in 1902 Medford is the second town in size in Jackson County, occupies a central position to the agricultural region, is a place of much enterprise, is rapidly growing, does an extensive business, and is well equipped with schools and other things required to make a prosperous and lively town. Medford's position will always give it an importance in Southern Oregon. A large ditch is now in course of construction which is intended ultimately to carry the waters of Butte Creek around the foothills of the valley for irrigation purposes, and to supply Medford with the necessary quantity of excellent water for all purposes, domestic and irrigation. "Jackson County," Oregonian, Portland, January 1, 1902, page 22 MEDFORD.
This, the "queen" city of Rogue River Valley, is the most centrally and
naturally located of all the towns of the valley. It is situated on the
west bank of the Bear Creek, on the line of the S.P.R.R.--in the very
heart of the valley--surrounded by a country of surpassing beauty,
rivaling in picturesqueness the grandeur of the highlands of Scotland,
equaling in loveliness the beauty of the alpine valleys. It has a
population of nearly 2500 industrious, wide-awake citizens.The business houses of Medford are nearly all of large dimensions and solidly built of brick and are filled with large stocks of varied assortment and at prices differing little from those of the largest coast cities. All branches of trade, industry and professions are ably and well represented. Medford is a city of "schools and churches." All the denominations are represented and have comfortable accommodations and buildings. Medford Board of Trade, "A Few Facts Concerning the Famous Rogue River Valley, Oregon," [1902], SOHS 1963.181.4; M44 A5 The next town of importance in the Rogue River Valley is Medford, of which I have spoken in some detail in connection with orchard development. Medford came into existence as the inheritor of the trade dropped by Jacksonville when the railroad passed her by, and it has grown largely through the development of the horticultural interest, of which it is the center. Medford is a strictly business town. It has not, like Ashland, the charm of surrounding mountains and of dashing waters. Its importance rests upon the fact that it is the point on the railroad most convenient to the agricultural industry of the country. It is essentially a farmers' town, and it makes a business of serving the farmers' interest. The population of Medford is in the neighborhood of 2500--this with no favors from the railroad in the form of special and direct patronage. Ashland, on the south, and Grants Pass, on the north, each as a division headquarters, holds a considerable railroad establishment and enjoys a very considerable local trade on the basis of the local "payroll." Medford complains at this, or at least sees her disadvantage in connection with it, but she looks to a future day when another shuffle of the cards will yield something to her ambition for distinction and profit as a railroad town. "A. H.," "In Southern Oregon," Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 24, 1902, page 6 As We See Things.
BY A STAFF CORRESPONDENT. A walk out through any part of the city of Medford thoroughly convinces a Mail representative in the truthfulness of the old adage that "Nothing goes to show the solidity and substantiability [sic]
of a town so much as does a good class of residences, all occupied."
Men sometimes build business blocks for speculation in towns that do
not demand them. In traveling over the country one frequently
encounters a good, live and thrifty town in which there are empty
business houses, but one never encounters a live business town where
there are many empty residences, nor a dying or dead town where the
residences are all full. When the residences are filled up as well as
the business rooms, as in Medford, it shows that the people are here,
and further, that they intend to stay. When people build fine
residences they do so for the purpose of making permanent homes and,
while thus speaking, it is well to say that business in Medford is
represented by firms with large capital and energy. They carry immense
stocks of everything in their lines, and their prices are always at the
lowest notch. Anything that can be found in a city can be had in
Medford, for this enterprising place is quite metropolitan in its
makeup. And again, while everything in and around this city bespeaks of
enterprise and prosperity, just keep saying a good word for your town
and patronizing your home merchants, and all will be well.
Medford Mail, November 21, 1902, page 2 MEDFORD'S POSSIBILITIES.
present indications count for anything, the city of Medford bids fair
to increase in wealth and population within the next few years to an
extent hitherto unknown in its history. Founded eighteen years ago as a
way station on the Southern Pacific, with the old established town of
Jacksonville five miles west and Ashland twelve miles south, it has
slowly grown, principally by its favorable geographical location almost
in the center of the valley, until it has become one of the most
important shipping points for the products of Jackson County. Very slow
was that growth at first, but it has been steady all through. There has
never been a boom in Medford, consequently no reaction. Even during the
years of the "hard times," the growth of the town was not perceptibly
checked. It has now reached the point when, conditions being favorable,
it may be expected to expand into the chief city of Southern Oregon
within a very few years.
It is the opinion of the writer that those favorable conditions are present, and the reasons for this opinion we will endeavor to set forth below. The fruit industry, not in its infancy, it is true, but still far from having reached its full development, is one of the foundations of this opinion. Medford lies in the heart of one of the greatest fruit-growing districts in the known world. North, south, east and west for miles the soil is nearly all adapted to the successful growing of fruit. Only a comparatively small acreage of this land has been planted to fruit yet, but more and more is being put out each year, until eventually the central portion of the valley will become almost a solid orchard, interspersed with waving fields of alfalfa or gardens of small fruits. Medford, as said before, lies in the heart of this fruit-growing section, and is the natural shipping point for most of the products, and the trading place of nearly all the residents thereof. This reason alone would be sufficient upon which to base an opinion of Medford's future greatness, but there are others. Eastward, only a short five miles away, the Southern Pacific Company is delving into the earth seeking a bed of coal, which its geological experts, who have a record of sixteen years with never a failure behind them, have declared is there. As soon as the development work proceeds far enough, several hundred men will be employed. Medford will naturally be their trading point, and the coal from the mine will all pass through this city, as the nearest point on the main line. Coal near at hand and the favorable situation of the city as regards handling the freight traffic of the valley will unite to make Medford the proper place for the end of a railroad division, with all that means to a young and growing town. Another thing in this connection is the projected straightening and shortening of the Southern Pacific line from Myrtle Creek south. There have been mysterious movements going on in the mountains about the heads of Evans and Cow creeks, and should a railroad line be located through, the end of the first division south of Roseburg would naturally fall here. Along the slopes of the Cascade stretches a mighty body of the finest timber out of doors, which must be marketed in the not-distant future, and again Medford shows up as the natural shipping point for the products and trading point for the men engaged in this industry. The marketing of this timber means either an electric car line for transportation or the extension of the R.R.V.R.R. eastward. Its construction eastward will, as a correlative, be followed by a westward extension toward the coast into the rich valleys of the Applegate and the Illinois, and the consequent hauling of their products to the junction with the Southern Pacific line at Medford. Thus the entire trade of this productive region will pass through our city, making its future the brightest of any town in this part of the state. But we cannot sit supinely down and wait for these things to come. The citizens of the town have a great work to perform in this development. However much we may differ in other things, let us have but one cause when it comes to the upbuilding of the city. Let our first thought be how to best advance the interest of the community at large and thus benefit the city and help the cause of progress. Every new enterprise of merit should receive the hearty encouragement and support of every citizen. Don't throw cold water on a new business in the town. If you can't see anything good in it, keep still. The resources which will go toward making Medford a handsome and prosperous city of no small size are here, ready and anxious to do their part--needing only development. It lies with the people to encourage and foster that development. Medford Mail, February 7, 1902, page 2 SOME THINGS BRIEFLY SAID
ABOUT SOUTHERN OREGON. Resources that Are To Be Found in Rogue River Valley, and Serve To Make This Section of Oregon the Most Desirable Place on Earth in Which To Dwell People
in other parts of these United States are beginning to discover that
there is such a state called Oregon, a section of that state called
Southern Oregon, and that in Southern Oregon lies the Rogue River
Valley and its tributaries. Inquiries concerning the products and
resources of this section are received daily by one or another of our
townspeople and real estate agencies, and the purpose of this article
is to answer in a general way some of those inquiries.
The products of the soil of the valley might well be said to be "anything you put in the ground, indigenous to the temperate zone," and its resources, undeveloped to a great extent as yet, "illimitable." To specify: All cereals, vegetables and small fruits find perfect conditions for growth in the climate and soil of the valley. Cabbage as big as a water bucket; potatoes, one of which will make a meal for a fair-sized family; tomatoes as large as a dessert plate; blackberries as big as your thumb and bursting with the richest and sweetest of juices; watermelons that would make a Georgia darkey forswear the product of his native state--all these are so common in Jackson County that old residents have ceased to be surprised by them, and are reminded of their existence only by the exclamations of eastern visitors. The markets of the world show in what esteem our apples are held. Oregon apples bring the highest price of any apples in the world's markets, and Southern Oregon apples are at the top of these. Prunes, pears, quinces, etc. grow to fabulous size and produce enormously, in fact, in anything like a favorable year orchardmen are obliged to thin their trees nearly 50 percent in order that the fruit may develop properly and that the trees may not be broken under its weight. The peaches of this valley have a reputation second to none in the United States and always bring the top price in the markets. In the foothills on the western side of the valley table grapes equal to any are raised, but the raisin and wine grapes have not yet been brought to perfection. In the surrounding mountains are smaller valleys where thousands of cattle and sheep find pasturage the year around, feeding is resorted to in rare instances only, excepting stock which is being fed for the market. Hogs find a ready market, at good prices. Poultry raising has not been extensively followed as yet, although during the holidays several thousand pounds of dressed fowls were shipped from Medford station alone. To sum up it may be said that everything grows well here, and there is no reason why this should not be a fact. The soil is as good as any that lies out of doors, and there is no more generally healthful climate on the face of the earth than that of Southern Oregon. We escape the torrid summers of the south and the frigid winters of the north. Nestled like a gem in the bosom of the mighty Cascades, a gentle, equable climate conduces to bring out the best in both man and products of the soil. But Southern Oregon does not depend entirely on agriculture or horticulture. We have mines--gold mines, coal mines, cinnabar mines, copper mines--almost any kind of a mine you want to look for. Placer claims in Southern Oregon which ave been worked for twenty years are still turning out their annual crop of the yellow metal and will continue to do so for years to come. The annual output of gold for Jackson County runs away up into the hundred thousands. Quartz mining has not been followed to any extent until within the past few years, but there are now a number of paying propositions which are being quietly worked by their owners, who are laying by a tidy sum with each cleanup. The mines of Southern Oregon have never been exploited nor advertised as have those of California, but they are here just the same. Oregon does not claim the title of "Golden State," yet locked in the recesses of her everlasting hills are stores of the precious metals that will one day bring her to the front rank among the mining states. Coal has been found in various places, and the Southern Pacific Company is now conducting extensive prospecting operations within a few miles of Medford. Quicksilver is also found, and a company is now opening up a prospect in the northern part of the county. Copper is found in Southern Oregon, and some work has been done in that line. There is now under way a ditch designed to be some forty miles in length, bringing the waters of Butte Creek into the valley proper. Eighteen miles of this ditch have already been completed, and the projectors expect to have water within a few miles of Medford by the middle of May next. This ditch will cover thousands of acres of land hitherto useless for anything except grazing purposes, but which, with water, is capable of producing large and varied crops. Various railway projects, for the purpose of tapping the timber belt and mining sections lying back in the mountains, although in an embryo state, will doubtless come to fruition as soon as developments and necessity require it. Last, but by no means least, are the forests. The mountains surrounding the Rogue River Valley are clothed from base to summit with waving forests of stately pines, firs, cedars and other varieties of merchantable timber. Practically untouched by the woodman's ax, this mighty belt of timber represents wealth almost incalculable and is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, natural resources of the country. In writing the above we have endeavored to take a conservative view of the brilliant future in store for Southern Oregon, and have confined the statements therein to the strict limit of the facts. The time is coming, and is not far distant, when all these varied resources will be developed, and Southern Oregon will enter on a career of prosperity, unequalled by the wildest dreams of the most enthusiastic. Medford Mail, January 24, 1902, page 6 MEDFORD, OREGON
The stage from Crater Lake landed
us at the door of Hotel Medford in Medford, Oregon, after a most
enjoyable all-day ride over the Medford Scenic Road.The Center of a Rich Fruit Growing District and Blessed with Good Hotels. A Visit to a Fruit Packing House Where Apples and Pears Are Automatically Graded by Weighing Machine. We found Hotel Medford to be an attractive brick and stone structure of 100 rooms, apparently a nearly new building, although we learned later that it was built and opened nine years ago. The lobby takes up nearly a third of the ground floor, and is in all respects one of the most beautiful hotel public rooms on the Coast. The walls and columns are in walnut of a beautiful grain that will grow in beauty and value as the years roll on. The room is overlooked on one side with a balcony lounge and writing room. The furniture is leather upholstered. To the rear is another lobby lounge, similarly appointed. Leading off the lobby is the main dining room, 70x45 feet, also a very beautiful room, the walls of elm panels framed in Oregon fir; the upper part of the walls and ceiling finished in green and ivory; the window drapings and upholstered chairs to harmonize. The floor is hardwood. The tables have neat and attractive setting. The service is by waitresses. The bill of fare is moderately priced, so much so that we wondered how the room could be operated at a profit; but it is volume of business; and business has been very heavy. We met Emil Mohr, who was of the company that built and opened the hotel. He is now sole proprietor. He was a Klondike man before coming to Medford. Mr. Mohr showed us through the house. He is proud of the working department. The kitchen is a spacious room, high ceiled, well ventilated, and sensibly laid out. The checker's control is at the dining room door. The equipment includes Ilg coal range, Blakeslee dishwasher, and every practical device for labor saving and assuring the fine cuisine. The storeroom is shipshape, very neat, clean and orderly. The refrigeration is by ammonia machine. The engine room has received special attention. The boilers are fed altogether with sawdust from the fruit packing-box factories. The hot water hosting system is by live steam, and the water is hot at faucets all the time. There is a pump for pressure to the top floor. The bedrooms are well furnished, all the furniture of substantial kind and in fine repair: the rooms in tasteful color scheme and homelike. The beds are extra good. The baths are sanitary, none better. Mr. Mohr is ably assisted by C. J. Carstens. The hotel is to be enlarged with a 40-room addition. ● ● ●
There are three hotels in Medford that have been regular subscribers to THE HOTEL MONTHLY for years. They are the Medford, Holland and Nash.Hotel Holland, owned by J. A. Westerlund, and managed by C. Y. Tengwald, his nephew, has seventy rooms, was built in 1912, and has been operated by its owner since 1915; the rates $1.50 to $4.00. Mr. Tengwald showed us over the house. Its location, near the depot, has given it the popular name of "Handy Hotel." It has a neatly appointed lobby, and connected with it a large lounge finished in paneled oak, with hardwood floor, and leather upholstered furniture. It is made attractive with roses and ferns. The restaurant is finished in white and furnished in wicker. The bill of fare is popular priced, and carries a footnote "Fruits and vegetables from our own ranch." Mr. Westerlund owns 950 acres in the vicinity of Medford, devoted to apple, pear, peach and cherry raising, with 65,000 trees in all. He said that three hundred cherry trees last season brought gross income of $3,300. The bedrooms in Hotel Holland are furnished in Circassian walnut and mahogany. They are clean and inviting, and many of them have private baths. ● ● ●
Mr. Tengwald invited us to take a
drive about town, and for two hours we were shown one of the most
attractive towns of approximately six thousand population that we have
seen in all our travels. He said that with the suburbs, the population
nears the ten thousand mark. The fruitful valley of which it is the
head center is about ten by twenty-five miles. Potter Palmer of Chicago
has an orchard of 1,400 acres here. The prosperity of the town was
explained in the statement that there is one car to every three persons.He showed us the Elks Club, recently built at a cost of $60,000, which has nine hundred members, and its architecture, floral surroundings, and beautiful furniture, is something the town is proud of. The University Club of Medford has three hundred members. ● ● ●
The thing that interested us most
in Medford was a visit to the fruit packing house operated by The
Oregon Growers' Cooperative Association. This particular packing house
is a new building used by 160 growers, whose produce amounts to
approximately two million dollars a year. It is mainly for packing
apples and pears. Three hundred girls are employed here. They only pack
fancy and extra. fancy, said Mr. Tengwald. All undersized and bruised
fruit is sent to the cannery. It may interest our readers to have a
brief description of the operating method of this packing house:Empty boxes are sent to the orchards and filled promiscuously. Later these same boxes are packed carefully, and the box that receives the fruit in the orchard is the same that takes it to the consumer. The fruit is received at the receiving and weighing door, and checked in under the grower's name and number, and every shipment is accounted for in detail. There is no guesswork. After the fruit is weighed, the boxes are taken to a sort of trough in which the fruit is placed and carried in single file until it reaches the "weighing and sorting" machines. These are a continuation of the trough, and the fruit as it passes along is automatically graded by weight. Thus, the heaviest fruit will tip the beam of the first weighing machine and drop into a basket and bin below it. The other sizes of fruit, not heavy enough to tip the first scale, pass on until they reach a scale adjusted to the particular weight. In this way about a dozen separate sizes of fruit are automatically assorted, so that in the packing it is an easy matter to designate how many to the box. The lighter weights pass on to the undersized and "for canning" bin. When the fruit is graded it is brought to the packers, who deftly wrap in tissue paper and pack into boxes standardized for "number" of fruit--a different number for each particular grade--the larger the fruit the smaller the number. The girls get six cents a box for packing, we were told, and earn from $5.00 to $10.00 the day. Most of the labor for picking and packing is local. It is patriotic to do this work. When the fruit is packed, the filled and bulging boxes are put into cold storage rooms at 38 degrees, from which they are taken to refrigerator cars of the same temperature. At the time of our visit there were fifty refrigerator cars at the platform waiting to be loaded. The boxes are made in a nearby factory, brought to the packing house in knock-down form, and issued to growers. Lumber for making them is brought from the forest in auto trucks. ● ● ●
The third hotel of Medford is the
Nash, operated by J. D. Bell, formerly of Hotel Dakota, Grand Forks,
who has kept it ten years. Mr. Bell was not in at the time of our call.
The clerk said this house is owned by Miss Nash, and was the first
hotel built in Medford. [Torrey's Medford
Hotel, Cunningham's Empire Hotel and Woods' Central Hotel preceded it
in 1884. J. T. C. Nash bought his building ten years later, reopening
it under his name in 1895.] It has 51 rooms, European plan.● ● ●
We asked Mr. Carstens of Hotel
Medford regarding conditions at Crater Lake, which have been criticized
in the public press this year. He said that Mr. Parkhurst, proprietor
of the Lodge at Crater Lake, is doing his level best, but that he has
been up against the help handicap, nevertheless gives a satisfactory
service in the main. He said that Mr. Parkhurst took a chance at Crater
Lake, that he has developed the place, and that he even goes so far as
to shovel snow in the early season to make the resort accessible. The
business has more than doubled this year over last, and the Medford
Scenic Road of eighty-four miles to Crater Lake makes Medford the
popular gateway to this wonderful national park.Hotel Monthly, September 1920, pages 30-31 Last
revised July 20, 2018