News: 1910 Medford-related
news items from
1910. Also see
of Medford and
Jackson County
for this year.
J. Hesse
Henselman, wife and son Reddy, also E. S. Henselman, all of Portland,
Oregon, are spending the New Year holidays with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John H. Henselman.
In the real estate transfers of last week it was reported that the Mitchell-Boeck orchard was sold to a Mrs. Joy, when in reality it was sold to Herman C. Joy of Colorado Springs, Colorado. The deal was closed by the realty firm of Cusick & Myers. P. S. Boyd, of Jerome, Arizona, arrived in Medford Friday evening, and so impressed is he with the city's future that he has already secured a location and will conduct a photo enlarging, framing and art goods store in the Page building on East Main Street. The ladies of the First Methodist Episcopal Church will receive at the home of Mrs. C. H. Corey, 325 East Jackson Street, Tuesday afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock. Refreshments will be served and a program rendered. An offering of 25 cents will be taken. The blacksmithing firm of Merriman & Elliott has been dissolved. Mr. Merriman, who is the pioneer blacksmith of Medford, will continue to conduct the business. Clarence H. Snyder of the Snyder Motor Car Company spent Friday in Grants Pass on business. H. C. Stone, formerly a resident of Medford, but now located at Eugene, spent New Year's in renewing old acquaintances. "Big Frank," superintendent of construction on the Pacific & Eastern Railroad, spent New Year's in Medford. He reports great progress being made along construction lines on the road. He now has 150 men on his payroll. "Social and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1910, page 5 Arnspiger-McKinney.
A pretty wedding was celebrated at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry N. McKinney, near Baker City, Wednesday,
when their daughter, Helen Jeanette, was married to Olen Arnspiger, of
Medford. The bride is a graduate of the University of Oregon, where she
was a member of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority. Since leaving college she
has been teaching in the public schools of Baker City. Mr. Arnspiger is
also a graduate of the University of Oregon. He is now City Engineer of
Medford, where he and his bride will make their home."Weddings," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, January 2, 1910, page 26 Indian Fighter Dies.
J. E. Gaunyaw, one of the pioneers of Oregon, and one of the few
surviving Indian fighters of the Rogue River war of 1851-4, died at his
residence on North C Street at 11:30 Thursday evening, aged 74 years, 7
months and 14 days.Mr. Gaunyaw came to Southern Oregon from New York, where he was born, in 1850, just about the time of the outbreak of the Rogue River Indians, and enlisted in Captain Goodall's company, fighting throughout the war. He was in most of the prominent battles of the war, and was honorably discharged at its close. He was one of the last, if not the last, survivor of the battle of Table Rock. Afterward Mr. Gaunyaw engaged in mining at different points on the coast, returning to Medford some 10 years ago, with his family, where he has since resided. December 24 he was stricken with bronchial pneumonia, which resulted fatally last evening. He leaves two [sons], Guy and Ray, and two daughters, Emma and Ella, the former an invalid, his wife having passed away some five years ago.--Medford Mail Tribune. Oregon Statesman, Salem, January 20, 1910, page 2 DESCENDANT OF ALDEN DIES
Mrs. Mary V. Moore Expires at the Age of 54 Years. Special Telegram to The Express.
GUADALAJARA, Mexico, Jan. 24.--Mrs. Mary V. Moore, a direct descendant of John Alden and Betsy Ross, two prominent figures in American history, died a few days ago in Ameco, this state. Mrs. Moore had been making her home with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reedy, in the Mascota district of Jalisco. Mr. Reedy was, until recently, superintendent for the Lawson Mexican Development Company. Mrs. Moore's maiden name was Ross, and her mother was Sarah S. Alden. She was born at Binghamton, N.Y., March 4, 1856. She was the widow of Harvey Moore of Medford, Ore. Walter S. Moore of Grants Pass, Ore. and Mrs. Reedy are the only children. Daily Express, San Antonio, Texas, January 25, 1910, page 9 An engagement announced recently was that of Ernest Guthrie, who formerly lived in Portland, to Miss Dorothy Lee Spencer, from Vancouver, B.C. For some years past Mr. Guthrie has lived at Medford, Or., where he has an apple orchard. He is a relative of Alexander Guthrie, of Liverpool, England, of the firm of Balfour, Guthrie & Co., and a cousin of W. J. Burns. "Society," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, February 13, 1910, page C12 HALLEY PLANS TO BUILD NEW FRONT
W. H. Meeker & Company Are to Occupy Quarters in the Halley Block, on South Central Avenue.
W. H. Halley has let the contract for putting in plate glass fronts
with marble base in his two store rooms just north of the Mail Tribune office.
The corner room, No. 22 South Central Avenue, will be occupied about April 1st by W. H. Meeker & Co., who will be compelled to move from their present location at that time to make room for Charles Strang, who owns the property, and is himself looking for a location, owing to the recent sale of his present quarters to Nichols & Ashpole, who wish to establish their meat market there. Incidentally Nichols & Ashpole must move from their present location because the Medford National Bank wishes to extend its building to the alley between Main and Sixth streets. It's a kind of merry-go-round for the above-mentioned firms. Mr. Halley intends making extensive improvements in his building this year, and make it an up-to-date business block. E. A. Hefler is also improving the building which houses the Mission Cafe by adding a kitchen, work upon which began Thursday. Medford Mail Tribune, February 25, 1910, page 2 A BEAUTIFUL BOOK
Whether you are interested in fruit culture and its possibilities or
not, if you are anything of a lover of the beautiful, write to E. F.
Massam, Medford, Oregon, for an illustrated booklet on Medford, Oregon
and information regarding the wonderful resources of the Rogue River
Valley in Southern Oregon. If the beautifully illustrated prospectus
received by us is any criterion of the townsfolk of Medford, or of the
resources of the Rogue River Valley, then that is the only place
to live on earth.
Boundary Creek Times, Greenwood, British Columbia, February 25, 1910, page 3 Ed. Massam, one of the promoters of the Boundary Falls smelter, is now located at Medford, Ore., and is a member of the Rogue River Orchard Land Co. "Town Topics," Boundary Creek Times, Greenwood, British Columbia, February 25, 1910, page 4 W. H. Rardon has opened a bakery and confectionery on the southeast corner of Main and Grape streets in Medford. The place, which was formerly occupied by A. H. Lewis, has been remodeled throughout, and a brick addition containing a large oven has been built in the rear. It is the aim of the proprietor to furnish the public with the very best of bread, cakes and pastry as well as everything in the confectionery line. ----
A. Conro Fiero and Mrs. George Harvey have purchased
twenty-three acres on Medford Heights adjoining the city from C. H.
Pierce, paying therefor $4600. It is the intention of the new owners to
cut it up in suitable tracts and place it on the market with the view
of making the Heights one of the choice residence districts of Medford.----
Ten years ago J. F. Ritter opened
a cigar and confectionery store in Medford. The town was small then,
but he done a thriving business from the start, which increased with
the growth of the town.Two years ago Owen Dunlap bought a half interest in the business, and today the firm of Ritter & Dunlap has a large store, elegantly furnished, carrying a complete stock of cigars, tobacco and confectionery. In the rear of the store a parlor is fitted with tables and easy chairs where ices, ice cream and soft drinks are served. The firm has made a host of friends in and outside of Medford and cater only to the best trade. The Rogue, March 1910 ![]() A McKeen car at the Talent depot circa 1910. NEW MOTOR CAR SERVICE
S.P. to Inaugurate It Between Ashland and Grants Pass Shortly The
long talked-of gasoline motor car service by the Southern Pacific
through the Rogue River Valley will soon be a reality, according to
present prospects, for one of these cars reached Roseburg last night
from the north and is journeying southward toward Ashland today under
its own motive power. Official notice of the service has not yet
reached the officials of the company at Ashland, but it is commonly
understood that a three- or four-times-a-day service between Ashland
and Grants Pass will be inaugurated on or before the first of April.
The car is quite a formidable affair, and it is through can make the
run to Grants Pass, 40 miles, in an hour. It will have accommodations
for 36 passengers or more. This car has been in service recently on one
of the branch lines out of Portland and is said to have been doing good
service. It is announced that two men, a motorman and a conductor, will
comprise the "train" crew for its operation, but some of the local
railroad men think that three or perhaps four men will be required for
handling the run.
Ashland Tidings, March 24, 1910, page 1 This run was served by a McKeen car. Gas Wanted at Medford
held a special election Monday, and by a vote of 112 ayes to 4 notes,
authorized the council to grant a gas franchise for a period of thirty
years. At the present time there is a proposition before the city
council of our neighboring city from E. C. Anderson of Pasadena,
Calif., who some time ago applied for a franchise for the installation
of a gas plant. While the election Monday does not grant any rights to
Anderson, it is probable that the council will give him the franchise
as asked for, in which event he says he will soon begin the
construction of the plant.
Ashland Tidings, March 24, 1910, page 1 Educator Ill, Hearing Delayed.
Or., March 28.--(Special.)--Owing to the illness of Professor U. G.
Smith, of the Medford High School, he was unable to appear before the
grand jury to prefer charges against the students who are accused of
defacing the high school buildings and destroying report cards Friday
night. The boys are from some of Medford's most prominent families.
They will probably be called before the grand jury at the end of the
Morning Oregonian, Portland, March 29, 1910, page 6 Oliver to Have Tabernacle.
Or., April 3.--(Special.)--A tabernacle that will seat 1200 people is
being built in Medford to be used by evangelist Oliver, who will be
here to begin a six-weeks' revival on April 24.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 4, 1910, page 9 IS ENTHUSIASTIC OVER FRUIT LANDS
"I always thought the Garden of the Gods
was in Colorado until I wandered into the Rogue River fruit country,"
said John V. Palmer, who is in the city closing up some business
affairs. Mr. Palmer has just returned from the Rogue River country,
where he has become financially interested in fruit lands.John V. Palmer Here from Rogue River Valley Where He Is Financially Interested in Orchards Having disposed of his Coeur d'Alene claim drawn in the recent government land lottery, Mr. Palmer became interested in the Rogue River property through his brother D. H. Palmer, who owns one of the most prosperous fruit orchards in that wealthy district. The La Crosse ex-liveryman's interest is well shown by an account of his new enterprise given in the Medford Mail Tribune, which gives the following heading to a story on that subject: "Arrives in Medford at 10:30 a.m.; Buys Orchard at 4:00 p.m." The orchard referred to was a ten-acre plot of four-year-old trees bought by Mr. Palmer individually for $6,000. Later he associated himself with his brother in the purchase of twenty acres of two-year-olds and twenty acres of six-year-olds, the total investment reaching $22,000. The latter tract is already a bearing orchard. No apples are raised in these fruit orchards, the product being pears, prunes, cherries, grapes and English walnuts. Their fertility is well shown in a handsomely illustrated booklet which Mr. Palmer brought with him, in which one photograph shows workmen trimming the fruit trees to limit the crop, the weight of which would otherwise wreck them, and workmen busy placing props under the branches to prevent them from destruction by the heft of the fruit. Mr. Palmer will remain here for a few days adjusting his local business affairs, after which he will return to make his residence in the West. Many La Crosse people will be interested in the news conveyed by Mr. Palmer that the Pate Davidson boys, sons of a family once well known in the lumber business here, but who later failed, are the owners of fruit lands in the Rogue River Valley for which they have refused $125,000. Mr. Palmer is in fine fettle, as he would say of his horses, and appears to have benefited immensely by his western trip. La Crosse Tribune, La Crosse, Wisconsin, April 8, 1910, page 8 Jacksonville-Medford Macadam
The county court has ordered that a 14-foot macadam road be constructed
between Medford and Jacksonville, and that the work start at once. The
foundation of the road is to be of coarse-crushed rock, rolled, and the
top dressing of finer rock well dampened and solidly rolled.
The court also decided to build a bridge across Bear Creek at Phoenix and have asked for plans and specifications from the Columbia Bridge Company, which company constructed the Woodville bridge. The plans will be considered at the May term and bids advertised for thereafter. Ashland Tidings, April 11, 1910, page 5 Bumper Fruit Crop Predicted.
Or., April 13.--(Special.)--Professor O'Gara predicts that the fruit
crop this year will be the largest in the history of Rogue River
Valley. The weather conditions this spring have been most favorable,
and the danger from frost is practically past. All the orchards are in
splendid condition, being as free from pests and disease as it is
possible for them to be.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 14, 1910, page 6 JEALOUSY THOUGHT CAUSE OF CRIME
JACKSONVILLE, Ore., May 23.--That love for a woman may have been the
cause of the death of Jesse Thrasher, the Jacksonville boy, who was
found dead in his bunk at Ayers Spur on May 3, is the clue on which the
authorities are now working.Mystery of Death of Oregon Man Deepens--Suspect May Prove Alibi Mabel Putnam, believed by the authorities to be "the woman in the case," disappeared with her father and mother from the lumber camp three days after the tragedy became known. Edward Davidson, known to have been a rival of the dead youth for the love of Mabel Putnam, was taken into custody by the authorities, pending an investigation into the circumstances of Thrasher's death. Thrasher's skull was crushed by a heavy oak club. Davidson had been instrumental in securing the arrest of a gang of Greek section hands on a charge of murdering Thrasher, but there was no evidence on which to hold the Greeks, and they were released. A reward of $750 has been offered for the arrest and conviction of the slayer of young Thrasher. The county authorities have offered $250, the mill company for which Thrasher worked $250, and the parents of the dead boy $250. The Newport Miner, Newport, Washington, May 26, 1910, page 6 Medford Limits Extended.
Or., May. 25.--(Special.)--By the overwhelming vote of 78 to 1, the
City of Medford voted in a tract of land 60 acres in extent, southwest
of the present boundary line of the city, as a part of the city. The
election took place last Tuesday..
Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 27, 1910, page 6 JACOBS HAD GOOD RECORD IN OREGON
Riverside Enterprise, Riverside, California, May 28, 1910, page 5 The following was taken from the Valley Record, Ashland, Ore., of the 18th inst:
"The newspapers of Riverside County, Cal., announce that N. A. Jacobs is a candidate for the nomination for county clerk at the forthcoming primaries. Mr. Jacobs is at present and for some years has been holding an important position as city clerk at Riverside. Newt was county clerk of Jackson County from 1894 to 1896 and also held other clerical positions as well as the office of county superintendent of schools. As county clerk he made a great record for himself as one of the most efficient and obliging men ever in the position, and during his term of office also experted the county books without charge to the county. The books had not been experted since then until the work completed a few months ago by expert Wilson, who went back as far as the experting brought about by Mr. Jacobs. His old friends in Jackson County can consciously boost for him and the people of Riverside County will find him an official that will do his duty ably and well." Leave for Oregon.
Mrs. J. M. Gurley and children will leave today for their new home in
Medford, Oregon. Miss Niata Gurley will remain here and Miss Flossie
Gurley will return here July 1st, and both will be here in their
accustomed places in the post office.
Greenville Morning Herald, Texas, June 19, 1910, page 4 NEWS OF O. E. TACKSTROM
Word has been received from O. E. Tackstrom, formerly of the firm of
Thornton & Tackstrom, of this city, to the effect that he has
purchased Montgomery's dry goods emporium at Medford, Ore. Mrs.
McDonald, sister-in-law to Mr. Tackstrom, will assist him in his new
enterprise. She comes from one of the largest stores in Oakland, Cal.
Mr. Tackstrom visited many places in the Puget Sound country and Oregon
before he finally selected Medford as the most suitable place for him
to locate.Alaska Citizen, Fairbanks, Alaska, June 25, 1910 Mrs. L. P. Black of Fort Worth, who for the past week has been the guest of Mrs. Charles Hague while visiting friends at her former home in Taylor, left Saturday for Houston, where she will visit Mrs. James G. Blaine and other friends in the Bayou City prior to her return to Fort Worth, from whence she will soon depart for her new home in Medford, Ore., where Dr. Black has located for the practice of his profession. "Summer Resort News: Taylor," Daily Express, San Antonio, Texas, July 17, 1910, page 32 GEORGE F. CARPENTER, a publisher of Chicago, is at the Palace with Mrs. Carpenter. Carpenter recently purchased a farm at Medford, Ore., and will make his future home on the Pacific coast. "Persons in the News," San Francisco Call, July 22, 1910, page 6 MEDFORD'S NEW DAILY.
other one thing bespeaks the growth and prosperity of a community as
does the patronage and success of its newspapers. By these signs is a
town judged, and in this respect there is nothing wanting in Medford.
With a few exceptions, our citizens are a live bunch and being that,
they, as no "slow" citizens can, recognize the necessity for
publicity--publicity gained by a legitimate plan.
The first question a prospective locator asks is "how many banks and how many newspapers and are the latter well supported?" The first impression gained of a town is that induced by a perusal of the requested "copies of your city papers." Should these "open windows" of a city appear attractively prosperous? The answer is obvious. Citizens should therefore on their part demand that the papers representing them should be creditable ones in paper, type, proofreading and editorially. On this part, too, they should prepare attractive announcements, thus enabling the publisher to do his best. And this brings us to the new daily that let its light shine in Medford for the first time Tuesday morning of this week. That there was an insistent demand in Medford for a modern, fearless modern daily we personally know; that the Medford Sun will fill the requirements for this sort of a publication, we hope and believe is true; while any new venture is handicapped with unforeseen interferences, this is especially likely to be in spite of innumerable mishaps and the case in the newspaper world, yet drawbacks [sic], the new Medford Sun is a credit to our city and gives promise of making itself invaluable to this community. And so we bid it welcome. Medford Saturday Review, July 23, 1910, page 10 The Saturday Review, of Medford, has courteously loaned us the cut of the colored Bartlett pear appearing in Better Fruit. M. E. Worrell, the editor and publisher, has been in the publishing business for thirty years, the last seven years in Oregon. The first publication he started in Oregon was the Board of Trade Journal, in the city of Portland, being the official organ of the Board of Trade for five years. Afterwards he moved to Medford and started the Saturday Review, a publication of local and department news of the great Rogue River Valley. It is the only weekly paper published outside of Portland that is printed on book paper and carries more inches of advertising than any paper in Southern Oregon, if not in the state, and is graded in a class by itself. Better Fruit recommends the Saturday Review to all residing in the Rogue River Valley, and interested in the same. Price $1.50 per year. Better Fruit, August 1910, page 26 Portland Man Buys at Medford.
Or., Aug. 10.--(Special.)--Dr. B. E. Wright, of Portland, purchased
today from John M. Root and D. H. Palmer eight and one-half acres near
the limits of town, paying therefor $5000 cash. The land is unimproved.
Dr. Wright is heavily interested in Hood River and made this investment
as the result of an automobile trip to Crater Lake a few weeks ago.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 11, 1910, page 5 Medford Fruit Land Brings $20,000.
Or., Aug. 11.--(Special.)--F. E. Wells, of Minneapolis, today purchased
from J. A. Perry 20 acres of fruit land on the Jacksonville town road
two miles west of town. The price paid for the land was $20,000. The
land is partly planted to apple and pear trees. The new owner will
improve the place and live on it and will commence operations
immediately in building a bungalow which will be equipped with a water
system, electric lights and other urban conveniences..
Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 12, 1910, page 3 ASHLAND FRUIT LAND SOLD.
ASHLAND (Ore.), Sept. 1.--One sale of the Waite holdings of 8000 acres
near this city to the Ashland Suburban Orchards syndicate for the
consideration of over $4000,000 was announced today. This is the
largest real estate transaction in the history of Jackson County.Chicago and Portland Capitalists Pay $400,000 for Tract. The land is on the north slope of Bear Creek valley, and the Waite interests have had a corps of engineers in the field for some time surveying an irrigation project for this property with the intention of subdividing and selling it in small tracts. The Ashland Suburban Orchards syndicate is a company of Chicago and Portland capitalists headed by J. N. A. Spence of Chicago. The syndicate will carry out the irrigation project and subdivide the tract in ten- and twenty-acre lots and sell them to orchardists. This transaction is of great importance to Ashland and Jackson County, and has given much encouragement to all classes. The syndicate is reported to have abundance of capital to carry on its plans of irrigation and colonization. The success of this enterprise means that other large tracts of land in this county will be subdivided. Sacramento Daily Union, September 2, 1910, page 9 Rogue River Water Inquiry On.
SALEM, Or., Sept. 2.--(Special.)--James T. Chinnock left today for Rogue
River, where he will meet with H. L. Holgate, Superintendent of Water
Division No. 1. Mr. Chinnock is secretary of the Board of Control. These
two officials will immediately start securing the names and addresses
of all the claimants to water rights on the Rogue River and its
tributaries above the mouth of the Illinois River. This will be the
last step prior to adjudication of water rights by the Board of
Control, which adjudication is expected early in November.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, September 3, 1910, page 6 DROUGHT ENDS IN SOUTH
Rogue River Valley Has First Rainfall in Five Months. MEDFORD,
Or., Sept. 12.--(Special.)--The first rain in five months is falling in
Southern Oregon tonight. The rain will be a great blessing to the Rogue
River Valley, as it will clear the atmosphere of smoke, put out the
forest fires and increase the size of late apples. There has been no
real rain in Medford since the first of May.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, September 13, 1910, page 6 RELIC OF FORMER DAYS.
Old Distillery Building Gone Dry and Being Razed.
The big distillery building that for years has stood unused at the
north end of Medford, a memento of the early efforts to secure
factories and a payroll, for it was the first industrial establishment
erected in the then village of 500 people [It wasn't the first; it was built when Medford was seven years old.],
has been razed, and the machinery and lumber is being hauled away and
put to other uses. This distillery was erected in 1891 at a cost of
about $20,000. It had a fine equipment and a capacity of 25 barrels of
whiskey a day. Corn and wheat, then raised in large quantities in Rogue
River Valley, were used in the manufacture of liquor. A large business
was done for several years, but the inauguration of the fruit industry
and the consequent decadence of grain raising cut off the supply of raw
material and the distillery was forced out of business, for the fruit
brought fancy prices and could not be made profitably into alcohol.
Medford also had a brewery, but that too closed for the lack of grain.
There is now no brewery or distillery in operation in all Southern
Oregon. In pioneer mining days, when Jacksonville was the metropolis of
all Southern Oregon and Northern California, the then-bustling little
city had two breweries and one large distillery. Of the distillery,
which stood on Jackson Creek in the northeast part of town, nothing
remains, for it ceased operations in the early '80s and the building
was torn down about 25 years ago. The two breweries went out of
business soon after the distillery closed and a few years afterward
were dismantled and the equipment shipped away, but the buildings still
stand and are used for other purposes.
Ashland Tidings, September 15, 1910, page 6 GERMAN FAMILIES COMING
Medford Man Will Divide Farm to Suit Tastes of Settlers. MEDFORD,
Or., Sept. 18.--(Special.)--H. A. Vogel, on Saturday, bought the C. W.
McClendon farm in Sams Valley, 20 miles from Medford, for $50,000. The
farm contains 604 acres of land.
Mr. Vogel intends to subdivide the property and improve each division to suit tastes of German families from Iowa, his home state, who are planning to move to Oregon in search of a milder climate. Morning Oregonian, Portland, September 19, 1910, page 2 Vancouver is Marriage Mart.
Wash., Sept. 27.--(Special.)--John Edward Lang and Hattie May Plymale
were married here today. They live in Portland.
Oregonian, Portland, September 28, 1910, page 1 In the fall of 1910 Mr. [Harry J.] Neely and associates purchased the famous Burrell orchard at Medford, Oregon, comprising six hundred and five acres, nearly all of which is in bearing. He went to Chicago and sold the greater part of this to a wealthy class, at prices ranging from one thousand to twenty-three hundred dollars an acre. "Harry J. Neely," History of the City of Spokane and Spokane County, Washington, vol. 3, 1912, page 310 LETTER FROM FORMER COLUSAN
A letter was received from Harry H. Smith, formerly Deputy Clerk of
Colusa County, to the effect that he has left San Francisco, where he
has been residing for the past ten years, and taken up his residence in
Central Point, Oregon.Since September first he has been connected with the Rogue River Valley Hardware Company at that place. Colusa Daily Sun, Colusa, California, October 14, 1910, page 1 Medford's Value Doubles.
Or., Oct. 18.--(Special.)--The assessed valuation of Medford this year
is $5,787,112, according to Assessor Grieve's rolls. These figures do
not include the railroad valuations. Last year the valuation was
$2,407,394, so that the assessed valuation of Medford has more than
doubled in the past year. Ashland is assessed at $2,717,438; Gold Hill,
$138,610, and Central Point, $345,995. All these towns show an increase
over last year's valuation.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, October 19, 1910, page 6 Medford Workers Organize.
Or., Dec. 29.--(Special.)--The Central Labor Council of Medford has
received its charter from the American Federation of Labor. Printers,
painters, barbers, electrical workers, granite cutters, bricklayers,
carpenters and joiners, machinists, and cooks, waiters and waitresses
are represented. Musicians expect to organize soon.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, December 30, 1910, page 14 Jap Saves Laundry.
Nov. 7.--(Special.)--The prompt action of a Japanese porter saved the
Medford laundry from destruction by fire yesterday morning. One of the
girls in the laundry had gone home leaving the current on in an
electric iron. During the night the heat of the iron set fire to the
table and some linen piled nearby. The Jap, passing on his way to work,
shortly after midnight, turned in an alarm. The fire company, after a
stubborn fight, extinguished the flames. Considerable damage was done
to the floor and woodwork of the room.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, November 8, 1910, page 2 PIONEER ANSWERS LAST CALL
William Sutherland,
for many years a resident of southern Humboldt County, passed away at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. M. D. Hansen, in Ferndale yesterday
shortly before noon. His death was due to the infirmities that come
with old age. With the exception of one son all his children were with
him at the time of his death.William Sutherland was born at Hopewell, Nova Scotia, March 13, 1827, and came to the United States in 1852. In 1854 he crossed the plains and settled in Jackson County, Oregon, where he remained until 1876. He participated in the Indian wars of 1855 and 1856. From Southern Oregon Mr. Sutherland came to Humboldt County, making his home at Ferndale for two years,after which he moved to Alton, where he resided for 14 years. He later returned to Ferndale to reside with his daughter. His wife passed away September 19, 1898. There are left six children: Robt., of Raymond, Washington; Jas. A., of Eureka; Wm. C., of Yager; Mrs. Etta Skinner, of Shively; Mrs. Ida Hughes of Sacramento, and Mrs. Margaret Hanson of Ferndale. All were with the aged father at the last with the exception of Robert Sutherland of Washington. Humboldt Times, Eureka, California, November 15, 1910, page 3 Buy a Sunset magazine at Mahaffa's, read the article on Medford, Oregon. Then talk to White & Soper about it and see the apples grown there. Kings and queens pay 25 cents apiece for them. "News and Comments," Beloit Daily Call, Beloit, Kansas, November 17, 1910, page 1 Mrs. Herbert Johnson, after a short visit to her sister, Mrs. W. G. Owsley, left Tuesday for Medford, Oregon, to join her husband, at which place they will reside in the future. "Locals and Personals," Aspermont Star, Aspermont, Texas, November 18, 1910, page 5 Mr. and Mrs. Dean, formerly of Port Orford, but more recently from Eureka, spent several days in town not being able to travel on account of the recent storm. Mr. Dean was formerly sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon, for several years. Del Norte Record, Crescent City, November 26, 1910, page 3 OUR MAN
Advertisement, Chicago Tribune, November 26, 1910, page 22From the Medford, Oregon District of the Famous ROGUE RIVER VALLEY IS HERE
He has come to see you and tell you all about our Irrigated Orchard
Tracts, which are located right in the center of the district, with
splendid railroad facilities.
Orchard Tracts with perpetual water right are sold on Monthly Payments,
ranging in prices from $200 per acre for undeveloped land to $600 per
acre for planted orchards where the company cares for them covering a
period of five years.----
If you cannot buy your orchard now, buy your land and we will plant
your orchard later. We will sell you five acres for $50 cash and on
payments of $15 per month. No reliable company in any of the proven
orchard districts is offering irrigated orchard land at such low prices
and on terms so favorable. Ask our man to prove this and ask him for
our bank endorsements.----
Travelers say that the Rogue River Valley in Southern Oregon has the
most delightful climate in the country, and government experts say that
it is the most perfect fruit belt in the world.----
Our Sales Agent, MR. JOHN S. MANLEY, is now at the offices of A. W.
SMITH LAND CO., 1533 First National Bank Bldg. Phone Randolph 3032 and
he will give you full information relative to our Irrigated Orchard
Tracts and our attractive small payment plan.----
FRED N. CUMMINGES Manager Roguelands (Inc.) Medford, Oregon. EVENTS OF 1910
As Noted in the Columns of The Post During the Year. JANUARY 2--Funeral of Judge Silas J. Day.
FEBRUARY2--Leslie W. Stansell married. 3--Firemen hold grand rally admit 18. 4--Two men killed by dynamite explosion at Grants Pass. 5--Mr. and Mrs. Posten leave for Oroville, Cal. 9--Harvey Crump shot at Grants Pass. 10--Rebekah Lodge installs officers. 19--L. V. Larsen and Matilda Fick married at residence of bride's parents. 24--Engineer Osgood began surveying for water system. 28--Della Rock died at home of her parents in the city. 1--Mrs. Margaret Chapman died.
MARCH1--Hon. H. K. Hanna resigns office of Circuit Judge, after serving 25 years. Members of bar present him with handsome gold watch. 1--Council meets, passes Home Telephone Co.'s franchise ordinance. 1--F. M. Calkins of Ashland appointed judge of circuit court. 10--Mass meeting nominate candidates for city offices. 9-12--Teachers' examinations held. 13--Second ball game of the season played on the local diamond. 13--Mrs. Mary Sloan, daughter of the late Geo. Ross, died at Portland. 15--Crater Lake appropriation declared unconstitutional by supreme court. 16--American Development Co. applies for franchise for electric railways over county roads. 19--Twenty members of I.O.O.F. go to Woodville to assist in instituting a new lodge. 21--Mrs. O. E. Rose of Applegate died. 22--The H. Gilson dairy farm sold to Antone Rose. 23--Mrs. C. D. Stout seriously ill. 26--Robert Rabould and Mildred Rock married. 1--Floods in northwest causing many disasters. Landslides in Idaho and Washington.
APRIL1--Election of city officers--mayor and councilmen re-elected. 2--Rev. Chas. H. Johnston arrived from Fair Oaks, Calif., installed as pastor of the M.E. church. 2--Funeral of Mrs. Almira Sturgis held at Medford. 5--Edward Younkin adjudged insane and taken to Salem. 15--Miss Phoebe Henry died. 17--A. J. Marvin and Mrs. E. E. Boaz married. 18--"The Deacon" produced at U.S. Hall by Medford High School. 19--Rev. Ennis retained as pastor of the Presbyterian church by a unanimous vote. 19--W.C.T.U. National Tag Day. 21--Dave Thompson property opposite court house sold to Luke Ryan. 24--Mrs. G. Francis of this city died at Ashland. 25--Dwelling and store of Frank Edwards at Joe Bar burned. 26--C. E. Minier, court reporter, died at Ashland. 26--Lynn Purdin buys Central Point Record. 27--Ball game--Central Point 5, Jacksonville 15. 1--New motor car for R.R.V.Ry. arrived, will accommodate 30.
MAY6--Wilbur Jones and Mrs. Nellie Newbury married in Portland. 9--Luy & Keegan's safe robbed. 7--Telephone exchange moved next door to post office. 8--Country court decides to macadamize county road leading to Medford. 10--Richard Gaskin and Maud Tucker married. 12--Boy named Cody arrested on Applegate, charged with horse stealing. 13--Man named Mays found dead in bed at U.S. Hotel. 15--Mrs. W. M. Swartzfager thrown from a buggy and seriously hurt. 18--Mrs. Cantrall injured in runaway. 20--A. E. Reames moved his law office to Medford. 21--Mrs. W. R. Byrum of Central Point thrown from buggy and killed. 24--Sacred song concert at Presbyterian church. 24--Funeral of Mrs. Annie Henry. 26--Ripe strawberries gathered in a Jacksonville garden. 29--Committee started to secure right of way for new railroad to Joe Bar. 1--James Young died.
JUNE2--Jesse Thrasher murdered at Ashland. 3--Rogue River Valley Abstract Co. incorporated. 6--Robert J. Cameron died. 7--The Jacksonville Post began Vol. IV. 7--First Chinaman married. 11-William Kelley escapes from county jail. 15--Epworth League held anniversary meeting held in M.E. church. 26--Commencement exercises of public schools. 3--Mrs. Ellen Kubli leaves for New York.
JULY3--J. H. Huffer and family moved to Raymond, Wash. 9--Mass meeting in interest of good roads. 9--Air compressor at Opp Mine exploded. 11--Woodville incorporates. 14--Flag Day. Not generally observed. 14--John Sutton and Florence Dunlap married. 19--Jacksonville defeats Grants Pass at baseball, score 5-2. 23--Roy Ulrich and Gladys Shaw married. 27--Clairborne Neil died at Ashland, aged 89. 27--Mrs. Emma Autenreith died at Roseburg. 4--Big celebration at Jacksonville. Several thousands here.
AUGUST4--Boy named Kinkle drowns in Rogue River near Woodville. 5--Thomas Smith killed by cars near Central Point. 5--City council passed ordinance for cement sidewalks. 6--L. P. Mohan and Sophie Demmer married. 13--Mrs. Elizabeth Ryan taken to hospital. 13--Weeks Bros. planing mill at Phoenix burned. 17--Forest fire on Britt's hill. 19--First number of Medford Sun. 19--Alfred Lampshire and Dollie Young married. 20--Lynn Purdin and Ivy O. Dungey married. 21--George Smith and Gertrude M. Parker married. 23--Funeral of Mrs. Barbara Newbury. 25--Judge H. K. Hanna died, aged 78. 26--Fire alarm sounded, small shack burned. 28--Leroy Ingram and Elizabeth Mann married. 1--Nancy Dugan sent to insane asylum.
SEPTEMBER1--Special election for water bonds; bonds carried 66 to one. 4--Socialists nominate county ticket. 8--Carl Phelps and Frances Capell married 10--Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson died at Lyden House. 12--William Spencer and Lillian Lundean married 13--Lester Davidson killed at Columbus City. 14--Forest fires raging on Wagner Creek and in vicinity of Butte Falls. 15--Wm. Louden and Addie L. Dorn married. 16--Emma Heckert died. 17--A. J. Cole and Caroline Clemens married. 18--Bank of Jacksonville elects officers, J. Wm. Bybee chosen president. 29--Funeral of Mrs. Mary Simpson-Berry. 3--City council advertises water bonds.
OCTOBER5--Raydue Brown and Alice Barron married. 8--Henry D. Kubli died at his mother's home in this city. 12--Ralph Gray and Zulieme Tibbitts married. 19--Dr. J. W. Robinson and family left for Philadelphia, Pa. 20--Julian A. Mock killed Jesse Smith at Medford. 26--Pioneers hold annual reunion. 27--Postmaster Miller returned from California. 28--Mock given preliminary hearing, committed to jail. 2--Mrs. S. Matthews of Butte Falls found dead in her bed.
NOVEMBER5--Senator Ruth delivered lecture in U.S. Hall. 10--Sterling C. Minnick and Francis E. Jack married. 11--Water bonds sold to Sutherlin & Co. of Chicago. 13--George Lambert dropped dead upon the street in Medford. 15--Mayor Rose lectured in U.S. Hall. 17--Mrs. Minerva Armstrong died in this city. 17--Congressman Hawley and Jay Bowerman delivered addresses at U.S. Hall. 18--O. D. Wright and Eva Moore married. 23--Mrs. A. E. Voorhies died at Grants Pass. 25--David Cronemiller died in this city, aged 84. 26--Milton Carter, an alleged "wild man," arrested on Applegate. 1--E. S. Wilson and Ida Fick married.
DECEMBER3--Dr. O. N. Nelson and Mrs. M. Dox married. 5--Garrett Randolph of Buncom died. 6--Edward Wendt and Augusta Walter married. 8--General election. 14--A. E. Reames moves family to Medford. 15--George Brown of Eagle Point buried in cemetery here. 21--E. E. Gore died at Medford, aged 80. 23--Two inches of snow fell during the night. 25--City council awarded contract of water works to J. J. Mears. 1--Surveys being made for the extension of the Rogue River Valley Railroad.
8--New engine for railroad arrives. 6--W. C. Deneff sold confectionery store to E. A. Thompson. 7--Twenty-five men arrived to work on the water works. 11--E. S. Brooke taken to asylum. 11--Work began on concrete building for Luke Ryan. 11--Wm. H. Cook died, aged 68. 15--Julian A. Mock sentenced to penitentiary for life. Jacksonville Post, December 31, 1910, page 1