![]() ![]() Medford News 1936 Medford-related
news items from
1936. Also see
of Medford and
Jackson County
for this year.
The highway department is at work, since the recent rains, on the Jacksonville Highway where Jackson Creek flows along the roadway keeping the bed of the road from being taken out by putting large stone next to the pavement where the water threatens to undermine the hard surface. "Town Topics," The Tattler, Medford, January 17, 1936, page 1 SOHS M46C Box 1 Rogue River Company Is Defendant in Foreclosure.
Medford, Ore., April 24.--A suit
for $1,027,645.45 on a mortgage foreclosure, on a promissory note, and
for sums advanced, has been filed in Jackson County Circuit Court at
Medford by Harvey S. Mudd of Los Angeles, Calif. against the Rogue
River Company, operators of a chain of orchard properties and a packing
and pre-cooling plant in the Rogue River Valley.It is the largest amount ever involved in a legal action in Jackson County. Attorney Frank P. Farrell of Medford appears as counsel for Mr. Mudd. The appointment of a receiver pending settlement of the suit is also sought, along with $31 for "search of records" and $5,000 for attorney's fees. The complaint alleges that on October 30, 1930, the plaintiff loaned $575,129.86 on a promissory note, and at various times since has advanced sums to the defendant company with interest at 7 percent. The Suncrest, Mira Vista, Glen Rosa, Clancy, Cate, Beeson and Plant orchard tracts, and the Davis ranch are named in the suit, as parcels of land under the Rogue River Company's operations. The Chicago Packer, April 25, 1936, page 18 Rogue River Valley Fruit Shipments.
Ore., April 24.--Shipments to date from the Rogue River Valley district
total 2,534 cars of pears and 230 cars of apples, according to figures
just released by the local freight department of the Southern Pacific
Packed pear shipments total 1,918 cars, and 619 cars were shipped to canneries. The total apple shipments are the highest in several years. During the last two weeks from nine to ten cars a day have been moving from here, and it is expected that all fruit in storage will be cleaned up in another three weeks. The Chicago Packer, April 25, 1936, page 18 CLERK SUICIDES IN DRUG STORE
HARVEY EBINGER ENDS LIFE WITH BULLET IN HEAD No Reason Determined for Act of Western Thrift Employee-- Came Here 2 Years Ago from Tillamook Harvey P.
Ebinger, about 38, member here for the past two years of the Western
Thrift drug store staff, shot and almost instantly killed himself at 1
o'clock this afternoon. He had been working in the company's [127] East
Sixth Street store--during the noon hour--and went out shortly before 1
o'clock, returning shortly afterward.
Two clerks in the store, Ralph Green and Gerald Fisher, said they noticed that when Ebinger returned to the store he acted peculiarly, and commented upon the fact between themselves. Ebinger walked rapidly through the store past the swinging door in the rear, and made his way into the lavatory in the back. There he presumably shot himself through the right temple with a 32.20-caliber revolver, the high-power bullet passing through the skull and lodging over the left eye. He died almost immediately, and the physician who was summoned pronounced him dead. No motive for the deed has been established. The coroner was summoned and the body was removed to the county morgue. A note was found on the body, but the contents were not revealed by the authorities. Ebinger is married, and the note was addressed to his wife. They came here about two years ago from Tillamook, where he had been for about 11 years. Upon his arrival here he was employed by the Gardner drug store. For several months he had been stationed at the company's store at the corner of Main and Central streets. His thatch of prematurely white hair was familiar to many shoppers in the valley. The gun with which he shot himself was a short-barreled model kept at the Main Street store for burglar protection. There were no customers in the store when the shot was fired. Members of the store staff closed the establishment for the day. The coroner announced that there would be no inquest, but an autopsy will be performed tomorrow. Ebinger's father died about three weeks ago. It is believed he has a brother living in Portland. Medford Mail Tribune, April 28, 1936, page 1 Old West Revived As Court Orders General Roundup
MEDFORD, Ore., May 11 (U.P.)--Wild West days are being relived here. An
outlaw band of 100 wild horses has been ordered rounded up by the
Jackson County court on the complaint of 19 stockmen, acting under a
state law that has not been invoked for years.The horses, which have the freedom of the range near the Oregon-California state line, are "abandoned, starving and neglected, constituting a range nuisance," according to the court. The band has trampled grazing land, raided alfalfa fields, broken down fences and kicked young livestock to death with their flashing hoofs, stock ranchers say. Calexico Chronicle, Calexico, California, May 11, 1936, page 4 "Parking" on "Shirt-tale [sic] Hill" by the older generation has got to stop, say the younger set! The younger folks consider this a gross lack of consideration, for older folks to occupy their favorite haunts. Sturtevant's new fountain and confectionery store, next door to Jno. Johnson's jewelry store, opens its doors to business Saturday, May 16th. The new store has been beautifully finished in gum wood throughout. "Town Topics," The Tattler, Medford, May 15, 1936, page 1 SOHS M46C Box 1 Bud Thierolf seems to be getting turned around an awful lot. Many a time during the last week he has accidentally strayed onto the wrong highway and found himself headed right for the Salade mansion near Central Point. Neither Bud nor Jean can figure out why this happens. "Town Topics," The Tattler, Medford, July 3, 1936, page 1 SOHS M46C Box 1 The Shack, Medford's newest eating place, opened its doors to the public yesterday and showed the citizens something different in the line of restaurants. Although a new method [of] hamburgers are featured, a complete line of sandwiches along with freshly frozen ice cream, fresh silex coffee, ice cream novelties, and oven-fresh pies are always ready for food lovers of Medford. The Shack has been completely rebuilt and furnished with all new fixtures along very rustic and novel lines. The Tattler, Medford, July 3, 1936, page 1 SOHS M46C Box 1 Word
from Guy W. Conner gives the pear crop in the Medford, Ore. district as
follows: Bartletts 17,500 tons, Bosc 330,000 boxes, Comice 100,000
boxes, Anjous 440,000 boxes, Winter Nelis 130,000 boxes. The Newtown
apple crop is estimated at 120,000 boxes. No pear price has been set,
but the talk is $25@30 per ton on Bartletts.
Oregon County Wants Inspection of Produce.
Ore., July 31.--The Jackson County Chamber of Commerce meeting here
several days ago adopted a resolution asking Oregon state officials to
provide "adequate inspection for fruits, vegetables and other farm
produce at state boundaries, to protect Oregon growers from the
importation of inferior produce."
The resolution stated the proposal was "not a retaliatory step" directed at California's quarantine stations, but mentioned, however, the "annoying of tourists by inspection of their personal effects." Jackson County is one of the southern tier of Oregon counties bordering California. The Chicago Packer, August 1, 1936, page 13 The new Troy Laundry is nearing completion and will soon be ready for the installation of equipment, which is scheduled to arrive in a few days. Flynn Electric Company will soon complete their remodeling of the location formerly occupied by Fick's hardware store. Electrical appliances and wiring equipment is to be their general business. "Town Topics," The Tattler, Medford, August 7, 1936, page 1 SOHS M46C Box 1 The Rogue River District Harvests Large Pear Crop.
Ore., Nov. 6.--Harvesting of the pear crop of the Rogue River Valley
was completed last week with the exception of the Winter Nelis. A few
Newtown apples were still being picked.The "pack-out" of pears of all varieties up to October 15, was 220,269 boxes more than in 1935, according to figures assembled by the Rogue River Traffic Association. The 1936 "pack-out" up to October 15 was 1,643,435 boxes as against 1,421,916 boxes in 1935. Traffic association figures show a decrease for Howells, due to many trees being pulled up, a tonnage decrease in Bartletts for cannery sale, and a smaller Newtown apple pack due to an off-year for apples. Cannery Bartlett shipments amounted to 7,496 tons as against 11,612 tons last season. The 1936 "pack-out" by pear varieties, compared with 1935, up to October 15, shows as follows:
1936 1935
Pack-out Boxes Pack-out Boxes Packed Bartletts . . . . . . . . 425,126 251,277 Howells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,269 32,362 Bosc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473,836 390,362 Comice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130,959 71,597 d'Anjous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457,344 546,963 Winter Nelis . . . . . . . . . . . 147,876 126,215 Seckels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,025 3,140 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,642,435 1,421,866 Apples.
The Chicago Packer, November 7, 1936, page 12Newtowns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77,015 251,634
Expect Larger Pear Market.
Medford, Ore., Nov. 27.--Members
of the Medford Bosc committee, in reporting on the new ripening
facilities for pears in Chicago, state that the plan is working
satisfactorily. The Chicago trade, it is averred, is not yet accustomed
to the new way of handling fruit, but with the aid of the
Oregon-Washington Pear Bureau and dealer help in advertising the
Medford committee anticipates a market in the Midwest metropolis, equal
to that of New York.The Chicago Packer, November 28, 1936, page 16 Sun Sugared. Ser. 379,598. Barnes & Leverette, Medford, Ore. For canned fruits and fresh delicious fruits. "Trade-Mark Department," The Chicago Packer, December 26, 1936, page 14 Last revised May 22, 2023 |