in 1931 ![]() Medford in 1931, facing east. MEDFORD. Jackson
County. Population 11,095. Is the commercial and business center of
Rogue River Valley, Southern Oregon. It is located on the Southern
Pacific railway and on the Pacific Highway. It is a terminal for the
Medford Coast Railroad, which line is electrified. The elevation of
Medford is 1,368 feet. The average
temperature for the past 20 years has been 55 degrees. The annual
is from 18 to 22 inches. Surrounded by 25,000 acres of irrigated lands.
Medford is the gateway to Crater Lake. Auto stage every day during
season. It
has a cosmopolitan population; people from every state in the Union
have come here to make their permanent homes. The following are some
facts about Medford: The best paved city for its size in the world,
having 25 miles of
pavement; 30 miles of sewers; water mains 28.45 miles, cement
sidewalks, 5 grade schools and 2 high
schools, St. Mary's Academy, business college, conservatory of music,
and 2 kindergartens.
Modern-equipped fire department, electricity and gas for lighting,
heating and
power purposes, 4 banks, a public library, 3 modern hotels, 3
second-class hotels, 5 restaurants, 6 apartment houses, 1 weekly and 2
daily newspapers,
city park, baseball park, fair grounds, 4 auto camp grounds, country
club, 2 golf courses. Five ladies'
clubs, farm bureau cooperative exchange, Chamber of
Commerce, Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club, Craters Club, Business and
Professional Women's Club, Greater Medford Club. All denominations of
churches, 3 hospitals, opera house, 4
movie houses, a natatorium and $80,000 armory. All leading lodges and
Federal building and offices of the weather bureau, district forestry, U.S.
[plant] pathologist. Jobbing
and wholesale center, Class A airport. Auto stages--interurban
auto routes to
all points of Southern Oregon, hourly service to Ashland. Auto stage to
Roseburg and Klamath Falls, stops at all towns along line; also auto
stage station on
line from Los Angeles to Portland. Has 3 lumber mills, 1 box factory, 2 large creameries,
fruit and vegetable canneries, pickling and catsup works; 21
associations with 2 large pre-cooling plants. The district surrounding
Medford is the greatest pear country on the coast and one of the best
apple-growing districts. Stock raising, lumbering and diversified
farming are
among the greatest resources of the valley. Independent
Co. Telegraph Western Union and Postal. Railway Express agency.
page 163 Abbreviations spelled out to facilitate searching. POPULATION. Population has increased, not rapidly but steadily. [Medford's population grew by 493% between 1900 and 1910, then declined 35% by 1920.] The census of 1920 established the number of residents at slightly over fifty-seven hundred. An estimate made from the school census according to the accepted ratio allows a conservative 1925 figure of nine thousand. An examination of the 1925/26 school census shows also a practically pure white population, there being in attendance only eight colored children, all of whom are Japanese. Those in positions having contact with the public characterize the population as not only practically pure white but very largely pure American. There are a few English people but no distinct foreign strains. There is practically no illiteracy and relatively little poverty. Those cases coming under the charge of the social agencies are chiefly subnormal individuals who are outside the field of library activities. INDUSTRIES AND OCCUPATIONS. A view at this point of the industries and occupations will give a further understanding of the population to be served. This section has become chiefly agricultural. A large part of the population is engaged in the growing, packing, marketing, drying and canning of fruit. Although the thinning, picking, packing and cannery and dryer operations are seasonal occupations, this work is practically all done by the permanent residents, chiefly the women who thus earn extra money, and not by migratory laborers. The growing and shipping of grain and hay and the manufacture of flour is important. There are large timber interests here. Within a year a million-dollar mill has been erected just outside the north city limits which gives employment to a large group. Other smaller mills are scattered about the county. Incident to the production of lumber are two selling companies [i.e., lumber yards] and two factories doing cabinet work and inside finishing. There are endless contractors and builders at present, for the building of both homes and large buildings has experienced a decided impulse with the coming of the mill company. The population of Medford has always been a quiet, home-owning population and not a transient one. Stock is raised both in the valley and in the foothills surrounding Medford. While it is not shipped out, it is nearly sufficient for local consumption, and there are two good-sized creameries for the manufacture of dairy products. There is a box factory, an ice plant with modern machinery, and a cement block factory. Medford is the headquarters of a large electric power company with a very complex and efficient organization. It employs a large group representing interests varying from the latest methods in office record keeping to those of the office draftsman to the engineer in the field. The employees' organization, called The Forum, has for several winters followed systematic plans of study in history and literature. Although the mines are not now so active as formerly, there are vast undeveloped mineral resources, and there is a constant demand for books in the fields of geochemistry, metallurgy, ore identification and industrial chemistry. There is a prosperous business section in which all the usual commercial activities of an American city are represented. The stores and business blocks are well organized and well kept. Window displays are attractive and indicate that the best class of merchandise is handled. Commercial transportation is handled entirely by the Southern Pacific. The main local artery for automobile traffic is a link in the Pacific Highway. Passenger transportation is carried on by both state and interstate stage lines as well as by trains. There are no public carriers from one part of the city to another. GOVERNMENT. The governmental framework of the community is conventional and rather simple. The official directory reads as follows: Mayor
The city is divided
into four wards,
from each of which two councilmen are elected. The standing committees
of the council consisting of three members, each are as follows:Recorder Treasurer City Attorney City Superintendent Chief of Fire Department Chief of Police Judge of City Court Health Officer Market Master Caretaker of Park Finance
In addition to these are two special
commissions: The
Water Commission of five members and the City Planning Commission of
ten members.Land Appraisal Fire Streets and Sewers Light and Water License Health Parks and Public Works The social organization of the community, after a canvass of the field, was found to be as follows: Churches
EXPERT SERVICES.Christian 350 Methodist Episcopal 325 Roman Catholic 300 Protestant Episcopal 150 English Lutheran 100 Seventh Day Adventists 100 Nazarene 70 Christian Scientist 60 Lodges Woodmen of the World 600 Royal Neighbors 125 Knights of Pythias 400 Pythian Sisters 100 Masons 350 Eastern Star 350 I.O.O.F. 250 Rebekahs 300 Theosophists ? American Legion 350 American Legion Auxiliary 75 Business Clubs Chamber of Commerce 487 Kiwanis 76 Crater Club 60 Retail Merchants Association 60 Rotary Club 32 Lions Club 27 Women's Clubs Greater Medford Club 75 College Women's Club 90 Pan Hellenic Society 45 Delphian Society 40 Wednesday Study Club 25 Daughters of the American Revolution 47 P.E.O. 25 Parent-Teacher Associations ? There are several expert services with which the librarian should expect to cooperate. For the giving of scientific information and advice as to methods to the agriculturists there is a county agent, assisted by a pathologist, a club leader and during the spring a frost expert. Connected with this staff there is a home demonstration agent for the teaching of domestic economy. These experts work under the Smith-Hughes Act and are considered as field workers for the state agricultural society. There is a Jackson County Health Association working through the assistance of the Rockefeller Institute. Headquarters are in Jacksonville, and except for instruction in the city schools, this expert service is given chiefly in the rural districts and the small towns. The headquarters of the district office of the National Forest Service is located in Medford and is equipped with a good technical library. A representative of the American Red Cross and a Y.M.C.A. secretary are established here. There are no other libraries here except that of the high school. From this are administered the small grade school room libraries. The work of these libraries supplement each other, as neither is large enough to meet the demand of about five hundred high school students. Besides the new and modern high school building, which will be occupied this fall, there are four large grade school buildings. Aside from this school system, the library is the only education institution in the city. The professions are represented by the school faculty, the ministers of the churches, the musicians, the journalists connected with the two newspapers, the doctors, the nurses of the two hospitals. Excerpt, E. Fay Woolsey, "A Survey of the Library Services of the City of Medford, Oregon," 1931. Jackson County Library. A Visitor Sizes Up City.
To the Editor:
Glimpses here and there about Medford-- Clean streets, pure water, snappy air. Wide-awake people. Those are here, and oh, ever so much more. Few empty buildings or dwellings. Reasonable rents and property values fair. Taxes moderate. A store window with green cross laid in background of white eggs. Very appropriate and eye-arresting. One of best windows in shopping district. Street car track, no cars. Street signs, many places not there, ought to be. Hotels well filled for this season. Good hotels, excellent service, charges reasonable. Property to be had at reasonable figure. 'Twill soon be higher. One realtor quitting at time when things are picking up, when everyone will make money. Foolish man. Should have stayed with his ship to reap harvest that's coming. Apples rotting in boxes stored in building of vacated premises. Someone would like to have those apples. Beautiful little stream running through town. Banks decorated with old tin cans and other rubbish. Shouldn't be. A fine chamber of commerce in attractive home. Will now come awake with the spring. A few beggars, as everywhere. Mostly young men who'll soon have work. Nice little Y.W.C.A. building needs paint and brushing up generally. Lack of funds likely. Too bad. Shoe soles won't last much longer. Have to get half soles or quit browsing about. Interesting things and people all about. There'll be more to see tomorrow. "ROVOR." (Name on file.)
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, April 7, 1931, page 5Hotel Jackson, Medford, April 6. Interesting Things Noticed About the City by a Rover
Mail box at P.O. with long handle attached to flap for convenience of motorist. Dandy idea.----
The little city park, a beauty spot, conveniently located. (All the
district a park though.) Been given to understand the city is to
acquire acreage out toward Jacksonville for a real honest-to-goodness
park. Here's to it!----
We're told average daily registration at Chamber of Commerce is but 14.
Plain to be seen many come and large portion remain who do not
register. They're coming in to look you over, and if they mostly don't
locate they are the losers. Think though you grab off a fair percentage.----
other road to sea and other railway will really put you on map. You'll
be surprised how you'll grow. Yes, you will indeed. You've not started
development and growth yet.----
Meat markets unsurpassed by those in very much larger cities. Clean
stock, clean stores and clean men waiting on trade. All stores up to
Yes, we owe
the city dads an apology. We gave them a dirty dig about the cemetery
the other day. We'll take it all back. That is, we blamed the city dads
instead of the Odd Fellows for the looks of things. The criticism still
stands, but the other fellows must be the goats. Funny rebound to it is
we are an Odd Fellow ourself, but not connected here yet. Will be later.----
The fire lads are getting the tennis and handball ground in shape,
putting up high fence, etc. The more seen of fire station force, the
more impressed we are with the organization. The boys don't loaf on the
job, but are always busy at something. Chief is one of the boys, yet
there's the necessary discipline needed in such place.----
We were taken for a ride (not Chicago style) the other day, over
Jacksonville way. An interesting spot. Saw one little mine in woman's
back yard, where enough gold is being taken out for her living expenses
and then some.Must see more of that old historic spot and get acquainted with some of the old-timers. Fine people and interesting, too. ----
Have met two Bolshevists since landing, who had us in a bloody
revolution right soon. What was told them in few words was plenty and
they sneaked pronto. Told them we're revolting right now, and in a very
peaceable, sensible way much needed.----
Fishing season opened yesterday. Lordy, I'd like to be up on some good
water and will soon be. We're sure they'll not quite all be caught
today, so will have some of the sport a little later.----
Should have trash receptacles on busy corner. Why not? More soon."A. M. ROVOR."
Medford Mail Tribune, April 16, 1931, page 6 "Rovor's" letter about the cemetery was printed April 10.Last revised January 22, 2024 |