Medford News: 1912 Medford-related
news items from
1912. Also see
of Medford and
Jackson County
for this year.
The Cascade coal mine east of Medford, Oregon, has been taken over by Messrs. Pierce, Manley and Wallace of Seattle, who will begin extensive operations on same at once. A ten-year purchase option has been taken on the property, $300,000 being the price named in the option. The first work to be undertaken will be the sinking of a 1,000-foot incline shaft. A complete outfit of new machinery will also be installed. "Oregon," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, January 6, 1912, page 6 Medford, Or.: Messrs. Pierce, Manley & Wallace, of Seattle, have purchased the Cascade coal mine, east of Medford, and will sink a 1,000-ft. shaft and install new machinery. The Pacific & Eastern Ry. will probably build a spur track from the main line to the mine. "Mining," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, January 6, 1912, page 24 Rev. Joseph
Sheerin, of Renovo, Pa., arrived in Portland Thursday night, and will
take charge of the Medford Episcopal Church today.
"Busy Year Is Outlined for Y.M.C.A. Youths," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, January 7, 1912, page B6 Medford, Or.: The Christian church here is planning the const. of a church bldg. at a cost of $8,000. Work will be commenced very soon. "Schools and Churches," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, January 13, 1912, page 44 Osgood & Cummings, engineers, Medford, Oregon, are making extensive improvements in their offices on the third floor of the Medford National Bank building. "Greater Northwest," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, January 20, 1912, page 52 Ashland, Or.: E. A. Estes will erect an 8-sto. bungalow on North Main St., work to start early in spring. Price not stated. Medford, Or.: H. E. Gates, owning 13 lots on Rose Ave., will erect a bungalow on each of them, work to start February 1. "Residences," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, January 20, 1912, page 66 Medford, Or.: The California-Oregon Power Co. has been organized to operate here. Capital $10,000,000. "Power and Light," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, January 20, 1912, page 67 Medford, Or.: The Natatorium Co. has been organized to take over old Natatorium bldg. and make it into an opera house at cost of $75,000. "Theaters and Halls," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, January 27, 1912, page 88 Medford, Or., Water Main: The city council has authorized the laying of a 4-inch water main on E. 9th St., from Portland Ave. to city limits. Medford, Or., Improvements: Bids are being recd. by Robt. W. Telfer, recorder, for purchase of 6-percent 10-year imp. bonds to amount of $22,000. Bids opened Feb. 6, 1912. "Municipal," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, January 27, 1912, page 89 Medford, Or.: F. C. Clark, archt., is working on plans for a public market to be erected on South Riverside St. "Public," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, February 3, 1912, page 108 H. H. Howell, recently of Alberta, Canada, has been secured as the new musical director of the Medford, Or. brass band. Mr. Howell is stated to be a composer as well as an excellent band leader. "Music," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, February 18, 1912, page 42 Medford, Oregon
Pavement, 9.17 miles, cost $434,536.23; sewers, $55,377.92; water
mains, $77,399.86; concrete walks, $16,187.15; miscellaneous,
$1,328.21; street lighting, 52 clusters on Main Street. Estimate for
1912: Paving, 50,000 square yards; cement walks, five miles; sewers,
four miles; water mains, three miles; fire department, auto fire
engine, cost $5,500.--O. Arnspiger, city engineer."Engineering Works in 1911," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, February 24, 1912, page 167 Medford, Or.: First M.E. church will erect new edifice in bungalow style, at cor. 3rd and N. Bartlett sts. Est. cost, $12,000, wood or cement blocks. "Schools and Churches," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, February 24, 1912, page 170 Medford, Or.: It is probable the const. of a post office bldg. here will be started this summer. "Public," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, March 16, 1912, page 229 Medford, Or.: The Federal Telegraph Co. has purchased an 11-acre tract near Central Point and will erect two 300-ft. towers and all necessary appliances. "Business," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, March 30, 1912, page 272 Medford, Or., Paving: The city council has decided to pave five streets the coming season. "Municipal," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, March 30, 1912, page 273 Nevertheless, there is a good deal of boosting done for this locality by the Commercial Club and real estate men. All reports of mechanics being wanted here are false, and migrating brothers are warned not to place any credence in them. This place is one of the best places for a person with plenty of money, the climate cannot be beat, but we cannot live solely on the climate; in order to live we must have work and this, let it be said again, is very scarce here at this time. Stay away! "News Notes from Local Unions," The Carpenter, April 1912, page 39 Medford, Or.: The city council has instructed the Recorder to advertise for bids for the const. of a public market bldg. on Riverside. "Business," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, April 13, 1912, page 308 Medford, Or.: Benjamin Collins, Geo. L. Davis and J. T. Gagnon have incorporated the Pine Timber Co. with a capital of $100,000. The company will operate in the neighborhood of Medford. "Lumber and Mills," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, April 13, 1912, page 310 Medford, Or.: S. Childers has been awarded the cont. for the cement and brk. work on the new market bldg. at this pl. "Public," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, April 20, 1912, page 349 Gold Hill, Or.: W. J. Morgan and H. H. McCarthy, of Medford, have been making an investigation regarding the establishment of a $20,000 concentrating plant here. "Mining," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, April 20, 1912, page 351 Medford, Or.: Cont. of the brick and mason work on the new market bldg. has been let to S. Childers. "Business," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, April 27, 1912, page 367 Medford, Or., Knives: Case & Son Cutlery Co. has under consideration the const. of a factory here for the manufacture of pocket knives and razors if arrangements can be made with the city. "Manufacturing," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, May 4, 1912, page 387 Progress of Overland Wireless Telegraphy
The art of wireless telegraphy, which was conceived only a few years
ago, has made remarkable advancement during the past few years. Many of
the new developments, however, have been perfected in private
laboratories and testing stations and have not been disclosed to the
public.Application of the Poulsen Arc System by the New Federal Telegraph Company A. Howard Cox The latest achievement in wireless telegraphy is the successful operation of a system for transmission over land, which meets the wire companies on an equal footing in commercial competition. In the evolution of this system, many obstacles have been surmounted which should be understood to appreciate the transition from the "ship type" of wireless to a successful system competent to meet land competition. The new "arc" system, which the Federal Telegraph Company of San Francisco has developed to a high degree of efficiency, is based on the discovery of the Danish inventor Poulsen. It offers many advantages hitherto unattained by the generally known "spark" systems, using a reasonable amount of power. The new system affords all the best features of a wire system, and many advantages, as follows: The ability to transmit long distances over land and obstacles at all times of day and under all atmospheric conditions. The ability to communicate with any desired station of the system without interference from other stations working simultaneously. The transaction of business at all times without interfering with or being interfered with by boat signals, land stations or United States government business employing other systems of wireless transmission. The secret transmission of messages: These wireless signals are not audible to the ordinary type of wireless receiving apparatus and, even if heard, are unreadable as the signals are sent out inverted--that is, dots are sent as dashes and vice versa, making the message a mere confusion of sounds. Another important feature about the arc system is that the numerous amateur stations cannot interfere, in the least, with their transmission. The new system also allows a number of different messages to be sent or received simultaneously from any station, providing an increase in capacity to meet the demands of growing business. Another feature is rapid mechanical transmission of several messages simultaneously, each at the rate of 200 to 300 words per minute, and recording the messages on a tape at the receiving end. This assures the handling of a large volume of business and press work. The wireless land station has an obvious advantage over the wire lines when overhead wires are considered. The wireless aerials are put up in a most substantial manner to withstand any weather conditions and are under the surveillance of the operator at all times--the upkeep and replacement of poles and the expense of construction and trouble men is eliminated. The delays caused by broken wire circuits are avoided, also of relays necessitated in bridging temporary breaks in the wire circuits. These are some of the salient features of the new wireless system which were required to place wireless telegraphy in a position to compete with the highly developed wire telegraphy. Transmission between boats and shore has no competition except from a wireless source, and the limitations of the original systems were not serious. But, in soliciting land business from the hypercritical business men who demand the quickest service and the greatest accuracy, radical improvements were necessary, and these problems have been met and solved by the new system. The Federal Telegraph Company, with headquarters at San Francisco, has developed, at great expense and through several years of continuous experiment under actual working conditions, a practical wireless system meeting every requirement of the highest class of service. It is a Pacific Coast achievement, and the company is financed by western capital. The chain of stations operating at present extends from Seattle, through Oregon, California, as far south as El Paso, and as far east as Chicago. The company is continually extending its scope and erecting new stations at important points throughout the United States. When it is considered that each station represents an expenditure of between ten and twenty thousand dollars, the magnitude of the undertaking can be appreciated. The Federal Telegraph Company has established better rates than the wire lines, allowing fifteen words for the same amount the wire companies charge for ten words. The new company also meets the regular day and night letter rates for fifty words and makes a special rate on day and night letters of thirty-five words, which is about 10 percent lower than the fifty-word messages. The company builds all its own apparatus and buys all its supplies on this coast. They have purchased a number of electric generators from the Seattle firm of Kilbourne & Clark Manufacturing Company. The Pacific Builder and Engineer has had occasion to use this wireless service and was pleased with the results. It is hoped that a legitimate wireless concern which asks only for commercial business will receive the support of our western business men. Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, May 4, 1912, page 387 Medford, Or., Brick: H. A. Jansen, Chicago, has started work on the bldg. to be occupied by his brick factory. The machinery is on the way and as soon as installed will commence the manufacture of hydraulic brick, bldg. blks., caps, arches, chimneys and fancy designs of all kinds. "Manufacturing," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, May 4, 1912, page 388 Medford, Or.: The county court has ordered the const. of a bridge over Bear Creek at a cost of $40,000. Of this sum the city will pay $13,500 and will make all repairs in the future. The structure will be of steel and conc. const. "Bridges," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, May 11, 1912, page 417 The new auto stage line between Medford and Jacksonville has been abandoned. "News of the Northwest," Statesman Journal, Salem, May 16, 1912, page 4 Arenz & Son, contractors formerly located at North Yakima, have moved to and opened offices at Medford, Oregon. "Business Changes," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, May 25, 1912, page 439 Jacksonville, Or.: The county commrs. will receive bids until June 4 for the const. of a reinf. conc. or steel bridge over Bear Creek in the city of Medford. Plans and spec. on file with the county clerk at the courthouse. "Bridges," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, May 25, 1912, page 450 Rogue River Fruit Promising.
Ore., May 24.--Although the Rogue River Valley fruit crop is not
sufficiently matured to place an estimate definitely, Prof. P. J.
O'Gara believes 800 cars of pears and apples will be shipped from
Jackson County during the season. Of this number 40 percent will be
pears and the balance apples.This estimate does not include apricots, peaches and cherries, and no estimate can be obtained upon these fruits at this time as the orchards that are coming into bearing are not watched as closely as are the orchards of pears and apples. Prof. O'Gara states that in a portion of the valley he has found a good crop prospect, and even the Winter Nelis, which were supposed to to have pollinated enough to secure a full crop, are looking better. The expense of thinning is the greatest one for the orchardists now, and the work will be begun soon. At the present time codling moth is being sprayed for and will be continued for the next two weeks. The Chicago Packer, May 25, 1912, page 14 Medford Votes $20,000 for Bridge.
Or., May 28.--(Special.)--By a vote of 416 to 81 today the city of
Medford decided to bond itself for $20,000 for the purpose of
constructing, with the aid of the county, a bridge over Bear Creek, and
by a vote of 306 to 266 decided to have city notices printed in the
Medford newspapers but once instead of three times.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 30, 1912, page 1 1904: J. W. J. Marion is a physician at 333 S. Orange St., Medford, Ore. 1905: H. C. Egan is manager of the Egan Orchard Co., situated at Medford, Ore. His company owns 115 acres which are devoted to the raising of apples and pears for the fancy market. Other 1905 men at Medford are A. St. V. Carpenter and Whitcomb Field, the latter having only recently purchased a small place of about 20 acres, which has been partly developed. "News from the Classes," The Harvard Graduates' Magazine, June 1912, page 732 and 734 ROGUE FRUIT CROP HEAVY
Valley Promises Largest Yield in Its History. MEDFORD,
Or., May 31.--(Special.)--According to the statistics of Professor
O'Gara and the Southern Pacific railroad, the Rogue River Valley will
have the largest fruit crop in its history in 1912.
The following comparison with 1911 has been compiled: Carloads, 1912--Pears, 150; apples, 450; peaches, 33; small fruits, 65; total, 700. Carloads, 1911--Pears, 117; apples, 81, peaches, 10, small fruits, 3; total 211. The largest previous crop was in 1910 when 534 cars were shipped. But for the cold and rainy weather in April and May it is computed there would have been 800 carloads, the impoverished fertilization and consequent dropping having materially decreased the output. This increase may be largely attributed of course to the increased acreage annually coming into bearing. Morning Oregonian, Portland, June 1, 1912, page 5 NO BLIGHT THIS YEAR.
Ore., May 31.--The Rogue River district this year is practically free
from orchard blights, after a four years' fight by Prof. P. J. O'Gara.
After a vigorous fruit inspection and weeding out of trees infected, a
banner crop for 1912 is expected by orchardists of this section.Rogue River District Made Strong Fight Against Infected Trees. During the winter orchard owners were requested to visit all their trees and weed out the infection before the sap got into the branches and spread the disease when the trees began to bloom. Realizing the importance of such a campaign, all who had signs of blight in the previous years worked strenuously at pruning off infected branches. As a result, not a single case has been reported this year. Rigid laws passed by the County Court empowered the fruit inspectors to order all infected trees cut to the ground. This had its effect the first year, when the orchardists, realizing the importance of keeping their orchards in a clean state, took up the work in earnest. The Chicago Packer, June 1, 1912, page 8 Medford, Or.: The county commrs. will receive bids until June 4, 1912, for the const. of a reinf. conc. or steel bridge over Bear Creek in the city of Medford. Plans and spec. on file with the county clerk at the county courthouse, Jacksonville. "Bridges," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, June 1, 1912, page 472 EXPLOSION KILLS FOUR TWO MORE WILL PROBABLY DIE FROM INJURIES. THREE ARE SERIOUSLY INJURED Jacksonville Quarry Scene of Disaster--Various Theories Given As Cause of Accident--Bodies Thrown Hundreds of Feet. The dead, killed instantly, are: Louis Bogdon, aged 40 years, powderman, blown to shreds. Louis Layovich, helper to Bogdon, crushed and mangled by the force of the explosion. John Simmons, aged 35 years, a resident of Jacksonville, crushed by a huge rock loosened by the force of the explosion. Simmons was working beneath the scene of the explosion. James Ryan, living with his mother in Jacksonville, and her only support, employed as a water boy, at the time making his way to Bogdon and Layovich to give them a drink, killed by flying rocks, died in Sacred Heart hospital half an hour later. The fatally injured, to whom but a slight chance of recovery is given, are: John Sutton, laborer, middle aged, leg broken, many bruises, and suffering from the shock. Emery Vissino, laborer, resident of Jacksonville for a number of years, internal injuries and bruises. The seriously injured, reported out of danger, are: J. Bodovich, Greek laborer, bruises and cuts about chest and limbs. John Zunello, arm broken, cut and bruised. Carl Byrne, head hurt by flying rock. Out of the many theories advanced as to the exact cause of the accident, the most plausible is that it was caused by friction. It is believed that the tamping stick end was covered with sand, and that when Bogdon drove it into the hole, a sandpaper effect followed which ignited the powder, followed by an explosion which hurled three into eternity. A box of powder and dynamite used for "bulldozing" was standing hard by, and to this is attributed the heavy force of the explosion. It was also rumored that the tamping was done with a "spoon rod" used to lift dirt out of the powder hole, but was not confirmed. Foreman Perry of the crew stated that the explosion might have been caused by the use of a rod heated in the sun's rays, but thought that sand on the end of the rod was the most plausible theory. He also stated that as far as he knew no one was smoking cigarettes at the time of the accident. Louis Bogdon, the powder man, according to Perry, had recently sold a mine in Alaska for $13,000, and had handled explosives in many forms for over twenty years. Bogdon was regarded as a careful man. The explosion, which was no different than half a dozen heard in Jacksonville every day, attracted no attention until a messenger ran hurriedly down the principal street spreading the news of the accident. Every man in the quiet town rushed to the scene, and the injured hurried to the Sacred Heart hospital. Women and children gathered, fearful lest their own husbands and fathers were among the dead or maimed. The injured cared for, thought was given to the dead. Lying beneath a manzanita tree, 250 feet above the spot where the explosion occurred, was the torn, mangled form of Bogdon. He had been hurled straight up, and his body in its downward fall had crashed through telephone lines and the limbs of the trees. Bogdon's right arm was found in a rock car the same distance in the opposite direction. Layovich, helper to Bogdon, was hurled three hundred feet through the air and struck a pole. Practically every bone in his body was broken by the force of the concussion. Ryan, the water carrier, lay in the path that leads up to the powder hole. Simmons was found beside a handcar, its heavy iron sides crushed by the explosion. Ashland Tidings, June 10, 1912, page 1 ROGUE RIVER APPLES HELPED
Rainfall Will Increase Crop 100 Cars, Other Fruits in Proportion. MEDFORD,
Or., June 21.--(Special.)--That the rain Thursday will add 100 cars of
apples to the fruit crop of the Rogue River Valley was the statement of
Professor P. J. O'Gara, county pathologist.
"The conditions for apples have been good all season," said the professor, "but this rain has made them ideal. It came at the best possible time and ensures the marketing of practically all the fruit set at the present time. Instead of 450 cars, I make the prediction there will be 550 cars, and with the pears and small fruit, 800 cars will be a conservative estimate for this section. Medford will also ship out hundreds of bushels of potatoes, and the hay crop will be the largest in history. From an agricultural viewpoint conditions never looked brighter in Southern Oregon. Morning Oregonian, Portland, June 21, 1912, page 4 Medford, Or.: The Medford Realty & Imp. Co. has purchased the Highcroft Add. and will build a number of houses costing $5,000 each on the different sites. "Bridges," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, June 22, 1912, page 561 Medford, Or.: The people are beginning to agitate for the const. of a new bridge across the [creek] here to replace the one now in use. "Bridges," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, June 22, 1912, page 563 TOWN GETS DEPOT.
Ashland Tidings, June 27, 1912, page 4Rogue River Will Have New Station in Near Future.
The year 1912 is bringing great changes for Woodville, and at the pace
that this enterprising town is making, it will be well to the front of
the 18 other towns in Rogue River Valley by the close of the year.
Starting out in pioneer days under the classical name of Tailholt,
later to be changed to Woodville, in honor of John Wood, the first
postmaster, and having this spring installed a municipal-owned water
system, put in electric lights, built sidewalks and cleaned the
streets, prohibited hogs and other stock from running on the streets,
and developed from a grove of native oaks and other trees one of the
handsomest parks in the valley, the villagers became so infused with
progressiveness that they changed the name of their own and now call it
Rogue River, and the name has been accepted by the Post Office
Department and by the Southern Pacific railroad.
And now they are to have a new depot, that having been recently promised by the Southern Pacific officials in appreciation of the enterprise of the town and of its imperative need for larger and better transportation facilities. It will be of wood, but will be a handsome structure and large enough to accommodate the growth of traffic for years to come. And it will have the further advantage that it will be located on the same side of the tracks as the town so that people will not be prevented from reaching it when a train is in, as is now the case with the present depot, and it will not block the main street of town, as does the one now in use, but will be placed to one side of the street. It is expected that work on the new depot will be commenced within the next 60 days and that it will be ready for use early this fall. Medford Pastor Ill Here.
J. A. Van Nevel, pastor of the Catholic Church at Medford, is in St.
Vincent's Hospital, suffering from a nervous breakdown, due to
overwork. Father Van Nevel for several years was assistant pastor at
Albany, and is well known in the Willamette Valley. His energetic work
in attending the many small missions that are scattered over Linn
County, and are part of the Albany pastorate, proved a hard strain on
his health. He had been in the Medford hospital several weeks before
coming to Portland.
Sunday Oregonian, July 7, 1912, page 56 Frank A. Torrey, formerly in business in this city, but now located at Eugene, Oregon, is visiting friends here. He reports business lively at Eugene. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 12, 1912, page 2 THIS IS MY 82ND BIRTHDAY
William Sooy Smith. July 22. General William
Sooy Smith, who was General Grant's chief of cavalry in the Vicksburg
campaign, was born in Tarlton, Ohio, July 22nd, 1830, and graduated
from West Point academy in 1863. General Smith served with
distinction during the greater part of the Civil War--until disabled by
illness near the close of the struggle--but his fame rests more upon
his achievements as a civil engineer than his military record. For many
years he was regarded as one of America's foremost civil engineers. He
practiced the profession in Chicago in the '50s and again took it up
after the close of the war. In the construction of the lighthouse at
the western entrance of the Straits of Mackinac. General Smith was the
first engineer in the world to use pneumatic caissons. He built the
first all-steel railway bridge in the world at Glasgow, Mo., and
numerous other bridges by the pneumatic process. By the same means he
completely changed the methods of construction of the heavy buildings
in Chicago and other large cities. Since his retirement from active
service some years ago General Smith has made his home near Medford,
Daily Democrat, Sherman Texas, July 22, 1912, page 4 TRADE BALANCE TURNS
MEDFORD, Or., July
22.--(Special.)--Medford will mark the year 1912 as the first year that
it has started a balance of trade in farm produce in its favor. The
first car of potatoes ever shipped out of the valley was sent this
week, and because of the heavy hay and grain crop many flour and feed
mills which have been closed the past few weeks will open as soon as
the threshing season begins.MEDFORD BECOMES SELLER OF FARM PRODUCTS. Hay, Poultry and Eggs Find Market on Outside--Fruit Crop and Honey Supply Promising. A year ago 163 cars of hay were imported, and eggs were shipped in regularly. For several weeks now eggs have been sent out and none received. Hundreds of tons of alfalfa and grain hay will be sold to outside buyers. The public market recently established is proving a great success. Fruits and vegetables of all kinds, chickens, eggs and other produce are being purchased by local consumers considerably below the market price. The fruit crop will be large and of the highest quality. Three cars of pears have been sold for future delivery through the Northwestern Fruit Exchange of Portland, averaging $2 a box f.o.b. Medford. The picking season for Bartletts will open August 5 to 10, and local ranchers are already scouring the country for help. Although moisture has delayed the honey production somewhat the tonnage will be a record breaker. William Muller, the honey king, reports that shipments will begin next week, and between 30 and 40 tons will be shipped. The increase in local production is attributed largely to the increased use of water, the ranchers having found that irrigation is one of the best investments that can be made, both as an insurance against crop failure and a guarantee of greater production per acre. Morning Oregonian, Portland, July 23, 1912, page 10 TRIP MAY END FATALLY
MEDFORD, Or., Aug.
13.--Rev. John Howard, well known in this city, being a brother of
Horace and S. T. Howard, Jr., and interested in the Medford Furniture
and Hardware business block at Sixth and Central streets, was probably
fatally injured Tuesday morning by being accidentally shot while on a
hunting trip about 20 miles from Glendale.Rev. John Howard, of Medford, Shot While Hunting Near Glendale. Only meager details of the accident have reached Medford, one report stating that doctors had started for the scene of the accident with but little hope of saving Howard's life. He was shot through the body. His brothers, Horace and S. T., Jr., left immediately in an auto for the scene of the accident with a doctor and a trained nurse. Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 14, 1912, page 14 MEDFORD PEARS $2.50 BOX
MEDFORD, Or., Aug.
21.--(Special.)--With six cars of Bartlett pears averaging $1.70 a box
f.o.b. Medford, and another car sold in New York today, averaging $2.50
f.o.b. New York, the ranchers of the Rogue River Valley believe they
are entering upon the most prosperous year in their history. In 1911
$1.50 was the maximum, and many cars sold as low as $1, while there
were practically no apples in the valley.Sale of Fruit at High Prices Means Prosperous Season. This year the pear crop is three times as large as last year, the pears are unusually uniform and large sized, and it is predicted that now the California crop is practically disposed of the Southern Oregon fruit will enter a constantly rising market. The entire output will approximate 150 cars. The apple crop is a record-breaker. The trees are so heavily loaded that scaffolding has to be used throughout the orchards to prevent the limbs from breaking. Where there were less than 100 cars shipped out in 1911 there will be between 500 to 500 in 1912, and the size and color of the fruit will be the finest in the history of the valley. Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 22, 1912, page 1 Officials learned the name of the bandit who held up six mail clerks on the Union Pacific train between here and Kansas City and later was shot and captured. He is Will Lounsberry of Medford, Ore., who was formerly a mail clerk The Ordway New Era, Ordway, Colorado, August 30, 1912 Dr. J. E. Shearer has changed his address from Medford, Oregon to Glendale, Arizona. "News Items," The California Eclectic Medical Journal, September 1912, page 238 MEDFORD GROWS STEADILY
High School Enrollment Doubles in Three Years. MEDFORD,
Or., Sept. 4.--(Special.)--The steady gain of school enrollment in
Medford the last three years demonstrates that Medford's population has
been steadily increasing. The strongest rate of growth has been in the
high school, which has twice as many scholars this year as it had three
years ago. The figures for the high school and the total enrollment are
as follows:
1912 1911 1910 1909
Morning Oregonian, Portland, September 5, 1912, page 6High school . . . . . . . . . 250 205 151 125 Grade schools . . . . . . . 1300 1143 1012 845 Total enrollment . . . 1550 1348 1163 970 ![]() MANUAL ARTS EXHIBIT AT MEDFORD, OREGON.
A number of
excellent pieces of work were shown in the June exhibits of the
departments of manual training and household arts at Medford, Oregon;
W. S. Collins, superintendent. The exhibits were carefully judged and
prizes awarded in various classes of work for the grammar grades and
high school. The accompanying illustrations show portions of the
exhibits, which included the graduating dresses made by the girls of
the senior class, pieces of furniture made for the school, etc. The
shop work is under the supervision of C. W. Frost, and Misses Mabel E.
Mears, Bertha Welch, and Margaret Davidson have charge of the work in
household arts.
"Current Items," Manual Training Magazine, October 1912, page 95 ![]() ANDREW SMITH WILL TRAVEL
Ore., Oct. 18.--According to figures compiled, 224 cars of pears have
been shipped from the valley to date, and with the later varieties it
is estimated that the year's shipment will total at least 250 cars. In
1911, 116 cars were shipped.Pioneer Rogue River Indian Will Trek to Land of His Birth. The Observer
is in receipt of the following communication from a well-known Indian
from the Grand Ronde Reservation, with the request that it be printed.
It will be of interest to many Polk County people:
"Grand Ronde, Ore., Oct. 9, 1912. "Now I will please ask the Polk County Observer, being I am one of the subscribers, to have this piece published, so all my pioneer friends will know. For I am a Rogue River Indian and the only one; only man that is alive of the Rogue River tribes. I was named by Captain Smith, in Rogue River; I was named with his own name at the time of the Rogue River war, and after the war I was brought to the Grand Ronde Reservation. My mother and I sailed from the Rogue River and I am the only child living that was brought on the ship, and that was in 1855. We were brought around to Dayton and through Dayton, and I was carried by my mother in her arms to the reservation. "I am one of the directors of Rogue River school house No. 66, Polk County, Oregon. I shall drive through Dallas the 16th of October, 1912; also go to Salem to catch the train, to visit my old country. I shall go to the Table Rock, where all my chiefs had made our treaty; and my trip may reach as far as Jacksonville, and I shall notify all the persons as I go, and as I return I shall make them a speech in some of the largest towns. I shall also visit the Chemawa Indian school as I return, which I have never visited yet. I think all my people and friends will be glad to see me. I hope this will be satisfactory to the Observer. From "Andrew Smith
Polk County Observer, Monmouth, October 15, 1912, page 1"Grand Ronde. Born in '53." The Chicago Packer, October 19, 1912, page 20 Kirby S. Miller, manager of the Rogue River Fruit and Produce Association, died at his home in Medford Sunday, October 13, of acute dilation of the heart. It is thought Mr. Miller's illness was brought on by overwork and mental strain. About three years ago he became associated with the Rogue River Fruit and Produce Association, acting first as secretary, and during the past two years has been manager. He was an earnest worker, a man of very bright mind and a keen observer. He devoted much time to studying the fruit industry from its different points of view. The amount of knowledge acquired by Mr. Miller about the fruit industry in a very short space of time was strong evidence of his ability. He leaves many friends who will sincerely regret his sudden death and who join us in expressing our sympathy to the surviving widow and children. Better Fruit, November 1912, page 28 R. B. Dow. deputy sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon, and J. C. Hall and J. E. Barkdull, Oregon capitalists, all of Medford, were in Chico yesterday visiting old Medford residents, among whom were L. D. Harris, the fruit-grower, and Bert Miller of the Diamond. They stopped off here on their way to Sacramento, where they will attend the big goose stew tomorrow. They are all Oregon boosters. "Personal Mention," Chico Record, Chico, California, November 23, 1912, page 8 John H. Carkin, Jackson--Born at Bangor, Me. in 1883, of Irish-Puritan stock. Came west with parents in childhood, settling on a farm in the then Territory of Dakota. Worked on a farm summers, attending district school winters. Earned his way through the universities of Minnesota and North Dakota by farming and newspaper work. Studied law in North Dakota Law School. Admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of that state. Came to Jackson County in 1907, locating at Medford. Ranch owner and senior member law firm Carkin & Taylor. Prominent in Commercial Club, Fair Association and other civic organizations. Rev. J. K. Howard, Douglas--Is a native Tennesseean, but reared in Texas; a college and seminary man. After completing his education, served as pastor of Presbyterian churches in both Texas and Tennessee. Came to the Pacific Northwest in the spring of 1905 and, after a short residence in Washington, located in Southern Oregon, where he has since resided. Rev. Mr. Howard at the present time is pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Glendale. He is also vice-president of the Glendale State Bank and, with his brothers, is interested in the furniture and hardware business at Medford. Clarence L. Reames, Jackson and Douglas--First Democrat to be elected from the Ninth District; native son of Jacksonville, Or., and has resided in Jackson County all his life. For the last 12 years he has practiced law in Jacksonville and Medford; served for seven years as Assistant District Attorney for the First District. Mr. Reames made speeches all over the district, advocating equal suffrage, and was elected by a majority of 1380. Being a former student of the University of Oregon, he may be expected to support that institution loyally during the session. He is an ardent supporter of good roads. Considering the large majority that he received in such a heavy Republican district, he will probably be the choice of the minority in the lower house for Speaker. "Young Men Will Predominate in Next Oregon House," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, November 24, 1912, page 46 PIONEER OF 1852 DIES AT SON'S HOME
Medford Mail Tribune, December 2, 1912, page 6
Solomon Rader, who crossed the plains with an ox team to Jacksonville
in 1852, died at the home of his son, M. A. Rader, in this city early
Monday at the age of 85 years, 1 month and 23 days. Until recently he
made his home at Walla Walla, Wn., coming here to visit his son a month
Mr. Rader's life history is filled with early-day traditions. He took a part in Indian wars and was actively identified with the troublous times when the great West was being settled and subdued. Mr. Rader was born in Rush County, Indiana, Oct. 9, 1827. He crossed the plains in 1850-51, arriving at Jacksonville in 1852. He was in the government service in the Rogue River Indian war of 1853 and the Modoc war of 1856. He returned to his native state in 1859 and made Indiana his home until 1901, when he located at Walla Walla, Wn. Mr. Rader came to Medford Nov. 13 to visit his son, M. A. Rader, and other relatives and friends. He was stricken with paralysis Nov. 21 which resulted in his death today. He leaves a wife and two sons, M. A. of Medford and C. M. of Walla Walla, besides several brothers and sisters. He was a devout Christian, a member of the Baptist Church. The funeral will be held at Walla Walla. M. A. Rader will leave this evening with the remains. ![]() Overland Monthly, December 1912, page xxi
Medford in 1912 experienced no extremes of prosperity or stagnation,
but the twelve months that ended last night served to clear the
atmosphere and give great promise for 1913. Nineteen-twelve was a year
in this town that went "the even tenor of its way," ironing out the
defects of the "boom" and clearing the way for new development.
Providence was kind. There came nothing that left general sorrow or
devastation that paralyzed. But through the months there was a steady,
even growth.
Politically, Medford received its share. Her candidates occupy the office of county judge, the most important, with a policy of progressiveness in view, sheriff and prosecutor. Another victory for the forward movement was the decision of the supreme court upholding the contention of the city in the Bear Creek bridge suit. Though a quiet year, building operations for 1913 open with great prospects. There is the construction of a new theater by Dr. F. C. Page and building of the Elks Club, now in the formative stage. There is also to be noted the completion of the Nash Livery building and the beginning of construction of a one-story business block on Grape, near Sixth Street. There were also many new homes built throughout the city. The biggest realty deal of the year was the purchase of the Davis tract for $317,700 by the F. P. Minney Realty Company of Oakland. The closing months of the year, with the election by, brought out promise of railroad activity, capped on the last day by the application of the F. P. Minney Company for a franchise for an interurban line. Other developments on this line were the option secured by Portland parties on the Barnum road, the incorporation of the Medford-Crescent City line, and the laying of the surveys, and the announced intention of the Hill lines to connect with the Pacific & Eastern. The new year promises to see important action in these branches and the probable construction of a line to the Blue Ledge mine. The fruit crops for the year were larger than in 1911, 1000 cars of apples, pears and other fruit and produce being shipped out, putting the balance of trade for once in favor of Medford. The most serious setback to the orchardist was a heavy windstorm in September, an unusual weather condition, that caused much damage by causing apples and pears to fall from the trees. The star of promise for the fruitgrower is the installation of a fruit cannery now under consideration by the Commercial Club and Merchants' Association. In public improvements the largest were the completion and operation of the public market, the building of the Bear Creek bridge and the paving and grading of streets in the residence district. This year will also, if all goes well, see the construction started on a new federal building. Two new rural routes were opened during the year, and the parcel post becomes effective today. The year also witnessed the opening of the Carnegie Library. The public schools showed a substantial increase over the previous year. A fire auto was added to the fire department. There was only one crime of any consequence during the year. That was the brutal murder of George Dedaskalous, a Greek, by Mike Spanos and Frank Seymour, both convicted, and now awaiting the penalty at Salem. There was one suicide and no accident of any consequence. Two high school boys on hunting trips shot themselves and both recovered. The most serious fire was the destruction of the Medford Theater, a landmark, at a $5000 loss, which brought regret to the amusement-loving people. Howard Bros.' fruit-packing plant was burned twice at an aggregate loss of $10,000. Another crime above the average was the robbing of the post office December 27, with a small loss. In a business way, the important [omission] was the change in the ownership of the Medford Hotel, the purchase of the Big Pines Lumber Company by California and Portland lumbermen and the consolidation of the Home Telephone with the Pacific. Another advance was the installation of the Western Union relay station at this point. There is no complaint to make for what the past gave, and Medford enters today with rosy hopes for the future, financially, commercially, morally, socially and spiritually, with everybody happy, as prosperous as the next one and ready and anxious to boost as never before. Medford Sun, January 1, 1913, page 1 |