Society: annual dinner at country club 1959
39652    Southern Oregon Title Co.: interior and exterior
47184    Southern Oregon Warehouse
47180    Southerland
46648    Sowa, JoAnn
43711    Spafford, Gary
44913    Spafford, Karen
42636    Spafford, Karen
44274    Spani, Ron
40307    Spani, Ronald
42842    Sparling, Gina
42225    Sparling, Mr. & Mrs. Jack
41985    Sparling, Steve
38993    Sparso, Mr. & Mrs. Paul
41664    Spaulding, Mrs. Keith
41478    Spayde, R. W.: group of three
43172    Speare, Barbara
47313    Speare, Walter
46351    Spearin-Miller
46779    Speier, Chris-Pagnini, Aleta
40228    Spence, Mrs. Ben: funeral
46315    Spence, E. C.
40135    Spence, E. C.
40638    Spencer, John
45923    Spencer, Norman
45183    Spencer, Norman
46206    Spencer, Richard T.
42050    Spencer, Ted
39134    Spicer, Jan
41745    Spicer, Patricia
44289    Spiegelberg, Fred
48278    Spiegelberg, Fred
45839    Spiegelberg, Scott: three children
45388    Spiegelberg, Scott
40519    Spoerl, Janet
44117    Spomer, Lonnie
40525    Sponhauer, Dick
44811    Spores, Mr. & Mrs. Darrel
7271      Springer, Donner
47530    Sprude, Bonnie
40785    Spry, Mrs. V. E.
40176    Spry, Vernevis
46905    Skaggs, Ricky
42659    Stacey, Bob
39122    Stacey, Mrs. George: Pam
44369    Stachon, Len
44521    Stackhouse, Laurie Beth
43366    Stacy, Kathy
39535    Stafford, C. E.: fender
32392    Stafford, Shirley-Budd, Alan
39168    Stamp Dispenser Sales Corp.
40960    Stamps, Bill
32803    Standard Oil: awards banquet 1960
32369    Standard Oil
48012    Stanfield, Lynda
46623    Stanley, Debbie
39573    Stanley, Leslie
59599    Stanly, Theresa
45443    Stansbury, Lorraine: upper left arm
41492    Stansfield, Adrian: Kevin
40677    Stansfield, Dale
39991    Starkey, Pat: Cindy
41546    Starnes, Becky
42505    Starnes, Joanne
43650    State of Jefferson Quarterhorse Association: saddle
40052    Stathos, Don
32802    Stathos, Don
42616    Stathos, Geoff
41102    Stauffer Chemical Co.: pears
46250    Staus, Barbara
44476    Staus, Burt: family group
46236    Stearns, Charles: fiftieth anniversary
43699    Stedman, Lois
43110    Stedman, Lois
45461    Stedman, Lois-Gallagher, Robert
42605    Stedman, Marali
43312    Steeck, Marty
39954    Steeck, Martha
31233    Steek, Mrs. Herman: Martha
44911    Steek, Martha
42760    Steek, Marti
44249    Steeck, Martha
38959    Steeck, Martha
41003    Steele, Bob: Navy
45511    Steele, Mr. & Mrs. Fred
47347    Steele, Kathy
47098    Steele, Marilyn: and baby
46559    Steele, Jim-Thomas, Kathy
45869    Steen, Keith: with lady
44498    Steffano, Louis
47763    Steigleder, Jan
43622    Stein, Anneliese
42585    Steinbach, Jim
43967    Steinbach, Mr. & Mrs. Mel
40504    Steinbach, Terry
32398    Steiger, Mr. & Mrs. L. E.: Gail Ann
47192    Steiner, Ray
39245    Stelle, Karen
47249    Sten, Linda
41426    Stensager, Olaf
47862    Stephen, Alan
40146    Stephens, Berle
40821    Stephens, Jerry
43632    Stephens, Merwin
47755    Stephens, Renee
45070    Stephens, Rev. W. L.
45248    Stephens, William
44562    Stephens, William L.: family
43497    Stephenson, Tom-Monia, Carol
45871    Sterni, John-Carr, Sharon
48211    Sterton, Eric
46886    Sterton, Lori
44975    Steven, Mr. & Mrs. Fred
32158    Steven, Mrs. Gordon: Margaret, Pear Blossom
43491    Stevens, Bob
38939    Stevens, Denise-Armstrong, Roland
47406    Stevens, Gilda
42862    Stevens, Fred
40352    Stevens, Mrs. Gary: Gordon
45687    Stevens, Helen
45017    Stevens, Rhonda: Job's Daughters
40291    Stevens, Sharon-Picard, Gary
32134    Stevenson, E. L.: birth certificate
40944    Stevenson, Nancy-Jacks, Ken
44726    Stevenson, Mrs. W. W.
42522    Stevenson, Dr. W. W.
40720    Stewart, Alden
44063    Stewart, Chris
43676    Stewart, Chris
44336    Stewart, Edna
42062    Stewart, Edna
41401    Stewart, Edna
39455    Stewart, Frances
42698    Stewart, Jim
43012    Stewart, Jim: cap and gown
47565    Stewart, Kathy
42069    Stewart, Le Roy: family group of five
44801    Stewart, Marilyn
42167    Stewart, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
42369    Stewart, Robert R.
45805    Stickel, Mr. & Mrs. Ray: and children
40468    Stickel, Mrs. Vernon
59605    Stieber, Roberta
40760    Stiehl, Jean
40949    Stiehl, Jean
32595    Stiger, Clint
32034    Stiger, Clint
40685    Stiger, Jim
40860    Stiger, Jim
42748    Stimson, Sharron
40950    Stine, Jean & Thoreson, Betsy
41565    Stine, Lynn
48273    Stine, Sherrie
41613    Stine, Wayne
41530    Stinebaugh, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis
40532    Stinson, Jerry: Jerry Jr.
43495    Stinson, Jim
46415    Stinson, Jim & Debbie
40592    Stinson, Mike
47185    St. Mary's Sisters & Faculty 1973
39958    Stinson, Pat
47563    Stites, Tammy
47917    Stockel, Dan
39807    Stocker, Louise
32269    Stockford, Max
43843    Stockton, Daryl-Converse, Cheryl
40171    Stockton, Myrtle
42852    Stokes, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
46948    Stockton, Dyane & Dawni
45766    Stolp, Dorothy
40341    Stone, Mrs. Alton: baby
46450    Stone, Craig-Gettling, Diana
45320    Stone, David-deHaas Van Dorsser, Margaret
32221    Stone, Gail
46436    Stone, Orvil
39813    Stonebreaker, Mrs. Margaret
44353    Stong, Jon
43202    Stong, Jon
42906    Stong, Jon
46554    Stormberg
45502    Stormberg, B. J.: first communion, two boys outside home
44789    Stormberg, B. J.: boy outside
43784    Stormberg, Mrs. B. J.
32450    Stoughton, Bill: baby
40018    Stout, Barbara
40169    Stout, Barbara
39580    Stovall, Charlotte
46591    Strain, Jody
42550    Strain, Patty
40541    Stratton, Jerry
38961    Stratton, Mrs. Richard
40035    Straube, Mr. & Mrs. Gary
40786    Straube, Sophia
40076    Straus, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
46902    Straus, Jack
44084    Straus, Jack
32168    Straus, Gary: scars on left temple for Dewey Wilson
44988    Straus, Marsha: group of four
45637    Straus, R. W.
47375    Straus, Jeannie
32637    Strauss, Dennis
32823    Strauss, Patti
32732    Strauss, Patty
32352    Straus, Patty
45499    Strawn, Patty
42188    Streeby, Linda
47886    Streeby, Melody
49540    Street, Amy
               Strellman, R. M.: small piece of metal
41375    Strellman, R. M.: family group
45611    Strellman, Dick: family group
43948    Strellman, Mr. & Mrs. Richard
42402    Stribling, John
43543    Stribling, John: Melissa
49457    Strickland, Curt
39131    Stricklin, Everett-McVay, Carol
39823    Stringer, Mrs. Jane: and daughter
45105    Stringham, Virginia: three children
42563    Strohel, Steve
46845    Strom, Charles
39070    Strong, Don-Twedell, Chloe
59628    Strong, Harold: family
41649    Strong, Jack: right thigh
32528    Struck, Leila
42442    Struck, Mrs. LeRoy: Judith
46948    Stockton, Dyane
40691    Studebaker, Marsha
39542    Stuart, Bob
42612    Stuart, Christine
47321    Stuart, Jan
46370    Stuart, Kathy
39541    Stuart, Miles
40340    Stuart, Mrs. Robert: Sandra
42275    Stubblefield, Dean
48404    Stubbs, Sharon
44048    Studd, Jim-Shasky, Lenore
49863    Stueckle, Shannon
47847    Sublette, Scott
47270    Sturza, Bob
45635    Sturza, Bob, Ron & J.J.
44160    Sturza, Jack
45788    Sublette, Mary
47129    Sturza, Mrs. Jack: and daughter
40934    Suierveld, Mrs. Louie
43314    Suksdorf, Lee
42541    Sullivan, Donna
40053    Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Dwight
42983    Sullivan, Homer & Beverly
47877    Sullivan, Lezlie
42073    Sullivan, Linda
40782    Sullivan, Mike
48281    Sullivan, Mike
45927    Sullivan, Mrs. Susan
44860    Summerfield, Florence
44335    Summers, Emile-King, Joy
48146    Sunday, Mike
40152    Sunderland, Lafayette K.
               Sunderland, Richard-McDonald, Kaye
47722    Sundman, Shelly
45996    Surber, Mrs. Clarence
39707    Susee, Lynne-Powell, Lyndon
39653    Sutch, Steve-Berns, Barbara
43992    Sutch, Rosemary
32671    Sutherland, Thelma
47308    Sutton, Ed
47449    Sutton, Ed-Bottjer, Melinda
32813    Sutton, Ben Jr.
42674    Sutton, Mr. & Mrs. Floyd
40087    Svoboda, Paul-Wicker, Linda
40465    Swan, Richard: family group
42334    Swan, Mrs. Richard: two children
43576    Swanson, Bob
41421    Swan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
44804    Swanson, Greg-Morris, Becky
32326    Swanson, Pat-Shaffer, Gary
47735    Swanson, Paul
45569    Swartzberg, Mr. & Mrs. Leon: outside pictures in park
45952    Swartssager
46981    Sweeney, Mike-Anderson, Marchelle
48144    Sweet, Collette
39774    Sweet, Mrs. William
39928    Swem's: window display
44068    Swindler, Bobbie
47073    Swift, Celia
47181    Swim Team 1973
45324    Swindler, Gary
45269    Swink, Chris-Campbell, Barb
32460    Swinney, Dick-Smith, Sonja
47648    Swisher, Paul
44356    Swithenbank, Gene-Shaver, Sandra
41703    Sybrant, Dawn: cap and gown
39553    Seymour, Lloyd
41250    Symans, Duane
45962    Sypak, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry
43525    Szymaniah, Erna
41916    Szymaniak, Bernard
42387    Szymaniak, F. E.
43295    Szymaniak, Sophia

39142    Taber, Jean-Kucera, Jerry
42882    Tabor, Pat
32328    Taft, Mrs.
32127    Taft, Mrs.: Kenneth
47887    Taft, John
45344    Taken, Marilyn
40155    Tallis, Terry
40836    Tallis, Terry-Snodgrass, Janet
45080    Tamburello, Tony
47506    Tanquist, Sue
44254    Tate, Pat
49544    Tate, Wayne
43974    Taylor, Betty
45247    Taylor, Bill
41049    Taylor, Carol
46064    Taylor, Charles
45237    Taylor, Mrs. D. W.
41272    Taylor, Dale
47193    Taylor, Deanna
45477    Taylor, Debbie
44758    Taylor, Debbie: Job's Daughters
42778    Taylor, Dick
42158    Taylor, Dixie D.
44957    Taylor, Doreen
40347    Taylor, Mrs. Edwin
39160    Taylor, Mrs. Irene: Elaine
32613    Taylor, Jay
44835    Taylor, Jinny
44128    Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. George
43666    Taylor, Jennnie: Groceteria
48011    Taylor, Jerry
47389    Tahylor, Linda
45815    Taylor, Lynn
41147    Taylor, L. C.: family group at country club
30952    Taylor, Lanny
32683    Taylor, Patty
46078    Taylor, Perry-Westwood, Melody
47899    Taylor, Rick
44089    Taylor, Robert: family group in home
32490    Taylor, Robert
42313    Taylor, Robert-Bell, Ellen
44265    Taylor, Sam
41697    Taylor, Sandra
48028    Taylor, Tammy
45523    Taylor, Virginia
44172    Taylor, Virginia
44797    Teasdale, Becky
45970    Tecmire, Curtis
44536    Tecmire, Curt: family group
41872    Tecmire, Curtis
42761    Tecmire, Curt: family group of seven
48233    Tecmire, Randy
46711    Tedrick, James
46862    Teel, Debbie-Dumire, Larry
32427    Teeter, Joe
46778    Tehrenbach, William-Brandon, Alana
47553    Tejcka-Popham
48316    Tejcka, Curt
47839    Telecky, Debra
48213    Tellura, Teresa
32425    Templar, Mrs. Fern: birth certificate
43830    Templeton, David P.: Rogue Valley Plywood
46192    Templemen, Doris & Lee
43826    Templeton, David: Fir-Ply
45774    Tennyson, Dr. Eugene
32598    Tepovac, Sharen
42733    Tepper, Sandy
46654    Terry, Jolise
47489    Terry, Waldene

40194    Teske, Lorraine
43101    Testerman, Frank
43882    Testerman, Yvonne
40316    Tetreault, R.
39063    Tetreault, R. J.
39434    Teutsch, Tom: family
               Texaco, Inc.: Dalton, Henry & Davenhill, C. W.
40849    Texaco, Inc.: meeting at Rogue Valley Country Club
40258    Thames, Norman-Hart, Mildred
44004    Thanos, Cathy & Pete
44080    Thanos, Pete
45066    Thatcher, Mr. & Mrs. C. A.
41652    Thatcher, Mr. & Mrs. Charles A.
59827    Thatcher, Merrill
47237    Thatcher, Verna
32009    Thaut, John J.
47379    Thomas, Christine
48385    Thomas, Darin
32331    Thomas, Mrs. George Jr.
32021    Thomas, George: family group
40839    Thomas, George: display board at Union Hall
41232    Thomas Helen-Jones, Stan
47924    Thomas, June
40127    Thomas, Kent
46572    Thomas, Rip-Higgins, Barbara
40335    Thomas, Kristine
48419    Thomas, Kristy
32793    Thomas, Mrs. Louis
39244    Thomas, Marian
48169    Thomas, Mike
41728    Thomas, Richard-Larson, Eda
45281    Thomas, Wade-Potts, Paula
43062    Thomason, Joyce
31719    Thomason, Julia
32122    Thomen, Bob
43125    Thompsen, Mrs. Ralph: four generations
47039    Thompsen, Dr.
32367    Thompson
43471    Thompson, Anna: Job's Daughters
42472    Thompson, Annette
32795    Thompson, Audrey
48065    Thompson, Becky
48372    Thompson, Becky
41567    Thompson, Bill-Kaye ,Glenda
39897    Thompson, Bill
47919    Thompson, Bill: family
40110    Thompson, Bonnie
43361    Thompson, Brad
43700    Thompson, Cassie
39285    Thompson, Cassie
42153    Thompson, Charles: family group
41756    Thompson, Rev. Douglas
43291    Thompson, Donna
42989    Thompson, Donna
42084    Thompson, Ernie
42453    Thompson, Gloria
43461    Thompson, Gloria
43254    Thompson, Gary
46416    Thompson, Grace
40758    Thompson, Holly
40567    Thompson, Pat
47913    Thompson, Katy
59561    Thompson, Kyra
47998    Thompson, Toni
47244    Thompson, Kyra
43645    Thompson, Holly
46440    Thompson, Jim-Greene, Patti
40968    Thompson, Joy
47195    Thompson, Myra
46659    Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. Ken
40375    Thompson, Mrs. Lewis: Barbara Lou
41544    Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis: group of three
41055    Thompson, Mrs. Louis: Barbara
41731    Thompson, Mrs. Louis: Barbara Lou
42337    Thompson, Mrs. Louis: Barbara
39911    Thompson, Pat
46721    Thompsen, Ralph
48285    Thompson, Dr. & Mrs. Ralph: three families
45770    Thompsen, Dr. Ralph
43104    Thompson, Reed: family group
42008    Thompson, Mrs. Roger: Brian
43748    Thompson, Mrs. Ted. O: Sheila
39410    Thompson, Terry
45283    Thompson, Thomas
39564    Thompson, Virginia
45544    Thompsen, Holly-Wheaton, John
45958    Thompson, W. C.-Barker, I.
32556    Thompson, Wayne
45685    Thompson, Irene
47552    Thorn, Cindy
39540    Thorndike, Bill
40766    Thorndike, Mrs. William: David
48293    Thornton, Debbie
42195    Thornton, Earl
43723    Thornton, Inga: mother and two children
48309    Thornton, Ron
39420    Thorpe, Jeanna
39445    Thorsen, Mr. & Mrs. Keith
42436    Thorsnes, David
45670    Thorsnes, David A.: Paul, Ann, John
41012    Thrush, Robert-Paulsen, Connie
59568    Thumler, Debra
49539    Thumler, Don
40015    Thumler, Verda
40325    Thunderbird Market: exterior 1962
39763    Thunderbird Market: exterior 1961
41969    Thurman, Dana
32723    Thurman, Mrs. Lyle: death certificate
32202    Thurman, Lyle: Shrine
40331    Thurston, Mrs. H. B.
42890    Tibbets, Peggy
43807    Tibbutt, Ted
43805    Tibbutt, Todd
39347    Tichenor, John
39348    Tichenor, Don
46453    Tierebing, Gary-Milton, Donna
40508    Tillery, Shirley
45291    Tilley, Mr. & Mrs. Walter
42801    Timber Engineering Co.: Fir Ply at White City
39986    Timber Products Co.
43616    Tinseth, Don & Joyce
45474    Tipler, Marlene
43684    Tippets, Scott
42081    Titus, Mrs. Rex: Toni, Bret
39935    Tod, Terry
32097    Todd, Arthur
32583    Todd, Beverly
41042    Todd, Beverly
42002    Todd, Don
43136    Todd, Phil
46635    Todd, Richard-Risse, Nora
47458    Toevs, Alden-Sickels, Cory
32780    Tokar, Frank
32678    Tokar, Rosemary
39294    Tolle, Judy
45083    Tomjack, Nancy
32550    Tomjack, Tom
46249    Tomlin, Jayne
45846    Tomlin, Terri
43187    Toney, Dinnis
42144    Tonn, Mrs. Harvey: Mike
41671    Tooley, Nita
45455    Torano, Sandra: twins
46841    Torrett, Ron
46842    Torrett, Shirley
47280    Torrey, Dean & David
47497    Torrey, Lorna
32055    Torrey, Mrs. Ronald M.: Janis, Gregg
32693    Tosh, Mrs. Jim: Rachelle
40177    Totten, Dorothy
48491    Tourville, Lorna
46600    Towles, Jim-Smith, Shari
43414    Townes, Bob
38958    Town & Country Realty: exterior and staff 1960
47233    Town & Rural
44233    Townes, Joan
48175    Tracey, Jonette
39877    Tracey, Mrs. Russell L.
48175    Tracy, Jonette
45717    Tracy, Stan
47724    Traister, Judy
47951    Trask, Dave
48040    Trask, Lester
32211    Trautman, Mrs. H. J.: Kathy
40453    Trautman, Nita-Kemper, Halbert
40717    Trautman, Sharon: group of four
43658    Trautman, Juanita
44972    Travelers Insurance: Walker the Weeper
44805    Travelers Insurance: window display at Gallenkamp's
Travelers Insurance: North River Road, Gold Hill
Travelers Insurance: falldown at Safeway
Travelers Insurance: fall at J. C. Penney
44596    Travelers Insurance: fall at J. C. Penney
Travelers Insurance: Safeway falldown
Travelers Insurance: Safeway Stores
Travelers Insurance: outside shots, Steve Wilson case
Travelers Insurance: vehicle at Dick's Wrecker
42639    Travis, Tym
45957    Traviss, Richard-Ferritto, Debbie
47134    Traylor, Mr. & Mrs.
46620    Trefren, Wayne
39830    Tresham, Beverly
41374    Tresham, Mrs. Duane: Craig
40128    Tresham, Duane-Burroughs, Jerolyn
40084    Tresham, Pat
32302    Triangle Food Market: exterior
45141    Triest, Mr. & Mrs. Bill
46001    Trimmer, Carolyn-Roberts, John
42712    Trimble, June: and children
42344    Triplett, Bill
39759    Trowbridge, Ben Sr.: Shrine
42117    Trowbridge, Mrs. Ben Sr.
43408    Trowbridge, Ben Jr.: family group
45918    Trobridge, Judy-Oswald, Paul
46384    Troutman, Marvin
44674    Trowbridge, Pamela
43804    Trowbridge, Pam
40047    Trowbridge, Pam
40302    Trowbridge, Pam: Job's Daughters
41151    Trowbridge, Pam
47500    Trout, Mr. & Mrs. Bob
43973    Trowbridge, Russell: family group of four
40317    Trowbridge Electric: Big Y Appliance Center appliances
41655    Trowbridge Electric Co.
41152    Trowbridge Electric: four-plex and house
41584    Trowbridge Electric Co.: Hoover display
40707    Trowbridge Electric Co.: clothes dryer
40476    Trowbridge Electric: interiors
41721    Trowbridge Electric
49502    Trower, Ken
41628    Troxel, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis
45043    Truly, John
41834    Truly, Mary Louise
43232    Truly, Susan
45363    Truscott, Dean: children
42814    Tucker, Charles
32646    Tucker, Ethel
30684    Tucker, Martin-Miller, Darlene
59823    Tucker, Randall
30523    Tucker, Ray
46019    Tucker, Velma
43008    Tucker, William L.
46877    Tudor, Yoe
43733    Tuft, Stewart-Thompson, Cassie
41633    Tull, Robert: family group
43735    Tuma, Pat
32659    Tumy, Gil: Michael
47518    Tungate, John-McGinnis, Treena
46466    Tupper, Myron-Hormel, Barbara
41554    Turk, Jack
41291    Turman, Carolyn
39889    Turman, Loretta
42941    Turman, Loretta-Bishop, Amos
32481    Turman, Ross
44380    Turnbull, Carol
40590    Turner, Ann
46946    Turner, Beth
39638    Turner, Bill-Ayres, Loretta
47093    Turner, Mr. & Mrs. D. D.
42063    Turner, Mr. & Mrs. Dave
39384    Turner, Terry
46429    Turner, Tim-Baker, Karen
41138    Turner, Tom-Newcomb, Kathy
44644    Turner, Trudy
41159    Turpin, Dwayne
47324    Turpin, Dorothy
32477    Turpin, Tom
45515    Turvey, Mr. & Mrs. Clifford: fiftieth anniversary
43854    Tutor, Doris
39070    Twedell, Chloe-Strong, Don
43489    Twedell, Mr. & Mrs. Dave
43782    Twedell, Linda
32810    Twedell, E. M.
45406    Tweedy, Charles
45450    Tweed, George
45651    Tweedy, Jim
43887    Tweedy, Lawrence
44483    Tweedy, Mrs. Lawrence
40473    Tweedy, Toni-Boardman, Curt
43074    Tweedy, Bob
43185    Tweedy, Jim
43011    Tweedy, Scott
43135    Tweedy, Charles
39157    Tweedy, Vickie-Keeney, Robert
32292    Twenty-Thirty Club: Catfish Derby girls 1959
45157    Tycer, Debbie
40533    Tycer, Gary-Halass, Dana
41441    Tyler, Cindy
43767    Tyrrell, Janice
39610    Tyrrell, M. A.
43177    Tyrrell, Mabel
44958    Tyrrell, Robert
44712    Tyrrell, Robert L.

40746    U.M.C.: presentation of award to PP&L
44514    Ulray, Debbie
46813    Underhill, Elizabeth
40662    Underwood, Dave
42235    Underwood, Fred
39241    Underwood, Steve
47188    Underwriter Adjustment Co.
47189    Unknown girl
32417    Union Oil: birth certificate
40992    United Air Lines: 100,000 mile plaques
43641    United Grocers
46735    Utz, John
39424    U.S. National Bank: old building 1960
46354    Urie, Irv
39778    U.S. National Bank: trailer at Walker's
39812    U.S. National Bank: bank opening 1961
45266    U.S. Forest Service
49476    Uerlings
46697    Uerlings, John
49515    Ulray, Donna
4778795  Underhill, Jim
42793    U.S. Forest Service: groups 1965
42971    U.S. Forest Service: Medford watershed
41462    U.S. National Bank: paintings in color
44658    University of Oregon Medical School
48424    Unruh, Barbara
32458    Uridel, Tom
43456    Urie, Irvine: William Dale
40959    Urie, Irvine: group
41654    Urie, Mrs. Irvine: Billie
42056    Urie, Irvine: Billy
41471    Urie, Irvine: Billy
40192    Urie, Sharyn
41231    Urie, Sharyn-Wyatt, Tom
43694    Urien, Chris

39880    Vail, Amy
39475    Vail, Amy
46909    Vail, Dennis
45345    Vail, Douglas
39881    Vail, Betty
48377    Vail, Walter
45663    Vakoc, Dennis
45119    Vakoc, Martin
47068    Vakoc, Martin-Parrach, Carolyn
46105    Valdes, Mike
47332    Valencia, Oliver
41019    Valentine, Carmen
39418    Valentine, Carol
41197    Valentine, Don
32632    Valentine, Jim
46768    Valley, Debra
41414    Van Ausdall, Mrs. Larry: Laura Jean
32353    VanAusdall, Mr. & Mrs. Larry
39569    Vanausdall, Mrs. Larry: Randy Scott
43828    Van Buren, Dorothy
43206    VanBuren, Jack
47183    Van DeWalker, Karen
46636    Van Horn, Keith
42931    Vance, Polly
46997    Vance, Terry-Bartels, Kathy
49533    Vancil, Paula
47947    Vandagrift, Cliff
42204    Vanden Berg, Gerald
40197    Vandenburgh, Sara
40470    Vanderlin, Mrs. Mary: old book
40461    Vanderwalker, Mr. & Mrs. O.: fiftieth anniversary
40148    Vandever, Ruth Ann: birth certificate
40136    Vandever, Mrs. William
39761    Vandever, William
45434    Van De Warker, Caren
45020    VanDijk, Leo: family group of ten
43986    Van Dijk, Leo: family group of nine
39960    Van Duker, Bob
40540    VanDyck, Linda
41128    Van Dyke, Bonnie
41729    Van Dyke, Bonnie-Korth, Don
46113    Van Dyke, Greg & Carolyn
39651    Van Dyke, Frank
39630    Van Dyke, Mrs. Frank
46123    Van Dyck, Greg-Lills, Carolyn
40315    Van Dyke, Karen-Pitts, David
48317    Van Ek, Jim
48334    Virgo: Jim Makurd & Steve Bartlett
40505    Van Gordon, Leslie
42299    Vanguard Associates: dinner at Medford Hotel
38963    VanHise, H. W.
47987    Von Kienast, Tom
59793    VanLaningham
46704    Vanlandingham, Gary
32194    VanLaningham, Gary
39566    VanLawick, Mr. & Mrs.
32314    VanLees 88¢ Store
59607    VanLoon, Wayne: family of six
47197    Vannoy, Eleanor
44517    Van Pelt, Mr. & Mrs. Roy
40669    Van Pelt, Frank
39736    Van Pelt, Frank
32830    VanSickle
39527    VanSickle, Bob: accident scene Third and Bartlett
39463    Van Sickle, Bob: stairs at 122½ Mistletoe
39354    Van Sickle, Bob: JCPenney Co. fall
39120    Van Sickle, Robert: Earl Boling head scar
39127    Van Sickle, Robert: Coffman, leg and head at Sacred Heart Hospital
39167    Van Sickle, Robert: Big Pines Lumber Co.
39068    Van Sickle, Robert: accident scene, Foothills Road
39178    Van Sickle, Robert: accident scene, Volkswagen, Larry Butler at RVMH
39128    Van Sickle, Robert: Thompson case, night shot on South Central, Mrs.
                    Thompson at Sacred Heart Hospital
39227    Van Sickle, Suzann
42935    Van Sickle, T. W.
40933    Van Sickle, Robert: Tiffany abdomen
39568    VanSickle, Ted
42183    Van Sickle, Theron
45981    Varin, Chris-Kodym, Joe N.
42796    Varin, Dennis
46013    Vaugh
40438    Vaughan, Mrs. Don: Sharon
46407    Vaughn, John: baby
46454    Vaughn, John: cap and gown
45064    Vaughan, Linda
44131    Vaughn, Vicki
39678    Vaughan, Vin
39279    Vaughn, Linda
42653    Vaughan, Vicki
31323    Veal, Mrs. H. J.: Patricia
46509    Vawter, Lynette
44196    Velliquette, Mr. & Mrs. S. K.
47054    Ver, Miguel
46827    Verling, Mary
39689    Vermeulen, Mrs.: family group and Tina
43212    Verschoor, Diane
59787    Verstegen-Burdich
59631    Verstegen, Marc: Lithia Park
41454    Verstrate, Walley
45945    Vessey, Debra-Williams, Stephen
45745    Vessey, Don
43037    Vetkos, Ellouise
32057    Vice, Jerry
44052    Vickoren, Pat: Renee
44618    Vidotto, Mrs. Nello: baby
44239    Vidotto, Nello
45253    Vijan, Mr. & Mrs. James
42557    Vilarino, Clarene
42247    Vilarino, Connie
43927    Vilas, Walt: Grayce
42358    Vilas, Mrs. Walter: Lloyd
41026    Vilas, Mrs. Walter: Walter
32741    Vilas, Ed
42868    Villeneuve, Judy: and baby
44679    Vincent, Ron
44770    Vinsel, Linda
44307    Vencill, Gary-Davey, Laura
45146    Vice, Al
59798    Vincent: family of three
45615    Vinsel, Bill
42562    Vinson, Jean
44907    Vinyard, Larry
46520    Vevera, Jeff
47068    Vockac-Parrack
41330    Voegtly, Carl
43005    Voeltz, Sandy
32015    Vogel, Floyd C.
44087    Vogel, Susie: Milo
46762    Voight, J. R.
44785    Voight, Mr. & Mrs.
32008    Voight, Gail
40575    Voight, Gail
45273    Volkomener, Dr. Helen
49556    Von Stein
46809    Von Stein, Dean: group of five
43405    Von Stein, Gary
47330    Vonstein, Sharon-Hartenstein
44767    Vorhies, Dan
41169    Vowell, Eunice: Campagna Bobbie, Marla, Paul
41259    Vowell, Larry
39979    Vowell, Renny

46465    Wacker, Ted-Lewis, Janey
40313    Waddell & Reed: airport
43220    Wadlow, Claudette
43436    Wagar, Tom
59755    Wagner, Orval & Davis, Paul: Nancy
42405    Wagoner, Bill
42968    Wagoner, Mr. & Mrs. Lyle
44510    Wahl, Mrs. Margaret
39500    Wainscott, Mrs. H. C.: group of four
47819    Waitt, Cindy
39873    Walch, Mrs. Harold: Tammy
32719    Wakefield: two girls
32004    Wakefield, Mrs.
41826    Wakefield, Mrs. Isolee
44413    Wakefield, Sally
32666    Wakefield, Sally
41239    Wakefield, Sally
42579    Wakefield, Susan
46088    Walch, Danny
42519    Walch, Mrs. Harold
41144    Walch, Mrs. Harold: Marty
46092    Walczak, John
46669    Waldren
47413    Waldron, Butch-Pederson, Kari
47890    Waldron, Kim
39657    Wales, Mrs. Lloyd: Scott
39002    Walitalo, Herman
46789    Walker
32196    Walker, Bill
48342    Walker, Bill
43657    Walker, Blanche
39914    Walker, Barbara
41045    Walker, Barbara-Caldwell, David
45271    Walker, Bill
39199    Walker, Mrs. Bonnell: Connie Jo, Kay Demar
39217    Walker, Mrs. C. J.
47784    Walker, Cindy
41999    Walker, Dan
39310    Walker, Diane
43134    Walker, Dick-Anderson, Cindy
40630    Walker, Dick
43888    Walker, Jack
43869    Walker, Mrs. Jack
32217    Walker, Jack: Shrine
41320    Walker, Jack: with fez
40186    Walker, Jack
32301    Walker, Mrs. Jack: Bob, Jay
45681    Walker, Janie
45327    Walker, Mr. & Mrs. Jay
44813    Walker, Jay: J.T., baby
43618    Walker, Jay
42368    Walker, Mrs. Jay: J.T.
39229    Walker, Mrs. Jay: and baby
43625    Walker, Jack
40905    Walker, Mrs. Jay: Tammy
41819    Walker, Mrs. Jack: Tammy
32520    Walker, Jay-Jordan, Janie
45071    Walker, Keith
44129    Walker, Larry
32668    Walker, Mary
32433    Walker, Molly-Kerr, Larry
44263    Walker, Mrs. Larry
44302    Walker, Larry: Brad
45303    Walker, Micheliene
43697    Walker, Richard
40725    Walker, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
32260    Walker, Mrs. Robert E.: three boys and mother
59743    Walker, Val: golden retriever
39280    Wall, Mr. & Mrs. A. E.
43199    Wall, Harold
42088    Wall, Harold
43112    Wall, Marlene
40899    Wallace, Mary Lou
45780    Wallace, Olivia: family group
32293    Wallace, Mrs. R. E.: baby
48331    Wallace, Richard
42075    Wallace, Roland
38980    Wallace, LeRoy-Guinotte, Gaye
46163    Wallen, Ken
39074    Walls, Kip
46291    Walls, Pat: baby
40546    Walsh, Dic
38934    Walsh, Dic
45101    Walsh, Joy
47126    Walstrom, Dr. C. J. & family
47954    Walstrom, Peggy
45925    Walters, Frank
41371    Walter, Mrs. Mary
41636    Walter, Dale
32436    Walters, Don
40655    Walters, Frank
41331    Walters, Lonnie
46570    Walters, Terry: group of three
44985    Waltz, Janice
44605    Waltz, Judy
44023    Waltz, Judy
46978    Wanek, D.
43399    Wanek, Mrs. L. D.: two girls
41235    Wanek, Mrs. L. D.: Lisa
44628    Wanless, Michael
45040    Warcken, Mike-Ells, Julie
41858    Ward, Agnes
48398    Ward, Judy: two children
43416    Ward, Kenneth
40381    Ward, Melvin: family group
40170    Ward, Miriam
40873    Ward, Miriam: doorway decoration
40861    Ward, Miriam
41435    Ward, Ron
43158    Warne, Bill-Morrison, Candy
43281    Warne, Candy
41874    Warner, Bill
47540    Warner, Debbie
47540    Warner, Debbie
39632    Warner, Gene
41130    Warner Gladiolus Gardens: warehouse at Jacksonville
48074    Warner, Mark
45250    Warren, Bill: in uniform
44524    Warren, Betty
44841    Warren, Bill
32230    Warren, Carolyn
43681    Warren, Randy
45824    Wallace, Marlene
47612    Warren, Sheila
45165    Warren, Tim-Simmons, Judy
45796    Warren, Pam
39649    Warren, W. L.
43350    Wash, Linda
41949    Washburn, Mike
42744    Wasner, Mr. & Mrs. Bob
43237    Wassum, Mellisa
44012    Watanabe, Koichi
47360    Waterhouse, Willard
40094    Waters, Mrs. M. E.: Mark
40679    Watkins, Mike
39767    Watkins, Nelda
42451    Watkins, Virgil
44698    Watrud, Shyla
39799    Watson, Archer
41764    Watson, Archer H. Jr.
47348    Watson, Andrea
47929    Watson, Bonnie
47234    Watson, John: home sitting
45366    Watson, Mrs. John
44322    Watson, Jim-Jewett, Shari
47581    Watson, Kathy
39704    Watson, Marilyn
39749    Watson, Marilyn-Frink, Jim
32629    Watson, Marsha
32652    Watson, Melissa
41487    Watson, Mary
44498    Watson, Melissa
39790    Watson, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph
39125    Watson, Mrs. Rollie: Tommy, Cole
40853    Watson, Rollin-Shore, Donna
46202    Watts, Peggy
46693    Watts
46670    Wattles family
44437    Wattles, Mr. & Mrs. Ron
48128    Wavrom. Sisam
40513    Weaver, Clarence
39159    Weaver, Frank
43966    Weaver, Harlan: family group of three
41119    Weaver, Mr. & Mrs. Miles
44784    Webb, Clyde
40801    Webb, Jim
43742    Webb, Richard
46720    Webb, Dick
40020    Webb, Richard
32184    Weber, Bruce
32520    Weber, Mrs. Bruce: Gregory
40071    Weber, Dick: Cyclones bowling team
46896    Webber, Lauren
40877    Weber, Robert-O'Sullivan, Marsha
47455    Webfoot: Hammock, Bill
32232    Webster, Bob
45245    Webster, Doris
39264    Webster, Jack
44408    Weed, Ethyl
47561    Weems, Debbie
39617    Wehde, Clara
39209    Wehde, Clara: Judy
48197    Wehde, Debbi
46542    Wehren, Jim
32380    Wehren, Mrs. J. J.: Christopher
46363    Weixel, Phyllis
45866    Weisbrod, John
43605    Weisbrod, Mary
40044    Weisbrod, Mary
41173    Weisbrod, Mary
40680    Weixel, Pat: Pat, Windy, Kathy
41715    Weixel, Pat-Harold, Allen
47253    Weyers, Linda
45507    Welch, Mr. & Mrs. David
44315    Welch, Ed
40995    Welch, Judy
39670    Welch, Mrs. Judy
39795    Welch, Priscilla-McGill, Neil
45992    Winter, Molly
39793    Weller, Charles-Laing, Sandra
47170    Wellette, Helen
45046    Wells, Craig: baby
44903    Wells, Darrell-Holmes, Joan
39517    Wells, Darrell & Byron
44478    Wells, Iris: and son
39727    Wells, Iris
39565    Wells, Iris
42333    Wells, Janice & Judy
40789    Wells, Janice
45235    Wells, Willie
40334    Wendt, Mrs. Chester
44962    Wentjar, Ernest
45010    Wentjar, Mrs. Ernest
41032    Wentjar, Eula
40245    Wernmark, Swede
45259    Werrlein, Mr. & Mrs. William
41623    West, Rev. D. Kirkland
32386    Wertz, Ben
32286    West, Dr. & Mrs.
32559    West Coast Lumbermen's Association: church
42324    West, Gary: family group
32090    West, Gary-Clark, DeeAnn
40447    West, Rev. D. Kirkland
42251    West, Mrs. D. K.
45490    West, Dr. Kirkland: family group in home
39421    West, Lila: three children
41362    West, Lila
59862    West, Melody
42960    West, Virginia
46327    Westerfield, Jim
43867    Westerfield, Roger
39816    Westgate Bakery
44583    Westigard, Mr. & Mrs. Peter
41495    Westigard, Mrs. G.: two girls
42245    Westland, Mrs. E. L.: Ana
32591    Weston, Maxpaula
45509    Westwood, Glenda-Seeley, Terrel
43962    Westwood, Glenda
48132    Wewtwood, Karrie
45989    Westwood, Melody
46078    Westwood, Melody-Taylor, Perry
44075    Weyer, Mary
39331    Whaley, Evelyn
41537    Whaley, Judy
43935    Whalin, Charlotte
43132    Whalin, Charlotte
45174    Whalin, Don
44188    Whalin, Don: family group in home
44040    Whalin, Mrs. Don
43514    Whalin, Mr. & Mrs. Don
42296    Wheaton, Mrs. George: Bill
42033    Wheaton, Mrs. George: three children
45544    Wheaton, John-Thompsen, Holly
46324    Wheeler, Frank-Cass, Diana
48360    Wheeler, Gary H., O.D.
39406    Wheeler, Herb
41748    Wheeler, Jack
42626    Whinihan, Steve
47075    Whipple, Jan
46298    Whipple, Steve-Remick, Jan
44170    Whipple, Stewart M.: Pinnacle Packing
32484    Whisenant, Delie M.
47873    Whitaker, Wendy
46849    White, William L.
42234    White, Mr. & Mrs.
32231    White, Dick
40458    White, Mrs. Donna: Dick
47940    White, Doug
41442    White, Mr. Fred G.
32191    White, George: with beard
41104    White, Jack E: group of four
38937    White, Mrs. Jim: Kathy
47776    White, Joel
59774    White, Kathy
32712    White, Juanita
44245    White, Karen
47795    White, Kathy
45225    White, Kathy
43743    White, Loraine
39980    White, Mark
43480    White, Mary Jane
32503    White, Pam
39735    White, Pam
40569    White, Shelley
42729    White, Shelly
41765    Whited, Fred E.
44495    Whiteley, Pat
44098    Whitford, Sam-Fischer, Meredith
32372    Whitlock, Phil: Phyllis
41382    Whitlock, Mrs. Richard
40523    Whitman, Elizabeth R.
41033    Whitman, Jo-Austin, Phil
41070    Whitman, Marilyn-Rust, Don
40737    Whitman, Mike
41204    Whitmore, David
46297    Whitmire-Fletcher
48341    Whitmoyer, Ruth
48379    Whitney, Doug: family
46938    Whitney, George
45372    Whitt, Ruane: group of three
41092    Whittenberg, James-Lea, Sonya
42306    Widmaier, Else Johanna
39622    Wicker, Linda
40087    Wicker, Linda-Svoboda, Paul
42269    Wickham, Richard
39411    Wickman, Mrs. R. M.: two boys
45785    Widlund, Rick-Braziel, Lonna
43413    Wiegand, Mark
44733    Wiegand, Robert
47878    Wiege, Joletta
39844    Wiegele, Mrs. Lawrence: David
45706    Wiens, Al: family group
45705    Wiens, Lloyd: two boys
45059    Wiens: Medford Gospel Mission group
42053    Wiese, Gary
44273    Wiest, Harold: Eddie
45552    Wiest, Harold: Eddie
42970    Wiest, Mr. & Mrs. Harold: family of three
40772    Wiest, Harold: Edward Neal
46807    Wiltrout, Stan-Elbert, Eva
48382    Wilburn, Ken
47916    Wilcox, Alice
39415    Wilcox, Janet: girl
31193    Wilkes, Allen
31198    Wilkes, Peggy
31779    Wilkes, Peggy
45394    Wilkes, Roy: Blossom Hill
45389    Wilkins, Rick
31285    Wilkins, Thomas: two boys
31346    Wilkinson, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest
43283    Wilcox, Ruth
42767    Wilcox, Ruth: group of five
42948    Wiley, C. D.
47547    Wiley, Janine
42860    Wiley, Mabel
39690    Wiley, Mildred
49538    Wiley, Ralph
44409    Wiik, Alf
42664    Wilke, Nicky
42455    Wilkes, Allen
43824    Wilkes, Linda
39802    Wilkes, Peggy
40085    Wilkes, Peggy-Johnson, Gordon
45550    Wilkes, Lanell
42740    Wilkes, Roy: family group of four
45401    Wilkes, Terry-Gilmore, Jan
46068    Wilkes, Mr. & Mrs.
40257    Wilkes, Virgil
38952    Wilkes, Virgil
43420    Wilkie, Dave
43979    Wilkins, Lurline
43688    Wilkins, Fred: bowling association
44374    Wilkins, Mildred: Lloyd, James
45868    Wilkinson, Julie-Kyle, Bob
44045    Willems, Sarah
47471    Willey, Jim-Graber, Pam
41586    Williams, Al-Westby, Naida
42196    Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Al: group and Paul
44305    Williams, Art
42666    Williams, Barney
32463    Williams, Betty
47789    Williams, Teresa
46643    Williams, Candida
45424    Williams, Cliff
45337    Williams, Dale
46651    Williams, Debbie
43788    Williams, Don
39260    Williams, Doug
41408    Williams, Frank
41469    Williams, Frank: two children
41711    Williams, Gene
46534    Williams, Gerald
45445    Williams, Henry
44881    Williams, Henry C.
40474    Williams, Jean-McVay, Gordon
39792    Williams, Mrs. Joan: accident on North Pacific Highway 1961
45460    Williams, Kathy-Cunningham, Bruce
44815    Williams, Kimmy
42266    Wilson, L. C.
32079    Williams, Mrs. Leo: Bill Minecci
32587    Williams, Marcia
47782    Williams, Pat
45287    Williams, Paul B.
43426    Williams, Priscilla
43717    Williams, Priscilla: cap and gown
40845    Williams, Mrs. Ralph
59811    Williams, Robert E.
39728    Williams, Sally-Harris, Harold
48202    Williams, Sandy
43415    Williams, Stephen-Vessey, Debra
42929    Williams, Steve
32255    Williams, Mrs. Von: five generations
32513    Williams, William: Shrine
31440    Williams, Willis: DeMolay
40965    Williams, Willis
41000    Williams, Willis
46571    Williamson, David-Munson, Terry
477104  Williamson, Mark: family of three
39710    Willingham, Art
39615    Willits, Mrs. Lee
49782    Wilman, Jeffry
39766    Wilmarth, Ben: family group
32493    Wilson, Betty: Tracee
39206    Wilson, Cecil: Gregory Don
32581    Wilson, Cecil: Gregory Don
46715    Wilson, Cindy
44701    Wilson, Dewey: Tudor Apartments, Ashland
39143    Wilson, Dewey: Davis, Shirley--burns on legs and back
44222    Wilson, Debbie: Job's Daughters
40283    Wilson, Donna
41910    Wilson, Dorothy
46950    Wilson, Ed
41467    Wilson, Elwin: family group
43707    Wilson, Mrs. Gilbert: Julie
42264    Wilson, Herb
44897    Wilson, Ivarene
40731    Wilson, J. A.: John
43930    Wilson, Mrs. Jack: Johnny
43457    Wilson, Jack: John
42473    Wilson, Mrs. Jack: Johnny
42896    Wilson, Mrs. James
48497    Wilson, Jim
32546    Wilson, Jim
41015    Wilson, Jim-Bruns, Marilyn
41821    Wilson, Mrs. John: Johnnie
41161    Wilson, John: John
44518    Wilson, Kay: with dog
47502    Wilson, Kelly
40251    Wilson, Krista
48387    Wilson, Lee
45999    Wilson, Larry
40858    Wilson, L. J.
44171    Wilson, Molly
41301    Wilson, Paul
42758    Wilson, Paula: Timmy
40336    Wilson, Mrs. R.: twins
42690    Wilson, Susie: Job's Daughters
40294    Wilson, Mrs. Thomas: Jimmy
46026    Wiltermood, Carl
39824    Wiltermood, Carl
32335    Wimberly, C. E.
42514    Wimberly, Carolyn
40984    Wimberly, C. E., Jr.
43638    Wimberly, Mrs. C. E.
42325    Wimberley, Carolyn
41171    Wimberly, Lee
47225    Wimer-Steihl
48283    Wimer, Amy & Bill
44846    Wimer, Sandy
42893    Wimmer, Shirley: group of five
47872    Wimp, Greg
40367    Winans, Barbara
47787    Winans, Jo
39358    Winchell, Riley
32535    Wing, Mrs. Herb: Harold, Mike
47736    Wing, Mike
43751    Wininger, Eva
44072    Wininger, Marilyn
41332    Winkfield, Kenneth
42446    Winkfield, Kenneth
45528    Winkler, Larry
48006    Winn, Mike
39010    Winn, Mrs. Tom: Theresa
45960    Winniford, Ren & Bill
44915    Winniford, Wren
40562    Winningham, Diane
45641    Winter, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce
45696    Winter, Molly
46665    Winter, Richard
47845    Winterfield, Jenny
44255    Winters, Jim
42656    Winters, Janet
40813    Winton, J. N.
41614    Winton, Jack: four people
32575    Winton, Mrs. John
32681    Winton, Mrs.: two boys
42433    Wirrkula, Ann-Horton, Larry
48020    Wirshup, Toni
42284    Wirth, Dave-Libby, Carol
42872    Wisdom, Dan
47614    Wisdom, Charles
42021    Wisdom, Jerry
45470    Wise, Christy-Smith
41224    Wise, Jim
39409    Wise, Ken
39004    Wise, Lillian
41256    Wise, Ray
45855    Wise, Vickie
40991    Wisely, Mr. & Mrs. Steven: caps and gowns
42367    Witham Parts & Equipment: wrecked truck
41612    Witham Parts
41455    Witham Parts & Equip. Co.
43496    Witham, Rod: family group
45476    Witham, Sharon
46017    Withers, Dawn-Eakin, Gary
45934    Withers, Dawn
39664    Withers, Guy J.
41830    Withrow, Sandi
42326    Witt, Mrs. E. K.: dog
42897    Witt, Edgar J.
39218    Witt, Harriet
39135    Witt, Harriet
40372    Witt,  Harriet-Kaye, Glen
40506    Witt, Mike
39965    Witte, Kathryn
39130    Witter, Donna-Roberts, Barry
32750    Witter, Donna
44371    Wohlers, Bill-Bowman, Rita
46486    Wolf, Steve-Lewis, Deanna
46976    Wolfe, Mrs. P. J.
44803    Wolf, Chet-Walsh, Terry
45249    Wolf, Debbie
44765    Wolf, Donna
43036    Wolf, Donna
32510    Wolf, Warren
40267    Wolf, Warren
42811    Wolfe, Everett
40479    Womack, Bob-Krause, Velda
44966    Wong, Chiu Hou
41956    Wood, Barbara
40564    Wood, Carol
42625    Wood, Mr. & Mrs. D. H.
46369    Wood, Dawn
32552    Wood, Dean
39545    Wood, Don
32673    Wood, Elvia: children
39599    Wood, Mrs. George: Sue Ellen
40120    Wood, John-Doolen, Rosemary
41014    Wood, Mrs. H. E.
45329    Wood, Jeanette
41227    Wood, Judy
41132    Wood, J. Loyd
40092    Wood, Russell Reid
46640    Wood, William-Lupinii, Dena
47562    Wooding, Leslie
41659    Woodcock, Dick
45601    Wooding, George: family group
43942    Wooding, George: family group
45750    Wooding, Mary
45289    Woodley, Bruce
44381    Woodley, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce
44509    Woodruff, Ervin
44286    Woodruff, Ervin
42249    Woods, Carol: group of three
41714    Woods, David-Peterson, Randi
45653    Woods, Dr. Harvey: three girls
45148    Woods, Jeanne
40658    Woods, Jim
43790    Parker-Woods Leon's: fashion board
44497    Woods, Parker: with fez
43738    Woods, Mr. & Mrs. R. E.
32404    Woods, Brenda
44206    Woods, Richard: family group
44033    Woolfolk, David: family group of five
44370    Woolsey, Dave-Roberts, Judy
48366    Woolstenhulme, Dan
43279    Wooten, Dave
44264    Wooten, Sue
42029    Wooten, Tom
44633    Wooten, Derald: family group of eight
46003    Worden, Mr. & Mrs.
43670    Worden, Gary
39119    Worman, Cleo: marriage certificate
47060    Work, Peggy
47048    Work, Peggy
47123    Workinger, Bev
45795    Workman, Bruce-Baylor, Glenda
48307    Worlton, Shaw Nee
47844    Worrell, Dave
47731    Worrell, Joyce
32080    Worth, Winton: birth certificate
39099    Worthington, Karen
42202    Worthington, William
40674    Wray, Julie
44707    Wray, Signe
46748    Wright, Allan
43067    Wright, Al
47139    Wright, Gordon: family
32461    Wright, Craig
41348    Wright, Daryl
39262    Wright, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon: group of three
39902    Wright, Gregory
41865    Wright, Mr. & Mrs. Craig
42489    Wright, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh
49507    Wright, Ken: for yellow pages
44453    Wright, Lana
41178    Wright, Lana
44190    Wright, Larry
43730    Wright, Linda
42458    Wright, Linda
41194    Wright, Larry
44531    Wright, Linda
40368    Wright, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Jr.
40661    Wright, Marilyn
45371    Wright, Mark
45985    Wright, Robert E.
44791    Wright, Roger
44874    Wright, W. S.
42799    Wrinkle, Robert
40752    Wruck, Allen
39552    Wruck, Jerry
44522    Wulf, Amy
39742    Wulfekuehler, Edward
45656    Wyant, Claire & R. C.
44793    Wyant, Janet
42469    Wyant, Janet
47083    Wyatt, Ruby: poodle
41968    Wyatt, Curt
41376    Wyatt, Larry
42501    Wyatt, Linda
43900    Wyatt, Laurie
39581    Wyatt, Marty
42943    Wyatt, Ruby
42565    Wyatt, Pam
42891    Wyatt, Mitchell
43341    Wyatt, Sharon
40637    Wyatt, Steve
41231    Wyatt, Tom-Urie, Sharyn
41950    Wyatt, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
43724    Wymann, C.
39636    Wyman, Mrs. C.
32034    Wymore, Judy

42474    Yager, Mrs. Cheryl
40601    Yahya, Nikki
47373    Yamada, Carol
45567    Yancey, Ann
46427    Yandell, Dave-Worden, Kathy
42922    Yandell, Lee: family of four
48392    Yandell, Lee
41717    Yandell, Linda
44748    Yandell, Norma
41993    Yankee, Freda
44442    Yankey, Ron
32609    Yates, Al
47512    Yates, Lori
41463    Y'Blood, Bruce
45762    Y'Blood, Mr. & Mrs. Herb B.
45909    Yedinak, William: family group of four
32381    Yell, Sylvia
45181    Yensan, Al
40747    YMCA: physical fitness class 1962
32277    YMCA: badminton 1959
46115    Yoakley, Carl
40275    Yoakley, Earl: Shrine
41244    Yoakley, Earl: with fez
41967    Yoakley, John
39352    Yoakley, Julie
39148    York, Mrs. Earl
59610    York
44945    York, Joe
39460    Yost, Mrs.
45311    Yost, Sharyl
43229    Youmans, Linda
42630    Youmans, Judy
44525    Youmans, Mike
45632    Youmans, Susan
46280    Young: silver anniversary
48158    Young, Bill
46757    Young, Carolyn
46879    Young, Carolyn
47854    Young, Don
43958    Young, Mr. & Mrs. Ed: Pat
39832    Young, Bessie E.
39253    Young, Betty
41083    Young, Betty-Peters, Leland
32108    Young, Bill & Betty
42364    Young, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence
46933    Young, Paula
32183    Young, Clarence
43841    Young, David
40787    Young, David
44436    Young, Don
41886    Young, Don
42725    Young, Elaine
41690    Young, Grant
43176    Young, Mr. & Mrs. Homer
43669    Young, Jack
40404    Young, Jacqueline
43285    Young, Jennifer
39200    Young, Jim: Carling Brewery
32421    Young, Mrs. Lillian: Air Force
44939    Young, Marilyn
43596    Young, Marilyn
45816    Young, Sam
41284    Young, Shareen
32143    Youngblood, Ross: son
46804    Yost, Sharon

42175    Zack, Judy
40499    Zack, Judi
42694    Zack, Lucy
44564    Zapell, Patty
44666    Zarosinski, Cathy
32641    Zeitler, Tom
46582    Zeller, Don
59623    Zeller, Marvelle
39258    Zemke, Mrs. Ray: Rebecca
40036    Zemlicka, Jerry
40160    Zempel, Arnold
44577    Zennor, Martha: group of three
43355    Zerr, Gary
41182    Zier, Jane
32736    Zilka, Smither & Co.: interiors and exteriors
40563    Zimmerman, Nancy
44662    Zimmers, Marilyn
46357    Zimmers, Wayne
42399    Zbinden, Jim
44175    Zirkle, Dave
42080    Zirkle, Marvin: group of five
46967    Zollman-Sikes
42257    Zomerdyk, A. C.
59622    Zook, Richard
47915    Zeleznik, Yolanda
32074    Zundel, Robin
43438    Zundel, Robert: Jeff, Robin
41708    Zundel, Mrs. Robert
41417    Zundel, Mrs. Robert: Robin
42229    Zundell, Mrs. Robert: Jeffery
42308    Zundell, Sylvia
44438    Zurflueh, Pat
42684    Zurilgen, Suzanne
40589    Zwan, Emily
46767    Zwan, Theresa

Last revised June 5, 2022