The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Crater Lake Highway
For more news about the route, see the Eagle Point Eaglets pages and refer to Stephen Michael O'Connell's doctoral thesis. And for the story of Roseburg's 1886 attempt to survey their own Crater Lake highway, see here.

Wagon Road by Another Route.
    Editor Sentinel.--There has been several communications in the Sentinel, lately, favoring the construction of a wagon road by way of the lakes to the mines on John Day and Powder rivers. As the route discovered last fall is not mentioned, I presume it is not generally known that the best pass found in the Cascade Range was discovered by a part of the wagon road company on their return from Canyon City last fall--Messrs. Nye, Abbott, Sessions and others. They say this pass is but a few feet higher than the country on the east side of the Cascade Range; the ascent and descent was so gradual they never knew when they crossed the summit. It is situated between Scott and Diamond peaks. The north fork of Rogue River and the west fork of Deschutes take their rise in this pass at Diamond Peak, and not at Scotts Peak as was formerly supposed. They think a road through there can be traveled as soon as the road on the east side of the mountain. As far as the grade is concerned, they say the greatest difficulty to be overcome is between Elk Creek and Flounce Rock.
    Mr. Editor, you have been over this part of the route; if it is the most difficult part, you can form a pretty good idea of its practicability for a wagon road.* Ten miles from Flounce Rock the trail crosses the north fork of Rogue River, which will have to be bridged there. Nature has done her part. The river runs through a canyon of bluff rock, which is not over thirty-five to forty feet from bluff to bluff. The country on each side is perfectly level. There is plenty of timber, of the best quality, within fifty yards to build a bridge entirely above high water. The party mentioned kept a diary, in which the distance from Deschutes to Jacksonville is estimated at 110 miles. If this route should prove practicable for wagons, of which there is not the least existing doubt in the minds of the exploring party, the value of the discovery to this valley cannot be overestimated. It is in a direct course to Canyon City, and will avoid all the marshy, swampy ground that will have to be passed over to go by way of the Lakes, and it must shorten the distance a near hundred miles. As soon as this road is opened, we can furnish them the news of the day sooner than they can get it from the Dalles, and no other point can compete with us in furnishing them their supplies. But I am for any and every road that will lead us to a market for our surplus products.
--[*Yes, sir, we have been over that part of the route frequently; and if the remaining portion is no more difficult than that between Elk Creek and Flounce Rock, there are comparatively no difficulties in the way. But the bridge over the sunless canyons of Rogue River, how about that? That the distance is much less, we do not doubt; but the absence of the bridge is a serious objection. Let this Rogue River route be thoroughly explored this summer, and if there are no difficulties in the way save the want of a bridge across the main river, the advantage it has in point of distance over the Klamath Lake route will make it the great thoroughfare for Southern Oregon, and warrant the erection of the bridge at the desired point.--Ed. Sentinel.]
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 25, 1863, page 1

Best Route to Fort Klamath.
FLOUNCE ROCK, June 12, 1864.
    Mr. Editor:--Myself and party left my house this day for Klamath Lake, by way of Union Peak. I had often thought that there was a good route through this way, and found it the best, so far as I went, which was over the divide about five miles, I ever saw. I found no snow on this side of the divide, and I am now satisfied it is the most practicable route to the military post that can be found.
    The first day we followed the wagon road for nineteen miles to Union Creek, where we camped for the night. Next morning we followed the wagon road for one and a half miles, then took an east by northeast course, up Union Creek towards Union Peak; the first two miles was brushy, then open timber for half a mile, where we crossed the old wagon road trail; thence continued in the same course three miles and a half, to Bear Park, on Union Creek; here we encamped for the night. Next morning we started on the same course, and traveled through a growth of small black pines--no fallen timber, and the ground smooth and level as a house floor--seven miles to Crack Creek; here we found some fallen timber for a mile and a half, and found the creek running too much to the right for our course, and we struck our course east by south, direct for the north side of Union Peak. We traveled half a mile and crossed Union Creek--very light grade going down and none going up on the opposite side (good crossing). From there to the peak, a distance of five miles, it is almost level, there being no hills, gulches or fallen timber. We descended an easy grade for one mile, and encamped for the night; here we struck the Indian trail running from Klamath Lake to the peak. Next morning we followed the trail eight miles, and found it good. I think we were then within eight or ten miles of the fort, but being out of provisions we had to return. On returning, we found the distance could be shortened twelve or fifteen miles.
    The distances, as near as we could calculate, are as follows: From Jacksonville to Flounce Rock, 40 miles; from Flounce Rock to Union Creek 19 miles; from Union Creek to Union Peak, 18 miles; from Union Peak to Fort Klamath, 15 miles. Total, 92 miles.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 9, 1864, page 1

From Klamath.
    We are permitted to make the following extract from a letter written by W. W. Fowler, Esq.:
FORT KLAMATH, July 16th, 1864.
    DEAR SIR:--I arrived here on the 14th inst., over the long-spoken of pass from the Rogue River, and find it an excellent route for a road. There are not 500 yards of rocky road or more than 700 yards of grading in the whole distance between Rogue River Road and Fort Klamath. There is about 22 miles of road to make, which will probably cost $30 per mile, but by means of fire this amount may be materially lessened.… It is not more than 30 miles from the Rogue River to this place. Water and grass is not quite so plenty on this route as on the old one, but I think teams can make the trip on the new route from two or three days sooner than by the old one.… The Indian troubles are all over, and there is no fears of any more, as the Klamath Indians are afraid of the Snakes, which feeling is cordially reciprocated by the Snakes.
    Another proof of the practicability of the Rogue River route. Once in the Klamath Basin and all difficulty is over. Mr. Fowler says that the road can be completed for less than $30 per mile. He who asks for more evidence would not believe though one rose from the dead and urged his faith by ghostly arguments.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 23, 1864, page 2

    TRAVEL.--Hiram Abbott, residing at Flounce Rock on the Rogue River and John Day wagon road, while in town the past week, very kindly furnished us the following report of travel, showing that this road is now a thoroughly well-opened and practicable highway for travel:
    Ed. Sentinel:--Perhaps the good people of Rogue River Valley would like to know the amount of travel over the Rogue River and John Day wagon road, from May 15th up to May 30th. Here is a list:
    Johnson passed my place May 15th, with two hundred head of cattle, five men and nine horses. He was from Shasta Valley, Cal., and bound for Walla Walla.
    Kinney & Co. with from 1,200 to 1,500 head of sheep, seven men and nine horses, from Shasta, and bound for Canyon City--passed May 22nd 1865.
    Robins, with 200 head of cattle, five men and nine head of horses, from Rogue River Valley, bound for Boise-passed May 29th.
    Cooksey & Magruder, with 234 head of cattle, six men and twelve horses, from Rogue River Valley, bound for Canyon City, passed May 30th, 1865.
    McCoy, with 334 head of cattle, ten men and eighteen horses, bound for Walla Walla, passed May 31st.
    Besides, some fifteen miners, as many horses and one wagon passed during that time, and on June 10th a Spanish mule train of seventy mules and horses, and seven men, bound for the Dalles, passed.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 17, 1865, page 2

    FOR FT. KLAMATH.--H. Bloom and Jas. Hurd, of this town, started this week for Ft. Klamath with four freight teams. They intend going over the mountain by the Butte Creek road. A drove of cattle are going before their teams. There is, it is said, but three or four miles of snow on the summit at present.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 17, 1865, page 2

    ROAD TO KLAMATH.--A detachment of twenty men, under command of Captain Sprague, started to cut a road from Fort Klamath, intersecting the "Rogue River and John Day Wagon Road" at Union Creek. By letter from Captain Sprague we learn that an excellent road can be made with but a slight grade. He says teams can draw as heavy loads over it as they can over the Crescent City road.
    The Captain says he would be very thankful for any assistance from the citizens on this end of the road.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 29, 1865, page 2

FORT KLAMATH, Ogn., August 20, '65.
    Ed. Sentinel: It will probably be interesting to the traveling and freighting public to know that the new wagon road, connecting Ft. Klamath with the Rogue River and John Day wagon road, is nearly completed, and will, by the 23rd inst., be ready for teams.
    For the benefit of teamsters and others, who may intend coming to this post by this road, I will give the estimated distance from one camping place to another on the new road.
    Leaving the Rogue River road two miles above Union Creek, the first water found is about three and a half miles, with but little grass--not a good camp. Four miles further is a fine spring, with plenty of grass about a half mile northeast of the spring. This is called Hampton's Camp, and is one of the best on the road. Six miles further is White Horse Creek or Soldiers' Camp--plenty of water but no grass near the camp. Within two miles is Castle Camp, which is within half a mile of the summit. At this camp there is plenty of grass and water; the water is, however, rather hard to obtain, being in a deep ravine. One mile from Castle Camp, just at the foot of the mountain, on the Klamath side, and about one hundred yards to the left of the road, is a fine spring, and an elegant camp in every respect. This we named "Canyon Spring Camp." Within four miles, Spring Creek is crossed on a bridge, and within half a mile of the bridge, close to the road on the left, is a good spring of water and plenty of grass. Leaving this camp, the road approaches and follows down the banks of Anne Creek, a tributary of Wood River, and along which the traveler will see some of Nature's most beautiful works. The camp last mentioned is called Dead Wood. Within six miles from Dead Wood is Cold Run Camp, with water a few yards up the ravine, to the right of the road, but not much grass. Three miles from Cold Run the upper end of Klamath Prairie is reached, and water can be had from the creek on the left--grass abundant everywhere. From this point to Ft. Klamath the distance is estimated at seven miles--no water to be obtained until reaching Wood River, at the bridge, near the fort.
    The distance from Rogue River to the summit of the mountains is estimated at sixteen miles, and from the summit to Ft. Klamath at twenty miles, making thirty-six miles. From Jacksonville to the intersection of the Klamath road the distance measured is sixty-two miles, making the whole distance from Jacksonville to the fort ninety-eight miles--only six miles further than by Mt. McLoughlin. From Rogue River to within one hundred yards of the summit of the mountain the road rises with a gradual elevation of probably ten inches to the rod, with but few sudden rises, and none of any great extent. The summit is reached by a grade not greater than the hill back of Jacksonville, on the Applegate road. The decline on the Klamath side is so gentle that in the dark a man could scarcely tell whether he was going up hill or down. The new road will be a "hard road to travel" for a while, as the ground is very soft, and much of the way the road is cut through dense thickets of small pines or tamaracks, and of course the stumps will be in the way for some time. There are, however, but few large stumps in the road, and no rocks at all. The soil is pumice stone, and when beaten down will become hard, making a road equal to a macadamized one.
    The owners of the Rogue River Road should now clean out and repair it, for in many places the rocks and dirt have slid into it, making it rather difficult for heavily loaded teams to pass.
    Two miles and a half in a northeastern direction from the summit of the mountain is Oregon's famous lake, about which there is as much difference of opinion as there is about "that darkey." I have not visited the lake yet, but several of my men have, and they vary in their opinions of the distance down to the water. One thinks it is not more than two or three hundred feet, while others say it must be six or seven hundred; one thinks the water easily accessible, and another that it cannot be reached. I shall visit it this week and blaze a trail to it from the summit, and give you my impressions of its depth, etc. I have heard of no name being given it except "Hole in the Ground." It should have a name commensurate with its merits as a curiosity.
    I am ordered, with thirty of my command, to Horse Creek, in Alvord's Valley, at the base of Steens Mountain, among the hostile "Siwashes." We are to stay all winter, constructing as comfortable quarters as we can out of such material as may be procured in the neighborhood, and keeping at the same time a lookout for Indians. We start as soon as transportation can be procured.
    In connection with roads, I should have said that an excellent road can be made to Link River by way of the old Emigrant Route, and as the reservation farms and buildings will be at the mouth of Williamson River, the lake can be made available for transportation from Link River to the reservation. This route opens sooner in the spring and remains open later in the fall than any other through the mountains, from Jackson County to the Klamath Lake country.
Respectfully yours,
    F. B. SPRAGUE.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 2, 1865, page 1

    SURVEYING.--Surveyor Howard started on Monday with a corps of assistants to survey the county road between here and Big Butte.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 25, 1869, page 3

    Rogue River Falls, one of the most beautiful sights in which Southern Oregon abounds, can now be viewed from the new bridge on the Fort Klamath road. Heretofore it has almost been impossible to see this wonder, owing to the difficulty of getting in sight of it.
"Oregon Notes," Siskiyou News, Yreka, August 20, 1881, page 3

    There has been a heavy fall of snow on the eastern end of the Rogue River road, and teams cannot reach Fort Klamath by that route.
"Southern Oregon," Sacramento Daily Union, October 21, 1882, page 8

A Cut-Off Road Is Proposed---It Is a Feasible Route,
Has an Easy Grade and Will Cost but Little Money.

    The establishment of the government road leading from the Rogue River road at the head of Annie Creek to Crater Lake is likely to divert a large portion of the Crater Lake travel from the natural route up Rogue River to the Dead Indian and Klamath Falls routes, and it behooves the people of this part of the valley to do something to counteract this. The road up Rogue River is admittedly the best and shortest route to follow in order to reach this great natural wonder, but in order to reach the turning-off place contemplated from this side the summit of the mountain must be crossed. This means a hard climb from either way.
    The solution of the problem seems to be the establishment of another road, loading from the main road to Crater Lake on this side of the summit. The plan is a feasible one, and the expense will not be great. This second road, naturally, must be built by subscription.
    S. S. Aiken, of Prospect, informs the Mail that some years ago the project of making a road to take the place of the present route up the side of Mt. Mazama was under consideration among the people of that locality, and that an easy, practicable route was found on this side of the summit. The road would leave the Rogue River road some distance this side of where the present one does, and crossing the head of Castle Creek Canyon, follow around the edge of what is known as the Castle Creek Flats, and with a comparatively easy grade and very little heavy work reach the lake at about the same point the road does now. Mr. Aiken estimates that this new road would be about seven miles long and that the cost would not exceed $700.
    It would have the advantage of the Annie Creek route in the fact that there would be good camping places all along, a convenience the Annie Creek road would not be so well supplied with.
    This Crater Lake travel is sure to become a source of considerable income to the valley, and it is to the interest of the people of this northern portion to secure as much of it as possible. With the bulk of the travel going around by the Dead Indian route or by Klamath Falls this part of the valley would get but a very small share, but with a good road from the railroad to the lake on this side of the summit we could secure a full share of the travel, and it is certainly worth the effort.
    The first step, to be sure, is to secure a right of way from the government, but there is not likely to be any great difficulty about that. If $700 will build that road, let's rustle around a little and see if we cannot dig it up. It is an investment from which the people of this part of the valley will receive substantial dividends.

Medford Mail, January 9, 1903, page 2

Ft. Klamath, Or., Jan. 22, 1903.
    I see in the Medford Mail, of January 9th, that there was talk of building a new road to Crater Lake, on the west side of the summit, in order to hold the travel on the Rogue River road to the lake. Uncle Sam is preparing to make a road from the head of Anna Creek to the lake and will keep the same in good repair. One good road to the lake will be sufficient for all the travel, providing the roads to get to that are made. A road from Prospect through the Red Blanket country to Ft. Klamath would make the distance between Medford and Ft. Klamath several miles shorter and would not make the distance to Crater Lake any greater. This would intersect the road from Ft. Klamath to the lake in the north part of Wood River Valley. This is a road that Medford could well afford to dig up quite freely on.
    The writer of the above is all right on many points. The road he speaks of is one that would be of great benefit to Medford and the Rogue River Valley, and is one that should be built. It will not only make the distance between Medford and Ft. Klamath and the great stock raising country east and west much less, but would be a road passable at all times of the year--something that the present road is not. But the building [of] the road our correspondent mentions does not make the road to Crater Lake from the present Rogue River road any the less necessary, rather increases. The Red Blanket route would be all right for traffic back and forth between the two sections, but the great volume of summer travel--tourists visiting Crater Lake and other scenic points--must still use the Rogue River road. If the Red Blanket route was established and the present one abandoned, the only way to get to Crater Lake from here would be to cross the mountains and go to the lake from the east side, and to get back one must retrace his steps several miles, and if he belongs on this side climb from Wood River Valley to the summit again. As it is, parties can go one way to the great scenic wonder and return another, and the object of the road proposed by the Mail was to make the trip more convenient. With the establishment of the government road on the east side and the one outlined by the Mail on the west, there would be no necessity for any retracing of steps or the second climbing of high ridges in order to make the trip "around the Horn," as it is called. We agree with the correspondent that the Red Blanket road is something Medford needs, but it also needs the other--ought to have both of them--and anything this paper or its editor can do to bring about such a result will be done.
Medford Mail, January 30, 1903, page 1

    G. A. Hollenbeak, he who keeps the hotel at Prospect, and E. M. Boothby, also of Prospect, were in the city Monday. They report the roads in a worse condition than they ever were before at this season of the year. There is no snow, but gee whiz, there is mud and ruts into which one can nearly drop out of sight.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 27, 1903, page 6

New Road to Crater Lake
From the Portland Oregonian:
    "KLAMATH FALLS, Or., May 3.--W. S. Arant, superintendent of Crater Lake National Park, reports that he will have the new road leading to the lake ready for use by August 1. 1t will be shorter and have fewer bumps and steep grades than the old one. It will enable a journey from Fort Klamath to the lake, 25 miles, in 2½ hours.
    "Work will begin on the new road as soon as the snow disappears sufficiently to permit it. Deep snows linger longer in the mountains this year than usual, but may melt quickly under the influence of a warm spell, and not delay approach to the lake. Mr. Arant says preparations are being made to put an electric launch on the lake for the pleasure of tourists during the coming summer."
    The Mail does not wish to cast any doubt upon the veracity of the correspondent who sent the above to the Oregonian, but one of the employees of this shop, who is more or less intimately acquainted with that country, expresses a doubt of the ability of any means of locomotion prevalent in the Klamath country to accomplish the feat, except bipeds with wings. In relation to this new Crater Lake road we wish to call the attention of those wishing to view that grand scenic wonder this season to the fact that while they were getting from the railroad to Fort Klamath--twenty-five miles from the lake--they could reach their goal from Medford, and be quite a distance on their return journey. It is 79 miles from Medford to Crater Lake; from Ashland to Fort Klamath it is an even 100 miles and you still have 25 miles to go--mostly straight up. From Ager in California, it is 94 miles to Fort Klamath and you are still 25 miles from the lake, and if there is a team in this whole country that can make that 25 miles with a load such as camping parties usually have, in two hours and a half, and be worth thirty cents afterward, we would like to see them. Really there is only one good short route to Crater Lake and that is the one to be followed by the Southern Pacific excursion in August, viz; from Medford up Rogue River, then after getting to the lake, the return trip may be made via Dead Indian, with practically a downhill grade. If you go the other way you climb for three days steadily to reach the altitude you get to in a day and a half by the Rogue River route.
Medford Mail, May 8, 1903, page 6

    Wagons loaded with campers and provisions are passing through here daily on their way to Crater Lake, as they are finding out that Rogue River route is the best mountain road in the state if not on the coast.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, August 7, 1903, page 5

    There has been considerable improvement on the road from Eagle Point to Fort Klamath during the past year. Mr. Peyton is putting up a beautiful residence near the Rogue River grade, besides several other homes your correspondent is unable to name. The road between Fort Klamath and the head of Anna Creek has been greatly improved, and parties are now at work building a road to Crater Lake that will be simply fine, with no hills of any consequence at all. Now if Jackson County could get an appropriation to improve the road over the summit, we would have the finest road in the state to the greatest wonder on the coast, and by coming that route tourists could see Mill Creek Falls, Rogue River Rapids, the big timber, the natural bridge on Rogue River, the Rogue River Gorge, the wonders of Castle Creek, and all the beautiful scenery along the route.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, August 14, 1903, page 7

    W. P. Dodge and Fred Tice returned Tuesday from a trip up to where the Crater Lake National Park surveyors are at work, having gone thither with a load each of supplies for the surveyors. While out there they met Mr. Arant, the superintendent of the park reserve. This gentleman has but recently recovered from a severe injury and sickness. He has completed a bridge across Anna Creek 104 feet in length which shortens the distance between Crater Lake and Klamath Falls fully one and a half miles. He reports that he has looked out a route that will shorten the distance between Medford and valley points to the lake fully three miles and will do away with much of the heavy grade over which the travel is now going.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 28, 1903, page 5

How to Get There and a Few Scenes Along the Route.
    Probably the ideal camping trip on the Pacific Coast is that upon which one starts from Medford, goes by Crater Lake, visits historic Fort Klamath and returns by way of Pelican Bay, Lake o' the Woods and Dead Indian.
    On this journey there is more beautiful and picturesque mountain scenery to be found, with a modicum of the discomforts usually met with by the seeker after the grand and beautiful in nature, than upon any other of the tours through the scenic part of the coast.
    The trip can be made all the way in comfortable wagons. Stopping places are at convenient points and the tourist is not compelled to camp unless he so elects, although camping is one of the pleasant features of the trip.
    Leaving Medford, the traveler passes for twenty or more miles through the beautiful Rogue River Valley, past fields of waving grain, orchards bending 'neath their loads of fruit, green fields of alfalfa, until on the steady upward climb the timber slopes of the mighty Cascades are reached. There the road takes a more decided upward trend and follows the banks of the river, which dashes madly on its headlong journey to the sea, sometimes hundreds of feet below where the narrow road has been builded upon the mountainside. Among the first scenes of interest are the Mill Creek and Rogue River falls. Here the river falls in a series of cascades over ninety feet in the distance of a few hundred yards. At the foot of the descent, from a cliff 110 feet above the bed of the river, leaps one of the most beautiful waterfalls in America. Nothing intervenes between its leap from the verge of the precipice to where it strikes in foam and spray upon the rocks at the base of the cliff. One of the most beautiful rainbows imaginable is to be seen here. A solid sheet of water when it leaves the top of the cliff, it is nothing but mist and spray when it reaches the bottom.
    Further on the traveler passes through one of the finest belts of timber in Oregon, still practically untouched by the woodsman's ax. Lofty sugar pines and yellow firs tower heavenward, each one capable of producing lumber enough to build a mansion. Trees eight and ten feet in diameter are common and beneath their deep shade the tourist travels until he comes to Union Creek.
    Some three-fourths of a mile from the camping place is the "natural bridge." This is an arch of lava across the stream, made probably when old Mount Mazama "blew its head off" and created the famous Crater Lake, sending a stream of molten rock down across the course of Rogue River, through which the turbulent stream found a devious path. The river at this point comes down between solid walls of lava and is
confined to a very narrow channel. It disappears beneath the bridge, but, strange to say, the water upon the downstream side is not the impetuous, foaming current like that above. On the contrary it is eddying, and apparently flowing upstream. A journey of 150 yards down the bank explains the matter, however. Bursting from the east bank at right angles to its former course comes the immense volume of water which rushed beneath the bridge above. By a subterranean channel, nobody knows how long or tortuous, the water finds an outlet. That the channel is a long one has been demonstrated. Should a piece of wood be dropped into the river above the bridge one will have time to walk leisurely down to the outlet and must wait several minutes before the object dropped in is hurled forth into the main river.
    Above Union Creek, just a short distance from the road, is a gorge, which for beauty and grandeur exceeds many more pretentious and widely advertised scenes. Here the river takes a plunge of some fifty feet into a narrow chasm, which at the top is less than fifteen feet across, but widens out as it goes down. It is probably what is left of the upper end of the natural bridge, and seems indicative that Rogue River flowed at one time beneath the lava from this point to where it comes out below the natural bridge, something like two miles. The lava flow is easily traceable all the way beneath the two points. At different points along the route from Prospect up two immense pinnacles of rock, standing out against the sky on the summit of the Umpqua divide, have been visible. Those rocks are known as the "Cowhorns," "Elkhorn" and "Rabbit Ears." The latter appellation seems the most fitting, for, from a distance, they resemble nothing so much as the ears of gigantic "John" rabbit, "the father of all rabbits."
    Twelve miles from Union Creek brings one to the "Castle Canyon." This point takes its name from the castellated rocks upon its northern slope. Part of the formation is of soft slate rock, while ever and anon is a strata of igneous, or lava rock. The erosion of the softer rock has left the harder substance in pinnacles of many fantastic shapes. Castles, minarets, ramparts and bastions abound, and led to the place receiving the name "'Castle" canyon.
    Now we come the the crowning point of the trip. The goal we have had in sight since we left our home, be it in the far eastern states, or beneath the shadow of the lofty mountains upon the summit of which we will soon stand. Five miles away from us lies the "gem of the mountains," the grandest and most mysterious and awe-inspiring of any spot upon the Pacific Slope--Crater Lake.
    "In the fragrant hush of the morning," one leaves his camp two miles from the rim of the lake and travels upward, ever upward, beneath the serried ranks of ancient firs, until suddenly, almost without warning, he stands, it seems, on top of the earth. There is nothing above him but the blue and cloudless sky and below him--2000 feet below him--shimmering in the light of the rising sun lies the clear waters of Crater Lake. It is only a little way to the water, you think, but when you have made half the journey down the rugged mountain path, look back and measure the distance you have come with that still to be traveled. At the foot of the mighty cliffs, at the water's edge, one begins to realize the immensity of the grand natural wonder, and to speculate upon the mighty forces necessary to tear the top from a mountain, which must have been the twin of Shasta, and leave a hole 4000 feet deep and seven miles across half-filled with rippling water, as the only remembrance of what was once one of the monarchs of the Cascades. But there is no use trying to describe it. No painting can bring out the majesty and sublimity of the scene, and the tongue or pen of man can never depict its beauty or its grandeur. You may describe Niagara or Yosemite and even make photographs of them, but you can neither photograph nor describe Crater Lake.
    From Crater Lake the tourist goes down the eastern slope of the Cascades through Annie Creek canyon--one of the most beautiful bits of scenery on the route--to the Wood River Valley. This valley, over 4000 feet above the sea, is one of the richest and most fertile spots in the great Klamath basin. It is crossed by numerous streams of clear, cold water, fed by the everlasting snows of the mountain peaks and filled with the mountain trout, the praises of which Joaquin Miller has so eloquently sung. In the midst of the valley stands historic Fort Klamath, the sagging doors and windowless sashes of which bear mute witness to the march of time and the progress of civilization. Fifty years--say twenty years ago--it was an important post. Restless tribes of red men must be controlled, and the Stars and Stripes floated proudly from the flag pole--which has long since been utilized to cook the meals of some traveler or cowboy--while the parade ground resounded to the tramp of armed men and encircling hills gave back echoes of words of command. In the little old jail yonder Captain Jack sat and meditated over the futility of contesting the onward march of the white man, and over there beneath the shadow of those pines are the rotting posts of the scaffold from which he and his companions were launched into eternity.
    From Fort Klamath one may make a choice of routes, either by way of Klamath Falls or Pelican Bay. The latter route is the one most often taken. About a day's journey from the old fort brings one to this famous resort. Here some of the finest fishing in the land can be had--rainbow and Dolly Varden trout being abundant and affording good sport. In the fall millions of ducks and geese come in, deer can be easily found in the nearby hills and it is indeed a veritable hunter's paradise.
    From Pelican the road leads through wild and picturesque scenery to Lake o' the Woods--a beautiful sheet of water--with lofty Pitt's snow-capped dome in sight most of the way--through the Dead Indian country, and back to the Rogue River Valley above Ashland. Not the least pleasant portion of the trip is the drive down the valley to Medford. Most of the larger orchards are passed, and the sight of acres and acres of apple and pear trees bending low with the weight of ripening fruit gives the visitor some idea of the great fruit-raising possibilities of Southern Oregon.
Medford Mail, July 15, 1904, page 1

    W. H. Hodson, proprietor of the Medford Auto Garage, enjoys the distinction of being the first man to drive an auto to Crater Lake, having accomplished this feat on the 12th of August. He drove a 22-horsepower Buick on the trip. With the exception of a small portion of the roads in the Fort Klamath country, Mr. Hodson says they are in good condition and that it makes an excellent trip.
Gold Hill News, August 30, 1907, quoted in Gold Hill News, August 31, 1933, page 2

Jackson County Adds $50,000 to $100,000 State Appropriation.
    JACKSONVILLE, Or., March 24.--(Special.)--The County Court of Jackson County today entered and ordered the appropriation of $50,000 toward construction of the Crater Lake road. This will supplement the appropriation of $100,000 made by the recent State Legislature.
Oregonian, Portland, March 25, 1909, page 4

    Jackson County, Oregon, appropriated $50,000 toward building the Crater Lake Boulevard.
Del Norte Record, Crescent City, April 3, 1909, page 2

    The injunction proceedings to restrain the state from building the Crater Lake Highway, threatened by attorney L. M. McMahon of Salem, would be an exceedingly ill-advised move, and would profit no one if undertaken. It is hard to conceive what Mr. McMahon's object is in assuming this attitude.
    To begin with, the Crater Lake bill is not unconstitutional. It is not local, but general, and will benefit the entire state of Oregon. It was passed upon, both by the governor and attorney general, and pronounced constitutional. It was drawn with this very end in view. Decisions of the supreme court in previous instances sustain its constitutionality. So that, while Mr. McMahon might delay the building, he could not prevent its final construction.
    Crater Lake belongs to Oregon, to the world. It is America's greatest natural wonder, and it is the duty of the state to make it accessible. The construction of a highway is essential and the money so expended will bring more results beneficial to the state than any money it would be possible to expend in other ways.
    Crater Lake will make Oregon famous and talked about the world over. It will bring a never-ending stream of money-spending tourists and sightseers from all parts of the globe, and be the state's greatest advertisement.
    To delay or attempt to prevent the building of the Crater Lake Highway is little less than criminal--a move typical of mossbackism and unprogressiveness that have kept Oregon in the rear of her sister states in development so long, and which the new Oregon of today is striving so hard to overthrow.

Medford Daily Tribune, May 19, 1909, page 4

Department of Agriculture Begins Examination for Crater Lake Road.
    Uncle Sam has made good his promises as regards furnishing an engineer to supervise the construction of the Crater Lake road. Benjamin F. Heidel, assistant engineer of the office of public roads, Department of Agriculture, arrived in this city Friday morning and has spent two days between this city and Prospect with Dr. J. M. Keene, a member of the Crater Lake Road Commission. During the next thirty days he will go over the various possible routes and gather data, and expects to have his preliminary work completed within thirty days, so that he can throw surveyors into the field to take up the detailed plan of construction. The work to be done during the next month will consist of choosing the best route end studying it from all possible standpoints. The surveyors will then make up detailed specifications, so that contracts can be let for the actual construction of the road. These contracts will be let in sections.
    Engineer Heidel expresses himself as charmed with the possibilities of the road to the lake. While he only went as far as Prospect, what he saw highly pleased him. He was especially delighted with the Mill Creek Falls. He was taken out over the Rogue River route by Dr. Keene, crossing the Bybee bridge, and returned [on] the other road, coming back through Eagle Point.
    "If the lake is much more beautiful than it is reported to be, as the Mill Creek Falls proved, then, indeed, it is the great wonder of the world. I am most heartily satisfied with the orders that sent me to this section to undertake this work, for the Crater Lake road will be a wonderful drive. It will prove of great benefit to the entire state. Not alone will the lake be an attraction, but Oregon will boast of one of the most wonderful roads in the United States. I am judging this on my trip to Prospect, for this trip is one of great pleasure even over the present roads."--Medford Tribune.
Evening Herald, Eugene, June 10, 1909, page 1

Trip to Crater Lake Can Now Be Made Without Difficulty by Automobiles.

    The bridge over Union Creek beyond Prospect on the road to Crater Lake has been completed, and it is now possible to make the trip to the lake by automobile without difficulty. Union Creek was the one bad spot on the road where teams were necessary, and with this repaired the trip can be made the entire distance.
    For some time the Hodson Auto Company has had a force of men at the creek putting in the bridge. To that firm the thanks of the community--at least that of those who run motor cars --are due. Many machines will be driven to the lake during the next two months.
Medford Daily Tribune, July 26, 1909, page 8

People of State Will Be Asked to Aid Crater Lake Road Fund.
    MEDFORD, Or., March 27.--(Special.)--The $25,000 for the Crater Lake Highway that was expected to be signed for in this city has been subscribed after the subscription paper was in circulation only two weeks.
    Now that Medford has pledged $25,000 toward the road's construction, people of the entire state will be asked to lend their aid to the enterprise.
Oregonian, Portland, March 28, 1910, page 5

    Engineer B. F. Heidel of the office of public roads, U.S. Department of Agriculture, has completed the survey and estimates of that portion of the Crater Lake Highway to be built by the forestry bureau in the Crater National Forest and for that portion of the road eliminating the Flounce Rock hill. The commission will soon call for contracts for the building of this section of the road. Mr. Heidel made his report to the commission Saturday morning.
    The road will be 23 feet from the face of the cut to the edge of the fill, including the gutter on the upper side, or a width of 19 feet for the roadbed. The estimated cost of this 2.7 miles will be $24,000, including clearing, grubbing, grading and surfacing.
    Mr. Heidel stated that the grading should be done during the winter months, owing to the character of the soil, mostly pumice, which must be handled while wet to make a permanent roadbed. A surface dressing of decomposed serpentine rock, of from 4 to 8 inches, specially rolled.
    Two and a quarter miles of roadbed will be graded in the National Forest reserve, between Union Creek and Whiskey Creek, and several rock cuts made, thus greatly improving and straightening out the highway. This will be a separate contract and let by the government.
    The commission authorized Geo. L. Davis to prepare for publication a complete financial statement, after which bids will be asked for the construction of the highway.
    A committee was appointed to have the route selected approved by the county court as a county road. It is nearly the same as that selected by the county surveyor.
Valley Record, Ashland, August 24, 1910, page 1

Work on Highway Commenced.
    Ground was broken Monday on the much talked-of Crater Lake Highway. Contractor Natwick, who has charge of the work, expects to throw the road open for travel by April 1st of next year. He now has 30 men and several teams at work and expects to employ 30 more men. It is expected this highway will attract many tourists, especially those making auto tours to Southern Oregon.
Jacksonville Post, October 29, 1910, page 1

Expert Lent by Government to Aid Medford Enterprise
Here to Attend Convention.

    Benjamin E. Heidel, connected with the office of the Public Roads of the United States Department of Agriculture, was in Portland yesterday to attend the Oregon Good Roads convention. Mr. Heidel was sent to the Medford people by the government to take charge of the work of constructing the road to Crater Lake, "45 miles of macadamizing through the greatest scenic section in the world."
    After the Supreme Court held the bonds issued for the Crater Road were illegal, the city of Medford proceeded to obtain $30,000 by private subscription, $5000 of this being raised in Portland. The work of constructing this famous highway was started some time ago and 30 men and 12 teams are now engaged in building the road on Pumice Hill, where a 33 percent grade is being reduced to 4 percent.
    "The Crater Lake road, when finished," said Mr. Heidel, "will exceed in scenic beauty the Yosemite roadway or any road that traverses the Alps in Europe. It will be a rock-surfaced driveway 18 feet in width, while the main road will have a width of 23 feet. At Pumice Hill, where we are working, there are portions that will cost $14,000 a mile, most of it being rock work. The contract, which was let some time ago, is based upon the unit system and can be continued with the present contractor until it is finished."
    The work of the Medford people starts on the Rogue River and continues 45 miles. At the end of the road the government is taking up the work and building 17 miles through the forest reserve. This takes the traveler to the edge of the park, where the government is engaged in making surveys for a 12-mile drive to the lake. Provision is also being made for 60 to 80 miles of roadway in the park proper.

Oregonian, Portland, December 14, 1910, page 12

Crater Lake Road in Hands of County
    At a meeting of the Crater Lake Highway Commission at the rooms of the Medford Commercial Club, March 21, attended by Messrs. Root, Davis, Ray, Waterman, Putnam, Westerlund, W. M. Colvig and Colonel Frank H. Ray, the following motion was made by J. A. Westerlund, seconded by E. B. Waterman and unanimously passed:
    "Whereas, the county court of Jackson County has agreed to assume charge of the Pumice Hill grade now being constructed under contract and to complete the same by the first of June under direction of its engineer, providing a fund of $10,000 is turned over to the court by the Crater Lake commission of the Medford Commercial Club, the county court agreeing to furnish additional funds necessary to complete the grade according to plans, and
    "Whereas, Colonel Frank H. Ray and the four banks of Medford have agreed to underwrite the popular subscriptions made to the Crater Lake Highway fund, by advancing to the county court of Jackson County $10,000, taking as security the subscriptions due, and naming as trustee for the said underwriters, F. E. Merrick, therefore,
    "Be it resolved: That the Crater Lake Highway Commission of the Medford Commercial Club hereby accepts the offer of the county court to complete the highway, and the offer of the underwriters to advance the $10,000 needed for construction and authorizes its president, secretary and treasurer to turn over to F. E. Merrick, trustee for the underwriters, with full power to collect for the purpose of reimbursing the underwriters the subscriptions made to the Crater Lake Highway fund, the surplus remaining, after the underwriters have been reimbursed, to be returned to the commission for expenditure on other portions of the road."
    The underwriting is done on the basis of one-third by Colonel Ray, two-thirds by the four banks. For the $10,000 advanced, $15,000 in unpaid subscriptions is security, most of which are not due until June 1.
    Colonel Ray offered the county the use of two heavy road rollers to be used as soon as needed, and the road will be ready for traffic by June 1. Advertising the trip to the lake can done at once.
Gold Hill News, March 25, 1911, page 1

    Time is near when Crater Lake tourist season will open.
    Thanks to the energy of the Medford Commercial Club and the cooperation of the government authorities and the county court, a much better road is offered the tourist from Medford than ever before.
    Superintendent Arant is going over all of the roads in the Crater Lake National  Park and will have them in first-class condition by July 1.
    The United States Forestry Bureau is remaking the road through the Cascade Forest Reserve and promises a much improved highway before travel begins.
    The Pumice Hill grade has been replaced by one of the best roads in the county, built by public subscription jointly with the county.
    Jackson County is overhauling and rebuilding many sections of the highway. A new road from Derby with a steel bridge across the Rogue will shorten the distance and furnish a new route. Still another shortcut is being built--a highway across the desert to a new steel bridge across the Rogue at the Jackson place.
    From being an exceedingly hard trip to the lake, the journey has become an easy day's run by auto. Each succeeding year will see further improvements, and gradually as the roads improve the number of sightseers will increase.
    Subscriptions to the Crater Lake Highway fund are now due and should be paid to the Medford National Bank at once, in order that the underwriters may be refunded the money advanced.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 21, 1911, page 4

Section of Crater Lake Highway Built by Popular Subscription,
Pronounced the Best of Piece of Road Work In Oregon.

    Members of the party that visited Prospect Sunday as guest of Colonel Frank H. Ray are loud in their praises of that section of the Crater Lake Highway built by popular subscription through the Medford Commercial Club. They pronounce it, without exception, the finest piece of road construction in the state and the
greatest improvement yet made in the roads of the county. It is 20 feet in width, 2.7 miles in length, has a maximum grade of 4 percent, and can be traversed at a swift pace by either auto or team. It has entirely changed the trip to the lake by removing its greatest obstacle--the Pumice Hill grade,
    Generally speaking, the road to the lake was never in such good shape as at present, though cut up badly in newly graded and pumice stretches by the heavy teaming done for the Prospect power plant.
    Supervisor Grieve has just finished a section of new road extending through the forest to Skookum Gorge, about four miles from Prospect.
    The forestry service has rebuilt the worst parts of the highway through the forest reserve, and cut away the brush. Contractor Natwick has established a camp near Elk Creek and has the contract for straightening and widening a mile of the worst part of the road between Trail and Enyart's. In the national park, Superintendent Arant is busy overhauling the road.
    Preparations for the care of tourists are better than ever. Accommodations can be secured at Allen's or Middlebush's at Trail, at Enyart's, near the mouth of Big Butte, at the Prospect Hotel and in the park and at the lake.

Medford Mail Tribune, July 17, 1911, page 4

Residents Off Highway on Which Governor Would Work Prisoners
Express Fear for Families.

    MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 20.--(Special)--Residents in the vicinity of the Crater Lake Highway, on which Governor West has promised to furnish convict labor during the winter, are not pleased with the Governor's suggestion.
    According to reports received in Medford tonight the people of Trail and Prospect as well as the ranchers along the road are up in arms and intend to file a protest against the plan which, they say, will expose their property and wives and children to the depredations of criminals who are allowed to be in their neighborhood without guard and without restraint
    Governor West has submitted his offer and steps have been taken by the committee appointed by the Commercial Club and the county court to import about 25 convicts by November 1.
    The Governor has appointed Dr. J. F. Reddy to act as prison representative and take full charge of the men. Jackson County, if it agrees to the offer, will pay the men 25 cents a day and furnish them with board and lodging. The county will also have to pay the men's railroad fare. If the plan works the Governor declares the county can have men indefinitely.
Oregonian, Portland, October 21, 1911, page 6

One of Governor West's Honor Men Now at Work on Crater Lake Highway
Tells of Camp and Work--Club Is Organized.

Prospect, Oregon, Nov. 4.
    To the Editor: The convict camp near this city is now permanently established. A few of the prisoners under the supervision of John Grieve, who has them in charge, commenced work on the Pumicestone Hill yesterday morning, and it is expected that by Monday the entire gang will be put to work on the new county highway. Part of the men are at present employed at the camp, fixing up their quarters.
    The prisoners appear to be a fine class of fellows, and take to their tasks willingly, and not one has tried so far to escape. The boys have organized the Westville Club, the principal purpose of this organization being good government.
    Chas. Gay, who has charge of the commissary department, speaks highly of the boys, and is much impressed with the manner in which they enforce discipline among themselves, by means of their unique organization.
    The gang is composed of practically all mechanics, who have at some previous time represented various crafts and all [have] practical knowledge of how the work should be done.
    The camp is situated on Mr. Peelor's ranch, near the Pumicestone Hill, where fuel, water and fresh air is abundant and it appears to have a good deal to do toward enlivening the spirits of the boys, as they seem to be as joyful as school "kids." Some one of the boys was heard to remark that he was sorry that he did not have twice as much time to do and it would be a shame to "beat it" as long as the grubstake remained in its present abundant condition. If the wealth remains as good as it has been for the past two weeks, the officers in charge anticipate a great showing in the work.
JOHN W. CANON, No. 6349.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 6, 1911, page 5

Commercial Club Passes Resolution Rechristening It
"Honor Camp No. 1"--Governor West Is Commended by Club.

    "Convict Camp No. 1" is no longer to be thus designated. The Medford Commercial Club at its meeting Monday evening passed a resolution rechristening it "Honor Camp No. 1" and requesting all to hereafter call the prisoners at work upon the Crater Lake Highway "Honor Men" instead of convicts.
    Talks were made commending Governor West for his interest in this section and approving his prison policy, which it is evident has struck a popular chord.
    Monday "Honor Camp" was visited by Dr. J. F. Reddy and engineer Harmon. They found the men well contented and pleased with their surroundings and enjoying their work. A request for old magazines and literature is made to the people of Medford by the honor men. It can be left at the Pacific & Eastern depot addressed to "Honor Camp No. 1," Prospect, Ore., or given to County Engineer Harmon, Dr. J. F. Reddy or to Dr. E. H. Porter, who has volunteered his services as physician to the camp and will visit it weekly.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 7, 1911, page 6

Dr. Reddy in an Interview in the Oregon Journal Says Men Happy and
Well Taken Care of and That None Think of Betraying Trust.

(Oregon Journal.)

    After trying the convict labor on the Crater Lake wagon road for fifteen days the citizens of Medford and the section of Jackson County in which the work is being carried on are enthusiastic over the results and predict a success beyond the expectation of even Governor West, according to Dr. J. F. Reddy of Medford, who is visiting in the city.
    "When Governor West sent the convicts to us he gave the charge of them to George Putnam of the Mail Tribune, William Gerig, general manager of the Pacific & Eastern Railway and myself." said Dr. Reddy. "Of course we are not now in actual charge of the men, but we are responsible for them while they are there.
    "The camp contains twenty-seven at present and but one man is with them, Superintendent Grieve, representing the county court and supervising the construction work. No firearms, barricades, chains or anything else of that character are to be seen around the camp, and the dress of the men would not indicate that the camp was other than an ordinary road camp.
    "The convicts are far happier than at the penitentiary and all say that they would far rather be there than at Salem. We are providing them with as good food and quarters as possible.
    "Instead of looking upon the establishment of such a camp with disfavor and apprehension the people of that section are all pleased with the work being accomplished and are boosting the system. We have found the work to be a great success and very efficiently done. In fact, the efficiency of this crew is equal to if
not a little better than that of a regularly paid crew.
    "The convicts are being paid at the rate of 25 cents a day and all expenses. We have found that as far as the expense of building roads under this system is concerned it is about 50 percent of what it would be with ordinary paid labor. Thus we can make our road funds do twice as much.
    "We hope to get more men for this work and will not quit when this road is completed. The next to be taken on will probably be the Pacific Highway and after that the roads throughout the county.
    "As to how the convicts feel about being placed on their honor, an incident occurred the other day which gives an illustration. One of the men had been sent seventeen miles from camp with a team and wagon for supplies. Time passed and he did not return. The superintendent became somewhat worried. A fellow convict [said] to the superintendent that it was a safe bet that the man would return, and sure enough about 9 o'clock that evening he appeared. The men are all anxious to show that those who are knocking the system are wrong and that they can be trusted.
    "For the present we are keeping them as far as possible in the more mountainous and less thickly populated districts in order that they need not be subjected to any more temptations than necessary. When they have had their liberty long enough to become accustomed to it they will be proof against temptation."
Medford Mail Tribune, November 17, 1911, page 4

Westlake Club, Composed of Men Living at Honor Camp No. 1,
Prepares Letter of Thanks to Local Residents.

Westville, Ore., Nov. 17.
Editor Mail Tribune:
    We, the members of the Westville Club, wish to thank the citizens of Medford who so kindly assisted in promoting a source of amusement for this camp. The club acknowledges receipt of a beautiful Edison phonograph and records, a donation made by the Whetsel Music Company, also we are in receipt of several packages of  cigars, tobacco, candies, nuts, literature and other sources of amusement and gratification.
    We wish to assure those who have contributed toward this fund that we appreciate the interest and attention they have shown us, and we trust that this camp will prove, through diligence and integrity, to mark the beginning of a new and more circumspect means of dealing with the so-called criminal.
    We also wish to thank our honorable governor, Oswald West, for the confidence he has seemingly taken in us, and we are all striving to do our share toward bringing about the wonderful change he has undertaken.
    Honor Camp No. 1.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 18, 1911, page 3

Pacific Highway Improves Roads
    Who on the Pacific Coast has not heard of Crater Lake? Set like a sapphire far up in the lava mountains of Lake [sic] County, Oregon, over two thousand feet deep and with no apparent inlet or outlet, with perpendicular walls of terrific height, the "mystic mere" has been a prospective goal for tourists for years. Geologists say that when Mount Mazama was an active volcano, much more recently than other volcanoes, the weight of the top became too heavy for the molten lava six or seven thousand feet below; so the crown of the peak caved in and was refused. Wizard Island, a 9-hundred-foot peak rising from the depths near the shore, and with a small crater of its own, represents the "last expiring breath" of this dead Cyclops.
    For four years the people of Jackson County and of its metropolis, Medford, have been working for a scenic highway up the Rogue River to the lake, which, with the surrounding mountains, forms a national park. Disappointed in their efforts, a state apportionment having been held unconstitutional, they raised $25,000 and improved the road so that several thousand autos visited it last summer.
    Government engineers have just finished a $10,000 survey for scenic drives around the lake, with four main highways connecting it with the neighboring country. The Medford Commercial Club recently drafted resolutions commending the people of their city and of the county, as well as Governor West and others, for their efforts in improving the road, and urging the congressional delegation, the Secretary of the Interior and the forestry service to secure an appropriation for the Crater Lake National Park at the next session of Congress.
    Should such an appropriation be granted and the road built, one of the finest drives from all parts of the Coast would be up the Pacific Highway to Medford and thence to this remarkable lake, which is still as much an object of wonder and mystery to white men as it is of horror to their red brothers.

Trinity Journal, Weaverville, California, December 23, 1911, page 2


Wood River Valley People Plan to Outwit Government by New Highway,
Special to the Union.
    KLAMATH FALLS (Ore.), March 18.--Residents of Wood River Valley, in the north end of Klamath County, feel that it is an injustice for the Interior Department to make a toll road of the highway passing through Crater Lake park. This road was partially built before Crater Lake National Park was created. The people living in Wood River Valley built much of the road by private subscription. It afforded them an outlet to the Rogue River Valley during the summer and fall months. Last year the Interior Department promulgated an order that every automobile passing through the park must pay one dollar. The tax is not exorbitant, but the Wood River Valley people maintain that it is not just to ask them to pay to travel a road that they built with their own muscle and their own money.
    The feeling against the government order is so strong that a committee is now out soliciting funds to build another road across the mountains which will miss Crater Lake park. Efforts have been made to have the Interior Department rescind the order to collect toll, but to no avail. The ruling went into effect last year. It was the cause of much complaint to Park Superintendent W. F. Arant and Ranger H. E. Momyer.
    Indications are that the committee soliciting funds will be successful and that a new road, if the county gives some assistance, will be built this year.
Sacramento Daily Union, March 19, 1912, page B7

In Test Case Jury Finds Subscribers to Crater Lake Highway Fund Must Make Good Their Obligations--Affairs of Crater Lake Committee of Commercial Club Aired in Court
    After five minutes deliberation the jury in the case of the Medford Commercial Club versus M. H. Payne returned a verdict for $200 in favor of the plaintiff. The suit was brought to secure payment of a subscription made to the club for the building of the Crater Lake Highway. It was a test case, as many other subscribers have withheld their payments, hoping to escape payment. About $8000 is due the club on these subscriptions, $5000 of which is due the banks who underwrote the subscriptions.
    Mr. Payne set up in defense that the subscription had been obtained by false representations, that the Commercial Club had not constructed the entire road, that the construction already done had been of no benefit to him and that consequently he should not be compelled to pay the same.
    The history of the subscription list and of the efforts of the Commercial Club to secure the construction of the highway were gone into at length and the probe inserted into the affairs of the Crater Lake Highway Commission.
    Minutes of the meeting, reports, road and sundry expenses incurred were brought out, the court allowing a wide latitude in the presentation of evidence.
    It was brought out that the subscriptions totaled about $30,000, that about $8000 was still due and collectable, that the survey made by Engineer Heidel cost $4000, that the survey notes and $10,000, secured from the underwriters, had been turned over to the county which had finished the Pumice Hill grade at a cost of $9480 additional, and that the subscription lists were in the custody of F. H. Merrick, trustee for the underwriters, to whom $5000 is still due.
    Mr. Payne stated that he had been promised by the soliciting committee that he need not pay the subscription unless $100,000 was raised, but members of the committee denied making any such promises.
    The following witnesses testified: J. A. Westerlund, F. E. Merrick, Geo. L. Davis, Geo. Putnam, W. W. Harmon, Dr. C. R. Ray, J. M. Root, Wm. M. Colvig, A. Coleman, Spence Childers, L. G. Porter, D. T. Lawton and C. A. Weaver.
    The jury was composed of: W. H. Norcross,. foreman; George Holcomb, Asbury Beall, Chas. Owens, Geo. E. Moore, J. E. Roberts, W. W. Gregory, R. P. Campbell, Grant Mathews, Frank Crump, W. A. Tresham, A. S. Furry.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 27, 1912, pages 1 and 6

    The road to Crater Lake between this city and Trail is in very poor condition, according to many automobilists and ranchers who have passed over it during the past few days. The road is particularly bad between the Scott and Hannah places above the Bybee bridge, especially by the Dodge place, where a new fence has been placed down the center of the old road.
    The county has not done a single thing with the road this year, no attempt being made to place it in better condition for the auto traffic to Crater Lake, which will be very heavy.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 12, 1912, page 6

History of the Effort to Get Appropriation from Congress.
    OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Washington, Sept. 9.--Credit for the appropriation of $50,000 for beginning construction of a government road in the Crater Lake National Park, which was carried by the sundry civil bill as it became a law, belongs largely to Senator Bourne, and a contrary statement contained in a Washington dispatch to The Oregonian, under date of August 23, was erroneous.
    Some confusion arose over the Crater Lake road amendment early in the session, due to the announcement of Senator Chamberlain that he proposed to offer an amendment, appropriating $100,000 for this road after the House appropriations committee had turned down a like amendment submitted by Representative Hawley. This amendment, instead of being offered by Senator Chamberlain, was proposed by Senator Bourne, under agreement with his colleague, as Bourne was a member of the appropriations committee. When the sundry civil bill was reported to the Senate it carried the Bourne amendment appropriating $100,000. and both Oregon Senators aided in securing its adoption by the Senate.
    When the sundry civil bill went back to the House, that body refused to accept this amendment, along with others, and the bill went to conference. There a determined fight was made by Representative Fitzgerald, chairman of the House appropriations committee, to knock out the entire Crater Lake appropriation, but Senator Bourne, being also a member of the conference committee, resisted Fitzgerald's attacks, and when the sundry civil bill was finally reported it carried $50,000 for the Crater Lake road, half the amount of the original Bourne amendment.
    During the time the sundry civil bill was in conference, Representative Hawley appealed to the House members of the conference committee, but was turned down by the Democrats, though assured by Representative Cannon, the Republican conferee, that he would aid in getting an appropriation for the Crater Lake road. Senator Bourne insists that Mr. Cannon did not favor, but actually opposed this appropriation from start to finish, and that its ultimate adoption was due entirely to his own efforts.
    It is true that Senators Bourne and Chamberlain and Representative Hawley all worked to secure an appropriation of $100,000 to begin construction of the $900,000 road, but Mr. Hawley's efforts were blocked by a Democratic House.
Oregonian, Portland, September 10, 1912, page 2

C. A. McGee Speaks on His Trip from San Francisco to Portland
    Grand beyond the possibility of description is what C. A. McGee of the Howard Automobile Company, who has just returned from the north with the little model "24" Buick, which made the run from San Francisco to Portland in 40 hours 50 minutes last week, lowering the road record between the two cities more than 17 hours, has to say of Crater Lake and the country surrounding it. McGee followed the Pacific Highway as far south as Medford, Ore. Leaving it at that place, he drove his little Buick northeast to Crater Lake, then nearly south to Klamath Falls, and then southwest to Ager, Cal., at which point the Pacific Highway was again encountered and followed south to San Francisco.
    In speaking of this trip south McGee has the following to say: "There is plenty of information available regarding the Pacific Highway. This route is very clearly marked with distinctive road signs from Redding north, and there seems to be a united effort being made by most of the counties in both California and Oregon to get this highway in at least passable shape, and the improvements on it are noticeable from month to month, there being many improvements since Fred Gross and I drove the No. 3 Buick truck to Portland in record time last July.
    "In returning from the north I made a detour to the east, leaving the Pacific Highway between the towns of Medford, Ore., and Hilt, Cal. This detour, which adds about 150 miles to the trip between San Francisco and Portland, is very little known at present, but owing to the beautiful scenery through which it passes it is sure to be one of the popular automobile routes of the future.
    From Medford the road followed leads north through Rogue River Valley to Eagle Point. Here the foothills country is entered, and the next few miles are not particularly interesting. This open country, which is covered with small trees and shrubs, soon changes to more rugged mountains and larger trees. In fact, the motorist on this trip drives through the largest forest of yellow pine now in existence. About 25 miles from Medford the Rogue River is crossed, and a very good road follows the north bank of this stream to the little mountain town of Prospect.
    The first intimation that one has that they are approaching a town is a sign nailed to a big pine tree, warning automobilists to travel through the city of Prospect at not more than 10 miles per hour. The city of Prospect, we discovered later, consists of about six houses, most of them unpainted.
    At Prospect the Rogue River is crossed, and from there on to its headwaters the road follows near the south bank.
    The next stopping place is Camp Arants. This is five miles from the rim of Crater Lake, and up to this point the roads and grades are such that any modern automobile with good clearance can make the trip without difficulty. In fact, the little 28-horsepower Buick I was driving ran most of the distance between Medford and Arants Camp on high gear, and there was not more than a mile of low gear in the entire 77 miles separating the two places.
    The roads are dusty and in some places rough. The scenery is such, however, that one should be perfectly content with a speed of 10 miles an hour, and at that speed the trip will be enjoyed by anyone who enjoys seeing nature in the original.
    Those desiring to camp will find ideal camping spots every few miles, and we were advised that the fishing was all that could be asked for.
    Arants Camp is several miles inside the Crater Lake National Park, and the park superintendent's office is located at this place. Upon payment of $1, which the government charges for allowing automobiles to drive through this park, the superintendent issues a permit which must be shown upon demand as long as the automobile is within the park boundaries.
    The hardest climb, in fact the only grade that will cause trouble to the average automobile, is encountered one mile from Crater Lake Lodge, which is built on the rim surrounding the lake. This grade is between a half and three-quarters of a mile long, and a good part of it has a grade between 30 and 35 percent. Most machines are left at the bottom of this grade and the last mile is made on foot.
    The little Buick which I was driving made the round trip to Portland with practically no mechanical attention, and there was San Francisco air in five of the six "Goodyear No Rim Cut Tires" upon its return here.
San Francisco Call,
October 4, 1913, page 3

Sand Creek-Pinnacles Route Is Completed to Rim.
    KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Nov. 15.--(Special.)--The government road builders in Crater Lake Park have made good progress this season.
    The road by way of Sand Creek and the Pinnacles has been completed to the crater's rim, a distance of six and a half miles from the limits of the park. This will be resurfaced and rolled next season.
    One and a half miles of permanent road was built from the rim toward Fort Klamath, and several miles of road cleared and partly graded.
    The Pinnacles on the Sand Creek road and Anna Canyon on the Fort Klamath road rival the lake itself in interest.
Oregonian, Portland, November 16, 1913, page 8

    Proving that Southern Oregon mountain roads may be negotiated by auto even in winter, Seely Hall, of Medford, drove his Cadillac, with seven passengers, to Prospect one afternoon of last week. At various places the car traveled on the snow crust. Rangers reported 20 feet of "the beautiful" at Crater Lake.
"Southern Oregon's Shortstories,"
Gold Hill News, January 30, 1915, page 1

    By the end of the present season, 40 miles of highways will have been graded by the government in the Crater Lake National Park, leaving approximately 25 miles still to be graded and the entire system to be hard surfaced.
    Engineer Goodwin of the War Department, in charge of construction, states that an appropriation of $100,000 will be asked for work the coming year, for use in paving the main traveled roads now graded. This surface will be of the Warrenite type of bitulithic pavement, and cost approximately $10,000 per mile. The pavement will be laid 15 feet in width, with the road from Anna Creek to the rim the first section paved.
    From 180 to 200 men are now employed. As only $50,000 was secured this year, it is impossible to finish the grading as could have been done if the $100,000 asked for had been appropriated. The completed grading will comprise the road from the new Jackson County entrance to Anna Creek, from the eastern entrance up Sand Creek to the rim, from the Klamath entrance to Anna Creek, and the rim boulevard from a junction of the Sand Creek road to Anna Creek, from Anna Creek to the tavern, and around the rim for a few miles from the tavern.
    This is considered by those in charge a critical time in the life of the park. Every friend of the park must work for a large appropriation for the coming year so that improvements may be carried on uninterruptedly.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 9, 1915, page 6

Crater Lake Road Work Is Begun.
    ROSEBURG, Or., Nov. 10.--(Special)--Work on the Tiller-Crater Lake road was begun Monday when a force of men was placed at work at Tiller clearing the right of way. The work is under the direction of C. F. Bartrum, forest supervisor, and B. F. Finch, an engineer from Portland. When the road is completed the distance of wagon travel between Roseburg and Crater Lake will be reduced 10 miles.
Oregonian, Portland, November 11, 1915, page 16

Crater Lake Highway Offers Many Attractions for Leisurely Trip.

Streams, Mountains and Forests, with Splendid Fishing Places,
Lure Traveler to Make Frequent Breaks in Journey.
(Written at Union Creek Camp, Crater Lake National Forest,
during Mr. Stovall's recent automobile tour.)

    It is the tourists who take their time and stop long enough here and there to enjoy the many beauty spots along the Crater Lake Highway who get the most, in real enjoyment, from a trip into the big Oregon playground. All the way from Medford to the stone monument that marks the entrance into the park the road is a succession of interesting features--a moving picture of wonder and charm. It is beautiful even to those who spin over the fine mountain road in four or five hours, but it is more beautiful, more impressive, to those who halt now and then.
    The government hatchery at Trail Creek is one of the interesting things. Though this is not the biggest hatchery in the West by any means, it is one of the most important, in that it keeps the Rogue and its tributaries stocked with the royal chinook, silverside, steelhead and other salmon. The little hamlet of Trail is a veritable mountain gem, and with its new hotel and improved grounds it is yearly becoming more popular, especially to Rogue River Valley folks, who can run out there and back in a day, with plenty of time to fish or bask in the cool shade.
Picturesque Falls Delights.
    A wonder that is too often overlooked is beautiful Mills Falls. Though this is not as high as Multnomah, it rivals the latter in picturesque charm and beauty. It is more wildly grand than Multnomah. It cannot be seen from the main highway, but is only a short half-mile walk--or climb--from Prospect bridge. The trail is easily followed to the brink of the gorge and is then a zigzagged stairway down the rocky bluff to the river’s edge, just opposite the base of the falls. A thousand rainbows play continually in the narrow gorge, formed by the flying white spray from the falls and the bright sunshine overhead. The ever-flying mists keep the big boulders covered with deep moss and give succulence to the maidenhair ferns that find rooting in the rock crevices.
    Rogue River Gorge, just above the falls, is one of the grandest sections of this wild river in all its course. The river here has a fall of several hundred feet within a half mile, making a roaring, turbulent cataract and offering opportunity for unlimited power. Some of this power is already being utilized by the California-Oregon Water Power Company.
    The hamlet of Prospect is no longer the unattractive "shack town" that it was in years gone by. Clean white buildings, broad grounds with a velvet-green lawn, an artificial lake, fountains, gorgeous flower beds and water flowing everywhere make the place most inviting.
Prospect Road Charming.
    At Prospect the drive through the big sugar pine woods really begins. In all the West there is a no more charming forest road than this. For miles, or all the way to Union Creek, the road winds in and out among the tall trees. In places the big pines stand just wide enough apart to allow the passage of the road. It is like driving through the fabled forests of Robin Hood. The great trees, for the most part, are bare of limbs for many feet up, the trunks being brown and smooth. The undergrowth is wild cinnamon and manzanita, two shrubs that are an ornament anywhere. Always and ever the air is delightfully cool and tanged with the rich fragrance of pine and fir.
    At the upper limit, or near the upper limit, of the reserve a short side road is reached that leads a brief mile to Rogue River Natural Bridge. A visit to this Oregon wonder is well worth the time and trouble. In all America, or all the world, for that matter, there is no natural bridge like this one. It is disappointing to those who look for high arches and tall buttresses. At this point the Rogue narrows till it is but little wider than a valley creek. It is flowing here in a gorge of lava rock, irregular, round and honeycombed. Of a sudden the river disappears--just tumbles its waters into a great hole in the rocks. Two hundred feet below, the water pours out again--gushes out from the mouth of an immense cavern at the base of a rock cliff. Undoubtedly the river takes an irregular course under the surface. This surface, all of lava, is the "bridge." It is not a high bridge; on the contrary, it is lower in the center than at either end--so low that the river runs over it during the times of freshet. But it is a real bridge for all that and in olden times was used by ranchers as a convenient crossing place with sheep and stock. In truth, before the Prospect bridge was built, this was the only bridge on the Upper Rogue.
Camping Spot Lures.
    There are holes in the honeycombed lava of the bridge. The surging of the water through the underworld cavern or passageway causes a rush of air through these holes. Some visitor fashioned a whistle from a brass cartridge and placed it in one of these holes. The continual shriek of this whistle can be heard long before the bridge is reached.
    There is a fine camp in the shade of the big pines at Natural Bridge. Here, also, is a huge open fireplace that is abundantly used and enjoyed. Fishing is good on the river here. Just a mile beyond is Union Creek Camp. This is directly on the highway and one of the most popular camps on all the Crater Lake road. Many of those who visit the lake come back down to Union Creek to camp. It is not so cold at night here. There is plenty of parking space for cars and no end of delightful places to pitch a tent. Union Creek, above the crossing, is one of the best fishing streams in Oregon. A supply store, for the convenience of campers, has been established here and there is telephone connection, not only with all the surrounding forest stations but with the outside world as well.
    So delightful is Union Creek camp that many of the touring parties remain over here from one to three days, and not a few stay for two or three weeks.
Oregonian, Portland, August 13, 1916, page 8

    It will be welcome news to Crater Lake tourists and visitors that the county court yesterday decided to make several badly needed improvements on the Crater Lake road which will make travel back and forth much more pleasant. These improvements will be conducive to increased travel between Medford and the lake and were desired by the business men.
    The court will have the road between Evergreen ranch at Flounce Rock, which is about six miles this side of Prospect, and Prospect dragged and will install a sprinkler to keep it wet down. A crew will also be set to work at removing the rocks from the road in the vicinity of Union Creek and to level and fill up the bumps between Whiskey Creek and Silver Camp.
    Park Commissioner Will G. Steel reports that up to Saturday Crater Lake travel averaged about the same as last year, although the park was open earlier. A total of 919 persons had registered as against 879 on the same date a year ago and 215 autos against 213 in 1917.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 9, 1918, page 2

The Crater Lake Road Is a Project of the State
    Jackson County people insist that they have a just claim to aid from the state highway commission.
    Improvement of [the] Prospect-to-Crater Lake road jointly by the state and federal government was approved two years ago, but no money has been spent, though bids have been called for.
    In two years Jackson County people spent $850,000 on roads. They have a paved highway from Ashland to Central Point, 17 miles. They graded 13 miles of mountain on the Pacific Highway, one of the most difficult and costly stretches of mountain grading on the route. They have built macadam roads all over the county.
    They now insist, and with much reason, that it is time for the state highway commission to further recognize Jackson's self-help and past activity in road building by granting liberal state aid. One demand is for the 50-mile stretch of road from Medford to Prospect to be improved. The route is up the Rogue River and is a part of the line between Ashland, Medford and Klamath Falls. It is also the connecting link between Medford and the Crater Lake road at Prospect. It traverses a section more or less settled, and at the same time renders more accessible one of the wonder spots of the world--Crater Lake.
    The project is not local merely to Jackson County. It is, in its wider sense, a state project, or even a country-wide project. All the world wants to see Crater Lake, and the more accessible it is made, the larger will be the part of the world that will get a chance to see it.---Portland Journal.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 10, 1919, page 4

    The Crater Lake tourist season continues to break all records, and if the present ratio of gain over the attendance of other years keeps up it is estimated that the total attendance of visitors at the lake this season will number at least 20,000. Last month 6,923 persons visited the lake, which is 1364 more than were attracted to this great nature wonder in July last year, which was the banner July record in attendance.
    The following tabulated statement taken from the official records and furnished by Will G. Steel shows the Crater Lake travel ending July 31 for the past three years:
    1917--530 automobiles and 2411 visitors.
    1918---893 automobiles and 4568 visitors.
    1919--1914 automobiles and 6932 visitors.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 4, 1919, page 2

(From the Portland Journal.)
    A road 70 miles long, with no grade exceeding 3 percent, from Medford to Crater Lake National Park! Will G. Steel, United States commissioner for the park, announced yesterday the launching of a campaign to secure funds for its construction.
    The grading will cost $700,000, he estimated. Both to grade and pave the highway would cost $1,500,000.
    Oregon's appropriation would be matched by a government appropriation. If the state highway department and Jackson County together could set aside $350,000, an equal amount may be expected from Washington.
    Mr. Steel is before the state highway commission today urging that it approve a state appropriation of 25 percent of the amount needed this year. Jackson County, he says, will furnish 75 percent of the amount. Tomorrow he will leave for Washington to interest government authorities in the project.
Grade Is 3 Percent.
    The Medford-Crater Lake Highway, outlined by Mr. Steel, will connect with the Pacific Highway. It will furnish a 3 percent route to within 1000 feet of the park boundaries as substitute for the present route, which has grades as steep as 20 percent. The remaining 1000 feet to the park boundary would have a grade of 4½ percent. The government-built road within the park has no grade exceeding 10 percent. The road that Mr. Steel proposes would have no equal among mountain highways. It would become an integral part of the park-to-park highway proposed by Stephen T. Mather, assistant to the Secretary of the Interior, in charge of national parks. It would induce a multiplied tourist travel, and spread the fame of the marvelous blue lake in the high crater of Mount Mazama.
Second Road Projected.
    Mr. Steel said yesterday that a second road project is from Klamath Falls to The Dalles. This road would at once become a favorite with tourists, both of this district and from a distance. A connecting road on [a] very easy grade between Crater Lake and The Dalles-Klamath Falls highway would be only a few miles long.
    Thus would be completed a new loop of unusual scenic attraction, including the Columbia Rver highway, The Dalles to Klamath, the short road to the lake, the 3 percent road from the park to Medford, and the Pacific Highway to Portland again.
    For a number of years Mr. Steel has been supervisor of Crater National Park.
    He resigned the position, as announced yesterday, and was appointed United States commissioner for the park. He will be given larger opportunity in his new position to carry on broad development campaigns for the benefit of Crater Lake tourist attractions. H. E. Momyer, who has been Mr. Steel's assistant, will serve as acting supervisor of the park.
    Travel to Crater Lake increased during the past season, despite the fact that the season was five weeks late. Approximately 13,000 people visited the park in 1916, an increase of 800 over 1915, and there were 1000 more automobiles than in 1915.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 24, 1919, page 3


    C. E. Gates and H. L. Walthers have returned from Portland, where, as a committee representing the Medford Commercial Club, they spent two days working to secure state and federal aid for the Crater Lake Highway, under the terms of the Shackleford and Bean bills. They secured the endorsement of the Portland Chamber of Commerce at a luncheon Friday. The chamber adopted resolutions favoring the highway. They then succeeded in securing an endorsement of the project from S. Benson, chairman of the state highway commission; Chief Forester H. S. Graves of the forestry bureau, who had been antagonistic to the project, was won over, and promised to give the subject earnest consideration. Highway Commissioner E. J. Adams was next visited at Eugene, and went on record as favoring the highway.
Passing the Buck.
    The highway commission has been passing the buck to the forestry service, which had passed it back again, and between the two, there was every probability that the five years cooperative road work between state and federal governments would entirely ignore Crater Lake Highway, and that not a penny would be spent upon it. As a result of the efforts of Messrs. Gates and Walthers, the state highway commission has recommended it, and if the highway does not receive consideration, it will not be the state commission's fault.
    The portion of the highway sought for immediate improvement is that between Prospect and the park lines, 22 miles, estimated to cost $100,000. Concerning the subject, the Portland Oregonian says:
    "Plans to make Crater Lake National Park easily accessible to automobilists are being put before members of the highway commission and officials of the forest service by Mayor C. E. Gates and H. L. Walther, of Medford, who arrived in the city yesterday in the interests of the project.
Work Would Cost $100,000.
    "The suggestion of Medford civic and commercial organizations for the improvement of the 22-mile strip, as explained yesterday, is that the state highway commission and the forest service divide the expense. The cost of putting the road into condition equaling that of the remaining stretches, as estimated, would be $100,000.
    "The reception of the plan by officials here has been favorable. S. Benson, chairman of the highway commission, meeting with Mayor Gates and Mr. Walther at the luncheon of the chamber of commerce governing board yesterday, promised his support for the project, and other members of the commission are reported to be inclined in the same direction. The chamber of commerce governors were enthusiastic in their approval of the plan.
Mr. Graves to Consider Plan.
    "The necessary government appropriation for its half of the expense has not yet been obtained, although Henry S. Graves, chief forester, with whom a conference was held yesterday, promised that the matter would receive attention as soon as possible."
    Messrs. Gates and Walthers were given a vote of thanks for their efforts by the road committee of the club, for had they not made the trip and used the utmost tact the prospect of improvement of the Crater Lake Highway would have gone glimmering.

Medford Mail Tribune, April 3, 1917, page 5

    It will be welcome news to Crater Lake tourists and visitors that the county court yesterday decided to make several badly needed improvements on the Crater Lake road which will make travel back and forth much more pleasant. These improvements will be conducive to increased travel between Medford and the lake and were desired by the business men.
    The court will have the road between Evergreen ranch at Flounce Rock, which is about six miles this side of Prospect, and Prospect dragged and will install a sprinkler to keep it wet down. A crew will also be set to work at removing the rocks from the road in the vicinity of Union Creek and to level and fill up the bumps between Whiskey Creek and Silver Camp.
    Park Commissioner Will G. Steel reports that up to Saturday Crater Lake travel averaged about the same as last year, although the park was open earlier. A total of 919 persons had registered as against 879 on the same date a year ago and 213 autos against 213 in 1917.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 9, 1918, page 2

    Five thousand substantial metal markers have been ordered by the National Parks Highway Association for use in carrying out a part of its program as planned for 1919.
    These metal markers will be distributed to the representatives of the association in five communities from Chicago westerly to Seattle, thence southerly to Crater Lake National Park.
    The entire 3,000 miles of highway it is planned will be marked from one terminus to the other in one day, tentatively agreed upon as Saturday, April 19th.
    The work will be so planned in sections that a group of live-wire citizens will cover these short sections in 10 hours or less on the day assigned. It is quite likely that National Parks Highway celebrations upon the completion of the marking will be held in the principal towns from which the crews have operated, the evening of April 19th.
    It is estimated by the officers of the National Parks Highway Association that there will be engaged in the job of marking as planned no less than 250 cars and approximately 1000 workers.

Medford Mail Tribune, February 3, 1919, page 2

    It is time that the business and commercial interests of Jackson County united to wage a campaign for the construction of the Crater Lake Highway its entire length. Some $23,000,000 of state and general funds are available for highway construction and it is the psychological time to secure the adoption of a definite plan for the necessary expenditures on this important highway.
    The Crater Lake Highway has been surveyed, located and estimates completed from Medford to the lake by  the government engineers and the right of way secured for what will be one of the scenic highways of the world. That portion between Prospect and the national park boundary, some 23 miles, will be constructed this year, the money having been appropriated two years ago--but no effort has been made and no plans adopted for the construction of the portion between Prospect and Medford.
    With the construction of the highway from Prospect to the park, the touring public will have a boulevard to and around the lake, when Prospect is reached, but a comparatively poor road to Prospect--though many portions will be utilized in the permanent highway.
    Crater Lake is the only national park in Oregon and the greatest tourist attraction in the state--but to reap the benefit, it must be made easily accessible. Klamath County is energetically striving to capture the Crater Lake tourist traffic and virtually annex the lake with a paved highway from the California border--a definite program towards this end having been adopted--and unless Jackson County acts along the same lines, traffic will come and go via Klamath, instead of in one way and out the other--as it should be.
    The Crater Lake Highway has been designated as a forest highway--that is one in which the state and the government contribute equally, the highway being constructed under government supervision. The Shackleford law is liberal in that it authorizes expenditures for roads "wholly within or partly within national forests," and under a liberal construction, the entire Crater Lake road could be constructed as a forest highway. That it was so contemplated would be indicated by the government survey of the entire highway.
    If the forestry bureau refuses cooperation, the  highway to Prospect could possibly be classed as a post-road, and constructed jointly by government and state. Some plan could doubtless be worked out with the state and federal authorities, for where there is a will, there is a way, but immediate action is necessary, or all available funds will have been appropriated with Jackson County asleep at the crossroads.
    Medford has been so absorbed in securing the completion of the Pacific Highway and Ashland in securing the Green Spring Mountain road, that they have lost sight of the Crater Lake Highway--the most important tourist asset of all.

Medford Mail Tribune, March 15, 1919, page 4

Crater Lake Highway
(From the Portland Telegram.)
    Says the Medford Mail Tribune: "It is the time that the business and commercial interests of Jackson County united to wage a campaign for the construction of the Crater Lake Highway its entire length." It holds that now is the psychological time to bring county, state and federal agencies together and put the project through. Already the right of way has been secured, and the eastern half of the road will be built this year, but nothing has been done toward the west half of the road from Prospect to Medford. [It was common to describe Crater Lake as "east" of Medford.]
    There is rivalry between Jackson and Klamath counties for a highway to Crater Lake. Medford wants no monopoly, and it does not desire that any other part of the state should have a monopoly. The highway would be eminently a scenic highway, attracting people from all over the world. Therefore the Mail Tribune advocates two roads, one from Klamath and another from Medford, so that the tourist may come in by one and on out by the other. Surely this is a liberal view.
    Our Medford friends should get in touch with Portland on the proposition. The Columbia River Highway and the Crater Lake Highway will be assets to the state and to the Northwest. If Portland can aid in any way, all that Jackson County has to do is to ask for help. It will be freely given.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 27, 1919, page 4

    The forestry service has advertised for bids for the construction of the Crater Lake Highway, in Jackson County, from Prospect to the west boundary of the national park--a distance of 22 miles--and in Klamath County from the park boundary east, a distance of three and one-half miles. A time limit of 360 fair weather working days is provided for the Jackson County end, which would string the work out over two years, while 180 days is the limit for the Klamath portion, which would finish the work this year. The result will be that the Medford road will be torn up two years and the Klamath road only one year--thus retarding the travel from this side.
    Bids are called for to be opened at 628 Post Office Building, Portland, at 10 o'clock, April 11. The Prospect section work is described as follows: Clearing and grubbing, 200 acres; common excavation, 87,000 cubic yards; rock excavation, 9,000 cubic yards; concrete pipe culverts, 38,000 lineal feet; concrete in bridges, 600 cubic yards.
    The Anna Creek section work consists of clearing and grubbing, 14 acres; unclassified excavation, 6000 cubic yards; log and concrete pipe culverts, 150 lineal feet.
    Contract forms, maps, plans and specifications can be seen at the office of L. I. Hewes, district engineer, Portland.
    Half of the cost is paid by the state, half by the government, and $3,000 by Jackson County.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 27, 1919, page 5

    The following extracts from the Oregonian show that the Jackson County delegation was not overlooked at the recent highway commission meeting nor the county's interests forgotten:
    Assurance was given that as soon as possible the Crater Lake road section from Medford to Eagle Point, 12 miles, will be paved. Jackson County offers one-fourth. The county is willing to do the contract. Government action will be the only delay on this project.
    "I'm the man that defined ‘hard surface,'" admitted W. H. Gore, banker of Jackson County. "You'll find paving very explicitly defined in the 1919 road law. I put it there. With that definition there is no longer any doubt on the subject." And Mr. Gore grinned, as he rambled around the Imperial lobby. Mr. Gore was a member of the roads and highways committee of the house.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 17, 1919, page 6

    County Judge Gardner, who with W. H. Gore and E. V. Carter of Ashland was in Portland conferring with the state highway commission about proposed new highways in Jackson County, has returned home enthusiastic in regard to the construction jointly by the government, state and county of a new road between Medford and Eagle Point.
    The state highway commission has agreed to send at once an engineer to make a survey of the proposed new highway between Agate and Eagle Point. The government will aid in the expense of the road's construction, and as soon as the commission gets the route located will call for construction bids three weeks later.
    The projected new highway between Prospect and the boundary of Crater Lake Park, on the Medford-Crater Lake highway, is hung up temporarily, Judge Gardner reports. Bids were advertised for but only one bid was received, which was rejected on account of being too high. The commission will readvertise for bids right away.
    Judge Gardner reports that the Jackson County delegation received hearty support in Portland for both the Medford-Eagle Point and the Medford-Crater Lake road projects. The Portland chamber of commerce this week adopted the following resolution:
    Whereas, there has been a petition presented to the state highway commission asking the state of Oregon to cooperate on paving 12 miles of road from Medford to Eagle Point, United States government to furnish 50 percent, state of Oregon 25 percent and Jackson County 25 percent of construction costs; and
    Whereas, said proposed improvement is on the state road leading from Medford to Klamath Falls which road is known as the Crater Lake road; and
    Whereas, the said road is a post road as well as a state road, carrying mail to more than a dozen post offices in the southern part of the state as well as a road leading into the vast undeveloped forest area and of great value from a commercial standpoint as well as a tourist, and of state and national importance:
    Therefore, be it resolved, that this body endorse and recommend to the state highway commission that the state participate and approve said Crater Lake road project and to that end cooperate with the U.S. government and Jackson County in paving said section from Medford to Eagle Point during the season of 1919.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 18, 1919, page 4

    No time is apparently being lost on setting the preliminary work in motion for the construction of the Medford to Eagle Point highway this summer, which project was recently agreed on at Portland, the county to pay 25 percent of the cost, the state 25 percent and the government 50 percent. K. E. Hodgman, division highway engineer, made a survey of the lines of the highway last Saturday and will make his report to the state highway commission. The latter body will in turn report their findings to the post roads department of the government for approval, bids will be advertised for and the contract let.
    When the project was being considered by the highway commission and one of the members expressed fear that no contractors could be found to undertake the work this year, W. H. Gore, E. V. Carter and County Judge Gardner, who were representing this county in urging the adoption of the project, at once assured the commission that there need be no fear on that score, for if no contractors bid on the work, the county and people themselves would furnish responsible persons to do the work. Since that time, Judge Gardner said today, it has been learned that several contractors have signified their intention to bid on the construction work.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 29, 1919, page 5

    That snow drifts prevent auto travel toward Crater Lake farther than Union Creek was the report brought back to the city Monday afternoon by Billy Hooker, who undertook to take a passenger as far as possible toward the park boundary line yesterday. The passenger was a Portland contractor who plans to bid on the construction work of the new highway to be built between Prospect and the Crater Lake park boundary line.
    They left Medford at 6 a.m. in Jim Leslie's Ford car and were back in the city at 2:30 p.m., which speaks well for the condition of the roads, especially when it is considered that they stopped at places beyond Prospect for the contractor to look over the ground, and halted en route home at James Grieve's hostelry for lunch.
    Mr. Hooker reports that the road beyond Prospect is in fair shape for this time of year, with comparatively little mud and very few blockading snow drifts. Two drifts only bothered [them], and they were rounded by circling through the brush. They were about two feet deep.
    But at Union Creek all progress was stopped by a large drift of snow about three feet deep which could not be encircled. Nothing but snow drifts could be seen ahead. The contractor was especially desirous of going further to look over the ground where rock work must be done in constructing the highway. Coming back the contractor desired to turn off and go down the road to the natural bridge, but after a short distance in this direction a big drift impeded their progress.
    Between Medford and Prospect the road is in fairly good condition, Mr. Hooker says, and in the section along McLeod crews with road scrapers are at work.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 29, 1919, page 4

    No time is apparently being lost on setting the preliminary work in motion for the construction of the Medford to Eagle Point highway this summer, which project was recently agreed on at Portland, the county to pay 25 percent of the cost, the state 25 percent and the government 50 percent. K. E. Hodgman, division highway engineer, made a survey of the lines of the highway last Saturday and will make his report to the state highway commission. The latter body will in turn report their findings to the post roads department of the government for approval, bids will be advertised for and the contract let.
    When the project was being considered by the highway commission and one of the members expressed fear that no contractors could be found to undertake the work this year, W. H. Gore, E. V. Carter and County Judge Gardner, who were representing this county in urging the adoption of the project, at once assured the commission that there need be no fear on that score, for if no contractors bid on the work, the county and people themselves would furnish responsible persons to do the work. Since that time, Judge Gardner said today, it has been learned that several contractors have signified their intention to bid on the construction work.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 29, 1919, page 5

    J. F. Brown of Eagle Point returned from Portland this morning where he bid on the 22 miles of Crater Lake Highway and succeeded in securing the lowest figure. Those interested in the construction are Geo. B. Brown & Sons, Wm. von der Hellen and C. H. Natwick. Mr. Brown says they expect to use the cement tiling made at home in their construction work and will employ Jackson County men on the work if they can be secured.
    Everybody will be glad to know home people were successful in this bidding and hope home contractors will secure the 33 miles of Pacific Highway work to be let next Tuesday.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 2, 1919, page 5

    K. E. Hodgman, district engineer of the Pacific Highway, has returned from Salem and says the commission has decided not to pave the section of the Crater Lake Highway from Medford to Eagle Point this year but will make permanent surveys of the Crater Lake Highway, and locate the same from Medford to Prospect, via Eagle Point, which has not been done, and will first lay macadam and then pave afterwards.
    This means the Eagle Point section of the road will not be paved this year and that no macadam will be laid on that road this year. This road was all arranged to be paved to Eagle Point this year and the commission was ready to advertise for bids, but a row was raised among our own people with the result of losing the work this year.
    The Clark-Henery Company is laying about 800 feet of base and 1200 of macadam daily on the Gold Hill-Central Point section of the Pacific Highway.
    Schell and Campbell are making splendid progress on the highway from Grants Pass to Gold Hill and have several miles completed.
    Oscar Huber is getting everything in readiness and will soon be laying pavement over the Siskiyous.
    Mr. Gilbisch, contractor for grading one section of the Green Springs Mountain road, is at work. The county court has the other section and hopes to get started soon.
    Brown, von der Hellen & Natwick, contractors, are making the dirt fly on the Prospect-Crater Lake road.
    Mr. Hartman, of Jacksonville, has the contract for the two small trestles between Central Point and Gold Hill. Mr. Parker is building the concrete bridge across the Rogue River at Rock Point.
    All this road activity furnishes employment for lots of labor and in a week or two twice as many men will be at work on the roads.

Medford Mail Tribune, July 16, 1919, page 6


    Provided the government agrees to cooperate, construction work on the Eagle Point link of the Crater Lake Highway will begin early this fall, according to the state highway commission. Plans for the project have been completed by the commission's engineering department, and will be submitted to the government for approval in the immediate future.
    The link extends from Medford via Eagle Point to Trail, near which it crosses the Rogue River, and the plans contemplate the construction as a post road. It will be of macadam construction. The total cost is estimated at approximately $800,000, toward which sum it is intended the government shall contribute 50 percent, and the state and Jackson County 25 percent each.
Route Is Changed
    Eagle Point was not included in the original government survey, the commission revising it to include this town and adjacent territory at the request of County Judge Gardner and William H. Gore, of Medford, and E. V. Carter, of Ashland, who represented the commercial organizations of their two towns.
    The original survey led from Medford to Dodge bridge, and included approximately seven miles more of scenery. Because of this there was more or less protest against a revision of the route, and it has led some to fear the government might not cooperate.
    The reasons for making the revision were that it would lessen the construction cost approximately $200,000, and the new route serve considerable of a settlement in the northern part of the county. The highway department is of the opinion that the government will agree to cooperate.
Survey Revised
    With the view of reducing the construction cost the original government survey from Trail to Prospect has also been revised by the highway commission. The revised survey follows closely along the present road. While the scenery along this road is magnificent from Trail to the Cascade Gorge, the road from there on leaves the river, and very little of the stream can be seen from there to Prospect. Prior to the construction of the link the engineering department intends again to examine the route and if it develops any of the picturesque scenery is sacrificed, the route will be changed so as to include it. It is planned to build the link following the completion of the Eagle Point project.
    Grading on the link between Prospect and the park boundary, a distance of 22 miles, is now under progress, and will be completed by fall. The government and state are cooperating in the grading on a 50-50 basis, and it is planned also that the two shall cooperate in the macadam construction. It is hoped that the project may be macadamized next year.

Medford Mail Tribune, July 28, 1920, page 3

Crater Lake Highway Assured.
    The county court interviewed landholders along the route of the new Crater Lake Highway Friday, their object being to secure right-of-way for certain sections of the road. It is expected that bids for construction work will shortly be called for and actual work will be started this fall. It is planned to grade and macadamize the highway between Medford and Trail.
    Grading on the link between Prospect and the park boundary, a distance of 22 miles, is now under progress and will be completed by fall. The government and state are cooperating in constructing this link.

Jacksonville Post, July 31, 1920, page 3

    It begins to look like business in the matter of the proposed improved Crater Lake road between Medford and Trail, which improvement will be shared jointly by the post roads department of the government and the state and county. The estimated cost of the grading and macadamizing is over $500,000, the government to contribute 50 percent and the state and county 25 percent each. Work will be begun just as soon as the route is chosen.
    C. L. McKesson of Portland, government engineer, C. C. Kelley and C. B. McCullough of Salem, assistant state highway engineer and state bridge engineer respectively, spent Monday and today with Kenneth Hodgman, the state highway district engineer in inspecting the two routes, the one by way of Eagle Point and the other by way of the Rogue River. The decision is expected to be made soon and the improvement work may be begun by fall. The county court favors the Eagle Point road.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 17, 1920, page 6

The Crater Lake Highway
    Which shall it be, the Rogue River route or the Eagle Point route?
    The government selected the river route, and I don't know who wants the Eagle Point route besides the people that live on that route and the county court, which I see in the paper is inclined to favor the Eagle Point road.
    It seems to me that this is another squabble simply and purely like the Rogue River fish controversy. On the one side, the whole of the people and taxpayers and on the other side just a few grabbers. The river route is the most direct, and a continuous scenic panorama as soon as we come to the river.
    Here we have the natural grade of the river which is very low, only 5 percent, if I remember right.
    The river route will accommodate just as many people and farms as on the Eagle Point route.
    On the river route is practically no sticky to go through: I can account for only two acres of it, and the Eagle Point route is over half desolated desert, and the rest is heavy sticky. which is very hard to make a road through.
    In order to make a solid road in sticky, we have to take away the sticky about three feet deep and replace it with solid material such as rock gravel which will stand up during the rainy weather. It is hard enough to build a good concrete road on free soil, which you will notice by taking a ride over the Pacific Highway from Medford to Phoenix. You will notice a crack an inch wide crooked like a snake's trail, all along through the center of the highway. I just saw it with my own eyes yesterday and saw them repair it. I went as far as Phoenix and I don't think I ever lost sight of that crack in the road.
    So you see it is hard enough to build a good road even on free soil.
    My experience is that a sticky road has to be graded and foundationed at least 5 or 6 years before it can be successfully surfaced. As a road foundation on top of sticky or through sticky is bound to settle more or less through every rainy season, only God knows for how long, and squashes the mud or sticky out on both sides from under as long as there is a chance for the water to soak in and the roadbed to settle down.
    Unless we would go to the expense and make the roadbed about 60 feet wide and make the concrete three feet deep and reinforce it crossways with steel.  Otherwise the water will soak in under from both sides and leave a hard and dry streak in the center under the concrete and the concrete roadbed will break over that hard streak just as you break a stick of wood over you knee, and leave a wide gap in the middle of the road, crooked or straight as it might happen as far as the sticky goes.
    To make it short, to build a road over sticky costs twice as much as over the average free soil and should not be surfaced very soon. I understand if they take the Eagle Point route they are going to put a rock crusher just this side of Eagle Point. There they have to gather up the rocks to quarry them, haul them to the crusher and load them again and haul them out again on the road.
    If they take the river route, things are decidedly changed. We have the most wonderful natural asset to fall back onto three big mountains of natural crushed shale rock, just the right size and of indisputable quality and quantity.
    I ascended one of these mountains shout two miles wide and 200 feet high and it is nice crushed rock from bottom to the top.
    I happened to run onto this big mountain, then met Mr. Hanna who lives close by. He told me there were two more of these mountains of crushed rock. For the last ten years as I have traveled up the river on my fishing excursions, I have always wondered whenever I drove over one of those spots on the road which they had faced with that natural crushed rock, how far they hauled it and where it came from and even stopped my car and got out and examined it and wondered why they didn't fix more with it.
    Now all we have to do is to install a steam shovel, load it on the trucks and dump it on the road any thickness we desire, as we have enough to build a highway from here to New York.
    As far as this crushed rock is concerned, it is absolutely durable and good to build concrete roads with as any other road with. This crushed rock has been lying there for many thousands of years, exposed to all elements, rain, cold, sun heat and brush and timber fires. Some of the rocks are burned red in large patches as much as a foot deep that certainly required a tremendous heat and got many thousands of times and frozen and heated again and so on etc., and yet they are just as hard and intact and show no rot.
    Now if we build a road which the government selected, we will have easy access to that crushed rock and eventually build perhaps most of Jackson County's roads out of that rock, including the Eagle Point road, and I heard a good engineer state that if they would build the river road up to Trail out of that crushed rock first and the Eagle Point road next, and use the same natural crushed rock, it wouldn't cost much more to build both those roads than it would cost to build the Eagle Point road and crush the rock.
    I know there are not very many taxpayers in Jackson County who know of this natural resource, so I felt it my duty to let you know, through our kind editor, who cheerfully donated this space in his paper for our benefit.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 21, 1920, page 5


    It was my privilege to attend the recent Park to Park convention in Denver, where I was brought in close contact with national highway plans, particularly as they have to do with the Crater Lake National Park, and while a tentative route for the proposed Park to Park Highway was agreed upon as outlined by Col. Westgard in his wild rush through the country, still it is tentative only, and the task of permanently locating it will be put up to the general government, and will await developments so it stands up in hand to prepare for a decision that shall be favorable to the best interests of Crater Lake.
    The most comprehensive and effective road building program in the history of this country will be presented to the next Congress, supported by the American Automobile Association, which organization has worked out with infinite care and forethought all plans of that character, since automobiles have come into general use. These plans will not only embrace every section of the nation, but will require a series of years to be worked out.
    That portion of the program affecting the construction of a highway to connect the great national parks of the country directly affects this region and should receive the immediate attention of every citizen in Southern Oregon. To this end purely local issues should be forgotten and all sections get together and work out a plan satisfactory to all concerned, with the single thought of developing Crater Lake. Forget each of the half dozen roads leading to it and recognize all as one unit, under one name, which is suggested as the Crater Lake Highway.
    At this time Lane and Klamath counties are preparing to open the park to the north, thus reducing the distance from Crater Lake to Portland and all other northern points by 126 miles. During 1921 the present prohibitive grade will be reduced to six percent, and a northern entrance to the park will be in order.
    It then becomes necessary to unite the six roads under one name to avoid confusion in Washington and elsewhere, so that the Crater Lake Highway will be as follows: From Goshen, on the Pacific Highway, in Lane County, following the Willamette military highway to the summit of the Cascades, thence along the summit by the Skyline Road to Crater Lake, then over the Crater Lake Rim Road and the roads of the park to park headquarters, thence over the Medford-Crater Lake Highway to the Pacific Highway at Medford. Also, from park headquarters over the Klamath road to Klamath Falls, thence over the Green Spring Mountain road to the Pacific Highway in Jackson County near Ashland.
    Please bear in mind the fact that all great national highway constructive legislation has been worked out and presented to Congress by the American Automobile Association, and that the Oregon State Motor Association is a branch of that institution, and you will comprehend what it means to this community to have the latter organization working in our behalf.
    With rare exceptions, only such tourists visiting Jackson County as leave home with the idea of seeing Crater Lake will make the trip, as they seriously object to doubling back, particularly for a distance of over 80 miles. With one of the most scenic roads in the world leading to the north, they will practically all go through the park, and instead of having 20,000 visitors as in 1920, it will not be long until the figures will pass 100,000 and Jackson County will become a great tourist center.
    If Jackson, Klamath and Lane counties will get together, as suggested, and work in harmony, the Oregon State Motor Association will place permanent offices in Medford, Klamath Falls and Eugene, and together with the American Automobile Association and the National Park to Park Association, will cause the proposed Crater Lake Highway to become an important section of the proposed National Park to Park Highway, supported by the general government.
    If liberal support is accorded the Oregon State Motor Association, it will not only maintain a permanent office in Medford, but among many other things, it will send to every visitor to the park during the past season a letter, requesting him to intercede with his congressman in support of the measures, agreed upon by the three counties mentioned. This work is expected to be appreciated and a strong membership provided, for which purpose I have been sent here to secure a membership of 200 in Jackson County, which will in part pay the necessarily heavy expense of maintaining an office and carrying on the publicity work of turning tourists this way from all parts of America. At these offices the latest road maps and reliable road information will be provided to members and tourists.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 3, 1920, page 9

    At a meeting of the county court Tuesday a sprinkler was ordered placed on the Crater Lake Highway between the Dodge Bridge and Long Bridge to settle the dust. This is a new stretch of road and has been the source of some complaint from tourists, being the dustiest stretch on the way to the scenic wonder. By use of water, this will be eliminated and the road material hardened.
    A new road was ordered established between Dodge's Bridge and the new Crater Lake Highway, in the Eagle Point district, producing a direct route from Bybee's Bridge to the highway, and doing away with some hill climbing.
    A contract was granted Chris Natwick for the hauling of gravel from Reese Creek to put on the Reese Creek road. This will be finished before winter.
    The supervisor was ordered to make the necessary repairs on the Trail road at once, and before the winter rains. Citizens of that section recently appeared before the court and testified that the road was in bad shape, and that they risked their lives and limbs in attempting to travel over it in bad weather. The repairs will be temporary.
    A large batch of bills were considered, approved and disapproved.

Ashland Weekly Tidings, July 27, 1921, page 1

    Crater Lake keeps the county court of Jackson County busy. The main ambition of the county court for several years past has been to push the completion of the highway up to the lake, and now Judge Gardner of Jacksonville is in town with his commissioners and Ben Sheldon of the Chamber of Commerce to ask the highway commission to do more road work. The highway commission, explains the judge, hasn't used up all the money the county has given for this highway, and the court craves that the road be paved from Medford as far toward the lake as the money will go--say seven miles, anyway.--Oregonian.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 1, 1921, page 3

Medford-Crater Lake Highway.
    Two routes are being used, one via Central Point, Bybee Bridge, Trail and McLeod to Prospect, the other via Eagle Point, Reese Creek school house, Derby to McLeod and Prospect. Traffic is advised to use the one via Trail.
"Weekly Report on Pacific Highway," Medford Mail Tribune, September 10, 1921, page 10

    For the building of a resort at Union Creek on the Crater Lake road from Medford, the United States Forest Service will grant a special use permit to the bidder who makes the best offer from the standpoint of handling tourist travel, C. J. Buck, assistant district forester in charge of recreation, announced Wednesday.
    Minimum requirements are that $7000 shall be expended before July 1, 1920 [sic], $4000 of which must be spent before August 1, 1922. There must be at least three cottages erected by next August 1, and at least 12 put up by July 1, 1923. The plans call for a water system, store, lunch room and gasoline station. The cottages must be 12x20 feet in size.
    Union Creek is located about 12 miles from Prospect, is near the Rogue River Gorge and not far from the Natural Bridge. The resort site is just opposite the Union Creek camp grounds, where thousands of persons stop annually on their way to Crater Lake.
    Advertising of resort sites available for development is an innovation of the Forest Service and is being done with the idea of obtaining the best possible services for the public.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 17, 1921, page 8

    Word reaches Medford that the matter of improvement of the Crater Lake Highway between Trail and Prospect has been worked through at Portland, and most of the work on that link in the road to the lake will be done next summer, with the last of the rocking in all probability the following summer,
    Ben Sheldon, president of the Chamber of Commerce, and the members of the county court appeared before the state highway commission twice and in addition had a lengthy session with the district forester and the engineer of the U.S. Bureau of Roads. Under the cooperation provision of the federal law authorizing the expenditure of federal money on this road, the contracting will be done under the supervision of the federal authorities. Mr. Cecil, district forester, and Mr. Purcell, the road engineer for the government, assured the Jackson County delegation that contracts would be let just as soon as the surveys made for this section had been checked up and approved and the funds were in hand. It is believed that this can be done so that actual construction work can be commenced early in the spring.
    The importance of keeping the road open to travel during the months of July, August, September and October so as not to interfere with the Crater Lake travel was impressed upon the forestry men by the local speakers, and satisfactory assurances were made that a most earnest effort would be made to so direct the contracting work that those sections where construction work would necessarily block traffic could be worked out during the earlier or later months of next season.
    At the October meeting of the highway commission, Mr. Sheldon obtained assurances of work during the forthcoming season up as far as Cascade Gorge. This last negotiation has increased the work contemplated so as to include the six miles between that point and Prospect. This work, when completed, and taken in conjunction with the work between Eagle Point and Medford, a contract for which was authorized by the commission at Portland last Thursday, will close every gap between this city and the lake so far as a standard grade is concerned and will provide for the macadamizing of the same to a point six miles above Prospect.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 19, 1921, page 3

Forestry Service Decides on Plans Under New Federal Appropriation--Work Held Up Pending Decision--Rush Trail-Prospect Section--Expect Call for Bids.

    A telegram received by the Chamber of Commerce from Senator McNary, answering an appeal wired to him by Ben Sheldon respecting an early start upon the road between Trail and Prospect by the forestry service, states that Secretary Wallace had just decided upon rules and regulations for the conduct of this work under the new federal road appropriation bill, and that work on the Crater Lake project would be initiated at an early date.
    This is most welcome news to Medford. The local Chamber of Commerce and the county court had worked out an agreement between the federal department and the state highway commission respecting the prosecution of this work which provided for the completion of the highway to Prospect with first-class macadam surface. The actual construction work has been held up pending a decision by the department at Washington which covered many points of controversy in several of the western states affected by the new federal law and one or two projects in Oregon upon which the federal and state authorities had not reached a complete agreement. The Crater Lake Highway was not among these, a complete agreement having been reached some time ago respecting it.
    The local people pushing the matter state that they expect the Portland office of the federal road bureau will call for bids on this Trail-Prospect construction within a short time.

Medford Mail Tribune, March 22, 1922, page 1

    The federal roads department and the state highway commission appropriated $300,000 for road construction contracts to be let this year on the Crater Lake Highway. The contracts for grading and macadamizing the two units let last week amounted to $175,000. The bridges will cost about $75,000. This will leave about $50,000, provided there are no additions to the contracts let, to assist in helping close up the nine-mile gap between the Cascade Gorge and McLeod bridge.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 27, 1922, page 3

    W. T. York came in Friday afternoon and engaged room and board until Tuesday morning. He had been employed by the authorities to take account of the traffic across the Little Butte Creek bridge on the Crater Lake Highway and was required to remain there from six a.m. to 10 p.m. so had to take his dinner and supper with him. He was not prepared to state the results of his work as he had not finished up his report but reported that there were 470 vehicles crossed the bridge Sunday. In many instances the same one crossed twice, as probably a very large majority were driven by pleasure seekers from the towns and valley. He took account of teams, autos, motorcycles, in fact everything run on wheels. He went out home Tuesday morning on the stage.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, May 19, 1922, page 8

    When the road from here to Medford is completed it is predicted that many of the country people who have been used to riding over our rough, muddy, rocky roads, when they strike the smooth hard-surfaced highway, will keep right on and will hardly know when or where to stop.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, May 31, 1922, page 5

    KLAMATH FALLS, June 27.--After battling through snow drifts for five days, Frank W. Hudson, a tourist from Oakland, Cal., driving a Ford coupe, reached Crater Lake rim at 4:20 o'clock Sunday afternoon and claims the honor of being the first autoist to reach the lake this year over any road; as well as the silver loving cup offered by Klamath Falls business men through the chamber of commerce to the first out-of-state tourist to reach the lake via the Dalles-California highway.
    This message was telephoned here from Fort Klamath today. Hudson, who was alone, cut 16 snowdrifts with a crosscut saw and cant hook, brushed around eight drifts and planked five drifts. He was voluntarily given a certificate by Alex Sparrow, park superintendent, showing him the first automobile tourist to arrive at the lake, the message stated.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 27, 1922, page 1

    F. W. Hudson, the man who was first to reach Crater Lake in an auto this year, going in from Klamath Falls Sunday, June 25 in a Ford coupe, was in Medford Thursday. He reached Kerr Notch and had to walk from there to the government camp, 12 miles, being exhausted when he reached camp and was sick several days.
    Mr. Hudson was very proud of the honor and of the loving cup given him by Klamath Falls business men.
    Mr. Hudson made wonderful time from the government camp at the lake to Medford. He had dinner with Superintendent Sparrow Friday, left the camp after one p.m. and was in Medford at 4:55 p.m. He says he took just 3½ hours running time on the trip.
    Mr. Hudson went to Ashland Thursday evening to visit his mother, Mrs. C. W. Butler.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 30, 1922, page 7

    Motorcyclists from various coast points will gather in Medford Saturday, July 29th for the annual motorcycle run Sunday to Crater Lake, which is being fostered by W. R. Gaylord of this city. This year's tour will include Crater Lake, Anna Creek Canyon, the rim road, Pelican Bay and the Dead Indian country, and already word has been received from several motorcycle fans who plan on participating. Ice and snow climbing on the rim road will be a novel feature of the trip, and a big campfire will be enjoyed at the Crater Lake lodge.
    Prizes for the tour are to be awarded by various companies who are lending their support to the project. This year's prize list will be:
    Gold Medal--For the machine touring the longest distance to make the run. Offered by the Harley-Davidson company.
    Schebler Carburetor--For the machine bringing a lady the longest distance for the run. Offered by the Wheeler-Schebler Carburetor Company.
    Corbin-Brown Speedometer--For best scenic photo taken en route showing motorcycle. Offered by Harley-Davidson Motor Co.
    Traxion Tire and Inner Tube--For neatest sidecar outfit. Offered by United States Rubber Co.
    Red Inner Tube--For neatest solo outfit. Offered by Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.
    The Crater Lake motorcycle tour is becoming an annual feature, gaining publicity in every section of the country. Last year between fifteen and twenty machines participated and the several national touring and motorcycle magazines carried stories and pictures of the run. Entries in this tour were made from as far north as Seattle and as far south as San Diego.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 20, 1922, page 3

    Twelve motorcycles left Saturday morning for Crater Lake on the annual Harley-Davidson tour under the leadership of W. R. Gaylord, local Harley-Davidson dealer. The machines came from various parts of the Pacific Coast, the most distant point being San Diego.
    After arriving at the rim it had been planned to make the trip around the rim over the ice and snow but much to the disappointment of the riders the snow had been blasted from the road and there remained nothing but sand and gravel. No element of adventure therefore was promised by a trip around the rim and the venture was abandoned.
    The party split after a big camp fire and marshmallow roast and some left for Diamond Lake, others for Pelican Bay and others for Bend and Eastern Oregon.
    Charles E. Forsythe, winner of the Harley-Davidson company's gold medal awarded each year to the rider coming the greatest distance to participate in the run, captured the coveted prize again this year and threatens that he will do so again next year.
    Ed. Stanwood of Medford took the prize for the neatest solo outfit on the run while Mrs. Frank Poole of Roseburg took the prize for having the neatest sidecar outfit.
    The outfit bringing a woman the longest distance received a prize of a new Schebler carburetor. This was taken by Mr. and Mrs. E. Rettig of Portland.
    The prize of a Corbin-Brown speedometer for the best photo taken during the trip has not as yet been awarded, as all of the participants of the run will not likely return to Medford until the end of the week, many of them being determined to enjoy a few days' outing at the lakes and on the trout streams in the national forest. Mr. Gaylord will ask Tom Swem to judge the pictures and pick the best one for the prize award.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 1, 1922, page 2

    State Highway Engineer Herbert Nunn, when in Medford today en route to Crater Lake with Governor Olcott and party, was informed by a representative of the Mail Tribune that there had been much criticism of the new road recently opened between Medford and Agate on the Crater Lake Highway.
    "That is to be expected," said the state highway engineer, "because the road though new is still rough and the people suppose it will get rougher. But it won't. It will get smoother and more firm, and in a very short time will be as fine a dirt highway as there is in the state.
    "The cause of this is a new and better system of road building. We used to build dirt or macadam roads as hard as they could be built, watered them down and rolled them and then opened them to traffic. The result was the surface soon rutted out and stayed rutted, and became worse and worse until it had to be resurfaced.
    "The present system is to put on the surface loose, have no binder and no wetting down and let the traffic pound the road together. After this has been done for a time, then there is a solid foundation, the surface can be smoothed and rolled and there will be a permanently smooth highway or as smooth as a macadam highway can be, with the tremendous motor traffic that now prevails.
    "We have thousands and thousands of miles of these roads in the state. There is always complaint when the road is first opened; sometimes mass meetings of protest are held. But when the matter is explained the feeling naturally disappears. And when the road develops into a good road there is, as there will be in Jackson County, general satisfaction."
Medford Mail Tribune, August 31, 1922, page 5


    PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 14.--To urge the construction of the last gap in the Crater Lake road, a Jackson County delegation has arrived to meet the state highway commission.
    There remain nine miles between Prospect and Trail to be graded and surfaced to complete the road from the lake to Medford. Jackson County already has expended $500,000 on the highway. The cost of the nine miles of grading and macadam is estimated, roughly, at $300,000, and the Jackson County court wants the work done as a cooperative project between the highway commission and the government. The commission is said to view the matter favorably in order that the state can reap the benefit on the money already invested in the road.
    G. A. Gardner, judge of Jackson County, says that the nine miles can be graded in winter--this winter--and be completed before the travel starts next season. This section is along the Rogue River, and there is no way for a detour. Because of this particular situation, Judge Gardner is eager to have the contract let and the work started during the winter so that the grade will be in readiness for the traffic in spring. it is said that government men want a surfacing placed on another section of the highway. The county is willing to agree that if the nine-mile section is graded the county will run water wagons on the dusty division which the government wants surfaced.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 14, 1922, page 8

    County Judge Gardner arrived home this morning from Salem, where he attended a meeting of the state highway commission with the forestry department and post road officials to consider future appropriations on various road projects. The meeting adjourned yesterday until next Wednesday without taking action.
    Judge Gardner was present in the interest of having an appropriation made for the completion of the nine-mile section on the Crater Lake road between McLeod and Prospect with forestry and post road aid. He says the outlook is doubtful, but he is hopeful for the best. This is the last section in Jackson County of the state highway yet to be completed. The judge may return to attend Wednesday's meeting.

Medford Mail Tribune, January 20, 1923, page 6

R. A. Booth Writes County Judge of Final Success of Latter's Plan--State and
Forest Service to Finish Work in Two Years--No Tourist Travel Halted.
    The state and the U.S. Forest Service will complete the Crater Lake Highway from Medford to the lake, according to a letter received today by County Judge Gardner from R. A. Booth, chairman of the State Highway Commission. This means an expenditure of several hundred thousand dollars, the macadamizing of the nine miles this side of Prospect known as the Flounce Rock grade and the macadamizing of the 15 miles from Union Creek toward the park, making a complete highway of macadam from Medford to the lake, to be finished within the next two years.
    This final achievement is the result of many months of hard work and persistent effort by County Judge Gardner, who in spite of repeated discouragements kept plugging away and finally was rewarded by getting what he and the people of Jackson County wanted.
    The letter from Mr. Booth follows:
Portland, Jan. 30, 1923.
Judge G. A. Gardner, Jacksonville, Oregon.
Dear George:
    At a meeting a few days ago in Portland, we discussed with Mr. Cecil and Mr. Purcell the uncompleted part of the Crater Lake road.
    As a result it was agreed that the rocking as needed of the road above Prospect should be done entirely with U.S. forest funds and the state should complete the unimproved section not now under contract west of Prospect, and we ordered the engineer to prepare for advertising bids covering two years time, so that work might be suspended in the tourist season if thought necessary, so as not to interrupt travel.
    I know this will please you as it does the commission.
Yours truly,
    R. A. BOOTH.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 1, 1923, page 1

    PORTLAND, March 2.--(Special to Mail Tribune.)--Crater Lake Highway contract has been let to J. Hampshire of Grants Pass for $132,227. The road is to be kept open during the tourist season and work to be completed May first, 1924, the state to bear full expense.
    The above message received from County Judge Gardner will be welcome news to the people of Jackson County, as it removes all doubt as to the immediate completion of the Crater Lake Highway and without expense to Jackson County. Judge Gardner has worked hard for the last six months on this proposition, and the successful outcome is a decided feather in the county official's cap.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 2, 1923, page 1

    PORTLAND, Ore., April 6.--District Engineer C. H. Purcell of the United States bureau of roads announced today that early in May bids for surfacing 14 miles of the Medford-Crater Lake highway from Union Creek to the park boundary will be opened.
    On April 24 bids will be opened for the grading and graveling of 9.9 miles of forest road on the Inland Empire Highway, south from Hughes, Wash. in Ferry County. This will be a fifty-fifty state and federal project.
    Purcell said reports indicated McKenzie Pass would be open to travel this year probably a month earlier than ever before.

Medford Mail Tribune, April 6, 1923, page 1

    There has been much complaint on the part of people who travel the road between here and Prospect about the deplorable stretch of road, about five and one-half miles in extent between McLeod and Prospect in the Flounce Rock neighborhood. The condition of this road is so bad that Superintendent Thomson of Crater National Park declares it is a disgrace to Oregon.
    The near approach of the Crater Lake tourist season makes it seem imperative that the ruts and chuckholes in this stretch be done away with as soon as possible. Superintendent Thomson has made arrangements to bring the matter directly to the attention of the county court.
    The trouble is that although the contract has been let for a new highway at this point, the work will not be done until late next fall.
    The road between here and Crater Lake is now open as far as the snow line, about five and one-fourth miles beyond Union Creek, which means that cars can now only go as far as the snow line. According to James Grieve of Prospect, never before, so far as known, has the road been open to within such a close distance of Crater National Park early in May. It breaks the record in this regard by about two weeks.
    There are 10 feet and six inches of snow at the lake rim, and six feet and seven inches at Anna Spring camp.
    Superintendent Thomson expects to make his first visit to the lake sometime this week, going in by way of Klamath Falls and Fort Klamath and from there on skis. He expects to start in with a large crew on June 1st to clear away the snow between the lake and the snow line, beginning at the lake end first and working this way.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 7, 1923, page 1

Report on Crater Lake Road
    PORTLAND, Ore., July 2.--Medford-Crater Lake highway open for travel.
    All this summer there will be a good travelable road between Medford and Crater Lake, according to the local office of the bureau of public roads, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Tired business men who wish to be rejuvenated, tourists who desire to see one of America's scenic wonders, and campers who enjoy the easy freedom of the forests, and the fishing in the mountain streams, may all get into their automobiles and make the trip to Crater Lake with ease and comfort.
Log of the Road
    Medford to Trail, 25 miles--Surfaced, all year round road, in good condition.
    Trail to McLeod, 7 miles--Surfaced, all year round road, in good condition.
    McLeod to Cascade Gorge, 9 miles--Now being graded by the state of Oregon, and maintained in a satisfactory condition for travel.
    Cascade Gorge to Prospect--6 miles, graded road in good condition.
    Surfacing of Easterly [sic] 5 miles, now being completed.
    Prospect to park boundary--22 miles, road in good condition.
    First 8 miles from Prospect surfaced, and the balance graded.
    Park boundary to Crater Lake--12 miles, graded road.
    Total distance, Medford to park boundary, 69 miles.
    Total distance Medford to Crater Lake, 81 miles.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 5, 1923, page 7

    A fair attendance was present at the Chamber of Commerce forum luncheon at the Hotel Medford this noon and the committee which made the trip over the Crater Lake Highway yesterday to determine the practicability of closing the road between McLeod and Evergreen Ranch during the period of improvement rendered the following report, which was read by H. L. Walther and passed by the forum without a dissenting vote:
"July 11, 1923,
    "To members Medford Chamber of Commerce:
    "A delegation of members of the Medford Chamber of Commerce, at the solicitation of Col. C. G. Thomson, Superintendent of Crater Lake National Park, and Mr. Hampshire, who has a contract for the grading of approximately eight miles of the Medford-Crater Lake highway above McLeod, made an automobile inspection trip over the proposed detour and also over the stretch of road to be graded.
    "After carefully considering the interest which Medford has shown in years of effort in building up tourist traffic to Crater Lake, the financial interest involved by owners of tourist resorts beyond McLeod, the mail service, fire prevention of the Forest Service and the tourists themselves, we have arrived at the conclusion that it would be detrimental to all concerned to close the portion of the road to be improved and force tourists to use the proposed detour, a part of which is extremely hazardous, and we recommend that the forum, as well as the board of directors of the Medford Chamber of Commerce, go on record that the road be left open and that tourists be not routed over the proposed detour.
"Respectfully submitted,
    "B. E. HARDER,
    "W. J. WARNER,
    "H. L. WALTHER."
Medford Mail Tribune, July 11, 1923, page 1

Please Page Joe MacMahon
    To the Editor: I have only been here a few months, and I would like to ask: Do you have any traffic laws in this part of the country? And if so, do they have anyone to enforce them? Do they have any such a thing as a speed cop? I have never seen one, or any effect of one being on the road. It is almost as much as one's life is worth to go from here to Medford in the evening.
    These are a few of the things I have seen on Saturday evenings. First: A car in the ditch, put there by a road hog who failed to dim his lights; one car without any light; four cars with only one light and that on the outside; two of these had no tail light; one car with headlights but no tail light; one big truck, one light; one big truck with one big glaring light in center of front, and no way to dim. The road is freshly graveled and the car skids like mud, and when you can't see where you are going with your lights dimmed and the others not, it is dangerous.
    Surely, sometimes we may have something go wrong when we are away out, but there is no excuse for meeting cars not two blocks out from Medford without lights. And this is not only one evening, but any evening you wish to go out on the road. There is more travel on Saturday nights, so you see more unlawful driving. This is not all by accident that their lights are on the bum. We have met the same small truck every evening for a week near Eagle Point with but one light. Now it looks to me like they are not very much afraid of being caught.
    Now I suppose I should "Beg your pardon for kicking," but I think if a few more would set up a good lusty "howl" we might get a cop, or get something done with those who persist in breaking the law.
    Eagle Point, Oct. 22
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, October 27, 1923, page 4

    The Crater Lake Highway has been constructed from Medford to the park line, a distance of 69 miles, and almost the whole distance has been macadamized or is under contract. The federal, state and Jackson County authorities have completed this work on a cooperative basis. All the bridges constructed have been permanent concrete in type. Some outstanding spans are over the following streams: Antelope Creek, Hog Creek, Reese Creek, Trail Creek, Elk Creek, Lost Creek, Union Creek and Cascade Gorge. There are also two beautiful bridges over Rogue River, one near Trail and one near Prospect. The state now maintains this highway.
Ten-Year Road Program.
    1. Pave Crater Lake Highway to the park line. This pavement should be a heavy duty pavement to Prospect, to carry year-round traffic, and a light pavement from Prospect to the park line to carry summer traffic to the park and Diamond Lake. This being a state highway to a national park, the state and government will doubtless pave it.
G. A. Gardner, "Some Thoughts on Jackson Co. Roads," Medford Mail Tribune, April 1, 1924, page 11

    "Sunset on the Rogue" is the entirely appropriate name for a new tourist auto park to be opened this Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hutchinson of this city. The park is located on the bank of the Rogue River, about 25 miles north of Medford on the Crater Lake Highway.
    The general store on the camp grounds, at which tourists may obtain refreshments, groceries and other supplies, will be opened this Sunday, and in the near future summer cottages and tent houses will be constructed for the convenience of guests, which will be partly or completely furnished for those who do not carry their own tent and camping equipment. Other resort attractions will be added as soon as time permits.
    Because of its easy accessibility to Medford on the Crater Lake Highway, and with its fishing and swimming attractions, "Sunset on the Rogue" will undoubtedly prove popular to local people as well as tourists.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 10, 1924, page 2

    Crater Lake National Park was struck a hard blow when the million-dollar general deficiency bill failed to pass in Congress last Saturday, which among other things killed a $100,000 road improvement fund for the Crater park.
    A large part of this appropriation was to be spent in macadamizing the west or Medford entrance into the park, an improvement which has been advocated on all sides for years past. This means that cars will have to  plow through the deep dust or mud as heretofore, and that other contemplated road improvements in the park for this year will have to be abandoned.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 11, 1924, page 8

    Repair and maintenance work on the Crater Lake Highway is now under way by Dunn and Baker, contractors in charge, and they expect to have the road surfaced throughout by August 15th. Two shifts of eight hours each are being worked daily, in an effort to complete the work as soon as possible.
    The pumice stretch between McLeod and Cascade Gorge is now receiving attention, and two miles of it has been put in shape, without interfering with travel. The road from Cascade Gorge to Silver Camp in the national forest is in excellent shape. Work is under way on the road from Silver Camp to the park entrance.
    Scores of motorists have made the drive from Medford to the lake in three hours.
    The highway from Medford to McLeod is in perfect condition, being scraped and treated the past week.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 11, 1924, page 1

    The regular Chamber of Commerce forum was held today, and quite a number were present from Ashland. The subject was "Roads."
    Vernon Vawter in a short speech said that now that the pavement to Jacksonville is completed and the contracts about ready to be let to put it on through to Ruch, serious thought should be turned to the Medford-Crater Lake road. Road money, he said, should be invested where it will bring in more dollars and where it will encourage the tourist to stay in this country for a longer period.
    "The county court," said Mr. Vawter, "is willing to pay 25 percent out of the general fund on a hard-surfaced Medford and Eagle Point road.
    A motion was unanimously passed that a body of men be appointed to go to Portland this next week and make their request to the State Highway Commission to secure aid if possible, on a pavement for the Medford-Crater Lake Highway.
    The short stretch of road between the city limits and the Owens lumber mill was also discussed and efforts are to be put forth to have this graded and graveled.
    With the business out of the way an entertaining and interesting speech was made by E. H. Peterson, principal of the Southern Oregon Art School, in which he highly praised Oregon.
    The spirit of the West, he said, is something that adds to our enthusiasm, and he stated that they, as an art school, are glad of the privilege to organize in this locality. He gave a short history of art and how an art course broadens the observation, opens windows of new endeavor and develops self-expression.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 23, 1924, page 3

Good Work on Crater Lake Highway.

To the editor:
    For a considerable time before the war, and something like a year after the war, the writer had charge of some sixty miles of county and state roads in the state of Washington. One stretch of this work took in thirty miles of what is known as Ocean Beach Highway. In comparison to the maintenance work on our own world's wonder in macadam construction, the Crater Lake Highway, the piece of Washington road referred to was a discouraging proposition.
    Here in Jackson County we have what is truly one of the nation's wonders in macadam roads. We have that, and we are revealing new things every day in the art of road construction and road maintenance.
    During those years up in Washington, there were a faithful few of us who were so tied up in making something out of the roads under our care that we did little but live and dream good roads.
    One of the dreams we had then was to see a piece of macadam road, while under heavy travel, dragged persistently during the dry season. And here along the Crater Lake Highway you see the work being carried out exactly as we thought of it being done then. But this is what I am wondering right now. Do you men doing the work realize what you are accomplishing?
    There are stretches up in this section twenty miles from Medford that are still so smooth that a small boy would delight in playing marbles on them. These stretches are as level and fine surfaced as cement. And what is the answer, the secret? Isn't it that simple persistence and belief in the work in hand accomplishes anything desired?
    One more dream we had in those days a short time back was to see a trial stretch of macadam kept sprinkled, either by a pipeline along the road and a night crew, including a drag crew, or by having a tank sprinkler precede the drag machine, then check up on the cost and find out whether it paid or not. And to sum up, it has not yet been demonstrated that a system of macadam roads cannot be maintained at a cost within reach of reason.
    The secret of the destruction of macadam roads lies in the fact that the fine building material blows away in the wind in the form of dust. It may be that through the persistent dragging we would learn that the pressure exerted by the heavier machines has something to do with making the surface particles congeal and remain in place. It might be found that this work could be brought to a perfected process without the help of added moisture. Undreamed-of secrets are yet to be revealed in the construction of our highways.
    Trail, Oregon.
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, July 13, 1925, page 4

    The Crater Lake Highway was yesterday gone over with a scraper four miles this way from the Medford entrance to the national park, making that stretch of thoroughfare so smooth the local people and tourists returning to Medford from the lake yesterday afternoon and last evening were tempted to speed.
    In fact, a number of drivers of returning cars said the glassy going made their pedal feet feel exceptionally heavy, but they were afraid to lower them because of the fear that a speed cop might be loitering nearby.
    This stretch of the road previous to being scraped was very rough. People returning from the lake yesterday afternoon also report that workmen were laying "hot stuff" on the road at Anna Spring camp.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 14, 1925, page 3

    Racing proved expensive to four motorists returning to this city from the dance held at Eagle Point Saturday night, for when they pleaded guilty in Justice Glenn O. Taylor's court yesterday following their arrest by State Traffic Officer J. J. McMahon and Deputy Sheriff Lewis Jennings on the Crater Lake Highway near the city limits, each was fined $15.
    According to the officers, the four cars, three of which were Ford coupes, were traveling at rates ranging from 40 to 45 miles per hour in efforts to make the best speed. Officers Jennings and McMahon stopped three, while the fourth attempted to leave the scene, only to be stopped later by Jennings after a short chase.
   The three arrested first are Fred A. Puhl, N. G. Bowen and Edward Barkoff, while John Jensen was the fourth. All are local youths.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 10, 1925, page 6

Crater Lake Road Is Being Paved
    With a determination to complete the paving project within Crater Lake National Park this year, Warren Construction Company this week is opening up three road construction camps and within the next few days will be laying pavement. Sixteen miles of pavement will be laid this summer.
    The Warren Construction Company was awarded an additional contract in Portland this week, one of surfacing six and one-half miles of Medford-Crater Lake road from Union Creek to the park boundary.
    Paving within the park includes the Klamath entrance from the south boundary to Anna Springs; Anna Springs to Government Camp, and the uncompleted section on the Medford entrance from Anna Springs to White Horse camp.
    Three road construction camps will be established within the next few days: Pole camp, midway between the Klamath gateway and Anna Springs; White Horse camp, halfway between the Medford gateway and Anna Springs, and a third camp at Anna Springs.
Gold Hill News, May 20, 1926, page 1

    "Oiling program on the Crater Lake road will be discontinued." This terse telegram received from the state highway commission at Salem this forenoon by Secretary Robert H. Boyl of the chamber of commerce, was welcome news to the people of Medford and the state generally, as well as to tourists planning to visit Crater Lake in the next two weeks.
    While the telegram did not so state, its contents are interpreted to mean that the Crater Lake Highway between Medford and Trail, 23 miles, will not be oiled until late fall or next spring. The work of spreading the oil on the highway was scheduled to have been begun today, following several days of saturating the highway with water in preparation for receiving the oil.
    Had the oiling program been carried out as planned it would have seriously interfered with the heavy local and tourist travel to Crater Lake this summer, especially with heavy travel between Medford and Crater Lake over the July Fourth holiday period.
    The discontinuance of the oiling program at present was probably in heed of protests by local citizens, especially Lee Garlock, local manager of the American Automobile Association. Governor Pierce when appealed to while here last Saturday told local citizens he would use his best endeavors to have the oiling program delayed until sometime later when auto traffic between Medford and the lake would not be interfered with.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 28, 1926, page 6

State Highway Board Reverses First Order--Believe Process Will Not Hinder Travel--Special Rules Invoked.

    Despite the fact that the state highway commission office headquarters at Salem telegraphed here yesterday morning that the oiling program of the Crater Lake Highway between Medford and Trail would be discontinued in response to protests made by local citizens against the work being done at this time, arguing that such oiling would interfere with the Medford-Crater Lake travel, the work of oiling the highway was begun this morning.
    However, the oiling process is being done in such a way that it is thought it will not hinder travel over the highway in any way, and is being done on recommendation made by the board of directors of the Medford chamber of commerce which at a special meeting yesterday afternoon decided that the work ought to be done now, and were of the positive opinion that if the California highway system of oiling were followed out no damage would be done to either automobiles or auto travel to and from the lake.
    By this system as fast as the oil is spread on the highway another truck follows immediately after, depositing fine screenings over the oil, thus preventing pools of oil from forming, passing through which cars become oil-bespattered. In several days the oil has soaked into the pavement, and the highway is made much better thereby.
    The highway commission has two carloads of oil now on the ground, and this will be used up in an experimental way, following the California system. Watchmen will be stationed to instruct motorists how to drive. This amount of oil will cover a stretch of about three miles, and if the plan works successfully the oiling process will be continued all the way.
    However no oiling will be done Saturday afternoons or Sunday, and on June 3, 4 and 5.
    The stretch of oiled highway between Klamath Falls and Keno is now in perfect shape, report motorists who drove over the road yesterday. The oil has completely soaked into the ground, leaving a very smooth surface said to be equal to any pavement.
    The trouble caused to autoists  by oil splashings has been attributed to the fact that the oiling was done in small stretches, keeping the liquid fresh on the road longer than it would have kept had the oiling been done straight through. The machinery was moved from the highway to the Malin and Chiloquin roads at intervals and returned to continue fresh oiling on the highway.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 29, 1926, page 1

    The Medford and valley motorists need have no hesitation about going over the Crater Lake Highway on Fourth of July trips to Crater and Diamond lakes, the Prospect, Rogue Elk and other resorts, as the oiling, as announced yesterday morning, was discontinued for the year Wednesday evening. No oil was poured yesterday, and today gravel is being poured over the road where the oil had been spread, and the oiling machinery was being taken away from this district.
    By Saturday morning this oiled section of about three or four miles this side of Trail Creek will be in fine condition for travel. As it was yesterday and the evening before, local cars, including the Crater Lake stages, came through over the oiled section without splashing one bit of oil on them.
    The news published yesterday that the oiling program had been discontinued for the year was received with much satisfaction and joy by local and valley motorists and also tourists.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 2, 1926, page 6

Marvelous Scenic Attractions and Excellent Highways Make Southern Oregon a Tourist Paradise.
No matter which direction you travel from Medford, this guide will lead you to the best of Southern Oregon's resorts, auto camps and service stations.
Crater Lake Road
    Set speedometer at zero at corner Riverside and Main streets in Medford, east across Bear Creek three blocks, turn north and follow Crater Lake Highway, good macadam road.
    2 miles. Camp Jackson, U.S. military reservation.
    10.9 miles. Eagle Point service station, right side of road, lunch goods, fine view of Mt. McLoughlin.
    At right, road to Eagle Point, a thriving city on the banks of Big Butte Creek, splendid fishing, free camp ground.
    14.7 miles. Plaza Gardens, fruit, vegetables, service station. [Plaza Gardens was at the intersection of Highway 234 and the Crater Lake Highway.]
    15.8 miles. Butte Falls road to right.
    21.4 miles. Cement bridge, affording first view of the Rogue River. Excellent fishing.
    Shady Cove, cabin sites, south end of bridge to right. Fishing, bathing, boating.
    23.7 miles. Middlebusher Hotel and store. Service station. Homey mountain resort on the Rogue River. Steelhead fishing.
    26.3 miles. Sunset on the Rogue, tourist camp.
    26.8 miles. Rogue Elk Hotel, A. B. Shepherd proprietor. Camp grounds, beautiful mountain resort, service deluxe, dancing pavilion, cabins on bank of Rogue, good fishing.
    27 miles. Rogue Elk Camp, on Elk Creek, near junction of the Rogue, excellent fishing, camp grounds.
    27.1 miles. U.S. government fish hatchery.
    30.1 miles. Casey's Auto Camp on the Rogue, rustic inn, excellent meals.
    30.6 miles. McLeod Camp on the banks of the Rogue, service station, store, confectionery. New cabins. Good fishing.
    39.2 miles. Cascade Gorge, C. W. Clark, prop. Halfway to Crater Lake, store, garage, tourist park, bathing pool, cabin and camp grounds. Hole in the Ground Creek.
    43.3 miles. Kandy Kitchen, Skookum Gorge. Homemade candy and pies, ice cold spring water, camp grounds, store, service station.
    44 miles. California Oregon Power Co. hydroelectric plant, one of the largest power plants on the Coast, beautiful view of the canyon below.
    45 miles. Mill Creek Falls to right of road, concrete bridge, wonderful falls. This is truly one of the beauty spots on the Crater Lake Highway.
    45.7 miles. Prospect, a thriving village in the heart of the pine forests, school, gymnasium, dance hall.
    The Prospect Resort, conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grieve, one of the most noted resorts for meals and service on the Coast. Modern hotel and cottages, beautiful grounds, general store, garage, service station. Best of fishing.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 4, 1926, page B6

    The upper end of the Crater Lake Highway is receiving a very substantial coat of shale. There are nearly a score of trucks busy hauling the crushed rock onto the road and spreading it on the roadbed. The wet weather will be quite an asset to the road builders as long as it don't snow, for the moisture packs the shale into a good solid base. Quite a crew is busy on the road as truck drivers. Work will continue as long as weather will permit.
Gold Hill News, October 28, 1926, page 1

Many Resorts and Camps along Highway--Rogue River Gorge and Mill Creek Falls Are Attractions of Scenic Trip.
    "The search for the Lost Cabin Mine"--This title, like that of the old-time dime novel, might head the story of the discovery of Crater Lake, that great scenic wonder of the West. It was indeed through a search for the famous, perhaps fabulous, Lost Cabin Mine that J. W. Hillman and his party of intrepid prospectors came upon the awe-inspiring spectacle. As the story goes, Mr. Hillman's mule, while climbing a steep ridge, stopped suddenly at the very rim of Crater Lake. "Had I been riding a blind mule, I firmly believe I would have ridden over the edge to death," said Mr. Hillman.
    What a difference 73 years have made! In 1853 the Hillman party pushed through the wilds and journeyed for weeks, dodging Indian bands, to reach the Jewel of the Cascades. Now the tourist glides over a smooth macadam highway from Medford and, in a few hours, is at the rim of Crater Lake itself.
    And what a trip! The Crater Lake journey from Medford is of indescribable beauty. A smooth, wide road, easy grades and sweeping curves and panoramas of wondrous grandeur. Resorts and hotels, service stations along the highway offer excellent accommodations for the traveler.
    After leaving Medford he drives over 12 miles of rolling country, dotted with farms and grazing herds, before reaching Eagle Point. In the distance lofty, snow-capped Mt. McLoughlin rises from the foothills. Eagle Point is one of the old settlements of the Southern Oregon country.
    After leaving this town, the tourist spins through rolling foothills to the Rogue River, eight miles distant. Above the attractive bridge which spans the famous stream, lies Shady Cove and below Edgewood Park, two popular resorts for Medford people.
    From the bridge, the Crater Lake Highway follows the Rogue until Trail is reached, a small community surrounding the Sunset Hotel. Another five-mile drive takes the traveler to beautiful Rogue Elk resort.
    Rogue Elk is famous as a headquarters for sportsmen who come from far and near to match their skill with the darting, glistening, battling steelhead, the famous fighting fish of the Rogue. Zane Grey, the well-known author, and scores of nationally and internationally prominent sportsmen spend their summer vacations in this widely known hostelry and enjoy steelhead fishing and hunting for deer and cougar in the adjacent mountains.
    From Rogue Elk resort the highway plunges into the mountains of the Crater Lake country and the wide, smooth road passes Casey's Camp, McLeod Camp, Cascade Gorge and Skookum Camp. It winds along Rogue River through giant forests till the Rogue River Gorge is reached. There a beautiful bridge, electrically lighted, spans the foaming, rushing waters of the Rogue. From a point near this bridge Mill Creek Falls, 250 feet high, may be seen.
    Prospect resort needs no introduction to the majority of Pacific Coast tourists. From British Columbia to Mexico it is known as "home" for all travelers. Here "Jim" Grieve welcomes them and "Ma" Grieve is ready with one of her famous home-cooked dinners that would make the head chef of the Ritz-Carlton green with envy.
    After a visit at Prospect and a rest in the cool shade of lofty pines, which surround the resort, the traveler plunges into the Crater Lake National Forest, past beautiful Union Creek resort, to the entrance of Crater Lake National Park. Here scores of little chipmunks scamper around the car while he pauses to register.
    The trip in Crater Lake National Park is a delight to automobilists. Much of the road is now paved and the scenery is of a wild, natural beauty that brings joy to the lover of the great outdoors. At Anna Springs the Medford and Klamath Falls roads meet while just beyond is Government Camp, where the National Park officers are centered. The last two miles, from Government Camp to the rim of Crater Lake, is easily made in second gear over the old road, but a new highway is now under course of construction, affording easier grades and wide, easy curves.
    With the first glimpse of the wonderful lake, glistening in the mighty crater of a giant extinct volcano, the traveler enjoys a thrill, a feeling of awe and wonder unlike anything he has ever experienced before. There, hundreds of feet below him, lies an expanse of water, wondrously blue, like a great sapphire in a setting of lofty cliffs. Crater Lake is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful spots in America. The water is a lovely turquoise along the edges, and in the deeper parts a Prussian blue.
    Weird and ghostly tales of Crater Lake are woven into old Indian legends, and old members of the Klamath and Modoc tribes even yet tell of the great god Llao and of mighty Mount Mazama before the great eruption which played a part in forming Crater Lake.
    A highway, an engineering triumph, circles the rim of the lake, affording hundreds of different views of the "Sea of Sapphire." The visitor at Crater Lake has not really seen the lake until he has enjoyed the rim road drive. No views are more impressive and beautiful than the panoramas of the lake from this road.
    The Crater Lake Lodge, on the very rim of the great lake, offers a brand of hospitality which is just another reason why thousands of people visit Crater Lake National Park each year. Last year, over the Fourth of July weekend alone, over 2000 cars were registered and more than 7000 people visited the lake. The fact that Crater Lake has probably the best approach road system of any national park contributes to its popularity.
    The return trip to Medford may be made by way of Klamath Falls and the Klamath-Ashland highway or by driving from the lake to Diamond Lake and return to the Crater Lake Highway at Union Creek resort. Both loops are popular with Southern Oregon people and tourists.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1927, page E2

    The Crater Lake Highway is closed at the Mill Creek ranger station, six miles this side of Union Creek, according to the Crater National Forest headquarters office today. The office reports that snow is in the neighborhood of three feet deep at the point where travel must cease. This section of the county usually finds a number of local winter sport fans desporting themselves in the snow every Sunday on skis and sleds.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 24, 1927, page 3

Highway Commissioner C. E. Gates Also Arranges for Meeting with California Officials in Medford Anent Paving Northern Link.
    Through the efforts of C. E. (Pop) Gates of this city, member of the state highway commission, two highway development projects of vital interest to Southern Oregon, will be under way within the next ten days.
    The first is paving of two miles of the Crater Lake Highway, beginning at the end of Crater Lake Avenue, with a new paving solution, for a test, and the second is a meeting in this city next Saturday or Sunday of the State Highway Commission of California, with Commissioner Gates, to consider the paving of the missing link of the Pacific Highway from the state line south.
    The paving of Crater Lake Highway will be completed before the opening of the Crater Lake season. Bids for the furnishing of the rock for the work will be let within a few days to local concerns. The style of paving will be tried out at four other points in the state and if it proves a success will be adopted generally.
    The process consists of putting a four-inch layer of rock, followed by an application of heavy oil, of almost the consistency of tar. A layer of fine rock is then liberally sprinkled over the road, and the same rolled and flattened with a steam roller. It is then left to dry. The result is claimed to be a cheap and serviceable roadbed.
    According to Commissioner Gates there will be no oiling of the Crater Lake Highway this season, owing to the heavy traffic of Copco trucks, hauling material to their new project at Prospect. Owing to the addition of the new unit, the power company will be hauling until August.
    The Crater Lake Highway as far as Prospect is now as "smooth as the top of my desk," according to Commissioner Gates. Every day graders are put on the road, and a bump is eradicated before it has a chance to develop into a chuckhole. Half the expense of maintaining the graders is borne by the power company, and the other half by the state.
    The meeting Sunday between Commissioner Gates and the California Highway Commission was arranged when the local official was attending the dedication of the Carquinez bridge. The state line unpaved stretch is the last on the Pacific Highway between Canada and Mexico, and its completion has been hanging fire for ten years or more. According to Mr. Gates, California is now very anxious to have it paved this year.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 1, 1927, page 1

    Roads to Crater Lake are in very good condition according to the latest reports.
    From Medford, Oregon, there is a good graded road to Trail and Prospect. Careful driving is very necessary on this stretch, as there is considerable loose gravel. From Prospect to the park boundary is in fine condition, being a wide, hard-surfaced, graded gravel road. Excellent time can be made over this part of the road. Pavement is encountered at the park boundary and continues for three miles. Then there is good gravel road to Anna Springs checking station.
    The Park is particularly beautiful at this time of year, as there is an abundance of water in the streams, and snow along the road. There is one snowbank approximately ten feet high against the side of the hotel.
    From Anna Springs to the Lodge, about five miles, the road is in good condition, although a little muddy in one or two spots.
    The return road from Crater Lake to Klamath Falls is also in exceptionally good condition, having been recently oiled. Dust has been eliminated by the oiling process. The Green Springs Road from Klamath Falls to the Pacific Highway is in excellent condition. There is some oiling being done on this part of the road, but traffic is sent around, and no inconvenience is experienced.
    Both the road from Medford and the Green Springs Road to Klamath Falls are very scenic, as the Medford road follows the canyon of the Rogue River for a considerable distance and passes through the Crater National Forest for many miles. The road from Crater Lake to Klamath Falls follows the shore of Klamath Lake, which lake is famous for the white pelicans which make it their home. From Klamath Falls the road winds along the course of the Klamath River for quite a distance and also passes through miles of virgin forest.
Plumas National Bulletin, Quincy, California, July 18, 1927, page 7

    Traffic Officer Chas. Talent has made an investigation of the complaints made of speeding on the Crater Lake Highway and of trucks running too fast. He has failed to catch anyone speeding above the limit, although it is no doubt often done. He says when anyone exceeds the limit of 35 miles or goes faster than 20 miles on a curve, or passes you anywhere when you are going 35 miles, or do not give proper amount of road, they are subject to a fine and requests that car number be secured and turned in.
    Mr. Talent also says the new law permits trucks with four wheels and pneumatic tires to drive 35 miles an hour and trucks with six wheels or trailers to drive 20 miles.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 19, 1927, page 7

    The road to Crater Lake is reported to be quite dusty, and in several places almost too dusty for careful driving. Near the Copco workings at Prospect is the worst it is said, although from Union Creek on toward the lake considerable dust is encountered. Conditions at the lake are very fine, and the nights are very cool, we are told. Several forest fires have been started but were checked before they advanced too far.
"Local Happenings," Gold Hill News, August 4, 1927, page 5

'Gates Process Paving' Will Be Used to Crater Lake
Entrance--Pacific Highway to Be Widened by Same Method
    Preliminary work for the oiling of the Crater Lake Highway is now under way, and the actual work will start early next spring, according to State Highway Commissioner C. E. (Pop) Gates of this city. Gravel is now being distributed, the  machinery being at Union Creek this week. Next week work will start distributing gravel along the highway between this city and Eagle Point.
    According to Commissioner Gates, the oiling will be completed before the tourist travel starts.
    The oiling will be by what is called the "Gates process." It consists of mixing oil and gravel and rock to the proper consistency, and then rolling with a steam roller. It is then left to harden. A mile of the "Gates process" was used on the Crater Lake Highway, near this city, and has proven highly satisfactory and able to stand the heavy travel.
    "When the oiling is completed," said Commissioner Gates this morning, the Crater Lake Highway will be free of dust and a pretty boulevard.
    The highway commission at the present time is leveling six feet on both sides of the Pacific Highway for a mile south of this city limits, and will apply the "Gates process" over the filling and the present pavement. This will be an experiment, and if it tests out satisfactorily, eventually the Pacific Highway will be given the same treatment as far as Ashland, and maybe further. The experiment will give this city an 18-foot pavement to the fairgrounds and beyond, enabling four cars to travel abreast.
    The highway commission intends to ask the city of Medford to widen the highway similarly between South Riverside Avenue, where it joins the Pacific Highway, to the city limits. Under the law, the state highway commission can expend no money for improvements in cities of over 2,000 population.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 18, 1927, page 1

    Perhaps one life and perchance several were saved recently when the guard rail at Lookout Point on the Crater Lake Highway, a short distance this side of Prospect, stopped a car from rolling off the highway into the roaring depths of Rogue River two or more hundred feet below at the same spot where a touring car with eight passengers plunged from the highway September 12, 1926.
    The identity of the car which nearly met misfortune is not known, but two heavy boards on the rail were torn off where some machine had struck the rail very hard while making the turn on the other side of the Rogue River bridge. The guard rail was built shortly after a Sunday outing party, which was composed of a Mahaffey, Pa., family of six and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Beige of Jacksonville met death while returning from a trip to Crater Lake. The bodies were all found, with the exception of one, a woman. [Mrs. D. T. Norris, of Akron, Ohio, was not found until 1928. See below.]
    If the boards had been a little weaker, in the opinion of State Traffic Lieutenant O. O. Nichols, the unidentified machine would have plunged into the river.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 2, 1927, page 6

    Grim relics of the auto tragedy at "Dead Man's Curve" on the Crater Lake Highway near Prospect that snuffed out eight lives in the late afternoon of Sunday, September 12, 1926, were found late yesterday afternoon by two fishermen, Heston Grieve and Robert Nichols of Prospect. The skeleton of a woman, believed to be Mrs. Amelia Norris of Mahaffey, Pa., held by the raging waters in a watery cavern were located. Dynamite was used by Coroner H. W. Conger to blast a rock and extricate the body from its sepulcher.
    Relatives in Pennsylvania were notified by telegraph today. It is probable that the funeral services will be held here and all that is mortal of Mrs. Norris will be laid to rest beside her husband, who sleeps in the Jacksonville cemetery.
    All the other victims of the tragedy were found within a few days and weeks.
    As soon as young Grieve and Nichols made their find, they telephoned the sheriff and coroner. The body was removed about six o'clock last evening.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 29, 1928, page 5

Ye Editor Writes from Crater Lake
    CRATER LAKE, Oregon, June 27.--(With the California Press Association)--As noted in my last letter, our party of ninety left Medford, "in Southern Oregon," as Medfordites like to say, for an eighty-three-mile drive to Crater Lake in automobiles kindly placed at our disposal by the good people of Medford. The way lay for miles and miles through pine timber, the highway being shaded most of the way after leaving the extensive farming section that surrounds Medford. It was a delightful ride over the kind of highways Oregon is noted for--smooth and wide, and with minimum grades.
    On the way to the lake we stopped at a recently completed power plant of the Oregon-California Power Co. on Rogue River. But the best stop of all was at Jim Grieve's resort on Rogue River. Here we were supplied with strawberries and cake by the "irrepressible Jim." The resort is located some forty miles north of Medford and is a fisherman's--and in season a hunter's--paradise.
    Rogue River! Many of our fishermen know this famous trout stream. It draws fishermen from all over the world. In fact, one hears more about fishing and hunting in Southern Oregon than about any other single attraction. A visit to the U.S. fish hatchery was also enjoyed en route to the lake.
    As stated the highway was smooth and shaded by friendly pines, which lined the roadway for many miles. After entering the boundaries of Crater Lake National Park there is an excellent government-built road to within about a mile of the lake. It is so early in the season that the old road has to be used, the new road being still snow-bound. That last mile and a half calls for some good second-gear driving, but no automobilist need hesitate to tackle it. I had the pleasure of being the guest of T. A. Waterman on the trip from Medford to the lake, and his "little old" Chevrolet didn't take anybody's dust. It scooted up that last stiff grade like a jackrabbit out for a holiday run.
    Our party arrived at the lake at 5 o'clock Monday evening tired, hungry and cold, for there is still plenty of snow at the lake, and the mornings and evenings call for warm wraps. We were all ready for dinner and then bed after one of the happiest days in press association history, for which we have to thank the citizens of Ashland and Medford--not forgetting Jim Grieve's strawberry "feed" at his resort at Prospect.
    P.S.--W. C. Sanderson and party were here this morning, and I had a pleasant visit with Sandy. Unfortunately we had no time for pinochle.
Petaluma Argus, Petaluma, California, June 30, 1928, page 4

    Residents of the Trail Creek district will file a request with the state highway commission that a danger signal be posted and a railing constructed at the sharp curve on the Crater Lake national highway, 200 yards above the Rogue Elk resort. Autoists approach this curve at a high rate of speed and, according to residents of the district, there are from three to 12 near-crashes there daily. The curve runs along a cliff, with a deep drop into Rogue River below. It is regarded as one of the few danger spots on the highway.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 16, 1928, page 3

Oregon Park Provides a Strong Attraction in Fall
    Crater Lake provides a very beautiful objective for a motor trip at this time of the year, according to L. L. Norris, touring director of the National Automobile Club.
    The roads to the lake are in good condition. From Medford there is an excellent gravel and oiled highway to the park entrance. This follows the course of the Rogue River at river level for a distance, then, rising to several hundred feet above river level, it follows the edge of Rogue River canyon.
Good Road in Park
    After entering the park boundary the road is excellent oiled gravel, affording boulevard conditions as far as the Anna Creek checking station. Just after passing the station there is a short detour, due to bridge construction. This is followed by freshly graveled road to the rim of the lake. The new road to Lake Rim has just lately been built, and the recently spread gravel is quite dusty.
Southern Exit Excellent
    Anna Creek canyon road leaving the park at the southern exit is also exceptionally good. Unusual and fantastic rock formations in this canyon are conducive to a few moments' delay. There is an excellent oiled gravel road from the park boundary to Klamath Falls, with one short detour due to paving operations on the main road.
    The Green Springs road is also very good, the little work that is being done not interfering with travel.
    The park season closes September 30. However, those carrying their own camping equipment may visit the park as long as the roads are open. The hotel will close on September 30.
Sacramento Daily Union, August 23, 1928, page 17

    At the hearing in Judge Taylor's court this forenoon of Marcella Mulson, 14-year-old girl, who on the way home from a dance at Eagle Point at 2:30 o'clock last Sunday morning was driving her mother's car, in which were two other girls and boys, and which driving was the cause of a bad collision with another car on the Crater Lake Highway, was punished by being forbidden to drive a car for one year. The charge against her was reckless and heedless driving.
    It seems that when the young folks departed from Eagle Point in the car, Miss Mulson was driving with such speed that it attracted the attention of State Traffic Officer H. M. Moore, who at once took up the pursuit and only caught up to find the Mulson and another car with their occupants piled up in the ditch.
    Miss Mulson, who appeared in court with her mother and attorney George Codding, was very penitent. The penalty for reckless driving is $400 or six months in jail, or both. Because of the girl's youth and promises made by herself and mother and attorney, Judge Taylor deemed that keeping the girl from driving for a year was sufficient punishment.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 29, 1928, page 2

    Elimination of "Death Curve" on the Crater Lake Highway near Prospect is proposed by residents of the section, and a request to that end will be formally filed with the state highway commission. Members of the commission, approached verbally, have given promise of support, it is understood.
    Instead of skirting a 500-foot cliff of Rogue River, along a tortuous and dangerous curve, it is proposed to build a new road, in practically a straight line, from the bridge over Rogue River to a point near the southern limits of Prospect. The distance would be the same, but safer than the present route.
    When the present highway was built, the road around the cliff's edge was supposed to enhance the scenic value. In 1926, eight people in an auto plunged through the railing to their death when the driver was blinded by the sun. Since then there have been several narrow escapes, and it has been an awesome spot for autoists.
    State Highway Commissioner C. E. (Pop) Gates was a visitor to Prospect yesterday. He promised his efforts to straighten the road.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 23, 1929, page 3

    SALEM, Ore., Oct. 16.--(AP)--Bids for the construction of over 50 miles of highway and five bridge and building contracts will be opened by the state highway commission at its next meeting in Portland, Thursday, Oct. 30. The projects include: Jackson County, Eagle Point-Trail section of Crater Lake Highway, 9.65 miles of regrading and eight miles of resurfacing. Also furnishing of 14,300 yards of broken stone or crushed gravel in stockpiles.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 16, 1930, page 1

    SHADY COVE, Ore., Oct. 30.--(Special.)--Government engineers are surveying the Crater Lake Highway preparatory to widening and straightening same. We hear the name is to be changed to Pacific Highway from Medford to Trail.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 30, 1930, page 3

Federal Emergency Work Concluded Saturday
As Camps Placed on Permanent Basis.

    Emergency relief work on Jackson County roads is being continued this week on a reduced basis. A force of 25 men is engaged in the Blackwell Hill district and will finish up the odds and ends. The relief work will end next Saturday.
    Federal relief work also ended Saturday, and the Forest Service camps were placed on a permanent basis this morning for the summer season.
    A force of men, a fleet of trucks and a steam shovel are engaged in widening the Trail-Eagle Point unit of the Crater Lake Highway. The steam shovel is gnawing at the hills at the Butte Falls juncture, and the trucks are distributing the dirt in both directions. It is planned to make a straight shoot in this section, eradicating four curves.

Medford Mail Tribune, March 12, 1931, page 6

    The state highway commission crew engaged in the straightening of the Crater Lake Highway, at the Butte Falls junction, has two steam shovels in operation, and the work is rapidly nearing completion.
    A series of "S" curves, just before and beyond the junction, are eliminated and when finished autoists will have a straight "shoot" to the Reese Creek bridge, and the same condition from the bridge to the first bend in Rogue River.
    The dirt from the hill-leveling is being used as a fill-in for both sides of the road, as far as possible.
    The road will be given a rock base and graveled this year, but will not be paved until next spring.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 6, 1931, page 1

    Many complaints regarding the sections of the Crater Lake Highway which are under construction are received by Lee Garlock, district manager of the Oregon State Motor Association, he stated this morning. A stretch of five miles of highway is still torn up, and the dust makes this section of the trip very disagreeable.
    The highway, in spite of this obstacle, however, was crowded with travelers yesterday, Mr. Garlock said, and many tourist registrations were received this morning. It is hoped that the condition of the highway will be improved soon before it interferes with tourist travel.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 22, 1931, page 8

    GRANTS PASS, Ore. March 24.--(Spl.)--According to reports reaching Grants Pass chamber of commerce officials, it is understood that the Rogue River Timber Company, which owns timber along the highway between Prospect and Union Creek, is contemplating cutting and selling this timber for milling purposes.
    The drive between Prospect and Union Creek is one of the most beautiful locations along the Crater Lake Highway, and many civic organizations in Southern Oregon cities as well as the Grants Pass chamber of commerce, are cooperating to see if the forest cannot be preserved.

Medford Mail Tribune, March 24, 1932, page 2

    Notice that any applications made for log hauling permits for operation on the Crater Lake Highway will be refused was received by the Mail Tribune today from the state highway commission with request of publication of the department's decision.
    The letter, inspired by receipt of information to the effect that there are a number of people in the vicinity of Medford planning to submit applications, states:
    "On account of the fact that the Crater Lake Highway is not in a satisfactory condition to stand up under traffic of this kind, the state highway commission has determined that no log hauling permits will be granted this season to anyone desiring to use the Crater Lake Highway for this purpose.
    "For some time past the commission has had a reduced load limit in effect on this highway to cover other classes of heavy hauling. The order of the commission reduced the maximum limit of combined weight and and vehicle to 75 percent of that authorized by the statutes. The commission has decided to retain this reduced load limit in effect until further notice."

Medford Mail Tribune, June 21, 1932, page 1

    The state of Oregon now owns the land adjacent to the Crater Lake Highway occupied by Casey's Camp, according to announcement made today by C. E. Gates, following receipt of information from reliable source.
    The property has been deeded to the state by the government in order that the timber can be protected and preserved to add beauty to the scenic highway. The deal was completed through the state highway department, and the property will be controlled by the state highway commission through its parking system.
    The Casey Camp, according to the report, will continue in business in the same location, leasing the site from the state instead of from the government, as in the past.

Medford Mail Tribune, August 23, 1932, page 2

    Unless something is done immediately by the state of Oregon to preserve the timber along the Crater Lake Highway between Prospect and the Forest Service boundary, a stretch of about four and one-half miles, the timber may be cut and sawed into lumber by the end of the summer, according to E. C. Solinsky, superintendent of Crater Lake National Park, who returned from Portland this morning.
    Negotiations between the Rogue River Timber Company, owners of the timber, and the state highway commission have been going on for several months in an effort to effect a trade of timber between the Forest Service and the Rogue River Timber Company so the timber along the highway can be preserved. Such a trade, according to officials of the timber company, is out of the question, as the Forest Service has no timber to offer for trade that the timber company could take and cut at this time. Immediate need of finances to pay taxes and repay bonded indebtedness makes it imperative for the timber company to liquidate now. The Forest Service, according to its officials in Portland, has no timber to trade that could be cut and marketed now.
    Two proposals are before the state highway commission. One is to buy a 1000-foot strip of timber from Prospect to the Forest Service boundary, and the other is to buy the timber between Rogue River and Mill Creek, thus creating a park of some 5000 acres, which would remain for generations as one of the most beautiful strips of sugar pine and Douglas fir in the Northwest.
    Unless action to purchase the timber from the Rogue River Timber Company is taken immediately, cutting of timber will start before tourist travel starts. Contracts for the cutting of 15,000,000 feet of the timber are now ready to sign, and logging contractors are ready to move onto the grounds. By the end of the summer the now-beautiful strip of timber will be nothing but stumpage, according to officials, and tourists will drive from Prospect to the Forest Service boundary through stumps and brush instead of through the forest.
    The Rogue River Timber Company recently made a tax payment of about $9000 on this timber, and bonded indebtedness is due. The timber must be sold, they say, either to sawmills or to the state.

Medford Mail Tribune, May 10, 1933, page 1

Ruining Crater Lake
    It is hardly necessary to call attention to the unique beauty of Crater Lake, and its value as a tourist attraction to the state of Oregon.
    But it IS necessary, at this time, to call attention to the beauty of the ROAD leading to Crater Lake and its value in the same direction.
    In fact to the people of Southern Oregon, to whom Crater Lake is no novelty, the trip to the lake, along Rogue River and through the forest, is the most enjoyable part of any lake excursion.
    This is true any time of the year, but particularly true during the heat and dust of summer, when after an hour's motoring one can ride comfortably over a smooth highway, through towering fir and pine, not only far from the '"maddening crowd,'' but literally in the heart of the forest primeval.
    The people of the state have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to make this highway possible, but now unless prompt and definite action is taken, the best part of this highway will be ruined by the cutting of timber from Prospect to the Forest Service boundary.
    IMAGINE what the trip to Crater Lake would be if instead of traveling through the heart of a beautiful forest--probably the finest stand of fir and sugar pine on the entire coast--a large portion of that travel would be over a denuded plateau, hot and flat, with only stumps and tangled brush as far as the eye could see!
    SUCH A THING SIMPLY CAN'T BE DONE! But according to our information it WILL be done--and done before the present tourist season really starts--unless the timber along this section of the highway is purchased, or a state park created which will not only preserve the timber, but some of the best fishing in Rogue River, for the pleasure and delight of present and future generations.
    The Mail Tribune strongly prefers the state park idea. But if time is too short to bring this about, then ways and means must be provided to make the necessary purchase, now, and secure the park reservation later.
    This matter is of supreme interest to the people of Medford, but it is also a grave concern, not only to the people of this state, but to the people of the country.
    Crater Lake is not a local attraction, exclusively, nor only a state attraction. It is a national attraction.
    We feel confident that the federal government, now engaged in spending millions to preserve our national resources, if properly approached would give financial aid to such a necessary and worthy project as this.
    But wherever the money comes from, or whatever the final plan, this highway MUST BE PRESERVED, and toward this end immediate action MUST be taken.
    The Medford Chamber of Commerce has agreed to take the leadership in this movement. It should have the wholehearted and aggressive support of every service club, every public organization, and every resident of Medford and Southern Oregon!

Medford Mail Tribune, May 11, 1933, page 10

Proposed Trade of U.S. Land for Privately Owned Patch Along Highway Meets Legal Obstruction
    GRANTS PASS, May 26.--(Spl.)--Following the rejection recently of the proposed Crater Lake Highway forest conservation plan when it was introduced to the Secretary of the Interior, civic organizations, chambers of commerce, forest and highway officials are now springing into action in a last attempt to save the standing timber on the Prospect-Crater Lake National Park boundary road.
Lack Power to Trade
    Following an investigation by government authorities, it was found that power to trade U.S. lands was not vested in any department. An original plan devised earlier in the month was to exchange government forest land to the Rogue River Timber Company, owners of the 4.5-mile Crater Lake stretch, for the scenic drive on the park highway. However, upon discovery that such an exchange could not legally be made under existent laws, action was taken through Senator Charles McNary of Oregon to create such a power in a government department.
Secretary Balks
    Secretary Ickes of the Department of the Interior expressed himself as unfavorable to creating a body to devise a trade between the government and the timber company.
    The Grants Pass, Ashland and Medford chambers of commerce, most vitally interested in the preservation of the Prospect drive due to their proximity to it, have all organized to save the roadside scenery. The Oregon State Motor Association, Oregon Council for the Protection of Roadside Beauty, U.S. Forest Service and other interested concerns have also joined forces and are now devising conservation plans.
Talked at Meet
    A recent meeting of the Oregon A.A.A. was held in Portland upon a suggestion by Governor Julius Meier. At this meeting, representatives of many state organizations were present, among them being the governor, E. C. Solinsky, superintendent of Crater Lake National Park; C. J. Buck, regional forester; W. H. Lynch, district engineer bureau of public roads; and officials of garden clubs, highway beautification agencies, forestry divisions, and others interested in the scenic attractions of Oregon.
    Secretary Jack Harvey of the Grants Pass chamber of commerce has communicated with Senator McNary a number of times and succeeded in bringing the attention of the need of the saving of the Prospect-Crater Lake timber land before national authorities.
    An original plan conceived was to exchange government timber for a strip of land 500 feet wide extending the entire length and parallel with the highway on both sides for 4.5 miles under discussion.
    A final and desperate fight is now being waged, according to Harvey, to save this timber. All plans have been thwarted to date and unless some measures are taken soon, the lumber company will have to cut along the highway to fulfill a contract under which it is bound.
    More information is expected in this matter in a short time and the verdict will soon be reached in Washington, D.C., as to whether an exchange change can be made, conservation authorities said Thursday.

Medford Mail Tribune, May 26, 1933, page 3

Save the Trees
    Throughout Oregon interest is increasing in the possibility that trees along part of the Crater Lake Highway are to become unsightly stumps. At Medford and in other parts of Southern Oregon every effort is being exerted to preserve the threatened stretch of superb roadside beauty.
    Traveled by thousands of motorists annually, en route to Crater Lake, the trees leave a lasting impression of Oregon scenery, especially in view of Oregon's well-known reputation as a timbered state and as possessing one-fifth of all standing timber in the nation.
    Travelers expect to see great expanses of forests bordering highways and stretching over mountains as far as eyes can see, rather than repellent areas of stumpage, indicative of the destruction of the woodman's ax. They expect to linger in the shade of mighty pines during warm hours of the day and to camp under their branches at night. They seek scenic spots amid the woods and look forward to pleasant hours of angling in mountain streams that thread their way downward from higher elevations.
    The area threatened, from the national forest boundary to Prospect, is replete with recreational opportunities and scenic values, which, if once removed, will be forever destroyed, depriving present generations and generations to come of a heritage that cannot be valued in dollars and cents. As years roll on, these trees will never fail to increase in intrinsic worth, protecting choice areas for the sole enjoyment of the people and encouraging greater appreciation of the handiwork of nature in the high country.
    The region from Prospect to the national forest boundary includes the finest specimens of sugar pine now growing. This wood is rated among the most valuable of forest products, and, due to its limited area of distribution, it faces extinction as a result of lumbering operations. In the entire state of Oregon there are only two main highways where this species may be viewed by visitors while traveling. The Crater Lake Highway is one. With this timber privately owned, it is certain to be cut, and probably in the not remote future, eliminating stately stands of sugar pines from the view of travelers en route to Oregon's scenic wonder, the sea of sapphire, Crater Lake, unless definite action is soon forthcoming to prevent the threatened logging operations declared necessary by the owners if they expect to derive value from their timber holdings.
    Oregon, a state that has such enormous timber resources, can well afford to make every effort to preserve its scenic roadside beauty, a true joy for all travelers. Trees cut and passed through sawmills are soon forgotten for whatever wood they contained, but their stumps, acres of them, are never forgotten, standing forth to travelers passing by as grotesque memorials of sylvan splendor ruthlessly claimed by prosaic interests of commercialism.--Oregon Journal.

Medford Mail Tribune, August 17, 1933, page 6

Medford to Elk Creek Work to Begin Early Next Year Is Word--Will Give Employment to Many Men
    The State Highway Commission will spend in the neighborhood of $100,000 on resurfacing the Crater Lake Highway from Medford to Elk Creek beginning early next year, and the work will be conducted so as not to interfere with travel to the lake.
    This work will furnish employment for a large number of men and is a part of the $6,000,000 allotted to Oregon by the federal government.
    At the meeting of the commission Thursday, bids will be opened for the 16.5 miles from Little Butte Creek, near Eagle Point, to Elk Creek. Of this 13.5 miles will be widened to 20 feet and the other 3 miles will only be 18 feet wide, the roadbed not being sufficient to carry a 20-foot pavement. Ten miles will have one and a quarter inches of bitulithic resurfacing and 3.5 miles will have 3-inch resurfacing.
    At the October 28 meeting the commission will also open bids for the 10 miles from Medford to Little Butte Creek. The roadbed on this section will only carry 18-foot pavement, the same as it is now, and the resurfacing will be only a quarter-inch thick.
    The highway commission is still hopeful of reaching an agreement with the Southern Pacific so work on the underpass crossing at Ashland, carrying [costing?] $60,000 can be started this fall.
    In the allotment for Southern Oregon, there is $76,500 for five bridges, two on the Williams Creek road across Williams and Applegate rivers, one on the Medford-Provost road across the Applegate, three on the Pacific Highway north of Medford across Griffin, Jackson and Sardine creeks.
    All of these contracts would be reduced should Portland succeed in securing part of the allotments made for roads outside of Multnomah County, but it is believed the government will sustain the allotments made by the highway commission and the federal bureau of public roads, engineer Wm. Lynch of Portland.

Medford Mail Tribune, October 3, 1933, page 8

    According to word received from State Highway Engineer R. H. Baldock, the state highway commission has instructed maintenance engineer J. N. Bishop to erect snow stakes on the Crater Lake Highway above Union Creek, it was reported by chamber of commerce officials today.
    Owing to the difficulty experienced last year in opening the road, the local chamber of commerce requested the highway commission to erect snow stakes this year, and the desired results were obtained.

Medford Mail Tribune, November 23, 1933, page 8

    The Crater Lake Highway is scheduled for resurfacing the coming summer by the state highway commission.
    A contract for the repairing of the highway from a point near the Agate bend to the Butte Creek bridge is scheduled to be let by the state highway board at the March 22 meeting.
    Work is now scheduled to start April 15 on the laying of bituminous macadam on the road from Eagle Point to Rogue Elk, a distance of approximately 20 miles. The contract for this work has been awarded.
    The improvements cover the roughest sections of the Crater Lake Highway. From Eagle Point to Trail the road was straightened and improved in 1931, but failed to stand up under the heavy truck traffic of the next year. Portions are now rutted and patched.
    The Agate-Butte Creek unit, owing to a soft base and no drainage, has never stood up successfully under the normally heavy traffic.
    Excavating is now under way on the work of widening the Pacific Highway in Ashland, from the south end of the new pavement to where the city paving begins. This project also includes the construction of an overhead bridge.
    Work on the widening of the Pacific Highway in Grants Pass from the Rogue River bridge to the loop will start tomorrow, the state highway board has announced.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 9, 1934, page 1

    Survey of the Crater Lake Highway from Medford to Agate, has been ordered by the state highway commission, preparatory to letting the contract for grading and surfacing, engineer Goodnight of the local state highway force reported yesterday.
    The house committee on roads, of which Congressman Mott is a member, yesterday reported favorably on House Bill 8702, which authorizes the expending of $400,000,000 in the several states of the union under the NRA.
    It is estimated that of this sum between $70,000 and $80,000 will be available for the Crater Lake-Agate unit.
    Engineer Goodnight informed the county court that the survey could be made within a comparatively short time.
    The contract has been let for the resurfacing of the Crater Lake Highway from Little Butte to Elk Creek. Work is expected to start the latter part of April.
    Completion of all the work, assured and contemplated, will bring needed resurfacing and repairs to the Crater Lake route, from this city to Elk Creek, a distance of approximately 30 miles. The section bears the brunt of the heavy traffic, on the highway.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 22, 1934, page 2

    The repairs to the Little Butte-Elk Creek section of the Crater Lake Highway will be completed by the contractor Saturday night, according to V. L. Goodnight, local highway engineer.
    One curve in the road on Rogue River near Trail has been eliminated. The road is in good condition and the work has not greatly impeded traffic.
    Work on the Agate-Little Butte section of the same road will start next Monday. It will receive the same sand and tar treatment, and is expected to take a week or ten days.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 19, 1934, page 3


    E. C. Hall of Eugene, contractor, has started improvement of the Agate-Little Butte Creek unit of the Crater Lake Highway. Work will include correcting of drainage, widening grade and macadamizing of the widened portion and resurfacing the remainder. Rock crushing equipment is now being set up and will be in operation next week. It is state highway work.
    State oiling crew No. 3, with a force of 45 men, will oil a mile of the Lake Creek road, including the section of the road that passes through Eagle Point. The crew will also oil a mile of the Sams Valley secondary highway east of where the present oiling ends. The crew will also work on the Crater Lake Highway between Elk Creek and McLeod.
    I. H. Hoffman, contractor for the building of the Pacific Highway underpass at Ashland, has the work well under way, according to V. L. Goodnight, resident engineer of the state highway department. The Southern Pacific has about completed its temporary trestle for routing of trains around the work. It will be completed in from a month to six weeks. Hoffman built the Jackson County court house.
    No county work is being done on county roads. The last budget committee cut the levy for this. Many of the roads are becoming badly rutted and corrugated. Some requests have been made for smoothing, graveling, etc., before school starts in September.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 26, 1934, page 2

Crater Road Work Near Completion
    Work on the Agate-Little Butte section of the Crater Lake Highway has been completed, save for the application of the "sealing covering" which will be applied in the next week. One-way traffic regulations, which have been in effect during the oiling and graveling period, have been discontinued. The road was widened and leveled and graded.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 19, 1934, page 2

    PORTLAND, Dec. 5.--(AP)--Determined to preserve the 5,000-acre Prospect tract at the west entrance to Crater Lake National Park, directors of the Oregon Roadside Council here today ordered a committee of its members to exert effort, through federal, state and local agencies, to control timber cutting in the area.
    At the northwest regional planning conference to be held next week in Seattle, a delegate of the council will urge that the government purchase the tract for recreational purposes.
    It was said that efforts of the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce to have the tract purchased by the state highway department has been unavailing.
    Timber cutting on the tract is scheduled to start soon, it was said, with the Rogue River Lumber Company operating five sawmills in the region.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 5, 1934, page 1

Exchange Privately Owned Forest Lands Near Prospect
for Federal Acreage Is Asked by C. of C.

    A resolution urging immediate governmental action for the exchange of 5000 acres of timber, belonging to the Rogue River Timber Company, between the southern boundary of Crater Lake National Park and Prospect, lying adjacent to the Crater Lake Highway, was adopted by the roads and highway committee of the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce at a meeting held in the courthouse auditorium yesterday afternoon.
    A second resolution advocating the designating of the land exchanged as the will of Will T. Grieve Memorial Park was also adopted.
Would Preserve Scenery.
    The purpose of the meeting was to take action toward preservation of the scenic beauty along the Crater Lake Highway, and the resolution was worded to embrace all forest scenery along Oregon highways.
    The resolution was introduced by R. C. Grosbeck, attorney, of Klamath Falls, who in a brief and telling talk declared preservation of highway scenery was a duty of the government, and that the Forest Service, the timber companies and Department of Agriculture should cooperate toward that end.
    E. W. Mersereau, general manager of the Rogue River Timber Company, told the meeting that plans were considered for cutting of the timber in the Prospect area at an early date. Mersereau stated his company was "willing to cooperate" in the preservation of the forest scenery, if an equitable basis of exchange could be made. He said preliminary arrangements for operation of three small mills had been made. He further stated that the timber company found it necessary to liquidate the timber for its bondholders.
Chambers Interested.
    The Klamath Falls, Grants Pass, Ashland and Roseburg chambers of commerce were represented at the meeting. The Bend, Marshfield and Eugene chambers of commerce sent messages stating their endorsement of any action taken at the meeting. The Shasta-Cascade Wonderland Association also endorsed the resolution. The Diamond Lake and Lake o' the Woods recreational spots were also represented.
    F. V. Horton, assistant to the chief forester, of Portland, explained the red tape and laws necessary in securing action under the exchange act. Horton declared the Forest Service was anxious to cooperate in any plan that would preserve the forest beauty. Horton said the Rogue River Timber Company had been offered timber tracts in the Cascade national forest and the Umpqua forest reserve in exchange, under a "four-point plan."
    C. E. (Pop) Gates, at the start of the meeting, read communications that had passed relative to the plan and explained earlier efforts to have the land set aside.
Strip Plan Opposed.
    Procuring of a strip 300 feet wide on each side of the highway was advanced as a solution. Some argument was made that this would constitute a wind and fire hazard, not preserve the beauty in its entirety, and cause difficulty in Forest Service administration.
    B. G. Harding, secretary of the Roseburg chamber of commerce, spoke briefly in endorsement of the plan. He was accompanied by County Judge Quine of Douglas County. They left ere adjournment, "because we don't want to travel over the Chinese Dragon road on Sexton Mountain in the dark," Harding said.
    The Grosbeck resolution favored procuring the entire 5000 acres, which includes Rogue River and Mill Creek Falls.
    The resolution favoring the designation of the area at the Will T. Grieve Memorial Park was accompanied by a petition containing a number of signatures. Grieve in his lifetime was manager of the Rogue River holdings in this county, and active in the preservation of the scenic values of the section.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 14, 1934, page 1

One-Way Traffic Plan for Crater Lake Highway
Postponed to March 8
Army Announces Delay of Week on Highway Switch
Because of Plans Change

    The one-way traffic plan for Crater Lake Highway and the Midway Road will not be put into effect until 12:01 a.m., Sunday, March 8, one week later than originally intended, the office of the area engineer announced today.
    Simultaneously the office of the civilian coordinating board said that the state highway commission had decided to put its one-way traffic ruling regarding Riverside Avenue and Central Avenue into effect at the same time as an experiment. Under this plan Riverside Avenue (Pacific Highway) will be one-way for northbound traffic from its junction with Central Avenue to the north city limits and Court Street-Central Avenue will be one way for southbound traffic from the north city limits to the junction of Central and Riverside avenues.
    In a resolution adopted by the state highway commission and presented to the city council February 17, it was stated that the one-way traffic plan would not be put into effect until the commission had made certain improvements at the points where Court Street met Riverside Avenue and Central Avenue. Yesterday, however, R. H. Baldock, state highway engineer, said at a conference here that the commission would like to try out the one-way plan as an experiment before any of the taxpayers' money was invested in the improvements. It was thought that the best time to try out the change would be when the army's one-way traffic plan went into effect.
    The army's one-way traffic scheme was deferred a week because of "changes in plans," the announcement said. Under this plan, northbound traffic will be routed on the Midway and Wellen roads and southbound traffic will be routed on Crater Lake Highway. A large map showing the direction of travel in the area affected by the one-way system was published in the Mail Tribune last Sunday.

Medford Mail Tribune, February 26, 1942, page 1

    The one-way traffic control plan necessitated by construction of Camp White will go into effect at 12:01 a.m. Sunday.
    The one-way system involves Crater Lake Highway, the Midway road and the Wellen road outside the city and Riverside Avenue, Central Avenue and Court Street inside the city.
    Office of the area engineer said that guards would be stationed at the important points of intersection to direct traffic over the out-of-town route until motorists became used to the change. Saturday night motorists were cautioned that the one-way system becomes effective one minute after midnight Saturday and were advised to travel with the greatest of care.
    In the city only northbound traffic will be permitted on Riverside Avenue (Pacific Highway) from the intersection of Riverside with Central Avenue to the north city limits. Only southbound traffic will be permitted on Court Street and Central Avenue from the north city limits to the function of Riverside and Central avenues.
    The city plan is in the nature of an experiment ordered by the state highway commission. If it works out satisfactorily, the commission will make improvements at the point where Court Street and Riverside Avenue meet.
    The map published on page 4 today shows how the traffic will flow under the one-way system in the cantonment area outside of town.
    New directional signs will help guide motorists over the one-way routes.

Medford Mail Tribune, March 6, 1942, page 1

    Extension of one-way traffic regulations on routes between Medford and the cantonment has been found necessary, Camp White officers said yesterday, revealing that permission had been secured from Engineer R. H. Baldock of the state highway commission for inauguration of the changes.
    Starting Monday, the one-way traffic requirement on Crater Lake Highway will end at the junction with the old airport road, that is the road coming into Crater Lake Highway near the county trailer camp.
    Because a bottleneck has developed at certain times of the day on the highway north, the one-way rule will be extended, effective April 6, on the old Pacific Highway to the junction with the new Pacific Highway at the Big Y corner. This will make continuous one-way traffic on Riverside Avenue out to the cantonment, for northbound traffic.
    Coordinator Frank Van Dyke will provide two guards to enforce the new regulation from the Big Y corner on north, and one guard will be stationed at the Crater Lake Highway-airport road junction.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 29, 1942, page 12

9¾-Mile Artery from Riverside to Antelope Creek--2-Way Traffic.
    The scheduled completion date of the access road to Camp White, to be called the new Crater Lake Highway and now under construction, is August 31, according to the local office of the resident engineer of the Oregon State Highway Commission.
    The new road will be 9¾ miles in length, stretching from the intersection of North Riverside Avenue and McAndrews Road at the south end to Antelope Creek at the north end, and will provide two-way traffic, according to present plans, between here and the cantonment.
Of Concrete
    From the north end of the access road to the divided lane, controlled traffic area near the present Court Street and North Riverside Avenue intersection, the road will be 22 feet wide with a 10-foot gravel shoulder on each side. It will be of concrete pavement.
    Contractors for this stretch of road, 8.35 miles, are Berke Bros. of Portland. C. J. Montag of Portland will do the paving.
    The work on North Riverside Avenue and Court Street, including the controlled traffic area, has been contracted to Jacobsen and Jensen, Tru-Mix of Medford. This portion of the road includes 1.4 miles.
    The controlled traffic area will see an intricate system of divided lanes constructed to take care of southbound traffic on the Pacific Highway, which will be routed south on Court Street; of northbound traffic on Riverside Avenue and of traffic going and coming from Camp White.
One-Way Feeders
    Court Street will be a one-way street, southbound, and Riverside Avenue will be one-way, northbound. All southbound traffic on the Pacific Highway through the controlled traffic area will be non-stop, as will all northbound traffic on Riverside Avenue.
    Automatic control signals will be erected at the main intersection, where the Pacific Highway and the access road meet in front of the present Denney's grocery store, which will be moved next week to quarters in the Walden building a short distance south on the Pacific Highway.
    Thus, while northbound through traffic on the Pacific Highway to either the cantonment or Grants Pass and points north, will be non-stop, traffic signals will control motorists turning left into Court Street. Southbound traffic on the Pacific Highway, turning left for the cantonment, will also be controlled by signals.
    The southbound lane through the controlled traffic area will be 24 feet wide with a 10-foot shoulder, while the northbound lane on Riverside Avenue will be 26 feet wide with no shoulder. All connecting lanes between the north and southbound routes and the access road will be 26 feet wide, of asphaltic concrete.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 13, 1942, page 1

9¾-Mile Stretch From North Riverside to Cantonment
Speeds Traffic Movement

    The new Crater Lake Highway to Camp White and points east, under construction since early May of this year, was opened to traffic at noon today.
    The concrete paved artery, 9¾ miles in length, stretches from the intersection of North Riverside Avenue and McAndrews Road at this end to Antelope Creek in the cantonment area, and provides for two-way traffic.
    Although some work on the new road remains to be done, the completion of a bridge near the controlled traffic area close to the Court Street and North Riverside intersection made possible the opening of the highway, according to Tom Edwards, resident engineer of the State Highway Commission. Remainder of the work will be completed as weather permits, he stated.
Go Out Riverside
    Outgoing motorists using the new highway are to travel north on Riverside Avenue and turn right at the controlled traffic area, while incoming traffic connects with the Pacific Highway and is routed onto Court Street and thence to Central Avenue.
    The old Crater Lake Highway, which connects with East Main Street in Medford, can still be used, Edwards explained, but he pointed out that the new highway to Camp White was shorter, more level and with fewer curves.
Lights Control "Y"
    An intricate system of lights control traffic at the "Y" intersection. The lights do not flash at specific intervals, but are tripped by cars entering the intersection from both directions to provide the right-of-way for machines arriving there first.
    Prime contractors for the paving of the new highway were Berke Bros. of Portland. Jacobson and Jensen Co. were the contractors for the controlled traffic area at the"Y," and subcontracted the work to Tru-Mix Concrete Co. of Medford.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 9, 1942, page 1

    McNutt Brothers of Eugene have started regrading a section of the Crater Lake Highway between Reese Creek and Antelope Creek, according to R. H. Baldock, state highway engineer. The stretch of road, about six and one-half miles long, will eventually be paved with concrete, according to Baldock, but this may not be done until another summer.
    Cost of the project is to be $543,700, the engineer reports.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 22, 1946, page 3

    Work of rehabilitating the Crater Lake Highway between Reese Creek and Antelope Creek has started. Since Pearl Harbor this has been a rugged stretch, and motorists were often tempted to strike out across a plowed field as a "refresher."
Arthur Perry, "Ye Smudge Pot," Medford Mail Tribune, August 15, 1946, page 10

In the Black Column
    Recent payment of the last of its outstanding highway bonds puts Jackson County within the select circle of Oregon's debt-free counties. As a matter of fact, County Treasurer Ralph E. Sweeney points out, that happy state could have been reached some years ago--there was money available to pay off the bonds--but they weren't due until this year.
    The $4000 payment wound up the $500,000 issue authorized in 1922 for installation of pavement on part of the Crater Lake Highway and on the Jacksonville-Ruch highway.
    In 1943 the county paid off the last bonds of a $500,000 issue, authorized in 1913, which financed building the pavement between Ashland and Central Point, the first paving on the Pacific Highway in this section of the state.
    Ordinarily there is much can be said against heavy bond issues, for any purpose, especially from the standpoint of the long-drawn-out interest payments, but time and growth of population in the areas served have amply proved that the million dollars voted for the two road improvement projects was money well spent.--E.C.F.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 21, 1952, page 4

Autumn Best Time to See Crater Lake;
Road-Building Tales Told
    (Editor's note: The following story. about Crater Lake and the time fhe Rim Road, was under construction was written by Nelson Reed of the Klamath Falls Herald and News. It is reprinted from that newspaper.)
    If vou want to see Crater Lake at its best go now. The tourist mobs have departed, most of the "overstuffed" golden mantle chipmunks have gone to bed for the winter. The bears have given up the summer's WPA and have gone off to rustle on their own for a while until they find a snug den for the winter.
    While you eat a picnic lunch at one of the many magnificent view points and gaze with never-ending awe at the unbelievably blue water a thousand feet below, flocks of migrating speck and snow geese pass a few hundred feet over your head. From the endless yakking you guess that last year's migrants are telling this year's children all about the country: "Sure, Crater Lake is beautiful to look at, but there is nothing to eat for a hungry goose down there. Just wait until we get to Tule Lake and the Lower Klamath barley fields." Gosling: "It makes my bill water to think of it."
Rim Road Days
    The trip around the Rim Road brings back many memories. As the first manager of the reemployment office during the depression in charge of the CWA programs, we furnished all the labor for the contractors who built most of the Rim Road. Dunn and Baker, who bid a fixed price for a tough-looking stretch that appeared to be a solid lava rock flow, "struck it rich" when they dug into it with a steam shovel and it turned out to be a mountain of pumice overlaid with a light cover of drift lava.
    Bill von der Hellen's outfit, for whom I had to get "special dispensation" to use "un-naturalized Swedes." hard rock and jackhammer men, because no others understood or took kindly to that kind of work. I well remember the first time Bill came into my office and said "I want to hire some Yail Men." I was puzzled. "Oh, those squareheads with the big feet that they put down hard, and the tough hands who have been out on a big drunk and who have been thrown in jail. Soon as they are out I want them."
Men Stagger
    I recall hauling several carloads of them up to the job. Barely able to stagger around, I watched them hang onto the handle of a thumping, jumping, banging jackhammer their first day on the job. I wondered how any human with a hangover headache could stand it.
    Then there were those other Swedes who all day long carried two five-gallon tin cans of water suspended from a yoke on their shoulders up the Wineglass Trail from the lake to the camp. They furnished all the drinking water before a pump and pipeline were installed. I have watched them as we plodded up the Wineglass Trail from fishing, and never once did they stop to rest. I saw them swing suspended from ropes from the sides of the rock cliffs while they drilled powder holes with those jumping jackhammers. Sometimes I think a plaque should be put up there to the squareheads without whom the Rim Road could never have been built.
Job Shut Down
    On around the Rim near the Diamond Lake turnoff, my toughest contractor and biggest headache had a rock quarry and crushing job. He repeatedly refused to hire his help through the Klamath employment office, as he was bound to do by law, and tried to bring in whomever he pleased from all over the country. Three times I went up there and checked his payroll and warned him to obey the rules or else. Then I had the Bureau of Public Roads Authorities shut his job down and fine him $100 a day.
    He came roaring into my office the fourth day and offered to lick me. I laughed at him and told him he wasn't big enough, which was true.
    After I got him calmed down a bit he tried to hire me for twice what I was getting. I told him to go jump. Then he gave up and agreed to obey the rules.
    Next thing I knew the bureau engineer discovered that he was docking everybody 10 minutes every time they blasted in the quarry, which was a dozen or so times a day. Even truck drivers several miles away got docked. Then they found he was keeping three sets of books, one for the men, one for Uncle and one for himself. It took all kinds to build the Rim Road.
Beautiful Stonework
    Ever notice the beautiful stone walls at all the view points? Examine them carefully the next time you are up there. "Old Shakespeare," as we called him because of his goatee, can take credit for them.
    He was the bureau's inspector in charge of stone work. Nothing but the finest was good enough for Shakespeare. We combed the country for fine Italian and Austrian stone masons who could satisfy him.
    When they showed up on the job he never questioned them. He just looked over their stonecutting tools. Only real workers in stone ever went to work.
    One day Harold Ickes, the eternally unhappy Secretary of the Interior, showed up and was taken for a drive over the almost completed Rim Road.
    "It's too narrow," he bellowed. "Make it 20 feet wider!" So the contractors who had all the fancy sloping completed cursed, and the engineers had fits, and it cost Uncle Sam a lot more money. They went back and made it 20 feet wider.
Ickes Right
    Today, of course, it is easy to see that Ickes was right, but why wasn't it planned that way originally? Only a government bureaucrat could tell you, but he won't.
    So next time, while you drive around the Rim Road and enjoy the magnificent scenery, pause and give some thought to the men who built it, who sweated and cursed and risked their necks every day while they got it done come hell or high water.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 12, 1958, page 5

Crater Lake Highway Project Eliminating Several Major Curves
New Construction Is Planned

    Tourists and log truckers traveling over Crater Lake Highway, Oregon Highway 62, are seeing a new face on the old roadbed in the wake of projects totaling nearly a million dollars.
    Carried out over the last year by the Oregon state highway department and the bureau of public roads, this building project is causing the biggest change in the highway since it was first built n the early Twenties.
    Largest of the projects was the building of a new 2.8-mile section in the Cascade Gorge area east of Trail under the supervision of the bureau of public roads. Costing $832,966, the new alignment eliminates some 43 major curves that limited speed to about 20 miles per hour. It now contains only 10 gentle curves, all easily traveled at 50 miles per hour.
39-Foot Roadbed
    The contractor, State and Hall of Portland, built a roadbed 39 feet wide, in contrast to the old section which contained stretches as narrow as 20 feet from shoulder to shoulder. Final touches were put on the project last month, prior to a final inspection, opening, and turning over to the Oregon state highway department for maintenance.
    Being prepared for letting on contract is another four-mile section directly east of the new stretch, where the bureau of public roads plans a similar straightening and widening project. Right of way acquisition work got under way this month by the Oregon state highway department, and agents hope to complete purchases by December.
    Letting of contracts for the new construction probably will closely follow the completion of the right of way transactions, according to bureau spokesmen.
    The Oregon state highway department has contracted two shoulder widening projects totaling $93,550 in the Trail-McLeod area, the last of which was completed in March. Angel Brothers of Portland were low bidder in June, 1960, for a $47,000 project, and Ray Norquist, Sweet Home, was awarded a $46,550 job last December.
    In addition, state highway department maintenance men worked on widening portions of the road outside the national forest boundaries to a width of 20 feet and built up two to eight feet of shoulder along the narrow old roadbed.
    Goal of the state highway department and the U.S. bureau of public roads, the two agencies responsible for this part of the highway, is the establishment of a road which allows 50-mile-per-hour curves and a width sufficient to permit the heavy log traffic to move with increased safety among the increasing tourists driving to and from Crater Lake.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 23, 1961, page 11

'Pumice Hill Is First To Go'
    Ever since the Peelor brothers started farming their fruit ranch along the Rogue River in the early 1900s, summertime travelers had been stopping to buy a slice or two of cool watermelon before moving on.
    Charlie and Tom Peelor lived about 100 yards off the Crater Lake wagon road that came from Medford. The ranch, which was just a little west of Flounce Rock not far from today's Peyton Bridge, is now mostly submerged under Lost Creek Lake.
    To get to Crater Lake from the Peelor ranch, tourists had to climb a steep, three-mile, uphill grade, a daunting task for a horse team and a severe challenge for an automobile.
    In 1907, Bill Hodson, owner of a Medford garage and one of the first automobile dealers in the area, wanted to set up a regularly scheduled auto-for-hire run to the lake.
    "Right now is the time for Medford to get busy on this tourist traffic to Crater Lake," Hodson said. "This is the nearest point from which to leave the Southern Pacific main (railroad) line for the lake."
    Hodson said there was only one obstacle to his plan--"and that is known as the Flounce Rock Grade."
    A year later, Charlie True, driving a Reo automobile, carried Hodson to the rim of Crater Lake. It was the first automobile to successfully make the trip, but True and Hodson hadn't climbed the Flounce Rock Grade. Instead, they had taken the preferred automobile route of the day.
If you go
    Pumice Hill got its name from the lava dust that usually covered the road such as an ocean beach and virtually stymied automobiles trying to climb the slope. Although ODOT slightly rerouted the highway up Pumice Hill in the early 1960s, a portion of the original still exists.
    From Interstate 5, Exit 30, drive 36 miles north on Highway 62. After passing over Peyton Bridge near Lost Creek Lake, continue up Pumice Hill. Continue for .6 miles past mile marker 37 to a small dirt parking area on the right. Park and take the short walk on the old highway.
    From Medford, the "trip around the Horn," as it was called, meant three days of hard driving. They raced to Ashland, then east over the Greensprings to Klamath Falls. Because of tree stumps still littering the road, it took another full day to reach Fort Klamath and most of the next day to reach the lake.
    In 1909, it seemed that Medford's dream of a good road to Crater Lake had finally come true. The U.S. government agreed to build a highway from the lake to the forest reserve line, and Oregon Gov. George Chamberlain had signed an appropriation of $100,000 to build a 50-mile state road from Medford to meet it. Jackson County businessmen had even pledged an additional $50,000 to the project.
    In February 1910, the Oregon Supreme Court said the appropriation was unconstitutional, ruling that the road was a "special" or "local" road and "not one which would benefit the state at large."
    George Putnam, editor of the Mail Tribune, was furious.
    "God threw a pearl before swine when he placed Crater Lake in Oregon," he said.
    The Medford Commercial Club, forerunner of the Chamber of Commerce, immediately formed a Crater Lake Highway Commission, tasked with raising enough money to construct the road themselves.
    In April, it made its first decision. The Flounce Rock Grade, now known as "Pumice Hill," would be the "first to go."
    Blasting and grading began in the fall, and in June 1911, the Pumice Hill portion of the Crater Lake Highway was finished. Widened from 8 feet to 23 feet, with a grade reduced from near 30 to 4 percent, it had cost $6,671.15.
    One obstacle down and just a few more years to go.

Medford Mail Tribune, August 7, 2011

Last revised March 16, 2025