The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

For the Fish Lake Ditch and Hopkins Canal, click here.

Astrology on Top.
    Several Ashland people are hatching out a huge scheme to keep Rogue River from wasting its water in an already well-filled pond, the Pacific Ocean, and propose tapping Rogue River with a canal--60 feet wide by five feet deep--leading around the northern and eastern part of the valley to a point away up above Ashland, then cross over and go down the western and southern part, thus circling the whole valley for a grand irrigating scheme that will make the land all "bloom like the rose," and do the transportation business of the myriads upon myriads of gristmills, sawmills, skating rinks, shooting galleries, soap factories, and et ceteras that will spring up. They held a meeting recently and outlined the scheme, which they figured out will cost from $1,000,000 to $5,000,000. They have been floating about high up in the 7th heaven and will incorporate, open books for stock, etc., in a few days. The central figures who have conceived this glorious plan to lift the country out of the dull monotony of everyday affairs are "Colonel" Geo. Engle, who believes his massive dome of thought was made for something higher than dealing out peas, pumpkins, Irish potatoes, bark, hoop-poles and skipper cheese; and "Colonel" Geo. B. Landers, of pork-packing "fame." To the question where those millions are to come from the gentlemen dilate awhile upon "government appropriations" and then remark "that it doesn't require so much money as it does brains," at the same time putting on a presumptuous demeanor that is meant to convey the impression that they have no hesitancy in putting in the brains of the head of the company at a fair valuation to supply the vacuum made by the deficiency of that $5,000,000. This is cheerful. But if some of their friends don't take charge of them soon the services of a commission---a regular inquirendo lunatico commission--will be required to transport some diseased brains to a convenient crazy shop for general repairs. This is a bad climate for featherbrains. This city seems to be the nesting place of cranks and d---- fools. All this excitement was sprung up by Alexia Constantine Pfuhl, the long-haired astrologer who cast the horoscopes of these people and told them they would make a fortune with water. Of course there is no water in groceries, and what has aqua pura got to do with curing hogs, anyhow?
Valley Record, Ashland, February 12, 1891, page 3

Medford Mail.
    The Rogue River Valley Water Company has been incorporated under the Raley water law with a capital stock of $250,000, in 125,000 shares. The incorporators are Henry Klippel, J. A. Lee, J. B. McGee, Francis Fitch and L. C. Gruby. The object of the company is to construct and maintain a water ditch from Little Butte Creek down into the valley. Said ditch to be used for irrigating and transportation purposes. Surveyors have been out for two weeks setting stakes for the ditch. The ditch will be about thirty miles in length, twelve feet across at the top and eight feet at the bottom. It will take such a course as to give the desert the full benefit of its water, and will cross over into Bear Creek Valley between Coker Butte and Mount Roxy. J. S. Howard and son are doing the surveying and Mr. Howard informed the reporter that Medford could be reached within a hundred-foot fall.
Valley Record, Ashland, March 26, 1891, page 1

Big Ditch Completed.
    The irrigating ditch enterprise in the Table Rock section is completed. It is three miles long and irrigates about 3000 acres of farming land. C. H. Pickens, who superintended part of its construction, informs us that it is a very substantial ditch, built to withstand any of the heavy winter raises of Rogue River. The head of the ditch is a flume 4x5 feet, boxed in like a drift and in solid surroundings. E. P. Pickens, R. E. Drum, Wm. Bybee and E. B. Hunsaker are the owners of the ditch, and some twenty-five men were employed in its construction.
Valley Record, Ashland, June 18, 1891, page 3

Medford's Proposed New Ditch.
    Medford, Aug. 27.--The Oregon Irrigating & Power Company entered into a contract with the city of Medford to furnish a minimum supply of 250,000 gallons of water per day at a rate of 4 cents per 1000, this rate to be reduced 2 cents per 1000 for an additional 350,000 gallons and a further reduction as the requirements of the city increase to 1½ cents per 1000. Present plans of the company, of whom C. M. Williams of San Francisco is the head, are to begin work upon the ditch Sept. 1. The ditch originates near the junction of the north and south forks of Butte Creek, in Jackson County, and traverses in its course to Medford a large area of land that may be brought to a high state of cultivation by irrigation. It ls proposed to irrigate 50,000 acres of such land.
    The present survey represents the ditch to be 45 miles long, with a width of 10 feet at the bottom and 16 feet at the top, and a depth of 5½ feet. It is calculated that a sufficient volume of water will be carried to supply all demands upon it to its ultimate terminus, which is supposed to be on the west side of the valley, plans being to cross near the town of Talent. The undertaking is an important one in the history of this section and is hailed with delight by all classes and has the substantial support of all people interested in the development of Oregon.
Valley Record, Ashland, August 30, 1900, page 3

Irrigation Makes 'Em Get Busy.
    When a man puts his land under an irrigating ditch he just naturally gets busy--he can’t help it. S. A. Carlton, who owns a fine farm over near Wellen post office, is almost always a pretty busy man--and he has been for years, else he would not now own the fine farm he does, but for several months past he has been unusually busy, so much so that many of his Medford friends have asked if "Uncle Dolph" was away visiting. He was in town this week for the first time for several months--been too busy. Nearly all his several hundred acres of land is under the Fish Lake ditch. He used some water from the ditch the past season and the result was so flattering, notwithstanding the inexperience in its use, that he is preparing to cover every acre he can with water next season. He is right now putting out 1000 Newtown and Spitzenberg apple trees, and will put out a greater number next season. Aside from this orchard venture he is going to experiment quite extensively in the growth of different grasses. He is sowing twelve acres of land to red clover, six acres to alfalfa, three or four acres to muskeet, one acre to alsike and ten acres to red top and timothy. This land will all be irrigated and he is very sanguine as to the result. He now has growing a few acres of alfalfa which has done remarkably well--proving that this grass can be produced in abundance on sticky soil.
Medford Mail, December 2, 1904, page 1

May Extend Ditch.
    When Messrs. Clark, Belser, Palmtag and Williams, of the Jackson County Improvement Co., were here last week, a directors meeting was had and it was decided to make a proposition to the people of the valley for the extension of the ditch from its present terminus on the company's farm. The proposition, briefly stated, is this: That if the farmers will guarantee 5000 acres of land for irrigation the company will build the ditch to the west side of Bear Creek, crossing the creek near the northern boundary of the city and covering much of the land between here and Central Point. This would bring a large acreage into productiveness, which is now producing little or nothing.
    On the other hand the company, if the proposition is not accepted, intend to cut up their holdings in forty- and eighty-acre tracts and induce people to come in and buy these tracts. This was the intention of the directors when they came up here, but seeing that the country was waking up and upon the verge of a boom concluded to make the first proposition to the people. A committee of citizens will probably be appointed to wait upon the farmers and interest them in the scheme.
Medford Mail, March 31, 1905, page 1

The Peterson Ranch, a Formerly Arid Tract,
Now Producing Good Crops--Water Did It.

    On Saturday of last week a party, composed of Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Hamilton, Mrs. V. T. McCray and a representative of this paper, made a drive to the Peterson ranch, eight miles north and east from Medford. The first three members of the party made the drive for pleasure, but the representative of the Mail made it for the sole and only purpose of seeing things--and he saw.
    The Peterson ranch comprises 700 acres, and a couple or three years ago was purchased by the Jackson County Improvement Company--better known as the Fish Lake Ditch Company. The land until this year has been practically nothing but an arid desert. There were some few spots of land upon it upon which crops could be grown with varied degrees of success. This year Mr. V. T. McCray, engineer and manager for the company, will take 100 tons of grain hay from the land; has now growing 200 acres of wheat and barley which will easily yield thirty bushels to the acre. Then there is an alfalfa field of eighty acres, which is looking fine. This entire 700-acre tract is under the ditch and there are streams of mountain water flowing in all directions over it. There is much of it, however, which has never been cropped and this, of necessity, will have to be leveled to some extent before water can effectually be used--that is the bumps will have to be taken off and scraped into the depressions. The land which the company has in crops this year has been leveled and upon this the putting of water through the ditches was all that was necessary to produce wheat five and six feet high.
    Mr. McCray has planted a number of experimental plats upon what is actual desert land. For instance, near the entrance to the place, there are growing patches of corn--and it is looking fine. This land has been flooded, but in a very crude and unsatisfactory manner, because of the fact that the surface has not been leveled, and the corn is planted only upon the higher places, but the experiment proves beyond a question of doubt that the desert land will produce abundantly when watered. Mr. McCray showed us Early Rose potatoes growing upon this same desert land that were as large as table tumblers. There is also growing other garden stuff. Mr. McCray has also put out, as an experiment, a dozen or more different varieties of grass, and all of those seem to be doing well, but he is of the opinion that Tall Oat grass will prove to be the greatest success because of its rapid growth.
    If any person doubts the good results obtainable from the use of water on this desert land they have only to visit this farm--and be at once convinced, and all doubt dispelled.
    The company is now running in its ditch and several laterals about 1200 inches of water, but this amount can be increased to 5000 inches at any time. Their ditches now extend across the desert to the Lee Watkins place, near the banks of Rogue River. At this time the entire desert is practically under the ditch and many farmers, not only those on the desert, but those along the entire line of the ditch, are using the water--and their crops show the effects of its use.
    In many places this ditch company has made possible the growth of many spears of grain where not only one, but none, grew before. Surely, no person can be longer skeptical us to the benefits resultant from the use of water who has seen what Mr. McCray is doing on this before almost valueless Peterson ranch.
Medford Mail, June 23, 1905, page 1

    Some weeks ago the Mail had an article telling of a scheme by which the Sterling Mining Co. intended to bring water into the valley for irrigation, power and domestic purposes. It was said that it couldn't be done, that it was a "hot air" proposition and an impossibility. However, the surveys have been made and preliminary estimates as to the cost have been submitted. In a short time it will be up to the farmers and fruit raisers of the central valley us to the amount of encouragement they intend giving the company in this enterprise--not in bonuses or subscriptions, but in patronage after the system is installed. The company is ready and willing to construct this irrigation system if they can secure the patronage to justify it. This is not a philanthropic scheme by any means, it is a cold-blooded business proposition. If sufficient revenue can be secured to justify the construction of the system it will be built. That's all there is to it.
    Fred J. Blakely, the president of the Sterling Mining Co., was in Medford several days this week, consulting with J. D. Heard, the superintendent of the mine, concerning their various properties, for the Sterling is not the only mine controlled by this company, which fact will be found out later. There are to be extensive improvements, and this irrigation scheme is one of those contemplated.
    The ability of the men at the head of this enterprise to carry out their plans is most positively shown by the success Mr. Blakely, the president, has had in other enterprises. In Douglas County, where he has been operating for the past several years, he has inaugurated more dividend-paying enterprises than anyone in that county. He owns the Roseburg Power and Light Co., has constructed a large mill at Winchester and cleared the North Umpqua River from near its source to Winchester so that logs may be floated down it, has diverted the Calapooia so that its waters make a garden spot of a formerly unproductive section of country. Whatever Mr. Blakely tells the people he intends doing he will do. He has never failed yet and does not intend to fail.
    The experience of the past few years has demonstrated to the orchardists the value of water upon their lands. If the productive power of an orchard is increased by irrigation the value of the land is increased in exact ratio. It would be well for our orchardmen to look into this matter thoroughly.
Medford Mail, October 20, 1905, page 1

The Rogue River Valley to Become a Network of Pipe Lines
Conveying Water for Irrigation Purposes

    The Condor Water & Power Company announces its purpose to pump water from the Rogue River for irrigation and other purposes.
    Their big ditch at Prospect is nearly completed, and their dam at that point across Rogue River will be completed November 1st, this year. This gives them a head of water of 600 feet and will develop 100,000 horsepower, the intention of the company being, however, to install units of 10,000 horsepower each as required.
    Work to be rushed and a portion of their pipe line system of irrigation to be in operation next summer.
    Pumping from Rogue River, the cheapest and most practicable way of irrigating in the Rogue River Valley. Water can be conveyed to all elevations cheaply and economically by the cheap and unlimited water power now being developed by the Condor Co.
    Estimated cost of pipe line from the Rogue River to Medford to irrigate 5000 acres is $50,000.
    Contract and rates for water to be very reasonable, based upon the purpose for which the water is to be used, irrigation for alfalfa requiring a great deal more water than that for orchards.
    Ample water assured consumers for all purposes and just when wanted; elevation of lands no drawback, as water can be pumped to any elevation.
    This means the enhancement in value of our hillside farms from ten to one hundredfold. Lands now practically worthless made to produce crops, justifying a valuation of $100 and upwards per acre.
    With water, ten acres, enough for any man to make a comfortable living, who, without water, would starve to death on 160 acres of similar lands without water. This means the cutting up into smaller tracts of our large farms and the quadrupling of the population of the Rogue River Valley within the next few years.
    Far-sighted men buying lands in the Rogue River Valley who will soon reap their reward in large advances. Although lands have had a steady increase in value during the last few years, its advances from now on will be by leaps and bounds.
    The pumping of water for irrigation is not an experiment. It is a demonstrated and proven fact the world over. It is cheaper and more practical than ditches, where cheap water power is so abundant as here. It has been in use in Southern California for years. Water is pumped for irrigation in the Hawaiian Islands to a height of 1000 feet and profitably.
    The Rogue River Valley will soon become the garden spot of the Pacific Coast. With a climate and soil unequaled, all that has been needed is water for irrigation, and that now is ensured. With the enormous increase in population, next will follow a network of electric railroads, bringing to the farmer's door all the conveniences and comforts of the most advanced civilization.
Medford Mail, October 27, 1905, page 1

A Project Now on Foot for Future Development
Irrigation Already Used Extensively in the Valley--
Not Necessary for Good Crops

    Although bountiful crops are raised without the aid of artificial irrigation in Rogue River Valley, the output can be vastly increased by this means. The water for irrigation is abundant and is comparatively easy to get upon the land. No extensive works in the way of reservoirs are necessary in most cases. All that is needful is to tap one of the many mountain streams and carry the water through ditches to where it is wanted. The Table Rock Ditch Co., north of Rogue River, has been furnishing water to its stockholders for many years. The people of Eden precinct have an irrigation system of their own--though comparatively small in extent. In the Applegate Valley the majority of the farmers have private irrigation ditches, the water being taken from the Applegate riven.
    The largest and most comprehensive system now in operation in the valley is that of the Fish Lake Water Co. In the year 1900 this enterprise was first definitely commenced and now the company has a ditch line twenty-five miles in length from the intake on the headwaters of Little Butte Creek to the present end of the ditch on the company's farm a few miles northeast of Medford. This ditch has a capacity of 5,000 miner's inches and is so constructed that its capacity can be increased at any time as the demand for water may require. The waters of Butte Creek are sufficient during most years--up to the latter part of July at least--to fill the ditch, but in order to be sure of having an ample supply, the company has secured from the government the right to make a storage reservoir at Fish Lake. This lake lies at the base of Mt. McLoughlin, one of the snow-capped peaks of the Cascades, and is a mile and a half long by a quarter mile wide, varying in depth from four to eight feet. It is fed by a number of ice-cold springs gushing out of McLoughlin's sides and is the source of the north fork of Little Butte. At its outlet the mountains come close together forming a narrow gorge through which Butte Creek rushes on its way to the valley. At this point precipitous bluffs of solid rock face each other and here the Fish Lake Water Company purposes to erect a mighty dam, which will confine the waters of the lake and raise its surface at least thirty feet above its present level. This will give them an immense storage reservoir two miles long by half a mile wide and thirty feet in depth in the shallow parts. The head of the ditch is some twenty miles from the lake, but no more ditch need be built, as when the water begins to run low, all that will be necessary is to open the gates at the lake and let the water come down through its natural channel to the point of diversion.
    At the present time 50,000 acres of the most productive lands in the valley are covered by this ditch, and work is now going on making an extension of nine miles, crossing Bear Creek just north of the city limits of Medford, and which will cover 10,000 acres more of land, much of which is now non-productive, but which under the revivifying effects of water will produce bounteous yields of fruits, grains and vegetables. The Fish Lake Company is the pioneer public irrigation enterprise in the valley, and its work has resulted in a great deal more interest being taken in irrigation than ever before.
    The Sterling Mining Company, which controls extensive water rights in the Siskiyous, including over twenty-five miles of ditch carrying water to the mines, is considering the matter of using the surplus water in furnishing irrigation for a portion of the valley south and east of Medford. The scheme includes the boring of a tunnel through the divide between the main valley and Sterling, and carrying the water through pipes to the different customers. Already the acreage which the company figured would be necessary in order to make the scheme a feasible and paying one has been subscribed, and more could easily have been secured, only the company wished to be certain as to the amount of water they could furnish before making additional contracts.
    The High Line ditch, which starts from Rogue River at Prospect, fifty miles from Medford, and follows the high ridges north of Rogue River to Gold Hill, is another irrigation enterprise upon which work is being done and from which great things are expected. This canal--for a canal it will be in size when completed--is intended to carry water for irrigation and mining purposes, to be used as a means of transporting lumber from the big forests of the upper Rogue River and the Umpqua divide, and will cover all that portion of the Rogue River Valley lying north of the river from the head of the ditch to Grants Pass, and has the inexhaustible supply of water from the river to depend upon. Dry gulches, rich in gold, which have not been worked for want of water, will yield up their wealth. Mountain and valley farms that have been unproductive, or at most giving a fair crop, will become consistent producers.
    While it is true that some favored portions of the county produce regularly without irrigation, it is nevertheless a fact that irrigation benefits even these. The product is of better quality, more uniform in size, coloring and marketable qualities, especially is this true of fruit, and besides the farmer, fruit grower, or gardener is always sure of a crop if he can supplement nature's offerings with artificial irrigation.
Medford Mail, March 9, 1906, page 13

Uses a Big Centrifugal Pump and Gasoline Engine to Lift Water from Creek.
    Of the success of a Jackson County farmer in irrigation by a pumping plant the Medford Tribune has the following :
    "J. G. Gore is completing a plant that will enable him to utilize the waters of Bear Creek in irrigating his orchard two miles south of town. He has installed a four-inch Byron Jackson centrifugal pump that draws water with a six-inch suction, and discharges six inches of water to a height of 26 feet. This empties into a flume and gives sufficient fall to ensure a rapid flow of water, making it possible to put the water on the land very quickly. The flume has a 2x8 bottom and 1x10 side, giving an 8x8 flume. This furnishes a head of water of 400 inches per minute, sufficient quantity to cover the entire orchard. The original plan provided for the use of the pipe, but being unable to obtain the necessary piping the flume, is used as a temporary expedient. Mr. Gore has an excellent setting of both apples and pears and expects the moisture to bring the fruit to a high state of development. The cost of the plant is in the neighborhood of $700 and power is furnished by a gasoline engine."
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, August 3, 1906, page 2

Geological Survey Starts Investigation of the Water Supply
    WASHINGTON. Aug. 25.--The United States Geological Survey has undertaken an investigation of the water supply available for irrigation and other purposes in Rogue River Valley. Extensive cultivation, coupled with the judicious use of water in portions of this valley where irrigation has not been deemed necessary heretofore, has given excellent results and created an increasing demand for water.
    This valley, of which Medford, Grants Pass and Ashland are the leading towns, has an area almost as large as the state of Delaware, a mean annual temperature of 52 degrees and a mean annual rainfall of 21 inches. Peaches, pears, grapes and berries of all kinds are grown in great abundance, but the valley is especially noted for the excellent quality, color and flavor of its Yellow Newtown and Spitzenberg apples, to the production of which the soil and climate appear to be particularly favorable.
    The upper end of the valley is drained by Bear Creek and its tributaries. This stream is subject to heavy winter floods, but becomes almost dry during the summer, and the low water has been practically all appropriated. Any scheme to increase the acreage under irrigation must therefore involve the construction of storage works or long highline ditches from the streams of the lower part of the valley where there is a greater summer flow.
    Regular gauging stations have been established by the survey for the purposes of determining the daily flow as well as the monthly and annual maximum, minimum and mean rates of flow on Bear Creek near Talent, on Little Butte Creek near Eagle Point, on Applegate Creek near Grants Pass and on north fork of Rogue River at Prospect. Occasional measurements also will be made on Big Butte, Elk, Evans, Ashland and Wagner creeks and a number of smaller streams. The work is under the general supervision of J. C. Stevens, the district hydrographer for Oregon.
San Francisco Call, August 26, 1907, page 2



    After expending $150,0000 in preliminary work and surveys, Fred N. Cummings of this city and his associates have taken up the option they have held since March, 1900, on the Fish Lake Ditch Company and the Jackson County Improvement Company, the title passing to them. The purchase price was $425,000. By the terms of the purchase Mr. Cummings and his associates must expend $150,000 additional on construction work within the next 12 months. When completed the project will represent an expenditure of $2,500,000 and will have placed 55,000 acres in the Rogue River Valley under irrigation, aside from 7000 acres the company plans to reclaim on what is known now as "the desert." The deal is the greatest in the history of Southern Oregon.
    For the past year and a half Mr. Cummings has been indefatigably working on his plans to give the Rogue River Valley a first-class irrigation system. He secured an option on the Fish Lake Ditch Company holdings and then began the task of enlisting capital. In this he was successful. Recently the Rogue River Valley Canal Company, with a capital stock of $1,500,000, was incorporated to carry on the work of the Fish Lake Ditch Company and Roguelands, Inc., with a capital stock of a like amount, to supplant the Jackson County Improvement Company. Both are close corporations.
Comprehensive Survey First Made.
    After securing the option on the Fish Lake Ditch Company, Mr. Cummings began a comprehensive survey of the valley, and in this work expended $30,000. One of the terms of the option was that Mr. Cummings should continue construction work on the system. This was done, and to date no less than $150,000 has been expended.
The Officers of the Company.
    The officers of the new company are: Patrick Welsh of Spokane, president; R. K. Neil, vice-president; F. N. Cummings, sole manager; Irving Worthington, chief engineer, and Porter J. Neff, local attorney. Isham N. Smith of Portland heads the legal department. To Mr. Smith's ability is due much credit for the successful conclusion of the deal.
    Within the next few months the company will have all of that land under what is known as the Hopkins Canal, comprising 2700 acres, under water.
Will Expend $2,500,000 in Valley.
    When Mr. Cummings and his associates have completed their plans they will have expended $2,500,000 and will have placed 55,000 acres of land in the Rogue River Valley under irrigation. To complete this task five years will be necessary, although they expect within two years to have three main conduits completed. When completed, the system will be one of the most comprehensive found in any section of the Northwest and will consist of approximately 350 miles of distributing laterals, aside from the main canal from the intake on Little Butte Creek to the Bradshaw drop, which, when enlarged and completed, will have a capacity of 250 second-feet of water. The undertaking is a gigantic one, and it is the greatest individual undertaking in this section.
Are Now Expending $10,000 a Month.
    The company is now expending about $10,000 a month in construction work and surveys. They are also locating what will be known as their high-line canal, which will follow the foothills around the valley above the 401 ranch, Hillcrest and on south to Talent, from where it will swing around the valley back of the Burrell orchards on to the Jacksonville schoolhouse and on to the foothills west of Central Point. An intermediate canal is also under way. This canal will be between the Hopkins, or low-line, canal and the high-line, and will skirt south and circle in just south of Medford. The Hopkins canal is now being enlarged. From these three main canals innumerable laterals are to be constructed, so that each 40-acre tract in the valley will be placed under water.
To Utilize Horse Power.
    From the Bradshaw drop around to Yankee Creek the company will [be] building a high-line canal. In Yankee Creek they will construct a powerhouse, utilizing the fall which they can attain there to lift water into the high-line canal, which will pass through the Owens gap and hug the foothills until Talent is reached. The acreage which this canal will place under water is shown by the fact that it will pass back of the 401, shoot through over the Hazelrigg divide, across the upper end of the Merrick orchard, pass above Hillcrest, cut across Westerlund and swing around the valley about the north line of the Mountain View orchard, near Talent. This will give an altitude high enough for the canal to pass back of the Burrell orchard and cover that immense tract. This canal, when completed, will run close to the Jacksonville school and from thence on north to Central Point.
Will Reclaim Seven Thousand Acres of Land.
    In addition to the irrigation plans the company will reclaim some 7000 acres of land known as "the desert," which is shown to be productive when water is placed upon it.
    Taken all in all, the undertaking is a gigantic one. Before putting a grading outfit in the field, the company expended nearly $30,000 in making a contour map of the valley showing the elevation of every tract. It is proving the greatest individual enterprise in Southern Oregon and one that will mean much to the valley.
Fish Lake Company Organized in 1900.
    It was in 1900 that the Fish Lake Water Company was organized by Hollister, Cal., people, induced so to do by the report of V. T. McCray, who had, as engineer, filed upon the waters of Fish Lake at the southern base of Mt. McLoughlin. The original members of the company were C. D. Vincent, William Palmtag, J. H. Belser, C. B. Williams (since deceased), Leon and Fred Williams, of Hollister, Cal., I. L. Hamilton and V. T. McCray, M. Purdin and the late Rufus Cox of Medford.
Primary Object of the Company.
    The primary object of the company, which is now being carried out by the new owners, was to bring a canal around the foothills so that any portion of the valley north of Talent might be irrigated. They began work on their canal in 1901 and in 1903 had completed 16 miles of ditch to the Bradshaw drop, from which place, the next year, they offered to deliver free to farmers beneath the ditch all the water needed. At first opposition was met, residents claiming that water was not needed, but since that time orchardists have become more or less educated, and over 60 miles of laterals have been constructed.
    Realizing in 1907 that the demand for water would be much greater in the next few years, Mr. McCray conceived the idea of bringing the waters of Four-Mile Lake, lying on the east side of the Cascade divide. By building a dam of probably 40 feet high across a narrow gorge it was estimated that the water could be carried over a low place in the divide between the two lakes and utilized to increase the water supply for the Rogue River Valley. The proper representations were made and the right to the waters of Four-Mile were assigned by the government to the Fish Lake company, which assures their successors of water in plenty for all time.
    In the passing of the Fish Lake company, a corporation which has done much to develop the valley merges into one which may do even more; still it was necessary for the pioneer to come and "show" those who came afterward.
Statement to Water Users.
    For the benefit of the water users in the valley, Mr. Cummings, manager of the new company, has issued the following statement, which gives in a concise form the purposes of the new company, together with its proposition to the public:
    "To the water users of the Rogue River Valley.
    "The Rogue River Valley Canal Company, a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of the state of Oregon, has completed surveys and plans for the enlargement and extension of the Fish Lake Water Company's canals, which it has acquired.
    "The project when completed will serve all that part of the valley lying between the foothills on both sides of Bear Creek, from Talent on the south to Rogue River on the north--a total area of approximately 55,000 acres.
    "It is the company's intention to diligently prosecute the work of construction already commenced. and to be in a position to meet all demands made for irrigation service at as early a date as possible.
    "Lands lying under the Hopkins canal can be supplied with water for the season of 1911, and the company is now prepared to execute contracts for perpetual water rights on any part of this area.
    "That construction may not be delayed on canal lines yet to be built, the company desires an expression from the land owners of the valley as to their needs for water, and to this end will appreciate applications being made so that requirements for construction may be anticipated.
    "The cost of a perpetual water right will be $50 per acre, payable one-fifth (1/5) in cash, the balance in four (4) annual installments, bearing six percent interest.
    "The annual maintenance charge for water delivery will be $2 per acre, per annum, payable at the company's office on or before January 1st of the year in which service is required.
    "Payments on both water rights and maintenance become due and payable only after actual delivery of water to the land.
"FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager."
Medford Mail Tribune, July 15, 1910, page 1

Is Attracting Much Attention from Local Agriculturists--
Will Be of Great Benefit to This Part of Southern Oregon
    The California-Oregon Power Company's experimental irrigation plant, constructed for the purpose of demonstrating the use of the electric motor for lifting water, is now in operation on the company's property in the town of Rogue River.
    An ideal location for the plant was found on the north bank of the river near the Jackson County bridge. For this installation a 2
½-inch belt-driven Byron Jackson centrifugal pump and a 3-h.p. General Electric induction motor is used to elevate 147.4 gallons of water per minute, or 12¼ miner's inches 40 feet above the river at a point opposite the substation.
    The pump is bolted to a concrete foundation eight feet above the surface of the water at the intake. The intake is a three-inch pipe ten feet long with a three-inch foot valve with strainer attached, submerged 24 inches below the surface of the water. The discharge is through 200 feet of four-inch steel pipe.
    In order to decrease the friction loss to a minimum in the discharge, no elbows greater than 45-degree angles were used. It was found preferable to bend the four-inch discharge pipe in places where conditions permitted and make 87-degree five-foot-radius bends after leaving the pump.
    The pump's rotor speed is 1150 revolutions per minute with a rim velocity of 3612 feet per minute.
    The velocity of the water through the intake is 6.8 feet per second with a friction loss of 6 feet.
    The velocity of the water through the discharge pipe is 3.8 feet with a friction loss of 1.47 feet.
    The amount required to overcome resistance in the intake and discharge pipes. including elbows and bends, is 2.07 feet.
    The total head and static and friction is 42.07 feet [sic].
    The 3-horsepower induction motor is placed on a wooden foundation hewn from a tree that was growing near the proposed site.
    The shaft center from the motor to the pump is 18 feet.
    The motor weighs 175 pounds, and its speed is 1800 revolutions per minute.
    For controlling devices two switches are used; one located near the motor and one in a convenient place near the end of the discharge pipe. The motor can be controlled by either switch.
    The water from the discharge flows into a box 12 inches by 33 inches by 14 feet and through a miner's inch measuring board. By box measurement the water is discharged from the pump at the rate of 147.4 gallons per minute. The miner's inch measuring board shows a discharge of 12
½ inches, equivalent to 147 gallons per minute.
Gold Hill News, May 18, 1912, page 6

Get Water on Land; See Things Boom
Says George E. Boos Irrigation Evangel for Valley
    Geo. E. Boos, field representative of the Rogue River Canal Company, was in Gold Hill the other day preaching the gospel of irrigation, and found a sympathetic hearing, as it has come to be commonly agreed that Southern Oregon land, good as it is without water, is better with water, understandingly handled.
    The company which Mr. Boos represents has undertaken to secure contracts for the irrigation of 10,000 acres, and he reports great success in the work of persuading land owners to increase the productivity of their soil.
    The central portion of the valley will be covered by water from the canal extensions of the company, which are to cost $1,500,000, and upon which work will start as soon as the minimum of 10,000 acres which makes the project possible is secured.
    "Water on the land means bigger crops," asserted Mr. Boos. "It means more intensive cultivation, and this means an increase of population. It means a steady, reliable, dependable market for all our agricultural products. It means an annual improvement of our crops, which will bring them to the highest perfection. It means good roads and transportation companies to move our products--consequently lower rates. It means that this valley, endowed with its diversified resources, will become the most famous fruit garden in the West."

Gold Hill News, August 24, 1912, page 1

Between Talent and Jacksonville to Be Built This Summer.
    Announcement was made last night by T. W. Osgood, engineer for the Foothills Irrigation Company, that work on a 30-mile canal from creek above Talent to Jacksonville will be constructed this summer, work to begin as soon as the weather will permit. The cost of the work will total half a million dollars.
    For nearly a year Mr. Osgood has been working on the project, and his efforts have met with great success. One thousand acres were signed up recently in ten days.
    The source of the water supply is Keene Creek, about 12 miles east of Ashland, a canal one mile and a half in length bringing the water over the divide.
    The new canal will cover 8000 acres of the most fertile land in the valley extending along the foothills south and southwest of Medford.
    With the Rogue River Canal Company covering 55,000 acres when completed, the Rogue River Valley will [have] a comprehensive system of irrigation established in the near future covering practically the entire district.
    Mr. Osgood is not in a position to state who are behind him in the venture, but they are believed to be capitalists interested in Southern Oregon property. He declares there is no question about the construction work beginning this summer.--Sun.

Jacksonville Post, March 1, 1913, page 1

    Many attempts have been made to use the direct flow of streams for power purposes, especially for lifting water for irrigation. A cleverly devised power plant has been put in successful operation on the Rogue River near Medford, Oregon, for irrigating an alfalfa field. It consists of four twin pontoons held together by steel cables. The first, or upstream pontoon, is larger than the downstream trailers and supports the rotary pump and speed gears. It is firmly anchored, since it must hold the other three pontoons, which support drums or rollers of large diameter which serve to carry an endless chain of floats. These floats are separated about two feet and are attached by means of stop hinges to two cables which pass over the drums. These floats dip into the water, which flows about five feet per second, causing the endless chain to move upon the drums. The drum on the large pontoon is connected through gears to the rotary pump. This plant accommodates itself to the natural rise or fall of the stream, and it is much less unwieldy than the usual direct flow water wheels of large diameter. When the irrigation .season is over, it is easily towed to a place of safety.
Technical  World Magazine, April 1913, page 308

Irrigation Survey Being Made
    An irrigation survey of a large area near Ashland and Talent is being made by engineers representing the federal government and the state. The plan favored by many farmers is to create an irrigation district covering about 20,000 acres and bond the land for money with which to construct the dam and canals. The work will likely cost near $50 per acre.
    Water would be taken from the Rogue River, which is said to have an annual runoff of more than 3,000,000 acre feet. A dam would divert 250,000 acre-feet, and by storage ten times as much water could be taken for use.
    In Jackson County about 20,000 acres of land is under irrigation, a number of projects having been constructed in recent years. In 1900 about 7000 acres of land was under water. In several places pumping plants have been installed and water is being lifted as high as 60 feet. Gasoline and electric power are being used in the work.

A. H. Harris, "Special Writer Outlines Community Needs of Ashland," Ashland Tidings, December 23, 1915, page 7  Reprinted from the Portland Evening Telegram of Dec. 7.

Waterwheel Runs Power Pump. Fine Crops.
    Just week we accepted an invitation to call on Martin Ehrlwein and look over his efforts at intensive cultivation. We were greatly surprised to see the wonderful vegetable growth in beds, rows and fields of every vegetable used in this vicinity; their healthy condition; and the cleanness of the fields. We understand that previous to its occupancy by Mr. Ehrlwein that same land was much less fertile than other land in the immediate vicinity. However, such knowledge of intensive gardening together with this marvelous climate, and the judicious use of water from his excellent private irrigation system has overcome the many difficulties that confronted him, and has given him one of the finest bits of garden land to be found anywhere. The irrigation plant consists of an ingenious wooden water wheel so maintained that though the river is swift and deep the wheel is fixed in its place and operates a powerful pump which forces a large stream of water into a great tank, from which it is distributed wherever needed.
Gold Hill News, July 1, 1916, page 1

Foots Creek's Irrigation Plan
Petition is signed by 95 percent of the voters in the voting populace.
Organization is omen of vast improvement and greater prosperity in future.
    The petition for the establishing of an irrigation district in the Foots Creek section has been circulated and signed by ninety-five percent of the voters and was filed with the County Court, who have ordered the publication of notices.
    The Foots Creek district will be heard by the County Court November 9th. The project embraces 1200 acres on the south side of Foots Creek and, according to its promoters, but two landowners in the district are opposed to irrigation. Attorney C. M. Thomas of Medford is attending to the legal end of the matter.
    C. W. McDonald, president of the Jackson County Bank, is chairman of the organization, and assisted by a committee composed of G. B. Alden, Charles P. Champlin, D. H. Head and Fritz Iseman from the Farmers' Club of Gold Hill.
    The proposal of an irrigation district in the Foots Creek district is a good omen of the increase of sentiment through the valley for artificial watering. Rain is badly needed at this time.
Gold Hill News, October 21, 1916, page 1

600,000 Talent Irrigation Bonds Sold by Thomas.
    Salem, Jan. 28.--Shortly after arriving in Salem Senator C. M. Thomas made a trip to Portland where he sold the $60,000 Talent district irrigation bonds to the bond house of Freeman, Smith and Camp. It is expected work will start in a few months on the West Talent project, which has been approved by the state engineer and others. This will place water on 3,500 acres.
    The east unit has not yet been decided upon, as sufficient data has not been secured as yet regarding the storage of water. The choice lies between Beaver Creek and Hyatt Prairie, and it is expected data secured during the winter will determine which source is the better, and what work must be done to ensure sufficient water. The runoff last year in the Beaver Creek district was far below normal and necessitated a readjustment in figures previously compiled.
    The water from the West Talent project comes from McDonall Creek, which is a project similar to the Bear Creek project of the Rogue River Canal Company.

Jacksonville Post, February 1, 1919, page 1

    Demand for the Talent municipal irrigation district 6 percent gold bonds. Jackson County, Oregon, being offered this week by Freeman, Smith & Camp Company, is attributed to the fact that they are a direct general tax lien upon 8417 acres of the famous Rogue River Valley lands, 90 percent of which is under cultivation. This district is unusually attractive because such a large percentage of it is under cultivation and income producing at the time of issuing its bonds.
    Freeman, Smith & Camp report that less than $50,000 of the issue remains unsold. The Oregon law regarding the issuance of irrigation bonds is very similar to the California law and equally strong in the way of safeguarding investors.

San Francisco Call, April 17, 1919, page 16

Progress in Reclaiming Lands in This State Generally Satisfactory, Says Engineer Cupper.
    Salem, Aug. 21.--The progress made in reclaiming lands included in Oregon projects investigated jointly by the state and United States Reclamation Service, is a matter of considerable satisfaction to State Engineer Percy A. Cupper, who so expresses himself in a report to F. E. Weymouth, chief engineer of the United States Reclamation Service, Denver, Col. These cooperative investigations have been made under a contract entered into between the state and the Secretary of the Interior on May 5, 1913, following the appropriation of $50,000 by the Oregon legislature for the investigation of Oregon projects in connection with the federal government. Projects investigated under this contract include the Deschutes, Ochoco, Malheur, Silver Lake, Silver Creek, Harney Basin, Talent, Medford and Eagle Point projects.
    Funds expended in the investigation and preliminary survey of these projects, it is pointed out, are returned to the state and federal governments by the districts when they are developed, and the funds are in turn used in the investigation of other sections susceptible to reclamation through irrigation. At the present time there is only $1380.63 remaining in the state fund.
    The projects included in the cooperative investigation are described by Cupper in his report as follows:
*    *    *
    "A very preliminary investigation and report were made on the possibility of irrigation in the Rogue River Valley. This investigation resulted in the organization of the Talent Irrigation District, the Medford Irrigation District and the Eagle Point Irrigation District.
    The Talent Irrigation District includes about 11,000 acres and has succeeded in supplying water to 4240 acres this season with the flood waters of Bear Creek and the waters turned over the divide from Little Applegate. A revision of the plans of this district is necessary on account of the failure of the water supply to measure up to expectations, and it is now proposed to construct a reservoir on Emigrant Creek to store the flood waters of this stream and also to turn in the waters of Keene Creek from the Klamath drainage. The district has issued bonds in the amount of $252,000, and it is expected that it will require $500,000 or $600,000 in addition to fully complete the project. The Talent district was in a very fortunate position, in that it could suspend construction work without serious injury to the project when construction and financial conditions became very adverse this season.
    "The Medford Irrigation District originally included some 20,000 acres of land and investigated many sources of water supply. However, it finally turned to Little Butte Creek as the most feasible source, whereupon the project was cut down to approximately 10,000 acres. The Rogue River Valley Canal Company, which has been operating in Rogue River Valley for a number of years, had certain filings on Little Butte Creek, Fish Lake and Four Mile Lake reservoir sites, and it was necessary to deal with this company in this connection. A contract was entered into whereby the Rogue River Valley Canal Company agreed to do the necessary construction work and deliver water to the district for approximately $110 per acre. It is estimated that the total cost to the district will equal $125 or more per acre.
    "This is a rich agricultural section, largely set with fruit, and the water is badly needed to size up the fruit and, thereby, guarantee a crop every year. Preparations are under way for actual construction work and, except for a legal defect in the procedure leading up to the bond issue, work would be under way at the present time.
    "The Eagle Point Irrigation District proposed to secure water from Big Butte Creek, but has not submitted definite plans and the area is uncertain, though it is not expected to exceed 8000 acres."
Oregon Journal, Portland, August 22, 1920, page 15

    An issue of $1,250,000 Medford (Oregon) Irrigation District 6 percent bonds, exempt from federal income tax and approved as investment for savings banks, trust funds and insurance companies of Oregon, is being offered by Central National Bank of Oakland and Bradford, Wheeden & Co. of this city. The issue is dated January 1, 1921, and due serially from 1927 to 1961. The purpose of the issue is to raise funds for the purchase of the Rogue River Valley Canal Company irrigation system by the Medford district.
Thomas M. Dargie, "Finance and Trade," San Francisco Call, March 22, 1921, page 16

President Medford Irrigation District Makes Public Statement Regarding Water Situation--Contractor Leaves Fish Lake Today.

    "The contractor moved the camp from Fish Lake today, and the Medford Irrigation District will have water for irrigation during the year 1922," said J. A. Perry, president of the Medford Irrigation District, today. "The dam is completed up to 20 feet, and the gates are all in, gate tower completed, so that we can store water sufficient for our needs during the next year. The work on the main canal is nearly completed, and the work of enlarging the canal above the Bradshaw drop, and the Phoenix lateral are progressing very well, and will be completed by early spring.
    "Land owners in the district however should get their land in shape to put the water on. We would advise them to get their ditches laid out and head ditches made as early as possible, so that they may be operated with the least possible trouble. It is no small matter to put water on your land for the first time, and unless the land owners are all ready to take the water when it is given them, they are not going to get the best results, and there will be more or less grief for everyone.
    "So get to work at once and prepare to use the water to the best advantage. The board of directors realizes that there are very few people in the valley who have had any experience in irrigation, and we are arranging for a few public meetings to be held during the next month as an educational campaign. We will have the cooperation of the Oregon Agricultural College, C. C. Cate, county agent, and F. C. Reimer, of the experiment station. These men, together with men who have had large practical experience in using water, will address these meetings, and we hope all the land owners will attend these meetings and get all the information they can.
    "We believe you will get the best results if you have your irrigation ditches laid out by a competent engineer, otherwise you may find when the water is turned into your ditches that they are not properly located, and before you can get them relocated and ready for the water the water will have been turned down to your neighbor. So be sure you have your ditches in the right place, and everything ready, before the time comes to turn in the water."
Medford Mail Tribune, December 21, 1921, page 1

    The turning of water into the main canal of the Medford Irrigation District today is great news. It marks an epoch in the history of Medford and the Rogue River Valley--final success after over a decade of struggle and discouragement.
    With normal weather from now on, the value of irrigation promises to have dramatic and convincing demonstration. In many districts the soil is now hard and dry. An average rainfall from now on would, without irrigation, mean a loss to orchardists of hundreds of thousands of dollars. For blossoms are now set for the largest pear crop in the history of Southern Oregon. Without irrigation this crop could not, by any possibility, be sized up and brought to successful maturity. With irrigation, it can be.
    Like any other fundamental economic change, irrigation must involve a certain period of readjustment. New methods invariably bring new problems and responsibilities. But such readjustments will be successfully made, and in the not very distant future Medford and the Rogue River Valley will look back upon May 5th, 1922, as the dawn of a new era--the establishment of prosperity for the first time, upon a permanent and steadily growing basis.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 5, 1922, page 4


    A million and a quarter dollar irrigation system for Rogue River Valley, irrigating 10,000 acres in the valley this year and with a ditch covering more than 20,000 acres, has just been put into operation. The storage reservoirs are not yet complete but 4100 acre feet of water is in storage for use this season. A $41,000 dam is to be constructed at Four Mile Lake, a $166,000 dam is 80 percent complete at Fish Lake, a $100,000 connecting canal between the two lakes is to be completed this summer. The 15.8 miles of main canal have been completed at a cost of $150,000, and 45 miles of district main canal have been completed at a cost of $385,000 In addition to a 200-mile system of laterals at a cost of $140,000. The final total storage capacity of the reservoirs now under construction will be 31,300 acre feet. Inestimable improvement in crop yield is predicted for the valley as a result of the full capacity operation of the system. Maximum cost per acre $125. Water turned in May 15, 1922.
Irrigation Started in 1850
    To tell correctly of the benefit of irrigation to the Rogue River Valley one would be compelled to fill volumes. To tell correctly of the fight which preceded the formation of several irrigation districts in the Rogue River Valley would fill more volumes. Suffice it to say that irrigation has been practiced in this vicinity since the '50s and numerous water rights have a priority of 1854.
    Within the next two years the six large irrigation projects in the Rogue River valley will be watering approximately 80,000 acres of land. Adding to this the numerous small projects and the privately owned ditches, the total irrigated area will likely reach 75,000 acres.
    The vast increase in crop yields cannot be estimated at the present time but it is known that it will be of immense proportion. The possibilities of the valley can only be imagined; time alone will tell. With a wonderful climate, and varied soils properly irrigated, it is only a question of time until the anti-irrigationist will cease to exist, and therefore cease to knock.
The Medford District
    The Medford irrigation district canal covers 20,000 acres of land in the heart of the valley. Only 10,000 acres of this land can receive water. 9550 acres have been signed up for water. When the last 150 acres have been signed up completing the 10,000 acres there will be no more water. Time will undoubtedly tell who is right, the landowner with the water or the landowner without.
    Unit number one of the great system comprises Four Mile Lake. This beautiful body of water is about two and one-half miles long by about three-fourths mile wide and lies on the summit of the Cascade Range north and east of Mt. McLoughlin. It is said to have a depth of 200 feet and has been found to be deeper than 120 feet in several places. It is stocked with excellent, gamey trout and if fished properly will easily satisfy the most ardent fisherman's desire.
    The old dam built by V. T. McCray, engineer for the old Fish Lake Ditch Co., is to be torn down and a new dam of earth and rock with a concrete facing will be erected. The dam is to be 25 feet in height and tower, outlet and spillway will be concrete. The calculated storage capacity is 16,300 acre-feet with a 20-foot depth of water above the outlet pipes. The amount set aside for the construction of the new dam is $40,000.
Four Mile Lake Canal
    Unit No. 2 is a connecting canal between Four Mile and Fish lakes. This canal diverts the water from Four Mile Creek about 300 feet below the dam and follows around the mountain to a low saddle on the Cascade Range. At this point the water is dumped into a natural drainage channel on the mountainside from which it is picked up by a canal one-half mile in length which carries it across the summit of the Cascades into a natural channel which leads directly into Fish Lake.
    A portion of this canal was completed in 1910 and about 22 percent in 1920. The canal company expects to complete the canal this summer and is preparing to put a steam shovel on the job. The amount which has been set aside for the construction of this canal is $100,000.
    Fish Lake is unit No. 3. Located at the head of the North Fork of Little Butte Creek and just south of Mt. McLoughlin, Fish Lake is approximately the same length and breadth as Four Mile Lake, and is the second storage reservoir for the system.
Dam 80 Percent Complete
    The dam is now estimated as 80 percent complete and is holding more than 4,100 acre-feet of water for this season's use. As soon as the irrigation season is over the work of completing the dam will be resumed. When completed the dam will be approximately 40 feet high. It is constructed of earth and rock and will have concrete tower, outlet and spillway. The reservoir will have a storage capacity of from 12,000 to 15,000 acre-feet depending on the final height of the dam. Work already done on this dam has amounted to $141,000 and it is estimated that the remaining work will cost about $15,000, making the total cost of the third unit in the neighborhood of $166,000.
Concrete Diversion Dams
    Unit No..4 consists of the main canal which is diverted from Little Butte Creek at the Zundell ranch above Lake Creek. Water from the South Fork of Little Butte Creek is diverted into the main canal through a canal one-half mile in length. The diversion dams are of concrete and are well built. The main canal has a capacity of 175 cubic second-feet from the intake to Bradshaw Drop, a distance of 15.8 miles. All flumes are of metal with concrete transitions and will compare favorably with those of the best projects in the country. At the drop there is a concrete bifurcation where the water is divided between the District canal and the Hopkins canal. The cost of constructing the 15.8 miles of main canal and the one-half mile of auxiliary canal from the South Fork of Little Butte Creek to the main canal was approximately $150,000.
The Main Canal
    Unit No. 5 is the District Main Canal. The district accepts delivery of water from the canal company at Bradshaw Drop. This canal is approximately 45 miles in length ending on the west side of the valley just west of Central Point. Many miles of this canal are built through solid rock. The capacity is 90 cubic feet per second at the intake and is gradually reduced toward the end of the canal. There are numerous cuts, fills, flumes, city pipe lines, crossings and two long siphons, the latter being of creosoted fir 44 and 48 inch diameters with concrete inlets, outlets and footings.
    The cost of this canal, which was first put into use on May 14th of this year, was approximately $385,000.
200 Miles of Laterals
    Unit No. 6 is the distribution system which is composed of a large number of small lateral canals totaling about 200 miles and delivering water to about six hundred different landowners. This system of laterals is exceedingly complicated and the expense of construction has been approximately $140,000.
    The above figures are approximate estimates and the overhead has not been figured in making the estimates, the actual construction cost being the only factor taken into consideration. Canal company officials state that the overhead, such as trucking, payment of office force, etc., will likely add 20 percent to the cost of each unit.
Was a Long, Hard Fight
    The final attainment of irrigation in Jackson County reads like a Horatio Alger story of the rewards of persistence. No hero of a juvenile novel ever suffered more disappointments than the proponents of irrigation in their long fight to get water on the land. Many times the attempt was abandoned only to be resumed when the far-sighted and public-spirited land owners realized that Southern Oregon could never achieve her rightful destiny until insurance against drought was obtained. And the only insurance was to put water on the land.
    Campaign after campaign was put on by the Rogue River Canal Company to secure sufficient acreage for an extension of their system, but they all failed. Finally shortly after the opening of the European war an active campaign was inaugurated to form an irrigation district, and with a few active and aggressive leaders and the aid of the newspapers, the property owners finally voted on September 15, 1917, by an overwhelming majority to form a district, and later also by a large majority the district was bonded for $1,250,000,
    Leonard Carpenter was the first president of the irrigation district and under his direction and active leadership the pioneer work was done with W. A. Folger and E. G. Coleman of Phoenix as capable assistants. Later Mr. Carpenter resigned, his place being taken by J. A. Westerlund, J. A. Perry having been elected president of the district some months before. At the expiration of Mr. Westerlund's term the property owners elected N. S. Bennett, the present board consisting of J. A. Perry, president, E. G. Coleman and Mr. Bennett, directors. E. M. Wilson has acted as secretary, Ralph Cowgill is district engineer succeeding R. W. Rea, and Lincoln McCormack has been attorney for the district.
    To all these men the people owe a great debt of gratitude, for all of them have worked most unselfishly and loyally to give Medford the best irrigation system attainable; they have sacrificed time and money for the good of the district, and the present system will stand as a monument to their good citizenship and devotion.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 9, 1922, page C1

An Open Letter to Clients and Friends

Eagle Point Irrigation District Bonds

    MEDFORD, Aug. 2.--Although $150,000 bonds of this issue were reserved especially for residents of Medford and vicinity, already more than $50,000 of the bonds have been sold. It may be impossible to personally meet all my clients and friends before the balance has been sold. This letter is therefore written to get the facts before as many as possible.
Security Absolute
    Nineteen thousand, eight hundred acres are covered under the tax lien of this issue, at the rate of $20.22 per acre. Figured against the choicest land, 6,300 acres, presently to be irrigated, the debt amounts to but $63.49 per acre. The value of these lands is conservatively figured at $1,500,000, while the bond issue amounts to but $400,000. These lands will increase in value and the bonded debt will be reduced by annual payments.
Reason for Low Debt
    Big Butte Creek furnishes the water supply, a positive, adequate, reliable supply. No reservoir is required, only a small diversion dam. No difficult engineering problems are presented. A harmonious organization of farmers, who knew what they wanted, the advice of progressive local bankers, cooperation of expert engineers, and the result was attained. Money was not wasted.
Tax Lien General
    No land under this District can be released until every cent of principal and interest of every fast bond has been paid.
    The lien of these bonds secures the holder in exactly the same way as a school district bond.
Beats 7% Mortgages
    Figure it up. Night and day, year in and year out, these bonds pay interest--there is no period of idle money, no time taken out for reinvestment, no delay in payment of interest, no federal income tax to pay, no expenses and no requests for favors, extensions or delays. Any man who will figure can fully prove this.
Better Security
    In these bonds you have better than 3 to 1 security and the joint and several obligation of 94 owners and their families (that's what it amounts to). The principal and interest is collected through taxes by the Sheriff and the terms of payment are easy, 6% small annual installments over a 25-year period. Yes, and every dollar loaned goes to add more than a dollar in the way of increased value and earning capacity. Mortgages come after tax liens, as you know.
A Time to Play Safe
    All the affairs of the world are not yet settled. Our people have been loaning the world. You cannot afford to go up in the Balkans to collect 8% or 10%, and you cannot afford to pass the best home investment that may be offered in years. You know Eagle Point people. You know they pay their taxes, that they must pay their taxes, and you know that Rogue River Valley land is Gilt Edged Security when so reasonably bonded.
    I have sold bonds for 28 years but have never offered any bond with greater confidence in its security.
    With kindest regards to my friends.
    Temporarily at Medford Hotel. Adv.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 3, 1922, page 4

    Although railroad strike news today was not encouraging, J. E. Mulcahy, general freight agent of the Southern Pacific, informed the Mail Tribune that he was certain there would be no tie up on the S.P. lines, and he is confident that there will be no serious trouble on eastern railroads. "There are too many sane heads on both sides of this controversy," said he, "to make a general walkout possible. I look for a settlement in the near future."
    Mr. Mulcahy has been in the valley several days looking over the fruit prospects from a tonnage standpoint, and he is very enthusiastic over the situation. M. Montgomery, local S.P. agent, predicts there will be 1150 cars of pears shipped from the valley this year, compared to 609 shipped last year. This is the largest pear crop ever produced in Jackson County, and the credit for the increase is universally attributed to irrigation established on a comprehensive scale for the first time this year.

Medford Mail Tribune, August 11, 1922, page 1

    The Talent Irrigation District in the Rogue River Valley effected a saving of about $20,000 in its recent construction operations, according to a statement just issued by district officials. Construction of the huge Emigrant Creek dam, the Ashland lateral and extensions of the distribution system were touched on in the report. A saving on construction is contrary to the usual experience in irrigation district works, the cost usually exceeding original estimates.
    D. C. Henny, consulting engineer of the district, has just rendered what will probably be his final report. The last of the concrete was poured October 12, the last of the metal work was placed October 18, and the superintendent of construction left at the end of the month. One man remained to do a small amount of finishing work on the dam with a small crew to clean up.
    The rains have flooded the lower flat to a point 30 feet above the stream bed level, surplus water passing through the lower 12-inch outlet pipe and through the outlet tunnel gates. About the only work that remains to be done is to grout the contraction joints, and this work will have to wait until the temperature of the concrete has subsided to an approximate level with the temperature of the air.
    Henny reports that the fall rains will prove of great benefit to the district. Completion of the reservoir assures ample supply of water for irrigation throughout the season in 1925. The work was performed under the direction of F. C. Dillard, engineer of the district.
Jackson County News, Medford, November 28, 1924, page 7


    SALEM, Ore., Nov. 25.--The Eagle Point Irrigation District of Jackson County will have to wait a little longer before the state irrigation securities commission promises to extend the guarantee of interest on its $400,000 bonds. The commission told representatives of the district yesterday that it would do so if the cooperation of the people of Jackson County can be obtained. An extension of one and one half years in the guarantee is asked, increasing the present guarantee to five years.
    The commission received crop estimates from Jackson County projects showing that crop returns this year from the Medford Irrigation District were $2,500,000 and from the Talent district $900,000. The former project was developed at a cost of $10,000,000, and the latter at $1,235,000.
    It was declared that the Eagle Point district should make an even better showing considering the development cost.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 25, 1925, page 1

Irrigation Controversy of Long Standing to Be Heard Tomorrow in Circuit Court by Judge Evans of Portland--Many Farmers Interested.
    Judge Walter H. Evans of the circuit court of Portland will open court Monday morning at 9:30 to finish up the determination of the water rights of the Little Butte Creek.
    In 1909 the legislature adopted the present Water Code. It created a water board composed of two superintendents and the state engineer. It provided that on application of any water user on the stream, this board could make surveys and gather information necessary to determining the rights of the parties out of the stream. Everybody who used water out the stream or claimed a right to use it, was brought into the one case.
     In the fall of 1909 the board brought a proceeding to adjudicate the waters of Little Butte Creek. Little Butte Creek runs out of Fish Lake and irrigates a large tract of land in the Little Butte Creek Valley. It has two forks, the North and South Forks, which join at Lake Creek. All of the farmers on the stream have their rights involved in court in this case. Most of them are complaining that the board did not allow them enough water to completely irrigate their lands. Others claim that they are entitled to irrigate more lands than the board allowed. The greatest controversy is between the M. F. Hanley ranch above the forks of the creek, and the Rogue River Valley Canal Company, which brings the water over into the Medford Irrigation District. When the proceeding was started Hanley contested the right of this company and this company contested the right of Hanley, and they settled their differences by a written agreement. The effect of that agreement is to grant Hanley, who has some of the oldest rights on the stream, a first right over the canal company, to 1600 inches of water. The effect of this agreement is in dispute, Hanley now irrigating more than 1500 acres and using about 1200 inches of water. The agreement gave him the right to take 1000 inches around the headgates of the canal company. The other users on the stream below are interested in his being able to do this, because it saves the water for the watershed and therefore for their uses.
    There are some very old rights downstream below the intake of the canal company. Practically all of the users on the stream are opposed to the canal company's taking any water out of the stream until they have had their full requirements. It is contended that some of the land requires much more water per acre than other lands. This is a particularly short water year, and many of the users on the creek were shut off in the summer by the state water board under the decree which the board had made. This, of course, creates a great interest among the farmers as to whether or not their rights are old enough and for enough water to irrigate their lands in the years of short water, as well as in average years. Quite a number of attorneys are representing these various interests, and the case is one which means a great deal to the users concerned.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 28, 1926, page 1

Meeting Held Yesterday with Copco, Banks, O.A.C. and Chamber's Delegate for Unity and Cooperation--Name Norton President.

    An informal meeting of representatives of the Talent, Medford, Eagle Point, Gold Hill and Grants Pass irrigation districts was held at the Hotel Medford on Thursday at which were representatives of the Ashland, Medford and Grants Pass chambers of commerce, the Oregon Irrigation Congress, the California Oregon Power company, the O.A.C. extension service and the Southern Oregon Bankers Association.
    The representatives of the various organizations formed a joint organization for the purpose of more unified and cooperative consideration and action in dealing with the land settlement, production and other features of interest to the respective irrigation districts. Various committees were appointed to handle different phases of the question involved, to the end that there should be a greater coordination of effort amongst the districts and greater cooperation in dealing with the various problems.
    The bankers association of Southern Oregon has actively interested itself in promoting the welfare and development of the respective districts, and it is believed that this joint organization will be a material factor in promoting the interests of the districts and particularly the matter of land settlement, production and marketing problems.
    After affecting a permanent organization and organizing the various departments for active operations, the meeting adjourned, subject to the call of the chairman.
    There were present, representative of the various organizations, the following persons:
    Olen Arnspiger, Talent Irrigation District; E. J. Leach, Medford Irrigation District; J. M. Spencer, Eagle Point Irrigation District; Wilford Allen, Grants Pass district; John Fuller, Ashland Chamber of Commerce; O. S. Blanchard, Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce; C. T. Baker, Medford Chamber of Commerce; H. B. Howell, O.A.C. extension service; Wilford Allen, president Oregon Irrigation Congress; Jack Kerr, California Oregon Power Company; V. O. N. Smith, Southern Oregon Bankers Association; A. D. Norton, Southern Oregon Bankers Association; Vernon Vawter, Southern Oregon Bankers Association.
    A. C. Norton was elected president of the organization and C. T. Baker was elected secretary.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 15, 1927, page 1

Associated Districts of the Rogue Formed Yesterday with H. D. Norton Chairman--Closer Cooperation for Mutual Aid Is Object.

    At a meeting held in the Hotel Medford beginning Saturday noon, the Associated Irrigation Districts of the Rogue River Valley was formed, and a permanent organization formed with H. D. Norton of Grants Pass as chairman, and C. T. Baker, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of this city, as secretary. Each district is to name a member to serve on the executive board.
    The object of the organization is to outline plans for more systematic land settlement, distribution of water, and more coordination and cooperation in general among the irrigation districts.
    The districts represented at the meeting were: The Eagle Point district, the Talent district, the Fort Vannoy district, Grants Pass, the Gold Hill district, the Medford district, and the Southern Pacific railway, and the Medford and Asbestos chambers of commerce.
    It is expected that another meeting will be held within the next two weeks to consider further plans.
    Those present at the meeting, and the districts they represented, were: J. H. French, Trail, Eagle Point district; George L. Davis, Grants Pass; C. E. Weston, Grants Pass; A. S. Rosenbaum, Southern Pacific railroad; J. E. Brown, Eagle Point, director, Eagle Point district; J. M. Spencer, secretary-manager of Eagle Point district; F. C. Dillard, Talent Irrigation District; Ralph P. Cowgill, Medford Irrigation District; E. F. Leach, Medford district; Charles Cook, Grants Pass; E. T. Newbry, Talent district; J. J. Galligan, Gold Hill district; Charles E. Gray, Gold Hill district; W. W. Hittle, Gold Hill district; E. M. Wilson, secretary, Medford district; P. J. Neff, attorney for Medford district; R. L. Ray, director, Medford district; Wilford Allen, Grants Pass, member Oregon Reclamation Congress; J. H. Fuller, Ashland Chamber of Commerce; O. C. Boggs, attorney for Eagle Point district; J. E. Kerr, Copco, Grants Pass; H. D. Willis and J. C. Calkins, Grants Pass; C. T. Baker, Medford Chamber of Commerce, and O. Arnspiger, Talent district.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 22, 1927, page 1

    That the water users of Hopkins Lateral, which includes a large area formed by more than 200 ranchers, have just cause to fight the recently proposed increase in rates from $2.50 per acre to $6.50 was indicated in opinions given by local attorneys at a meeting of the users held last night at the city hall to plan ways and means of preventing such raise from going into effect.
    Financing the action against the Mt. Pitt Irrigation company, which controls the water of the Hopkins Lateral, is at present the main question and a committee is to be appointed by John H. Carkin, temporary chairman, to ascertain the extent of the support to be available from the users. Mr. Carkin was optimistic today that finances would be raised with comparatively little difficulty.
    D. M. Wilson and Ralph Cowgill, according to a report by Court Hall at last night's session, are to prepare a report to be presented at the next hearing of the state public service commission giving information why the rates should not be raised.
    It was also indicated that the water users of the lateral would have the cooperation of the Medford Irrigation District in the present situation.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 7, 1927, page 2

    The suit being heard before Judge Walter H. Evans of Portland, in the circuit court, between farmers of Little Butte and Lake Creek and the Rogue River Canal Company and the Medford Irrigation District for adjudication of the water rights of Little Butte, a case that has been pending since 1909, adjourned this afternoon until January 5, 1927, upon motion of the canal company and the irrigation district, who desired more time for the preparation of evidence.
    A score of water users testified, the burden of their evidence being that they were not allowed sufficient water under the present schedule to properly farm. Between 35 and 40 farms were represented.
    William (Bill) Hanley testified that in 1890 he took out the original water right, and explained the details and history of irrigation in the Little Butte section.
    When asked his age, Hanley replied: "I'm old enough to testify in this case."
Medford Mail Tribune, December 1, 1926, page 3

    The Eagle Point Irrigation District serves 6,100 acres of irrigable land out of 24,300 acres in the boundaries. Water is taken out of Big Butte Creek at Butte Falls, 22 miles above Eagle Point. There are 18 miles of main canal with a capacity of 77 feet. A line of 2,540 feet of wood stave siphon, with a total head of 320 feet, crosses McNeil Creek. The original bonded debt of the district was $400,000, which has been reduced to $395,000--$5,000 having been paid off. These bonds will be retired in twenty years. The bonds and interest require $35,000 a year. The state guaranteed the interest for five years, amounting to $120,000, payable after 1947. The present total debt of the district at the beginning of 1927 was $519,369, including everything. A levy of $10.50 an acre has been made for this year. The water would cost $3.20 per acre for operation and maintenance. The total crops of the irrigation district last year, on 2,290 acres, was as follows:
Pears, boxes $39,276
Apples, boxes 46,950
Field crops, value 27,903
Garden crops 4,628
Livestock     38,875
    Grand total $134,745
    The total value of the Eagle Point irrigation project is conservatively figured at $1,049,334. J. M. Spencer is secretary and manager, with an office at Eagle Point. O. C. Boggs is president, and Frank Brown and J. H. French are directors. Last year physical improvements were made to the value of $22,733. The increase of livestock raised in the district last year is valued at $17,016. New land seeded amounted to 406 acres, and 77 acres were cleared in the district last year. Twenty new families have located in the district the past year. Mr. Spencer expresses the opinion that the one best bet, on account of the continuous flow of water, guaranteeing an abundance of pasturage in the driest season, March 23 till winter rain last year, is dairying.
W. C. Binckley, "Personal Items in Eagle Point," Medford Mail Tribune, June 25, 1927, page 5

    The Medford Irrigation District, which furnishes ample water for many thousands of fertile acres in this valley, is one of the most highly cultivated and settled districts in the West today.
    The past year shows numerous improvements in the system. To prevent seepage losses 10,000 lineal feet of the main canal was lined with concrete at a cost of $38,000; also a section of lava rock on the south side of the Fish Lake dam was lined to prevent excessive leakage. As soon as it is possible old wooden structures are being replaced permanently.
    The district plans on lining from year to year portions of the main canal until about six miles has been lined.
    The outlook for an abundant water supply for 1928 is very promising. There is at this time 10,628 acre-feet of water in Four Mile Lake and 3,773 acre-feet in Fish Lake. This, together with an abundant snowfall in the mountains, assures an adequate supply for the coming season.
    The gross returns from crops in this district in 1927 was more than enough to pay the bonded indebtedness of the district.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1928, page F4

M. F. Hanley and Other Farmers Hold P.S.C. Has No Jurisdiction to Increase Irrigation Rate--Injunction Is Sought,
    SALEM, Ore., Feb. 16--(AP)--Attack on the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission over fixing rates for water for irrigation purposes is the basis of an action filed in circuit court here today by M .F. Hanley and others against the commission's order, fixing a maintenance rate of $6.50 per acre per year for the Public Water Company of the Rogue River Valley.
    It is charged in the complaint that there are about 200 water users in the company and that from 4000 to 5000 acres of land are being irrigated. It is alleged that originally contracts were entered into under a predecessor company to furnish the water at $2.50 an acre, but this was later changed in an order by the Public Service Commission.
    The complaint avers that the rate fixed by the order is unreasonable and unjust and that the Public Water Company is not a public utility and consequently not under the jurisdiction of the commission. An injunction is sought, restraining enforcement of the order.
    The land involved in the above action comes under the Hopkins Lateral, between this city and Central Point.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 16, 1928, page 1

Improvements to Prevent Seepage--Continued Growth Shown Plan to Float Bond Issue for Connecting Lake Canal.
    Considerable improvement work, such as the lining of canals and ditches, will probably be done this year by the Medford Irrigation District, according to plans that were brought up yesterday at a meeting of water users of that district in the armory. A general report revealed the district to be in good condition and that it has been enjoying a continued growth.
    The lining of the canals with concrete will mean added efficiency to the district and will prevent the seepage of water onto orchard and farm lands, which in some cases have been damaged. Loss of water will also be prevented, ensuring a greater supply for the 900 or more users in the district. A bond issue for $73,000 will be floated to provide for the expense of the improvement work, which will include the improving of the connection canal between Fish and Four-Mile lakes, sources for the irrigation district.
    The report of the board of directors of the company showed that the revenue of 1927 from the various crops exceeded the revenues of the two preceding years. The revenue for the last year is as follows.
Pears $1,119,568.00
Apples 147,644.00
Nursery 2,000.00
Prunes 2,600.00
Walnuts 400.00
Cherries 1,055.00
Peaches 748.00
Grapes 885.00
Plums              100.00
    Total from orchards $1,275,000.00
Alfalfa $     35,604.00
Butter, Eggs, Milk, etc. 48,439.00
Misc. Hay 9,769.00
Clover 515.00
Wheat 14,609.00
Cover crops 855.00
Potatoes 2,601.00
Beans 215.00
Peas 700.00
Corn 3,970.00
Onions 135.00
Tomatoes 3,535.00
Pasture 4,210.00
Truck garden  (melons
    and garden) 40,880.00
Strawberries 10,189.00
Can berries      2,753.00
$   178,979.00
    Total 1927 revenue $1,453,979.00
    Total 1925 revenue $1,420,375.00
    Total 1924 revenue $1,388,700.00
    The crops in the district are segregated as follows:
Acres: 1924 1925 1927
Orchards 4750 5000 5300
Alfalfa 2300 2400 1900
Grain   250   460   800
Corn   150   400   500
Truck garden   500   810   900
Pasture   120   200
Miscellaneous                          40
    Total 8070 8860 9640
    These figures show a constant yearly increase in the orchard and truck garden acreages. These two classifications, of course, offer the highest form of intensity and must be interpreted as pointing to a strong condition.
    On the other hand, the decrease in the alfalfa acreage is offset by the increase in the grain acreage, showing the tendency of these acreages to remain constant.
    In regard to the total acreage under water in this district the increase has been very marked, theoretically reflecting in a lower water cost per acre.
    The Medford Irrigation District has a high appraisal and is regarded as one of the best west of the Rocky Mountains. The board of directors recently completed a conservative appraisal of the district as follows:
    Orchard land, largely pears, 5300 acres, value per acre $500, total valuation $2,650,000.00.
    Truck garden land 900 acres, value per acre $225, total valuation $202,500.00.
    Alfalfa, grain, corn land 3209 acres, value per acre $175, total valuation $560,000.00.
    Pasture and miscellaneous land 250 acres, value per acre $50, total valuation $12,000.00. Total acres 9640, total valuation $3,424,500.00.
    Improvements--dwelling houses 511 acres, value per acre $2000, total valuation $1,022,000.00.
    Foreman's houses 31 acres, value per acre $2000, total valuation $62,000.00.
    Bunk houses 9 acres, value per acre $2500, total valuation $22,550.00.
    Barns 330 acres, value per acre $1500, total valuation $495,000.00.
    Total $1,601,500.00.
    Total appraised value of district, $5,026,000.00.
    The bond issue to be floated by the district will be approximately $73,000 and will probably be absorbed by the water users. The water supply for the coming season is expected to be normal, and sufficient to provide for the ordinary needs of the valley ranchers.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 19, 1928, page 8

    The land owners within the Medford Irrigation District, comprising something over nine hundred members, are offering for sale the latter part of this week $75,000 worth of first mortgage bonds. The district directors state the total bonds outstanding, including this issue, will be secured by a first mortgage on the entire ten thousand acres within this Medford Irrigation District, which takes in some of the best lands of the Rogue River Valley running largely south, east and west of Medford and embracing such orchards as Hollywood, Bear Creek, Kenley, Hanson, Hillcrest, and many others of the finest holdings in the valley. It also includes many fine general farms together with all the splendid improvements thereon. The directors state the bonds behind this district, one of the most highly intensified to be found on the entire western coast, are secured many times over, as shown by the conservative appraisal of this district as compared to the total number of bonds outstanding.
    The purpose of this additional $75,000 bond issue is to acquire money with which to line parts of the canal. In past years some bad leaks have developed in these canals. This is particularly true between Four-Mile and Fish lakes where the seepage is great, resulting from the loose pumice formation of the ground. It will, therefore, be necessary to cement-line many portions of the main ditch. Not alone is this true from the standpoint of conservation of water for this coming year, thus avoiding the dry irrigation situation that existed in 1926, but the lining of these ditches is necessary from the standpoint of checking any further seepage with its consequent damage to property along the canal.
    M. N. Hogan of this city, on behalf of the directors, will be in charge of the active sale of these bonds, and will be very glad to give any prospective buyers full information in regard to the advantages of this investment.
    The directors claim a first mortgage on some of the finest farms in the valley offers one of the most secure forms of investment to be brought before the investing public of the Rogue River Valley, that this first mortgage, as represented by these bonds, is only a mortgage of 20 percent of the value of the land and improvements, and that these bonds, bearing about 6½ percent interest, will be rapidly subscribed to by those in the valley who have a surplus on hand.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 21, 1928, page 8

    As a result of a growing demand for systematic study of orchard [omission] particularly regarding irrigation as it relates to both the production and market phases of the industry, directors of the Fruit Growers' League decided at a recent meeting to start an irrigation school here in connection with the O.A.C. extension service, at once.
    Professor C. L. Long, specialist on soils and drainage, and Professor F. E. Price, well-known horticulturalist, will head the course of study and demonstration work which will be carried on in five different orchards in the valley, each of which will be typical of the various kinds of soil to be taken into consideration in planning and care of crops.
    The experimentation and demonstration work included in the school will extend over a period of from five to six years, during which time many new methods in orchard administration are expected to be developed. The orchards in which demonstrations will be conducted are those belonging to Leonard Carpenter, Frank Upton, C. S. Newhall, Paul Scherer and C. C. Cate.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 22, 1928, page 1

    That the Medford Irrigation District's affairs are moving along at a highly satisfactory rate is the statement made today by David H. Rosenberg, president of the board of directors.
    In analyzing the situation, Mr. Rosenberg points out that this work is divided into three phases, namely, the selling of the $75,000 issue of bonds, the engineering work involving the lining of the ditch, and the sale of the delinquent lands of the district.
    In regard to the sale of the district's bonds, which were placed on the market some two weeks ago, the community is responding in splendid shape. Practically every man thus far approached within the district itself has been willing to do his part toward subscribing the total amount required. As a result of this, Mr. M. N. Hogan, who is in charge of this bond sale for the district, feels very optimistic about being able to dispose of the original amount that will be absolutely necessary to sell.
    In regard to the engineering phase, the board of directors have very fortunately been able to secure the services of F. C. Dillard in the capacity of consulting engineer. Mr. Dillard needs no introduction to the people of Southern Oregon, and his knowledge along the line of work that the district is undertaking will be of great assistance to the board.
    Very active work is being done in getting material to the parts of the ditch that must be lined. Work of lining has already started, and it is felt that the next 30 days will see the completion of a high-grade job of ditch lining at places in the main canal which have shown the greatest loss of water.
    The third issue, namely, that of the delinquent lands, which is one of the most important elements that the board has to deal with, is making excellent progress. As a result of the fine cooperation of the realty board, the district has been able to dispose of about 10 percent of the total holdings each week since these lands were first thrown open to the public for purchase. This means that the lands which have heretofore been unproductive both from the standpoint of crops and water tax revenue to the district will again take their place with the other productive units in the Medford Irrigation District.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 23, 1928, page B1

    The Eagle Point Irrigation District board held a meeting Thursday with engineer Rhea Luper, and after a general discussion of the district's affairs a resolution was passed asking the State Reclamation Commission to endeavor to bring together the bondholders on a refinancing proposition under the 1927 law, which provides a fixed liability for each land owner for his portion of the debt and extends the date of the maturity of the bonds.
    This action was taken owing to default in payment of bonds, which became due January 1, 1928.
    If this arrangement can be brought about, and Mr. Luper thinks it can, which is along the same plan as the Grants Pass district, the land owners will be able to take care of the interest and principal as it becomes due and at the same time develop their properties.
    Mr. Luper will take the question up with the State Reclamation Commission at once.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 13, 1928, page 4

    SALEM, Ore., April 14.--(AP)--Application for authority to reorganize has been filed with the state reclamation commission by the Eagle Point Irrigation District of Jackson County.
    It is the plan to reorganize the district on the same plan as recently adopted by the Grants Pass district. This provides that the old bonds be called in, and new ones issued with extensions in time of maturity and interest payments.
    By this method it is expected to straighten out the affairs of the district.
    A meeting of the bondholders and others interested will be called shortly, it is understood.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 14, 1928, page 2

    Owners of 4000 or more acres of land in the Hopkins Canal section north of Medford have drawn up plans this week to form an irrigation district, for the purpose of organizing and solving their problems. Although this section, which lies directly north of the Medford Irrigation District, and has previously been operated by the Pat Welch interests, is one of the oldest irrigation projects in the valley, land owners have never organized it into a district.
    The organization will no doubt be finished within a few days, and it is believed that many of the old problems, including waste, uneven distribution of activity and supply and uncertain responsibility, will be solved, as well as the recent increase in rates by the ditch company.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 16, 1928, page 3

    A solution to the problem that has been confronting the water users of the Hopkins lateral irrigation ditch was reached at a meeting of water users last night with the proposition that the 150 to 200 users under the ditch buy out the interests of the Public Water Company and form a district of their own. A petition favoring the proposition already has been started among the users and today had 37 signers.
    Only 50 signatures are necessary in order to present the matter to the county court, which, if it finds the proposition acceptable, will set a date for an election whereby water users under the lateral can decide by voting whether or not a new district should be formed. However, a much larger number than the 50 signatures will be obtained, according to present plans. The petitions must be signed this week in order that time, as fixed by law, will allow the petitions to be presented to the court as early as possible, which probably will be in early September.
    The proposition of forming a new district was recommended by a committee headed by Victor Bursell as chairman and composed of I. R. Kline, Don Clark, Frank Upton, O. L. Davidson, Mike Hanley, George Hilton Jr., Ned Vilas, W. F. Biddle, Paul Scherer, J. G. Love and Dr. L. A. Salade.
    The water users at present have a suit filed against the Public Water Company to prevent the company from enforcing an increase in rates from $4 per acre per year to $6.50 per year. This rate, contend the users, is prohibitive and would make it impossible for some to use the water.
    if the new district is formed, it will be impossible for some to use the water.
    if the new district is formed, it will be formed under the limited liability plan, which was passed by the last legislature for irrigation districts. The new plan provides that water users who have paid all claims and assessments cannot be held liable for the debts of other users who have failed to pay. The general liability plan holds all users liable for the debts of the district and is in use by most irrigation districts.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 12, 1928, page 5

    SALEM, Ore., Aug. 25.--(AP)--A special board to make an economic survey of the Eagle Point Irrigation District in Jackson County has filed its finding with the state reclamation commission. The report will be used as a basis for a reorganizing and refinancing plan to be prepared by the district bondholders committee, which has been appointed by the commission.
    The economic survey was made by the Oregon experiment station in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture. The officials making the survey were T. A. Ewing, irrigation economist with the federal Department of Agriculture; W.W. McLoughlin, associate chief in the division of agricultural engineering and W. L. Powers, chief of soils at Oregon Agricultural College.
    The bondholders' committee expects to submit its plan directly to the bondholders before asking them for a deposit of bonds. This is a departure from the usual plan, which is to ask for the bond deposit first.
    The district has 6000 irrigatable acres and a total debt of $535,000.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 25, 1928, page 6

    A favorable settlement between the Medford Irrigation District and the public water company, also known as the Pat Welch interests, has been announced by David Rosenberg, president of the district.
    The district gained the administration of the water, entitling it to two-thirds of all water coming from Four Mile and Fish lakes, to be divided at the Bradshaw drop intake above Eagle Point. The remaining third will go to the public water company for use in the Hopkins lateral ditch.

Gold Hill News, March 14, 1929, page 1

    The thirty-fifth legislative assembly, regular session, passed the House joint memorial No. 12, introduced by Representatives Briggs of Ashland, Carkin of Medford and Chinnock of Grants Pass on February 19 of this year. The memorial follows:
    "We, your memorialists, the legislature of the state of Oregon, respectfully represent that:
    "Whereas, throughout this and other western states sparsely settled meritorious irrigation districts have bonded themselves for the construction of irrigation works and incurred obligations involving high interest rates and early maturities; and
    "Whereas, the agricultural depression of the last four years has reduced net income and retarded land settlement to a point where worthy districts are financially embarrassed, and experience with federal reclamation projects has shown that a longer period of time is required to bring these lands into full development than lies within the ability of these projects to provide; and
    "Whereas, it would be good governmental policy to loan federal funds without interest to relieve farmers on existing irrigation district farms who are pioneering development;
    "Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Oregon, the Senate jointly concurring therein:
    "That we do most earnestly petition and memorialize the Congress of the United States to provide financial assistance in refinancing constructed feasible projects on substantially the same basis as the United States reclamation projects with which these projects are in direct competition in amounts not to exceed their economic value as determined by surveys made by federal agencies.
    "That the Secretary of the State of Oregon be and he is authorized and instructed to forthwith forward a copy of this resolution to the honorable Secretary of the Interior and to each member of the Oregon delegation in the national congress."
Medford Mail Tribune, March 18, 1929, page 8

Drainage Experts Confer with County Court on Impending Survey--Intend to Make General Outline This Season.
    R. A. Work, federal engineer, assigned to make a drainage survey of the Rogue River Valley, in Jackson County, and Prof. H. M. Lewis of the Oregon State College, irrigation expert, conferred with the county court this morning upon the work.
    The county court gave assurances that they would pay all expenses up to $1000, and that the county water master and the county engineer stood ready to render whatever assistance needed.
    Prof. Lewis stated it was the intention this season to make a general survey, preparatory to a more intensive survey in the future, if needed.
    He said the principal work now would be to determine if the wet areas had increased since the introduction of irrigation in these parts, if the natural drainage flow of the valley had been altered, and to sink wells where no domestic wells were available, for observations. He said it was the intention to use domestic wells wherever possible, if no windmills were attached.
    Prof. Lewis said that it was his first impression that there was no extravagant use of irrigation water in this section, and that the objective was to remedy defects wherever they existed before they became acute. He said all irrigation districts had their drainage problems.
    Prof. Lewis said that a search was being made for a topographic map of the valley, made years ago. Water Master Cummings said he thought he could locate it, as it was his handicraft.
    The drainage study will cover a wide range, chiefly in the orchard districts, but will also contain data showing what effect the present drainage has on towns and cities.
    County Judge Sparrow informed Prof. Lewis that several local folks argued that "water has quit running downhill, and I wish you would convince them it has not changed its habits."
    A. S. V. Carpenter, chairman of the committee on agriculture and commerce, appeared with the engineers and said that the Medford Irrigation District would contribute $250 towards the expense, and that the Talent Irrigation District would be broached for a donation.
    H. M. McLaughlin, divisional reclamation engineer scheduled to be here to assist in the laying out of the survey, telegraphed that he would be unable to come, Mr. Carpenter said.
    The drainage survey is now underway and will be in full swing in a week or ten days.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 24, 1929, page 5

    SALEM, Ore., Aug. 20.--(AP)--State engineer Luper has returned from California, where he conferred with bondholders and bond dealers interested in several Oregon irrigation districts now being reorganized. Luper says that he is receiving the full cooperation of all California investment bankers and that the general attitude of all bondholders is to extend full cooperation. He conferred with representatives of bondholders of the Ochoco, Grants Pass, Warm Springs, Crook County Improvement District, Deschutes County Municipal Improvement District, Eagle Point and Summer Lake.
    Luper said that the reorganization of the Grants Pass and Warm Springs district, now almost complete, is proceeding satisfactorily. All of the bonds of these districts have been located and practically all of the California bondholders have signified their acceptance of the plans of reorganization submitted by the state reclamation commission.
    Tentative agreements were also reached relative to the reorganization of the Crook County and Eagle Point irrigation districts, and a representative of the bondholders' committee will be in Salem the latter part of this week for the purpose of making final arrangements for reorganization of the Deschutes County Municipal Improvement District.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 20, 1929, page B2

    EAGLE POINT, Ore., Aug. 20.--(Special.)--Chas. J. Van Zile, auditor for the irrigation districts of Oregon, is now in Eagle Point working on the records of the Eagle Point Irrigation District. Mr. Van Zile is very much pleased with the manner in which the irrigation records have been kept by the secretary. He is, however, making some few changes in the manner of keeping the records in order to make them more uniform with other districts.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 20, 1929, page B6

    At a board of irrigation meeting held Tuesday at Talent, it was decided to shut off all water September 15. The district commenced using water about April 1. There has been plenty of water for everyone in the district, and the season is closing with about 1500 acre-feet in the Hyatt Prairie reservoir that will be held for next season.
    There are about 12,000 acres subject to irrigation in this district and the district has watered over 9000 acres this year.
    The estimated season's crop will show better than a million dollars for 1929, a substantial gain.
    The members of the board are E. T. Newbry, president; R. E. Robison and C. A. Brown. O. Arnspiger is secretary and manager and C. M. Thomas is attorney.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 5, 1929, page 3

Salem Conference Tomorrow for Agreement on Purchase Interest Public Water Co.--$192,600 Previously Offered.
    At a conference in Salem tomorrow an effort will be made to reach an agreement whereby the Rogue River Valley Irrigation District may purchase from the Public Water Company of Jackson County the remaining interest of the latter in the Little Butte Creek irrigation system.
    Participating in the conference will be the state reclamation commission, the directors of the Rogue River Valley Irrigation District and the officers of the Public Water Company.
    At a meeting several weeks ago the Rogue River Valley District proposed tentatively to pay the Public Water Company $192,600 in cash or $212,000 in district bonds at 90. The reclamation commission objected to certain items in the proposed cash purchase and to the discount of 10 points on the bonds. To iron out these objections will be the purpose of the conference tomorrow.
    The Rogue River Valley Irrigation District owns 4774 acres north of and adjoining Medford, 4345 of which is in a high state of cultivation. If the deal is completed, the district will be in partnership with the Medford Irrigation District, while the Public Water Company will be eliminated.
Medford Mail Tribune, Nov
ember 19, 1929, page 1

Rogue Valley District Purchase of Irrigation Works Authorized at $200,000--Bond Election Next Step in December.
    SALEM, Ore., Nov. 21.--(AP)--The Rogue River Valley Irrigation District of Jackson County was yesterday authorized by the state reclamation commission to purchase irrigation works from the Public Water Company, paying for them with about $200,000 irrigation district bonds at 95.
    The district had previously proposed that it pay $196,000 cash or $212,000 in bonds at 90. To both proposals the commission had objections. The commission believed a 10-point discount was unreasonable.
    The works purchased were formerly held by the Little Butte Creek Irrigation District.
    According to local officials of the new irrigation district, this settlement is entirely satisfactory and means that the bond election will be called as soon as preliminaries can be arranged--probably early in December.
    That the bonds will be voted is regarded as a matter of course. Following such authorization the district will take over the properties and rights of the Public Water Company, and there will be a new irrigation district in operation, where the old Hopkins lateral used to be.
    A. E. Reames and Ray Moran represented the Welch Public Water Co. interests at the Salem meeting, while John Carkin and engineer Frank Dillard represented the new Rogue River Valley Irrigation District.
Medford Mail Tribune, Nov
ember 21, 1929, page 1

    Little except routine business was transacted by the county court at its regular session today.
    Olen Arnspiger, secretary-manager of the Talent Irrigation District, appeared before the court and requested that the county repair and rebuild three or four bridges over irrigation ditches, as provided in a bill passed by the last session of the legislature. This law requires that the counties maintain bridges over irrigation ditches, if the bridges were constructed before 1922.
    Arnspiger said that the bridges were on the west Talent lateral, and that a couple had suffered from heavy hauling the past summer.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 13, 1929, page 3

Irrigation Makes Eagle Point District Blossom in Agricultural Wealth
    Through the fields of clover--Eagle Point is blossoming into one of the most outstanding agricultural sections of Southern Oregon. Acre after acre of this unique crop can be seen from the highway and the side roads winding in and out around the district.
    The Alsike variety, from which most of the hay is obtained for Eagle Point stock, nods a graceful approval of the quantity of water available in this district [and] rises around three feet above the ground and runs from four or five tons to the acre. Excellent for pasture as well as cut hay, the clover is now generally cultivated by the farmers of this section.
    Supplementing this are fields now being planted in Ladino, which is essentially a pasture clover. This rises around 16 inches from the ground and is a commercial variety, the seed selling for an almost fabulous sum, according to the ranchers of that district. Alfalfa also holds its place among the Eagle Point crops and thrives in the rich, irrigated soil.
    A country of rolling hills, the Eagle Point Irrigation District is full of surprises. Patches of apparently unproductive land, with scarcely a green blade of grass visible, give way, as one rounds a bend in the road, to a panorama of orchard land and clover fields.
    Chicken farms, turkey farms, herds of sheep, and pastures full of grazing cattle are familiar sights and round out the productive possibilities of the locality.
    According to a report of R. T. Seaman, ambitious young manager of the district, who checks up both the crop total and the expenditures of the district, there were close to 10,000 turkeys raised in and around Eagle Point this year. Between 50 and 60 percent of the crop have been shipped out of the early markets, while the rest will be saved until the Christmas and New Year's shipments.
    The dairying herds of the district are also being built up to a remarkable degree, the number of cattle being double what it was two years ago. Sheep too, including the regular large herds and the farm flocks, have doubled in number during that time.
    Chicken farms are also on the increase, the five largest ranches of the section boasting over 1000 hens apiece, in addition to the numerous smaller ones.
   Thoroughly enthused with his work and sold on the district, Mr. Seaman asserts, without qualification, that Eagle Point has greater possibilities than any section in Oregon for diversified farming. That the best record in the state has been made here during the past two years was further cited by him as proof. Colonization, improvement of land and a variety of agricultural interests are responsible, he says, for its development.
    Among the latest flares proposed there is the establishment of a muskrat farm a few miles out from the little city.
    The quantity of land sold along Rogue River to wealthy Californians for cabin sites during the past two years has turned considerable attention of outsiders to the possibilities  of this district, as the Rogue River retreats from a line adjacent to the Eagle Point section.
    Engaged in checking the crop total for this year, Mr. Seaman estimates that the district will clear around $335,000, as against a total last year of $206,000.  One reason for this of course is better prices, better crops, and the addition of 600 acres to the irrigated area since last year. There has been a 1400-acre increase during the past two years, making a total of 3800 acres of irrigated land now in the district. Four hundred more acres are now in the process of improvement by farmers wishing to add it to the irrigation district.
    The soil around Eagle Point is particularly good for pears, according to manager Seaman, being the same variety as that in the Hillcrest and Foothills orchards. Smudging is never necessary here either, he says, due to the protection afforded by the foothills.
    The old Kubli tract, situated along the Brownsboro road in the district, has recently attracted the attention of a group of Medford residents, and 57 acres of it are now in the possession of O. C. Boggs, Glen Fabrick, J. C. Hopper and O. O. Alenderfer. Twenty acres more of it have been purchased by James Roseberry of Eagle Point.
    The administration of the Eagle Point district is in the hands of O. C. Boggs, president, Frank Brown and J. H. French, the two latter of Eagle Point. With this trio, and manager Seaman--all tireless workers in the interest of the district--at the helm, it is small wonder that Eagle Point has made the progress it has in the past two years.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 17, 1929, page 4

Snow and Rain Supply Reservoir Average Despite Previous Long Drought--
Snowfall Short in Crater Lake District.
    Figures to date in the watermaster's department, Fred N. Cummings, supervisor, indicate this will be a good water year for the farmers and orchardists of the Rogue River Valley. The snows and rains of February and the spring thaw will fill the irrigation reservoirs of Southern Oregon to more than the normal 40,000 acre-feet.
    Supervisor Cummings said today that present conditions were ideal, and prospects exceedingly favorable.
    In the four principal irrigation reservoirs of Southern Oregon there are 10,505 acre-feet of water by a rough reading, as follows:
    Fish Lake, 3,005 acre-feet; normal 7,500 feet.
    Emigrant Dam, 5,000 acre-feet; normal 8,000 feet.
    Hyatt Prairie, 2,500 acre-feet; normal 12,000 feet.
    Four-Mile Lake, 3,000 acre-feet; normal 12,000 feet.
    This is a fourth of the regular storage, despite the long dry fall without a substantial rain.
    Emigrant Dam and Hyatt Prairie are at normal height for this time of the year and will fill with the spring rains and the melting snows in the Siskiyous.
    Olen Arnspiger, manager of the Talent Irrigation District, says that with average weather conditions over the tail end of winter, both these reservoirs will be filled to overflowing.
Lake Snow Short.
    The greatest snowfall shortage to date is at Crater Lake, with a [snow]fall of six or seven feet, when usually there is 12 to 14 feet at this time.
    Watermaster Cummings says that at the present time the ground is full of water, the springs are full and flowing free, and the rivers are all bank-full. With the heavy water content in the ground this year the rivers will maintain a higher level than last year, when they reached record low marks.
    Readings on the snowfall to date, but not complete, are:
    Anna Springs station, January 21, 25 inches snow, water content 10 inches.
    Bill Creek Divide station, January 19, 28.5 inches snow, water content 6.75 inches.
    Hyatt Prairie station, January 9, 9.5 inches snow, water content 2 inches, and January 20 reading 15.5 inches, water content 3.75 inches.
    Siskiyou station, January 9, 11.75 inches snow, water content 2.25 inches, and January 21, 13.25 inches snow, water content 3.25 inches.
    It is estimated that three inches of water has fallen over the area in the water storm, most of which soaked into the ground, to raise the water table later.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 28, 1930, page 1

Ditch Line from Squaw Lake To Be Enlarged by Expenditure of $600,000 Is Report.
    The Medford Water Power and Development Company, represented by Harry Hutton and Fred J. Blakeley, appeared before the county court today and asked that the road from Buncom to Sterling be placed in shape for smooth auto travel, as it is now badly rutted and in dire need of being ironed out. Mr. Blakeley explained that a number of backers--coast and eastern--of the project were due in the city shortly, and he did not care to jolt them by a trip over the present route. It was also explained that the road was used for mail and general traffic. The county court assured the delegation that the road would be fixed at once.
    It was explained to the county court that plans were now near consummation for the expenditure of about $600,000 in the construction of the ditch line from the Squaw Lakes to the Sterling mine and carrying water for irrigation into the Griffin Creek district and that section lying along the Jacksonville foothills, and as far north as Gold Hill, land nominally embraced in the Rogue River Valley Irrigation District, but which is open to enlargement and has not sufficient water to satisfy the demand expected.
Water for Mining
    The Medford Water Power and Development Company was first broached last summer and has been in course of formation since. the major portion of the ditch line from Squaw Lake to Sterling was surveyed last fall. One of the main objects of the company is to hydraulic the upper levels of the Sterling mine and adjacent ground, thought to be rich in gold, but left idle because of lack of water and mining facilities.
    The Sterling mine is now in full blast and making a "better than usual showing."
    A prospectus has been issued recently by the Medford Water Power and Development Company. It is capitalized at $1,750,000, and announces as its purpose the supplying of water for irrigation, municipalities and domestic use, to generate power and sell the same.
    A map is printed showing the district from Squaw Lake to Gold Hill and east to Eagle Point, showing that 50,000 acres are available for irrigation.
    Testimonials of Pacific Coast engineers attesting to the feasibility of the project, and letters from the four banks of Medford stating the value and need of irrigation are printed. Views of Squaw Lakes, the valley, orchards, and the general country are shown.
    The prospectus stresses the fact that "water is king in the Rogue River Valley," for land and mine development. It is a plain, conservative, businesslike statement of facts without any "boom literature" embellishments.   
Medford Mail Tribune, March 12, 1930, page 3

    The benefits of irrigation were told members of the Medford Kiwanis Club at noon today by O. O. Arnspiger of Talent Irrigation District, who declared the Medford and Talent districts had gross fruit crop returns of $3,388,271, or an approximate half of the entire return of fruit in the county. Value of all crops grown in these two districts was five million dollars or an average return of $220 per acre.
    The two districts have a total acreage of 18,200, of which 9200 acres are in the Medford district. If it had not been for irrigation during the past two years, orchardists would have realized only a one-third crop. The present irrigation fees may be considered high by the small farmer but are regarded cheap by orchardists, paying on average of only 7½ percent on the gross returns of crops.
    There is a water shortage threatening, but the seriousness is still unknown. However, water restrictions will be strictly enforced, Mr. Arnspiger said. He also indicated crop prospects are good, barring a heavy freeze.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 7, 1930, page 2

    Pursuant to the advice of irrigation superintendents, farmers and orchardists of the Rogue River Valley are irrigating their orchards and lands, with natural flow and creek waters now available, in preparation for a dry season similar to 1926.
    The main tenor of the advice is get "a heavy mulch on the ground and keep it there."
    Water was turned in Saturday in the Hopkins Lateral ditch, supplying the newly formed Rogue River Irrigation District in the Central Point area, and many of the water users irrigated their fields and orchards Sunday.
    The water will be turned into the Medford Irrigation District ditch, and used on West Side fields and orchards. Repairs are now under way on the ditch.
    According to irrigation authorities, the soil is well soaked now, with what they call the "ground flow," and the added irrigation water keeps it at the level.
    The "runoff," usually coming in June, is now at its peak, and future readings of water levels in the irrigation reservoirs are expected to show slight increase. A light snowfall in the high hills cut down the runoff.
    According to Ole Arnspiger and Frank Dillard, a few showers between now and June would be a blessing and aid materially. They say it is too early to make any accurate survey of the water situation, that there is no cause for alarm, but it is "best to play safe."
Medford Mail Tribune, April 8, 1930, page 6

(By Mary O. Carey)
    EDEN PRECINCT, May 16.--(Sp.)--On Monday of this week I was taken over to the little place belonging to S. P. Hunter just west of the depot at Phoenix. I found a nice modern home with as fine a young orchard surrounding it as I have seen in the valley for the age of the trees.
    The five-year-old apricot and peach trees were loaded, and they had been heavily thinned. Mr. Hunter has all kinds of berry and grape vines, all in bearing.
    All of that section has been transformed since the Talent Irrigation Company put water on the land. There are fine fields of alfalfa and ladino clover and acres of peaches and other fruit trees, all looking fine.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 16, 1930, page B5

    Storage water from the Fish Lake reserve was released Wednesday morning, according to Edward Leach, manager of the Medford Irrigation District. It will probably take three days for the water to reach the floor of the valley, he stated this morning.
    Water users are urged to make as economical use of water as possible, and should desist from undue use and waste. The supply which is being released will last about seven weeks.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 12, 1930, page 3

To the Editor:
    Did it ever occur to you that the reason Medford today is classed as "A Twelve-Million-Dollar City" is the existence of the five irrigation systems which are tributary to Medford? This brings up the thought what will continue the advancement of Medford when no more water is available to make the desert blossom as the rose.
    The state watermaster will tell you, if you interview him, that there is practically no more water available from any of the streams flowing into Rogue River, and none from the river itself, aside from flood water. It is true there are quite a number of reservoir sites which can be utilized, but they will only partly supply the future demand.
    This fact alone stresses the importance of the Squaw Lake development project. When the mines are completely exhausted the water pipe in from this source will open up a tract of mountain-slope land of several thousand acres which would otherwise remain as it is now, waste land in brush for all time. With water added to the fertility of this land, it will prove among the most profitable in Southern Oregon. As we understand it, the pressure from the higher pipe line will enable the grower to install the Skinner irrigating system, which in addition to a water supply will prolong the season indefinitely in the fall, when fresh tomatoes double in value, and at least one-half of [the] entire setting is green on the vines and can be made marketable by ripening after the first frost.
    The next big undertaking in this valley will be either a proper financing of our present cannery, or the installation of a new plant of sufficient capacity to handle the bulk of our Bartlett pear crop. The grower thinks that the proper course would be to enable the present cannery to expand to fill the field because of the very satisfactory service they have rendered in the past, and because of the fact that they know the requirements of the trade and have their market already established. A large proportion of their trade is foreign, and the men overseas prefer the pears from this valley to anything else offering. Like the timber business, however, it requires large capital to handle properly, and a banker recently stated here that similar propositions to the north have paid 15 percent profit yearly, even if handicapped by freight two ways, and no local production of either pears or tomatoes, which are in perfection in this valley.
    This development is very important, and we learn an oldtimer will devote an hour to broadcasting over KMED from eight to nine o'clock tomorrow, Monday evening, his views of the matter. We think it advisable to listen in, for the time is even now at hand when this will be the only available source of supply for water for irrigating gardens or orchards in the foothills.
    W. H. HOLMES.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 15, 1930, page 3

Storage Supply in Fish and Four-Mile Lakes Exhausted--
Stream Flow Will Suffice.

    Owing to the exhaustion of irrigation storage waters at Fish and Four Mile lakes, chief source of supply for the Medford Irrigation District, the water will be rotated to users, E. J. Leach, manager of the district, said today. It will be shut off for four days each week, from the west side, while flowing on the east side, and vice versa. This will aid in conservation of water, and distribute its benefits over a wider area.
    In the Talent Irrigation District it is figured by manager Olen Arnspiger that sufficient water is on hand to last until August 1.
    The situation is not as bad as it sounds, or street and country rumors would indicate, manager Leach said this morning. The ground is in good shape, and the orchards and grain will come out in good shape. The late garden stuff prospect is not so rosy. August showers and early fall rains would relieve the situation.
Use Natural Flow.
    The irrigation districts are now using the natural flow of the streams and the "bank run" of the reservoirs. The "bank run" is the seepage water that flows into the reservoirs, as the water goes. It is not much, but it helps.
    Manager Leach further said, "I see no cause for alarm," and decried the alarmist talk which sprang up the first of the week throughout the county.
    T. G. Bradley, superintendent of the California Oregon Power Company, said the present year the records of that company showed was the driest in history, and that at the present time the waterways were carrying "but 50 percent of their natural runway." The driest previous year was 1926, when the runoff was 60 percent.
    Fruitmen, gardeners and farmers are now profiting by the thorough soaking they gave the ground last spring.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 17, 1930, page 1

Federal and State Experts Here for Conference with Orchardists--
Survey Data Studied.
    Drainage experts of the government and state were conferring this afternoon with local orchardists anent plans for the securing of a drainage program for the Rogue River Valley and the collection of data necessary for the scientific carry-on of the work.
    The conferees are: W. W. McLaughlin, San Francisco, associate chief, western division, Department of Agricultural Engineering, J. T. Jardine, director of experiment stations, Oregon State College, Prof. M. R. Lewis, irrigation engineer, Oregon State College, Prof. F. C. Reimer, head of the Southern Oregon Experiment Station at Talent, Arch Work, resident Department of Agriculture engineer, E. W. Carlton, president of the Fruitgrowers League, and A. S. V. Carpenter, chairman of the trade, commerce and agricultural committee.
Study Survey
    Data collected by engineer Arch Work in his drainage survey of the valley will be studied and play an important part, it is expected, in any drainage program adopted later.
    There is no drainage problem of any moment existing now, but with heavy irrigation there could be one of considerable seriousness, and the Fruitgrowers League, sponsors of the drainage survey and program, are taking the drainage problem by the forelock, as insurance against future trouble.
    The visiting officials will be taken over the valley to see the situation first hand, and will spend tomorrow here observing local conditions.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 3, 1930, page 4

    The Medford Irrigation District, in accordance with a water conservation policy, is installing steel gates throughout its system. In the past month 34 steel gates have been put in place, and 14 more are ready for installation. All the wooden gates of the district will be replaced with steel gates as fast as finances will permit, and it is expected to have the entire system "steel-gated" by next summer.
    The steel gates are water-tight and are operated with a wheel and screw lift device. The life of a wooden gate is about six years, and a steel gate is practically eternal. Manager E. J. Leach of the Medford district says the steel gates will pay for themselves through saving water.
    Manager Leach says that in six months the average leaky wooden gate will lose sufficient water to irrigate 4.5 acres for a season to the full allowance, valued at $10.16 per acre-foot. He asserts a leaky gate loses .02 of a cubic foot per second, or 7.1 a.m. for a season. At the going irrigation rates this amounts to $72.19, or more than enough to pay for the steel gate a couple of times.
    Besides the above loss, there is the loss of land from seepage, the loss of revenue from waterlogged land, and cost of extra labor to repair the wooden gates and clean the ditches.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 17, 1930, page 5

Medford Irrigation District Votes Merging of Management with Talent Water System.
    The board of directors of the Medford Irrigation District, at a meeting this morning, voted to merge their management with that of the Talent Irrigation District and effective Thursday, January 15, Olen Arnspiger will be general manager of the two districts. The Talent Irrigation District previously voted approval of the plan. Arnspiger is manager of that district.
    The two districts will maintain their finances and water rights separately under the new order.
    David H. Rosenberg, a director of the Medford district, said this morning that the move was made in "the interests of efficiency and economy," and had been contemplated for some time. The directors felt that owing to the smallness of the two districts both could be handled with one management, "resulting in a substantial saving."
    Another item bringing about the change of policy was the similarity of interests of the two merging districts and the fact that both were in the same territory.

Medford Mail Tribune, January 12, 1931, page 1

Prof. Lewis of O.S.C. and Prof. Fisher of Federal Department To Select Test Tract for Study.
    Prof. C. I. Lewis of the Oregon State College, chief of irrigation and drainage engineering for that institution, arrived yesterday for a week's conference and inspection of the local irrigation and drainage situation. Prof. E. F. Fisher of Washington, D.C., of horticultural department of the plant bureau, Department of Agriculture, will also arrive this week for a conference with Prof. Lewis and local fruitgrowers.
    Among the matters to be considered will be the selection of a site for the establishment of an orchard tract where drainage and irrigation problems can be studied. The site will contain, as far as possible, all local general water problems.
    The project is financed chiefly through federal funds secured through the efforts of  Senator Charles H. McNary and Congressman W. C. Hawley.
Collecting Data.
    Collection of data, under the direction of Arch Work, resident drainage engineer, is continuing, and maps and data on 60 percent of the orchards of the valley have been established. Logs are kept of the 100 test wells drilled throughout the orchard sections.
    The maps show that in some tracts the water level is practically at the grass roots and varies down to normal, and that the drainage, while not serious now, can develop into a serious problem.
    State and federal authorities are now mapping a program whereby the ills of irrigation and drainage can be controlled by systematic use of water.
    Decks have been cleared for the construction of the Table Rock drainage district--the first to be established in the valley. It includes the E. W. Carleton, Capt. Tuttle, Modoc Orchard and other adjacent tracts. The tiling has been distributed and Contractor R. I. Stuart will start work at once. It will be completed in time for use this season.

Medford Mail Tribune, March 31, 1931, page 4

    E. F. Fisher of the Department of Agriculture, horticultural crop division, Washington, D.C., and W. W. McLaughlin of the western division, federal reclamation service, San Francisco, will arrive tomorrow for an inspection of the valley drainage situation and conferences with fruitgrowers and county court on a drainage program.
    J. T. Jardine, director of experiment stations of Oregon State College, Corvallis, will join the group Saturday.
    Prof. M. R. Lewis, irrigation and soil engineer of the Oregon State College, has been on the ground all week.
    The federal and state college officials will decide upon a program policy based on the wishes of local fruitmen and conditions as revealed from data and maps collected by resident engineer Arch Work.
    It is possible that an educational campaign on the use of irrigation will be inaugurated, to cut down the evils of over-irrigation and resultant stagnant sloughs on and beneath the surface.

Medford Mail Tribune, April 2, 1931, page 5

Published Threat to Tell Meier Strikes No Terror--
Fund Handling Method Is Explained by Attorney
    A published threat to tell the irrigation district financial troubles of this county to Governor Julius Meier, and demanding a grand jury investigation thereof, brought from the county officials and O. C. Boggs, president and attorney for the Eagle Point Irrigation District, the expression that there was nothing for the grand jury to investigate and nothing to tell Governor Meier.
    The funds of the irrigation district are separate and apart from Jackson County funds, and there is no irrigation district money in the general county fund or any other county fund.
    The irrigation laws of Oregon, which are numerous and conflicting due to tinkering by each legislative session, provide that the county clerk be ex-officio clerk of irrigation, and that the county treasurer be ex-officio treasurer. This is the condition in this county.
Clerk Makes Warrants
    The law also provides that the clerk ex-officio make out the irrigation district warrants upon the orders of the board of directors of the irrigation district. If the treasurer ex-officio has irrigation district funds on hand sufficient to pay, he does so, and if not, he marks them "not paid because of lack of funds." When funds are available the warrants are paid in the order of their issuance. This is the procedure.
    For instance, this morning the county treasurer marked paid a $2050 warrant on the Talent Irrigation District, issued last December 30, when it was issued as a protested irrigation warrant.
    The same procedure has been followed with the Eagle Point district since its organization. This district started with a $25,000 indebtedness and has always been under a warrant indebtedness handicap.
Many Laws
    County officials and irrigation district officials set forth that there was considerable misunderstanding anent irrigation district funds and management, due to the multiplicity of laws which made their interpretation confusing alike to the lawyer and the layman, but in any discussion there were the following points to be borne in mind:
    That the funds of Jackson County, or its general funds, are separate and apart from any irrigation district funds, and are never mixed.
    That the county court has nothing whatsoever to do, in any way whatsoever, with the operation or finances of any irrigation district.
    That the county clerk and the county treasurer are directed by law to act in their respective duties for the irrigation district, to save the irrigation districts the expense of the two positions, and that they act under direct orders from the irrigation district board of directors.
    That a depletion of any irrigation district funds is not due to any act of the county, but more likely to failure of irrigation district water users to pay assessments, and that the funds of the county are not available for irrigation district use, or vice versa, and that the county treasurer is only custodian of the irrigation district funds.

Medford Mail Tribune, May 29, 1931, page 1

    SALEM, Ore, June 27.--(AP)--Application to appropriate 284 second-feet of water from the main creek and the west fork of Evans Creek, for the irrigation of 17,000 acres of land in Jackson County, was filed with the state engineer today by Eric Wold and Herman D. Powell of Medford. The tiling was the only one recorded of any proportion during the week, C. E. Stricklin, state engineer, announced.
    The land for which irrigation water is asked of the states is located in the Evans Creek country, it was learned here today. The farmers of the locality are very anxious for the project to be accomplished, as the need for water is great. Mr. Powell and Mr. Wold of this city are spending the weekend in the Evans Creek community, completing plans relative to the request filed with the state engineer.

Medford Mail Tribune, June 27, 1931, page 2

    The flume of the Eagle Point Irrigation District broke Sunday afternoon at a point three miles below Butte Falls. Waters rushed down the side of a red clay mountain, turned Rogue River chocolate-colored and ruined the first of the week fishing. The flume broke at approximately the same point last spring, with the same results. The break is now repaired.
    Water Master Fred N. Cummings said that the loss of water would not be felt, as the Eagle Point district derives its supply from Big Butte Creek and is the only irrigation district in Southern Oregon with anywhere near a supply of water. The Eagle Point district will not have its full quota, but will have "plenty," the water master said.
    Measurement of Rogue River today showed the stream to be 40 second-feet below its previous low mark.
    According to Olen Arnspiger, manager of the Talent Irrigation District, the water supply for this year has been exhausted, and the reservoirs drained. The same condition exists in the Medford Irrigation District, and the Hopkins lateral district.
    Arnspiger says that several of the larger orchards are digging wells to secure water for the irrigation of the late pears, and that the Bear Creek orchard, Rosenberg Bros., have the largest number of wells under construction.
    "The Bartlett crop is made, and there will be sufficient moisture for most of the D'Anjous to get by. I wouldn't make any predictions beyond that," Arnspiger said. He said he would issue a detailed statement in a few days.
    The only hope--and a slim one--for rain is from local thunder showers, which local weather records show occur the last week of July and the first days of August.

Medford Mail Tribune, July 21, 1931, page 8

    Civil suit of C. R. Chapman against the Talent Irrigation District for $7000 for a ditch right-of-way, 1500 feet long and 40 feet wide, through his property, continued today in the circuit court before Judge H. D. Norton, with indications that the case would not be submitted to the jury before tomorrow morning. A dozen witnesses had been called by the plaintiff up to noon today and the defense will present as many.
    Charles M. Thomas, public utility commissioner of Salem, a defense witness, testified yesterday afternoon, so he could return to official business.
    The case has been hanging fire since the construction of the ditch 12 years ago. The Chapman property, 23 acres of which is in the Talent district, was purchased from J. Harvey, now a resident of Los Angeles. When the ditch was dug a controversy arose over the right-of-way, and after some dickering it was agreed that the ditch be dug and a settlement effected later. This was never done, and when Harvey sold the property to Chapman he assigned the alleged claim against the irrigation district. Last spring legal action was started by Chapman for settlement.
    Testimony presented so far concerned the crop production of the land, use of irrigation water, fertility of the soil, before and after irrigation, and course of main ditch and laterals.

Medford Mail Tribune, September 10, 1931, page 10

Contracts for Irrigation Flumes to Be Let;
Work Starts Early in December

    Work of refinancing Gold Hill Irrigation District is well under way, and building operations on the flumes will begin as soon as contracts are let following the opening of bids, December 1, according to Bertha Coy, secretary of the irrigation board, this week.
    With the final investigation of the district's bonds issued in the refinancing program and the establishing of their legality, work can proceed without further delay, and this procedure will be completed this month.
    A board meeting was held here Monday night in which final plans and specifications for the construction work were discussed, Assistant State Engineer D. J. McLellan of Salem, attorney Frank Farrel and engineer I. H. Porter of Medford meeting with the board at that time.
    The district now serves 1,014 acres with its irrigation ditches, but many more are under bond and will be furnished water when the new project is completed. It is said that the local district is one of the best in the state, finances and supply of water being considered.
Gold Hill News, November 19, 1931
, page 1

Construction in $6,000 Program Starts Soon; District in Fine Shape
    Another step in the $6,000 program for the improvement of the Gold Hill Irrigation District was taken in a meeting here this morning with the letting of the contract for flume material to the Pure Iron & Culvert Company of Portland.
    The contract calls for 832 feet copper-bearing metal flumes, which will replace a portion of the worn-out units only recently torn out by a crew of men under the supervision of engineer E. H. Judd of Medford.
    Engineer Judd has also been returned by the bond for the installation of flumes and building of the substructure. The 14,000 feet of fir required for this latter purpose has not yet been purchased, but action is to be taken in the near future, and additional flumes also will be needed for the completion of the extensive program which is to put the district's system into first-class condition.
    The board is not letting the construction contract, as it desires to employ local men as much as possible.
    The cleaning of the ditches next spring will take an additional $1,500, putting the final touch to the irrigation system, and preparing it for receiving water about the middle of April, as it is planned to have the entire program completed by the last of March.
    With plenty of water to supply the 1,014 acres now served by the ditches of the district, with its finances taken care of under the recent bonding program, and the construction work planned for this winter, Gold Hill's irrigation district will be, without a doubt, one of the most efficient in the state.

Gold Hill News, December 3, 1931, page 1

    Irrigation liens on Jackson County land, under various projects, are approximately half last year's total, according to figures completed last week by County Assessor J. B. Coleman, for extension on the tax rolls.
    The totals are as follows:
    Eagle Point district, for operating and maintenance, $38,792.88.
    Grants Pass district, for operation and maintenance, $5,488.45.
    Gold Hill district, for operation, maintenance and new construction, $7,284.54.; bond payments and interest, $3,837.28.
    Talent district, for operation and maintenance, $22,103; for bonds and interest payments, $42,931.40.
    Medford Irrigation District, for operation and maintenance, $68,740.
    No figures are available on the Rogue River Valley district, as negotiations are now underway between the bondholders and landowners, for concessions.
    The various amounts in the various districts are apportioned on a per-acre basis, as an acre lien.
    The fire patrol lien on timber land in this county, however, shows an increase. This year it is $11,615.51. Last year it was $7,230. The increase is due to the timber owner paying for the cost of fighting fires instead of the state, as heretofore, by paying a proportionate share of the fire patrol, on a per-acre basis. The state tax commission figured that the change would lessen the state tax and also [act] as a curb on carelessness with fire during the dry season.
    The Owen-Oregon Lumber Company, the Rogue River Timber Company and the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company maintain their own fire patrols for their timber and are exempt from the fire patrol lien as a result.

Medford Mail Tribune, January 11, 1932, page 2

    Herman D. Powell, civil engineer, who with Jonas Wold is engineering the establishment of an irrigation project in the Evans Valley district, said today that financing of the plan "has been practically assured," and that construction of the dam, the main item, would probably be started the coming summer. It is estimated the project will cost in the neighborhood of $200,000.
    Approximately 4400 acres is embodied in the plan with a natural dam site at the head of the Pleasant Valley area, a section of the Evans Creek district. The land is held to be of high fertility, consisting of a granite and red soil formation. Powell said anything could be raised by the use of water.
    Powell says that the landowners of the district back the plan, but some delay has been occasioned by securing the endorsements of non-resident land owners, practically all of which have been secured. When this is completed the land owners will take steps for the organization and election of officers and other details.
    It will be a water users' association and not be an irrigation district--the difference being legal and technical, and more satisfactory in giving the water users more voice.
    Powell said he expected to have the project in operation for the season of 1933.
    It was first intended to call the project the Pleasant Valley Water Association, but it was discovered there was another organization of the same name, so it was decided to use the name Evans Creek Valley Water Association.

Medford Mail Tribune, February 10, 1932, page 7

    At the present time there are 4500 acre-feet of water in the Emigrant Dam, one of the water sources of the Talent Irrigation District, according to the watermaster's office. The dam is now half full, three times the total amount of water last year. A rather lively runoff is flowing into the reservoir daily, and it is expected that the reservoir will be filled to capacity when the snow tributary [to it] starts melting.
    At Fish Lake, a source of supply for the Medford Irrigation District, there are 2500 acre-feet of water in storage at present, about the same as last year, but with no runoff worth mentioning. There is 66 inches of ice and frostbound snow at Fish lake, which when melted in the spring thaw will provide an ample supply.
    No measurements have been made at Hiatt Prairie, owing to the depth of the snow and difficulty of reaching the site.
    Final measurements of the snow and water will be made by Watermaster Fred N. Cummings the first of March.

Medford Mail Tribune, February 10, 1932, page 7

    The county court today upon telegraphic request of United States Senator Frederick Steiwer wired its endorsement of the Glenn-Smith bill now before the Senate, providing financial aid and legislative relief to the irrigation districts of the Pacific Coast states. The bill would make funds available for relief within a short period.
    All the irrigation districts of the Rogue River Valley, it is expected, would come under the provisions of the measure, granting moratoriums on bond payments and extending federal funds for further improvements and easing of the financial tensions.
    The federal survey of the valley irrigation projects last fall would be aids in speeding help under the Glenn-Smith bill.
    The measure has administration support, and the entire Oregon delegation in Congress backs the bill. It is opposed by a group of Southern Democrats and Middle West progressives.

Medford Mail Tribune, February 23, 1932, page 7

    Ted Seaman of the Eagle Point Irrigation District was in Medford this morning reporting the use in his section of findings recently made by Dr. Jay at Oregon State College, which are proving extremely beneficial to farmers.
    The experiment provides for the use in irrigating of 12 pounds of blue vitriol to one second-foot of water or 40 inches. Deposited in the ditches, the blue vitriol has been found to destroy liver flukes which kill both sheep and cattle, lung worms and other small forms of life, including mosquitoes.
    Farmers of the Eagle Point section are now paying $96 a ton for the blue vitriol and find it their salvation in living in a heavily irrigated district.

Medford Mail Tribune, July 20, 1932, page 5

    The irrigation and land development in the Pleasant Creek district of the Evans Creek Valley, sponsored by Herman Powell and Jonas Wold, and hanging fire for a couple of years, will seek Reconstruction Finance Corporation funds, according to Powell.
    Powell said yesterday that regulation papers for making the application had been received and that a request for $250,000 for furtherance of the plan would be asked.
    Powell further said that a full complete report of the project and its feasibility would be filed with the federal bureau. Powell said that the survey and other details of the project have been worked out, "and that all it lacked was finances." Survey for the proposed dam and other details have already been made.
    The sponsors of the plan secured water rights from the state several months ago.
   According to Powell, a veteran civil engineer of Southern Oregon, he has given the plan "lots of thought, and am unable to find any flaw."
    The project would develop about 10,000 acres of land and is said to have the support of the landowners of the district.

Medford Mail Tribune, August 23, 1932, page 7

    Final work on the Gold Hill irrigation system was completed April 21, all ditches having been thoroughly cleaned, and water is now serving the entire district, which includes 1,040 acres which extend from the Geo. Lyman ranch north of town to the city of Rogue River. Flumes were repaired or replaced earlier in the season, and the entire system is now in excellent condition. Ray Bolton has been hired as ditch walker.
"Local Happenings," Gold Hill News, April 28, 1932, page 6

Will Seek $10,000 from Reconstruction Finance Corporation
    The Gold Hill Irrigation District will make application to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation for $10,000 to be used in construction work on their flumes and water system, according to Bertha Coy, secretary of the irrigation board.
    The application will be made in order to put into effect at once a program of work which is greatly needed, but which would have to be undertaken over a three-year period if the federal funds are not made available.
    The board points out that the funds would be used largely for labor and materials such as lumber; that the funds are urgently needed so that flume replacements can be made now to ensure water delivery for crops next season; also that a substantial saving in water and operating costs could be effected, and that maintenance and interest costs would be reduced if the three-year program were completed this fall.
    The district is solvent and the loan would be self-liquidating, the board states.
    A recent survey of the district shows that it is unusually productive, and that plenty of water has been available to the 88 property owners served by the ditch. Financially, also the district is one of the best in the state, but like other districts, is finding it difficult to operate under present conditions, and the finance corporation aid could be used most advantageously at this time.
    The acreage survey of the 1,040 acres is as follows:
    Alfalfa, 413 acres, with an average yield of 5 tons to the acre.
    Corn is raised on 55 acres and averages 50 bushels.
    Fruit, including peaches, pears and cherries, takes up 175
½ acres with an estimated value of the crop per acre of $300 to $500.
    Twenty-two acres are in truck garden, which does not include private gardens. The main crops raised are melons, tomatoes and sweet corn. No general estimate of the value of these crops was given, but tomatoes will run from $350 to $500 per acre, in the district, and farmers find a ready market for their corn, melons and smaller crops.
    The 200 acres in grain yields 30 bushels per acre.
    W. W. Hittle is the main cherry producer in the district. Other owners are being urged to start orchards, however, as they are a valuable crop and the local climate is ideal for them.
    The irrigation board held its regular budget meeting Tuesday to plan for the new year, and have prepared an estimate of expenses, and the tax levy necessary. A hearing of property owners for or against the levy will be held October 4.

Gold Hill News, September 8, 1932, page 1

    A meeting of land owners of the Medford Irrigation District will be held tomorrow afternoon at the county courthouse at 2 o'clock. Through an error in yesterday's Mail Tribune the meeting was announced as for bond holders, but it is the land owners who are urged to attend, Olen Arnspiger, manager of the district, stated today.
    A new plan of settlement with new assessment rates will be discussed at the meeting, and the plan promises to be one which will mean much to the Rogue River Valley.

Medford Mail Tribune, December 16, 1932, page 13

Irrigation Bond Refund Plan Finds Favor
Meeting at Court House Attended by 150 Ranchers--
Lower Assessment Rate Part of Relief Plan.

    Bringing an optimistic strain into the agricultural story of the valley, David Rosenberg and attorney Porter J. Neff of the board of directors of the Medford Irrigation District presented a plan to the land owners of the district at the county courthouse yesterday afternoon, which is expected to lower the assessment rates and improve conditions in general for farmers within the district.
    The meeting, called following the return of the board from California, where the new program was developed, was attended by about 150 ranchers of the district. The plan was received with enthusiasm and met with much favor among the land holders who stated that it will undoubtedly improve the welfare of the entire community if accomplished.
    Under the plan the old bonds on which the land owners are in default will be refunded and a scheme will thereby be set up for providing a lower assessment rate. The complete plan as presented by the board members will be submitted to the press for publication at an early date, Olen Arnspiger, manager of the district, stated last night, in order that all persons concerned may be given an opportunity to study it thoroughly.
    Mr. Rosenberg, attorney Neff and P. M. Kershaw of the board of directors, and F. Corning Kenly of the bond holders' committee, attended the conference in Oakland prior to the meeting here.

Medford Mail Tribune, December 18, 1932, page 1

Bond Owners To Forgo Practically All Interest During Next Four Years--
Will Reclassify Lands.
    Following is an outline in detail of the plan for the proposed refinancing of the Medford Irrigation District, recently arrived at between land owners and bondholders.
    1. The acreage of the irrigation district is to be reduced from 9200 acres, as presently assessed, to 8500 acres. The purpose of this reduction is to permit the elimination of lands now being assessed which are highways and certain other acreage totally unfit for irrigation. Since all farms embrace a certain amount of roads, this will result in certain savings to all land owners.
    2. FIRST FOUR-YEAR MORATORIUM PERIOD: During the next four years the bond owners are willing to forgo practically all interest on their bonds, receiving but one percent ($10.00 per year per $1000 bond) rather than the former six percent ($60.00 per $1000 bond). This is arranged with the thorough understanding that the land owners will, during this period, assess and accumulate adequate money to properly develop our leaky uncompleted system in order to avoid further water shortages.
    Thus, $1.30 will be assessed for the one percent on bonds, $3.50 for the necessary maintenance and $2.70 towards repairing the system--a total of $7.50. During the balance of the three-year period assessments will not exceed this amount, with a possibility of some reduction.
    3. ANNUAL PLAN OF ASSESSMENT AFTER FIRST FOUR YEARS: New bonds shall be issued by the district and shall be exchanged one bond for each thousand-dollar bond now outstanding. The new bonds shall be of the type known as amortized bonds, or self-retiring bonds. They shall provide for fifty annual payments of $32.50 each, which shall satisfy both their principal and interest. To pay this bond requirement will necessitate an average normal assessment of $4.40 per year for bond principal and interest on the 8500 acres.
    Thus it is seen that with a total payment of $32.50 per thousand per year, which also includes the paying back of the principal, it reflects a total of 3.25 percent interest rate as against the previous 6 percent, with an additional amount required to retire the principal.
    In addition to this $4.40 bond charge per acre there will be $3.50 for maintenance cost and an additional emergency assessment, for at least the first four or five years, of $1.10 per acre. This latter is necessary to build up a fund to take care of necessary delinquencies, thus preventing another default. Thus for the first four or five years assessments after the 1937 [season] will be approximately $9.00 per acre. After the emergency fund is built up in all probability this can be reduced by part or all of the $1.10 per acre emergency fund charge. It is thought possibly $8.00 per acre will express the average charge.
   4. CLASSIFICATION OF LANDS: The lands of the district shall be classified in accordance with quality of the lands themselves, disregarding all improvements and without reference to the use of which the same are being put. This will mean the best of the lands will be given a somewhat higher value than the poorer or lighter lands, and the amount of the annual assessments for bond interest and principal will be correspondingly greater or less than $4.40, as the case may be.
   5. The new bonds shall provide that the owner of any tract of land shall have the right to tender for cancellation bonds in the amount of the proportion of the total debt of such tract, based on value, and shall have the right to eliminate such tract of land from any further liability for bond principal and interest, represented by the $4.40 per-acre charge, except the liability to the emergency assessment of $1.10 per acre when necessary, to take care of delinquencies. This means then that a farmer can buy up bonds in the open market at whatever price he can buy them for (at present about 18 to 20 cents on the dollar) and pay off his lien 100 cents on the dollar.
    If this is done the average annual assessment would be only $3.50 for maintenance plus a further average assessment (if required) of $1.10 for the emergency fund, or a total of $4.60. However, under the above plan it is believed the highest possible average assessment that ever could be levied on the land in the district would be $9.00 per acre, and it is believed that in practice it will be possible to carry on after the first four or five years, under the new bond issue, with an average assessment of approximately $8.00 per acre.

Medford Mail Tribune, December 22, 1932, page 13

    A force of men have been engaged the past ten days clearing out the irrigation ditches of the Medford and Talent irrigation districts, and making ready for the late spring and summer irrigation.
    According to General Manager Olen Arnspiger of the two districts, the irrigation water conditions are good. The Medford district reservoir at Fish Lake and Four Mile Lake is nearly full.
    The balmy weather of the past week has caused the creeks supplying the Talent district reservoirs to run full and free. A few warm days would cause the runoff water to be heavy.
    Manager Arnspiger reports that the ground is "well soaked," after a stormy winter, and does not anticipate that irrigation will be used until late in April.
    Weather conditions the past week have caused vegetation to make a noticeable spurt. The season is estimated at from three weeks to a month late.

Medford Mail Tribune, March 8, 1933, page 5

    Horticulturists and agriculturists of the county are assured of ample irrigation water for the coming growing season, with a "nest egg of water" for next year, according to Olen Arnspiger, general manager of the Medford-Talent districts.
    Emigrant dam, one of the sources of supply for the Talent district, is now full and Hiatt Prairie is one-third full, with the bulk of snow runoff to come.
    The Fish Lake supply source of the Medford district is more than one-half full, with the runoff from four feet of snow just starting. The same conditions prevail at Fish Lake.
    The main ditches of the irrigation systems have been made ready, and water is expected to be turned into them about April 5.
    A small amount of water is now running in some of the ditches, and being used for spraying purposes.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 5, 1933, page 8

    E. T. Newbry, president of Talent Irrigation District, interviewed today by a reporter of the Medford Mail Tribune, stated "that for the past five or six years the Talent Irrigation District has been advocating the passage of a bill which would enable the federal government to refinance the outstanding indebtedness of irrigation districts. It is common knowledge that practically all of the irrigation districts, particularly those within the state of Oregon, are overcapitalized, and as a result thereof the annual charges required to be levied by the district upon the lands of the landowners within the districts are excessive and beyond ability of the district to pay. Consequently, when the depression struck, very few of the land owners within the district have been able to meet their irrigation district assessments and are badly delinquent.
    "As a part of the present government program to stimulate recovery and for farm relief, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation has been authorized to loan to irrigation districts, for the purpose of refunding their outstanding indebtedness, the sum of fifty million dollars. From information received from Senator Steiwer and State Engineer Stricklin, it appears that between one million and two million dollars of this sum will be available to irrigation districts within the state of Oregon.
    "The present board of directors of Talent Irrigation District, consisting of myself as president, Ed Robison and C. A. Brown, directors, has for some time past been doing everything within its power to enable the Talent Irrigation District to take advantage of a loan from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and an application has been made to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation for a loan with which to refund its present indebtedness.
    "It is impossible at this time to say what amount of money will be loaned to the district for such purpose, but in any event the federal act requires that there shall be a substantial reduction in the indebtedness of the district as a result of such refunding.
    "The district has caused its manager, O. Arnspiger, and attorney, F. P. Farrell, to contact the bondholders committee at Portland, and they have been assured that the bondholders will cooperate with the district in a refunding program and will accept a substantial reduction.
    "It is to be hoped that the various districts in Southern Oregon will be able to qualify and secure money from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation for this purpose, as the result should be a complete financial rehabilitation of the districts receiving the same. Under the federal act those districts receiving a loan from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation will be able to reduce their indebtedness by a very substantial amount, and the interest rate will be reduced from the present rate of 6 percent to possibly 4 percent. It the present program can be accomplished by the board of directors of the district, payment of indebtedness will be extended for a period of forty years, the final result being a substantial reduction in the annual acreage charge per acre, and within the ability of the landowners within the district to pay.
    "This program, if successful, will be substantial farm relief to a large portion of the population in Jackson County. It is hoped by the directors of the Talent district that upon such a refunding program being accomplished, advantage may be taken of the so-called limited ability plan of district assessments, under which plan individual landowners within the district will be able to pay their indebtedness to the district and therefore be relieved from further payment of assessments for payment of district indebtedness."

Medford Mail Tribune, July 20, 1933, page 2

Authorization Refund Bond Issuance Sought, If and When Needed to Procure Loan--Benefits Recited
    An election in the Medford Irrigation District, has been called by the board of directors for Friday, September 8, to authorize the Issuance of $460,000 of the refunding bonds of the district for the purpose of refunding and retiring the outstanding bonds of the district in the total amount of $1,150,000 and accrued interest since January 1, 1931.
    The directors of the Medford Irrigation District have made application to Reconstruction Finance Corporation for a loan in the amount of $460,000 for this purpose, and it is sought to authorize the proposed bonds for the purpose of issuing them to Reconstruction Finance Corporation in case this application for the loan is granted.
    The law under which the new bonds are to be issued provides for a limited liability on the part of the lands of the district. No tract of land can be taxed for more than its pro rata share of the amount necessary to pay these bonds, except for a small emergency assessment which can be levied, if necessary, in the event of heavy delinquencies in tax payments. In addition to this any tract of land in the district can be taken out from under the bonded debt and relieved from all further liability for assessments for the payment of bond principal and interest (with the exception of the emergency assessment above referred to) by surrendering bonds or paying cash in the amounts of such tracts' pro rata share of the debt.
    The board is of the opinion that the proposed arrangement, if it can be carried out, will result in great advantage to the land owners and bondholders as well. It will mean that the maximum assessment of the district in the future, for all purposes, can be kept well under $7 per acre per year and under normal conditions that these assessments should average around $6 per acre per year. On the other hand the board is strongly of the opinion that more money can be realized for the bondholders by this method than in any other way. A full vote at the election may prove substantial assistance to the board in its endeavors to carry through the proposed solution of the district's financial problems. If the district should not be successful in obtaining the loan from Reconstruction Finance Corporation, which has been applied for, none of these bonds will ever be issued, but the board will endeavor to work out some other plan of refunding which will again be referred to the landowners for their approval.
    Those whose lands lie in the district north of Barneburg Road and east of Bear Creek will vote in the Hillcrest packing house; those who live south of Medford between Barneburg Road and Kings Highway will vote at the Ever Shady Auto Camp; those whose lands lie west of Kings Highway and Bear Creek will vote at the Oak Grove school house.

Medford Mail Tribune, September 3, 1933, page 1

Irr. Dist. Gets Funds from 3 Fed'l. Sources
Early Action Secures Appropriations from RFC, PWA and CWA;
Appraiser Is Pleased with Condition.

    The Gold Hill Irrigation District, through prompt action of their board of directors, is now in line for a share in three of the emergency fund programs instituted by the government in various phases of its reconstruction program.
    The district secretary, Miss Bertha Coy, received word this week that the loan of $12,000, applied for from the Public Works Administration for work in rehabilitating the district, and for construction work on the flumes, has been granted. This program was launched early this year, the district taking auction to clear away all legal difficulties, even going so far as to hold an election last January to enable bonds to be issued whenever the loan should be granted before the request had even received recognition from the PWA board.
    Other good news of the week includes the approval of the district's application for CWA funds, with actual work starting Friday of this week when ten men will be put at various jobs over the district, such as rebuilding flumes and so forth. The allotment received here was for $1400, and will include about 12 weeks work. The wage scale is 50
¢ an hour, and the men will work 5½-hour days and five-day weeks with Thursday and Sunday off.
    The third project in which the district is in line to get its share is the RFC appropriations for irrigation districts, of which much has been heard lately. This week government appraiser Thompson has been working with the board and is greatly pleased with the condition of the district, and has indicated that there will be no trouble in securing the loan which will be for approximately $44,000, and will enable the district to refinance its bonding program.
    During the last few months, especially, the district has shown a fine improvement in its financial condition, its percentage of delinquent taxes having greatly decreased, and its outstanding warrant indebtedness also having been reduced.
    In addition, appraiser Thompson complimented the district on the fine showing made in construction work in its territory, a survey revealing that $25,000 has been expended by various property owners here on homes, and $1500 on outbuildings. He stated that this shows remarkable development in a period of recovery such as we are now experiencing.

Gold Hill News, December 7, 1933, page 1

    Authority was extended today for the impounding of bonds of the Talent Irrigation District, held locally, to be redeemed upon 50 cents on the dollar basis conditioned on the granting and securing of the Reconstruction Finance loan of approximately $500,000.
    The First National Bank of Ashland has been named depositary for Talent district bonds. The district directors are anxious that all local bondholders get in touch immediately with either the Ashland bank or manager Olen Arnspiger.
    Likewise, it is requested that any local bondholders of the Medford Irrigation District should forward their bonds to the state engineer at Salem, or get in touch with manager Arnspiger, who will advise and explain details.
    Manager Arnspiger says that the steps are taken to facilitate action, when and if the RFC loan is granted.
    PORTLAND, Dec. 19.--(AP)--A cash Christmas present of $286,642 for the Ochoco Irrigation District at Prineville, and another of $63,375 for the Hood River Irrigation District, are wrapped and sealed at Washington D.C., and are ready for delivery, it was announced here today by Marshall N. Dana, regional adviser for the Public Works Administration.
    Dana received a telegram this morning from Frank J. Keenan, financial adviser for the RFC, announcing the approval of loans for the two districts.
    The money will be taken from the $50,000,000 appropriation made by the last session of Congress from the RFC funds for refinancing irrigation, drainage and levee districts organized under state laws, and in financial distress.
    The Milner project in Idaho was the first district to receive money from this fund, and Ochoco and Hood River were next. The loans will mean the writing down of the outstanding debt against the districts, to enable settlers to pay their way. Tax rolls will again carry the lands in the Hood River and Ochoco districts when the loan money arrives, and some of the best lands in the state will again be placed in production. Oregon has carried the financial load of her state-aided irrigation projects for years.
    Appraisal of the Medford Irrigation District has been completed and the report was dispatched Sunday night to Washington, D.C. The Gold Hill district appraisal was completed Monday and the Eagle Point and Rogue River district appraisals will be completed within the week. All the field work in each district has been completed under the direction of F. E. Thompson of Bonanza, Ore.
    The irrigation districts seek Reconstruction Finance Corporation loans aggregating more than $1,000,000 for refunding present outstanding indebtedness.
    A decision on the local irrigation loans is expected soon after receipt in Washington of the appraiser's report.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 19, 1933, page 1

    A telegram was received this afternoon from Francis J. Keenan, Washington, D.C., financial advisor to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation for irrigation districts, that the RFC had approved of a loan for $375,0000 for the Talent Irrigation District. The Talent district asked for $500,000.
    The $375,000 loan was made for the purpose of retiring outstanding bonds and interest at the ratio of 32.42 per dollar.
    A formal notice of the granting of the loan was placed in the mails today according to Olen Arnspiger, recipient of the message, and general manager for the irrigation district.
    A similar telegram was received this morning from Senator Steiwer saying that the loan had been granted.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1934, page 1

    Approval by the federal finance corporation of a loan for $375,000 to the Talent Irrigation District--approximately $125,000 leas than the amount sought--will require some readjustment, Olen Arnspiger, general manager of the district, said today. Formal granting of the loan is now in the mails from Washington, D.C.
    Manager Arnspiger said the bondholders who have impounded their bonds of the district would have to give reconsent for the distribution on approximately a 35 cent basis instead of the 50 cents basis as planned. Manager Arnspiger and attorney Frank P. Farrell will leave for Portland tomorrow night to attend a meeting of the bondholders' committee.
    No action has been taken on the loan application of the Medford Irrigation District by the RFC. The application was filed two weeks later than the Talent district.
    The Medford Irrigation District today mailed to the land owners of the district the following circular letter, stating the 1934 policy relative to delinquent water users:
    "The board of directors, at its last meeting, decided to adopt the policy of not serving water to land owners who are one year or more delinquent in their operation and maintenance assessments, or until at least $3.75 per acre is paid.
    "This action has become necessary due to the ever-increasing amount of delinquency and to the fact that, in order to give satisfactory service, the canals and ditches must be kept in reasonable repair which, of course, cannot be done unless operation charges are paid.
    "This policy has been used for many years by several irrigation districts of Oregon, and it has been found decidedly beneficial to both the land owner and the district."
    A similar policy, it is reported, will be adopted by the Talent, Rogue River and Gold Hill irrigation districts.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 3, 1934, page 10

    Application of the Gold Hill irrigation district for a $43,000 loan has been approved by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation in the sum of $38,210--about $5000 leas than the amount sought. The loan is for the purpose of refunding bonds and retirement of outstanding warrants.
    Attorney Frank P. Farrell said today that the same course as pursued in the Talent district loan would be followed, and as soon as the necessary machinery could be set up, the bond holders committee would be contacted. The Talent district asked $500,000 (approximately) and were granted $377,000. The cut necessitated a rearrangement, and further action is now held in abeyance pending final decision from Washington, D.C.
    A decision on the loan application of the Medford Irrigation District for $400,000 is expected within the week by General Manager Olen Arnspiger.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 8, 1934, page 1

    Good news was received in Medford today in a wire from Senator Frederick Steiwer, announcing that the application of the Rogue River Valley Irrigation District for a loan had been approved by the reconstruction finance corporation.
    The wire was received by attorney Harry Skyrman. It did not state how much money would be allowed the district, announcing that details would follow. The Oregon delegation has been very helpful to this section in its efforts to gain irrigation loans, Mr. Skyrman stated this afternoon, reporting receipt of the wire.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 7, 1934, page 1

    The loan approved for the Rogue River Valley Irrigation District, announced yesterday in a wire from Washington, amounted to $88,000, it was learned here later in the day, when definite information was received from Senator Charles N. McNary, who has been instrumental in bringing much money into his home state during the past several months.
    This amount constitutes next to the highest per-acreage loan made an irrigation district through the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. The Rogue River Valley district's land contracts were all in good condition, making this splendid ratio possible, it was reported.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 8, 1934, page 9

    Full amount of the loan to the Medford Irrigation District, approved yesterday by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, is $405,379, according to a telegram received this morning by General Manager Olen Arnspiger. A telegram from Senator Steiwer yesterday said the amount was $402,309. The district applied for $420,000.
    Close to a million dollars in federal money for local irrigation districts has been approved, according to Manager Arnspiger, and will retire close to $2,750,000 in irrigation bonds and indebtedness.
    The Talent Irrigation District was allotted $377,500, on an application for $500,000. The Gold Hill district was awarded approximately $50,000, the Rogue River district $8800, and the Eagle Point Irrigation District seeks a $100,000 loan.
    Refunding plans with the  bondholders are now in course of consummation.
    Attorney Porter J. Neff, who has been in Washington, D.C., on behalf of the irrigation loans, is now en route home.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 15, 1934, page 1

    A program for utilizing all "flood waters" now available for crop production was announced today by General Manager Olen Arnspiger of the Medford and Talent irrigation districts, to the end that the use of irrigation storage water be delayed as long as possible.
    Orchardists of the two districts were advised to turn under their cover crops, cultivate and exercise all possible care to cut down the waste water.
    In the Medford district all possible flood waters of Bear Creek are being used at the present time to fill up the ground with moisture for future use. Manager Arnspiger thought the ground would hold moisture for two months, "if soaked and cultivated."
    In the Talent district, manager Arnspiger said "the flood water supply is nil." He advised these growers to turn under the cover crops and cultivate extensively, to retain any moisture.
    In the Medford district, manager Arnspiger said the flood waters would be used as much as possible for the next week or ten days, after which it would be used for irrigation of gardens and alfalfa.
    Conditions applying to the Medford district also apply to the Rogue River district.
    Manager Arnspiger said the idea now was to get every drop of water possible into the grounds, in order that the storage water would not be drawn upon until July.
    Prospect of irrigation water for late crops like tomatoes were classified by Manager Arnspiger as "slim."
    At the present time, Fish Lake and Four Mile Lake, storage sites for the Medford district, are three-quarters full. Hiatt Prairie and Emigrant Dam supply sources of the Talent district are about one-third full, manager Arnspiger said.
    The situation would be benefited by a rainy spring. A trace of rain fell last night.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 22, 1934, page 1

    Orchards of the Medford Irrigation District have been fairly thoroughly soaked by the use of flood waters from Butte and Bear creeks, according to manager Olen Arnspiger.
    This condition means two things. engineer Arnspiger states:
    It will give the orchard land a moisture supply until well into June, thus conserving the irrigation storage water, and permit the use of flood water now, for general farming and gardening in the Medford Irrigation District.
    All creeks in the valley, including Little Butte, Big Butte and Bear Creek, are now falling, according to manager Arnspiger.
    Orchardists and farmers are hoping for June rains such as fell in pioneer days, but have not been very regular of late years.
    The water conditions are not so good in the Talent district, which has small flood water privileges.
    Refunding of the Talent Irrigation District bonds via a loan from the federal Reconstruction Finance Corporation is progressing, according to Arnspiger, but slower than for the Medford district.
    The Talent bondholders' committee in Portland desires to procure more than the approximate 35 percent which the government has agreed to loan the Talent district and, in order to expedite the refunding and bring the matter to a culmination, the Talent district has made a presentation to the RFC of what it can pay and has asked that the loan be increased.
    The Medford district is in an agreement with the bondholders on a basis of 40 percent of the value of the bonds. Of this the government will lend approximately 35 percent to the district, and the district, through collection of back assessments and other incomes, will increase the payment on the bonds to approximately 40 percent.
    On this basis about $900,000 of the $1,147,000 of Medford Irrigation District bonds outstanding have been pledged--$700,000 having already been deposited, holders of about $125,000 have agreed to accept and local holders of about $70,000 of the bonds are agreeable to the 40 percent settlement.
    Those interested in arranging these loans to the irrigation districts are anxious that the deals be completed as, in addition to the payment to the bondholders of their portion of the loans, it will clear the financial situation considerably, permitting many farm owners to borrow from governmental agencies, whereas at present, because of the uncertainty of the situation, they cannot negotiate loans.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 13, 1934, page 14

    The limited use of irrigation storage water for alfalfa crops in the Talent and Medford districts is scheduled to start soon, according to manager Olen Arnspiger. A small force of men has been sent out to repair the canal between Fish Lake and Four Mile Lake, and the Hiatt Prairie canal. The water will be allocated to each grower.
    Most of the orchards in the Medford district received a good soaking from the use of flood waters in Bear Creek and the two Butte creeks, according to Arnspiger.
    Crops--field and orchard--are now in good condition and showing good growths, according to the county agent's office.
    Frost Observer Roy Rogers states that the pears are growing fine, some now being thumb size. The frost danger period is reduced by each day of near-summer weather. There are no signs of a break in the present weather conditions.
    Several farmers report the prevalence of alfalfa weevil in some of the fields, and a great deal of fireweed in some of the grain.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 19, 1934, page 9

    SALEM, Ore., April 24.--(AP)--The Rogue River Valley Irrigation District was the first of more than 30 applicants to qualify for the reconstruction finance corporation loan and to receive final endorsement, it was announced here today by Charles E. Stricklin, secretary of the state reclamation commission.
    The district, located in Jackson County, reported impounding of 100 percent of its bonds, amounting to $176,000, for payment under the refinanced plan at 47.97 percent. This record of all bonds turned in for revaluation was declared by Stricklin to be unusual in the light that holders discount them for more than 50 percent.
    The loan approved by the RFC was $89,000 to this district.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 24, 1934, page 1

    Problems confronting pear growers of the Rogue River Valley were briefly discussed at today's luncheon meeting of the Medford Rotary Club at the Hotel Medford by W. W. Aldrich of the bureau of plant industry of the United States Department of Agriculture. Mr. Aldrich, whose headquarters is in this city, compared the pear crops from Rogue River Valley orchards with those of other prominent coast fruit districts and stressed the importance of irrigation as a solution to the problem of increasing production.
    From fifty to sixty gallons of water are consumed in one day by a normal pear tree, Mr. Aldrich pointed out in discussing the importance of plenty of water for fruit orchards. Most of the soil of this valley is sufficiently rich in tree foods, but water must be plentiful if the tree secures enough food to assure good production, he said. Mr. Aldrich's department has also devoted considerable effort toward the reduction of blooms is the interest of healthier trees and increased crops.
    At a meeting of the board of directors of the Rotary Club last night, arrangements were made for Glen Smith, president-elect of the club, to attend the Detroit meeting of Rotary International as official representative of the Medford Rotary Club. Mr. Smith is well qualified to represent the club here at the international session, as he has been actively identified with Rotary work for several years in Medford and on the coast.
    In recognition of its winning the famed Pulitzer award for the most meritorious and disinterested public service rendered by any newspaper in the United States during 1933, Robert Ruhl of the Medford Mail Tribune was presented a life honorary Rotary membership by the Medford club. This action followed a unanimous vote of the club at today's meeting.
    Miss Irene Stubblefield, who has won scholastic honors in Medford High School, was awarded the Rotary cup for this year for forensic ability. Presentation of the cup was made by Glen Smith.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 12, 1934, page 10


    Use of the first irrigation storage water of the season is now under way in orchards and fields of the Medford and Talent districts, according to General Manager Olen Arnspiger.
    There is sufficient water in the Medford district "to last well into August and probably till the first of August in the Talent district," according to Arnspiger. This, he says, will be sufficient for the maturity of all crops, "with the possible exception of tomatoes."
    Manager Arnspiger explains that the irrigation water supply depends upon the state of the weather. A long spell of hot weather would cause a decrease ahead of schedule. "If we should happen to get some showers we would be sitting pretty," Arnspiger says.
    Water is now being used for maturity of the orchard crops and being dispensed under regulations with quotas to each orchard.
    Continuation of present weather conditions would cause no great drain on the irrigation supply.
    A call was issued today by the Medford district for all holders of irrigation district bonds who have not deposited them, or have not recently been in touch with the district, to do so at once, as negotiations have reached the point for closing a Reconstruction Finance Corporation loan for refinancing.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 14, 1934, page 4

Jackson County Irrigation Districts Share Huge Sum
Given Out in RFC Loans
By H. C. HUNTER, Pacific Northwest A.P. Correspondent.
    WASHINGTON, July 12.--(AP)--Federal money, totaling $152,322,388, has poured into the states of Oregon, Washington, California and Idaho during the past two years through Reconstruction Finance Corporation loans to banks and irrigation districts.
    In addition, $62,034,360 has been disbursed in those states through the Home Owners Loan Corporation, making a total of $214,358,748 which has been loaned to organizations and individuals between February 2, 1932, and June 23, 1934.
    These loans were shown today in a compilation of figures obtained from the two federal organizations.
Near Quarter Billion.
    While the total loans of the RFC to irrigation projects and banks and the HOLC loans on homes represented almost a quarter of a billion dollars, it was revealed that the RFC alone had authorized advances totaling $501,407,494 for all purposes in those states and had disbursed $336,006,596, or more than $100,000,000 in addition to the money expended for specified purposes.
    Banks obtained the lion's share of the money disbursed, receiving $136,915,873, while the home owners' loans totaled $62,034,360, more than twice as much as advanced to irrigation districts and projects, which amounted to $25,408,515.
California Leads.
    California led the field in obtaining federal money for lagging banks and irrigation projects, the advances to the former amounting to $113,246,259.77 and the latter $11,019,901.40.
    Washington state, while in second place in obtaining federal funds for irrigation, bank and home owners, was far below the California total with but $28,543,541, of which $15,205,707 was in the form of loans to banks and $1,068,495 to irrigation districts. Home Owners Loan Corporation disbursements in the state totaled $12,269,339, leaving the RFC disbursements at $16,274,202.
    Unlike the two previous states, home owners' loans topped the figures for third place Oregon, totaling $7,960,140 as compared with $5,973,260 and $2,292,106 disbursed to banks and irrigation districts respectively by the RFC. The total amount sent into Oregon by loans on the three items was $16,225,506. Total RFC disbursements were $11,981,548, and loans authorized, $16,652,682.
    Fourteen irrigation loans were made in Oregon compared with it in Washington. The requested and approved amounts follow:
Crook County Improvement Dist. 1 $  50,000
Eagle Point, Jackson County 100,000
Gold Hill, Jackson County 43,000
Hood River, Hood River County 80,000
Malin, Klamath County 91,000
Medford, Jackson County 420,000
Middle Fork, Hood River County 47,000
Multnomah County Drainage Dist. 1 445,500
Ochoco, Crook County 472,000
Rogue River Valley, Jackson County 88,000
Scappoose, Columbia County 520,000
Squaw Creek, Deschutes-Jefferson 97,500
Talent, Jackson County 500,000
Warm Springs, Malheur County 221,000
Medford Mail Tribune, July 12, 1934, page 1


    Attorney Porter J. Neff, representing the Medford Irrigation District, will leave this weekend for Washington D.C., where he will participate in the effort to speed the Reconstruction Finance Corporation refunding plan, amounting to $405,000.
    A clerical force has been engaged all this week in preparing data, charts, and other information which attorney Neff will carry for presentation to the R.F.C. board.
    Olen Arnspiger, general manager of the district, and directors, and others interested feel that by having a man on the grounds much time will be saved in making the final approval. It will eliminate the time and expense of wiring and writing between this city and the national capital on minor details that can be supplied by attorney Neff.
    All concerned are interested in concluding the project, which has been under way for several months.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 20, 1934, page 4

    The Medford and Talent irrigation districts, according to Olen Arnspiger, general manager, will complete their water quotas by the last of this month. The final distributions are now under way.
    A summer that was marked by few excessively hot days, timely June showers, and cooperation from orchardists enabled the irrigation districts to finish the season in better condition than anticipated last May, when annual forecasts of water needs were made, according to manager Arnspiger. The water situation never became critical--thanks to the weather.
    General showers would be welcome now, principally to brighten up the pastures and freshen the late gardens.
    Attorney Porter J. Neff, who has been in Washington, D.C., conferring with Reconstruction Finance Corporation chiefs. relative to approved loans to both the Medford and Talent districts, is scheduled to leave for home this weekend. The loans have been approved for refinancing and bond re-funding for the two districts. and when attorney Neff returns, definite word is expected that the final details have been completed.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 10, 1934, page 1


    BIG APPLEGATE, Dec. 22.--(Spl.)--A series of meetings will be held to acquaint farmers of the valley with the plan for securing government funds for the proposed irrigation storage reservoir at the Barr ranch at Watkins. The next meeting is scheduled for the evening of December 27 at the Missouri Flat school house.
    The Applegate Valley irrigation and improvement district. a temporary organization with Miles Cantrall as president, was formed at a meeting of valley farmers held at the Applegate hall Wednesday. W. N. Carl was named secretary, and E. H. Taylor, George Herriott and C. R. Hill appointed as board of directors.
    An effort will be made to obtain a PWA grant on the project, and the next step toward this will be a preliminary estimate on the reservoir and virgin soil to determine cost of the dam, promoters of the plan say. This report will be referred to C. C. Hockley at Portland, PWA engineer for this district.
    It is expected that Paul B. Rynning, county engineer, will make the preliminary estimate in a short time, which also will include the amount of water going to waste at the present. Application blanks for water have been received from Charles E. Stricklin, state engineer, at Salem.
    The proposed high line ditch, to extend approximately 25 miles to Missouri Flat, would be used only to supply virgin soil. The state engineer has informed the local committee that under present conditions the dam would cost only 60 percent of the normal amount. Although the reservoir would be constructed principally to supply dry land below Ruch, a government report made several years ago shows that 750 acres of virgin soil south of Ruch would be benefited.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 23, 1934, page 5

    Dr. W. W. Aldrich and Arch Work, of the Southern Oregon experimental orchard, will attend the thirteenth annual meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers to be held at Corvallis next Friday and Saturday.
    Friday afternoon, Colin A. Taylor of Pomona, Cal., will deliver an address on "Orchard Tillage Under Furrow Irrigation," which will be of interest to local orchardists. Taylor will illustrate his talk with a machine he has perfected.
    The pamphlet, "Studies of the Irrigation of Pear Orchards on the Heavy Soils Near Medford, Oregon," complied by M. R. Lewis, irrigation engineer of O.S.C.; Dr. W. W. Aldrich, assistant horticulturist of the plant bureau, and R. A. Work, assistant engineer, is now available at the county agent's office. It is illustrated with charts and tables, and contains much information for orchardists.
    A portion of the summary and conclusion reads:
    "The rate of growth of the fruit was found to be very closely related to the moisture content of the upper three feet of soil. Studies of the effect of soil moisture on the rate of fruit growth have shown that whenever the moisture content fell below 70 percent of the available capacity, the rate of growth of the fruit was reduced.
    "The rate of growth of the fruit was greatest during the latter part of the growing season, and thus the effect on the size of fruit at harvest of a low moisture content late in the season was greater than the effect of equally low soil moisture earlier in the season.
    "A high soil moisture content was conducive to long spur and shoot growth. There appeared to be no correlation between variations in the storage of dessert quality and differences in soil moisture.
    "High soil moisture was conducive to the production of fruit of the larger and more desirable sizes. When Bartlett pears were heavily thinned, the plots having high soil moisture produced pears that were too large to bring the highest prices.
    "The thinning practice in the orchard should be co-ordinated with the irrigation practice in order that pears of the most desirable sizes and heavy yields may be obtained.
    "The plots having the highest soil moisture produced the largest yields and the greatest return to the grower."
Medford Mail Tribune, December 24, 1934, page 3

Last revised February 10, 2025