![]() ![]() Loraine Found among the papers of the Beekman Bank of Jacksonville, Oregon, is a series of letters written to pioneer Jacksonville businessman Thomas G. Reames by a San Francisco actress not his wife. (The letters begin among the 1891 documents below.) They were written by a woman born Lillias Loraine Fair, later professionally known as Loraine Hollis and privately known as Lillias Hynes. The documents before 1891 and after 1892 tell her story. Metropolitan Hotel, Yreka Fair, W. D., 38, lawyer, born Virginia, real estate $800, personal estate $2000 Fair, Mrs. L., 22, born Mississippi U.S. Census, enumerated August 4, 1860 Captain W. D. Fair, formerly of San Joaquin and latterly of Siskiyou, committed suicide this afternoon, by shooting himself through the head, at the office of Doctor Murphy, on Washington Street. It is presumed that domestic troubles was the cause of the suicide. "By Telegraph to the Union," Sacramento Daily Union, December 28, 1861, page 2 INQUEST.--An inquest was held last evening over the body of William D. Fair, found dead in the first building below Montgomery block, on Washington Street, on the afternoon of the 27th instant: Dr. C. M. Hitchcock, sworn--Have known deceased since 1853; general deportment good; about 38 years old; a native of Virginia; family of deceased occupied my house; had a suit of ejectment against them; went to Dr. Murphy's office about half-past twelve o'clock; opened an inner door; saw feet and legs of a man, and a pistol lying by; went down and returned, seeing deceased lying in a pool of blood; he gasped once or twice afterwards. (Pistol exhibited in court; Colt's revolver, six-barreled, one barrel discharged.) Deceased had been in trouble, but nothing to indicate mental derangement; when I last saw him he was disturbed about his domestic affairs; he was easily excited about anything affecting his honor or integrity; he spoke of his wife in high terms. C. Stevens--(Testimony corroborative of that former witness.)--I found Dr. Murphy on Montgomery Street, who requested that Dr. Hitchcock should do all that he could for the wounded man; I recognize the pistol. Dr. N. S. Murphy, sworn--Know deceased since 1851; deceased came down from the country about four weeks ago; generally stopped at my office since; deceased was much agitated about his business; had some domestic troubles; was alongside Fair's bed before his decease; shortly after, when on Montgomery Street, was told that he had shot himself; the night previous, he seemed to be happy and composed; had no reason to think that he meditated self-destruction; recognize the pistol; know Mrs. Fair; she has been in my office once since his decease. Abner Phelps, sworn--Knew deceased since 1851; he was of a nervous temperament and extremely excitable at times; have met Fair daily at Murphy's office for the last month; domestic troubles were the sole matters upon his mind; he talked to me confidentially; I advised him to go to the States to relieve his mind of his domestic difficulties; he said that his wife had refused to live with him; he spoke of her highly, but latterly he thought that he could make no arrangement whereby they could be reunited; I felt that he might commit suicide; I saw him in bed on the morning of the suicide; he seemed to be stupid and averse to conversation; I was informed of the suicide on Montgomery Street; some time before his death he inquired about the manner of death by laudanum. (By a juryman)--Hardly think that he was perfectly sane on the morning of the suicide; have met Mrs. [Fair] there; met her yesterday; her manner was excited; she asked, "Where is Captain [Fair]?" I told her his body was removed to the dead house; she pointed to Dr. Murphy and said excitedly, "You have done this!" I went with her to see the body of her husband; she looked at the corpse and turned to me, saying, "You have done this!" I chided her, and said, "I was your husband's friend"; I left the office yesterday after the Doctor; deceased desired me to deliver certain effects to Mr. Abbott. J. D. Abbott, sworn--Have known deceased since '52, am his brother-in-law; he came to my house and told my wife that he had a difficulty with his wife which would ultimately prove his destruction; we met often and always talked on the same subject; the day before his death I walked out with him, when he said that he would never see me more; I never saw him afterward alive; I know of no property besides the trunks; he had frequently said that if he could not reconcile his difficulties he would shoot his head off; deceased was born in Amherst County, Va.; when he went home, some five years go, he was thought to be crazy; they have not been living together for the last four or five months; he stated that he was about to leave the city, and made me pledge my word that if anything should happen, his wife should not have his body; I promised him that she should not have it. M. Hubert, sworn--Deceased practiced law in Yreka; followed his wife down from that place; he spoke always of his domestic difficulties; they met at my office--he was calm, she excited; she wanted money, he said he would give his child all he had; she said she would not live with him again; this was some fifteen or twenty days ago; we had a long walk together on Christmas Day; I tried to divert his attention from his wife, but without avail; Dr. Murphy behaved toward him like a brother; the suicide was produced by abandonment of his wife and loss of business. The jury rendered the following verdict: "We, the undersigned jurors to inquire into the cause of the death of Wm. D. Fair, do find that the deceased was a native of Lynchburg, Virginia, aged 38 years, and that he came to his death by a pistol shot fired by his own hand, whilst laboring under temporary insanity." The body of deceased was removed yesterday to the residence of the widow. It will be buried today, from the Pine Street Methodist Church, at 1 o'clock p.m., under the superintendence of the Masons, deceased having as early as 1851 been a member of California Lodge No. 1. Daily Alta California, San Francisco, December 29, 1861, page 1
Pickett sends us the following:
"Another proud and noble spirit has departed to the realms of mystery--a self-immolated victim of our disorganized, diseased and heartless society. William D. Fair was one of the few in California entitled to the name of gentleman, in the true meaning of the word. Brave, chivalrous, magnanimous, talented, an accomplished scholar, learned in his profession, and possessing that intuitive sense of honor which spurned the least departure from high principle. Sincere in his friendship, he was much beloved by those acquaintances who admire a man for one's true worth. His only fault lay in the excess of a rare virtue: he was of too refined and sensitive a nature for his gross surroundings here, which drove him at times into those heart-wringing words that at length ended his untimely career. With other manly bosoms, I weep over his sad fate and too sudden taking off. But his once troubled soul is now at rest, whether mingling in the great ocean of oblivion, or joying [sic], in entity, the paradisal abode of a high spirit sphere." "City Items," Daily Alta California, San Francisco, December 29, 1861, page 1 FUNERAL.--The funeral of W. D. Fair was attended from the Pine Street Methodist Church yesterday afternoon. The services were conducted by the Masonic fraternity. The deceased had many devotedly attached friends, many of whom attended the obsequies yesterday. "City Items," Daily Alta California, San Francisco, December 30, 1861, page 1 THEATRE.--The most amusing performance of the season took place on last evening at the theater in this city, before a large and fashionable audience, who relished the jokes of the burlesque Caucus on the Senatorial election, hugely. The burlesque is founded upon certain circumstances of an attempt to bribe one of the members of the Legislature, the particulars of which have been recently ventilated by the papers the state. Mr. Pope caricatured with most laughable success the member from Butte, Mr. Smith. Griffith "took off" in inimitable style the peculiarities of Senator Perkins of San Francisco. We heard it remarked that the Senator could not be more like himself. How well Bowes copied Warwick of Sacramento, we cannot say, never having had the pleasure of hearing that gentleman in political life, but from the applause elicited, we should say that it was very well done. The Caucus scene, with its usual confusion, disorder and jumble, was exceedingly ludicrous. It will be repeated tonight, following the moral Drama—"The Six Degrees of Crime." We are informed that on Sunday and Monday, Mr. Buchanan's Troupe will appear at Oroville, returning here on Tuesday, when the young and beautiful debutante, Mrs. William D. Fair, late of Yreka, will make her first appearance in this city. The Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, March 14, 1863, page 3 THE LATE TRAGEDY.
The San Francisco Bulletin of
November 4th gives the following particulars of this affair:A terrible event occurred last evening on one of the Oakland ferry boats, which created intense excitement throughout the city, and which will doubtless result in the death of a prominent attorney under the most unfortunate and sorrowful circumstances. A. P. Crittenden, of the law firm of Wilson & Crittenden, was shot and mortally wounded by Mrs. Laura Fair, a woman widely and unfavorably known throughout this state and Nevada. Crittenden was a man of family, but report gained credence several years ago that an improper intimacy existed between him and the woman who now seeks his life. Mrs. Crittenden and her daughter have been on a visit to the East, and with a son, Parker Crittenden, returned last evening. Crittenden went to Oakland to meet them on the arrival of the overland train. The cars arrived at the end of the wharf at about ten minutes before 6 o'clock, A large | number of passengers came aboard the boat, and among them the four members of the Crittenden family above referred to. They passed up the right-hand stairway to the upper deck, and advanced forward some fifteen feet towards the wheelhouse where they took their seats with their backs to the outer railing. It appears from the statements of passengers that Mrs. Fair stood at this time closely veiled in the door of the main cabin with her arms folded under her shawl. From this position she could observe all who came up the stairway. Crittenden sat between his wife and daughter. The boat started from the dock, and had run about twice her length when Mrs. Fair walked up to Crittenden, and holding a pistol close to his breast said, "You have ruined me and my child," and fired. She then dropped the pistol on the floor, and running around the rear of the cabin, entered the southern doorway, and advancing to the forward part of the cabin mingled with the crowd of passengers. The pistol shot attracted but little attention for a moment except among those who were in the immediate vicinity of the tragedy. The ball took effect in the left breast, near the nipple. The victim of the murderous assault leaned back in his seat, and his wife placed her arms around him to support him. His limbs stretched out spasmodically, and he gradually slid from his seat to the floor. In a moment the fact became known throughout the boat that a man had been shot, and the excitement became intense. The wounded man was not removed from his position until the boat arrived at the wharf. It was evident from the commencement that the wound would in all probability result fatally. Crittenden was unable to speak, and his sufferings were extremely severe. The pistol was picked up and was found to be a four-barreled pistol of the Sharp's patent. It was quite new, and teemed to have never been used before. One barrel was empty and three were loaded. Captain Kentzel of the harbor police happened to be on the boat. In company with Parker Crittenden he commenced a search among the passengers for the guilty party. They found Mrs. Fair in the forward part of the cabin. Young Crittenden said: "That is the woman. I accuse you of murdering my father." Mrs. Fair replied, "Yes; I don't deny it. I admit that I shot him, I don't deny it. I was looking for the Clerk to give myself up. Take me. Arrest me; I am ready to go with you." She was then removed to the pilot house, and the crowd was kept away until the boat reached her landing, when she was taken to the city prison. Crittenden was removed from the wharf to the residence of his partner, Samuel Wilson, No. 519 Ellis Street. Several of the most prominent surgeons of the city were summoned immediately. They ascertained that the bullet had entered near the nipple and had passed downward, and it is believed had lodged near the spine. The left side soon showed signs of being paralyzed. The patient continued to suffer intensely and was placed under the influence of chloroform. There is scarcely a possibility of his recovery. Crittenden is a native of Kentucky, and is about 58 years of age. He is a nephew of the late John J. Crittenden, United States Senator from Kentucky. During the administration of General Jackson he received an appointment to West Point, and graduated in the same class with Generals Sherman and Beauregard in 1835. He came to this coast soon after the discovery of gold; has resided the greater portion of the last twenty years in San Francisco, the only exception being two or three years spent in Nevada during the Washoe excitement. The law firm of Wilson & Crittenden has, during the past two or three years, done the most profitable business of any firm in the city, having been chiefly employed in important land cases. Judge Robinson, who died a few days ago, was a brother of Mrs. Crittenden. At the time of his death he held the position of Supreme Court reporter. There were many rumors afloat last evening regarding the unfortunate relationship referred to at the commencement of this article, and the immediate causes which led Mrs. Fair to the perpetration of the desperate crime. We refrain from giving them publicity until facts are brought to light in substantial form. Mrs. Laura Fair is perhaps thirty-five years old. She was the wife of William D. Fair, a lawyer, of Siskiyou County, whom she married at Yreka about fifteen years ago. She has one daughter by her first husband, who is now about fourteen years of age. Through pecuniary embarrassment and domestic trouble Fair became despondent in mind. In 1860, while on a visit to this city, he committed suicide by blowing his brains out, at the office of Dr. Murphy, on Washington Street, in the building now known as the Examiner office. Mrs. Fair, a few years afterward, made her debut on the stage at Sacramento, and subsequently appeared in this city and in several other cities on the coast. During the height of the Washoe excitement she took up her residence in Virginia City, and entered into partnership with a man whose name we are unable to obtain, in keeping a boarding house, or hotel. She was engaged in this business in the summer of 1864. The war feeling ran very high there at that time. The sympathies of Mrs. Fair were intensely in favor of the South, while those of her partner were equally strong in favor of the North. On the Fourth of July he determined to raise the national flag over the hotel and she threatened to shoot him if he did. He made the attempt and she fulfilled her threat. He was wounded but not killed. She was tried for the crime in one of the courts of Virginia City. The jury acquitted her without leaving the jury box. She has resided in San Francisco during the past two or three years. While in Nevada she gave birth to a child, which is now three or four years old. In July last Mrs. Fair was married to a man named Snyder. After living with him about two months she procured a divorce from him on the ground of adultery. She is believed to have accumulated a large amount of property, and is reported to be worth $60,000 or $70,000. The Bulletin of last evening adds the subjoined: It is stated that about two years since she fired a shot at Crittenden, on the stairs leading to his office. She did not hit him, and the affair was hushed up. Since that time she has been frequently seen in his company, sometimes in the streetcars; and, only a few days since, she visited the office, and, as he was absent, left a note for him. Her daughter lives in San Jose, and attends school there. The prisoner's mother, Mrs. Lane, lives at that place also, but a short time since she kept a lodging house on Bush Street, opposite the California Theater. Mrs. Fair was at Sacramento during a recent session of the Legislature. About a year since, we are informed, she paid a visit to the Atlantic States, but soon returned to this city, and has lived here continuously since. Her face bears the lines of former beauty. Her complexion is fair and her eyes blue. She wears her hair cut short, and curled and dressed like a lady of ample means. In this city she maintained a costly establishment and lived in fine style. When locked up last night she raved wildly and talked in a rambling manner about what she had done, about Crittenden, her child and her mother. A glass of water was given her. She crushed it and kept a piece of the broken glass in her mouth, but the attending physician obliged her to take it out. He finally administered powerful opiates, and at a late hour last night she fell asleep. This morning he visited her again and a nurse was left to attend her. She still talked rambling, and kept her head rolling from side to side on the pillow, moaning and crying constantly. The relations of Crittenden with Mrs. Fair were no secret in his family or among his numerous friends. They were often seen together in public places and the fact of their intimacy was notorious. For several years they appeared to be uninterrupted, but at last he seems to have determined to break it off. When she married with Schneider [sic] he and his friends thought the trouble was ended, but after the divorce she seems to have determined to renew her relations with him. He remained fixed in his determination to get rid of her, and counseled with some of his friends as to the method he ought to pursue. He was advised to repel her at once and forever. He seems to have thought she would, in that event, kill herself, and unpleasant disclosures would ensue. She threatened to commit suicide if he left her. He even went away from his place of residence to avoid her, and she was told not to come to his office. All his efforts to escape from the toils were fruitless. Even the night before the tragedy they were in each ether's company. He talked seriously with her, she threatening to kill herself if he forsook her, and he imploring her not to make such an attempt. In all his conversations lately with friends about Mrs. Fair he never intimated a suspicion that she would attempt to kill him, but spoke of her threats to put an end to her own existence. At 1 p.m. the attending physician stated that Crittenden was living when he left the bedside. He was suffering intense agony, and there was no hope that he could survive. Sacramento Daily Union, November 5, 1870, page 6 MRS. LAURA D. FAIR.
make the following statement, with proof attached in support of the
same, with the view to correct certain false and wicked reports that
have been circulated by false and designing persons against me, and
which, for the sake of my fatherless, and, perhaps, soon to be motherless,
child, I feel it my duty to make. I haveHer Own Statement of Her Past History-- An Appeal to the Press for the Charity of Silence. A STRONG CONVICTION
in my own mind that right will ultimately triumph in
my case, and that the Supreme Court of this state will, by its
adjudication, place me once more where I stood before my trial, and
where I can again be heard in defense of my conduct before a jury of my
countrymen, who are true, honest and just, bearing no hatred or malice
whatever towards a poor woman who has never done them harm. In this, my
statement, I shall give names and dates as nearly as I can remember
them; and if, by accident, I should make any mistakes, then those
referred to can correct them; but, I trust, they will have no occasion
so to do. It has been publicly charged against me thatMY FIRST MARRIAGE
was to a wealthy old man whose wealth was squandered
by me after his decease. The name of my first husband was William H.
Stone, who was about thirty-six years of age at the time I married him,
I being a young and thoughtless girl only sixteen years of age. I was
married to him at the request of my father. We were married in New
Orleans where Mr. Stone lived, being one of the commission house and
wholesale liquor store of H. L. Stone & Company. Mr. Stone died in
about one year after my marriage to him, and left me without a
farthing, although I have no doubt his estate was worth money. As proof
that I have never received anything from Mr. Stone's estate, I refer
the public toA LETTER FROM H. L. STONE
to me, written since I have become involved in this
difficulty, which letter reads as follows: "New Orleans, March 6th,
1871. Mrs. Laura Fair, I am informed that you are my cousin Laura,
formerly Laura Stone, from whom I have not heard for many years. I
regret to learn that you are in trouble, and I suppose you will need
all your resources to get out of it. I once wrote you that if I could
save anything for you from the estate of W. H. Stone, I would do so. He
left nothing at his death except an interest of one-third in twelve
hundred acres of land in Texas. Mr. Roberts and myself own the other
two-thirds. It cost twenty-five cents per acre. I think it will now
sell for fifty cents per acre, or $600 for the whole. This would be
$200 for his estate, which, by law, would be divided between you and
his mother; $100 to each. She will take $100 for her portion. Presuming
you will do the same, I have caused an act of sale to be prepared,
which will be forwarded to you through the house of R. G. Dunn &
Co., of your city. On signing that act of sale, they will pay you $100.
I shall have to be at some expense to sell the land at fifty cents per
acre and may have to keep it some time longer; but for the purpose of
getting control of it, so that I can sell it when I have a chance, I am
willing to take it at the price. Please write me a good long letter;
tell me all about your troubles. I fully sympathize with you, and hope
the Lord will show you the way out of them speedily. Yours, truly.H. L. STONE.
Direct to care of John A. Roberts, Box 843, New Orleans.After Mr. Stone's death, I entered the Convent of the Visitation, at Mobile, under my maiden name, there to finish my education. I had no money or any means, and my mother paid my expenses there, out of the small means left her by my father. I left the convent in June, 1856, and returned to New Orleans, where I met THOMAS J. GRAYSON,
a person I had formerly known in that city, and
being without money or friends who could assist me, I married him
in the month of August, 1856. He proved to be a bad man and a terrible
drunkard, and he became so hopelessly lost I was obliged to leave him;
and in January, 1857, leaving him there, I came with my mother and
brother to San Francisco. He demanded that I should return to him, but
I positively refused, and he applied for a divorce upon the ground of
desertion, and none other. He employed an attorney by the name of D. W.
Hennen, then of New Orleans, but now of New York City, and William
Hunt, of New Orleans, acted for me. In February, 1858, a decree was
granted divorcing him from bed and board--the law of that state
requiring one year to elapse before a divorce could be entered from the
bonds of matrimony, or what was called a final divorce. I became
acquainted withCOLONEL WM. D. FAIR,
who was a lawyer in this city, and put the matter in his
hands as my attorney. Prior to this, I had advised with Governor Foote in
relation to the same matters. In 1859, Col. Fair, as my attorney,
advised me that the final divorce had been granted; and after being assured it was so, I married Col. Fair. We
were married in the town of Shasta and soon after left for Yreka, where
Col. Fair was then settled in business. It was here thatMY ONLY CHILD
was born in the month of August, 1860. Judge Baggs is
now living in this city and knows of our marriage, and knows also that
Col. Fair was poor then, and always was poor. I did not marry Col. Fair
for money, and there is no truth in the base charge made against me
that I was extravagant and impoverished him. I append to the end of
this statement the affidavit of Judge Baggs, sustaining me fully on
these points. I did all my own work when we kept house in Yreka
and kept no servants. Every person who lived in Yreka at the time we
lived there will bear me witness of the truth of what I say. Colonel
Fair lived only three months after we left Yreka. In October of the
year 1861, Col. Fair had made his arrangements to move to San
Francisco, and sent me and my child in advance, whilst he remained to
close up his business, expecting soon to follow; and, on the first of
December of the same year, he came down and settled here. I was
stopping with my mother in a house she had rented from Dr. Hitchcock,
on Bush Street, where the Brooklyn Hotel now stands. Col. Fair came
immediately to the house, and we lived there together,IN PEACE AND QUIETNESS
till he died. He sent his books and other things to
Dr. Murphy's office and took an office there with him, till he could
get one. It has been cruelly reported that Col. Fair was jealous of me,
and that we had separated before his death. This isALL SLANDER
and has in it no truth. On the morning of his death
he left the house as usual and went to his office. Soon after Dr.
Hitchcock called to him and was told by me that he was at his office.
He went to his office and in attempting to open the door found
something heavy against it, and pushing it open found that the
obstruction was the dead body of Colonel Fair. He had been shot through
his head with a pistol ball, and the world said he had committed
suicide. Dr. Hitchcock came immediately to our house, and informed me
of his death. Col. Phelps left Col. Fair but a few minutes before his
death in Dr. Murphy's office near the corner of Montgomery and
Washington streets. Dr. Murphy told my mother and myself, the same
morning of his death, that Col. Fair had left a letter with him in
which he stated that his wife and family had nothing whatever to do in
causing his death. Dr. Murphy was requested afterwards to produce the
letter, as the papers were accusing me of the cause of his death. This
request was made at different times, and I have begged of him to
produce it but he will not.THERE IS NO SCANDAL
that the ingenuity of man can devise but what has
been raised against me and circulated with the rapidity of lightning
since this unfortunate affair of mine with Mr. Crittenden. It has been
said that Col. Fair was Sheriff of Siskiyou County, and that he
absconded with a large sum of money belonging to the county, and that
I, his wife, ran away with a man by the name of Gordon. Now, there was
a man by the name of Fair, sheriff of that county, and he is reported
to have absconded, but whether he had a wife or not I am unable to say;
or whether a man by the name of Gordon ran away with her. His name was
Samuel Fair, but in no way was he connected with my husband; and as for
Gordon, I never saw him. It has been stated thatI SHOT MY PARTNER
in the Tahoe House in Virginia City for attempting to
raise the American flag over my house, and that Mr. Crittenden defended
me. Also, that I walked the streets of that city with a Confederate
flag in one hand and a pistol in the other. All this is false, and
one of the meanest things ever uttered. There was falsehood enough
uttered against me on my trial, under the solemnity of an oath, to
crush a dozen mortals like me, without resorting to wholesale mendacity
like this. This is all a malicious manufacture. In the first place I
never had a partner in business, nor in the Tahoe House. I never had a
Confederate flag, and never saw one. I never walked the streets of
Virginia City with a pistol in my hand, or a flag of any kind, or
[walked] the streets of any city with either. I kept the Tahoe House in
Virginia City and kept it alone. About Christmas of 1863 a man engaged
in the toy business kept a store under my house. He placed a large
Christmas tree, covered with dolls, drums, flags, fifes, and other
articles belonging to a toy store, upon my balcony; my boarders
complained of the obstruction; I then requested the toy merchant to
take it away and put it upon his own premises. He refused, and said he had a
right to put it there, when I called my brother, O. D. Hunt, who was
then acting as my clerk, and had been for some time, to come and cut it
down, which he did. Some of my friends came and told me that the crowd
outside misunderstood my motive in removing the tree, and supposed it
was on account of the flags which were upon it. I at once stepped to
the front of the balcony and explained the case to them; adding, to
remove all doubt about it, any gentleman
amongst them, who so desired, had my full permission to place a flag
upon my house, and I think someone did do so. The toy merchant also
sent his clerk to raise a flag over my house, to which I objected, as
he had not treated me like a gentleman; but he persisted, whereupon I
asked the loan of a pocket knife from a Mr. Walters, and attempted to
cut the rope; for which act the toy man brought a suit against me,
which resulted in a verdict against him; and being tried for the act of
aggression, was fined seventy-five dollars.Mr. Geo. D. Keeney was my lawyer and had the control of the case, although Judge James H. Hardy and Mr. Dibble assisted on the trial. Almost every lawyer in Virginia City was present except Mr. Crittenden, who was not present and had nothing whatever to do with the case. ----
In the District Court of the Fifteenth JudicialDistrict of the State of California, for the City and County of San Francisco: The People of the State of California vs. Laura D. Fair. State of California, City and County of San Francisco, ss: G. D. Keeney, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is an attorney and counselor at law, and at present a resident of said city and county. That from the early part of the year 1861 to the month of May 1866 he was engaged in the practice of his profession in Virginia City, Nevada, and became acquainted with the defendant, Laura D. Fair, very soon after her arrival there. That from the time the above-named defendant took up her residence in Virginia City, in 1863, until May 1866, this deponent was employed as the general attorney, and as far as deponent is informed and believes, as the only attorney of said defendant, except in one case, and was consulted frequently by her in regard to her business affairs. That this deponent never knew and never had any reason to believe that said defendant had any partner or partners in business, or that any person or persons were interested in business with defendant in Virginia City, but on the contrary said defendant apparently alone conducted the business of keeping the Tahoe House, and that if said defendant had any partner while in Virginia City, he or she was silent and unknown to the public. That this deponent never heard it claimed or intimated, until after the death of A. P. Crittenden, that said defendant had a partner in business while in Virginia City, or that she ever shot or shot at any person, and deponent is confident that there was no such charge made against said defendant, nor any such reports prevalent during this deponent's residence in Virginia City. Deponent further says that he recollects the difficulty which occurred respecting the Christmas tree and flags upon the Tahoe House, just before Christmas, 1863, and that this deponent had the management in its preparation and trial of the case which arose out of that difficulty as attorney for said Laura D. Fair who was defendant therein. That said case was tried before the Recorder's Court of Virginia City, the said Laura D. Fair being charged with assault and battery, and the facts elicited upon the trial thereof were, according to deponent's best recollection, as follows: A man occupying a portion of the ground floor of the building known as the Tahoe House kept a toy store there, while the said defendant rented and occupied the entire building with the exception of the ground floor. Shortly before Christmas this toy man placed a tree covered with toys, small flags &c., upon the balcony of the second floor. Said defendant objected to having the tree remain there, and told its owners to remove it, to do which the toy man refused; whereupon said defendant instructed her brother, O. D. Hunt, to cut the tree down, and he did so. Very soon after this the same toy man sent his clerk to place a flag and a staff upon the top of the Tahoe House. In order to get upon the building for this purpose the clerk passed through that portion of the building occupied by the defendant, to which, as well as the placing of the flag and staff upon the building, defendant objected. Notwithstanding such objection, the flag was placed there, and when said defendant first discovered it, she went to where said clerk stood holding the halyards in his hands and ordered him to take it down, to do which he refused. Whereupon said defendant borrowed a pocket knife of one of the bystanders and struck at the halyards. The clerk attempted to prevent defendant from cutting the halyards, and in the contest he was slightly wounded in the wrist by the knife. The witness upon said trial testified that the blow which wounded the clerk was struck at the halyards and not at the clerk. The case was submitted to the jury without argument, and the verdict was, to the best of defendant's recollection, in the following language: "We, the jury, find the defendant not guilty, and recommend that the prosecuting witness be fined the sum of seventy-five dollars for malicious prosecution." The Court informed the jury that they had exceeded their authority, and sent them out to amend their verdict, when they returned and rendered a verdict of not guilty, and said defendant was discharged. Some other attorney was associated with the deponent in said case as counsel, but deponent knows that said A. P. Crittenden was not engaged in the trial thereof, that he was not present at such trial and took no part in the preparation thereof, and, so far as deponent is informed and believes, was not consulted respecting the same. G. D. KEENEY.
Subscribed and sworn to me, this 30th day of June, A.D. 1871:JAS. E. ASHCOM, Dep'y. Co. Clerk. ----
And now a few words l wish to submit to the public aboutTHE MONEY,
it is alleged was given me by Mr. Crittenden. I kept
the Tahoe House thirteen months, and after paying all my debts and
fifteen thousand dollars on a house on A Street, which I furnished with
my own money, except two rooms furnished by Mr. Crittenden, I had left
over six thousand dollars. The Tahoe House contained thirty-seven
rooms, thirty-one of which were rented, bringing in each night over
fifty dollars. I invested it in Savage stock, which I purchased for
sums varying from $700 to $1,100 per foot. I sold it in 1867 for $4,000
per foot, having ten feet; and purchased other stock, and made all the
money I ever had in the way and manner above indicated.For the truth of this, I most respectfully refer to Mr. Ned Eyre and Mr. Bradford, who were then my brokers, and also Mr. Burling. Mr. Eyre purchased and sold for me other mining stock, after I sold my Savage, and in all these transactions I made money. MR. RALSTON,
of the Bank of California, knows that Mr. Crittenden
never paid a dollar for me on any note, or for any stock, and any who
doubt my statement can call upon these gentlemen for information. I am
in no way or manner indebted to Mr. Crittenden for any of the money I
ever had, or the little I now possess. When Col. Fair died I had never
seen or known Mr. Crittenden. He sought me and found me and would not
let me go. I marriedMR. SNYDER,
to avoid Mr. Crittenden, and as his own letters
prove, he would not then leave me. All the force and power of the San
Francisco Bar were and are today my enemies, because a brother lawyer
had been killed by me in a moment of unconsciousness, and, as my God
knows, of irresponsibility. Every effort of my attorneys, made in my
behalf on trial, were treated as idle chattering, or at least it
appeared so to me, and those who sought my blood drank of it to their
fill. If there is a just God who rules and directs the judgments of
men, I shall live to satisfy the world that I have been, to say the
least of it, greatly wronged. There is one other matter to which I wish to
refer.IN THE SPRING OF 1862
I leased and furnished a house on
Mission Street, in this city. It was between Second and Third streets.
I purchased my furniture on credit. I kept a boarding and lodging
house. The legislature of the state were in session here, having been
driven out by the flood at Sacramento. Amongst my tenants were Messrs.
Wilcox, Pemberton, Tompkins and others, members of the legislature.
After the legislature adjourned I had a vacant house, and had not yet
paid for my furniture. I was obliged to seek aid, and as my husband,
Col. Fair, was a prominent Mason when alive, I madeAPPLICATION TO THE MASONIC ORDER
for assistance. Walter Tompkins conveyed the
application to Mr. Laidley, and he to the proper authority. In response
to my application a committee composed of Alex. G. Abell and two
others called on me and were shown through my house and saw my poverty
and acknowledged it. My relief was embraced in the following language
addressed to me, by one of that committee: "Well, Mrs. Fair, a woman
with such a pretty face ought to able to support herself without
applying to the Masons."When on my trial, I was allowed to go with Geo. Knox, Judge Quint accompanying, to see Mr. Abell for the purpose of his identifying me as the party he had called upon. But he refused to see me. Of the thousand and one things charged to me and my dishonor, since my conviction, I can only add, they are pure invention and all false. I desire that the newspapers will leave me alone. I ask the charity of their silence. Let.me settle my troubles with the legal tribunals where I now am, and where I expect to find exact justice. LAURA D. FAIR.
State of California, City and County of San Francisco, ss.AFFIDAVIT OF ISAAC S. BAGGS, Isaac Baggs being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he was well acquainted with Col. Wm. Fair, deceased, former husband of Laura D. Fair--now under sentence for killing the late A. P. Crittenden--that they were married in the city of Shasta, in this state, in the early part of 1858 or the forepart of 1859, about the month of February; that they remained in Shasta some weeks after their marriage; that at the time, and after their marriage, nearly up to the date of their leaving Shasta, Col. Fair was entirely destitute of money, and only relieved by his friends loaning him two hundred dollars, thereby enabling him to pay hotel bill and passage to Yreka, where Col. Fair made his home, and practiced law, up to the time of their removal to San Francisco. Affiant further states that he and Col. Fair were associated in the transaction of considerable law business from the time of his arrival at Yreka with his wife, down to the date of his removal to San Francisco, during all of which time Col. Fair always seemed poor and hard pressed for money; that his practice was not a lucrative one, but barely affording a respectable living; that the only property owned by him, as stated frequently by him to affiant, was a homestead in Yreka, valued at six or eight hundred dollars, and a lot in San Francisco--no value recollected as stated by him--but that he intended the lot spoken of for his daughter (his only child by Laura D. Fair), who is now with her grandmother, Mrs. Lane, mother of Mrs. Fair; that during the time of their sojourn in Shasta, and residence in Yreka, none were more respected, none courted more by the best and first in society; no one stood above suspicion, or was held in greater esteem than Laura D. Far; though poor, she was a leader, and looked up to by all, rich and poor. Affiant knows nothing of the reasons or causes that produced the suicide of Col. Fair. He knew Laura D. Fair in Virginia City, Nevada, during 1863 and 1864; saw her frequently; visited her after she left the Tahoe House and went to live in her house on A Street; met Mr. Crittenden there; never before the first of 1864 did affiant know that the chastity of Mrs. Laura D. Fair was questioned or suspected; and that he never heard or knew that, except in connection with A. P. Crittenden. Affiant further states that he knew one Samuel Fair, former Sheriff of Siskiyou County, residing at Yreka, represented to have absconded with a large amount of the county's money, and that he was a defaulter to said county in many thousands of dollars; that his reputation was that of a fast man, and that fast women were in a great measure the cause of his conduct; stories were in circulation of his woman having squandered large sums of money, belonging to said county, given her by said Fair. But affiant further states that Samuel Fair was in no way related to or in any wise connected with Col. Wm. Fair; so stated to affiant by both of them. Affiant further states that he knew Col. Wm. Fair from and during 1853 down to the time of his death; that he never knew a more honorable, high-minded, genial gentleman and friend. ISAAC BAGGS.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of January, 1871.FRANK V. SCUDDER, Notary Public. ----
State of Virginia, City of Lynchburg, to wit:AFFIDAVIT OF COL. FAIR'S STEPMOTHER. This day Mrs. Ann Fair personally appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace in and for the city of Lynchburg, in the State of Virginia, and made oath that the statements herein contained are true to the best of her knowledge and belief: That Mrs. S. E. Abbott (called in the official report of the trial of Laura Fair, S. A. Abbott), wrote to the affiant--the exact time she does not now remember, the letter having been misplaced--in which letter she stated that Mrs. Laura Fair was the best friend she ever had, and that when she (Mrs. L. Fair) came to Virginia we must treat her with the greatest kindness and consideration, as her brother's wife richly deserved such treatment, being a lady in every respect. In the same letter Mrs. Abbott also requested the affiant and Col. Fair's father to meet Mrs. Fair at the cars, and from the general tenor of the letter referred to, the affiant judged that Mrs. Abbott had received pecuniary assistance from Mrs. Fair; and the affiant further made oath that the letter which was offered in evidence at the trial, dated San Francisco, Sept. 25th, and signed S. E. Abbott, was in the handwriting of Mrs. Abbott, with which the affiant stated she was well acquainted. The affiant further made oath that Mrs. Laura Fair had nothing whatever to do with making the match between Julia Abbott and O. D. Hunt, and that she (the defendant) has seen a letter from hunt, dated previous to the marriage, in which he desired Julia to decide for herself whether she would marry him or not, unbiased and uninfluenced by what anyone said concerning the marriage. The affiant further made oath that at the time this letter was written, Mrs. L. Fair was in Baltimore and Julia in Lynchburg, and that Mrs. Fair could not have had anything to do with forcing Julia to marry. The affiant further said that it was her belief that the match was begun, carried on and consummated by Julia and Hunt without making or receiving the advice of anyone, and have no other to blame but themselves. She further made oath that Julia Abbott was wholly dependent upon this deponent for support immediately preceding the period of the marriage, and that she (Julia) had not a change of decent clothing, and that Hunt took her away out of poverty. She further made oath that she (the deponent) respected and loved Mrs. Laura Fair as she would if she had been her own daughter; that she (Mrs. Fair) has been to her the best friend the affiant has had since the death of Col. Fair, and that Col. Fair always spoke in the highest terms of his wife (Laura Fair), and, that from his letters written to this affiant after his marriage, he at all times wrote in a way to impress upon her that Mrs. Laura Fair was all that a true and virtuous wife could be. ANN FAIR.
The deponent is Col. Fair's stepmother.Given under my hand and seal this 27th day of May, A.D. 1871. GEO. W. ROCKE, J.P. ----
A report having been circulated
detrimental to Mrs. Fair, relative to a bag of gold dust from Montana,
while living at the corner of Kearny and Hardie Place in 1867, "and
that Mrs. Fair made use of very improper language to a messenger of
Wells, Fargo & Co." is also proven to be utterly false. By
reference to Wells, Fargo's receipt books of the year 1867, during the
month of June, the time indicated by the report, it is found that the
party who received the said dust was not Mrs. Fair, neither was there
any entry of any package, baggage, coin or dust in the name of Laura Fair,
or for her to any address--further, on consulting the landlord of
Hardie Place, he informed the attorney's clerk that Mrs. Fair never
occupied rooms in his building during that year or any other, and gave
the appended statement to substantiate the same, and averring who did
occupy the said rooms, which was the same party who received the gold
dust, and which was found on Wells Fargo's books, as so delivered,
which the messenger has averred arrived for and was delivered to Laura
Fair, living at Hardie Place in 1867, in upper portion of house.A FALSE REPORT CORRECTED. ----
I certify that Mrs. M. J. Payne
rented upper part of house, corner Hardie Place and Kearny Street,
on March 1st, 1867, and continued therein as tenant from thence until
Inasmuch as a correspondent of the Alta
published in that paper two weeks since a list of assertions, utterly
false and uncalled for, and as Dr. Wooster, the attending physician of
Mrs. Fair, was refused the privilege of correcting the same in the Alta, it is deemed best to publish his statement and correction, as follows:DR. WOOSTER'S STATEMENT. The article in Sunday's edition of the Alta concerning Mrs. Fair needs some correction. "Loftus" accompanied me in the capacity of a friend in one of my professional visits, and should not have reported anything of that interview. Mrs. Fair did not wear any kind of a silk, but a woolen wrapper, as usual. She wore no shawl. Not a word was said about A. P. Crittenden, dead or alive; no allusion was made to him. She did not call it a "difficulty" or anything else. She did not recount her wrongs in any manner at all. She made no allusion to religion, either to hers or that of anybody else. She made no allusion to another Mrs. Fair, and conducted herself during the interview, which was very brief, in an unostentatious, ladylike, but sad, manner. My friend "Loftus" must have drawn on his imagination or morbid public rumors for nearly his whole article. Mr. Kelly did not let him into the jail, and was not there at all that night. I feel it my duty to make this explanation, as "Loftus" was introduced by me, and as such misrepresentations are very cruel towards a person in her circumstances. I would say I am sure it never entered his mind he was doing Mrs. Fair any injury. DAVID WOOSTER, M.D.
A. P. Dudley, my attorney, has
been authorized to publish each statements, affidavits and corrections
of public false rumors as he deems best, and all such to be
corroborated by positive proof. Beyond my own statement, I have had
nothing to do with the preparation of said document, leaving it
entirely in his hands and at his discretion. I have not requested any
paper to publish any written document prepared by me, for any purpose
whatever, and have never written anything for publication, beyond
certain statements required to be made and furnished to my attorneys. I
have not requested the use of the columns of any newspaper to "argue my
case over again," or for the purpose of "seeking to put my case in a
better light before the public," as was stated in the Bulletin of Wednesday, July 5, 1871.ADDITIONAL STATEMENT OF MRS. LAURA D. FAlR. LAURA D. FAIR.
San Francisco, Cal., July 7, 1871.San Francisco Examiner, July 8, 1871, page 1 811 Valencia Street, San
Lane, Mary E., 60, keeping house, born Alabama, parents born Alabama Fair, Lillias, 19, granddaughter, at home, born California, father born New Orleans, mother born Mississippi Sam Lee, 20, servant, born China U.S. Census, enumerated June 4, 1880 Ingomar.
Next Monday and Tuesday night our theatergoers will have the pleasure
of witnessing Neil Warner's company in "Ingomar, the Barbarian." The
production by this company is thrilling and entrancing. The dazzling
Lora Hollis as Parthenia is a fascination, and the company come highly
recommended. We predict good houses for them, considering that so many
of our people are away.
San Bernardino Daily Courier, August 23, 1888, page 3 ONE NIGHT ONLY.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
February 6, 1891, page 2United States Hall -- ON -- Saturday Ev'ng., Feb. 7, '91 The Talented Artists MISS LORA HOLLIS -- AND -- JAMES J. LENT, Supported by a Powerful Dramatic Co. in the Four-Act Sensational Drama, Entitled HONOR BOUND Played with great success to crowded houses for two weeks in San Francisco. Prices, 50¢. Reserved Seats 75¢ Seats now on sale at the S.F. Variety Store. The California press speaks in the highest terms of the Hollis-Lent Co. They have been playing to crowded houses everywhere. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 6, 1891, page 3 Lora Hollis of the Hollis-Lent Dramatic company made herself known to old residents of this place as the daughter of Col. W. D. and Laura D. Fair and a native of Yreka, when the company got among financial breakers last Tuesday, and our sympathetic citizens subscribed liberally for benefit tickets for the performance that evening to enable the troupe to get out of town. A pioneer or the child of a pioneer never appeals in vain to the sympathies of coast residents. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 13, 1891, page 3 The Hollis-Lent troupe gave three performances at the U.S. Hall during the past week, the first of which was well attended. There are some clever performers in the company, but their plays did not seem to give satisfaction. They started for Crescent City on Wednesday, but it is doubtful if they will reach there, as they almost stranded here. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 13, 1891, page 3 The Hollis-Lent company gave an entertainment at the Grants Pass opera house on the evening of the 13th inst. "Josephine County Items," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 20, 1891, page 2 The Hollis-Lent troupe are traveling northward, meeting with indifferent success. They played three nights at Roseburg to small houses. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 27, 1891, page 3 The Hollis-Lent theatrical troupe went to pieces in Eugene last week. A portion of the troupe went south on the freight train, and the balance left on a "tie" pass. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 6, 1891, page 3 Again in the Dumps.
The Sunday Mercury
has this to say of an actress who appeared in Jacksonville not long
since, under adverse circumstances, at the head of a company which came
near stranding here. "The citizens of Portland have tendered Miss
Loraine Hollis, the accomplished actress, a testimonial which will take
place at the Marquam Grand Opera House on Saturday evening next. Miss
Hollis was at one time a member of Augustine Daly's company and last
winter was to have joined Wm. H. Crane to play 'Young Mrs. Armstrong'
in 'The Senator' and most likely act as understudy for Mrs. George Drew
Barrymore, but the lady took ill and was compelled to remain in San
Francisco. Miss Hollis is one of the handsomest women on the American
stage and comes from one of California's most aristocratic families.
She is said to be exceptionally clever in emotional parts and heavy
roles and will therefore present that charming play, 'Forget Me Not,'
with a good, professional company of players and magnificent scenic
efforts. It is but fair to presume that her friends will turn out en
masse and the Marquam Grand [will be] crowded with a large and
fashionable audience."
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 22, 1891, page 1 E. M. Jewell, advance agent for the Clemenceau Case company, has been in the city this week advertising his company, which plays here Friday and Saturday nights. Mr. Jewell is an oldtimer on the road, and has many interesting stories to tell of people and places, for he has seen nearly all of them. "Personals," Aberdeen Herald, Aberdeen, Washington, June 18, 1891, page 4 KEYSTONE OPERA HOUSE.
Aberdeen Herald, Aberdeen,
Washington, June 18, 1891, page
42 NIGHTS ONLY 2 The Clemenceau Case Company. FRIDAY EVE., JUNE 19 The Great Sensational French Drama in Five Acts, Entitled The Clemenceau Case With MISS LORA HOLLIS as IZA. ---- SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 20, DAVY CROCKETT, Produced with Beautiful Scenery Made Especially for This Play. ---- POPULAR PRICES. Reserved Seats 75¢ General Admission 50¢ Seats on Sale at the City Drug Store. A Great Dramatic Event.
The Clemenceau Case Co. will on Friday produce for the first time in
Aberdeen this French sensational drama, by Alex Dumas.
The Clemenceau Case, where Miss Lora Hollis will assume the character of Iza. Miss Hollis is considered the handsomest woman on the American stage today, and is well assisted by a strong dramatic company, selected from the best of the New York profession. On Saturday evening, June 20th, this company will produce for the first time, also, the drama of Davy Crockett. This has long been a favorite with all theatergoers. The story is simply and beautifully told, while the manly traits of the frontiersman are ably drawn by the dramatist. The play possesses a charm for all western men, and the honest, outspoken sentiments of the noble Davy never fail in meeting a hearty response from an American audience. Frank Cleaves looks and acts the character of the life. He dresses in true frontier style, and in a quiet and effective manner makes everyone think they are miles from home. Devoid of all mannerism, he seems to invest himself with the true spirit of character and feels assured he was right, and went ahead to the delight of all present. Miss Lizzie Lingham always receives an ovation on her appearance in this great character of Elenore Vaughn, which is a pretty piece of soft-speaking womanhood, and her reading of the poem of Lochinvar's ride is a beautiful and thrilling piece of work; her audience are wrought to the highest pitch. They actually fancy they can see the eloping parties in sight, so graphically is the description rendered by this admirable actress, and when the climax is reached, round after round rewards her efforts. This beautiful play will be produced by the Keystone opera house on Saturday evening, June 20th, with beautiful scenery made for the piece, and as the company carry all their own scenery, we can be sure of a great treat which is in store for Aberdeen. Aberdeen Herald, Aberdeen, Washington, June 18, 1891, page 8 "The Clemenceau Case" was a sensational play of the 1890s, due to the notorious "studio scene," during which Iza appears "in skin-tight silk jerseys, giving the appearance of actual nudity." The Lora Hollis company reorganized at Portland and are now touring through the Washington towns, representing the "Clemenceau Case" in more or less approved fashion. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 3, 1891, page 3 San Francisco
Mr. ReamesJuly 24 1891 My Dear Friend-- Your letters received--One sent to me to Portland--I wrote to you to Jacksonville and requested that your letter be forwarded to this city. It is with deep regret that I write to you and know that I missed seeing you as hoped. I tried every means in my power to reach S.F. in time--but fate ordained otherwise. I am more than sorry believe me. Have made myself learn to endure all disappointments so will be forced to bear this. My trip with company ended and I received my salary for three weeks work but not the advance promised. I could not force the management to pay the additional sum promised me after the first week. I made sufficient to get me home--but I am very much afraid of my life now--for I am to be idle seven weeks and without money to live upon. I may be able to obtain money in advance from the new company--but is barely possible. I have no hopes of receiving any funds from Father's people until I go out with my own company. They promise to assist me next year. I dare not ask for small money from them for they are not very anxious to give this side of the family money. I of course am one of the Fairs and they only assist me because I am my father's child. Having not seen me for twelve years. When they hear great reports of my success I may then hope for assistance. I tell you the truth because you asked me to and because I am as unhappy today. I had hoped to have seen your kind face again and to tell you my position as it really is. To think that we passed each other on the way. I [was] coming here and you going back. Well--I am sorely disappointed. Write to me and tell me if you believe in me and my strength of purpose sufficiently to assist me a little. I will try and return you the money by small installments as soon as I go to work. Write to me a long letter and tell me what you think upon the subject. Will write you all about my business affairs and tell you the truth. Believe me your friend and a worthy being. Sincerely
Loraine Hollis C. C. Beekman Papers Mss 916,
Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical Society
My Dear M. Reames--Letter received--and I hasten to tell you of my whereabouts. I am with the company--but will be forced to leave them I think--Will be in Portland on the 8th--and will know then what day I will be in San Francisco-- I trust you will not go there too soon--for I may not be there--but my house is 613 Van Ness Ave.--but I will write to you to the general delivery and tell you when I will be there. I shall never forget the kindly interest shown me by you and will be more than pleased to see you.-- Write to Marquam Grand Portland telling me what day you leave for San Francisco. If we play in Portland I will beg you to come there-- How long will you remain in my city Remembering you always Sincerely
613 Van Ness Ave.Loraine Hollis or Music & Dance C. C. Beekman Papers Mss 916,
Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical Society
FriendForgive my not writing at once and thanking you--but I have been ill--very ill and could not write. Your faith in me I will remember-- If my family assist me I will have a small company of my own next spring--but don't laugh at me about it. I may never get it. I go with a company 1st of Sept. for a short season unless I make arrangements to go directly east.-- I will see you again and if I know at what time you come here will be back--for I always return here each summer. I am doing my best to recover my health--but in my present state of mind it is much more difficult--but I'll try. This is a cruel lesson I am being taught--but it may be for the best. I will not let my health be of so little [omission] to me in future. How well I remember that day in Jacksonville when you showed me the country to appreciate me and treat me as I deserved. --Oh me! my gratitude is one of my violent Write to me Sincerely
Birthday is the 11th of this month--so
old--L H C. C. Beekman Papers Mss 916,
Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical Society
My Dear Friend Been at point of death again-- consequently did not write Much better--but far from strong. I will write you of my new arrangements in a few days. Remembering your kindness always, I am still Yours
San FranciscoLoraine Hollis Sept 12 - 91 C. C. Beekman Papers Mss 916,
Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical Society
Mr. Reames--Oct 9 [1891]-- My Dear Friend-- Your kind friendly letters do me a world of good--and I answer now at this late date simply because I will write you a long letter and this was the first opportunity I have had since my severe illness. My plans for this season are all changed--I am now too late for eastern engagement--so with my peculiar energy of which you were kind enough to speak so approvingly I have gotten three plays from J. R. Grismer (firm "Grismer Dance co.") (Just playing Eugene City and Oregon now) whose wife is my best friend--so with her intercession and his generosity I have now gotten the plays.-- I shall try to interest someone in them and go on the road again--but I am fearful I will not be able to obtain the required amount. If I speak of my financial troubles I lose caste in this business--and I'm too proud to ask for money from these From a child I have kept away from prominent people here and am thankful no one assisted me in my endeavors---but now I must find some noble woman who will help me to carry out this plan. It is the only thing left me this year up to March-- I have much more to communicate and will finish this letter later. Dr. just called-- Later-- Just received your letter and hasten to say that I will write in a few days and let you know when I will be here--but I think I will be here all through Nov. Will answer letter & finish other in next. Yours
C. C. Beekman Papers Mss 916,
Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical Society
"My Friend"You write me such beautiful letters that I feel almost like believing that a good man does exist--and that I may hope to carry out my ambition yet. If you wish to hear all of my cares and plans I am grateful-- I only know that I must have money (miserable stuff) by the 1st of Dec. or I am ruined professionally. I have the plays and the right to play them--but need the money to buy paper (printing) for them and my railroad fares-- I can get a special rate on Canadian Pacific Railroad--and a special car (tourist)--but that is all-- I am simply distracted. Be here in San Francisco by the 5th of Nov. I will be here working for the Christmas month at one of the theaters here & then to go out with some company-- Understand? God bless you for your manly interest in me and may I see you soon. Sincerely
L H C. C. Beekman Papers Mss 916,
Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical Society
Francisco Dec 3rd--91
My Dear Esteemed FriendAm writing to you the first one on my be[ing] able to hold a pen. Have suffered much--but feel somewhat better--so grateful for God's kindness to me. I am so proud to know that I have so noble a man for a friend--one who is capable of analyzing the facts of my life as they are--giving me my just dues. You say--to trust you--why I have ever done so and will until you say cease. I am not a woman to lightly make a friend or to forget a kindness. Now that I know you wish my entire confidence I will tell you things just as they are, good or bad and fear no comment. I am sincere--I am doing the best I can--& I feel that I have one friend--good and true. One in whom I may "store my griefs & cares"--my failures and successes. If Heaven will help me I will prove that I am capable of amounting to something--but it will be difficult with all I have to manage--I stake so much in this Bijou. Your generous gift I guard with careful eyes, for I must make it do all you meant it should. Great good being that you are, believe in me--pray for me. I will write as soon as I have seen about my other ($100.00). Been too ill to go out yet. Trying--trying so I may succeed. Thank you for letter on that day and may we meet again With
Your Adopted Brother (That's coming) C. C. Beekman Papers Mss 916,
Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical Society
My Dear Friend & "Brother"I am still feeling ill so will not write [a] long letter until late next week. I will then know just how I stand in every way. I was forced to spend some of your money for my illness & so have that to make up. My roomer did not pay promptly & I am making up the difference by her delay. She does the best she can I know. I will see all the people I can to try and raise balance for "Bijou"--but if not I won't give up heart for I may be simply fighting against a fate which means to crush me. I am so unhappy today--I should not have written to you while in this state. You deserve to hear some good news & you shall if I live. I pray to my dead father to make me able to show you I am worthy [of] the great confidence you have placed in me. It is truly what shall save my life. God bless you--God bless you. I can't write more now. Sincerely
Adopted "Brother" C. C. Beekman Papers Mss 916,
Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical Society
Dec 15th S. F.
Dear "Brother"Your letter at hand--and I'm simply overcome to hear of your illness--for heaven sakes recover--take care of yourself and above all things come to S.F. before I go east. I wrote to you two days ago--but did not send letter owing to my having some trouble about my play with the leading man. I never dreamed that he would try to make any attempt at familiarity--but he did & I told him to leave my presence. Your dream had some great sig[nificance] for I put on my hat and walked the streets near my house for hours until I was utterly worn out. I was so tired and ill next day that I could not go out and attend to matters. That is the way things were--but tonight I am to hear from an old school friend as to balance. Will let you know tomorrow. I will enclose blue letter but destroy it at once-- I cannot open theater without a good new melodrama and you know I expected the others to furnish that without my going to any expense. I will do all I can without them (you men whom I relied upon) & if I can't see my way clear to make money will not take [a] house until after 1st Jan. Now--for a secret. McKee Rankin after begging me to join his company said, "Well, you have no man; I'll assist you--I will come back to play at Bijou with you--so hold house." That's something gained-- Bell just rang--company--so will close --saying God blessing on your noble tender nature-- Affectionately
Adopted B C. C. Beekman Papers Mss 916,
Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical Society
Dec. 21, 1891]
Pardon condition and haste--Will write again My Dear Friend I know who it is and was and will tell you who.--Percy Hunting. He was madly in love with me in New York and came here to S.F. to renew his suit. I have refused his offer of marriage several times and still he persists in writing to me--I never dreamed he was so vile as to read letters in my satchel which I left on table in parlor. I was very ill and tired and gone into the kitchen when he called--so as I did not come immediately into the parlor he looked through my satchel on a little table. I found your letter on my return It is he of whom I spoke to you as the one I did not like to ask the money for the other 100.00. Do you remember and I thank heaven I did tell you, for now you can appreciate the facts. You need fear nothing from this person. He is a coward and I can disgrace him in this city by simply showing a letter of his--I know all his family connections, his business affairs and the insanity which they attribute to him. Let me manage him. I will now be forced to put Bijou off solely on his account for I will not allow him in the theatre and will have [to] obtain a leading man--unless I find that I will be unable to do so-- What am I to do.--You are my dearest friend--my only confidant--that you should have been so miserably treated--and by my allowing such people the entry to my house--------------- I am too anxious to make all the amends in my power-- I will protect you at the cost of my life. Allow me to use my own judgment in this matter--I know what is best--------- As
Ever--"A. Bro."
Write and tell me that you know I am a good pure woman--that you believe in me and my entire truthfulness.-- Say something to make me able to endure to the end [of] my trials--for I may be forced to give up my ambition and be idle because of this low being who was going in with me.--It was his play I was to have opened with.--Think of it all--and I am almost wild.--------- I am also so proud of your judgment--your confidence--Had you not sent me this letter "quoted"--think of the position I would have been placed in. The misery which might come into my business affairs if I had allowed this crazy actor any power in the "Bijou." Now I am steeled against all his pleadings and work . . . Good or bad, the entry to my house--------- I am too anxious to make all the amends in my power-- I will protect you at the cost of my life. Allow me to use my own judgment in this matter--I know what is best-- As
ever--"A. Bro."
C. C. Beekman Papers Mss 916,
Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical Society
Dec. 22nd 91
My Dear Friend & "Bro"I have not as yet seen Mr. Hunting--and when I do he shall [not] know of your letter until the proper time comes-- Trust to my womanhood and my judgment. I knew that that creature was going to cause me trouble--for I was told by others who knew him of his mad infatuation for me--even when I was moving to attempt to make a friend of a man who had asked me to be his wife and been refused--but he promised to behave himself--and I took the chances. This is the first time in my life I was ever in such a position or had any trouble with a man. I was so proud of my not receiving men, or being clever that way. You know my soul--my gratitude--my truthfulness-- I have analyzed just how he got your card &c.-- Mother said when you were in town "Has Mr. Reames gone yet--back to Jacksonville"--and Mr. Hunting & a young lady were here--of course he remembered the name and after my telling him that you were the best man in the world he started in to watch--found letter as I said and card (and which was in a card box on table)-- I never dreamed he was vile or common as to injure me because he found his case hopeless--He has written to me this morning asking to call again as he [has] some news of plays &c.--You see, I was angry at him before he found the letter and had only permitted him to call on business. He had offended me by referring to his love again. All I can say is--It is the greatest surprise I ever had. Mother is almost prostrated over it. She will do nothing only as I advise--but it is killing her. She has always known that I must suffer for her error--but that my good life could be stained is too much. I never will get over that fearful letter--it burns into my very soul. Had I done even the slightest thing wrong I could endure the insult as a just punishment--but as I have been--so honorable in my dealings with this beast--it is awful. I have taught myself patience--self-denial and to trust in God--so I will conquer my hate--and loathing for him and make him regret his conduct in "sackcloth and ashes"-- I will tell you what kind of a letter to write to him tomorrow--Be advised by me--I know this man now--and can see just how to manage him. You must show him you know who he is and do not fear him. I shall say I know your wife, and God will forgive the falsehood for the good purpose it will assert. Yours
as ever
"Bro" C. C. Beekman Papers Mss 916,
Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical Society
My Dearest Friend--S.F---- How am I to thank you for your thoughtfulness to me. Your perfect trust in me?-- It is as sunshine to the dying tree--light in the darkness--soul to soul--Life to life. All that can be--I am again realizing that I can be understood--can be trusted and all is well. You do not know how much you are making me care for you. I send you by tomorrow's mail my little pho. of three years back--A favorite of mine--It looks so calm, so gentle--"Above it all"-- It brings my gratitude, my "faith." Guard it well--and keep your nobleness, still your leading characteristic. I wish I could say all I feel. May our God give you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year--You and your loved ones--Good night. Love "Bro"
C. C.
Beekman Papers Mss 916,
Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical SocietySan
My Dearest Friend--& "Bro"Dec. 28--91 Your letter received at 5 p.m.--I hasten to write to tell you that I have gotten too far to stop now in the "Bijou" affair. I am still short of some money but have dropped Mr. H. as a partner and he is crazy in consequence--"Crazy" is not eloquent but it suits him. I am sure of all my printing being paid for by Mrs. Dr. Griffiths--but I need some money for little things--lace for a dress--or money to "fix over" old me. I'm working like a strong man--and if I only had a little more strength I know I would not fail--can you see me "chasing" around trying to raise that money? If so you will smile, for I look so positive--I am a "wonder," as a lady friend says. Vain am I not. If I find I can't get the small sums may I ask you to help me a little? I am ashamed to say this, but I feel so encouraged that I am not afraid. I forgot all about my advertisement in the Dramatic paper--I owed a back bill ($19.00) and I will have to pay it before I can put [an]other one in--That did make me worry.-- I got the balance for Bijou on Friday--and am to sign contract Monday. I won't post this until after I do, so I can say so--will write mine Have theatre--Received your letter this morning--So you have been to the town in which I was born--Poor little girl. Bless you--and think kindly of me-- Will write again soon. Good
"Bro" C. C. Beekman Papers Mss 916,
Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical Society
Dear BroPardon paper--Will write again tomorrow. Have been ill in my room for two days--consequently did not write. Am feeling better and will go out tomorrow. Letter received. Bless your dear heart--I am grateful. No news from [attorney R. R.] Minor yet--Will look forward to it with hope. What I said I would write must wait until I have a quiet evening to myself. It is about you only. Take care of your health and don't allow anyone to make you overwork yourself. Affectionately--
Maybe a friend has sent some pictures to
Mr. Andrews (of a donkey
and written his name over it). "What do you think of that"--as my
friend Page would say.Bro Later-- Mrs. Dr. Griffiths is back and will go in with me in any way I choose--financially she will assist a little. I am now trying to raise the other amount. You would not advise me to take Hunting's money and hide my displeasure and horror--would you? Let me know. This is not my thought--but fat little Mrs. Turner's. She says he deserves to be deceived. C. C. Beekman Papers Mss 916,
Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical Society
They are giving "My Son-in-Law," a rather amusing comedy, at the Alcazar this week, and doing well with it. Loraine Hollis has leased the Bijou and is giving "The Tigress" and "Forget-Me-Not." "From the Bay City," Los Angeles Herald, February 15, 1892, page 7 Loraine Hollis, the actress, who was the leading lady of the Hollis-Lent combination which stranded here about a year and a half ago, is managing the Bijou theater in San Francisco with considerable success. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 12, 1892, page 3 A California Girl.
Miss Loraine Hollis closed her very successful engagement of four weeks
at the Bijou theater last Sunday night, when the emotional play "Alixe"
was finely presented. Miss Hollis is now purposing a grand tour, and
with this play as the chief piece in her repertory she has no reason to
doubt of her future success in the dramatic field. Miss Hollis has in
"Alixe" the unfortunate daughter of Mme. Valory, a part that suits her
emotional nature extremely well. In the last act, when the heroine
dies, she has a trying ordeal simply from the length of time she is on
the stage, but she holds her audience till the curtain drops. One
striking feature of the death scene is that Miss Hollis in it never
once closes her eyes. Her performance in the piece being taken as a
criterion, she has a bright future before her. Miss Hollis, as most of
our readers may know, is a California girl, and her native state is
reasonably proud of the fact that she is one of the handsomest women on
the stage today.--[The
Illustrated World.
As will be remembered, Miss Hollis played an engagement of several nights in Jacksonville about two years ago, and gained the encomiums of our people by her very clever and painstaking acting. She may again visit us in the near future. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 1, 1892, page 3 Repertoire of Popular Plays
S.F., July 25, '89--At the Bijou Theater--Miss Loraine Hollis, last
evening, was a very decided success financially and artistically. Miss
Hollis essayed the very difficult character of Stephanie, in
"Forget-Me-Not," and acquitted herself most creditably. She surprised
not only many friends but the critics who were present as well. Her
face, singularly sweet and pretty, is capable of much expression, and
it is not the least charm of her acting. She is tall, willowy and
graceful, and having an unusually fine stage presence. She dresses with
excellent taste, her costume of last night being much admired. She has
a quick, womanly walk, possessed by so few actresses--a marked feature
in the Jeffreys
of ten years ago. It was a bold thing for Miss Hollis to attempt such a
character, and her success is more marked and pleasing to those who
have so long had faith in her abilities. Though endowed with a
classically beautiful face, Miss Hollis has no desire to pose as a
beauty, but has ambition to win fame and worthy distinction in her
profession on pure merit. There is no good reason why she should not
realize all her hopes. She has beauty, youth, talent, intelligence,
grace and ambition; what else is needed? Given these, there remain only
patience and practice to add another bright star to the dramatic
firmament.As Presented at the Leading Theaters of San Francisco. MORNING CALL, S.F. Feb. 2, '92--Miss Loraine Hollis as Stella Barotti in "The Tigress" is powerful and intense; her scenes with the Count are different from the stereotyped order, showing at times a swagger that is natural to the part, having a depth that actresses of the present day seldom grasp, however foreign it may be to their nature. And thus she portrays "The Tigress." She is an actress of merit; her conception of the character is her own and is a decided treat. MORNING CALL, S.F., Feb. 14, '92--Miss Loraine Hollis as Stephanie de Mohrivart in "Forget-Me-Not' at the Bijou last night played to a large and appreciative audience. Miss Hollis' performance of Stephanie is full of light and shade, is vigorous and subtle and ranks with the renditions of the best actresses who have hitherto played the role. EXAMINER, S.F., Feb. 9, '92--Miss Loraine Hollis in "The Tigress" has exceeded her friends' warmest hopes, and deserves the highest praise for her conception of the part. It is different in treatment to other roles played by this lady, full of fire, she keeps her audience fascinated from act to act, and it is hard to imagine so gentle a lady portraying the feline characteristics of "The Tigress," but she sinks her identity and shows that she is an artist of no mean order. CALL, S.F., Feb. 11, '92--"The Tigress" was a success at the Bijou last night. The play calls for strong acting and Miss Hollis fills the role of Stella Barotti in a powerful manner. This young Californian is an actress of great ability. She was for two seasons one of the Daly Company's leading ladies and is handsome and bright with intelligence. This actress has never worn corsets and should he proud of her graceful and and natural figure. MUSIC AND DRAMA, S.F., July 21, '88--It affords us more than usual pleasure to say a kindly word in behalf of this talented young actress. Though she has but recently adopted the stage as her chosen profession, she already gives promise of a brilliant career. With an ardent enthusiasm for dramatic art, a superb bearing and a matchless beauty, added to an inexhaustible fund of native talent, there is no reason why Miss Hollis should not become a credit to our state and an ornament to the stage. Her career so far has been a surprise. For the benefit of those who have never seen the lady we shall endeavor to describe some of her leading characteristics. Most prominent among them is her queenly figure, which combines at once natural grace and stateliness. Tall, lithe and willowy, she carries herself straight. as an Indian, fully illustrating Pope's couplet, "She
walks a goddess
oval face and clearly chiseled features betoken the Grecian type of
womanhood. Honest gray blue eyes shaded by dark lashes verify the
saying "The eyes are the windows of the soul," making her face such a
one as the old masters would have loved to contemplate. Her mouth and
teeth are perfect, her nose classic, a velvety complexion and a wealth
of natural red-gold hair add to her charms. If we may be pardoned for
mentioning it, one of her most remarkable features, when her height is
considered, is her small and daintily shaped feet. Neither nymph, naiad
nor grace could ever boast their equal. Miss Hollis' tout ensemble
is at once striking and mystic and we would say the lead characteristic
of the face is strength of character. As a woman in private life, she
is universally loved and respected. Her winning ways and staunch
loyalty has won her a host of friends. Nor is she one whose friendship
wearies by constant association. Being above the small vanities of her
sex, she never loses a female friend, and this is the surest test of
true womanhood. She is bright and sparkling in conversation, quick at
repartee and retorts but always considerate of the feelings of others.
We can pay her no greater compliment than to say we know and believe
she will make as great an actress as she is a good woman. We know of no
one in whom the beauties of face and figure have been so intimately and
admirably blended with the beauties of head and heart, having at once
"Helen's brow but not her heart. Cleopatra's majesty, Atlanta's better
part and sad Lucrecia's modesty."And she looks a queen." NEW YORK MIRROR (Harrison Grey Fisk)--Loraine Hollis is the handsomest woman on the American stage. SUNDAY OREGONIAN, Portland, May 31, '91.--Miss Loraine Hollis, in "Forget-Me-Not," demonstrated that she possessed great and considerable dramatic power, and should prove a success wherever she goes. OAKLAND ENQUIRER, Aug. 18, '88:--Miss Loraine Hollis, in the play of "Ingomar," is a very beautiful Parthenia. She has a bright future before her, and a woman of her ambition and beauty will win her way by force of character and charms that are bestowed upon but few of her sex. OAKLAND TRIBUNE, Aug. 17, '88--Loraine Hollis, in "The Geneva Cross," shows for one so young that she is something more than an eleventh hour actress. MUSIC AND DRAMA, S.F., Aug. 25, '88--The Author of "Ingomar, the Barbarian," could have conceived of no fairer mortal for his heroine than Loraine Hollis, whose Parthenia is a vision of loveliness, fair enough to tread in the land of dreams, to haunt a poet's pillow. Loraine Hollis voices her own inspiration when as Parthenia she speaks the line, "Parthenia, up! Thy labor now begins." LOS ANGELES TRIBUNE, Aug. 20, '88--Miss Hollis is without exception the handsomest lady who ever stepped before the footlights at the Grand. She is a remarkably beautiful woman, whose face and figure are delightful to look upon, and her performances in "Ingomar," "Geneva Cross" and "Time and the Hour" called for the highest praise. LOS ANGELES TRIBUNE, Aug. 23, '88--Miss Hollis as Parthenia brings to the view of the audience about as perfect a specimen of a Greek maiden, in both face and form, as Phidias himself could have chiseled. It is, evidently, a role more to her taste than that of Gabrielle Le Brun, as she displayed more warmth and less self-consciousness in the former than in the latter character. The lady evidently possesses considerable talent which, with her remarkable beauty, will always make her sufficiently successful. MUSIC AND DRAMA, S.F., Sept. 28, '88--The Eastern managers are ambitious enough to place Miss Hollis, our Pacific Coast beauty, in competition with Langtry and Mrs. Potter. HUMBOLDT STANDARD, Humboldt, Aug. 7, '88--Fair in feature, pleasing in manner, accurate in declamation and perfection in stage presence--one hazards nothing in pleading guilty to the disposition of being willing to look and listen by the hour. As the charming, sprightly maid Gabrielle, her manner is enchanting; as the brave and determined wife of Reil du Borg, in the face of death, she is more than a queen in manner. Some of her scenes vividly reminded us of a great actress, now dead, in the role of "Lucretia Borgia." WESTERN WATCHMAN, Eureka, Aug. 9. '88--The subtle chart which Parthenia seemed to throw over the Barbarian extended to the audience, and as she drew Ingomar from his state of wild savagery by that unfathomed power of love, willing him to do her bidding, quelling and taming his ferocious spirit to ways of peace, she presented a vision of genuine loveliness that won and captivated her audience as completely as it did her wild lover. It was the richest treat with which a theatergoing public could have been favored. The most beautiful woman in America, as Parthenia, is Miss Hollis, and if there are any more such women to bud and blossom on the earth, we hope that nature will cause us to be born again, DAILY REPUBLICAN, Fresno, Aug. 13, '88--Miss Loraine Hollis is said to be at once the handsomest and most talented tragedienne on the coast. The title role was certainly one of the best performances ever given in this city of its kind. Miss Hollis as Parthenia is said to be handsomer than Anderson or Langtry. SAN BERNARDINO COURIER, Aug. 28, '88--Miss Loraine Hollis is conceded by the entire press to be the most beautiful woman on the stage today. Whether this is so or not, it is certain that the lady makes a very charming Parthenia, and a character so sweet and simple as is required by the author needs a young and beautiful woman to satisfy the idea of the audience, which fact alone is a sufficient criticism in her favor. SAN DIEGO BEE, Sept. 1, '88--Miss Hollis, the last but by no means least promising of California's contributions to the stage. . . . Standards of criticism for the character which Miss Hollis essayed last evening are somewhat high and exacting, and the young actress, no matter how talented, how beautiful or ambitious, is bound to suffer in consequence. The playgoer has in mind the fair and talented Neilson, the bewitching Anderson, or that powerful creature, strong in limb, lithe in action and grand in presence, Kate Forsythe, the finest Parthenia since Neilson. Judged by such standards, Miss Hollis might be unsatisfactory. Should she be led into different line, the society drama, her beauty, her attractions and decided talent will make her a proud place. She is ambitious, energetic and earnest; she has good, sound sense and is a noble woman, making a grand effort to establish a place for herself in her chosen profession on merit solely. I predict she will succeed. She possesses the spark, the faculty to attract souls to impose respect and sympathy.--ZAC. SAN DIEGO BEE, Sept. 2, '88--There flashed across the horizon of San Diego theatergoers a beautiful vision--a woman of surpassing loveliness and gentleness of manner. I refer to that fair daughter of California, Miss Loraine Hollis. She has every element to make her a success in her chosen profession, youth, beauty, grace, ambition and personal magnetism. I predict a great future for her. She is zealous, hopeful and conscientious; she realizes that "stars grow," they do not come made to order. It is a long road to fame and greatness on the stage, and they are achieved only by study and hard work. Miss Hollis understands this and she will succeed.--ZAC. SAN DIEGO UNION, Sept. 1, '88--Miss Hollis as Parthenia is an able exponent of the art she follows, besides ably representing the character, is quite handsome and did not disappoint those who have been reading about "Lora," who is as pretty as a picture. SANTA BARBARA PRESS, Sept. 1, '88--Miss Loraine Hollis threw the force of a woman nature into the acting of Parthenia. EXAMINER, S.F., July 25, '89--Miss Loraine Hollis faced a very pleasantly disposed audience last night in the Bijou Theater as Stephanie de Mohrivart in "Forget-Me-Not." She followed a time-honored custom in choosing to play at her benefit an extremely difficult role, one which no actress of meager experience could hope to represent faithfully, but she did not follow another time-honored precedent and make a failure of the attempt. She gave such decided evidence of talent, intelligence, grace, quickness and adaptabilities that she justified her ambition. The part is deep enough to take in many degrees and varieties of histrionic ability, and though any undeveloped talent is apt to rattle about in it, it is always sure to give such talent a chance to be recognized. The character is vividly alive to the finest ends of its finest nerves. It is full of changes, variety, light and shade, sudden flashes of emotion, sudden lapses into complete emotional indifference, and it is not possible for an untrained actress, nor even for a brilliant and finished one, to represent all its phases, even if she understands them all. Miss Hollis showed last night that she did understand them, that she comprehended the nature of the woman she was trying to represent and was keenly alive to the meaning of all her lines. DAILY INDEX, San Bernardino, Aug. 28, '88--In the lady who last evening presented to a much pleased audience the difficult role at Parthenia in "Ingomar," the Index is pleased to recognize one of more than ordinary merit, well started on a career that will be very bright if youth, talent and beauty and a deep devotion to her art can make it so. Feeling a more than kindly interest in the young star for the reason that she is a Californian, and for the additional reason that as a child she was known to the writer. Lillias Loraine Hollis is the daughter of William D. Fair, a scion of an ancient Virginia family, who in his lifetime gained no little celebrity at the Baltimore legal bar. Lynchburg was his native place and the Fairs of that vicinity are his kinsmen and kinswomen, polished and aristocratic. Mr. Fair was a man who was loved and admired by all who knew him for the force of character and graces of mind and manner. All that strength of character added to a charming and graceful personality combined, with a phenomenal intellect and rare beauty have descended to her as a birthright. Her capacity of dramatic power, a completeness in her representations will, without doubt, give her a place of rare distinction on the American stage. Miss Hollis is young and the way is long and steep to the goal of her ambition, but her application and talent will carry her to the goal to which she aspires. POST, S.F., July 25, '89--Miss Loraine appeared last evening as Stephanie in "Forget-Me-Not," the occasion a testimonial benefit rendered by the numerous friends of the young lady. Miss Hollis has enjoyed the reputation of being a remarkably pretty woman and her appearance last evening not only demonstrated that such a reputation is justly due to her personal charms, but she also confirmed the opinion of her friends that she possessed marked ability for her chosen profession. Her face is capable of a great deal of expression, and frequently last evening she gave glimpses of remarkable dramatic power, which only needs the freedom of expression which will come in time. Her voice is singularly sweet and agreeable and is under excellent control. To attempt so important a role as the Marquise de Mohrivart is a bold undertaking, but Miss Hollis has the courage, a splendid stage presence, a classically beautiful face, a musical voice, and with proper guidance she will attain an enviable distinction in the field she has chosen. MUSIC AND DRAMA, S.F., Nelly McHenry Co.--Grand Opera House--Loraine Hollis gave conscientious and painsworthy portrayal of Mary Somers in "Lady Peggy." She has a good conception of the character and never fails to impress the audience with its importance. CALL, S.F., Sep. 9, '90--Grand Opera House--The angel of the piece in "Honor Bound" is Marian Winfred, a native daughter who loves Jack Crawford and will not have her faith in his honesty swerved by all the plots and counterplots worked to his detriment. The part is sustained by Miss Hollis with pleasant grace of action. Her scene at the execution is made a thrilling one. SAN JOSE MERCURY, Nov. 9, '90--Lillias Loraine Hollis, known in the theatrical profession as Lora Hollis, is the leading artist to appear in this city at the People's Theater. She is the same Lora Hollis who was with Daly last winter in New York, and was to have returned to join Win. H. Crane's company in "The Senator" this winter. Miss Hollis is beautiful young woman, a native of California, and has successfully played the lead in "Forget-Me-Not" and "Camille," Zeika in "Diplomacy," Parthenia in "lngomar," etc. EVENING POST, S.F., March 12, '92--During her engagement Miss Hollis proved herself an actress of remarkable versatility, appearing in roles directly opposite in their characterization, viz: "Forget-Me-Not," "The Tigress," "Alixe," and others. EVENING POST, S.F., March 12, '92--Miss Loraine Hollis' success as a dramatic star--Miss Loraine Hollis closed her very successful engagement of four weeks at the Bijou Theater last Sunday night, when the emotional society play "Alixe" was finely presented. Miss Hollis is now proposing a grand tour, and with this play as the chief piece in her repertory, she has no reason to doubt of her future success in the dramatic field. Miss Hollis has in "Alixe," the unfortunate daughter of Mme. Valory, a part that suits her emotional nature extremely well. In the last act, when the heroine dies, she has a trying ordeal simply from the length of time she is on the stage, but she holds her audience till the curtain drops. One striking feature of the death scene is that Miss Hollis in it never once closes her eyes, her performance in the piece being taken as a criterion. She has a bright future before her. Miss Hollis, as most of our readers may know, is a California girl, and her native state is reasonably proud of the fact that she is one of the handsomest women on the stage today. Loraine Hollis advertising brochure, C. C. Beekman Papers Mss 916, Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical Society. This is part of the "printing" referred to in the letter of December 28, 1891. San
Dear Friend--March 27 [1892] Will you write a friendly letter to Mr. Andrews--speaking of the "Bijou Theater" and my performances-- Just thank him for sending you the score of Patience--or anything you can think of. Mr. [Percy] Hunting is doing some more work and succeeding in turning my friends (the Turners) from me. He says that you & Andrews don't even know each other. Will you write the letter at once. Mr. Andrews will tell you the news later and I will write [a] long letter to you. God bless you. Address--Tom H. Andrews Esq. or Col. if you wish, Grand Opera House, Mission St. Yours
As ever "Bro" C. C. Beekman Papers Mss 916,
Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical Society
"Bro" Mine!--Mar. 31, 1892 My short letters, containing no quiet "little talks," must have wearied you. I They will give me only $60.00 per week to start with-- but if I make a hit will raise the salary. I must be ready to leave here in three weeks. What do you think of it? Shall I go? Answer at once. ----
As to
May-be-a-friend--he will
soon be ousted--for I have put him in a corner by exposing his lies to
some friends of his--He told my friends the Turners that I had no friends here from Oregon and Mr. Andrews didn't meet you &c. Andrews was wild. He says that if I were his sister he would thrash Hunting on the street-- As it is any fuss will only injure me. I wish I dared do it myself. H. is jealous because I starred in San Francisco and received praise for same. He cannot obtain employment here, as they all know he can't act--so he is very much annoyed at the facts. I smile when I think that Hearson [?] has taken his punishment into its own keeping, by making me successful. I did my duty. I worked. I tried--and did much better than he dreamed I would. My life is apart from him forever--and he cannot touch the same ground that I do--ever unhappy mortal. I was pleased to read your "diary," and your bright wit does me so much good. If I could have assisted you in the store it would have been nice. Strange, that I was thinking of the parting just one week later. So one needs to communicate. As to my long letter I will say part of it now. "I have often wondered if you realized the peculiar friendship that exists between us. Our perfect understanding--and the impossibility for others to try to change it. I know you as though we had been friends for years longer It's cold!--oh me--I am puzzled--company just rang--so must finish. Believe
me the same
We see photos tomorrow.Sincerely-- "Bro" C. C. Beekman Papers Mss 916, Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical Society April
7th 92
"Bro Mine"--I must write in awful
hurry--but say in all pleasure that your letters are my chief joy--I appreciate every line--Now as to business:-- My dresses must be under way--as I am to play for two weeks last of April-- Minor matter will be put off by the manager there. Letter today telling me so.-- My dressmaker (I have to get the only one who can fit me--and who has sewed for me for years when I did not give my dresses to Mother) Mother is too ill to do them all--This same dressmaker can only work for the next three weeks for me--as she is going in the country.--Am wild now at my not calling upon her some and ascertaining these facts sooner. If you intend to send money for these dresses--send it by express to Mrs. L. L. Hynes* &c.--It will then come direct to my house--If you wish to, send it to Mr. J. B. Merriam--care Mrs. L. L. Hynes, 613 Van Ness Ave.-- Now if that's "not cunning" I don't know what is. The truth is pure--but the evil minds must be deceived-- As to the trunk--I would be only too glad to save the sum by getting it at a cheap rate-- Send me direction where to go to obtain it. --Don't send the fare yet--I may make it in [a] very short two weeks--but I doubt it--still there [is] a chance of my making at least 20 per week clear.-- It will take $30.00 to get the new Forget-me-Not dress and $10.00 for the making. That's $40.00--(Black street dress is finished and looks well--thank you.--I am proud of the giver!) I need two more silk dresses--One Mother will make for $5.00 and the other will have to be sent to dressmaker.--I can pay them at cost if I go to wholesale house. I know where to go--and who will take me.--so that's all settled. Can buy them both for $16.00 a piece--both at $32.00--Lining &c.--5.00 (both)-- Must get some little things to fix over other dresses--Cost about $12.00--I think that will cover what is necessary--If you can't afford the sum send what you wish & I will pull through somehow I forgot my velvet wrap--(cheap velvet, about 7 yards will do)--It's for the stage--Can get it for 75¢ per yard--Plenty good You can count this up.--I know it looks funny that I can get a dress so cheap--but I can-- The trunk will cost about 12.00 or 15 dollars.-- Pardon this business letter--but you asked for it--and pressed me to tell you what I needed-- ----------
Write me your diary. It is so charming
to know someone thinks of me--Will write soon a sensible worthy
letter (worthy of you).--Minor settled--Eight weeks and more time given, if I wish to stay. Pleasant news Is it not? Sincerely with
Don't take cold.Affection Bro C. C. Beekman Papers Mss 916, Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical Society *Apparently Loraine's real name. April
12 [1892]
"Bro Mine"--Order received yesterday--and collected today. I would have written at once, but I was called to attend some business of importance. I forgot the sum of cast music, $1.20 with sending charges included. Tickets bought but didn't win anything. Many thanks. I am positive that you are not taking proper care of yourself. Please do. Your description of your S.F. Dr. was more than true. Now, if I am to see you again please try and keep your health. This world holds so few good men that it cannot spare you. I would not be able to fret my "Bro Mine" with my cares &c. Your photo ought to be finished. I will go tomorrow and see what's the delay. Why must people neglect to keep their word. Lawyers promised me faithfully to send them last week. I am to play with my own company for two weeks or more--but think only two weeks. The "Knights of Pythias" pays us on percentage. I am only waiting to get away. That's the best thing for me. I'm so unhappy here. I must hurry up and buy everything--so that I will not lose a day when the time arrives. My health is better. I am so tired. Must rest, so will cease--only saying that I am sincere and worthy. With my soul's best thoughts-- Yours
C. C.
Beekman Papers Mss 916,
Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical SocietyBro. NIGHT MESSAGE
Jacksonville, Ogn. 8:18 a.m. April 23, 1892
Francisco [April] 22
To T. G. Reames Intercept all letters you can are coming to wife sent through other parties letters Brother C. C. Beekman Papers Mss 916, Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical Society Destroy last three letters and oblige S.F.
April 22nd 92
"Bro" DearMuch has transpired since I wrote to you--and I will attempt to tel you all. I have been more than grateful in my thoughts to God for giving me so much kindness through you. I have been happy and content.--then to my horror came the shadow of--that fiend--that cur--Percy Hunting. I found that he was working against me most royally--fixing stories & fit occasions--and I started to investigate and woe betide me found that he & the French woman were friends and were working together to injure my fair name. I repeat what transpired concerning your noble self, and you can estimate my suffering of heart. He told three of my so-called friends that I was intimate with you and that he knew it--then he went too far--he said last night the same thing and Tom Andrews had a fight with Hunting about you--a windy war--I mean.--I can't write more now--I sent telegraph tonight. Will write again-- Yours
as ever--
C. C.
Beekman Papers Mss 916,
Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical SocietyBro Thos. G. Reames Jacksonville, Oregon Dear Friend I very much regret being compelled to apologize for not answering your letter before now and shall not take the time to make excuses now, but will write you how that dirty villain Percy Hunting is trying to ruin our friend. I caught him in the lobby of my theater and told him I would break every bone in his body if he did not stop his slanderous tongue. He says that he is going to write to your wife through a third party and tell her how our friend wanted you to get a room outside of the hotel so she could be with you. He will close the letter in a small envelope and put that in a larger one and address it to a man, he has found his address, and request him to deliver this letter in person to your wife, so keep a good watch and prevent it at any cost. He says he found out that you live 18 miles from Jacksonville and has got the full address. This man is crazy in love with our friend, and she does not care a snap of her finger for him and has forbidden him to enter her house or ever speak to her again and he says he will ruin her. He talks fearful about you and I about what we have done for our friend. The gentleman who was on the door of the theater at the time she was playing here says he does not remember ever meeting you and does not believe you were in the theater while she was playing. If you remember I introduced you to him one night as our friend's best friend and you made the remark that we were all her friends. If this man does not stop his talk I shall give him one of [the] soundest thrashings he ever had. I do not want you to get mixed up in it as you have a large family and grown children that must not have any talk about, while I am single and alone in the world and no one that he could hurt. I can best stand it. I told him if he mentioned your name or mine in any disrespect to our friend I would give him the worst licking he ever had and I will do it. I will keep you posted. Answer and let me know if he has done anything so far. Respectfully
your friend
C. C.
Beekman Papers Mss 916,
Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical SocietyThos. H. Andrews April
27th 92
Bro. Mine--Letters received and I write to tell you that I have been ill again and almost wild. I know that Mr. A----'s letter told you all you wish to know about H----g.--but you cannot appreciate the horror of it to me. As you understand me and my life you can easily see his object--It is to prevent me succeeding honorably.--He thinks by starting fresh scandals he will ruin my name--and frighten my pure friends.--That I will end by killing myself and he will have punished me for turning him from my door and showing him my dislike. He says to persons--She will not dare to fight me for I will say she is her mother's child and a fiend &c. He thinks that I will be forced to endure all and not whip him in the open street as he deserves.-- I sit for hours and suffer this humiliation--knowing I am powerless. My tour will be all refused if I make an open warfare-- As to you--These are his plans. He has found out just where you live and will send [a] letter [to] somebody in Jacksonville--and enclose the letter to be delivered to Mrs. R.-- He has gotten the Turners on his side by a clever stroke of policy. Lies--lies to them and cries about my treatment of him &c. Says I am treating him so because I have gotten assisted from men richer than he. You can imagine just the tricks he is using. Col. Andrews is going to take up the fight. You cannot afford to be known in this yet. I will protect you at any cost.-- He (H.) thinks you and wife will be in town in ten days and that will put off letter matter. If I could only see you now and talk it over.-- Pardon brief letter--but I must meet some friends. Madam -------- is settled--She has signed a paper refuting all and hates H----. She fears me for I found out her entire career.-- She is a woman who runs after women.-- Do you understand. Heaven help me. Another letter Friday night. I will write. I will advise you on many points. Can you not use the Masons to protect you here. Send a letter to A---- with permission to call a Mason. Head your letters to me-- Dear Friend--x--and I will understand. Destroy all mine. C. C. Beekman Papers Mss 916, Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical Society May
3rd 92
Bro MineForgive me for not answering your lovely letters--but I have been too blue to write. We have heard nothing of H---- [Percy Hunting] this week. Did take your advice about him. He two weeks [ago] arrived here to play, were postponed because Mr. A---- [Thomas H. Andrews] could not leave Grand [Opera House] to get the dates and "Knights" [of Pythias] in each town to work and keep him. Two companies have played at Grand and kept Mr. A---- here--Do you understand? I am very much annoyed at delay--Expect to go soon--and then will be so much happier in consequence. I will finish this letter as soon as visitors leave.-- Later.
It is now
12--at night--and I am
still here--Can't rest. I pass such dreary nights--Am afraid I am going
to be ill for the last
time.You speak of your going east--I will go also. We will meet again--and I will be able to tell you all my troubles again--Your friendship has been to me a blessing--I know now how good--how noble you are. I have gotten my clothes--and will get my trunk--I think of you in it all--and thank heaven for giving me such a friend. ----------
My troubles here will soon be over--for
I mean to go to Minor--but the good news is--that we open the season in Chicago--"What
do you think of that"--I trust that your health will be always "improved"--and that I will be able to live long enough to see you again. Forgive my sadness, and I will try and write a bright letter soon. ----------
Mr. A---- is looking out for the villain
H---- and I think has frightened him.I am following your advice. As ever
C. C.
Beekman Papers Mss 916,
Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical SocietyBro Season 1892-93
Bro MineMiss Loraine Hollis REPERTOIRE.
Francisco [May 7, 1892]
I wrote you a very blue letter last time and I now write to beg you to not mind it and to know that I mean to keep up my spirits until we meet again. You must think me ungrateful or unappreciative. I am awaiting news from Minor about the opening in Chicago. If the company meets there I will be the one to gladly go. I took a lonesome ride in the cart yesterday and thought of our funny little trips. The day I laughed so much at your quiet no--when we thought the car was going back the same way.-- How beautiful the water looked from the tops of the mountains--and the little Chinaman also was there. The light of God's sunshine shines upon us both--but does not tell you that I am the same true friend as on that day. I will never change. The life before me will be a sad and tired one no matter how success may crown me--for it comes too late--I was ambitious--tried so hard to make myself something--and now it seems like Dead Sea fruit. No more news from the "evil one"--He is doing himself only harm by playing at that 10¢ house.--He will never go any higher.--Heaven's hand will be in his downfall. Minor sent me a message--to the effect that he wished an interview with me.--Rather late to seek me--after allowing himself to be influenced by such a creature. Don't forget your daughter's pho.--I want it so much. Must write some business letters. Destroy this. Yours--Bro
C. C.
Beekman Papers Mss 916,
Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical Society"Heart" is with me on a purple cord. Miss Loraine Hollis, the well-known actress, was in this city Sunday, and her manager, Colonel Thos. H. Andrews, made arrangements for her appearance at the opera house this month in a repertoire of plays. Miss Hollis is a handsome and accomplished lady, who by her own efforts has attained a front rank among American actresses, and is among the few California girls who have succeeded in achieving an Eastern success. For a season she was with the famous Daly Company of New York, where she received favorable notices from the critics. "Social and Personal," Santa Cruz Sentinel, May 10, 1892, page 3 June
"Bro" MineS.F. Letters and draft received--and I was so overpowered at your kindly thoughtfulness that I had a good feminine cry--which brought on one of my sick headaches--and that ended in my being ill a day & a half. I have been so overworked (doing all my own business to say a salary) that I am not feeling bright. Theater matters is going fairly. I am having trouble about filling P.H.'s place--that is all. Maybe a friend is doing all he can to deter me. He is putting some stumbling blocks in my way--But I can't fall over them. Come to the city sometime in Feb.--(last part) and you will see me in some good lines. I would so enjoy a talk with you. God bless you for your kindness to me and know me worthy.--You have made me successful in so much I had to do--because I knew you believed in me-- I will look well for the opening of "Bijou" and you will see me in good spirits if you come to theater. Affectionately
Will write again
soon."Bro" C. C. Beekman Papers Mss 916, Box 19 Miscellaneous Papers, Oregon Historical Society LORAINE HOLLIS' TRIP.
Hollis, a California actress, returned a few days since from a tour
through the northern part of the state, and while on that tour she had
quite an adventure with two members of her company whom she had picked
up when they were in distress and had helped along.Some of the Trouble She Experienced with Members of Her Troupe. One of these, V. M. de Silke, acted part of the time as manager, and in that capacity handled some of the money, but as the lady did not like his methods directed him to turn over all funds to Orme Caldara, who was the treasurer of the company. After that as the members of the company were on a stage going from Oroville to Chico, De Silke, who sat opposite Miss Loraine, took occasion to insult her by word and by blowing smoke in her face. This was kept up until Caldara gave him a good pummeling. While he was administering punishment De Silke's friend, A. Walsh, jumped upon Caldara, and beat him savagely, and would have hurt him had not Harry Vizard, another member of the company, come to the rescue. De Silke, Walsh and one T. J. Williams attempted to break up the company when it was billed to play in Oroville on the return from Chico, but Caldara threatened to punish the fellows if they did not play their parts, and they did play them. San Francisco Call, September 13, 1892, page 3 Opera House Next Week.
The Territorial
Enterprise of Virginia City, Nev., when Miss Loraine
Hollis was playing there recently, said; "The claim of Loraine Hollis
to being one of the few lovely women on the stage is well founded, as
will be admitted by all who saw her at the Opera House last night. Miss
Hollis has a finely formed figure, an imposing appearance and
magnificent eyes. Her posing is artistic and effective in the extreme
and the feeling and expression she can summon into her face and eyes at
will are very taking. The cast is too large to be mentioned in detail.
The support is equal to the leading role and rounds off the magnificent
acting of Miss Hollis in a most gratifying manner. The play was highly
enjoyed by a critical audience, which left the Opera House pleased with
beholding a first-class drama excellently rendered."Miss Hollis will be seen in Santa Barbara in two of her principal roles Wednesday and Thursday nights next, November 16th and 17th. Morning Press, Santa Barbara November 12, 1892, page 4 AN IRATE ACTOR.
He Had to Relinquish a Stormed Theater. Percy Hunting's Midnight Raid on the National is Liable to End in His Arrest. In
the "wee, sma' hours" yesterday morning the National Theater on Eddy
Street was taken by storm.
It appears that Percy Hunting, a small and twinkling light in the galaxy of dramatic stars, has for some time had a grievance against John C. Byrnes, the proprietor of the theater. He asserts that by verbal agreement he has a partnership claim in the theater and, tired of the slow routine of legal procedure, he yesterday morning gathered around a dozen choice spirits and proceeded to perform deeds of "derring-do." Charley Nicksdorf, the watchman, was surprised at being confronted by so many strangers, who flourished their pistols in the air, but when the sepulchral tones of Hunting bade him surrender himself he succumbed. He was confined in one of the dressing rooms while the raiders proceeded to screw up the various doors of the theater. Nicksdorf contrived to escape from his confinement and with all speed proceeded to give the alarm to Manager W. Dailey, who lives close by. By that time Percy Hunting and his "legionaries" had made themselves comfortable behind the stage. Dailey could not effect an entrance, so he left the party where they had ensconced themselves until morning. Shortly before 10 o'clock Byrnes and Dailey, accompanied by attorney R. R. Minor, began to discuss the situation with the triumphant Hunting through the thickness of the stage door. Finally the door was opened, when Hunting explained that he had acted under legal instruction. Attorney Minor tried to explain to him what a mistake he had made, and then, with a crestfallen air, the humbled Percy and his following evacuated the premises. Some months ago be sued Mr. Byrnes in the Justices' Court for $40--two weeks' salary--and got a judgment, but was non-suited upon the case being carried to the Supreme Court. "Yes," said Mr. Byrnes, "under certain circumstances he might have had some interest in the house, but he can't do anything, and as he has failed in his part of the understanding how can I be held to mine?" "He has had engagements for just about six weeks in the last two years," added Manager Dailey, "and he has been and is living on his wits." Meantime Hunting, who is well known as a Kearny Street promenader by his clean-shaven face and peculiarly negligee appearance, has gone into hiding to escape arrest. The watchman at the theater swore out a warrant yesterday and vows he will get even for the indignities heaped upon him by the lawless Thespian. San Francisco Call, November 6, 1893, page 10 "Faust" at the Bush Street.
The Bush Street Theater will reopen tomorrow (Monday) night, when the
Wilkins Dramatic Company will revive Goethe's great masterpiece,
"Faust," for one week. The play, as it will be produced, was especially
adapted for this production by Alfred J. Edwards, a well-known Eastern
playwright; the management announces that the scenic effects will
surpass anything of the kind ever seen. A strong cast will support the
star, Mr. Percy Hunting, whose wonderful delineation of the character
of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde caused such a sensation several years ago.
"Faust" is a tragedy, and as it will be staged well should draw crowded
houses during the engagement of the company in this city. Several new
features, including a kaleidoscope dance, entirely new in this country,
will be introduced int he famous "Brocken scene," where Mephistopheles
calls his demons together for the "Walpurgis night revel." Bewildering
electrical effects, gorgeous scenery and weird and beautiful costumes
will do much to make the piece a success. The box office will open
today, when seats can be secured in advance.
San Francisco Call, June 3, 1894, page 16 ACTOR AND ACTRESS.
Hollis, the actress, is after the scalp of A. C. Henderson, the actor.
She appeared in Judge Low's court yesterday afternoon, accompanied by a
gentleman, and told the Judge that she desired to have Henderson
arrested for nonfulfillment of a contract.Loraine Hollis Is After the Scalp of A. C. Henderson for the Nonfulfillment of Contract. She had organized a company, to be known as the Loraine Hollis Theatrical Company, to tour the state, and had engaged Henderson for nine weeks at $30 a week. A contract was drawn up and signed by her and Henderson, and now Henderson refused to fill the engagement. The Judge sent for warrant clerk Benjamin and instructed him to draw up a complaint. Benjamin, Miss Hollis and her friend retired to his office, and he essayed to draw up a complaint that would meet the case. He took it to the Judge, who did not approve of it, and Benjamin tried another tack, with similar success. The Judge was deeply interested in a real estate case that was being heard by him and told Miss Hollis that he would look into the case and have a warrant to cover it drawn up this morning, when she could call and swear to it. San Francisco Call, August 14, 1895, page 9 Commencing tomorrow evening and continuing through the week, Loraine Hollis, the charming young actress, and her company will hold forth at the Opera House. The programme for the week will be a selection of Eastern successes. Miss Hollis is among the handsomest actresses on the stage, and in comedy and emotional roles she is very clever. Her wardrobe is of the latest pattern and will attract much attention. Her company is comprised of good people in the theatrical line. The first three performances will be as follows: Monday, "Arabian Nights"; Tuesday, "The Tigress"; Wednesday, "Forget Me Not." Reserve seats at Tanner's. "Sentinel Jottings," Santa Cruz Sentinel, September 1, 1895, page 3 LORAINE HOLLIS CO.
They Appear in "The Tigress" and Give an Excellent Presentation.
There was a good-sized audience at the Opera House Tuesday evening to
see the Loraine Hollis Co. in "The Tigress." It is rarely that a play
is so well presented here. As "Stella" Miss Hollis does some powerful
acting. She is indeed a veritable tigress. There were scenes in which
she displayed ability of an order that is seldom seen. In movement and
action she was grace itself, while her well-modulated voice was heard
to the best advantage. Miss Louise Jessen, as "Angelo," also did good
work. She showed considerable talent. Chas. J. Edmunds, as "Barotti,"
Orme Caldara, as "Lord Noddy," were excellent. In fact, all of the
characters were well taken.
This evening Miss Hollis will appear in "Forget Me Not," probably the strongest play in her repertoire. As "Stephanie" she portrays a character that attains the marvelous from a dramatic standpoint. Those who saw her in the play during her previous visit have not forgotten her splendid rendition of the part. With such an actress and such a play the house should be crowded. Santa Cruz Sentinel, September 4, 1895, page 3 "Forget Me Not" at the Grand Opera House. The Oroville Mercury says: "It was one of the best performances of the year. Miss Loraine Hollis appeared at the Union Theatre last night in the strong and thrilling play of 'Forget Me Not,' and without an attempt to praise, but as a matter of simple justice, we say that the performance was decidedly the best that has been witnessed in Oroville for years. Miss Hollis is a remarkably handsome woman and has not only beauty of form but a classically beautiful face, a musical voice, and a splendid stage presence." At Hanschild's Opera House next Wednesday and Thursday nights. Reserved seats at usual place. Victoria Advocate, Victoria, Texas, February 29, 1896, page 3 THEATRICAL.
Tonight at Music Hall, Miss Loraine
Hollis will commence an engagement of four nights and Saturday matinee.
The opening bill will be "Mr. Barnes of New York," with all the
original scenery, properties and effects. Miss Loraine Hollis is
supported by a company of unusual excellence, every member
being an artist of recognized ability. Of Miss Hollis herself too much
cannot be said in her praise. Formerly a member of Augustin Daly's
company, she has developed into a star of most dazzling brilliancy. She
has proven herself a most dramatic genius and a charming, womanly
woman. So thoroughly does she imbue her audience with the idea
that they are witnessing a thrilling drama in real life and not a mere
piece of acting, and so completely does she sink her identity, that
she shows herself to be an artist of exceptional fine ability.
Her repertoire will include besides "Mr. Barnes of New York,"
"Forget-me-not," "The Arabian Nights," and "The Tigress."
The company will play at popular prices for the first time this season.Plainfield Daily Press, Plainfield, New Jersey, April 28, 1897, page 5 Loraine Hollis Company.
This company which is engaged to play here shortly is spoken of by the London Advertiser, September
24th, as follows:
"The Hollis Stock Company produced Dumas' tragic masterpiece, "Camille," at the Grand last night before a very appreciative audience. The intensely emotional role of 'Marguerite' is one which nearly all the distinguished actresses have essayed. It is one of the severest tests of histrionic ability, and Miss Loraine Hollis sustained it last night with a finish and power that fully realized the conceptions of her auditors, and stamped her as a superior artist. Her handling of the death scene was thoroughly competent, and the result was a well-rounded production in all respects. The wardrobe effects were very handsome. The Hollis company has made a very favorable impression, and may play a return engagement later in the season." Commercial Advertiser, Canton, New York, March 8, 1899, page 3 803 D Street, San Francisco: Snyder, Laura, 62, widow, no occupation, born June 1857, born Mississippi, father's birthplace unknown, mother born Alabama U.S. Census, enumerated June 8, 1900 Entertained Her Company.
Miss Loraine Hollis pleasantly entertained the members of her company
on Christmas evening by a delightful supper served after the theatre at
the Hotel Fassett grill room. The company to the number of sixteen sat
down to the well-ladened tables, and it was probably the jolliest party
that has assembled there since the grill room was opened.
An actor's life is not the most pleasant in the world, drifting from one hotel to another, the comforts of home life are unknown to them and Christmas would be the one day in the year when their thoughts would turn to the home circle. It was extremely thoughtful of Miss Hollis to make the Christmas day one of joy and gladness to her associates, and they will gratefully remember the jolly Christmas day in Wellsville. Wellsville Daily Reporter, Wellsville, New York, December 27, 1900, page 3 AT THE OPERA HOUSE.
Miss Lorraine Hollis.
Seats are now on sale at Mason's for Miss Lorraine Hollis, who opens an
engagement of two nights on Monday. Belonging to an old southern
family, her parents went to California immediately after the war, where
Miss Hollis was born. Living under the shadow of Mt. Shasta, with the
pure air and the beautiful climate of California, she grew up and was
noted for her great beauty and perfect figure. Her education was
carefully looked after. Of a highly emotional temperament, she was
naturally fitted for a great career. She had no thought of adopting the
stage as a profession, however, until family reverses suggested it as a
means of employing her talents. She began by playing bits in San
Francisco theaters. Her great beauty and perfect form attracted the
attention at once of managers, and she was rapidly advanced to leading
parts. It was while playing "Stephanie" in "Forget Me Not" that the
late Augustin
saw her work, and immediately engaged her as a member of his company.
She came east with his organization and made an instantaneous success,
playing leading business in Wm. Terriss'
company, under Mr. Daly's management.
She then joined Wm. H. Crane's company, understudying George Drew Barrymore. Returning to the Pacific Coast she starred for several seasons in such parts as "Zitka" in "Diplomacy," "Camille," "Forget Me Not," "The Tigress" and "Parthenia." Recently she starred as "Marina" in "Barnes of New York," with much success, and has played important engagements in every large city. Her personality attracts attention at once. Her perfect form would serve as a model for any dress reform movement, as Miss Hollis has always discarded stays and other artificial means to improve her figure. It is said she has the smallest foot of any actress in America. Notwithstanding her arduous labors on the stage, Miss Hollis has found time to cultivate her love of literature and has contributed many articles to various magazines. She is also an accomplished musician. Evening Express, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, February 9, 1901, page 1 A Clever Actress and a Good
Miss Lorraine Hollis and a very clever
company have appeared at the City Opera House this week, we
regret to say, to very small audiences. The first night she played her
great success," Forget Me Not," and on Tuesday
night "Camille," Dumas' great masterpiece; other nights she
gave pleasing renditions of popular dramas and comedies.Miss Hollis' work is strong and remarkably effective and her pathos in light and shade is truly and artistically portrayed.She once played in Augustus Daly's company. Miss Hollis is the daughter of an old Confederate soldier, who was a Virginian and a Mason. Those who have not seen her performance should avail themselves at once of the opportunity. It is the strongest company playing excellent plays at cheap prices that has ever visited Frederick. Frederick Citizen, Frederick, Maryland, March 22, 1901, page 4
The Columbia Theater management
announces that Miss Jessaline Rodgers, leader in the American
Theater Company, will be seen in Brooklyn for the first time
this week
in "Jeanne Du Barri," a five-act play by Lorraine Hollis,
founded on incidents in the career of King Louis XV
and his favorite, Madame Du Barri. A production on a scale of unusual
is now being prepared, and at the termination of the
Brooklyn engagement the entire equipment will be moved to
the American Theater, Manhattan, for an indefinite time. The
scenery, now in course of completion by Hoyt, at the Columbia,
Hamilton and Moses, at the American, will surpass anything ever seen
of the kind in Brooklyn. The staff of scenic artists from both
theaters have been at work night and day for four weeks, and
have been ordered to spare no expense. Costly court gowns,
patterned after those used in the palace at Versailles during the reign
of Louis XV, have been duplicated by the costumers from plates of the
period in possession of the Astor Library. In one scene Madame Du Barri
wears her presentation gown, the train measuring fifteen feet
in length. The management declares in positive terms that the policy
of prices in vogue at the Columbia will be strictly adhered to, and
that means have been taken to protect their patrons from the
speculators.Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 18, 1902, page 87
The much heralded production of "Jeanne
Du Barri" by a combination of the companies of the American Theater,
Manhattan, and the Columbia Theater, Brooklyn, was given before a large
audience at the
Columbia last evening. There have been rumors that David
Belasco, the author of the original "Du Barry,"
in which Mrs. Leslie Carter is starring, would swoop down upon the
Columbia with a court injunction that would close the
doors of that theater for a week at least, but after seeing the
play last night it can be safely asserted that there is small reason
for Mr. Belasco troubling himself to that extent--that is,
not if he sees the play first. Miss Jessaline Rodgers, the leading
woman of the American Theater, played the part of Jeanne Du Barri, and
did it well. She is by no means a great actress, but by
sheer hard work, backed by considerable natural talent, she made
the part most interesting and dominated the stage
throughout the evening. King Louis XV was played by Frank
Camp, carefully and almost faultlessly, but it was nevertheless weak,
because not well drawn by the author, Miss Lorraine Hollis, an
actress new to the art of writing for the stage. Acceptable work was
done by Mortimer Snow, as the Chevalier de Brissac;
Joseph Daily, as the Viscount Jean Du Barri; James A. Bliss, who plays
the minister of police; Miss Rose Stewart, as the Marchioness de
Grammont: Miss Olga Bowen, as Fanchon Du Barri, and Mrs. E. Holt, who
played the Marchioness de Mirepoix. The scenery and
costumes are on a more elaborate scale than in any play seen at the
Columbia since it became a popular price house. There are
five acts and each has a special setting.Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 21, 1902, page 12 Lorraine
Hollis' "Du Barry"
In a popular price Brooklyn theater, Loraine Hollis last week produced
a new version of "Du Barry," Mrs. Leslie Carter's great success. The
Hollis version is called "Jeanne du Barri" and judging by the caustic
criticism given it by New York's professional carpers it is utterly
without merit. The characters are all jumbled up and the plot becomes
so incoherent as the play progresses that it is impossible to follow
it. Loraine Hollis always had a penchant for producing "her own"
versions of plays. I remember when she put on "The Clemenceau Case" at
the Bijou. I believe Lester Lonergan was in the cast, the same Lonergan
who adapted "The Country Girl" for Kathryn Kidder. Loraine Hollis is
one of those actresses who, given every opportunity to rise in their
profession, never manage to do anything worthy. When she first went
upon the stage she was given a position by Augustin Daly. But she did
not like to play small parts in New York after having been featured in
San Francisco. She preferred being a big toad in a small puddle, and so
she returned here to star and tour with her own company--a very
mediocre one gathered from the byways of the Rialto. Loraine Hollis is
a daughter of Laura D. Fair, the heroine of Mark Twain and Charles
Dudley Warner's novel which brought the immortal Sellers into
existence. Loraine, or Lillie, Fair was married quite young to an
equally youthful husband named Andrew J. Hynes. He was a newspaper man
and the only son of a Southern couple of aristocratic feelings but
reduced fortunes. The young people, being both spoiled children,
disagreed after a time and separated.Town Talk, San Francisco, May 31, 1902, page 24 Landlady Prosecutes Authoress.
Mrs. Lorraine Hollis, a tall, handsome
woman, attractively attired, appeared in the Jefferson Market Police
Court in response to a summons obtained by Mrs. Mary Barton of 119
West Thirteenth Street, who accused her of owing a board bill of $26
for herself and her companion, Miss Ferdinand.Mrs. Hollis says she is the writer of the play "Jean du Barry," which had a metropolitan appearance at the American Theater. She recently had a discussion with David Belasco over the authorship of "Mme. Du Barry." Mrs. Hollis appeared for a week last April at the Murray Hill Theater. Magistrate Crane said the matter was one for a civil court. Brooklyn Daily Eagle, June 26, 1902, page 26 AMERICAN THEATRE--Miss Loraine Hollis, who was unable to appear last Sunday because of an accident, will give her sketch, "Jeanne Du Barry," tonight. Others on the bill are Gracie Emmet & Co., Marietta di Dio, Dixon & Anger, Inman & Hall, Trask & Gladden, Hoevere & McLeod, Charles Wright, James McLaughlin, and the Vitagraph. "Sunday Concerts," New York Times, January 22, 1905, page D3 Benefit for Julius Hopp.
At the Berkeley Lyceum last evening a benefit performance for Julius
Hopp, the founder and organizer of the Progressive Stage Society, was
given. The play presented was Herman Merravale's three-act drama,
"Forget Me Not," in which Lorraine Hollis appeared in the title role. A
fair-sized audience witnessed the performance.
New York Times, April 24, 1906, page 11 Lorraine Hollis will appear in a benefit performance for the orphans of San Francisco at the Berkeley Lyceum this evening. "Theatrical Notes," New York Times, May 19, 1906, page 11 "I went back to Seattle to the Third Avenue theater, and played anything I was lucky enough to be cast for. Then George Osborne made me an offer and I came back to the Alcazar. I played there six months; that was twelve years ago. Then I traveled awhile with Lorraine Hollis, a sort of barnstorming star." "What kind of plays did she have?" "The 'Clemenceau Case,' 'Forgiven,' and things like that." There was a tinge of disdain in the reply. "Where did you tour with her?" "Oh," came the offhand and candid admission, "at all the little Petalumas! And that was the time Father came in.'If you're going to follow this kind of business, you've got to go east,' he told me. So he bought my ticket and gave me money enough to live on for awhile." Landers Stevens in "Betty Martin Talks with Landers Stevens," Oakland Tribune, October 28, 1906, page 2 Lorraine Hollis has completed a vaudeville sketch in which she will soon appear with Irene Ackerman and Victor Le Naire. "Amusement Notes," New York Times, November 19, 1906, page 9 Richmond, California: Snyder, Annie, 72, widow, has own income, one child, born Mississippi, father's birthplace unknown U.S. Census, enumerated April 23rd, 1910 223 West Forty-Ninth Street, Manhattan, New York: Hymes, Lillian L., widow, 45, actress, born California, father born Virginia, mother born Texas U.S. Census, enumerated April 18, 1910 Percy Took Snuff with Grand Duke
and Did a Lot of Other Things That Make Him Interesting
He took snuff from the same box as the Duke Alexis of Russia. He was a
little sailor boy who got restless at home, in Boston, and went to sea
with his uncles.
He took the first flat-bottom schooner, the Cora S., from Seattle to Skagway in 1897--he still holds a pilot's license. He pierced the Alaskan wilds before that big rush in 1896. He ran the mail in the early days of the rush. He was special deputy marshal. He prospected and he mined. He ran a hotel--the first decent one in Skagway--the Dewey Hotel. He built a theater--the Alhambra--in Frisco. He conducted an elocution school. He hunted moose for a living. And, chiefly, he was an actor. You see, this is the story of a very busy man. He's the human encyclopedia of the drama as known in the days of Booth, Forrest, McCullough and the rest of those stars of the last generation. He can tell you what the leading actors and actresses of that day used to eat for breakfast, what cuss words they used, when they married, how much money they made, and what their real names were. He can tell you all about Tom Keene and Lawrence Barrett long before the day when they became famous enough to have cigars named after them. All About Percy Hunting.
For Percy Hunting, now a deputy county clerk in Seattle, played with
the best of them. That was in the days of the good old stock companies,
when the stars alone traveled from place to place. The actor of that
day, he says, was a real artist--he had to act. Today if you can fit
into one particular type, no matter if you couldn't take another role
in 1,000 years, you're called an actor. The stock actors of the former
day, says Hunting, were finished artists. They played Shakespeare
then--you couldn't get a chance to sweep the stage floor if you didn't
have a speaking acquaintance with the Bard of Avon."The average gallery kid knew more about Shakespeare then than the girls in the Smith Academy of Massachusetts today," says Hunting. Hunting is from Massachusetts himself, you know--comes right from the old Mayflower excursion to Plymouth Rock--and is a direct descendant from old Governor Bradford and John Hunting--only that the old chap used to spell it "Huntting." Starred Here in 1893.
starred in Seattle way back in 1893, as leading man for Florence
Roberts. He played in "Othello" with five stars, Barrett, Keene,
McCullough, Frank Bangs and Miles Levick. He played with John Drew,
Kate Claxton, Mrs. D. P. Bowers. He knew Abe Erlanger when he dieted on
coffee and sinkers in the Millionaires' Club--meals a nickel each.
Hunting was the fifth man in the United States who played the cripple
in "The Two Orphans." He starred in "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" when he
quit the stock company at the California Theater. He was seen in
Seattle as the star of "Richelieu" in the old Third Avenue Theater.Seattle Star, November 21, 1911, page 4 ONCE FAMOUS BEAUTY DIES OF
Body of Lillian Loraine Hollis Found in Room with Score of Cats in New York
NEW YORK, Feb. 7.--Lillian Loraine Hollis, who was said to be a famous
beauty of the Pacific Coast in 1892, died in obscurity here last
Monday, it was learned today. Her body was found in a little furnished
room on Forty-ninth Street, in which there was a score of cats, and
there was evidence, said physicians, that her death was caused by lack
of nourishment, or practically starvation.
"In a voting contest, conducted by several California newspapers in 1892," said a person who knew the woman, "Miss Hollis was proclaimed the prettiest woman of the Pacific Coast." A number of actors and actresses visited an undertaking establishment to see her body borne to a crematory after simple services. St. Louis Post-Dispatch, February 7, 1913, page 8 FORMER MRS. FAIR WOULD END LIFE Mother of Lillian Hollis, Hearing of Daughter's End, Seeks Death
RICHMOND, Feb. 8.--Mrs. L. A. Snyder, mother of Lillian Loraine Hollis,
who died in poverty in New York day before yesterday, seized a knife
this afternoon and attempted to take her own life when she read in the
dispatches the tragic end of her daughter.
Mrs. Snyder resides at 437 Eleventh Street in this city and has been depending upon the charity of her friends for a living. She was once the beautiful Laura D. Fair, who killed lawyer Crittenden. Crittenden was on his way to meet his wife on her return from a trip east when Mrs. Fair, now Mrs. Snyder, shot him dead. Mrs. A. H. Jackson, with whom Mrs. Snyder has lived for some time, summoned assistance when Mrs. Snyder became hysterical and threatened suicide. A physician was called and the patient was quieted. The shooting of Judge Crittenden occurred November 3, 1870. Lillian Hollis was alleged to have been the child of the lawyer and jurist. Father a Gambler SACRAMENTO, Feb. 8.--Published reports that Lillian Loraine Hollis, daughter of Laura D. Fair and famous California beauty, who died in poverty in New York City a few days ago, was the illegitimate daughter of Judge A. P. Crittenden and Laura D. Fair are denied by Mrs. J. M. Rust, a nurse, of 1418 Fourteenth Street, this city. Mrs. Rust says she nursed Laura D. Fair in the days following the murder of Judge Crittenden by Mrs. Fair on an Oakland ferry boat, and from her learned the facts. Mrs. Rust says Lillian Loraine Hollis was the daughter of Mrs. Fair and her husband, Colonel Fair, a gambler, who committed suicide at Washington and Kearny streets in the early sixties. San Francisco Call, February 9, 1913, page 56 GUARD GRIEF-STRICKEN
The Mother of Lorraine Hollis Becomes Hysterical from Brooding Over Death.
RICHMOND, Feb. 8.--The death of Lillian Lorraine Hollis, the actress,
in New York several days ago, under tragic circumstances, has so
affected her stepmother, Mrs. L. A. Snyder of this place, that
neighbors fearing for her own safety last night asked the police to set
a watch over the despondent woman. Officer Wright visited the woman at
her home at 427 Eleventh Street, and found Mrs. Snyder in so gloomy a
mood that he took from her a large cheap knife, fearing she might harm
herself with it. The woman was hysterical and moaned constantly that
she had nothing to live for now, having lost the best friend and only
relative [she had] in the world. She bemoaned her sad fate and frankly
said she might as well put an end to her own life, now that Lorraine
was gone.
The officer finally took the woman to the Abbott hospital in an auto where she remained overnight, receiving treatment for hysteria and nervousness. She was permitted to return to her lonely home this afternoon. ALONE AND IN POVERTY.
The death of her foster daughter, Lorraine Hollis, occurred in New York
several days ago under very sad circumstances. Once acclaimed by a
statewide beauty contest conducted by the large newspapers as the most
beautiful woman in California, Lorraine Hollis died alone and in
poverty in her rooms in New York.Even the day and hour of her death are not known, for she was not found until several days later. Her pitiable condition was matter for press dispatches sent out from New York, and this story affected Mrs. Snyder very much. Tonight Mrs. Snyder talked briefly of her life. She said: "I had not heard from my daughter for twelve years. When I read of her death there in New York I just wanted to kill myself. I'm 75 years old, and it does not make much difference whether I live or die now. I lost all I had in the fire of 1906 in San Francisco and did not even rescue a few photographs of my daughter I prized highly, being the first she had taken when she took on stage life. Lillian was deserted and divorced by her husband, Andrew Hynes, many years ago. For twelve years I have been in ignorance of her whereabouts." Mrs. Snyder's first husband was William B. Fair of Yreka, an attorney, who twenty-five years ago was a political power in the northern part of the state. When he died his widow married A. L. Snyder, who has been dead for about eight years. Mrs. Snyder had been living in Richmond for the last four years. As Laura A. Fair she was renowned for beauty almost as great as that of her daughter. She shot and killed Judge A. P. Crittenden, the father of her child, on November 3, 1870, when he refused to recognize the girl and care for her. In a sensational trial in San Francisco Mrs. Fair was acquitted. Oakland Tribune, February 9, 1913, page 43 Climax.
KEEN EDGE HER BALM. Laura Fair Tries to End Her Life. Mother of the Beautiful Lillian Loraine Essays Role of Suicide. Grief Over the Fate of a Prize Winner Remains to Be Assuaged. Romance Woos Tragedy in the Closing Scene of an Eventful Career. (BY DIRECT WIRE TO THE TIMES.)
8.--(Exclusive Dispatch.) Mrs. L. D. Snyder, known in the early '70s as
the beautiful Laura Fair, adventuress, slayer of Judge A. P.
Crittenden, and principal in at least two other shooting affairs, and a
beauty of her day, attempted, with a bread knife, to end her own life
in Richmond after reading of the death of her daughter, Lillian Loraine
The daughter, an actress, who in 1892 was voted the most beautiful girl on the Pacific Coast, died in squalor in New York. For twelve years she had refused to communicate with her mother. MOTIVE
The tragic
death of the daughter and the attempted suicide of the mother on the
opposite side of the continent mark one more tragic episode in the life
of the woman, whose history few of the present generation recall, but
whose life was marked with tragic events.ROMANCE
Of all the
romance and tragedy that was woven into her life that morganatic
romance which culminated the evening of Thursday, November 3, 1870,
when she shot down Judge A. P. Crittenden, eminent lawyer of his time,
on board the ferry boat El
Capitan at
the Oakland pier, was the most sensational. The murder was committed
within sight of the wife of Judge Crittenden and while his sons and
daughters stood near to witness it. Mrs. Fair could not bear to see the
man she loved and with whom she had been on intimate terms for months
clasp his lawful wife in his arms when she returned from a visit in the
East.The adventuress who more than forty years ago shot down her lover, who twice before had attempted murder, is the woman who read the story of her own daughter's death this morning in a little cottage in Richmond and whose grief was so great that she tried to put an end to her existence. Mrs. Snyder had been living in Richmond since 1906. For the greater part of the time she has been conducting a woman's exchange, but with indifferent success. Mrs. Snyder is remarkably preserved for her age, being in the neighborhood of 70. She has the appearance of a woman more than ten years younger than that. She lived in Richmond in the home of Mrs. Howell at No. 437 Eleventh Street. It was there this morning that she read in the morning newspapers of the death of Lillian Loraine Hollis, reported to be the foster daughter of Mrs. Snyder but who she says is her legitimate child. WITH
Immediately after reading the
newspaper account of the death of the actress in New York, Mrs. Snyder
ran screaming from the room. She rushed into the kitchen followed by
several members of the Howell family. Mrs. Snyder grabbed a bread knife
from a shelf and cried that she would kill herself. Members of the
family disarmed [her] and held her in restraint until the arrival of
officers who sent her to the Abbott Hospital. She remained there until
last night when she was sent to her home. Later in the evening she
boarded a train for Oakland, where she said she intended to visit
Loraine Hollis was my
daughter," said Mrs. Snyder as she was leaving Richmond tonight. "She
was the daughter of William [D.] Fair, to whom I was married in Yreka
in 1863 [sic].
I have affidavits to prove that she was my daughter."The maiden name of Mrs. Snyder, who attempted to end her remarkable career this morning, is supposed to have been Lane, and she was a native of Mississippi. She first became known in California when she married Col. William [D.] Fair, former sheriff of [Siskiyou] County. [William D. Fair was a lawyer in Siskiyou County; Samuel P. Fair was Siskiyou County Sheriff in the 1850s.] When he had money he gratified her every whim, but when he met with reverses she cast him off. Fair was so deeply affected by the desertion of his wife that he committed suicide. After the death of Col. Fair, Mrs. Fair was twice remarried. After a divorce from the third husband she was again brought in the public eye by a series of remarkable adventures and escapades in Mexico. INFATUATION.
In 1861
she left Mexico and went
to Virginia City, where she first met A. P. Crittenden, who became so
infatuated with her that he forgot everything else for a time.When the War of the Rebellion broke out, she was a strong Southern sympathizer, and when the entire Pacific Coast was in doubt as to which side to champion in that struggle, she created great excitement in Virginia City by appearing in the streets wrapped in a Confederate flag and, with a cocked revolver in her hand, daring any person to raise the Stars and Stripes in her presence. One patriot was brave enough to defy her. She shot at him but missed. She then raised the Confederate flag over her home and dared anyone to pull it down. Patriotic citizens entered the house during the night, cut the halyards and the flag fluttered to the street. She was arrested and tried for the shooting affair, but was acquitted. Crittenden was her attorney at the trial. Soon afterward her companion, a man named Hunt, killed a friend in a brawl, after which he fled the state. Hampered by lack of funds, she did not follow him, but remained. It was soon after that she came to San Francisco and appeared on the stage playing minor parts, both here and in Sacramento. She soon realized that she was not cut out for theatrical life. She became conspicuous at balls and at the theaters and was famed for her unusual beauty. Eventually, she met and married a Jesse Snyder. After six weeks of wedded bliss she discovered that her husband kept very close watch of his purse. She arranged for a divorce suit, which she won. The decree was granted but four days previous to the shooting of Crittenden. THE
Laura D.
Fair shot Alexander P.
Crittenden, an eminent San Francisco lawyer of his time, on board the
ferry boat El Capitan, in
presence of his wife and children, November 3, 1870, inflicting a wound
from which Crittenden died the evening of November 5.In September, 1870, he sent his wife and seven children east for a pleasure trip, and had just greeted them at the Oakland pier on their return at the time of the tragedy. As they boarded the ferry Crittenden's son, Parker, observed a woman attired in black and heavily veiled who appeared to be regarding his father's movements intently. Crittenden was a native of Kentucky and a West Point graduate as a classmate of Gen. Sherman's. Remaining in the army only a year, he married and took up the law, coming to San Francisco in 1852. When Crittenden and his family took seats on the boat the woman approached them and suddenly whipped out a revolver from the folds of her clothing, shooting him in the chest. Crittenden fell to the deck, unconscious, and the woman hastened to another part of the boat, where she seated herself. Capt. Kentzel of the harbor police was on the boat and placed her under arrest, depriving her of the revolver. Immediately following her arrest she began acting peculiarly, apparently bordering on hysteria, and when a stimulant was administered she bit a section out of the glass. It was not until after she was taken to the city prison that her identity became known. On the day of Crittenden's funeral the federal, state and municipal courts adjourned. The defense was that Crittenden's perfidy had wrought her mind to a blind, unreasoning frenzy. She was convicted April 26, 1871, and was sentenced to be hanged July 28. The Supreme Court granted a stay of execution July 11 and later accorded her a new trial, which resulted in her acquittal upon a plea of her counsel that she was a victim of emotional insanity. Los Angeles Times, February 9, 1913, page 1 "THE SINS OF THE
The daughter is dead--starved to death in a New York furnished room.
The mother lives, on the opposite side of the continent, though she
tried to die by her own hand at the moment when the news of her
daughter's death reached her.How the Old Biblical Law Worked Out for Lorraine Hollis (Beauty, Actress and Playwright), Whose Shadowed Life Has Been Ended by Starvation in the Very Heart of Rich New York. The father died years ago, by the mother's hand--because he would not divorce his wife and bestow his honored name upon this mother and this daughter. Thus, now for the first time, is explained the mystery of the always losing battle which wore out the life of one of the most beautiful and estimable women who ever graced the American stage--Lorraine Hollis. Always, upon her spirits and upon the material circumstances of her daily existence, rested the blight of the Scriptural promise: "The sins of the fathers shall be visited upon their children, even unto the third and fourth generation." Yet, borne up by her sense of her own personal freedom from responsibility for the misdeeds of her parents, she kept up her fight to the end. Her great beauty and talents could not be denied. Lenbach, the great German court painter, declared she resembled Maxine Elliott, his ideal of a beautiful woman. This beauty, and her ability as an actress, enabled her to earn the attention of a man influential in the theatrical world--and for once, a few years before the end, there was a single moment in which she believed she had triumphed. She had been blandly received by him. No other person was present. "Certainly," said the man whose influence she sought, "you shall have the position to which your beauty and your talents entitle you. The contract will be for five years--" She felt all the burden of her embittered past falling from her wearied body. But the arbiter of her fate was leaning over, his face almost touching hers, muttering something which seemed incredible. "What is that?" she asked, startled. "It is what you are to do," he said, "in view of what I am to see is done for you." And, in lower tones, he repeated the condition which had seemed incredible. There was no mistaking the man's meaning this time. She blazed forth in her indignation, and rose to quit the place. He laughed loudly, sneering: "What, you? You, the nameless daughter of Laura Fair and Judge Crittenden? Born in scandal and reared by a murderess! Oh, what a nice, precious little innocent! Good day--I'm busy." The cause celebre of the murder of Judge A. P. Crittenden, while he was on a ferryboat going from San Francisco to Oakland, to meet his wife, returning after a long absence on the East, was written into the criminal records and a fresh page turned in the annals of the vivid crimes of a vivid state. But "Laura Fair's baby," precocious by heredity and by the candor of the hirelings who had surrounded her in her first three years of life, understood. The story was often recited in her hearing. Laura Fair had been content with the secret lovemaking of the jurist. She had been flattered by his admiration, been enriched by his generosity, but when she learned that his wife was returning from her protracted visit in the East, the flame of jealousy blazed in her breast. She begged Judge Crittenden to leave his home before his wife returned. He smiled at what he termed her childishness. She implored him to offer his wife a divorce. He explained to her what restrictions of apparent convention hedge around a man of his eminence and his ambitions. She knelt to him. He grew impatient. She rose and shot him. A crowd gathered about her. She was hurried off to jail. A mob threatened to try lynching. On the mind of the sensitive child were indelible photographs of the ignominious events. When her mother returned, the child turned her cheek from her kisses. One who saw the reunion said the child's eyes were the largest and saddest she had ever seen. "They are the eyes of tragedy. She will look always upon grief," said a woman who knew sorrow, and whose body was afterwards found floating in San Francisco Bay. Laura Fair set up a little home in the Mission. She hired a new nurse, and the new nurse supplied all the facts the old ones had overlooked in the grim story of her mother's life; while the woman, both young and beautiful, and desperate, was earning her livelihood and her child's by singing in the dance halls of the mining camps. And the child grew up. Often she said to the friends of that time that she wished she had not. With tastes superior to her environment, with a spirit acutely sensitive, she suffered keenly from the little hurts of life and dreaded the greater ones. And always over her lay the shadow of the memories of her babyhood, a shadow thick, black, impenetrable. She went upon the stage and her beauty won her a local fame. Pacific Coast theatergoers recall her Parthenia, her Camille, her Frou-Frou, her Stephanie in "Forget-Me-Not," and her Marina in "Mr. Barnes of New York." She joined William H. Crane's company and she played in Augustin Daly's company. She wrote dramas and melodramas--" The Panther's Trail," "A Heart of Stone"--she said the title was what the world seemed to her--and "A Woman Pays." She had thought, she said, of giving the last the title, "The Daughter Pays." But for Lorraine Hollis success was brief. For a time she starred,, but her tours were short. More money to carry her through the one-night stands and make good the deficits by bad business, more influence to "boom" the new-risen star, for the stage is, in this respect, much like real estate, were what she needed. They were offered her for the price often exacted in that sphere of glittering temptations, the stage. But she could not bring herself to pay that price. From the day of the scene with the man of influence above described, her fight became a hopeless one. Lorraine Hollis was "blacklisted." Managers received her indifferently or not at all. They had nothing for her. They would never have anything for her. Maxine Elliott's beauty shone more radiantly for its brilliant setting. Lorraine Hollis', much resembling it, was dulled by its grim and gloomy surroundings. Latterly she was known as "The Lonely Lady." Always those who knew her story called her "The Child of Tragedy." She was a woman of tenderest sympathies. Once she held an audience waiting an hour while she rescued a horse that was being beaten and kicked by its driver. "Four-footed beasts have always been my friends, but I detest two-legged ones," she said, as, arriving so late, she made her smiling trembling apology and explanation to her audience. Into her humble last home she gathered waif dogs and lost cats. Tom, a gray-striped mascot, she carried with her to the theatre always. For children she had the love of motherhood denied. She would stop in the street before a perambulator and look with hungry, tear-wet eyes at the rosy face beneath the canopy of lace. Lorraine Hollis' health failed rapidly under the strain. She grew too weak to go about. She scribbled a little every day, but hopelessly. She sat often with her head in her hands, four waif cats mewing piteously or angrily about her. She looked often at the portrait of a beautiful woman, but she never spoke of her. Sometimes she said: "I will never escape it! It will be with me to the end!" At forty-two, Laura Fair's daughter was a broken woman, an admitted failure, for the shadow wrapped her thickly around. Many others had said that to her, and Laura Fair's daughter had begun to hate all men and to care for few women. Her heart remained tender to children and animals, to the stricken and hopeless. She looked oftener than ever at the portrait of her mother, of whom she never spoke. Around the figure of the beautiful woman she saw a shadow, broad and black and suffocating. It was crushing her life. They found her on a February morning in the cold, dark room, her face lovely with the beauty of a fading flower. The news sped to the woman in San Francisco. Laura Fair screamed and raged at fate. Those who saw her recalled the tigress woman of forty-two years before who had slain the father of her child, who had been condemned to the scaffold and had been finally permitted to live and suffer the prolonged penalty of a life filled with regrets. She tried to end her life. Failing, she said: "Can God be so cruel as to visit the sins of the mother upon the daughter? I cannot believe it." But the dead woman knew. It was no casual coincidence that these events occurred in the same week. They hold to each other the relation of cause and effect. The woman who died was the daughter of the woman who tried to die. Out of the black past had stalked a specter that beckoned her to death. The sin of the mother was visited upon the daughter. By the law of reaction the grief of the daughter was visited upon the mother. The daughter dying because of the mother; the mother had tried to die because of the daughter. Across the continent sped a story of love, of vengeance, of the suffering and sacrifice of the innocent, of retribution. The story is one that shows how stronger than environment may, in some instances, be heredity, for by every external sign Lorraine Hollis had a brilliant prospect for success. She had beauty so unusual that in a newspaper contest she won the title of the most beautiful woman in California, a state of beautiful women. She had an irresistible charm. "Every time she smiles she makes a friend," and one of her suitors, a discarded one, for as the shadow of her tragedy closed around her, the beauty became a man hater. She had a brilliant mind and worked with a vast energy that kept her at work until the day before her death. Even while the shadow under which she was born settled forever upon her, never to lift, a passerby saw the thin, pale, still lovely profile silhouetted against the window, and bent above a writing pad. while her hands, thin nearly to transparency, tremblingly guided a pencil. But the memory of the crime was stronger than she. In its shadow she died.Omaha Daily Bee, March 2, 1913, page 16 BEAUTY DIES OF STARVATION
Lillian L. Hollis, Once Proclaimed Prettiest Woman on Pacific Coast.
New York.--Many actors and actresses stood with bowed heads on the
sidewalk in front of an Eighth Avenue undertaking establishment
recently as the coffin containing the body of Lillian Lorraine Hollis,
known as the "child of tragedy," was borne out to the hearse which
conveyed it to a crematory.
"Here ends the career of the girl whom California proclaimed twenty-two years ago as its most beautiful product," soliloquized Albert Curtis, an old-time stock company actor. "In a voting contest conducted by several California newspapers in 1892 Miss Hollis was proclaimed the prettiest woman of the Pacific Coast." When her body was found in a little furnished room at No. 223 West Forty-Ninth Street it seemed drawn and sallow. The beauty of twenty years ago had faded. A score of cats were slinking about the room. Among them was Charley, known to every theater almost throughout the United States, because Miss Hollis always insisted on this big, ugly cat accompanying her. How long Miss Hollis had been dead is not known. The physician said it was inanition and lack of nourishment. Others used the plain word starvation. Her greatest affluence was attained when she owned a company of her own, but this soon failed. Her last marriage is said to have been to a man named Andrew Hynes. Athens Banner, Athens, Georgia, March 15, 1913, page 4 Laura Snyder (Fair), 82 Years Old, Dead
Laura A. Snyder,
who was Laura Fair, died Monday from heart failure at 3143 Market
Street. She was 82 years old. It was only after the death had been
reported to the public administrator that it was discovered that the
aged woman, who had been living alone at the house where she died, was
the Laura Fair who in 1870 startled San Francisco by shooting Alexander
Crittenden. After she had been convicted and sentenced, she was given a
new trial and acquitted. It was found yesterday that she had left $1100
in the Bank of Italy. Public Administrator Hynes was told yesterday she
had a nephew in Salt Lake City and a niece in Alabama, where she was
born in 1837. The funeral will be held today.
San Francisco Chronicle, October 19, 1919, page 1 A Very Celebrated Case
The passing of Laura D. Fair
drew from the press but a casual reference to the tragedy in which she
figured so banefully, albeit it was well up in bad eminence among the
striking events of San Francisco's earlier history, being second only
to the shooting of James King of William,
which led to the doings of the famous vigilance committee of 1856. A.
P. Crittenden, of the noted Crittenden family of Kentucky, an eminent
attorney, who had philandered with this woman but had sought to end it,
went across the bay to meet his wife, son and daughter on their arrival
from the East. Returning with them and while sitting between his wife
and daughter on the ferryboat El Capitan, Mrs.
Fair made her appearance and, drawing a revolver, shot him through the
breast. This was on the 3rd of November, 1870. Three days later he
died. She was brought to trial on March 21 of the following year, and
on April 26 a jury brought in a verdict of murder in the first degree,
and she was sentenced to be hanged. Her attorneys, Elisha Cook and
Leander Quint, appealed on several counts, and the Supreme Court took
cognizance of one, sustaining the contention that she was entitled to a
new trial because the prosecution had introduced testimony as to her
moral character! The court held, Justice Wallace writing the opinion
that "the chastity, or general character for chastity, of a female
charged with such an offense, is no more necessarily involved than her
general character for honesty of dealing in pecuniary transactions."
The decision of the lower court was reversed and the case remanded for
a new trial. In the new trial emotional insanity was urged as a
defense, and a jury brought in a verdict of acquittal. I believe it was
the first notable case in which such defense was made; but it was such
a signal success that emotional insanity has been made to serve ever
since whenever a handsome woman shoots a man. Judge S. H. Dwinelle
presided at the trial in the lower court. But Judge J. W. Dwinelle
figured in a unique way in the case. There was a question at first
whether the crime was committed in Alameda or San Francisco County. It
depended on whether the ferryboat had crossed the line when the fatal
shot was fired. Judge J. W. Dwinelle contended that it had not, being
still in Alameda County waters. The services of the state
surveyor-general were called in. That official, under elaborate
investigation and calculation, decided that the fatal shot was fired in
San Francisco waters. The case attracted national attention. It is not
remembered that California was particularly abashed by the astonishing
reversal. It rather seems to have enjoyed the national amazement over
it, relishing in a way the unprecedented legal antic that it had turned.
Oakland Tribune, October 26, 1919, page 30 Last revised February 11, 2025 |