![]() ![]() Jackson County 1900 Travelers' descriptions and assessments of the state of things. The Rogue River Valley Country.
Having received so many letters of inquiry from people with whom we are
acquainted, and from others as well--but who invariably fail to send
stamps to answer their queries--we shall for their benefit attempt to
write a short descriptive article upon the climate, topography and
resources of the famous Rogue River country.Well do we remember the first time our eyes rested upon the forest-crowned mountains of Western Oregon. At one point in coming from California down into the valley your vision carries you out over the world until the whole valley, it seems, is unfolded in one grand panorama, making in springtime a scene of surpassing beauty, one in fact more beautiful from the summit of the Siskiyous than the writer has ever beheld in this or any other of the many countries and climes through which we have traveled. From this sweeping view can be seen fields of green and gold, lofty mountains, rugged, splintered and crowned with everlasting snow, the evergreen fringe of the forests along the streams and rivers make a background which is both a glory and a perplexity to the artist who truly tries to picture the grandeur of the scene. Not all the land in the Rogue River Valley is level; neither can you form an adequate conception of its area by a trip through it on the railroad, for there are a great many smaller valleys which you will not notice passing through on the cars, which contain many thousands of acres of fine level land. The area of the valley is estimated at 2,500 square miles of agricultural land, not all probably farm land but all susceptible of cultivation, either in annual crops or for the raising of fruits. The altitude of the valley varies from about 1200 feet above sea level at Woodville to 1900 at Ashland. Medford, which is situated nearly in the center of the valley as well as the center of Jackson County, has a altitude of about 1300 feet. The soil we shall not undertake to analyze, as we are not a chemist, but we will state we honestly believe every kind of soil known to exist will be found here. The soil of the valley generally is a rich sandy loam, while along the foothills will be found red land, adobe and yellow clay. All kinds of fruit that are grown in the temperate zone are raised successfully in Rogue River Valley, such as apples, pears, peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines, cherries, strawberries, grapes, blackberries (3 kinds), raspberries, currants, gooseberries, and last but not least, the luscious watermelon. Rogue River apples are considered by competent judges to be the best apples raised upon the Pacific Coast, and the peaches raised here took first premium at the World's Fair. Such a thing as a fruit failure has never been known in the valley. Peach and apple orchards last year bore crops to the amount of $800 per acre. The grapes grown in this valley are superior to any grown in California for table use. The fruit industry has proved very remunerative, and it will not be many years until the whole valley will be one great orchard. Nearly all kinds of cereals of the known world are grown here as well as vegetables and grasses in the greatest profusion. There is considerable timber, such as pine, fir, oak, cedar and other softwoods. It is a good stock country, but the ranges are being fenced up, and outranges in a few years will be a thing of the past. In regard to climate, good judges are of the opinion that it is the finest upon the Pacific Coast and the most equable in the world, situated as it is between the Columbia Basin and Sacramento. It has neither the excessive rains of the former or the withering droughts of the latter. Storms and blizzards are absolutely unknown in this valley. The rainfall averages about 28 inches and principally falls during the months of November, December, January, March and April. The average temperature in summer is about 72 degrees and that of winter is about 46 degrees above zero. Mining is quite extensively carried on throughout the whole valley, mostly in placers as yet, but at present writing there are some 100 stamps running upon the different quartz mines. The gold yield this year from Jackson and Josephine counties is estimated to be about $1,000,000. MEDFORD.
Medford is in the heart of this immense garden; it has a population of
about 2,500; is on the main line of the Southern Pacific and the
junction of the Rogue River Valley Railroad. Several church buildings
supply the people with places of worship. It has the finest school
building in Southern Oregon; its mercantile business is carried on in
good brick buildings, through two good banks. It has electric lights,
water works, and a sewer system. Its manufacturing establishments are:
two flouring mills, ice plant, pork packing establishment, sash and
door factory, distilling and bottling works. At present every line of
mercantile business is well filled, but there is plenty of room for
several manufacturing enterprises, and now is the time to get in on the
ground floor. Medford is a new town; ten years ago it was but a small
village, but it is at present growing vigorously, splendidly. The
Southern Pacific have nearly completed a beautiful new depot, three
brick blocks are in course of erection with four more to be erected,
while there are at present a dozen dwelling houses in course of
construction, with many more to be erected the coming season. Vacant
houses in Medford are virtually an unknown quantity.Medford has the name of being the best town commercially in the Rogue River Valley, and it is better today than ever before. It will be much better in a few years provided her citizens do not forget to advertise, so we may be able to tell the world of this garden fair, sitting amid the grain fields, the orchards, the rose and vegetable gardens, with the sparkling streams winding and wandering through them. The wooded hills in the background, snow-capped Mt. Pitt in the distance, and the glint of the glorious sunlight upon this veritable fairyland, making it resplendent, radiant, a land wherein the weary traveler may find that peace and rest that comes from a heart which holds communion with nature's most glorious spot. Come and see it. Medford Enquirer, February 23, 1900, page 2 ROSEBURG
Is a progressive city with a population of 3,500, the county seat of
Douglas County, in the heart of the Umpqua Valley. The U.S. Land
Office, U.S. Weather Bureau office, State Soldiers' Home and other
public institutions are located here. It is a freight and passenger
division of the Southern Pacific railroad. It is noted for its fine
fruits, and ranks first in prune-raising in the state. Grain and hog
raising, gardening and stockraising are also among its chief
industries. In point of mining operations, Douglas County is excelled
by few in the state. Gold, copper, quicksilver, nickel and a fine
quality of marble are found within her borders.GRANTS PASS
Is a pleasant little city, its business portion well built with
two-story brick buildings, its residences very neat, nestled at the
foot of a low mountain range. The mountains and valleys surrounding it
are rich in minerals. The city is situated on the Rogue River, which
abounds in some of the finest fish caught in the state. The few hours
that we stopped in this city were very pleasantly spent, and the
kindness of its citizens thoroughly appreciated.MEDFORD
Is located toward the southern end of the state. It is a well-built-up
business city of 2,500 people, whose hospitality knows no limit. We
were met at the depot by the townspeople who piloted us to a pleasant
grove nearby, where a bountiful repast was in waiting. The CHIEF
representatives were met by Mr. George Gregory, county superintendent,
who was an old-time Nebraska friend, who took charge of us, as well as
the balance of the Nebraska delegates, and seated us at a table
presided over by former Nebraska ladies. There is quite a colony of
Nebraska people settled in and around Medford. We were very much
surprised to meet Chris. Reidel, formerly of our city. He has lived
there for three years and likes the country. A stub railroad runs from
Medford to Jacksonville, the county seat, and many embraced the
opportunity of going to see the oldest town in that part of the state.
The entertainment we received at Medford was fine, and we will always
have a pleasant recollection of the young city. The editors of its
papers were untiring in their efforts to look after the comforts of
their guests.ASHLAND,
The southernmost city in the state on the Southern Pacific railroad, is
located on the Bear Creek arm of the Rogue River Valley, twenty miles
from the California state line. It is a city of over 3000 people, and
after talking with some of its leading citizens, we doubt if another
city in the state has shown a more solid growth during the past year,
the building improvements during that time footing up over $50,000. It
is the educational center of Southern Oregon. One of the state normal
schools, as well as the Southern Oregon Chautauqua Association, is
located here, and hundreds of people are drawn here yearly on account
of the city's excellent educational advantages. Three fine
buildings represent the public schools, which are presided over by a
corps of competent instructors. There are nine churches in the city,
many of them handsome edifices, distributed among the leading
denominations.The business portion of the city is well built with substantial brick buildings, which would be a credit to a city several times its size. Its merchants appear to be doing good business, and the large and complete stocks of goods they carry speak well for the city. In the residence portion we notice some very handsome dwellings, and we believe the claim made by its citizens that they have more beautiful residences than any city three times its size in the state, is correct. Chautauqua Grove, containing nine acres, in which are the buildings of Southern Oregon Chautauqua, is located within the city limits, but a few minutes' walk from the business center of the city. It was in this beautiful grove that the members of the National Editorial Association were treated to a breakfast by the citizens of the city. Busy hands had prepared a feast of everything that heart could desire or palate crave, and that breakfast was as thoroughly enjoyed as any meal partaken of during the trip. After the inner man had been provided for, rigs were placed at the disposal of the visitors, and all who wished were taken for a drive among the orchards and truck gardens about the city, or for a short trip into the surrounding valleys. Among its manufacturing interests, Ashland has a woolen mill, two flouring mills, two planing mills, iron works, canning factory, two sawmills, wood working mills, quartz mills for working up the ore from the mines in the surrounding mountains, and a large creamery. Being the terminus of the Shasta branch of the Southern Pacific railroad, it is a division point of importance. The company have large machine shops here, and have a monthly payroll of $10,000. The company have also expended $35,000 on their depot and eating station and grounds. Situated in the midst of orchards, gardens and immense grain fields, in a climate that is unsurpassed, where neither heat nor cold is extreme, it is not to be wondered at that they can raise peaches, apples, pears, plums, prunes, apricots, cherries, all kinds of berries, and the finest flowers on the coast, and claim they have the finest climate in the country, for they can certainly back up their statements with positive proof. The writer took a ten-minute walk back from the city, from whence was obtained a view which for beauty could not be excelled, as we looked down upon the "granite city," and out upon the beautiful valley beyond, with its farms, gardens, orchards and broad fields of grain. Behind us arose by terrace and cliff the rugged Siskiyous--the "granite range"--to a height of 8,000 feet, covered with luxuriant forests and crested with snow, and in whose mountain fastness great quantities of gold and other minerals are being constantly mined. It was the great pleasure of the writer to meet with and visit at the home of our former townsman, George W. Trefren, who is a prominent business man in his town; is a member of the city council and clerk of the school board, and appears to be prospering. Our visit at Ashland was a very pleasant one, the memories of which will always be bright spots in our trip into Southern Oregon. "A Delightful Trip to the Pacific Coast," report on a National Editorial Association excursion, Custer County Chief, Broken Bow, Nebraska, May 25, 1900, pages 13-14 About 3 o'clock in the afternoon of the next day we saw two large signs which read: "California" and "Oregon." Those marked the state lines. I jumped from the buggy and almost ran to drink from a spring on the Oregon side, for it made me feel as though we were much nearer home, you know. The road continued for eight miles over the summit of the Siskiyou, to a toll gate, where $1 is charged each team. A comical thing occurred as we neared the toll house, when a little child ran out, closed and padlocked the gate in our very faces. We camped here overnight and I purchased a fowl to fry; the lady kindly volunteering to bake a pan of biscuit for me. We enjoyed a meal fit for a king that night--fried chicken, hot biscuit and butter, with plenty of good milk. Was that not fine? At 11 o'clock on the following day we left the toll gate and had proceeded some way down the road when a woman's voice called upon us to stop and, running up behind our buggy, the friendly mother of the toll house presented us with a supply of hot doughnuts for our lunch. A drive of twelve miles carried us to Ashland, Or. All spare space in the town was covered by small white tents, where an army of Chautauquans were camping. Next came Gold Hill, and from there our road led along the Rogue River. For some distance we met parties out killing rattlesnakes, and we did not dare to alight, neither would I allow "Sport" or "Tom" to leave the buggy. Then came Grants Pass, Roseburg and Cottage Grove. On the roads of California we covered some miles in four minutes, we were able to tell by the mileposts, but in Oregon or the southern portion of it, the roads were fearful, and especially so in the timber, where the mud was hub deep [in July]. Mrs. Edward Thompson, "Thirty-Five Days' Drive," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 5, 1900, page 11 Overlooking the Rogue River Valley on one side are the Siskiyou Mountains and on the other the Cascades and Coast Range. The train does not run so fast that the careful observer will fail to note the fine fruit, grain and stock farms. The fertility of the soil in these valleys is something wonderful, and the climate is such that wheat may be sown and harvested every month in the year. The Blackford County farmer will be surprised to learn that four or five big crops of wheat may be harvested from one sowing. It is a fact that many farmers here actually harvest three, four and sometimes five crops from one seeding. One wheat grower has the record of harvesting 37 bushels to the acre the second year, 20 bushels to the acre the third year, 15 bushels to the acre the fourth year, making a total of 102 bushels to the acre from a single sowing. It is no uncommon thing to see here plowing, harrowing, seeding, harvesting and threshing all going on at the same time. With these advantages it is little wonder that Oregon, although sparsely settled in some parts of the state, produced last year a twentieth of the entire wheat crop of the country. These valleys and the southern part of the state had the biggest apples, pears, prunes, peaches and cherries at the World's Fair. "Across the Big Divide," Hartford City Telegram, Hartford City, Indiana, August 22, 1900, page 1 CALIFORNIA LETTER.
Woodville, Jackson Co., Oregon.
Editor Plainville Gazette:At last report we were at Castle Crag, Shasta County, California. Leaving camp, we made quite a climb to get over the Shasta mountains. This is rough and is a lumber country. The mill camps are thick, but the pine near the railway is nearly all cut and has been burnt over so it is a barren waste. The road is very crooked. We had Mt. Shasta in plain sight; this is the highest mountain in California and is over 14,000 feet. We first sighted it from near Redwood. It had a storm the night we camped at Redwood, the 7th of August, and the next morning it was all white with snow. We were compelled to camp on the summit Monday night and were successful in getting a lower peak between it and us so we would not feel the cool air direct from it. Passing on, we went down into the Shasta Valley. This is in Siskiyou Co. This valley is narrow and is devoted mostly to stock, timothy, bluegrass and alfalfa. As we neared Yreka we witnessed a thunderstorm at that place, the lightning doing some damage in town, but our camp 5 miles southeast was in the dust but we found mud the next day until toward noon. At Klamathon we struck the Klamath River. Here is situated one of finest saw mills of the state, and logs were coming down the river from Oregon in sufficient numbers to keep it at work day and night. We are and have been traveling the great mining section. Many of the mines are only operated through the wet season so as to have water to use, while others are now in operation. A large amount of capital is invested and used in their operation. Here we begin to climb the Siskiyou Mountains, the highest range we will find. We climb gradually up until toward night, when we begin in earnest and go up, up. We are now in Jackson County, Oregon, and with a tired team we stop for the night on the mountainside near where the railway enters the tunnel. As we look back and sight here and there the railway, we can understand something of the difficulty they have in building the railway over these mountains and we see the trains come puffing up the mountain with two large engines in front and one behind, moving slowly along. This is the way all passenger trains run here. In the morning we toil on upward for a mile or more and reach the summit and rejoice to know that we are up. The road over this range is quite straight, and while the climb is hard we accomplish more than on a less steep mountain road that is so crooked. The descent is long, rocky and steep. Striking a tributary of the Rogue River, we reach Ashland, a thrifty town that is building up fast and has farming and mining industries. Here we find the flouring mills, and passing on we strike Rogue River at Gold Hill and find it the most rockbound stream that we have ever saw. We pass on down the the valley and camp over Sunday about two miles west of Woodville near the county line. The valley is narrow and rocky, but few orchards and some fine farming done. Mining seems to be the most important industry. It is claimed that they have found the richest ledges within the last year that has ever been found, but it takes capital to work them. The mountains on each side are steep and covered with small timber. S. SHOTWELL.
Plainville Gazette, Plainville, Kansas, September 7, 1900, page 8Along the California-Oregon Line.
The success that has attended the inauguration of copper mining in
northern California is drawing attention to a part of the West that has
been much neglected. In 1851-54 the region around the California-Oregon
line, comprising Shasta, Siskiyou, Del Norte, Trinity and Humboldt
counties in the former, and Jackson, Douglas and Josephine counties in
the latter, was one of the liveliest in the West, and for a few years
poured out a steady stream of placer gold; but like other alluvial
districts became almost deserted when the cream of the diggings was
skimmed, and others as good discovered. But those who remained behind
in these parts fell heir not only to a rich but beautiful land, and are
now receiving their reward. The Siskiyou Mountains, which cover much of
the region, are one of the few uplifts in the West where serpentines
and old slate are prevailing rocks. The formations are everywhere found
to be rich in metals, and particularly in the rarer metals, such as
bismuth, quicksilver, nickel, cobalt, tin, platinum, iridium, osmium
and gold.A great deal of the country is still an unknown wilderness, but it is being attacked by the prospector, and will become in a short time a very active mining region. It has always maintained a considerable gold output from the old diggings, and for a dozen years past hydraulic operations have been increasing very fast. It is a country of deep and narrow river canyons, in which the volume of water is so great that the tailings question seldom if ever causes difficulty. The dredge men are now entering it with fair prospects of success; and, better than all, the quartz miner. Near Hornbrook in Shasta County are croppings of an immense auriferous conglomerate bed, the material from which is now being successfully handled in stamp mills. Near Riddle, in the Umpqua Valley in Douglas County, are very rich deposits of nickel ore, while quicksilver is being mined in Trinity County, and each year there is an increase in the amount of platinum and iridosmine from the hydraulic mines of the Rogue River and Klamath valleys. To the northeast, in the counties of Klamath Lake, Harney and Crook, in Oregon, is a lava-strewn lake region in which borax, soda, nitrates and economic minerals of that class abound, and only await the coming of the railroad to become available. Within the last few weeks, reports have come in of the discovery of quicksilver in the mountains about twelve miles south of Gold Hill, in Jackson County. The mires of this part of the West are located at altitudes under 4,000 feet. The country is densely timbered. The rainfall ranges from 40 to 60 inches per year. The winters are very mild, with but little snowfall, except on the mountaintops. There is a probability that in another year active work will begin on the railroad projects from Boise, Idaho, to the coast, at the mouth of the Klamath. For a distance of several hundred miles on the ocean in this vicinity gold was found in early days and recovered in considerable quantity from the sea shore; and at several favored points operations have been prosecuted in a small way ever since. Perhaps if the beaches of southwestern Oregon and northwestern California were prospected with the same energy and by as many miners as is the case in parts of Alaska, equally good discoveries would be made.--Denver Mining Reporter. Del Norte Record, Crescent City, November 10, 1900, page 2 AN INTERESTING LETTER IN THE OREGONIAN
Gold Hill, November 6.--All the towns of the Rogue River Valley in
Southern Oregon have prospered during the last year, but in proportion
to population, Gold Hill shows the greatest growth. During this time
Ashland has erected as many new buildings as comprise the entire
structural landscape of Gold Hill. But Ashland was already so large
that the new houses were not noticeable. And Grants Pass, within the
last twelve months, has reared half a dozen bricks, any one of which
cost as much as the combined improvements of Gold Hill.By Wilbur Fisk Brock, Concerning the Growth and Improvements. The Center of a Rich Mining Section. Gold Hill does not claim to be a full-grown city. It puts on the airs of a healthy little town, and it lives up to all of its professions. It is supported almost wholly by miners. There is not another mining camp in Oregon where trade is so even and so steady. Characteristic of its leading industry, it is an importer and consumer of raw and manufactured products. For every carload of exports there are three of imports. There is nothing which can be seen from the streets of Gold Hill which shows how the people make their living. The town is situated in the canyon of Rogue River, where the Southern Pacific crosses the stream by that name, and the site is barren of vegetation. Still the stranger sees money circulating freely. In respect to its visible backing, Gold Hill differs from Medford, Jacksonville and Ashland, where horticultural and agricultural wealth is very much in evidence. The epoch of quartz mining has been ushered in in Southern Oregon. This form of the mining business is as scientific and as certain of returns as farming. And towns which build up on it become as permanently prosperous as those which depend entirely upon the products of the soil. The placer mines in this locality, which will not be exhausted for several generations, contribute yearly to the gold output. Money which comes directly or indirectly from the quartz ledges is seen in the stores of Gold Hill every day. Bags of placer gold put in an appearance only during and after the wet season. The product of the placers is to this country what the wheat crop is to Eastern Oregon. The quartz gives the everyday use of coin which is provided by cattle to herders of Central and Southern Oregon. The placer miner, however, differs from the wheat farmer in a matter of habit, which is important to the prosperity of his trading point. When the placer miner has exhausted the year's cleanup he hies himself back to the mountains to dig for more gold. He keeps out of sight and out of hearing until he has again filled his pouches. Then he reappears in town with confidence in his step and hope in his countenance. He inspires everybody about him with the feeling that the country is all right. The stranger who is in the locality catches the infection and goes away advertising the place with more success than a subsidized immigration agent. The average wheat farmer, on the other hand, after disposing of his crop for European gold, complains for several months of hard times. If anyone in his hearing expresses optimistic views he becomes savage in proving that everything is going to ruin. The stranger who hears this tirade against farming goes away suspicious of all real estate values in the agricultural districts. The result is a material and spiritual depression in the purely agricultural community. The hopeful view of affairs, the ambition to dare and to do great things, impulses attendant upon mining enterprises, create an inviting social atmosphere in the towns of Jackson and Josephine counties. Two rich strikes have been made during the last week in quartz mines, each within two miles of Gold Hill. A chute carrying free gold in large quantities has been tapped in the old Braden mine, and another of the same character has been found in the Blackwell Hills Mining Company. The writer visited the Blackwell mine and in 20 minutes picked out of the ledge, crushed in a mortar, and panned out about $3 in coarse gold. The Braden mine is one of the oldest quartz properties in this part of the state. It has yielded thousands in free-milling gold. It was recently purchased by Dr. C. R. Ray for $14,000. The stamp mill at this mine has been run until it is worn out and out of date. The new owner has ordered improved machinery for its modernization. Being advanced in years and desiring lo retire from the activity and and anxiety peculiar to the management of a large property, Dr. Braden let his mine and farm go at a low figure. The transaction is a benefit to this locality, as the purchasers are progressive and have means with which to carry on development. While the mill has been shut down until the new machinery is installed, work in the mine goes ahead just the same. There is now enough rich ore on the dump to keep five stamps busy day and night for two months. The free-milling chute, which was struck this week, shows greater depth than any other part of the mine. Dr. Ray believes that he has found the original fissure through which was shot up the large deposit of quartz and yellow metal which has made this mine famous as a producer. Interested in investments in Southern Oregon with Dr. Ray is his brother, of New York, manufacturer of the Raycycle and promoter of trust corporations. These gentlemen may become an important medium between the undeveloped resources of this country and the idle capital of the Eastern metropolis. Ivan Humason, well known in Portland, is manager of the Blackwell Hills Mining Company. He is very much elated over the discovery in the 45-foot shaft at the end of their 200-foot tunnel. The mine is in such shape now that work can be done on three pay chutes, all of which go hundreds of dollars to the ton. The quartz in these chutes is so rich that the free gold is in sight when a candle is held up to it. The property belonged to the Jackson County Land Association up to a few weeks ago. This corporation owns several thousand acres of land in this part of the state, which it has been accumulating for speculative purposes. Graham, the lessee, began work on the ledge without capital and picked, pounded out and panned out for himself, by the most primitive means, a snug grubstake. In one spot of the pay chute he took $1800 from two cubic feet of quartz. Supposing that he had accumulated capital enough to buy the mine, Graham covered up his finds and opened up negotiations with the agent of the land company for the purchase of the property. He was disappointed to find that the tract covering his finds had been bonded by Portland parties. Humason took in the ledge and 320 acres of adjacent ground and employed Graham as foreman of the mine. Graham went directly to the rich quartz for the new owners, so that they are in pay weeks before they had hoped to be when they bought the mine. There are twenty well-developed pay chutes on the ledge. By surface excavation these are known to have yielded over $50,000, the single firm of Beekman & Reames, of Jacksonville, having bought from the early owners and operators of the mine $40,000 in gold. When the Oro Fino excitement broke out in the '60s this property was abandoned, as were many other good mines in Southern Oregon. The old and primitive arrastra employed in separating the values from the ore still stands at the foot of the ledge, as a monument to early endeavor in quartz mining in this region. The ledge in which the high values occur is narrow, as are all of the quartz veins in this country where free gold is found in quantities. Sometimes it pinches from two feet to four inches in thickness. At the Nye mine, where it is said that $25,000 in ore is blocked out, the miners are picking away at a quartz seam which runs from three to five inches in width. In this section rich pay is encountered at the points of contact between the main ledge or fissure vein and cross stringers. A heavy ledge of bull quartz, which can be traced across the country for several miles, cuts the Blackwell vein at right angles, but the contact fails to produce values such as are found at the intersection of the stringers with the fissure vein. Humason and his associates are opening up another ledge on a 40-foot tract two miles north of Gold Hill. They have on this property a 14-foot ledge of ore assaying from $3.25 to $51 per ton. In doing 100 feet of development they have piled up about 20 tons of milling ore. Fifteen tons of this ore will make one ton of concentrates, a value of $775.13 in gold and $3 in silver. The new five-stamp mill of Cheney & Humason was started up this week. After a continuous run of 72 hours it proves to be one of the best plants for saving values which has come into Southern Oregon. The machinery was all manufactured in Portland and is particularly adapted to treating this kind of ore. The mill has about 2000 tons of custom work in sight. It is a boon to the miners of this region, who heretofore have been isolated from a modern mill plant. A number of prospectors have now gone to work on their ledges hoping to mill enough ore as they go along to defray the expenses of development. As many of the prospects in this locality have paid without careful treatment of the ore, it is to be assumed that there are very few which will fail to give returns with milling and scientific treatment. The following prices are named for custom work: for 10 tons, $5 per ton; for 80 tons, $3 per ton; for 100 tons or more, $2 per ton. For several years Jesse Houck, the flour miller at Gold Hill, has operated a two-stamp quartz mill for the accommodation of prospectors. He put in no concentrator, and consequently there was a loss in low-grade ores, but it has been a great convenience to prospectors within a radius of 15 miles. Both quartz mills are within sight and hearing of Gold Hill, on opposite banks of the Rogue River. Their noise day and night is an inspiration to the little city to promote every mining and manufacturing enterprise. A brickyard, which is employed to its full capacity to supply local demands, is an industry which has been added to Gold Hill within the last few months. The fine new residence of Mrs. Dekum in the north end of town has started a building boom in that direction. Gold Hill has doubled in business and population since last this hand guided a pencil in making note of its advantages and development. Dr. James Braden has given Gold Hill a fine power for manufacturing purposes by constructing a conduit two miles long down the south side of Rogue River. The flume and ditch now carries about 2500 inches of water. It furnishes about 60 horsepower to the Cheney & Humason quartz mill. It is good for 400 horsepower and can be enlarged to supply power for a manufacturing city of 5000 inhabitants. Gold Hill offers the best water power and facilities for manufacturing of any town in Southern Oregon on the Southern Pacific railroad. The berm of the High Line Ditch Company lines the hills for about twelve miles above Gold Hill, and gives some evidence that the great waterway may be built. This irrigating, mining and transportation scheme is entirely practical. When accomplished, it will be the most extensive canal in the Northwest. It should pay better than any other that has ever been built on the Pacific Coast because of the several profitable uses it will serve. Any one of the purposes named is sufficient to justify construction. Gold Hill News, November 17, 1900, page 1 JACKSON
There has never been a time in the history of Jackson County when all
classes have been so prosperous as at the present. Every industry is in
a flourishing condition. The mortgage indebtedness is less than at any
time in the past 35 years, and a greater percentage of it was paid of
last year than during any preceding rears.County Never Has Been Prosperous As It Is Now. There was greater activity in the mines last year than at any time in the past 30 years. Many hydraulic enterprises were started, and many more are in contemplation for this year. The demand for mining property was never so great, and there were never so many large cash sales made in any one year as in 1900. The lighter placers have been almost wholly worked out, and those engaged in this branch of the industry have turned their attention to deep hydraulic mining. Unusual interest has been manifested in quartz the past year, and many promising veins have been discovered. More or less preliminary work was done on 300 to 400 ledges during the summer, and a number give promise of developing into permanent and valuable properties. There are now about 25 stamp mills in operation in the district, and a number more projected for the present year. The time is near at hand when the quartz branch of mining will surpass the placer. The output of 1900 is estimated at $400,000, and exceeds that of 1899 by $150,000. A number of important enterprises in connection with quartz are in progress. Among them may be mentioned the 20-stamp mill and cyanide plant of Opp Brothers, on Jackson Creek. Dr. C. R. Ray, of the old Swinden ledge, near Gold Hill, is installing a cyanide plant, and will soon have it completed and ready for operation. He is adding to his machinery with a view to operations on a larger scale. Dr. Ray and the Opp Brothers will employ a force of 50 men each. The Ashland mine, under the new ownership of the Montreal & Oregon Company, is undergoing steady development, with a force of 40 men. The company will add five stamps to its mill in Ashland. The new Humason custom mill, at Gold Hill, is regarded as one of the most perfect and complete in the district. Two new discoveries in quartz are creating considerable interest. One is near the base of old Gold Hill, the famous strike of 1860, and the other on the divide between Forest Creek and Applegate. Both give promise of large value. The recent quartz discoveries at Elk Creek bid fair to make this the most permanent and valuable quartz section of the district. The veins, like those at Bohemia, are large and base and the country volcanic as at Bohemia. The idea, originated in an early day, that this was only a pocket country, has been exploded by the deep levels of 300 to 900 feet, the ore maintaining its value to the greatest depth yet attained. The increasing demand and ready sale for good fruit for shipment have had a stimulating effect on this industry, and a number of new orchards have been put out and the older ones better pruned and cultivated, with more attention given to spraying. Leading fruit dealers estimate the export apple crop of 1900 at 225 carloads, an excess of 100 cars over any previous year. This represents a value, at the present price of 80 cents a box, of $108,000. The projected enterprises of greatest magnitude are the Gold Hill High Line and Medford ditches. The former will be 94 miles long, 1 foot wide on top, eight on the bottom and six deep. Its capacity will be 15,000 miner's inches. The estimated cost of construction is $700,000. Eleven thousand dollars has been expended in completing the surveys and clearing part of the right of way. The ditch will cover 20,000 acres of fertile foothill and light bottom lands specially adapted to fruit-growing, and which, without the ditch, are practically worthless except for timber and grazing. In addition, there will be available for mining about 6000 acres of mineral land which cannot be utilized without artificial water supply. With 400 feet [of] fall at Gold Hill, the ditch may be continued down Rogue River indefinitely. The Medford ditch will be 53 miles long and have a capacity of 10,000 inches. The estimated cost of construction is $200,000. It will cover, approximately, 50,000 acres of valuable farming land and furnish water for domestic and power purposes at Medford and other points in the valley. Three thousand five hundred dollars has been expended in surveys. It is expected that work on both enterprises will be commenced in the spring. Improvements in the towns and valley during 1900 have been in keeping with the general prosperity. Several brick business houses and something like 75 dwellings were built in Ashland and vicinity during the year at a cost of $100,000. A number of brick houses and, perhaps, 60 dwellings were built in Medford, at a cost of nearly $100,000. Gold Hill, Talent and Eagle Point show many new buildings and improvements, and evidences of prosperity are observable all over the county. At least 300 families moved into the county in 1900--most of them people of means for investment. Of these, 100 should be credited to Ashland, 80 to Medford, and the remainder to other towns and sections of the county. Sales of livestock, horses, cattle, sheep, hogs and goats for the year aggregate $140,000. Fruit, hops, wool, lumber, pelts, poultry and manufactured articles, $180,000. Output of gold, $400,000.
income of the county for the year aside from grain, hay, vegetable and
general products of home consumption, may be set down, approximately,
at $720,000.
Jacksonville. Morning
Oregonian, Portland, January 1, 1901, page 15
Last revised October 2, 2024 |