The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Jackson County News: 1878

    A new style of pants have just been received at Howard's. From a careful examination made of them by our special reporter we judge they are a decided improvement over any heretofore introduced. Call around and have George show them to you.
"Random Jottings," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 16, 1878, page 3
  Howard's ledger shows payments directly to Levi Strauss & Co., which popularized jeans in the 1870s.

    The Jacksonville Sentinel, bragging of the healthfulness of that locality, cites the fact that out of over 300 actual children in that school district, between five and eighteen, not a single death has occurred in the past three years.
"News Items," The New Northwest, Portland, January 18, 1878, page 3

    Dr. Miller of Slate Creek, Jackson County, has killed 64 bears in the last 10 years.
"Pacific Coast Brevities," San Jose Mercury, San Jose, California, January 20, 1878, page 2

Jacksonville Items.
May 20, 1878.
    EDITOR ASHLAND TIDINGS:--We have been blessed with several copious showers of rain during the last few days. It was very much needed, and we are again assured of a bountiful harvest.
    Our miners have every reason to be thankful for an unusually good season. A much larger amount of gold is being taken out than has been done for several years, the influence of which can be perceived by the activity of all business relations, and money in circulation.
    It is understood that our Hon. County Court very wisely decided to have fingerboards put up at the road crossings, throughout the county. That will save some people much anxiety and trouble.
    A plot was in project here to blanket a man and carry him outside the corporation, but the discovery was made that he went armed with knife and pistol, and when the time for execution of plan arrived, some of those implicated got weak in the knees. Jealousy supposed to be the cause of action.
    I would like to know if Mr. Arthur Langell, of Lake County, does not contemplate taking a very serious and advanced step in life. He is in town, purchasing some new furniture, sewing machine, etc. He says times are lively in Langell Valley, and stock running up to a high figure--Perhaps it is stockings.
    P. J. Ryan has lost his hat.
    Strawberries and cherries are ripe.
    The witnesses in the Dowell-Griswold case, from this vicinity, have all returned home.
    A picked nine from Roseburg are expected to play a match game of ball with our boys in Jacksonville, on the 4th of July.
    Mr. J. H. Penn was offered $600 for his Vermont colt. He values him at a $1,000.
    Mr. Wm. Bybee recently sold 3,000 lbs. of bacon to G. Karewski.
    Mr. David Linn has a good reservoir of water near his shop. A large spring flows into it.
    A big thing in this town is the Alden fruit dryer stock.
    The canvass-backs have commenced stumping the county. Now we will soon know more about it--or less.
    Smith and Courtney are still boring into the bowels of the earth under our city. They have taken out as high as thirty dollars to the hand per diem, and have not struck the main lead yet.
    A portable saw mill passed through town this morning--a man with a buck saw on his back.
    Expenses and conduct of the Modoc war are being talked up.
    Messrs. John Miller, H. Pape, Charley Shultz and two Howards, as surveyors, went up Applegate to locate rich gravel claims, recently discovered.
Ashland Tidings, May 24, 1878, page 3

Jacksonville Items.
May 26, 1878.
    EDITOR ASHLAND TIDINGS:--I had the pleasure of meeting one of our "old pioneers," Mr. James Sutton, who is now engaged in canvassing our city for several new and valuable books.
    People are so engrossed with politics that some of them hardly take time to eat or sleep, and then will not reach the goal of their solicitude.
    The 4th of July topic is dished up in small doses.
    The Times speaks of a dead man found in Jacksonville. He proved to be a straw man, and is supposed to be the person who puts in so many straw bids on fat government contracts.
    Our efficient (?) fire department is composed of a truck, which contains hooks, ladders and buckets. The steamer has not yet arrived.
    One by one the old landmarks disappear. Mr. Chavner has had some of the oldest buildings in town removed, to be replaced by new. Several buildings will be erected here this season.
    The freight continues to arrive. I believe our merchants are carrying heavier stocks than ever before, and first choice.
    Emigrants are flocking to our state from all points, and all find desirable homes; yet there is plenty of room for thousands more. A cousin of Capt. Barnes passed through today from Kansas. He will settle near Roseburg.
    The street commissioner had the principal streets cleaned. He should continue the good work throughout the city.
    Mr. Hubert intends starting his street sprinkler tomorrow.
    My attention was attracted by a pretty girl at the Opera, Saturday night. She seemed particularly interested in the appearance of a gentleman. I asked her who it was, and she replied Mr. Kahler. Look out, Wesley.
    The exhibition given by the Boulon Troupe, Saturday night, was attended by a large audience, who crowded the hall almost to suffocation. During the performance, several seats broke down and the occupants were spilled in a heap on the floor. One gentleman was capsized and his head went where his feet should have been. The climax was reached when one of the actors sat down in a pan of thin dough. Charley Nickell and Dr. Jackson assisted the Troupe and contributed much merriment.
    Mr. Pape is again unfortunately confined to the house from the effects of that terrible malady, rheumatism.
    Hon. Henry Klippel has been quite seriously ill. He is able to be out again, but is not convalescent.
Ashland Tidings, May 31, 1878, page 3

Jacksonville Items.
JACKSONVILLE, June 4th, 1878.
    ED. TIDINGS:--Last week several pugilistic encounters occurred in town and vicinity, occasioned by political fever or perhaps spiritual fermentation.
    A gentleman, having occasion to dine out in the country, was surprised to see the host break a piece of lump sugar in two, before passing it, thinking it too large for one cup of coffee, and also remarked it was not healthy to eat too much.
    At a regular meeting of Jacksonville Lodge No. 10, I.O.O.F., last Saturday, the following officers were elected to serve the opening term, viz: N.G., J. H. Penn; V.G., F. Luy; R.S., S. J. Day; T., Wm. Bybee.
    Yesterday, Stephen Hulburt was bringing an old man, 60 years of age, by the name of Joseph Rath, into town to vote and while descending a steep hill on the Sterlingville road, part of the harness broke and the team ran away. Mr. Rath was thrown out upon his head, cutting a fearful gash. His right foot caught in the wheel, and the bone was broken off just above the ankle and the flesh cut entirely through, leaving the foot hanging by the tendons. The leg was amputated below the knee this morning by Dr. Danforth, assisted by Drs. Vrooman and Aiken.
    Miss Florence Mace resides 10 miles from Jacksonville. She has been attending school in town and for a period of eight weeks she rode, going and returning, 100 miles per week, and in eight weeks 800 miles, and all with the same horse. This is not much for an Oregon girl to perform, but how would it suit ladies in the Eastern states?
    Mr. T. T. McKenzie has had his mill on Bear Creek whitewashed, a new race dug, and everything put in good order.
    Wild fruit, such as plums, cherries and berries, will be very abundant this season.
    Haying has commenced.
    The heavy storm last week knocked down considerable hay and grain, but added many thousand bushels to our harvest.
    A poor marksman, or one very nervous, who possibly may have been snooting at a dog Sunday night, about 11 o'clock, fired into the dwelling of one of our citizens. The ball entered through a bedroom window, shivering the glass; passed through a partition and another room and lodged in the wall above a clock, which stood upon the mantle. It is known almost for a certainty who the person is, and it is also known that the town marshal was in the immediate vicinity but no arrest was made, although we have a town ordinance which strictly prohibits shooting within the corporation.
Ashland Tidings, June 7, 1878, page 3

Jacksonville Items.
    ED. TIDINGS:--The editor of the Sentinel says he had no reference to any choir in Jacksonville, in his commentary last week.
    Spring chickens are ripe, so are new babies.
    I heard a young lady hurrah for Mr. Beekman today. Perhaps she may expect an appointment on his staff.
    Major Jackson and Capt. Adams have been in town this week purchasing horses for the cavalry service. They scan limbs very circumspectly and are good judges.
    Some of the politicians have gone scooting, bottom upside.
    "Let's go and soda with Savage," is popular with the "next" county officers.
    A crowd rushed into Howard's today, thinking there was an suction, but they were mistaken. The flag was a pair of ladies' long red hose swinging gracefully in the breeze.
    It is so; Mr. Arthur Langell is after the stockings. They are Allred too.
    The Marshal arrested a man today who was trying to get into the residence of a widow lady. When taking him to the jug, he suddenly turned upon the Marshal and seized his baton and by the collar of his coat, evidently intending an assault or escape. People hurried to the rescue, and soon securely caged him.
    Mr. Rath, upon whom the amputation was performed last Tuesday, died the following Friday.
    I don't know. We may celebrate or we may not--I don't know. I'll consult the horoscope. Hold your breath till we decide. I'll guess you two bits.
    Rev. L. H. Wells had services here, the last two Sundays, to large congregations, and baptized one young lady and two children, according to the rites of the Episcopalian church. Mr. Wells is a careful thinker. His lectures evince sound logic and great research. The theory of Darwinism is exploded and the missing links are never to be discovered, because they never existed. The largest brain of the ape, yet measured, was 34 cubic inches; the smallest of man, 68 cubic inches.
    Sharpen up your eye teeth for some wedding cake before harvest.
    Items of interest, scattering like the votes on the Greenback State Ticket.
Ashland Tidings, June 14, 1878, page 3

Jacksonville Items.
June 16, '78.
    ED. TIDINGS:--The June term of the Circuit Court slowly ground its grist during the last week. The usual number of cases heretofore continued were again postponed. The jury have been discharged, and a few days will again wind up their judicial timepiece for this term.
    A sage prophet predicted the stage would be robbed several days previous to the occurrence of that event. He said a certain party were seen in the Siskiyou Mountains, and whenever they visit this section, look out. People think many such transactions are written down in their category, which will be revealed somewhere in the "book of time."
    The highwaymen were traced from the scene where the stage was intercepted to Wagner Gap, and are supposed to be now in the vicinity of this valley, apparently innocent as sheep.
    A dispatch was received here by Mr. Tom Reames last night from Gov. Chadwick, to the effect that the Bannocks and other Indians were concentrating at Steens Mountain, about 300 miles east from here, and advising that a courier should be expressed immediately to warn the people of that vicinity of the pending danger. Our citizens immediately went down into their pockets, and made up a purse to defray the expenses, and Lony Land, who resides near Tule Lake in Lake County, being in town, promptly set out on the vital mission. Mr. Brown, who went on a similar errand to Lost Rover, at the outbreak of the Modoc War, is not present. The Jackson County minute men are ready for any call from the Governor in an emergency.
    The Ruth Rebekah Lodge, No. 4, has rather slim attendance at present, principally owing to the advent of several young Odd Fellows into our city. We expect them to be permanent residents.
    Major J. T. Glenn is making his annual visit among us. He looks well and hearty yet. He is satisfied with his home on the Bay, but has a void in his heart only filled by his return to the scenes of early experience and prosperity in our midst.
    A man got influenced by spiritus frumenti recently, from the effects of which he had the lock jaw. It was difficult for the doctors to unlock him, but finally succeeded.
    Since Dr. Jackson has been among us, he has pulled upwards of 10,000 teeth (he has a good start of a bone yard) and looked down many a throat. I suppose the term would apply to him, "down in the mouth."
    Langley & Watkins cleaned up about $1,200 in dust recently in the old Reed claim on Jackson Creek. They drove out a new wagon yesterday, manufactured by Fish Brothers. G. Karewski has several more for sale; also a new set of harness, purchased from Mr. Judge. The prosperity of the miners ensures business.
    We welcome Mr. Sutton's return as chief in the editorial sanctum, while we shall also miss the genial productions and kindly greeting of Capt. Applegate.
    Amongst the ills of life, we are again patronized by the festive flies. When they beset a person and swarm around, you may rest assured one of two things is the cause--they are either sweet or stale.
    Bishop Morris of the Episcopalian Church is expected here the last of this month. Three more young ladies were baptized by Dr. Wells, according to those rites this morning.
    Mr. Holt is again preparing to burn a large kiln of brick to put into his new hotel, which raises to proportion slowly.
    The game of Governor is like unto seesawing; now it's me up then it's you up. The next Legislature will decide.
Ashland Tidings, June 21, 1878, page 3

    Captain O. C. Applegate has retired from the Ashland Tidings, J. M. Sutton, who established the paper, returns to editorial charge.
"News Items," The New Northwest, Portland, June 21, 1878, page 2

    J. M. Sutton again greets the readers of the Ashland Tidings as its editor. He returns to the post after a year and a half of painful illness, fully restored in health. The Tidings is regarded as a local necessity by the people of Southern Oregon, and we trust a prosperous future is before it.

The New Northwest, Portland, June 28, 1878, page 2

    Old Schonchin, chief of the Modocs, was among the Indians that came into Ashland from the Klamath reservation after supplies a short time since. He was during the early Modoc war a terror to the whites, but since he made his "mark" to the treaty of 1864, has been their unswerving friend.
"News Items," The New Northwest, Portland, June 28, 1878, page 2

    Captain O. C. Applegate, late of the Ashland Tidings, has gone to Lake County to treat with the Indians.
    The heaviest wagonload of freight ever brought into Jackson County was brought from Redding to Ashland last week. It weighed 10,864 pounds.
"News Items," The New Northwest, Portland, July 5, 1878, page 2

Jacksonville Items.
July 7th, 1878.
    ED. TIDINGS:--I have been oiling up machinery for two weeks, and therefore could not spin. I think the cogs are in order for a run again.
    A young lady said she had something to tell me, but she said no--I would put it in the Tidings. I rest very contented, because, you know, they disgorge a secret spontaneously, and when the pack-ring string relaxes, it flows forth fluently.
    I heard of a grand rally of the devotees to temperance at Willow Springs, recently. Mr. Carr officiated as W.C. I suppose that means William Colvig, as he was present, and held forth with a very interesting dissertation on temperance, evincing great research and proper plan for the promulgation of the cause.
    A ladies' rocking party took place at Mr. Linn's cabinet rooms, on the 5th inst. That is correct; drink your sherry before the ice melts.
    Gov. Chadwick considerately forwarded us 100 needle guns, on application of Judge Day. A wise provision truly. Forewarned, forearmed, we propose to organize a company of militia permanently, for peace or war.
    False by nature, false through policy and--false teeth are fashionable.
    Friday 5th was a painful day to some of our folks. Chris. Ulrich got his thumb caught in the machinery about the engine in Mr. Linn's shop, sustaining a severe crushing fracture, but glancing so that the bone is safe, but the nail and flesh will have to be renewed. Mr. Linn, while seeing what he was sawing didn't see the hungry teeth of the saw sawing his finger, and got it sawed, and you see he saw a new game of see saw.
    The city marshal marshaled a man to his booth yesterday, for being intoxicated vociferously.
    4thly was a big item with usly. Numerous humorous people assembled and enthused. The spree opened by a fusillade from the artillery at the broke of morn, and the brazen band discouraged sweet strains of music in a skillet-full of lager. A deep-wrought and brand-new oration was expounded by Prof. Merritt, in a pleasing, instructive and comprehensive manner, and Miss Annie Bilger excelled herself in reading the Declaration of Independence, which was given close attention by the patriots. Dinner was discussed with zest which betrayed keen and appreciative appetites. Then came amusements, which consisted in climbing a pole which was decked with prizes, sack-racing for prizes, walking spring pole to crossbar, where prizes were suspended, and target shooting, by the young ladies (any of which would be a prize herself). A large circular swing was erected conveniently at hand, and was well patronized. There were plenty of refreshments on the ground: oranges, ice cream and etceteras. The rain the night previous made the day cool and pleasant, as well as the people. The conclusion was reached by foot racing in the evening and a grand ball, where 71 tickets were sold and everybody happy. The whole of the celebration was planned and managed by the Jacksonville brass band and we
unite in extending them the credit of success and our sincere thanks for their zeal in our behalf and the pleasure we enjoyed.
    F. M. Nickerson was thrown from a wagon while leaving the grounds on the 4th. Hadn't been beverageous, but was intoxicated by the near presence of his inamorata. She reached for him, but alas, too late! He eluded her grasp and was prone on his back in the dust; hurt some, but will recover before the bell rings often. Do you call that a "[illegible] known?"
    Is our county too poor to own a flag?
    C. W. Savage has an alligator in his saloon, which attracts many series [queries?].
    Lawrence says the 4th is too big, too much 4th. He had to come 4th too often, or was often 4th or something was 4thcoming. Somebody splain.
Ashland Tidings, July 12, 1878, page 3

Jacksonville Items.
JACKSONVILLE,  July 12, 1878.
    ED. TIDINGS:--A young lady, who I presume was absent-minded, walked down street the other day with a towel around her neck instead of a collar.
    Many improvements are made in our city, and several new buildings being erected.
    The City Cigar Store can be found at the corner of California & Oregon streets; lately moved.
    S. Booth has rented the ranch of H. P. Deskins near old Fort Lane, and taken his fine stock there to perfect.
    Freighting has commenced to Fort Klamath, and government contracts are being filled.
    Are you going to the Christian picnic last Sunday at Heber Grove?
    A good place for the Pioneer Reunion would be at the site of Fort Lane, or on Haskell Amy's place, where several old government buildings yet remain standing, and tend to recall many thrilling incidents of hardships and adventure, wherein our old pioneers were engaged in carving out the subjugation of the primitive inhabitants of this country, and the wilderness itself, and where even now the howl of the coyote can occasionally be heard.
    We have heard of temples dedicated to pursuits of knowledge; for the promulgation of sociability and exaltation of the human race; for the quiet conclave of warm-hearted and sympathetic friends; that constitute great brotherhoods, but ye know not whereof ye speak, until ye gaze into the portals of the "Temple of Fashion" and drink in, with open month and protruding eyes, the wonders of art there displayed in whole quires and Reames.
    Step into Orth's market and look at his new Murray chopping machine. It has two cranks, four knives and revolving box, weighs 475 pounds and costs $125.
    Mr. A. Fisher will not move his family to San Francisco, as intended. He will probably drift into business here again.
    Have yon seen Mrs. Stephens? Do you know Mrs. Jenks?
    I saw a "Strong" man reclining in the arms of a friend, on California Street, entirely overcome by the weight of responsibility resting upon him in waiting for the termination of the Indian war, to resume business. I have since learned he has gone to the front with a few Gatling guns and a small arsenal. The battle is not always with the "Strong."
    It looks so-so, to see so many dispensers of spiritual food around the country and then not have service once a week in Jacksonville. Where is Brother Bell and Father Williams? We must look to the efforts of our Catholic neighbors for an example of devotion.
Ashland Tidings, July 19, 1878, page 3

Jacksonville Items.
July 21st, 1878.
    EDITOR TIDINGS:--We have a number of cases of cholera morbus here among the children, caused by eating green fruit.
    Most of the cigars here don't hurt the boys much.
    The public crib in causing some yearning of the bowels. Whose ox is gored now?
    Many experts have decided that there is a mountain of gold in this vicinity. Um! um!
    A bottle planted in the ground, bottom up, will make a good socket for a gate to swing upon, when hinges are not obtainable.
    Mr. McDonald, a stock man from Surprise Valley, Cal., has been sojourning among us. He has a half brother to Booth's Scamperdown with him.
    "Gibson's lasses is darn good! Golly, look at the lasses! You can git some on your taters, if you go down thar, Mister." It was the first time he had ever eaten the article, and struck it rich.
    Chief Justice Huffer is now ready for splicing the main brace. Gals, bring on your blushing beaux and the Squire will see to you, and then you can see him.
    New officers of Jacksonville Lodge, No. 10, I.O.O.F., are: J. H. Penn, N.G.; F. Luy, V.S.; S. J. Day, R.S.; Wm. Bybee, Treasurer; J. Hockenyos, W.; Ed. Smith, C.; Chris Ulrich, R.S.N.G.; P. Rouschey, I.G.
    Mr. Johnson, the tanner, has missed several hides from his tannery. They are either strayed or stolen.
    A man and his wife had a scalp lock stitch dance recently. Both were frothy with wroth. Peas and hominy have been restored.
    Our two fathers, Buchard and Blanchet, were upset from a back seat of a hack, caused by a sudden start of the horses, while near Hanley's place last week. Rather an ungraceful fall of grace, but nothing serious.
    Two of our city belles are visiting at Mr. McDonough's, near Willow Springs. A very pleasant party was given there, last Saturday night, in their honor, and of course was highly enjoyable and appreciated. I did not remain to chick the picken bones and appurtenances, but know they were par excellent. Mrs. Mc. leads in the culinary viands. Belshazzar's feast, or the capering of noted Delmonico, is hardly comparable.
    Mr. Wm. Kahler has been troubled with hogs, which got into his wheat field and destroyed a great quantity. A grand hunt was organized, with McDonough as pasha. A picked scout was deployed from the line on the flank of the enemy, who reported them about fifteen strong and posted on the skirt of dense timber, well masked, with a heavy force, slightly advanced. The pasha immediately ordered a council of war, while the engineer prepared a map of the field. The field and staff proposed an instant retreat, under the route step, but pasha, being a man of sterling, stern and indomitable will, indignantly thundered out the command to prepare for an instant death struggle. He proposed to fight it out on this line if it took him all summer. At this juncture, the scout thrillingly reported the enemy maneuvering, undoubtedly effecting a change of base. Kahler's corps was ordered to advance by echelon to the left and move well on the enemy's flank and rear. The cavalry on the right was ordered to sweep entirely around and cut communications and line of retreat, while the center under the eye and direct command of the pasha would move forward with a heavy line of skirmishers and endeavor to carry the works by assault. The enemy were like the Arabs of the desert--wild and uncivilized and did not wait for the development of our plan, but came charging down upon us, ready and eager for the fray. An instant of time was lost in amazement, when the whole line broke in confusion, and the efforts of the pasha to render order and confidence were unavailing. Scattering shots were fired, but alas, the center was demoralized and could not be brought into action again during the battle. Kahler performed a very difficult and hazardous maneuver during the engagement, and one seldom attempted in the face of an enemy. He threw a hollow square around two corps of the enemy and captured them, and they now languish in prison awaiting their death sentence. A pet dog of the regiment, while jumping out of danger and looking back to see if he was pursued, jumped off of a high bank, and, as he was launched out into space, he gave one long howl of dismay and sank beneath the murky waters of Bear River, and was never seen again for ever so long. Our scattered forces were finally gathered en masse and retired from the field, under cover of the night and dim light of the moon.
Ashland Tidings, July 26, 1878, page 3

Jacksonville Items.
July 31, 1878.
    The Times in greatly improved in size and appearance. Charley deserves success for exertion and enterprise.
    I notice the Sentinel says that Kenneth is quite a punster. That certainly is very complimentary. Mr. Krause always was a very Frank fellow. By the way, I observe a great improvement in that paper lately. Love exalts Frank, and his "mind's eye" is entirely clear for business.
    Mr. A. Fisher is going to San Francisco, soon, on a short visit. I suppose he wishes to see the young folks off safely for the Fatherland.
    The Boulon Troupe has returned and will perform here on next Saturday, prox. They take well.
    A porcine quadruped belonging to Mr. James Cardwell came into town last Sunday night. It was chased around by the mischievous boys and and became so overheated that it died before morning. Loss, about ten or twelve dollars.
    One of our citizens worships two Gods; one is money.
    Mr. Cardwell's family departed from our midst the other day, en route for regions of greater altitude. They propose doing the romances of the Cascades.
    We expect another eclipse shortly, a grand total of both son and moon.
    Why do the girls wear buttons nowadays, instead of hooks and eyes? (Answer next week.)
    With what little pleasure we have in this world, we would like the pleasure of eating our own chickens.
    Jack Montgomery started to Redding this morning, with Father Buchard, who leaves many warm friends.
    On Monday, at Mr. Watson's ranch on Bear Creek, Mr. Berry was thrown from a load of hay by the binder breaking. He was thrown about twenty feet, and struck on his shoulder, breaking his right arm off near the wrist, and was otherwise considerably bruised. The surgeons will not be able to reset the fracture for several days, until the swelling is reduced.
    Two shots were fired in town last night, but I could not ascertain what was the trouble with the weapon; it must have been self-acting.
August 6.
    Orme Bros., from Foots Creek, finished cleaning up last week, and took out about 75 oz. of dust, or about $1,235.
    The organization of an amateur dramatic association is under discussion by our folks.
    Two cases of assault and battery were tried before Squire Huffer, within the last week. One in which Riley was plaintiff and Rodgers defendant; jury trial; verdict, not guilty. In the other, DeRoboam was plaintiff and Enos defendant; also a jury trial; verdict, guilty, and defendant fined $35 and costs.
    A. M. Ashbury, an old resident of this place, died last Friday.
    The wife of John Hockersmith, aged about 20 years, died on Dry Creek, on last Sunday. She leaves an infant three days old. Truly a sad bereavement.
    The Boulon Troupe benefited here on Saturday night last, to a crowded house, for the Jacksonville brass band.
    Wm. Kenny is constructing a No. 1 track for horse training or racing, on the ranch of Col. J. N. T. Miller.
    Our B.B. Club are preparing to accept the challenge from the Mystic Club of Fort Klamath.
    A strange gentleman by the name of J. M. Sutton passed through town last Sunday en route for Josephine County. The first ever heard of him in this vicinity was in the days of '49, and he sometimes goes by the name of "Pioneer." He has gone over to hide himself in the bowels of the earth in the big cave. We hope he will find a small slug of gold, too big to lift. Wouldn't he feel queerly curious?
Ashland Tidings, August 9, 1878, page 3

Jacksonville Items.
Aug. 12, 1878.
    ED. TIDINGS:--I would say to the public, and especially to travelers, that first-class accommodation can be had at the hotel of Mrs. Vining, at this place.
    The atmosphere is dense with smoke, and days sultry.
    Judge Prim is again off to his mines in the Siskiyous.
    James McCully, the sheepist, is sojourning among us during watermelon time.
    Mr. Joseph Wetterer has been seriously ill, but is thought to be slowly recovering.
    Miss Katie Hoffman will leave here shortly, on a visit to friends in the Willamette Valley.
    Answer to query last week--Because when they hook anything, the eye is sure to see them.
    Our B.B. Clubbers are so scattered, all hopes of meeting the Mystic Club at Fort Klamath are futile.
    Some organs sold in this place and vicinity occasioned considerable choir music; there is also cheek involved.
    If anyone wants a rubber stamp or a good set of stencils, call upon Chris Bailey; he will cut them to order.
    When young folks go walking in the country they should remember that corn has ears, potatoes have eyes, and beans stalks.
    An application was made to the sheriff for a license to sell commodities and illustrations of the fine arts, and after Deputy Sheriff Coats had the papers made out he concluded it was not in his jurisdiction.
    Mr. James Sutton. the irrepressible, again mixed up with us on last Saturday. As we cannot dispose of him in any other way, we have concluded to vote him the freedom of the city for the future. Pape wants that pile of tin cans explained.
    It is about time the authorities lock up a monster in human form, in this place, or send him to the asylum, if he is crazy, as the indications are that he is. Every few days, the town is regaled by a fresh tale of his demonstrations, and the cries of his family can be heard all around the neighborhood where he lives.
    Dr. Robinson met with quite a serious accident recently, at Dr. Danforth's. He went to take a horse from the stables for the purpose of visiting a patient when he received a severe kick in the breast, which knocked him down. Dr. Danforth says it is probable some bones were fractured, and that he never knew that horse to kick "before."
Ashland Tidings, August 16, 1878, page 3

Jacksonville Items.
Aug. 19, 1878.
    ED. TIDINGS:--The plug hat brigade paraded the streets on Sunday, in honor of Herman Helms' birthday. He was grand marshal, with J. S. Howard as chief aide. Howard, you know, is a surveyor, and it took all his skill to navigate clear of the shoals and breakers in the evening. Those hats looked as though the men had stood on their heads.
    An artist says he only takes the faces of persons and BUSTS. A friend told him if he remained here very much longer he certainly would bust.
    Squire Huffer has so many suits pertaining to his office, he has rigged out in a new suit of clothes. The office and clothes both suit the officer.
    The girls raided on Sergeant Dunlap's peaches, during his absence, and would have sampled Peter Britt's, but they were afraid the big dog liked calf meat.
    A deserter from Fort Klamath was captured on Rogue River and lodged in the county jail. Captain Adams is in town with escort, and will start for the Post with the prisoner in a few days.
    Earnest Caro says he has stock enough without the fruit dryer, and so they turned that institution into another elephant, too much trunk; everything goes in, but not anything comes out, but one little darn big expenses.
    The boys have a good thing, when George Strong is here. Whenever they want a free ride, they ask for his team, and he is too generous and accommodating to refuse. The girls could have the use of it too, and welcome. He will not issue a word of dissatisfaction, but just say so, and he will give them a ride.
    Fisher & Brother are doing an immense business. They are talking of enlarging their store.
Ashland Tidings, August 23, 1878, page 3

Death of White Prince.
    A letter from W. C. Myer, dated Ashland, Aug. 17th, says: White Prince died this morning. A post mortem examination of his stomach showed near two-thirds of the inner coating gone, plainly indicating that he had been poisoned while in the valley by a slow and subtle poison. I had thought until the past day or two that he might recover, but the condition of his stomach upon examination showed that no course of treatment could have saved him. He did not rally from his last attack at Salem, as he did from the attacks in Albany and Corvallis in July and August. Notwithstanding his loss to the stock interest of the state, it is now being demonstrated that his stock or produce are the most uniform of any ever bred in Oregon, as will be shown in the next several years when his colts arrive at maturity and are set to work upon the farms of the Willamette Valley and Southern Oregon. I shall bury him with due honors, put a picket fence around his resting place and erect a suitable monument, recording his age, together with his pedigree and the fact of his being the first princely representative of his race ever in Oregon.
The Independent, Roseburg, August 24, 1878, page 3  White Prince was a Percheron.

Jacksonville Items.
Aug. 27, 1878.
    The weather is warm and cool.
    We were favored last week with a refreshing shower of rain.
    The family of J. H. Penn will depart soon on a visit to friends at their old home in Portland.
    Our personal friend Joe Wetterer, and our genial friend, E. Jacobs, have gone up to the Springs to Soda up.
    A team of mules was stolen from the premises of Andy Davidson, three miles east of town, Saturday night.
    A goose was SON struck the other day from the effects of a stone upon the head, propelled by incorrigible young America.
    A young ingrate drew an revolver on his intended father-in-law, on Applegate, recently. The trouble originated about a piece of inhabited bacon.
    Arrangements are about concluded to place Jesse Titus under the care and treatment of Drs. Danforth & Robinson. Not as a county charge in any respect. He has been afflicted with a stroke of paralysis, nearly three years.
    A girl on Applegate accuses the teacher of keeping her in, after school is dismissed, and trying to kiss her. The teacher emphatically and vehemently denies the charge. Who is the sweet tobacco posey?
    We have two cases of typhoid fever in our midst. Our surroundings are not propitious for malaria, and, although the smoke emitted from the stacks of our steam mills is considered a nuisance, yet it is really a disinfectant and therefore should be patiently tolerated as a fortunate auxiliary.
    The Jacksonville brass band will be present in full uniform, and discourse music at the Pioneer Reunion, on the 12th of September prox. They will also give a social dance in the evening, to which the public is cordially invited. Prof. Scott, from Eureka, Cal., has been engaged as leading violinist. Supper will be provided.
Ashland Tidings, August 30, 1878, page 3

    Mrs. Colonel Maury, one of the earliest residents of Jackson County, died at Jacksonville last week.
"News Items," The New Northwest, Portland, September 5, 1878, page 2

Narrow Gauge Railroad.
    As will be seen by the following which we take from the Jacksonville Sentinel the good people of that section of Oregon have got tired of waiting for the completion of the Cal. & Ogn. Railroad and have taken the initiatory steps to have one of their own. The gentlemen mentioned as incorporators are all "heavy" men of Southern Ogn. and we believe will carry the project to a successful conclusion: "Articles of incorporation were yesterday signed for the purpose of building a narrow gauge railroad from this valley to the coast, with the following named gentlemen as incorporators: C. C. Beekman, Alex. Martin, E. D. Foudray, John E. Ross, Jacob Ish, M. Hanley, J. M. McCall, R. D. Hume, J. N. T. Miller, John Orth, and N. Langell. The capital stock of the company is $2,000,000, divided into shares of $200 each, and it is proposed to build the road from this place to Ellensburg, at the mouth of Rogue River, a distance of 95 miles. The road, when once completed, would open out to the world's market one of the most fertile valleys to be found anywhere--the garden spot of the coast--and every property owner and business man in the counties of Jackson, Josephine and Lake is interested in its construction. Substantial aid can be received from the citizens of San Francisco, and R. D. Hume and other capitalists of Curry County would lend material assistance for building the same. A line of railroad from this valley to the coast would do more for the substantial development of our resources than anything else, and even after the completion of the O.&C.R.R. through this place, a narrow gauge to the coast would form a competing line, and thus prevent our farmers and merchants from being charged extortionate rates for transportation. We hope that every resident of this locality will take an interest in this new enterprise, and we refer them to the names of the incorporators as a guarantee that the movement is made in good faith."
The Sentinel, Red Bluff, California, September 21, 1878, page 1

Astounding Revelations-Startling Disclosures--
Drama in Three Acts.
    At last, the general change in our local papers is an accomplished fact; and certainly their improved appearance and full columns of interesting items are well worthy of perusal, and would be creditable to any locality. They fully meet the advanced stage and demands of the times. Most assuredly those public benefactors that provide our literary food should receive a liberal support that would ensure a permanent success.
    Mr. James Herd was in from Applegate on Sunday, and says work is being pushed forward on the "grand ditch," a large force being employed. He expects to have his saw mill in running order in a few weeks, when he will commence on very select timber, a large supply of which is very conveniently at hand.
    A merchant on our streets last week said he would give $1,000.00 to see a laboring man, that he required immediate and substantial help. One or two offers were made, but one with good solid bone and muscle, who would not be afraid to wrestle with his bales and boxes. There is a chance, lads--look it up--you are all known personally but the right one will succeed.
    He bussed her and called her his sweet turtledove--but when she gave him a left-handed wipe like a blunderbuss, he maliciously called her a snapping turtle and shook his finger under her nose--she arose to the full dignity of the situation, and sneezed on him--he beat a retreat with his coattail playing a devil's tattoo; she was certainly in earnest.
    G. Karewski has several wagons for sale, manufactured by Fish Bros. They are well adapted for this country, but why not manufacture them at home.
    There is a row of new houses standing empty adjacent to Breckenfield's Cigar Store.
    Newman Fisher is building an addition to his residence.
    We do not fully comprehend the contemplations of Veit Schutz but he is brewing an enlargement to his brewery, and, possibly, to his domestic felicitations--we extend our hearty congratulations in advanced anticipations.
    Died--Oct. 5th, Jasper Beall, son of Thos. F. and Ann Beall, aged about 13 years. The bereaved have the public sympathy in their afflictions.
    Day & Ratrie manufactured 180 gal. of cider last week. Ratrie said the Judge would rather drink than grind. We know by sample that it is good cider.
    A new machine started up recently--two of the fair sex wanted a stick sharpened, one of them held it down, while the other applied the drawing knife--they thought it more lively than any they encountered in their youth. Doubtful (?)
    An old toper kicked a big apple off from the sidewalk and said get out of my way I am too full to eat you, said the apple I am full too, full of what? full of of cider. The toper's heart was softened and he found room for the apple.
    Jacksonville has been regaled with a drama in three acts, which is too rare and rich to slumber. The characters are one devil, one imp, two professors (a Doctor and Lawyer) and several ladies, the cream and bon ton of the town; one highflyer and two harlequins.
    SCENE FIRST--The party all congregated at a residence near a large vineyard (with the exception of the highflyer and harlequins), discussing the proposition suggested by the devil, seconded by the imp and advocated by the lawyer, to make a descent, or rather ascent, upon the said vineyard and satiate their appetite upon the luscious French grapes. The Dr., rather reticent at first, having an eye to the effects of too much juice, finally acquiesced to the importunities of the ladies, and the whole party sailed out under cover of the calm still night.
    SCENE SECOND--The highflyer and two harlequins, secreted in the vineyard with a loaded shotgun; the other party headed by the devil, meandering around among the vines, enjoying the luscious and tempting fruit to their fullest capacity except the Dr. who was wary. The critical moment of destiny had arrived--bang went the gun--instantly all was confusion and fright, and a general pell-mell scramble ensued regardless of age or sex, Jack be nimble Jack be quick, that is, the imp went flying over the vines in a dexterous manner, only emulated by his satanic majesty, and showing that marked ability to dodge the horn of the dilemma only to be attained by long practice. The lawyer attempted to beat back the hidden foe by violent gesticulation, and latin ejaculation from Blackstone, while the Dr., undisturbed, calmly surveyed the scene, and awaited a call from any part of the field. It came and oh, horror of horrors, the voice of a tender and beautiful young lady, in dire distress, and in tones that froze the very marrow in his bones. Oh, my God; oh, my God I'm shot, I'm shot. The Dr. rushed to her side, regardless of the damage done to the vines, or his shine, and with the aid of the lawyer rescued her from a perilous position among the intricate mazes of the vines, where she had fallen prone on the ground. The Dr. pronounced the case nervous prostration, no wounds being apparent. Being reassured, they hurried on after their friends, the tracks of which could plainly be seen through the devastated vines and grapes strewn along the ground, and other debris such as handkerchiefs, a switch and another article the name of which ends in coat, a pretty affair however which we will not stop to consider.
    SCENE THIRD--The two harlequins and highflyer becoming alarmed at the cries of distress, thought surely something serious had happened, and concluded it would not be healthy for them to be found close by, so the harlequins and highflyer vaulted over the stake and rider fence, the highflyer who was the fleetest runner soon distanced his friends but to his dismay, a couple of watch dogs, faithful to their trust, on the next premises hearing the unusual uproar, were out on a reconnoitering expedition, and the highflyer came near casting himself right into their capacious jaws, but recollecting that they were usually fed on bloody meat, being butcher's dogs, and he being very active, as his name indicates, "squirrel-like," betook himself to a tree, there to ponder upon the ills of life, and the terminus of what he supposed would be sauce all for the goose. After about three hours vigils under the influence of a heavy frost, he was finally released by his canine guard retiring in disgust at their futile efforts to climb the tree. The "biggest" joke is that all the parties are trying to keep this episode where it emanated, "in the dark." The Johnny Crapeau came into town next morning with his phiz as long as a grape vine and one big sa cre and said, one mad cow was in my grapes and make too much wine last night--hook up vines--mash grapes--no more wine for me sa cre.
Ashland Tidings, October 11, 1878, page 3

Jacksonville Items.
    We look for a matrimonial knot to be tied about the holidays. The couple are bright ornaments of society.
    Prof. Scott gave a soiree at the club rooms on Friday night last, a very pleasant time indeed.
    A large dog attacked a lady on Saturday night last. She escaped serious injury, but was exceedingly frightened.
    Father Blanchet expects to dedicate the Catholic church at Eagle Point about the last of this month. A large convocation of people are expected to be present from Jacksonville.
    The fruit dryer ts being repaired and a force of operatives will be introduced therein in about ten days. The company deserve the best wishes of our denizens for the enterprise; with proper management it will pay.
    The narrow gauge R.R. Co. expect to send out a surveying party in the spring. Many persons are willing to take stock in the road and work it out; probably much of the grading will be done in that way although the company thus far are feeling very independent, and well they may, knowing it would be the very safest and best investment they could make. They are really anxious to commence work, and we will not be the least surprised to see the iron horse traversing these mountains within two years, and it is a subject that will not sleep, it excites such interest that will cause it to agitate itself, and because the fact of its necessity is so palpably evident, we will be obliged to take hold of the project through force of circumstances. The completion of this road would be like sowing a million of money broadcast in the land; we would see a smile of satisfaction on the faces of all we met, and such a thing as hard times or a scarcity of money would not be known. But whoever heard of such complaints in this land that certainly flows with milk and honey. Chronic grumblers would continue to growl like the bear even when food was placed in his mouth, and if they be placed in a palace car and given a free passage over our narrow gauge R.R. to the coast, growl because they were not sent on to San Francisco or Portland by steamer. No, fellow citizens, look not for help to the North, either to the South, but fix your eye within yourselves, at home, and to the West, for here certainly lies your only hope to sever the chains that bind you; arouse, pioneers of '52 and clasp knuckles with us of '78 and pass the Rubicon to victory, freedom and independence of monopoly, extortion by exorbitant prices, and high tariffs.
Ashland Tidings, October 18, 1878, page 3

    SHOOTING AFFRAY.--A young Kearneyite arrived here from California last week, and getting into a row with a Chinaman, while perambulating through Chinatown drew a pistol and fired at one of the Mongolians, but without taking effect. Marshal Helms and Deputy Sheriff Seybert arrested him and entered a charge of an assault with a dangerous weapon. Recorder Hayden fined him $10 and costs, and not having the bullion with which to liquidate is now boarding it out at the calaboose.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 23, 1878, page 4

    INDIAN COUNCIL.--Our city has been overrun for a week past with delegates from the different Indian tribes in this locality, who have gathered here for the purpose of holding a grand religious powwow. The occasion of their meeting here at this time is the arrival of two special agents--George Harney and John Adams--sent by Indian Agent Wm. Bagley, of the Siletz Reservation, to induce them to go on the reserve at that place. Representatives of the tribes at Cottonwood, Yreka, Sacramento, Shasta and Klamath are present, including Allen David, Chief of the Klamaths, Humbug John and Tyee Jim of the Shastas and Chief Frank of the Sacramentos. The "big talk" occurred on Wednesday and Thursday of last week, when Messrs. Harney and Adams both urged them to abandon their present mode of life, and instead of running wild, as they now do, to come on the reservation, take up farms and become civilized. A number of the Indians signified their willingness to do so, and as soon as provision for their transportation is made they will start for their new home. Harney and Adams returned to Siletz Reservation on last Friday's stage.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 23, 1878, page 4

    INDIAN DANCES.--The Indians now in this vicinity have been holding dances on Kanaka Flat each evening for a week past--charging their white brethren an admission fee of 50 cents each to witness the performance. Quite a large number from town visited the show on the first and second evenings, but as one visit generally satisfies the audience, they have not been repeated.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 23, 1878, page 3

     J. M. Sutton, of the Ashland Tidings, Oregon, died at that place last Monday. He was an early settler in Rogue River Valley, having arrived there in 1852.
"Pacific Coast Items," Sacramento Daily Record-Union, October 31, 1878, page 2

    Diphtheria prevails in Jackson County.
    Linkville, the old pioneer town of the Lake country, is growing rapidly. No less than a half dozen new buildings are now going up, and we hear of many more to arise in the near future.
"Oregon Items," Sacramento Daily Union, November 18, 1878, page 1

    A number of boys ranging in age from 10 to 16 years were in a state of helpless intoxication on the streets of Jacksonville on Sunday. Yet we have a law against furnishing minors with liquor.
"News Items," The New Northwest, Portland, December 5, 1878, page 3

Jacksonville Items.
The following letter was received
just too late for last week's issue.

Dec. 9th, 1878.
    ED. TIDINGS:--
    Our marshal reaped a harvest of "drunks" Saturday last; he had four bottle flies in the jug. This morning they appeared before the Recorder, who fined two of them $15 each, the third $10 and the fourth $5, in lieu of which amount, the first series were remanded for seven days, the $10 man for five days, and the $5 man for two days. They remarked that they had not the amount about them at present, with the exception of one of the high priced, who said he had $10 he would be willing to yield for sweet liberty. His honor concluded the money would be of more benefit to the town than the prisoner and released him with a strong admonition.
    Mr. W. H. McDaniel, a resident of this place for many years, died on Saturday at 2 o'clock p.m., and was buried yesterday in the Odd Fellows' cemetery, under the auspices of the Improved Order of Red Men. Services were conducted at the grave by the Rev. A. Hardison, followed by the ceremony of the order. There were about
300 people present.
    People wondered what was the matter with Tom Kenny one day last week. A beautiful smile lit up his countenance all day. Finally someone heard a whisper behind the curtain that Mrs. Tom Kenny had a new ten-pound boy.
    A woman in the country, wishing some pin money and not having the needful within her reach, sold her coffee strainer. It brought enough to fill the bill. This proves that they are equal to an emergency.
    I heard that Mr. Baum, one of the popular Ashland firm of McCall & Baum, was in Jacksonville one day last week, looking for Kenneth. I dodged him on every corner and managed by considerable dexterity to keep out of his reach. I was afraid he wanted to make me a present of a new overcoat. I since heard he wanted to take me around to the new restaurant of Grob & Ulrich and treat to the oysters, so in my anxiety to escape his clutches I cheated my commissary out of that delicious nourishment called "antiscorbutictranstinouritation," or what we polished German citizens translate into English, sauerkraut.
    People in crossing our desert, even those acquainted, often get bewildered by the crossroads and thus for a time lost and travel many miles out of their way. I don't say that happened to Geo. Schumpf when he went to the dedication of the new Catholic church at Eagle Point; but he took a good big circle to see the country.
    Charley Griffith, commonly known as long Charley, and Mr. Clemens were teaming on the road between here and Roseburg last fall, when Charley got very happy (that is a new name for it). They halted near a stream to water their horses, when Charles in reaching after some water with his bucket, plunged in. He was in a very wet and critical condition; so the other gentleman concluded that if he did him any good in this world, he must hurry. Finally he concluded to offer up a prayer. Deponent does not know whether he was a stranger to such proceedings or not; however, while Chas. coolly rose and sank two or three times, he commenced: "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures--" by this time the prayer was heard, and Charles stood up tall, and the water just ran over his boot tops.
    I had the pleasure of attending the dedication of the Catholic church at Eagle Point on the 27th of October, and thought perhaps some of your readers would like to hear something about the ceremony and appearance of the building, although some time has elapsed. Father Blanchet had felt the necessity for a church at that point for a long time, and concluded to appeal to the generous citizens of this valley to aid in its erection. They responded very liberally and seemed to take a great interest in the enterprise and Mr. Fryer, a resident of the Point, kindly donated over an acre of ground for the site. Father Blanchet officiated at the dedication through special dispensation of the Archbishop of Oregon. The building is fifty feet in length by twenty-seven in width, and has an arched ceiling. It will cost not far short of $2,000. The structure was put under the special protection of St. Francis Xavier, a picture of whom was hung on the wall above the altar. On the right of this was one of our Savior, while on the left, that of the blessed mother Mary. The floral decorations of the altar were very fine. Nearly three hundred persons were present, and found ample room in the building. Mrs. R. Brown permitted the use of her organ, and the singing of the Sisters and their young ladies' choir was excellent. Father Blanchet delivered a very thoughtful address, wherein he depicted the progress of the Catholic Church in this country, and publicly thanked all who contributed in any way to the construction of the building.
Ashland Tidings, December 20, 1878, page 3

    The city fathers of Ashland are about to prohibit the appearance of boys on the streets after 7 o'clock.
"News Items," The New Northwest, Portland, December 26, 1878, page 2

Last revised February 20, 2024