![]() ![]() Kiser Powell Street, Portland, Oregon Isaac Kiser, 56, floral farmer, born May 1844 Indiana, father Indiana, mother Ohio Anna Kiser, 50, born May 1850, born Nebraska, parents born Nebraska Fred Kiser, 21, floral farmer, born June 1878 Nebraska, married 8 months Oscar Kiser, 16, farm laborer, born April 1884 California Bertha Kiser, 20, born August 1879 California, father Indiana, mother Nebraska, married 8 months U.S. Census, enumerated June 13, 1900 OUT AT CRATER LAKE
CRATER LAKE, Or., Aug. 12.--(Special.)--A notable gathering of people
is encamped on the rim of Crater Lake: Senator C. W. Fulton, Mrs.
Fulton, Fred Fulton, Allen Fulton, of Astoria, Or.; Joaquin Miller, of
Oakland, Cal.; President P. L. Campbell, University of Oregon, and Mr.
Gamber, Eugene; Dr. Edgar P. Hill, Howard R. Hill, Phil Metschan, Mrs.
Metschan, A. F. Wheeler, William S. Wheeler, Will G. Steel, Mrs. Steel,
Mrs. J. D. Fountain, Mrs. S. Livesly, Harold S. Gilbert, Miss Gertrude
Metcalfe, of Portland; Dr. C. Barck, University of Missouri, St. Louis;
A. G. Esche, Leipsig, Germany; D. Sutherland, San Rafael; Professor
Frank Campbell, State Normal School, Monmouth, Or.; Miss Bella Pruner,
Riddle; Miss Helen M. Akins, Redlands, Cal.; F. H. Kiser and O. H.
Kiser, of Columbia Beach, Or., this party being under the direction of
Will G. Steel.MR. STEEL'S PARTY ARRIVES AT ITS DESTINATION. Many Notable Persons Are Having the Time of the Lives-- Camp-Fire Talks. It is probably the merriest party that has ever traveled over the hills to this great natural wonder of Oregon. Leaving Portland August 4 by the Southern Pacific, they were transferred to wagons at Medford, arriving at Crater Lake on schedule time Saturday night, August 8, with the exception of some freight. The long ride through the cool, enticing shadows of the yellow pine forests was brightened by sallies and bon mots without number, and the inspiration of the noble canyons of the Rogue River, its waterfalls and marvelous natural bridge brought out quaint, picturesque metaphors and curious legends such as might well become a permanent part of Pacific Coast literature. Joaquin Miller was in his happiest vein, his wit and fantasy finding fresh opportunity to vent itself at every turn in the road. Dr. Hill was the humorist of another wagonload, a jovial giant bent on seeing that everybody about him should get the best out of his vacation. President Campbell, always a brilliant raconteur, kept up a perpetual laugh at the other end of the cavalcade, while Senator Fulton's shrewd humor and good sense gave the needed spice of diversity. At every stopping place along the road the following yell, invented for the occasion by Fred Kiser, was thrown at the startled country folk: We,
we weel!
Eagle Point, 15 miles beyond Medford, there was a camp-fire that will
live long in the memory of those who were present. The whole
countryside for miles around had assembled to do honor to the visitors,
and the stirring intensity and lofty strain of feeling shown in the
impromptu speeches, together with much clever repartee, brought out
ringing applause from the people of Eagle Point. Joaquin Miller gave a
superb tribute to Oregon for her part in the Indian wars, placing this
state before all others in the Union for the brave men she gave and the
Oregon gold she coined for the cause. The battle of Table Rock
was touched upon with much dramatic fervor and vivid imagery--a battle
in which some of those present had taken an active part.We're with Steel! What's at stake! Crater Lake! A lively scramble down the mossy steeps of the picturesque little waterfall on the country place of J. H. Stewart, of Medford, was a feature of the next camp. This is situated in the heart of the forest, the charming vistas and wildwood glens causing Joaquin Miller to exclaim that he could not wish heaven itself to be more delightful and entrancing in its beauty. The rustic cottage, with its wide verandas, was filled with trophies of the chase and pinewood curios. The camp-fire talks inspired by the rare hospitality of the owners were quite as notable as at Eagle Point. At the natural bridge, where Rogue River disappears into the living rock to come out of its prison-house a foaming torrent, it was found that the horses, although the best obtainable, were not quite equal to the task of carrying the generous load of table supplies provided by Mr. Steel up the mountain on schedule time. This will explain why the company of 27 people arriving at Crater Lake about sunset Saturday night found, after waiting two hours, that the cook, with his supplies, was encamped at the base of the mountain. This necessitated a merry scramble of a mile down the mountain in the moonlight. But Sunday morning found all encamped in good shape on the rim of the lake, engaged in studying the marvelous changing tints of water and rocky cliff as the sun moved westward. On Monday, August 10, a party of about 30 people, under the guidance of Captain O. C. Applegate, who was encamped near by, climbed Castle Mountain, which is 8175 feet from sea level, or 1000 feet above the camping ground. Senator Fulton, Dr. Hill. Mr. Wheeler and son, who remained behind, improved the time by taking a swim in the lake. The Kiser brothers, who are obtaining a noble collection of views, started out early Monday morning, accompanied by Dr. Hill's son, Howard, for the heights beyond Castle Mountain, in the direction of Mount Scott, and there was considerable concern lest they should decide to make a two days' trip of it; this would mean much hardship, as they were in a blanketless condition for the cold mountain nights. Their return early in the evening occasion much relief. They reported seeing seven deer, so tame that they did not run, as the canyons in which were found are never visited by man. Captain Applegate gave a talk of unusual historic interest at the camp-fire Monday night, which was listened to with breathless interest. The subject was the Modoc War of 1873, in which Captain Applegate played so active a part, and the details of which he remembers with an accuracy and vividness which astonished all who heard him. This (Tuesday) morning Senator and Mrs. Fulton took their departure for Pelican Bay, a few days in advance of the main party. They will be greatly missed, as the Senator, by his geniality, and Mrs. Fulton, by her vocal talent, have done much to make the camp-fire enjoyable. Today is one of eager anticipation, as the new boat furnished by the United States government is to he launched by means of ropes from the cliff to the lake, 1000 feet below. Everybody declares he is having the beat time of his life. Venison is a popular dish today, two hunters having brought in two deer. Oregonian, Portland, August 16, 1903, page 13. Abridged in the Medford Mail, August 21, 1903, page 1. THEY BOATED ON CRATER LAKE
The perils and rigors of a scramble to the summit of Mount Scott after
crossing the celebrated Crater Lake in a 16-foot boat, which had to be
lowered down 2000 feet of precipice before it rested upon the waters of
this inland sea, are told of by Kiser Brothers, who returned to
Portland after securing many photographs of the new national park,
which will be used by the Southern Pacific.Steel's Party Lowered a Skiff 2000 Feet--Mount Scott Is Successfully Ascended. The recent excursion to Crater Lake by the party formed by W. G. Steel of Portland, which left Medford August 5, was one of the most successful from a photographic and exploration standpoint that has been made into that section for many years. The party included many adventuresome and enthusiastic ones who made it a special duty to find out exactly what there was in the neighborhood of the lake. Two young ladies were taken to the top of Mount Scott, and are said to be the first of the gentler sex to make the ascent. They accompanied Kiser Brothers and Ralph Woodford of Medford, who went up the mountain to procure pictures of the lake and also to get photographs of the surrounding country for use by the Southern Pacific. August 11th was the most important and exciting day of the trip, when the party launched a 16-foot boat in the lake. The boat had to be taken down precipices which rise from the lake to a height of about 2000 feet, and it was a most exciting and dangerous experience. It was lowered down by means of a cable which was anchored to trees. Next day they scaled Mount Scott, crossing the lake in the launch, and reached the eastern shore in the morning. The women were securely tied to the life-lines and then began the perilous climb of several thousand feet over crumbling rocks and around narrow shelves. "It was more difficult and dangerous than climbing Castle Rock; but the only consolation was that in case of a slip you might land in the water instead of on the rocks as at Castle Rock,'' said Fred Kiser, one of the party. The party reached the top of the mountain about 11 o'clock in the forenoon and, after taking pictures, began the descent, which required about the same length of time as the upward climb. Kiser Brothers procured a complete picture of Crater Lake on one plate, a view that has never been taken before. They labored hard to get this, and only succeeded in doing it from the top of the mountain. They also secured some excellent pictures of the scenes around the lake as well as the Klamath Lake country. "The trip was one of the finest I ever took,'' said Fred Kiser upon his return. "Our trip from Medford in was a succession of grand and new sensations. The country is bold and rugged, enough to make a sublime picture of what nature can do in the way of beauty. We camped the first night at Eagle Point, on the banks of Butte Creek, the next night at Hon. J. H. Stewart's mountain home, and followed it with camps each night along the road until we reached the lake. No one can describe the beauty of the country around the lake, and no camera can faithfully picture the grandeur there. It is the finest section I have yet visited. "We spent three days at Crater Lake and then broke camp for Pelican Bay, stopping one day at the Klamath Indian Reservation. At the bay we found plenty of good fishing, and a hunter would be in a haven of delight. We had occasion there to ride on the most unique boat I ever saw. It was a sort of scow of logs, the stern wheel of which was propelled by a threshing machine engine. A belt ran from the engine to the propelling machinery, and it was about as crude an object in steamboating as can be found." The party left Pelican Bay on the 17th and reached Ashland the next day, where they took the train the next day. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 26, 1903, page 1 NEW VIEW OF CRATER LAKE
From the
Portland Oregonian.
A leading feature of the Crater Lake outing under W. G. Steel was the successful climb of Mount Scott, a little-known mountain near the border of the lake, which towers up to somewhere near the height of Mount St. Helens, 9122 feet. Under the leadership of Messrs. Fred and Oscar Kiser, who are perhaps the most daring and successful cliff climbers in the Northwest, a little party of five made the ascent, this party including the first women, it is believed, to make the summit of the peak. There are two ways of reaching this mountain from Crater Lake--first, by making a hard two-days' trip of it over the peaks that separate it from the camping ground; secondly, by scaling an apparently impossible cliff 1000 feet high from the edge of the lake. The latter was the way selected. PERILOUS
Taking the boat at 4 a.m. Wednesday,
August 12, the party, which comprised Messrs. Fred and Oscar Kiser,
Ralph Woodford and Misses Helen Akins and Gertrude Metcalfe, reached
the base of the precipice after a four-mile boat ride on Crater Lake.
Perpendicularly out of the water rose the cliff, composed of bare and
massive rocks connected by loose sliding shale, in which some trees and
brush had found lodgement. A single misstep would send the climber
plunging into the bottomless lake below. A 100-foot rope was put into
use and shifted from one rock to another higher up till the 1000
perpendicular feet of precipice had been sealed.This being successfully accomplished, in spite of the huge falling rocks from above that plunged down across their path, a 2½-mile walk over rolling hills brought them to the base of the mountain which is a tedious but by no means dangerous climb, the loose shale making foothold difficult. There is no snow to speak of on the mountain except on its northern exposure, owing to its location so far southward near the California line. By 10 o'clock the advance guard, Mr. Fred Kiser, stood on the topmost pinnacle, and 11:30 found all the party assembled there. The view of Crater Lake from the summit of Mount Scott outrivals any that has hitherto been known. The camera was therefore leveled at it in good earnest. The view commanded the entire lake, with the morning light still upon it, the marvelous reflections which are so distinguishing a feature of the lake and which can be seen only at certain hours being plainly visible. Panoramic views commonly seen of Crater Lake are made from a series of plates, and are not, therefore, correct in perspective, whereas a photograph taken from Mount Scott being upon a single plate is absolutely true to nature. As this is the first photograph ever taken from the summit of Mount Scott, everyone who is interested in Crater Lake is on the qui vive to see the finished picture. After eating luncheon on the summit and leaving their names, the descent was begun. At 4:30 p.m. the party of five had reached the lake and were ready for the return by boat. Miss Helen Akins, of Redlands, Cal., did especially brilliant work on the cliff, and as it was her first experience in mountaineering she has been the subject of much admiring comment in camp. Medford Mail, August 28, 1903, page 1 Crater Lake Pictures.
Crowds of people are stopping in front of the show windows of
J. K.
Gill of Portland to see the beautiful display of Crater Lake views that
were obtained by the Kiser brothers on their trip with the Steel party.
Many of the pictures have been enlarged and show the country around the
natural wonder in a most magnificent manner. One of the pictures shows
the entire lake, and it is the only one that has ever been taken on one
plate. This was taken from the top of Mount Scott.Another of the enlarged views shows the walls of the lake, which average about 2000 feet in height The views are exceptionally clear and distinct, representing the scenery all along the road from the start from Medford until they returned to the railroad at Ashland. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 9, 1903, page 4 VIEWS OF OREGON SCENERY.--Last evening at First Presbyterian Church the Kiser brothers, assisted by Will G. Steel, gave a most interesting exhibition of Oregon scenery by means of stereopticon views. Mr. Fred Kiser described the views of the Columbia River, and Mr. Steel enthusiastically explained the views of Crater Lake. The audience was very appreciative, and at the close of the entertainment gave the speakers a round of applause. It was the unanimous verdict of those present that Oregon scenery is not to be surpassed on this continent nor in Europe. "City News in Brief," Oregonian, Portland, April 6, 1904, page 7 FRED KISER WILL TAKE ALL THE
Fred Kiser, of Kiser Bros., will receive the title of director of
photography for the Lewis
and Clark Exposition.
He has signed contracts with the officials by which he will govern all
photography on the grounds, and the rule went into effect today
prohibiting any tripod camera on the grounds, except those under the
size of 4 by 5 inches. This rule does not apply to newspaper
photographers, who may secure permits if the pictures made are for
reproduction in the press.
Today the Kiser brothers are selecting a site for a $3,000 photographic building to be erected on the grounds. Oregon Journal, Portland, November 16, 1904, page 9 SUMMIT REACHED BY SIX MAZAMAS
CAMP MAZAMA, via Maple Falls, Wash., Aug. 8.--(Special.)--The official
and the only ascent of Mount Baker made from Camp Mazama was
successfully accomplished yesterday by a picked party of six, who
reached the summit by a route up the northeast side of the mountain.
The success of the ascent was due entirely to the efforts of Fred H.
Kiser, of Portland, who was the life of the party, and who, during the
18 hours consumed in the trip, showed almost superhuman endurance and
nerve.Portland Member Leads Party of Six Picked Men Up Mount Baker. HARDSHIPS AND DANGER Nerve and Endurance of Climbers Severely Tested by Eighteen-Hour Trip-- Make Tunnel Snow Wall, Leap Crevasses. BY ASAHEL CURTIS. The ascent of a party of 36 on Monday having failed, the main party spent the night in a temporary camp at the base of the mountain, returning to the main camp for breakfast. Mr. Kiser chose five men to accompany him in one more effort to cross the ice field on the northeast slope. After several hours' climbing across Wells Creek glacier and the ridge that separates it from the glacier at the head of Swift Creek, the party reached the point just under the summit where a lifeline had been anchored the night before. Left n Wide Crevasse.
The line was found secure, but the crevasse had widened and all of the
bridge had fallen in, leaving a clean jump to be made. Above
this a
mass of snow hung, breaking from the crevasse along the eastern wall,
but the snow was soft, offering a foothold, and progress was fairly
rapid. Inside this crevasse lay a shell of rotten snow and ice, with
one overhanging wall of snow 40 feet high.No passageway could be found over this and a tunnel was dug through it into a smaller crevasse above. Working north 100 feet in the bottom of this crevasse a way to ascend was found leading out to the ice-field that hangs like a great curtain across the mountain. The sun had set and on that part of the mountain the snow was freezing. A stream of ice water was falling from the overhanging snow-field and drenching everyone and if the attempted ascent was to succeed it had to be made within an hour. Fred Kiser Leads Way.
To cut steps up such a long slope was not possible, and Mr. Kiser
chopped away the overhanging wall of ice and stepped out on the slope.
He wore heavy ice-creepers, and was enabled to cling to the slope and
slowly make his way upwards. In a half-hour he had reached the
top of
the slope and fastened the lifeline. Then, one by one, the others of
the party came up.Beyond this it was only snow-fields, broken by crevasses and a gradual ascent to the summit. The first two of the party were on the summit at 3 o'clock, and the return trip began at 3:40. Those who were successful reaching the summit were Fred H. Kiser, Martin Wanlich, C. E. Forsyth, C. W. Williams, L. H. Hildebrant and Asahel Curtis. Threatened by Forest Fire.
A forest fire routed the sleeping Mazamas out of their tents at 3:30
o'clock yesterday morning, but 25 of the party fought the flames and
succeeded in driving them back and no damage to the camp was done. To
bring most of the climbers from Glacier, a special train will leave
here over the Bellingham Bay & British Columbia Railroad Friday.Oregonian, Portland, August 9, 1906, page 9 E. A. Chindlund, who was the former proprietor of Ricker's art studio in this city, arrived Sunday morning on a short trip. Mr. Chindlund is now with the Kiser Photograph Co. of Portland, which engages in a wholesale business solely. "Personal Mention," Colfax Gazette, Colfax, Washington, September 20, 1907, page 2 East Will See Views of Beaver
State's Magnificent Scenery
Oregon is to be advertised in the East
during the coming winter months with a collection of photographs the
like of which, from the standpoint of scenic beauty, has never been
exhibited in America. They are the work of F. H. Kiser, the intrepid
photographer who dares to plunge into bottomless valleys and to scale
almost inaccessible heights in order to press the camera button. Kiser
has for three years past been engaged in the difficult and thankless
task of reproducing in picture form the splendid beauties of the rugged
mountain scenery of the Northwest. The views will be on exhibit at the
Portland Hotel for one week, beginning Thursday.Art Collection of F. H. Kiser, Oregon's Intrepid Explorer-Photographer, To Be Shown in the Large Cities Kiser has scaled the dizzy heights of Mount Jefferson; he has scrambled to the dome of Mount Hood; he has mastered the baffling crevasses and thwarting passes of Mount Rainier and, in fact, has assailed every conspicuous altitude of the Northwest, and produced them, or rather, reproduced them on the negatives of his active camera. Kiser has not been limited of hampered by the physical difficulties which he has been brought face to face with, but he has overcome them and "shot" them with the sole purpose in view of exhibiting them in the cities of the East where no such natural grandeurs are to be seen or appreciated. Henry B. Corliss, who is also deeply interested in the conquest of the mountains of the Northwest, will take the collection East, starting the latter part of next week, and will put them on display in all the large Eastern art centers. His first stopping place will, of course, be Chicago. From there he will visit Philadelphia, Washington, New York and Boston. Kiser has been experimenting for a number of years, and has devised a scheme of photography which has produced results not obtainable under the usual methods. He has been ridiculed and made fun of and has encountered all sorts of opposition in his attempts to put the results of his experimenting upon the market. One of his achievements with his 24x36 largest plate camera, the biggest one of its kind ever constructed, was the photographing of more than 6000 employees of the National Cash Register Company. In taking this picture he had to employ four operators, all working under his supervision, and this is said to have been the largest group picture ever taken by any photographer or by any camera. His artistic skill, his energy and daring in making realistic pictures of scenery never before photographed has been the means of showing to people in almost every corner of the earth what can be done with a faithful camera and a man who will sacrifice everything and overcome every obstacle in the attainment of his object. As a result of the great work of Mr. Kiser, the Pacific Northwest has been made to show a greater variety of beautiful and grand scenery than any other spot on the face of the globe. Taking advantage of the exploitation which the St. Louis Exposition gave him, Mr. Kiser has sought to perpetuate in pictorial form all the beauties of the Northwest. His magnificent work in displaying the grandeur of the Columbia River in the series of pictures which he exhibited at St. Louis enabled him to command attention as an artist among the leading camera experts of the country. Getting away from the idea that a man with a camera was purely a "picture man," Kiser has shown himself to be a real nature lover, with an undaunted spirit, and with an enthusiasm for the work that has made him successful in all his undertakings. He is the first of the real mountain climbers who has gotten away from the time-honored habit of packing a small camera slung over the shoulder and of "taking"' everything which appeals to the eye. He works with seven or eight horses in a pack train and carries his outfit into the unexplored regions of the mountains and canyons and he has his own darkroom with him for the development of the negatives which he takes. Places that are easy of access do not appeal to him; he would rather pass a day or two in negotiating a hazardous cliff or bluff than he would to ascend an easy slope, on the ground that the latter task would afford no new assistance in the advancement of scientific research, whereas 100 feet upward in a direction which none had previously been able to negotiate would mean so much enlightenment in the world of scientific investigation. Kiser, in illustrating the great wonderland of the Northwest, declares he has just been engaged in photography for the past eight years, and in all that time he says he has opened up new revelations of the grand and magnificent scenery of this section of the country. Among the recent feats which Mr. Kiser has accomplished is the present summer's campaign in which he has been able to perpetuate in pictures the great and magnificent Mount Jefferson and Crater Lake regions. Not only are the negatives secured valuable as scientific and geographical specimens of merit, but they are works of art, as well. Out of all the work that has been done in Oregon, a marvelously beautiful and complete selection of photographs has been gathered together for use in the campaign of exploitation and exhibition in the East. Quite a number of the most striking pictures which have obtained by Mr. Kiser have been painted to catch the vivid and natural colors and these with the hundreds of camera reproductions will be shown for several days in the forthcoming exposition. Particular value attaches to the exhibit for the reason that Mr. Kiser has photographed places that have never been photographed before and also places so inaccessible that it is doubtful if they will ever be photographed again. Kiser has set up his camera on heights that seemed insurmountable and has risked his life and his valuable instruments in order to obtain these remarkable views which lovers of nature may send broadcast for the purposes of enjoying sights that may not be viewed as they are. The collection of negatives which Mr. Corliss will take east with him will be the most complete of any that have ever been sent from this section of country, and will cover almost every phase of scenic beauty the state of Oregon possesses. Unusual interest has already been aroused in the local exhibit and the mere fact that the pictures of Oregon scenery are to be included in art exhibits in Eastern galleries is assurance enough that there will be no loss of interest when the Kiser pictures are displayed in the art museums of Chicago, New York and Boston. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, September 22, 1907, page E2 The wonderful ability of Mr. Kiser and the fidelity with which the photographs are painted portray Crater Lake more nearly as it is than any other pictures that have ever been made through any other medium. "Crater Lake Portrayed in Picture," Medford Daily Tribune, October 23, 1907, page 2 CRATER LAKE IS BIGGEST ASSET
Says Official Photographer of
Southern Pacific--
"Oregon's greatest resource, her greatest attraction, the
one thing
that will make and keep her world famous, is Crater Lake," state
Official Photographer Kiser of the Southern Pacific, who is
accompanying the demonstration train through Southern Oregon. "I have
spent months at Crater Lake, and I never saw it twice alike two
succeeding moments. Its beauty is haunting and fascinating, and I even
dream about it.Spent Months There and Never Saw it Twice Alike "I am coming down here this summer to secure new photographs of the lake," continued Mr. Kiser, who has a national reputation as an artist photographer of landscapes. "At the same time, if a list of the places where views are needed for the next Commercial Club pamphlet are made, and arrangements made to get me to them, I will take as many as needed. Panorama for Exhibit.
"I suggest that the best exhibit Medford can make at the Seattle fair
will be an enlarged and colored photographic panorama of Crater Lake.
It will attract more attention, properly displayed, than any number of
horticultural exhibits. I have secured a new camera made especially for
this kind of work and will make a proposition to the Commercial Club,
which is using two of my photographs in the new pamphlet.Lake Big Asset.
"People of Medford and people of Oregon do not realize what they have
in Crater Lake. I have seen men who have visited every scenic spot on
the globe, and all confessed that Crater Lake surpassed every object of
interest they had seen. Crops will come and go, but Crater Lake and its
crops of tourists and sightseers will always be here, once it is made
accessible."Mr. Kiser took a panoramic view of Medford from the top of the water tower Monday, and Tuesday morning took one from the top of Nob Hill. On his next visit he will take one of the valley from the top of Table Rock. Medford Daily Tribune,
March 23, 1909, page 1
Financing the new Medford pamphlet will be the special order of
business at the meeting of the Medford Commercial Club tonight. The
soliciting committees, which have had the matter in charge, will report
the result of their efforts and it is expected, as a result, a
systematic canvass of the city will start at once.Commercial Club to Meet Tonight to Hear Reports of Special Soliciting Committee Upon Securing of Funds. CRATER LAKE VIEWS SUGGESTED BY KISER Panoramic Pictures of Southern Oregon's Greatest Attraction Suggested for Seattle Fair. Another matter that will come up for immediate action is the proposed exhibit at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition. A proposition from Kiser, the photographer, will be received, to make a panoramic representation of Crater Lake, similar to those of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, and the Yosemite and Yellowstone, which attracted so much attention at previous expositions. Crater Lake is better adapted for this kind of representation than any of the other scenic wonders, and an exhibit can be made that will attract the attention of every visitor to the exposition. As it is, Medford will practically have nothing in the way of representation at the fair unless Mr. Kiser's offer is accepted. But it wasn't a circumstance compared to the fun those young ladies will have as the guests of the Tribune at the A-Y-P exposition. Medford Daily Tribune,
April 20, 1909, page 1
Medford Daily Tribune, April
21, 1909, page 1Proposition Made by Kiser Photo Company for Enlarged Photos Goes Over for a Week. DETERMINED EFFORT WILL BE MADE FOR MORE FUNDS Panorama of Crater Lake Would Be Splendid Advertisement at Seattle Fair.
Soliciting funds for the Commercial Club pamphlet will begin in earnest
Thursday and the special committee, reinforced by several volunteers,
will call upon every business man in town to get on the publicity
bandwagon. At Tuesday night's special meeting a resolution was passed
instructing the secretary to give out pamphlets only to subscribers to
the fund.
Advertising in the Pacific Monthly amounting to $50 a month was ordered cut out. The proposition from the Kiser Photo Company for a display of enlarged photos, colored in oils, for the Seattle fair was laid over for a week, owing to the small attendance at the meeting and to await the result of the soliciting committee. In the proposition from Kiser it is stated: "The pictures are photographs enlarged from Kiser's negatives. They are then colored by hand by the best artist we have ever seen work at picture tinting, all the work done under Mr. Kiser's supervision. The method of coloring in oils is a new one and besides giving a beautiful effect has the great advantage of being permanent. Since this is an original method, there are no pictures on the market other than a few that have been so colored within the past six months, and most of these are in the possession of Mr. Louis Hill, president of the Great Northern Railway, who has kept us busy since he first saw the pictures. For mountain scenery this method of treating a picture is the most satisfactory that Mr. Hill has ever seen. I do not hesitate to state that the combination of the enlargement and the artistic and rugged coloring is the only thing that really brings the spirit of the mountains home, and it comes the nearest to doing justice to the wonderful lake of any reproduction, painting or otherwise that I have ever seen." One of these pictures can be see at the Commercial Club rooms. It is a work of art. The committee appointed to aid A. Ostrander, the Chicago hotel man, who seeks a site for a new local hotel, reported that Mr. Ostrander had been introduced to Mr. Moore, but had secured an option on the old Purdin property on North B and Sixth streets for $15,000 and would probably use this as the site for his new hotel. Messrs. C. H. Snyder, Ernest Webb and Charles Young were elected members. KISER COMPLETES PHOTOS OF EUGENE FOR FAIR
F. H. Kiser of Portland has just
finished the photographic work for the Eugene Commercial Club, which
will be utilized at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in a
photographic exhibit of Eugene and surrounding country.
The photographs will be colored by hand and especial attention has been paid to the farming country, a number of orchards having been taken in full bloom. The Commercial Club will have the best photographic exhibit possible installed in one of the best positions in the Oregon state's building. TO DISCUSS EXHIBIT FOR SEATTLE FAIR
Medford Daily Tribune, April
28, 1909, page 1Commercial Club Meets Tonight to Dispose of Question of Advertising County at A-Y-P Exposition. MUST ACT NOW OR LOSE OPPORTUNITY Kiser, Whose Oil-Painted Photos of Crater Lake Will Be Considered, Goes to Northern Pacific.
The Commercial Club will meet tonight to discuss the proposed exhibit
at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition. Speedy action is forced by the
fact that Mr. Kiser, who will prepare an exhibit of Crater Lake
paintings, has joined the forces of the Northern Pacific.
A letter from Will G. Steel from Portland tells of the need for action as follows: "Two or three days ago I saw something about the proposed exhibit of Kiser pictures, and as I knew there was a probable change in Mr. Kiser's business, I took it upon myself to hunt him up yesterday and learn the condition of affairs. "While in Portland a few days ago, Mr. Louis Hill, president of the Great Northern Railroad, entered into a contract with Mr. Kiser by which he becomes the official photographer of that company, under extremely favorable circumstances, and will enter actively into the work just as soon as a car can be properly equipped, which is being done regardless of expense. How long this will take I do not know, but certainly not very long, so I would suggest that if anything is to be done at Medford it had better be done as soon as possible, or it may be too late. I think it is an important matter, and believe you feel the same way; so I have taken the liberty of writing to you about it."
At a special meeting of the Commercial Club held Wednesday evening, the
finance committee was instructed to arrange with F. H. Kiser for a
series of oil-painted photographs of Crater Lake and other natural
wonders of this vicinity. Samples of the work done by Mr. Kiser showed
the paintings the finest yet undertaken to reproduce natural effects.
The cost of the exhibit, which will be the property of the club, will
not exceed $350, and it can be used other places or used to adorn the
club rooms.
"Scenic Display of Our Wonders for Exposition," Medford Daily Tribune, April 29, 1909, page 1PICTURES OFF TO THE FAIR
Framed Pictures of Crater Lake Are Shipped to Exposition-- Committee to Hang Them.
The Commercial Club was advised today that the views of Crater Lake by
Kiser for the Seattle fair have been framed and have been shipped.
There is a series of six views arranged in a panorama. There is also a
panoramic series of a local orchard.
Dr. J. M. Keene and George Hover of the committee are in Seattle and will attend to hanging the pictures. Medford Daily Tribune,
July 29, 1909, page 8
E. L. Geddes has on exhibition in his new office a group of Flathead
pictures, taken by Kiser, the official photographer of the Great
Northern, that surpasses anything that was ever seen in that line. The
pictures are genuine photographs, tinted with natural colors, and show
the most exquisite workmanship.
Everyone who sees them is sure to be fascinated and will want to become the possessor of at least the picture of Lake McDonald, which is the most beautiful picture that was ever taken. The public is invited to come and have a look at them, and anyone who appreciates pretty pictures, especially when it is local scenery, should not miss his opportunity. They will be on exhibition for three days and anyone desiring to possess any of them can do so by ordering through Mr. Geddes. Whitefish Pilot, Whitefish, Montana, January 27, 1910, page 4 The photographs of Flathead scenery that have been on exhibition in the real estate office of E. L. Geddes attracted the attention of a great many people who stopped in to admire them. They were taken by Kiser, the official photographer of the Great Northern, who took them last fall when he was here at harvest time. They portray, only as a colored photograph can, the beauty of a Flathead grain field and orchard. The panorama of Lake McDonald caught the eye of everyone, as it is fully as beautiful as the lake is itself. TO TAKE PICTURES FOR G.N.
F. H. Kiser, official photographer of the Great Northern, arrived here
yesterday and expects to remain here for the coming two weeks for the
purpose of securing views of the valley, especially fruit scenes. Mr.
Kiser is accompanied by R. C. Trengoe, who is to assist him in his work.
The Great Northern has found that good views of a locality are very effective advertising and this form has been used very extensively in the East during the past season. A room in the St. Paul office contained a large number of western scenes and the room was crowded all the time with people desiring to familiarize themselves with western conditions. Mr. Kiser has been here a number of times in the past, but never when it was possible to catch the fruit trees in bloom. Wenatchee Daily World, Wenatchee, Washington, April 21, 1910, page 3 Kiser, the official photographer of the Great Northern, has been spending the past week in the mountains east of here trying to gather in some of the beauty spots along [the] line, but has not met with any success on account of the dense smoke from the forest fires which fill the air. "News of Interest in Railroad Circles," Whitefish Pilot, Whitefish, Montana, August 4, 1910, page 4 TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS
F. H. Kiser to Be Here Next Month to Take Fruit Scenes.
F. H. Kiser, Great Northern photographer, who was here during the
blooming season in the valley and whose photographs are now on
exhibition at the Commercial Club, has written Agent Piper as to the
best time to come into the valley to get pictures showing the heavily
laden trees, the picking and the packing. Mr. Piper advises him that he
would get the best results about the 20th of September, as the apples
will be larger at that time and of course will be better colored.
Mr. Piper asks that growers having extraordinary specimens should notify him so that pictures might be taken on the arrival of Mr. Kiser. Wenatchee Daily World, Wenatchee,
Washington, August 10, 1910, page 1
Libby, Oct. 23.--The largest fish caught this season was brought in
yesterday by W. Williams. The fish was a sturgeon and measured five and
a half feet in length. Mr. Williams made this catch at Kootenai Falls,
about 12 miles below town. F. H. Kiser, official photographer for the
Great Northern Railway, was in town at the time with his special car
and took a picture of the fish to add to the collection of Kootenai
Valley views which he is securing.The falls of the Kootenai near here represent the head of navigation for the sturgeon--for the big fish do not seem to be able to get above this place. Western News, Stevensville, Montana, October 25, 1910, page 5 Walter Gibbs, the well-known packer for the Joe Roger camps in Glacier Park, was in town Tuesday, suffering from a strained back caused by heavy lifting. He has recently returned from a trip through the park with photographer Kiser, the Great Northern artist, and reports a pleasant and most successful trip. Mr. Kiser has secured views never before taken, and they will be valuable in advertising the beauties of the park. "Columbia Falls News," The Columbian, Columbia Falls, Montana, October 12, 1911, page 4 Mr. Kiser, of Portland, Oregon, official photographer for the G.N. Ry., arrived at Belton today and will spend a few weeks taking views in Glacier National Park. "Belton Breeze," The Columbian, Columbia Falls, Montana, August 1, 1912, page 1 Mr. Parkhurst was accompanied to the lake by Mr. Kiser, of the Kiser Photo Company, whose photographs and color work of the lake are famous. Mr. Kiser has resigned as landscape photographer for the Great Northern system, having completed a series of Glacier Park, and will spend the entire summer at the lake, securing new views and photographing famous parties. "Crater Lake Inn Opens July First," Medford Mail Tribune, June 29, 1914, page 2 F. H. Kiser of the Kiser Photograph Company of Portland is in the valley taking views to be used in a booklet to be issued singing the praises of Crater Lake and the Rogue River Valley. Mr. Kiser has secured several hundred magnificent pictures of the lake, including one showing rainbow trout swimming. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, September 14, 1914, page 4 F. H. Kiser, Crater Lake photographer, who spent a week in Medford securing photographs to embellish a boat on Crater Lake, returned to the lake Monday. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, September 21, 1914, page 2 Miss Russell Has Fine Scenic Views
[Mabel] Russell returned Tuesday
evening from Crater Lake, where she has been for the past few weeks
taking pictures and doing color work for F. H. Kiser, the official
photographer of the Crater Lake Company. She has some of the most
wonderful views of Crater Lake that have ever been taken. Prior to
going to the lake she took photographs of Mount Shasta, and she also
has some of these that are wonderful.One of her greatest achievements is a sunset picture taken by Mr. Kiser and colored by her. It is a marvel of soft, harmonious color--picturing the soft orange sunset, with the silver-lined clouds half obscuring the sun. One cannot believe that such a picture could be possible until the original photograph is scanned. Miss Russell is now in he permanent employ of Kiser Bros. and will paint pictures and do color work for the Crater Lake Company's exhibit at the exposition. One of the prize winners that Miss Russell is going to paint for the fair will be in a series of three pictures, the first representing a beautiful forest section, the second a raging forest fire, and the third the burned-off land. Miss Russell leaves Friday for Montague, where she will join F. H. Kiser, A. L. Parkhurst, president of the Crater Lake Company, and Miss Anna Schrade, the manager of the Crater Lake Company. For the next few weeks she will color photographs of scenes around Mount Shasta, having the actual scenes for the color work. Miss Russell is certainly making a great success of her work as an artist. Ashland Tidings, October 1, 1914, page 1 KISER'S ORCHARD VIEWS ON EXHIBIT
hand-painted photos of the Rogue River Valley, showing orchard and
natural scenery, have been prepared by Fred Kiser of the Kiser Photo
Company, and are marvelous works, portraying impressively the beauties
of this section. They will be on display at the Commercial Club exhibit building
Monday. They will be put on exhibition at the Panama
Exposition as part of Jackson County's display.The photos are as true to life as human skill can make them. Every tiny detail of form and coloring is shown. The 401 Orchard is one of the pictures. The orchard, the houses, the broad expanse of valley, with Roxy Ann as a central background, make a charming scene. Another is a picture of Table Rock in late summer. The gaudy autumn colors of the shrubbery is shown on the trees, along with the rock coloring and the blue of the river. The pictures are worth seeing from an artistic standpoint and valuable as an advertising asset. Medford Mail Tribune, January 16, 1915, page 2 Crater Lake Pictures
Exhibited at
Views Will Be Sent to San Francisco Next Week to Become Part of Permanent Oregon Exhibit.
Forty pictures of Crater Lake are being shown at the central library,
where they will remain until Thursday, February 11, when they will be
sent to San Francisco to become part of the permanent Oregon exhibit at
the Panama-Pacific Exposition. The pictures are photographs taken by F.
H. Kiser, official photographer for the Great Northern Railroad. Mr.
Kiser was at the lake from June 30 to October 10 last year, and took
250 pictures, which have been colored in oil by Miss Myra Helm, a
Portland artist, under Mr. Kiser's direction from notes made by him at
the time of exposure. The collection at the library shows the lake from
almost every angle, and includes a panorama of the lake taken from
Garfield Peak, a point in its rim, 2000 feet above the water. Wizard
Island, Llao Rock, the Phantom Ship and other features of the lake all
are shown, together with many views attained by but few people besides
Mr. Kiser, who is an intrepid mountaineer. The exhibit is owned by the
Crater Lake Company, and is in charge of Alfred L. Parkhurst, president
and manager of that organization.
Oregon Journal, Portland, February 4, 1915, page 16 A collection of Kiser photographs of Crater Lake was exhibited last evening at the library, and several hundred people viewed them. There are over one hundred views in the collection, and it is one of the best collections ever shown here. "Local and Personal," Medford Sun, April 9, 1915, page 6 KISER VIEWS GOING
Rare Collection Will Be Displayed in the East. C. C. McKIM TO MAKE TRIP Mary Roberts Rinehart Has Prepared to Superintend Exhibit in Philadelphia-- Enos A. Mills Also to Aid.
An effective plan for placing the West before the Eastern public will
be realized in a few days when a collection of pictures by F. H. Kiser,
a Portland photographic artist, will be en route to Eastern exhibition
halls, under the auspices of the Portland Ad Club. The plan of taking
some of Mr. Kiser's pictures east was first suggested by Mary Roberts
Rinehart last summer at Glacier National Park, and she has even shown
great enough interest in them to make all arrangements for the display
of the collection in Philadelphia.
Mr. Kiser's collection contains 137 pictures in large block and panel styles, showing the most marvelous natural colorings that make them more like paintings than photographs. Included in the display which will be shown at the ballroom of Portland Hotel this afternoon and evening and on Monday and Tuesday are scenes on the Columbia River Highway and the Columbia River, Crater Lake, the Lake Chelan region, western slope of the Cascades, Glacier National Park and seashore retreats. After the three days' exhibition of Portland Hotel the pictures will go east with C. C. McKim, first to Kansas City, where they will be shown at Convention Hall, and then to other large cities of the East. In Washington, D.C., Enos A. Mills, writer and lecturer, will take charge of the pictures. In Boston Walter Prichard Eaton will assist in the exhibition; in Philadelphia Mary Roberts Rinehart. The assembly of pictures represents 18 years of Mr. Kiser's work. He has scaled the mountains with his camera, and has worked with his colors in a manner that has gained him a national reputation. Mr. Kiser plans to send back to all the principal cities each year a new collection of Oregon scenery. All the local and Eastern exhibitions will be free and public. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, February 18, 1917, page 16 One of the men who has done much to make Oregon known to tourists is Fred Kiser. Kiser, Gifford, Routledge, all have done loyal service to the state in acquainting the world with the beauty spots of Oregon. Hill, Lancaster, Finley, Weister, Berger, Jones and many others have made eastern tourists want to see the beauty spots of Oregon. When Oregon is the mecca of tourists from all over our broad land we will realize what valuable service men of this type have done for Oregon. When you look at a picture of Jefferson Park or of the Phantom Ship or of the glaciers on the slopes of the Three Sisters and see the signature of Kiser at the bottom, do you realize the hard work that has been done to secure the unusual and striking view? No matter how remote or inaccessible the place, if it is unusual or strikingly beautiful you are pretty apt to find a Kiser picture of it. As soon as the forest fires are put out by a good rain so that atmospheric conditions are good for photography, Mr. Kiser and a party of Portland business men are going to make a trip along the crest of the Cascades. The start will probably be made from Government Camp. From there they plan to go to Elk Meadows, thence to Lookout Mountain and thence southward to Pamelia Lake at the base of Mt. Jefferson, thence to Marion Lake, Three-Fingered Jack, Mt. Washington, the Three Sisters and on along the crest of the Cascades to Crater Lake. It will be a horseback and pack horse trip and will take at least two weeks. Some of the finest scenery in the West will be visited, and Mr. Kiser will undoubtedly bring back from the trip some unusual and striking pictures. It will be a trip that will stay in one's memory always, as it combines rugged mountains, mountain lakes, glaciers, waterfalls, mountain-born streams and pathless forests, with hunting and fishing almost unsurpassed. Fred Lockley, "Travel Stories of the Northwest," Oregon Journal, Portland, August 28, 1917, page 6 The Oregon Cascades from Mt. Hood
to Crater Lake
"The biggest thing in America today for varied and beautiful scenery."
Such is the estimate placed upon that strip of Oregon country that
reaches from Mt. Hood and Mt. Jefferson to Crater Lake and which
includes that backbone of the Cascade Range by Julius F. Stone of
Columbus, Ohio, after more than three weeks spent in this wonderful
Mr. Stone, who is president of the Seagrave Manufacturing Company, builders of fire apparatus, is an out-of-door enthusiast to whom "seeing America first" is an accomplished fact. No less enthusiastic over the scenic resources of the Hood and Jefferson region and the land to the southward to Crater Lake is Fred H. Kiser of Portland, who made the trip with Mr. Stone, recording the beauty spots encountered in still and motion pictures. A number of years ago Mr. Stone and Mr. Kiser met in Glacier National Park. Their common love for the out of doors prompted tentative plans for a trip down the summit of the Cascades whenever opportunity offered. The time came last month when, on September 4, Mr. Stone and his son Franz, Mr. Kiser, C. C. McKim, photographic colorist; A. A. Bailey, Jr., camera man; two packers and a cook, together with a train of 17 pack and saddle horses, set forth from the railroad at Detroit, Or., into the wilds of the Cascades. Severe storms precluded a survey of Jefferson Park at the beginning of the journey, so that the party headed southward, reaching Crater Lake September 25, after having made 11 camps en route. From Crater Lake the party descended to the railroad on the west and took passage northward, returning to Jefferson Park, which was visited despite the snow that was encountered early in October. The recreational value of the varied scenery of this region is emphasized by Mr. Stone and Mr. Kiser, as it is by all who have made this trip. Both returned to spread the gospel of the Oregon Cascades--Mr. Stone, through an article he is preparing for the National Geographic Magazine, and Mr. Kiser through 4000 feet of motion picture film--as missionaries for the early day when visitors into this country will be frequent and suitable trails and accommodations essential. Oregon Sunday Journal, Portland, October 26, 1919, page 52 1819 East Morrison, Portland, Oregon Fred H. Kiser, 40, scenic photographer, born Nebraska, father Indiana, mother Illinois Bessie C. Kiser, 35, born Oregon, parents born England Lewis C. Kiser, 14, born Oregon Lucille C. Kiser, 11, born Oregon Laurene K. Kiser, 7, born Oregon Anna A. Kiser, 66, mother, assistant photographer, born Illinois, father New York, mother Indiana U.S. Census, enumerated January 13, 1920 Fred H. Kiser, of Portland, official photographer of national parks in the Northwest, is expected to arrive in the city tomorrow, and on Saturday morning he will leave with Secretary Will G. Steel, of the Chamber of Commerce, for Klamath Falls, where they will meet the congressional appropriations committee and go with them through Crater Lake park. They will then pilot them over the Pacific Highway to Eugene. The two men will drive both ways, Mr. Kiser probably doing some photo work along the route.--Eugene Guard. "Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, July 2, 1920, page 2 KISER WILL TAKE MOVING PICTURES
ASHLAND, June 30.--H. S. Hammond and W. W. Evans, representatives of
the Kiser Studios, Inc., of Portland, Oregon, are here to take moving
pictures of the parade and any special features of the celebration that
may arise, and while here they will probably make a scenic film of
Lithia Park and the beautiful canyon up to Mount Ashland.
It is also probable that Mr. Fred H. Kiser, president of Kiser Studios, Inc., will be here for the celebration and have, as his guest, Mr. Walter Prichard Eaton, the well-known dramatic critic and author. They are making quite an extended trip throughout the Cascade Range and Oregon. Arrangements have been made to show the picture at the Vining Theatre. Announcement of the showing date will be made later. As a special attraction the Vining Theatre will present the thrilling and marvelous picture "Snowblind," as well as one of the popular Buster Keaton comedies, "Hard Luck." Performance will be continuous all day beginning at 10 a.m. and the last show starting at midnight. Miss Thelma Herr has been selected to accompany Lieut. Clyde Pangborn in his flight over the parade and scatter roses along the line of march. Nothing is being left undone to make this the most elaborate celebration ever held in Jackson County. Medford Mail Tribune, June 30, 1921, page 5 NOTED AUTHOR TO BE SPEAKER FORUM
Walter Prichard Eaton, a noted author, and Fred H. Kiser, the
well-known scenic photographer, will be the two speakers at the Medford
Chamber of Commerce forum at the Holland Hotel tomorrow noon.
At the present time, Walter Prichard Eaton is writing a series of articles for the New York Times of his travels about the state of Oregon, which will include a visit to Crater Lake and along the backbone of the Cascade Range. He has been a contributor to the American Magazine, Harper's, Country Life and many other periodicals as well as having written a number of Boy Scout books. His home is at Sheffield, Massachusetts, and he is being piloted through scenic Oregon by Fred Kiser of the Kiser Motion Picture Corporation of Portland. With the Kiser-Eaton party is a complete motion picture outfit of director and cameramen, and they completed a motion picture of the parade at Ashland yesterday. Fred Kiser has been active in the scenic preservation movement in the northern part of the state, and his address tomorrow will touch upon that subject. The Kiser-Eaton party have been elaborately entertained by the chambers of commerce and Rotarians at Salem and Eugene, and it is now up to Medford members of the Chamber of Commerce to greet them with the "Medford spirit." Walter Prichard Eaton will deliver an address on August 8 at the members' forum of the Portland Chamber of Commerce. Beginning with tomorrow, the forums during the month of July will be held at the Holland Hotel. Medford Mail Tribune, July 5, 1921, page 3 KISER-EATON PARTY LEAVES CRATER
CRATER LAKE, Ore., July 14.--Mr. Kiser and son and Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Prichard Eaton left Crater Lake this morning for an extended bear hunt
on Mt. Jefferson. A train of twenty pack horses and seven men are
waiting for them and after two weeks hunt they go to Mt. Hood for a
time. Mr. Eaton is getting material for the Country Gentleman
and also for more Boy Scout books and says he has found a great deal
that boys will love to hear about, so far in his trip, and with bear
hunters ahead there will be a rich fund of material to draw on.
The Benfield Hecht party at the lodge caught the record string so far this year. There were four in the party, each catching the limit of fish every day during their stay. The new piano for the lodge has arrived and will enable the orchestra to give better music. Mr. Kiser has hung some wonderful new pictures of Crater Lake in the lobby of the lodge. Every room was taken, eight tents now completed were full and extra beds put up to accommodate the guests last night. A bear was seen at the camp about dusk and was tame enough for some of the more daring of the boys to pet it. Medford Mail Tribune, July 15, 1921, page 7 Four years ago Fred Kiser, one of the most intimate friends of scenic Oregon, went to Glacier National Park on a mission for Louis W. Hill, who is known as the father of that country of natural miracles. Hill at this time sent his private car to Massachusetts for Walter Prichard Eaton, who ranks as one of the greatest descriptive writers. Kiser's role was as guide and searcher-out of the natural advantages of the park for the writer, a task in which the Oregon expert is admitted to have few if any equals. It was the occasion of the forming of a close friendship, and Kiser improved every opportunity of impressing on Eaton the fact that his life would be wasted if he did not visit Oregon. Indeed Kiser is said to have painted such a set of glowing pictures of what this state had to offer that he nearly frightened the easterner away. It was just a continual repetition of the phrase, "you ain't seen nothin' yet," in the many Kiser letters since that date until Eaton decided to come to Oregon this spring. That Kiser is some little writer himself is apparent when we face the fact that his descriptive letters managed to draw Eaton several thousand miles west. Eaton came this spring, saw and experienced, and fell under the spell, is now one of the slaves of Oregon, vows that he will come again and again, that he will write his best under the sway of what he saw and can tell, but admits that even his facile pen will have much to do to do the state justice. He went into the Cascades and saw the strong backbone that runs the length of the continent, tramped for himself through the countless wonders, had his first experience at conquering a snow peak, sat on top of America several miles in the air and went home filled with the romance of it and pledged to do his best to send others out to see what he had. It is just this element that seems to promise so much for Oregon's future, most of the visitors go away determined to come again, and their stories are so impregnated with their realization of the wonders that they saw as to serve to send their friends out here. It is an endless chain with innumerable and growing links. Scores of Stories Found.
The Kiser-Eaton expedition was not the
result of the activity of any of the publicity organizations of the
state, but due to Fred Kiser alone. As the direct result of this trip
Eaton writes to friends that he now has ten articles on Oregon in
preparation as well as one of his famed Boy Scout books. He has also
made arrangements to screen several of his adventures. The stories are
to appear in Country
Life, American, Scribner's, Harper's, My Garden, the New York Times and
other national publications. His book will likely be similar to the
others of the same type that he has written, a story woven about the
adventures of a party of Boy Scouts who visit the same country and have
many adventures. These books are unique in that fully as many grownups
as children delight in them. Of the Kiser-Eaton trip to Glacier Park,
Eaton wrote one of these books that enjoyed a record sale. He says that
he expects his Oregon book to prove even more popular.The Kiser-Eaton party got under way early in July and were among the first to visit Crater Lake this season. They got there when the snow was yet on the ground, four and five feet deep right on the rim of the crater. Here Eaton witnessed one of the unique sights of his trip, hundreds of Californians getting cooled off. The visitors from the south were having the time of their lives. The Forest Service crews worked with dynamite blasting the snow from the roads, and the cars followed as closely as they could. The Bear Staters made camp each night near the fields of white comfort and luxuriated in it, placing their tents where they could reach out from under flaps and gather handfuls of snow. Here Kiser put a lifeline out from the crater's edge over the snow and took Eaton on the bosom of this most unique lake visiting the Phantom Ship and other islands. At this time the country where the snow had melted was ablaze with color, fields of white snow alternating with fields of wildflowers, the glowing blossoms clinging to the solid rock of the crater in a way not duplicated elsewhere. Eaton then felt the first surge of that spirit that must permeate his writings of Oregon, for he told his companions, with bated breath, that it was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen, and he is a man who has traveled much and given to a keen analysis of his feelings. Author Meets Perpetual Snow.
This trip comprised 1500 miles by
automobile, with many long journeys by pack train. They took 17 horses
at Three Sisters and went in to explore the country about Mount
Jefferson, Marion Lake and Minto Mountain. One of their first camps was
on the crest of Minto Mountain, and here the Eastern Oregon wildflower
garden was at its prime--a sight that must be seen to be appreciated.
On the rim of Hunts' Cove they began to experience their first real
snow field difficulties, altogether a novelty for Eaton. It took them
four and a half hours to get down into the cove to a small campground
on a bench that was clear enough to give their horses some feed. Here
they made their headquarters for the climb up Mount Jefferson, a peak
10,523 feet high. It was Eaton's first snow peak, and a real one, for
it is a hard climb outside of Mount Baker ranking as one of the most
difficult to conquer, and being even harder than Mount Rainier. The
picture shown on this page is of the Kiser-Eaton pack train nearing
their headquarters for the climb.They started their climb at 3 a.m. and reached camp on their return at 9 p.m. Eaton afterwards admitted that it was the grand experience of his life. They worked around a new route, one that Kiser had charted out, leading over rock slides with much evidence of recent avalanches on the traverses. From the time they hit the snow line to the crest it was a continual series of ice steps, Kiser acting as guide. On the descent they couldn't slide at any point, had to retrace their steps one by one, and it took over four hours to come back. The great glacial moraines had left huge piles of debris high on the mountainside which had to be surmounted, and at some points the united rock and ice slopes were fully 55 and 60 percent grades. Looking back in the afternoon light it had the appearance to the climbers of an overhang, and it seemed nearly impossible that men could have been where they had. It would have hardly seemed possible if they could not have recognized certain landmarks in proof. DeWitt Harry, "Pack Train Nearing Mt. Jefferson," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, September 4, 1921, page 77 Kiser, who is over six feet tall and weighs a hundred and ninety pounds, . . . has been taking "stills" of our western mountain scenery for many years, and has carried his old King camera to the tops of more mountains and worse precipices than almost any other man in America has scaled. He is the "official" photographer both of Glacier and Crater Lake national parks, for instance. "Walter Prichard Eaton on Being a Movie Actor for a Scenic," Film Fun, May 1922, page 38 PORTLAND'S STUDIO READY "TO
Fred H. Kiser Has Plant Unusually Well Equipped for Production of Pictures of Interesting Character.
Production plans are nearly completed at the Kiser studio. Pronounced
activity will soon prevail at what is now virtually a new studio plant.
Aside from the remarkably fine electrical equipment that has been put
in, including a complete generating plant, really as large as the
plants used in the big studios in Hollywood, a fine layout of
exceptionally attractive dressing rooms and lounging rooms have been
installed. Tastefully decorated executive offices and quarters for the
directors, writers and cameramen have been provided. No requisite of a
thoroughly modern studio has been overlooked.
Kiser's plans for the coming season are very comprehensive. Already director O'Farrell, recently engaged, is very active. Two short reel subjects are nearly finished. Immediately after these work on a vastly more extensive scale will begin. Mr. Kiser is surrounding himself with specialists in the movie field. In addition to capable directors, he has signed contracts not only with scenario writers, but with expert continuity writers, title writers and cutters. Future plans include the production of two-reel romances, using the beautiful Oregon scenery as a background. These stories will be the original work of the specially engaged scenario writers. Then, following the approval plan of the big studios, the scripts prepared by those authors will be turned over to the continuity writers, who will put them in complete "shooting form." The continuity writers will not have to worry about the snappy, elucidating titles. Mr. Kiser, realizing like all progressive producers that title writing has become a highly specialized art in itself, has engaged writers to work exclusively on titles. Although no names can be mentioned at present, it will illustrate the scope of Mr. Kiser's plans in saying that he has signed up directors and writers formerly under the DeMille banner. Admittedly, the public is weary of elaborate drawing room sets and other artificially gorgeous interiors. Pictures showing beautiful natural scenery with a charming romance are inevitably making the stronger appeal. California producers can get outdoor stuff naturally, but it all savors of the same tropical monotony. Kiser has the edge on a beautiful scenic kingdom surrounding his studio in the natural beauties of Oregon, and needless to say that when a script calls for some attractive locations, Kiser knows just where to put the camera for the very finest results. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, May 14, 1922, page 64 Portland's motion picture production activities were humming along in true Hollywood style last week, and indications for a continuation of intensive work on the part of the two local producing companies is creating a wealth of interest. Fred Kiser and his company of players concentrated their efforts on completing the Mount Hood "shots" for "The Crystal Ascension," although President Kiser took time enough off to aid in entertaining Elmer Pearson, general manager of Pathe Exchanges, Inc., who visited in the city and spent some time at the Kiser studio. Premium Productions got well into production on the second of its series of stories, "The Firebrand," a lumberjack story that will prove again the remarkable scenic advantages Oregon offers the producer of modern motion pictures. The result of all this activity is that the Kiser company has completed its out-of-door work on "The Crystal Ascension," which will be centered about Mount Hood and which will feature the majestic glaciers and the rugged summit of the old mountain. The company at once transferred its equipment and energies to the Columbia River Gorge and established a camp near Mitchell's point on the Columbia River Highway. The scenes made from this base of action will be woven into a two-reel scenic picture--one of the 12 story-scenics the Kiser company is making for distribution by Pathe Exchanges. "Portland Picture Industry Working on Fine Features," Oregon Journal, Portland, September 17, 1922, page 43 Mr. Fred Kiser of the Kiser Studio of Portland was an Ashland visitor on Monday. Mr. Kiser and his son have maintained a studio at Crater Lake during the summer. "Ashland Holds First Forum of the Fall Term," Medford Mail Tribune, September 17, 1924, page 5 Camping continues highly popular, an average of some 250 people camping nightly in the rim campground alone. The community house is the scene of informal entertainment and dancing every night. A much-appreciated feature has been the tri-weekly lecture given by Fred H. Kiser illustrated with more than 100 slides picturing the Pacific Northwest outdoors. "Stream of Visitors Still on at Crater Lake," Oregonian, Portland, September 6, 1925, page 74 Kiser Studio Is Local Concern at
Grants Pass Now
PASS, June 28.--(NCS)--Kiser's studio is now a
local concern. Their main studio is to be moved here in the near
future, and Mr. Kiser's work will be done principally in this town.
They have a branch studio at Crater Lake and also one at the Caves. C.
H. Demaray, local druggist, is president of the concern and Fred H.
Kiser is the manager. Other business men from here interested in the
company are C. A. Winetrout, vice-president; R. W. Clarke,
secretary-treasurer; Chas. R. Cooley, John Hampshire, Sam H. Baker,
George Sabina and Frank Mashburn. In the display window of Demaray's
drug store is a large oil painting of Mt. Hood and the Loop Road from
near Rhododendron which was painted by Mr. Kiser.
Medford Daily News, June 29, 1927, page 6 Lindy Visits Crater Lake--Lindbergh visited Crater Lake on his way to Medford from Roseburg according to Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Kiser, who are in the city. Mr. Kiser, who is official photographer for Crater Lake National Park, secured several views of Lindy as he flew over the lake. Mr. Kiser states that the aviator followed up the government road and flew low between the Kiser studio and community house, and a picture was taken with Watchman and Glacier peaks as a background. He then headed toward Wizard Island, just clearing the treetops, and leaned out to wave to a group of about 15 people standing on Victor Rock. He then turned and disappeared from sight. Due to the shortness of the visit, many people at the lodge did not get a view of the plane. "Local News," Daily Gazette-Times, Corvallis, Oregon, September 23, 1927, page 5 KISER'S MOVES TO GRANTS PASS
Kiser's Inc., of which Fred H. Kiser, authorized photographer of Crater
[Lake] National Park for years past, and well known in Medford and
other parts of Southern Oregon, is the manager of the company, has just
completed the moving of its headquarters plant from Portland to Grants
Pass, at 114 North Sixth Street in that city, and is said to have one
of the most complete plants of the kind in the United States.
Kiser pictures are known the world over, and shipments of pictures which will leave the Grants Pass studio, will reach all sections of the United States and most all foreign countries during a year's operation. In addition to pictures the Grants Pass studio will handle an exclusive line of redwood novelties and all kinds of Crater Lake and Oregon Caves souvenirs, as well as kodaks and films. It will also have an extensive picture framing department. Mr. Kiser, during his life's work of outdoor photography, has accumulated the largest collection of scenic art negatives in existence, covering such renowned outdoor beauty spots as Glacier National Park, Montana, Lake Chelan, Washington, Rainier National Park, Washington, Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Hood, Mt. Adams, the entire Cascade Range, from Mt. Hood to Crater Lake, the Central Oregon country, Crater Lake, Oregon Caves and the Redwood Highway. From this collection, hand colored in oil, Kiser pictures are made in various sizes, which are as permanent as oil paintings. Medford Mail Tribune, February 7, 1928, page 8 KISERS TO LEAVE FOR CRATER LAKE
Fred H. Kiser, head of Kiser's Inc., at Grants Pass, will leave
tomorrow morning, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Henderson of this
city, to open for the summer the Kiser studio concession at the rim of
Crater Lake. Mr. Kiser, who is the official photographer for the Crater
Lake National Park, will spend only a few days at the rim and will
return to Grants Pass.
Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, assisted by Edwin Gould of this city, will be in charge of the studio for the summer. They will be in charge of the sales of Crater Lake souvenirs, hand-tinted pictures of the lake and others finished in oil. All Crater Lake visitors are invited to visit the studio, where, in addition to viewing the examples of high photographic art, information on any subject concerning the park will be given. The Crater Lake studio is one of several operated by Mr. Kiser, the others being located at Grants Pass, the Oregon Caves and at two points along the Redwood Highway. Medford Mail Tribune, June 19, 1928, page 3 500 South Griswold Avenue, Glendale, California Fred H. Kiser, 50, photographer interior decor, born Nebraska, father Illinois, mother Nebraska Nell B. Kiser, 40, born Illinois, father born Illinois, mother Kansas Elmer Kiser, 15, born Washington U.S. Census, enumerated April 9, 1930
PORTLAND, July 14.--(AP)--A special dispatch to the Journal
today from Washington said objections during the calendar call in the
House Wednesday prevented passage of Senator McNary's bill to provide
final enrollment of Indians of the Klamath reservation.Similarly blocked was Senator Steiwer's bill to authorize purchase by the government of the old Kiser photographic studio in Crater Lake National Park. Medford Mail Tribune, July 14, 1932, page 7 KISER, Fred (Nell) writer h1536 6th Av Los Angeles city directory 1940, page 1091 3848 West 28th Street, Los Angeles, California Fred H. Kiser, 60, writer, born Nebraska, parents born Nebraska Nellie B. Kiser, 50, born Missouri, parents born Missouri U.S. Census, enumerated April 25, 1940 |