The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Jackson County World War II Casualties

Jackson County Dead and Missing in World War
Army Service Listed for First Time by War Department
    First consolidated listing of army dead and missing in World War II--a compilation of names of nearly 310,000 men and women who gave their lives in the nation's service--was released today by the War Department.
    An overall death and missing rate of 2.98 percent from all causes was indicated by the listing. Of more than 10,000,000 men and women mobilized into the army, a total of 307,554 had been killed in action, died of other causes or were missing, later to be determined dead. In addition, 1,424 persons were still carried as missing on Jan. 31, 1946, bringing the total number of names in the list to 308,978.
    Of the total, 57.1 percent were listed as killed in action. Other casualty breakdowns showed that 8.25 percent died of wounds suffered in combat; 0.3 percent died of combat injuries; 27.6 percent died other than in battle and 6.3 percent were administratively determined to have died after being carried for at least one year in a missing status and were declared dead under Public Law 490, 77th Congress, after thorough investigation.
    The list from Jackson County includes the following:
Age, Frank D., Sgt., KIA.
Ashcraft, Leland J., S/Sgt., KIA.
Ball, Donald L., Pvt., DOW.
Barker, Lambert J., T/Sgt., DOW.
Barnes, Lloyd C., S/Sgt., KIA.
Bartlett, W. H., Jr., Pvt., DNB.
Bedingfield, Laurel I., Pfc., DOW.
Bischoff, John R., T/5, KIA.
Blais, Norman P., Pfc., KIA.
Blanton, Charlie L., S/Sgt., KIA.
Boshears, Jerome T., 1st Lt., FOD.
Branson, William M., Pfc., DOW.
Carlton, Thayer U., Sgt., KIA.
Case, Donald M., Pvt., KIA.
Chapman, Donald J., Pfc., KIA.
Cheadle, Donald H., Pfc., DOW.
Clark, Dean C., S/Sgt., KIA.
Clayton, Thomas H., Pvt., DNB.
Coffin, Cecil B., Pvt., KIA.
Combest, Wayne V., Cpl., DNB.
Copley, John K., Sgt., DNB.
Cota, Clarence, Pvt., DNB.
Cox, David M., Pfc., KIA.
Cox, Lloyd L., T/Sgt., DNB.
Cunningham, Robert R., Pvt., DNB.
Curtis, Charles L., Pfc., DNB.
Davis, George M., Jr., Pfc., DOW.
De Mille, John W., S/Sgt., KIA.
De Vries, Ned J., 2nd Lt., DNB.
Dietrich, Benjamin R., 2nd Lt., DNB.
Ehrk, Keith C., Pfc., KIA.
Elder, Donald L., Cpl., DNB.
Estes, Dock K., Sgt., KIA.
Fanger, Archie F., Pvt., KIA.
Fargier, Boyd, Pvt., KIA.
Field, Donald E., 2nd Lt., FOD.
Frye, Richard E., S/Sgt., FOD.
Furch, Marvin R., 2nd Lt., DNB.
Gimeson, Dean M., Pvt., DNB.
Grosvenor, Francis V., Pfc., KIA.
Haas, Clement J., Jr., Pvt., KIA.
Hammond, Robert R., 2nd Lt., KIA.
Harris, Johnnie D., Cpl., DNB.
Hart, Willett L., Pfc., KIA.
Hertzberg, John F., Pvt., KIA.
Hewitt, Richard W., 2nd Lt., KIA.
Hickman, Lawrence W., Pfc., KIA.
Hilkey, Erwin W., Pvt., DNB.
Hill, Leslie C., Sgt., DNB.
Hoefft, Harlan L., Pvt., KIA.
Hunt, Cecil C., Jr., 1st Lt., KIA.
Hunt, Cecil C., Capt., DNB.
Jackson, Glenn E., T/4, DNB.
Jensen, Wayne E., Sgt., DNB.
Kaiser, Laurence J., 1st Lt., KIA.
Kelley, Ernest O., Cpl., FOD.
Kent, Robert J., Pvt., KIA.
LaCross, Frank C., Pvt., KIA.
Lamb, Ralph, 1st Lt., KIA.
Lightner, Alan W., Cpl., FOD.
Lockwood, Arthur L., Sgt., KIA.
Mackey, William K., 1st Lt., FOD.
Marx, Raymond C., S/Sgt., DNB.
Matheny, Earl G., 2nd Lt., FOD.
McCrory, William E., Pvt., KIA.
McGrotty, Kenneth D., Pfc., DNB.
McKay, Charles R., T/5, DNB.
McKee, William H., Lt. Col., DNB.
McWilliams, Jack T., 1st Lt., FOD.
Miller, Raymond E., Cpl., DNB.
Misenhimer, James V., Pfc., DOW.
Mitchell, William F., Pvt., DNB.
Morgan, Harold R., Pvt., DNB.
Morton, Donald B., Pvt., KIA.
Olson, Robert D., 2nd Lt., KIA.
Paske, Edward O., T/Sgt., DNB.
Phillips, Lorine E., Sgt., KIA.
Powell, Alden D., Cpl., DNB.
Pratt, John R., 2nd Lt., DNB.
Pruitt, John R., 2nd Lt., KIA.
Purdom, William I., 1st Lt., FOD.
Reed, James G., 2nd Lt., FOD.
Ring, Melvin E., Pvt., DNB.
Ross, Dale W., Pfc., KIA.
Sample, Maurice J., 2nd Lt., KIA.
Santo, Hubert A., T/Sgt., DOW.
Schaffer, Alton C., Pfc., KIA.
Setchell, Lewis R., Cpl., KIA.
Shaw, Robert H., T/Sgt., KIA.
Shelley, Parks R., Jr., Sgt., KIA.
Shepherd, Lester W., 1st Lt., DNB.
Shere, Fred C., Jr., 2nd Lt., KIA.
Shull, Keith R., 2nd Lt., DNB.
Sloan, Francis R., Pvt., DNB.
Smith, John J., Sgt., FOD.
Smith, Lucien M., 1st Lt., DNB.
Speaker, Chris C., T/5, KIA.
Stovall, Herbert E., Pfc., KIA.
Stuart, John P., Pfc., DNB.
Sturgill, Elmo R., T/4, DNB.
Thiede, Norman J., Sgt., DNB.
Tucker, Trenton T., S/Sgt., FOD.
Turner, William G., 2nd Lt., KIA.
Vakoc, Wilford J., Pvt., KIA.
Van Curler, Alvin A., Pvt., DOW.
Von der Hellen, R. C., Pfc., DOW.
Warren, Dean E., 2nd Lt., DNB.
Waugh, Clare B., T/5, KIA.
Weide, Richard B., Sgt., KIA.
Wickman, Maurice W., Pvt., DOW.
Williams, David S., 2nd Lt., FOD.
Williams, Marshall K., T/5, KIA.
Younger, Donald W., 1st Lt., DOW.
Zubie, Joseph, Cpl., DNB.
    KIA--Killed in action; DOW--Died of wounds; DOI--Died of injuries; DNB--Died (non-battle); FOD--Finding of death under Public Law 490, 77th Congress; M--Missing.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 27, 1946, page 6

War Department Lists Casualties for County
    The United States War Department released a booklet to the press this week, listing the war dead and missing of each county and state in the Union. When the War Department made this release they stressed the fact that men who have been missing for a year or more have very little chance of turning up alive.
    Oregon was 32nd in the list with a total of 2,835 dead and missing. New Mexico suffered the heaviest casualties, in proportion to her population, due to her losses in the Philippine campaign. Nevada lost 349 men during the war, making her last on the list. Montana, North Dakota and Arizona were among the highest percentages, losing more men than most states in comparison to their population.
    Jackson County, Oregon had a total of 116 deaths in the armed services; one of the heaviest losers in the state.
    Jackson County men killed in action were Frank D. Age, Leland J. Ashcraft, Lloyd C. Barnes, John R. Bischoff, Norman P. Blais, Charlie L. Blanton, Thayer U. Carlton, Donald M. Case, Donald J. Chapman, Dean C. Clark, Cecil B. Coffin, David M. Cox, Harvey W. Davis, John W. DeMille, Keith C. Ehrk, Dock K. Estes, Archie F. Fanger, Boyd Fargier, Francis V. Grosvenor, Clement J. Haas Jr., Robert R. Hammond, Willett L. Hart, John F. Hertzberg, Richard W. Hewitt, Lawrence W. Hickman.
    Harlan L. Hoefft, Cecil C. Hunt Jr., Laurence J. Kaiser, Robert J. Kent. Frank C. Le Cross, Ralph Lamb, Arthur L. Lockwood, William E. McCrory, Donald B. Morton, Robert D. Olson, Lorine E. Phillips, John R. Pruitt, Dale W. Ross, Maurice J. Sample, Alton G. Schaffer, Lewis R. Setchell, Robert H. Shaw, Parks R. Shelley Jr., Fred C. Shere Jr., Chris C. Speaker, Herbert E. Stovall, William G. Turner, Wilford J. Vakoc, Clare B. Waugh, Richard B. Weide and Marshall K. Williams.
    Jackson County men who died of battle wounds were Donald L. Ball, Lambert J. Barker, Laurel I. Bedingfield, William M. Branson, Donald H. Cheadle; George M. Davis Jr., James V. Misenhimer, Hubert A. Santo, Alvin A. Van Curler, R. C. Von der Hellen; Maurice W. Wickman and Donald W. Younger.
    The finding of death for previously missing men in Jackson County was declared after investigation by Congress on Jerome T. Boshears, Donald E. Field, Richard E. Frye, Ernest O. Kelley, Alan W. Lightner, William K. Mackey, Earl G. Matheny, Jack T. McWilliams, William I. Purdom, James G. Reed, John J. Smith, Trenton T. Tucker and David S. Willams.
    Men who died of disease and non-battle accidents from Jackson County were W. H. Bartlett Jr., Thomas H. Clayton, Wayne V. Combest, John K. Copley, Clarence Cota, Lloyd L. Cox, Robert R. Cunningham, Charles L. Curtis, Ned J. DeVries, Benjamin R. Dietrich, Donald L. Edler, Marvin R. Furch, Dean M. Gimeson, Johnnie D. Harris, Erwin W. Hilkey, Leslie C. Hill, Cecil C. Hunt, Glenn E. Jackson, Wayne E,. Jensen, Raymond E. Miller, William F. Mitchell, Harold R. Morgan, Edward O. Paske, Alden D. Powell, John R. Pratt, Melvin E. Ring, Lester W. Shepherd, Keith R. Shull, Francis R. Sloan, Lucian M. Smith, John P. Stuart, Elmo R. Sturgill, Norman J. Thiede, Dean E. Warren and Joseph Zubie.
Medford News, June 28, 1946, page 1

    Remains of four valley men who lost their lives in World War II are being returned to the United States for burial, it has been announced by the public information division of the Army.
    A total of 20 remains are being returned upon instruction of next of kin residing in Oregon. The dead, originally interred at Pacific bases, are being returned aboard the army transport Cardinal O'Connell. Included are the bodies of Cpl. Clarence W. Mathes, Air Force; next of kin, Clarence D. Mathes, Route 2, Box 331, Ashland, and Pfc. Dewey T. Probst Jr., Army; next of kin, Dewey T. Probst Sr., Grants Pass.
    To be returned aboard the army transport Lawrence Victory from Europe are the remains of Pfc. William M. Branson, Army; next of kin, Charles Q. Branson, 153 North Oakdale Avenue, Medford, and Sgt. Thayer U. Carlton, Army; next of kin, Thomas Alfred Carlton, Prospect.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 6, 1948, page 7

Navy, Marines and Coast Guard World War II Casualties

Corrected from an unreliable transcription; please advise of errors or omissions.
BAHR, Harold Valentine, Seaman 2c, USN. Father, Mr. Otto William Bahr, c/o George L. Jantzer Lumber Co., Trail.
BEST, George Harold, Boatswain's Mate 2c, USN. Mother, Mrs. Marie Sophia Best, 369 Hargadine St., Ashland.
BLAIR, John Dale, Aviation Ordnanceman 3c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Eldin Blair, Rt. 1, Box 125-D, Medford.
BLAKELEY, John Benjamin, Boatswain's Mate 1c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Jelta A. Blakeley, 1018 W. 10th St., Medford.
CAMERON, Robert Keith, Seaman 2c, USN. Father, Mr. Royal Danver Cameron, Gold Hill.
CHAMBERS, Ivan O., Pfc., USMR. Father, Mr. Otis O. Chambers, Gen. Del., Ashland.
CHARPILLOZ, Lyle E., Pfc., USMC. Mother, Mrs. Alice E. Taylor, Gen. Del., Medford.
CLAFLIN, Lynn E., Sgt., USMC. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elverton R. Claflin, Rt. 1, Box 343, Medford.
CLARK, John Joseph, Aviation Machinist's Mate 2c, USNR. Father, Mr. John Clark, 617 N. Holly St., Medford.
CONNER, Quanah Denton, Motor Machinist's Mate 2c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Woodren Earl Conner, Talent.
CONYERS, Orby Elden, Seaman 1c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Mildred Lee Conyers, Box 152, Rogue River.
COX, William J., Pfc., USMCR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Cox, 336 Mae St., Medford.
DUNHAM, Roy Lee, Pvt., USMCR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs Roy M. Dunham, 505 Elizabeth St., Ashland.
GLEASON, Theron H., Lieutenant (jg), USNR. Wife, Mrs. Suzanne Elizabeth Gleason, Rt. 3, Box 106, Medford.
HATCH, Kenneth Dorman, Pfc., USMCR. Father, Mr. Linden Kenneth Hatch, Gen. Del., Rogue River.
HERTAGER, Victor H., Pfc., USMCR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiene Hertager, Prospect.
HOLLAND, Vernon LeRoy, Storekeeper 2c, USN. Mother, Mrs. Dollie Clara Holland, Box 393, Central Point.
HUNTSMAN, Joel Butler, Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, USN. Wife, Mrs. Dorothy Dorene Huntsman, c/o Mrs. W. H. Harris, Rt. 2, Box 101, Ashland.
JACKSON, William Lyman, Chief Pharmacist's Mate, USN. Grandmother, Mrs. Lucy Anna Lyman, 45 Ross Ct., Medford.
LONG, John Robert, Carpenter's Mate 3c, USN. Parents, Mr. and Samuel Frazier Long, Rt. 1, Box 525, Medford.
MARTIN, John Paul, Chief Commissary Steward, USN. Guardian Mr. Alex Sparrow, Medford.
MORAN, Phillip Channing, Seaman 2c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Vivian Moran, 537 Spencer St., Medford.
MYERS, Homer Allen, Coxswain, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gordon Myers, Box 109, Central Point.
PATTERSON, Ronald Keith, Shipfitter 1c, USN. Mother, Mrs. Nellie Harpole Patterson, Rt. 1, Box 502, Medford.
POWELL, Alton Carroll, Aviation Chief Radioman, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Marjorie Mae Powell, 525 N. Riverside, Medford.
SMITH, William E., Pvt., USMCR. parents, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Smith, Rt. 4, Box 31, Medford.
STINSON, Donald Gus, Chief Storekeeper, USN. Mother, Mrs. Grace Roberts, 1011 W. 10th St., Medford.
TIEDE, Clarence Leroy, Aviation Metalsmith 2c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Victor Tiede, Eagle Point.
TOULOUSE, Darrel Joseph, Seaman 1c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Vera Inez Olea, 242½ Beatty St., Medford.
WALLAND, Daniel Bertel, Aviation Radioman 3c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bertel Walland, Rt. 2, Box 205, Medford.
WARREN, Donald Philip, Seaman 2c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Warren, 63 Alida St., Ashland.
WEILLS, Spencer Butterfield, 1st Lieutenant, USMCR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Weills, 30 Keene Way, Medford.
WEST, Steve Charles, Torpedoman's Mate 2c, USN. Mother, Mrs. Elizabeth R. Barshaw, 531 Marie St., Medford.
YORTON, Theodore Earle, Seaman 1c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Bernett Yorton, Rt. 3, Box 133, Medford.

Navy, Marines and Coast Guard World War II Prisoners of War

Corrected from an unreliable transcription; please advise of errors or omissions.
ARNAUD, John Bertram, Boatswain's Mate 2c, USN. Wife, Mrs. Rowena Blanche Arnaud, 937 N. Central Ave., Medford.

Last revised February 5, 2022