![]() ![]() Jackson County News: 1828 The Jed Smith expedition.
August 6th, 1864.
In a recent issue of the Bulletin,
of your city, I observed an article upon the "North Coast Indians,"
which contains some historical errors, which it may be beneficial to
correct.Of the Rogue River and the Pit River Indians, the Bulletin says: "They became known to the Hudson Bay Company as early as 1820, and a post was established in the Klamath River country a few years subsequently." "Capt. Young, an old trapper, lost his life among the Rogue River Indians when passing from California to Oregon, about 1826, which crime the Company shortly afterwards severely punished." "The same Indians (Rogue and Pit River Indians) also robbed and run off the train of old Jedediah Smith, before 1830." "They were dreaded by the old traders and hunters, as they displayed such unexpected energy and cunning." "Their superior strength, great stature, astuteness and courage, were known in every mountain camp." Having been intimately acquainted with Captain Smith, and having heard from him minute relations of his hunts in the Territory of California, and having heard the adventures of Young related by those who accompanied him, I submit the following corrections: About 1828 Jedediah S. Smith, a former partner of General Ashley, of San Luis, and at that time of the firm of Smith, Jackson & Sublette, successors to General Ashley in the Rocky Mountain fur trade (he was not "Old Smith," being, at the time of his death, which occurred on the Cimarron River, in June, 1831, about thirty-one or thirty-two years of age), in working his way out of the Sacramento Valley with a party of trappers, which had made a most successful hunt in that and San Joaquin valleys, was, from the nature of the country and his want of any knowledge of the topography, forced onto the coast, which he followed up to the mouth of the Umpqua River, where he was surprised and his party murdered by the Indians living at the mouth of the river, while they were professing the greatest friendship. Smith, who was not in camp when it was surprised, escaped, and with one man, who was with him at the time, made his way to Fort Vancouver. The Hudson Bay Company had, previous to this time, had some intercourse with the Umpqua Indians, but not with any of those inhabiting the country south of the Umpqua River, and there were strong grounds for suspicion that the Indians who so treacherously defeated Capt. Smith were instigated to the commission of the savage deed by the Hudson Bay Company, or their employees at Fort Vancouver. Capt. Smith entered into an arrangement with the Governor of the Fort to send a party to the Umpqua River and recover the property of Smith, while he bargained to sell to the Hudson Bay Company the furs to be recovered at less than one-half their current value, and to furnish them with a guide to show a trapping party, which accompanied them, into the valley of the Sacramento. This was the first time, and first party of Hudson Bay trappers or traders that had passed the waters of the Umpqua to the south. The Rogue and Pit River Indians were not known to Smith, nor by the Fort Vancouver trappers, until after this defeat of Smith and the recovery of his property. There was not, nor had there been, any trading post in the Klamath or Rogue River country in the latter part of 1833. Capt. Emery Young, a noted leader of trapping parties, was in the valley of the San Joaquin and Sacramento the first season after McLeod, who commanded the Hudson Bay party above referred to, left it on his return to the Columbia River. Capt. Young brought his party from Santa Fe, New Mexico, and returned there. He again visited that country in 1832-3, extending his explorations as far north as the Umpqua river. He visited the Klamath lakes in the summer of 1833, at which time the Hudson Bay Company trappers had not explored the country of these lakes, although they had crossed the Rogue and Klamath rivers in all their expeditions to the Sacramento Valley. In 1834 Capt. Young abandoned the beaver hunting business, and soon after settled in Oregon, where he died. The Hudson Bay Company did not punish the Indians anywhere in the territory jointly occupied by England and the United States for any hostilities which they carried on against American trapping parties in that territory. It was no crime in their code of morality to cut off American trappers, but a virtue, which received its premium at their hands. The Indians between the Umpqua River and the Valley of the Sacramento were a mean, low-lived, thieving and treacherous set of beings, a thousand of whom would not fight a dozen prepared and determined mountaineers. They could steal the knife out of its sheath while held in the hand of the trapper, or the buttons from his hunting shirt; or they could massacre a party which they could beguile into fancied safety; but they were not dreaded, only annoyed by their deceit and pilfering, by the early trappers. It was reserved for General Fremont and Lieutenant Gillespie to discover their gigantic stature and mighty prowess in 1846. After this time--perhaps from the self-importance and consequence acquired by them in their intercourse and sanguinary battles with these officers--they became very troublesome, and even warlike. Captain Young, with a handful of men, whipped a small prairie full of these redoubtable Indians near the mouth of Mad River, and a mountain and swamp full of them on Rogue river, as well as a lake full of them on the Klamath Lake, without losing a man. And, although his party, numbering less than fifteen men, were in that country longer, and traveled over it more generally, than any other trapping or trading party had done before or since, there was not a man killed--not even by a grizzly bear--and only one wounded, by the Indians during the entire hunt. Captain Young immediately after abandoning the hunter's life came to California from Oregon two or more times, and took stock from California to Oregon, without, according to my recollection, meeting with any serious difficulty with the Indians on the route. His last trip was about 1836 or 1837, if I mistake not. He was in this city the last time I saw him. VIEJO.
Daily Alta
California, San Francisco, August 13, 1864, page 3THE UMPQUA FIGHT.
The first white men to set foot within what is now known as Southern
Oregon were, as far as is known, the party of fur hunters and trappers
led by Jedediah S. Smith. It happened in 1828. Smith was a
partner in
the Rocky Mountain Fur Company, with Sublette and Jackson, and had been
in the habit of leading parties of men into the fastnesses of
the Rocky
Range, and in the spring of 1826 he, with forty companions, penetrated
into the country west of the great Salt Lake, called afterward by
Fremont the Great American Desert. They discovered Humboldt River,
naming it Mary's River, and following down that singular stream, which
diminishes instead of increasing its volume as it flows, they came to
Humboldt Lake and the sink of Carson, and, still traveling southward,
reached the Colorado, and in July got safely into Southern California,
the first of Americans to invade the Golden State, then inhabited only
by a few priests, soldiers and settlers, all of the Mexican persuasion,
and none too hospitable or favorable to foreigners of any sort. The
priestly missionaries were the oligarchs of the country. Cattle and
horses grazing upon a thousand hills had by their natural increase
enriched the few mission establishments whose foundations had so
painfully been laid half a century before by Fathers Serra
and Paton and their devoted brothers in the faith. In each of these
great religious establishments a thousand Indians were daily and
nightly herded like beasts, their involuntary labor in the field or
workshop going to offset their brief but no doubt efficacious religious
instruction. Isolation was the reason for the existence of such
institutions, and a profound jealousy of outsiders testified that the
priests deemed their reign none too secure. It was upon such a scene
that Smith, with fifteen of his men, burst in the year of 1826.The First Indian Difficulty in Southern Oregon. Jedediah S. Smith and His Trappers--Their Errand in California-- A Bold Journey--The Massacre of the Umpqua. (Written for the Sunday Oregonian.) THEY
than to hunt, setting out betimes from their mountain fastnesses along
Green River, and following down the Colorado to Mohave and thence
across the country to Mission San Gabriel, where they were coldly
received by Father
Boscana, the superior of the mission and a man of many
languages. He sent them to San Diego, the then seat of Echeandia,
governor of the province--for the trappers had given up their arms and
surrendered upon a charge of being filibusters
and ill-intentioned intruders. This was in December, 1826. Smith had
brought a passport, and he kept a diary, and these papers falling into
the Mexicans' hands were regarded with suspicion until providentially
an American trading vessel arrived, whose officers came and certified
to the good character of Smith and his companions, and they were set
free, but with the injunction to depart instantly by way of the east,
and not to linger in the interior of the Mexican territories. So much
for national courtesy. Smith, however,
did not depart so
precipitately as his unwilling hosts might have wished. Instead, he
moved leisurely along the coast northward, spending two months in going
to San Bernardino, and in May, 1827, they were encamped near the
mission San Jose, not far from Oakland, California, whence Father
prefect of the northern missions, sent to know their object. To him
Smith addressed the following letter, which was long preserved among
the archives of the establishment:"Reverend Father:--I understand that you are anxious to know who we are, as some Indians have told you of certain white people being in the country. We are Americans, on our way to the Columbia River. We were at San Gabriel in December last. We saw the general at San Diego and got a passport. I have tried several times to cross the mountains, but the snow being deep, I had to return to this place (it being the only point to kill meat) to wait until the snow melts. The Indians here being friendly I consider it the safest place to remain until I can cross with my horses, of which I lost a great many on my last attempt. I am a long ways from home and anxious to get there as soon as possible. Our situation is quite unpleasant, being destitute of clothing and most of the necessaries of life, wild meat being our principal subsistence. I am, Reverend Father, your strange but real friend and Christian brother, May 19, 1827. "J. S. SMITH." THERE
Smith having fought a battle with the Indians on Colorado River as
stated by many writers. The stories diverge intolerably, some
that he had in the previous year left a party of hunters on the
American River, and making other statements as hard to reconcile. It is
astounding with what a slight adherence to truth many people pursue
historical narratives, and there can be excellent exemplifications
thereof in this Smith episode.Just after writing the letter to Padre Duran, Smith set out for Green River (May 20, 1827), crossed the Sierra and probably the first time that mortal man--or at least civilized man--performed that feat, reached his friends at the headquarters on Green River, and performing his errand, returned to California as quickly and quietly as he left. No one knows the route he took, but his arrival occurred on October 27 of the same year. In November he went to Monterey, the capital of upper California, with eighteen men, and meeting his excellency, the civil governor, got permission to hunt and trap on the Pacific coast north of the 42nd parallel, the line of separation between Oregon and California. Taking his men on board of the American trader Franklin, Smith went to San Francisco, afterward called Yerba Buena, and organized his forces for a trip northward or coastward. He left four or five men in California from illness or other causes, and with the rest proceeded to Oregon. Those who have represented the expedition as purely for trapping purposes have doubtless overlooked the fact that whatever of furs had been taken must necessarily be borne along with the cavalcade, which itself is a sufficient answer to writers like Mr. Gray, who, as will be seen, credited the few trappers with a catch in so short a time as the period of their sojourn in California of $10,000--a manifest improbability. Had the take been so valuable they never would have dreamed of bringing it through the entirely unknown wilds between the northernmost missions and the little settlement on the Columbia; so it is well to deem their take of furs thus far very moderate. They set out probably from Bodega Bay to thread the wilds, though some deem that their course lay upward through the Sacramento Valley, for 200 miles. There are faint traditions of a course along Cache Creek and a debouchement upon the coast above Fort Ross, now held by the Russians. A. L. Wells, IN
carefully analyzing accounts, concludes that the party turned aside
when near the head of the Sacramento and came down upon the coast,
striking it at or near the mouth of Russian River. But that stream is
far south of the region "west of the head of the Sacramento," and if
the party proceeded west it is reasonable to suppose that they reached
the Pacific nearer the mouth of the Klamath than the Russian. Next they
made their way north along the coast, being all the while encumbered
with packs of furs, and it is probable that they had no horses left,
for the country over which they traveled would hardly admit of their
preservation. Coming with infinite pains and difficulty to the mouth of
the Umpqua, or thereabouts, they fell in with hostile Indians and the
party were killed save Smith, Daniel Prior, John Turner and Arthur
Black. Almost the only evidence that exists in reference to this affair
is embodied in certain passages in Dr. John McLoughlin's diary, which
will be quoted. The doctor, it should be remembered, was at that time
in charge of the affairs of the Hudson's Bay Company in Oregon, with
his headquarters at Vancouver. He wrote:One night in August, 1828, I was surprised by the Indians making a great noise at the gate of the fort, saying they had brought an American. The gate was opened, the man came in, but was so affected he could not speak. After sitting down some minutes to recover himself, he told me he was, he thought, the sole survivor of eighteen, conducted by the late Jedediah S. Smith. All the rest, he thought, were murdered. The party left California bound for the rendezvous at the Salt Lake. They ascended the Sacramento River, but finding no opening in the mountains to go east, they bent their course to the coast, which they reached at the mouth of the Rogue River (?), then came along the beach to the Umpqua, where the Indians stole their ax, and as it was the only one they had, and as they absolutely required it to make rafts to cross rivers, they took the chief prisoner, and their ax was returned. Early the following morning Smith started in a canoe with two men and an Indian and left orders as usual for no Indians to be allowed to come into camp. But the men neglected the order, allowed the natives to enter, and at AN
or six Indians fell upon each white man. At that time the survivor,
Black, was out of the crowd and had just finished cleaning and
his rifle. Three Indians jumped on him, but he shook them off
seeing all his comrades struggling on the ground and the
stabbing them, he fired on the crowd and rushed to the woods pursued by
the Indians, but fortunately escaped, swam across the Umpqua and went
northward in the hope of reaching the Columbia, where we were. But
broken down by hunger and misery, and having nothing to eat save a few
wild berries, he determined to give himself up to the Killmoux
(Tillamooks), a tribe on the coast at Cape Lookout, who treated him
with the greatest humanity, relieved his wants and brought him to the
fort, for which, in case whites might again fall into their power and
to induce them to act kindly to them, I rewarded them most liberally.
But, as Smith and his two men might have escaped, at break of day next
morning I sent runners to all the Willamette chiefs to tell them to
send people in search of Smith, and if they found them to bring them to
the fort and I would pay them, but if they hurt them we would punish
them, and also immediately equipped a strong party of forty well-armed
men. But as our force was embarking, to our great joy, Smith and his
two men arrived.I then arranged as strong a party as I could to recover all we could of Smith's property, divulged my plan to no one, but gave written instructions to the officer to be opened when he reached the Umpqua, because if known before they got there the officers would talk of it among themselves, the men would hear it, and their Indian wives, who were spies, would get hold of it and my plan would be defeated. My plan was that the officer was to invite the Indians to trade their furs as usual, but when the skins were produced to lay aside those belonging to Smith--as the American trappers always marked their furs with a peculiar mark--and keeping these separate, to give them to Mr. Smith and not pay the Indians for them, telling them that they belonged to him. They denied having MURDERED
admitted having bought the skins of the murderers. The officers told
them that they must look to the murderers for payment, which they did,
and as the murderers would not restore the property, a war was kindled
among themselves, and the murderers were punished more severely than we
could have done it ourselves, as Mr. Smith admitted, and to be much
preferable to going to war against them. In this way we recovered
property to the value of $3200 to Mr. Smith, without expense to him,
and which was done from a principle of Christian duty and as a lesson
to the Indians, to show them they could not wrong the whites with
impunity.Having recovered Smith's furs, or a portion of them, the cavalcade returned to Vancouver, where the peltries were bought by Dr. McLoughlin, as Smith, who was about to start eastward to rejoin his friends on the Rockies, had no means of transporting them. This transaction has been represented in doubtful colors in Gray's History of Oregon, wherein it is attempted to show on the evidence of an Indian squaw, wife of a half-breed, that the Hudson's Bay Company instigated the savages to attack Smith's party on the Umpqua in order to deter him and others of his kind from entering Oregon. The story has no foundation, nor has any statement which ascribes improper motives to Dr. McLoughlin's conduct during the affair. He was actuated by the same motives of liberality and kindness which governed his treatment of the early immigrants in subsequent years, and have endeared his memory among the descendants of these immigrants. THE
Smith's fight with the natives occurred is not known to a certainty,
though the best evidence seems to indicate that an island in the lower
Umpqua between Scottsburg and the river's mouth was the scene. It was
while ferrying their effects across the river that the attack began,
and Smith's account, while not specifying the stream, was to the effect
that he with Daniel Prior and an Indian were on a raft together when
the fight began on shore, and the Indian seizing Smith's rifle sprang
overboard to escape with it, but was shot by Smith with Prior's rifle.
There is a tradition current at Scottsburg and generally on the coast
of Southern Oregon that the affair took place on an island in the
Umpqua near the mouth of Smith's River, which is said, and plausibly,
to have been named for the boss trapper. Mr. D. J. Lyons, of
Marshfield, in former years publisher of the Umpqua Gazette
at Scottsburg, holds this opinion, but the people there, having all
come at a later day by over twenty years, can know very little about
it, unless we except the old voyageur Garnier, or Gagnier, of Siuslaw,
who was one of the Hudson's Bay employees who regained Smith's goods
from the robbers, and who has lived in the vicinity ever since, having
charge for many years of the company's
at Elkton, on the Umpqua. Bancroft's account, evidently prepared with
much care and scrutiny of many documents, places the scene of the
massacre "on an island in the Umpqua opposite the mouth of a river,
which island and river have since borne the name of Smith." Those who
escaped, he says, numbered four, being Smith, Prior, Arthur Black and
John Turner. Other accounts make mention of Richard Laughlin, but the
probabilities are that no such individual escaped, the more so as the
exploits of killing several Indians with a burning brand ascribed to
him are also and with better evidence alleged of Black.GREAT
the published details of the fight as well as of the place where it
occurred. One writer, following traditional accounts, speaks of Smith's
departure from camp on foot, looking for a practicable ford where the
pack horses might be led across the Umpqua. This is a manifest error,
for allowing that the party had retained their pack horses, which would
have been difficult indeed, considering the terribly rough country over
which, in any case, they had passed, the Umpqua is not a stream to be
forded by a cavalcade of any sort. Bancroft says that the fur packs of
Smith's party were worth $20,000, of which, as has been shown in Dr.
McLoughlin's testimony, $3200 was recovered. Gray's History of Oregon
presents a tale to the effect that the furs lost to Smith were worth
$40,000, and accuses the Hudson's Bay Company of having instigated the
onslaught for the purpose of discouraging the American trappers from
coming into Oregon at all. But Mr. Gray has been completely refuted in
the statement, chiefly by the researches of Mrs. Victor, whose very
competent powers have been successfully applied to clearing up a great
many important questions in Oregonian history. I more than suspect that
it is to this lady that is owing the completeness of research that
marks that portion of Bancroft's history which is devoted to the
Northwest; yet possibly the lady, if unhampered, would have performed
the task much better. As it is, one cannot help perceiving that
whatever of the volumes in question is good is Mrs. Victor's, and
whatever is not Mrs. Victor's is not good.THE
writing of things occurring at the apparently remote date of 1828, it
is as one who endeavors to explore the mists of antiquity. Oregon had
not at that time a single white inhabitant, other than the Hudson's Bay
Company's employees. There was not a single settlement on this side of
the Rocky Mountains, excepting Vancouver, then four years old, and Fort
George, now Astoria. The culture of grains and vegetables, never before
tried west of the Rockies, had just been begun at Vancouver. The whole
white population of the Northwest did not number 300 persons.
California Echeandia was governor, but the priests were the real rulers
of the country, for this was five years before "secularization," the
legal term for the destruction of their power and influence, was talked
of. Mexico had been a republic for seven years. The United States was
living under the administration of the younger Adams, and it was not
for twenty years after that the people in power learned fairly of the
existence of a valuable country upon the Pacific which might be had for
the asking. Twenty years of fur-hunting, moccasin-wearing and chewing
of jerked venison had to pass before, in the fullness of time, Oregon
was advanced far enough on the road to civilization to become a
desirable part of the United States. However far her civilization may
extend, it should never efface the memory of one of the most memorable
feats of exploration ever recorded--the passage of Jedediah Smith
through 600 miles of a perfectly unknown and terribly difficult region.Sunday Oregonian, Portland, August 15, 1886, page 2 The following has also been furnished by Mr. Applegate, and is inserted here from a desire to give as near an absolute correct version of every historical event as can be obtained from the memoranda and recollections of the early pioneers: Page 120.--"The third one" who escaped the Umpqua massacre was not "Richard Laughlin" but Turner, the same who escaped with Smith and Galbraith from the Indian fight on the Colorado. (See page 119.) The same Turner also was afterwards one of four who escaped of a party massacred by the Rogue River Indians in 1837. (See page 131.) When I came to Oregon in 1843, Turner was living with a squaw on the west side of the Willamette River in what is now Polk County. He was a man of gigantic stature, about seven feet high and must have been a Hercules in strength as he was one in symmetry and proportions. David D. Fagan, History of Benton County, Oregon, A. G. Walling publisher, Portland 1885. These paragraphs were "tipped in" to the volume after printing, pasted in after page 196. In August, 1855, General Joel Palmer, Superintendent, held a council with the Umpquas on the south side of the Umpqua River on the identical spot where Jedediah S. Smith in 1827 lost nine of his men, all of his outfit, his horses and furs, but escaped with his life. John Garnier, one of the party who went to rescue the furs, was present at that council. He there told me all about it, and pointing to a mountain, said, "The horses up on those hillsides are some of the descendants of Smith's horses, and more wild than elk." The last man to leave in the attack on Smith was John Turner, a man of herculean frame and strength, the cook of the camp, who defended himself with a huge firebrand, killing four of the murderous savages. Seizing his opportunity he escaped to a small grove of poplars, and afterwards made his escape up the coast, finally reaching Fort Vancouver, I afterwards knew this John Garnier on the Willamette River. His son John was the man that led the detective who made the arrest in Oregon of Albertson and Chandler, the robbers of the Fidelity Trust Company. Old Garnier is a Canadian, married to a Siletz Indian woman, and they are the parents of young Garnier above referred to. John Flett, "The Removal of Oregon Indians," Tacoma Daily Ledger, September 11, 1892, page 9 Last revised March 5, 2025 |