The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Jackson County News: 1874

    The Times says: By far the most hogs slaughtered for many a year in Jackson County are being cured this season. More swine have been raised the past year, which makes bacon, hams, etc. considerable cheaper than was the case then. Considerable money has also been brought into the county from hogs by William Bybee, who has taken nearly 1,000 hogs to adjoining counties. This is a vast improvement on having to import hams, bacon, lard, etc. as was done heretofore.
"Oregon Items," Sacramento Daily Union, January 20, 1874, page 3

    NEW SYSTEM OF SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATION.--The Sacramento Record of Jan. 7 says that prior to the Agassiz Institute being called to order last night, J. H. Stinson, of Jacksonville, Oregon, addressed in quite a lecture the members present upon the subject of a book he proposes to issue on modern science. The work, he said, proposes a rigid system of classification for all natural phenomena. It is applicable to all the natural sciences. It proceeds by inductive methods, which are new, and works complete formula for that purpose. By these it brings out the causes involved in any set of phenomena. The system can be used in the wheat field, in the garden, in the dissecting room, and throughout nature. It is [a] scheme by which results can be calculated in a manner similar to the plan upon which the surveyor acts when after getting his data he proceeds to determine the area of the land. After his explanation, some remarks were made favorable to the project. Rev. Mr. Bonte believed the book would be of value, and hoped the members would aid in its publication, and explained at some length where it would be of use to the world. Dr. Logan said the subject and its treatment were entirely new and worthy of serious consideration and investigation.
Scientific Press,
San Francisco, January 24, 1874, page 58

    The Jacksonville Sentinel is informed that John Corbell was not at all implicated in the difficulty at Linkville which resulted in the death of Henry White. The inquest failed to show who did the shooting.
    A boy named Finley, of Jackson County, was seriously injured last week in this wise: He was on horseback driving stock; his horse fell with him, and before he could release himself the horse rose and ran some 200 yards with him, dragging him that distance by his foot, which stuck in the stirrup. Fortunately his boot pulled off and released him from his perilous position and probably saved his life.
"Oregon Items," Sacramento Daily Union, February 17, 1874, page 3

    A letter from Klamath Agency, dated February 21st, to the Statesman, says: "Cattle are beginning to die already, and it is feared by stockmen that the loss will be fearful before grass comes in the spring."
    It is estimated that 12 feet of snow has fallen at Fort Klamath the present winter, but it has not attained a depth of over three feet at any one time, and the coldest day, the 3rd of December, the mercury indicated 13 degrees below zero.
    A letter from Linkville, dated February 23rd, says: "Weather clear and cold, with no indications of a thaw yet. Stock suffering. Loss of sheep already very heavy. Cattle dying in the different valleys as far as heard from, and fears are entertained that the loss will be very heavy unless the winter soon breaks. Since the trial of Gentry, Linkville is as quiet and orderly a village as you can find in the state."
    A letter from Hot Springs, Jackson County, says: "The winter here has been severe; the snow fell on the 1st of December, and the ground has not been bare since, and at this time the snow is from one to two feet deep all over the valley. Some stock, both cattle and sheep, have already died, and the prospects are that many more will die before warm weather comes, as feed is getting very scarce and the weather is cold and clear."
"Oregon Items," Sacramento Daily Union, March 11, 1874, page 3

The Fire at Jacksonville, O.
    The following is a list of losers by the fire and the amount of losses as far as can now be obtained: Wetterer's saloon, fixtures and personal effects, $2,000; Kreutzer's bakery and stock, $1,500; E. Jacobs' grain, flour, etc., $700; Cohn, clothing and dry goods, $2,000; Drum, groceries, $400; Wm. Boyer, grocer, about $3,000; Schumpf's barber shop and fixtures, $500; A. Fisher & Bro., general merchandise and building, $28,000; Judge & Nunan, saddlers, $2,000; Solomon, general merchandise, $8,000; Langell, buildings and shoemaker's stock, $700; Pape's saloon, fixtures and stock, $500; Coleman buildings, about $1,000; Ben Sachs' notions and variety goods, $500; John Orth, damage to building, $500; Schultz' building, about $2,000; McManus & Owens' building, $1,500; John Bilger, damage to building, $500; David Linn, damage to building, $3,00; C. C. Beekman, damage by removal, $250; P. J. Ryan, building destroyed, $1,000; amounting in all to $59,550. Probably there were other losses not now ascertained, to swell the grand total to between $60,000 and $65,000. Of this there is only known to have been insured; A. Fisher & Bro., $10,000; Judge & Nunan, fully insured, $2,000; L. Solomon, $3,000; Coleman, $5,000; Ben. Sachs, $500, fully insured; John Orth, $500, fully insured; John Bilger, $500, fully insured; making a total insurance of $17,000, and cutting the probable actual loss down to $45,000. The persons arrested on suspicion of incendiarism have been discharged from custody, as nothing could be found against them.
Sacramento Daily Union, April 15, 1874, page 2

    Scarcely has a year elapsed since Jacksonville was visited by a disastrous fire which destroyed several thousand dollars of property and laid waste a large area of buildings, when we are again called to chronicle another which, although not so destructive as the former, is a severe stroke on our town.
    At about half-past three or four o'clock on Tuesday morning, when everybody was soundly slumbering, an alarm of fire was given, and before assistance could be given the frame buildings on the south side of California Street, between Oregon and Third, from the Eldorado Saloon to White & Martin's store, and on the east side of Oregon Street, from Wintjen & Helms' saloon to the corner of Oregon and California, was one sheet of flame and past all hope of safety. The buildings, being old and of pine wood, burned like so much paper, and it was with difficulty that some of the persons asleep escaped in time. The fire rapidly spread to the opposite side of California Street, and in a twinkling the frame buildings between Judge & Nunan's saddlery store and John Bilger's tin and hardware store were being devoured by the fiery element. By this time the town was fairly aroused, and by almost superhuman efforts the fire was prevented from spreading to the sheds back of Bilger's and Sachs Bros.' buildings on the north side of California street, and Wintjen & Helms' and White and Martin's on the south. The fire was thus fortunately kept in these bounds and the business portion of the town saved from entire destruction. Meanwhile the fire had become so hot around the brick buildings of A. Fisher and Judge & Nunan, that despite the best of our citizens they at last succumbed and the combustible material contained therein was entirely
    John Orth's large brick was also in imminent danger, and the Times office, contained therein, received a close call. But thanks to a good pump and hose in the butcher shop, the entire building was saved. D. Linn's furniture ware-rooms were also in close quarters, and escaped only by the timely application of blankets and water. The following are the losses sustained by various persons:
    Fisher Bros., general merchandise and building, $28,000; insured for $10,000.
    Judge & Nunan, saddlery, etc., $2,000; fully insured.
    N. Langell, shoe shop, building occupied by Solomon and himself, $700; no insurance.
    Henry Pape, saloon fixtures and stock, $500; no insurance.
    C. Colman, building occupied by Pape, $1,000; insurance, $500.
    Ben. Sachs, damage to stock, $500; fully insured.
    Wm. Boyer, groceries, etc., including money and personal property, about $3,500; no insurance.
    James Drum, groceries, provisions, etc., and building, $400; no insurance.
    Geo. Schumpf, barber shop fixtures, $500; no insurance.
    Jacksonville Social Club, room fixtures, $200; no insurance.
    John Wolters, saloon fixtures, stock etc., $2,000; no insurance.
    Wm. Kreutzer, bakery stock, household and kitchen furniture, $----; no insurance.
    S. Cohn, general merchandise, etc., $2,000, no insurance.
    L. Solomon, general merchandise, $8,000; insured for $3,000.
    E. Jacobs, grain, flour, etc., $700; no insurance.
    John Orth, damage to building, etc., $300; fully insured.
    Veit Schutz, building occupied by Kreutzer, $1,000; no insurance.
    McManus & Owen, buildings occupied by Judge & Nunan, $3,000; insured for $1,500.
    John Bilger, damage to store, $500; fully insured.
    C. C. Beekman, damage to goods by removal, $200; no insurance.
    P. J. Ryan, building occupied by Boyer, $1,500; no insurance.
    The total amount of loss, according to the above, is $58,000; insurance, about $20,000, in the Imperial, Home Mutual, Fireman's Fund, Phoenix and other companies.
    In this connection we may add the loss sustained by White & Martin, Wintjen & Helms, and others, on account of damage to building, removing goods, etc., which, though small, will somewhat swell the aggregate. In some cases the loss given is somewhat exaggerated, but we think that $50,000 will represent the entire loss, not including the insurance.
    Everybody worked with a will when fairly started, and matters could not have turned out better under [the] circumstances. Ladies also worked with a will in carrying water, etc., and lent no inconsiderable aid. Nor can we go farther without noticing the aid and comfort rendered the tired men by ladies liberally supplied with hot coffee, already sweetened and prepared.
    The origin of the fire is not precisely known, and reports in regard thereto are conflicting. Some say that the fire first broke out in the rooms of the Social Club, while others aver it started in the Eldorado Saloon. Others, however, believe it to have been set on fire, and John Lennox, white, and Albert Johnson, mulatto, both notorious characters, were arrested on suspicion. The evidence against them not being sufficient, however, they were discharged.
    While this is a severe loss on everyone concerned, still we are happy to say that a majority signify their intention of starting again.
    A. Fisher will commence rebuilding shortly, though this is the second time he has been burned out in the same place.
    Judge & Nunan, who some time ago purchased part of the ground formerly occupied by the U.S. Hotel, have commenced operations already. They saved quite a lot of their stock, which may be found at the Union Livery Stable.
    Langell and Colman, who own the land between Bilger's and Judge & Nunan's former quarters, contemplate erecting a fine brick thereon.
    D. Linn will doubtless repair his building.
    Win. Kreutzer has already commenced removing his house from Jackson Creek and erecting a temporary bakery on his old ground.
    Boyer & Son will resume as soon as possible.
    Geo. Schumpf, barber, may be found in an apartment of Caton's shoe shop, where he is ready to accommodate his customers. He will rebuild shortly.
    Others also intend starting again, as rapidly as they can secure quarters.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 18, 1874, page 3

    A letter from Goose Lake to the Sentinel says: "Two lean, sore-backed cayuses and one snowblind rider, without fodder or grub, comprise all the facilities there are for carrying the mail from Yainax this way.''
    A miner named Southworth Isham, working in his claim on Brimstone Gulch, in the Grave Creek diggings, Jackson County, was caught in a cave and suffered the fracture of one of his legs, both above and below the knee, and also received other severe injuries.
    On Monday of last week, while riding in a carriage, and when near the residence of Sam. Phillips, on the Applegate road, Jackson County, Professor William M. Davis and wife, of Ashland, met with a severe accident by being thrown from the carriage. Mrs. Davis' leg was broken, and the Professor suffered severe bruises.
    The Jacksonville Sentinel of last Saturday says: "A number of citizens of the Klamath Lake country came into town on Monday. The party consisted of L. S. Dyar, Indian Agent, Captain I. D. Applegate, Sykes Warden, and several others whose names we have not learned. The party came on private business, and returned on Wednesday morning. Some made the trip on horseback, and others, including Captain Applegate, on foot. The footmen gained one day's travel on the horsemen. They bring generally confirmation of previous reports from that region; that first reports of general stock mortality in that region were exaggerated. It seems the general impression that prices of stock will not be affected by the experience of the winter. Although times are dull and money scarce, the outlook for the future is as hopeful as any previous spring."
"Oregon Items," Sacramento Daily Union, April 21, 1874, page 1

    The Jacksonville (Oregon) Times announces the death near that place, on April 22, of Benjamin Franklin Monks, a native of Lexington, Ky., in the sixty-third year of his age, and requests that the fact be noted in this paper.
"Personal," Nashville Union and American, Nashville, Kentucky, May 10, 1874, page 4

    BRIDGE CASE.--The case of David Sexton for obstructing the Rock Point bridge was brought before Justice Turner this week. Mr. Sexton was found guilty of the charges preferred against him and fined $25 and costs, which he paid.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 16, 1874, page 3

Wm. M. Hand.
    WM. M. HAND, candidate for State Printer on the Independent ticket, has the necessary qualifications to fit him for the office, and will do the state work honestly and well, if elected to the position. He will get a handsome vote in Southern Oregon, where he was engaged in publishing a newspaper, and Eastern Oregon, his present residence, will go for him almost en masse. Mr. Hand was a volunteer in the Rogue River Indian war in 1855, and at the battle of Hungry Hill was severely wounded--so severely that it was thought he could not survive. But he survived his wounds, and did good service as lieutenant in one of the companies of Oregon Volunteers, on the frontier for three years. William's chances for election are first rate.
Albany Register, Albany, Oregon, May 30, 1874, page 3

    Abbott, of Sams Valley, Jackson County, started for Steens Mountain with a band of 450 head of cattle on Tuesday of last week.
"Oregon Items," Sacramento Daily Union, August 8, 1874, page 8

    A meeting of the citizens of Jackson County will be held at Ashland on Wednesday, September 9th, to take into consideration the practicability and the feasibility of the proposed Humboldt and Pacific Railroad.
"Oregon Items," Sacramento Daily Union, September 4, 1874, page 3

    B. F. Myer of Ashland fell in a fit last Friday week, and striking on his face, received some severe injuries. He is recovering.
    Three distinguished gentlemen were guests at the Ashland House one night lately. General Vandever, Inspector of Indian Agencies, on his way, we understand, to Fort Klamath, on a tour of inspection; General Wheaton and family, on their way to Walla Walla; and Bishop Merrill, who had been attending Conference in Portland.
    B. F. Dowell, writing from Washington City under date of August 7th, says: "The Oregon war debts are in very bad repute. The treasury has paid on the 1854 claims $68, 305.73. About $20,00 of this is fictitious, and was manufactured since the passage of the act. Nothing will be paid on the 1855-6 war claims until the next deficiency bill passes Congress next winter."
    A young man by the name of Herril, from Benton County, one of James Miller's employees, having the fear of Indians at his heart, while encamped at Cold Springs, Jackson County, was frightened into the belief that they were attacked by Indians, and to play the joke on the timid young man, they rushed out in the woods and soon returned to camp, except Herril, and though search was made during the night and next day, he could not be found. 
"Oregon Items," Sacramento Daily Union, September 5, 1874, page 5

    A little girl of C. P. Cottrell, of Eden precinct, Jackson County, aged six years, while playing in the corral and passing near a vicious cow, received a kick which resulted in the breaking of her leg above the knee.
"Oregon Items," Sacramento Daily Union, September 11, 1874, page 3

    Last Saturday night week, the denizens of Kanaka Flat, a suburb of Jacksonville, had a lively row, which resulted in the shooting of the negro wood chopper, Jackson, and his subsequent death. The coroner's inquest showed that the deceased, Jackson, came to his death on Kanaka Flat, Jackson County, on Sept. 12th, by means of a rifle ball supposed to have been fired by Geo. Ephraim. The last seen of Eph. he was taking a beeline for California at double-quick time.
"Pacific Coasters," Albany Democrat, Albany, Oregon, September 25, 1874, page 2

    The quartz mill, that has been so long expected from Colorado by Brooks & Co., of Jackson County, has arrived, and is ready to start in operation next week. They are well pleased with the machine, and think it far ahead of anything of the kind in the country.
    The Times says: The finances of Jackson County are in a fair way of being in a healthy condition again. We learn that the bondsmen in the Jos. Wells case are making preparations for a settlement with the county, and this amount, in connection with that due from the Oregon Central Military Road Company, which there is every prospect will be shortly liquidated, will place Jackson County almost if not quite out of debt.
    Last Saturday night week, the denizens of Kanaka Flat, a suburb of Jacksonville, had a lively row which resulted in the shooting of the negro wood chopper, Jackson, and his subsequent death. The coroner's inquest showed that the deceased, Jackson, came to his death on Kanaka Flat, Jackson County, on September 12th, by means of a rifle ball supposed to have been fired by Geo. Ephraim. The last seen of Eph. he was taking a beeline for California at double-quick time.
"State and Territorial," Willamette Farmer, October 2, 1874, page 9

A Wonderful Trotter.
    Mr. Mansfield, of Jackson County, Oregon, will bring his celebrated Vermont stallion over here at the time of the county fair. This horse was sired by old "Vermont," the sire of "Jim McDonough," "Brick Pomeroy" and other horses which have made their mark on the turf, and brought fancy prices. This horse is black, weighs over 1,200 pounds, and, it is said, has made a quarter of a mile in 33 seconds, or has trotted for a quarter of a mile at a rate of speed which, if continued, would have made a mile in 2:12. If this horse actually made the speed for a quarter with which he is credited, he is a new wonder.--Yreka Union.
Ventura Signal, San Buenaventura, California, October 3, 1874, page 1

    We have received a letter from Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, the writer of which has heard that there is much idle capital in this state, and who accordingly, representing a number of landowners (whose names he furnishes), desires to know whether there is any possibility of securing a moderate amount of money, on good security, for the development of his district. As we possess no immediate means of answering the inquiry, we have thought our correspondent's purpose might be best served by making his wants known through our columns. He says, "Here in Rogue River Valley is as fine land and property as there is on the Pacific Coast. But just at present we are cut off from a market for our large supply of surplus grain, and as a matter of course our finances are limited. But we are now looking forward to the early completion of the California and Oregon Railroad, when our property will double or treble in value. At present, however, we need some ready money to carry on our business, and if some of those capitalists you spoke of a few weeks ago would invest their money here at a reasonable rate of interest, we would take fifty or a hundred thousand dollars, and give first mortgages on land from four to five times the value of the money we received. We should want the money from two to three years, and would pay the interest annually or semiannually, as the lender might desire." Our correspondent concludes by saying. "I was selected to write this letter by the request of a number of the large land-holders of Jackson County," and he appends the names of several of those persons, which, with his own address, we will furnish upon application. It certainly appears as though such an investment as is here offered ought to be a great deal safer, and in the end more profitable, than gambling in stocks.
Sacramento Daily Union, October 7, 1874, page 2

    The county court of Jackson County let the contract for building the new jail to Smith & Hall at $3,875.
"News Items," New Northwest, Portland, October 23, 1874, page 5

   The following from the Oregon Sentinel published in Jacksonville. of the issue of October 24, 1874, may be of interest to the younger generation: "During the week, quite a band of Indians, accompanied by a pack train of 30 or 40 animals, have been in town from Fort Klamath, laying in their winter's supply of grub, clothing and other 'ictas.' They are quite shrewd at a bargain, peaceable, and present all evidence of a rapidly growing civilization."
"Jacksonville," Medford Mail, February 14, 1927, page 5

    Ashland, in Jackson County, was eloped from by a couple last week, but nobody doubting that the elopement was conducive to the happiness of the pair, there was no effort to bring them back.
    Dr. Parker, of Rogue River, on his way south with a band of horses, while at James Helms' ranch on Wagner Creek on Wednesday night, was kicked by one of the horses and it is feared seriously injured.
    The miners on Foots Creek, in Jackson County, recently held a meeting, and by resolution politely requested the following named individual--William Orders--to make some other locality than Foots Creek his future residence and scene of operations, as his absence was greatly to be preferred to his company. We expect Wm. O. "got," for when miners talk that way they mean something.
"Oregon Items," San Diego Union, November 3, 1874, page 1

How a Convict Fooled Himself.
    The Salem (Oregon) Statesman of the 27th ultimo has the following:
    Valentine S. Hearne, a convict from Jackson County, took French leave of his friends at the Penitentiary on Friday night last, since which time his genial smile has not gladdened the heart of Superintendent Watkinds. He was employed in the brick yard, where he has labored many times previously, and has even been sent into the woods to cut timber, and given many chances to escape which he allowed to pass unheeded. Friday night, however, he concluded to skip out, and skip out he did without further ceremony, and has thus far made good his escape. He was about 27 years of age, 5 feet 10½ inches high, florid complexion, light hair, deep blue eyes and an American by birth. A lengthy petition praying for his pardon, and signed by nearly 1000 citizens of Jackson County, including the person robbed, the jury that convicted him and several members of the court, is now in the hands of the Governor, and had he only remained until tomorrow, the Superintendent informs us, he would have been sent forth a free man. As it is, however, should he be recaptured, he will be compelled to serve out the balance of his time and lose the credit marks awarded him for good behavior.

Daily Alta California, San Francisco, November 7, 1874, page 1

To the Editor of the New Northwest:
    I am yet strong in the faith--my principles do not wane, but as each new development of the fundamental truths, which constitute the broad basis of universal equality is brought to light by the progress of events, I see the necessity of the friends of Human Rights rallying around the lodestone of liberty--Woman Suffrage. Milk-and-water neophytes are not wanted. We want those who are strong in the faith, who will remain with us in the hour of peril, and fight the common enemy of civilization--the anti-Suffragists. Their German silver promises and galvanized threats will never aid in the dissemination of the doctrines proclaimed by a Jefferson, and since advocated by the first thinkers of the nation. The advocates of Human Rights have sounded the fog-whistle in the political night, and the lighthouse of Woman Suffrage throws the light of freedom over the sea of politics. Day is breaking. Yours,
Ashland, Dec. 10, 1874.
The New Northwest, Portland, December 25, 1874, page 1

    NEW OREGON MINES.--Advices from Rock Point, Oregon, dated Dec. 15 state: J. L. Colvig and James Birdseye have just arrived from the new quartz mines, some fifty miles below this place. They say the road is lined with men and pack trains going to the land of gold and silver. The great Mammoth ledge is about 180 feet in width at the point where Rogue River has worn its way through to the depth of 500 feet About 200 claims are now taken up. It has been traced for about 20 miles through a very rough country. Guides get from $10 to $20 per day to trace the lead.
Scientific Press, San Francisco, December 26, 1874, page 402

Last revised June 3, 2023