News 1934 Medford-related
news items from
1934. Also see
of Medford and
Jackson County
for this year.
Letters which the Medford chamber of commerce sent to the other
Medfords in the United States are bringing considerable publicity to
the city, it was announced this morning by R. R. Shreve, chairman of
the publicity committee.
Last week the Christian Science Monitor published a two-column story headed "Medford, Oregon, Sends Christmas Letter to Other Seven American Medfords," and a copy of the letter sent by the chamber of commerce was reproduced. This morning the chamber of commerce received a letter from William A. Ryan, of the World Federation of Municipalities, together with a clipping from the Christian Science Monitor. Mr. Ryan's letter follows: W. S. Bolger.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 9, 1934, page 2President Chamber of Commerce. My Dear Honored Sir: Greetings--with a message of good will and peace from the Municipal Federation to the "citizens of no mean city," Medford, Oregon. We rejoice exceedingly to note your whole-souled Christmas greetings to sister cities of the names of Medford in the United States. We feel assured that this chain of good cheer has done much to spread the doctrine of good will in this fitting and timely way. To your great metropolis, known as the "City of Pears," accept our congratulations and may we wish for Medford, Oregon, greater glory. Faithfully, WILLIAM A. RYAN, World Federation of Municipalities, Dorchester, Mass. OTHER MEDFORDS ASK RECOGNITION
Two Medfords were overlooked when the Medford chamber of commerce sent
greetings to all other cities of that name in the nation, a letter from
J. David Baile of Medford, Maryland, revealed. The other forgotten
Medford was Medford. Mo. Neither was listed on local maps. But both
have been contacted since receipt of Mr. Baile's letter.
Although his home town has a population of less than 100 persons, he has a business which brings a turnover of $125,000 annually located there. It is known as the Medford Grocery Co., Inc. A letter apologizing for the oversight and explaining that the maps were at fault was mailed by W. S. Bolger, president of the Medford chamber of commerce, to Mr. Baile. Medford Mail Tribune, January 12, 1934, page 5 Medford Pear and Apple Stocks.
Medford, Ore.,
Jan. 19.--Fruit shipments to date from this valley, according to
Southern Pacific Railway freight figures, total 1,726 cars of pears,
both packed and cannery, and 103 cars of apples.
Pears remaining here in storage on January 10 according to figures of the Traffic Association were 491 cars, and apples 103 cars. The 1932-1933 shipments of apples were 207 cars. With the apples shipped and those in storage, the 1933-1934 season will be about the same. Pears shipped in the 1932-1933 season totaled 2,645 cars. Pears in storage and shipped the present season total 2,207 cars. During December, apple and pear shipments totaled 83 cars. The Chicago Packer, January 20, 1934, page 10
Scenic Films This Area at Craterian
"Suskika," the magna-color talking film, produced by the Shasta Cascade
Wonderland Association, will be shown for the first time to a Medford
audience today at Hunt's Craterian Theater, it was announced by chamber
of commerce officials yesterday. The film, according to those who have
seen it, is one of the most beautiful scenic productions ever presented
in Medford, and Crater Lake in its winter and summer setting plays a
very important part in the picture.The Medford Chamber of Commerce 1s a member of the Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association and contributed funds toward the production of the picture, which it is expected will be shown to millions of people throughout the United States during this year. It is expected that the picture will create a vast amount of tourist travel for the area between Crater Lake and Mount Lassen. The picture will be shown for four days, it was announced. Medford Mail Tribune, January 21, 1934, page 4 WONDERLAND FILM MAKES GREAT HIT
The long-awaited Shasta Cascade Wonderland "movies" now being shown at
the Craterian have made a great hit with local movie fans and are
greeted at all performances with spontaneous and enthusiastic applause.Thanks to rapid action and condensed comment, a truly marvelous picture of the beauty spots of Southern Oregon and Northern California is given in a surprisingly short time. In fact, the one criticism of the showing, from a local standpoint, would probably be that it doesn't last long enough. The audience here is always asking for more at the final fadeout. This, however, will be an advantage in other parts of the country, increasing saleability and effectiveness--for where the views shown are unfamiliar, and of a country far away, it takes punch and tempo to arouse and hold audience interest. This film has both. Certainly, a better advertisement for Southern Oregon and Northern California could scarcely be imagined than this moving panorama of gorgeous color--the views of Crater Lake in winter, Rogue River, Pitt River and Mt. Lassen are particularly attractive. The film will be shown in all parts of the country. Medford Mail Tribune, January 23, 1934, page 5 28-Car Shipment of Pears Leaves Medford for France. Medford,
Ore., Feb. 16.--Twenty-eight cars of pears, comprising a special train,
left here last week for Portland for shipment to France on the
motorship "California Express." This is the largest shipment of the
winter shipping season from this point. The shipment was made from the
Pinnacle Packing Company and the Southern Oregon Sales, Inc., and
totaled 18,760 boxes.
Shipments from the Medford district for the year up to this week total 1,792 cars of pears and 124 cars of apples. Fruit storage figures, as complied by the traffic association, show 258 cars of d'Anjous, 125 cars of Winter Nelis and 106 cars of apples on hand up to late last week. The Chicago Packer, February 17, 1934, page 16 MEDFORD, ORE. NEWS NOTES
Myron Root & Co., Inc., have
purchased the packing house formerly used by the Bardwell Fruit Company
and the Earl Fruit Company and have established their offices therein.
Myron Root, president of the newly organized firm, has announced that
Simons & French will represent his concern in New York City this
coming season.----
The Pinnacle Packing Company, of
which Raymond Reter is general manager, has purchased the large
precooling and packing and storage warehouse formerly known as the Big
Seven Warehouse, located in the heart of the fruit shipping district.
The Pinnacle Packing Company now has four plants in the Rogue River
Valley. It was necessary to acquire this new plant in order to take
care of the rapidly increasing tonnage handled by the organization.----
Rosenberg Brothers, owners and
operators of Bear Creek Orchards, have started construction on a new
unit in their plant. It is stated that the new unit will be one of the
most efficient packing plants in the West, and will have a capacity of
800 boxes of fruit an hour or 15 carloads in a nine-hour packing
period. A new cold storage and precooling unit is also to be
constructed, which will give the plant a cold storage capacity of 115
cars.The Chicago Packer, April 28, 1934, page 10 Big Jubilee Celebration Still Grows
Medford, April 27.--A statewide historical essay contest open to all
high school pupils 20 years old or younger has been announced for
Oregon's Diamond Jubilee celebration next June 3 to 9 in Medford. Essay
are not to contain over 1000 words or less than 500 words and must
arrive in Medford by May 20. There will be a first prize of $25 in
cash, a second prize of $10, three $5 awards and five $2 awards. The
title of the essay is to be chosen by the contest entrants and may be
written around any historical event or personage having connection with
the admission of Oregon into the Union. Awards will be made on the
basis of neatness, spelling, grammar, composition and clarity of
diction. The essays may be handwritten or typed on regular
commercial-sized paper and must not have the names of the writers
A band contest will be one of the features of the celebration. Invitations have been extended to quite a number of bands, with the response so far especially gratifying. Cash awards will be paid to the winning bands. The committee in charge has announced [that] preparatory details for the contest are being rapidly completed. Rabbit breeders of Oregon and California have been invited to make entries in the jubilee rabbit show. Cash prizes will be awarded to winning entries. The first child born in Jacksonville, R. C. Armstrong of Grants Pass, will take an active part in the celebration. Armstrong was born the early part of 1853, when gold lured thousands to Southern Oregon. The second white child born in Jacksonville, John Griffin of Medford, will also take an active part in the celebration and will appear in the pioneer parade. Agriculture, and the important part it played in early Oregon history, will be stressed on Friday, June 5, of the celebration. Definite assurances have been received from Washington, D.C., that Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace will be in attendance. Secretary Wallace, one of the key men of the administration, will deliver the address of the day in Medford and has announced that he has a message of particular interest to agriculturists and to residents of the state as well. An agricultural parade, with entries open to all communities of the state, will also be featured that day, as well as a picnic basket lunch in the city park. Oregon Journal, Portland, April 29, 1934, page 6
Medford Man's Paper Wins '34 Pulitzer Prize
Robert W. Ruhl, editor of the Medford, Ore., Mail Tribune,
which has been announced winner of the $500 Pulitzer award "for the
most disinterested and meritorious public service rendered by an
American newspaper during 1933." Ruhl's series of editorials were
printed during a fight against Jackson County politicians. His
newspaper fought a political group known as the Good Government
Congress, thirty-three officers and members of which were arrested for
crimes alleged to have been committed during the political feud.
Llewellyn A. Banks, then editor of the Medford Daily News,
was found guilty of second degree murder for slaying a constable who
attempted to arrest him on a ballot theft warrant. This is the first
time this award has been made to a Pacific Coast newspaper or to a
daily not printed in a metropolitan city.Calexico Chronicle, Calexico, California, May 8, 1934, page 1 MEDFORD, ORE. NEWS NOTES
The Chicago Packer, June 2, 1934, page 14 Approximately
2,450 cars of pears, about 200 under last year's total, is estimated
for the 1934 crop, according to Robert K. Norris, horticulturist for
the Pinnacle Packing Company. The estimate is based upon observations
recently made in 25 of the lead- [omission]
detailed information compiled from growers. Bartletts and Comice are to
show an increase over last year's crop, but Winter Nelis, Howells and
d'Anjous will show a decrease over the same period.
Crop and Trade News in Medford, Ore., District.
Ore., July 13.--Almost the entire southern part of the Rogue River
Valley was afloat when a heavy rainstorm, one of the heaviest in years,
descended in the Coleman Creek and Wagner Creek districts immediately
south of Medford late last week. Hail which accompanied the rain
damaged pears and apples almost 25 percent. More than five inches of
rain fell in less than two hours in the center of the storm area, with
more than three inches falling in other districts where the storm hit.
Fortunately the storm had spent itself before it reached the main floor
of the valley where the largest acreage of fruit is located, so no
damage was suffered in the main fruit area.
Picking of Bartlett pears will
commence here July 15, and from present indications a large share of
the tonnage will go to canners, who are busily operating here and
offering from $30 to $35 a ton, with most growers holding out for the
higher figure. With reports reaching here that the Bartlett crop is
short in California, growers are not rushing to sell their fruit. Some
good f.o.b. sales of Bartletts have been reported which also tends to
keep the cannery price from breaking.Indications also point to a strong market for late pears, one grower already having received an offer for Rose pears which would net him 40¢ a box. All growers and shippers feel that d'Anjous will return a good price this year and that Comice will be at a premium by packing time. Blight conditions, which were bad here this season, it is now found will materially cut down the tonnage of pears from this district. ----
A $65,000 addition to the present
plant of the Southern Oregon Sales, Inc., precooling and storage plant
is now under way and will be completed in time to take care of the
present season tonnage. The entire plant will have a capacity of
250,000 boxes of pears and apples, making this one of the leading
specialized fruit storage plants of the Pacific Northwest.The method of handling fruit in the new addition, which avoids rehandling after precooling, has proven to be both an efficient and satisfactory arrangement and has attracted interest from storage men as far away as Italy and Argentina. Funds for the construction were made available through the Spokane Bank for Cooperatives under the Farm Credit Association. Paul Scherer is general manager of the concern. The Chicago Packer, July 14, 1934, page 20 Medford Pear Crop Is in Fine Condition. Medford,
Ore., July 13.--Bartlett pears will start moving from this district
early next week, and possibly a few cars may move on Monday. Growers
and shippers are of the opinion that the volume going out will be
moderately heavy by the first of the following week.
The Medford Bartlett pear deal is a split deal with canneries, and prices canneries pay determine to a considerable extent the volume that is moved fresh. The crop is estimated at 1,000 to 1,400 cars this year, with possibilities that 500 to 600 cars will move fresh. The canneries are now quite active over the district. Growers say the crop is in fine shape. The quality of the fruit is good, as also are sizes. Many think the fruit is in better shape than it has been in several years. It is estimated there are 400 cars of Bosc pears in the district which should be ready about August 15. The d'Anjou crop is looking fine and should yield around 650 cars which will be ready about August 20. Howells will be ready at the same time. The Chicago Packer, July 14, 1934, page 20 Medford Apple Crop Better Than Last Year.
Ore., Aug. 3.--About 300 carloads of apples will be shipped from the
Medford district this season, being principally Yellow Newtowns. The
apples this year are of exceptionally fine quality and will be above
the average in size. This will be a considerable increase over last
season, when 201 cars of apples were shipped from this district. A
considerable portion of the apples from here, as usual, will be for
export, and heavy orders have already been booked for overseas
MEDFORD, ORE. NEWS NOTESIdeal growing conditions have prevailed here this season, and plenty of irrigation water has been available to bring the fruit to maturity. Only two grades will be packed, extra fancy and fancy, lower grades having been eliminated. The lower grades will be disposed of locally and in nearby markets. The Chicago Packer, August 4, 1934, page 10 The
pear harvest is now on in full swing in the Medford district, and up to
the present time 129 carloads of Bartletts have rolled from this
district. Of these 127 cars went to coast canneries and two carloads
were packed and consigned to eastern markets. The first picking of
Bartletts is still in progress and will be for a week or more yet, when
second picking will commence. As soon as Bartletts are out of the way
harvesting will commence on Howells, Comice, d'Anjous and Bosc.
Between $400,000 and $500,000 will
be put in circulation in the Medford district in the next two months,
according to an estimate of fruit men, which will be the greatest boon
to this valley since the big fruit crop of 1929. Every sort of business
is expected to feel the surge of the increased money, as workers and
orchardists will have some money to spend for the first time in several
years. Following the money put into circulation through the fruit
harvest will be the money coming to the growers from their crops, and
the growers will also be in a spending mood for the first time in
years. Bartlett pears which are now rolling from here are bringing $35
a ton top and ranging down to $22.50 a ton net to the growers. Although
the fruit crop this year will be about the same tonnage as last year,
the generally increased wages and anticipated prices for fruit will put
more money into circulation than the past several years. Labor is
receiving between 25 and 30¢ an hour in most orchards, compared
with 20 and 25¢ per hour last year. Packing house help is being
paid an increased scale also.----
An attempt to stir up strife in
this district during the packing and picking season by organizing a
unit of the Cannery and Agricultural Workers Union has been nipped in
the bud by the sheriff's office of this county, and no further trouble
is anticipated. For the past month meetings have been held here, and
the agitators have been endeavoring to organize fruit workers with a
view to demanding a minimum wage of 40¢ an hour. Last week a
"Citizens Emergency Committee" of 200 representative growers and
packers was organized, and one of the first acts of this committee was
to have the sheriff's office appoint 250 deputy sheriffs--these
appointees being strategically located in the principal orchards and
packing houses throughout the district. A central headquarters was
established with a dispatcher on duty night and day, ready to cope with
any situation which might arise and in a position to take immediate
action to quell any disturbance.Two of the leading agitators were arrested several days ago, and a raid on their headquarters uncovered Communistic literature and plans for calling a general strike of workers at the height of the fruit season. One of these agitators was placed under arrest for alleged non-support, and the other agitator was placed under arrest for "advising his colleague to resist arrest," a felony in Oregon, and he was placed in jail unable to raise $5,000, the amount of bail set when he was arrested. In anticipation of labor trouble here this year only local labor has been employed insofar as possible, and with the breaking up of the Communistic element who were making inroads here, it is believed that the situation is now well in hand, and no further trouble is anticipated. The Chicago Packer, August 4, 1934, page 19 Volunteer Firemen Make Hurried Call to Local Outhouse
Prompted by a reddish glow in the heavens, the frantic dinging of the
village fire bell and a peculiar odor permeating the air,
Jacksonville's volunteer fire company made a hurried call to the Oscar
Knox home on East California Street Monday evening about 10:30. Fire
laddies arrived to discover a backyard edifice enveloped in flames,
threatening nearby buildings and sensibilities of neighbors.
With some gusto, and a roaring stream of muddy water from fire hose, the volunteers quenched the blaze and washed the charred two-holer from its moorings in less time than it took Fire Chief Ray Wilson to describe the incident next day. Although the "phone booth" was adjudged a complete loss, the hole in the ground was saved. Jacksonville Miner, August 31, 1934, page 1 MEDFORD, ORE. NEWS NOTES
estimates of the apple crop from the Medford district, which showed
about a 300-car crop, have been changed to 400 cars after a closer
check of the apple orchards by the county agent's office. Harvesting of
apples will be about three weeks ahead of last year. Picking Jonathans
will commence about September 1 and Newtowns around September 10.
The Chicago Packer, August 25, 1934, page 6
Medford Pear Shipments.
Medford, Ore., Aug. 31.--Pear
shipments from the Medford district up to late last week totaled 767
cars, including 198 cars of packed Bartletts consigned to eastern
markets and 569 to Oregon and California canneries. Railroad aides
reported that pear shipments were departing at the rate of 35 cars per
day for eastern markets, marking the release of Bartlett holdings from
storage.The Chicago Packer, September 1, 1934, page 10 MEDFORD, ORE. NEWS NOTES
Pear shipments to date from the
Medford district total 1,351 carloads. Of this number 713 cars were
packed, and 648 were shipped to canneries in California and Oregon. It
is estimated that about half of the valley pear crop has been moved,
the balance being in local storage. The total crop has been figured at
between 2,500 and 2,800 cars. The crop is now moving eastward by rail
and boat at the rate of about 15 cars per day from storage.----
Apple shipments so far aggregate
25 cars. Picking of Newtowns is now under way. Winter Nelis pears are
also being picked, and it is expected that harvesting will be all over
by the first week in October.----
Paul Scherer, general manager of
the Southern Oregon Sales, Inc., has resigned as of November 1. Mr.
Scherer will move to San Francisco where, it is understood, he will be
associated with one of the large chemical companies on the coast. His
successor has not been announced.The Chicago Packer, September 22, 1934, page 10 Rock Kills Coyote
Medford, Ore.--Rocks aren't the best weapons to use against coyotes,
but they'll do in a pinch. County Commissioner R. E. Nealon collected
the bounty on a coyote which he killed with a rock.The Coolidge Examiner, Coolidge, Arizona, October 19, 1934 MEDFORD, ORE. NEWS NOTES Raymond R.
Reter, general manager of the Pinnacle Packing Company, and Guy W.
Conner, fruit broker, left today for extended eastern trips. Mr. Reter
will fly to New York City to supervise the unloading and marketing of
32,000 boxes of Medford d'Anjou, Comice and Bosc pears from the
steamship Georgian, which
sailed from Portland September 25 via the Panama Canal. While in New
York City he will study pear storage, marketing, distribution and sales
conditions. On his return trip he will visit marketing agents in
Chicago, Detroit and Cleveland.
Mr. Conner will sail from Portland on the Floridian, which also bears 32,000 boxes of Medford pears bound for New York City. On the trip he will note temperatures of the fruit en route and take shipping data. During the past several years there has been a very heavy increase in shipments of fruit from this district by water, and a further increase is anticipated in future years. ----
Fruit shipments from the Medford district to date
total 1,638 cars, divided as follows: 921 packed pears, 650 cannery
pears, 67 apples. Fruit is moving out at the rate of 35 to 40 cars per
week. It is estimated that there are 1,000 to 1,200 cars of pears in
County Agent Wilcox states that the valley crop of
apples will fall below the 400-car estimate as a result of the hot
weather in September. Movement of pears in eastern markets is now under
way from storage.
A "Blue Goose" Gift Pear Package Now Available.
The Chicago Packer, November 17, 1934, page 11 Medford, Ore.,
Nov. 16.--The local office of the American Fruit Growers Inc. is
putting out a "Blue Goose" gift pear package. The attractive heavy
cardboard box contains a dozen of the finest Comice pears, sizes 80 and
90, ten of them wrapped in individual colored foil and the other two in
plain "Blue Goose" wrappers. The box is packed with green waxed
shredded paper and contains an appropriate gift card and descriptive
folder. The office wraps, addresses and expresses these boxes to any
point in the East for $1.50 per package and to points in California and
the Northwest for $1.35. Wholesalers can arrange to have a quantity of
these packages included in any car of standard box pears being shipped
to their market, says the local AFG branch.
G. R. Green, manager of the Medford branch, in speaking of the gift box, said this week: "This small box makes an ideal Thanksgiving or Christmas gift, or, for that matter, a suitable gift to be given any time between now and Christmas. Due to the extreme scarcity of Comice, the limited tonnage grown in this country and the strong demand for Comice by French pear eaters, it has been practically impossible to purchase Comice in any market except New York where a few are sold each year, so this gift box is certainly far from just an ordinary gift." Last revised February 11, 2025 |