Day 1911 Not a terribly significant day in Medford history, but I did find a couple of very nice pictures . . .
![]() PARADE STARTS DAY'S PROGRAM Is Greatest Celebration of Labor Day Ever Held in Southern Oregon-- Visitors Come on Many Trains. With fully 2500
visitors in the city, Medford is today holding the greatest celebration
of Labor Day ever held in southern Oregon. Early this morning the
visitors began to arrive, each train from the north and south being
crowded with people who, for the most part, were members of some labor
union. The streets downtown were crowded by 10 o'clock, when the day's
festivities opened with a large street parade in which the various
unions of the city figured conspicuously. Later speaking and field
sports were indulged in. This afternoon baseball and racing is under
way, while the celebration will close this evening at the Natatorium with a grand ball, for which hundreds of tickets have been sold.
Most of the business houses remained open during the morning hours, closing at noon. The stores were crowded early, but as the program for the day opened they were gradually deserted. Every event was run off on record time following the start of the parade, which was started late. The streets along with line of march were crowded with townspeople and visitors. The weather was cool and, although showers threatened, none fell. The merrymakers were in a high good humor, and perfect order was kept. One runaway in the vicinity of the Rogue River Valley Railroad threatened trouble at one time, but the team was stopped before it had reached the crowded sidewalks for which it headed. Otherwise nothing occurred to mar the pleasure of the occasion. The parade was in the charge of Jack Renz, as marshal of the day. Following him came the Medford band and then the carpenter's union. Here was seen the only banner of the day, reading: "Justice or jail for labor? How do you vote? Remember the McNamaras." Following the carpenters came the teamsters, all on horseback. Then, clad in overalls, followed the plumbers and following them the paperhangers. The electrical workers had a float showing a telephone exchange in operation, while the cooks, waiters and waitresses had a float showing a scene in a restaurant. Following the cooks came the plasterers, all in white overalls, and then came the cement workers. Ed Root, with the delivery wagon of the Mail Tribune, attracted attention, and the parade wound up with a float prepared by the Medford Business College. As the orator of the day did not show up, Agnes Thecia Fair delivered the Labor Day oration. She said, in part: "As all thinkers admit, there can be no such thing as real education unless as a result human beings discover their function in this evolving world--unless, in a word, they find full and free expression of their own personality. As Gustave Herve [wrote] in his 'My Country Right or Wrong,' so we'll say, no state can be entrusted to give education to the child that is even historically true. Modern education teaches the child responsibility rather than obedience to authority. "The modern school develops originality and cultivates the creative qualities of the child mind. "The modern school teaches the child its relation to its fellow man. "Also, how the animals cooperate for their own protection. "All who are interested in the modern school should address Harriet Churchill, Beck Building, Portland, Or. All children are admitted free." Medford Mail Tribune, September 4, 1911, page 1
Blazing unionism from the brass band that led the procession to the
veriest apprentice that followed in the ranks, organized labor
yesterday in a parade that extended from the Hotel Nash to Oakdale
Avenue opened the largest Labor Day celebration ever held in Southern
Oregon. Hundreds of laborers, representing every trade and line of
industry, were in the procession, decorated with the various banners
adopted by their unions. Most prominent from point of decoration was
the plumbers' local, who received first prize of $25, while the
carpenters led off in the matter of numbers with seventy-five
representatives. The teamsters' union took the second prize, on
appearance, of $15.
Surpassing all others from the point of uniqueness was the Cooks', Waiters' and Waitresses' float, which took the prize of $15. It was followed closely, in the opinion of the judges, by the electricians' float, which took the $10 prize. The float put in by the newly organized business college attracted great attention and secured much favorable comment. Irwin Bonner appeared with the only car, but as it was undecorated, no prize could be given it. Following the carpenters in point of numbers in the parade were the painters and decorators, plasterers and cement workers. People from all over the valley filled the streets and commons and witnessed the big parade. After the parade athletic stunts were pulled off on the railroad grounds, donated by the railroad company. A feature of the athletics was the egg race, which was won by Mable Henden. Second prize was taken by Lodi Davis. The different events, the winners and the prizes follow: Tug of war--Teamsters first prize, $15; electrics second, $10. Fifty-yard dash, boys under eighteen, F. Herrington, $2. Fifty-yard dash, barbers and painters, A. E. Johnson, $5. Wheelbarrow race, cement workers only, W. N. Fresto, $5. Pole climbing contest, F. T. Slater, $5 prize and $2 extra from judges. Fifty-yard dash, plumbers and teamsters, Ed Wetzel, $5. Fifty-yard dash, lathers and plasterers, H. R. Straight, $5. Fifty-yard dash, for fat ladies--There were so many entries that the judges decided to call the stunt off. Everything went like clockwork, the judges having nothing to do but give their decisions and drink lemonade. No disputes took place, and everything but the fat ladies' race was put on at scheduled time. The officers and men who were responsible for the successful outcome are: Jack Renz, grand marshal and chairman; finance chairman, Charles Helm; sport chairman, Rothwell; press chairman, J. W. McIntyre; and judges W. W. Eifert, M. H. Johnson and Max Hauxchild. At the ball held at the Nat last night the prize for the best soloist was given Mrs. W. A. Eames, wife of the director of the band. Mr. and Mrs. Bowlby Worthington were accorded the $5 prize for the best waltzers on the floor. There was a large crowd present, and the ball was a great success financially and socially. Mrs. Eames won the prize by playing the violin solo, a fantastic from "Faust." Floyd Ramp Speaks
Floyd C. Ramp of Portland, the speaker of the day, talked on unionism,
referring to the Haywood, Pettibone and McNamara case. He also referred
to the proposed bond issue for good roads and said that socialists
would support it, whether for one million or five millions, but would
want union men, eight-hour day and local labor preferred. He said he
was opposed to the contract system because it would give profits to the
contractor instead of to the laborer.
Medford Sun, September 5, 1911, page 1 ![]() The back of the second postcard reproduced above: "Sept. 26, 1911. Dear Dorothy:--Can you find my face and my hubbie on the other side? Look just below the two ink • • dots and you will see us. Your letter enjoyed. We are all well. The kiddies are in school. We have not had much rain out here--a few hard showers. I would like to see you all so much, and you are often in my thoughts. With much love, As always your friend Leona Stacey." ![]() Detail showing Leona and "hubbie." I've been unable to learn anything more about them. Last revised May 19, 2011 |