![]() ![]() Notes on East Medford My Impressions of Medford's New
Street Car Line
(By J. S. Howard)
world do move." The truth of this saying was most favorably presented
to my mind when I took my first ride on the modern street car of
As we rode east on Main Street on the up-to-date splendid car across Medford's $40,000 concrete bridge over Bear Creek, where over a half century ago we crossed on a 20-foot log and entered an almost "terra incognito" region on the east side of Bear Creek. The only immediate settlement east of Bear Creek in the vicinity of what is now East Main Street was that splendid pioneer family, the Barneburgs, and for many years after Medford's first settlement, Fred Barneburg, the father of the present generation, was a familiar object on our streets, and the crowd that used to gather around him never tired of hearing him relate stories of pioneer days, and no one doubted the accuracy of his interesting stories. But to get back to earth again, when Medford was laid out 30 years ago, the only road connected with the town was what is now Riverside Avenue. As stores were opened, the people living in the country east and north of town demanded a road from their section to the city, and upon petition the county court ordered a road laid out from the east end of Main Street, which was then at Riverside Avenue, across Bear Creek, thence east along the present Main Street to Roosevelt Avenue [today's Crater Lake Avenue], then north on what is now Roosevelt Avenue to the county road at McAndrews. What is now the street car line on East Main Street was a high rail fence with willows 15 feet high in the corners. Well, after a while this fence was removed and the road opened for travel; the creek was forded in the summertime but in the winter impassable, so we passed around the hat and got money enough to buy timber for a footbridge, and the men's Greater Medford Club (unorganized), got together and built a good footbridge which stood for three winters, and the farmers on the east side of the valley would hitch their teams on the east side and walk across the footbridge and do their trading. After that a wooden bridge was constructed that was after three or four years carried away by a flood [in 1890], after which the steel bridge was built which was thought to be sufficient for all time. But as the city improved that was found inadequate, and the rest was that it was moved to Jackson Street and the present steel and concrete bridge [today's bridge] was built which is the pride of Medford and an object of envy to other parts of the county. All these things and many others were brought to mind as I took my first ride over what used to be an old pioneer trail, now a splendid paved street with shade trees, splendid residences and cozy homes on either side. If Rip Van Winkle had just awakened from a 30-years' sleep he would never know by a 1000 miles where he was. Even I, who have been here and awake all the time, have to rub my eyes to be sure that I am not asleep and dreaming what the next 30 years will bring forth in our city. To realize how [much] time it is since we were removed from the primitive, I will mention that about 15 years ago a bear came across the creek about midday and walked up Main Street, across the park and out across Oakdale Avenue and on to the foothills, with most all the men, boys and dogs in town in pursuit, but they never touched him, and he got away unharmed. J.
March 23, 1914.
Medford Sun, March 25, 1914, page 4 -
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The building of Mr. Childers' residence on the east side of Bear Creek has laid the foundation for East Medford. We are told seven other residences will be built on that side of the creek during the present season. In another season, Mr. McAndrews will be inside the city limits. Southern Oregon Transcript, March 27, 1888, quoted in the Medford Mail Tribune, January 24, 1916, page 4 Spencer Childers is building a neat residence a short distance from town, across Bear Creek. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 30, 1888, page 2 "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 13, 1888, page 3 "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 4, 1889, page 3 "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 5, 1889, page 3 ![]() Trees!
We have removed our Nurseries to Medford, where we have secured New
Ground, the soil of which is a sandy loam, enabling us without
irrigation to grow healthy, thrifty trees with an abundance of fibrous
lateral roots without heavy tap roots, to be cut away in digging. We
1000 Prune,
10000 Apples, 5000 Peach, 5000 Pears, 10000 Grapes, And a good assortment of all the leading varieties of fruits. Trees as
Low as any First-Class Nursery.
GIVE US A CALL. Nurseries at East End of
Times, Jacksonville, April 24, 1890, page 4
Another good-sized real estate deal was brought about this week wherein Geo. Mitchell sells to G. P. Lindley his twenty-acre fruit farm situated across [i.e., on the other side of] Bear Creek and about three-quarters of a mile from Medford. The entire twenty acres is put out to fruit and being so close to the city is a most desirable property. The price paid was $3300, and the sale was made through the agency of Porter & Johnson, Medford real estate dealers. Mr. Lindley is from Linton, Washington, and will doubtless move here for permanent residence. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, September 1, 1893, page 3
East Medford's population is increasing, and the
particular spot of increase is at the pleasant home of Myron Skeel,
when last week Wednesday there arrived a dandy little baby of the
female sex. Mother and child doing nicely.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, September 15, 1893, page 3 "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, January 18, 1894, page 3 J. A. Whitman has been at work on his recent farm purchase, east of Medford, preparing forty acres for setting out trees. He will put out about 3000 trees, principally prunes and apples. Attorney G. W. White is at work putting up a fine barn on his property across Bear Creek. He is also putting out a couple or three hundred fruit trees. There is the foundation for several beautiful homes on that side of the creek, and Mr. White's will, without doubt, be one of them. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, March 2, 1894, page 3 A. C. Squires is having contractors figure on the construction of a residence to be built on his fine little fruit farm in East Medford. The building will be 26x28 feet in size and to cost somewhere near $1200. Verily, East Medford, or the tract of land just east of Bear Creek, is receiving many of this spring's improvements--and all are substantial. The people on that side have reason to feel proud of the improvements being made. "News of the City," Medford Mail, March 16, 1894, page 3 East Medford real estate is having a lively turn at changing hands these times, but as the hands into whom it goes are good, honest men and of high moral principles, there isn't any kick being made. Last week W. B. Roberts sold a seventeen-acre tract to Messrs. J. S. Hagey and Nelson Dimmick, each taking eight and one-half acres. The property is situated across Bear Creek and fronting on the extension of Seventh Street, or more properly speaking, the Russ road. Mr. Hagey takes the east half, directly opposite attorney G. W. White's place, and Mr. Dimmick gets the west half, across from L. G. Porter's place. The price paid was $110 per acre. Mr. Hagey will build thereon soon after harvest, and Mr. Dimmick will also build, but possibly not this season as his family is still in the East. "News of the City," Medford Mail, May 18, 1894, page 3 Notes from East
While every individual spot in Medford is taking on some new garment of
beauty and improvement this spring it is a noticeable fact that East
Medford is a pace or two in advance of some other localities. A brief
mention of the condition of affairs as they exist east of the Bear
Creek bridge would doubtingly be of interest to many of our readers.
With this thought in mind a Mail
reporter wandered thitherward last week, and this is
what he found:The first place on the right as we cross the bridge is where W. D. Beidleman, the harness maker, has an eight-acre tract of land, well fenced, well cultivated and in excellent condition for small fruits and vegetables. The house is occupied by Mr. Belknap. Next east from this is an eight-acre reserve owned by B. P. O'Neil. This is a fine building place, and many admiring glances are cast that way by the gentle sex as they pass. It seems a little strange that Barney should reserve one of the best home sites on that side of the river, unless he has some designs upon the affections of some of Medford's fair daughters. H. Tripp is next east with an eight-acre tract, which he is fitting up in splendid shape. He is at present living in a building which will eventually serve as his barn. During the coming summer he will erect a fine dwelling house on his property--one that will be an ornament to any locality. The gentleman is putting out several fruit trees and much shrubbery this spring. His will be a beautiful home when fitted up as mapped out. J. S. Hagey has the adjoining eight-acre tract. Upon this he has erected a small dwelling--to be the kitchen part of his proposed new residence--and a large barn. The place is well put out to fruit trees. These grounds are being well cared for, and if persistent efforts, money and a good soil can make a home of beauty, his will be such an one. Next east is an unimproved acre tract owned by J. R. Brown, and alongside of this is Perry Stewart's place, of two acres. Mr. S. has recently built a new house on his property, and in due time he will be strictly in the surf with his neighbors, with fruit trees and flower garden galore. Mr. Shott has the adjoining acreage, upon which is a small dwelling, fruit trees and a vegetable crop. The place is now occupied by T. J. Lewis, the miner, who is one of the best informed gentlemen upon mining matters in these parts and who has traveled extensively throughout the mining districts of nearly the entire world--and is nothing slow in proclaiming this is the garden spot for the product of the golden fruit. He now owns a rich mine west of Medford about eight miles. Hyas tyee Betseyannspikes John R. Hardin lives next east, and is at home to all friends. His place embraces two and a half acres of land, and it is well cultivated and planted to fruit trees and shrubbery. He has a fine residence and is daily adding improvements to his splendid home. John is a miner in every sense of the word, and turns many an honest dollar to good use from that direction. His congeniality knows no bounds, and he continues to make new friends. One notch farther east is the four-and-a-half-acre tract owned by G. P. Lindley. Upon this place Mr. Lindley has built a fine large residence, to which he has recently added a 14x18-foot addition. His other buildings are in keeping with the dwelling, and the entire surroundings show plainly the marks of the gentleman's industrious hand. Walks have been laid, fruit trees set out, and all is a promise of much beauty. The Russ nursery comes next, but it is too elaborate an institution to give mention of in connection with this brief writeup. Next week we will round up the people on the north side of East Medford's main street. Medford Mail, March 29, 1895, page 8 Notes from East Medford.
Last week time and space put up the bars against our finishing the
brief writeup of East Medford which that locality so richly deserves
and which we had promised our many readers thereabouts. We fixed up the
south side of that part of town last week. We will begin our return to
the city on the north side--first assuring our readers that none of the
beauty and general worth of the locality has fallen away from itself
during our week's rest.The first place we come in contact with is the very fine ten-acre tract of land owned by S. W. Speas. Upon this property is situated a very snug little residence, something of a farmhouse style, and located upon a slight eminence surrounded with other buildings in keeping with the general neat appearance there abounding. The gentleman has a splendid orchard, all of which is now bearing fruit. This property is on the market in tracts of from one to five acres--and a most desirable purchase it will be for he who gets any part of it. Next west is a two-acre tract owned by J. C. Ferguson and recently purchased from Mr. Speas. Upon this Mr. Ferguson will erect a dwelling house during the coming summer. One of the largest and most beautiful residences in all Medford is situated adjoining Mr. Ferguson's property, the same being the home of attorney G. W. White. The gentleman has 2½ acres of land which he is now fitting in splendid shape for nature to put on the finishing touches of beauteous green. In speaking of Mr. White's residence we could not do it justice if less space than half a column of type was taken; suffice it to say that it is a structure of much beauty, convenience and grandeur throughout. It was built last summer at an expense not small in figures, but its appearance and general usefulness of today evens up with the expense very nicely. L. G. Porter's home comes next in the line of our progression. Mr. Porter has five acres of land, all under splendid cultivation, and well set to fruit and shrubbery, and all carefully cared for. His residence is not as large as his immediate neighbors, but it is equally as beautiful and quite as convenient. Merchant Wm. Angle's large new house looms up most prominent and grand next in our path. This residence, like most others on the east side of the river, is new, fresh and beautiful, while the surroundings are being put in excellent shape both in way of added beauty and wealth of productions of fruits. Mr. Angle can justly lay claim to a home second to none. He has 2½ acres of land, all of which is under splendid cultivation. Adjoining Mr. Angle's home is an acre tract of land owned by B. F. Crouch and upon which he soon expects to build. In the interval of our writeup last week and this week one new residence has been built on the south side of the street, by Mrs. Butler, recently from Harrisburg. Medford Mail, April 5, 1895, page 8 The new school district, east of Medford, which has been christened Morton, began its first term of school last Monday with seventeen pupils in attendance and Miss May Earhart as teacher. A new school house has been built, and everything is moving along nicely. "News of the City," Medford Mail, May 17, 1895, page 5 EAST
Some Several New Buildings Are Being Built--and More to Follow.
We have repeatedly spoken of the many new improvements being made to
East Medford, just across Bear Creek, and the general substantiality
and beauty of its buildings has been dwelt upon quite extensively, but
this week a Mail reporter, in his wanderings over
the city in
quest of items worthy of mention, found himself in that part of the
city, surrounded on all sides by improvements galore and the clang of
the hammer and buzz of the saw, one of a never-ceasing occurrence in
Medford, was heard on all sides and in order that that part of Medford
may receive its justly earned mention we give below a brief notice of
its new buildings and improvements:
We will first mention merchant J. A. Lyon's new house. It is a fine large ten-room, two-story house, of the latest design and best workmanship, and one that ranks among the finest of the many fine residences in that locality. It is situated on the road leading to Mr. Thos. McAndrew's farm, on the orchard formerly owned by Mr. Squires. Mr. Lyon is engaged in mercantile business and is a gentleman of progressive ideas. Next comes E. E. Thompson's new residence, a very pretty little six-room cottage, of the Queen Anne pattern, and together with its fine location will make a home of which anyone might be proud. Mr. Thompson is one of the most progressive of Medford's citizens, and we are glad to see him so comfortably domiciled. Adjourning [sic] Mr. Thompson's place is contractor Lyon's home. Mr. Lyon has built him a temporary dwelling, but just as soon as he has completed other contracts he now has on hand, he will begin the construction of a fine house that will compare favorably with any of the surrounding buildings. H. G. Shearer has also just completed a new house and has it enclosed with a neat new fence and has fixed up the grounds so they now present a very pleasant appearance. Mr. Shearer has a very pretty little home--and he deserves it. Next we com to John R. Hardin's new house, which, while not so large as some, is nevertheless a very neat and convenient one, and one that will add materially to the general stability of the East Side. This house is under under head way, and as soon as it is finished John will move his family thereto. There are several minor improvements in the way of barns, fences and other outbuildings under headway, and three new houses are to be built in the near future, so 'tis reported. Thus it can be seen, without the aid of an X-ray, that East Medford is destined to be a little city all by itself. The citizens have, by their own efforts, graded and graveled the street leading along East Seventh Street and, taking all in all, East Medford and its citizens are a part of Medford on which too much praise cannot be bestowed. Medford Mail, June 12, 1896, page 8 Architect I. A. Palmer is now preparing plans and specifications for a fine brick residence for Spencer Childers, to be erected in East Medford--just across the bridge. The building will be a two-story brick, with nine rooms, and an attic which will be used as a billiard hall. When completed the building will cost in the neighborhood of $4,000, and will be without a doubt the handsomest residence in Southern Oregon. "News of the City," Medford Mail, September 11, 1896, page 7 The purchase of the Russ place by W. B. Roberts, a few weeks ago, means that Mr. and Mrs. Roberts will henceforth, or from sometime next summer, make this locality their permanent home. The purchase embraces five acres of land of the Russ nursery tract and all of the buildings thereon, and the consideration was $1200. Mr. Russ still has about forty acres of land adjoining this tract, but upon this he probably will not build but will occupy his South C Street residence in this city. The purchase was made by Mr. Roberts because of the altitude of the place, which is much greater than his residence in Medford, and because of this altitude it is expected that Mr. Roberts' health will be improved. These people will return from California in May and will take possession of their new property in August. "News of the City," Medford Mail, February 19, 1897, page 7 Hon. J. J. Howser, he who has just moved to East Medford from Sams Valley, is not quite sure of his footing when he starts over town for his mail on a dark night. He is not in the least afraid of the dark, but there is that big Bear Creek bridge to cross over, and there are a whole lot of things to stumble against. To illume the east end of the bridge he is now negotiating with Mr. Proudfoot to have an electric light put in--at his personal and individual expense. When the light is there he sort o' figures that East Side people will be so delighted with the improvement that they will chip in and make good to him a part of the expense--and it would seem but natural that they would do so. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 11, 1898, page 7 Some of our wise ones seem to think that our charter should be amended, and an effort is on foot to have several changes made by the legislature. One of them is to include east Medford in the corporation. "Medford
Squibs," Democratic
Times, Jacksonville, February 2, 1899, page 3
Representative Stewart's bill to amend the charter of Medford has passed the house and will become a law. There is great opposition to it among the residents of the east side, who object to being embraced in the corporation. "Medford
Squibs," Democratic
Times, Jacksonville, February 6, 1899, page 3
J. G. Taylor, the harness maker, has purchased an acre of land from S. W. Speas, in East Medford, and will soon commence the construction of a dwelling house thereon. The land is situated at the corner of East Seventh Street and the county road running north. It is a very desirable location for a residence, and Mr. Taylor is to be congratulated upon having secured it. The price paid was $500. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 5, 1901, page 7 A Model East Side Home.
On the invitation of Jas. G. Smith and W. R. Phillips,
a representative of The
Mail took
a stroll last Friday over their fine places at Nob Hill, in East
Medford. These gentlemen are retired miners, and while not claiming to
be agricultural experts, they are putting into effect ideas that are
making theirs places that any up-to-date farmer could pattern after.
One noticeable thing that is wanting in so many farms is the perfect
order in which all implements and things about the farm are kept, for
everything has its place and is there when not in use, and being
properly cared for and housed there is not that improvident waste
practiced by so many farmers. And another thing that is noticeable is
the thoroughness in which all work is done, for there is no evidence of
slipshod methods and put-up-for-tomorrow style of work about their
places. The buildings which they have put up are models of convenience
and good appearance. One of the things that they have done that is
especially appreciated by residents of East Medford is the filling up
of a swamp near the county road, which was a breeding ground for
mosquitoes and frogs. To make this fill they hauled in 1033 loads of
earth, which they got by stripping the dirt from above the rock of a
quarry of fine sandstone, which Mr. Smith has on his place. Another
work of a public nature that they have done was to put in an eighth of
a mile of sidewalk along a wet section of the public road. The material
used was crushed sandstone, and it has made a smooth, durable walk. Mr.
Smith has a fine orchard on his place, which consists of forty acres,
some of which is planted to pears, prunes, peaches and cherries, and
the fine condition that his trees are in would be a credit to a
professional orchardist.
Medford Mail, July 25, 1902, page 2 New Additions to Medford Platted.
J. U. Willeke owns eight acres of as good land as there is in East
Medford--but he will not own it long. He has platted the
tract into good-sized dwelling lots and is now offering them for sale
through the W. T. York real estate agency. The tract faces East Seventh
Street and extends from there to Bear Creek, and in all comprises
thirty-five lots. These lots vary in depth from 120 to 170 feet, but
none are less than fifty feet in width. Mr. Willeke has laid out one
street, running north and south along the east side of his addition,
and this he has christened "Tripp Street"; he has also christened
Almond Street, on the west side of the addition, and has opened East
Eighth and Ninth streets, running east and west across this addition.
This is unquestionably one of the best home-building localities now left within the incorporate limits of the city of Medford. The soil is the very best, and the location cannot be beaten. Already several of the lots have been spoken for, and it is not improbable that inside of thirty days all will be sold. Medford Mail, March 3, 1905, page 1 Jacob Lyon has sold his orchard and residence property, consisting of 20 acres, to L. G. Porter and J. R. Henning of Klamath County, the consideration being $14,000. This property is just outside of the city limits on the east side. The property will be platted in town lots. "Lyon Orchard Sold; Will Be Town Lots," Medford Daily Tribune, September 3, 1907, page 1 The Medford people, also the people living east of Medford, have for years dodged what was known as the "sticky lane" in winter, when going to and from this city, but this year, no matter what the amount of moisture at all there need be no doubt in the minds of travelers toward Medford but that they will be able to reach their destination. The road from the McAndrew place across the black lands has been graded up, covered with crushed rock and is now being treated with a coat of sand, which will ultimately make it one of the best winter roads in this part of the state. The foundation for this was laid several years ago when part of the road was covered with rough rock. There wasn't money available to continue the work projected, and the "grading of the sticky lane" was regarded as a "joke." However, the foundation for a real road was laid there and now the road has been built on top of it, so that no fear of the "sticky lane" need deter anyone from taking the straight road to Medford. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 25, 1907, page 5 ASSAILS MEDFORD MAYOR
The liquor
question and the fight
for local option on the East Side was taken up by Dr. J. Whitcomb
Brougher last night at the White Temple in his sermon on "Home Rule:
Fighting for Home, Honor and Happiness." He said in part:Dr. Brougher Says Official Is Tool of Liquor Interests. The liquor men oppose with all their power the making of any laws regulating their business. If they cannot defeat the enactment of such laws then they defiantly or surreptitiously break them. This insolent disregard for all law has been one of the potent agencies for arousing public opinion against the saloon and the liquor business. The liquor men have no regard either for the laws of God or of man. In harmony with this principle of action, the liquor forces of the state are once again endeavoring to destroy our local option law. The Mayor of Medford, a tool of the liquor dealers, has presented an amendment to the Constitution of our state whereby it is proposed that incorporated towns and cities may have what he terms "home rule." The real purpose of this amendment is to nullify all the criminal laws of the state as far at cities and towns are concerned. Now here are several reasons why I am opposed to this amendment. A little town of 200 people could incorporate and run saloons and dens of vice in the midst of a county where the overwhelming majority of the people were opposed to the liquor business. A county might vote "dry" but 125 voters in a town of 200 citizens could vote to have the saloons in that town and thus force upon the people of the entire county to accept the presence of saloons and also make the people of that county, bear the entire expense of the poverty, crime and misery produced by the damnable business. In the second place, this proposed amendment would permit the lawless element to control the whole question of regulating the saloon, the gambling den and all other places of vice. The people who are willing to make a living by debauching and destroying the boys and girls of our cities and towns would virtually be beyond the power of the state to control. They could run wide-open towns by colonizing enough votes to carry the town "wet" and by electing their own officers, absolutely ignore all public sentiment for moral decency and once again be in a place where they could defiantly ask the people, "What are you going to do about it?" To pass this amendment would mean the nullification of our local option law and place the whole state in the hands of the gamblers, the dive keepers, liquor dealers and the entire horde of corrupt politicians who in the past have lived by graft and the exploitation of city vices. 1 am opposed to this amendment because it is proposed by those who have no regard for the moral welfare of the community. There is not a solitary moral argument in favor of this amendment. The whole purpose is to once again put the government of our towns and cities into the bands of the immoral forces. The people who believe in the progress of our state, commercially, morally, intellectually and politically will work and vote against this amendment. The friends of local option need to be aroused. The people need to understand that this proposed amendment is simply a deception both in its wording and in its purpose. In the wide sweep of temperance reform across the country, Oregon will have a foremost place. The people now have an opportunity to defeat this amendment with such an overwhelming majority that the liquor dealers will learn that it is a waste of time and money for them to attempt to destroy our local option law or dodge the enforcement of it when once the people in a district or county have decided that the saloon must go. There is not a solitary moral argument in favor of the saloon. It is a lawless business and the center of lawlessness and crime. It pauperizes labor and destroys its efficiency. It injures business, for there are hundreds of towns that can testify to the large increase of business where the saloons have been abolished. It is the most deadly foe ever conceived of the American home. Shame, disgrace and degradation follow in its wake. No government can afford to take revenue from a traffic that causes ten times as much expense to take care of its results as it brings revenue to the government. What shall it profit a town, a county or a state to gain revenue and debauch its citizenship? I trust the people will vote "No" to the Reddy amendment and at the same time wipe out the saloons on the East Side by an overwhelming majority. Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 4, 1908, page 2 BUILDING ON EAST SIDE
of the recent additions to the city that is coming to the front in
great shape is the Queen Anne addition on the east side. A large number
of splendid new residences are going up, and soon that locality will be
one of the finest in the city. At present there are four houses nearing
completion, and it is reported that there are soon to be a number of
others erected in the addition.
One of the new houses is being erected by George H. Millar. It is to be a six-room cottage and is being erected at a cost of $1800. Attorney E. E. Kelly is also having an $1800 cottage put up. The cottage is modern in every respect and will contain seven rooms. It will be one of the best in the addition as far as convenience and attractiveness is concerned. Mr. Biggings is erecting a five-room cottage at a cost of $1400. George Lindley, Sr., is putting $2100 into a six-room bungalow. Aside from these, there are a number of other buildings for which the plans have been drawn. A large number of lots have been sold, and the buyers are all contemplating building. The values of the property on the east side are holding up well, and it will not be a great while before the property holders in that section will control some of the most valuable property in Medford. Other sections on the east side, aside from the Queen Anne addition, are receiving their attention when it comes to improvements. Medford Mail, June 5, 1908, page 1 SOLD MANY LOTS.
sale of lots, or small tracts of land, in Pierce & Son's
Heights addition, east of Medford, began yesterday morning and will
continue all of today. Fully 100 prospective owners visited the tract,
and a dozen or more lots were either sold outright or were
contracted for. Mr. Pierce says that the success of the sale was due to
the Morning Mail.
This tract of land is situated just two miles east of the center of Medford, or a little better than one mile from the corporate limits of the city. It contains 370 acres of land and is most admirably located for a colony of small homes. It has been divided into tracts of from two to 20 acres, and these are being sold at from $90 to $150 per acre. The soil, Mr. Pierce, who has investigated, states, varies in depth from three to nine feet. The most of it is very suitably located for tree planting and homemaking; it has been provided with streets, or lanes, so that each tract has an outlet to a country road; there is a school house on the land, and an old, bearing orchard on a few acres of it. The owners of the tract have reserved about 30 acres of the tract for park purposes. This is situated on the south part of the land, and here they propose clearing out all underbrush, leaving only the oaks and other shade trees standing, and maintain a park for the pleasure of those buying tracts of land from them. This park land lies quite high, all of it overlooking the main part of the tract, while near the center of the park tract there is a high butte, from which a view of six towns of the valley may be had, as well as all the prominent orchards, as well as the full length and breadth of the valley. This entire park reserve is covered with oak trees, and the ground lies so high that all of it is well drained. Messrs. Pierce & Son do nothing by halves, as was evidenced yesterday. They furnished four automobiles and carriage transportation to all prospective buyers, to and from the tract, and at the noon hour a free luncheon was served. Today these same conveyances will be furnished, and more if needed, and they want us to extend an invitation to everybody to enjoy a ride to this very beautiful tract. Medford Mail, July 17, 1908, page 1 Queen Anne addition, in East Medford, will be the Wild West show ground. Time was when a circus tent could be pitched "close in" to the depot, but nothing doing for circuses on the old grounds--they are now all covered with residences and school buildings. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, October 2, 1908, page 6 COMING TO THE FRONT.
If anyone wishes to see a busy place, let them visit Bennett's Sunrise
Park Addition and see the building that is going on there.Many New Buildings Going Up at Bennett’s Sunrise Park Addition. Forrest Edmeades will soon move into his nice new house, which he is having erected on the corner of Howard Street and Bennett Avenue. Mr. Wiley, the contractor, is building for Mrs. Wolverton a very nice six-room bungalow on her lot adjoining Mr. Edmeades. These will both be modern, up-to-date homes. Mr. Edmeades is one of the firm of Edmeades Bros., who will soon open a new shoe store in the Hotel Moore building on West Seventh Street. Mrs. Wolverton is a very estimable lady of considerable means, who recently came from the East and is buying lots and improving them. Mr. Medley is improving the grounds around his new bungalow erected this fall and will soon have a very beautiful suburban home. The population is increasing, too. Note the arrival of a nine-pound boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Overholser. Mr. Moyer is erecting for E. P. Bennett a good, substantial tank house and a 3,000-gallon tank. Mr. Bennett and Mr. Edmeades have put down a new sidewalk from their properties along Howard Street to Washington Street in Fruitdale Addition. From there Messrs. Porter & Horning, the hustling real estate firm, of East Medford, have taken up the line and are putting in a splendid walk from there out to East Seventh Street. Medford Mail, December 11, 1908, page 1 EXTENSION WINS
Tract of East Medford To Come within Corporate Limits
the returns received from the election yesterday it would not look like
that there was any great excitement over the matter of extending the
city limits in an easterly direction from the present boundary line. Of
course, the new election law may have had some effect in keeping teams
and automobiles from dashing along the streets carrying the voters to
the different polling places to vote for or against the proposition.
From the general appearances of things around town very few would expect that there was anything out of the usual going on. In the polling booths the judges and clerks appeared to have a hard time trying to make believe that they were earning a fraction of what they expected to get in the way of salary for a day's work. The advocates of extending the city had a large majority, but before they get up a torchlight procession to celebrate what they might think is "a glorious victory," it would be well for them to ascertain about how many votes were cast. That can be done by carefully studying the score, which is as follows: Vote by Wards.
Against Maj.
Medford Mail, July
30, 1909, page 1First Ward . . . . . . . 29 1 28 Second Ward . . . . . 32 1 31 Third Ward . . . . . . 27 2 25 East Medford . . . . 12 10 2 Totals . . . . . . . 100 14 86 STORE AT LAST ON EAST SIDE
W. L. Orr Moves Across the Bridge and Gives East Side its First Suburban Store.
The east side at last has a suburban store, something that has long
been talked of. W. L. Orr has removed from this side of the bridge to
the east side and has opened a suburban grocery store.
Medford now has four or five such stores, which are certain signs of a city's development. The old water mains on the east side are being removed, having been replaced by the new system. Medford Mail Tribune, December 2, 1909, page 2 NOB
Many New Buildings Are Erected in That District-- All of Pretty Design and Costly
It is plainly evident to note the several changes
and improvements that have taken place during the past summer and fall
on that little stretch of hillock country between the eastern borders
of the city and the Hillcrest Orchard that that same little scope of
land is destined soon--no farther away than a couple of years--to
become a very important suburban part of the city of Medford.
It is really surprising to one, taking his first trip out that way for this year, to note the many signs of development and improvement in the way of new homes--some of them as fine as any in the city--cleared lands, young orchards and other progress denoting the work of the new settler which mark this two-mile stretch of country. While a year ago there was to be seen but one or two houses from Nob Hill to Hillcrest, now there are a dozen or more, several finished and others in course of erection. The first to be noted is the attractive bungalow of H. E. Foster at the upper end of East Seventh Street. A little farther on is the mansion home of J. D. Heard. Across the road out farther is the cozy bungalow of Mr. Dudley, while on the north side again on the brow of a hill overlooking the valley is the beautiful new modern home of G. R. Lindley. In the neighborhood of the city reservoir are several new smaller homes, the properties of Arthur Heath, Mr. Nunn and I. A. Armstrong, while M. Winkler has a fine two-story home partially completed. East of the reservoir and hidden by Medford Heights is the little home and other improvements of A. B. Williams and Charles McGougan, who were the pioneer settlers in the Pierce subdivision. They have a young orchard of about 1000 trees with a good start and are preparing to make their land productive until the trees get to bearing. C. E. Cook, the nurseryman, has also made a start along the same lines in that same subdivision, while Mr. Webb and another party are each building small homes in the Barnum tract. Several other parties who have recently purchased small tracts in this neighborhood and about the city reservoir contemplate building in the spring. A recent arrival who purchased a tract just west of Hillcrest is building a barn and later will erect a handsome two-story house on the west slope of the nob on his land. Mr. Pierce contemplates extensive improvements on that part of his subdivision, which he has reserved for himself, including Medford Heights. On the top of the heights he proposes to erect an observatory and to park adjoining ground on the east. He is already having the land cleared for this purpose. It is noteworthy that the majority of the people who are selecting tracts in this section of country are planning for orchards, garden tracts or poultry farms. Nearer town and now within the country limits, Siskiyou Heights have platted and mapped out into the most attractive building lots and driveways, and several fine homes are contemplated for next spring, among them being one for H. C. Kentner and another for J. C. Brown. ![]() Chaparral somewhere in the Medford area, 1913 That this section will soon contain many homes and little orchards and farms need not be said, and it is safe to predict that ere long it will be Medford's most populous suburb. Medford Mail Tribune, December 22, 1909, page 2 QUEEN ANNE ADDITION (Incorporated)
will find their investments all ready for them in the Queen Anne
Addition. The company owning the property has just been incorporated,
the officers being A. E. Kelly, president; M. F. Reddy, vice president;
W. F. Turner, secretary and treasurer. Many improvements are
contemplated that are metropolitan in character. Two streets are to be
opened into the addition, one of which will be paved. Cement walks will
be built the entire length of the addition and sewers and water mains
laid. It will thus be seen that the company is to sell its property in
such a way that it can be immediately improved. As a result of this
policy every purchaser from this company must profit by his investment.
Several beautiful houses will be built in the spring.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1910, page B10 A. Conro Fiero and Mrs. George Harvey have purchased twenty-three acres on Medford Heights adjoining the city from C. H. Pierce, paying therefor $4600. It is the intention of the new owners to cut it up in suitable tracts and place it on the market with the view of making the Heights one of the choice residence districts of Medford. The Rogue, March 1910 $63,000 PAID FOR 121 LOTS ON NOB
J. D.
Heard and
associates have purchased
121 lots on Nob Hill, paying $63,000, and will place the same on the
market in the near future. The property is that recently sold by James
Smith to C. B. Scott.J. D. Heard and Associates Buy Big Section of Land Recently Owned by James Smith and Have Platted Same--Will Be Placed on the Market in the Near Future. The lots are all sightly and in what will be a choice residential section of the city. The addition will be known as the Medford Heights. It has been platted by Harvey E. Foster. Excerpt, Medford Mail Tribune, March 20, 1910, page 1 Medford Land Brings $28,300.
Or., March 24.--(Special.)--Another addition is planned for the city of
Medford. A syndicate composed of Messrs. Fiero, Wilmeroth, Williams and
Abrams paid $28,300 for 38 acres of land east of the Queen Anne
addition. They will plat the property into city lots for the market.
All the men in the syndicate are interested in orchards and other
property in the valley.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, March 25, 1910, page 9 Residence District Paved.
May 11.--(Special.)--Grading and paving on East Main Street and Queen
Anne Avenue are practically completed, and the people on these streets
are using the dirt thrown out by the excavating to level up their
property and will soon plant lawns. The work is under contract to the
Clark-Henery Company.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 12, 1910, page 3 SALING PURCHASES MRS. PHIPPS'
A. B. Saling has purchased from Mrs. A. R. Phipps fifty-four acres of
land adjoining the Queen Anne addition on the north and will at once
cut the tract into 324 city lots and place them on the market. The
consideration was not stated.Mr. Saling states that the tract will be divided into 324 lots. Streets will be graded and the tract laid out in approved style. Medford Mail Tribune, May 29, 1910, page 8 But the feature which causes the stranger to doubt that the view can be one of the east side is the entire absence of residences of any kind on either side of the street for a considerable distance eastward from the bridge. It was just open country then, one house, the Skeeters place, on the north side of the road, and the Nob Hill house on the south. "I remember what the creek looked like that year," said one oldtimer, and I also remember that I could have bought most of that property over there for a very little money, and just put part of it up. Now a feller has to interview the cashier of the bank before he can hardly look at that ground with a view to having. Well, us old fellers can't help it. We started when the world traveled like an ox wagon and you could see things easily before you go to them. Now, with airships, automobiles and sich like, you have to set your alarm clock for day after tomorrow in order to get up on time to see things before they get by." Medford Mail Tribune, June 5, 1910, page 3 BUILDING IS FAST EAST SIDE
Local Lumber Company Hauls Large Quantities of Material to East Side of the City for Residence Building.
Saturday the Woods Lumber Company of this city delivered 40,000 feet of
lumber on the east side of Bear Creek for new residences and hauled a
little amount to that side of the city today. Within the past week over
125,000 feet of lumber has been delivered by this firm east of Bear
"Building on the east side of the creek," states manager Wilson of the company, "is very rapid. A large number of houses are being erected, and they are all substantial. And not alone on the east side is there building going on." Mr. Wilson has purchased the interest of Wallace Woods in the company. Mr. Woods has purchased an interest in the Ashland Manufacturing Company. Medford Mail Tribune, July 21, 1910, page 8 CAPITOL HILL NEW ADDITION
above name has been given, by the owners, to the tract formerly owned
by Mrs. Kate McAndrews surrounding the reservoir and city park east of
Medford. The city is now parking their ground and help to make this one
of the most beautiful spots to own a home in southern Oregon.
Messrs. Cusick, Myers, Arnell and Sharpe, owners of the addition, have gone to considerable expense to clear and plat this addition and have now placed it on the market in quarter-acre lots at very reasonable figures, and already several lots have been taken and some fine homes started; also Mr. W. D. Jaynes, of Saginaw, Michigan, has purchased a fine lot and is to put up an expensive house, also has purchased two 5-acre tracts and taken an option on 8 acres more. This tract is located east of Messrs. Lindley, Glaise, Reddy and others of prominence who have or are building fine homes. Money has been donated to put up a flagpole on this hill, and with the automobile road and wonderful view obtained from this location, makes it most desirable. City water can be had on all of these lots and the lots best VIEW [sic]. City view is unobstructed from any point of city or valley. Plat will be left at city reservoir for anyone to see and select their LOTS. Capitol Hill [is] named after Seattle['s] Capitol Hill and bears [the] same relation to this valley that Capitol Hill does to Seattle. Mr. John Arnell of Seattle was so taken by the picturesque view of the valley from this location that he readily purchased an interest in the tract. See any one of the owners for prices and plat. Lots ranging from $200 to $600. Medford Mail Tribune, September 5, 1910, page 6 NEW FIFTY-FOUR-ACRE ADDITION TO BE CALLED LAURELHURST A. B. Saling Buys Tract from Mrs. A. R. Phipps-- One of Largest Cash Payments in Valley
deal for the purchase of fifty-four acres within the residential limits
of Medford has recently been concluded between A. B. Saling, as
purchaser, and Mrs. A. R. Phipps, as the seller.
A cash payment of $20,000 has been made, which is one of the largest cash payments ever known on a real estate deal in the Rogue River Valley. The tract is platted and is to be placed on the market at once, and is the largest of the many additions to the city of Medford. It has been named Laurelhurst. The tract adjoins the Queen Anne addition on the north, Jackson Boulevard being between the two additions. It adjoins Roosevelt Avenue on the east. Owing to its residential value Mrs. Phipps held this at a price that makes it one of the largest realty deals, as well as the initial payment having been one of the largest. The streets are sixty feet wide and the alleys twenty feet. All the lots and blocks are exactly the same size. City water and sewer connections are at the line of the addition to be installed at once. The slope for drainage, view and general desirability is perfect. Eighty-five lots have been sold already, and most of the purchasers are going to build in the near future. The purchasers, with the number of lots bought by each, are as follows: S. L. Bennett and James Bowling, ten; L. A. Gregory, five; Mr. Henselman, three; W. S. Redfield, two; Mrs. Harriet Stone, two; Forest C. Edmeades, one; C. A. Marsh, three; Joseph W. Ritter, one; W. L. Valentine, two; T. C. Wicks, three; Miss A. A. Weinhold, one; Miss E. A. Weinhold, four; R. H. Toft, five; L. O. Ling; two; J. J. Osenbrugge, one; O. C. Alexander, one; Fred Kettenacker, ten; Claire Edmonds, five; Nevis J. Lounsbury, one; F. E. Semon, one; J. J. Haurl [Hauri?], thirteen; Agnes N. Salter, two; John B. Goodrich, two; G. H. Dunning, two; R. H. Shirley, one. Medford Sun, January 28, 1911, page 1 ANOTHER STREET IS AFTER IMPROVEMENTS
The property
holders on Geneva Avenue filed a petition with City Recorder Robert W.
Telfer yesterday afternoon requesting that the city proceed to have
that portion of their street running between Main Street and Sherman
Avenue paved with asphalt at an early date.
The street in question was only very recently opened up, but sewer and water mains have already been laid along it. Medford Mail Tribune weekly, February 2, 1911, page 2 EASTERNERS BUY IN LAURELHURST
new addition of Laurelhurst, which has recently been platted and put on
the market by A. B. Saling, is proving to be a popular means of
investment, and many lots have already been sold. Yesterday Mr. Saling
sold lots amounting to $2700 to a party of eastern people who have
recently arrived in Medford. The easterners have purchased the property
with a view of erecting homes.
Medford Sun, February 18, 1911, page 5 BRICKOLITHIC MAY GO ON GENEVA
RESIDENTS FEAR CLARK-HENERY CAN'T GET IT Near Bottom of the List and May Be Left Out of the Regular Work
along Geneva Street are contemplating having the street paved with
brickolithic paving. This same kind of material will be used on Reddy
A resident of Geneva Street yesterday said: "Our street was one of the last to be approved for paving, and consequently it will be left till the latter part of the year to be improved. It is quite possible that if things went wrong that we would not be paved at all this year. Therefore we thought that since the Clark-Henery Company had its hands full we would make sure to have our street paved this season. "The Company handling the brickolithic is a good one, and I have received favorable reports regarding their method of paving. "We feel that we should safeguard ourselves against mud of another winter, hence our decision to use brickolithic." Medford Sun, February 25, 1911, page 1 HANDSOME NEW ADDITION NEAR
Mar is the name of a new addition to Medford. It has a splendid
location, bordering on the reservoir park, and commands a beautiful
view of the city and valley. Another important feature is the number of
large oak trees in the addition. There are thirty large lots in all,
and each will make a splendid residence site. The property belongs to
George W. Cherry, and he is offering a big bargain for the sale of a
block of lots if made at once.
Medford Sun, February 26, 1911, page 8 IDEAL ADDITION TO
Hill is one of the newest additions to Medford and is beautifully
situated on the hill east of the city. It is one mile from the post
office, four blocks from Queen Ann [Roosevelt]
School, has over 300 lots, fifty by 140 feet, and will be an ideal
residence section. Barnes and Murphy, who have the addition for sale,
are offering one-half of the lots now for $125 on easy terms. Look out
East Main Street at the white stakes and you will see what a splendid
location the new addition has. Plans are under way for the location of
a $100,000 public institution in the addition that will add greatly to
the value of the property.
Medford Sun, March 5, 1911, page 3 COLLEGE HILL LOT SALE TODAY
sale of lots in the sightly College Hill addition, in East Medford,
will begin today, and the sale promises to be quite heavy. Barnes and
Murphy, the agents, report a large number of inquiries and great
interest manifested, and will be glad to take anyone to see the
property. They will offer 125 lots, 50 by 140 feet, today at $125 each,
$25 down and $10 per month, with no interest and no taxes. Be on hand
and get a bargain.
Look directly up East Main Street at the white stakes; that is College Hill addition. Medford Sun, March 15, 1911, page 1 MUCH CEMENT ON EAST SIDE
Contractors this past week have completed the laying of a cement
sidewalk on East Main Street, and now a strip of walk extends from the
bridge to the top of the hill. Much additional work is planned, and
with present weather prevailing great progress will be made.The East Side of the city, so long neglected, is becoming one of the most improved sections of the city. This summer will see the completion of the paving work to the top of the hill, and many side streets are to be improved. Medford Mail Tribune, March 19, 1911, page 8 THREE BLOCKS OF GENESSEE STREET
blocks on Genessee Street have now been finished with concrete
and gives a surface as hard as iron, or harder, and is supposed to last
as long as the Egyptian Pyramids, or longer.
Such is the method of paving on this popular residence street, and it is one of a few in the country. Horses will have a sure footing on this pavement, as a result of crisscross lines, or checks. Vehicles will roll over it with ease, though it is not adapted to comfortable speeding, as a tremor will result to passengers in horse-drawn vehicles or autos. There are to be six or seven blocks finished with concrete. There is a move afoot to have Central Avenue paved from the present terminus to the Whitman addition. Medford Sun, April 2, 1911, page 3 CITY LIMITS SOON EXTENDED
SISKIYOU HEIGHTS PLANS TO BE ANNEXED Also Other Territory in That Region-- Walnut Park and West Walnut Park Soon Taken In
Heights and territory on to the city reservoir site may soon become a
part of the city, as a move is afoot to have this territory embraced in
the municipal lines.
Residents of that section want sewers, city water, sidewalks, lights and other conveniences, and as the territory to the west and south is soon to be annexed to the Siskiyou Heights, home owners and others out that way think it is time for their region to also come in. Walnut Park addition adjoining the city limits on the west, and lying contiguous to and south of Jacksonville road, will soon be in the city, also West Walnut Park, just west of Walnut Park, will come in. On the north of the Jacksonville road, the Humphrey territory will come in, and before another ninety days passes the city will contain much new territory. Medford Sun, April 4, 1911, page 1 EAST SIDE CLUB ORGANIZED
East Siders To Work for Many Civic Improvements in Their Section of the City-- Officers Are Elected in New Improvement Club.
East Side Residence Improvement Club met on Tuesday evening at the
office of Dr. Conroy and discussed the residence situation on the east
side of Bear Creek.
They decided to work and improve the east side and advertise it as the most desirable residence section in Medford. All of the east side including the heights were represented. At the meeting it was voted to spend a fund of $1000 to improve and beautify the streets and to urge paving and sidewalks. Those present were J. A. Westerlund, Dr. Conroy, Dr. Clancy, Ed Van Dyke, Dr. Black, William Holmes, Dr. Bundy, J. A. Torney and a score of representatives of east side property owners. Dr. Black of the Siskiyou Heights Company was elected president; Dr. E. R. Conroy vice president; Ed Van Dyke secretary and Dr. L. Bundy treasurer. An advisory board was elected whose members are A. C. Abrams, Dr. J. F. Reddy, George R. Lindley, J. D. Olwell, C. E. Whisler, F. E. Merrick, J. A. Westerlund, Mr. Glaize, A. C. Randall, C. H. Pierce, E. E. Kelly, Howard Dudley and George Putnam. Medford Mail Tribune, April 6, 1911, page 2 ![]() Paving Geneva Street, March 1911 PAVING COMPLETE ON TWO STREETS
GENEVA AND REDDY COVERED WITH BRICKOLITHIC Bise and Foss Started Only Last Monday--One Hundred Men Are Employed
streets on the east side, Geneva and Reddy, have been paved this spring
by Bise and Foss, the brickolithic paving contractors. Geneva will be
finished by tonight and Reddy is already finished.
The paving work on these streets started only Monday. The whole paving material is put down at one time, and when through with a section it is done. The grading started several weeks ago, but all has been done this spring. The distance paved on the two streets is 1400 feet or four blocks in length. The firm employ 100 men. Medford Sun, April 4, 1911, page 1 PREPARING
Tearing up the planking on East Main Street beyond the end of the
paving began yesterday. It is understood that the first work to be done
afterward will be to replace the wooden water pipe with steel, after
which the street will be paved.
Medford Sun, April 5, 1911, page 2 EAST SIDE CLUB ORGANIZED
East Siders to Work for Many Civic Improvements in Their Section of the City-- Officers Are Elected in New Improvement Club.
East Side Residence Improvement Club met on Tuesday evening at the
office of Dr. Conroy and discussed the residence situation on the east
side of Bear Creek.
They decided to work and improve the east side and advertise it as the most desirable residence section in Medford. All of the east side including the heights were represented. At the meeting it was voted to spend a fund of $1000 to improve and beautify the streets and to urge paving and sidewalks. Those present were J. A. Westerlund, Dr. Conroy, Dr. Clancy, Ed Van Dyke, Dr. Black, William Holmes, Dr. Bundy, J. A. Torney and a score of representatives of east side property owners. Dr. Black of the Siskiyou Heights Company was elected president, Dr. E. R. Conroy vice president, Ed Van Dyke secretary and Dr. L. Bundy treasurer. An advisory board was elected whose members are A. C. Abrams, Dr. J. F. Reddy, George R. Lindley, J. D. Olwell, C. E. Whisler, F. E. Merrick, J. A. Westerlund, Mr. Glaize, A. C. Randall, C. H. Pierce, E. E. Kelly, Howard Dudley and George Putnam. Medford Mail Tribune, April 6, 1911, page 2 EAST SIDERS FORM IMPROVEMENT CLUB
organizational meeting of the East Side Residence Improvement Club was
held Tuesday evening at the office of Dr. Conroy and voted to spend
$1000 for beautifying streets. It was also proposed to advertise the
east side as a desirable residence district. President, Dr. Black; vice
president, Dr. Conroy; secretary, Ed Van Dyke; treasurer, Dr. Bundy;
advisory board, A. C. Abrams, Dr. J. F. Reddy, George R. Lindley, J. D.
Olwell, C. E. Whisler, F. E. Merrick, J. A. Westerlund, Mr. Glaize, A.
C. Randall, C. H. Pierce, E. E. Kelly, H. S. Dudley and George Putnam.
Medford Sun, April 7, 1911, page 1 APARTMENT
A. B. Saling Buys Large Lot on Eighth and Tripp Streets-- Preparing Plans for Building
A. B. Saling
has purchased from J. U. Willeke a lot 100 by 135 feet at the corner of
Tripp and Eighth streets, on the east side of Bear Creek, for a
consideration of $2500. Mr. Saling intends to erect an apartment house
upon this site and is already preparing his plans. It being close in
and an ideal location otherwise, he believes that he will rent every
room long before the building is finished. The lot being a corner and
having an east front, it offers every advantage for comfortable homes
for his tenants.
Medford Sun, April 11, 1911, page 6 TO TELL ADVANTAGES
people of East Medford have organized the East Side Improvement
Association for the purpose of informing the public of the advantages
of that locality as the future residential district of Medford. They
believe in concerted action in doing things and securing what they are
entitled to as a part of the city. From week to week they will present
the advantages of their magnificent location, commanding a view of the
city and valley, climatic conditions, drainage, soil and the building
of new homes, schools and churches. The heart of the east side is
within ten minutes' walk of the banking center, and is easily
accessible and yet secluded from the business section. New and better
water service is to be installed, paving, sidewalk building and other
improving is in full blast, and in fact the east side people are awake
and it will interest you to watch their smoke.
Medford Sun, April 16, 1911, page 6 THE CITY BEAUTIFUL
to make Medford the city beautiful by securing a lot in the NOB HILL
addition and setting one of those rock-front bungalows among the
evergreen trees on the front tier of lots, the logical place for the
finest of all the types of bungalows, on the sloping hill where the
drainage is perfect and a basement is sanitary and wholesome and all
the conditions are right for a perfect home. There isn't a high-type
bungalow in Medford but would have 100 percent added to its beauty if
placed on one of those front-tier lots in NOB HILL ADDITION. Note from
the grade of the walk and curb where the level of the street will be
and what a fine rolling lawn will curve down from the stoop, giving
character and class to even a cottage of moderate cost. A fitting site
for the house of taste is essential. Where in all the Medford
environment will you find anything that will compare with the NOB HILL
ADDITION? When the street is graded and paved, even a blind man can see
the advantages of those front-tier lots. Did you know that even now the
water pipe is on the road from the East, and when laid the unsightly
trench will be filled and the street paving proceed? NOB HILL is the
closest-in high ground to the center of the city. Every discriminating
citizen figures on eventually owning a home in Nob Hill addition. Why
not beat the other fellow to it by calling at No. 11 North Central and
buying a lot on easy terms from one of the owners or taking up the
matter with any real estate man in Medford and securing a lot for that
pretty home you intend building?
Medford Sun, April 16, 1911, page 7 NEWS ITEMS
T. E. Daniels'
beautiful home and grounds are completed. The grounds are fronted by a
rubble-stoned wall, and what a few months ago was an ordinary hillside
is now transformed into the most beautiful home in the city.
J. D. Heard has undoubtedly the most beautiful grounds in the county. The lawn and shrubbery, all planted last year, have made wonderful growth, proving the richness of the soil on the east side. Dr. Clancy's new home on Nob Hill is being rapidly rushed to completion. Mr. Edwards' two new bungalows on East Main Street are finished. They are the only real Swiss chalets in the country and will add much to the rustic beauty of the east side. Several hundred feet of sidewalk is being put in Keene Way Drive. The new school on Queen Anne [i.e., Roosevelt School] is about half completed, and the contractor assures us it will be finished long before the school term commences. It will add much to [the] beauty and real estate of the east side. It will be the newest and most modern school building in southern Oregon. The hospital sisters are here with the plans of the new St. Vincent hospital [i.e., Sacred Heart]. It is a massive six-story structure and to be rushed to completion. The entire order for the last iron water main to replace the wood pipe from Roosevelt Avenue to the city limits has been shipped from the factory, and the first three carloads will be unloaded at the depot the coming week. The ditch has been widened, and a force of forty men are practically through with the extension of the ditch from the end of East Main Street to the city limits. The continuation and completion of the pavement on East Main Street is assured immediately the water main has been laid. Medford Sun, April 30, 1911, page 5 EAST SIDE NEWS ITEMS
last the wise ones have discovered that there is an important part of
the East Side lying beyond Genessee Avenue. It took some hard jolts to
awaken them to the fact.
Improvements begun a year or more ago have been neglected either through gross carelessness, indifference or incompetency. Our city dads on their tour south, in their endeavor to find more rapid and surer means of touching people's pockets and incidentally giving the city treasury a jolt (soft pedal on the joy part of the trip) found there were many inquiries about the hills on the East Side. [A reference to a trip to research paving methods.] Great was their surprise to find there was something besides Roxy Ann. Immediately on their return they planned and carried out an exploring expedition to the eastern hills. Before getting far they discovered two marvelous things, in that they so closely resemble nature, but are still artificial: First, a beautiful snipe pond just beyond Roosevelt on Main Street [a puddle in the street] , a soil already very fertile, soaked in water from our leaky wooden pipes. But most marvelous of all Jacobson & Bade's wonderful artificial canyon, rivaling the Grand Canyon of the Colorado. And talk about a hair-raising exploit--you have to drive over it to experience it. Occasionally guides can be secured to pilot you through. But it will be soon a thing of the past and instead of the wild and hazardous drive we will soon be driving calmly and peaceably over the A1 grade of Clark & Henery's pavement. Medford Sun, May 7, 1911, page B8 GHOST TROUBLES EAST SIDE
APPEARS AT 3 A.M. ON THE BEAR CREEK BRIDGE Does a Few Aerial Turns Through Thin Air and Then Fades With Startling Noise
The residents of the east side near the bridge have been seeing one.
The ghost is the regulation kind, being white and having the faculty of
doing unexplainable things.
As the clock in the belfry of the old water tower tolls the hour of 3 and the owl flutters back to his place to prepare for the coming of dawn, from the battlements of Bear Creek bridge there emerges the ghost. Hesitating a moment, it turns and hurries across the field adjacent to the Pacific and Eastern track, feet scarcely touching mother earth, its whole body a swirling white ball. Contemptuous of man-made fences, houses and freight cars, it continues its headlong dash until it disappears in the dusk, a white speck revolving over and over and going on, on, on into the depths of unknown dark. Every night in the week except Sunday the queer spectre repeats the performance, and residents hearing the queer sound it makes in the flight have sat up to watch for it. Never have they seen any more than that just described. No chickens, watermelons or money have been missed, however, and the motive of the strange creature is still in doubt. People living near the bridge have threatened to turn their dogs loose, but the only animal ever treated in this manner returned cowering at the first appearance of the spectre, and that manner of handling the subject proved a failure. The east side is taking much local pride in the ghost, and if it continues its efforts to give night seances at 3 o'clock it may become firmly established. Medford Sun, September 2, 1911, page 4 IMPROVING END OF EAST MAIN
Street Commissioner Baker Cutting Down Embankment Leading to Siskiyou Heights-- Improvement is Very Much Needed
Street Commissioner Baker has a gang of men at work cutting down the
approach to the East Main Street paving. The paved street grade leading
up to this point is about five feet lower than the road from that point
on east on Siskiyou Heights, and it is this approach which Mr. Baker is
now working on. The earth to be excavated will be from 300 to 400 feet
in length and will vary in depth from three to five feet. Some of the
excavating can be done with plows and scrapers, but the deepest of it
Mr. Baker will tunnel and blow out with dynamite.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 7, 1911, page 3 EAST MEDFORD IS TAKING ON NEW LIFE
That part of
Medford lying east of Bear Creek is taking on new activity as applies
to home building. Especially is this true as to Geneva Avenue and
Minnesota Street.
Messrs. Henry and William Humphrey have laid plans for the erection of no less than four fine bungalows. One of these fronting west on Geneva Avenue is now nearly enclosed. This will have seven large rooms, besides an outside sleeping porch and a large screened-in porch for a laundry. This will also have a built-in cabinet kitchen with buffet between it and the large dining room. There will be a large west porch which, from the elevation of the grounds, will command a splendid view. On the corner of Geneva Avenue and Minnesota these gentlemen are now putting in a concrete foundation for a seven-room bungalow which will have a frontage to both the south and west. This building will be similar to the one above mentioned, except that the finishing will be a little more elaborate. On the lots facing south on Minnesota Street Messrs. Humphrey will erect two more bungalows, which will be modern in every particular and quite as elaborate as those already mentioned. These bungalows will cost complete about $3000 each. Because of the fact that both Geneva Avenue and Minnesota Street were deep cut before being paved gives the lawns an excellent chance to be terraced and thus beauty is added not alone to the lawns, but as well to the bungalows built upon the surrounding lots. A cement retaining wall, one and a half feet high, will be put in at the sidewalk level and from that a four-foot terraced lawn will be built. B. F. Fifer has the contract for the erection of all the Humphrey bungalows. On the west side of Geneva Avenue and facing the east, C. A. Knight expects to erect two fine large bungalows, work to commence upon them very soon. Mr. Knight also owns some lots on Minnesota Street, facing the south, upon which he expects to build some bungalows in the early spring. Medford Mail Tribune weekly, February 1, 1912, page 1 BUILDING BOOM ON GENEVA AVENUE
explosion of gasoline from a leaky automobile caused a fire which
destroyed W. H. Humphrey's barn at 815 East Main and everything in it,
including the automobile, late Saturday afternoon. The only thing saved
was a 50-gallon tank of gasoline which Mr. Humphrey hauled out of the
barn at some risk to himself.
building activities still continue in East Medford. Geneva Avenue and
Minnesota Street have been especially active during the past few
months, in fact since early last spring there has been a continuous
upbuilding in that locality.
AUTO AND BARN DESTROYED BY FIRERight now C. A. Wright has a two-story, nine-room dwelling nearly completed on Geneva Avenue. This building is modern in every particular and is to be steam heated. H. Humphrey and Son have a seven-room bungalow well under way at the corner of Geneva Avenue and Minnesota Street. This is to have a large basement and is to be steam heated. These same parties also have the foundation in for a fine bungalow on Minnesota Street. Glenn O. Taylor has a six-room bungalow nearly completed on Minnesota Street. B. F. Fifer, contractor and builder, will also soon have a new six-room bungalow completed. His new home will be on Minnesota Street. Medford Mail Tribune, October 21, 1912, page 3 The flames started underneath the auto, and the noise of the exploding gasoline tank could be heard a block away. In a few seconds the whole barn was ablaze. The auto was a 1910 model Hayes 30 H.P. Medford Mail Tribune weekly, December 5, 1912, page 6 Jackson Street a Fine Boulevard
the completion of Jackson Street bridge will follow a great activity to
make Jackson Medford's most beautiful boulevard. Last year the city
council ordered cement sidewalks on the south side of West Jackson
Street from the city limits to Riverside, and there will without doubt
be another resolution for sidewalks along the entire street.
Jackson Boulevard is the only street running east and west through the city without a break or turn, and is from 60 to 200 feet higher than the center of the city. The Medford Realty & Improvement Company have already built six beautiful bungalows on the west end at Summit and will complete eight more during the coming summer. Jackson School is also at Summit, opposite the Medford Realty & Improvement Company's property and is one of the finest school buildings in Southern Oregon. The Jackson Boulevard Improvement Association is being organized by the property owners along and adjoining the boulevard, and with the cooperation of the city council, the Greater Medford Club and such other organizations as have for the object the making of a "City Beautiful," great progress is predicted. On the east end, Queen Addition, a large portion of which is owned by the Medford Realty & Improvement Co. will be built up and construction will probably commence in the spring. Highcroft Addition, of which Chas. S. Lebo is the manager, will have a landscape architect lay out a beautiful addition. These villa sites are large enough to enable the owners to have beautiful grounds, and an arch will be erected over Jackson Boulevard at the head of the addition. No expense will be spared to complete the work, and it is estimated that within the next two years $250,000 will be spent on improvements by the Medford Realty & Improvement Company alone. Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1913, page 3 James G. Smith and C. B. Scott have jointly decided to erect two fine dwelling houses in East Medford. One of these, a six-room story and a half bungalow, will be built on the south side of East Main Street just east from Mr. Smith's residence [1106 East Main]. The other, a five-room bungalow, will be built on the east side of Vancouver Avenue. These dwellings will each have basements and will be equipped with heating plants. They will be modern in every particular, while in architectural design they will be quite out of the ordinary but as beautiful as unusual. Contractor and builder N. J. Wiley has the contract for the erection of both these dwellings, and teams are now at work excavating for the basements, and foundation work will be started as soon as the excavations are made. "Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, March 27, 1913, page 5 BUILDING ACTIVITY STILL CONTINUES
activities still continue in Medford. As a matter of fact there has
been no perceptible lull in this respect in some parts of the city for
several months past. Especially true is this as applies to East Medford.
FALLEN COUPLE TO LEAVE TOWNIn this section many new and beautiful homes have been erected during the past spring and summer months, and there are now a number of new homes in course of construction. On Geneva Avenue C. A. Knight has nearly completed one of the prettiest homes of the many which have recently been erected on this street. This last is a two-story dwelling, has ten rooms and is replete with all modern conveniences. This house when completed will have cost $65.00. Mr. Knight also has material on the ground for use in erecting another quite as beautiful a home on the same street, at the head of Minnesota Street. There will be nine rooms in this one, and it will cost $5000. A large basement will be put under this house. In fact, Mr. Knight has put basements under nearly all the beautiful homes he has erected in this vicinity. On the east side of Geneva Avenue the Messrs. Humphrey & Son have built a number of bungalow homes, and the finish in their construction is not yet. At the present time they are giving their attention to the erection of a new bungalow for Judge Calkins, who will take up his permanent residence therein as soon as it is completed. This bungalow is being built on Minnesota Street. It will have seven rooms, will be modern in every particular and will cost $4700. The Humphreys have but recently completed a six-room bungalow on Minnesota Street at a cost of $3700. They have also built one on Roosevelt Avenue, near Minnesota Street, at a cost of about $3500, and which has been sold to A. F. Hazelrigg. These same gentlemen are now having plans drawn for a six-room bungalow to be built on the corner of Roosevelt Avenue and Minnesota Street. Contractor B. F. Fifer has charge of the work on all of these several buildings, also those being erected by Mr. Knight. On East Main Street, near the home of H. G. Shearer, D. W. Driskel is having built a beautiful six-room residence. An especially fine feature in connection with this home is the fact that there has been a large basement put under the building of equal size with the entire floor plan. This is to be occupied by a heating plant and to be used for a variety of purposes for which such a large basement can so conveniently be utilized. J. W. Smylie, the east side contractor, is in charge of the carpenter work on this building. It will cost about $3500. Mr. Driskel and family are recent arrivals from Idaho. Medford Mail Tribune, August 12, 1913, page 6
Graves, a fallen woman, and Ray Langlois, a fallen man, her companion
in a series of escapades in drunkenness and debauchery, were found
guilty of vagrancy before Justice of the Peace Glenn O. Taylor, Friday
afternoon, and given sentences of 30 days in jail, and a fine of $100.
The fine and the sentence were commuted for both upon their promise to
be outside of Jackson County this afternoon by 5:00 o'clock.
Thursday night the woman and Langlois and a rival for the hand of Mrs. Graves engaged in a fight with beer bottles on East Main Street, the battle raging at its height upon the lawn of Chief of Police Hittson. This brought the pair to the city jail, the third party escaping on horseback. For the last three months, the police say she has been in a continual state of intoxication, sleeping in barns, vacant houses and haystacks. Recently, Mrs. Graves has been working on a ranch. During most of this period she has associated with tramps and presided at alley "can rushing" parties. The woman says she is a confirmed alcoholic. Ray Langlois, whose courting of Mrs. Graves has brought him into prominence, is well known to the police. Medford Mail Tribune, September 18, 1915, page 2 J. F. HALE PURCHASES RESIDENCE,
F. Hale has purchased the E. H. Porter residence property at 619 East
Main from Mrs. Matilda J. Adkins and will occupy the same about
November 1. This residence is a two-story Colonial style, has eleven
rooms and is one of the nice residence properties on the east side,
with large grounds.
Mr. Hale sold his residence on South Oakdale a few months ago and shows his faith in Medford by investing in another home and the business properties recently purchased. Medford Mail Tribune, October 18, 1921, page 3 SERVICE STATION IS BITTERLY
Mail Tribune, October 27, 1926, page 3 Plus ça change.
Great indignation is being expressed among residents on the East Side
over the construction of a service station at the corner of East Main
and Tripp streets, which necessitated the cutting down of several fine
shade trees at that corner.
When the project was first broached East Side residents say they protested, but were assured that, because of their opposition, the matter had been dropped. Then just before a meeting of the city council, the protesters were told that the matter would be presented to the council. They hadn't time to make a showing, and as a result the service station had a long petition of citizens favoring the project, with only a few speaking against it. Under the circumstances, the council granted the request. East Side residents are very indignant over the way the matter was handled, and the city council comes in for blame. According to those opposing such construction in a residence section, the matter was clearly one for the planning commission to decide, but the commission could not even get together a quorum and the council had no right to make a decision, they say, without getting the official sanction of the planning commission first. Members of the council declare they tried to secure action from the planning commission, but were unable to do so, and decided they could not delay longer. The proposed construction of a service station on Rose Avenue now promises to raise a similar storm on the west side of the city, a number of West Side residents opposing such a project within a residence district. EAST SIDE KICK ON
Much ado about nothing was the situation which a protesting delegation
of east side residents in the East Main Street, Crater Lake Avenue
neighborhood found itself up against when they appeared before the city
planning commission at its session last night, because there was
nothing to protest against except what might happen.
It seems that recently H. W. Conger opened negotiations with Dr. I. D. Phipps for the purchase of the home in which himself and sister reside at 923 East Main Street at the Crater Lake Avenue corner, and the price was agreed on but the matter has been in a dormant state since. Mr. Conger's idea if he purchased the property was to convert the large dwelling into an attractive funeral home establishment. In the meantime word of the possible pending deal flew about in that east side section, and resentment against such proposed funeral establishment grew. Hence, when the property owners understood yesterday that a petition was to be presented to the city planning commission last night for a change of zone, or permission to convert the dwelling into a funeral home, the result was that a protesting delegation of prominent property owners of the section, including John C. Mann, William Gates, Harvey Fields and Fred L. Heath, was hastily organized to attend the meeting and protest. Last night's meeting of the planning commission was the first held in weeks because of inability to get a quorum present, and the first one attended by the newly appointed members, Walter Leverette and Bernard Roberts, and also the first since the resignation of Lewis Ulrich, chairman, from the commission. Hence, when the commission convened it first organized by electing Larry Schade as chairman. The commission had never heard of the funeral home matter, and no petition had been presented to it. The protesting delegation went ahead with its errand anyhow, and William A. Gates, acting as spokesman, set forth that the property owners within two blocks of the Phipps dwelling were up in arms against the contemplated funeral home proposition there. Mr. Gates made it plain that the delegation was present owing to a misunderstanding of the situation, but said the east side people were so much in earnest that he would set forth their views anyhow. He declared that the homes within two blocks of the location represented a valuation of hundreds of thousands of dollars, that it was the choice residence district of the city and that all the property owners there took a pride in keeping up their home surroundings, and that the establishment of a funeral home in that vicinity would much decrease the value of the homes. He also called attention to the fact that Crater Lake Avenue was one of the most heavily traveled thoroughfares in the city and constantly increasing in that regard, hence a funeral home there would bring congestion at times. Chairman Schade said that if the sale ever came to a head and effort was made to establish a funeral home at the location the planning commission would give consideration to the matter. Medford Mail Tribune, December 21, 1927, page 6 Conger Replies to Protest.
To the Editor:
In your issue of December 21, there appeared nearly a column relative to my alleged proposal to remove my funeral parlors to the east side. Since this matter has become somewhat of a question of public interest, it may be that the people of the entire city would be interested in a word from one whose alleged probability of becoming a neighbor in that locality is, by some, so much deplored. The article mentioned the Phipps property, Crater Lake and East Main, as the central figure in question, and from this vicinity there came and appeared before the city planning commission on Tuesday night a representative body, including W. A. Gates, to register their protest. I was not present, but the possibility that I might at some time decide to come into their midst was laid before the commission by W. A. Gates. I will say that at this date I have not at all decided when or where I shall move or attempt to locate. True, I have considered the Phipps property and numerous other properties, but have entered into no obligations with Dr. Phipps, nor do I know that I ever shall. However, since the opening of the Sixth Street crossing, my present location is now on a business street. And it is my desire, and a just desire, to see a locality more quiet. Funeral parlors are as much a necessity in cities the size of Medford as water or a police department. And I hold that our beloved dead and those whose hearts are stricken with grief are entitled to a quiet, dignified funeral service, and this service must, by necessity, be rendered in a quiet zone, and the only one that I know of that is quiet enough for the most sacred and reverent service that can be rendered by mortal man is a residence zone Now these good citizens protest because they allege that their property values might decrease if I should come into their midst. Not everyone agrees with this. Some contend that a corner like this made beautiful would prove an asset instead of a liability. But after all, I am not sure that the mercenary interests of such a few who only think they might be to a small extent financially hurt should prevail over the sacred service that an establishment in which would be my home will render to thousands, who require a service quiet and in a location where the cortege will not move at all through a business street where traffic is choked by congestion. And whether or not I further consider the east side, I will say that this large tract where other property is farther away than any place I know of in Medford would give the least cause for complaint of any locality that has come to my attention. H. W. CONGER.
Mail Tribune, December 23, 1927, page B4 The
property in question was on the northeast corner of Main and Crater
Lake Avenue, a large home then occupied by dentist Ira Dell Phipps but
originally built by Charles H. Pierce.Medford, Dec. 23, 1927. EAST SIDE CLUB WILL BE FORMED
As a result of a series of meetings between the residents of the east
side, at which they discussed the possibilities of improvement in that
section of the city, the district will hold a meeting in the near
future for the formation of an East Side Improvement Club, which will
hold organized meetings at regular intervals.
All property owners in that district will be eligible for membership, and the purpose of the organization will be to assist the planning commission in its work in that section. Possibilities for improvement and needed requirements of the district will be called to the attention of the planning commission from time to time. The date of the first meeting will be announced in the near future. Medford Mail Tribune, January 13, 1928, page 8 EAST SIDE CLUB MEETS FRIDAY
The East Side Improvement Club, formed recently by a group of prominent
residents of that section of the city for the purpose of maintaining a
standard of beauty and improvement in their district, will hold their
first official meeting Friday.
The organization will function similarly to those of the same type in other cities, assisting the planning commission and city council in matters of improvement affecting their district. Tree planting, plotting, and sewer problems will be among those to be discussed by the club members and brought to the attention of the city planning commission. The meetings are public, and all east side residents are urged to attend and contribute their views. Medford Mail Tribune, January 23, 1928, page 2 EAST SIDE CLUB HOLDS FIRST MEET
The East Side Improvement Club, formed recently by a group of prominent
residents in that section of the city, will hold its first official
meeting tonight at 7:30 in the city hall. The meeting, which is open to
the public, is for the purpose of discussing needed improvements on the
east side and to draw up plans whereby the organized property owners
can assist the planning commission and the city council in executing
the work that should be carried out in that district.
Considerable enthusiasm has been aroused among the residents and property owners of the east side in the new club, who are all invited to be present at the meeting and contribute their help and suggestions to the work. Also residents from other sections of the city are invited to attend the meeting in case they have any idea of forming a similar civic organization in their section of the city. Medford Mail Tribune, January 27, 1928, page 7 EAST SIDE CLUB IS ORGANIZED AND
Property owners from the east side (east of Bear Creek) met last night
at the city hall for the purpose of discussing the formation of an
improvement association.
John Mann presided as temporary chairman and briefly outlined that the purpose of forming such an association was to foster a spirit of cooperation and intelligent effort in providing for and improving civic requirements; that the movement was meant to be constructive, and it was the hope that both city council and city planning commission would look toward the group for assistance and advice. Prominent east siders expressed their views, and it was evident that all were in hearty accord with the movement and meant to give the association their hearty support. Among those that so spoke were Dr. Reynolds, C. A. Swigart, J. W. Shirley, Charles Reames, Judge Kelly, Louis Ulrich, Mrs. P. O. Crawford, E. C. Gaddis, H. H. Pringle and T. E. Daniels. Upon Mr. Mann's call for an expression of the desire to form such a club, or association, a motion to that effect was proposed and unanimously passed. A temporary board of directors was then appointed, these directors to draft constitution and bylaws and present a definite line of action for discussion and another meeting in the near future. The directors appointed were: J. C. Mann, chairman; J. F. Partridge, secretary; C. A. Swigart, Fred Heath, W. A. Gates, Mrs. James Owens, Mrs. L. Ulrich, Mrs. J. D. Rickert, P. O. Crawford, Dr. Clancy, T. E. Daniels, C. J. Semon, J. W. Shirley. Medford Mail Tribune, January 28, 1928, page 3 EAST SIDE CLUB TO
At the meeting of the East Side
Improvement Club in the city council chambers last evening the proposed
project was discussed of having all of the road between the end of East
Main Street and the Medford Golf Club grounds oil-macadamized, which
plan a club committee, after an investigation, reported should be
done. According to this report the cost would be about $1500,
of which sum one-third has been promised by the county court and $300
by the City of Medford. It is the plan to assess the rest of the cost
against the benefiting property at a cost of about 15 cents a foot
front. Property owners are now being interviewed on the matter.Residents of Vancouver Street complained against the hauling of gravel in trucks from the Medford Concrete Construction Company rock crushing plant over that street, thus injuring the thoroughfare and making it unsightly. The club took no action on this complaint except one of sympathy, as the complaint is now under consideration by the city council. A committee was appointed to confer with city officials and report back to the improvement club at its next meeting, regarding the possibility of a new amusement building that is being built at the west end of the Bear Creek bridge on Main Street, being a flood menace by holding back the stream during high water periods. Medford Mail Tribune, May 24, 1928, page 5 TWO FINE HOMES WILL BE ERECTED
new homes will be built this spring and summer in the Crown Hill
district, which overlooks the city, with a beautiful view of the valley
its entire length. Other residences are contemplated in that section
this year.
Announcement was made today by architect Frank C. Clark that work would start within the next two weeks upon the new home of attorney George M. Roberts [1815 Crown Avenue], estimated to cost $20,000. Its dimensions will be 32 by 62 feet in dimensions, two stories high, of the Pennsylvania colonial design with stucco finishing trimmed in brick. Features of the residence will include landscape gardening with a swimming pool, a lower floor built of eight-inch oak flooring, an old-fashioned winding stairway, and all modern conveniences. The home will be ready for occupancy next fall. Opposite the Roberts home, Mrs. [Marjory] W. Feasley will erect a $10,000 home [at 1820 Crown Avenue]. Work will start as soon as architect Clark completes the plans. It will be of the New England type with a lowered roof line, one story high, and its dimensions will be 30 feet by 80 feet. Excerpt, Medford Mail Tribune, January 24, 1929, page 4 MAIN ST. BRIDGE IS BOTTLENECK FOR
A largely signed petition was presented the city council, signed by
business men and property owners alike, the latter mostly east side
residents, asking that the city officials improve that section of East
Main Street between Riverside Avenue and Almond Street, taking [omission]
the Bear Creek bridge, which section the petitioners designated as
"Medford's worst bottleneck." A delegation of east side citizens was
present to back up the petition.Petition to Council Asks Widening of Viaduct--Mayor Says Lack of Funds Has Delayed Work--Budget Place Planned. It was explained by Mayor Pipes that the widening of the Bear Creek bridge and other improvements petitioned for and tentatively agreed to by the city council last spring, as soon as money was available, had not been undertaken because of lack of funds, but that provision would be made for it in making out next year's budget, after further investigation as to feasibility and cost. Present Petition.
The petition as presented reads as
follows:"We, the undersigned property owners and tenants of property of the city of Medford, Oregon, do pray and petition the City of Medford for relief from the present and existing condition which now exists in, on, and around Medford's 'worst bottleneck' situation and lying between Riverside Avenue and Almond Street on East Main Street. "The improvements for which we ask are as follows: The placing of the four-foot sidewalks on the outside of the Bear Creek bridge, an agreement which was entered into by and between the City of Medford and Gene Childers on or about the 10th day of May, 1928, which states that at the expense of the city this work would be done, and which to date has not been carried out. "We, the undersigned citizens, ask that if the city deems it advisable to build but one side or half of the sidewalk on the bridge at this time, we then ask that the city build and complete the north half or portion of the walk first. "We further ask that East Main Street be widened by setting back the sidewalks 30 inches on each side of the street from Riverside Avenue to Bear Creek bridge, work to be done at the expense of the city. Calling your attention to the fact that there is inadequate provision for proper sewerage on the south side or portion of East Main Street in this block and ask and petition the City of Medford to lay a city sewer pipe of sufficient size to serve any future improvements of whatsoever nature we are able to foresee at the present time, at the time the street is torn up with the setting back of the sidewalks. "Also that the now existing parking strip on either side of East Main Street east of the Bear Creek bridge to Almond Street be eliminated, thus widening East Main Street east of the bridge to Almond Street, all of the above requirements being deemed very necessary to serve both the present and future requirements of the city of Medford. "We also call your attention to the inadequate parking space in this district, which is a handicap to this business district, due to the fact that there is no place a car or truck can turn around with safety closer than Crater Lake Highway, which greatly handicaps the business interests of this particular block. "Your attention is further called to the traffic that crosses and uses this bridge and street. The rapidly growing east side residential district with its many school children crossing this bridge in itself presents the safety factory of putting the sidewalks on the outside of the bridge, and the ever-increasing traffic arising from the Crater Lake Highway. The many orchards, the golf course, the city reservoir, and the many homes demand a wider and safer street than East Main from Riverside to Almond Street as it now exists. "A recent actual count of cars at the intersection of Main and Riverside Avenue from 5 p.m. to 5:18 p.m. was 400 cars; in other words 400 cars used this intersection in 18 minutes. "We, the undersigned, respectfully ask action on the above requests and ask the city to set some definite time when we may expect some relief from the now existing conditions." Medford Mail Tribune, October 2, 1929, page 1 PLAN LAUNCHED FOR IMPROVING EAST
The first gun in a campaign to forget politics and internal dissension,
and get together in this community on a constructive march forward, was
fired at noon today when at an open meeting the East Side Improvement
League was formed.East Side Improvement League Formed to Start Post-Election Get-Together Drive for Better Medford It is the plan of this league to widen East Main from the S.P. tracks to the Bear Creek bridge, put in new street lighting, cover the abandoned street car tracks, and get every property owner to modernize and improve the store fronts he owns. The meeting was characterized by great enthusiasm and unanimity of opinion, it being the sense of the meeting that expenses for this widespread improvement be borne by the property owners. A. C. Hubbard was elected president; C. M. Kidd vice-president, and Mrs. I. A. Coppin secretary and treasurer. Plans have already been started to secure signatures of all property owners and start construction work in the near future, according to Jerry Jerome, one of the leaders of the movement. Medford Mail Tribune, November 9, 1932, page 1 BAD LUCK LOT SOLD BY CITY
Medford's much discussed (and cussed) cherry trees, the harvesting of
whose fruit involved the city in a $25,000 damage suit, filed a short
time ago in circuit court, are the city's no more, it was announced
today.Sale of the lot on East Main Street, between Portland and Willamette, where the trees are growing, was authorized at the last meeting of the city council. The price approved is $1100 and the buyer S. A. Kroschel. The damage suit involving the cherry trees was filed by Ivan Jones of the Beagle district, whose wife allegedly fell out of one when picking fruit last summer. She sustained a broken back, according to the complaint. Mr. and Mrs. Jones were permitted to pick cherries on shares at their own request, according to City Superintendent Fred Scheffel, when they voiced their great need of fruit and inability to purchase same. Medford Mail Tribune, November 9, 1933, page 8 EAST MAIN SERA JOB NEARLY DONE
of the Main Street curve elimination SERA project on Siskiyou Heights
is only a matter of a few days, Fred Scheffel, city superintendent,
stated today. Excavation work and building of a rock wall along the
bank is finished, with remaining work consisting only of leveling the
new roadway.
The ground will have to stand over the winter, Scheffel said, to settle before it is oiled. The project has employed an average of seven men since early this spring, with funds provided by CWA and SERA. Medford Mail Tribune, August 21, 1934, page 5 STEIGER HOME ON QUEEN ANNE
Sale of the J. J. Steiger residence at 122 Oregon Terrace at the end of
Queen Anne avenue to J. E. Houston was announced yesterday. The
transaction, described by real estate men as the biggest residential
sale here in ten years, was handled by Brown & White. The home
sold furnished.
The residence is one of the showplaces of the Rogue Valley. It is a spacious dwelling containing 16 rooms, a large basement being completely finished and furnished. There is a central oil-burning heating plant. Servants' quarters are provided over a double garage. There are other accessory buildings. The home stands on two acres of land that are completely landscaped. On the grounds are two rare redwood trees and more than 500 rosebushes. There are ornamental shrubs of every description, many of them imported. Three concrete fish ponds add a continental decorative touch to the property. The place is generally known as the Reddy estate. The residence was built by the late Dr. J. F. Reddy, and the property was developed by him and Mrs. Reddy until it became one of the outstanding showplaces of the valley. Mr. Houston, the purchaser, came to Medford recently with Mrs. Houston from Dietrick, Idaho. He is a retired merchant and bought the property as a home. He and Mrs. Houston will take possession Wednesday. Medford Mail Tribune, May 1936 BUILDING BOOM NEAR IN CITY
Medford is experiencing a regular building boom, with three houses
under construction, and one just completed last week.The latest to start building is Bruce Bauer, who is building a seven-room house at the corner of Queen Anne and Orange Terrace. R. I. Stuart and Sons have been doing the excavating the past week. Sam Goldstine and Dick Kay, who are building side and side [sic] on East Main, now have their houses practically completed, the Goldstines having moved into theirs. Platt Andrews is building a new home on Euclid Avenue, just off Academy, which is attracting wide attention. Other new homes are planned in the neighborhood, building merely awaiting completion of details. Medford News, June 5, 1936, page 1 GENEVA STREET HOME IS BOUGHT BY
Walter W. Abbey, automobile distributor, has purchased from John C.
Boyle, Copco vice-president, the residence at 28 Geneva Street. It is a
modern two-story, nine-room dwelling.
Mr. Abbey and family will move to their new home on or before August 1. The residence is now occupied under lease by Karl L. Janouch, supervisor of the Rogue River National Forest, and Mrs. Janouch. Mr. Abbey said he will sell his present home at 811 West 2nd Street. Medford Mail Tribune, May 14, 1937, page 8 20 FLAGPOLES STOLEN FROM BUILDING
police today were confronted with a unique case, the theft of 20
eight-foot flagpoles, which had been set on home-building tracts on
Hillcrest Road east of Medford.
V. E. Ratledge of 310 Vancouver Avenue, owner of the poles, described them as being painted white, with [a] little white flag on each and the letter "R" in red on each flag. Medford Mail Tribune, March 14, 1940, page 4 Medford's Downtown Area Extends
into East Side
Shopping Area Got its Start After Park Constructed By BOB VROMAN Mail Tribune Staff Writer
many years, the area just over the bridge from downtown Medford, known
as the "East Side," had been a quiet residential district. Several
business houses along Main St. in the vicinity of Almond and Tripp sts.
served as a trade area and remained virtually unchanged for a period of
25 years or more.
Then right after World War II Hawthorne Park was built by the city, and the little shopping area began to grow. The change has been gradual, as buildings were added from time to time to house a cold storage plant, a cleaning establishment, a drug store and others. In the last few years, and particularly this summer, Medford's downtown area seemed to "overflow" into the district as ultramodern business and office buildings began to spring up where old-fashioned homes once stood or on lots that have never had buildings on them. ![]() The new Red Cross chapter house and the Colleen Hope Dance Studio, the new Eastside Market, a service station and a drive-in dairy produce store are the most recent additions to the area, as well as several new medical office buildings farther east on Main St. ![]() ![]() One reason for the movement is Medford's downtown parking problem, according to some sources. It is more convenient to park in the specially built parking lots adjacent to the new office buildings than it is to drive around the block several times looking for an available parking place downtown. In addition, a medical or dental patient doesn't have to worry about "feeding the meter" while in the midst of treatment. ![]() The first medical office building in the East Side was the Physicians and Surgeons building, across the street from the Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital, which was built in 1951. The next to be built was the East Main Dental building several blocks to the east and the Medical-Dental building a few doors west and across the street from the hospital. Both of these buildings were built in 1954. ![]() Just why these buildings have been built in this particular area has no definite answer, except that the neighborhood was suitable for medical offices, and one seemed to attract another. The fact that the Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital will soon vacate its present quarters to move to the new building on Barnett Rd. apparently has had no effect on the desirability of the location for medical offices, sources indicated. ![]() Several of the buildings have their own pharmacies, X-ray equipment and laboratories, making them complete units within themselves. Another houses a dental laboratory as well as dental offices. The movement is all a part of the inevitable expansion and modernization of Medford's business area as the population increases, and would be impossible to stop as the tide, some sources said. Although the construction of more medical offices, besides the ones already started, is not likely, according to some, the growth of the area as far as other businesses are concerned has no limit, and only time will tell what future is in store for Medford's East Side. Medford Mail Tribune, September 29, 1957, page 12 Last revised November
14, 2024