![]() August 23, 1935 San Diego Union 'Jerry' Jerome, Winston Churchill's Cousin, Recalls Past By EVA HAMILTON Mail Tribune Staff Writer
"Winston and
Edson are both sports." Those were the words of "Aunt Lil" many years
ago. Winston, of course, was the late Sir Winston Churchill, England's
great war leader. Edson, no one would suspect, was E. C. Jerome of
Medford, known throughout the West Coast and Canada as "Jerry."
Even more surprising to most people than his real name of Edson Corlies Jerome is the fact that Jerry and Winston were cousins. No one who had read the life of the great statesman of our age--[omission?] no one who has known Jerry through the years, however, will dispute "Aunt Lil's" characterization of the two. Jerry says he has no documentary proof that his grandfather, Moses Jerome, and Winston Churchill's grandfather, Leonard Jerome, were brothers. But it was always accepted as fact, substantiated by photographs in the photo album of the beautiful Jennie Jerome, mother of Winston Churchill. ![]() "Real Big Shot"
Leonard Jerome "was a big shot, a real
big shot, in
New York's upper crust. Moses Jerome was a farmer." Jerry recently
explained their lack of communication when interviewed on a cold
January day at the inviting fireside of his home on the Old Stage Road,
where "Bunny" and he have retired.Alike--Churchill and Jerome? At least in their dissipations, Jerry is quick to admit. He used to smoke 15 cigars a day when the Great Northern Railroad, with which he started his career, was paying for them. Does he require good brandy? "Not exactly." But Canadian Crown whisky is his favorite drink. He has a friend in Calgary who sends it, or brings it, to him, lots of it, once a year. Does Jerry tell a good story? Does he appreciate a practical joke? Those are questions no one--but no one--who knows the history of Medford during the first half of the twentieth century would ask. Promote Park, Medford
Jerry was once the "Big Eruption" of the
Craters, a
band of boosters in the Rogue River Valley whose accomplishments in the
promotion of Crater Lake National Park and Medford were outdistanced
only by their stories and their trickery, most of it directed to the
neighboring city of Grants Pass.The Craters were, as one other "Big Eruption" described them, "wonderful fellows individually, but collectively . . . (three little words seldom seen in print)." Jerome was born in Rantoul, Ill., in 1887. The family moved to Cookston, Ill., where he graduated from high school and two years later joined the staff of the Great Northern Railroad and made every large terminal of the United States and Canada. He made his first trip to the Rogue Valley in 1910, accompanying his mother, his young brother, Kenneth, and his sister, Fern, who came to be near Mrs. Jerome's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry DeWitt Corlies. Supervises Shipment
Jerome returned to Southern Oregon to
shipment of materials for the first Copco dam for the Prospect
Construction Company. The McLeod Bridge, which went out in the recent
Christmas flood, was constructed to get the generator base across the
river.Harry Stoddard, superintendent of Rogue River Electric, ancestor of Pacific Power and Light Company, hired Jerome to make an inventory of power company properties in Oregon and California. There he met Elizabeth Margaret Schoenenberger, known as Bunny. She was teaching school in Yreka. They were married in 1916 and Mrs. Jerome taught in the Medford High School for 27 years. They were both closely associated with the school system, Jerry as timekeeper for the football team for 40 years. He treasures his striped team sweater given to him when the players were still known as "The Tigers." He has watched three generations boom over the goal line, and he got the Medford High School band its first invitation to the East-West game in San Francisco. During all the years that classic has been played he has missed just five games. What He Missed
"The only thing I ever missed," Jerome
reviewed his
past, "I wasn't invited or didn't know about it, so my mother said."
Ill health has recently forced him to become a "stay at home."The biggest celebration of his life was Oregon's Diamond Jubilee, staged in Medford and Jacksonville in 1934 with Jerome as general chairman. The only blight on the whole affair was the surprise June rain, which poured down the night before the opening of the pageant and the night the special train rolled in from Portland with guests and representatives of Pathe news here to cover the jubilee. The parade was so much longer than Pathe News had anticipated that the photographer ran out of film before it was over and actually wept when some of the best entries moved by, Jerome recalled. Money Was Scarce
"There were things in that parade that
hadn't been
seen before and haven't been seen since in any one display," the former
chairman declared. "But money was scarce in the early Thirties and the
two rodeos were the only thing that pulled the sponsors out of debt."Jerome recalled that one of the underwriters, the late George Hunt, owner and operator of Medford theaters, accompanied his check with this comment: "For Banwell's folly and Jerry's big hat." A. H. Banwell was then secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. The hat was a gift to Jerry for the celebration, not from the underwriters. The jubilee opened with an address by Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace of President Roosevelt's cabinet. It continued through [a] historical pageant, written and directed by Angus Bowmer; parade, contests, tournaments, two rodeos and a grand ball. In 1939, while he was field representative for the Shasta-Cascade Wonderland, Jerome engaged in another big celebration--the World's Fair in San Francisco. He promoted the building entered by the Wonderland organization. Back to Discussion
Urged back to discussion of the ruses
perpetrated by
the "Craters" for Medford against Grants Pass when both cities were
younger, smaller but more robust and occasionally ribald, Jerome
recalled the faked visitation of the president of Mexico.It was for dedication of the Caveman Bridge to which the Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce issued invitations to many notables of the South and West. Medford Craters decided that the president of Mexico should attend. The late Earle Davis, who spoke Spanish fluently, was the star player in the deception. Faked telegrams, uniforms, car license plates gave authenticity to his arrival. He was given the place of honor in the dedication parade, and when the parade march halted in the city park for a few words from the president of Mexico a scroll was unrolled, reading "Greetings from the Crater Club." "One Grants Pass friend never spoke to me again," Jerome lamented. Other Practical Jokes
There were other practical jokes built
around radio
programs that weren't actually on the air, and the marathon race to
Grants Pass with the late James Grieve of Prospect Hotel and Jerome as
entries.But on the serious side, Jerome has served as a director in the Medford Chamber of Commerce, distributor for Texaco Oil Company and developer of the old Page block on Main and Riverside, in Medford. He is senior past potentate of Hillah Temple of the Shrine, senior past exalted ruler and 53-year member of the Medford Elks Lodge. He is past president of the Pacific Northwest Shrine Association, past director Court 108, Royal Order of Jesters, and holds a life membership in the Shrine association in all of North America and Mexico City. Medford Mail Tribune, January
31, 1965, page B4
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Crushed a Finger--Edson
Jerome, employed in the Great Northern yards at Crookston, had a finger
badly crushed while lifting a heavy piston from a car.
Medford Elks to
Play Ball."The City," Grand Forks Daily Herald, North Dakota, March 21, 1906, page 4 Edson Jerome, who has been visiting friends here, returned yesterday to Crookston[, Minnesota]. "East Side Briefs," Grand Forks Daily Herald, North Dakota, August 5, 1906, page 3 Crookston Visitor.
Edson Jerome,
one of the well-known Crookstonites, is in the city today in company
with the baseball aggregation which plays the university and Pickett
teams in this city.
Evening Times, Grand Forks, North Dakota, May 9, 1908, page 10 En Route to Great Falls. Edson Jerome, a prominent young man at Crookston, well known in this city, passed through Saturday evening en route to Great Falls, Mont. "News in General of the Society World," Evening Times, Grand Forks, North Dakota, September 6, 1909, page 9 Edson Jerome was over from Crookston[, Minnesota] last evening to see "The Talk of New York" at the Metropolitan. "Society Personals," Evening Times, Grand Forks, North Dakota, October 15, 1909, page 9 Having a Good Time. Crookston Times: A card received in the city this morning from Edson Jerome locates him at Great Falls, Mont., where he is just more than enjoying the warm weather. He arrived there Saturday from Butte, where he met Carrol Dotson, who made a number of warm friends in this city last summer, at which time he was manager of the Times contest. Mr. Jerome expects to spend Christmas in Crookston. Evening Times, Grand Forks, North Dakota, December 14, 1909, page 11 In Trinity Episcopal Church last Monday evening, Miss Elizabeth M. Schoenenberger, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Schoenenberger, became the bride of Mr. Edson C. Jerome of Medford, Oregon. The Rev. Halsey Werlein Jr. solemnized the wedding, the double ring service being used. Members of the family and a few intimate personal friends only witnessed the ceremony. The brides' attendant was her sister, Miss Mathilda Schoenenberger, while her brother, Mr. Max A. Schoenenberger, attended the bridegroom as best man. The bride is a young lady of attractive personality and is deservedly popular throughout the valley. She is a graduate of the San Jose High School and of the San Jose State Normal. For the past three years she has been at the head of the commercial department of the Siskiyou County High School, at Yreka. The bridegroom was formerly traveling representative of the Great Northern Railway company in the East, but since coming to the coast has been connected with the California-Oregon Power Company, at Medford, Or., at which place the young couple will make their home upon their return from a honeymoon to Lake Tahoe and other scenic points in the high Sierras. "Mrs. Edson C. Jerome, Who Before Her Marriage in Trinity was Elizabeth Schoenenberger," San Jose Mercury News, July 16, 1916, page 13
Sept. 13.--(Special.)--Two rival baseball teams made up of members of
the local lodge of Elks will clash in Medford Sunday for the
championship of that organization. Jerry Jerome will captain one team
and J. J. Buchter the other, while Owney Patton will act as referee. C.
E. Gates, ex-president of the Commercial Club, will be water boy, and
Colonel George P. Mims, recently appointed postmaster, will chase the
balls. An admission fee of 15 cents will be charged and a thrilling
contest is expected.
Oregonian, Portland, September 14, 1916, page 16 Mrs. E. C. Jerome arrived home last night from her three months sojourn with relatives at Santa Cruz and San Jose. Mrs. Jerome will teach in the commercial department of the high school this year. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, September 5, 1918, page 2 Medford Elks Elect.
March 5.--(Special.)--At the largest attended session in its history,
the Medford lodge of Elks, which numbers close to 1000 members, last
Thursday night elected the following new officers with only two
contests: Exalted ruler, Jerry Jerome; esteemed leading knight, Carl Y.
Tengwald; esteemed loyal knight, William J. Warner; esteemed lecturing
knight, Floyd H. Hart; secretary, Lee L. Jacobs; treasurer, V. H.
Vawter; tiler, M. C. McDonald; representative to grand lodge, O. O.
Alenderfer; alternate representative to grand lodge, George T. Collins.
Oregonian, Portland, March 6, 1921, page 10 Jerry Jerome
I Earned My First Dollar," Medford Mail Tribune, October
7, 1921, page 4
The first
dollar I ever earned was picking pie cherries in Illinois at a cent per
pound. The pounds were large and the cherries small. By getting up at
four a.m. a boy could pick 25 pounds a day, and I stayed with it till I
had enough to buy a tin-plated watch. I was only 12 years old, and all
the kids in town were my competitors.
"Jerry" Jerome Joins Auto Supply
An announcement was made today that E. C. (Jerry) Jerome has bought a
half interest in the Auto Supply Company of this city and will be
associated with M. C. Wright in this firm. Mr. Jerome's entrance into
the Auto Supply Company will make an expansion in the business of that
firm, it is understood, and accessories will be handled on a much
larger scale in Southern Oregon.The Auto Supply Company was established last year by Mr. Wright, who is better known to Southern Oregon motorists as "Doc," and has become of the leading accessory firms in this section of Oregon. Both Mr. Wright and Mr. Jerome are well known throughout Southern Oregon, which will more than ever assure the success of the reorganized concern. The Auto Supply Company has the sales agency for Sterling carburetors and distributes Veedol oils and greases, Farran-oid fan belts, Fisk tires and Alemite spring covers and parts. They make the claim that all accessories for motor cars, from cotter keys to the most expensive accessories, are available at their store on North Bartlett Street adjoining the M.F.&H. building. Medford Mail Tribune, October 9, 1923, page 3 E. C. JEROME NOW HATING HIMSELF
It is very offensive to Mr. E. C. Jerome to be called Jerry,
as he now regards such designation as incompatible with the dignity he
has lately acquired in the local golf world. Also, in other ways he has
greatly changed since winning honors on the links.All of which is caused by Jer--or rather Jerome--who is one of the ranking amateurs in the Rogue River Valley club membership, in fact is a very rank player, and who only plays golf on Sundays, having captured the handicap ball tournament on the links the past two Sundays in succession. His recently developed amateur skill is regarded as uncanny, and is explained by the fact that in his younger days at Harvey, Ill., he played shinny, the chief playing utensils of which are clubs, tin cans and a lack of fear of the hereafter. Medford Mail Tribune, April 26, 1928, page 3 JERRY JEROME IS POTENTATE HILLAH TEMPLE
Edson C. Jerome, affectionately called "Jerry" by his host of friends
in Southern Oregon and through the Pacific Coast, is deserving of much
credit for making possible and successfully preparing for the joint
ceremonial of Hillah and Ben Ali temples in Medford today. As Potentate
of Hillah Temple, Mr. Jerome has made an enviable record, climaxing his
activities with today's gathering of California and Oregon wearers of
the fez.For several years, Jerry has been one of the most active of the nobles of Hillah Temple and, in 1927, attended the Imperial Council Session at Atlantic City as a representative of the Southern Oregon temple. In addition to being Potentate of Hillah Temple, Mr. Jerome is impresario of Ashland Court 108, Royal Order of Jesters. He is a member of Malta Commandery, Number 4, K.T. and was a member of the Phillip Malcolm memorial class which received the Scottish Rite work in Medford this week. Previous to coming to this city, Jerome was special representative for the General Superintendent of Transportation for the Great Northern railroad system, traveling throughout the United States, Mexico and Canada. In 1912 he moved to Southern Oregon and was associated with the California Oregon Power Company when the first Prospect power plant was erected. Since that time he has engaged in various business enterprises in this city and constructed the building at Main and Riverside Avenue where the East Side Pharmacy and other firms are located. Mr. Jerome has been active in civic, fraternal and educational circles of this city for many years. He is a Past Exalted Ruler of Medford Lodge 1168, B.P.O.E., a member of the Medford Boxing Commission and an advisor of the Hi-Y boys' organization in the Medford high school. As a member of a number of committees of the Medford Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Jerome has devoted much time to civic development work. Under the supervision of Potentate Jerome, Hillah Temple's representation at the Los Angeles Session of the Imperial Council promises to help further to put the local temple on the map of Shrinedom. Hillah will have a special train filled with Southern Oregon Shriners which will leave for the south on May 31st. Medford Mail Tribune, April 27, 1929, page B4 JEROME ASSUMES TEXACO PRODUCTS AGENCY FOR AREA
Announcement was made today by R. D. Rowland, zone
representative for the Texas Company, that E. C. ("Jerry") Jerome of
this city has purchased the interests of E. A. Vallier and has
assumed the agency for Texaco petroleum products in this section of
Southern Oregon. Jerome will operate on an independent basis, adhering
to the policies of the Texas Company.The marketing of Texaco products in the territory from Gold Hill to the California state line and as far east as the Klamath County line will be handled by Jerry Jerome. E. A. Vallier, former agent, will assume a position in the employ of Mr. Jerome, and the former organization in this district will remain intact. Added outlets for Texaco petroleum products will be provided in the near future, according to Jerome's plans. Two large stations, owned by the Texas Company, now operating in this territory, are located at Riverside and Jackson streets in this city and at Main and Helman streets in Ashland. The former is managed by C. C. Leonard. Other independent stations featuring the Texaco products are also included in Jerome's marketing organization, and the opening of one or more large stations in Medford's downtown district is contemplated. G. G. Walling, Texas Company auditor, is in this city with Zone Representative Rowland completing the details of the purchase of the district agency by Jerome. The many Southern Oregon friends of Jerry Jerome will welcome the announcement that he has secured the agency here for Texaco products. Jerome is widely known throughout this territory and has recently been associated with the California Oregon Power Company. He is prominent in civic and fraternal activities in this city, and his host of friends are wishing him success in his new enterprise. Medford Mail Tribune, March 2, 1931, page 2
Members of the Crater Club, and a goodly number of
guests, assembled in the basement banquet room of the Hotel Medford
last night to enjoy a dinner and program and choose officers for the
1931 season. As a result of last night's election E. C. ("Jerry")
Jerome was picked to fill the position of Big Eruption and guide the
destinies of the club this season. Jerome will succeed Horace L.
Bromley, who has successfully presided over the Craters for the past
two years.Jerome's staff will comprise Larry Schade, skipper of the phantom ship; Fred Wahl, wizard: C. C. Lemmon, keeper of the trail, and Judge John Reed of Gold Hill, pilot. The lords of the forest, directors of the Crater Club, are Horace Bromley, Ole Alenderfer, Ted Baker, Hob Deuel and Leon Haskins. In an impressive little play, which was a feature of last night's program, Larry Schade, John Reed and Earl Davis made up the cast of characters. The next meeting of the Craters is scheduled for Wednesday, May 13, at which time a number of new members, elected at last night's meeting, will be initiated and plans will be formulated for the Craters' participation in an intercity meeting with Ashland, Grants Pass and Klamath Falls delegations. Medford Mail Tribune, April 16, 1931, page 5
An unusually attractive vacation is in store for
Mrs. E. C. Jerome, typing instructor of the Medford High School
faculty, starting with her departure tonight for San Jose, Cal., to
visit her brothers and sisters there until next Wednesday, when Mr.
Jerome will join her at San Francisco and they will depart on the
Shriners' special train for Cleveland, Ohio, to attend the national
convention of the Shriners.Following the close of the convention she will then go on to Boston, Mass., to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Teague of Windsor, Vt., for several weeks. She will be met in Boston by the Teagues, who will take her on an automobile tour of New England, and after a further visit with them at their home, Mr. and Mrs. Teague will conduct her by auto back to Chicago, from which city she will take the train for home, arriving here the last of August. Mr. Jerome, who as a past potentate of Hillah temple is a delegate to the Shriners convention, will return to Medford immediately following the Cleveland convention. Medford Mail Tribune, June 29, 1931, page 3
A beautiful picture to grace the Eastertide is displayed in the Rogue
Valley Floral Company window of the Liberty Building today. Magazine
cover and picture frame carry the same photograph. It is one of
Jeraldyn Jerome, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jerome,
formerly of this city, now of Portland.She is shown in a natural pose among the lilies in the Rogue Valley greenhouse, which she frequented while living in Medford. Gathered about her and falling over her arms are the precious blossoms, closely associated in Christian tradition with the resurrection of Christ. The magazine carrying the picture as cover is The Florists' Review. The photograph, taken by J. Verne Shangle, local photographer, during last year's Easter season, was mailed east by Mrs. Schoepen, who soon after received a letter from the publishing company asking permission to use the picture as cover for the Easter number. Another copy of the same photograph, tinted and framed by Mr. Shangle, is displayed in the same window of the floral company. Medford Mail Tribune, March 24, 1932, page 10 JERRY'S 'FIREMEN' IN CLEVER STUNT FOR TEXACO GAS
C. "Jerry" Jerome and his busy gang of "firemen" are letting all
Southern Oregon know that the Texas Company is introducing its new
super-octane gasoline in the Rogue River Valley today. This new product
is distinguished by the name Texaco Fire Chief and provides for
motorists here a fuel perfected by the Texas Company laboratories for
use in fire engines.Jerry Jerome, manager of the Southern Oregon district for Texaco, is on the streets in Medford today garbed in the costume of a fire chief, and members of his energetic sales organization as well as station attendants are dressed as firemen. Jerome has arranged for the kiddies to also participate in the general celebration which introduces Texaco Fire Chief gasoline here. Literally hundreds of school children assembled at the city fire department's headquarters on North Front Street this afternoon to listen to some timely tips on fire prevention by Medford's fire chief, Roy Elliott. Immediately following the lecture, the kiddies, resplendent in smart Texaco fire helmets, paraded the principal streets of Medford, headed by a band. Jerry Jerome's clever publicity stunt has put Texaco's fine new gasoline before thousands of people here today. "It is no wonder we are so enthusiastic over the new Texaco Fire Chief gasoline," Mr. Jerome said today; "actual tests show this new fuel to be vastly superior, making for finer carburetion and instant, smooth power. Over 60,000 dealers in the United States will feature this new gasoline today and we, who have given it exacting tests, are sure that many million motorists will welcome it." Medford Mail Tribune, April 12, 1932, page 10 PLAN LAUNCHED FOR IMPROVING EAST MAIN ST.
The first gun in a campaign to forget politics and internal dissension,
and get together in this community on a constructive march forward, was
fired at noon today when at an open meeting the East Side Improvement
League was formed.East Side Improvement League Formed to Start Post-Election Get-Together Drive for Better Medford It is the plan of this league to widen East Main from the S.P. tracks to the Bear Creek bridge, put in new street lighting, cover the abandoned street car tracks, and get every property owner to modernize and improve the store fronts he owns. The meeting was characterized by great enthusiasm and unanimity of opinion, it being the sense of the meeting that expenses for this widespread improvement be borne by the property owners. A. C. Hubbard was elected president; C. M. Kidd vice-president, and Mrs. I. A. Coppin secretary and treasurer. Plans have already been started to secure signatures of all property owners and start construction work in the near future, according to Jerry Jerome, one of the leaders of the movement. Medford Mail Tribune, November 9, 1932, page 1 MEDFORD TO CELEBRATE
State's 75th Birthday Anniversary to Be Observed.
Sept. 30.--(Special.)--E. C. "Jerry" Jerome today was named chairman of
the Oregon diamond anniversary celebration in this city next year, and
announced that subordinate committees would be appointed soon to plan
for the state's 75th birthday party.
T. L. Stanley, general manager of the Shasta Cascade Wonderland, has pledged that organization's support of the celebration and Mayor Carson of Portland has informed the chamber of commerce here that Portland will cooperate, W. S. Bolger, chamber president, said today. Chairman Jerome will call on Governor Meier and Mayor Carson at an early date regarding the celebration plans. The program so far outlined includes an Oregon products exhibition, an air circus, and a pioneer relics show at Jacksonville. Oregonian, Portland, October 1, 1933, page 12 JEROME OBSERVES 3RD TEXACO YEAR
E. C. (Jerry) Jerome is today observing his third anniversary as
manager of the Texaco distribution offices, located at South Central
and Riverside avenues.During the three years Jerome has been with the company Texaco has seen a great advancement in Jackson County. A new service station has been constructed in Gold Hill, and the Texaco station operated by Chet Leonard at the corner of Sixth and Grape streets is among the achievements in the Texaco's program of advancement. Exclusive of independent dealers, there are, at the present time, about ten persons employed directly by Texaco. Medford is the distributing point for all of Jackson County. Medford Mail Tribune, March 5, 1934, page 3 HOME LOOKS GOOD TO JERRY JEROME
E. C. "Jerry" Jerome returned to Medford last evening from the national
Shrine convention at Minneapolis, with the suggestion that anyone
dissatisfied with conditions here should buy a ticket (round trip) to
the Middle West, to observe the plight of that section.The Dakotas, particularly in the drought area, are in a distressing state, Jerome said, and all crops are below normal in that locality. The only crops that appear near normal production are in Saskatchewan, he said. The soil has been blown away in many places, and the stunted growth of the plant life is quite depressing, Jerome stated. He was particularly glad to be back in Medford and Southern Oregon, after a month's tour through the Midwest. Medford Mail Tribune, July 11, 1934, page 5 ![]() January 31, 1965 Medford Mail Tribune FUNERAL MONDAY AT 2 P.M. FOR MRS. EDITH M. JEROME Mrs. Jerome was well known in the valley. She arrived in Medford March 17, 1910, just 34 years before the date of her passing. For many years she was associated with the M. and M. department store in the ladies' ready to wear department where she made many friends in southern Oregon and northern California. She was of a very happy disposition and all who knew her loved her. During her younger life in Illinois she was very active in musical circles, being a very accomplished pianist. She was a lifelong member of the Episcopal Church. During her later life she spent part of her time here at the home of her son, Edson C. Jerome, and part in Seattle with her daughter, Mrs. Wayne Leever, who will arrive here Sunday. She was born in Sagertown, Pa., April 1, 1864, and was united in marriage to Alfred E. Jerome at Rantoul, Ill., on Sept. 1, 1886. Mrs. Jerome is survived by two sons, Edson C. Jerome and Kenneth Jerome; a daughter, Mrs. Wayne Leever of Seattle; one granddaughter, Miss Jeraldyn Jerome and a brother, Frank M. Corliss, both of Medford. Funeral services will be held Monday, March 20, at 2 p.m. at the Perl Funeral Home. Interment in Siskiyou Memorial Park, Rev. Father George R. Turney, rector of St. Mark's Episcopal Church, officiating. Medford Mail Tribune, March 19, 1944, page 10 Last revised February 1, 2025 |