News: 1927 Medford-related
news items from
1927. Also see
of Medford and
Jackson County
for this year.
![]() November 1, 1927 Medford Mail Tribune Light Damage from Floods in Rogue River Valley.
Medford, Ore., March 4.--The Rogue
River Valley suffered considerably from floods during the past week,
but the damage to orchard properties was light, according to a report
issued from the office of the county agent, who has just completed a
survey of the entire valley as to the damage done.County Agent Wilcox, in charge of the horticultural work, declared that the fruit tree damage was negligible, so far as he could learn, although here and there a few trees were washed away, and in some orchards a considerable amount of dirt was washed from the bases of some of the trees, which would damage their crops. While the rainfall in the valley was only about three inches, considerably heavier downpours occurred in the mountains, causing small streams to break their banks and overflow. It is estimated that the city of Medford suffered damage in excess of $200,000, one entire section of the city being under water for a period of 24 hours. The Chicago Packer, March 5, 1927, page 10 Development Association in Rogue River Valley.
Medford, Ore., April 29.--What is
considered one of the most important organizations ever organized here
was effected last week when the Rogue River Valley Development
Association was perfected, with Harry Rosenberg, well-known fruit
grower and shipper, as its president.Committees from the Fruit Growers' League, the Traffic Association, and the Medford Chamber of Commerce attended the session and comprised the organizing body of the new association. Each of the three organizations has been vitally interested in the problems of the fruit growers and shippers, but it was felt there was considerable overlapping of efforts on the part of each and considerable duplication of work along the same lines of work. Where such overlapping occurs the association expects to work to the greatest advantage in bringing about general cooperative efforts which will be of mutual benefit to all three individual organizations. At the first meeting a discussion was held on the probability of establishing a State Department of Agriculture, and on the possibility of rate reductions in freight transportation. A committee of one member from each of the three organizations was appointed to work out further details in connection with an activity program for the new association. Besides the election of Harry Rosenberg as president, C. T. Baker, secretary of the Medford Chamber of commerce, was elected secretary-treasurer. The Chicago Packer, April 30, 1927, page 14 ROGUE RIVER VALLEY TO HAVE 300 CARS APPLES
Ore., Aug. 5.-In checking up [on] the apple situation in the Rogue
River Valley district, which comprises Medford, Ashland and Grants
Pass, it is conservatively estimated that there will be about 300
carloads of apples shipped from these points, the principal tonnage
emanating from the Medford district, which will ship approximately 220
cars. Yellow Newtowns predominate, as practically 90 percent of the
apples here will be of that variety, the balance being Spitzenbergs and
some Delicious and Winter Bananas.Medford, Ashland and Grants Pass Will Move About that Many Cars, It Is Estimated, with Around 220 of the Cars Going from Medford-- Crop Is Light this Year--Good Quality Is Expected. The apple crop here is rather light this year, some districts having only a very small crop, while other districts will have from 50 to 75 percent crops. On account of the excellent growing season and the splendid care given the fruit this year, the apples that will be shipped from these districts will be of excellent quality and good size. During the past few years very little new acreage of apples has been set out here, and considerable acreage of apples has been taken up and set to pears. A few years ago this district shipped annually over 1,000 carloads of apples, but the tonnage has gradually decreased from year to year until at the present time a normal crop would only produce in the neighborhood of 500 cars a year. The Chicago Packer, August 6, 1927, page 75 CALIFORNIA GREAT STATE, BUT FREAK WEDDING LAWS
That Reno, Nevada, the divorce city of the West and more recently the
Mecca for Superior California couples intent on marriage, is not the
only haven for Californians uniting in marriage is shown by figures
from Medford. Oregon.Before California's new marriage law, requiring three days' notice before a license is granted, became effective about three licenses a month were issued to Californians in Jackson County. Since the law went into effect twenty-four licenses have been granted. While the new law may be putting an effectual block into the path of jazz-youth marriages, some who wish to get married are not in favor of it, as is evidenced by their remarks to Delilia Stevens Meyer, county clerk there. One man declared he "would be damned if he'd wait three days to get married." Another said he had "six friends in Los Angeles who would be coming up to get married because they didn't want to wait so long." A third, a California booster evidently, said "It was a freak law, but Cal's a great state, anyway." Healdsburg Enterprise, Healdsburg, California, September 15, 1927, page 3 Wind and Rain Hurt Medford, Ore. Pears.
Ore., Sept. 30.--A severe electrical and wind storm recently, followed
by a heavy rain, did considerable damage to fruit still on the trees
here, and it is estimated that between 25 to 40 cars of pears were
lost. The Bartletts and Howells had all been picked and also a high
percentage of the Bosc and d'Anjous, leaving the Winter Nelis and
Comice still on the trees, and a comparatively few d'Anjous and Bosc.
The large orchards that have been slow in picking were the hardest hit.
Although some apples might have been blown off, they were generally
held too tightly on the trees because of being mostly in the green
stage, it is said.
Chicago Packer, October 1, 1927, page 14
Pears Exceed Estimate.
Medford, Ore., Oct. 14.--A welcome
surprise to Rogue River Valley growers and shippers is that this year's
commercial pear crop will exceed earlier estimates by about 200 cars.
This is due to the pears sizing up much better than anticipated.Southern Pacific officials state that this year's shipment will total 2,500 cars. Last season 2,100 cars were shipped. The Chicago Packer, October 15, 1927, page 11 Shipments from Medford Largely of Apples Now.
Ore., Oct. 14.--To the first of this week the Medford district had
shipped 2,050 cars of fruit to eastern markets. At the present time
about 25 cars a day are rolling from here, but as the pears are
practically cleaned up, shipments from now on will be largely of
apples, mostly Yellow Newtowns. It is estimated that approximately 300
carloads of apples remain here to be shipped out before the season ends.
Chicago Packer, October 15, 1927, page 12
A Real Going-Out-of-Business
order that I may withdraw from intensive business activity the
Handicraft Shop is being closed out. Adrienne Steward's Women's Store
will occupy this location so it will be necessary to close out a large
OF-BUSINESS SALE starting Tuesday. There will be amazing reductions on BRAND NEW UP-TO-THE-MINUTE MERCHANDISE. I will personally be on hand to assist my old patrons during this sale. MRS. WILLIAM BATES.
Handicraft Shop ad, Medford Mail Tribune, October 23, 1927, page 2HANDICRAFT SALE BEGINS TODAY
Medford Mail Tribune, October 24, 1927, page 2
Attention of Southern Oregon people has been centered on the Handicraft
Shop's great going-out-of-business sale, which opened at 9 o'clock this
morning. The store rooms at 17 North Central Avenue were packed with
bargain seekers who had come from far and wide to avail themselves of
the hundreds of "specials" which were featured for the first days.
The sale is expected to continue for several days, and a great stock of stamped and package goods, sewing materials, handkerchiefs, baby goods and gift materials will be entirely cleaned up before Adrienne Steward's women's ready-to-wear store occupies the Handicraft Shop location. Adrienne Steward has secured Mrs. William Bates, former owner and manager of the Handicraft Shop, to be on hand during the same to assist her old patrons in their shopping. Immediately after the Handicraft Shop going-out-of-business sale is completed, the location at 17 North Central Avenue will be completely remodeled into one of the most attractive shops in Oregon and will be occupied by Adrienne Steward's store. This new store will be an attractive addition to Medford's Central Street shopping district. Breaks Record in Sale of Car of Pears.
Medford, Ore., Dec. 2.--Sidney
Carnine broke all records in the sale of a car of Medford, Ore. pears
through the Brown & Seccomb auction Wednesday. The pears were extra
fancy Foreles variety and were packed by the Southern Oregon Sales,
Inc., of Medford. The large sizes brought $10.25 per box and medium
sizes $8@10. The fruit was grown on the farms of the Hollywood Orchards
in the Medford section. The boxes weighed 54 pounds.The Chicago Packer, December 3, 1927, page 15 HANDICRAFT SHOP WILL MOVE SOON
The Handicraft Shop, a well-known Medford concern which was recently
sold to Adrienne Steward of this city by Mrs. William Bates, has been
released to Mrs. H. L. Griffiths, Mrs. Jean Campbell and Miss Zoe
Griffin, well-known Medford women. The new owners have assumed charge
and will launch a great cleanup sale in order to reduce the stock and
facilitate moving to a new location immediately after Christmas. This
sale will begin Monday morning and will continue throughout the
Christmas week.
The Handicraft Shop is one of this city's best-known women's stores, having been started several years ago by Mrs. William Bates. People from all parts of Southern Oregon and Northern California have come to Medford to do their shopping at this popular women's shop. Its present location in the Medford National Bank building will be remodeled and occupied by Adrienne Steward's exclusive women's ready-to-wear shop, and the Handicraft Shop, under new management, will move on Tuesday, December 28th, to a new location which will be announced later. Medford and Southern Oregon [omission] that Mrs. Griffiths, Mrs. Campbell and Miss Griffin have purchased this store and will continue to make it a favorite shopping place for people of this section. The new owners have all lived in this city for many years and are widely known locally. The active management of the shop will be in the hands of Mrs. Campbell and Zoe Griffin. The former was associated with Mrs. Bates in the Handicraft Shop for four years, followed by a year in Klamath Falls in charge of a store in that city and another year in Eugene engaged in preparatory work for her enterprise here. Zoe Griffin has been actively engaged in business in Medford for several years, and her wide business experience makes her well fitted to assist Mrs. Campbell in the management of the Handicraft Shop. In the Handicraft Shop under new management the same high-class service will be maintained as has been offered in past years. A complete line of stamped [embroidery] goods, novelties and sewing materials will be carried, and special attention will be given to baby accessories. Medford Mail Tribune, December 18, 1927, page 7 |