The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Jackson County News: 1871

    NEW PAPER.--The Democratic Times is the name of a new paper, published in Jacksonville, at the defunct Democratic News office. It is published by J. N. T. Miller, with E. D. Foudray as business agent, and makes a very good appearance.--Yreka Journal.
Democratic Times,
January 14, 1871, page 2

    SPRING FIGHTS.--Ashland is still ahead in the line of items in this class. Capt. Thomas Smith and Mr. Roberts, clerk in Hargadine's store, had a little skirmish with canes and appliances for reaching goods on the top shelves, a few days since. The Captain is said to have looked like a gamecock with his comb both "cut and bloody," after the affray. It grew out of a trifle, and hence we have little sympathy with either. There was a small fight in town last Sunday, between two strangers, names unknown. Both were too drunk to stand straight.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 24, 1871, page 3

    THE ASHLAND AFFRAY.--Booth, who was shot at Ashland last Saturday, is recovering. It is now hoped that he will get well. The affray grew out of a drunken row and fight at Phoenix the night previous. Burton shot four times--one bullet passing in just below the collarbone in front, and lodging against the skin at the back near the spine, another passing into his arm, near the wrist, and ranging towards the elbow. Burton was examined before Squire A. V. Gillette last Monday, and held to answer in the sum of $,1000, to appear at the next term of the circuit court for Jackson County.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 1, 1871, page 3

    SHOOTING AFFRAY AT ASHLAND.--On Saturday morning, 25th ult., about 8 o'clock A. D. Burton fired four shots at Stephen Booth, at Ashland, inflicting a serious wound in the upper part of the chest, the ball passing entirely through and lodging in the muscles of the back, from whence it was subsequently taken; another ball entered the wrist, and following the course of the bone lodged in the muscles above the elbow; this ball has not yet been found. An examination of Burton was had before A. V. Gillette, J.P., on the 27th ult., during which Dr. Greenman, the medical attendant of the wounded man, testified that the ball passed through the neck a little to the left of the upper part of the sternum and, dividing the windpipe, appeared at the back a little to the right of the spine, but that Booth can use his voice. The testimony further developed the fact that Booth had brutally beaten the deft. three or four times the night before, and had uttered threats against the life of deft. The defense set up was that the shooting was done in self-defense. The Justice held the prisoner to answer under $1,000 bonds, the following named gentlemen becoming his sureties: John P. Walker, Minus Walker, Jacob Wagner, J. M. McCall, John Wells, Eber Emery, Geo. Patterson, W. Cortez Myer, M. Michelson and A. D. Helman. H. K. Hanna, Dist. Atty., conducted the examination on the part of the State, and J. D. Fay for deft. Later: The ball has been extracted from Booth's arm. He is doing well.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 1, 1871, page 2

    The land fever prevails to an alarming extent in Jackson County, Oregon.
    The Germans of Jacksonville, Oregon will hold a Peace Jubilee on the 4th of April.
Weekly Butte Record, Oroville, California, April 8, 1871, page 2

Southern Oregon.
    From the Jacksonville Sentinel of the 29th inst. we glean the following: A United States surveying party is at present engaged in making a survey of government lands in Jackson County.
    A Chinaman named Loy Shing, upon the complaint of Ah Wong, was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Foudray, for killing Wing Ching, one of the Gee Mining Company, on the 10th ult.
    B. F. Dowell, of the Sentinel, is expected home from Washington during the latter part of the present month.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, May 10, 1871, page 4

From the Jacksonville Times.

    Californians have so often made themselves merry over the gaucheries of "Oregon Flats," that most of the denizens of that state imagine the term Oregonian to mean a fool. One of these gentlemen made his appearance here this week, and soon gave the astonished citizens of this village to understand that he was a superior sort of a somebody, and that Oregonians were "blawsted bawbarians, ye know." This individual's name is Thompson, and he spells it with a "p." He is a drummer for a San Francisco cutlery and meerschaum pipe firm and puts on more airs than he could if he were the firm itself. On the road he desired one of the drivers to drive slowly, as the "blawsted woads made him demnition soah." The disgust of that driver and his reply can be imagined. At one of the stations this fastidious Thompson inquired for a napkin, as he was "not in the--aw--habit, ye know, of dining--aw--without a napkin " Whereupon the obliging landlord went out and after a brief consultation with his wife, she put down the baby, and procured for the traveler a three-cornered article of infantine wear, sometimes denominated a napkin. Then--well, it's no use. Homer described the wrath of Achilles, but twenty Homers could not [have] described the dire indignation of that disgusted Cockney. He cussed the country from Maine to Texas, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific, by States, Counties, Townships, Sections and subdivisions. On arriving in town, he soon became conspicuous as a champion talkist; he talked to everybody until the people fled from him as if from a pestilence. He talked about everything and everybody, and when he could not find any adult victims, he cornered a little boy in the hotel and gravely entered into a theological discussion with him. So much talking necessarily produced thirst, and our friend patronized the various saloons so that upon the approach of night he thought he would astonish the denizens by his accomplishment in the saltatory art, as a kind of supplementary entertainment to those he had been giving through the day; so he "danced the dance that David danced," and several other dances which we never saw, nor heard of before, accompanying the same with no other music but his mellow voice. About this time a citizen entered, who had been paying his devotions to the god Bacchus, and our Thompson immediately seized upon him as a fit subject upon which to exercise his fund of jokes. He made him dance, he made him sing, he made him set down and arise again; he informed him that by one blow he could squelch the citizen utterly; gave him minute particulars of the manner in which he could use him up; called him opprobrious names, until the other party thought the thing was getting too monotonous, whereupon he gently drew a tremendous Arkansas toothpick, and held the same between his knees. Thompson (with a "p") gave one startled look at the carving knife, and went. He "did not stand on the order of his going, but went at once." He seemed to have urgent business in another portion of town just then, and left at a rate of speed which indicated that he feared to be too late at the appointment. He took the middle of the street, and before the gravel his heels threw up in the air had ceased falling on the roof of Helms' saloon, he had reached the U.S. Hotel!!
    A belated citizen caught a glimpse of him as he passed, and thought it was the shadow of some swift and large bird which the moon had cast upon the street. Thompson (with a "p") had vanished before the astonished spectator could recover his senses. Our sporting men say the time made by Thompson is unequaled, and there is a standing offer entered on the records of the Jackson County Agricultural Society to enter Thompson (with a "p") under the name of "Skedaddle," against any horse, mare, gelding, mule or jackass in the known world or China, Thompson and the other animal to go as they please--for a thousand dollars a mile. Or, they offer to match "Skedaddle" against time, for any sum from fifty cents up to $150,000; provided, however, that [James M.] Kendrick starts him with his butcher knife. The race to come off over the Bybee track next month.

Shasta Courier, May 20, 1871, page 2

    SHOOTING AFFRAY.--We learn from Dr. L. T. Davis, of a serious shooting affray which occurred near Rock Point, last Thursday. S. D. Taylor was returning from Rock Point to his place, beyond Mr. Neathammer's, and when passing by the place of the latter, Neathammer met him with a gun and fired at him, the ball passing through Taylor's right hand, and lacerating it so that amputation of all the hand except the thumb and forefinger was necessary. Drs. Davis and Danforth performed the operation yesterday, and report the patient doing as well as could be expected. Neathammer was arrested and taken before Justice Gall yesterday for examination, but we have not yet learned the result. The difficulty grew out of a lawsuit that had taken place between Neathammer and Taylor, and been decided against the former.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 3, 1871, page 3

Richard D. Markland, Jr.,
Who for nearly five years has been connected with the Sentinel printing establishment, left our city on the 8th instant for Oregon, on the Pacific Coast, to take charge of the mechanical department of the Jacksonville (Oregon) Democratic Times. By his uniform consistent life, Mr. Markland has earned the respect of all of our fellow citizens, and he goes to that distant shore followed by the good wishes of all.
Holt County Sentinel, Oregon, Missouri, June 9, 1871, page 3

    Below we give a few items from the Jacksonville (Oregon) Times of May 27th, 1871. The Times is a very spicy and ably conducted weekly, somewhat Democratic in its political views, but earnestly devoted to the development of the great natural resources of Southern Oregon. As many of our citizens have relatives and acquaintances on that distant coast, and as others propose going there, we feel sure that our our readers will read these extracts with considerable interest:
    SURVEYORS RETURNED.--Messrs. Howard & Turner, and party, returned yesterday, a little rough from "wear and tear," but all in good health. They were gone about four weeks, and surveyed about 20,000 acres, comprised in Sections 41 South, and 43 and 44 West, connecting with the California line. The completion of the survey was delayed at least a week by stormy weather. Mr. Turner says the section in which the survey was made cannot be excelled for grazing purposes. Game was abundant. The party counted five grizzlies, several black bear, numbers of deer, and a California lion, in one day.
    --Messrs. Pflugh and Bowden inform us that that they have struck a good prospect in quartz in the Applegate Mountains. The outcroppings are favorable for a paying ledge. Good luck to the boys, they have been faithful in our gulches, and may they be rewarded for their honest toil.
    --The two Chinamen lately committed for sluice robbing were released on bail this week. The one committed on charge of murder is now the only occupant of the jail.
    --A HUGE FELINE.--Mr. Hanley's boys brought to town, this week, a monster wildcat, which was killed on Bear Creek. These animals are still numerous in the valley.
    --GOOD FOR HIGH.--Messrs. Asbury and Monks have a wood ranch high up on the mountain to the southeast of Jacksonville, thousands of feet above the valley level. This season they are testing the adaptability of their mountain ranch to agricultural purposes. They have sown considerable ground in wheat, oats and barley, and planted different kinds of vegetables. Thus far, "the crops look well."
    --HOME AGAIN.--On Wednesday night last Henry Klippel Esq., sheriff of this county, returned home after a flying visit to "America." He returns in good health and spirits, which fact is a source of sincere gratulation amongst his many friends. Mr. Klippel says that "America" is a fast country and enterprising--in short, a great country--but he has not seen the place yet that he prefers to Oregon. Henry's head is level, you bet!
    --CRATER LAKE.--We learn from Mr. Klippel that a party of tourists from St. Joseph, Mo., design visiting the great natural curiosity of the Pacific Coast, the Crater Lake, this summer. This wonderful lake lies in this county, about 60 miles from Jacksonville, and a view of it is well worth the travel. A good wagon road was made to the verge of the lake in 1869. Mr. David Linn's party constructed a boat and explored the island in that year, but we regret to learn that the boat has been since destroyed through the carelessness of some parties who used it subsequently.
    --We learn that Brick Pomeroy designs visiting this coast during the present summer. A correspondent of his paper will visit Crater Lake this season and furnish a description to the Democrat.
    --The Seward party design visiting Oregon overland after they get through with Yosemite. We can show them wonders in Oregon that can discount Yosemite.
    --SHEEP DRIVING.--There passed through the valley this week a drove of sheep numbering about 3,000 head. They were driven from the Umpqua country, and are destined for Goose Lake Valley. Another drove of about 4,800 head, also from the Umpqua Valley, are being driven across the mountains by way of Trail Creek, to the Klamath country. We failed to learn the names of the drovers.
Holt County Sentinel, Oregon, Missouri, June 9, 1871, page 3

    QUICK TIME.--We are informed by Father Blanchet, of this city, who arrived, yesterday morning, from Portland, that he made the trip in 42 hours. This is, we believe, the best time ever made, and the stage company deserve much credit for the speed and promptness of their traveling facilities.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 5, 1871, page 3

    THE ROCK POINT BRIDGE.--In another column will be found the report of the commission appointed to examine the condition of the Rock Point bridge. The commission have pronounced the bridge unsafe after a critical examination into its condition, and it now remains with the Board of County Commissioners to adopt such measures as will render this part of the public highway secure, or at least prevent the occurrence of accidents upon it. The better plan would be to lease a portion of the road, on both sides of the bridge, to some responsible party who would see that the structure was kept in repairs, and thus relieve the county of the burden and responsibility which we cannot help but think was unnecessarily and wrongfully cast upon it, either by the willful neglect or culpable indifference of the former Board. With this report before them, some energetic means will have to be adopted by the Board of Commissioners. The safety of the traveling public imperatively demands that something be done towards securing this bridge. The temporizing policy pursued for the last few months--in fact, ever since the attention of the authorities was called to the state of this bridge--will no longer do.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 12, 1871, page 3

    Ordered that the District Attorney be instructed to apply to P. P. Prim, Judge of Circuit Court, for leave to commence action against the "Rock Point Bridge Company" for the purpose of annulling its charter; and further ordered that the County Clerk be instructed to notify David Sexton to cease from collecting toll on the Rock Point bridge, for travel thereon, or the law will be enforced against him.
    Ordered that the Rogue River bridge be repaired and made safe for travel, and A. M. Berry appointed to repair the same.
"County Court Summary," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 23, 1871, page 2

    ACTION TO SQUELCH A CORPORATION.--We are informed that District Attorney Hanna is preparing the necessary papers to institute suit against the Rock Point Bridge Company, to vacate their franchise.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, September 30, 1871, page 3

    The quartz mill at Leland, Josephine County, is crushing rock which yields $10 per ton.
    The tax levy in Jackson County is seventeen and a half mills on the dollar. Number of polls assessed, 880.
    The town trustees of Jacksonville have ordered a special election, to be held on the 30th instant, to take a vote of the citizens on the proposition to supply Jacksonville with water at a cost of about $10,000.
Weekly Butte Record, Oroville, California, November 11, 1871, page 1

    State vs. Rock Point Bridge Co.; action to make void the charter and annul the existence of a corporation. Judgment against defendant--annulling franchise and vacating corporation.
"Circuit Court Synopsis," Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, December 9, 1871, page 3

    PERSONAL.--Mr. John St. Luc DeRoboam and family of four children have arrived from France. Mr. DeRoboam is a brother of Mrs. Guilfoyle of this place. He comes highly recommended and bears the marks of a gentleman of worth. We extend to him the hand of welcome, and hope he may find it to his interest to remain among us.

Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 23, 1871, page 3

Last revised June 3, 2023