![]() ![]() Northwest Indian Vocabularies Apparently drawn from Nootka Jargon, containing a few words that later entered Chinook
Hye-ne-o-quis--Father of the Head Chief. Tatoocheaticus--Brother to Wickanish [sic]. Tatoocheoosettle--Another brother to Wickaninish. Yethlure--Chief. Yethlan--A son to Wicka [abbreviation for Wickaninish]. Died Sep. 9. Clioquat--The name of their harbor. Opitsituhos--The head village. Echarchio--2nd village. Ohamonmah--3rd village. Enestuck--4th village. Mars--A town or village. Mar-har-te--A house. Tashees--The doorway or [illegible] of a river. Tyee--A title for a chief. Catchlatick--A Brother. Clootsmoob--A Sister. Clah-ho-me-tra--A Cousin. Clootshah--A Wife. Jacopes--A Man. Clootsmah--A Woman. Tannass--A Child. Hahweltleath--A Youth. Hahquotl--A Young Woman. Micktookejacopes--An Old Man. Micktooke Cloothsmah--An Old Woman. Michtookish--Old. Mischimmas--Lower sort of people. Jacopes Clyomaas--A man of another town. Tsawak--1. Utlah--2. Cutsah--3. Moo--4. Sucha--5. Noopo--6. Attlepoo--7. Attleacoalth--8. Tsawa Coalth--9. Hiu--10. When they count to 10 they begin Tsawcates--20. [Cut]saak--30. [Moo]yaak--40. [Su]chaak--50. [cut off]paak--60. [cut off]paak--70. [Atthe]cathyauch--80. Tsawacoalthyauch--90. Hioo-yauch--100. They can't count any higher. Upisaska--The head. Up see-hoop--The hair. Up-pa-peeha--The forehead. Casee--The Eyes. Ahie Chee--The Eyebrows. Hatsamixame--The Eyelashes. Neetsah--Nose. Ah ah mas--Cheek. E thuth sool--Mouth. Choop--Tongue. Chee-Chee-Chee--Teeth. Tsee wap--Chin. Apuxemah--Beard. T se coomits--Neck. Ah upotso--Arms. Cook a nixo--Hands. Papee--Ears. Up ah stool--Palm of the hand. Enah palthlah--Back of the hand. Eh hah Comlz--Thumb. Coop yack--First finger. Tyhee--Middle finger. Oatso--Ring finger. Catlecah--Fingernail. Klaptshomah--Breast. Ikla sa pee--Shoulder. Tachah--Belly. Kopats--Back. Ah up tuex--Thigh. Klish thinna--Leg. Klah tlah tome--Feet. Chee chee sugh tome--Toes. Hysah--Blood. Annecatsemah--A mask like a beast's head. Noocloosmah--Mask like a human face. Tapulsheetle--To sneeze. Wassushcheetle--To cough. Chammas--Victuals. Ah oak--To Eat. Nuck sheetle--To Drink. Cha uch--Fra [fresh?] Water. Tupulthy--Salt Water. Shuchsheetle--To Strike. Hox op--To Overset. Tahatsanootlhz--A Knife. Chee mah--A Sword. Chah ha pack--A red fish. Cuts sack--A garment. Whin na pee--Stay or Stop. Weltshettel--Go away. Clat a wah--Paddle away. Chuck quo--Come here. Ahco--Here. Capsheetle--To Steal. Patsheetle--To Give. Mam mook--To Work. Tah eilt--Sick. Chimmeth--Will. Caltichamah--An Egg. Quo co quo--Like this. I ta ila--You tell a lie. Hua--Wind. Cafra--Smoke. Yah uch--Pain. Yah neish--Painful. Hycheenah--A mockling [?]. Oyelthy--To Dance. Ah watl anee--A White headed Eagle. Suwah--You. Seeyah--Me. Ehutsheetle--To Knock. Hocomie--A Ghost. Oquilth--To make. Cheeminne--A hook. Tah ah tee--Fish hooks of different sorts. Mal thy--A horn. Moitch mahtee--A deer's house or den. Moitch mahthy--A deer's horn. Isht so gutee--A pearl shell. I quilth--A feather. See a Sook--A grass fishing line. I see mah--A Net. Chah poat--A Cedar bark bag. Mutcheetle--To Bite. Nick ee neo so--To Scratch. Cutsheetle--To pinch. Yot scatoh--To kick. Skut--To shove. Clicksheetle--To beat. Ah way atle--Enough. Ahye ma hah sheetle--I don't remember. Sor a pulthy--Help. Clip sheetle--To wash. Cleats sheetle--To shoot an arrow. Cloosh isht--Smoked herring. Eneatle--Come in. Ena shaas--Shall I come in. Ah toop--Wild celery. Pas tooch--Thunder. Clash sheetle--Lightning. Wah sheetle--To throw away. Moosh soop--Shut. Clushsemah--A mast. Nah ah--Listen or hark ye. Haksabut--To kill. Suck quil chee--To bring. Enetsheetle--Coming. Wak ush ha welt--How do you do my friend. Cloosh--Good. Cloosh ish--Super fine. Peeshack--Bad. Clyome--Give me. Ao--Yes. Macook--Trade or Barter. Nah mook--To sing. Hanook--To be angry. Sickerminne--Iron. Cheepokers--Copper. Sumah--Fish in general. Suhah--Salmon. Cloosmits--Herring. Ammanolthz--Sardines. Moitch--Deer. Cloonemma--A Moose. Wick a tish--I have no more. Butsomonne--Hale [hail?]. Cheetah--A root. At chish paoh--This side. Quisper--Other side. Quispile--Both [sides] or each side. Nahochoah--Go Look. Chanco--I can't see. Nutso--I see. Whay quck--Who. He cheetle--Go pull. Su quilt--To take hold. Clah sheetle--To let go. Quo saap--Open. I care me hah--I don't understand. Quotluck--Sea Otter. Siah pokes--A hat. Toquee--A button. A neetle--A dog or cat. Cah sheetle--Dead. Chepots--A Canoe. Ta quinna--A war canoe. Tu be sheetle--To Sink. Oquoppa--A paddle. Siah hoo--A great way off. Hannass--Night. Mass--Day. Pee shakis ness--Foul weather. Comatax--I understand. Mamatlee--A Vessel. Nan nah neich--Let me see. Clack a miss--Oil. Clack a missish--Oily. Enich see--Wood in general. Mooxey--Flint. Choo coo--Come quick. Ushe a nick--Make haste. Oxa mah--A goose. Must tat ha--A bow. Sei ha tee--An arrow. Sei tah tah--An arrow case. Tap pah tah--A spear. Clehalthy--A Mat. Quotseecahhauch--A dancing apron. Cahtlah--Hand it. Mah--Take it. Ma mah tee--Birds in general. Wass a--Where. Mick la--Rain. Quiecee--Snow. Quemats--Frost. Mathlylah--Cold. Koo--Ice. Chee cha sheetle--To shiver with the cold. Clee sook--White. Tube cook--Black or blue. Clahook--Red. Wahkeetuck--Green or yellow. Qucarnass--Paint. Ah chuck lah--What is that. Ah chuck am ity--What is your name. Homis--Cedar wood. Wick tub--A hard red wood. Loohook or tuhook--Frightened or scared. Chimmis--A bear. Etscola--A mouse. Ahyack--A great many. Hona--How many. Klamma--A wooden image. Koalthy--A slave. Nuchee--Land. Suchass--Trees. Tsitsa anna--To Talk. Noo wah utso--Father. Omahexso--Mother. Mahekleeuts--Son. Cloosuty--Brother. Hahoulthy--A cove or inlet. Opulthy jacopes--The sun. Opulthy clutsmah--The moon. Tah toose--Stars. Cheetuquatlish--Night. Opahootshatah--Sunrise. Opatulish--Sunset. Tope sheetle--It's dark. Athie--It's night. Wah ach--Sleep. Cleet hack--A bear skin. Queequeck--A raccoon skin. Che tle ish--To cut. Tee tlo tee--To rub. Cloo pah--Warm. Ah kuk--What is that. Un nah--Only. Ahnah--Friend like the [thee?]. Clah--Now. Clooak--Boards. Winnah--Voyagers. Tumiss--Burnt coal. Clee shittle--To write. Chee too uch--A saw or file. To Coalthy--To sit down. Clacheskneetle--To get up. Tsa hook--Sour. Yah ak--It smarts. Yah ak quo coque enick--Smarts like fire. Aptsheetle--To hide. Ahack--To cry. Clee whoah--To laugh. See yah Opulth--I am deaf. Toosh koa--A cod fish. Poa--A halibut. Quo ah mis--Herring sponds [spawn?]. Hye yeh--A snake. Dilthy lah--Too small. Taugh amis--Spittle. Taugh sheetle--To spit. Akak lapso--What seek you. Nooak sheetle--To swallow. Ahohiscah woolthya--Move this way. Nutso walthy--Move that way. T sam aha--Silence. Took wohah soolth--I am tired. Haaspe yak sheetle--To yawn. Ah ak coak--What is that. Clooquetee--Broad. Anneeketee--Narrow. An maok--A Calm. Cowilth--A thief. O yea--Presently. Wesuck--Glad. Susuck--To use bad language. Mahwah--Return. Quots cheetle--To break. Cap cat see--Give me something to eat. Ahomah--Good to eat. Chalcalah--To divide. Annek ish--To bend. Clack co--I thank you. Cockasmahaka--Bream or small fish. Noo poot wae itch--Last night. Isucks--Leeks. Ahmeetla--Tomorrow. Clyother--Another. Mah ahk--A whale. Not cheack--A sling to sling stones. Cocoob joo ie chuck--A ring. Ameteesheetle--Tell or told. Itah ish coaz--Lying fellow. We mosh ish--A sham. Ah coalthy--To lend. Why--When then. Waughahnee--A land otter. Mookwhoah--To boil. Moochitch--To put on. Hannah tootle--Pull off. Wicklah micklah--Does it not rain. Do hyuckish--Yes very much. Cloopah ish noss--'Tis a fine warm day. Com met cook--To run. Yets oak--To walk. Quotheegish--Heavy. Wehesah--Light. Toh sheetle--To feel. Cope sheetle--To point. Aielchy--Both alike. Apick sheetle--To hug. Clah o quilth--Night before last. Ah meeah hy--Last night. Ah mee--Yesterday. Sah sinto--A hummingbird. Yah ak--Love. Cash me tuck--A snare to catch geese. Hay o yeh--To change. Commatacheetle--I remember. Ish ish sah--To chew. Sedgkas--A comb. Ammoot--A bone. Tu sis comiss--The lean [baleen?] of a whale. Claak--Whale blubber. Teetck--Alive. Who wha--You said. Math quenna--A fly. Set ah--The tail of anything. Mistsheetle--To smell. Climmicsheetle--Daylight. Ack ca lam moak--What have you been doing. Kyaa--Take care. Ah choo chee--To Stutter. Ah chuck es tish--What do you call it. Poo all yah too--I'm sleepy. Hoo ah tuttle--I forgot. Hemucko--Deer Tallow. T sistoob--Twine or rope. Ty asum--A large rope. Ash took--Work. Wee ee chitt--I am sorry. Week tack--Hazy. Mool chittle--Flood tide. Hah u tle--Ebb tide. Uah tee--North wind. Tooselth--South wind. To chee--East wind. Arch chit tle--West wind. Nah ah--To hear. Hyesekackamilthy--January. Wee yak omilth--February. Hy ak amilth--March. Enuch hechecter milth--April. Quah her milth--May. Tah ak tak ar milth--June. Saht mil lah--July. Eneecosesamilth--August. Nah alth--September. Cheekackomilth--October. Mah mo ex so--November. Cathlatick--December. Alth ehe alth chets--A Stag. Nah tuech--A Duck. T-see-nue--A land lark. Is onio pun--A Diver. Tis chess--A Teal. Ese esah--To beat or flog. Hye click--A snake. Keesh aach--Crooked. Tah keack--Straight. Noopooyelth--A fathom. Hoox cheetle--A spar. Utlah--Thin. Mah mulsecook--Bread or Broad. Clit coak--A thing to catch fish. Clots muck--A wife taken in your own town. Treeth--To scold. Hah halthy--A river or inlet. Cah weat--Beads. Co ish enah--A Crow. Wick--No. A VOCABULARY OF.
Cooyer--Chief of Barrel's Sound.WASHINGTON ISLAND LANGUAGE. Cum u suah--Chief of Hope Cove. Cunniah--Chief of Tardents. Skulkanance--Chief of Hancock River. Cuotas--Chief of Hancock River. Cacklercece--Chief of [illegible]. Cows--Chief of Legannoe. Imocket--Title of a chief. Alico--Common people. Emer--A woman. Lux--Goo. Clenchati--A young child. Cihieluckardar--An under chief. Tuni--A brother. Water--Trade. Nucky--Sea otter skins. Cuskow--Tails of any kind. Orgo--Halibut. Cleio--A canoe. Casmatingkshong--What is your name. Scutlong--A tin pot. Slugwill--A spoon. Zactates--Iron. Kull--Copper. Skunch la garo--Iron Collar. Uan--Large. Sammon--Small. Skist ti co congo--A musket. Eleio--I got no more. Cum--No. Squanson--l. Sting--2. Squonolth--3. Stanson--4. Clathly--5. Clah quonolth--6. Che quacker--7. Stansoker--8. Clah nis quon swingo--9. Clath--10. Candell--Water. Keter--To eat. Tingle stong--Give me something. Qursue--To talk. Cluetue--To come. Heilthclue--To go away. Kefron--To paddle. Kedets--Trousers. City exo--Jacket. Cuko or Clemon--War garments. Cartee--To sleep. Thillopy--Good nature. Towts--A fortified town. Ah wa wet--Make haste. Tongo--Salt water. Tat sue--Wind in general. Skow--Jackknife. Hand song--Looking glass. Cow weats--Beads. Pee shack--Bad. King--Let me see. Sty--Thin or limber. Stowet--Fish hooks. Luden--I understand. Coor--One month. Catsey--Hair. Horeglassely--Eye. Quone--Nose. Cutah--Mouth. San--Teeth. Kly--Chin. Sah coit tah--Hand. Tick anry--Finger. Tick coon--Fingernail. Slaith Clue--A ring. Coob--Forehead. Kees--Ear. Sea ates--Eyelash. Satah--Cheek. Hale--Leg. Ske a quoy--Beard. Thow--Modesty. Candell--To drink. Beinecke Library WA MS-497 These vocabularies seem to be derivative of the one below. A VOCABULARY OF WORDS IN HANCOCK'S HARBOR LANGUAGES ON THE NORTHWEST COAST OF N. AMERICA Taken by Abraham Waters, who
sailed to that place with Capt.
Gray, of Boston, about 20 years ago, whose widow presented
the original from which this is transcribed to Elbridge G. Howe.
Dec. 13, 1828.
Enicksee--Wood in general. Mooxey--Rocks. Choo coo--Come quick. Ushanick--Make haste. Oxamah--A goose. Mustata--A bow. Seihatee--An arrow. Seitah--An arrow case, quiver. Sappahtah--A spear. Clehaltz--A mat. Qotseecah hauch--A dancing apron. Cahtlah--Hand it. Mah--Take it. Mamahtee--Birds in general. Wassa--Where. Micklah--Rain. Quicee--Snow. Queequick--A raccoon skin. Chatlechee--Cut. Tee tle tee--To rub. Cloopah--Warm. Ukkuck--What's that? Unnah--Only. Clah--Now. Ahnah--Friend! hark you. Clooak--Boards. Winnah--Voyagers. Tumiss--Burnt coal. Clee sheetle--To write, or mark. Cheeteuck--A saw or file. Cheemuh--A war knife. Tu coalthz--Set down. Cluckieskneetle--Get up. Tsahoak--Sour. Klumma--A wooden image. Koalthz--A slave. Nuchee--Land. Suchass--Trees. T sitsa anna--To talk Noowaickso--Father. Oma hexo--Mother. Maheoklecutts--Son. Cloosuts--Daughter. Huh hulthz--Cover [sic], or inlet. Tahtoose--Stars. Cheetuqualish--Night. Opahoostaha--Sunrise. Opatutlish--Sunset. Topesheetle--Tonight. Waacitch--Sleep. Cleethach--A bear skin. Quematts--Frost. Malthzlah--Cold. Koo--Ice. Cheetahsheetle--To shiver. Cleesook--White. Tubcook--Black or blue. Clahook--Red. Wahkeetuck--Green or yellow. Quohommes--Paint. Ahchucklah--What's your name? Homes--Cedar wood. Wicktup--A hard red wood. Toohook--Frightened. Chimmis--A bear. Etscola--A mouse. Ahyuck--A great many. Oona?--How many? Wickannanish--The head chief Cxxxxquiss--The father of the head chief. Tatooscoosettle-- Tatoocheatticus--Brothers of the Yethlure--head chief Yethlan-- Clioquot--Their name of this harbor. Maas--A town or village Mahahtec--A house. Tushees--The doorway, or a river. Tiyee--A chief. Cathlatick--A brother. Clootsmoop--A sister. Clootshah--A wife. Mictook Clootsmah--An old woman. Clootsmah--A woman. Casee--Eyes. Ahiechee--Eyebrows. Hatsamixamee--Eyelash. Neetsah--Nose. Ahahmas--Cheek. E'tulthsool--Mouth. Choop--Tongue. Chee, chee, chee--Teeth. Tseewaap--Chin. Apuxemah--Beard. Tsecoomitz--Neck. Ahupetso--Arms. Cookanexo--Hands. Papa--Ear. Up ah tsool--Palm of the hand. Enah pulthz--Back of the hand. Eh hah comitz--Thumb. Coop yack--First finger. Tiyee--Middle finger. Oatso--Ring finger. Catl'ecah--Fingernail. Klapsthomah--Breast. Attlepoo--Seven. Attleacoalthz--Eight. Tsawacoalthz--Nine. Haioo--Ten. Tsaweates--Twenty. Cutsaak--Thirty. Mooyaak--Forty. Suchak--Fifty. Noopoak--Sixty. Attlepoak--Seventy. Attleacoalthyauch--Eighty. Tsawacoalthyauch--Ninety. Haiooyauch--One hundred. (Note. Higher than this they cannot count.) Upitsaska--The head. Upseeoop--Hair. Uppapeeah--Forehead. Opulthz clootsmah--The moon. Opultz jacopes--The sun. Jacopes--A man. Mictook jacopes--An old man. Mictookish--Old. Tanas--A boy, or girl, or small. Hahwelttut'l--A youth. Hahquot'l--A young woman. Mischimmas--Lower class of people. Jacopes clyomaas--A man of another town. Tswaak--One. Utlah--Two. Cutsah--Three. Moo--Four. Sucha--Five. Noopoo--Six. Siapokes--A hat or cap. Toque--An ornament for the ear. Aneetle--A dog, or cat. Casheetle--Dead. Cepotts--A canoe. Toquinna--A war canoe. Tubesheetle--To sink. Oquappa--A paddle. Siah hoo--A great way off. Hannas--Night. Nass--Day. Peshackisness--Foul weather. Commatax--I understand. Mahmatle--A ship. Na'nah neich--Let me see. Clackamiss--Oil. Clackamis'ish--Oily. Klasappee--Shoulder. Tachah--Belly. Kopatz--Back. Ah up tsux--Thigh. Klisk tlinna--Leg. Kah tlah tome--Feet. Che che sugh tome--Toes. Hysah--Blood. Annecatsemah--Mash resembling a quadruped. Nooclootsemah--A mask resembling a human face. Topulshetle--To sneeze. Washucsheetle--To cough. Chamas--Victuals. Ahoak--To eat. Nucksheetle--To drink. Chauch--Fresh water. Tuputthz--Salt water. Shucksheetle--To strike. Hoxup--To overset. Tahatsanoolthz--A knife. Chah ha pah--A red fish. Cutsak--A garment. Winnapec--Stay. Weltsheetle--Go away. Clotuwah--Paddle off. Chuck quo--Come here. Ahco--Here. Capsheetle--To rob, or steal by force. Putsheetle--To give. Kuksabut--To kill. Suckquilchee--To bring. Enetsheetle--Coming. Wakushawell--Terms of friendship. Cloosh--Good. Peeshak--Bad. Clyomee--Give me more. Aye or Qo--[illegible]s. Macook--To trade. Nanook--To sing. Hanook--To be angry. Sickerminnee--Iron. Cheepokes--Copper. Sumah--Fish in general. Cloosmit--Herring. Amanolthz--Sardines. Mowich--A deer. Cloonimma--A moose. Wikatish--I have not. Ayemahah--I don't understand. Quotluck--Sea otter skins. Beinecke Library WA MS-514 |