The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Medford News 1966

General Election Selected Top Local News Event
During Past Year
Voting on Other News Stories Is Varied Among Many
    One news event stood above all others in importance in the minds of the Mail Tribune's news department staff during the past year.
    The 14 news staff members voting on the top local stories of the year unanimously selected the general election Nov. 5 as the top local news story. A unanimous choice is seldom made by staff members.
    But there the unanimity stopped, and staff members showed their independence in voting for the next nine top stories. The votes were scattered for 23 different news events, with none of them receiving even a majority of votes for second, third, fourth and on through 10th.
    Even in the news feature category there was no unanimity, although one story--the boycott of local grocery stores by Medford housewives--received nine first-place votes. The rest of the votes in this category were split among seven other stories considered news features.
    The general election was highlighted by the race between Congressman Robert Duncan and Gov. Mark O. Hatfield for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Mrs. Maurine Neuberger, and by the race between Charles G. Porter and John Dellenback for Duncan's seat in the House.
    The lack of a major news story--a major flood or tragic bus accident as in years past--may account for the range of votes for other events, although several events may have significant long-range effects in the area.
    Among these events, which received a wide range of votes from second best story to 10th, were construction in the area, the local economic situation, establishment of the Bear Creek Sanitary District, Medford's new zoning ordinance, the effect of the Vietnam situation locally, and the millage rate increase in Jackson County.
    The local economic situation--from almost a boom economy early in the year to the cutback in the lumber industry, credit tightening which was felt here, and increased unemployment later in the year--received six votes as the second most important news event of the year.
    Five second-place votes went to the newly created Bear Creek Sanitary District, the first step in coping with a potentially dangerous sanitation problem.
    The effect of the Vietnam war locally and the millage rate increase in Jackson County--the second largest increase in the state--also received some second place votes.
    Third place on the list was shared with the Bear Creek Sanitary District and the economic situation stories, with other third-place votes going to construction locally, the Medford zoning ordinance, the effect of Vietnam, the Rogue Basin Project, United Air Lines' attempt to withdraw from Medford, West Coast's new DC9 jet, which crashed shortly after it practiced landing here, and Gil Gutjahr being named Medford City Manager replacing Robert Duff, who retired.
    Other news events which received votes ranging in importance from fourth through 10th included airport expansion plans, downtown redevelopment plans, business and industry, expansion of the Medford water system, construction and opening of the last section of freeway north of Grants Pass, Agate Dam being dedicated, the situation in the city of Talent in which an attempt was made to recall its mayor, the effect of Medicare starting locally, Robert Mix shooting himself after being chased by local police agencies, the Otis Paul Jordan case, the case of Gary Hermann (Josephine County deputy district attorney), the new Crater National Bank, and Japanese youth being used in the pear harvest.
    In the news feature category, behind the housewives' boycott of local grocery stores, came the story of the Clemens family (missing from Salem) turning up in the Rogue Valley visiting relatives.
    Other stories in this category which received votes ranging from third on down to five included restoration plans in Jacksonville, recreation on Mt. Ashland, and KMED moving its television transmitter to Mt. Ashland.
    Felling the mammoth sugar pine in the Union Creek area also received some votes as one of the five better news feature stories, along with votes for the two festivals (Shakespearean and Britt Music) and the weather.
    Following is a month-by-month review of events during the past year:
    PP&L listed on New York Stock Exchange . . . Snow and rain plague valley motorists . . . Weather bureau says no flood danger in Rogue Valley . . . Crews work to restore electric power to valley areas . . . Eagle Point School District approves $1,145,590 construction bond issue . . . Visiting Army engineers amazed at volume of water in local streams . . . 94.7 percent of county work force now employed . . . Rogue Basin work may be delayed by Vietnam war . . . Proposed 1½ percent tax limitation is debated at county courthouse . . . Stored water supplies in southwest Oregon said excellent . . . County court asked to contribute $100,000 for restoration of Jacksonville . . . Interim zoning of Modoc Road area instituted by county court . . . United Crusade gains $195,188 goal . . . County Welfare Commission urges Medicare participation . . . Herb Partridge selected one of 10 outstanding young men in Oregon by state Jaycees . . . Peter A. Ruef winner of Medford Jaycees distinguished service award . . . Medford First Presbyterian Church sends $500 to city . . . Plans for proposed Medford water treatment plant are announced . . . Congressman Robert Duncan says U.S. economy never so good . . . 110 4-H and FFA members attend conference on county government . . . Petitions asking the recall of Talent Mayor Granvil Brittson are circulated . . . Proposal considered whereby Oregon Historical Society would provide $100,000 matching funds for Jacksonville restoration . . . Todd Building Company apparent low bidder for construction of new Medford city hall . . . Medford police recover $2,600 worth of stolen goods, take two juveniles into custody on grand larceny charges . . . Meetings to discuss Applegate Dam are scheduled . . . Jackson County-Medford Airport Advisory Commission recommends airport expansion bond issue be placed on May primary ballot.
    Former FBI counterspy says communists promote disrespect for law . . . County court criticizes Medford traffic signal system . . . DeArmond Leigh announces for reelection as county sheriff . . . Gov. Hatfield tells local educators to heed lessons of past . . . $2.6 million Medford water bond issue put on May ballot . . . Dr. D. Kirkland West endorsed as moderator of United Presbyterian General Assembly . . . Large crowds attend Bavarian Night at Mt. Ashland . . . First Town and Country Dinner held . . . $5.6 million Medford school budget proposed . . . County court considers plan to dump old car bodies in canyons near Griffin Creek and Sterling Creek . . . Subdivision request denied by county court because of pollution danger . . . Freezing temperatures recorded in valley . . . Three subdivisions, Springbrook Heights, Meadowcrest View and Northmont, are given tentative approval by Medford Planning Commission . . . 30 Jacksonville property owners express interest in restoration . . . Sen. Hugh Scott, R-Penn., urges restoration of two-party system in Medford speech . . . Plan for developing Peter Britt estate approved by Jacksonville city council . . . Groundbreaking ceremony held at site of new Medford city hall . . . Batterman Construction Co. low bidder for construction of new Medford High School; ground broken at new high school site . . . National Labor Relations Board hearings held in Medford . . . Medford High wins grand sweepstakes at annual Linfield College Interscholastic Speech Tournament . . . Rogue reclamation project cost estimated at $100 million . . . J. C. Penney store to relocate outside city limits . . . Influenza-like infections on increase in county . . . Seth Bullis dies . . . Federal aid plan for Jacksonville restoration fails . . . Murder trial of Bernice McKenzie opens . . . National television program films segment at Mt. Ashland.
    Murder trial of Bernice McKenzie ends with manslaughter verdict . . . Local residents attempt to maintain United Air Lines service to Medford . . . Two men rescued from sawdust pile in White City . . . Congressman Robert Duncan announces for Senate . . . Eve Nye resigns as chairman of Jackson County Republican Central Committee . . . Boxcar shortage acute in area; shutdowns said imminent . . . International Woodworkers file charges against Timber Products Company . . . Bernice McKenzie sentenced to 15 years . . . Fulton Lewis III speaks at Southern Oregon College . . . Valley rainstorm brings snow to mountains . . . John Dellenback announces candidacy for congressman . . . Medford School Board approves $5,711.975 budget . . . Beekman house is sold to county for $12,533 . . . New federal building is dedicated . . . International president of Kiwanis, Edward C. Keefe, visits Medford . . . Stock of Crater National Bank now fully subscribed . . . Lee V. Ragsdale is named head of the department of health and physical education at Portland State College . . . Talent recall election fails to oust Mayor Granvil Brittson . . . Snow covers spring flowers in valley . . . County income expected to drop $400,000 during next fiscal year . . . Providence Hospital dedicated . . . Hearings under way on proposed alteration of Biddle Road interchange . . . County agrees to support airport improvement bonds . . . PP&L fish hatchery near Iron Gate Dam is dedicated . . . UFOs sighted near Medford, Roseburg . . . Arterial street, drainage bonds placed on May ballot . . . Radar weather station planned for Mt. Ashland . . . Peter Ruef named president of Jackson County United Crusade . . . 1967 proposed county budget up $270,292 . . . Josephine County District Attorney Gary Hermann charged with bigamy . . . Downtown redevelopment plan received by Medford administrators . . . Appeals made for the calling of hearings on the proposed county sanitary authority . . . Democrats debate Vietnam at local pre-primary platform convention . . . New 3M plant opens in White City . . . IWA withdraws charges after new contract inked with Timber Products Company . . . J. Eldon Dunn to head new Southern Oregon College law enforcement program . . . Plans for migrant camp delayed one year.
    Retail milk price increase indicated in valley . . . Hawthorne Pool Winter Dome Fund passes $4,000 mark . . . New Medford Water Commission reservoir named for Seth Bullis . . . Ashland city council passes resolution urging public hearing on proposed Bear Creek Sanitation District . . . Democratic registration exceeds Republican signups by over 2,100 persons . . . City center plan aired at Medford meeting . . . 100 persons turn out for county farm bureau's Candidates Night . . . Lone Pine sewer district approved by Medford city council . . . Medford Chamber of Commerce urges formation of Bear Creek Sanitary Authority . . . Water supplies in Rogue and Umpqua basins said exceptionally good . . . Jackson County Assessor Thad Hatton asks budget committee for substantial salary increases for his personnel . . . Pay increases amounting to about $40 a month are approved for the 410 regular Jackson County employees . . . Patients transferred from Sacred Heart to Providence Hospital . . . SOC faculty council resigns . . . Crater National Bank granted charter . . . Airport bond issue placed on May ballot . . . Joint city council airport commission created . . . SOC faculty drafts new constitution . . . Eight-hour orchard heating costs valley pear growers $100,000 . . . Former county commissioner Ed Taylor dies . . . Fourteen persons become U.S. citizens in ceremonies in Medford . . . Valley pear growers ask assistance of Congressman Robert Duncan in securing harvest laborers . . . County, city officials confer on Bear Creek sanitation plan . . . Annual Pear Blossom Parade held in Medford . . . Fair skies greet fishermen on opening day of season . . . Candace Sue Winters named Miss Rogue Valley . . . 22 apply for Medford city manager position to be vacated by Robert Duff . . . County budget committee trims park and recreation budget request by nearly half . . . Former Oregon Governor Elmo Smith says Vietnam is "most miserably mismanaged war in U.S. history" in Medford speech . . . Mrs. Mary Margaret Fields, candidate for Oregon governor, visits in Medford . . . Medford fire department begins annual home inspections.
    Local bank refuses to purchase $100,000 in general obligation construction warrants from the city of Talent . . . Voters pass school budgets, except in Phoenix-Talent . . . Phoenix has serious water shortage . . . Tourist information center opens on freeway near Ashland . . . Congressman Robert Duncan attends ribbon-cutting ceremony at new Ashland post office . . . Carleton Davenport appointed new Medford district manager for PP&L, succeeding Frank Benesh . . . Agate Dam dedicated; Duncan, Hatfield attend ceremonies . . . Contract awarded for construction of new $1.67 million library at SOC . . . New Timber Products Co. particle board plant dedicated in Medford . . . Small bird causes power outage in Central Point that affects 2,500 persons . . . Phoenix-Talent school board chops $9,550 from budget, sets new election for May 26 . . . Teacher intern program for SOC is discussed . . . Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate, Howard Morgan, visits Rogue Valley . . . Votomatic counting system given trial run at Bear Creek Orchards . . . Radio commentator Frank Hemingway to emcee Ashland Shakespearean festival's Revels program . . . National strike against Greyhound causes disruption in local area . . . Richard C. Cotton and Robert Ayre to head operations of Mt. Ashland Ski Corporation . . . Otis Paul Jordan charged with transporting forged securities across state borders . . . Landscaping master plan for new Medford High School is presented . . . Rogue Valley Manor again asks Equalization Board to reduce fair cash market value . . . Elk Lumber Company affiliates with Boise-Cascade Corporation . . . Initial sketch of Ashland indoor theater is released . . . Mann's store to become Miller's . . . Walter Pappas, local architect, dies . . . Dealous Cox named Jackson County IED superintendent . . . Local pear crop of 2.8 million boxes predicted . . . Duncan scores election victory in Democratic primary . . . Carpenter, Leigh, Hatten, Padgham win local primary races . . . Airport, city measures pass . . . Mall voted down . . . Agate reservoir closed to motors by marine board . . . Duncan expects to win Senate post without altering pro-Johnson stand . . . Phoenix-Talent school budget approved . . . Grants Pass Boatnik races begin.
    Three-year-old boy subject of massive search near Cave Junction . . . D. Loren Jacobs named JFK ambassador . . . World War I veterans hold convention in Medford . . . Medford Citizen's Budget Committee approves $10.5 million 1966-67 city budget . . . Medford city council approves zone change for proposed new shopping center at the Crater Lake interchange . . . At Medford meeting, state GOP officers threaten to resign if more funds are not raised . . . Duke Ellington's orchestra gives concert as part of Ashland Revels . . . Bear Creek watershed limits accepted at sewer hearing . . . SOC faculty constitution approved by large majority . . . 630 students graduated from Medford High School . . . Army Corps of Engineers, Interior Department officials discuss Lost Creek Dam in Washington . . . Emigrant Lake home development plans released . . . New Seth Bullis reservoir put into service . . . Two valley men found guilty of capturing bear in Crater Lake National Park . . . Eight local men cited for illegal angling methods . . . County Judge Earl Miller says response to area sewer proposal is "extremely favorable" . . . Shakespeare fund receives pledges totaling $106,304; $500,000 needed . . . Thunderstorm strikes valley causing fires and power outages . . . Medford to seek federal beautification grant . . . Four Rogue Valley residents rescued after boating accident near mouth of Chetco River . . . Two dogs gain parts in Shakespearean festival . . . Jackson County Community Action Council gains $33,785 federal War on Poverty grant . . . Time capsule placed in cornerstone of new Medford city hall . . . Former Josephine County District Attorney Gary Hermann pleads innocent to charge [of] unlawful omission by a public officer of the state . . . Medford school district administration building said inadequate; need survey asked . . . Medford's Central Avenue paving project closes many city streets . . . Primary election costs in Jackson County are less than during past four primary elections, says Marvin Madden, county clerk . . . Gilbert J. Gutjahr, assistant city manager, is appointed to succeed Robert A. Duff as Medford city manager . . . Ashland Water Carnival held in Ashland and at Emigrant lake . . . 1966-67 United Crusade Jackson County goal set at $204,958.84 . . . Talent voters turn down city budget . . . Valley hospitals prepare for start of Medicare . . . Bob Duff Day held in Medford.
    Rogue Valley Hospital to coordinate federal health project . . . Medford budget passed by city council; 2.5-mill increase expected. Dr. Vaughn Davis Bornet gives 4th of July address in Ashland's Lithia Park . . . CORE threatens Safeway store boycott in Weed, Calif. . . . Candy Winters, Miss Rogue Valley, leaves for Miss Oregon pageant at Seaside . . . Jackson County Cooperative merges with Grange Cooperative Supply Association . . . Area hospitals take Medicare in stride . . . City of Medford issued building permits representing value of $14 million during fiscal 1965-66 . . . Jackson County court approves zoning plan for southwest Ashland area . . . State Forestry Department moves to new location . . . Central Point refuses to join sanitary authority . . . Airline machinists strike halts United Air Lines service to valley . . . Shakespeare festival rehearsals enter "high tempo" period . . . County court votes to maintain justice of the peace courts . . . French forestry official visits Rogue Valley . . . Medford reopens proceedings in West Coast Airlines case before Civil Aeronautics Board . . . Phoenix city council decides against joining sanitary authority . . . Search conducted at Howard Prairie Reservoir for missing Medford dentist Frank C. Roberts . . . Ashland declines to join authority but praises county court . . . Hearing held to voice complaints about Shady Cove telephone service . . . Talent voters defeat budget for second time . . . Visiting CORE director tells Ashland audience "black power" doesn't involve violence . . . Heavy rains make July wettest ever recorded here . . . New Eagle Point phone numbers put into use . . . Final round of rehearsals for Shakespearean festival begin . . . Election to create sanitary authority slated for August . . . Cracks develop in bottom of Eagle Point irrigation canal . . . Coralie Sickels named area's first American Field Service representative to spend full year in foreign school . . . Otis Jordan property sold at auction . . . Mammoth sugar pine, between Prospect and Union Creek, to be cut down . . . Secretary of State says development of SOC should lead to university status . . . Shakespearean festival opens 26th season . . . Gresham lectures begin in Ashland . . . $750,000 in federal grants given SOC . . . Forest fire burns 20 acres near Dodge Bridge . . . El Toro International yacht race held at Howard Prairie Reservoir . . . "A Midsummer Night's Dream" performed in candlelight due to Ashland power outage . . . Otis Paul Jordan pleads innocent in District Court to charge of transporting forged securities.
    Use of Job Corps boys in pear harvest is discussed locally . . . Review of preliminary plans for Rogue River supplementary water system completed . . . Work begins to repair damaged fish screens at Savage Rapids Dam . . . West Coast Air Lines officials ask Medford to withdraw petition before CAB . . . SOC president Elmo Stevenson approves new faculty constitution . . . Medford airport name changed to Medford-Jackson County Airport . . . Population increase in county brings boost to both employment and jobless figures . . . New downtown branch building of U.S. National Bank opens in Medford . . . Crew of 80 bring Ward Creek forest fire under control . . . Judging begins at 4-H Fair . . . Trial of former Josephine County District Attorney Gary Hermann is moved to Medford . . . City building permits far below normal . . . Hattie Warner Gore, 92, dies in Portland hospital . . . Sandra Lee Kitzman of Ashland is named queen of 4-H fair . . . Japanese officials meet with local fruit growers . . . Robert Mix shoots himself after chase by local law officers . . . 140 acres blackened by Griffin Creek area fire . . . Congressman Robert Duncan arrives at Jackson Hot Springs by helicopter . . . Britt Festival opening draws audience of 650 . . . Medford woman found dead by road near Coos Bay . . . 41 persons take tour to view sanitation problems in area . . . Record daily water use of 25.5 million gallons noted in Medford . . . Medford City Manager Gilbert Gutjahr urges county to sell airport bonds before Nov. 8 election . . . Health program for migrant families is approved for county funding . . . Fire situation in Oregon termed "explosive" . . . Medford city council authorizes sale of $5 million general obligation and improvement bonds . . . Airline machinist strike ends; local service restored . . . Thick smoke from fire in Cottage Grove area covers Rogue Valley . . . Property tax millage up sharply in parts of Jackson County . . . Gary Hermann pleads guilty to charge of unlawfully sharing the lodging of a welfare recipient . . . Weather conditions cause closure of area logging operations . . . Ashland festival attendance best in history of event . . . Medford annexes Medford-Jackson County Airport property . . . Testimony begins in local drug suit trial . . . Community Action Council approves hiring of four community aides . . . Small plane crashes in Foots Creek area; pilot found dead . . . Satellite program discussed at Medford convention of amateur radio group . . . Britt Festival attendance sets new record . . . Sanitary Authority approved by voters by large margin.
    Reception problems develop as KMED television switches transmitter to Mt. Ashland site . . . Rogue Valley pear harvest at halfway point . . . County court approves salary raises for county nurses . . . Jury deadlocks in drug suit trial . . . Local forest crews kept busy on several small fires . . . Gasoline prices boosted in most area service stations . . . Plan to expand White City water system approved by Medford Water Commission . . . Downtown Ashland revitalization plan gets tentative OK from committee of 50 . . . Business Education Day held in Medford . . . 12,000 acres burn near Happy Camp; fire said to have been started deliberately . . . Nearly 10,000 students enroll in District 549C . . . Shakespearean festival ends season; new attendance record of 63,106 set . . . Fortieth year of air mail service to Medford noted . . . Plan to remove parking meters from downtown Medford is presented in the city . . . Local residents urged to write Washington pointing out need for Lost Creek Dam funds . . . First National Bank purchases entire Medford bond issue of over $5 million . . . Fair Board urges negotiations to expand fairgrounds . . . Rainstorm leaves 1.46 inches of moisture in valley . . . Enrollment in Medford schools up 3.5 percent . . . DC9 jet makes practice landings at Medford-Jackson County Airport . . . Construction of $200,000 St. Mary's High School gymnasium to begin . . . Medford Planning Commission recommends new zoning ordinance to city council . . . Actor William Gargan pays tribute to volunteer cancer work in talk here . . . Bruno Bordino of Alba, Italy arrives in valley for six-month stay . . . 19-year-old Grants Pass boy arrested and charged with the armed robbery of a Phoenix bank . . . Project Prometheus receives increased funds for second year of operation . . . State Bar Convention opens in Medford . . . Robert Eugene Ramboll, 19, pleads guilty to armed bank robbery . . . Otis Jordan bail set at $50,000.
    Funds for Lost Creek Dam included in Senate appropriations bill . . . Crater Lake National Park expects record 560,000 persons to visit park during year . . . County sells airport improvement bonds to U.S. National Bank . . . Medford Chamber of Commerce asks delay in decision on proposed new zoning ordinance . . . Unemployment in county up 1 percent over 1965 . . . ACLU criticizes decision on professor at SOC . . . House-Senate approve $500,000 for start on Lost Creek Dam . . . Three companies file applications with FCC for new Medford television station . . . Duncan, McCall talk at Ashland rally . . . Boys apprehended as arrow shooters of cow; rancher refuses to prosecute . . . Mayor's downtown committee approves removal of parking meters . . . Minister of New Zealand, W. Lloyd Divers, dies . . . Jackson County library advisory board commends Omar Bacon, county library director . . . Medford High School construction workers go on strike . . . Creation of Arts Council gets support at the Medford hearing . . . County assessor says tax statements will be sent out late . . . Federal government approves $120,000 on matching funds for construction and improvement of Ashland airport . . . Governor Mark Hatfield presides as final link of Interstate 5 freeway is dedicated . . . Otis Jordan arrested on arson charge . . . 25 Medford BLM employees given service awards totaling $4,900 . . . Kogap Lumber shuts down temporarily . . . Medford housewives threaten to boycott chain stores to bring lower food prices . . . Opposition to new zoning ordinances voiced at special public hearing at courthouse auditorium . . . Sen. Maurine Neuberger speaks at Roosevelt-Kennedy dinner . . . PP&L employees log million man-hours without a single loss-time accident . . . Temporary closures, curtailments announced by many local lumber mills.
    Former Vawter home, historic Medford landmark, sold . . . Southern Oregon College straw ballot shows strong Republican sentiment . . . Review of lumber market under way by local mill operators . . . Regional merger for coordinated milk sales announced locally . . . Property tax levy in Jackson County shows 27 percent increase . . . Hearings on proposed new Medford zoning ordinance continue . . . State files suit for property needed in redesigning Biddle Road interchange . . . Local women boycott three chain grocery stores in Medford . . . County jobless figures rise [to] 5.1 percent . . . Government purchases $2.5 million worth of surplus D'Anjou pears from valley . . . Pfc. Gene Yost of Medford receives silver star and purple heart for bravery in Vietnam . . . Voters turn out for Nov. 8 election . . . Hart, Redden, Newbry elected to legislature; Faber loses commissioner post to Henry Padgham . . . Dellenback elected to Congress, Hatfield defeats Duncan . . . Hossick, Partridge, Hess, Dumas win Medford city council seats . . . Veterans Day marked by parade, ceremonies in Medford . . . Mimmo Bonardi, city councilman in Medford's sister city, Alba, Italy, arrives for visit in Medford . . . Bauer, Flanagan, Lowry, Houghton and Brill elected to Bear Creek Sanitary Authority Board . . . Slight improvement noted in local lumber mill activity . . . Freight cars derailed in Ashland, danger of leaking gas causes temporary evacuation by nearby residents . . . County Health Department doctors to operate family planning program in valley . . . Plan presented for improvements at Oak Grove School . . . Bruce Bauer elected chairman of Bear Creek Sanitary Authority . . . Tuition cost boosted at SOC, other state colleges . . . Mt. Ashland received 12 inches of snow . . . PP&L employees celebrate millionth-hour safety mark . . . Portion of old O and C rail mounted on plaque and presented to county . . . Completion of wing at Rogue Valley Hospital is authorized by hospital board of directors . . . Local drug suit settled out of court . . . Missing Clemens family turns up in Medford; were not aware of search . . . Medford Chamber of Commerce elects new directors . . . Temporary nucleus of Rogue Valley Arts Council is formed . . . Padgham is heaviest spender in county elections campaigns . . . Hearing set to discuss contested election to establish a Neathammer Livestock District . . . Edward Branchfield named as Gov.-Elect Tom McCall's administrative assistant . . . Medford city council makes last-minute revisions of sign-regulating portions of proposed zoning ordinance.
    Capt. Wesley Coleman retires from Medford Fire Department after 24 years service . . . Army Corps of Engineers receives Rogue Basin funds; most will go for engineering . . . Man and son found safe after spending night in woods near Prospect . . . Otis Jordan trial reopens in Portland . . . Former valley resident George Bell named assistant secretary of state by Gov.-Elect Tom McCall . . . List of candidates for vacated state representative position grows . . . Floyd Hart resigns from Medford Planning Commission due to recent election to state legislature . . . Otis Jordan found guilty on one count of interstate transportation of forged securities . . . Unemployment in Jackson County increases to 7.2 percent . . . Volume of mail up 39 percent at Medford post office . . . Medford Water Commission calls for bids on two phases of Rogue River supplementary water system . . . State representative nominees narrowed to Donald Stathos, Sam B. Harbison and Robert G. Davis by Republican Central Committee . . . Medford calls for bids on new city hall landscaping . . . County Community Action Council voices optimism for coming year . . . Robert G. Davis named to state representative by county court . . . George W. Randall, administrator of the State Division of Correction, speaks in Medford . . . Local United Crusade at 87 percent of goal . . . Frank C. Hugh, 91-year-old Medal of Honor winner, dies in Ashland . . . Search begins in Ashland area for downed private plane . . . Local committee formed to work on aid for jobless families in county . . . State assumes responsibility of keeping Mt. Ashland road clear of snow . . . Group formed to coordinate Little Butte Creek Water Control effort . . . Medford-Jackson County Airport awarded $723,527 in federal matching funds for improvement work . . . Local holiday business up over 1965 . . . Robert Haworth, Medford parks and recreation department head, resigns to take new position in Springfield . . . Long-term outlook for local forest industries said not good . . . Deletion of West Coast Air Lines evening flight from Medford alters air mail routing . . . New census puts Medford population at 29,300; Ashland now 12,200 . . . Herb Partridge of Medford named legislative assistant and press aide to Congressman-Elect John Dellenback . . . Two members of Talent city council resign . . . New Medford zoning ordinance passed by city council . . . Congressman Robert Duncan praises action to release drug DMSO for research and testing . . . David Foote, Crater High School graduate, is named district representative for John Dellenback . . . Six-year-old girl dies in house fire near Selma . . . Holiday mail processed in Medford totals 7,386,520 pieces . . . Wrong number brings call from Germany to Medford resident . . . Valley receives trace of snow, first of year . . . Flammable Polish doll discovered in Medford . . . Joe Naumes of Medford appointed to State Board of Agriculture.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1967, page 6

Last revised August 21, 2012