in 1898 ![]() Medford Monitor-Miner, October 13, 1898, page 4 Ashland is in the southern part of the county, within 20 miles, by rail, of the California line. It has a population of 2,500. Medford, 12 miles north of Ashland, has a population nearly as large. Both towns have good schools and churches, and are up with the times in modern improvements, having electric light and telephone systems, and many handsome and comfortable residence homes. Medford is located nearer the central part of the valley, and has the best of advantages as regards the trade of the county. It has a distillery, a brewery and ice manufacturing plant, flouring mill, and planing mills. Medford and Ashland both do a large business in the exportation of fruits, and Medford is also the center of a large trade in the products of a pork-packing establishment. OLD RESIDENT CITY CELEBRATES HIS BIRTHDAY
Asked why he was stepping so high today, J. A. Perry remarked that this
was his birthday, and that he was the "risin' of '47," and still a
spring chicken. Mr. Perry has been a resident of Medford 24 years; at
that time Medford had probably a little over 1000 people, and no modern
improvements. The only buildings on the west side in the business
district was the corner building owned by Mr. Palm and occupied by
Dave's cigar store and Dan's cafe, the building now occupied by the
fish market, then occupied by McGowan with queensware.
A small Episcopal church where the Masonic building now stands, a small
building owned by Dr. Ray where the Medford Hotel how stands and one or
two other buildings.East of the track was the three-story Angle building, "some building in those days," now occupied by Nichols and Ashpole's market, the present quarters of the Reddy jewelry store, and Medford Pharmacy was building. Hutchison & Lumsden occupied their present quarters, the Jackson County Bank occupied the building where Paul's store is now, and there were a few other smaller business houses. In those days this was a big trading point not only for the white people but the Indians from Klamath and other counties. Mr. Perry was married to Miss Foster in Albany in 1899 and. they have two children. Both Mr. and Mrs. Perry's parents were pioneers in Oregon and crossed the plains with ox teams in 1852, the former locating near Salem and the latter near Albany, where some of the family still occupy some of the homestead. Mr. Perry grubbed the chaparral from the lot where he built his present home, one block west of the Medford Hotel, 17 years ago. Medford Mail Tribune, July 24, 1922, page 6 Last revised July 18, 2021 |