in 1912 "Medford, with its several miles of paved streets, splendid hotels, creditable stores and metropolitan banks, is one of the most strictly modern cities in the state," said Mr. Selling yesterday. "The same business enterprise was apparent in Ashland, Jacksonville and Grants Pass. I also visited Eagle Point and Central Point and was given a most cordial reception at all points. The location of the business district of Eagle Point is being shifted a few blocks, and all the people are prosperous." "Ben Selling Is Pleased," Morning Oregonian, Portland, October 12, 1912, page 11 Medford--Altitude 1,337 feet. Population 8,840 (U.S. census 1910). Local estimate 10,500. On main line of Southern Pacific Railroad, western terminus of Pacific & Eastern, which taps great timber belt in upper Rogue River district, and terminus of Rogue River Valley Railroad, with daily 10-train service to Jacksonville, the county seat. In midst of extensive and exceedingly fertile section of Rogue River Valley, especially adapted to fruit raising, particularly apples, pears, peaches and small fruits, and to dairying and general farming. Mining is also an important industry in the near vicinity. Exhibits of products, including fruits in carload lots, have been awarded first prizes at leading apple shows of the West for three consecutive years. City owns gravity water works system, and electric lighting plant is under private ownership. Streets improved with hard-surfaced pavement, well lighted, and city has good sewer system and cement sidewalks. Has high and graded public schools and one sectarian school (Catholic) and 12 churches, including Baptist, Catholic, Christian, Episcopal, Methodist Episcopal, Methodist (South), Methodist (Free) and Presbyterian; fine hotels and business blocks and beautiful homes. Irrigation necessary for assurance of best results in all fruit products and is practiced generally throughout the valley. Average annual rainfall 27.21 inches. U.S. Weather Bureau, District Forester's office and pathologist's office located here. Claim is made that within a 50-mile radius of Medford there is a greater diversity of resources and opportunities than can be found within 50 miles of any other city in the world. Oregon Almanac: The State of Oregon, Its Resources and Opportunities, 1912, pages 83-84 The
Chicago Tribune Boosts
In the Chicago
Tribune of November 24,
1912, in a department devoted to the answering of queries
appears the
following article on Medford and the Rogue River Valley.
The only error
is in regard to the population of Medford, but it will
doubtlessly be
worth much to the valley:
Where Apple Raising Pays MEDFORD GROWS
High School Enrollment Doubles in Three Years. MEDFORD,
Sept. 4.--(Special.)--The steady gain of school enrollment
Medford the last three years demonstrates that Medford's
population has
been steadily increasing. The strongest rate of growth has
been in the
high school, which has twice as many scholars this year as
it had three
years ago. The figures for the high school and the total
enrollment are
as follows:
1912 1911
Oregonian, Portland, September 5, 1912, page 6High school . . . . . . . . . 250 205 151 125 Grade schools . . . . . . . 1300 1143 1012 845 Total enrollment . . . 1550 1348 1163 970 Medford
Is Biggest
Little City in
Rockford (Ill.) Morning
contains a very
interview with
Miss Kate
O'Connor, who was
recently in
Medford from
Rockford, Ill. In
it she pays a high
to Medford. Among
other things she
says:Medford is all that its enthusiastic friends claim it to be. Fargo, North Dakota, has for its slogan "The Biggest Little City in the World." I believed it until I saw Medford, which is not only the biggest little city but the most beautiful and up-to-date little city on the map. It has more paved streets and automobiles than any other place of its size. The orchard lands that I went out to see lie about eight miles from Medford, and about three miles from Talent, on the Southern Pacific. It is in the heart of the Rogue River Valley, and comprises fifteen hundred acres. It is out here near Medford that Gov. West of Oregon has placed the "honor men," the convicts from the state penitentiary to work on the roads. [The "honor men" worked on the road to Crater Lake, north of Medford.] This humane executive took fifty prisoners and placed them under oath that they would not try to escape and sent them out upon the highway to work. They were without guards or shackles and were paid twenty-five cents a day for a shave and tobacco. Only three attempted to escape and remorse drove them back to a hostile camp of forty-seven men, who organized themselves into a posse to capture their recreant brothers. The fruit orchards of Rogue River Valley are worth seeing. Miles and miles of blossoms until the air is fragrant from apple, pear and peach lands. Mrs. Potter Palmer and many eastern women have large orchards in this valley, that are not only beautiful but bountifully productive. Medford Mail Tribune weekly, May 23, 1912, page 2 What
to Tell Your
Friends When
you Write--
that Medford
has between
10,000 and
and that
its rate of
during the
last census
was second in
the United
States.Local Conditions as They Are By William M. Colvig, President, Medford Commercial Club Tell them that it is an American city, as shown by its register of voters; that out of 1000 enrolled for the city election only 59 were of foreign birth, and only two of all of these voters did not write their names on the register. Tell them that Medford has more miles of hard-surfaced paved streets than any other city of its size in the civilized world, that it has 17.27 miles of such streets. Tell them that the city has a gravity water system that cost $450,000, and that the water is pure, soft mountain water, brought a distance of 22 miles by underground pipes, and that the emergency reservoir has a capacity of 2,000,000 gallons. Tell them that our sewers have cost $214,651.24, there being 26.21 miles of sewers, and 27.01 miles of water mains. Tell them that no city in Oregon can show a better bill of health than Medford for the year 1911: that the total enrollment in the four public schools and one high school is over 1600 children, and that since the opening in September 1911, not one of these schools has been closed for any length of time whatever on account of contagious diseases, such as mumps, measles, smallpox, diphtheria, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, etc., because there have not been any of these diseases prevalent in the city during said time. Tell them that the record of the secretary of state's office for 1911 shows that only Portland and Salem, of all the cities of the state, have a greater number of registered automobiles in use, Medford being third on the list. Tell them that the character of our citizenship is unexcelled; that among the social clubs of the city the University Club is one of the most prominent, its membership representing graduates of 49 different universities and colleges. Tell them that Medford city bonds find ready sale at a premium, because moneyed men have confidence in the future of the city. Tell them that Medford is a well-governed city; that the tax levy for state, school, county and city purposes aggregates a total of only 28.5 mills for the year 1911. Impress upon their minds the fact that a levy of 28.5 mills is lower than the levy in any other city outside of Portland in western Oregon, except the city of Albany, which also has 28.5 mills. The following is from the official records: Ashland . . . 40. 5 mills Central Point . . . 32 mills Grants Pass . . . 37 mills Roseburg . . . 32.5 mills Eugene . . . 30.7 mills Marshfield . . . 28.5 mills Albany . . . 28.5 mills Salem . . . 32.6 mills And after having told them all of these facts, then say to them that Medford is in the center of Rogue River Valley, Jackson County, southern Oregon, and that a person has but one life to live, and why not spend it under the genial skies of Rogue River Valley? This valley is one of the leading apple and pear countries of the world. It took the sweepstakes prize on apples at the Spokane Apple Show, 1909; and its growers were awarded the title of "Apple Kings of the World." In 1910, it took first prize in a carload exhibit at Vancouver, B.C., and again in 1911, with a like exhibit at Spokane it took first prize. No county in the United States has a larger area devoted to pears, and no country in the world ever produced pears of a more excellent quality. The valley is sheltered from every inclement wind by the mountains which surround it, and when all the country east of the Rocky Mountains is smitten by blizzards, nature here is in her calmest mood, and spring-like weather prevails. At no time during the past winter was the mercury at Medford below 20½ degrees above zero. It was 17¼ above at Los Angeles. The average rainfall for 23 years, as taken from the government records, is 27.21 inches. There have been but 1½ inches of snow in the valley the winter, and it lay on the ground about five hours. The Medford Commercial Club is an Oregon corporation; its membership includes all the live business men of the community. It will vouch for the truthfulness of every statement contained in this article, for each is confirmed by the records. Tell your friends to buy tickets directly to Medford, and from thence it will be easy to travel out and see the rest of the state, and that if they want further information to write to the Medford Commercial Club. Medford Mail Tribune weekly edition, March 21, 1912, page 3 Central
Labor Council
of Medford and
the Central Labor
Council of Medford
and vicinity, deem
it necessary
that some steps
should be taken to
inform the working
man who is
thinking of
changing his
location to
benefit his
condition of the
conditions as they
exist in the Rogue
River Valley. A
bunch of
"boosters" and
real estate men
are advertising
this country in
glowing colors.
They do not
hesitate at any
to catch the
All of the really good land, which comprises about two-fifths of the Rogue River Valley, has been bought up by millionaires and speculators, who have boosted the price out of the reach of the man of moderate means, and who are at present advertising desert land, with hardpan only a few inches under the surface, in which they must needs blast holes for fruit trees that cannot survive more than a few years, at from three to five hundred dollars an acre. This entire country is overrun with an unemployed and disappointed army of men who have responded to this unscrupulous advertising. The churches, lodges and municipality of Medford have made many contributions to charity in order to tide their unemployed through the winter--and still men, willing and anxious to work, are begging for bread in Medford. And these deplorable conditions are not confined to Medford alone, but exist quite generally over the state of Oregon. Skilled mechanics are in the same boat with the common laborer and are having a hard struggle under these adverse conditions. Very few are at work. This letter is not put out, as some of the "boosters" claim, "to get a corner on labor," but to protect the working man. Any sane man knows that a "corner on labor," in these times of depression and unemployment, is an impossibility. The day of the homesteader is past in this vicinity, and unless you are prepared to support yourself by other means than day labor our advice to you is do not come to Oregon until such time when matters have been so adjusted that you can at least find employment and not be compelled to walk the streets looking for work while your savings, accumulated by hard work and sacrifice, dwindle and disappear. Plumber's Gas and Steam Fitters' Journal, May 1912, page 23 MEDFORD
FOR DEVELOPMENT, WITH 1912 BOUNTIFULLY KIND ---- BYGONE YEAR BROUGHT NO EXTREMES, AND WENT EVEN WAY ---- 1913 OPENS WITH PROSPECTS OF GREATER PROGRESS AND ACTIVITY ---- Twelve Months Just Ended Witnessed No Detriment-- Crime Is Slight--Business Good, Future Bright ----
in 1912
experienced no
extremes of
prosperity or
but the twelve
months that ended
last night served
to clear the
atmosphere and
give great promise
for 1913.
was a year
in this town that
went "the even
tenor of its way,"
ironing out the
defects of the
"boom" and
clearing the way
for new
Providence was
kind. There came
nothing that left
general sorrow or
devastation that
paralyzed. But
through the months
there was a
even growth.
Politically, Medford received its share. Her candidates occupy the office of county judge, the most important, with a policy of progressiveness in view, sheriff and prosecutor. Another victory for the forward movement was the decision of the supreme court upholding the contention of the city in the Bear Creek bridge suit. Though a quiet year, building operations for 1913 open with great prospects. There is the construction of a new theater by Dr. F. C. Page and building of the Elks Club, now in the formative stage. There is also to be noted the completion of the Nash Livery building and the beginning of construction of a one-story business block on Grape, near Sixth Street. There were also many new homes built throughout the city. The biggest realty deal of the year was the purchase of the Davis tract for $317,700 by the F. P. Minney Realty Company of Oakland. The closing months of the year, with the election by, brought out promise of railroad activity, capped on the last day by the application of the F. P. Minney Company for a franchise for an interurban line. Other developments on this line were the option secured by Portland parties on the Barnum road, the incorporation of the Medford-Crescent City line, and the laying of the surveys, and the announced intention of the Hill lines to connect with the Pacific & Eastern. The new year promises to see important action in these branches and the probable construction of a line to the Blue Ledge mine. The fruit crops for the year were larger than in 1911, 1000 cars of apples, pears and other fruit and produce being shipped out, putting the balance of trade for once in favor of Medford. The most serious setback to the orchardist was a heavy windstorm in September, an unusual weather condition, that caused much damage by causing apples and pears to fall from the trees. The star of promise for the fruitgrower is the installation of a fruit cannery now under consideration by the Commercial Club and Merchants' Association. In public improvements the largest were the completion and operation of the public market, the building of the Bear Creek bridge and the paving and grading of streets in the residence district. This year will also, if all goes well, see the construction started on a new federal building. Two new rural routes were opened during the year, and the parcel post becomes effective today. The year also witnessed the opening of the Carnegie Library. The public schools showed a substantial increase over the previous year. A fire auto was added to the fire department. There was only one crime of any consequence during the year. That was the brutal murder of George Dedaskalous, a Greek, by Mike Spanos and Frank Seymour, both convicted, and now awaiting the penalty at Salem. There was one suicide and no accident of any consequence. Two high school boys on hunting trips shot themselves and both recovered. The most serious fire was the destruction of the Medford Theater, a landmark, at a $5000 loss, which brought regret to the amusement-loving people. Howard Bros.' fruit-packing plant was burned twice at an aggregate loss of $10,000. Another crime above the average was the robbing of the post office December 27, with a small loss. In a business way, the important [omission] was the change in the ownership of the Medford Hotel, the purchase of the Big Pines Lumber Company by California and Portland lumbermen and the consolidation of the Home Telephone with the Pacific. Another advance was the installation of the Western Union relay station at this point. There is no complaint to make for what the past gave, and Medford enters today with rosy hopes for the future, financially, commercially, morally, socially and spiritually, with everybody happy, as prosperous as the next one and ready and anxious to boost as never before. Medford Sun, January 1, 1913, page 1 [Los Angeles real estate broker Earl Huntley] was impressed with many changes and all for the better--the many shade trees and the green grass and the green fields in midsummer particularly pleased him. When Earl left here [around 1912] there was no irrigation, no "mountain spring in every home," few green lawns and practically no shade trees. He was also impressed with the new buildings--or said he was. Excerpt, "Earl Huntley, Boom Day Realtor, Notes Changes on Return to Medford," Medford Mail Tribune, August 7, 1935, page 8
Canon, Mayor.)--Is
located in the Rogue
River Valley, 329
miles south of
Portland and 434
miles north of San
Francisco. It is on
the main line of the
Southern Pacific
railway, and it is
the terminal of the
Pacific &
Eastern railway, now
constructed into the
great forests in the
eastern part of
Jackson County. This
road will be
extended to a
connection with the
Hill lines of the
Deschutes system;
also Medford is the
terminal of the
Rogue River Valley
railroad, now
operated to
Jacksonville, the
county seat. The
population as given
by the census of
1910 was 8,840, and
the census shows
that the increase in
population during
the last decade was
third among the
cities of the United
States; it being 392
percent. The
estimated population
at this time
(October 12, 1912)
is 10,500. The
assessed valuation
of property in
Medford in 1909 was
$2,407,394; in 1910
it was $5,953,253;
in 1911 it was
$6,800,000, not
including valuation
of railroads and
corporations. This
is an increase of 14
percent during the
year. The post
office receipts from
the sale of stamps
for the quarter
ending June 30, 1912
were $6,963.32. The
altitude of Medford
is 1,377 feet. There
are four brick
public school
buildings, and also
one brick high
school building.
These buildings are
of an aggregate
value of about
$150,000; also a
private school for
girls, managed by
the Catholic Sisters
(St. Mary's Academy)
and a business
college. There are
12 churches, viz:
Christian, Catholic,
Episcopal, Methodist
South, Free
Methodist, Baptist,
Episcopal, Christian
Science, Seven Day
Adventists, German
Lutheran. Common
labor commands $2.50
to $3 per day;
skilled labor $4 and
more. Electric light
plant privately
owned. This company
owns electric energy
in Southern Oregon
amounting to more
than 100,000
horsepower. Has a
gas plant, privately
owned, and a gravity
water system, at a
cost to the city of
$450,000. Supply
sufficient for a
city of 25,000. Has
a paid fire
department with
equipment costing
$15,000 and
including an auto
combination chemical
and hose wagon; two
newspapers, four
banks (two national
and two state); 18
miles of
hard-surfaced paved
streets, 30 miles of
sewerage, and 32½
miles of water
mains; 36 miles of
cement sidewalks.
The total tax levy
for the year 1911,
including state,
school, county and
city purposes, 28.5
mills. Gold, copper,
cinnabar, iron and
asbestos mines exist
in the county. Gold
mining has been one
of the industries of
the people since the
year 1851. Fruit
growing and farming
are the principal
industries. There
has been shipped
from Medford this
year up to this time
(October 12, 1912)
226 carloads of
pears. The winter
varieties are not
yet marketed. There
are also located
here two marble and
granite works, six
garages, three
planing mills, three
boot and shoe
stores, one shoe
factory, seven
grocery stores,
three hardware
stores, four gents'
furnishing stores,
four general
merchandise stores,
two first-class
hotels, and several
others; 11 saloons,
each paying a
license of $1,000
per year; one cigar
factory, three
stores, one public
library, with
building which cost
$35,000, and the
following federal
offices: United
States Weather
Bureau, United
States Forestry
Office, United
States Pathologist's
Office, under the
supervision of the
Department of
Agriculture. One
term of the United
States District
Court is held
annually in Medford.
$110,000 in 1909 for
the construction of
a federal building.
Construction will
soon commence. There
is also the Sacred
Heart Hospital,
which cost $125,000;
a park covering
three blocks in the
heart of the city;
one public market
built by the city,
and furnished free
to the farmers, and
the Medford
Commercial Club,
composed of the
leading business men
and farmers of the
section, whose
objects are: To
cultivate and foster
civic spirit and
patriotism among the
citizens of Medford.
A pickle and canning
manufactory are
greatly needed, and
furnish a good
opportunity for
Biennial Report of
the Bureau of
Labor Statistics
and Inspector of
Factories and
Workshops of the
State of Oregon
from October 1,
1910 to September
30, 1912, Oregon
State Printing
Department, 1913,
page 133Last revised January 25, 2017 |