News: 1905 Medford-related
news items from
1905. Also see
of Medford and
Jackson County
for this year.
Government secret service agents are working among homesteaders in Southern Oregon, in particular in the Rogue River timber region, causing considerable alarm. The work of the agents is much more far-reaching than had been expected. In many instances, it is said, perjury has been committed in making homestead filings on valuable timber claims, in order to secure timber without paying the $2.50 per acre required by law. A large number of citizens who have thus secured timber claims by swearing that the land was more valuable for agriculture than for timber are now being listed by the agents of the interior department. In case where a valuable timber claim has been taken as a homestead, the filing will be canceled. If final proof has been made, the patent will be canceled, state Oregon exchanges. Del Norte Record, Crescent City, January 28, 1905, page 2 STRUGGLE IN FIRE
1--(Special.)--A coal oil lamp in O. P. Lane's residence exploded at 2
o'clock this morning, and three people are dead as a result of the fire
which followed. The explosion occurred in one of the lower rooms of the
house, where the wife, Mrs. Alice Lane, was being cared for through a
serious attack of pneumonia by Miss [Olive] Cooper, a nurse from
Medford. The house was instantly enveloped in flames, cutting off all
escape by doors.Nurse and Patient Are Enveloped in Blazing Oil. CHILD BURNS WITH HOUSE Frantic Husband Bears Wife Through a Window, but She and Her Heroic Attendant Soon Die of Their Injuries. Mr. Lane, who was asleep upstairs, rushed frantically down through the fire, and, after a heroic struggle, with the assistance of the nurse, succeeded in getting his wife through a window which he smashed out, all of them being terribly burned and cut by glass. Turning to get little 2-year-old Benny, they found that no living body could withstand the terrible heat, and were compelled to give him up. His charred body was taken from the ruins four hours later. Mrs. Lane, raging with fever, cut, burned and shocked, could not withstand the suffering and met death heroically but calmly at 4 o'clock this evening, after 14 hours of awful pain and suffering. Miss Cooper, more calm and stoical, though suffering untold agony, survived until 6 o'clock this evening and passed away. It was a sad funeral train that wound its way up the hill to the cemetery this afternoon to lay away the remains of little Ben, and it will he a sadder one tomorrow or next day when the devoted mother will be laid by his side. Mrs. A. G. Hamilton, mother of the dead woman, is ill in the eastern end of the city, and is also in a critical condition from the shock of her daughter and grandchild's ending. It is feared she, too, will not survive. Mr. Lane, the husband is frantic with grief and suffering as he watches over the bier of his wife, himself badly cut by glass and burned. The property loss was probably $1500. Oregonian, Portland, February 2, 1905, page 7 Chester Parker has taken a position as salesman with Karnes & Ritter. Mr. Parker is a very congenial young man and is popular with the people about town and will no doubt prove himself competent help in his new capacity. W. P. Woods, lately of Ironton, Wis., who recently purchased two lots in southwest Medford from A. J. Stewart, has commenced the erection of a residence 32x24 in size, with an addition for a kitchen. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 3, 1905, page 5 Mrs. Warren Bodge left Wednesday evening for Glendale, where her husband is engaged in the merchant tailoring business and where they expect to reside. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, February 3, 1905, page 8 PRAISE FOR HEROIC NURSE.
Miss Cooper Gave Her Life in Vain Attempt to Save Her Charge. GLENDALE,
Or., Feb. 2.--(Special.)--Mrs. O. P. Lane, the second victim of the
fire caused by a lamp explosion yesterday, was laid away by the side of
her little boy in the Masonic cemetery this afternoon. The exercises at
the church were conducted by Rev. J. R. Landsborough, and those at the
grave by the Eastern Star, of which order she was a member and the
present matron. Mrs. Lane was dearly beloved.
Miss Cooper, the latest victim, made a host of friends here during her brief stay in the capacity of nurse to Mrs. Lane, and praises of her heroic work to save her charge and the child are heard on every hand. The remains were taken to her home at Medford by the evening train. Oregonian, Portland, February 3, 1905, page 5
Granville Naylor, a Jackson County, Or., pioneer of 1853, died in
Medford, on Jan. 29th, aged 83 years. Deceased built a sawmill on
Wagner Creek in 1853, the first one in Southern Oregon.
![]() Dressmakers in Silverton, circa 1910 "Beagle Items," Medford Mail, February 10, 1905, page 3 Real Estate Transfers.
R. Priddy to B. H. Whitehead, land in Wortman's add. to Medford . . . $100.00
W. D. Roberts to B. H. Whitehead, lots 1 [and] 2, Wortman's add. to Medford . . . 170.00 H. M. Coss to Reta Pridey, quitclaim deed, Medford . . . 1.00 A. J. Stewart to E. D. Elwood, lots 15, 16, blk 20, Medford . . . 2300.00 Medford Mail, February 10, 1905, page 3 Jas. Welch, of Paisley, Oregon, who was formerly a resident of Medford, stopped off in this city this week, on his way home from a trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, of Charles City, Iowa, are in Medford, looking over the country with a view to locating. They are old-time acquaintances of our good townsman, E. C. Boeck. Hose Everett, of Montana, is here visiting his nephew, Geo. Nichols. Mr. Everett was a resident of Southern Oregon in early days and left here in 1856, since which time he has not been in this section. The contrast between the Rogue River Valley of the '50s and the present state of affairs is very marked, but perhaps the fact that he last saw his nephew as a small boy and returns to find him a grandfather is as much an indication of the flight of time as anything else to Mr. Everett. Mr. Everett may possibly locate with us. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 10, 1905, page 4 The work of improving the city park has been progressing during the winter months in no small way. The basin for the fountain, in the center, has been put in; the stand pipe erected, and sewerage connections for the overflow have been made. The basin is of solid concrete, put in by G. W. Priddy, and is a very substantial piece of work. Gravel for the walks, four carloads of which was furnished by the Southern Pacific Company at a nominal sum, has been hauled and is now waiting to be spread. The park work so far has largely been under the supervision of Mayor E. B. Pickel. Elbert Parker Watt, of Salem, died January 29th, at Dallas, Texas, where he was attending the London Conservatory of Music. He was a nephew of W. H. Parker, formerly county clerk of Jackson County, and once a citizen of Medford. Attorney M. G. Hoge has carpenters at work this week building a fine conservatory to his house, on West Seventh Street. He is also completing other parts of the residence which were left unfinished. Carl Crystal has sold his interest in the grocery firm of Brown & Crystal to his partner, L. B. Brown, and will leave next week with his family for Sebastopol, Calif., where he has purchased a fruit ranch. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 10, 1905, page 5 F. E. Martin and wife called one day last week and took dinner, then went across the suspension bridge and in a very short time closed a deal with Mrs. Moore for her property in Medford, consideration $800. Mrs. Moore went to Medford and made all the arrangements to transfer the property. "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, February 17, 1905, page 3 J. Westerlund, representing the firm of Wm. Westerlund & Co., of Chicago. land and immigration agents, is in Medford this week, looking after the company's land interests here. This company own the Kelley place, four miles east from Medford, and have men at work putting out from seventy to eighty acres of apple trees. The company expect, as soon as possible, to plant 100 acres to fruit. This will make a fine orchard, and it will not be many years before handsome revenues will be realized from the sale of fruit grown thereon. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, February 17, 1905, page 3 Wilmer Cartwright, who has been in the employ of D. B. Russell for several months past, has taken a position with the Medford Furniture Company. George Trask, formerly a resident of Medford, but who for the past four years has been living in Chico, Calif., returned to the city this week and is now over in the Applegate country, where he expects to engage in mining. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 17, 1905, page 8 Inter-Urban Cars.
The Southern Pacific Company is to put on this spring inter-urban cars
between Forest Grove, Hillsboro and Portland. The cars are now being
built in the East and each will be propelled by gasoline engines and be
capable of giving the car a high speed. These cars are built on the
plan of the large electric cars and are to make hourly trips, but their
schedule will not change the present train service on that section of
the West Side road.The inter-urban traffic is increasing so rapidly that on the Southern Pacific road throughout Rogue River Valley that it will be but a few years until the company will be inaugurating special car service between Grants Pass, Gold Hill, Medford and Ashland. It is no uncommon occurrence for ten to twenty passengers getting off and on the train at Medford coming from or going to other towns in the valley, and this inter-urban traffic is certain to increase rapidly from this on, as the population of the Rogue River Valley grows and the time is not distant when the through trains will not be able to properly accommodate the local passenger service. It will not be so far in the future when Rogue River Valley will have 100,000 people and then there will be an hourly train service by fast gasoline or electric cars between the several towns of the valley, reaching, maybe, over into Siskiyou County, Calif. Medford Mail, March 24, 1905, page 8 Pioneer Goes to Asylum.
Or., March 25.--(Special.)--M. S. Damon, one of the oldest residents of
Medford, was taken to the asylum at Salem this evening for treatment.
He is a Civil War veteran nearly 80 years of age, and his trouble is
due to senile debility. His son, L. M. Damon, accompanied him.
Sunday Oregonian, Portland, March 26, 1905, page 3 The ladies of the Lewis and Clark Club, of Medford, through their secretary, Mrs. M. L. Alford, have addressed a letter to each of the thirteen secret societies of the city, asking that these several societies each contribute a seat, or bench, for the city park. These notices were sent out the first of this week, since which time some of the lodges have met and have taken the matter up and have decided to procure a suitable seat. Those of the societies which have not as yet met will undoubtedly take the matter up at their first meeting. It was suggested at one of these lodge meetings that should the lodges decide to purchase a seat that they appoint a committee of three members, and that these several committees meet with a committee from the Lewis and Clark Club and jointly agree upon the style and cost of the seats to be procured. It would hardly be fair to the newer and smaller lodges if those older and wealthier ones were to procure an elaborate and costly seat, while they, the lesser ones, would have to, from necessity, procure a much more inexpensive one. The emblem or the initials of each order can be placed upon the seats, thus indicating the donor. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 7, 1905, page 5 Miss Allie Wilson, of Medford, Or., is here on a visit to her sister, Mrs. C. E. Garfield, who has been seriously ill for some time. At present Mrs. Garfield is gradually improving.--East Solano River News. "Oregonians in Southern California," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, April 9, 1905, page 27 JACKSON COUNTY'S FINE LOGS
MEDFORD, Or., April
13.--(Special.)--Today at the request of the executive committee of the
Lewis and Clark Exposition, the Iowa Lumber & Box Company, of
Medford, shipped five logs which will be used for decorating purposes
in the Forestry Building. The outside of the logs will be sawed into
veneering, and the hearts, after receiving a high polish, will be used
as pillars about the verandas of the building.Fine Samples for Decorating Forestry Building Are Shipped. The five logs represented five different varieties of timber grown in Jackson County, and came from the mills near Jacksonville. The logs were sugar pine, yellow pine, black oak, cedar and madrone. Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 14, 1905, page 10 SPLITS JAW ON SIDEWALK
Drives His Teeth into His Head and Rests Easily. MEDFORD, Or., May 26.--(Special.)--Claude Miles, aged about 19, fell from a second-story window on Seventh and Main [sic]
streets, this morning about 4 o'clock, and was seriously injured. He
struck on his face on the pavement, splitting the lower jaw at the chin
and driving the front teeth in the upper jaw backward into his head. At
present, he is resting easily, and no evidences of concussion of the
brain have yet appeared.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 27, 1905, page 6 A. N. Baker, living outside the incorporate limits of Medford, on the west, has recently erected a very fine home. The house is 20x30 feet in size and two stories high. Mr. Baker has thirty-six acres of land, and the site he has chosen for his new home is a very pretty one, being surrounded by a fine grove of young oak trees. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 7, 1905, page 5 The condition of the wooden sidewalks around town is causing more or less "language" and a whole lot of loose shoe soles. It does make a fellow pretty warm to catch the sole of his shoe upon a protruding nail in the walk, thereby requiring a trip to the shoemaker, or to be walking along the street with a friend and have his companion step on the end of a loose board which flies up and barks your shins and then drops back on your favorite corn. This sort of thing is getting to be a common occurrence, and it strikes us that it wouldn't be a bad idea to have those nails driven down and the loose boards fastened. It would lessen the labors of the recording angel and save a whole lot of shoe leather. G. W. Priddy, the expert brickmaker, has a kiln of superior brick just burnt which he is selling at reasonable prices. Contractor J. Hartman finished the railroad bridge across Bear Creek Saturday night, and it is now ready for the rails. The bridge is about as substantial a structure of the kind as one could wish for. It is built with a view to strength and lasting qualities. The timbers are all solid and are put together in the workmanlike manner for which Mr. Hartman is noticed. The bridge crew has been moved to the Butte Creek bridge, which they will push to completion rapidly. On Friday evening of last week a number of young ladies of Medford gave a very pleasant dancing party in Wilson's opera house. There were about twenty couples present. The music was furnished by A. H. Miller, violinist, and Chas. E. Hazelrigg, pianist--and all kinds of choice bouquets were hurled at these two gentlemen because of the excellent music they furnished. The ladies in charge of affairs were Misses Jennie Woodford, Carrie George, Lulu Hartzell and Helen Ragsdale. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 21, 1905, page 5 Among the minor industries recorded is the new cider vinegar factory at Medford. The history of the enterprise is suggestive. "Three years ago a vinegar factory was started and several hundred barrels of cider were made, but the projectors were not conversant with the methods of turning the cider quickly into vinegar and were unable to secure anyone with the required knowledge. The process of changing from cider to vinegar by nature was too slow for commercial purposes, so the enterprise was abandoned and the plant and stock were sold to Ingham and Zimmer, who have been conducting a similar enterprise at Eugene. Now these gentlemen propose building an up-to-date, fully equipped cider vinegar factory in Medford, and are already making arrangements to that end. The necessary machinery and appliances are now on the way from the East, a site for the factory has been secured on the railroad company's lands, adjoining the Osenbrugge warehouse, and within a few days construction will commence on the building," says the Mail. Process Is Simple.
Expediting of the
double fermentation necessary for turning apple juice into vinegar is
accomplished by the introduction of ferments, which are not difficult
to obtain. Some few years ago Professor Pernot, of the Oregon
Agricultural College, published the necessary particulars. Experiment
on a small but practical scale convinces that that process is both
simple and sure. In the open barrel, three parts full of sweet cider, a
very small quantity of the ferment culture was introduced, and nature
did the rest. In a very few days the little black flies, which indicate
and also hasten the conversion, made their appearance in quantities,
and the double fermentation was shortly in evidence. Certainly the
vinegar produced was of the very best. This, like home cheese-making,
is one of the little industries of the farm which are economical, easy
and profitable."Treasure from Oregon Fields," Morning Oregonian, Portland, July 31, 1905, page 12 MRS. McATEE DEAD
Mrs. John F. McAtee of Acorn died at the Sequoia Hospital in Eureka
Saturday morning as a result of an operation performed on Wednesday
previous. The lady had been ill ever since she gave birth to her last
child, some five months ago, and while she anticipated getting better
at one time, her condition seemed to grow worse and an operation was
advised by her attending physicians as a last resort. She was then
taken to the Sequoia Hospital, where the operation was performed, but
the strength of the patient was not sufficient to withstand the ordeal,
and after partially rallying, she commenced to sink until death claimed
her as stated above.Passed Away in Eureka As a Result of an Operation. All those knowing Mrs. McAtee cannot but say that she was a good wife and mother, a woman of charitable instincts, and generous and hospitable to all. Mrs. McAtee was formerly Miss Minnie J. Crickett, and was born in Jackson County, Oregon, some thirty-two years ago. She was united in marriage in Fortuna in 1890 and as a result of the union three children are left to mourn her loss: Ivan aged 13 years; Viola aged 11 years, and baby Lois, aged 5 months. She also leaves besides a mournful husband, a mother, Mrs. W. A. Crickett, of Eureka, a sister, Mrs. Wm. Campbell, of Everett, Wash., and two brothers, William and Fred Crickett, all of whom have the sympathy of the entire community in their affliction. The funeral took place in Arcata Monday afternoon from the M.E. church, interment in Greenwood cemetery, and was largely attended. The pallbearers were Frank Gist, J. E. Hunter, Henry Brizard, Bert L. Waite, G. W. Murray and Wm. O'Donnel. Blue Lake Advocate, Blue Lake, California, August 12, 1905, page 5 A decree of divorce has been granted in the case of Hattie Plymale vs. Francis G. Plymale. M. G. Hoge was attorney for plaintiff. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 22, 1905, page 5 A SERIOUS CONFLAGRATION
afternoon about 2:30 o'clock, when the people had just about recovered
from the fire alarm at noon, the old pork packing house, immediately
north of the I.L.&B. Co. & mill, was discovered to be on fire.
The building was old and dry, the walls and floor more or less
saturated with grease, and besides it was filled with baled hay, so
that by the time the fire boys reached the scene the whole building was
a mass of flames. Even with adequate water pressure the firemen would
have been unable to save the building or its contents. The high wind
carried flaming brands many hundred feet, and soon the sawdust piles
north of the building and the dry grass was in flames, seriously
threatening several dwelling houses in range. So intense was the heat
that it was impossible to get close to the fire. By hard work the barn
in the same lot was saved, but the old factory and its contents were
Most of the hay in the barn belonged to Chas. Pruitt and was uninsured. There were about 150 tons of it, and its loss will fall heavily upon the owners. The building belonged to Mrs. J. W. Slinger. When the fire was first discovered the flames were just bursting through the roof, and it seems probable that the fire started inside the building from a spark which had found its way through some crevice and had fallen upon the hay. How this could have occurred is well illustrated by a happening at a dwelling house some several hundred feet north of the burned building. A number of citizens were engaged with buckets and other utensils in extinguishing incipient blazes on the roof, when someone suddenly discovered that there was a fire inside an outbuilding. There was a bale of hay inside this structure and it was blazing merrily when discovered. However a couple of buckets of water put it out. A Mail reporter happened to be curious enough to investigate the cause of the fire inside the building and could only find one small knothole in the wall through which a spark might have been driven by the wind. Another theory is that it was the result of spontaneous combustion. This theory being borne out to some extent by the fact that the whole inside of the building was burning before the fire broke through the roof. FIRE NOTES.
Tyson Beall, of Central Point, was
loading lumber in the lower yards [of Iowa Lumber and Box Co.] when the
alarm came. He took no chances but unloaded the portion of his order
that was on the wagon and made his way to a safe place.The water force was lamentably insufficient. With the growth of the city the matter of an adequate and always ready water pressure becomes an absolute necessity. The present system is not sufficient. It has been tried several times and it is always found wanting. The man who knows how a fire should be fought, but refrained from getting in any active work, was on hand with his advice. There was a considerable amount of hustling done by the people of the neighborhood in keeping their roofs damp during the fire. Had a north wind been blowing, there wouldn't have been many warehouses or lumber yards left in town. Medford Mail, November 3, 1905, page 1 Assay Office in Medford.
A mining bureau and assay office will be
opened in
Medford within the next few days. Major Cardwell, a former Jackson
County boy, now one of the leading mining experts of the country, and
John Summerville, of Pittsburgh, Pa., an extensive operator in mines,
will engage in the business above named in Medford, with offices,
temporarily, in the Angle Opera House block. Mr. Cardwell has leased
the residence of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Wortman, on South J Street,
and is already domiciled there with his family.The Major is a practical assayer of many years' experience and is competent to do anything in that line. His long experience in mining matters has secured for him the confidence and esteem of leading mining men all over the United States, and what he thinks about the prospects in Southern Oregon is shown by what he says in another column. Medford Mail, November 3, 1905, page 1 Prall and Messner Convicted.
A telegram from Spokane, Washington,
says:J. W. Prall, a wealthy brick manufacturer of Medford, Or., reputed to be worth $75,000, and Dr. J. H. Messner were convicted of conspiring to secure the property of Dr. Mary A. Latham. Dr. Latham, one of the best-known women physicians in the Northwest, was recently convicted of arson in burning her drug store. Subsequently, while on bond, she tried to escape, but got lost in the wilds of Northern Idaho. On being recaptured she declared that her flight was arranged by Messner and Prall as a feature of a conspiracy between them to get her out of the country, so they could secure her property on foreclosure of a dubious mortgage. Medford Mail, November 3, 1905, page 4 At noon Monday, when a high wind was blowing, the sound of the fire bell sent a thrill of alarm throughout the city. The fierce wind, and the dryness on everything capable of being burned, made favorable conditions for a big conflagration. It was there that the wisdom of the Iowa Lumber & Box Co., in putting in fire fighting apparatus of their own, was made manifest. The fire was in the barn of the company, having caught from sparks supposed to have come from the ice plant, and within a very few minutes the company's hose cart was on the ground, playing a stream on the fire. The city department was prompt and arrived just as the fire was extinguished, but that few minutes, under the circumstances, might have given the fire such a start that it would have been impossible to save the building or surrounding ones. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 3, 1905, page 5 Marriage license issued to William Robson and Ida Griner, William A. Blanton and Grace S. Shelton. "News from Jacksonville," Ashland Tidings, November 9, 1905, page 3 Medford Band Reorganized.
For some months Medford has had no band. There has been good material
here all the time, but the old band somehow just naturally became
disjointed; but now the boys have gotten together again and have
reorganized. They have elected R. F. Deeters president; Will Warner,
manager; Wilson Wait, musical director; Fay Anderson, secretary and
treasurer. The members of the band are: Wilson Wait, Hans Hockenyos and
Treve Lumsden, cornets; Thos. Scott and Claude Miles, baritones; Ralph
Wilson, Lawrence Pickens and W. A. Cattanach, trombones; R. F. Deeters,
clarinet; Fred Strang and Percy Cochran, altos; Fay Anderson, tuba;
Will Warner, snare drum; Sterling Rothermel, bass drum.The boys are meeting often for practice, and there is every reason to believe that they will soon be in fit shape to furnish good music for any occasion. They are nearly all experienced in a musical way; all are adepts in the art and many are quite proficient. Medford Mail , November 24, 1905, page 1
Salem--Jackson County has sprung to second place among the counties of
Oregon in taxable wealth. Marion County, which has for many years
occupied second place, has dropped to fifth place, and perhaps lower.
Not all the assessment returns have been received yet, but it is
already apparent that at least three counties have stepped above Marion
in assessed valuation.Stands as Second County in Oregon in Assessed Wealth. Multnomah County, of course, is still first, her assessment for 1906 not yet being definitely known. Jackson will come second with a valuation of over $12,000,000, Washington probably third with $10,660,000, Umatilla probably fourth with $10,165,000, and Marion probably fifth with $9,824,000. There are a number of wealthy counties yet to report, among them being Lane, Linn and Clackamas, any of which may surpass Marion and put that county still further down the list. Jackson County's assessment this year shows an increase of about 200 percent, for last year the assessment was only $4,650,000. Lexington Wheatfield, Lexington, Oregon, December 14, 1905, page 3 JUDGE B. P. POTT DIES IN THE WEST.
Judge Burd Patterson Pott, a native of Pottsville, son of Araham Pott,
founder of Port Carbon, the latter a son of John Pott, founder of
Pottsville, died in Providence Hospital, Wallace City, Idaho, Monday,
October 3. Interment was made at Mullan, Idaho, Wednesday, October 10,
the Knights of Pythias, of which deceased was a member, having charge
of the funeral.Judge Pott was born in Pottsville, Pa., March 2, 1831. When almost of age the excitement in California was at its height. The young man desired to try his fortune on the golden coast, so his father staked him to a pack train of mules, with which Judge Pott crossed the plains in 1852, arriving at San Francisco. He remained there until the fall of 1857, when he returned to Pennsylvania. In 1858 [sic] he marnied Miss Lydia Jones, the wife who survives him. For a wedding trip they went to Oregon by way of the Isthmus of Panama, locating in Josephine County. While there he was a lieutenant in the state militia and participated in the Rogue River Indian war, during which in an engagement he had his horse shot from under him. Judge Pott remained in Oregon until near the close of the Civil War, when he returned by way of the Isthmus. Upon his arrival in Pennsylvania he became heavily interested in oil and prospered during those boom days. For several years he made his home at Oil City and Pittsburgh. He again came west, and for a number of years was employed by the Union Pacific Railroad Company to prospect for coal along its line. In 1876 he joined the rush to the Black Hills, and remained there about two years. In 1878 he went to Bozeman, Montana, where he was joined by Mrs. Pott, who came up the Missouri River to Fort Benton and staged across to Bozeman. There he remained until 1884, when he came to Mullan by way of Thompson Falls. Since that date Mullan has been his home. He was well known throughout the Coeur d'Alene district, and held in high esteem. Judge Pott was one of the original owners of the Evening and Independent claims, from the sale of which he derived a considerable stake. At the time of his death he still owned some valuable mining property. He also owned his residence and a good business house in Mullan and two valuable residences in Wallace, which gave him a good income. Publications of the Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Pottsville, Pennsylvania, 1905, pages 41-42 |