County 1942 Luxuriant
Alfalfa and Ladino Clover Pastures Enable Our Rogue River Valley
Dairymen to Carry Considerable Stock on Comparatively Small Farms
MEDFORD, OREGON, the county seat of Jackson County (population 14,000),
is the center of the famous Rogue River Valley. Climate is mellow, with
an average rainfall of about 20 inches; elevation about 1300 ft.,
although many of our ranch and resort properties are much higher. It is
a profitable farming, fruit, poultry, dairying and stock raising area.
This valley is noted as the best pear-growing section of the United
States, and most of the valley is under irrigation. Its greatest
industry is logging and lumber mills.Hunting and Fishing
Southern Oregon is noted for its scenic beauty, hunting and fishing.
The Rogue River, reaching a width of 400 ft., is world-famous for its
salmon fishing and steelhead; bass and trout abound in the shady nooks
and sparkling riffles of this and many other rivers and streams.
Boating and swimming are popular pastimes in season and deer abound in
bordering forests. Famous Crater Lake is also an attraction in this
out-of-door wonderland.Money-Making Dairies
Jackson County is one of the "natural" dairy sections of the Pacific Coast. The advent of ladino clover
has introduced the best and least expensive dairy feed in the country.
The area adapted to this crop is quite limited, even in Oregon; Jackson
County, of which Medford is the county seat, is the choice section for
this crop. The seed threshed from ladino furnishes an additional
income, and the straw is used for feed. Concentration of dairy feeds
and products is the secret of success. Highly productive cows,
home-grown feeds, local creameries and cheese factories are the essence
of concentration. Ordinarily ten irrigated acres here support ten to
twelve cows and furnish a small family a good livelihood. Alfalfa also
flourishes here throughout the long growing season.Auto Courts--Dude Ranches--Resorts
Thousands of motorists and vacationists travel to glorious Crater Lake
each year over the fine highway, which many of these ranches border.
Many of our properties offer excellent opportunities for resorts, dude
ranches, summer boarding schools and auto courts, and at low prices
that will probably never again be repeated. There is just one Rogue
River and one Crater Lake Highway and one "Evergreen Oregon."Movie Stars Attracted
For those fortunate Americans who can select their ranches in the
favored vacation spots, this Rogue River and Crater Lake country has a
great appeal. Ginger Rogers recently purchased a large ranch in this
district, and Clark Gable steals a week off now and then between
pictures to come up here and fish salmon in the Rogue.D. E. Millard, E. A. Strout Realty agent, "Rogue River Valley," January 1942. Brochure scans retained. Last revised January 1, 2025 |