The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Medford News 1935

Medford-related news items from 1935. Also see descriptions of Medford and Jackson County for this year.

Four Building Permits Issued--Building permits issued within the past week include one to remodel the residence belonging to Wesley Coffeen, 320 Mary Street, at a cost of $250, one to demolish a residence belonging to J. W. Fine, 306 South Fir, at a cost of $50, another to rearrange the cabins at the Phipps auto park on North Riverside, at a cost of $150, and one for alterations at 102 North Central, for Dr. Lee, at a cost of $500.
"Locals," Medford Mail Tribune, January 24, 1935, page 12

Building Storage at Medford.
    Medford, Ore., June 14.--Construction commenced this week on a new three-story cold storage and pre-cooling plant for the Pinnacle Packing Corporation, to cost $100,000. Raymond Reter, general manager, states that the plant is being pushed to completion in order to have it in shape to handle this year's fruit tonnage. The new structure will be an addition to the company's present plant, and when completed will give this firm a storage capacity of 235,000 boxes of fruit. The new structure is of concrete and steel construction and is modern throughout.
The Chicago Packer, June 15, 1935, page 17

Pear Crop Outlook in Rogue River Valley.
    Medford, Ore., Aug. 9.--A close and careful checkup of the Rogue River Valley fruit crop for this season reveals the following figures on tonnage for this season: Bartletts 65 percent of normal crop; Anjous 100 percent; Howells 100 percent; Bosc 75 to 80 percent; Comice 65 percent, and Nelis 100 percent.
    It is expected that pear picking in this valley will commence around August 12. Packing houses are all busy preparing for the
season, getting their plants in readiness to take care of the tonnage. The Pinnacle Packing Corporation is rushing to complete its new $80,000 pre-cooling unit which will handle 250 cars of fruit. The Medford Ice and Storage Company has just completed its new addition unit at a cost of $100,000 and will be able to handle several hundred additional carloads of fruit in storage here in addition to its already large capacity. Southern Oregon Sales, Inc. has been busily rushing to completion a number of major improvements to its plant, which will be ready when the season opens.
    Pear growers here are feeling quite elated over reports arriving here from California regarding opening prices for cannery Bartlett pears, and growers are reluctant to sign up for anything less than $50 a ton for No. 1. Owing to the ever-increasing rules and regulations being forced on shippers of Bartlett pears, there seems to be a desire on the part of many growers, in view of increasing demands of canners, to ship their pears to eastern markets rather than turn them over to canneries, and it is believed that canners will experience difficulty this year in securing their desired tonnage from this valley unless they let down on stringent regulations and also pay top prices.
    Two unusually heavy rain storms struck this valley recently, and orchards received a good soaking. Over an inch of rain fell in most districts, and there was some fear of hail damage, but the storms passed over without any damage to fruit. 
The Chicago Packer, August 10, 1935, page 31

Medford Pear Harvest.
    Medford, Ore., Sept. 27.--Pear shipments from the Medford (Rogue River Valley) district for this season passed the 1,000 mark some days ago, with 567 cars east and 516 cars to canneries. The bulk of the Bosc pear crop has been harvested. Picking of Winter Nelis pears commenced this week.
    Export shipment of pears from here has commenced, with 20 cars being dispatched last week for loading on ships bound for European ports, two of these shipments going to Portland and one to San Francisco.
The Chicago Packer, September 28, 1935, page 11

To Celebrate Pear Week.
    Medford, Ore., Nov. 15.--Plans for the first annual Community Pear Week are being made at Medford by the Chamber of Commerce, Merchants' Association, service clubs and other civic organizations. The time has been set for November 30 to December 7, and plans include a large window display at the Chamber of Commerce, window displays in local stores, speakers at service club meetings during that week, and questionnaires on the fruit industry.
The Chicago Packer, November 16, 1935, page 6

Fruit Harvest Concluded in Rogue River Valley.
    Medford, Ore., Nov. 15.--Harvesting of the season's fruit crop in the Rogue River Valley was concluded late last week with the picking of late Newtown apples. Owing to cold and stormy weather the previous two weeks, picking had been delayed. Damage from the weather was not extensive, inasmuch as practically all of the crop had been harvested.
    Fruit shipments from the valley for the season up to this week totaled 1,353 cars, apportioned as follows; Packed pears, 1,124 cars; cannery pears 616 cars; apples 102 cars. Pears and apples are now being shipped at the rate of five cars per day, with an occasional special train for export shipment, or eastern markets.
The Chicago Packer, November 16, 1935, page 9

Last revised September 24, 2016